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Tech Support for Windows 10

2015.08.11 13:48 Tech Support for Windows 10

A subreddit for the technical support of Windows 10 issues, this includes insider builds. Please note, the advice given is to be done at your own discretion. Please create restore points before attempting any fixes.

2024.05.22 00:34 ChampionRed1996 AITAH For Taking Control of My Friends In-Game Guild?

So... I play an MMO, won't be too specific because I know the people this is about use Reddit and I don't want them to start MORE drama with me. And in this MMO, you can have "Free Companies" (Real subtle, I know) that are in game guilds that you and your friends can be a part of.
Now, I used to be a party of a fully active FC and friend group and they are the ones who introduced me to this MMO. One of my friends owned this FC (we will call him R) but within the friend group, a bit if drama went down and about half the FC sided with the owner (I was one of them) and the other sided with the one who started the drama (We will call him P). Now, R never kicked P from the FC and P and his gang never logged on again until a few days ago and left the FC himself to make his own FC.
The drama started last year.
Now, after the drama went down, activity in the FC died down, eventually resulting in me being the only one playing for months. Now when the Owner remains offline for a certain period, ownership will pass down to the last active person, that being me. Now when this was brought up, I made it clear that if R wants me to transfer ownership back to him, I will do so no problem, however, every time he said he didn't care and that he will leave it up to me. Eventually no one but me logged in and they claimed that they lost passion for the game because of the drama.
Seeing as no one was playing and that if everyone remains inactive, FC house will be destroyed, I chose to retain ownership, still expressing I will give ownership back if R asked.
I should also explain (I swear this is relevant) I am sort of the punching bag of our group, often being made fun of (Not in a friendly way) and I pretty often have to take breaks from them because they make me very emotionally vulnerable (As much as I hate to admit that) and often claim that I "stole the FC from R" they also claimed that I "demoted" them in the FC but I never touched their ranks, they got demoted by the game for inactivity.
Fast forward 6 months and I log on one day to see that everyone was leaving the FC. Once I saw that R had left, I DM'd him and asked him why he left and if there is any objects in the FC he wants me to keep for him since I thought they were just going to make their own FC. He told me he wasn't going to make a new FC and said that he left because the FC "just represented 2 splits with old friends, so I don't really like looking at it no more" and that, to me, was the last time I questioned if he wanted the FC back.
Moving forward to today, I found out that one of the people who was on R's side joined P's new FC when he logged back on a few days ago. Now, I made a joke about him being our spy to which he said "Bros talking to me like I'm on good terms with him when he took R's FC" to which I pointed out that ownership was defaulted to me and I was even given permission from R to retain ownership; all he could reply with was a gif saying "I ain't reading all that" and after 3 years of constant "bullying" and antagonising from them, and being told I stole the FC and them acting like I'm everyone's enemy, I can't help but feel like maybe it's me that is in the wrong?
So, AITAH for taking ownership of an inactive FC and then when I asked if the original owner wanted it back, he said no?
submitted by ChampionRed1996 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:34 SRLplay First Daemon-Testrun. Help pwease!

Hey guys, tomorrow I'm playing my daemon army for the first time and I wanted to ask what else I should build here to fill up the last few points. My list so far looks like this:
As an option for units I have:
Lord of Change
Rendmaster or Skullcannon
Exalted Flamer
Thanks in advance for the help <3
Translated with (free version)
submitted by SRLplay to ChaosDaemons40k [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:33 DapperLee My Brother-in-law has caused entire family to want him gone.

Okay, so for this post there are a lot of people involved (this has been going on for a while) so I'll list up here who's who. This is my wife's family. I'll be using code names when appropriate:
Father-in-law - FIL
Mother-in-law - MIL
Wife(oldest daughter) - Wife
Second daughter - Sarah
Third daughter - Lana
Fourth daughter - Ruth
Second daughter's husband - BIL
Third daughter's fiancee - Karl
My daughter - daughter
Second daughter's older son - Danny
Second daughter's younger son - Aaron
And me as me
I know this is long but bear with me TL;DR Brother-in-law has snapped the last straw for the family and we are all starting to cut ties with him
 BIL's family has their own side of the story that I'm barely familiar with, so it won't be brought up here. We first met BIL way before they got together; Sarah bought a house as a group of friends with her boyfriend at the time, and BIL and his second wife at the time. We didn't interact with him much. We just heard a few stories about him from their friend group. Eventually this situation broke down and BIL and his second wife left and vandalized Sarah's home on the way out. They let their dogs poop all over the floor, stole some miscellaneous items, poured water in their lawn mower gas tank, etc. He did this to Sarah, his future third wife. We thought this guy was out of our lives forever. Sarah eventually came to stay on my couch after she sold the house. She lived with me and my wife for roughly 3 months. Then she went and rented an apartment a few miles away. No sooner than a few weeks did we find out she was dating future BIL, and a few weeks after that we found she was pregnant. He met the family and stated that he wanted to be a part of it. He blamed all his past transgressions on his second wife. We questioned him at the time if he was still with his second wife. He said no, and that he was officially divorced. My wife looked up the public court records and found out that he didn't file divorce papers until 11 days after we asked that question. A small lie but considering our history of knowing him it was concerning. BIL is a big gun enthusiast. About 1 months after they told us Sarah was pregnant, while cleaning a gun at home he shot himself in the hand. Again, we were concerned but Sarah assured us he was a changed man and this was just an unfortunate accident. His hand healed but he didn't do his physical therapy that seriously so his hand is still kind of jacked up. I feel this is important because he kind of has a history of not following through on what he says. During Sarah's pregnancy we found out that BIL seriously beat one of their dogs back when they bought the house together. We also figured out he diagnosed himself with bipolar, but refused to go to a doctor to get an actual diagnosis. The whole family at the time was distracted by all of this because during Sarah's pregnancy my wife went through a major medical struggle that resulted in multiple surgeries and a months-long stay in the hospital. We were so focused on that the BIL details just kind of came and went at that moment. Sarah gave birth to Danny during COVID lockdown. We were so excited and we all were very active in Danny's life. Time would pass and we just kind of got used to BIL being despite the fact that he often would miss family events. BIL and Sarah would move into a house on my in-laws property just down the road from in-laws house. MIL became their primary caregiver as she could work it around her job and still make decent money. As 4 years have passed my MIL, FIL, Lana, my Wife and I all take shifts of watching their now 2 kids for them, for free. MIL also watches my daughter but significantly less that their son's. 2 years would pass after Danny was born and everything seemed OK. There would just be hints in they way he talked about who he really was. He would say something in casual conversation like "man, there seems like there are too many black people in commercials these days" or "I don't know why we are forcing women's sports to be a thing." Bigoted stuff like that, but veiled enough so there was plausible deniability. I would often call him out on it, so he really grew to not like me. This all changed at his 30th bday. He had a big party with a lot of alcohol and weed with dozens of friends. My wife and I didn't go because we are not party people. Lana and Ruth went to the party. Sarah was also there. During this party BIL went outside and decided to "mud" his jeep through the creek beside their house. This was possibly with Karl but I'm not sure of that to this day. Karl has recently come into the picture prior to this event and was previously friends with BIL for a long time. The jeep got stuck and flooded for obvious reasons. After trying to get it out of the creek by multiple means, they gave up and left it there. I believe it took almost 2 days to get it out. He went back to the party and as everyone got progressively drunk and high, my 2 sister-in-laws Lana and Ruth (I believe) criticized BIL for getting his car stuck in a creek while playing. BIL verbally assaulted them and demanded they get out of his house. They left in tears. They drove separately, and Lana had gotten buzzed so they both got in Ruth's car and drove to my house. They sat and vented to my wife and I for a while, and eventually I offered that we should go do something fun to take their minds off of it. My wife and I drove them to Taco Bell and we got some food and drove around town for a while and made jokes in the car. After they cooled off and were in a better mood they said that Lana needed to go get her car from the party. In a flurry she accidentally left her keys inside her sister's and BIL's house. We drove them over just in case anything sketchy happened but Lana and Ruth didn't want us to go inside, so we waited out in the car. She didn't think it would be a big deal to walk in, but as her and Ruth did BIL immediately got in her face and demanding she gets out or else. Ruth went to talk to someone else at the party and didn't notice this at first. BIL shoved Lana against a wall and held her there. Everyone apparently stood in stunned silence as this happened. He then shoved her to the ground, grabbed her around the ankles and started pulling her across the floor. As he was threatening to do even worse, Ruth ran up and jumped on his back and gave him a head lock. She screamed at him to stop but before BIL could anything about this everyone finally woke up and pulled them apart. Ruth helped Lana up and they ran out of the house onto the front porch sobbing. My wife saw this and got out of the car and yelled at them to get back in our car. We drove up to the in-laws house. By then it was past midnight. MIL was about an hour away working her job and FIL was up in his room asleep. The sisters went and woke him up and explained the situation through tears. They also called MIL to inform her of the situation. He got ready and ask me to go with him down to the house to get some answers. The sisters stayed up at the house. We drove down in his car and when we got out the entire party was ready for us and greeted us at the car. Literally over a dozen people, most of whom I did not recognize started screaming what happened at both of us simultaneously. Everyone was clearly very drunk. FIL looked overwhelmed, so I raised my hands and tried asking everyone to stop for a second and go one by one telling their bit of the story. BIL stopped me mid sentence and pointed his finger in my face. I noticed he had his other hand on a holstered hand gun. He yelled out "You don't have a say here! You're barely even part of this family." For context, I had been with my wife for over 11 years at that time and he hadn't even married Sarah yet and had been there about 2 1/2 years. FIL backed up and told me that I need to stop talking and that I was being a problem. I backed off and went over the yard to Sarah and Karl. I asked Sarah what happened and she told me that she didn't see what happened and that she wasn't very aware of what was going on now. Karl would barely answer the same question. I walked back over to FIL but he told me to back off and that I really wasn't needed there. Admittedly I felt pretty insulted and just decided to walk back to his house and get my car and go home with my wife. We eventually left after FIL came back to the house. We found out later that BIL had pulled his gun out and threatened to kill himself if FIL didn't leave. Out of fear of what he would do, my in-laws were pretty afraid to take action at this point. A lot of the situation was his word against someone else's and Sarah went on a tour around to the friends and convinced them not to take any of this to the police. She then tried to smooth things over with the family and offered that BIL would apologize to everyone. He then refused, stating that Ruth was the real aggressor and that she assaulted him. He eventually agreed to apologize to just FIL for causing a problem and I think some half-hearted apologies to Lana and Ruth. The whole situation was swept under the rug but an unease has existed over the family since then. He stopped coming to family events pretty much altogether. About 4 months after this situation, prior to my daughter being born, he told MIL he was going to bring Danny up to their house so she could watch him for a few hours while he took a nap. His job works long hours so this wasn't out of the ordinary. However, he didn't show up for a while and my MIL started questioning what going on. She called but there was no answer. She drove down to his house and knocked but there wasn't an answer, only Danny crying in the background. She let herself in and found BIL asleep on the couch with Danny actively trying to wake him up. MIL tried to wake him up but nothing for a few minutes. She gave up and wrote a note to let him know where Danny was. BIL didn't notice Danny was gone for 2 hours. He finally woke up, drove up to in-laws house, and yelled at my MIL for just taking Danny without informing him. He took Danny and then left. A few months after that, after my daughter was born, He fell asleep while watching Danny again. This time we found out because when he woke up the front door was open and Danny was gone. He called in-laws for help finding him. My in-laws have a large property (about 200 acres) with a ton of it forested. Danny wandered 1/4 of a mile into the woods and I believe it took roughly a little over an hour to find him. Family questioned him hard this time but he just recoiled back into their house and didn't talk to us much. Sarah continued to defend him and said it was just an accident. Again the police were not notified about any of this. There was always this idea that if we went to authorities about any of this they would just run for it. They would then surprise everyone with the news that they were pregnant again, despite the fact that Sarah had used the morning after pill. This whole time they hadn't married yet. They announced that they were getting married but Sarah told Lana that it was mostly just to help BIL not have to go through bankruptcy a second time. I wasn't sure if this would do anything to help that situation, but that's what Sarah said at one point leading up to the wedding. About a month before the wedding, however, he threatened Sarah that if she insisted on inviting my wife to the wedding he would demand to invite a friend of his that Sarah hated. This friend also used to date BIL I believe. This was his ploy to force Sarah to not invite my Wife or me. The 2 other sisters and MIL all stood in solidarity with us and said that they would also not go if we weren't invited. He eventually relented and they got married a little before Aaron was born. As more kids were added, MIL's childcare duties got much harder. Eventually my wife and I started paying her (not much but something at least. $150 a month) to watch our daughter, but we also did chores for her, bought her food often, and eventually my Wife started taking a few shifts to watch all 3 children. To date, BIL and Sarah have never compensated any of us for our work. It's a little frustrating but we've tried to understand because Sarah and BIL seem to be bad with money. They objectively make more than us yet can't afford to pay MIL anything. Last Thanksgiving, in the middle of dinner, Sarah and BIL decided to have an "intervention" and talk about how we were not treating BIL fairly. They addressed everybody but really honed in on me specifically. This seemed to be because the rest of the family kind of dance in eggshells around them, while to be frank I'm pretty honest about how I feel about them. They seemed to think I was causing the family to turn against him and questioned why I would do that. I told him he lacked humility. He said he didn't understand. I told him that if he admitted to his mistakes and actually apologized about any of the stuff I previously wrote, instead of blaming everyone and everything else then the whole family would feel a bit different about him. A lot of talk was about the 30th b-day and other times when I just ignored him and how he had already apologized about the party. I reminded him that he didn't apologize to most of the family and he blamed Ruth. He then stated that Ruth was the cause of a lot of the problems at that party. He also made a big deal about how the family doesn't trust him with my daughter and kept emphasizing how he has never held her. We finally tried to come to an agreement. I told him I would try to talk to him more and try to understand him better and he said he would try to come to family events more. He also wanted more of a relationship with my daughter. We left and my wife and I were skeptical but we said that if this is who Sarah really wanted to be with, as long as BIL wasn't perceived as a threat he could have more contact with our daughter. We have had way more of a relationship with his kids than he has had with our daughter so I tried to sympathize with that imbalance. Karl also stated later that having known BIL for a long time, he thought he was very sincere. To date, BIL has not asked or tried at any family events to spend any time with my daughter, despite having numerous opportunities. Now to the current situation. About a month ago Lana and Karl announced that Lana was pregnant. This was a revelation due to Lana having a medical condition that made it harder to get pregnant. A lot of excitement was brewing in the family because of this. Karl has been seeming like a good partner to Lana, and proposed to her a little before the pregnancy happened. This is especially pertinent because Lana and Karl moved into a house together right beside BIL and Sarah. A few days ago they were over at Sarah and BIL's house when an argument broke out between Sarah and BIL. BIL demanded that Sarah wasn't an "obedient enough wife" and that if she wanted there marriage to work then she was going to have to get better at serving him. She was upset and they weren't coming to an agreement so he was going to leave, but apparently he was very high so Sarah refused to give him the keys to his car. He got extremely mad and then got a gun, held it to his head, and threatened to kill himself if she didn't hand over the keys. Fortunately, Danny and Aaron were taking a nap during all of this. Sarah called the police during this whole exchange and the operator heard a lot of what BIL said over the phone so based on that they arrived at the house. He apparently drove away and it took the police a bit to find him but once they did he turned himself over. They admitted him to a mandatory 72-hour stay at a psychiatric ward for a mental health assessment. Sarah then came up to the rest of the family (not me or my Wife) and gave them Danny and Aaron. She then went and confided with Lana and Karl about how abusive BIL had been and how life was just miserable right now. A lot of us, especially Karl and my in-laws, were telling her that she needs to leave BIL and file for emergency custody of her children. She seemed to be listening to us and turning a corner, but inexplicably the psychiatric ward allowed BIL to have a phone call with Sarah and they had a long conversation. Suddenly, Sarah shut us all out and completely changed her story. She started defending BIL again. BIL was then let out of the psychiatric ward a day early. Since Karl was working at the time, Lana came to stay with us and then over at her in-laws. We are especially concerned about her safety around BIL due to her being pregnant. They have since cut nearly all contact with us for 4 days now. They have only told Karl that they were getting a new TV because the old one mysteriously broke somehow. They have continued to post on social media like nothing has happened. They have spent 2 days with BIL's family so we aren't sure what their opinion of this is, though we do know a sibling of his has also told Sarah to leave him prior to this latest situation. We don't know what their plans for childcare is because they are wholly reliant upon us. Lana is very reluctant to ever be home alone. Ruth is as well. There are so many other details I haven't mentioned. There have been holes in walls they've had to fix. There is some evidence that BIL is cheating on Sarah, but that evidence is somewhat inconclusive. The bigoted comments for a while now have gotten increasingly misogynistic. It's a lot of 'we need to respect proper gender roles' kind of stuff. There's just too much and I've already written a book on here. I don't really know what to do at this point. Because a lot of this stuff has been swept under the rug it's hard to tell how seriously CPS or police would take our claims. FIL has threatened to kick them out of their very cheap rental they're in now. Who knows what they would do in that scenario. I know this post is detailed and because of that BIL or Sarah might see it, but at this point I wonder if I even give a shit. They've already eluded to keeping their sons from us in the past and the vibes we are getting now is that they are already doing it. And from the bottom of my heart, fuck BIL. 
submitted by DapperLee to u/DapperLee [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:30 No_Antelope7492 Tips for new players, from a new player.

I’ll preface this by saying that I am not some amazing player that got to master rank or anything. I got to Platinum 1 in my first week of playing(not super high, but I was proud of my progress), and made a ton of mistakes that cost me time, a lot of losses, and real money to fix. I’m writing this to show some other new players what I learned from this experience.
Probably the most important thing I learned was only to surrender if you’re getting frustrated beyond annoyance. If you’re super competitive, like I am, and you find yourself getting upset by a match to the point that it’s causing you to get mad, it’s worth just surrendering. But, other than that, you shouldn’t surrender. It’s crazy how many times i’ve won a game with an absolutely terrible opening hand, just because I used ash blossom on the opponent’s first card, and they just quit. Even if you play it out and lose, you will definitely learn something about the limitations of your deck, or how another deck functions from it. So, try not to surrender.
Speaking of Ash Blossom, craft and use all the staples that you see in most decks.
Next is to do some research on decks before you dump crafting materials, gems, or real money into a deck. Especially if you go into the game, like I did, and end up immediately crafting vehicroids or a toon deck, only to get bent over 40 times in a row by the Snake Eye special. If you like a particular archetype then, by all means, go for it. But if you want to be competitive, at least find a deck that is “rogue” and watch people play it.
Now that you’ve found your deck, watch YouTube videos from good players. I learned so much about my ExoSister deck from watching better players on YouTube. Sometimes you can find guides, but a lot of the videos are just them playing with no commentary. You learn a lot about interactions and when or when not to use certain effects.
Play through the solo mode with the loaner decks. You learn a bit about the different summoning mechanics. That’s what I got from it. Then play through it with your deck. You get a lot of gems to expand on your deck or build a second one. You also learn a lot about the limits of your deck, in an environment where you won’t get punished too hard by the bot. I learned a lot about my deck by doing this.
The next thing I did, that not only made me a better player, win more games, and teach me more, was to integrate a seperate engine into my deck. I found that people play ExoSisters with Dinomorphia, and I worked that in. I played in casuals and learned when to summon what, and what did and didn’t jive together. This made me think more about the plays I was making, while also giving me another weapon when you come across an opponent who is using a deck that completely counters yours. I noticed that a lot of decks do this.
Lastly, I learned that, for me, the best way to play this game is to have 2 decks. One for ranked that’s decently viable, at least. Then to have a casual deck that’s just for fun. People test things or try new things in casuals so you can afford to play your toon deck, or whatever and 9/10 games you won’t summon toon dark magician girl, then wait 10 minutes for your opponent to perform 745 actions, ending on Utopia 9/11: CIA inside job dragon, that burns you for the amount of degrees Fahrenheit it would take to melt steel beams.
Bettemore experienced players, feel free to drop other tips in the comments. These are all just things I wish I had known from the start that I learned the hard way. I spent about $150 on gems after the first few days, because I made mistake after mistake on what I crafted, deconstructed, and making decks that just weren’t good. I hope people can at least learn to make a decent deck with the free gems, instead of doing what I did.
submitted by No_Antelope7492 to masterduel [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:30 BMoreOnTheWater Pride Of Baltimore tours and sails this weekend!

Pride Of Baltimore tours and sails this weekend!
Pride of Baltimore is back in Baltimore and available for tours and sails! You can see the full list here, or check individual opportunities below:
Fri 2-5PM Deck Tours at Broadway Pier, Fells Point (Free)
Fri 6-8PM Sunset Sail from Broadway Pier, Fells Point ($49)
Sat 10AM-2PM Deck Tours at Broadway Pier, Fells Point (Free)
Sat 6-8PM Sunset Sail from Broadway Pier, Fells Point ($49)
Sun 10AM-2PM Deck Tours at Broadway Pier, Fells Point (Free)
Sun 3-5PM Day Sail from Broadway Pier, Fells Point ($49)
Sun 6-8PM Sunset Sail from Broadway Pier, Fells Point ($49)
Mon 10AM-3PM Deck Tours at Broadway Pier, Fells Point (Free)
submitted by BMoreOnTheWater to baltimore [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:27 blooboytalking Fantastic game! I'm really enjoying it so far (only in act 1) - but i have had a few complaints, so just curious if anyone shared them!

Here's a short list of complaints i have about this otherwise fantastic game.
1) In japanese audio, there's no subtitles for idle chatter or anything not directed at you, in a quest capacity. Even when following a person as part of a quest, they'd turn around and say something but it was not subtitled, so I don't know what!
2) you really can't sequence break for shit. More than once i've been following a trail and ended up at the right spot, but didn't follow the prompts to get there, so it's just empty and there's nothing for me to do. This has also happened when i've cleared a shrine, and had to return to it - so, I'm kinda hitting a 'don't bother free roam exploring' point and just follow direct prompts. Adding to this, I also was listening to a conversation, and on their last line i went too far ahead, and they called for me. When I went backwards, they started the entire conversation over.
3) there's clearly a memory leak or something pc and performance starts to drop after a couple hours and a restart fixes it. Not a big deal, just mild annoyance.
Otherwise, I love the game. And the music, noises, soundtrack etc. are stellar. what a fantastic game.
submitted by blooboytalking to ghostoftsushima [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:26 Past-Statistician358 Plastiq Referral Code: Plastiq-ify your Mortgage!

Hi Folks,
I decided to give Plastiq a try to pay my mortgage payment with my credit card. And wow, that’s so cool! I’m getting rewards on this, both from my credit card and from the new merger between Plastiq and Priority Points.
If you use my referral link, you will get a massive $1000 bonus in Fee Free (FFD’s). Their normal fee is just 2.99% to use a credit card for a mortgage payment, but FFD’s allow you to make payments without paying that fee.
NOTE: In order to get this $1000 worth of fee-free credits you do have to spend $2500 in purchases within your first 30 days.
submitted by Past-Statistician358 to ReferalLinks [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:25 bulbasauric Was anyone else wildly frustrated by this movie?

Just out of The Strangers: Chapter 1, and I either need validation/vindication, or to be convinced that I'm wrong (and I'm open to that, by all means).

I'd avoided delving too deep into any backstory of this film. Initially I'd thought this was going to be a prequel-series of films, given how Prey at Night ended (two killers dead, one almost certainly dead). So I went in with my back up, as you always should with a horror prequel, or indeed series - what's the actual risk to the villains if they'll allegedly appear in the future (be that the in-universe future, or a future film)?
Within the first few minutes, our lead lady is using a smartphone/Google Maps, and shortly thereafter an AirBNB is mentioned. So we're in present-day, and it's not a prequel - that's fine.
Once we meet The Strangers, The Man in the Mask showed no burns or signs of injury from the previous film, and is wearing significantly different clothing than he usually would. Pin Up Girl and Dollface were hella dead by the end of that film. With all of this said, I'm to believe we have a new trio of killers donning the masks, right? Great.
And yet, it all felt wasted. Nothing new, nothing interesting happened.
Our lead characters were not especially likeable. The dialogue in the car was pretty forced and expository, and they just felt very generic. They looked great and I've no problem with the actors, but feel they weren't given much to do.
In fact, nobody is very likeable in this film. The okayest-character was the girl in the diner who gave them a lift to the house, and even that was probably part of the killers' setup.
Everyone in town... was just downright awful, for no apparent reason. Sneering because the central couple come from the city. Literally making multiple "Huh, she's a VEGETARIAN?" jokes - seriously, was this film written in 2002 and mildly modernized, or something? What the hell are we doing here?!
Our lead characters were also just not smart. Examples:
As I watched, I thought "Okay, chill - it's not as if they know they're in a horror movie. People get jittery and make mistakes when under duress". But I think nowadays, horror movies in general have just surpassed this kinda stuff. They don't - shouldn't - get a free pass for characters being outright stupid, just to make plot happen. Especially when they're the ONLY characters we're following for the whole film. If you wanna introduce a dopey hyuck friend for some death fodder, go right ahead. But it's asking a bit too much nowadays to root for a character who makes stupid choices for just no good reason.
I'm no expert, but I do love my horror movies, and after the direction Prey at Night took, I just expected... more. This was very much a paint-by-numbers horror movie, and it really did come off as a weak copy of the first film. The fact that Maya survives was.. something different. But now it means we'll be following her through the next film. I find this more worrying than interesting, because it may mean there's going to be some contrived revenge plot, when really I want to see more of the killers, and I want to see them get killed.
There are just few things more frustrating than a film series providing more questions and no answers, all in the name of cranking out more of them. All we know - all we can suppose - is that there are three new people wearing these masks. That's all. And for the third film in a franchise - whether it's starting its own story arc or not - that's not good enough for me.
submitted by bulbasauric to TheStrangers [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:21 kels-_- Have you personally noticed a connection between your birth chart and your Myers-Briggs personality type?

Have you personally noticed a connection between your birth chart and your Myers-Briggs personality type?
I’ve taken the personality assessment several times over the course of years and always get INFP-T. Lately I’ve been learning about my birth chart in a more nuanced way and I think that the similarities are kind of mind blowing. (Still have a lot to learn)
For example, my Capricorn Neptune and Venus are perfectly conjunct in my 5th house with Pisces ruling my 7th house. (Cancer moon at 0 degrees because that always feels like a necessary detail) I’m a hopeless romantic who idealizes my partners to the point where I’m often just feeling unloved and mishandled. I’m looking for that soulmate feeling. I only learned about Neptune/venus conjunction last week and it resonated with me. When i retook the test yesterday and read about my results it was saying the sameeee exact thing.
I’m curious to know if anyone else has noticed this between their charts and personality type. Would love to hear about some of the things you’ve noticed if you have.
If you haven’t ever compared the two, you can take the test here
I included my chart, if you’re someone who likes looking at charts with more knowledge than me, feel free to look it over and see if you can find any more confirmations between my chart and INFP. You can read about my personality type here
submitted by kels-_- to AskAstrologers [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:20 glamrock_crunch absolutely no hate to bi women, but why are some of them… like that

i tend to attract only bisexual women and i don’t judge women based on their sexuality or anyone for that matter. my question is, why are they so hard to keep interested?? i am trying to put in effort with one right now because it seems like an expectation, but she’s doing this weird indirect talking thing that just doesn’t work for me. this includes me posting a song i like to my instagram notes and her posting a thirst trap to it the next day. on top of that, it’s her sending me a song or a text and telling me it reminds her of me and then falling off the face of the earth for a week. the other day, she was really targeting a bunch of spam posts to me and i wasn’t a fan of that. i wanted her to just tell me she was free and i would’ve planned something. i am not going to act on an assumption that someone is trying to get my attention because i’m pretty direct. most girls know this ahead of time because i literally sit there like an idiot until they look me in the eye and say “hey, i like you”. i just don’t get it. i’ll admit, i’ve been non committal because men have traumatized me, but i’m trying to show interest in her. if i match her energy, she suddenly shows less interest. i know this relationship is not going to work out and at this point, i’m losing any feelings i’ve had for her because there has been no clear definition of what she wants.
this has been a consistent issue with my dating life and that’s the part that gets me. i find a girl, i like her, suddenly we are talking, and right away she drops off the earth. either getting a boyfriend or just quits showing interest. i’ve been told before that it’s because i have so much going on, or i’m too ambitious and put to much effort into school and work. i will admit, i am a driver and i don’t slow down and making time for anyone is hard. i do wonder if me saying i have finals or things due that i can’t put off has driven her away. i just don’t see the point in brushing off school to go out with someone who is unsure about me. if you aren’t going to be in my life forever, you don’t come over my education.
i just don’t know if this is a me problem or not. i’m going through the post situationship grief right now of thinking i’ll never find a girlfriend, but i know it will pass soon enough too. am i just looking at the wrong girls? my roommates say i should wait until i find someone who is also in college and honestly, i couldn’t agree more. i just want to know if i’m doing something wrong. maybe i’m not prioritizing things properly? idk
submitted by glamrock_crunch to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:18 Wizywig Feedback: War Games

Hi, I'm gonna give some feedback on my wargames experience. I know this is a big part of the long term homeworld strategy, so I hope the feedback is helpful. I am NOT going to talk about fleet v fleet or campaign at all, if anything applies to those modes, it is incidental and not intended as the focus of my feedback.
Setting / Map
So I feel that the map selection is incredibly limited. The fact is it feels like there are maybe 3 different possible maps for every stage, and that just doesn't feel great. Very repetitive.
Just more variety is needed here.
I think the Incursion spawns are terrible. It is a war of attrition and it just feels like running a sprint every time and doesn't feel like anything we do ever creates a calm experience. I think challenge is an interesting concept, which I think Blizzard did well in Starcraft 2 co-op, by having difficulties (AI gets smarter, more capable), and eventually mutators (the difficulty remains, which is basically fairly straightforward once you get used to it, and now mutators make you play differently).
The constant nonestop onslaught is okay at first, but stops being fun quickly.
Artifacts and Fleets
I put both of these together because I think the two are heavily woven in.
I think the artifact system is interesting but _too_ random. The fact is that I may want to try out say a bomber build with the bomber fleet, with a focus on tank frigates and high damage bombers, or all assault frigates, etc. The problem is the artifacts are so random, sometimes I just get a fun combo of nonestop recon buffs and nothing useful. It just doesn't feel good.
And on that note, the ship comps are very weird given limited resources. For example a comp of 6 assault frigs + 2 support frigs is FAR more hitpoints and damage, than 3 times that cost in interceptors. A frigate at 20% hp that can heal is 0 money lost. 5 interceptors where 4 died is 4/5 of the cost destroyed and unrepairable. I like the Homeworld 2 version where fighters have squads, and as long as the squad is still alive, it can be reinforced. It solved that problem better than homeworld 1's style of individual fighters did. And for a mode where resources are very scarce, this is critical.
Frigates have the added bonuses of if you cap a frigate, you get another free frigate. Good luck capping fighters / corvettes.
So this all leads to very weird situations:
What i'd like to see
enemy carriers spawn more units, enemy units cost less, double carriers, enemy assault frigates lob miniature giant space hamsters at you, etc. These can all be interesting random changes that become addons as the missions progress to make the game more challenging, while also not taking away our agency in our ability to execute on strategies with our faction.
Closing thoughts
I see the community is very small and not really growing that rapidly. I hope to see wargames changed to a point where everyone will be excited to jump in on it. Finding it hard to find people to play with even among HW enthusiasts.
I haven't even unlocked all the fleets for war games and I'm kinda done with it. Looking at the year 1 pack... I don't even have enthusiasm for buying it because... I just don't play enough to justify spending extra.
submitted by Wizywig to homeworld [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:18 JuuginJefe Not sure if what I'm doing is right.

Currently a second year in a CC and it is finals week and I have three days left until the semester. At this point, I've failed the same class twice this year and and struggling to understand whether this is the path I want to take. Like I want to realize this dream but at the same, it feels far away sometimes. I have aspirations of making it in life and having a stable income and everything, but I also wanna be free in life and become a YouTuber which is extremely difficult as well. These past few months have been difficult for me and I've been confused, scared, and anxious in my life and just questioning my life in general. Two years into college and I broke down in tears for the first time in a long time last weekend and hoping that my life in the future is great
submitted by JuuginJefe to Life [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:18 readyforsomepudding Complaining About Hog

For some context I have been playing since 2016 and have about 4000 hours on overwatch, its my favorite game and pretty much the only one I play. I've had fun throughout every meta even when certain heroes are more powerful, but for some reason current roadhog is really bumming me out. Recently I've played several games where my team feels really coordinated, communicative, and skilled. These are the games that make me love overwatch, games where even if we lose you can tell that everyone tried their best and worked together. My problem with current roadhog is that now, when I get these awesome teams, no matter what tank we play, what counters we use, how well we play together, we are up against a oneshotting 2000 health wall.
The Numbers
Hog has a LOT of health, 800 base with 450 from breather, with a 50% damage reduction for its duration (with more head shot damage reduction from the tank passive)
Pig Pen has 100 health, and can activate 1 second after hitting the ground. I find this ability frustrating to play against because it feels like hog can throw pen at you and (even if you react in time) it tanks your shots, detonates, and now you're slowed with half health or dead. The 12 second cooldown on this ability I think is fair, though.
Hook's hitbox has a .5 meter radius for enemies, but no radius for walls or barriers. This is one of the reasons why hook can reach around walls and objects without breaking. 90% of the time you're hooked you're going to die. If the hog is good, he'll body block your escape option, or pull you around a wall so you can't be healed. The displacement is very strong on its own, but with hogs own shotgun burst damage, pig pen, or his teammates, without a saving ability like bubble, defense matrix, suzu, lamp, or pull, you will die. With a 6 second cooldown, I genuinely think that hogs hook combo in its current state is one of the strongest abilities the game has ever seen. Even when you have defensive abilities, hook can outpace all of their cooldowns.
Whole Hog can deal up to 6720 damage, 896 DPS, which isnt so bad against squishies because of the 14m/s knockback. The problem is that it deletes tanks. I've played with reinhardts recently who get hooked in with a near full 1200 shield, 700 health (including armor), they get whole hogged, and they're dead almost instantly. The knockback reduction tanks have make whole hog even more effective against them.
The Counters
Without an Ana hog seems nearly unstoppable, but even with Ana he feels very difficult to punish. Nade can weaken him about 1/4 to 1/2 of his healthpool with help from your teammates if he uses breather. The 50% damage reduction makes it so even if your entire team focuses him, he still seems to survive nade with 300-500 health. If he gets support from his team in any way he's going to live. Nade should NOT be a guaranteed kill on hog if he has support from his team or is playing using cover, but at the moment it seems that hog can get away with being out of position, tanking nade AND sleep dart, somehow killing two of my teammates, and walking away free.
Sigma is probably hogs best tank counter, grasp can eat whole hog and shield can block hooks. Hog can still play around these abilities and has better pick potential.
Mauga and Orisa both can be effective against hog, but in sustained teamfights where no team gets a pick, hog will outlive everything and does not need to give up space in the same way Mauga and Orisa do because of his healthpool and self healing / damage reduction.
Dva seems okay and can defense matrix hooks, but again hog just has so much health that if your team can't get an early first pick you're pretty much going to lose the fight.
I don't get many teammates playing reaper into hog (or in general) so I'm not entirely sure how that matchup works, but I know in general reaper struggles on open maps where hog is good, and even when reaper is close, take a breather's damage reduction can tank reap's shotguns, and reap can still lose the 1v1. I think an additional problem is that the dive tanks that can open space for reaper to move in are pretty bad against hog.
As for other dps, your best bet is picking off a squishy early on in the fight, which you should be trying to do anyways. The problem here is that if you cant do this, hog will outsustain your own tanks damage and eventually you lose the fight by default.
I think hog has too much health for how much kill potential he has. He feels very difficult to punish even when countering, the 50% damage reduction on breather is very strong, and hook being a 6 second cooldown instakill is really frustrating to play into. Pig pen activates too quickly or has too much health. I think that if I see hog throw pig pen then I should be able to consistently kill it before it activates. Whole hog is a tank deleter with little time to react to.
Personally, I preferred hog before the rework, even when he was meta in earlier seasons. Right now it feels to me that he just has too much, his numbers are too high and he has too much burst damage. The game feels like the team with roadhog wins, but in a way that never felt as a bad as when any other tank has been meta. I consistently find myself and my teammates losing to hog no matter how much "better" we seem to be playing the game, or how hard we try to counter him or play around him. Is it just a skill issue, is this character not completely busted in the way I feel he is?
submitted by readyforsomepudding to Overwatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:18 vanillasugar777 someone help me, please. anyone, i’m begging.

i have no words other than i’m tired. i looked up how bad my bulimia is, and it goes under extreme bulimia with more than 14 episodes of binges per week. my family is fully aware of my ED, they have tried everything, putting me into therapy where nothing worked, keeping an eye on whenever i go to the bathroom, literally spying on me all day long just for my behaviours. it’s a hell of a life. luckily it has stopped and i have my privacy and freedom again, but my ED has never stopped. it’s like i have the biggest ego on earth, i have so much love for food and my ED, that i hate it. i WISH i hated it. every night i am so motivated to start over, fresh healthy start and i start planning a new plan how to overcome it. however, as soon as the sun rises again, i am in b/p mode again. even if i eat small portions, i purge everything. everything. sometimes there will be hours where i regurgitate the food i’ve consumed (gross ik), and all i want to do all day is eat. i have no motivation to workout - at all. even if it’s a little walk. i don’t find any interest in ANYTHING i used to like. sports, hobbies, nothing. now i put words into it, i realize it has gotten so depressing, to the point where all i want to do all day, is sit on the couch and b/p. and the worst thing about it is, i enjoy it??? hello?? where did my life go?? obviously i need special and serious treatment, but i can’t bare to think about getting locked into a mental hospital and gain a shit ton of trauma. i’ve looked into treatments online, but i’m afraid i can’t afford any of the coachings. ironically, i’m still a 20 y/o girl with future dreams, hoping that one day i will magically be ED-free, but i’m not sure how many days, weeks, months or years i get to that point. i’ve had bulimia now since november 2022, and i’ve been purging multiple times a day ever since. my family had tried to warn and scare me with long term effects, but nothing seems to get to me. will all that i have, i seriously need help. i don’t know where else to ask for help, so please, those of you who have recovered from extreme bulimia, HOW in the world did you recover? it’s easy to say “stop labelling food as good or bad” or “stop binging and purging”, i just CANNOT DO IT.
submitted by vanillasugar777 to bulimia [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:18 onlinemarketingwolf Buying and Choosing a Power Domain and Pointing the DNS and How To Make ...

🚀 C*hoosing and Buying a Domain Pointing DNS Making a Free Logo *🚀
I'm excited to share my latest video tutorial on The Wolf of Online Marketing! This comprehensive guide is perfect for beginners and anyone looking to enhance their online branding. 🌐
In this video, you'll learn:
  1. Choosing a Domain: Discover how to select the perfect domain name for your business or blog. We cover essential tips on finding keyword-rich domains, avoiding trademark issues, and selecting the best extensions for your niche.
  2. Buying a Domain: Step-by-step instructions on purchasing your domain. We’ll show you the best platforms and practices to secure your desired domain name.
  3. Pointing DNS: Simplify the technical process of DNS setup. Learn how to update your DNS settings to point your domain to your hosting provider, ensuring seamless website operation.
  4. Making a Free Logo: Create a professional logo without breaking the bank. We demonstrate how to use free tools to design a logo that perfectly represents your brand.
Whether you're launching a new site or revamping your existing one, this video is a must-watch. Get practical, easy-to-follow advice on building your online presence from the ground up.
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Don’t forget to connect with me for more insights on SEO tips, content creation, and everything digital marketing!

OnlineBranding #DomainNameIdeas #WebsiteCreation #BeginnerGuide #SEOTips #FreeLogoMaker #DNSSsetup #HowToMakeALogoForFree

submitted by onlinemarketingwolf to u/onlinemarketingwolf [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:14 very_452001 Is SFVIP the Microsoft Windows equivalent version of Tivimate?

Can anyone vouch for SFVIP player? Is it genuine and is it free? People online say its the Microsoft Windows equivalent/alternative to Tivimate, is this true?
If it is genuine then where is the official safe website to download sfvip because I read reddit posts that some websites have the version to download with a virus in it.
I searched and see several githubs for sfvip, which one is the genuine virus free one?
Is it safe to to download from sfvip website? People say this website has a virus in the download links on there?
Asking because if its free then I believe there's no such thing as a free lunch and want to make sure to be on the safe side you know what I mean. Does this app auto-update?
submitted by very_452001 to htpc [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:14 limetime45 Am I being too sensitive or is this crappy friend behavior from my non-ADHD friend?

Hello. I’m looking for some validation from people who get it. Or tell me I’m crazy idk.
My good friend who I’ve known for years has a very type A personality, while I’m more go with the flow. At times, our personalities clash. Where she needs tight plans and rigid routines, I desire spontaneity. I also recently was diagnosed with ADHD, which explains some of my time blindness and disorganization. We’ve talked about our differences and I have a lot of compassion and understanding where she’s coming from, that planning and organization make her feel safe.
Thing is, since the diagnoses, I’ve realized that I often feel shame around her for the way that I am. I recognize that there are pros and cons to both our personalities, but it’s become more clear to me that she sees my approach to life as inherently wrong. And, up until this point, I’ve masked to make people like her happy, but it’s cost me dearly. At the same time that I’m learning to appreciate certain aspects of my adhd (presence, the ability to go with the flow, creativity) she has made very clear at times that causes her anxiety.
So it all kind of came to head last week when we were traveling for another friend’s birthday. Months ago, we’d decided to travel together and picked certain flights that worked well for her (she’s extremely frugal and also rigid when it comes to her bedtime, so options were limited.) I was willing to bend to her needs because I can usually plan around any times, and well I’m just used to bending to other people’s needs (working on that). I just was trying to be a good friend and make sure she has someone to travel with. When traveling, my philosophy is generally that you can only control so much, so no need to add extra stress. She very much disagrees.
Where we went was a pretty long travel day, we had a layover both ways. On every flight, to and from, she was extremely stressed about time, insisted on being in the front of the plane to get off quickly so we had to sit separately (unassigned seats). Sure, we don’t need to sit together on the plane, weird, but alright.
On the last flight, same thing, she grabs a seat up front and I go back a few rows. We flew in to where we had a layover, and upon landing, she texted me that she was going to go to the desk and try to get on another, earlier flight. I asked her to ask for me as well, and she said that since I’d checked a bag I probably couldn’t. She was also very annoyed I checked a bag. It’s free, I wanted to bring a full size sunscreen. Also we distinctly did not book that earlier flight because it was too expensive for her.
Ultimately she didn’t get on, but she left me and rushed over to the new gate despite the fact that we had 2 hours to kill.
Am I crazy to feel like she was ready to ditch me? For once in my life I stood up for myself and told her it felt like she didn’t want to travel with me, that I would have picked different flights if I knew that, that I also wanted to get home, and if it was reversed and I was ahead of her on the plane I would not ditch her to get home a few hours earlier. She was totally taken a-back, and couldn’t understand where I’m coming from.
This is not the first time something like this has happened, and I’m always made to feel like I’m just overly sensitive. Much of our friend group bends over backwards to accommodate her need for rigidness, so I’m just feeling misunderstood and invalidated. I’m feeling like her version of managing her anxiety is that everyone adapts to how she goes about the world. Until now, I’ve been willing to accommodate that, but as I unpack the way my brain works, it really hurts and feels like if I’m my authentic self, that causes her anxiety and she will not show up for me as a friend. I guess because I’m now seeing the positives of my ADHD, I resent that she makes me feel shame for it.
Am I being ridiculous? Has anyone else experienced a clash like this with their friends that don’t have ADHD?
submitted by limetime45 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:13 palaciusz 26/M/Brazil — Eternal Sunshine of the Penpals' Mind

Hello folks, I'm 26 years old, and I live in Belo Horizonte, a really cool city to live in. My life, in general, has been peaceful. I'm a guy who can be both introverted and extroverted; it depends on the context and how familiar I am with the people around me. I enjoy going out for pizza, visiting amusement parks, going to the movies, and strolling around the neighborhood. But I also like to make the most of my time at home, studying languages, binge-watching TV series, hosting friends, discovering new bands on Spotify—a normal life. I work remotely, so I indeed spend most of my time at home. I'm considering the possibility of doing a language exchange abroad; I haven't decided on the destination yet, maybe Korea, maybe Japan—those are my main options. I won't lie, I'm quite eclectic when it comes to things that catch my attention. For example, I love meeting new people and talking about a wide variety of topics as if we had all the time in the world. Seriously! I'm an open book, and I'm also a great listener. If there's an area you're an expert in or something that sparks your curiosity to the point of excitement, I'd love to feel your enthusiasm as you talk about it. I also like to follow sports, watch cooking shows, and stay up-to-date with new technological advances, all that stuff. With me, you can have casual conversations about weekly events, memes, fun facts, or even deeper discussions about life, philosophy, venting, frustrations, dreams, long-term projects, etc.
I'm a talkative guy, so what I'm looking for in a penpal is mainly someone who is also communicative and truly open to getting to know me, and allowing me to get to know them as well. I want a penpal who is willing to share life experiences, teach me about their country, their language, someone who wants to laugh with me and also grow together with me. I'm looking for someone with whom I can indeed build a beautiful, unique, and special connection. More than a penpal, I seek a lifelong friend.
PS: Don't be shy; I'm an easygoing person. If you liked this announcement, write to me, tell me a little about your life, what caught your attention in this announcement, what things you noticed we have in common, and... Feel free to share whatever you wish. I'm always open to new tunes.
PS²: If you're over 18, that's great. I don't mind if you're 18 or 60+, I'm looking for friends, and you will be equally welcome.
PS³: I don't know from which country or city you are... Maybe you're from a country I've read a lot about, maybe you're from a country I can't even point out on a map. But that's precisely what makes having a "penpal" so amazing. Having a penpal is the opportunity to meet incredible people we would never meet in our daily lives. So, no matter your country of origin or residence, write to me; we can learn a lot from each other.
Thank you for reading this far, have a great day.
submitted by palaciusz to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:13 playboicarti3395 Earn a Stake in the AI Revolution. GRASS REFERRAL CODE ( FREE 5000 grass points) : 73Ediq0DIs3kxpT

Earn a Stake in the AI Revolution. GRASS REFERRAL CODE ( FREE 5000 grass points) : 73Ediq0DIs3kxpT submitted by playboicarti3395 to Grass_io [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:12 KynkDaddy 55M4F

11538253 Panther beaded plug
55M4F. I’m very respectful during mutual play. I use my hands a lot with the camera pointed toward the action. Sext is fine but audio or video is a plus. I like DDLG talk, so tell me yes/no. I’m average but very enthusiastic, and have a lot of other toys to spice things up. I’m also a moaner, like to guide, give praise, and aftercare. I don’t show my face unless I know you very well. Feel free to add me, cis women only pls
submitted by KynkDaddy to JoyhubRemote [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:12 Admirable_Career4814 Is hingsight 20/20 or was I covering my eyes?

It's so strange how you can look back on a friendship and see so clearly all the moments that spelled its impending destruction. Honestly I have barely thought about you since our friendship ended but today, I just got struck with so many revelations.
In truth, I always knew this friendship wouldn't be forever, even with you saying "you can't get rid of me" and "you'll always have me". Even in the moment I felt like it was lovebombing, even though we never dated or wanted to date. At least I know I didn't want to. I could see the red flags, but I guess I thought they wouldn't apply since dating wouldn't ever be on the table.
So many things just don't add up. Like how you would say things like "we were made for each other" but then say things like "I only have female friends because I'm used to feminine energy since I grew up with sisters, but idk why my friends keep falling in love with me hahaha."
Looking back I can now see how our friendship was really just me finishing playing out a life long lesson — stop ignoring my internal discomfort around certain people.
At the time though, I thought I was maybe being avoidant—that all the betrayal and cruelty I faced previously just made me too suspicious, too quick to judge, too quick to walk away. But when you out of the blue told me that you wanted to end the friendship and how you felt like I was invalidating and not understanding of you, even though you never actually gave me a chance to address that though I have distinct memories of validating your feelings while also putting up boundaries, everything became clear.
Truth is, if you had told me "hey, this makes me feel invalidating" or "I feel like I'm being judged" I would have been happy to talk things through with you.
But your way of addressing issues was saying things like "I'm getting super weird energy from you so what's the problem?" just because I'm being short in my responses when you knew I was spending the weekend with friends at a festival. Yet when I told you I missed talking to you, suddenly you understood what it is to just be busy and have things going on in your life.
You want me to make time for you but then when I ask for your time, you say you're busy and with all you have going on in life you're trying to just find your balance. Which is fine. But I never asked you to prioritize me. You are the one that set the tone of constant contact.
My best friends were right about you.
I don't think you wanted to talk things through. I think you're one of those people that want others to just anticipate your needs without speaking them. You want things to go your way, you want to be free to not have to think before you speak and consider how the things you say can come off hurtful, but you would like for others to consider how what they say might affect you. You want someone who will just let everything slide and never bring things up. You want people who won't challenge you and just agree with you. You want to have boundaries, but don't like when others have boundaries.
So many things started adding up throughout our friendship, and at the end of it, frankly now I understand why your ex was so frustrated with you. You made it seem like she was just super aggressive with you
The kicker was when you told me you were social media stalking your ex, who if you were really over it like you said you were, you wouldn't be doing just to bring up that she wrote a song about you and your new girl to process her own grief.
Or when you said "it's okay to be a little codependent" in relation to your current girlfriend, who seems like exactly what you want—anxious and even more of a people pleaser than you are. You get to be in control. You get to cosplay as the more mature one since you're older and doing well in your career. 6 months in and you already were talking about marriage with a girl who seems like she needs time to figure out who she is. I honestly wish her the best of luck. She's incredibly sweet and innocent and naive and seems like she's had a lot of people take advantage of that. I sincerely hope you won't. At one point I would have just had blind faith in you, but the way that things just didn't add up when our friendship added, I have major doubts.
I'm not sure how you can say you want a deep relationship but then when the complex communication that comes with that depth is on the table, suddenly it's just more than what you're looking for at this point in your life.
I have no ill will, truly—I'm just confused by all the contradictions. But then again, there's a reason why you told me I was one of the maybe 2 friends you had, besides your girlfriend.
I can't believe I didn't see it all before. Though I guess the more accurate statement is: I can't believe I ignored my intuition yet again.
So thank you for the lesson and for being a catalyst of the deepest trust for myself I've ever had.
I won't be making the same mistakes again.
submitted by Admirable_Career4814 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

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  3. 75+ Types of Academic Software: I am highly skilled & experienced in using over 75+ types of academic software and educational platforms including the following: ALEKS, Blackboard, Brightspace, Canvas, Cengage, WebAssign, ConnectMath, Crowdmark, D2L, Moodle, Pearson MyLab and Mastering, MyMathLab, MyStatLab, MyOpenMath, StraighterLine, WebWork, and Wiley.
  4. Can Change IP Address: I have multiple reliable VPN software including: NordVPN, SurfShark & ExpressVPN that allows me to successfully change my computer’s original New Jersey IP address to any major city in the U.S. & Canada to avoid raising red flags with students’ online class software.
  5. Proctored Exam Help: I have developed multiple highly effective methods of helping students with exams, tests, and quizzes that are proctored by software like: Respondus Lockdown Browser with Webcam, Honorlock, Examity, Proctorio, Proctor360, Proctortrack, and ProProctor using 3 highly effective proven methods. Option 1 - WhatsApp: I use WhatsApp to have the student discreetly text me photos of the exam questions outside of the webcam’s view and I text them the correct solutions to the exam questions. Option 2 - Screen Share: Using screen share software like Zoom to see the student’s screen displaying the exam questions and I text the correct solutions. Option 3 - Remote PC Access & Control: Using remote computer access software like to control the student’s mouse and keyboard from my own computer.
  6. Study Help Apps: I have over 15+ paid subscriptions to a wide range of study help apps, software, websites, and programs to help me solve exam & homework questions faster and more efficiently. Some of these resources include: Brainly, Chegg, CourseHero, Quizlet, SymboLab & WolframAlpha.
  7. Calculators & Math Software: I have access to a very sophisticated graphing calculator and various mathematical software that provides step-by-step solutions to complex mathematical problems within seconds, allowing me to provide exact solutions to the student in a timely manner.
  8. Test Taking Techniques: I have developed highly effective methods to determine the correct answers to questions that I’m not already familiar with including process of elimination, working backwards, quickly searching for similar questions online, and utilizing standardized test taking techniques taught only in elite standardized test prep tutoring programs.
  9. Handwriting & Scanning Apps: I have impeccable handwriting and a high-quality mobile scanner app that allows me to scan written solutions in very legible high-definition JPG, PNG, and PDF formats.
  10. Live Exam Help Videos: I am the only verified U.S.-based online exam hw online class help tutor with a highly successful YouTube Channel where I regularly upload live unedited videos of me actually completing exams, quizzes & homework assignments for other students and clearly explain my entire thought process and display on-screen all the steps, apps, websites, and software I use to compute the correct answers.
  11. Flexible Payment Methods: I offer negotiable rates, multiple payment methods (PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, anonymous credit & debit card payments via online invoice), and flexible payment plans: weekly (most expensive), monthly, half-now / half-later, and all-up-front (least expensive).
  12. Money Back Guarantee: I have won multiple academic awards for my exceptional skills & expertise in math. I guarantee overall A & B grades for all coursework completed. Plus. I also offer a 50% refund for C+, C, and C- scores, and a full 100% refund for D+, D, D-, and F scores.
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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