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r/Spanish: Learn, teach or discuss the 2nd most spoken language by natives

2009.02.25 08:00 pallaviwensil r/Spanish: Learn, teach or discuss the 2nd most spoken language by natives

This is the biggest Reddit community dedicated to discussing, teaching, and learning Spanish. Answer or ask questions, share information, stories, and more on themes related to the 2nd most spoken language in the world by native speakers.

2014.06.08 13:04 born_here Saved You a Click: Helping Rid the Internet of Clickbait

Don't click on that, we already did. Fighting clickbait for better journalism.

2016.08.05 06:17 Danistan619 AVoid that fifth glyph!

This is a subforum supporting a community that avoids that filthy fifth glyph. Individuals in this community can post anything as long that fifth symbol of our ABC's is totally missing. This task can look daunting at first but it is not as hard as it looks. This is an arduous skill, it is not a trivial task.

2024.05.19 17:16 DaenerysMadQueen S8 events according to the consensus

S8 events according to the consensus
"In the space of a single, terrible day and night, all your fighting men were swallowed up by the earth, and the island of Atlantis likewise was swallowed up by the sea and disappeared." -Plato
The first episode of the final season begins, echoing the atmosphere of Robert Baratheon's arrival at Winterfell in the series' premiere. What a lazy screenwriting move for fan service. Jon discovers the secret about his mother and his heritage, in front of his father's crypt. Ned Stark's promise was fulfilled, a stroke of luck for D&D.
"You gave up your crown to save your people. Would she do the same ?"
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
Then comes episode 2, where the heroes discuss future stakes, preparing for the Long Night, and what comes after the battle if it happens. Jon reveals the secret to Daenerys, who doesn't seem pleased to hear it. In short, nothing happens in this episode, it's boring.
"All my life, I've known one goal: the Iron Throne. Taking it back from the people who destroyed my family, and almost destroyed yours. My war was against them. Until I met Jon. Now I'm here, half a world away, fighting Jon's war alongside him. Tell me, who manipulated whom ?"
The Long Night
Finally, the famous battle of the Long Night. We just see the Dothraki charging with flaming swords into the darkness, and then nothing. Everything is dark. We can't see anything. Maybe Daenerys at some point tries to roast the Night King, but it's unclear. Everything is black, everything is darkness and gloom.
"- I'm going now.
- Go where ?"
"Nymeria, it's me, Arya. I'm heading north, girl. Back to Winterfell, I'm finally going home."
The Last of the Starks
After the credits, Jon Snow is giving a heartfelt speech for the fallen in the battle. Since we didn't see anything I suppose they won, probably because Jon finally killed the Night King and they are celebrating, but Daenerys is visibly disappointed that Arya is the hero of Winterfell, and she's upset that Jon refuses to cuddle with her because of the secret. She doesn't want Jon to talk about the secret because she doesn't want people to know they're engaging in incestuous cuddles. I think.
"Even if the truth destroys us ?"
Anyway, it's very disappointing that the war against the zombies is already over; we should have had a whole season of the Long Night, in darkness and gloom, with an episode solely focused on strategy and the use of trebuchets. And then, when the heroes finally set out to take down Cersei, Daenerys falls into a lame, obvious, and avoidable ambush. Rhaegal dies stupidly, and Missandei is captured, then executed. Tyrion fails to save her, Cersei wins the final Lannister duel, and she angers the Dragon Queen enough to push her over the edge. In short, all of this was rushed and poorly written, nothing makes sense, I am shocked and angry. It's unfair. It's not right.
"If you want justice, you've come to the wrong place."
The Bells
The penultimate episode of the series begins with a letter. Varys wants to inform that Jon is the heir to the throne; he betrays the queen. In mourning, with Tyrion, Daenerys only talks about the secret about Jon. It's the end, Act V of the play, the young tragic princess is lost, and the comedic archetype can't help her, it's too late, it doesn't matter now.
"- Yes, she trusts you. She trusted you to spread secrets that could destroy your own queen. And you did not let her down.
- If I have failed you, my queen, forgive me. Our intentions were good. We wanted what you want. A better world, all of us. Varys as much as anyone. But it doesn’t matter now.
- No. It doesn’t matter now."
An extremely poorly written dialogue, obviously, probably one of the worst-written dialogues in the history of theater, cinema, and television. In my opinion, far too convoluted and boring, far too tragic for a TV series.
Then the Unsullied come to arrest Varys, and he is sentenced to death.
"The Supreme Lord said: I am mighty Time, the source of destruction that comes forth to annihilate the worlds. Even without your participation, the warriors arrayed in the opposing army shall cease to exist." -11.32 Bhagavad Gita
  • Cersei should have won the battle; she had the scorpions, the Iron Fleet, and the Golden Company, and it was the logical continuation from the end of episode 4. However, it's worth mentioning that she had no elephants, which undoubtedly tipped the battle in favor of Daenerys and her dragon.
"I am not your little princess. I am Daenerys Stormborn of the blood of Old Valyria, and I will take what is mine. With fire and blood, I will take it."
  • Daenerys goes mad in two seconds. She has defeated Cersei, the bells signal the end of the battle, she must decide how to deal with the final obstacle, the last step before the throne. So she kills the people who love Jon Snow and who don't love her, all because she wants to secretly kiss Jon. All these seasons, adventures, battles, endless moral dilemmas over ten years, all for it to end with a simple tragic love triangle. Truly, probably the worst episode of the saga and of history, so rushed and poorly written; everyone knows that characters must go mad talking to themselves in front of a mirror, not silently in a realistic and brutal way, otherwise the viewer is confused and lost outside their comfort zone.
"I don't want to be his queen. I want to go home."
"The things I do for love."
  • Jaime reuniting with Cersei is probably the worst conclusion for these two characters. The writers clearly didn’t understand their own story. Jaime's arc was about redemption, like Theon, exactly the same. The fact that Brienne fills the White Book of the Kingsguard with the line "Died protecting his queen." the most honorable death for a Kingsguard commander, doesn't matter, it's fanservice, lazy writing. Jaime should have stayed in the North and made baby Jaimes with Brienne. Jaime was supposed to save the world, not save Cersei. It's so sad; they only think about themselves and their children, Jaime and Cersei, nothing else matters.
"Nothing else matters. Only us."
"When you play the game of thrones, you win, or you die. There is no middle ground."
  • Jon is useless; he can't do anything, and yet, all this chaos is his fault too. Daenerys had told him not to tell others his secret. Jon understands nothing, he knows nothing, and so do we, immersed in the chaos and ignorance along with the inhabitants of King's Landing. It should have been an epic and glorious battle. War must be epic and glorious. We wanted epic, glorious fire and blood, not fire bloody and burning blood. It should have been a spectacle, not a terrible massacre. Is war despicable and out of control ? We wanted elephants, not dead children.
"It's your choice."
"You know what’s wrong with honor ?"
  • Euron Greyjoy is unbearable, as usual. It's as if they designed this character specifically to annoy us. He has no place in this story; he's just obnoxious. He destroyed Daenerys and Jaime, and he didn't deserve that honor. He's far too arrogant and not funny at all.
"If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention."
"Fire !"
  • The fight between The Hound and The Mountain is great. Finally, something perfect in this episode. The Frankenstein's monster rebelling and destroying his creator in a fit of rage, Sandor Clegane finally getting his revenge, Cersei walking by indifferently. It was epic, glorious, and hilarious. There's even light breaking through the crumbling wall at the end, showing the way out and the solution for Sandor, just like in a Zelda game. Very straightforward, no questions left unanswered, no mystery.
"Sandor. Thank you."
"Go home, girl."
  • Arya overuses the hero's shield in this episode. She says goodbye to Clegane, who tells her to go home, and then the apocalypse descends on her. She gets hit by falling debris in the streets, trampled by the crowd, the bell tower collapses on her... yet she gets up each time after a black screen and the sound of a cannon. She's just meters away from the devastation and the dragon's fire, close to the terrified and helpless citizens like her, and despite the piercing, chilling violins of death, she rises again, amid the embers and ruins. The little girl and her mother are burned, turned into statues of ash breaking in the wind, while Arya and a mysterious white horse survive the end times and emerge from hell together. Unless Arya is a cat with nine lives, all of this is just plot armor, it makes no sense.
"There is only one god and his name is Death, and there is only one thing we say to Death: 'Not today.'"
"There's plenty of pious sons of bitches who think they know the word of god or gods. I don’t. I don’t even know their real names. Maybe it is the Seven. Or maybe it’s the old gods. Or maybe it’s the Lord of Light. Or maybe they’re all the same fucking thing. I don’t know. What matters, I believe, is that there’s something greater than us."
The Iron Throne
The last episode, after the bells. So this is how it ends. Daenerys has triumphed, Tyrion has realized his mistake, is imprisoned again, and makes Jon understand in one final conversation that he must choose, between his sisters and Dany, between the Starks and the Targaryens, between love and duty. It's all so tragic. Daenerys finally came home, the legend has triumphed, the dream has become reality. And then the prince steps forward, still plagued by doubt, imploring the young princess to cease her quest for power, to forgive. And Dany's words have meaning, echoing those Tyrion spoke to Jon. The fallen hero then understands that he cannot save both the world and the princess. The long tirades echo high in the halls of the kings who are gone, and the fallen hero murders his lover, not out of ambition for the throne, not out of anger or vengeance, but out of love for his sisters and the people. The tyrant is dead, sadly concluding the dramatic journey of a young innocent orphan that no hero could manage to save.
"When I was a girl, my brother told me it was made with one thousand swords from Aegon's fallen enemies. What do one thousand look like in the mind of a little girl who can't count to twenty ? I imagined a mountain of swords too high to climb. So many fallen enemies, you could only see the soles of Aegon's feet."
Jon left the throne empty, accepting his judgment and the punishment of the dragon. Thus were extinguished the last Targaryens, in front of the object of all conflicts, high under the sky, above mortals, together. But Jon has a hero's shield too, so I imagine there's a chip scratching Drogon behind a wing, and thus he misses his shot and destroys the walls. And then the chip jumps onto the throne, so Drogon destroys the throne and the chip but he was too tired for Jon afterwards. Such lazy writing, utterly senseless, just for the symbolism of the dragon destroying the throne, the object of all the passions and dramas of this world, a satire of power and conclusion of the story.
"I told you it's difficult to explain."
Obvious fanservice, nothing complex or mysterious. But we don't know where Drogon is taking Daenerys, she has no mortal tomb. The mystery completes the legend, this girl was a shooting star until the end.
"I have been sold like a broodmare. I’ve been chained and betrayed, raped and defiled. Do you know what kept me standing through all those years in exile ? Faith. Not in any gods, not in myths and legends, in myself. In Daenerys Targaryen."
And to conclude, the council scene, a calm yet very rushed and poorly written moment, as everyone knows. It's certainly officially announced by professionals somewhere. Once again, the creators understood nothing about the story and the audience's expectations.
Nothing funny, nothing complicated, nothing secretive, but the worst part is Bran's choice, it's not good, it's illegal, he cheated.
Then the beautiful visuals, the surviving Starks, and Ramin Djawadi's magnificent music for the last five minutes and the final credits, pure happy ending, pure fanservice, it's an absolute failure, the worst series finale in history, it's obviously a dox..., sorry, a well-known consensus. It's all a mix of fan service, bad writing, and being rushed, extremely well-balanced. GRRM would certainly have wanted at least three more seasons to properly tell the final scene between Jon and Daenerys.
So much wasted potential, D&D sacrificed the ending of the greatest series in history for Star Wars contracts they didn't even get. It's a scandal. Thankfully, no one talks about GoT anymore since that ending, except to reminisce about the golden age of season 4 and the seasons before.
Everyone agrees, it's a fact. It is known. GoT's ending is a beautiful disaster.
"- It's a long story.
- If only we were trapped in a castle in the middle of winter with nowhere to go..."
"Be with me. Build the new world with me. This is our reason. It has been from the beginning since you were a little boy with a bastard's name and I was a little girl who couldn't count to twenty.
We do it together. We break the wheel together."
"You are my queen, now and always."
submitted by DaenerysMadQueen to naath [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:24 TarotLessTraveled Analogical Features paragraph 3: Le Mat and the Dog

Analogical Features paragraph 3: Le Mat and the Dog
Le coin de chair visible chez l’homme, et sur lequel s’appuie le chien, est la partie la plus basse de lui-même, la partie restée animale en lui. Elle est nue, parce que malgré les habits qu’il s’est créés au cours de l’évolution, il ne peut s’en détacher. Le chien signifie également un reste des erreurs du passé qui trouble l’homme dans sa marche en avant. Ce chien symbolise encore un plan de vie inférieur qui tend à s’élever et à suivre l’homme; de même que l’homme s’est élevé au-dessus du plan animal, celui-ci ne devant pas oublier qu’en marchant vers son évolution, sa chute l’a ramené au rang de l’animalité et que dans sa marche il doit faire évoluer autour de lui les créatures inférieures.

In order to understand the third paragraph of Marteau’s Particularités Analogiques, we have to place his card within the historical context of Tarot de Marseille tradition, which starts with the 1639 deck attributed to Philippe Vachier, the earliest known TdM. Vachier’s Le Fol is depicted as the quintessential wanderer, with his bindle hanging off the end of a staff balanced over his shoulder and trekking pole in his right hand. He is out in the open, journeying we-know-not-where, dressed in the motley and floppy crown of a court jester; his face and hands are white – absent of color – which matches the broad white stripe below his golden belt. His face and hands are an even whiter shade of non-color than the featureless backdrop, but interestingly, his leggings and long sleeves are flesh-colored. Behind him is an animal which some recognize as a dog, others a cat; Marteau identifies it as a dog, so that is how I will also refer to it from this point forward. It appears the dog is reaching at a rent in Le Fol’s hose: perhaps it is responsible for shredding the leggings, or perhaps the tear was already present and caught the dog’s attention; we cannot say for certain. Nor do we know what the relationship between Le Fol and the dog is: it may be the dog is a companion on the road, or it may be that, as some have suggested, the dog is chasing a stranger away. In either case, Le Fol’s expression suggests that he is either unaware or unconcerned; his eyes are raised toward some distant horizon only he can see.
What is most intriguing, however, is that beneath the flesh-colored hose is dark green under-hose; what is revealed, then, is not the man beneath the costume but more of the costume. We cannot know for certain what Vachier was thinking when he elected to portray Le Fol in this way, but we can hypothesize from more general patterns.
Typically, clothing symbolizes persona, the person as presented rather than the person as is. An individual covers himself in a persona to fit into a collective social structure and identify what role he plays in said structure, but typically also, when we tear away the constructed outer layer, we find the individual within, which would be represented by his flesh. A common dream motif for many people is discovering that they are naked, “exposed.” This not only separates them from those around them (who are all fully clothed) but makes them vulnerable to judgments. Another function of the persona is it protects us from being seen, preventing others from observing those bits of us we do not want them to see because they embarrass us or because they are the aspects of us most sensitive to criticism and other attacks.
A few years after Vachier, a cardmaker working out of Paris, Jean Noblet, marketed a deck in which the most iconic image featured a similarly clad figure also named Le Fol but whose leggings were torn to a far greater degree, revealing underneath not only fleshy buttocks but fully exposed genitalia as well. Again, unfortunately, we cannot know what message, if any, Noblet meant to convey with his ribald depiction; however, we can note another striking difference between these two cards: while the Vachier figure’s flesh is white, Noblet’s is ruddy with blood and human warmth, except for his hands, which retain the strikingly bloodless white coloring consistent with the Vachier.
Ensuing cardmakers in what became the Tarot de Marseille style mostly elected to follow the Vachier model. There were a few exceptions that did not go as far as Noblet but did show naked flesh-colored flesh under the rent hose; however, they were a decided minority until Paul Marteau released his deck in 1930 and introduced a kind of revival in this presentation.
Marteau did not break with tradition in this matter arbitrarily; his commentary makes evident that he thought deeply about the meaning of every detail, and we might have hoped that, being an expert in Tarot de Marseille symbolism, he would have compared and contrasted his deck with historical counterparts, meticulously explaining how the choices he made brought the cards into alignment with his philosophy. This, however, was never really an option, as Marteau promoted his deck as a faithful reproduction of the one published by Nicolas Conver in 1761, a master cardmaker in Marseille who, himself, “preserved the woods and colors of his remote predecessors” – a fiction that enabled Marteau to market his own work as the “Ancien Tarot de Marseille”; thus, any discussion of changes he made would only have served to undercut that claim.[[i]](#_edn1)
Marteau opens the third paragraph of his Particularités Analogiques writing that the visible region of flesh (“Le coin de chair visible”) represents man’s basest aspect, the part of him that remained animal (“est la partie la plus basse de lui-même, la partie restée animale en lui”).
Marteau’s premise is that Le Mat is on an evolutionary journey; his clothing typifies the collective aspect of that evolution, as it is the most obvious outward symbol of how man has risen from a purely instinctive and unconscious mode of being into a state of expanded awareness, not only of himself but his role within a social collective. When this is torn away, a far more primal and universal truth is revealed, one which has been increasingly concealed under layers of acculturation; it is the part of us that cannot be refined through education or social status and, thus, remains the source of our most profound shame, yet this is where the dog is able to make contact. In this paragraph, Marteau not only explains the nature of this contact but its wider significance.
My attempts at translation differ from those of Kitos Digiovanni, who writes that the dog “nips” at the “lowest part of him,” [[ii]](#_edn2) and Marius Høgnesen’s, who writes that “the dog hassles … the lowest part of man, the part representing the animal, that remains in him.” [[iii]](#_edn3) Both Digiovanni and Høgnesen characterize the nature of this contact as active, if not aggressive, and that coincides with what seems to be popular consensus. The respected tarot scholar Robert M. Place writes, “In the Tarot of Marseilles.... The seat of the Fool’s pants is being torn by a dog. This is meant to be comical, but it also signifies that the dog is treating him as a stranger, an assumption that is further supported by the fact that he is carrying a bag of belongings on his shoulder. The early Franciscans, who wandered through the countryside preaching and begging, found that they were treated with suspicion at first, and, like our Fool, they had to fend off the attacks of dogs.” [[iv]](#_edn4)
It is not my intention to argue whether this is a correct or incorrect interpretation of the image; tarot cards reflect the psychological motifs through which we view and make sense of the outer world. They help us to become more self-aware; thus, there are no right or wrong answers any more than there are correct or incorrect responses to picture interpretation or inkblot tests. My only concern is what Paul Marteau meant when he wrote, “sur lequel s’appuie le chien.”
“Le chien” is dog; “sur lequel” is the equivalent of “on which.” The key to comprehending Marteau’s interpretation of the image resides in how we translate “s’appuie,” which I understand to come from the infinitive “appuyer” and means “to press,” “to push,” or “to lean,” according to the Collins dictionary translator. This coincides with the Google, Reverso, and Bing translators as well, which also add “to support” to the list. Thus, the dog is not attacking and driving off an unwelcome stranger, nor is it tearing at Le Mat’s hose; the contact is less aggressive.
“S’appuie” is the reflexive form of the infinitive; therefore, it would mean “the dog leans itself” or “presses itself” upon the visible region of flesh; I translate it as “supports itself,” and render the first sentence, “The visible region of flesh in man, on which the dog supports itself, represents his [man’s] basest aspect, the part of him that remained animal.”
The commentary continues, “It is bare because despite the habiliments he has created for himself throughout the course of his evolution, he cannot deny it. The dog also represents a vestige of past failures that disconcert man in his forward march.” (Elle est nue, parce que malgré les habits qu’il s’est créés au cours de l’évolution, il ne peut s’en détacher. Le chien signifie également un reste des erreurs du passé qui trouble l’homme dans sa marche en avant.)
Marteau suggests Le Mat is looking forward rather than paying attention to the dog trailing him because the presence of the dog is an unwanted reminder of his failings and the fundamental nature that he would prefer to shed. In this sense, the dog is like the bindle, which contains man’s collective inheritance resulting from the Fall into carnal existence: it is attached by fixed rings to the staff he carries to prevent Le Mat from removing it and freeing himself of its weight. We may refer to ourselves as individuals and adhere to the mythology that we are singular, but this arcanum reminds us our lives are burdened by the accumulated history and transgressions of all mankind.
Finally, Marteau writes, “This dog furthermore symbolizes an inferior stage of life that tends to lift itself up and follow man; just as man raised himself above the animal plane, he must not forget while advancing toward his evolution his fall brought him back to a primeval state, and in his march he must inspire the lower creatures to evolve around him.” (Ce chien symbolise encore un plan de vie inférieur qui tend à s’élever et à suivre l’homme; de même que l’homme s’est élevé au-dessus du plan animal, celui-ci ne devant pas oublier qu’en marchant vers son évolution, sa chute l’a ramené au rang de l’animalité et que dans sa marche il doit faire évoluer autour de lui les créatures inférieures).
The dog is a less-evolved animal, yet it too feels the call to advance; it cannot accomplish this alone. Le Mat’s evolutionary march is not solely for his benefit; he has a responsibility to all living things, for he also arose from a primitive state, and just as he is inspired to become something more, he must engender this same inspiration in others.

My translation: The visible region of flesh in man, on which the dog supports itself, represents his [man’s] basest aspect, the part of him that remained animal. It is bare because despite the habiliments he has created for himself throughout the course of his evolution, he cannot deny it. The dog also represents a vestige of past failures that disconcert man in his forward march. This dog furthermore symbolizes an inferior stage of life that tends to lift itself up and follow man; just as man raised himself above the animal plane, he must not forget while advancing toward his evolution his fall brought him back to a primeval state, and in his march he must inspire the lower creatures to evolve around him.
[[i]](#_ednref1)Marteau, Paul. Le Tarot de Marseille. Arts et Métiers Graphiques, Paris, 1948. Imprimé en Suisse 1984. The quote comes from the “Introduction.”
[[ii]](#_ednref2)Kitos Digiovanni’s blog
[[iii]](#_ednref3)Paul Marteau. Tarot de Marseille. Trans. Marius Høgnesen. Published by circleandtriangle, 2021.
[[iv]](#_ednref4)Place, Robert M. Tarot: History, Symbolism, and Divination. New York: Jeremy P. TarchePenguin, 2005.
submitted by TarotLessTraveled to SeekingMarteau [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:44 Maya-VC Need to say this out loud: The Alchemy is NOT about Travis Kelce

This song is the song where I have the most issue with when it comes to the fans' interpretation of it. Their biggest argument for this is the football references, but they fail to consider that the football metaphors were just a way for Taylor Swift to draw parallels between the (American) football world and her situation.
In this analysis, I'll be doing a line-by-line breakdown of why this is not a Travis Kelce song, but is instead a song that she wrote where she is directly addressing her fans, much like how "But Daddy I Love Him", and "Who's Afraid of Little Old Me" were written.
Here it goes. Please bear with me!
This happens once every few lifetimes
These chemicals hit me like white wine
What if I told you I'm back?
The hospital was a drag / Worst sleep that I ever had
I circled you on a map
I haven't come around in so long / But I'm coming back so strong
So when I touch down / Call the amateurs and / Cut 'em from the team / Ditch the clowns, get the crown / Baby I'm the one to beat
Cause the sign on your heart / Said it's still reserved for me
Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
Hey you, what if I told you we're cool? / That child's play back in school / Is forgiven under my rule
Now, let's move on to the bridge!
Shirts off, and your friends lift you up over their heads / Beer sticking to the floor / Cheers chanted, cause they said
There was no chance, trying to be / The greatest in the league / Where's the trophy? / He just comes running over to me
These blokes warm the benches / We been on a winning streak
He jokes that it's heroin but this time with an "E" / Cause the sign on your heart said it's still reserved for me
and finally, this line....

Addressing the (American) football references in this song:

As mentioned before, the football references in this song are simply metaphors to help illustrate the themes of competition, triumph, and teamwork.
TLDR: If you switched the "you" in this song to reference "the fans", this song will make complete sense. Now, try giving this song a listen, and think of "you" as "yourself" (the fans).
Taylor Swift's song "The Alchemy," is basically a powerful ode to her fans, chronicling her journey through public scrutiny and her triumphant return to the music industry. It draws parallels to her tumultuous period following the "snake gate" incident with Kim Kardashian and her subsequent hiatus before the release of "Reputation," the lyrics reflect a narrative of resilience, redemption, and the unwavering bond between Swift and her fans.
Once you are able to interpret "you" as "the fans", you'll be able to see, without having to do too much mental gymnastics, that the song is about the transformative and enduring connection Swift shares with her loyal supporters.
If you've made it this far, thank you for reading. Sorry for any typos or grammatical errors - but I hope I helped you made sense of the song!
submitted by Maya-VC to travisandtaylor [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:38 Blue_Kettu About the opening, Tragic Mick and the Cat King

About the opening, Tragic Mick and the Cat King
Just a quick thought (and question about something that is bugging me).
So the opening credits pay hommage to most of the characters that the Dead Boys meet during the season, in the order they meet them :
  • first, a skull full of a snake : Crystal, possessed by David
  • a skull with a butcher knife : Jenny (and an apple, which I don't make sense of, and that one of the Dead Boys then catches)
  • a skull from which blood is pouring, the blood turning into candle wax, just like for a ritual : Ester of course (with no trace of Monty? because he's a crow?)
  • a skull on which mushrooms are growing : Niko, possessed by the spores of dandelion sprites (in the same way mushrooms spread using spores)
  • a full skeleton, with a crown, making the image of a cat play with a mouse : it's obviously the Cat King, right?
  • a floating eye : I took it as symbolising Crystal, but in the end, I think it ain't her, it's her ancestors
So my take is that this represents all the human characters in the season, hence why we don't seen Monty or Tragic Mick featured (and why supernatural entities like David and the Dandelion sprites are featured in an indirect manner, associated with a skull).
Now, the question bothering me : if that take is correct, why is the Cat King featured there??? or is the skeleton there actually Edwin, showing the attraction that the Cat King feels towards him, and the kind of power he has over him, as a 'special kind of mouse' that our Majesty wants to get his paws on?
And if that take is incorrect, why aren't Mick and Monty not featured there??? D:
(Also : what does the apple symbolizes???)
submitted by Blue_Kettu to Dead_Boy_Detectives [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:32 Complex-Addition-513 Shadows and Echoes

In the heart of Chicago, where the skyline pierced the heavens and the streets pulsed with life, there lived a man named Victor Kane. At 26 years old and a startling 6'3" in stature, Victor commanded attention effortlessly. His piercing gaze seemed to see through the very fabric of one's soul, and his knowing, flirtatious smirk hinted at secrets that few could ever fathom. Victor was a man of many faces, each one carefully crafted and expertly worn to blend into any situation, like a chameleon adapting to its surroundings. Each interaction with another human was as if it were another painting to be hung in the Art Institute of Chicago, a masterpiece of social maneuvering and charm.
To most, he appeared unremarkable, perhaps even a bit dim, an illusion he maintained with meticulous precision. Yet beneath this facade lay a mind as sharp as a dagger, honed by years of strategic thinking, manipulation, and the art of emotional deceit. Victor had learned from the best. His father, a man deeply entrenched in the shadowy world of organized crime, had mastered the art of bending reality to his will. A master chess player, he treated people like pieces on a grand chessboard, moving them at his whim, always six steps ahead. Victor had absorbed these lessons like a sponge, his young mind eagerly soaking up every tactic, every subtle nuance of control.
Battles with his father have left their scars, trailing off Victor like a snake's entrails as they slither through crowded streets, scanning for their next meal. They probe the aura of each passerby, tasting their energy, yet to their disappointment, they find no juicy, dirt-filled sponge of pain and suffering. They taste desires, yet nothing hits just right. Empty husks, devoid of the essence they crave. Living memories enshroud him in a cloud of black smoke, a spectral fog visible only to a witch. A demon, masquerading as a homeless man and muttering incoherent whispers, feels the snake's embrace tighten around him. He halts abruptly, turning to Victor with a knowing gaze. 'I see you,' he murmurs, 'Such discipline and composure may deceive the others, yet it's only a matter of time before they find you.' The homeless man continues his walk, pulling a black suitcase along, his tattered white shirt contrasting sharply with his black suit, and no tie to complete the ensemble.
Victor makes no comment, his mind a labyrinth of dark intentions and calculated moves. He viewed the world as a malleable entity, something he could shape and twist to suit his needs. The streets, the people, the very air he breathed; they were all part of a grand, intricate game where he alone held the key. He had no qualms about using others to achieve his goals, seeing them as mere tools in his grand design. It was a dangerous philosophy, one which required constant vigilance and adaptability. As he moved through the throngs of oblivious souls, he could almost hear the whispers of their deepest fears and hidden sins. The scars trailed behind him, living entities of their own, reaching out hungrily, desperate for a morsel of genuine suffering. Yet the city, with all its noise and chaos, offered little more than hollow echoes and fleeting shadows. Traces of happiness. Lost children in the never ending void of their own desperation. Victor's eyes flickered with a cold, calculating light. He was a master of this urban jungle, a predator in search of worthy prey. The demon’s warning lingered in his mind, yet it only fueled a burning hunger. He thrived in the shadows, where power and control were his for the taking. Each step he took was a step closer to his ultimate end goal, a twisted vision of dominance, only he could see.
In the distance, the city’s lights shimmered like false promises, yet Victor knew better. Beneath the surface, in hidden corners and forgotten alleys, darkness mirrored his own. In this abyss, he felt certain he would find what he sought: the true essence of his own hunger, the raw, unfiltered energy he could devour. Victor thrived on the underestimation of others, reveling when people perceived him as lesser. Such perceptions made his manipulations appear as innocent mistakes, acts of ignorance and oblivion. His favorite targets: those with inflated egos, individuals convinced of their invincibility.
"A person with a big ego is like an orgasm," he often mused, speaking as if to his shadow. "It's just so easy. Their first mistake: telling me we're not equals. Afterward, they reveal all the buttons and levers in their psyche. They hand me their own weapon on a silver platter, asking, 'Victor, please send me to meet Anpu. Please show me the gates of my own demise.' Their insanity begs to be freed from this curse of societal norms. Always the first mistake, then the rest follow." Laughter echoed from the snakes twining around Victor. As he whispered these musings, the words ensnared a group of Venezuelans nearby, inciting them into a frenzy of violence without understanding the spark. Victor watched, casually tossing a silver dollar their way as if to say, "Welcome to the sanctuary," his smirk a shadow under the flickering streetlights. He calls to the boys, 'there now before you boys get into trouble remember this, you're only seeing the lions teeth, yet you haven't seen what triggered it.' They stared at Victor, startled, as he bid them farewell with a two-finger salute from his left temple and continued wandering down the street.
A drone sliced through the air, its camera lens capturing the serpentine twists of the Chicago River below. Victor, watching its flight, was transported to his youth, to days spent cobbling together a demonic owl from discarded household trinkets and an owl decoy. He would pilot this macabre creation through his neighborhood, a spectral puppeteer orchestrating nocturnal ballets which both delighted and unnerved his unsuspecting audience. A sinister grin unfurled across his lips, a shadow's whisper, as memories of those simple machines mingled with the sophisticated arsenal he commanded today. In the digital age, Victor had become a maestro of manipulation, his tools refined yet no less mischievous. Social media platforms were his stage, targeted advertisements and spoofed numbers his actors, each one playing their part in his grand, deceptive symphony. With the deftest touch, he planted seeds of doubt, spun webs of misinformation, transforming allies into adversaries, stitching chaos into the fabric of daily lives with mere whispers masquerading as shouts. His schemes were crafted with such subtlety, woven so seamlessly into the warp and weft of reality, that his victims believed themselves architects of their own undoing.
The crowning jewel of his current machinations was a prototype drone, a whimsical homage to the contraptions of his youth yet imbued with the precision of modern technology. This drone, engineered to navigate from the chilly confines of his refrigerator to the steamy oasis of his rooftop hot tub, was a testament to his technical acumen. Crafted to be mended with mere baubles from any corner hardware store, it stood as a symbol of practical genius, a playful yet potent emblem of his enduring craft.
Victor glimpsed a universe of possibilities within this project, each drone a seed from which new opportunities might bloom. "Perhaps I could craft a model for a dive shop in Australia," he mused. "A sentinel to monitor the slow dance of decay among the coral reefs." Such a gift could forge pathways, perhaps even secure an internship, an opportunity to wield his 417 subclass visa before its flame flickered out. The prospect of traversing Australia's vast landscapes, of weaving his influence through uncharted territories and minds, sparked a thrill within him. Beyond the realm of circuitry and code, Victor possessed a profound mastery over the human psyche. He had the uncanny ability to read individuals, to delve into the murky depths of their insecurities and desires. With the finesse of a sculptor, he could mold a woman’s perception, convincing her of a soul-deep connection, crafting mirages of perfect compatibility. Yet, for all his prowess in the art of deception, Victor adhered to his own strict code. He eschewed physical violence, never staining his hands with assault; his dominion was the mind, his influence woven through the delicate fabric of psychology.
In Chicago's suffocating underbelly, Victor's father regarded him not with paternal concern, rather with venomous animosity. Their relationship was a battleground, devoid of affection or empathy, cloaked threats masquerading as concern. "Victor, if you don't see a psychiatrist, I'm cutting you off," he declared, his voice a cold hiss, a deeper wish for Victor's demise lurking beneath. Victor's laugh, hollow, echoing through the night, a sound devoid of warmth, knew well the true nature of the psychiatrist and the deeper machinations of his father's cruel intentions. His father viewed him not as a son, yet as a nemesis, a presence he wished to erase from existence. Surrounded by the oppressive cityscape, Victor stood alone atop his building, the L line screeching past, the lights below mere distant, watchful eyes. "Tomorrow, I bend reality once more," he whispered into the void, his voice merging with the cold wind sweeping the rooftops.
The relentless pursuit of his father's malice shadowed him into the darkest city corners where shadows moved with intent, whispering of ancient, sinister forces. Here, in the corner of his eyes an oozing of black liquid drenched an alley, a tar monster, a grotesque manifestation of the city’s darkest secrets, its gnarled face and gleaming teeth mirroring the twisted relationship endured. Against a backdrop of a city thrumming with malevolent energy, Victor pondered the fragile line between delusion and reality. "It's only delusional till it works, so is it really delusional?" he mused aloud, his words dissipating into the night where the distinction between madness and genius blurred by darkness.
Retreating from the alley, his figure melded into the shadows, each step deliberate, burdened with the weight of a cursed legacy. He was acutely aware of his dual role, both manipulator and pawn in a grander, more malevolent game, a game orchestrated by forces predating the city itself. Every movement influenced by the sinister energy pervading Chicago, a legacy of corruption and darkness intertwined with his own existence. Victor understood his every action overseen by the ancient entity had taken interest in him, an entity finding delight in his struggle, offering protection at a dreadful cost.
Emerging from the shadows back into the flickering city lights, Victor found no solace in the illumination yet his smile stretched reaching his eyes showing his gleaming razor sharp teeth. These lights did not offer hope only humor; they were beacons of a foreboding reality. He resolved to continue bending reality, wielding the cursed power both protecting, ensnaring him, and pointing out the irony of his situation. Day after day, he would play this dark game, a master of deceit entwined with an ancient force more profound and sinister than any could fathom.
With one final, lingering look at the alley where darkness reigned supreme, Victor Kane laughed, a hollow echo fading as he stepped into the nearby pub. Inside, the warm glow contrasted starkly with the night's chilling embrace, yet the shadows seemed merely to lurk at the edges, waiting. At their usual spot by the worn bar, he found Billy Smith, his old high school Basketball teammate, with two pints of beer ready. They clinked glasses, the sound slicing through the hum of conversations around them. "To the unexpected," Victor intoned, his voice laced with a hint of irony. As they settled into the rhythm of their catch-up, the conversation inevitably turned toward the unfolding news, the war in Ukraine, an event that had caught the world off guard.
"No one ever saw it coming," Billy remarked, his tone a mix of wonder and concern.
Victor's eyes flickered with a dark amusement, and raising his glass again, he offered a toast, this time in Latin, a language that carried the weight of history and secrets. "Ad profundis malorum," he declared, which translated to 'To the depths of evils.'
Billy paused, the words hanging between them like a veil being slowly drawn back to reveal a hidden scene. The toast was enigmatic, resonant with Victor’s acknowledgment of the chaos brewing both near and far, a chaos that, perhaps, only he could navigate.
As the night deepened within the grimy confines of the pub, where every corner whispered of misdeeds and the air hung heavy with the scent of stale beer and lost hopes, the laughter and chatter provided a deceptive cover for the profound game silently playing in Victor’s mind. His cryptic toast, "Ad profundis malorum," echoed a darker undertone amidst the jovial noise.
Across the bar, a woman with long jet black hair and piercing grey eyes watched Victor. Clad in a striking red full-grain leather trench coat, her presence was undeniably conspicuous, yet paradoxically, she remained unnoticed. Despite her short stature, she was fit, her features sharply defined, an attractiveness seemingly almost otherworldly amidst the grime of the pub. Curiously, not even the barkeep spared her a glance, as if she existed in a separate realm, visible only to those she chose to confront. As Billy excitedly shared his plans to open a dive shop with a taco bar on the roof, the woman’s lips moved in a whisper, her voice a soft, clear bell in the din, carrying a dire warning. "I know what you are. We found you." At that moment, a flashback surged through Victor’s mind, a haunting image of a colonial girl he once saw in the Fraser Experimental Forest. His girlfriend at the time had turned to him, her voice tinged with unease. "Victor, do you see what I see? The girl? Yeah, the girl. I can feel something following us. As if it knows what we are yet won't approach, yet I can feel it." This vivid recollection now seemed a prelude to the current moment, a chilling reminder the forces he had glimpsed back then were the same now declaring their presence.
The evening wound down with plans made and stories shared, yet the woman’s prophetic words and the ghostly memory of the girl hung unseen in the air, portending looming confrontations between the light she embodied and the shadow following Victor Kane. As the patrons began to drift away, the shadows reclaiming their territory within the pub, the mysterious woman’s figure faded into the background, her message delivered, her purpose yet unclear but undoubtedly intertwined with Victor’s fate.
The end.
submitted by Complex-Addition-513 to creativewriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:34 PrudentLycheeThe2nd "Wrapped in Opulence and Surrounded by Art: Heart x Bvlgari

Thanks to VoguePH's edit, I found this gem!
I absolutely adore how she showcased Bvlgari. It exudes heart and sophistication, and what adds even more legitimacy is her longstanding affinity for Bvlgari, evident long before her fashion maven era came to light. Such a class act!
Bvlgari Tubogas Description:
"Merging two of the most iconic symbols of Bvlgari design, the Serpenti Tubogas watch coils the sinuosity of the snake with the contemporary soul of tubogas. Evoking both the sensual curves of a woman and the fluid shape of the serpent, the timepiece is crafted with the shapely lines of this specific technique, with a flexible and tubular litheness. Radiating glamour and a truly individual style, this watch marks a distinctive chapter in the constant evolution of Serpenti. Serpenti Tubogas watch with quartz movement, 35 mm stainless steel curved case, 18 kt rose gold bezel set with brilliant cut diamonds, 18 kt rose gold crown set with a cabochon cut pink rubellite, silver opaline dial with guilloché soleil treatment and hand-applied indexes, 18 kt rose gold and stainless steel single spiral bracelet."
sinuosity - the ability to curve or bend easily and flexibly. a bend, especially in a stream or road. plural noun: sinuosities
coil - noun a length of something wound in a joined sequence of concentric rings. "a coil of rope"
verb arrange (something long and flexible) in a coil. "he began to coil up the heavy ropes"
Use coil + sinuosity in a sentence:
  1. If Heart Evangelista can flaunt Bvlgari tubogas for elegance, then surely the coil and sinuosity of my vacuum cleaner cord make me the epitome of chic every time I clean.
  2. Ah, the snake, the epitome of coil and sinuosity, gracefully weaving through the underbrush to snatch away the fruits of someone else's labour, dictionary left behind in its haste.
Kaya ladies, gayahin natin si Heart. Do 'ya homework. Remember, skipping homework is like playing hide and seek with your brain—eventually, it will find you.
Homework not Homewreck,
submitted by PrudentLycheeThe2nd to HeartEvangelista [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:21 Able-Lifeguard7969 Trending on stockwits

Trending on stockwits
Now share outside Reddit, get more people in here!!
submitted by Able-Lifeguard7969 to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:16 ExcitingBelt The Best Medieval Castles to Visit in the UK

Entering a medieval castle is akin to turning the pages of a historical narrative. With its rich history, the UK is home to some of the world’s most magnificent and historically significant medieval castles. These castles provide an amazing, educational, and immersive look into the past for anyone interested in history, photography, or just having a fun day out. We’ll take you on a tour of the top medieval castles in the UK in this blog post. Get ready to be mesmerised by their ageless beauty, enthralled by their grandeur, and fascinated by their history.

1. Windsor Castle

History: The world’s oldest and biggest inhabited castle is Windsor Castle, situated in Berkshire. Since William the Conqueror’s original construction of it in the eleventh century, British royalty has continuously resided there. Over the centuries, the castle has undergone multiple renovations and expansions, resulting in an intriguing fusion of various architectural styles.


Windsor Castle presents a singular fusion of royal magnificence and historical significance. For visitors, it’s a convenient day trip due to its close proximity to London.

2. Edinburgh Castle

History: Scotland’s capital’s skyline is dominated by Edinburgh Castle, which is perched atop Castle Rock. Based on archaeological findings, it appears that the location has been inhabited since the Iron Age. As a royal residence, a military stronghold, and a representation of Scottish power, the castle has played a significant role in Scottish history.


In addition to providing stunning city views, Edinburgh Castle delves deeply into Scotland’s turbulent past. Because of its central Edinburgh location, it’s easily accessible and a must-see.

3. Warwick Castle

History: Constructed in 1068 by William the Conqueror, Warwick Castle is among the best-preserved examples of a medieval English castle. It began as a wooden fort, evolved into a stone fortress, and finally became a stately home over the ages.


Warwick Castle is ideal for both families and history enthusiasts because it blends historical authenticity with contemporary attractions.

4. Tower of London

History: As part of the Norman Conquest, William the Conqueror established the historic castle known as the Tower of London on the north bank of the River Thames in 1066. It has had a variety of uses, including armoury, treasury, prison, and royal palace.


There is a lot of history and legend surrounding the Tower of London, from the beheadings of queens to the ravens that are incorrigible. For those who are interested in England’s royal past, this is an intriguing place to visit.

5. Leeds Castle

History: Leeds Castle has been called the “loveliest castle in the world.” It is located in Kent on two islands in a lake created by the River Len. Constructed in 1119 initially, it housed six mediaeval queens before turning into a private home.


Leeds Castle is a wonderful place for a leisurely but educational day out because of its beautiful surroundings and array of attractions.

6. Alnwick Castle

History: The Dukes of Northumberland have had their residence at Alnwick Castle in Northumberland for more than 700 years. Originally constructed in the latter part of the eleventh century, it has undergone numerous renovations and restorations over the years.


Because of its appearances in popular media, Alnwick Castle is not only a historical treasure but also a cultural icon. The vast gardens enhance the attraction.

7. Caernarfon Castle

History: Edward I constructed Caernarfon Castle in North Wales as a part of his campaign to subjugate the Welsh. It was finished in 1330 and is well known for its imposing walls and polygonal towers.


Medieval fortress Caernarfon Castle is one of the most impressive in the United Kingdom due to its dramatic architecture and rich history.

8. Bodiam Castle

History: A typical example of a medieval moated castle is Bodiam Castle in East Sussex. During the Hundred Years’ War, Sir Edward Dalyngrigge erected it in 1385 with the intention of defending against French invasion.


Bodiam Castle, which offers the ideal fusion of beauty and history, is one of the most photographed castles in England because of its fanciful appearance.

9. Dover Castle

History: Dover Castle has a rich and illustrious past and is referred to as the “Key to England” because of its advantageous location. It was established in the eleventh century and has been vital to England’s defence over the ages.


Dover Castle is a fascinating place for people of all ages because it provides a unique blend of military history from the 20th century and medieval history.

10. Cardiff Castle

History: The history of Cardiff Castle in Wales dates back more than two millennia. It began as a Roman fort and evolved into a Victorian Gothic mansion and a Norman keep.


Cardiff Castle is a must-see attraction in the Welsh capital because of its rich history and convenient location. For anyone visiting Cardiff, it is a must-see.


With their distinct histories and allure, the medieval castles in the United Kingdom provide an enthralling window into the past. These castles, which range from the imposing Windsor Castle to the well-known Tower of London, are more than just crumbling strongholds; they are dynamic tributes to the history and cultural legacy of the United Kingdom. These castles ought to be at the top of your list, regardless of whether you’re organising a focused tour of UK castles or just want to give your vacation a historical touch. Prepare to discover the finest medieval castles the UK has to offer by packing your bags and grabbing your camera!

My Own Dark Fantasy Realm

Hi there, fellow fans of dark fantasy! Thanks to your unflinching support, our blog — which is packed with tales and inspirations of dark fantasy — is making waves on TikTok, Pinterest, and YouTube. Even more thrilling is the fact that we’re creating a captivating Trading Card Game to further engross you in Twilight Citadel’s eerie mysteries. Explore the depths of the shadows with our website, where you can get eerie yet lovely phone wallpapers and posters. Furthermore, we’ve got you covered with free resources like desktop wallpapers and profile pictures to make sure your gadgets are brimming with eerie fantasy atmosphere. Come along with us on this surreal adventure, where fears come true and shadows dance. Are you prepared to welcome the gloom?
submitted by ExcitingBelt to talesofgwyn [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:35 SaintBenjamino Was Lenne more powerful than Lusat or Azur?

Was Lenne more powerful than Lusat or Azur?
(Tl;CR at the bottom, we're going for a wild ride)
Lenne's rise is a rather confusing area for me for several reasons. If you did not know, Lenne's rise is the wizard tower in northeastern Caelid, by the ball trap and the little bridge with the Night's cavalry on it.
The main thing I find odd about Lenne's rise is the fact that it is connected to basically no lore tidbits. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Nobody mentions Lenne, no item says what a Lenne was, and not even their name has a meaning (either a feminine Wool in french or "Would Be" in hungarian).
(not too important, feel free to skip) But if you look at the surrounding environment, clearly they are a significant sorceror. Firstly, Lenne's rise is not a standard Rise, such as the other ones you grab memory stones from. Rather, it is the deluxe version which Ranni and the Converted fringe tower share. This would, I assume, denote a more powerful Sorceror, as Ranni resides in this version whereas that little pervy prick Sevilus resides in the base model.
(kinda important, worth a skim) the second interesting thing about Lenne's environment are the protections it keeps. Not only does it have the funny magic ball things which love to smoosh us and which are likeley a dificuilt snare to create (used only by Sellia, a whole town of Sorcerors, and Raya Lucaria, a literal Hogwarts able to stave off massive armies) which implies that this singular rise was either vital to Sellia or some other important/vastly powerful Sorceror, but it also is gaurded by a Night's cavalry. We know that the Cavalry were sent by Margit specifically to hunt down tarnished like us, ones who would be on the path to become Elden Lord. Morgott places them where he excpects the tarnished to be, so he can stop them from continuing. So why would he place one gaurding a tiny bridge connecting the realm of a pacified old doggy with a taste for Deathroot and Lenne's rise? Simple. Lenne may have been as significant as our little potato sack Maliketh was. Also, Lenne utilizes a Spiritspring Jump in the puzzle to reach inside his rise, making it clear that they were aware that only one affiliated with Torrent (Miquella, Ranni, Melina, or some other major player) would be allowed entry to Lenne's mojo dojo house once Lenne was gone.
(INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT plz read) The thing that drives me crazy about Lenne's rise is in the image below (sorry i couldn't figure out how to screenshot from an Xbox to my 'puter). See that Glintstone? Isn't it colored a bit diferently than that we normally see? That gorgeus purple hue receding into clear crystal, lined with an amber hue is nothing like any Glinstone we see anywhere else in the game. But there's one little hint in there; there is AMBER in the glintstones. The only other place I could find Amber was in Renalla's amber egg and in the Amber Starlight item. Both of these items are uniqueley powerful in their own ways. The egg is a god-given respawn machine, built to destroy the mind of Renalla. But if we read the Amber Starlight description, it reveals a bit more about Lenne's unique glintstone. Simply put, Amber stars control the fate of gods. And since Glintstone is a residue of the Stars,
Lenne's rise is growing the residue of what controls the gods. Buttons from the cosmic keyboard of divine fate.
(THE BIG PART) Since Glintstone tends to be drawn to places of Star-related magic, it makes it clear that *Lenne was practicing some sort of higher level of magic, akin to the Primeval current, but with a more Eldrich or Godly twist. The Prime-Primeval current, so to speak. *
It is a shame that Lenne, whether she, he, or they, eventually gained the pronoun "those", as is clear from the Graven School ball of Burger King Crowns, floating at the bottom of the rise. They were likeley becoming too powerful for their own good, and joined a ball akin to what Sellen suffered. This must be the dark fate of a Primeval Sorceror before they can reach full potential, after all.
(Extra) The only holes I can see in this are if the Putrid Crystaalians really are the same as the crystals in Lenne's, but that wouldn't change much except that we would know where Lenne possibly gained his Prime-Primeval spells, or perhaps he was a servant (or master) to the Rot God, which would explain his location near Caelid. But that only solidifies him as a major power, so I like this idea. Also, it would be neat if anyone could scribble up what Lenne would look like, like some sort of Amber version of Lusat/Azur.
(TL;CR) Lenne was the most powerful Sorceror in the Lands Between for a short time, tapping into a magic so powerful it could control the fate of the gods, but he lost it before he could harness it properly by Ballin' too hard
submitted by SaintBenjamino to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:50 idkwhatever98 Does anyone know the font...?

I am trying to make sea salt ice cream for my boyfriend's birthday. I want to use a laser engraver to write "winner" and put the crown symbol on the stick. I am trying to put together a file to do so. Does anyone know the font that winner is written in or one similar?
submitted by idkwhatever98 to KingdomHearts [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:44 LordofBones89 Revised Deities (3.5e): Lathander, the Morninglord

The Morninglord, Commander of Creativity, Patron to Spring and Eternal Youth, Mentor of Self-Perfection, Bringer of the Dawn, Lord of Birth and Renewal
Greater Power of Elysium
Symbol Sunrise made of pink, red, and yellow gems, or a simple rosy pink disk
Realm Morninglory (Elysium/Eronia)
Alignment Neutral Good
Aliases none
Superior none (AO)
Allies Chauntea (lover), Deneir, Eldath, Gond, Ilmater, Kelemvor, Llira, Lurue, Mielikki, Milil, Oghma, Paladine, Selune, Siamorphe, Silvanus, Sune, Torm, Tyche (dead), Tymora, Tyr, Ushas
Foes Bane, Beshaba, Bhaal (dead), Cyric, Ibrandul (dead), Iyachtu Xvim (dead), Loviatar, Moander (dead), Myrkul (dead), Shar, Talona
Servants none
Servitor Creatures butterflies, celestials of all types, elysian dragons, hollyphants, radiant creatures, robins (normal and celestial), sanctified creatures, sun peacocks (normal and celestial), sunwyrms (good aligned only)
Manifestations an intense and rosy radiance that appears around objects to indicate special qualities or at confusing or dangerous junctures to indicate a safe or preferred path, and that causes those people it surrounds to be telekinetically pushed out of harmful situations, healed of all wounds, purged of any diseases, poisons, foreign objects, magical and nonmagical afflictions and deleterious effects, magical or psionic compulsions, fear, and curses, causes resurrection effects to be automatically successful, and transmits messages
Signs of Favor aster blossoms, an intense and rosy radiance with the same qualities as his manifestation, sun peacock feathers
Worshipers Aristocrats, artists, athletes, farmers, hunters of the undead, merchants, monks of the Sun Soul, peasants, performers, the youthful
Cleric Alignments LG, NG, CG
Specialty Priests Morninglord
Holy Days Midsummer morning, the mornings of the vernal and autumnal equinoxes
Important Ceremonies Song of Dawn; contracts, marriages and promises made at dawn, funerals for those not meant to be raised or resurrected
Portfolio Athletics, birth, creativity, dawn, renewal, self-perfection, spring, vitality, youth
Domains Community, Courage, Endurance, Good, Glory, Hope, Life, Protection, Radiance, Renewal, Strength, Zeal
Favored Weapon Dawnspeaker (heavy or light mace)

Male Sentinel 20, Cleric 20, Morninglord 20, Master of Radiance 5
NG Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Good)
Divine Rank 17
Init 44 (+16 Dex, +8 Superior Initiative); Senses 17-mile-radius; Listen 77, Spot 77; remote sensing (20 locations), portfolio sense
Aura divine aura (DC 78), courage (100 ft, +8 saves against fear), radiant 3/day; Languages can communicate with any living creature; Words of Creation
AC 105, touch 57, flat-footed 95, undead 107 (+18 armor, +20 deflection, +10 Dex, +17 divine, +30 natural)
hp 1,860 (20d10 + 45d8 plus 1300), fast healing 74; divine shield 23/day (170 hp); renewal 1/day (if fall below 0 but less than -10 hit points regain 1d8 +20 hp); DR 40/epic, evil and adamantine
Immune ability damage, ability drain, banishment, death effects, disease, disintegration, electricity, energy drain, fire, imprisonment, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, rebuking, sleep, sonic, stunning, transmutation, and turning
Resist acid 37, cold 37; SR 81
Fort 111 Ref 101 Will 105; +2 against evil outsiders and undead, +4 against mind-affecting effects from evil outsiders, +5 against evil spells or spells from evil characters
Speed 60 ft. (12 squares)
Melee dawnspeaker 115/110/105/100 (55 plus 18 fire plus 18 holy plus 1 negative level vs evil plus 48 vs evil outsiders and undead plus undead disruption [Fort DC 79 or die]/19-20/x2 plus 36 fire plus 36 holy plus 2 negative levels vs good plus death [Fort DC 79, evil outsiders and undead] plus undead disruption [Fort DC 79 or die]), +8 atk vs evil outsiders and undead; or
Melee spell 80 or
Ranged spell 76
Base Atk +43; Grp +63
Atk Options Awesome Smite, Cleave, Holy Potency, Power Attack; smite evil 24/day (+20 atk, +455 damage)
Special Actions alter reality, divine blast (444 damage) 23/day, feat of endurance 1/day (+30 Con for 1 minute), destroy evil outsiders and undead 27/day as a 66th level cleric (turning check 73, turning damage 105; Heighten Turning, Intensify Turning, Multiturning, Quicken Turning), protective ward 1/day (+65 resistance bonus to one saving throw for one hour), surge of hope 1/day (when failing a skill check, attack roll, or saving throw, add 1d6 to the result), touch of life 1/day (1d6 +65 temporary hp to a single creature for one hours), zeal 1/day (take 20 on a skill check, except on checks are not normally allowed to take 20, without increasing the amount of time needed to make the check); Battle Blessing, Corona (Will DC 62), Divine Censure (Will DC 62), Epic Divine Might, Epic Divine Vengeance, Sacred Vengeance
Combat Gear dawnspeaker
Divine Spell-like Abilities (CL 65th; +1 good spells; all [fire] and [light] spells are intensified)
At will – aid, animate objects, animate plants, antimagic field, atonement, bear’s endurance, bigby’s clenched fist, bigby’s crushing hand, bigby’s grasping hand, blade barrier (DC 53), bless, bless weapon, bolt of glory, bull’s strength, charm person (DC 48), cloak of bravery, color spray (DC 48), commune, consecrate, crown of glory (DC 55), death ward, dismissal (DC 51), dispel evil (DC 52), disrupt undead, disrupting weapon (DC 52), endure elements, enlarge person, widened faerie fire, flame strike (DC 52), fire shield, fire seeds (DC 53), freedom, gate, globe of invulnerability, good hope, greater cloak of bravery, greater dispel magic, greater heroism, greater planar ally, greater restoration, greater status, greater teleport, heat metal (DC 49), helping hand, heroes’ feast, heroism, hide from undead (DC 48), holy aura (DC 55), holy smite (DC 51), holy sword, holy word (DC 54), hypnotic pattern (DC 49), iron body, lesser restoration, lion’s roar (DC 56), magic vestment, mass bear’s endurance, mass heal (DC 56), mind blank, mordenkainen’s magnificent mansion, plant growth, plane shift (DC 52), polymorph any object (DC 55), prayer, prismatic sphere (DC 56), prismatic spray (DC 54), prismatic wall (DC 56), protection from energy, protection from evil, rary’s telepathic bond, rainbow, rainbow pattern (DC 51), refreshment, refuge, regenerate, reincarnate (DC 51), remove disease, remove fear, repulsion (DC 54), righteous might, sanctuary (DC 48), scintillating pattern, searing light, sustain, spell immunity, spell resistance, status, stoneskin, sympathy (DC 55), summon monster IX (good creatures only), sunbeam (DC 54), sunburst (DC 55), tongues.
1/day – calm emotions (DC 51)
Master of Radiance Spell-like Abilities (CL 56th; +1 good spells; all [fire] and [light] spells are intensified; only usable during aura of radiance)
1/round – beam of sunlight, searing light
Morninglord Spell-like Abilities (CL 54th; +1 good spells; all [fire] and [light] spells are intensified)
1/day – daylight, searing ray (as searing light, but automatically empowered against undead)
Cleric Spells per Day (CL 54th; +1 good spells; all spells are energized and maximized; all [fire] and [light] spells are intensified)
20th (3+1/day) – heightened intensified end to strife (DC 63) (x2), heightened last judgement (DC 70), enhanced heightened intensified mass heal (DC 59) (D).
19th (3+1/day) – heightened miracle (DC 69) (x2), consecrated intensified purified sacred storm of vengeance (DC 59), enhanced empowered heightened sunburst (DC 63) (D).
18th (3+1/day) – consecrated enhanced heightened purified flame strike (DC 62) (x2) (D), intensified quickened righteous smite (DC 57), enhanced intensified righteous smite (DC 57).
17th (3+1/day) – heightened holy word (DC 67) (D), heightened know true name (DC 67), empowered intensified lion’s roar (DC 58), heightened quickened miracle (DC 63).
16th (4+1/day) – intensified mass heal (DC 59), intensified righteous exile (DC 59) (x2), intensified storm of vengeance (DC 59), enhanced quickened sunburst (DC 58) (D).
15th (4+1/day) – empowered intensified blade barrier (DC 56) (D), enhanced quickened searing erupt (DC 59) (x2), intensified mass cure critical wounds, heightened righteous glare (DC 65).
14th (4+1/day) – enhanced fire-substituted fiery searing lion’s roar (DC 58) (D), heightened quickened holy word (DC 60) (x2), empowered quickened sunburst (DC 58) (x2).
13th (4+1/day) – enhanced quickened flame strike (DC 55) (D), quickened implosion (DC 59) (x2), quickened sublime revelry, intensified weight of sin (DC 56).
12th (5+1/day) – empowered enhanced blade barrier (DC 56) (D), empowered enhanced cometfall (DC 56), intensified divine retribution (DC 55), consecrated purified sacred firestorm (DC 58) (x2), quickened visions of the future.
11th (5+1/day) – quickened amber sarcophagus, consecrated purified quickened cometfall (DC 56), sacred searing erupt (DC 59), quickened greater shield of lathander, quickened light of purity, quickened sunbeam (DC 57) (D).
10th (5+1/day) – quickened crown of brilliance, consecrated fire-substituted searing earthquake (DC 58), quickened heal (DC 56) (D), empowered fire-substituted stormrage.
9th (7+1/day) – heightened eternal rest (DC 56), quickened flame strike (DC 55), feast of champions, gate, mantle of the fiery spirit, prismatic sphere (DC 59) (D), summon elemental monolith, undeath’s eternal foe.
8th (8+1/day) – chain dispel, holy aura (DC 58) (D), illusion purge, know true name (DC 58), mass restoration, mass valiant spirit, spread of contentment (DC 58), shun the dark chaos (DC 58), consecrated purified wages of sin.
7th (8+1/day) – bastion of good, control weather, fortunate fate, quickened light of Venya (DC 53), rain of embers (DC 57), radiant assault (x2) (DC 57), rejuvenating light (DC 57), sunbeam (DC 57) (D).
6th(8+1/day) – chasing perfection, consecrate battlefield, quickened deific vengeance (DC 52), heal (DC 56) (D), fiery vision (x2), ghost trap, light of courage (DC 56), vigorous circle.
5th (9+1/day) – atonement, blistering radiance (DC 55), chaav’s laugh (DC 55), condemnation (DC 55), crown of flame, divine agility, divine retribution (DC 55), searing meteoric strike (DC 54) (x2), valiant fury (D).
4th (10+1/day) – aligned aura (DC 54), assay spell resistance (x2), aura of the sun (x2), channeled divine health, cure critical wounds, holy smite (DC 54) (D), recitation, sacred haven, sunmantle.
3rd (10+1/day) – cure serious wounds, fell the greatest foe, find the gap, flamebound symbol (x2), forced manifestation (DC 53), heart’s ease, mass align weapon, phieran’s resolve, prayer (D), protection from negative energy.
2nd (10+1/day) – detect aberration, eagle’s splendor, healing lorecall, make whole, mark of doom (x2), mark of judgment (x2) (DC 52), master’s touch, share talents, shield other (D).
1st (10+1/day) – bless water, conviction, detect taint, divine favor, endure elements (D), exorcism (x2) (DC 51), nimbus of light, ray of hope, ray of resurgence, vision of heaven (DC 51).
Orisons (6/day) – create water, cure minor wounds, guidance, light, purify food and drink, read magic.
Epic Spells Prepared 6 divine, up to Spellcraft DC 122
Epic Spells Known epic mage armor, epic repulsion, epic spell reflection, global warming, glorious light of renewal, greater ruin, hellball, nailed to the sky, nimbus, rain of fire, ruin, superb dispelling. Lathander has additionally created many epic spells that bring light and life, as well as bring ruin to the undead.
Abilities Str 50, Dex 42, Con 50, Int 36, Wis 51, Cha 50
SQ avatar, bane of the restless, celestial fortitude, celestial minion 1/day, creative fire +20, divine grace, divinity, immortality, lathander’s light, resist fiendish lure
Feats Awesome Smite, Battle Blessing, Cleave, Consecrate Spell, Corona (Will DC 62), Divine Censure (Will DC 62), Divine Might, Divine Vengeance, Empower Spell, Energize Spell, Energy Substitution (fire), Extra Turning, Fiery Spell, Heighten Spell, Heighten Turning, Holy Potency, Improved Critical (heavy mace), Improved Initiative, Improved Turning, Maximize Spell (B), Power Attack, Purify Spell, Quicken Spell, Quicken Turning, Sacred Vengeance, Sanctify Martial Strike, Searing Spell, Weapon Focus (heavy mace), Words of Creation (B)
Epic Feats Enhance Spell, Epic Divine Might, Epic Divine Vengeance, Epic Spellcasting (B), Great Smiting (x2), Improved Heighten Spell, Intensify Spell, Intensify Turning, Multiturning, Positive Energy Aura, Superior Initiative
Salient Divine Abilities Area Divine Shield (170 hp in a 170 ft square or a 17 ft sphere or hemisphere), Automatic Metamagic (energize spell), Banestrike (evil outsiders), Banestrike (undead), Call Creatures (17 celestials with up to 37 HD), Divine Inspiration (hope), Divine Fast Healing (x2), Divine Paladin, Divine Spellcasting, Divine Weapon Focus (heavy mace), Divine Weapon Specialization (heavy mace), Earthmother’s Boon (unique salient divine ability), Energy Burst (170 ft, 136 fire damage), Energy Storm (170 ft, 17 holy and 17 positive), Gift of Life, Indomitable Strength, Life and Death (Fort DC 79 or die, 340 damage on a successful save), Lord of the Dawn (unique salient divine ability), Mass Life and Death (any number of creatures no more than 17 miles apart, Fort DC 79 or die, 340 damage on a successful save), Power of Nature, Rejuvenation (-17, -34 in Morninglory), Undead Mastery (17 creatures)
Skills Appraise 70 (78 paintings and sculptures), Bluff 82, Concentration 125, Craft (painting) 138, Craft (sculpting) 138, Diplomacy 143, Gather Information 72, Heal 125, Jump 84, Intimidate 86, Knowledge (arcana) 80, Knowledge (history) 92, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) 118, Knowledge (religion) 118, Knowledge (the planes) 118, Listen 77, Perform 145, Ride 62, Search 75, Sense Motive 82, Spot 77, Spellcraft 122, Survival 67 (75 extraplanar), Swim 82, Tumble 67
Possessions +8 full plate of the celestial battalion, dawnspeaker

Aura of Radiance (Su) The light of Lathander shines perpetually. No matter how dark it is, the Morninglord sees as though the conditions were identical to the outdoors at sunrise. This ability functions like darkvision out to 60 feet, except that he sees in color. Lathander also has a +2 sacred bonus on saving throws against spells with the darkness descriptor and a +2 sacred bonus to Armor Class against attacks from undead creatures.
Beam of Sunlight (Sp) Lathander can evoke a dazzling beam of intense light (the equivalent of a beam from the sunbeam spell) once per round as a full-round action as long as his radiant aura is active as a 56th level caster.
Blessing of Dawn (Su) The sight of the morning sun is an inspirational vision for the Morninglord. Lathander gains a +2 morale bonus on Will saves from sunrise until noon. This ability is in effect only while he can see the sun; the effect is suppressed any time he is deprived of the sight of it during this period.
Celestial Fortitude (Su) Lathander’s endurance and fortitude are enhanced against fiendish attacks. He has a +2 sacred bonus to all Fortitude saving throws against effects from evil outsiders and evil spells. Additionally, if he makes a successful Fortitude saving throw against an effect from an evil spell or evil outsider that normally deals half damage or partial effects on a successful save, he instead takes no damage and suffers no partial effects.
Celestial Minion (Sp) Lathander may summon a Medium or smaller size celestial animal (with the celestial creature template) as a standard action usable once a day. This celestial minion carries the same responsibilities as a paladin's special mount and gains the same bonuses to its HD, natural armor, Strength, Intelligence, and other special abilities that a paladin's special mount has, but only remains for 20 hours before returning to the outer plane from whence it came.
Creative Fire (Ex) The Morninglord is a creative, expressive deity. He has a bonus equal to his morninglord level on all Craft and Perform checks.
Divinity Lathander is an embodiment of ancient divine power. As such, reality is his to shape as he sees fit.
Alter Reality: Lathander may alter reality within the bounds of his portfolio. This functions as a wish spell that requires no XP or material cost. The limits of this ability are fully described in Deities and Demigods. He can additionally alter his size from Fine to Colossal and may additionally alter up to 100 pounds of objects in the same manner.
Avatar: Lathander can have up to 20 avatars at any given time. The Morninglord appears as a golden-skinned athletic male of exceeding beauty who has just fully entered early manhood. He wears noble robes constructed in the colors of the dawn, carries himself proudly, and dresses in the finest golden plate armor if attending to matters that might turn violent.
Divine Blast: Lathander can create a ray of divine power that extends for up to 17 miles, dealing up to 444 points of damage, as a ranged touch attack with no saving throw. Lathander can unleash a divine blast 23 times per day, and alter the visual, auditory and sensation-based qualities of his divine blast as he desires. Lathander’s divine blasts generally take the form of rays of fiery sunlight.
Divine Shield: As a free action 23 times per day, Lathander can create a shield that lasts 10 minutes and stops 170 points of damage from attacks. Once the shield stops that much damage, it collapses. Any damage Lathander is naturally immune to does not count towards the shield’s limits.
Earthmother’s Boon (unique salient divine ability) Chauntea is Lathander’s lover and has bestowed a degree of protection over her consort. By her grace, the Lord of the Dawn cannot be harmed by any nonmagical plant or any creature with less than 33 Hit Dice with the plant subtype. Epic creatures and creatures with equal or more than 33 Hit Dice must succeed at a Will save (DC 79) to harm the Morninglord.
Greater Turning (Su) Six times per day, Lathander may use greater turning as the granted power of the Sun domain. This is superseded by his Lord of the Dawn salient divine ability.
Lathander's Light (Su) Whenever Lathander casts a spell with the light descriptor, its area is doubled.
Lord of the Dawn (unique salient divine ability) Lathander is the sun. He is the light that drives back the darkness, the brilliant spark that lights the way out of night and the creative brilliance within every artist. His dominion over light and the sun, both physical and metaphysical, grants him a variety of powers as listed below:
Fires of the Sun: The light of the sun shields Lathander’s body. This protection renders Lathander immune to all forms of magical and nonmagical fire, with searing effects only dealing half damage. In addition, spells and spell-like abilities cast by Lathander from the Sun domain, or with the [fire] and [light] descriptors, are similarly enhanced and are always intensified.
Radiance of the Dawn: Lathander can shed light equal to full sunlight in a 17-mile emanation from his body that counters and dispels all Darkness effects unless created by a higher ranked deity. Undead and evil outsiders caught within the radius must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 79) or be destroyed and turned into dust. Creatures vulnerable to sunlight suffer a -17 penalty to the saving throw. A successful saving throw still deals 17d8 points of damage, while creatures vulnerable to sunlight suffer 17d12 points of damage.
Spark of Creativity: Lathander is the commander of creativity, the inspiration and muse for craftsmen and artists throughout the Realms. 17 times per day, Lathander may bestow a +17 divine bonus to any Craft or Performance check, or the Efficient Item Creation feat, to up to 17 creatures for the next 24 hours. Performances and non-magical items crafted beneath the aegis of this ability always earn three times the normal gold amount and have three times the listed market price in cost. Magical items crafted with the benefit of this ability add +17,000 gp to the listed market price and increase any numeric benefit (enhancement bonuses for the purpose of attack and damage rolls, armor and save bonuses and so forth) by +4.
Spurn the Profane: Lathander uses the totality of his character level to determine the effectiveness of his ability to smite evil, turn outsiders and undead as well as any of his feats that affect the undead. His turn attempts resolve as greater turnings (as the granted power of the Sun domain). In addition, Lathander adds his paladin spells to his clerical spell list, using the sum of both lists to determine his caster level.
Wrath of the Dawn: As a standard action Lathander can generate a ray of scorching light that extends for up to 17 miles and inflicts 17d6 points of damage, half fire and half divine. As a full attack option, he can generate up to four rays, and undead and evil outsiders suffer 17d12 points of damage. In addition, Lathander can duplicate the effects of any spell with the [light] descriptor as a standard action. (CL 65th, DC 50 plus spell level).
Maximize Turning (Su) Once per day, Lathander can automatically achieve the maximum possible result on a turning damage roll. This is superseded by his natural divine powers.
Radiant Aura (Su) Three times per day, Lathander can emanate an aura of brilliant light that weakens undead creatures for one minute. The aura provides bright illumination in a 30-foot radius around him, and shadowy illumination for an additional 30 feet beyond that. Creatures that take penalties in bright light also take them while within the radius of the bright aura. In addition, undead creatures within the radius of bright light take a —2 penalty on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. Activating the radiant aura is a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. While his radiant aura is active, Lathander casts spells with the light descriptor at +2 caster level. The radiant aura is the equivalent of a 5th-level spell with the light descriptor for the purpose of interacting with spells and effects with the darkness descriptor.
Rejuvenation of the Morn (Su) Dawn is a powerful symbol of rebirth and renewal. Once per tenday, Lathander may spend one uninterrupted hour before dawn in prayer. As soon as the sun rises after this prayer ritual, he gains one benefit of his choice from the following list.
· Healing up to full normal hit points (self only).
· Removal of any poisons or diseases (self only). This effect does not restore ability damage or ability drain caused by poison or disease.
· Full restoration of ability damage due to one poison or disease.
If his prayers are interrupted for even a single round, the attempt is ruined, and he must wait a full tenday to try again.
Resist Fiendish Lure (Su) Lathander has a +4 sacred bonus to all saving throws against mind-affecting attacks of evil outsiders.
Dawnspeaker, Lathander’s gold-and-ivory mace, is a +10 fiery blast ghost strike mighty disruption heavy mace of holy power and evil outsider and undead dread. When held by the Morninglord, it also functions as a holy devastator. The DC of the weapon’s disruption and dread abilities is 79, and creatures vulnerable to sunlight suffer a -17 penalty to saving throws made to resist Dawnspeaker’s abilities. Lathander is known to loan out Dawnspeaker to questors and warriors he deems worthy and can call it back to his hand from anywhere in the cosmos.
The Morninglord also occasionally wears a set of golden +8 full plate with the powers of an armor of the celestial battalion. The bonuses are not reflected in the above statistics.
Other Divine Powers As a greater deity, Lathander automatically receives the best possible result on any die roll he makes (including attack rolls, damage, checks, and saves). He treats a 1 on an attack roll or saving throw normally and not as an automatic failure. He is immortal. Senses Lathander can see (using normal vision or darkvision), hear, touch, and smell at a distance of 17 miles. As a standard action, he can perceive anything within 17 miles of his worshippers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of his titles or name was spoken in the last hour. He can extend his senses to up to 20 locations at once. He can block the sensing power of deities of his rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 17 hours. Portfolio Sense Lathander is aware of any event under the light of the sun, competition or act of artistry of the number of people involved up to 17 weeks in the past and 17 weeks in the future. Automatic Actions Lathander can use any skill related to his portfolio as a free action if the DC for the task is 30 or lower. He can perform up to twenty such free actions each round. Create Magic Items Lathander can craft any magical item that associated with heat and light, aids in self-empowerment, preserves or restores vitality or harms the undead, including artifacts.
Eternal Rest [Ravenloft: Legacy of Blood 71]
Level: Cleric 6
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: Ray (see text)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will partial (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell creates a ray of golden light that destroys one undead creature’s material body (if it has one), causing it to crumble to dust, which is then wafted away in a swirling breeze. This spell affects incorporeal undead without the usual incorporeal miss chance, and such a creature merely winks out of existence if it fails its save. If the target makes a successful save, it still takes 6d6 points of damage. If the creature has a special quality that allows it to return after destruction (such as a vampire’s fast healing power or a ghost’s rejuvenation power), the creature gains a bonus equal to its Charisma modifier on its saving throw. If such a creature fails its saving throw against this spell, it must make a successful Will save at the same DC (also with its Charisma modifier as a bonus) to return. If the creature’s method of return normally requires a saving throw (as a ghost’s rejuvenation power does), the creature must first make that saving throw, then make the Will saving throw against this spell.
You can improve your chance of success by presenting at least one object or substance that the target hates, fears, or otherwise finds repulsive or painful (such as a mirror and bud of garlic for a vampire). For each such object or substance, you gain a +1 bonus on your caster level check to overcome the target’s spell resistance (if any), and the spell’s saving throw DC increases by +1. A particular creature’s history might suggest additional objects or substances that would make the spell more effective.
This spell can also be cast when an undead creature has been physically destroyed and its remains are not present. In this case, the spell must be aimed at the spot where the creature was destroyed, and it must be used within 1 minute of the undead creature’s destruction. No attack roll is required for this use of the spell.
This spell can destroy an undead darklord’s physical form, but it cannot prevent the darklord from returning.
Rainbow [Dragon Magazine 321 68]
Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Cleric 6, Radiance 6
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Effect: Rainbow bow, quiver, and arrows
Duration: 1 hour / level
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: Yes
A rainbow-hued longbow appears in your hand, along with a full quiver of arrows fletched with different colors. The longbow is considered a +1 longbow that the caster is proficient with. The quiver holds an endless supply of seven different colored arrows, each being made of a different material and having the following effects:
Red: +1 elemental-bane adamantine arrows.
Orange: +1 construct-bane silver arrows.
Yellow: +1 plant-bane evil-aligned arrows.
Green: +1 magical beast-bane good-aligned arrows.
Blue: +1 undead-bane lawful-aligned arrows.
Indigo: +1 aberration-bane chaotic-aligned arrows.
Violet: +1 dragon-bane cold iron arrows.
Only the caster is able to use the bow, quiver, and arrows. They appear immediately back in the caster’s possession if dropped or given away, though the caster may drop the bow and quiver to use another item, but can rematerialize them at will, as a free action. The bow, quiver, and arrows have no weight and cannot be disarmed or sundered.
Know True Name [Kalamar: Player’s Guide 3.0 177]
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Cleric 8
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Ranged: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. / 2 levels)
Target: One fiend
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
You force a fiend to tell you its true name. Once you know a fiend’s true name, all spells that you cast at that creature have their save DCs increase by +4. You also gain a +4 on all checks to penetrate the creature’s spell resistance.
submitted by LordofBones89 to Forgotten_Realms [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:55 adulting4kids Lesson Five Major Arcana

Lesson 5: The Emperor's Authority and The Emperor Card
Our journey unfolds with The Emperor, a card embodying authority, structure, and the power of disciplined leadership. Let's explore the themes of order and governance in both external and internal aspects of life.
Discussion Questions: 1. How do you currently embody or respond to authority in your life? 2. Reflect on instances when structure and discipline were beneficial. How did they contribute to your success? 3. In what areas do you feel the need for more order or leadership, both within and outside yourself?
Guided Meditation: Picture yourself in a regal setting, symbolizing The Emperor's authority. Envision a crown atop your head, representing your own leadership qualities. Feel the sense of control and stability that comes with responsible governance. Observe any sensations or insights during this visualization.
Exercise 5: Pull The Emperor card and consider the role of authority in your life. Identify areas where establishing order and structure is beneficial. Create a plan for implementing disciplined approaches in these aspects and document your experiences as you embrace leadership.
submitted by adulting4kids to tarotjourneys [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:52 ecass305 Kaiser is The Mastermind
I have a theory that the former boss of the Heil-Ly family is still alive. I think he is responsible for the death of Sarasa and the Kurta Clan Massacre.
I think he is masquerading as Kaiser from the Justice Bureau.
He is already suspect, Melody is convinced he is a Manipulator manipulating himself as a non-Nen user.
Which connects to Kurapika worry about someone with the ability to erase memories or manipulate the subconscious. When pondering if such a possibility exists.
It switched over to Tserreidnich and his tattoo artist who was later revealed to be a former Heil-Ly member.
I think he is the manipulator Kurapika was worried about and that his tattooing people is a condition for his ability. I think he is still working for the old boss.
I think he infiltrated the Justice Bureau to take advantage of it. It was pointed out that the laws still apply to the Succession Battle, if any of the royal family get caught killing one another they will be imprisoned.
It has been pointed out several times that the Justice Bureau is neutral. And a soldier pointed out they would side with the Hunter Association if they moved against the Mafia which could lead to a war.
It seems like Kaiser is sowing more seeds of discord between the royal army and Hunter Association by telling Steiner the army could go rogue.
There is a tension between the monarchy and the pro-democratic forces in Kakin. I think the Old Boss is taking advantage of that.
I think it is also symbolic. The Mafia cares about maintaining balance which is symbolize with a scale. The court room uses scale to represent justice.
I think his name is also a clue, Kaiser is the German word for emperor. Which I think represents the Old Boss going after the crown. It comes from Julius Caesar who was famously involved with Cleopatra whose name is the inspiration for Cleapatro the Supreme Magistrate. I think a hint they are working together.
I think he is keeping an eye on Kurapika since he is the last Kurta. It seems like Longhi is the Silent Majority user and is acting outside of Tubeppa. But their actions were helpful since it routed out potential assassins, I think the Old Boss did it for Kurapika's benefit.
Kaiser and Kurapika are about to cross paths because Melody sent him to relay everything so he could help figure out the mastermind behind cursing Fugetsu.
But I think Kacho will turn out to be right about Kaiser being the enemy.
I think the Old Boss made a cameo. I think he is the head on the scale in chapter 354. I think the scale ties back to the mafia and the Justice Bureau who are associated with it.
I thought the chapter title alluded to Chrollo being the head of the spider and how Hisoka was using a head to try to kill him.
submitted by ecass305 to HunterXHunter [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:17 Dpereira1996 First coinage off the portuguese republic.

First coinage off the portuguese republic.
Hello, I've been on this forum for a while now, and I've seen some wonderful coins, and so I decided to do a small project of my own, since I'd like to introduce you to more coins from my country, Portugal, I also added some from context that led to the mintage of these coins.
The beginning of the 20th century was marked by several political, social and economic issues that drastically changed the world in which we live. And the small country called Portugal did not escape the revolutionary designs of the time.
The country in the 1900s was governed by King D. Carlos, he ascended the throne on October 19, 1899, due to factors that I will not digress into, his reign was marked by a certain incompetence of the king in resolving problems social and economic issues, as well as his lack of interest in national politics, and today the king is still recognized as a great benefactor of marine biology and oceanography , also known as the numismatist king in numismatist circles due to his coin collection.
But his downfall undoubtedly came from the English ultimatum of 1890, in which Portugal had to back down on its intentions in Africa, more specifically not to connect its colonies of Angola and Mozambique by land. On the fateful day of February 1, 1908, King D.Carlos and Infante D.Manuel were fatally shot, in a carriage, while returning to the capital, Lisbon. Surviving the attack, the king's second son, D.Manuel II, ascends to the throne, who at just 18 years old would assume the destiny of the kingdom, but as a second son, he had not had the same education as the deceased infant, as nobody expected for the second son to come to the throne.
Taking advantage of the social/economic crisis, on October 5, 1910, the monarchy fell and the Portuguese republic was born in its place, forming a provisional government that would govern until the promulgation of the constitution in 1911. Among the first steps taken by the new regime It was decided that it needed symbols that represented not the nation, but rather the ideas of freedom and democracy promised.
The new republican regime quickly realized that the nation needed new symbols that aligned with the new ideological line, thus giving rise to the bust of the republic, the personification of the young republic, a kind of Portuguese Marianne. A new national anthem was adopted, and the colors of the national flag, blue and white, were replaced by red and green.
Finally, the old monarchical currency (the Real) would be replaced in favor of the new monetary unit (the escudo)whose circulation would cover the entire national and colonial territory, with 3 notable exceptions, in Portuguese India the monetary unit remained the rupee, and in Macau and Timor the monetary unit is the pataca.
But due to numerous technical and administrative difficulties, the first coins that began to be minted, with the denomination of 50 cents, would only begin to be produced on August 11, 1912. But truly the first coin of a republican nature, it belongs the 1 rupee coin private to the state of India, ordered to be coined by decree of December 25, 1910 and mintage started on August, 1912, I will speak about these 1 rupee coins in another post.
Obverse - in the center of the field limited by a border with alternately circular and triangular elements, the symbolic bust of the homeland (or republic) in profile on the left with a Phrygian cap and a crown of 3 ears of wheat, bordered by the legend and, on the I see, the era of coinage.
Reverse - to the center of the field limited by a border of alternately circular and triangular elements, the national coat of arms surrounded by laurel branches intertwined at the bottom by a bow and, on the lower edge, the face value <50 centavos>.
Serrated Edge
Metal: Ag 835 / 30mm/ Weight: 12.50g
Year 1912- mintage: 1,695,000 Year 1913- mintage:4 443 298 Year 1914-mintage:4 991 790 Year 1916-mintage: 5 079 935
I must warn that in the years 1914 and 1916 there are coins in proof-like condition, which require a premium when buying and selling.
I apologize for the photos, but it is really difficult to photograph coins, and I also apologize for any grammatical errors. I hope to post some more coins. I HOPE YOU LIKE MY POST, AND MY COINS.
submitted by Dpereira1996 to coins [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:09 picto Blank screen after KDE login (Sharing my issue and solution)

I had been trying to get past an issue for what seemed like forever and I finally found what the problem was, so I wanted to share my experience in hopes that it might help other users.
The initial catalyst to this was my desktop environment completely freezing and becoming totally unresponsive (not even able to access another tty session). After rebooting, first the fedora loading screen starts acting strangely and refusing to start. This was pretty simple to get past just by removing rhgb from the kernel boot parameters and running fsck (which is what it was complaining about).
Once I was past this, a reboot got me to the graphical login screen. Only now, once I logged in, the screen went completely blank. I was however able to get to another session on tty4 so I could start looking around. What I kept seening via journalctl -xb -r was that there was an initial crash with xdg-desktop-portal followed by a crash with maliit-keyboard. After that almost being started for the session crashed or errored. This is what I would see first Getting a backtrace via gdb got me this
I searched for reports of similar behavior but couldn't find anything. Next I started uninstalling or disabling things to get the system to a more "minimal" startup, but none of that worked. I realized then I had done all this in haste without first installing debugging symbols so gdb would actually be useful. After that, then the problem was staring me right in the face:
Specificaly this error message: "No GSettings schemas are installed on the system". That seemed odd to me because checking dnf list installed said I had gsettings-desktop-schemas already installed. I search around for this error message and find a few mentions of running glib-compile-schemas could help but more importantly, it is looking for schemas in $XDG_DATA_DIRS.
I glanced in my ~/.zshenv file and saw I had added this because I was trying to setup flatpak so I could install spotify (which I discovered didn't have an arm compatible build):
export XDG_DATA_DIRS=${XDG_DATA_DIRS}:/valib/flatpak/exports/share:${HOME}/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share
Here's what went wrong: I uninstalled flatpak, but still had this line in my ~/.zshenv file. When I checked what $XDG_DATA_DIRS was set to in my tty4 session, it was only those two directories. I commented out that line, rebooted, and boom working system again.
I checked the value in my terminal now that I was back in KDE and it showed what I would have expected to see: /usshare/kde-settings/kde-profile/default/share:/uslocal/share:/usshare
So, not sure exactly where those things collided with one another, but that's the issue I ran into and how I got past it and back to my working system. Hopefully it might help someone that finds themself in a similar predicament..
submitted by picto to AsahiLinux [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:27 Yurii_S_Kh Monotheism. Part 2: Judaism

Monotheism. Part 2: Judaism
Part 1
Judaism: a Retreat from Biblical Monotheism
The history of the Jewish people is clearly divided into two periods: before and after the expiatory death of Jesus Christ. As the Sacrifice for the sins of the world had not yet been carried out, Old Testament history continued, the entire meaning of which consisted in waiting and preparation to meet the coming Savior. Messianic expectations were particularly pronounced during the last decades before the arrival of the Savior into the world. People not only in Jerusalem, but also in other cities and villages of Palestine, waited for the Messiah foretold in the Holy Scripture.
Christ and the Pharisees
Time was fulfilled. The Messiah came, but Jewish leaders, Pharisees, and Sadducees condemned him to death. But why were the Pharisees, Sadducees, and scribes offended? Why was it enough for the Samaritan woman to reveal the secret side of her life for her to gladly believe that the traveler standing beside her, weary from the road and asking her for water, was Christ (see John 4:42)? Why did the Pharisees and scribes, who were witnesses to the magnificent miracles performed by Jesus and knew the Scriptures better than anyone else, stubbornly refuse to recognize Christ? Finally, one more question: why did they hate Him, despite the fact that he delivered many people from terrible disease and suffering?
The answer must be sought in the peculiarities and character of the spiritual life of the leaders of Israel. Religious life demands of a person self-attentiveness, moral sensitivity, humility, and pure intentions. Without this, the heart gradually hardens. A change inevitably occurs, the consequences of which are spiritual death.
Already before the beginning of our Savior’s Gospel of the Heavenly Kingdom, the Jews had begun to imagine the Messiah as a powerful earthly king, who would exalt them above all nations and make them wealthy and powerful. This concept of the Messiah corresponded to their spiritual and moral condition.
For a proper understanding of the prophecy inspired by the Holy Spirit, not doctrinal erudition, but pure, uncorrupted faith was necessary.
The consciousness of lawyers and scribes, corrupted by sin, did not notice the parts of the Old Testament in which the spiritual qualities of the promised Messiah are given: "behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass" (Zech. 9:9); " Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street. A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth" (Isa. 42:1-3; cf.: Matt. 12:20).
Despite all the seemingly multifaceted events preceding the trial of the Savior of the world, there is only one reason for such a grave sin to have been committed—the people were rooted in sin and loved it. They seethed with anger at He who had come to the world to conquer and destroy sin.
After Christ the Messiah, who came to save the world, was slandered, profaned, and put to death, the spiritual death of the chosen people began. The Lord Jesus Christ spoke to the Hebrews directly, "He that hateth me hateth my Father also" (John 15:23). This means that the monotheism of the Hebrew leaders became entirely formalistic.
In literature, Old Testament religion, which ends with the conclusion of the New Testament, and Judaism, are often confused. This association is completely wrong. The expectation of the Messiah, which permeated the centuries-long history of the religion of the descendants of the Prophet Moses, ended. The goals and aspirations of the Hebrews, led by the Pharisees and Sadducees, stayed on Earth. Earthly well-being, wealth, success, and power became core values. In keeping with these, they imagined the anticipated Messiah.
However, the prophets foretold the coming of another Messiah—the Suffering Messiah. The Prophet Isaiah, who is called the "Old Testament Evangelist" (see Saint Jerome, Letter to Paulinus) because of his many prophesies and the precision of their fulfillment in Jesus Christ, speaks about this with impressive clarity and precision.
What then is the true Messiah? "He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth… for the transgression of my people was he stricken. And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth. Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand" (Isa. 53:7-10).
Were the Jews familiar with this chapter of the great prophet? Not all of them. Usually during weekly readings at the synagogue this chapter is omitted. Here is an excerpt from the memoirs of Rosa Price, who survived the horrors of several Nazi concentration camps and accepted Jesus Christ. Her daughter became a follower of the Savior Jesus, but she adhered to old misconceptions. "I ran to the rabbi. He would tell me different Scriptures with which to challenge my family. In response, they would give me five more. At the urging of my family, I asked the rabbi about Isaiah 53. He said, “No Jew reads that, especially not a Jewish woman.” So I couldn’t read it. The same for Psalm 22. There are 328 prophecies of the coming of the suffering servant Messiah. I asked the rabbi about almost all of them. Finally, the rabbi told me not to come to the synagogue anymore because I had read him Isaiah 53" (Rosa Price. The Survivor // Sid Roth. They Thought for Themselves. WWP, 2007).
How did the lawyers, who knew many parts of the Old Testament Bible by heart, explain the chapter? In the period of the Talmud's formation, the scribes recognized that the 53rd chapter was a prophecy of the Messiah's coming. However, beginning with the famed Hebrew exegete Rashi (Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki; 1040 - 1105), rabbis assert that the 53rd chapter speaks of the Jewish people. A simple reference to the text can refute this belief.
  • "Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows" (Isa. 53:4). Whose grief did the Jewish people take on and whose sorrows did they carry?
  • "With his stripes we are healed" (Isa. 53:5). Who has been healed by the wounds of the Jewish people?
  • "For the transgression of my people was he stricken" (Isa. 53:8). If it is speaking of the Jewish people, then who suffered punishment for the transgressions of the Jewish people?
  • "And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death" (Isa. 53:9). When and in which grave are the Jewish people buried?
In the holy Old Testament books there are signs of the appearance of Christ (the Messiah) and in it are described his chief characteristics. Of the prophecies on the coming of Christ into the world in the Old Testament, before all else it is necessary to note the vision of the prophet Daniel, foretelling even the year of the Savior's death. “Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined" (Dan. 9:24-26). Week (seven) is understood as 7 years, and 70 sevens consists of 490 years. It is the timeframe for the "end of sin." Here, we are talking about Christ the Savior's atonement for people who have violated the will of God and fallen from grace. In the prophecy, the Messiah is directly indicated ("to anoint the most Holy"). To calculate the amount of time given here, one must turn to historical sources, noting the reconstruction of the city of Jerusalem, which fell as a result of the Babylonian destruction in 586. The count of seventy sevens begins from the date of the reconstruction of Jerusalem. The decree for the restoration was given by Artaxerxes Longimanus in the 20th year of his reign. He came to the throne between December 18, 465 and December 18, 464 BC. The seventh year of his reign, from which the countdown of weeks begins, comes in 458 or 457. From this time period to the time of the appearance of Christ our Lord, 69 weeks (483 years) should pass.
The Forerunner of the coming of the Messiah is also mentioned in the Old Testament. "Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts" (Mal. 3:1). Dwellers in Palestine knew the Holy Scripture and saw in John, who preached repentance, the Angel of the Covenant predicted by the prophets. Thus, people from all of Jerusalem and all the outskirts of the Jordan came to him (see Mark 1:5).
In the holy books of the Old Testament, there are prophecies of all of the main events in the life of Jesus the Messiah. The prophet Micah identified the place of birth: "But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting" (Mic. 5:2).
The Word of God demonstrated the great spiritual gifts of the future Anointed One. "And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord" (Isa. 11:1-2). All of this was fulfilled by Jesus: "... the people were astonished at his doctrine: For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes" (Matt. 7:28-29).
Through the prophets, the Holy Spirit indicated a special distinguishing feature of the Messiah, the extraordinary power of wonderworking: "He will come and save you. Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.
Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert" (Isa. 35:4-6). When the two men came to Jesus from John the Baptist to ask, "Art thou he that should come? or look we for another?" (Luke 7:20), the Lord before all else points to the miracles he has performed: "The blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is preached. And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me" (Luke 7:22-23). The people knew that the Messiah would be characterized by the miracles he performed. "Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw. And all the people were amazed, and said, Is not this the son of David?” (Matt. 12:22-23).
A mind corrupted by sin could not notice the parts of the Old Testament in which the spiritual qualities of the promised Messiah are given: "Behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass" (Zech. 9:9).
  1. The Jews, having rejected the Messiah as the incarnate Son of God, could not remain in the scope of the Revelation given in the Old Testament. Gradually, to the Law given by God, the Pharisees and scribes added 613 commandments: 365 positive commandments and 248 negative commandments.
The Lord rebukes the Hebrew teachers of the law. "For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men" (Mark 7:8). Faith in God as a real, absolute Person—this is monotheism—is replaced by ritualism. In Judaism, the authority of the Talmud is greater than the Torah (Pentateuch). The famed rabbi Adin Steinsaltz writes, "If the Torah is the foundation of Judaism, then the Talmud is the central pillar supporting the entire spiritual and philosophical edifice. In many ways, the Talmud is the most important book in Jewish culture, the backbone of creativity and of national life. No other work has had a comparable influence on the theory and practice of Jewish life. The Jews always recognized that as a people, their preservation and development depends on the study of the Talmud" ("What is the Talmud?").
What is this "central pillar" of Judaism? I will introduce an excerpt from the Tract Sabbath, with commentary from Rabbi Pinchas Kehati: "The cripple may go out with his wooden leg; such is the decree of Rabbi Meir, but Rabbi Jose prohibits it. If the wooden leg has a receptacle for pads, it is subject to defilement. Crutches are subject to defilement by being sat or trodden upon; but one may go out with them on Sabbath and enter the outer court (of the Temple). The chair and crutches of a paralytic are subject to defilement, and one must not go out with them on the Sabbath nor enter the outer court (of the Temple). Stilts are not subject to defilement, but nevertheless one must not go out with them on Sabbath."
Commentary: "The cripple, a man with one amputated leg, may go out on the Sabbath on his wooden leg, an artificial leg, made according to the size of his shin. Such is the decree of Rabbi Meir, who believes that an artificial leg corresponds to footwear, while Rabbi Jose forbids the cripple from going out with his wooden leg on the Sabbath. According to him, it does not correspond to footwear because the cripple stands primarily with his hands on a cane, while the artificial leg is only for appearance's sake so that his physical handicap would go unnoticed. Thus, the artificial leg on Sabbath is seen as an unnecessary load, and it is prohibited to enter with it. According to the other point of view, Rabbi Jose agrees that the artificial leg equates to footwear, however he is afraid that the man will detach it and will carry over 4 cubits into the public domain, but Rabbi Meir does not have this fear.
I risk fatiguing the reader, but I will introduce one more place from the Talmud to fully portray the spiritual deadness of ritualism. “There are two acts constituting the transfer (of things which are prohibited) on the Sabbath, which are in turn subdivided into four for a man who finds himself inside a private domain (reshut hayachid). The two acts are, however, increased to four for a man who finds himself outside in the public domain (reshut harabim). How so? For example, a mendicant stands outside (in reshut harabim) and the master of a house inside (in reshut hayachid). The mendicant passes his hand into the house (through for example a window) and puts something into the hand of the master (let's say a basket, so that he might give him a piece of bread), or (another variation) the mendicant reaches out and takes something from the master's hand (a piece of bread). In these two cases, the mendicant is breaking the law of the Sabbath, but the host is not. Or, if the master of the house (being inside) passes his hand through a window and puts, say, a piece of bread, into the hand of the mendicant, or, having put out his hand, he takes an object (a basket) from the hands of the mendicant, who is standing outside on the street, and brings it into the house, the master of the house would have broken the law of the Sabbath, but not the mendicant. This is the first part of the Mishna, which has demonstrated to us what the “two acts” of transferring objects mean, from the position of one who is inside, and from the position of one who finds himself outside. Carrying out any of these acts on the Sabbath is prohibited" (Tract Sabbath).[1]
Instead of a living faith in a merciful God and love towards one’s fellow man, entire volumes of the Talmud are filled with the sophistic disputes of various rabbinical schools over what to do with an egg laid by a chicken on the Sabbath, or about a host giving bread to a beggar, so that he does not break the Sabbath.
What a huge spiritual distance there was between the prophets and the scribes! The first to shine in the faith were those who participated in the source of heavenly wisdom, while others directed their extraordinary erudition to "solving" questions irrelevant to life. The lawyers occasionally thrashed out whether one may move a ladder from one dovecote to another on feast days.
It is obvious that religious life, in which ritualism is the determining principle, will become formalistic. "Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men" (Isa. 29:13).
Falling away from the living source of Truth will inevitably lead to dissolution and barrenness. In medieval European church art, the contrast between Christianity and Judaism was allegorically represented in the form of two female figures: the Church and the Synagogue. The south portal of the transept (cross aisle) of the cathedral in Strasbourg (approx. 1230) is decorated with such sculptures. The woman representing the Church, clearly and confidently carries a cross in her right hand as if resting on it. The straight folds of her cloak, flowing down to the ground, make her figure solid and firm. Her head is crowned. Her gaze is cast into the distance. The figure of the synagogue holds to her body a spear broken in several places. The bend of the figure repeats the broken line. Scrolls fall out of her left hand. Her head is downcast. Her eyes are blindfolded, a symbol of spiritual darkness.
  1. The next phase of Judaism's retreat from Biblical monotheism was the rise and expansion among the Jews of Kabbalah (in Hebrew qabbalah means acceptance or tradition) of mystical teachings and practices. This esoteric theosophical teaching is in spirit and letter absolutely foreign to the Holy Scripture. Two books initiate an exposition of Kabbalah: Sefer Yetzirah (the Book of Creation) and Zohar (Splendor of Radiance). The former was likely written in the sixth and seventh centuries B.C. Confirmation by the Kabbalists themselves of the existence of Sefer Yetzirah already during the time of patriarch Abraham is absolutely mythical and has no evidence. On the contrary, the presence in these books of philosophical ideas of late antiquity, such as Gnosticism, Neoplatonism, and others, completely refutes this view. The author of Zohar is believed to be the Spanish Kabbalist Moshe (Moses) de Leon. It was written in approximately 1300 A.D. The desire of modern Kabbalists to make the author of Zohar the disciple of rabbi Akiva Shimon Bar Yochai (Laitman, M. The Book of Zohar. M., 2003. p. 185)[2] , who lived in the second century A.D., contradicts the view of experts. "The Aramaic language of all eighteen of these sections is throughout the same, and throughout it displays the same individual peculiarities. This is all the more important because it is not in any sense a living language which Simeon ben Yohai and his colleagues in the first half of the second century A.D. in Palestine might have conceivably spoken. The Aramaic of the Zohar is a purely artificial affair, a literary language employed by a writer who obviously knew no other Aramaic than that of certain Jewish literary documents, and who fashioned his own style in accordance with definite subjective criteria. The expectation expressed by some scholars that philological investigation would reveal the older strata of the Zohar has not been borne out by actual research. Throughout these writings, the spirit of mediaeval Hebrew, specifically the Hebrew of the thirteenth century, is transparent behind the Aramaic facade" (Scholem, G. (1954). Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism. p. 163).[3]
Kabbalah is divided into the contemplative (Kabbalah Iyunit) and practical (Kabbalah Maasit). The central aspect of the Kabbalah is Ein Sof (The Infinite). In contrast to the God of the Holy Scriptures, Ein Sof has no name because he is without person, unknowable, and incomprehensible. No attributes can be ascribed to him. Ein Sof makes himself known in his manifestations (not to all, but to Jewish mystics). Ein Sof's chief manifestation is the original man, Adam Kadmon. Through his emanations (flows) the ten sefirot come into being, which are the attributes of God. Ten sefirot represent the mystical body of Adam Kadmon (heavenly Adam). He appears as a result of emanation and has no image or form. The earthly Adam was created in the image of heavenly Adam. The tenth sefirot is called "the Kingdom" or Malkuth. It unites all ten sefirot. In Zohar, Malkuth—or Kingdom—denotes how the Knesset (assembly) of Israel is a mystical prototype of the House of Israel (Shekhinah). In The Dialectics of Myth (XIV. 3), Aleksei Losev writes, “As a very well-educated Jew and great expert of Kabbalistic and Talmudic literature (from which I, with the nasty habits of a European observer, sought to learn exclusively about the Neoplatonic influences in Kabbalah) told me, the essence of all Kabbalah does not at all consist in pantheism, as liberal scholars think, who compare the doctrine of Ein Sof and the Sephirot with Neo-Platonism, but rather with pan-Israelitism: the Kabbalistic God needs Israel for His own salvation, He was incarnated in Israel and became it. Therefore the myth of the world domination by a deified Israel, which is forever contained in God.”
Kabbalists have established a correspondence among the different sefirot with parts of the human body. Becoming familiar with this primitive mythological arrangement of the structure of the universe, it becomes difficult to ignore the question that Kabbalists themselves do not ask: What is the source of this "knowledge"? How does one manage to conclude that the sefirot of the Crown (Keter) is the brow, the Tiferet is the chest, Victory (Netzach) and Majesty (Hod) is man's hip?
The esoteric teachings of Sefer Yetzirah and the Zohar are fundamentally incompatible with the biblical teaching on God, the world, man, and humanity's path to salvation. Contemplative Kabbalah represents a combination of elements of Gnosticism of the second and third centuries A.D. and Neo-Platonism. From the Gnostics, it borrows the teaching of the 10 eons, which comprise the pleroma (universal fullness). Dualism is the link between Gnostics and Kabbalists; the idea of eternal enmity began with good (light) and evil (darkness). Kabbalah's dualistic world view finds a direct expression in Sefer Yetzirah: "Also Elohim made every object, one opposite the other: good opposite evil, evil opposite good, good from good, evil from evil, the good delineates the evil and the evil delineates the good, good is kept for the good and evil is kept for the evil.” It is evident that the teaching, which ascribes evil an ontological status, leads to the justification of evil. In contrast, according to the Holy Scripture, evil was not created by God, but arose as a result of the abuse of the gift of freedom given by God to his creatures, Angels and mankind.
Kabbalistic teaching is an obvious expression of pantheism, a complete retreat from monotheism. God and the world are understood as one complete whole. The world is only a manifestation of God. Pantheism is fraught with internal contradictions. Its logical consequence is inevitably first the derogation of God, and next, denial of him, because all of the world's imperfections are attributed to him.
Kabbalists divide the world into male and female elements. The right and left spheres are respectively male and female. The world is presented as a loving union, as the unification of male and female elements. The relationship between the spheres is interpreted with the help of gender symbolism.
Kabbalah presents itself as a fantastical mix of esoteric occultism, blended with pagan religious and philosophical ideas. It attests to a complete regression from the great and saving teachings of the Bible with its deep and sustained monotheism.
Hieromonk Job (Gumerov)
[1] This appears not to be a direct quote from Tract Sabbath, but commentary based on Tract Sabbath: —Trans.
[2] This cite may not be accurate to the English version. —Trans.
[3] Page number may not be accurate to English version.—Trans.
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:34 MetrognomeAK Mayflash f500 flat button replacement

Mayflash f500 flat button replacement
I recently bought and received the new Mayflash f500 flat and when straight ahead into customizing it for myself. I’ve never owned an arcade stick/leverless with full sized buttons before, but the idea of finding buttons I liked sounded appealing.
Currently featured on the box are seimitsu alutimos (all of the transparent buttons), stock mayflash buttons (solid purple/violet), and the crown 202 buttons (solid yellow).
I’m a big fan of this box sized leverless for under $100. Seems solidly built with room for customization between the buttons and the ability to add your own art underneath the clear panel. FYI, I heard focus attack is in the process of adding templates to print art for this controller so that will be very accessible.
Main things that I don’t like off the bat are the position of the R3 button and the button quality in general but that’s personal preference. If you flatten your finger to press Y and B together, you may accidentally press R3. Might be a bad habit for me anyway so idk if it matters. For the stock buttons, I just think they don’t feel good on bottom out and springing back. I’d say they feel a little dull. It’s not really that bad and for the price I wouldn’t change a thing in for button choice since it gives people freedom to pick what they want after purchase.
Comparing the seimitsus alutimos and the crowns, I like them both. Crowns feel light and lively while the seimitsus feel like they have a little bit of heft to the press while also sitting a little higher. I’m guessing this has to do with the travel distance during the button press since both button types have silver Mx switches inside. Crowns feel faster but the alutimos feel more premium and slightly weighty. I have no reference comparison to buttons outside of these so take what I’ve written with that in mind. I’m currently contemplating how I want to finalize my button choices since I like them both.
I plan on experimenting with replacing the switches with spares that I have from a keyboard build I did a while back and I might lube the sides of the button top for the alutimos. It seemed like there’s a little bit of scratchiness that can go away but idk if it’s from the switch or button. If I stick to the stock silvers, I’ll lube the switch housings and springs to help with ping noise. I might do similar with the crowns.
submitted by MetrognomeAK to fightsticks [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 13:45 mpirestate Feedback on first rep purchase - Rolex OP 124300

Feedback on first rep purchase - Rolex OP 124300
Thank you to everyone for your helpful posts. I've learned a ton over the past couple days of reading (and still have a long ways to go!) Appreciate any thoughts on the below:
Dealer name: Geek Time
Factory name: Clean
Model: Oyster Perpetual 124300 41mm 904L VR3230
Price: $488usd + shipping
Index alignment: good
Dial printing: good
Date wheel alignment/printing: n/a
Hand alignment: good
Bezel: good (hard to tell at the bottom if the crown symbol and "MADE" look right)
Solid End Links: good
Timegrapher Numbers: +2s/d, AMP. 271°, ERR. 0.1m/s
Anything else you notice: (1) lettering on clasp for "GENEVA" and "STEELINOX" look misaligned (not a deal breaker but annoying) (2) side view of left side of watch case has some sort of black stain. Is that from the sticker?
submitted by mpirestate to RepTimeQC [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 10:49 shahla_naz The Magic of Keepsakes and Baby Announcements: Capturing Precious Moments

The Magic of Keepsakes and Baby Announcements: Capturing Precious Moments
The arrival of a newborn is a momentous occasion, a chapter filled with wonder, exhaustion, and endless love. It's a time capsule of firsts – the first smile, the first giggle, those tiny, perfect fingers wrapped around yours. In the whirlwind of emotions, keepsakes and baby announcements become vessels that capture these fleeting moments, transforming them into tangible memories to cherish for a lifetime.
The Power of Keepsakes: Preserving a Legacy of Love
A survey revealed that 82% of parents consider keepsakes to be extremely or very important. These treasured items hold the power to transport us back to a specific time and place, evoking a kaleidoscope of emotions. A hand-knitted baby blanket, a lock of hair, or a personalized photo album become tangible reminders of a child's growth and development.
Keepsakes Come in All Shapes and Sizes:
Keepsakes transcend mere objects; they transform into tangible expressions of love and dedication. Here's a closer look at the treasure trove of keepsakes that capture a child's journey:
Handmade Treasures: A Labor of Love: Imagine snuggling your child in a hand-knitted sweater, the stitches whispering stories of countless evenings spent crafting it with love. A meticulously crafted scrapbook, filled with handwritten notes, pressed flowers, and tiny keepsakes, becomes a personalized time capsule, brimming with sentimentality. These handmade treasures hold a unique power – they are imbued with the love and care poured into their creation, making them irreplaceable heirlooms.
Firsts Galore: Celebrating Milestones: Those precious "firsts" – the gummy grin of a first smile, the wonder in their eyes during their first haircut – are fleeting moments we desperately want to hold onto. Keepsakes dedicated to these milestones help us do just that. A "first smile" frame adorned with a photo captures that radiant grin forever. A "first haircut" certificate, complete with a lock of hair and the date, becomes a sweet reminder of a momentous occasion. These keepsakes serve as stepping stones on a child's growth journey, allowing us to relive these special moments with a surge of fondness.
Personalized Touches: Uniquely You: Sometimes, a simple touch can elevate a keepsake to a whole new level. Engraved jewelry, a locket with a sonogram etched on the inside or a birthstone, becomes a personalized treasure that a child can carry close to their heart. Personalized growth charts document a child's physical development, but can also be adorned with photos, milestones, and handwritten messages, transforming them into cherished keepsakes.
Custom-designed baby books allow you to curate a one-of-a-kind narrative of your child's life, filled with photos, stories, and personalized embellishments. These personalized keepsakes reflect the unique bond between parent and child, making them even more special.
Digital Keepsakes: Embracing the Modern World: The digital age offers a plethora of options to preserve memories in new and exciting ways. Create a digital scrapbook using online platforms, where you can compile photos, videos, and even voice recordings, weaving a multimedia tapestry of your child's life. Imagine the joy of revisiting these digital keepsakes years down the line, with the ability to relive precious moments through sight and sound.
Record a heartfelt message to your child, expressing your hopes and dreams for them. Schedule it to be delivered on their 18th birthday, a time capsule of love and guidance to navigate their next chapter. Digital keepsakes, while not tangible in the traditional sense, offer a unique way to preserve memories in a constantly evolving world.
Keepsakes Foster Connection:
Keepsakes aren't just for parents. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cherished friends can all curate their own collections, fostering a sense of connection and shared history with the child. Imagine the joy on your grandmother's face as she pulls out a hand-stitched baby quilt you made as a child. Keepsakes become a bridge across generations, weaving a tapestry of love and family.
Imagine the delight on your aunt's face when she unwraps a hand-drawn portrait you created as a little one, or the warmth that fills your uncle's heart as he reads a first birthday card signed by his tiny niece. These cherished items become more than just objects; they transform into tangible reminders of love, milestones, and the unbreakable bond between generations.
Here's how keepsakes act as a bridge across generations:
· Building Connections: A hand-knitted sweater from Grandma, a first rattle passed down from a cherished family friend - these keepsakes represent the love and care poured into the child by those beyond the immediate parents.
· Shared History: Keepsakes become conversation starters, sparking memories and stories. Looking at a framed photo from a baby's first trip to the zoo can lead to discussions about family adventures and traditions.
· Sense of Belonging: Having personalized keepsakes allows a child to feel connected to their family history and heritage. A baby book filled with handwritten messages from aunts, uncles, and grandparents provides a tangible reminder of their place within the family tapestry.
· Treasured Memories: As time passes, these keepsakes become even more valuable. A child who may not remember their first birthday can still experience the joy of the occasion by viewing a framed photo or a video message from a loved one.
Creating Keepsakes for Grandparents and Beyond:
Here are some ideas for keepsakes that families can create together, fostering a sense of connection across generations:
· Time Capsule: Fill a box with small items that represent the current year, the child's personality, and messages from loved ones. Bury it or store it safely to be opened on a significant birthday or milestone.
· Handwritten Letters: Encourage grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cherished friends to write letters to the child, sharing their hopes and dreams for them. These can be included in a baby book or saved as keepsakes.
· Collaborative Art Projects: Plan a family gathering where everyone contributes to a piece of art, quilt, or scrapbook dedicated to the child.
· Digital Keepsakes: Create a shared online album or digital story that documents the child's growth and milestones. Include photos, videos, and messages from various family members.
By encouraging the creation and sharing of keepsakes, families can build a bridge of love and shared history that connects children to the broader circle of people who adore them. These cherished items become more than just objects; they weave a beautiful tapestry of love and family, reminding everyone of the special bond that transcends generations.
The Enchantment of Baby Announcements: Spreading the Joy
Baby announcements are the joyous declarations of a new life entering the world. They serve a multitude of purposes:
· Sharing the News: With a 37% increase in social media baby announcements in the past 5 years, these digital declarations are a quick and easy way to share the happy news with a wider circle.
· Setting the Tone: Whether it's a whimsical photo shoot or a heartfelt message, baby announcements set the tone for the child's arrival, reflecting the parents' personalities and their excitement for parenthood.
· Creating a Community: Baby announcements can spark a wave of love and support from loved ones near and far. The outpouring of congratulations and well-wishes from friends and family helps build a network of support around the new parents.
Beyond the Paper Trail: Creative Announcement Ideas:
Themed Photoshoot: Embrace your creativity with a whimsical baby announcement photoshoot. Capture the magic with a superhero theme, a fairytale setting, or a heartwarming family portrait.
Whimsical Baby Announcement Photoshoot Ideas:
1. Superhero Theme:
· Concept: Celebrate your little one's arrival as a tiny superhero, ready to take on the world!
· Props:
o Tiny cape (imagine a knitted one for a newborn) with a symbol of your choice (pacifier, heart, letter)
o Mask (soft fabric mask with eye holes big enough for them to see)
o Superhero onesie or sleeper
o Comic book-style backdrop (you can create one yourself with construction paper!)
· Poses: Swaddle your baby in the superhero outfit and have them "soar" through the air (supported by your hand, of course). Capture them holding a tiny bottle as if it's their superpower fuel.
2. Fairytale Setting:
· Concept: Transform your home into a whimsical fairytale land.
· Props:
o Soft, flowy fabrics draped around furniture to create a canopy effect
o Crowns, tiaras, or flower halos for your baby
o Stuffed animals or woodland creature figurines
o Baskets filled with colorful blankets or flowers
· Poses: Nestle your baby in a basket surrounded by stuffed animals or have them "sleeping" on a bed of flowers. You and your partner can dress up as fairytale characters for a truly enchanting scene.
3. Heartwarming Family Portrait:
· Concept: Capture the pure love and joy of welcoming your new family member.
· Props: Blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals to create a cozy atmosphere
· Poses: Cuddle up together on a bed or couch with your baby. Let siblings gently touch or hold the baby (with adult supervision, of course). Candid moments of parents gazing at their baby are always heartwarming.
A Touch of Humor: Inject a dose of laughter with a funny announcement. Capture your pet "announcing" the arrival or stage a photo of the nursery overflowing with baby gear.
The Power of Video: Create a short video announcement. Capture heartwarming moments from the pregnancy journey, culminating in the baby's arrival.
Keepsakes and Baby Announcements: A Lasting Legacy
In a world that cherishes the fleeting moment, keepsakes and baby announcements become anchors to the past. They are tangible expressions of love, joy, and the sheer wonder of new life. These cherished items serve as a bridge between generations, forging a connection that transcends time. So, embrace the magic of keepsakes and baby announcements, for they are not just mementos, but stepping stones on a journey filled with love, laughter, and a lifetime of memories.
Looking for keepsakes or baby announcement inspiration? Look no further than TrueGether, the ultimate online destination for all things baby! TrueGether boasts a vibrant marketplace filled with unique and affordable keepsakes and baby announcements, offering a fantastic alternative to sites like eBay.
With prices starting at just $9.49, TrueGether caters to every budget. Explore a diverse selection encompassing baby books and albums to meticulously record your child's milestones, adorable handprint kits to capture those tiny fingers and toes, and a treasure trove of other keepsakes that will become cherished reminders of this special time. TrueGether empowers you to find the perfect keepsakes and baby announcements to weave a narrative of your child's precious journey.
submitted by shahla_naz to u/shahla_naz [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 10:49 Gojira2021 Rewriting: Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire (2024) Part 3 The Conclusion to the Great Titan War.

The Beholder of Frost
The Divinity
Rapid Evolution
Iwi Findings
Evolution of a God
submitted by Gojira2021 to Monsterverse [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 08:37 Responsible-Map-5465 91-9216838039 Free Pandit ji Astrology At WhatsApp

Unlock the Mysteries of Your Kundali: Free Pandit Ji Astrology Consultations at Your WhatsApp

Free Pandit ji Astrology At WhatsApp The ancient art of astrology has been a source of fascination and guidance for centuries, offering individuals a glimpse into the mysteries of their destiny. In the intricate web of stars and planets, our unique kundali, or birth chart, holds the key to understanding our personality, strengths, and potential. However, deciphering the complex symbols and interpretations of our kundali can be a daunting task, requiring a deep understanding of Vedic astrology and its intricacies.
That’s why, we’re excited to introduce a unique opportunity to unlock the secrets of your kundali with our free Pandit Ji astrology consultations, available at the convenience of your WhatsApp. Our expert Pandit Ji will guide you through the insights of your birth chart, providing valuable insights into your life, relationships, and future path. In this post, we’ll explore the significance of our kundali and how these free consultations can help you navigate life’s journey with greater clarity and purpose.
  1. Introduction to Kundali and Vedic Astrology
The ancient and mystical art of Kundali, also known as Vedic Astrology, has been a cornerstone of Indian wisdom for thousands of years. This intricate system of planetary alignment and cosmic influences has been used to guide individuals on their life’s journey, predicting the path of destiny, and offering valuable insights into personality, strengths, and weaknesses. The intricate chart of the Kundali, comprising of 12 houses and 12 signs, is a window to the soul, revealing the intricate web of energies that shape our lives.
At its core, Kundali is a tool for self-discovery, offering a profound understanding of our individual nature, our place in the world, and the potential we hold. By analyzing the intricate patterns of planetary movements, Vedic Astrology provides a unique framework for understanding the complexities of human life, including relationships, career, and spiritual growth. As we navigate the twists and turns of life, Kundali offers a beacon of guidance, illuminating the way forward and revealing the secrets to unlocking our true potential.
In this era of rapid change and uncertainty, the wisdom of Kundali has never been more relevant. By exploring the mysteries of your Kundali, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your strengths, and your weaknesses, empowering you to make informed decisions that align with your highest good. And now, with our free Pandit Ji astrology consultations, you can unlock the secrets of your Kundali and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.
  1. What is a Kundali Reading?
A Kundali reading, also known as a birth chart analysis, is a profound and intricate process that delves into the depths of an individual’s birth chart, revealing the intricate web of celestial bodies that shape their destiny. This ancient Indian practice of astrology, also known as Jyotish, is based on the principle that the position of the planets at the exact time and place of an individual’s birth has a profound impact on their life, personality, and future.
A Kundali reading is a unique and personalized analysis of an individual’s birth chart, which provides insight into their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges. This ancient art of astrology helps to uncover the subtle energies that influence an individual’s life, including their relationships, career, health, and overall well-being. By examining the intricate patterns and relationships between the planets, a skilled astrologer can offer valuable guidance and insights to help individuals navigate life’s challenges and make informed decisions.
With the help of our expert Pandit Ji, who has spent years perfecting the art of Kundali reading, you can gain a deeper understanding of your birth chart and unlock the secrets to a more fulfilling and meaningful life. Our free consultations at your WhatsApp will provide you with a unique and personalized reading, tailored to your specific needs and concerns. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and unlock the mysteries of your Kundali!
  1. Importance of Kundali Reading in Vedic Astrology
In the ancient science of Vedic Astrology, a Kundali is more than just a birth chart – it’s a sacred blueprint that holds the secrets of an individual’s destiny. It’s a complex map that reveals the intricate web of planetary positions, their relationships, and the intricate dance of good and bad karma that shape an individual’s life. A Kundali reading is a powerful tool that allows Pandit Ji to decipher the mysteries of the universe and gain insights into an individual’s strengths, weaknesses, and potential.
By analyzing the intricate patterns and symbols on the Kundali, a Pandit Ji can uncover the hidden forces that shape an individual’s life, including the influences of their nakshatras, planets, and gunas. This deep understanding of the cosmic forces at play enables the Pandit Ji to provide personalized guidance, advice, and remedies that can help individuals navigate life’s challenges, overcome obstacles, and achieve their goals.
A Kundali reading is not just a theoretical exercise, but a practical tool that can be used to improve one’s life in countless ways. By understanding the intricate dynamics of their Kundali, individuals can make informed decisions, avoid pitfalls, and tap into their inner potential. It’s a powerful tool that can bring harmony, balance, and fulfillment to one’s life, and is a testament to the timeless wisdom and profound insights of Vedic Astrology.
  1. How to Read a Kundali Chart
As you gaze upon the intricate pattern of lines, symbols, and numbers on your kundali chart, you may feel a sense of wonder and awe at the complexity and depth of the ancient art of astrology. But, where do you even begin to decipher the secrets hidden within the chart’s intricate design? How do you unravel the mysteries of your birth chart, and unlock the keys to understanding your personality, strengths, weaknesses, and potential?
The answer lies in the art of reading a kundali chart. It’s a skill that requires patience, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of the nuances of Vedic astrology. Our experienced pandit jis, armed with years of study and expertise, will guide you through the process of reading your kundali chart, providing insights into your life’s journey, and revealing the hidden patterns and influences that shape your destiny.
From the placement of the planets and the relationships between them, to the interpretation of the various houses and their corresponding themes, every aspect of the chart holds a unique significance and story. As you learn to read your kundali chart, you’ll gain a profound understanding of yourself, your motivations, and your place in the universe. And, with the guidance of our expert pandit jis, you’ll be empowered to make informed decisions, navigate life’s challenges, and unlock the full potential of your life.
  1. Understanding the Planets and their Roles
The intricate dance of the planets is a fundamental aspect of understanding the mysteries of your kundali. In Vedic astrology, each planet is associated with specific energies, emotions, and characteristics, influencing various aspects of your life. The Sun, for instance, represents the soul and signifies self-awareness, ego, and identity. The Moon, on the other hand, is connected to the subconscious mind, emotions, and intuition. The other planets, including Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu, each have their unique roles and energies, shaping your destiny and life path.
The position of the planets in your kundali, also known as a birth chart, determines the strengths and weaknesses of your astrological profile. Understanding the planetary positions and their relationships can help you uncover the hidden patterns and themes that govern your life. For instance, a strong Sun in your kundali can signify confidence, leadership, and a strong sense of self, while a weak Mercury may indicate communication difficulties or mental fogginess.
In our free Pandit Ji astrology consultations, our expert astrologers will guide you in understanding the complex roles of the planets in your kundali. With their in-depth knowledge and insight, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of your astrological profile, uncover hidden strengths and weaknesses, and receive personalized advice on how to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
  1. Significance of Rashis and Nakshatras
The ancient art of Kundali reading, a sacred tool that unravels the mysteries of the universe, revealing the intricate dance of celestial bodies and their impact on our lives. Within the intricate web of stars and planets, two fundamental components stand out – Rashis and Nakshatras. These two celestial entities play a crucial role in shaping our destinies, influencing our personalities, and guiding our life’s journey.
Rashis, or signs, are the 12 segments of the zodiac circle, each representing a unique character, trait, and energy. They are like the 12 pillars of the universe, standing tall and strong, guiding our lives through their distinct influences. Each Rashi has its own unique characteristics, from the fiery passion of Leo to the calm and collected nature of Taurus. By understanding our Rashi, we can gain insight into our strengths, weaknesses, and natural tendencies.
Nakshatras, on the other hand, are the 27 lunar mansions that divide the zodiac circle into smaller segments. Each Nakshatra has its own distinct energy, symbol, and significance. They are like the subtle threads that weave together the intricate tapestry of our lives, influencing our emotions, relationships, and spiritual growth. By understanding our Nakshatra, we can gain insight into our emotional inner workings, our capacity for love and relationships, and our spiritual path.
Together, Rashis and Nakshatras form a powerful synergy, revealing the intricate dance of our celestial energies and their impact on our lives. By understanding the significance of Rashis and Nakshatras, we can unlock the mysteries of our Kundali, gaining valuable insights into our life’s journey and the path to self-discovery.
  1. How to Identify the Ashtakoot Guna Milan
As you delve deeper into the intricacies of your Kundali, one of the most crucial aspects to understand is the concept of Ashtakoot Guna Milan. This ancient Vedic practice is a crucial component of matchmaking and marriage compatibility, and it’s essential to grasp its significance in determining the harmony and success of your relationships.
Ashtakoot Guna Milan is a complex calculation that evaluates the compatibility of two individuals based on their birth charts, taking into account eight key factors, including the Gunas, Doshas, and Lagna. Each individual is assigned a score based on their unique characteristics, and the resulting sum is used to determine the overall compatibility of the couple.
In this intricate process, the Pandit Ji will consider the dominant Gunas, or qualities, of each individual, such as Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas, and how they interact with each other. The calculation also takes into account the Doshas, or planetary imbalances, and the Lagna, or the Ascendant, which plays a crucial role in determining the individual’s personality, strengths, and weaknesses.
By understanding the Ashtakoot Guna Milan, you’ll gain valuable insights into the potential strengths and challenges of your relationship, allowing you to make informed decisions about your future together. Whether you’re seeking guidance on marriage compatibility or simply looking to deepen your understanding of your partner’s personality, our expert Pandit Ji is here to provide you with personalized guidance and support.
  1. Understanding the 12 Houses of the Kundali
As you delve into the intricacies of your Kundali, one of the most crucial aspects to grasp is the concept of the 12 Houses. This ancient Vedic system of astrology is a powerful tool for understanding the complexities of human life, and the 12 Houses are the foundation upon which it is built. Each House represents a specific area of life, from the mundane to the spiritual, and the planets that occupy them play a crucial role in shaping your destiny.
The 1st House, also known as the Lagna, is like the crown of the Kundali, representing the individual’s self-image, personality, and overall life path. The 2nd House is associated with wealth, material possessions, and communication, while the 3rd House is linked to siblings, neighbors, and short journeys.
As we move further into the Kundali, the 4th House is connected to the family, emotions, and the subconscious mind, while the 5th House is associated with creativity, children, and romantic relationships. The 6th House is concerned with health, work, and daily routines, and the 7th House is linked to marriage, partnerships, and relationships.
The 8th House is often referred to as the “House of Transformation” and is associated with rebirth, spiritual growth, and the unknown. The 9th House is connected to higher knowledge, travel, and spirituality, while the 10th House is linked to career, reputation, and public image. The 11th House is concerned with friendships, community, and humanitarian pursuits, and the 12th House is associated with the subconscious mind, spirituality, and the collective unconscious.
Understanding the 12 Houses of your Kundali is like unlocking a treasure chest of secrets and insights. By grasping the complex relationships between the planets and the Houses, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world.
  1. The Role of Planetary Positions and Transits
The ancient art of Kundali astrology, also known as Janam Patri, is a complex and intricate system that reveals the secrets of our destiny and the cosmic forces that shape our lives. At the heart of this mystical practice lies the intricate dance of planetary positions and transits, which play a crucial role in determining the course of our lives. The positions of the planets at the exact time and place of our birth, as recorded on our birth chart or Kundali, hold the key to understanding our personality, strengths, weaknesses, and potential.
The movement of the planets, as they transit through the zodiac, also has a profound impact on our lives. Their positions can influence our emotions, relationships, career, and overall well-being. For instance, a planetary transit can bring about a period of stability and growth, or it can trigger a series of challenges and upheavals. By understanding the significance of planetary positions and transits, one can gain valuable insights into the unfolding of their life journey.
Through our free Pandit Ji astrology consultations, we offer a unique opportunity to unravel the mysteries of your Kundali and gain a deeper understanding of the celestial forces that shape your life. Our expert astrologers will guide you through the intricate web of planetary positions and transits, helping you to identify areas of strength and weakness, and providing personalized guidance to navigate the twists and turns of your life journey.
  1. How to Interpret a Kundali Chart
The intricate web of stars and planets that has been intricately woven into the fabric of your life – your Kundali chart is a window to the mysteries that lie within. Like a treasure map, it holds the secrets to your personality, strengths, and weaknesses, revealing the hidden patterns that govern your destiny. But, deciphering this complex code requires a guiding light, a sage who can unlock the mysteries and reveal the truths hidden within the lines.
With our expert Pandit Ji’s guidance, you’ll embark on a journey of self-discovery, as you delve into the depths of your Kundali chart. Our team of experienced astrologers will walk you through the intricacies of your birth chart, highlighting the key areas of your life that are influenced by the positions of the planets and stars.
Together, we’ll explore the dynamic relationships between the planets, their aspects, and their influences on your life. From the placement of your Sun and Moon to the positions of your Venus and Mars, every detail will be analyzed to reveal the hidden patterns that shape your destiny.
Our Pandit Ji’s expertise will help you understand the intricate dance of the planets, and how they impact your life, relationships, and career. You’ll gain valuable insights into your personality, strengths, and weaknesses, and discover the hidden potential that lies within you.
So, take the first step towards unlocking the secrets of your Kundali chart, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Book your free WhatsApp consultation with our expert Pandit Ji today, and discover the mysteries that lie within your birth chart.
  1. Free Consultations: How to Get Your Kundali Read
Imagine having a window to the universe, a map that reveals the secrets of your destiny, and a guide that helps you navigate the twists and turns of life. This is what your Kundali, or birth chart, holds. But, deciphering its intricacies can be a daunting task, especially for those new to the world of astrology. That’s where our expert Pandit Ji comes in – with a wealth of knowledge and experience, he is ready to unlock the mysteries of your Kundali, offering free consultations to help you understand its hidden messages.
During your free consultation, our Pandit Ji will use his vast knowledge of Vedic astrology to analyze your Kundali, revealing the positions of planets and their influences on your life. He will delve into the intricate details of your chart, uncovering strengths, weaknesses, and potential opportunities for growth. With his expert guidance, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of your personality, strengths, and vulnerabilities, as well as the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
Whether you’re seeking guidance on a specific life issue, such as relationships, career, or health, or simply looking to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, our free consultations are the perfect starting point. With our expert Pandit Ji, you’ll embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowered to make informed decisions and navigate the complexities of life with confidence.
  1. WhatsApp Consultations: A New Era of Kundali Readings
The ancient art of astrology has always been shrouded in mystery, with seekers of truth and wisdom often having to navigate the complexities of palm readings and star charts to gain a deeper understanding of their destiny. But what if we told you that the mystique of Kundali readings is no longer reserved for the initiated few? With the advent of WhatsApp, the world of Kundali readings has evolved, and we are thrilled to introduce our innovative solution: free Pandit Ji astrology consultations, accessible at your fingertips.
Imagine being able to tap into the wisdom of a revered Pandit Ji, expert in the intricacies of Vedic astrology, and receive personalized guidance on your life’s journey. With our WhatsApp consultations, you can now do just that. Our team of experienced Pandit Jis will guide you through a comprehensive reading of your Kundali, revealing hidden patterns and energies that shape your life. From understanding your strengths and weaknesses to uncovering potential life-changing opportunities, our consultations will provide you with a profound understanding of your cosmic blueprint.
By leveraging the power of WhatsApp, we have made it possible for anyone, anywhere in the world, to access the wisdom of the ancient Vedic tradition. No more need to travel to distant ashrams or wait for weeks to receive a consultation – our free WhatsApp consultations are just a message away. So, take the first step towards unlocking the mysteries of your Kundali, and discover the transformative power of astrology in your life.
  1. Benefits of Free Pandit Ji Astrology Consultations
The art of astrology has been a revered and ancient practice in Indian culture, offering individuals a profound understanding of their life’s journey, personality, and future. By unlocking the secrets of one’s kundali, or birth chart, individuals can gain valuable insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and potential. In this era of rapid change and uncertainty, seeking the guidance of a learned pandit ji can provide a sense of clarity and direction.
The benefits of free pandit ji astrology consultations are multifaceted. Not only do they offer a unique opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of one’s life, but they also provide a chance to receive personalized advice and guidance from a wise and experienced pandit ji. With a free consultation, individuals can gain a better understanding of their:
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2024.05.18 07:36 Taylors3000 [Opinion] Initial thoughts on 5th Edition

Long post ahead! While I’m aware we haven’t seen everything yet, I wanted to share my thoughts on what we have seen, as well as my hopes for what has yet to be revealed.
Right off the bat it’s sad seeing two characters cut from the game, but this is somewhat rectified upon seeing the quality of the minis this go-around. 4th edition’s minis left a lot to be desired, and while I can’t judge them fully until I see them in person, 5th edition seems to have vastly improved them. What disappoints me more is seeing the lineup being taken straight from 4th edition. While I expected some veterans to return, I was also hoping to see some different faces, either being brand new or ones only featured in previous expansions. To expound on this point, the character stats and abilities are virtually identical to 4th edition. I don’t expect a game like this to ever be “balanced”, but as a player I was hoping to see the characters get different abilities to make this edition feel fresh. As it stands, you could just use your 4th edition character cards and play just fine, which I suppose could be considered a good or bad thing depending on who you ask.
The nerf to the toad has me feeling mixed. I feel that it’s a case of overcorrecting from an overreaction. Toadification was an infamously punishing mechanic, so much so that it shaped part of Talisman’s identity. Ask anyone who’s ever played a single game of Talisman what they remember about the game, and almost all will say the Toad. And that’s because it’s brutal! That being said, I was in agreement it was *too* punishing, and could use some tweeks. This game made 2 changes to the mechanic (Lasting only 1 turn, and not losing your objects and followers), but I feel that only one of these should have been chosen. Having both basically makes the toad a slightly more annoying “lose a turn”.
If I were to personally balance the toad, I would do the following:
-The toad still lasts 3 turns
-You don’t lose any followers
-You lose all your objects and gold, BUT if you have a mule it can carry 4 objects for you
-If you defeat any creature or character in combat, the curse immediately breaks
The Board-
Honestly I have nothing negative to say about the board design. The art looks great, and the information is displayed eloquently. I love how drawing cards and rolling dice is represented by symbols instead of text. The Ferryman offering rides to the middle region is a great addition, and helps make gold more useful. No longer being enslaved at the temple is an okay change, though I feel they should have just nerfed it to “Lose 1 turn” instead, as outright removing it loses some of the charm the space had. I’m quite sad that the Warlock deck hasn’t made a return, as I was hopeful it would become a staple. The vanilla Warlock’s cave is just begging to be replaced.
The Ending-
Changing the ending to a boss fight is something I’m indifferent towards. My only gripe is that it doesn’t seem the crown of command is in the game as an alternate ending. Actually one of my hopes with this game would be it included a few endings right from the start, without the need to buy expansions or print them out. But as for the ending we have, I hope the dragon has a bit more depth than just a standard Talisman enemy.
The Adventure cards-
There’s a lot to unpack here. On the one hand, I appreciate the cards being full-sized now. But on the other hand, their designs seem kinda dull. Something about the white backgrounds just makes the cards feel cheap looking by default. And having the illustration be regulated to a window on the card defeats the purpose of having bigger cards in the first place. Talisman has always had wonderful illustrations for their card art, but they were so small they couldn’t be fully appreciated. While technically bigger now, they add further insult by slapping the card name ON the illustration. It really feels like one step forward, two steps back. And God do I *detest* the placement of the encounter numbers. They were in the bottom corner for a reason, so you can stack them in an orderly fashion while clearly seeing what was coming next. Now if you did the same thing they’d take up a ton of space while also looking atrocious. Horrible design choice.
And that’s just the card designs. I’m quite sad to see that keywords aren’t making a return (I’m talking words like “Trinket” or “Cursed”). 4th edition was more than just the base game, and I was hopeful that more design elements from the expansions would be incorporated into the base game. For example the bandit being a “Monster” as opposed to an “Outlaw” seems so unnecessary. We also haven’t seen a single non-base edition adventure card yet. I’m left wondering if there’s anything in the deck that wasn’t in base 4th edition.
I’m pretty happy with the changes to Talismans here. I always thought Talismans would be a good fit to be trinkets, seeing as they were represented as necklaces in artwork. I do wish like with the adventure cards they were *called* trinkets. Not being able to drop them is an interesting twist though. I can’t think of a gameplay reason they would impose such a rule, perhaps a balancing quirk in the playtesting? But I was hopeful that they would have taken notes from the Cataclysm expansion and added abilities to them.
The components-
-Seeing toads regulated to cardboard is quite sad, but I feel it falls in line with the drop in characters. To keep the price down (In this economy) sacrifices need to be made. It doesn’t bother me since I have my 4th edition toads to use, but I totally understand this being a sticking point for players who don’t have them.
-I can’t be sure, but it *seems* like fate tokens are divided into different dark and light chips. And every player in the promo picture opted for dark fate. It makes me wonder if this is actually dark/light fate, or a new mechanic.
-Alliance cards are tokens now, and have a convenient place on the character card. I like this change a lot, but I’m also hoping the back of these tokens have neutral alignment (And there’ll be ways to actually turn neutral in base game).
-Tee-pee stat tokens are back, which is a bit of a bummer since I was hoping they would have upgraded to stat wheels like most modern games.
Final thoughts-
If you read all of the above, you can probably tell that I was hoping that a 5th edition of Talisman would learn from all the expansions 4th edition added. While I never expected things like corner boards or NPC pieces, I was hoping for easy-to-implement changes like alternate endings, keywords, better enemy classifications, warlock cards, a day-night card, etc. Instead it feels like the expansions were outright ignored during the entire design process. If it wasn’t in base game, it's not here. I’m curious if that was a decision by Avalon Hill, or Games Workshop. I’m sure there will be those who’d prefer the game stick as close to 4th edition as possible, but for me this game feels like it’ll be edition 4.5 as opposed to 5th. I still plan on getting it and already preordered it. And as a big house-rule and homebrew fan, most of the things I complained about can easily be tweaked and altered to my liking. In the end, I’m just happy Talisman is returning!
submitted by Taylors3000 to Talisman [link] [comments]