5th grade reading comprehension worksheets focusing on main point of view

Advice for Prospective NUS Business Student

2024.05.19 14:29 Blueredreditor Advice for Prospective NUS Business Student

Congrats on choosing and making it into NUS Business School! I previously wrote here: https://www.reddit.com/SGExams/comments/118r7cg/all_about_studying_business_in_nussmuntu/ on what are some factors when considering between NUS, SMU and NTU business school. For better or worse, you'll be stuck here for the next 4 years so here's some broad advice on making the best out of it.
1. Put in effort to draft out your own Study Plan; Future you will thank you
What is a study plan? Essentially, it's an outline on what modules you'll be taking throughout your 4 years in University. Especially for a business student, a study plan should go beyond "what majospecialization/double majominor". Yes, figuring what major (or majors) that you want to eventually take is the first step. The next step is also considering whether you intend to take a gap semester (i.e. leave-of-absence) to do internships (which is becoming increasingly more common place; maybe not 1 gap sem but possibly even 2!). The unfortunate truth is that many biz student realize late in Year 2/3 that they might not be as competitive as their peers and usually then seek out LOA internships and end up delaying their graduation (whether its a good or bad thing is debatable). Besides gap semesters for internships, there are student who do credit bearing internships (which counts for some credits/MCs) or even do a part-time internship during the semester while studying (Do modules on Mon and Tues, FT work of Wed, Thurs, Fri). Not every student get's their desired summer internships, and often student have to compensate by applying for Off-Cycle LOA internships.
In your study plan, you would also have to take into consideration possibly going on overseas semester exchange or even the 6M to 1 Year long NOC program if you're interested! Overloading more modules earlier in your Uni (Y1 and Y2) gives you more flexibility to adapt to changes in the future. Of course, you need to gauge yourself whether you're able to cope with the workload. (Overloading in earlier sems, mean being more free in later sems to do internships/explore other modules or minors).
Additionally, most higher-level modules have pre-requisites (mostly ACC1701). If you delay taking these pre-requisite modules, your whole study plan can be delayed by a semester. My advice is to take ACC1701 (and consequently FIN2704) earlier rather than later, because these two mods open up the other majors/specializations available to you. You'll also figure out whether you'll want to to take the finance major after taking these two modules.
  1. CCAs
There's a ton of CCAs available NUS-wide or Business School related. I strongly encourage you to take multiple CCAs (importantly taking into consideration what you can manage and your workload) so that you're able to meet new people and learn new skillsets. NUSC/RCs/Hall activities also count here. The unfortunately truth is that portfolio does matter in business school, and simply being good in academics (which can be competitive in itself) isn't enough. You GPA/CAP allows you to have your foot in the door; your portfolio and experience allows you to enter it. Consulting CCAs in general are great an improving your eye of aesthetic and detail which I recommend. You'll be surprised that many biz kids are outright bad and atrocious at making PowerPoint slides even at Year 4... I would say that the CCAs you join do shape your uni experience in a large way.
  1. Group Mates
Find good friends and group mates! Those in NUSC/RCs/Halls have an easier time for this. For most of your basic core 1k modules, you group is usually randomized and you have no say on who you're working with. It is during these randomized group that you'll figure out the pain of having poor group mates, and things get worse if you're taking higher level and tougher modules alone. On this note, try to find friends that will do various modules together with you! Having friends doing the module together with you is a huge advantage, from extra resources, dead line reminders, doing quizzes/tests together etc. 5 brains working on a problem set is always better than 1 brain by itself, these 5 ppl will often get a better grade than the one hardworking individual working alone. Implicitly, those who stay on campus have a huge edge over those who don't.
  1. Business is ultimately not a technical degree
Controversial to some, but business school at the end of the day doesn't really teach you much, we cant code, cant stats and no domain knowledge outside of finance). The only thing that it does teach is showmanship (and even then sometimes not taught well enough). Business School arguably teaches you how to carry yourself well, make fancy PowerPoints, use some excel, working with people (?) etc. Many of the more relevant things you learn, you learn them in your internship and your own experiences outside of the classroom e.g. CCAs. To me, doing well in Biz School is focusing on everything outside of academics (ensuring that you have some baseline CAP/GPA).
5. Figure out early whether you prefer Excel or Power Point.
The corporate world only runs on two applications, Excel and Power Point. Dabble in both, figure out early which application you prefer more and find a relevant internship/role/job that you enjoy decently that uses one over the other. Truly, Excel and PPT are the only takeaways when you leave the university. Great consultants are adept at handling PPT, navigating through them quickly with many templates in their desktops. Finance peeps do a little more excel work and have to do them well, fast and creatively. Even at the end of uni, there are still many students who can't use excel proficiently at a high level.
6. Internship Hell is real for those who care
Internship application period in itself can be a full-time commitment (for those that care). When internship applications open, you can will going through your own interview prep, doing several recorded interviews, applying to new internships etc. Many moving parts to juggle and a lot of ground work to be done. From preparing for interview questions, writing cover letters, tailoring your CV etc alot of the hell you experience in Biz school actually comes outside of academics contrary to popular belief (as Jean-Paul puts it, "hell is other people", bad group mates im looking at you). For those applying to more technical roles, you might also need to prep extra for technical questions e.g. IB 400 questions, consulting cases, market sizing brain teasers etc.
7. Not so much of an advice, but rather a plea from me to you
I really hope business students can be more code literate and savvy i.e. being able to read (and to a lesser extent implement) coding e.g. python or SQL. ~90% of the biz population are code illiterate (having only taken just 1 "coding module"). In a normal corporate workplace, you'll never have to code. But being able to think computationally, knowing the steps you can take to automate your task, time and workflow brings you more benefits than you can imagine when most corporate work that people do and typically repetitive and administrative.
In conclusion, do your best in biz school. I think effort correlates strongly to how well you do here. You don't need to be smart (it makes life easier) but with enough forward thinking and future planning, you'll be able to grow through the next 4 years (and hopefully be worth it).
Feel free to ask any question in the comments, or for any seniors to elaborate and share their own experience! Left out a lot of controversial views not wanting to trigger anyone or NUS. Edit: I'm a graduating student from Biz, later they dont let me grad
Some extra links:
  1. An event calendar regularly updated by NUS Careers, usually has lots of interesting and relevant events, competitions, webinars (if that's your thing): https://nus.edu.sg/cfg/events
  2. Grading rubrics to apply for SEP, there is an actual rubrics to secure an SEP, please refer for those wanting to go: https://bba.nus.edu.sg/wp-content/uploads/sites/37/2019/07/SEP-Place-Allocation-Grading-System-2018-10.pdf
submitted by Blueredreditor to nus [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:26 Automatic_Oil_7099 WIBTA for cutting my dad out of my life over money?

There’s 2 major points of context I need to share to help you understand where I’m coming from.
The first is that my dad and I have never had a great relationship. When I was young I never felt like I was “man enough” for him. He always worked manual labor and would build things around the house. I was a really passive kid who clung to my mom and came to rely on her as my role model for how a person should act. And I relied on her even more when my dad started traveling for work. We’d see him maybe 5-6 times a month when he wouldn’t really engage with us and there would be constant screaming matches with my mom, and later my sisters. And before you think to ask yes, there were multiple affairs. At least 5 my mom found out about and most likely a lot more. I saw how that impacted my mom and it made a huge impact on me and my feelings towards relationships. They got divorced eventually and my mom, like the saint she is, had the lawyer file it as an ‘amicable’ divorce. No blame was placed on anyone, no fault was assigned, no custody battle was waged. She had them split the assets and the debts 50/50 and walk away completely free and clear. It was benevolence that my dad frankly didn’t deserve.
As I got older, and he got older, things started to improve between us. He wasn’t really good at guiding and teaching a child but he was great at meeting me as an equal. He readily saw me as an adult, a responsible man. Someone he could converse with honestly and openly. We were working on getting on better terms. (He’s a stubborn 1960s kid with some more conservative views than me but nothing bigoted.)
Which leads to the second context point and the real linchpin of my issue. My mom passed away just over a year ago. She’d been battling cancer a long time so it wasn’t out of the blue but it just left me broken for months. Her estate is beginning to settle (aka payout to her debtors, allow transfer of ownership of her house, etc.) and I found out that my dad put a claim against her estate. A claim for his half of the credit card debt he and my mom amicably spilt in the divorce and he has since paid off.
This absolutely fucking incensed me like nothing else I have ever experienced. The amount of money is relatively small and not the issue at hand. What I cannot stand is the idea that he thinks he is owed this money from her estate (literally her cold, dead hands) when she isn’t here to fight him anymore. He was given such a clean break from the marriage when my mom could have saddled him with all the credit card debt, all the mortgage debt, all the car payments, all the student debt, demanded alimony, she could have buried him if she wasn’t such a better person than him. And even now, with her dead and gone, he just has to pick at her a little more, make himself out to be the victim in all this who was so unfairly saddled with this credit card bill. A credit card that paid for me and my siblings to take dance classes, and buy soccer cleats, and cheerleading outfits none of which he ever bothered to be around for!
Obviously when I’m mad it’s easy to think “yeah fuck him” but at the end of the day it is just money. My family tree has gotten so thin in the last few years I don’t want to lose both my parents before I’m 30. I just don’t know if this is even a reasonable response and I think some unbiased 3rd parties might be needed.
Thank you for reading all this, just typing it out helps.
submitted by Automatic_Oil_7099 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:24 ChubeSteak They actually wonder why nobody is going door to door?

Back in the day, it was like, "hurry up and read over your presentation" before going out. Now there is no presentation. No literature even. The midweek meeting, and even the meetings for field service are all focused on informal witnessing. There is basically no direction on door to door anymore. "Just be natural, talk to people!". Yeah. Knock-knock... "Hey, I like this mat you have... Says "welcome" and stuff... So... Have a nice day..."
I don't think this website/video era is compatible with door to door. What's the point of knocking, and saying "here's a card, check out this website". And the householder is like "you know I have google, right? If I want to find your website, or any other cult's website, I can surely find it on my own". It's just so pointless.
submitted by ChubeSteak to exjw [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:23 Coohippo ALRIGHT…now is the time. With WUWA releasing soon, let’s let Hoyo know what we would like to see for the future of Genshin

So, Withering Waves is releasing in a few days and many Genshin players are going to be focusing time on that game and even maybe switching over completely depending on how good WuWa ends up being. It’s not a secret that a big part of Genshin’s success is lack of competition. Still an amazing game that I love but I think we can all agree it can be even better. Hopefully, WuWa and Kuro games puts some pressure on Hoyo to implement some of the things players have been requesting for quite some time now. Competition is good for the player and this might be the ouch Hoyo needs to make Genshin what we all know it can be.
Here are some of my top QoL requests for Genshin:
  1. Artifact Loadouts - this is probably the current most requested quality of life feature. I would love to see every unit get 3-5 loadout slots (at least 3) and maybe Traveler have more since they can control all elements and can make use of more artifacts.
  2. Traveler swaps elements on the fly - Traveler is not really used a lot currently. While I don’t think it’s going to fix too much, I think it would help some and make for some interesting gameplay if we could swap elements on the fly via element wheel. The penalty could be losing your chargd burst and skill when you swap, if you have them fully charged. I think that’s a fair penalty.
  3. Mounts - not sure if this should be categorized under QoL, but mounts would be incredible in this game. FYI, I don’t think the mounts need to necessarily do anything to improve gameplay except maybe you won’t be consuming stamina when on a mount and maybe the mounts move slightly faster (think about the speed of Yelan’s skill or maybe a tad slower even would be fine). The main draw of the mounts would be fun factor. Let’s be real, open world exploration games are always more fun with mounts.
  4. More skins/gliders/pets/cosmetics - when I started playing Genshin, I really thought by this point every unit would have at least 1 other alt skin. That might be asking for too much, but I think what we have is def way too little. I feel like we can have way more skins in this game. Same goes for gliders and the lack of variety in gliders. Why don’t we have bat wing gliders or dragon wing gliders? Stuff like that. Also, why no “land” pets such as dogs that follow us around? Every “pet” we have is a floaty. When we climb high surfaces in the game, our “land” pets can disappear and re-appear later on just like our “floaty” pets currently do when we battle enemies.
  5. End Game (raids, dungeons, other) - I guess this isn’t QoL but more obviously everyone wants more end game stuff in Genshin. The more casual players have a lot to do, but we have to think about everyone and this game appeals to many different types of players. I’m thinking something like Destiny style raids or dungeons where mechanics are involved. A good example would be the Hilichurl event we had not too long ago (Journey through Hilinigmatic Terrain). The boss part specifically. The boss had different mechanics that were necessary to beat. Now, I feel that this event was a little too easy, but it had the groundwork for what a Genshin raid boss could be. Just need to turn up the difficulty and add more to it. We also had dungeons during the early game of Genshin that were similar to Zelda type dungeons with puzzles and platforming which were again very easy but it was understandable because it was early game. I always thought we would keep on getting dungeons as the game progressed and they would become more and more challenging with more complicated puzzles and platforming, but unfortunately after a certain point, we just stop getting these types of dungeons all together 😔.
Anyway, these are my personal top 5 requests for the future of Genshin. I hope Hoyo sees this and I hope others add to the conversation. Sometimes players don’t know the power they have. We’re all here because we love this game and hopefully we all want it to get even better and be the best gacha game (video game in general) out there. So much potential. Hope we see an evolution.
Please, tell me how you feel and what other suggestions you may have but be respectful. This isn’t meant to anger anyone, this is meant to hopefully incentivize evolution for the game.
Have a great day everyone, can’t wait for 4.7!
submitted by Coohippo to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:22 Medical_Work1712 The design excellence: HSAA, The Top Interior Design Firm In Delhi

Are you looking to give your space a new, modern look? We are here to give your home a new image. With 37 years of experience and award-winning interior Design services for homes and offices, HSAA is one of the top interior design firms in Delhi. We will design spaces that make you feel alive.
Our professional and experts in the best interior design firms in Delhi will give your home and office space a unique style and personality. Whether you want a modern look or a traditional one, we emphasize the best services and look out for your every requirement.
We offer you a wide range of services including space planning, material, furniture selection, lighting design, and much more. Our professional teams will handle all work and elements to ensure that the result is not just a space but a feeling that is created with love and dedication.Read this blog:- The design excellence: HSAA, The Top Interior Design Firm In Delhi

How does Interior design work for you?

Interior design is the art of combining simplicity with aesthetics, a powerful tool that can transform a house into a home, and an office into a productive space. At HSAA, we understand the significance of space in shaping one’s identity.
Our interior design services in Delhi go beyond creating spaces; we give complete makeovers to your home and office spaces. In addition to this, We meticulously build, evaluate, and design concepts, transforming them into intricate architectural frameworks that inspire and uplift.
Besides this, interior design is an art that changes the look of the space. It’s about understanding the significance of a person’s home and how it might influence their identity. HSAA is a modern interior design company where we design functionally to provide you with high-end interior design creation.
Our skilled design team and experts are the company’s backbone that leads you in designing a well-designed home with our special group of highly skilled individuals in this premium interior design firm in Delhi. The real identity of HSAA is about creating something that you love and cherish and providing you with extraordinary designs.

Our Creations

It’s true to say that the goal of interior design is to offer attractive and captivating designs for a higher quality of life. However, the aim of HSAA luxury interior design firm in Delhi is to enhance the customer experience and discover a design concept that works for all kinds of needs.
The initial phase is the Evaluation of a property, followed by design intent and idea implementation. Our interior designers in Delhi complete all of these based on the requests and recommendations of our clients. If you’re searching for exquisite design for home and office décor with high-end furnishings and perfect custom-built furniture, Do get in touch with us today!
Furthermore, our design firm enjoys taking on new projects. Whether it’s a modern apartment, penthouse, or private villa, we provide exceptional quality service. When it comes to finishing, excellent service—our team’s perfection and skilled work will give you the ultimate unique solutions to building a new space.
We will provide you with more than just a design concept. Book your allotments today, and you’ll receive refreshed elegance, relaxation, and positive vibes.

Our Consultation

HSAA focuses on offering Delhi’s best interior design services at your doorstep. You will experience authentic and unique interior design creations that can create a mood, an environment, or an impression of your lifestyle.
At HSAA, the initial step of the interior design process always begins with extraordinary space planning that takes into account all of the important requirements and concerns that our clients bring to the table.
There is no design without discipline, so we can analyze and determine the most effective way to accomplish your goals to meet the needs and requirements of your project. Once the detailed concept has been formed for your venue, our team will work on it.
We give you a comprehensive collection of drawings that might include recommendations for walls, ceilings, electrical, woodworking, and furniture arrangements.
We maintain top-notch quality at the sites throughout the process. HSSA works with you at every point, from the start to end process to the design of practical aesthetics, and provides you with a modern living space that fits your needs and lifestyle without compromising on anything.

How Interior Design Reflects Your Style and Needs

HSAA provides the best interior design services in Delhi to make your home extra comfortable and delightful. When imagining how our clients’ homes should look, HSAA makes sure the process is persistent with fixtures and finishes, as every home is filled with inspiring artwork.
Beside finishes, furnishers, and fixtures, fine art advisory keeping in mind the specific pre-decided schedules, complete design management services, ongoing client interaction and aesthetic updates, process, and project turnover, our full design solution can be followed as space planning, designing, building, and installing.
Residential Design: Whether creating a new family home or a cosy studio apartment, HSAA, the interior design firm in Delhi, offers functional and stylish living spaces. Our team utilizes space planning techniques to optimize layouts and operates innovative interior design solutions to ensure a pleasing and healthy environment. Their keen eye for detail extends to furniture selection, material choices, and lighting design.
Commercial Design: Understanding the specific needs of clients and their businesses, HSAA makes life into a reality of commercial spaces. We create work environments that expand productivity and collaboration and also reflect the company’s brand identity. Our expertise in creating superior designs from office space to meeting rooms and conference rooms including with the present restaurants, cafes, and hotels that are both functional and memorable.

The process of designing: An aesthetics home story

HSAA is at the heart of building design and creation. We believe in building solid relationships with our customers and taking the time to understand their vision, aspirations, and lifestyle.

Beyond Design: Building Relationships

HSAA believes that building a long-term relationship with potential customers is crucial for them. We offer complete support, ensuring the final design continues to meet the space’s evolving needs.

Awards and Recognition

The design community has recognized HSAA’s commitment to excellence. For outstanding work, we have received prestigious awards like the India Architecture Award. These awards stand us apart from the crowd and help our dedicated team create and design truly exceptional spaces.
Are you looking to give your space a new, modern look? We are here to give your home a new image. With 37 years of experience and award-winning interior Design services for homes and offices, HSAA is one of the top interior design firms in Delhi. We will design spaces that make you feel alive.
submitted by Medical_Work1712 to u/Medical_Work1712 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:21 Famous-Slice1843 Current News Regarding Erythritol Safety

(Excerpt from "Nature Medicine". Official study title: "The artificial sweetener erythritol and cardiovascular even trisk".)
There's been a lot of discussion recently regarding the potentially unsafe use of a very popular artificial sweetener known as "Erythritol". As humans, we typically dislike any information which may require us to change our habits/behaviors or stop using products we enjoy. As a result, it is very common to immediately dismiss a report containing negative or dangerous findings about the use of such products. When it was announced that tobacco may be causing heart attacks/strokes/artery disease, MILLIONS of people refused the results because they really enjoyed smoking (myself included). I have been using Erythritol for a few years. I love how potent it is, how it tastes, and how it has no effect on diabetes-related issues. To stop using Erythritol would be a major inconvenience for me, so I do not enjoy discovering the product may actually be very dangerous. I've provided the opening paragraph to the ACTUAL study that was recently conducted on the effects of Erythritol. PLEASE -- disregard the incredibly irresponsible reports that the study only consisted of 8 people or that it only included obese, old men. There were a few thousand participants involved in the study of all ages and body types/status. The full article could not be published here but seems to be available through various sites (the actual article requires access to "nature medicine", and the official name of the study is "The artificial sweetener erythritol and cardiovascular event risk". It's a long, boring read, but it contains the actual facts of the study. The main point of the finding is: Our bodies reaction to the product Erythritol is causing SUBSTANTIALLY increased platelet production (blood clots).These clots are flowing to the brain/heart and immediately triggering a stroke or heart attack. These reactions are NOT a result of age or physical condition. Anyone at any age with narrow arteries/capillaries or a reduced circulatory system can suffer one of these clots. It is a fact that, those in poor physical condition or those individuals over the age of 50 are more likely to experience adverse reactions to blood clots. However, not every blood clot results in a stroke or heart attack. Young people with poor eating habits or pre-diabetes (1 in 3 Americans) can simply suffer a loss of circulation to a limb or organ. At any rate, blood clots are very dangerous and deserve our attention.
(Abbreviated using "...." for length only)
"Artificial sweeteners are widely used sugar substitutes, but little is known about their long-term effects on cardiometabolic disease risks. Here we examined the commonly used sugar substitute erythritol and atherothrombotic disease risk. In initial....studies in patients undergoing cardiac risk assessment (1,157) circulating levels of multiple polyol sweeteners, especially erythritol, were associated with incident (3 year) risk for major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE; includes death or nonfatal myocardial infarction or stroke). Subsequent targeted metabolomics analyses in independent US (2,149) and European (833) validation cohorts of stable patients undergoing elective cardiac evaluation confirmed this association......(with 95% confidence). At physiological levels, erythritol enhances platelet reactivity.....blood clotting. Finally, in a prospective pilot intervention study..... erythritol ingestion in healthy volunteers (8) induced marked and sustained (>2 d) increases in plasma erythritol levels well above thresholds associated with heightened platelet reactivity and thrombosis potential in in vitro and in vivo studies. <---(This is the group of "8" people which are constantly being mentioned---it was just an "on the way out the door" test to quickly study one final means of comparison, but is obviously NOT a significant part of the study) Our findings reveal that erythritol is both associated with incident Major Adverse Cardiac Event risk and fosters enhanced.... thrombosis (blood clotting). Studies assessing the long-term safety of Erythritol are warranted".
submitted by Famous-Slice1843 to ErythritolNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:19 shmajent 2024 Three Days at the Fair 50K - my first Ultra!

Race information


Goal Description Completed?
A 4:30:00 No
B < 5 hours Yes


Mile Time
1 0:39 *
2 7:33
3 7:31
4 8:01
5 7:45
6 7:56
7 8:08
8 8:00
9 8:00
10 8:27
11 8:04
12 8:11
13 8:08
14 8:10
15 8:06
16 8:10
17 8:43
18 8:09
19 8:40
20 8:21
21 8:38
22 8:39
23 9:06
24 9:05
25 9:56
26 9:45
27 9:40
28 10:16
29 11:07
30 10:20
31 11:46
32 11:00
33 6:30 **


This was a spring full of sharp turns and hard knocks. The original training went towards the Cheap Marathon in Derry, NH. (That race was reported upon by flocculus here.) Training then consisted of maintaining 30-40 weekly miles, with a weekly long run adding two miles from the prior week, with some fluctuation. My hometown is quite hilly, so I foregone specific hill training as all of my runs were not near flat. My final long run was 21.5 miles March 6 before tapering down my weekly long runs.
A freak snowstorm delayed the Cheap Marathon from 4/6 to 4/20, however on 4/9 I fell in my gym shower. Either a rib contusion or hairline fracture paused any running or training for nearly two weeks. Scrambling for some sort of race to scratch the itch and not toss away months of prior training, I found 3 Days at the Fair online – a six day affair featuring ultramarathon categories from 50K to 144H races. They offered a marathon category, with an alluring 50K at similar start times. Naturally, I signed up for shy of 5 more miles than a marathon. One of my running mates gave me the best advice that "ultra running is more of an eating contest than anything else." Considering that during prior marathons I had salt tabs and 3 or 4 GU packets, I thought more about this statement. Hoping my ribs and legs would stand up, I went for the race.
Note: If registering for this race, you can choose the specific date and time you wish to start it. Just stick to that time. I would end up toeing the line with three other 50K runners who opted for the Saturday 9AM start. One could have theoretically started their run any day between Monday and Saturday, at 9AM or 6PM.


The Sussex County NJ fairgrounds were easy enough for me to get to. Those who were not running longer ultra races had plenty of parking mere steps from the registration/food/starting line. (Those running longer races have opportunities to park campers, tents, and so forth.) Weather was gray and cool, at 58˚F/14˚C -ish. I ended up playing with how I'd pack for the run, before noticing racks set up after the start line into which you could place your water bottle so as to not hold it the entire time.


For check-in, I picked up my swag (a plush bathrobe) and timing ankle chip. No bibs here! At 8:50, marathoners and 50K'ers were brought to the respective start lines, 0.1 and 0.2 miles after the timing mat. At 9AM, we would run against the sea of all other runners back to the starting mat, turn around, and continue in the anti-clockwise 1 mile loop course. This is why marathons are 27 laps and 50K is 32 laps – that quarter lap registered as "lap 1 completed," so 31.1 miles registers as 32 at the end. I'm getting ahead of myself!
I found the course compelling enough to follow. After the timing mat, there is a short uphill that weaves past the toilet and shower area, and toward a hairpin. While the 'pin itself was set wide, most of the time I would walk it because of traffic or weakening knees. This continued straight past a Camper's Row of sorts with mild downhill. The second half runs a long arch around the grounds, with a gradual gentle uphill. The course is paved except for a 200m segment of packed gravel – if it had rained, this part could've been muddy. The course completed after a shot down a causeway, and left turning back to the mat. It's this area where registration, fuel/food/catering, and timing is displayed. Overall, no real potholes to be concerned about, just 31 total laps of this!
Hydration and food – tons of everything including Impossible Burgers, PB&J, cola, and sports vitamins – was supplied after the timing mat. I kept track of which lap I was on with a big-screen projection. My name, lap number, prior lap time, and total time appeared. Every 30 minutes or so I decided to take in calories. This included GU Rocktane, GU Vanilla (sooooo good), two stroopwaffels, two ice pops, and a few salt tabs. It was roughly 400 or so more calories than I would have consumed during a race. Hydration was also a factor, that the course was completely uncovered made me feel hotter and "drier" than normal. I might have taken on about 50 fl oz / 1.5 liters of water. My stomach tolerated this!
The main causeway/timing mat area is where I stopped for water and stowed my foods so I didn't have to carry it around. Early on, I didn't understand where the timing screen was, so took minor detours in the registration area. These factors are why my paces seem inconsistent by 30-odd seconds per mile at points.
The people here are amazing! Other runners were highly supportive, chatty, upbeat. One person was dressed up like a chicken (the race logo featured one), and another person blasted some pretty appropriate and popular tunes. It would be a game for me to guess the artist or song on every lap – we had a great banter going! Another group had a dry-erase board and changed it every few minutes or so with a new dad joke. Naturally, I had to stop to retort with another. For example, they wrote, "3.14% of sailors are pi-rates!" I replied, "if it's $4.50 in Jamaica for a beef patty, $3.50 in DR, and $2 in Trinidad, are those the pie rates of the Caribbean?" Sorry, not sorry.
The lack of proper training began to present itself around mile 22. Pacing was targeted at 8:00-8:15 per mile, with goal half-marathon splits at 1h45m or so. After mile 26, I was 3h40m44s, ten minutes off goal pace. Around that point I slowed, taking more walk breaks but promising myself to run at least half every lap. Landmarks were mentally set to designate where walking and running would occur. When I crossed the line I was done.


From a mental standpoint, the concept of so many laps did not bother me. My daily runs more often than not are laps in my parking lot, and I've completed a few half marathons on traditional 400m tracks a few times prior – especially during the Global Pandemilovato of '20. Physically, my legs did not feel any worse than they would have after 26.2 miles. My stomach was actually doing quite alright – nausea and headache would set in within a few minutes of finishing other marathons, but not today. My buddy's advice is making me rethink my marathon strategy.
As the event is ultra-marathon focused, finishers of marathon and 50K received a coin. The longer the distance, the larger the coin, with special awards for those who have invested 100+ miles with the organization. (A paver brick [!] stamped with the runner's name is awarded after 1,500 miles with the organization.) Either way, I circled back to the registration area to press my luck at burger availability. Unfortunately they were out, yet making more. While at the beginning of the race the smell of bacon and pancakes wafted onto the line, the sweet smell of success – naturally, manifest as deliciously greasy burgers – greeted us at the end.
Post-race nutriton in my car included Gatorlyte electrolytes, SiS Rego Rapid recovery, and 1.5 liters of water. I opted against the on-site showers and made the long ride home for one which was far more satisfying.
EDIT: Added info about registration. EDIT 2: Grammar.
submitted by shmajent to running [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:11 Wild-Lab-4391 Digital Marketing Courses in Yamuna Vihar

Digital Marketing Courses in Yamuna Vihar
Digital marketing is gonna be enormous in the upcoming period.There are a plethora of opportunities in this profession due to the growing demand. There are multiple institutes providing digital marketing courses in Yamuna Vihar but here are some top-grade institutes.
1. IIDE (Indian Institute of Digital Education): They are awarded as the No 1 Digital marketing institute and they target to make students industry-ready by providing with practical and A-Z knowledge about digital marketing. Personal mentoring provided by IIDE is amazing, as the mentors have hands on experience in brand building globally, and are experts. Students from IIDE have been placed in top brands and they even provide placement assurance.
2. Adzentrix: Offers a comprehensive 3-month digital marketing course including modules on SEO, PPC, social media marketing, Google Analytics, and more. They also provide job placements and internships. Even after finishing the course you have access to the materials and video content for life time.
3. Digital Training India : With a focus on hands-on learning, Digital Training India offers an extensive program in digital marketing. It is a 16 week long course in which they provide both practical and theoretical training which helps the student tackle real world challenges. They focus more on industry relevant skills.
These are the top 3, dig deeper into each of these institutes and the course provided, give it good research and remember to always choose an institute according to your goals and needs. Good luck!
submitted by Wild-Lab-4391 to u/Wild-Lab-4391 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:10 iwokeupabillionare Annie Who Are You? L'inconnue de la Seine. The Girl who never drowned.

Michael Jackson’s song 'Smooth Criminal' featured on his seventh album Bad (1987). The song is about a woman being attacked in their apartment. It used the refrain “Annie Are You Ok?” which is used to teach students CPR on CPR mannequin Annie (Wikipedia, 2023). “Resusci Anne was developed by the Norwegian toy maker Åsmund S. Lærdal and the Austrian-Czech physician Peter Safar and American physician James Elam” (Wikipedia, 2023). The oldest version is the proto-CPR mannequin of the world. It was invented after Asmund “was alerted to… physicians and engineers in Baltimore that had a new and much more effective method for resuscitation, involving mouth-to-mouth breathing”. The creation was sentimental as Tore, his son, had experienced drowning. The doll was modelled after the face of the death mask, ‘L’ inconnue de la Seine’ translated from French to English meaning ‘The unknown of the Seine’ (A rich heritage, 2023). They chose the face of a young female as male doctors would’ve felt uncomfortable practising on a same-sexed doll . Additionally, to resurrect a girl “millions of times is at the centre of a macabre mystery.”
Legend states, a young female corpse was pulled from the river Seine, the death mask was moulded on the corpse's face by a pathologist as they were beheld by her beauty. The corpse awaited with other bodies for identification which never came in the Paris Morgue. This practise was real as “two-thirds of the corpses dealt with by the morgue fished out of the Seine" were "suicides, accidental drownings or murders” (The Guardian, 2007).
Eric Nadeau stated "the pathologist asked for a mould to be made of the young woman’s face and the closest moulder was [their] very own Michel Lorenzi who founded Artlier Lorenzi, a molding workshop founded in 1871 “19, Rue Racine” (Morgan, 2017) . A suggestion from a now deleted post by users: and the link provided by in this thread provided contradicting info, Phoebe Judge stated that Eric Nardeau stated that the mask wasn’t created of a corpse, but Lorenzi stated in a 1914 French interview, but of a living model in 1866. The mask was made due to the model's popularity with other artists (The unknown woman, p.8, 2023).
According to Nadeau: “Michel Lorenzi, who was from an old moulding family based in a small village near Lucca, Italy and arrived in Paris around 1850” (Morgan, 2017). Although, another source stated that “Michel had a house in Piano. di Coreglia, came to settle in Paris around 1868” (LORENZI Pierre- Sculptor, n.d). It's possible the mask wasn't created in France but Italy according to the date Michel Lorenzi moved and the creation year of the mask provided by Nadeau.
Claire Forestier, a descendant of the original Lorenzi stated the death mask’s face has " full, rounded cheeks ... smooth skin…[usually akin to] casts taken from living faces [as they are] are so clear, so detailed, that when you look at the eyelids you can just see the eyeballs' movement underneath. That's the case with the Inconnue" (The Guardian, 2007).
“… moored at their headquarters near the Pont d'Austerlitz, Chief Brigadier Pascal Jacquin was less than convinced that the girl was dead when the mask was made” according to them “the drowned and suicides, they never look so peaceful. They're swollen, they don't look nice" (Grange, 2013).
"In 1960, Pierre Lièvre reported to the magazine "Chercheurs et Curieux." The interview stated the then owner of Atelier Lorenzi's ancestor (presumably Michel Lorenzi) had "molded the Inconnue at the request of a forensic doctor, as quoted on March 28, 2020 in the "Cousu Main editions blog titled "L'Inconnue de la Seine" on cousumain.worldpress.com"". The writer Jean Ducourneau, whilst writing The Church of Céline "(referenced below) [35, 36]", made a visit to rue Racine, they wrote the found that the mask "had been lifted on the face of a very pretty workshop model, reminding us that it is technically impossible for this mask to have been lifted on a corpse," reiterating the technical impossibility of this veil being lifted from a deceased body. "(In fact very quickly the rigidity cadaver blocks the mandibular joint and the smile would rather have been a rictus or a grimace)"
Origin of the Legend
“The name L'Inconnue de la Seine is quite late and probably dates from Ernst Benkard's collection of photographs in 1926 [25, 26] … placed the Unknown Woman of the Seine on the cover of his collection of death masks, Das ewige Antlitz (The Eternal Face) [Figure 20]. The book was published in 1926. The myth of her death mask probably originates from Rainer Maria Rilke’s Cahiers de Malte Laurids Brigge, published in Germany in 1910, in French 1911*.* “Rilke arrived in Paris in 1902 and stayed at 3 rue de l'Abbé-de-l'Épée near rue Racine. [He] mentions the mask of the Unknown woman associated with that of Beethoven, in the window of the molder Lorenzi, rue Racine. “The face of the young drowned woman that was cast in the morgue, because it was beautiful and because it smiled, because it smiled so deceptively . ". [23L page 72 Points edition] [Figure 11].” (Jean-Pierre, 2022).
Beginning Art History
According to Gaelle-Salliot (2017), Lorenzi’s grandniece stated that the death mask was first used for the 19th tetes d’expression at Ecole Beaux Arts. The author cited Edourd Papet’s (2008, p. 20) fact that the death mask was earliest depicted in Charles Bargue and Jean Leon-Gerome’s cours de dessin a drawing manual which features a drawing of Homer. She is depicted in Figure 2 (Gaëlle-Salliot, 2017, p.7). This drawing manual didn't reference a story of that of drown girl etc.
Potential real facts about the Jane Doe
An alternative name for the live cast is ‘La Belle Italienne’, from Frenct to English meaning, ‘The Beautiful Italian’. She’s seen in A. Daprato & Co. Boston, Manufacturer of Plastic Arts. “Several plaster casts manufacturer in the United States added a portrait of the girl in their [catalogue] collection, but in all [catalogue] she is named as La Belle Italienne. Why Italian?. This is a curious fact, it is a true information or an error because the girl was unknown?” She is seen with the name in “P.P. Caproni & Bro. Boston, Plastic Arts. 1911 cat [-ologue]. Masks n° 13525 La Belle Italienne, from life $ 1,00” (Felice, 2012). “Forestier thinks she must have been at most 16 for her skin to be so firm and smooth” (The Guardian, 2007). “According to the draughtsman Georges Villa, who received this information from his master, the painter Jules Joseph Lefebvre, the impression was taken from the face of a young model who died of tuberculosis around 1875, but no trace of the original cast remained” (M, Bessy, 1981 cited by Wikipedia, 2023)”. However, according to Marious Grout, the model was famous and working for “artists around 1875” (Gaëlle-Salliot, pp.6-7, 2015).
False leads
According to Alvarez (2015) the model of mask gained success in German with their father in a Hamburg factory that reproduced the mask (Gaëlle-Salliot, 2017). This fact doesn’t lead to anywhere. She was also identified as a Russian prostitute named Valerie who committed suicide, buried in Pere- Lachaise (Gaëlle-Salliot, 2017). Although, this comes from the fictional book The Mask by William Wood (G. E. W. H, 1951, p.6). As well as, Ewa Lazlo, a creation of John Goto, who wrote a fictional investigative story identifying the model. They “assumed that people would have a postmodern view and treat it as fictional," and they "really didn't expect [people] to take it seriously" as people online took his story to be factual (Grange, 2013).
She has the artistic reverence and mystery of a once youthful girl alike Afghan girl. “In light of the Cold War, the portrait was described as the "First World's Third World Mona Lisa"” according to S. Hesford and Kozol (2005) cited by Wikipedia, 2023. A title formally given to L’ inconnue de la Seine “because of her mysterious smile, “Mona Lisa of suicide” (Aragon)” (Jean-Pierre, 2022). The legend casts a great shadow over her identity, as the story ends with a corpse; she is muse who’s story is reinvented time and time again. It is possible that not resources all have been exhausted, there is potentially more information that could be obtained by the Artlier Lorenzi. Additionally, we still don’t known the causes-effects that lead to Georges Villa obtaining information about her, it is possible that other documents about this figure exist from this contemporary art community . If this person is Italian - a small possibility – this person’s life could have been documented in Italian records waiting for a face to match the details.
TLDR: An unidentified model possibly of Italian origin, was used to create a live cast of a bust. It was recreated repeatedly. The bust was misreported to a be a “death mask” of girl who drowned in the river Seine, in late 19th century France, from a pathologist in awe of her beauty created the mask. Long after, she became a muse for many artists. Then, she became the model of the first CPR doll in the 1960s. Finally, the victim of a melodic tragedy ‘Smooth Criminal’. No one knows the model’s identity.
Name: Unknown
Age: 16+/- (The Guardian, 2007)
Born: 1850+/- (Based upon the possible creation year of the mask from The unknown woman, p.8, 2023 and possible age range of the model from the Guardian, 2007)
Modelled: 1866? (The Unknown woman, p.8, 2023)
Death year: 1875? (Bessy, 1981 cited by Wikipedia, 2023)
Death cause: Tuberculosis? (Bessy, 1981 cited by Wikipedia, 2023)
Ethnicity: Italian? (Felice, 2012)
Occupation: Model for live casts
Place of work: Lucca, Italy (LORENZI Pierre- Sculptor, n.d) or Artlier Lorenzi, France (Morgan, 2017)?
Employer: Michel Lorenzi (The Guardian, 2007 et al.)
submitted by iwokeupabillionare to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:08 Yurii_S_Kh Monotheism, Part 3: Islam

Monotheism, Part 3: Islam
Islam: Origins
Jibril (Gabriel) appears before Mohammed, drawing
The religion of the Law, which for 15 centuries prepared the chosen people for the coming into the world of the its Savior, the Incarnate Lord Jesus Christ, preceded New Testament religion. According to the Holy Apostle Paul, "the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ" (Gal. 3:24). It was all in all only "a shadow of good things to come" (Heb. 10:1). When the Savior came into the world, Old Testament religion had fulfilled its purpose. Our Lord Jesus Christ revealed to us the mystery of the Heavenly Kingdom and established the New Covenant, which was foretold by the prophet Jeremiah. "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the Lord: But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people" (Jer. 31:31-33).
Man was redeemed from original sin and its consequences by the voluntary death on the Cross of Jesus Christ as Savior of the World. He entered into an entirely new period in terms of his relationship with God in comparison with the Old Testament: instead of the law, there was a free condition of sonship and grace. Man received new means for achieving the ideal set for him of moral perfection as a necessary condition for salvation.
Islam, having arisen in Arabia in the seventh century, appeared as the religion of the law six centuries after the God of the chosen people of the religion of the Law fulfilled its purpose.
The difference between the Old Testament religion of the Law and Islam is not only that the latter emerged more than two thousand years after God gave on Mount Sinai the Ten Commandments and other precepts that governed life for the chosen people. The most important difference is that the Law of Moses has a Divine source. The book of Exodus gives a narrative of the majestic Epiphany. "And Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God; and they stood at the nether part of the mount. And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly. And when the voice of the trumpet sounded long, and waxed louder and louder, Moses spake, and God answered him by a voice. And the Lord came down upon mount Sinai, on the top of the mount: and the Lord called Moses up to the top of the mount; and Moses went up" (Exod. 19:17-20).
The founder of Islam, however, did not have a Divine revelation.
How did Islam arise? We read about this in the Hadith “Al-Jamii al-Sahih”. A mysterious being began to visit Mohammed. He slept in a cave on the slope of Mount Hira. On the night of the 24th of the month of Ramadan in year 610 someone appeared to him in human form. This event is considered the beginning of Islam. This story about it is from the Sunnah: “[A]n angel appeared to him and bade him 'READ!' 'I am no reader!' Mohammed replied in great trepidation, whereon the angel shook him violently and again bade him read. This was repeated three times, when the angel uttered the five verses that commence the 96th chapter: 'READ! in the name of thy Lord, who did create—who did create man from congealed blood. READ! for thy Lord is the most generous.’” Mohammed puzzled over whether a demon or angel visited him. He confided his experiences in his wife Khadijah. I will introduce more of the story of Mohammed's biography, generally accepted by Muslims: “She said to the messenger of God, ‘O son of my uncle, are you able to tell me about your visitant, when he comes to you?’ He replied that he could, and she asked him to tell her when he came. So when Gabriel came to him, as he was wont the apostle said to Khadija, ‘This is Gabriel who has just come to me.’ ‘Get up, O son of my uncle,’ she said, ‘and sit by my left thigh.’ The apostle did so, and she said, ‘Can you see him?’ ‘Yes,’ he said. She said, ‘Then turn round and sit on my right thigh.’ He did so, and she said, ‘Can you see him?’ When he said that he could she asked him to move and sit in her lap. When he had done this she again asked if he could see him, and when he said yes, she disclosed her form and cast aside her veil while the apostle was sitting in her lap. Then she said, ‘Can you see him?’ And he replied, ‘No.’ She said, ‘O son of my uncle, rejoice and be of good heart, by God he is an angel and not a satan’” (Ibn Hisham, Biography of the Prophet Muhammad).
It is surprising how easily and, gently speaking, naively this question, which in the spiritual realm is a question of life or death, had been answered with the help of a woman. Before all else, an Angel is a bodiless being, and for his sight there are no actual barriers: one can see through even clothes. Clothes hide nudity only from the eyes of man. Even so, the body of man in and of itself is not something perverse or shameful. It is a creation of God. The lust of man is sinful as well as is carnal desire, but not the body. In paradise the progenitors were naked and were not ashamed (see Gen. 2:25). The nature of an Angel is inviolate. They are alien to passions of man. But if this was a demon, then he could easily resort to trickery. Knowing how they tested him, he especially would be able to take leave of himself, so that they would take him for an Angel.
The attitude of Islam towards the Bible
Islam emerged as something syncretic out of several sources: ancient Arabic cults, Judaism, Christianity, Hanifism (a pre-Islamic monotheistic movement in Arabia) and Mazdaism (an ancient Iranian religion). There is no doubt that the Old Testament holy books and the Gospel had an influence on the formation of Islam. In the Quran many people and events from biblical history are mentioned. However, these stories are presented completely arbitrarily and inaccurately.
According to the Quran, man was created from water. "It is He Who has created man from water: Then has He established relationships of lineage and marriage: for thy Lord has power (over all things)" (25:54). In another surah, it says: "Proclaim! (or read!) in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood" (96:1-2). In another part it speaks about clay, "He created man from sounding clay like unto pottery" (55:14).
In contrast to the Bible, the Quran does not say that man was created in the image and likeness of God. This discrepancy is most profound. With God's image and likeness, man is summoned to commune directly with his Creator. He can become one with the Lord. This is not so in Islam.
The book of Genesis tells the story of how the entire family of the patriarch Noah (in Arabic, Nuh) was saved in the Ark. The Quran speaks about the death of Noah's son: "So the Ark floated with them on the waves (towering) like mountains, and Noah called out to his son, who had separated himself (from the rest): ‘O my son! Embark with us, and be not with the unbelievers!’ The son replied: ‘I will betake myself to some mountain: it will save me from the water.’ Noah said: ‘This day nothing can save, from the command of Allah, any but those on whom He hath mercy!’ And the waves came between them, and the son was among those overwhelmed in the Flood" (11:42-43). Another surah tells it somewhat differently: "(Remember) Noah, when he cried (to Us) aforetime: We listened to his (prayer) and delivered him and his family from great distress" (21:76).
There is no need to provide more examples. In the Quran, things are especially distorted when discussing New Testament events. Here the differences are purely fundamental. The Incarnation, the Crucifixion on Golgotha, and the Resurrection are all denied. Even the event of the Nativity of Christ, known to the whole world, is described very strangely. It is alleged that Maryam retreated to a faraway place and gave birth to a Son under palms (19:23). In this surah, called Maryam, She is called the "sister of Harun," i.e. Aaron. He indeed had a sister named Miriam, but she lived 15 centuries before the Nativity of Christ.
Probably due to so great a number of errors and distortions, many representatives of Islam, in order to escape from this quandary, allege that the modern Holy Scripture of Christians has been distorted (a circumstance known as tahrif). Immediately, the question arises: what evidence do they provide? There is no evidence. Characteristically, the view of Muslims toward the Bible has undergone significant change over the course of several centuries. Early Islamic writers such as al-Tabari and ar-Razi believed that the distortion comes down to tahrif bi'al ma'ni, i.e. the corruption of the meaning without changing the text. However, later authors such as Ibn Hazm and Al-Biruni introduced the idea of tahrif bi’al-lafz, i.e. the corruption of the text itself. At that, both of these positions have been preserved to the present day. Thus, the level of acceptance among Muslims of the Bible depends on one's understanding of tahrif. The very existence of these fundamentally different positions indicates that there is no concrete evidence.
It is impossible to ignore one interesting feature of the attitude that representatives of Islam have toward the Biblical text. In that they do not have their own "undistorted" biblical text, they cite our canonical text as undistorted. However, when they need to support a point, for example, negative examples from the life of Banu Isra'il (the children of Israel) with a reference to parts that do not conform to Islam, they proclaim the text to be distorted.
Muslims allege that the New Testament (Injil), which the Quran refers to positively, is not in fact the current four Gospels. We have already said that they do not provide any evidence. The falsehood of the accusation that Christians distorted the Scriptures stems from the internal inconsistencies of the very Islamic authors who wrote on this theme. According to the Quran, the New Testament was originally a true, sacred text. "And in their footsteps We sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the Law that had come before him: We sent him the Gospel: therein was guidance and light, and confirmation of the Law that had come before him: a guidance and an admonition to those who fear Allah" (5:46). In another section: "Say: ‘O People of the Book! ye have no ground to stand upon unless ye stand fast by the Law, the Gospel, and all the revelation that has come to you from your Lord.’ It is the revelation that cometh to thee from thy Lord, that increaseth in most of them their obstinate rebellion and blasphemy" (5:68). This excerpt clearly demonstrates that the Quran itself does not speak of the distorted Scripture, but about "rebellion and blasphemy" related to misunderstanding.
There is one part of the Quran (10:94) which is very problematic for Islamic commentators: "If thou wert in doubt as to what We have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the Book from before thee: the Truth hath indeed come to thee from thy Lord: so be in no wise of those in doubt." This ayat refers the Muslim "in doubt" to the authority of the biblical Holy Scripture. Abdul-Haqq writes: “The learned doctors of Islam are sadly embarrassed by this verse, referring the prophet as it does to the people of the Book who would solve his doubts” (Abdul-Haqq, A. A. (1980). Sharing Your Faith With A Muslim. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers. As cited in Geisler, N.L. (1999). Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Publishing Group). According to the logic of this verse, the biblical Scripture was undistorted in the 7th century at the time of the Quran's creation. Then one must recognize that the current text is also correct, since we use manuscripts written over several centuries prior to the Quran.
Textual criticism of the New Testament has achieved outstanding breakthroughs in the 20th century. Currently, there are over 2,328 manuscripts and manuscript fragments in Greek, coming to us from the first three centuries of Christianity. The most ancient New Testament manuscript, a part of the Gospel of John 18:31-33, 37-38, is the Rylands Library Papyrus P52, dated 117-138 in the era of the reign of emperor Hadrian. Adolf Deissmann acknowledges the possibility of the emergence of this papyrus even under the reign of Emperor Trajan (98-117). It is preserved in Manchester. Another ancient New Testament manuscript is the Papyrus Bodmer, P75. The 102 surviving pages contain the texts of the Gospels of Luke and John. "The editors, Victor Martin and Rodolphe Kasser, date this copy to between 175 and 225 A.D. It is thus the earliest surviving known copy of the Gospel according to Luke available today and one of the earliest of the Gospel according to John" (Bruce M. Metzger. The Text of the New Testament. p. 58). This precious manuscript is located in Geneva.
Uncial script on parchment: leather codices with uncial script, (in Latin uncia means inch) letters without sharp corners and broken lines. This script is distinguished by its great refinement and precision. Each letter is disconnected. There are 362 uncial manuscripts of the New Testament. The most ancient of these codices (Codex Sinaiticus, Vaticanus, and Alexandrinus) have already been mentioned.
Scholars complemented this impressive collection of ancient New Testament manuscripts with the New Testament text, which consisted of 36,286 excerpts of the Holy Scripture of the New Testament found in the works of the holy fathers and teachers of the Church from the first through fourth centuries. This text is lacking only 11 verses.
Scholars of textual criticism in the 20th century did a tremendous job on the collation of all—several thousands of—New Testament manuscripts and identified all textual discrepancies caused by scribal error. An evaluation and typologization was performed. Precise criteria for determining a correct variant were established. For those familiar with this rigorous scientific work, it is obvious that allegations of the distortion of the current holy text of the New Testament are unfounded. In terms of the number of ancient manuscripts and the brevity of time separating the earliest surviving text from the original, no one work of antiquity can be compared with the New Testament.
Accusations that the Bible's text is distorted are puzzling. How could it actually have been done? How could Christians and Hebrews have come together to do this? Everyone knows the degree of their mutual [doctrinal—Ed.] alienation. And yet both Christians and Jews use one and the same canonical text of the Old Testament. Furthermore, the entire New Testament was preserved in the Chester Beatty Papyri, composed in approximately 250 A.D.
It is inconceivable to accept that under the conditions that existed in Christian society, hundreds of exemplars of the New Testament text were miscopied for the purpose of distortion.
On the Monotheism of Islam
Historians and religious scholars regard the three "Abrahamic" religions, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, as monotheistic religions. For the researcher, the doctrinal principles that representatives of each of these three religions formulate are sufficient. However, on a theological level, the insufficiency of such a formal approach becomes clear. Monotheism is a necessary but not sufficient condition for true religion. Only a religion that has Divine revelation as a source has the true and spiritually accurate doctrine concerning God. Christianity not only maintains that God is the living, absolute source, "the only true God" (John 17:3; 1 Thes. 1:9; cf. John 5:20), but also teaches thoroughly and in depth of the nature of God as without beginning, without end, and of a perfect Spirit. The chief characteristic of the Divine nature is love. "God is love" (1 John 4:16). These words of the apostle contain the principal idea of the New Testament as the good news of salvation. The ineffable goodness of God created the world. The Lord housed man in paradise. Even after the Fall, God continued to love mankind. The greatness of God's love was revealed when the incarnate God died a most agonizing death for us. Christians know from not only the Holy Scripture, but also through the power of spiritual experience, that God is all-knowing and all-wise. The apostle says: "Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do" (Heb. 4:13).
God knows not only all that has happened, and all that is, but he has also perfect knowledge of the future. The mirror of the supreme Wisdom of God is the universe which He created, astounding man with its extraordinary complexity, beauty, and harmony. God demonstrates his ineffable Wisdom also in the dispensation of our salvation. "O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out" (Rom. 11:33).
True religion is not limited by the demand of worship for the Creator. Its ultimate goal is the spiritual unity of man with God. The Savior speaks about this in a prayer to his Father before his suffering on the cross: "That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us" (John 17:21).
From the aforementioned characteristics of the Divine follows the concept of true, Christian monotheism. There can be only one all-powerful and all-just God.
The concept of God in Islam does not have a source of divine revelation. It developed on the basis of ancient Arabic religion. The word “Allah” was used in the polytheistic pantheon of Arabs to denote “God”: Allah (al - the definite article; ilah - god). Among the pagan Arabs, prior to their adoption of Islam, Allah was the supreme lunar deity, worshipped in north and central Arabia. The father of Muhammed, who was a pagan, was named Abdullah ("Servant of Allah").
In pre-Islamic times, the crescent moon was the symbol of the worship of the moon-god among the Arabs. This is confirmed by archeological evidence. The crescent moon was carried over as the main symbol of Islam.
Arabs of the Syrian desert called the wife of Allah as Al-lāt, and in the south of central Arabia, Al-‘Uzzá. In other areas of Arabia, they, along with Manat, were worshipped as the daughters of Allah. This genetic trail was preserved in the Quran. There is mention of this in the 53rd surah: "Have ye seen Lāt, and ‘Uzzā, and another, the third (goddess), Manāt? What! For you the male sex, and for Him, the female? Behold, such would be indeed a division most unfair!" (53:19-22).
In Islam, Allah is a created religious image by the human consciousness. He does not express the real almighty divine personhood. Consequently, monotheism in Islam is imagined. In a number of places in the Quran, he is endowed with intrinsically human characteristics and traits. Allah says:
  • "Those who reject Our signs, We shall soon cast into the fire: as often as their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may taste the penalty" (4:56);
  • "...There is no help Except from God, the Exalted, the Wise: that He might cut off a fringe of the Unbelievers or expose them to infamy, and they should then be turned back, frustrated of their purpose: (3: 126–127);
  • "The Hypocrites—they think they are over-reaching God, but He will over-reach them" (4:142);
  • "And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and God too planned, and the best of planners is God" (3:54);
  • “Many are the Jinns and men we have made for Hell: they have hearts wherewith they understand not, eyes wherewith they see not, and ears wherewith they hear not. They are like cattle,—nay more misguided: for they are heedless (of warning)” (7:179).
What a great difference! Christianity teaches that God "will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth" (1 Tim. 2:4), while Islam maintains that Allah created many people for Gehenna.
The idea of monotheism, (tawhid, from the verb wahhada—to reckon something as one) was formulated in the Quran in several surahs. For example, in the 16th surah, "The Bee": "For We assuredly sent amongst every people an apostle, (with the Command), "serve God, and eschew evil" (16:36). In the terminology of the sharia, anything people worship except for Allah is "taghut". Since Islam does not know of direct revelation, nor the holy Manifestation of God to the world, nor the unification of man with God on the foundation of love, its monotheism is imagined, formalistic and abstract, requiring not that man change himself or his way of life, but only worship and daily prayer.
Hieromonk Job (Gumerov)
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:05 Kuro13 How many topics to study per day (assuming 2 hours is the max amount for each topic)?

For context, I don't have a proper job right now, besides working on art commissions for others. I basically have all day to study. I wanna spend 8-10 hours working on art. However, IDK what the exact amount should be for studying it.
For each week, I've allocated at most two hours studying a main topic. Last week was arms, now this week is legs. From what I understand, there's a limit for how long you can study before there's not much benefit the more hours you spend (due to how the brain works). I feel like 1 to 2 hours is enough for me, since I didn't notice much benefits after spending 6 hours learning to draw arms for one day.
I wasn't sure if what I've been reading is based on studying with no breaks at all (especially a long 30-60 min break if studying for more than 1 hour) or if it's specifically towards a certain subject matter. For example, could I do two hours studying one topic and then do the same for a different topic? While not two hours, I've been giving myself 30 minutes to "warm up" by practicing lines (C-S-I), shapes, and form. I don't feel like I need to go too overkill with it so that's why it's 30 minutes.
Of course, I make the sessions fun by drawing silly things or involving my favorite characters to make it more engaging. That and the breaks, as well.
I'm just at a point where I need to seriously brush up on my anatomy (as well as color, composition, gestures, etc)
tl;dr If there's a daily cap to studying/practicing art, is that only for a specific topic or does that apply to learning anything at all? If I only got, at most, two hours to study before I see diminishing returns, should I just divide how much to study a subject matter?
submitted by Kuro13 to learntodraw [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:05 GesusTheLord How to deal with losing interest in a decent job?

Hello everyone,
I'm a soon to be graduate and have been working fulltime at my current company for 5 months. In the eyes of my coworkers and boss, I've been doing a great job and proving my potential, with my boss already confiding in me more than anyone else in the office, never micromanaging me, and painting pictures of me being a leader and decisionmaker soon.
However, in my eyes, I am falling off a cliff in terms of focus, productivity, and interest in the job. Since day 1, I've approached this job as a learning experience and to be fair, it really has been, just not through the requirements and responsibilities of the job itself. I'm learning a lot of soft skills around people, time, and project management, and just as importantly learning the things I don't resonate with such as sitting on a chair for 8 fixed hours. The nature of the work is mundane and tedious, and although I do appreciate my boss for trying to keep me challenged, there is a wider ecosystem that I feel brings me down to become 'an average employee working an average job'. I feel bad because I look at my coworkers who have been here for years with 0 career development and what seems to be 0 interest in developing their careers. I also feel bad that my boss thinks of me as examplary, when I feel I am abusing my freedom and am far from my own standards at this point.
My main distractions are that I have a few side projects with a lot of friction and earning potential (real estate + the creative industry) that consume my mind and heart, as well as a strong chance to win a paid expenses research grant to explore my genuine interests and create something out of them. I also do have two summer courses that will consume a decent chunk of my time.
Thus, I am faced with two paths:
1) Suck it out from 9-5 so I can guarantee my (modest) income and a 1 year work experience on my resume, as well as learn some more about patience and what not. I'll try to fit in my hobbies and side projects when I am energized enough to pursue them, hoping that enough structure can develop around them so that I can quit my job. In this case I must also learn how to deal with perceiving situations as bleak and dreadful in the short term without understanding how the future can hold something better for me if I continue on the same path.
2) "The grass is greener where you water it"/"don't think outside of the box, think like there is no box" approach. This is where my heart is telling me to go. Quit my job, free up 8 hours a day, put them into what I actually care about. This is not just a corporate vs entreprenurship thing, as I understand that I am blessed to be learning things, making money, and having a boss that takes care of me in an environment others wish to have. It's more about setting the tone for myself that if my heart is set on something, I can maximize my potential, resourcefulness, and responsibility to make it work.
I know it's not necessarily a unique thought process or situation to read off a reddit post, but obviously in my eyes it is my first time having to face such a dilemma. I don't really need advice on which path to go, as from my tone I assume you can see where I'm leaning with this situation. Rather, I'm looking for advice on how to process this in my head, and what I might need to brace myself for. I have always been an overthinker and obsessive analyzer, so I'm trying to balance that by keeping courage, adaptability, and dealing with ambiguous situations at the forefront of my thinking.
Thank you in advance.
submitted by GesusTheLord to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:04 Kuro13 How many topics to study per day (assuming 2 hours is the max amount for each topic)?

For context, I don't have a proper job right now, besides working on art commissions for others. I basically have all day to study. I wanna spend 8-10 hours working on art. However, IDK what the exact amount should be for studying it.
For each week, I've allocated at most two hours studying a main topic. Last week was arms, now this week is legs. From what I understand, there's a limit for how long you can study before there's not much benefit the more hours you spend (due to how the brain works). I feel like 1 to 2 hours is enough for me, since I didn't notice much benefits after spending 6 hours learning to draw arms for one day.
I wasn't sure if what I've been reading is based on studying with no breaks at all (especially a long 30-60 min break if studying for more than 1 hour) or if it's specifically towards a certain subject matter. For example, could I do two hours studying one topic and then do the same for a different topic? While not two hours, I've been giving myself 30 minutes to "warm up" by practicing lines (C-S-I), shapes, and form. I don't feel like I need to go too overkill with it so that's why it's 30 minutes.
Of course, I make the sessions fun by drawing silly things or involving my favorite characters to make it more engaging. That and the breaks, as well.
I'm just at a point where I need to seriously brush up on my anatomy (as well as color, composition, gestures, etc)
tl;dr If there's a daily cap to studying/practicing art, is that only for a specific topic or does that apply to learning anything at all? If I only got, at most, two hours to study before I see diminishing returns, should I just divide how much to study a subject matter?
submitted by Kuro13 to ArtistLounge [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:01 SoPeachy_7997 Weekly Rewind Thread - Week of May 13 to May 19, 2024

Weekly Rewind Thread - Week of May 13 to May 19, 2024
Hello and welcome to Rewind Thread! Here is the past tense from May 13, 2024 to today.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Mario Kart Tour

  • Collect tokens as much as you can by checking the cup and race for the Tokens Aplenty Event.

Super Mario Run

  • The mission of Super Mario Run with the Nintendo Account who is completed is reset:
    • Win 3 times in Toad Rally.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Mario Kart Tour

  • In this Coins Aplenty Event, check the cup and race to get 300 coins bonus.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Mario Kart Tour

  • The Mii Tour comeback, featuring the spotlight of Red Comet & Red Checkered Glider.
  • The Lemmy & Morton Mii Racing suits are making the comeback.
  • Mii Cup, featuing the 1st week ranked cup for placing high of Green Comet & Green Checkered Glider.
  • Race with only Mii Racing Suits to collect event tokens.
  • The 2_player Challenge is now ended.
  • Purchase this items:
    • Value Pack
    • Driver Point-Boost Tickets 10 Ticket Set
    • Celebrate the Mii Tour with the Mach 8-R kart!
    • 70 Rubies and Ticket Pack
    • 150 Rubies and Ticket Pack
  • Updated:
    • Tour Challenges 1
    • Total Points Challenge 1
    • Total Points Challenge 2
    • Tier Shop
    • Token Shop
    • Gold Challenges
    • Premium Challenges
    • Premium Challenges+
    • Premium Challenges++
    • Tour Multiplayer Challenges
    • Tour Gifts
    • Mii Racing Suit Shop
  • Opened:
    • Mii Challenges
  • Closed:
    • Bowser Challenges
    • Tour Challenges 2

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Mario Kart Tour

  • The Last Tours' Stats is ready to use. See what if you want to rank up and the most drivers in the past.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons

  • Only In Southern Hampshire, the Maple Leaf Season start now. See what if you collect leaves and give it.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Mario Kart Tour

  • The Bowser Tour All-Cup Ranking is ready to use. View here

Super Mario Run

  • The Bonus Metals you collect is 1.2x times as usually to get the special items for Super Bonus Game. This is a Bonus Metal Event until the Weekend Spotlight begins.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Mario Kart Tour

  • Get some more coins by check the cup and race due to Coins Aplenty Event.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons

  • The International Museum Day begins now. Collect stamp to earn rewards until May 31st.

National Holidays

  • It's the Army Force Day! Attention!


Mario Kart Tour

  • Updated:
    • Daily Selects
    • Daily Spotlights
  • Opened:
    • Today's Challenge (Closed when completed)
  • You can increases up by 150 exp points daily.
  • You can collect every coins daily of the following max:100 coins while waiting or in a Multiplayer Race.
  • 300 coins in a course without Gold Pass.
  • 600 coins in a course with Gold Pass.
  • The cup for the Multiplayer Race will changed every 13 minutes.
  • Today's rules for the Multiplayer Standard & Gold Race is updated!
  • You can send Greeting Coins once daily and do not lose the coin. If someone send you the Greeting Coins, you receive 5 coins.

Super Mario Run

  • The ? block hit and it's appears for the following times:
    • ? Block hit, and it's appears for 4 hours.
    • Large ? Block hit, and it's appears for 6 hours.
    • Mega ? Block hit, and it's appears for 8 hours.
  • The Bonus House is closed of the following times:
    • The Red Bonus House, which is used, is closed. We will open for 4 hours.
    • The Blue Bonus House, which is used, is closed. We will open for 6 hours.
    • The Yellow Bonus House, which is used, is closed. We will open for 8 hours.
  • The # of Friendly Run is limited runs per day of the following World
    • Haven't cleared World 1 - one time
    • World 1 cleared - three times
    • World 2 cleared - five times
  • The mission of Super Mario Run with the Nintendo Account who is completed is reset:
    • Play Toad Rally.
Maple Leaf
International Museum Day
Sorry, no updates found on Sunday, May 19, 2024.
Thanks for reading this thread. What are you playing this weekend? And what are your thoughts? Use this thread if you having fun with.
submitted by SoPeachy_7997 to PeachyCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:00 greenysmac Sunday Reel Review

***We will be attempting this twice a month – this is the trial run.***
## Would you like feedback on your reel? This is the place to do it!

**An essential point to remember**: A reel won't secure you a job any more than a business card or website will. While it might be necessary, it is not the primary means of obtaining work.

**You gain employment through a network you develop,** not via any online job site. Building a network takes time, which is advantageous, as it allows you to learn the field.

## Rules

* **Rule 1**: Submit your reel *and its running time* as a top-level comment (meaning you reply to this post directly)
* **Rule 2**: *Specify your professional experience in years* (paying taxes = years as a pro, novice).
* **Rule 3**: Explain the reason/direction behind posting your reel. Are you new? Have you been working with clients for a decade? Give us clear direction of what you want.
* **Rule 4**: You must review two other reels. **TWO**. You have five days to complete this task, responding to two different reels. **Then** edit the comment where you post your reel: and put and put the two user names.

**Acceptable platforms for posting**: Your Vimeo site or an unlisted YouTube link. If we discover a link to a channel or a video with 10k views, be aware that this thread is not intended for such content.

The moderation team will be monitoring this, and we are trying to encourage the community (that's you) to offer assistance. That's why providing two reviews is crucial.

Lastly, as someone who evaluates people's reels: If numerous motion graphics are present, I expect you to either be capable of creating them and/or offering it as a service. If color grading is a skill and you transition from Log to finished grade, that's a definite red flag.

***Copy/paste this section:***

* Reel Link: (don't forget the running time )
* Experience:
* Direction:
* Two reels I reviewed:
submitted by greenysmac to editors [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:00 Temporary-Pea-5191 Digital Marketing Courses In Surat

Digital Marketing Courses In Surat

Online marketing campaigns conducted via a computer, phone, tablet, or other device are sometimes referred to as "digital marketing." There are many institutes offering digital marketing courses in Surat, namely:
● IIDE: they focus on two super specialisations one is the greatest strategy and the other the performance, marketing which are distinct marketing specialisations in these niches and are the only institute that does that in India.
● Proideators: they offer comprehensive digital marketing courses and primarily focus on practical training and industry-relevant skills.
● Brand Veda: they have been known for their expert faculty and hands-on approach to teaching digital marketing and provide in-depth courses tailor-made to the industry's requirements.
● Digital Kal: they offer a range of digital marketing courses which include modules on SEO social media marketing and Google AdWords.
● Training institute Surat: provide digital marketing courses with a strong Infosys on real-time applications and practical learning.
Out of these major courses, the one provided by IIDE stands out to be the best as they have got 100% placement assurance unlike others and it also specialize in unique specializations like creative strategy and performance marketing it is an 11-month MBA level PG program in digital marketing with a two-month mandatory internship and their motto is to offer complete industry exposure to students to get confidence in the corporate environment.
Thank you for reading.
submitted by Temporary-Pea-5191 to u/Temporary-Pea-5191 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:58 Wade_The_Heathen Coaches Corner with WadeTheHeathen. Building and Working on Completing your Collection Part 1

Hello and greetings once again my fellow CUEnthusiasts!
Today on Coaches Corner I’m going discuss what I think many players would love some insight on, building your collection and working towards completion. This is going to potentially be a multi, or at minimum a 2 part series. There’s so much to cover that pertains to both and as I write, more comes to keeps coming to mind lol.
While most of what I write is geared more towards newer players, free to play and more casual investors, there will be points shared that may be beneficial to anyone. Regardless the collection you have or even if you don’t care about building/completion.
Once more, a lot of what I’ll be covering will relate to both topics, I will go into more detail and differentiate when applicable if needed.
I’ll kick off this mini series thing with Part 1, where I’ll look at why New Cards are important and also share some of my insights and experience with Card Packs and currency(Gems and Coins).
This is in no way a guide for which packs to only open or where to strictly spend your currency. There are many great packs that aren’t listed and a few of my favorites also aren’t mentioned. It’s more my experience based on how some packs can help with the topics we’re discussing more than others is all. Your coins and gems are always yours to do with as you please :)
Regardless your time spent on cue, the majority of players want and chase new cards. It’s not uncommon to get some pretty wild offers early on, so new cards will and should always be a focus where possible for building and completing your collection. If you’ve ever posted a new card in game, especially early after it drops, you’ll know exactly what I mean. So I’ll leave it at that.
What I would like to discuss is knowing what to pull, and when to pull (I should note, the term “pull” means open packs, as in pull the new card from a pack). I’ll ask as well because I was away for a while and just returned recently to CUE, if I miss any note worthy packs that I didn’t discuss, please comment below and provide a bit as to why it’s a good pack to hit please. I know there’s a few new ones since I came back, and if they’re relevant, it would help to be made aware :)
I won’t cover every single pack but touch briefly on noteworthy ones that are both popular and, based on my personal experience, are worth a mention as they’re relevant to todays topics. I hope this may help when selecting what currency you save up and when to use them to maximize achieving your goals for your collection.
I again want to strongly emphasize. This in no way is a guide on how to 100% get the cards you want, which packs to open and how to spend your gems/coins.
This is however based off my experience in CUE, other trading card apps I’ve been on, and when seeing trades and helping evaluate trades when I pop into discord. I think it’s safe to say, most players who are complete or close to it and the ones who have been around for years, probably already know, have experienced, or used some of this.
I’ll start with what I would watch for in a pack and a new card.
Other than keeping an eye on social platforms for what’s being hyped up, there’s 2 things I look for before I pull for a new card or a pack in general.
The Collection the new card and/or the pack is associated with. And the playability of the new card.
What I look for in a collection first is, if the collection is part of the meta and in demand. Is this collection being played a lot and are many people looking for cards from the collection. I then check what and how many value/meta/very playable limited legendary and limited epics are in the collection. If there’s a decent amount (4-5 or more) this can check off the box for a worth while pack.
Next I look into the new card. How good is it? How scarce is it potentially going to be? And is there demand? While I primarily look to the first point when selecting a good pack, you’ll make the best bang for your currency if both these points are checked off. I’ll break this down a bit.
In regards to the new card, I mainly want its rarity to be limited epic or limited legendary when using it to trade. As I’ve covered before, most limited rares and below are relatively easy to obtain/complete and tend have less played cards as most decks are composed mostly of limited epics and higher. It’s of course still ok to pull/get lower rarity new cards to trade if you have lower rarity needs. These 2 rarities I mentioned though, are important for building and completion as they have the majority of valuable and playable cards amongst them.
I would recommend to try to focus and/or wait for a new card that is as playable and as much a meta deck staple as possible. This just means it’ll have demand.
Next I want to go over how gem cost and pull rates can factor in. I’m going to cover coins separately because they’re used a bit differently.
I do just want to quickly explain pull rates. The pull rate is the % chance you have of getting the specified card if you open 1 pack. For example, if the rate is 25%, when you open 1 of that pack, you have a 25% (1/4) chance of getting that card. It’s not if I open 4 packs, I should 100% get the card by the fourth pack.
Here’s how Gem Costs and Pull Rates COULD factor in.
The lower the gem cost and/or the higher the pull rate %, the more available the card could be. It doesn’t mean you’ll get worse results trading cards in packs that are one or both of these. It just means you may have a shorter window to maximize the cards potential trade power. Packs with high gem costs and/or lower pull rate %, are usually the ones that will be more in demand, be more scarce, and see some of the better offers. Kinda makes sense.
If a pack meets all the criteria we’ve gone over, it’s usually a good one to invest in. Again it’s your choice in the end. You’ll also get accustomed to making the best choice for you and your collecting goals as time goes and you become more well versed in the app. There’s a wide variety of packs to cater to every playecollector!
Before we proceed I want to offer some advice. Don’t send trades taking a wild over pay from people looking for a new card just because it’s new and in demand. It could get declined, as well, reflect bad on you and land you on a block list. Let them choose to do so if/when they send a trade. With the information coming up, there shouldn’t even be a need to.
When you do have and want to trade a new card my advice is always to just post it asap for trade in game and wait to see what comes in. Be patient, you’re not obligated to take the first or any offer just because it came it. Your cards, you get what you want. To elaborate as well, be realistic. One can’t expect the best offers and only look/wait for that every time. Remember too, sometimes you’re on a bit of a clock. As time goes and the card becomes less scarce, demand will/may drop, and good offers you had and waited on, may not come again. This is the game of a collector lol. Comfort will come with experience so don’t sweat it too much. But I felt it’s good to know as well.
I want to also point out to always check the demand of the new card before you post the card in game, accept incoming trades or pull/trade for more copies of a new card. Go to the trade screen and type in the name of the card and check the “Wanted” section to see roughly how many people are looking for it and toggle to the “Offered” section to see how many people are posting it for trade. This will give a very rough idea as to the supply and demand of the new card. If there’s few people looking and lots of people offering, it’s safe to assume demand is low. This is important because you don’t want to waste currency or your dupes for something that’s not gonna move, and you want to move new cards asap.
The way I view currency in general
Gems are mainly used to acquire mostly limited cards, either new or previously released.
Coins are mainly used for obtaining new or previously released basics or the collection of the day pack. I’ll quickly note, it’s rare to fill out your limiteds off basics. It still can happen, but far less frequently and efficiently. The ladder bit is in regards to trading basics, as limiteds can also be acquired via coin packs and I’ll touch on that soon.
So what are some decent/popular packs to look for to use your currency to help build/complete your collection?
I’ll start with gems packs just because most people want to use them the most efficiently, coins too, but there’s usually less opportunity for them as far as getting best bang for your buck so to speak.
Once more, we’re going to keep in mind everything I’ve gone over so far. And I again want to emphasize, I’m not trying to tell you exactly what packs to open and to disregard the rest. These were just some, from my experience, that are better to leverage for the topics today. Again each pack can cater to a different collector and their needs and wants. Just to be clear lol.
League Spotlight:
There’s a number of points I’m going to touch on because this is a popular pack, if not the most popular.
With a low gem cost and a not terrible pull rate for a limited legendary. Typically featuring 6 different Limited Legendary cards with the potential to pull other random limiteds, it has good bang for the gem cost. If pulling this pack, I’d recommend pulling the 3 for 2 at 50 gems.
Best to hit if you have a somewhat decent balance to be effective. You can fill limited card needs, get decent limiteds and more. I find if you can only do the 50 a few times your gems are better used elsewhere.
What can also be very beneficial is when these packs feature at least 2 or more Limited Legendary cards that have value and demand prior to spot light.
One very important thing to be aware of. The limited legendary cards featured are almost always impacted value wise as they’re far more available, again because the pack is popular. And when there is 2 or more value ones featured, the pulls tend to drastically increase leading to market saturation and value decline.
If you’re ok with playing for the long run, their values tend to creep back, but over a long period. The only other downside, there’s never new cards in these packs, only previously released ones. So there’s typically less people looking for the cards from spot light, other than the featured value ones, or those who need them, and you usually won’t see the same offers that you would a new card for spotlight cards. The upside is the ability to get very playable or meta Limited Legendary cards if you need them at an amazing price.
Finder packs, Choose your Fate/Destiny, Grab Bag and the 1500 gem pack(I forgot what it’s called but shows up periodically, again it’s a new one for me lol):
I liken these to spotlight packs because they’re more for if you have needs from that collection or specific rarities of limited cards. It’s worth noting, values aren’t impacted much by these as they’re not as heavily pulled like spotlight is.
Much like spotlight, these tend to not feature a new card so the trades aren’t expected to be the same as ones you’d typically see for a new card. And they usually cost around 150 gems or more per pack. If you’re free to play or a minimal investor and have fewer card needs, I feel your gems can be better used elsewhere. These can be worth it if you have many needs that you want to target or in general depending on the pack.
And lastly, these are the packs I feel are consistently worth the investment in relation to building and completing, especially when they can check off both boxes I mentioned earlier!
Although they can be a bit pricy and pull rates aren’t the best, it can be worth it to just save up to hit them a bit as I find they have the best return on investment.
They are, The (Album) legendary seeker pack (I believe that’s what it’s called, I do mistake it sometimes. Please correct me so I can edit this if so lol), and the Sunday epic pack. There are others but they fall under what I’ve already gone over.
The seeker pack is from a particular Album like arts or science for example. The ones you want to keep an eye out for are the ones that you always get a limited legendary, and I believe a couple of lower rarity limited cards guaranteed from that particular album, in addition to a % chance at a new limited from that album. The cost and pull rates can make these scarce, especially if they’re a good card and epic/legendary rarity but this can also cause heavy pulls and saturation, again, check supply and demand. These tend to see good and sometimes great offers early, usually the same rarity as the new card. And if they’re scarce, they can sometimes hold value over time.
The Sunday Epic drops, well, every Sunday. The gem cost again is on the steep side, I believe 160 gems per pack, and pull rates are not too bad. What these offer however can be really useful. There’s lots of playable and value limited epics and from my experience, hitting this even a few times usually wields a decent limited epic two. Not to add what may come in if you hit the new limited epic and post it in game. The new limited epics in these packs tend to always trend to the more scarce side regardless of playability or value just due to the cost and rates.
These are the ones that to me stand out as they have had the best results for me. I’ve completed once, broke my collection willingly, completed again, took a long break and came back and completed once more. Done the dance a few times lol.
Again, I’m not saying there aren’t other worth while packs as there’s a few I enjoy that I didn’t list. But these are the ones I feel are most relevant to the topic at hand. You want to save up enough to at least try to get yourself a copy for yourself and a dupe or 2 if you’re trying for completion, or a copy or 2 to trade if you’re just looking for cards for your collection to play. These are also good to use to build decent dupes for future trades if you’re complete or have a few needs left to bait out those last cards.
Lastly coins. These are pretty straight forward as there’s not much variety wise like gem packs to spend them on. The ones I feel are best suited to today’s topic for coins are as follows:
First, the Collection of the Day coin pack version for a new limited card. You mainly want to pull on this pack if it meets both the limited card and collection criteria I’ve gone over. With the chance to pull limited cards from the same collection as the new card and the new card itself, this will be one of the good packs to invest your coins in when the criteria is met.
Lastly, and as of the time of this post. In the Basic packs section along the top row, there’s 3 coin packs, and 1 rotates out, and a new one rotates in, every few days. Disregard the other 3 below. You want to wait for one of those packs to meet the collection criteria, and only if you’re going to spend a decent stack on these, as it can take many coins to hit those value limiteds. The new cards in these are always basics and don’t yield much return, what makes them worth while is there’s a chance to pull a limited from the same collection, so if you have value needs of that particular collection or want good cards to trade, wait for this kind of pack to arrive that meets, what I consider, a good collection to pull for.
Im going to end here as I feel I’ve covered, in detail, some of the key points regarding new cards and packs and how they can be applied to building/completing. Next time I would like to go over some strategies you can use with the cards already in your collection and some tips on how to use them to their maximum potential for building/completing your collection.
As always, thank you for taking a moment to drop in. Always feel free to comment below if there’s any questions or if there’s any Trading or Collecting topics you’d like me to cover. I’ll do my best to respond. You can find me on the main discord server, link is in the sub description. Happy Trading and keep it Cue, see you in game!
Next time on Coaches Corner with WadeTheHeathen:
We’re going to jump into part 2 of Building your Collection and Working Towards Completion, this time discussing some strategies and tips for how to use the cards already in your collection! Hope to see you then!
submitted by Wade_The_Heathen to cuecardgameAvid [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:56 Stock_Astronomer_727 NTU psych vs NUS psych + management

Hello! Like many others i too am having a dilemma on which uni offer to accept. In NTU, i got offered psychology with the NTU-USP (university scholars programme) scholarship while in NUS, i got offered a psych with management double major (with psych as my primary major under CHS) with the NUS merit scholarship. For context, i'm hoping to have a more vibrant uni life than jc so overseas exposure, student life and the culture of the schools r important to me too!!
For the NUS merit scholarship, my benefits include: - Paid tuition fees - S$6,000 annual living allowance - S$2,000 one-time computer allowance - Guaranteed Student Exchange Programme (SEP) placement with one of NUS overseas partner universities for one semester (no priority given so may not be one of my top choices i'm assuming??)
For the NTU-USP scholarship, my benefits include: - Paid tuition fees - S$6,500 annual living allowance - S$1,750 one-time computer allowance - Annual accommodation allowance of up to S$2,000 - Travel Grant of up to $5000 for an overseas study/attachment programme -Overseas benefits: - Heavily subsidized Travel Overseas Programme for Scholars (TOPS) in the freshman year (1 week overseas fieldwork and research trip) - NTU-USP Study Abroad Programme, or - Priority placement in overseas universities through NTU's international student semester exchange

Some of my concerns right now are: - i'm not yet sure if i fully wanna commit to a career in psych even though its something i'm passionate abt (will have to do master's at least, if not phd) so the double major in NUS might give me more opportunities to pursue smth else if i decide that psych is not for me + NUS CHS gives me the flexibility to change my major within the first 2 years

I've heard from seniors and profs that the psych mods have a steep bellcurve too and that its generally a competitive course in either uni so i guess i'll have to grind either way😭 it feels like i might have a more vibrant student life in NTU(?) while the culture in NUS seems more academically-driven, but FASS/CHS seniors, feel free to correct me! Also how r the campuses for the FASS block in NUS and the SSS block in NTU HAHAH i didnt get a chance to see them up close! Just hoping anyone can share any insights abt the respective unis and programmes and shed some light into my dilemma ^
if u've made it this far, thank u for taking the time to read this post!! i'll just list some of the pros and cons of each uni below for easier reference but its basically just a summary of everything i've said above :D

Pros✅️ - flexibility to change my 1st and 2nd major within the first 2 years - psychology + management double major - guaranteed semester exchange programme (SEP) - no need to stay in hall, can travel from the comfort of my new house - i prefer its S/U system and bidding system - brand name and prestige could give me more overseas opportunities to pursue my master's
Cons❌️ - CHS common curriculum takes up 1/3 of my degree, less time to study my majors - fewer overseas opportunities compared to NTU-USP, guaranteed exchange programme may not be one of my top choices bcs its more competitive - have to study CHS common curriculum (which i'm not super interested in compared to my major) in lecture-tutorial style, which takes more effort for me from past jc experience
Pros✅️ - more overseas experiences and opportunities (TOPS, priority for exchange programmes, USP study abroad, electives with overseas fieldwork components, etc) - small class sizes for USP modules which facilitates better learning for me personally! + provides a sense of community too - fewer modules for the common curriculum so more time to focus on my major - the hall experience could add to my uni experience esp in terms of student life + i have 4 years guaranteed hall + $2000 annual accommodation allowance
Cons❌️ - i dont really like the S/U system and dont prefer its bidding system (but have learnt some ways to work around the bidding system from seniors) - have to stay in hall away from the comforts of my own home + have to pay for hall - little flexibility to change my major once i enter uni + no double major with business (career backup if i give up on psych) - less prestige compared to NUS(?) not as much of a brand name
Okay thats about it!! Pls share your advice and opinions guys i have 5 days left to make a decision and i'm starting to panic a little😭😭 anyway thank you for reading my post and for any pieces of advice/comments yall leave!!
submitted by Stock_Astronomer_727 to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:55 Trustmeimtheninja New Member: Objects Are Calling to Me

Disclaimer: I'm not new to paranormal/spiritual experiences, but I'm extremely self taught. I'm looking for honest feedback and I'm aware that there are gaps in my exposure to many concepts.
Thank you for even opening this post! I tend to info dump and end with huge posts. I'm going to avoid that the best I can, but I'll probably fail. (P.s. I failed)
TLDR: Scroll down to the ">>>"
I'm 35 and I've just started using object to focus my intuition.
I was driving home the other day and saw a brown deck of cards flash in my minds eye. It was sitting on the 2nd lowest shelf of a store. I asked Google to take me to the nearest store that sold tarot cards and I found an oracle deck sitting in that spot. My wife had given me a tarot deck about a month ago, and they really matched. My readings have been extremely successful. I'm still trying to get used to not rejecting what I intuitively know.
The same type of calling happened for my first quartz crystals. Long story, but I've started feeling static across the backs of my hands when I'm around something powerful. To the point that I can start driving and follow it where I'm being called.
I randomly saw a finger length white crystal in a transparent brown cylinder. I was able to locate the store at the mall by my house, but I had a really hard time walking into the store. I walked in and was greeted by a nice staff member, but things felt wrong. I followed the static in my right hand until it moved over a hurt quartz laser wand (I learned what it was because of the sticker on it).
The store was full of sharply cut crystals and this one was just hurting. It was like it was screaming to me. I picked it up and promised that I wouldn't put it back. I went to buy it and the staff member took out something and moved to "cleanse" it. I recoiled and pulled the crystal away. I felt the crystals feelings and it was like it said it would be willing to cleanse the staff member, but that it rejected their empty efforts. Of course, I didn't say that to them.
I explained that I would do my own cleansing, which they really looked at me like I was nuts. I thought this was odd because it's a legitimate crystal/spiritual/psychic store and people probably have their own preferences. I can't be the first one to say I'd like to do the cleansing personally.
I wish I could post a photo of the crystal and His brother.
My main reason for posting this is because I just got called into a thrift store where I walked up to a crystal ball. It was $4.99 and when I held my hand over it, it was like licking a 9V battery. My hand has never felt that intense of a reaction.
The crystal ball looks like glass with gold leaf/foil on the inside. There is a base that appears to be made of ceramic and has the initials "JI" (ji) pressed into the bottom of it. I bought it, but now I have no clue what to do with it. So far, I've intuitively known what to do with most things through my life, but this one feels foreign to me. Maybe because it feels so powerful/vocal.
To clarify, I don't feel afraid or threatened and "cautious" doesn't really cover it. It's more like I'm walking on ground that I don't know how to respect. Is there anything I should be aware of when working with an object like this? In the past, anything that I've connected with has always been chill with me just explaining my intentions and going from there.
Again, thank you for reading! Any thoughts about this will be considered deeply.
submitted by Trustmeimtheninja to Psychic [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:54 CrunchyMama42 Teacher problem- advise?

Something happened at my kids’ school last week. I really need some outside perspective.
have a daughter and a step daughter who both attend 8th grade in a small, independent Waldorf school. In Waldorf schools the teachers move up with the kids, so the girls have been with the same teacher since 5th grade. They have other teachers that teach specialty subjects, but a lot of their classes are taught by this one teacher.
This teacher is talented and devoted and loving. However she also seems to have trouble with her emotional regulation, and she doesn’t seem to have consistent standards among her students (holding the “good kids” to a much higher standards than the “problem kid.”)
Also, the fact that the school is so small means that the kids are always around the other kids in their grade, as there is only one class of 8th graders. My girls don’t really want to be around this one particular boy, especially my step daughter. I promise they aren’t bullying him. He’s just said/ done a lot of inappropriate things, including to my other step daughter, who is younger. He seems to get away with everything, and the girls don’t want to be his friend.
Last week was his birthday celebration at school, and supposedly my girls were making faces during his birthday song. Not at him, mind you, but to each other. This is obviously not the kindest thing to do, but they’re 14 and this kid has caused issues and made them uncomfortable in the past. They were being mildly (and quietly) rude in a way that the “target” of this rudeness didn’t even notice. But the teacher noticed.
Right after that was recess, but my girls were kept in. The teacher sent the rest of the kids out, brought my girls to a private room, and told them off for making faces. This conversation then somehow spiraled out of control in a way I don’t really understand. The teacher asked what they had against this boy, they tried to tell her, she claimed ignorance of the situation, it went back and forth. Apparently this boy has apologized for his past actions and the teacher expects the girls to forgive him and move on. The teacher reportedly said that she has a higher expectation of my step daughter than this boy (SD is very high achieving, talented, and well-behaved. She is also very anxious and stressed by the need to be perfect.)
According to both girls, separately, this teacher actually yelled at them. At one point my step daughter was apparently hyperventilating or maybe having some kind of panic attack. My daughter had her arms wrapped tightly around her sister, and was repeatedly asking the teacher to please stop, that they could continue the conversation but that my SD needed a break. (My daughter is more of a rebel than her sister, less of a perfectionist, and more willing to face teacher disappointment). The teacher didn’t stop.
The meeting lasted all though recess (the teacher did not join in her recess supervision duties) and then all through their next lesson (no idea what the other kids were doing without their teacher! Maybe there was another teacher?), and then somewhat into the next lesson. I’m not exactly sure how long that makes it, but it was over an hour.
No other teachers or admin were involved in this incident, it was just this teacher and these kids alone in a room for more than 60 minutes. Afterwards, nobody reached out to the parents about any of this. No emails, no calls, nothing. We pulled the info out of the girls.
My daughter is more or less okay (which doesn’t make the incident okay, but does make me less worried about her). However my step daughter is a mess, and our top priority is to support her. Her mother doesn’t even want to send her back to school for the last 12 days, but I’m really hoping we can find a solution that lets her finish out the year strong.
My main questions are: How is an hour of yelling an appropriate response to teens making faces? How was it appropriate for a teacher to have these kids alone in a room for so long, in a heated discussion? Why did nobody else at the school notice them gone? What are the proposals for a situation like this? Why in the world were none of the parents notified?
Please give me some perspective. All of my school experience as a parent has been in these little private schools, but I feel like this would not be acceptable in a public school?
Was this teacher’s response way overblown or am I the one overreacting?
Also, and most importantly how could this be fixed? We want to request a meeting with the teacher and school administration, but at this point I don’t even know what to ask for in that meeting. Thank you!!
P.s. I don’t know if this matters, but we are in the U.S.
submitted by CrunchyMama42 to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:51 Jesuslover34 Seoulism part 1

It was the start of a new year, and with that Seouls 4 major school saw a large increase of new students. Everyone was talking about the gang who used to rule over Seoul suddenly disappearing, and nobody was taking ownership of it. (read the Extra info at the bottom, it will help a lot, and it'll explain how things work for new people)
---------------------------North Seoul High--------------------------- A tall, blonde, guy was making jokes with a few of his classmates, most of them where about the Soviet union and WW2. Ivan Alexander (u/Away_excitement3116)
In the corner of class a tall, silver haired boy was training without his shirt on, a few watched while some tried to look away from his muscular build. Klein (u/ProfessionalLuck268)
Simply sitting at his desk doing his schoolwork was one boy, most would says he's normal. But then again, being to only normal guy makes you kind of special. Yuseong (u/Outer-god369)
A tall black dude was talking with his friend, trying to improve his language skills as h had only recently come to Korea. His shirt hiding his very muscular build. (u/TheGloryBe_throwaway)
There was a large group of students talking, making jokes, laughingand just having a good time, in the center of attention was the short curly haired- Ren Yuzaki (u/LeoIsAngry)
There was a boy sleeping on his desk, standing next to him was another boy dressed just like a body guard. He would scare off anyone who got close. The boy sleeping was Kai Edward Tristan (u/KaiAugustInsi)
Some skinny guy was watching the popular newtube channel (How To Fight), he was inspired by Hobin due to the fact they both got bullied a lot. He now wats to be just like him. Kim Suho (u/federal_tip9311)
--------------------------South Seoul High----------------------------
The class watched as an boy with Orange hair, and black leather gloves was polishing his newest Trophy. It's seemed like that was the only thing interesting him at all. Dexter (u/Greensvenner1234)
A short and skinny boy is playing with his Lego bricks. While most see it as immature he's doing it to get a better understanding on a buildings stability and weak points. As he loves working on construction sites. Seok Mujuk (u/domengoenfuego)
Sitting in some expensive designer clothes, was a boy who normally couldn't afford it. But after beating up some bullies who harrased others, and then them offering him their money he gladly took it. Kai Wang (u/wesjsndsjsnss)
"Come and hit me!" a Dude screamed while his Classmates punched and kicked him, yet he was still standing as if nothing had happened at all to him. Lam Lee (u/Dull-tax-4713)
Sitting away from all the noice, enjoying his favorite manga was Kim Jin (u/random_guy_Q)
Amongst the people who tried to punch Lam Lee was one boy who actually manged to hurt him a bit, he didn't notice was Lam was hiding it but his attacks where effective. Adam (u/Theman2326)
---------------------------East Seoul High------------------------------ A boy with gum in his hair was playing games on multiple phones, yet he obviously didn't enjoy it. That's because he was forced to farm stuff for bullies. Su-Jin Park (u/RainProfessional8105)
People stared as there was some guy who brought a few stray cats and dogs with him to class. Some people enjoyed the animals, others saw it as weird. Zanegs (u/Warrenchae)
Some nerds ran up to an average sized boy with white hair, calling him sir and giving him some money, he told them that they are safe as long as the money keeps flowing Hyuk Hwang (u/Rutsch3r)
There was someone silently talking to himself, but not silent enough. Other people could hear h but they didn't understand what he was saying. Myul (u/Longjumping-date-367)
He was not a student of this school, yet he would still come here everyday. He fought someone drunk dude from this school who he now follows around. Ran Yong-Su (u/Any-Lingonberry-3589)
Some drunk dude, he got I trouble a lot for drinking while on school grounds. Beat up some guy once while drunk, who's now following him around. Chao Ming (u/Even-Caramel-9309)
Staying way from other, watching movies about martial arts while simultaneously reading a martial arts magazine was Forgettable (u/Forgettabletiger)
--------------------------West Seoul High-----------------------------
A football (it's called football not soccer) just ended in a 30-0 win. His teammates where all gathered around him praising him for his amazing shots and dribbling. Hyoma Kurona (u/Fungiloo)
Skipping school so he could work in his parents teashop, was a boy who was fascinated by his Chinese roots. Vincent Lee (u/Base_loose)
A boy was going around with a group of scary looking guys. He would try to beat up people and then have them join him. He war cruel to them yet made them yet on rare occasions asked if they are hurt. Jintaro Suzuki (u/SlashDaOne)
Talking to his teacher as if they where best friends was one boy who didn't care about social rankings and as everyone as a friend. Hae Minsu (u/Real_Abrocoma_9377)
After unsuccessfully flirting with a few girls, this boy decided that training his body again was the best way to get their attention. Jin Na (u/Causality_A)
This boy gets along with many people, yet he gets nervous when you ask him about his glove and weirdly large pinky fingers. Ryuk Eun-Soo (u/Elegant-Ad-2431)
---------------------------------Extra Info----------------------------------
Here are a few rules and things you should keep in mind.
  1. How does anything work? Just make a comment saying what your characters is doing or what he wants to do. I will respond with a scenario. Onec your scenario is finished I'll tell you, you can act again in the next part.
If you fight another OC, it will be put into the next part as these are special fights.
  1. You're allowed to do anything, you want as long as ng as it's in character.
  2. You can be permanently crippled, lose limbs and die.
  3. Random encounters are a thing. They have different rarities, common ones are like you meeting some thugs, while more rare encounters could result in you meeting people like Gun.
  4. After an successful encounter you're rewarded with all kinds of thing, stat buffs, special items, Uniqe Abilities. The more rare the encounter is, the better the rewards. You can also fail the encounter.
  5. Stats are important even outside of fighting. You can raise every single stat by training or from rewards.
Strength: how strong your hits are, how much you can lift/Carry around. And other physical tasks. Speed: how fast you attack, move and think. Potential: is basically how fast you grow from training, Someone with higher potential will gain more than someone with low potential from the same amount of training. Intelligence: your battle IQ as well as your overall IQ. If your int is low your plans will almost always fail even if your plan is really good and detaild. And someone with high int will almost always be successful even if their plan is bad. Endurance: Your Defense, and how much energy you have.
Stats are also hidden, this is so you have to be careful around every person you don't know. High Intelligence character might find out your stats. And some cards also let you view stats.
  1. If you want to do something in secret DM me. This way only you and I will know about it. This could be a betrayal or maybe a secret plan.
7.1 Fight other OCs is something risky, the winner can decide what to do with you. They can to the things mentioned in (2) but they can also try to recruit you.
7.2 Beating an OC will give Special rewards. So it's encouraged by keep in mind that you can suffer a lot if you fail.
If you don't remember something about your OC just DM me
submitted by Jesuslover34 to lookismcomic [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:48 GuiltlessMaple Best Casio Cash Registers

Best Casio Cash Registers

Dive into the world of efficient cash handling and discover the Casio Cash Registers - a modern solution for businesses seeking to streamline their transactions and improve their operations. This roundup article takes you on a journey through various models and types of these office products, providing valuable insights into their features, performance, and suitability for different business needs. Don't miss out on this chance to explore the perfect Cash Register choice for your organization!

The Top 6 Best Casio Cash Registers

  1. Royal 100Cx Portable Battery/AC Powered Cash Register - The Royal 100Cx Portable Battery/AC Powered Cash Register is a compact, efficient solution ideal for small businesses, vendors, and market stands, offering automatic tax computation, quick sales entry, and flexible department configurations.
  2. Casio SE-S800 1-Sheet Thermal Cash Register, 3000 PLUs, 20 Department Keys, 10-Line LCD Operator Display - Casio SE-S800 Sleek 1-Sheet Thermal Cash Register: Fast, accurate transactions, user-friendly 10-line LCD display, 25 department keys, secure 7-position mode lock, stylish design for enhanced functionality.
  3. Casio SR-S820-BK Thermal Print Cash Register - The Casio SR-S820-BK Thermal Print Cash Register offers efficient cash register operations with 25 standard department keys, 3,000 PLUs, a thermal printer, and a 10-line LCD display.
  4. Casio SEG1SC Thermal Print Cash Register, Pink - The Casio SEG1SC Thermal Print Cash Register, Pink combines efficiency, hygiene, and personalization with its easy-to-read LCD display, quiet thermal printer, sanitary anti-bacterial keyboard, quick setup, and three color options.
  5. Casio PCR-T2300 Electronic Cash Register - The Casio PCR-T2300 offers versatile and reliable cash register functionality with a 10-line display, 30 department keys, and customizable receipts, perfect for grocery stores and small businesses.
  6. Casio PCR-T2300 Thermal Cash Register with 10-Line LCD & Dual-Tape Receipt - Casio PCR-T2300 Thermal Printer Cash Register - Efficient 10-line LCD, 7,000 PLUS item storage, customizable receipts, five bill & coin compartments, SD card slot, and seven-position mode lock for error-free transactions.
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🔗Royal 100Cx Portable Battery/AC Powered Cash Register

As a small business owner, I've been on the hunt for a reliable, portable cash register to make sales easier at my farmer's market stand. The Royal 100Cx, with its compact design and battery-powered operation, has been a reliable companion for me. The automatic tax computation feature is a game-changer, allowing me to easily manage sales and taxes on-the-go. However, the initial setup can be a bit daunting, and the manual doesn't do a fantastic job of explaining everything.
The preset department pricing and sales analysis by category of merchandise are standout features that have helped me keep track of inventory and sales trends. It's crucial for businesses like mine, where inventory and sales fluctuate frequently. The ink roll printer provides a receipt printout, providing a professional touch to every transaction.
In terms of drawbacks, one thing to note is that the tax computation is limited to only four rates – VAT, Canadian, and a couple of others – which may not cater to everyone's business needs. However, for my small farm market business, it's more than sufficient.
Overall, the Royal 100Cx is a dependable piece of hardware, and it's been a significant asset in streamlining my sales process. It may have a slightly steep learning curve, but once mastered, it's a powerful tool for any small business seeking a portable, autonomous cash register solution.

🔗Casio SE-S800 1-Sheet Thermal Cash Register, 3000 PLUs, 20 Department Keys, 10-Line LCD Operator Display

The Casio SE-S800 Cash Register is like your best buddy in the world of retail transactions. It's sleek, easy to use, and man, does it make life simpler! Imagine scanning items effortlessly and having that 10-line LCD display help you verify transactions—no more slip-ups! Plus, it comes with a two-line pop-up rear display for customers to see the price and subtotal, which is perfect for keeping them in the loop about their purchases.
But don't let its good looks fool you! It might not be the easiest thing to program, especially if you're not a tech person. You might find yourself on the phone with customer service more than you'd like. And, oh boy, they just love decimals! But once you get the hang of it, it's smooth sailing.
One more thing, make sure you get the right paper, because it doesn't play well with just any thermal paper. But overall, if you need a reliable way to manage your sales and keep your customers happy, the SE-S800 is a solid choice.

🔗Casio SR-S820-BK Thermal Print Cash Register

I recently got the chance to use the Casio SR-S820-BK Thermal Print Cash Register in my small café, and I must say it's been quite a ride. The thermal printer is a game-changer for us, as it allows us to generate receipts and track our sales activity with ease. The 25 standard department keys have been incredibly helpful in categorizing our various products, and the 10-line LCD display makes it super easy to check on customer transactions.
One of the things that stand out about this cash register is its ability to be mobile. As a café owner, I love that I can move it around to different areas of my store, depending on my needs. The built-in receipt printer also helps us provide a more professional service to our customers.
However, there are a few drawbacks that I've noticed during my time using this cash register. For starters, the software that comes with it could use a bit more functionality. Additionally, some users have reported having issues with the blue tooth connectivity, which can be quite frustrating.
Overall, I'm pretty happy with the Casio SR-S820-BK Thermal Print Cash Register. It has definitely made my life a lot easier when it comes to managing transactions and keeping track of sales. If you're in the market for a new cash register, this one is definitely worth considering.

🔗Casio SEG1SC Thermal Print Cash Register, Pink

I recently purchased the Casio SEG1SC Thermal Print Cash Register in a striking pink color. It's perfect for my small boutique and fits our vibrant theme perfectly. I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to set up and get running. The large LCD display is incredibly clear, making it straightforward to input prices and manage product sales.
One of my favorite features is the quiet thermal printer. It doesn't disrupt the ambiance of my store like our old, noisy register did. Plus, the anti-bacterial keyboard is a great added touch for hygiene.
However, I did find that the plastic casing feels a bit flimsy compared to more substantial cash registers. And while the instructions were mostly comprehensive, I did have to resort to YouTube tutorials for some aspects of programming.
Overall, I'm very satisfied with my purchase. The Casio SEG1SC Cash Register not only looks great in my store but also helps streamline our billing process. I would highly recommend it to anyone in need of a reliable, affordable cash register.

🔗Casio PCR-T2300 Electronic Cash Register

I recently got my hands on the Casio PCR-T2300 Electronic Cash Register and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer for my business. With its 10-line LCD display, it's incredibly easy for me to check the current transaction and eliminate errors. The raised keyboard with 30 department key locations makes inputting data a breeze. Plus, with the built-in pop-up customer display, I can ensure my customers always know exactly what they're paying for.
One of my favorite features of this cash register is the ability to customize receipts with a graphic logo or programmable top and bottom messages, adding a personal touch to each transaction. The heavy-duty metal cash drawer provides more than enough space for five bill compartments and five coin compartments, making it perfect for a busy retail environment.
However, there are a few drawbacks that I've noticed during my time using this product. The instructions provided for programming the cash register could be more clear, leaving some users (like myself) scratching their heads at certain points. Additionally, while the register performs well overall, I have found that there can be some issues with the tape feeding, which can be frustrating at times.
All in all, the Casio PCR-T2300 Electronic Cash Register has proven to be a reliable and efficient addition to my business operations. With its user-friendly design and robust feature set, it's definitely worth considering for any small retailer or grocer looking to streamline their cash-handling processes.

🔗Casio PCR-T2300 Thermal Cash Register with 10-Line LCD & Dual-Tape Receipt

I've been using the Casio PCR-T2300 Thermal Printer Cash Register in my small retail store for the past month, and I must say, it's made a significant difference in my day-to-day operations. The dual-tape thermal system ensures quick and error-free transactions while the 10-line LCD display keeps both me and the customer informed about the ongoing purchase.
One of the standout features of this cash register is its flexibility. The 30 department keys can be preset with specific prices or left open for manual entry, allowing me to adapt to the ever-changing needs of my store. Additionally, with up to 7,000 PLUs available, tracking individual item sales has never been easier.
Customization is another strong suit of this cash register. I can add a graphic logo to our receipts, program top and bottom messages, and even adjust each item's description for detailed reporting. Plus, the heavy-duty metal cash drawer provides ample space for organizing bills and coins, making it easier to manage my funds.
However, the instruction manual left something to be desired. Some steps were not as clear as I would have liked, requiring me to seek help on YouTube for more advanced programming functions. Nonetheless, overall, the Casio PCR-T2300 has been a reliable and efficient addition to my store, helping streamline my operations and improve customer experience.

Buyer's Guide


Important Features in Cash Registers

When choosing a cash register for your business, several essential features must be considered to ensure you are getting a reliable and efficient system. These include:
  • Display and User Interface: A cash register with an easy-to-use interface and clear display makes transactions smooth and reduces errors. Look for models with touchscreens or well-lit displays that are easy to see in bright or dim lighting.
  • Peripherals Compatibility: Make sure the cash register you choose is compatible with peripherals such as bar code scanners, receipt printers, and customer displays. This ensures that you can add these devices later if needed without replacing the entire system.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Some cash registers come with built-in reporting capabilities that can help you manage your inventory, sales, and customer data. Consider whether this feature would be beneficial to your business operations.
  • Security Features: To protect your transactions and customer information, look for a cash register with security features such as user authentication and transaction tracking.

Considerations for Choosing a Cash Register

Before making your decision on a cash register, consider these factors:
  • Volume of Business: If you have a high volume of transactions or inventory, opt for a more advanced cash register with features like inventory management and quick transaction processing times.
  • Integration with POS Systems: If you plan to use a point-of-sale (POS) system in addition to a cash register, ensure compatibility between the two systems to streamline your operations.
  • Environmental Factors: Consider the environment in which the cash register will be used (e. g. , temperature, humidity, etc. ) and choose a model designed to withstand these conditions.


General Advice for Using Cash Registers

To maximize the usefulness and longevity of your cash register, follow these tips:
  • Perform Regular Maintenance: Keep your cash register clean and free of dust, and replace consumables such as rolls of thermal paper or ribbons as needed.
  • Update Software and Firmware: Ensure your cash register's software and firmware are up-to-date to take advantage of new features and improvements and avoid potential security risks.
  • Train Employees: Provide thorough training on using the cash register and processing transactions accurately to reduce errors and improve customer service.



What are the key features of Casio cash registers?

Casio cash registers are designed with a variety of features, such as digital displays, built-in printers, and easy-to-use keypads to streamline transactions and enhance productivity. Some models also offer special functions like programmable keys and multiple tax calculations.

How do Casio cash registers help in managing inventory?

Casio cash registers offer extensive inventory management capabilities, including tracking and reporting of incoming and outgoing merchandise. This allows you to monitor your inventory levels effectively and make informed decisions about restocking or adjusting order quantities.


Are Casio cash registers compatible with payment processors?

Yes, most Casio cash registers are compatible with popular payment processors like Verifone, Ingenico, and Elavon, enabling seamless integration with existing POS systems and payment solutions.

Does Casio offer warranties on its cash registers?

Yes, Casio offers a standard one-year warranty on all its cash register products, covering defects in material and workmanship under normal use. Some models may also come with extended warranties for added peace of mind.

How difficult is it to install a Casio cash register?

The installation process for Casio cash registers is generally user-friendly and can be done without assistance from a professional technician. Most models come with easy-to-follow instructions and all necessary cables, making it easy to set up quickly.

Do Casio cash registers support multiple tax rates?

Yes, many Casio cash registers offer multi-tax functionality, allowing you to define and apply multiple tax rates for different items or transactions. This can be especially useful for businesses in regions with varying tax requirements.

What type of support does Casio provide for its cash register products?

Casio offers comprehensive support for its cash register products, including a dedicated customer service line, online resources, and product manuals. Additionally, some models may come with extended support plans, offering priority access to technical assistance.

How do I choose the right Casio cash register for my business?

When selecting a Casio cash register, consider factors such as the number of registers you need, the type of your business, and any unique features you require, such as inventory management or multi-language support. It's also essential to ensure that the cash register you choose is compatible with your existing POS system and payment processors.
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