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2024.05.21 08:09 Particular_Smell_365 Please guide me

Hi, I 24F was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 18. Since then most gynaecologist have given the age old option of BC.
My dermatologist however, has me on spirolactone(100mg), flutamide (250mg), finastride (4mg) & Myo-inositol.
My tests showed very high Free testosterone & DHT. Mildly elevated DHEAS and prolactin levels.
I follow a low GI diet, seed cycling and strength training + Yoga; 5x a week.
I think I do need to lose around 9kgs/(approx 20lbs).
My major symptoms are irregular periods & androgenic alopecia. (Although periods are getting somewhat regular)
Minoxidil (topical & oral) both did not suit me.
Too many horror stories around BC, and as a personal choice I don’t want to be on it.
I don’t know how to get this PCOS under control? Would I need to be on all these 3 anti-androgens for life ? It seems exhausting.
Please give me any advice that worked out for you.
This was typed out from my phone, so I apologise if the paragraphs don’t look right.
submitted by Particular_Smell_365 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:50 -Chump- Advice on tackling 2 weeks in hospital for IV antibiotics with a 1.5 year old

Sadly, tomorrow I need to take my 1.5 year old girl into hospital for 2 weeks for a long course of IV antibiotics, as well as a bronchoscopy under general anesthetic. This is to treat a severe lung infection which she's had ongoing issues with since she was 4 months old, but has only recently been referred to a respiratory team who are eager to start this treatment ASAP following a concerning x-ray and partially collapsed lung.
Over the course of these issues we've had multiple stays in hospital, ranging from a couple nights to a week, so it's not completely foreign to us. However we are nervous about how long a time it will be this time around, and the fact that she is a pretty happy and energetic toddler despite her lungs issues. During the previous stays in hospital she was also very ill with low oxygen levels, and so was generally very sleepy which made managing the stay a little easier.
We've no idea what to expect in how an IV course of antibiotics will affect her compared to an oral course (she recently did a 3 week course of oral antibiotics, which was basically 3 weeks of grumpy toddler and poonami's). We've also never had her put under general anesthetic before, which I'm finding quite a scary thought
Our current plans are: - Alternate staying in hospital with her, swapping in the evenings to spend family time together before bed and allow the other to work the next day - Cycle different toys in each day to keep things interesting - Establish some sort of consistent daily routine to give her some stability (though I'm not sure how much freedom we'll have in the hospital) - Call in family when possible to give my wife some short opportunities to decompress during the day/naptime - Ask friends and family to visit as much as possible so she can get engagement and company to break up the monotony
Has anyone else been through a similar ordeal? I'd be extremely appreciative of any advice or shared experiences people can offer!
submitted by -Chump- to UKParenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:39 justkeepongoing Side effects different this time? Estrogen?

I’m taking estrogen in preparation for a FET in a few weeks and I am beyond emotional! What I find weird however is my estrogen was so high during my retrieval cycle but I was not emotional this way (I was more nauseous). Why am I having different side effects this time around? Is it different because I’m taking estrogen orally?
submitted by justkeepongoing to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:25 EmberinEmpty Keeping my meat machine running is exhausting.....

I know and do all the things and tricks. Dear god, I have all the visual prompts and reminders and systems in place, and even a LOVELY wife who reminds me of the things I need to do to survive. But like GOD. Why does it require SO MUCH.
Keeping this meat machine running is becoming a whole full time job. For context I have ADHD, ASD, Ehlers Danlos (Accompanied by bouts of Dysautonomia and POTS), and PMDD/PME meaning my PMS phase is EXTRA cooked turning me into a deep-fried werewolf half the month. Oh and i'm trans-nonbinary and have undergone top surgery and low dose testosterone....
So first off there's the BASICS OF LIFE eating breathing sleeping, homeostasis. WELL SOMETIMES MY BODY WONT DO IT AND I HAVE TO STEP IN.
Gotta feed myself every day multiple times a day. Sometimes body won't tell me i'm hungry until its too late. Repeated alarms get ignored /cause me misophonia and rage.
Gotta decide what to eat every time.
Gotta be mindful about getting good nutrition.
Gotta hope i haven't lost a safe food for some unknown reason wherein the sight smell idea and texture makes me suddenly go from pleasure to gagging.
Gotta have variety tho. Brain won't eat the same thing every day so there has to be a variety of "safe food" b/c ASD and "dopamine food" b/c ADHD available.
Gotta get groceries then too. But don't shop when you're hungry b/c thats how you blow the budget. It's worse on T b/c T makes me hungry as FUCK especially once we upped my dose( I'm actually going back down b/c this effect is UNBEARABLE. )
Gotta put water ON my body/clothes in the sun b/c I don't regulate my temperature.. I get cold when its less than 65' outside and overheat when its hotter than 78'.
Gotta wear and manage layers of clothing b/c of said inability to regulate temperature properly.
Gotta put water IN my body too but I don't know what thirst even feels like so i have to do it consciously or else I just....won't drink water. Which means....
Gotta keep enough water bottles of the RIGHT TYPE on hand b/c I just WONT drink out of a normal cup. I'll sip but to meet water need it's gotta be those chewy nip coleman bottles. don't ask me why maybe it's the mouthfeel ????
Gotta take drugs to regulate my HBP b/c i've got POTS. We actually suspect hyperadrenergic POTS b/c I respond well to Guanfacine and Clonidine and watesalt intake wasn't changing it.
Gotta take ALL MY MEDS EVERY DAY SAME TIME. Even with the autoreminder I miss it a lot especially if I flip it and forget to unflip it. or drop the batteries etc.
But if I take the POTS meds then the side effect is that if I forget the meds for even a DAY my body gets rebound effects which debilitate me worse than the POTS itself. So I stop taking the meds regularly and only take them as needed when I'm having more symptoms than usual.
Which is fine and dandy 2 weeks out of the month but the other 2 weeks .....fuck me.
Gotta batten down the hatches every month for werewolf week Because I have PMDD!! And I get POTS symptoms real bad during luteal phase b/c my body decides i'm a topsy tervy WEREWOLF???? and wants to crawl out of my skin. do all the drugs and bite my leg off/harm myself. So then i'm flippy, brain foggy, agitated anxious sensory overwhelmed and brutally insomniatic for 1-2 weeks EVERY MONTH.
Gotta remember tho take the gabapentin it really helps during wolf week. Whoop one more med to manage.
Gotta go to the pharmacy everywhenever. B/c of course they don't pill pack, or autoship and you take 2 controlled meds which must be picked up in person.
Now you might wonder....well why are you still having luteal phases if you're trans and on T? WELL B/C MY OVARIES JUST WONT QUIT. I'm in the male range for Testosterone even when I was at "low dose". My estrogen level is in the guttenearly undetectable but my body JUST KEEPS CYCLING. I even took nuvaring for 6 months no change. and I've tried two types of combo birth control and one makes me sex-repulsed/depressed and the other made me dysphoric and suidcidal. So now we're trying the POP. I don't think it'll work.... But its something to try. Also gotta take topical E for my hoo-ha b/c ....well I don't want atrophy. But that one seems to be treating me okay.
Gotta take my T shot every week and the topical finasteride every day. But T relieves my gender dysphoria significantly, reduces a lot of my PMDD SI/RAGE symptoms, and T is fantastic because it increases my muscle mass which reduced my joint slippage reducing pain? All good right?
Gotta see a derm b/c you're having a scarring alopecia flare up! But then that pesky scarring alopecia comes back. I had it before T, I actually had low T levels back then and i've been on finasteride my whole transition. It seems to run in my family. I've been symptom free for 7 years but something this year restarts the inflammatory process (probably surgery). Typical treatment is topical steroids and topical minoxidil. I have THREE cats. I will not kill my cats for my hair.
Gotta take the minoxidil now too. So they put me on oral minoxidil (and topical steroids). Which lowers my BP great but increases my HR not great. Now i'm constantly anxious about my HR my BP whether i'm fine or normal or having an episode or need to stop my treatment or restart it.
Gotta take more meds and see my GP. Great.
Gotta massage those top surgery scars every night. B/c mobility matters! Adhesions are bad. And the hEDS makes me scar like a weirdo. (hypertrophic and atrophic O.o) plus I want tattoos.
So lets assume i've managed the baseline physiological needs. Fed my body, watered my soul, sacrificed my cats to the three headed god of bendy elbows. Not having insomnia so bad the tech at your sleep study goes ....."is it always like this for you?".
Well then there's the psychological needs and problems.
Gotta take the ADHD meds or I literally won't get out of bed, will doomscroll for hours and watch my life fall apart.
Gotta take the SSRIs or else the crippling rumination, depression and obsessive body checking behaviors interrupt my life.
Gotta take Buspirone otherwise the SSRIS make me unable to orgasm and obliterates my sex drive. Thankfully my spouse's has also lowered these days due to her own meds so it's not causing conflict in the relationship like it used to. Sex is the only place in my life where I haven't experienced trauma and it's important to me personally as well for all the reasons.
Gotta work**.** Thats all i'll say there. b/c that is its own laundry list.
Gotta to do my accounting, pay bills etc.
Gotta do hygiene every single day 2x a day.
Gotta watch what I eat b/c i'm severely sensitive to gluten which limits eating out. So it's harder to do fun things with people/go out to eat with friends or order take-out.
Gotta remember to call/text my friends.
Gotta remember to call/text my father.
Gotta see all the fucking drs about all my fucking medical issues. Schedule and attend the appointments. Yes we hit our OOP MAX EVERY YEAR.
Gotta work out or else risk physical decompensation with increased joint subluxation or dislocations. And also for my MH/because I love acrobatics/aerials. I started decomping after surgery and the pain was atrocious and the injury cycle was beginning. I forgot just how fast the slipping happens.
Gotta attend to my loved ones. my wife and her needs, and my dog and my 3 cats.
Gotta clean the house, gotta wash the sheets, gotta treat the folliculitis infection I gave myself shaving, gotta tidy up after my hyperfixation projects and keep tidying my special interest projects.....
Gotta find/eliminate all the mold bombs regularly. b/c i'm horribly allergic to mold. So you know all the cups of coffee I didn't finish, hidden bowls of half eaten food lost under a shirt, or accidently left in on a bookshelf or in a bathroom, or orange peels dried too slowly or fruit in the fridge left a day too long....
Gotta get my blood drawn again for the 7th time this year.
Gotta schedule more medical tests.
Gotta let the ASD gods rule the weekend and worldbuild for 11 straight hours b/c I may be a sexless angelic demigod but hey at least I ENJOY my special interests again.
All this so that I don't fall apart. So I can get up, work, earn money, make friends, enjoy my special interests , care for myself and my wife and my cats and my dog , and hopefully live on past 30 without succumbing to either my demons or the inevitable progressive worsening of my physical disabilities.
Some days I just wanna be sedated.
submitted by EmberinEmpty to AuDHDWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:22 -Chump- Advice on tackling 2 weeks of IV antibiotics in hospital with a 1.5 year old

Sadly, tomorrow I need to take my 1.5 year old girl into hospital for 2 weeks for a long course of IV antibiotics, as well as a bronchoscopy under general anesthetic. This is to treat a severe lung infection which she's had ongoing issues with since she was 4 months old, but has only recently been referred to a respiratory team who are eager to start this treatment ASAP following a concerning x-ray and partially collapsed lung.
Over the course of these issues we've had multiple stays in hospital, ranging from a couple nights to a week, so it's not completely foreign to us. However we are nervous about how long a time it will be this time around, and the fact that she is a pretty happy and energetic toddler despite her lungs issues. During the previous stays in hospital she was also very ill with low oxygen levels, and so was generally very sleepy which made managing the stay a little easier.
We've no idea what to expect in how an IV course of antibiotics will affect her compared to an oral course (she recently did a 3 week course of oral antibiotics, which was basically 3 weeks of grumpy toddler and poonami's). We've also never had her put under general anesthetic before, which I'm finding quite a scary thought
Has anyone been through a similar experience before, and can perhaps offer some advice on how to handle the ordeal? We want make it as comfortable as possible for her, and to support and eachother as much as possible through it
Our current plans are: - Alternate staying in hospital with her, swapping in the evenings to spend family time together before bed and allow the other to work the next day - Cycle different toys in each day to keep things interesting - Establish some sort of consistent daily routine to give her some stability (though I'm not sure how much freedom we'll have in the hospital) - Call in family when possible to give my wife some short opportunities to decompress during the day/naptime - Ask friends and family to visit as much as possible so she can get engagement and company to break up the monotony
I'd be extremely appreciative of any advice or shared experiences people can offer! We live in the UK, but I'm sure this experience must be fairly universal
submitted by -Chump- to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:20 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 19 2024

DAY: May 19 2024
submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:04 kristiethe Constant Tongue Ulcers on Vyvanse

Constant Tongue Ulcers on Vyvanse
I’ve been on Vyvanse for almost a year, recent bumped my dose up from 50mg to 60mg.
I constantly have ulcers on my tongue, and even when I proactively put steroid paste on them and get them healed up, they come right back. This happened when I was on 50mg too, but it feels even more prominent now.
I actively stay well hydrated, I put hydration powder in my water. I’ve tried dry mouth lozenges and rinse. Nothing helps. I’m at a loss for what else to do.
I asked my GP and he referred me to an oral specialist who can’t see me until October.
If I skip my pills for a couple days it goes away. I don’t know if I should try decreasing my dose a bit or if I should try a different ADHD med?
submitted by kristiethe to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:48 maps_can_be_fun Day 7 Daily Log of Quitting. Some learnings from prior quittings as well.

I quit exactly 7 days ago (to the hour, 1pm EST), here is what my journey looked like, and how it looks like now

Background context

I've been vaping for about 6 years. Equivalent of a full strength JUUL pod every 1.5-2 days. 6500 puff dispo every 5 days. Smoked cigs briefly but no more than 5x a day, usually.
Switched from full strength flavored dispos to unflavored dispos about 8 months ago.

Daily Log since quitting.

Learnings from prior attempts to quit

  1. The sooner you switch off FLAVORED vapes the better. I feel like I have way less oral fixation this time around.
  2. Intense nicotine taper was not effective for me last time, just felt like I ended up vaping more to compensate. I think the first 2 tapers (50mg to 40mg to 30mg) were good, but I think I should have quit cold turkey at that point. When I tapered down to 20mg and 10mg I just started getting angry and ended up reverting back to full strength.
  3. LOZENGES were more effective than ZYN or GUM or PATCHES. Less intense, less gross, easier to modulate the usage.
  4. Walks + cardio are great ways to get your mind occupied
  5. Quit into a thursday / Friday, not on monday when you have work.
  6. Look into wellbutrin potentially? Been seeing it a lot
  7. Quitting in summer is better than quitting in winter
  8. Spend as much time in nature in first week
  9. CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO. I did 1 hour of incline walks every day last week.
submitted by maps_can_be_fun to QuitVaping [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:38 Manager_Apprehensive [24] Minoxidili only causing shedding?

Seeking advice here because tressless deletes my post, I'm gonna summarize it and maybe repost the full details and pics if anyone asks

I'm looking for:

  1. Some explanations on why Minoxidil is acting the way it is (persistent shedding and progression of MPB)
  2. Some opinion on if i should stop or change my therapy
  3. Some opinion if Minoxidil is not working because i messed with it too much
I've been on Fin 0,25mg for 1 year and my hairline was stable then i started introducing topical Min 5% and it went downhill pretty fast since Min has nuked my hairline with its shedding starting at the second week of usage and its effects not reversing when stopping the application

Total time on therapy: 2,5 years

During those periods i've made small changes such as decreasing/increasing dosage for both medications but never stopped Fin
Looking at my pics i can see that some vellus hair disappeared during those months of abstinence but they never really grew past an inch anyway and most importantly AGA progressed further

My current regime

Other considerations

submitted by Manager_Apprehensive to HairlossResearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:15 Mammoth-Dream502 Older guy on a cruise, looking at an anadrol blast and wanting some input

For starters I am early 50s. I have been using PEDs for about 6 years. Started by cycling, and then about 1.5 years ago I went on a continual cruise of a combo of test acetate, test enanthate, and test cyp. that keeps my levels just a hair over 1100 all the time. I get bloodwork 3/year and other than elevated test, everything else is normal. I came across some 50mg anadrol tabs and am trying to figure out a good way to do a little blast (or several) with them. I have no experience with anadrol at all, but I am thinking about taking 25/mg twice a day for 6 weeks or so on top of my current regimin. Given my baseline cruise, is there anything I need to consider regarding PCT? I am guessing not, but just soliciting helpful input of any kind.
submitted by Mammoth-Dream502 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:06 medquestion80 Deep wrinkles in last year since starting oral minoxidil? Anyone else?

I'm trying to figure out if this is a coincidence or not, but I'm suddenly getting much deeper wrinkles on my face, and when I sleep on my side I'm now getting massive vertical wrinkles running down my face.
I've read that minoxidil can reduce collagen production, but mostly heard that this isn't a problem from physicians online. However I've run into a few anecdotes from others.
Rough timelines. I'm nearly 44 now.
Possible other factors:
I realize I'm no spring chicken at nearly 44, but also I just don't see almost ANYONE else with wrinkles like this esp around my age. Might see a rare guy with wrinkles like this if they are like aged 70+, but even then the vast majority don't have this bizarre vertical wrinkling.
It's really hard to tell because I know much of the wrinkling started before minoxidil so maybe that is just being exaggerated now, but it just seems so much worse in the last 8-12 months.
submitted by medquestion80 to tressless [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 14:33 clintrialbot Class 4 Medicines Defect Information: Cygnus Pharma Ltd, Trazodone Hydrochloride 50mg/5ml Oral Solution, EL (24)A/16

submitted by clintrialbot to ClinTrials [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 14:05 MuschaeYo PMDD worse while on Lamictal?? Anyone experienced the same?

Hey I've been taking Lamictal for the past three months, and I've increased my dose from 50mg to 100mg a week ago. It honestly feels like it's making me much worse at the moment.
My cycles have gone from 30-33 days to 39 days, which means an extra week of PMMD (yippee!) but I was willing to stick it out in case it overrode my PMDD at a higher dose.
Right now it feels like I'm just violently sad and angry all the time. All I wanna do is lie on the floor and sob my eyes out. I have 0 quality of life. My partner has asked me for space because he has his own issues and can't handle seeing me like this all the time. Everything hurts.
Has anyone on Lamictal experienced this? Has it gotten worse before it got better? I am clinging on to hope but I might just start tapering off bc I'd still prefer 2 weeks of my usual PMDD over 3 weeks of absolutely unbearable misery that I barely have a week to recover from before it starts again.
submitted by MuschaeYo to PMDD [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 14:04 tacodell 4dp5dt advice?

It feels like my period is on its way. not cramping per se (although I had that day 1) but that pre-period feeling so i’m feeling upset like my transfer didn’t work. Is that the same feeling you get before pregnancy too? Trying to hold on to hope and keep myself from taking a test. Anyone have the same feeling?
If this matters at all i’m doing a partially medicated cycle so currently 3 prorgesterones and one suppository a day. It was only the oral pills but my doctor said my progesterone was a little low so started the suppositories too.
submitted by tacodell to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:02 TabexOriginal Effects of Smoking on Dental Health

Smoking has detrimental effects on various aspects of health, including dental health. Understanding the specific impacts on oral hygiene and dental conditions can be a powerful motivator to quit smoking. Here's a detailed look at how smoking affects your dental health.

Negative Impacts of Smoking on Dental Health

1. Tooth Discoloration

2. Gum Disease

3. Increased Build-up of Plaque and Tartar

4. Delayed Healing Processes

5. Oral Cancer

6. Bad Breath

Using Tabex to Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is essential to mitigating these dental health risks. Tabex, containing cytisine as an active ingredient, can help by reducing cravings for nicotine, making it easier to stop smoking. With no nicotine in its composition, Tabex aids in breaking the addiction cycle while minimizing withdrawal symptoms.


The effects of smoking on dental health are severe and can lead to both cosmetic issues and serious health complications. By quitting smoking, you not only improve your dental health but also enhance your overall health. Support your journey with Tabex and professional dental care to restore and maintain optimal oral hygiene.
submitted by TabexOriginal to TabexOriginal [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:14 wholelottapenguins I’m 78 hours into my 2nd time quitting vaping. I’ve tried some of the most recommended products to assist in quitting, and here’s what worked for me the most: Wellbutrin XL 300mg, Breathing exercises, Gum/candy/mints, and VICKS INHALERS.

Hello! I’m currently 78 hours into quitting vaping once again, this time quitting 18mg freebase nicotine juice after I accidentally relapsed. Before the relapse, I had been going 6 months strong CT off of a 50mg salt nic daily vaping habit that I had clung to since 2018 after starting with Juuls, moving onto refillable pod devices, and eventually settling on shitty disposables. I should state that I’m currently 24 years old male with ADHD.
I had quit the 50mg Salt Nic back at the end of last March, and I had not been prescribed Wellbutrin for the entire time, I only got put onto Wellbutrin at the end of this January. Anyway, quitting the 50mg Salts was hellish, but I got through it and eventually the cravings mostly subsided. The first 2 weeks were the most difficult with the first week itself being the most challenging. However, Week 2 and 3 presented their own challenges as my brain kept convincing itself that something was wrong with me since I still had occasionally strong cravings and agitation and I was sure that I was supposed to be past that shit since I was at the 2 week mark. But EVERYONE is different, and instead of relapsing, I sought out a lot of products to assist in quitting vaping that were used by people close to me or online who had successfully quit themselves.
Here’s my shortish and sweet thoughts on each:
• Vicks Inhalers: A personal favorite. They’re non-medicated and contain NO ACTUAL VICKS, so there’s no chance of them making you sick even if you use them a fuckton. If you do use them a fuckton, the worst that might happen is that you’ll eventually have to sneeze really badly, but that’s the worst I’ve experienced from them. I know it sounds silly, but using the Vicks Inhalers actually almost tricked my brain into feeling like I was getting the satisfying hit of like a menthol vape. I was half expecting to exhale smoke the first few times I used them. They do ‘taste’ a lot worse when you first start using one, but after using it for a bit, the ‘hit’ it provides becomes a bit more subtle and a lot more palatable and satisfying. It sort of does give you something to fiddle with and can satisfy that oral fixation even if you’re inhaling it nasally. I guess you could inhale it through your mouth like a vape, I’ve definitely done it a few times (accidentally, like my hand is just trained to put stick-shaped things to my mouth like a cigarette lol), and I had no ill effects besides people looking at me weird and it tasting pretty bad when it’s fresh and super potent. Give it a try, but don’t buy the bulk ones on amazon.
• Nicor Inhaler: Similar to the Vicks, just not as strong and it lacks the strong menthol punch in favor of a more chill, subdued, relaxing scent. Full of essential oils and other stuff, I kind of like it. There’s tons of other essential oil inhalers that you can try if Vicks has too much of a punch, I’m just using this one because a friend bought it for me and I wanna show them my appreciation.
• Gum/Mints/Candy: Pretty self explanatory. I’ve fallen in love with the Trident Sour Patch Kids gum, and you can pick up a pack of 4 on Amazon for like $12-$15. I’ve also been munching on Jolly Ranchers, Sour Skittles, Hi-Chews, and Popsicles like crazy. Go for what you love and feel no shame about it. Give your inner kid a little hit of that old childhood sweets fix. You deserve it.
• Wellbutrin XL 300mg: It definitely helps to really take the edge off of the cravings and withdrawals. I definitely still feel a bit of agitation, but there’s been alot of points throughout the last few days where i’ve felt shockingly normal and almost forgot that I wasn’t using nicotine but I don’t know how much of this easiness is attributable to the Wellbutrin since I’m definitely comparing this experience to the more hellish experience I had quitting salt nic since obviously freebase nicotine is a lot easier to quit.
• Metal Breathing Tube Thing: Idk. It kind of relaxes me and helps to remind me to slow down and focus on my breathing sometimes. Guided breathing and medication exercises genuinely can make a huge difference for you and have helped me step down off the ledge of an oncoming panic attack or meltdown. The breathing tube just exists to make that process easier while giving you a fun little object to satisfy your oral fixation.
If you have any questions, need any advice, or just wanna talk about your experience - please feel free to PM me or comment!
I’m using Apollo and I can’t post images with body text, so here’s the imgur link:
submitted by wholelottapenguins to QuitVaping [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:46 sarahblocker89 Thin endometrium - PRP

Hi, first time poster here - looking for anyone who has experience with trying PRP infusions/injections for thin endometrial lining. I've had chronic thin endometrium- averaging about 4.5 mm on a good cycle. We've tried every kind of estrogen (oral, patches, vaginal, injections), gonal-F, letrozel, lupron, doing acupuncture regularly, taking vitamin E, baby aspirin, l-arginine, pomegranite juice, brazil nuts, raspberry leaf tea - you name it weve tried it. The only thing we haven't tried is vaginal viagra because my doctor says research doesn't support it. I've had 5 canceled FET transfers now due to my stubborn lining. We've discussed trying PRP infusion, and would be capable of doing it in my clinic- but my doctor isn't confident in how many MLs we should infuse/inject and on what days during my cycle. Together we've read several scientific articles, all with varying methods. Has anyone had success with PRP for uterine lining? Can you share the methods used so I can have a reference? Thanks so much!
submitted by sarahblocker89 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:46 StinaRDH How Poor Oral Health Fosters Systemic Disease

How Poor Oral Health Fosters Systemic Disease
Hey, friends!
Most of you know about my love for all things dental hygiene including periodontal disease pathogen pathways and how they affect the rest of the body.
Periodontal disease has an effect on 57 possible systemic conditions which are currently being studied. My inner nerd is screaming right now. Imagine if keeping your oral health in check could save you from struggling with one or more health issues out of 57 possibilities 😵‍💫
The best part of this article talks about future possibilities of stopping chronic inflammation in its tracks! While there is nothing definitive here about a cure I believe this article sheds light on the potential for one. I just hope we see it in our lifetime.
There is hope, friends. There is hope.
“In the future, other more targeted therapies could exist. Van Dyke, along with his Harvard colleague and immunologist Professor Charles Serhan, have been investigating agents that actively promote resolution of inflammation, namely specialised pro-resolving lipid mediators (SPMs), including lipoxins, resolvins, protectins and maresins. Animal studies have shown that it is possible to chemically simulate the positive effects of SPMs. Van Dyke explains: “You can take a chronic inflammatory disease like periodontitis, add back the resolution molecule and disrupt the cycle of destruction and drive a return to homeostasis.” Work is underway to develop a synthetic compound to mimic this effect.” (
Scientific American Custom Media. (n.d.). How poor oral health fosters systemic disease. Scientific American. Produced for Crest + Oral-B
submitted by StinaRDH to u/StinaRDH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:43 DepartmentIll5791 Thoracic epidural injections and Menstrual cycle

Hello ladies,
I’m 35F, I have thoracic disc herniations in T8-T9 and T9-T10. I got Prednisone taper in January (oral pills) and it did nothing for me, then I got 2 epidural injections in late February and middle of March. Also, due to severe muscle spasms I got steroid trigger point injections. It worked for me so far. But I my 2 last periods were close to each other and I experienced heavy bleeding. This month I missed my period, I have no chance of pregnancy… so I wanted to ask you if you have similar experience. I’m going to meet an OBGY on Wednesday.
Is it possible that steroid injections changed menstrual cycle?
submitted by DepartmentIll5791 to ThoracicHerniatedDisc [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:56 guppie5314 What meds finally worked for you? What did you do to get into remission? Elmiron instills?

TLDR; Has anyone had experience with Elmiron instills? I want to give Elmiron a shot as it’s so helpful for a lot of people, but I’m very cautious about the eye side effects of the oral pill. I’ve heard of people doing instills with it instead, anyone know if the side effects can still occur with this delivery route?
22F Hi guys, havent posted on this sub in a bit. I’ve gotten a decent amount better with the addition of 300mg gabapentin, but I’m still flaring kind of randomly. I felt super good for a few days, then I ate auntie anns brown sugar cinnamon pretzel bites (with prelief) and my bladders been mad for a few days now. I think one of my main triggers is probably sugar. Other than that its hard to determine what my triggers are. Sometimes I can have sex no problem, other times it flares me. Sometimes I can eat chocolate, other times it flares me. Sometimes I flare the week before/during my period, sometimes I actually feel better then. Consistently though, I feel pretty good when lying on my stomach. Weird. I’ve already had PTs tell me my PF isnt anything crazy, so its prob not that. I try to follow the IC diet as closely as I can, but it’s really difficult to do as a college student in the US.
I’ve tried a lot of meds, some working good, others not so much. Vesicare 5mg (helps a bit, I’ve been on it from the start), Hydroxyzine 25mg 3x a day (idk if this helps or not helps a bit maybe, have also been on this since the start), nortriptyline 75mg (have been on this at 50mg since childhood, just upped it), aloe vera caps, bladder builder, marshmallow root caps (maybe they help?), birth control minipill (took once and flared terribly), and recently gabapentin 300mg (I thought this was helping but then I got a several long day flare). Pain meds do nothing to touch it. I did one “rescue” instill that either didnt work or started to work two days later. The cath was very painful to insert.
Everything started being consistently painful for me after a night of drinking a ton and blacking out. Previously I’d get some random slight burning here and there that would go away fast after drinking some water. I’d get a little exterior burning on occasion before my period.
With my health history (POTS, hypermobility, EoE, migraines, possible MCAS) I have no clue what to do or try now. While my symptoms are significantly better than 8 months ago when all this started, I’m still flaring for seemingly no reason most of the time. While I do have some almost pain free days, I am paranoid of triggering myself. Has anyone had experience with Elmiron instills? I want to give Elmiron a shot as it’s so helpful for a lot of people, but I’m very cautious about the eye side effects of the oral pill. I’ve heard of people doing instills with it instead, anyone know if the side effects can still occur with this delivery route?
I have a laparoscopy scheduled for the end of June to physically see whats going on in there, as well as to rule out endo. My periods have never been too bad, I’ll just get very bad lower back pain during, or abdominal cramps that hurt so bad that they wind me anytime in the month. I also bleed almost every time I go #2. Along with the lap, they plan on doing my first ever bladder scope to see whats going on in there while I’m under anesthesia. My Endo specialist doc and Urogyno doc are both going to be there, so they can excise or cauterize anything they may find.
I am so so so tired of whatever is going on with me and I just want to get back to a pretty normal life. I want to know exactly what my triggers are which seems impossible. Even while I’m doing my best to have an IC friendly diet I still get 10/10 flares. I’m so sick of being to afraid to eat anything.
submitted by guppie5314 to Interstitialcystitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:43 pixleyst BED Recovery / Maintenance / Tirzepatide Compound

First of all I want to mention a trigger warning just in case. I know we all struggle at every weight. I’m not advocating for anything that has worked for me, simply wanting to share my (TLDR) experience and learn from others.
I have struggled with BED since childhood, and spent 35 yrs actively bulimic and anorexic. I was in ED therapy for 15 of those years, but the BED has remained the most pervasive and difficult to address. I have had rare periods of abstinence from bingeing but ultimately it has always come back. It’s the dreaded feeling of a switch in my brain / the train leaving the station / no turning back, even when I’m in tears trying to fight it. IYKYK.
Along with therapy, certain things have helped me a lot. (Note this is only my experience and certainly not advice to anyone who hasn’t had their own recovery journey).
-Yoga. Turns out I wasn’t truly breathing for years, which contributed to panic-y feelings and high stress that I coped with by bingeing. Relaxation felt foreign. I was used to living with surging cortisol to get through the day and then going numb with binges at night.
-Making sure I eat enough food during the day, and striving for getting protein at every meal, and enough vegetables and fruit. Drinking enough water is a constant struggle, but when I do, it helps too.
-Counting / recording calories. This is controversial in the ED recovery community and not helpful for everyone, for sure. For me it helps with awareness and mindfulness throughout the day and helps me not disassociate.
-Being intentional about when I chose to eat sugar, knowing that none can lead to a binge, but any is a bit risky for me personally.
-Acceptance of a normal feeling of fullness, so that that doesn’t trigger a binge.
-Not keeping triggering food in the house. I wish I was beyond having to do this, but for me it is still safer to not have it present. That said, I’ve driven through blizzards in the middle of the night (pre-delivery days) when the urge has been overwhelming, so just not having it in the house only does so much. Again IYKYK.
-Planning for eating out. Knowing that my calories for that day may be slightly higher but that does not need to trigger a binge.
-Vyvanse (50mg). This has been more helpful for me than other SSRIs, anti-anxiety or other med I have been prescribed, and I’ve been prescribed them all. The worst for me was Topamax. It works, for a very short time in my experience, but wreaked havoc on my memory and mental processing ability. The problem with Vyvanse for me is the drop off effect when it wears out for the day. I take it as late as possible, but struggle with any ability to sleep if I take it past noon. Naltrexone has been moderately helpful as an add on, but it’s super subtle in my experience, and too easy to override.
So finally, the last time, last summer and fall, that I started to really struggle with binge eating I decided to try compounded semaglutide. Each cycle of bingeing very rapidly leads to 40+ lb weight gain these days as I do my best not to purge. However, inevitably I start purging (“just this once”), and it just makes the cycle go on indefinitely.
Please note, I don’t know if these drugs should be used by those with a history of eating disorders or not (certainly it could be quite worrisome for active untreated anorexia, and I would never want my experience to substitute for medical advice) but for me I had to try something, because the risk to my health from the downward spiral back into bulimia was more concerning and I felt desperate.
Right away the food noise, for the first time in my life, was dampened. I could practice all of the strategies I listed above regularly. I started feeling healthier and stronger with better nutrition and sleep. The cost was challenging, but actually was offset entirely by the costs of bingeing. Sadly I think I’ve spent in excess of $100K during my lifetime on bingeing, which I have huge guilt around. And that doesn’t even begin to account for the costs of therapy and medication.
After titrating up on semaglutide I was noticing it wasn’t quite as effective, and I was having a few small binges, so I decided to switch to tirzepatide. Currently I am on 50 units (the second to lowest dose) of tirzepatide, which I inject every 8-9 days. I can tell when it is wearing off as the food noise starts to come back, but I’m also very much wanting to keep my dose as low as possible to make sure it does not stop being effective.
Now, six months into this GLP-1 journey I have lost the 40lbs I put on last year, and am not bingeing at all, which feels like nearly a miracle. I also do not want to lose any more weight. Well, tbh, there is still part of me drawn to losing more weight, but I know it would not be healthy physically or mentally, and could trigger bingeing again.
Finally (sorry for the lengthy post!) I am getting to my question. Have any of you with BED that are taking GLP-1s had success in maintenance over time? That is, have you been able to keep the food noice at bay and maintain a steady weight instead of continuing to lose or gain? If so, what have been your strategies and dosages?
submitted by pixleyst to BingeEatingDisorder [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:45 GiversBot /u/Hamburgo [REQ] was deleted from /r/borrow on 2024-05-19 (t3_so6vk2 up 830.50 days, LONGTAIL)

Hamburgo deleted from /borrow

Active loans

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[REQ] ($8000-$1000) (#Adelaide, South Australia, Australia) (Repayment: $100-$500 a week) (PayPal, Bank Transfer)

Post contents

Howdy all! I am so excited to have discovered this subreddit! Hoping I get lucky with someone kind hearted who can help!
I am pretty flexible on the amount, ideally I would love 8k to be able to consolidate all my debts however right now even just some money will do.
Situation: I was unemployed. Started borrowing money here and there over 2 years from family and friends. Got in to a terrible cycle of giving someone my whole pay check to pay them off, then having to borrow more to get by until I was paid next (government pension), then doing the same thing. I owe people between $600-$3000 dollars. I also have 3 “little” pay day loans taking money out my account each week (have gotten them a few times and always paid off). The people I owe money to want weekly amounts like $200, $300, $100 etc so by the time I’ve paid them all I have nothing and end up borrowing AGAIN. I’m looking to just end all this by consolidating my loans: for example it’ll be cheaper to pay someone here $250-300 a week (more than a bank loan even) than 4 people that amount.
I’ve never been bankrupt or not paid a loan etc. I have successfully paid off a $3040 debt by the due date. Never been late!
About me: Currently employed in a secure job as a dental practitioner (oral health therapist). Right now the books are slow due to 2 dentists leaving but I’m still making at minimum $600 a week, obviously usually more.
I’m 26, live at home with family.
Besides rent ($100 a week) and petrol and medications I have no real expenses so I’m not worried about not being able to afford this loan.
You can choose the interest — I would seriously be happy to pay an extra few thousand just to consolidate all these now. I need the peace of mind. I am sick of living pay check to pay check and having $0 in my account after paying everyone and then borrowing more or taking out stupid payday loans which just cause more stress.
In Australia if I were to lose my job I would be able to go on the pension and get $600 a fortnight so I will always have an income. However dental jobs are easy to come by now due to covid vaccine requirements and like I said my job is stable, I love my job.
I am happy to provide every single detail needed: address, photo ID, employment details and boss contact details, have my friend vouch for me that I am trustworthy and have repaid loans on time etc. Also I would get a statutory declaration from the police station with the conditions of our agreement and have it signed and authorised by a police officer. You can have all my social media etc etc I am not worried about not being able to repay it so can give any details you want!
I am able to be flexible if you want to charge me more or need it paid back by a specific date. Ultimately $100-$500 a week would be best for me, but I guess $250-$300 would be the standard.
Please please please if you can help me, I would appreciate it so much.
I am never ever ever borrowing money off people again!
Also: I am ineligible for bank loans/credit card. The reason for this is because my job is too new and I’m not a permanent employee on the books (despite having set hours etc guaranteed work they just have me as casual). Banks have said I can wait 6 months to apply but I’m also worried I may have killed my credit applying for too many crappy pay day loans and getting rejected while unemployed. So yeah that’s why I have turned to here! I am desperate and will pay $$$ interest!!!
Thank you for reading.
Also if someone is able to do say a smaller loan that would be good to however because I owe someone $600 on Monday and I have these 3 small loans (totally $1000 if I were to pay them out early) it’ll be smaller payments like $50 a week due to me still owing everyone money. But once I’ve gotten those out the way could pay off quickly in one pay cycle (weekly).
Any help at all is appreciated! Thank you!!!
submitted by GiversBot to borrowdeletes [link] [comments]