Valentine bras

A Bra That Fits

2010.12.21 04:59 _Kita_ A Bra That Fits

Because everyone who wants one deserves A Bra That Fits!

2012.02.24 03:55 punnyenough lululemon

A sub dedicated to all things lululemon

2024.05.15 22:46 brutongaster75 [Fit Check/Recommendations] 56I US / 56 G UK - In search of comfort and support ♥

Hey yall. I've been reading a lot here for a long while, so in an effort of self-care I measured myself and bought the only semi-accessible bra I could based on the calculator recommendations: Glamorise Women's Magiclift Original Support Bra Wirefree #1000 in 56I
I've only worn shapeless sports bras for most of my life, and when I did wear a fitted bra - it was mostly just 'the largest one I can find' kind of thinking without any real measurements. So usually DD, sometimes DDD? But almost never actual cups, just the soft wireless. So I can't really give a lot of historical what worked/didn't work. But nothing ever worked.
However, this bra is not right (I did follow all the instructions on scoop + swoop which have been great!):
Pictures (NSFW):
My Measurements:
Calculator Recs:
Shape is something I'm still struggling to understand terminology of, but I definitely think I am wide set, my first instinct was shallow - but I'm probably at least slightly projected, and have very soft and malleable tissue. Probably once I lose more weight I will go down in band and cup size, but that's for another day.
From all of my reading, I suspect I am not going to like the more full coverage bras (that seem to have more of an issue with the fabric riding up into the armpit). Also I know this is a long shot, but I really hate the super wide/thick straps that so many plus bras seem to suffer from (maybe all mainstream bras, idk - just have experience with the 'plus size' ones).
Bras I've found as possibilities, but please feel free to share more - I have looked and looked and looked for options:
I hope I included enough to work with - please let me know any follow up thoughts + questions! Thank yall for being so supportive and helpful. Maybe I'll find something that makes me feel a little better about myself sometimes ♥
submitted by brutongaster75 to ABraThatFits [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 02:33 stuckwith_scarylove_ Bra recommendations

I’m pretty new to the skims universe. I ordered from the Valentine’s Day drop and I was mistype satisfied with my order. I got undies, which are absolutely amazing and I also got the lace unlined balconette bra that’s stretch satin. My breasts are pretty big and going by the size chart, I ordered 40DDDD. However, I don’t like the way the bra fits me. Firstly, the part that’s between my breasts doesn’t sit on my body, rather it springs up(?) idk if that makes sense. Also the wires sometimes rub into my armpits. If I let the straps a bit loose, my breasts feel unsupported. I’ve been wanting to order from skims again, specifically bras, but I’m unsure as to what to order. I like the size of the band and I can potentially even size down to 38 but the cup is where I’m confused. Also wondering what style to go for. I thought about push-up but I decided to ask here since I know theres plenty of skims veterans. Thank you in advance <3
submitted by stuckwith_scarylove_ to SKIMSbyKKW [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 12:50 Jooos2 Complètement perdu dans cette situation

J'ai besoin de parler, depuis ce week-end je rumines cette histoire et je me demande si elle vaut le coup d'être continuée. J'ai rencontré A sur une appli de rencontre il y a deux mois. J'ai été clair sur mes intentions dès le départ. Je cherchais à construire une relation sérieuse. Elle m'a dit qu'elle aimerait aussi pouvoir construire une histoire sérieuse. Dès notre première rencontre, on a une vraie osmose. C'est quelque chose d'inexplicable. On se comprend sur tout, on rigole, on est tactiles... bref tout est vert.
On se revoit, la seconde fois, elle tombe à la gare, complètement blessée, elle me téléphone en panique, je pense que c'est une blague ou qu'elle veut pas me voir... elle me dit de la rejoindre, je l'ai vu en sang, on s'est pris dans les bras, c'était très intense émotionnellement, je lui ai dit que j'avais envie de l'embrasser, et elle m'a fait un bisou sur la bouche.
La troisième fois, on se voit, on va manger au resto, la complicité est toujours là. On se prend les mains, on se regarde comme des amoureux. Je la raccompagne à la gare et on s'embrasse.
La 4e fois elle m'invite chez elle, elle vit avec son papa, je fais sa rencontre, elle me reçoit comme un roi. On a eu une discussion, et elle voulait voir où notre relation pourrait mener, on parle de la St-Valentin et on se dit que peut-être on la passera ensemble.
On continue d'enchainer les "rencards" au resto, et je paie à chaque fois le diner, ça me fait vraiment plaisir de l'inviter et de passer ces moments ensembles. A ce point, je la considère comme ma copine, d'ailleurs au 5e date elle m'a dit qu'elle a parlé de moi à ses collègues et qu'elle leur a dit que son copain l'invitait au resto, à ça je réponds en rigolant "je suis ton copain du coup?", "tu veux que je t'appelles comment?" je réponds "bah moi ça me dérange pas, je veux bien que tu sois ma copine." elle me répond là dessus "tu ne me connais pas encore assez pour ça."
Enfin, bref, elle vient dormir à la maison plusieurs fois, elle rencontre ma mère avec qui elle s'entend très bien... on dort dans le même lit, elle se laisse toucher... mais pas encore de sexe.
Samedi, je suis invité chez elle, je rencontre sa grand-mère. Apparemment je suis très apprécié par sa famille, que depuis qu'elle m'a rencontré, elle est heureuse... fin ce genre de choses. Elle me reçoit toujours aussi bien.
Puis on s'installe dans le canapé pour regarder un film. Je caresse ses jambes et je me dis que ça va peut-être aller plus loin cette fois-ci. Elle me regarde, elle me dit "Pour le moment, nous ne sommes qu'amis." Et je ne savais pas quoi dire. Elle a ressenti directement qu'elle m'a blessé. Je lui explique que je vois pas notre relation comme ça. Que pour moi, ce n'est pas de l'amitié. Elle me dit qu'elle ressent quelque chose pour moi, et qu'elle ne sait pas dire c'est quoi mais que c'est très fort. Elle pleure, elle pleure beaucoup, elle me dit qu'elle a peur de me perdre, que je la déteste, ce genre de choses... qu'elle pensait qu'elle avait été claire sur ses intentions (euh, sérieusement?)
Je suis pris au dépourvu, je ne sais pas quoi lui dire, mes idées sont pas claires, j'ai une boule au ventre, je me sens mal et elle me demande de réagir. Elle me prend dans ses bras, je ne bouge pas. Je la regarde, et je dis bêtement "Je t'aime". Elle fond en larme, elle me prend dans ses bras à nouveau, et on se fait des bisous, dans le cou, sur le front, sur la joue...
Elle me dit qu'elle ne peut pas me donner ce que je veux, qu'elle m'aime aussi mais pas de cette façon. J'avoue que c'est trop tôt pour déclarer ses sentiments mais voilà, elle me demandait tellement de réagir que j'ai stressé et c'est sorti.
J'ai eu une relation fusionnelle avec cette fille pendant 2 mois. On a vécu quelque chose de très fort. Du coup forcément, j'ai commencé à développer des sentiments pour elle, mais j'ai été clair sur mes intentions.
Quand je suis parti, elle m'a envoyé une tartine par message... j'ai répondu au soir exprimant mon ressenti, comment je voyais notre relation, que ça a été trop vite et que j'aimerais qu'on prenne le temps, on s'est envoyé plusieurs pavés à nouveau. Elle m'a expliqué qu'avoir un copain lui faisait peur, qu'elle a du mal à gérer ses sentiments et qu'elle ressentait quelque chose de très fort à mon égard et qu'elle ne sait pas c'est quoi et qu'elle ne supporterait pas de me perdre.
Je lui ai dit qu'on continuera à se voir et qu'on va apprendre à se connaitre petit à petit. Elle m'a invité chez elle pour passer la journée avec son père et sa grand-mère.
Et vous savez quoi, on approche tous les deux de la trentaine et j'ai l'impression d'être au CP...
Je suis complètement perdu, je ne vois pas du tout quoi en penser et quand j'en parle à mes amis ils sont tout aussi perdu que moi.

submitted by Jooos2 to besoindeparler [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 09:38 Longjumping-Oil9872 What having an abortion was like for me .

Hi, I’ve been wanting to post this for a while now. I just needed to process everything first. It’s a very long story..but I really hope this helps another woman in need ..or one who was/is so worried and lost..questionable like I was. You are valid..and You’re not alone.❤️
My story goes back to October of last year, 2023..around Halloween or before. My parents were out of town, they’re still somewhat strict even at my age of 24 at the time. And I saw the opportunity to invite my boyfriend over for the week to spend time together. I don’t have the most healthy household, my dad can be pretty unstable and toxic, and my mom can be very judgemental sometimes . Just not something I wanna be in much longer as I’m looking to move out soon. Anyways, they left and somehow around that week time frame , I fell pregnant (unknowingly of course) we were not being safe that week when we should have. But I love him and sometimes those feelings can take over.
My period ended in late September to early October. .(After many months or weeks of calculating how I must have been fertile that week.) My boyfriend did not ejaculate in me but he must have had some precum with sperm in it swim its way to me. Thats why we were so mindblown as to how this happened. I’ve been pretty good tracking my periods but my ovulation is weird. Also my periods are very irregular. So sometimes I’m not even sure when it’ll come. A couple days before my period would come, I noticed brown to pink blood which usually happens before my period only lasted 2/3 days …which I know now was spotting. But my period didn’t come…which this never happens…I started to notice something fishy I brushed it off and figured it was late because it’s irregular. It was now around 6 days late and I started to get panicky . I told my boyfriend about it and he became worried wondering why I didn’t tell him. I figured because of how irregular it was I thought there was nothing to worry about. I was also very active in the gym at this time so i figured that was another reason why. I didn’t want to imagine the possibility of even being pregnant. Call it denial I guess. I even tested when my period was a few days late and it came out negative. I guess the hormones weren’t strong enough yet.
Well now , about 3 weeks or so have passed. (I still can’t figure out when I concieved exactly) I was really freaking out. I noticed how tired I have been feeling ..practically falling asleep at work. Feeling so lightheaded …a simple trip down the stairs made me feel like I was gonna faint. I never felt that way either. I couldn’t finish my run at the gym…yeah something was up . One Saturday morning I couldn’t take it anymore and I FaceTimed my boyfriend after I got a pregnancy test. I let the stick set and told my boyfriend to look at it .
I heard the words “baby…what does that mean?” Somehow my world shut off. Like a ringing in your ears. I know what that meant, and so did he. He was frozen , a frozen, solid expression on his face on my FaceTime screen… I snapped out of it and yanked the stick to my eyes. And there it was…..positive ..clear as day positive in seconds. Pregnant as fuck. I actually hyperventilated. I don’t remember reacting much that moment other than pure Panick. I felt like a teenage girl in that moment my head was spinning. My boyfriend still on FaceTime trying to call me down , calling off work and sped to my house. I cried on the floor while he comforted me and we tested again since we had extra tests….all tests came out positive in seconds. I didn’t even know how far long I was. I had no idea I was even pregnant other than the tiredness which I was thinking might have been pms. I felt so stupid. I guessed it was early still. I snapped out of it and remembered I had actually saved the nearest abortion clinics to me. Which since I haven’t mentioned …I’m from Texas where it’s illegal past 6 weeks. I felt with it being overturned here..I might have needed to save them and get a step ahead. I still I felt hopeless. I knew what my decision was going to be I was sure. My boyfriend supported me and I’m glad to have him. We pulled ourselves together and called a clinic in New Mexico and booked a hotel near there. Which is an 11 hour drive by the way…. Across the whole state…if you’re from Texas you’ll know how big it really is.
We planned our trip the whole day. I called my boss and said I had medical emergency for four days, and so did he with his job. I came up with a lie and told my parents I was going to another city in Texas …”a romantic getaway if you will…”. The clinic actually gave me an appointment for the following week. The clinic receptionist said I was around 9 or 10 weeks which I was in shock …how?? They stop MA abortions at 11 weeks. My time was running out. I booked it, I felt that was my best bet. I walked downstairs after everything eventually with him , to which my mother was in the kitchen making food. She was smiling happy to see him as she greeted him. I couldn’t help but feel some sorrow knowing what I knew. I kept thinking about how she would be a grandma , and when I saw my brother or dad, that they would be an uncle or grandpa. My grandparents who I treasured all four them and thought them being great grandparents , my dog for petes sakes, how this could be the only time they’d meet my child. I don’t know why I felt like I was running out of time almost..I was going to be 25 soon and alot of my friends were engaged or having children getting married…why was I panicking? Im an adult my mom had me at 19 for fucks sake. My situation was different than hers though. She was married and owned a home by then. I really just wanted to be stable. Seeing some of my friends not stable with children and complain about it especially the stress and fatigue, made my decision more clearer. I just was stuck in a trance how that would be my reality if I were to keep it. That evening my boyfriend stayed with me the whole night and we just vented about life. His red and swollen eyes from all the crying shimmered in the moonlight. We stayed outside and watched the stars and just talked about for the week or so that would come what could happen, despite everything that was happening I loved him even more in those moments seeing him want to provide, and take care of me like that made me fall even more deeply in love with him.
Looking back at it I’m actually surprised I planned that much in the little timeframe that I had. New Mexico time is an hour behind. The clinic was going to close . But I did it somehow. The clinic lady gave me the line of a financial assistance.. since I requested to her that would we need help after she asked that question to us .. I didn’t even know clinics could do that .. it was a group that provided that kind of assistance, I felt so happy to know there was people out there willing to help us. I reached out to this number and website and a lady got in contact with me. The sweetest lady that I’ll never forget to this day. I looked at the website and they were religious, which blew my mind. I grew up on a religious family, and I still have my own beliefs, but I didn’t think I would ever see this kind of help from a religious organization.
Anyhow..What’s crazy to me is that week and a half or so of waiting my morning sickness hit me like a ton of bricks. It was horrible … I lost so much weight about 10 pounds maybe or more. I couldn’t hold anything down. My boobs are starting to hurt extremely bad to at this point and I couldn’t wear bras only very soft sports bras. I could smell fajitas a mile away..All I could eat was salads. I hated pizza , I hated pickles AND I LOVE PICKLES. it was tragic.. I craved fried chicken and I hate chicken…I craved Cobb or Cesar salads of anything. Specifically Olive Garden and Texas Roadhouse. it was so insane. Any disgusting smell made me gag. I was puking three times a day. And I was upset I couldn’t sleep on my stomach. I was crying at work for no reason and grumpy dramatic all the time. My bf was so sweet to me this whole process though, bringing ginger gummies to me , ginger ale , food and Gatorade to help me . I felt so lucky. The only good thing out of it was my skin was so LUMINOUS, my hair was so silky and shiny…I felt so glowing. I guess that pregnancy glow is real. It was so crazy to me how this little thing inside of me was doing all of this.
In the week or so before everything I actually talked to what I felt like was a she. A girl. I talked to her in the shower and in bed, I sang to her. I still love her and always will. I wanted her to know me for the time we had left. I just knew I couldn’t give her the life she deserved . Atleast not now. Nobody actually wants to do this by the way…some of us just can’t. The time came for the road trip , and the 11 hour drive. We drove across the state , seeing the mountains and hills..the mountains getting bigger and bigger, the plateaus…stopped at some gas stations and got gas station food..(of course saw bucees) then we stopped in El Paso for some tacos and I remember a friend said the sunsets there are so beautiful. He was right.
We finally arrived in New Mexico, the roads looked different..”welcome to New Mexico land of enchantment.”it was dark at this time , shiny city lights from the hilly roads…we looked at each other peacefully with love…Iike we did it Forreal.. I can’t believe we actually pulled it off. At that point I was so tired, and nauseous from the drive..and all the gas stations stops. I couldn’t wait for the hotel. As soon as we got there I felt a peace of calm take over and I knocked out after my shower..(which was too hot and I felt like passing out from ..shortness of breath was also a pregnancy symptom of mine) . My boyfriend made my bed and got me food . That night he talked to what would’ve been he or she. And told our baby how much he still loves them. And so did I. It’s something that gets imbedded in your mind forever.
We had the appointment that following morning on December 8th. A day I’ll never forget. He woke me up and helped me get dressed. My body hurt, my boobs were so sore, he couldn’t touch them at all and I couldn’t sleep on them. My nipples brown still and sore , and I was throwing up yet again in this hotel toilet. I wanted it to stop. I wasn’t ready just yet. I was afraid of protesters as I had seen some on YouTube at this clinic location before . Yet none were there. I felt relieved. It was a very lowkey setting. You needed to press a buzzer button to enter. And no one else allowed but yourself. I didn’t want to go in alone but I did. the lady with financial assistance gave us $400 which covered the cost of the medication. I felt so grateful for her for that.
I look around the clinic, it was very serene and bright then dim in the back..and almost like romcom looking… like a clinic you’d see in a women’s show…like sex and the city I ironic . I filled out some paperwork and gave it back to her, no phones allowed so I set it in the basket. I actually saw a lot of the names of women who checked in and checked out on the check in list paper. Many just like me. A clinic assistant took my ultrasound , to confirm there was a pregnancy, which indeed there was. I was 7 weeks along, not 10. I asked her if she did see something since she was quiet for a bit to which she replied with “oh yeah” about an inch long . She never asked me if I wanted to see the ultrasound pictures which I kind of did. Maybe she didn’t ask because she thought I would panic and change my mind. thinking about it now I would’ve been nice to keep a picture but also I don’t know how id feel about it so I’m kind of glad in a way I didn’t and then I’m not so glad. either way my decision was clear to me still. I was too afraid to ask. I saw her print it out and set it in a folder.. and that’s the only picture I’ll have in my mind of what would’ve been..forever to come.
I was placed in a room with another girl. She was Indian, and slender looking, around 25-30 years. She looked very modest and reserved. White pants and a pink button shirt and ponytail . I felt like talking to her so I asked her “did you travel here ?” And she said no, she lived in the area. “How lucky” I thought. “To have the privilege of being so close in proximity to do this” I traveled 775 miles. To and from. I became obsessed prior reading/seeing other peoples clinic experiences, I noticed mine was similar but different..I guess no one really has the exact same experience I think. I asked her “are you nervous?” She blushed and said “kind of yeah..” to which I agreed as well. She seemed like she knew what she was In For I suppose. I just smiled at her, “hopefully I gave her some comfort” I thought. The clinic nurse or assistant walked in, same one. she looked even younger than me maybe 21 or 20. Had a pixie hairstyle and black scrubs . Tomboy looking. She Went over the steps and what we should sounded pretty painful. Idk why I wasn’t as scared anymore, I guess a relief overcame me. Or maybe I became numb. We signed another paperwork form to which after that point we waited for the doctor. We were told to bring books or a journal or some thing while we waited. I thought it would take pretty long, but it didn’t. We signed some more paperwork and The whole thing went by so fast I didn’t even get time to open my book pages.
The doctor was a man, he seemed very indie alternative , no more than 36 maybe. He asked if we wanted to take the pills separately or together after him re stating the steps and what to expect. The girl looked at me, I felt like she was nervous to do this infront of a stranger so I said “separately. “When I got to the other room with the doctor he asked me where I was from since he saw my form…I guess to make small talk. “ Houston Texas..” I said shyly. “Wow ok..well I guess I don’t expect you to come back for a follow up in person..we will give a phone call follow up for that, I know you’ve made quite a journey.” We both laughed a bit. he told me he had done some work down there. Everything was flat and open spaced..he spoke of the beautiful mountains here and I spoke of how it’s just something I needed to do. To which he agreed that’s for me to choose. He made me take the first set of pills in front of him. he gave me instructions for the other four pills that would go between my cheeks. The next day those would be the ones too let everything pass out of me. I should have booked an extra day for that at the hotel .. I remember thinking about it and telling myself “there’s no way I could go through this on the drive back home.. It could be very painful and uncomfortable I think…” since I had done alot of research…but I had work and couldn’t call off so many days. I had no choice and now for I didn’t expect the pain that would follow. I should really start taking my own thoughts and advice.
I called my boyfriend who is driving around the town trying to pass time informing him. My appointment was over with. He seemed astonished that it went by pretty fast. It was maybe an hour or so long. The financial assistance lady actually met me outside the clinic to give me a farewell gift. she was in a big van and brought me a cute little basket, filled with heating pads, crackers, heavy duty pads, and a wonderful little note that told me .. welcome to New Mexico that I was strong, and I wasn’t alone and that she’s always there for us if we ever need more help or if we know anyone who needs more help with her contact information. And with that note, I cried and hugged her I couldn’t believe such kindness from strangers existed. I bid her goodbye and I just felt so lucky that someone like her helped us. On the way out the parkling lot , I saw the Indian girl waiting outside to be picked up, and she was watching us get picked up. A man picked her up, about our age too, and I wondered if someone was making her do this or it was her choice. It was Erie, but I guess I’ll never know.
We drove back to the hotel after we got some Chinese takeout and processed everything, we watched a movie, and I was so exhausted. After I took a hot shower(which I almost passed out in still feeling the pregnancy nausea and breath shortness) I knocked out in bed, the nearly comfy bed my boyfriend made for me. I could feel my boyfriend‘s arms on my head and my shoulders. He was giving me a body rub and in that moment that’s what I needed the most his comfort and his love. It was one of the best sleep I ever had actually. The next day around 8 or 9am , I woke up to brown blood stained underwear. I guess the pills went into effect I had thought. I didn’t feel as nauseous. But I just felt more tired. The morning air was crisp and cool and the mountains were shining with the sunrise , as we walked down to the hotel breakfast room to get some breakfast. He served me up a cup of cereal and apple some bagels and apple juice while I sat and waited. I wave of calmness and nervous was at the same time took me over . The breakfast room was so calm for some reason as I watched other people eat before me. I realized everyone was out here loving their own lives. And we will never really know who’s going through what. I ate and enjoyed the quiet morning before driving back home . I just couldn’t believe how blissful and calm everything was.. maybe it was the calm before the storm you could say.
We packed up everything from our hotel. I didn’t have to carry a single thing nor did I even have to clean anything..i was so pooped out. My boyfriend is literally such a gift I could think. He’s had to put up with my horrible mood swings and attitude these past couple weeks, and my dragging energy. I know I got a pass being literally pregnant but still, you can’t help feel guilt somehow. As we got into the car all I could think about was our time spent here, it’s not the romantic getaway you’d think of, but it was something that brought us closer. To the grocery store exploring and little shops around town, the nice quirky people, and the scenic views..I actually liked the place. It wasn’t home, but it was a breather away from home life for a bit, even if it was a lot to bear. Maybe I’d come back for closure one day. We took off and looked behind us knowing what story will stay there. And we also thought about the long drive back. I would have to take the second set of pills anytime now. I was ready to get it over with, but nervous I couldn’t lie. I was actually so angry that for my choice, I had to come all the way out here without the convenience of my own city. I wondered how many other Texas girls or women from other states had to do the same. Women, and People will find a way to take control of their own lives somehow even if it means greater measures. I saw we passed by ciudad Juarez, supposedly one of the most dangerous cities to date, a city in Mexico that I’ve seen notorious for crime. We drove through another set of mountains, Texas plains are flat, so we don’t get to see this. I thought about how my life was like endless mountain going up and down and such..I still couldn’t believe how far I was from home. I just wanted to go home.
Time to take the second oils..whew. The four that between your cheeks..two in each side . I was so scared I was doing this incorrectly because not even thirty minutes later or just about ..after holding them in for what felt like forever… body overcame with a terrible feeling…a feeling like a I had shit and extreme period cramps like I never felt before. All of a sudden I could literally feel my cervix opening gradually…I really thought I was having intense diarrhea for some reason. I got up from my car seat (my boyfriend was driving us back home) and I had yelled “PULL OVER HURRY I HAVE TO GO” I was uncomfortably moving in my car at this point in literally nowhere in fort Stockton tx. It was getting worse and worse and I couldn’t bear it any longer…it felt like my body was quivering at this point….my boyfriend was speedinggg down this empty which we were in the middle of literally no where trying to find the next gas station.
My car was going about 100 at this point . I could see the panic on his face…while trying to keep his composure at the same time. I just didn’t want to scream to scare him. As soon as we got to one I ran a beeline for the bathroom…pulled my pants down and out poured immense blood. Could I be hemorrhaging? All of sudden, lemon and golf ball size clots came out of me..about 3 or 4. I was clenching my waist as the pain was EXCRUCIATING. No one told me it would be that bad. Every Reddit or response that I saw about the medicated abortion feelings, was that of a”it’s not that bad just feels like a bad period” well I say NO to that! I maybe passed out in that bathroom, when I woke up I was green and pale ..clammy and I couldn’t not stop shaking…hell…even the walls looked distorted. I truly felt like I was going to die. I have broken my collarbone before, snapped it actually almost in half when I was very young, and this pain surpassed it by miles. I’m actually not sure if my body went into shock from how unbearable the pain was ..but it felt like that. I groaned the more time passed and had to zip it when someone else came in the restroom. The pain and cramps came in about 30 second intervals after a while. I remember spending a good hour or so sitting there maybe 45 min crying and praying the whole time for me to survive this somehow.
I honestly thought someone was going to have to pick up my dead body from that stall. But I needed to be strong. I was wasting time to go home. I started texting my boyfriend and he was about to come in, I realized I couldn’t sit here forever or pass out and him find me like this. So I pulled it together and got up. Cleaned the blood off the toilet, and A girl was waiting for the restroom as soon as I got up and she looked very young. I thought to myself “ she’ll never even know what I went through in there , or why.” When I got back to the car to a very anxious boyfriend all I could do was groan and think “what if you know it was passed in there.” The guilt and pain was too much at that point I basically had to force myself to get it together. Thankfully financial assistance lady came clutch with the heating pads. I really needed those.
Maybe an or two has passed at this point , of me groaning in pain, and screeching about the poor boyfriend I knew at this point was very worried. But he made me comfortable, just giving me his touch and soft voice. If we needed to pull over then he didn’t mind. The heating pads financial assistance lady gave me were starting off. I started to wish I was more prepared getting a Battery powered heating pad. I had a 7/8 hour drive ahead of me without any cramps relievers and it started to get bad again at this point . We had to pull over again, and this time it was in junction tx. I made another beeline for the restroom and felt a clot literally fall out of me. Like I laid an egg or something. Here I was in my gray sweats beelining to the restroom wobbling running. I pulled my sweats off in the restroom and out falls the huge dark red clot the size of a baseball probably or a little smaller like a large lemon…falls on the floor. I missed the toilet . I stared at it almost astounded that my body is producing that. I hope it wasn’t…you know. I know some women who have dug into them to find know. (It’s hard for me to even say the words sometimes) . I couldn’t bring myself to do that and how would I even? I cleaned everything up and wobbled out. I was hungry and nauseated and needed food. The doctor gave me ibuprofen, a very strong amount to help subside the pain and some nausea pills . (Which didn’t work) . Good old fashioned nuggets from McDonald’s somehow did the trick.
We drive a bit more, and by this time it was dark and we stopped in San Antonio. I was groaning the whole time moaning in pain. It got more bearable as the hours passed. We stopped at another gas station, and decided to get our mom’s a souvenir. It was something I just felt like we could do. I thought about them being grandmothers, and how they’ll never know. But hopefully one day they’ll get to be. And I know they’d be amazing grandmothers. We left and My boyfriend would just hold my hand while he drove and listened to a pod cast . Never in my life had I had a man be this kind and loving to me. What did I do to deserve him? I didn’t pay for much if anything nothing at all this whole trip..the patience , kindness, maturity, emotional intelligence he had was beyond my comprehension. And he’s still like that today. Every guy I dated before would’ve probably left or made this feel like it’s completely my fault and problem . I would’ve been alone. In comes thought number 234455556, how saddened I felt for the women who have had to do this alone.My heart went out to them in that moment, And still does. I would come to learn that one of my bestfriends went through this alone practically. My heart broke. Because no woman should ever have to…support is so important. Being there matters. Healing matters. We still support eachother about this to this day. And I love her 10000%.
We finally arrived in our town area to which I stopped at yet another gas station. Which was the eriest one of was dark and green lighting almost. Like a GTA gas station..Or the back rooms feeling. I did my buisness and realized the bleeding was slowing down. Cramps were less painful now, I could move around more freely now and feel okay.
So we drove back home another 35 min maybe and made it to my house…there it was my home. I missed my dog the entire trip. I raised her and cared of her and I wondered if I was a good mother to her when we pulled in. Crazy how I thought about that after everything. But that’s the life that was mine and mine alone. We walked inside and my mom asked how it went. I know she believed us , I had to even fabricate photos from the web to send to her. I felt terrible for lying, but I didn’t trust my mom would understand. I once saw a video from a college girl from Dallas right after the abortion ban came in effect. She flew to Mississippi with her mother to do that , before that clinic shut down. And I thought “how lucky for her to have a family member support her like that especially her own mother .” I didn’t trust my family would be the same. How unfair I thought too, that some people will preach the word , try to make this about religion and “what’s right” yet not follow their own words or practices. How insane.
My brother and cousins greeted us well, we brought back souvenirs and talked about cousins and brother knew about this atleast where we went , Though they never knew why. Little do some people even know you know?
My boyfriend actually gifted me a ps5 console that night we got back. I was thrilled….that I could have something to pass the time…I loved video games. And that night I bought hogwarts legacy. It would end up being my peace for a while. I cuddled my boyfriend the rest of the night until he had to go home. How odd after everything he had to drive back home and we would have to move on and continue everything back to normal. How to do you even do something like that after everything? How would we cope and grow from this. My whole life from here on out would sound the like song “idea 22” . As the many days and weeks passed I actually continued to bleed for 10 weeks straight. Nonstop, some days lighter than others. I actually tested myself January 12th since my abortion doctor recommended I needed to be sure it was successful.
They would call to follow up after. It came out positive… my heart SANK! I didn’t try to panic too much since I had done some research prior, to which it said that may be the pregnancy hormones left over still, that had not left my body. I thought this was over, and it wasn’t it seemed like it would never be over! I couldn’t go back and drive all that way. My stress would sky rocket from there. That weekend I called an ultra sound clinic to confirm if there was a pregnancy or not. My and my boyfriend went on a Sunday in downtown to go. I was so nervous for an outcome,….that I would see something on the huge screen. I walked in and pulled my pants a little down. The tech looked and looked, and couldn’t not find anything. The whole time I could hear my boyfriend breathing hard. And I could feel his eyes on me. The tech looked at me with sorrowful eyes. But she did not know my circumstance. We paid and then left and I waited for him to come out the restroom. I remember that hallway of the clinic looking so eerie to me, I could not understand why I felt so calm and sorrowful at the same time..was this grief? I saw a very pregnant woman pass by. That would be me if my reality was different I thought. It was so quiet there, I had to soak in what was for a moment . There was nothing there anymore , and I needed to start accepting it. My boyfriend came out , and he looked at me . I bursted into tears and cried yelled on his neck and shoulder and he held me.i cried all that I could.
I never expected myself to do that. I guess the past month was all held in. And in turn when we got to the car he did the same. Your life shifts seeing a very good, and grown man cry. be vulnerable in that way. I had to be there for him as well. He always wanted a girl one day, so I knew he was grieving if that was his chance.
I did not bleed until my first period actually came in February , right before Valentine’s Day. I remember my OB even saying I could “enjoy” Valentine’s Day. I was so eager for the bleeding to stop. I had many OB visits, I was concerned I would need a D&C but that never happened. I actually told my OB I had a miscarriage out of fear I’d be prosecuted or something in my state. How you may be wondering? At around 4-5 weeks the persistent bleeding worried me so I made an appointment playing dumb telling them I found out I was pregnant recently and then believe I had a miscarriage. Seeking healthcare after something like this I feel is very important. I went to work and events like this. But when it came a relief of my shoulders was gone…I even had the most wonderful valentines dinner with my boyfriend at a five star restaurant . We hadn’t felt that relieved in months, we hadn’t had that much since I could remember..we really needed that. We could finally make love again after months ..safely of course. What a joy it was actually.
My second period was in time to be due. This whole time we had never been unsafe. And it was late…I knew and read that this could happen sometimes..but still I started to PANICK. The guilt I felt for stressing my boyfriend out was insane. His patience and kindness was certainly tested..but one could only wish for something like that in a person. I always considered myself lucky. At 8 days late I tested . I hated looking at pregnancy tests..but I had to ease my mind. My boyfriend looked at the result for me and I cried. It was negative. The last time I saw a negative result was soooo long ago. I could sleep a little better. Then it came at 12 days late. I was done freaking out. I was done doing this to myself. I couldn’t live like this. I was done stressing myself out and my partner. I realized I could control certain situations and then I could not. Whatever I could control… I would I decided. But worrying constantly will kill me. Will kill us.
So ends this story. I still think about it often, I still check in weekly with my boyfriend most times,I still wish I could tell certain people but I am not ready yet , I still think of what could have been, do I regret it? No not really I feel sad sometimes..yes. I still feel I made the right choice. I still feel like it was a movie for me. I have learned to admire myself and the other women before me with the courage to do what they felt is their choice. It’s a process all of you reading. It truly is. But you are all strong beautiful women, and you are not alone.
I plan on getting a tattoo of a ladybug soon. Ever since all of it, ladybugs have landed on me and my partner in the weirdest places, most random of places. We take it as a sign we are still loved and watched over. My heart is filled with love now. And my mind and body with healing. And as I grow old and grey, I will never forget. It will always be a part of me. 🐞
submitted by Longjumping-Oil9872 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 02:41 Routine-Cucumber Recommendations for 26A/B that ship to Aus please

My measurements are: Underbust: 66cm/62cm/61cm Bust: 68cm/70cm/70cm Wide set The calculator puts me at 26A/B which sounds about right.
I’ve looked through this subreddit for bra recommendations but a couple of brands seem to no longer be available. Is Elizabeth Valentine my only choice or are there other small bras out there that ship to Australia?
submitted by Routine-Cucumber to ABraThatFits [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 14:31 konkeydong7 Started pregnancy as a 32F. I'm now a 32N at 5 months pregnant. Are there any companies that make nursing bras this big :(

Hi, I'm in a bit of a panic because I'm only 5 months pregnant and I've pretty much outgrown the sizing range for bras, it seems like sizes only go up to O. I hate sports bras because even when I had "normal big boobs" they just squished everything together and it was itchy, uncomfortable, and unflattering.
I understand that this is ridiculous and I might not have any alternatives but I'm just hoping someone has some advice lol. I feel like this may limit my ability to breast feed :(
EDIT: Since there are so many people struggling with the same issue, I want to recommend Levana Bratique and Elizabeth Valentine. I discovered these sites after asking on abrathatfits. They do exist! Just a little pricey lol.
submitted by konkeydong7 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 19:29 amipsych0 Comment gérer ma frustration avec ma (F23) meilleure copine qui est dans une relation toxique?

Bonjour à toutes et à tous.
Mon problème ne date pas d'hier... Mon amie Laura (prénom changé) est avec son copain (H26) depuis 2 ans et demi à peu près. Je connais Laura depuis nos 16 ans et c'est vraiment ma meilleure amie. Elle est comme une sœur pour moi. Après le lycée, toutes mes amies ont disparu petit à petit, mais pas elle. Nous nous voyons toujours aussi fréquemment et nous nous entendons toujours aussi bien.
Malheureusement, les dernières fois que nous nous sommes vues me laisse un goût vraiment amer.
Sa relation avec son copain est compliquée depuis le début. Il s'est mis à squatter chez elle, sans avoir de boulot, ne prenait pas soin de lui... Alors elle l'a quitté, en le foutant à la porte, au bout de 4-5 mois.
Seulement, ils se sont remis ensemble peu de temps après. Et ont emménagé ensemble.
Donc pour la faire courte, la situation c'est d'abord qu'il n'a pas de taff, et quand il en trouve un ça ne va jamais : demande à son patron "c'est quoi ton problème ? (est arrivé deux fois), n'aime pas les horaires (c'est son droit, mais il retourne au même genre de poste avec les mêmes horaires....?)
Il doit de l'argent à Laura (près de 400€) parce qu'il ne peut pas payer le loyer.
Il ne lui a pas offert de cadeau pour son anniversaire. Pas pour la St Valentin. Chaque fois qu'elle veut sortir, faire quelque chose, il dit non.
Et il est abusif verbalement. Il rentre à leur appart en étant en colère, tape dans les meubles, tape des pieds, claque les portes, et va même jusqu'à hurler soudainement.
Et je sais tout ça parce que Laura se plaint de lui. Énormément. Enfin, c'est par phase.. Parfois, je n'entends pas parler de lui pendant 2 semaines, et puis un jour elle déballe tout ce qu'il a fait la veille.
La dernière fois que c'est arrivé, c'était encore plus émotionnel que d'habitude. Laura a complètement éclaté en sanglot, si bien que je l'ai prise dans mes bras et serrée contre moi. Elle m'a dit qu'elle n'en pouvait plus, qu'elle avait eu trop peur de lui. (Son ex était un mec vraiment violent, il ne l'a jamais touchée mais elle garde clairement les traces de cette précédente relation. Et pourtant.. on dirait qu'elle n'a pas appris la leçon.)
Je me réjouissais, je me suis dit Enfin elle va se séparer de ce trimard...!
Et puis plus un mot à son sujet.
Nous nous sommes vues, elle ne parle pas de lui. Comme si tout allait parfaitement bien.
Et depuis cette dernière fois, je n'ai plus envie de la voir. Je perds patience. Ça fait plus de 2 ans que je lui dit qu'il ne changera pas, qu'il ne la rendra jamais heureuse, que c'est pas un mec pour elle. Je sais bien que mes mots ne peuvent pas changer grand chose mais je me dis que c'est une fille intelligente et terre à terre.
J'ai été très touchée personnellement de l'épisode où elle pleure dans mes bras. Je ne prends jamais les gens dans les bras. J'épuise mon énergie à lui parler, la consoler, essayer de trouver des solutions.... pour qu'au final on ne parle plus de lui et que l'histoire continue. Et je sais que dans deux semaines elle va me dire à nouveau qu'elle en a marre, et je vais m'impliquer à nouveau, pour rien....
Ça me fatigue. Ça m'induit beaucoup d'anxiété. Maintenant, j'évite Laura. Je n'ai pas vraiment envie de la voir. C'est vrai que je lui en veux. J'ai assez de soucis de mon côté.
Si vous avez tout lu, merci beaucoup. Il y a encore d'autres couches à cette histoire, j'aurais pu parler de la nuit où il disparu, qu'au matin Laura s'est réveillée seule et l'a cherché partout dans la ville jusqu'à 14h, parce qu'elle n'avait pas de nouvelles de lui. A ce jour, on ne sait pas vraiment où il était. J'aurais pu parler de la fois où ses parents à lui ont amené généreusement des courses, pour qu'au final il pète un câble et les foute à la porte.... Mais je voulais être assez concise.
Je ne sais plus quoi faire pour l'aider. Je suis triste qu'elle soit malheureuse mais je commence à développer du ressentiment, même du mépris parfois.
Comment gérer ma frustration ? Comment lui faire comprendre que je n'en peux plus ? Je suis ouverte à tout les conseils, mais aussi aux critiques si vous en avez.
Je vous remercie grandement.
submitted by amipsych0 to AskMeuf [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 19:27 amipsych0 Je (F22) perds patience avec ma meilleure copine (F23) qui est dans une relation toxique.

Bonjour à toutes et à tous.
Mon problème ne date pas d'hier... Mon amie Laura (prénom changé) est avec son copain (H26) depuis 2 ans et demi à peu près. Je connais Laura depuis nos 16 ans et c'est vraiment ma meilleure amie. Elle est comme une sœur pour moi. Après le lycée, toutes mes amies ont disparu petit à petit, mais pas elle. Nous nous voyons toujours aussi fréquemment et nous nous entendons toujours aussi bien.
Malheureusement, les dernières fois que nous nous sommes vues me laisse un goût vraiment amer.
Sa relation avec son copain est compliquée depuis le début. Il s'est mis à squatter chez elle, sans avoir de boulot, ne prenait pas soin de lui... Alors elle l'a quitté, en le foutant à la porte, au bout de 4-5 mois.
Seulement, ils se sont remis ensemble peu de temps après. Et ont emménagé ensemble.
Donc pour la faire courte, la situation c'est d'abord qu'il n'a pas de taff, et quand il en trouve un ça ne va jamais : demande à son patron "c'est quoi ton problème ? (est arrivé deux fois), n'aime pas les horaires (c'est son droit, mais il retourne au même genre de poste avec les mêmes horaires....?)
Il doit de l'argent à Laura (près de 400€) parce qu'il ne peut pas payer le loyer.
Il ne lui a pas offert de cadeau pour son anniversaire. Pas pour la St Valentin. Chaque fois qu'elle veut sortir, faire quelque chose, il dit non.
Et il est abusif verbalement. Il rentre à leur appart en étant en colère, tape dans les meubles, tape des pieds, claque les portes, et va même jusqu'à hurler soudainement.
Et je sais tout ça parce que Laura se plaint de lui. Énormément. Enfin, c'est par phase.. Parfois, je n'entends pas parler de lui pendant 2 semaines, et puis un jour elle déballe tout ce qu'il a fait la veille.
La dernière fois que c'est arrivé, c'était encore plus émotionnel que d'habitude. Laura a complètement éclaté en sanglot, si bien que je l'ai prise dans mes bras et serrée contre moi. Elle m'a dit qu'elle n'en pouvait plus, qu'elle avait eu trop peur de lui. (Son ex était un mec vraiment violent, il ne l'a jamais touchée mais elle garde clairement les traces de cette précédente relation. Et pourtant.. on dirait qu'elle n'a pas appris la leçon.)
Je me réjouissais, je me suis dit Enfin elle va se séparer de ce trimard...!
Et puis plus un mot à son sujet.
Nous nous sommes vues, elle ne parle pas de lui. Comme si tout allait parfaitement bien.
Et depuis cette dernière fois, je n'ai plus envie de la voir. Je perds patience. Ça fait plus de 2 ans que je lui dit qu'il ne changera pas, qu'il ne la rendra jamais heureuse, que c'est pas un mec pour elle. Je sais bien que mes mots ne peuvent pas changer grand chose mais je me dis que c'est une fille intelligente et terre à terre.
J'ai été très touchée personnellement de l'épisode où elle pleure dans mes bras. Je ne prends jamais les gens dans les bras. J'épuise mon énergie à lui parler, la consoler, essayer de trouver des solutions.... pour qu'au final on ne parle plus de lui et que l'histoire continue. Et je sais que dans deux semaines elle va me dire à nouveau qu'elle en a marre, et je vais m'impliquer à nouveau, pour rien....
Ça me fatigue. Ça m'induit beaucoup d'anxiété. Maintenant, j'évite Laura. Je n'ai pas vraiment envie de la voir. C'est vrai que je lui en veux. J'ai assez de soucis de mon côté.
Si vous avez tout lu, merci beaucoup. Il y a encore d'autres couches à cette histoire, j'aurais pu parler de la nuit où il disparu, qu'au matin Laura s'est réveillée seule et l'a cherché partout dans la ville jusqu'à 14h, parce qu'elle n'avait pas de nouvelles de lui. A ce jour, on ne sait pas vraiment où il était. J'aurais pu parler de la fois où ses parents à lui ont amené généreusement des courses, pour qu'au final il pète un câble et les foute à la porte.... Mais je voulais être assez concise.
Je ne sais plus quoi faire pour l'aider. Je suis triste qu'elle soit malheureuse mais je commence à développer du ressentiment, même du mépris parfois.
Comment gérer ma frustration ? Comment lui faire comprendre que je n'en peux plus ? Je suis ouverte à tout les conseils, mais aussi aux critiques si vous en avez.
Je vous remercie grandement.
submitted by amipsych0 to besoindeparler [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 20:00 ancientaddict Fashion site map 2

submitted by ancientaddict to u/ancientaddict [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 19:59 ancientaddict Fashion sitemap

submitted by ancientaddict to u/ancientaddict [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 14:02 jumboliah33 Am I wrong or speaking up about things my GF does that make me uncomfortable?

I’m 32 and she’s 42. We’ve been together almost a year and are planning to move in together with her 2 kids. Crazy about one another. However I’m a more straight edge conservative person but she’s more social/free spirited and we’ve been struggling with some things.
For a lot of them it goes like this: I’m uncomfortable w/ some things she does, or think they’re disrespectful or cross the line. She thinks I’m being immature, controlling, or trying to change her. Says how I feel about these things is within myself and I’m choosing to feel this way (implying her thinking is right and mine is wrong/broken) while I try to say this is just how I am, just like she is how she is. She said I can feel how I feel but I have to keep it to myself bc she’s gonna live her life how she wants. She’s right but I also think in relationships you make (reasonable) compromises based on how one another feels but she thinks she’s the only one who’s being put in that position b/c I’ve probably brought up 10 things over the last year (she did say she would slightly pull back on some). Maybe I’ve brought things up too much but some of these things really affected me and it doesn’t feel good when she fights me over my feelings.
Few examples of our discussions:
  1. A few times early on she hit her close male friends or brother in laws on the asses but says it’s innocent
  2. Calling other men (celebrities and guys in my family) cute/attractive. I would never say this about another woman as I feel it’s disrespectful. Makes me feel she has a wandering eye while I’m all for her.
  3. She’s in my cousins friend group (they all go way back) and she was FWBs with a guy in that close friend group as recently as a few months before us. We see him at many of the get togethers and seeing them interact makes me uncomfortable. Nothing to do w/ trust but more so b/c this guy had my GF in that way. My typical boundary is no contact with past partners so this is hard to deal with. The obvious exception is her ex-husband which also takes getting used to.
  4. I’m not a drinker but she always was (going to bars, parties, etc). I didn’t see this side of her til 4 months into our relationship. We went to the St Pattys parade last week with friends/cousins. She saw someone in the parade she knew and ran in with 2 fireballs to chug them with her in front of everyone while back pedaling. Honestly I was a little embarrassed.
  5. We’re both big into the gym. She’s very attractive, great body and wears sports bras to the gym which I don’t care about. But I went to her gym with her a few times and shes fairly friendly/social with different gym guys, never any girls. A little uncomfortable to see bc I know some of them don’t have pure intentions. Also it almost seems easier for them to get a friendly convo out of her in there than me.
  6. Kind of unrelated to the others but she’s a closed off type of person. Doesn’t communicate her emotions often. My love language is words of affirmation so I like to hear it. She admits she’s not good with it but thinks “I love you” should be enough. I find myself overcompensating trying to get it out of her but then sometimes she’ll say I’m too much. It’s weird bc all my past relationships were the opposite dynamic where they’re always expressing their feelings and thought I wasnt enough. For Valentines she wrote me a long letter expressing her true feeljngs and I teared up bc I crave that from her all the time. We hold hands and have sex a lot etc but often I dont feel that level of love/affection that she expressed in the letter.
  7. Then there’s some dumb hypotheticals we can’t see eye to eye on. For example she said if a past partner she briefly dated or hooked up with texted her she’d respond regardless of how I feel about it even though they mean nothing to her. I said even though the person you love (me) doesn’t like that? She said yea bc she’s her own person and it’s only up to her, doesn’t wanna be rude. Or something from a Cpl weeks ago she said she’d be open to smoking weed/hookah again. I know this one is all me but I’m a straight edge person (thought she was too aside from alcohol). It’d be tough for me to see her do that.
Is one person more reasonable than the other or are we just not compatible in these things? After our discussions I’m always the one that will break the ice or apologize first, even if it’s something she did that I didn’t agree with. Just bc I hate animosity.
submitted by jumboliah33 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 14:48 NegativeSuccotash862 [RUPTURE] Je vide juste mon sac, et je prends vos avis...

Bonjour à tous,
Je fais ce post simplement pour vider mon sac du fait d'une rupture (que évidemment je n'ai pas voulu) et qui me fait extrêmement mal aujourd'hui. Certainement que beaucoup ne vont pas lire tout ce pavé, mais je m'y lance tout de même.
Je suis un homme, j'ai la vingtaine, et je suis à la fac. J'ai rencontré une fille par le biais d'une amie en commun à la fac, et ça a marché dès le début. On s'est vite retrouver à se rencontrer seul à seul, d'abord pour une balade en ville (pleine de rigolade, de regard insistants etc..) puis une seconde fois au cinéma (on a regardé deux films, elle s'est vite accrochée à moi dès la première séance, puis le fameux premier bisous à la fin de la deuxième). On s'écrivait constamment par message, le feeling était incroyable.
Seul bémol, elle est issue d'une famille étrangère (je ne dirai pas quel pays) qui lui impose un mode de vie selon lequel : tu te marie avec un homme de notre pays, pas autrement. Cependant, dès le début, elle m'a expliqué que ces codes ne lui conviennent pas, pire, que c'est son mal-être depuis qu'elle est petite. Elle en a fait de nombreuses dépressions, et s'obstine désormais à penser que c'est comme ça, qu'elle ne peut rien y faire, qu'elle doit suivre les obligations familiales et puis c'est tout. Mais elle me disait ça avec du regret, de l'amertume, et clairement à contre-coeur.
Mais parce que l'amour est plus fort que tout, sans le dire de manière officielle et en le gardant pour nous, nous avons vécu une relation très forte et intense. Sa famille lui tournait toujours autour, ses cousins faisaient des rondes autour de la fac pour s'assurer qu'elle ne traine avec aucun mec, elle avait un traceur GPS sur sa voiture, etc... En bref, le seul endroit tranquille que nous avons trouvé pour passer nos moments ensembles étaient dans sa voiture, dans le parking souterrain proche de la fac. Là-bas, nous étions seuls, tranquilles, et nous vivions nos meilleurs moments. Tous les jeudis, elle n'avait pas cours, mais faisait croire à sa mère qu'elle avait cours afin de me retrouver de 10h à 18h. Nous passions la journée dans la voiture, sur la banquette arrière, enlacée l'un l'autre, elle venait dans mes bras, nous nous tenions la main et regardions des films ensemble avec notre ordinateur portable. Simple, mais nous étions tellement heureux, et ça se voyait dans son regard.
Le soir, malgré que c'était risqué avec sa famille et qu'elle ne pouvait pas parler, elle me demandait souvent que l'on s'appelle en face-time pour passer du temps ensemble. Ces appels, quasi quotidien, duraient plusieurs heures, et nous rigolions, parlions de tout et de rien, et elle me regardait très souvent avec le regard insistant d'une fille amoureuse, ça se voyait, ça se sentait. Tous les matins et les soirs, on s'envoyait un message tel un rituel pour dire à l'autre que l'on tenait à lui, qu'on lui souhaitait une belle journée/nuit, qu'on pense fort à l'autre et qu'on l'aimait fort (le + souvent, c'était elle qui l'envoyait en premier).
Cette relation étant censée rester entre nous, lorsque nous révisions avec notre amie en commun, nous faisions style de rien, comme des inconnus. C'était chiant mais drôle à la fois, nous nous lancions des regards. Parfois même, lorsque nous étions assis à côté durant ces révisions, elle en profitait pour filer sa main sous la table et me faire des papouilles à la jambe, ou simplement pour nous tenir la main en secret.
Parfois même, (souvent), elle me mordait et disait ne pas pouvoir faire autrement. J'ai vite compris que c'était un réflexe psychologique, lorsqu'il y a un "excès" d'affection pour une personne. Pour la saint-valentin, elle m'a offert une montre (d'une valeur de 150 euros) avec le peu de moyen qu'elle a. A chaque fois qu'on se voyait, elle m'achetait un capuccino en avance. Parfois encore, elle me demandait de la retrouver au parking, ne serait-ce pour 10 minutes pour la voir, l'enlacer et l'embrasser.
Une telle relation, fusionnelle et pleine d'amour, a duré 2 mois, de début janvier à fin février 2024. Les critères sur les origines n'avaient aucune importance, on s'aimait intensément.
Un mercredi, elle me fait un message vocal pour me souhaiter bon courage pour mon examen, en me rappelant qu'elle pense fort à moi et qu'elle m'aime. Lorsqu'elle parlait, on sentait le petit sourire en coin dans la voix. Toutefois, le soir, ses messages ont pris une tournure très sèche, et ça se sentait par rapport à d'habitude. Quand je lui ai demandé ce qu'il y avait, elle m'a répondu qu'elle "pensait beaucoup". Je lui ai donc demandé de m'expliquer, et elle m'a dit qu'elle voit la réalité en face, qu'entre nous ça ne pourra pas se faire, qu'elle m'avait prévenu et qu'il valait mieux arrêter là.
Étonné par la tournure de la relation, qui est passé de l'espérance à "je laisse tomber", j'ai essayé de comprendre. Peut-être qu'elle n'avait pas de réels sentiments pour moi ? (même si le comportement qu'elle avait montrait évidemment le contraire). Elle m'a répondu que ce n'était pas du tout ça, juste qu'à cause des choses qui nous sépare, ça ne pourra pas se faire, et que ça ne sert à rien de continuer. Je vous avoue, je ne l'ai pas reconnu dans ces messages. J'étais surtout étonné par le changement drastique. Je lui ai dis que nos moments ensemble allaient me manquer, et elle m'a répondu "moi aussi, énormément...". Et quand je lui demande les raisons d'une telle rupture brusque, elle me dit "peu importe", elle esquive la question.
Le lendemain, en continuant notre discussion, une nouvelle tournure parue. Elle me dit que finalement cette rupture ne lui fait ni chaud ni froid, qu'en réalité elle n'a plus de sentiment. Dans ma tête, je m'empresse de me dire que ce n'est pas possible de perdre aussi vite des sentiments, vu comment notre relation était si forte. Ses messages étaient toujours aussi sec, comme si j'étais un inconnu alors que la veille encore, elle m'appelait "chéri" dans ses messages. Une fille qui demandait tant d'attention de ma part, qui était à l'initiative de tant que chose et avec qui nos moments étaient si forts, passer du tout au rien en quelques jours ? Comment est-ce possible ? Elle m'assure que ces codes lui conviennent désormais, qu'elle veut respecter le choix de la famille car sa famille passe avant tout, et qu'elle fera en sorte de "trouver un mari de son origine qu'elle fera en sorte d'aimer". Un tel changement drastique ? Elle me montrait pourtant que c'était la source même de son mal-être et de ses dépressions, et d'un coup c'est devenu son idéal ??
Le lendemain encore (vendredi), elle émet l'hypothèse en me disant "peut-être que je ne t'ai jamais aimé, qui sais". C'est trop pour moi, je ne comprends plus rien. Je me sens brisé au fond de moi de ne plus voir la même personne en face. Pourtant, ce jour-là, je la croise au hasard devant la fac, et pendant ces quelques secondes où elle passe à côté de moi, elle me regarde avec un sourire caché, en me disant "coucou". Mais les messages continuent, elle dit que ce ne sera pas possible, qu'il faut arrêter là, et elle commence à ne même plus écouter les vocaux que je lui envoie.
Samedi, dernière fois qu'on se parle. Depuis ce jour, plus aucun message, je ne l'ai plus vu. Notre amie en commun m'a dit qu'elle allait parfaitement bien (même si je sais qu'elle est très forte pour cacher ses émotions). Mon ex lui a cependant proposer d'aller davantage à la salle de sport, au moins 3 fois par semaine. Au-delà de ça, je ne veux pas passer pour quelqu'un en demande.
Aujourd'hui le 22 mars 2024, cela fait bientôt 3 semaines qu'il y a un silence dans ce qui était notre relation. Je me pose toujours les mêmes questions aujourd'hui : est-ce qu'elle ressent toujours quelque chose pour moi ? mais peut-être que ses émotions ont pris le dessus, notamment du fait que l'influence et la pression familiale... est-ce que je lui manque, pense-t-elle a moi ? Je suis convaincu au fond de moi qu'une telle aventure entre nous ne peut se finir comme ça, et en si peu de temps. 2 mois de relation qui étaient si intenses, envolés ?
En tout cas, de son côté aucune info, je suis laissé dans un flou et je ne sais pas si après 3 semaines je dois la recontacter pour essayer d'entretenir un dialogue, même si je crains qu'elle le prenne mal, comme si je voulais insister pour reformer quelque chose. Je suis perdu, je ne sais pas ce qui a provoqué un tel changement brusque chez elle, mais je suis persuadé qu'elle ne peut pas m'oublier et ne plus avoir de sentiment aussi vite... En tout cas j'ai mal, je pense à elle tous les jours avec parfois de la douleur, mais bon...
Merci en tout cas d'avoir lu, et si jamais vous voulez faire des retours quant à cette histoire d'amour (impossible), je serai très attentif à vos écritures !
PJ : J'ai mis quelques screens parmi les TREEEES nombreuses fois où elle éprouvait de l'attention. Ces messages datent de quelques jours avant la rupture. Je ne sais pas trop quoi en penser, surtout lorsqu'elle me dit qu'elle ne m'a peut-être "jamais aimé"...
submitted by NegativeSuccotash862 to u/NegativeSuccotash862 [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 17:09 Bmcmichael1 Question about Returns surcharging

Question about Returns surcharging
So basically, I've placed several orders since the Valentine release. And being that I'm a procrastinator, I've waited until yesterday to start many of the returns. And it would be much better for Skims if I could just send them back all in one box, because it's like one item from 5 different orders.. orders range from $70-$300. Anyway. Well I noticed that on the 5th and final one, it wanted to charge me like $25 even when I opted for store credit. Anyone else experience this? What the actual fuck. Recently I ordered two ultimate bras and I'm only keeping 1. What the hell.
submitted by Bmcmichael1 to SKIMSbyKKW [link] [comments]

2024.02.29 03:23 bambibluedrop Boyfriends Bestfriend Old Farm House Hoarder Home Fiasco

So I (F29) and my partner (M26) made the worst decision about a year ago; we moved out of our two bedroom apartment into his bestfriends (M27?) family home and I want to tell the hell we have endured the last year. For the record, I wanted to move out within the first two months of living there but my partner pushed for us to stay for a whole year even though we weren't on a lease. I should also add I don't like confrontation. At all.
Also there are things in the story that are probably considered shrug them off moments / pet peeves / triggers but with everything happening back to back; I'm done and at my wits end and get annoyed by even the littlest thing now. I also know I am not the perfect roommate either. I know some of my issues is cause we have no room for anything so my stuff just sits out a lot. Like hard goods and boxes of kitchen items.
Here is the story of how we got mixed into a hoarders home.
Back in August 2022. My boyfriend (BF) gets a frantic discord call from his bestfriend we will call him Hoarder Home (HH).
HH tells my BF that he found out that his mother and stepdad are selling the family home out of the blue. He goes on saying he had no idea they wanted to sell the home and they just sat him down they are planning on selling and moving into the grandparents home which is an hour away to take care of them and that he will need to find a new home to move into. HH somehow convinces them to let him pay for the mortgage so he doesn't have to move or leave his family home. Understandable.
But HH expresses he can't afford it on his own and asks if we would want to move in with him. I had only been to that home once, it was dark when we went the first time. So I was hesitant, especially cause the home we lived in was under my name for 3 years and it took me two years to get in. (Normally year wait but tornado set them back.) So it had to really be a good deal to convince me to uproot my life to move in. BF assured me that if I didn't want to move, he'd understand. Make that very clear. I don't blame my BF in this. We just both made a bad call.
We went and saw the home. And I fell in love. Farm home, three acre land with a little wooded area to walk through. The house has two living rooms, two bedrooms, a mudroom, big kitchen, big laundry room, one full bathroom and a finished attic with a half bath. We would get the front livingroom, one of the bedrooms and the finished attic. The room we have is my BFs office where his computer is. Which has boxes in it. Still nothing unpacked. Upstairs. Half is our bedroom. And other half is my office space. Computer and art supplies. But most of the items are still packed in boxes. To accommodate, HH would get full use of the garage since we got more use of the house. But there were issues we were promised would be handled.
  1. There was a single dog, and 6 cats in the home. HH wanted to keep two of his cats and his parents were to take the rest.
  2. There was no cabinet space for our own stuff in the kitchen. There are 17 cabinets and 8 drawers.
  3. The whole attic was filled with items, and furniture.
  4. The floor near the toilet was giving in just a bit.
We were promised that his parents were going to take the dog and 4 of the cats with them. And were going to take all the items upstairs and in the cabinets to make room for us to move in. And we were suppose to move in at the beginning of December. So I started packing items. But December grew closer and no word on us moving in when November hit. We were living in a two bedroom with boxes everywhere. So I got a cheap storage unit to put items in until the move. Lucky my apartment is a month to month. So I could give my notice anytime and not when a lease ended. He pushed it to the end of December. End of December came. Then middle of January. And then end of January. Then he tried to push it back to the beginning of February. I work as a florist and told him from the beginning, we aren't moving in February because of Valentine's Day being a big holiday. Didn't want stress of moving and Valentine's Day prepping. Then he pushed it to beginning of March. I was getting cold feet. Should of took this all as a sign. But BF convinced me that he was just having trouble getting his parents to take anything from upstairs.
We ended up moving in the middle of March of 2023. And right after we get moved in. They start construction on the road Infront of the house it being a main road. This goes on for a month.
There was still furniture upstairs and a whole bunch of stuff in the kitchen cabinets. None were cleared for us. And all the cats and the dog were still there. And we have two of our own cats. He told us over and over they were planning on getting them at the end of March. They never did. My BF and myself tried rehoming the dog. Nobody wanted him. He was needy and HH wanted nothing to do with the dog being in his part of the home and he was pinned up in our living room. We didn't have the patience for a dog even being dog lovers ourselves. Along with my couch is white and backyard was muddy from all the previous dogs they had. I should add they has 6 dogs totally in the house as well and left the one behind.
We kept the couch into the garage until the dog was gone. We had to wait a month and a half until he finally convinced his mom to get the dog before we could move our own furniture into the living room from the garage. But she never took the cats.
And the roommate was able to clear out three cabinets for us to use. The rest was filled with plates and cups. Literally all the cabinets are filled with plates. We went from having four cabinets from our apartment to having three in this farm house. The roommate refuses to pack anything away to make more room for our items. So most of my kitchen stuff is still packed away to this day. I'm a cook and it bothers me not having room for anything, two cabinets have our plates, and pots/pans and one cabinet has some items of food. I have to buy food almost every day cause there is no room for our food. And had to get rid of a lot of my items cause we are still living among boxes.
Other thing that annoys me is our roommate eats the same meal everyday. No joke. Same meal. Everyday. So he doesn't use any of the dishes in the cabinets. And even leaves his pans on the stove. I asked him if we can just get two more cabinets for food. He cleared out half of a cabinet.
For the next part I'm going to short describe events that happened upon us moving in. Ahem.
  1. One of the cats pukes and poops everywhere, to where it stained a new rug I got for the living room. Ongoing issue. I explained to change her diet but he refused saying the cats have eaten the same food for years. Should be fine.
  2. His dryer kept eating our clothes and it took him four times to convince him to switch our dryer in. It ate a pair of my shorts, a summer dress, a string back pack and my BFs dress shirt. There is no seal at the back of the dryer so anything would get caught in the back and would get twisted into the rotater. He said he was going to get a seal and Told me to run it on low when I use it to prevent it and not do heavy loads until then. And anything with strings should be aiydried. I wear bras. I normally air dry that stuff but there is no where to privately air dry except upstairs and it gets so humid up there that it takes forever to dry. He never got the seal so we got him to put our dryer in and take his out. Along with way the washer drains. It sometimes backs up and floods the laundry room.
3.Stinkbugs everywhere!
  1. The plumbing backed up into the laundry room. Couldn't use the laundry room for a week. Or the bathroom for a day. Along with the half bathroom upstairs. Yea doesn't work. He thought it worked but it keeps backing up into the bathtub when we use it. So it's disconnected. Asked if maybe he could remove the toilet and cover the hole so we could use the bathroom as a storage area upstairs but said he would get it fixed. Still isn't fixed.
  2. We started finding roaches. BF and I paid and got exterminators and they said they are common to find in the fields behind the house. We hired the exterminators twice not our roommate. HH refused it wasn't necessary but is adamant that roaches have never come around before we moved in. (We had only been here for 3 months at this point)
5.5. Exterminator found evidence on mice. HH refused issues with mice in the past either. It's an old Farm house, it's bound to happen but him refusing to having issues in the past is suspicious.
So all the items that were upstairs. Guess where they went? His parents didn't take them. He threw them at the back of the garage. We literally have a pile of garbage behind the house. No joke. Exterminator told him to get rid of the stuff cause that could be what's attracting bugs and mice. He has gotten rid of 1/8 of the pile. Even borrowed his dad's truck to move that 1/8 pile and it stayed parked in MY parking spot for three weeks before he took it to the dump and even killed his dad's battery cause he never used the truck. And had to get it jump started.
  1. Heat went out during a cold front. House runs on oil. And roommate forgot to get a refill. Didn't find out until late Friday and they couldn't come out until Monday. Unless we wanted to pay an emergency fee which he said he'd split but we refused cause it's his responsibility to check that. Not ours. So far this has happened twice living here. This house feels like your walking on glass when it gets cold.
  2. Separate incident. Plumbing backed up again and into the bathtub and kitchen sink. His dad blamed us for pouring oil / fat down the drain. I don't do that. But he accused us cause I had made burgers the night before and the pan was sitting on the stove filled with fat and he figured I was going to dump down the drain. His dad even scrapped at my pan to show a point and I got pissed at him from touching my property and accusing us of doing idiotic stuff that even a 10 year old knows not to do. Couldn't use the bathtub or sink for five days. Couldn't even use laundry room cause they had to snake the drain in there and use a horrible smelling chemical that made the house smell putrid for days.
  3. Hornets started getting into the attic were BF and I sleep.
  4. No AC, had to get an AC unit that fit into the small windows upstairs. Had to get two different ones cause one kept blowing a fuse in the house everytime you turned it on.
9.5 ACs of course leaks water. It leaked onto part of the roof. And it leaked through into our livingroom. Apparently it leaks during heavy rainstorms and he forgot to tell us that. He plans on repairing it but said for us to use the air conditioner less. But the upstairs. There is NO insulation and it doesn't hold any cold in during the summer. So we had to run it nonstop almost. Cause it was almost unliveable upstairs.
  1. The floor in bathroom kept cracking and giving in the more time that went from us first looking at the home back in August of 2022 to now. Two months ago I notice the toilet now wabbles. And he still hasn't done anything to fix it. Infact he keeps using the bath mat I purchased for the bathroom to cover the "dent". I kept moving it back toward the shower for me to use like intended but he keeps moving it back. It's just a bathmat but it's the principle. I don't want my bathmat that close to the f***ing toilet.
  2. One of his male cats keeps spraying in our livingroom.
  3. Half the stovetop in kitchen doesn't work.
  4. There is DUST everywhere. There is a cabinet in the mud room that is his with random items on it and it's covered in dust. His parents even left their DVD collection in our livingroom that is covered in a layer of dust on a shelf he promised we could use.
Everything just feels gross. No matter how much I clean.
Next is list of pet peeves I have with HH. Everyone has their pet peeves but these are ones that really really irritate me. I'm sure he has pet peeves about me. I'm not perfect. And I can't change his ways. I'm just venting here.
  1. He brushes his long curly hair over the kitchen sink. And washes it. He does take showers everyday but still washes his hair or at least damps it in the kitchen sink. I am always finding hair in my scrub daddy sponge and on any dishes in the sink. He keeps the brush on the counter near the dish strainer as well. And along with brushes his teeth in the kitchen sink. Keeps toothpaste and brush ontop of fridge or sometimes on the edge of the sink.
  2. He has people over every other weekend for game night. One of the people cooks for everyone. I don't eat the food cause I already have dinner plans most night. I'm at work when they come over at the beginning and the guy uses my dishes sometimes to cook. And the roommate never cleans the dishes the guy uses or leaves it in the sink or on the counter for a whole week before he cleans them. Or he throws them in my side of the sink and never does them. I've told him if he couldn't use my stuff or at least clean them. But he doesn't stop the guy from using them. I even came home one-time and had to clean the dishes cause they used items I was going to use for dinner that night and I got angry toward them.
I've given them permission to use my small grill but to let me know before hand. But they never would and we have had times I get home to use it and they are using it. And I have to wait to cook my food on my grill.
  1. Any extra dishes he does use from his normal diet of ramen. He leaves them on the dish strainer and NEVER puts anything away. There are dishes on the counter that have been there since we moved in.
  2. He won't get rid of anything. Example: I cut my lip on a glass cup and told him I was going to throw it away since it was his cup I used. And he said we can still use it just not drink it on that side. Along with one of the cabinets that he has some of his items in that we use has seashells in it. He won't get rid of them cause he said we can use them for soy sauce. 😑❓❓ The petty person I am even went through and counted all the plates he has in the house. He has a total of 74 plates. 42 cups. 25 bowls. A ridiculous amount of storage containers and only 15 of them have lids. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
  3. He feeds the cats in the laundry room. One eats on the dryer. One on the washer and there is a counter he feeds some of the cats. He leaves spilled cat food all over the laundry room counters and old cans of cat food.
  4. He keeps moving my tub mat in the shower over the drain to act as a hair catcher. And leaves his towel hanging over the curtain rack. He leaves hair he has pulled out of the drain on the counter or edge of the tub. And don't forget the mat outside the tub he keeps moving that's mine.
  5. He listens to music full blast in his livingroom which can be heard into my livingroom and refuses to turn music down. I even asked him about considering putting a door that leads into his living room cause he also sleeps in there instead of the extra room that is his. Cause I have to be quiet when I cook in the morning cause he sleeps right there. But he refuses.
  6. I brought my own moving island to this house, we put it in the mudroom and convinced him to move his giant coffee maker to that to make space on the kitchen counter. He doesn't clean the counter even though he is the only one that uses the coffee maker and that is the only thing on the counter. There are coffee stains all over it. I even cleaned it and put a mat down and he doesn't clean after himself.
  7. This one is recent. But I have an emergency box filled with supplies. And he keeps taking my expensive flashlights out and uses them and doesn't put them back. We had a tornado scare at 4 in the morning and I went to get it in case the power went out and it also has a setting for a red emergency flash. And they weren't there and he said he used them the other day but doesn't know where he put them. Like dude?! What the hell?!!! Those are for emergencies.
  8. This one is just gross. He has an air fryer that he never cleans. And it leaks oil all the time from the pan. I decided to try and clean it and there was 2 inches of crust burnt pieces and oil at the bottom of the pan. So gross!!! 🤢
There is more. But I don't want to go too crazy with my own craziness of on going complaints down the rabbit hole.
We are planning on moving here soon since we hit a year finally here in a few days. BF is even done. At the beginning he was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt cause it's his bestfriend for almost 15 years. But the more and more that kept happening. The more he realized we fucked up. But he wanted to stay a year to help him out. We just told him the other day we plan on buying our own home now and will be moving in the near future. His reaction was very mute. He doesn't show many emotions. But he left shortly after we told him and let's just say. I've never heard that man floor it when it came to his driving.
So yea! There is my story! Very long I'm sorry! But it's been one hell of a year! 😂😅
I will say I do feel bad for him cause it is an old Farm home and he was dealt with a heavy blow with his parents wanting to sell. The house falling apart everytime we turn around. I am not angry toward him. That's part of having a home stuff happens. But stuff happening one time after the other and along with him not really helping out with the living issues for peacewise is what makes everything bitter.
What have I learned from this experience?
  1. I had never had a roommate before and never want one again. I lived on my own from the beginning and then later moved my BF in and then later we moved in with HH. My BF is one thing but roommate is different.
  2. I don't want an old Farm home to live in anymore. Or a house on a big plot of land.
  3. You don't have to help everyone if it puts you in a hard bind. It's okay to say no.
  4. I never want to become a hoarder ever. I have my own, don't want to get rid of anything tendencies but his is ridiculous.
submitted by bambibluedrop to roommateproblems [link] [comments]

2024.02.22 01:33 Inevitable-Hippo-683 "HOW WELL DO WE KNOW EACH OTHER?" (her allcaps, not mine) - RELAX podcast Ep. 127 Recap

There is no episode descriptor under the audio-only version on AudioBoom. I peeked at the video upload and they are now seated side-by-side in two matching green chairs.
Colleen opened the episode by saying that instead of starting with their "relaxes", she wanted to begin by reading comments from last week. She said that she was wrong and he was right last week. He had said his "relax" was that he felt the need to save those extra buttons on shirts even though he never uses them and her response was he must be wearing fancy shirts. The viewers said she was wrong because lots of clothes come with extra buttons now. Someone also pointed out that she was a hypocrite by being freaked out by tags when she was wearing a knit sweater against her bare skin. She defended that by saying it wasn't wool because she can only wear super soft sweaters. More commenters had criticized Erik for saying "all of THE sudden" instead of "all of A sudden". Erik was annoyed that people were picking on him for that, lol. Colleen admitted that she has been saying it wrong too and then, no surprise, she read the origins of the phrase off her phone. Erik said it was "incorrectable" for him because he has said it for so long, which she gave him a hard time for (because she's so good at change and learning, right?).
Colleen read another comment from last week's podcast about the ear ringing she exoerience during the last podcast. She was shocked to learn from a fan that tinnitus is a real thing. Erik was equally shocked that as a vocal majoperformer, she didn't know what tinnitus was. He said it was a phobia of his and he had to say the word "tinnitus" again just to rub it in. Colleen wanted to call Erik's dad after Erik shared that tinnitus was a plot point for a character in "Archer" and he once acted in Criminal Minds with the actress who does the voice of Archer. Then they called Erik's dad.🙄
Colleen asked him if it's possible that ear ringing is random and when does it because something more serious like tinnitus. Dad said he used to have ringing ears after performances when he was a drummer back in the day and never wore ear protection, then got into the level of sound pressure that can cause it. He went into various possible causes but summed it up by saying it's generally caused by inner ear damage. The random, occasional ear ringing is not a concern, according to him. Of course, he got very scientific and Colleen interrupted by asking if he ever had random ear ringing and he said only when he took too much aspirin. He ended by saying that she should talk to her doctor and then Dad shared how his wife sometimes had to carefully remove stuff with a Bobby pin from his ear and he does not recommend that.
Colleen praised his dad for being a "fricking genius" after they hung up. Erik covered some other basic care warnings like wear sunscreen and floss your teeth, after his dad said not to stick anything small in your ear. Colleen actually asked, "Do you floss?". (how does she not know that?...he does, fyi)
Erik's "relax" was how every time they drive by a Motel 6, she ALWAYS gazes out the window and says that she learned how to swim at a Motel 6. She had no recollections of saying that at least 10 different times, according to him. He said the way she recently said it reminded him of a college theater class assignment where he had to pick a contemporary monologue. But he eventually found that type of monologue poorly written just for this purpose and the way she said, "I learned to swim in a Motel 6" sounded like some of those bad monologues. So he asked her to finish that often-repeated statement as her audition/monologue. She got defensive but then finally went into some poor, Texan girl accent (his suggestion) to continue the story. She had learned in a Motel 6 because she had dropped out of swim classes in college for her PE requirement, but she never went to a single class because it was at 6am.
Erik then shared how his college's crew team tried to recruit him when he was a freshman, but he passed because they practiced at 5am. Colleen said that she has NEVER taken a gym class, which left Erik confused because PE is a graduation requirement. She said her high school allowed her to use her participation in musical theater and tap dance as her PE requirement even if the musical didn't include dance. Erik asked if she had to do any of the fitness tests and she said not in high school, but she remembered it from elementary school. She has never had a girls' locker room experience.
Colleen quickly interrupted with her "relax," which was his inability to clean a baking sheet after he uses it. She kept at him, accusing him of baking things he hasn't baked or not putting down foil or parchment paper until he finally said, "Let me know when I can speak" in a sharp way (I'll have to check out the body language here because he sounds annoyed and accused her of "the GALL to speak to him about washing dishes"). He defended his feeling that baking sheets are like towels; they can be used a few times before washing them. He said, unlike him, she leaves them dirty dirty and just laying there. (this is another round of bickering...Colleen said she doesn't wash her bras 😳 and only washes her jeans occasionally).
This all came up because she bakes her two cookies every night and she was annoyed that he's not leaving the baking sheets the way she likes them. He said this is "challenging to not bicker" and then brought up how one night she was "on something" and baked taquitos directly on the rack (wth? he said it happened three months ago but he wrote it in his Notes app because when he asked her if she was doing that, she said, "yes, bitch" and he thought that was so funny) More and more about baking sheets and how she said "the forbidden word" (soolo BORING...who cares?). Colleen wrapped by apologizing for bickering.
Colleen then wanted to play a game "that represents how much they love each other" and how "good of a couple they are" (something she saw bavk around Valentine's Day). This fails as audio, but I think they are pulling a question and then the other writes down the answer to see if they can match. The first was, "What dog breed represents me?". Colleen said Erik would be a mutt and Erik had written down "terrier mix". Then Colleen pulled, "What do I buy too much of?". Colleen was stumped about what she would also write down and tried to figure out what he would say. He said she buys too much food for herself that she never finishes, Amazon stuff, cookie dough, and too many razors, all which led Colleen to get defensive. Colleen answered, "Clothes that she'll never wear". (She tried to claim she doesn't buy that much stuff). Erik then pulled, "what is my most irrational fear?". Colleen said SHE'S the one with all of the irrational fears.
I don't think they wrote anything down because they just started talking about their fears (his were throat injury fears and that he'll not sleep himself to death). Hers were that people will put their cigarette on her arm if they walk by her and fruit stickers. She pulled "What super power would I want?" Erik thought she'd want flying which was correct even though she said all the other super powers sound bad and began to run through all of them and why they sucked. Then Erik asked her to explain superhero backstories, which, of course, showed how dumb she was (HIS favorite game). He pulled "What's the most embarassing thing that I wear" (which Colleen was hoping SHE'D pull...she wrote the questions) Colleen said she thought he'd say her hat that she's wearing (that crazy cinductor one) would be what he would think was hers because people are always commenting how much they hate it (hmm...people or Reddit snarkers, lol...Erik loves her hat and hats, in general) He then pulled a replacement, "What was my first job" and she guessed right with Wetzel's Pretzels. (they broke into song singing Filene's like "Jolene" by Dolly ears!!!) Erik tried to claim that he was the genius that started the pretzel wrapped hotdogs. (he wasn't lol, but she was falling for it and Googling). Colleen abruptly ended the episode with barely a closing.
(There are still no sponsors during the podcast, but the auto-generated 30-second ones were back in the beginning and end)
submitted by Inevitable-Hippo-683 to ColleenBallingerSnark [link] [comments]

2024.02.21 13:38 Aihen Sexfriend mais peut être plus, comment savoir ?

Heyyy ✨ Je (23ans) vois un homme(24ans) depuis bientôt 1 mois et nous discutions avant ça depuis 1 mois aussi. Dès le début c’était plutôt clair : « Qu’est ce qu’on va faire de si ça matche ? On verra! » Mais il n’y avait pas de « relations amoureuses impossible » ou choses comme ça, c’était juste « viens on voit », okay okay. Quand on se voit on couche ensemble, mais on passe aussi du temps ensemble. On se parle tout les jours. À la Saint Valentin il m’a demandé « qu’est ce qu’on était ? Comment on se considérai ? », c’est là que le terme de plan cul est arrivé (y a aussi eu le « tu as des sentiments ?» hein??)
Maintenant que les bases sont posées… Il me demande de le prévenir quand je part dormir ou que je sort car ça le rassure, J’ai dit dès le début que si y a quelqu’un d’autres sexuellement, avec moi ça sera mort (IST, MST, facile de mentir… je prend pas le risque) mais que juste on en parle, on se le dit (honnêteté!) et bye bye et ce type d’exclusivité lui va (il coupera les ponts aussi si je vois quelqu’un d’autres), On dors dans les bras l’un de l’autre, Des bisous sans raison apparente ou sur le front ou de venir faire des câlins et des papouilles jute comme ça, On couche pas énormément quand on est ensemble, c’est vraiment du temps de qualité sans cul systématiquement, Bref… quelqu’un de très attentionné et spontané aussi, mais j’ai l’impression d’être en couple sans l’être ?
D’après lui, par contre, il a pas envie d’être en couple vis à vis de son ancienne relation qui « l’enfermer » trop et il crains que ça recommence donc autant être libre.
Est ce moi qui imagine que les plans cul doivent fonctionner d’une manière différente ou il y a possiblement quelque chose de différent ? Est ce que ma vision biaisé de l’affection entre en compte aussi… je sais plus !
C’est pleins de petites actions agencées dans le temps qui me paraissent bizarre et quand on en parle c’est un peu ce moment gênant où aucun des deux ne veux parler ou je ne sais quoi…
Merci de m’avoir lu 🙏🏼 (Ça me paraît dérisoire comme mode de pensée mais en même temps j’ai tant de doutes, excusez moi 🙏🏼)
submitted by Aihen to AskMec [link] [comments]

2024.02.21 11:54 Significant-Tower146 Best Plus Size Dresses For Wedding

Best Plus Size Dresses For Wedding

The Top 5 Best Plus Size Dresses For Wedding

  1. Plus Size Women's Appliquéd Lace V-Neck Wedding Dress - Yipeisha Women's V-neck Plus Size Wedding Dress, ideal for beach, formal, and summer weddings, features chiffon, beading, sequins, and a sweep train, tailored to perfection by professional seamstresses.
  2. Long Sleeve Plus-Size Sequin Evening Dress - Sleek and Stylish: This Plus Size Sequin Evening Gown Party Long Maxi Dress is perfect for formal events, clubs, and special occasions, with its 3/4 sleeves, surplice neckline, and flared skirt with sequins.
  3. Black Lace Cocktail Dress for Plus Size Women - Discover the elegant Plus Size Cocktail Dress, designed with soft lace, a round neck, high-waist, midi length, and a fit and flare style. Perfect for weddings, parties, and special occasions like Valentine's Day, anniversaries, and more.
  4. Stylish A-Line Evening Gown with Pockets - Discover a stunning A-line plus size prom dress featuring pockets, a side slit, and glittery fabric that offers the perfect fit for a range of occasions. Embrace elegance with this long evening gown designed for prom parties, evening events, and more.
  5. Stylish and Comfortable Wedding Guest Dress - Discover the elegance and class of this off-the-shoulder, A-line plus size dress, perfect for a wedding guest's stunning ensemble in sizes up to 20.
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🔗Plus Size Women's Appliquéd Lace V-Neck Wedding Dress
I recently wore the Yipeisha Women's Elegant Applique Lace Wedding Dress for a friend's beach wedding. The moment I saw it online, I fell in love with its intricate beadwork and delicate lace patterns. It's not every day that you find a plus-size dress that is both comfortable and stylish. The sweeping train added to my dramatic entrance, while the cap sleeves provided just the right amount of coverage.
One of the best things about this dress is its versatility. It can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion, making it perfect for everything from an engagement party to a formal farm wedding. Plus, the built-in bra ensures that everything stays in place no matter how much dancing there is!
However, I did have some issues with sizing. The size chart wasn't very accurate, and I ended up needing alterations to get the right fit. Additionally, the colors on the website were slightly different than the actual dress - be prepared for that possibility!
Despite these minor inconveniences, I'm extremely satisfied with my purchase. The quality of the dress is impeccable, and it truly made me feel like a princess on my friend's big day. I would definitely recommend this dress for anyone looking for something elegant yet practical for their special occasion.

🔗Long Sleeve Plus-Size Sequin Evening Dress
As I stepped into the evening party, all eyes turned to me in my Graphent Women's Plus Size Sequin 3/4 Sleeves Evening Gown Party Long Maxi Dress. The solid slim bodice kept things modest while the surplice neckline made me feel confident and sexy. The 3/4 sleeves and high waist with curve-cinching band effortlessly elongated my charming feminine silhouette, making me feel like I was walking on air.
The flared skirt detailing with sequins was a real showstopper, adding an element of glamour to the overall design. And speaking of design, it's hard not to mention the perfect blend of classic and modern elements - from the empire waist to the side zip closure - that made this dress a standout in any crowd.
One thing that really stood out for me was the quality of the fabric. It was lightweight yet durable, allowing me to dance the night away without having to worry about rips or tears. Plus, the slight stretch made it incredibly comfortable to wear, even after several hours of wearing it.
However, there is one minor issue that I have with this dress: it tends to run a bit small. While the model's measurements provided were accurate, I found that I needed to size up for a more comfortable fit. But apart from that, this is definitely one of my favorite dresses to wear to any formal event or special occasion.
In summary, the Graphent Women's Plus Size Sequin 3/4 Sleeves Evening Gown Party Long Maxi Dress is a stunning choice for anyone looking to make a bold fashion statement. Its elegant design, high-quality fabric, and attention to detail make it a must-have for any woman's wardrobe.

🔗Black Lace Cocktail Dress for Plus Size Women
I recently had the pleasure of attending a friend's wedding wearing this stunning plus-size cocktail dress. Right out of the box, I was greeted with the softest lace material that felt luxurious against my skin. The round neckline made me feel elegant and sophisticated, while the 1/2 sleeves provided just the right amount of coverage without sacrificing style.
The high waist design felt incredibly flattering on my body, accentuating my curves in all the right places. The midi length was perfect for both twirling on the dance floor and feeling comfortable while sitting down during dinner. And let's not forget about the fit and flare style - it added a touch of femininity and playfulness to the overall look.
One thing I appreciated was the detailed size measurement guide provided by the seller, which helped me choose the perfect size for me. As for maintaining its beauty, I followed their recommended garment care instructions and hand washed it in cold water to keep the lace looking pristine for future occasions.
However, I did notice a few minor drawbacks with this dress. Firstly, the zipper wasn't as smooth as I would have liked, making it a bit difficult to put on and take off without assistance. Additionally, while the lace was beautiful, it was also slightly itchy during prolonged periods of wear.
Overall, this black lace midi dress was definitely a head-turner at the wedding! Its unique blend of style, comfort, and versatility makes it a great addition to any plus-size fashionista's wardrobe.

🔗Stylish A-Line Evening Gown with Pockets
I recently attended a black tie event and wanted to make a statement with my outfit. I decided to go for the Grab A Dress Long Plus Size A Line dress with Pockets and boy, it did not disappoint! The measurements provided were spot on (Size 18 plus: Bust 45", Waist 38", Hips 47.5"), and the built in bra was a game changer, giving me extra support and confidence throughout the night. The dress was perfect for the event, turning heads with its iridescent bling looking fabric and spaghetti straps.
The Lace Up closure made putting it on a breeze, and the A Line shape made me feel comfortable and secure in my outfit choice. The side slit added a sultry touch while still keeping it classy for a formal event. I must say, I felt like a prom queen in this dress, and it was definitely worth every penny!
However, one minor con would be that the glitter fabric might require a little extra care when it comes to maintenance. But overall, this dress was an absolute hit for me and I can't wait to wear it to future events!

🔗Stylish and Comfortable Wedding Guest Dress
I recently attended a friend's wedding as a guest and the spotlight turned to me when I walked in wearing this stunning plus size dress from Formal Dress Shops Inc. The off-shoulder 3/4 sleeves and the modified sweetheart neckline on the fitted bodice flattered my curves perfectly.
The A-line skirt with the high leg slit added just the right touch of elegance and sass. The fabric was silky smooth satin that beautifully captured the light. I felt like a million bucks in this dress, perfect for formal events like weddings or even as an evening gown.
It even works well as a mother of the bride/groom dress. The color selection, mauve, burgundy, and hunter green, are versatile and chic. Be sure to check the size chart to ensure the right fit, as plus size sizing can vary between brands.
Overall, this dress not only boosted my confidence for the event, but it also became a topic of conversation among my friends who were all envious of my chic attire.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to selecting the perfect dress for a wedding, plus size women have a variety of stylish options to choose from. These dresses are not only designed specifically for larger women but also cater to their individual tastes and preferences. The right dress will make you feel confident, beautiful, and ready to enjoy the special day.

Important Features To Consider
  • Material: Look for materials that are comfortable, breathable, and easy to move in. Common choices include satin, chiffon, and lace.
  • Fit: Ensure the dress fits well and is designed to flatter your figure. A-line and Empire waist styles tend to be most flattering for plus size women.
  • Length: Depending on the dress code and formality of the event, choose a length that suits the occasion. Whether you prefer an elegant knee-length dress or a stunning floor-length gown, there are plenty of options available.

Considerations For Different Wedding Occasions

  1. Daytime Weddings: Daytime weddings call for elegant, lightweight fabrics in soft colors or pastels. Choose a dress that's easy to move in and perfect for enjoying the outdoors.
  2. Evening Weddings: For evening weddings, opt for rich fabrics and bold colors or sequins. This type of event usually requires a more formal dress, such as a ball gown or a mermaid-style dress.
  3. Themed Weddings: If the wedding has a specific theme, such as vintage or beach, look for a dress that complements the overall aesthetic. This may mean choosing a specific color palette or choosing a dress from a certain era.

General Advice For Plus Size Brides

When selecting a plus size wedding dress, it's essential to take your time, try on different styles, and seek expert advice. This will help you feel confident and amazing on your special day. Remember to choose a dress that makes you feel comfortable and reflects your individual style and personality. Lastly, accessorize your look with stylish shoes, fabulous jewelry, and a stunning clutch to complete your ensemble.


What are the best plus size dresses for a wedding?

There are numerous elegant and fashionable plus size dresses for weddings, ranging from floor-length gowns to chic cocktail dresses. Some popular styles include A-line, empire-waist, and trumpet silhouettes. Key features to look for include a comfortable fit, flattering drapes, and breathability to ensure that you feel confident and stylish throughout the event.

How do I choose the right size for a plus size wedding dress?
Choosing the right size for a plus size wedding dress is crucial for ensuring a well-fitting, comfortable garment. Start by consulting the sizing chart provided by the retailer, as sizes may vary. Take accurate measurements of your bust, waist, and hips, and compare them to the chart. If you're unsure or fall between sizes, consider ordering two sizes and exchanging the one that doesn't fit correctly.

What kind of fabric is ideal for plus size wedding dresses?

Fabric choice is essential for both style and comfort in a plus size wedding dress. Stretchy, fluid fabrics like charmeuse, crepe, and chiffon are excellent choices, as they drape beautifully and accommodate a range of body types. Avoid structured fabrics with limited stretch, as they may be less comfortable and may not offer the best fit.

How can I find a flattering neckline for my plus size wedding dress?

Flattering necklines for plus size wedding dresses vary depending on your individual body shape and personal style. Some popular options include V-neck, off-the-shoulder, and scoop necklines. To determine which neckline best suits your shape, consider experimenting with different styles in front of a mirror or consulting a trusted friend or stylist for advice.

Should I wear a strapless or sleeved wedding dress if I'm plus size?

Whether you choose a strapless or sleeved wedding dress is ultimately a matter of personal preference and style. Both options can be flattering on plus size figures, so it's essential to select a dress that makes you feel confident and comfortable. If you're worried about support, consider choosing a dress with built-in bra cups or adding a supportive bra to your outfit.

What kind of accessories should I wear with my plus size wedding dress?

When accessorizing your plus size wedding dress, focus on creating a polished and cohesive look that complements your outfit. Some popular options include statement necklaces, drop earrings, and bracelets to enhance your neckline. Additionally, consider wearing a stylish clutch or wristlet to keep your essentials close at hand. Shoes, such as wedges or block heels, can be a comfortable choice for added height and support.

How do I alter a plus size wedding dress to achieve the perfect fit?
If your plus size wedding dress requires alterations, consult with a skilled tailor or seamstress who has experience working with wedding gowns. They can assess your garment and advise you on the best course of action for achieving a precise fit. Some common alterations include taking in the waist, hemming, and adjusting the bust or straps. Communicate your preferences and needs clearly with your tailor to ensure that you are satisfied with the final result.

What is the appropriate undergarment to wear with a plus size wedding dress?

Wearing the right undergarments is crucial for achieving a smooth and comfortable fit in your plus size wedding dress. Opt for seamless, high-quality undergarments that offer ample support and won't create visible lines or bulk under your gown. Consider investing in a well-fitting bras that offers both lift and shape, and choose matching panties or shapewear that will smooth your silhouette without adding discomfort. Experiment with various options to find the combination that best suits your outfit and personal comfort preferences.

What are some ways to save money on a plus size wedding dress?

Saving money on a plus size wedding dress is possible with a bit of research and creativity. Consider shopping at discount retailers, department store sales, or online outlets where you may find dresses at reduced prices. You can also look for gently-used or sample dresses in excellent condition from bridal salons or online marketplaces. Lastly, consider waiting for seasonal sales or discount periods, as many retailers offer significant savings on wedding gowns during these times.

How do I care for my plus size wedding dress to maintain its condition?

To keep your plus size wedding dress in excellent condition, follow the cleaning and storage instructions provided by the manufacturer. In general, you should avoid wearing your dress during events that may result in stains or damage. Instead, save it for your wedding day or other special occasions. After your event, have your dress professionally cleaned and preserved to ensure that it remains in pristine condition for years to come.

Conclusion: FAQs for Plus Size Wedding Dresses

In conclusion, choosing the perfect plus size wedding dress and accessorizing it with the right undergarments and accessories can help you feel confident and stylish on your big day. Remember to consider factors like fabric, neckline, and sizing when selecting your gown. Additionally, consult with tailors and seamstresses for alterations, and take good care of your dress to preserve its condition for years to come. By following these tips and considering the FAQs provided, you'll be well-equipped to find the perfect wedding dress that suits your style and body type.
As an Amazon™ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.
submitted by Significant-Tower146 to serpbest [link] [comments]

2024.02.16 10:18 redditduk [Megalist] SG Concerts, Gigs, Raves: End Feb (16-29 Feb 2024)

1 Mar: New List

16 Feb, Fri - Esplanade Huayi Fest 华艺节


17 Feb, Sat

18 Feb, Sun - River Hongbao ends

19 Feb, Mon

20 Feb, Tue

21 Feb, Wed

22 Feb, Thu

23 Feb, Fri - Chingay Parade


Others / Arts Weekend

24 Feb, Sat - Airshow Public Weekend


Sun, 25 Feb


Mon, 26 Feb - Lion City Jazz Festival

27 Feb, Tue

Wed, 28 Feb

29 Feb, Thu

submitted by redditduk to singaporemusicchat [link] [comments]

2024.02.14 23:58 FitAuMax ❤️ Happy Valentine's Day❤️ Fit Au Max Lingerie

❤️ Happy Valentine's Day❤️

#ValentineSale #FitAuMaxLingerieLove #LaceBraLove #largebrasizes #Brasizes #bigbras #SupportiveBras #QualityBras #largebrasizes #qualitypanties #bigbras #braandpantiesset #plussizebras #fullcoveragebra #fullfiguredbras #BraShopping #ComfortableBras
submitted by FitAuMax to u/FitAuMax [link] [comments]

2024.02.14 18:07 NotTheFirstNewbie J'extériorise un peu

Bonjour à toutes et tous,
Je (H33) suis un homme relativement solitaire, qui sort d'une période de célibat de presque 10 ans. Aujourd'hui, nous mettons terme à une relation très éphémère, mais que j'ai vécu très intensément de mon côté. Je me suis ouvert beaucoup plus que je ne m'en sentais capable et je dois reconnaître que je suis un peu affecté par cette fin prématurée.
Ma partenaire a traversé beaucoup d'événements en peu de temps et en fin de compte, même si nous nous retrouvons sur de nombreux points, nous ne cherchons pas les mêmes choses, et pas aux mêmes moments. Finalement, nous avons convenu de rester en bon terme.
J'ai accepté pendant de nombreuses années mon célibat, et ma situation. J'ai fait le deuil de certains projets comme trouver une partenaire, bâtir un foyer, fonder une famille, etc. Je lui ai confié que je pensais ne plus jamais tenir une femme dans mes bras, poser mes lèvres sur un autre corps, donner tout l'amour que j'ai accumulé et enfoui pendant des années.
Nous avons eu de nombreuses soirées et de nombreux moments d'écoutes mutuelles.
Nous nous sommes rencontrés sur notre lieu de travail et elle a fait le premier pas, je n'ai eu qu'à suivre d'immenses panneaux éclairés pour rejoindre ses bras. J'étais heureux et apaisé. Je ne veux pas retomber dans ma vie d'avant, dans l'indifférence avec ma tristesse et mes peurs.
Je veux rencontrer des gens et me remettre à rêver un peu, mais je ne sais pas comment faire.Je ne sais pas si j'ai juste besoin de parler ou de vrais conseils, alors je prendrais les deux.
Voilà. J'ai beaucoup d'autres maux à poser, mais qui ne concernent pas réellement cette histoire.
Pour mon premier poste, j'espère que je n'en fais pas trop, et que je poste dans les bons subs, mais c'est en faisant des erreurs qu'on apprend.
Je vous remercie de m'avoir lu, de votre temps dans les réponses. Pardon, si je ne réponds pas rapidement ou un peu à côté.
Bonne Saint-Valentin quand même :/
Edit 1 : le copiecoller est mal passé, j'ai juste espacé les paragraphes.
submitted by NotTheFirstNewbie to besoindeparler [link] [comments]

2024.02.14 16:48 NotTheFirstNewbie Je ne sais pas si j'ai juste besoin de parler ?

Bonjour à toutes et tous,
Je (H33) suis un homme relativement solitaire, qui sort d'une période de célibat de presque 10 ans. Aujourd'hui, nous mettons terme à une relation très éphémère, mais que j'ai vécu très intensément de mon côté. Je me suis ouvert beaucoup plus que je ne m'en sentais capable et je dois reconnaître que je suis un peu affecté par cette fin prématurée.
Ma partenaire a traversé beaucoup d'événements en peu de temps et en fin de compte, même si nous nous retrouvons sur de nombreux points, nous ne cherchons pas les mêmes choses, et pas aux mêmes moments. Finalement, nous avons convenu de rester en bon terme.
J'ai accepté pendant de nombreuses années mon célibat, et ma situation. J'ai fait le deuil de certains projets comme trouver une partenaire, bâtir un foyer, fonder une famille, etc. Je lui ai confié que je pensais ne plus jamais tenir une femme dans mes bras, poser mes lèvres sur un autre corps, donner tout l'amour que j'ai accumulé et enfoui pendant des années.
Nous avons eu de nombreuses soirées et de nombreux moments d'écoutes mutuelles.
Nous nous sommes rencontrés sur notre lieu de travail et elle a fait le premier pas, je n'ai eu qu'à suivre d'immenses panneaux éclairés pour rejoindre ses bras. J'étais heureux et apaisé. Je ne veux pas retomber dans ma vie d'avant, dans l'indifférence avec ma tristesse et mes peurs. Je veux rencontrer des gens et me remettre à rêver un peu, mais je ne sais pas comment faire.
Comment les gens se rencontrent ? Dans la vraie vie (cinéma, restau, dans la rue, à la boucherie) ? Applis et site de rencontre ?
Comment, vous, les solitaires, avez rencontrer votre partenaire ?
Je ne sais pas si j'ai juste besoin de parler ou de vrais conseils, alors je prendrais les deux.
Voilà. J'ai beaucoup d'autres maux à poser, mais qui ne concernent pas réellement cette histoire.
Pour mon premier poste, j'espère que je n'en fais pas trop. et que je poste dans les bons subs, mais c'est en faisant des erreurs qu'on apprends.
Je vous remercie de m'avoir lu, de votre temps dans les réponses. Pardon, si je ne réponds pas rapidement ou un peu à côté.
Bonne Saint-Valentin quand même :/
submitted by NotTheFirstNewbie to AskMec [link] [comments]

2024.02.12 22:23 privacylmao Sushi à volonté à Montréal?

Je cherche une bonne place sushi à volonté qui coute pas un bras pour la Saint-Valentin avec ma blonde, merci beaucoup
submitted by privacylmao to montreal [link] [comments]