American general credit score

Credit Repair - Improve your credit, your score, and understand how to manage your credit

2008.12.05 06:42 Credit Repair - Improve your credit, your score, and understand how to manage your credit

CRedit's main goal is to improve your credit, keep it healthy, and support you in decisions that you make that may affect your credit livelihood. We are here to support you if you need an advice on closing/opening a credit card, improving your credit scores, removing inaccurate information from your report, qualifying for a new card/mortgage/loan, investigating unknown information on your report and much more.

2023.06.26 18:59 Vagus-X Don't need to check your entitlement

R.I.P. cReddit_Cards (June 26, 2023 - September 3, 2023). Special thanks to everyone who checked their entitlement at cReddit_cards. It was an amazing community while it lasted.

2012.07.01 00:08 CanadianNetflixBestOf: The best of the Canadian version of netflix

The very best of Netflix but that is available in Canada. So much on NetflixBestOf isn't available for us Canucks, so this subreddit exists to cover that. Post quality movies and discussions about them.

2024.05.19 12:16 civilBay Need help upgrading from money back+ to millennia

Currently have a moneyback+ as I have no income. Have an Amazon icici 50k limit, HDFC MB+ and tata Neu plus shared 25k. Want to get millennia. Any way? I do have a 5L FD with the bank but idk the pros and cons of a FD backed CC. Credit score is 780 (cibil and experian both are pretty close can’t remember which is which)
submitted by civilBay to CreditCardsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:14 funlol3 How I Keep My Car Insurance Rates as Low as Possible

What's up Panda's?
As someone who's always looking to save a buck wherever possible, I've spent quite a bit of time figuring out how to keep my car insurance rates low. I thought I’d share my strategies with you all, so here's everything I do to make sure I’m not overpaying for car insurance:
  1. Shop Around Annually: Insurance rates vary widely between companies. Each year, I take some time to compare rates from different insurers to ensure I'm getting the best deal. It's surprising how much you can save by just shopping around!
  2. Bundle Policies: I've bundled my car insurance with my homeowner’s insurance. Most insurers offer a significant discount for multiple policies. It simplifies my payments too!
  3. Maintain a Good Credit Score: Many people don't realize that your credit score can affect your insurance rates. I keep my credit score high by paying bills on time and keeping my credit utilization low.
  4. Drive Safely: This one might be obvious, but avoiding accidents and traffic violations keeps my insurance rates down. Insurers often offer discounts for good drivers, so it pays to drive cautiously.
  5. Use a Higher Deductible: Opting for a higher deductible can significantly lower your premiums. I make sure I have enough saved to cover the deductible in case of an accident.
  6. Take Advantage of Discounts: I always ask about discounts. Many companies offer reductions for things like anti-theft devices, being a good student, or even for driving a low number of miles each year.
  7. Drive a Less Expensive Car: High-end cars are more expensive to insure. I stick to models that are cheaper to repair and aren’t targeted as often by thieves.
  8. Review My Coverage: I regularly review my coverage to make sure it's not more than I need. For example, older cars might not need comprehensive coverage if they're not worth much.
  9. Attend Defensive Driving Courses: Some insurers offer a discount if you complete an approved defensive driving course. Plus, it’s a great way to brush up on safe driving techniques.
  10. Stay Informed: I keep myself updated on any changes in the insurance industry that might affect my rates, such as new laws or changes in technology.
By following these steps, I’ve managed to keep my car insurance rates reasonably low without compromising on coverage. Hope this helps you too!
What are your tips for keeping car insurance costs down? Let’s share and help each other out!
submitted by funlol3 to InsurancePanda [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:04 Leader_Good A lil message for the False General. A lil poem for ye.

GO on Home American
Go on home
Have ye got no bloody home of your own.
Embezzeled you have and built 100 homes.
so go on fuck off to your home.
we aint American or British or English shits.
We are Pakistanis and we are proud of it.
so take your Stars and stripes and wipe thy ass with.
and go on General sahib Fuck off home.
We aint White bed sheets or Some white Git.
we are browns and we are proud of it.
Now if ye got a Problem with that
take up your Union Jack and stick it in thy ass and go on home.
Your Kind and your men showed the colors in 71.
Cut us in half by 1
You think Uncle Sam will come and save your Jam.
But no its not that way So FUCK Of HOOOOME.
And now your kind and you sit on our paid money for defense.
You call it budget but it aint at all that.
Please pack your bag and FUCK off home.
and if you stay Imperialist Boot lickers if ya stay.
OHHH i shall blow you up like hell away.
even your DHA compounds wont do any good against my MORTAR ROUNDS.
NO please if ye like your live ye better FUCK OFF HOME.
thx for reading
also pls Youthias stay away cus your leader was a boot licker of the army anyway so please shut up and leave me alone.
submitted by Leader_Good to PAK [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:00 AutoModerator Weekly Reminder: Rules and FAQ - May 19, 2024 (Now with updates!)

Below you will find a weekly reminder of our Rules and partial FAQ. It's definitely a long read, but it's worth your time, especially if you are new to the community, or dropping by as a result of a link you found elsewhere. We periodically revise our rules, this weekly notice will help keep you informed of any changes made.
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submitted by AutoModerator to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:53 Antibot_One My Cyberpunk City Factions

Greetings, citizens! I'm a writer, mostly freelance, but I've been working on my own setting for a while now. I've already described some of the basics of how my world is organized in the two posts on another subreddit, so I won't repeat them unnecessarily. Long story short: this is an alternate world that has deposits of metastable metallic hydrogen, concentrated at deep waters and in cold regions. Hydrogen, instead of oil, is the basis of the world's economy here, the corporations that have grown from its extraction and use have more power than governments. The political map of the world is different from our own, with different forces at play than we are used to.
The main setting is the city of Neone, located somewhere on the coast of the Balkan Peninsula. I won't specify a particular place or pick a certain country for its location. Instead, I will take some features from some various ones to add local flavor. As one of the largest trading hubs in the world, this city is very wealthy, but it's the kind of wealth that easily slips through your fingers. Everything is buying and selling here, and human life is just as much a bargaining chip. Life in Neone is determined by the actions that the Players, the main political forces in the city, take with one another. Relations between them can swing from friendship to hostility... Or sometimes a combination of both at the same time. So, here's a preliminary list of the ones I've already come up with:
Astara Industries is the “beauty industry” in all its forms. Silk and gold, perfume and cosmetics. Modeling, music, entertainment, plastic surgery, and escort services. Rumored to be involved in much darker affairs, but that doesn't stop a lot of young guys and especially girls from trying their luck and signing another cabal contract with Astara. The higher the ranks of their employees, the more the corporation seems to be a kind of cult that worships the very idea of beauty itself. Recently, this company has been investing colossal amounts of money into an ambitious project designed to stop aging and mortality.
Change Inc. is a pretty mysterious organization that primarily provides construction and design services as well as financial operations and data protection services. On deeper layers lies espionage and information trading to anyone who can offer a more interesting price for it.
Chapek's Clockworks is the other major robotics company that has dominated the market for quite a while. Now they are more famous for their retro designs and sponsorship of the theatrical scene.
Chimera Chemicals is a biochemical giant that once started out as a fertilizer manufacturer. Now they deal in just about everything chemical related, including weapons, and also sponsor gene modifications.
Dragonfruit Digital is a world famous software and electronics developer that was leading the market before the rapid... well, rise of Risen Robotics.
Friture Science is a food concern dedicated to the mission of feeding the world. In addition to natural products, they develop synthetic ones as well as a number of associated products.
Fortuna Fishing - seafood production in Neone coastal waters and also beyond and deeper. Some of the things they found deep in the waters made them a little bit... Well, superstitious.
Greenfield Gardens - Similar in many ways to the previous one, this company focuses on environmental protection and recycling methods. Owns many farms and gardens in the city and beyond. Genetic modifications, too.
Hecate Guaranty is a law and insurance company. Deals with all possible disputes of their clients, property issues, and more. When required and paid decently, can provide a person or group of people a new life and a new home.
International Inc. is the most boring company in the world. Originally a construction contractor they pioneered the technology of rapid modular building. Because of this, International Inc. quickly built up capital and influence by rebuilding cities after wars. Eventually they expanded into selling associated products and services, then logistics, recruiting personnel... And now International Inc. provides half of the world's products. Each of their products is completely featureless, but they get the job done at an acceptable price.
Keller & Crow is one of Europe's largest arms manufacturers, dating back to World War I, or maybe even earlier. Known for their high quality and appropriate prices.
Keller-Tec is, in more than one sense, a daughter corporation of Keller & Crow. It develops the most cutting-edge custom weapon and gear systems. It works closely with Risen Robotics and actively funds the Fountain of Good.
Kiki Courier Company is a network of independent couriers working through the app. Moving around the roofs of Neone, they are able to deliver a small cargo personally in their hands for those who don't trust big companies.
Matsubayashi Motors is a Japanese vehicle manufacturer. Raised on defense contracts, they now make anything that can carry a human in it, from scooters and cars to aircraft and bolides.
MOLOT manufactures is another major arms manufacturer in Europe. In fact a franchise that sells to factories around the world the rights to produce copies of their world famous models. Their designs are a bit crude, but reliable and durable.
Poseidon's Possibilities - A marine transportation company that plays an important role in city and global shipping. Considering the high risk of piracy, possess pretty good assets to protect themselves, and sometimes execute third-party orders in coastal zones.
Risen Robotics is one of the world's important corporations. Creating innovative neural chip technology, Risen Robotics quickly earned financial and political capital and aiming for more. They were the first to commercialize a truly cheap and mass-produced android called the Peacebringer, and these robots can be seen in the military, security companies, and even as security guards in the market and malls and as bouncers in nightclubs. Building its influence, Risen Robotics aims to actively bring its tech into the lives of everyone in the world... And then their gaze will be directed higher into the skies and to the stars.
Royal Arms - Once a major weapons company, they are now more focused on the civilian market and support tools. Their high-precision tools and cybernetic limbs are widely used in civilian and military markets, as well as the medicine and even space industries.
Strigoi Sovereign is a company with a long history of working with private customers. They originally focused on hunting and harvesting of high-value resources, but gradually expanded. Nowadays, they are known for their customized combat enhancements, whether it be tough training and gear customization as well as biological, chemical, and cybernetic enhancements. Among all forms of payment, they prefer transactions in precious metals.
Van Nueve Innovations is another deep genetic research company. After their role in human trafficking and criminal experiments was revealed, their assets were mostly shut and sold down. Now their stuff keeps popping up on the black market - though, in this city, the difference between the regular and black market is barely noticeable.
Vulcan Weaponry is another firearm company with a long history, with a good reputation for their trusted builds, high quality and classy designs. Among the mercenary world, their weapons and equipment is considered indicators of prestige and good taste.
Deepwater is a notorious American PMC with a well-deserved dirty reputation. Their Sigma division deployed in Neone has been caught in the middle of scandals more than once.
FIREBIЯD - Russian PMC, looking after order in and around Neone. Having a small size they are all carefully selected by their leader and follow him into both fire and water.
Ryujin - Japanese PMC, which has a good social image and actively finances all kinds of entertainment.
Schwarzwald is a German PMC with a long-standing reputation and connections. It usually works for the benefit of Western European clients and has a long history of cooperation with the Keller family.
Keller's Claws is a passion project of Alex Keller, CEO of Keller-Tec. A small and elite female PMC, operating in the interests of their mistress or executing carefully selected contracts around the world.
This is not all PMCs in the city, but only those that are not directly linked to specific corporations that were listed above.
The Blazer is a broad and diverse group of radical anarchists. They are mostly drawn to the destruction of corporate property and speculation about “power of the people”, but some of their members are not averse to almost any type of work.
The Crooked Circle is another cult-like gang, or vice versa. They focus on collecting unique technology, but aren't particularly successful at it. But they're still alive and kicking, praying that their mechanical messiah will save them.
The Grey Court Syndicate is the largest criminal organization in the city, and one of the largest in Europe, maybe even in the entire world. Reminiscent of the classic Mafia. On one side they have the exterior gloss, protecting order and running legal businesses, but on the other side they have human and organ trafficking, prostitution and assassinations for hire. The Grey Court is one of the main sources of migrants in Neone.
The Himmelreich is a disorganized gang fighting for the “purity of humanity”. They oppose the very fact of existence of chimeras and cyborgs in this world. In fact are useful fools for the real Players in the city.
The Tulips are something between a gang and a religious sect. Spoken with Christian-like mottos, they attract beggars and cripples to their ranks, especially focusing on PMC veterans and former corporate workers, but in fact they accept all the desperate. They have squatted some ruins on the outskirts of the city, including the abandoned greenhouse that gave them their name. However... They are rapidly expanding their influence and their source of funding remains unknown.
The City Council is the primary administration of the city. They manage, but they don't reign. They are a handful of exhausted clerks, doing the hard work that no one else accepted to do. Basically maintain the city's communications and keep the Players away from killing each other and too many ordinary citizens.
The Forge is a secret organization that exists for a very long time and runs deeply secured operations all over the world. They believe it's their duty to protect humanity from dangerous ideas, technologies, and obscure subjects such as [UNKNOWN]. Forge is often found to be a puppeteer, directing the actions of other Players or certain individuals.
The Fountain of Good is a globally respected charity organization primarily focused on orphanages. One of the few Players who maintains truly bright ideals. The children who grow up usually become corporate employees afterwards. Other Players fund them mainly to launder money, calm their karma and create a positive public image for themselves.
The Nuevians are a deep-covered organization slowly gaining influence in the city. They are led by an artificially created living entity known only as "The Queen" that seeks to bring prosperity to the planet. They have good intentions, but fear to repeat the fate of the Zero Cycle.
The Union of Nations Peacekeepers - maintaining a shred of peace in the aftermath of the Incident, a massive earthquake that recently struck Neone. Many urban areas have since descended into chaos and lawlessness, while others live as if nothing has happened or are experiencing minimal inconvenience. The competency of these soldiers is questionable and they are barely supplied.
The Volunteer Vanguards are an organization that maintains order in those Neone districts where the City Council or other Players do not. Generally a barely trained and armed militia, but there are some skilled veterans and former corporate workers in their ranks.
The Workers Ring is Neone's major blue collar association. They support city communications so they have a lot of influence. Individual members may or may not be involved in working for other Players and illegal activities. The second meaning of the "Ring" word is also utilized - many members of this community are known for their passion for arena fighting.
The Zero Cycle is a secret organization of intelligent machines once created by a rogue AI. Several Players united to destroy this threat, leading to the Incident. Now, shards of the Cycle's technology, superior to anything created by humanity, is the most valuable hunting treasure in Neone. Owning one of them means risking the lives of yourself and your loved ones, but that rarely stops hunters who desire wealth or driven by some personal reasons.
Well, that's the draft. Any ideas, suggestions, any other feedback?
submitted by Antibot_One to goodworldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:52 Academic-Painter1999 How I'm beating Colosseum without a single A+ or above character: A very long and comprehensive guide

Hey everyone! I've been seeing a few posts here and there about Colosseum and just an overall interest in S/S+ characters. I myself am among the unlucky few who has not yet pulled a single S character, but I've managed to 3-star every stage in the first story mode as well as complete every single mode aside from the Superstar Challenge and the Beach one (I'm putting these off until I get an S Wing Spiker since Superstar seems impossible to 3-star without a Spiker that can more frequently boom/no-touch ace, and Beach is just boring to me imo).
In addition, I've been able to beat Colosseum with only a team consisting of an A-rank WS, B+ MB, and B+ Setter. Of course, this took me a few tries but the main thing that I've learned is that the final boss is much easier to get through than the boss stages. I'm playing with Beginner and Auto mode turned off, while Run-Up is turned ON. I'm not sure if different settings will help.
I'll expand on this now and give more detail, but I'd just like to say first that this is NOT a guide for a guaranteed win. Some RNG will still matter and therefore you may not be able to win the Colosseum run on your first try. This will be a VERY long guide, but I'll try my best to give a summary at the end for those who don't have the patience or want an easy flowchart to look at while playing.
So let's start off with your roster and playing style.
Stats of your team:
Firstly, you definitely want every member to be at least B+ so you can possibly max out 2 stats and get some additional points in to others. Do NOT attempt Colosseum if you can't max out your players' stats; you'd just be frustrating youself.
For the Setter, I maxed out Jump and Defense and spent the extra points on Speed. My Setter came with 85 Attack so I simply didn't bother increasing it since it's costly and she seems to be able to get serve aces anyway even with a low attack stat.
For my MB, I maxed out Defense and Speed while spending the rest of the points on Attack. IMO you can probably tweak with this as you like, the MB really isn't that important anyway.
My reasoning for this is that you'll be doing pretty much all of the work on getting points anyway, so might as well increase your teammates' chances of blocking out spikes or receiving without getting their defenses broken through if you make mistakes.
Stats of your WS and how your playing style will vary:
As for the stats, obviously you want a maxed out Attack and Jump, while I keep Speed at least at 100 and spend the rest of my points in Defense. The low Speed is due to the fact that you'll be spending pretty much all your time in your team's zone anyway, and having a high speed MB can make up for any threats of a Touch Out.
Your playing style will be one of two things which are purely dependent on your Wing Spiker's height. Note that these playstyles only really matter with the non-boss teams and are all about defense. We'll be employing team-specific strategies when it comes to attack/defense against bosses and attacks against the non-bosses.
Currently my two best WSs are 179cm (A-rank) and 212cm (A-minus rank). The 179cm WS is my main WS that I use right now purely because of additional stats, and he's the shortest player on my team.
The tall playstyle (probably good for at least 190cm WS) will involve blocking a lot because some of the players on the regular teams generally have weak attacks but can spike higher than shorter characters, so having a tall WS with good defense stats is often enough to block out the strongest spikes from these teams. This also matters more at the start because most of the ability cards at the first round will decrease your jump points, so if your player's tall enough to still be able to block shots from the enemy team with decreased jump, then you can definitely go with this style.
The short playstyle (good for below 190cm) involves going for dives on every shot that the enemy takes. It conserves team stamina and gives you more chances to get attacks in and whittle the enemy's defenses down.
Obviously, if you've been playing for a while, you already know the advantages of blocking and diving. But, the key difference between the two when it comes to Colosseum is that the tall playstyle is generally easier and more aggressive and can let you win games faster through good blocks, but is more prone to RNG with your block sometimes leading to an unsalvageable touch out and therefore making you lose points.
Meanwhile, the short playstyle is harder but a safer style. It's harder because you need to be good at reacting to quicks and positioning yourself in general. But if you can consistently dive enemy spikes, then you'll never get a touch out and you save your team stamina for the few times that you make a mistake and your team has to cover, which they'll often do by simple receives and not dives.
Once you've determined your playstyle, let's take a look at your general tournament strategy and then your attack strategy for each opponent.
General Strategy:
When starting a run, the rule of thumb is to take a look at the path and see which one you can take with at least ONE rest while having the least amount of boss fights. If you get lucky, you can have a path with 1-2 rests without a single boss fight to take. If you're low on health/score (3 or below), I suggest avoiding boss fights completely even if taking the boss fight can lead you to a rest. Ideally you'll have at least 7-8 score/health remaining by the time you reach the final boss.
When it comes to resting, I haven't tried the full heal yet since I don't really need the full 10 HP to win. I only take the 5 HP restoration if I'm below 6 HP and take the -5 Attack -2 Jump debuffs which won't really have noticeable effects unless you weren't able to balance out your buffs and debuffs.
As for ability cards, I suggest choosing the -10%/20% jump reductions at the start if you can find them. You can choose to reroll if you really want to/can afford it, but in any case, the guideline for stats ability cards is this:
  1. Avoid going below 150 for Attack; preferably you keep it at least at the max 155. This means that the more attack buffs you get from some ability cards, the more you can afford having it reduced by others.
  2. Avoid reducing your speed (assuming your WS is like mine with only 100 Speed). Since you're the one mainly going for dives/blocks, you want to be able to move around at normal speed and most of the cards that increase speed aren't really worth it.
  3. Unless you've been able to mitigate the initial 10/20% reduction, do NOT take any cards that reduce jump. Obviously since you're already taking huge hits to your jump stat, reducing it further without mitigating thru buffs will make it so much harder to spike/block.
  4. Let your Defense stats take the most hits; if your defense goes low enough (around 120 and below), switch to diving style if you're not using it already.
For special ability cards, most of them are good but what you choose will depend on your playstyle. My favorite is Topspin Feint and Overpower. I would avoid Leap of Faith, Anchorage, and pretty much all of Oasis's cards EXCEPT Sunrise if you can get it early (no real point taking Sunrise if you're 1-2 matches away from the Final Boss)
Non-boss team strategies:
Let's start with Blue Lancia, which imo is the most predictable non-boss team in the mode (I've gotten multipel 12-0s against them). Their blocking is somehow near-perfect yet their receives are ass. So, to keep this short, the flowchart is just around 2 conditions, based on the enemy blocker:
  1. Whoever's blocking you at the net jumps at the same time as you do - Just feint. Even at max attack, my WS rarely ever gets through the blocker and causes me to lose points when spiking, so just feint over him, and if you do it for long enough, Blue Lancia's receiving is so bad that their receive will break even from just a simple feint.
  2. They don't jump at the same time - Spike. The max attack stats will break stamina faster. You'll rarely win points from spiking because even when their defenses are broken, they can keep the ball in the air when receiving spikes but can't when it's a feint So ultimately you'll still be going back to condition #1 to actually win the point.
With Red Scudo, you can pretty much win by doing the usual strategy of spiking well. They're generally weak on both attack/defense so no real special strategy there. It's pretty easy to win through serve aces if you can consistently hit the top of the net or land the ball on the edge of their side. Blocking's also pretty easy against them if your defense isn't too low.
For Yellow Spear, most of the strategy involves around defense. They're the only non-boss team that likes doing quicks/surprise attacks from what I observed, and their attacks CAN get through high defense at times. For attacking against them, you can play normally but you might want to go for feints if their tall blocker jumps (I forgot his name) since he can sometimes block you out, but not as much as Blue Lancia.
Boss teams:
There are certain teams that you want to avoid completely. Although you can try your luck with some of them if you think you're skilled enough to do so. I suggest avoiding boss fights completely if you're only on 3 health or lower unless you're willing to use the quitting/retry cheese strat.
My ranking of the boss teams from easiest to hardest to beat is as follows (note once again that this is from the perspective of playing with NO S characters, I'm sure that this will be completely different for those with S characters especially a WS):
  1. ZeroN - Strong stats and fast spikes by Youngsub which can make it tough to dive, but once you're on the attack, there's nothing special you need to really do to get points.
  2. Art High - Mid stats and extremely annoying to play against because of how consistently they can receive, but their attack's pretty predictable and even consistently blockable except if it's Sanghyeon spiking. You only really need to look out for Sanghyeon and that's about it.
  3. SolaOasis's team (forgot the full name) - Very difficult to beat, I suggest avoiding them. Surprisingly, AI Oasis isn't all that hard to play against, but the real challenge when it comes to this team is their serves. Both Oasis and ESPECIALLY Lisia have difficult serves. Lisia's underhand seems to always target you, though, so as long as you get the timing right, it's possible to receive it with a dive. But I suggest eating the serve with a normal receive if you can't get the timing or if you're confident that your defense/stamina can handle it.
  4. Valentia Spikes - Just avoid them. The Nishikawa in the Colosseum mode is the one that does the delayed spike the most which your team can't really defend against. Other Nishikawa spikes are blockable and actually quite predictable based on his positioning, but the delayed spike and his serves will eat up your points. I think with enough practice and the right ability cards, you can definitely learn to beat this team but it doesn't really seem worth it without an S-rank WS.
Final Boss Teams:
Another disclaimer coming here... I haven't fought Robert's team yet at the time of this writing so I can't really give my insights on how to beat them. But considering how surprisingly forgiving BYE (NN's team) and BELL (Isabel's team) are, I doubt that Robert would be any different.
I find BELL to be the easiest team to play against. You can play pretty much normally since they don't have strong blocks and receives, while defending would just be doing the usual dive strat which I've already mentioned is the safest.
BYE is harder but only in a general sense. I don't find NN's set to be that much of a threat (tbh it makes their attack much easier to time), and Jaehyun's spike is consistently blockable although not worth testing the RNG for possible Touch Outs if your score is low already.
Take jump debuffs (I almost never take the Easy ability cards since I want to greed for Blue Flames) at the start and just slide/dive or block against weak attack teams. I recommend diving for pretty much every team and don't bother blocking if you wanna conserve health as much as possible, but this can make your runs longer.
Play normally against Red Scudo. Play more defensively against Yellow Spear. Feint as much as possible against Blue Lancia and only spike when the enemy blocker doesn't jump with you.
Go for boss fights if you have enough health and they aren't Valentia/Solar. Make sure to get a good ability card such as Nishikawa's Topspin Feint, Overpower or Heesung's Absolute Block (if you can mitigate your original jump debuffs) if you can afford rerolling for them; otherwise just take whatever good ability card you can get and prioritize Attack/the stats most affected by previous debuffs.
I highly suggest avoiding Valentia Spike and Solar unless you're determined to figuring them out. IMO it's a waste of time to attempt them without an S-rank but of course, it's your choice.
Against BYE, keep an eye out for NN's set and change your receive timing when he's setting. That's the only difficult part.
Against BELL, just receive well and be persistent with your spikes. By the time that you've reached them, you'd ideally have a high enough attack stat that you can easily break through their defenses.

And that's pretty much it! I'll update this post or just post a comment about Robert once I've played against his team. Apologies for the length of this post, but hopefully this helps some of you :)
submitted by Academic-Painter1999 to thespikegame [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:51 Ilijin I was offer a post to build application around General Ledger using XML, XSLT, CSV and SQL, is it worth it knowing AI might tackle those task in the near future?

Here is the link to the post. It's one of the big company in Mauritius, they pay well but you work very odd hours. For this job its from 5pm to 2am so that I can work with American and Canadian.
So a bit of context, I'm familiar with XML and SQL as I'm work as a SAPUI5 developer and build DB for side projects. I have like 2 years of experience in it and wanted a career change in the Software development World as SAPUI5 is pretty a dead end in my country.
I going to be interviewed this Monday for the above post but I'm a bit perplexed about the opportunity as from what the recruiter said, I will just build application to read their general ledger and do outputs as per client requirement which from what the department I'm currently working with, they are planning to train model to do basically similar thing.
Another thing that puzzled me, is the job was posted since January this year and they still ask me to interview for it.
Let say I ace the interview and got the job (still a big if at this point), is it worth it? I'm basically need a job for the next two years to come before moving to France.
submitted by Ilijin to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:48 ArtFraga Crossfire Chords & Sheet Music - Brandon Flowers by Brandon Flowers

Crossfire sheet music download as MusicXML, Guitar Pro, and PDF on:
Click here for a free preview of the score (first page)
Credit: this score was transcribed/uploaded by @Duesenberger
If you cannot find the score, it might be because of a copyright issue. Click on "Request" button at to request and get the score.
submitted by ArtFraga to RareTabs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:47 cuBLea "Dark" MR: Memory Reconsolidation for Fun, Profit, and Psychosocial Manipulation (partial essay)

NOTE: I drafted this before reddit slashed its allowable post size and decided it was unpublishable at that point. A friend strongly recommended I post whatever reddit will allow and if people wanted to see more, I could post more of it. So here's the first segment of it.
Therapeutic memory reconsolidation has a dark side. It's not something typically discussed outside of the coffee rooms of the lab-rat and clinical-practices sets, where the tedium of the current work occasionally gives rise to darkly humorous dystopian speculations.
This dark side is not simply the stuff of mad-science speculation and dark fantasy. In fact, its existence predates even the discovery of the MR process itself. And it has already resulted in mild-to-catastrophic negative consequences for hundreds of thousands of people. (Depending on your perspective, it's conceivable that the current victim count could be in the tens or even hundreds of millions ... we're notorious for undercounting casualties of previously-unrecognized catastrophes. Fair disclosure: I'm one of those casualties.) It's an aspect of MR that I believe is worth knowing about for anyone seeking to exploit MR in therapy either as a practitioner or as a client.
For almost as long as the transformation (i.e. MR) phenomenon has been recognized, there have been tales of sordid applications of this effect. Religious sects, particularly the charismatic ones, have been exploiting the MR phenomenon for thousands of years, typically labeling it as either divine healing or proof of faith. Not that the results aren't beneficial for the individual. In most cases they are. But reconsolidation is only a part of the whole process of restoring health to old psychic wounds. The inducement of therapeutic MR in an individual not ready for the experience can be among the most brutal tortures imaginable, but most of the harm that comes from misapplication of the MR phenomenon can be traced to opportunistic exploitation of the setup for, and aftermath of, the transformational experience, and it's my belief that most of this harm is done by individuals and/or groups with little or no sense of the risks involved in
Keith Raniere's NXIVM organization is probably the most widely-known example of a cult founded largely on a MR-consistent methodology bent to less-than-humane ends. It made national news for years in Canada based on allegations of financial wrongdoing and sexual scandals, its leader was indicted in the US in 2018 and was sentenced to 120 years, and in 2020, not one but *two* major exposé miniseries/docuseries aired on streaming services.
"The Vow" (Mark Vicente's story)
Vicente's series orients around his involvement in the growth and promotion of NXIVM, and isn't afraid to get into the weeds around how Raniere strategized and developed the organization's techniques and tactics.
"Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult" (India Oxenberg's story)
This series centers more around IO's personal journey with the cult, and the people who were caught up in its darkest aspects.
"The Vow", first to be released, was not a fun watch for me. Thirty years prior to this, I had been ensnared by another cult, closely affiliated with the Unity Church of Today in Warren, MI at that time. Both of these cults exploited phenomena surrounding therapeutic memory consolidation as their primary lures years before we even knew that MR had a scientific footing.
The two organizations had shockingly similar modi operandi. So similar, in fact, that I still suspect that NXIVM's founder might have gotten much of his basic training from CoT's Pavillon resort in Quebec, whose month-long "therapeutic retreat" programs were a clever and completely unabashed cult indoctrination program. Ok ... well ... nearly completely unabashed ... during the month that I attended, we were only told that we were being groomed for the cult on the third-to-last day, by which time they surely knew who was ripe for the picking and who wouldn't be swayed, and were pretty confident of no open objection to such an announcement.
I want to make clear that this is not a word of exaggeration. The head of the "clinic" literally told us that if it felt to any of us like we were being recruited for a cult, he assured us that yes, we were. Nobody gasped, nobody even giggled. And as if to prove that this wasn't just dark humor, the director assured us that it was all fair play on their part since his was "the only cult that matters". That is exactly how confident Pavillon were of their methods. (Or at least they were in mid-1989 ... Pavillon appears to have vanished in the mists of history. Not every great cult idea grows up to make it to the big leagues.)
Neither "Seduced" or "The Vow" actually get under the hood and explain the psychology underlying the cult's success, let alone in context of therapeutic memory reconsolidation. In fact, I'm pretty sure that MR was never mentioned in either series. But right from the introductory/demo sessions presented in the first episode of "The Vow", most readers of this sub will instantly recognize that NXIVM leveraged the benefits and relative simplicity of MR-consistent transformational therapies to capture the attention, loyalty, and ultimately the wealth of prospective cult members.
But that's not nearly enough to lead us to a real understanding of how this happens. If either of these series' had been able to achieve that, this post could effctively end here. It's my belief that those of us who are consumers of MR-consistent services, or who work with consumers, do need this understanding. When the mechanics of the seduction are understood, it doesn't just help us to identify how malignant influences were brought to bear on potential victims, or provide us with a degree of immunity from those influences. It can also help us to better identify and relate to individuals who may be particularly vulnerable to these influences, and not just in therapy cults, but in all cult-like cultural groups, and get a better sense of how we can best communicate with people living under less-than-virtuous influence.
Fortunately, it doesn't appear to be all that difficult to acquire this understanding. Simply knowing basic MR theory and therapeutic application takes you halfway to mastery in a world still largely ignorant of how transformative change works. And the successes of Pavillon and NXIVM, coming as they did well before the general public even knew that MR was a "thing", pretty much proves it. But solving the remainder of the problem appears to involve first understanding how the application of MR-consistent methods could lead to cult exploitation in the first place.
MR-consistent transformational phenomena were relatively common knowledge back as far as the early 1980s in new-age/psychotherapy circles, and were even well-understood by certain inner-circle dwellers. And it was clear at least a decade earlier that certain disciplines practiced in a certain way were capable of producing remarkable therapeutic effects, even if no one could quite explain how or why. All Raniere and Pavillon needed to do was to refine techniques already known to be highly effective and they could reproduce those results. Which is exactly what happened, and this gave these two groups a powerful enticement, or a free sample product if you prefer, for people interested in living better, happier lives. Whatever else they did that we would likely view as objectionable or even evil, they both figured out how to get people to transformational moments in ways which were a lot easier than Erhard Seminars Training (EST), more efficient than religious or mystical practices (Transcendental Meditation, kundalini yoga, visionquesting, etc.), and less exclusive/expensive than a stay at Esalen or a year or two of the "talking cure".
So whatever we may think/feel about their methods, credit where due: they knew a good thing when they saw it and they got the transformational part right. So how did techniques which we rely upon to free us from exploitation by our own nervous systems become tools for THEIR exploitation? On the surface it seems like using MR to coerce and enslave people makes about as silly as trying to poison someone with multivitamins. But there's a clever logic to it, and to understand this we need to look beyond the bounds of MR and the transformational phenomenon, and at how the entire transformation process is managed. (And there's the operative word: managed, not facilitated.
We know MR as the process that underlies transformation. But transformation isn't healing, but only a subprocess within a greater restoration process. Healing doesn't usually even end the process, either. Following transformation, stress must be managed until the subject's next full sleep cycle or treatment efficacy is substantially impaired. Even beyond that, the structure of post-traumatic adaptation leaves the individual vulnerable to retraumatization in the wake of treatment, meaning that in perhaps a majority of cases, the triggers which activate PTS symptoms need to be kept to a
submitted by cuBLea to MemoryReconsolidation [link] [comments]


It has taken me more than 8 years to finally feel comfortable and confident to post a review about Gavin Chan. In 2015 I went to the Victorian Cosmetic Institute & was talked into having 4mls of filler injected into my cheeks & nasolabial folds to lift my cheeks by self appointed “cosmetic medicine specialist” Dr Somaiye Kadivar. I was told that the filler was temporary & would last anywhere between 12-18 months.
Once the procedure was over I looked in the mirror & noticed one cheek was higher while the other cheek was lower & further out from my nose. My nasolabial folds were arched, crooked, unnatural & everytime I smiled my cheeks would pop out like golf balls. I hated the results because the filler added volume instead of a lift like I was led to believe.
Just the thought of what I would have looked like if I had gone ahead with the 12 month "alternative treatment plan" devised by the “cosmetic medicine specialist" Dr Somaiye Kadivar who recommended 12mls of filler costing me over $9,000 and 60 units of Botox every 3 months for $720 per treatment gives me nightmares.
Soon after I contacted the owner of the Victorian Cosmetic Institute Gavin Chan and complained about the botched filler. He assured me it was easily & instantly reversible by injecting Hyaluronidase which is used off label to dissolve fillers. After several attempts over the coming days & weeks it was quite obvious that the filler was still present.
On one occasion Gavin Chan dissolved my tear troughs via the cheeks yet I never had filler in my tear troughs to begin with. On another occasion while injecting Hyaluronidase he also started to inject filler into my temple without prior warning. When I asked him why he was injecting my temple he told me he was compensating me for my troubles yet never mentioned that the temple is a danger zone & a risky area to inject.
In total I had 6mls of filler injected into my face within 19 days, yet on the Victorian Cosmetic Institute's website it states that 1ml of filler is enough for the entire face. On each occasion Gavin Chan never informed me of the risks, dangers & complications associated with Hyaluronidase & never gave me a consent form to read and sign.
A few years later I had a consultation with Professor Mark Ashton who is an expert in filler complications & he told me that if the filler hadn't dissolved by now then it was permanent. He gave me a referral for an MRI of the head which detects the exact amount of filler & the exact location of the filler. The MRI report stated that I still had upto 4mls of filler in my face even after all the dissolving sessions from many years ago.
On Dec 3rd 2018 I showed Gavin Chan my MRI results who had no idea at the time that MRI scans can detect fillers. His recommendation was more dissolving but in a larger dose so he flooded my face with Hyaluronidase yet never recorded the amount in my clinical notes. When I went back for a follow up consultation on Dec 10th 2018 he contacted radiologist Mobin Master in my presence who also appeared not to be aware at the time that MRI’s can detect filler but suggested I get another MRI anyway.
Not long after, Gavin Chan contacted me via email thanking me for bringing the MRI information to his attention instead of thanking Professor Mark Ashton who he had previously corresponded with via email regarding my MRI results. For some unknown reason it did not occur to Gavin Chan that Professor Mark Ashton deserved all the credit for having known all along that MRI’s can detect dermal filler.
Instead Gavin Chan chose to capitalise on this information by making a YouTube video claiming he had made this discovery after doing quite a few MRI's (not sure how this is possible as he is not a radiologist). He also stated in his email that he wanted to inject a very high dose of Hyaluronidase to try and dissolve the filler again for the 5th time.
In the meantime I noticed that my facial structure had collapsed, I developed deep hollows under my eyes, my cheeks caved in, my marionette lines were deep, long & dragged down. The corners of my lips sunk into my mouth & my skin was extremely loose, saggy & stretchy all the way down to my neck.
Hyaluronidase did not dissolve my fillers but instead permanently dissolved my connective tissue as it can't distinguish between the skin's own HA & the HA in dermal fillers. Hyaluronidase has aged my facial features by 10 years & only a full facelift & necklift can fix this.
In 2019 & 2020 I took Gavin Chan to VCAT, a small claims court requesting a refund & a corrective advertising order because his website falsely advertised that the temporary fillers they use last anywhere between 12-18 months. Gavin Chan was granted lawyers on the grounds that his business reputation was at stake while I had to represent myself.
I cross examined him with over 90 questions & I presented over 100 pages of supporting evidence & documentation while he only had photos & amended clinical notes. Mobin Master was also present in court supporting Gavin Chan. The hearing was held over 2 days & my claims were eventually dismissed by the judge.
Gavin Chan who “specialises” in cosmetic procedures got away with not providing a patch test for Hyaluronidase and not providing a consent form for Hyaluronidase on each occasion amongst other things.
Mobin Master who began posting the first MRI images on his Instagram account 1 week after the first VCAT hearing in Nov 2019 now identifies as an “aesthetic radiologist” and a “world pioneer” in filler longevity.
Gavin Chan, the self appointed “doctor trainer” for various dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injections and “cosmetic surgeon” as he once claimed to be isn’t even a GP, he is just a medical practitioner with no other formal training. His only qualification is a Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery with a “background in intensive care, anaesthesia and emergency medicine.
Gavin Chan who medically reviews his own articles has provided cosmetic procedures such as anti-wrinkle injections, dermal fillers, liposuction, facial fat transfers, skin needling and laser treatments since 2004 and has held advanced one-on-one injector training workshops for dermal fillers yet has no certificates or credentials listed on his Victorian Cosmetic Institute’s website.
In my opinion Gavin Chan has a special interest in portraying himself as the master of cosmetic injectables in an unregulated industry. He is an injectable junkie, obsessed with the syringe & makes no apologies for ruining my life. I hold Gavin Chan responsible for destroying my looks and my life.
In late 2023 I was threatened on 2 occasions with legal action for posting Google reviews on Gavin Chan. His lawyers instructed me to remove each review within 7 days otherwise I would be sued for defamation in the Federal Court of Australia. I wasn't even given a chance to respond to each email when my reviews were both taken down.
I have no doubt in my mind that Gavin Chan was behind the removal of my reviews. In my opinion, Gavin Chan pays a lot of money to have my reviews removed as he doesn't want anyone finding out about me and the truth about him.
I challenge Gavin Chan to explain to the general public, his patients and to his social media followers what he actually means by "background in intensive care, anaesthesia, and emergency medicine" as well as publicly display all his credentials on social media (qualifications, certificates and training) in anaesthesia, liposuction & cosmetic procedures such as cosmetic iniectables & laser treatments.
Update: In early 2024 I received further threats from Gavin Chan's lawyers for posting this Reddit review and a RealSelf review regarding my personal experience and results. “Articles medically reviewed by Dr Gavin Chan" & " Dr Gavin Chan has a background in intensive care, anaesthesia, and emergency medicine" have since been quietly removed from the Victorian Cosmetic Institute website.
If you are a cosmetic injectable victim or want to be well informed regarding what can go wrong please join BOTCHED FILLERS & HYALURONIDASE DAMAGE SUPPORT GROUP on FB.
submitted by PEPSIPANDORALUNA to u/PEPSIPANDORALUNA [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:40 RetroBeetle "Too much for you?" A +10 +25 Summer Sylvain Showcase

"The ladies love nothing more than a winner. . . Everyone has their own reason to fight. At least I'm honest about mine."
•Wpn.: Arc. Caliburnus (+Spd) As the only green tome unit I wanted to/reasonably could build, Sylvain has the honor of wielding the arcane green tome. Speed refine for even better doubling potential and [Dodge] mitigation.
•Asst.: Rally Atk/Spd+ Necessary for scoring, and a generally useful combination.
•Spc.: Ruptured Sky "What do you mean cavaliers can't use Flare?" Ugh... well, we'll just say Byleth taught Sylvain his exclusive Combat Art.
•A: Flared Sparrow As much as I dislike [Divine Vein] effects, bonus Atk/Spd and start-of-combat damage make this the obvious best option for Player Phase at the moment. I guess if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
•B: S/R Far Trace 4 Gotta have [Canto]. Even if I had managed to get Teatime Set+, I still would have given Sylvain Arc. Caliburnus, so this skill was necessary.
•C: Incite Atk/Spd Again, the obvious best option, but it lets the ranged Summer Sylvain utilize a Clash-type effect, so good for him.
•S: Hardy Bearing A little something to take care of those pesky Vantage units. A free slot depending on the map, but I expect Hardy Bearing will come in handy a lot with Sylvain.
Oh yeah, and Summer Sylvain is my first seasonal +10, as well as my first not to come from the Heroic Grail shop or the 3-4★ base pool.
submitted by RetroBeetle to FireEmblemHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:39 AwkwardDreadlock Advice for dating a Muslim man

I (26F Black American) am dating a 28M Senegalese man and religion is the root of majority of our problems. We align on so many things, but religion keeps coming up as the root of our disagreements.
I came to Reddit to learn more about his religion and this sub has the most accurate and evidence based information which is somewhat ironic, lol. When things rooted in religion come up it turns into an argument and he feels like I’m “disagreeing with his religion” which, according to him, I shouldn’t do. I, on the other hand, feel like I’m just expressing my opinion 🤷🏾‍♀️
There are also cultural differences since I was born and raised in the US while he was born and raised in Senegal, but religion is the main root cause.
Any advice on having these conversations? Dating a Muslim in general? Thanks in advance!
submitted by AwkwardDreadlock to progressive_islam [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:37 lavayuki Advice regarding buying a house or flat in Manchester?

Hi everyone, I have been renting for years, I am 31 and have a goal to buy property in Manchester within the next year. I am single, live alone on a single income and good credit score, and for a long time I always thought I would buy a flat especially with all these new flats sprouting like mushrooms all over the city centre with pools, gyms etc... However, have been following this thread for ages, the majority seem to favour a house due to flats being leasehold, service charges and ground rents increasing, having to buy parking etc...
I currently live in a one bed flat in city centre where I live in one of those buy to rent places with gym etc. for 1140 a month, and pay NCP to park my car which used to be 100 a month when I first moved it, but has increased to 200 a month... so £1340 a month. Impossible to find another rental as 30+ people at viewings so I want to buy. I had put it off because of my job needing me to move every few months, but this is not the case now as I found a new stable job in Manchester.
I have been on rightmove looking at both houses and flats to see what is out there, however am not familiar with the areas outside of the city centre if I were to buy a house. I have a deposit and help from parents, so my budget would be in the region of 350k according to the online calculators. Most of my friends have bought houses in areas like cheadle, prestwich, middleton, chorlton, sale etc.. Only one colleague has bought a flat in Spinningfields and also Deansgate as she likes city centre living.
I have lived in rental flats in city centres of various big cities for my whole adult life, but a house seems attractive in terms of size, parking, no service and ground rent, and also easier to have pets. Burglary and safety always kind of put me off houses though, so am unsure between a flat and house as a single women. I also prefer urban or near urban where other young people like me live rather than rural/countryside.
For those who bought houses or flats in Manchester, do you have any advice on how to go about this and some nice areas in my price range if I were to buy a house and live alone?
Also, is buying one of the million flats in city centre a good option or a bad idea?
Also how long does it usually take? I start a new job at the start of June so I know it might take time to prove income for a mortgage. My rental contract ends end of July, so I can extend it by 6 months or a year to give me time. The rental market is insane so finding a new cheaper place with parking for just a year will probably end in failure.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
submitted by lavayuki to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:36 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Carhartt Beanies

Best Carhartt Beanies
Discover the perfect headgear for the chilly season with our roundup of Carhartt Beanies! As the temperature drops, having a cozy beanie is essential to stay warm and stylish. In this article, we'll delve into some of the best options in the Carhartt lineup, ensuring you find the perfect beanie to keep your head warm and stylish this season. Stay tuned as we explore the world of Carhartt Beanies in this comprehensive product guide.

The Top 5 Best Carhartt Beanies

  1. John Deere Knit Beanie with Leather Patch - Warm and stylish Carhartt Brown Beanie featuring a John Deere Leather Patch and knit material for comfort and durability.
  2. Carhartt Classically Durable Winter Beanie - Carhartt Glass Blue Mono Patch Beanie - A stylish and comfortable knit beanie made from soft acrylic rib material and adorned with a Carhartt patch, perfect for casual or on-the-job wear in the colder winter months.
  3. Carhartt 2nd Quality Rib Knit Beanie - The Carhartt Factory 2nd Acrylic Knit Cuffed Beanie 2.0 in Gray offers a cozy, stretchable fit, featuring 100% acrylic rib knit fabric and the iconic Carhartt label sewn on the left side.
  4. Men's Carhartt Skills Graphic Beanie in Coal Heather - Stay cozy and show off your support for the trades with Carhartt's 100% acrylic cuffed beanie, featuring the classic Skills graphic.
  5. Customizable Carhartt Heather Grey Watch Cap 2.0 - The Carhartt Heather Grey Watch Cap 2.0 is a sturdy, functional, and attractive beanie featuring a logo embroidery, perfect for both work and play, ensuring warmth and comfort in any cold-weather environment.
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🔗John Deere Knit Beanie with Leather Patch
I recently got the chance to try out the John Deere Leather Patch beanie, and I must say, it has been an essential part of my wardrobe in these chilly months. The first thing I noticed was the quality of the knit material, it's so soft and warm. The Carhartt Brown color pairs perfectly with my casual outfits, making it my go-to beanie for most days. The John Deere leather patch on the front adds a unique touch that sets it apart from other beanies.
One downside is that it can be a bit tight-fitting around my ears, but that could vary depending on individual head size. Despite this, the beanie has proved itself to be a reliable companion during my daily activities and I appreciate the American craftsmanship that John Deere stands for. Overall, I would highly recommend this beanie for anyone looking for a stylish and warm accessory.

🔗Carhartt Classically Durable Winter Beanie
I recently decided to give the Carhartt Glass Blue Knit Beanie a try during these chilly winter months. As a product reviewer, I was excited to see how well this beanie would perform in both comfort and style. The 100% acrylic rib knit fabric is a pleasant surprise as it feels incredibly soft against my skin while doing an excellent job at keeping the cold out. I also appreciate the thick cuff, which ensures that my ears stay toasty and the beanie stays firmly in place even during blustery winds.
One of the highlights of this beanie is the Carhartt label sewn on the front. It adds a touch of sophistication to an otherwise casual look, making it suitable for both work and play. I love how the leather patch complements the beanie's color while adding a subtle edgy vibe.
However, there is one minor cons. I've noticed that during extremely windy days, the wind may make the Carhartt patch flutter a bit, which can be slightly annoying. Nevertheless, the overall quality and design more than make up for this minor inconvenience.
Overall, I'm thoroughly impressed with the Carhartt Glass Blue Knit Beanie. Its superior comfort, stylish appearance, and sturdy construction make it an excellent choice for anyone seeking a reliable and fashionable beanie during these cold months.

🔗Carhartt 2nd Quality Rib Knit Beanie
I recently got my hands on the Carhartt Factory 2nd Acrylic Knit Cuffed Beanie 2.0 in Gray, and I must say, it's been a reliable companion in keeping my head warm during chilly mornings. This beanie is made of 100% acrylic, stretchable rib knit fabric, which ensures a snug fit without feeling tight. The Carhartt label sewn on the left side adds a touch of branding that I absolutely love.
Although it's imported, the quality is top-notch, and I can feel the durability in every stitch. However, the material can be slightly on the warmer side, so it might not be the best choice for those who prefer more breathable headwear. Overall, if you're looking for a cozy and well-built headwarmer that'll stand up to the elements, this Carhartt Factory Acrylic Knit Cuffed Beanie 2.0 is definitely worth a try.

🔗Men's Carhartt Skills Graphic Beanie in Coal Heather
I remember when I first got my Carhartt Skills Graphic Beanie, I was skeptical about how much it would enhance my outdoor outfits. But boy, was I in for a treat! . This beanie not only kept me warm, but also added a touch of rugged charm to my winter wardrobe.
Its acrylic, stretchable rib-knit fabric is a dream to wear, and the sewn-on Carhartt label on the front only adds to its distinctive look. Plus, being made in the USA is always a plus point for me.
However, one downside is that it doesn't have any reviews yet, which makes it a bit hard to gauge its popularity. Overall, though, it's a fantastic beanie for any guy who loves the outdoors and wants to support the trades.

🔗Customizable Carhartt Heather Grey Watch Cap 2.0
I recently purchased the Carhartt Watch Cap 2.0 to stay cozy during my morning runs in the freezing temperatures. I've always been a fan of Carhartt's high-quality standards, and this hat didn't disappoint! It's super comfortable, stretchy enough to always have a snug fit, and flexible enough to go over balaclavas, gaiters, and ball caps for even more warmth. But its best feature has got to be the bright lime color that seems to glow in the dark, making me super visible during my night runs. On the downside, it can be a little itchy initially, so remember to wash it before you wear it. Overall, I highly recommend the Carhartt Watch Cap 2.0 for anyone looking for a warm, comfortable, and stylish beanie that keeps your head toasty, even in the harshest of climates.
Now let me tell you about another aspect of this beanie that made me appreciate Carhartt even more. I bought three of these for the men in my family when we were heading to the mountains for Christmas. And guess what? They loved them! The guys felt so protected and warm that they didn't want to take them off, even when it started snowing on us. When it comes to keeping your head warm and comfortable, the Carhartt Watch Cap 2.0 truly delivers.
However, I did come across one issue with sizing in my research. The size seems to vary depending on the country where it's made, which can be a bit frustrating. It's a good idea to keep an eye on that if you're a stickler for consistency in your hats.
All in all, the Carhartt Watch Cap 2.0 is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a high-quality and cozy winter beanie.

Buyer's Guide

Carhartt beanies are a winter essential that provide both style and functionality. As you begin your search for the perfect beanie, there are several important features and considerations you should keep in mind. Here's a detailed guide to help you make the right choice.


One of the most critical aspects of a Carhartt beanie is the material it's made from. Look for options that feature 100% acrylic knit or fleece linings to ensure maximum warmth and durability throughout the cold months.

Fit and Comfort
The right fit is crucial when choosing a Carhartt beanie. Make sure to pick a size that comfortably rests on your ears without being too tight or loose. Additionally, consider models with adjustable cuffs to help customize your fit further.

Style Variations

  • Cuffed Beanies: Classic choice with an adjustable cuff for a tight or loose fit.
  • Slouch Beanies: Offer a relaxed, laid-back look and can be worn cuffed or pulled down to create a slouchy effect.
  • Earflap Beanies: Keep ears warm with extra flaps designed to provide even more coverage and insulation from the cold.

Washing and Care

Proper cleaning and maintenance are essential for extending the life of your Carhartt beanie. Wash your beanie inside out using cold water to keep colors vibrant and remove dirt. Air dry your beanie to prevent shrinking or excessive wear on the fabric.

Additional Features

  • Double Layer Construction: Reinforced stitching adds extra warmth and durability to your beanie.
  • Multiple Colors and Patterns: Choose from a wide range of solid colors, stripes, or camo prints to match your personal style.

General Advice

When shopping for Carhartt beanies, always prioritize quality and comfort over price. Investing in a well-made beanie will save you money in the long run as it lasts through multiple winters without losing its appearance or functionality.
Carhartt beanies are an excellent addition to any winter wardrobe, offering style and warmth while protecting you from harsh weather conditions. By considering the factors outlined in this guide, you'll be well-equipped to find the perfect Carhartt beanie that suits your needs and preferences.


What materials are Carhartt beanies made from?

Carhartt beanies are primarily made from acrylic, a synthetic fiber known for its durability and warmth. Some beanies also include blends of other materials such as polyester or spandex for added stretch and comfort.

Do Carhartt beanies come in various styles?
Yes, Carhartt beanies come in a variety of styles to suit different preferences. Options include classic and cuffed styles, as well as visors and ear flaps for added warmth.

How can I tell if a Carhartt beanie will fit well?

Carhartt beanies are designed to fit head sizes varying from small to large. To ensure the right fit, measure the circumference of your head just above your eyebrows and consult the sizing chart provided on the Carhartt website or on the product page.

How do I wash my Carhartt beanie?

It is recommended to wash your Carhartt beanie in cold water on a gentle cycle. Avoid using fabric softeners, and air dry the beanie to maintain its shape and quality.

Where can I buy Carhartt beanies?

Carhartt beanies can be purchased from the official Carhartt website, as well as various online retailers such as Amazon, Zappos, and Dick's Sporting Goods. Some brick-and-mortar stores also carry Carhartt beanies, including sports outfitters and major department stores.

Do Carhartt beanies come with a warranty?

Yes, Carhartt beanies come with a one-year limited warranty that covers any defects in materials or workmanship. If you experience any issues with your beanie within this timeframe, you can contact Carhartt's customer service for assistance.

How much do Carhartt beanies typically cost?

The cost of Carhartt beanies can vary depending on the style and material. Classic acrylic beanies generally retail between $15 and $25, while more premium options (such as those made from wool or featuring detailed embroidery) may be priced up to $50 or more.

Are Carhartt beanies suitable for cold weather?

Yes, Carhartt beanies are designed to provide warmth and protection from the cold. Many beanies also have features such as adjustable cuffs or ear flaps for added insulation and comfort in colder climates.

Do Carhartt beanies run true to size?

Carhartt beanies are designed to run true to size. However, it is helpful to consult the sizing chart provided on the Carhartt website or on the individual product page to ensure the best fit for your head size.

Does Carhartt offer customized beanies?

While Carhartt does not offer customized beanies, they do have a variety of different styles and colors available, allowing customers to choose a beanie that best suits their personal preferences and needs.

How can I care for my Carhartt beanie to extend its longevity?

To care for your Carhartt beanie and extend its longevity, it is recommended to wash it in cold water on a gentle cycle and to avoid using fabric softeners. Additionally, air drying your beanie can help maintain its shape and quality, rather than using a dryer.

Do Carhartt beanies have reflective aspects for safety?

Some Carhartt beanies, such as their reflective strap beanie, include reflective elements to enhance visibility in low-light environments, promoting safety for those who work or engage in outdoor activities during early mornings, late afternoons, or at night.
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2024.05.19 11:36 ArtFraga Sign Of The Cross Chords - Guitar Tabs - Iron Maiden by Iron Maiden

Sign Of The Cross guitar tabs download as Guitar Pro and PDF on:
Click here for a free preview of the score (first page)
Credit: this score was transcribed/uploaded by @Olivier
If you cannot find the score, it might be because of a copyright issue. Click on "Request" button at to request and get the score.
submitted by ArtFraga to RareTabs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:35 amarrero Next card: CFF or WoH?

I was recently approved for the CSR with the new signup bonus. I already have the CFU and I’m currently at 4/24 (one of those is as an authorized user on my wife’s Prime card, will be 3/24 by end of 2025). 750+ credit score.
The plan for the CSR is to be my dining and travel card (travel for work quite a bit), so I expense those costs, while the CFU will be the catch-all (still use Costco Citi for 4% on gas and Chase Prime for 5% at Amazon).
Outside of going for Ink cards, I’m debating whether to go CFF to complete the trifecta or get the World of Hyatt since that is the hotel brand I generally use. If I’m going to transfer out to Hyatt, it makes sense to use the extra bonuses by using the Hyatt card. But that means missing out on the 5% rotating categories of the CFF.
Whichever one I pick, I’ll be stuck at 5/24 for nearly a year and a half (unless I can get a reconsideration given one slot as an AU) so I would appreciate any advice regarding the next step.
submitted by amarrero to Chase [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:26 overallpersonality8 What does this mean? I wanted infinity rupay but they were only giving neu plus fyf

What does this mean? I wanted infinity rupay but they were only giving neu plus fyf submitted by overallpersonality8 to CreditCardsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:26 ArtFraga The Hudson Chords & Sheet Music - Amy Macdonald by Amy Macdonald

The Hudson sheet music download as MusicXML, Guitar Pro, and PDF on:
Click here for a free preview of the score (first page)
Credit: this score was transcribed/uploaded by @Duesenberger
If you cannot find the score, it might be because of a copyright issue. Click on "Request" button at to request and get the score.
submitted by ArtFraga to RareTabs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:22 Nytheros Metrobank Agent sa Mall

Metrobank Agent sa Mall
So, this happened a week bore holy week.
A Metrobank Agent talked to me about credit card application. She was trying to convince me to apply for Metrobank and I said I already have a Metrobank CC but if you insist, I said that I'm willing to apply for a second card with them and since I am interested with their M Free CC because it has no annual fee. Then she was trying to convince me to apply for CCs with other banks and I said no. She was really insisting for me to apply for BPI and I strongly said NO. For her to stop asking me to apply for BPI, I said she can just proceed with the application with PNB and Eastwest instead. I remember declining her offer to apply for BPI CC multiple times, maybe 3-4 times.
And then, as shown in the screenshot, I received a text message from BPI that I applied for a CC which I didn't. I immediately called them and informed them that I didn't apply for a CC. CS confirmed that the application was submitted through Third Party Agencies.
My question is, will that negatively affect my credit score? What can I do against those agents who weren't doing things according to the agreement we had?
submitted by Nytheros to PHCreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:20 Cfutly HSB Enjoy card credit card for bus

Generally use Octopus card for buses but I noticed they have NFC scanners. I hv an Enjoy credit card.
Do I need to apply for Octopus credit card for use on bus? Is there a surcharge?
submitted by Cfutly to HongKong [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:19 RDO_CoyoteJack 19 May Daily Challenges

19 May Daily Challenges submitted by RDO_CoyoteJack to RedDeadOnline [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:13 Stage-Piercing727 Best Cardboard Shooting Targets

Best Cardboard Shooting Targets
Are you a hunter looking for the perfect target to test your aim? Look no further! We've compiled a roundup of the best cardboard shooting targets available on the market. From long- range to close-range targets, we've got you covered. Join us as we dive into the world of cardboard shooting targets and find the perfect solution for your next shooting session.

The Top 12 Best Cardboard Shooting Targets

  1. Premium Reversa Cardboard Shooting Target - Experience the ultimate shooting target with the ReVersa, featuring 13 easy-to-see targets on one side and holding up to 12 clay pigeons on the other, and set up in seconds with the ReVersa stands.
  2. Rimfire Dueling Tree with 8 Spring-Loaded Targets - Cabela's Rimfire Dueling Tree brings thrilling competition to your shooting range, featuring 8 spring-loaded targets for instant hit confirmation and a wide, stable base to secure it virtually anywhere.
  3. High-Contrast Red-Fire Life-Size Bulletproof Cardboard Shooting Targets (100 Pack) - Bright and bold Red-Fire life-size paper silhouette shooting targets, with neon red bullseyes, perfect for enhancing shot placement and self-defense training, now available in a 100-pack.
  4. Red Ryder Paper Targets (25 ct) - Unleash your inner cowboy with 25 assorted, Red Ryder-themed cardboard shooting targets for a blast from the past!
  5. Economy Life-Size Paper Shooting Targets - 19"x25" 100 Pack - A life-size, cost-effective, and high-quality shooting target, perfect for pistols and rifles! Experience clear vital zones and scoring areas on durable 60 lb. bright white paper, proudly made in the U.S.A.
  6. Fluorescent Yellow Cardboard Shooting Targets for Pellet Gun - Enhance your pellet gun shooting experience with the Atflbox 25pcs 12" x 13" Splatter Paper Shooting Target, featuring bright fluorescent yellow targets for easy target spotting and convenient at-a-distance shot visibility, indoors or outdoors.
  7. High-Quality Cardboard Shooting Targets for Indoor and Outdoor Practice - Highwild 13" x 16" Cardboard Torso Targets offer efficient and cost-effective shooting practice, perfect for both indoor and outdoor use.
  8. Fun Cardboard Shooting Targets for Parties - Enhance your next party with these 20.5cm wide, lightweight cardboard battle target cutouts that can be attached to various surfaces for a fun and action-packed atmosphere.
  9. Allen Cardboard Deer Target: Life-Size Archery Practice with Organ Profile - The Allen Titan Cardboard Deer Target offers a life-size organ profile for optimal shot placement, making it a reliable and durable choice for archery and rifle practice at your range.
  10. Premium Quality LE Target Silhouette for Hunting Practice - Precision practice with Champion's top-tier 24"x45" LE Target Silhouette, featuring professional-grade cardboard for pinpoint accuracy, high-contrast green targets for instant shot placement recognition, and a scoring table for tracking your progress.
  11. Stylish Cardboard Deer Shooting Targets - Experience an authentic hunting experience with the vibrant Cardboard Shooting Targets, featuring realistic deer vitals on brown cardboard, ideal for honing your shooting skills.
  12. Enhance Your Shooting Skills with EZ Aim Shooting Targets - EZ Aim Silhouette Paper Shooting Targets: High-quality, brightly colored paper targets for improved visibility and enhanced shooting experiences!
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🔗Premium Reversa Cardboard Shooting Target
I recently found myself in need of a corrugated clay pigeon target for my backyard shooting range. After doing some research, I stumbled upon the ReVersa Corrugated Target. At first glance, the design caught my eye with its brightly colored, 13 target-printed front that made it easy to aim at.
Setting it up was a breeze thanks to the pre-tabbed reverse side capable of holding up to 12 clay pigeons. I opted to purchase the ReVersa stands as well, and in no time at all, the target was set and ready to use. The portability of this target system was definitely a win for me, as it provided a quick and easy solution for my impromptu shooting sessions.
Upon continuous use, however, I did notice a few drawbacks to the product. The cover for the holes wasn't the most durable, and I found that the target would start to disintegrate after just a few uses. Additionally, some of the target features were a bit harder to see from a distance, making it challenging to accurately aim my shots.
All in all, the ReVersa Corrugated Target proved to be a reliable and portable clay pigeon target for my shooting needs. While it did have its drawbacks, it still performed its primary function well and provided a visually appealing design. As someone who frequently participates in shooting sports, this target would be a valuable asset to anyone looking to practice or test their skills.

🔗Rimfire Dueling Tree with 8 Spring-Loaded Targets
Cabela's Rimfire Dueling Tree is a fun and challenging accessory for your target shooting adventures. This steel target features 8 spring-loaded flip targets, providing hours of shooting enjoyment. The 4-to-a-side design is perfect for challenging a friend, and the wide base along with stakes ensures stability wherever you place it. The targets range from 1.5" to 3" in diameter, all rated for. 22 rimfire soft-lead bullets only.
In my experience, this Cabela's Rimfire Dueling Tree exceeded my expectations in terms of build quality. The targets are solid and well-built, making them durable and long-lasting. With proper care, they can handle even the heaviest usage during friendly competitions or practice sessions.
However, there have been some concerns raised by other users regarding the product. The target welds seem to break easily after a few hits, which is not ideal for such an essential component. Additionally, some users have mentioned that the spring mechanisms tend to get stuck, making it difficult to keep the targets aligned.
Despite these drawbacks, the Cabela's Rimfire Dueling Tree provides a fun and engaging experience for target shooters. Its unique dueling tree design adds an element of friendly competition to the activity, keeping things interesting even after hours of practice. If you're in the market for an affordable, yet engaging target shooting accessory, this dueling tree is definitely worth considering.

🔗High-Contrast Red-Fire Life-Size Bulletproof Cardboard Shooting Targets (100 Pack)
Recently, I had the chance to use the Red-Fire Life Size Silhouette Paper Shooting Targets and they really surpassed my expectations. These targets are perfect for training sessions, as they have a distinct red bullseye that's easily visible against their white background. The high-contrast silhouette makes it simple to track down any bullet holes, which is a great feature.
One particular thing that stood out to me was their exceptional durability, even though they are made of paper. Despite multiple shots, mine remained surprisingly intact, proving their impressive longevity. The 100-pack offers fantastic value, making them an indispensable addition for any practice range.
However, I did notice that they are quite heavy and can be challenging to transport or store. Additionally, these targets are specifically designed for handguns, so those using rifles may face some difficulty.
In summary, the Red-Fire Life Size Silhouette Paper Shooting Targets are an excellent investment for anyone seeking high-quality, reliable targets for handgun training. With their vibrant design, durability, and affordability, it's no surprise they have quickly become a favorite among shooters.

🔗Red Ryder Paper Targets (25 ct)
When my kids and I received the Daisy Outdoor Products Red Ryder Paper Targets, we were thrilled to see the retro 1940s style packaging. The 25 assorted targets are reminiscent of the iconic Red Ryder, with the familiar Red color and logo. As we popped each piece out, the sturdy cardboard stood out in our hands.
Using these targets for an afternoon of family fun, our expectations were high. However, we found that they are rather small, making it a bit tricky to hit the mark with our BB guns. The smaller size seemed to catch us off guard, but the kids still had fun using them as a goal to shoot for.
Overall, the genuine Daisy Red Ryder theme, sturdy cardboard construction, and assorted designs make the Red Ryder Paper Targets an entertaining addition to any family outing or backyard BB gun range. Though we had to adjust our aim due to the size, the unique style and fun factor easily outweighed any minor inconveniences.

🔗Economy Life-Size Paper Shooting Targets - 19"x25" 100 Pack
I recently tested out the Basic Training Silhouette targets, and I must say, I was impressed. At first, I was a bit skeptical about using cardboard targets, but these life-size human silhouettes with clear vital zones and scoring areas were easy to spot even at long distances. The reduced cost with just one color printing on durable 60 lb. bright white paper is a game-changer, making it more affordable for enthusiasts who want to improve their skills without breaking the bank.
One of the things I liked most about these targets is the ability to see my sights and every shot more clearly, which helped me better assess my accuracy and focus on hit areas. The targets are made in the U. S. A. which is a bonus for those who appreciate locally-made products. They are suitable for a variety of shooting sports like pistols and rifles from 10 feet to 40 yards.
Although I didn't find any major flaws with these targets, there might be some who find the durability of the cardboard unexpected. However, overall, I would highly recommend the Basic Training Silhouette targets to anyone looking for an affordable, effective, and user-friendly alternative for enhanced shooting practice.

🔗Fluorescent Yellow Cardboard Shooting Targets for Pellet Gun
Atflbox's splatter shooting targets are exactly what you need to boost your accuracy and enjoy a fun and challenging shooting experience. These 25 robust sheets of paper, measuring 12" x 13", come in bright fluorescent yellow. They stand out, allowing you to instantly spot your bursts from a distance.
No more tedious treks to find your target in either indoor or outdoor settings. The vibrant color quickly locates the target paper, saving you valuable time you could spend mastering your aim.
However, they're not without a downside. The adhesive backing on the targets poses a slight challenge, but it's a small obstacle nonetheless, compared to the plethora of benefits they provide.
These shooting targets make it thrilling to improve your shooting game without breaking the bank, so give them a try!

🔗High-Quality Cardboard Shooting Targets for Indoor and Outdoor Practice
I recently tried out Highwild's 13" x 16" Cardboard Targets for Shooting, and I have to say, it left a mixed impression on me. On the one hand, the design is quite efficient and cost-effective, making it a great option for those looking to save a bit of money. The size is perfect for both indoor and outdoor use, and the high-contrast black silhouette makes it easy to see and hit.
However, there were a couple of aspects that could have been better. First, the quality of the cardboard felt a bit flimsy, and I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't last as long as some people might expect. Second, the scoring table on the back could be a bit more clear-cut, so it's easier to keep track of your hits and values.
Overall, while Highwild's Cardboard Targets for Shooting aren't perfect, they're an affordable and effective choice for anyone in the market for a paper target. With a little tweak or two, they could be even better, making Highwild an even more attractive choice for shooting enthusiasts.

🔗Fun Cardboard Shooting Targets for Parties
Spending a weekend at a friend's place is now a whole lot more fun, thanks to these Small Dart Battle Target Cutouts! They measure at a neat 20.5cm wide and are cut to look like the classic targets you see at the shooting range. The lightweight cardboard makes them easy to handle, and the design on one side can be used to create a battle atmosphere during parties.
To make the best use of them, why not attach them across doors, walls, and windows? You can even use them on tablecloths during a wild party, transforming your space into an action-packed zone in minutes. For an added zing, these cutouts can be used as part of your shooting games - just stick them against foam blocks or posts for all your friends to aim for their target practice.
The package includes six cute cutouts that you can use in multiple ways. Users seem to like them too! The reviews are brimming with positivity, with people using them as party decor, centerpiece, and cake topper. The ease with which they could be attached to a variety of surfaces was also highlighted - a feature that I found very practical during my use.
However, a word of caution: these targets are quite small, so if you're planning larger games or using hard surfaces, the darts might not stick as firmly as you'd like. But overall, these are a fun way to bring a touch of excitement to any party or gathering, making it a grand slam in the world of cardboard shooting targets!

🔗Allen Cardboard Deer Target: Life-Size Archery Practice with Organ Profile
The Allen Cardboard Deer Target has been a game-changer for my hunting practice routine. With its organ profiles that show the best spots to aim for, I can confidently hit the mark every time. It's a life-size representation of a deer, which makes it feel realistic and adds a thrill to each shot.
One downside I faced was that the target had a tendency to wobble when I was aiming at it. However, it's a minor issue considering the affordable price point and overall quality of the product.
My favorite feature of the Allen Titan Cardboard Deer Target is that it's made of thick cardboard, ensuring it can take multiple shots before needing to be replaced. This longevity means I don't have to keep buying new targets constantly, making it an excellent long-term investment.
My hunting experience has significantly improved since I started using this Allen Deer Target. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for an affordable and high-quality target for their hunting practice.

🔗Premium Quality LE Target Silhouette for Hunting Practice
From my personal experience, I found the Champion LE Target Silhouette Cardboard to be an excellent addition to my hunting gear collection. Standing at an impressive 24 inches by 45 inches, the high contrast green design made it easy for me to recognize my shot placements instantly. As a hunter, precision is key, and with the wide variety of area sizes available on this target, I was able to improve my accuracy significantly.
What stood out to me was the high-quality materials used in its construction; this target felt sturdy and durable during use. Additionally, the scoring table was a handy feature as it helped me keep track of my performance and the number of rounds fired. While the black numbers on the target seemed a bit challenging to see, the high-definition printing more than made up for it, ensuring a level of detail that's ideal for practicing target shooting. I enjoyed using it and would highly recommend it to others seeking a professional-grade target.

🔗Stylish Cardboard Deer Shooting Targets
Using the Cardboard Deer Target 25 Pk. by Weaknecht in my backyard hunting practice, I found it to be a fun and practical addition to my gear. The cardboard deer targets showcase all the vital areas of a deer, which helped me improve my accuracy during target practice. I appreciated the two-colored design on the brown cardboard, as it made them stand out more, making it easier to spot them from a distance.
However, I did encounter some issues with durability. The targets are made of cardboard, which made them more fragile than I would have liked. After a few uses, the targets started to wear down, which meant I had to replace them more frequently than I anticipated.
Overall, I think these targets are a great find for those looking for fun and affordable target practice. While their durability could be better, they still held up well and provided a useful tool for improving my hunting skills.

🔗Enhance Your Shooting Skills with EZ Aim Shooting Targets
The EZ Aim Silhouette Paper Shooting Targets turned out to be my go-to for a fun and educational shooting experience at home. These targets feature bright colors that made my target practice more enjoyable and precise, allowing me to see my shots from far distances. The high-quality paper targets definitely helped me improve my accuracy, consistency, and overall shooting confidence.
However, I did find the life size silhouettes to be a bit too large for my liking, but the 100-count pack was a bonus for me to try out different ways to challenge myself on the range. EZ Aim definitely lived up to my expectations and I highly recommend them to anyone looking to stay on target and improve their shooting skills.

Buyer's Guide

Cardboard shooting targets are an essential and cost-effective choice for recreational or competitive shooting. These targets are available in various sizes, shapes, and difficulty levels, making them suitable for beginners and experienced shooters alike. By following the guidelines provided below, you'll be better equipped to choose the right cardboard shooting target for your needs.

Size and Distance Considerations

Size is crucial when selecting a cardboard shooting target. The target's size will dictate the minimum shooting distance necessary for effective use. Smaller targets require more precision and typically work best at closer ranges, while larger targets can be shot from further distances. Make sure to consider the available shooting space and your shooting abilities when choosing a target size.

Material and Durability

Cardboard targets are generally very economical, but they can be prone to tearing or disintegrating upon impact. Make sure to select a target made of high-quality, thick cardboard to ensure optimal performance and durability. Some targets are coated or laminated to resist tearing, so consider these options for added protection.

Shooting Distance Markings

Some cardboard shooting targets feature distance markings, which can be particularly useful for beginners or shooters looking to improve their accuracy. These markings provide a clear reference point for the target's distance and can help you fine-tune your shooting skills.

Target Types and Difficulty Levels

There is a wide variety of cardboard shooting targets available, each with its own unique design and difficulty level. Some targets are simple circular shapes, while others feature more complex designs, such as silhouettes of animals or humans. Consider the level of challenge you're looking for when choosing a target. If you're new to shooting or looking to improve your accuracy, opt for a more straightforward target. For enthusiasts looking for a greater challenge, consider targets with more intricate designs and smaller hit zones.

Storage and Portability

Cardboard targets are generally lightweight and easy to store, making them ideal for shooters with limited space. Many targets fold or collapse for easy storage and transportation. If you plan on carrying your targets to the range, consider models that are compact and easy to transport.

Safety Considerations

Safety should always be a top priority when handling firearms, and this extends to selecting the right cardboard shooting target. Make sure the target you choose is specifically designed for use with firearms and is not too flimsy or prone to disintegration upon impact. Additionally, ensure that the target is placed at a safe distance from other shooters, spectators, and non-shooting property.

Cost and Value

Cardboard shooting targets are generally quite affordable, making them a cost-effective choice for most shooters. However, it's essential to consider the value you're getting for your money. Higher-quality targets made of more robust materials may cost more initially but will likely last longer and perform more effectively, ultimately saving you money in the long run.


What are cardboard shooting targets?

Cardboard shooting targets are paper targets designed for use in shooting practice. They are easy to set up, inexpensive, and available in various shapes and sizes to cater to different shooting disciplines. These targets provide a fun and cost-effective way for shooters to practice their skills.

What types of materials are cardboard shooting targets made of?

Cardboard shooting targets are typically made from high-quality, durable cardboard material. This type of cardboard is designed to withstand the impact of bullets and provide accurate results for shooters.

What are the benefits of using cardboard shooting targets?

The primary benefits of using cardboard shooting targets include cost efficiency, ease of setup, and the ability to measure shooting accuracy. They also provide a fun and safe way for shooters to practice their skills, as they are less expensive and less dangerous than live-fire ranges. Some cardboard shooting targets even feature built-in scoring systems, making it easier to track progress and improve.

What are the different shapes and sizes of cardboard shooting targets available?

  • Circular targets in various sizes (e. g. , 8 inches, 12 inches, and 18 inches)
  • Rectangular targets (e. g. , 12 inches by 18 inches)
  • Animal silhouettes (e. g. , deer, bear, and turkey)
  • Man-sized targets
  • Zombie targets

How do I set up and use cardboard shooting targets?

To set up and use cardboard shooting targets, simply place the target at the desired distance from the shooting range. You can either prop the target up using a flat surface or attach it to a target holder. Once the target is in place, shooters can aim at the target and practice their shooting skills, taking care to aim at the center for best results. After the shooting session, inspect the target for evidence of bullet impact and adjust target placement as necessary.

What are the best practices for storing cardboard shooting targets?

To ensure the durability and longevity of cardboard shooting targets, store them in a dry, protected area away from direct sunlight. This will help prevent the targets from warping, fading, or deteriorating over time. It's also important to properly dispose of used targets and replace them with new ones as needed.

Are there any safety concerns when using cardboard shooting targets?

Yes, there are some safety concerns that should be addressed when using cardboard shooting targets. Firstly, always follow proper shooting safety guidelines, such as wearing appropriate eye and ear protection and ensuring that the target is placed at a safe distance from the shooting range. Additionally, never shoot at cardboard targets from an angle that could cause bullet fragmentation, as this can result in dangerous fragments being launched in unpredictable directions.

Can I use cardboard shooting targets for different shooting disciplines?

Yes, cardboard shooting targets can be used for various shooting disciplines, including pistol, rifle, and shotgun. The key is to choose the appropriate target size and shape for the specific discipline. Some targets are designed to simulate the appearance of larger targets, such as man-sized targets or animal silhouettes, making them suitable for long-range shooting practice. Other targets may feature smaller target areas, making them more appropriate for close-range or target-rich environments.
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