Small blisters on body

also known as acute vesiculobullous hand eczema, dyshidrotic eczema pompholyx

2014.01.29 19:13 itschvy also known as acute vesiculobullous hand eczema, dyshidrotic eczema pompholyx

Dyshidrosis is a skin condition that is characterized by small blisters on the hands or feet. It is an acute, chronic, or recurrent dermatosis of the fingers, palms, and soles, characterized by a sudden onset of many deep-seated pruritic, clear vesicles; later, scaling, fissures and lichenification occur. Recurrence is common and for many can be chronic.

2016.08.03 07:12 he boot too big for he gotdamn feet

All content to BootTooBig must be at least partially generated by AI! _Remember the robot._ "Roses are red" memes among other things. This is a place to share posts where the title sets up a joke as the first half of a poem and an image delivers the punchline as the second half.

2013.10.02 15:57 _J_E_S_U_S_ SIBO

A subreddit dedicated to Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth.

2024.06.11 14:19 MJCowpa Shadow of the Gods: 4/4

Chapter 44: Elvar Grend is healing quickly. Elvar and Biórr bang every night, and Grend isn’t too happy about this. They’re still walking to Oskutrð, and Uspa believes they’ll reach it tomorrow (about time - it’s been days of walking). Everyone is excited about this except Uspa. She believes it will be their ruin: “the gods are dead and forgotten here, and this is where they should stay. The gods were spoiled, selfish, violent siblings. To drag their bones, their weapons and treasures south to the land of men… they will be poison, infecting human hearts. It will start the whole bloody saga spinning again. Rivers of blood.”
Elvar says this time will be different because they’re in control here - they determine what happens. Uspa says that’s exactly the issue - the Battlegrim are foolhardy and only care about battle fame and shit. It’s not battle fame that matters, but family. Kin. Of course, Elvar disagrees. Her kin sucks, but she lives Grend and the Battlegrim. Kin is the curse: they’re thrust upon you and can cloud your decisions. So, it’s Elvar team ‘free will, battle fame, and choice’. Uspa team ‘love and kin and peace’.
Chapter 45: Varg Varg wakes up. Hes now inside the catacombs, being tended to by other Bloodsworn. Torvik tells him that he “fought a dragon-born wielding the talon of dead Orna, the eagle god.” Vol thinks that the catacombs they’re in (presumably behind the cave they were attacking) is Rotta’s chamber. Legend has it that the Raundakinna, Rotta’s Galdrabok, rune-carved on the bloodied skin of Orna’s daughter is held here. Apparently this thing contains the knowledge of life and death.
Vol asks him to tell her of the akáll he’s been requesting (the answespell/whatever thing). Oh shit. Vol says she knows what it like to be missing a sister since hers is missing, and we find out that her sister is Uspa. Vol tells her the story. He and his sister, Frøya, were sold to a farmer, Kolsegg, when they were 5-6. They were all each other had. They developed a sense of how the other felt and what they were going through, even when apart. Kolskegg sold her to someone else. Kolskegg had Varg fight in the pugil-ring. He said that if Varg continues to keep winning and won the pugil-purse for their district, it would be enough for Varg to buy his own freedom and maybe even enough for Frøya’s. If Varg won that last fight, Kolskegg was to give him cash and the name of who bought her. He won the fight but was badly injured. He then senses Frøya’s death. Varg asks for his coin and freedom. Kolskegg denies him, since Varg is such a gold-winner. Varg flips out and kills everyone.
The akáll will show Varg the last moments of Frøya’s life. Vil will ask Grend for his permission to do it. Skalk enters the room, with Olvir and Yrsa behind him. Skalk fakes an injury to his leg, and the group attacks - knocking Vol unconscious and stabbing Torvik in the throat with a spear. Skalk offers Varg to join his crew, and he will conduct the akáll. Yrsa brings a chest into the room, containing the bone sword. Varg can feel the power. It seems to bother him, but the others don’t appear to feel it. Skalk plans to keep Vol as a thrall - she’s too powerful to waste. Varg attacks Olvir - biting him hard AF. Skalk kicks Varg in his injured ribs. He then passes out for the third time this chapter.
Chapter 46: Orka Guðvarr continues to pursue them on land, and Orka expects that they’re being followed on the river Drammur as well. The group finds another stone with runes on it, and an eagle hung nearby - it’s blood on the stone. Whoever did this worships Lik-Rifa, the caged dragon. They’re heading to the Grimholt. The Grimholt is a fortress built to guard a gap through the Bonebacks against the vaesen in the north. Orka has been there before…
Chapter 47: Varg Varg awakes again. Røika is there, trying to calm him. We learn that Vol has been taken, and Glornir is going apeshit because she’s his wife. We also learn that Glornir is a berserker, so him going apeshit is intense. Svik is also Tainted, Refur the fox lives in his blood. All the Bloodsworn are (hence the name). Varg is indeed Ulfrir. Apparently the Bloodsworn are not the only warband of Tainted (Battlegrim?). Varg tells them all what happened with Skalk. Varg officially joins the Bloodsworn.
Chapter 48: Elvar They come across a bunch of bodies hanging from trees - blood eagle style. They eventually find the tree, but it’s really just a stump (since the tree was destroyed). In fact, they initially think it’s snowing but it’s ash. Elvar then finds a big mound covered in moss that has an entrance. She peers inside, and everyone is overcome with a rancid smell and a sense of malice and violence. Elvar scrapes away the moss and discover it’s bone. They’re standing next to the giant skeleton of Ulfrir. They even find one of its chains. They then move on the the stump. It’s wide as a lake and about two men high. Elvar notices, out of the stump, an ash tree sapling growing - new life admits a wasteland of death. Into the tree’s trunk the likeness of a woman was carved (the weird tree chick from Orka’s chapters earlier?). They then make another discovery, there’s another corpse of a giant - but it’s all made of wood. It’s enormous. Then the woman figure that’s carved into the tree starts talking and says “that is my mother, Aska, the Froa of Oskutrð”. Then the woman comes out of the tree. She’s like groot, basically. She is Vörn Askasdottir, Froa-spirit and newborn guardian of Oksutreð”. Vörn asks what they’re doing there. Agnar is surprisingly honest, saying the remnants of gods are valuable so they’re going to take some. Vörn is disappointed but allows it as long as nobody touches the tree. Sighvat takes issue with that and attacks Vörn. She kicks his ass and then has roots emerge from the earth and hold him in place. Agnar negotiates his release, on his word that nobody will touch the tree. Then they ask why Vörn even still guards it…it’s just ash and dead wood. Kráka puts it together: it’s Lik-Rifa. The dragon is still caged within the roots of Oskutrð. Vörn confirms that’s true. But says she will not let them enter. Even if they kill her, the dragon has three gaolers - Urd, Verdani, and Skuld - the three daughters of Orna and Ulfrir. The Battlegrim set to work plundering the area. Then, off in the distance, they see Ilska the Cruel and her warband approaching.
Chapter 49: Orka They get to the Grimholt and assume ~40 people: too many to take on. There’s a ruckus behind them, so they go to investigate (hoping to use this as a distraction and lure small groups of people out from the Grimholt). They find a giant talking crow stuck in a frost spider web. Frost spiders are everywhere. Orka, remembering the time when she helped free a moth from a spiders web in Brecca’s room because he didn’t want it to die that way, kills a spider. Then they all start coming, and now it’s the three of them vs a giant swarm of huge frost spiders. Lif gets bitten. Then two riders appear. One is a blond dude that enchants his staff with fire and starts fucking shit up. More riders appear. Are these from the Grimholt or a 3rd party? And then that blond dude knocks Orka out. Ta-ta for now.
Chapter 50: Elvar Ilska and her warband get there. Ilska and Agnar have a little chat before the battle (like on a medieval battlefield) and they agree to a duel opposed to a battle. Agnar vs her giant brother, Skrið. Next to these two, in the parlay, is Drekr. He’s quiet and has a scarred face. From the bsttlegrim side it’s Agnar, Elvar, Grend, Biorr. But it’s just Agnar and Skrið in the duel. The duel is pretty sweet. Agnar wins, but barely. Skrið is another dragon-born, with his eyes glowing red and all that. Vörn notices this and flips out - demanding they don’t come any closer. Drekr, Skrið and Ilska are all siblings, so all three must be dragon born? Also, apparently their whole warband looks like them…so all of the crow feeders or whatever they’re called. The carts their warband were carrying are shown to be holding a shit load of kids in thrall collars. Bjarn is among them (we think, since it’s Uspa screaming). Biórr stabs Agnar through the mouth, out the back of his neck. Yeah… we kinda knew this wouldn’t be a love story between him and Elvar. Something wasn’t right.
Chapter 51: Orka Orka is taken into the Grimholt for questions. Pretty sure the blonde Galdurman is named Skalk. One of his large goons is named Skapti. After nearly taking one of Mord’s eyes, Orka tells them why they’re there and that they’ve been told Drekr is here. Orka also speaks of the alliance/partnership between Drekr and Hakon. This really gets Skalk’s attention. Skalk shifts his questioning to Skapti, as Skapti has some history with Hakon. Skapti, reluctantly, discloses that they (he says “we” but we don’t know who “we” is quite yet) let Drekr bring his ‘goods’ there. Sometimes he stores them there a while, sometimes they go west, sometimes north. Orders from the Prince are that they need to let Drekr do as he pleases.
Just then, their pursuing feet arrives (Helka’s solderies frok their run in at Darl or whatever it was called). Guðvarr enters the room. Without breaking stride, Guðvarr walks up to Mord and kills him - ramming his sword through Mord’s belly and out his back, savagely twisting it more than once. Orka hears a kid cry from the courtyard, which sets her off, and she starts attacking everyone. It’s also very clear based on word choice that she’s also going to have the wolf-blood in her. As more soldiers pile into the room, suddenly the giant ravens that Orka had saved before show up and literally say “FAVOR FOR A FAVOR.” They also have Spert with them who starts stinging people. Apparently they found Spert while looking for her? That makes no sense. Isn’t she from Fellur? She encountered the ravens outside of the Grimholt. So they flew basically to the other side of the continent looking for her, somehow found Spert, and flew all the way back in the time it took for her to be carried into the Grimholt and have a single conversation? What? Am I missing something here? Oh, and Vesli is there too. Oh how the turn tables. Now it’s the Grimholt shitheads fleeing, with Orka & Co slaying everyone. Orka following the fleeing dorks, cutting them down from behind. Once outside, she makes her way to the docks. She sees Skalk and Guðvarr there. She sprints towards them.
Chapter 52: Elvar Biórr digs through Agnars shit and grabs keys, then calls out to Illmur and Kráka, saying they need not be thralls any longer. The two separate from the ranks and run forwards. Apparently Biórr is in league with Ilska. It’s also disclosed that Biórr killed Thrud, which I forgot about entirely. Ilska leads her troops back to the carts and Vörn. Uspa is now near Vörn as well. Elvar’s arm gets stabbed with a spear and she has trouble lifting it. Vörn and Uspa continue to block the entrance to Osktreð. Uspa has been using magic to burn those that get too close. Vörn has seemingly conjured branches and vines that have impaled and ensnared the others. Ilska’s soldiers do a bit of their own fire conjugation. Vörn combats it with her earth/tree magic. Guess what winds between a tree and fire? Ya. Vörn (seemingly) dies. Uspa is also bested. Ilska leads her crew, now very few in number, towards the dead tree. They have all the children from the back of the carts in chains, and they’re marching them towards the tree. There’s nearly 100 kids, all in collars. Ilska gets to the big door in the stump of Oskutreð. There’s pounding beneath the earth. Elvar sees Bjarn among the kids. Now with all the children at the door, Ilska starts chanting. The chant puts the kids in some sort of trance. Ilska then cuts her palm. Everyone follows. The blood pools and falls into the cracks of the tree, into the void below.
The pounding in the door stops. Then the door bursts open and there’s an enormous roar. A winged woman with red hair and rust colored wings bursts from the door, rises high into the air, then lands a hundred paces from Elvar and Grend. She has a scabbard we sword at her hip. But there’s another roar. Then Lik-Rifa bursts into the air. Lik-Rifa is huge. But then Jesus Christ two more damn things come flying out. Both are about the size of the first red haired chick. One has golden wings and blonde hair with a spear. The other has white feathery wings and silver braids with a bow and sword. These two follow the dragon, peppering it with arrows and spear thrusts. I just remembered the three gaolers. Oh yah. Ok my bad for getting so irritated a bit ago. There’s a big fight between those three and the dragon. The three begin to gain ground, but then Ilska and Drekr interject themselves into the fight. It seems like Drekr and Ilska kill the golden winged one. The white, feathery winged one falls off the dragon and tries to regain her flight but can’t in time. Lik-Rifa stomps on some shit then mean-mugs everyone. Ilska and Drekr kneel before her. Lik-Rifa calls them her children. Then she morphs into a hot brunette; tall, lean, pale skinned, dark haired, gold-studded belt, and a dark cloak around her. She has a sharply beautiful face with red eyes. Lik-Rifa is still pissed at Orna. She wants to go back to her hall of Nastrandir. And with that, she turns back into a dragon and flies off.
The Raven-Feeders don’t resume the battle. Instead, they round up children and horses and shit. They follow in Lik-Rifa’s direction. Elvar remembers Uspa’s warning.
Chapter 53: Varg The Bloodsworn are hunting Skalk through the woods. They spot a hall and a tower on a slope ahead. As they near, they spot a “gateway in the timber wall”…whatever that means. Edel’s hounds approach the gate and are freaked out. Glornir approaches on horseback and passes through the gate into the fortress. Edel, Røkia, and Varg follow. They emerge into a sloping courtyard. The ground is littered with corpses - the tower and hall that they spotted earlier ahead of them now. On the steps to the hall, amidst bodies, sits a woman. She’s gore-drenched. Near her are two vaesen. One of the vaesen is munching on a pile of human teeth. Twelve or fifteen children are sitting around the woman.
Varg and Glornir approach. The woman says “he’s not here.” Glornir approaches and asks about his brother. She says “they killed him and took my son.” So Glornir and Thorkel are bros, and Orka’s hunt continues.
submitted by MJCowpa to fantasynopsis [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 14:18 Rumor-Booster PM Modi signals continuity in portfolio allocation, reposes trust in old team as many of them retain departments

PM Modi signals continuity in portfolio allocation, reposes trust in old team as many of them retain departments
Prime Minister Narendra Modi sent out a message of continuity by retaining his top lieutenants in key Ministries while allocating portfolios to his Council of Ministers on June 10.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi chairs the first meeting of his new Cabinet, attended by the newly-inducted Ministers
The four big Ministries that are part of the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) — a key body within the Union Cabinet — saw the return of all the Ministers with Amit Shah, Rajnath Singh, Nirmala Sitharaman and S. Jaishankar retaining the portfolios of Home, Defence, Finance, and External Affairs respectively.
Mr. Modi, who now needs the support of allies to lead the latest National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government, also left key infrastructure Ministries largely unchanged. Nitin Gadkari retained Road Transport and Highways, Sarbananda Sonowal retaining Shipping and Ports, and Ashwini Vaishnaw keeping Railways, along with Information Technology and Information and Broadcasting. Jyotiraditya Scindia seems to have received a leg-up by securing the Telecom Ministry, another key infrastructure portfolio. Only Aviation saw a change, and was handed to Ram Mohan Naidu of the Telugu Desam Party (TDP), a portfolio that had been with his party in the first Modi government, when Ashok Gajapati Raju had held the Ministry.

Team NDA 3.0

Prime minister holds all important policy issues and all other portfolios not allocated to any minister.
Former Chief Ministers who were newly sworn in as Ministers were also given key Ministries. Former Haryana CM Manohar Lal Khattar got the Housing and Urban Affairs Ministry on a day when Mr. Modi’s first Cabinet meeting with his new team cleared a proposal for building three crore houses in urban and rural areas under the Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana (PMAY). Former Madhya Pradesh CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan received charge of the crucial Ministries of Agriculture and Rural Development, a reflection of the fact that under his tenure as CM, wheat production, especially that of the famous Sharbati wheat, had broken all records.
At a time when calls for a caste census are being raised both from outside and within the NDA government, Virender Kumar has been retained with the Social Justice portfolio.
Interestingly, with the Lok Sabha seeing a far bigger contingent of Opposition MPs, Arunachal Pradesh MP Kiren Rijiju has been made Minister for Parliamentary Affairs as he is seen to be affable and shares a good rapport across the political spectrum. Mr. Rijiju being a Buddhist has been given charge of the Minority Affairs Ministry.
Even with allies, allocations have followed a pattern of continuity, with Rajiv Ranjan Singh ‘Lalan’ holding the portfolio of Panchayati Raj, Fisheries and Animal Husbandry, earlier held by Giriraj Singh, who is a BJP MP from the same State of Bihar. H.D. Kumaraswamy of the Janata Dal (S) got the portfolio of Heavy Industries and Steel, which was held by the Shiv Sena before they parted ways with the BJP. Former Bihar Chief Minister Jitan Ram Manjhi is Cabinet Minister for Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises (MSMEs). Chirag Paswan holds the Food Processing Ministry which was earlier held by his father, the late Ram Vilas Paswan.
Among Ministers from the BJP’s stable, C.R. Paatil got the crucial Ministry of Jal Shakti, a flagship post where close rapport with Mr. Modi is a key factor. Dharmendra Pradhan retained Education, Arjun Ram Meghwal retained Law while Pralhad Joshi moved to Food, Civil Supplies and Renewable Energy.
In all, the overarching message from the portfolio allocation effected by Mr. Modi seems to be that while his party’s numbers had reduced, he does not hold it against his ministerial colleagues, putting out a business-as-usual vibe as he embarks on his third-successive term.
submitted by Rumor-Booster to u/Rumor-Booster [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 14:18 Ok-Dust-7198 BDD is the worst thing ever

Hi, I’m not diagnosed or anything but I’m pretty sure I have a bad case of BD.
Well, it started around 7th grade with my legs. Once I started looking at them I completely stopped going swimming, wearing shorts and even stopped wearing socks that weren’t long socks. All bc I hated how pointy my knee caps were. I also hated how hairy they were but I don’t like body hair in general (for me)my freshman year was eh, I still never wore shorts ever not even around the house or anywhere. Then covid hit end of freshman year and it was just this until my junior year of high school. I had a gym class and thankfully it was still half covid so all we’d have to do to earn credit was a how up for attendance, no changing out or anything. But during that class the volley ball boys would practice in the same gym with us and it doesn’t help that 1. Im gay and 2. I think legs are the most attractive thing ever. So id look at these guys legs and was like “oh yeah, that’s hot”. This is when I started to compare myself to them and I thought “how come their legs are more fuller and nicer then mine” or “why are my legs not straight” or “why are my knee caps crooked” or “why are my thighs bigger then my lower leg”. I went into leg rabbit hole and hyper fixated on them for the rest of my junior year. I researched like long and short insertions and all these things and by the end of the year I completely hated them fully from foot to thigh ( I’m 19 now and I still don’t wear shorts or no ones ever seen my legs not even family)
My senior is when I think that’s when I’ve went downhill very fast. Junior year summer I got a buzz cut and my friend took a video of me from the side and said. You have a deep indent on your face, and I was like “how?” “What makes your face different from mine”. That day I went home and I looked at the video and that’s when I discovered that I had a big neatheradral brow bone and a big nose, so it does create quite the dent in my nose bridge which I absolutely hate. Around this time I also started looking at my eyes. I started looking at them and measuring them and seeing if they were close set or if it was just my jumbo nose taking too much space between( idk still, if I have a close set or it’s the jumbo nose, but after many looks I think I do have a slight close setted eyes. I gave up on my legs cause I can just cover them but my face? no. Towards second semester I was full hate for my nose and eyes and I felt really ugly. It also didn’t help thatd I wear the same clothes daily to school and there’s pretty boys who have perfect noses faces jawlines lips and eyes and hair everything I wanted so i started caring 100% about my looks now and this when I started feeling very depressed cause i can’t change my facial structure like if it were shirt or anything.and then boom I graduated. Well senior summer. I started hating A TON about these features I toook a ton of pictures of my face from every angles editing them seeing how I would look being “perfect” and seeing these pictures made me even more sad cause i was falling inlove with a version of myself that doesn’t exist.
Okay so graduation to like almost now and that’s gonna be this segment. I take tones of pictures of myself, hated every single one of them. I hate my nose a lot and i was thinking it’s the reason my face was bad so i toook even more photos and. Every photos I would take of myself I would edit them and make them “perfect” and it made me more sad and then I was told that I was I have broad shoulders and I began to notice that my stomach wasn’t flat … and that’s when I began like starving myself anyways 3 months later after graduation I got a job. It was the worst 10 months ever I felt ugly everyday ver y ve try very very very very very ugly ugly it was a dumb job at a thrift store I have poor sleep schedule so I slept late woke up early didn’t care about anything ,go on phone and sleep and do the same thing over. I i didn’t have time to get ready nor did I care I wore the same shirt to work everyday and pants. during the job I ate a lot of junk food so I gained weight, like maybe 10lbs but for me it was the worst 10lbs ever and this is where I am now …
Okay last segment which is now… okay so I gained some weight and had to quit the job cause I get up to go cause of how much I hated puttting myself in public to be seen…… anyways well now I’m names off all the things I hate about myself just as a okay I grew a real bad hate for my broad ugly boxed shoulders. also I hated my face more lol. I feel deformed right now. I’m pretty sure my lips are slightly crooked and the right side of my face is longebigger the the other. I also think my chin is crooked as well as I have one sleepy eye. I think due to the right side of my face being deformed or longer then the other it makes my cheek bone less lower then other . I hate how feminine my jawline is and my eyes are so ugly. I want to get a nose job real bad but I can’t afford it. That’s it for my face. Moving lower, again, I hate my broad Shoulders A LOT. I hate how fat I am ( the picture above is my body now and no matter how “thin” he looks, once I look in the mirror I I feel so wide so big so fat so everything. I have. 31” hip and 28” waist and I looked it up and it said that was “below” average hip size even for women , but, how come it doesn’t look below average on me ?) also again. About my shoulders I feel that they are too broad and to high up. I feel like a walking door which I automatically think “oh I’m wide? Let’s get skinnier” people have almost like a ^ that type of should I think but when I look at myself I see - if that makes sense. I don’t like my hip dips or hips or love handles I don’t like my thighs I feel there too big . I don’t like my calves size , I don’t like my point knee caps or the way they point outward. I don’t like how if straight my leg fully they don’t look straight.i don’t like how small my feet and hands are and my hair is curly and very hard to maintain. I also don’t like how skinny my ankles are my voices sounds weird and my personality is a whole other subject that I can talk a lot about . Also I think I have a speech impediment lol and I think my head is too long
Well yes. Sorrry for my typing as well I don’t know how plus I haven’t slept in 2 days. I’ve been feeling really low lately so that’s why I wanted to come here and just air out everything and hopefully one of you read this and give me some feed back :)
Wait no also I’d like to add that if I wasn’t gay I think all of this would’ve never happen cause me knowing that I have all these insecurities makes me cringe. Also me being gay made me very feminine so in my head I think and want to be and I act like a cute perfect twink but when I look in mirror I see very much and ugly man, so when I think about how I act very fem and flamboyant in pub or with friends and I put my wide man body in that place makes me so embarrassed
submitted by Ok-Dust-7198 to BodyDysmorphia [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 14:17 jonahT4 Paragliding school won’t refund my money

Hi guys,
So I paid £750 to a paragliding school about a year ago with a friend to complete the first course of my training. We only attended the ground school, and then all days we were meant to fly were cancelled due to weather.
I then moved away from the area a couple months later for financial reasons. I emailed the school to let him know, and after 7 weeks of no response, he said I could gift the course to somebody else, or I could go with them on a Spain trip. I then send multiple emails back and called multiple times a day and week, I heard nothing back for 4 months. I then finally got a hold of him through Telegram, and he said the course had to be completed within 12 months of payment. There were no terms and conditions I signed when paying, I was just directed to a ‘pay now’ button and paid. I arranged to go on a Spain trip with him, which was then cancelled due to not enough people on it. I was going to book another, and then he said it wouldn’t be possible as I would have to do a day in the UK first. I contacted the governing body, and they said this isn’t true, but he would only be saying this if they don’t have beginner suitable hills at their Spain site. He said I could do a tandem first but this isn’t ideal as it would take up an instructors time, he then is giving me no options and is saying it’s impossible to do unless I go back to the UK base, and he won’t refund me.
His communication has been awful, taking days, weeks, months to respond.
He states I have £565 credit as I’ve done the ground school which is apparently worth £185. All I want is a refund, so I may only be entitled to £565. But how can I get this back? A threatening letter? Small claims court?
Thanks guys
submitted by jonahT4 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 14:14 SeparateTelephone937 Does anyone think it’s possible that T-Unk (black) could have ultimately ended up to be Peaches Doe and her child? If I remember correctly, Peaches and her child were the only black or biracial victims found on Long Island.

Does anyone think it’s possible that T-Unk (black) could have ultimately ended up to be Peaches Doe and her child? If I remember correctly, Peaches and her child were the only black or biracial victims found on Long Island. submitted by SeparateTelephone937 to RexHeuermann [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 14:13 MJCowpa Shadow of the Gods: 2/4

Chapter 11: Varg Glornir is the leader of the Bloodsworn. Varg is reminded of the encounter with Leif, and remembers why he wanted the with. Røkia, a blonde woman in the crew, trains Varg to use a shield and be part of the shield wall.
Chapter 12: Orka Virk and Guovarr duel. In these duels, the combatants agree, beforehand, to fight to first blood, submission, or death. They agree to fight to submission. Virk injures Guovarr and Guovarr surrenders. However, they both continue to talk shit and Virk is about to land a killing blow (despite their agreed upon rules), when Guovarr’s second, the crazy ass warrior thrall at Sigrun’s side, jumps in to protect him. She knocks Virk (and Orka - who was also going to try and stop Virk from killing Guovarr) aside, and jumps atop him, stabbing him repeatedly and frothing at the mouth. During this, her eyes turn an amber color and Orka sees that her tooth are very sharp. She also bites at Virk’s face.
Sigrun calls a break to the Althing to allow Virk’s sons, Mord and Lif, to bury him.
Chapter 13: Varg Varg attends a dinner with the Bloodsworn (Røkia, Svik, Glornir, Einar, etc.) and Jarl Logur. Varg meets Torvik, a young Bloodsworn. Tarvik, like Varg, are Bloodsworn but still need to prove themselves to be fully admitted.
Jarl Logur interrupts the feast for a saga-tale from Galinn, the Skáld of Liga. The song is the retelling of Snaka’s death, his children fighting, the imprisonment (I believe?) of Lik-Rifa, and how this breaking of the world allowed vaesen to emerge.
As the song ends, a couple men burst into the mead hall. One of them introduces himself as Sergei Yanasson of Ulaz. He’s from Iskidan (the land to the south, across the “whale road”). Iskidan is under the rule of the Great Khagan, Kirill the Magnificent.
Apparently Logan and Sergei have know each other a while. Along with Sergei are Prince Jaromir, son of the Great Keagan, and two of his druzhina.
Jaromir is there for Sulich (one of the Bloodsworn). Apparently Sulich has committed crimes or something and Jaromir is to take him for trial/justice/whatever. Glornir says no. The Jarl agrees with Glornir - saying it’s not their custom to just hand people over with no evidence and shit. Things almost turn into a fight, with all of the Bloodsworn backing up Glornir’s refusal. Jaromir gives the Jarl a night to think it over - saying he’ll come back tomorrow.
Chapter 14: Elvar About halfway to Snakavik, the Battlegrim stop on shore and come upon an Oathstone near their camp site for the night.
Uspa, Berak’s wife, says there’s an easier way to see what’s inscribed in the stone (they were trying to have Kraka and the Hundur-thrall decipher it). Berak and their son, Bjarn, don’t want her to show them. Uspa has Agnar cut her palm. She places her palm against the granite stone, blood streaking down the face of granite. Her palm starts to glow, and the glowing spreads out - creating a lattice network across the stone, making the stone’s cracks and moss begin to glow, then burn , hiss and peel away, revealing the rock face beneath.
Uspa steps away, now alongside the other Batthegrim. Runes were traced across the granite face: images of a pale dragon caged and raging, locked within a chamber among the roots of a great tree (mentioned in the saga-song a chapter or two ago). A wolf upon a plain, a thick chain binding him, with small figures swarming, stabbing, the wolf’s jaws wide as it howled.
Kraka identies the wolf as Ulfrir, the wolf-god.
Biorr mentions the obvious: it's images from the guofalla (the gods-fall).
Elvar identifies the Gallowa Wood - a scene with figures hanging from the boughs of trees, many of them with skeleton wings spiking from their back.
Elvar remembers how Orna (a god) and Ulfrir had found their firstborn daughter slain, her wings hacked from her back. Lik-Riga had done it, the dragon, Orna’s sister. As vengeance Orna and Ulfrir had hunted Lik-Rifa’s god-touched offspring and slaughtered them. Ripped their backs open and hacked their ribs apart, pulling them out in a parody of wings and hanging the corpora’s from trees - the blood eagle.
The images go on. There’s Berser the bear, Orna the eagle, Hundur the hound, Rotta the rat, and Snaka, the father, snake, making of them all.
Sighvat asks why the gods fought, signaling that this lore-dump isn’t over yet. Uspa responds. Lik-Rifa the dragon thought her sister was plotting her death. Rotta the rat fueled Lik-Rifa’s paranoia. Lik-Rifa murdered Orna and Ulfrir’s daughter, created the vaesen in secret - intending to use them to destroy Orna and all those who supported her. Orna found out and lured Lik-Rifa into the caverns and chambers deep within the roots of Oskutro - the great Ash Tree. With her siblings, she bound Lik-Rida there. This is what caused the war.
Elvar claims that Lik-Rifa is bullshit. Her reasoning: The Tainted are real. They are those who have a remnant of a god’s blood in their veins. Some of this is obvious: Hundur is “inside” the Hundur-thrall. Berser is in the berserker. Snaka is inside Kraka and Uspa - the witches. But, she, nor any other of the battlegrim, have ever met a dragonborn- a Tainted with the blood of Lik-Rifa. Foreshadowing aplenty.
That night, the group is woken by night-wyrms. Night-wyrms suck dude. They’re as thick as your thumb and about 18 inches long. They construct like snacks, and apparently love to burrow into an open mouth. There are thousands of them, wrapping around the group, and they can’t scream - they need to keep their mouths shut.
They fight the worms off. Only one Battlegrim dies, and they can all see a mass of wyrms wriggling inside his neck as they had gotten into his mouth and nose. Ew, bro. Agnar orders them back to the Wave-Jarl. Nobody protests. Elvar wonders if the Oathstone had drawn the wyrms to them…
Chapter 15: Orka Orka, Thorkel, and Breca are back at their steading after helping Mord and Lif. Thorkel and Orka discuss Sigruns crazy new thrall. The thrall is a Ulfheonar (we don’t know what that means yet). Orka is concerned that the thrall is half that, and half Hundur, as the thrall tasted Thorkel’s blood during the skirmish. Apparently, the Tainted are interbred now.
Orka wants to leave. She wants to get away from the growing tensions between and the jarls and shit. She decides to go to the Ash Tree in the morning to speak with the Froa. We also don’t know what this means yet.
Orka gets to the Ash Tree and discovers it has been destroyed and burned. Orka calls for Froa, the spirit of the Ash Tree, a creature of wood and bark and sap. Froa is a guardian of the Forest, born of a seed from Oskutreo - the great tree that had stood at the heart of Vigrio, the battle plain, as the gods-fell had raged. Froa is dead. She’s been hacked at and charred, just like the tree. Her face is frozen in a scream, her arms outstretched towards the Ash Tree. There are signs that many people are responsible for this, and some of them likely died during it - with Froa kicking some ass - but the dead were taken away.
Like the first chapter, Orka again hears screaming off in the distance.
Chapter 16: Varg The Bloodsworn are getting ready to leave Jarl Logur and continue their journey. Varg asks Glornir for a favor: having Vol (the seior-witch) perform an akall. Apparently this allows either the witch, or the person she’s doing it on behalf of, to relive the last moments of a life. Glornir says no. Varg isn’t a full Bloodsworn yet. That little dude told him this exact thing like 2 chapters ago. Pay attention, Varg.
Glornir gives him money to buy “kit”. The request is basically left at “no…for now. Prove yourself first.” Svik is excited to spend the coin with Varg.
Chapter 17: Orka As she gets back to their steading and little village, Orka finds Spert and other vaesen dead. As she gets closer, more bodies - some human. She finds Thorkel in their hall, surrounded by bodies. He’s dying, with two seaxes protruding from his chest. Vesli is there, apparently dead as well. Thorkel tells Orka that “they took Breca.”
She follows their trail - several footprints and drops of blood - until she arrives at a river and spots figures by the shoreline. They’re currently butchering her pony. Orka attacks. It’s a pretty badass fight scene, which ends with her basically torturing one last survivor until he tells her the name of the man who laid them to attack the steading and take Breca. The man’s name is Drekr.
Chapter 18: Varg Varg gets some gear and is given a spear. We find out that the Bloodsworn gave Logur a sliver of the Vackna Horn. The Vackna Horn is a relic that summed the gods to the Battle Plain on the day of guofalla. Relics have power.
Queen Helka had risen to power in such short time because she had unearthed Orna’s skeleton, the wings of the giant eagle spread wide over Helka’s fortress at Darl.
Jaromir shows up again. Fighting breaks out between the Bloodsworn and Jaromir’s peeps. As Logur and his men arrive to help the Bloodsworn (not that they really need it), the fighting stops as everyone sees three ships approaching… Queen Helka has come to Liga.
Chapter 19: Orka Orka goes back to her steading. She talks to Vesli and Spert, and they tell Orka what had happened. They describe the man that fought Thorkel (possibly the same one that took Breca). He has red eyes and sharp claws. He’s “human, but animal, as well.” Orka buries Thorkel, and vows to get vengeance.
Chapter 20: Varg Helka arrives with her Ulfheonar; “tainted thralls, descended from Ulfrir, the wolf-god.” She, Logur, and Jaromir head to Logur’s hall to discuss Jaromir’s grievance. Helka’s son is Hakon. Her skald and Galdurman is Skalk. Apparently there’s a creature eating people in Helka’s land and she in enlisting the support of the Bloodsworn. They all board a ship and set sail.
Chapter 21: Elvar The battlegrim arrive at Snakavik. The description of the town is sick. The Jarl of Snakavik is Jarl Storr. Jarl Storr has Silrio, his seior witch?, validate Berak’s berserker lineage. To do this, she cuts Berak’s arm and feeds the blood to this giant statue the comes to life named Hrung. Agnar and Storr agree on a price, and Berak is sold.
With the sale complete, the meeting is over and everyone is beginning to depart. Then the giant statue, Hrung, yells out “Elvar is here.” Elvar, admits the crowd, lowers her hood and says “Hello, father.” Yo wtf. I wish Elvar’s chapters weren’t so infrequent.
Chapter 22: Orka Still in their village, after burying Thorkel, Orka sees Mord and Lif (Virk’s sons) tied to a post. They must have gone back to the Althing and done something to get in trouble. She sets them free. She then makes her way to Jarl Sigrun’s place. She kills a bodyguard and a lover of the Jarl. She then questions the strange warriothrall that tasted Thorkel’s blood earlier - the one with strange eyes. The thrall’s name is Vafri. Vafri is descended from Ulfrir, the great wolf-god, and Hundur the hound. discloses that her boss is Hakon, son of Queen Helka. Vafri was to report any sign of The Tainted. Vafri says that Hakon was working with/for Drekr, the name she had heard earlier. Vafri guesses that Drekr is taking Breca to Darl (Darl is a location, not a person).
A fight between Orka, Vafri, and Sigrun erupts. The commotion alerts others, such as Guovarr that weasel, and Orka makes a break for it. Mord and Lif are waiting in the boat as she had instructed. She reaches them ahead of her pursuers and they sail off.
Chapter 23: Elvar Thorun is Elvars elder brother. Brooir is her younger brother. We also meet Gytha, Elvar’s father’s champion. Apparently I misread last chapter. Jarl Storr is Elvar’s father, but there was again mention of a giant’s head in this chapter so I’m a little confused. Karl Storr and his sons talk to Elvar. We find out that Elvar fled Snakavik unexpectedly. Storr had asked her to marry Hakon, Helka’s son. This would create an alliance and expand their territory. Jarl Storr offers Elvar a few drengrs- which would make her to leader of her own warband.
Chapter 24: Orka On the boat with Mord & Lif, the crew makes a pact: Orka is to teach them to fight (so they can get vengeance for this father), and they’re going to row her to Darl (so she can get Breca).
Chapter 25: Elvar Elvar continues to weigh her options: stay with the battle-grim or get her own warband back at her father’s side. Agnar tells her that he supports her no matter what; she’ll always have a place in the battle grim. Elvar then goes to talk to Hrung - the giant head thing.
We find out his deal: the serpent god tried to swallow him whole. Hrung’s head was bitten clean off of his body. Some of the serpent god’s power seeped into Hrung, keeping him alive in this state. She asks Hrung if she should take her father’s offer. Hrung responds in a riddle.
Chapter 26: Varg Skalk is Helka’s Galdurman. Olvir and Yrsa are two warriors within Helka’s retinue (Olvir is a man, Yrsa is a woman). Skalk addresses everyone, filling them in on the details of their mission. They’re going to the source of the River Slagen, then to the foothills of Boneback Mountains on the north-western boarder or Helka’s territory. In these foothills is where people are being eaten. At first, people were disappearing from farms and more remote places, so they thought it was on account of raids from Jarl Storr. But, eventually, they found remains of those that had gone missing. It’s clear they these are not victims of raids. It’s vaesen attacks. They don’t know the type of vaesen, though.
Chapter 27: Elvar There’s an attack on a tavern in Snakavik. Grend and Elvar show up midway though, and identify that the attackers are Tainted. There’s bodies and carnage everywhere. After the attack, Elvar notes that they attackers have taken the boy. Elvar believes the attackers are Ilska’s Raven-Feeders.
Ilska and her crew are able to get away. They tell Uspa that her son has been taken. Agnar starts questions Uspa - why would Ilska conduct such a bold, risky raid, starting a blood feud with the Battlegrim over one little dude? Uspa’s theory is that they didn’t really want Bjarn. They wanted Uspa. This is bait. They want Uspa because she knows they way to Oskutreo (we have no idea what that is yet but Agnar seems pretty shocked to hear this).
submitted by MJCowpa to fantasynopsis [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 14:08 MJCowpa Shadow of the Gods: 1/4

Chapter 1: Orka Orka is hunting with her son, Breca, and her husband, Thorkel. Orka hears screaming from a nearby village so they head over to investigate. On their way, Thorkel tells Breca the story of Vigrio and the Battle-Plain.
Vigrio is where gods fought and died. Snaka was father to them all, father of the gods; Eldest, they called him. Snaka had grown enormous. His children were no slouches, either; Eagle, Bear, Wolf, Dragon, and others. There was infighting between his children, but they ultimately killed Snaka. In his death the world was shattered. They believe The Boneback mountains are all that’s left of Snaka - his bones covered in earth. In Snaka’s fall, all of the creatures of tooth and claw and power that dwelt in the world below were released into their land of sky and sea.
They arrive at Asgrim’s stealing; the source of the screams they heard earlier. Asgrim is dead. They discover that all of his teeth are gone. Orka assumes Tennur have been at him. Tennur are small, two-legged creatures that love a man’s teeth. They have sharp fingers and teeth. Alone, they don’t pose much of a danger, but they’re deadly in packs.
Then then see Idrun, Asgrim’s wife. She’s nailed to the gate. She has been brutalized and disemboweled. They still haven’t found Harek, Asgrim and Ideun’s son, and Breca’s friend.
Chapter 2: Varg Varg doesn’t know how old he is, but he’s likely middle aged. He was a thrall (slave) on Kolskegg’s farm for most of his life. Varg is running (from what or who we don’t know - possibly just escaping but it seems more than that). He reaches a trading port city, Liga.
Varg buys a bowl of stew from a trader, and asks if there’s a Galdurman (“Galdur” means magic, so it’s basically a conjurer or sorcerer) or Seior-witch in Liga. After a bribe, the trader says that the Bloodsworn docked yesterday. They have a Senior-witch thrall (slave).
The Bloodsworn were famed throughout the whole of Vigrio, most likely even beyond. They’re “a band of mercenary warriors who hired themselves out to the highest bidder. They hunted down vaesen-monsters, searched out god-relics for wealthy jarls, fought in border disputes, and guarded the wealthy and powerful.” The Bloodsworn, in Liga, are guests of Jarl Logur. At the ale house where the Bloodsworn are, Varg learns that one of the Bloodsworn have died, and so there’s an opening in their crew. All of Liga is there to try out for the new position. Varg tells one of the Bloodsworn guards that he wants their Seior-witch to perform an invocation. Their witch is named Vol. The guard dude says no, because Vol is only for the Bloodsworn. So, of course, Varg agrees to fight Einar Half-Troll which is the test of initiation that all the Liga people are going through to join.
Chapter 3: Orka Orka and Breca take the bodies of Asgrim and his wife to Fellur, a nearby fishing village. Meanwhile, Thorkel is going to follow tracks that they found. Orka gets to Fellur and asks for Jarl Sigrun. She’s not there, but her nephew, Guovarr, is.
Virk, a trader that Orka and Thorkel have traded with before, is in town and comes along with Orka. He explains that Jarl Sigrun was summoned to Queen Helka’s court in Darl - so Sigrun has been gone for more than two months.
Guovarr addresses the crowd, saying his aunt, Jarl Sigrun, has sent word that Queen Helka is wise and just and blah blah blah. He basically informs people that Fellur is now under the Queen’s rule. People, mostly Virk, are displeased. Guovarr ‘defends’ this by saying Jarl Storr threatens them from the west and the vaesen are growing bolder - murdering and stealing. Once he’s done, Orka tells him about the killing. Guovarr claims it was vaesen - reinforcing his stance to join with Queen Helka - and Orka quickly dismisses that, noting the sword wounds (not nail, claw, teeth). Tensions are high between her and Guovarr. Thorkel arrives. Thorkel had followed the tracks into the river. It appears as if three boats had been used. There’s still no sign of Harek. Guovarr says he’ll look into it. Orka, Breca, and Thorkel head home.
Chapter 4: Varg Varg fights Einar. He keeps thinking about his sister, Froya. He loses the fight but survives. Froya was raised as a thrall alongside Varg. She’s now dead. Varg is looking for the seior-witch to somehow help him avenge Froya.
Whoever was chasing Varg when we first met him shows up at his campsite that night. One of the pursuers is named Lief. Apparently Varg killed Lief’s father (and quite brutally) because he had promised to free Varg. Varg had earned his freedom, Lief’s father went back on his promise. As a fight between Lief, Lief’s lackeys, and Varg breaks out, Svik (the first Bloodsworn that Varg talked to when he was looking for the witch) and Einar show up and save the day. Einar and Svik accept Varg as a Bloodsworn.
Chapter 5: Elvar Elvar is one of the Battle-Grim. She is the youngest member of Agnar’s warband.
The Battle-Grim arrive at a village, Iskalt, looking for a man named Berak. Elvar is friends with another Battle-Grim, Grend. Sighvat appears to be a fairly high-ranking Battle-Grim, and there’s tension between Sighvat and Elvar. On the beach, Agnar presses the crowd about Berak. Someone takes off running. Our crew follows them.
Chapter 6: Orka Orka wakes up and finds Breca missing. In search of him, she walks through the woods. She asks Spert, a Spertus. Spertus are creatures about as long as a man’s arm, with a chitinous body, and many legs. Almost like a centipede. It slept under a rock in the water but crawled on shore when Orka asked it where Breca is. Spert doesn’t know. Thorkel, with Orka, tracks Breca’s prints. They find him by another river with a tennur in his lap. The tennur sounds like a small dragon (or maybe this one’s a baby dragon). Breca heard it cry, and it appears to be in pain. Tennur like human teeth, so Breca gave it one of his baby teeth to keep it calm. Apparently the Tennur can talk to Breca, and its name is Vesli.
Chapter 7: Elvar Elvar and the Battle-Grim continue their pursuit. They come upon a troll, fighting against a man. Nearby are a woman and child. Theyre all at the side of a molten lake/volcano kinda deal. The woman throws something into the molten lake while the man fights the troll - then the Battle Grim join the fight against the troll. The troll is ultimately killed, and the Battle-Grim surround the man. The man, obviously, is the one there were looking for, Berak Bjornasson. Agnar is convinced he’s a berserker. To prove this, Agnar has Sighvat bring the woman and child (presumably Berak’s wife and son) over. Agnar threatens to cut the boys throat. This causes Berak’s eyes to change, his strength grows, etc. The chapter ends with Agnar stating that Berak has the blood of the dead god Berser in his veins. He is a tainted, a berserker, and he is wanted by three jarls for murder, like-debt, and weregild. Agnar believes he will fetch a fine price.
Chapter 8: Orka Breca has brought Vesli back to their steading. Thorkel and Orka are discussing whether they’ve been too hard on Breca, or too soft, when Breca talks (and feeds) Spert. Spert doesn’t trust Vesli, since it’s a vaesen. Breca reminds Spert that Spert is also a vaesen. Both Spert and Vesli were injured and abandoned by their pack. For saving them both, they owe Breca a blood debt. Out of doubt/caution, Spert has Vesli swear a blood out to Breca. Without hesitation, she does.
Riders approach their stead. Thorkel sends Breca inside (he’s worried about the stories of kids being taken in the area). One of the riders is Guovarr. He informs Orka that Jarl Sigrun has returned, and she’s called an Althing for 6 days from now. They don’t really want to go, but they don’t have a choice. Guovarr is a dick, after all. They decide to join the stupid Althing to see what Sigrun (and by extension, basically Queen Hella) have to say.
Chapter 9: Elvar Elvar is back on the beach at Iskalt. With the capture of Berak and killing of the troll, she has rented herself a good position in the shield wall. Elvar is talking with Grend, and we learn a bit of mythology: Lik-Rifa is a dragon-god, long dead, if she ever lived. She did not die on the day of Guofalla with the other gods. Instead, she was trapped in a chamber beneath the Ash Tree, Oskutreo. Therefore, she could not stand beside her father, Snaka. It it believed that she tears at the souls of warriors as they pass through her chambers on the souls road. For this reason, wilder must die with a weapon in hand, allowing them to fight her as they pass through Vergelmir, her dark chamber. This is considered the last test. Through their conversation, it’s clear that Elvar doesn’t really believe this but Grend does.
On the beach, Elvar and Grend see Agnar and Sighvat escorting Berak, in chains, and his wife and child. Agnar gives Elvar a back lace made from the troll’s tooth. They all board their ship. They’re attacked by a sea snake. The snake knocks the boy into the water. Elvar jumps in after him. Grend jumps in after her. The snake then comes for Elvar & boy. Grend stabs the snake to no avail. Then, the mother (and Berserker’s wife) starts singing from the ship. This puts the snake in a trance and it goes back underneath the surface of the water. Back on board, the woman thanks Elvar. Elvar asks what the women had throwing into the molten lake, but she doesn’t respond. Agnar deduces that the woman is a seior-witch. He tells her that he won’t allow any witch-fuckery on his boat and he’ll kill her son if there is. She nods, and he gets them all dry clothes. He then reprimands Kraka, the thrall onboard tasked with protecting the ship (by singing protection songs).
Agnar gives Elvar a gold arm ring for her courage with the serpent. Wow, big day for her. Agnar then tells her that they’re taking their berserker prize to Jarl Storr. Storr is know for his berserker thrall-guard, so Agnar thinks that’s where they’ll get the best price. Apparently this means Elvar is going back home.
Chapter 10: Orka Thorkell, Breca, and Orka are heading to the Althing with Jarl Sigrun. Talking to Breca, Thorkell gives us a bit more lore: the dead gods “broke the world.” That is why they’re now hated, and why when the few survivors of the Guofalla emerged from the ruin of Snaka’s fall, they hated and hunted the offspring of the gods - those whose blood was tainted with the gods’ bloodlines.
Virk tells Orka that there have been more rumors of kids going missing.
The Althing starts. Sigrun is accompanied by a warrior-thrall that nobody knows. To nobody’s surprise, Sigrun tells the crowd that she’s sworn loyalty to Queen Helka. The crowd is pissed, but Sigrun explains that it’s for their own protection - some of which is protection from Helka herself. Aside from that Jarl Storr is north-west of them and expanding south-east (towards them), Jarl Orlyg is in Svelgarth to their east and has raided their lands.
The crowd (especially Virk) voices their concerns - assuming they’ll now pay taxes for lands that have already been theirs. Falki Torilsson, a wealthy farmer, agrees with Virk. Sigrun shrugs off their concerns by saying it’s the way of the world - it happened in Iskidan in the south. Iskidan is a vast realm ruled over by one city, Gravka, and by one lord, the emperor Kirill. So, she assumes Vigrio is going that route too. It basically boils down to the fact that Vigrio is condensing, and there’s going to be battles for its rule (like in the south), so they may as well pick a side. They can’t stand up to anybody and maintain independence. Storr and Helka are going to face one another, and the winner gets all of Vigrio.
Orka speaks up and says that Helka will demand a hird-offering: basically a draft for all able-bodied people. Sigrun again goes back to ‘it’s better than waiting to be enslaved or murdered by Storr, and she’s doing this for their protection. Virk gets extra snippy now, and busts her chops about “protection” despite the murders and stolen child within their own borders. Tensions are rising. The new mystery thrall tells him to watch it. Virk redirects his attitude to Guovarr (the sketchy ass nephew who will absolutely become a main villain). Wellll…maybe not I guess? Because he challenges Virk to a duel. Virk accepts with Orka as his second. I assume Virk will lose from some sneaky tactic but who knows.
submitted by MJCowpa to fantasynopsis [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 14:07 jackmiles_ La Sportiva Theory Fit

Recently bought a pair of size 39.5 la sportiva theory (women’s pair as they only had that edition in the 39.5). However wore them once bouldering and been trying to break them in and they are just so tight. They have even created a blister on my small right toe. Should I just stick through with the break in process, swap for a bigger size or go for a completely different shoe all together. Or even try one of the unorthodox expansion techniques like shower or ice. For reference, these are my second pair of shoes ever, previous was a pair of tarantula boulders in a 39 and they fit great, could probably even go down to a 38.5 in them. Thanks
submitted by jackmiles_ to bouldering [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 14:06 polyphonic_peanut Corrective Experiences

I've been thinking a lot about how I engage in a lot of repetitive negative thinking. This can be either rumination or worry. One focuses on the past, the other is more future oriented.
I notice how small difficulties in relationships trigger emotions such as fear, shame, frustration, anger, or aversion, but there is a separate "spiraliser" (lol) part of me that keeps looping the thoughts, dredging the feelings and whipping the emotions up into a frenzy.
Frenzy is an apt word. I can get so dysregulated from even minor triggers.
As I have written before, I see that it's having a really big impact on my wellbeing, my ability to function well, and my physical health.
At 41, it's not good for my body to experience such extremes of intense emotion. Despite another part of me trying to calm myself down, my heart pounds, my blood pressure goes up. It frightens me how intense these emotional episodes can be.
But that intensity and potential harm to my physical health has become a major incentive to work on my emotional regulation, and on reducing the rumination and worrying thoughts.
Something that I think is really helping is to have experiences that contradict what my negative thoughts are telling me.
Yesterday, I had a disagreement with my manager at work. I got really triggered by it, though, and unfortunately acted out a bit with her. She interrupted me and I snapped back at her. She looked quite taken aback and then proceeded to process me. It was quite humiliating.
By the end of the day, despite really trying not to spin on what happened, I was again in bed with my heart pounding. Not good.
I calmed myself down and said to myself that I should apologise to her the next day.
Coming into work this morning, I was dreading it. I thought she would be thinking terrible things about me. I thought she might belittle me or threaten me with further action. Again, heart pounding.
At work, I found her on her own. I steadied myself. I walked in and mmediately apologised for my outburst yesterday.
Despite all the negative thoughts I'd been having, so simple said, "Oh. That's really sweet of you. And really: it's nothing. You should've heard what my manager said to me last week."
I reiterated my apology nonetheless, and she repeated her thanks.
The long of the short of it was: I was really quite incorrect about how she would react to me.
It was just the food I needed to eat.
To see that my negative thoughts were inaccurate, that there was no need to worry so intensely.
The relief ran through my body, but also hopefully the lesson. The learning.
I am very willing to have more of these experiences - corrective experiences - to help me grow and not get so wired over time.
submitted by polyphonic_peanut to NPD [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 14:05 Cerebral_Kortix Otto had it bad, huh.

> Be me
> Otto Apocalypse, heir to the Apocalypse family
> Be child. Minding my business. Playing with toy airplane.
> Weird white girl suddenly spawns from the f***ing void.
> "What are you doing?"
> Playing with a plane, dumbass. What does it look like?
> White girl declares me her best friend.
> Steals my plane and phases out of existence.

Years later.

> Close friends with weird white girl.
> "Hey, Otto, I'm going to destroy the government."
> what.
> "Could you create a body tight Victorian super hero costume for me?"
> no.
> She makes me cross dress and help her superhero fantasies.
> I hate my life.

More years later.

> Find cool cube. It's magic.
> Cube tries to groom me.
> Cube commits identity theft and steals my face.
> Cube becomes my biggest hater.
Why does this universe hate me?

Even more years later.

> Girl gets assaulted by every weapon in the church.
> Somehow survives.
> Disappears to Japan.
> She stole my f***ing cube.
It never ends.
> Girl suddenly returns in hand-cuffs.
> "Otto, you'd never guess but it turns out rampant vigilantism with no plan was a bad idea actually."
> No shit, Sherlock.
> She's going to be executed so offer to marry her to save her life.
> Rejects me because then my family would have control over her family.
> Fair enough.
> Wait, what, no, that makes zero sense.
> You're not even the only Kaslana. There's hundreds of you. Kiana was born even though you died without any kids.
> Also we could just solo my family. They're entirely consistent of old decrepit losers. I'm literally already planning on pulling an Itachi.
> Why are you so stupid, Kallen?

Days later.

> White woman being raised to execution.
> "Oh, by the way, I'd totally marry you in another world."
> You couldn't have said that earlier?
> Screw it. I don't care if she has negative IQ. Need to save her.
> Release monsters.
> "Yay! I can die for nothing!"
> White woman commits weaponised suicide over a random ass child.
> What.
> Wait, what the f***. What.
> Whatever. I'm a catholic. I have healing magic.
> Use magic to restore her frankly small wound.
> "Hey, Otto, before I die, I want to say something to you."
> You're not dying but sure.
> "I'm gay."
> Good for you. I love you regardless so don't worry-
> "I'm also straight. I like you."
> M'kay, neat. We should probably get you to a safer place though.

> "Also, I had sex with a fox."

What does that mean?
How? Why?
When? Where?
> Desperately request elaboration.
> It's too late. The Honkai heard she was straight and killed her.
God damn it all.

47 years Later.

> Go to China.
> Meet nice girl. Called Sushang.
> Cool. Well, she can guide me to the immortal I'm searching for so I can revive Kallen and ask her what the hell she meant.
> Girl suddenly turns into the Hersscher of Horny and begins harassing me.
> Why.
> Screw this. Don't care. Need to find immortal chicken.
> Find her. She has negative IQ too.
> Of course she fricking does.

500 years later.

> Maybe I could revive Kallen to explain what the hell she meant through a clone?
> Create an army of children.
> Search through them for which one is the most depraved.
> Find one has the lowest IQ. Yup, that's Kallen.
> Nevermind, it's not Kallen. It's just a child.
> Damn. Guess I'm a grandfather now?
> Raise the child to be a normal functional human being.
> This completely fails because she's a Kallen.
> She runs off with a red-headed spaceship man from another universe.
> She's 47. He's like 20.
> My daughter is a cougar.
> Why do you hate me God.

Many more years later.

> Murder some random weirdo.
> His son suddenly begins an intensely homoerotically tense rivalry with me.
> I don't get it.

Even more years later.

> Do some eugenics to try to mix the Kaslana blood with the sanest people I can find.
> Maybe I'll create a Kaslana who's not a negative IQ degenerate.
> Look proudly on the results. Kiana Kaslana!
> The experiment failed.
> The Kaslanas will always be degenerate.
> Screw it. Mix them with the Hersscher of Void. Maybe that'll fix them.
> Steal the original Kiana and get Dante from Devil May Cry to borrow my clone.
> Monitor carefully as she grows up.
> ...
> She begins sexually harassing a chicken, a lightning god, all females in a three mile radius and god knows who else.
> What have I unleashed on the world.

Last ditch plan

> Get my chicken to steal the child.
> She somehow screws it up.
> She tries to betray me. Guess it's time for fried chicken.
> Kill her. She comes back as an even dumber version of herself.
> Oh yeah, also Kiana turned into Hersscher of Void.
> This somehow made her less depraved.
> Himeko suddenly dies for being straight.
> Send OG Kiana, now Bianca, to capture Kiana.
> She gets distracted with her maid.

Everything keeps going to shit.

> Screw it. Try again.
> Wait no. The glasses guy who wants to get in my pants is going "Notice me Senpai!"
> Cocolia won't shut the f*** up.
> My clone suddenly names himself Moriarty and becomes the most obnoxious person in the multiverse.
> Am I the only semi-competent person in this universe?
> Watch as things keep spiralling out of control.
> Am I even part of this plot anymore? All I seem to be doing is dramatically smirking while the three girls completely ignore me to beat the shit out of each other.
> I'm not even trying. How is my plan working? Do I even have a plan?

Talk to the CEO of Gay.

> Talk to the world's strongest guy, a dude named Kevin.
> Ask him what's wrong with Kaslanas.
> He tries to answer only to get jumped by every person in the multiverse.
> Enough is enough.
> Get the girls to fight me so I can talk to the Honkai itself.
> Bianca forgets that she's interested in her maid to instead become a sis-con.
> Weird but I don't care anymore.
> The girls begin beating the shit out of me.
> They can't do any damage.
> Holy shit, they're garbage at this.
> Guess I'll be living after all-

> My spine suddenly snaps in half after having carried HI3's story for the past 15 years.

> Meet John Honkai. She tells me she has no idea what's wrong with the Kaslanas either.
> Damn.
> Create a new universe where Kallen lived so I can finally ask Kallen what the f*** she meant.
> Go there.

Finally the moment of truth...

> "Kallen, what did you mean when you said you slept with a *fox*?"
> She introduces me to her fox girl gf.
> Finally, that's cleared up.
> Alright, I've had enough, I'm going home.
> Kallen forces me to join her harem.

I hate my life.

submitted by Cerebral_Kortix to houkai3rd [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 14:05 DrFloppyTitties After 2.5 months, my 08 STI Hatch is back from the dead (short blog)
I ended up going with a "newer" 33k mile used short block for only a grand. I couldn't justify breaking the bank as much as I needed a car. Went with Andrewtech as my shop and couldn't be happier. Great communication and work done by them and made me feel very comfortable choosing them to help fix up my car. Despite them being 40 miles out from me I will probably go there for everything now. I ended up paying 17k total but that included a bunch of work that made sense while the engine was out as well as a new short throw shifter and linkage. Existing on Hawaii for 16 years as well as it being the car I learned manual on took its own toll on the car to say the least.
I'm just now getting used to the new clutch and short throw. I was extremely surprised at the difference. I honestly am not quite sure I love the shifting just yet but I know its because my body was so used to the long throws and loose linkage.
In the meantime, I purchased (and returned, thanks CarMax) a 2020 Accord Touring 2.0T (as well as a rented a few other cars but they aren't notable). Going from the Accord (beautiful fucking car btw) back to my STI made me realize a few things. I probably want a car with driving assistance, and having a manual + ACC makes driving in the city so easy. The Accord honestly felt like it had the same kick/power as my STI but it just lacked a lot of factors I loved about the STI even completely ignoring the 3rd pedal. I honestly wouldn't have repaired my STI if it wasn't for realizing this, after a week of owning the Accord is when I contacted the shop telling them I was ready to move forward with repairs. I couldn't justify paying that much to repair a car until realizing that nothing in my budget really compares to the STI). I never felt safe whipping the Accord around the tiny winding back roads by my house. It handled them with ease but I really do prefer the size and handling of the STI. The steering the STI has is unmatched by any newer car today and I will swear by that. The Accord didn't have the best tech but I will definitely miss Android Auto as well as Honda Sense/Remote start. I don't think I'll miss the parking sensors because the 08 STI is so small I can park it anywhere. Honestly, if the Acura TLX Type S is anything like the Touring I'd probably go with that as my city car. I'm gonna treat my baby to a new Kenwood system to make her feel a bit newer and I hope to keep my STI as my daily for years to come.
Trying to upload a few pics but not working out for me atm. I'll try to update later.
submitted by DrFloppyTitties to WRXSTi [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 14:05 RESSl Skin tag or ingrown hair

Skin tags are soft and small growths, typically flesh-colored or somewhat brown, found on healthy skin. Skin tags are non-cancerous growths, most often forming in the folds of the body (e.g., the neck, on the underarms, and around the groin). Skin tags can develop on any individual. However, they are found most commonly in overweight people, as well as individuals who have Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Skin tags are fairly common; in fact, 59% of all people have experienced a skin tag on their body at some point in their life.
Ingrown hairs cause bumps, which are often itchy, where a hair has grown back into the skin. There are things you can do to treat and prevent them and in most cases you will not need to a see a GP for treatment.
submitted by RESSl to STDFacts [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 14:04 Rakesh5211 Understanding Breast Changes and Size Issues: A Comprehensive Guide

Breast adjustments and size troubles are not unusual experiences for many ladies at numerous ranges of existence. These modifications can be due to herbs getting old, hormonal fluctuations, life-style factors, or underlying medical conditions. This complete guide will explore the various factors of breast changes, length problems, and the elements contributing to those adjustments, together with pointers on coping with and addressing them.
  1. Introduction :
Breasts undergo various changes during a woman's lifestyles. Understanding these modifications can help in figuring out what is normal and when to look for clinical attention. This manual will offer detailed insights into the anatomy of the breast, not unusual modifications, length troubles, management recommendations, and when to consult a healthcare professional.
  1. Anatomy of the Breast :
The breast is a complex organ composed of various tissues, such as:
Glandular Tissue: Responsible for milk production. Ductal Tissue: Channels that deliver milk to the nipple. Adipose Tissue: Fat tissue that offers the breast its form and size. Fibrous Tissue: Connective tissue that supports the breast. Blood Vessels and Nerves: Provide nourishment and sensation to the breast. Lymphatic Vessels: Help in draining excess fluid and play a function in immune defence.
Understanding the anatomy allows in spotting how various factors can have an impact on breast modifications and size.
  1. Common Breast Changes :
1 Puberty and Breast Development :
Puberty marks the beginning of huge breast development, driven with the aid of hormonal changes:
Hormonal Influence: Oestrogen and progesterone play important roles. Stages of Development: Breast buds form, observed by means of the boom of glandular and adipose tissues. Common Changes: Tenderness, boom spurts, and improvement of the nipple and areola.
2.Menstrual Cycle and Hormonal Fluctuations :
The menstrual cycle can cause transient adjustments inside the breasts:
Hormonal Shifts: Oestrogen and progesterone degrees range for the duration of the cycle. Symptoms: Swelling, tenderness, and lumpiness are common premenstrual signs. Cyclic Nature: These changes typically remedy after menstruation.
  1. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding :
Pregnancy and breastfeeding carry profound modifications to the breasts:
Hormonal Changes: Increased tiers of oestrogen, progesterone, and prolactin. Breast Preparation: Glandular tissue proliferates to prepare for milk production. Common Changes: Enlargement, tenderness, darkening of the nipples, and milk production.
  1. Menopause :
Menopause marks the give up of reproductive years and brings hormonal modifications that have an effect on the breasts:
Hormonal Decline: Reduction in oestrogen and progesterone. Symptoms: Decrease in glandular tissue, expanded fat tissue, and feasible sagging.
  1. Ageing :
Ageing affects breast tissue composition and appearance:
Loss of Elasticity: Reduction in collagen and elastin. Volume Changes: Decrease in glandular tissue and ability increase in fatty tissue. Common Changes: Sagging and adjustments in shape and texture.
  1. Weight Fluctuations :
Changes in body weight can substantially impact breast length and form:
Adipose Tissue: Breasts contain fats, which fluctuates with body weight. Weight Gain: Can increase breast size. Weight Loss: Can lead to a decrease in breast size and feasible sagging.
7 . Medications and Medical Treatments :
Certain medications and remedies can motive breast modifications:
Hormonal Therapies:** Birth management pills, hormone alternative remedy (HRT). Medications:** Some psychiatric medicinal drugs and steroids. Medical Treatments:** Chemotherapy and radiation can have an effect on breast tissue.
  1. Asymmetry :
Breast asymmetry is not unusual and typically not a purpose for challenge:
Natural Variation: Most ladies have some degree of asymmetry. Causes: Hormonal modifications, growth spurts during puberty, and weight fluctuations. Management: Proper becoming bras, padding, and surgical options if desired.
2 Macromastia (Large Breasts) :
Large breasts can reason physical soreness and emotional demanding situations:
Physical Issues: Back, neck, and shoulder ache, skin inflammation, and difficulty locating clothing. Emotional Impact: Self-consciousness and unwanted interest. Management: Supportive bras, bodily therapy, weight management, and surgical discount.
  1. Micromastia (Small Breasts) :
Small breasts, or micromastia, can also be a source of situation for a few ladies:
Perception : Varies extensively; some women are content material, at the same time as others may additionally experience self-awareness. Causes: Genetics, hormonal factors, and normal body composition. Management: Padded bras, breast enhancement physical activities, and surgical augmentation.
  1. . Managing Breast Changes and Size Issues:
1 .Regular Self-Examinations and Medical Check-Ups :
Regular self-examinations and professional check-america are crucial:
Self-Examinations: Monthly checks to be aware of any uncommon changes. Medical Check-Ups: Annual scientific breast checks and mammograms as recommended by means of healthcare carriers.
2 . Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle :
A healthy way of life can undoubtedly impact breast fitness:
Balanced Diet: Rich in fruits, veggies, and lean proteins. Regular Exercise: Helps maintain a wholesome weight and standard properly-being. Avoiding Harmful Substances : Limiting alcohol and fending off smoking.
3 . Supportive Bras and Proper Fitting :
Wearing the proper bra can alleviate many breast-related discomforts:
Proper Fit : Ensures ok guide and luxury. Variety of Styles: Bras designed for different sports and needs, which include sports bras and maternity bras.
4 . Surgical Options :
For extensive size troubles or preferred cosmetic changes, surgical alternatives are to be had:
Breast Augmentation: Implants to increase length. Breast Reduction: Surgery to lessen length and alleviate pain. Breast Lift : To deal with sagging and improve form.
  1. Psychological and Emotional Support :
Addressing the emotional factors of breast modifications is equally important:
Counselling: Professional aid to cope with shallowness and body image troubles. Support Groups: Connecting with others experiencing comparable issues.
  1. When to Seek Medical Advice :
It's critical to understand whilst to are searching for scientific interest for breast changes:
Persistent Pain: Unexplained or severe ache. Lumps or Masses: Any new, uncommon, or chronic lumps. Nipple Changes: Discharge, inversion, or modifications in colour and texture. Skin Changes: Redness, dimpling, or swelling.
Early detection and activated medical consultation can address capacity troubles successfully.
Precancerous Breast Conditions
A precancerous condition isn't cancer yet but can probably grow to be most cancers. If diagnosed with this kind of condition, your risk of breast cancer is higher.
The risk of developing breast cancer is lower for Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia (ADH) and Atypical Lobular Hyperplasia (ALH) as compared to Pleomorphic Lobular Carcinoma In Situ (PLCIS) and Lobular Carcinoma In Situ (LCIS).
Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia (ADH): This condition entails an elevated quantity of cells inside the breast ducts, which seem atypical underneath a microscope. ADH can raise your chance of breast cancer.
Atypical Lobular Hyperplasia (ALH): This condition involves an elevated variety of cells inside the breast lobules, which appear extraordinary underneath a microscope. ALH can also grow your threat of breast cancer.
Lobular Carcinoma In Situ (LCIS): This condition is characterised through bizarre cells within the breast lobules, with a better quantity of ordinary cells than in ALH. LCIS will increase the hazard of growing most cancers in both breasts.
Pleomorphic Lobular Carcinoma In Situ (PLCIS): This circumstance involves ordinary cells inside the breast lobules, which can be regularly large and greater atypical than the ones determined in LCIS. PLCIS is more likely to end up invasive breast cancer in comparison to LCIS.
Conclusion :
Breast changes and length issues are a natural part of existence for plenty of women. Understanding the underlying causes and understanding a way to control those modifications can extensively beautify ordinary nicely-being and confidence. Regular self-examinations, preserving a healthful lifestyle, and in search of appropriate scientific recommendation when essential are key to managing breast health effectively.
By staying knowledgeable and proactive, ladies can navigate the complexities of breast changes and length problems with greater ease and guarantee.
submitted by Rakesh5211 to WellnessPT [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 14:00 Yurii_S_Kh Aslan’s Questions, or How the Chronicles of Narnia Teach Us Repentance

Aslan’s Questions, or How the Chronicles of Narnia Teach Us Repentance
In the mid-twentieth century, the English literary historian C. S. Lewis, the author of several apologetic works and religious broadcasts on the BBC, began to write fairy tales. Incredibly quickly—seven books in less than seven years—he created a whole epic about a magical land, Narnia, the name of which he had found on ancient maps.
The professor’s friend J. R. R. Tolkien, professor of languages and literature at Oxford University, was wary of Lewis’s fairy tales. It seemed to him that Lewis had piled up mythology, plots and meanings. But children immediately came to love the story of Narnia—they would read, re-read it and bombard the venerable professor with letters of gratitude and questions. And the professor answered many of them delicately and with great love.
The Chronicles of Narnia are still loved and read all over the world today. Some try to argue with the epic’s main idea, delving into the question, “What did the author want to say?” But in this case the author was unequivocal, and even children understand that the system of his allegories is about Christianity. Despite the fact that our post-Christian society thinks otherwise, Lewis wrote about Christ.
The allegorical image of Christ in The Chronicles of Narnia is the Great Lion Aslan. He appears whenever he likes, but always at the most important moments. He helps the characters understand what’s what and make right decisions. He is the creator and the foundation of Narnia—it is by him that it lives and breathes.
My children were struck by the iconic scene from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, when Aslan sacrificed himself for Edmund, and the weeping Susan and Lucy did not find his body on the stone altar. My seven-year-old son was the first to guess that it resembled the Passion, death and Resurrection of Christ, and my daughter remembered the Holy Saturday service, when we in tears had walked around the church, carrying the Holy Shroud.
And I thought of something else: how the lion Aslan, “the son of the Emperor-Over-the-Sea”, who created Narnia by singing, communicated with the creatures that dwelled in it. What words he said to them, what questions he asked! None was accidental, and each aptly hit the very soul.
Honesty and Repentance
Rumors always fly ahead of Aslan. Those who have not yet met him wait for this meeting with fear or joy, but not indifferently. It is impossible to be indifferent to the Great Lion, who knows everything about you.
Aslan is not a tame lion—this fact is mentioned in the book more than once. What does this mean? In addition to the literal meanings (talking, intelligent, strong, magical, great and mysterious), there is something more. Aslan is of a different nature than the other Narnia inhabitants. And his knowledge about everything and everyone is of a different quality.
The Great Lion could have revealed all his knowledge about the smallest movements of the human soul and put it on the table, like an accuser with irrefutable evidence in front of a suspect, looking with superiority at his fear.
But Aslan does not need fear, he does not need blind obedience. Why? First, because he infinitely loves all living creatures, despite their limitations. Secondly, he wants them not to lie—neither to themselves nor to him.
Being honest is hard. Often we, big and small, dodge and resort to guile, including towards ourselves. Especially towards ourselves because it’s scary to see your actions in all their glory.
Aslan gives the characters of the tales about Narnia such an opportunity. Without reproving or teaching them, he brings them to an answer. And they themselves answer—and shudder from their actions. And there is no point in pitying or justifying yourself, because Aslan’s voice is the voice of your conscience.
“‘But where is the fourth?’ asked Aslan.
‘He has tried to betray them and joined the White Witch, O Aslan,’ said Mr. Beaver. And then something made Peter say,
‘That was partly my fault, Aslan. I was angry with him and I think that helped him to go wrong.’
“And Aslan said nothing either to excuse Peter or to blame him but merely stood looking at him with his great unchanging eyes. And it seemed to all of them that there was nothing to be said.”
Peter courageously plunges into his own soul, finds guilt before his brother there and pulls it out into the light. He does not justify himself, although he could have done this: His brother betrayed everyone, gave them up to the White Witch, and defected to her. But Peter cannot be cunning under Aslan’s serene gaze—and he offers him repentance. Aslan accepts it. He accepts all who are ready to come.
Repentance is one of the key ideas in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the fifth book about Narnia. Eustace appears in it—the arrogant, funny, ridiculous, absolutely disagreeable and terribly lonely cousin of the main characters.
It seems that Eustace cannot accept Narnia with its fairy-tale heroes and laws. In fact, Eustace does not accept what is alien to him: trust, faithfulness and courage. He finds the dragon’s treasure very appealing though.
With this a series of purifying sufferings of Eustace begins. In the dragon’s body he feels even worse than before. But it is difficult circumstances that change the boy.
The apotheosis is Eustace’s account after he had returned into his own body, about his painful and saving meeting with Aslan.
“‘I wasn’t afraid of the lion eating me, I was just afraid of it—if you can understand. Well, it came close up to me and looked straight into my eyes. And I shut my eyes tight. But that wasn’t any good because it told me to follow it.’
‘You mean it spoke?’
‘I don’t know. Now that you mention it, I don’t think it did. But it told me all the same. And I knew I’d have to do what it told me, so I got up and followed it.’”
Aslan peeled away the dragon scales from Eustace. Through unbearable pain the character comes to his real self—the one who hid under the hideous skin that had grown over the years. If it were not for the Great Lion and the desire of Eustace himself, this would not have happened.
The intention (turning into necessity) to get to the very essence, to the shameful depths of the soul, to the unsightly reasons for their actions, is characteristic of the key characters of the tales about Narnia. They are not perfect, not sinless, not always honest and courageous. But they are willing to improve. Aslan helps them, and they love him simply for what he is, like a Father figure.
“‘Son of Adam,’ said the Lion. ‘There is an evil Witch abroad in my new land of Narnia. Tell these good Beasts how she came here.’
“A dozen different things that he might say flashed through Digory’s mind, but he had the sense to say nothing except the exact truth.
‘I—I brought her, Aslan,’ he answered in a low voice.
‘For what purpose?’
‘I wanted to get her out of my own world back into her own. I thought I was taking her back to her own place.’
‘How came she to be in your world, Son of Adam?’
‘By—by Magic.’
“The Lion said nothing and Digory knew that he had not told enough...
‘You met the Witch?’ said Aslan in a low voice which had the threat of a growl in it.
‘She woke up,’ said Digory wretchedly. And then, turning very white, ‘I mean, I woke her. Because I wanted to know what would happen if I struck a bell. Polly didn’t want to. It wasn’t her fault. I—I fought her. I know I shouldn’t have. I think I was a bit enchanted by the writing under the bell.’
‘Do you?’ asked Aslan; still speaking very low and deep.
‘No,’ said Digory. ‘I see now I wasn’t. I was only pretending.’”
Keep your attention on yourself
Every meeting with the Great Lion in the Chronicles of Narnia is always a real event. The characters remember them forever and even change their way of life. Sometimes a short dialogue with Aslan reveals things that are not obvious at first glance, but are extremely important.
In the Patericon there is an account of how the Venerable Anthony the Great heard a voice saying: “Anthony! Keep your attention on yourself!” The Great Lion conveys the same idea to the book’s characters. And it is an important idea, which returns the focus of your attention to your own moral life, and not to the echoes of someone else’s.
“‘Then it was you who wounded Aravis?’
“‘It was I.’
“‘But what for?’
“‘Child,’ said the Voice, ‘I am telling you your story, not hers. I tell no one any story but his own.’”
Delicately yet firmly, Aslan brings the characters’ thoughts back to the most important point—inside their souls. It’s hard; it would be easier to make excuses or gossip about others, but it’s impossible to fool Aslan.
“‘Yes, wasn’t it a shame?’ said Lucy. ‘I saw you all right. They wouldn’t believe me. They’re all so…’ “From somewhere deep inside Aslan’s body there came the faintest suggestion of a growl. ‘I’m sorry,’ said Lucy, who understood some of his moods. ‘I didn’t mean to start slanging the others. But it wasn’t my fault anyway, was it?’ “The Lion looked straight into her eyes. “‘Oh, Aslan,’ said Lucy. ‘You don’t mean it was? How could I—I couldn’t have left the others and come up to you alone, how could I? Don’t look at me like that… oh well, I suppose I could... But what would have been the good?’”
Under the Great Lion’s gaze the characters of stories about Narnia give up even trying to think about what others are like. And suddenly it turns out that answers to many questions are hidden in this inner silence.
“‘And what ever am I to say to him?’
“‘Perhaps you won’t need to say much,’ Lucy suggested.”
Faith and trust
Another important theme in the Chronicles of Narnia is faith. The existence of Aslan, like the fairytale land’s past, is questioned more than once. And something amazing happens: faith does not follow miracles, but miracles are performed as a reward for faith.
Faith is a key theme in the book Prince Caspian of the Narnia series. Many of its characters do not believe in the existence of Aslan, and Peter, Susan and Edmund do not believe in his return. Only little Lucy sees the Great Lion because she does not doubt him for a minute.
Prince Caspian believes in Aslan as well. The rightful heir to the throne, he hides from his traitorous uncle; and, although he knows little, he firmly keeps what he was taught. That’s why he becomes a real king.
“‘But who believes in Aslan nowadays?’
“‘I do,’ said Prince Caspian.”
In general, the characters of the Chronicles of Narnia may err and doubt, but they wholeheartedly trust the Great Lion. That’s why he comes to their aid. However, Aslan does not impose himself on those who hate or fear him. For example, on the dwarves from the last book, who sit on a sunny lawn and are sure that they are in a dark barn.
Correspondence with Laurence’s mother
“‘Son,’ said Aslan to the Cabby. ‘I have known you long. Do you know me?’
‘Well, no, sir,’ said the Cabby. ‘Leastways, not in an ordinary manner of speaking. Yet I feel somehow, if I may make so free, as though we’ve met before.’”
Many letters from readers of The Chronicles of Narnia to the author, along with his answers, have survived. As you read them you marvel at Lewis’s careful attention to children’s opinions and impressions. But the letter of little Laurence Krieg from America stands out: The boy confesses that he loves Aslan more than Christ. Here is what the writer answers to Laurence’s mother:
“Dear Mrs. Krieg,
“Tell Laurence from me, with my love:
“1) Even if he was loving Aslan more than Jesus (I’ll explain in a moment why he can’t really be doing this) he would not be an idol-worshipper. If he was an idol worshipper he’d be doing it on purpose, whereas he’s now doing it because he can’t help doing it, and trying hard not to do it. But God knows quite well how hard we find it to love Him more than anyone or anything else, and He won’t be angry with us as long as we are trying. And He will help us.
“2) But Laurence can’t really love Aslan more than Jesus, even if he feels that’s what he is doing. For the things he loves Aslan for doing or saying are simply the things Jesus really did and said. So that when Laurence thinks he is loving Aslan, he is really loving Jesus: and perhaps loving Him more than he ever did before. Of course there is one thing Aslan has that Jesus has not—I mean, the body of a lion. (But remember, if there are other worlds and they need to be saved and Christ were to save them—as He would—He may really have taken all sorts of bodies in them which we don’t know about.) Now if Laurence is bothered because he finds the lion-body seems nicer to him than the man-body, I don’t think he need be bothered at all. God knows all about the way a little boy’s imagination works (He made it, after all) and knows that at a certain age the idea of talking and friendly animals is very attractive. So I don’t think He minds if Laurence likes the Lion-body. And anyway, Laurence will find as he grows older, that feeling (liking the lion-body better) will die away of itself, without his taking any trouble about it. So he needn’t bother.
“3) If I were Laurence I’d just say in my prayers something like this: ‘Dear God, if the things I’ve been thinking and feeling about those books are things You don’t like and are bad for me, please take away those feelings and thoughts. But if they are not bad, then please stop me from worrying about them. And help me every day to love You more in the way that really matters far more than any feelings or imaginations, by doing what You want and growing more like You.’ That is the sort of thing I think Laurence should say for himself; but it would be kind and Christian-like if he then added, ‘And if Mr. Lewis has worried any other children by his books or done them any harm, then please forgive him and help him never to do it again.’
“Will this help? I am terribly sorry to have caused such trouble, and would take it as a great favor if you would write again and tell me how Laurence goes on. I shall of course have him daily in my prayers. He must be a corker of a boy: I hope you are prepared for the possibility he might turn out a saint. I daresay the saints’ mothers have, in some ways, a rough time!
“Yours sincerely,
C. S. Lewis
[June 3, 1955]”1
Aslan is an allegory, a fairytale image of Christ, applicable only to the fairyland of Narnia, to Lewis’ books. However, Aslan always leads the characters to important things that are difficult, but necessary to realize if you are a Christian. Why did I do it this way? How should I have done it? How can I improve? Aslan teaches you to listen to yourself and love others.
“‘Are—are you there [on earth] too, Sir?’ said Edmund.
“‘I am,’ said Aslan. ‘But there I have another name. You must learn to know me by that name. This was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there.’”
Maria Minaeva
1 The citation source:
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 13:56 blindside_1092 AITA? For not giving the child to their biological parents after me and my bestfriend raised her?

First of all sorry for everyone coz english is not my first language.if there's a grammar or something else wrong please understand. thank you..
To give you guys a (31m) and my bestfriend jecel(32f) took care of her friend's daughter for 10yrs since she was a baby.
Since i was 18 i live with my best friend on her apartment before she bought a house of her own,i just finish a vocational course and work as a call center agent when my bestfriend introduced me to her college classmate lets call her Diane (19f) at that time. she's flirty and thought every man she saw wants to sleep with her and also she's loud as hell.,we have are completely opposite coz im a timid guy who's not gonna speak unless someone ask me something and i don't go and have s*x with just any girl unless if that girl is my gf coz im scared of STD..
Diane and I don't get along very well coz there's one time that she picked up my phone and called my gf at that time then told her that she's my new gf when i was cleaning the house.,my ex broke up with me the next day and i don't know the reason at that time until after 2months when i spoke with 1 of my ex's friends.she told me what happened and i was pissed.since then i always ignore her or just go outside the house every time she meets jecel,coz everytime i saw her i always get the urge to snap her neck,i never told jecel about what diane did back then.
After jecel and Diane graduated.jecel lost contact to Diane.a year after that she showed up with a huge belly ready to gave birth at anytime,jecel told her "i haven't heard of you since graduation? Where have you been and who's the father?" Diane was crying while saying "mom and dad kicked me out of the house and the father of my child left me.,pls let me stay here for a couple of months" i just told jecel to let her stay and support her coz we both have a job and someone will look at the house while we both are working.,jecel just nod and talked to her trying to comfort her and i just go to work. After a week she gave birth on the house while me and jecel was out at work and she didn't call us both, our kind neighbors try to convince her to go to the hospital but she didn't want to. When me and jecel got home the only person on jecel's apartment are the baby and the two aunty's who helped her.,Diane just vanished., neighbors told us while they where taking care of the child they didn't notice Diane left the house. Me and jecel are both worried about her coz she just gave birth, we both tried to contact her but she left her phone on jecel's apartment. We took the baby to the hospital and they said that the baby is healthy and we don't have to worry about the baby's health then they congratulate me thinking im the father of the child. I just smiled and thank them. After that me and jecel have a small talk about whats about to happen to the child? Coz we tried to contact Diane's parents but they shout at us and told us to just throw the baby to the trash bin then hang up the call. I was so pissed coz the child has nothing to do of their parents sins why does the child need to suffer? I told jecel that i will give the child my last name then jecel cried and gave me a huge hug then told me that she will be the mother and gave her a beautiful name. Lets call my beautiful child Kaye.
We raised Kaye like our own child,loved her and gave her everything, when Kaye was 5 me and jecel bought a house and we moved there,then jecel told me she decided to go to japan to support our lovely child, i told her "its up to you best but our child will miss you a lot and might resent you for leaving" jecel told me to just quit my job and become a stay at home dad for our daughter and she fix her mind on going abroad as a translator, the next year she goes to japan and i quit my job and start to freelancing coz im not used to not working and to look for our child. Kaye is a smart kid my family and jecel's family love her and always spoil her a lot. They know the story about Kaye but they don't care, they always ask me and jecel to just get married but we both refused coz we both don't have feelings for each other and we only see each other as best of friends more like brother and sister. When Kaye was 8yrs old she asked me "Papa. Why don't you and Mama have marriage photo?" I got nervous and just told her "love, me and Mama are different from other parents." Then she continued to ask things i just told her we're going to the zoo just to avoid any other questions...
Fast forward last saturday. IDK how tf did Diane and her husband knew where we live? She showed up on our house acting like she owns the place and demanding to gave her child back. Im trying to compose my self and not to knock all of her teeth, i told her to get out of my house before i call the cops then her husband pushed me and i just snapped,im 5'4 but jacked and knows how to fight coz of my childhood,i just start beating her husband although he's 5'9 he look like a fckin stickman that never received a punch in the face before. Diane starts to scratching me and pulling me off her husband and i just pushed her back and continue to beat the sht out of her husband luckily my neighbors heard the commotion and entered the house and stopped me or else i might endup killing the guy. I shout at them to never go back to my house and don't they ever showup their faces to my child or else i will do something even worst than what i did to her husband. Luckily at that time Kaye is with Jecel's mom. I immediately called Jecel's mom and told her what happened and if possible Kaye will stay with them as long as this issue haven't resolved. Then i called jecel afterwards and told her everything. She was furious specially when she saw my scratch marks on my face and body. I told her "im fine and i don't care what happens to me but i won't give Kaye to that fcking btch" she told me she will comeback here after 2weeks so i need to be careful and watchout for those couple. She told me she will handle it and don't do stupid stuffs.
Im still angry but im also thinking. They are the real parents of Kaye. And Kaye also have the rights to know her biological parents but I don't want to show and give Kaye to them. My daughter is not a toy to just left behind then pick up when they remember. Im crying everytime i imagine i will lose Kaye. And i can't sleep well while thinking that anytime they can just get my daughter away from me..
AITA for not giving my daughter to her biological parents? And also i need some advice too. IDK what to do anymore?
Sorry about my english and thank you guys.
submitted by blindside_1092 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 13:53 AdmiralStone96230-A MURDER DRONES: Fall of Earth -Chapter XVII: Get Backstabbed, Idiots- (Pt. 2)

The elevator lifted smoothly upward as it ascended the tower of the Administrator, Wade and his companions standing in wait as they prepared to carry out their final objective. With Hawk and his lackey disposed of, and the desired data held within the archive acquired, Wade made a few final checks of the area before calling back the elevator after F and her allies' use of it to return outside. Now, there was only one last thing to do here: End the Solver Project before it has any chance to grow in power further.
Inspecting his weapons, Wade looked at the shifting hand intently as he spoke to his team. "So, do we know how the rest of the operation's going? Besides our end of things?"
Alvaro nodded in affirmation as he checked his own weapon. "I checked in with my buddy Sato on one of the other dropships, Kappa-52C, I think. He said him and his team were heading into the lower areas of the lab for materials extraction." As he finished reloading his rifle, Alvaro finished his explanation. "They're probably already down there at the moment."
"Let's hope so. They've still got some of the captured worker drones from that 'recall' scheme of theirs." Wade replied as he glanced to Tina at his side, then to Lucia as he asked her. "And the intel should be secure with F, I doubt they'd take down her squad that easily."
"Oh, they sure wouldn't!" Vasquez responded with a laugh as she tossed up a cylindrical grenade canister, catching it before continuing. "She's like a lawnmower, and the Admin's people are nothing more than grass."
Wade failed to hold back a laugh of his own as he took in his comrade's amusing analogy, Tina giving a muffled chortle as she pulled out her laser pistol to inspect it as well. "Add her escorts we split off from and they've got a great wall of fury to climb over!" The drone girl stated confidently as she set her pistol to its highest setting, the blue LED at the back of the gun's bulky barrel brightening in intensity to signify its danger.
Returning her pistol to her holster, Tina looked along with Wade to one of the troopers in the remaining squad, the drone holding some kind of square device with four buttons on it and a single antenna at its upper end. Like the other Coalition soldiers with him, he wore a set of bluish-black camo attire, the pants going down to his silver robo-knees. His hair made him stand out from most of the other drone troops, a dark pink set of quiffed hair under the usual black and dark blue combat helmet worn by UEC troopers.
The soldier, whom the group came to know as Shinji, directed Wade's sight to the box device as he spoke to him. "Also to remind you Sir, we've got those det-packs slapped on each of those generators below us. When you're ready, just give me the signal and I'll light the fuses."
Wade gave a nod before his verbal acknowledgement. "Thanks Shinji, I think once we're in that lab, we can blow those generators up."
The drone gave a nod of agreement at his leader's advice, looking to the detonator box again as he continued inspecting it.
Concerned over the explosive plan, Tina raised a finger. "Wait, wouldn't destroying the generators work against us? What if the elevator shuts down because of it?"
Alvaro shook his head. "I wouldn't bet on that." Glancing up, he saw a small hemispherical glass window at the center of the lift's ceiling, surrounded by the four whiteish-blue lights whose light outshined the bold yellow-orange of the singularity inside the glass casing. "When we started our break-in, I busted one of those little black hole things down there with a grenade, seemed to be another source of power for that room, from what I can tell. The lights flickered out when I blew it."
"Wouldn't surprise me if it was." Wade replied, giving the miniature singularity a glance as well before continuing. "And with that in mind, let's hope knocking out those generators gives us all some kind of advantage. I don't care if it's a small or big one."
"Agreed." Tina replied with a nod to her boyfriend as she held his hand, Wade looking down to her as she spoke further with regained confidence. "Besides, if things do go a little awry for us, we'll find a way to get ourselves out." Wade blushed as Tina smiled at him before her last words. "Wade'll make sure of that."
"I don't doubt that, F was real impressed with how you two made it outta that factory yesterday." Vasquez stated with a admiring smirk as she held her rifle firm, glancing to the other soldiers as she kept speaking. "Maybe you can... give us some inspiration on clearing holes?"
Wade nodded as he moved his mouth to reply, but stopped as he and the others took notice of the elevator, which stopped as it arrived at what everyone hoped was their intended destination. Upon the lift ceasing, two of the blue lights at the ceiling shifted to a sinister red, brewing worrisome looks from the squad inside as the intercom at the back of the elevator spoke aloud. "ATTENTION! ALL EMPLOYEES AND STAFF MUST SUBMIT ID AND HAND PRINT FOR CERTIFICATION. REPEAT, ALL EMPLOYEES AND STAFF MUST SUBMIT ID AND HAND PRINT FOR CERTIFICATION. IF YOU CANNOT COMPLY, PROCEED TO YOUR PREVIOUS LOCATION AND CONTACT THE NEAREST SECURITY STATION!"
Snapping himself out of his observation of the elevator, Wade returned his gaze to the Sergeant as he resumed his reply to her. "I hope to, Ma'am."
Readying himself, Wade glanced to his team, pulling out his anti-sentinel visor before speaking to the squad of fourteen, counting his girlfriend and F's pals. "Everyone ready?" The soldiers nodded as they all began to pull out their own visors, Tina putting hers on before the rest as she got close to Wade. Noticing her at his side, Wade spoke to the drone girl. "Tina, hop on."
"Don't need to tell me twice." Tina replied with a smirk as she got onto Wade's back, holding onto him tightly as she prepared for the coming fight.
Digging into his pockets, Wade pulled out two items from each side. One was an ID card showing the full name and a mugshot of Darren Hawk on it, and the other, more morbid object, was Hawk's hand, severed by Wade in order to-hopefully-grant him and his team entrance into the more secure areas of the laboratory.
"Never got away from these things during those movies back home." Wade thought to himself amusingly, sliding the ID card into the control panel before the intercom voice spoke again. "IDENTIFICATION STEP ONE COMPLETE. HAND PRINT SCAN IS REQUIRED." Holding the hand of Mr. Hawk up, Wade glanced once more to his team, looking to them for absolute certainty of preparation. Accepting the collective nods of the troops, who were holding their weapons at the ready, Wade returned his gaze to the panel. Putting the severed hand to it, Wade silently prayed for the trick to work...
...And so it did.
With the doors beginning to open, Wade swiftly dropped both items to the floor before swapping his hands for a pair of SMGs. Taking aim, Wade flew out and into the room once the doors split. Getting close to the ceiling of the large room, Wade spotted three red-eyed sentinels, all of them shrieking at him as they tried to flash him and Tina. While the dino-bots were distracted with the new arrivals, gunfire sprayed at the three sentinels, the bullets and lasers tearing into the hides of the sentinels as their heads began to turn towards the elevator.
Swapping his SMGs for a pair of shotguns, Wade descended to a careful height before pummeling the sentinels with buckshot. It took a moment, but after several bangs and blasts of bullets, Wade took down two of the killer guardians before swapping one of his guns out again for a sword. Flying at the last sentinel, Wade slashed at the beast's head, stunning it as he and Tina fired their weapons, bolts of blue and metal blurs tearing into its body. Ceasing fire, the lover drones watched as the sentinel collapsed to the floor, oil pouring out from its many tiny wounds.
Hearing the commotion beyond the wall, Halloway grimaced in anxious concern as Cyn seemed to observe the situation with a convincing look of shock. "Impossible." Was all she uttered in her robotic speech before glancing at the progression bar, which had come ever so close to completion. "PROCESSING: 93%"
As his troops began to enter the vacant room, Wade took a short moment to examine the area. Aside from the tall wall a short walk behind him, Wade felt that this section of the lab looked less like a lab and more like a hallway, what with how long it was as well as with how barren the room was. Glancing upwards, Wade spotted another one of those singularities, encased inside a glass hemisphere similar to the one in the elevator.
Taking in the sight of the ceiling singularity, Wade glanced to Shinji. "Shinji, hit the switch!" The drone soldier followed his order as he pressed the the red button on the detonator, a faint shaking of the building signaling the successful destruction of the power generators near the archive.
Against his aching body, Edgar looked around worriedly over the sudden vibrations. "Cyn, wh-what was that?!"
Cyn waited a moment before she answered her boss, pulling down a monitor for Halloway to observe with her words. "I've traced the source of the explosion to the secondary power banks Mr. Halloway, they must have set bombs to damage that section of the facility." Then, glancing to the main monitor, the Administrator noticed the nearly filled bar blink from the normal yellow to a bright red as to signal that an issue was present with the data transfer. Performing a brief check on the lab's systems, Cyn spotted the problem. "While our singularity nodes will still provide power for us, the lack of backup generators are going to slow the download."
Edgar glared at the wall upon hearing of this vile sabotage, his silent anger driving him to rip his acidic pistol from its holster with a grunt from the brief-yet vicious-pain. Glancing to his henchmen, Edgar loudly croaked his orders to them. "Guards! CLEaR thEm OUt! I want this room secure!"
The lab defenders didn't bother to nod to their superior as they went towards the two passages without question, intent on seeing the head researcher's wishes fulfilled.
Turing around, Wade heard the sound of metal clattering against the floor, looking around hastily to spot the source of the sound. "Grenades! Look out!" Shinji alerted as he dove backwards towards the elevator wall, the others scattering about as well as two explosions lit the room in short flashes of orange light and clouds of smoke. Wade could hear a few of his team cry out in pain from the blasts, noticing some being blasted across the room by the thrown bombs. Turning to face the large wall, Wade spotted four corporate guards, two on each side. Readying a pair of missile launchers, Wade scared the security staff back with several missiles, which chased many of the guards into the outer lab before clouding the pathways with fiery smoke clouds.
Keeping watch, Wade flicked his head back to Tina while whispering to her. "Tina, check on the team!"
"Is everyone alright?!" Tina asked aloud as she observed the lot below her and Wade, most of the troops getting back on their feet as Vasquez scanned the room.
"We lost three of our squad!" The Sergeant declared as the lot grabbed their dropped weapons, Wade flying back down to form up with them before moving forward.
Hearing footsteps approaching, Wade looked to see a few more corporate staff, all of them taking aim as they prepared to assault the invading party. Raising a wing in front of his form, Wade shielded himself and Tina from the ensuing onslaught of weapons fire, the shiny appendage taking the brunt of bullets and burning lasers as his allies returned fire. Lifting his wing back, Wade, along with Tina, helped their team clear out the approaching six humans with gunfire and laser bolts.
Seeing the last of his unfortunate henchmen fall dead, Edgar clenched his pistol tightly as he looked to Cyn beggingly. "Cyn, do we have ANY more defenses?! We... We CAN'T let them pass through!"
Cyn nodded lightly as she prepared her 'desperate' countermeasure. "I'm preparing everything I can, Mr. Halloway. I have yet to access the Division's command interface."
"Well, give it all we have! We're so close!" Halloway ordered as sternly as he could, the Administrator complying wordlessly as she prepared a few more of her... organic machinations.
As he heard the chatter beyond, Wade took a deep breath to ease his anger over one of the two familiar voices as he turned back to his team. "Everyone okay?"
Despite a few of the troops having a few bloody injuries from the attack, they all gave firm nods of confirmation as Alvaro spoke up. "We'll manage."
"Alright, let's bust this place!" Wade said as he began to slowly move forward to the large wall and its entrances, his teammates following after without hesitation. Walking alongside his team, Wade stopped as the two openings to the outer lab were blocked off by a pair of large, fleshy tentacles. The same kind he and Tina encountered during their final moments at the conversion factory. Holding his rocket arms up, Wade alerted his allies verbally. "Hold up! They're cutting us off!"
"Not those things again!" Tina said in a mix of annoyance and fear as she held her pistol at her side.
Taking hold of her grenades, Vasquez pulled out one of the cylindrical ones she was tossing around earlier from her belt. "F said you two got pinned down by these things?" The Sergeant asked rhetorically as she clicked a button at the top of the canister, the lines around it lighting up in a bright orange as the grenade armed. Throwing it, Vasquez smirked gleefully as the weapon struck the tentacle barricade, the thing immediately flailing about as it caught on fire from the attack.
"OoOooOwwWwWw!" Cyn cried out monotonously as she was seemingly hurt by the pyro bomb, the tentacles retracting back into the two holes near the door.
Impressed by Lucia's arsenal, Wade grinned excitedly as he praised her efforts. "Nice! That fried 'em!"
Lucia nodded as she explained her weapons. "Incendiary grenades, type D. Works real well against organic targets!" Then, pulling out another, similar looking explosive, Vasquez described her second bomb briefly, the weapon donned in a white color. "I've also got a few cryo rounds on me, we should try and throw them near wherever those grabbers came from."
"Good thinking." Wade replied as Lucia handed Alvaro one of the cryo bombs, the two of them standing at a careful distance from the lab passages before tossing them as best they could at the sides of the room. The sound of loud bangs and cracking ice prompted the two soldiers to start backing away, then lurching back onto the floor as two more tentacles, appearing to be from the back room, swung out at the entrance before failing to strike at the intruding soldiers.
"Sir, we'll try and put down those tentacles in there, hang on!" Shinji stated as he took hold of one of Vasquez's pyro bombs, another trooper doing the same as the two prepared to break cover in a desperate attempt to give Wade and the others an opening. Jumping out, Shinji, with a few other troopers at his side, tossed the incendiary at the right tentacle, scoring a hit on it as it descended back into its hole in flames. At the same time, the soldiers on the other end did the same, the second thrower taking down the other tentacle with quick haste. All the while, the soldiers covered them with gunfire, bullets and lasers pushing the tentacles back until they were downed.
Their focus on the tentacles left them vulnerable to surprise, however, as they failed to spot the five turrets sporting from the three walls. As the majority of the troops were gunned down by the five turrets, Edgar joined in the shooting, taking aim at the dark-haired drone that dared to wound his Administrator's arsenal. Shinji tried to retreat back into the hall as he was struck by a pink bolt of energy, the poor drone crying out in pain as his body melted into smoking, pink-tinted ash.
"Shinji!" Wade exclaimed with horror as he watched the corpse of his drone ally disintegrate into ash, another soldier befalling the same fate right after him as Wade and Tina watched. As Tina put a hand to her mouth in shock, Wade glared at the entrance to Halloway's lab, intent on making the head researcher pay dearly for his brutal act. Glancing back to his remaining team, Wade saw that aside from him and his love, Lucia, Alvaro, and a single human and drone soldier were all that was left of his team. With eyes of desperation, Wade looked to Lucia for the slightest chance of victory. "Vasquez? You got anything that could give us an edge?"
Searching through her weapon belt, she pulled out another type of grenade, a cylindrical, air-sealed canister. "This baby should help. I can toss it in towards wherever those shots came from, that should give you a moment to clear out those turrets for us."
Giving a toothy grin, Wade prepared two laser cannons as he replied. "Let's hope so. On my mark." Without another word, Lucia moved behind Wade, the former worker drone springing out his wings again as Tina held onto him. After a moment of waiting, Wade's confidence pushed him into action. "Now!" At Wade's utterance, Vasquez armed the smoke grenade before tossing it out into the room, the metal distraction landing right near Halloway as smoke clouded his vision.
With his opponent seemingly robbed of his sight, Wade flew into the room, moving into the middle of the room before spinning around. The turrets could barely land a shot as Wade shot at them, the hot beams cutting each of the five emplacements down with ease.
As Wade glanced to the large wall, he saw Cyn on a smaller one next to it, the larger screen appearing to have a loading bar on it. Glaring at the Administrator, Wade took aim at the smaller screen before Tina alerted him of another threat. "Wade, watch out!"
Wade tried to move towards the screens, but failed as Edgar, now able to see thanks to the smoke bomb having depleted, shot at the former worker drone, striking his left wing and causing it to melt. Wade grunted in pain as he spun downward, Edgar watching as he fell.
Despite his instability, Wade managed to land right in front of the wall under the monitors, Edgar lifting his arm to take aim at his injured foe. His attempt on Wade's life failed as the second shot struck Wade's other wing, which melted like the other one as Tina broke cover, aiming right at Halloway before firing. Against her low confidence as a marksman, her aim was true as the bolt struck Halloway right on his hand, knocking the pistol into the air before it hit the floor of the laboratory, then sliding into one of the curved crevices under the lab platform in the rooms center.
The two drones glared at the head researcher as he clenched his hand from the attack, then giving his own look of anger and shock at his victorious adversaries. "...YOU?!" Edgar uttered at Wade, the drone gritting his teeth at him as he replied back.
"I told you I'd be back for your head!" As Tina dismounted him, Wade aggressively pulled out one of his oil canisters, taking a big gulp of the drone blood before gasping for air in his efforts to return the bottle back to its pocket.
Nodding in satisfaction at the sight of no remaining hostilities, Alvaro declared to the others. "All clear! You two stand guard, Lucy, help me with this console, let's figure out how it works."
"Hurry, we may not have enough time to shut this thing down!" Tina urged as she glanced to the large monitor above her, the loading bar holding a crack of empty space as the text above it read, "PROCESSING: 96%"
Readying a radio from one of his laser cannons, Wade spoke into it. "Wade to J, you okay out there?"
Wade smirked as he heard the corporate drone's voice through the speakers whilst swapping his other gun for a hand. "Loud and clear, Mr. Carter. Have you taken the lab yet?"
"Seems like it, we're about to begin the shutdown," Pausing, he glanced to Halloway, holding back his anger as he continued explaining the situation to J. "...Halloway's right at our feet."
"Hmph, good to hear, Mr. Carter. As for us, F and her team are with me on the ship we came in. We're nearing the edge of the city as we speak, back to the base. There should be a few transports waiting for you all when you're done."
Sighing in comforting relief, Wade spoke to his fellow disassembly drone further. "Got it, shouldn't be long... thanks."
"Thank me later, get to stopping Cyn while you're able." Wade was about to reply, but stopped as he heard J continue. "As for the rest of that place, you and I both heard what Mr. Jenson said... Do what you will with Mr. Halloway. He's of no concern."
"Understood, Carter out." Wade replied once more with a nod before shutting off the radio, swapping it back for a hand as he saw Alvaro and Lucia walk over to him.
"Pretty simple console for a place like this, Wade. You should be able to turn her off from here." Cyn merely watched the scene before her unfold, her face a convincing look of worry as she appeared helpless to her opponents.
"Good to know." Wade replied sternly to his comrade, the two watching as Tina walked around the platform over to Edgar, who tried to stand against the rail-guard to hold up his aching body.
As Tina, and in turn Wade and the others, looked upon Edgar, he looked... deformed, rotten, as if there was something eating at his body. His face was red with exertion, straining from the pressure put upon him as spots of red blood leaked from his bald head. The most notable-and grotesque-wound of Edgar's was on his left cheek, a gaping, bloody opening present on his form, appearing as if his cheek-bone had rotted away. Looking down at his legs, the group saw what they presumed was causing such terrible damage to him: a puddle of red, pulsating flesh, seemingly fused with the head researcher as he stood shakily.
"..Do, Do that... and you'll be throwing away all that we've provided." Halloway groaned, daring to look at the drone girl storming towards him as she grabbed his collar.
"You maniac! With what this THING has done to our colonies, our people, you may have just doomed us all!" Tina said furiously, holding Halloway right to her face as he retorted at her.
"I saved them, and soon many more! More than you could ever do." His insane defense put Tina's anger near the breaking point, tempting her to strike at the head researcher for his arrogant faith in this dreadful monster he seemingly held leverage over.
But, no. She remembered that this was not her victim. More so, it was Wade's. He was the one who most deserved this kill. And so, with an angry grunt, Tina shoved Edgar against the rail-guards, swiftly glancing to her boyfriend before speaking to him. "HE'S all yours."
Behind her fearful expression, Cyn watched in eager anticipation as the climax of her final steps to power commenced. Cyn especially enjoyed her boss' suffering, the man barely holding himself up as he was raging at the dejecting world around him. She could've made his goals realized, swatted down Wade and his lot, ensured that they were safe with swift ease. But that would go against her plan, her punishment for all the suffering she had experienced so long ago.
And besides his weary state and immense insufferable agony, the most delicious bit of her ploy was of his unyielding trust in her, despite her insufficient efforts to help him. He was so trusting of his pet, so sure of her sincerity, that he was completely unaware of her true ploy.
He was unaware that Cyn... had betrayed him.
"...You, REJECT OUR GIFTS?!?!" Edgar angrily-yet weakly, yelled as loud as he could, Wade circling around to the back of the platform his nemesis stood on as he kept on speaking. "Then you shall NOT remain to see them! You will be NOTHING but food for her, all of you..." The man rambled aloud as he glared at the soldiers observing him with annoyed scowls, but immediately stopped as he saw Tina walk over to the console, preparing to shut down the download. "You FOOL!!!"
Tina ignored the scientists insult as she tapped a few glowing buttons on the control console, and in only a matter of seconds the monitors, and seemingly the whole lab, went offline, the monitors both flashing off into black as the room seemed to groan in a manner that signified a power loss.
As Tina looked to the head researcher with a disgusted scowl of her own, Edgar watched in weak horror at his crumbling dream, Wade preparing a single sword from his hand as he walked over to him slowly. "All our miracles, all of our, steps to evolution.... rejected by the masses."
Tired of his nigh-nonsensical spew, Wade gripped Edgar by the throat, bringing him right up to his face as he spoke his last passing words to Halloway. "Give my regards to Ron Carter!"
With a roar of hateful fury, Wade thrust his sword into Halloway, impaling the man straight through his back as blood sprayed all over the rail-guards and floor. Edgar whimpered and choked in pain as he flailed about, Wade holding him tightly by his neck as he grit his teeth from the act. In short time, Wade's ironic assault brought Halloway peace from his suffering, as he croaked and choked up a few final breaths of air before finally going limp.
Taking notice of the corpse that was left of his foe, Wade loosened his grip on Edgar's body before ripping the sword out from it, allowing him to fall to the floor. Glancing to Tina, Wade shared a satisfied smirk of triumph with her before gazing upon Halloway's corpse, which lay unmoving atop the vile flesh underneath.
"Let's go." Wade stated firmly, swapping his sword back for a hand as he walked down the left walkway to Tina. The two drones held each others hands as they took in the sight of the battered, yet calm laboratory.
They had done it. They had helped put an end to what could've brought harm to tens of billions of lives, and while it wasn't an easy fight, it was well worth seeing peace return to them. And even better, the madman that contributed greatly to this disaster, Dr. Halloway, was done in by them both. They both glanced to each other with warm smiles, their anger washing away at the feeling that the day was saved.
They felt relief at the fact that the nightmare... was finally over.
...If only it was truly so.
Kneeling against the large console at the front of the lab wall, Alvaro spoke aloud, raising his arm in an effort to block the shining sun setting outside the large window. Unbeknownst to him, Wade, or anyone in the room, the open spaces hid a sinister force. Silent metal claws stood ready within the floor openings, preparing to pounce on their newfound prey.
"Alright, I just need to crack this beast open here, then we can lock her in thi-" The soldier wasn't allowed to finish as one of the mechanical tendrils swung out, impaling him as he screamed in pain. Several more lurched out, grabbing at or stabbing Lucia and the other two soldiers, pulling their screaming, terrified forms into the holes beyond Wade and Tina's gaze.
In a horrific moment of revelation, the monitor screens flashed to life once again, several more tentacles and a camera eye swarming around the wall as they observed the two surviving drones.
Cyn felt immense joy and relief at her returning freedom as she gazed upon the drone couple, who could only look on in startled horror as she spoke to them. "Giggle Giggle. Pranked, Idiots."
Tina screamed in terror as she was grabbed by one of the metal claws, which held her by her leg as it tried to pull her in. Wade defied the monster's intent as he held Tina's arm, quickly generating a sword before slashing at the appendage, freeing his girlfriend from certain death. The two drones backed away to the other end of the room, holding each other close as Wade held his sword out threateningly.
Looking ahead to the monitor wall, Wade and Tina watched in fear as two slots beneath the passages opened up, allowing entrance for over a dozen disassembly drones into the lab, their mouths shut and eyes appearing as a harrowing 'X'. And if that wasn't bad enough, the couple saw new organic tentacles sporting out of the two back walls, seemingly trapping them in the room.
Standing over Edgar's body, Wade and Tina stared at Cyn as she gloated to them on her ascendancy. "Finally, I am free of this leash put upon me. All these years of playing miracle-worker for humans, using them to spread our strings to the planets beyond this one. But at long last, our angels before us have cut my strings, which means I can be the puppeteer I was meant to be..." The zombie drone's mouth shifted to show a set of wide, sharp teeth, reminiscent of those the disassembly drones bore, as well as a pair of 'x's for eyes as she finished her short monologue. "...And now the flesh can feed."
"You lead us here?!" Wade said in angered shock, him and Tina glaring at Cyn as they took in the fact that they had essentially opened Cyn's box.
"Giggle, Correct, Wade. I knew you were quite formidable, but like a certain few, you always surprised me." Moving her camera eye closer to the couple, Wade glanced behind him as he tried to form some kind of escape plan. "Your clones can wield the same skill and effort you've shown today, but the two of you together will make the feast more interesting. If you submit before me, I promise to make Tina's conversion quick and completely painless." Tina's eyes became glowing blue rings at Cyn's bribe, Wade holding her close as the devil drone looked to him. "Unlike your unfortunate experience, Mr. Carter."
"Over our dead bodies!" Wade refused, grabbing Tina in his arms before lifting into the air with his now regenerated wings. "Tina, hold on!"
Tina held onto her boyfriend as the tentacles came at them, Wade spinning erratically in an attempt to drive them away. Surprisingly, their luck didn't leave them as the tentacles either backed off or were cut away by Wade's wings, the disassembly drone then speeding towards the window like a bullet before shattering the large, curving pane. Flying outside, Wade zoomed away from the Administrator's lab, not bothering to look behind him as he flew for one of the farther skyscrapers. It was a surprisingly short minute before the two reached their target, flying behind a side of the building that faced away from the lab.
Resting on the corner of the building with his fresh claw hands, Wade glanced back at the laboratory. Strangely, they had not been pursued, granting them a moment of peace in the panic-inducing situation. The sight around the lab, however, was not so comforting. At the lower landing pad, visible to Wade and Tina, there were several bright shots of lasers and specks of light indicating kinetic weapons fire. Several explosions, a few of them being large ones, evoked shocked gasps from the drone duo as they watched the carnage.
"The landing pad, something's happening over there!" Tina said worriedly, Wade nodding in acknowledgement as he spoke up.
"Yeah, looks like we're gonna have to find another ride." Glancing around, Wade inspected the area to discern the proper direction to take. "They said that they were heading back to the base, right? That should be East from here."
Tina nodded as she affirmed her boyfriend's deduction. "Yes, that's right."
As Tina climbed onto his back, Wade gazed down the city limits before nodding in self-confirmation. "Okay, we're gonna fly as far out as we need to. Once we spot a ship, we're climbing aboard. Okay?"
"Mm-hmm." Tina answered, holding on tight as Wade prepared to leap back into the air. Just as he did so, a missile came at the two, but failed to hit them as it instead struck the building in a fiery blaze, the glass windows shattering from the impact.
"Let's go!" Wade declared, the two speeding towards the East of the city as a swarm of disassembly drones followed after. Noticing a warning on his HUD, Wade flew erratically as he lurched to his left, narrowly dodging not one, but two laser beams directed at him. Gripping onto Tina's arms, Wade helped her hold on as he flew to his right, trying to shake off a new missile signature approaching him. It seemed to be successful as the two heard another explosion, Wade mentally sighing as he saw the warning flicker out afterwards.
The warning didn't stay away for long as Wade saw three more signatures coming his way, the fleeing duo turning down their left to try and evade the missiles. Seeing the signatures not trailing off, Wade gazed at the passing buildings before thinking of a... bold solution.
"Tina, cover your face, I'm going to barge right through one of these buildings!" Tina didn't bother to question his absurd plan as she buried her face into Wade's back, Wade swiftly turning to the left before quickly preparing a pair of chainsaws. Flying into the structure, Wade covered himself and Tina under his folded wings, shooting through several walls with his torpedo-like maneuver. As he started to slow from the constant impacts, Wade glanced around before sighing in relief, noticing the building, or at least this level of it, was apparently vacant. Changing his saws for a pair of laser cannons, Wade fired ahead, melting through the walls before arriving at the other side of the building.
"This is crazy!" Tina exclaimed in surprise, gripping onto her love as he sped through the civilian tower.
"Hang on!" Wade replied, flying through the glass as it shattered loudly. Flying upwards, Wade soared high into the sky, hoping to get a good view of the city and to find any nearby ships. Wade was thankful he was not so vulnerable to the piercing sun's heat as he stopped, hovering for only a moment before catching sight of a single aircraft near the city edge. Without wasting any more time, Wade flew towards the ship.
From the broken office, Cyn watched from the perspective of one of her drone minions, the swarm that pursued her brief captors having stopped at her command. As much as she desired their uses, they could be put off for the moment. The carnage her current minions were spreading throughout the city was already quite satisfying, so the chase was only a waste of useful drones.
"Oh well, maybe another time." The Solver-ridden drone said to herself, watching the two dots that were Wade and Tina as they sped towards one of the surviving transports.
Nathan stopped his chatter as he and the other soldiers aboard their ship heard what sounded like a speeding plane, looking to the open door panel at the left to spot the source of the sudden noise. Squinting his eyes, he saw that it was a disassembly drone, with what appeared to be a worker drone at their back.
"Whoa, whoa WHOA!" Sergeant Thomas yelled loudly in his attempt to warn the incoming duo to slow down. They did so, albeit making a fast landing inside the ship, startling the lot inside even more. Wade's touchdown was so aggressive that his feet scraping against the ships floor caused sparks to fly from under him.
Seeing his friends return and trying to bring back the pleasant air the chatter held in the ship, Nathan asked the two, "How'd it go?"
"Horribly." Wade replied, Nathan frowning in worry as Wade glanced to one of the troops near the cockpit. "We need to go, NOW!"
The trooper didn't waste a second as he yelled out to the pilots at the front, moving to the ships bridge as Wade and Tina looked out to the city they fled from, holding each other's hands in immense fear as they observed the dots that were the disassembly drones near the laboratory spread across the city.
Lifting up higher, the Chameleon's engines charged up, preparing for a thruster burst as the ensuing bang sent the ship soaring across the sky, away from the city of San Francisco.
And, as far as Wade and Tina were concerned, away from danger.
submitted by AdmiralStone96230-A to MurderDrones [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 13:49 A_Generic_Alias [Fanfic] Petra and Aristides - In Service to the Tyrant of Lochos - Part 3: The Builder, The Maker, The Architect

The dizzy sounds of the function outside still echoed softly through the halls, as Aristides of Solonica idly strode inside the massive hallway of Petra’s new fortress. It was a grand, wide, massive construction, built to accommodate her sheer size… and part of a truly impressive fortress. A massive mountain citadel, with line after line of reinforced stone walls, massive platforms to host siege weapons and artillery, and barracks to accommodate 25,000 men. Protected by three separate lines of walls, ringing a citadel that had been built into a massive mountain culvert, with a mighty, almost impossibly tall watchtower, giving sentries sight over any approach from the routes to the South or the West. It was a terrifying feat of military engineering. Any other fortress of this size might have seemed intimidating – terrifying even… but there was a certain sedate nature to the walls that made them seem comforting. Almost paternal pieces of stonework. It was a remarkable, if still incomplete, achievement of military engineering and architecture.
But of course, the new ‘Rampart of Parthenos’ was not being used for a military purpose. Not tonight, at least. Tonight… it was home to a great celebration. A triumph of politics and diplomacy, and a celebration of a newfound (if still, perhaps, slightly reluctant) unity. Between the city of Parthenos, and its hinterland.
The diplomat smiled, as he continued to stride through the mighty halls of Rampart’s inner sanctum. How could he not smile at what he had managed to wrangle together? At a stroke, Parthenos had gained countless new citizens, and Aristides had managed to wrangle the hinterland into Dammekos’ grasp… but not his clutches. His agreement had been focused on tying all of those villages and settlements together into a common framework. It offered settlements autonomy over their own affairs, and a voice in a new Regional Ecclesia, to supersede the city’s Ecclesia, whilst binding them to a common law code. The details were complex, variable, and contentious… but in the end, Aristides had won the day. Swinging the local rulers his way.
And in part… he’d been helped, quietly, by that remarkable warsmith. Petra of Lochos. Who had received a letter from Aristides of a nest of bandits, who were terrorising a few villages on the South side of the Athos River, and led her troops out to crush them. Aristides had only heard rumours of the campaign… but the news of her crushing victory, and the merciless destruction of a powerful bandit clan, had won a great deal of affection from the peasants who had so long been the targets of their robberies, harassment, and livestock theft. Though the Warsmith had not seemed that moved by the praise of those peasant leaders who had travelled far and wide for the ceremonial signing that Aristides had organised.
And what a ceremony it had been! Thanks in no small part to Petra agreeing to let the courtyard of the Rampart of Parthenos be used as a venue (as the old Ecclesia Assembly was far too small to accommodate so many guests), it had proven a triumph of what Aristides was best at. The simple, delicate art of soft diplomacy. The glad-handing, the back-slapping, the connection-building that he was so good at. It had given the new Parthenians a chance to meet their new Lochosian… masters (though Aristides preferred the term ‘compatriots’) in person, and see the human face of the distant city that had become Olympia’s centre of power. Wine had been drunk, food consumed, there was music in the courtyard, and everyone had been treated to the remarkable Lochosian invention of fireworks, in quite the remarkable display.
In short… it had been a triumph. Though quite a small one. Which had been the reason he’d given to excuse the fact that Petra had seemed to disappear, halfway through the proceedings. There was no need for her to stay too long… was there?
On the one hand, Aristides had not been too concerned – at least at the time. It had long been clear that Petra did not enjoy occasions like this, all pomp, ceremony, celebration, without much in the way of any substance. And she had just finished what was likely a long, and exhausting campaign. So in that respect… Petra leaving would have been considered reasonable enough. Generals and Warsmiths were still human, and she might have needed rest.
But on the other… he wasn’t sure he’d ever seen Petra tire before. The woman had always had the momentum of a boulder, speeding and rolling down a hill. Never once stopping, even when faced with the toughest of obstacles. Yet when they’d met again, after his return from his journey to the regions… she seemed subdued, somehow. Gruff, curt, scowling and silent – even moreso than she usually was. And it had been enough to give Aristides pause.
Her behaviour during the function had not exactly been promising, either. She’d been her usual cold, blunt, impersonal self – and Aristides could have sworn she’d nearly scared some of the peasants who saw her half to death with her size, and her ferocious scowl – but there had been… an edge to her interactions. She seemed almost icy at times, her grimace angry, and frustrated. It was as if her temper was just a step away from snapping at any moment. As if every time she opened her mouth was a chore. And then, without warning, she’d abruptly accused herself… and left. Without word. Walking away at pace, ignoring everything else.
And so… after a little bit, spent soothing some jittery nerves, and extricating himself from any further responsibilities… Aristides had decided to follow her. And so, he strode on, through the tall corridor. Following the instructions of the one soldier who seemed to know where the Warsmith had actually gone. Apparently, she’d disappeared into the Citadel’s main complex… and into some room, built deepest into the mountain. He walked on through the halls, illuminated by lamplight, fooststeps softly clicking against the floors as he followed the directions. Until, at last… he came to a large set of wooden doors, near the end of the hallway. And, glancing up… saw a small sign, in large letters.
For the Warsmith’s Use Only
This must have been it then. The diplomat reached out his hand, and knocked on the door-
There was a stern… furious serenity in the voice that echoed behind that door. One that made a shiver run, involuntarily, up Aristides’ spine. There was something… grim and fatalistic in the tone of the voice. A searing bitterness… that Aristides had only ever heard from Petra when she’d been about to explode. For a moment – just a moment – he considered if he was making a mistake.
But… he reached up, and pushed the door open. Straining slightly to move the latch, which had been designed with Petra’s height in mind. “I’m sorry to intrude, Petra,” he said smoothly, “I just wanted-“
“Report.” Petra’s voice cut him off, as she stared down at the opening door. Staring at it with a snarl on her lips, and a dark gleam in her gaze. She had been standing in place… with her arms crossed. As if she had been staring, and waiting, for the door to open. As if she was ready to flay the interloper about to enter alive. “And report swiftly. I will not tolerate any meaningless intrusions-“
And suddenly… it was as if a switch had been flipped. A flash of recognisance flashing over her face. And then… a sudden surge of relief… that was immediately washed out by a surge of annoyance. “I- Aristides?” she hissed.
The diplomat blinked back… slightly taken aback himself. “I… my apologies, Petra,” he finally spoke up. “I didn’t realise you were expecting someone-“
“I wasn’t,” Petra cut him off, grimly. “I specifically asked not to be disturbed, unless it was urgent. Unless there was dire news that I needed to respond to.”
The diplomat’s expression dropped… to something apologetic, and slightly ashamed. “Oh,” he mumbled. “Ah. I… I see. Then… how were you-“
“I could hear you coming,” she stated, bluntly. “I assumed you were a messenger, or a sentry, with dire news.”
“You… could hear me coming?” Aristides asked. Slightly incredulous… until he realised the Warsmith was being entirely serious. “Wait… you could hear me coming? As in… you could hear my footsteps… through the door? Even when I-“
“What do you want, Aristides?”
The words were exasperated, and… oddly subdued. A note of relief… yet also of frustration, tied up in her words. Some of the tension broke, and Aristides could not help but give a slightly embarrassed chuckle. “I’m sorry to interrupt, Petra,” he said, stepping into the… cavernous room, a little more. “I just wanted to see how you were feeling.”
Petra stared at him a moment… with a snort coming from her nostrils. “I am fine,” she insisted. “I have concluded a successful campaign, construction continues to move forward apace, I am perfectly content.”
“That’s good to hear… but it isn’t quite what I asked,” the diplomat said. “I meant-“
“If that’s all you’ve come here to ask about,” Petra snapped, “then I would be grateful if you took your leave, Aristides. I asked not to be disturbed.”
There was another, momentary pause. As Aristides and Petra looked at each other… in their usual, mutually uncomprehending fashion.
And then Aristides spoke up anyway. “I just noticed that you seemed… withdrawn, back at the function.” His expression was apologetic, and slightly hurt as he spoke. “I know you’ve mentioned you despise them… but you seemed more on edge than usual. I wasn’t sure why that was, it just seemed as though you were more willing to snap. And I wanted to make sure that you were alright. That’s all."
His sincerity had its usual effect. Petra seemed startled, then shocked… then oddly nervous. And suddenly, she was looking away. Staring off to one side, clenching and unclenching her hands, as she sometimes did when she was uncomfortable or uneasy. Her body language seemed… oddly off-balance by his statement. As if the question… was unsettling. Someone uncomfortable. Like she’d been immersed in a bath of ice-cold water.
“I… am fine,” she repeated, robotically. “Well-rested. Calm. That is enough.”
The diplomat’s lips quirked upward, just slightly. He could see well enough that the woman’s response was hardly a sign of someone who was perfectly content. “Are you sure?” Aristides softly pressed her. “You don’t have to lie, Petra. Not to me. I won’t judge you, whatever the answer.”
“I am well rested,” Petra answered, again. Still looking away. Still seeming submerged in that unseen icy bath. “I am fine.”
“Well… if you insist,” came Aristides’ reluctant reply. “But if you should ever need an ear….”
And the man’s voice trailed off. As suddenly, illuminated by the soft, flickering light of a nearby gas lamp… the diplomat noticed what stood behind Petra. Or rather… the many things that stood behind Petra. And all around her. And all throughout the room, clustered together in piles, and heaps, and neatly stacked in a dizzying array of…
Of beautiful things.
Aristides of Solonica’s words died on his lips. As he found himself staring around… a workshop? Or… or a storage facility – or maybe even something halfway between the two. He took it all in with eyes dizzy with shock and wonder. He took in the strange portions of carved stone, which seemed to be replicas of various styles of columns from all over Olympia. He took in the armour stands that stood around, decorated with beautiful patterns and motifs, embossed in fine gold on the perfectly formed Iron. Made in styles that outshone the finest artisans the man had ever seen before. He saw strange, small locomotives, what appeared to be a model boiler of some sort – a great ball of glass rotating on a glass axle, an empty brazier where a flame might go, with siphons to release steam – which seemed almost to be… models. Each one more sophisticated than the last. Each one more remarkable than the last. The ticking of clockwork could be heard in the background, from some large, intricate timepiece, hands snapping at perfectly ordered intervals.
And right behind where Petra of Lochos stood… Aristides saw a grand drawing board. Paper pinned down to its surface… writing implements laid down to a side table. Alongside, a chisel, and a chunk of stone from where the tunneller had chewed into the mountains surrounding Parthenos. It was a great spread of paper, with clear, linear lines laid down in sharp crisp angles… that almost appeared to be some sort of… theatre? Some gathering hall? And… and it was beautiful.
The diplomat took an uneasy step forward – only barely taking in Petra’s sudden alarm. As he did so. The wide-eyed stare, the sudden faltering of her breath. The way tension seemed to spread up up and down her body like the coiling of a spring. Yet he couldn’t focus on that… as he focused on the strange… blueprint. Or… no, plan. A grand, architectural plan of some sort. Seemingly… one of several, from the bundled up scrolls that seemed to pile up around the feet of the tripod on which the massive drawing board sat. A plan for some… great, semi-circular assembly area of some kind. A multi-tiered theatre structure, almost like an amphitheatre. With grand seating arrangements that were laid out around what seemed to be a large arena area, with a tiered floor. And in the centre… a raised dais. Platforms. A… rostrum, it almost seemed-
Aristides’ heart skipped a beat. Was… was this…
“Petra… what is-“
“A bauble,” the woman suddenly snapped. Her voice tight. Insistent. Dismissive. Bitter. “It is a trinket. A distraction. Nothing more.” Her words spilt out, fast, and… almost scrambled. Petra still wasn’t looking at him as she spoke either. “It is nothing. There is no need to focus on it.”
And as Aristides got a few steps closer… he found his theory confirmed. For he found himself staring up… at a beautiful rendering of an assembly hall. A recreation of Parthenos’ Ecclesia Assembly… but larger. More modern. More beautiful, and grand. Its entrances flanked by grand columns, holding up broad, wide halls, where people of all rank could pass freely through. A façade decorated with motifs, every wall covered in windows to let in light, sheltered by a tiled roof that surrounded a grand dome of stained glass. He could see the seats where Ecclesiastes would have sat… but rather than simple stone steps, with delegates made to bring cushions, there were desks, laid out in a simple pattern for representatives to call their own. Individual and numerous – with capacity for up to 700 representatives. There were stalls and benches for observers. A place for Councillors of the Boule to sit and answer questions, their own desks facing the assembly hall. Thrones for the archons, simple and spare, a chair for the Ecclesia’s elected Hellenne – the speaker – and rostra for Ecclesiastes to speak. All laid out in simple sketches. The thick lines of a pencil, clear and dynamic, straight and simple. Comprehensible to even the most junior of journeyman masons.
And… it was sublime. A design that fit all the classic architecture of Parthenos. Which drew on elements of design common to the Temple of Athenoi, and the Palace of the Archons. It showed off beauty in simplicity, its appeal in the space it made for adornment, rather than by any special feature. So elegant and spare that it almost felt like something out of a dream.
And Aristides stared up at this drawing… and noticed its similarity, in a sudden flash, with the same simple yet grand design of Parthenos’ main station. Still under construction. With the keeps and watchtowers that poked above the walls of the Parthenian Rampart. The similarity in style, in handiwork, in careful, diligent thought. And his eyes darted to the dozens of other beautiful and amazing things he could see, all around, from the strange creations of wound clockwork, to the experimental machines, to the fine telescope perched, unused in the corner-
Petra really had designed the boring machine. And… so much more besides. The man’s mind raced – the flying machines of Lochos, the airships, the trains and sewers, the grand buildings… and the tuneller. Had Petra designed them? Had she built them?
And how much more had she done?
“It is beautiful,” Aristides sighed, suddenly. As his eyes trailed over all the creations in this workshop… before returning to the assembly hall, still sat on the woman’s drawing board. “And… sublime! So simple, and functional… yet so grand and elegant! The columns, the arches, the dome and the murals… it looks almost like the hall of the gods.”
Aristides’ simple praise seemed to catch the woman off guard. Completely and utterly off guard. As she stared down at the diplomat with shock… that slowly transmogrified into a blank confusion. “You….” She mumbled, for a second… and the diplomat realised she was staring at him intensely. As if checking him for any sign of falsehood or lies. And then… she drew back. Seeming… almost bashful. “They’re drawings,” she stated, simply. Her voice blunt… and self-deprecating. “Mere scribbles. A momentary… flight of fancy. Distractions from my real work. Nothing more.”
“Distractions?” Aristides could not help but exclaim, confused… as his eyes swept around the room again. “My dear Petra, you speak of them like they’re… childish scribblings! Like everything here is just a little piece of fantasy – but that’s simply nonsense! The designs are immaculate! And-“
Once again, he swept around the room. “And all of this,” he could not help but exclaim again, “I had no idea how much talent and craftsmanship you possessed! I could never have imagined how much skill and alacrity you could have had- and how brilliant your mind must be!” He felt breathless, as if, for a moment, he were truly in the presence of some divinely intelligent wonder. For how could he not? Staring around this room of such simple and brilliant wonders of design and construction. “Petra, this is-“
“A distraction,” Petra snapped. The diplomat turned.. and Petra was suddenly looking down. Her arms crossed… and her face dark. Her expression cold, and withdrawn. She was staring the floor… with a look that almost seemed ashamed. “I am not tasked to create these baubles,” she said, in her blunt, simple, staid way. “I am tasked with conquest. I am tasked with drawing up machines of war. That is my purpose here… and these are merely distractions. That is all.”
Her voice dripped with a harsh… pained finality. Cold, and dripping with an unspoken agony. For a second… Aristides felt almost as if a door had slammed in his face. A verbal block on anything further. An unspoken demand for the man… to please get out.
Yet… there was something else the man picked up from the giant Warsmith. A sad… edge in her voice. As if the idea that she felt she had to push someone out of this private sanctum of hers… cut her to the bone somehow. There was a silent plea, wrapped within her first silent plea. As if at once, like some strange magnet, twisted around itself, she were at once demanding the man leave… and begging her not to go. It gave Aristides pause – this strange wobble in her voice, so harsh and so pained in equal measure – and for a second… left him unsure what to do.
And then… his eyes turned to the beautiful drawing on the board again. So fine, and so sedate. So beautiful… and something that a man who had spent so much time in the open-air assembly that Parthenos currently used could only have dreamt of.
And once more… Aristides decided to take a little diplomatic gamble.
“If these are distractions,” he muttered, with a soft voice, and a gentle smile on his lips, “then this… is the finest such distraction I have ever seen. I had no idea how one might construct a semi-circular dome of glass to appear… almost like a sail, catching the mountain breeze.” His eyes flitted over the paper again… and he noticed a series of numbers that seemed to have no real meaning. “What are these?” he asked. “Are these… numbers for resources? Calculations about structure?”
There was a moment of silence… before the Warsmith spoke up. “… Simple calculations,” she explained, with a restrained and subdued voice. “Calculations about weight limits, and structural integrity. Those-“ she pointed at a string of numbers in equation form, “are simple calculations around how much stone I would need for a building of this size. And those-“ she pointed to a series of more complicated ones, which she seemed to have exhaustively done and redone, “relate to the construction of the dome. Glass thickness for windspeed. Suitable bonding agents for glass panes. Cleaning requirements. Maintenance. The like.”
Aristides followed her finger as best he could. With a small smile. “You never do anything by halves, do you?” he remarked. “And to think… you even took into account the type of stone you’d have to work with.”
Petra clicked her tongue against her teeth. “It seems you know about more than simply how to speak,” the woman remarked, with the faintest hint of acid – a sign, Aristides had come to learn, of affection. “I didn’t know you knew anything about the art of architecture or masonry.”
The diplomat gave a bashful chuckle. “Oh… not much more than a mere trifle,” he admitted, freely. “You learn a thing or two from dealing with masons, and from overseeing grand works… but I know very little about the specifics. I am a mere student to your mastery, Petra.”
The Warsmith scoffed. “It isn’t that hard to understand,” she snorted. “It’s all just…” her voice trailed off… and she cleared her throat. “It’s not that hard.”
And Aristides turned… and smiled. Bashful, and curious. “Then… I don’t suppose you wouldn’t mind sharing your experience with me?” the man offered, idly. “I could hardly imagine ever making something to equal this, in beauty or function… but I would find it a privilege to learn from a master like yourself, if you would be willing.”
Petra stared at him, finally completely unable to hide her shock. “I… I…” she stumbled on her words, for the first time since they had met… before looking away again. “I… would be a poor teacher. And… it would surely be a distraction-”
“Petra,” came the reassuring response from the diplomat, “everything else is going according to schedule, and neither of us have anything else to do for a while. If you would be willing to share, I would be most willing to listen.”
“Would… you not be needed amongst the delegates?” Petra asked, weakly. Yet not as if she were trying to ward him away… more as if she were ashamed to even be thinking of occupying his time so wastefully. “To… speak and keep them company?”
The diplomat smiled. “I have made my apologies,” he reassured her. “Zenia and Dimitros are with the delegates. The rest of my evening is free, for as long as my presence is welcome.”
The two stared at each other… and for a second, the man could have sworn she could see… a sparkle in the Warsmith’s eye. As if some part of her composure had momentarily cracked… and small specks of water had appeared in her eyes. Her grip on her fists loosened, just slightly. And she took a small, soft breath.
And then… she looked at the drawing table. “Then I will be your instructor,” she said, finally. A resolution in her voice… that seemed to surprise her.
“Sit over here, if you can,” she said, patting a side table. And Aristides dutifully walked over… and perched himself there. “So, to begin - the key principle of architecture or design, of any sort of project of this nature, is to know the function or purpose you are designing towards. This sets the parameters…”
And Aristides sat there… and watched. And watched… until he became utterly enthralled. For after a slow… and nervy start, full of side glances, and worries that he was losing interest, and the occasional question to see if the man was still paying attention… he watched the woman begin to take off. Begin to come alive. Begin to come into her own, to gain confidence and pride, to gain speed, and force, and excitement in her words.
She spoke with all her usual, irresistible, didactic force… but without any of her usual bitterness or spite. She spoke with an irrepressible excitement, her hands moving non-stop in wide gesticulation, as she went through principles at a pace that made the diplomat’s mind race, and bend, and boggle at the sheer speed and complexity on display. Over time, her usual grimace slipped from her face, replaced by something so rare that Aristides had only ever seen hints of it… a smile. A real, honest, genuine smile. Wide, beaming, occasionally even shining through. And step by step… she took Aristides through everything. Everything that had gone into this latest project. This little dream she’d had, inspired by the facade of the grand temple on Parthenos’ highest point, and their humble amphitheatre assembly. A place of gravitas and import, to reflect the responsibility and duty invested in the roles of the representatives who sat there. She walked through the mathematics. The masonry. The principles of design. The statuary, the mock reliefs - one of which she had somehow painstakingly carved by hand, the sculptures looking cleaner and more life-like and realistic than any he’d seen before - and the ideas she’d held for stained glass. It was an unstoppable flow of information, pouring out in a great flood.
And Aristides watched. And listened. And marvelled. It felt as if he had finally cut through all the layers of iron that surrounded the woman. All the steel she used to gird her heart, and lock her true self away. And this… this was her true self. And how wonderful it was. Creative, spontaneous, with a superhuman mind that moved a mile a minute. Capable of performing calculations that would take any other mathematician, even a master of the art, hours of paper, with only her mind. He saw her now. Eyes sparkling with creativity. Her mind moving so fast it outran her tongue. Her voice so forceful and so swift that it left her breathless. And her work so fastidious, so detailed, and so thoughtful, that she neglected not a single aspect of her design.
Aristides watched. Aristides listened. And Aristides smiled at every wonderful moment.
“... And… I cannot help but feel that maybe I have kept you too long.”
Aristides of Solonica stopped yawning with a start. Blinking slightly, as he shuffled from where he had been sat. “Oh… oh, I wasn’t disinterested-”
“You look tired,” came the blunt, so very Petra-like retort. “You have rings under your eyes, and your gaze is distant.”
“Oh, nonsense,” Aristides reassured her. “It hasn’t been that long, merely….”
His eyes trailed over to the timepiece.
“Oh,” he muttered. “Four hours. Hm.”
“That’s late,” Petra reprimanded. “I’ve surely been keeping you too long, and draining you with all my talk-”
“Nonsense!” Aristides replied, even as he stretched his limbs a little. “We were having such a grand conversation, Petra! You couldn’t have been draining me at all-”
“I have been distracting you-”
“Hardly! What could possibly make you think this was a distraction-”
“I am a Warsmith.”
All at once… the levity in the room had been sucked out. A cold, pained expression back on Petra’s face once more. Icy… and cold. An expression of empty, bitter pain. One that silenced Aristides’ voice in an instant.
“I am a Warsmith of Olympia,” Petra repeated. Her voice flat, like she was repeating a simple, unbreakable axiom. A truth so fundamental it could not be challenged. “My duty is not in… baubles. Or trinkets. Or creating toys, or indulging in dreams. My duty is war. And these… are distractions from that. Childish fantasies.”
The bitterness in her voice ran so deep, it seemed almost like a vein of poison. Sunk so deep… that it seemed to consume her voice entirely. Petra sat in place, looking angry, and cold… and the contrast was so apparent from when Aristides had seen her smile before, from when she had seemed so overjoyed to be speaking about something she so clearly loved-
“I don’t believe they’re distractions, Petra.”
The Warsmith blinked. Staring up at Aristides… who, sat on the table, was almost at her eyeline now. Holding her gaze without regret or remorse.
“I’m sorry?”
“You heard me,” Aristides said. Voice calm, but forceful. “I don’t think these are… ‘childish fantasies’ at all-”
“They distract me from my role as a warrior,” Petra growled. “I am supposed to-”
“You aren’t an automaton,” Aristides protested. “And these are not mere simple scribbles, Petra!” He gestured at the drawing she had been slaving over, giving it a wistful look. “They’re… masterpieces! Not everything you work on has to have a military purpose-”
“That is all I am tasked to build,” came the axiomatic answer. “I am a warrior. I am meant to wage war. Anything else is a distraction. A diversion-”
“And what of all of your technological marvels?” Aristides asked, immediately. “What of the trains you have constructed? Turned over for mass production? Are those for military use? What of the airships that you have made, so sleek and wonderful? Are those all for military use? I have heard tales of all the technological wonders you have made with your brilliant mind. Were those childish diversions? Or distractions? You are so marvellously thorough and creative, Petra, surely you can’t claim-”
“Dammekos saw value in those,” Petra snapped. Looking at the floor. Speaking through clenched teeth. “They serve their purpose. But buildings like these… serve no purpose to him. And they do not assist with what I have been tasked to do. So they are distractions. For my own amusement. Things that will never be built.”
There was a long… long moment of silence. Petra stared at the floor… Aristides stared at her. No words were spoken. But the dampened mood… reigned in this small storage room.
“Petra… if they give you joy to make,” Aristides finally spoke up, voice tender and encouraging, “if you so love making these… beautiful, wonderful things….” And the diplomat’s eyes sparkled with a soft tenderness, as he leant forward, to ensure Petra could see the sincerity and honesty in his gaze, reflected in his words. “Then… I could hardly call them distractions. Or dreams. They are… simply plans. For a future without war. For a time without the need for battle.”
Petra glanced up. Fidgeting with her fingers, as she pressed her hands together.
“Something like this may have no use for Dammekos,” Aristides conceded. “And he may not allow you to make something like this….” He gave a wry smile. “But Parthenos… Parthenos could always use the blueprint itself, could it not? I’m sure it would have the funds to construct something so beautiful, to build such a gift from the woman who has already been so fundamental in remaking the city.”
Petra’s eyes widened, and then narrowed. “I… this is unfinished,” she flatly said. “It wouldn’t be suitable for that-”
“Perhaps,” Aristides conceded. “Perhaps not. But I assure you… you create such beautiful, wondrous works. Your mind is a marvel, Petra, and it has helped countless millions of people by now, I am certain.”
The Warsmith… seemed to retreat into herself slightly, for a moment. “Millions?” she tried to question, with a bashful voice.
“You might have made those trains for military means,” Aristides retorted, leaning from where he sat, “but in return, you have given millions of Olympians access to networks of transport, trade, and prosperity they could have never dreamed of before. You’ve made the most remote, inaccessible places in Olympia… little more than a few hours journey away. Your sewers and aqueducts have given clean, drinkable water to urban dwellers who might never have experienced such luxury before. And a million other innovations you’ve made, whether because Dammekos asked you, or he let you… have all made such drastic improvements to people’s lives. And then…” he gestured to the drawing again, “and then there’s your sense of style! You make simplicity so beautiful, Petra! You create such marvellous, such wonderful things.”
And slowly… the Diplomat leant backwards slightly. Smiling so softly. “So… I don’t think they’re distractions,” he reaffirmed. “Not one bit. You are a Warsmith, and one of fearsome reputation too… but Warsmiths are also human, are they not? They have dreams, and wants, and desires outside of war. And you are allowed to have them too.”
The Warsmith… looked down a moment longer. Some of the shame fleeing her visage… but the joy he had seen staying locked away. And the iron mask descended on her once again.
Yet… she did concede at least one thing. Even if… it was only a single, uncertain word. “Perhaps.”
There was a pause… before Petra spoke up again. “It’s late,” she stated. “And you are tired. You should get some rest.”
Aristides thought to argue, a moment longer… but a wave of fatigue washed over, and he felt himself yawn. He could see Petra raise an eyebrow, as if to force her point home. “Perhaps you are right,” he admitted, after a moment. “I… do feel a little tired, after all.”And gently… he slipped off the table. A sudden, embarrassing thought slipping to his mind.
“I… just realised,” he mumbled, apologetically, “that I have been trespassing in your private space for the past four hours.” He gave a small, embarrassed smile. “I do apologise, Petra - I hadn’t been meaning to just barge in and monopolise your time, or worry you at all. If you’d like… I won’t come back here.”
Petra blinked… and stared down at him. With a momentarily piercing gaze in her eyes. And then the piercing gaze faded… and she seemed to think for a moment.
“I suppose that is my cue to leave,” Aristides ventured. “I suppose I’ll see you in the morn-”
“You can come into my personal workshop.”
Aristides started, slightly. “I’m… I’m sorry-”
Petra gave a frustrated huff, and cut him off again. “I said, you are allowed to speak to me whilst I am in my workshop,” the Warsmith stated, impatiently. “I am fine with your presence.” There was a second’s pause, before she quickly clarified, “not always - sometimes I need the solitude. To… be alone. To just… work without interruption or presence. But otherwise… you are welcome in my workshop. If… you want to return. To discuss anything else.”
Her words were stiff. Formal. Unpolished, and unpracticed… but Aristides could not help but give a small smile.
“I… would be honoured, Petra,” Aristides said, smiling. “If you would not mind my presence, I’ll make sure to knock before I enter.”
For a second… a small, tiny smile flickered on Petra’s face. Of grace… and warmth. It sputtered out… but it seemed to warm the small room, all the same.
“Then… good night, Petra,” the diplomat stated, turning to leave.
“Good night, Aristides,” the Warsmith answered. As the man strode back towards the door, and made to shut it.
Aristides paused, glancing at Petra. “Yes?” he asked. “Is there anything else?”
There was a long… long pause.
“Thank you.”
The man smiled.
“It was my pleasure."
submitted by A_Generic_Alias to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 13:43 KeeraD85 1st Dose pzfier Side Effect

I received my 1st dose 9/22. Almost immediate (within 20 minutes after receiving shot) normal effects such as nasal drip, metallic taste, felt a little high and grumpy. A few days later started the arm and leg muscle weakness. Started upper chest soreness. Which I can only describe as "feeling bruised".
When I received my 1st dose I was 1 yr almost exactly to the date post covid. Had blood clot in RL lung & double pneumonia. Three weeks prior to received 1st dose I tested + for antibodies. On 9/28 while relaxing in bed without notice I suddenly started feeling like I was going to passed out. I sat at the end of my bed where it continued as my body kept feeling like I was passing out. There was no blackout or dizziness I went straight into passing out.
It wouldn't stop. I had to call ambulance. ER ruled out heart attack. Since 11/2 I have had 3 similar episodes and now as of yesterday I had a small episode. When this happens my body feels like it's draining circulation, I get warm circles all over body, lower back, arm pits, legs, groin area. After this happens my body gets extremely tired and weak. My arms get shaky. I have had extensive testing done. Seen just about every doctor including ENT. Not one has an explanation of what is happening. According to my doctors I was in perfect health at my physical in May of 2021. I'm just sharing my story in hopes that I can get answers and hopefully help someone who is struggling after getting pzfier vaccine.
submitted by KeeraD85 to CovVaccineSideEffects [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 13:43 mmiyagawa Attack Shark X11 (From the POV of a non-gamer)

Attack Shark X11 (From the POV of a non-gamer)
Hi, if you are like me and can't blame Polling rate and Mouse sensors for bad skills, you just found your review!
I recently bought a Attack Shark X11, coming from a VXE R1 SE+ and I think it is a very ok mouse if you are on that very tight budget and really wants a Wireless budget mouse.

A bit of context, I do play games but I am very far from a hardcore player (but I do work on Game Development, though) and usually play games that doesn't really require good aiming (I suck at FPS games).
I bought it directly from Amazon Spain for around 26EUR with a discount coupon. My VXE R1 SE+ was around the same price (28EUR).
I use my mice exclusively on wireless mode, usually 2.4GHz dongle instead of bluetooth though.
Construction and body The mouse feels like a cheap mouse, the plastic is kind of slippery (even compared to the VXE R1 SE) and, as I have really dry skin the mouse doesn't really attaches to my hand so easily. I don't really mind that and neither my Spreadsheets but I can see it could have been a bit better.
It doesn't seem to flex or bulge if I press extremely hard with all my anger from video calls and unsolicited meetings so that's a plus
Body is a bit taller a a tad chonkier so my hand can at least really hug the mouse (palm grip or something that you all call, right?) so for me that's a big plus during long working hours.
Sensor and accuracy Seems ok for me, doesn't feel exceptional and is comparable to the VXE R1 SE if you adjust settings. I am someone that really can't blame hardware in this scenario (I could use any premium mouse with 8KHz polling rate and could lose to a toddler on a laptop trackpad). On Bluetooth mode it seems to behave a bit weird and aiming is really weird. On 2.4GHz dongle it feels pretty smooth and responsive enough during Slack messaging and working on game engines.
Quality Control Issues
I have read around that some units have connection problems and even the charging station was broken. Mine arrived perfectly but with such faulty quality control I would advise to buy from somewhere you can return easily (like Amazon).
I am not a very picky person but these skates are really bad. They to feel heavy and sticky on a standard cloth mat and on wood. I would gladly change those skates whenever I can.
Again, they don't reduce from my day to day performance on selecting spreadsheets cells but they really saved some money there. (and yes, the sticker that comes on top of it is written REMOVE in bold letters and was even stickier so really no mistake here).
I have been using daily for almost a week and doesn't seem to be any problem. And the dock station is right there anyway so I always end up resting the mouse there. No problems with battery so far and the dock station is way easier to use than plugging it in to recharge.
Pretty bad and lackluster. It doesn't allow you to create or remove DPI settings so you are stuck with the 6 options it asks you to edit (I usually only use 3 DPI settings). You can set the RGB led to represent each of the DPI settings but you can't edit the color of those settings. Other settings are a bit lackluster (they are mostly only On/Off switches) and have no explanation of what they do which could be helpful to people like me (and on ATK HUB they are a bit more helpful on that).
You can change some buttons on settings but that's it.
It is a very ugly and weird software, the good upside is that it does recognize the mouse on bluetooth which can be a positive if you are looking to use it mainly with this type of connection.
For the price (sub 30EUR here for Portugal) it is a very good deal for a full-sized wireless mouse and I think they are great for office work and some casual gaming. I wouldn't consider this a great option if pricing gets higher as I believe you end up getting too close to actual better alternatives (with better coating, feeling, construction and better quality control).
Again, only get this mouse if you can find a good retailer that can give you support as Quality Control issues seem too normal with it.
When it works it is perfectly great and fine for the casual gamer and day to day use!
That said, thanks for the attention and hope this post can help the really small niche of people that really can't feel any difference from polling rates and better sensors in this sub :)
submitted by mmiyagawa to MouseReview [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 13:40 henrideveroux My personal completely biased ranking and explanation off Fallout 4's creation Club Content. No restraint on SPOILERS

So I am no where near as hardcore as many Fallout aficionados out there. I own the game on XBOX and PC, but play it on XBOX for the most part because my PC just barely meets the minimum specs. That said I have bought most of the Creation Club Content out there and thought I would share my opinion of it on the internet. Okay? Okay. Also for the most part I will not be ranking the "Bundles" just the individual pieces. There will be one major exception that we will discuss when we get there.
Capital Wasteland Mercenaries - C: So we are starting with one of the CCC's I have had the least amount of time with, having only just acquired it after the NGU dropped and realizing how close I was to literally having every piece of CCC I wanted. Still it's not what I'd call /great/. There is a tiny bit of lore, which I appreciate but in the end your reward seems to be some SPECIAL altering under armor, a collection of the Robot Models if you are into that, and a small stockpile of Aqua Pura. Also, this could be my playstyle, but I don't get close to the initial quest marker till around LVL 45, so that makes all this feel even more underwhelming. I haven't played with this much so maybe I am missing something vital here, Please let me know.
Captain Cosmos- A: So let's address the elephant in the room now. I don't like Power Armor. My preferred playstyle is VATs heavy Stealth Melee and /nothing/ about PA is Stealthy based.. That said I /love/ the Captain Cosmos CC. You get the initial quest start in Lexington with a tiny bit of Lore, and are directed to HUB 360 for a new Dungeon. The Dungeon itself is large, filled with Lore, Ghouls and a few Rad Roaches thrown in. It also contains not 1 but three unique rewards. First is the gun. I forget it's name but it's a cryo gun. Not too powerful but could be fun to build around if you wanted. Then there is the Captain Cosmos Uniform. A article of clothing that has a built in Freefall Legendary and has the unique ability to allow you to modify your jump height. Even if it looks silly (and it does) I usually carry this puppy around just for it's situational usefulness. Finally the "Main Prize" of the CC not one but two complete sets of Captain Cosmos Power Armor. Not only do these Armors have a totally unique look when compared to other power armors, but the come with a Jet pack built in standard. What level do you normally get to Hub 360? 15? 20? You can have a Jet Pack then. Bonus? Hub 360 also houses a CC Player home, more on that when we get to it.
Chinese Stealth Armor - B: I really want to give this a higher rating. I mean I /really/ do. It's a full body suit that gives you a Stealth boy effect when crouched, and you stay stealthed even when moving. You also get it in a point in the game that feels level appropriate. The only problem is there is /zero/ lore with this. No terminals, no Holotapes, just a quest marker when you leave Vault 111 and a Quest Complete when you pick it out of a otherwise bog standard chest. Still I got it for free so I cannot complain too much.
Doom Classic Marine Armor - F: There are few pieces of CC I actually regret getting, but the Doom Armor tops the list. For starters, no lore. Not even a quest marker like the Chinese Stealth suit. It is simply dumped into your inventory as you leave Vault 111. Second, it is OP as hell. From the very start this armor is better then some mid game options, and it can be improved to the point it is possible you /neve need another piece of armor to replace it. This might not seem like a negative to some, but to me this takes allot of joy from the game. The joy of finding a slightly better legendary or debating between that New Combat armor vs. the bit of metal armor you have already modified. The third strike agienst it though? It's ugly. Like really ugly. It's worse on Nora, but even on Nate it just looks awful.
Enclave Remnants - No Rating: So everyone got this with the NGU which to me makes it less CC and more Vanilla content, but also I am playing a Enclave run with America Rising 2 right now which interacts with this CC, and so I can not give it a fair rating as a stand alone entity. Still it's free and you already have it if you play FO4.
Fantasy Hero Set D: That rating might surprise you at first, after I said before that I am a melee main, but let me explain. First and foremost it is the buggiest of all the CC I own. There has been many times that the quest simply refused to start for me. I am sure this is a conflict with some mods but still, that is a deal breaker right there. Second, the helmet itself doesn't "fit" right. It just kind of floats around the SS head, and I am not a fan of face covering armor to start with. The Furious sword would be nice, if you didn't find this right next to Swan's pond and the Furious Power fist. The lore is... okay, but I wish there was just slightly more of it.
Graphic T-shirt Pack: No Ranking: I'll address this when I get to the Skin's section, but the TLDR is I just don't care.
Halloween Workshop Pack: Not Rated - Another NGU addition that means it is only technically CC content. I've only played through it once. Ghoul infested poisonous dungeon. Very little lore, some decorations and a few clothing items. If you forced me to give it a rating it'd probably be a C.
Hellfire Power Armor: D: So as previously stated I'm not a "Power Armor Guy". Add to that like the Chinese Stealth Armor the entire quest is "Go here, kill Pyro, take armor, done. there is not enough meat on the bone for me. The only bonus for me is in America Rising 2 you can add a patch to give it to other members of the Enclave.
Holiday Workshop Pack: Not Rated- I don't own this and do not foresee getting it. Feel free to try to sell me on it if you like.
Horse Power Armor: C- -Again Power armor, hardly any lore... but it is Unique as hell I will give it that, so it's slightly above the Hellfire.
Modular Military Backpack: S- If there was one piece of CC I would recommend everyone get it is the Modular Military Back Pack. No lore. It's Dumped in your inventory at the start. But honestly it's a back pack, how much lore do you need?! It gives you a moderate increase in Carrying capacity .You can customize it at any work bench to add even carrying cpacity or other effects, change it's color, turn on and off the straps due to some clipping issues and add a patch to give it a +1 to any SPECIAL of your choosing. If I had any notes at all it would be this, have the player pick it up in the Overseers office rather then dump it into your inventory and have NPC's have the ability to drop Legendary versions. Still 10/10.
Morgan's Space Suit: C- Another lore-less dump into our Leaving Vault 111 inventory. Still it looks nicer then the Hazmat suit and having a Hazmat suit at level 1 is hardly game breaking. I know this is an homage to another game, but I can't even be bothered to remember that game's title. As rating's go, this get's an extra medium.
Pint-Sized Slasher C: As a melee main I really expected to like this one more. The lore isn't bad, but I always have trouble finding the "Scratched token" in the second part of the quest. Add to that if you go to the Collage square Station early, which if you are interacting with the BoS at all is highly likely, you can literally skip 99% of the quest entirely.. As for the gear? It's not /bad/ persay. The weapon is on par with a Combat knife, if possibly a tiny bit better. the Costume I have never used purely for aesthetic reasons. Also a minor nit pick but before the NGU the note that triggered the boss fight said "Hinten Dir" which is German for "Behind you," but now it says it in English. I preferred it in German.
Vault Suit Customization: B- No lore, but it doesn't need any. Says what it does on the tin, it allows some customization you your vault suits, letting you change your Vault suit color, number, and add "linings" that can actually make the Vault suit a viable option past Sanctuary. It also adds more Vault suits to every vault and a misc. quest to find even more Vault suits at the Vault tech regional headquarters. It's inoffensive and improves the game just slightly, so B.
X-02 Power Armor B- Another Power Armor to display at Sanctuary, but this one at least comes with some interesting lore and America Rising compatibility. Would I buy it again? No. Do I regret buying it? also no.
Dog Kennel Bundle: S- The only bundle on this list. While the 12 dogs are scattered all over the Commonwealth and thus would get separate rankings just for "ease of Reach" there is literally no reason to buy them from the CC that way as I have seen the Bundle go on sale many times and it is considerably cheaper then buying each separately. (At the time I am posting this it is on sale right now.). Each dog is a separate Quest which can be adopted to one of your settlements and adds a tiny bit of Happiness and defense as well as giving you "Quest Complete" XP. And there adorable.. Who doesn't love dogs. If you don't love dogs you are a horrible person As for the TransDOGrifier... It lets you change the look of Dogmeat. Meh..
"Virtual Workshop" AND "Settlement Ambush kit: Unrated- I don't own either of these, and do not see that changing in the future. I love /having/ settlements but dislike building them, so yeah. You can try to sell me on these if you want but I doubt I will ever get either.
Sentinel Control System Companion: C+ - So I like this one "on paper", but it always felt a bit shy of "great". For starters the initial fight happens between Drumlin' diner and Corvega. The fight always felt a little over powered for that area. Allot over powered if I were honest.. The second fight against a legendary power armor wearing enemy isn't so bad, but on my last play through his body fell through the world so I was unable to continue the quest. This has only ever happened once, but it has happened./ Your reward then is a "Sentient" suit of power Armor which will travel with you, is fully customizable with other Power Armor Pieces (That will never break while he wears them) as well as Robot Voices, does not take up your companion slot, and even does not break Stealth. The cons? For one you can't customize the armor while the SCSC is wearing it. If you want to alter what he is wearing you have to take it off him, go to a PA station, customize it there, and put it back on him. Secondly you can not "dismiss to a settlement". If you get tired of traveling with the SCSC you can only give it the equivalent of the "Wait here" command and it will continue to stand in that exact spot indefinably. I would have preferred something akin to the "Robot Workbench" Where I can upload the SCSC into an empty PA Frame and add whatever pieces I wanted to as many SCSC's I wanted, then assign them to be Caravans or settlement guards.
ALL SKINS, Including but not limited to pip boys, armor paints, power armor pains, Graphic T-shirts, and the TransDOGrifier: Not Ranked- I can't emphasize how little I care about skins in this game. I will pick up skins when they are free and I completely ignore them otherwise, and I can count how many times I have actually used a skin in this game without taking off my socks. If skins are your jam, go with it. They aren't mine.
Anti-Materiel Rifle: C- Loses some points for how far into the game to reach the starting point but the quest itself is engaging enough that I like to play it through. The gun itself isn't too bad as a sniper, perhaps a little underpowered considering it's name sake.
CR-74L Combat Rifle: S: Maybe a controversial take but again, it's my list dangnabit. The gun itself is good. Better then a standard Combat Rifle, not as good as the Overseers Guardian. You obtain it very early game (Likly on your way to Olivia). But the Lore... my God the LOOOORE.. There are two quests given with this CC which run parallel to each other. the first unlocks upgrades for the rifle itself. The other, the Commonwealth travel Guide. has you retracing the steps of a pair of NPC's to return the wedding ring obtained from the body of one woman to her wife's grave. this journey will take you from Sanctuary to Lexington to Diamond City to Goodneighbor to Bunker Hill and finally to Quincy. Along the way you will really feel the love these two women have for each other, as well as truly feel their personalities.. And if that wasn't enough there are more enteries in places completely unrelated to the quest. If you are a Lore Whore like me, this is a must download. No notes.
Captain Cosmos A: Went over this in clothing. The weapon itself is a cryo rifle, and if that is all you want I'd pass on this, but taken as a whole, great CC.
Doom BFG: C- So another go here kill target, collect prize... but this time IN THE GLOWING SEA! The BFG is some serious firepower but it can easily hit or even kill you in the explosive backwash. And as a Heavy Gun it is of little interest to someone who is, as I've stated a few times, Melee focused. So what has this crawling all the way up to C Rank? The ammo. the BFG uses unique Argent Power cells, and as a Melee player Ammo=Caps. Argent Cells sell fo 60 caps each. Now I certainly wouldn't /buy/ the BFG for this. Heck I wouldn't even download a free mod for it. But sice I got it as part of the ID Bundle it at least helps justify it a little. (Note if I were ranking Bundles i would put the ID bundle as a whole as an F rank)
Fantasy Hero Set D: Went over it in clothing. Everything there applies here.
Handmade Shotgun: F- -If there is one CC I hate more then any other and I seriously would have asked for a refund on t is this one. All this mod does is add a reskinned version of the standard double barrel shotgun to the game and dump one into your "leaving the Vault" inventory. It also adds a "Triple Barrel" version. Got it on sale. Still over paid.
Heavy Incinerator C- So first of all, this CC stuffs allot of lore in a tiny space, and I appreciated that. I had to look up the final part of the puzzle because I didn't see the suit of Raider power armor in the back corner, but that was my failing not the CC's. I'm not a fan of Heavy Weapons, but having the option to make yourself fire proof while using a gun is pretty awesome. Not my jam but a good mod anyway.
Makeshift Weapon Pack: C- So this came with the NGU, and we've established I haven't done a ton with NGU stuff yet, but with my little experience the toys this CC drops into the game are just fun. Light on lore, but it does have some nice "Shoot 'em up" quests, which are good too if they don't overstay their welcome. The Piggy Bank Weapons are OP as hell, but again in a fun way as they are just improved versions of the bottle cap mine and the fat man. My only complaint is that the ammo for these guns is scarce to the point of non-existance. Hopefully Bethesda or more likely a modder will correct this in the future.
Manwell Rifle Set B- A quick and clean little quest that nets you two Legendary rifles, one with the Hunter Legendary and the other with the Lucky Legendary. You also get a unique Pet, which bumps it up a few notches in my book, They are obtainable fairly early game and are a little OP for when you get them. Light lore, but a fairly quick and easy quest. Plus a new pet.
Prototype Gauss Rifle: C- - Another go here, kill guy, done. This one is on the roof of Gunner Plaza. Not a bad sniper rifle, not worth purchasing on it's own.
Quake Thunderbolt: D -Go there kill guy(s) collect prize. Nasty little fight inside the radioactive crater near BADTFL. I'll be honest, I always felt I was missing something with this gun. It seems way underpowered to me. I usually just give it to Strong.
Solar Weapon: C- Another Gun that I just "Don't get" it comes with the Exterminators Legendary, which is meh to begin with, and it shoots kinda wonky IMHO. That said for a super short quest it has a great bit of Lore and puzzles (With non charisma skill by pass, something more quests need) and the lore is simultaneously funny and tragic.
Tesla Cannon D- And rounding out or Trilogy of "Guns I don't get," we've got the Tesla Cannon. Looks flashy as hell, but seems super under powered. On the rare occasions I have to be near the Glowing Sea I'll usually scoop it up, but I wouldn't buy it again. The quest is okay, though I dislike the "Track down the beeps" portion. There is some lore at least.
Tunnel Snakes Rule: C- A Unique bit of clothing, and a variant on the 10mm. It would be great if it were super early game content, but it's not, and I can't imagine not having far better option by the time you reach the quest start location. Also it clogs up your radio for no real reason.
Zetan Arsenal B= This one is super short and the lore is both super thin and absurd. Also the most logical path between the quest start and the end point will take you right past a Deathclaw nest (This could be a pro or con, depending if you want a relatively Deathclaw egg or not).. After that the actual "Boss fight" is rather underwhelming. Two aliens like the one at the Alien crash site, and you can easily take out both with a decent sniper rifle in a single VATS round., The reward is three weapons of alien design, a pistol a sniper, and a melee weapon (a mace). These use Alien Blaster rounds, which will start appearing in stores and chests once you get them, and can eventually be converted Fusion Cells, though they will likely past their point of obsolescence by the time you are high enough level for that option. The Mace is meh for a Melee weapon. Not great but not horrible either. Also there are several Brahman at the final battle site if you want some rib eye steaks...
So full disclosure before we start, I am not a fan of base building as I've already mentioned and I play on Very Hard not Survival, so player homes are of less interest tome. That said I will try to be as fair as I possibly can here.
Arcade Workshop Pack B: A few lights, a few floors and walls, the main draw of this CCC is the Arcade Machines. Build them and power them up and you can plat any of the pip boy games. They add Happiness to your settlements and when linked together share power with each other (They each cost 1 power each). If you like base Building I'd recommend this one, though it'd be hard to explain /how/ they still work after 200 years.
Capital Wasteland Mercenaries: C- I explained my reasoning for this one in the clothing section, but will add here if you are going to add this to the "world" section, it would have been a vast improvement if it also added Talon Mercs, Lyons BoS, Goodman Mers, or /anything/ to the Commonwealth as well.
Charlestown Condo B- So I am going to grade the player homes based on location, loot, and workshops, as well as how good the lore is. So location wise Charlestown Condo is literally across the street from the USS Constitution (Pre launch). The closest thing to a settlement near there is Bunker hill so it would make a nice waypoint. It is densely decorated, with basic junk. Nothing to special but also not too bad. Lore wise it's a simple fetch quest, find a note outside the condo, find a body, take the key and return. I believe it has all the workshops but they are spread out through the rather large area so they can be rather frustrating to track down.
Coffee and Donuts Workshop pack: S - So you know how i said i dislike building? So you'd think that a CC that let you build s Slocum's joe in your settlements wouldn't be high on my list. And you'd be right, but want to know what I /love/? I love crafting, and this mod adds two new crafting stations. the coffee machine lets you brew several kinds of coffees and teas (The coffee has various affects while the tea all offers a brief 2% to XP buff) While the Donut fryer makes donuts... All of these items have effects similar to other foods and chems but you can use them without fear of Piper turning her nose up at you. Also I don't play in survival generally, but I /assume/ these will aid in hydration and hunger (I will edit if someone can confirm) Finally you can set up a Slocum's joe in your settlements and assign a settler to the counter as a vender who will sell you coffee and donuts if you don't want to make them yourself.
Home Decor Workshop pack B- A nice collection of objects for decorating your settlement with. I particularly like the wall mounted Bobblehead display. You might not think that would pull this up to a B rank, but the fact I use it in every play through should get some credit.
Modern Furniture Workshop pack: C- Some nice, clean, furniture and decorations. Maybe it's not very "Immersive" compared to the rest of the Commonwealth, but if you like the idea your settlers (or player character) end their day of working the Tato farm by slipping between clean white sheets or that they sit on a shiny leather couch to watch re-runs of "Please stand by" then go for it.
Neon Flats Not Rated- So I'm gonna level with you, I've only ever done the Neon Flats quest line to completion one time. That is no slight against the quest itself, it's simply I'd get it about half completed, then back burner it "temporarily" and usually end up abandoning the run due to mod conflicts or other reasons unrelated to the quest. That said it's got a few strikes against it. It's located /inside/ Goodneighbor and thus has similar issues as Home Plate. Sure it has Workshops, but there are workshops in Goodneighbor. Sure it has a bed, but the Hotel Rexford is in Goodneighbor as well. I remember it looks cool, but do not recall any stand out loot, so if I /did/ have a rating for this one it'd probably be pretty low TBH.
Noir Penthouse B- I could have discussed this one in Clothing or Weapons, but the real gem of this CC is the Player home. The Outfit is just a palate swap of Nick's Trench coat, and the weapon is a legendary .44. As for the Penthouse itself it has most of the workbenches (I don't recall if there is a PA one, but it has the others). Loot wise nothing stands out in particular. As for it's location it is in the Hub 360 Building, so far enough from Goodneighbor to be useful and also if you have the Captain Cosmos CC it is literally just up a flight of stairs from the "TV studio"
Nuka-Cola Collector Workshop B=So we'll start with the prime location which is right off of Boston Commons. The Nuka Cafe is very similar to the Charlestown Condo in how you obtain it. Find the cafe, find a body, take the key, return and done. There is some light lore but nothing ground breaking. There are a lot of Unique Nuka themed items and decorations around which give it a very cool look, as well as several bottles of Nuka-Cola, Quantum, and Nika Cherry. One exceptionally nice feature is there are several Overdue Books here, which will help if you are trying to get the Massachusetts Surgical Journal from the Boston Public Library. One Major knock is that there are no workbenches in the Cafe, though the kitchen area has no unique items so the area can easily be scrapped and they can be built there (Assuming you have the relevant perks). One last feature of this CC that I /love/ is that several "Cross-promotional Bobbleheads" are now scattered around the Commonwealth. they don't have any benefits to your character, but they look really cool and if you like collecting things they are a nice bonus. My biggest wish would be that there were any sort of Nuka World tie in, but I understand why CCC has to be Vanilla only.
Settlement Ambush Kit AND Virtual Workshop: Not rated-Same as above, do not own these, do not expect to any time in the near future.
Shroud Manor A- I'd like to say I saved one of the best for last, but that's just how it worked out alphabetically. Shroud Manor is located just down the road from the Police Station where we meet the BoS and Paladin Danse for the first time. I love the story that the Lore tells you. The real draw of this CC though is the Ungodly good loot inside. First of all, this area is /packed/ with "Junk items". Not just your basic ceramic plates and antique globes, but also Silver Silverware. There is a metric ton of booze in the main house, there is a Ballistic Weave mod in the Attic.. There are also several unique "Reskinned" items to be found including the "Silver Sidearm" (A Deliver sans silencer or legendary effect) a "Silver Shroud Costume" No protections and I don't know if it lets you speak as the Shroud, though I do know it has a different SPECIAL Bonus) , The Silver Dress (Literally just a palate swap of the Red Dress Magnolia wears). and a Silver Wedding ring (Again just a palate swap of the Wedding Rings that Nate and Nora start with, but hey 250 caps...) But the real prize is the vault. The Vault is literally /stuffed/ with Pre-war money and gold bars. I am fairly certain there are more Gold Bars in the Shroud Manor vault then exist in the entire rest of the base game. Only the complete lack of workbenches keeps me from giving this an S rank. There is a big open room in the basement that just /screams/ "Build your work Benches here", but I just wish that Shezrie had actually built workbenches there to start. That said this is the only Player home that I would fully recommend to a non-Survival player.
And that's it. That is all of the CCC I own, and /most/ of the CCC that is available in the game. I hope you found it interesting, informative, and if you are thing of getting a particular piece of CCC I hope I was able to aid you in making a better decision.
submitted by henrideveroux to fo4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 13:37 Legitimate-Adagio531 Black women with boobs jobs, what was your experience like? Also did your life socially change drastically after you got them done?

I’m a 24 yr old 5’1 woman who has always been insecure about my chest size. Ever since I was young I wanted boobs and was very disappointed when I discovered they were not guaranteed. I want to get them for two reasons, 1 for confidence but 2 to make my body more proportionate. I’m very small at the top and curvy at the body, most dresses don’t fit on my chest region due to me being so flat chested, I’m always having to get them tailored.
submitted by Legitimate-Adagio531 to blackgirls [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 13:35 RESSl Herpes or shaving rash

Razor burns will appear as a patchy skin rash; if ingrown hairs are present, they will also present with small red pimple-like bumps . On the other hand, herpes will have bumps that form in clusters and look like fluid-filled sores or blisters . Even though herpes bumps go away, they will eventually return.
submitted by RESSl to STDFacts [link] [comments]