Ridgid job max tool bag


2021.09.07 21:05 SeaSurprise777 seattlehobos

Welcome to the new Seattle. This is a sub chronicling the decay of the Pacific Northwest & Seattle with its failure of a government to address the homelessness & crime problems for over a decade. This is its legacy after billions lost.

2024.05.21 13:29 Find_Your_Job IT Support / Fachinformatiker (m/w/d)

Unser Leitsatz „Pioneering green solutions“ fasst zusammen, was unser internationales Team von mehr als 1.300 Mitarbeitenden antreibt: Mit innovativen Technologien und grünen Lösungen gestalten wir den gesellschaftlichen und industriellen Wandel hin zu Klimaneutralität und ökologischer Produktion. In den Verbio Bioraffinerien in Europa, Asien und Nordamerika verarbeiten wir Roh- und Reststoffe der regionalen Landwirtschaft zu klimafreundlichen Kraftstoffen, grüner Energie und erneuerbaren Produkten für Chemie und Landwirtschaft. Für die Futter- und Nahrungsmittelindustrie stellen wir hochwertige Komponenten aus nachhaltig erzeugter Biomasse bereit. Machen Sie mit und werden Sie Teil unseres Teams als:
IT Support / Fachinformatiker (m/w/d) am Standort Leipzig
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Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung über den untenstehenden Link!
submitted by Find_Your_Job to u/Find_Your_Job [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:29 Zeppellier Looking for the one bag for everyday and when travelling

ideal bag:
I tend to like things that look ‘heritage’ style. ex: sandqvist roald. also seem to like styles with external pockets: nike utility elite, prada rucksack. also things like everlane renew transit and fjallraven raven.
i would say my budget is fairly low under $250AUD MAX, preferably $150AUD under so about $100 USD.
size is around 15-25L (unsure but no more than 30L)
doesn’t care for sternum or hip strap. preferably no straps for them or removable (but not a deal breaker)
What i want to use it for: everday carry in highschool (I bring laptop, pencil case, books, bottle, lunch) for about 1.5yr
and then i’ll use it for uni (my friends in uni have said they dont need bag as big as highschool)
I would also like to yse it when i travel alongisde my carry-on (so as a personal item under seat). ex: this year 5 days to goldcoast
I would also like to use this when i go on road trips to beaches, mountains maybe and weekend trips including sleepover in ppl’s house for a night or two.
currently considering the nike utility elite or speed, and fjallraven raven 20/28L. want to get 28L but worry how it looks when theres only a bit of stuff there
submitted by Zeppellier to onebag [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:26 ajiiggy What to do with cash

24yo working a 6 figure corporate job. Maxing out Roth IRA yearly and contributing to 401k at 11%. Expenses are low so I save between 3-5k per month.
I have about 80k in cash sitting in various HYSA and some in a CD. All getting between 4.3-5.15% depending on the account.
I think I should be moving some of that money to stocks (have about 4k in VOO) but my dad thinks I should be keeping it cash to save for a down payment on a house. Realistically, I probably am not buying a house for at least the next 5 years. I feel like I will regret not investing more now when I can later in life.
Question is: who do you think is right / what would you do?
submitted by ajiiggy to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:08 vuxanov Can someone explain how will post labor economy work? Why would it lead to post scarcity and not total collapse at worst and neo feudalism at best?

Lets say tomorrow we get super smart Ai that can do most of white collar jobs and robots which can most of blue collar jobs.
People here say that would result in goods and services being extremely cheap.
But why would:
submitted by vuxanov to singularity [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:02 PotentialQuality9527 Juicy couture makeup bag

Juicy couture makeup bag submitted by PotentialQuality9527 to JuicyCouture [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:00 StarlessSaturn He says I don’t deserve respect. For those who left their abusers, what should I get in order before escaping ?

I’ll keep it short, my partner has gotten bad to the point that the hospital reported it to the police 3 weeks ago. Police made a report for domestic abuse and gave me the option to press charges, I didn’t because he took care of my bills while I’ve been attending college and wanted to leave it behind.
He begged me back, spammed everything he could contact me with and swore up and down he was getting his shit together and was going to stop verbally, physically and financially abusing me. Nothings changed and he’s been slowly going back to his own ways again. A job is a priority for me, removing myself from the apt lease, I even have an emergency bag if he hits me again, but is there anything else I am missing ? What was your safety plan ?
Honestly , I’m scared to leave, it’s been hard on me and I don’t know if he’s going to retaliate.
submitted by StarlessSaturn to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:54 yawaworhtdorniatruc Pregnant and trying to figure out the best insurance plans

I am pregnant, due in December. My spouse and I have July fiscal years so we have the option to change our insurance now. Here are our options:
Option A: Both be on spouse's plan: Cigna - $2378.64 annual premium, $4k deductible, $5k/$10k OOP max.
Option B: Each have our own plans: Spouse: Cigna- $437.28 annual premium, $2k deductible, $5k OOP max Me: Harvard Pilgrim - $3213.12 annual premium, $500 deductible, $5k OOP max
I know that the numbers add up to be a little cheaper for option B, but here's some other considerations:
submitted by yawaworhtdorniatruc to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:52 NickyD_ A/c always on defroster

A/c always on defroster
I have a gmc savana 2011 box truck, its great and I love it but the a/c is always on defroster no matter where I rotate the positioner. It locks into place and nothing feels off when using it.
When I first got this truck the a/c would sometimes automatically switch over to where the knob points, there was never any rhyme or reason to when the switch happened. Then one day it never switched, seems like it defaults to defroster and as the truck starts it changes to the proper option.
Anyone got any ideas? Its about to be summer here in florida and want to keep my guys cool.
submitted by NickyD_ to AskMechanics [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:51 aarvyedutech How do I become a full-stack developer?

 How do I become a full-stack developer?
A Comprehensive Guide: How to Become a Full-Stack Developer
Became a full stack
With the tech world constantly on the move, full-stack developers are the new rockstars. These programming wizards can craft both the user interface (the part you see) and the inner workings of web apps, making them goldmines for businesses. Because they can speed up development and create amazing user experiences, companies are in a hiring frenzy to snag them.
So, if you're a student dreaming of becoming a full-stack developer, get ready for an adventure! It won't be a breeze, but the potential for career growth is outstanding. This guide will be your map, outlining the strategies and steps you'll need to navigate your way into this exciting and in-demand field.
Understanding the Role of a Full-Stack Developer
Hold on! Before we jump into the nitty-gritty, let's nail down what a full-stack developer does. These tech pros are like masters of two worlds: the user-facing interfaces you see and interact with (front-end), and the behind-the-scenes logic that makes everything work (back-end). This means they can handle everything from designing how things look to managing databases and keeping the server running smoothly.
Alright, we've got a full picture of what a full-stack developer does. Now, let's break down the key areas they need to master:
Making it Pretty: This is the front end, all about the visual elements users interact with. Think HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with fancy tools like React, Angular, or Vue.js to make it all sing.
Behind the Scenes: This is the back-end, where the server magic happens. Here, full-stack developers build the core functions using technologies like Node.js, Python (with Django or Flask for extra power), Ruby on Rails, or PHP.
Data Doctor: Full-stack developers gotta keep all that user data organised! They'll need to be familiar with databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, or Firebase to store and grab info efficiently.
Version Control Champs: Working with others and keeping track of code changes is essential. That's where Git, a version control system, comes in. Full-stack developers gotta be pros at using it.
## Strategy 1: Master the Fundamentals
Imagine you want to be a web-building ninja, but before you can unleash your skills, you need some serious training. That's where HTML, CSS, and JavaScript come in. These are the basic building blocks for creating the cool interfaces users see and interact with on websites. Think of them as your Legos!
Luckily, there are tons of ways to learn this stuff, like online tutorials, coding boot camps (think summer camp, but for coding!), or even just a good book. Find what works best for you, then dive in and practice like crazy. The best way to learn is by doing, so build some small projects to play around with and get comfortable with these core concepts.
## Strategy 2: Choose Your Stack Wisely
As a full-stack developer, you'll need to choose a technology stack that aligns with your interests and career goals. Research different stacks and consider factors such as industry demand, community support, and scalability.
Some popular technology stacks for full-stack development include:
MEAN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js): Ideal for building dynamic and feature-rich web applications.
MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js): Similar to MEAN stack but uses React for front-end development.
LAMP Stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python/Perl): Commonly used for traditional web development projects.
Django Stack (Python, Django, PostgreSQL/SQLite): Great for rapid development of secure and scalable web applications.
Choose a stack that resonates with you and dive deeper into mastering its components.

## Strategy 3: Gain Hands-On Experience

Okay, so we talked about building the knowledge foundation, but being a full-stack developer is all about applying that knowledge in the real world. Here's how to get your hands dirty:
Real World Bootcamp: Look for internships, freelance work, or even just personal projects to test your skills on real problems.
Open Source Hero: Join open-source projects on platforms like GitHub. This lets you collaborate with experienced developers, learn from them, and show off your skills to potential employers all at once!
Project Runway (for Code): Put your knowledge to the test and unleash your creativity by building your projects. This is a fantastic way to showcase your problem-solving skills and build a portfolio that will make you a rockstar applicant.
## Strategy 4: Stay Updated with Emerging Technologies
The world of web development moves fast, with new tools and tricks popping up all the time. To stay on top of your game, you'll need to be a lifelong learner. Here's how to become a web dev news junkie:
Follow the Gurus: Subscribe to industry blogs written by web development experts.
Webinars on Demand: Attend online workshops and presentations to learn about the latest advancements.
Join the Club: Participate in online developer communities to chat with other developers and stay in the loop.
Don't just read about the cool new stuff, try it out! Experiment with new technologies and frameworks to keep your skills sharp and adapt to the ever-changing needs of the industry.
## Strategy 5: Cultivate Soft Skills
Team Player: You'll need to communicate clearly with your teammates and explain technical stuff to people who don't code. Brushing up on your communication skills is key!
Puzzle Master: Problem-solving and critical thinking are essential for tackling those inevitable development roadblocks.
Time Ninja: Staying organised and managing your time well will help you meet deadlines and deliver high-quality work. No more all-nighters for this developer!
## Strategy 6: Continuous Learning and Growth
Keep the Learning Flame Alive: This journey is all about continuous growth. Always be on the hunt for new knowledge! Dive into advanced web development concepts like serverless architecture, microservices, and progressive web apps. Consider certifications or advanced courses to truly master specific areas of full-stack development and become an expert.
Join the Developer Crew: Don't go it alone! Network with other developers and industry professionals. Bounce ideas around, find a mentor for guidance, and stay motivated throughout your journey. Remember, collaboration is a fantastic way to learn and grow as a developer!
## Conclusion
So you want to be a full-stack developer? That's awesome! It's a challenging path, but super rewarding if you're up for it. Just like any adventure, it takes dedication, perseverance, and a genuine love for learning.
Here's the trick: equip yourself with the basics first, like a strong foundation in coding. Then, pick the right tools for the job, kind of like choosing your gear for a hike. To truly level up, get your hands dirty with real projects. It's like learning to ride a bike - you gotta practice! The tech world moves fast, so staying on top of new trends is key.
Don't forget, that communication, teamwork, and problem-solving are your secret weapons - essential for any developer. The most important thing? Never stop learning! Embrace the journey, and keep getting better every day. There will be obstacles, but each one will make you a stronger developer. Stay curious, stay motivated, and keep pushing yourself to be the best. The world of full-stack development is waiting for you, and with the right approach, you can totally crush it!
submitted by aarvyedutech to u/aarvyedutech [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:48 Numerous_Bull 10 Reasons Why You Need a Spare Tire Cover on Your Vehicle? Jeep tire Cover, Ford Bronco tire cover, Hummer tire cover

10 Reasons Why You Need a Spare Tire Cover on Your Vehicle? Jeep tire Cover, Ford Bronco tire cover, Hummer tire cover
Your spare tire might seem like a forgotten element of your vehicle, tucked away and unseen until the unfortunate moment you get a flat. But that exposed tire on the back is vulnerable to the elements, potential theft, and just looking a little worse for wear. Fortunately, a simple solution exists spare tire covers.
These covers, available in various styles and materials from companies like Boomerang tire covers, offer a surprising number of benefits that go beyond just aesthetics. Let's explore ten compelling reasons you should consider investing in a spare tire cover for your vehicle.
1. Shield Your Spare from the Elements: Sun, Rain, and More Sun exposure is a significant enemy of rubber. The harsh UV rays can break down the tire's compounds, leading to dry rot, cracking, and weakened sidewalls. This can significantly shorten the lifespan of your spare and compromise its safety when you finally need it. A spare tire cover is a protective barrier, shielding your tire from the damaging effects of sunlight, rain, snow, hail, and other environmental elements.
2. Deter Theft Spare tires are surprisingly easy targets for thieves. They're readily accessible, often require only a lug wrench to remove, and can be resold for a decent price. A spare tire cover acts as a deterrent by concealing the tire itself. This makes it less appealing to potential thieves and discourages them from targeting your vehicle. Some spare tire covers for Jeeps, like Jeep Wrangler wheel covers, even come with integrated locking mechanisms or cable locks for an extra layer of security.
3. Express Yourself Spare tire covers are more than just functional; they can be a fun way to express your personality or interests. Companies like Boomerang offer a vast selection of spare tire covers featuring everything from iconic logos and landscapes to humorous slogans and sports team emblems. For Jeep enthusiasts, Jeep Wrangler tire covers with camera hole are available to accommodate the backup camera mounted on some models. You can even find a tire cover for Ford Bronco that integrates with the vehicle's sleek design. This level of customization allows you to personalize your vehicle and make a statement wherever you go.
4. Enhance Your Vehicle's Looks A bare spare tire can detract from your vehicle's overall appearance, especially if you've invested in stylish wheels and a sleek paint job. A well-chosen spare tire cover can add a touch of class or a burst of personality, completing your vehicle's aesthetic. For instance, a Hummer H3 spare tire cover can complement the rugged off-road look of the vehicle, while a vibrant spare tire cover can add a pop of color to a more standard car.
5. Simplify Maintenance Keeping your spare tire clean can be a chore, especially if it's exposed to road grime, dust, and bird droppings. A spare tire cover eliminates this hassle. Most covers are made from easy-to-clean materials that only require a quick wipe down with a damp cloth to restore their shine. This saves you time and effort in maintaining the overall appearance of your vehicle.
6. Peace of Mind on the Road When you encounter a flat tire on the road, the last thing you want to worry about is the condition of your spare. A properly protected spare, shielded from the elements and potential damage, gives you peace of mind knowing it's in top shape and ready to safely get you back on the road.
7. Potential Insurance Benefit While not all insurance companies offer discounts for a spare tire cover, some recognize the added security and protection it provides. It's always worth checking with your insurance provider to see if having a spare tire cover can qualify you for any discounts on your policy.
8. An Investment that Lasts Spare tire covers are made from high-quality materials designed to withstand the elements and everyday wear and tear. With proper care, a good quality spare tire cover from a reputable brand like Boomerang can last for years, making it a worthwhile investment in the long run.
9. Easy Installation and Removal The beauty of spare tire covers is their ease of use. Most covers feature an elastic band or a cinch cord for a snug fit and are simple to install and remove without any special tools. This allows you to easily remove the cover when you need to access the spare tire or change it with a seasonal design.
10. A Great Value Proposition Spare tire covers are a relatively inexpensive way to add protection, functionality, and a touch of personality to your vehicle. A spare tire cover costs significantly lower than replacing a damaged spare tire or repairing vandalism. Considering their numerous benefits, spare tire covers provide excellent value for money.
In conclusion, a spare tire cover is not just a decorative accessory; it's a practical and affordable investment that safeguards your spare tire, enhances the look of your vehicle, and offers peace of mind on the road. With various styles and materials available, you're sure to find a spare tire cover that perfectly complements your vehicle and reflects your personality. So, ditch the exposed spare and embrace the benefits of a well-chosen spare tire cover.
submitted by Numerous_Bull to Jeep_Wrangler [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:46 TheUtkarsh8939 How can I modify behaviour of datapacks in fabric MC 1.20.6

Fabric 1.20.6
Hey fellow smart people of subreddit, I am currently working on a mod that allows datapacks to add custom Items with an API similar to bedrock's JSON behavior packs where you use JSON to specify properties of an item you want to add and it gets added, since datapacks can easily modify any items, and change/add recipes and loot tables, I don't have to worry about those I just want to add basic Items, Blocks, Tool etc. For it I would need to access datapack execution, my idea is to have a folder named custom in the datapack, which contains several subfolders like Blocks, Items, Tools, Weapons etc. you get the idea, inside them can contain a json file for a item with structure like this:{"id":"Item I'd", "texture":"texture file", "stack":Max num for that stack} like that, but I can't find any documentation on how I can access that folder, any help would be appreciated
submitted by TheUtkarsh8939 to feedthebeast [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:43 keeperofleviathans Not sure what to do about a nest.

Normally, I'd just leave it be. But it's in my tool bag, and I need the tools. 🙃 when I realized it was there I noticed a few eggs, appears to only be 2 or 3 at a glance. But I didn't really go poking around in there after seeing the eggs.
There is still a bird returning to the nest but not often. And it doesn't seem to be spending time in the nest at all?
It's also literally just in the bag on my table on the porch, and to be honest, if they hatch there they likely will not survive my pets.
Is there even a best course of action here? They are teeny little eggs that have been there for at least 2 weeks now. But I don’t know what kind of bird they belong to or how long to wait to see if they will hatch.
submitted by keeperofleviathans to Ornithology [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:39 No-System-2838 HIRING Field Technician @ $20/hour with overtime for 240 hours (8 hours shifts) in Emporia,VA (10 miles from Gaston, NC). (Stay and travel available) (No Experience Required)

Position: Bush Replacement Technician Pay: $20/hour Duration: 240 hours (8-hour shifts) Overtime: Available and can be discussed Location: Near Emporia, VA & Gaston, NC (10 mins) and Lawrenceville, VA (30 mins) Travel/Staying Arrangements: Can be provided if required
About the Job: We are seeking 3-4 dedicated individuals for a bush replacement project on our Array Technologies solar panel tracking assembly. This is a fantastic short-term opportunity to work with cutting-edge solar technology.
What We Offer:
Interested? Message me if you're interested, and we will take it forward from there. Join us and be a part of the future of renewable energy!
submitted by No-System-2838 to NorthCarolina [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:35 No-System-2838 HIRING Field Technician @ $20/hour with overtime for 240 hours (8 hours shifts) in Emporia,VA. (Stay and travel available) (No Experience Required)

Position: Bush Replacement Technician Pay: $20/hour Duration: 240 hours (8-hour shifts) Overtime: Available and can be discussed Location: Near Emporia, VA & Gaston, NC (10 mins) and Lawrenceville, VA (30 mins) Travel/Staying Arrangements: Can be provided if required
About the Job: We are seeking 3-4 dedicated individuals for a bush replacement project on our Array Technologies solar panel tracking assembly. This is a fantastic short-term opportunity to work with cutting-edge solar technology.
What We Offer:
Interested? Message me if you're interested, and we will take it forward from there. Join us and be a part of the future of renewable energy!
submitted by No-System-2838 to petersburg [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:33 No-System-2838 HIRING Field Technician @ $20/hour with overtime for 240 hours (8 hours shifts) in Emporia,VA. (Stay and travel available) (No Experience Required)

Position: Bush Replacement Technician Pay: $20/hour Duration: 240 hours (8-hour shifts) Overtime: Available and can be discussed Location: Near Emporia, VA & Gaston, NC (10 mins) and Lawrenceville, VA (30 mins) Travel/Staying Arrangements: Can be provided if required
About the Job: We are seeking 3-4 dedicated individuals for a bush replacement project on our Array Technologies solar panel tracking assembly. This is a fantastic short-term opportunity to work with cutting-edge solar technology.
What We Offer:
Interested? Message me if you're interested, and we will take it forward from there. Join us and be a part of the future of renewable energy!
submitted by No-System-2838 to VirginiaBeach [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:28 No-System-2838 HIRING @ $20/hour with overtime for 240 hours (8 hours shifts) in Emporia,VA. (Stay and travel available)

Position: Bush Replacement Technician Pay: $20/hour Duration: 240 hours (8-hour shifts) Overtime: Available and can be discussed Location: Near Emporia, VA & Gaston, NC (10 mins) and Lawrenceville, VA (30 mins) Travel/Staying Arrangements: Can be provided if required
About the Job: We are seeking 3-4 dedicated individuals for a bush replacement project on our Array Technologies solar panel tracking assembly. This is a fantastic short-term opportunity to work with cutting-edge solar technology.
What We Offer:
Interested? Message me if you're interested, and we will take it forward from there. Join us and be a part of the future of renewable energy!
submitted by No-System-2838 to RVAJOBS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:24 DatabaseQueen Would you apply for a job that you arranged for a friend of yours who is unemployed?

A recruiter approached me with a job offer, saying that it might not be interesting for me as I would be overqualified, asking if I don't know someone who would be interested. Actually I have an unemployed girl friend and she could really use this opportunity, so I immediately recommended her. Only then I realized that this would be a perfect job for J2. Damn. Now, I would love to apply, I also think that my friend won't make it but I don't want to be the one who would take her job opportunity (which I forwarded to her in the first place).🤦🏻‍♀️ I want her to succeed, I even proposed her that I can teach her how to use some tools. I wanted to rewrite her CV to make it look better (but that would be too much). Maybe I could apply only if she gets rejected ? Also how would I explain it to the recruiter, "hey I might be overqualified but I want to do it anyway"? Help.
submitted by DatabaseQueen to OverEmployedWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:24 No-System-2838 HIRING Field Technician @ $20/hour with overtime for 240 hours (8 hours shifts) in Emporia,VA. (Stay and travel available) (No experience required)

Position: Bush Replacement Technician Pay: $20/hour Duration: 240 hours (8-hour shifts) Overtime: Available and can be discussed Location: Near Emporia, VA & Gaston, NC (10 mins) and Lawrenceville, VA (30 mins) Travel/Staying Arrangements: Can be provided if required
About the Job: We are seeking 3-4 dedicated individuals for a bush replacement project on our Array Technologies solar panel tracking assembly. This is a fantastic short-term opportunity to work with cutting-edge solar technology.
What We Offer:
Interested? Message me if you're interested, and we will take it forward from there. Join us and be a part of the future of renewable energy!
submitted by No-System-2838 to novajobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:22 PoetryDependent7621 How to deal with a shitty boss?

I work at a daycare. Honestly my first and only job I've had. Been here a crappy 8 years and honestly hate it. My coworkers for the most part are lazy, my boss is a pastor who caters to the workers who go to his church and I don't so I've always been treated poorly. About a month ago I was left with more than the allowed 4 babies by myself because he assigned 3 teachers to another room with only 10 kids (only one teacher was needed for said room). When I asked why I was told I was acting stupid and complaining. Eventually let that go. But then yesterday after two weeks of letting the owner know we are out of groceries basically for the kids and I'm having to use my money for it, I came in yesterday to absolutely no groceries. So I just texted the pastor asking if he saw my messages and what to do because we have no food for the kids really. We were out of vegetables, fruits and basically any food besides one bag of fish sticks which won't food over 30 kids. And while I'm talking to another worker he calls her, and first thing out his mouth was (my name) "can't cook and she keeps complaining we don't have food". Like why are you calling someone else about the issue I asked you. And let alone insulting me in said process. I never once was rude about the food. And I'm not gonna lie I texted him asking what his issue is with me and he started on the phone like I had an attitude and getting pissed at me. And I was mad trying to tell him what am I supposed to do because we don't have food for these kids. And I'm literally wasting my money ti make sure they can get the right stuff because no one is getting it for them. And he's just getting pissed at me. And guys I currently can't afford to move jobs. I'm looking now, but due to no car and an illness it's not the easiest thing for me to just leave like most people. So can anyone suggest what to do without just saying leave the job. Because I am working on that. But I need other advice as well. Because my mental health is deteriorating at this job and being treated like I'm an issue when all I do is try and do my job as best I can
submitted by PoetryDependent7621 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:20 No-System-2838 HIRING @ $20/hour with overtime for 240 hours (8 hours shifts) in Emporia,VA. (Stay and travel available)

Position: Bush Replacement Technician Pay: $20/hour Duration: 240 hours (8-hour shifts) Overtime: Available and can be discussed Location: Near Emporia, VA & Gaston, NC (10 mins) and Lawrenceville, VA (30 mins) Travel/Staying Arrangements: Can be provided if required
About the Job: We are seeking 3-4 dedicated individuals for a bush replacement project on our Array Technologies solar panel tracking assembly. This is a fantastic short-term opportunity to work with cutting-edge solar technology.
What We Offer:
Interested? Message me if you're interested, and we will take it forward from there. Join us and be a part of the future of renewable energy!
submitted by No-System-2838 to Chesapeake [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:19 TerriMKozlowski Why It's Important To Understand Your Past Isn't An Indication Of Your Future

People ruminate on the past, who’s wronged them, and the things that are absent from their lives. People imagine past events as though they are still happening now. They use who they were in the past to define their future.
The issue with defining oneself in the present from your past is that it keeps you bound to the past. This self-imposed limitation asserts that everything about your past determines how you will behave in the future. Your future hasn't been written yet. The decisions you make will continue to shape who you can be.
When you are a child of an alcoholic, you learn from a very young age the signs to look for so you aren’t in the line of fire when the next violent episode occurs. And the feared incident always happens. Consequently, you become conditioned to react to these indications.
As an adult, you see evidence that because bad things have happened in the past doesn’t mean more bad things will happen. Not every slurred speech or stumbling from another person will cause harm. Therefore, you can determine that the past doesn’t have to repeat itself.
Although this may take time to realize, it doesn’t have to. You’re shaped by your past. The good news is, you aren’t bound to it. You can move beyond the difficulties of the past and into something far better. The main reason you don’t have to repeat the past is because you can learn from it.
While we cannot predict the future, we will most surely live it. Every action and decision we take - or don't - ripples into the future. ~ Jacque Fresco

Your Mindset Determines Your Future

You often have feelings and attachments to the past. The past can be hard to let go of, and it affects you emotionally. Yet you have a choice to make, an option to choose a different outlook, a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset.
The fixed mindset is the idea that you believe your attributes and abilities are inherently fixed and can’t be changed. For example, you may think that you’re as smart as you’ll ever be and therefore, that thought process causes you not to even try to learn new things. Since you don’t believe your intelligence can grow with time and experience, then you can’t change, and your future will be the same.
A growth mindset is the exact opposite. This mindset is founded on the conviction that your basic abilities can be cultivated and are malleable. This allows one to grow with enthusiasm, time, and a commitment to improving, learning, and becoming greater than before. With a growth mindset, failures are short-term setbacks, and the process is usually more important than the outcome. So, with a growth mindset, your future is never predetermined. It’s boundless.
The fixed mindset is the most common mindset and the most harmful. So, you need to know which mindset you favor so you can learn from the past and then choose a different future. You can change your mindset just by thinking it through.
The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power. ~ Mary Pickford

Reframing Your Past To Better Serve You

Your world is the one you make through your decisions. So is the one you remember from your past. Change the significance of the experiences if what you remember is difficult or negative. Examine the experiences that are preventing you from moving forward and try to see them from a more positive perspective. Reframe your rejection, to believe it was a sign from the Universe directing you to a better place. If you have ever failed at something, consider it a lesson in building resilience for a better future.
Accepting your history serves as a springboard and a means of getting ready for the future once you can no longer imagine a better ending for it. The way you identify who you have been and how you envision who you will be next, combine to form who you are today. Take care of the narratives you accept and write about yourself. Take deliberate steps to embrace the lessons learned from the past and the opportunities that lie ahead. 
These are the components of who you are right now. The gifts that make up your current existence have been your experiences. A clear vision for your life is essential, as you attract what you focus on. Your destiny is entirely within your control. Even if you can't control everything in life, you can still do great things if you accept responsibility, grow from your mistakes, and have a clear vision.
There are times in our lives when we have to realize our past is precisely what it is, and we cannot change it. But we can change the story we tell ourselves about it, and by doing that, we can change the future. ~ Eleanor Brown

Everybody Changes; So The Future Will Differ From The Past

As an adult, you have experienced enough of life to see that one constant is change. You grow, circumstances transform, people develop. All of this is observable. Therefore, if everybody changes, then the past can’t indicate the future.
Even those around you that don’t seem to have the desire to grow still change. They are based on the circumstances that occur in their life and by the choices they make. Not making a choice is still choosing, which impacts one’s life that doesn’t allow things to stay the same. Thus, despite a lack of growth, the future will differ from the past.
As you develop, how you perceive the past is altered and reframed. You learn from the past and determine ways to prevent unwanted situations. You make informed decisions and take responsibility for your choices, so that you can move forward toward the goals and dreams. Thus, validating that you are creating a better future than your past.
My aha moment came when I realized my past was holding me back because I allowed it to. I embraced both the idea that I had total autonomy to decide in the present and the reality that I couldn’t change the past, only reframe it. Then I choose to forgive anyone who had wronged me, as well as myself for my previous missteps. And you can make the same choice.
People underestimate their capacity for change. There is never a right time to do a difficult thing. ~John Porter

Making Your Future Better than Your Past

As you have seen, in order to improve your future than your past, believe that it’s possible. This may take a bit of courage to overcome your fears and move towards a growth mindset. Here are some ways to help you with this process.

1. Find Your Tribe To Create The Future You Desire

You may have to cut ties with those people in your life that keep you fixated on negativity. The girlfriend who’s always teasing you about the mistake you made years ago has no bearing on the present, except that it keeps your ego in a place of embarrassment every time she mentions it. The people who remind you of your failings or missteps are focusing on the negativity of the past. You may need to spend less time with these people.
Instead, focus on those people who are encouraging, the ones who are excited for you to try new ventures or take a class. This is your tribe, the ones who look at your best attributes and speak positively to you. They remind you of the successes you’ve had, to inspire you to keep moving forward. Make new friends in the areas that you are growing. It's helpful to have someone learning with you to discuss and problem solve together.
Releasing those people from your life that have a negative influence on you is an important step to safeguarding that your future doesn’t resemble your past. By ensuring that you have people who are positive and encouraging around, you help yourself enlarge the possibilities of a better and boundless future.
When we think we have been hurt by someone in the past, we build up defenses to protect ourselves from being hurt in the future. So the fearful past causes a fearful future and the past and future become one. ~ Gerald G. Jampolsky

2. Let Go Of The Past And Its Attachments

Fear of loss is a common concern, like the anxiety of losing your job and the grief of losing a friend. The harsh reality is that you will lose things and loved ones. It’s the natural course of life. Nonetheless, being anxious about the future or worried about the past does nothing but keep you from being fully present and working towards your goals.
The fear of loss can cause many to stay in a mode of indecision and procrastination throughout the course of their lives. People grow attached to the stuff in their lives. Things like their profession, their prominence, their income, their lifestyle, etc. To pursue a change would mean relinquishing some or these things that are now associated as part of your life. Because of this aversion to loss, many people choose to put their dreams on hold — continuously.
By becoming less attached to the things in your life, you overcome the fear of loss. This enables you to move forward towards your goals and build a better future for yourself.
Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose. ~ Yoda

3. Accepting What Is Stops The Struggling

By learning to be thankful for your current situation, one changes the focus from lack to having enough. This is important from a universal perspective. Acceptance for what is allows peace to enter your life instead of feeling you are fighting just to get by.
Part of acceptance is gratitude for everything you have, which includes any hardships, as they’re there for you to learn something. The fastest way through adversity is to ask the Universe what lesson are you to glean from the experience. Then, you have to get quiet and discern how this situation can teach you something about yourself or how you relate to the world around you.
One of the best ways to help you see all the good in your life is a gratitude journal. It’s easy to write a few items each evening that happened during your day, which you are grateful for. They can be things like the beautiful sunrise you witnessed while driving into work or your child passed their math test even though he struggled with the homework. You have things in your life to appreciate, and this is where you need to focus your attention in order to shape the vision you have for your future.
Acceptance doesn’t mean resignation; it means understanding that something is what it is and that there’s got to be a way through it. ~ Michael J. Fox

4. Small Steps Towards A Better Future

Growth and development don’t happen overnight. It takes time. And you want things to happen quickly as you are impatient with yourself. But you need to be kind, give a little self-care and self-love. Pay attention to the incremental steps you take as you grow.
It took me over two years before I could meditate daily. I wanted to, but I had to overcome obstacles within myself in order to accomplish this goal. First, I set the intention to meditate daily, but I had focus issues. So, I had to work on being able to quiet my mind so that I could focus. Once I accomplished that step, I added meditation to my calendar, because if it’s on my calendar, I do it. This entire process could be frustrating, but I focused on each incremental step, not the end result. Now, I wouldn’t begin my day without first meditating.
So, whatever you are trying to accomplish, set up steps along the path so you can have minor victories along the way. This ensures you will continue to move forward even if you run into a time of struggle. Being able to see that you overcame previous difficulties encourages you to continue until you accomplish the goal.
You need to be content with small steps. That's all life is. Small steps that you take every day, so when you look back down the road, it all adds up and you know you covered some distance. ~ Katie Kacvinsky

Remember, You Are Wiser Now

It’s unnecessary for you to continue suffering just because you were taken advantage of or mistreated by others, often by those closest to you. You have the power to decide to quit mentally reliving the past. Actually, more anguish is frequently caused by your mind continuously playing back an awful experience from the past than by the actual incident.
You are no longer required to assume the victim's role. You're a survivor. And you can determine how you interpret negative experiences from your past. It’s the key to your freedom.
Unlike what some people think, you can be remorseful without always punishing yourself for past transgressions. Make the adjustments and move on. I can attest to the liberating nature of forgiveness, having extended forgiveness to my abusive mother. You don't choose to be forgiving of others in order to excuse or justify their actions. You choose to be free through forgiveness.
It's also important for you to accept responsibility for your own missteps. Since nobody is perfect. You don't have to serve a life sentence that you put on yourself in order to make up for the wrongs you did or the poor decisions you made. Treat yourself with self-compassion.
You can choose to see your past as quicksand or a launching pad. It’s up to you to make use of your experiences as a tool or allow them to be used against you.
Close the door on the past. Don’t try to forget the mistakes, but don't dwell on them. You don’t let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space. ~ Johnny Cash

Moving Forward Believing In A Better Future

You have the freedom to decide how much control you wish to have over your present life, regardless of what has happened in the past. Although it’s impossible to undo the past, you can reframe it and decide how to respond to it.
Belief is paramount to being able to do anything. Confidence in your abilities, conviction in your resolve to constantly move forward, and faith that all your work will make your dreams a reality. Maintaining this belief is important, which is why you need to take pride in the victories along the way.
Every disappointment that you overcame, each circumstance you seized, and the individuals that arrived along the way that you recognized were there to help you. All the success along the way helps you maintain the belief that the future is going to be better than your past, because you are creating it every day.
No matter how awful it was, your past does not indicate your future. The decisions and deeds you commit to today will ultimately shape who you become in the future. Decide to take what you've learned from the past and use it in the present to live the life that was meant for you.
Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay. ~ Simone de Beauvoir
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2024.05.21 12:18 ChodasFC Mics that work with iPhone 15 Pro Max?

Hey guys, I usually use a NT-USB+ for my voiceovers but since I got the 15 pro max it no longer works without high gain and distortion (Rode acknowledged that this is an issue but there’s no fix). So I’m looking for an alternative mic that will do the job for me and would love some recommendations, thanks in advance!
submitted by ChodasFC to rode [link] [comments]
