Electroneuromyography cpt code

Team CPT will rule the WORLD!!!

2014.09.30 01:20 warmness Team CPT will rule the WORLD!!!

Give pokemon to everyone!

2012.09.18 11:16 jiem Faeria

The subreddit for discussing Faeria with other gamers, fans, and the devs themselves.

2011.10.28 07:43 AllWrong74 The Malazan Subreddit of the Fallen

For discussion of all things Malazan and their authors Steven Erikson and Ian C. Esslemont

2024.05.20 16:06 d6minis [H] Marines, Heresy, Orks, Custodes, Tau, S2D, Lots, [W] $$, [Loc] Toronto, CAD

Hello guys looking to sell alot of warhammer items.
Shipping will be bundled for multiple items and is much more worthwhile
Shipping to USA roughly $6-$13 USD average
Shipping to Canada roughly $13.50 - $15 CAD average
I request canadian amounts via paypal USD prices are more for reference
10th Edition Rulebook and Cards - new - $41 USD / $55 CAD
10th Edition Cards - new - $12 USD / $20 CAD
Beta Garmon - new sealed - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Solar Auxilia Battle Group - new on sprue - $155 USD / $210 CAD
Solar Aux Command Section - new on sprue - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
10 Solar Aux LasRilfe Section - new on sprue - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Solar Aux Veletaris - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Aethon Heavy Sentinal - new on sprue - $36 USD / $50 CAD
Hermes Sentinal Squadron - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Solar Aux Leman Russ - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Solar Aux Leman Russ Assault Tank - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Malcador Heavy Tank - new on sprue - $66 USD / $90 CAD
Dracosan Armoured Transport - new on sprue - $69 USD / $80 CAD
Solar Auxilia Basilisk / Medusa - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Forces of Fantasy - new - $39 USD / $50 CAD
Ravening Hordes - new - $39 USD / $50 CAD
Orcs and Goblins Battalion - new on sprue - $120 USD / $160 CAD
Black Orc Mob - new on sprue - $55 USD / $75 CAD
Goblin Wo1f Riders - new on sprue - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Primaris Space Marines
Adeptus Astartes Dice - great condition - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Iron Hands Dice - new - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Ravn Guard Dice - new - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Space Marines Spearhead Force - new on sprue - $180 USD / $240 CAD
Black Library Cpt Messinius - new in box - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Guilliman - new on sprue - $52 USD / $70 CAD
Sgt Castus - new in box - $44.50 USD / $60 CAD
Primaris Shrike - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Primaris Calgar (full kit) - new on sprue - $44 USD / $60 CAD
Primaris Calgar only - painted well - $44 USD / $60 CAD
Primaris Tigurius - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Primaris Tigurius - painted tabletop - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Tor Garradon - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Primaris Kosarro Khan - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Custom Primaris Smash Captain - Pro Painted - $44.50 USD / $60 CAD
Captain in Terminator Armour (Leviathan) - new on sprue - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Librarian in Terminator Armour (Leviathan) - new on sprue - $12 USD / $20 CAD
Librarian in Terminator Armour (Leviathan) - painted - $12 USD / $15 CAD
Liutenant (Leviathan) - new on sprue - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Liutenant (Leviathan) - primed - $12 USD / $20 CAD
Gravis Cpt - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Gravis Captain (Dark Imperium) - primed - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Gravis Captain (Dark Imperium) - painted fists - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Gravis Captain (Dark Imperium) - painted ultras - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Gravis Cpt w/ Heavy Bolt - new on sprue - $30.50 USD / $38.50 CAD
Primaris Cpt w/ Jump Pack - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Primaris Captain - new on sprue - $32 USD / $38.50 CAD
Primaris Captain (Indomitus) - built/painted - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
White Scars HQ w/ Jump pack - painted well- $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
White Scars Primaris LT - painted - $12 USD / $15 CAD
Captain in Phobos Armor - new on sprue - $30.50 USD / $38.50 CAD
Captain in Phobos Armor - built/primed - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Primaris LT Agastus - new on sprue - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Primaris LT Agastus - primed - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Primaris LT (Indomitus) - new on sprue - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Primaris LT (Indomitus) -primed/painted - $12 USD / $20 CAD
Primaris LT phobos armor - built/primed - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Primaris LT w/ Power swrd - new on sprue - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Primaris LT w/ Power swrd - painted fists - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Primaris LT (Dark imperium) - built - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Primaris Chaplain - new on sprue - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Primaris Chaplain on bike - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Chaplain in Terminator Armour - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Primaris Librarian - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Primaris Librarian - primed/painted - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Primaris Librarian Phobos Armor - painted ultras - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Primaris Ancient - new on sprue - $30.50 USD / $38.50 CAD
Primaris Ancient (Dark Imperium) - painted fists - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Primaris Ancient (Dark Imperium) - built/primed - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Company Heroes - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Primaris Bladeguard Ancient - primed - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Judiciar - primed - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Apothecary Biologis - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Primaris Apothecary - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Primaris Apothecary - painted - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
5 Primaris Reivers - painted crimson fists - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
5 White Scars Reivers - painted well- $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Sternguard (full kit) - new on sprue - $44 USD / $60 CAD
Sternguard (leviathan) - new on sprue - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
5 Sternguard - primed - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Terminators (Full Kit) - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Terminators (Leviathan) - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
5 Terminators - primed - $34 USD / $45 CAD
3 Aggressors (Full kit) - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Invictor warsuit - new on sprue - $52 USD / $70 CAD
Invictor warsuit - painted/built - $44 USD / $60 CAD
Brutalis - new on sprue - $55 USD / $75 CAD
Redemptor (full kit) - new on sprue - $57 USD / $75 CAD
Redemptor - painted - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Redemptor - painted ultras - $65 USD / $90 CAD
Ballistus Dread - new on sprue - $52 USD / $70 CAD
Ballistus Dread - painted well - $75 USD / $100 CAD
10 Kill Team Scouts - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
5 Primaris Intercessors (full kit) - new on sprue - $22 USD / $30 CAD
5 Primaris Intercessors - painted crimson fists - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
5 Primaris Intercessor - primed/painted - $15 USD / $20 CAD
5 Primaris Infiltrators/incursors (full kit) - new on sprue - $22 USD / $30 CAD
5 Primaris Infiltrators/incursors - painted/primed - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
10 Primaris Infiltrators/incursors (Kill Team) - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
5 Infernus Squad - new on sprue - $15 USD / $20 CAD
Heavy Intercessors - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Jump Pack Intercessors - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
5 Jump Pack Intercessors - primed - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
3 Primaris Inceptors - painted - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Primaris Outriders - new on sprue - $44.50 USD / $60 CAD
3 Primaris Outriders - built/painted - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Primaris Invader ATV - new on sprue - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
5 Desolation Marines - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
5 Primaris Hellblasters (full kit) - new on sprue - $22 USD / $30 CAD
5 Primaris Hellblasters - painted well - $29 USD / $35 CAD
5 Primaris Hellblasters - painted - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Eliminators (full kit) - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
3 Eliminators - primed/built - $34 USD / $45 CAD
3 Eradicators - painted ultras - $53 USD / $70 CAD
Firestrike Servo Turrent - new on sprue - $29 USD / $35 CAD
Firestrike Servo Turrent - primed/built - $22 USD / $30 CAD
Repulsor Executioner - new on sprue - $82 USD / $110 CAD
Impulsor - painted - $53 USD / $70 CAD
Hamerfall Bunker - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Hamerfall Bunker - painted - $44 USD / $60 CAD
Stormrven - painted/primed - $80 USD / $105 CAD
Black Templars
Limited Ed Black Templar Codex and Cards - new - $8 USD / $10 CAD
Black Templars Combat Patrol - new on sprue - $116 USD / $155 CAD
Bayard's Revenge - new sealed - $44 USD / $55 CAD
Bayard's Revenge - primed - $35 USD / $45 CAD
Helbrecht - new on sprue - $44 USD / $55 CAD
Helbrecht - primed/built - $35 USD / $45 CAD
Grimaldus and Retinue - new on sprue - $44 USD / $55 CAD
Grimaldus and Retinue - primed/built - $35 USD / $45 CAD
OOP Metal Grimaldus and retinue - painted - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Primaris Emperor's Champion - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Primaris Emperor's Champion - painted well - $47 USD / $60 CAD
Primaris Emperor's Champion - primed/painted - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
OOP Emporers Champion - painted well - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Black Templars Marshall - new on sprue - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Black Templars Marshall - painted/primed - $15 USD / $20 CAD
BT Gravis Cpt - painted - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
BT Ancient - built - $30.50 USD / $38.50 CAD
Castellan - new on sprue - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Castellan - built - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Castellan - missing shoulderpad - $15 USD / $20 CAD
BT Judiciar - built - $35 USD / $45 CAD
BT Primaris Chaplain - built - $30 USD / $38.50 CAD
BT Ancient - built - $30 USD / $38.50 CAD
BT BG Ancient - built - $30 USD / $38.50 CAD
BT Primaris Apothecary - built - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Converted Primaris Apothecary - primed - $12 USD / $15 CAD
Single Templar Primaris Marine - converted - $8 USD / $10 CAD
Primaris Crusader Squad - new on sprue - $47 USD / $60 CAD
Primaris Crusader Squad (10 Models) - built/primed/painted - $38 USD / $50 CAD
Primaris Swrd Bretheren - new on sprue - $48.50 USD / $60 CAD
Primaris Sword Bretheren - built/primed - $38 USD / $50 CAD
5 BT Assault Intercessors - built - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
5 BT Reivers - painted - $15.50 USD / $20 CAD
3 BT Outriders - built - $35 USD / $45 CAD
Cerastus Knight Lancer - new on sprue - $141 USD / $195 CAD
Cerastus Knight Castigator - new on sprue - $141 USD / $195 CAD
Cerastus Knight Archeron - new on sprue - $141 USD / $195 CAD
IK Crusader - painted tabletop - $151 USD / $210 CAD
IK Paladin - painted tabletop - $151 USD / $210 CAD
IK Errant - Pro Painted - $200 USD/ $270 CAD
IK Gallant - painted well - $166 USD / $230 CAD
Knight Abominant / Desecrator / Rampager - new on sprue - $134 USD / $175 CAD
Chaos Knight Wardogs - new on sprue - $66 USD / $90 CAD
World Eaters
World Eaters Combat Patrol - new on sprue - $114 USD / $155 CAD
Angron - new on sprue - new on sprue - $117 USD / $160 CAD
Lord Invocatus / Lord on Juggernaut - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Lord Invocatus - painted tabletop - $58 USD / $80 CAD
Eightbound / Exalted Eightbound - new on sprue - $47 USD / $60 CAD
Eightbound / Exalted Eightbound - painted - $38 USD / $50 CAD
Eightbound / Exalted Eightbound - Pro Painted - $85 USD / $115 CAD
Khorne Berzerkers - new on sprue - $47 USD / $60 CAD
Jakhals - new on sprue - $41.50 USD / $55 CAD
10th Ed Custodes Codex - new sealed - $43 USD / $55 CAD
10th Ed Custodes Codex - new no code - $33 USD / $40 CAD
10th Ed Custodes Data Cards - new sealed - 27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Custodes Combat Patrol (2024) - new on sprue - $115 USD / $155 CAD
Trajan Valoris - new on sprue - $35 USD / $45 CAD
Trajan Valoris - Pro Painted - $64 USD / $85 CAD
Trajan Valoris - painted well - $44.50 USD / $60 CAD
Valerian and Aleya - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Single Shield Captain - converted - $22 USD / $30 CAD
Single Vertus Praetor on Dawn Egle - new on sprue - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Single Vertus Praetor on Dawn Eagle - painted based - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
5 Custodian Guard - new on sprue - $44.50 USD / $60 CAD
5 Custodian Guard - built/primed/part built - $38 USD / $50 CAD
3 Allarus Custodians - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
3 Allarus Custodians - painted well - $58 USD / $80 CAD
3 Allarus Custodians converted w/ 3rd party bits - $51.50 USD / $70 CAD
5 Custodian Wardens - new on sprue - $44.50 USD / $60 CAD
4 Custodian Wardens - painted well - $60 USD / $80 CAD
Sisters of Silence - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Vertus Praetors - new on sprue - $44.50 USD / $60 CAD
3 Vertus Praetors - pro painted - $82 USD / $110 CAD
3 Vertus Praetors - painted well - 70 USD / $95 CAD
3 Vertus Praetors - painted/primed - $41 USD / $55 CAD
10th Ed Tau Codex and Cards - new - $51 USD / $70 CAD
10th Ed Tau Codex and Cards - new no code - $41 USD / $55 CAD
10th Ed Tau Cards - new - $15 USD / $20 CAD
Tau Empire Dice - great - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Tau Kroot Hunting Pack - new on sprue - $161 USD / $220 CAD
Tau Kroot Hunting Pack - models only - $125 USD / $170 CAD
Tau Combat Patrol (2024) - new on sprue - $115 USD / $155 CAD
Farsight (2023) - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
OOP Farsight - painted well - $38.50 USD / $50 CAD
Shadownsun (New) - new on sprue - $40 USD / $55 CAD
Shadownsun (New) - painted tabletop - $48 USD / $65 CAD
OOP Shadowsun - built - $15 USD / $20 CAD
Commander Suit - new on sprue - $45 USD /$60 CAD
Commander Suit - Pro Painted - $75 USD / $100 CAD
Commander Suit - painted well - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Commander Suit - built/painted - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Commander Suit - converted need tlc - $30 USD / $40 CAD
OOP Commander Suit - damaged - $20 USD / $25 CAD
Darkstrider (new) - new on sprue - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Dark Strider (New) - built - $22 USD / $30 CAD
OOP Darkstrider - Pro Painted - $34 USD / $45 CAD
OOP Metal Tau Ehereal - painted - $15 USD / $20 CAD
Ethereal w/ Honorb1ade - damaged - $8 USD / $10 CAD
Ethereal on Hover Drone - new on sprue - $20 USD / $25 CAD
Ethereal on Hover Drone - painted well - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Ethereal on Hover Drone - painted - $12 USD / $15 CAD
2 Aunva Bodyguard - built - $12 USD / $15 CAD
Cadre Fireb1ade - new on sprue - $22 USD / $30 CAD
Cadre Fireb1ade - primed/painted - $20 USD / $25 CAD
Kroot Lone Spear - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Kroot Warshaper - new on sprue - $22 USD / $30 CAD
Kroot Trailshaper - new on sprue - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Kroot Fleshshaper - new on sprue - $20 USD / $25 CAD
Stealth Suits - new on sprue - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
3 Stealth Suits - painted well - $30 USD / $40 CAD
3 Stealth Suits - painted/built - $22 USD / $30 CAD
Ghostkeel - new on sprue - $68 USD / $90 CAD
Ghostkeel - painted - $56 USD / $75 CAD
Farstalker Kinband - new on sprue - - $45 USD /$60 CAD
3 XV8 Crisis Suits - needs tlc - $45 USD /$60 CAD
10 Fire WarrioBreachers (full Kit) - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
10 Fire Warriors/Breachers - painted red - $41 USD / $55 CAD
10 Fire Warriors/Breachers - painted - $34 USD / $45 CAD
DS 8 Support turret - painted/primed - $4 USD / $5 CAD
Kroot Carnivore Squad - new on sprue - - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Tau Prhana - painted - $23 USD / $30 CAD
Firestrike marksman w/ 3 sniper drones - painted - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Pathfinders (New) - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
10 Pathfinders (New) - built - $34 USD / $45 CAD
10 Pathfinders - painted - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
6 Assorted Drones - painted/built/primed - $12 USD / $15 CAD
Kroot Hounds - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
2 Tetras - built - $15 USD / $20 CAD
Krootox Rider - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Krootox Rampagers - new on sprue - $45 USD /$60 CAD
Broadside - new on sprue - $45 USD /$60 CAD
Broadside - primed - $38.50 USD / $50 CAD
OOP Metal Broadside - painted - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Riptide - painted/primed - $80 USD / $100 CAD
Riptide - painted needs TLC - $65 USD / $85 CAD
Devilfsh - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Stormsurge - new on sprue - $132 USD / $175 CAD
Votann Combat Patrol - new on sprue - $117 USD / $155 CAD
9th Ed Codex Cards + Tokens - new - $12 USD / $15 CAD
Ancestors Wrath - new in box - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Uthar the Destined / Kahl - new on sprue - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Uthar the Destined / Kahl - painted - $15 USD / $20 CAD
Kahl - painted well - $25 USD / $35 CAD
Einhyr Champion - new on sprue - $30.50 USD / $38.50 CAD
Einhyr Champion - painted tabletop - $30.50 USD / $38.50 CAD
Einhyr Champion - painted - $22 USD / $30 CAD
Grimnyr - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Grimnyr - painted well - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Brokhyr Iron Master - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
Brokhyr Iron Master - painted well -$41 USD / $55 CAD
Brokhyr Iron Master - painted - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Hearthguard - new on sprue - $44.50 USD / $60 CAD
5 Einhyr Hearthguard - painted well - $65 USD / $90 CAD
Cthonian Berserks - painted/primed - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
10 Hearthkyn Warriors - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
10 Hearthkyn Warriors - painted/primed - $25 USD / $35 CAD
10 Hearthkyn Warriors - painted well - $65 USD / $90 CAD
3 Hernkyn Pioneers - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
3 Hernkyn Pioneers - painted/primed - $41 USD / $55 CAD
3 Hernkyn Pioneers - painted tabletop - $48 USD / $65 CAD
3 Hernkyn Pioneers - painted well - $74 USD / $100 CAD
Sagitaur - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Sagitaur - missing canopy - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Brokyhr Thunderkyn - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
3 Brokyhr Thunderkyn - painted tabletop - $61 USD / $85 CAD
3 Brokyhr Thunderkyn - primed/painted - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Land Fortress - new on sprue - $84 USD / $110 CAD
Land Fortress - primed - $72 USD / $100 CAD
10th Ed Orks Codex - new sealed - $43 USD / $55 CAD
10th Ed Orks Codex - new no code - $30 USD / $40 CAD
10th Ed Orks Data Cards - new sealed - 27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Orks Combat Patrol (2024) - new on sprue - $115 USD / $155 CAD
Orks Dice - new sealed - $28 USD / $35 CAD
KT Ork Kommandos Dice - new sealed - $28 USD / $35 CAD
Ufthak Blackhawk - new sealed - $34.50 USD / $45 CAD
Grotmas Gitz - new in box - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Da Red Gobbos Surprise - new in box - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Warboss w/ Mega Armor (combat patrol) - primed - $28 USD / $35 CAD
Warboss w/ Mega Armor (combat patrol) - painted well - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Converted Warboss - painted well - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Ghazghkull and Makari - new on sprue - $51.50 USD / $70 CAD
OOP Ghaz - painted well - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Mozrog Skragbad / Beastboss on Squig - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Beastboss on Squig - Pro Painted - $73.50 USD / $100 CAD
Beastboss on Squig - painted well - $58 USD / $80 CAD
Zodgrod Wortsnagga - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Zodgrod Wortsnagga - built/painted - $28.50 USD / $35 CAD
Deff Killa Wartrike - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Deffkilla War Trike - painted well - $65 USD / $90 CAD
Converted Warboss on bike - painted well - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
OOP Metal Snikrot - painted well - $51 USD / $70 CAD
Weirdboy - Pro Painted - $53 USD / $65 CAD
Painboss - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
OOP Metal Painboy - painted well - $41 USD / $50 CAD
5 Burna boyz - painted well - $41 USD / $50 CAD
3 Mega Nobz - painted tabletop - $55 USD / $75 CAD
5 Nobz - painted/primed - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
5 Nobz - painted tabletop - $30 USD / $40 CAD
10 Kommandos (Octarius) - part built/painted/primed - $43 USD / $55 CAD
10 OOP Kommandos - painted well - $59 USD / $80 CAD
10 Beast Snagga Boyz - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
10 Beast Snagga Boyz - primed/built/painted - $41 USD / $50 CAD
10 Ork Boyz (New) - new on sprue - $41 USD / $50 CAD
10 Ork Boyz (New) - primed - $30 USD / $40 CAD
10 Ork Boyz (shootas) - painted well - $37 USD / $50 CAD
10 Ork Boyz (shootas) - built/primed/painted - $28.50 USD / $35 CAD
10 Ork Boyz (Sluggas) - painted tabletop - $36.50 USD / $45 CAD
10 Gretchin w/ runtherd - painted - $15 USD / $20 CAD
10 Gretchin - painted tabletop - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
10 OOP Gretchin w/ runtherd - painted well - $30 USD / $40 CAD
3 DeffKoptas (new) - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
3 DeffKoptas (new) - painted well - $77 USD / $105 CAD
Squighog boyz w/ Smasha Squig - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
3 Squighog boyz w/ Smasha Squig - painted - $37 USD / $50 CAD
3 Squighog boyz - painted well - $65 USD / $85 CAD
Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy - primed/built - $41 USD / $50 CAD
Kustom Boosta Blasta - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Shokkjump Dragsta - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Megatrakk Scrapjet - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Boomdakka Snazzwagon - painted well- $55 USD / $75 CAD
5 OOP Ork Warbikers - painted tabletop - $52 USD / $70 CAD
OOP Ork Buggies - painted tabletop - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Stormboyz - new on sprue - $28.50 USD / $38.50 CAD
5 Stormboyz - built - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
5 Stormboyz - Pro Painted - $52 USD / $70 CAD
5 lootas/Burnas - new on sprue - $28.50 USD / $38.50 CAD
5 Lootas - painted/primed/built - $23.50 USD / $30 CAD
Mek Gunz - new on sprue - $43 USD / $55 CAD
Mek Gunz - built/primed - $36.50 USD / $45 CAD
Flashgitz - new on sprue - $44.50 USD / $60 CAD
Deff Dread - new on sprue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Deff Dread - painted tabletop - $51 USD / $70 CAD
Deff Dread - painted/primed - $43 USD / $55 CAD
OOP Metal Deff Dread - painted tabletop - $41 USD / $50 CAD
Single Killa Kan - painted - $12 USD / $15 CAD
Kill Rig / Hunta Rig - new on sprue - $100 USD / $135 CAD
Kill Rig / Hunta Rig - primed/built - $90 USD / $120 CAD
Kill Rig - painted well - $165 USD / $220 CAD
Battlewagon - Pro Painted - $150 USD / $220 CAD
Battlewagon - painted well - $85 USD / $115 CAD
Morkanaut / Gorkanaut - painted well - $140 USD / $190 CAD
KIll Krusha Tnk - $255 USD / $350 CAD
Stompa - Pro Painted - $185 USD / $255 CAD
Stompa - primed - $91 USD / $125 CAD
Burna Bommer (full kit) - new on sprue - $60 USD / $80 CAD
Dakkajet/Burna Bomber - painted well - $75 USD / $100 CAD
Wazbom / Dakkajet - painted - $53 USD / $65 CAD
Astra Militarum
Cadia Stands (Complete) - new - $135 USD / $180 CAD
Astra Militarum 9th Ed Codex and Cards - $12 USD / $15 CAD
Astra Militarum 9th Ed Codex and Cards - damaged cover - $12 USD / $10 CAD
Astra Militarum Combat Patrol - new on sprue - $116 USD / $155 CAD
Cadian Upgrades 2023 - new on sprue - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
Lord Solar Leontus - new on sprue - $46 USD / $60 CAD
Ursula Creed - new on sprue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Ursula Creed - painted - $30 USD / $38.50 CAD
Minka Lesk - new in box - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Commissar Yarrick - painted well - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Cadian Castellan - new on sprue - $30 USD / $38.50 CAD
Cadian Castellan - painted well - $38.50 USD / $50 CAD
Commissar 2023 - new on sprue - $30 USD / $38.50 CAD
Commissar 2023 - painted well - $38.50 USD / $50 CAD
Commissar 2023 - painted - $23 USD / $30 CAD
Officio Prefectus Commissar - new on sprue - $12 USD / $15 CAD
Officio Prefectus Commissar - painted wel - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
Officio Prefectus Commissar - painted/built - $8 USD / $10 CAD
Primaris Psyker (New) - new on sprue - $23 USD / $30 CAD
Primaris Psyker (New) - primed - $19.50 USD / $25 CAD
OOP Metal Primaris Psyker - painted well - $38.50 USD / $50 CAD
OOP Metal Primaris Psyker - built - $15 USD / $20 CAD
3 Wyrdvayne Psykers - built/primed - $15 USD / $20 CAD
Gaunts Ghosts - new on sprue - $58 USD / $70 CAD
Gaunts Ghosts - built - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Assorted Company Commanders - painted/built - $8 USD / $10 CAD
Catachan Company Commander - built - $8 USD / $10 CAD
Cadian Command Squad (New 2023) - new on sprue - $23 USD / $30 CAD
Command Squad (New Cadia Stands) - built/painted - $15 USD / $20 CAD
OOP Metal Company Commmanders - painted - $15 USD / $20 CAD
Sly Marbo - primed - $23 USD / $30 CAD
Sgt Harker - pro painted - $38.50 USD / $50 CAD
OOP Metal Catachan Company Commander - painted - 15 USD / $20 CAD
3 Ogryn - part built - $38.50 USD / $50 CAD
10 Kasrkins - built - $38.50 USD / $50 CAD
Single OOP Metal Stormtrooper special weapon - Pro Painted - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Veteran Guardsman (Krieg) - new on sprue - $45 USD / $60 CAD
10 Cadians (New 2023) - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
10 Cadians (New Cadia Stands) - painted well blue - $38.50 USD / $50 CAD
15 Cadians - painted well blue - $34 USD / $45 CAD
10 Guardsman - painted/built/primed - $15.50 USD / $20 CAD
OOP Metal Special Weapon Guardsman - painted/built - $8 USD / $10 CAD
Rough Riders - new on sprue - $45 USD / $60 CAD
5 Rough Riders - primed - $38.50 USD / $50 CAD
Sentinal (New 2023) - primed - $28.50 USD / $38.50 CAD
Sentinal - primed/painted - $27.50 USD / $35 CAD
2 Field Ordnance - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
2 Field Ordnance - primed - $34 USD / $45 CAD
Heavy Wep Squad (New 2023) - new on sprue - $38.50 USD / $50 CAD
Heavy Wep Squad (2023) - painted - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Heavy WEp team (per base) - painted/built - $7.5 USD / $10 CAD
Wyvern/Hydra - new on sprue - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Wyvern - painted/built - $38.50 USD / $50 CAD
Leman Russ - painted tabletop - $48 USD / $65 CAD
Leman Russ - painted/built - $44.50 USD / $55 CAD
Rogal Dorn - new on sprue - $72 USD / $95 CAD
Rogal Dorn - built - $63 USD / $85 CAD
Chimera - new on sprue - $44.50 USD / $55 CAD
Chimera - painted/built - $38.50 USD / $50 CAD
Valkyrie - new on sprue - $66 USD / $90 CAD
Slaves to Darkness Tome and Warscrolls Cards - new - $39.50 USD / $50 CAD
Slaves to Darkness Dice - new sealed - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Darkoath Army Set - new on sprue - $145 USD / $195 CAD
Vanguard Slaves to Darkness - new on sprue - $102 USD / $140 CAD
Khagaras Ravagers - painted well - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Mindstealer Sphrinx - new on sprue - $39 USD / $50 CAD
Mindstealer Sphiranx - built - $31 USD / $40 CAD
Fomoroid Crusher - Pro Painted - $52 USD / $70 CAD
Fomoroid Crusher - new on sprue - $39 USD / $50 CAD
Daemon Prince (New) - new on sprue - $60 USD / $80 CAD
Eternus / Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount - new on sprue - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Eternus - built - $39 USD / $50 CAD
Chaos Lord/Sorc on Manticore - new on sprue - $52 USD / $70 CAD
Chaos Lord on Karkadrak - new on sprue - $39 USD / $50 CAD
Chaos Lord on Karkadrak - painted well - $45 USD / $60 CAD
Chaos Lord - new on sprue - $15.50 USD / $20 CAD
Centaurion Marshall - new on sprue - $36.50 USD / $45 CAD
Exalted Hero of Chaos - new on sprue - $28 USD / $38.50 CAD
Ogroid Myrmidon - new on sprue - $39 USD / $50 CAD
3 Ogroid Theridons - new on sprue - $41 USD / $55 CAD
3 Ogroid Theridons - built/primed - $39 USD / $50 CAD
5 Chosen - new on sprue - $45 USD / $60 CAD
5 Chosen - painted well - $65 USD / $85 CAD
5 Chosen - painted/primed - $39 USD / $50 CAD
5 Chaos Knights (new) - new on srpue - $48 USD / $65 CAD
5 Chaos Knights (new) - painted well - $78 USD / $105 CAD
10 Warriors of Chaos (new) - new on sprue - $45 USD / $60 CAD
10 Warriors of Chaos (new) - painted well - $71 USD / $95 CAD
Darkoath Chieftan on Warsteed - new on sprue - $30 USD / $40 CAD
Darkoath Wilderfiend - new on sprue - $39 USD / $50 CAD
10 Darkoath Marauders - new on sprue - $39 USD / $50 CAD
5 Darkoath Fellriders - new on sprue - $45 USD / $60 CAD
20 Converted Chaos Marauders - painted well - $56 USD / $75 CAD
5 Chaos Maruader Horsemen - painted well - $36.50 USD / $45 CAD
submitted by d6minis to Miniswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 15:24 fandomAlgamation Insurance coverage questions, help! (Planned Parenthood and BCBS)

I'm trying to find out how much my insurance will cover of all associated parts of getting hrt from Planned Parenthood before I make an appointment at PP, because my dad and I would prefer to know abt how much would be covered before I start there.
I asked planned parenthood on the phone what cpt codes would be used and they said that would be answered at an appointment.
My insurance (Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Advantage Administrators of Arkansas) asked me what cpt codes would be used and I told them what PP told me, and they said my question of "What would coverage be for getting transgender hormone replacement therapy at Planned Parenthood" was too vague bc they need to know the cpt codes.
If any girlies here used Planned Parenthood for hrt, used BCBS Blue Adv of Arkansas to cover hrt (especially informed consent but anything is probably fine), or if anyone even just knows what questions to ask to get a real estimate of coverage I would appreciate it so much!
submitted by fandomAlgamation to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:09 Ash71010 Fracture care billing question

I’m trying to determine if an orthopedic office is billing me correctly. My daughter broke her wrist out of state. We went to the ED and she was x rayed and sedated for realignment and casting. Discharged with instructions to follow up with an orthopedist local to us.
A week later we went to a local orthopedic clinic. They did X-rays through her cast, told us it looked good, and wanted to see her back in 3 weeks for more x-rays.
We received the claims for that first visit and the charges were over $2500. The clinic submitted CPT 25600, no modifiers. As I understand it, this code covers both the initial fracture treatment (“surgery”) and post operative care. A doctor who is only providing follow up/post operative care should submit the code with the modifier -55 which is billed at 20% or the full code cost. I spoke to the clinic but they gave me an explanation that didn’t make sense (basically said her ED provider wasn’t part of their clinic so they bill the full code). Insurance company can’t/won’t do anything because the ER billed her care as general emergency codes and not specific treatment codes, so there’s no evidence on their end we have been double-billed (this is also going toward our deductible so the insurance doesn’t have any real skin in the game). I submitted a formal request to review the billing code to the clinic through their online portal, but haven’t gotten a response yet.
So my question is two-fold: 1. Am I right in thinking the CPT code was billed incorrectly and we were overcharged? 2. What are my options to escalate/get a third party review if the clinic refuses to change the codes?
submitted by Ash71010 to CodingandBilling [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:18 Apprehensive-Sign471 School part time/work more than full time and kids. How can I make better income?

I’m 36, divorced, and working non stop. I started all the way over about 3 years ago and now I’m suffering even more financially. I’m in college part time for my bachelors in health information management and I’ve been working for the same home health company for over 3 years now. I know these days job hopping is the way to go, but where do I start? I have LinkedIn and all the job sites, my resume is up to date, I’m not huge on networking as I’m more introvert, but all in all no bites for anything worth the pay to switch. My experience has been stacking up and I know I can land something I just need this to happen like yesterday. Any advice? Panicking.
Primary work load involves-
Supervising a colleague overseas to route and coordinate mapping systems for mobile podiatry work. Cpt coding, prescription management, case work for wound care, patient coordinator, doctors assistant, case worker (without the license), health care data analytics (I have data analytics cert as well). Hope that helps.
submitted by Apprehensive-Sign471 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:36 braydenserna Assistance with Sheets Automation Scripts

I will preface this by stating I am by no means an expert at writing code for Google Apps Script (I have absolutely no idea what I am doing), which is why I rely on Gemini to write code for me.
I have a Google Sheet which contains various worksheets:
  1. CPT-4
  2. Modifiers - CPT-4
  3. CPT-4 II
  4. POS Codes
  5. MDC
  6. ICD-10-CM
  7. ICD-10-PCS
  8. HCPCS Level II
  9. Modifiers - HCPCS
  10. MS-DRG
  11. Revenue Codes
  12. ASC Payment Indicators - HCPCS
  13. OPPS Status Indicators - HCPCS
The worksheets contain a variable amount of data, but typically have between 1-6 columns, where A is the Code, B is the Modifier, C is the Description, D is the Abbreviated Description, and E are any applicable Notes. Because this data is updated very frequently, I want to use Apps Script to automate several processes to streamline maintenance of this workbook:
When a code is entered in a cell in column A, execute the following steps:
  1. Evaluate column A for duplicate entries; if the code already exists, reject the newly entered (duplicate) code
  2. Sort the worksheet by column A in alphabetical order
  3. Capitalize any alphabetical characters in the code string; for example, if I enter 3074f, change it to 3074F
In the past, it seemed to work to some degree, but now nothing is happening as expected.
Gemini was able to get the automation to work without requiring the use of a trigger (somehow), but in its troubleshooting suggestions, it said I need to create one. I have done so, and it still will not work--I keep getting an error when I debug the function.
Here's an example of one of my worksheets:
CPT-4 II worksheet
Here's the script which corresponds to the worksheet:
Corresponding code for CPT-4 II worksheet
Here is the trigger:
Trigger that I was told to configure by Gemini
Here's the error that one of the scripts is returning:
Error returned by the code corresponding with the OPPS Status Indicators - HCPCS worksheet
Debug of the code
I greatly appreciate any assistance as I am becoming incredibly frustrated.
Please let me know if there is any additional detail I can provide to assist.
submitted by braydenserna to GoogleAppsScript [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 06:24 SweetLittleKarma Lab Sleep Study Results Help

Is there anything from my lab sleep study results that should warrant further investigation? I though I could possible have UARS since my CBCT scan showed a small airway 36mm2 (however the airway ortho I saw said there are a lot of variances with airway CBCT). I always feel tired throughout the day, dry mouth, toss and turn in sleep, occasional snoring (my bf has mentioned/ even recorded me snoring once before and my home sleep study picked up some snoring. However my lab sleep results indicate neither UARS or APNEA based on provider comments.
I am not sure if there are other tests I should look into. I have already done bloodwork and everything came back normal except my b12 while in range was on the lower side.
If anyone could point out anything from my test that should be looked into furthestands out or any other tests I should look at to find out why I always feel so tired throughout the day I would appreciate it!
Height: 64.0 in. Date of Service: 05/03/2024
Weight: 104.0 lbs. Report Date: 5/15/2024
BMI: 17.9 Lights Off: 22:01:47 at epoch 9
Epworth: 12 Lights On: 05:29:47 at epoch 904
Neck Size: 12.0 in. Time in Bed: 400.5 min
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: This patient is a 27 year old female
with snoring, restless legs and excessive daytime sleepiness. The
Epworth sleepiness scale score is 12/24. Neck size is 12 in.
Patient is 64 inches tall and weighs 104 lbs for a BMI of 18.
This polysomnogram has been requested to determine if the patient
has evidence of sleep apnea.
DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: A diagnostic overnight polysomnogram
was performed using criteria outlined by the American Academy of
Sleep Medicine (AASM). This study was scored based upon current
recommended MEDICARE SCORING GUIDELINES: Apnea scoring: greater
than or equal to a 90% signal drop for greater than or equal to
10 seconds. Obstructive hypopnea scoring: drop in pressure signal
at greater than or equal to 30% of baseline with duration of at
least 10 seconds with a greater than or equal to 4% oxygen
desaturation. All of the raw data was reviewed in its entirety.
Lights out occurred at 22:01:47. Lights on occurred at 05:29:47.
The patient slept for 349.5 min out of a recording time of 448.0
min. The sleep efficiency was 78.0%. The patient spent 182.5 min
sleeping supine and 167.0 min sleeping on side or prone. The
patient fell asleep after 46.5 min. REM latency was 168.0 min.
There was 1.1% stage 1 sleep, 51.9% stage 2 sleep, 33.8%
slow-wave sleep, and 13.2% REM sleep.
There were 0 obstructive apneas, 0 central apneas, 0 mixed
apneas, 1 obstructive hypopneas for an apnea-hypopnea index of
0.2 per hour. Respiratory event duration in NREM was 10sec min
and 14sec max, in REM was 10sec min and 0sec max. Oxygen nadir
for the study was 91%. The patient spent 0.0 minutes with
saturations <= 88%.
Sleep was disturbed with a respiratory arousal index of 0.2 per
hour. Spontaneous arousal index was 8.2 per hour. Periodic limb
movement index was 0.0 per hour while the periodic movement
arousal index was 0.0 per hour. The overall arousal index was 8.4
per hour.
The baseline waking oxygen saturation was 97%. EEG background
during wakefulness was 11 Hz. Heart rate was from 60 to 94 beats
per minute. Respiratory rate was 19 breaths per minute while
awake and 20 breaths per minute while asleep. Little if any
snoring was observed.
This diagnostic overnight polysomnogram (CPT code 95810)
demonstrates the following:
  1. Normal amount of sleep apnea with an apnea-hypopnea index of
  1. Oxygen desaturations noted to a low of 91%.
  2. Periodic limb movement index was 0.0 per hour and the periodic
movement arousal index was 0.0 per hour.
  1. Minor sleep disruption due to respiratory or spontaneous
arousals with an arousal index of 8.4 per hour.
  1. Single lead EKG demonstrated normal sinus rhythm.
This overnight polysomnogram did not demonstrate excessive
obstructive sleep apnea (normal apnea/hypopnea index of 0.2 per
hour was observed with the upper limit of normal being less than
5 per hour). She did not have features to suggest upper airway
resistance syndrome or periodic limb movements of sleep.
She will be contacted with the test results and will come for
consult with Sleep Medicine as requested.
Sleep Scoring
Diagnostic Diagnostic
Total Sleep Time 349.5 min Sleep Efficiency 78.0%
TST Supine 182.5 min Sleep Onset 46.5 min
TST Side/Prone 167.0 min Rem Latency 168.0 min
Total Recording Time 448.0 min Lights Off 22:01:47
Lights On 05:29:47
Minutes % TST
Diagnostic Diagnostic Norm
Stage N1 4.0 1.1% %TST 03-09%
Stage N2 181.5 51.9% %TST 47-67%
Stage N3 118.0 33.8% %TST 03-21%
Stage R 46.0 13.2% %TST 20-29%
Diagnostic Diagnostic
Count Index Norm Periodic Movements of Sleep
Respiratory Arousals 1 0.2
Snore Arousals 0 0.0 Number of Periodic Leg Mvts 0
Spontaneous Arousals 48 8.2 Periodic Mvts w/Arousals 0
PLM Arousals 0 0.0 Periodic Mvt Index (AVG/HR) 0.0
Total Arousals 49 8.4 <40 Periodic Mvt Arousal Index 0.0
Respiratory Data
Supine Non-Supine Total
Diagnostic Diagnostic Diagnostic
AHI Index 0.0 0.4 0.2
Total A+H 0 1 1
Obstructive 0 0 0
Central 0 0 0
Mixed 0 0 0
Obstructive Hypopnea 0 1 1
REM A+H 0 0 0
RERA/Index 0/0.0 0/0.0 0/0.0
RDI 0.0 0.4 0.2
Respiratory Event Duration
Shortest Longest Average
NREM(SEC) 10 14 14
REM (SEC) 0 0 0
Total Wake Time 98.5 min
WASO 52.0 min
Oxygen Saturations
Wake NREM REM Total
Min O2 Sat (%) 93% 91% 96% 91%
Max O2 Sat (%) 99% 99% 100% 100%
Time u/91-100% 98 min 303 min 46 min 448 min
Time @ 81-90% 0 min 0 min 0 min 0 min
Time u/71-80% 0 min 0 min 0 min 0 min
Time @ 61-70% 0 min 0 min 0 min 0 min
Time < 60% 0 min 0 min 0 min 0 min
Total Time O2<88% 0 min 0 min 0 min 0 min
Physiologic Summary
Physiologic Parameters:
Baseline SaO2 97 %
EEG Waking Background 11 Hz
EKG Rate:
Awake 84 Beats Per Minute
Sleep 73 Beats Per Minute
Respiratory Rate: Awake 19 REM 20 NREM 19
Heart Rate Summary
Wake NREM REM Total
Average Heart Rate (BPM) 84 72 80 73
Minimum Heart Rate (BPM) 62 60 67 60
Maximum Heart Rate (BPM) 112 90 94 94
Cardiac Events Summary
# of Events and/or Type
Pause: 0
SVT: 0
2nd or 3rd Degree Block 0
Cardiac Pacemaker Rhythm N
submitted by SweetLittleKarma to UARSnew [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:24 obamasballsackk Phlebotomy Resume Help

Hello I'm currently a student but looking into externship before my program ends so I have an idea of where I'll be going after since my externship can be through a place of my choosing.
I know where I'll ultimately want to work in the long run but they are only contracted to extern students from a different program than mine so thet arent an option at the moment. They also require more experience than the other local clinics so I'll need to gain more experience before being considered for a position there anyways but my goal is to have a resume that stands out by then.
I've tailored my resume specifically to surround my phlebotomy career and other relevant and similar positions (I was a piercer and also worked in health insurance previously so I have thorough knowledge of BBP, needle usage and disposal, and CPT/Dx codes) but I'm worried it won't stand out enough. Can I see some of your resumes to get ideas for verbiage and different formats that might work better than what I've built currently?
Also regarding externships, if you extern through a specific medical group, does that better your chances/get your foot in the door to get hired at the same medical group?
Thanks in advance!!
submitted by obamasballsackk to phlebotomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:20 6040 Terminology clarification: MRE vs. MRI abdomen +/- contrast --same thing?

Do these two terms (MRE and MRI abdomen) refer to the same procedure?
Context, if it helps: I have a polyposis condition (Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome), so I need frequent imaging and scopes. I also live in a rural area with a small imaging department, but my care is managed by a specialist 3 hours away. It's up to me to find closer options for my various treatments and screenings. However, vocabulary seems to be a problem. The imaging department here isn't familiar with the term MRE, but they do perform MRI abdomen +/- contrast. I asked my specialist's office, and they just told me what an MRE is (*eyeroll*). CPT codes for GI indicate they're the same thing, but are they?
submitted by 6040 to MRI [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 21:12 KSav18 Bilateral Salpingectomy / Ambetter Peach Billing/Coverage Help

Hi there,
I am currently arguing with my insurance company. I have a $750 deductible and $7,500 max out-of-pocket costs via my plan with Ambetter Peach here in Georgia. I have 35% coinsurance. I filed a grievance with the insurance company that as an ACA-compliant plan, they need to cover all FDA-approved methods of preventative family planning contraception 100%, from birth control pills to IUDs to sterilization surgery. I gave them the CPT codes of 58661 and (I think it was) 58670, and they said I still have 35% co-insurance after the deductible. I ensured that my provider is billing from 58661 and the ICD-10 is Z30.2.
Is there anything else I need to be saying or doing to get this bilateral salpingectomy covered in full, or as much as possible? I've been asking for this surgery for 10 years, and finally getting approved has been an amazing feeling! I don't want to have to delay or cancel this surgery due to funds. Thank you!
submitted by KSav18 to sterilization [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 17:52 DngrDan How to change the title of my visualization

How to change the title of my visualization
Hey everyone, apologies for the basic question. I haven't found anything related to this. How can I simply change the title of my visualization? Thanks!
submitted by DngrDan to PowerBI [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:24 alicecarlosmbc Top Dermatology CPT Code Updates

Top Dermatology CPT Code Updates submitted by alicecarlosmbc to u/alicecarlosmbc [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:18 alicecarlosmbc Top Dermatology CPT Code Updates

Top Dermatology CPT Code Updates submitted by alicecarlosmbc to u/alicecarlosmbc [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:41 Comfortable_Emu_870 Scammed by Exercise Etc

Quick Question for the group. I am 3 months out from my NASM CPT certification expiring. I have .3 CEU and .1 CPR complete. Didn’t want to spend a lot of money. Just had a baby 6 months ago and am focusing on him 100% at the moment but don’t want my cert to expire because it cost a lot of money to get here.
I know I know. I waited last minute. So I bought a course on Exercise Etc. as it was mentioned a few times in this community. It fulfilled the requirement and checks out in the NASM CEU account view when I go to add it in my portal.
The kicker, it won’t let me access the program test without a login. Wtf. I received an email receipt with the e-book code. That all checks out. But the test, I can’t figure out a login or even where to create one. No answer yet from their customer service. Was I scammed?
Update: good news!!! customer service finally responded and after an entire day determined there was link issues. Their IT dept investigated and provided an updated link after their business hours. I have a breath of relief and will be closing this with a wow. That was a lot of ups and downs in the last 24 hours coming from someone who has been scammed online before.
submitted by Comfortable_Emu_870 to personaltraining [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:48 bbtchh Insurance

UPDATE: I called to ask about getting it billed under a different code and they said that’s medical fraud and they won’t do it (my cpt is 58661)
How much did your insurance cover for your sterilization? I’m getting a bisalp and it’s covered 80% but I still owe about $2,500.
submitted by bbtchh to sterilization [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:53 Flyinsky1991 Medical bill help

I am not sure if anyone in this subreddit has experienced this, I am based in US. I went for an initial check up with a CRS, hr exams me, said I have fissure, put a red color ointment( I forgot the name ) on it, prescribed me diltiazem and that’s it. A month later I got a medical bill for over $1300, one of the service they billed me is curettage/cautery anal fissure(cpt 46940) which costs $1000. I called my doctor about when did he do that, he replied that the red ointment is chemical cautery.
  1. Is the doctor coded correctly? I googled the code but can’t find the details about the procedure, most of them said if the doctor scrapes or burns the fissure with electrosurgery
  2. If the doctor coded correctly, I think it’s not justified to charge me 1000 for just apply the ointment, how can I argue that?
Any advice will be helpful!
submitted by Flyinsky1991 to MedicalBill [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:16 Grand_Ad9783 FINALLY GOT APPROVED FOR TREATMENT! Would you say this is a good price per session? And any ways I can get it lower? (United HealthCare)

Long story short, I was diagnosed with Epilepsy a few years ago and after a long battle I got approval from my neurologist & psychiatrist to start the treatment!
I have United Healthcare and each session with cost about $200 (including my co-pay as noted below). Would you say this is a pretty decent price? And do you think I'd have a shot with calling UHC to try getting them to cover some of it?
I was sent all of my paperwork this morning, along with a sheet that goes over what to expect with the treatment, the cost per session, etc. I have been researching Ketamine Therapy for over a year and would have been curious to see this, so I've included it below for anyone who cares!
" We like to inform anyone interested in receiving treatments on what to expect and what is required. Please read over the information regarding cost, time, and requirements for receiving ketamine treatments. 1. It is required that ALL patients be observed in our office for a minimum of 1 hour for each treatment. The following treatment requirements for the first eight weeks are as follows." Weeks 1-4: twice weekly Weeks 5-8: once weekly * After week eight, treatments can continue weekly or bi-weekly; this will depend on how the patient responds to the treatment. 2. You MUST have a driver to pick you up and sign you out before you can be discharged from our clinic on treatment days. If you will be using a driving service like Uber, Lyft, Yellow Cab, etc., we will need to document your booking numbeconfirmation before discharging. * Please note patients cannot drive until a whole night's rest on treatment days. 3. Your insurance may NOT cover the 2-hour observation time. Our office is working diligently to get the observation codes covered by all insurance plans. Currently, Magellan and United Healthcare DO NOT cover the 2-hour observation time. If your insurance does not cover it, the cost for the 2-hour observation time is $150 per treatment visit in addition to your copay or deductible for your office visit with the provider. If you are uninsured or if we do not accept your insurance, the total treatment (appointment and 2-hour observation time) cost can range from $275.00 - $300.00 per treatment visit, depending on the complexity of your visit with the provider. We can also provide a receipt including CPT codes, diagnosis codes, and service dates to file with your insurance company. 4. Ketamine can increase blood pressure and heart rate, so patients CANNOT take any stimulants, benzodiazepines, or sedative-hypnotics the day of treatment. Any further questions regarding this can be answered once you are seen for your appointment. Patients are drug-screened before initial visit and then randomly throughout following treatments (an additional $15 is not covered by insurance). Thank you for your time in reading the above information. If you agree with the above requirements, including cost, please complete the attached forms and return them to me at your earliest convenience. Once received, I can contact you to schedule an appointment with one of our providers. The purpose of this appointment is to make sure you're a perfect candidate for Ketamine, as there can be certain medical conditions or past medical history that can exclude you from receiving Ketamine injection treatments. Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns. " 
submitted by Grand_Ad9783 to TherapeuticKetamine [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:23 Recent-Grapefruit-14 Arena Breakout Infinite

I was super excited to be able to play this game. I have had a content creator code since the 9th. reached out to the moderator CPT. BEN and he said i was approved to play. its now been 6 days with no access to the game and at this point. I don't even want to play anymore. if you're not a known streamer with 100k followers they don't care about you. its actually crazy to think i was excited to play this game. Goodluck to anyone trying to get into the game because you're not going to be able to. and they DO NOTHING TO HELP.
submitted by Recent-Grapefruit-14 to u/Recent-Grapefruit-14 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:00 Fickle_CommonPie My Experience with Insurance Approval for Medical Grade Wig

For those of you that are wondering if you can get insurance to cover an expensive wig, it is possible. I had a $4,700 piece covered. You just have to really talk to the right people. After about 60 days, my claim is FINALY done. I have UHC. Here are the steps I followed in my case. Of course everyone's case is different. Here's what I did in my case:
  1. Called insurance and asked a few times if they covered a wig. I kept getting the answer "wigs are only covered up to $350". My first problem was calling a "wig". Don't do that. Find out the CPT code for "Cranial Prosthesis".
  2. I did some research and found out my doctor can write me an Rx for a "cranial prosthesis" be sure the doctor doesn't call it a wig on the Rx. See below the info included on the Rx.
    DME: Cranial Prosthesis (not "wig") CPT: D5924 ( in my case) Diagnosis Code
  3. I submited the Rx to insurance to get a prior authorization. You can submit yourself for out-network providers. Most providers that do custom units will be out-of- network.
  4. I found the correct form for gap insurance approval and reached out to my insurance to process an approval for gap insurance on my cranial prosthesis. This helped insure the claim was processed in-network.
  5. I searched for providers that hold an NPI and create custom units. I used Heavenly Tresses and purchased a custom cranial prosthesis that is used for people with total hair loss. This part is very important because you'll want to purchase one that is very specific for people with total hair loss and have a medical need and cannot be used with the absence of a medical need.
**"Heavenly Tresses" has customizable options for people that have a medical need for this type of unit "cranial prosthesis".
  1. Once I purchased my cranial prosthesis, I reached out for a "medical bill of sale". This part is important because you'll want to use a provider that can provide a "medical bill of sale". I would recommend reaching out to the provider you choose and making sure they are able to write a medical bill of sale.
  2. I submitted the medical bill of sale to my insurance for reimbursement. I called my insurance and asked for a supervisor to help make sure the claim was processed correctly. Speaking to a supervisor or two a long the way helped because many agents didn't know the cranial prosthesis could be fully covered.
  3. The first time, my claim was "partially approved" because the processor didn't include my gap approval.
  4. I called and spoke to an agent to look at my case notes and have the supervisor I was working with make sure my gap insurance was added to my claim.
  5. My claim was FULLY approved and I am finally getting my reimbursement for the $4700 I spent on the cranial prosthesis.
submitted by Fickle_CommonPie to Wigs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:59 Fickle_CommonPie My Experience with Medical Wig Approval for Insurance

For those of you that are wondering if you can get insurance to cover an expensive wig, it is possible. I had a $4,700 piece covered. You just have to really talk to the right people. After about 60 days, my claim is FINALY done. I have UHC. Here are the steps I followed in my case. Of course everyone's case is different. Here's what I did in my case:
  1. Called insurance and asked a few times if they covered a wig. I kept getting the answer "wigs are only covered up to $350". My first problem was calling a "wig". Don't do that. Find out the CPT code for "Cranial Prosthesis".
  2. I did some research and found out my doctor can write me an Rx for a "cranial prosthesis" be sure the doctor doesn't call it a wig on the Rx. See below the info included on the Rx.
    DME: Cranial Prosthesis (not "wig") CPT: D5924 ( in my case) Diagnosis Code
  3. I submited the Rx to insurance to get a prior authorization. You can submit yourself for out-network providers. Most providers that do custom units will be out-of- network.
  4. I found the correct form for gap insurance approval and reached out to my insurance to process an approval for gap insurance on my cranial prosthesis. This helped insure the claim was processed in-network.
  5. I searched for providers that hold an NPI and create custom units. I used Heavenly Tresses and purchased a custom cranial prosthesis that is used for people with total hair loss. This part is very important because you'll want to purchase one that is very specific for people with total hair loss and have a medical need and cannot be used with the absence of a medical need.
**"Heavenly Tresses" has customizable options for people that have a medical need for this type of unit "cranial prosthesis".
  1. Once I purchased my cranial prosthesis, I reached out for a "medical bill of sale". This part is important because you'll want to use a provider that can provide a "medical bill of sale". I would recommend reaching out to the provider you choose and making sure they are able to write a medical bill of sale.
  2. I submitted the medical bill of sale to my insurance for reimbursement. I called my insurance and asked for a supervisor to help make sure the claim was processed correctly. Speaking to a supervisor or two a long the way helped because many agents didn't know the cranial prosthesis could be fully covered.
  3. The first time, my claim was "partially approved" because the processor didn't include my gap approval.
  4. I called and spoke to an agent to look at my case notes and have the supervisor I was working with make sure my gap insurance was added to my claim.
  5. My claim was FULLY approved and I am finally getting my reimbursement for the $4700 I spent on the cranial prosthesis.
submitted by Fickle_CommonPie to cancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:54 purnima-osp How Does Medical Coding Software Ensure Accuracy in Healthcare Documentation?

In today's rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, efficient medical billing and coding software are essential for healthcare organizations to navigate complex reimbursement processes and ensure accurate documentation of patient encounters. These software solutions play a crucial role in optimizing revenue cycle management and maintaining compliance with regulatory standards.
What is Medical Coding Software?
Medical coding software, also known as medical encoder software, is a crucial tool in the healthcare industry. But what exactly does it do? Essentially, medical coding software helps translate medical procedures, diagnoses, and services into standardized codes. These codes are essential for billing purposes, insurance claims processing, and maintaining accurate patient records.
Why is Medical Coding Software Important?
The importance of medical coding software cannot be overstated. It ensures that healthcare providers accurately document patient encounters and procedures, which is essential for proper reimbursement. Medical coding solutions also help maintain compliance with regulatory standards and minimize the risk of billing errors and claim denials. In short, it's a cornerstone of effective revenue cycle management in healthcare organizations.
How Does Medical Coding Software Work?
Medical coding software operates by using predefined code sets, such as the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) or Current Procedural Terminology (CPT), to assign codes to medical procedures and diagnoses.

These codes are then used for billing purposes, insurance claims, and statistical analysis. Advanced medical coding software may also incorporate artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to improve accuracy and efficiency.
What are the Coding Systems in Healthcare?
In the world of healthcare, several coding systems are used to classify and report medical diagnoses, procedures, and services. Coding systems in healthcare include the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), which is used for coding diseases and health conditions, and the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT), which is used for documenting medical procedures and services. Additionally, there's the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS), which includes codes for medical supplies, equipment, and services not covered by CPT.
How Does Medical Encoding Software Facilitate Coding?
Medical encoding software streamlines the coding process by automating many tasks that would otherwise be manual and time-consuming. It helps coders quickly and accurately assign the appropriate codes to patient records based on clinical documentation. This not only saves time but also reduces the likelihood of errors and ensures consistency in coding practices.
Understanding the Role of Medical Billing and Coding
Medical billing and coding go hand in hand in the healthcare industry. While medical coding involves assigning standardized codes to medical procedures and diagnoses, medical billing is the process of submitting and following up on claims with health insurance companies to receive payment for services rendered. Effective medical billing and coding practices are essential for maintaining the financial health of healthcare organizations.
How Does Medical Coding Software Ensure Accuracy in Healthcare Documentation?
Medical billing and coding software plays a vital role in the healthcare industry by ensuring accurate documentation, compliance with regulatory standards, and efficient revenue cycle management. By automating the coding process and streamlining workflows, medical coding software helps healthcare organizations improve accuracy, reduce errors, and optimize reimbursement. It's a valuable tool that enables healthcare providers to focus on what matters most – delivering high-quality patient care.
submitted by purnima-osp to u/purnima-osp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:52 cai-bear cpt missing requirement

I looked at the rubric for the CPT again yesterday and noticed my program didn’t exactly meet the requirements (ie. the algorithm having to be in the body of the procedure with the parameter)(having two calls to two different procedures). I know, I should’ve paid more attention.
Anyway, is it a big deal? I know I’ll get a point or so off, but if I answer the rest of the questions right according to my code, will it matter enough to completely ruin my score?
submitted by cai-bear to apcsp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:24 Vomiting_Winter Bonus Structure/CPT reimbursement information

Hello all,
I’m currently contemplating a job offer for an orthopedic office. It would be sports med with a new surgeon. He’s not super busy yet, but it is a practice with a few extremely established surgeons so it stands to reason he will get pretty busy eventually. The salary is reasonable but the bonus structure is only 1% of total billing. I’ve heard of other PAs in the area getting something like 20-30% of total billing, once you cover your salary and benefits (roughly 1.5x your salary), and for a busy practice, that seems like a much better structure. I don’t want to seem greedy, but my previous practice worked us extremely hard, with no bonus or salary increase, so I just want to be sure I’m being compensated fairly for my work.
Any advice would be appreciated.
In addition, does anyone have any resources to see reimbursement rates for various CPT codes? I’ve tried googling but seems to get a pretty wide range.
submitted by Vomiting_Winter to physicianassistant [link] [comments]
