Sore throat body aches fatigue

Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

2014.09.19 01:24 healthyalmonds Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria that can live in the nostrils, ears, mouth, tonsils, and skin. It may cause or be associated with your congestion, swollen lymph nodes, sinus problems, sore throat, eczema, rosacea, acne, cystic pimples, folliculitis, bowel disease, chronic fatigue, diabetes, lupus, weight gain, hair loss, and other diseases. Chlorhexidine, iodine, or Triple Antibiotic Ointment (Neosporin) may stop the Staph infection. See inside for more information.

2024.05.21 21:11 Vast-Tax9363 Weak at the knees…

Hey! Just entering my 30s era and about 2 months ago, the top parts of my knees have been painful when doing exercises such as squats, lunges, anything where I have to bend my knees. I haven’t changed my routine or diet in the last 6 months or so.
FYI - I am predominantly plant based (for 2 yrs) due to genetically high cholesterol so eat meat very rarely, no dairy (intolerance) and no egg yolks. My bloodwork is always good. Is this a sign that I need to more protein (my protein intake despite being mostly plant based is actually great after checking body scans) or collagen because of sore knee joints?
I always wear good quality footwear with high support like NB 860s or Asics Kayano’s.
Please could I get some advice on what I need to change or add to my diet? My knees feel like they’re getting old! Protein or Collagen? Or something else…?
submitted by Vast-Tax9363 to fitness30plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:07 ym_noturno Do I have dementia or just sleep problems?

More or less a few months ago, in mid-December 2023 I started having sleep problems, at that time, I had gone to my church camp, which I had been attending for a few months, I spent around 3 days without sleeping, Don't get me wrong, I've had sleep problems since I was 12 years old, so it wasn't a big deal for me, after that time, on the 3rd day, I simply passed out in the middle of them all, I was extremely exhausted, and fainting, I simply felt my body turning off, not from sleep, but from extreme fatigue, taking into account that in the meantime of 3 days I had run and exercised extremely in the middle of our gymkhana that took place during these 3 days, after I passed out, when I came home and then went to rest, since I was 12 years old, I was used to going days without sleeping and I always recovered well after a good rest, but this time it was different, even after a few days , over the months (from December to February), there were days when I couldn't sleep and days when I slept insufficiently (not totally continuous sleep deprivation) and in the middle of this time, I started to have progressive memory losses, simply, I could often forget what I was going to do, and no, don't associate this with ADHD, because I was diagnosed with this when I was 13 and I know the difference, after a while, the symptoms got worse after a few days, I just wasn't recognizing it objects, series, music and not even obvious things in my daily life, in addition to that, I'm having more problems finding the right words, in addition to always waking up every day with a strong mental confusion, simply, my brain resets itself and takes a while It takes a lot for it to function normally again, and in the meantime, I feel extremely disoriented, not even being able to recognize myself, know where I am, who I am, who my parents are, etc., I've already done a blood and urine test (complete blood count), I suspected it could be a lack of vitamin B12, and after the result, my results were normal, around 603 ng/L in vitamin B12, I only had slight changes, such as a large increase in iron (excess iron in the blood) and some changes in the bladder, but nothing that indicates a urinary infection, etc., after a while, I was taken to the neurologist, when reporting my symptoms, he said it could be stress, honestly, I've already had major I've had bouts of stress throughout my life and it never reached this level, he also said it could be depression, I've had severe bouts of depression, to the point where I could just stay in bed for days without wanting to do anything, but in this case, I can't get out. out of bed for the simple reason that I can't remember or maintain focus and attention and my reasoning fully, this coming June I'm going to have an MRI in a city close to mine, I've done countless research and several things point to symptoms and illnesses different, always leading to something involving "delirium" or "brain fog", but no definitive conclusion, and this has been happening since January until now (May 21st) I feel my memory and my reasoning get even worse as the Days pass, can this really be a consequence of lack of sleep?
submitted by ym_noturno to dementia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:04 squaresam Is this shutdown?

I've been trying to understand my current situation and the only thing I can deduce, is that my body must be in shutdown.
I've dealt with depression/anxiety/stress for years. I believe that in my situation, I can't run from it and I can't fight it anymore. I feel relatively safe so I don't think I'm in freeze.
I go into these periods that last about a week, it eases up again, and then I go right back into it.
I've had various depressive symptoms down through the years but this feels different. It feels like my body doesn't want to function.
If I couldn't do my job from my bed, I'd have been unemployed months ago.
submitted by squaresam to PolyvagalTheory [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:01 Level_Preference4154 How should I go about getting a proper test?

I’m not currently diagnosed with MCAS but strongly suspect I have it. OTC Anti-histamines and stabilizers have helped me a lot but I still wish I could get a proper test done. I’ve heard about cromolyn and feel something like that beneficial assuming I actually have MCAS. The OTCs are helpful but the breakthroughs are still very much there. I have days where I can feel the tingling, sinus issues, GI distress, nausea, muscle soreness, etc. Days lost to 4-5 hour long naps and fatigue. I feel as though my psychiatric issues could be improved as well. My anxiety and mood disorder seem a little more under control these days but I think as long as I have inflammation the fluctuations in mental health are still pretty unstable. On my physically clear days I notice I have a measurable difference in cognition and psychiatric health. It’s great to not feel like my body is under complete siege 24/7 but not enough.
I went to the ER during a a evere episode about 6 months back. I had one doctor look and confirm that my throat was swollen and red but since all the bloodwork they did turned up normal i got sent home, only to have to figure out what OTC treatment to use (thank god for this community) so I wouldn’t have to call out of work all the time and feel like I was dying. I just have this feeling that if I were put on a strong prescription medication my life could be different.
I have an allergist who did a panel on me a while back but I almost want to call again and request a test for MCAS. I don’t know if an allergist would have a test for MCAS or if I should ask for an immunologist. I don’t even know how to ask for this. I’m used to having my concerns brushed aside so I never even brought up the idea of MCAS.
submitted by Level_Preference4154 to MCAS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:59 Same-Guitar-6889 Finally made it! - My story

Hello everyone, I'm a 24-year-old male who has been struggling with alcoholism for a year now. It started with 2 beers a night at university and in 3-4 months it escalated to a bottle of vodka a day. I was so desperate and couldn't go anywhere without a plastic bottle filled with vodka to hide it from anyone. During this period, no one ever noticed anything strange about me, but I was depressed from just the fact that I couldn't be off alcohol anymore.
Now let me get to this past month. I was having problems like dizziness, feeling like I was going to faint, and my blood pressure was around 140/95 all the time with a heart rate around 100-105 bpm. I was having very bad times and couldn't even sleep because of it, so I went to the doctors, and they started running all sorts of tests. I was worried to tell them about my alcohol use because my general practitioner is my aunt, so I kept it hidden from them. 3 weeks ago, they found out that I have pretty bad liver tests, high levels of ferritin and uric acid in the blood. On a CT scan, they also found out that I have a fatty liver.
This scared me fucking shitless. In one week, I cut down from 500ml of vodka to 250ml of vodka, and it was so fucking hard. I couldn't sleep, was sweating, and my heart felt like it would jump out of my chest. I was most worried about my heart because I had heard that it could potentially be dangerous, but I was so scared that I just went with it and continued. After that, I dropped from 250ml to 80ml of vodka in another week (so that means from 500ml to 80ml in two weeks). This jump subjectively felt better, but I still felt my heart pumping too fast, and I couldn't sleep much. Now it's been 2 and a half weeks, and I'm on 50ml (1 shot) a day in the afternoon. I feel much better, my heart rate dropped from 105 bpm to 80, which is huge, and I can't wait to drop alcohol altogether.
The problem is that I still sometimes feel like something is wrong with my heart. I sometimes get these episodes where I almost feel like I'm going to faint, and my head aches, sometimes my belly aches, but my most significant concern is my heart. When I had a CT scan 3 weeks ago, the doc said my heart and lungs are fine. Should I be worried, is it still the withdrawals, and is it just my body adjusting to life without alcohol? I take magnesium supplements and milk thistle extracts to help my liver plus vitamin B complex
I wish you all strength if you go through all of this. <3
submitted by Same-Guitar-6889 to alcoholicsanonymous [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:57 Stealthiest_KDE_User I've tried to answer the question of whatever estrogen HRT would be a good option to me, and I'm unable to come to a definitive conclusion. I ask for advice.

For quite some time, I've been dealing with a set of issues which I would describe as "depression". Inability to focus, fatigue, and more, wrecked havoc in everything I do, and did: be that academic successes, communication, or gaining any useful skills.
Those issues have no obvious reason to exist: my body's physical health is fine as far as I know, lifestyle is good, and, unfortunately, I have nothing to say about mental health.
But past few months, I've entertained the possibility of me being some variety of MtF. I've educated myself on various resources on this, like this, or this, this subreddit, and more.
One of the things I've found while searching for information is the so called "biochemical dysphoria", and it's description, with "dissociation" and "derealization" can explain some of the issues I am dealing with as of now.
Possibility that estrogen HRT can help with those issues made me more interested in it.
Physical effects of HRT are irrelevant to me. But only they are certain, while effects of HRT on brain and mind are hard for me to predict making decision making process harder.
Due to me living in Central Asia, "Planned parenthood" clinics, therapists, or any other competent mental healthcare services are unavailable for me. And that means that only DIY HRT is possible. Financial difficulties also make HRT a rather expensive venture for me.
Below I present what I thought of as possible scenarios for me:
Assuming I seek to procure HRT, I:
All for the:
I am unable to give more definition to either of those two goals. I'm unable to answer when would I even consider those two goals achieved. And there is always something unaccounted for, ready to make all plans go awry.
Assuming I do not seek to procure HRT, I:
Things in my life are fine after all. And issues I've mentioned are more easily explained by me being a badly spoiled, undisciplined drooling idiot.
But an idea that HRT can help to resolve so many issues can make all the "self-improvement" harder just by existing, and clogging brain bandwidth. So I should decide whatever HRT is a good option, or not, as soon as possible.
Conclusion for this decision making process depends on whatever I'm ready to put money and time on unknown possibility that HRT will be of any use to me.
It seems too good of a deal, judging by what I've read on the internet. Possibility that no, there are no worms eating my brain away; that I can just take some chemicals and everything will become so much easier; that there is so much less work ahead, seems like a beginning for some scam.
And yet, there is an unknown possibility that it is that good of a deal; that I should get HRT as soon as possible.
I should know better than considering going for something so nebulous. But I don't know better yet, and will ask:
Considering everything written above, would you recommend HRT as a solution to my mental issues? 
And, of course, feel free to add anything else.
On this, I end this post. I apologize for it being possibly hard to understand, and it being too chaotic; let me know if that's a case.
I acknowledge that I'm asking for advice on topic from people who are likely quite biased. Nonetheless, I'm interested in any answers.
submitted by Stealthiest_KDE_User to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:52 b0w04 Possible diagnosis

Hello everyone, I just had an initial consultation regarding my symptoms (feeling exhausted after waking up, fatigue during the day, no sex drive, struggle to concentrate along with other “brain fog” symptoms.
Although I do snore and grind my teeth during my sleep after examining my nose/throat and neck my consultant doesn’t believe it is likely sleep apnea due to the fact I don’t wake up repeatedly during sleep.
Does anyone have sleep apnea that doesn’t get woken up from their snoring? Thankfully I am scheduled for a sleep study to know for certain but I was just wondering?
submitted by b0w04 to SleepApnea [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:44 VodkaRumWhiskey Withdrawal after one night?

Kindling is when you go through one withdrawal and each subsequent withdrawal is easier to achieve and also more severe.
I stopped drinking a few months ago after being a pretty bad "alcoholic" for only a few months, possibly having mild withdrawal symptoms. Saturday night I had about 8 drinks. Woke up horribly hungover, way more than usual, and started to develop cold symptoms over the next few days. Today is Tuesday Morning and I feel like absolute shit, like I have the flu, coughing, feeling weak, runny nose, sore throat, no significant shaking though. Is it possible that this is withdrawal all over again or am I being paranoid and probably just have some bad cold?
Please don't tell me to go to the doctor that is not a choice right now. I will simply detox safely by myself if it is believed that this is withdrawal.
submitted by VodkaRumWhiskey to alcohol [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:43 VodkaRumWhiskey Withdrawal after one night?

Kindling is when you go through one withdrawal and each subsequent withdrawal is easier to achieve and also more severe.
I stopped drinking a few months ago after being a pretty bad "alcoholic" for only a few months, possibly having mild withdrawal symptoms. Saturday night I had about 8 drinks. Woke up horribly hungover, way more than usual, and started to develop cold symptoms over the next few days. Today is Tuesday Morning and I feel like absolute shit, like I have the flu, coughing, feeling weak, sore throat runny nose, no significant shaking though. Is it possible that this is withdrawal all over again or am I being paranoid and probably just have some bad cold?
Please don't tell me to go to the doctor that is not a choice right now. I will simply detox safely by myself if it is believed that this is withdrawal.
submitted by VodkaRumWhiskey to dryalcoholics [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:40 Vast_Highway_165 Been really relearning it

today marks 100 days since I've really dived into this work. Now, I know I still have along way to go, but last night was one of my most successful meditations, BOTEC 1. I realized I have to work my way up through the next few originally because i skipped around and it was so intense for me, I felt like I need to really master 1 before i move forward. and Boy oh Boy, did last night really feel excellent! I felt "IT" if you've tapped into the Divine you know What I mean. and I felt time slow waaaayyyy down. Sometimes while I'm meditating i sway a little bit, felt my whole body freeze up and when i would sway so slowly. I felt so good afterwards, I didn't need anything, I went blissfully to sleep. been feeling sick, been feeling sore, turned 36 on May 5th and just caught strep throat, i think covid too, and just been no energy, and last night was a great reawakening. I know this works, I know it, I just have to stick to it!
submitted by Vast_Highway_165 to DrJoeDispenza [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:34 Plejad BFS Vent

I feel like I could scream and cry, I’m so angry and desperate. I‘m (35 f) having my second BFS episode with twitches, jerks and for three weeks now, I’m having stiff legs and neck and sore muscles. I can’t walk well, it feels weird. I can’t sit on the floor and it’s even more painful to get up. I went to my doctor twice, but since my blood, lungs and heart seemed fine, he sent me off as healthy. He checked my knee and said, he can’t find anything and I should see an orthopedist. I tried to reach one, but I won’t be abled to see one in the next three months. I’m freaking out, cause my big, fancy wedding is in four weeks. I want to be be happy, but instead im sliding in a second episode of bfs and extreme health anxiety. Last time this happened, I had just given birth to my son and this absolutely destroyed month of my life that should have been wonderful, but I was in excruciating fear. I still can’t forgive myself for being this depressed, crazy, anxious person I was then. I don’t want to do this to my boyfriend again. I hate this, I’m scared and I feel so so let down by the medical system and by my f***** body.
submitted by Plejad to BFS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:31 MoldyCarDude Is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy ( HBOT ) the fastest way to recover?

Has anyone else here tried HBOT to recover from chronic fatigue syndrome caused by toxic mold exposure?
I have been doing HBOT for 6 weeks now and I can say that by far this seems the fastest method to recover from toxic mold exposure. I haven't recovered fully yet but I haven't felt this good in 2 years. I have done 50 hours in total until now and I will continue to do at least 10 more hours.
These two videos on youtube gave me the idea to try HBOT:
And this video explains pretty well how HBOT works:
Short background: 2021 March - moved into toxic apartment ( no visible mold), in the first 6 months I had mild to no symptoms. 2021 August - post exertion fatigue appeared, could not work out anymore because I felt like my body could not recover from it. I also had a bigger caffeine crash in the afternoon and I needed to take a nap after work. 2022 January - my fatigue got worse, even 1-2 hour walks made me fatigued for days. Digestive issues appeared. Felt like my digestion has slowed down, started to have acid reflux and abdominal pain. 2022 May - brain fog started to ramp up 2022 September - had to stop working because of debilitating brain fog. Even a trip to the grocery store 10 minutes away on foot made me fatigued for days. 2022 December - lost my inner dialogue, short term memory problems appeared. 2023 January - moved back with parents because I couldn't take care of myself anymore. 2023 May - found out about mold toxicity. Symptoms did not get any better since moving. 2023 June - started doing infrared sauna and taking NAC 2023 July - inner dialogue came back. Started doing prolonged water fasting once a week 24-36 hours per session. 2023 October - symptoms got better but then stagnated. 2023 November - got rid of all my clothes and bedsheets that I brought with me from the toxic apartment. Until this point I was wearing and sleeping in the toxic items. It explained why the improvements of my symptoms have plateaued. 2023 December - 2024 March - symptoms have improved continuously without any regression (70-75% mental and physical capacity compared to old healthy self). Main detox methods were prolonged water fasting 36-60 hours per session, taking NAC and Lion's Mane and infrared sauna. 2024 April - got better enough to take the bus to the city to start doing HBOT. 2024 May - after 50 hours of HBOT I am at 90% mental and physical capacity compared to old healthy self.
I will do a more detailed post about my recovery journey once I have recovered completely.
Some things to note: I live in Eastern Europe so HBOT is cheaper here compared to the US. HBOT heals the damage that was cause by mycotoxins but it also forces the toxins out of the cells into the bloodstream so have to start slow. I did 1 or 1.5 hours per day in the first 4 weeks and increased it to 2 hours per day after that. The pressure was set to 2 ATM during the sessions. I felt worse temporally after every session in the afternoon, mainly brain fog, but felt better the next morning and in the off days during the weekend I felt even better.
Did anyone else had the same experience with HBOT?
submitted by MoldyCarDude to ToxicMoldExposure [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:31 Greedy-Big-2046 I’m so scared any advice would be helpful

So the last couple months I’ve been dealing with what I thought was extremely somatic anxiety. Until I got some blood work done and it came back that my ANA levels were elevated. (1:160 homogeneous, nuclear) I have a mild family history of autoimmune diseases, my mom has lupus and my grandmother has celiac disease.
Over the last few months I’ve been trying to treat myself for the anxiety but I’m afraid that whatever is actually wrong with me I’m only making worse with intensive exercise and work. I’ve tried to fill my time with those things as a result I’m completely exhausted.
Symptom wise things haven’t gotten any better mostly it appears I’m suffering from neurological effects of whatever’s going on.
But there are now some other things that have popped up causing concern
I’m worried I’ve developed lupus and based on the extensive amount of reading I’ve done I feel like it has mostly ruined any sense of a normal life people have had. Furthermore as a single white dude, I know it is rare for my demographic, but I feel like it’s really gonna be hard. Like I don’t have anyone to help me, I’m supposed to be the one making life happen, providing and building. I feel like I’m losing myself and I’m real scared. My rheumatologist has ordered some more test I get done today but in all honesty I don’t think it’s looking too good for me. I get sick a lot more than anyone else I know like I at least miss a few days of work every month, I always just figured I was weak but now I’m starting to think it wasn’t my fault.
submitted by Greedy-Big-2046 to Autoimmune [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:22 YikesonBikes_98 Weight Loss & Fibromyalgia

I am recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia (25F) and I have been overweight my whole life. I am on a “fitness journey” trying to lose some weight for my overall health but with this new diagnosis I feel like I’m fighting against my meds (Prozac & Gabapentin mainly) and my body to be able to do what I need to do.
PT has been helping me get active but the days I don’t have PT I am so fatigued that I find it nearly impossible to set up an exercise plan or even make semi healthy food.
So for those who have successfully lost weight post diagnosis -is it possible? Am I doomed? Having a hard enough time wrapping my head around the diagnosis and this is something i am worried about.
submitted by YikesonBikes_98 to Fibromyalgia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:20 OIndianCancercare Signs Of Throat Cancer

Signs Of Throat Cancer
Usually individuals who suffer from throat cancer develop cancer in their voice box called larynx and face problems like sore throat, swelling of the neck, and difficulty swallowing. Possibly, the sufferer may note these indications of throat cancer in the beginning, but they might get to know it when the cancer gets more advanced and they face issues with breathing or speaking. However, throat cancer symptoms may differ based on their location in your body, and if the cancerous tumors grow within the voice box, they can make you ineligible to speak. These conditions require an immediate diagnosis, and you must visit a medical expert quickly!
Common Causes
However, the exact cause of throat cancer is not known, but due to the reasons mentioned, an individual might develop this illness:
  • Can develop due to genetic changes in the cells of your throat.
  • Consuming a lot of alcohol and tobacco-based products can possibly let you develop tumors.
  • Getting human papillomavirus infection.
  • Individuals exposed to chemicals like sulfuric acid, mist nickel, etc. in the workplace are at greater risk.
Throat Cancer Signs/Symptoms
Here’s a list of some common signs that a person may face when developing throat cancer:
Voice Changes: If your voice is becominghoarse or husky or you are facing difficulty pronouncing certain sounds or words, then there might be a possibility that you are developing cancer in your larynx.
Difficulty or Pain in Swallowing: The most initial sign that you might come across would be difficulty swallowing, as you might experience burning or pain when chewing and swallowing food.
Chronic Sore Throat: Known as an early warning sign, where cancer can occur in the pharynx, causing pain in your throat, which doesn’t disappear when you swallow.
Weight loss: An unusual weight loss may occur as a common cancer symptom which can be exacerbated by swallowing problems.
Swollen Lymph Nodes Around the Neck: Swollen nodes or enlarged lymph glands around the neck can be a sign your body is developing a cancer illness, especially if it grows slowly.
Other Signs
  • trouble moving your tongue
  • white patches around tongue or mouth lining
  • coughing up blood
  • nosebleeds
  • pain in throat
Stages of Throat Cancer
Throat cancer staging can form an essential part done by your doctor to identify the stage of cancer and to analyze how far the cancer has grown and spread. Usually, these are the stages that your doctor will diagnose:
Stage 0: Denoted by the term carcinoma in situ where the throat will develop cancerous cells.
Stage I: Referred to as an early stage of cancer where the cancer is only two centimeters, limited to the throat.
Stage II: This stage forms where thetumor is usually between two-four centimeters, but yet not spread to the lymph nodes.
Stage III: Here, your throat cancer comes larger than four centimeters, or even spread to nearby lymph nodes.
Stage IV: During this, the cancer is no longer confined to the original site as it might spread to other body areas including your neck, trachea or jaw.

Throat Cancer Diagnosis

Usually the specialists follow the below mentioned methods to diagnose the throat cancer:
Physical Examination: Most initially when you see a doctor, they will usually examine your mouth, throat and neck to find any throat cancer symptom.
Larynx Endoscopy: To look for abnormalities of the throat, the doctors use an endoscope and insert it through the nose to analyze the illness.
Biopsy: The doctors do this to determine if there are cancerous cells present by taking a small sample of cells or tissue to examine using a magnifying glass.
Ultrasound: Ultrasound of the neck is utilized to detect any abnormalities present, which can subsequently be verified using CT or MRI scans.
X-rays: The doctors may opt for chest x-ray to determine the sufferer’s general health and to analyze the spread of lung cancer.
CT Scan: A radiological procedure is performed to confirm and pinpoint the presence of disease or cancer in the neck region, while also assessing any potential lymph nodes. This involves creating detailed cross-sectional images of the targeted structure from various angles.
MRI: Using radio waves and magnets, the test produces detailed images about what’s going on inside your body.
PET scan: The doctors usually inject radioactive material into the body to detect cancer cells. Treatment Options
Mentioned below are the treatment options that the experts suggest:
The order of treatment for throat cancer is especially if it’s involving voice box or adjacent structures is chemotherapy plus radiotherapy . This approach has evolved from the surgery first approach which was used few decades ago but with the principle of organ preservation and to preserve the voice of the patient .
Surgery: Your medical expert will suggest surgery depending upon the location of the cancer and the structures involved ,if erosion of the cartilages seen in the scan then surgery is the choice of treatment The surgery involves laryngectomy plus partial phryngectomy and also reconstruction of the pharynx which connects to the food pipe . However, surgery involves excision of the voice box and loss of voice but with recent development of voice prosthesis ,voice can be generated.
Laser Surgery: Another treatment option, usually opted by the medical experts in the very initial stages if the disease is limited only to the voice box that too partially .
Radiation Therapy: You may get advised by the doctor to undergo radiation therapy which is the primary treatment in some cases as these doses target the cancer cells to eliminate them.
Chemotherapy: To treat certain cancer conditions, chemotherapy may be needed, especially if the tumor is large, or if the cancer has spread into the lymph nodes as this surgery can shrink tumors possibly.
Targeted Therapy: Since this type of treatment reduces the risk of side effects, these drugs target specific cancer cells or proteins that affect the growth of cancer.
Immunotherapy: This new approach boosts the ability of the immune system to protect the body from cancer.
  • Avoid consuming tobacco products and say no to smoking.
  • You can prevent this illness by limiting alcohol consumption.
  • Consume a healthy diet.
Final Words
Since we tried our best to cover every relatable aspect about Signs Of Throat Cancer for our readers, it is essential to note that visiting a trusted medical hospital for your treatment will help you recover better from the illness. To receive personalized advice and a discussion regarding Throat Cancer, consult with Dr. Sanjog Singh at Samsara Cancer Care Nagpur one of the best for Throat Cancer treatment in Nagpur, a highly respected medical expert today. With years of expertise working in this field, doctors can assist you understand the process of throat cancer better and help you through the course of your illness Usually individuals who suffer from throat cancer develop cancer in their voice box called larynx and face problems like sore throat, swelling of the neck, and difficulty swallowing. Possibly, the sufferer may note these indications of throat cancer in the beginning, but they might get to know it when the cancer gets more advanced and they face issues with breathing or speaking. However, throat cancer symptoms may differ based on their location in your body, and if the cancerous tumors grow within the voice box, they can make you ineligible to speak. These conditions require an immediate diagnosis, and you must visit a medical expert quickly!
Common Causes
However, the exact cause of throat cancer is not known, but due to the reasons mentioned, an individual might develop this illness:
Can develop due to genetic changes in the cells of your throat. Consuming a lot of alcohol and tobacco-based products can possibly let you develop tumors. Getting human papillomavirus infection. Individuals exposed to chemicals like sulfuric acid, mist nickel, etc. in the workplace are at greater risk.
Throat Cancer Signs/Symptoms
Here’s a list of some common signs that a person may face when developing throat cancer:
Voice Changes: If your voice is becominghoarse or husky or you are facing difficulty pronouncing certain sounds or words, then there might be a possibility that you are developing cancer in your larynx.
Difficulty or Pain in Swallowing: The most initial sign that you might come across would be difficulty swallowing, as you might experience burning or pain when chewing and swallowing food.
Chronic Sore Throat: Known as an early warning sign, where cancer can occur in the pharynx, causing pain in your throat, which doesn’t disappear when you swallow.
Weight loss: An unusual weight loss may occur as a common cancer symptom which can be exacerbated by swallowing problems.
Swollen Lymph Nodes Around the Neck: Swollen nodes or enlarged lymph glands around the neck can be a sign your body is developing a cancer illness, especially if it grows slowly.
Other Signs
trouble moving your tongue white patches around tongue or mouth lining coughing up blood nosebleeds pain in throat
Stages of Throat Cancer
Throat cancer staging can form an essential part done by your doctor to identify the stage of cancer and to analyze how far the cancer has grown and spread. Usually, these are the stages that your doctor will diagnose:
Stage 0: Denoted by the term carcinoma in situ where the throat will develop cancerous cells.
Stage I: Referred to as an early stage of cancer where the cancer is only two centimeters, limited to the throat.
Stage II: This stage forms where thetumor is usually between two-four centimeters, but yet not spread to the lymph nodes.
Stage III: Here, your throat cancer comes larger than four centimeters, or even spread to nearby lymph nodes.
Stage IV: During this, the cancer is no longer confined to the original site as it might spread to other body areas including your neck, trachea or jaw.
Throat Cancer Diagnosis
Usually the specialists follow the below mentioned methods to diagnose the throat cancer:
Physical Examination: Most initially when you see a doctor, they will usually examine your mouth, throat and neck to find any throat cancer symptom.
Larynx Endoscopy: To look for abnormalities of the throat, the doctors use an endoscope and insert it through the nose to analyze the illness.
Biopsy: The doctors do this to determine if there are cancerous cells present by taking a small sample of cells or tissue to examine using a magnifying glass.
Ultrasound: Ultrasound of the neck is utilized to detect any abnormalities present, which can subsequently be verified using CT or MRI scans.
X-rays: The doctors may opt for chest x-ray to determine the sufferer’s general health and to analyze the spread of lung cancer.
CT Scan: A radiological procedure is performed to confirm and pinpoint the presence of disease or cancer in the neck region, while also assessing any potential lymph nodes. This involves creating detailed cross-sectional images of the targeted structure from various angles.
MRI: Using radio waves and magnets, the test produces detailed images about what’s going on inside your body.
PET scan: The doctors usually inject radioactive material into the body to detect cancer cells. Treatment Options
Mentioned below are the treatment options that the experts suggest:
The order of treatment for throat cancer is especially if it’s involving voice box or adjacent structures is chemotherapy plus radiotherapy . This approach has evolved from the surgery first approach which was used few decades ago but with the principle of organ preservation and to preserve the voice of the patient .
Surgery: Your medical expert will suggest surgery depending upon the location of the cancer and the structures involved ,if erosion of the cartilages seen in the scan then surgery is the choice of treatment The surgery involves laryngectomy plus partial phryngectomy and also reconstruction of the pharynx which connects to the food pipe . However, surgery involves excision of the voice box and loss of voice but with recent development of voice prosthesis ,voice can be generated.
Laser Surgery: Another treatment option, usually opted by the medical experts in the very initial stages if the disease is limited only to the voice box that too partially .
Radiation Therapy: You may get advised by the doctor to undergo radiation therapy which is the primary treatment in some cases as these doses target the cancer cells to eliminate them.
Chemotherapy: To treat certain cancer conditions, chemotherapy may be needed, especially if the tumor is large, or if the cancer has spread into the lymph nodes as this surgery can shrink tumors possibly.
Targeted Therapy: Since this type of treatment reduces the risk of side effects, these drugs target specific cancer cells or proteins that affect the growth of cancer.
Immunotherapy: This new approach boosts the ability of the immune system to protect the body from cancer.
Avoid consuming tobacco products and say no to smoking. You can prevent this illness by limiting alcohol consumption. Consume a healthy diet.
Final Words
Since we tried our best to cover every relatable aspect about Signs Of Throat Cancer for our readers, it is essential to note that visiting a trusted medical hospital for your treatment will help you recover better from the illness. To receive personalized advice and a discussion regarding Throat Cancer, consult with Dr. Sanjog Singh at Samsara Cancer Care Nagpur one of the best for Throat Cancer treatment in Nagpur, a highly respected medical expert today. With years of expertise working in this field, doctors can assist you understand the process of throat cancer better and help you through the course of your illness
submitted by OIndianCancercare to u/OIndianCancercare [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:19 VodkaRumWhiskey Could this be kindling?

Kindling is when you go through one withdrawal and each subsequent withdrawal is easier to achieve and also more severe.
I stopped drinking a few months ago after being a pretty bad "alcoholic" for only a few months, possibly having mild withdrawal symptoms. Saturday night I had about 8 drinks. Woke up horribly hungover, way more than usual, and started to develop cold symptoms over the next few days. Today is Tuesday Morning and I feel like absolute shit, like I have the flu, coughing, feeling weak, sore throat, runny nose no significant shaking though. Is it possible that this is withdrawal all over again or am I being paranoid and probably just have some bad cold?
Please don't tell me to go to the doctor that is not a choice right now. I will simply detox safely by myself if it is believed that this is withdrawal.
submitted by VodkaRumWhiskey to alcoholism [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:15 Ok-Mine-5994 News channels in the MV would be wild and hella confusing

Think about this for gxk’s events: all in a short period of time Scylla randomly attacks multiple nuclear facilities and ends in Rome, Godzilla shows up and kills her and naps in the colloseum like a cat. Nothing usual so far right? Godzilla randomly wakes up shoo’s a helicopter away and hauls ass in the ocean. Out of nowhere kong shows up in Barbados with a tooth ache, he’s sedated and gets a cool sliver filling. Kong returns to hollow earth whilst Godzilla heads for nuclear power plant to supercharge. Godzilla cuts through Spain and heads to the Arctic Ocean. After awhile he comes out seemingly unexplained pink with new dorsals and body changes. Not long after kong comes out of the ground in Egypt with an Infinity gauntlet on his arm. Godzilla shows up, they fight and it’s interrupted by mothra who’s somehow alive. Then the 3 monsters roar in the sky together for some reason. They go back down into where kong came from. Minutes later In Rio the ocean freezes and a ice dragon, a red monkey, kong with an infinity gauntlet and pink Godzilla breach the surface. The red monkey in question holds a spine whip with a shiny blue crystal. It’s a 2v2 for awhile and the atmosphere is frozen until the crystals broken by a smaller orange monkey with kongs axe shows up. The red monkey is teamed on and is used as a ping pong ball and frozen by said former teammate then they all go their separate ways. And Godzilla naps in the colloseum again.
submitted by Ok-Mine-5994 to Monsterverse [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:14 Luna-Comet Fatigued quicker during exercise/lifting

Hi everyone.
This is day two of my second shot of 2.5mg. I've been really fortunate and not had much negative side effects until today.
I attended my weight class earlier on and my legs and arms fatigued really quickly and my body resisted doing what I wanted.
I was feeling pretty wiped this morning and afternoon, so probably should have stayed home but wanted to push past what I felt was a temporary feeling.
So far I've been staying well hydrated, eating protein and the right kind of foods. Also taking supplements and electrolytes.
My post tonight is directed towards those who have experience with snacks to eat before workouts to help fuel exercises whilst on Mounjaro, that are not full of sugar. I don't usually require them but I'm feeling like my body needed something to get going with lifting weights.
Thanks in advance
submitted by Luna-Comet to mounjarouk [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:11 armanivision58 Original sports glasses

Original sports glasses
Are you a person who loves all kinds of sports and outdoor activities? Protecting your eyes is important in any sport or activity you love, whether it's a hobby or a profession. You should not use your trendy prescription glasses or sunglasses while exercising. Typically, these glasses are not made for sports. They are fragile and prone to breaking, especially if they get hit during play. Depending on the material, lenses can break and possibly dislodge, increasing the risk of eye damage.
This is where sports glasses come in, as they are glasses that are specifically designed for use in physical activities and sports. They are designed to protect the eyes and enhance visual performance during activities such as running, cycling, skiing and basketball. Sports glasses can be prescription or non-prescription and come in a variety of styles. In this blog, we will explain what sports glasses are and what are their benefits.

What are sports glasses?
As the name suggests, sports glasses are glasses that are specifically designed for use in physical activities, outdoor games and sports. They simplify the athlete's experience on the field by providing exceptional visibility, color contrast, UV and glare protection, impact resistance and comfort. Sports glasses can be prescription or non-prescription. Finally, you can find customized sports glasses for different types of play, such as basketball, cycling, running, etc., each with its own unique features.

Why do you need sports glasses?

Outdoor sports and games are agile activities and the risk of injury is always there. Therefore, it is essential to be extra safe and prepare with the right equipment. The head, face, eyes, knees and elbows are among the most vulnerable parts of the human body that need an extra layer of protection.
Most people are also unaware of how to minimize the risk of injury. Currently, the need to increase safety awareness in sports and ensure quality protective equipment for players is very important to reduce accidents and injuries caused by sports.

5 main advantages of sports glasses

1- Protection against physical damage

Risks of physical injury or injury are always present in sports. Whether you are a professional athlete or a hobbyist exercising for personal satisfaction, everyone on the field is equally at risk of injury. Therefore, it is important to use a face mask, prescription sports glasses, eye protection and other similar devices to protect your sensitive organs from any physical harm. Polycarbonate lenses and anti-impact frames of sports glasses protect you from damage to the sensitive eye area.

2- Protection against ultraviolet rays
Most outdoor sports are done in the sun. Therefore, playing a game under strong sunlight for long periods of time can cause eye fatigue and increase the risk of vision problems such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), corneal damage, cataracts, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid excessive exposure to sunlight. To avoid additional exposure to the sun's UVA and UVB rays, it is critical to choose sports glasses with UV protective coatings. You can also size up to sunglasses with dark lenses instead of a clear lens. In addition to using sports glasses with UV protection, you can also use sunglasses with dark lenses to protect your eyes from the sun.
In addition to UV protection, the right sports glasses also protect you from the glare of the sun. This glare may disrupt your focus and attention on the field and reduce your performance. Therefore, choosing the right glasses with anti-radiation properties is very important.

3- Improving visual clarity

The third advantage of using sports glasses or prescription sports glasses is to improve visual clarity. As we all know, outdoor games can be played in broad daylight, foggy conditions and rainy days. Therefore, to increase performance and reduce the risk of injury, you should enjoy clear and sharp vision.
High-quality sports glasses have anti-glare coatings, polarization, and special tints that help clear vision and reduce the amount of reflected light that reaches your eyes. For example, if you are a tennis player and cannot follow the ball on the court due to the intersection of the color of the environment and the color of the tennis ball, your performance may be impaired. But, using sunglasses with anti-glare and polarized coatings will increase the contrast and clarity between objects, so that you can always perform well in the game.

4- Protection against particles

Various sports today, such as football, cycling, volleyball, etc., are played at a very high speed. Due to the high speed of sports, the possibility of insects, particles, dust and other substances hitting your eyes is very high, and you may not even have enough time to avoid or avoid them. This entry of these elements into the eyes can cause problems and inconveniences for you. A speck of dust that gets into your eye can have disastrous consequences. Therefore, caution is required.
Sports glasses and prescription sports glasses act like a shield against the harmful elements coming your way. So, you can focus on your game, and the impact-resistant glasses protect your vision.

5- Increase performance

For any athlete, winning is always a sweet and memorable experience, regardless of their level of athletic experience. But when practical things like glare, discomfort, and dust particles reduce your performance, you're less likely to win. In this context, sports glasses appear as a kind of savior with a brilliant appearance. They can help improve your performance in the following ways. By reducing glare, sports glasses enable you to react faster in bright light conditions.
Sports glasses help your eyes adjust quickly between bright and dark environments. Increasing the contrast helps you to distinguish between an object and the background in which it is located. This feature is especially useful in sports such as tennis, golf, hockey and basketball. For example, in sports where the ball moves quickly and players need to react quickly, increasing contrast can help players see the ball better and react more accurately.
Sports glasses are very important in protecting your eyes. Particles, dust and harmful UV rays can damage your eyes. Up to this part of the article, we have given a comprehensive overview of the 5 main reasons why sports glasses are very useful. Now, let's go into more detail by looking at some tips and tricks for choosing the right glasses.
submitted by armanivision58 to u/armanivision58 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:02 MathsGuy1 The Rise of the Soulmancer pt8: Crushed Souls

The Rise of the Soulmancer pt8: Crushed Souls
/uw Warning: this chapter contains description of a battle, so there's some gore etc.
context: part7
"... have to retreat, sir! Now!" - Deamor vaguely registered the meaning of the words.
He tried to walk, but after a few steps, he vomited a mix of blue, green, and red - likely the result of all the potions he drank, combined with some internal bleeding. Before he could finish, the attendant grabbed his arm, leading him away while forcing another potion down his throat.
As he drank, his sense of surroundings gradually returned and his crippling headache lessened just enough for him to think again. Magical overexertion could cause grave consequences to both body and mind, and this potion could only delay the effects by a few minutes, worsening his overall condition later. Given the situation, he had little choice. His state seemed the worst among the other wizards, though they weren't that much better off either.
It appeared they had underestimated the Northerners, who had somehow breached their formation. Though the breach was quickly closed, a group of three dozen crazed berserkers slipped through before that. Ignoring the imperial soldiers around them, they charged straight at Deamor, aiming to tip the scales of battle by eliminating the mages at the back.
The shouts and battlecries grew closer as the small detachment left to guard the wizards was swiftly crushed. The Vanguard's captain kept a cool head and swiftly decided: "Stop and brace for a fight!"
Deamor immediately obeyed. Just as during the drills, he quickly drew his wand and started going through the motions - he cast Mage Armor, followed by Haste and Mirror Image. All the other wizards mimicked his moves - they followed the order without question, despite the looks of fear on their faces. Deamor knew running away wouldn't do him any good - even if he could escape, deserters would be tracked down and executed.
The enemies were closing in rapidly, less than 200 feet away. Deamor raised his wand and a blinding lightning hit one of the berserkers, making his body twitch uncontrollably on the ground. Other spells flew at the approaching opponents, but they did little to slow them down. With unexpected nimbleness, they leapt over the pools of grease and pits that magically appeared in their path. Some of the offensive spells weren't enough to incapacitate the warriors or were simply dodged.
Soon the unstoppable berserkers were upon them. Deamor ducked as a small axe flew past where his chest had been a moment earlier. He heard a gargle - his attendant, who had stood beside him, wasn't so lucky. With no one between him and the berserkers, Deamor prepared for close combat. Magical quarterstaff, crackling with electricity, appeared in his hand just in time to block a wide swing from a berserker who reached him. Though he blocked the blow, its force almost knocked him down.
He stepped back, but his opponent didn't relent, raining blows with twin swords. Only his hastened state allowed Deamor to barely keep up with blocking. Somehow, his Mirror Image had no effect, as if the berserker could instinctively sense which image was the real one. Deamor had no time to think about how excatly the man did it. He had to come up with a plan to quickly defeat his opponent - he wouldn't be able to last much longer, especially in his weakened state.
Deamor did the first thing that came to his mind - he closed his eyes and emitted a blinding flash of light out of his hand. The Northerner was caught off guard and started flailing with his swords blindly. That was big enough opening for Deamor. He leveraged his hastened state to quickly step to the side and attack enemy's leg. A strong blow to the tendon brought the berserker to one knee, electricity amplifying the impact. Without hesitation, Deamor swung with both hands at the man's head. The berserker instinctively shielded his head with his hand just in time. However, even though his forearm bone was crushed and his skin blackened, he showed no pain, only even greater fury.
He roared wildly and lunged at surprised Deamor, who barely managed to step back in time. He rapidly circled around his half-prone opponent and delivered a powerful blow to the back of the berserker's head. Fortunately, this time his opponent hadn't managed to dodge or block quickly enough. A sickening crunch signified his success.
Deamor grinned slightly, proud of besting the fierce opponent. "Maybe those martial arts lessons weren't a waste of time after all" - he thought. But then he quickly remembered that this wasn't a duel, he was in the middle of a battle.
Just as he thought about that, he sensed a soul close behind him. Without looking back, he dodged to the side, avoiding a deadly axe wielded by an imposing man clad in bear fur. Before Deamor could do anything, another powerful blow came at him. He rolled to the side, not daring to block the giant axe. Despite the Haste spell, the berserker was as fast as him and almost sliced off his hand. Fortunately the Mage Armor came in handy and deflected the blade.
The accumulated stress, magical extertion and the presence of the terrifying half-giant were too much for Deamor, and he lost the concentration necessary to continue channeling his spells. The energy staff in his hand fizzled out, and the world around him suddenly sped up as his Haste ended prematurely.
Deamor's mind went blank as the man towered over him, ready to end his life. Almost instinctively, Deamor stomped his foot, and a half-translucent barrier emerged from the ground. Immediately after, he started running away without looking back, trying to get away from the man at all cost. There was no chance he could defeat that monster!
The berserker swung his axe and the barrier shattered as if it was made out of fragile glass. The warrior didn't relent and pursued his prey. After a few moments, he was upon the mage again, but just as he was preparing to swing his axe at the run-away, he tripped over a corpse.
Deamor looked back and stared, dumbfounded, not believing his luck. He almost missed his opportunity as the berserker started to rapidly recover from the fall. Fortunately, Deamor managed to produce a black ray of deathly magic in time and watched as the body shriveled and decomposed under the spell.
During the brief respite, Deamor gathered his bearings and surveyed the chaotic battle. What he saw was utter chaos - everyone fought with little coordination. His unit has never had to fight in close ranks like this, and the drills were vastly different from the real thing. As for the berserkers, they seemed to thrive in such chaotic environment.
It was hard to tell which side was winning at the moment. However Deamor was more concerned about something else - where were Kate and Markus?
After a few moments he finally spotted them - they were fighting a giant man wielding a greatsword longer than an average man was tall. Deamor made his way towards them, ignoring the combatants around him.
The berserker performed a wide horizontal slash with his greatsword. Markus tried to block, but the sheer force of the blow cut his staff in two and then continued to bisect Markus himself. His upper body fell a distance away, separated from his still-standing legs, creating a truly grotesque sight.
Deamor stopped, stupefied, unable to move. This had to be a bad dream! They were supposed to crush these stupid barbarians! How was this happening?
The warrior didn't waste time and turned to Katerin, which pulled Deamor out of his stupor. Without thinking, he made a grabbing move towards the man.
Crush! - he uttered the forbidden word, closing his hand.
He saw faint cracks spreading all across the berserker's soul. The soul was too formidable to be crushed by a novice soulmancer like him, but it was enough to stop the warrior in his tracks, making him spasm on the ground. This was the first time Deamor openly used soulmancy, but he didn't care. He blindly ran towards his dead friend, subconsciously dodging the combatants and the spells flying around.
He crouched over Markus' body, watching his soul ebb away, escaping from this world. He tried to grab it, to pull it back here. But he had no idea how to actually do it, how to save his friend. The soul stopped for a moment, but then slipped away from his grasp and disappeared.
The entire world seemed frozen in time, as Deamor stared blankly at the gutted remains of his companion. A few long moments later he collapsed, all the accumulated physical and mental trauma finally catching up to him.
/Uw Thanks for reading, tell me what you think!
The story happens thousands of years in the past, so it's not really interactive.
submitted by MathsGuy1 to wizardposting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:00 marieantoilette How to avoid worsening CFS if getting flu/covid is bad and your friends are working in close contact jobs like kindergarden? I'm starting to be paranoid to even meet friends with a minor cold.

I'm 25, biologically male. It's not yet entirely certain that I have CFS, mind you. But after a mild(ish) case of covid early January I have suddenly had a few crashes multiple times after feeling "like I'm fit again", even when just seeing some friends for a few hours. I also have autism and already experienced post covid symptoms last year for three months where I couldn't walk without pain anymore, never explained. Autism also increases the risk of long covid, so I guess that's why I got the double whammy inspite of two very mild infections. Now, assuming I have CFS.
TL;DR at the end, the next two paragraphs are some basic ranting of a newbie here. But my biggest question is the final paragraph.
[You can skip my personal history, but some rant: Now too much screen time gives me a headache, and when I get overly excited during a good phase I'm all gucci until I lie down for a second and my body allows me to, well, crash. This is not foreign to me as autist but has never been so bad in my life, not to mention lasting longer than a day or two. It takes so long to get better. Realized something was off when I crashed after every dentist visit (bad teeth due to depression as a teenager x)). I don't experience muscle aches though, no brain fog. Just headache when too much screen time, severe fatigue for a week when, say, making the mistake to go big shopping and cooking the same day. I have however travelled 500 kilometres with a train to meet my long-distance partner (:c) and while I was a bit fatigued, it was okay by being vigilant and not do much. I'm nigh always wearing ear protection and sunglasses outside now because that is stressful to me. Driving a car too long gives me a headache too. Everything works on its own, but if I do too much one day, I'll get it coming. Headaches and body fatigue seem to come independently from one another, at least.]
t's been over four months now and I'm very worried. Maybe it's not CFS, but for some peace of mind let's assume for this question that it is. I am good at accepting things that I can't control. But I don't want the pain to get worse. I have lost a lot of weight in these past months because of lack of exercise (which in my case is not good because I'm very slim) but exercise also seems to be unadvisable. What triggers worsening the condition is what I'm trying to learn right now. Minor fatigue or bad crashes and then just keep going, like having a broken foot that will heal, but not if you stubbornly keep walking with it? Or is any crash a risk?
TL;DR: Now if every covid infection is according to some statistics associated with a higher risk of post covid (of any kind), that seems like a grandiose fatalist fact to me. Because is one to avoid that? Should I never leave my house again? (Hyperbole.. or... shouldn't I?) I have read how severe CFS looks and while I am absolutely unable to work, at all, thankfully I live in a country that helps me out with the minimum (paid flat and some change for food). That's all fine and dandy, but every year, one risks to catch a cold. This cold may very well be covid. In fact, in my experience this has been unavoidable every year, I have been infected with covid a couple of times. My friends are all working in kindergardens or as ergotherapists and if there's something out there, they'll probably get it. Not to mention some of them like to party. I don't want to lose these friends though. Then I'm really all alone.
Are we to gamble never to get covid, or any upcoming virus, ever? Vaccinations, sure, but I'm just asking, realistically, what are the odds? Probably this is a "welcome to being a risk patient" situation, but with 25 I have plenty of years to utterly crash since every single case of flu/covid risks me getting worse, so how am I supposed to not just expect that to happen? I'm very scared. Thanks for any advise.
submitted by marieantoilette to cfs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:49 multi-chain The Power of Handgrip: How It Can Benefit Your Respiratory System and The Connection Between Handgrip and Respiratory System

The Power of Handgrip: How It Can Benefit Your Respiratory System

When it comes to exercising, we often focus on the major muscle groups like our legs, arms, and core. However, there’s a smaller, yet equally important, muscle group that deserves attention: our handgrip. The muscles in our hands, fingers, and forearms play a crucial role in our overall health, and surprisingly, they can even have a significant impact on our respiratory system. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of handgrip on the respiratory system and why incorporating handgrip exercises into your fitness routine can be a game-changer for your overall health.

The Connection Between Handgrip and Respiratory System

Research has shown that there is a strong correlation between handgrip strength and lung function. A study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that individuals with stronger handgrip strength had better lung function, including increased forced expiratory volume (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC). These measures are critical indicators of respiratory health, as they reflect the amount of air that can be exhaled from the lungs.
So, how does handgrip strength impact lung function? One theory is that the muscles involved in handgrip, such as the flexor digitorum profundus and flexor digitorum superficialis, share a common nerve pathway with the diaphragm, the primary muscle responsible for breathing. This shared pathway allows for a synergistic effect, where strengthening the handgrip muscles can also enhance diaphragmatic function.
Benefits of Handgrip on Respiratory System
Incorporating handgrip exercises into your fitness routine can have several benefits for your respiratory system:
  1. Improved Lung Function: As mentioned earlier, stronger handgrip strength is associated with better lung function, including increased FEV1 and FVC. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with respiratory conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  2. Enhanced Diaphragmatic Function: By strengthening the handgrip muscles, you can also improve diaphragmatic function, leading to more efficient breathing and increased oxygenation of the body.
  3. Increased Endurance: Handgrip exercises can help improve cardiovascular endurance, which is critical for individuals with respiratory conditions who may experience shortness of breath during physical activity.
  4. Reduced Respiratory Muscle Fatigue: Strengthening the handgrip muscles can reduce fatigue in the respiratory muscles, allowing for more efficient breathing and reducing the risk of respiratory failure.
  5. Improved Overall Health: Handgrip strength is also associated with overall health and mortality rates. A stronger handgrip has been linked to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and even certain types of cancer.
Incorporating Handgrip Exercises into Your Fitness Routine
Fortunately, incorporating handgrip exercises into your fitness routine is easy and can be done with minimal equipment. Here are a few exercises to get you started:
submitted by multi-chain to Fitactive [link] [comments]