2 guys one hammer official video

Fall Guys

2019.10.05 21:05 byPaz Fall Guys

The community-run and developer-supported subreddit dedicated to Fall Guys – a video game developed by Mediatonic Games which flings hordes of contestants together online in a mad dash through round after round of escalating chaos until one victor remains. Available on PC, PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo Switch. – Subreddit icon designed by Thegr8Klink

2015.06.15 19:40 ilovegoogleglass Sea of Thieves Reddit

Sea of Thieves is an action-adventure free-roaming pirate video game developed by Rare and published by Microsoft Studios for Windows 10, Xbox Series S/X, Xbox One and PS5

2017.11.04 23:42 Kknacks Hey all, Scott here!

The official subreddit for YouTuber Scott The Woz! Discuss, make jokes, post videos and whatever else about Scott! Join our official Discord server here: https://discord.gg/fBXCBGfAET

2024.05.15 22:05 Itchy-Assumption3803 Hydra Launcher - How to work

#linux #hydra #hydralauncher #archlinux #steamdeck #steam #howtowork
Hydra Launcher is a launcher designed to simplify the management and sharing of your favorite games. Available on various platforms, including Steam Deck, Hydra Launcher offers a wide range of features to enhance your gaming experience.
This guide aims to help Steam Deck owners install Hydra Launcher in the simplest way possible, with the possibility of changes due to updates.
But let's move on to the installation steps.

WARNING PLEASE - Disclaimer on Usage and Responsibilities

It is hereby stated that neither the project, nor the website, nor the author of the article assume any responsibility for the use of the program and the results obtained. Furthermore, no responsibility is assumed for any errors that may cause the console to be blocked or malfunction. It is strongly advised to perform each step with awareness and competence, and it is strongly discouraged for those who are not familiar with such procedures to proceed. The user is required to fully understand the actions they are taking and to act with caution.

Installation Steps on Steam Deck:

  1. Download the latest version zip of Hydra Launcher.
  2. Extract the zip file to a folder of your choice.
  3. If you haven't already, unlock the read-only mode to install programs. Note that the database is in read-only mode, hence you'll receive an error with the same phrase.
sudo steamos-readonly disable sudo sh -c 'echo "keyserver hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com" >> /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/gpg.conf' sudo pacman-key --init sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux sudo pacman-key --populate holo
3.1. Save the following text into a file named setup.sh in the same folder where you extracted the program. This script will install the necessary dependencies to proceed with the program's build. The file will install Node.js, Yarn, and Python 3.9
# Install Node.js, Yarn, Python 3.9, and project dependencies
sudo pacman -S --needed nodejs npm yarn python
# Install Node dependencies
yarn install
# Install Python dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Configure environment variables
cp .env.example .env
# Add instructions here to insert any necessary credentials into the .env file
# Build Electron
yarn build:electron
# Run Hydra Launcher
yarn dev
To grant execution permissions, you can use the following command:
chmod +x setup.sh
Then, to execute the script, use:
This will run the setup script and install the necessary dependencies for Hydra Launcher.
To restore the read-only mode, you can use the following command:
sudo steamos-readonly enable
This will re-enable the read-only mode on your system.

To start the launcher

Navigate to the folder where Hydra Launcher is installed, and then run the following command:yarn dev
This command will launch Hydra Launcher and allow you to start using it on your system.
Exactly like the setup, you can create a file called, for example, 'Hydra Launcher.sh' and add it to Steam to run it directly from there.
Here's a sample script that you can use:
# Navigate to the directory where Hydra Launcher is installed
cd /path/to/hydra_launcher_directory
# Run the launcher
yarn dev
Replace "/path/to/hydra_launcher_directory" with the actual path to the directory where Hydra Launcher is installed. After creating the script, make sure to grant execution permissions to it using the command chmod +x Hydra\ Launcher.sh
Then, you can add this script to Steam as a non-Steam game, allowing you to launch Hydra Launcher directly from your Steam library.


Links:View in the websiteView Steam Deck
submitted by Itchy-Assumption3803 to decknewsunofficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:04 positivityonliye Recovery

Hi guys I’m 17 and I’ve been going through dpdr for the past 5 months and I can say I’m doing better I’ll tell you how 1. Vitamins are a good help I take omega 3 magnesium glyicnate and vitamin d (I think these help me stop over thinking and kinda relax my nervous system) 2. A positive attitude trust me this one can be hard and don’t get me wrong every time I’m doing good I always have think it won’t last 3. Give your brain a rest it’s okay to have good and bad days trust me I’ve had bad days some more than good but it won’t last forever I promise you that 4. Getting out, the more your out the better you will feel and stop being worried about stuff 5. Please please take a big note on this it is not the dpdr or the symptoms that are doing this, stop worrying about getting dpdr to go and focus on the main problem olem for me it’s childhood trauma please heal your trauma let your body be the safe space the more you work on this the symptoms will go 6 . Yoga and exercises for relaxation in the body this will help you loads and I mean loads 7. Set a goal dont think about dpdr or anything just set this as it is what you want to plan in life as you was perfectly fine please take a bit take to this please 8. Green tea and herbs to drink omg when I tell you this puts my mind to ease it does it relaxes me and gets rid of my anxiety not permanently but defiantly when my mind can be anxious 9. Please be patient when recovering this will take time no longer and no shorter times different for everyone 10. Find a comfort show book or hobbies 11. Please look into Jordan hardgrave on his TikTok or YouTube this is which has gotten me where I am 12. Get offline get off redit and delete it stop researching you wont find the cure overnight if you do this, this is a step 13. Forget about it this is so hard and I’m struggling cause I think about this everyday please try too Best luck on getting recovered I have no doubt you guys won’t!!!! You got this
submitted by positivityonliye to dpdr [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:04 ba3conator My (24m) wife (24f) wants to go to the greener side. What are the chances it works out?

My wife (24f) told me (24m)in early April she wanted to separate. I was kind of blind sided. There is obviously a lot that I can’t say here but here are the main points. We have been together for 7 years married for almost 3. We have 2 kids before we got married. She also had a 5 month old when I met her. Before we got married I messed up a lot. I basically wanted to cheat and tried to but (thankfully) I never did. A lot of these times I lied to her about it and gaslit her. Before we got married I realized I was a piece of shit and needed to get myself together, because she is an amazing woman. We also got into hard drugs. We got married in church gave up drugs, and gave our lives to god. The first 6 months were perfect. But I started to abandon my faith. I dealt with a porn addiction since I was 8 years old. And lied to my wife that I had it under control. When I started going to church I quit porn for about 4 months but then went back. I never told her. And that was the beginning of my faith abandonment.
Sometime after we stopped attending church my wife started a nursing program. She told me recently that this was when she decided she was going to leave me. She was driving more and made more friends. Her plan was to graduate and then leave me. At this time I was an assistant manager at Sonic. My in-laws bought a new house and let us move into their old house so we had to give up our education and jobs to move. I ended up getting a crappy job as a cook. And I’m stuck there right now because the kids started school and I have to leave early everyday to pick them up. My wife started a private nursing program, this was around August. My wife ended up meeting an old friend and cheated with him 2 times. She told me this in January of this year. She said they only did hand stuff. I later found out she was lying. She gave him head. She told me she was sorry for wanting to leave me and she realized I was a great guy. I forgave her, because I love her and also because I felt it was my karma for all the porn and attempted cheating. She told me she wanted to go back to church because she felt guilty, but I didn’t want to because of the porn and I had planned on doing drugs again. She tried hard to get me to go to church.
After that things were great. But sometime in march she started wanting to cheat again. She ended up finding a man named Dominic (25) on march 20th, on Snapchat. He lives way out of town and is a truck driver in training. Within the week she was sending nudes. All the while I was oblivious. She told me in early April that she wanted to separate. She told me there wasn’t any other man and she just felt like she didn’t want to be with me anymore. I agreed that we needed a little break. But then I went through her phone and found Dominic, nothing sexual at first. She said he’s just a friend and doesn’t like him. The next day I went through her instagram and found that they were calling each other baby. She said she loves him. I told her that she was moving way too fast and wasn’t thinking clearly. She agreed to take it slow. I looked through her messages again and found nudes and videos. And they were planning on meeting up. I felt so hurt and betrayed especially when I realized that they were doing that while I was at work, the other room, taking care of the kids or asleep. She is planning on marrying this guy and already is picking out baby names. She is serious and didn’t want to go back to church. That’s when I realized that I needed to go back to church and change pretty much everything about me. I gave up porn, drugs and alcohol and started sexaholics anonymous.
I then confessed everything to her, all the lies I told her and about the porn. Now, she has a big opinion on porn, it basically ruined her family. When I noticed the way that her and Dominic were talking I told her that he more than likely watches porn if he talks like that and has fantasies like that. She said she trusts him. And wants to be with him forever. I can’t move out right now because of the kids and also she’s going to be done with school in October . And all the stuff she’s doing behind my back is really hurting me. I want to fix our marriage, I’m willing to forgive. She agrees that she needs therapy but it’s hard with her school schedule.
What do you think the chances are that she makes it with this guy?
TLDR: My wife wants to leave me for another guy who possible has the same problems as me.
submitted by ba3conator to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:03 Wtfisthisman9173 Failed a class and lost my scholarship

For anyone who might recommend me trying to talk to the scholarships office, I have already done so and I won't be able to retain it no matter what. I got this scholarship which takes care of my tuition fees + allowance which covers both my rent and food. It is a scholarship in which in the region I reside in only around 30 students were given the grant. Thus the standards that the office upholds to retain this scholarship is high. In order to even use the scholarship I'd have to go to our country's version of the ivy league schools.
My learning method before Uni has always been teaching/tutoring people. The way they ask questions makes me expound my knowledge even more and a lot of the time they would ask questions that would have gone right over my head on an exam.
Lately however, I am unable to employ this method in Uni. In our class alone, we have 9 people with the same scholarship as me, and they are all very smart.
For a while, I was still able to get top marks in the class, sometimes even getting grades over 100 as I would have perfect scores + get the bonus credits that the teacher gives to give chance to my other classmates who were struggling. I was immediately labeled as the classes' "smartest guy"( It didn't last long).
Thanks to that I was always put into a pedestal and when I start to genuinely struggle, my peers seem to just shrug it off. They keep saying things like "oh you can do it you are smart", which just feels off because for the most part university is never about how smart you are but how you are able to go about the courses smartly.
One by one as my peers failed and was set back, the remaining classmates I had were the 9 students who share the same scholarship as me +2 others who had a different scholarship.
Now this is a room full of the smartest people I've ever known. I am unable to tutor them, the way that I did my old peers as they wouldn't need the tutoring anyways, in fact lately they would be tutoring me instead.
In this semester however all that came crashing down on me. One by one I would fail tests which I would usually ace. It spiralled down into me not even listening to the lectures because of an amalgamation of "I am smart enough to ace this even with 1 hr of study" And " I don't understand these topics automatically and I don't even wanna try to listen".
It doesn't help that among those 9, only 1 of them was my friends. They all seemed too cliquey and only one of em ever bothered to ask me what was wrong. They would all talk about how sad they are that they couldn't get a 100, while I am here listening to them who couldn't even get to the passing grade.
Eventually they wouldn't even talk to me, it seemed like as soon as I couldn't keep being one of the smart guys in class, I was nothing to them.
The combinations of all these things led me to bomb both my midterm and final exams (each being 40% of our total grade) and got a 70( the passing grade is 72).
Right now I am lost, even to this day some of my friends would just say that I would figure this out, that I wasn't supposed to fail anyways, that if I would just do it again I'd pass. Unfortunately, I don't get second chances, that was it, that was my run. I am the first guy to have failed my scholarship, and if I ever decided to shift to another course, I'd have to pay the total amount of grants that was given to me +10% interest.
I can't possibly continue in that school without those grants, nor do I enjoy the overly competitive environment that the 'scholars class' has. I just don't know what to do. I can't shift, nor can I continue. It's just I don't know
I just don't know
submitted by Wtfisthisman9173 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:03 KinginPurple Looking At The Design Choices In The Gollum Game

So, yeah, talking about the only, and I mean only, officially-released Lord of the Rings-related modern work of media that I subjectively despise.
By now, news has circulated about how poor the work conditions were and just what led to the massive delays, regressive gameplay mechanics and general lack of focus in all aspects. So I don't really feel right in giving the designers that much crap after what they've been through and I hope they do find work again on better, fairer projects.
However, I've been more interested in the questionable design choices for story and character design than gameplay as well as voice-acting. Because, honestly, in something connected with Lord of the Rings, I think people would have been more forgiving (Probably not enough to save it but at least give it a better chance) if the story, characters and performances were interesting despite the horrendous gameplay.
But...well...they're not.
(Keep in mind that I don't actually know how to bring up the images online without getting flagged for something so whoever hasn't seen the designs for the Gollum Game's Gollum, Gandalf, Thranduil, Mouth of Sauron and Shelob, please find at any general game publishing site or just do a quick sweep of Google Images. If there is a way to show up the images with no worries, please tell me.)
Let's start with Gollum himself. Now, what's weird about the Gollum Game is that they seem to be trying to emulate the Peter Jackson/Andy Serkis Gollum in all but the things that actually makes the character work. Let's get this out of the way, yes, that version of Gollum is the best we're ever going to see and nothing can top that. But it is still possible to make your own Gollum work with little relation to the most popular adaptation. Before Lord of the Rings was popularised, Gollum tended to resemble a sort of swamp-thing. The Rankin-Bass adaptation and 2003's The Hobbit Game make him look froggish, almost Morlock-like, which rather suits the themes he gives off. Admittedly, these both came before the Peter Jackson films but still, they worked with the character.
The Gollum game instead seems to resemble a copy of Andy Serkis's Gollum if someone just changed their mind half-way through. Everything about his appearance screams 'We Just Weren't Sure Anymore!'. Even getting past how his facial expressions barely work and the godawful affair that his his hair, he just comes out looking like the OG Gollum's edgy tween cousin. In a way, the more human/hobbit he looks, the less appealing he looks. Compare him to the more froggy-looking Gollums he's just unpleasant to look at and not in the way the character should be. What's sad is that early designs make him look better, more 'Grey-Alien'-ish which probably would have been easier to model.
So yeah, Mearas falls at the first hurdle on that front. Let's talk about the less-meme-worthy character designs and their stories, such as they are.
Gandalf. Hoo boy. Where exactly do you go from once you've decided to make Gandalf the Grey a goddamn brunette?! Did you just not want Gollum to feel left out in the stupid hair department?! Admittedly, that may be more a problem with the graphics than the actual design, he is grey-bearded in concept models. But disregarding that for a moment, Gandalf's apparel just doesn't seem to work. He seems to be dressed in almost Nomad-looking garb with a hat that looks folded in on itself and adorned with baubles and feathers, a furry-collar around a rough-spun cloak and a curved sword (CURVED...SWORD! There, I said it). I might be getting the wrong vibes here but he looks way too rustic and weathered to really suit the aesthetic Gandalf is supposed to give off. He looks more like how Radagast might look in a non-movie-related work. In fact, a lot of people might prefer this design over the one in the Hobbit Movies (I wouldn't. I loved McCoy's Radagast but I understand I might not be in the majority there).
Worse still is that there wasn't really any reason for this. The long grey beard and pointy hat are entirely canon with the Tolkien-verse. You could have just gone with a regular-looking wizard-type appearance and it would have worked better. It wouldn't have looked very original but that's the least of your worries!
And then Thranduil. Now, admittedly, this is not the goofiest-looking design for the King of the Wood Elves, Rankin-Bass still holds that honour. But that's still not a good enough reason to make your character literally look small trees are growing out of his head! Yes, I realise that the intent is for him to look like he has stag horns and leaves and flowers are growing over them but it just doesn't work. The fans on the side of his shoulder-blades look for all the world like toadstools from a certain angle and he seems to actually have the same 'curved...sword' as Gandalf and in almost the exact same position to the point where I'm fairly certain it's a copy-paste job. But what really lets the whole thing down is his face. Looking at that face, what springs to mind, because when I see that, I imagine him as the Elf-equivalent of the Squeaky-Voiced Teen. The modelling on his face makes him look like one of the more dorky characters from Fable, combined with the Goldilocks haircut (What is with this game and hair?!) and you have a character we just can't take seriously.
And that's the main problem because this game is demanding we take it seriously. With the bleak, edgy seriousness of the game, the over-the-top design doesn't really fit. In fact, to some extent, the fact that he looks less goofy than Rankin-Bass is a downside because the vibes are telling us he shouldn't look goofy at all. Then at least we'd know where we stood in terms of intended atmosphere.
And finally, the Mouth of Sauron. Now, he's hard to get down, honestly, he's sort of an enigma in Middle-Earth and that's one of the things that makes him so interesting and I was actually pretty interested in the idea that we'd see how he oversees his domain first-hand. So I don't know what exactly I was expecting from his general appearance...but I was not expecting this! What do I say to this?
I mean, where's his tall, black helm? That's in the book, that's part of who he is, literally, all but implied that his suit of armour has sort of become his prison. This guy has pointed ears. Isn't he supposed to be a human? I admit, I kind of like the whole Nosferatu-ish look he has with his spindly build and ornate, vampirish collar but I just don't think it suited The Mouth of Sauron. This guy probably would have made a more interesting secondary villain in place of the Candle Man.
I can honestly say I rather liked the Shelob design. She's the only character in this game that doesn't like a Horizon Zero Dawn concept art exhibition threw up. I got almost Starcraft-ish vibes off of her but it works, she's alien, she's unnatural and she's intimidating.
You know what's sad? These designs are all interesting in their own way, it's all quite intricate and probably had a lot of work put into it. But it all makes it less relatable and, ironically, almost less interesting. And I wouldn't be surprised if the overly elaborate designs hurt the frame-rate all the more. You probably could have toned down the designs and made them look more grounded and it would have improved things.
I do want to put it on record that these designs aren't bad in themselves. To be completely honest, I'm quite impressed by them. As art, it's actually really good and there's a post from TheGamer from someone who was present for the Digital Art Exhibition for the Gollum Game who pointed out that whoever was doing the design certainly cared a lot more than the game's lead-developers and publishers. And it's very likely that the shortcomings the game had in terms of graphics and modelling hampered what could have been impressive character design. But in terms of tone, it's all over the place. With the very stripped-down gameplay and vague story, the over-the-top designs just feel out of place and highlight just how poor the priorities were here. I like it on its own but it just doesn't work with the game.
So that's the recognisable characters at least. If I do make a part two of this post, it'll be about the OCs, such as they are. And I am working to find something on the lore of these characters without having to purchase the DLC because I absolutely refuse to go down that route. So there you go, my two-cents.
submitted by KinginPurple to lotr [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:03 eepehsleepeh 23M ✨ looking to make some long term quality friendships ✨

excuse me for all the sparkles in the title, it's just very shiny, i cleaned it recently ✨✨
hi, i don't really have many people to talk to on a regular basis, i pretty much only talk to like, idk, two or three people? i would love to meet a person or two and hang out together.
i'm a neet so i'm basically always free to hang out, but i sometimes disappear for a short amount of time due to my mental health. i will warn you ahead of time if that happens or at least apologize afterwards and let you know why i disappeared.
i become very talkative once i get comfortable with somebody, like seriously, you'll hear me yapping and yapping about anything under the sun, from existential or sad topics to silly things like "why cant we just throw all our trash into space?" because seriously tho why can't we lmao.
i would like to play lethal company with somebody, it's been one of my recent favorite games but i don't really have anybody to play it with. i tried with randoms but it wasn't fun. i also play a bunch of roguelites, risk of rain 2, binding of isaac, etc. maybe we could play overwatch or deep rock galactic or ultimate chicken horse lmao.
in terms of anime i've been watching uhhhh i guess the new kaiju anime, kaiju no 8? tbh i haven't seen anything interesting this season, except maybe the new mha season but i am so out of the loop with that show lmfao.
i've also been watching you (the show, not you lmao) and so far i've been enjoying it.
anyway that's enough about me, at least for now.
CALL NOW to receive a lifetime supply of some stupid bullshit that you will barely touch, it will just collect dust in your pantry as you desperately try to hand it out to all your friends since you can't eat it fast enough, only for them to start calling you the "free tuna can guy" or whatever lmao
submitted by eepehsleepeh to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:02 Lamorosii The K-Pop Index: DJ DOC Edition (Artist Discovery & Discussion)

Hello Everyone!
Continuing in our journey through the genre in the 90's, we have our first "Hip-Hop" crew. That being said, at least in the beginning, they were very much like other acts of the time. Rap is, of course, present, but they never shied away from R&B/Ballad territory. I was never super familiar with this group until starting this write-up. All I had heard where that some (if not all) the members were quite controversial for different reasons.
They have a surprisingly large discography, but like a lot of the older groups in the genre, media preservation is sketchy. Plenty of live performances, but pretty much every MV was obtained from secondary sources. And the quality shows, like trying to watch a video from a toaster with goo slapped on your eyes.
Any fans here?
1st Korean Studio Album: Sorrow of Superman
Release Date: November 1, 1994

Song Title Music Video Live Performance
1. Commin' D.J DOC 1994 (프롤로그) -- --
2. 수퍼맨의 비애 (feat. Proud Marry) Official Music Video (Very Poor Quality) KBS Performance
3. 두근거리는 상상 -- --
4. Yesterday -- --
5. 나만의 비밀 -- --
6. 다 지난 얘기지만 -- --
7. 고해성사 -- --
8. 내게 돌아와 줘 (feat. 달타령) -- --
9. 덩달이 시리즈 -- --
10. 절교 선언 -- --
11. 에필로그 -- --
2nd Koran Studio Album: Murphy's Law
Release Date: May 19, 1995

Song Title Music Video Live Performance
1. 머피의 법칙 Official Music Video (Poor Quality) KBS Performance
2. 오피스텔 -- --
3. 이제는 달라 -- --
4. 한 잎의 여자 -- --
5. 이별의 모습 -- --
6. 남아 있는 꿈 -- --
7. 뉴스속보 -- --
8. 성수대교 -- --
9. Sweet Dreams -- --
10. 다이어트 -- --
11. 어느 팬에게 -- --
3rd Korean Studio Album: D제(除)2덕(德)
Release Date: January 10, 1996

Song Title Music Video Live Performance
1. 1996. Shout Out -- --
2. 겨울 이야기 (Radio Ver.) -- KBS Performance
3. 그녀의 속눈썹은 길다 Official Music Video (Poor Quality) MBC Performance
4. 미녀와 야수 Official Music Video (Poor Quality) MBC Performance
5. 나의 성공담 -- Concert Performance (Poor Quality)
6. 사랑하기 때문에 -- KBS Performance
7. Safety Zone From H.I.V (안전지대) -- --
8. A.P.T (96 Miami Mix) -- MBC Performance + 미녀와 야수
9. Good Bye (Lately) -- --
10. 겨울 이야기 (Bonus Track, Club ver.) -- --
1st Korean EP Album: 대한민국만세 (Remake)
Release Date: April 1, 1996

Song Title Music Video Live Performance
1. 애국가 -- --
2. 독도는 우리땅 (DJ DOC ver.) -- MBC Performance
3. 승리를 위해 (From 개선행진곡) -- --
4. 고향의 봄 -- --
5. 울릉도 트위스트 (독도 ver.) -- --
6. 우리의 소원 (Hip Hop ver.) -- --
7. 힘내라 힘 (2002 Mix) -- --
8. 독도는 우리땅 (정광태 ver.) -- --
1st Korean Special Album: Summer
Release Date: July 1, 1996

Song Title Music Video Live Performance
1. 여름이야기 (Sky Mix, 외국곡 헬로와 삽입) Official Music Video (Poor Quality) KBS Performance
2. 이제는 달라 -- --
3. 깡패의 천국 -- --
4. 겨울이야기 (Live Mix) -- --
5. 나의 성공담 (Live Mix) -- --
6. 남아있는 꿈 -- --
7. 다이어트 -- --
8. Radio Skit -- --
9. 허리케인 박 (Shin Dang Dong Mix) -- MBC Performance
10. 여름이야기 (Original ver.) -- --
11. 이별의 모습 -- --
12. 기억 -- --
13. Remember -- --
14. Out-Ro -- --
15. 여름이야기 (Sun Of Beach Mix) -- --

4th Korean Studio Album: DJ DOC 4th
Release Date: April 1, 1997

Song Title Music Video Live Performance
1. 삐걱삐걱 (Clean ver.) -- --
2. 가버려 -- MBC Performance
3. 해변으로 가요. (Part Ⅱ) -- --
4. 거짓말이야 (Radio ver.) -- --
5. Everybody (Club ver.) -- MBC Performance
6. 무아지경 -- MBC Performance
7. DOC와 춤을 Official Music Video (?) MBC Performance
8. 꼴통 일기 -- --
9. Seoul Train -- --
10. Scratch Family -- --
11. 5분 대기조 -- --
12. 미안해 -- --
13. 모르겠어? -- --
14. 뱃놀이 (Boat Song) -- --
15. 마음대로 해 -- --
16. 삐걱삐걱 -- --
17. Outro -- --
5th Korean Studio Album: The Life... DOC Blues
Release Date: May 17, 2000

Song Title Music Video Live Performance
1. 와신상담 (Intro) -- --
2. 비애(愛) (Acoustic) -- --
3. L.I.E -- --
4. Nuclear Lunch The Detect -- --
5. 포조리 -- --
6. Boogi Night -- Performance
7. Run To You Official Music Video (Poor Quality) MBC Performance
8. 기다리고 있어 -- --
9. 아무도 모르게 -- MBC Performance
10. 사랑을 아직도 난 -- --
11. Someday -- --
12. D.O.C Blues Official Music Video (Poor Quality) --
13. 부익부 빈익빈 -- --
14. 알쏭달쏭 -- --
15. Analog -- --
16. Alive -- --
17. 비애(愛) (Original) -- --
6th Korean Studio Album: Love & Sex & Happiness
Release Date: November 9, 2004

Song Title Music Video Live Performance
1. 끝나버린 이야기 -- --
2. 찍었어 -- --
3. I Wanna (Drop It, Like It's Hot!) -- KBS Performance
4. For You -- --
5. 수사반장 Official Music Video (OST Video) (Poor Quality) --
6. 바보처럼 살았군요 -- --
7. 돌아보면 靑春 -- --
8. 내손을 잡아줘 -- KBS Performance
9. One Night Official Music Video (Poor Quality) KBS Performance
10. -- --
11. In Love -- --
12. Street Life Official Music Video (Poor Quality) KBS Performance
13. Party Party -- --
14. 나를 봐 -- --
15. 어제와 다른 상상 -- --
16. 괜찮아 -- --
7th Korean Studio Album: 풍류
Release Date: July 29, 2010

Song Title Music Video Live Performance
1. In To The Rain -- --
2. 나 이런사람이야 Official Music Video KBS Performance
3. 오늘밤 -- --
4. 투게더 -- MBC Performance
5. I Believe -- KBS Performance
6. 서커스 -- --
7. 이리로 -- --
8. Love -- --
9. 부치지 못한 편지 -- --
10. 투게더 (Remix) -- --
11. 오빠 그런 사람 아니다 -- --
12. Fat Girl (45RPM) -- --
1st Korean Single: 사랑을 담아서
Release Date: December 14, 2017

Song Title
사랑을 담아서
2nd Korean Single: 편의점
Release Date: January 22, 2018

Song Title
submitted by Lamorosii to kpopthoughts [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:01 speednskillz This community sucks and is a hive mind.

That is all. You down vote negative opinions even if theyre valid, and even levy personal attacks. Really unfriendly environment for worthwhile discussion. Cant even make a post, folks will just spam with TOO LONG DIDNT READ, and ITS A GAME TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT.
If you have anything to say that isnt, this game is great and i will be playing for years to come its attacks from every direction.
any way copy posting my MM complaints that no one can generate a coherent reply to. If you didnt read the whole thing then dont bother commenting. you don
Please lay out several counter points to the points im about to raise. VALID points. And keep in my mind master modes as a concept is okay, however im am totally against limiting ship mobility in any mode, at least a mandatory mobility limit.
  1. Master modes locks combat into a tiny speed envelope, forcing face hug fights and reducing the skill ceiling by an insane margin. It is now a DPS race. "Its to fix jousting!!!!" no sweet child, good pilots dont joust, they glue themselves to their enemies blind spots, or try to. Watch avenger ones videos, hes rarely jousting. Jousting is a mid tier tactic. High level pilots wont joust unless they want to force one to recharge shields or get missiles off. So no, if you were jousting pre 3.23 thats a skill issue. Now there are no skill issues. Its who has better DPS. noice. guess thats good for low skill pilots. Huh guess that explains the vote a bit?
for example pre 3.22 i would always watch my closure speed on the bandit, if its more than 300 m/s ive fucked up. Now thats not an issue because you cant even go fast enough to get closures of 400+ m/s. No need to manage speed when there is no speed. sigh. On top of the speed nerf, all maneuvering thrusters have been nerfed, so actually flying evasive and weaving shots is impossible. That was 3.22s actual high skill meta. Literally dodging laser bolts in my flipping space ship. SO COOL :))) now what is it. BRRRRR my guns bigger my ships hull is heavier...
I was nearly unkillable in my old m50, as long as i didnt make a mistake -talkin PvP here-. Its not like i could kill much but they couldnt kill me, unless with a lucky missile hit. Now nope. M50 is just as weak as a noob would expect :(( sad day man.
  1. Master modes makes ganking far easier. QT jamming is insane right now and the fact that higher speed is locked to a spooled drive, (which makes ZERO sense, but well get to that) means that you cant even move and youll have no shields cuz you spammed into Nav mode. Get wrekt literally ANYONE who isnt the very best pilot, and even then you stand little chance as the ganker is likely in a squad. For those that play{ed} Elite dangerous, think FDL gank squads chain interdicting you. That is now in Star Citizen. Thank you master modes.
Why this sub supports this i have NO idea as you folks seem to hate gankers and "griefing" yet this is OBVIOUSLY going to make that problem SO much worse. Everyones talking about "youre not supposed to play solo" disregarding how much of a time sink this game is... and how getting people together consistently is not easy. And beyond that, thats also encouraging gankers to group up as well, how do you not realize that? And AND ontop of that they say work together, for what? the pultry rewards you get, and then have to split?? at least give us mission stacking amongst party, like Elite dangerous has, if youre gonna mutter about wing men and the like...
  1. MM makes flying less realistic than it was in 3.22. And dont go on about how 3.22 was realistic either. That's not relevant. What is relevant is that 3.23 is LESS realistic than 3.22. For one the shift to nav mode to combat can force a mach 5 to mach .08 deceleration in 1.5 seconds... guess what buddy, youre dead, your neck snapped... this game has g forces and g out modeled soooo why tf am i still awake after that? less immersive right there. and yes i know the elevators have insane acceleration as well and im willing to suspend my disbelief for that as it would be sucky to have long ass elevator rides where youre getting thrown around. IM not willing to suspend my disbelief for some asinine feature that violates the laws of physics on several points. or at the very least the laws of this game. Like how the hell am i even slowing down. Considering they nerfed retro thrusters and even before they couldnt get close to that kind of deceleration. Its literally the GAME just saying "OPE YOURE IN COMBAT MODE YOU GOTTA GO SLOW NOWWWWWW" that legitimately makes me angry. its an insult. And then it forces you to stay at that speed. hey, buddy? im slamming thrust, im in space, that means im accelerating. thats how physics works. It doesnt matter what freaking mode my ship is in. If im hitting thrust im going faster and faster. If im hitting no thrust then i continue at current speed. meaning the game is LITERALLY FIRING YOUR RETRO THRUSTERS TO PREVENT YOU FROM MOVING. guys this makes me unresoanbly angry. theyre using my ships thrusters to prevent me from going to the speed I fucking want. GET YOUR GRUBBY FUCKIN PAWS OFF MY FUCKIN CONTROLS. I DECIDE WHEN MY THRUSTERS FIRE. ITS MY FUCKING SPACE SHIP DAMMIT.
okay im sorry turned into a rant there. it just makes me super angry, and they do shit like this IRL too, they being car companies. Forcing my damn car to brake and shit, with no way to disable it. Treating us like children, really irks me. This is a god damn game man, let me move freely.
  1. Where in sci fi does a ship need to disable its sub light maneuverability for any mode. Ill wait. Not Star trek ships. Not star wars ships. Not any popular sci fi i can think of that has a dumb ass mobility limiter. Why is that? cuz it literally makes no sense. You always need energy to slow down in space always. the only way i could think of them justifying the slow down is if they said something like the quantum drive distorts space around the ship and you cant go faster safely, or something. which is to say that in QT mode youd be slow Not in combat mode. lol.
  2. Also stop talking about fighters taking down Hammer heads in PvP. If you have a crew of 4 GOOD gunners and a solid captain, no fighter is taking you down, not even 2 fighters. If youve got one or two gunners in your HH yea your vulnerable, but you can always run and come back, try and ram, theres options. At least there was.
All in all this update took alot away from combat to add a cheap Arcady gimmick. Combat pilots arent satisfied and arent having fun. Folks talking about relearn combat. Why would i relearn something thats less fun? answer, i shouldnt and i wont. This ggs for me and Star Citizen until this is cleaned up. It doesnt need to go back to 3.22, but it does need to change drastically, and in the direction of 3.22. Many combat pilots feel the same as me.
Any reply i expect to address at least 2 points i stated.
submitted by speednskillz to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:01 LRKingPiccoloRevived Random thoughts after finishing Trails from Zero

Disclaimer: I am going through the games in release order. I'm clarifying this because apparently this is not necessarily a common thing and people skip around or something? I don't know, I just find it funny that there's a whole stickied post in this sub telling people to play them in order.
I guess that's about it, can't think of anything else right now. Needed to get these thoughts somewhere.
Gonna start Azure soon, but I'll probably go very slow once again.
submitted by LRKingPiccoloRevived to Falcom [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:00 Over-Improvement5603 Code 4 problem

Okay guys I have a major problem. Ive scoured the forums but nothing has solved my issue so far. Car is a 1990 Civic Hatch, d15b2. I manual swapped it, but now I'm having a problem with this random code 4. When I originally did the swap, I used a manual ECU but it was throwing a code 4 code 9(I think) and another code, basically all distributor codes. I swapped back to my auto ECU and it ran great for about 2 months and now it's throwing a code 4 and runs like shit and dies/stalls. Surprisingly, if I used my auto ECU it doesn't die but still runs like shit and won't accept any throttle. Pretty much chokes if I give it gas. I assumed it to be my distributor since code 4 is the Crank Angle Sensor. Replaced it with a new Cardone distributor and the same issue. It's honestly even worse now. I've checked resistance between the d and e terminals, and they measure 350 so it's within spec(350-500ohms) and I've checked continuity to body ground and there was not on either terminal. I checkwd the wiring at the ECU and they measure 350 as well, with no continuity to ground. I've tried both my ecu's but neither of them fix the issue. I did notice while I was inspecting the wiring, the orange wire on the distributor(crank angle wire) was coming loose whenever i plugged it into the harness, so I held it in place while I plugged it in to make sure it was tight and still no change. Could my ignition timing cause the rough idle and stall/code 4? Bad fuel filter? Fuel pump? Car has new plugs and wires, new distributor, new alternator, new battery. Also cleaned the IACV and there was a ton of carbon, but that still didn't fix my problem. Id just assume I had a bad dizzy but the problem was there even with my old own one. And it didn't happen suddenly. At first it would crank and die, and id have to crank it a few times to get it to stay running, and then it started to die on me while driving, now it qont even leave the driveway because It dies withing 20 seconds. I've also swapped three working main relays and that did not help. Any help is greatly appreciated, I've scoured the forums and Facebook groups and no one can seem to pinpoint my issue.
submitted by Over-Improvement5603 to EFCivics [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:00 Alex22091 Questions on my Build

https://pcpartpicker.com/useAlex22091/saved/#view=DWpJkL I am currently looking to build a new pc (listed above). If anyone could look and see any problems or complications that could arise from this build I'd greatly appreciate that. -When it comes to the case i chose the fractal meshify 2 XL because it's a case that fits a 420 mm cpu cooler on the top, is there cons for the top placement of the radiator, would it be better in a different position? Are there better case options you recommend for this build, I don't mind going smaller or keeping it large. -Will I have to/ Should I purchase additional case fans, if so what size? -Is it fine that my two ssds are different brands or would it be optimal to use the same brand for them?
I know I probably don't need such an expensive build to refresh my tft shop but in 2018 i purchased a share of nvidia for $120 which i just sold for $3500 so in my mind this is basically a free pc. I also am upgrading from a dual sli 970 pc that i built in 2015 ( https://pcpartpicker.com/useAlex22091/saved/#view=p7pnTW ). I plan on keeping this pc for the next 10 years just like i did with the previous one. Thank for all your guys help.
submitted by Alex22091 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:00 Discardbobulated “SHE’S FAST ENOUGH FOR YOU, OLD MAN.” A shift of gears and a timely change of approach along with an update, a rant, a ponderance.

Cross-posted from AOAIBetrayeds. AOAIBetrayeds is an online peer support group and safe space reserved for betrayed individuals who are considering, actively attempting to, or have reconciled after infidelity. If you feel you would benefit from a more private supportive sub for only betrayed people, message the mods at AOAIBetrayeds or send me a DM.
It's been 2 months since I posted an update so I think it is time.
Context: Me: 59m. Her: 55f. Married 33 years, together 36. WW had a full on EA bookended with multiple sexual PA's (1 in Dec, 2022 and 3 in Sept, 2023 (last 2 on Dday). She then pretended to go NC with AP for an additional 5 months which created Dday #2 in February. Read my story and updates using my profile for posts if you want to see background.
NO ADVICE PLEASE: Just like last time I posted, and the time before that, I am processing all of this stuff, and working with my therapist and my support group closely, so I will ask for advice only when I think I need it and when I think I am ready to receive it. Right now, I just thought I’d post an update for those who might be following along or anyone for whom my story resonates. I hope you’re OK.
I can use reassurance. I have asked for no advice because I am all full-up with advice that I am taking and utilizing. More and/or different advice will potentially muddy my process and have my approach blurred. Reassurance though? Bring it on. We all need it. Sometimes directly and sometimes just by being here and reading the stories of others. Reassure me.
As many of you know, I was dealt a huge blow the day after Valentine’s Day. That’s 3 months ago today for those of you keeping track. My wife, with whom I was 5.5 months into ‘reconciliation’ with, came clean and told me that she was still in contact with her AP for the entirety of that span of time.
The revelation of The Big Lie as I refer to it now, even with my wife, was in incredibly damaging hit to the idea of reconciliation. It was as shattering, if not MORE shattering as the original affair revelation. Big lies, little lies, untruths, the masking of truth, the omission of truth…all are devastating to the traumatized betrayed. If you know anything of the effects of trauma (as most of you do I am sure), you know that each lie usually triggers a trauma response, and each trauma response piles into a vast storage area in your brain where it pools and stays ready to fuck you up every time it’s poked. And mine was poked A LOT in the last 3 months. A LOT.
I started the ‘last 3 months’ phase of this journey with this huge setback that was The Big Lie. It reset our progress to zero in some cases. If you look at some things, like my ability to control the PTSD events, then that progress was still in effect. (I was still able to recognize the PTSD event coming on and sometimes get control of it before spiraling out of control). If you look at the timeline of physical sexual events, that didn’t change. If you take into account all the books and articles read, all the podcasts and audiobooks listened to, and all the hours spend by me in IC, then then those items were (mostly) still intact.
But you know what was now absolutely fucking GONE?
~T R U S T~
I had spent that first 5.5 months learning to trust again as we were working our way through reconciliation. You can look back at my post history prior to February, 2024 and see a solid progression of trust being built, of confidence being regained, and of affection, sexuality, appreciation, and friendship being rebuilt.
ALL of that was 100% GONE in ONE moment. GONE.
LIES are destructive. Secondary Dday lies like this one are DEEPLY destructive.
Trust is often cited as the most important ingredient in a personal relationship. How can we even begin to consider something as gigantic as a marriage reconciliation when trust has been completely blown up? I don’t have an answer to that. I am looking for it.
You know what was also lost at the point of the revelation of The Big Lie?
Hope. Optimism. Self-esteem. Admiration. Lust. Attraction. Affection. All gone.
My feelings of these things were returning in slivers over those 5.5 months after Dday and now they were just GONE.
Replacing these feelings were different feelings I had. Now I was feeling: Helpless. Worthless. Inadequate. Unloved. Betrayed. Devastated. Like a Chump. Belittled. Emasculated. Unworthy. Ugly. Undesirable …and incredibly MANIPULATED.
She had spent this time manipulating me into complacency while she continued to carry on her affair in the form of regular communication with ‘her friend’ AP. They talked on the phone regularly, texted regularly. All the while she was putting forth what I THOUGHT was EFFORT into our reconciliation, but was really just a collection of actions that were meant to placate me.
The Fake R time, as I now know it, included: I love you’s. Hand holding. Sex. Apologies. Forward thinking. Plans. I was feeling like PROGRESS was happening. I was still experiencing the PTSD events. Still having times when I would lash out in anger at her for what she had done, but those awful things were decreasing in intensity and frequency and I was thankful for that.
I was able to see what reconciliation looks like.
Only I wasn’t. It was all a sham. Now that she is not in contact with him (I hope and believe), she has stopped the hand holding (mostly). Not one ‘I love you’ in the past 3 months. The hugs I used to get now feel like the hugs you’d give a kid with a scraped knee. The feeling of being wanted and being on a path to something better has been obliterated. And sex? 2-3 times a week during the Fake R has become 1 time in the last 3 months.
So now, after the revelation of The Big Lie I am left with a VERY odd feeling. A feeling like what I WANT BACK is the pre-Big-Lie actions. The ‘I Love You’s’, the hand holding, the sex…
But since I now know these as things that were done to manipulate me, I really DON’T want them back. What I want is something that I have not yet seen: An honest reconciliation and the actions that come with that. And now that my mind has suffered the mind-fuck rollercoaster of the last 8 months, I don’t even know what honest reconciliation looks like. My perception is fucked up. I no longer can think accurately about this stuff because of the gaslighting. It’s hard to even describe the feeling of disconnection with my own reality.
A METAMORPHOSIS The changes in how she was treating me now that she no longer has AP in her back pocket as a ‘friend’ to talk to are stark. She has expressed that the sex was just to placate me. That she can’t feel good about US anymore because she doesn’t have knowledge of how HE is doing anymore. She cannot “live her good life” with me because she doesn’t know if HE is able to “have a good life”. She is NO CONTACT with him, but clearly some of her still has a connection to him. That hurts.
During these last 3 months I have gone from non-functioning to confused to (almost) accepting. Along the way I have passed ANGRY, DEVASTATED, DEFEATED, and a hundred other negative emotions.
I also spent nearly all of my time doing what ALL us betrayeds do. I tried to get her to UNDERSTAND MY PAIN. I wanted her to really know what she has done to me. Not just what she did with the affair, but with the aftermath of the affair and the 5.5 months that I was trying to regain trust in her and she was faking R with me so that she could continue her EA with HIM. I was CONSTANTLY wanting her to HURT because I thought that if she could HURT like I HURT then she could understand my pain and come to really know what it is she has done. And if she could get to THAT place, then surely she would finally find the shame and guilt that I think she deserves to bear.
The problem is that even with all my effort to explain to her in words, in mental breakdowns, in PTSD trauma events, in triggers, sadness, crying and constant malaise, nothing was changing.
She wasn’t displaying any of the remorse, guilt and shame that I want from her. She wasn’t giving me any of the actions or words she was giving me during Fake R. She wasn’t holding my hand. She wasn’t saying I love you. She wasn’t touching me or having sex with me. She was just enduring my wrath.
During the last time that I sat with her and had a Q&A about how she could do this and all the same questions that I have asked before and my saying again how hurt I was and how it was ALL HER FAULT and how I thought she should feel SHAME I ended up feeling a little tranquil. I felt like maybe I had told her enough times. I didn’t know if she fully understood like I wanted her to but I thought that we were at a place where MORE of this was going to do NOTHING. After all, almost 3 months of it hadn’t YET produced anything, why would MORE have any potential for positive progress.
So I had a thought. What if I just treated her nicely? What if I stopped with the finger wagging and the name calling and the ‘why me’s’ and the angry lashing out. What if I instead tried to hold HER hand occasionally? What if I just WASN’T adversarial? Could that help? Could that get her to see me differently? Could that get ME to see me differently? Could that reset my mind and get me out of the victim moment and into some undefined type of recovery?
I wondered to myself if I had it in myself to let those things go. I wondered if I was CAPABLE of not being so fucking angry at her for what she had done. I mean, we both are clearly aware of what she has done and what it has caused in me, so I don’t have to restate that over and over and over again, DO I?
I took this question with me to IC.
IC reframed it in a way that resonated with me somehow. She said: “Look, you’ve spent a lot of time ‘spinning’, trying to make heads or tails of your predicament. Trying to get her to love you again. Trying to find connection with her. Why? Because you love her. Isn’t that the entire point? If you want to reconcile with her the end goal is for you to love one another again because you love her, right?” She said: “Why don’t you try showing her your true self? The self that loves her. The self that wants reconciliation because you love her. Maybe start with small things? Don’t go crazy and drive yourself nuts with a huge reversal from anger and hurt to loving and wonderful. Instead just don’t hurl negativity all the time. Relax instead. Act like reconciliation is under way in order to see if that action can initiate a real reaction.”
In other words, release the Restraining Bolt that keeps you in the stew of anger and contempt and head off to find a crazy old wizard and your path to freedom from the tyranny of self-pity.
This made SOME sense to me, and partly made sense to me because of the way I was FEELING. It would NOT have made sense to me 2 months ago, or even a week ago. It makes sense to me because of where I am NOW. A shift in gears from the anger and hatred to something more nurturing. Not a full tack. More of a subtle lane change. (sorry to mix my motoring and sailing metaphors).
So this is where I am now. I made the decision in my head to move over into this other lane. I did this less than 36 hours ago. I have not yet determined if this has been beneficial or not. I feel anxious. Of course I didn’t NOT feel anxious in that other lane, so this is a wash. I have not yet experienced any super-positive changes to my own attitude. I have no idea if she has even noticed. I hope she has and I intend to ask her if she has when we go see our marriage counselor today.
My support group has told me that time is my friend. That only time will allow my wife to recognize that she truly is the villain in her own story. To have her really understand that SHE is the cause of all of this. For her to recognize also that her AP is not the needy ‘good guy’ that weaseled his way into her psyche, but the manipulative fuck that we all know he is. TIME. Time also for me to be able to release the anger like I have been attempting to do over the last couple days. Time for me to ponder how I can find my own self esteem again and really shed my feelings of inadequacy and ugliness (among others). Time for WW and I to possibly find some bonding time and make some memories that are not anger and sorrow and self pity and….
“She’s fast enough for you, old man.” I guess she is. That’s what they tell me. Essentially the theme of this slow-burn reconciliation thing. That if she is showing ANY progress, then that is the progress that we as betrayeds need to embrace. ANYTHING is “fast enough” because you cannot speed this process up. You will never do the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs. Not gonna happen. 1-5 years is what they say reconciliation takes for it to be complete if it makes it to complete. I have told myself to give it at least 3. My hope is that I will feel a shift from tentative to optimism at some point along the way and that will give my brain the jump to light speed that it needs for me to relax and feel safe again.
This ‘update’ doesn’t predict a future. I have no preconceived ideas about how this might pan out. I just thought that an update could be beneficial.
Beneficial to ME in my selfish need for some validation of where I am and what I’m going through. For ME to be able to try to get it all on ‘paper’ so that I can help myself try to understand where I am. For ME to see a progression, no matter how up-and-down it has been.
Beneficial for OTHERS who may have a story like mine or PARTIALLY like mine who will be able to see themselves in this writing and be able to feel less alone. Beneficial maybe to all of us who might have a Bad Motivator.
Thanks for reading, my fucked up comrades. Sorry you are here in this sub. It’s a truly shitty place to need to be. I appreciate all of you. Without this sub and the people in it I think I might literally not be around. Here’s to you and your futures. May you find some peace.
Fuck these affairs.
submitted by Discardbobulated to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:00 AutoModerator The New Agora: Daily WWYD and light discussion thread

Welcome to the New Agora, a place for you and others to have casual conversations, seek advice and first aid, and hang out together outside of regular posts.
If you have not already, please the READ BEFORE POSTING top-pinned post.
The rules in the New Agora are simple:
  1. Above all, keep in mind that our nature is "civilized and affectionate and trustworthy."
  2. If you are seeking advice based on users' personal views as people interested in Stoicism, you may leave one top-level comment about your question per day.
  3. If you are offering advice, you may offer your own opinions as someone interested in Stoic theory and/or practice--but avoid labeling personal opinions, idiosyncratic experiences, and even thoughtful conjecture as Stoic.
  4. If you are promoting something that you have created, such as an article or book you wrote, you may do so only one time per day, but do not post your own YouTube videos.
While this thread is new, the above rules may change in response to things that we notice or that are brought to our attention.
As always, you are encouraged to report activity that you believe should not belong here. Similarly, you are welcome to pose questions, voice concerns, and offer other feedback to us either publicly in threads or privately by messaging the mods.
Wish you well in the New Agora.
submitted by AutoModerator to Stoicism [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:59 Ok_Assignment4100 So, I invested FSKAX & FTIHX.. Now what?

Through a bit of researching, binge-watching YouTube videos on the best funds to invest into, long-term, I ultimately went with FSKAX and FTIHX in my Roth IRA (I have a Vanguard TDF 2050 in my 401k). For the following reasons: The conception of the funds are at least 10+ years, expense ratios are pretty low, and in it for the long haul.
However, from this point on, what would or should I do to be sure it stays on track?:
  1. Rebalance the asset allocation? I'm in my late 30s, how often should I do that.
  2. When should I introduce Bonds? What are some good ones to invest into when I'm nearing retirement (5-10 years from retiring)?
  3. There shouldn't be a need to invest above more than these 2 funds?
    Thoughts/insight and suggestions are welcomed. Thanks!
submitted by Ok_Assignment4100 to fidelityinvestments [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:57 Happy-Wealth6252 11th grade high schooler looking for advice (social anxiety, self improvement) - Could be potentionally life changing for me

Hello everyone! I am currently in 11th grade, and I started suddenly feeling like I need to do something my life as soon as possible. I'll give you all some background info. I have a smallish friend group here (2-3 friends in one group and 2-3 friends in another group, they sometimes merge but have overall different interests.)
So with the 2nd group I am able to connect with much less (different interests, different lives makes things much harder here, etc.), and I can talk a lot more with the people in the 1st group. In the first group one of my friends I had since 9th grade, his probably who I would call the closest to myself, yet I never managed to get really close to him since he just doesn't care about anything else other than his videogames. The other person became closer and closer to me in the last year in that group, and it is a lot easier to open up to him but his still relatively new to me and he has a few quirks aswell but I am feeling like he might turn into my "best friend" sooner or later.
! So I am just chilling, right? Well not entirely. In late april a lot of really deep thoughts came to my head. One of my classmates was extremely scared of giving a presentation, so I wanted to cheer her up, help her calm down because thats just my nature. I want to help everyone I can if I don't have to sacrifice anything for that. I want to spread as much positivity as I can. But I just wasn't able to do it. She wasn't in any of my friend groups, she is a fairly extroverted person and she's in a much larger friend group with the more extroverted people. Since she's more like an aquintance to me I didn't have many social connections with her and my social anxiety just completely stopped me from saying anything.
! That day it felt like my heart and brain collided. Suddenly I felt an undescribeable desire to break free of my social anxiety. I realized how if I wasn't able to do this small little nice thing to a person I have known for 3 years, I won't be able to do any social interactions later when I'll be an adult. I want to have a family and friends who can support me later on in life like many of us, but like this I'll be sitting home alone staring at a screen programming and earning money, but for what?
Since then no day has been the same. I keep thinking about her and this entire situation every single day and my entire emotional state became a rollercoaster. I knew things weren't great in that regrad, but this bad? Obviously I started having a bunch of deep thoughs after this especially when I hear her and her friends talk so openly about anything. It feels like I am missing something yet I can't explain what exactly I am feeling like I am missing.
Am I supposed to be like this? Am I doing something wrong? It's easy to think the kid with a GPA of 4.9 who is extremely interested in sciences, logic and programming has no problems and will succeed in life. I won't say I won't succeed. But I certainly do have as many problems as others this age, just extremely different ones. This is a situation I am not familiar with, my analitical skills won't be much of help with social anxiety (they actually make it worse, I overthink EVERYTHING, I mean EVERYTHING.) and my problem solving skills are giving me mixed signals because of the uncertainty of how other people might behave around me. (Things I don't have control over.)
! One thing is clear. I have 3 paths I can take.
1.: Do absolutely nothing and try to forget this thing happen.
2.: Try to fix my social anxiety alone by engaging in converstations with more people (basically forcing myself to talk more kinda)
3.: Try to fix my social anxiety by telling ALL of this to that girl and ask her to talk with me more and try to help me climb out of this garbage.
Now the 1st one seems like the easiest choice but long term effects are unknown to me currently.
2nd one just simply has a huge chance of failure because I am basically fighting an uphill battle there
3rd one is the one that my heart tells me would work the best, but its also by far the scariest because no matter what, I just can't "calculate" what will happen after I do that. There is no way for me to just magically predict how that girl will behave after I tell her all of this, especially since I don't know her that well.
She certainly has the power to change my life currently, since this is obviously a very emphatetic story and my heart tells me pretty much anyone would appreciate such openness, especially a person who is naturally open, but you never know what might happen and what they might do.
She looks pretty genuine and as far as I can see she is just naturally open and her heart is in the right place, but this is placed on some assumptions aswell other than the converstations I had with her in the last 3 years since there was just not enough to tell for sure.
By choosing option 3 I am basically giving my fate into the hands of someone who I barely know. My social anxiety is based on trust issues (I don't even trust my best friends most of the time) so if this goes well it'd probably erase my social anxiety or weaken it severely, but if it goes south It might lead to multiple years of therapy due to how much power I would be giving her over myself by being this open and by basically doing an all in bid against social anxiety and trust issues as a whole.
Not to mention how it feels weird as a guy to ask a girl to "talk with me more" even if I have good intentions, like wth.
If it helps I'll also provide a tiny bit of info about her: She stresses a lot before major exams or presentations and she has a big problem with that, to which I could potentionally give her comfort after she helps me with my garbage, but that doesn't really change much in the outcome from my perspective, it would just feel great to return the favor.
Another important thing to consider here might be how I will feel after things go well. She and her friends might go overdrive and put me into an uncomfortable situation by talking with me too much too quickly and basically forcing me out of my comfort zone instantly instead of gradually.
I am honestly not sure what would be the right choice. Option 3 has the potential to fix my life and also the potentional to ruin my next 2 years. Option 2 seems to be just losing. And option 1 seems to be just sadness. I don't think I've ever felt this clueless in my life before.
Finally, I would like to ask you all about what I should do. If you leave a comment here, please also tell me what you are (high school student (introvert/extrovert !Might be important here!)/ therapist / parent / whatever etc.) so I can better evaluate what different people think of this sitation
Sheesh, that was a long post. If you read it all and you even potentionally try to help me with this one, you are a real G, since my future might be on the line here however insane that sounds. Social anxiety and stuff like this can leave permanent marks on people, thats why its so scary for me. :D
TL;DR: Very fair, its a long post. I put ! in front of the paragraphs which I believe hold the most important information, but the extra context I gave in the other paragraphs might help you choose the right choice for me. If you comment after only reading the ! ones please put TL;DR in the front of your comment. Thank you! :D
Thank you for all your answers in advance! :D
submitted by Happy-Wealth6252 to youngadults [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:57 StonedMagicianX What do you guys think about this about the potential Index 2?

Do you guys think the Index 2 (or whatever Valve's next VR headset will be, if it exists at all) will still use a DisplayPort connection for PC VR, or do you think it will go the Quest route and just use video of the game via a standard USB-C cable? Because I'm honestly just waiting for a PCVR headset that has image quality comparable to a monitor (the Quest 3 still doesn't look great in games like Alyx, for example).
submitted by StonedMagicianX to ValveIndex [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:56 craziestcatseye What is considered “idle talk” or “laghw” in Islam?

As-salamu alaykum,
So, I’ve been staying away from all forms of entertainment for the past couple weeks after hearing about this Hadith:
On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said:
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Part of the perfection of one’s Islam is his leaving that which does not concern him.” A hasan (good) hadeeth which was related by at-Tirmidhi and others in this fashion. According to sunnah.com (also wanted to share this, it’s my favorite Hadith checkeevaluator)
This means you should avoid anything that is considered “useless” and has no benefit to this dunya or the hereafter.
And the term “laghw” is confusing. A lot of websites (About Islam, Islam Web, IslamQA.org), define it as anything that has no benefit (yet is not haram in itself) Examples are talking about and watching sporting events, YouTube videos, video games, etc. Some websites like Exploring Islam are a bit less strict saying just talking about football with your friends is not laghw and it’s socializing, something the Prophet (S.A.W.) did with his family — stuff which also was not religion-related. It also says everyone has their own opinion on what’s a waste of time (true). Who knows though about the ruling of talking about it on Twitter (X) or other social media.
And the issue with all of this is that the Prophet (S.A.W) himself did recreational and entertaining stuff. He did archery, horse riding, swimming, wrestling, racing, joking with his family, fencing, and he in mosques had competitions with watermelon seeds. He even enjoyed theater! When the Abyssians were performing in a mosque he said “the Jews should know there is room for leisure in our religion”.
Isn’t entertainment (all halal of course) beneficial in itself?? Drinking water doesn’t have any rewarding benefit to the hereafter so is that laghw too?? Although it’s not comparable because you need stuff like water, food, sleep, etc to survive but it’s basically impossible to survive with the standards I’m told. I don’t remember the exact Hadith but I believe there was someone who supplicated in the masjid from morning to evening and the Prophet (S.A.W) condemned them for that.
But in the term of “laghw” this is really stressing me out. And anything that is defined as it I’ll avoid just to make sure. Can any of you give me the ruling on watching/talking about sports or marble racing? And in terms of talking I need 2 rulings — one with family/friends and the other on social media like Twitter (X) and others like occasionally Reddit and Discord. Because I feel like everything not related to Islam is the definition. Just wanted to make sure before I go back to recreational things. I still will spend most of my day in worship/doing Islam-related stuff and no entertainment will be haram.
Thank you!
submitted by craziestcatseye to islam [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:56 ApprehensiveNotice90 DILEMMA: Consolidate web presence & traffic or Benefit from newly-added high DR backlinks

I want to improve SEO ranking of my client's official website (DR 5, 4-5 backlinks only), I am debating 2 approaches, which one you think is better.
Currently, they have 2 websites:
1) custom domain one (=the official one) they primarily care about (all new traffic/ members come through this)
2) another one, used for internal member agenda (my client is a social club, kinda franchise of a reputable name), which is hosted on the reputable domain (DR 82).
Up until now, there were no backlinks from 2) to 1).
I just added 3 of them (they are free to edit their own section of the reputable website) but I also discovered that there's an option to move the internal member agenda to their own (sub)domain.
I am debating if it's better to
** OPTION 1 ** keep it as is, with the website traffic split across 2 domains and start benefitting from the high DR backlinks soon... or if to
** OPTION 2** move the internal agenda on their own (sub)domain to consolidate the web presence (incl. automated internal agenda emails to be sent out from the same email server as the newsletter) but not to benefit from those newly setup backlinks.
What's going have a better impact on their SEO standing?
submitted by ApprehensiveNotice90 to SEO [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:56 RoughRidersRecruiter [A3][NA/AU][Recruiting] Rough Riders: Accessible Milsim Dedicated to Storytelling Recruiting

Before you read any further, check out our Unit Culture Primer to see what we’re all about.
The 3rd Combined Joint Task Force, colloquially known as the Rough Riders, is a special purpose task force created by NATO JSOC with the intent of deterring CSAT influence in the Mediterranean and abroad. Falling under US Central Command, the Rough Riders are a unit hand picked from volunteers across all NATO/ANZUS operating forces. Typically, the Rough Riders are attached to conventional NATO forces to serve as force multipliers. They specialize in Direct Action, Counter-Insurgency, Special Reconnaissance, and forward observation for NATO fire support assets.
What we do:
The year is 2029, and the world stands poised for great change. With rising tensions in the Middle East and the Pacific, a new world power has emerged: the Canton protocol Strategic Alliance (CSAT). Premiered by China and Iran, this new treaty organization stands poised to threaten NATO's long-reigning global military hegemony. A new Cold War has begun.
In the face of this new threat, NATO Joint Special Operations Command has authorized the formation of a special purpose unit to directly intervene against CSAT’s growing sphere of influence. As a member of the Rough Riders, you will witness firsthand the years leading up to ArmA 3’s “The East Wind” campaign and the vibrant political climate of 2035. Your actions and the actions of your brothers in arms will tell the story of NATO defiance in the face of CSATs rise to power. You’ll have epic tales to tell, comrades to mourn, and more than enough action.
In the Rough Riders, we put storytelling and fun at the forefront. With a wonderful team of Game Masters and Writers, we aim to give you those “movie moments” and incredible stories of heroism, intense combat, and even hilarity when ArmA decides to ArmA somebody (or all of us).
What can I expect from the Rough Riders?
What do the Rough Riders expect from me?
What does “Accessible Milsim” mean?
In the Rough Riders, we've built our community around making the junior enlisted experience as drama-free as possible. We believe that solid milsim operations can still work without suffocating our enlisted with constricting MOS systems and countless hours of basic training. The idea is that new members can join the unit, download the mods and jump right into the action.
This is made possible by increasingly serious levels of milsim orientation the further up the chain of command you go. Your average player can jump right into fun and challenging operations if their Fireteam and Squad Leaders have the adequate training and mentality. By volunteering to try for a leadership position, you increase your commitment and seriousness level.
Accessible milsim means that you choose the level of dedication and milsim seriousness that you want. From casually showing up to be boots on the ground blowing stuff up, to managing training and combat leadership, all the way to the paperwork simulator that comes with an officer commission.
You get out what you put in.
You don't need to be a grizzled ArmA veteran to join the Rough Riders. Our simple training program is intended to bring even brand new players up to speed without killing them with boredom. You can expect to learn the following:
- TFAR Setup
- Rough Riders Intro (who we are, what we do, expectations-both ways)
- Intro to Unit Life (who you are, what you'll be doing as a new member, chain of command)
- Role Interest Declaration (helps us shape and personalize your training)
- ArmA Basics
- ACE Basics
- TFAR Basic Training
- Common Sense Combat/Fireteam Training
- CQB Basic Training
Between deployments, we do a garrison rotation that is focused on catching any new members up to speed and helping veteran members and NCOs grow and improve. The Hebontes schedule is a several week process. This allows for the writing/zeusing team to have time to create a quality deployment with all the necessary lore bits and planning considerations, while giving the unit time to relax and make mistakes in a controlled and learning-focused environment.
Rough Riders members fill a multitude of roles, and are allowed to switch between them for different missions so long as they have passed the appropriate training. Roles available to Rough Riders are:
-**Rifleman/Designated Marksman
-AT/AA Specialist
- Automatic Rifleman
-Radio Operator
-Combat Medic/ MEDEVAC Medic
-Combat Engineer
-Artilleryman/Fire Direction Officer
-Rotary-wing Aircraft Crew/Pilot
-Fixed-wing Aircraft Pilot
-IFV/APC Crew/Commander
-Media ReporteJournalist
Leadership opportunities are made available to interested members who are noted to possess technical competency and the ability to communicate effectively. Through a program we call the Warrior Leaders Course, NCO candidates are put to the test via a series of written and field exams. We have systems in place for leadership development too- so if you’re not ready to lead now (but want to), we can teach you how to be a leader.
Community members may join our writing/zeusing team and contribute to the development of our world in-game. It is expected that these individuals be team players overall, and be able to understand and support the bigger picture as determined by the administration team. At the end of the day it's about making sure the players had fun, and telling a memorable story/giving them opportunities to have stories about the operation- not about how cool you are as a Zeus.
**Designated Marksman/Sniper School is open to Rough Riders with a score of 38+ (Expert) on their Rifle Qual, who have achieved the rank of Lance Corporal. Members are eligible for promotion to Lance Corporal after one (1) full deployment with the unit.
We operate Monday/Friday/Saturday starting at ~7pm-~8pm EST. Tuesday/Thursday are off days(and members typically play other games like ESO, Hearts of Iron, Star Citizen, Stellaris, and Rising Storm 2 together), and Sunday is reserved for training as Squad Leaders see fit.
There is no mandatory attendance expectation- we want to see you around, but everyone understands that real life comes first.
We operate on a deployment system, meaning that we spend prolonged periods of time in various regions of the world participating in roughly 1-2 month long persistent environments. Between these deployments we dedicate a few weeks to retraining the unit, catching new players up on anything they haven't already figured out during their deployment, and testing NCO candidates while our Zeus/Writer team works on the next deployment.
Founded September 2018, Rough Riders is actively seeking new members to help increase our core of dedicated players. We operate with a reinforced platoon that includes infantry and a myriad of support elements also manned by our members.
The Rough Riders consists of primarily North American (NA) members, and so most things are scheduled with that in mind. We do however have an international community with wonderful members from places like Australia, Laos, Russia, and elsewhere. Anybody and everybody is welcome in the Rough Riders- we just ask that you are able to speak, read, and understand English.
To join, simply join our discord and introduce yourself! No application necessary, and no sitting through hours of tedious basic training just to blow things up.
Check out some badass screenshots!: https://imgur.com/a/MEvB9by
Our discord server: https://discord.gg/KEKeawr
Our Official Arma 3 Unit page: https://units.arma3.com/unit/3djtf
submitted by RoughRidersRecruiter to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:55 Ok-Camera5334 I want to know what price Range you have. To compare myself.

Hey I have this feeling, that I hit a good point with my prices. But I always want to know if I am to low or to high. So maybe we can gather some knowledge here for all. Sure it depends on the location and stuff. But maybe we can share some insights here It is always good to reflect and compare imo. I am 33 I am from Germany / Berlin. I am Fulltime Freelancer since 2 years now. One 8h day of shooting only costs 1000€ Me and my Equipment.
A 60 second commercial Video edit comes with maybe 1200€ with 3 Feedback Rounds.
A very good Eventvideo edit maybe 2000€
I have a Lumix S1h in a rig. Lumix S5 as a b cam. All the S Pro Lenses. And some more. Forza B 300 light kit. Rode Wirelless pro. Dji air 3
Thats the basic package. Of course I have also more Equipment but that's the basics.
Maybe you can share your rates.? I just want to get an over view and other can maybe learn.
submitted by Ok-Camera5334 to videography [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:55 EatinSLOCal Taqueria Santa Cruz Express 2 - Review

Taqueria Santa Cruz Express 2 - Review
A decade ago, SLO wasn’t really the place to get great Mexican food. We were still in our sit-down Tex-Mex era and I would frequently head out of town to get tacos. And then I learned about the SoCal Burrito (the one with fries in it) and the ultimate SoCal-Mexican Food Fusion (at the time) the Carne Asada Fries, and there was a new place in town that had these items along with a large (for the time) list of taco meats including buche and lengua, and that place was Taqueria Santa Cruz Express.
Chips & Salsa Verde
📍862 Foothill Blvd, San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
Taqueria Santa Cruz Express 2 is located between Milk-In-It and Dominos on Foothill. It is the second SLO location of Taqueria Santa Cruz Express (the other location being on Monterey in with Papa Thai and Nobu Hawaiian BBQ. Inside is some long high top bar seating on both sides of the restaurant with two digital ordering stations at the front and an in person register at the counter. They have a chip and salsa bar that is self service. Taqueria Santa Cruz Express 2 is open Monday – Thursday 9 AM – 10 PM, Friday – Sunday 9 AM – 11 PM.
Lengua Spider Tacos
Burritos – Super Burrito, 49ers, Burrito Bowl, Bean & Rice, Breakfast Burrito, California Veggie, California, Bean Cheese & Rice, Chimichanga, Regular Burrito, Veggie Super, and Bean & Cheese. Combo Plates – 2 Taco Plate, Taco & Enchilada, Tostada, Fajitas, 2 Enchilada, Order of Meat, Carne Asada, and Shrimp Combo. Quesadillas – Meat, Loaded, and Cheese (Corn or Flour Tortilla). Nachos – Nacho Fries, Veggie Nachos, and Super Nachos. Torta – Regular Torta. Tacos – Taco Dorados, Taco Salad, Veggie Taco, Spider Taco, and Soft Taco. Specialty – Carne en su Jugo (soup). Meat Choices – Carne Asada, Pastor, Carnitas, Chile Verde, Chorizo, Grilled Chicken, Shredded Chicken, Barbacoa, Birria, Buche, Lengua, Cabeza, Tripa, Fish, or Cameron.
Carne Asada Nacho Fries
What I Had:
I had two Lengua Spider Tacos and Carne Asada Nacho Fries. The Chips & Salsa Verde were good in my book, they're the kind that are fried in house and don't go stale, but they do get cold sitting there., but the salsa verde slapped with a fair amount of spice. The Lengua Spider Taco is beef tongue with a base of cheese topped with pinto beans, onions, cilantro, and salsa. Lengua is one of my go to taco meats and they do it well here, resulting in a tender, falling apart beef flakes of tongue. That being said, I should have paired the Spider Tacos with something bolder as the Lengua gets lost amid the pile of pinto beans, onions, and cilantro, it was hard to even taste the cheese. Regardless, they were delicious. The Carne Asada Nacho Fries is seasoned steak atop French fries topped with melted cheese, refried beans, sour cream, and guacamole. I like the choice of fries for these nacho fries, as traditionally you see crinkle cut, but here they used a thinner, beer battered style fry, which was able to hold up to the toppings well. The cheese, when melted sunk in between and below the fries creating a web of fries when it cooled down. It’s kind of hard to separate the fries from each other, especially with the flimsy plastic forks they have, but once you’re eating it, it’s delicious. The carne asada is seasoned well and the toppings all meld well with the rest of the dish.

Would I Have It Again:
Sure. I was surprised to find them open so late on a Sunday (good to file away for later). I know Santa Cruz is a Bay Area city, but they do good SoCal style Mexican food. Also the staff is super nice because even though I ordered through the machine, the guy at the register called me over to give me a bag to get chips and salsa with. So with all of this in mind, Taqueria Santa Cruz Express 2 gets an Eatin’ SLOCal Rating of – Take-Out Now!
submitted by EatinSLOCal to EatinSLOCal [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:53 Brilliant-Lychee-518 Biofit

What is Biofit?

BioFit is a dietary weight loss supplement that claims to burn fat quickly while also improving gut health and immune system strength. Chrissie Miller developed the formula for the company “Nature’s Formula” in the United States.
Bio Fit employs a seven-strain probiotic bacteria that enters the gut to increase its effectiveness. It also speeds up the fat-burning process, resulting in a safe method of losing weight naturally. It’s ingredients have been clinically studied and have scientific proof of their effectiveness in weight loss.
This supplement manufacturers claim that by using the probiotic weight loss supplement, you can lose significant weight without exercising or adhering to strict diets. On Biofit’s official website, you can read client testimonials in which a customer claims to have lost 70 pounds using this supplement.
It is FDA-approved and manufactured in a GMP facility to ensure the highest quality. Each batch is tested by a third-party lab to ensure its quantity, quality, and authenticity.

How does Biofit Work?

BioFit contains seven distinct and effective strains of probiotic bacteria that help with weight loss. Probiotic bacteria are healthy bacteria that live in the intestine. They form colonies within the digestive tract and aid in the breakdown of food compounds into energy compounds. An individual has a healthy gut and a healthy body with the help of these bacteria.
Not everyone has healthy probiotic bacteria in their gut. Some people have a poor eating lifestyle. They eat anything and everything and do work out or detox their body to eliminate harmful toxins that are stored in the body due to such a lifestyle.
These toxins then impair the ability of the probiotic bacteria in your gut to function properly, resulting in a slower metabolism, food cravings, and obesity.
Similarly, some people are sick or have a medical condition that necessitates the use of antibiotics. In such cases, the medications, combined with a weakened immune system, attack the gut bacteria. Killing probiotic bacteria causes poor digestion, bloating, stomach problems, eating disorders, and weight gain.
BioFit provides your body with enough probiotic bacteria to maintain a healthy digestive tract. This amazing formula will not only solve your gut issues, but it will also boost your fat-burning process.
To see such dramatic results, take one capsule daily with a glass of water after a meal. Each bottle contains 30 capsules, implying that the supply will last a month. If you want to see visible results, the manufacturers advise you to be consistent with your process and patient.
Some people saw visible results in 15 days, while others took much longer. Because each person is unique, we cannot predict when you will see results. However, if you are dissatisfied with the results, you can receive a full refund.

Biofit Ingredients(100% Natural)

Each serving of BioFit contains seven different probiotic bacterial strains. Probiotic bacteria, like other organisms, can be found in a variety of species and strains. Some strains have been linked to weight loss and improved immunity, while others have been linked to other aspects of gut function. The proportions of each strain included in BioFit vary. Individual strains have different dosages that are determined by the desired effects. The total dose is 16.58mg 5.75 billion CFUs. Because It is primarily marketed as a weight loss supplement, the Bio Fit manufacturers have placed a strong emphasis on strains that have been specifically linked to weight loss.

1. Bacillus Subtilis 8.89mg:

Bacillus subtilis strain DE111 is used in BioFit. Given its demonstrated ability to aid in weight loss, it stands to reason that this probiotic strain would constitute the majority of BioFit. Probiotic strains improve digestive health in addition to promoting weight loss. Some probiotic strains aid in weight loss by improving intestinal function, digestion, or waste product elimination. This probiotic strain is notable for its credibility and published medical data, which place it among the most effective probiotic strains for natural fat-burning and weight loss.

2. Bifidobacterium Longum 1.56mg:

It contains Bifidobacterium longum, one of 32 different Bifidobacteria species. The effects of B. longum on humans have been extensively studied. It’s one of the most important probiotic strains passed down from mothers to their infants via breast milk, and it appears to play an important role in early human development.

3. Lactobacillus Rhamnosus 1.25mg:

Lactobacillus rhamnosus, a beneficial probiotic strain, is included in BioFit. Lactobacillus strains are present in this supplement. The digestive tract benefits of L. rhamnosus are numerous. L. rhamnosus can be found in yoghurt and other foods.

4. Bifidobacterium Breve 0.63mg:

Numerous studies have linked Bifidobacterium breve to good gut health, which is why it is commonly found in digestive health supplements. Researchers discovered that this strain can aid in the digestion of a wide range of molecules, implying that it may aid digestion in more than one pathway.

5. Lactobacillus Casei 0.83mg:

Lactobacillus casei, a beneficial bacteria, thrives in the intestines, where it produces a large number of offspring and exerts its effects. According to research, L. casei can thrive in a wider range of acidity and temperature than other probiotic strains. For example, it has a better chance of surviving stomach acid and thriving in the digestive tract. Researchers discovered that L. casei and L. acidophilus, another BioFit component, collaborate synergistically.

6. Lactobacillus Plantarium 2.5mg:

When compared to other lactic acid bacteria, Lactobacillus plantarum has one of the largest genomes. It is more resistant to other strains than others because, like Lactobacillus Casei, it can tolerate a wide range of acidity and temperature levels. L. plantarum is one of the strains that has received the most attention in the food and supplement industries, and there is a substantial body of evidence linking L. plantarum to healthy gut function.

7. Lactobacillus Acidophilus 0.83mg

Lactobacillus acidophilus, the seventh and final Lactobacillus strain found in BioFit, has been specifically linked to weight loss. Several studies have found that Lactobacillus acidophilus is involved in the production of the enzyme amylase. Amylase is a digestive enzyme that aids in the breakdown of carbohydrates in the intestine and digestive tract. Bloating may occur after eating carbohydrates if you do not have enough of this digestive enzyme. Lactobacillus acidophilus, according to the manufacturer, promotes weight loss and overall gut health.

Biofit Weight Loss Benefits

BioFit claims to provide the following benefits to the body, resulting in a healthy weight loss journey with no side effects:-

Improves Digestion

It claims to improve digestion by affecting metabolism. To have healthy digestion, your metabolism must be working properly. A slow metabolism that is unable to convert food into energy compounds is the reason why so many people suffer from various diseases. The healthy probiotic bacteria in BioFit aid in the digestion of food, resulting in rapid weight loss.

Helps in a Healthy Digestive Tract

Many people suffer from constipation, bloating, stomach aches, and hunger pangs. These issues must be addressed or your digestive tract will become inefficient at losing weight. BioFit makes use of probiotic strains that aid in digestive health. The gut bacterium converts food into energy, speeds up your metabolism, aids in digestion and excretion, prevents constipation, and helps with bloating.

Aids in Weight Loss

The rapid weight loss journey is one of its most prominent claims. These claims appear to be true if we focus on the seven bacteria strains used in the formula. Each BioFit capsule contains 5.75 billion colony-forming units (CLU), which aid gut bacteria in performing their functions quickly and efficiently.
Another significant feature of this supplement is the presence of seven strains of probiotic bacteria. Typically, weight loss supplements contain 3-4 strains of probiotic bacteria, but it has upped the ante to seven!

Strengthens Immune System

BioFit also claims to improve immune system function. It strengthens and maintains the immune system, which in turn feeds the gut bacteria. A weakened immune system cannot withstand all of the body’s operations. It also invites more viruses and bacteria to disrupt normal functioning, but BioFit strengthens it and improves its efficacy.

Contains Medium Chain Triglycerides

This supplement contains medium (MCTs), which aids in the probiotics’ effects. Unlike other long fatty acids, MCTs are very easy to digest. BioFit encases the probiotic ingredients in a fatty molecule layer, ensuring that they reach the digestive system.

Probiotic Matrix

BioFit contains a seven-strain probiotic matrix, as opposed to other weight loss products that contain three to five strains. These strains work in various ways to improve fat loss and digestion. They also aid in gut health and immunity.
submitted by Brilliant-Lychee-518 to u/Brilliant-Lychee-518 [link] [comments]
