scratchy throat


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2024.05.21 18:02 BeenUpEatinBeans Oh my god I feel fucking horrible, I’m at work with only 4 hours of sleep, no food in my stomach, nose and throat is scratchy and stuffy and I’m coming down off ecstacy so my mood is horrible

submitted by BeenUpEatinBeans to adultsnew [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:00 Leaving4Living Allergic reaction after having Creatine and Whey Protein for the first time.

I (20M, 5'5", 122 lbs) had 16g of MuscleBlaze's Raw Whey Protein before sleep and woke up with a mild sore throat the next morning. I didn't think much of it and continued to take 5g of creatine monohydrate. Nothing happened immediately, so I took another dose of 5g after 4 hours.
After a few hours, I felt fullness or pressure in my ears and a scratchy, sore feeling at the back of my throat. It was mild. When I slept that night, I experienced headaches, body weakness, and fluctuating sensations of cold and heat. When I woke up, I felt fine except for a mild throat pain. I proceeded to take another 5g of creatine.
Later that day, I started having mild pain in my throat again when swallowing. I also felt pain when I touched the right side of my neck area under my ear.
Context: When I eat anything that has butter, ghee, mayonnaise, or certain oils like palm oil, I sneeze 10-12 times almost continuously the next day. This has been happening for the past 4 years. Sometimes, this also happens with bananas.
submitted by Leaving4Living to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:21 summertimesadness80 had a sinus infection last week, cleared up over the last few days, woke up yesterday coughing and then woke up this morning with a hoarse voice and sore throat

Age: 20 Female Weight: around 78kg ? Not taking any medication
Last week I had a sinus infection (or it’s what it felt like. I was sneezing, my sinuses were hurting and i overall felt sick. Never went to the doctor because I don’t have insurance currently)
About a few days later, I started feeling better, and I was, until yesterday.
I woke up yesterday morning coughing and had been coughing most of the day. Still sneezing, but not as bad.
I woke up this morning to a scratchy throat, very hoarse voice, and I’m coughing. My voice is almost gone. Not sure if it’s laryngitis, mucus, or postnatal drip. Never had this happen before. I’ve felt pretty lazy the last few days but not super achy.
submitted by summertimesadness80 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:56 twistit2001 Exposed myself to asbestos

I unnecessarily exposed myself to asbestos today and am now worried sick about it.
I’m having some building work done and asbestos was found. Work stopped and additional expenses incurred.
My neighbour has experience in removing asbestos so offered to remove a small part of it so the building work could continue. I then informed the builder they could continue.
I had a call this morning from the builder saying they could come out, I then went to prepare the area and noticed that some asbestos was still in the area. I panicked and just removed a small 10cm x 10cm piece which caused some dust to appear. (I put on a Covid face mask)
I removed and swept up the dust, all ok for builders to start work. The builder told me what he was going to do and the asbestos I removed wasn’t needed to be removed.
Ive been sat all morning with a scratchy throat and worried sick I have done something stupid that will affect my health.
TLDR: removed asbestos in a panic over a building project with limited protection. Now worried I have made a detrimental impact on my future health.
submitted by twistit2001 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:24 Ambitious_Jello Developing allergies

I have been facing stomach issues for a while after a bout of viral fever, for which I had to take antibiotics. My current symptoms include diarrhea like stools and some lower rib pain on the left side (not sure if it's related)
I didn't change my diet in any way. I am taking yoghurt and yakult everyday and haven't seen any improvement. On some days I randomly get a good bowel movement. I don't face any nutritional deficiencies (so far as I can tell) and live pretty actively. Not lost any weight.
Recently I have realised that I have developed allergy to eggs. My lips swell up and my throat gets scratchy. Then a few days ago I had beer after a long time and it gave me almost an anaphylaxis like reaction which subsided after allergy medicine.
I have no idea what is happening to me. I feel like giving up without even trying any treatment. This is just a rant I guess. But yeah if someone has gone through something similar please chime in
submitted by Ambitious_Jello to GutHealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:07 Complex_Rope Post nasal drip, cough, clearing throat

Hey! I didn't really find anything when I searched the board, so here I am posting. I have been on pristiq 25mg for 7 days and have noticed lots of post-nasal drip, especially at night. I wake up with a scratchy throat, have to constantly cough or clear my throat throughout the day.
Has this happened to anyone else? Does it go away?
I really like this medicine, aside from this side effect.
submitted by Complex_Rope to Pristiq [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:35 imanemetophobe Idk what to title this

So this weekends been good been out and about not too much Monday morning comes round I have a sore throat not thinking to much of it go get a small thigh tattoo I had booked at 12pm all good come home my nose is all stuffy still and my throat has gotten worse hours on now I had a panic attack at 4pm because the throat is itchy and I can feel it in my throat now 1:31am I’ve woke up mid sleep freaking out pure panic attack honestly so nauseous I don’t know if it’s because I’m so blocked up or not my right nostril is completely blocked I’m basically a mouth breather rn and the other is semi blocked my throats scratchy and tickles but I feel nauseous every now and then quite often, again I don’t know if it’s because I’m all blocked up or hayfever or what but I just want a second opinion lol (my mums asleep I don’t wanna wake her up and my bf already woke up next to me asking how I was because my body was shaking)
submitted by imanemetophobe to emetophobia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:30 LegalLoliLicker Hypochondriac help regarding unilateral tonsil swelling. Tonsil Cancer?

21m, non smoker, no significant medical history.
Exactly two weeks ago today I woke up with a scratchy throat and noticed that my tonsils were swollen. The right tonsil considerably more than the left.
This scratchy throat persists to this day and is focused mostly around my right tonsil.
I went to the urgent care on Saturday (saw a NP) and was told I have viral pharyngitis and was given a steroid pack. Since taking the steroid I have noticed no improvement in the feeling in my throat.
I know I'm way outside the demographic for such types of cancer, but I'm a hypochondriac and it's become harder to rationalize with myself.
Any opinions? How long until the symptoms of Viral Pharyngitis should resolve? When should I consider seeing a doctor?
submitted by LegalLoliLicker to AskDoctorSmeeee [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:13 LegalLoliLicker Health anxiety regarding tonsil cancer

21m, non smoker, no significant medical history.
Exactly two weeks ago today I woke up with a scratchy throat and noticed that my tonsils were swollen. The right tonsil considerably more than the left.
This scratchy throat persists to this day and is focused mostly around my right tonsil.
I went to the urgent care on Saturday (saw a NP) and was told I have viral pharyngitis and was given a steroid pack. Since taking the steroid I have noticed no improvement in the feeling in my throat.
I know I'm way outside the demographic for such types of cancer, but I'm a hypochondriac and it's become harder to rationalize with myself.
Any opinions? How long until the symptoms of Viral Pharyngitis should resolve? When should I consider seeing a doctor?
submitted by LegalLoliLicker to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:08 scccc- Just fostered a cat that was previously a stray. Do I need to clean him?

Just fostered a cat that was previously a stray. Do I need to clean him?
I am first time owner. Planning to shower him tmw after his pet shampoo arrives. I have really bad sneezing, scratchy throat, watery eyes and rashes with him
submitted by scccc- to cat [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:31 DipperAndSmear How to recover from meltdown/shutdown?

Yesterday I had one of the worst meltdowns I’ve had in months; screaming, crying, hitting things, begging for someone to help me, due to some not so happy life events. I’ve just been so overwhelmed and sad, both my heart and brain hurt so much. My mom was there when I had the meltdown but didn’t have the capacity to take action (which somehow makes it worse than just being alone) and later in the evening my partner came to make sure I ate and take me on a little drive. I just felt so drained. Today I woke up and feel like I have the flu, my throat is scratchy and my body hurts and I’ve got a terrible case of brain fog. When I’m melting, I’ll pass the crest and start moving back down to baseline and need tools, routines, etc to help me restore myself but I don’t have good ones yet. And I need ideas for how my partner or mom can help me recover. I just feel helpless and I know they do too :( in the hours/days after I just feel like a puddle of goo
TLDR: how do you guys unwind from a meltdown? How do others help you recover?
submitted by DipperAndSmear to AuDHDWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:52 LegalLoliLicker Would you agree with the diagnosis of Viral Pharyngitis? Unilateral tonsil swelling?

Exactly two weeks ago today I woke up with a scratchy throat and noticed that my tonsils were swollen. The right tonsil considerably more than the left.
This scratchy throat persists to this day and is focused mostly around my right tonsil.
I went to the urgent care on Saturday (saw a NP) and was told I have viral pharyngitis and was given a steroid pack. Since taking the steroid I have noticed no improvement in the feeling in my throat.
Any opinions? How long until the symptoms of Viral Pharyngitis should resolve? When should I consider seeing a doctor?
submitted by LegalLoliLicker to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:52 tosil Anyone who ran NYRR Brooklyn Half have a sore throat?

Does anyone who ran the NYRR Brooklyn Half have a sore throat?
My throat is feeling super scratchy ever since the race. I don't have any allergies and felt 100% when I ran.
I don't know if it was the water at the fluid stations (to me they tasted a bit odd), or some random coincidence so I wanted to see if anyone is in the same boat.
submitted by tosil to RunNYC [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:02 BeetleBlight How can you tell the difference between throat tightness from allergic reaction or throat tightness from Gerd?

Is there swelling visible when it’s anaphylaxis? I struggle with most of what I eat causing almost immediately pretty uncomfortable and bad throat tightness, sometimes scratchy, but I don’t think ever wheezy. It certainly feels like my throat is closing, but air gets by fine and nothing ever looks super swollen. I know I have had bad acid reflux in the past but I also will sometimes get facial itchiness and / or lip spasms with these symptoms and it’s pretty intense but never noticeable hives. I have been diagnosed with MCAS and just started Pepcid for it. Zyrtec gave me a bad allergic reaction. I can’t tell if I’m having a mild reaction accompanied by intense GERD or a moderate reaction that I need to manage better because of anaphylaxis risks. I don’t really have any guidance on MCAS I’m waiting to start seeing a Dr for it in July but my gastro and neurologist who has studied MCAS but agree I have it. I just want to know if anyone has any advice based off their own personal experiences. I know nobody is doctors I just want some guidance because it’s been really difficult dealing with this and trying to figure out what’s wrong.
submitted by BeetleBlight to MCAS [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:36 DoomDicer Dorag's Tale [Adventure, 10500 ]

Hello, thanks for having a look at my post. I would appreciate any feedback, but I am mostly looking to find out weather my story is enjoyable to read, engaging, and if it is well paced or not. It is still unfinished, and I'm aiming for a novelette length, preferably under 20000 words. Here are the first few paragraphs and a link to the doc. If any of you do check it out, I hope you enjoy.
Dorag's Tale
Down in the salty city of Beskivar, a well respected fisherman slept comfortably next to his mate. His belly pressed against her back, and his whiskers flicked over the scratchy bedding as he twitched his nose. He rolled over onto his back, untucking one flipper-foot from the covers, and his dreams drifted to exotic and beautiful cows. Tall cows with slender bodies and smooth skin, walking gracefully over the land. He had seen human cows recently, or women as their race apparently called them, and his mind was filled with the thought of them ever since. It was always the human bulls that came to trade, these so-called men, but they held little respect for besk, and they demanded high prices for their goods. Recently however a few women were among a group of traders, and seeing these women roused something within the fisherman. The thought of them infatuated him, all clad in bangles and loose colourful clothes that flowed over their slender bodies. They walked with such grace and smiled with such confidence, and the only hair to be seen was luscious and soft, falling from their heads.
He awoke from his dream, and he opened his big, round eyes with a sigh as he turned to look next to him. He saw his mate lying on her side. She was the mother of his young, a lovely little fuzz-ball, and she was plump and short even by besk standards. He still loved her, but he no longer desired her bristly hide like he once did. As he looked at her a gust of wind shook their wooden den. He felt a draught on his neck, and he turned around to see the day’s first light creeping in through the gaps between their planks. Lying there, he let his mind linger on those mesmerising human cows for a few more moments. He then stood up from his sandy nest of blankets and walrus hides, and he began considering what had to be done that day.
Fishing, obviously, was what had to be done that day, because that was what he did everyday, and he tried to focus on thoughts of the weather and his boat. But a curved set of thighs began a sultry walk into his imagination, and above them a slim waist… “Broark!” His mate barked a low noise as she stretched her stubby arms. His thought was cut short. “Morning my love,” she said to him in the common language of the besk, a language that is more or less just different ways of clearing your throat. The stocky brown creatures have a lot less lip and tongue dexterity than the other races of Sentra. “Morning,” he replied without looking at her, while rubbing his belly and struggling with his pants. He was so busy tying up his leather chaps that he didn’t notice the spark of joy slip from her eyes.
submitted by DoomDicer to fantasywriters [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:10 11Pink_Lemonade11 AITA for telling my friend off when she said my singing was bad?

I, (15M) and my two friends- Claire (15F) and Hailey (16F) were sat in our school's lunch hall and me and Hailey were practicing a high note for the latest song we're doing for out choir. For context, it's less of a choir and more of a singing group since we do songs from musical and at the moment we're doing a set from Mary Poppins Returns. I haven't been in the past three weeks (it's an afterschool club) and there's a particularly high note Hailey says it would be good to practice since I struggle to hit high notes a bit, not too much but apparently she even struggled on this one and she's a high soprano.
But anyways, so we're sat on our table in the canteen and she's playing the song and I'm trying to match it and she's directing me if I'm too low or too high. Now I've had a scratchy throat for the past few days so my singing isn't the best and I know it and I'll admit it. I mean I even said to her before if it lasts too long my voice will start cracking, and she says it's fine and we'll practice sustaining it as well.
So, we're minding our business and I have a particularly nasty voice crack right in the middle of the note, normally I wouldn't struggle this much so I'm a bit embarrassed- obviously I'm singing quietly as well so I don't draw any attention to us, so Hailey doesn't catch it to well. But Claire does and she just says that I should re-think this club- which I've been in since around year 8. So I just say our teacher put me on the high part and I trust her judgement on my singing I'm just struggling right now because I haven't sung on a higher scale in a while (normally I'm more of a baritone or tenor but I definitely can reach soprano).
But she keeps interrupting me and telling me, in her words- I'm doing shit. It gets to about the fifth time and I get mad at her and tell her to go away because she's annoying me and she doesn't do anything about singing and she can't even sing, plus I need to practice this note for the end of the week so I'm not massively behind everyone else. She gets annoyed and tells me I'm a bad person, but I don't think I am- she was adding unnecessary comments I didn't need when I was already struggling.
submitted by 11Pink_Lemonade11 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 15:57 Matt_wwc Waking up after 3-4 hours and not falling back asleep

Looking for any tips or just solidarity :( I’ve always been a pretty anxious sleeper, but in the past the problem was falling asleep in the first place. But the past 3-4 weeks, the title says it…fall asleep ok, but then wake up (to pee or whatever, or no reason) at 2-4 AM and have intrusive thoughts that I won’t be able to fall back asleep and…guess what, I don’t.
It all started when I had a cold that had me waking up with a scratchy throat for like WAY longer than I expected (like 7 nights straight), and the tiredness got me completely in my head and now I’m stuck in this feedback loop of anxiety and self-fulfilling negative expectation. I know full well that the only reason I’m not able to fall back asleep is that I’m afraid of not falling back asleep, but can’t seem to break through.
Funny thing is it only happens on weeknights. On the weekend when I don’t have to be up for work, I sleep great. Then Sunday night we start all over again.
I’m getting to the end of my rope. I am going to bed earlier, taking magnesium/b6, melatonin, trying to do box breathing when I get back in bed when I wake up, listening to relaxing podcasts/meditations (the latter two seem to have the most success but it’s still a battle). I’m at the point where I’m thinking about going to the doctor but I don’t want to be put on a benzo or anything similar even short term (recovering alcoholic).
If anyone has any other tips for this specific problem let me know :(
submitted by Matt_wwc to sleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 15:15 Pretty_Lawfulness_77 Hives’s and scratchy throat and flu like symptoms.

So I developed hives again and I am not feeling to well yesterday and now today. It’s not Covid because I tested myself and it was negative. I don’t know what I am sick with right now. Part of my face is red with hives on it and my chest is all red plus my shoulder on one side and my legs. Don’t feel like eating at all
submitted by Pretty_Lawfulness_77 to LongCovid [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:59 goldenpothos1122 almost a 1 month in

i started using t-gel a month ago! i feel better about my body. i want to eat a lot more than usual and my t-guy friends told me that would happen. my throat is really scratchy already and i feel like i have to cough a lot. i thought i was sick or my micro-T( smoking cigs) but apparently it’s pretty normal. i know it will be awhile before it cracks but i’m pretty excited.
submitted by goldenpothos1122 to TestosteroneKickoff [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:28 Dense-Kaleidoscope55 Post Surgery!

I posted in this sub a few months ago after being newly diagnosed, and I wanted to come back post-op to share my experience so far. I feel like a lot of the posts I had read were dissimilar to what actually happened with me, so I'm hoping this will help someone else out there!
Most folks I had read stories from had a nodule on either the right or left side of their thyroid, and therefore had half or all of their thyroid removed. Mine happened to be smack dab in the center on the isthmus, which confused and worried me because it didn't seem common. If this also is you, don't fret! My surgeon was able to remove a small portion of my isthmus, leaving the vast majority of my thyroid untouched. This meant I didn't need to worry about my parathyroids or other nearby nerves being impacted by surgery, and as of now I won't need medication to replace my thyroid hormones.
As far as post-op recovery has gone (it's been 4 days), I definitely recommend taking a full two weeks off of work/school if possible. The thought of going back to work in 2 days sounds nearly impossible for me right now. If you have a WFH job that requires minimal talking, you could probably swing it with one week off. Currently, I have the surgical tape still on my neck, a scratchy/hoarse throat, and a fair bit of stiffness. I can turn my head slightly, but not enough to safely drive yet. Washing and/or putting up my hair is also not so fun. I can talk, but not loudly, and coughing/sneezing is a dreadful experience. I'm quite exhausted still, and have been taking naps mid-day, but I've been able to get out of the house for fresh air every day since surgery. I ate soup on the first day, but haven't been restricted on food since then. I HIGHLY recommend an ice BAG (not a hard ice pack) for recovery! It's nice to nestle it under my chin when i'm laying down. Also, definitely get a wedge pillow to sleep on!
Happy to answer any questions about surgery and post-op life. It was not nearly as bad as I had anticipated, so hopefully this helps bring some calmness to anyone who may be spiraling about imminent surgery!
submitted by Dense-Kaleidoscope55 to thyroidcancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:02 v0ltage_w0lf I’m about to get sick and I’m incredibly pissed off about it

I have no particular reason to be pissed off about being sick, it’s just the fact it’s about to happen and I know it is destroys any feeling of hope for the next week. I have that scratchy “something is stuck in my throat feeling”, those pulsing headaches the night before you get sick, and ever so slight sinus congestion. I’m savoring my last night of clear nasal airways and no coughing. I am not excited for what lies ahead. God help me
submitted by v0ltage_w0lf to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:54 Imaginary-Dog-9542 Shoulder pain

I’m 20 weeks today, and I’m coming down with a cold (sore scratchy throat, overall cold symptoms). The last two days I’ve had shoulder pain that is just uncomfy. Of course google says 1) it’s normal! 2) it’s a sign of pre eclampsia or HELPP and I can’t stop worrying. I was short of breath recently but figured it was due to being bloated and out of shape. Has this happened to anyone else? What would you do? * I just took my blood pressure at home with a cuff and it read 118/80
submitted by Imaginary-Dog-9542 to pregnant [link] [comments]