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2024.05.21 16:26 AutoNewsAdmin [UK] - Prince Harry fails in bid to name Rupert Murdoch in phone-hacking case

[UK] - Prince Harry fails in bid to name Rupert Murdoch in phone-hacking case submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to GUARDIANauto [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:25 rarakoko7 $Mgol early alerter directly on your cell phone the stock hunter have done it again Rara Koko private discord subscribers we got another winner chicken dinner 925 am May 21, 2024. Would you like to join us and get my alert directly on your cell phone? rarakokopd.com/plans-pricing

$Mgol early alerter directly on your cell phone the stock hunter have done it again Rara Koko private discord subscribers we got another winner chicken dinner 925 am May 21, 2024. Would you like to join us and get my alert directly on your cell phone? rarakokopd.com/plans-pricing submitted by rarakoko7 to squeeze_stocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:25 meouxmix Finally finished something I'm willing to share! It's been quite a journey of learning.

This is a print I made for my mom for mother's day of an azalea, a flower she couldn't stop remarking on when she came to visit me recently.
The photo was taken with my cell phone camera (gasp!), printed as a digital negative and then printed as a cyanotype on Hahnemuhle Platinum Rag paper.
submitted by meouxmix to cyanotypes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:25 itaukeimushroom Surgeon’s receptionist will not answer the phone and I can’t for the life of me get a hold of him 😭

I’ve been trying to get a revision with the only surgeon who will take my insurance for one, and his receptionist will NOT pick up the phone. Whenever I call the office I get transferred to them and it has gone to voicemail for the past 3 weeks now. The only way to directly contact the surgeon is through their receptionist and I literally don’t know what else to do when they won’t for the life of them respond.
I’m going to ask my therapist because they had surgery with the same guy (Del Corral), but I was curious if anyone ever had this issue and what you were able to do about it.
submitted by itaukeimushroom to TopSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:23 cali2385 Denied Costco promotion twice

We signed up for T mobile in Costco of September last year. Bought two iPhone 15’s at the launch and signed up for the Go5G plus plans.
The phones weren’t delivered until mid October and we went back to the T-Mobile counter in Costco at that point to port our numbers over from Verizon.
Clarified multiple times with the guy that what we were doing was eligible for the $250 virtual Visa card and the $150 Costco shop card per line. A total of $800 in cards. He verified it was all good.
Sometime later we received one $75 Costco card and that’s it. Had to call and they credited our account with $225.
After waiting for the virtual card for a while, we checked and saw it was denied, saying it was outside of the promotion window. After a couple of calls and going back to the store, someone realised that whoever entered the code used the wrong promotion code for us.
So at the counter the guy working there was on the phone with a rep and they figured out the right code and resubmitted for us, guaranteeing that it would be resolved after this.
We just got denied the cards again. I’m incredibly frustrated. I don’t want more credits with T-Mobile, I want to get the card that we can use at Costco. I understand that it’s the same thing technically over time but it was advertised as a card we can use at either company and I want to use it for there.
Who can I escalate this to or how can I get it resolved quickly? We’ve definitely fulfilled our end correctly with new phones on the correct plan and porting over from another provider.
submitted by cali2385 to tmobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:23 chickenxxnuggets Mental health/sex drive at age 31

Not really sure what to title this. Just kinda venting/looking for what others have to say.
I have everything I could ever want. A good job, an amazing husband, and a beautiful 5 yo daughter.
I wouldn’t call us wealthy but we are very comfortable.
I absolutely loathe going to work. 9-5, 4 days a week. I have it pretty easy compared to some.
I just feel so UNHAPPY. I cannot pinpoint why.
Ive realized recently it seems like my whole day revolves around doing for others. Which is probably pretty common as a mom/wife. But damn.
Wake up. Get myself and daughter ready. Take her to babysitter or school depending on the day. Go to work to make the owner of the company rich. Come home, do laundry, dishes, dinner, cleaning around the house etc. Get myself and kid ready for bed. Then bedtime. TV time with husband. I have ZERO sex drive by the end of the day. Doctors can’t find anything “wrong” but I know things like that sometimes take a few rounds of testing as far as hormones, thyroid etc.
I don’t want this post to come across as my husband doesn’t help since I didn’t mention it above. He does help with cleaning and such so that isn’t the issue. He pays all the bills and I’m only responsible for groceries, my own insurance, and cell phone basically. He also does a lot in his spare time at night to make money on the side to give us a good life.
31 just seems so young to lose your sex drive. I would say this started about a year ago? Just the cliche “sex is such a chore” feeling. It’s always good, so why don’t I crave it? I feel like a terrible wife bc I’m not satisfying my husbands needs. He is very respectful and doesn’t make me feel bad about it but it still bothers me. I do have some past trauma related to sex but nothing too intense.
Everyday just feels like Groundhog Day. Same thing everyday. But then any change in routine, like vacation, a night out etc, absolutely exhausts me and completely throws me off. A break from normal life is usually more hassle than it’s worth. I’m a homebody.
That’s another thing that has plummeted in the past year is my energy levels. I’ve gained like 50 lbs even though my eating habits haven’t really changed enough to gain 50 lbs in my opinion.
I’ve tried a few different supplements over the past year or so. St. John’s wort, ashwaganda, Berberine, olly libido pills, probiotics/prebiotics. Nothing really makes a difference.
Anyone else struggled with similar feelings? I just don’t know where to go at this point. Any advice or input is appreciated.
submitted by chickenxxnuggets to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:22 Olimarville iPad o another table?

Do you recommend iPads to draw more comfortably and not depend on a PC? or do you prefer another tablet? If I compare the OS of a cell phone I prefer Apple..
submitted by Olimarville to ClipStudio [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:17 DeadManSinging Three Dog is an idiot, a hypocrite and a poser

I know I am going to catch some hate for this, because people really love Fallout 3. I don't want to take that away from you if you like this game, but I need to get this off my chest.
Recently, I started replaying Fallout 3 for the first time in over a decade - Through the Tales of Two Wastelands mod Now, I really liked this game back when I was a teenager but replaying it now, I definitely understand the massive amount of hate levied at this game.
I'm not even that far in and I've already decided to stop playing it. - Everything about the game just infuriates me to all hell and honestly, I've been finding it a slog when compared to almost any other game in the franchise. (Including FO4 Which I actually enjoy quite a bit) In my opinion, many characters in this game are either narratively flat and underwritten, or incredibly annoying.
The last thing I did in this game was reach Galaxy New Radio - And that's where I realized one character in particular stands out as especially badly written and obnoxious: Three-Dog.
Not only is his radio personality completely unfitting within the setting (He sounds like a modern day shock jock IMO), he is incredibly preachy as well as being a hypocrite, an idiot and a complete poser arm chair "activist".
"Oh wow man I'm such a rebel working up for the little guy! Sitting in my ivory tower protected by a xenophobic militia of techno-fetishists hording all the tech! Wow, man I'm such a voice for the downtrodden! Let me blackmail the protagonist into doing my dirty work because even though I fight the good fight I actually only do things quid pro quo! THREEEEEEEEEE-DAWWWWWG! WOOF WOOOF WOOOF!"
Three Dog lives in an impenetrable fortress, surrounded by misery, preaching about how 'ghouls are people too' while his techno-cult terrorist buddies kill all ghouls they come across without exception.
Even in Fallout 3, the goody two shoes version of the Brotherhood still hate ghouls, killing them whenever encountered (In Underworld an NPC tells you as much) yet Three Dog has no problem working with them as long as they protect him.
Now, if the game was actually well written or clever, and ACKNOWLEDGED this fact, that might be interesting and deep. Like, if there was a way you could convince him he was a hypocrite and not to work with the brotherhood of steel - Or even if he didn't KNOW the Brotherhood did things like that and you could show him the proof and convince him to seek protection by Reilly's Rangers instead.
Or, he could be completely irredeemable, and a commentary on fake activists or a statement about journalistic integrity and how the media misrepresents itself.
But of course, this is Fallout 3 - So Three Dog is a good guy, and the Brotherhood are also good guys - Despite the fact that they are still mostly ambivalent towards everyone else in the wasteland and distribute the water for their own reasons. Three Dog is basically a propagandist for a xenophobic technology hoarding terror cell who are occupying the DC ruins as its self proclaimed rulers.
(And no, I'm not an Enclave fanboy, but the Brotherhood are by definition terrorists and Mr House and NCR say as much in New Vegas.)
Then, to add insult to injury, he's perfectly happy sending you on a fucking suicide mission to repair a radar dish because "he has to stay here and fight the good fight" (I find this particular stupid because the brotherhood a; Kill Mutants and b: hoard pre war tech like that in the Museum of Science and seem to be using him as a hype man. Why wouldn't they help him out?).
He's not cool, he's not subversive - He's just a fucking idiot and a hypocrite.
He's like if there was a supposedly anarchist podcaster whose entire show was about "smashing the state" and "ACAB" and anti government oppression, surveillance and racial discrimination - Meanwhile he was streaming from the headquarters of the FBI and lived with his Lockheed Martin CEO father.
What makes him even worse (IMO) is that his voice actor seems like the most obnoxious self important ass hat ever - Begging Amazon to put him in the show, getting angry every time Bethesda (And Obsidian) don't return his desperate phone calls about coming back in sequels and generally acting like his character is such an integral part of the franchise - Even though he was literally just a radio DJ in a single game that came out, what, over 16 years ago?
So yeah, sorry; Rant over. I don't mean to offend anyone who likes this game or this character, you're entitled to disagree with me, as I am entitled to disagree with you - But he in particularly annoyed me to no end and I was finding the game a terrible slog anyway. Personally, I'm going back to the Mojave and then maybe a stop over in the Commonwealth - Leaving the Capitol Wasteland for good.
submitted by DeadManSinging to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:16 rarakoko7 $FLJ early alerter directly on your cell phone the stock hunter have done it again Rara Koko private discord subscribers we got another winner chicken dinner 912 am May 21, 2024. Would you like to join us and get my alert directly on your cell phone? rarakokopd.com/plans-pricing

$FLJ early alerter directly on your cell phone the stock hunter have done it again Rara Koko private discord subscribers we got another winner chicken dinner 912 am May 21, 2024. Would you like to join us and get my alert directly on your cell phone? rarakokopd.com/plans-pricing submitted by rarakoko7 to squeeze_stocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:15 rarakoko7 $FLJ early alerter directly on your cell phone the stock hunter have done it again Rara Koko private discord subscribers we got another winner chicken dinner 912 am May 21, 2024. Would you like to join us and get my alert directly on your cell phone? rarakokopd.com/plans-pricing

$FLJ early alerter directly on your cell phone the stock hunter have done it again Rara Koko private discord subscribers we got another winner chicken dinner 912 am May 21, 2024. Would you like to join us and get my alert directly on your cell phone? rarakokopd.com/plans-pricing submitted by rarakoko7 to squeeze_stocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:14 AtlantiumAI SUPERLIGHT Episode 9

By Roc Hatfield
Aetherians of the New Empire are banned from ever returning to Aetheria or from joining into the One. The border net is a solid wall to non-authorized Aetherians, impenetrable. The Elo Eloahim passes through the net without a hitch.
The Blade has now come to a full stop. The shuttle carrying Excelsior Andriel is docking with the Blade. Once the shuttle is cleared of occupants, it will return to the Elo Eloahim autonomously.
Excelsior Andriel has made his way back to the bridge of the Blade and is admiring the border net through the giant viewer screens. I haven't been out here for many strands. Beautiful to look at.
Send some technicals out to one of those nodes to have a look at it. I am sure it is manifest, but there must be a way to defeat it. I want to tear a hole in it, big enough to push the Blade through it, Andriel says.
There is only one express elevator that drops down to the 17th floor. The operator must enter a series of codes as the elevator descends. The codes are changed frequently like a password.
There are government secrets on 17 that can never be accessed by unauthorized personnel, says Steven as the elevator nears the bottom floor of the Pine Bluff underground base. The door opens and Nancy, Walter, Brad and the two techies spill out of the elevator to a large hall with long corridors running down each side. The footprint of the bottom floor covers about 120,000 square feet, about the size of a car factory or supersized retail store.
We have all your gear in a lab down this hallway, says Steven. We are anxious to see your device at work, Oscar says. Hey, do you guys want to see something really cool? Steven asks.
All three nod in unison. Great. Follow me, Steven says.
The group walks down a hall and enters a lab, lots of tables, computers, not much to see really. Up on one table is a group of long plastic tubes, 12 inches in diameter, maybe 4 or 5 feet long. You can see mirrors at the end.
Wow, this looks interesting, Walter says. You are looking at the real reason we went into Iraq. Saddam had this built from instructions found on ancient Sumerian clay tablets found near where Babylon once stood.
They called it the Looking Glass. Our CIA guys heard about it and had photos and diagrams of it smuggled out of Iraq. We recreated it out at Area 51, Groom Lake actually.
When they saw that it worked, the powers that be, Steven makes air quotes with his hands, decided to go in and get it. This is the real deal. The whole 9-11 scam was part of an elaborate plan to get this thing out of Iraq. That’s my opinion.
Plus other sundry items. Walter, Nancy, and Brad are just stunned. Steven turns on a light source that bounces around from mirror to mirror and ends up at a large concave mirror, 15 inches in diameter.
You can see faint moving images on the mirror's surface that look like old 8mm grainy film. It looks like rioting in the streets, store shelves empty, a stark apocalyptic scene. Large crowds gather around the U.S. Capitol building and the Vatican.
Steven, where are these images coming from? Brad asks. From the future? Steven responds. No? Brad says. Yes, from the future. Steven says.
Somehow, light being moved over all these mirrored surfaces breaks out a light that is streaming in from the future. Walter moves in closer. So are these images just random snippets? Or are they organized in some manner? Walter questions.
The best we can tell is that they are like listening to an old AM radio at night. Stations from far away can drown out stations that are close by. Just sort of a jumble of music coming in and fading out.
It seems that the images are from different points in the future. One may be 5 years out and the next 50 years away, Steven says. So, what is so important about it, Nancy asks? Think about it, Nancy, having advanced warning of coming events.
Plus, many times we can see advanced technology. It's priceless, Oscar says as he reaches over and turns off the device. The one big drawback, however, is that, just us witnessing of these events will change them.
It's a very tight loop. We have been shooting video from the big mirror. When we compare previously shot video from images from the look in glass, they are different.
Some in subtle ways and others in major ways. Simply observing the future changes it. So we only keep it on for brief periods until we understand this phenomenon better, Steven concludes. Okay, let's get you guys settled into your lab. I am really looking forward to learning more about this superlight. Our world is amazing, isn't it? Steven says,
Washington DC is spectacular at sundown. The lights from the monuments and government buildings make for dramatic and exciting backdrop for the world leaders and dignitaries that visit, as well as the everyday politicians that haunt the city. A group of high-powered cabinet secretaries and military bosses have sit down for an emergency meeting with the president. Gentlemen, greetings and thank you for coming up here to the White House on such short notice.
I have been receiving phone calls and veiled threats from world leaders all day. Number one, what is all this fuss really all about? And secondly, what is going to be our stance in regards to this crazy technology, which I have heard very little about? Are we just going to take it from a private company and turn it over to all the governments of the world? The president asks out of breath, Mr. President, if I may, says Senator Abramson, who is seated on one of the two sofas just in front of the president's big resolute desk. I believe I was the first one to hear of this device.
I heard from a doctor that works at the company, one of my constituents. He came to me frantic and told me many details about this device. He had the presence of mind to film an experiment he participated in, shot on his cell phone.
I was so concerned about this horror show being in my district, I contacted the FBI director to look into it, for I thought it was a national security risk at the highest degree. The FBI director sent in a team with a warrant to seize any and all evidence related to the Superlight project. Brad Hillier, the company CEO, was one step ahead of us and had already moved all key components of the device and associated files and plans.
We have no leads at the moment as too where he and members of his staff are hiding out. I would like to offer whatever assistance I can, being that this thing was created in my district. I would like to help if I can.
Thank you, Senator. We can use all the help we can get. I want to thank you all again for coming up, and I would like to suggest that each of you consult with your respective departments and get me a letter that lays out your thoughts on how to proceed with this situation.
Please give me something by the end of tomorrow. I will then be better informed on my decisions on how to deal with this issue. Thank you all for coming.
All the attendants stand and stream out of the Oval Office. Ed Bramson hangs back. Mr. President, I had a deep black officer from the Space Force speak to my oversight committee, and she let it be known that she knew about Hilliard before any of this became public.
I have no way of getting to her. But I thought you should know, she may have information regarding Hilliard. Very interesting, Senator.
I will try looking under some rugs. But as you know, I have little authorization over deep black project sites or the people that run them. Please stay in contact, Senator.
Atlan, the home world of the Aetherians, is the seat of the Old Dominion. The large planet sits just outside the massive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy, in a large cluster of stars orbiting the event horizon. The light from all the nearby stars eliminate all darkness.
Every planet in this cluster is lit every hour, all over the globe by multiple stars. Massive bright stars can be seen in every direction. Humans could not exist here, the heat and radiation would evaporate the water in a human body in seconds.
But it's paradise to the Aetherians that dwell here. An indescribable garden, hundreds of millions of vast mansion homes with complex landscaping. There are over 100 planets inhabited by the Aetherians in this sector.
One more beautiful and amazing as the next, Atlan is home to the One. The One walks these gardens from time to time, and abides in a mountain compound known as Shiloe Ahim. Ambassador Lucentel the hand of the One, is an Ark ancestor.
He was with the One long before the Matterverse was spoken into existence. There are a small number of Ark ancestors, as many as 100 are known to live. The Akashe, the Ancient Hall of Records, holds records telling the story of the One and the Ark ancestors alone on Atlan.
The Ark ancestors wanted a family and asked the One to enrich them with sons. The One said he would extract a small spark of himself and release it as a son for each Ark ancestor. Many years later, the Ark ancestors developed the ability to petition the One for new sons and daughters.
The sons and daughters of the Ark ancestors are slightly less powerful than the Ark ancestors. Over billions of years, the eternal Aetherians have multiplied into trillions of beings and lower beings. The lower beings take the form of many exotic creatures that inhabit thousands of planets scattered across the Aetherians' Old Dominion.
Atlan is standing by to receive us, Ambassador, announces the Commander on duty. Please dock and secure the Elo-Eloahim. I would like to travel down to Atlan as soon as possible.
Brad, Nancy, and Walter have finished setting up the superlight in the big lab that Steven and Oscar gave them. Brad, you need to see the footage I shot of you while you were sleeping in the van. The interview I did with your driver, Zia, Nancy says.
What? You interviewed my driver? Brad says surprised. Yes, when you were asleep in the van, Nancy says, as she is cutting up the video footage. Okay, here we go.
Brad is watching the video, riveted by it. He turns it off. Well? Nancy asks. It's nice, I always wanted a daughter, Brad giggles.
I am sorry this shit is so crazy that if I don't laugh, I would cry. We haven't peeled back even one layer of this onion yet, and it's already difficult to keep up with. When I came out here with Archer on his private plane, Captain Carpenter introduced me to her little grey alien friends.
We flew aboard a small silver disc-shaped craft to their home base, that sits out around the rings of Saturn. Nancy looks right at Brad. Stop Brad, are you high right now?.
Brad pauses, don't you remember at lunch, Captain Carpenter said I would bring you up to speed. Well, I am bringing you up to speed right now. Drivers, waterbots, now grey aliens and UFO discs, what's next? Nancy asks with indigence.
Brad says, who knew a high-frequency light designed to see cracks in critical aircraft components and machinery would cause intergalactic turmoil. So as I was saying, my understanding is that the Superlight is a threat to a huge data collecting operation that these high freaks have been doing for eons. High freaks? Walter asks puzzled.
Oh, that's just a name I gave them. They are the beings that inhabit the realm that we see with the Superlight. They function at a super high frequency of light.
Their world is as real as ours, just operating at a higher frequency. Without the advent of the Superlight, we would never know that they are all around us and strewn all across the universe, Brad continues. The high freaks drive avatars or waterbots as Zia calls us, without our knowledge, so they can collect millions of terabytes from hundreds of telemetry points during the lifetime of the avatar.
It seems that the traveler or waterbot is just a spacesuit, be it an advanced one for the high freaks, Brad concludes. So the superlight reveals this relationship to the travelers, and that is what they are concerned about. Follow the money.
submitted by AtlantiumAI to u/AtlantiumAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:13 rarakoko7 $FLJ early alerter directly on your cell phone the stock hunter have done it again Rara Koko private discord subscribers we got another winner chicken dinner 912 am May 21, 2024. Would you like to join us and get my alert directly on your cell phone? rarakokopd.com/plans-pricing

$FLJ early alerter directly on your cell phone the stock hunter have done it again Rara Koko private discord subscribers we got another winner chicken dinner 912 am May 21, 2024. Would you like to join us and get my alert directly on your cell phone? rarakokopd.com/plans-pricing submitted by rarakoko7 to squeeze_stocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:11 Melodic_Morning_2221 Help, unsure if I have discovered a catering scam

Help, unsure if I have discovered a catering scam
I got an email from someone needing catering for his "wife's Suprise party". After initial email from him, he sent back a long email about what he was looking for. I tried talking to him over the phone but rushed off and said to text him. I sent over a proposal, and he accepted. He then asked for a favor, I asked what the favor was, and he proceeded to ask for my number to text me. Even though he already had my cell phone number. I looked up the address he gave, and the house says for sale and is also in a sketchy neighborhood. I am seeing a lot of red flags and am 95% sure this is a scam. Has anyone else encountered a scenario like this?
submitted by Melodic_Morning_2221 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:03 clmstreak Not eligible for variations in a category that allows it?

I’m listing under “cell phones & accessories > cell phone & smartphone parts” and under variations it says not eligible but I’ve seen other listings with same category that have it. Am I missing something?
submitted by clmstreak to eBaySellerAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:53 TripleJ_1 Need help figuring out who is stalking me please

Please keep an open mind and I have to say, if you're going to call me crazy or delusional please do not Comment as these are real people doing this to me. I'm extremely desperate for ideas and help and the local PD, even FBI was no help.
It started 3 years ago I began hearing people talking to me around the house, in every room including bedroom, bathroom, everywhere. Also my car. The most upsetting place I still hear it is when I am out of the house, say walking around a store, even without My cell phone on me, I hear them. For 3 years now they have listened to me, not stopped speaking to me (harrassing, mocking, bullying, spying) even during sex, the shower, while using the toilet, it doesn't matter. They also describe my movements and comment on things I do saying they can see me and have cameras in the house. I have searched and also had a private investigator search but have found nothing.
What it sounds like is a voice coming from a hidden speaker, volume low so that you have to focus on it and strain to hear it. It's not obvious and loud, it's mixed in with the background. They respond to me, actual conversations, so I believe there is a microphone also.
The scariest part is being able to be heard when not talking out loud, talking under my breath can still be heard by them and they respond to it and question me on basically my thoughts it feels like. It's crippling anxiety Inducing and a huge Invasion of privacy.
This whole time they have pretended to be other people (cops, random friends, exes, family) hiding their identity, and In the beginning I would reach out to these people to ask if it was them, until one by one everyone just assumes I'm on drugs and crazy.
The local PD hasn't helped at all, they actually have baker acted me, my girlfriend had baker acted me, took my firearm and also DCF became involved which is a huge disaster but still caused by the stalker, as I initially went to the cops for help and they didn't focus on the stalker at all, just on my mental health.
What I need are some ideas on what exactly they are using to be able to hear me, possible locations for the speakers as well as what type. I have searched my clothes for transmitters and have searched receptacles for speakers but nothing yet. Hired a guy to sweep as well and he didn't find anything either. Also any other ideas on who I can contact for help if Noone else is listening or taking me seriously, please this has been a living hell for 3 years every day.
They don't stop or cease communicating with me for a minute, it's constant constant talking, Commenting, questioning, harrassing, it has impacted everything I have lost jobs over it as I dreaded going to work while it was happening and family and friends to question my stability and mental health.
My phone is also being remotely viewed or mirrored as they actively and in real time comment and talk about what I am doing on it. So this is added stress since it involves things like finances, passwords, personal convos etc. I have anti Spyware apps installed but any idea how I can find out if it's being monitored?
Thanks guys im desperate and need some advice and some support I've been alone through this whole thing
submitted by TripleJ_1 to Stalking [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:49 After_Slice6743 Is this a HIPPA violation on our nurses part?

My husband and I get IV Ketamine therapy. There is this one nurse who flirts in my mind with both of us. My husband said that may just be her personality since we both got the feeling she was flirting with both of us. My husband is an attorney. When we were paying for our treatment she asked what he did for a living. He told her. She said that she was trying to get custody of her son and needed an attorney. He ignored her comment. Then she repeated herself, he said that it did sound like she needed one, still not making eye contact. Then I went to use the bathroom, came back out and my husband informed me she asked for his phone number so she could call him about her case. He instead told her the name of the law firm so she could look it up and talk to one of our paralegals. She never called. Next session again, she put the IV in my arm and touched me a lot more than I liked or thought was normal. Then next session, my husband was very out of it, and I helped him to the bathroom, and open toilet no stall. She tried to walk in so she could help him pee when I was right there, helping him stand up and unzip.... I literally had to ask her to leave. He has no memory of this because he was out of it. She acted like she was being cute. I don’t get it. Then again she asked for his phone number that session and he said call the office if she wants an appointment. It feels like she doesn't want an appointment but wants his personal cell. She also used my records to call my personal cell number and then chit chatted with me about nothing medical, no idea for why she called me to talk about my day..... We put a phone number that was disconnected after we got a new phone number a week before my husband's first session for my husband's medical profile so no idea if she has tried to text and call him. Then, she called recently to say they close at 5, but she'd stay late for us and it'd just be all of us at the clinic and it'd be private? Umm what???
We have discussed going somewhere else but the man who actually monitors the ketamine is amazing and we don’t want to give him up. She is the only nurse there.
Is this a HIPPA violation to try to use a patient as an attorney in the least? Are you allowed to use your patients' businesses for your benefit? Seems like conflict of interest.
submitted by After_Slice6743 to hipaa [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:48 dannybrahh Calls being sent straight to voicemail

Basically as the title says. All of my calls for the last week or two, including from saved contacts, are either ringing for about half a second or not at all - then going to voicemail. If they call a second time it comes through. My phone is not on do not disturb or any other focus setting. I updated to the latest iOS after this started happening and no change. I can’t figure it out. Can’t find any answers online either. Any help would be hugely appreciated
submitted by dannybrahh to iphone [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:40 gandagandaganda ESPN HD and ESPN2 HD disappeared 5/19

Sometime early on Sunday morning I lost ESPN HD (channel 570) and ESPN2 HD (channel 574). All other channels are OK that I'm aware of, including the ESPN SD (70) and ESPN2 SD (74). I changed nothing. We didn't have bad weather. It's not an event blackout. Those channels are still in my package. This is Verizon outside Philly.
From spending an hour on the phone with a CSR I learned ESPN HD and ESPN2 HD broadcast on the same frequency (567). What other channels broadcast on that frequency, so I can eliminate ESPN as being the problem? Verizon CSR initially suggested I call ESPN/Disney for help! This is a CableCard in a TiVo if that makes any difference. It's worked fine for years.
submitted by gandagandaganda to Fios [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:40 Ecstaticallysomber My email has been hacked and I have to pay $1000 in bitcoin within 50 hours.

My email account has been hacked and the hacker is threatening to release confidential information to my contacts. I received an email in my Outlook inbox, sent from myself, with the claims and instructions.
He claims to have access to all my accounts and devices as well as a video of me "masturbating". I have a suspicion that he is bluffing as the details don't make sense to me or align with my activities. I almost never jerk off at my computer and I have my webcam covered almost 100% of the time, as well as ensuring my mic is muted whenever I use my computer. He is threatening to release the video which he "linked" (although the link is not visible) as well as any other info he has in 50 hours if I do not transfer him $1000 in bitcoin. There is a slim chance his claims are true, so it is reason enough for me to be worried.
I have a windows PC, Macbook Pro, and Mac Mini, as well as an iPhone 14. I suspect I must have been hacked through my windows PC.
I am seeking the help of someone who can check if my device really has any trojan malware on it, and basically to verify his claims. Again, I have 50 hours so I am seeking urgent support and advice.
submitted by Ecstaticallysomber to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:37 Ecstaticallysomber My Outlook has been hacked and I have to pay $1000 in bitcoin within 50 hours.

My email account has been hacked and the hacker is threatening to release confidential information to my contacts. I received an email in my Outlook inbox, sent from myself, with the claims and instructions.
He claims to have access to all my accounts and devices as well as a video of me "masturbating". I have a suspicion that he is bluffing as the details don't make sense to me or align with my activities. I almost never jerk off at my computer and I have my webcam covered almost 100% of the time, as well as ensuring my mic is muted whenever I use my computer. He is threatening to release the video which he "linked" (although the link is not visible) as well as any other info he has in 50 hours if I do not transfer him $1000 in bitcoin. There is a slim chance his claims are true, so it is reason enough for me to be worried.
I have a windows PC, Macbook Pro, and Mac Mini, as well as an iPhone 14. I suspect I must have been hacked through my windows PC.
I am seeking the help of someone who can check if my device really has any trojan malware on it, and basically to verify his claims. Again, I have 50 hours so I am seeking urgent support and advice.
submitted by Ecstaticallysomber to cybersecurity_help [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:29 PolarisGeneral1000 Why no Stats available in Insta360 Studio for PC?

Well this is ridiculous that the PC version does not support Stats. I am not editing videos on a damn cell phone. Don't need to go blind any faster than normal.
submitted by PolarisGeneral1000 to Insta360 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:19 nadrojjordan Ported number in limbo, Visible cannot fix, any advice?

I feel terrible. I recommended Visible to my friend, who ported 3 numbers from his family Verizon account to Visible. Two of the three transferred immediately, but his wife's number went into limbo somehow.
It has been a week now and they've spent about 12 hours on the phone and chats with Verizon and Visible. Visible insists that Verizon has not released the number, Verizon insists that they released it to Visible. Verizon even added a line back to their family account and tried to port the number back twice, and insist they are 100% certain that Visible has the number but just has not activated it yet.
Does anyone know of any way to get this fixed? She is a freelance web designer and has used this number for her business for 10 years, it's mortifying. They're about to give up, but I thought I'd reach out here for one last ditch effort.
Thanks for any help!
submitted by nadrojjordan to Visible [link] [comments]
