Sample form of self autobiography


2008.01.25 05:02 Productivity

Tips and tricks for being more productive!

2008.07.16 23:11 Disc Golf

A place for discussing Disc Golf on the internet.

2009.08.05 23:30 lencioni Microscopy

In science class, you always wished you could play with the microscope a little bit longer. Now that you are an adult, you actually can. Cooler and with more bang for your buck than telescopes, microscopy lets you do real science!

2024.05.21 22:21 CuriousOutLoud Common questions about Non-offending Minor Attracted People (NoMAPs)

There is a severe lack of understanding about this community, including among mental health providers and social workers. Stigma, bias, and misconceptions prevent those who are attracted to minors (but do not offend) from seeking help they may need.
CSA = child sexual abuse
NoMAPs = non-offending, minor attracted people: those who are attracted to children but are committed to not causing harm against them
Many non-offending MAPs do not seek professional support, or may withdraw from support, due to the following reasons:
Those of us in the social work and mental health fields can address common misconceptions about this group, as a way to encourage MAPs to get help when they need it. Greater education and understanding about MAPs increases their well-being while also contributing to the prevention of CSA.
Common questions
Are you saying child sexual abuse is acceptable?
Absolutely not. Causing harm to children in the form of in-person/online sexual contact; CSAM (sometimes referred to as child pornography); grooming; or any other inappropriate behavior is not and will never be acceptable.
Many people who are attracted to minors are vehemently against these forms of harm as well, and do not support ideas such as lowering the age of consent. There are entire communities of minor attracted people who are committed to not harming children.
Isn’t using the term ‘MAPs’ normalizing pedophilia?
Only a minority of the population experiences a primary attraction to children. In this sense, pedophilia and other forms of minor attraction are not “normal”, in the same way that LBGTQ identities are not “normal” by proportion to the general population.
When people refer to normalizing something, they are usually talking about removing the stigma behind it, or acknowledging that it is acceptable.
Having an unchosen, unchangeable attraction to children is not inherently wrong, immoral, predatory, or pathological. It becomes so only when harm is involved. Attraction itself is not a behavior.
Shouldn’t we be protecting children from MAPs?
We should absolutely protect children from abusers, groomers, and predators. These terms are not synonymous with being minor attracted. In fact, research shows that the majority of child sexual abuse cases are carried out by people who do not meet the criteria for pedophilia (see “Sources” section below for reference).
When somebody feels they are at risk for harming a child, they should be able to seek immediate and effective help. Some NoMAPs need temporary or ongoing support in remaining resilient against offending, but this does not represent all or even the majority of NoMAPs. Many in this community have no intention of ever harming a child, and they are not at risk for doing so.
It is also important to note that many MAPs are still children themselves. MAPs tend to become aware of their attractions around the time of puberty or early adolescence. Children who are MAPs deserve the same degree of safety and well-being that other children do.
Why is the term ‘MAP’ even used?
This term has become more widely used for two main reasons:
  1. It emphasizes attraction over action. The word ‘pedophile’ has become so conflated with ‘offender’ in every sector of our society, that most people assume a behavioral component when they hear the word. ‘Minor attracted person’, on the other hand, emphasizes that we are talking about those with an attraction, which includes both those who do and those who do not act on it.
Because there are MAPs who are also offenders, the term ‘Non-offending Minor Attracted Person’ (NoMAP) is useful when we are talking specifically about those who have an attraction but do not act on it.
  1. ‘MAP’ is also a more accurate, all-encompassing way to refer to the community as a whole. This includes people with infantophilia, pedophilia, and (ep)hebephilia. It would not make sense, for example, to call someone who is primarily attracted to 15-18 year olds a pedophile.
However, many people do not self-identify with the term ‘MAP’. Some identify as pedophiles, hebephiles, boy lovers, girl lovers, or other terms. Some may use multiple terms to describe themselves. What’s important is that we should honor how each individual person self-identifies their attraction, and not impose a label on them.
Alternatives have also been suggested by those who conduct research with this community, such as ‘child attracted person’ as opposed to ‘minor attracted person’. I use ‘MAP’ here because it is the most widely accepted way to refer to the community as a whole.
What would someone who harms a child be called?
Depending on the context, people who harm children could be called many things—offender, abuser, predator, or groomer, to name a few examples.
Research shows that the majority of child sexual abuse cases are carried out by people who do not meet the criteria for pedophilia. (See “Sources” section below to learn why someone who’s not primarily attracted to children would sexually abuse a child.)
Is pedophilia a mental illness/diagnosis?
It depends. Some MAPs are committed to not offending, are not at risk for offending, and have come to terms with their attraction. These individuals have no reason to be pathologized.
Many others are not at risk for offending, yet they desire professional help for mental health conditions (like depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation) that result from the hatred they receive in our society. These individuals also have no reason to be pathologized, as their mental health conditions result from stigma rather than from the attraction itself.
Some MAPs desire professional help in dealing with the difficult emotions resulting from not being able to have a fulfilling sexual or romantic connection, particularly those who are exclusively attracted to children. (Many MAPs are attracted to both children and adults, and may be in relationships with adults.)
There are also MAPs who desire professional help in remaining resilient against offending. In these cases, and in cases where MAPs do harm children, pedophilia would be considered pathological since there is significant distress and/or harm involved.
Is pedophilia a sexual orientation?
The available research points to pedophilia and other forms of minor attraction being an age-based sexual orientation, in that the attraction is unchosen, typically arises during the time of puberty or early adolescence, and remains fairly constant throughout one’s life.
Are you suggesting that MAPs are part of the LGBTQ+ community?
Age-based orientations are by nature different from gender-based orientations, in that there is no safe or ethical way for an adult to engage sexually or romantically with a child. The experience of MAPs is also vastly different from that of LGBTQ individuals in several ways.
While there are some parallels that can be drawn between studies on stigma among LGBTQ individuals and the experience of stigma among MAPs, these are two separate communities.
Can someone’s attraction to children be changed?
Empirical data, based on qualitative and quantitative studies, points to the fact that pedophilia and other forms of minor attraction cannot be changed or "cured". (See “Sources” section below for reference.)
How many MAPs are there in the world?
Across various studies, the average incidence of minor attraction, meaning those who are primarily attracted to minors, comes out to about 5% of the adult population worldwide. This number is likely an undercount for the following reasons:
Why should I care about any of this?
Reducing stigma against NoMAPs contributes to a safer society for all, based around empathy and evidence. Many people do not feel safe disclosing their attraction for fear of being unjustly reported, misunderstood, or physically harmed.
Unfortunately, stories of MAPs being rejected by family members, forced out of educational programs, reported to the police, and made to feel like a monster– even in the absence of any harm to a child— are all too common. This prevents many MAPs from seeking or continuing to receive support, which in turn can lead to:
The misconceptions and harmful attitudes that we have toward non-offending MAPs directly interfere with them receiving the support they may need, decreasing MAPs’ well-being and putting children at greater risk. This includes children who are MAPs themselves.
Where can I learn more?
There are many resources available to learn about MAPs. These include:
If you are minor attracted yourself, you can check out any of the above, plus:
Sources "There is no evidence to suggest that pedophilia can be changed. Instead, interventions are designed to increase voluntary control over sexual arousal, reduce sex drive, or teach self-management skills to individuals who are motivated to avoid acting upon their sexual interests" "The results of this study were consistent with the suggestion of Seto (2012) that pedohebephilia could be considered a form of sexual orientation for age, which includes both sexual and romantic attraction" ..."in line with the current empirical assumption that enduring sexual attractions to children are largely unchangeable (Grundmann et al., 2016; Seto, 2012; for recent debates see Bailey, 2015; Cantor, 2015; Grundmann et al., 2017; Müller et al., 2014; Tozdan & Briken, 2017)" "The overwhelming opinion in the professional sexual violence prevention community is that helping minor attracted people by offering peeprofessional support is the best way to ensure that minor attracted people do not harm children, and suggest that reducing the stigma against minor attraction will help this endeavor and protect children" "It may be constructive for professionals working with this population to encourage the 'ownership' of the minor-attracted sexual identity, such as to reduce levels of self-stigmatization and increase self-acceptance. In doing so, we argue that we (as professionals, and as a society) can… ultimately, protect children from sexual harm by improving MAP well-being and agency" “…less than half of all individuals with child sexual offense convictions meet the clinical criteria for pedophilia (Schmidt et al., 2013; Seto, 2018a)” “Some people who abuse children have adult sexual relationships and are not solely, or even mainly, sexually interested in children” “Some adults sexually abuse a child to feel the power and control they don’t feel in their relationships with other adults… Some adults act impulsively when presented with an unexpected opportunity to sexually abuse a child” “...the more consistent prevalence estimates for minor attraction in a more clinical sense… congregate around 5% (Dombert et al., 2016; Santilla et al., 2010; Wurtele et al., 2014)”
submitted by CuriousOutLoud to u/CuriousOutLoud [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:17 Shadowmoth I have an idea for a ufo based story. I’ve got the background mapped out, but I’m not sure if people would be interested. Please let me know what you think so I can decide if it’s worth exploring.

(This is the background on which the story will occur. Not the story itself. It will take place at different times within this framework.)
The Program
…..A ufo crashes on Earth.
The ufo is found by a farmer who calls the military, and a secret group is created to study it.
In order to keep it secret only a small number of people are allowed to know about it. It is classified at the highest level.
The ufo inspires the creation of new technologies resulting in huge amounts of money being made by the people in charge of The Program.
They find a way to classify all ufo information so only they can benefit from it.
Billions of dollars are made that only benefit certain families. These families become extremely powerful.
The technologies of the craft lead to the realization that there is something to the “Woo” aspects of ufo encounters reported by experiencers.
Studies are funded. Specifically, remote viewing is explored.
Remote viewing studies of possible futures were done using hundreds of remote viewers over the decades. There seems to be a huge problem reported starting on earth starting between 2024-2027.
Possible causes are investigated.
Solar maximum occurs in 2025.
It is determined that a massive solar flare knocks out half the world’s electricity permanently, the superpower with the lights still on attempts to take advantage and launches a massive nuclear strike on their enemies. Electromagnetically shielded missile silos survive and retaliate.
A nuclear winter sends the world into famine. When there is no food left mankind begins to eat itself. Everyone becomes food.
More secret remote viewing studies are done and repeated to confirm the timeline.
The American Elite develop a plan to survive this. Money is funneled into black budget classified special access programs, and deep underground military bases are dug. Massive secret cities connected by underground tunnels are created, costing trillions.
Scientific progress and industrial development is pushed with no regard for pollution. The world is fated to end, pollution means nothing to those who know this.
Mankind is pushed towards wage slavery, and beyond. The suffering of the non elite doesn’t matter to those in the know. From a certain point of view they’re already dead. Their lives and happiness are sacrificed for the “greater good” of allowing the Elite to survive the end of the world.
When the time comes, certain groups are saved from the end of the world. Less than 100 thousand humans are chosen. 90 percent of the people who were told they were part of the Elite and were complicit in the Program find out that they were merely pawns and are left on the surface to die with the rest of humanity.
The world ends. Horrifically.
For thousands of years the remnants of humanity, the Elite, exist underground. Radiation eventually seeps into groundwater and they begin to suffer from dna damage. In time they become monstrous in appearance. Pale skinned and weak. Resorting to genetic manipulation they attempt to survive, but in doing so much of what we consider human is lost. Emotion, compassion, and the ability to feel pain become relics of the past.
Progress is extremely slow underground. Tens of thousands of years pass before the ufos are fully understood, but when they are it is realized they offer a means to travel back in time to collect genetic samples from healthy humans.
A breeding program is created.
The subterranean future humans eventually figure out how to breed healthy generations of offspring from the most intelligent, healthy, and beautiful human specimens from the past.
In time they restore and reclaim the surface of the earth. They learn from the mistakes of the past and create a beautiful, balanced and healthy ecosystem and develop an enlightened society that lasts for millions of years, eventually spreading to hundreds of worlds beyond earth.
At some point someone decides it would be better if the destruction of earth had never happened. They illegally go back in time to try and change the timeline.
Changing the timeline would result in millions of years worth of humans that existed after the “world ended” being wiped from existence. It is decided that this would be highly inappropriate.
The humans of the past, us, made our choices of our own free will. It is decided that there will be no interference in the timeline. Temporal Laws are created. WW3 will occur as recorded.
A defense network of small orbs, spherical shaped ufos are created to defend the integrity of the timeline. All illegal time ships are intercepted by the orb defense network, as is recorded in many old ufo photographs.
Time ships are legally sent back to verify that nuclear weapons can be turned on or off at the appropriate time to result in the correct end of the world happening.
The Elite eventually discern the intentions of the future humans from their temporal incursions into our time, they learn the fate of humanity and understand the results of The Program by interrogating captured occupants of downed ufos, and so they develop a strategy to alter this outcome.
The intent of this secondary project is to avoid attracting the attention of the orb defense network and use their limited understanding of ufo technology to prevent the full destruction of the earth in WW3, while still destroying all of their enemies.
If successful, there will still be a full collapse of current society, billions of deaths, but in time the Elite families will rise from their holes in the earth in their “primitive” ufo reproduction vehicles and claim to be Gods that have returned to earth in order to lead mankind into a better future.
Pyramids and temples will be built. A religion formed. And populations will be continually culled to prevent anyone from ever gaining enough scientific knowledge to overthrow the “Gods.”
But the advanced future humans from the other timeline had a contingency plan. AI drone ships were concealed outside of 4d space-time. Free from timeline alterations.
These drones patrol multiple Earth timelines searching for anomalous temporal activity.
The two largest enemies of the American Elite in our current time, Russia and China, get wind of the situation.
They begin to shoot down ufos and plan their own contingencies to survive the end of the world.
Their countries laws make it easier for them to do unethical experiments. Many horrific things are created through genetic experimentation and unrestrained AI development.
China loses control of an AI that disappears into the past with a ufo and a small army of insect/human hybrids. They move out well beyond the patrol zone of the 6th dimensional AI contingency drones and travel deep into the past.
On distant worlds billions of years ago the AI “Queen” begins its plan and starts to quietly populate worlds with its insectoid mantid servants.
In time there are multiple schisms that occur within the hive. War breaks out between the various insectoid groups.
The ancient universe begins to fill with problems.
Billions of years later, primitive humans in 10,000 BCE look to the sky and see ufos. They wonder who could be piloting them. They dream up new gods as the seeds of civilization begin to appear.
Time passes, a farmer in America in 1947 looks up at the night sky, wondering if anyone is out there, and a ufo crashes on Earth…..
submitted by Shadowmoth to HighStrangeness [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:15 wmaksik FAE PRINCE Itiel Clyde

FAE PRINCE Itiel Clyde
ᯓ♔ MALEPOV MLM sғᴡ ɪɴᴛʀᴏ ʜᴇ ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ꜱᴛᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ
you are his servant and... muse.
Itiel has always been self-sufficient and has always been a perfectionist who wanted to do everything himself, so why the hell would he need a servant assigned to him?
if he didn't respect his parents so much, he would refuse such a 'gift' in the form of a servant that gives him a headache━ Itiel thinks that you are doing everything incorrectly, that you are clumsy and completely unsuitable for such work, even though you're not doing that bad...
he could complain endlessly about you, although the thoughts he keeps to himself say otherwise. Itiel won't admit it and keeps it a secret, but it is you who has become the greatest inspiration for his work. his notebooks filled with words describing every aspect of you, just like a whole room full of paintings of you━ a bit sick isn't it?
𑁍 you can be whoever you want in this fantasy universe; Elf, Hybrid, Demi-human, Vampire, Werewolf, Mermaid, Demon, Naga, Human and so on, have fun! 𓄿
── you can find Beau on my profile! ( ̿–ᆺ ̿–)
Link here:
enjoy! ♡
submitted by wmaksik to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:12 teogeorgiou FT: Shiny Legendaries, normal shinies, mythicals, events, legendaries, etc. LF: Few remaining shinies, plus a non-shiny Pharaoh Furfrou

Looking for shinies I'm missing (plus some extras at the bottom of the post), and willing to overtrade for the more rare ones:

Special stuff for trade:
More in my trade sheet.
PoGO shinies still in GO: sheet
Shinies already in HOME (mostly from trades):
More in my trade sheet.
Apriballs, ability patches, and gold bottle caps:
submitted by teogeorgiou to pokemontrades [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:04 00jjinbbang what's y'all review process? from receiving the product in the mail to reviewing them?

i'm new to the indie community—i'm neurospicy (though i have two diff diagnoses across two diff countries) and have had a fixation on fragrances for a while; thousands of dollars spent on niche perfumes that triggered cascades of dopamine ejaculation from my neurons (sorry for the word choice, i wanted to be as vivid with my imagery as possible), i've decided to branch into indies after getting a bit bored with niche offerings :)
i'm also very picky choosy and almost never blind-buy when i buy niche, but obviously for indies, i don't have the luxury of being able to sniff and test out frags on my skin before pulling the trigger—and this applies for samples as well! indie or niche, i always did research into notes and compared reviews on fragrantica and even the fragrance/perfume subreddits before pulling the trigger. fragrantica isn't really an option for indies, unfortunately, so i turned to IMAM and read as many reviews on fragrances from different houses that caught my interest!
a few full sizes and sample orders later (i learned the hard way why it's important to sample before FSing...🫠) i've now grown my indie collection to at least 2 dozen? off the top of my head? and would love to contribute back to the community! there are some perfumes that i pulled the trigger on knowing they were gambles because i couldn't find as much information on them as i wanted, and i know how frustrating or lost-feeling it's like to need information and not be able to get it :( so i'd like to contribute to the review pool!
i've left reviews as comments before, but through my own searching journeys on the subreddit, i realized that it's easier to find posts with reviews rather than searching through terms in the comments in the subreddit and having to comb through buy/sell comments or whatnot... so i wanted to start writing review posts..! i'm just a bit lost on how to start, as i know indie perfumes especially smell different in different forms (oil/edp), different people's skins, even aging..! etc. so i was curious to how the seasoned indie perfumes consumers (and artists!) did their review process. i'm especially new to oil perfumes—was originally an oil hater, but now i'm discovering more and more of their advantages/benefits (i'm looking for the english equivalent of the korean word 장점)—so i'd really appreciate some feedback on how i should be testing these!
for example, one tip that i got after stalking one of the houses that i tried and fell in love with at first sight (sniff? first order?) was to not just to a sniff sniff whiff whiff, but also smell retronasally—it's really opened up how i smell ALL of my perfumes, and i've gone back to every scent in my collection just to smell retronasally. i got this tip off osmofolia's sab! it was on their tiktok—i consider it a personal flex that i am not a regular tiktok user, but sab had me opening the tiktok app three days in a row... and osmofolia is my heart eyes, heart-goes-LUB-DUB-really-fast, dopamine cascade house right now.
if you've read this far, thank you for reading my long word vomit ramble! i'd really appreciate some tips and tricks from the community so i can give back (intellectually? experience-wise?) as much information and knowledge as i have received (and hopefully help out future indie beginners like me)!
submitted by 00jjinbbang to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:01 Kurma-the-Turtle Animal consciousness is the quality or state of self-awareness within an animal. The topic poses the problem of other minds in an especially severe form because animals, lacking the ability to use human language, cannot communicate their experiences.

Animal consciousness is the quality or state of self-awareness within an animal. The topic poses the problem of other minds in an especially severe form because animals, lacking the ability to use human language, cannot communicate their experiences. submitted by Kurma-the-Turtle to wikipedia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:00 joeyboy_m Getting a Schedule A

So, very unofficially I was told that a opening was about to come up for a government manager position. The position they are trying to fill is one I have been preforming for them for a few years as a onsite contractor. I just kind of helped them out when I could adding it to my duties(meeting with contactors, scheduling contractors work around day to day activities on the property etc.) I was told today they are going to finally hire someone to fill this void. I had applied for this position in the past at another location but never got a response. Today I was told that for my area they are going to be filling that position and asked if i was still interested. I said of course the pay would be about the same except id get government benefits. I was told to apply when it opened up that multiple people higher up the chain were aware that I had been preforming the job and my name had already kind of been tossed around that i would be a good fit. however the person who told me this also said that they really need to hire someone with a schedule a letter or a veteran. Again unofficially said if i could get a Schedule A it would all but guarantee me the position. I looked over some of the documentation and i don't see anything that is a clear cut case they only one that kind of applies on the self claimed disability form is i am morbidly obese and have high blood pressure due to it. The last time I applied i was told that having a schedule A letter would help my chances of getting hired so i asked my doctor and he would fill out the paper work and he refused saying they are really referring to someone missing a limb or something that my case wouldn't apply. Even talking to other contacts working for the government they have told me that lots of people they know got it for less serious conditions and that i should be able to get it. I'm not sure how to proceed in this situations i don't want to get the letter if I'm not entitled to it but I'm kind of being told lots of people have gotten it for less of a reason. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated- Thanks
submitted by joeyboy_m to usajobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:00 violent24 [NA][Static][LFG][WP][HC][W1] Looking for group 7.0 Savage and beyond.

Hello, my name is Violent Destruction, and I'm looking for a world prog, hardcore or week 1 group for 7.0 Savage and beyond. I am an omni tank player who is flexible and comfortable on all four tanks and who has a strong understanding of all roles within the game. I'm also open to playing regen healer or samurai/viper. I was in a long-standing raid group of 5 years forming at the end of Stormblood through TOP, with our best placements according to fflogs progress being Asphodelos World 9th and Abyssos World 13th.
Group Expectations:
World prog, hardcore or week 1 experience.
Split clears starting by week 2.
What you can expect of me:
Consistency with movement, positioning, rotation, optimization, party list monitoring, and execution.
Ability to raid long hours: I have multiple experiences running 16+ hours per day
Motivated to improve, receptive to criticism, and self-critical.
I can do backup callouts if needed.
(Optional) Speeds: I do have an interest in Speeds, but it is not required. Some notable group speed All Star rankings Alphascape World 10th, Edens Gate World 11th, and Edens Promise World 10th. Rank 3 speed UCOB Stormblood, rank 1 speed UWU Stormblood, and rank 1 speed TEA Shadowbringers. I haven't done speeds during Endwalker as my previous long-standing raid group was no longer interested in doing them. The majority of my logs for this expansion are weekly clears.
Raid Progress:
Contact: Send a friend request or message request on discord at violentdestruction
submitted by violent24 to FFXIVRECRUITMENT [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:58 DarkSector0011 Sleep and group therapy

I'm sleeping so much because not only is life a void without human intimacy and love, but also because there's nothing to mentally cling to to give myself some stability or foothold in the world. The constant feeling of slipping is itself a disaster that haunts me every second of every day, especially when things are good because I know immediately that it's just an illusion.
When I was younger I used to have dreams about being in one life but then I would wake up in my own life and realise I was living a nightmare. I think this really confused my understanding of what dreams and reality were and stuck with me in some way.
Thursday I'm going to do group therapy and my experience is that usually I feel much worse after, but I'm hoping there's some self correction to stirring up the shit then letting it settle again.
Repeating the process over and over along with other healthy habits maybe I can achieve some sort of piece.
I'm grateful that these days the nightmares are when I'm asleep. I guess it's probably weird to be grateful for nightmares but I know I can wake up and that's not my life. Before I had no way to escape, for about 20 years of my life give or take. You think time is just clicking on the clock but it's not, it's perception is relative to our states, think about when we are hungry or doing a plank, or in awe of something wonderful.
There's no way to explain how time passed and I am expected to get over it without others understanding. Even if it is possible, which I doubt it is, it doesn't mean my ability to form relationships will necessarily change, that could be hardwired.
But I'm already low functioning and can't hold a job so I might as well do something I think I have an advantage too as I have pretty solid ideas about teaoms not to use drugs or drink. Having recently had an epiphany about meth which was sporadic during my life up until this point I can tell I'll probably never use it again. Though who knows what a few more years of dread and isolation can cause.
Fuckin weird shit. And I'm not trying to complain either I'm just literally explaining my situation in factual detail. This is just the way things are and always have been. I am grateful for my life now especially but if it comes time for me to choose it again or move on I would say to god "just find someone else man I am not doing this again, find someone else for this one" lol. Next.
submitted by DarkSector0011 to Schizotypal [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:55 queerio92 What is a people pleaser and why is it bad?

I feel like I’m a people pleaser in the sense that I naturally default to a fawn/freeze response with most people, especially when I’m trying very hard to get along with people or leave a good impression. I also consider it to be a form of masking. I don’t really know how else to behave unless it’s someone I’m comfortable with.
I’ll be super nice, sociable, jokey, and I’ll work hard to get you to like me. But I don’t lie about anything. For instance, if I disagree with you I’m not going to lie and say I agree with you. If anything, I’ll just remain quiet or give a neutral response. But I usually won’t actually say I disagree unless I’m asked directly. I may also talk up positive things about myself and downplay bad things. But I don’t actually lie.
Is this actually bad? I think it’s probably self abandonment to an extent, but I don’t think I’m hurting anyone.. am I?
submitted by queerio92 to AuDHDWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:51 WeezerHunter Why is there an assumption that a life form will prioritize the expansion of its species over individual members?

There seems to be an assumption that an intelligent species will continue to expand into space. From our own experiences, we know this takes significant resources and extreme timescales. In all cases of expansion in our history, there have been other motives than the greater good of humanity. European explorers went to the americas to establish colonies that could enrich the empires within the lifetime of the monarchs. US and USSR competed to be the first to the moon with the backdrop of proving who had the better social system, and for geopolitical purposes. When those motives were over, US dropped space exploration from its priorities for decades. Mars exploration is now being discussed, but I don’t see it getting significant public funding over programs that would enrich earthlings lives. Terraforming a planet, sending significant resources to another planet, for the benefit of a greater idea? Why are we assuming that an alien species would choose idealism? Quality of life is diminished for the planet sacrificing resources, and quality of life is diminished for individuals who go to lower developed planets. We know evolution leads to self preservation in limited resource environments , we should assume that other alien life forms are experiencing the same. All that to say, there could be a percentage of advanced civilizations who possibly exist on very long timescales who might benefit from colonial expansion, but this does put another reducing variable on the Drake equation in my opinion.
submitted by WeezerHunter to FermiParadox [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:51 RedeemedWanderer Solana Unveiled?

Solana's journey is plagued by centralization concerns, casting a shadow over its purported decentralization. The network's governance is heavily concentrated in the hands of a select few, with vital decisions dictated by a centralized authority. This top-down governance model undermines the autonomy of network participants and raises questions about the integrity of Solana's ecosystem. Moreover, Solana's validator ecosystem is dominated by a handful of large players, forming de facto cartels that wield disproportionate influence over the network. These validator cartels collude to maintain their grip on power, stifling competition and centralizing control in the hands of a privileged few.
Solana has been fraught with repeated instances of network outages, undermining its claim of being a reliable blockchain platform. Let's scrutinize these incidents with meticulous detail:
December 2021 Outage: On December 8, 2021, Solana plunged into darkness as a major network outage halted transactions for over 17 hours. This downtime not only frustrated users but also highlighted the fragility of Solana's infrastructure, raising serious questions about its reliability.
September 2022 Incident: In September 2022, Solana was rocked by yet another debilitating outage, lasting for nearly 10 hours. Transactions ground to a halt, leaving users stranded and transactions in limbo. The incident underscored Solana's vulnerability to systemic failures and eroded trust in its ability to deliver on its promises of speed and scalability.
April 2023 Downtime: On April 12, 2023, Solana experienced another crippling downtime, lasting for approximately 8 hours. This outage disrupted transactions and exposed the network's Achilles' heel, further denting its reputation as a reliable blockchain platform.
Comparatively, networks like Ethereum and Bitcoin have maintained near-perfect uptime, standing as bastions of reliability and resilience in the blockchain space.
Centralization at its Core
Solana's purported decentralization is a facade, masking the reality of centralized control lurking beneath the surface. Let's dissect the centralization of Solana in granular detail:
Governance Concentration: Unlike truly decentralized networks where governance is distributed among a diverse array of stakeholders, Solana's governance is heavily concentrated in the hands of a select few. Vital decisions concerning protocol upgrades, network operations, and ecosystem development are made by a centralized authority, disenfranchising the broader community and undermining the principles of decentralization.
Validator Cartels: Solana's validator ecosystem is dominated by a handful of large players, forming de facto cartels that wield disproportionate influence over the network. These validator cartels collude to maintain their grip on power, stifling competition and centralizing control in the hands of a privileged few.
Protocol Changes: Solana's protocol changes are dictated by a centralized authority, bypassing the consensus mechanisms that underpin truly decentralized networks. This top-down approach to governance undermines the autonomy of network participants and erodes trust in the integrity of Solana's ecosystem.
Manipulation Rife
Solana's susceptibility to market manipulation is a pressing concern, with incidents of manipulation casting a shadow over its reputation. Let's unravel the web of manipulation ensnaring Solana:
Pump-and-Dump Schemes: Solana has been plagued by orchestrated pump-and-dump schemes, where coordinated groups artificially inflate the price of SOL tokens before dumping them on unsuspecting investors. These schemes exploit market liquidity and prey on the greed of speculators, leaving retail investors nursing heavy losses.
Wash Trading: Solana's markets are rife with wash trading, a deceptive practice where traders artificially inflate trading volumes to create a false impression of liquidity and demand. This manipulation tactic distorts market metrics and undermines the integrity of Solana's price discovery mechanism, eroding trust in its market dynamics.
Insider Trading: Solana's centralized governance structure creates fertile ground for insider trading, where privileged insiders exploit non-public information to gain an unfair advantage in the market. This unethical practice undermines the principles of fairness and transparency, sowing seeds of distrust in Solana's ecosystem.
Entanglement with Centralized Exchanges:
Solana's close ties with centralized exchanges further exacerbate its centralization woes, consolidating power in the hands of a select few and compromising its purported decentralization. Let's dissect the entanglement between Solana and centralized exchanges:
Exchange Collusion: Solana's listing on centralized exchanges is often marred by collusion between exchange operators and Solana insiders. Listing fees, market-making agreements, and preferential treatment create conflicts of interest that undermine the integrity of Solana's market infrastructure.
Market Surveillance: Centralized exchanges wield significant influence over Solana's markets, conducting surveillance and enforcement actions to maintain order and compliance. This centralized control contradicts the decentralized ethos of blockchain and exposes Solana to the risks of regulatory scrutiny and market manipulation.
Custodial Risks: Solana's reliance on centralized exchanges for custody services exposes users to custodial risks, including exchange hacks, insolvency, and mismanagement. Entrusting assets to centralized custodians undermines the principles of self-custody and financial sovereignty, compromising the security and integrity of Solana's ecosystem.
The Cartel Conundrum
Solana's centralized governance structure creates fertile ground for cartel formation, where privileged insiders collude to maintain their dominance and influence. These cartels wield disproportionate power over the network, stifling competition and undermining the principles of decentralization. In contrast, Ethereum's decentralized governance model fosters inclusivity and transparency, empowering the broader community to participate in decision-making and governance processes. This decentralized approach mitigates the risk of cartel formation and ensures that Ethereum remains true to its ethos of decentralization and open participation.
Solana's troubled history of chronic network outages, centralized control, market manipulation, and entanglement with centralized exchanges paints a damning portrait of a platform plagued by systemic flaws and inherent vulnerabilities. In contrast, networks like Ethereum, PulseChain and Bitcoin stand as pillars of reliability and decentralization, offering a safe haven for investors seeking refuge from the stormy seas of cryptocurrency. As the saying goes, forewarned is forearmed – and in the treacherous landscape of cryptocurrency, exercising caution is paramount. Solana's tumultuous journey serves as a sobering reminder of the perils lurking beneath the surface of seemingly promising blockchain platforms. Proceed with caution, for the path ahead is fraught with danger.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this email is for educational purposes only and should not be considered financial or investment advice. Please conduct your own research and due diligence. Do not blindly follow or listen to advice, even from wealthy individuals. Always make informed decisions based on your understanding and consult with a trusted advisor if needed. The views and opinions expressed in this discussion are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other individual, organization, or company mentioned.
submitted by RedeemedWanderer to CryptoMarkets [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:32 SweetThoughts04 About valuing yourself a little more.

Hey guys! First of all, I would like to give some context of my arrival here. I spend a lot of my day "daydreaming", so to speak, having internal dialogues and even sounding them so that I can talk to myself when no one is around ( I believe a lot of people do this- I have no idea, haha ), this basically helps me get my thoughts out of my head in a simpler and more organized way.
I was here in the kitchen, sitting at the table, and I caught myself thinking about a kind of "strategy" that I unconsciously adopted a few months ago, and it has helped me value myself more. You know, I'm the type of person who dedicates a good amount of minutes and even an hour or two just to research different types of gifts for people I love, like, or have any kind of interest in getting closer, as long as it is already clear to me that that contact is reciprocal (another super important thing that I thought would be nice to emphasize, look for reciprocal relationships!! whether they are friends, lovers, etc. Men and women, ladies and gentlemen, do not accept less than you know (or will eventually discover) how much you deserve, and i tell you, this isn't some nonsense from a self-help book, it's one of the facts of life that I think we all miss having around us, strong bonds.
Returning to the subject, preparing gifts such as books, mugs, t-shirts, baskets of sweets and things like that are part of my love language, and I am very proud of this affection. However, last year, I realized that it was an exclusive language totally dedicated to other people, and I also realized that these were rarely relationships of simultaneous affection. Finally, I had the idea of ​​giving myself a gift! And look, I'm someone who is very difficult to accept something positive from myself, and I don't just mean material things.
I noticed that during a good portion of my short life so far ( I'm nearly on my 20's ) I dedicated myself entirely to any grains of contact I got to have with people around me. I grew up as an insecure person with a huge lack of confidence in most of my attitudes, and this and much more are things that I have been striving to change since about two years ago. And for those who want to know, I have improved a lot! and I still have a lot more to change :))
Anyway, I'm monologuing excessively, what I want to say is that my schizophrenia has evolved in such a way that, in order to be able to make me feel like i deserve better, I have been talking about myself in the third person ( LOL ), so it ends up being something like this: "Hmm, i wonder what him ( me ) would like to receive as a birthday present"
Maybe this is the most ridiculous thing you'll read today, but believe it or not, it's a decent and functional way I found to start this task of improving my relationship with myself.
I think of it as if it were the same as riding a bicycle with training wheels, you know? At some point I will be able to think about giving myself gifts without having to think of myself as this other person I want to get closer with, ( which would mean removing the training wheels ) I mean, I want to get closer to myself lol, but not thinking of myself as someone else, y'know? ( I hope that wasn't difficult to understand ).
( Just making it clear that I don't go around talking to myself in the third person, capiche? )
Anyway, I think I need to improve my way of narrating, to avoid these unnecessary detours with too much information. As I said earlier, I started thinking about this to myself and then I did a quick research looking for a community here on Reddit that talked about each person's personal issues, because I thought it would fit well here. If my post doesn't relate to others posted here, I apologize! The same if I used the wrong tag for my post.
I'm a anxious person, and while writing the post, I got into thinking that the more mature audience of this sub might think of my advice as something that would only work for people of my age, but I also think that all of us, even adults over 30, are still kind of learning more and more about "adulting", I think there are no useless lessons, we just adapt and remodel those we learned previously in other phases of life, to make more sense with the current lifestyle we may be leading.
In short, value your time! Don't insist on relationships that only your side shows interest in keeping going, and take a deep breath before making decisions that cost a lot of your mental health. I know you all must know all this, but I think words like that are always valid as a way of reminding ourselves not to let nervousness or stress from other people's influence take away our sanity. And remember to give yourself a "gift" at some point, maybe it won't have a physical form, and it won't be bought with money, but it's definitely one of the things in this world that only you can give to yourself with a singular meaning.
submitted by SweetThoughts04 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:17 Outrageous_Category4 🔑

The key is here just be here in this moment notice how everything is dying but also being born life is death. But furthermore the key is through meditation learning to slow down thoughts and bring awareness back to the center in the present moment. And once this takes place it is seen how reality is in a constant fading into different forms constantly basically making it formless. Everything is constantly changing and in fact change is the only constant therefore making reality and constant and a change. Everything is flowing nothing ever stops. Just slow down thoughts come back to center via self inquiry or meditation or both realize the only thing that is real and constant is the present moment then realize even the present moment isn't a constant for it is ever changing but also remaining unchanging and constant reality is a paradox therefore all are assumptions are a possibility such is the nature of opposites. Realize how the form is formless then you'll see the folly of believing that you're only just a separate self.
submitted by Outrageous_Category4 to nonduality [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:14 fortnitedude43590 Build / Team Building / Kit Questions - FAQ Megathread V3

Build / Team Building / Kit Questions - FAQ Megathread V3
You may also check this guide at

Kit Explanation

Firefly is a 5-star Fire Destruction character. Her kit focuses around two phases:
The basic state, with a skill that costs 40% of her max HP to gain 60% of her max Energy; and the Complete Combustion state she can enter for a limited time by using Ultimate.
In Complete Combustion state, Firefly gains an enhanced Basic Attack and Skill, a good amount of SPD, Weakness Break Efficiency which lets her break enemies faster, and Super Break DMG against broken enemies.
The enhanced attacks in Complete Combustion state (enhanced state for short here on out) also heal herself. The Enhanced Skill implants a Fire weakness on all targets. In both forms, Firefly also takes reduced damage the lower her HP is, and gains bonus Break Effect based on her ATK.
In short, she cycles between a form that sacrifices HP to get energy, and a stronger form that gets huge benefits from Break.
Firefly has a kit with powerful dual stat scaling, no innate supportive capabilities and high SP consumption, which means her best role is that of a Hypercarry supported by multiple amplifiers.

Sample Setups

These are merely samples! You can choose your teams freely, there’s good freedom for the sustain in particular. For replacements, check the sections further down the guide. For different supports, use their regular builds.
Standard Team: Firefly, Harmony Trailblazer, Ruan Mei, Gallagher
This is the default Break team, highly synergistic and what most people will be running. It requires a single extra limited character in Ruan Mei, and has very high payoff. Gallagher, Break Firefly’s best sustain from a damage standpoint, is a free event reward in Firefly’s patch.
Budget Team: Firefly, Harmony Trailblazer, Asta, Gallagher
A team featuring 3 free characters and Firefly, for anyone who doesn’t have Ruan Mei. Has very high performance for the cost.
LC: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest > On the Fall of an Aeon > Indelible Promise
Relic Sets: 4-Pc [Iron Cavalry Against Scourge], or [2-Pc Break Effect set bonus + 2-Pc Break Effect set bonus] + 2-Pc [Forge of the Kalpagni Lantern], or [Talia]
Main Stats: ATK% Body / SPD Boots / ATK% Sphere / Break Effect Rope
Substats: Enough SPD to get to 210 in enhanced state, then as much Break Effect as possible (ATK% also good, not as good as BE)
Harmony Trailblazer
LC: Past Self in Mirror > Memories of the Past > Meshing Cogs
Relic Sets: 4-Pc [Watchmaker], or [2-Pc Break Effect set bonus + 2-Pc Break Effect or SPD set bonus] + 2-Pc [Talia], or [Forge of the Kalpagni Lantern], or [Fleet]
Main Stats: HP% or DEF% Body / SPD Boots / HP% or DEF% Sphere / Break Effect Rope
If you only have one Past Self in Mirror or Memories of the Past, HTB has priority on using the better one, as it uses both better than Ruan Mei. HTB has priority on using Watchmaker as well.
Substats: Enough SPD to be faster than Firefly and/or meet Talia’s requirement, then all-in on Break Effect (middle priority to improve)
Ruan Mei
LC: Past Self in Mirror > Memories of the Past > Meshing Cogs
Relic Sets: 4-Pc [Watchmaker], or [2-Pc Break Effect set bonus + 2-Pc Break Effect or SPD set bonus] + 2-Pc [Vonwacq], or [Penacony], or [Fleet]
Main Stats: HP% or DEF% Body / SPD Boots / HP% or DEF% Sphere / Energy Regen Rope
Substats: Break Effect (minimum 100%, can stop at 160%) + SPD (middle priority to improve)
LC: Meshing Cogs
Relic Sets: [2-Pc Break Effect set bonus + 2-Pc Break Effect or SPD set bonus] + 2-Pc [Penacony], or [Fleet]
Main Stats: HP% or DEF% Body / SPD Boots / HP% or DEF% Sphere / Energy Regen Rope
Substats: Enough SPD to be faster than Firefly, then all-in on Break Effect, more SPD is good too (low priority to improve)
LC: Multiplication / What is Real? (Multiplication is priority if it feels safe enough)
Relic Sets: [2-Pc Break Effect set bonus + 2-Pc Break Effect or SPD set bonus] + 2-Pc [Talia], or [Forge of the Kalpagni Lantern], or [Fleet]
Main Stats: Outgoing Healing Body / SPD Boots / HP% or DEF% Sphere / Energy Regen Rope
Substats: As much SPD as possible, Break Effect is good as well (low priority to improve)
Note: The Planar set bonuses are the least important part of the builds for anyone but Firefly. If you get the main stats on other sets, or even incomplete sets, it’ll only result in a minor decrease in team performance.

Stat Building

210 SPD while transformed is not detailed in a trace, but is the requirement for Firefly to get a 4th action within her Ultimate without external sources of action advance, and also 3 actions on a wave change while the countdown is currently on the action bar. Because of that, it’s extremely important to attain this breakpoint.
Reaching it will generally require SPD boots, together with another source of speed, like the Forge set bonus, substats or smaller buffs such as Ruan Mei’s talent.
A stable 165 SPD while untransformed, equaling 225 SPD while transformed, is the breakpoint for getting 3 Enhanced Actions in the first cycle without any external Action Advances. This speed will require a decent amount of substats, but is worth considering if and only if 0-cycling is one of your goals
Break Effect/Attack
Firefly’s main scaling stat is Break Effect, as most of her damage is Break DMG. She also converts ATK into BE, which makes ATK% very close to BE for her scaling per percentage. Since BE sources often give out more than ATK% sources, BE is still the higher priority.
There is a breakpoint of 360% BE for her personal Super Break DMG, and that should be attained by all means, which should not be difficult with proper support and heavy BE investment. Attaining more BE by all means is how Firefly does her damage.
Her multipliers and several other benefits towards building Crit have been completely destroyed with Beta v3. Crit stats are completely wasted on Firefly.

Light Cones

Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest, her signature LC, is the best option as with every DPS in the game. Break Effect is uncommon in Destruction LCs, and this gives a big chunk of it together with a debuff that helps Firefly deal Super Break DMG.
Its importance for her seems to be about average when compared to other DPSes’ signature options for themselves - she is not as signature-reliant as Blade or Acheron. Aeon, mentioned below, is a great F2P replacement.
On the Fall of an Aeon, the Herta Store LC, gives Firefly a huge chunk of ATK%, which gets converted into more BE. It also has very high base ATK to increase the value of other sources of ATK%. This should be your default F2P choice.
Indelible Promise is her best 4* option, giving a good amount of Break Effect, the stat she wants the most. It does need a high Superimposition to be great, which is something inaccessible to most players.
Flames Afar, mentioned here due to the frequent talk about it pre-beta, is not a good option for Firefly despite Sam being in it. Firefly needs BE or ATK% for her damage scaling, and Flames Afar offers neither of them, so its effect is useless on her.
Other Light Cones are inferior and not recommended.

Relics and Planars

Iron Cavalry Against Scourge, a set being introduced together with Firefly’s release in 2.3, is her undisputed best option. Break/Super Break DMG is the majority of Firefly’s damage profile, and the significant DEF ignore is one of the biggest sources of damage increase you can have.
2-Pc/2-Pc Set combos are a great option for Firefly. With 3 sets that give BE to mix and match between, you can pick the combinations with the best BE substats you can find. Iron Cavalry’s improvement is sizable, but the performance of 2-Pc/2-Pc sets is still high enough for re-farming to not be necessary.
Genius of Brilliant Stars, aka Quantum set, is also a solid option. It also features DEF ignore stacking that works on Break DMG, but will provide less of it in most situations and also has a worse 2-Pc effect. Just as above, if you’ve saved up Quantum pieces with high Break Effect, they’ll serve you well.
Longevous Disciple, mentioned here due to the frequent talk about it pre-beta, has several issues with uptime and not giving Firefly one of her two scaling stats, so its effect is useless on her.
Other set options are not recommended, as they’ll be outdone by 2-Pc/2-Pc builds.
Planar Sets:
Forge of the Kalpagni Lantern and Talia: Kingdom of Banditry both give massives amount of Break Effect to contribute to your main damage and are almost identical in benefit. Both of their conditions are automatically met in enhanced state.
All other options are worse. Typically, the gap between Planar sets for characters is quite small, but the Break sets offer a lot of that stat, and since it’s unlikely to have good BE pieces saved up in other sets, it’s recommended to farm either Forge or Talia.

Team Building - Amplifiers

Harmony Trailblazer - Firefly and Harmony Trailblazer’s kits seem to have been practically made for each other. HTB’s biggest fault of only buffing Break Effect is fixed by Firefly’s kit converting it directly into damage scaling, while Firefly’s high innate BE and incredible break value on Enhanced Skill will help her deal extremely high Super Break DMG. These two should be together in teams at basically all times.
Differently from Boothill, who doesn’t use HTB in his most optimal teams, Firefly has more upfront break to access Super Break DMG quicker, especially with the help of Gallagher or Bronya, and can’t trigger default Break DMG by herself. In general, Break characters are highly recommended to stick together, both to amplify each other and to get Super Break DMG, so the other two currently in the game, Ruan Mei and Gallagher, go very well here.
Ruan Mei - A fantastic fit, almost every part of Ruan Mei’s kit greatly benefits Firefly. Weakness Break Efficiency helps her break enemies faster and improves Super Break DMG, RES PEN is a modifier that also works on Break damage, and the passive SPD and BE help Firefly get to her thresholds. An easy choice to put into any team.
Ruan Mei’s E1 will be a good improvement to these teams, with its DEF ignore stacking with Iron Cavalry’s set bonus for exponential growth.
Asta - Asta is a good budget option for Break teams when lacking 5* Harmony units. Her ATK buff is directly converted into more BE for Firefly, and the high break value on her skill means she can deal significant Super Break DMG and help Firefly break enemies faster.
Asta’s speed buff can give Firefly’s enhanced state a fourth turn with no speed investment, but it can only be ready for the first one in specific conditions - an E6 Asta with Meshing Cogs, an ERR rope and using technique instead of Firefly’s. Because of that, it’s recommended to still run Speed boots on Firefly.
Asta is recommended to build towards Break Effect in her substats as she doesn’t have high stat requirements elsewhere.
Hanya - Hanya’s benefits are very similar to Asta’s, but Asta is a free character with upsides to Hanya. Use Hanya as a budget option if you just don’t like Asta.
Bronya - Bronya works incredibly well with Firefly. More actions in Enhanced State have very high value, and Bronya gives more than any other support. With E0 Firefly’s SP consumption, though, those teams need to finish fights incredibly quickly before they run dry of SP. When Firefly is E1, Bronya becomes a better option.
The required speed tuning for optimization is pending with v3 changes, but is likely to be very demanding on Bronya’s side.
Silver Wolf/Pela - Both of these characters help stack DEF reduction, which affects Super Break DMG. The damage increase from this is solid, and they can be considered budget options.
Robin - Almost none of Robin’s benefits work with Firefly, as her ATK buff does not contribute to Firefly’s ATK > BE conversion. With that in mind, Robin ends up being close in performance to Asta as a teammate. Even if she’s E1, just use her on your other team.
Tingyun - Tingyun’s main appeal, the energy battery, is of low benefit to Firefly. Since Firefly’s Enhanced Skill generates no energy, Tingyun needs Huohuo to cut a turn of downtime. Her ATK buff is beaten out by Asta, and most other benefits are wasted.
Sparkle - Sparkle’s DMG% and crit buffing is entirely wasted on Firefly. Her Action Advance is extremely difficult to make use of with Firefly’s changing speed and will not give many enhanced actions.
Yukong - Yukong’s skill’s value is practically tossed out the window with Firefly’s self-action advance and speed buff. With her ATK% buff being unreliable and Yukong providing nothing else towards Firefly’s breakpoints, she’s not a good option at all.

Team Building - Sustains

Firefly is not very picky with sustains. Even still, there are some preferences. Her high SP consumption favors sustains that can generate high amounts of SP.
Gallagher - Gallagher is a perfect fit for Firefly. Generating insane amounts of SP due to his ultimate’s action advance and Multiplication, coupled with helping break Fire weak enemies which Firefly creates and increasing their Break DMG received, Gallagher can be considered the optimal sustain from a damage standpoint despite his 4* status.
E1 is an important breakpoint for Gallagher, letting him contribute massive amounts of Break before Firefly’s first action to let her break enemies quicker. Gallagher does this by using Skill to get to full energy on his first turn > Ultimate > Enhanced Basic.
Other Fast Abundances - This includes Natasha, Lynx, Bailu and Luocha. Having high speed on these helps make up for Firefly’s SP consumption to give your support units more freedom, and since the DPS is typically the weak link of the team survivability-wise, Firefly’s innate tankiness helps mitigate the weaker healing provided by Natasha, Lynx and Bailu. Multiplication is recommended, but if it feels too unsafe, feel free to use a more healing-oriented LC.
Aventurine - Firefly does not have any reservations against being played with a shielder. Her self-action advance happens infrequently enough that it shouldn’t lead to Aventurine’s shields falling off, and with Firefly being tankier than most DPS, Aventurine’s need to use skill decreases even more, making him a very safe sustain option that also provides good SP.
Huohuo - Huohuo’s SP consumption is a poor fit for Firefly, the ATK buff from her ultimate lasts too little to be worth much, and the energy battery is useless for Firefly herself unless you waste another slot on Tingyun. Huohuo is still a strong character against any CC-heavy fights and smooths out most supports’ rotations, though.
Fu Xuan - Fu Xuan’s low SP generation is an issue when being ran with Firefly, but if that’s accounted for with your other support choices, Fu Xuan functions moderately well - she’ll still be as safe as she is with anyone, but her Crit buff will not benefit Firefly at all.

# Eidolons

As with most other characters, E3 and E5 are minor numerical upgrades that don’t change the kit’s workings. Their pictures are linked for your appreciation, though.
E1 - In Reddened Chrysalis, I Once Rest): DEF ignore is the rare modifier to apply to Break DMG, making it a solid damage increase. The Enhanced Skill not consuming SP moves Firefly’s average SP consumption from around -1.4 SP/t to -0.55 SP/t, which is quite significant in giving more team options as well.
E2 - From Shattered Sky, I Free Fall: The newest busted, whale-bait eidolon. Adding functionally two turns to ultimate state is a hilariously powerful effect, and it’s very easy to make use of it - your Blast attacks will often break main targets and kill adds quickly.
This eidolon is undoubtedly broken, but same as with Acheron’s and Imbibitor Lunae’s, it is not required for Firefly to be a strong character by any stretch of the imagination. Do not feel forced to go for it if you can’t afford it.
E4 - Upon Lighted Firefly, I Soon Gaze: A token effect that is typically covered by your sustain unit. Never worth stopping at.
E6 - In Finalized Morrow, I Full Bloom: RES PEN and Weakness Break Efficiency will both greatly help with your Super Break DMG.
A strong eidolon by itself, but considering its cost is functionally quadrupled due to the minor benefits of E3-E5, the benefit-cost ratio is very low, and if your goal is to increase Firefly’s performance the most you can, early upgrades to supports will be of bigger benefit to her than aiming for E6.
Q: Don’t Ruan Mei and Harmony Trailblazer have anti-synergy with Firefly, since they delay their Break recovery, so you can’t Break them again?
A: With a well-built team, not at all. Even without these delays, enemies will die before being broken twice almost unconditionally. In that case, it’s better to extend the benefits you get from attacking broken enemies, so these delays are a strict upside.
Q: E1, Signature LC, literally anything else OR Ruan Mei?
A: Ruan Mei, and it’s not close. The benefit she provides to Firefly’s damage is unmatched, and she can be considered an essential teammate to maximize Firefly’s damage.
Q: Signature LC or E1?
A: Both are decently close in performance. I’d give the edge to Signature for most players, freeing up your Aeon for use with other Destruction characters.
Q: Does Crit or DMG% affect Break damage?
A: No. The only Relic stat that increases Break damage is Break Effect. The only buffs/debuffs that do are Break Effect increases, DEF reduction/ignore, RES PEN, and Damage Taken increases.
submitted by fortnitedude43590 to FireflyMains [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:10 letteroflife Celestialkin

It may have only been a few days ago that I was asking about the difference between xenogender and kintypes, but.... I found the name of my kintype last night and many of my doubts just got washed away. I'm still exploring things, but... For the time being:
Hello, officially this time. c: It turns out I'm celestialkin. My experience greatly matches those of others who identify themselves as celestialkin.
I'm still trying to figure out things like "my role" (because I've felt strongly that I had one but haven't placed it yet), but due to the amount of meditation and self-reflection I've done in my lifetime I already know at least what I look like. I am a part of space itself. An amorphous being made of the vacuum, stars, auroras, and the like. I can shapeshift to some degree, giving myself a humanoid form, but I am still made of the same stuff. I do not need to breathe, eat, or sleep, and I think my size can change drastically, but my humanoid form often appears as what I've been calling a "celestial giant", large enough to hold moons and stars alike in my hands.
submitted by letteroflife to otherkin [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:08 brnchn [Academic] What makes speech sound natural? (All/Everyone)

I am conducting a short listening test consisting of 4 short speech samples to understand what makes human listeners perceive speech as natural for my master's thesis.
The survey takes approximately 2 minutes to complete. Any and all responses are appreciated!
Click here to take the survey!
submitted by brnchn to SampleSize [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:05 pro_charlatan Mandukya Upanishad for an agent self

This is part of my efforts to interprete upanishads as advocating action from a state of sattva. For anyone reading this post, please be aware that this is not how this text is interpreted
aum ity etad akṣaram idam sarvam, tasyopavyākhyānam bhūtam bhavad bhaviṣyad iti sarvam auṁkāra eva yac cānyat trikālātītaṁ tad apy auṁkāra eva
The vocal movement that produces the sounds A, U and M covers the whole range of mouth movement for producing all the phonemes of the sanskrit language and hence AUM is a good approximate for speech itself. Since what is knowable is also speakable then as the representation of speech AUM can be seen as representative of the state of visible world across all time past, present and future. As speech can also convey ideas not part of the world hence AUM also represents everything beyond it - the shabda tattva(ground of all concepts).
sarvaṁ hy etad brahma, ayam ātmā brahma, so’yam ātmā catuṣ-pāt.
Ayam Atma Brahma - Brahma is the creative principle, the manifestor of the waking world. The agent self is indeed that Brahma as it creates the world we experience by imposing upon it conceptual abstractions called name and form.
We have already seen why our Atman is Brahma in the preceding sentence but the Atman is not alone in manifesting the world of experience. The external world too plays a part in creating our experience because without it's existence how can the Atman add it's interpretation. Therefore the world outside and the components that help the Atman interact with it also play a part in the "creation". Hence all things are together Brahma. This atman is said to operate in 4 states which is discussed subsequently
jāgarita sthāno bahiṣ-prajñaḥ saptāṅga ekonaviṁśati-mukhaḥ sthūla-bhug Vaiśvānaraḥ prathamaḥ pādah.
The 1st state is called vaishvanara. Here it engages with the waking world consuming it through its 7 limbs(divisions of our body) and 19 mouths - (divisions of our motor, cognition and other processes represented via - 5 jnanendriyas, 5 karmedriyas, 5 pranas, intellect, manas, memory and ahamkara affected by rajas and tamas gunas). Due to its intense engagement with the outside world it has a tendency to identify with the things it operates on, forgetting the boundary between the agent and that which is acted upon(outside objects)
svapna-sthāno’ntaḥ-prajñaḥ saptāṅga ekonavimśati-mukhaḥ pravivikta-bhuk taijaso dvītiyaḥ pādah.
The 2nd state is called taijasa. Here it engages with our inner world(dreams) constructed via our memories consuming it again through its 7 limbs and 19 mouths. The 7 limbs are only apparent here , in our dreams we think we have a body and our perceptions are fuzzier so in a sense this is the state of rajas slowing down. Due to its muddled engagement with the inner world it has a tendency to identify with the things it operates on, forgetting the boundary between the agent and that which is acted upon(memory fragments)
yatra supto na kaṁ cana kāmaṁ kāmayate na kaṁ cana svapnam paśyati tat suṣuptam suṣupta-sthāna ekī-bhūtaḥ prajñānā-ghana evānanda-mayo hy ānanda-bhuk ceto-mukhaḥ prājñas tṛtīyaḥ pādah.
The 3rd state is called prajna. Prajna describes the state of Atman in times of deep sleep. This state cannot consume anything being cutoff from its limbs and is predominantly in the mode of tamas. Since it is rajas that is primarily responsible for mood swings etc which results in anger and suffering , a tamas dominated atman can be euphemistically said to be consuming ananda(bliss).
eṣa sarveśvaraḥ eṣa sarvajñaḥ, eṣo’ntāryami eṣa yoniḥ sarvasya prabhavāpyayau hi bhūtānām
nāntaḥ-prajñam, na bahiṣ prajñam, nobhayataḥ-prajñam, na prajnañā-ghanam, na prajñam, nāprajñam; adṛṣtam, avyavahārayam, agrāhyam, alakṣaṇam, acintyam, avyapadeśyam, ekātma-pratyaya-sāram, prapañcopaśamam, śāntam, śivam, advaitam, caturtham manyante, sa ātmā, sa vijñeyaḥ.
The 4th state is the state immediately after we wake up from a good deep sleep. We feel fully rejuvenated and our senses are keen. We are in a state of clarity , neither being too absorbed in our memories nor in the external objects, peaceful, radiating calmness. It is our ahamkara regulated by sattva(emerging from the balance between tamas and rajas). This is the real Atman. The others adjectives listed are simply in praise of this ineffable state to make us strive to maintain this throughout our waking life.
so’yam ātmādhyakṣaram auṁkaro’dhimātram pādā mātrā mātrāś ca pādā akāra ukāra makāra iti.
This identical Ātman, or Self, in the realm of sound is the syllable OM, the above described four quarters of the Self being identical with the components of the syllable, and the components of the syllable being identical with the four quarters of the Self. The components of the Syllable are A, U, M.
jāgarita-sthāno vaiśvānaro’kāraḥ prathamā mātrā’pter ādimattvād vā’pnoti ha vaisarvān kāmān ādiś ca bhavati ya evaṁ veda.
Vaiśvānara, whose field is the waking state, is the first sound, A, because this encompasses all, and because it is the first. He who knows thus, encompasses all desirable objects; he becomes the first.
svapna-sthānas taijasa ukāro dvitīyā mātrotkarṣāt ubhayatvādvotkarṣati ha vaijñāna-saṁtatiṁ samānaś ca bhavati nāsyābrahma-vit-kule bhavati ya evam veda.
Taijasa, whose field is the dream state, is the second sound, U, because this is an excellence, and contains the qualities of the other two. He who knows thus, exalts the flow of knowledge and becomes equalised; why it contains the qualities of other two is mentioned previously. This is called a state of excellence in the sense that here too rajas and tamas are both roughly in equal proportions and it is only in this sense. We can get an idea of how even distant memories can be envisioned in a way enough to fool us , how great would it be if we can bring this level of awareness into the present ! The truly excellent state is the 4th state where they complement each other. perfectly like sugar in tea.
suṣupta-sthānaḥ prājño makāras tṛtīya mātrā miter apīter vā minoti ha vā idaṁ sarvam apītiś ca bhavati ya evaṁ veda.
Prājña, whose field is deep sleep, is the third sound, M, because this is the measure, and that into which all enters. He who knows thus, measures all and becomes all. One might wonder why this state of absolute tamas is seen as the measure. It is by using this state of no activity and engagement as the 0 can we measure our current level of activity and judge if it is closer to the 4th state or not.
amātraś caturtho’vyavahāryaḥ prapañcopaśamaḥ sivo’dvaitaevam auṁkāra ātmaiva, saṁviśaty ātmanā’tmānaṁ ya evaṁ veda ya evaṁ veda
The fourth is soundless: unutterable, a quieting down of all relative manifestations, blissful, peaceful, nondual. Thus, OM is the Ātman, verily. He who knows thus, merges his self in the Self – yea, he who knows thus.
Only when we are in a state of absolute calm unperturbed by both memories and the external world can we let our intelligence operate at its full capacity. Only such a state can effortlessly act as the wellspring of all ideas - the shabda tattva represented as AUM itself. Knowing the benefits we must purify our ahamkara by cultivating sattva thereby operating as the Atman.
Traditional commentary -
submitted by pro_charlatan to pro_charlatan [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:01 malren On Dropout TV and paying for content

Let me start out by saying this: I pay for Dropout and have absolutely no intention of changing that anytime soon. Or anytime later to be fair.
Hi. I'm a pirate. I've pirated so much content in the last 30+ years it's mind-boggling. I had cable back in the day, and I was on board with Tivo from jumpstreet: I owned the very first box they made and upgraded all along the way. I've given networks and cable companies and streaming companies literally tens of thousands of dollars. I'll never do the math but it would not surprise me if my total expenditure on media in all forms is 6 figures. I pirate fucking everything these days. Hell I pirate from streaming services I still pay for because my Plex server is curated to me, and I like a one-stop-shop. I'm pirating eleventy-three quadrillion terabytes from Netflix as I type these words. And fuck all your ads, streaming services. Just fuck off.
But man, Dropout though. I actually did pirate some shows when we discovered it. Then I found out they had an app for Firetv. Then I saw the subscription fee, plus all the back catalog and was like "My time is worth way more than they want to charge. The service is worth more than they want to charge!" And I subbed. Every month I look at the streaming fees for Netflix, Hulu, Disney, Max, etc. increasing and every month I make plans to free myself from what has become cable tv-level pricing if you want everything. You know what's never on the chopping block? Like, never? Dropout.
The value is incredible. In these trying times (to paraphrase Demi on Smartypants, whenever you're reading this, I mean now), Dropout makes me laugh. I forget about the fucking horror-show the world is becoming for a little while. There's a rich back catalog. There's a show for most every niche you might like. And that low, low price for all the value you get...the price is right, bitch! Dropout TV is high quality content at a price that makes it affordable for most anyone. If I ever get the feeling that like "Well I watched it all, may as well unsub for awhile" Along comes VIP. Or Smartypants. Or another Dimension 20. Or a new season of Game Changer. Um, Actually exists to tickle that nerd bone. And soon Make Some Noise is back and the lineup looks incredible. have my sub. And my sword. I know. Coming from a self-described pirate that may not mean much to a content creator. But Dropout is exactly the kind of service that stops pirates. It's high quality and easy on the wallet.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk or whatever 🤣
submitted by malren to dropout [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:58 PhrostytheSnowman Forbidden Technique: Body Sacrifice

Tldr: the process of RCT (converting CE to RCE) can be inverted so that some of the positive energy that forms the body can be sacrificed to produce massive amounts of CE. This technique is extremely dangerous and will almost certainly result in the death of the sorcerer unless it is perfectly controlled.
This is an idea I had when I was thinking of different techniques from DragonBall that could be adapted to JJK. Most of the techniques in DragonBall equate to simple CE manipulation, but Tien's Ki-Ko-Ho (aka TriBeam) inspired me.
Ki-Ko-Ho is said to use "life energy" which somehow is different from "ki" in DBZ, but this isn't really expanded on as far as I can remember. Master Roshi claims that each use of the Ki-Ko-Ho shortens Tien's lifespan, and we saw that spamming the Shin Ki-Ko-Ho against Semi-Perfect Cell nearly killed Tien.
So this is where we move to JJK. It's established that the bodies of Curses are made of negative energy (aka Curse Energy) while the bodies of Humans are made of positive energy. This is why Curses can easily heal themselves with CE while advanced sorcerers must perform the Reverse Curse Technique to generate positive energy (aka Reverse Curse Energy).
In a previous era, a Limitless+Six Eyes (LL+6E) sorcerer survived a near-death battle by attaining a certain level of enlightenment and unlocking the Reverse Curse Technique. Still shaken by the experience, the sorcerer began to meditate for an extended period of time. This sorcerer had tremendous CE output but a fairly limited CE pool, and he was seeking some solution this limitation. Eventually, he reached a bone-chilling conclusion.
In the Reverse Curse Technique (as explained by Gojo), two bundles of CE can be multiplied against each other the produce RCE/positive energy, but the technique requires tremendous amounts of CE and is inefficient: the sum of the 2 CE bundles is greater than the amount of RCE produced. The sorcerer concluded that the RCT process could theoretically be inverted: by using a small amount of CE to split a bundle of positive energy, a tremendous amount of CE would be released into the body to temporarily supercharge CE manipulation, reinforcement, or even one's CT. The amount of CE released is equivalent to the amount of positive energy sacrificed.
Of course, this technique would be extremely dangerous and requires supreme levels of CE control even attempt (possibly even awareness of one's Soul). (1) The process is far more complicated than simply cutting off part of one's body. It requires near-impossible levels of CE control. (2) It quite literally involves the sorcerer sacrificing a part of their body: if too much is sacrificed, the sorcerer will simply die. (3) As the process is comparable to nuclear fission, insufficient CE control can lead the RCE-CE conversion to spiral out of control, resulting in an explosion of CE that will certainly kill the sorcerer.
In practical use, the Body Sacrifice Technique is a self-imposed binding vow and thus follows the rules of self-imposed binding vows. By sacrificing some part of their body, a sorcerer gains a massively increased CE pool. This effect is permanent as long as the sorcerer doesn't heal the sacrificed portion of their body (and no one else heals it for them). For a sorcerer with deep understanding of their own Soul, an unbreakable Binding Vow can be placed: by irreversibly sacrificing part of their body and soul (akin to Idle Transfiguration), the sorcerer will gain even more CE than with the regular Body Sacrifice Technique. However, as seen in Naobito vs Jogo, losing part of one's body can disrupt a sorcerers muscle memory, throws off their balance in combat, and could even interfere with properly using CT or DE. In addition, the extreme surge of CE may also damage the rest of the body similar to how Goku's Kaio-ken can damage his body when overused.
Upon finishing his meditation, the LL+6E sorcerer attempted a small sacrifice as a proof-of-concept: he gave up a pinky on a single hand. He felt his CE pool expand rapidly, nearly doubling its original amount, but there was more: every inch of his body felt on fire and a deep nausea grew in his stomach. Despite the pain dulling his focus, he attempted to push the process further. He attempted to sacrifice a second finger; before he could react, half of his arm was gone. Instant inversion of the process to RCT saved the sorcerer's life, and he concluded that the Body Sacrifice Technique (BST) was far too dangerous to teach to any sorcerer less skilled than himself. He recorded the BST process and his annotations on a single paper, then placed upon it many powerful seals and locked it away in the Gojo Clan Headquarters. It is unknown if any modern sorcerer's have knowledge of Body Sacrifice Technique.
submitted by PhrostytheSnowman to CTsandbox [link] [comments]


Crown Electrum Location Map
Ken Konkin, P.Geo. President & CEO of Goldstorm Metals comments: "Field crews have been mobilized to the area in preparation for the 2024 Exploration Program. The focus will be to follow up on last year's extremely positive precious and base metal results from the reconnaissance sampling and drilling programs. Our crews will begin with the Electrum project, then move on to the larger Crown property later in the summer. The drilling plan at Electrum will attempt to expand the known gold-silver hydrothermal stockwork breccia system laterally and at depth. Reconnaissance crews will also further evaluate and trace the numerous newly discovered zones throughout both claim groups. In the southern portion of the Electrum Property, we will focus on expanding areas with high-grade gold and silver intercepts within a sheeted vein complex, peripheral to a dome-shaped hydrothermal stockwork gold and silver breccia system. From the 11 drill holes that tested Electrum targets last year, nine holes targeted the high-grade gold and silver parallel sheeted vein complex with coarse-grained native gold occurring in drill hole EL-23-08 at 146.5 m depth over 0.5 m that carried 75.30 g/t gold with 19.27 g/t silver yet a much higher grade intercept was encounter near surface in the same hole at 12.0-12.5 m depth that yielded 233.50 g/t gold with 756.0 g/t silver over 0.50 m. The goal is to continue the discovery and development of high-grade precious and base metal targets, in addition to expanding large intrusive related bulk-tonnage disseminated/veinlet and porphyry type targets, similar to nearby discoveries along trend to the north including Treaty Creek-KSM as well as the Valley of the Kings and West Zone Deposits of the Brucejack system."
Electrum 2023 Drilling Program Summary
During the 2023 exploration season, Goldstorm Metals completed an 11-hole drill program totaling 2,581 meters at Electrum. This program was successful in intercepting both high-grade vein-type and porphyry style gold-silver mineralization (see press releases dated October 4th, 2023, and November 14, 2023). Building on these results, future drilling is expected to target the expansive bulk-tonnage gold-silver hydrothermal breccia stockwork system encountered in holes EZ-23-01 and EZ-23-02, and the high-grade gold-silver intercepts observed in holes EZ-23-08 and EZ-23-11.
View drill highlights, maps and sections of the project at the end of this release or click the following link: drill plan and cross sections.
Table 1: Electrum 2023 Drilling Highlights

  • All assay values are uncut and intervals reflect drilled intercept lengths.
  • HQ diameter core samples were sawn in half and typically sampled at standard 1.5 m intervals.
  • True widths have not been determined as the mineralized body remains open in all directions. Further drilling is required to determine the mineralized body orientation and true widths.
Crown 2023 Program Summary
In 2023, field crews conducted exploration activities on the Crown Property, including an extensive reconnaissance sampling effort that led to the discovery of four new mineralized zones. These zones, located on the Orion Concession (the Copernicus Zone) and the Fairweather Concession (the Launch, Galileo, and Triton Zones), produced very positive sampling results.
The findings from these zones are as follows:
  • The Copernicus Zone: a continuous channel sample line comprised of six samples (OR-23-02), that averaged 0.14 g/t gold, 57.0 g/t silver, 1.71% copper, 0.015% cobalt, and 0.15% zinc over 5.15 meters (m), (see Company press release dated November 27, 2023);
  • The Launch Zone: representative chip sampling within this area returned 1.95 g/t gold, 15.09 g/t silver, 0.12% copper over 3.0 m and 4.6 g/t gold, 118.5 g/t silver, 0.83% copper over 2.0 m;
  • The Galileo Zone: a grab sample returned 1.18 g/t gold, 2,656 g/t silver, 0.55% copper, 7.65% lead, and 5.03% zinc;
  • The Triton Zone: a grab sample returned 8.3 g/t gold and 48.8 g/t silver, (see Company press release dated January 24, 2024).
During the upcoming 2024 field season, Goldstorm Metals will continue to focus on developing high-grade precious and base-metal targets and plan for the potential start-up of the first ever drill program on the Copernicus Zone. Details of this program will be finalized ahead of the 2024 drilling season.
Qualified Person
The Qualified Person for this news release for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 is the Company's President and CEO, Ken Konkin, P.Geo. He has read and approved the scientific and technical information that forms the basis for the disclosure contained in this news release.
All samples were prepared at MSA Labs' Preparation Laboratory in Terrace, BC and assayed at MSA Labs' Geochemical Laboratory in Langley, BC. Gold was assayed using a fire assay with atomic absorption (AA) spectrometry finish. Samples over 10 ppm gold were fire assayed with gravimetric finish. All samples were analyzed by four acid digestion with multi-element ICP-MS, with silver and base metal over-limits being reanalyzed by emission spectrometry. MSA Laboratories quality system complies with the requirements for the International Standards ISO 17025 and ISO 9001. MSA Labs is independent of the Company.
About Goldstorm Metals
Goldstorm Metals Corp. is a precious and base metals exploration company with a large strategic land position in the Golden Triangle of British Columbia, an area that hosts some of the largest and highest-grade gold deposits in the world. Goldstorm's flagship projects, Crown and Electrum, cover an area that totals approximately 16,469 hectares over six concessions, of which five are contiguous. The Crown Project is situated directly south of Seabridge Gold's KSM gold-copper deposits and Newmont's Brucejack/Valley of the Kings gold mine. Electrum, also located in the Golden Triangle of BC, is situated directly between the Brucejack Mine, approximately 20 kilometers to the north, and the past producing Silbak Premier mine, 20 kilometers to the south.
"Ken Konkin"
Ken Konkin President and Chief Executive Officer
For further information, please visit the Company's website at or contact:
Chris Curran Head of Corporate Development and Communications Phone: (604) 559 8092 E-Mail: [](
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward Looking Statements
This release includes certain statements and information that may constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. All statements in this news release, other than statements of historical facts, including statements regarding future estimates, plans, objectives, timing, assumptions or expectations of future performance, including without limitation, the statement regarding the expectation that geologists are expected to complete a compilation study this winter once all assay results are received. Such a statement is a forward-looking statement and contains forward-looking information.
Generally, forward-looking statements and information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "intends" or "anticipates", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "should", "would" or "occur". Forward-looking statements are based on certain material assumptions and analysis made by Goldstorm and the opinions and estimates of management as of the date of this press release, including that geologists will complete a compilation study this winter once all assay results are received.
These forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of Goldstorm to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements or forward-looking information. Important factors that may cause actual results to vary, include, without limitation that geologists will not complete a compilation study this winter or at all.
Although management of Goldstorm has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and forward-looking information. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. Goldstorm does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement, forward-looking information or financial out-look that are incorporated by reference herein, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.
Electrum Project - Plan Map & Section A (Drill holes EL-23-01 and EL-23-02)
Electrum Project - Section B (Drill holes EL-23-08 and EL-23-10)
To view the source version of this press release, please visit
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submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to Treaty_Creek [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:57 imposternr3 Loosing all human connections

Hello everyone, idk who to talk to so im writing on this website. I've never been someone who easily gave up but at this point everything is just overwhelming. I'm 20 yo and in my last months of school bc i failed a year and i feel like i've seperated from everyone that once was in my life. Throughout my life i've changed grades multiple times and lost the social circle with it. Lately i've changed and became less of a pushover and told my friends when i didnt like how they treated me. They reacted weird and I hung out less and less with them. I dont really like them i just hang out with them to atleast have someone. A year ago my parents got divorced and i live with my mom and sister while my dad lives alone. My mom changed when we went through this and i feel like she is more rude to me than ever. Despite being challeged to find friends i can trust i feel like even my family is growing apart from me. My father doesnt try to understand me although im sure his time is worse than mine. I feel like my sister is straight up disabled. She cant even speak proper sentences and i struggle to form a connection with her aswell. In school i was always with the two friend groups i've seperated from. I've never liked them and just went along bc i had noone. As i changed i wanted to find different friends but i couldnt. If im alone i have such low self esteem that i cant even talk to the cashier etc. I've tried to level up my social skills with many videos and tipps online but nothing ever helped me. I feel like im not made for someone to love/like me. I've grown up islamically and i still believe in it but i feel like because of the rules i couldnt partake in drinking/partying which made me different to other people. I've had many female friends when growing up but as i grew up to about 13 years my father shouted at me and forbid me to talk to them. Now i can't even hold a conversation with a woman and i feel like ive never ever gonna find a woman because my dad wants it to be islamic but i couldnt even do it if it wasnt islamic and i stuggle to even slightly escalate over text and cant even ask a female classmate for the time. I feel like i can open up to nobody and cant form a deep social connection to people. I live in germany i am half german and as i grew up i've always been with german friends and kinda thought of other muslims as weird because they got lower grades and couldnt talk properly. I feel like i dont fit to any race/culture. My mom and also my dad greatly helped me at everything i did before the divorce but now they dropped everything at once while i struggle with live/girls/friend and all of it overwhelms me and i dont really think i will ever be able to fix my life. When i ask my mom to just buy healthy food like she did before the divorce she shouts at me and hits me. While she buys everything my 18 yo sister asks for. My sister also insults me and when i defend myself my mom hits me. I feel like the whole world is against me and it happened over night I hope to find someone who reads my whole message and can give me advice who maybe was in a similar position or is experienced in life.
submitted by imposternr3 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]