Cute note to leave girlfriend


2023.08.05 16:32 manbuckets2001 GetNoted

A place where people say something but get proved otherwise by community notes on Twitter (X)

2010.02.19 17:00 sketchampm Rabbits: the intelligent, loving, and often misunderstood pet

/rabbits is an open community where users can learn, share cute pictures, or ask questions about rabbits. Please note we are a *pet rabbit* community that discourages breeding and encourages rescue.

2010.10.25 08:58 someprimetime Life Pro Tips

Tips that improve your life in one way or another.

2024.05.28 00:42 EvidenceSecret1929 Read for Read

Greetings fellow readers!
I know this is a long shot but I have recently came back from a long hiatus on Wattpad and I was looking through my books in writing and I thought I would see if any of you guys could read it and leave a comment on there or send some feedback (nothing nasty) about what you think of it so far and what I should do to improve it. Please note that there is only 3 chapters published but the was 2 parts in between as author updates(if that makes sense??)
Please understand that I wrote this during covid lock down and then it was abandoned for a time due to other ideas coming forward. But I hope someone likes it and thank you for your time!
My Wattpad username is : amme241
And the book is question is : The Battle Of Wit's
submitted by EvidenceSecret1929 to Wattpad [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:42 ImOnCovidsSide My Therapist Told Me To Buy A Grief Doll. Now I Regret It Part 1

“It’s called a grief doll” Dr. Ramos said.
I stared at him like he’d grown a second head.
“A what?” I asked.
I’d agreed to this session to get my mother off my back. Provided, of course, that she also foot the bill. And, truth be told, it hadn’t been an easy couple of months. The word “stillbirth” sounds a lot more peaceful than the reality of it all. You get all the same blood and screaming as a regular birth but with none of the joy afterwards. Things are, I guess, “still,” in a way. The silence of the grave.
“I know it’s a little unconventional,” Dr. Ramos said. “But, there’s been some really solid research to back it up recently. My colleague down in Camden–”
I cut him off. “You want me to buy a lifesized recreation of the dead baby that I just gave birth to?”
He looked slightly chastened by this. “I want you to process what happened, Mary. It can help. Look, if what you were already doing was working you wouldn’t be coming here, right?”
I sighed. “Alright. You’re the doctor. Who am I to argue with science?”
We talked a bit more after that, but it’s not really worth recounting here.
The next day I went to the address Dr. Ramos had texted me. It was a little building tucked away downtown between the huge tech skyscrapers and offices. When I walked in, the owner, a short man with a scruffy beard, smiled at me and said “You must be Mary.”
I nodded.
“Would you like to sit down? Do you want anything to drink? Anything to eat?”
I shook my head. “I don’t really want to stay here any longer than I have to, if that’s alright with you,” I said to the Rasputin-looking gentleman sitting behind the desk.
“I get it,” he said, nodding gravely. “People come here to get away from something, not to settle down. Do you have the pictures?”
I took them out of my bag. It had been quite a while since I’d needed to get photographs printed out. Ever since the world had gone digital we’ve all become allergic to paper.
“Here they are,” I said to him. These would serve as the model for the doll. He reached out and took them from me, examining them carefully.
“I think I’ve got what I need. I will let you know if I need anything more,” he said, stroking his long beard hypnotically.
I left and drove home. It was a quiet ride. Much more quiet than I’d been used to. Ever since Tim had left there were these little dead spaces throughout the day. He used to fill car rides with excited chatter about protons and leptons and all the -ons he got to work with as a physicist.
My brain had begun to fill these spaces with grim reflections on the past and future:
It’s your fault.
You don’t deserve a baby.
This is God’s way of telling you that you don’t deserve to be alive.
Over and over again these thoughts would run through my mind like the world’s most depressing tape recorder. Vicious, hateful, unbelievable things kept popping into my head as I drove the short distance home, making the trip feel far longer than it actually was.
I had taken to staring at the ceiling and crying myself to sleep most nights. The big, empty house felt suffocating at 3 AM, like all the open space was sucking the air out of my lungs every time I opened my mouth. This had been the way I spent most nights since the stillbirth. I tried to fill the silence any way I could. At all hours of the night, one could hear my TV blaring or my phone playing some podcast or another. Anything to avoid the little dead spaces between one task and the next.
But it was most difficult of all when I tried to sleep. I saw images of my little girl when I closed my eyes. I saw the blood and heard my own screams when it became clear that she would never take a breath. There were also subtler forms of self-inflicted torture.
Exactly one month after the worst day of my life, I came home from work to find Tim’s things cleaned out and a note on the kitchen table. It read:
“I’m sorry Mary. I can’t imagine how hard this month has been for you, but every day I stay here is like a knife to the heart. You’re just so sad and I can’t take it anymore.”
That phrase “You’re just so sad” played in a loop in my mind’s ear.
Eventually, I won the battle against consciousness. It was a fitful, restless sleep pregnant with terrible things. I felt like I’d lived an entire life come morning. I dreamt that I’d held little Sarah in my hands, that I’d been able to feed her from my own body just like I’d wanted to do for so many years. But as I held her against my chest she melted into a puddle of flesh and blood, yet never ceased to suck, to draw whatever life she could from me, and I was desperate to give it to her. Eventually, she was little more than eyes in a puddle of fleshy blood, staring at me from the ground and whispering “Why didn’t you save me, Mama?”
I woke with a start. Never, not once in my life, had I experienced a dream like this. I sat huddled in my bedsheets, shaking with tears as I saw the image of my melted little girl swirling around on the floor, asking why I hadn’t helped her. Reality seeped back in stages, penetrating the veil of sadness, and shocking me to my feet with the blaring intensity of my phone’s alarm. It was always turned up to full volume because anything lower risked my sleep-addled mind resisting its call to return from the deep. It had always been difficult to tear myself from the land of dreams, and more so after my life began to feel like a nightmare. But lately, sleep offered little respite.
I pulled on my clothes, brushed my hair so that it was halfway presentable, and poured myself a bowl of oatmeal. It was a gray, soggy pile at the bottom of my bowl. In a flash of unwanted connection, my brain superimposed the image of little melted Sarah onto my field of view. I nearly vomited into my bowl, but just then there was a knock on my door.
“Package,” the deep baritone on the other end intoned.
I opened the door and saw the mailman walking away. It occurred to me that nothing was stopping me from asking him out now that Tim had wandered out of my life. But, immediately, my brain stepped in to fill in the blanks:
Why would he want someone like you?
What the hell is wrong with you?
I don’t even want you and I am you.
These thoughts came as easily as my breath, and I had long since stopped trying to challenge them. In all likelihood, they were right. I picked up the package and saw that it was the grief doll. As soon as I got home from work I’d figure out what the hell I was supposed to do with the thing.
As I stepped into the bathroom, the mirror joined my inner voice in confirming my lack of romantic prospects. Deep, black circles formed rings under my eyes. Deeper wrinkles stood out on my forehead and my double chin and – was that a gray hair? Already? Immediately, the thoughts returned.
You’ll be dead at 50 by this rate.
The world won’t miss you.
Why not make it tomorrow?
Again, these suggestions were difficult to challenge with the evidence inches from my eyes.
It was hard to care about work. Even at the best of times, it hadn’t been the most fulfilling job in the world, but these days my cubicle felt like a tomb. My job was to call people who had filled out negative reviews for the phone company (I’m sure you know which one, but it’s probably best to leave that unsaid) and ask why.
This was a doubly depressing task because it was both neverending and pointless. How many times in the past month have you picked up a call from a number you didn’t recognize? I’m guessing the answer is lower than one. Almost nobody picked up, and those who did invariably did one of two things: hang up instantly upon realizing who I was or scream invective at me that I would hesitate before repeating to the devil himself.
One particularly creative gentleman suggested I fold myself in half seventeen times to create a black hole and then have intercourse with said hole while my company’s headquarters were sucked into the event horizon. Points for creativity. Deductions for misogyny. Although, in fairness to the man, I have no trouble believing he’d have said something similar to a male rep.
That day only two people picked up. One hung up immediately. The other launched into a tirade of such intensity and fervor that I was worried he wouldn’t make it to the end of the call.
“And another thing!” the man shouted as I quietly ate a sandwich on the other end. “Your website looks like it was designed by some rock monkey with shit for brains and feet for hands!” he screamed at me. This was an insult I hadn’t heard before. Variations on it appeared with some regularity, sometimes with racial overtones. I’m not entirely sure why this was, given that I had no accent identifying me as anything other than white, and in fact I wasn’t. The assumption seemed to be that because I worked in customer service I must be Indian. This leap in logic went unquestioned by a surprising number of my conversation partners. The average consumer of cellular services in this country is a few rocks short of an avalanche themself.
“I’m sorry that our services did not meet your quality and reliability expectations,” I said dryly, reading from the part of the script labeled “negative responses.”
“And I’m sorry that you people haven’t gone back to where you come from!” the man shouted.
“I’m from Omaha sir,” I said.
“Where you’re really from!” he shouted back.
“I’m really from Omaha sir,’ I responded tiredly. “And so is my father and his father, and before that we came over from England.” This prompted a string of racial epithets I’d rather not repeat. The rest of the day went like this, and after a while I defaulted to flatly repeating “I'm sorry that our services did not meet your quality and reliability expectations.”
My faith in humanity dimmed with each passing call. I decided to slip out at 4:00. I figured no one would notice. I figured right.
submitted by ImOnCovidsSide to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:41 One_Stop_6666 Dear Mr Wolf

Dear Mr Wolf
You were malnourished and skinny when I found you Maggots and fleas riddled in your matted black fur Your paw pads cracked and rubbed raw I’d never seen a wolf so close to death before.
The wolves I’d seen were strong, fierce, and very, very skilled hunters. Some described them as Apex predators. You, however, couldn’t even breathe right. To me, you were no predator and that’s where I went wrong.
“Are you OK?” I asked, my ears twitched, and my hooves shivered as I drew nearer, my curiosity getting the better of me.
“Hungry…” was all you could muster through your labored breaths
Feeling pity for you, I offer you my untouched flesh. It hurt the first time you sank your canines into me, but at least I was helping you…
My venison gave you plenty of energy to recover little by little, so I kept allowing you to nibble at my bones, chew on my ears, and gnaw at my neck. It was never not painful. In fact, I hadn’t realized how much of me you’d actually consumed. But then you saw her…
Miss rabbit
Her soft white coat looked comforting and cute. Her eyes were exotic with lashes that fluttered. Her limbs were elegant and slim.
I know my antlers weren’t perfect nor my pelt pristine. Yet I was the one who gave you a life again, sacrificed parts of me so you could heal. I’d picked the parasites off your back and allowed you to mutilate me for your benefit. My meat could offer you way more sustenance than hers ever could! You wouldn’t choose her over me surely? Right?
Oh… but you did… didn’t you?
You used up all that energy I provided you with my body parts and wasted it on chasing her!
When I finally caught up with you, you’d once again hunched over in exhaustion and the only sign of Miss Rabbit was a couple of clumps of milky fur stuck to your gums.
“Why? Why her and not me? Am I not tasty enough? My meat too tough?” I asked you
“No…” you replied, “she was just too beautiful, more beautiful compared to you”. Your words hurt more than your teeth had ever
“And yet now you're back to where you started… how I found you”, I sobbed, watching your small weak frame collapse right back down to the ground.
“Hungry” you muttered, licking your lips, but no! Not this time! I wasn’t going to answer your cry for help.
“You’ve had your chance, I would’ve died for you, but you never truly wanted me” and with that I trotted off, leaving you to stare. All I heard from behind me was your panicked cries.
Despite all the scars you have given me, I was the one to survive! To live! To learn! And I have done so now for many, many years, unlike you…
Goodbye, Mr Wolf I hope you enjoyed Miss Rabbit while she lasted.
Love Miss Deer Xx
submitted by One_Stop_6666 to creativewriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:40 One_Stop_6666 Dear Mr Wolf

Dear Mr Wolf
You were malnourished and skinny when I found you Maggots and fleas riddled in your matted black fur Your paw pads cracked and rubbed raw I’d never seen a wolf so close to death before.
The wolves I’d seen were strong, fierce, and very, very skilled hunters. Some described them as Apex predators. You, however, couldn’t even breathe right. To me, you were no predator and that’s where I went wrong.
“Are you OK?” I asked, my ears twitched, and my hooves shivered as I drew nearer, my curiosity getting the better of me.
“Hungry…” was all you could muster through your labored breaths
Feeling pity for you, I offer you my untouched flesh. It hurt the first time you sank your canines into me, but at least I was helping you…
My venison gave you plenty of energy to recover little by little, so I kept allowing you to nibble at my bones, chew on my ears, and gnaw at my neck. It was never not painful. In fact, I hadn’t realized how much of me you’d actually consumed. But then you saw her…
Miss rabbit
Her soft white coat looked comforting and cute. Her eyes were exotic with lashes that fluttered. Her limbs were elegant and slim.
I know my antlers weren’t perfect nor my pelt pristine. Yet I was the one who gave you a life again, sacrificed parts of me so you could heal. I’d picked the parasites off your back and allowed you to mutilate me for your benefit. My meat could offer you way more sustenance than hers ever could! You wouldn’t choose her over me surely? Right?
Oh… but you did… didn’t you?
You used up all that energy I provided you with my body parts and wasted it on chasing her!
When I finally caught up with you, you’d once again hunched over in exhaustion and the only sign of Miss Rabbit was a couple of clumps of milky fur stuck to your gums.
“Why? Why her and not me? Am I not tasty enough? My meat too tough?” I asked you
“No…” you replied, “she was just too beautiful, more beautiful compared to you”. Your words hurt more than your teeth had ever
“And yet now you're back to where you started… how I found you”, I sobbed, watching your small weak frame collapse right back down to the ground.
“Hungry” you muttered, licking your lips, but no! Not this time! I wasn’t going to answer your cry for help.
“You’ve had your chance, I would’ve died for you, but you never truly wanted me” and with that I trotted off, leaving you to stare. All I heard from behind me was your panicked cries.
Despite all the scars you have given me, I was the one to survive! To live! To learn! And I have done so now for many, many years, unlike you…
Goodbye, Mr Wolf I hope you enjoyed Miss Rabbit while she lasted.
Love Miss Deer Xx
submitted by One_Stop_6666 to letters [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:38 just_smile181 Annoying uncle is making my life hell

I (18F) live with my parents and my younger sister. I have a few friends a majority being male as i only recently let my guard down to befriending females after more than a decade of bullying in both primary and highschool.
One day me and one of my male friends were walking home. We walked to the bus station which isaround 3 to 4 bus stops away instead of waiting at the bus stop near the school as my friend just broke up with his girlfriend at the time and wanted to talk about it to me as i was the only person available to listen to his frustration. At no point did me and this friend hold hands or hug or have any physical interaction.
At some piont in time in our journey this uncle who is my dads friend saw us when he was driving to work. The uncle calls my dad and says that i am walking with a boy. I wasn't there to hear the phone call but when my parents told me they described it as him asking alot of questions about me and the friend and asking intrusive questions like if we were dating. My parents made a big fight because of this phone call they state that they were embarrassed listening to this uncle and that they want me to change my ways so that no one call them like that again.
I felt embarrassed myself and told my friend who was with me what happened. I then had to meet this uncle later to sign a document to get my provisional licence as the uncle is an accountant. Within that interaction i just gave blunt answers and tried to leave as quickly as I can he tried to make small talk but i would ignore it.
A week later his car got totalled in the road from my house and i took in his daughter (9F) for the rest of the evening while he and his wife dealt with the police. I explained to her what happened and described the car crash like kids in a corridor. Don’t worry the uncle was fine not a scratch. I told the friend mentioned previously and decided it as karma for what he did to me.
Later on he fules a fight between me and my parents which is mentioned on a previous post of mine. I had a panic attack because of the unjust output.
If that wasn't enough he would tell my parents and me where he last saw me which now feels intrusive. Like when he last came to our house after dropping his daughter to a tutorial in the building next to my house. He sat down my mum offered him a tea and when he said that he saw me earlier that day walk out of subway with two boxes in my hands. When i asked him why he is telling me he looks at my parent and ask why i was allowed to go out alone. I told my mum i was going to subway to buy nachos for me and my sister and my mum and dad were perfectly fine with it as they know i am responsible. My mum explains that i wanted to buy subway for me and my sister and hence i went.
When my mum asks me to help with the dishes today when this uncle was in the house. The uncle ask my mum "oh she does housework i didn't expect her to know that" apparently he pitied whoever my future husband will. My mum proudly tells him that i do a lot of the household work and tells him my achievements. The uncle then would proceed to compare me to children my age or younger that he knows. At some point i just wanted to yell at him to leave but instead i chose to sing really loud and make as much noise with the dishes until he left.
Now i don't want to see him or his family near me as his words just make my blood boil.
submitted by just_smile181 to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:38 Roxolena Entity in Letchworth NY

Things we’re hoping to get from this post:
• Some identification help - where could we start looking to figure out what this thing might be? • Has anyone else experienced this?
What we experienced 5/25:
• Shadowy hunched dog-like figure out on the railroad tracks. • Buzzing of bees like they were swarming, but somewhere off in the distance. • Cow manure smell at the trail head • Sound of flock of birds fighting overhead off in the distance. • Dogs growling the same distance away as birds. • Dog & bird sounds eventually combined to create intense white noise effect. • Gradually got closer, louder, and more violent sounding. • Overwhelming sense of fear, felt threatened. • Brush rustling, but when we looked, there wasn’t actually any movement. • Eerily quiet, sometimes punctuated by distressed animal calls (chipmunk chorus of scared chipmunks, which feels silly to describe, crow calls as well) • Few people on the trail all turned around before they approached the path where the bird/ dog sounds were heard. • Hairs on my arm stood up on the side where the dog/bird & bee sounds were coming from. • The woods felt off - trail was dimly lit, but it would always seem like there would be an open brightly lit field off in the distance we could never get to. Temperature was colder than rest of the park.
Narrative - what actually happened in sequential order
We decided to go on trail #2 up by the train bridge. My partner had been on the trail before two years ago and experienced something inexplicable and I offered to go on the trail with him to see if it would happen again.
As we were going up the steep head of the trail, I heard the swarming bee sound suddenly and smelled cow manure. I pointed out both, but my partner only smelled the cow manure. We continued on deeper into the trail. Eventually the tree cover made the trail darker and the landscape shifted from being open and sunny to deeply forested pretty quickly. The area was very pretty and seemed innocuous. The swarming bee sound followed me as we went in, however, which I kept noting to my partner. The hairs on my arm that were closest to the bee sounds (my left) started to stand up. I noticed this, but didn’t give it a lot of thought.
We passed another couple that was taking pictures of the plants and moved on. They didn’t look at us and we left them to their business.
Later on as we were walking, to the right, I heard a booming near the train tracks and as I started to look over is when I saw out of my peripheral vision a dog shaped creature, oddly hunched, running up towards the tracks, but disappearing over them before I could see it face-on. I didn’t say anything to my partner, assuming it was nothing.
We came to a fork and I asked my partner which direction he’d heard the birds/ dog growling noises before and we took the right fork, which landed us on a section of trail that looked more like a service road. We followed the service road until we were maybe a mile into the trail altogether.
At this point, I noticed a trail to the left and perpendicular to the service road that went back towards what appeared to be a sunny field off in the distance. We went about 100ft in before I noticed the angry bird flock noises off in the distance. I pointed this out to my partner and once he heard it too, recognized it and we turned around to get out of there.
Partner’s past experience 2yrs ago
My former partner and I went down the service road and heard the dogs barking/ growling off in the distance. I assumed it was a camp site in the clearing to the left and the birds and dogs were having a bad time and aggravating each other.
We continued on even though we heard these noises, we brushed them off.
As we were coming back down the service road, the noise began to get louder and closer. It soon sounded like it was coming from the top of the trees directly above us. That’s when we began to hear rustling in the brush next to us and the growling/ barking became more violent and threatening sounding. When both noises were practically on top of us, we started sprinting the rest of the way down the trail. As we were running away, the noise seemed to fall behind us. When we got to the end of the service road, it got gradually quieter until we couldn’t hear it anymore.
Back to the recent experience
As soon as we cleared the service road, the bird sounds were completely gone. I heard the buzzing a bit off in the distance, but it faded.
We got closer to the railroad and my partner and I heard the booming by the railroad again. He looked over and told me he saw some creature bounding behind the railroad tracks for just a moment. It was dark brown, almost black. He also told me that it looked dog shaped, with a hunched back and smooth fur. It didn’t look like a dog, but was definitely furry. When he told me this, I told him then I had seen it earlier, but didn’t say anything before because I had dismissed it. When he said he saw the same thing, this seemed pretty important at this point.
We kept walking quickly through the rest of the trail while we were talking about our experience when we heard a chipmunk doing his distress call. Suddenly, it multiplied to three of them, and then to quite a few more, maybe 8 or so. One crow started cawing above us loudly at this point. We walked quickly past this.
As we were leaving the trail, we saw another couple coming on the trail. This couple acknowledged us and we said polite hellos. The fellow seemed a bit disconcerted, the lady seemed happy, but we passed each other and said nothing else. As we were at the top of the hill leading back to the trailhead where I’d first heard the bees and smelled the cow manure, we heard a third booming sound by the tracks. We both looked over, but didn’t see anything and quickly went down the hill quickly to get out of there.
Circling back to question at hand
That’s the end of it, but we could definitely use some help figuring out what this thing might be and if anyone else has experienced something like this? We looked online and in some books, but couldn’t find anything similar to this situation. Thoughts? Help?
Thanks for reading all the way through this if ya did!
submitted by Roxolena to ParanormalEncounters [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:37 One_Stop_6666 Dear Mr Wolf

You were malnourished and skinny when I found you Maggots and fleas riddled in your matted black fur Your paw pads cracked and rubbed raw I’d never seen a wolf so close to death before.
The wolves I’d seen were strong, fierce, and very, very skilled hunters. Some described them as Apex predators. You, however, couldn’t even breathe right. To me, you were no predator and that’s where I went wrong.
“Are you OK?” I asked, my ears twitched, and my hooves shivered as I drew nearer, my curiosity getting the better of me.
“Hungry…” was all you could muster through your labored breaths
Feeling pity for you, I offer you my untouched flesh. It hurt the first time you sank your canines into me, but at least I was helping you…
My venison gave you plenty of energy to recover little by little, so I kept allowing you to nibble at my bones, chew on my ears, and gnaw at my neck. It was never not painful. In fact, I hadn’t realized how much of me you’d actually consumed. But then you saw her…
Miss rabbit
Her soft white coat looked comforting and cute. Her eyes were exotic with lashes that fluttered. Her limbs were elegant and slim.
I know my antlers weren’t perfect nor my pelt pristine. Yet I was the one who gave you a life again, sacrificed parts of me so you could heal. I’d picked the parasites off your back and allowed you to mutilate me for your benefit. My meat could offer you way more sustenance than hers ever could! You wouldn’t choose her over me surely? Right?
Oh… but you did… didn’t you?
You used up all that energy I provided you with my body parts and wasted it on chasing her!
When I finally caught up with you, you’d once again hunched over in exhaustion and the only sign of Miss Rabbit was a couple of clumps of milky fur stuck to your gums.
“Why? Why her and not me? Am I not tasty enough? My meat too tough?” I asked you
“No…” you replied, “she was just too beautiful, more beautiful compared to you”. Your words hurt more than your teeth had ever
“And yet now you're back to where you started… how I found you”, I sobbed, watching your small weak frame collapse right back down to the ground.
“Hungry” you muttered, licking your lips, but no! Not this time! I wasn’t going to answer your cry for help.
“You’ve had your chance, I would’ve died for you, but you never truly wanted me” and with that I trotted off, leaving you to stare. All I heard from behind me was your panicked cries.
Despite all the scars you have given me, I was the one to survive! To live! To learn! And I have done so now for many, many years, unlike you…
Goodbye, Mr Wolf I hope you enjoyed Miss Rabbit while she lasted.
Love Miss Deer Xx
submitted by One_Stop_6666 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:37 317isherewon 3:15 AM

I always had this weird story I wanted to get off my chest. But until recently I never got a chance to. But anyway, this all happened two years ago one year after my sister died. After I got out of college I needed a place to stay before I could find a job. So I moved back in with my parents.
Now one thing you have to know about my parents is that they own an Airbnb. And they were currently renting my old childhood room to someone who I couldn’t remember what his name was. But anyway I was staying in my recently late sister's old room which had an old pink TV from the 90s if I remember correctly.
Now it felt kinda of sad to see the room was stripped of its girly decor. but the pink TV was still there unplugged. I plugged it in because there was nothing else to do for the day. So I thought that I could watch some reruns of shows I used to watch as a kid to quell the time. So I took out some old VHS tapes including one unlabed from a box hidden under the bed.
But even though I plugged it in and turned it on with the pink remote it would not turn on! I thought that age must have caught up to it so I was a little bummed out. So without anything to do, I went to bed early that day.
As I was sleeping at 3:15 AM I heard the TV bolt-on it woke me up for I was not yet entranced into slumber. And well on the TV, I could see it was playing a video of the room I was in!
But it wasn’t a prerecorded video it was footage of me in that moment Illuminated only by the glow of the TV. I raised my hand and at that moment, the me on the TV raised their hand!
I was a little taken aback by this but when my alarm clock hit 3:16 AM the TV shut off leaving me back in the dark. The rest of the night was Normal.
When I woke up the next as I was eating breakfast with my mom reminiscing about the old days over some eggs and toast. I told my mom about it. She turned to me once pleasant now cold and in a matter-of-fact voice said
“stop making things up Matt!”
Before she then left the kitchen to go talk with my dad in the other room. Now although that was an odd response I felt like she was kinda right. I mean I could have just dreamed it.
But then the next night as I was sleeping at 3:15 AM I heard the TV turn on again. This time however I decided to record this with my phone so I could have some proof about the TV turning on!
But although I was recording it the Phone could not pick up footage of the TV being on! Even when I turned the Lights on there the phone still showed it as if it was not on! Then as the clock struck 3:15 AM. the TV turned off. So now even more confused than before I turned the TV off and went to bed.
The next day I got out of bed and walked in on my parents talking about the person who was in my room Airbnbing saying odd things like how Cubbey he is and how they need better supplies. But when they saw me they quickly changed the subject and asked how I was doing!
I was going to bring up the TV again but remembered that my mom was upset at me for bringing it up so I decided to keep my mouth shut! After that, I spent most of the day job searching on my laptop. Then at night, I decided to wait for it to become 3:15. And once it did instead of being greeted by the sight of my room. I saw text appear on the TV!
“Matt is that you?”
I was taken aback by this because how could the TV know my name? But I replied.
“Umm yes.”
The TV took a moment to respond before saying.
“Are you okay?”
I was confused but said.
“Yes, I think I am?”
The TV said back to me!
“Could you do something for me?”
I asked back.
But by then it was 3:16 so the TV was cut off before it could answer! So once again I was left in the dark with more questions than before. Like how does it know my name, and what does it want?”
But knowing that I’ll have to wait for tomorrow I went to sleep. After waking up the next day I noticed that my Parents seem to not be fully awake! So I asked them what they were up to. My dad told me they were taking care of the Airbnb guy last night before my mom glared at him and he shut up!
My mom then asked me!
“So when are you moving out son?”
I was taken aback by this! And asked her concernedly!
My mom then told me in a tired but calm voice!
“Because we will need your room for another client!”
I was a little bit annoyed by this because I had not found a job yet and also wanted to find out more from the TV. So I told them.
“I’m not quite sure yet, to be honest!”
So she told me.
“At the end of the week okay!”
Now because of this deadline, I called a friend who lived a few miles from town to ask if I could stay over till I find a job! They were super chill and said,
“yeah for as long as you want.”
So for the rest of the day, I packed up some of my things. But unfortunately, because I did not have the strength to finish packing I decided to wait until morning to finish packing. So I went to bed.
At 3:15 the TV turned on I saw the text again saying
“Are you awake Matt?”
I exhaustedly said back.
The TV then said to me
“Remember how I said I wanted you to do something for me?”
I said back with a bit more energy.
“Yeah, what is it?”
The TV then asked me.
“Could you take the unlabeled VHS tape and show it to someone anyone but our parents!”
At that moment when I read “our parents” something just occurred to me. Who is using this TV to talk to me? I then asked the TV one more question.
“Who are you?”
The TV then said to me.
“You don’t remember me!”
It then cut to the video of the same room with me in it only this time it was different! For hanging above me was my sister! She hung like the night she died by what we thought was suicide! She is now above me dead as she was found by my parents!
I just screamed!
I must have awoken my parents for they were the only ones that came for me! And they were the only ones in that house who heard me scream. They ran into my room yelling.
“Matt, what’s wrong?”
I pointed at the TV showing my dead sister on it they should have seen it! But they didn’t. Instead, they just said to me now angry.
“Why are you screaming at your sister’s old TV it’s not even on!”
They then started to lecture me about how I disturbed them for no reason. But I could not pay attention because the tv was now telling me something.
“If you don’t leave now you’ll end up like me!”
After my parents unplugged the TV and took it out of the room. I now completely unable to fall asleep decided that this was a warning to get out now! So I finished packing up my things and then I remembered to take the unlabeled VHS tape so I grabbed that too.
And ran out of the house to take the nearest bus to my friend’s house! As I was running to the bus stop could see my parents walk into my room holding some rope.
Luckily I got to my bus in time so for the next few weeks I and my friend would reminisce about our youths and life in general! As I would try to find a job. But then at the beginning of the next week. As I was sleeping my friend woke me up! I asked him.
“Why did you wake me up?”
my friend told me very concerned!
“You the police are here and they want you!”
I was taken aback by this because why would the police want me? But I got out of bed and went to talk with them. One of the officers said to me!
“Are you Matt?”
I told the officer.
“Yes, I am!”
Then the other officer told me.
“We’re here to tell you about your parents!”
I was relieved that it wasn’t me they wanted but concerned as to what they were telling me about my parents. So I asked.
“What for?”
The officer then explained that the guy who was Airbnbing at my parent's house was missing and that they wanted me to tell them what happened at their house when he disappeared! As they were telling me that I thought of the unlabeled VHS tape. Something was telling me to play it.
So I asked the officers if I could do something real quick. So I got the VHS out from my backpack and put it in my friend's old VSR. and for a majored of the tape, it was just old nostalgic memories of me and my sister playing.
It was honestly hard to watch knowing what happened to her!
Then near the end of it, I saw an odd part it showed her with a distressed look and tone on the night she supposedly killed herself! She was talking into it saying.
“Hello if anyone was watching this I am going to be found dead, I just want you all to know that the people who are about to kill me are my parents! If you find this, please tell anyone that their Airbnb business is a disguise for them to murder their clients”
Oh my god, I thought they killed her. Then I remembered that my parents had gone back to my room with a rope. That just made me feel even worse!
Then the tape cuts to a scene of my sister struggling to get herself free from a noose as my Mom berated her calling her a little rat! As my dad was writing the suicide note that we found near her dead body!
She struggled from 3:15 tile she died at 3:16!
submitted by 317isherewon to creepypasta [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:36 Betty-Adams Humans are Weird – Striking a Pose

Humans are Weird – Striking a Pose

Humans are Weird – Striking a Pose

Original Post:
The third tide of the lunch shift was at it’s peat before Shiftssubtly managed to get clearance from the Shatar medic to move about the base on his own. It was not that he minded the presence of the nurses. The Shatar Brothers were both kind and loving to an almost unusual degree. The human nurse, Damian, somehow managed to find that perfect balance between formal propriety and saccharine affection that many humans missed when faced with an injured Undulate. No, the nurses were fine, he was just delighted to be well enough to move about on his own power, even if the lingering effects of the cold damage make him clumsy and more than half deaf.
He bumped into the wall of the stream as he misjudged the current and scrambled to grab onto the portal to the cafeteria before he was swept away and had to circle the base currents again. He was dimly aware that someone nudged him gently from behind and he popped through the portal, into the confusing bustle of the cafeteria. He hesitated a moment as he listened for the voice that would be familiar but muted, like all other sounds, he finally caught the thread of Human Friend Jock’s voice and happily began to swim towards it.
Human Friend Jock was sitting at one of the recessed tables. He bare feet dangling down into the water, swinging back and forth in the idle motion that all human feet seemed to indulge in when suspended off the ground. The human was laughing at something another human had said when Shiftssubtly came up to him. Shiftssubtly did not have time to make himself known before Human Friend Jock spotted him and gave a sudden joyful sound.
“Shifts!” Human Friend Jock cried out. “Second Sister finally let you out of the medical tank?”
“She did,” Shiftssubtly confirmed.
He tried not to wince at the sound of his own voice. He had spent so many rotations mastering the subtly of a human vocal range. Now he could tell that his voice was flat and emotionless. He wouldn’t have minded so much, but even through the haze of his damaged perceptions he could see Human Friend Jock wince in sympathetic pain as the sound reminded him of the danger Shiftssubtly had been in.
“And I have used my new freedom to seek out you,” Shiftssubtly went on, deliberately guiding the conversation into a new, more productive current.
“Well here I am little buddy,” Human Friend Jock said with a wide grin and spreading his arms out to exposed his core as much as possible. “What can I do for you?”
Shiftssubtly had been told that that was a sign of trust. Apparently the human core was full of soft, squishy bits that were easily damaged and one of the primary functions of having the arms so close to the body most of the time was to prevent predatory damage. It was a touching gesture when looked at like that.
“Second Sister suggested,” Shiftssubtly hesitated as he mulled over the exact meanings of his words, “well, ordered really, that I begin increasing my physical activity in every direction in order to encourage proper tissue regrowth.”
“Right,” Human Friend Jock said with a nod that was shared in sympathy by the rest of the humans around him. “Physical therapy, a pain but necessary.”
“I researched what was suggested for my species,” Shiftssubtly went on, “and there are a wide range of physical actions that will serve the purpose. However the primary note of import was that such activities are always most effective when done in group settings. I would like you to be my therapy partner if you don’t mind.”
“I’d be honored little buddy,” Humans Friend Jock said, but there was a curious frown on his face. “But if you don’t mind me asking why not another Undulate?”
“I observed your physical exertions in the communal pools a few days ago and they looked very enjoyable,” Shiftssubtly said. “I could sense that you were enjoying yourself and the joy was very attractive. Added to that you did them for the required half-hour I would need to-”
“My what now-?” Human Friend Jock said, his face flexing in perplexity.
Suddenly his skin flushed with embarrassment and he gave a startled yelp.
“You were there?” he burst out. “I mean of course you were there-I knew that-I just forgot-”
His voice cut off suddenly and he ducked his head down over his meal. Up to this point the other humans at the table had been going about their own conversations, but at Human Friend Jock’s sudden change in behavior they began to look between him and Shiftssubtly with obvious curiosity playing over their faces. The human female he had been talking to specifically seemed to be looking at Human Friend Jock with particular interest now.
“What movements of his would you be mimicking now Shiftssubtly?” She asked with a hint of a smile playing over her face.
Shiftssubtly knew that there was some complex human social game being played in this moment but he didn’t know what it was exactly. Human Friend Jock’s reaction suggested embarrassment but not shame so Shiftssubtly obligingly settled down into the water so that it supported his appendages and proceeded to mimic the four long appendages and head of the human in the movements he had seen. A ripple of chuckles and outright laughter swelled and dipped around him in gentle waves. Human Friend Jock did not laugh the least though there was a wry tone to the sound.
“So,” the human female said with a wide grin. “Human Friend Jock was flexing in front of the mirrors for a full half an hour was he?”
“Are these movements called flexing?” Shiftssubtly asked.
Human Friend Jock gave out a low groan and dropped his head onto the table.
“Yes,” he muttered, “yes it is.”

Science Fiction Books By Betty Adams

Amazon (Kindle, Paperback, Audiobook)

Barnes & Nobel (Nook, Paperback, Audiobook)

Powell's Books (Paperback)

Kobo by Rakuten (ebook and Audiobook)

Google Play Books (ebook and Audiobook)

Check out my books at any of these sites and leave a review! "Flying Sparks" - a novel set in the "Dying Embers" universe is now avaliable on all sites!
Please go leave a review on Amazon! It really helps and keeps me writing becase tea and taxes don't pay themselves sadly!
submitted by Betty-Adams to humansarespaceorcs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:36 Betty-Adams Humans are Weird – Striking a Pose

Humans are Weird – Striking a Pose

Original Post:
The third tide of the lunch shift was at it’s peat before Shiftssubtly managed to get clearance from the Shatar medic to move about the base on his own. It was not that he minded the presence of the nurses. The Shatar Brothers were both kind and loving to an almost unusual degree. The human nurse, Damian, somehow managed to find that perfect balance between formal propriety and saccharine affection that many humans missed when faced with an injured Undulate. No, the nurses were fine, he was just delighted to be well enough to move about on his own power, even if the lingering effects of the cold damage make him clumsy and more than half deaf.
He bumped into the wall of the stream as he misjudged the current and scrambled to grab onto the portal to the cafeteria before he was swept away and had to circle the base currents again. He was dimly aware that someone nudged him gently from behind and he popped through the portal, into the confusing bustle of the cafeteria. He hesitated a moment as he listened for the voice that would be familiar but muted, like all other sounds, he finally caught the thread of Human Friend Jock’s voice and happily began to swim towards it.
Human Friend Jock was sitting at one of the recessed tables. He bare feet dangling down into the water, swinging back and forth in the idle motion that all human feet seemed to indulge in when suspended off the ground. The human was laughing at something another human had said when Shiftssubtly came up to him. Shiftssubtly did not have time to make himself known before Human Friend Jock spotted him and gave a sudden joyful sound.
“Shifts!” Human Friend Jock cried out. “Second Sister finally let you out of the medical tank?”
“She did,” Shiftssubtly confirmed.
He tried not to wince at the sound of his own voice. He had spent so many rotations mastering the subtly of a human vocal range. Now he could tell that his voice was flat and emotionless. He wouldn’t have minded so much, but even through the haze of his damaged perceptions he could see Human Friend Jock wince in sympathetic pain as the sound reminded him of the danger Shiftssubtly had been in.
“And I have used my new freedom to seek out you,” Shiftssubtly went on, deliberately guiding the conversation into a new, more productive current.
“Well here I am little buddy,” Human Friend Jock said with a wide grin and spreading his arms out to exposed his core as much as possible. “What can I do for you?”
Shiftssubtly had been told that that was a sign of trust. Apparently the human core was full of soft, squishy bits that were easily damaged and one of the primary functions of having the arms so close to the body most of the time was to prevent predatory damage. It was a touching gesture when looked at like that.
“Second Sister suggested,” Shiftssubtly hesitated as he mulled over the exact meanings of his words, “well, ordered really, that I begin increasing my physical activity in every direction in order to encourage proper tissue regrowth.”
“Right,” Human Friend Jock said with a nod that was shared in sympathy by the rest of the humans around him. “Physical therapy, a pain but necessary.”
“I researched what was suggested for my species,” Shiftssubtly went on, “and there are a wide range of physical actions that will serve the purpose. However the primary note of import was that such activities are always most effective when done in group settings. I would like you to be my therapy partner if you don’t mind.”
“I’d be honored little buddy,” Humans Friend Jock said, but there was a curious frown on his face. “But if you don’t mind me asking why not another Undulate?”
“I observed your physical exertions in the communal pools a few days ago and they looked very enjoyable,” Shiftssubtly said. “I could sense that you were enjoying yourself and the joy was very attractive. Added to that you did them for the required half-hour I would need to-”
“My what now-?” Human Friend Jock said, his face flexing in perplexity.
Suddenly his skin flushed with embarrassment and he gave a startled yelp.
“You were there?” he burst out. “I mean of course you were there-I knew that-I just forgot-”
His voice cut off suddenly and he ducked his head down over his meal. Up to this point the other humans at the table had been going about their own conversations, but at Human Friend Jock’s sudden change in behavior they began to look between him and Shiftssubtly with obvious curiosity playing over their faces. The human female he had been talking to specifically seemed to be looking at Human Friend Jock with particular interest now.
“What movements of his would you be mimicking now Shiftssubtly?” She asked with a hint of a smile playing over her face.
Shiftssubtly knew that there was some complex human social game being played in this moment but he didn’t know what it was exactly. Human Friend Jock’s reaction suggested embarrassment but not shame so Shiftssubtly obligingly settled down into the water so that it supported his appendages and proceeded to mimic the four long appendages and head of the human in the movements he had seen. A ripple of chuckles and outright laughter swelled and dipped around him in gentle waves. Human Friend Jock did not laugh the least though there was a wry tone to the sound.
“So,” the human female said with a wide grin. “Human Friend Jock was flexing in front of the mirrors for a full half an hour was he?”
“Are these movements called flexing?” Shiftssubtly asked.
Human Friend Jock gave out a low groan and dropped his head onto the table.
“Yes,” he muttered, “yes it is.”

Science Fiction Books By Betty Adams

Amazon (Kindle, Paperback, Audiobook)

Barnes & Nobel (Nook, Paperback, Audiobook)

Powell's Books (Paperback)

Kobo by Rakuten (ebook and Audiobook)

Google Play Books (ebook and Audiobook)

Check out my books at any of these sites and leave a review! "Flying Sparks" - a novel set in the "Dying Embers" universe is now avaliable on all sites!
Please go leave a review on Amazon! It really helps and keeps me writing becase tea and taxes don't pay themselves sadly!
submitted by Betty-Adams to stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:35 Betty-Adams Humans are Weird – Striking a Pose

Humans are Weird – Striking a Pose

Original Post:
The third tide of the lunch shift was at it’s peat before Shiftssubtly managed to get clearance from the Shatar medic to move about the base on his own. It was not that he minded the presence of the nurses. The Shatar Brothers were both kind and loving to an almost unusual degree. The human nurse, Damian, somehow managed to find that perfect balance between formal propriety and saccharine affection that many humans missed when faced with an injured Undulate. No, the nurses were fine, he was just delighted to be well enough to move about on his own power, even if the lingering effects of the cold damage make him clumsy and more than half deaf.
He bumped into the wall of the stream as he misjudged the current and scrambled to grab onto the portal to the cafeteria before he was swept away and had to circle the base currents again. He was dimly aware that someone nudged him gently from behind and he popped through the portal, into the confusing bustle of the cafeteria. He hesitated a moment as he listened for the voice that would be familiar but muted, like all other sounds, he finally caught the thread of Human Friend Jock’s voice and happily began to swim towards it.
Human Friend Jock was sitting at one of the recessed tables. He bare feet dangling down into the water, swinging back and forth in the idle motion that all human feet seemed to indulge in when suspended off the ground. The human was laughing at something another human had said when Shiftssubtly came up to him. Shiftssubtly did not have time to make himself known before Human Friend Jock spotted him and gave a sudden joyful sound.
“Shifts!” Human Friend Jock cried out. “Second Sister finally let you out of the medical tank?”
“She did,” Shiftssubtly confirmed.
He tried not to wince at the sound of his own voice. He had spent so many rotations mastering the subtly of a human vocal range. Now he could tell that his voice was flat and emotionless. He wouldn’t have minded so much, but even through the haze of his damaged perceptions he could see Human Friend Jock wince in sympathetic pain as the sound reminded him of the danger Shiftssubtly had been in.
“And I have used my new freedom to seek out you,” Shiftssubtly went on, deliberately guiding the conversation into a new, more productive current.
“Well here I am little buddy,” Human Friend Jock said with a wide grin and spreading his arms out to exposed his core as much as possible. “What can I do for you?”
Shiftssubtly had been told that that was a sign of trust. Apparently the human core was full of soft, squishy bits that were easily damaged and one of the primary functions of having the arms so close to the body most of the time was to prevent predatory damage. It was a touching gesture when looked at like that.
“Second Sister suggested,” Shiftssubtly hesitated as he mulled over the exact meanings of his words, “well, ordered really, that I begin increasing my physical activity in every direction in order to encourage proper tissue regrowth.”
“Right,” Human Friend Jock said with a nod that was shared in sympathy by the rest of the humans around him. “Physical therapy, a pain but necessary.”
“I researched what was suggested for my species,” Shiftssubtly went on, “and there are a wide range of physical actions that will serve the purpose. However the primary note of import was that such activities are always most effective when done in group settings. I would like you to be my therapy partner if you don’t mind.”
“I’d be honored little buddy,” Humans Friend Jock said, but there was a curious frown on his face. “But if you don’t mind me asking why not another Undulate?”
“I observed your physical exertions in the communal pools a few days ago and they looked very enjoyable,” Shiftssubtly said. “I could sense that you were enjoying yourself and the joy was very attractive. Added to that you did them for the required half-hour I would need to-”
“My what now-?” Human Friend Jock said, his face flexing in perplexity.
Suddenly his skin flushed with embarrassment and he gave a startled yelp.
“You were there?” he burst out. “I mean of course you were there-I knew that-I just forgot-”
His voice cut off suddenly and he ducked his head down over his meal. Up to this point the other humans at the table had been going about their own conversations, but at Human Friend Jock’s sudden change in behavior they began to look between him and Shiftssubtly with obvious curiosity playing over their faces. The human female he had been talking to specifically seemed to be looking at Human Friend Jock with particular interest now.
“What movements of his would you be mimicking now Shiftssubtly?” She asked with a hint of a smile playing over her face.
Shiftssubtly knew that there was some complex human social game being played in this moment but he didn’t know what it was exactly. Human Friend Jock’s reaction suggested embarrassment but not shame so Shiftssubtly obligingly settled down into the water so that it supported his appendages and proceeded to mimic the four long appendages and head of the human in the movements he had seen. A ripple of chuckles and outright laughter swelled and dipped around him in gentle waves. Human Friend Jock did not laugh the least though there was a wry tone to the sound.
“So,” the human female said with a wide grin. “Human Friend Jock was flexing in front of the mirrors for a full half an hour was he?”
“Are these movements called flexing?” Shiftssubtly asked.
Human Friend Jock gave out a low groan and dropped his head onto the table.
“Yes,” he muttered, “yes it is.”

Science Fiction Books By Betty Adams

Amazon (Kindle, Paperback, Audiobook)

Barnes & Nobel (Nook, Paperback, Audiobook)

Powell's Books (Paperback)

Kobo by Rakuten (ebook and Audiobook)

Google Play Books (ebook and Audiobook)

Check out my books at any of these sites and leave a review! "Flying Sparks" - a novel set in the "Dying Embers" universe is now avaliable on all sites!
Please go leave a review on Amazon! It really helps and keeps me writing becase tea and taxes don't pay themselves sadly!
submitted by Betty-Adams to selfpromo [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:35 EdGeinAutry I saw mommy tickle Santa Claus

It’s the day before Christmas, the entire family is there at your grandma's house It's a big family Upper middle class All the stockings are stuffed Spirits are up Things are festive The ambient noise is not too overwhelming I'm worried about that because meanwhile here I am in the bathroom fucking this dumb bitch I brought to the party— this really trashy skank I just picked up the day before who I shamefully introduced to my grandparents as “my girlfriend”— trying not to make a lot of noise Halfway hoping that we don't leave too much of a stink But not caring much either way, tbh She won't stop cumming And I'm about there myself, too tbh I can hear my 3 year old nephew running in the hallway right outside the bathroom door and my brother-in-law playfully chasing it around This is so fucking hot They'll all be singing Christmas carols meanwhile I’ll be making this nasty cunt gargle my filthy ass balls while I sit on the toilet my grandmother has shit in for the last sixty-three years and look up at the picture of Jesus she’s had hanging on the wall opposing it for at least the last eleven Christmases Happy Birthday, Jesus Hope you like getting to see me make as-quiet-as-possible graphic sex with a random whore for a present because I didn’t bring gifts for you or for anyone else at this party either Where’s the cake?
submitted by EdGeinAutry to LibraryofBabel [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:35 momentarilybroke Question about getting parrotlet to cage for bed

So me and my girlfriend have a pet parrotlet, I have began an internship 2 hours away and have been staying in an apartment there, I come visit on the weekends and some weekends she travels with him to go home, but it has become a real problem for her and he will refuse to get into his travel cage for travel and his cage at night for bed. She often fights with him for an hour or so before he finally gets into his cage. Is there anything we can do here to train him to get in his cage, he usually has about 10 hours a day of outside of cage time, should we leave him in his cage longer during the day? Thanks to any responses! Please help!
submitted by momentarilybroke to parrotlets [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:35 Betty-Adams Humans are Weird – Striking a Pose

Humans are Weird – Striking a Pose

Humans are Weird – Striking a Pose

Original Post:
The third tide of the lunch shift was at it’s peat before Shiftssubtly managed to get clearance from the Shatar medic to move about the base on his own. It was not that he minded the presence of the nurses. The Shatar Brothers were both kind and loving to an almost unusual degree. The human nurse, Damian, somehow managed to find that perfect balance between formal propriety and saccharine affection that many humans missed when faced with an injured Undulate. No, the nurses were fine, he was just delighted to be well enough to move about on his own power, even if the lingering effects of the cold damage make him clumsy and more than half deaf.
He bumped into the wall of the stream as he misjudged the current and scrambled to grab onto the portal to the cafeteria before he was swept away and had to circle the base currents again. He was dimly aware that someone nudged him gently from behind and he popped through the portal, into the confusing bustle of the cafeteria. He hesitated a moment as he listened for the voice that would be familiar but muted, like all other sounds, he finally caught the thread of Human Friend Jock’s voice and happily began to swim towards it.
Human Friend Jock was sitting at one of the recessed tables. He bare feet dangling down into the water, swinging back and forth in the idle motion that all human feet seemed to indulge in when suspended off the ground. The human was laughing at something another human had said when Shiftssubtly came up to him. Shiftssubtly did not have time to make himself known before Human Friend Jock spotted him and gave a sudden joyful sound.
“Shifts!” Human Friend Jock cried out. “Second Sister finally let you out of the medical tank?”
“She did,” Shiftssubtly confirmed.
He tried not to wince at the sound of his own voice. He had spent so many rotations mastering the subtly of a human vocal range. Now he could tell that his voice was flat and emotionless. He wouldn’t have minded so much, but even through the haze of his damaged perceptions he could see Human Friend Jock wince in sympathetic pain as the sound reminded him of the danger Shiftssubtly had been in.
“And I have used my new freedom to seek out you,” Shiftssubtly went on, deliberately guiding the conversation into a new, more productive current.
“Well here I am little buddy,” Human Friend Jock said with a wide grin and spreading his arms out to exposed his core as much as possible. “What can I do for you?”
Shiftssubtly had been told that that was a sign of trust. Apparently the human core was full of soft, squishy bits that were easily damaged and one of the primary functions of having the arms so close to the body most of the time was to prevent predatory damage. It was a touching gesture when looked at like that.
“Second Sister suggested,” Shiftssubtly hesitated as he mulled over the exact meanings of his words, “well, ordered really, that I begin increasing my physical activity in every direction in order to encourage proper tissue regrowth.”
“Right,” Human Friend Jock said with a nod that was shared in sympathy by the rest of the humans around him. “Physical therapy, a pain but necessary.”
“I researched what was suggested for my species,” Shiftssubtly went on, “and there are a wide range of physical actions that will serve the purpose. However the primary note of import was that such activities are always most effective when done in group settings. I would like you to be my therapy partner if you don’t mind.”
“I’d be honored little buddy,” Humans Friend Jock said, but there was a curious frown on his face. “But if you don’t mind me asking why not another Undulate?”
“I observed your physical exertions in the communal pools a few days ago and they looked very enjoyable,” Shiftssubtly said. “I could sense that you were enjoying yourself and the joy was very attractive. Added to that you did them for the required half-hour I would need to-”
“My what now-?” Human Friend Jock said, his face flexing in perplexity.
Suddenly his skin flushed with embarrassment and he gave a startled yelp.
“You were there?” he burst out. “I mean of course you were there-I knew that-I just forgot-”
His voice cut off suddenly and he ducked his head down over his meal. Up to this point the other humans at the table had been going about their own conversations, but at Human Friend Jock’s sudden change in behavior they began to look between him and Shiftssubtly with obvious curiosity playing over their faces. The human female he had been talking to specifically seemed to be looking at Human Friend Jock with particular interest now.
“What movements of his would you be mimicking now Shiftssubtly?” She asked with a hint of a smile playing over her face.
Shiftssubtly knew that there was some complex human social game being played in this moment but he didn’t know what it was exactly. Human Friend Jock’s reaction suggested embarrassment but not shame so Shiftssubtly obligingly settled down into the water so that it supported his appendages and proceeded to mimic the four long appendages and head of the human in the movements he had seen. A ripple of chuckles and outright laughter swelled and dipped around him in gentle waves. Human Friend Jock did not laugh the least though there was a wry tone to the sound.
“So,” the human female said with a wide grin. “Human Friend Jock was flexing in front of the mirrors for a full half an hour was he?”
“Are these movements called flexing?” Shiftssubtly asked.
Human Friend Jock gave out a low groan and dropped his head onto the table.
“Yes,” he muttered, “yes it is.”

Science Fiction Books By Betty Adams

Amazon (Kindle, Paperback, Audiobook)

Barnes & Nobel (Nook, Paperback, Audiobook)

Powell's Books (Paperback)

Kobo by Rakuten (ebook and Audiobook)

Google Play Books (ebook and Audiobook)

Check out my books at any of these sites and leave a review! "Flying Sparks" - a novel set in the "Dying Embers" universe is now avaliable on all sites!
Please go leave a review on Amazon! It really helps and keeps me writing becase tea and taxes don't pay themselves sadly!
submitted by Betty-Adams to u/Betty-Adams [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:34 Betty-Adams [Humans Are Weird] - Part 189 - Striking A Pose - Short, Absurd, Science Fiction Stories

[Humans Are Weird] - Part 189 - Striking A Pose - Short, Absurd, Science Fiction Stories

Humans are Weird – Striking a Pose

Original Post:
The third tide of the lunch shift was at it’s peat before Shiftssubtly managed to get clearance from the Shatar medic to move about the base on his own. It was not that he minded the presence of the nurses. The Shatar Brothers were both kind and loving to an almost unusual degree. The human nurse, Damian, somehow managed to find that perfect balance between formal propriety and saccharine affection that many humans missed when faced with an injured Undulate. No, the nurses were fine, he was just delighted to be well enough to move about on his own power, even if the lingering effects of the cold damage make him clumsy and more than half deaf.
He bumped into the wall of the stream as he misjudged the current and scrambled to grab onto the portal to the cafeteria before he was swept away and had to circle the base currents again. He was dimly aware that someone nudged him gently from behind and he popped through the portal, into the confusing bustle of the cafeteria. He hesitated a moment as he listened for the voice that would be familiar but muted, like all other sounds, he finally caught the thread of Human Friend Jock’s voice and happily began to swim towards it.
Human Friend Jock was sitting at one of the recessed tables. He bare feet dangling down into the water, swinging back and forth in the idle motion that all human feet seemed to indulge in when suspended off the ground. The human was laughing at something another human had said when Shiftssubtly came up to him. Shiftssubtly did not have time to make himself known before Human Friend Jock spotted him and gave a sudden joyful sound.
“Shifts!” Human Friend Jock cried out. “Second Sister finally let you out of the medical tank?”
“She did,” Shiftssubtly confirmed.
He tried not to wince at the sound of his own voice. He had spent so many rotations mastering the subtly of a human vocal range. Now he could tell that his voice was flat and emotionless. He wouldn’t have minded so much, but even through the haze of his damaged perceptions he could see Human Friend Jock wince in sympathetic pain as the sound reminded him of the danger Shiftssubtly had been in.
“And I have used my new freedom to seek out you,” Shiftssubtly went on, deliberately guiding the conversation into a new, more productive current.
“Well here I am little buddy,” Human Friend Jock said with a wide grin and spreading his arms out to exposed his core as much as possible. “What can I do for you?”
Shiftssubtly had been told that that was a sign of trust. Apparently the human core was full of soft, squishy bits that were easily damaged and one of the primary functions of having the arms so close to the body most of the time was to prevent predatory damage. It was a touching gesture when looked at like that.
“Second Sister suggested,” Shiftssubtly hesitated as he mulled over the exact meanings of his words, “well, ordered really, that I begin increasing my physical activity in every direction in order to encourage proper tissue regrowth.”
“Right,” Human Friend Jock said with a nod that was shared in sympathy by the rest of the humans around him. “Physical therapy, a pain but necessary.”
“I researched what was suggested for my species,” Shiftssubtly went on, “and there are a wide range of physical actions that will serve the purpose. However the primary note of import was that such activities are always most effective when done in group settings. I would like you to be my therapy partner if you don’t mind.”
“I’d be honored little buddy,” Humans Friend Jock said, but there was a curious frown on his face. “But if you don’t mind me asking why not another Undulate?”
“I observed your physical exertions in the communal pools a few days ago and they looked very enjoyable,” Shiftssubtly said. “I could sense that you were enjoying yourself and the joy was very attractive. Added to that you did them for the required half-hour I would need to-”
“My what now-?” Human Friend Jock said, his face flexing in perplexity.
Suddenly his skin flushed with embarrassment and he gave a startled yelp.
“You were there?” he burst out. “I mean of course you were there-I knew that-I just forgot-”
His voice cut off suddenly and he ducked his head down over his meal. Up to this point the other humans at the table had been going about their own conversations, but at Human Friend Jock’s sudden change in behavior they began to look between him and Shiftssubtly with obvious curiosity playing over their faces. The human female he had been talking to specifically seemed to be looking at Human Friend Jock with particular interest now.
“What movements of his would you be mimicking now Shiftssubtly?” She asked with a hint of a smile playing over her face.
Shiftssubtly knew that there was some complex human social game being played in this moment but he didn’t know what it was exactly. Human Friend Jock’s reaction suggested embarrassment but not shame so Shiftssubtly obligingly settled down into the water so that it supported his appendages and proceeded to mimic the four long appendages and head of the human in the movements he had seen. A ripple of chuckles and outright laughter swelled and dipped around him in gentle waves. Human Friend Jock did not laugh the least though there was a wry tone to the sound.
“So,” the human female said with a wide grin. “Human Friend Jock was flexing in front of the mirrors for a full half an hour was he?”
“Are these movements called flexing?” Shiftssubtly asked.
Human Friend Jock gave out a low groan and dropped his head onto the table.
“Yes,” he muttered, “yes it is.”

Science Fiction Books By Betty Adams

Amazon (Kindle, Paperback, Audiobook)

Barnes & Nobel (Nook, Paperback, Audiobook)

Powell's Books (Paperback)

Kobo by Rakuten (ebook and Audiobook)

Google Play Books (ebook and Audiobook)

Check out my books at any of these sites and leave a review! "Flying Sparks" - a novel set in the "Dying Embers" universe is now avaliable on all sites!
Please go leave a review on Amazon! It really helps and keeps me writing becase tea and taxes don't pay themselves sadly!
submitted by Betty-Adams to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:34 mythicinfinity 6x 4090/3090 4u Rack-Mount Servers

I built a few 6x 4090/3090 4u rack-mount servers (air-cooled) for the training runs in my company. They are great and a real step-up from our previous rigs.
We had to build these out because we could not find a satisfactory product readily available.


CPU: 24 core EPYC 7402p
Memory: 256Gb DDR4-3200 (ECC)
GPU Interconnect: 6x x16 PCIE 4.0 full fabric
GPU VRAM: 144gb
PSUs: 2x 1600W (120v or 220v input)
Disks: 1Tb NVME boot drive + 4x 4Tb (16tb total) NVME data drives in RAID 0 (All Samsung 990 Pro)
Networking: 2x 10gbps LAN (If you need more, you can drop 1 NVME data drive for an additional dual PCIe4.0 x4 OCuLink)


We are considering selling these pre-built!
If you may be interested in purchasing one of these, please shoot me a dm.

Some Notes on the Build

These machines are really tailored to our particular training workloads.
For the CPU, 24 cores is overly-sufficient for data preprocessing and other cpu-bound parts of the training loop, while leaving plenty of headroom in case cpu requirements increase.
For the memory, 128gb would probably have been sufficient but 256gb is more of a "never have to worry about it" level, which we greatly prefer. We went with 3200MHz for high RAM bandwidth.
For the GPU Interconnect speed, getting full x16 pcie 4.0 links on all 6 gpus was critical to reduce the time of all-reduce when using DistributedDataParallel or FSDP.
For the PSUs, 1600W is considered the max you can pull out of an ordinary 120v 15A breaker, and we wanted these to be potentially usable as workstations without getting 220v in every office. So, you can run this off of two 15A 120v breakers, but the psus also support 220v. Ordinarily 3200W is enough to power all aspects of the machine at full-load, but if there are any issues, gpus can be power limited to 425w without any real loss in performance.
For the disks, we need lots of local space for our datasets, with really fast read times.
On networking, dual 10gbps is adequate for our use-case. Additional networking capability can be unlocked by dropping one of the nvme data drives and using the dual 4x OCulink connectors on-board. Alternatively, you can drop 1 of the data drives but use the x8 pcie slot for networking and setup the disks through OCulink.


When I built these out, I was shocked there is really no solution for a rackmount air-cooled 6x triple slot gpu setup (or at least none that I could find).
For us, we like to put our GPUs in a rack to share the resources across the office and also get the noisy full-load training fans that run 24x7 for weeks out of the room when possible.
I know about the datacenter restriction for RTX gpus, but there are a lot of applications for rack servers outside the datacenter, especially for small/medium sized startups.
Air-cooled was also a must because we want to retain the flexibility of unmodified GPUs for the long-term (e.g. resale, new configurations).
submitted by mythicinfinity to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:30 emotionalyam1227 god forbid they have to walk 10 feet to their front door

god forbid they have to walk 10 feet to their front door submitted by emotionalyam1227 to AmazonDSPDrivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:30 Aromatic-Rate6794 AITA for going no contact with my Dad and his new family?

This is going to be a long one, so if you don’t like to read this is not for you.
So just like the title says. I (F 39) have been no contact with my father (M 61) since November 2023.
My Dads girlfriend is 39, the same age as me, and he has 2 new children (3 yo and 7 months). For context I also have 2 children (8 yo, 17 mo old) and 2 step children (9 yo and 17 yo). I have a younger brother (33 yo) who is marrried with no children yet.
My brother and I have worked for my Dad and ran his company (me since 2009) and my brother since 2021. My Dad is a gigantic man child. He yells and screams and berates people including those unrelated to him. He is a horrible boss, so my brother and I try to manage the employees and day to day duties as much as possible in order to minimize any discomfort or abuse towards employees. There have been times where the company has hit ‘hard times’ and I have had to take pay cuts to keep the company afloat- sometimes up to 50%. I have missed bonuses and raises with the promise of them coming when “things get better” but they never came. I have sacrificed a lot to be there for him, work for him and support his company.
At the end of 2019, he met this woman, and started dating her. To be fair, my Dad has dated women younger than me or my same age for years, but they never last long for the most part. My Dad is wealthy so mostly gold diggers that eventually want more from him relationship wise. I never liked her. She was no different. The woman was a foreigner who worked at a low level retail job, lived with 5 roommates, and didn’t own a car. My Dad was paying for ubers for her to come over. She always said how she didn’t want kids, didn’t like kids, couldn’t have kids so I tolerated her and kept my opinion to myself because Im a grown woman and who he dates is really not my concern and I figured eventually she would just fade away like the others. I had heard that she was dating a man who lived around the corner from my Dad (he lives in a wealthy neighborhood) and would hang out at the local ‘rich bars’ I assume hunting for men.
Fast forward to mothers day 2020 and were celebrating at my Dads house. My brother whispered to me that shes looking a little “plump.” But I just ignore the idea. Come to find out, shes pregnant. And my Dad has been hiding it. Shes obviously been pregnant for quite some time, even thought hey just met and were only dating for a short time. Needless to say this devastated me and my siblings. Theres no fear of being replaced or jealous of any kind. My son was 4 at the time and my brother hasn’t even had kids yet. So here is my 60 year old father competing with my brother and I and having children at the same time. Frankly, its embarrassing and disgusting and when people bring it up, I hate talking about it - everyone asks me how I feel and I do my best to avoid it at all costs. I had a choice to make, to cut him off or to accept and intermingle my family with his needs family. So for my son, I sucked it up and tolerated the situation. They went on to have an additional child who is now 7 months old today. My father also paid for the girlfriend’s mother to immigrate from her home country to live with them and be a built in chef and babysitter. The whole thing is nauseating to me honestly. My father also pays the girlfriend about 40k per year to be a stay at home mom. Hes a relatively hands off Dad to his new kids, which breaks my heart because he was such a good Dad to my growing up for the most part.
So now we are in November of 2023, and I was having a casual conversation about the family trust with my Dad. I was always under the impression based on what he said, that the business would be handed down to my brother and I because we have dedicated our lives to his business. However in this conversation he disclosed that everything, including the business, is now split equally 5 ways. Meaning, the girlfriend and her 2 children will be majority shareholders in my Dads company when he dies. We always agreed the business would be separate. In every conversation he always said she would be no part of the business and that it was our legacy we built together. I was stunned. I told him he was welcome to do whatever he wanted with his personal finances but to leave her and his children who have never worked or contributed to the business as majority shareholders is bananas. The conversation wasn’t ugly but I made the decision right then and there to go no contact. I hung up, blocked him, quit working for him, found another job at a very well known high paying tech company and haven’t spoken to him since. My kids are welcome to have whatever type of relationship they wants with him but I cannot and will not continue having a relationship with him.
It makes me so angry. All the times I sacrificed my pay, worked long hours, and brought in sales “for the family.” Whos family? Certainly not mine. He always convinced me I would never survive on my own at another hobby, which was why I never left. For the record, Ive been promoted a couple times already in a short period and receive regular kudos and bonuses for my performance. Im angry my kids will be jipped out of a grandparent because hes too busy starting a whole new family at 60. Im angry my children and I were living paycheck to paycheck on the “for the family” precedent when he never intended on making good when he said he would. And now what? Im supposed to just look his girlfriend and her children in the face and smile and be ok with giving up 66% of my lifes work? Maybe I should be the bigger person but I cant. She just feels like a gold digger who set her, her mother, and her children up for life by using the ole’ bait and switch on the right man. He says Im greedy and selfish and that if he were to die I would leave them destitute. No I wouldn’t. But I definitely wouldn’t be supplying them with the lavish lifestyle they have now and she would definitely have to work. He says I have my own family and I shouldn’t be worried about what hes doing with the business, and that Im just sitting around waiting for him to die so I can get rich. What the actual f*ck?
I miss my Dad. We were very close and I miss him. But when I think about the betrayal and manipulation that he has used on me and my brother it makes me sick and I cant bear the thought of forgiving him. My brother still works for him and maintains a relationship with him. I dont, but I do speak to my brother but its not the same because of the shift in dynamics. I know deep down that I will have to get to a point where I can be around him and not be angry, but honestly Im in no hurry to get there, if at all. And since we haven’t spoken or spent any holidays together, he has seen my kids 3 times in about 6 months. Which makes me even more angry. He doesn’t show up for birthday parties, baseball games, he barely calls, etc. To me its just yet another reason why I don’t need someone like that in my life. And it hurts that one day my kids will ask why their grandfather never comes to anything anymore. I have talked to so many of my friends and they say Im not the asshole for not talking to them, and truthfully I would like someone to tell me that I am so maybe I suck it up and get over it a little bit sooner, but I honestly don’t feel like I am. I have gone above and beyond for him, I have lined his pockets with nothing to show for it for nearly my entire career and Im done. Im angry at myself for not seeing this for what it was a long time ago. Im angry that I intermingled my family with his so the split is harder than it would have been if I hadn’t. I know it doesn’t change that he loves me, but Im also done excusing his behavior and actions and unfortunately this is something I don’t know that I will ever be able to do. Deep down, I know I may regret that but the pain of the past is too much for me to grin and bear. I don’t know how to deal or get over this and its devastating for me honestly and I have never felt so alone. But the ladder, feels worse and fake and that isn’t who I am so I feel cutting ties is best for me at this point. Luckily, I have an amazing husband and children and my husband’s family shows up for the kids all the time. So my kids will not miss out of grandparents. But the void of losing my Dad is like a punch to the heart, and I truly don’t know if I will ever move past it.
So, AITA for going no contact? Am I selfish and need to get over this?
submitted by Aromatic-Rate6794 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:29 Satisfying-Clicks Ex-boyfriend on dating app 48 hours after breaking up due to mental health issues

Hey everyone,
My (F28) ex (M28) ended our 5-month relationship a few days ago, saying he was too mentally stressed and sick to handle a relationship. He said he needed to be alone and work on himself, which I respected, although it hurt deeply.
Shortly after we met, he got laid off, and I supported him through his unemployment until he found a new job, which makes him tired all the time. He suffers from depression, chronic physical pain, and low self-esteem.
Despite his issues, it was the healthiest and serious relationship we both had. I truly felt cared for by this man. But around the 3-month mark, when he started this new job, he became a different person. Visibly nervous and stressed all the time. His back and stomach pain flared up, and his confidence tanked. When he was with me, it felt like his mind was a million miles away. We had several conversations about his distance, and ways to stay close as a couple. I don't doubt his feelings for me, but his avoidant behavior was frustrating. It's like he always wanted to be around me, but when we were together, he wasn't present and was always troubled about something going on in his life.
Then, on Thursday night, he broke down, saying he couldn't handle a relationship with all his financial stress and lack of confidence, and that I deserved better. He said he loved me and wasn't even sure if breaking up was the right decision, but he felt he couldn't commit anymore and it wasn't fair to me. We both cried but ultimately agreed it was the right decision.
He asked if we could still hang out and talk to each other to make it easier on us both. I agreed at first, but the next day, I told him I couldn't do it and needed a clean break. Being in a half-relationship would only hurt me. We talked about how we would both be single for a while because we couldn't open our hearts to anyone else while we're still in love. He said I was the best thing that ever happened to him, and that I was the post patient and loving gf, and it killed him to give me up, but he needed to juggle a new 9-5 job, start a side business, and get back to exercising, and he couldn't devote time to me.
Less than 48 hours after the breakup, I had a gut feeling to download the same dating app where we met in December, just to see if he was on it. Sure enough, after setting the parameters to his neighborhood and age, I quickly found him. I was devastated and felt betrayed. It felt like he was seeking superficial validation immediately after leaving me. His profile looked hastily thrown together with half-hearted prompts and it said he was seeking a short-term relationship. Knowing him, I could tell he re-downloaded the app from a place of pain and half-heartedness, not because he was truly looking for a new girlfriend. Though it still hurts, and I know he's looking for a quick fix, it feels so dismissive.
I confronted him about it, and he apologized and said he was so embarrassed. He admitted he made the profile to cope with his pain and wasn't looking for anything serious. He said he did it in a moment of "being so caught up in what I'm doing and how I'm feeling" and that it was to fill the void.
In my anger, I said some harsh things, pointing out how selfish and insecure his actions made him look. But I chose to forgive him and move on. We talked a little more, and ended on a better note, though it still hurts knowing he's probably still on there, looking to fill the void.
Thanks for reading. I'm just so hurt. And I miss him so much. I was willing to support him and I genuinely believed in his potential to be better.
submitted by Satisfying-Clicks to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:28 mirrorshaman42 [US][Selling] A TON of Manga (and a few novels) - 20th Century Boys, Frieren, Vinland Saga, JoJo Golden Wind and MUCH More
There are far too many books for me to list the condition they’re all in. I’ve included notes about the condition on a few of the books, but anything beyond that can be discussed in PMs.
Free Shipping on orders of $25 or more
Individual volumes CANNOT be split up EXCEPT for the One Piece omnibuses, since they’re all over the place.
Manga: Toritan: Birds of a Feather - $17
Nyankees 1-6 - $50
Ancient Magus’ Bride Wizard’s Blue 1-3 - $25
Sue & Tai-chan 1-3 - $25
Nekogahara 1-5 (volumes 1 and 2 are not in great condition) - $35
FukuFuku Kitten Tales 1-2 - $14
Perfect World 1-9 - $75
Grim Reaper and 4 Girlfriends (has mild spine creasing. this happened after one read.) - $15
The Town of Pigs - $12
Rabbit Game - $8
Maiden Railways - $9
Lil’ Leo - $10
Ripples - $10
The Four Immigrants Manga - $13
Glaeolia 3 (Lettered Edition) - $35
Glaeolia 2 (slight back cover creasing) - $25
The Poe Clan 1 - $26
Mission: Yozakura Family 1-6: $39
I Cannot Reach You 1-6: $50
How Many Light-Years to Babylon? - $9
Fire in His Fingertips 1-2: $18
Black or White 1-2: $17
JK Haru is a Sex Worker in Another World manga 1-2: $18
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind 1-9 - $117
Total Eclipse of the Eternal Heart - $9
Seven Days: Monday to Sunday - $9
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle 1-3 - $19
Mermaid Boys 1-3 - $25
Yona of the Dawn 1-2 - $12
Snow White with the Red Hair 1-2 - $12
Classmates 1-5 - $48
Solfege - $7
The Moon and the Sandals 1-2: $17
I Want to Eat Your Pancreas manga - $16
Sayonara Game - $9
Primitive Boyfriend 1-3 - $25
Fruits Basket Collector’s Edition 1-7 - $90
Blame! Master Edition 1 - $23
Monstaboo 1-2 - $17
Moteki 1-2 - $27
Knight of the Ice 1-7 - $59
Knights of Sidonia Master Edition 1-7 - $159
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable 1- $13
My Broken Mariko - $13
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin 1-3 - $58
Saint Young Men 1-6 - $93
Industrial Revolution and World War (not great condition) - $8
The Heiress and the Chauffeur 1-2 - $12
Bad Boys, Happy Hone 1-3 - $25
Gigant 1-5 - $45
Orange: The Complete Edition 1-2 - $26
Love Me, Love Me Not 1-12 - $78
Go With the Clouds North-by-Northwest - $43
A School Frozen in Time 1-4 - $33
Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie 1-4 - $33
Mermaid Saga 1-2 - $32
Heavenly Delusion 1-2 - $17
The Walking Cat: A Cat’s-eye View of the Zombie Apocalypse - $16
Monotone Blue - $10
Hard-Boiled Stories From the Cat Bar - $10
No-Guns Life 1-13 - $110
Mujirushi: The Sign of Dreams - $13
Asadora 1-3 - $29
20th Century Boys: The Perfect Edition 1-13 + 21st Century Boys: The Perfect Edition - $180
Stravaganza 1-3 - $39
Orient 1-2 - $13
The Dark History of the Reincarnated Villainess 1-2 - $17 Yoshi no Zuikara 1-3 - $29
Ragna Crimson 1-5 - $42
Tokyo Tarareba Girls 1-9 (volume 1 has noticeable back cover creasing) - $70
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood 1-3 - $39
An Incurable Case of Love 1-7 - $45
QQ Sweeper 1-3 - $19
Fly Me to the Moon 1-9 - $58
The Vampire and his Pleasant Companions 1-4 (volume 1 has slight spine wear) $31
Candy Color Paradox 1-5 - $42
A White Rose in Bloom 1-2 - $17
Love of Kill 1-3 - $25
BL Metamorphosis 1-3 - $25
The Golden Sheep 1-3 - $25
Magus of the Library 1-5 - $42
Beastars 1-4 - $33
Mermaid Scales and the Town of Sand - $13
The Breaker 1-2 - $26
Kageki Shojo!! The Curtain Rises + Kageki Shojo!! 1-6 - $63
High-Rise Invasion 1-21 - $133
One Piece Omnibus 10-15, 43-45, 67-87 - $97 (Individually: $9.70)
The Bride and the Exorcist Knight 1-4 - $30 Wave Listen to Me! - $42
The Complete Chi’s Sweet Home Box Set - $57 Berserk 9-13 - $40
Dai Dark 1-4 (volume 3 has mild front cover creasing) - $32
The Voynich Hotel 1-3 - $25
H.P. Lovecraft’s At the Mountains of Madness 1-2 - $26 Escape Journey 1-3 - $25
After Hours 1-3 - $19
Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End 1-6 - $39
Vinland Saga 1-13 - $175
Novels: Manga in Theory and Practice - $13
Pretty Boy Detective Club novel series 1-3 - $27
JK Haru is a Sex Worker in Another World + JK Haru is a Sex Worker in Another World: Summer novels - $19
Vampire Hunter D - $13
The Sorcerer King of Destruction and the Golem of thr Barbarian Queen 1 - $9
Berserk of Gluttony 1 - $9
I Have a Secret - $10
Yes, No or Maybe? - $10
Spice and Wolf 1 - $7
Chitose is in the Ramune Bottle 1 - $10
The Astro Boy Essays - $11
Heaven Official’s Blessing 1 - $13
Rascal Does Not Dream of series 1-4 - $39
submitted by mirrorshaman42 to mangaswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:28 chickenfajitas69 Thinking about leaving…

I’ve been debating on leaving my significant other as I don’t think I can help him any longer. I feel like the life is sucked out of me and like I have to walk around on egg shells depending on how his day is going.
Despite that, he is the sweetest man I’ve ever had a relationship with. He leaves me love notes and is consistently complimenting me. However, there are some things that he has done that bothers me. If things don’t go his way, he gets upset and acts like it’s the end of the world until he gets his own way. I understand that he has trauma from being in the foster care system and that he was often abused as a child.
Although he can be very loving, he can be very abusive with his words when he is angry. At the beginning of our relationship, he had problems with alcohol and have beaten me up a few times. This has affected me significantly. Thankfully, he has slowed down a lot on drinking and has not laid his hands on me in over two years. At times, he’ll get upset and punch something. But he has not physically hurt me in a while.
My question is if things are getting better, do I stay, or should I just leave? Is staying worth the emotional outbursts every now and then or is it best to throw in the towel? I feel unhappy deep down inside. But I can’t tell if it’s my pre-existing condition of depression or if it’s my relationship.
submitted by chickenfajitas69 to NarcissisticSpouses [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:28 MisterMister1186 Middle aged guy feeling depressed and alone

38 y/o, been depressed a long time and don't know what to do. Trying to keep it short, so this is a Cliff Notes version of my situation.
I have trouble relating to/interacting with others. Conversations, especially with people I don't know, is awkward and I try to avoid them. I usually feel crappy at social events as I get the impression that I'm perceived as weird or unintelligent due to my ineptness. Over the years, I've become misanthropic and don't leave the house unless I need to. When I do, it's usually at night.
I have a few friends, but rarely see them anymore. Most are married with kids and the ones that aren't don't have much time for me. I've been single for the past 15 years, and have had no relationships with women (sexual or otherwise) since then.
My life is pretty much work, play video games, sleep and masturbate. I feel like I have no real purpose or relationships and am just existing. And at my age, the chances of finding myself (or anyone else for that matter) feels like slim to none. If I could just go to sleep and not wake up, I think I'd do it.
Am I in a situation where I need to see a shrink? Or is this just a "kick yourself in the ass and get out of it" type situation?
submitted by MisterMister1186 to depression [link] [comments]