Mla format examples on capital punishment

ACI - Air Crash Investigation

2014.01.28 03:34 ACI - Air Crash Investigation

For people who are interested in the Canadian TV series, Air Crash Investigation(Everywhere else)/Mayday(Canada)/Air Disasters(US), similar shows, and aviation incidents/accidents in general.

2018.09.26 08:15 CaptainMuffenz The Lolitary

The Lolitary is an anti-lolicon / anti-pedophile force dedicated to the protection, safety, well being and defense of all children, real & fictional. We are committed to the destruction and abolition of lolicon & pedophilia and those who support them.

2011.08.04 17:40 The Library of Shadows

Welcome to the Library of Shadows. From ghosts to the apocalypse, from zombie-rom-coms to grotesque police files, from monsters to mobsters, we prefer horror but we'll gladly run anything that makes you bite nails and keep turning the page. We display material from authors both new and experienced to help them build their readership and promote their projects and portfolios.

2024.05.21 21:22 BananaHotRocket PSYC 289 Exam Tips

Okay so I just finished the PSYC 289 (Psychology as a Natural Science) exam and here's some details:
  1. Format: 75 multiple choice questions, 9 short answer questions worth 3 marks each.
  2. 3 questions were on history (but even then, hardly), 9 questions from the other 8 chapters, and 1 short answer question for each unit.
  3. Know tiny little identifiers or details about things. I found there were more questions about tiny details to prove points than anything. Examples: Wernicke's area of the brain, how IQ was calculated back when it was developed (not present day), how many morphemes were in a word, etc.
  4. Further to #3, it's not enough to know the base concept: I found the questions were application heavy, so you had to understood how it was applied to situations. Example: Two different situational questions about negative reinforcement versus punishment.
  5. The short answer questions were a) hella open ended and b) about broad topics, with only a couple that relied on just plain facts . Examples included
    1. discussing the nature vs nurture debate,
    2. how do we know that hypotheses must be testable (and what does it mean, to be testable?)
    3. how can forgetting happen in semantic memories
    4. what tech is used to measure sleep and how each stage is different/reads on that tech,
    5. advantages and limitations to studies based on brain injuries and brain lesioning.
Overall, I'd say this exam was incredibly reasonable. Unlike the quizzes, there were no questions designed to trick you: it was very straightforward.
I had this experience in PSYC 290 and it definitely happened here: they reused questions from my quizzes on my exam, so I was grateful to have learned from PSYC 290 and benefitted from studying the things I got wrong on quizzes.
REMEMBER: As much as I've shared this, there's many versions of the exam, and it depends on your course version (I was Revision 7, Exam Version E) so it's highly improbable you'll have the same things I did. I want this to be a general guide!
Best of luck to all of you who take the course!
submitted by BananaHotRocket to AthabascaUniversity [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:20 OkForce3784 Wanted to share my suicide note to my friend since I backed out

My sister. I love you so very much, and I admire you. Often, I even envy you. I think I care about you more than you care about me, and I feel so protective of you. Yet, frustratingly, I don’t think you really need me. I wish you did need me, and I wish you cared about me more as much as I care about you. That’s not your fault though, don’t think that it is. I don’t wish to give you the wrong idea but I think you’re so beautiful. Not in a sick, twisted way that would end in harm for everyone, but in a way that makes me oddly proud. It’s like I get to know this pretty girl and be her close friend while most don’t. You’ve always supported me, and you can make me smile when nobody else can. There are so many examples of this. You totally change the trajectory of my day so often. That’s not irregular either. A lot of the time the best part of my day was seeing you, talking to you, sometimes even just being around you. I am not drawn to you or attracted to you, let me plainly state that clearly. I feel I shouldn’t have to say that, but frustratingly I feel like the thought crosses my mind sometimes and I want to affirm that. There’s nothing wrong with you, I just see you as my sister, and you’re taken, and I need to be single. So, triple threat on that one. I feel as if the only reason I think that way sometimes is because I’m so deeply lonely and I cling on to you because I just want feminine affirmation I think. Or perhaps just normal affirmation. It’s quite difficult to analyze yourself sometimes. One day you’ll make a great wife and I wish I could be there to see it. If my Father permits me, I’ll watch from above. Or perhaps from below if I’ve made some theological mistake and salvation is different from what we think. Sister, you’re so precious to me and I wish I knew how to express the way I love you, and how deeply. In my time alive there was nothing I wouldn’t do for you. The reason for my death, in case you’re wondering, is simple. Justice. I cannot stand to think I am getting away with my depravity with no punishment. Jesus suffering in my stead has one flaw, that I don’t suffer for it. Is it truly justice if I don’t suffer? The punishment is imputed onto another and thus is unjust. That’s one part of it, but it’s also because I’m just so pathetic and can’t stand firm. I want to be strong but I am intrinsically weak. I try to lean on Him for strength but that requires that I seek him which I so often fail to do. I get caught in a loop of maybe seeking him for a little while, but eventually growing exhausted from the weight of following him and crashing into slothfulness. I don’t know why Jesus said his burden was light, it maybe be light to hold, but holding even a feather will weight you down after enough time. I also know that I’m not really a man. I’m so pathetic, in ways you will never see. So deeply depraved in ways you’ll never see. I want to be good, but I feel like I’ve seen the devil. I am the devil. The reflection I see fills me with wrath, the one who has created all of my problems. The face of whom, by his complacency has mucked his hair with the blood of those he could’ve helped. An antichrist. A monster. The enemy. Me. What a sickening naivety I have to think I could ever be excellent, or worthy. I have failed, sister. Even now I question if I was a good brother. Be honest with yourself and reflect. Was I a good brother, Torri? I love you sister. My best friend. Wise and sharp and diligent and driven. How I ache to know this may hurt you. I was supposed to protect you from pain but I fear this may cause it. Or perhaps you will be indifferent. Either way, by my death I will either be in paradise or my damnation will serve to extol God’s glory by illustrating his perfect justice forever. Love Him foremost.
submitted by OkForce3784 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:17 OkForce3784 Suicide Note to my dear friend. I backed out of it.

I am a young male and wrote this to my dear friend recently before backing out of suicide.
My sister. I love you so very much, and I admire you. Often, I even envy you. I think I care about you more than you care about me, and I feel so protective of you. Yet, frustratingly, I don’t think you really need me. I wish you did need me, and I wish you cared about me more as much as I care about you. That’s not your fault though, don’t think that it is. I don’t wish to give you the wrong idea but I think you’re so beautiful. Not in a sick, twisted way that would end in harm for everyone, but in a way that makes me oddly proud. It’s like I get to know this pretty girl and be her close friend while most don’t. You’ve always supported me, and you can make me smile when nobody else can. There are so many examples of this. You totally change the trajectory of my day so often. That’s not irregular either. A lot of the time the best part of my day was seeing you, talking to you, sometimes even just being around you. I am not drawn to you or attracted to you, let me plainly state that clearly. I feel I shouldn’t have to say that, but frustratingly I feel like the thought crosses my mind sometimes and I want to affirm that. There’s nothing wrong with you, I just see you as my sister, and you’re taken, and I need to be single. So, triple threat on that one. I feel as if the only reason I think that way sometimes is because I’m so deeply lonely and I cling on to you because I just want feminine affirmation I think. Or perhaps just normal affirmation. It’s quite difficult to analyze yourself sometimes. One day you’ll make a great wife and I wish I could be there to see it. If my Father permits me, I’ll watch from above. Or perhaps from below if I’ve made some theological mistake and salvation is different from what we think. Sister, you’re so precious to me and I wish I knew how to express the way I love you, and how deeply. In my time alive there was nothing I wouldn’t do for you. The reason for my death, in case you’re wondering, is simple. Justice. I cannot stand to think I am getting away with my depravity with no punishment. Jesus suffering in my stead has one flaw, that I don’t suffer for it. Is it truly justice if I don’t suffer? The punishment is imputed onto another and thus is unjust. That’s one part of it, but it’s also because I’m just so pathetic and can’t stand firm. I want to be strong but I am intrinsically weak. I try to lean on Him for strength but that requires that I seek him which I so often fail to do. I get caught in a loop of maybe seeking him for a little while, but eventually growing exhausted from the weight of following him and crashing into slothfulness. I don’t know why Jesus said his burden was light, it maybe be light to hold, but holding even a feather will weight you down after enough time. I also know that I’m not really a man. I’m so pathetic, in ways you will never see. So deeply depraved in ways you’ll never see. I want to be good, but I feel like I’ve seen the devil. I am the devil. The reflection I see fills me with wrath, the one who has created all of my problems. The face of whom, by his complacency has mucked his hair with the blood of those he could’ve helped. An antichrist. A monster. The enemy. Me. What a sickening naivety I have to think I could ever be excellent, or worthy. I have failed, sister. Even now I question if I was a good brother. Be honest with yourself and reflect. Was I a good brother, Torri? I love you sister. My best friend. Wise and sharp and diligent and driven. How I ache to know this may hurt you. I was supposed to protect you from pain but I fear this may cause it. Or perhaps you will be indifferent. Either way, by my death I will either be in paradise or my damnation will serve to extol God’s glory by illustrating his perfect justice forever. Love Him foremost.
submitted by OkForce3784 to love [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:15 Timely-Sun7973 Need Help: creating a pipeline using airflow dag

Hey I'm kinda new to IT field but I really wanna learn this. so I'll really appreciate if any one can provide me a sample code or fix the below code format (basically i use gpt, just to understand it better)
  1. Our website has a homepage where visitors can either sign up or request a demo. When a client signs up or requests a demo, it triggers two separate DAGs (Directed Acyclic Graphs). The first DAG sends an email to the sales team, notifying them about the new lead generated, and another email to the client, welcoming them to the platform. The second DAG stores the client's information in the `lead_generated` collection.
  2. After the lead generation DAG is completed, another DAG is triggered periodically (e.g., daily). This DAG retrieves the current client information (name, email, and phone number) from the `lead_generated` collection and sends a reminder email to the sales team. The email contains the client details so that the sales team can follow up with them manually via phone calls. Once the reminder email is sent, all the clients' information is removed from the `lead_generated` collection and stored in the `negotiation` collection, with the initial `negotiated` field set to `'waiting'` or `0`.
  3. During the phone call negotiations with the clients, the sales team marks the negotiation status as `'success'` or `1` if the negotiation is successful, or `'reject'` or `-1` if the negotiation is unsuccessful. An independent DAG is triggered every few minutes to check the `negotiated` field for each entry in the `negotiation` collection. If the `negotiated` field is `0` (or `'waiting'`), the DAG skips that entry. If the `negotiated` field is `1` (or `'success'`), the DAG stores that entry's information in the `negotiated` collection. If the `negotiated` field is `-1` (or `'reject'`), the DAG stores that entry's information in the `rejected` collection.
  4. In the `negotiated` collection, each client's entry will have a `package` field (e.g., `p1`, `p2`, `p3`, or `p4`). Based on the package information, another DAG is triggered to initiate the payment process with Razorpay.
  5. Once the payment is successful, a DAG is triggered to onboard the client based on their chosen package. The client's information is then stored in the `lead_closed` collection and removed from the `negotiated` collection.

# Import necessary libraries from airflow import DAG from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator from airflow.operators.email_operator import EmailOperator from datetime import datetime, timedelta import smtplib import pymongo # MongoDB connection details MONGO_URI = "mongodb://username:password@host:port/database" # SMTP server details SMTP_HOST = "" SMTP_PORT = 587 SMTP_USERNAME = "" SMTP_PASSWORD = "your_email_password" # Default arguments for DAGs default_args = { 'owner': 'your_name', 'depends_on_past': False, 'email_on_failure': True, 'email_on_retry': True, 'retries': 3, 'retry_delay': timedelta(minutes=5) } # Function to send email def send_email(to_emails, subject, body): try: server = smtplib.SMTP(SMTP_HOST, SMTP_PORT) server.starttls() server.login(SMTP_USERNAME, SMTP_PASSWORD) message = f"Subject: {subject}\n\n{body}" server.sendmail(SMTP_USERNAME, to_emails, message) server.quit() print(f"Email sent successfully to {to_emails}") except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to send email: {e}") # Lead Generation DAG with DAG( 'lead_generation_dag', default_args=default_args, description='DAG to handle lead generation and store client information', schedule_interval=None, # This DAG will be triggered externally start_date=datetime(2023, 5, 22) ) as lead_generation_dag: def store_lead_info(**kwargs): client_info = kwargs['dag_run'].conf mongo_client = pymongo.MongoClient(MONGO_URI) db = mongo_client["your_database"] lead_generated_collection = db["lead_generated"] lead_generated_collection.insert_one(client_info) mongo_client.close() store_lead_task = PythonOperator( task_id='store_lead_info', python_callable=store_lead_info ) sales_team_emails = ["", ""] client_email = "{{ dag_run.conf.get('email') }}" send_sales_email_task = EmailOperator( task_id='send_sales_email', to=sales_team_emails, subject='New Lead Generated', html_content='A new lead has been generated. Please follow up.' ) send_client_email_task = EmailOperator( task_id='send_client_email', to=client_email, subject='Welcome to Our Platform', html_content='Thank you for signing up! Our sales team will contact you shortly.' ) store_lead_task >> [send_sales_email_task, send_client_email_task] # Lead Reminder DAG with DAG( 'lead_reminder_dag', default_args=default_args, description='DAG to send reminders to the sales team about existing leads', schedule_interval='0 9 * * *', # Run daily at 9 AM start_date=datetime(2023, 5, 22) ) as lead_reminder_dag: def send_lead_reminder(**kwargs): mongo_client = pymongo.MongoClient(MONGO_URI) db = mongo_client["your_database"] lead_generated_collection = db["lead_generated"] negotiation_collection = db["negotiation"] leads = list(lead_generated_collection.find({}, {"name": 1, "email": 1, "phone": 1})) lead_generated_collection.delete_many({}) for lead in leads: negotiation_collection.insert_one({"name": lead["name"], "email": lead["email"], "phone": lead["phone"], "negotiated": "waiting"}) if leads: lead_info = "\n".join([f"Name: {lead['name']}, Email: {lead['email']}, Phone: {lead['phone']}" for lead in leads]) subject = "Reminder: Follow up with Existing Leads" body = f"Please follow up with the following leads:\n\n{lead_info}" send_email(sales_team_emails, subject, body) else: print("No new leads found.") mongo_client.close() send_lead_reminder_task = PythonOperator( task_id='send_lead_reminder', python_callable=send_lead_reminder ) # Negotiation Status DAG with DAG( 'negotiation_status_dag', default_args=default_args, description='DAG to check and update negotiation status', schedule_interval='*/15 * * * *', # Run every 15 minutes start_date=datetime(2023, 5, 22) ) as negotiation_status_dag: def update_negotiation_status(**kwargs): mongo_client = pymongo.MongoClient(MONGO_URI) db = mongo_client["your_database"] negotiation_collection = db["negotiation"] negotiated_collection = db["negotiated"] rejected_collection = db["rejected"] for lead in negotiation_collection.find(): if lead["negotiated"] == "success": negotiated_collection.insert_one(lead) negotiation_collection.delete_one({"_id": lead["_id"]}) elif lead["negotiated"] == "reject": rejected_collection.insert_one(lead) negotiation_collection.delete_one({"_id": lead["_id"]}) mongo_client.close() update_negotiation_status_task = PythonOperator( task_id='update_negotiation_status', python_callable=update_negotiation_status ) # Payment Processing DAG with DAG( 'payment_processing_dag', default_args=default_args, description='DAG to initiate payment processing', schedule_interval=None, # This DAG will be triggered externally start_date=datetime(2023, 5, 22) ) as payment_processing_dag: def process_payment(**kwargs): client_info = kwargs['dag_run'].conf package = client_info['package'] # Initiate payment process with Razorpay based on the package payment_successful = razorpay_payment_process(package) if payment_successful: mongo_client = pymongo.MongoClient(MONGO_URI) db = mongo_client["your_database"] negotiated_collection = db["negotiated"] lead_closed_collection = db["lead_closed"] negotiated_collection.delete_one({"_id": client_info["_id"]}) lead_closed_collection.insert_one(client_info) mongo_client.close() process_payment_task = PythonOperator( task_id='process_payment', python_callable=process_payment ) # Onboarding DAG with DAG( 'onboarding_dag', default_args=default_args, description='DAG to initiate the onboarding process', schedule_interval=None, # This DAG will be triggered externally start_date=datetime(2023, 5, 22) ) as onboarding_dag: def onboard_client(**kwargs): client_info = kwargs['dag_run'].conf # Perform onboarding tasks based on the package information onboard_client_process(client_info) onboard_client_task = PythonOperator( task_id='onboard_client', python_callable=onboard_client ) 
submitted by Timely-Sun7973 to apache_airflow [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:12 OkForce3784 I wrote a suicide note to my best friend.

I don’t have the courage to go through with it, but I want someone to see my thoughts about my love for my dear friend.
My sister. I love you so very much, and I admire you. Often, I even envy you. I think I care about you more than you care about me, and I feel so protective of you. Yet, frustratingly, I don’t think you really need me. I wish you did need me, and I wish you cared about me more as much as I care about you. That’s not your fault though, don’t think that it is. I don’t wish to give you the wrong idea but I think you’re so beautiful. Not in a sick, twisted way that would end in harm for everyone, but in a way that makes me oddly proud. It’s like I get to know this pretty girl and be her close friend while most don’t. You’ve always supported me, and you can make me smile when nobody else can. There are so many examples of this. You totally change the trajectory of my day so often. That’s not irregular either. A lot of the time the best part of my day was seeing you, talking to you, sometimes even just being around you. I am not drawn to you or attracted to you, let me plainly state that clearly. I feel I shouldn’t have to say that, but frustratingly I feel like the thought crosses my mind sometimes and I want to affirm that. There’s nothing wrong with you, I just see you as my sister, and you’re taken, and I need to be single. So, triple threat on that one. I feel as if the only reason I think that way sometimes is because I’m so deeply lonely and I cling on to you because I just want feminine affirmation I think. Or perhaps just normal affirmation. It’s quite difficult to analyze yourself sometimes. One day you’ll make a great wife and I wish I could be there to see it. If my Father permits me, I’ll watch from above. Or perhaps from below if I’ve made some theological mistake and salvation is different from what we think. Sister, you’re so precious to me and I wish I knew how to express the way I love you, and how deeply. In my time alive there was nothing I wouldn’t do for you. The reason for my death, in case you’re wondering, is simple. Justice. I cannot stand to think I am getting away with my depravity with no punishment. Jesus suffering in my stead has one flaw, that I don’t suffer for it. Is it truly justice if I don’t suffer? The punishment is imputed onto another and thus is unjust. That’s one part of it, but it’s also because I’m just so pathetic and can’t stand firm. I want to be strong but I am intrinsically weak. I try to lean on Him for strength but that requires that I seek him which I so often fail to do. I get caught in a loop of maybe seeking him for a little while, but eventually growing exhausted from the weight of following him and crashing into slothfulness. I don’t know why Jesus said his burden was light, it maybe be light to hold, but holding even a feather will weight you down after enough time. I also know that I’m not really a man. I’m so pathetic, in ways you will never see. So deeply depraved in ways you’ll never see. I want to be good, but I feel like I’ve seen the devil. I am the devil. The reflection I see fills me with wrath, the one who has created all of my problems. The face of whom, by his complacency has mucked his hair with the blood of those he could’ve helped. An antichrist. A monster. The enemy. Me. What a sickening naivety I have to think I could ever be excellent, or worthy. I have failed, sister. Even now I question if I was a good brother. Be honest with yourself and reflect. Was I a good brother, Torri? I love you sister. My best friend. Wise and sharp and diligent and driven. How I ache to know this may hurt you. I was supposed to protect you from pain but I fear this may cause it. Or perhaps you will be indifferent. Either way, by my death I will either be in paradise or my damnation will serve to extol God’s glory by illustrating his perfect justice forever. Love Him foremost.
submitted by OkForce3784 to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:11 OkForce3784 Final Message to a Man’s best friend.

My sister. I love you so very much, and I admire you. Often, I even envy you. I think I care about you more than you care about me, and I feel so protective of you. Yet, frustratingly, I don’t think you really need me. I wish you did need me, and I wish you cared about me more as much as I care about you. That’s not your fault though, don’t think that it is. I don’t wish to give you the wrong idea but I think you’re so beautiful. Not in a sick, twisted way that would end in harm for everyone, but in a way that makes me oddly proud. It’s like I get to know this pretty girl and be her close friend while most don’t. You’ve always supported me, and you can make me smile when nobody else can. There are so many examples of this. You totally change the trajectory of my day so often. That’s not irregular either. A lot of the time the best part of my day was seeing you, talking to you, sometimes even just being around you. I am not drawn to you or attracted to you, let me plainly state that clearly. I feel I shouldn’t have to say that, but frustratingly I feel like the thought crosses my mind sometimes and I want to affirm that. There’s nothing wrong with you, I just see you as my sister, and you’re taken, and I need to be single. So, triple threat on that one. I feel as if the only reason I think that way sometimes is because I’m so deeply lonely and I cling on to you because I just want feminine affirmation I think. Or perhaps just normal affirmation. It’s quite difficult to analyze yourself sometimes. One day you’ll make a great wife and I wish I could be there to see it. If my Father permits me, I’ll watch from above. Or perhaps from below if I’ve made some theological mistake and salvation is different from what we think. Sister, you’re so precious to me and I wish I knew how to express the way I love you, and how deeply. In my time alive there was nothing I wouldn’t do for you. The reason for my death, in case you’re wondering, is simple. Justice. I cannot stand to think I am getting away with my depravity with no punishment. Jesus suffering in my stead has one flaw, that I don’t suffer for it. Is it truly justice if I don’t suffer? The punishment is imputed onto another and thus is unjust. That’s one part of it, but it’s also because I’m just so pathetic and can’t stand firm. I want to be strong but I am intrinsically weak. I try to lean on Him for strength but that requires that I seek him which I so often fail to do. I get caught in a loop of maybe seeking him for a little while, but eventually growing exhausted from the weight of following him and crashing into slothfulness. I don’t know why Jesus said his burden was light, it maybe be light to hold, but holding even a feather will weight you down after enough time. I also know that I’m not really a man. I’m so pathetic, in ways you will never see. So deeply depraved in ways you’ll never see. I want to be good, but I feel like I’ve seen the devil. I am the devil. The reflection I see fills me with wrath, the one who has created all of my problems. The face of whom, by his complacency has mucked his hair with the blood of those he could’ve helped. An antichrist. A monster. The enemy. Me. What a sickening naivety I have to think I could ever be excellent, or worthy. I have failed, sister. Even now I question if I was a good brother. Be honest with yourself and reflect. Was I a good brother, my friend? I love you sister. My best friend. Wise and sharp and diligent and driven. How I ache to know this may hurt you. I was supposed to protect you from pain but I fear this may cause it. Or perhaps you will be indifferent. Either way, by my death I will either be in paradise or my damnation will serve to extol God’s glory by illustrating his perfect justice forever. Love Him foremost.
submitted by OkForce3784 to Poems [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:08 starlightsparkss Is music haram? (Answer)

I decided to make a short post about how music IS haram, as someone who’s believed it’s halal my entire life until recently.
The Hadith
The main Hadith used to source that music is haram is the following;
“Among my ummah there will certainly be people who permit zina, silk, alcohol and musical instruments…” (Narrated by al-Bukhari ta’liqan, no. 5590; narrated as mawsul by al-Tabarani and al-Bayhaqi. See al-Silsilah al-Sahihah by al-Albani, 91)
How come now in today’s world there *are* people who permit musical instruments nowadays? Just like what prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said? Indeed there are no coincidences in the Quran. One argument against this Hadith is that the prophet (peace be upon him) is referring to musical instruments accompanied by zina, silk, oand alcohol, but that’s just not true because that’s not what he said. Another argument is that it’s okay to listen to musical instruments but not playing them cause of how for example you can’t drink alcohol but you can watch someone else drink alcohol. While this argument does have merit, this next Hadith kind of disproves it:
“And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (i.e. music) to mislead (men) from the path of Allah…” [Luqman 31:6]
It disproves the argument because it says purchasing music, not playing musical instruments.

Therefore, music is haram.
Now, how to quit music? Here’s a guide I wrote on another site.
ᯓ★ (step 1 - acceptance) ᯓᡣ? ! ༘⋆
first of all, you’ll need to accept that it’s haram. for so long I would specifically search for sources that say it’s halal instead of accepting the facts I naturally found. the hadiths clearly state it is and yes there is a chance it’s not, but it most likely is. you as a Muslim should take what it most likely is as your belief. this life is temporary but the afterlife will be permanent, do your best to go to jannah. take this: how come the hadith which says it’s haram was saying that there will be people who will consider musical instruments as permissible and there will be punishment for them, and musical instruments is what some people now consider as permissible? Indeed there are no coincidences in the Quran.
ᯓ★ (step 2 - stopping) ᯓᡣ? ! ༘⋆
well, yeah, step 2 is where it begins. just.. stopping. at the beginning, just.. stop. don’t listen to music. you’ll find it easy at the beginning but then the silence might start to break you because you’re so used to having music in the background 24/7. when you’re at that point, don’t give in. just don’t. try listening to some nasheeds, nasheeds work great as a substitute atleast for me, and they are a great way I’m getting through this stage of quitting. and no, you don’t have to leave your favorite music artists, you can search for acapella versions of their songs and your likely to find some. while you won’t find every song, you can possibly upload some yourself using AI tools to extract vocals and uploading as podcasts however you may wanna look into copyright issues with that !!. acapella songs will inevitably not feel the same. you might find yourself craving the normal versions of those very songs but remember: all of this is for a reason, Allah knows best and you’re doing this for jannah. the songs that you’ll avoid in this world are the ones you can listen to in the next. though, here’s a tip, nasheeds fill in the gap of music better then acapella cause of the way vocals are placed in the background, so try to listen to them more -`♡´-
ᯓ★ (step 2-2 - stopping for musicians) ᯓᡣ? ! ༘⋆
you can skip this part if you aren’t a music producer or musician or someone who wanted to learn instruments.
I recommend that you watch other videos and stuff for help on this as I’m really not the best person to give advice on how to quit music for musicians, but I’m putting this here anyways. this might be incredibly painful for you and I assume you tried to convince yourself it’s halal more then anyone else. if you’ve been learning instruments for years it might be really difficult to accept this but just put the instruments away and think. try to remember that this world is just a test. you’ll be able to play these instruments in the next world, and it may feel like all this effort in learning has been wasted but it’s not, you can use that effort in jannah inshallah. I personally have a guitar that I planned on learning but it has sat in my closet for a while, and now I know it’s gone to waste hurts me alot I won’t lie, I cried last night because of it. but I came to terms when I remembered what this is for, what IM for. life is a test and never forget that. it may be incredibly painful to quit, leave, and forget music especially for you as a music producer or musician, but it’s all worth it I promise you.
ᯓ★ (step 3 - removing music from your ugc) ᯓᡣ? ! ༘⋆
ugc stands for user generated content. now you’ll need to remove the music from the content you have posted on sites such as youtube, etc. for youtube, look for tutorials on how to replace audios from already posted youtube videos, I can’t explain it in text lol. it’s really easy to remove audios from yt videos luckily. some other sites come to mind but I don’t have time to mention all of them, so just look for tutorials and stuff. the reason you need to remove the music from all ur ugc is because correct me if I’m wrong, the bad deeds of those who listen to the music from ur ugc will be on you.
ᯓ★ (step 4 - avoiding music) ᯓᡣ? ! ༘⋆
now for avoiding music. music is EVERYWHERE and it’s incredibly difficult to avoid it. try to not go to restaurants and places that play music but if you can’t then just cover your ears, if you can’t do that then try to ignore it, and if you can’t do that then just try to not care about it and pretend it doesn’t exist even if it’s hard to ignore. when watching stuff like YouTube shorts, mute ur audio, check the video/sound if you’re pretty sure it doesn’t have music, unmute, then repeat.
So uh yeah that’s it bye! Also feel free to argue against my points or correct any mistake I made. This is just my observation of music and Islam as someone who has had an obsession with music and as someone has believed it’s halal for a long portion of my life.
submitted by starlightsparkss to progressive_islam [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:06 Asianati Hoping to Answer Common OCS Questions (Requirements, Advice, Additional Items to Get, What to Expect)

Hi Ya'll,
I recently graduated OCS and I have been bombarded myself in real life over what to expect with OCS. For context I went from basic training straight to OCS, and even graduated with honors. From the time of writing this post, it has officially been a month since I graduated. So here is a list of common questions I get and I hope I can settle some anxiety for all of you future 2nd LTs.
Warning: The cadre at OCS do read these reddit posts, so I won't be able to post answers to tests or events.
  1. I haven't received a welcome letter, or a packing list. Where can I find it?
    • Fort Moore Officer Candidate School ( I would download and print the packing list and the ISAP. The ISAP acts more or less like a syllabus from college. It will give a rough understanding of the rules, regulations, and requirements for you to pass.
  2. Is everything on the packing list required?
    • Yes. Try your best to follow the packing list to the letter. It is almost entirely dependent on the cadre and of course weather does play a part in their decision making. Some things you'll find you didn't really need or use throughout your cycle. For example, my cycle didn't use 550 Cord almost at all, but I used it to build a hooch, and secure sensitive items.
  3. What if I don't have of the required equipment on the packing list?
    • When it comes to military equipment, try your best and bring what you can. I was never issued an IFAK before OCS or after. The cadre understand they have some coming from basic and those in-service. So if you have it, bring it. If not, bring it up to your cadre and they'll schedule time to get it issued to you.
  4. Anything not on the packing list you recommend?
    • I would recommend the following: hand soap, bathroom spray, travel vacuum, wet-wipes, clipboard with compartment, pillow, very bright headlamp, multitool, and laminator. Hand soap because for some reason OCS had a hard time procuring it. Travel vacuum because you'll likely have 2 or 3 vacuums available to your platoon and having your own saves time. Wet-wipes to dust everything down. Clipboard with compartment for Land Nav as you'll be running with maps, marker, protractor, and your points so its best to have something safe and secure. Laminator for your papers because its Georgia and your papers can get wet. The pillows at OCS have this weird plastic cover on so if you want a better night sleep, get a better pillow. The headlamp is just in case, some classes inform the lumen limit while others don't, Land Nav is DARK so if you can find a lighthouse out there, do it. The multitool is just useful to have especially if you are out in the field.
  5. Where can I find somethings on the packing list I am missing?
  6. I saw you can bring your laptops? Is it required for classes? Can I opted in for a tablet or iPad?
    • You can bring a personal laptop primarily for recreational use after the duty hours. OCS will provide you with a government laptop that you'll need to use your CAC to access. Tablets and iPads are not considered laptops and will be confiscated like a phone. If the majority of your class as issues with the laptops, then the cadre may allow the use of your personal laptops.
  7. What is your day-to-day look like?
    • Mostly on a non-physical or FTX event coming up you'll follow the following schedule: 0500 - wake up. First formation is at 0600, then you conduct PT until breakfast. After breakfast you will head to the classroom and stay there until lunch, return and stay there until dinner. After dinner, it will be the end of the duty hours and you'll roughly have 2 hours for personal time.
  8. What are the most important categories/test to focus on?
    • Treat everything important. Every test you do not pass can put you at risk of being recycled, and it is up to you to catch up. For example while everyone is studying for tactics, you'll be studying tactics and history if you failed history. So save yourself the hassle and take every test seriously. The big 3 recycle event have been historically, Army History (70% to pass), Land Nav (4 points or more to pass (day and night)), and the 4-mile run (need to run in under 36 minutes regardless of gender).
  9. How many retests or chances do you get?
    • You get 2 tries at everything before recycle. You get 2 tries again at the same test then you can be dismissed. For example: You are part of Alpha company. You failed history twice. You get recycled into Bravo company. You failed history twice again. You can be dismissed.
    • If you happen to pass history but fail Land Nav twice, then you'll be recycled into Charlie. If you fail Land Nav twice then you can be dismissed.
  10. What is a recycle? What does it look like in OCS? Can you get dismissed?
    • A recycle is when you failed something twice and you get "recycled" into the next class. A recycle can occur for other reasons such as illness or injury. You can also be recycled for improper behavior or being "peered out". Every class starts up in a like a month (I heard they are changing that for even further out). So even though the cycle takes about 12 weeks to complete, if you get recycled you can expect more like 16 weeks or more. We had someone at OCS you has been with it for a year. You get recycled for repeat offenses, or do something majorly bad such as breaking the law, then you can be dismissed.
  11. What is being peered out mean?
    • Throughout the cycle you are put into a platoon and then a squad. Your squadmates eventually all sit down and fill out a form to give the cadre who is the weakest link in the squad. Usually squads kick out the person they do not like. We had to kick out one person because they didn't mesh well within the squad and wasn't very kind. He would then get replaced with someone else who got peered out. Luckily after that one person got kicked out, the squad improved and we tried our hardest to keep it together. We still needed to peer someone out, but we kept tabs with them and invited them to a lot of our squad functions nonetheless as my squads grew to love and respect each other as a family.
    • If you do get peered out, unfortunately you get a spot report, moved to a different squad, and are at risk of being recycled if peered out again. Stay humble and help out whenever you can. I got the most respect from my squadmates as I stayed up late with them to help them with their STX lanes.
  12. What is personal time like?
    • You essentially use personal time to workout if the PT wasn't enough, clean yourself, and prepare for bed. Yes if you have time, you can contact family and friends (when you get your phones), and if you have the time, play games. I don't recommend playing games as it distracts you from the mission of graduating.
  13. What are the different phases like?
    • You are separated into 3 phases. Black, Blue, and White. You immediately enter black phase upon arrival with a traditional called "Gold to Black". Which is more or less a physical smoking session. During Black you are expected to run everywhere, not be able to drink coffee, have your phone confiscated (and given back on Sunday), and have less personnel time. Blue you get the ability to drink coffee again, and you have your phones returned and used only during personal time. During blue you get the ability to visit and explore the base (Fort Moore) and shop around. During white phase you get the ability to explore off-base (Columbus) and you get to wear civilian clothes. White phase if you leave off-post, you need to be in uniform, and on-base you can be in civilians.
  14. Can you use your personal vehicle?
    • Yes, but you can only drive it during White Phase
  15. How can I keep in contact with my family during black phase?
    • I recommend that you download WhatsApp or some other social media on your laptop and have your family members on it.
  16. Can I visit the gym on base?
    • Yes during blue phase you can visit the gym. Rule regulates that you leave the footprint in uniform and change into appropriate PT uniform once at the gym and conducting PT.
  17. What is the DFAC like?
    • The DFAC is better than basic training and offers snacks like cookies, granola bars, ice cream, and soda. They have a salad bar and the usual cycle of foods. They do have a "short-order" line which serves fries, burgers, hot dogs, etc. To stay in physical shape, I recommend eating your fruits and a side salad every meal. Drink juice, Gatorade, or water only. I only drank soda and the burger after an intense physical requirement like a long-run or a ruck march to regain my glucose and caloric levels.
  18. Does Amazon deliver there?
    • Yes you can have other things delivered to the footprint. However, the Cadre are going to inspect it for food and other contraband. Just ask the cadre for the delivery address. It may take like 2 weeks for them to deliver it.
  19. Any final advice?
    • Be helpful and noticeable amongst your squad but try not to bring attention to yourself from the cadre. Take everything seriously and give yourself proper rest and proper nutrition. OCS is not hard, but it can be if you let it get to you. OCS is designed to test your competency, commitment, and character. I luckily had an amazing squad, and I had a blast with them.
I want this to be an open forum so don't be afraid to leave anymore questions below. If the answer you are seeking is not above, then write the question in the comments, and I will try my best to answer you before you are sent off. Best of luck, thank you for your service, and be the best leaders your soldier's deserve.
submitted by Asianati to ArmyOCS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:02 waveportico Google Marketing Live 2024 Recap

Here's my notes throughout the Google Marketing Live. Some stuff may be omitted and I phrased everything how they would have in the presentation (overly positive).

Google Marketing Live 2024

~Philipp Schindler – Introduction~
New era of AI
-A few years ago the conversation was: What is AI?
-Now the question is: What can AI do for me and how can I implement it as fast as possible?

15% of searches are new on Google every day
-This number has held steady for more than a decade
“The perfect search engine should understand exactly what you mean and give you back exactly what you need.”

AI Overviews

Trend 1 – The “Exactly-What-I-Want” search
The volume of searches with 5 or more words grew 1.5x as fast

Trend 2 – Complex Search Made Easy
“What are good options for aa day out in dallas for kids? What are some options with ice cream shops nearby?”

Trend 3 – Search Beyond Words
Circle to Search
Search anything on your screen with just a circle, highlight, or tap.

Trend 4 – Beyond Answers
Some people are not looking for answer, they are looking to explore, or be inspired.
Rather than just getting a simple AI response, they will be getting a catered ai page specifically created for their request.

Small YouTube Blurb

Gen AI x Creativity
~Vidhya Srinivasan~
People have limitless options to browse across devices

“This is where Gen AI will unlock enormous opportunities”

AI will influence the entire marketing cycle

"AI doesn’t have taste, it doesn’t have ingenuity, creativity, and strategic insights"

Google Search – Generative AI

~Sylvanus Bent~
AI Applications in Search Ads

Conversational Experience in Google Ads

Power Pair

Profit Optimization

~Tim Frank – Asset Generation~
Advertisers who improve their PMAX ad strength to Excellent see 6% more conversions on average.

Creative Controls & Customization

Additional Reporting & Controls

~Nicky Rettke – YouTube~
AI-Powered Video Campaigns

~Matt Madrigal – Shopping~
Product Studio

Shopping Ads

~Gaurav Bhaya – The Data Guy~
Good AI requires good data


Marketing Mix Models
Meridian is Google’s Open Source MMM and will be available later this year.
tl;dr - very tasty nothing burger.
submitted by waveportico to PPC [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:52 GuessableSevens Would you guys support this team taking another small step back this season before trying to win again?

I think this team would benefit by moving backwards for another season before trying to win. All of our core (Scottie, RJ, IQ, Gradey) are either under contract or we hold their restricted rights, so we wouldn't lose any talent. By moving backwards, we would add draft capital or more prospect(s). It would also improve our draft pick for next season which appears to have star power in the top 2 positions (Flagg and Bailey) with many lottery-caliber players behind them. We actually control our pick next year.
Moves I have in mind would be to trade Poeltl for a 1st if you can get it, or a young player. I think you could definitely work something out around a Poeltl for Dyson Daniels framework. I just think you can get 70% of his production for cheap and you really only need a one year stop gap. Bringing Valunciunas on a 1+1 for example - he is almost certainly going to accept <$10M. Still gives IQ and Scottie a big to interact with and he is clearly worse than Poeltl, so we would stay bad for one year before sorting out C for the next 5+ years the following offseason. I definitely don't think Poeltl has 5 more good seasons in him, and I wonder if he even has 3.
We could also let Gary and Brown walk, and take on bad money. I don't think there are many bad contracts teams are trying to get out of, but I would be open to taking on Vucevic if the Bulls were willing to attach a pick, for example.
Bottomline, I think it's very unlikely we achieve better than a play-in appearance this season, so we should probably just finish bottom 10 instead and add better talent to this roster. Thoughts?
submitted by GuessableSevens to torontoraptors [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:48 Omnizoa Desktop Linux's 2 Biggest Missed Opportunities

I've been daily driving Linux for about 2-3 years now and there are two things that I feel like should be OBVIOUS Linux "features", but aren't:
1.) P2P PACKAGE MANAGEMENT - Literally why. Torrents are already a popular and trusted means of distributing Linux distros, why not packages? It decentralizes the burden to host, and therefor protects the package catalog from localized outages, attacks, and the maintainer simply fucking off. I don't trust a nameless, faceless repo maintainer any more than I trust a random download off CNET. If repositories were trackers with verified uploaders instead, you could accomplish the same thing with less trust lavished on a select few privileged (and/or burdened) individuals. Users wouldn't be left out in the cold if their distro experiences an outage, or a harddrive failure, or is DDoSed, or is simply discontinued.
2.) SELF-CONTAINED PACKAGES - In the same vein of independece, I am incredibly disappointed that projects like Appimage are maligned in favor of Flatpak or even native system packages. Admittedly, these formats can reduce disk space by consolidating libraries or runtime environments, but the biggest issue with these sorts of packages is that they cannot be run alone, independently of either their package manager, or a complicated web of dependencies you may or may not have and may or not still be available in your repo.
As an example, when the Citra project was pulled down in response to legal threats from Nintendo, the Flatpak suddenly stopped working, but the Appimage didn't. Your local offline apps shouldn't have to dial home to run, I think Windows has made a perfectly good case for why this is fundamentally a bad thing. On the other hand, Windows has also made a perfectly good case that a single file is a practical format for software distribution. Whether it be an .exe, or an .app, or an .apk, if you have the hardware to run it, it should run, I don't want to have to download a dozen other packages to run one package. If for no other reason that for the sake of software preservation, Linux should normalize self-contained apps. And even if you don't like Appimage for whatever reason, there are other means of distributing programs in self-contained files, just look at, and you'll see .run or .x86_64 files that can run a game, out of the box, on Linux, without ever having to query a repository server or a laundry list of external dependencies.
These may be unpopular opinions, but I don't really understand why, especially considering how much the Linux userbase harps on independence and decentralization. I want MORE independence, MORE decentralization, I want a distro I can just as easily run and install software on regardless of whether the project devs and/or repo maintainers are alive, dead, asleep at the wheel, under attack, experiencing an outage, just rm rf'd a server, or decided to pull a [insert evil fuckery here].
submitted by Omnizoa to linux [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:42 TasteSolid5666 How capitalists and religious majorities are ruining scientific field.

Hi there atheists and buddhist chaddis (who larp here for validation)! Last time I wrote an effort post on how capitalism manipulates the masses to support capitalists.
Today I came up with another not yet effort post.
How capitalism and religious majorities (the religion which has majority population) are ruining scientific research fields.
Most of it is taken from this video on youtube. The Problem With Science Communication - YouTube
PS whenever I say scientists/researchers I am always referring to scientists/researchers all over the world.
It says that whenever there is a research conducted on some specific topic by researchers we can see the articles with some bs headline like "Scientists put apple in chamber which travelled back in time" and when you open it. It says only few things about where research is going on completely off related things to the headline. Not specific about the research. The reason is as I said in last posts, media houses are owned by few people who want to make profits. The journalists will make money when they get views on articles. So articles have such clickbait titles. And the researchers allow that because they need funding. So more the article gets views, more their research will be famous, more they will receive funds for their research from the other or same capitalists who own media houses.
This is bigger than that. Capitalism is explained above. Let's play whataboutism like chaddis and ask "What about religious majorities who are ruining scientific research fields?"
Capitalism and religious majorities go hand in hand with each other. Capitalists impress the religious majorities with their "culture" talks (especially in India) and the religious majorities become their loyal customers. Example "pee"tanja LeeCooper claimed Pure cow ghee and ayurvedic soaps which made Indian audience crazy and gained loyal customers through bs.
So religious majorities are important, and no one tries to piss them off. Not even capitalists and only reason being manipulation.
How is it related to scientific research? Well, you can see recently many govt research institute chiefs and researchers and scientists linking everything to scriptures. This happened in past in Europe during Gallileo's time. All researchers were doing the work "in the name of god" while one guy managed to piss the whole church society off with 7th grade thermacol model of solar system.
I am not claiming that our scientists are fooling or adhering to the masses' beliefs, nor do I claim them being religious. I have no idea. And these are the only 2 reasons which explains their behaviors. Either they want to keep doing their work or the recent chaddi movement has spoiled their mind. Anything is possible.
So scientists appeal to religious majorities in many different ways. Eg. naming of Higgs Boson particle nicknamed as "God particle" by the Leon Lederman (Nobel Laureate) which was also criticised by Peter Higgs himself.
Appeal to masses ensures safety and incoming funds for their researches. If capitalists provide funding to aunti nashional paxitan scientists who pissed of majority, then these majority won't buy their products/services.
Journalists want views, capitalists want profits and majorities want regular nutting and dopamine rush for their ancient knowledge/culture. Scientists (not Indian scientists but all over the world) ensure all of this and conduct research to do something better for society.
Again it's hard to tell about Indian researchers at this point since all of them are referring scriptures and I don't know if they're appealing to masses or seriously going through brainrot stage. If it's the first case, then continue. Otherwise, we are in danger.
submitted by TasteSolid5666 to atheismindia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:40 TasteSolid5666 How capitalists and religious majorities are ruining scientific field.

Hi there commies and liberal cucks! Last time I wrote an effort post on how capitalism manipulates the masses to support capitalists.
Today I came up with another not yet effort post.
How capitalism and religious majorities (the religion which has majority population) are ruining scientific research fields.
Most of it is taken from this video on youtube. The Problem With Science Communication - YouTube
PS whenever I say scientists/researchers I am always referring to scientists/researchers all over the world.
It says that whenever there is research conducted on some specific topic by researchers we can see the articles with some bs headline like "Scientists put apple in chamber which travelled back in time" and when you open it. It says only few things about where research is going on completely off related things to the headline. Not specific about the research. The reason is as I said in last posts, media houses are owned by few people who want to make profits. The journalists will make money when they get views on articles. So articles have such clickbait titles. And the researchers allow that because they need funding. So more the article gets views, more their research will be famous, more they will receive funds for their research from the other or same capitalists who own media houses.
This is bigger than that. Capitalism is explained above. Let's play whataboutism like chaddis and ask "What about religious majorities who are ruining scientific research fields?"
Capitalism and religious majorities go hand in hand with each other. Capitalists impress the religious majorities with their "culture" talks (especially in India) and the religious majorities become their loyal customers. Example "pee"tanja LeeCooper claimed Pure cow ghee and ayurvedic soaps which made Indian audience crazy and gained loyal customers through bs.
So religious majorities are important, and no one tries to piss them off. Not even capitalists and only reason being manipulation.
How is it related to scientific research? Well, you can see recently many govt research institute chiefs and researchers and scientists linking everything to scriptures. This happened in past in Europe during Gallileo's time. All researchers were doing the work "in the name of god" while one guy managed to piss the whole church society off with 7th grade thermacol model of solar system.
I am not claiming that our scientists are fooling or adhering to the masses' beliefs, nor do I claim them being religious. I have no idea. And these are the only 2 reasons which explains their behaviors. Either they want to keep doing their work or the recent chaddi movement has spoiled their mind. Anything is possible.
So scientists appeal to religious majorities in many different ways. Eg. naming of Higgs Boson particle nicknamed as "God particle" by the Leon Lederman (Nobel Laureate) which was also criticised by Peter Higgs himself.
Appeal to masses ensures safety and incoming funds for their research. If capitalists provide funding to aunti nashional paxitan scientists who pissed of majority, then these majority won't buy their products/services.
Journalists want views, capitalists want profits and majorities want regular nutting and dopamine rush for their ancient knowledge/culture. Scientists (not Indian scientists but all over the world) ensure all of this and conduct research to do something better for society.
Again it's hard to talk about Indian researchers at this point since all of them are referring scriptures and I don't know if they're appealing to masses or seriously going through brainrot stage. If it's the first case, then continue. Otherwise, we are in danger.
submitted by TasteSolid5666 to librandu [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:37 Afraid-Penalty-757 After Halo: Empty Throne is released I wonder what other Halo Novels, would you love to see being told in the near future and further explored this universe?

Here are my 9 ideas for future novels and the authors that would be perfect for them.
  1. The War of Beginnings Trilogy by Joseph Staten:
the first book would cover the first half of the war between the Sangheili and the San' Shyuum mainly covering the events from The Desecration of Ulgethon to the Raid at Codisfold, The second book would covers the events in the aftermath of the Raid at Codisfold and included other events like when The Sangheili warrior priests reluctantly begin using the forerunner relics to improve their warships, arms and armor. ending with the beginning of the Battle of Sanghelios. The Third and Final book would cover the full Battle of Sanghelios, Breaking Shadow a coup d'etat against Pervading Stone, and the signing of the Writ of Union.
  1. a Game of Thrones style series of books set during the Blooding Years by Troy Denning:
I think the Blooding Years are a very important war in the Halo Universe but they were barely touched by 343. We saw the start in the Kilo-Five trilogy and the end in Halo 5 (well technically the true end of the war will be in the third Onyx book) but we know nothing of all the battles and politics that take place in-between. Troy write Sanghelil politics very well and I think he is perfect to write this series covering the full period as only see the beginning that we see in Kilo-Five Trilogy.
  1. A Darth Plagueis style novel for The Prophet of Truth and Tartarus by Joseph Staten:
Somewhat of a continuation of the Covenant plot line from Staten's first novel Halo Contact Harvest as not only we get to see Tararus rise to the ranks and eventually becoming Chieftain of the Brutes but also getting to see how The Prophet of Truth's plan develops as well as general Covenant politics.
  1. A Novel about the First Immolation and the integration of the Brutes into the Covenant by John Shirley:
For those who don't know, the First Immolation describes the planet wide nuclear civil-war that engulfed the Brutes and ended in apocalypse just shortly before their discovery and subsequent integration into the Covenant.
Much like Broken Circle gave us insight and perspective on the founding of the Covenant, and the tensions that lingered until its collapse, I think diving deeper into this period can give us further insight into Jiralhanae/Sangheili relations from the onset, and why the Jiralhane were so quick to accept Covenant religious doctrines and technology (potentially viewing this incoming alien race as saviors from their own destruction).
I also think it's an interesting notion that the Brutes were around our current present day tech level (nuclear weapons but confined to their home system), upon their discovery by the Covenant, and less advanced than humanity was at the time in 2492. However unlike humanity who managed to avoid nuclear war, knock on wood, the Brutes succumbed to it due to their own innate nature. I've always found intelligent Brute characters and leaders such as Atriox, Castor and Hekabe incredibly interesting, so I'd love to gain some insight into their pre-Covenant politics and what lead them to the path of war.
  1. A Young Adult Novel about Miranda Keyes by Beth Revis or Claudia Grey:
This one is a bit hard choice because I really loved Beth Revis Star Wars Rebel Rising which was a novel covering Jyn Erso life in the 13 year gap from the prologue when she was rescued by Saw Gerrera to when we see her in Prison at the start of Rogue One. What I like about Rebel Rising is that it is a very dark novel despite being young adult. That said I really loved Claudia Grey's own Star Wars work like Lost Stars and Leia: Princess of Alderaan the latter of which I could a Miranda novel having a similar format.
Regardless who would be the author the novel would take place around after 2541 to 2550 C.E. as the former was the year that Miranda was accepted to the Academy at Marie Nubium pre-enlistment training at age 16, making her the second-youngest to ever have attended the school. After graduating with honors, she immediately requested assignment to active duty.
The Novel would begin where Miranda is assigned to the UNSC Hilbert, an older, unarmed science vessel patrolling the outer reaches of UNSC-controlled space. This was due to her mother's influence, who wanted to keep Miranda out of harm's way. Nevertheless the ship would be used by Keyes to play a critical role in the Battle of Gamma Pavonis VII, (In which we would actually see this battle in this book.) by ramming the Hilbert into a Covenant destroyer. In the following years that the book would also cover is Miranda's time in the front lines, playing a crucial advisory role in the coordination of several major offensive strikes against Covenant targets. This proved invaluable to her as she quickly rose through the ranks of the UNSC. Throughout her career, she was forced to confront accusations of nepotism from those who ascribed her rapid rise in rank to the position and influence of her father, Jacob Keyes.
Throughout the book, Miranda resentment her estranged mother, there would be a scene in the book where while she was a Midshipman, she sent her mother a message, stating that she was somewhat aware of what Dr. Halsey had done. (the Book would explain how did she learn about this classified information.) She promised to keep who her mother was a secret, simply because she didn't want her father associated with what she had done. She ended the message promising to make sure she would take after him.
Anyway the book would end around April 2550 where Miranda is promoted to the rank of Lietuenant Commander in a promotion ceremony at downtown Quezon on Reach. in which Fleet Admiral Terrence Hood also personally awarded her the Silver Star, and it was announced that she would assume command of the Amber Clad.
  1. A Thrawn-esque novel about Atriox by Troy Denning or Timothy Zahn himself:
A dedicated novel on Atriox who is more of a Thrawn equivalent in the Halo series as a brilliant, cunning commander who is largely explored from the perspective of other characters (Eli Vanto in the Canon Thrawn novel, Captain Pellaeon in Legends IIRC) as the Rise of Atriox comics explores Atriox's own rise from the perspective of his enemies, those who tried to execute him to those who would become his allies.
But while Rise of Atriox does a solid job at establishing Atriox's rise, there are several "gaps" that need to be filled where a Atriox-centred novel could help, such as Atriox unifying the Jiralhanae clans across Doisac and the Jiralhanae colonies as the Nanished expand without the Covenant empire imposing on their rise to providing deeper insight as to why Atriox made his plays at the Ark and Zeta Halo. Even Atriox's origins are a mystery, such as what skein he may have been associated with to Escharum's mentorship to a young Atriox to Atriox serving as a member of the Bloodstars with Castor.
  1. a series of one-off novels covering lesser known battles and engagements of The Human Covenant War:
Give us the full accounts of Battles such as The Battle for Tribute, The Defense of Mars, The Battle of Meridian and of course The Full Battle of Earth (covering events that didn't see in Halo 2, ODST, Uprising, and Halo 3.) give us points of views from not the spartans but from the marines think of Band of Brothers but maybe a flair of Andor.
  1. A Horror Novel about The Fall of High Charity by either Joseph Staten or Tessa Kum and Jeff VanderMeer (the latter two are the authors of The short story Mona Lisa.
I would love a book about the fall of High Charity. How the Prophets reacted to the surprise outbreak and the Flood, the Prelates rescuing them, the civil wacomplete collapse of the Covenant society, their capital being transformed into a hive and the population being trapped inside.
  1. A Third Anthology book by various authors:
Not sure about the rest of the stories but the one I'm currently thinking about is a full story about the Battle of October 10 about the short engagement of Battle Group Rhino of the UNSC Navy's Third Fleet and the unknown ship that resulted in the loss of UNSC Totem Lake. It mostly from the perspective of the UNSC so the mystery of who is this unknown alien threat would be preserved as not everything have to be explained just keeping mystery with the short story mostly from the UNSC's perspective you could have panic and fear within the fleet especially those on the Totem Lake.
submitted by Afraid-Penalty-757 to HaloStory [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:27 itsgreymonster Unfunhouse Mirror 13 (Nature of Predators/The Last Angel)

This is a crossover fanfiction between original fiction titles: Nature of Predators by SpacePaladin15 and The Last Angel by Proximal Flame respectively. All credit and rights reserved goes to them for making such amazing science fiction settings that I wanted to put this together.
You can read The Last Angel here: Be warned, it's decently long, and at its third installment so far. I highly suggest reading it before reading this, or this story will not make sense.
Otherwise, enjoy the story! Thanks again to u/jesterra54 and u/skais01 for beta and checking of work!
First Prev Next (soon)
Memory transcription subject: Captain Sovlin, Federation Fleet Command
Date [standardized human time]: October 24, 2136
What I was doing was risky.
I kept thinking this, as I prepared to spring the idea I worked on. I had Samantha and Carlos look into acquiring a shuttlecraft, for the purposes of infiltrating Aafa. It took a day and a half longer than the UN's initial start date, but I promised them it was worth it. They believed that, and set to work on getting one through their few Venlil resources in the UN. Now that it was in my hands, I was on a trip to Aafa, alone, with no backup or human handlers to my name. They believed I wasn't a flight risk...a mistake on their part, but in a way, I was still performing their goal.
I was still suspicious of Federation governance, even before the humans took stage on the galactic scene. The Sivkit's refugee crisis turnaway, the Krakotl's military extortionate practice, the Federation was full of shady characters who ought to be exposed. I was even working on a source towards what I thought was frivolous and mismanaged Kolshian military spending budgets, but it was interrupted by the human's arrival, and I had set it to the wayside.
Though, neither of those were supposedly leaked by 'me'. Cilany was the one who put it into proper public eye, even if I was her source...
How I wish I could have her here with me, her sharp skill for coercion and interrogation of valuable info in interrogation and interview alike. But the colony she was on was under siege by the Arxur, who struck while the Federation fleet had gone to Earth. All the more fuel for the fire of my suspicions...
I could only hope that Cilany, and by extension the rest of the people there would hold out despite their actions against the humans. None deserved the Arxur thrust upon them.
It would have been far too risky to try and stop by a planet under siege by the Arxur. I would be, at best, blown to smithereens without hesitation, and at worst...eugh...don't think about it, don't think about it!
Plus, I didn't want to give any human assets an idea on my plans currently. I was already going behind their back on this, betraying their trust on this front.
If my hunch is correct, then the Arxur might be coordinating with them, and by extension, feeding info about Federation homeworlds back in their twisted little game. Seeing me pop up in a report would turn heads.
I'm sorry Humanity, but this is for your own good. You cannot trust the Arxur, and the only way we can prevent your manipulation by their Dominion is through convincing a proper attack on them from the Greater Commonwealth.
But now, I found myself on a course to Aafa, alone, all on my lonesome, seeking to do something akin to Noah, but to the most powerful person in the galaxy one-on-one...Nikonus. I felt my ability to pull rank and my reputation would precede me better than the predatory reception of humanity, even though they didn't deserve it. This was a pragmatic decision, not an emotional one…
The trip was not very eventful, roughly [6 days] one way in a ship with as underpowered of a FTL drive as this, but I was trying to sell an infiltration mission, not a courier one. I wouldn't have my claws on anything top-of-the-line for speed in a shuttle. But as my ship hit disruptor fields in-system, and I got a ping from Gunships asking for classic hailing codes, intent to visit, and the like, I sent a message that likely would have shocked their crew.
"This is Captain Sovlin of Federation Fleet Command. I have escaped human custody, and need to request an audience with Nikonus."
WARNING: Formatting of memory transcription non-standard, conversion may cause loss of data. Do you wish to continue?
Memory transcription subject: Chief Nikonus of the Kolshian Commonwealth
Date [standardized human time]: October 24, 2136
I walked the outer rungs of the capital gardens, looking for relief to the mounds of bureaucratic paperwork back in-office. A good walk could clear ones mind of most stresses every now and then, and given the circumstances nowadays, I think a longer one is in order.
The Affliaf blooms are quite vibrant today. That's a good omen, for what it's worth...
With the state of the galaxy in a comprehensive deadlock over what to do with humanity, I had to take to some under-the-table talks with Nishtal's military. While the Kolshian Commonwealth was not publically for humanity's invitation into the Federation, they were clearly vocal that they did not wish for the problem to be removed, so to speak. And so, I had to get my tentacles dirty planting seeds of inspiration to some military leaders in and around the Krakotl Alliance. They, thankfully took the predator threat as seriously as they ought to, and mobilized to rid ourselves of the pests.
It should have simply ended there. Humanity should have been exterminated, status quo restored, the whole cropland tilled. But no, a fleet of twenty-thousand failed to even kill a fledgling space-faring species like humanity! Even with the Venlil Space Corps on their side, the battle should have been a wash! And the worst part, was that the true believers on Venlil Prime were giving me garbage intelligence on the matter.
'A ship of unknown origin swooped in and saved humanity? One that was unheard of up to this point'? No, a wad of ectolan spulk, there was no chance it was humanity keeping something in reserve that could even the tide! They likely were feeding false data to their allies, the manipulative little apes. No, humanity being saved stunk of the Dominion's play, and that was worrisome.
Did Giznel and his lackeys go back on our deal, seeing blood in the water? I knew we groomed a deal out of Betterment that'd give them all the wrong ideas...
Needless to say, I had to now figure out where to start on approaching them and confirming our deal was still on the table, and to cease and desist assistance with humanity at once. If they didn't want to play ball anymore, we'd have to consider some Shadow Fleet excursions to pave a path for a public route to invasion. That would change the whole dynamic of the Federation's control structures, and was absolutely not the path this great galactic Commonwealth should go.
So now, I am stuck in a dilemma. Do I assume Giznel and the Dominion are still in on the deal, and haven't made allies with humanity in the backdrop, or do I take the only opportunity we get, and start mounting an offensive while the Dominion's unprepared.
Decisions, decisions...
Not long into my musings, an aide contacted me over holo-prompt. Odd, I didn't have anything scheduled this soon, and central planning proceedings weren't set to start up again until the following day, what was it?...
"Chief Nikonus. There's been a development on the outer edge of the system. Bulwark Patrol states that a shuttlecraft of Venlil-make warped in, one individual alone on scans. They identified itself as Captain Sovlin, seeking refuge from human captivity."
Oh dear. That's not anything I could have expected. The last thing I need right now is more complications...but that wording...
"Why hasn't he been boarded and processed yet? I am hardly the first authority to come to for a asylum dispute."
"He asked for you specifically, your graciousness. Said to request an audience with utmost urgency."
"Is that so?...Hmm." I am currently free of responsibilities for a solid chunk of time. While I did not know Sovlin personally, his record spoke for himself. If he truly was escaping human custody, it was likely he found something out about them that they shared by accident, not knowing he wasn't loyal to them.
If he's come here for the reason I think he might've, there's a very real chance...
"Send him my way as soon as possible then. He's lucky I can spare an audience now."
...that said opportunity has just walked itself right into my garden.
Memory transcription subject: Captain Sovlin, Federation Fleet Command
Date [standardized human time]: October 24, 2136
There was thankfully little fanfare or media attention in bringing my shuttle in. The decision to come alone clearly disarmed their initial worries of human sympathizing or terrorist actions, and soon enough, I found myself amongst an escort of soldiers to Aslou's government district.
I had been to Aafa various times throughout my life. In my tenure as captain, you tend to visit the homeworlds of the larger species at least once in a lifetime, if not several. Most times were not very exciting or noteworthy...but this time, the visit felt downright off.
The gardens were as beautiful as ever, but there were little walking them. The Songbedas were oddly quiet, making an unsettling atmosphere. The population out in the outer and medial rungs of the city split to make way for my escort, as if expecting trouble on their doorstep should they draw attention.
Given what happened with humanity, I wouldn't put it past them. Why is it so...empty?
It was forced to be pushed aside as we finally reached the inner rings of the Capitol Spire. A gleam ran up into the heavens, and a sequence of block outcroppings spun around the structure, green architecture patterns spiraled up and up. It was a beautiful idol of the dedication of megalithic engineering and urban planning of the Kolshian Commonwealth. Under any other circumstances, I would have once felt comfortable walking under its shadow, but now I felt only unease at being in its monolithic shade.
Across from us, not far up the steps leading to the Capitol Spire, was Nikonus and his guards. They were clearly waiting for me. Nikonus looked pleased to see me, somehow. Was there no clear indicator...?
Does he trust my cover?
"Captain Sovlin, your reputation precedes you! I could have sworn you were interred so deep you weren't getting out. Yet, you say you broke out?"
Here goes nothing. Make it believable, Sovlin...
"I...yes, your graciousness. After I was imprisoned on Venlil Prime, the humans kept trying to get me to turn on the Federation. They were convincing, but my loyalties ultimately lie in this government, Chief Nikonus." I put my chest into the last bit of the statement, trying to give emphasis.
He seemed to mull on that for a split second, before he made a gesture to follow him. "We may talk more about your escape inside. I assume what you have meant to say to me is not for public ears?" He glanced about, subtly tilting his head out at the few gathered crowds out and about Aslou's Capitol District. Given how open and flat the area was, with the slightest elevation, you could practically see for [kilometers].
He was right on that. My suspicions would not be for the general public to hear, lest it cause a panic. "Yes. It would not do for the media to run wild with. It could cause unrest."
The Kolshian's eyes seemed to glint at that. "On that, you and I can agree. Come, to my offices." Him and his troop started up the stairs, and I followed soon after, my 'escorts' following closely behind. I could not yet tell whether I was actually in good trust with Chief Nikonus, or whether he was playing up the kindly elder act. Politicians were always shifty like that...
We walked a long way, took several lifts to reach the original Kolshian suites of the Capitol Spire. Passing through halls of elaborate aquatic decor, and indoor habitats, we approached our destination: Chief Nikonus' personal office.
He waved away all but two guards to stand outside the office, as we walked in. As he sat down, and the door closed, the visual look of the Kolshian shifted. His old, elderly demeanor sharpened to a politics-honed edge. The tone of the room felt far more off.
"I hope you know how much your position here is troubling, Sovlin." His voice had none of the kindness it held before. In its place, laid a piercing tone of seriousness. "If I'm anticipating right, you came here with distinctly bad news, given the state of galactic politics and military scuffles. That is...if I can even trust your story at all." He got up from his chair in a way that betrayed none of his age from before, and began to pace.
Or was his earlier light hobbling also just a disarming act?
"I mean really, you mean to tell me you turned yourself in to humanity for 'crimes against sentience', and then go back on your self-inflicted punishment? All so you could come to Aafa to let me know of something I'm already decently certain I know of before you even tell me? Your loyalty in question is a mind game Sovlin. I do not appreciate mind games. You'd best get to your point quickly and succinctly."
There was a chilling quality to that statement. I did not want to see what lied on the end of that thinly veiled threat.
A hitch came to my throat, but I pushed through the discomfort. "I...Chief Nikonus...I do not revoke my feelings about humanity's sentience, but neither do I revoke my faith in the Federation's dream. Despite their predator biology, they are capable of empathy and care for things outside what we'd consider stereotypical predatory behavior. They still deserve a chance at being within the galactic community, of being part of the Federation; no matter what preconceptions are of predators, they are clearly different. But, there's something we distinctly missed about humanity, and I think the Arxur are making an attempt to exploit it."
WARNING: Formatting of memory transcription non-standard, conversion may cause loss of data. Do you wish to continue?
Memory transcription subject: Chief Nikonus of the Kolshian Commonwealth
Date [standardized human time]: October 24, 2136
"You've seen the empathy tests, right?" Sovlin mentioned. Of course I had, it was only the thing that had kept me from having their ambassador Noah shot on the spot, where was he going with this?
"Yes, I have. Are you saying there isn't empathy for them?"
"No, Chief Nikonus. They are just as empathic as before. The problem is in how they use it. If a protective instincts in herbivore's is to block the danger from the person, then a predator's instincts is to remove the danger."
"I'm not seeing the problem here, Sovlin. Aggression versus protection is a choice all sentients can make, even if one is uncouth for most herbivores to make."
But my rebuttal didn't shake his look any. No, there was mortification interwoven throughout it still.
"Follow with me here, still. The human's empathic desires to latch onto anything as a companion is an odd case, but a documented one. They are looking for friends among the cosmos, and given the first thing they found was the Venlil, they took to them immediately. When they found the Federation, they too attempted to befriend us. And over the Cradle, despite our best efforts to dissuade them, they were curious of the Arxur too. I would know, I was there."
Hmm, so the humans have been making some attempt at contacting The Dominion. Given their Prophet's Word, and their temperament for predators, they likely would act receptive if given some chance. More fuel to the fire...
I motioned him on further. "They...interrogated a Arxur above the cradle. They told them of how Federation first contact went; how the Arxur were starved by the Federation releasing a bioweapon, and how it lead them into conflict during the uplift."
I walked over to my desk, and sat down. My tentacle hovered over a concealed sidearm underneath the lip, just in case. "And...did you believe what that Arxur said was true, Sovlin?..."
Sovlin sighed in denial. "No, your graciousness...but I'm afraid...the humans do." He shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he talked. "The Arxur have picked up on a weakness we didn't see, Chief Nikonus. Likely due to them being predators themselves. They know humanity is a pack predator, so they're seeking to manipulate the humans onto their side using their empathy."
I brought my tentacles away from the gun while I considered, because this was only meaning one thing.
Those bastards ARE going back on the deal! Sovlin, your loyalty has just saved me a world of hurt...
But before I could get a word in edgewise, he continued. "They are using the empathy the humans latch on with to some effect. Given the choice between a galaxy that shuns and tries to kill their species, and a fellow predator lending a claw in the interim, why would they pick anything but the Arxur? Why wouldn't they pick self-preservation?"
Sovlin looked at me with a worried face. I shared in the worry too, the long-term survival of the Federation was unraveling from the worst case scenario. "The humans might be coaxed into cruelty as bad as the Arxur because of that. We missed how their empathy was their bloodlust. And now the Arxur are here to collect on our mistakes."
This is bad. While we had some agreement beforehand with the Dominion, the human's existence on the galactic stage changes the game. The Dominion would look to seek true control of everything, rather than just playing even with us. The [Prisoner's Dilemma] is broken.
...But there is still a solution. And Sovlin proved himself loyal enough to help with it.
I turned back to him, trying to assuage his worries. "Sovlin, while this is very bad news, there is a solution that the galaxy isn't considering here."
Sovlin piped up. "Yes. We'd need to form an intense first strike on Wriss itself, to devastate the head of their government, and collapse their attempts to indoctrinate humanity. Humanity might protest, but it would be for their own good that the Arxur fails to get their claws on them. From there, we can try to reestablish friendly connections, even as strained and painful as they are..."
Oh, you poor naive fool Sovlin. Don't worry, there is a better way.
I enabled a soundproofing field interladen in the walls of my office, for what came next was sensitive. "Not...quite Captain Sovlin, a good plan, and one that will be considered soon. But...what if I told you, there was a way to remove that fellow predator’ link?..."
First Prev Next (soon)
submitted by itsgreymonster to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:16 Arunbenx This is one of the best creationism argument in see. (Indian edition)

This is one of the best creationism argument in see. (Indian edition)
I have seen many god in the gaps, intelligent design and fine tuning argument, most of them are really stupid and can be debunked easily. But there are some argument that you need some level of scientific knowledge to debunk it. Which are really rare especially in India. I believe this is one of those videos. (I couldn't do it, due to the lack of knowledge) but i believe some with very low Scientific temperament (like me) can be easily fooled by this. Actually I would like u/PranavYedlapalli to react to this video, even though the is video in Malayalam. (I believe he can understand Malayalam)
For those who don't understand Malayalam i had done a rough translation.
The translation.
When we observe the universe, a lot of things are pointing to a creator. It's an obvious logic.
When we look at mount rushmore do we ever think of it happens of natural causes, we know there is a creator, some one or a few people made that. Just like that when we observe the universe and our body, it's clear that there is a creator. When It comes to topic like creation of universe and our body, atheist would say it's undirected. Without direction, just through evolution this all had happened. But if we dig deeper we would realise that it is impossible to imagine universe without a creator.
This is Fred Hoyle, (a picture) he is a scientist. What makes him special is that he was one of the greatest atheist in 1940-80s. There is a theory called steady state theory. Regarding the creation of this universe there where two theory, one steady state theory and other Big Bang theory. The steady state theory state's that the universe has no beginning nore an end. For an atheist which theory would be more acceptible. It's steady state theory. In that the universe don't have a beginning, if there is a beginning the we have to find the reasoning for it's creation and it's creator. If there is no beginning, they don't have to find that. At those times all the atheist accepted steady state theory. After that the theory of Big Bang came, which talks about an explosion occurring at point of sinclarity. This is a different topic. I'm not gonna talk about this now.
The name big bang was given by Fred Hoyle, InFact he mocked that theory by calling it a "big bang". The theory's opponent (Fred Hoyle) given the name for that theory. After few a years Fred Hoyle become a theist. The reason was not big bang.... But it's fine tuning, it a bit complex but I will explain it.
(Okay, I'm not gonna translate the entire speech word by word, it's only been 6min to the 38min video, I'm exhausted. I'm only gonna translate the relevant points now onwords.)
After that he ask the audience "what's the most important element for us?" He waited for someone to say carbon, then started talking about different forms of carbon. "From diamond to Ash alot of things are carbon." The he goes on. " Carbon is important for the sustenance of life, and the Fred hoyle want to know how carbon was formed." Then he start talking about nuclear fusion, how everyother atom is formed by fusion of hydrogen. Then he goes on to explain how carbon was formed using fusion. He said "for carbon to form they need a specific value of force, and specific value of quark is needed for high energy carbons. So what's he (Fred hoyle) understood from that was their should be a design, or else this specific values can't occur. Then he goes on, how the gravity is affecting the temperature of the Star. Where too much or too little gravity would over heat or under heat the star, which won't lead to carbon formation. Then he goes on, even if the value of the gravitational constant change by 1/10³⁵, even then there couldn't be a carbon. Even a small decimal could prevent carbon formation and that made atheist Fred hoyle to a theist.
Then a quote of Fred hoyle.
Which clearly state that there's no blind force and it's clear without any doubt, it's intelligent design.
Then he goes on explaining how minor change in these values would prevent life from forming.
Change in 1/25 of Electro magnetic Force would prevent life form.
Same for Strong Nuclear Force, 1 part in 100 would prevent the universe from forming.
Same for
Ratio of weak nuclear force to SNF - 1 part in 10000
Ratio of EMF to Gravity - 1 part in 10⁴⁰.
Which futher proof fine tuning.
(Ok the next part is kinda obvious, even i know it's stupid.)
He talks about earth and it's position to sun, how it's not too close nore too far, so that life can form. He talks about the rotation and revolution of earth, how a change would increase or decrease the days which makes life impossible here. And how position of Jupiter Stop astroids. Then the size of moon and position play's a huge role in lunar tide, which play's a huge role in life forming on the earth. Futher he talks about the Axis, speed, sunlight. Which all are fine tuned.
Then he talks about the probability of this being random. With an experiment, in a box there is cards with 1 to 10 numbers. What is the possibility of drawing the 10 cards in the exact order (1 to 10) from the first being one is 1/10 and gos on. And the chance to get it all in order is 1/ 10 crores. Even a simple explanation like that has only 1/10 crores chance. Which means the possibility of getting this is very less.
Then gives the Infinite monkey therom typing hamlet example. Then he try to calculate the possibility of typing just the sentence
"to be or not to be, that is the question"
To get "T" correct: 1/32
To get "TO" correct : 1/32 x 1/32
To get complete correct: 1/(5.1422017e+061)
Assume: Monkey typing one line(41 strokes per second)
Probability that monkey won't get the sentence correct in one second: 1-(1/32)41
•Probability that monkey won't get it in one minute : [1-(1/32)41]60
•Probability that monkey won't get it in one year: {[[[1-(1/32)41]60]60]24}365
Which is
0.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999993867218 44366784484760952487499968756116464000
Even if we take 1700 crore years
Probability is
0.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999998946 3961512816564762914005246488858434168051444149065 728
Till now he was talking about a single monkey, now let's take
17 billion galaxies, each with 17 billion planets, each with 17 billion monkeys, typing one line per second for 17 billion years!
Probability that monkey don't type this sentence:
0.9999999999999465759379507781960794856828386656482641321881042993265961 42975867879656916416973433628!!
The chance of getting a single sentence is so low, Hance this all being a chance it really low.
Then he kinda compare this with multiverse theory.
Then he ends with Occam's razor philosophy, where the simplest explaination is the best. He gives an example, imagine when you wake up in the morning, and the food is readied. What would be the possible explain, the simplest and most possible explanation is someone in your house cooked it rather than some complex explanation, of someone from outside bringed it, which is even though possible. The chances is low. The multiverse theory and everything like that is a complex explanation, we need a simplest explaination. And he also given a example of founding iPhone in a desert. You could have a simplest example where someone lost it, and a complex on where the iPhones chipset is made up of silica with is sand and the body is plastic which is made by petroleum product. So you could also say in this thousands of years the sand and petroleum converted some how to form an iPhone. It's complex, make it simple so someone lost It.
The reason why i think it's the best is just my subjective feeling, and i never seen some put creationism argument this.
submitted by Arunbenx to scienceisdope [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:52 Reasonable_Bobcat_79 Can someone help me for my homework, I am desperate rn

As a lab project or homework, the supervisor gave me and my teammate a game to write in assembly. The conditions are very hard and the game is ridicuolus. But we have to do. Even chatgpt couldn't. I'll be so glad if someone help me. Here is the conditions: · Create a 80 × 25 character game screen. You are given a bird image in bird.txt Lile. Image is divided six pieces and matched with the dice numbers as 1 vase. 2 legs 3 body 4 left wing 5 right wing 6 head · The bird image must be completed starting from the vase and next piece must be connected to the image on screen. For example, there is no piece in the screen, players must roll dice until 1 comes. When pieces 1 and 2 are on the screen, next piece can only be piece 3. After piece 3 is completed, pieces 4, 5, and 6 can be placed on the image since all three are connected with piece 3. · The player uses space key to roll the dice. · The player’s aim is to complete the bird Lirst. · During the play, a score box which contain the real-time score has to be displayed to the player. · Scoring: ↓ completer of the bird gets 1 pt. · The game is over when bird image is completed 3 times. The high score player wins the game. · If the winner is one of the human player, the winner name is displayed on a blank screen as ”The Winner is .......” with all capital letter player name. · If the winner is computer, ”Nice try, better luck next time” is displayed on a blank screen. · If a player wins Lirst two rounds, third round is skipped and the winner is displayed. · There should be a menu which contains ↓ Single Player ↓ Enter the Player name : ↓ Two Players ↓ Enter the Player 1 name : ↓ Enter the Player 2 name : ↓ Credits (show your name/surname, and ID on the screen.) · Interface should be deLined with 80x25 characters 16 color text mode (Video Mode 03H for INT 10H). · When the code is assembled executable format should be an .EXE Lile, so use EXE template for your project. (Not .COM or .BIN Lile) · The assembly code Lile should include all the libraries it may call. The libraries that are already in emu8086 (i.e. in Llat assembler) may not be included and directly called. · The source code should be assembled in emu8086. (i.e. Llat assembler) · The application should not get stuck in any unnecessary inLinite loops. · Program should be able to terminated with ESC key on keyboard in any time and return to operating system successfully. (Optionally a Close button can be added to interface.)
submitted by Reasonable_Bobcat_79 to Assembly_language [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:51 EzVox03 Passing Judgement on Israel

Written after the Gaza Conflict of 2014
The U.N. wants the world to believe that Israel is leading the globe in human rights violations, partly as a result of the shameless propaganda war perpetrated by Hamas during and since the war in the Gaza Strip last summer. The war was precipitated by numerous Hamas and Palestinian terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians, the last straw being the bloody massacre of an entire Israeli family, including their newborn baby.
Only the uninformed could pass judgement on Israel for the unavoidable collateral damage on civilians for which any warring state must be invariably guilty. The United States is no stranger to civilian collateral damage. We routinely kill civilians as a result of our drone executions which take place near daily all over the Middle East. How does the U.S. handle the repercussions of killing civilians in order to execute high-value targets? We pay them cash money. In the Mideast, it's referred to as "blood money", and in Islam, paying that debt brings balance to the scales of justice.
In 2014 alone, Obama authorized 357 air strikes in Pakistan. These figures are noninclusive of the multitudes of drone strikes which are a fact of life for citizens in several Mideast countries; including, Yemen, Syria, and Iraq, among others. The 2014 official Pakistani deaths by drone reported was between 2,410 - 3,902; 416-959 civilians; 168-204 children; 1,133 - 1,706 injured.
During the 2014 Gaza Strip conflict, an estimated 2,200 casualties were reported, many of them civilians that were used as human shields by their own leaders. The fact is, collateral damage is not a war crime, but a harsh reality that must be accepted in a world in which conflict and war is a part of human nature.
Unfortunately for Israel, her enemies have demonstrated for years their willingness to sacrifice their own civilians in exchange for uninformed global pity and empathy that will one day lead to global indignation against Israel. That strategy has had limited success until recent years; coinciding with the Obama presidency and global anti-Semitism, the likes of which haven't been seen since the holocaust.
How much do relatives get, you ask? I've heard of examples for common citizens in Iraq ranging from $10-30,000 dollars (a fortune to most Iraqi citizens). Army Staff Sergeant Robert Bales went on a killing rampage against civilians in Afghanistan two years ago, resulting in the deaths of 17 women, infants, and small children. Afghan provincial council members reports the United States has paid the victims' families a total of $860,000 -- $10,000 for each of the six wounded survivors, and $50,000 apiece for the 16 dead. That's chump change compared to the $2.3 million "diyya" paid by the United States for the release of Raymond Davis, who was held for the killing of two Pakistani citizens; a third innocent pedestrian killed by the reaction team who drove erratically to extract him.
Israel is well aware that any time they're forced to use military force in response to the routine terrorism to which they've been exposed since 1948, collateral damage is inevitable. Hamas' war doctrine has been developed not from a viewpoint of military victory, as they are insanely outgunned and outsmarted by their mortal enemies. Hamas purposely antagonizes Israel and provokes Israel to engaging in violence to quell the unrest Hamas leaders perpetrate. Hamas then stages their military assets, soldiers, and weapons within the Palestinian civilian populous, using them as human shields.
When Hamas launches a missile or rocket into Israeli territory, counter-batteries automatically triangulate the munitions' trajectory and azimuth; counter-battery artillery is set to automatically return fire to the calculated enemy position. It is a known fact that Hamas uses schools, homes, markets, and other heavily populated areas in order to carry out their attacks, knowing full well the result will be the deaths of their own people. Hamas considers the victims of this barbaric system "martyrs", and the religiously brainwashed followers only see Israel as the culprit.
It used to be a widely known fact that the propaganda videos showing Israeli collateral damage broadcast to the world were calculated acts for which only Hamas was responsible. Not so much in 2015, where people now live in the fantasy that meeting violence with violence is Neolithic and unevolved. The worldview on Israel would be substantially different if those passing judgement lived a day in the shoes of an Israeli citizen, in constant fear of terrorist attacks.
Israel was denounced as the chief human rights violator above Syria, where Assad has launched Sarin gas attacks on civilians; North Korea, who houses untold numbers of political prisoners, most of them innocent; including three successive generations of their offspring who spend entire lives in concentration camps; and, Iran, a state where women's lives have actually been given a set value -- half the worth of a man's (Article 33 and 99 of the Law of Retribution: Hodoud and Ghesas, Section 2 of Article 237). Where the weight of her testimony in court is precisely half that of a man. Where a husband can kill his adulterous wife without punishment while a woman is punished with death for a similar crime. If a male Muslim intentionally kills a Muslim woman, he is subject to retribution (an eye for an eye) but only if the guardian of the murdered woman pays him half of the diyya to the murderer to make up the deficiency (Article 6 of Diyat, Article 209 Law of Retribution).
But it's Israel, a land populated by the eternally persecuted, that according to the U.N. eclipses all others in a world of wicked atrocity. Israel has turned the other cheek to violence, oppression, and subjugation throughout history. To rank Israel atop countries with well-known and well-documented histories of civil rights and human rights violations is an inexcusable insult and quite indicative of the sorry state of affairs within the U.N. and within our own diplomatic circles.
submitted by EzVox03 to IntellectualElk [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:45 SlappytheDingul Need assistance on importing/exporting 3D pipes from CAD to Microstation

Hey all, as the title says I'm in a unique position at my job where we need to find a streamlined way to take some CAD elements and import them into Microstation.
For some background, the project is with our states DOT and they require every deliverable to be in a .dgn format. I don't have a lot of Microstation experience and the guy that used to work on this project left the company the week I started so it's been tasked to me to figure this out. We are relocating water transmission pipes due to the DOT widening a section of a road.
The DOT sent us a toolset within Microstation that sets everything to their standards that we have to follow, but I do not know how to take something like a water transmission pressure pipe and show it in a profile. I know OpenRoads can create storm lines but pressure pipes are a lot different within a CAD design space. As an example, at one section of the project we're running an 8" ductile iron line up a proposed road and another Engineering firm is going to tie into it at a certain point. The roadway design firm needs us to give them a file that has this 8" pipe in a 3D space so they can show where it's going to be in the proposed section view profiles off the edge of the pavement. I would prefer not having to physically draw a circle at the correct depth in each profile.
In the past we've been saving our Civil 3D files as standard CAD files and referencing them as 2D elements but now we're going to need 3D elements as well.
If anybody has any guidance or has done something similar I would be greatly in your debt if you could help me figure this out.
submitted by SlappytheDingul to civilengineering [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:45 GamesDoneFast Different color formats, design patterns

So I'm working on my own implementation of a color class; yet I'm having trouble with a pattern for different formats.
```c++ #include #define NODISCARD [[nodiscard]]
/// \brief /// A color class that represents a color with red, green, blue and alpha components. /// The color can be represented as an unsigned integer, where r g b a are the starting bytes respectively, RRGGBBAA. /// \note The color components are unsigned. class color { protected: /// \brief Unsigned char type-definition. typedef unsigned char uchar; /// \brief A union to represent the color as an unsigned integer or as separate components. /// \note This way we can access the color as a whole or as separate components. union color_union { public: /// \brief The color as separate components. struct { uchar a, b, g, r; } r_g_b_a; /// \brief The color as an unsigned integer e.g RRGGBBAA uint32_t rgba; color_union() : rgba{ 0 } {} color_union(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a) : r_g_b_a{ a, b, g, r } {} explicit color_union(uint32_t rgba) : rgba{ rgba } {} }; protected: /// \brief This union represents the color as an unsigned integer or as separate components. color_union c_union_{}; public: /// \brief Construct a color with all components set to zero (r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0). color() = default; /// \brief Construct a color from red, green, blue and alpha components. /// \param r The red component of the color. /// \param g The green component of the color. /// \param b The blue component of the color. /// \param a The alpha component of the color. color(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a); /// \brief Construct a color from an unsigned integer. /// \param rgba The color as an unsigned integer. /// \note The color is represented as an unsigned integer, where r g b a are the starting bytes respectively, RRGGBBAA. explicit color(uint32_t rgba); /// \brief Get the red component of the color. /// \return The red component of the color. NODISCARD uchar r() const noexcept; /// \brief Get the green component of the color. /// \return The green component of the color. NODISCARD uchar g() const noexcept; /// \brief Get the blue component of the color. /// \return The blue component of the color. NODISCARD uchar b() const noexcept; /// \brief Get the alpha component of the color. /// \return The alpha component of the color. NODISCARD uchar a() const noexcept; /// \brief Set the red component of the color. /// \param r The red component of the color. void r(uchar r) noexcept; /// \brief Set the green component of the color. /// \param g The green component of the color. void g(uchar g) noexcept; /// \brief Set the blue component of the color. /// \param b The blue component of the color. void b(uchar b) noexcept; /// \brief Set the alpha component of the color. /// \param a The alpha component of the color. void a(uchar a) noexcept; /// \brief Get the color as an unsigned integer. /// \return The color as an unsigned integer. NODISCARD uint32_t rgba() const noexcept; /// \brief Set the color as an unsigned integer. /// \param rgba The color as an unsigned integer. void rgba(uint32_t rgba) noexcept; // lots of operators overloads here like +,-,*,/ etc. }; // class color 
And c++ for minimum viable product.
```c++ #include "color.h"
// Constructors color::color(uint32_t rgba) : c_union_{ rgba } {} color::color(color::uchar r, color::uchar g, color::uchar b, color::uchar a) : c_union_{ r, g, b, a } {} // Getters/Setter color::uchar color::r() const noexcept { return c_union_.r_g_b_a.r; } color::uchar color::g() const noexcept { return c_union_.r_g_b_a.g; } color::uchar color::b() const noexcept { return c_union_.r_g_b_a.b; } color::uchar color::a() const noexcept { return c_union_.r_g_b_a.a; } void color::r(color::uchar r) noexcept { c_union_.r_g_b_a.r = r; } void color::g(color::uchar g) noexcept { c_union_.r_g_b_a.g = g; } void color::b(color::uchar b) noexcept { c_union_.r_g_b_a.b = b; } void color::a(color::uchar a) noexcept { c_union_.r_g_b_a.a = a; } uint32_t color::rgba() const noexcept { return c_union_.rgba; } void color::rgba(uint32_t rgba) noexcept { c_union_.rgba = rgba; } 
So this currently only supports one format, which is 0xRRGGBBAA, but for example Windows API uses 0xXXRRGGBB for their (32 bit) implementation. I'm looking for a design pattern that will allow for formatting. \ An easy example would be;
```c++ #include #include #include "color.h"
int main() { std::vector buffer = { color( 255, // r 0, // g 0, // b 255), // a color( 0, // r 255, // g 0, // b 255), // a color( 0, // r 0, // g 255, // b 255), // a }; for (auto& color : buffer) { std::cout << "rgba: " << std::hex << color.rgba() << '\n'; std::cout << "r: " << std::hex << int(color.r()) << '\n'; std::cout << "g: " << std::hex << int(color.g()) << '\n'; std::cout << "b: " << std::hex << int(color.b()) << '\n'; std::cout << "a: " << std::hex << int(color.a()) << '\n'; } // format AARRGGBB: // ... } 
Is there a design pattern common for this scenario? I'd love to keep the size of my color class 4 bytes so that it can be interchanged easily, also pointing to the class allows for compatibility with other libraries/APIs. \ Thanks to anyone who wants to help out !
submitted by GamesDoneFast to cpp_questions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:43 bodynasr Naafiri hasn't even reached one year on the rift and she already became the least picked champion in the game

Naafiri hasn't even reached one year on the rift and she already became the least picked champion in the game
Ziggs mid is less popular but if you combine both Ziggs bot and Ziggs mid, their pickrate is higher than Naafiri
Naafiri is a good case on what Riot should avoid in champion design
1- The end goal was terrible
“A while back, our champion design lead, August Browning, did an analysis of our whole roster and categorized each champ by role, class, and difficulty in order to find some opportunity areas for players,” game designer Glenn “Riot Twin Enso” Anderson reveals. “He ended up finding two major holes: a higher skill tank, which ended up being K’Sante, and a relatively simple and beginner-friendly assassin, which became Naafiri.”” - Naafiri champ insights June 2023
These were a bit of flawed goals, Tank like K'Sante having so much agency forces him to be permanently bound to being highest presence in pro play despite multiple adjustments, nerfs and reworks so he has to remain as 45% WR while an assassin with literally no skill ceiling gets dropped by mid lane players almost immediately and thus have an abysmal pickrate
2-"Monster champions have low pickrate" was used as an excuse to not follow up on Naafiri's post release
Naafiri was in fact just a check box, community kept asking for a monster champions and Riot wanted to fill the gap in their roster so they just checked both boxes, released the filler champ and moved on to the next project.
They didn't stop to think that maybe the brand new easy/intro champion should at the very minimum have same pickrate as other niche assasins as players should find immediate success when they pick her up
Sure, there is truth to it, if Naafiri had a model that looked like the other darkin champions but female, she would have had higher pickrate but there are also tons of monster champions who are faring well in terms of popularity with much older kits and worse looking models.
3-Naafiri should have been allowed to jungle
I can understand why not let her jungle at the first month or two as to push her identity as a mid laner or solo laner but once the dust settled down and mid laners voted with their pickrate that they don't want to play this absolutely boring kit, Riot should have immediately given some jungle ratios and see how she would fare in the jungle
Riot literally buffed Sylas, Olaf, Zyra, Brand, Sett and others to push them to jungle and attract more pickrate for these champions, but the least popular champion in the game isn't looked at?
I don't see any reason why Naafiri shouldn't have been allowed to jungle, Junglers are more likely to pick up monster champions. If Naafiri would be problematic and very frustrating jungler and get +30% banrate then sure remove her jungle modifiers but at the very least give it a shot and see if her dwindling playerbase would recover from its death spiral
4- Her kit has an identity issue as she plays like a skirmisher rather than an assassin
-her engage ability [W] is a point and dash that has long channel time and can be blocked by other enemies standing in its path so her back line access is pretty shit specially the higher in MMR you go and enemy team has that knowledge. Diana E for example has the same range of Naafiri until Naafiri hits lvl 11 but she has no cast time and other champions can't block it
the cast time of W gives too much counterplay, any champion with an ounce of hard CC can easily interrupt Naafiri mid dash [Hwei EQ, Syndra E, Lux Q, etc] compare that to the instanteous Diana dash's case where the enemy mid laner has to predict that Diana will dash and throw his CC early to stop Diana mid dash
-she has no escape tools but to compensate she gets shields from her R + on her take downs as well
-The bleed in her kit synergizes with Black Cleaver [Bruiser item]
-So is she a good skirmisher? not really, she lacks any form of CC whether slows or hard CC, that greatly diminishes her skirmishing
5- The kit has nothing to master and the narrative is disconnected from the gameplay
shes literally a nothing burger, she has no skill expression and she gets boring after the third game as her gameplay loop gets very repetitive and boring.
her E is the only redeeming ability in her kit as she dishes out damage at start of the dash and then at the end of the dash, she deals even more damage in an explosion but the fun thing about the abilitiy is that it immediately recalls your dogs and heals them up
her R is you get more dogs and bonus AD + shield, the cool part is that the dogs get a small boost in HP so they could survive getting one shot, I like that part
the champion theme is the pack and half her voice lines are all about unity and how the pack makes her strong and that a lone dog is weak, etc. etc.
where is that pack in her gameplay???
why don't her abilities get some twists depending on how many dogs she has? doesn't have to be more or less numbers in her damage, what makes Naafiri unique from the other 166 champions? its her pack gimmick and nothing else.
Naafiri has the tools in her kit to protect and heal her pack and but she is punished for protecting her pups as she blows her mana, cooldowns, damage and her cooldown for literally no gain
to reiterate, I don't say Naafiri should have been a high skill floor champion but there are lots of champions that have low skill floor and are newbie friendly but also moderate to high skill ceiling to encourage players to main them and not get bored after a few games.
Closing notes:
its a shame how Naafiri turned out, her in game model is cool and very different from your average league champion, the dogs AI is smart and I love that they can help you CS and they move smoothly around you, her R animation and sound really sells the whole unleash the pack vibe, the animators, riggers, vfx artists all did a wonderful job.
but the gameplay is horrendous and she is doomed to be the lowest pickrate champ in the game unless she's balanced around having 52% WR and her pickrate will still be bottom 20 as you can't bribe players with winrate to play this boring ass champion
No other newly released champion in League's history had their pickrate plummet this quickly and sharply after their release
to understand how bad Naafiri pickrate is, it took Rell ~2 years after her release to get the midscope rework and Rell's pickrate pre midscope was higher than current Naafiri.
submitted by bodynasr to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:39 BarricadeChild Looking for a Sub $300 IEM to use on the go and at the gym

I'll start with my current IEM setup for the road. Love my 7Hz Timeless but they take a bit to drive, I use an 4.4mm connection cable and I don't want to punish a portable dac/amp with a rough commute (bike), gym and sauna use. So that does mean I'm looking for something that can take and use power, but can be driven simply on a standard jack into an Iphone. 7Hz Timeless Fiio BTR7 - Cable Connect to iphone (and a laptop but less important) not BT. Music: EDM, Rock, & Punk - generally EDM at the gym so thats the tuning I'd lean into.
Format: Tidal/Spotify/Amazon - Nothing lossless but what ever the highest available is on these Platforms. Leaning in more to Amazon lately for whatever reason the algo is getting better than Tidal and the format is higher quality than Spotify.
Tuning Preferences: Might be showing my age but I like a good V shape a bit rounded at the high end because treble can be sharp to my ear and I do listen loud enough to drown the world out and I enjoy "feeling" the bass.
I thought about swapping cables back and forth, and may still do that but I have the OGs not the AEs and MMCX fatigue and breakage has burned me before.
Appreciate any thoughts!
submitted by BarricadeChild to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]