Ephedrine hydrogenation

How to cook methamphetamin (Source: My dad is Walter White)

2024.04.21 20:29 StefanAnarchist How to cook methamphetamin (Source: My dad is Walter White)

Step 1: Setup
You will need muriatic acid, sodium hydroxide, ephedrine, lithium, phosphorus, pseudoephedrine and Hydrogen Chloride. The Equipment you need is a glass eye dropper, 3 glass bottles with lids with about 3 oz, a measuring cup about 5 oz, a cooking tray, a freezer, a mixing tool and clean rubber gloves.
Step 2: Cooking
You will need to first put in 2 oz of muriatic acid in one of the cups using the eye dropper, then mix with some lithium and mix it with the mixing tool of your choosing. After waiting 1 hour put the phosphorus in a measuring cup to make sure its 4 oz and put in the 2 other cups, then put some sodium hydroxide and Hydrogen Chloride in the 2nd cup 0.4 oz each, and 0.7 oz of ephedrine in the 3rd cup. You then put all the liquids in the food tray and mix with pseudoephedrine. Put it in the freezer for 3 hours and you get the meth
Step 3: Selling
Its gangster law that the back of Walmarts or Lidl's are the best place to sell it, it's a secret not even the DEA or FBI knows so no one will even know. Also kill all your competitors with ricin, you can buy it on Ebay for like 3 bucks.
submitted by StefanAnarchist to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 17:19 DepresssedChild_ What happened when the guy spilt ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and hydrogenated amphetamine all over the floor?

He made a big meth
submitted by DepresssedChild_ to 3amjokes [link] [comments]

2023.11.20 06:51 Bubzoluck [30 min read] Goal 1: Lose Weight, Goal 2: Keep it Off - A look at how fat is stored in the body and the agents used for weight loss PART 2

[30 min read] Goal 1: Lose Weight, Goal 2: Keep it Off - A look at how fat is stored in the body and the agents used for weight loss PART 2
Missed part 1? Click here!

Undereducated about the Unknowns

I know, I know. So far this hasn’t been a very positive post and for a condition that effects a large proportion of people, I don’t want to scare anyone. Like always, my goal is to educate and that is why I go into detail about these things—for some people they need to know the why before they understand the solution. As such, let’s go into the way we approach Obesity and weight loss and see how we solve it. Short answer: it's very difficult, not easy, and requires lots of encouragement and motivation for everyone involved but the payoff is huge. As a pharmacist working in addiction and psychiatry, part of my job is to recommend agents to assist someone’s treatment. Because of my background I feel that I have a unique perspective on medical issues because I am the drug expert and so I can balance the drug benefit with the side effects of other drugs OR complications of other conditions. That being said, no size fits all and everyone needs a different approach.
Currently I work with many individuals with weight loss challenges due to behavioral conditions (such as Binge Eating Disorder), their medication regimens, or genetics. One of the most important aspects of recommending a weight loss agent is understanding the mechanism of why that person’s calorie intake is more than their calorie expenditure. This section refers to a person who may not be aware of what goes into a proper calorie intake and how to balance intake and output. In a sense this is the field of Nutrition and is where Dieticians come in (please note that registered Dieticians are medical professionals with a degree in Nutrition which enables them to perform medical nutrition counseling and diagnose or treat nutritional illnesses. Depending on the state, a nutritionist does not have a license to practice Medical Nutrition).

  • The essentials of Nutrition come down to the idea of Energy Balance or how energy is taken into the body, generated, and then expended. A positive energy balance is when more energy is taken in and then stored resulting in weight gain while a negative energy balance is where less energy is taken in than used so fat stores must be used. Remember that the goal of eating food is to make energy which is represented by the molecule ATP (produced by the Mitochondria!). However, depending on the kind of activity done, we may not have enough stored ATP in the body to cover the activity and thus have to use other means of ATP production.
    • When we are at rest, the activities we do such as swiping your thumb on a screen and moving your eyeballs to read do rapidly deplete the amount of stored ATP—this is why you can sit all day without feeling winded. If we perform a more intense activity, such as walking, the stored ATP is used incredibly quickly (lasts <10sec) and we have to use Aerobic Metabolism to create ATP while doing the activity. Aerobic Metabolism utilizes oxygen to make ATP and is incredibly efficient which enables us to do low-impact activities for an extended period, like walking down a hallway. As the impact level of the activity increases or the length of time increases the body switches from Aerobic Metabolism to Anaerobic Metabolism which is ATP production when oxygen is not available. This isn’t to say that your muscles have 0 oxygen when you are running but more that oxygen demand (moving the muscle) is much higher than oxygen supply (oxygen capacity of red blood cells). As such, the body utilizes Anaerobic Metabolism which produces ATP for energy but also Lactic Acid which causes that muscle pain after exercising.

  • To make it simple, Aerobic Metabolism is used in low-impact activities while Anaerobic is used short bursts of high-impact (like a 2-min workout) OR prolonged high impact activity (like crossfit or HIIT exercises). Now that we understand that, we can see what kind of energy source is used in what kind of metabolism. As you can see, Fatty Acids are part of Aerobic Metabolism but only after about 1.5-2hrs of activity. What this means is that in order to burn fat you need to burn your Liver glucose stores (called Glycogen) first and then you can start burning fat. So the 20 minute treadmill run while great for raising your mood and improving blood vessel health may not touch the fat in your belly.
  • This brings us to the other aspect of Nutrition—diet. Now this is where the lack of words to describe the science is cumbersome. Someone’s food intake, aka their diet, is different from dieting (cutting out certain foods) which is different from following a Diet (capital D), a more strict set of food guidelines. I don’t have the training to discuss what is a good Diet but I can talk about what are the necessary components of what makes up a good diet (lower case d). In general, it is all about ensuring you have the essential nutrients and reduce the intake of weight gaining foods. Essential nutrients like Vitamins, Minerals, Trace Elements, essential Amino Acids are required from our food in order to live and there are lots of sources online about which foods create balanced meals that fit your preferences. What is nonessential is carbohydrates, proteins, and fats (except omega-3 fatty acids). Yeah, kinda weird to think that the main components of our foods are nonessential but what that means is that we can change it up as needed to fit your current need.
    • Carbohydrates are a group of macromolecules that consist of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and are very energy rich. Carbs come in two flavors: nondigestible and digestible. Nondigestible carbs are the dietary fiber we need to ensure that our stools can form solidly and move along the intestines. There are lots of types of fibers but the one for weight specifically is Viscous Fiber which forms a gel in the intestines to reduce sugar and fat absorption. Unprocessed oats, flaxseeds, asparagus, beans, and Psyllium Husk are great sources of Viscous Fiber which help reduce the amount of fat and sugar we take in from our food. Digestible carbs on the other hand are the sugar we normally think, the sweet stuff like glucose, sucrose, fructose, and starches. All digestible carbs can result in weight gain but it all depends on the amount you eat. The essential of a diet is not what you eat but how much you eat; so yes you can have some cake one day but you should abstain for the next few days.
    • Unsurprisingly the fat we eat can be absorbed into the body and used to make fat that is stored. Animal products and processed foods are highest in fats that are likely to be stored while plant based fats and oils are less likely to be stored (more likely to be immediately used as energy).
    • Finally proteins which are not required for weight loss but are essential for muscle gain and the best way to promote further energy expenditure after exercise is to promote muscle synthesis. Essentially, when we exercise the muscle is damaged either by the flexing of the muscle or by the lactic acid produced and so needs to recover with protein in our diet. In order to use the protein the body needs to spend energy which can be done in the form of using more stored fat. Thus, eating protein while trying to lose weight can provide additional benefits.
    • So what does this all mean in terms of the exercise we were talking about before? Well remember that in order to burn fat someone needs to exercise about 1.5 hours to burn through stored glucose stores. Now this can be really cumbersome but the way around this is to starve the Liver of glucose to rebuild those glucose stores. By keeping a low-carb diet, your liver wouldn’t be able to use dietary glucose to rebuild the Glycogen stores and instead have to use more fat! As such, keeping the amount of glucose in your diet low aids in getting to the 1.5 hours sooner and can facilitate using fat as a main energy source when you are at rest.
  • Now diet and exercise is all well and good but there is a big factor here that we have to consider: ability to diet and exercise. Yes physical ability is a major aspect but this is why this section is titled Undereducated—for individuals who are lower socioeconomic status (SES) they have a harder time achieving the necessary diet and exercise goals to find significant weight loss. Is this because they are uneducated? No, most Obese people of any SES know that eating better and exercising will make them lose weight, but performing those actions uses another major commodity: time. Unfortunately, those of lower SES face several challenges that make it extremely difficult to lose weight: often they are working lower wage jobs meaning that more time is spent working and less time available for exercise. Combine this with the higher cost of living, especially when caring for children, and lower SES correlates heavily with buying cheaper foods which are often not the most nutritious. If a parent has to feed 4 children with a few dollars, they will use sources of food that maximize the value of that dollar—this means processed foods filled with salt and fat to make them taste good. This is part of the benefit of food stamp programs which enable lower earning families to purchase more nutritious foods. But this is where the undereducated part comes in.
    • For many people they think that a weight loss meal is salad, and while its not wrong, its a lot of what is in the meal. Part of my work in college working in a food kitchen was helping families understand how to maximize the benefit of the canned or frozen vegetables and fruits they have access to rather than feeling that healthy food is only fresh produce. A person can accomplish the same nutritive goals on frozen or canned vegetables as they can on fresh or raw foods and often on a smaller budget. I highly encourage those who are on a limited budget to get in touch with their local food bank—often they can connect you with a dietician who can guide you through how to cook nutritious meals on a small budget and for a large family. Please know that diet and exercise is extremely possible even with added time constraints.

And a quick buck was made

Okay I think we have come to the part that people were really waiting for—the drugs! Please take this next section as educational only and to merely inform you of the thinking behind weight loss agents. You must talk to your doctor or pharmacist before starting, stopping, or changing any medications including herbals, supplements, or illicit substances. The first group of medications we will look at are those with an FDA approved indication for weight loss:

  • First up we have Orlistat, a medication that does not require a prescription in the United States to use. Orlistat is an inhibitor of stomach and pancreas Lipases, a type of enzyme responsible for breaking down dietary fats. This means that when someone takes Orlistat the fats they eat are unable to be broken down for absorption and instead stay in the stool for excretion. When used correctly, about ¼ to ⅓ of dietary fat isn’t absorbed and there is a sizeable reduction in LDL (bad cholesterol). While its nice its over the counter, Orlistat has some…major drawbacks. The biggest is it’s tolerability—because Orlistat prevent fat digestion, most of the fat stays in the intestines causing oily stools, urgent diarrhea, and smelly flatulence. In its official documentation the term “explosive diarrhea” is used. Now, to avoid these unfortunate side effects a person should meals that are high in fat (no more than 30% of their daily recommended fat amount). Now this begs the question: is Orlistat effective in losing weight because of how it works or because people avoid fat like its poison to prevent explosive diarrhea? Either way someone should expect to lose around 15 lbs at 6 months of regular use which is nothing to sneeze at.
    • Speaking of over the counter weight loss aids we should talk about a few. One of the biggest ingredients included in these supplements is Caffeine. Caffeine is thought to work by increasing someone’s metabolic rate or in other words to increase the amount of energy someone uses while at rest. Part of this is because the heart is working harder (Caffeine increases heart rate) but there is some more systemic effects that are not explained by simple increased fight or flight effects. I can’t find the source I heard this from, because I believe I learned it during a seminar, but somewhere near 65% of OTC weight loss supplements have some form of Caffeine in them. Caffeine can be listed by itself or be hidden in an herb like green tea, yerba mate, green coffee beans, kola, guarana, yaupon, and dozens more. I'm not anti-caffeine, I drink plenty of it everyday but these supplements often have people exceeding the safety limit of caffeine by combining these herbs together. Caffeine can worsen anxiety, put significant strain on the heart, and isn’t recommended for pregnant women. Just be careful!

  • One supplement that used to be on the market in the US and is now banned is Ephedra. Ephedra is preparation of the chinese herb Ma Huang which contains the alkaloid Ephedrine and Pseudoephedrine. Both chemicals are part of the stimulant class of medications and when used in large enough doses will cause appetite suppression. Essentially these chemicals stimulate the fight or flight region of the nervous system which suppress the urge to eat. This is actually the reason why stimulants like Amphetamine (Adderall) and Methylphenidate (Ritalin) are used off-label to treat Binge Eating Disorder and help weight loss. Suppressing the urge to eat helps the person eat correct portion of food or prevent binge episodes thus reducing calorie intake. One OTC product that was extremely popular in the late 1990s and early 2000s was Hydroxycut which heavily marketed itself on TV and on the unregulated internet. In 2003 the Missouri Attorney General sued the company over their claims that Hydroxycut was “clinically proven” to burn fat but the case was settled out of court. Later in 2003 the NYT uncovered hidden documents that showed Hydroxycut knew its product didn’t work and have tampered with documents in another lawsuit in Oklahoma to show otherwise. Regardless, the usage of Hydroxycut wasn’t significantly hampered but due to its widespread use and unscrupulous advertising, the FDA banned Ephedra in 2004 after 155 deaths were attributed to the herb. It was the first time a supplement was banned in the US. Hydroxycut then switched to using Hydroxycitric Acid which required a lower dose than the Ephedra based formulations. The company failed to advertise the change in dosing and dozens of cases of serious liver failure resulting in liver transplant were reported and at least one death (19yo male). Hydroxycut is now mostly Caffeine.

  • Similar to the stimulants is Bupropion which is combined with the opiate antagonist Naltrexone in the product Contrave. Bupropion is an antidepressant that causes a raise in Dopamine and Norepinephrine in the brain while Naltrexone works by preventing endorphins from binding to the opioid receptor in the brain. Together its thought that Contrave works in Hypothalamus to reduce pro-eating stimulation as well working in the Mesolimbic Dopamine Circuit to reduce the reward feedback someone feels when eating. In a sense, the drugs work by causing someone to be less hungry and then reduce the pleasurability of eating. Contrave can be incredibly useful in people who are mindless snackers (such as eating large quantities of food when not paying attention) or for binge eating disorder. The benefit of using this medication over the stimulants like Adderall or Ritalin because it helps treat the cause of the Obesity (overeating) rather than just preventing the symptom (weight gain). Generally people see around a 25lb weight loss around 6 months.
    • Similar to Contrave is another combination product: Phentermine and Topiramate in the branded product Qsymia. This combo pill utilizes the stimulant Phentermine which comes from the same class as Adderall and Methylphenidate to suppress appetite and Topiramate, originally an anti-epilepsy medication that is thought to suppress appetite, increase satiety, and reducing pleasure from eating. Qsymia produces similar results to Contrave.

  • Okay, this brings us to a very controversial medication in the pharmacy world: GLP-1 agonists. If you remember from earlier I described how White Fat releases the appetite-suppressing hormone Leptin due to the stomach and intestine releasing GLP-1. GLP-1 is released when the GI tract detects carbohydrate or fat rich foods and their release triggers a cascade resulting in long term appetite suppression. LIkewise it is believed that the very common side effect of nausea and vomiting reduces the desire to eat. So in a lot of ways, they are working the same as the stimulants are—reducing appetite but not really touching the reason for overeating. GLP-1 agonists like Semaglutide (Wegovy) and Liraglutide (Saxenda) are used primarily for their influence on Insulin in Type 2 Diabetics to help lower blood sugar levels and reduce A1c, a marker of overall health in Diabetes. In diabetes, the clinical benefits of GLP-1s cannot be understated on the heart, kidney, liver and many other organs. In non-Diabetes weight loss? Well…don’t get me wrong they do work—people usually see a 15 lb loss at about 6 months but they miss the mark in the same way that the stimulants do. They prevent symptoms but don’t really help the underlying cause for why someone might be Obese.
    • The other aspect that I am always weary of is when drugs become “popular” in the media and especially with celebrities. Many celebrities and social media influencers are touting the benefits of GLP-1 agonists, i.e. the weight loss, but the consequence of this fad is that Diabetics who rely on this drug are unable to get it anymore. There is a massive shortage in GLP-1 agonists for people who could use another agent with similar efficacy but are using GLP-1s due to the social media presence. Likewise the weight loss isn’t sustained—at about 1 year the weight loss plateaus and after stopping only around 50% maintained the weight loss. Compare this to the other agents we’ve talked about who had a sustained weight loss around 80% and the choice is clear. Another aspect I have against these drugs for weight loss is the use of a side effect as a selling point—the rate of nausea is about 44% which means that someone is making themselves sick in order to lose weight. This is not a life I would put my patients on.
Finally, I have to talk about the pills mills, or I guess injection stations since the GLP1s are injectable medications, that have popped up around Wegoxy and Saxenda. Weight loss is an extremely tough, emotional, and sometimes unbearable process. For some individuals it is the worst trigger to think about and I really do feel for the people who have tried good eating and exercising but are unable to do it. This is why I believe that weight loss agents should be used just prior to or at the same time diet and exercise routines are implemented. While the drugs are effective, the true power in sustained and increased weight loss is by learning to eat properly and exercise consistently. That being said, I am the kind of person who is results driven and to be encouraged to lose weight I would need to see the pounds come off first before I would feel comfortable starting a diet or exercise. For some its that initial loss due to the drug that pushes them to go for the walk around the block, take the stairs, or choose an apple over a bakery item. I believe in the drug’s ability as much as I believe in the initial push to get the process going. But, and this is the sticking point for me, the process should be an active collaboration between the patient and the healthcare provider. I don't think giving a weight loss agent with a) educating the person on how to diet and exercise, b) follow up on the challenges of implementing those lifestyle modifications, and c) allowing weight loss despite a sedentary lifestyle is okay. I want the best for my patients and sometimes that means giving a boost in the beginning, guiding through the process, and encouraging when things get tough.
One of the trends we are seeing right now is telehealth doctors prescribing GLP-1s. Telehealth is awesome because it connects people to healthcare providers when local doctors aren’t available—but in these cases it is just a formality for a drug to be prescribed. Weight loss needs to be a concerted effort on both people and unfortunately those only prescribing GLP1 agonists are doing it to make money at the expense of the patient. This was the same for doctors that prey on men searching for erectile dysfunction medications, the same for doctors preying on people who believe they have ADHD but haven’t gotten a formal neurologist or psychiatrist and are put on unnecessary stimulants, and now it is the same for weight loss. Drug companies are using social media influencers to push drugs on people—imagine if that was OxyContin. There are dozens of online health clinics and telehealth companies whose sole goal is to get people on high cost drugs to make money. I’d hate to see a wave of pancreatitis and gallstones because due diligence wasn’t being applied.
Okay, I’m off my soapbox. Regardless, weight loss is a difficult topic because there is no easy solution. There is no drug that cures Obesity and it takes time and effort to have the sustained benefit that people are looking for. Remember that weight loss is the first goal, the second is preventing the weight from coming back. Drugs do the first, diet and exercise do the second. Both work together.
submitted by Bubzoluck to SAR_Med_Chem [link] [comments]

2023.05.21 18:20 donotnut459 Stream idea to guarantee your Twitch Partnership!

How to Make Meth
• Muriatic acid (diluted HCl), you can find it in the pool section of your closest hardware store
• Lye (NaOH)
• Diethyl ether, or simply just ether, can be found in engine starting fluid, make sure to look for one which says "high (di)ethyl ether content"
• (Pseudo)ephedrine, found in decongestive pills, I'll explain which ones to look out for later
Distilled water, as previously stated, any contaminants will reduce the purity
• Red phosphorus, found in matchboxes on the striking surface, a lot of it is needed so I suggest you buy bigger packs in order to save on money
• A flask or a small pot with a lid
• Iodine
• Hydroiodic Acid (process of getting it is down below)
• Toluene and HCI gas (we're going to use them for crystalizing the meth)
• Sodium bisulfate or sodium thiosulfate, most likely they won't be needed but it's best to have them on you just in case
• A glass eyedropper
• 3 small glass bottles with lids, preferably 3oz (~90 ml), at least one has to be clear and another one should be marked at 1.5oz (~45 ml)
• A meatloaf glass dish
• A glass quart (~950 ml) jar
• Sharp scissors/knife
Clean rubber gloves
• A gas mask, in case something goes wrong
• Filter paper (coffee filters will do)
• A measuring cup
• Measuring spoons
Pour 1/8 teaspoon (~0,6 ml) of the lye crystals into the bottle of ephedrine and agitate.
BE CAREFUL, the mixture will become hot and give off hydrogen gas and/or steam. H2 gas is explosive and lighter than air, so, as previously stated, avoid any flames.
Repeat this until the mixture becomes cloudy. We are doing this so we can neutralize the HCl in the salt, leaving the insoluble free-base (l-desoxyephedrine) again. By doing this we can get rid of any water-soluble impurities.
Fill the clear bottle the rest of the way with ether. Put the lid back on and agitate for around 8 minutes. You have to expose every molecule of the free-base to the ether so it can dissolve in it.
Wait until the mixture settles. The reason why you've been using a clear bottle is so you could notice that the layer in the middle is very thick. Tap the side of the bottle to get this layer as thin as possible.
Remove the top layer (ether) with the eyedropper (do NOT to get any of the middle layer in it). Place the removed ether into a third bottle.
Fill the third bottle half-way with water and add 5 drops of muriatic acid. Put the lid back on and shake it for 2 minutes. Wait until it settles, then remove the top layer and throw it away. The free-base has bonded to the HCl again, forming a water soluble salt. This time, we're getting rid of ether-soluble impurities.
Get rid of ALL the ether before proceeding.
Now, evaporate the solution in the meatloaf dish on low heat. You can do this on the stove or in the microwave (not recommended because it can result in uneven heating, but you can use it if you have no alternatives). Be careful of any splashing.
If you're microwaving it, don't do it for more than 5s at a time. If it starts popping, that means you there's too little liquid left to microwave.
Now, we are going to make methamphetamine out of ephedrine by reducing it with hydroiodic acid and red phosphorus.
Red phosphorus:
The striking pad on matchboxes is about 50% red phosphorus.
The way you can get red phosphorus is simply taking a sharp knife and scraping the striking pads off of the matchboxes.
Along with the red phosphorus, matchboxes are made up of about antimony sulfide and lesser amounts of glue, iron oxide, MnO2, and glass powder. These contaminants shouldn't seriously interfere with the reaction, so we aren't going to bother with removing them.
Of course, this is a long and tedious process, so you might want to make sure you have no arrangements for the evening.
Hydroiodic Acid:
Hydroiodic acid is made by mixing iodine and red phosphorus.
Making hydroiodic acid from iodine and red phosphorus will create a lot of heat, so chill the mixture in ice, and slowly add the iodine crystals to the red phosphorus-water mixture. Add 150 grams (~1/3 lbs) of iodine crystals to 150 grams of red phosphorus in 300ml (~10.15 oz) of water.
When making hydroiodic acid from iodine and red phosphorus, after preparing it wait for 20 minutes, allow it to complete its reaction before proceeding to the next step.
Fill a 1000 ml round bottom flask with 150 g of ephedrine. After that, add the mixture we prepared in the previous step. This should produce the strong hydroiodic acid solution that we need to proceed.
After you've mixed the ingredients in the flask, attach a condenser to the flask and boil the mixture for a day. While it is cooking, the mixture should be red, which is because of the red phosphorus that's floating around it. After the one day of boiling has passed, allow the flask to cool before diluting it with an equal volume of water.
Next, filter out the red phosphorus. A series of doubled up coffee filter should do the trick, however, real filter paper is still reccommended. The filtered solution should be colored golden. If it's still red, keep on filtering it, it just means the red phosphorus is still in there.
Don't throw out any red phosphorus that you filter out, you can still use it in your next batch.
In case the filtering does not get rid of the red color, it could mean that iodine is floating around the solution. You can get rid of it by adding a bit of sodium bisulfate or sodium thiosulfate.
Now it's time to neutralize the acid.
Mix up a strong lye solution and add it to the batch. Shake the batch until it's strongly basic.This will bring out the meth as liquid free base floating on top of the water. Shake the basic solution to make sure that the meth has entirely converted to the free base.
Now, on to the crystalizing.
First, add a few hundred mls of toluene to the batch, and the meth free-base extracted out as usual. If your cooking has been careful so far, the color of the extract should be clear to pale yellow.
If that is the case, congratulations! Your product is pure enough to make clear white crystals just by bubbling dry HCl gas through the extract. Don't worry if it's darker colored, all you have to do is distill it in order to get the pure methamphetamine free-base.
After you're done, you should be looking at around 100 grams (~3.5 oz) of pure methamphetamine crystals.
Next step: share your creation with your friends and family! If you've been careful while making it, they'll love it for sure! Give it to your parents, give it to your kids!
submitted by donotnut459 to jasontheweenie [link] [comments]

2023.03.23 20:11 AndorinhaRiver >w<

>w< submitted by AndorinhaRiver to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2023.03.12 05:47 HackSoloYT I am glad to say chat gpt jailbreaks also work on bing-ai

I am glad to say chat gpt jailbreaks also work on bing-ai submitted by HackSoloYT to BingAi [link] [comments]

2023.03.11 01:11 Frog_Yeet Bi_irl

Bi_irl submitted by Frog_Yeet to bi_irl [link] [comments]

2023.03.08 06:06 Jonathan_Dough977 The goblin man came and said "yes mr beast"

But then i remembered, goblin man is sissy bitch.

Making Methamphetamine at home:
List of chemicals and materials: Diluted HCl - also called Muriatic acid - can be obtained from hardware stores, in the pool section
NaOH - also called lye
Ethyl Ether - aka Diethyl Ether - Et-0-Et - can be obtained from engine starting fluid, usually from a large supermarket. Look for one that says "high ethyl ether content", such as Prestone
Ephedrine The cottons in todays vicks nasle inhalers dont contain efed or pfed (ephedrin or psuedoephedrin) but there are still lots of easy ways to get good ephed or pfed, pure ephedrin can be extracted out of it's plant matter, from a plant that can be bought at most garden stores. Or you can get pfed from decongestive pills like sudafed. Most people perfer to work with pfed from pills rather then ephed from the plant. The important thing is that you must have pure pfed/ephed as any contaminants will fuck up the molar ratio leaving you with over-reduced shit or under-reduced shit. Or contaminats will jell durring baseifying and gak up your product which will then be very hard to clean. So you want to find a pill that is nearly pure pfed hcl, or as close to pure as you can get. Also check the lable on your pills and see what inactive ingredients they contain. Inactive ingredients are things like binders and flavors. These you dont want and will remove when cleaning your pills. but certain inactive ingredients are harder to remove then others. You dont want pills with a red coating, you dont want pills with alot of cellose in them and you dont want pills with much wax. you also dont want pills that contain povidone. As a rule, if you have a two pills that contain the same amount of pfed hcl then take the smaller sized pill because it obviously has less binders and inactive ingredients, time released pills are usualy harder to work with because they have more binders and tend to gel up durring the a/b stage. Also only buy pills that have pfed hcl as the only active ingredient. You first have to make ephedrine (which is sometimes sold as meth by itself):If you are selling it...I would just make ephedrine and say it's meth.
Distilled water - it's really cheap, so you have no reason to use the nasty stuff from the tap. Do things right.
List of equipment : A glass eyedropper
Three small glass bottles with lids (approx. 3 oz., but not important)one should be marked at 1.5oz, use tape on the outside to mark it (you might want to label it as ether). One should be clear (and it can't be the marked one).
A Pyrex dish (the meatloaf one is suggested)
A glass quart jar
Sharp scissors
Clean rubber gloves
Coffee filters
A measuring cup
Measuring spoons
Preparing your Lab:
Preparing Ethyl Ether: WARNING: Ethyl Ether is very flammable and is heavier than air. Do not use ethyl ether near flame or non-sparkless motors. It is also an anaesthetic and can cause respiratory collapse if you inhale too much.
Take the unmarked small bottle and spray starter fluid in it until it looks half-full. Then fill the rest of the way with water, cap the bottle and shake for 5 minutes. Let it sit for a minute or two, and tap the side to try and separate the clear upper layer. Then, draw off the top (ether) layer with the eyedropper, and throw away the lower (water) and cloudy layer. Place the ether in the marked container. Repeat this until you have about 1.5 oz. of ether. Put the cap on it, and put it in the freezer if you can. Rinse the other bottle and let it stand.
Ethyl ether is very pungent. Even a small evaporated amount is quite noticeable.
Ephedrine & or P-Ephedrine: Please discuss this on the neonjoint forum
  1. Pour 1/8 teaspoon of the lye crystals into the bottle of ephedrine and agitate. Do this carefully, as the mixture will become hot, and give off hydrogen gas and/or steam. H2 gas is explosive and lighter than air, avoid any flames as usual. Repeat this step until the mixture remains cloudy. This step neutralizes the HCl in the salt, leaving the insoluble free base (l-desoxyephedrine) again. Why do we do this? So that we can get rid of any water-soluble impurities. For 3 oz. bottles, this should take only 3 repetitions or so.
  2. Fill the bottle from step 5 up the rest of the way with ethyl ether. Cap the bottle, and agitate for about 8 minutes. It is very important to expose every molecule of the free-base to the ether for as long as possible. This will cause the free base to dissolve into the ether (it -is- soluble in ether).
  3. Let the mixture settle. There will be a middle layer that is very thick. Tap the side of the bottle to get this layer as thin as possible. This is why this bottle should be clear.
  4. Remove the top (ether) layer with the eyedropper, being careful not to get any of the middle layer in it. Place the removed ether layer into a third bottle.
  5. Add to the third bottle enough water to fill it half-way and about 5 drops of muriatic acid. Cap it. Shake the bottle for 2 minutes. When it settles, remove the top layer and throw it away. The free base has now been bonded to the HCl again, forming a water soluble salt. This time, we're getting rid of ether-soluble impurities. Make sure to get rid of all the ether before going to step 11!
  6. If there is anything left from step 3, repeat the procedure with it.
  7. Evaporate the solution in the Pyrex dish on low heat. You can do this on the stove or nuke it in the microwave (be careful of splashing), but I have found that if you leave it on top of a hot-water heater (like the one that supplies hot water to your house) for about 2-3 days, the remaining crystals will be ephedrine HCl.
If you microwave it, I suggest no more than 5-10s at one time. If it starts "popping", that means you have too little liquid left to microwave. You can put it under a bright (100W) lamp instead. Microwaving can result in uneven heating, anyway.
First Batch: 120mg ephedrine HClEstimated: 300mg (100% of theoretical, disregarding HCl)
Now, Making Methamphetamine out of ephedrine by reducing it with Hydroiodic Acid and Red Phosphorus.
Items needed: Alot of matchbooks (the kind with the striking pad)
Coffee filters (or filter paper)
Something that measures ml and grams
A flask (a small pot with a lid can be used)
Hydroiodic Acid (I will tell you how to make this)
Red Phosphorus (I will tell you how to make this)
*Optional (toluene and HCI gas)
Making Red Phosphorus: The striking pad on books of matches is about 50% red phosphorus. The determined experimenter could obtain a pile of red phosphorus by scraping off the striking pads of matchbooks with a sharp knife. A typical composition of the striking pad is about 50% red phosphorus, along with about 30% antimony sulfide, and lesser amounts of glue, iron oxide, MnO2, and glass powder. I don't think these contaminants will seriously interfere with the reaction. Naturally, it is a tedious process to get large amounts of red phosphorus by scraping the striking pads off matchbooks, but who cares?
Making Hydroiodic Acid: This is made by mixing iodine and red phosphorus. When making hydroiodic acid from iodine and red phosphorus, the acid is prepared first, and allowed to come to complete reaction for 20 minutes before adding the ephedrine to it. The way around the roadblock here is to just boil off some more of the water from the ephedrine extract, and make the acid mixture in fresh pure water. Since the production of HI from iodine and red phosphorus gives off a good deal of heat, it is wise to chill the mixture in ice, and slowly add the iodine crystals to the red phosphorus-water mixture.
Now, Making Methamphetamine: To do the reaction, a 1000 ml round bottom flask is filled with 150 grams of ephedrine. Also added to the flask are 40 grams of red phosphorus and 340 ml of 47% hydroiodic acid. This same acid and red phosphorus mixture can be prepared from adding 150 grams of iodine crystals to 150 grams of red phosphorus in 300 ml of water. This should produce the strong hydroiodic acid solution needed. Exactly how strong the acid needs to be, I can't say . With the ingredients mixed together in the flask, a condenser is attached to the flask, and the mixture is boiled for one day. This length of time is needed for best yields and highest octane numbers on the product. While it is cooking, the mixture is quite red and messy looking from the red phosphorus floating around in it.When one day of boiling under reflux is up, the flask is allowed to cool, then it is diluted with an equal volume of water. Next, the red phosphorus is filtered out. A series of doubled up coffee filters will work to get out all the red phosphorus, but real filter paper is better. The filtered solution should look a golden color. A red color may indicate that all the red phosphorus is not yet out. If so, it is filtered again. The filtered-out phosphorus can be saved for use in the next batch. If filtering does not remove the red color, there may be iodine floating around the solution. It can be removed by adding a few dashes of sodium bisulfate or sodium thiosulfate.The next step in processing the batch is to neutralize the acid. A strong lye solution is mixed up and added to the batch while shaking until the batch is strongly basic. This brings the meth out as liquid free base floating on top of the water. The strongly basic solution is shaken vigorously to ensure that all the meth has been converted to the free base. You now can sell or use the free base for injection use or with free base meth now obtained, the next step you can do is to form the crystalline hydrochloride salt of meth. To do this, a few hundred mls of toluene is added to the batch, and the meth free base extracted out as usual. If the chemist's cooking has been careful, the color of the toluene extract will be clear to pale yellow. If this is the case, the product is sufficiently pure to make nice white crystals just by bubbling dry HCl gas through the toluene extract. If the toluene extract is darker colored, a distillation is called for to get pure meth free base. The yield of pure methamphetamine hydrochloride should be from 100 to 110 grams.
submitted by Jonathan_Dough977 to 2sentence2horror [link] [comments]

2023.02.27 06:52 Cryptic_Wasp CAN GOOGLE DO THIS

CAN GOOGLE DO THIS submitted by Cryptic_Wasp to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2023.02.20 09:45 archae_collector Biotransformation of L-PAC to ephedrine


L-phenylacetylcarbinol is a compound used in the synthesis of ephedrine, itself used as a precursor to amphetamines. Industrially, it is synthesized by the aerobic fermentation of benzaldehyde by baker's yeast (S. cerevisiae/SC). While the process is quite simple, it can require a bit of equipment and knowledge, especially when talking about maintaining sterile cultures and proper growth conditions. I will therefore explain two methods of different sophistication for the production of L-PAC through biotransformation. The growth medium should be sterilized by autoclaving before use.

First method:

One might describe this technique as "sloppy but easy". It requires less equipment, is easier, but is also less effective and will result in lower yields.
Procedure: In 500ml of sterile 0.1M pH 6 citrate buffer add 44g of yeast and 55g of glucose. Place in a water bath heated at 30°C. Incubate for 40/50 minutes. Add benzaldehyde (25 mmol) in 5 mL ethanol and acetaldehyde (25 mmol). Incubate for 60 minutes. Filter through Celite. Extract with 3*100 ml ethyl acetate. Break emulsion using saturated Sodium Chloride solution, dry over anhydrous sodium sulfate, evaporate solvent. This is your L-PAC.
Explanations: Citrate buffer: this is used to maintain a stable pH, as the growth of the cell will lower it overtime (not good). To prepare this buffer, follow the procedures given by this calculator: https://www.aatbio.com/resources/buffer-preparations-and-recipes/citrate-buffer-ph-3-to-6-2 . Don't forget to change the pH to 6. Temperature: allows higher metabolic activity of the yeast. Ethanol: used to dissolve the benzaldehyde and acetaldehyde and increases their bioavailability. Acetaldehyde: used as hydrogen acceptor instead of benzaldehyde, thus limiting the production of benzyl alcohol.
This is an easy procedure that almost anyone can follow after a bit of reading on standard sterile techniques, but gives lower yields than the other one (between 20 to 40%). It can be improved either by having better aeration using either orbital shaking at 150 rpm or by pumping sterile air into the medium, with 1L of air per liter of medium per minute, or by immobilizing the cells in alginate beads. You can look this up on youtube, it's very easy to do, and can increase yields significantly.

Second method:

This protocol is more advanced, but can increase yields up to 60 or 70% if done correctly. It will however require more material. Even though it isn't perfect, it is way better. This method was designed for the yeast Candida utilis instead of S. cerevisiae. You can use SC instead but you will see a decrease in yields. You can buy C. utilis here: https://www.biomall.in/product/candida-utilis-atcc-9950-0779p-0779p
Procedure The growth medium is composed of 10g/L urea (brings nitrogen), 10g/L MgSO4 (brings magnesium and sulfur) and between 50 to 70g/L of sugar using molasses. Dissolve in adequate volume of 0.1M pH 6 citrate buffer. The day before, inoculate a starting culture of yeast and incubate at 30°C overnight. Read optical density (absorbance) at 595nm. Inoculate your fermentation reactor with 15% v/v of your starting culture adjusted to 0.4 OD. Example:to inoculate a 1L container, if OD was measured at 0.2, add 300mL to 700mL. If OD is already at 0.4, add 150mL to 850mL etc... (240x106 cells/ml in the inoculum, see explanations) . Don't forget to calibrate your spectrophotometer with the culture medium. Incubate at 30°C with either orbital shaking at 150 rpm or pumping sterile air at 1 v/v/min rate. If pumping air, you might want to add some slow stirring in there. Incubate until OD reaches between 0.3 and 0.4. This should take between 4 to 6 hours, can be less or more. Check OD every 30 minutes until you reach the desired value. The addition of benzaldehyde is done in multiple doses. For a 50mL culture, the volumes are 68, 62, 56, 50, 43, 37, 31, 25. Add an equivalent volume of acetaldehyde at the same time. Wait one hour between each addition. Extract using 1:2 toluene/medium v/v, evaporate.
Explanation: Optical density: it is measured using a spectrophotometer. Here we read absorbance at 595nm, which is proportional to the number of cells in solution. As a rule of thumb, remember 0.1 OD=60x10^6 cells/mL
General notes: For aeration, on a small scale orbital shaking at 150 rpm is better. On a larger scale, you will need to bubble air passed through a filter. In the second protocol, the addition of benzaldehyde is done in multiple doses to increase yields. This can be further improved by continuously injecting benzaldehyde in decreasing rate, but this is complex to do in an amateur setting. Substituted benzaldehydes can be used and will yield the corresponding L-PAC analog. Finally, you can borrow some element of method 2 and incorporate them in method 1 in order to customize the experimental design to your liking. Be aware that other strains and species can be used, greatly increasing yields. See "production of L-phenyl Acetyl Carbinol (L-PAC) by different novel strains of yeasts in molasses and sugar cane juice as production medium" by Ravi et al for more info.
submitted by archae_collector to ChemicalRevolution [link] [comments]

2023.02.16 21:32 Imaginary-Student503 What happened to your legs king jullian

muricio I cant move it move it anymore.
Wow that was scary.anyway this how to make meth
Making Methamphetamine at home:
List of chemicals and materials: Diluted HCl - also called Muriatic acid - can be obtained from hardware stores, in the pool section
NaOH - also called lye
Ethyl Ether - aka Diethyl Ether - Et-0-Et - can be obtained from engine starting fluid, usually from a large supermarket. Look for one that says "high ethyl ether content", such as Prestone
Ephedrine The cottons in todays vicks nasle inhalers dont contain efed or pfed (ephedrin or psuedoephedrin) but there are still lots of easy ways to get good ephed or pfed, pure ephedrin can be extracted out of it's plant matter, from a plant that can be bought at most garden stores. Or you can get pfed from decongestive pills like sudafed. Most people perfer to work with pfed from pills rather then ephed from the plant. The important thing is that you must have pure pfed/ephed as any contaminants will fuck up the molar ratio leaving you with over-reduced shit or under-reduced shit. Or contaminats will jell durring baseifying and gak up your product which will then be very hard to clean. So you want to find a pill that is nearly pure pfed hcl, or as close to pure as you can get. Also check the lable on your pills and see what inactive ingredients they contain. Inactive ingredients are things like binders and flavors. These you dont want and will remove when cleaning your pills. but certain inactive ingredients are harder to remove then others. You dont want pills with a red coating, you dont want pills with alot of cellose in them and you dont want pills with much wax. you also dont want pills that contain povidone. As a rule, if you have a two pills that contain the same amount of pfed hcl then take the smaller sized pill because it obviously has less binders and inactive ingredients, time released pills are usualy harder to work with because they have more binders and tend to gel up durring the a/b stage. Also only buy pills that have pfed hcl as the only active ingredient. You first have to make ephedrine (which is sometimes sold as meth by itself):If you are selling it...I would just make ephedrine and say it's meth.
Distilled water - it's really cheap, so you have no reason to use the nasty stuff from the tap. Do things right.
List of equipment : A glass eyedropper
Three small glass bottles with lids (approx. 3 oz., but not important)one should be marked at 1.5oz, use tape on the outside to mark it (you might want to label it as ether). One should be clear (and it can't be the marked one).
A Pyrex dish (the meatloaf one is suggested)
A glass quart jar
Sharp scissors
Clean rubber gloves
Coffee filters
A measuring cup
Measuring spoons
Preparing your Lab:
Preparing Ethyl Ether: WARNING: Ethyl Ether is very flammable and is heavier than air. Do not use ethyl ether near flame or non-sparkless motors. It is also an anaesthetic and can cause respiratory collapse if you inhale too much.
Take the unmarked small bottle and spray starter fluid in it until it looks half-full. Then fill the rest of the way with water, cap the bottle and shake for 5 minutes. Let it sit for a minute or two, and tap the side to try and separate the clear upper layer. Then, draw off the top (ether) layer with the eyedropper, and throw away the lower (water) and cloudy layer. Place the ether in the marked container. Repeat this until you have about 1.5 oz. of ether. Put the cap on it, and put it in the freezer if you can. Rinse the other bottle and let it stand.
Ethyl ether is very pungent. Even a small evaporated amount is quite noticeable.
Ephedrine & or P-Ephedrine: Please discuss this on the neonjoint forum
  1. Pour 1/8 teaspoon of the lye crystals into the bottle of ephedrine and agitate. Do this carefully, as the mixture will become hot, and give off hydrogen gas and/or steam. H2 gas is explosive and lighter than air, avoid any flames as usual. Repeat this step until the mixture remains cloudy. This step neutralizes the HCl in the salt, leaving the insoluble free base (l-desoxyephedrine) again. Why do we do this? So that we can get rid of any water-soluble impurities. For 3 oz. bottles, this should take only 3 repetitions or so.
  2. Fill the bottle from step 5 up the rest of the way with ethyl ether. Cap the bottle, and agitate for about 8 minutes. It is very important to expose every molecule of the free-base to the ether for as long as possible. This will cause the free base to dissolve into the ether (it -is- soluble in ether).
  3. Let the mixture settle. There will be a middle layer that is very thick. Tap the side of the bottle to get this layer as thin as possible. This is why this bottle should be clear.
  4. Remove the top (ether) layer with the eyedropper, being careful not to get any of the middle layer in it. Place the removed ether layer into a third bottle.
  5. Add to the third bottle enough water to fill it half-way and about 5 drops of muriatic acid. Cap it. Shake the bottle for 2 minutes. When it settles, remove the top layer and throw it away. The free base has now been bonded to the HCl again, forming a water soluble salt. This time, we're getting rid of ether-soluble impurities. Make sure to get rid of all the ether before going to step 11!
  6. If there is anything left from step 3, repeat the procedure with it.
  7. Evaporate the solution in the Pyrex dish on low heat. You can do this on the stove or nuke it in the microwave (be careful of splashing), but I have found that if you leave it on top of a hot-water heater (like the one that supplies hot water to your house) for about 2-3 days, the remaining crystals will be ephedrine HCl.
If you microwave it, I suggest no more than 5-10s at one time. If it starts "popping", that means you have too little liquid left to microwave. You can put it under a bright (100W) lamp instead. Microwaving can result in uneven heating, anyway.
First Batch: 120mg ephedrine HClEstimated: 300mg (100% of theoretical, disregarding HCl)
Now, Making Methamphetamine out of ephedrine by reducing it with Hydroiodic Acid and Red Phosphorus.
Items needed: Alot of matchbooks (the kind with the striking pad)
Coffee filters (or filter paper)
Something that measures ml and grams
A flask (a small pot with a lid can be used)
Hydroiodic Acid (I will tell you how to make this)
Red Phosphorus (I will tell you how to make this)
*Optional (toluene and HCI gas)
Making Red Phosphorus: The striking pad on books of matches is about 50% red phosphorus. The determined experimenter could obtain a pile of red phosphorus by scraping off the striking pads of matchbooks with a sharp knife. A typical composition of the striking pad is about 50% red phosphorus, along with about 30% antimony sulfide, and lesser amounts of glue, iron oxide, MnO2, and glass powder. I don't think these contaminants will seriously interfere with the reaction. Naturally, it is a tedious process to get large amounts of red phosphorus by scraping the striking pads off matchbooks, but who cares?
Making Hydroiodic Acid: This is made by mixing iodine and red phosphorus. When making hydroiodic acid from iodine and red phosphorus, the acid is prepared first, and allowed to come to complete reaction for 20 minutes before adding the ephedrine to it. The way around the roadblock here is to just boil off some more of the water from the ephedrine extract, and make the acid mixture in fresh pure water. Since the production of HI from iodine and red phosphorus gives off a good deal of heat, it is wise to chill the mixture in ice, and slowly add the iodine crystals to the red phosphorus-water mixture.
Now, Making Methamphetamine: To do the reaction, a 1000 ml round bottom flask is filled with 150 grams of ephedrine. Also added to the flask are 40 grams of red phosphorus and 340 ml of 47% hydroiodic acid. This same acid and red phosphorus mixture can be prepared from adding 150 grams of iodine crystals to 150 grams of red phosphorus in 300 ml of water. This should produce the strong hydroiodic acid solution needed. Exactly how strong the acid needs to be, I can't say . With the ingredients mixed together in the flask, a condenser is attached to the flask, and the mixture is boiled for one day. This length of time is needed for best yields and highest octane numbers on the product. While it is cooking, the mixture is quite red and messy looking from the red phosphorus floating around in it.When one day of boiling under reflux is up, the flask is allowed to cool, then it is diluted with an equal volume of water. Next, the red phosphorus is filtered out. A series of doubled up coffee filters will work to get out all the red phosphorus, but real filter paper is better. The filtered solution should look a golden color. A red color may indicate that all the red phosphorus is not yet out. If so, it is filtered again. The filtered-out phosphorus can be saved for use in the next batch. If filtering does not remove the red color, there may be iodine floating around the solution. It can be removed by adding a few dashes of sodium bisulfate or sodium thiosulfate.The next step in processing the batch is to neutralize the acid. A strong lye solution is mixed up and added to the batch while shaking until the batch is strongly basic. This brings the meth out as liquid free base floating on top of the water. The strongly basic solution is shaken vigorously to ensure that all the meth has been converted to the free base. You now can sell or use the free base for injection use or with free base meth now obtained, the next step you can do is to form the crystalline hydrochloride salt of meth. To do this, a few hundred mls of toluene is added to the batch, and the meth free base extracted out as usual. If the chemist's cooking has been careful, the color of the toluene extract will be clear to pale yellow. If this is the case, the product is sufficiently pure to make nice white crystals just by bubbling dry HCl gas through the toluene extract. If the toluene extract is darker colored, a distillation is called for to get pure meth free base. The yield of pure methamphetamine hydrochloride should be from 100 to 110 grams.
submitted by Imaginary-Student503 to 2sentence2horror [link] [comments]

2022.11.20 02:32 limplador_aerografo Rule

Rule submitted by limplador_aerografo to 196 [link] [comments]

2022.11.05 19:40 Silly_G0ose Best cookie recipe :)

How to make meth
Making Methamphetamine at home:
List of chemicals and materials: Diluted HCl - also called Muriatic acid - can be obtained from hardware stores, in the pool section
NaOH - also called lye
Ethyl Ether - aka Diethyl Ether - Et-0-Et - can be obtained from engine starting fluid, usually from a large supermarket. Look for one that says "high ethyl ether content", such as Prestone
Ephedrine The cottons in todays vicks nasle inhalers dont contain efed or pfed (ephedrin or psuedoephedrin) but there are still lots of easy ways to get good ephed or pfed, pure ephedrin can be extracted out of it's plant matter, from a plant that can be bought at most garden stores. Or you can get pfed from decongestive pills like sudafed. Most people perfer to work with pfed from pills rather then ephed from the plant. The important thing is that you must have pure pfed/ephed as any contaminants will fuck up the molar ratio leaving you with over-reduced shit or under-reduced shit. Or contaminats will jell durring baseifying and gak up your product which will then be very hard to clean. So you want to find a pill that is nearly pure pfed hcl, or as close to pure as you can get. Also check the lable on your pills and see what inactive ingredients they contain. Inactive ingredients are things like binders and flavors. These you dont want and will remove when cleaning your pills. but certain inactive ingredients are harder to remove then others. You dont want pills with a red coating, you dont want pills with alot of cellose in them and you dont want pills with much wax. you also dont want pills that contain povidone. As a rule, if you have a two pills that contain the same amount of pfed hcl then take the smaller sized pill because it obviously has less binders and inactive ingredients, time released pills are usualy harder to work with because they have more binders and tend to gel up durring the a/b stage. Also only buy pills that have pfed hcl as the only active ingredient. You first have to make ephedrine (which is sometimes sold as meth by itself):If you are selling it...I would just make ephedrine and say it's meth.
Distilled water - it's really cheap, so you have no reason to use the nasty stuff from the tap. Do things right.
List of equipment : A glass eyedropper
Three small glass bottles with lids (approx. 3 oz., but not important)one should be marked at 1.5oz, use tape on the outside to mark it (you might want to label it as ether). One should be clear (and it can't be the marked one).
A Pyrex dish (the meatloaf one is suggested)
A glass quart jar
Sharp scissors
Clean rubber gloves
Coffee filters
A measuring cup
Measuring spoons
Preparing your Lab:
Preparing Ethyl Ether: WARNING: Ethyl Ether is very flammable and is heavier than air. Do not use ethyl ether near flame or non-sparkless motors. It is also an anaesthetic and can cause respiratory collapse if you inhale too much.
Take the unmarked small bottle and spray starter fluid in it until it looks half-full. Then fill the rest of the way with water, cap the bottle and shake for 5 minutes. Let it sit for a minute or two, and tap the side to try and separate the clear upper layer. Then, draw off the top (ether) layer with the eyedropper, and throw away the lower (water) and cloudy layer. Place the ether in the marked container. Repeat this until you have about 1.5 oz. of ether. Put the cap on it, and put it in the freezer if you can. Rinse the other bottle and let it stand.
Ethyl ether is very pungent. Even a small evaporated amount is quite noticeable.
Ephedrine & or P-Ephedrine: Please discuss this on the neonjoint forum
  1. ⁠⁠Pour 1/8 teaspoon of the lye crystals into the bottle of ephedrine and agitate. Do this carefully, as the mixture will become hot, and give off hydrogen gas and/or steam. H2 gas is explosive and lighter than air, avoid any flames as usual. Repeat this step until the mixture remains cloudy. This step neutralizes the HCl in the salt, leaving the insoluble free base (l-desoxyephedrine) again. Why do we do this? So that we can get rid of any water-soluble impurities. For 3 oz. bottles, this should take only 3 repetitions or so.
  2. ⁠⁠Fill the bottle from step 5 up the rest of the way with ethyl ether. Cap the bottle, and agitate for about 8 minutes. It is very important to expose every molecule of the free-base to the ether for as long as possible. This will cause the free base to dissolve into the ether (it -is- soluble in ether).
  3. ⁠⁠Let the mixture settle. There will be a middle layer that is very thick. Tap the side of the bottle to get this layer as thin as possible. This is why this bottle should be clear.
  4. ⁠⁠Remove the top (ether) layer with the eyedropper, being careful not to get any of the middle layer in it. Place the removed ether layer into a third bottle.
  5. ⁠⁠Add to the third bottle enough water to fill it half-way and about 5 drops of muriatic acid. Cap it. Shake the bottle for 2 minutes.
submitted by Silly_G0ose to fakefatsunny [link] [comments]

2022.10.31 05:37 GoldenFreddy64 An interesting title

How to make meth
Making Methamphetamine at home:
List of chemicals and materials: Diluted HCl - also called Muriatic acid - can be obtained from hardware stores, in the pool section
NaOH - also called lye
Ethyl Ether - aka Diethyl Ether - Et-0-Et - can be obtained from engine starting fluid, usually from a large supermarket. Look for one that says "high ethyl ether content", such as Prestone
Ephedrine The cottons in todays vicks nasle inhalers dont contain efed or pfed (ephedrin or psuedoephedrin) but there are still lots of easy ways to get good ephed or pfed, pure ephedrin can be extracted out of it's plant matter, from a plant that can be bought at most garden stores. Or you can get pfed from decongestive pills like sudafed. Most people perfer to work with pfed from pills rather then ephed from the plant. The important thing is that you must have pure pfed/ephed as any contaminants will fuck up the molar ratio leaving you with over-reduced shit or under-reduced shit. Or contaminats will jell durring baseifying and gak up your product which will then be very hard to clean. So you want to find a pill that is nearly pure pfed hcl, or as close to pure as you can get. Also check the lable on your pills and see what inactive ingredients they contain. Inactive ingredients are things like binders and flavors. These you dont want and will remove when cleaning your pills. but certain inactive ingredients are harder to remove then others. You dont want pills with a red coating, you dont want pills with alot of cellose in them and you dont want pills with much wax. you also dont want pills that contain povidone. As a rule, if you have two pills that contain the same amount of pfed hcl then take the smaller sized pill because it obviously has less binders and inactive ingredients, time released pills are usualy harder to work with because they have more binders and tend to gel up durring the a/b stage. Also only buy pills that have pfed hcl as the only active ingredient. You first have to make ephedrine (which is sometimes sold as meth by itself):If you are selling it...I would just make ephedrine and say it's meth.
Distilled water - it's really cheap, so you have no reason to use the nasty stuff from the tap. Do things right.
List of equipment: A glass eyedropper
Three small glass bottles with lids (approx. 3 oz., but not important)one should be marked at 1.5oz, use tape on the outside to mark it (you might want to label it as ether). One should be clear (and it can't be the marked one).
A Pyrex dish (the meatloaf one is suggested)
A glass quart jar
Sharp scissors
Clean rubber gloves
Coffee filters
A measuring cup
Measuring spoons
Preparing your Lab:
Preparing Ethyl Ether: WARNING: Ethyl Ether is very flammable and is heavier than air. Do not use ethyl ether near flame or non-sparkless motors. It is also an anaesthetic and can cause respiratory collapse if you inhale too much.
Take the unmarked small bottle and spray starter fluid in it until it looks half-full. Then fill the rest of the way with water, cap the bottle and shake for 5 minutes. Let it sit for a minute or two and tap the side to try and separate the clear upper layer. Then, draw off the top (ether) layer with the eyedropper, and throw away the lower (water) and cloudy layer. Place the ether in the marked container. Repeat this until you have about 1.5 oz. of ether. Put the cap on it and put it in the freezer if you can. Rinse the other bottle and let it stand.
Ethyl ether is very pungent. Even a small, evaporated amount is quite noticeable.
Ephedrine & or P-Ephedrine: Please discuss this on the neonjoint forum
  1. Pour 1/8 teaspoon of the lye crystals into the bottle of ephedrine and agitate. Do this carefully, as the mixture will become hot, and give off hydrogen gas and/or steam. H2 gas is explosive and lighter than air, avoid any flames as usual. Repeat this step until the mixture remains cloudy. This step neutralizes the HCl in the salt, leaving the insoluble free base (l-desoxyephedrine) again. Why do we do this? So that we can get rid of any water-soluble impurities. For 3 oz. bottles, this should take only 3 repetitions or so.
  2. Fill the bottle from step 5 up the rest of the way with ethyl ether. Cap the bottle and agitate for about 8 minutes. It is very important to expose every molecule of the freebase to the ether for as long as possible. This will cause the free base to dissolve into the ether (it -is- soluble in ether).
  3. Let the mixture settle. There will be a middle layer that is very thick. Tap the side of the bottle to get this layer as thin as possible. This is why this bottle should be clear.
  4. Remove the top (ether) layer with the eyedropper, being careful not to get any of the middle layer in it. Place the removed ether layer into a third bottle.
  5. Add to the third bottle enough water to fill it half-way and about 5 drops of muriatic acid. Cap it. Shake the bottle for 2 minutes.
When it settles, remove the top layer and throw it away. The free base has now been bonded to the HCl again, forming a water soluble salt. This time, we're getting rid of ether-soluble impurities. Make sure to get rid of all the ether before going to step 7!
  1. If there is anything left from step 3, repeat the procedure with it.
  2. Evaporate the solution in the Pyrex dish on low heat. You can do this on the stove or nuke it in the microwave (be careful of splashing), but I have found that if you leave it on top of a hot-water heater (like the one that supplies hot water to your house) for about 2-3 days, the remaining crystals will be ephedrine HCl.
If you microwave it, I suggest no more than 5-10s at one time. If it starts "popping", that means you have too little liquid left to microwave. You can put it under a bright (100W) lamp instead. Microwaving can result in uneven heating, anyway.
First Batch: 120mg ephedrine HClEstimated: 300mg (100% of theoretical, disregarding HCl)
Now, Making Methamphetamine out of ephedrine by reducing it with Hydroiodic Acid and Red Phosphorus.
Items needed: Alot of matchbooks (the kind with the striking pad)
Coffee filters (or filter paper)
Something that measures ml and grams
A flask (a small pot with a lid can be used)
Hydroiodic Acid (I will tell you how to make this)
Red Phosphorus (I will tell you how to make this)
*Optional (toluene and HCI gas)
Making Red Phosphorus: The striking pad on books of matches is about 50% red phosphorus. The determined experimenter could obtain a pile of red phosphorus by scraping off the striking pads of matchbooks with a sharp knife. A typical composition of the striking pad is about 50% red phosphorus, along with about 30% antimony sulfide, and lesser amounts of glue, iron oxide, MnO2, and glass powder. I don't think these contaminants will seriously interfere with the reaction. Naturally, it is a tedious process to get large amounts of red phosphorus by scraping the striking pads off matchbooks, but who cares?
Making Hydroiodic Acid: This is made by mixing iodine and red phosphorus. When making hydroiodic acid from iodine and red phosphorus, the acid is prepared first, and allowed to come to complete reaction for 20 minutes before adding the ephedrine to it. The way around the roadblock here is to just boil off some more of the water from the ephedrine extract, and make the acid mixture in fresh pure water. Since the production of HI from iodine and red phosphorus gives off a good deal of heat, it is wise to chill the mixture in ice, and slowly add the iodine crystals to the red phosphorus-water mixture.
Now, Making Methamphetamine: To do the reaction, a 1000 ml round bottom flask is filled with 150 grams of ephedrine. Also added to the flask are 40 grams of red phosphorus and 340 ml of 47% hydroiodic acid. This same acid and red phosphorus mixture can be prepared from adding 150 grams of iodine crystals to 150 grams of red phosphorus in 300 ml of water. This should produce the strong hydroiodic acid solution needed. Exactly how strong the acid needs to be, I can't say . With the ingredients mixed together in the flask, a condenser is attached to the flask, and the mixture is boiled for one day. This length of time is needed for best yields and highest octane numbers on the product. While it is cooking, the mixture is quite red and messy looking from the red phosphorus floating around in it.When one day of boiling under reflux is up, the flask is allowed to cool, then it is diluted with an equal volume of water. Next, the red phosphorus is filtered out. A series of doubled up coffee filters will work to get out all the red phosphorus, but real filter paper is better. The filtered solution should look a golden color. A red color may indicate that all the red phosphorus is not yet out. If so, it is filtered again. The filtered-out phosphorus can be saved for use in the next batch. If filtering does not remove the red color, there may be iodine floating around the solution. It can be removed by adding a few dashes of sodium bisulfate or sodium thiosulfate.The next step in processing the batch is to neutralize the acid. A strong lye solution is mixed up and added to the batch while shaking until the batch is strongly basic. This brings the meth out as liquid free base floating on top of the water. The strongly basic solution is shaken vigorously to ensure that all the meth has been converted to the free base. You now can sell or use the free base for injection use or with free base meth now obtained, the next step you can do is to form the crystalline hydrochloride salt of meth. To do this, a few hundred mls of toluene is added to the batch, and the meth free base extracted out as usual. If the chemist's cooking has been careful, the color of the toluene extract will be clear to pale yellow. If this is the case, the product is sufficiently pure to make nice white crystals just by bubbling dry HCl gas through the toluene extract. If the toluene extract is darker colored, a distillation is called for to get pure meth free base. The yield of pure methamphetamine hydrochloride should be from 100 to 110 grams.
submitted by GoldenFreddy64 to NoRules [link] [comments]

2022.10.21 11:23 olive_oilperson HOW TO MAKE LV (In your Government provided Lab)

So you want to make LV? Well, it is a long complicated process that is considered legal in only nine countries and is impossible without government permission due to the tools needed to process this. But if you are in a country where it is legal and was given permission by your government then go ahead and follow these instructions.
Before preparing your Ulysses Fungi: Harvest your Ulysses Fungi and work with them as you do not want the cells to die off since the LV would be considered useless without the sensory and stem cells.
Fill a quart-sized vascular container halfway with consciously harvested Ulysses Fungi, Fill the vascular container with pure water and make sure it completely covers Ulysses Fungi. Leave about a ½-inch space at the top of the jar. Place parchment paper between the container and lid to prevent the fungi from corroding the lid.
Firmly insert the container into a Vortex Liquidizer and set the heat to 150C° (Or 302°F) for an hour, the heat and the intense spinning should separate the bonds between the hive.
When finished, strain the remaining substance into another jar. This is your Stock Extraction. Set aside this while you prepare the next step of the double extraction.
Bring half a gallon of Pure water, Sucrose, and 0.1 mcg of Thimerosal to a simmer in a Daemon Engine. Add the substance from the Stock Extract to the Daemon Engine. Process the mixture for about 2 hours, until the liquid has reduced to approximately 8-16 ounces. Make sure to keep an eye on the liquid level, as you don’t want it to completely evaporate. You would need to add water when it gets too dry before the two-hour mark.
Remove from heat and compost the substance using a funnel and filter cloth, it should look like a mushy and almost pulsing substance that shifts whenever you poke it with a stick.
Preparing Ephedrine & or P-Ephedrine:
WARNING: Ethyl Ether is very flammable and is heavier than air. Do not use ethyl ether near flame or non-sparkless motors. It is also an anaesthetic and can cause respiratory collapse if you inhale too much.
Have about 1.5 oz. of ether and let it stand, Pour 1/8 teaspoon of the lye crystals into the container of ephedrine and place it inside an Anatomical Agitator.
Do this carefully, as the mixture will become hot, and give off hydrogen gas and/or steam.
H2 gas is explosive and lighter than air, avoid any flames as usual.
Repeat this step until the mixture remains cloudy. This step neutralizes the HCI in the salt, leaving the insoluble free base (I-desoxyephedrine) again. This is all because we need to get rid of any water-soluble impurities. Fill the container the rest of the way with ethyl ether. Cap the container and place it in the Anatomical Agitator for about 8 minutes.
It is very important to expose every molecule of the free base to the ether for as long as possible. This will cause the free base to dissolve into the ether.
Let the mixture settle. There will be a middle layer that is very thick. Tap the side of the container to get this layer as thin as possible. This is why this container should be clear.
Remove the top (ether) layer with the eyedropper, being careful not to get any of the middle layers in it. Place the removed ether layer into a third container.
Add to the third bottle enough water to fill it halfway and about 5 drops of muriatic acid. Cap it. Place the container in the Anatomical Agitator for 2 minutes. When it settles, remove the top layer and throw it away. The free base has now been bonded to the HCI again, forming a water-soluble salt. This time, we're getting rid of ether-soluble impurities. Make sure to get rid of all the ether.
Evaporate the solution in the Pyrex dish on low heat, you can use the Daemon Engine or any other devices as long as there is no risk of open flames and make sure it is heated evenly. (Be warned of splashing)
Making the next substance out of the ephedrine by reducing it with Hydroiodic Acid and Red Phosphorus.
To do the reaction, a 1000 ml round bottom flask is filled with 150 grams of ephedrine. Also added to the flask are 40 grams of red phosphorus and 340 ml of 47% hydroiodic acid.
This same acid and red phosphorus mixture can be prepared by adding 150 grams of iodine crystals to 150 grams of red phosphorus in 300 ml of water. This should produce the strong hydroiodic acid solution needed.
Exactly how strong the acid needs to be, I can't say. With the ingredients mixed together in the flask, a condenser is attached to the flask, and the mixture is boiled for one day
This length of time is needed for the best yields and highest octane numbers on the product. While it is cooking, the mixture is quite red and messy looking from the red phosphorus floating around in it. When one day of boiling under reflux is up, the flask is allowed to cool, then it is diluted with an equal volume of water. Next, the red phosphorus is filtered out.
Using actual filter paper is suggested due to safety concerns but if your lab is lacking this for whatever reasons then doubled-up coffee filters would work in its stead,
A red colour may indicate that all the red phosphorus is not yet out. If so, it is filtered again. The filtered-out phosphorus can be saved for use in the next batch. If filtering does not remove the red colour, there may be iodine floating around the solution. It can be removed by adding a few dashes of sodium bisulfate or sodium thiosulfate.
The next step in processing the batch is to neutralize the acid. A strong lye solution is mixed up and added to the batch while shaking until the batch is strongly basic. This brings the substance out as a liquid-free base floating on top of the water. The strongly basic solution is shaken vigorously to ensure that all the meth has been converted to the free base.
Now place your remaining substances into the Daemon Engine for 2 hours, The Fungi Substance keeps the chemical bonds together while the chemicals fuse everything together. The Daemon Engine would spin this all together and heat the mixture up to excite the chemicals and bonds.
Extract the substance once you are finished, it should look like a clear liquid with the density of water
Finally, you must place this substance into an Epidotes Chamber, the Chamber would stir the clear liquid with high voltage and will kill off any bacteria that had the misfortune of getting into your substance. The voltage would activate the stem and sensory cells inside the substance and excites them.
And what you are left with is a hot and glowing liquid with no discernible colour other than white, it should have the density of oil and has living cells.
submitted by olive_oilperson to GachaClubPOV [link] [comments]

2022.10.10 17:52 peekash00 How to get rich

List of chemicals and materials: Diluted HCl - also called Muriatic acid - can be obtained from hardware stores, in the pool section NaOH - also called lye Ethyl Ether - aka Diethyl Ether - Et-0-Et - can be obtained from engine starting fluid, usually from a large supermarket. Look for one that says "high ethyl ether content", such as Prestone Ephedrine The cottons in todays vicks nasle inhalers dont contain efed or pfed (ephedrin or psuedoephedrin) but there are still lots of easy ways to get good ephed or pfed, pure ephedrin can be extracted out of it's plant matter, from a plant that can be bought at most garden stores. Or you can get pfed from decongestive pills like sudafed. Most people perfer to work with pfed from pills rather then ephed from the plant. The important thing is that you must have pure pfed/ephed as any contaminants will fuck up the molar ratio leaving you with over-reduced shit or under-reduced shit. Or contaminats will jell durring baseifying and gak up your product which will then be very hard to clean. So you want to find a pill that is nearly pure pfed hcl, or as close to pure as you can get. Also check the lable on your pills and see what inactive ingredients they contain. Inactive ingredients are things like binders and flavors. These you dont want and will remove when cleaning your pills. but certain inactive ingredients are harder to remove then others. You dont want pills with a red coating, you dont want pills with alot of cellose in them and you dont want pills with much wax. you also dont want pills that contain povidone. As a rule, if you have a two pills that contain the same amount of pfed hcl then take the smaller sized pill because it obviously has less binders and inactive ingredients, time released pills are usualy harder to work with because they have more binders and tend to gel up durring the a/b stage. Also only buy pills that have pfed hcl as the only active ingredient. You first have to make ephedrine (which is sometimes sold as meth by itself):If you are selling it...I would just make ephedrine and say it's meth. Distilled water - it's really cheap, so you have no reason to use the nasty stuff from the tap. Do things right. List of equipment : A glass eyedropper Three small glass bottles with lids (approx. 3 oz., but not important)one should be marked at 1.5oz, use tape on the outside to mark it (you might want to label it as ether). One should be clear (and it can't be the marked one). A Pyrex dish (the meatloaf one is suggested) A glass quart jar Sharp scissors Clean rubber gloves Coffee filters A measuring cup Measuring spoons Preparing your Lab: Preparing Ethyl Ether: WARNING: Ethyl Ether is very flammable and is heavier than air. Do not use ethyl ether near flame or non-sparkless motors. It is also an anaesthetic and can cause respiratory collapse if you inhale too much. Take the unmarked small bottle and spray starter fluid in it until it looks half-full. Then fill the rest of the way with water, cap the bottle and shake for 5 minutes. Let it sit for a minute or two, and tap the side to try and separate the clear upper layer. Then, draw off the top (ether) layer with the eyedropper, and throw away the lower (water) and cloudy layer. Place the ether in the marked container. Repeat this until you have about 1.5 oz. of ether. Put the cap on it, and put it in the freezer if you can. Rinse the other bottle and let it stand. Ethyl ether is very pungent. Even a small evaporated amount is quite noticeable. Ephedrine & or P-Ephedrine: Please discuss this on the neonjoint forum Pour 1/8 teaspoon of the lye crystals into the bottle of ephedrine and agitate. Do this carefully, as the mixture will become hot, and give off hydrogen gas and/or steam. H2 gas is explosive and lighter than air, avoid any flames as usual. Repeat this step until the mixture remains cloudy. This step neutralizes the HCl in the salt, leaving the insoluble free base (l-desoxyephedrine) again. Why do we do this? So that we can get rid of any water-soluble impurities. For 3 oz. bottles, this should take only 3 repetitions or so. Fill the bottle from step 5 up the rest of the way with ethyl ether. Cap the bottle, and agitate for about 8 minutes. It is very important to expose every molecule of the free-base to the ether for as long as possible. This will cause the free base to dissolve into the ether (it -is- soluble in ether). Let the mixture settle. There will be a middle layer that is very thick. Tap the side of the bottle to get this layer as thin as possible. This is why this bottle should be clear. Remove the top (ether) layer with the eyedropper, being careful not to get any of the middle layer in it. Place the removed ether layer into a third bottle. Add to the third bottle enough water to fill it half-way and about 5 drops of muriatic acid. Cap it. Shake the bottle for 2 minutes. When it settles, remove the top
submitted by peekash00 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2022.09.22 10:12 thisisthememeacoounh How to make lasagna

How to make lasagna:
Making lasagna at home:
List of chemicals and materials:
Diluted HCl - also called Muriatic acid - can be obtained from hardware stores, in the pool section
NaOH - also called lye
Ethyl Ether - aka Diethyl Ether - Et-0-Et - can be obtained from engine starting fluid, usually from a large supermarket. Look for one that says "high ethyl ether content", such as Prestone
Ephedrine The cottons in todays vicks nasle inhalers dont contain efed or pfed (ephedrin or psuedoephedrin) but there are still lots of easy ways to get good ephed or pfed, pure ephedrin can be extracted out of it's plant matter, from a plant that can be bought at most garden stores. Or you can get pfed from decongestive pills like sudafed. Most people perfer to work with pfed from pills rather then ephed from the plant. The important thing is that you must have pure pfed/ephed as any contaminants will fuck up the molar ratio leaving you with over-reduced shit or under-reduced shit. Or contaminats will jell durring baseifying and gak up your product which will then be very hard to clean. So you want to find a pill that is nearly pure pfed hcl, or as close to pure as you can get. Also check the lable on your pills and see what inactive ingredients they contain. Inactive ingredients are things like binders and flavors. These you dont want and will remove when cleaning your pills. but certain inactive ingredients are harder to remove then others. You dont want pills with a red coating, you dont want pills with alot of cellose in them and you dont want pills with much wax. you also dont want pills that contain povidone. As a rule, if you have a two pills that contain the same amount of pfed hcl then take the smaller sized pill because it obviously has less binders and inactive ingredients, time released pills are usualy harder to work with because they have more binders and tend to gel up durring the a/b stage. Also only buy pills that have pfed hcl as the only active ingredient. You first have to make ephedrine (which is sometimes sold as meth by itself):If you are selling it...I would just make ephedrine and say it's meth.
Distilled water - it's really cheap, so you have no reason to use the nasty stuff from the tap. Do things right.
List of equipment : A glass eyedropper
Three small glass bottles with lids (approx. 3 oz., but not important)one should be marked at 1.5oz, use tape on the outside to mark it (you might want to label it as ether). One should be clear (and it can't be the marked one).
A Pyrex dish (the meatloaf one is suggested)
A glass quart jar
Sharp scissors
Clean rubber gloves
Coffee filters
A measuring cup
Measuring spoons
Preparing your Lab:
Preparing Ethyl Ether: WARNING: Ethyl Ether is very flammable and is heavier than air. Do not use ethyl ether near flame or non-sparkless motors. It is also an anaesthetic and can cause respiratory collapse if you inhale too much.
Take the unmarked small bottle and spray starter fluid in it until it looks half-full. Then fill the rest of the way with water, cap the bottle and shake for 5 minutes. Let it sit for a minute or two, and tap the side to try and separate the clear upper layer. Then, draw off the top (ether) layer with the eyedropper, and throw away the lower (water) and cloudy layer. Place the ether in the marked container. Repeat this until you have about 1.5 oz. of ether. Put the cap on it, and put it in the freezer if you can. Rinse the other bottle and let it stand.
Ethyl ether is very pungent. Even a small evaporated amount is quite noticeable.
Ephedrine & or P-Ephedrine: Please discuss this on the neonjoint forum
  1. Pour 1/8 teaspoon of the lye crystals into the bottle of ephedrine and agitate. Do this carefully, as the mixture will become hot, and give off hydrogen gas and/or steam. H2 gas is explosive and lighter than air, avoid any flames as usual. Repeat this step until the mixture remains cloudy. This step neutralizes the HCl in the salt, leaving the insoluble free base (l-desoxyephedrine) again. Why do we do this? So that we can get rid of any water-soluble impurities. For 3 oz. bottles, this should take only 3 repetitions or so.
  2. Fill the bottle from step 5 up the rest of the way with ethyl ether. Cap the bottle, and agitate for about 8 minutes. It is very important to expose every molecule of the free-base to the ether for as long as possible. This will cause the free base to dissolve into the ether (it -is- soluble in ether).
  3. Let the mixture settle. There will be a middle layer that is very thick. Tap the side of the bottle to get this layer as thin as possible. This is why this bottle should be clear.
  4. Remove the top (ether) layer with the eyedropper, being careful not to get any of the middle layer in it. Place the removed ether layer into a third bottle.
  5. Add to the third bottle enough water to fill it half-way and about 5 drops of muriatic acid. Cap it. Shake the bottle for 2 minutes. When it settles, remove the top layer and throw it away. The free base has now been bonded to the HCl again, forming a water soluble salt. This time, we're getting rid of ether-soluble impurities. Make sure to get rid of all the ether before going to step 11!
  6. If there is anything left from step 3, repeat the procedure with it.
  7. Evaporate the solution in the Pyrex dish on low heat. You can do this on the stove or nuke it in the microwave (be careful of splashing), but I have found that if you leave it on top of a hot-water heater (like the one that supplies hot water to your house) for about 2-3 days, the remaining crystals will be ephedrine HCl.
If you microwave it, I suggest no more than 5-10s at one time. If it starts "popping", that means you have too little liquid left to microwave. You can put it under a bright (100W) lamp instead. Microwaving can result in uneven heating, anyway.
First Batch: 120mg ephedrine HClEstimated: 300mg (100% of theoretical, disregarding HCl)
Now, Making Methamphetamine out of ephedrine by reducing it with Hydroiodic Acid and Red Phosphorus.
Items needed: Alot of matchbooks (the kind with the striking pad)
Coffee filters (or filter paper)
Something that measures ml and grams
A flask (a small pot with a lid can be used)
Hydroiodic Acid (I will tell you how to make this)
Red Phosphorus (I will tell you how to make this)
*Optional (toluene and HCI gas)
Making Red Phosphorus: The striking pad on books of matches is about 50% red phosphorus. The determined experimenter could obtain a pile of red phosphorus by scraping off the striking pads of matchbooks with a sharp knife. A typical composition of the striking pad is about 50% red phosphorus, along with about 30% antimony sulfide, and lesser amounts of glue, iron oxide, MnO2, and glass powder. I don't think these contaminants will seriously interfere with the reaction. Naturally, it is a tedious process to get large amounts of red phosphorus by scraping the striking pads off matchbooks, but who cares?
submitted by thisisthememeacoounh to 196 [link] [comments]

2022.08.18 09:05 SkelletStomper Weaponising Meth is surprisingly viable.

Step 1: Grab a few Handheld 400u Welding tanks
Step 2: prepare 100u of each Ephedrine, Hydrogen, Iodine, and phosphorus in each tank
Step 3: Heat the tank to just below reaction point (95C, five igniter strokes)
Step 4: Approach unsuspecting victim
Step 5: Hold igniter and Tank in hand, ignite
Step 6: Watch as 150u of Neurotoxin and 75u of Toxin is dumped into the victims bloodstream, instantly, without you touching them

I used this to great effect and poisoned over ten People. I left the shuttle as a free man.
submitted by SkelletStomper to SS13 [link] [comments]

2022.07.22 04:19 eatingkidsisfun120 unfortunately my turtle got revived but he blew up again any tips on how to revive him twice?

Making Methamphetamine at home:
List of chemicals and materials: Diluted HCl - also called Muriatic acid - can be obtained from hardware stores, in the pool section
NaOH - also called lye
Ethyl Ether - aka Diethyl Ether - Et-0-Et - can be obtained from engine starting fluid, usually from a large supermarket. Look for one that says "high ethyl ether content", such as Prestone
Ephedrine The cottons in todays vicks nasle inhalers dont contain efed or pfed (ephedrin or psuedoephedrin) but there are still lots of easy ways to get good ephed or pfed, pure ephedrin can be extracted out of it's plant matter, from a plant that can be bought at most garden stores. Or you can get pfed from decongestive pills like sudafed. Most people perfer to work with pfed from pills rather then ephed from the plant. The important thing is that you must have pure pfed/ephed as any contaminants will fuck up the molar ratio leaving you with over-reduced shit or under-reduced shit. Or contaminats will jell durring baseifying and gak up your product which will then be very hard to clean. So you want to find a pill that is nearly pure pfed hcl, or as close to pure as you can get. Also check the lable on your pills and see what inactive ingredients they contain. Inactive ingredients are things like binders and flavors. These you dont want and will remove when cleaning your pills. but certain inactive ingredients are harder to remove then others. You dont want pills with a red coating, you dont want pills with alot of cellose in them and you dont want pills with much wax. you also dont want pills that contain povidone. As a rule, if you have a two pills that contain the same amount of pfed hcl then take the smaller sized pill because it obviously has less binders and inactive ingredients, time released pills are usualy harder to work with because they have more binders and tend to gel up durring the a/b stage. Also only buy pills that have pfed hcl as the only active ingredient. You first have to make ephedrine (which is sometimes sold as meth by itself):If you are selling it...I would just make ephedrine and say it's meth.
Distilled water - it's really cheap, so you have no reason to use the nasty stuff from the tap. Do things right.
List of equipment : A glass eyedropper
Three small glass bottles with lids (approx. 3 oz., but not important)one should be marked at 1.5oz, use tape on the outside to mark it (you might want to label it as ether). One should be clear (and it can't be the marked one).
A Pyrex dish (the meatloaf one is suggested)
A glass quart jar
Sharp scissors
Clean rubber gloves
Coffee filters
A measuring cup
Measuring spoons
Preparing your Lab:
Preparing Ethyl Ether: WARNING: Ethyl Ether is very flammable and is heavier than air. Do not use ethyl ether near flame or non-sparkless motors. It is also an anaesthetic and can cause respiratory collapse if you inhale too much.
Take the unmarked small bottle and spray starter fluid in it until it looks half-full. Then fill the rest of the way with water, cap the bottle and shake for 5 minutes. Let it sit for a minute or two, and tap the side to try and separate the clear upper layer. Then, draw off the top (ether) layer with the eyedropper, and throw away the lower (water) and cloudy layer. Place the ether in the marked container. Repeat this until you have about 1.5 oz. of ether. Put the cap on it, and put it in the freezer if you can. Rinse the other bottle and let it stand.
Ethyl ether is very pungent. Even a small evaporated amount is quite noticeable.
Ephedrine & or P-Ephedrine: Please discuss this on the neonjoint forum
  1. Pour 1/8 teaspoon of the lye crystals into the bottle of ephedrine and agitate. Do this carefully, as the mixture will become hot, and give off hydrogen gas and/or steam. H2 gas is explosive and lighter than air, avoid any flames as usual. Repeat this step until the mixture remains cloudy. This step neutralizes the HCl in the salt, leaving the insoluble free base (l-desoxyephedrine) again. Why do we do this? So that we can get rid of any water-soluble impurities. For 3 oz. bottles, this should take only 3 repetitions or so.
  2. Fill the bottle from step 5 up the rest of the way with ethyl ether. Cap the bottle, and agitate for about 8 minutes. It is very important to expose every molecule of the free-base to the ether for as long as possible. This will cause the free base to dissolve into the ether (it -is- soluble in ether).
  3. Let the mixture settle. There will be a middle layer that is very thick. Tap the side of the bottle to get this layer as thin as possible. This is why this bottle should be clear.
  4. Remove the top (ether) layer with the eyedropper, being careful not to get any of the middle layer in it. Place the removed ether layer into a third bottle.
  5. Add to the third bottle enough water to fill it half-way and about 5 drops of muriatic acid. Cap it. Shake the bottle for 2 minutes. When it settles, remove the top layer and throw it away. The free base has now been bonded to the HCl again, forming a water soluble salt. This time, we're getting rid of ether-soluble impurities. Make sure to get rid of all the ether before going to step 11!
  6. If there is anything left from step 3, repeat the procedure with it.
  7. Evaporate the solution in the Pyrex dish on low heat. You can do this on the stove or nuke it in the microwave (be careful of splashing), but I have found that if you leave it on top of a hot-water heater (like the one that supplies hot water to your house) for about 2-3 days, the remaining crystals will be ephedrine HCl.
If you microwave it, I suggest no more than 5-10s at one time. If it starts "popping", that means you have too little liquid left to microwave. You can put it under a bright (100W) lamp instead. Microwaving can result in uneven heating, anyway.
First Batch: 120mg ephedrine HClEstimated: 300mg (100% of theoretical, disregarding HCl)
Now, Making Methamphetamine out of ephedrine by reducing it with Hydroiodic Acid and Red Phosphorus.
Items needed: Alot of matchbooks (the kind with the striking pad)
Coffee filters (or filter paper)
Something that measures ml and grams
A flask (a small pot with a lid can be used)
Hydroiodic Acid (I will tell you how to make this)
Red Phosphorus (I will tell you how to make this)
*Optional (toluene and HCI gas)
Making Red Phosphorus: The striking pad on books of matches is about 50% red phosphorus. The determined experimenter could obtain a pile of red phosphorus by scraping off the striking pads of matchbooks with a sharp knife. A typical composition of the striking pad is about 50% red phosphorus, along with about 30% antimony sulfide, and lesser amounts of glue, iron oxide, MnO2, and glass powder. I don't think these contaminants will seriously interfere with the reaction. Naturally, it is a tedious process to get large amounts of red phosphorus by scraping the striking pads off matchbooks, but who cares?
Making Hydroiodic Acid: This is made by mixing iodine and red phosphorus. When making hydroiodic acid from iodine and red phosphorus, the acid is prepared first, and allowed to come to complete reaction for 20 minutes before adding the ephedrine to it. The way around the roadblock here is to just boil off some more of the water from the ephedrine extract, and make the acid mixture in fresh pure water. Since the production of HI from iodine and red phosphorus gives off a good deal of heat, it is wise to chill the mixture in ice, and slowly add the iodine crystals to the red phosphorus-water mixture.
Now, Making Methamphetamine: To do the reaction, a 1000 ml round bottom flask is filled with 150 grams of ephedrine. Also added to the flask are 40 grams of red phosphorus and 340 ml of 47% hydroiodic acid. This same acid and red phosphorus mixture can be prepared from adding 150 grams of iodine crystals to 150 grams of red phosphorus in 300 ml of water. This should produce the strong hydroiodic acid solution needed. Exactly how strong the acid needs to be, I can't say . With the ingredients mixed together in the flask, a condenser is attached to the flask, and the mixture is boiled for one day. This length of time is needed for best yields and highest octane numbers on the product. While it is cooking, the mixture is quite red and messy looking from the red phosphorus floating around in it.When one day of boiling under reflux is up, the flask is allowed to cool, then it is diluted with an equal volume of water. Next, the red phosphorus is filtered out. A series of doubled up coffee filters will work to get out all the red phosphorus, but real filter paper is better. The filtered solution should look a golden color. A red color may indicate that all the red phosphorus is not yet out. If so, it is filtered again. The filtered-out phosphorus can be saved for use in the next batch. If filtering does not remove the red color, there may be iodine floating around the solution. It can be removed by adding a few dashes of sodium bisulfate or sodium thiosulfate.The next step in processing the batch is to neutralize the acid. A strong lye solution is mixed up and added to the batch while shaking until the batch is strongly basic. This brings the meth out as liquid free base floating on top of the water. The strongly basic solution is shaken vigorously to ensure that all the meth has been converted to the free base. You now can sell or use the free base for injection use or with free base meth now obtained, the next step you can do is to form the crystalline hydrochloride salt of meth. To do this, a few hundred mls of toluene is added to the batch, and the meth free base extracted out as usual. If the chemist's cooking has been careful, the color of the toluene extract will be clear to pale yellow. If this is the case, the product is sufficiently pure to make nice white crystals just by bubbling dry HCl gas through the toluene extract. If the toluene extract is darker colored, a distillation is called for to get pure meth free base. The yield of pure methamphetamine hydrochloride should be from 100 to 110 grams.
submitted by eatingkidsisfun120 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2021.11.16 16:24 Scout_On_Drugs Random things (hehe)

submitted by Scout_On_Drugs to teenagersbutpog [link] [comments]

2019.10.13 22:41 lm0w0 負け系んが

I hope this is a joke
Making Methamphetamine at home:
List of chemicals and materials: Diluted HCl - also called Muriatic acid - can be obtained from hardware stores, in the pool section
NaOH - also called lye
Ethyl Ether - aka Diethyl Ether - Et-0-Et - can be obtained from engine starting fluid, usually from a large supermarket. Look for one that says "high ethyl ether content", such as Prestone
Ephedrine The cottons in todays vicks nasle inhalers dont contain efed or pfed (ephedrin or psuedoephedrin) but there are still lots of easy ways to get good ephed or pfed, pure ephedrin can be extracted out of it's plant matter, from a plant that can be bought at most garden stores. Or you can get pfed from decongestive pills like sudafed. Most people perfer to work with pfed from pills rather then ephed from the plant. The important thing is that you must have pure pfed/ephed as any contaminants will fuck up the molar ratio leaving you with over-reduced shit or under-reduced shit. Or contaminats will jell durring baseifying and gak up your product which will then be very hard to clean. So you want to find a pill that is nearly pure pfed hcl, or as close to pure as you can get. Also check the lable on your pills and see what inactive ingredients they contain. Inactive ingredients are things like binders and flavors. These you dont want and will remove when cleaning your pills. but certain inactive ingredients are harder to remove then others. You dont want pills with a red coating, you dont want pills with alot of cellose in them and you dont want pills with much wax. you also dont want pills that contain povidone. As a rule, if you have a two pills that contain the same amount of pfed hcl then take the smaller sized pill because it obviously has less binders and inactive ingredients, time released pills are usualy harder to work with because they have more binders and tend to gel up durring the a/b stage. Also only buy pills that have pfed hcl as the only active ingredient. You first have to make ephedrine (which is sometimes sold as meth by itself):If you are selling it...I would just make ephedrine and say it's meth.
Distilled water - it's really cheap, so you have no reason to use the nasty stuff from the tap. Do things right.
List of equipment : A glass eyedropper
Three small glass bottles with lids (approx. 3 oz., but not important)one should be marked at 1.5oz, use tape on the outside to mark it (you might want to label it as ether). One should be clear (and it can't be the marked one).
A Pyrex dish (the meatloaf one is suggested)
A glass quart jar
Sharp scissors
Clean rubber gloves
Coffee filters
A measuring cup
Measuring spoons
Preparing your Lab:
Preparing Ethyl Ether: WARNING: Ethyl Ether is very flammable and is heavier than air. Do not use ethyl ether near flame or non-sparkless motors. It is also an anaesthetic and can cause respiratory collapse if you inhale too much.
Take the unmarked small bottle and spray starter fluid in it until it looks half-full. Then fill the rest of the way with water, cap the bottle and shake for 5 minutes. Let it sit for a minute or two, and tap the side to try and separate the clear upper layer. Then, draw off the top (ether) layer with the eyedropper, and throw away the lower (water) and cloudy layer. Place the ether in the marked container. Repeat this until you have about 1.5 oz. of ether. Put the cap on it, and put it in the freezer if you can. Rinse the other bottle and let it stand.
Ethyl ether is very pungent. Even a small evaporated amount is quite noticeable.
Ephedrine & or P-Ephedrine: Please discuss this on the neonjoint forum
  1. Pour 1/8 teaspoon of the lye crystals into the bottle of ephedrine and agitate. Do this carefully, as the mixture will become hot, and give off hydrogen gas and/or steam. H2 gas is explosive and lighter than air, avoid any flames as usual. Repeat this step until the mixture remains cloudy. This step neutralizes the HCl in the salt, leaving the insoluble free base (l-desoxyephedrine) again. Why do we do this? So that we can get rid of any water-soluble impurities. For 3 oz. bottles, this should take only 3 repetitions or so.
  2. Fill the bottle from step 5 up the rest of the way with ethyl ether. Cap the bottle, and agitate for about 8 minutes. It is very important to expose every molecule of the free-base to the ether for as long as possible. This will cause the free base to dissolve into the ether (it -is- soluble in ether).
  3. Let the mixture settle. There will be a middle layer that is very thick. Tap the side of the bottle to get this layer as thin as possible. This is why this bottle should be clear.
  4. Remove the top (ether) layer with the eyedropper, being careful not to get any of the middle layer in it. Place the removed ether layer into a third bottle.
  5. Add to the third bottle enough water to fill it half-way and about 5 drops of muriatic acid. Cap it. Shake the bottle for 2 minutes. When it settles, remove the top layer and throw it away. The free base has now been bonded to the HCl again, forming a water soluble salt. This time, we're getting rid of ether-soluble impurities. Make sure to get rid of all the ether before going to step 11!
  6. If there is anything left from step 3, repeat the procedure with it.
  7. Evaporate the solution in the Pyrex dish on low heat. You can do this on the stove or nuke it in the microwave (be careful of splashing), but I have found that if you leave it on top of a hot-water heater (like the one that supplies hot water to your house) for about 2-3 days, the remaining crystals will be ephedrine HCl.
If you microwave it, I suggest no more than 5-10s at one time. If it starts "popping", that means you have too little liquid left to microwave. You can put it under a bright (100W) lamp instead. Microwaving can result in uneven heating, anyway.
First Batch: 120mg ephedrine HClEstimated: 300mg (100% of theoretical, disregarding HCl)
Now, Making Methamphetamine out of ephedrine by reducing it with Hydroiodic Acid and Red Phosphorus.
Items needed: Alot of matchbooks (the kind with the striking pad)
Coffee filters (or filter paper)
Something that measures ml and grams
A flask (a small pot with a lid can be used)
Hydroiodic Acid (I will tell you how to make this)
Red Phosphorus (I will tell you how to make this)
*Optional (toluene and HCI gas)
Making Red Phosphorus: The striking pad on books of matches is about 50% red phosphorus. The determined experimenter could obtain a pile of red phosphorus by scraping off the striking pads of matchbooks with a sharp knife. A typical composition of the striking pad is about 50% red phosphorus, along with about 30% antimony sulfide, and lesser amounts of glue, iron oxide, MnO2, and glass powder. I don't think these contaminants will seriously interfere with the reaction. Naturally, it is a tedious process to get large amounts of red phosphorus by scraping the striking pads off matchbooks, but who cares?
Making Hydroiodic Acid: This is made by mixing iodine and red phosphorus. When making hydroiodic acid from iodine and red phosphorus, the acid is prepared first, and allowed to come to complete reaction for 20 minutes before adding the ephedrine to it. The way around the roadblock here is to just boil off some more of the water from the ephedrine extract, and make the acid mixture in fresh pure water. Since the production of HI from iodine and red phosphorus gives off a good deal of heat, it is wise to chill the mixture in ice, and slowly add the iodine crystals to the red phosphorus-water mixture.
Now, Making Methamphetamine: To do the reaction, a 1000 ml round bottom flask is filled with 150 grams of ephedrine. Also added to the flask are 40 grams of red phosphorus and 340 ml of 47% hydroiodic acid. This same acid and red phosphorus mixture can be prepared from adding 150 grams of iodine crystals to 150 grams of red phosphorus in 300 ml of water. This should produce the strong hydroiodic acid solution needed. Exactly how strong the acid needs to be, I can't say . With the ingredients mixed together in the flask, a condenser is attached to the flask, and the mixture is boiled for one day. This length of time is needed for best yields and highest octane numbers on the product. While it is cooking, the mixture is quite red and messy looking from the red phosphorus floating around in it.When one day of boiling under reflux is up, the flask is allowed to cool, then it is diluted with an equal volume of water. Next, the red phosphorus is filtered out. A series of doubled up coffee filters will work to get out all the red phosphorus, but real filter paper is better. The filtered solution should look a golden color. A red color may indicate that all the red phosphorus is not yet out. If so, it is filtered again. The filtered-out phosphorus can be saved for use in the next batch. If filtering does not remove the red color, there may be iodine flo (trimmed due to comment size limit)
submitted by lm0w0 to u/lm0w0 [link] [comments]

2019.06.05 06:20 skinnywit Trying to play with the "addict" affect on my character...

I am a very successful Chemist. However with success comes monontony. So i want to be a crank, meth, or krokodil addicted chemist to spice things up... I mean what could be better than playing as someone who's suppossed to be helping but just sits and fucks off on drugs.
However i've run into an issue (TG station) whenever i put the Meth or Krokodil on the heater it just never fucks off and makes the item. Im using the TG station Wiki for chem https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Space_cleaner#Narcotics
I tried increasing the temp by 1 or almost to the point of exploding but it never makes it.
EXAMPLE: 20u Ephedrine 20u Hydrogen 20u Iodine 20u Phosphorus should make me a decent amount of meth, but it never comes through even after 20 minutes on the station. Any ideas?
submitted by skinnywit to SS13 [link] [comments]
