Hacked credit card numbers cvv

Free Credit Card Numbers

2022.01.24 23:43 karim805 Free Credit Card Numbers

Get free and working credit card numbers with unlimited money to buy anything online .

2008.09.14 19:08 Credit Cards

A subreddit for discussing credit cards. Be sure to read sub rules before posting, use the resources linked in the sidebar / about section of the sub, and use search to see if your question has already been answered.

2010.08.04 09:34 KenNdungu How to Increase Your Credit Score!

A subreddit for discussing any aspect of credit scores. It is important to not misuse or overextend the credit you are given. Please ask questions and contribute to the knowledge surrounding credit scores.

2024.05.21 03:21 nerdvegas79 St George credit cards not working

My card was declined this morning, the numbers make no sense - called the bank and they say there's a glitch in the system. Not one big enough to make a public announcement about though. No ETA. Anyone else? Check your app, you can see the issue there.
submitted by nerdvegas79 to AusFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:21 PossibilityNew2204 I'm giving my mom one more chance

I'll start this off saying I love my mom dearly. She has a lot of trauma and mental health issues that make her the way she is, but I need to take care of myself. I am 22 and living with my mom so I can get through school. We have always lived well below the poverty line, so living at home while I complete my degree just seemed like the cheaper option. I rely heavily on financial aid for my schooling. I am very greatful that I have only had to take out a single $5k loan for my schooling so far. I should be graduating next year, and while it's been hard working 2 jobs while in school, the end is in sight. At least that's what I thought. My mom has a job but only works about 8-10 hours a week, so while I'm at work and school she took care of managing our finances and making sure rent got paid etc. Sometimes she gets things done very last minute because of her mental health, and I try to be understanding of that. There was some things she had to do so I could get awarded my FAFSA money, and I just found out today that she hasn't done them. The information is due tomorrow, and the FAFSA website is under maintenance until the weekend. We got into an argument and I made it clear that I am incredibly upset that she left this until the last minute like many other things. She said that she is going to call them tomorrow while I'm at work, but I don't know if I can trust her to get it done. If this whole thing ends up going bad and I have to drop out of school, I will be getting ready to move out once our lease is up. In the background of all this happening, I found out last month that my credit card (that she was using to manage our finances) is maxed out and collecting interest. She also hasn't been making payments to my loan for me either. She said that the credit card should not be maxed out, and that she needed to call them (which she hasn't done yet obviously). I thought I could trust her, but she also has let the rent go late multiple times. I'm tired, and if I'm going to have to work two jobs, I want to be able to manage my own money. She said that when I'm out of college and have a good job, she will teach me how to handle my finances. This seemed like a good idea at first because she worked in finance before becoming a stay at home mother, and then a single mother. But recently it doesn't seem like she's responsible at all. If I leave, it will feel like I'm abandoning her but living like this sucks. To add more fuel to the fire, she is somewhat of a hoarder (due to trauma). When she's not working, she's mostly sleeping. Sometimes she does household chores, but not enough to keep a nice livable apartment. I work every day of the week, sometimes both jobs in one day, and I'm just too tired to try and catch up on stuff. At this point I wouldn't even be that upset if I had to drop out of school because then I might be able to hide away some money, but my own car, and leave. Things have been so rough for us these past few years, I want to be able to help her through but I also know that if I stay I will suffer the most. I haven't even started my life yet. I have no friends or family to go to for support and I even have a dog and a cat I need to consider if and when I leave. If I do get to graduate college, I plan on moving out of my home state once my lease is up. My mom wants to move too, and she will be more than welcome to come with me, but I just don't think she can get her shit together. I don't think she will get rid of her hoarded possessions, even though she says she will. I already have to keep her stuff in my room, it is not moving across the country with me. I don't know if anyone is still reading this. It's late and I'm just crying word-vomit. If you are reading this and have any suggestions or support or have been in similar situations, let me know. I'm so tired.
submitted by PossibilityNew2204 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:19 iReppas Changing Evolutions

Changes I’d suggest with evolutions to add more variety and make game better.
1) You can choose the amount of cycles you need in order to evolve. You can pick from 1 to 5 cycles. Depending on the card’s standard cycle number, you could make it stronger or weaker by increasing or decreasing the cycles needed to evolve.
2) Reduce evo slots in path of legends to one evo slot until UC.
3) Be able to change core parts of evolution. With mortar, for example, instead of having a goblin spawn, you could have increased AoE damage, or a mortar that freezes the tower and nearby troops for 1 second.
I don’t think supercell is ever going to make this game less pay to win. These idea won’t result in them making less money by any means but will add SO much deck variety.
submitted by iReppas to ClashRoyale [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:19 BreakfastOk2783 Changes in form lead to wrong Changes in table

Hi there,
first of all, I apologise if any of my terminology is wrong, because English is not my first language and thus my Access is not in English as well. Please tell me if anything is unclear.
I have a school project and I am pretty much panicking because I am way in over my head.
You can find my file here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pwjdow6rl2jdlp11zf091/Solar-Database-V1.02-Anpassung-Entit-ten.accdb?rlkey=wwgh794t6fesambyuxa2orini&dl=0
There are quite a few tables, queries and forms and it looks like a mess but I will describe exactly where the problem is. None of the data in this real, so don't worry about privacy.
First of all: In the table with the customer data there are a few data points which are saved as a number although they represent other terms. In this case these are the three fields that are comboboxes: "Anrede" (salutation), "Bundesland" (federal state) and "Bonität" (credit score). But as an example we can just talk about the salutation. In the table "Kunden" (customers) the salutation is represented as a number from 1 to 3. These are the IDs from the table "Anrede" (salutation) where the salutaion is stores as a word if that makes sense. So 1 is "Frau" (Mrs.), 2 is "Herr" (Mr.). This is the way we were supposed to do it. I have no Idea if it is done this way in the real world.
In my database I have a problem when it comes to the way this information is displayed in a form and the affects changes have. If you check the file, your basis should be the form "formKundenübersicht" which just displays all of the customers. If you click on any of the hyperlinked numbers in the first column you will get into a form where you are able to edit all the customer information. I wanted this to be a combobox so only the given options can be chosen. The problem is, if I change the salutation here from one to the other, it does not change the salutation of this one customer. It changes it in the table "Anrede" (salutations). So if it says "Herr" in the form and I change it to "Frau" it changes the entry in the table "Anrede" itself.
I tried for hours to fix this but I don't know where to go from here. Can you help me?
If anything is unclear or if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Thanks a lot in advance.
submitted by BreakfastOk2783 to MSAccess [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:19 Bright-Ad-184 Can't Get Actual Customer Support From Jagex

I recently lost access to my account that I am still currently paying a monthly membership for and all my recovery requests just keep getting denied.
In the recovery request, I am giving them all the locations and zip codes I have lived in throughout the history of my account, my password, and the last 4 digits of my credit card number that has been paying the membership for my account (including when the payments started and the membership duration of each payment). I'm not sure what proof would be enough for them to approve it if all that is not enough.
Do they really expect me to remember specific details about account creation from when I was like 10 years old?
It's impossible to even get in touch with someone to speak about the issue. I tried their discord server for support because they have an account-help text channel, but was told that there is nothing that they can do and my only option is to keep submitting account recovery requests and hope that they decide to approve it eventually. So apparently, the best they can do is send a generic copy-and-paste denial email to you with no specific details of why your evidence wasn't enough for your request to be approved.
I have always heard that Jagex Customer support was horrible but this is my first time experiencing it myself. They have such a loyal fanbase of people who have played this game for decades and invested countless hours of time grinding. Yet, they do absolutely nothing to help you when you need it.
submitted by Bright-Ad-184 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:18 jordynkyb applications getting denied

i am 19yo, looking to open a credit card.. i’ve applied for the discover it student card twice and got denied, and then the customized cash rewards for bank of america (i thought i’d get approved since i’ve been banking with them since i was 16/17) got denied, and then i applied for the capital one savor one student card after being pre-approved multiple times and got denied as well.
my fico score is fair shown on experian and the only thing really only my file is a student loan i took out in august. i know i’ve definitely suffered hard inquiries from those applications.. and my credit history / file is short.
really just asking for recommendations, should i just wait for the credit inquiries to go away and try again in a couple of months? i just would like to build up some credit going into adulthood.
also my first post like this sorry if it’s worded weird..
submitted by jordynkyb to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:18 cutestrangerdog Very New To AliBaba

I am trying to create a very specific dog walking/treat pouch bag for our company. I am located in Connecticut, USA. I submitted an RFQ and a few people are asking about creating samples, which I agree would be good. How does one go about navigating AliBaba safely? What should I take into account? Do vendors take payments via credit card? I am not doing wire transfers at all! What else should I consider?
submitted by cutestrangerdog to Alibaba [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:16 b20asura24 how to combine United Explorer Credit card Mileage miles to United MileagePlus miles?

1) is it possible to combine United Explorer Credit card Mileage miles to United MileagePlus miles?
2) can you redeem United Explorer Credit card Mileage miles and United MileagePlus miles for the same ticket?
submitted by b20asura24 to unitedairlines [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:16 Main-Description-704 Filing/ lawsuits

I was supposed to file in march/April but still trying to get lawyer fees together. I paid the retainer fee but still owe before we can fully file. I'm hoping to file mid to late August. I stopped paying credit cards in October. My worry right now is being sued by one of the creditors before I file. Has anyone been sued? If so how long did you stop paying before they sued you? My biggest concern is my loan with one main financial. I'm worried they will file a lawsuit against me.
submitted by Main-Description-704 to Bankruptcy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:16 blackdog606 Double Dragon Zeebo Translation

I translated the AJUDA/HELP menu from the game. Just uploading it here since there's not an English patch or anything yet considering how recent Zeebo emulation even is.

In the default configuration, the character's energy indicators.
You will lose one of these indicators when you lose all energy, run out of time or fall into traps.
The game is over if you lose all energy indicators

You will go through the stages, killing the enemies that will appear on the way using different attacks.
There are 6 missions, and each mission has its own boss at the end.
Each mission is completed by defeating the boss. and as soon as this happens, the subsequent mission will be revealed.

You can choose to play in 2 players simultaneously by selecting the "2 PLAYER BATTLE" option on the menu screen.

Difficulty level, number of players and game credits can be accessed here.

You can move your character in 8 directions.
If you press the left (or right) directional pad twice quickly, the character will take off.
submitted by blackdog606 to BeatEmUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:15 Marouan_Uzi This started popping out about a week ago in pretty every site.. What's happening?

This started popping out about a week ago in pretty every site.. What's happening? submitted by Marouan_Uzi to Piracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:12 I_Suck_At_Finance Struggling to make the switch from BoA / Chase to Wealthfront for all banking needs

Hi All,
I’m struggling mentally on making the switch to Wealthfront for all my primary banking needs. I have a lot of cash that just isn’t working for me at Chase and Bank of America and I found Wealthfront’s high yield checking account very compelling and I want to put the majority of my cash there.
The primary fear I have is moving from traditional banking with physical locations to something that is purely online without live customer service help. Im terrified that I may deposit my money into a scam website (i know this is likley just irrational) and my life savings will be gone.
Second, I enjoy all the auto pay features I have with banking at Chase / BoA. Is auto paying your credit cards also still seamless at Wealthfront?
Have any of you all encountered the same reservations before you made the switch away from traditional banking? Would love any advice from this community.
submitted by I_Suck_At_Finance to wealthfront [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:11 FunkyTown818 Which card should I apply for?

As someone with no prior credit experience what is the best credit card to apply for?
I’m deciding between Discover CashBack, Citi Custom Cash Card, and AMEX Blue
submitted by FunkyTown818 to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:11 Broken_Slinky Had a car accident 2 years ago with a rental car, now Allstate is threatening license suspension

2022 I had a car accident with a rental car I got from Avis. I purchased their car insurance while I had it. I was in an accident and gave the other driver the provided insurance card. Now 2 years later Allstate is saying I have to pay it or give them my insurance information. I've called Avis asking for a policy number and they just keep forwarding me to different departments.
Does anyone have any suggestions how to get Avis to cooperate or should I just pay the 1200 out of pocket because I don't feel like dealing with a premium Increase
Edit: This happened in California
submitted by Broken_Slinky to Car_Insurance_Help [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:11 Conscious_Code_369 Mysterious debit card

So a debit card with my name arrived at my house from a bank I've never dealt with before. Do you think someone has my identity info? Wouldn't they'd have opened a credit card if they were trying to do something like that?
submitted by Conscious_Code_369 to IdentityTheft [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:09 slightlybemusedsloth Peru with Belmond Review

Peru with Belmond Review
Went to Peru this April for a bucket list trip and as it is also on a lot of other people’s lists, I thought I’d share our experiences doing a full Belmond tour (hotels, private guides, museum/site/MP tickets, transportation). When researching for the trip, I had seen plenty of reviews on the individual properties but not much on their “journeys” so hopefully this is exhaustive but not too exhausting. Usually I plan my own trips and like to do a mix of properties rather than stay with one brand, but since we wanted to stay at the various Belmond offerings, it made sense to us to just do the package.
4 travelers (2 couples, all in our thirties)
Time frame: Eight days in April including international travel, booked in February (so short notice)
Day 1: Arrived in Lima late at night. Word of caution at the baggage claim - we knew we were meeting our Belmond rep and had been sent a diagram of where to meet him, which was a good thing, as there are people trawling the baggage claim that will say they are from the various hotels and try to take your luggage out for you (for a tip). They’re not officially associated with the hotel, so use their service at your own risk! Once we met our rep, we were promptly whisked away in a comfortable sprinter van complete with water and snacks, as would be the case for the rest of the trip, and our guide gave a good overview of the city on the way to the hotel, the Belmond Miraflores.
The hotel sits right on the water and is what I would call a classic “city hotel.” Beautiful flower arrangements in the lobby, where we were sat with welcome pisco sours for check in. Stayed in an Ocean View Junior Suite which was comfortable but nothing crazy memorable.
Day 2: Breakfast at the hotel rooftop restaurant. The small pool area is there as well. Great views over the coast. Food was a mix of a short a la carte menu and plenty of buffet options. Service was efficient and very friendly. Post breakfast, we were met in the lobby by our tour guide and driver for the day. Saw multiple sites including the Plaza Mayor, Archbishop’s Palace, the Santo Domingo Convent, and pre-Incan ruins. The best part was definitely the Larco museum. It’s excellently curated, the outdoor space is beautiful, and the exhibits are fascinating (and unique - erotic ceramics???). Appreciated having a guide to take us through the highlights, as sometimes it’s easy to get “museum-ed out” but I could have easily spent more time there. Hopped back to the hotel for a light late lunch. The restaurant downstairs has excellent ceviche. Spent a few hours relaxing and enjoying the view before Maido for dinner. The food is great, the wine pairing and intro of said wines was a bit perfunctory.
Day 3: Breakfast was again delicious and the waiters packed us to go parcels of coca/mint tea leaves for our trip to Cusco. Belmond took care of booking our flight on Latam and we were walked through right up to security. Once we landed and before we really felt the altitude, we were met by our driver and guide for the next few days and whisked away towards the Sacred Valley. Again, plenty of water and snacks on board, wifi, and coca candy for the altitude. Made a stop at Sulca Textiles, which is a small community collective of weavers with a museum of stunning wall weavings, a store with real baby alpaca items (not “maybe alpaca”), and a chance to see and feed the alpacas, llamas, and guacanos! Very memorable for sure and the best spot to load up on gifts. Stopped for a few more photo ops on the way to the Rio Sagrado. The Sacred Valley is filled with expansive, ever changing views and Hugo entertained and educated us on the long history and culture of the area.
The Rio Sagrado is a small, quiet sanctuary that is almost blink and miss the entrance right off the main road. Again we were greeted with a welcome drink and cool towels. The hotel is not big but there are some terraces and they will happily golf cart you around if you need (or in our case, our luggage). Stayed in a Garden Junior Suite. Room had a small balcony area with yoga mat available and while there was no tub, there was a large walk in shower. There is a small bar and quiet restaurant on site. Emphasis on quiet - it was the smallest of all the hotels on the trip, but the food quality was certainly up to par. They warm the beds at turndown with llama water bottles, a very cute touch.
Day 4: Breakfast here seems to alternate between a la carte plus buffet vs strictly a la carte. Hugo met us at our pre-discussed time and off we went to visit Ollantaytambo. There’s a colorful market there that is nice for photos and if you want classic souvenir trinkets but the site itself is the star. The streets there are narrow and crowded and our driver navigated them with ease. Hugo hiked with us to the very top and impressed up with his knowledge and insight. We’re also not stuffy people and he easily navigated both our interest in the culture and also our often bad jokes (with worse ones of his own 😂). For lunch we were treated to a local restaurant up in the mountains where we were the only ones there! I don’t think we would have otherwise found the place but it was a veritable feast that we got to enjoy with our now friends. Post lunch, more impressive tours of Maras and Moray. If you don’t get to go to Central in Lima, Virgilio’s other restaurant Mil is right next to Moray. Back to hotel for relaxing at the bar with drinks and cards and then early dinner…MP was waiting!
Day 5: Did I mention you get to feed the baby alpacas at breakfast? After this must do, we were off back to Ollantaytambo to the train station. If you’re not like us and book reasonably ahead of time, the Belmond Hiram Bingham stops right at the Rio Sagrado and picks you up from there. We took the Vistadome. As you would guess from the name, there’s plenty of windows that stretch above you to take in the Andean views. There’s an open observatory car at the end as well complete with live entertainment. The trip goes by quickly and Hugo came with us on the train. There are luggage restrictions so we left our big bags with our driver, who would bring them to Cusco for us. At the station in Aguas Calientes, the Santuary Lodge has people to take your bags ahead of you, and then you take the bus up to MP proper. Here Hugo worked his magic (he seemed to know people everywhere) and managed to get us on the bus before a huge wedding party. Yes it’s a public bus, but it’s perfectly comfortable and air conditioned. Arrived at the entrance to MP and wow, the Sanctuary Lodge really is RIGHT THERE. They take you to the garden to check in (welcome drinks, towels, the whole enchilada), and you marvel at where you are. The gardens are beautiful and absolutely filled with hummingbirds! Rooms weren’t quite ready so we had the buffet lunch at the hotel. Plenty of choices here. They came and found us at lunch to tell us our rooms were ready. Stayed in a Deluxe Terrace Room. The rooms are…not large and had a tiny bit of a damp smell (this is such a minor thing) but were well stocked (raincoats, souvenir water bottles, bug spray, lotions, massage oils, plenty of snacks and drinks - meals and minibasnacks included here).
Once we had time to freshen up, it was time to see Machu Picchu! Photos don’t do it justice and you will want a guide to get the most out of your experience. Hugo made the site come to life and this time of year, it did not feel crowded at all going later in the day. It also started drizzling when we were leaving, and it was perfect getting to duck right into the hotel, steps away. There’s nothing besides the hotel there so relax at the restaurant bar, have a spa visit, and get ready for dinner. It seemed most everyone there had changed out of hiking gear. Personally, dinner was well executed if the flavors were not my favorite. Take it with a grain of salt as they obviously have to bring everything up from the town.
Day 6: Woke up early to hike Huayna Picchu. The best views of MP were at this time. Hugo hiked “the stairs of death” with us (not nearly as bad as it sounds if you don’t have an extreme fear of heights) and played personal photographer. It’s a very worthwhile hike to get to see MP from a different angle. We got back right at check out time and the hotel was kind enough to let us change/shower in our own room rather than have to use their separate change/shower area. We did another circuit of MP after lunch and then just hung out with Hugo over drinks. The biggest perk of staying at Sanctuary Lodge is having multiple chances to see MP. While it’s beautiful on a gloomy day with the clouds suspended amongst the mountain peaks, it would be sad to travel all that way and never see it while it’s sunny. And weather changes quickly in the mountains!
Had a long bit of travel back through the Sacred Valley by train (if you were only to do the Hiram Bingham one way, it may be better to do it on the way back as it’s nighttime and you can’t enjoy the views), then picked up by car and off all the way back to Cusco.
Stayed at the Palacio Nazarenas in a Studio Suite and it was the best of all the Belmond properties! Right next door to the Belmond Monasterio. It has beautiful courtyard spaces everywhere you look and the rooms are the largest here. They pump oxygen in to help with the altitude. Large bathroom with soaking tub and separate spacious walk in shower. Studio suites have a sitting area inside and a small patio area outside overlooking a courtyard. Large bottles of rum and pisco are included. Got in super late so ordered room service which was delicious.
Day 7: Breakfast was combo buffet and a la carte. Fresh juices and plenty of local produce. The restaurant Mauka overlooks the pristine royal blue pool and it’s a picture perfect setting. Lots of touring around Cusco this day, seeing the main square and cathedral, multiple important sites like Sacsayhuaman, and Quenqo. Hugo really shined here - besides helping us understand the significance of the sites, he knew we were sad about not seeing a vicunya so we did an impromptu stop at another weaving center to see two of the few non-wild vicunyas. He also had arranged “a farewell surprise” for us and one of our party hadn’t been feeling well that day. Hugo checked on him all during our tours and arranged for our driver to pick him up so we could all share one last farewell drink. The Palacio is a gem and I would happily spend many more days here! When we got back to the hotel post shopping and tearful farewells (we actually still keep in touch), we had a personal patio side pisco sour making class with one of the fantastic butlers and enjoyed one of my favorite meals of the trip at Mauka. Pricey, but very very good.
Day 8: Off to Lima again, where we had a long layover, the same Belmond rep who met us initially helped settle us in for the wait before the long trip home!
Belmond Bellini perks (through a TA, they don’t have a personal reward program): Usually $100 hotel credit everywhere we stayed, potential for room upgrades, breakfast every day, welcome note/chocolate. Also a $500 voucher to use for another Belmond trip
Will be looking to do a trip back to Peru at some point to see the Nazca Lines and Lake Titicaca and will not hesitate to use Belmond again, especially to get a few extra days of R&R at the Palacio.
TLDR: If you’re going to Peru for the first time and want to do it chubby luxe, the Belmonds certainly fit the bill and the package deal is worth it for the convenience and the quality of the guides. You won’t have to worry about a thing.
If you’ve read this far, hope this helps and happy travels!
submitted by slightlybemusedsloth to chubbytravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:08 Broken_Slinky Had a car accident 2 years ago with a rental car, now Allstate is threatening license suspension

2022 I had a car accident with a rental car I got from Avis. I purchased their car insurance while I had it. I was in an accident and gave the other driver the provided insurance card. Now 2 years later Allstate (the other drivers insurance) is saying I have to pay it or give them my insurance information. I've called Avis asking for a policy number and they just keep forwarding me to different departments.
Does anyone have any suggestions how to get Avis to cooperate or should I just pay the 1200 out of pocket because I don't feel like dealing with a premium Increase
Edit: This happened in California
submitted by Broken_Slinky to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:06 1stairporttaxis How to request baby car seat? #Taxis #Transfers

How to request baby car seat? #Taxis #Transfers submitted by 1stairporttaxis to u/1stairporttaxis [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:06 PleaseReplyAtLeast Why are the last four digits of my card being shown when I use Apple Pay?

I placed an order on Instacart using safari. I paid with Apple Pay, but the transaction details literally show the last four digits of my credit card. Wasn’t Apple Pay supposed to mask my credit card number and instead show the last four digits of my device account number?
submitted by PleaseReplyAtLeast to iphone [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:06 orcadesign Why TTC charged me $10 taking tram?

I tap in using my credit card (not Presto) at the tram and didn’t tap off when getting off at Union Station. At that time, there were cops checking the fare so I just showed him my credit card and all good.
I thought the fare for taking tram is around $3.30, but why they charged me $10? It’s a posted transaction already (not pending).
submitted by orcadesign to askTO [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:04 Existing-Maybe-9850 How do people get behind on credit cards?

I'm probably sounding tone deaf but how do people get behind on credit cards? like the payment you give literally just goes back on the card to use?
submitted by Existing-Maybe-9850 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:01 Niinu2004 I resent my mother and sister

My mother is a good mother, she raised me took care of me, however her and her conservative values are have affected me my whole life.
My whole life my relationship with my mother has been strained, as a kid growing up I was a bad kid but her underlying anger made it worse, sometimes she would take it to the extreme causing me extreme grief, and when my father would come she would act like nothing happened. It got so bad to the point where I contemplated suicide because of her.
She has a habit of getting what she wants and will not stop at anything to get it, she has caused my father extreme anxiety most of their marriage as my father was coerced into marrying my mother and he yet refuses to divorce her (they tried a couple of years back but they wouldn’t let my sister translate as she wasn’t 21 years old).
My sister has attempted to commit suicide because of my mother, and she has inflicted trauma upon our whole family.
However now my sister has become an enabler to my mother, for example she married my first cousin, now my problem is not with the guy he’s good but I feel like due to family issues and the gene pool being way too close me and my father disapproved of the marriage, and we tried to talk her out of it (BIL mom is my mom sister, dads are brothers). I only gave my yes out of fear of her getting married to an abuser, however with the wedding planning, my father gave them X amount of money which is more than enough for a average wedding, however they have ran up my fathers credit card bills to the point where he’s paying 22% interest on it and they don’t care to factor bills (I have college I dorm) and when my father asked about the cash they are asking him why they care about the money and why he’s asking questions.
Also a few days ago they asked if I could extend my stay to my home country, I said no because of my resident assistant training I have, and then my mother proceeded to say I never told you to take idk why you did despite me getting the approval from my family before taking it and they both got upset at me.
Also a couple of months back I was interested in a sister outside of my race I brought it up to my family they disapproved only cuz I’m not ready, however my mother is completely against me marrying outside of culture (the criteria she wants me to marry idk anyone and I’m not interested in marrying back home) also I made istikhara on the sister and I got positive results so I want to go through with this (we both waiting until I’m financially better to get married no haram relationship) so I dropped it for the time being however when I came back from spring break the marriage topic came up in suhoor and my mother goes “you will not bring any weirdo in here”.
Overall, I try my best with my mother she IS A VERY good mother indeed, however her personality issues puts a strain on our relationship, she tries to make me into a mommas boy, however I’m putting my foot down and she’s starting to see that, she’s a good mother indeed but the way she treats my father (he has his flaws too), and the way she wants to control my life is making me resent her.
My father is persuading me to take her to a psychiatrist, but now that my sister has become an enabler me and my brother won’t be able to persuade her because it’s just me and him bringing this topic up. I need advice idk I feel like a horrible son and I don’t want to feel this way but I do.
submitted by Niinu2004 to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]
