What is one man one horse

One man's trash is another man's propagation

2017.11.09 22:25 iamactuallyfood One man's trash is another man's propagation

A place where propagate-able plants are given a second chance at life

2010.07.02 05:48 geoviedo Spider-Man

The subreddit for the Marvel character, Spider-Man

2012.11.22 21:57 One Punch Man

Hello there! Welcome to OnePunchMan, the subreddit for all things related to our caped bald hero. Please read the FAQ before posting! Beware of manga spoilers! Check the sidebar for information.

2024.05.21 08:12 ahoy__fiji Rough day

I guess I just felt like giving up today. I feel like I don't have much of a future and I can't really remember what I used to or find something new to fight for or work towards. Just kinda in a rat race where each day is the same and I'm not making any progress. I'm losing hope. I'm 24 (M), don't have any friends, have a year left in my bachelors, constantly having to to convince myself to go the extra mile just to finish. I don't know how much I have left in the tank. I don't feel like I have many people to talk to. I haven't been able to establish myself in undergrad which is supposed to be the best time of your life. I'm worried that I'm going to end up alone. I just... really don't know what to do or how to go forward. For the first time I think I am actually scared of just going forward in life... like this is all life has to offer, and yea that is terrifying to me. This life that I have is one that I don't know how to live and not one that I ever envisioned for myself, let alone hoped or wished for. This feels like some kind of hell where I am always falling short and someone is always judging and looking down on me. I just... really don't know how to move forward. Any thoughts or recommendations. Or literally anything. Thanks
submitted by ahoy__fiji to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:48 redidiott [CA][Condo] SB326 Repair Conundrum

The building is about 50 years old. As far as I know, the balconies have never been resurfaced. We had an inspection done and received a lengthy report.
12 balconies ranging from mildly damaged with hairline fractures and some cracks in the stucco to a few balconies that are severely damaged with possible damage to the structural elements or risk of that happening in the future.
We received two bids that are very far apart.
One is just into the 6-digit range, the other is for less than half of that ~$45K.
The 6-digit$$ contractor wants to demolish all balconies regardless of condition down to the sub-floor and install a 3-tiered waterproofing system.
The less expensive$ contractor wants to do the same but will install a 3-step flex system OVER the existing material for all but the most compromised balconies.
I really don't know what to do. I am tempted to go for the less expensive bid because it seems that many of the balconies aren't that bad, no unevenness in the floors or depressions or weak spots. We operate on a shoestring budget and our reserves our way underfunded, though we have a small amount to put toward the balcony repair. The rest will have to be a special assessment.
On the other hand, I don't want to get someone who'll do a cheap job and end up right back in the same position 9 years from now... or sooner.
Has anyone completed their balcony remediation? How did it go? Have any advice?
submitted by redidiott to HOA [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:41 elizabethC94 Long Term Mold Exposure

My husband and I are first time renters, we stared renting from his dad's landlord back in July of 2021. When we first moved in, the lease he provided for us to sign wasn't very "official", it was just something for HIM to hold onto for the first year and then we went monthly. We asked for a copy and never received one. He's one of those independent landlords that kind of does the bare minimum on everything, doesn't document, and mainly collects cash for rent unless he's away in Florida.
My husband and I noticed some mold not long after moving in, it was on the bathroom ceiling in the corner over the tub. As he met with the landlord for rent the next time, he mentioned it to him or which the landlord responded "just paint over it with Killz" and that was it. We didn't think much of it, I guess because we just didn't know enough. We also couldn't move due to it being cheaper than what was being expected from other landlords or management properties, in our minds this was a deal, its a house and it's one we could afford.
Fast forward to January of this year, I start getting weird scalp symptoms and it was terrifying. March rolls around and I start having elevated blood pressure, mind you, my blood pressure was always 120/80 and my health has always been in good condition. My BP started running up to 200/140 (highest it got up to at one point) but never really stayed below 150/100. My temp remained elevated and also would be too low, and my scalp was swollen/tight. I went to the ER three times for these symptoms, I was diagnosed with Bronchitis with unknown organisms, an inflamed lymph node condition (unsure what it was called), and recently diagnosed with IBS per my gastro.
We just realized the scope of how big this problem is, my husband was renovating the bathroom and found that there's severe water damage, he didn the kitchen as well and also noticed water damage, and found a roof leak behind a wall. There's also a spot in the corner of the living room ceiling that had water damage to the point where the ceiling was crumpled and hard there, once it completely crumpled, it exposed a hole in the ceiling leading into the attic. The house also has a crawl space/basement area that will hold water when the drain is clogged up, he's mentioned this to the landlord as well when we noticed that was an issue and he disregarded. Husband took pictures of the floor underneath as there's no subflooring, the hardwood leads right to downstairs.
We started connecting the dots literally two days ago, my symptoms are worsening, my eye is swollen and there's discharge coming from it, I already alerted my pcp, my breathing has been shallow, headaches like crazy, I get spontaneous moments throughout the day where I HAVE to catch my breath, my head and scalp are swollen, hair thinning, rash on my body, face and body are swollen, I feel awful, cant aleep half the time, foggy brain, I can't remember the most basic words or lose track of my thought process, im just miserable.
We're in the process of moving as we speak, I would like to pursue a lawsuit, but one issue is that the communication of there being mold was verbal, so no documentation. We DO know for a fact that this isn't his only house that has mold, my husband did some work on another one of his tenants houses and saw an extensive amount of mold, he told him and it was disregarded as well. I have documented all my symptoms from the day I first started noticing them along with any remedies and appointments I've had because of this. I also have pictures showing the changes this has made, such as the hair thinning, swelling, changes in my facial shape, etc. I know it's hard to pursue a lawsuit due to mold, but I want to pursue for negligence, damages to my property, and medical issues/bills. Do we have a chance?
submitted by elizabethC94 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:36 mayday_loveme1994 Update to my journey

I have been posting/commenting on here for a while now. I started my Cushings journey in September of last year and I feel incredibly lucky to have found this subreddit because it helped me so much. Being able to read and speak to those who are going through/have gone through similar things has been so helpful. I know that I wouldn’t have had nearly as much courage to advocate for myself because I wouldn’t have the knowledge and warnings from this subreddit.
I apologize now for any spelling mistakes. To be honest it’s 1:34AM on a Tuesday morning. I am so tired but I can’t sleep. I am a ball of anxiety at this point due to my upcoming MRI and I cannot think about anything else. I’m writing this in part just to get my anxiety out.
To make a long story short, I discovered I had high cortisol last year in September. I decided to finally go to my primary care doctor and talk to her about my difficulties losing weight. My family has a history of thyroid issues so she tested that along with many other things. She just happened to think to test my cortisol and when it was very high, she expressed concern that it could be cushings (due to the many symptoms I’d shared with her that could be cushings) and she referred me to an endo.
I started seeing the endo and my blood cortisol has been tested many times and it’s high every time. However, my urine was normal, my midnight saliva was normal and I suppressed on dexamethasone. But still every time she orders me a cortisol blood test, it’s high. My acth is also either normal or on the verge of high.
She expressed concern that I had so many normal tests. Due to this subreddit, I asked if it could be cyclical cushings. She agreed it could be and that I do have many of the symptoms. She also couldn’t come up with another reason why my cortisol would be so high. We agreed that we didn’t want to treat the symptom but rather find the cause. So she finally agreed to order me an MRI of my abdomen. She decided that if anything, it’s more likely to be adrenal, but then my MRI was unremarkable.
I saw her again after my abdomen MRI results and we agreed we are at an impasse. I shared with her that I still think it could be cushings, because I have read many stories similar to mine where people still had it (mostly pituitary source). I also expressed that I didn’t want to take the chance of this being the case, but missing it and then just not knowing.
She agreed again with me that it was possible and at this point she didn’t have any other ideas. She also agreed that it’s better to know. She agreed to order me a brain MRI, with and without contrast, focused on the pituitary. She did tell me she was worried my insurance would not cover it due to my normal results even though I have many high blood cortisols. However, the MRI was approved by my insurance (I do think she had to do a bit of convincing). She also told me that it could always be endoscopic cushings which she isn’t sure how to go about finding/diagnosing. She mentioned to me that if nothing is found on my brain MRI, that she would suggest I get a second opinion from somewhere like UPENN since they have a whole cushings team. Of course, you first meet with their endo and then they decide if there is cause for you to see the cushings team. She was able to admit to me that if there is nothing on my brain MRI she just isn’t sure what else to do for me. She said she would of course consult her colleagues to see if they have any ideas, but if not she doesn’t have any ideas or answers for me as to why my cortisol is high. Like she said, it could very well still be cushings, just endoscopic, but she just isn’t sure how to go about even looking into that.
Honestly, I really appreciate her honesty and bluntness. She has been very caring and understanding throughout this process and I feel like she really listens to me. I also appreciate that she will admit her lack of knowledge in this area and refer me elsewhere. I had already been looking into UPENN anyway just in case since it’s never a bad idea for a second opinion and since they’re so close it makes sense. At lease since they have cushings specialists, if I go there and they tell me there is no reason to think it’s cushings-I trust that.
But for now, my brain/pituitary MRI is scheduled for tomorrow (Wednesday 5/22). I am scared they are going to find a pituitary tumor, but in many ways I’m more scared that they won’t. No one in my life understands me when I say that, and I know that I have been a lot luckier than some in my journey. But to be honest these last few years have been the toughest/worst of my entire life for so many reasons. I am so beaten down emotionally and mentally. I have just known something was wrong but I couldn’t explain it and I couldn’t prove it, but now there’s at least proof that something is going on-even if we don’t know what. I am just so sick of all the test and doctors. I am sick of feeling awful. Part of me just wants it to be over. Wants them to find something because then at least it’s confirmed-I was right. And then if I know what it is-I know what to do about it and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The worst part is having to explain to a doctor that you know something is wrong and explain how. Having to explain all these symptoms that seem random but might not be. Having to wonder if I will ever find out what is wrong and feel better, questioning my sanity. At least if they find something-that means it’s real and not just in my head. It means we can make a plan and I can work towards getting better.
I don’t know what I want more-not to have a tumor or to have a tumor. It feels wrong to hope for a tumor-to hope I can be officially confirmed and diagnosed as sick. But I am sick of my family and friends telling me that I’m worried for nothing. The last thing I want to do is have to start all over with new doctors, explain the same stuff and do all the same tests again. I cannot get multiple blood tests every week forever. I will go crazy-crazIER.
Not to mention that I’m extremely claustrophobic and MRIs are hell. I have to get my primary care doctor to prescribe me a very strong anti-anxiety pill to take beforehand so that I don’t have a panic attack. This journey has been tiring every step of the way. I don’t want to put myself through this but I will just to know what’s wrong.
TLDR MRI of abdomen was unremarkable, brain MRI is this Wednesday (tomorrow) and I am terrified because I’m claustrophobic but also that they won’t find anything and then I’ll have to start this whole process over when I go to UPENN for a second opinion.
Thanks if you read this. I am always sending the best vibes for all of you, please send some good vibes my ways. I hope I find out I am right on Wednesday so I can finally, officially, begin planning my treatment/recovery.
submitted by mayday_loveme1994 to Cushings [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:04 itsabubblylife This is a baby German roach , right?

This is a baby German roach , right?
All of a sudden around 4 months ago, we’ve been seeing baby roaches. At least once a day. Over the last week, it’s been 2 times a day and now I cleaned a danger area (my cat’s food and water area next to the fridge) and sprayed with spray and 5 baby roaches came out and died. Here was one of them.
We’re temporarily screwed, aren’t we? We’re moving in 3 weeks to another apartment so not too long to deal with this issue. We’ve been at this apartment for 3 years and had the occasional cockroach, but nothing more. Before February this year, we only saw 5 roaches total. The cat’s food and water have been in the same spot the entire time. I don’t know what is causing this all of a sudden.
submitted by itsabubblylife to GermanRoaches [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:03 acadianational I need some help introducing a cat to the household

This cat is a very friendly and docile cat (like she sleeps on you at night, Velcros onto you to the bathroom, needs all the friends etc). She's 5 years old, fully vaccinated + spayed. She's had no health issues and is very healthy (she is chunky though but the vet said it's not affecting her joints and I can put her on a diet now that I have her)
My mother has this cat for 5 years and I finally had the means to bring her to my place
I have two other cats who are pretty decent but definitely not the same as the new cat. She's an angel so they couldn't compare anyway but what I mean is they're both the aggressors and she is so docile she doesn't defend herself or even run away
Im keeping her in my room for now and letting the other cats have free range of the rest of the house and attempting the standard slow intro (scent, meeting thru the door). But the other cats like being in here so it's definitely something I want to speed along if I can
Any general advice on cat greetings or calming down aggressive/anxious cats would be lifesaving 🙏
Editing to add additional information I accidentally left out (I'm sad and tired)
The reason I brought her over is because one of our trio died (we had a yellow boy, a black and white boy, and a black girl). Our yellow boy passed of an aneurysm:(
The trio was bonded but the two that were most bonded was the yellow boy and the black girl, so I'm trying to cheer her up by bringing my friendly girl I know will be a good friend for her once they warm up
She is lonely without her best friend and the black and white boy is very antisocial compared to the other two we had. So a social cat is what she needs
I think she might be grieving the loss of her best friend but I hope she can come to love my sweet girl
I just want these three to be able to bond but especially those two
I know this is a mess I'm just frazzled
submitted by acadianational to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:10 fark13 Big Data Engineer - Wargaming - Serbia

Big Data Engineer - Wargaming - Serbia
We are looking for a Big Data EngineeETL Developer for the DWH department! The Data Warehouse department is aimed at helping projects to make smart business decisions by integrating and processing huge amounts of data and providing efficient calculations and reports based on stored information. Our team of experienced data-enthusiastic engineers wants to expand by hiring a committed and creative specialist. We use cutting-edge data processing technologies and improve through constant learning. Reports to Team Lead of Big Data What will you do?
Enhancements, new development, defect resolution, and production support of Big data ETL development Write ETLs to clean/transform data into clear data models (snowflake, Athena, using our python framework, a little bit Impala, Hive, Oracle) Work with and finalize the requestor’s requirements
60% of your work will relate to writing SQL queries, you should also understand what kind of data you work with and think about what kind of solution will solve the internal customer’s problem better. Who are we looking for?
3+ years of experience with DWH/BI Good knowledge of data querying and transformation: SQL, Oracle PL/SQL, impala/hive SQL, Snowflake SQL Experience with versioning systems (SVN, git) Ability to work with and finalize the requestor’s requirements Expertise in ETL processes design and implementation, data lifecycle management Desire to learn Fluency in English and Russian
What additional skills will help you stand out?
Performance tuning in any DBMS Experience with cloud data solutions Experience with Spark Experience using Python, S3, EC2, Athena in AWS environment.
Benefits Benefits and perks are tailored to the local market and culture. Our benefits in Belgrade include:
Additional Vacation days on top of the statutory minimum dependent on years of service with Wargaming Group) Up to 8 “Trust days” per calendar year that require no medical certificate Career development and education opportunities within the company English clubs and platform for learning languages Premium Private Health Care Commuting allowance Gym trainings / Wellness program Personal Gaming Account Coffee, fruits, and snacks in the office Company events Seniority Awards Referral program - you can recommend the best talents to the Company and receive a reward
About Wargaming Wargaming is an award-winning online game developer and publisher headquartered in Nicosia, Cyprus. Operating since 1998, Wargaming has become one of the leaders in the gaming industry with 15 offices worldwide, including studios in Chicago, Prague, Shanghai, Tokyo, and Vilnius. Our diverse and multicultural team works together to deliver a top-class experience to millions of players who enjoy Wargaming's titles across all major gaming platforms. Our flagship products include free-to-play hits World of Tanks, World of Warships and World of Tanks Blitz. Please see Wargaming Candidate Privacy Policy for details on how Wargaming uses your personal data.
submitted by fark13 to sports_jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:18 onlythelonely3519 Cat introduction: is this still normal and whats my next step?

I have a sweet baby boy (2y, M) who's not aggressive but is kinda a scaredy cat to new things. Now I have a new kitten (4mo, F), and she's staying in my room. This is the third day.
I feed them near the door to my room on opposite sides. My old cat would eat a bit then leave his food. (sometimes he comes back) He would hiss at the door when he knows kitty is nearby, but the strange thing is, he doesn't run away like the first 2 days. Instead, he even lies down near the door and just observes. He has also eaten a treat near the door when I gave him one. Kitty on the other hand is doing fine, and isn't acting scared or apprehensive.
Is it normal? Is my cat finally being curious? Should I keep at it? What's my sign for it to take to the next level and let them meet (with a screen door)?
submitted by onlythelonely3519 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:11 HannahAveryWrites Army Affair: Ch 3

First, a little about me. I'm 5'5ish, 135ish depending on the day, and have dark brown hair that falls part way down my back with brown eyes. My mom is a Crow (Native American) and my dad is Italian so the olive complexion genes are active in my family. I've got a fairly petite/athletic build with a 32B chest and a toned butt. My nipples are dark brown, on the smaller side, and I shave everywhere. I'm a fan of tattoos and have a feather on my foot, flower pieces on my right hip into my lower ribs, left shoulder, and lower back, a small script piece in my left side bra line, a green carebear in my left bikini line and a large dream catcher down my left ribs. If there's a detail I've left out, feel free to ask ;)
What a week. 18 year old me had gone from a dry spell since AIT and graduation to a blow job, facial, and quick hard sex with a married captain at my first duty station. I was falling fast and hard for him. I wanted him to want me. I wanted him to think of me when he thought of being intimate. I wanted to be his release to do everything she wouldn't.
Dustin snapped me this morning, a pic of his obvious buldge greeting my day. "How's my little Private this morning? I wish you were here to help with this"....You have no idea Dustin. Now that the bandaid has been ripped off, I want nothing more than to keep going. I send him a snap back of my semi sheer, black athletic thong, holding it open in the front with the caption "you could drop your load right in here sir". Naughty I know. For some reason, the thought of him filling my underwear with cum is erotic and in the moment, I crave the feel of his warmth between my legs.
"Come by the house on your lunch break and you can have it" I get in reply. Fuck.
I get dressed in my camo uniform with a generic sports bra and the same black athletic thong underneath and try make it through the morning as routinely as possible. Not possible. All I can think of is what I'm willing to do for the married man I'm lusting for and it's got my mind anywhere but at work.
Dustin let's me know he left early for lunch so he's ready whenever I am. The whole drive over, my mind is racing at the prospect of what's about to happen. I knock and find the door open, with Dustin on the couch, laptop open to some semi sexy photos I'd sent to tease him over the last week while he strokes his firm shaft. "Private Hannah reporting as ordered sir" I say as sexily as I can muster in the spur of the moment.
"Private Hannah, you said you'd found a place to hold my cum" completely keeping character.
"Yes sir" I say, stepping around to stand in front of him, undoing my belt and the buttons on my pants, letting them drop to the floor around my ankles.
"Open up then, I'm already close since you decided to be late"
I hold open the front of my black athletic thong, exposing my shaved pubic area for his inspection.
"At least you remembered to shave to start the week" he says and he builds the pace of his stroking and touches the tip of his penis against my smooth skin. In moments I see him start to swell as he nears his release. A thick rope of white cum erupts from his tip and is followed by a second, third, and fourth. My underwear is filled with his thick, warm release and soon its soaked, mixing with my own minor arousal that has built at the situation. As he finishes, I let go of my waistband and allow my cum soaked thong to cling to my lower lips, teasing me with what could have been.
I pull my pants back up and stand breathless in front of eachother. It's been less than 10 minutes since I walked through the door, we've barely spoken and now his cum is dripping down my inner thigh. What has happened? I feel like an incredibly erotic play thing that's been used for a passing moment of pleasure and right then, I know I'm hooked.
"Hannah, I'm sorry if that was too much" Dustin says, coming to the realization that I'm now back in uniform with his cum filling my panties.
I kiss him square on the lips. "Shhhh babe. I wanted this. I want all of you"
"So you really liked that?"
"Dustin that has got to be one of the hottest things I've ever tried. I'm not changing for work"
I sit on his couch in a pool of his release while we chat for the remainder of our lunch hour. When it's time to go, I feel a glob of him drip down my leg. "Can I come spend the night tonight?" I ask, hoping to get my own release after work.
"Sure hun, I just have a few calls to make but it's okay"
I head back to work with a kiss goodbye and the rest of the day I can feel the stickiness between my legs and it keeps me on edge. I run back to my barracks room, take a fast shower, grab a change of clothes for tomorrow, and something special for tonight. I throw on some gym shorts and a hoodie over my sports bra. Coupled with my slides and I'm back across post and find a note on the door "on a call, be quite when you come in"
I come in and quietly shut the door and make my way past Dustin in the livingroom, obviously on a video chat with someone with the screen facing the wall to the garage. I hear a woman's voice say "oh man those walls are paper thin, I think I just heard the neighbors kids come home from school"
Oh shit, he's on with his wife I realize as I tiptoe my way to the master bedroom where I change into my suprise. Naked in his bedroom, I slip into a teal, sheer lace bra with enough underwire support to give me a little cleavage. I pull on a matching set of panties with an intricate sheer lace front and a single thin string between my cheeks in the back. I fold up my sticky cum soaked thong from earlier and walk back into the livingroom.
Dustin does a double take as I come around the corner. He covers this with a coughing fit as his wife asks if he's okay. "Yeah hun just had an itch in my throat" and they continue chatting, her oblivious to the fact that I've just sat down across from him.
I look him square in the eyes as I begin to tease my dark brown nipples through my sheer lace bra. As he tries to hold a conversation, I do everything I can to lightly tease him. I pinch and massage my breasts, softly run a finger between my legs on top of my lacy bottoms. I stand up and start to stretch, bending forward to let my small breasts hang just out of sight of his camera before turning around and bending forward, reaching back to spread my bum and letting the g-string bury itself between my cheeks, barely keeping my other tight hole from view.
I turn back around and unfold the sticky thong he came in earlier and hold it up for him to see the stain his release left on them, right between the legs. I pull my teal lace thong down in the front, and standing right behind his computer, I begin to lightly tease myself with the soft fabric of the back athletic thong, gently massaging my clit, resoaking the nearly dry panties with another round of sexual arousal.
As my arousal grows, I gradually push into my slick entrance and with one finger and then another, the soft athletic fabric of my underwear once again getting soaked as I rub my clit with them, teasing myself with the over stimulating feel against my raw bundle of nerves. I squat down, my face now right behind the computer screen as I squeeze my breast and open my mouth in a silent moan, performing for the man who can't respond.
All of a sudden I stop, ending my tease at the edge of release, not wanting to slip and give away what's going on...and to tease Dustin further. I stand up, place the arousal and cum soaked black thong on the table right behind his laptop and I walk to the kitchen and begin working on dinner with whatever ingredients I can scrounge up in the kitchen. It's such a turn on to do such a normal task in such a small set of lingerie and I secretly hope that Dustin is sneaking peeks at me from across the house.
At long last I feel warm, strong hands wrap around my waist and a kiss finds my cheek. "How's my baby girl, you little tease?"
I blush at the pet name the gentle touch. "I'm almost done, go sit down you silly boy" I say as I start to plate our dinner of chicken and grilled veggies, sauntering into the dining room like a server at one of those lingerie sports bars.
"So you sure know how to put on a show, Hannah" Dustin says as we begin to eat
"I can be anything you want me to be" I say as I begin a speech I'd thought through in my head, telling Dustin that I don't want casual, I want to be the girl he craves, the one who does the things that no one else does, who let's him try the things he's only imagined I'm his wildest sessions alone with himself.
"What do you get out of all of this?" He asks, questioning this step towards commitment.
"I get to explore myself and act out my cravings without having to deal with all the rumors of barracks and searching for guys to feel safe with. I don't want to be your wife. I just want you to forget her when your with me, and I want you to think of me when you choose how to play"
"Well if you're going to explore, we're going to have to push you out of your comfort zone and actually find new places and things to try"
My heart is racing as fantasies flood through my mind. "What do you have in mind?"
"Just play along with different roles and we'll see what happens baby girl"
Baby girl....is this role number one? Does Dustin think that with our 8 year age gap and my petite frame that we could play out what I think he wants to play? I did just tell him that I want to be the one he thinks of.
"Yes daddy"
"Good Girl"
I. Am. Wet.
"So what did you have in mind for dessert baby girl?"
I stand up, clean up, take Dustin by the hand. "These can end up on the floor too" i say motioning to my sheer lingerie.
"Not yet" he replies, guiding me back to the bedroom.
I find myself once again on Dustin's bed, this time guided into the center, onto my hands and knees. With gentle pressure between my shoulder blades, I drop to my elbows, arching my back and exposing my entrances to open view, my modesty preserved only by the thin g-string buried between my cheeks.
Dustin pulls that to the side, bringing my arousal fully into view. I shudder as a soft, wet tongue traces it's way teasingly between my parted lips, beginning at the bundle of nerves aching in my core and ending in the tight wet hole that's been longing to be filled since I started my teasing back at lunch. I moan a soft sigh of want as Dustin licks me again and again, using his thumbs to spread me open before teasing the inner entrance of my now soaked vagina with his oral stimulation.
After a few breathless minutes of almost over the edge teasing with his tongue, Dustin traces his tongue higher. My eyes go wide and my breath catches in my throat as his tongue glides across my other hole. After a brief pause, he repeats his elongated trail of tongue teasing a second and third time, ending on my bum every time.
I moan "Don't stop, daddy" as his tongue lingers on my hole, swirling around my rear entrance as his calloused fingers reach between my legs to tease my clit. I am so close as his tongue makes headway into my hole which is opening up for him at his constant stimulation.
"I'm going to fill you up baby girl" Dustin leans down and whispers in my ear, his tongue momentarily replaced by his thumb pressing further into my bum, slick with his saliva.
"Please daddy" I moan in reply, eager to keep my promise to do everything his wife won't do.
Dustin pulls away completely and reaches into his wife's nightstand. I see him pull out a bottle of lube and a silver plug with a red jeweled heart on the end, still in its packaging, unopened, unplayed with. I know what's coming and why we're playing this out right now.
Dustin removes the plug from its package and holds it tip first up to my lips. I know what he wants without saying a word. I stick out my tongue and lightly tease the cold metal tip, softly swirling circles around it, further and further down until I bob my head down, taking the whole plug in my mouth and closing my lips around the base. I look up at Dustin, the jeweled heart of the plug between my lips and softly moan in anticipation.
He pulls it out of my mouth and I seductively tease the tip one last time. "Wanna stick it in my ass daddy?" I beg as sexily as possible. After a few seconds of fumbling around with the lube bottle, I feel the cold liquid land on my hole, followed by a finger gently probing my already relaxed entrance. A moment later, the finger is replaced by the cold lubed plug and my breath catches in my throat as I stretch around the plug before closing down tightly on the base. Dustin moves my g-string back into place, covering my soaking wet lips and holding the plug firmly in my butt.
I look back at him pleadingly. I know I teased you hard earlier but if you stop now, this is just cruel. "Daddy please" I say breathlessly, not wanting the stimulation to stop while also acutely aware of the fullness inside my rear.
"Please what?"
"Please fuck me daddy"
"You have two options Hannah. You teased me, so this is a tease for you. You can go to bed, right now, right like this, or you can get your punishment and then a reward like a good girl. Bed or a spanking, your choice"
"Spank me Daddy" I beg without a moment's hesitation
smack the sharp crack of Dustin's hand on my bare cheek takes me by suprise and I clench hard on the plug inside my bum. "Oh fuck daddy" I moan in a mix of pain and pleasure. smack smack smack come three more successive blows, landing on alternating cheeks. I moan almost tearfully as my arousal builds to the point that I'm literally ready to beg for release.
"Daddy please fuck me. Do whatever you want just let me cum please"
A firm tug pulls my g-string down to my knees, still on all fours with my face in the pillows. A hard shaft rubs between my lower lips, finds my eager entrance, and in one firm thrust is buried all the way inside me. I cry out, looking back over my shoulder at Dustin who looks like a man possessed with the overwhelming urge to use me for his pleasure, and in that moment, it's all I want as well.
His firm hands grip my hips and I arch my back, throwing myself back against him to meet his own rapid thrusts. My cheeks clap a faster and faster pace as the overwhelming feeling of being completely filled mixes with the intense pleasure of the moment. I'm red faced and breathless, moaning Dustin's name as he continues in an unrelenting pace, thrusting in and out, in and out. At one point he pulls my face out of the pillows, gripping my long dark hair by my ponytail and commands "You're gonna be a good girl and cum for daddy"
He releases my hair but I remain facing forward, head up and moaning through the moment "Yes daddy, oh my fuuuuuuuuuckkkk" comes from my innocent lips as he simultaneously pulls out the buttplug and buries himself all the way inside me as I can feel him swell and begin to release against my cervix.
"That's right daddy, cum inside my pussy" I beg as he thrusts again and again as my inner walls clench down and my own release spills out of me, uncontained as I find one of the strongest orgasms of my life. His thrusts slow and eventually he pulls out, leaving me leaking cum and lube from both my holes.
He returns with a warm towel and begins to clean me off as I sit up, still in my sheer bra, and kiss him firmly on the lips. "That was incredible, daddy" I whisper, my forehead resting against his as he finishes cleaning my sensitive areas.
"Would you like to rinse off?"
I reply yes and he runs us a sensual warm shower, where nothing but gentle washing and a few lingering kisses happens. He's patient as I take extra time under the soothing water and wraps me in a soft towel when I get out.
As we get dressed into comfy pajama shorts and tshirts, I ask "so was I a good girl, daddy?"
"The best. I think we should stick with this role for awhile if you're into it"
After the time I had tonight, I'm more than willing to play along. We discuss some likes and dislikes and limits (nothing that leaves a mark where I'll have to answer questions about it at work), and reagree that none of this is a thing on the few occasions that his wife visits during her internship. And duh, no telling work, that would fuck us both.
We end the night with gentle pillow talk, and he asks if,for the role, I'd be willing to let him help me get dressed in the mornings, helping me pick out bras and undies from a selection of things I'd actually wear to work. I welcome the increased interaction and dedicated time to talk every morning without a second thought, and I fall asleep with his arm wrapped around me from behind, his strong hand under my tshirt, soothingly placed on my bare stomach, just below my belly button and just teasingly far enough into the area covered by a bikini. I'm in heaven.
submitted by HannahAveryWrites to u/HannahAveryWrites [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:53 Xeroph-5 Not quite sure exactly where I fall...

Pretty much as the title says.
I'm 18M and very much of the mindset: "I don't give a fuck" both literally and figuratively. I don't care about sex and I don't have sex.
What confuses me most though (And sorry if this is TMI) is that yeah, I'll crank one out every so often, but it's more of an itch scratch than all else; I don't get real pleasure from it, because that's not what I'm looking for. It's a nuisance to deal with, frankly.
I'm just not sure where I am on the spectrum other than just "Ace". Do I fit into a microlabel that I'm unaware of?
submitted by Xeroph-5 to asexuality [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:10 Fickle-Crow7227 jejemon ka, brainrot ako.. pero hindi ako nagcricringe sa kanal humor pag ikaw

cute mo😘🥰🥰😍😂😅🤓😎🙂🥶🥶🥵🥵😳🤭🤭😱😱🫡
submitted by Fickle-Crow7227 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:44 Ok-You-7696 Life sucks big time

I keep having to see and hear my ex cause she freinds with my family she cheated on me and manipulated me and made me hate myself I tried dating one time in the year since we broke up and that girl lead me on and ghosted me so I guess I’m not worth a fuck idk I try to be kind to everyone I’d give my last dollar to someone on the street if I knew it would make them happier I’ve always done my absolute best to make people happy I grew up poor asf and have always had guilt for taking anything I’ve never even been able to take say the last slice of pizza or anything cause I get guilt when I went on feild trips as a kid I always bought souvenirs for my siblings and blah blah I’m a very sympathetic person to everyone but myself now I’m sitting here at 21 with a degree and no job because I got hemroids I’ll never get a gf I’ll never have the life I worked so hard for I’ll never amount to anything I feel like I’m cursed I’m Christian and haven’t even prayed in days cause I just feel tired of begging and asking him for help for him to leave me in the dirt life has always been a disappointment my I lost a lot of family to illness, drugs, violence and etc at a young age I’ve had to watch my mom struggle to pay rent which taught me the value of money and made me turn down offers for anything I knew would be a burden to her which lead to me not being able to even let freinds pay for me I just get a guilty feeling I got my license late in life at 20 cause my parents had no time away from work to teach me to drive I struggled with school cause no one else seemed to have been through having the shit knocked out of them and go through abuse like I did when I was young. I grew up rough and I never turned to treating people that way I wanted to make sure everyone knew what love and kindness felt like everyone in my life except my 2 best freinds have fucked me over and I’m really lucky to have those guys and will be forever thankful for them but man I finally got the job I spent years at school training for just to get hemroids out of nowhere that are debilitating I can’t strain till they’re gone so I can’t do my job they hurt too much and my procedure to remove them is another month away I feel just crushed rn I wish I had people around who lived me the way I love everyone but even god dosent seem to care about me anymore I’ll get over this eventually I’m just a bit sad rn and just wish I had a chance at a relationship and was back to normal again so I could work and get my own place again
submitted by Ok-You-7696 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:22 Moist_Turnip8433 how do you deal with overstimulation?

I have many many reasons to belive I have adhd, (im not self diagnosing at all). often, when there is too many bright lights, too many sounds, smells and feelings, I feel like if one person accidentally touched me or like spoke to me, I would punch them in the face or lash out at them. I get extremely stressed, anxious and irritable for seemingly no reason when there is too much happening. my eyes go blurry, I can't breath and I start to hear all the sounds like blended together. this happened to me in class once, and one of my friends took me to the hall and asked me what was up, I cried and explained what I explained above, and she told me it was called overstimulation. I feel like this constantly, how do I deal with it?
submitted by Moist_Turnip8433 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:28 happygirlbeepboop Apartments walking distance from CMU?

I'm an incoming graduate student an I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations on apartments that are walking distance from campus (preferably <1.0 mile). I am also wondering if there are any apartments in Squirrel Hill, as most of the ones I see are in the Oakland area! Any advice helps!!
Context about what I'm looking for
submitted by happygirlbeepboop to cmu [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:04 Broad-Hunter-5044 Red flags when researching a doctor or injector?

I’m new to the world of plastic surgery, injections, fillers, etc.
I’m always open to it and actually really want to get some stuff done (masseter botox is a big one on my list). Maybe lip filler. My thing is, I really worry about finding someone willing to take a conservative approach. I feel like way too much of the work I see is not well done, especially in celebrities! My thought is always, well if that celebrity has access to the best surgeons money can buy, why does their technique look HORRIBLE?
Even for your average every day person, I feel like most people ideally want a conservative approach and they don’t want to look insane. I feel like it starts off that way then they get talked into more procedures and filler than necessary, and over time it looks bad. They probably don’t even realize it. They probably had no reason to assume otherwise bc they didn’t know any better when choosing a doctor / injector / practice.
I want someone who will tell me no, or turn me away if I don’t need anything. I don’t want to be taken advantage of for not knowing any better.
What are some green flags to look out for? Conversely, what are some indictations that im seeing someone who has poor technique, or someone who is willing to overwork my face for a few extra bucks?
submitted by Broad-Hunter-5044 to PlasticSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:00 livia2lima Day 12 - Transferring files


You've now had a working Internet server of your own for some time, and seen how you can create and edit small files there. You've created a web server where you've been able to edit a simple web page.
Today we'll be looking at how you can move files between your other systems and this server - tasks like:



There are a wide range of ways a Linux server can share files, including:
Each of these have their place, but for copying files back and forth from your local desktop to your server, SFTP has a number of key advantages:
If you’re successfully logging in via ssh from your home, work or a cybercafe then you'll also be able to use SFTP from this same location because the same underlying protocol is being used.
By contrast, setting up your server for any of the other protocols will require extra work. Not only that, enabling extra protocols also increases the "attack surface" - and there's always a chance that you’ll mis-configure something in a way that allows an attacker in. It's also very likely that restrictive firewall policies at a workplace will interfere with or block these protocols. Finally, while old-style FTP is still very commonly used, it sends login credentials "in clear", so that your flatmates, cafe buddies or employer may be able to grab them off the network by "packet sniffing". Not a big issue with your "classroom" server - but it's an unacceptable risk if you're remotely administering production servers.

SFTP client software

What’s required to use SFTP is some client software. A command-line client (unsurprisingly called sftp) comes standard on every Apple OSX or Linux system. If you're using a Linux desktop, you also have a built-in GUI client via your file manager. This will allow you to easily attach to remote servers via SFTP. (For the Nautilus file manager for example, press ctrl + L to bring up the 'location window" and type: sftp://username@myserver-address).
Although Windows and Apple macOS have no built-in GUI client there are a wide range of third-party options available, both free and commercial. If you don't already have such a client installed, then choose one such as:
Download locations are under the RESOURCES section.
Configuring and using your choice of these should be straightforward. The only real potential for confusion is that these clients generally support a wide range of protocols such as scp and FTP that we're not going to use. When you're asked for SERVER, give your server's IP address, PORT will be 22, and PROTOCOL will be SFTP or SSH.


Once the files are uploaded you can login via ssh and use sudo to give yourself the necessary power to move files about.



Some rights reserved. Check the license terms here
submitted by livia2lima to linuxupskillchallenge [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:39 Decent-Orchid-462 Don’t Get Me Wrong (tw: dv)

Original poem written by me, just a little bit ago. No editing to it, I’m not a writer, so I did it in 1 shot. 1st & as of right now, probably final draft. We will see. The only time in my life I’ve ever written a poem that wasn’t mandatory for a high school English class. Written to get some of my bitterness out of my body about the death of someone I once knew.
Don’t Get Me Wrong
He was a staple in the community. Loved by so many but unable to love himself. He helped so many friends through crisis so that they could come out on the other side of it shining. He talked so many people out of killing themselves. He lended a helping hand whenever he was able. He helped people with money when they couldn’t help themselves. I’m genuinely glad for you all that that is the version you got. That is not the person I knew. When I was depressed, after being choked to the point of blacking out in a parking lot, at one of my lowest moments, I heard him yell from the next room “I hope you fucking kill yourself!” followed by laughter. If I tried to tell him how I felt or communicate my feelings in any way, I was told I was overreacting & I should feel bad for invalidating his feelings by feeling the way I did. If I asked for help cleaning the house, I was reminded what a nagging cunt I was. If I asked for help paying the bills in the home we lived in together, I needed to stop being so materialistic & worried about money. Don’t get me wrong, I’m genuinely happy that you all got this amazing version. Really. While you were all told how much you matter & how loved you are & how amazing you all are (which I don’t doubt for one moment that you are), years ago I was steadily being reminded that I was horrible & no one but him could love me. I love that you got to have more good memories than bad, But that’s not the version I was given.
submitted by Decent-Orchid-462 to justpoetry [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:28 mrpuma2343 Hours being messed with

So everybody knows how the time clock works I assume right? Okay cool, I went to clock in today and what ticks me off was that I worked a little over 20 hours last week and for whatever reason it went down to 16.8. sure I told the person in charge of scheduling about it as soon as I saw it but now I wonder if she's going to put it in there with my missing hours or she's just telling me that she did it because we all know it's illegal to do that.
What puts a bad taste in my mouth about this is that there's no way to check your time card to verify she actually put it through after the fact because it doesn't ask you again to verify those hours. And once you're off the clock there is no way to look at it until you get your paycheck. I just hope she does it because either I'll quit or call HR on them because this isn't right and you can't just take hours away from people when they work those hours. I hope that it was an error on Kronos and not the scheduler taking away those hours or something.
Thank you for reading my rant and I know I posted about the 15 minute breaks not that long ago and I just wanted added on to the drama that's happening at the store I currently was hired at. Not going to lie I wish I had turned down the offer and kept looking for something else because this is becoming more like a circus and I'm becoming a monkey that is just being tossed to banana in hopes that it's actually a banana and not one of those rubber ones.
submitted by mrpuma2343 to TjMaxx [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:18 GradeAMeaf Geeking out about tire management

Just wanted to share a story from a race I had last night as there really aren't other places or people that would understand why this is in any way interesting. I'm a returning player and just reinstalled after having been away since shortly after launch.
Anyways last night I joined a race lobby doing Maple Valley in the touring car class which felt like a smooth way to get back into the multiplayer saddle. I did practice on a race load and managed decent times, good enough for middle of the board but I didn't bother qualifying because I like to filter my way through the pack in the race. So I qualified 19/23 with no time set.
My preferred strategy in the past was to use medium compound tires and only the necessary fuel. The idea being that as a wheel player I can try and make smoother inputs to extend the life of the tires and do the race without pitting. So that was what I intended to try coming back.
When the race started I did my usual 8/10ths pace that lets you clear a lot of the carnage without being swept up by it and picked up a bunch of places before I tried to get set into a bit of a rhythm for the remainder of the race. Well shortly after getting about halfway up the grid I braked late heading into the sweeping right handed after the pit straight so I understeered off the track and was over taken by two cars that I started to chase once I got back on track.
The two cars were close to one another and maybe because of that I found that for the most part I could keep with them while only pushing to 9/10ths and being deliberately gentle on the tires in the turns. My hope was that I could maintain life in the tires longer than the two cars ahead would given how hard they were pushing each other and if an opportunity came up I would have the tire grip to exploit it.
Well as we headed into the second last lap one of the battling cars misjudged the right turn onto the pit straight and put it in the wall ghosting and spinning out which left just the one car directly ahead of me. I kept glancing at my tire life gauge, which had been steadily getting smaller and smaller but it was still white so I just hoped the leading car would made a mistake while I could still capitalize on it.
Well just as we were making the left into the uphill section he must have cooked his tires trying to stay ahead of the wrecked car because he pushed wide and seeing at last the opening I'd been waiting laps for I pounced and just hoped the grip would be there for me, and it was! I sailed by on the inside and when I threw it into the next two corners the grip held. Enough for me to put the distance between me and the now trailing car I needed to baby my now very worn tires to the end.
That was it. It wasn't for a win or even an amazing reaction or move or lap on my part. But for me it felt like the game allowed me to apply real race craft/tire management in order to better my performance and I'm still buzzing over it. Thanks for reading.
submitted by GradeAMeaf to forza [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:55 georgekennethIII Sprinkler Zone causing Thumping Noise and not watering (sporadically)

One of my sprinkler zones will occasionally not function correctly. when this happens the sprinkler heads slightly raise/lower (not even enough to begin watering), accompanied by a thumping noise caused by what sounds like the valve opening and closing constantly. When I open the valve manually I dont get the same problem. Is the solution as easy as replacing the valve? What is confusing me is that the problem only happens about 70% of the time.
submitted by georgekennethIII to lawncare [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:42 TheAnodized96 Maidens Thougts

between the paths my parents want me to take. My father tells me to fight and protect the tribe, my mother tells me no to, to keep my soul pure and one day take on leadership for the soulbenders. Meanwhile, i sit in between, wanting to explore the world and find new things.
This is so frustrating!
Right now i spend one half of a day training, and the other half meditating. Neither feels fulfilling to me as exploring my surroundings does. And when i see the window, i slip by and wander around. Sometimes even for days.
They argue a lot about my future, forgetting that i want to choose something different from both. Seeing the world, like the expeditioners, who travel far and wide to find new lands. I’ve already learned alot aboout the traditions from the surrounding villages, but they seem oblivious to that.
I barely have time for myself. Only when Kiyoshi is there as an overseer i get some rest aside from the night. She is a dear friend, who even gives me some special lessons and teaches me unique tricks. Only she can see my longing for the unknown world, and encourages me to find what i am looking for.
The adventure.
The thrill of seeing something new, and mastering new challenges. That is why she gives me special training, so that i might be prepared for anything.
Maybe i need to find something very special to convince my parents. And i’m sure i will find it.
One day.
My first very short story for Omoshiya. These stories will explore her past and how she became who she is today. I will mostly write for my own concepts, don't know what to do with any official champs stories. Just don't feel confident enough for that. Let me know what you think.
submitted by TheAnodized96 to loreofleague [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:33 WisconsinHopeful WISCONSIN bar prep / study group

Fellow Wisconsin bar-takers,
We all know it's bleak out there for us. We are the neglected few. Let us band together so that we may locate and share helpful bar prep materials!
  1. BBE PACKET: Wisconsin Board of Bar Examiners offers "Samples of past Wisconsin- based essay questions (10 questions with analyses) can be ordered by mail from the BBE at a charge of $25.00." You can order it here: Wisconsin Court System - Electronic payment of court fees (wicourts.gov).
  2. COURSES: What's everyone doing? Themis appears to offer a course, but I don't know if it covers any Wisconsin-specific. Is there a course that covers Wisconsin law?
  3. OUTLINES: Rumor has it there are some good study guides and outlines floating around. I haven't found one yet. Please share if you have one!
submitted by WisconsinHopeful to barexam [link] [comments]
