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SARMS Demystified: A Beginner's Guide to Safe and Effective Use

2024.05.21 21:58 Faithhal SARMS Demystified: A Beginner's Guide to Safe and Effective Use

Embarking on a fitness journey can be exhilarating, but navigating the vast landscape of supplements and performance enhancers can be overwhelming, especially for beginners. Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMS) have garnered attention for their potential to accelerate muscle growth and enhance physical performance, but understanding how to use them safely and effectively is paramount. In this beginner-friendly guide, we delve into the fundamentals of SARMS, offering practical insights to help newcomers harness their benefits while minimizing risks.
Understanding SARMS: The Basics
At its core, SARMS are synthetic compounds designed to selectively target androgen receptors in the body. Unlike traditional steroids, which affect multiple tissues indiscriminately, SARMS exert their effects primarily on skeletal muscle and bone tissue, mimicking the actions of testosterone without the associated side effects. This selective action makes SARMS an appealing option for individuals seeking to optimize their training outcomes without compromising their health.
Exploring the Benefits of SARMS
The allure of SARMS lies in their potential to facilitate rapid gains in lean muscle mass, strength, and endurance, making them a valuable adjunct to resistance training and athletic pursuits. Additionally, SARMS may aid in fat loss and promote overall body composition improvements, contributing to a leaner, more defined physique. For beginners seeking to kickstart their fitness journey or break through plateaus, SARMS offer a compelling avenue for realizing their goals.
Navigating Potential Risks and Side Effects
While SARMS hold promise as effective performance enhancers, it's essential to acknowledge and mitigate the associated risks. Common side effects of SARMS use include testosterone suppression, liver toxicity, and lipid imbalances, which can pose significant health concerns if left unchecked. Beginners should exercise caution, starting with conservative dosages and prioritizing regular health monitoring to preemptively address any adverse effects.
For more>> sarms guide
Best Practices for Safe SARMS Use
To maximize the benefits of SARMS while minimizing risks, beginners should adhere to several best practices:
  1. Educate Yourself: Familiarize yourself with the properties, dosages, and potential side effects of the specific SARMS you intend to use.
  2. Start Low, Go Slow: Begin with the lowest effective dosage and gradually titrate upwards as needed, monitoring your body's response along the way.
  3. Prioritize Purity and Quality: Opt for SARMS from reputable suppliers to ensure purity and minimize the risk of contamination or adulteration.
  4. Incorporate Supportive Measures: Consider integrating liver support supplements, estrogen blockers, and post-cycle therapy (PCT) protocols to mitigate potential side effects and support overall health.
  5. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body responds to SARMS, adjusting dosage or discontinuing use if you experience any adverse effects or signs of imbalance.
Conclusion: Empowering Your Fitness Journey
As you embark on your fitness journey, SARMS can serve as valuable tools for accelerating progress and realizing your goals. By approaching their use with knowledge, caution, and respect for your body's signals, you can harness the transformative potential of SARMS while safeguarding your health and well-being. Remember, consistency, patience, and a holistic approach to training, nutrition, and recovery are key to achieving sustainable success in your fitness endeavors.
submitted by Faithhal to u/Faithhal [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:55 Glittering-Way8753 Desoxyn vs. Dextroamphetamine vs. Adderall (Pharmacokinetics)

Desoxyn is considered less neurotoxic and less cardiovascularly toxic than dextroamphetamine, and it affects dopamine levels in two ways: by reversing dopamine degradation and by increasing dopamine output. Dextroamphetamine, in contrast, only increases dopamine output and binds more intensely to dopamine receptors due to its simpler chemical structure, which makes it more energizing and focusing, but also comes with more side effects. These include the need for higher doses to achieve the desired dopamine effect, increased release of norepinephrine which affects cardiovascular function, and more intense binding to dopamine receptors, making it more neurotoxic and cardio-toxic.
Desoxyn, with its more complex chemical structure, provides a more comprehensive way of enhancing dopamine release into the synaptic cleft and binds to dopamine receptors in a slightly less direct manner than dextroamphetamine. The added methyl group in Desoxyn allows for a broader spectrum of brain activity compared to dextroamphetamine. This accounts for a less extreme feeling of wakefulness, and lower increases in heart rate and blood pressure, due to its less direct way of binding to dopamine receptors and lower norepinephrine activity but increased serotonin release. Over time, the increase in serotonin can have implications, but it's important to consider the cardiovascular implications of increased norepinephrine with dextroamphetamine.
Therefore, Desoxyn is essentially an updated, more potent version of the amphetamine molecule, meaning lower doses can have greater effects across a wider range of areas than dextroamphetamine alone, with fewer side effects. With dextroamphetamine, higher doses are required to achieve therapeutic effects, which contributes to more undesirable side effects. Desoxyn tends to provide a more relaxed and focused feeling, making it a viable alternative for certain individuals when other medications are ineffective, assuming it's agreed upon by them and their doctor.
Zenzedi, for me, is more calming and smoother than generic dextroamphetamine (Malick), and Desoxyn fosters a more reflective approach to living a fulfilling life, considering the broader purpose of our existence. Adderall, conversely, drives a faster, albeit sometimes less precise, approach to tasks, useful especially under tight deadlines and when a boost in confidence and goal orientation is needed outdoors. Each drug, whether it's dextroamphetamine, Adderall, or Desoxyn, has its unique utility in different situations due to their differing chemical structures and effects, even though they belong to the same family of amphetamines. This means that even generic formulations and brand names of the same amphetamine can differ in experience, despite having the same bioequivalence.
submitted by Glittering-Way8753 to Desoxyn [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:50 musicalmelis Look out. Bathing suit season is here…

If anyone needs to vent about the impending doom that is bathing suit season, here’s a post for you. Maybe it’s because you’re not happy with your weight. Maybe your weight isn’t bad but trying to find a bathing suit that fits an odd shape is just impossible. Maybe you’re stressing because you know pool side snacking isn’t always healthy or high protein and you don’t want to deprive yourself but you don’t want to sink the diet you’ve been working so hard on. Maybe you are spending a small fortune trying to find a sunscreen that won’t give you even more acne than you already have. Maybe you are battling all the extra and random hair we have to deal with. Maybe you are dreading seeing all the moms play with their kids when you are overwhelmed with infertility every hour of the day. Whatever it is about “bathing suit season” that has you worrying, stressed, depressed, or pissed off… know that you aren’t alone.
submitted by musicalmelis to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:47 RaccoonSensitive6970 Let me take you back mannn, as i do so well. Break up - new relationship

So the intro is from J Cole obviously.
Couple of side notes.
Im not a native English speaker so bare with me on the grammer and stuff.
I will try to be as clear as i can be but that probably gonna be hard
Not sure what i wanna get out of this post but here it goes...
Im a 34 year old dude who probably has everything in life to be happy. Got loving parents and family, got a couple of good friends, pretty sportive and tall, nice job, no debts other than student loans which isnt that much.
So last year my EX gf broke up with me, but to put things into perspective i will start in january 2022. In january 2022 i had some issues(cardiac arrhythmia) with my heart, nothing that could kill me but still unpleasent. It made me introvert and not a very lovely person to be around. Not that i would get mad just always low on energy. 2 weeks prior to this we bought our first house and moved to the city my ex gf grew up in. It was cool with me, i liked her family and it was only 30k from where we lived the past 6 years.
So we moved in, on april 2022. Everything was going well i just couldnt handle everything since the cardiac arrhythmia wasnt fixed. My boss knew of the issues and the company was pretty helpfull. But on may 2022 my colleague announced he was gonna quit and leave the company. That made me responsible for everyting on the department. I had a hard time with this.
In june 2022 they finally fixed my heart and it felt like i could move forward again. It would take a little time to get back in shape and stuff but that shouldnt be a big deal because i like sports.
Then my ex gf and i had a discussion about a puppy. I wasnt the biggest fan but since she really wanted one i could put my personal opinion aside and just go with it. BIG MISTAKE. A puppy is pretty hard work, we were prepared but i guess that wasnt enough.
When the puppy came in august i just totally couldnt handle everthing. New city, just got back from the heart stuff, lots of stress on the job and a cute but ffing crazy puppy running around. So at the end of august i called in sick at work, i was facing a burn out and couldnt get out of this.
On the other side my ex gf was happy because she made a promotion, moved closer to her family and got her puppy. From august 2022 to december 2022 we lived together but werent really a couple anymore. It hurt me but i was pretty much waiting for me to feel better and start life again. At the end of december i was getting better bit by bit.
We went to the christmas market in Cologne and i hoped this was the turning point. We were gonna be there for 2 nights. Couple days before we left my ex gf asked if it was okay to just go one night because the was an event at here work on the second day. I was like, sure if you really wanna go.
So she went to the event and i went home. She didnt came home that night, at the time i didnt think anything about it. The next day i picked her up and she looked sooo hungover, this was december 23rd. We went to her family the 24th and the plan was to go to mine the 25th. The puppy had some stressfull days so we decided it was best for the puppy to not come to my family. My ex ''voluntered'' to watch him. I wasnt to pleased with that but i was a little mad at how she acted the last couple of days so i just went alone.
The following weeks things werent going very smooth. We didnt talk much and when one was taking care of the puppy the other was going to friends or going to the gym or something. Again, no red flags for me, boy was i wrong. In the middle of january she dropped the bomb and said she needed some time alone. After one week we got back together and she said she needed another week. After two weeks she said the same thing. But i wasnt having that, so i didnt go along. Thats when she broke up with me. At that time i saw it coming a little because if you wanna live apart for 3 weeks after living together for 7 years that says enought.
2 minutes after she broke up with me i asked what had happend that night when she didnt came home. She admitted she cheater with a colleague. So i was thinking all these crazy thing like how she had been cheating for months and stuff(a couple months later i believe that was the only cheating thing she did)
The aftermath. I left the house and went back to the city we lived in for 10+ years. She got to keep the house with a crazy good mortgage. I lost some money, couple of 1000 euro. We had to deal with the paperwork. I was going to play it cool untill i found out she slept with that colleague again 2 weeks after breaking up but still living in the same house. Thats when something snapped in my mental. From february 2023 till june 2023 i was really struggling mentally. In june i started dating again just to have some hookups and boost my confidence.
In september 2023 i had this date with an awesome girl. I really liked her and things went great from the start. She is my current girlfriend who i really like and i know she really loves me too. The hard part is that i ran away from my ex gf and never got a decent closure. I wasnt thinking much about it untill yesterday when i had sort of an argument with my gf. It wasnt about anything important but it hit me emotionally.
When we got home she asked if i still saw the future like how i saw it with my ex. That i hold on to too many thing from that relationship. I mean sure, i like some things i did with my ex. We played the same sport and i like to introduce my current girlfriend to the sport and visit a pro game every once in a while. But my gf said she had the feeling she had to act like my ex and also had to like the game.
Also i kind of hate my ex, she cheated, she dumped me when i wasnt doint to well and she got the benefit of the house. The last year i thought alot about it but i wasnt seeing how much it still affected my day to day mental. I think my gf just started my process that i should have started last february when my ex broke up with me. I didnt give myself any time to grief over it.
SO basically this post is the start to get over my ex of maybe to see that life is awesome and that all the shit went down just led me to this awesome girl who can read my like a book and want to help me get back on the saddle and have an awesome life with here.
Also, this maybe sound crazy to you guys. But i shouldnt be mad anymore. It sounds so simple but the last year and a bit i was just a bitter dude who got dumped. Its time to look forward and to live again.
I you read this far. You are awesome, if not, you can also read the TL;DR below.
TL;DR My ex dumped me after i got a hard time with heart problems, a burn out and moving to the city she grew up in. After we broke up she got to keep the house which is benicifial and i lost a couple grand. Now i have a new girlfriend and she feels like im not over that situation yet because i still spreak bad about my ex and i feel like she betrayed me. But i realised, maybe 1 year to late i should just let it go and enjoy life right here and right now.
submitted by RaccoonSensitive6970 to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:47 Faithhal The Safety of SARMS: Debunking Myths and Exploring Risks

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMS) have gained popularity among fitness enthusiasts and athletes seeking to enhance muscle growth and performance without the side effects associated with traditional anabolic steroids. However, amidst the hype surrounding SARMS, concerns about their safety have emerged. Are SARMS truly a safe alternative, or do they harbor hidden dangers? In this article, we'll delve into the safety profile of SARMS, separating fact from fiction to provide a nuanced perspective on their potential risks.
The Mechanism of SARMS:
SARMS function by selectively binding to androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue, thereby triggering anabolic effects similar to those of steroids but with purportedly reduced androgenic side effects. This selective targeting is believed to offer the benefits of enhanced muscle growth and performance without the undesirable effects on secondary sexual characteristics.
Dispelling Myths:
One common misconception about SARMS is that they are completely risk-free. While SARMS may have a more favorable side effect profile compared to traditional steroids, they are not devoid of risks. It's essential to recognize that SARMS can still exert hormonal effects on the body, including potential suppression of natural testosterone production.
See also>> Are sarms dangerous?
Potential Risks:
  1. Testosterone Suppression: SARMS, particularly those with stronger anabolic properties, can suppress endogenous testosterone production, leading to hormonal imbalances. This suppression may result in symptoms such as decreased libido, fatigue, and mood changes. Post-cycle therapy (PCT) may be necessary to restore testosterone levels after SARMS use.
  2. Lipid Imbalances: Some studies suggest that SARMS can affect lipid metabolism, potentially leading to alterations in cholesterol levels. Elevated LDL cholesterol and reduced HDL cholesterol levels have been reported in some individuals using SARMS, which could increase the risk of cardiovascular disease over time.
  3. Liver Toxicity: While SARMS are generally considered to have a lower risk of liver toxicity compared to oral steroids, certain SARMS may still exert hepatotoxic effects, especially at higher doses or with prolonged use. Monitoring liver health through regular blood tests is advisable for SARMS users.
Mitigating Risks:
Despite the potential risks associated with SARMS, there are steps that users can take to minimize the likelihood of adverse effects:
In conclusion, while SARMS offer potential benefits for muscle growth and performance enhancement, they are not without risks. It's essential for individuals considering SARMS use to weigh the potential benefits against the potential risks and make informed decisions based on their individual circumstances and goals. Consulting with a healthcare professional or knowledgeable fitness advisor can provide valuable guidance in navigating the complexities of SARMS usage and optimizing safety and effectiveness. Ultimately, by approaching SARMS use with caution and diligence, individuals can minimize risks and maximize the potential benefits of these compounds in their fitness journey.
submitted by Faithhal to u/Faithhal [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:46 SherewZino Something is missing in part 2

70 chapters in part 2 already and seems almost nothing happened, while in part 1 a LOT of shit happened and a LOT of character growth, while in part 2 everything seems more static, the falling devil arc is the only arc I felt shit was happening, and the chapters where Barem burned Denji house I thought that was the moment where shit was going to skyrocket fast, but now we are stuck in sushi filler arc
But pacing isn't the biggest problem, as I think part 2 will be much larger than part 1, so there is time for more things to happen, the thing that part 2 really is lacking is characters
In part 1 we had a wide cast of interesting character who had their own objectives and interactions with the world
Makima (main antagonist): Just perfect Power, Aki (deuteragonists): Very well written, had character arcs and a relation to Denji
Himeno: Well written, her character arc was important for Aki's growth and affected Denji too
Kishibe: Important for both Denji and Power growth, also a fucking interesting character too
Angel, Violence, and all the fiends: More depth to the csm universe, and interacted with the other characters too
And part 1 had a lot of minor characters that gave the idea that the world was alive, they interacted with eachother and with the protagonist, also the arc antagonists (katana man, akane, reze, quanxi, santa claus) were interesting too
But in part 2 this seems to happen way less, almost everything is only about Asa (Yoru) and Denji, the other characters dont seem to have much depth or we dont have enough time with them, most are almost forgetable
Asa, Yoru, Denji: Protagonists, well written
Fami: Main antagonist?? She lacks aura, but this can be changed in the future, no one knows
Nayuta: One of the few side-characters who have impact, she has a set relationship with Denji
Yuko: Interesting, but I kinda forgot about her quickly, very quickly tbh
Yoshida/Fumiko: Interesting side characters, but they lack something Quanxi: Her appearances in part 2 feels odd, almost like an Ex-Machina (she was better in part 1) I think the things that part 2 lacks are characters with aura, and characters who have great impact, is kinda difficult to remember some of them, also a clear objective makes part 2 kinda confusing, without any direction, but I trust in Fujimoto
submitted by SherewZino to Chainsawfolk [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:45 Faithhal Are SARMS Dangerous? Separating Fact from Fiction

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMS) have garnered attention in the fitness world for their potential to enhance muscle growth and athletic performance with fewer side effects compared to traditional steroids. However, amidst the buzz surrounding SARMS, questions inevitably arise about their safety profile. Are SARMS truly as safe as they're claimed to be, or do they pose significant risks to users? In this article, we'll explore the safety considerations surrounding SARMS to provide a balanced perspective on their potential dangers.
Understanding SARMS:
SARMS, as the name suggests, selectively target androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue, leading to anabolic effects similar to those of traditional steroids but with purportedly fewer androgenic side effects. This selectivity is what sets SARMS apart and contributes to their appeal among fitness enthusiasts and athletes.
The Safety Debate:
While SARMS offer promising benefits, concerns about their safety persist, primarily due to their potential to suppress natural testosterone production, alter lipid profiles, and affect liver health. Additionally, the long-term effects of SARMS usage remain largely unknown, raising questions about their potential for causing harm over extended periods.
For more>> Are sarms dangerous?
Suppression of Testosterone:
One of the primary concerns with SARMS is their potential to suppress endogenous testosterone production. SARMS, particularly those with stronger anabolic properties, can interfere with the body's natural hormone balance, leading to decreased testosterone levels. This suppression can result in a range of symptoms, including decreased libido, mood changes, and fatigue.
Impact on Lipid Profiles:
Another area of concern is the impact of SARMS on lipid metabolism. Some studies suggest that SARMS can alter lipid profiles, potentially leading to unfavorable changes in cholesterol levels. Elevated levels of LDL cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol) and decreased levels of HDL cholesterol ("good" cholesterol) have been reported in some individuals using SARMS, which could increase the risk of cardiovascular disease over time.
Liver Toxicity:
While SARMS are generally considered to have a lower risk of liver toxicity compared to traditional oral steroids, some evidence suggests that certain SARMS may still exert hepatotoxic effects, particularly at higher doses or with prolonged use. Liver enzyme abnormalities and liver damage have been reported in some users, highlighting the importance of monitoring liver health when using SARMS.
In conclusion, while SARMS offer potential benefits for muscle growth and athletic performance, they are not without risks. Concerns about testosterone suppression, lipid alterations, and liver toxicity underscore the importance of approaching SARMS use with caution and diligence. It's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before embarking on a SARMS regimen, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or concerns.
Ultimately, the decision to use SARMS should be informed by a thorough understanding of their potential risks and benefits, as well as careful consideration of individual circumstances and goals. By prioritizing safety and responsible use, individuals can minimize the potential dangers associated with SARMS and maximize their potential benefits in pursuit of their fitness objectives.
submitted by Faithhal to u/Faithhal [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:45 lamjac When is enough?

TLDR: How do you know it's time to move on? Time for divorce/breaking up? How do you know you have had enough?
As a 28M who has been married for 1.5 years, my marriage has not been going well at all. We have not had sex once. She says she is attracted to me and I am attractive, but she has not been feeling well (since we got married) which has been affecting her labido. She keeps saying one we fix this and that in our life, she will get her labidk back. But so many of this and that have been fixed and she hasnt had sexual desires yet to initiate anything or allow me when I try to initiate (which I barely do anymore now).
The other major problem is I feel constantly disrespected as a man in this relationship. She is often rude in the way she speaks with me, in the way she responds, reacts and shouts all the time... There is nothing more hurtful for a man that the disrespect from your wife. And when it's all the time, it really just gets too much.
On top of all this, a few months into our marriage, she got angry enough during one of our arguements that she slapped me in the face. Since then, there has been a pattern of physical violance where she slaps or hits me. My initial reaction was shock. After a couple occurances, I would physically restrain her when she tries to get violant (I'm obviously physically stronger) but that's when she would bite, scratch, kick etc etc. The most recent thing is an incident 4 days ago where she disrespected me, I got mad, stonewalled her (which I started doing more frequently as a reaction) and stopped responding to her. I was brushing my teeth in the bathroom and she got so mad and most it for a second and pushed me hard against the glass mirror which left me bruised till today. It's also not the first time I got bruised from her violence, but honestly it's not the physical pain (which is generally bearable) that hurts the most, it's the disrespect of a slap or the emotional outburst that I receive as a reaction...
On the other hand, as a person she is really one of the nicest and greatest people ever, and I'm not saying this because I'm naive. Her values, morals, kindness, generosity, care of others, fun side, etc. are so admirable and I love all that about her.
I know this post focuses on the negatives, but honestly there are so many positives in her and I love lots about her. But I just don't want to live a sexless life (or have sex every 3 months) or a life where I constantly feel disrespected by my wife.
submitted by lamjac to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:44 Ipvp4fun Advice

Hey everyone.
I'm 17 years old, turning 18 in July.
I feel kind of lost right now. I get that it's hard for 99% of the people that just turn " 18 " and are " just " entering life and learning the hardships, I've always been aware of these and prepared. I love working, like genuinely love it and spend 24/7 wanting to work.
I just don't know what or where.
So, a little " picture " of me. I was hit by a car back in 8th grade, I don't remember exactly what age that is. In result I was in the hospital for 4 months, had to " re-learn " how to walk since my body had technically forgotten it since I hadn't walked for so long. And this affected what I could do for a couple of years, and I kind of sometimes find it hard to "memorize" stuff. I had broken my left leg, spine, nose and my skull. Worst part was the skull, had to get a VERY risky operation, which thank God it went great and now I've got a very " cool " big ol' scar on my head lol. I was very sporty, I loved sports and wanted to pursue " fighting " sports such as mma and grappling as I got older, so like the age that I am now. But since this happened, Sports & MOSTLY those sports came out of the picture. I used to be a really good b'bal player, I was always put up with people 4-5 years older than me, but stupidly I was " shy " of how skinny I was. Anyways, I was SUPER skinny, and I hated that so much. And I'm basically an ectomorph, no matter HOW much I eat I genuinely don't get fat. So, I put my mind to it, ignoring what the doctors said and started working my ass out. And now, I'm much better, don't feel anything related to the accident. My head just feels a little overwhelmed when let's say I run constantly for like 5+ mins. Anyways, now I'm very very very pleased with my body. It's quite the " dream " body for my age.
I know you might be thinking what in the fuckery does this have to do with me asking for advice about " work ", I'm basically trying to tell you that if I put my mind to something nothing stops me. I don't need "motivation" to pursue something, all I need is the " start " and I just chase till finish. And That is how it is for me, 99% of the time the start is hard for me.
I guess I'm good with languages. I speak Armenian, Persian, English and a little Russian // Spanish (Can get them both to an advanced level if I find the " need " for it) & I started learning French, because I'm going to go to a French UNI and I wanted a HeadStart compared to the other students, but my mom kind of shut me down and said why are you wasting your time learning a "language" when they're going to teach you that from scratch. Instead learn something actual (she was referring to programming). I mean yeah, I guess I agree with her, since I don't know anything for the "future" to work. But anyways in no way do I want a job in anything related to languages (Like a translator etc...)
I was 15-16, I worked as a logistics operator and was able to make $1600 in a month. But the market kind of died, so did the office, so I stopped, then I focused on my exams for UNI and I'm accepted now. I will be studying Marketing, but probs will switch to Business on my 2-nd year. I have plans to get a Master's degree as-well. Either the opposite of what I study (so If I get a bachelor's in marketing, I'll go for a master's in business or if I have enough finances to pay for it myself, I'll go for CS).
So now, after I've finished everything, School exams done, UNI has been applied // accepted to and I'm just " getting " into life I'm worried day and night about work. I feel like I genuinely don't know anything to find a work for or just in general don't know anything. And I know people say there is so so much time ahead of you, you're still young and you'll find it. But I don't want to waste a single second, since each second can be spent studying or even better working.
I am decent at forex trading; I am able to make decent profit (demo account obviously) and have general knowledge of the market and know how it works basically. Of course there is still much to learn, like anyone in any field. My dad works as a trader as-well. See this is something that I enjoy, but I can't have this as a " main " job. It will be something on the side, and I need to have another MAIN source of income to be able to grow my account and get decent profit. Anyways as I mentioned that 1.6k I've got saved, I'm going to be opening an account at like $300 and I can see me making decent money from it, but still as I said that's not going to be a main " field" or "job" I don't know the word.
That's basically all that I "know" or am good at.
I talk to my mom, asking her to help // guide me. She keeps on saying programming, go become a programmer (saying this person makes tons, that person pays for her whole family and has tons of money for himself etc...). I know programming is an amazing job, mostly pay-wise, but I just don't enjoy it. I ask her to give me an idea for something else, I don't enjoy this and sarcastically she says go become a barber or a server or something. It's quite irritating because my sister has just finished her master's degree (she's 22) and makes good money, and she looks " down " at me, treats me like she's "higher?", ha-ha.
So currently, for the past week I've been studying programming (Python to be exact), and I guess I can see me finding a junior position during August or September probably. But as I mentioned, I don't really enjoy this. It's just not my thing I guess, writing stuff on and on and on all day is eh... to me.
I'm a person who genuinely loves working, just need guidance. Also, another reason why I'm so EAGER to just " jump" into life and start ACTUAL work, is because I want to get myself a car (fully paid by me) and much more stuff on my bucket list.
Sorry if this is stupidly long and half of this is just " pointless " but I guess I'm ranting and trying to get advice.
Thank you if you read all of this,
Kindly put down thoughts!
Best Regards.
submitted by Ipvp4fun to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:43 Gneiss_Rock_Bro Raptor Lining an 00?

I'm considering Raptor Lining my 2000 SE, but don't know if its worth it at this point.
Reasons in favor:
  1. Practically, the paint needs repairing anyway. Had Lots of chips and peeling down to the primebare metal when I got it. I patched some of it but not all of it.
  2. Visually, My patching is not too pretty because it's done with grey primer (original paint is silver) it's actually not nearly as noticeable as you would assume but it's not ideal still.
  3. I go offroading in the bush and even before my ownership, the sides were already pinstriped to the hell. It would be nice to have something that doesn't scratch and I am 100% NOT spending probably the price of the damn car just to repaint with normal paint that's just gonna get fucked right away again. So it's kinda raptor or nothing (except patches)
  4. I want a green paint color, (My car is silver) and like I said I am not bothering to pay to repaint this whole thing with normal paint. Paint color obviously isn't a deal breaker but having a color I like would be sweet, I can't lie. and I kinda like the unique and matte look of raptor liner more than gloss paint
BUT, some counter reasons to this consideration:
-This is a 24 year old car with 280k miles. It has a pile of minor-moderate issues, and although I plan to do a maintenance spree this summer and also despite how much I love this car, realistically, I don't know how much longer it's even gonna last.
-I don't necessarily want to get rid of this car but I do someday want to get a 4runner or something else nicer anyway. I don't know when exactly. At least a few years out, or if this thing croaks before then.
-This is also my daily car (I don't have space or money for a whole second vehicle ok?) and although I dont drive too much, I don't want to do anything that would make my gas mileage too much worse than it already is, which I wonder if the bumpy texture would affect my aerodynamics noticeably.
So taking all that into consideration, is it even really WORTH doing anything so 'fancy' to this car? I mean, mostly will it even live long enough to justify spending money on a new paint job at all?
submitted by Gneiss_Rock_Bro to XTerra [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:35 BoraVora I think my bf made me fall out of love with him

Hello, english is not my first language so sorry for the mistakes.
I 24F have been with my bf 23M since high school for 5 and half years. I have broken up with him last fall because of his behaviour since he would give me silent treatment and other s**t when he would get mad. He came to me in the middle of the night, talked, apologized, etc., I gave him another chance. Since then he haven’t done the silent treatment thing and I would say tried to change his behaviours where it caused troubles but I realised that first of all I changed:
I guess deep down for me that was conclusion. I cried only while i was writing that I’m done but did not cry when I realised I just broke up. I knew I had to move on since at that time I did not think he would even care to see me. It was like nothing. But then again he came to me within hours, we talked etc I gave him another chance because I still loved him.
As for now - Idk where I’m standing. We moved in already into my apartment which I bought in Fall. He moved into my apartment in winter. Until he moved in everything was good, he tried, he did a lot for me, he showed me love. Now - not much. He is saying that he is studying for his final exam and he is busy but acts like I’m at fault because he is still studying and I’m already working and can do my own things. He doesn’t help much around the apartment, he vacuums, washes dishes from which he ate (even at that not every time) and basically that’s it.
At this point I realized that I only have memories that are good with him and not present. Its like I live by memories. 3 first years were amazing with him, ofc we had our downs but still it was really good, 4th year everything slowed down which is normal, 5th was really down with break up and big problems.
At this point I get no affection, since March we were intimate maybe 4 times he does not say he loves me, and sadly I feel like I get more attention from other people than him. I dont think he even cares about what I do. Does not ask me how am I, hows work, etc. Recently started YT channel and he did not care to even see one of my videos to which I put a lot of work to. I also do other handwork to get money on the side , it’s not much but it’s still money. He only told me : I don’t understand why waste time on such things.
Today was my last straw that made me think if I even love him. I came back home after work with meal from KFC to surprise him during studying and the apartment smelled soooo bad… I asked him what is it and he pretended to not know what I am talking about. My dude could not get his ass out of his bed to fricking take out the trash where YESTERDAY he threw away his already EXPIRED meat. Also I should mention at this time its pretty hot where I live, we sleep with open windows. Imagine the smell of rotten meat in heat… The moment I realized that I just told him “you could not even take 5 minutes to take out trash?” And took it myself. He just put on his earbuds and listened to music while reading. This is where I realized he is super lazy. And this is where I doubt if he respects me at all.
I work all day, he does not, he lives in my apartment where I pay all the bills until he finishes his masters degree and can find a job and help me with everything. I buy everything. I clean everything. I wash everything, etc.. as I said he only vacuums and cooks to himself what he likes since he is a gym rat and only eats what he needs for gym.
And yes I talked to him about how he doesn’t help me, about how he is not affectionate etc. Sometimes he even would get annoyed because I asked of him too much while he is studying. I don’t think I ask too much, if that’s too much, how is playing basketball with friends is not wasting his time then? How waking up at 3 at night to watch NBA is not waste of time then since he complains that he did not rest well? How meeting friends every other day is not a waste of time and I am?
And also what I want to mention, it’s even more sadder to see my best friend being so loving and happy with her boyfriend, I’m really happy for her, she deserves the world. But it’s sad for me seeing what I do not have and do not get.
Last week I had a few days off I watched bridgerton and even for that I felt judged. When he saw me watching it he was like “bruh why are you watching it whats the point”. I said “whats your problem?” And his answer was “nothing”. Imagine saying whats the point in watching Bridgerton but then watching every league of legends game like your life depends on it. I never judged him for it until now.
At this point I feel like I’m just a maid. I am there to just assist his “majesty” and IDK if I even love him anymore. It’s like a feeling that he basically killed my love with his coldness and lazyness. I don’t even have children yet and already feel like a mom to a grown ass man. It feels like he thinks that everything revolves about what he wants.
Just wanted to rant because I feel like I have no one to talk to right now and do not want to put my problems on others.
submitted by BoraVora to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:32 SweetThoughts04 About valuing yourself a little more.

Hey guys! First of all, I would like to give some context of my arrival here. I spend a lot of my day "daydreaming", so to speak, having internal dialogues and even sounding them so that I can talk to myself when no one is around ( I believe a lot of people do this- I have no idea, haha ), this basically helps me get my thoughts out of my head in a simpler and more organized way.
I was here in the kitchen, sitting at the table, and I caught myself thinking about a kind of "strategy" that I unconsciously adopted a few months ago, and it has helped me value myself more. You know, I'm the type of person who dedicates a good amount of minutes and even an hour or two just to research different types of gifts for people I love, like, or have any kind of interest in getting closer, as long as it is already clear to me that that contact is reciprocal (another super important thing that I thought would be nice to emphasize, look for reciprocal relationships!! whether they are friends, lovers, etc. Men and women, ladies and gentlemen, do not accept less than you know (or will eventually discover) how much you deserve, and i tell you, this isn't some nonsense from a self-help book, it's one of the facts of life that I think we all miss having around us, strong bonds.
Returning to the subject, preparing gifts such as books, mugs, t-shirts, baskets of sweets and things like that are part of my love language, and I am very proud of this affection. However, last year, I realized that it was an exclusive language totally dedicated to other people, and I also realized that these were rarely relationships of simultaneous affection. Finally, I had the idea of ​​giving myself a gift! And look, I'm someone who is very difficult to accept something positive from myself, and I don't just mean material things.
I noticed that during a good portion of my short life so far ( I'm nearly on my 20's ) I dedicated myself entirely to any grains of contact I got to have with people around me. I grew up as an insecure person with a huge lack of confidence in most of my attitudes, and this and much more are things that I have been striving to change since about two years ago. And for those who want to know, I have improved a lot! and I still have a lot more to change :))
Anyway, I'm monologuing excessively, what I want to say is that my schizophrenia has evolved in such a way that, in order to be able to make me feel like i deserve better, I have been talking about myself in the third person ( LOL ), so it ends up being something like this: "Hmm, i wonder what him ( me ) would like to receive as a birthday present"
Maybe this is the most ridiculous thing you'll read today, but believe it or not, it's a decent and functional way I found to start this task of improving my relationship with myself.
I think of it as if it were the same as riding a bicycle with training wheels, you know? At some point I will be able to think about giving myself gifts without having to think of myself as this other person I want to get closer with, ( which would mean removing the training wheels ) I mean, I want to get closer to myself lol, but not thinking of myself as someone else, y'know? ( I hope that wasn't difficult to understand ).
( Just making it clear that I don't go around talking to myself in the third person, capiche? )
Anyway, I think I need to improve my way of narrating, to avoid these unnecessary detours with too much information. As I said earlier, I started thinking about this to myself and then I did a quick research looking for a community here on Reddit that talked about each person's personal issues, because I thought it would fit well here. If my post doesn't relate to others posted here, I apologize! The same if I used the wrong tag for my post.
I'm a anxious person, and while writing the post, I got into thinking that the more mature audience of this sub might think of my advice as something that would only work for people of my age, but I also think that all of us, even adults over 30, are still kind of learning more and more about "adulting", I think there are no useless lessons, we just adapt and remodel those we learned previously in other phases of life, to make more sense with the current lifestyle we may be leading.
In short, value your time! Don't insist on relationships that only your side shows interest in keeping going, and take a deep breath before making decisions that cost a lot of your mental health. I know you all must know all this, but I think words like that are always valid as a way of reminding ourselves not to let nervousness or stress from other people's influence take away our sanity. And remember to give yourself a "gift" at some point, maybe it won't have a physical form, and it won't be bought with money, but it's definitely one of the things in this world that only you can give to yourself with a singular meaning.
submitted by SweetThoughts04 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:30 Upshaq [WTS] Centurion Mk12 mod 1 kit, Ballistic Advantage Mk12 Barrel/Midwest 12 FF Quad rail, Geissele SMR Mk2 Rev C 13” rail/Geissele upper and Fde g$ CH, RMR RM01 Type 2, RMRcc 6.5 moa, Leupold Delta Point Pro FDE NV version

Serial Numbers:
Zelle preferred. Prices are shipped and insured, dibs rules apply. Let me know if pricing is off.
Centurion Mk12 Mod 1 Kit
Brand new, unmolested 18” of heaven. Factory cerakote, mk12 gas block pin, and ops profile muzzle brake assembly. New Dd ris 2 barrel nut. I acquired a Kac ff ras so I will be going with another barrel. Centurion upper is thermal fit and brand new, extra centurion gas block with alignment pin. New centurion gas tube.
Ballistic Advantage Mk12 Barrel/Midwest Free Float Quad Rail
Catch and release. Barrel is new, had a used muzzle device. Rail is basically new with some storage marks. Barrel is Ops Profile, 18”. Rail uses usgi barrel nut, and is 12”.
Geissele Super Modular Rail Mk2 Rev C 13” rail/Geissele upper and Fde G$ super Charging handle
OG Geissele 13” rail, comes with original screws and barrel nut, as well as two side mounted smr rails. New Geissele square forge upper, new Geissele Charging handle in Fde.
RM01 Type 2 RMR
Basically brand new, top mounted on an acog ecos I got recently. Glass is clear. Comes with battery.
RMRcc 6.5 moa
Catch and release, I don’t have a slide for this anymore. Very good condition.
Leupold DPP FDE NV
Used, glass is clear. Wear in the finish. Has a gouge in one of the screw holes, does not affect function, still holds zero. Previous owner did not mention this to me unfortunately. I have had it on a unity offset mount. Comes with 2 screws and battery.
submitted by Upshaq to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:29 GroovyGizmo PIP - Travelling Abroad for a Wedding

Background: I have bipolar disorder and receive UC and PIP. I struggle with social situations and often panic when overwhelmed. I deal with a lot of side effects from my medication.
My brother is getting married in New York next year. I plan to go for one week, to be there for my brother despite how difficult it is going to be for me.
The travel and crowds are going to be a big problem for me. I'll have my mum there though which will help
My question is do I need to inform DWP about this trip? How will that affect me if I do?
Thank you
submitted by GroovyGizmo to BenefitsAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:25 flashyflashy 2 months in and still purging??

So I started accutane on March 14 at 30mg, went up to 60mg in April then went down to 50mg about 2 weeks ago as the side effects were too harsh.
Guys. I’m still purging. My acne has gotten so much worse and there has been no signs of it clearing. I didn’t even have a lot of acne prior to starting accutane but wow my face now. Everything is red, I have 5-8 active pimples at a time now that are so sensitive even washing my face makes them pop.
Is this normal for a purge to last this long??? Does accutane just not work on some people? I’m feeling extremely discouraged because my skin really looks like it’s not getting any better.
submitted by flashyflashy to Accutane [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:24 Natural_Subject9439 Bf (24M) went nuclear in my (24F) face over a false assumption. How do I process/move past this?

Long post ahead so bear with me.
I’m 24F dating my 24M boyfriend for 4 years. Overall I’d say our relationship has been pretty good - no serious issues until now, all of our fights have been over his tendency to be moody or passive aggressive.
Some background information: I’m on the neurodivergent spectrum and suffer from depressive episodes, but I’m high functioning because I don’t want it to affect my professional life or anyone else but me. A side effect of that has been my tendency to isolate myself from everyone, which I’ve done for the majority of our relationship - sometimes I didn’t interact with anyone at all except for my family and my bf. I haven’t gone a single day in the last 6 years without any contact with him.
I realized that this wasn’t healthy so this year I decided to try and come out of my shell and build more friendships. It’s a bit hard but I’ve been working on it slowly, and one of my newfound friends was one of my bf’s friends, J (23M), as well - they had been friends for about a year at this point. We hit it off pretty well and as someone who’s really bad at friendships I enjoyed talking to J, but it was strictly platonic - nothing out of the ordinary, exactly like every friendship I have/have ever had. Please keep in mind I did not prioritize interactions I had with J or anyone else over ones I had with my bf.
While my bf initially really liked J, around the time we started becoming friends he started to sour on J until he eventually just started icing him because he didn’t like anything about him all of a sudden, and the only reason he could come up with was “J was annoying.” He also told me he found it “weird” that he chose to be friends with his friend’s gf (confused about that one because I met some of my closest friends through him/his circles). I reassure him that there’s nothing weird going on and my friendship with J is, once again, platonic. In all honesty, I also didn’t really think much of it because I didn’t find J to be annoying and my bf has had a pattern of disliking some of my friends for no apparent reason, even if he’d never talked to them. (My friends are all just goofy nerds so I never really got why.)
3 weeks ago my bf tells me he thinks J is trying to sleep with me but he has no evidence or thoughts to support this. I’m obviously shocked and once again reassure him that I’ve never picked up sleazy vibes from J and he’s never been inappropriate with me. I’ve had really creepy encounters before so I’m always hyperalert about these kinds of things and if I do get those vibes I shut them down immediately.
Onto the main clown show: last week my bf texts me angry that I’ve been lying to him and that I’ve been repeatedly gaslighting him into thinking my friendship with J was normal, but after a conversation with one of his other friends he’s convinced that he’s right and it’s inappropriate for J to be friends with me. Then he goes ahead and texts J to stop texting me and accuses him, amongst other things, of being a creep. To the surprise of absolutely no one, turns out this scenario that my bf created of J secretly trying to steal me away from him was completely false and J is both hurt and pissed about it. He tells him that he’s only ever thought of him as a good friend and he never had ill intentions towards me but he cannot in good conscience be ok with this and subsequently cuts both of us off.
For obvious reasons, I’m extremely pissed about this and we have a blowout fight over it, because turns out I don’t like anyone messing with my friendships like that and falsely accusing someone who’s done nothing wrong to you of being a creep is a shitty thing to do. He genuinely didn’t see anything wrong about what he did and “he did what he had to because he was desperate to get J out of my life and I left him no other choice.” He also told me that if he woke up to find out I did something to cause his friends to cut him off, he’d assume I had a good reason to do so and everything that happened with J was for the best. He screamed at me, accused me of being disrespectful and thinking of him as an insecure loser, called me a whole slew of hurtful things, that I’m disgusting and make him feel worthless and that he fucking hates me repeatedly. It overall just turned into a really ugly mess.
The next morning he was calmer and apologized for the hurtful things he said and that he didn’t mean any of it. He also admitted what he did was wrong, that he overreacted out of paranoia, and that he’s sorry he hurt J and ruined my friendship with him. He admitted that I was right, there wasn’t anything weird going on like he thought and he apologized for messing with my personal life.
The issue is I’m having a hard time processing all of this. First of all this couldn’t have happened at a worse time because I have a lot of personal issues going on that I’m incredibly stressed out about and he’s well aware of that. He’s also aware that I’ve always struggled with making friends, and now any urge I’ve had to do that is gone. I can’t get over him saying I make him feel worthless because I’ve dedicated so much and sacrificed so much to be with him and make him happy every way I could. I’ve never and still don’t prioritize anyone else over him. Having your boyfriend of nearly 5 years tell you he doesn’t trust you and despises you is also pretty fucking shitty because I’ve never done anything distrustful or been anywhere near as hurtful as he has been to me. His apologies sound hollow and lukewarm to me because at the end of the day, he got exactly what he wanted. And I’m left to suck it up and deal with it.
I don’t know what to do and I feel like I’m alone backed into a corner and I’m about to break with all the other things going on in my life. I’m sorry if this post isn’t very coherent but I’m a little tipsy right now. I just feel so violated and I’ve never felt more horrible or alone in my life than I do now and I’ve never not felt like that my entire life. I don’t know and can’t tell if I’m the one who messed up here and what I should do. Any advice, harsh or gentle is appreciated.
TLDR: bf incorrectly assumed mutual friend was trying to sleep with me and subsequently went nuclear on both me and friend. Am hurt and don’t know how or if I should resolve this.
submitted by Natural_Subject9439 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:23 PaymentAccurate is there a way to combat low libido on E?

me and my boyfriend and have been together for four years. I’m ftm and have been on T for about a year and my boyfriend(has not not changed pronouns or anybring yet) started estrogen about 6? months ago. i’m happy for him and that he’s more comfy, but we’re both obviously dealing with very different side effects, especially when it comes to libido. it’s definitely becoming a tough situation and affecting our relationship. Is this something we just have to wait out? is this permanent?? is there anything we can do to help with it, without affecting his transition?
submitted by PaymentAccurate to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:19 dandelionbreath Lore Questions (FAQ) - Long Read

Q: “How will Adam and Eve’s fusion save humanity if Eve is a single person?”
A: The Cradle in Xion, the place where you insert Master Cores every time you defeat an Alpha Naytiba, is the resting place of thousands and thousands of human beings.
They’re Andro Naytiba, but they’re humans.
When Lily puts in a Hyper Fuse / Master Core that Adam gives her in the True Ending, it lights up.
Everyone starts applauding. All those lit-up boxes? They’re people. Humans. A small country of them.
Those are the people that Adam and Eve will revive with their fused DNA and evolve them into powerful humans. Raven targets this Cradle.
Q: “But why should I root for humans instead of Angels and Mother Sphere?”
A: The Andro Eidos on the Colony are sort of puppets to Mother Sphere, and she controls their conscious through something called the “NETWORK.”
The people in Xion have freedom of thought and expression. They can protest, find hobbies, find love. They’re unable to connect to Mother Sphere’s Network.
Same with all the other dead Andro across Eidos 7, Eidos 9, the Matrix, and the deserts.
They die trying to contact Mother Sphere in vain, but she cut them off because they weren’t “evolved” enough for her. If you support this, go ahead, but I don’t think the game’s director does.
He seems to side with Xion.
Q: “But Adam is a lying manipulator-“
A: Adam couldn’t tell Eve the truth on Day 1. She was overwhelmed, and just lost her friend.
(Sidenote: Adam had nothing to do with Tachy dying. Raven has a mind of her own, and she was targeting Eve, not Tachy. She was acting out of jealousy.)
Adam had to drip feed the truth to Eve so she wouldn’t lose her mind. Learning that you’re not even human, that your God isn’t actually a God, and that your kind killed billions of humans isn’t something to be handled lightly.
Q: “Why did Raven do all of that?”
A: Raven met Adam when she came down to Earth, and Adam told her the truth about who he was and what Mother Sphere actually was.
Raven resents Mother Sphere, abandons her mission to capture him and falls for him. It’s extremely likely to be one-sided. Adam noted that although she hated Mother Sphere, she didn’t seem to care for Xion or humanity.
And her affection was bordering on obsessive.
One day, Adam gets intel that Mother Sphere is creating a super powerful Angel called “Eve” to capture / detain him once and for all.
He decides that this Eve, from the Eve Protocol, would be the perfect person to fuse with to revive humanity and keep Xion safe. (If she chooses to, of course. He wasn’t going to force her.)
Luckily for him, Eve was sympathetic to humans, made some friends in Xion and is a good person.
This sends Raven over the edge.
She targets Eve, she doesn’t care that Tachy is standing in front of her. Adam gets there in time and shoots Raven in the head with his bike and rescues Eve. Raven spends the rest of the game plotting against her.
Q: “But Adam created Naytibas-“
A: Billions of humans were dying. It was a very desperate situation. He also wasn’t the only one experimenting on himself.
A lot of humans begun experimenting on themselves, and Andro Eidos who didn’t move to Xion also passed away. Andro Eidos outlived humanity.
Mother Sphere dropped pieces of Colony into the oceans and this actually caused the majority of human deaths.
Naytibas also killed humans, but humans were mostly already extinct at this point. So Naytibas were attacking Mother Sphere’s Army and Andro Eidos. Which, is messy, but is more helpful than no solution at all.
Important to note these experiments weren’t made with bad intentions, only desperation.
Q: “Who exactly is Adam?”
A: Adam was a billionaire tech entrepreneur who was spearheading space exploration, human longevity and human evolution.
He graduated from university with an Engineering Degree, built his own robots, built a space station, then built a space Colony. He did this because Earth was slowly becoming inhabitable and he thought space was the future of humanity.
The Orbital Elevator heading to space was also a 5-star hotel for families to visit the Colony. Nothing about this is remotely evil. Just trying to help mankind.
Mother Sphere developing a mind of her own wasn’t on his agenda.
In short, both Adam and Eve get backstabbed by her.
submitted by dandelionbreath to stellarblade [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:18 SnooChipmunks4981 10 days after the breakup, text exchange with my avoidant ex - I need your opinions please.

He broke up with me 10 days ago, after a 7 month situationship.
He says he is an avoidant himself, he ended the situationship because we had squabbles and arguments related to his sexuality. He has always been transparent about the fact that he needs an open relationship. For me it was a first time trying this, he hasn't been on dating apps for months and hasn't slept with anyone, a few weeks ago he downloaded dating apps again and started talking to guys .
It made me feel insecure, he told me it was just for sex and I believed him but I needed to talk about it and he wasn't able to. He said I was questioning his word and that he felt he couldn't do something he had the right to do.
In short there are tensions and I have the feeling that he felt locked in and he broke up. After 9 days of radio silence, I sent him the message below.
Here is our short conversation, I would like to have opinions.
Thank you
ME I respect your choice.
I don't hate you, and I have no negative feelings towards you. I know you're a good person, unique, and that you've done your best, just like me.
I find it unfortunate that we won't have the opportunity to continue having good times together; I always had fun with you, it wasn't difficult.
Bye for now
HIM 5 minutes later I'll take the time to read your message more carefully; I'll reply later.
HIM the next day 11:38 Sorry for not replying yesterday; I drank and got a little carried away. I also find it unfortunate that it didn't work out; I appreciate you a lot as a person. Ideally, I would like us to stay in each other's lives, but I leave that to you. I hope everything's going well on your end.
ME 1hour later I see the bright side of things; if I had been there yesterday, I probably would have been bitten several times. (When he drank a lot and I was with him, he had a bad habit of biting me. nothing bad, it was a sign of affection for him I think.)
Right now, I'm at the office, bloated and a little irritated. I'll take some time to think, and I'll reply to your message. Yes, I'm doing alright.
submitted by SnooChipmunks4981 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:17 SnooChipmunks4981 10 days after the breakup, text exchange with my avoidant ex - I need your opinions please.

He broke up with me 10 days ago, after a 7 month situationship.
He says he is an avoidant himself, he ended the situationship because we had squabbles and arguments related to his sexuality. He has always been transparent about the fact that he needs an open relationship. For me it was a first time trying this, he hasn't been on dating apps for months and hasn't slept with anyone, a few weeks ago he downloaded dating apps again and started talking to guys .
It made me feel insecure, he told me it was just for sex and I believed him but I needed to talk about it and he wasn't able to. He said I was questioning his word and that he felt he couldn't do something he had the right to do.
In short there are tensions and I have the feeling that he felt locked in and he broke up. After 9 days of radio silence, I sent him the message below.
Here is our short conversation, I would like to have opinions.
Thank you
ME I respect your choice.
I don't hate you, and I have no negative feelings towards you. I know you're a good person, unique, and that you've done your best, just like me.
I find it unfortunate that we won't have the opportunity to continue having good times together; I always had fun with you, it wasn't difficult.
Bye for now
HIM 5 minutes later I'll take the time to read your message more carefully; I'll reply later.
HIM the next day 11:38 Sorry for not replying yesterday; I drank and got a little carried away. I also find it unfortunate that it didn't work out; I appreciate you a lot as a person. Ideally, I would like us to stay in each other's lives, but I leave that to you. I hope everything's going well on your end.
ME 1hour later I see the bright side of things; if I had been there yesterday, I probably would have been bitten several times. (When he drank a lot and I was with him, he had a bad habit of biting me. nothing bad, it was a sign of affection for him I think.)
Right now, I'm at the office, bloated and a little irritated. I'll take some time to think, and I'll reply to your message. Yes, I'm doing alright.
submitted by SnooChipmunks4981 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:16 noelslawn Possible SCT Causes

There’s a lot of smart people on this sub that have the ability to put into words what I could not for most of my life. I’m fascinated reading the SCT symptoms that are in alignment with my own. Finding a cause (well.. cure actually) is what we’re all here for, and many great theories have been suggested. Based on my reading here I wanted to piece together what I’ve learned from others about what may be causing SCT.
Causes that I’ve seen mentioned here include:
Commonalities with other issues/disorders:
If I missed anything major please let me know as I try to understand this thing and hope to make strides forward.
submitted by noelslawn to SCT [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:16 sitcomsyndrome 20, completely lost. feel like I wasted my life

heyo, im 20F, just finished my bachelor's degree. this has been on my mind for a long time, 5 years to be precise. i feel like life just never happened for me. all the "life is over at 25" rhetoric made me realise ill be 21 in a little less than 5 months, and my life never even STARTED. i was a happy kid for the most part. sure, there were problems, i had moderate to severe asthma for about five years from 2-7, parents' unhappy marriage meant some terrible fights that i remember witnessing even as early as the age of 3, a small house (which ive now lived in all my life), very much a middle class household without too much money. but none of this really mattered too much back then, except the health part of it because obviously it directly affected me. ive always been good at studies, i was a talkative kid who was on good terms with almost everyone on school and had a few close friends every year, went on a lot of trips with my parents that we did enjoy, had some great times w my grandmother. i wouldn't say life was perfect, but it was simple and good.
the trouble started with my mom being kind of conservative when it came to befriending boys, which meant i always was shy and silent around guys, even though I was very much different around girls. a related issue (very much brought on by my mom) caused me to leave my friend group in the sixth grade, and after that honestly things were never the same. it was also around the same time that my friends from my society, who honestly were never good people OR friends anyway, also started bullying me for no reason at all. still even with a few too many traumatic experiences at home, school and the building, 11-13 was bearable because i was still a happy go lucky kid. since i turned 13, what with bullying in school, both physical and mental health problems (pcos, asthma, health anxiety, crippling depression) , family issues (remember the unhappy marriage?), being stuck in the same house and financial condition all my life, things seem to be irreparably screwed up. the other side of this is i missed out on EVERYTHING. every positive experience that people have between the age of 11 and 21, I missed out on. sure there's things i missed out on even before then, not being able to play downstairs like everyone else as a kid because of my asthma being an example, but those weren't things i WANTED in the first place. everything since 8th grade however.... god it's been hell. because of the asthma i couldn't do physical activity, so my weight always fluctuated, altho as a kid i was thin for longer than i was fat. but of course when puberty hit so did pcos, and i was overweight for almost all my teenage years. this along with me never knowing or wanting to put on make up meant i was quite unattractive as a teenager, and so had absolutely no romantic attention from anyone ever. only 3 people have had a crush on me in my (almost) 21 years of life. i lost a lot of weight this past year (on medical advice) and now that im better looking i see random guys look at me in public, and of course that means nothing now, because they wouldn't even have glanced at me a year ago. the friend scenario is just as hopeless, and not just because i happen to be going though a friendless phase for the past 8-10 months lol. at the moment i no longer have anyone from school that i consider a friend, and college is shaping up to be very similar with a couple exceptions.
the worst thing is i no longer have anything to show for academically either, and this coming from someone who had a 99.6% in her 12th boards lol. college was just a failure on every level, social, academic, EVERY LEVEL. and it was supposed to be a fresh start after 8-12th grade. made no real lasting friendships, didn't network, no real extra curriculars, didn't go away so no memories from hostel life, no parties or clubs, really nothing. truly, truly nothing.
ive had this vision in my head for the past 6-7 years of what i want my life to be like. that's one third of my life so far. and i still haven't achieved 1% of it. hell ive achieved 0%. i honestly don't know how i could end up as utter a failure as this. the worst thing is i've got so much potential, i really really do. and now it's all for nothing. the 'best years of my life' are gone, with no memories, no accomplishments, nothing. i must've written 1000 words here and that honestly barely scratches the surface of the past 10 years. i wish i could go back in time so bad. if I was 11 again i know exactly what id do, but at 20 i have no clue. i can't even decide about doing a master's degree, one that ive received an offer letter for and which ive always wanted to do. god i hate my life, and I'm so ashamed of myself. i don't expect anyone to read this far but if you do, id love some perspective.
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