Bubble letter alphabet maker

This letter of the alphabet is painting itself black and yellow. B.E.

2024.05.21 15:08 baldtwonk This letter of the alphabet is painting itself black and yellow. B.E.

Bonus 15 Taiwan:
  1. A classic blue and white porcelain vase featuring detailed floral and dragon motifs.
  2. A pale blue glazed bowl with delicate, incised decorations, typical of refined ceramic art.
  3. A double gourd shaped vase with a crackle-glazed celadon finish.
  4. An earthenware pot with a three-color glaze (green, brown, and cream) and lion head motifs.
  5. A porcelain plate with intricate, multi-colored enamel paintings of flowers and birds.
  6. A brown stoneware teapot renowned for its use in brewing tea and retaining its flavor.
  7. A black-glazed tea bowl with oil spot markings, favored for tea ceremonies.
  8. A large plate with a thick celadon glaze and subtly incised lotus patterns.
  9. An elegantly simple ceramic pillow finished in a pure white glaze.
  10. A jar featuring an intricate design of mythical creatures and waves in cobalt blue on white.
  11. A white porcelain sculpture of Guanyin, known for its ivory-like finish.
  12. A vibrant, three-colored glazed ceramic camel figure, often used as a tomb offering.
  13. A storage jar with a green lead-based glaze, used for storing grains or wine.
  14. A vase with a stunning peach bloom glaze, showcasing a modern interpretation of classic techniques.
  15. A vase with a white and black slip design, typical of the folk kilns of a renowned ceramic style.
submitted by baldtwonk to rockbusters [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:51 Toddle_Runs Morning riddle.

Morning riddle. submitted by Toddle_Runs to TikTok_Top99_UnBiased [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:52 kballs OFAH - Alphabet- Letter N

OFAH - Letter N
Saw this being done on a few other subs over the years, might be fun to give it a bash here.
Rules are simple, new letter each day, and we try to come up with the OFAH alphabet.
Most upvoted comment wins.
New post every day around lunchtime with a new letter, and we go until we reach the end.
How’s about it me old son?
Yesterday’s winner was “Mum said to me on her deathbed”
So sling yer ‘ook into letter N
Just to clarify since some didn’t get it. It’s a new letter every day, so N only for today, O tomorrow etc.
A= alright’ Dave?
B= Bonnet De Douche
C= Cushty
D= Dave
E= Emperor Burger
F= Four Aces
G= Groovy Gang
H= He who dares wins
J= Jolly boys outing
K= knock knock knocked him out
L= Lovely Jubbly
M= Mum said to me on her deathbed
submitted by kballs to OnlyFoolsAndHorses [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:30 Bit_anxious202 rule :p

rule :p submitted by Bit_anxious202 to 196 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:29 catespice Memoirs of a Long Pig

“We’re a meat family,” my dad would proudly tell strangers. He’d wait for the quizzical look, then launch into detail, starting with how many freezers we had, how long we could sustain ourselves on the contents. It was just his way of starting a conversation, which made sense when you considered that raising and home-killing animals for food was, for want of a better term, his life-long hobby. His prize possession was one of those industrial-sized vacuum sealers: you could put half a pig inside and wrap it in plastic so tightly that every wrinkle and skin fold waxed unreal with shiny detail.
If we hadn’t lived in a rural area, albeit semi-urbanised, I guess it would have been pretty weird. But the mostly farming-stock locals only found his extra enthusiasm a little bit odd.
When he wasn’t being a bit embarrassing talking about it, I never really paid much heed to his hobby. I had a child’s vaguely grateful awareness that though our family went through some lean financial times, our stomachs never suffered like some of the families around us. All the beef, pork, ham and bacon in those big old chest freezers passed down from his dad really could have fed us for years.
I should preface all this by saying that I wasn’t a particularly bright kid, though neither was I dumb. I didn’t fail badly at anything in school, I just never achieved beyond a pass. I didn’t know it yet back then, still quietly dreaming about being a ballet star or a dressage champion, but mediocrity was my destiny. And I think that’s why I got on so well with my Aunt Liz.
Liz was my dad’s live-in youngest sister. She was one of those women who get described as ‘bubbly’ — not really pretty, not really smart, not a lot going on besides just being… well, all Liz. But she was salt of the earth; kind, caring, and great with kids. She was the only person who would willingly mind my two older brothers, who fought like hellcats and caused more trouble than the whole last generation of my family combined. People would privately lament to my parents that it was a shame Liz didn’t have kids of her own, but dad would just shake his head and say Liz liked it that way – that all the fun of looking after kids is being able to give them back to their parents.
I guess she was like me; nice, but mediocre. Lovely, but somehow forgettable when she wasn’t doing something for you.
But when Liz left us, I couldn’t forget her.
In hindsight, it was pretty weird timing that we had a big fortieth birthday party for Liz right before she disappeared. She was radiant that night; she’d hired a local girl to do her hair and makeup, and it was honestly the first time I’d ever seen her look pretty. She’d even worn a push-up bra under a tight red dress, which flattered her very plump curves well enough that the neighbour’s farmhand was spotted disappearing into the woolshed with her for a snog. In my dawning awareness, that gave a plain girl hope: if Aunty Liz could get a guy at forty, maybe things would turn out okay for me.
Anyway, I couldn’t forget how her pink cheeks, her eyes, her whole self, glowed that night before Liz went to bed. She said it was the best birthday ever, and that she was very much looking forward to the next stage of her life.
Would I have done anything different, if I had known? If I had realised what, exactly, that next stage was?
The week after the party, Aunt Liz said she was going on a little holiday up north, to visit some old school friends. She packed her things – she didn’t honestly have that many – and drove her little orange mini out onto the main road. And with a wave of one fleshy hand, she was gone. Nobody really thought much of it when she didn’t call, because nobody rural had cellphones back then. And Liz was, as I said, somehow kinda forgettable when she wasn’t right in front of you.
When we hadn’t had contact for six weeks, Dad tracked down the land line numbers for their old school buddies. They were surprised to hear from him — Liz had never arrived, so they had just assumed she’d cancelled her visit. No-one had thought to check. I eavesdropped on the conversation, and it sounded for all the world like *they* had forgotten about Aunt Liz, too.
From there it became a missing person case. The local cops came and talked to all of us; the farmhand who’d been seen snogging her was briefly detained, then let go, dad got grilled at length, even my hellion brothers were questioned thoroughly to see if this was one of their wild and dangerous pranks gone wrong.
But everything was a dead end. Nobody knew where Liz was, or what had happened to her.
The remains of her old mini were found halfway across the country, burned out on a beach, on a derelict stretch of ragged, rocky coastline. The police assumed murder and combed the area for remains. But even the most expert divers couldn’t conquer the incredible undertow and fast-shifting seabed of that coastline to look for evidence, so none was forthcoming.
Eventually the cops collectively shrugged and said that there was really nothing more they could do unless more information suddenly came to light. The locals knew nothing, no witnesses had come forward, and the trail was cold. As far as anyone knew, poor aunt Liz had been murdered on some desolate beach, far away from her home.
It didn’t feel fair to me. She’d once mentioned wanting her remains buried on our farm, in the graveyard plot beside grandma and grandad.
So, in my grief, I went into her room to look for something of hers to bury beside them.
Like I said, Liz didn’t have many things. Her room was pretty spartan, and her wardrobe was mostly sensible farm stuff. There was one exception: she, like me, did like to read, and she had a pretty good collection of well-thumbed books. I think it’s the escapism – even the most mediocre girl can lose herself in the plot of some trashy romance novel, imagine there’s still hope of being swept off her feet by that handsome stableboy, his inexplicable yearning for chubby plain girls.
So I set myself the task of going through the books, to find the right one to bury in the graveyard plot.
Most of them were exactly what you’d expect, but some of them were racier than I was used to. I felt various parts of my body flushing and tingling, as I read breathless prose about calloused hands touching the softest flesh of the protagonist. Okay, if I’m honest with myself, I might have got a little *too* invested in my project at that point. But that was also why I persisted going through her entire collection, until I found the ragged paperback from 1970, entitled Tawny Sands. And inside that trashy cardboard romance cover, I discovered not the tale of Tawny Sands, but some carefully hand-cut, stitched-in pages. A handwritten story in my Aunt’s rounded penmanship: Memoirs of a Long Pig.
I read her story twice in a row, utterly gripped.
Aunt Liz was no Stephen King – heck, she wasn’t even the Goosebumps guy – but her story was gripping and compelling, and I couldn’t put it down. Even if I hadn’t known her, I think that would have been true.
The gist of it was that Liz, when she was sixteen, had discovered that our family had a very long history of eating what she described as ‘Long Pork’. It’s an antipodean term, anglicised from the Pacific Islands: human meat.
Like me, young Liz still had some hopes and dreams. In one of her many failed attempts to find a special talent, she’d taken up cooking as a hobby. Naturally, with our family’s overabundance of meat, she’d scoured the freezers in the shed for ingredients: the racks of ribs and stacks of pork chops, butcher-paper wrappings all neatly labelled with the first letter of the name of the animal they came from.
She found familiar meat from Rodney, one of the pigs that had been recently slaughtered, emblazoned with an ‘R’ in her father’s strong, blocky lettering. There were cutlets labelled ‘M’ for Mary, from one of the lambs she’d hand-reared, and ‘F’ for Ferdinand, the steer they’d killed the month before. But she couldn’t explain the many, many curious parcels of meat on one side of the huge freezer, all labelled ‘J’ – at least, not until she took it all out and assembled it as well as she could on the scoured concrete floor of the killing shed. A big, frozen jigsaw puzzle without the box, her best attempt to discover what kind of beast the pieces had come from.
The animal, she quickly realised, was a Long Pig. Her own Aunt Jenny, who had died the month before – just after her fortieth birthday.
Fortunately, or perhaps not, for Liz, her father entered the shed right at that moment and realised his daughter had discovered the family secret. He sat down calmly on the lid of the freezer, and explained to her that this was a long-running family tradition, dating back to at least before his grandfather had been born.
“There are always people in life, Liz,” he’d said, “who won’t really amount to much. They want to be useful, want to be more. They strive and they strive, trying job after job, hobby after hobby, trying to hit on something they’re really good at. Something that makes them special. Those people can waste their whole lives, chasing dreams that never come true. Eventually they die unfulfilled, knowing that all their time has been wasted. That what they leave behind will fade quickly.”
His voice was oddly gentle as he leaned down and patted one of the neatly wrapped cuts of Aunt Jenny, still sitting frozen on the shed floor.
“Your Aunt Jenny was one of those people. So was my Aunt Irene.” He paused to gaze at his daughter, his next words peppered with emphasis. “But you see, my sweet Liz, they did find a purpose in life. They did find a way to be special, and they left this world utterly certain of their gift.” He stood up, stretched his back. “Let me show you.”
Liz waited while my grandad meticulously stacked the meat back into the freezer, all but one J-marked parcel that looked for all the world like a thick venison steak. He took her back to the farmhouse, and reverently unwrapped the deep red, heavily marbled meat to let it thaw. Then he laid it in the family’s ancient, cast-iron pan, basting it with butter and rosemary until a heavenly scent filled the kitchen, and Aunt Liz couldn’t stop her mouth from watering.
“Just try it. Let her show you. You’ll see exactly what I’m talking about.”
Even though she knew it was her aunt, Liz couldn’t stop herself from taking that first bite. There was something transcendent about the smell, overriding her natural revulsion that this was human meat, not one of their farm animals. For the first time, she truly realised it: we’re just another kind of animal. And weren’t her memories of Mary the lamb almost as fond as her memories of Aunt Jenny?
Liz explained then, in her curly handwriting, the explosion of taste that had assaulted her when she tried the steak. It was tender, it was succulent, it was rich beyond imagining. The fats melted on her tongue, lingering somewhere between pork and beef, but oddly neither. The flavour of the meat defied identification; something familiar, yet not.
But one thing she couldn’t deny; it was the most delicious thing she had ever eaten. Tears dripped onto her plate, mingled with the juice, the grease — not grief, but a pure, real, giddy delight.
“You’re tasting your aunt’s love for this family,” my grandad explained. “Her entire life was carefully curated, to eventually make unforgettable moments for us, just like this. This was her way of being special. This was the greatest gift she could possibly bring to our world – and because she realised that, she died with not a single regret. She knew her life had purpose. She was perfectly, completely fulfilled.”
I felt those words. I felt them lodge in my own belly, settling uncomfortably deep. I knew Aunt Liz, probably better than anyone else in the family. I’d seen how fucking happy she’d been on her fortieth, how goddamn fulfilled she was, despite apparently being a *nobody* and achieving *nothing*. Somehow, in the space of a single day, she had gone from being a forgettable background character to becoming the *main character*, immortalising herself in our family’s history with her sacrifice. Quite literally becoming part of all of us, forever.
I went to the killing shed after I finished with the book. I looked inside the freezers.
But there were no vacuum-sealed packages labelled ‘L’, no matter how deep I dug into the frozen stacks of plastic-wrapped flesh. Panicked now, not sure if I wanted to connect all the dots or unconnect them, I tried to think back over the last few months, recall any meals that had been unusually good. A few Sundays ago, we’d had a stew that really hit the spot and left me craving more. And I realised that the family had a really good night that night; my brothers behaved themselves, my parents didn’t fight, and grandma and grandad had been there. Hadn’t they looked far more… expectant than they should have?
I strained my brain, trying to recall if I’d seen the homekill bag on the kitchen bench – if I’d registered what letter it was. I knew it wasn’t an L. I would have remembered if it was an L.
And then it hit me, the memory, the connection, sizzling as if branded with a hot iron.
It had been an ‘E’.
E for Elizabeth. Not for Edward the pig.
I snorted at my own stupidity – of *course* Liz was short for Elizabeth – and as I comprehended my lack of smarts, I felt something give inside me.
I wasn’t clever, and nothing, nothing would ever make me smart. I had no big talents. I wasn’t beautiful, or even cute – and even if I had a million plastic surgeries, it still wouldn’t fulfill me. It wouldn’t be real.
I was a Liz.
I was a Jenny.
I was whoever the first aunt had been, the aunt who had dedicated her life to making her flesh as delicious as possible, who had worked every damn minute to be the best Long Pig she could ever be.
I wondered how many magical family evenings had been spent eating Aunt Jenny. How many glorious, satisfying, memorable dishes had been made out of her.
And… I wanted that. I wanted to finally know I had a *purpose* in life. One so simple, and so easy to achieve.
I wanted what Aunt Liz had.
It's my fortieth birthday today and I’m so fucking excited. For the last twenty-four years, I’ve dedicated myself to this moment; I’ve eaten exactly what I needed to, I’ve exercised just enough, but not too much, to maintain that perfect balance of marbling vs tenderness. I’ve relaxed and meditated to keep all those amazing flavours inside of me. I’ve researched all the greatest meats in the world, from prime Angus beef to A5 Wagyu. I really think I may have outdone myself.
I’m having my hair and makeup done at the local salon this afternoon, and I’m going to look so pretty; all prize piggy on show at the fair. I’m even going to have a big red ribbon in my hair, in memory of Aunt Liz.
Maybe there’ll be a cute boy I can snog in the wool shed, maybe there won’t – I don’t really care; because the most important, most certain thing is that I’m going to be the most delicious Long Pig in the history of our entire family.
I’m going to make everyone so damn happy, and I’m just so glad I can share my story with you all, instead of hiding it in a grubby book like poor Aunt Liz.
My only real disappointment? That you won’t get to taste me.
Reader, I have loved, loved my life. My Long Pork will be out of this world: once tasted, never, ever forgotten.
submitted by catespice to ByfelsDisciple [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:48 Acatalepsy-Rain Bobbing Theory

Bobbing Theory
Greetings Apes, new theory on the share offering. A little less sexy than the colorful speculation, but this theory ties in with a few of the current and past DD. (I’ll add a little tinfoil at the end).
For this theory I am going to exclude as much tinfoil as possible and also make the assumption that market makers and hedge funds are not engaging in crime but are instead (mostly) working within the rules they created to fuck the poors. While I do not agree with their rules, legal does not equate to ethical as was taught in my PhD program’s first semester ethics course, After all slavery was legal in the US.
“Bobbing” is a swimming technique that involves gently bouncing from the pool floor and practicing exhaling underwater and inhaling above the surface. In this case the dumb storm troopers (Shorts) are the ones in the pool.
There are 5 Assumptions that are made in this theory:
  1. Many hedge funds are short GME and need to maintain margin.
  2. The Hedge-funds are likely working together to maintain margin.
  3. Margin calls are not going out or at the very least are “flexible.”
  4. They still think they are going to win and have a thesis (this is important).
  5. RC had a plan to stop the bobbing cycle.
I think many of us are getting the perspective wrong and I think it would benefit us think a little differently. When we are seeing these price rises, it is not about them losing control. If it was, the price would look like a phone number. This is a controlled and planned raise. The price rises accomplish two things: First it attacks retail psychology and gets us to FOMO (fear of missing out) and then (for less hardened apes) breaks moral (they want this) and second It helps them support their cost basis (SCB). This is a two step process, let’s break this down.
Retail FOMO
This helps the shorts in a few ways but it is a double edged sword. When there is no liquidity it only takes a few shares to raise the price. This creates more volatility and options prices go up and the shorts happily write the contracts. When they drive the stock price back down to near max pain they get to keep the premium. They win. They also get to keep us gambling, remember it’s not the wins that hook the gambler it’s the almost. This FOMO raises the price as they funnel orders to their dark pools and they let the price raise controlled. They then meter out the buying pressure and complete the trade after they walk them down through short laddering. The only way this hurts them is if the shares are DRS'd. That is why the volume explodes.
Supporting Their Cost Basis
It is these two processes together that make up the Bobbing Theory and, I believe explain the Dorito of doom. Each time we touch the top of that line they are grabbing margin from FOMO psychology and supporting their cost basis by raising the average price of their opened shorts. They push up to the top of the pool and take a breath of that sweet retail margin. Then they drop back down through (illegal) high frequency short laddering (slowly exhaling their margin) until they hit the bottom. Then when they need to take another breath they push off the bottom get retail to FOMO and take another breath of that sweet sweet retail margin. They do all this in addition to pumping the market and the longs they hold.
The high frequency short laddering to lower the price is why we see so much off exchange and a huge increase in volume. They are trading between themselves to lower the price without actually burning through their short shares.
The 5 Assumptions
In order for the justification for the FOMO and SCB process to make sense we need a “why", thus the 5 assumptions.
The shorts need to have two things, first enough liquidity to maintain a semblance of margin, and second, a promise (reassurance) of profits (for them and the creditors).
In this theory the hedged funds are working together and are helping each other maintain margin, thus spreading the risk. Remember, we don’t need all of them to fail, we need one of them to fail. This will cause buying back shares at any price and this is something they all desperately want to avoid or they will all get liquidated. So what do they do, they “bob” for a breath of air. The thing is they all have to “bob” when one runs low on margin (air) so we don’t know which one was close to failing. They also go to pretty extreme measures when one of them is about to fail, They do this through loans (Melvin, New York Community Bank) or taking on failing banks (UBS, Silicon valley bank). They are also not being adequately margin called (Archegos, Fed Letter to Prime Brokers). Why would you not get appropriately margin called? Because, you can still justify your short thesis (in your mind) and you have a long standing relationship with the prime brokers. Remember GME still needs to turn a decent profit and show a plan for turning around. As of now, GME keeps this plan close to chest and is experimenting.
So... If these things are true, how does RC fight the shorts and how does the share offering apply?
I’m glad you asked. RC and apes have already set the bottom of the pool. If they lower it too far apes buy and DRS the shit out of the stock and burn up liquidity they are desperate for and use for their manipulation. GME also has $100M ready to buy back shares. Ok so they can’t lower it. But they can keep milking retail right....
Not anymore. Those 45m shares are a warning to the shorts that they will need to get their liquidity elsewhere. If they try to "bob" again RC is going to sell the shares and make GME even more valuable. GME does not need the money but RC has shown that he is protecting the shareholders. If they drop the price he will buy ($100m) if they try to fleece shareholders he will sell and be the one to reap the retail margin for the good of GME not the short sellers.
That filing around the 45m share issuance was not put together, filed and approved in the few days the stock ran last week. I think it was leaked to the shorts by someone at the SEC, and the short sellers gave retail one more fleecing before RC closed the door with that filing. If they come up for air agin, he will drown them. And he will do it through the issuance of Global Shares that cannot be shorted and must be booked so that we can see them accounted for in the DRS numbers (he knows what is important to the shareholders). RC knew this was controlled otherwise there would be no reason to fuck the option chain on the announcement timing. It was already fucked, we just didn't know it yet (I mean kinda, lots of us saw that coming).
You may or may not agree with this. I look at things in real broad strokes.
The SEC (generally) is on our side. I think CAT is specifically for targeting the high frequency trading the hedge funds use to short ladder between themselves. This is one of the truly illegal things they are doing, but the shorts NEED this mechanism to control the price. Without this mechanism GME runs, naked shorts or not. This is one of the things that the hedge fund cabal uses to reassure the collateral holder that everything is going to be fine, if they control the price everything is under control, if they don't........
The DTCC is kinda on our side (now). They saw/see? the writing on the wall and have made Crypto and other pumped bullshit collateral worthless because they know it is fake. They also do not want to get fucked, and are willing to let some of the bad actors take the fall even though they are also complacent. They think they are far enough removed to not get scrutiny from the public because very few even know they exist.
Last speculation, one of the justifications used to stretch this out is that if they concentrate the diamond hardened holders of GME (less people more stocks) that on average people will sell for lower prices do to their overall portfolio being worth more.
Anyway, thanks for reading if you made it to the end. And as a final note: I encourage you to DRS (Book) your shares, if you don’t and you get fucked, my conscious is clear.
See you on the moon! I’ll get the first round.
submitted by Acatalepsy-Rain to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:37 adr826 The Book of Shadows

The last memory I had of my grandfather was hearing him scream as the the shadows in the field began to surround him with thin, web like fibers. Then my mother picked me up and ran with me in her arms back into our old farm house.
My last memory, that is until last night, when I awakened to a tinkling bell in an unknown vault so immense I couldn't see the walls or the ceiling. Far away I saw a dull light and heard the faint tinkling of a bell, incessantly ringing. I followed the sound till I could see him on a throne, which seemed to have merged with his body, leaving only his fingers free.
The acrid scent of burning wax and a lurking fear clung to the borders of the dream, if a dream it was. There, in the dim candle glow, sat my grandfather, his weathered face, a thousand years older than when I'd last seen him, etched with a desperate urgency. The same face I'd last seen contorted in a scream as he was swallowed by the shadows that had consumed him years ago.
"Elias," his voice, as dry as the dust that blanketed his entire body, said "You must listen. The darkness… it returns. Stronger this time." Terror struck my heart like a dagger, the memory of that horrifying night vivid even after all these years.
He pointed to a small table, on top of which lay an ancient leather book. "The Book of Repelling Shadows," he whispered. "Hidden all these years in my library… find the spell. You'll know it by the seven ravens on the preceding page. Recite it, Elias. It's the only way to banish the darkness and save yourself from my terrible fate. Go!!"
The dream dissolved, I awoke in a cold sweat, back in my bed. My heart pounded, like a drum, a rhythm of dread mixed with a sliver of desperate hope. I knew I must find the book or suffer the same choking embrace of eldritch shadows that had cursed our family for generations. Had my grandfather finally learned the secret to banish them forever? I had to find that book before they returned to claim me.
The book was, as He'd said it would be, in the family library. Written in an strange tongue, I frantically turned page after page till I discovered a page, on which were drawn seven ravens. On the opposite page there was written a single spell. The script was a simple gothic alphabet which I could recite, even though the language was unfamiliar.
Days bled into nights as I poured over the archaic script, the cryptic letters writhing like snakes before my sleep-deprived eyes. The passage was an incantation which seemed to promise the banishment of shadows. Relief washed over me, freedom from the ancient curse within my grasp. Tomorrow, I would face the darkness, armed with my grandfather's book.
The next night, I stood in the field behind the farmhouse. The moon was casting long, menacing shadows across the grass. Clutching the book, my voice trembled as I began the chant. The shadows seemed to peer into me, responding to the power of the words. Then, a flicker in the corner of my eye. A single tendril of darkness began to creep back from me, melting into the others.
Suddenly, I felt powerful even joyous as I recited the passages. I'd done it. I'd outwitted the very essence of darkness, using the power of the grimoire in my grandfathers library to turn it back. But as I closed the book , a flicker of unease sparked in my mind.
The symbols on the cover seemed different somehow. The incantation I'd recited sounded wrong as it paused, seeming to hang in the air . Anxiety began to overtake me, I felt a cold fear creeping down my spine. The shadows, weren't retreating as I believed but were surging forward with a malevolent hunger.
Frantic, I flipped through the pages, searching for the passage, the one that had repelled the darkness. But there were no ravens to be found, only a chilling emptiness where the spell had been moments ago. In my desperation, a horrifying realization dawned. This wasn't the Book of Banishing Shadows. It had never been.
The reality crashed over me like a tidal wave. My grandfather had been dead long ago. That old man on the throne wasnt him. All along, I'd been an unwitting pawn, duped by the darkness itself into unleashing the very thing I feared the most. The shadows I'd "banished" were now dancing joyously, in the pale moonlight.
My scream, lost in the encroaching darkness, was the last sound the world would ever hear from me. I was slowly being enveloped by the very shadows I so naively believed I'd repelled. The book, now fallen at my feet, in a cruel mockery of hope, lay closed. Its true title now plain to see in the last rays of the setting moon - The Book of Summoning Shadows.
submitted by adr826 to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:09 elfarisedu English Alphabet Letter A Capital a Small - الصفحة 77

submitted by elfarisedu to u/elfarisedu [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:14 elfarisedu English Alphabet Letter A Capital a Small - الصفحة 74

submitted by elfarisedu to u/elfarisedu [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:55 kn0nyx Why is it spelt ਕਹਿੰਦੀ when everyone pronounces it ਕੇਂਦੀ?

Hindi and Punjabi have both phonetically similar alphabets (just different letter designs really) but with the way kehndi is pronounced (even the english spelling is kehndi and not kahindi as the punjabi spelling would suggest) I would write it in hindi as केंदी. I couldnt find any online source explaining this so why is it spelt that way? Did the pronunciation just change over time because it was faster to say?
submitted by kn0nyx to punjabi [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:54 elfarisedu English Alphabet Letter A Capital a Small - الصفحة 73

submitted by elfarisedu to u/elfarisedu [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:33 elfarisedu English Alphabet Letter A Capital a Small - الصفحة 72

submitted by elfarisedu to u/elfarisedu [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:07 elfarisedu English Alphabet Letter A Capital a Small - الصفحة 70

submitted by elfarisedu to u/elfarisedu [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:02 SupremoZanne The M-231 route can be attributed to lots of things.


Its intended as a US-31 EMERGENCY DETOUR ROUTE, which is why "31" is the last two digits, similar to many other triple-digit routes.

County Route B31

In the town of Nunica itself, there's a County route designated as "B31". Since B is the second letter of the alphabet, one might assume "231" from that, although in a Hexadecimal context, it'd be more like 2,865. Normally routes don't have quadruple digits, so it was sorta a good idea to have alphanumeric county routes.
B-31 goes all the way to M-120, both of which ride along the border of Newaygo County and Muskegon County. Interestingly, M-120 used to be M-213 in the past, see "M-213" section below.

an area code in Michigan

231 is also a telephone area code. Incidentally, 231 is not the area code for Nunica, although the 231 area code was formerly part of the 616 area code which Ottawa County, and Grand Rapids, and some other cities are part of. The 231 area code was created in 1999, which would be 16 years before M-231 opened to traffic.
After all, lots of people driving on US-31 are heading to the 231 area code, and might take M-231 in the event of a drawbridge situation, whether it be traffic jams caused by the bridge being up, or even the bridge being OUT OF ORDER needing maintenance.
Although, the 231 area code starts in Muskegon, where I-96 terminates at US-31, so essentially, the US-31 EDR starts at I-96 going toward Nunica (M-231), and then picks up at M-231, and then M-45 going back to US-31.

M-213 anecdote

Back in the 1950s, and prior, there used to be a route called M-213, which occupied the Maple Island Road corridor going from M-46 to M-20 (present-day M-120), and in the present day, that roadway is a segment of county route B31, explanation about that route above.
It has been explained on Christopher Bessert's Michigan Highways website that M-231 has an odd, tenuous connection of M-213, as explained in this article:
That article really inspired me to make my own post, here on Reddit, about M-231's oddities.

US-231 maybe?

There's also a route called US-231 which doesn't even enter Michigan at all, in fact, it veers northwest toward US-41 near the Chicagoland area near the Indiana/Illinois border.
But to be fair, having no US-231 in Michigan meant that the M-231 designation was available for use back when the project was first announced in the late 2000s.
US-231 goes through the state of Alabama, and it's neighboring state, Mississippi, has a city called Tunica in it, and Tunica rhymes with Nunica.

Ramona 231

The phrase "Ramona 231" was said in the movie American Graffiti. What's interesting about American Graffiti, is that an actror named Richard Dreyfuss was in the movie, and his 68th birthday was one day before the day when Michigan's M-231 route opened to traffic, but it's unlikely that that had any influence on the timing of events.
However, Richard Dreyfuss' character Curt was not the one who uttered the phrase "Ramona 231", it was John Milner played by Paul Le Mat.

BASE-3 number of some other route

M-231 terminates at M-45. I've also discovered that if you enter 45 in BASE-10, and change the radix to 4, you get number 231, so 231 is also the BASE-4 equivalent of the BASE-10 number 45.

kilograms-to-pounds unit conversion

I am aware that M-231 intersects with a route called M-104 which has been along a lot longer. I also recently discovered that there are about maybe 104 kilograms in 231 pounds, although it's more like 104.779 kilograms when 231 is an INTEGER for pounds.
so that's another probable inspiration for the route number.

any other ideas?

Any other "231" connections to point out?
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2024.05.21 07:56 elfarisedu English Alphabet Letter A Capital a Small - الصفحة 69

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2024.05.21 07:00 o2100 Korean Grammar(Basic) List 121 video clips in English(We uploaded 28 videos more!)

Below is a list of Korean grammar (Beginner and Intermediate) and links to related videos.
The list below is a list of all videos explained in English.
We plan to continue uploading videos in the future.
Please refer to the video link of the basic Korean grammar uploaded so far ^^
I hope that the hard work material will be shared so that it can be helpful to many Korean learners.
Click on the channel address to view more resources, including practice for word and word order arrangement.

You can enjoy the Korean language on this channel


1 How to read Korean1 (Korean alphabet - basic consonant, single vowel) https://youtu.be/uWBT0GYDB3g
2 Korean Alphabet 1 - single vowels, basic consonants https://youtu.be/AbPFKZRa1y8
3 Korean Alphabet 2 - double vowel 1, aspirated consonants https://youtu.be/9o9f6j50RAY
4 Korean Alphabet 3 - double vowel 2, double consonant https://youtu.be/rjeYdVI0HS8
5 Korean Alphabet 4 - Final Consonants https://youtu.be/XALwMLJ9YDY
6 Korean Grammar 1 - 이에요/예요 은/는 https://youtu.be/7KbNiRTyRUk
7 Korean Grammar 2 - 이/가, 은/는 vs 이/가 differences https://youtu.be/n7rMNbqHcqc
8 Korean Grammar 3 - 이/가 아니다 https://youtu.be/DrGZNivR7p4
9 Korean Grammar 4 - ㅂ/습니다, ㅂ/습니까? https://youtu.be/_tEEC7Ah_d8
10 Korean Grammar 5 - 입니다/입니까? https://youtu.be/mybPJ9XF7zw
11 Korean Grammar 6 - 을/를 object maker https://youtu.be/8QCP4oAw5Qc
12 Korean Grammar 7 - 도 also, too https://youtu.be/CRc-Y86FZfU
13 Korean Grammar 8 - 와/과, 하고 (N and N), (with someone) https://youtu.be/npQIul_ibU0
14 Korean Grammar 9 - 의 possession https://youtu.be/HH0VZR9JFzY
15 Korean Grammar 10 - -아요/어요/해요 https://youtu.be/sssUFEeHje0
16 Korean Grammar 11 - ㅂ irregular https://youtu.be/Dd-VcEQcEbA
17 Korean Grammar 12 - 안 / -지 않다 (not) https://youtu.be/jPVEq4uH5Cw
18 Korean Grammar 13 - 에게 / 한테 to (someone) https://youtu.be/ZrJBbkV26io
19 Korean Grammar 14 - 만 only https://youtu.be/0oP2ug8F420
20 Korean Grammar 15 - place N에 https://youtu.be/6MYyEEfmZ_M
21 Korean Grammar 16 - place N에서 + do something https://youtu.be/L0liQTZzy7c
22 Korean Grammar 17 - Numbers(based on Chinese character) https://youtu.be/Lz2p0oovuu8
23 Korean Grammar 18 - 았/었 past tense https://youtu.be/gpw_WD-E7qo
24 Korean Grammar 19 - (time noun)에 https://youtu.be/WZBvFvPgLXU
25 Korean Grammar 20 - ~부터 ~까지(from~ until~)(time noun) https://youtu.be/HMWXxwbhZLs
26 Korean Grammar 21 - 못 / -지 못하다 can not https://youtu.be/Ryrhpt1g4xI
27 Korean Grammar 22 - ㄷ irregular https://youtu.be/BFv7USR8ejo
28 Korean Grammar 23 - 고1(List up - and), (이)고 https://youtu.be/jdKQChT3qbg
29 Korean Grammar 24 - -(으)ㄹ까요? -(으)ㅂ시다 https://youtu.be/SRZ4ECOGhDI
30 Korean Grammar 25 - -아서/어서/해서 reason https://youtu.be/Idz8SpewFys
31 Korean Grammar 26 - 고 싶다(I want)/ -고 싶어하다(someone wants) https://youtu.be/MrgmJFvzCO0
32 Korean Grammar 27 - 지만(but, however) https://youtu.be/Y-19JLg-kLc
33 Korean Grammar 28 - 고2(after that) https://youtu.be/Ef4kv-eZOG4
34 Korean Grammar 29 - 고1vs고2 differences https://youtu.be/TLsKhs5EkAk
35 Korean Grammar 30 - 는 중이다 be+ing / middle of something https://youtu.be/pX73BFLsFqI
36 Korean Grammar 31 - 르 irregular https://youtu.be/uKuu8v9SCHo
37 Korean Grammar 32 - 보다(more than) https://youtu.be/vdjHjPPis88
38 Korean Grammar 33 - -고 있다 (be + ing) https://youtu.be/uFXhEGg_hsQ
39 Korean Grammar 34 - -(으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다 can / can not https://youtu.be/AzfUlqpH-rI
40 Korean Grammar 35 - 기 전에 with small tip! https://youtu.be/iRGIk3ce1Ms
41 Korean Grammar 36 - ㄹ irregular https://youtu.be/te3MVhsMJzQ
42 Korean Grammar 37(1) - -(으)ㄹ 거예요 / -(으)ㄹ 겁니다 guessing https://youtu.be/EKJQmjgMigI
43 Korean Grammar 37(2) - -(으)ㄹ 거예요 / -(으)ㄹ 겁니다 future tense https://youtu.be/tRS8hxUBf-Q
44 Korean Grammar 38 - (으)려고 https://youtu.be/lxAOR5iqElo
45 Korean Grammar 39 - 높임말 (honorific form) https://youtu.be/CpN23thH60Q
46 Korean Grammar 40 - -(으)세요 / -(으)십시오 order form https://youtu.be/s7MSFT4TiQg
47 Korean Grammar 41 - -(으)ㄴ 후에 after https://youtu.be/r-XRWZvjgWk
48 Korean Grammar 42 - -지 말다 https://youtu.be/wJq-ggwSMNw
49 Korean Grammar 43 - ~에서 ~까지(place noun) https://youtu.be/IeWjV-ejmZc
50 Korean Grammar 44 - -아야/어야 되다/하다(should / need to) https://youtu.be/0ffbafedJvM
51 Korean Grammar 45 - -(으)니까 because + -(으)니까vs 아서/어서 differences (reason meaning) https://youtu.be/Ac5ayHGr_d8
52 Korean Grammar 46 - (으)로 https://youtu.be/qOaoMyMma38
53 Korean Grammar 47 - (으)러 가다/오다/다니다 https://youtu.be/f041ty_86Sc
54 Korean Grammar - (으)면 if https://youtu.be/mufWaZ1qyGM
55 Korean Grammar - V/A지요? N(이)지요? rechecking https://youtu.be/C_gvzrrAP3Y
56 Korean Grammar - 고3(exceptional usage) https://youtu.be/oS2ERojTqo4
57 Korean Grammar - 아서/어서2 sequential https://youtu.be/PfIR_7xnpsk
58 Korean Grammar - 아서/어서 vs 고 difference(sequential meaning) https://youtu.be/pQssx_qFV7c
59 Korean Grammar 48 - -겠 guessing & future https://youtu.be/VxKflj5DWpA
60 Korean Grammar 49 - 네요 https://youtu.be/w1wd9s1Nkeo
61 Korean Grammar 50 - -아/어 보다 (try) https://youtu.be/CTul9S9xCoc
62 Korean Grammar 51 - 에게서/한테서 from Someone https://youtu.be/-Fog4PP_oi4
63 Korean Grammar 52 - A(으)ㄴ +N https://youtu.be/hesNReTx_ME
64 Korean Grammar 53 - V는 + N (present) https://youtu.be/Xvb2P2BZCxo
65 Korean Grammar 54 - V(으)ㄴ + N (past) https://youtu.be/RIcYq4jYISI
66 Korean Grammar 55 - V(으)ㄹ + N (future) & summary https://youtu.be/Dw4sy3ocH3M
67 Korean Grammar 56 - A(으)ㄴ데 / V는데 (background explanation) https://youtu.be/JvhHwnr8SfU
68 Korean Grammar 57 - 는 것 (V→N) https://youtu.be/JCo1Szax5M4
69 Korean Grammar 58 - (으)ㄹ 때 When (Someone do Something..) https://youtu.be/LO7TMXbkeuw
70 Korean Grammar 59 - (으)ㄹ게요 strong willingness / promise https://youtu.be/gNhJiRKcI-4
71 Korean Grammar 60 - 기로 하다/했다 I promise to… https://youtu.be/CPplszLn2vc
72 Korean Grammar 61 - (으)ㄴ 적이 있다/없다 I have an experience to… https://youtu.be/tx8bhdYHnxw
73 Korean Grammar 62 - 아/어 본 적이 있다/없다 (I have an experience to (try to)..) https://youtu.be/P7x2b75_6vE
74 Korean Grammar 63 - V/A게 (2 way to use) https://youtu.be/TW2TfLgv8P0
75 Korean Grammar 65 - (으)ㄹ래요? (으)ㄹ래요 https://youtu.be/yvyiRtRYQvE
76 Korean Grammar 66 - 밖에 nothing but, only / difference with 만 https://youtu.be/8TYRjbbTq6E
77 Korean Grammar 67 - (이)나 more than you expect https://youtu.be/m7NdHrJBCd8
78 Korean Grammar - 마다 every, each https://youtu.be/wwZL6cbxTPQ
79 Korean Grammar - 아/어 주다 asking for help / volunteer to help https://youtu.be/XrKLWtF2wz0
80 Korean Grammar - (으)ㄹ 수밖에 없다 to have no other option but to do something https://youtu.be/weYOLBMv8Ko
81 Korean Grammar - Numbers(based on Korean) https://youtu.be/MfEDe1se5Nw
82 Korean Grammar - 다가(action change) https://youtu.be/9VDBpPwGOuc
83 Korean Grammar - 기 때문에 reason, cause https://youtu.be/Iu0qNG6mGKA
84 Korean Grammar - 때문에 vs 이기 때문에 difference https://youtu.be/7HWM3vkVqVk
85 Korean Grammar - ㅎ irregular https://youtu.be/GCubnpvBAEc
86 Korean Grammar - 는 동안에 during / while https://youtu.be/IvRfhNO2vCk
87 Korean Grammar - (으)면서 to do two actions in a same time https://youtu.be/8lp2XBtwHG0
88 Korean Grammar - (으)ㄴ/는 데다가 something added https://youtu.be/dGTuxj1Dtnw
89 Korean Grammar - 처럼 like (something) https://youtu.be/h6csR_AomcM
90 Korean Grammar - 아/어도 되다 asking a permission / allow to do that https://youtu.be/XvLjAtkLfPc
91 Korean Grammar - (으)면 안되다 answering NOT allow to do that https://youtu.be/3ypnkg49y2Q
92 Korean Grammar - 게 되다 become changed https://youtu.be/futcFa-wT1M
93 Korean Grammar - 아/어지다 become changed https://youtu.be/EDV7PfgwO7g
94 Korean Grammar - (으)ㄴ 지 It's been ~ since ~ https://youtu.be/be6tL7SdXy8
95 Korean Grammar - V/A거나 / N(이)나 choose one https://youtu.be/P87yhwefgHw
96 Korean Grammar - A(으)ㄴ/(으)ㄹ 것 같다 V(으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ 것 같다 (guessing) https://youtu.be/Ox0cPNK6tMY
97 Korean Grammar - (으)려면 If you want to do something https://youtu.be/fnM9cBoJBPc
98 Korean Grammar - 아도/어도 even though, although https://youtu.be/hn0ESmKoZs0
99 Korean Grammar - 잖아요 you know.. https://youtu.be/2asLO3W38mM
100 Korean Grammar - 아야/어야 essential condition to do something https://youtu.be/_tBR-GrfbFc
101 Korean Grammar - (으)나 however (formal way) https://youtu.be/yy-1ZXrWje8
102 Korean Grammar - 뿐 only https://youtu.be/g3OajdGjkRQ
103 Korean Grammar - (으)ㄹ뿐만 아니라 Not only But also https://youtu.be/xdXNVnAGHDs
104 Korean Grammar - 았/었으면 좋겠다 I hope - / I wish https://youtu.be/zMONNyYa1xM
105 Korean Grammar - 나 보다 (으)ㄴ가 보다 I guess https://youtu.be/-ZGQT9Nsfis
106 Korean Grammar - (으)ㄴ/는 걸 보니까 As I see... https://youtu.be/J5kBIULynEc
107 Korean Grammar - 더라/더군(요) Talking about something I've seen or listen then knew https://youtu.be/xL9lQtFelAM
108 Korean Grammar 았으면 좋겠다/었으면 좋겠다 I hope~ https://youtu.be/EJAFvpalhGA
109 Korean Grammar -느라고 Because I do something https://youtu.be/pieoAwR6REk
110 Korean Grammar - (으)ㄴ/는 대신에 in stead of, in return https://youtu.be/dBARMi887I4
111 Korean Grammar - 자마자 as soon as https://youtu.be/WnbF5_MKhBw
112 Korean Grammar - 는 대로 as soon as / comparison with 자마자 https://youtu.be/Qv4vx2RzkxQ
113 Korean Grammar - 아/어야겠 strong willingness https://youtu.be/HxhdVuDwdfI
114 Korean Grammar - (으)ㄹ 텐데 might https://youtu.be/lYpyWFdVE_o
115 Korean Grammar - 요 (don't need to repeat, emphasize) https://youtu.be/tQAcKKdVsn0
116 Korean Grammar - 은/는 탓에 comparison with 덕분에 https://youtu.be/9Qzp_9i9uBk
117 Korean Grammar - 았었/었었 had p.p https://youtu.be/ZrmMdoiqBjI
118 Korean Grammar - 아/어 보이다 It seems like https://youtu.be/8hxADyc6QVg
119 Korean Grammar - 거든(요) explain , change the subject https://youtu.be/4If3gHLRnIo
120 Korean Grammar - 같다 (like something) comparison with 처럼 https://youtu.be/_vHv_6qxSQU
121 Korean Grammar - (으)ㄴ/는 편이다 tend to https://youtu.be/dprJBcf3lJ4
submitted by o2100 to enjoyKorean [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:31 elfarisedu English Alphabet Letter A Capital a Small - الصفحة 62

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2024.05.21 06:30 elfarisedu English Alphabet Letter A Capital a Small - الصفحة 62

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