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2013.08.01 20:37 LSAT_Blog Law School Admissions

The Reddit Law School Admissions Forum. The best place on Reddit for admissions advice. Check out the sidebar for intro guides. Post any questions you have, there are lots of redditors with admissions knowledge waiting to help.

2020.01.24 22:47 Sn00byD00 The Gamer Lounge

Welcome to The Gamer Lounge! Feel free to share your gaming tips, tricks, cosplay, questions, artwork, gaming music, board games, and anything else related to games, of any type (that are SFW). Please note that we only allow links to your Livestreams and videos, to be shared within our weekly Saturday Streamers Post.

2009.10.04 05:08 r/Highschool - A Place To Discuss Anything Related To Highschool. Clubs, Classes, Advice, Anything!

The highschool subreddit is a dynamic online community where students connect, share experiences, and seek advice. It's filled with engaging discussions on academics, extracurriculars, college prep, and social life. Find valuable tips, resources, relatable moments, and unforgettable high school moments in this vibrant hub of students all over the world. Share ideas, ask for advice and interact with your demographic here at highschool.

2024.05.22 04:31 NoSoup07 I need help gathering resources for different school subjects!!

Hi! I'm currently gathering a list of resources together (that are free, and preferably online) for different school subjects for new students at my school, typically those coming in from different countries. I was wondering if y'all could help me out!
For example, Grammarly for English and history classes
submitted by NoSoup07 to school [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:19 Jumpy_Diver7748 The Simple Domino Math by Qinalo

Hello Snap community. My name's Qinalo. If you've known me before, whether through reddit, KM's Discord, or the Snap Discord, you should know me most for one of 2 things -
  1. I've played Hela since season 13 last June with a 63+% winrate each season
  2. I am a Domino-truther
And these 2 things are related. You see, my favorite card in Snap is Jubilee. I play Hela because Hela is a deck that plays Jubilee. And I am a Domino-truther because my favorite card is Jubilee.
If I'm being honest, I often don't like being a Domino-truther. You can't be a Domino-truther if you are thin-skinned and bad at maths like KMBest (KMBest said himself that he can't do the Domino math on his podcast with Lamby). I have gotten into so many online debates over Domino in the past 10 months, at some point you get sick of it. Saying that Domino is a good card in some decks is one of those unpopular opinions that seem to trigger many in our community. But I guess that's the funny thing about being a truther - once you've had your moment on the way to Damascus, it's a cross you have to bear. Because truth can't be denied. There are FOUR LIGHTS!
When I started playing Domino, America Chavez was still 6/9 with her old ability. At the time, I played Domino in an Iron Lad deck with Jubilee, my favorite card. Then, when Loki came out, I played Domino in a deck with Loki, Iron Lad and Jubilee. This seemed to mystify and sometimes anger people. Still, if they asked, I would explain the reason to them. This was one example from 9 months ago-
Domino serves a lot of roles in the deck that give you an edge in the mirror. She's here to~
Improve your Jubilee and Lad pulls
Improve your draws after you Loki - drawing Domino early means Prof X and Dino are more likely still in your deck late
Improve your odds of Snowguard in opening hand to 40% with Chavez
Protect Loki from getting sniped by Dani (Mirage) in the mirror
Guarantee a T2 play so you don't lose a draw by playing Coulson
Act as a brick pull for your opponent's Loki
Help win priority on turn 3 for Cosmo
Confuses and tilts opponents
So yes, last week KMBest correctly pointed out that one reason to play Domino is to increase your chance of drawing your 1s on turn 1, but he's couldn't do the Domino math to figure out the rest.
The question is - why is Domino good in Jubi-Blink decks?
I read on reddit that Jeff Hoogland did the math on his stream that the chance of drawing the Jubilee-Blink combo is 73% without Domino, and 69% with Domino, so playing Domino is 4% worst. Jeff Hoogland has said himself that he used to be a high school math teacher, so I can't be all that surprised that he did the obvious math to the wrong problem. Smart enough to use a calculator, but not talented enough to actually teach math to university students. Also, clearly Jubilee is not his favorite card.
You see, the Domino math that explains why Domino is good in Jubilee-Blink decks is actually very simple, and you don't need a calculator or a college education to do it.
Yes, playing Domino hurts your probabilIty of drawing the T4 Jubilee, T5 Blink combo.
Yes, playing Domino hurts your probability of drawing Blink BY turn 5.
But -
What if what matters isn't drawing Blink BY turn 5, but instead what you wanted is to draw Blink ON turn 5, and not before? The solution to the problem is very obvious if you approach it as someone who loves to play Jubilee in Snap.
In Snap, you have 12 cards in a deck. Before each match, the 12 cards are shuffled into a random order. We can number them 1 to 12, 1-3 being the cards in your opening hand and 12 being the bottom.
When you play Jubilee a lot, you realize that when you play Jubilee on turn 4, what you care about is the #8 card - the top card, the card you would usually draw on turn 5. As I alluded to above, Jubilee is not the only card that cares about the #8 card - Iron Lad cares about the same card, as does Loki (indirectly). When you are playing any of these 3 cards, which card is the #8 card makes a very big difference to whether or not you will win or lose the match. And the reason to play Domino, the reason why Domino's ability is good, is that Domino's ability sees to it that she is NOT card #8. Nor #9, nor #10, nor #11.
So the math that solves the problem of why Domino is good in this deck is, as I said, very simple.
Without Domino, the chance that any specific card is card #8 is 1/12, or 8.3%.
With Domino, the chance that any specific card is card #8 is 1/11, or 9.1%. Same with card #9 and card #10.
Ok, so how does Domino help Blink? Well, Domino doesn't directly help Blink, but she does help Blink indirectly, and she helps Blink decks. Domino doesn't help BlInk directly because obviously you don't usually want to Jubilee INTO Blink (although that is not a disaster either). But Domino does help Blink indirectly, because there is a very good reason you don't want to draw Blink BEFORE turn 5 -- Leech (at least for now). Domino helps Blink decks because Blink decks play cards that are good Jubilee hits, cards that you want to be #8, #9 or #10.
So Domino is a good card for a deck that is playing both Jubilee and Blink. On the other hand, Jubilee-Blink isn't the best deck for Domino, because Jubilee-Blink has a specific combo it wants to hit. Domino is better in decks like Iron Lad or Loki that doesn't care about hitting a specific card #8, any 5 or 6 cost card is a good Lad hit or topdeck draw on turn 5 or turn 6. Which is usually good enough.
So in other words, Domino's ability helps your deck draw its earlY plays ON turns 1 and 2, and helps your deck draw your late game plays ON turns 5 and 6. To me that's a very good ability and one that I've found that helps me win more than most other 2 cost cards. I prefer draw my smalL cards early and my big cards late, and not the other way around, and Domino helps with that, seems to me like a valuable ability. Where Domino does hurt most is on turn 3, so a deck playing Domino needs to have more turn 3 plays than usual. Zabu used to solve this issue easily by turning your 4 cost cards into turn 3 plays. Domino hurting your probability of drawing a specific card BY a specific turn diminishes as a match progresses, and is minimal to trivial by the final turn compared to playing any other normal card in your deck.
Anyway, I decided to write this so that in the future if someone asks why I'm playing Domino I can just refer them to this and make my life as a Domino-truther suck less.
The name is Qinalo, mon ami. Remember it...
submitted by Jumpy_Diver7748 to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:10 nsbdvdkdkd Can’t make friends

Hello. I’m high masking 16F in high school. For reference i’ve been in special education most of my education and don’t have a lot of experience interacting with Allistics or NT’s (all of my friends (4) are ND and half have autism). I’m in a newish school (3 years/ive been here all of high school but I missed a semester) and completely new city. And I have no friends here. I’m in a friend group-ish (2 people). But i’ve quickly come to conclusion they view me as weird (the only one of them that has my number has me as creepy person in their phone). I get attached to people very quickly and I’m a very affectionate and pretty outwardly happy person which I can understand puts off a lot of people. I don’t share common interests with people around me (my special interest is idols) and i’ve already accepted I wont. I’ve made lists and tried to test stuff on people but people aren’t really responsive to it. I’m confident in myself and present confidently so that isn’t my issue either. I’m in a pente club pf which i’m the co captain but its the same there as everywhere else (we get along swell but nobody wants to be actual friends). I’m at the point where I’m prepared to just fake everything about me for connection. I only have another year until I graduate and I’m worried how much this already has and will affect my mental health so I’m just looking for advice now on how to make friends. Thank you.
(sorry if my punctuation is bad I was never taught punctuation in school (I was only allowed to write with a scribe in class and not on my own so I have semi taught myself how to use punctuation))
(please don’t suggest making online friends. most of my friends are online due to the distance. I am specifically looking for physical friends.)
submitted by nsbdvdkdkd to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:08 ReddittorMan We’re/Are you and your friends excited to get your drivers license?

I asked my 16 year old nephew and he isn’t excited at all, hasn’t got a permit or anything. He says his friends aren’t either which was very surprising to me. I am a millennial and we were all super stoked about it. My brother could afford to get him a car or at least lend one to him and that didn’t seem to change anything.
He didn’t have an answer why not, I asked if it’s because his friends hang out online and he sorta agreed but not really sure.
Was pretty much the biggest milestone of high school for me, curious on gen z take?
submitted by ReddittorMan to GenZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:06 crimson_dovah General Inquiry

Hey All!
Im new to this subreddit but pretty active on other music related areas. Anyways I wanted to ask a couple of questions to some more experienced people.
So I’ve been playing guitar for almost two years (started in august? of 2022) back then I was playing on school instruments or an acoustic at home. In November 2022 in a bad wave of depression I bought my first guitar. A $270CAD Pacifica Stratocaster. I also got a stand, some picks, a strap and a small Boss Katana Mini for about $130 CAD.
This was one of the greatest purchases of my life.
Since then my guitar (which named Stevie) is my best friend and I love her. She’s here whenever I need to jam out, play some raging thrash riffs or need a quiet moment to play something softer. She’s pretty versatile and she’s helped me through some difficult battles and I’ve also gotten a much deeper appreciation and respect for music in general since buying her.
In January or February this year I bought a distortion pedal as well which I thought was an okay purchase.
Last month I decided I wanted to upgrade a few things.
Over time my playing has become more complex and more in favour of metal riffs and louder or faster jams as well as guitar solos. I felt my small amp couldn’t sustain much more power or volume and it was dying a slow death so I upgraded my amp to a 60W JyxPro which sounds amazing both clean and distorted and cost around $290 CAD.
I also decided to make a bit of an impulsive choice which had been in my mind for a while (so maybe not super impulsive). I found when playing with Stevie I wasn’t getting the quality of sound that I was looking for especially with heavier or faster songs, so I started looking for decent guitars with humbuckers that were also built for metal.
This is when I came across an Ibanez GRG131RX in matte black and red (around $400CAD) . i ordered it online through amazon immediately and it just arrived this morning. This is one hell of a beautiful instrument and it sounds much much deeper and richer. It’s lighter, looks more aesthetically appealing and has humbuckers. As excited as I was to open up the box, there is a part of my heart that is a bit sad for Stevie.
Another problem I have is they are very similar. Same shape, similar neck, both have five pickups, a ten and volume knob etc. the only different is colour, humbuckers on the Ibanez as well as an extra fret.
TL:DR: just bought a second guitar after just over a year and a half of playing and needing some questions answered or advice.
So here’s my questions:
Now that I have two guitars, what should I do with each?
Will playing my new guitar (which I’ve named Melinda) make me play Stevie less?
Did anyone else feel a bit of guilt after buying a second slightly more expensive guitar?
What are the perks of having more than one guitar even though they look kinda similar?
Did I make the right purchase?
Thank you everyone!!!
submitted by crimson_dovah to Guitar [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:02 GokuMadeAnotherOne I Don't think there's an accepting place for me in the world as a 22M African.

I was born in the UK to African parents and I left for Africa at around 8 Years Old. My Parents Said It Was A Vacation, But It Turned Into A Few Years Back Home.
At the time, unbeknownst to me , I was getting bullied by other pupils and white teachers who were excluding me and treating me differently than my peers. My parents saw this and moved me back home which did help with my confidence and knowing my culture.
I was enjoyed my time there and even finished high school there, but it got sour when I had to move to another less developed country, due to rising costs of living. This is where the downward spiral started.
I started to develop anxiety and the process of adapting to my surroundings. I forgot how to socialise and would stay indoors all day because that's how it worked there especially among the youth and the midday heat would get intense.
I was conscious of our financial situation and looked for work but there was no job market as the government relied mostly on financial aid and investment from other countries. I was also getting abused by the locals who never really accepted me because I looked different or like a foreigner. There was also lot's of messed up shit going on like people getting killed over disputes and corruption.
I thought I'd move back to the UK and at first everything was going well but I started to develop anxiety because of racism, like people clutching their purses, being followed in shops and racism in college. My personal issues also started to flare up and I started to stay home a lot more and do most of my shopping online. I've missed the last three weeks of college because of this. (This also happened before in my previous country due to anxiety).
My teachers will probably chew me out for it, even though they know I have mental condition but I'm getting the vibe that they use it to judge me in class instead of help me. I had a counselor tell me flat out they can't help me.
My parents and family don't believe in mental health, I'm not in position to be sectioned because it's just anxiety or OCD and I'm not going bat shit crazy and I'm too "strong" to be mentally ill.
I tried getting help from a GP , just got medication and the therapy didn't work. I can't open up to them about the racism aspect because they wouldn't understand it.
If I could move back, I would but it's unsafe (they treat people with mental health issues differently) , I'm open to a suggestion on any countries I could move to, that would treat me better than this or has much better opportunities than the UK.
I'm expected to go to college tomorrow and finish assignments by the end of the month, find work in a few months as a graduate. I'm just trying to not kll myself but I'm in limbo because anxiety and OCD is not serious enough to require urgent treatment.
I probably sound weak and I'm not doing a good job of painting a vivid image of my experiences but I usually dealt with all of this in my stride, but I've been bottling it up so much that I've imploded.
submitted by GokuMadeAnotherOne to BlackMentalHealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:01 cold_brew23 Returning mid-player

Hello! Returning mid-level player here looking for new friends and/or a clan to chat and just enjoy the game with altogether. Preferably with people who understand that life is priority. I've never been good with PVP so I'd rather not join PVP-oriented clans. I would love to be a good PVMer at some point but I do need to work on my combat skills.
More about myself - I'm one of those 90's kid who used to play RS every night during my grade school days. Played during high school as well but slowly lost interest after grand exchange was introduced. Also, all my real life and online friends I knew slowly stopped playing one by one which eventually caused me to stop playing. After a lengthy break, I decided to give OSRS a chance once more and re-ignited my love for the game. However, as with the passage of time, my priorities and responsibilities changed and increased making it difficult to find time to play (aka adulting).
Now, as I have finally settled in a good spot once again in life, I would like to return and play the one game that I absolutely love and hate at the same time. Some may say it's for nostalgia, which might be the case, but I see no fault in reminiscing and feeding the forever child in me with new memories from the game that taught him so many valuable lessons and things along the way.
P.S. Message me if you're down to be friends in-game!
submitted by cold_brew23 to osrs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:00 GokuMadeAnotherOne I Don't think there's an accepting place for me in the world as a 22M African.

I was born in the UK to African parents and I left for Africa at around 8 Years Old. My Parents Said It Was A Vacation, But It Turned Into A Few Years Back Home.
At the time, unbeknownst to me , I was getting bullied by other pupils and white teachers who were excluding me and treating me differently than my peers. My parents saw this and moved me back home which did help with my confidence and knowing my culture.
I was enjoyed my time there and even finished high school there, but it got sour when I had to move to another less developed country, due to rising costs of living. This is where the downward spiral started.
I started to develop anxiety and the process of adapting to my surroundings. I forgot how to socialise and would stay indoors all day because that's how it worked there especially among the youth and the midday heat would get intense.
I was conscious of our financial situation and looked for work but there was no job market as the government relied mostly on financial aid and investment from other countries. I was also getting abused by the locals who never really accepted me because I looked different or like a foreigner. There was also lot's of messed up shit going on like people getting killed over disputes and corruption.
I thought I'd move back to the UK and at first everything was going well but I started to develop anxiety because of racism, like people clutching their purses, being followed in shops and racism in college. My personal issues also started to flare up and I started to stay home a lot more and do most of my shopping online. I've missed the last three weeks of college because of this. (This also happened before in my previous country due to anxiety).
My teachers will probably chew me out for it, even though they know I have mental condition but I'm getting the vibe that they use it to judge me in class instead of help me. I had a counselor tell me flat out they can't help me.
My parents and family don't believe in mental health, I'm not in position to be sectioned because it's just anxiety or OCD and I'm not going bat shit crazy and I'm too "strong" to be mentally ill.
I tried getting help from a GP , just got medication and the therapy didn't work. I can't open up to them about the racism aspect because they wouldn't understand it.
If I could move back, I would but it's unsafe (they treat people with mental health issues differently) , I'm open to a suggestion on any countries I could move to, that would treat me better than this or has much better opportunities than the UK.
I'm expected to go to college tomorrow and finish assignments by the end of the month, find work in a few months as a graduate. I'm just trying to not kll myself but I'm in limbo because anxiety and OCD is not serious enough to require urgent treatment.
I probably sound weak and I'm not doing a good job of painting a vivid image of my experiences but I usually dealt with all of this in my stride, but I've been bottling it up so much that I've imploded.
submitted by GokuMadeAnotherOne to cptsd_bipoc [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:59 OsethReaper Calypso Station Pt 1

The necropolis was gorgeous, for what it was. Its white outer walls hiding the darker Victorian Gothic interior. The tech that was hidden in the walls though was able to move bodies in their caskets from a designated place in the necropolis to the "viewing area" as the necropolians called it. This was where I waited for my, for lack of a better term, escort to take me to the mortuary. Since science has grown surprisingly fast our abilities for forensic sciences have also grown, and that's to whom I was headed. (S)He was an, unusual (wo)man to say the least. An expert in their field and about as learned as a doctor, if not multi-doctorate. If you ever asked them why they never pursued an actual doctorate, they would get angry and act all prissy while saying that going to school would've slowed them down and all they needed were the basic certificates for their work. The reality though, revealed to me during a drunken bout, they just never liked school and believed that it ultimately stunted a person's growth and ability to question the reality around them, that everything that you need to learn is already in books and in some form or another in digital content online. They were brilliant, if a little wacky. About five minutes after I had arrived and was sitting down in the viewing area, a little box rolled up to me making a couple of beeps to let me know to follow it and immediately started rolling towards the wall opposite of where it came from. When it looked like it was about to hit the wall, a hidden door opened up by the casket viewer, inside was a set of stairs leading down into the darkness. Stepping through the doorway I became acutely aware of sounds seemingly coming from all around me suddenly. It really is impressive, as though I just stepped from a tomb to a busy workshop, the sounds of gas escaping pistons, whirring, and clanking chains flooded my ears. I continued down the stairs following my helpful little box, which despite its size and shape would suggest was actually quite nimble on the stairs. It seemed to have wheels that would extend down to the next step as the edge rolled over it and once the back of the box was clear of the step it would drop back into its squat position, hiding its wheels as quickly as possible. It continued to do so the entire way. The box seemed to notice me watching it and made a kinda shrill whistle and its undercarriage light went from a comfortable yellow to a, is that... Peach? Is it blushing? My god I think it is! I let out a small chuckle and my little blushing box stopped dead in its tracks mid-step, its light suddenly going white, almost blinding me from behind and lighting up the hallway for a split second. Luckily both of my feet were solidly on a step so I didn't take a tumble or anything, but I couldn't help doing anything but laughing harder. After a second the little box crept up behind me and continued down, its status light continuing to show pinkish. I followed it slowly, the chuckle slowly dying in my throat as we reached Ceriths office. Well "office" was being nice. Morgue, mortuary, both of these fit just as well. Cerith was, for the most part, a recluse. We reached the door and the little robot continued through a little hole in the wall. I waited a second and knocked. "Enter!" Came the voice on the other side. I opened the door and stepped through. Along one wall set doors that normally housed the dead waiting to be processed. One out of dozens were open, its occupant missing from its silver slab. The middle of the room was brightly lit from a single overhead light. In the middle of the circle of light stood a figure, long Raven colored hair bound in a single braided ponytail, the rest of them bound in medical examination garb. They seemed to be engrossed in the corpse in front of them. The little robot rolled up next to Ceriths feet and made a little chiming noise. "Thank you Tabitha. That'll be all," said a voice that was neither male nor female from beneath the mask. Just sort of in the middle. "Tabitha? Never knew you to be sentimental," I said gently, the chuckle in my voice making itself clear. "I see you still find even the darkest things funny," Cerith quipped back. "My line of work Cer, you take the laughs where you get them. Look who's talking anyway, you're usually elbows deep inside someone 25/8. Even you have a seriously fucked up sense of humor." That got Cerith laughing, sounding like thunder and the whip crack of lightning at the same time. "You've got me there Julius," Cerith said after his laughter subsided. I think he suits him today. Which is both a good and bad sign. When Cerith is acting like a man, it usually means some grim news, but they are going to try to make it seem like not a big deal and laugh a lot. Plus they almost never call me Julius. Something was wrong. Very seriously wrong. As this realization hit me I got this odd tingle in the small of my back. Like someone had put several freezing needles under the skin and into my spine, something I'm familiar with from the anima-games from the cyber sphere. Halos: Divine Retribution If I remember right. Those Angels were sadistic bastards. I shuddered at both the memories from the game and the shockingly similar feeling I was experiencing. Dread, that feeling is dread my friend, the quiet part of my mind whispered to me. "Cer, what's wrong bud," I asked. He didn't say anything. For a long time. After a few minutes I was about to ask again, but then he spoke. And what came out will haunt me, quite possibly till the day I die . "This ones temporal lobes are gray matter. Nothing even close to being coherent. Just. Dead neurons. And he's not the first." Gone was the jovialness of the past ten minutes. This was Cerith the whisperer. In an almost dead tone they continued, "the others didn't fare nearly as well as this one. Most of the brain is intact here, which means that if they didn't deliver a massive shock or something similar to fully kill him he would have possibly lived as a vegetable with memory issues, but that's not what I'm looking for in this one here now. Now I'm trying to figure out what else the others had in common with him, and so far that's brought up all but naught. Well this one has a bit of liver damage. But that's about it. So Mr John was a drinker. Not much there." When Cerith is "whispering" the best thing to do is just let him be. But I couldn't help but prick my ears up at mentions of others with similar wounds, and the fact that this one had liver issues.... "Cer. You said... CERITH," I finally snapped out and caught his attention mid ramble. "Thank you. You said liver problems. But nothing similar to the others? No drugs? Alcohol? Not even a synth brain-pattern? You checked Everything?" "Well let's see, John here was a drinker that's for sure," Cerith said his hands never ceasing their work as he started to put 'John' back together seemingly satisfied that he found nothing else, " Mr Lombardo in chest 3 had cocaine mostly, and Mr Lei in chest 9 had opium. Although to tell you where it came from for both I'd have to do a molecular analysis and see what it compares to. Other than that, no. Absolutely nothing connecting any of them. As far as I can tell they are all unique cases completely separate from each other except for the damages to the brain. And I only found this by accident. During a routine scan I happened to look at the screen as it passed through the brain and noticed an odd density in his temporal lobes. Just slightly higher than normal. Hell to be honest with you it had the density of a fresh cutie, you know those little oranges?" I nodded, and he continued, "Right of course you do, who hasn't? Anyways it's just super dense compared to the surrounding tissues, and I take a sliver probe and drop it in like you do. And when I turn the damn thing on to look at the neurons the area all I see are dead cells packed on top of one another. Not natural decay death, but forced to die. Most of the cell walls were torn open like they had blown up from the INSIDE. That's when I called you." He finished up with 'John' putting the final few perfect stitches in place and sealing him up for good. Once he seemed happy with his work he called out to his seemingly empty morgue, "Grom I'm done! Can you put Mr John Doe here back in his room? Number 11 if you please." He turned away from the body on the table and removed the giant rubber gloves that went to his elbows. He walked into the dark calling out over his shoulder, "I'll be back in a sec I gotta scrub out, want a drink? I have beer, whiskey, vodka, I might have some Cognac somewhere, and bourbon. Your choice, just call out what you want and Tabitha will be there with it. Also have a seat! We have much to discuss." With that he disappeared from both sight and sound in the dark. It was a neat trick I have to admit, and it had something to do with how he had his morgue set up. Even the giant war machine that was Grom was absolutely quiet unless you managed to catch him through the gloom. I thought for the longest time the reason why I could never catch him sneaking around was from some sort of stealth program put into place, but when he goes up and down those stairs he's as loud as can be. So it was definitely not his program but the way the morgue was built. I'm confident in saying that because when I turned back to look at the table, or rather where it was, there was now a chair that looked like it had just grown out of the floor and the body was gone. Also the thought of something as big as a fridge just sneaking up on some poor combatants and snapping their necks as quietly as he walks in the morgue just gives me the heebies. As I sat in the chair a thought occurred to me. Considering how advanced the morgue seemed to be it would make sense that it had some sort of AI or integrated computer. "Computer?" I had been here a million times but I'd never had a chance to think about it nor try anything. But not even a second after I had said anything a response came. "Yes Detective Julius. My name is DANNA. Or Dynamically Actualized Neural Net AI. How can I be of service?" The voice seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere, slightly feminine and breathy, all service but no sex. Honestly I was just surprised that it worked. "DANNA, I was just wondering if I could take a look at the files that Cerith had mentioned? If it is as bad as they claim I think I might need to know anyway. Also if you can get those blood works done for me I'd appreciate it. Also something with whiskey or rum would be amazing." "Of course Detective. I will have Tabitha bring it shortly. And how would you like the information to be displayed? Desktop or dynamic?" That piqued my interest. "Dynamic please." No sooner than I had said a series of screens blinked into existence in front of me. It was some sort of Holographic display. I reached out and touched the display and was surprised that I got stopped by something. It was hard but surprisingly I found that I could push into the screen with my finger if I pushed hard enough. It kinda felt like... Oobleck. I also found that by pinching the corner I could pull the screens closer or further from me. I even found that I could grab individual pages of the reports off the screen and hold it. It felt like a thin sheet of plastic and responded like both a tablet and a singular document. If I switched pages the old one would appear back onto the screen and the next would pop onto it. This was about as slick a set up as I had ever seen and whistled my appreciation under my breath, I'm definitely going to have to ask Cerith about where they got DANNA from. "See something you like, big boy?" A very DEFINITELY female voice said in my ear from behind, soft and throaty, screaming come hither. I felt small dainty hands gently caress the tops of my shoulders before slipping down the front of my chest, pulling me back into the chair that I didn't realize I had been slouching in. "You know better than that, Jules. Your back is important and slouching will destroy the muscles and cause some to atrophy." The voice left no room for argument, and left me more than a little bit flushed. I closed my eyes and dropped my head back as far as it would go, the back of my head hitting something soft and warm, stretching my neck and back out. "Damnit Cer I thought you were scrubbing out, not completely changing." I hadn't realized it, but at least an hour had passed from when I started playing with the computer and working with the files if the clock on the computer was to be believed. "You looked like you were pretty into it so I decided not to disturb you. Plus you know how much fun it is for me to tease you like this. Especially after, well these..." One hand waved at the screens in front of me. The small hands' nails were painted the darkest black and almost made them blend into the void that existed outside of the screens. "I do Cer, and that's part of the problem, we both know that it's never going to happen. Least of all for you." She laughed a little, a clear beautiful sound and the body beneath my head bounced slightly telling me I was against her stomach. "Still I know you enjoy these little moments," she said, the pressure on the back of my head disappearing and was replaced by the voice right by my ear again as she whispered, "especially when we both know that's not at all true." At the last words she nibbled my ear gently. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her, in spite of my baser instinct rising to meet her VERY juicy insinuations. But for as long as I've known Cerith and as many times as we have both been VERY drunk, they have NEVER cashed in. I just assumed that it was a quirk of theirs. "Anyways," she said standing back up, "what are you thinking so far about the files? Spooky, right? Like I said, nothing that I can see connects them." Her hands gestured in front of me in an approximation of a shrug. She then clasped them together, wringing the knuckles and effectively trapping me in the chair and back against her abdomen. I scrubbed my eyes with my fingertips acutely aware of the growing headache that suddenly made itself known. "Your right from the medical side. I can't see everything you can, of course. I don't have near the knowledge that you have," which is true being that Cerith is at least 200 years old. I never asked directly, the old adage still holding about women and their age. Still though her answers to certain questions would lead one to believe her being her first adult car was a Bing Cherry 2201 Firebird GT with white walled hover trim and chrome accents. From pictures that I could find it looked like a slick piece. Looking back to the screens I couldn't help but feel that itch again. I couldn't explain it. That prickly feeling of ice needles again, this time in the back of my skull. As much as I'd hate to admit it. I think Cerith is right. I sighed heavily before saying "send me everything. I'll open a new case file and have the team start working on it first thing." She made a happy noise and bounced slightly, clearly satisfied with my decision to take it on. I reached out and to my left and a glass was placed gently into my hand by Tabitha. I hadn't even realized she had come over while I was working and was now ready for that drink. Room temperature rum and cola. The drink went down smoothly enough considering I drained the glass in one gulp, during which time I finally got a good eyeful of Ceriths current form. Or rather the underside of part of it. From what I could tell she was wearing a black T-shirt. That was it. I put the glass back down, it's job done without moving my head and said, "What a lovely view Cerith. I'm guessing you chose this to try to get a rise out of me?" I couldn't lie though it was affecting me, but I couldn't let her know that. Not when she's like this. Otherwise she'll continue to tease me till she leaves me with the absolute worst case of blue balls this side of the City. Her hands came up and cupped my chin almost lovingly, and her voice said "Of course Detective. Do you not approve? Or would you rather I change back to my medical examination form? Or something else?" Her words dripped with implied sex. I groaned, loudly, and said, "This is fine. Jesus Cer." Before we could continue our most scintillating of conversations there was a sudden PING! And DANNA said, "I'm sorry to interrupt, but there's a message for you Cerith. It says 'If you can get to the department Cerith, do so. We need you to explain your paperwork. And if Detective Julius is still with you have him come in too.' signed the Chief. Would you like to reply?" 'shit, I forgot the morgue kills all signals,' I thought to myself as I stood up gently (regretfully) prying myself from Ceriths grasp with a, "duty calls. Need a lift?" I stretched gently, the scales in between my shoulders clicking appreciatively for the stretch, and turned around to notice she was indeed, just wearing a black T-shirt that hugged her voluptuous figure closely. The scales in my back clicked shut in surprise. Cerith let out a small cute chuckle, "I see after all this time I can still surprise you," she said blowing a kiss my way, reminding me of a little Gothic pixy. I rolled my eyes away from her and willed my scales to relax. I grabbed my jacket off the back of the chair, slinging it on and clicking the neck clasp shut under the cord that connected my scales to the unit in my head. I was awarded the cybernetics upon completing my training and getting all my licenses to have them. The force had allowed me to customize it, I had chosen top of the line. A dual unit with custom built AI. The individual scales were ceracoated titanium microprocessors all running in both series and parallel, and could move to expel heat or react. The main unit was the same except it was one solid unit that replaced a chunk of skull. Once that was done I zipped up the front of the leathers and ran the scales through the racer setting. They clicked and flattened against the outside of the jacket, securing it to my back. I shrugged making sure it was comfortable. "I'll take the fact that you're only in a t-shirt you'll be along shortly?" "Certainly detective." Her voice was filled with dismissive submission... And sadness? I looked back at her and noticed her makeup was gone. Or had she had any on in the first place? I gave myself a mental shake. There's no way. This was Cerith, veritable goddess of the necropolis. I put the last few minutes away for review later. Chief called. I have to go. On an instinct I thought long dead, I reached out and squeezed her hand. I felt a slight squeeze back. And then she let go with a, "Go on, be a good detective. I'll be along shortly." I left with Tabitha as my guide. Before Cerith disappeared into the darkness I thought I heard her whisper, "please don't leave." My scales raised in a saddened response. I couldn't be sure I heard her right though. If I heard her at all. I reached back and stroked them, knowing my ai probably heard her, and knowing it could feel me touch the scales. After a few seconds the scales settled down. 'I know buddy,' I thought to the AI. It couldn't respond like usual AI. The force thought that was too dangerous. What if it went rogue? What if it tried to kill the host and take over? The list went on and eventually they decided the basics were ok. When I got my unit one of the first things I did was jack it into a diagnostic to see what kind of hardware I was dealing with exactly because manufacturer specs from real use are sometimes different with AI if the bits and bobs are in place. When I did, all I got on the screen was 'Hello?'
submitted by OsethReaper to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:59 HESHOD Ex contacted me in two days after the breakup after the no contact

My ex (22M) and I (20M) met 1year and about 3 months ago, we lived together(we rented a room outside the university) soon after even he said the had dated a lot of people whereas I had never dated a guy. At first I thought that doesn't matter as long as he would stop dating with other guys during our relationship and the thing was like this, he didn't date others we lived we laughed we had sex ,the days couldn't be better.
The turning point happened when I was diagnosed with HPV. At first I was panicked and asked various doctors for help online. Finally I bought some ointment and my condition gradually improved. We rarely had sex after that.
Then we had more arguments, but got on with it.
Soon after we moved into another rental, he became more inclined to hurt me physically and mentally, when we were flirting,he would gently touch my thighs at first and suddenly pinched, which made me very uncomfortable but he always did. Over time, we hardly had sex. On the one hand,because of his behavior, on the other hand,HPV. But he always asked to have sex, I comprised. I washed it in the bathroom for a long time, but when he inserted it, it was very sudden and hard, which made me particularly painful.I was so angry and yelled at him.
Since then we have not had sex and I told him that if he was looking for booty call, go, as long as he didn't take him to the house. (Think about it I feel I am so stupid)He did, he dated a lot of people which made me sad but I didn't say anything.
In the days that followed, he did nothing at home, except for his addiction to TikTok and stay up all night, I advised him not to do this several times, he just told me to leave him alone, which broke my heart. We we gone out together, he either yelled at me or ignored me, which made me always want to run away and I did this. We argued because of this. At the same time ,he had been developing new romance at school. After I found out at first, I begged him not to contact his male lover, let's live a good life. At first he agreed and said goodbye to that male lover. But in less than a week they reconnected. Then the relationship between them counties to heat up.(I didn't know this at the time )
We've been quarreling over trivial matters later ly and finally he admitted his secret relationship and asked to break up . I tried hard and begged him many times not to break up with me,but failed ,he insisted on starting a new relationship with his secret lover.
I moved back to the school dormitory three days ago and no contact with him. Even though I've blacklisted him,I still received a text message from him yesterday afternoon. He asked me if life in the dormitory was ok. At first I didn't know if I should reply because I still want him back. After thinking twice, I replied "Fine and U? "He replied that his sunglasses in our electric bike was stolen. I thought that was a joke his lover played on him, so I replied "Will come back".
That all our story, thanks for reading this monotony article written by a heart broken bird. I wanna know if I should reply him yesterday if I want him back. And I hope all lovers in the world will together forever. Thank again for reading this.
submitted by HESHOD to u/HESHOD [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:48 spyroz545 What do you guys think of the singleplayer and upgrading system in GT Sport?

I refunded GT Sport like a while back but I'm thinking of picking it up again, I won't be getting GT7 at the moment because it is always online game and my internet is pretty bad, but when it gets the offline patch I'll be switching to it immediately. I refunded GT Sport before the offline patch came out for that game so It's good to know I can play it again if i get it again.
The reason I refunded it was because the upgrade system was just a bunch of sliders and you had to use mileage points or whatever it was to upgrade your car, I missed buying individual parts like exhausts or turbo kits and installing them, it feels more like your own car in that way. It was disappointing that on the first race you could just max out the power % slider in the upgrades for your car and you will win with no difficulty, there's just no challenge.
The first 10 driving school tests were also really easy, like I barely put any effort into them and I've played Gran Turismo 4 where I've had to restart single driving test multiple times
I was wondering, was I too harsh on the game? does the game get challenging at any point in the singleplayer where I actually need to consider grinding for mileage points or getting good at racing or consider tuning my car? because most people have said the singleplayer is easy and to get a challenge you need to detune your car, purposefully making your car slower than AI opponents. That's just something I don't want to do, why can't me and the AI racers all be on the same playing field and have a good challenging race? why should i handicap myself?
submitted by spyroz545 to GranTurismoSport [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:47 AWildCryptid Could this be a meltdown?

My daughter is 13 and last week her therapist referred her to an independent assessor for an autism evaluation.
She has episodes, where she gets overwhelmed and then has a complete emotional breakdown. In the past these have included self harm or attempted self harm and she has been inpatient before.
Let me paint the picture:
She’s in online public school. She’s gotten a bit behind in math so we are having to work together on several math lessons per day. It was time to start math and she immediately started a slow tears rolling down her face cry. We continued on for about an hour 15, and she’s participating but getting more and more upset. By the end she’s sobbing. I tried to be really encouraging and helpful but when we were done she ran to her room.
After about 5 minutes I checked on her and she’s locked the door which she never does. I get in and she’s scratching at her legs with her nails and crying hard. She said she doesn’t want to/can’t answer questions. She said she wants to stop crying but she can’t and that she wishes she’d just hit something to get her frustration out instead of crying because now she can’t stop. She says she’s just tired of everything.
Her dad came in at that point to see if he could help. I handed her her stuffed bunny (it’s like a sensory/stimming thing for her) and she held her and started calming down. She was once again saying she should have just hit something and I told her crying is ok and that she calmed down. Husband added “you’re fine now.” And that was the wrong thing to say she got really mad saying I don’t feel fine and started crying and wailing again.
The cat came to see what was wrong and she held him and cried don’t leave me don’t leave me. She quieted down so I left for a few minutes and when I went back in she was calm and asks when she sees her psychiatrist again and she wants to tell him to give her a medication to make all her feelings go away. I went back in after 20 mins and she wanted to snuggle.
Does this sound like it could be a meltdown?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by AWildCryptid to Autism_Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:40 InitialBag9170 how do I work through the betrayal

This is my first reddit post, so it’ll probably be all over the place but basically my bf (20m) and I (20f) have been dating for three years now, and we are each others first love. Everything was honestly really perfect. We never really had an extreme honeymoon phase, it’s just been so smooth and loving and warm from the beginning. I found out around 2 months ago he was watching porn/saving videos of other women on tiktok/instagram/searching up other women online to jack off to. He even did it to 2 girls he knows in real life (only once when he was drunk but I mean still..). I feel so hurt and betrayed. I know he loves me but I don’t know how to continue in this relationship knowing he did what he did. Lusting over other men has never been a problem for me. Of course I can recognize if another man is attractive or unattractive but that’s where it stops. It never crosses sexualization and the feeling of lust just isn’t there. Everything just feels so unfair. 😕 I feel like my perception of love and men is just crashing all around me. I feel like I don’t even know the man I’m dating anymore. I’ve known him since middle school and honestly despite the apparent porn addiction, it really was out of character for him as a person. He’s never been the type to ogle at other girls, nor does he have the typical player personality. I’ve never questioned his love for me before because he’s always only been focused on me. The whole relationship just feels like a lie.
I told him if he relapses or does anything like that again, it’s an automatic break up because he knows how I feel about it. But basically my question is how do you get over the pain? I feel like my confidence is destroyed. I’ve always thought I was a slightly attractive person but now everything is shattered. I’m not exactly super flat in those areas, but I don’t have the over-exaggerated features he was lusting over online. I just feel so heartbroken. I don’t understand how he was ever satisfied with me if he was always looking at bigger online. I can’t imagine thinking of another man sexually like that because my bf is the one I love and no other man could compare in my eyes. How do you get through the pain and betrayal and learn to be on the track of forgiveness towards your partner? (Assuming they learn to become a better man and stop permanently)
Also- he is going through a lot of pain right now too and I think he is developing depression. This is unrelated to the d-day stuff because he lost a very close family member, but I just don’t know how to navigate any of this. I want him to be happy but I don’t want to sacrifice my own feelings and push all of them aside surrounding this topic.
submitted by InitialBag9170 to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:37 just_doit_ Struggling to articulate “why medicine” without a big challenge or revelation that inspired me to get involved in the field; any advice?

For several weeks now I have struggled to write my personal statement about “why medicine.” All the sample essays that I have found online have been centered around some sort of struggle, such as an immigrant story, or an illness in the family that have inspired them to go on a journey and pursue medicine.
To be truthful I come from a privileged background with doctor parents who themselves had diligently worked and built their own medical clinics out of nothing, but I was born after they got their shit together. So I grew up knowing very well what medicine entailed through my mom’s clinic, and yes, I thought that helping people the way she did was such a noble career, but I didn’t fall in love with medicine until I met another physician in the hospital that I volunteered at in high school. This doctor was involved in academic medicine; not only was he doing clinical care like my mom, but he was also significantly involved in research and mentorship; this was when I realized, wow I really like this kind of medicine, the kind that involves different aspects of patient care, research, and teaching/mentoring.
That’s why when I got to college, I devoted a lot of time to research and mentorship and not too much time to clinical experiences, because I felt like I already knew what the medicine part entailed through my mom’s clinic and i really wanted to dive into the new things about the career that i had recognized and deeply appreciated.
But the more I talk about this journey I feel like the essay is becoming a why MD/PhD or PhD only essay rather than just a why medicine essay and i feel like admissions officers are just going to question why I don’t just pursue a PhD.
For those of you who may come from more of a privileged background, cannot relate to the classic personal statement samples, and recognize this privilege but don’t know how to narrate your story, can you please advise on how I can best frame my personal statement? I am stuck in such a writing block and would appreciate any advice.
submitted by just_doit_ to mdphd [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:29 CursesAndBoons My Pets looked at me like I was Food.

I’ve always preferred animals over people. Doesn’t matter what kind. If someone were to ask me if I was a dog person or a cat person, I’d probably answer both. It’s just that animals don’t lie, they kind of just do everything at face value. Humans though, they lie all the time. They can seem like your best friend until the moment they betray you. Animals don’t do that though. They didn’t.
My first pet was a fish. Just your garden variety guppies that every parent gets their kids if they are looking for the special connection only pets can give but don’t want to put in too much effort. They were basic, but they were mine. I loved them from the moment I got them until they eventually had to be buried in the backyard. They would be the first in a long line of burials.
My obsession with pets didn’t really affect me until I moved out into my own house. Before that, my parents had limited the number of animals I could have. A single-family dog, a couple of guinea pigs, a bird. It was frustrating but I understood their perspective, not everyone can take care of as many things as I do. When I moved out of the house to attend veterinary school, I prioritized finding a place that allowed pets. It wasn’t easy, most landlords might’ve said they allowed pets but after a while, they eventually evicted me due to how many I took in. It was a couple of years of bouncing around rental properties without enough money to afford my own house before I found Liz.
Liz was maybe the only person who I enjoyed for company other than my parents. I might’ve even thought of her as a sort of grandma. I found her through the usual websites, advertising a one-bedroom house that was apparently pet-friendly. It was a nice property, big enough to host my needs and strangely within my price range. When I showed up for the tour, I hadn’t expected the old lady that greeted me. All the messages I had sent portrayed the idea of a young woman, but Liz was somewhere in her 80s. She never let her age hold her back though and she always told you what she thought. I think that’s why I liked her. When I let her know, I wasn’t your average pet-owner I thought she would deny my application, but all she said was that if I kept the house clean, it didn’t matter what kind of zoo I was running.
It didn’t take me long to make that statement come true. I had secured a steady stream of income a while ago to pursue my obsession so as soon as I moved in and paid the first and last months rent, I began my search for pets. My first was a local dog I had found at an adoption center, Newt. He was a small terrier breed who had been living on the street that I had been watching for a while. So, as soon as everything was settled, I adopted him. He was so cute. Next was a bird that a classmate of mine had been looking to part with, a macaw named Orville. My classmate knew about my peculiarities and had no trouble parting with Orville for a couple hundred dollars.
The pattern continued for a bit. I got some geckos, twelve snakes, two bunnies, a chinchilla, a parakeet, around seven cats, a guinea pig, three more dogs, a donkey, two pigs, and chickens that I kept in the backyard. Still, even with all my pets I loved them all equally. I resorted to buying a cheaper alternative to my usual pet food from a website online to stay within my budget. And I obviously kept my promises to Liz, working every night to clean the house and yard. It was manageable but still difficult, but it didn’t matter. I loved them, and they loved me, so I didn’t care about the cleaning. But then it started to go bad.
I think it started when my rabbits first gave birth. I swore they had been spayed but when I came home from work and the litter was hopping around my house, I thought I had simply made an error. Nevertheless, I adapted. I bought a bigger pen for the rabbits and had to clean a little more, but nothing major. Then it was my dogs. Six new puppies that I had to take care of in my already full house. Still, I couldn’t bear to give them away. I thought I had made another error and that they were my responsibility. So, I kept them. I had to sell my couch to make space for them, and the money from that helped with ordering some new food.
It was when I counted twelve extra snakes in one of my terrariums that I began to suspect my new pets weren’t merely me forgetting. It was the terrarium that housed a pair of my corn snakes, I had owned them for a long time and knew that they couldn’t reproduce. They were both male after all. But when I came home, there were twelve new corn snakes in the terrarium, all slithering on top of each other and roiling in a mass of scales. It also occurred to me that I had never seen any eggs, and for that matter, my previous pets had never been pregnant. It was impossible.
After housing my new snakes in a different terrarium, and sacrificing my dining room table’s surface for more storage space, things started to snowball. At the end of the week, the number of pets I owned had now quadrupled. Even pets that had previously been alone in their spaces now had seemingly reproduced miraculously. Every single inch of my house was now full of terrariums, cages, and kennels. With the small walkways I allocated for myself being layered in feces and shedding. I had even completely lost access to the upper floor of the house, where I had been previously storing the ever-growing horde of rats until I decided that just locking rooms was going to suffice.
It was at this point that the behaviour of my pets also started to change. With the sudden influx of pets, I no longer had enough money to feed all of them. My manager also fired me around this time. I had been staying late in hopes of getting more money, but my performance had been slacking. My hygiene also might’ve come into play. Whatever the case, I couldn't buy any more of the pet food, at least not enough to feed all of the animals I now housed. This didn’t seem to be too much of an issue for them though.
My house became a jungle, each pet hunting the other and reproducing to expand its own territory in the awful suburban wilderness that was previously my house. I even noticed that some of my pets were now eating their children, subsisting off the seemingly endless tide of new descendants. I also felt my pets’ eyes turning towards me. First was Newt, my first puppy. I had been sleeping next to him during this whole disaster, trying to calm myself with his presence. I awoke screaming after feeling him sink his teeth into my hand, trying to rip a piece out of it. In that moment of hesitation, not wanting to hurt Newt, he was successful. I felt two of my fingers tear off my right hand, then saw Newt swallow them whole. I tried to get out of my house but in my commotion, I tripped over a cage containing some cats that I didn’t remember getting. Still, they spared no time pouncing on my back and ripping at my skin. That’s how I lost my ear and gained the first of my scars on my back. I eventually got through the small passageways of my house, squeezing myself between my pets even as they bit and scratched at my flesh.
I ended up sleeping on a park bench that night. I didn’t have any money to afford a hotel room and no friends, let alone any that would let me couch surf. It wasn’t a great sleep though. I was startled awake by every passing bird or squirrel; I swore that they also wanted to take a piece of me.
It was a month before I went back to my house. I didn’t even want to go back. I wanted to leave it all behind me. But I had nothing, and I needed at least some form of ID if I wanted to get my life back together. It was dark when I finally arrived, the streetlights had broken, leaving it shrouded in darkness when compared to the other houses on the street. That wasn’t the only thing though. The grass was long and unkempt enough that I thought any number of snakes or mice could be hiding, waiting to snap at my ankles. The windows were dark as well, I don’t even want to think about what was slathered all over the inside.
The strangest thing of all was how quiet it was. Even when I noticed that the front door was slightly ajar, I didn’t hear a sound from inside the house but I could feel a hot air pushing out from the house. It almost felt like it's mouth. I slowly made my way through the hallways, feeling my way across the slick surfaces and having to position myself perfectly to fit through the toppled shelves and cages. I was crawling to where I thought I had left my phone and wallet when a sound cut through the silence. I was in what had previously been my living room when I heard the sound of tearing. Up ahead in my path, I noticed a darker shape in front of me, it was hunched over… something but I couldn’t exactly tell what. I strained my eyes forcing myself to see in the darkness.
It was another one of my dogs. One of the originals, I couldn’t remember her name. She looked different, ragged. She was missing pieces all over, her skin hanging off most of her body. I didn’t even know how it could be alive given its condition. It was what she stood over that made me scream though. It was what was left of Liz. There wasn’t a lot, it looked like most of her had been eaten by my animals. But I recognized her hair and the clothes that seemed too stylish for her. Before I could do anything else, the dog lunged at me, gnashing its remaining teeth at my face. I couldn’t move in the cramped space, with both of my arms pinned between the boxes. So, I headbutted it before it could get at me. Then I used my own teeth before I could even realize what I was doing. A part of my brain just went into its primal state. Fighting tooth and nail to keep myself alive. When I came too, I had won, notwithstanding the various chunks now missing from my face.
I kept pushing forward, deeper into my house. I tried to ignore that Liz’s remaining eye followed me as I crawled over her. It became hotter, as I kept squeezing through the narrow passages, with every cramped breath feeling wet as it entered my throat. When I finally entered what had been my bedroom, I could hardly breathe. The room was filthy, just filled with bones, fur, feathers, and whatever other leftovers remained that hadn’t been picked clean. I slithered my way towards the mattress where I could see my phone and wallet resting. I didn’t have a moment to celebrate as I triumphantly grasped my phone, as one of my rabbits scurried out of the pile of food bags and bones. Before I could react to the pain of it sinking its teeth in, I noticed the hundreds of eyes that were not watching me. Eyeing me as prey.
I remember the teeth and jumping out of the window before I went unconscious. When I awoke in the hospital it had been three days. A neighbour had called the police, and when they had entered the building animal control had to be called in. They questioned me about Liz’s death and why I had neglected so many pets, but I couldn’t provide them with any answers. Liz had gone to check up on the house when I hadn’t paid my rent only a couple of days before I went inside. I imagine I will be going to jail as soon as I am released from the hospital. Animal endangerment and manslaughter is my best guess. The nurses have been treating me for malnourishment, so it’ll only be a couple more days until I’m carted off somewhere. I was able to get access to my phone though and type this out. I just wanted people to understand what happened, and that I didn’t want to hurt my pets. That I loved them despite what you might hear.
submitted by CursesAndBoons to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:29 No_Guest1023 Ex (27M) broke up with me (25F) after 8 years a year ago and finally blocked me. How do you cope?

It's been over a year now since. Highschool sweethearts, love of my life since I was 16 and he was 18. Even then I knew there were red flags, but he was an 18 year old and I told him exactly what I wanted and he agreed. We were good for the most part, at least I thought so. He always had his inconsiderate moments but Wes work it out - or rather I'd just move by because I wanted to nurture the relationship.
He broke up with me several times before. Once because of health thing I couldn't control. Another because he was supposedly having job and money issues he wanted to figure out alone. Another because I moved in with him and his grandma after a house fire and he got tired of me being in the same room as him when I didn't move out quick enough because my family struggled to find a home. There were a couple other occasions I know I missed. Each time I let him go with love and wished him the best, but told him I was sure he was my person. He always came back. Despite the fact that for years he wanted to sow his oats, explore, see what was out there. I encouraged him to do what he needed but he assured me that he wanted to be with me.
I knew when he was having doubts. He'd get hot and cold, grow distant at odd times. He liked sexy pictures of girls online - and when I saw him doing it I worked up the courage to say that it made me uncomfortable and he was defensive at first before apologizing. He did it again a year later and had no remorse. And used the opportunity to tell me he'd been thinking about breaking up with me around my birthday. He admitted that to me on other occasions too. He pushed me to take a job in another state because he knew it would be an excuse to leave me. And he always discussed doubts about our relationship with other people, one of those people being one of my best friends since I was in middle school.
He broke up with me this last time a month before our 8 year anniversary. He said he didn't want to live together and struggled to see a future. He wanted to get numbers and show up his friends with no game. He said he didn't know who could satisfy him emotionally, mentally, sexually (except maybe a threesome ((his words))). But he wanted to be single. Unlike the last time he announced it to our friend group in a prewritten message, changed his status, removed our pictures, and went out to the bar two days later and asked for a mutual friend's number.
He did a lot to continue to hurt me. Including trying to come back out of jealousy.
He wants to come back, and I've been able to tell him no despite him saying everything he knows I want to hear. But I know I dragged out the pain for a year. My dog had passed last week and I just went silent (which I was prone to doing with him) and he finally blocked me I wasn't responding how he wanted. And I know it's for the best and I should have blocked him myself but I love him so much. I'm grieving all over again. I just want some advice I suppose. Or get reassurance. Or be told I'm stupid and need to get over it.
Sorry this was so long. I left out so many things. Just feeling really anxious today and wanted to get it out. I really just want to know how everyone has coped with their breakups, even if the person did bad things.
submitted by No_Guest1023 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:07 Femboy_Yugioh 26[M4M]USA/Femboy nerd looking for someone to nerd out with/Voice chat and hopefully more

I have had good and bad experiences off this forum but I won’t give up! So here’s me : Hiya! I’m just ust A femboy looking for a serious ltr , so I’ll get to the point 🤗. I’m not here for the games , or ghosting . I’m here for something long term. Dating apps don’t work for me sadly.
Located: Texas.
Willing to move to another state or have my future partner live with me .
Appearance :
A thick black femboy who loves dressing up sometimes . Height : 5’3. I wear glasses to read manga . My style is mostly goth/casual clothes from mostly anime shirts and chokers.
💙My hobbies:
🩷What im looking for in a Relationship🩷
TALL (taller than my own height) , very communicative, masculine(mostly beards and body hair) gamers/anime nerds. These are just preferences not a deal breaker .
✅Ps: for compatibility reasons I’m a 100% bottom.
IMPORTANT : If you made it this far, please message me an introduction about yourself. This is extremely important as it tells me alot about you. I won’t respond to a simple message. If you can’t make the effort , I won’t waste my time honestly .
submitted by Femboy_Yugioh to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:00 Olmecs-Temple Law school admissions counselors are telling me they are still accepting applications - but are they?

As the title says, I’ve reached out to several schools who said they are still accepting applications (some the deadlines have passed, some they have no) but from what I’m reading on here even February and March applications are considered late. Will I be seriously considered? Do I need to blow the median out of the water to be considered at these schools? Or is there usually space since most of the schools I’m applying to aren’t ranked very high.
Right now I’m applying to CUA’s part time day program and it’s the one I’m most interested in. My grad work was all on CUA campus, I like it there, love the library, I live nearby, and the fact that I can do part time during the day is what sold me. I’m also planning to apply for online programs at Dayton, case western, southwestern, northern Ohio, maybe CSU. I’ll probably apply for GULC’s evening program but i can’t imagine I’d be considered this late without anything amazing. I was going to send my application over before LSATs because evening program is test optional. The evening schedule would honestly be difficult since I have young kids but if I did get in might be worth trying to workout a new child care schedule with my ex to make things work.
I was planning on starting fall 2025, and the VA is footing the entire bill. I was just accepted into this program in (applied once in the fall, denied, then re-applied and accepted) and now that I’m in, I have to start within a year. If I don’t, I have to re-apply and risk not being accepted for the program / funding.
So I’m going to try and go to law school. If not they’ll pay for another degree- but law is really what I’m interested in.
3.7gpa undergrad majored in history and psych (this was over a decade ago) president of psychology honor society and ROTC scholarship. (This far out from graduation seems silly to also list things like fraternity, mission trips, volunteer work, etc when I have so much more recent life experience - but should those things be include?
3.8 gpa MTS degree (theology) 1.5 years PhD work in theology. Never started dissertation. Reading comprehension in Latin, Attic Greek, Spanish, Italian.
7 years total teaching experience (social studies, Latin, and theology), 5.5 years high school.
Certified strength coach, also ran my own training business on the side during Covid and after for a bit. Not sure if that helps on the resume but won’t look bad.
Should have one strong academic letter from PhD program which was over 5 years ago - he is going to write one this weekend - and already have a strong letter form my principal (which I wrote for him and he edited a bit). Waiting to hear back from a second professor but last class I took with him was fall 2018 and they just started their summer vacation I might not hear back from him in time).
Signed up for LSAT in June. I had to convince LSAC just to let me register late (successful in that at least). My verbal GRE after undergrad was 164 (score no longer valid), and that was before learning Greek and Latin. My reading comprehension has always been very strong. I’m good at looking for flaws in logic in arguments since had to do that enough in grad school (besides theology I studied both the ancient and modern philosophers). The logic games I just started learning today - I can do them slowly but think I’ll be able to get them down quick by using the strategies from 7sage.
I’m gonna write my personal statement this weekend, ordered transcripts yesterday so I should have everything besides LSAT scores ready when transcripts come in which is hopefully by June 1.
I see a lot of people talk about “softs.” I think mine are good. How I do on the lsat I’m sure will be a big determining factor. Going to do a diagnostic tomorrow.
I’m only looking at part time programs right now because I have a full minivan’s amount of young kids who need their dad in their life as much as possible because of some unfortunate life circumstances.
submitted by Olmecs-Temple to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:57 senor_jerome How can I save this crow

Please excuse the shitty noise it’s my camera I HATE IT TOO. I found this guy on the side of the road on my walk home from school I assumed he was suffering from heatstroke so I put a ton of almonds next to him and tried giving him water. A friend online who coincidentally LOVES crows in particular suggested I move him to a shady grassy spot which I did in my front lawn to the side of my house under a tree I scooped him with a plastic bag. (I didn’t put him inside the bag I just wrapped it around my hands to use them like a glove) I tried giving him more water he did not seem to eat any turkey or carrots or almonds but he did drink the water. I called animal control I told them where I live and exactly where I put him they said they’d send someone they never came. He had flies surrounding him while it was day time and then when I come home at night the flies are gone and he’s still blinking and slightly moving. I don’t know what more I should do but I’d hate to just see him rot if it’s preventable.
submitted by senor_jerome to crows [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:54 PigeonBeGone 24M from Denver, Colorado looking for penpals to get me through my last year of college.

Hi, my name is Eric. I am a college senior and will graduate in Spring of 2025. I currently work as a driving instructotester, but will get a career job once I have my Bachelor’s degree (or maybe earlier if I get a decent internship). I go for runs (usually 5ks or 10ks), listen to and record my own music, and I am going to get back into strength training in just a bit when I’ll have more time to focus on it and integrate it into my life more easily.
I don’t know if I can really explain what I like about running, but it’s just something that has come very easily to me. When I do run, I just have an urge to run as fast as I think I can while still saving energy for the rest of the run. Sometimes, as soon as I finish a 5k where I really pushed myself I'll fall over in the grass the very next moment and will just lay there until my breathing returns to normal.
I don’t know if anyone can really explain what they like about music, but I’ll try. I never really listened to music until I was about 15, and when I did, I had much different tastes than I do now. As soon as I started though, I felt like I needed to learn how to play. I was watching Dr Who at the time and whoever played the Doctor at the time played electric guitar and I thought he looked so cool, and I wanted to be just like him. I was lucky enough to live in a house with a piano and a few guitars. I learned piano growing up as a much younger child which helped me have some introductory music theory understanding, but guitar just seemed so cool so that’s what I have focused on really since that time. I started listening to classic rock like The Rolling Stones and The Animals, but I haven’t longed for their music since.
Nowadays I guess I listen to Alt Rock? I guess that’s the genre they put artists in when they use guitars and drums and mostly real instruments, but they fit into any of the specific categories that have more expectations of what the album should sound like? Maybe it’s more clear to say who I listen to rather than what; my 5 favorite artists are Big Thief, Adrianne Lenker, Radiohead, Squid, and Bob Dylan (maybe I still have a bit of classic rock taste in me). Fans of Adrianne Lenker might say that it’s unfair to put her in the list twice by including Big Thief, but she is my absolute favorite human being on the planet so I don’t care (I’ll see her at Denver Mission Ballroom in July I think, and saw her last summer at Red Rocks).
I make music too, I guess I’d put myself in the alt-rock category too. I play guitar like I mentioned earlier, but I focus on electric guitar, I’ll add bass parts and drum parts to my song, and I’m learning to sing so that I can make projects that I feel are complete.
I need to get back into strength training soon, I miss what my biceps and pecs looked like a few months ago, but I’ll probably wait until I’ve finished moving in a few weeks from now. Part of it was looking nice, but honestly, there was some sense of pride and discipline I got from it that made the rest of my life easier in a way too.
I’m making this request for pen pals because I have been thinking about the upcoming school year with a lot of dread, and having someone to look forward to talking to would be reassuring. I’m 24 as of a few months ago, but I can’t afford to live on my own and pay for college for another year, so I’m moving back in with my dad for a year. I love my dad, but I don’t want to live with him, and I don’t want to move out of the city where everything feels so close and connected to suburbia which is depressingly isolating.
There are things I’ll do in the real world to manage this, like joining clubs at school, going for group hikes that are advertised online, maybe I’ll join a book club, but I’ve had pen pals before and the real connections they bring can mean a lot.
If you are interested, please PM me. I would like to communicate through Email, but I want to talk through PMs first to make sure you are someone I would like to invest a lot of time into. Looking for people aged 21-27.
Thanks for reading -Eric
submitted by PigeonBeGone to penpals [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:52 Equivalent-Bluejay73 Is this abusive?

My parents are generally caring folks who have admittedly gone above and beyond for their 3 kids, more so than the vast majority of parents I think. But they aren't flawless and refuse to acknowledge their imperfections, some of which I deem as abusive but which they vehemently deny. So tell me, Reddit, based of this list, are my folks actually abusive or not?
Had a small chair smashed over my head by Dad for getting into an argument with my sister.
Woken up in the middle of the night by Mum and had the living shit beaten in me in bed after she went through my phone and saw me exchanging mild terrorist jokes with my friend on WhatsApp.
Belted several times by Mum, such as for talking to two strangers about my personal life due to "Stranger Danger" when I was about 10.
Belted several times by Dad, such as for getting into arguments with my siblings.
Smacked in the head by Mum multiple times, such as for accidentally miswriting something on a homework report or being unable to tell the time in my preteens.
Pinched multiple times by either of my parents for various misdeeds, such as not wanting to take my shirt off during a family outdoor activity in the spring or innocently behaving inappropriately as a kid.
For various other misdeeds, I've been kicked, violently shaken like a rag doll, beaten with a wooden spoon, had something thrown at me, forced to kneel on the floor and raise my arms up in the air until told otherwise, made to stay outside the house in the wind wearing a shirt and shorts and I don't remember who said exactly, but I think I recall one of my folks threatening that they might not be able to control themselves if they're sufficiently pissed off.
If I showed a hint of resistance towards Mum's physical discipline by reflexively protecting myself, she'd guilt-trip me by saying, "So now's come the time when the son does the abusing, eh?" even though I would never and was nowhere to retaliating on Mum, only shielding myself. Even at age 21, when I confronted her about unwarranted physical discipline, she defended herself by claiming that I only focused on the negatives and never the positives of their parenting and she doesn't regret anything she ever did to me and that even if I was aged 24, she would still dole out the physical punishment if she wanted to. When I said I won't let her touch me, she once again asked me if this meant I was going to start beating her back. I said I'd never lay a hand on her nor had I even thought of doing so, it's just that I wouldn't let her touch me, that's it. She asked what if she were to throw a shoe at me, would I throw the shoe back at her and I said no, I'd just keep a distance from her and she lost all control and started berating me for being an ungrateful son, etc
Mum was continually interrupting my conversation with Dad over the phone, causing me to tell her that I'm trying to talk on the phone, but which she misinterpreted as me telling her to shup up or something, resulting in her immediately getting physical with me.
Mum was continuously making fun of something I wrote in a book, causing me to smack the book out of her hand in anger, which she beated me for and locked me up in my room.
Had Dad being angry and yelling at me to stop crying during shower time as he doused me with cold water (which I absolutely hated) when I was about 5-6 after we actually enjoyed a sweaty game of football with some local kids, which soured the experience for me and made me reluctant to play football outside again since the only way I could play was if I had either of my folks with me.
One summer vacation, we were at the beach in the sea, and Dad was trying to take me to the deeper levels despite me being very uncomfortable as I couldn't swim properly yet, resulting in me almost drowning when he left me to it.
In my later teens, Dad would frequently get me to help him out in incredibly strenuous activities which would often completely physically drain me, both at the house refurbishment and our up-and-coming shop, to the point where the neighbouring shopkeepers who saw how tirelessly I worked for him expressed concern by telling him to go a bit easy on me and at least pay me for my efforts, which he addressed by asking me "Don't they know you're my son?" I never once complained or declined his requests to help out since I knew we were tight on money and Dad was making use of all the free help he could get. My only issues were some instances of potential abuse, such as when he got angry and started yelling at me to perform a task that I genuinely didn't understand how to do. I remember pleading with him to help me understand, but he just continued to get frustrated and scaring the shit out of me. Or this other time where after a hard day's work at building our shop, I didn't immediately acknowledge something Dad said to me, leading him to berate me for my supposed social blunder. When he just wouldn't let up, I then proceeded to remind him of a social blunder he once committed, causing him to punch me in the face and berate me more until we got home. When we arrived home, I was offered dinner which I declined solely because I was uncomfortable being around him and so wanted to immediately go to bed, but he forced me to sit right next to me while he shot a death glare at me, which I interpreted as him asserting his dominance over me.
Dad could be very short-tempered and erratic on occasion, to the point where I would feel like I was walking on eggshells around him at times, such as when I woke up one morning and greeted him with a casual "Hellooo" that had a bit of a drawl to it and he suddenly froze up and looked at me with a death glare and I quickly apologised, scolding me for laying my sizeable head back on the sofa while he spoke to me, scolding us if me or my siblings said "Excuse me" if he was in our way in the house since apparently that was too formal and not something you'd say to a family member (especially a father), or if we forgot to say "Good Morning" to him after waking up. I've actually had to appeal to Mum to ask him to control his temper on a couple of occasions and as a result I feel like I can never truly relax around him.
On multiple occasions, I've been forced to eat something even if I didn't want to.
I had a bedwetting problem for most of my life. One time when I was about 5, Dad woke me up in the middle of the night to discover that I'd once again wet the bed. He angrily told me to get up, told me to face the wall and remain in that position in my piss-stained clothes as punishment while he changed my bed and made me go back to bed again.
I have noticeable bumps on my foreheads which I remember where obtained from hitting my head on the ground as a toddler but which Mum claims are just natural or something, which I interpret as gaslighting.
Mum accused Dad of cheating on her, but he proved he wasn't. Years later when I enquired as to what their fight was about she told me the truth (that it was a misunderstanding over his fidelity) which I suspected. When I brought it up again later, however, she totally lied about it for some reason, which I again see as gaslighting.
When Mum caught me watching porn for the first time ever, she berated me by asking whether this also means I would like to see her or my sister naked.
When I was a kid, Dad tried to manipulate me one time when I told him I wanted to make cartoons in the future and he said that job was for a software engineer.
A lot of their advice was to turn myself over to God. Thing is, I no longer believe in God so that advice was falling on deaf ears and I am scared of coming out to them as an atheist.
After deceiving my parents for two years about my online learning, while it was justified to an extent, Dad really let me have it, telling me in no uncertain terms every opportunity he had how extremely let down he was, how he'd never seen anything like this happen anywhere in his entire life (he was 55 at this point) and how my deception and failure were among the two biggest tragedies/disappointments in his life, the other being the civil war raging in our homeland Ethiopia. Mind you this civil war resulted in the genocide of thousands upon thousands of our ethnic tribe the Tigrayans. He would also say that he's so angry but he can't beat me to let it out because I'm an adult now (I was 20 at the time), so he's forced to stew helplessly in his own anger.
They were pretty strict, restrictive and judgmental folks and could be overbearing. Mum would never let me visit another schoolmate's house without them having visited ours first, as she explicitly explained so herself and even that was a moot point because she didn't want any peer of mine coming over anyway, so none of my peers came over to my house (until I was 18 and that was because I showed up home with him unexpected and practically begged her to let him come in) and I'd never been to anyone else's house (apart from this one guy's house and that was without her knowledge or consent). She forbade all social media apart from WhatsApp and even that I always used in secret when texting people since I knew she'd find some way to be judgmental about it. She wouldn't let me go play football with my friends if she didn't drive me over there herself so she would know the location and even that was reluctantly expressed. Throughout our teens, she forbade TV on the weekdays save for Friday, which she would brag about to her friends, and very rarely let me hang out with others after school for a social outing, discounting the after school badminton club on Thursdays in my mid teens which took place at school. Though I guess this could once again be chalked up to being money-conscious, but also being overly distrustful of everyone in the UK. Dad could also get like this, such as making us do school work on Friday after school or insisting on cutting my fingernails even as he was making me bleed.
They both generally either discouraged or outright forbade any interest in fantasy, which included things like Mum eventually forbidding me from reading Harry Potter, berating and almost getting physical with me for watching a Bond film with my siblings when I was about 14 and just when I thought she couldn't possibly find an angle to criticise on me watching My Little Pony she reproached me for a kiss scene that took place. This trait of theirs got completely overblown after my little brother's nervous breakdown, causing Dad to completely ban our former interests in comic books and Naruto, reprimand me for watching 13 Going on 30 and disapprove of us playing FIFA, to the point where I genuinely felt like I couldn't enjoy anything when around them. They would also criticise us a lot for relatively minor things and their lectures could be excruciatingly long, spanning hours. They also had next to no concept of privacy, entering our rooms without ever knocking (unless they knew we were changing) and confiscating our phones a couple times for no real reason whatsoever.
All this has led to me being incredibly sneaky about what I do. I never let them see me with my phone, only ever using it out of their eyesight and I routinely deleted shit stored up on it in case they randomly needed my phone, which they would. I also became adept at lying as well as identifying footsteps. I think due to the sort of parenting they employed, I was very anxious and scared during these particular events:
My primary school teacher once lent me her Harry Potter DVD box set and I didn’t even get past the first film from great fear that Mum would catch me watching it and get angry.
During one summer vacation back to our homeland, the plan was that Dad would remain in the UK for a bit while the rest of us would go to our country before he joined us. I knew that Harry Potter would be running on some of the TV channels in the UK and throughout the portion of the summer holiday where Dad was still in the UK, which was several weeks, I was deathly afraid of him watching the films and finding out that this was what I liked.
If I remember correctly, I also recall being taught how to masturbate by my babysitter when I was about 3-4 (which I've been doing ever since and I'm now 21), which I've never told anyone and would count as sexual abuse, right?
My little brother has also experienced the below, though it's not exclusive:
Got the living shit beaten out of him by Mum after he was tricked by his friends into writing "fuck" on a whiteboard when he was about 8. He didn't even know what it meant, but I could hear his pitiful wails and screams coming from the bedroom where Mum was beating him.
He accidentally tripped and broke a stair pillar while we were organising the shoe room once, causing Mum to lose it and get physical with him. When I brought this up with Dad years later, Mum either lied about the events or didn't recall it well, the former which I interpret as another round of gaslighting.
He's also been pinched and smacked on the head several times.
So... what do you think, Reddit?
EDIT: I've noticed a few posts calling my parents monsters and to get as far away from them as possible. Thing is though, Reddit, even with all the aforementioned in mind, I can't bring myself to fully hate them because of all the good they have also done, which I think I should write out so I can see whether people change their tunes about labelling them as monsters:
I'm currently 21 and living in the UK but I was born in the African country of Ethiopia and Dad anticipated that our country would one day blow to hell (which it did) so he worked his ass off to move his wife and 3 kids to Italy when I was 7, before finally moving us to the UK when I was 8 while he worked abroad. He worked himself to the bone for torturous hours in several different countries, some war-torn and with civil wars raging all around him, potential death, without seeing his children for months on end for 7 years, all so that they could have a better life than he ever had, where he and his dad suffered the aftermath of a devastating civil war that destroyed their livelihood and lost everything when he was our age. And during those 7 years, Mum singlehandedly raised us as a lonely housewife in a totally new and unfamiliar land with virtually no employment while her husband worked abroad trying to make ends meet. She dutifully made us breakfast, lunch and dinner practically every single day for those 7 years and I can admit we barely had to do any household chores in our preteens and early teens as she was basically doing everything for us so you could say we were spoiled to an extent. She never had a problem expressing her love for us and would do her best to emotionally support us if we needed her. Same with Dad, he usually had no problem telling us he loved us and officially quit his job when I was 16 so he could start a business, which he won't get to operate that long anyway since he's in his mid 50s and planned to leave everything in our hands for us to profit from. So, Reddit, can you really call them monsters?
submitted by Equivalent-Bluejay73 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:52 dexrex7777 Summative Assessment is “Developing”

I’m a first year teacher and was promised a lot of support from my school when I was hired. I was given a mentor and a mentor over all beginning teachers to help guide me. I was also placed in a grade with 3 other veteran teachers. I got high marks on my student teaching evaluations as well as glowing recommendation letters from my grade level teachers during student teaching. I also received a Highly Qualified score on my state licensure based on my testing scores.
I was given a classroom full of students who Failed their EOGs from the year before and there are 15% IEP/504 with pull outs during intervention and class time as well as inclusion.
I have had 1 training with the beginning teacher mentor the whole year. My first evaluation with admin I was developing in most categories and was told that I just needed to get proficient and they had no concerns about me getting there. I worked closely with my grade level team to nail down best practices and ensure I was doing the right things in my classroom for my students. I worked closely with SPED all year and ended up co-teaching with them while they were doing inclusion. I saw my dedicated mentor barely once a month, and only when she remembered me.
My second observation with the beginning teacher mentor went good I thought but I was still considered Developing in most categories. When I asked for feedback she suggested about 3 different online programs to put my kids on and said not to keep them on one task more than 15 minutes. So I modified my instruction to do that.
My third and fourth observations were nearly back to back and right after Christmas break. I did what I thought were decent lessons, following directions from everyone I had talked to. I didn’t get a consultation with admin after my third observation before they gave me my fourth, so I had no time to modify anything before they evaluated again. At my meeting for the third observation I was fussed at because I didn’t stop my instruction to teach one-on-one and at the same time had a kid acting out with known behaviors. When I met for my fourth observation, I was told I may not get a renewal for next year.
I also never got observed by my assigned mentor, and she’s the one they wanted me to rely on for help.
I was taken aback and frustrated. I brought up the lack of specifics for what to fix and admin talked around it without going into details of what they were looking for. They told me they’d do another observation and it would determine my placement for next year. This final observation was supposed to be on a Monday or Wednesday since testing would occur later.
No observation came until the day before testing when we were on a modified schedule due to testing in other grade levels. The observation was my kids working independently on review the day before EOGs!!! Every other classroom in the building looked like mine or worse. And still they marked me as Developing on that observation. They knew that day would be like that and still observed.
My summative was posted yesterday and nearly every section is developing. I have a meeting tomorrow to discuss it and I know what they are going to say. I just can’t wrap my head around how they haven’t given me support to improve, how I was given students so far behind and expected to work miracles, and what it is they aren’t getting. I’m literally doing everything I have been taught and everything I can to teach exactly how I’m supposed to. My students have also shown significant growth over the year with nearly all of them now at grade level instead of behind.
I’ve already started looking for other jobs so I’m prepared, but was hoping some veteran teachers might have insight. Or maybe other new teachers have experienced this?
submitted by dexrex7777 to Teachers [link] [comments]