No hp cewe yg suka ml

¿Qué es MLOps? ¿Cómo aprendo? ¿Por donde empiezo?

2024.06.09 18:23 nettrotten ¿Qué es MLOps? ¿Cómo aprendo? ¿Por donde empiezo?

¿Qué es MLOps?
MLOps (Machine Learning Operations) es la práctica de aplicar principios de DevOps a proyectos de machine learning, enfocándose en la colaboración entre equipos de desarrollo (cientificos de datos, MLEngineers) y operaciones (MLOps Engineers) para la implementación, monitoreo y gestión de modelos de ML en producción.
¿Cómo aprendo?
Necesitas una buena base en programación y prácticas DevOps, trás eso debes ganar conocimientos en generales en ML, dominar términos y conocer el flujo de entrenamiento de un modelo, después podrás pasar a aprender MLOps de forma específica.
¿Necesito matemáticas para MLOps?
No es estrictamente necesario, si es recomendable tener una base sobre matemáticas aplicadas a ML para entender que es lo que ocurre por detrás, deberás entender ciertas métricas para poder monitorizarlas y siempre viene bien sabér el porqué de las cosas.
Hablamos de matemáticas fundamentales, orientadas a ML y de un nivel medio, (Bachillerato, primeros años de Universidad como máximo)
¿Por dónde empiezo?
Domina conceptos básicos de programación, Python/R, ML y DevOps, luego explora herramientas como Kubeflow, MLflow y TensorFlow Extended (TFX).
Recursos para empezar con Machine Learning:
Spain-AI: MLOps Llevando modelos a producción
Spain-AI: MLOps - MLFlow Databricks
¿Qué es DevOps? @ NullArchitech
Cursos Completos sobre ML para empezar:
Introducción al ML e IA - Universidad de Hardvard (En inglés)
Requieren algo de experiencia en conceptos básicos de SWE, si sabes programar y tienes experiencia laboral, el curso es perfecto:
De pago:
Coursera M;achine Learning Andrew ng
Libros sobre MLOps (En inglés):
Agile Data Science 2.0: Machine Learning Design Patterns: Introducing MLOps: Building Machine Learning Pipelines: Building Machine Learning Powered Applications:
Gracias a Feregrino por la recomendacion:
submitted by nettrotten to Mlops_Spain [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:34 subredditsummarybot Your weekly /r/60sMusic roundup for the week of June 02 - June 08, 2024

Sunday, June 02 - Saturday, June 08, 2024

Top Posts

score comments title & link mirrors
36 63 comments Heaviest songs of the 60s that resemble metal/punk?
19 3 comments [1968] Moody Blues -- Ride My See Saw (1968) [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
16 2 comments [1968] Blood, Sweat and Tears -- Spinning Wheel (1968) [Sp] [BC] [Dzr] [SC]
16 4 comments [1968] Manfred Mann - The Mighty Quinn (Quinn The Eskimo) [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
13 4 comments [1965] Nancy Sinatra - These Boots Are Made For Walkin' (1965) [Sp] [AM] [BC] [Dzr] [SC]
12 4 comments [1966] The Merseys - Sorrow [Sp] [AM] [Dzr]
10 3 comments [1965] The Byrds - I'll Feel A Whole Lot Better [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
9 2 comments [1968] Dr. John - I Walk on Gilded Splinters (1968) [AM] [BC] [Dzr] [SC]
8 5 comments [1966] Manfred Mann - Box Office Draw [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
8 3 comments [1969] Harry Nilsson - I Guess the Lord Must Be in New York City
8 2 comments Was the third of June, another sleepy, dusty Delta day..
7 1 comments [1969] Allman Brothers Band -- Whipping Post (1969) [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
7 2 comments [1966] Paul Revere & The Raiders - Steppin' Out [Sp] [Dzr] [SC]
7 2 comments [1966] Crispian St. Peters - The Pied Piper [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
7 2 comments [1965] The Walker Brothers - Make It Easy On Yourself [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]

Most Commented Posts

score comments title & link mirrors
6 4 comments Tony Joe White - Wichita Lineman - 1969 [Sp]
4 3 comments [1967] Small Faces - Up The Wooden Hills To Bedfordshire [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
6 3 comments Lyric Request
5 2 comments [1968] The Creation - How Does it Feel to Feel [Sp] [AM] [BC] [Dzr]
3 2 comments [1968] Marvin Gaye - I Heard It Through The Grapevine [Sp] [AM] [BC] [Dzr] [SC]
submitted by subredditsummarybot to 60sMusic [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 10:01 thebeastsanity How To Self-Learn Heroes And Watch Replays ( Offlane And Carries PART 1 )

Sanity here, I'm back with another daily post, so this was a suggestion that one of my discord members made, so if you want to learn something or want to suggest me something to post, let me know on my Discord.
I'll cover this topic in a few points, and teach you how you can watch replays on your own.
So now when you watch replays to summarize you look at the following things->
  1. Starting items ( stick or stats?)
  2. Aggro usage / Creep Priority ( Aggroing to bring wave closer to his tower and pressuring? HOW or Aggroing as a carry to farm creeps)
  3. First power spike usage ( Phase boots/double bracer ( Treads to go jungle for carries )
  4. Second power spike usage ( Level 6 for offlaners )
  5. Securing Lane CS as a carry (Pulling the lane yourself to bring enemy creeps closer to you
For now if you can just do these things I guarantee you are able to easily learn any hero on safelane and offlane, if you want to add anything or ask me any question related to anything above do let me know, and also if you'd like something similar to be done for supports and the mid-lane. Will appreciate any feedback CLICK ON BLUE TEXT TO OPEN AN IMAGE BTW
Discord Name: sanityyyyyy
submitted by thebeastsanity to learndota2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 10:00 thebeastsanity How To Self-Learn Heroes And Watch Replays ( Offlane And Carries PART 1 )

Sanity here, I'm back with another daily post, so this was a suggestion that one of my discord members made, so if you want to learn something or want to suggest me something to post, let me know on my Discord.
I'll cover this topic in a few points, and teach you how you can watch replays on your own.
So now when you watch replays to summarize you look at the following things->
  1. Starting items ( stick or stats?)
  2. Aggro usage / Creep Priority ( Aggroing to bring wave closer to his tower and pressuring? HOW or Aggroing as a carry to farm creeps)
  3. First power spike usage ( Phase boots/double bracer ( Treads to go jungle for carries )
  4. Second power spike usage ( Level 6 for offlaners )
  5. Securing Lane CS as a carry (Pulling the lane yourself to bring enemy creeps closer to you
For now if you can just do these things I guarantee you are able to easily learn any hero on safelane and offlane, if you want to add anything or ask me any question related to anything above do let me know, and also if you'd like something similar to be done for supports and the mid-lane. Will appreciate any feedback CLICK ON BLUE TEXT TO OPEN AN IMAGE BTW
Discord Name: sanityyyyyy
submitted by thebeastsanity to TrueDoTA2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 09:58 thebeastsanity How To Self-Learn Heroes And Watch Replays1 ( Offlane And Carries PART 1 )

Sanity here, I'm back with another daily post, so this was a suggestion that one of my discord members made, so if you want to learn something or want to suggest me something to post, let me know on my Discord.
I'll cover this topic in a few points, and teach you how you can watch replays on your own.
So now when you watch replays to summarize you look at the following things->
  1. Starting items ( stick or stats?)
  2. Aggro usage / Creep Priority ( Aggroing to bring wave closer to his tower and pressuring? HOW or Aggroing as a carry to farm creeps)
  3. First power spike usage ( Phase boots/double bracer ( Treads to go jungle for carries )
  4. Second power spike usage ( Level 6 for offlaners )
  5. Securing Lane CS as a carry (Pulling the lane yourself to bring enemy creeps closer to you
For now if you can just do these things I guarantee you are able to easily learn any hero on safelane and offlane, if you want to add anything or ask me any question related to anything above do let me know, and also if you'd like something similar to be done for supports and the mid-lane. Will appreciate any feedback CLICK ON BLUE TEXT TO OPEN AN IMAGE BTW
Discord Name: sanityyyyyy
submitted by thebeastsanity to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:31 tezumo5 Pengin nulis historical fantasy romance dengan setting jawa jaman candi... terlalu spesifik/unfamiliar ga sih?

Hai komodos, pertanyaan spesifik banget nih... Di sini ada yg suka baca genre historical romance?
Saya penulis indie yg udah nulis 2 buku yg settingnya sejauh ini di asia (buku pertama di sichuan dan buku kedua di china/korea, 2-2nya setting abad ke-9/10), skrg ada ide nulis sekuel yg settingnya di jawa jaman candi (akhir taun 900an gitu, kerajaan mataram/medang kali ya)... tapi kog takut agak jawa-sentris ya? (Walopun biasanya djawa adalah koenci lol)
Pasalnya, historical romance sebagai genre emang ga sepopuler contemporary/paranormal/fantasy romance, apalagi kalau bukan gaya2 jane austen/bridgerton gitu. Asian historical romance lebih jarang lagi dan kalopun ada, lebih menilik ke arah wuxia/kdrama/chinese drama.
Jadi ragu apakah setting jawa terlalu spesifik atau alien, secara readership romance mayoritas masih didominasi cewe bule, kalaupun non-white readers kebanyakan adalah ABC atau POC yg ga familiar sama sejarah/mitos asia tenggara, apalagi indo/jawa.
Plus, karena banyak readers yg baca romance utk adegan panasnya aja, banyak yg ga peduli sama sejarah anyway (tapi ga semua sih) ,"
Basically saya lagi mikir aja apakah sejarah dan kehidupan di jawa abad ke-10 terlalu "out there" untuk buku romance. Mungkin Bali lebih promising dari segi branding? (Secara ada candi juga, dan candi penting utk alur cerita fantasynya)
Menurut kalian gimana? :D
submitted by tezumo5 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 01:11 Ok-Noise-8334 H5N1 Outbreak Weekly Update: June 1-7, 2024

H5N1 Outbreak Weekly Update: June 1-7, 2024
This update highlights the key developments in the H5N1 outbreak during the first week of June. Significant events include the detection of new cases in various U.S. states in dairy cows, ongoing cross-species transmissions, and environmental detections. Additionally, various regions have implemented restrictions and measures to contain the spread, and new vaccination campaigns are underway.

👤 Human Cases

No new human cases of H5N1 were reported during the first week of June. The last report was on 30 May 2024.
2024 Summary, 11 cases with 2 fatalities:
  • Australia: 1 case (May)
  • U.S.:3 cases (April and May) in dairy farm workers
  • China: 1 case in (May)
  • Vietnam: 1 case (March), 1 fatality
  • Cambodia: 5 cases (January-February), 1 fatality; (clade distinct from global clade

🐦 Wild Birds and Poultry Cases

  • USA positive samples in
  • USDA confirms 27 commercial poultry farms positive for H5N1 in 9 states since Mar 2024:
    • Minnesota (9), Michigan (7), New Mexico (3), Iowa (2), Idaho (2), Texas (1), South Dakota (1), Massachusetts (1), Kansas (1)
  • Finland: On June 4 reported a confirmation of H5N1 in a wild bird in Helsinki.

🦙 Cross-Species Transmission

  • New detections for the first time in dairy cattle in Iowa (O’Brien and Sioux County), Minnesota and Wyoming.
  • June 4, New Mexico: 11 house mice tested positive in Roosevelt County.
  • Dairy cows infected with bird flu have died in five US states.
  • USA: Confirmed nine new cases of H5N1 in dairy farms across six states:
    • Minnesota (1), Michigan (1), Idaho (1), Iowa (2), Wyoming (1), and Texas (3).
  • Total outbreaks since March 2024: 89 livestock farms across 12 states:
    • Michigan (25), Idaho (19), Texas (18), New Mexico (8), South Dakota (5), Kansas (4), Colorado (4), Iowa (2), Minnesota (1), North Carolina (1), Ohio (1) and Wyoming (1).
  • CDC reports that the H5N1 virus, which infected a human in Texas, caused fatal illness in lab studies on ferrets. While the virus transmitted regularly from ferret-to-ferret via direct contact, it did not transmit readily via small droplet aerosol.

🧪 Environmental Detections

  • California, USA: After H5N1 was found in SF chickens, WastewaterSCAN detected genetic material in the city’s wastewater; another test resulted in no fragments being detected. further investigation ongoing
  • Texas, USA: Traces of H5N1 were detected in Austin-Travis County wastewater surveillance.
  • USA: WastewaterSCAN detected the H5 subtype in wastewater sites in Michigan and Texas.
  • CDC wastewater monitoring: influenza A in wastewater detected varied waste levels in treatment plants in Illinois and Oregon for the week ending June 1. Some showed “Above Average” and others “High” levels.

🚫 Restrictions and Measures

  • June 2, Iowa, USA: Governor declared a disaster in Cherokee County due to the avian flu outbreak, making it the second county affected after Sioux County.
  • June 4, Singapore: Suspended poultry imports from specific counties in the USA, Australia, and all of South Korea. Lifted the suspension from Japan and some USA counties.
  • June 4, Michigan, USA: MDHHS advised postponing visits to dairy and poultry farms due to H5N1 outbreaks. Schools, childcare providers, camps, and OST programs should delay such trips.
  • June 6, US FDA advised states against the sale and consumption of raw milk due to the H5N1 outbreak in dairy cattle.

💉 Vaccination

  • June 1, Iraq: Tuz Khurmatu launched a poultry vaccination campaign.
  • Finland to receive the first EU-procured bird flu shots from Seqirus for poultry and fur farm workers.

📉 Economic implications

🧬 Genome Data

  • Partial sequence of H5N1 virus genome data collected on May 25 from the 3rd reported case in the US was posted on GISAID (A/Michigan/91/2024) on June 4. The H5 matches the previous Michigan case, and N1 aligns with a Texan case. Detailed analysis on PB2 mutations is pending.

🔬 Public Health Initiatives

  • June 3: WastewaterSCAN launched a US nation-wide wastewater surveillance dashboard with screening at 194 sites covering the period from May 10, 2024, onwards for H5N1.
  • June 5: NIH releases H5N1 influenza research agenda.
Click here to view the May 2024 H5N1 update.
submitted by Ok-Noise-8334 to H5N1_AvianFlu [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 22:59 yumesanlas Vendo monitor 27" HP P27V g4. $200.000

Vendo monitor 27
Buenas a todos, en el hot sale cambie el monitor y tengo este que pense en su momento usar como segundo monitor, se me pincho la cosa con un laburo y bueno tengo que venderlo.
El monitor se puso en el escritorio de la pc y ahi quedo, tiene un año y 3 meses masomenos de uso. De hecho lo saque hace un rato del escritorio para sacarle fotos y ni el polvillo en la base me puse a sacarle recién caigo, cuando se venda se vende limpio no se preocupen.
No le encuentro fallas, no tiene pixeles muertos no tiene nada raro, de hecho en parte me gustaba un poco más la calidad de colores en algunas cosas con el monitor viejo que en el nuevo no me acostumbro.
Es un monitor HP modelo p27v g4 como dice el titulo, full hd, panel ips, los hz llegan a 60 nomas, tiene entrada hdmi, displayport y una que no me se ni el nombre.
El precio se puede charlar, entre en ML y el precio de un moni de 27" se encuentra entre 400/500k y bajando el precio, marcas y calidades los encontramos masomenos entre 230 y 250k.
No tengo garantía del monitor ya y mi ex se quedo con la caja y todo de prácticamente todo lo mio pero bueno no sé, si necesitan algo más me escriben y lo vamos viendo.
Soy de ituzaingo, zona oeste, se puede probar sin problemas en mi casa, puedo mandarles un video del moni funcinando y las cosas que necesitenpara estar seguros. El monitor no se va hasta que la plata este acreditada en la cuenta.
adjunto fotos en este mismo post, espero que se vean!
submitted by yumesanlas to Mercadoreddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 18:00 JRE47 Thunder Punch Goodra in PvP: A JRE Analysis

I've been doing this for now 548 analysis articles and five years and four+ months. But you know what? That doesn't matter, because no matter how much experience or expertise someone has in something, we're all human, and that means we're all sometimes wrong.
And when it comes to Thunder Punch GOODRA, I'll come out and say it: I WAS WRONG.
My first, off the cuff take when Thunder Punch was announced as the exclusive move was that Thunder Punch was the wrong move, that it was a move that effectively killed all the hype a Goomy Community Day had going for it to that point. And while I DO still feel that it would have been more interesting to give Goodra Thunder Punch at the start of the season just days ago (along with all the others that got the same move) and then give Goodra another interesting move on Community Day, the main point — that Thunder Punch is a bad fit — was just wrong.
I'll summarize briefly in our Bottom Line Up Front, but in short: stick around after that, if you can, to see why I was wrong and what good there is to be found here.


Yeah, not much else to say in summary, so let's get into the details!


Dragon Type
Attack: 120 (118 High Stat Product)
Defense: 137 (137 High Stat Product)
HP: 114 (118 High Stat Product)
(Highest Stat Product IVs: 1-14-14, 1500 CP, Level 16)
Attack: 155 (153 High Stat Product)
Defense: 174 (176 High Stat Product)
HP: 150 (152 High Stat Product)
(Highest Stat Product IVs: 0-12-12, 2500 CP, Level 27)
Attack: 197
Defense: 216
HP: 186
(Assuming 15-15-15 IVs; 3963 CP at Level 50)
There's not much mystery to Dragons for long-time PvPers... there are many that have been PvP-relevant in all Leagues since the very beginning. But as many of those Dragons have a secondary typing (Flying, Ghost, Dark, Steel, Water, Poison... you name it, it's probably out there in SOME meta!), I think it's worth a brief mention of how a mono-Dragon works, as we have far less of those.
Dragon rather famously resists the primary "elements": Grass, Fire, Water, and Electric. And perhaps even more famously, they are weak to Ice, Fairy, and other Dragon damage. Not a great defensive typing, but really not too shabby.
Much better for Goodra are the stats. When everything is maxed out in Master League, Goodra is the bulkiest Dragon aside from Zygrade and the Giratinas. And it is THE bulkiest with the valued Dragon Breath as a fast move.
Oops, I slipped. If we're going to discuss fast moves, then I better get into those more formally....
Water Gun is not a bad move, and can actually be rather oppressive in grinding things down in PvP. (Just ask anyone who has faced down, say, Tapu Fini.) But I mean, there's really no contest here. Not only does Dragon Breath deal 33% more damage while having the same energy generation and even the same cooldown, but it gets STAB on top of that and thus deals even MORE damage. The difference is such that even against things that resist Dragon damage but do NOT resist Water (things like most Steel and even big-name Fairy types like Togekiss and Zacian, for example) take the same damage from resisted Dragon Breath that they do from unresisted Water Gun. And there are more things that resist Water (Grass, Water, and most notably Dragons) than Dragon (just Steels and Fairies).
I can see there being a funky Limited meta where Water Gun Goodra could surprise, but 99 times out of 100, just go with Dragon Breath and don't look back. Especially in Dragon-filled Master League.
ᴱ - Exclusive (Community Day) Move
There was a time not long ago when Goodra was just kind of sad. As recently as February of this year, Goodra's best moveset included Muddy Water, one of the worse debuffing moves in the game. While many other low-power debuffers come with guaranteed (Acid Spray, Psychic Fangs, Brick Break, Poison Fang, Obstruct, Feather Dance, etc.) or at least a 50% chance (Breaking Swipe, Octazooka, Leaf Tornado, etc.) of triggering, Muddy Water is held back at 30%. Just among Water moves, for the same energy you get a 50% chance with Razor Shell, for only 5 more energy you get a 100% debuff with Bubble Beam, or for 10 more energy you get the same 30% chance BUT deal a respectable 70 damage with Liquidation. And don't get me started on things like Scald and Crabhammer. Muddy Water is just a poor PvP move, and anything that has to use it (like Goodra used to just a couple months ago) just felt very sad doing it. 30% of the time, it worked... well, really none of the time.
Aqua Tail changed all that when it was added on March 1st, and immediately boosted Goodra, and across multiple Leagues. It immediately slotted in to Charge Move Slot #1, and often is all Goodra needs... along with just the threat of one of its closers.
Goodra has some great and rather unique closing options. Draco Meteor usually sims the best thanks to its ridiculous power and potential, but at least in most Great and Ultra League metas where Goodra has shone brightly of late, it's usually running Power Whip instead. A Dragon with a Grass move is virtually unheard of in GO, with only half-Grass Alolan Exeggutor and spicy-at-best Latios having any Grass moves at all. Alolan "Hector" has just never been able to break out in PvP at all, and Latios, on the rare occasions you may actually see one, much prefers Luster Purge these days instead of big slow Solar Beam. Goodra fills a to-date unfilled niche when running Power Whip. It doesn't hurt that Whip is a solid move at 90 damage for 50 energy, giving it the best Damage Per Energy (1.8) of ANY of Goodra's moves aside from the ridiculous Draco Meteor (which is held in check, of course, due to its severe self-nerfing drawback). I've seen Sludge Wave Goodra before, and it can be a nasty surprise, but by and large you're going to see Power Whip (or perhaps Draco) instead. It's part of what makes Gooboy (or Googal) special.
So one could argue that Goodra already has everything it needs to find PvP success, and indeed, for the last three months it has enjoyed far more success than it ever had before. But this is Community Day, and so that, of course, means a new move. In this case, it should be a very familiar move to those who study big changes season to season, as it's the move that was tied for widest new distribution this season (being given to nine new Pokémon): Thunder Punch.
So going back to me being wrong, when this was first announced, I was admittedly and openly bummed. I STILL don't really understand why Goodra wasn't just given this move along with Typhlosion, Scrafty, Lucario and all the other new recipients, but that's more of a quibble. As far as what the move does for Goodra, I do have good news now that I've looked more closely. Using the above sims as a barometer, let's see what a little thunder can doo for Goo....


So as I noted in our BLUF, this looks like the best League for Thunder Punch to make an impact. Its slightly higher-than-Aqua Tail cost means that it doesn't work well as an Aqua Tail replacement, but it DOES work pretty well in combination with Aqua Tail, becoming sort of an alternative Dragonair, but... overall better? Both have Aqua Tail and thus share wins versus notable Fire, Ground, and/or Rock types (including Talonflame, Gligar, Skeledirge, Swampert and Whiscash and others), but then the coverage beyond is quite different. Dragonair is a little faster (with 35-energy Body Slam) and also hit a little harder (thanks to higher Attack) and thus it can outrace things like Swampert, Feraligatr, Annihilape, and Lickitung that Goodra cannot, but Thunder Punch gives Gooboy some nice wins instead like Poliwrath and Registeel, and its better bulk means outlasting Whiscash, Galarian Stunfisk, Umbreon, and Guzzlord which Dragonair usually cannot replicate. And with shields down, Thunder Punch Goodra (unique wins: Gligar, Mandibuzz, Mantine, Pelipper, Swampert, Whiscash) more clearly outshines Dragonair (only special win is Venusaur). I'm not ready to declare Dragonair outdated by any means, but as good as it's been in PvP for a long time, Goodra mostly fits that same mold and certainly belongs at least on that same tier now.
As for how Thunder Punch specifically compares to previously running Power Whip, it's mostly an upgrade, beating everything Power Whip can in 1v1 shielding PLUS Altaria, Pelipper, and Poliwrath (normal and Shadow), and everything Power Whip can in 2shield except Carbink, tacking on Mandibuzz and Skarmory instead. Power Whip DOES pull away a bit with shields down (which makes sense considering its much higher damage output), but even there Thunder Punch shines with new wins like Mandibuzz, Mantine, and Pelipper.
It even compares favorably to the higher-ceiling-but-less-used-Draco Meteor, adding Altaria, Pelipper, and Poliwrath in 1shield (as opposed to Draco's Cresselia, Lickitung, and Mandibuzz) in 1shield, Mandibuzz and Skarmory (versus only Registeel as a new loss) in 2shield, and the same Mandibuzz, Mantine, and Pelipper wins you'd expect with shields down.
Long and short of it all is this: Thunder Punch Goodra is a capable alternative now in Great League. As with Power Whip, it gives Goodra coverage that is still very unique for a Dragon and is potent enough for even Open play on the right team, and will surely make an impact in multiple future Limited metas.


Now as we get into higher Leagues where the coverage of Thunder Punch starts to be outweighed more by its relatively low power, it becomes a little less desirable, though still viable on the right team:
Overall, Thunder Punch COULD still work here, if not in Open than at least in Limited/Cup metas of the future. But just not to the same degree as Great League.
And that just leaves....


In truth, Goodra may be a tad overlooked here already. It ranks within the Top 30, but goes largely unnoticed in large part because it has at least 10 Dragons that rank ahead of it. But those who DO use it are likely to do so with Draco Meteor, and honestly, I don't see Thunder Punch fitting into the equation. IF it does, this is the one place where you might be able to slide it in in place of Aqua Tail if Water and perhaps Flying types scare you and the rest of your ML team. For my money I'd still rather have Aqua Tail as my bait/coverage move in Master League, but that's more of a judgement call. What do YOU prefer, dear reader?


Alright, my friends, that's all I got for today. Final advice: get a good Thunder Punch Goodra for Great League, and then if you have the resources consider Ultra and Master League, probably in that order.
Until next time, you can always find me on Twitter with regular Pokémon GO analysis nuggets, or Patreon if you like.
Good hunting, folks. Please stay safe out there, and catch you next time, Pokéfriends!
submitted by JRE47 to PokemonGOBattleLeague [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 18:00 JRE47 Under The Lights: Thunder Punch Goodra

I've been doing this for now 548 analysis articles and five years and four+ months. But you know what? That doesn't matter, because no matter how much experience or expertise someone has in something, we're all human, and that means we're all sometimes wrong.
And when it comes to Thunder Punch GOODRA, I'll come out and say it: I WAS WRONG.
My first, off the cuff take when Thunder Punch was announced as the exclusive move was that Thunder Punch was the wrong move, that it was a move that effectively killed all the hype a Goomy Community Day had going for it to that point. And while I DO still feel that it would have been more interesting to give Goodra Thunder Punch at the start of the season just days ago (along with all the others that got the same move) and then give Goodra another interesting move on Community Day, the main point — that Thunder Punch is a bad fit — was just wrong.
I'll summarize briefly in our Bottom Line Up Front, but in short: stick around after that, if you can, to see why I was wrong and what good there is to be found here.


Yeah, not much else to say in summary, so let's get into the details!


Dragon Type
Attack: 120 (118 High Stat Product)
Defense: 137 (137 High Stat Product)
HP: 114 (118 High Stat Product)
(Highest Stat Product IVs: 1-14-14, 1500 CP, Level 16)
Attack: 155 (153 High Stat Product)
Defense: 174 (176 High Stat Product)
HP: 150 (152 High Stat Product)
(Highest Stat Product IVs: 0-12-12, 2500 CP, Level 27)
Attack: 197
Defense: 216
HP: 186
(Assuming 15-15-15 IVs; 3963 CP at Level 50)
There's not much mystery to Dragons for long-time PvPers... there are many that have been PvP-relevant in all Leagues since the very beginning. But as many of those Dragons have a secondary typing (Flying, Ghost, Dark, Steel, Water, Poison... you name it, it's probably out there in SOME meta!), I think it's worth a brief mention of how a mono-Dragon works, as we have far less of those.
Dragon rather famously resists the primary "elements": Grass, Fire, Water, and Electric. And perhaps even more famously, they are weak to Ice, Fairy, and other Dragon damage. Not a great defensive typing, but really not too shabby.
Much better for Goodra are the stats. When everything is maxed out in Master League, Goodra is the bulkiest Dragon aside from Zygrade and the Giratinas. And it is THE bulkiest with the valued Dragon Breath as a fast move.
Oops, I slipped. If we're going to discuss fast moves, then I better get into those more formally....
Water Gun is not a bad move, and can actually be rather oppressive in grinding things down in PvP. (Just ask anyone who has faced down, say, Tapu Fini.) But I mean, there's really no contest here. Not only does Dragon Breath deal 33% more damage while having the same energy generation and even the same cooldown, but it gets STAB on top of that and thus deals even MORE damage. The difference is such that even against things that resist Dragon damage but do NOT resist Water (things like most Steel and even big-name Fairy types like Togekiss and Zacian, for example) take the same damage from resisted Dragon Breath that they do from unresisted Water Gun. And there are more things that resist Water (Grass, Water, and most notably Dragons) than Dragon (just Steels and Fairies).
I can see there being a funky Limited meta where Water Gun Goodra could surprise, but 99 times out of 100, just go with Dragon Breath and don't look back. Especially in Dragon-filled Master League.
ᴱ - Exclusive (Community Day) Move
There was a time not long ago when Goodra was just kind of sad. As recently as February of this year, Goodra's best moveset included Muddy Water, one of the worse debuffing moves in the game. While many other low-power debuffers come with guaranteed (Acid Spray, Psychic Fangs, Brick Break, Poison Fang, Obstruct, Feather Dance, etc.) or at least a 50% chance (Breaking Swipe, Octazooka, Leaf Tornado, etc.) of triggering, Muddy Water is held back at 30%. Just among Water moves, for the same energy you get a 50% chance with Razor Shell, for only 5 more energy you get a 100% debuff with Bubble Beam, or for 10 more energy you get the same 30% chance BUT deal a respectable 70 damage with Liquidation. And don't get me started on things like Scald and Crabhammer. Muddy Water is just a poor PvP move, and anything that has to use it (like Goodra used to just a couple months ago) just felt very sad doing it. 30% of the time, it worked... well, really none of the time.
Aqua Tail changed all that when it was added on March 1st, and immediately boosted Goodra, and across multiple Leagues. It immediately slotted in to Charge Move Slot #1, and often is all Goodra needs... along with just the threat of one of its closers.
Goodra has some great and rather unique closing options. Draco Meteor usually sims the best thanks to its ridiculous power and potential, but at least in most Great and Ultra League metas where Goodra has shone brightly of late, it's usually running Power Whip instead. A Dragon with a Grass move is virtually unheard of in GO, with only half-Grass Alolan Exeggutor and spicy-at-best Latios having any Grass moves at all. Alolan "Hector" has just never been able to break out in PvP at all, and Latios, on the rare occasions you may actually see one, much prefers Luster Purge these days instead of big slow Solar Beam. Goodra fills a to-date unfilled niche when running Power Whip. It doesn't hurt that Whip is a solid move at 90 damage for 50 energy, giving it the best Damage Per Energy (1.8) of ANY of Goodra's moves aside from the ridiculous Draco Meteor (which is held in check, of course, due to its severe self-nerfing drawback). I've seen Sludge Wave Goodra before, and it can be a nasty surprise, but by and large you're going to see Power Whip (or perhaps Draco) instead. It's part of what makes Gooboy (or Googal) special.
So one could argue that Goodra already has everything it needs to find PvP success, and indeed, for the last three months it has enjoyed far more success than it ever had before. But this is Community Day, and so that, of course, means a new move. In this case, it should be a very familiar move to those who study big changes season to season, as it's the move that was tied for widest new distribution this season (being given to nine new Pokémon): Thunder Punch.
So going back to me being wrong, when this was first announced, I was admittedly and openly bummed. I STILL don't really understand why Goodra wasn't just given this move along with Typhlosion, Scrafty, Lucario and all the other new recipients, but that's more of a quibble. As far as what the move does for Goodra, I do have good news now that I've looked more closely. Using the above sims as a barometer, let's see what a little thunder can doo for Goo....


So as I noted in our BLUF, this looks like the best League for Thunder Punch to make an impact. Its slightly higher-than-Aqua Tail cost means that it doesn't work well as an Aqua Tail replacement, but it DOES work pretty well in combination with Aqua Tail, becoming sort of an alternative Dragonair, but... overall better? Both have Aqua Tail and thus share wins versus notable Fire, Ground, and/or Rock types (including Talonflame, Gligar, Skeledirge, Swampert and Whiscash and others), but then the coverage beyond is quite different. Dragonair is a little faster (with 35-energy Body Slam) and also hit a little harder (thanks to higher Attack) and thus it can outrace things like Swampert, Feraligatr, Annihilape, and Lickitung that Goodra cannot, but Thunder Punch gives Gooboy some nice wins instead like Poliwrath and Registeel, and its better bulk means outlasting Whiscash, Galarian Stunfisk, Umbreon, and Guzzlord which Dragonair usually cannot replicate. And with shields down, Thunder Punch Goodra (unique wins: Gligar, Mandibuzz, Mantine, Pelipper, Swampert, Whiscash) more clearly outshines Dragonair (only special win is Venusaur). I'm not ready to declare Dragonair outdated by any means, but as good as it's been in PvP for a long time, Goodra mostly fits that same mold and certainly belongs at least on that same tier now.
As for how Thunder Punch specifically compares to previously running Power Whip, it's mostly an upgrade, beating everything Power Whip can in 1v1 shielding PLUS Altaria, Pelipper, and Poliwrath (normal and Shadow), and everything Power Whip can in 2shield except Carbink, tacking on Mandibuzz and Skarmory instead. Power Whip DOES pull away a bit with shields down (which makes sense considering its much higher damage output), but even there Thunder Punch shines with new wins like Mandibuzz, Mantine, and Pelipper.
It even compares favorably to the higher-ceiling-but-less-used-Draco Meteor, adding Altaria, Pelipper, and Poliwrath in 1shield (as opposed to Draco's Cresselia, Lickitung, and Mandibuzz) in 1shield, Mandibuzz and Skarmory (versus only Registeel as a new loss) in 2shield, and the same Mandibuzz, Mantine, and Pelipper wins you'd expect with shields down.
Long and short of it all is this: Thunder Punch Goodra is a capable alternative now in Great League. As with Power Whip, it gives Goodra coverage that is still very unique for a Dragon and is potent enough for even Open play on the right team, and will surely make an impact in multiple future Limited metas.


Now as we get into higher Leagues where the coverage of Thunder Punch starts to be outweighed more by its relatively low power, it becomes a little less desirable, though still viable on the right team:
Overall, Thunder Punch COULD still work here, if not in Open than at least in Limited/Cup metas of the future. But just not to the same degree as Great League.
And that just leaves....


In truth, Goodra may be a tad overlooked here already. It ranks within the Top 30, but goes largely unnoticed in large part because it has at least 10 Dragons that rank ahead of it. But those who DO use it are likely to do so with Draco Meteor, and honestly, I don't see Thunder Punch fitting into the equation. IF it does, this is the one place where you might be able to slide it in in place of Aqua Tail if Water and perhaps Flying types scare you and the rest of your ML team. For my money I'd still rather have Aqua Tail as my bait/coverage move in Master League, but that's more of a judgement call. What do YOU prefer, dear reader?


Alright, my friends, that's all I got for today. Final advice: get a good Thunder Punch Goodra for Great League, and then if you have the resources consider Ultra and Master League, probably in that order.
Until next time, you can always find me on Twitter with regular Pokémon GO analysis nuggets, or Patreon if you like.
Good hunting, folks. Please stay safe out there, and catch you next time, Pokéfriends!
submitted by JRE47 to TheSilphArena [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 18:00 JRE47 A PvP Analysis on Thunder Punch Goodra (June Community Day)

I've been doing this for now 548 analysis articles and five years and four+ months. But you know what? That doesn't matter, because no matter how much experience or expertise someone has in something, we're all human, and that means we're all sometimes wrong.
And when it comes to Thunder Punch GOODRA, I'll come out and say it: I WAS WRONG.
My first, off the cuff take when Thunder Punch was announced as the exclusive move was that Thunder Punch was the wrong move, that it was a move that effectively killed all the hype a Goomy Community Day had going for it to that point. And while I DO still feel that it would have been more interesting to give Goodra Thunder Punch at the start of the season just days ago (along with all the others that got the same move) and then give Goodra another interesting move on Community Day, the main point — that Thunder Punch is a bad fit — was just wrong.
I'll summarize briefly in our Bottom Line Up Front, but in short: stick around after that, if you can, to see why I was wrong and what good there is to be found here.


Yeah, not much else to say in summary, so let's get into the details!


Dragon Type
Attack: 120 (118 High Stat Product)
Defense: 137 (137 High Stat Product)
HP: 114 (118 High Stat Product)
(Highest Stat Product IVs: 1-14-14, 1500 CP, Level 16)
Attack: 155 (153 High Stat Product)
Defense: 174 (176 High Stat Product)
HP: 150 (152 High Stat Product)
(Highest Stat Product IVs: 0-12-12, 2500 CP, Level 27)
Attack: 197
Defense: 216
HP: 186
(Assuming 15-15-15 IVs; 3963 CP at Level 50)
There's not much mystery to Dragons for long-time PvPers... there are many that have been PvP-relevant in all Leagues since the very beginning. But as many of those Dragons have a secondary typing (Flying, Ghost, Dark, Steel, Water, Poison... you name it, it's probably out there in SOME meta!), I think it's worth a brief mention of how a mono-Dragon works, as we have far less of those.
Dragon rather famously resists the primary "elements": Grass, Fire, Water, and Electric. And perhaps even more famously, they are weak to Ice, Fairy, and other Dragon damage. Not a great defensive typing, but really not too shabby.
Much better for Goodra are the stats. When everything is maxed out in Master League, Goodra is the bulkiest Dragon aside from Zygrade and the Giratinas. And it is THE bulkiest with the valued Dragon Breath as a fast move.
Oops, I slipped. If we're going to discuss fast moves, then I better get into those more formally....
Water Gun is not a bad move, and can actually be rather oppressive in grinding things down in PvP. (Just ask anyone who has faced down, say, Tapu Fini.) But I mean, there's really no contest here. Not only does Dragon Breath deal 33% more damage while having the same energy generation and even the same cooldown, but it gets STAB on top of that and thus deals even MORE damage. The difference is such that even against things that resist Dragon damage but do NOT resist Water (things like most Steel and even big-name Fairy types like Togekiss and Zacian, for example) take the same damage from resisted Dragon Breath that they do from unresisted Water Gun. And there are more things that resist Water (Grass, Water, and most notably Dragons) than Dragon (just Steels and Fairies).
I can see there being a funky Limited meta where Water Gun Goodra could surprise, but 99 times out of 100, just go with Dragon Breath and don't look back. Especially in Dragon-filled Master League.
ᴱ - Exclusive (Community Day) Move
There was a time not long ago when Goodra was just kind of sad. As recently as February of this year, Goodra's best moveset included Muddy Water, one of the worse debuffing moves in the game. While many other low-power debuffers come with guaranteed (Acid Spray, Psychic Fangs, Brick Break, Poison Fang, Obstruct, Feather Dance, etc.) or at least a 50% chance (Breaking Swipe, Octazooka, Leaf Tornado, etc.) of triggering, Muddy Water is held back at 30%. Just among Water moves, for the same energy you get a 50% chance with Razor Shell, for only 5 more energy you get a 100% debuff with Bubble Beam, or for 10 more energy you get the same 30% chance BUT deal a respectable 70 damage with Liquidation. And don't get me started on things like Scald and Crabhammer. Muddy Water is just a poor PvP move, and anything that has to use it (like Goodra used to just a couple months ago) just felt very sad doing it. 30% of the time, it worked... well, really none of the time.
Aqua Tail changed all that when it was added on March 1st, and immediately boosted Goodra, and across multiple Leagues. It immediately slotted in to Charge Move Slot #1, and often is all Goodra needs... along with just the threat of one of its closers.
Goodra has some great and rather unique closing options. Draco Meteor usually sims the best thanks to its ridiculous power and potential, but at least in most Great and Ultra League metas where Goodra has shone brightly of late, it's usually running Power Whip instead. A Dragon with a Grass move is virtually unheard of in GO, with only half-Grass Alolan Exeggutor and spicy-at-best Latios having any Grass moves at all. Alolan "Hector" has just never been able to break out in PvP at all, and Latios, on the rare occasions you may actually see one, much prefers Luster Purge these days instead of big slow Solar Beam. Goodra fills a to-date unfilled niche when running Power Whip. It doesn't hurt that Whip is a solid move at 90 damage for 50 energy, giving it the best Damage Per Energy (1.8) of ANY of Goodra's moves aside from the ridiculous Draco Meteor (which is held in check, of course, due to its severe self-nerfing drawback). I've seen Sludge Wave Goodra before, and it can be a nasty surprise, but by and large you're going to see Power Whip (or perhaps Draco) instead. It's part of what makes Gooboy (or Googal) special.
So one could argue that Goodra already has everything it needs to find PvP success, and indeed, for the last three months it has enjoyed far more success than it ever had before. But this is Community Day, and so that, of course, means a new move. In this case, it should be a very familiar move to those who study big changes season to season, as it's the move that was tied for widest new distribution this season (being given to nine new Pokémon): Thunder Punch.
So going back to me being wrong, when this was first announced, I was admittedly and openly bummed. I STILL don't really understand why Goodra wasn't just given this move along with Typhlosion, Scrafty, Lucario and all the other new recipients, but that's more of a quibble. As far as what the move does for Goodra, I do have good news now that I've looked more closely. Using the above sims as a barometer, let's see what a little thunder can doo for Goo....


So as I noted in our BLUF, this looks like the best League for Thunder Punch to make an impact. Its slightly higher-than-Aqua Tail cost means that it doesn't work well as an Aqua Tail replacement, but it DOES work pretty well in combination with Aqua Tail, becoming sort of an alternative Dragonair, but... overall better? Both have Aqua Tail and thus share wins versus notable Fire, Ground, and/or Rock types (including Talonflame, Gligar, Skeledirge, Swampert and Whiscash and others), but then the coverage beyond is quite different. Dragonair is a little faster (with 35-energy Body Slam) and also hit a little harder (thanks to higher Attack) and thus it can outrace things like Swampert, Feraligatr, Annihilape, and Lickitung that Goodra cannot, but Thunder Punch gives Gooboy some nice wins instead like Poliwrath and Registeel, and its better bulk means outlasting Whiscash, Galarian Stunfisk, Umbreon, and Guzzlord which Dragonair usually cannot replicate. And with shields down, Thunder Punch Goodra (unique wins: Gligar, Mandibuzz, Mantine, Pelipper, Swampert, Whiscash) more clearly outshines Dragonair (only special win is Venusaur). I'm not ready to declare Dragonair outdated by any means, but as good as it's been in PvP for a long time, Goodra mostly fits that same mold and certainly belongs at least on that same tier now.
As for how Thunder Punch specifically compares to previously running Power Whip, it's mostly an upgrade, beating everything Power Whip can in 1v1 shielding PLUS Altaria, Pelipper, and Poliwrath (normal and Shadow), and everything Power Whip can in 2shield except Carbink, tacking on Mandibuzz and Skarmory instead. Power Whip DOES pull away a bit with shields down (which makes sense considering its much higher damage output), but even there Thunder Punch shines with new wins like Mandibuzz, Mantine, and Pelipper.
It even compares favorably to the higher-ceiling-but-less-used-Draco Meteor, adding Altaria, Pelipper, and Poliwrath in 1shield (as opposed to Draco's Cresselia, Lickitung, and Mandibuzz) in 1shield, Mandibuzz and Skarmory (versus only Registeel as a new loss) in 2shield, and the same Mandibuzz, Mantine, and Pelipper wins you'd expect with shields down.
Long and short of it all is this: Thunder Punch Goodra is a capable alternative now in Great League. As with Power Whip, it gives Goodra coverage that is still very unique for a Dragon and is potent enough for even Open play on the right team, and will surely make an impact in multiple future Limited metas.


Now as we get into higher Leagues where the coverage of Thunder Punch starts to be outweighed more by its relatively low power, it becomes a little less desirable, though still viable on the right team:
Overall, Thunder Punch COULD still work here, if not in Open than at least in Limited/Cup metas of the future. But just not to the same degree as Great League.
And that just leaves....


In truth, Goodra may be a tad overlooked here already. It ranks within the Top 30, but goes largely unnoticed in large part because it has at least 10 Dragons that rank ahead of it. But those who DO use it are likely to do so with Draco Meteor, and honestly, I don't see Thunder Punch fitting into the equation. IF it does, this is the one place where you might be able to slide it in in place of Aqua Tail if Water and perhaps Flying types scare you and the rest of your ML team. For my money I'd still rather have Aqua Tail as my bait/coverage move in Master League, but that's more of a judgement call. What do YOU prefer, dear reader?


Alright, my friends, that's all I got for today. Final advice: get a good Thunder Punch Goodra for Great League, and then if you have the resources consider Ultra and Master League, probably in that order.
Until next time, you can always find me on Twitter with regular Pokémon GO analysis nuggets, or Patreon if you like.
Good hunting, folks. Please stay safe out there, and catch you next time, Pokéfriends!
submitted by JRE47 to TheSilphRoad [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 16:23 Basic-Ad5993 Ayudín para comprar en Paraguay

Buenas gente, les comento, este finde me voy a pegar una escapada para Encarnación para comprar componentes y algún periférico, y quería saber si hay alguno en este subreddit hermoso que ya haya ido para esos lares y me recomiende alguna casa de informática buena. Yo por mi parte estoy buscando en google todas las casas que tengan un numero de telefono y voy preguntando, pero por ahí no me responden y la mayoría no tienen páginas web para asesorarme. Y de paso algun tip, info o experiencia que hayan tenido yendo a comprar por ahí también sumamente agradecido. Un saludo enorme y un abrazo de oso.
EDIT: Bueno gente, terminé comprándome 2 monitores hp m24f a $140.000 cada uno en Listani, (que acá por lo que vi en ML, salen cerca de 500k) que era lo que estaba buscando porque soy programador y necesito ver mucho en pantalla. Si van buscando monitores, no lo hagan, te cobran multa en la AFIP, 160k me acostaron a la vuelta, y bien merecido por no leer antes qué es lo que te dejan traer y qué es lo que no, así que les recomiendo que lean encarecidamente esto para tener en cuenta qué quieren traer de regreso para que no les rompan el orto a multas.
El resto de tecnología obviamente más barato que acá, pero si compras en dólares, sino te hacen el cálculo de USD 1=ARS 1300 y te rompen el orto, yo conseguí una buena oferta, pero le guitarree al vendedor para que me baje el precio.
Les dejo otras cositas que consulté pero que no terminé comprando porque se me iba al culo el presupuesto, por si a alguien le sirve (todo en dólares):
-Joystick Redragon Horus $50 -Teclado Redragon Harrow $55 -Monitor Samsung CRG5 $180 (Electrónica Paris) -Monitor LG 24MP400 $130 (Paris) -RAM Crucial 2x16 $35 (Paris) -Teclado Redragon Draconic $55 (Paris)
Los que no tienen nombre es porque no recuerdo el local, pero en todos lados manejan maso los mismos precios así que no hay drama, pero SIEMPRE QUE PUEDAN manejense en lugares de confianza, como Paris, Listani o PCStock y MUCHO OJO a los estafadores que andan por la calle, que te van llevando entre negocios y te punguean cuando pueden. Un saludo y cualquier consulta me avisan, abrazote.
submitted by Basic-Ad5993 to Argaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 05:52 stevetheclimber OPENING the /r/Mindcrack Time Capsule of 2023, and re-opening 2014!

Welcome everyone to a very special edition of our annual tradition here on mindcrack!
It has now been over 10 years since this subreddit's very first time capsule was created by u/BegbertBeggs on April 26th 2014, and so I decided last minute to make this year's opening a double special, giving us a nostalgic comparison between the many changes from both a year and a full decade ago. There's all sorts of detailed info here which often isn't listed anywhere else, so whether you're checking up on how the group's doing, reading through out of curiosity, or looking back on some precious memories, I hope you enjoy scrolling through these archives!
We're opening the tenth edition of the mindcrack time capsule from 2023 and the first edition from 2014, starting with 2014 since it's shorter. Every year since 2014 can also be found here: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022. With that all out of the way, let's officially crack open the seals!


Today is the 26th of April 2014.

Vanilla Server

Season 4 of the vanilla server is running. It is updated on a 1.8 snapshot version.
The Mindcrack server currently has 25 members, 26 when including TheJims.
The latest user to join was SethBling, the latest member to (officially) leave was Shreeyam.
Guude is building the UHC monument, doing collaboration videos with the members (and ex-members) to build their skin as a statue. Right now ten statues are completed. A list of the Mindcrackers' projects can be found here: link

Modded Server

The Mindcrackers play on their second official modded server.
The official modpack is now the CrackPack, hosted by the ATLauncher. It was previously called Crack the Beast. The corresponding subreddit is /crackpack.
Many of the Mindcrackers plus Biffa2001 play on the server.
There is also an Attack of the B-Team server (by the B-Team) and a Pixelmon server (by TerasHD) on which some Mindcrackers play/have played.

Ultra Hardcore (UHC)

There have been 15+1 season of UHC (+1 for S4b).
Team Cheaty Hot Beef (Nebris, Pyrao, VintageBeef) are the winners of the latest UHC, Season 15!
5 Seasons have been FFA, 3 Seasons teams of 2, 2 Seasons teams of 3, 6 Seasons teams of 4 (including S1+2).
PauseUnpause has the most total kills (25). He also has the most kills in a single season (7). He holds the record of most won seasons (6).
Guude and VintageBeef have died in 12 seasons of UHC.
UHC has featured multiple Guests: OldManWillakers, Dinnerbone, Grumm and JL2579. SethBling has participated in 2 UHCs before joining the vanilla server.


The PlayMindrack server features 4 game modes: Survival Games, Dwarves vs Zombies, Barnyard Blitz, King of the Golden Monocle and Power Juice.
There are also these "towns": SethBling's Basketball, Zisteau's Calamity Town, One Life by OldManWillakers and Mhykol's Bouncy Castle. Arkas' town is under construction.
The server has its own subreddit, /playmindcrack.


/mindcrack has approximately 42,000 subscribers.
/mindcrack is moderated by 6 persons and 1 bot, which are: GuudeBoulderfist, Pakratt0013, Shreeyam, Zisteau, nWW, pajam and AutoModerator.
Todays frontpage looks like this: (thanks labtec901)
All the flairs available right now: part 1 and part 2 (Thanks to Omegatron9)


So far there has been one MindCrack Marathon from the 18th until the 20th October 2013. The donations of $118,000 helped Kurt to reach the goal for Season 4 of Far Lands Or Bust!
SethBling has the most subscribers, with slightly above 1.6 Million. Congrats!
The community added these images to the time capsule: [1], [2], [3]


Today is the 5th of June, 2023.

General Information

A current concise definition of Mindcrack is "A group of friends and content creators founded in 2010 who come together for gaming content and regular charity events, primarily based on Twitch."
Mindcrack currently has 24 official members with 18 active as content creators, and around 19 Friends/VIPs active in the group, though there is no official list on who all is considered a Friend. Mindcrackers and Friends are essentially the same and differ only in name.
The latest member to join officially was OMGChad on the 31st of October, 2014, and the latest member to leave was BTC (BlameTheController) on the 12th of November, 2015, however these stats are somewhat misleading. For the last 12.5 years there has been a steady stream of new friends that each gradually became part of the group as well as some that parted ways, for the first 5 years these had specific dates tied to when they officially joined and left, but since then the newcomers have gradually become active within the group in the same way without being tied to any single date for various reasons. Thus, the latest person to become a part of the group is difficult to pinpoint.


There have been ten full Mindcrack Marathons to date and a multitude of other charity efforts, both from individuals and the full group. In total Mindcrack has raised over $2,088,731.75 for others through their group fundraising streams since 2013, of which $1,955,259.30 has been for the charity Extra Life (totals missing $0-5K). The latest full marathon was on November 14-20 and ran for 88 hours, raising $128,386.51 for Extra Life.
A complete list of all totals raised during Mindcrack group fundraising streams can be found here, the source message is pinned in the Mindcrack Discord and regularly updated.
The most recent charity event was held two months ago for Extra Life and was Mindcrack's first time running Extra Life United, the annual gathering in Orlando where Extra Life gamers come together to connect with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and participate in a variety of tournaments. For ELU 2023 Mindcrack hosted the entire event, running the gaming tournaments, stage entertainment, and the official stream which was essentially a spring Mindcrack Marathon. ELU 2023 also featured the return of the Minecraft Building Competition, and Pakratt led team Mindcrack to another 1st place finish against 5 other teams despite an ill-timed computer failure, earning $10,000 for the team’s hospitals.
The Mindcrack Patreon has now been supporting Mindcrack's charity efforts for over 3 years, allowing the marathon to grow in size and production quality. Currently the Patreon has 267 Patrons pledging $2,370 per month, with 59 Patrons on the $25 tier, 1 on the $500 tier, and the rest split between $5 and $10.
Kurt's Far Lands or Bust journey has continued on as always, with Season 10 currently coming to a close after a 54 day FLoB-a-Thon filled with adventures and over 1.5 million blocks traveled in just over a year. He is currently at 7,396,358 blocks traveled towards the Far Lands as of May 15th, 2023, sitting at 58.9% of the way there. The latest numbered episode was #847 on May 30th, 2023. The series has raised $472,939.92 for 7 different charities since 2011, however Season 10 did not end up supporting a charity.
MCGamer and the Zeldathon Team have raised $3,203,023 for 12 different charities during their 34 charity events. The latest Zeldathon was Zeldathon Daybreak which raised $125,800.00 for Direct Relief from August 2nd-8th, 2022, and they also held Side Quest: Dampe’s Twilight Tour! for Halloween from October 28th-31st which raised $12,600 for Gamers Outreach, their first time supporting the charity. The next Zeldathon will be Zeldathon Echoes, scheduled to start on July 6th raising money for charity: water.
There's also a multitude of individual charity efforts in Mindcrack; several people in the group hold streams supporting their individual Extra Life campaigns, and there's frequently one-off streams for various charities, such as Taffy’s recent subathon for St. Jude and Extra Life’s Dungeons & Dragons stream last month which Aurey joined. A complete list wouldn't be feasible to collect, but their efforts are greatly appreciated. In total everyone in the group has raised over $6 million for charity over the years.

Regular Series

The Mindcrack Podcast is hosted by Sevadus and Guude releasing two episodes every week, consisting of a public episode every Monday and a Patron-exclusive episode every Thursday. Additionally, Patrons at the $25 tier can watch the recordings live with live chat. The latest public episode was S2E135 which released today on June 5, 2023, and the latest premium episode was episode 134 released on May 25, 2023.
Cone, Kurt, and Zeekay host the podcast Ran When Parked which normally releases new episodes every other week, the latest episode was episode 94, however there hasn’t been a new episode in 2 months.
As of tonight Coestar's StreamADay is sitting at Day 3,471, and Phedran's daily streaming streak is on Day 2,072. Coe still holds the second longest daily streaming streak on Twitch as he approaches the ten year mark.
In the last year Subathons have really picked up, with Arkas, DumbDog, Guude, Justin, Kurt, McLaffyTaffy, Millbee, and OMGchad each having at least one, as well as many one or two day marathon streams from others, and they have resulted in many collabs within the group. Another recent fad is IRL streaming, with several in the group getting dedicated mobile streaming setups to go out in the world and stream, and Guude has almost entirely replaced his gaming content with IRL streams recently.
A large number of limited collabs appeared in the last year which aren’t currently running, most notably Mario Kart Mondays returned as a one-off appearance, the Bike Dads returned for a short period starting in the very same week, and DumbDog brought back The Checkpoint League for S2 which included Chiblee, Jaaski, and Justin. TFC Tuesday is also currently on hiatus. There are also a variety of collabs which frequently make appearances without a set schedule, including games such as Mahjong Soul and Mario Party.
The following is a list of the more stable weekly collab series within Mindcrack currently:
  • Armo, Breon, Coestar, Kingster, and occasionally Ryuski play PUBG for Sunday Gunday every week, and PUBG also makes frequent appearances throughout the week with other squad combinations.
  • Breon, Mhykol, and Ryuski are joined by Fortain and Omnirach every Tuesday playing games together, currently playing Space Engineers after previously playing Minecraft: Legends.
  • Monday Group Games have just recently returned on Tuesdays, with several Friends and Staff playing Among Us with the Mindcrack community.
  • Coestar and Guude's Two Bananas for Sale continues as always after recently hitting their 5 year anniversary, playing games together or with Patrons every Friday night. Their joint Patreon currently raises $584 per month thanks to 34 Patrons.
  • Arkas, Guude, Nebris, and Pakratt continue to play Divine Journey 2 every other Saturday and just passed their 8-year anniversary playing together, however their sessions have been inconsistent since the start of the series.
  • Pause and Beef have once again joined with Etho for a new Team Canada series recently, playing the Minecraft CTM map Starblight Desert.
  • Guude and JSano, known as Guano, still regularly upload GeoGuessr videos on YouTube.


Season 9 of the Minecraft vanilla server is currently ongoing, but Season 10 is expected to start in the very near future after the release of 1.20, and the final server tours are already taking place. The current season started on December 11th, 2021, and the server is running on 1.19.4 with some extra plug-ins to allow $25 tier Patrons on the server. This season has had approximately 789.5 hours streamed by Mindcrack so far; the latest stream was by Soccer on January 15th. Mhykol hosts a server map at using BlueMap.
The most recent full modded server was Crackpack Season 4, Mindcrack's 7th modded season which was active from November 2019 until January 2020.
Dadcraft’s most recent server was Minecraft Vault Hunters; Chiblee, DumbDog, Jaaski, and Justin joined others on the server earlier this year.
Adlington, Arkas, Cone, Dire, Doc, Kurt, Phedran, and VintageBeef all have fan servers for Twitch subs and/or Patrons, but some might not be active at the moment.

Ultra Hardcore (UHC)

There have been 33+32 (Thirty-one donation UHCs and S4b) seasons of Mindcrack UHC.
Breon, Coestar, ConeDodger, and Kingster are the winners of the latest UHC season, Season 33, which was streamed on the 26th of February, 2022.
Amethyst, BigGiantCircles, and HonneyPlay are the winners of the latest donation UHC, the 31st of its kind, which was streamed on the 20th of November.
PauseUnpause is the most deadly player in regular UHCs with 36 kills, and Arkas and Coestar are tied for the most deadly player in donation UHCs with 38 kills each. Nebris and VintageBeef are tied for the most wins in regular UHCs with 9, and Kurt has the most wins in charity UHCs with 7. (Latest UHC stats by Guardax)
Seasons can be categorized as follows: 24 teams of four, 15 teams of two, 14 teams of three, 8 free-for-all, 2 PvE, 1 teams of five, 1 teams of ten.
This was the first year since 2015 without a spring charity UHC, as running Extra Life United took precedence.

Individual Members

The table below contains current subscription, follower, and member data for the Mindcrackers' various social media accounts. Each number is hyperlinked to include an image of that member's account as it appears on this day for easy comparison of account contents, videos, and Discord channels:
Mindcracker Twitch YouTube Twitter Patreon Discord Size Discord Messages**
Adlingtont 3,048 34,700 5,998 9 ($55) 42 30,090
AnderZEL 284,676 524,000* 68,569 Twitch sub to join ?
Arkas 39,117 84,900/381 24,169 441 53,430
Aureylian 146,868 261,000* 157,293
AvidyaZen 21,460 301 356 106 22,730
Coestar 62,293 108,000/1,510 28,950 21 ($69) 1,607 2,089,410
Docm77 130,700* 1,010,000 249,640 118($946) Patron only ?
Guude 46,294 362,000/178* 89,790 Twitch sub only 892,210
JSano19 5,020 48,100 13,134 0 Patron only ?(no Patrons)
Kurt 53,468 410,000 54,606 167 Patron or Twitch sub only 186,160
MCGamer 86,885 97,900 35,313
Mhykol 15,637 52,300/10* 23,855 138 17,710
Millbee 55,546 113,000 43,072 556 813,250
Nebris 20,638 132,000
OMGchad 53,412 117,000*/1,490,000 31,096 1,955 37,110
Pakratt 102,151 49,600 19,624 544 372,720
PauseUnpause 150,560 553,000* 902 141,410
Pyropuncher 29,503 351,000* 46,246
SethBling 244,378 2,000,000 360,297 305 37,440
Sevadus 410,340 44,800* 52,997 1,732 58,700
Vechs 9,647 169,000 47,499 83($666) 1,214 173,200
VintageBeef 28,807* 1,560,000/17,200/18,600* 194,795 131 Patron only ?
W92Baj 9,427* 112,000 40,808 5 Patron only ?
Zisteau 56,398 339,000/1,540 68,059 82 1,358 420,200
Mindcrack Network 69,179 150,000 46,948 267($2,370) 2,637 327,390
* indicates pages that haven't been used in the last year ** Discord messages are all messages sent in default channels since server creation.
The following table is the same info for Friends that are content creators who have been active within Mindcrack in the last couple years, though this isn't an official list so it may have extras and not be complete. McLaffyTaffy and Paint have been added to this list since the previous year.
Friend Twitch YouTube Twitter Patreon Discord size Discord messages**
Amethyst 700 828
Breon 2,584 293 1,679 163 51,410
Chiblee 29,994 6,110/1,920 34,833/5,998 3,257 689,490
ConeDodger 5,766 9,780/730 1,344 144 Patron or Twitch sub to join/use 1,583,970
Dahl 451* 21,200/21* 805 0 Patron to join 52,630
Darkosto 77,941 3,680 5,893 28($169) 8,299 474,250
DireDwarf 18,336 4,650* 2,969 6($38) 360 183,770
Drooo 363 10* 436 56 28,450
HCJustin 69,961 13,500/296(new) 19,311 22($119) Twitch sub to join 1,275,930
HonneyPlay 11,623 3,070* 1,205 8 544(shared w/ Pak) 372,720
Jaaski 11,003 455/7(new*) 2,551 619 273,350
Kingster 514 4* 28 33(new) 860
McLaffyTaffy 31,410 14,500 6,862 989 161,680
Mookake 691 2,330* 234
Paintbrushpuke 539 227
Phedran 9,686 8,740 4,710 54($403) 476 110,070
Ryuski 1,357 194 429 75 28,000
Sapphyrei 18,362 189*/127,000 11,611
Soccer 510 135* 271 Twitch sub to join 440*
There are currently about 28 people part of Mindcrack that stream on Twitch regularly(past 3 months), and about 7 that upload YouTube videos with non-streamed content.
In the last year there were approximately 32,950 hours streamed on Twitch by about 41 Members and Friends, with 2,880 combined hours streamed during last month. During that year there were 875 unique categories streamed and 3,589,000 hours watched on Twitch which is equal to 410 years.
The most streamed games in order were Minecraft, PUBG, Words on Stream, PlateUp!, and Noita. Minecraft had the most streamers with 32, most hours streamed with 4,994, and second most hours watched with 427,540; the category Just Chatting was also among the most streamed and had the most hours watched with 561,200, and Travel & Outdoors and Special Events were also among the top.
Here's a chart showing monthly hours streamed by Mindcrack members from August 2015 to May 2023; here's a similar chart with Friends added starting May 2020.
According to the Mindcrack website, the total YouTube subscribers across all official Mindcrackers is 9,042,471, the total number of videos is 71,787, and the total views is 2,418,417,594. The website hasn't been updated in years and these numbers have not changed since the last time capsule, so they are at least one year out of date.
The total member count across public Discord servers in Mindcrack is 27,789 which includes significant overlap(13,537 for just Mindcrack Members). In total there's been approximately 10,587,460 messages sent across all 36 servers including from bots, but I don't have numbers from every server. Cone’s Discord has overtaken Coe’s as by far the most active server, with over 340,000 messages in the last year alone.
SethBling is the most subscribed on YouTube with 2 million subscribers as well as the most followed on Twitter with 360,297 followers. Sevadus has the most Twitch followers with 410,340 followers. Darkosto has the largest Discord server with 8,299 members, and among the Mindcrack Members OMGchad has the largest with 1,955 members.


mindcrack has approximately 45,000 subscribers. Discord servers and Twitch chats are the primary places the active Mindcrack community's interactions are based, so the subreddit sees minimal activity.
The Moderator Team of mindcrack consists of 10 humans and 2 bots: GuudeBoulderfist, pakratt0013, stinusmeret, Zisteau, pajam, Lost-Chord, Compieuter, ArmoAram, stevetheclimber, emilythecool, MindcrackTwitchBot, and CrackBot / AutoModerator.
This is the subreddit today using old Reddit (Picture Version), and this is the same page using the redesign (Picture Version).
Here’s the current flair selection which has not been updated recently, and here are the subreddit’s traffic stats which are normally only viewable by mods.


Docm77 and VintageBeef are also members of HermitCraft, and Arkas, Chiblee, Coestar, Jaaski, Justin, and Pause are all members of Dadcraft. After making a game on the HermitCraft server, Beef recently released a physical trading card game available for purchase.
SethBling currently holds 2nd place for the Super Mario World 0 Exit speedrun with a time of 41.350 seconds. He also holds records for several speedrun categories he created. In December Chiblee got the world record for time to first WooHoo in The Sims 4 without expansions with a time of 24.410 seconds; this has since been pushed back to 2nd place.
In the lives of the Mindcrackers and Friends there’s been many changes over the last year; Sevadus and Trent’s wedding will be later this month with other Mindcrackers attending, others in the group have started dating, there’s been many new pets across Mindcrack, and there’s been lots of travel and a bit of moving, including Pakratt and Honney who are currently in the middle of moving. Because of changes in the economy, some people in the group have gotten new jobs and slowed down their content.
Throughout the year many people in the group have met up in a variety of places which has seemingly become more prominent thanks to an increase in IRL streaming. Some of these were just meeting as friends such as Mhykol driving to Breon’s place or Soccer and Shelbs visiting Arkas, while others were for Mindcrack events such as ELU where many of them stayed extra days and streamed local activities together.
There have been no public updates in the last year on Mindcrack's progress towards becoming a non-profit that's publicly been in the works for years. This long transition period is seemingly one of the main reasons that new Mindcrackers haven’t been added recently, as the definition of membership was always anticipated to be changing soon and in essence already changed years ago.

Community Contributions

u/Omegatron9 has kept his spreadsheet and graphs on YouTube subscribers up to date.
The events of Mindcrack's first 10 years are covered in my History of Mindcrack written in 2020.
Some spreadsheets I have with stats:
Thanks to Guardax and memnarch for providing Discord numbers.
And that's a wrap on a very long post, giving us a lot to reflect on with another year and an entire decade revealing the many inevitable changes that time brings. You can never know what the future holds, so after reminiscing on the past let's look forward to another year and another decade revealing the many changes of the future!
The next time capsule might be a little delayed, I've been extra tired recently from probably narcolepsy and might not have the energy until after my sleep study this month, but when that time comes there'll be a lot of info to collect so I'll be asking for help in the Discord and anyone in the community will be free to add to it. In the meantime let's use this chance to reminisce and discuss anything that stood out to you about the past that's been freshly opened up!
submitted by stevetheclimber to mindcrack [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:54 fogalmam [VENTA] Cpu i7 4770k, mother 1150, NVME 256gb, Mochila 15", molinillo cafe, ZAPA T41, pentium II MMX

Venta de hardware no tan viejo.
Algunas cosas que no estoy usando
Hardware para reparar
Hardware viejo en adopcion
Fotos y otros articulos extra en la planilla
Para retirar estoy por el barrio de Coghlan, cerca de la estacion del mismo nombre. A unas 7 cuadras del Hospital Pirovano. Puedo hacer envios por ML, el costo de envio lo paga el comprador.
Cualquier consulta o pregunta aqui ->
submitted by fogalmam to Mercadoreddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:28 mark-getset-go Corporate Development Consultant Laptop

What laptops are we recommending these days?


Full-stack enterprise development. Will have multiple applications/environments/IDE's/tools running concurrently. 50% of the time, it will be docked to my multi-monitor setup. The other 50% will be on-site, meetings, traveling, or in my lap.

Form Factor

I have an XPS 13 9360 and Precision 5560. I love the 13 for travel, but definitely grab the precision for dev work. It does feel bulky at times. Hoping for something in the middle.

Build Quality

Premium. Professional. Reliable. Quiet under light load. No capacitive Fn row.


High with >=32GB RAM. GPU power would be a bonus. I occasionally need to create/edit videos, load local ML systems, and I enjoy gaming, but these are not the primary functions of the device.

Top Contenders

Asus Zephyrus g14/g16, Lenovo Yoga Pro 9i, HP Spectre x360.


Firm will cover 50% up to $3000. Must include a 2 year warranty.


The XPS line has been an easy pick for me for some time, but I cant imagine getting used to that function row (nvim, debugger bindings, etc.). The Precision 5560 has also not been a great experience. The build quality is great, but it struggles with power delivery. Battery life is unfortunate. I get random blue screens about twice a month. Sometimes the screen flickers and artifacts. It gets loud and throttles hard under even moderate load. Looking for something new.
submitted by mark-getset-go to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 02:44 lbabinz [Microsoft] Weekly Digital Xbox Game Sale

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Alan Wake 2 $63.99 $79.99 20% off Matches low
Alan Wake Remastered $13.19 $39.99 67% off Matches low
Alan Wake's American Nightmare ® $3.29 $9.99 67% off Lowest price $2.49 on 2023-12-1
Alex Kidd In Miracle World Dx $5.19 $25.99 80% off Matches low
Among Us $3.89 $6.49 40% off Matches low
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Avatar: Frontiers Of Pandora™ Gold Edition $89.99 $149.99 40% off Matches low
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Grid Legends $7.99 $79.99 90% off Matches low
Grounded $34.99 $49.99 30% off Lowest price $29.99 on 2024-5-7
Gta: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition $39.99 $79.99 50% off Matches low
Gunfire Reborn $12.99 $25.99 50% off Matches low
Gungrave G.o.r.e $9.99 $39.99 75% off Matches low
Halo: The Master Chief Collection $12.49 $49.99 75% off Matches low
Halo: The Master Chief Collection $12.49 $49.98 75% off Matches low
Hasbro Family Fun Pack $11.99 $39.99 70% off Matches low
Hasbro Family Fun Pack Conquest Edition $11.99 $39.99 70% off Matches low
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice $3.99 $39.99 90% off Matches low
Hi-fi Rush $27.29 $38.99 30% off Lowest price $25.34 on 2024-5-7
Hollow $6.49 $25.99 75% off Lowest price $2.59 on 2023-11-14
Homefront: The Revolution $1.99 $19.99 90% off Matches low
How To Survive 2 $2.99 $14.99 80% off Matches low
How To Survive: Storm Warning Edition $4.99 $19.99 75% off Lowest price $3.99 on 2021-10-22
Ice Age Scrat's Nutty Adventure $23.39 $38.99 40% off Lowest price $11.69 on 2023-12-8
Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars $20.79 $51.99 60% off Matches low
Immortals Fenyx Rising - Gold Edition $19.99 $79.99 75% off New Lowest
Immortals Of Aveum $26.99 $89.99 70% off New Lowest
Immortals Of Aveum Deluxe Edition $29.99 $99.99 70% off Lowest price $9.99 on 2023-12-8
Indivisible $8.09 $53.99 85% off Matches low
It Takes Two $19.24 $54.99 65% off Lowest price $13.74 on 2023-12-8
Jade Empire™ $3.29 $9.99 67% off Lowest price $2.49 on 2023-4-6
Journey To The Savage Planet $10.19 $33.99 70% off Matches low
Jurassic World Evolution - Deluxe Bundle $10.99 $54.99 80% off Matches low
Jurassic World Evolution 2: Deluxe Edition $23.49 $93.99 75% off Matches low
Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition $9.99 $39.99 75% off Matches low
Kiss Or Kill $1.37 $5.49 75% off Lowest price $1.27 on 2022-9-6
Lara Croft $2.99 $19.99 85% off Matches low
Lies Of P $55.99 $79.99 30% off New Lowest
Like A Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name Deluxe Edition $36.49 $72.99 50% off New Lowest
Livelock $1.79 $11.99 85% off Matches low
Lone Wolf $1.49 $14.99 90% off Matches low
Lost In Random $3.99 $39.99 90% off Matches low
Lost Judgement, Judgment 2, Judgement 2 $19.99 $79.99 75% off Lowest price $16.79 on 2023-10-17
Lost Judgment Season Pass $16.44 $46.99 65% off Matches low
Lost Odyssey $8.24 $24.99 67% off Lowest price $6.24 on 2022-7-12
M.a.c.e. Space Shooter $4.54 $6.49 30% off Lowest price $2.59 on 2021-8-24
Mable & The Wood $3.79 $18.99 80% off Matches low
Madden Nfl 24 $17.99 $89.99 80% off Matches low
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Mega Man® Legacy Collection $7.59 $18.99 60% off Matches low
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Morbid $4.64 $30.99 85% off Matches low
Mudrunner $9.39 $46.99 80% off Matches low
Naruto To Boruto: Shinobi Striker Deluxe Edition $21.39 $53.49 60% off Lowest price $11.69 on 2022-7-5
Nba 2k Playgrounds 2 $9.99 $39.99 75% off Matches low
Need For Speed $4.94 $32.99 85% off New Lowest
Need For Speed $3.89 $25.99 85% off Lowest price $2.59 on 2024-3-19
Need For Speed Payback $3.89 $25.99 85% off Lowest price $2.59 on 2023-11-16
Need For Speed Rivals $3.99 $19.99 80% off Lowest price $1.99 on 2024-3-19
Need For Speed™ Heat $13.49 $89.99 85% off Lowest price $4.49 on 2023-12-11
Need For Speed™ Heat $11.99 $79.99 85% off Lowest price $3.99 on 2023-12-11
Nfs Unbound $13.49 $89.99 85% off Lowest price $8.99 on 2024-3-19
Nfs Unbound Palace Edition $24.99 $99.99 75% off Lowest price $9.99 on 2023-12-5
Nhl 24 $26.99 $89.99 70% off Lowest price $22.5 on 2024-3-22
No More Heroes 3 Xbox $15.59 $51.99 70% off Matches low
Olliolli World $13.19 $39.99 67% off Matches low
Onimusha Warlords $10.79 $26.99 60% off Matches low
Ori And The Blind Forest: Definitive Edition $6.24 $24.99 75% off Lowest price $4.99 on 2020-12-17
Ori And The Will Of The Wisps $13.19 $39.99 67% off Lowest price $7.99 on 2023-5-9
Ori: The Collection $23.09 $69.99 67% off Lowest price $13.99 on 2023-5-9
Outer Worlds $19.99 $39.99 50% off Matches low
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P3p & P4g Bundle, Persona 3 Portable And Persona 4 Golden Bundle $29.41 $53.49 45% off Matches low
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Star Wars Jedi Survivor $40.49 $89.99 55% off Lowest price $31.5 on 2024-3-22
Star Wars Squadrons $10.99 $54.99 80% off Lowest price $2.74 on 2023-11-16
Starfield $60.29 $89.99 33% off Matches low
State Of Decay: Year-one Survival Edition $6.24 $24.99 75% off Matches low
Steampunk Tower 2 $3.19 $12.79 75% off New Lowest
Steep X Games Gold Edition $13.29 $66.49 80% off Matches low
Stranded Sails $4.64 $30.99 85% off New Lowest
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection $13.19 $39.99 67% off Matches low
Street Fighter™ 6 $39.99 $79.99 50% off New Lowest
Strider $4.49 $14.99 70% off Lowest price $2.99 on 2020-7-14
Sunset Overdrive $6.24 $24.99 75% off Lowest price $4.99 on 2023-4-6
Sunset Overdrive Deluxe Edition $9.99 $39.99 75% off Lowest price $7.99 on 2023-4-6
Super Meat Boy $4.94 $14.99 67% off Lowest price $1.49 on 2022-9-6
Super Night Riders $1.29 $6.49 80% off Matches low
Taiko No Tatsujin: The Drum Master! $19.49 $64.99 70% off Matches low
Team Sonic Racing™ $15.99 $39.99 60% off Lowest price $13.19 on 2022-2-15
Tekken 7 $13.39 $66.99 80% off Lowest price $10.04 on 2022-9-27
Terraria $9.99 $19.99 50% off Lowest price $4.99 on 2020-1-3
Tetris Effect: Connected $31.19 $51.99 40% off Lowest price $20.79 on 2023-5-2
The Ascent $11.99 $39.99 70% off Matches low
The Crew® 2 $13.99 $69.99 80% off Lowest price $6.99 on 2023-5-30
The Disney Afternoon Collection $6.74 $26.99 75% off Lowest price $5.39 on 2023-3-7
The Division 2 - Warlords Of New York Edition $13.74 $54.99 75% off Lowest price $11.99 on 2023-5-16
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition $22.1 $66.99 67% off Matches low
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition $13.49 $53.99 75% off Lowest price $10.79 on 2024-2-6
The Escapists 2 $4.99 $19.99 75% off Matches low
The Expanse: A Telltale Series $23.99 $31.99 25% off Lowest price $19.19 on 2024-1-3
The Long Reach $1.49 $14.99 90% off Matches low
The Sinking City – Necronomicon Edition $11.99 $79.99 85% off Lowest price $11.54 on 2023-12-1
The Walking Dead $4.49 $14.99 70% off Lowest price $2.99 on 2023-12-7
The Walking Dead The Telltale Definitive Series $25.59 $63.99 60% off Lowest price $15.99 on 2024-3-5
The Yakuza Remastered Collection $13.49 $53.99 75% off Matches low
Timespinner $7.69 $21.99 65% off New Lowest
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands $19.99 $79.99 75% off Matches low
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Chaotic Great Edition $29.99 $119.99 75% off Matches low
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Next-level Edition $22.49 $89.99 75% off Matches low
Titanfall™ 2 $6.49 $25.99 75% off Lowest price $2.59 on 2024-3-19
Titanfall® 2: Ultimate Edition $7.99 $39.99 80% off Lowest price $3.99 on 2021-5-11
Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor Trilogy $23.44 $66.99 65% off Matches low
Torchlight Ii $5.19 $25.99 80% off Matches low
Torment: Tides Of Numenera $9.99 $39.99 75% off Lowest price $3.89 on 2022-4-7
Transference™ $8.74 $34.99 75% off Matches low
Tropico 5 - Complete Collection $24.74 $44.99 45% off Lowest price $17.99 on 2021-7-22
Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 $13.19 $32.99 60% off Matches low
Undead Horde $7.69 $21.99 65% off Lowest price $6.59 on 2022-11-22
Underworld Ascendant $9.74 $38.99 75% off Matches low
Uno $3.99 $9.99 60% off Lowest price $2.99 on 2020-9-1
Unravel Yarny Bundle $9.99 $39.99 75% off Lowest price $7.99 on 2022-3-1
Valkyria Chronicles 4 $12.99 $64.99 80% off Lowest price $11.99 on 2023-10-17
Virginia $3.49 $9.99 65% off Lowest price $1.99 on 2020-7-14
Warparty $5.11 $12.79 60% off Matches low
Wasteland 2: Director's Cut $8.49 $33.99 75% off Lowest price $6.79 on 2022-6-10
Wasteland Remastered $4.99 $19.99 75% off Lowest price $1.99 on 2022-7-14
Watch Dogs®2 $14.99 $99.99 85% off New Lowest
We Happy Few $19.99 $79.99 75% off Lowest price $7.99 on 2023-6-20
We Happy Few Digital Deluxe $24.99 $99.99 75% off Lowest price $9.99 on 2023-6-20
Wheel Of Fortune + Jeopardy $13.37 $53.49 75% off Matches low
Wild Hearts Karakuri Edition $34.49 $114.99 70% off Lowest price $11.49 on 2023-12-5
Wild Hearts Standard Edition $26.99 $89.99 70% off New Lowest
Wolfenstein: The New Order $6.24 $24.99 75% off Lowest price $4.99 on 2023-11-16
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood $6.24 $24.99 75% off Lowest price $4.99 on 2023-11-16
Wolfenstein: Youngblood $6.74 $26.99 75% off Lowest price $5.39 on 2022-11-16
Wolfenstein® Ii: The New Colossus™ $8.24 $54.99 85% off Matches low
Wolfenstein® Ii: The New Colossus™ Digital Deluxe Edition $11.99 $79.99 85% off Matches low
Worms Rumble $3.99 $19.99 80% off Lowest price $1.99 on 2023-4-21
Xcom® 2 Collection $13.39 $133.99 90% off Lowest price $6.69 on 2022-3-8
Xiii $3.89 $25.99 85% off New Lowest
Zombieland $5.19 $51.99 90% off Matches low
Zoo Tycoon $13.19 $39.99 67% off Lowest price $9.99 on 2023-5-9
Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection $12.99 $25.99 50% off Lowest price $6.49 on 2023-5-9
*History is a beta feature, only goes back as far as I've been tracking this item, and may not be 100% accurate
submitted by lbabinz to VideoGameDealsCanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 19:41 mihneaofficial Exciting News for the First 50 Registered Users!

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submitted by mihneaofficial to progressivehousero [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 16:09 KurtLeon Help with VX Ace Script.

I've been working on this game for years now, and now with the advent of ChatGPT and AIs, some things that I though was impossible are now possible, since I'm not a professional programmer. I've beem working on an action battle system for my game. I was using events, but it was extremely clunky and messy, so I opted for a script-wise system. So far, everything works ok, I get the range of all the weapons, the classes and variables, but after defining the range, the camera is now stuck in place and do not follow the character anymore.
I'm willing to hire a coder to fix and help implementing the system with all the needed aspects I'm planing, since this will be a comecially available project.
I'll send the script here if anyone is willing to help me out.
class Game_Player < Game_Character alias original_update update alias original_move_by_input move_by_input def update super if enter_aiming_stance else leave_aiming_stance end move_by_input unless @aiming $game_map.update(false) center($game_player.x, $game_player.y) end def enter_aiming_stance @aiming = true puts "Entered aiming stance" rotate_player update_targeting if Input.trigger?(:C) fire_weapon end end def leave_aiming_stance @aiming = false puts "Left aiming stance" clear_targeting end def move_by_input if @aiming puts "Aiming - rotating player" rotate_player else puts "Not aiming - moving by input" original_move_by_input end end def rotate_player if puts "Rotating left" set_direction(4) # Left elsif puts "Rotating right" set_direction(6) # Right elsif puts "Rotating up" set_direction(8) # Up elsif puts "Rotating down" set_direction(2) # Down end update_targeting if @aiming end def fire_weapon weapon = $game_party.leader.weapons[0] weapon_type = weapon.note.match(/<(\w+)>/)[1] rescue nil if weapon_type weapon_stats = fetch_weapon_stats(weapon_type) puts "Firing weapon: #{weapon_type}" puts "Power: #{weapon_stats[:min_damage]} - #{weapon_stats[:max_damage]}" puts "Accuracy: #{weapon_stats[:accuracy]}" puts "Stun: #{weapon_stats[:stun]}" # Add further logic for firing the weapon else puts "No weapon equipped or invalid weapon type." end end def fetch_weapon_stats(weapon_type) weapon_attributes = { "HG" => { min_damage: $game_variables[223], max_damage: $game_variables[224], capability: $game_variables[219], accuracy: $game_variables[225], stun: $game_variables[226] }, "SG" => { min_damage_close: $game_variables[227], max_damage_close: $game_variables[228], min_damage_far: $game_variables[229], max_damage_far: $game_variables[230], capability: $game_variables[220], accuracy: $game_variables[231], stun: $game_variables[232], range: $game_variables[233] }, "MG" => { min_damage: $game_variables[234], max_damage: $game_variables[235], capability: $game_variables[221], accuracy: $game_variables[236], stun: $game_variables[237] }, "RIF" => { min_damage: $game_variables[238], max_damage: $game_variables[239], capability: $game_variables[222], accuracy: $game_variables[240], stun: $game_variables[241] }, "KNF" => { min_damage: $game_variables[242], max_damage: $game_variables[243], stun: $game_variables[244] } } weapon_attributes[weapon_type] end def aiming? @aiming end def normal_speed 4 end def aiming_speed 2 end def moveto(x, y) super center(x, y) make_encounter_count vehicle.refresh if vehicle @followers.synchronize(x, y, direction) end def update_targeting clear_targeting range = calculate_targeting_range closest_enemy = find_closest_enemy(range) highlight_enemy(closest_enemy) if closest_enemy draw_targeting_range(range) end def clear_targeting # Clear previous targeting highlights and range display @targeted_enemy = nil @targeting_range_sprite.dispose if @targeting_range_sprite @highlight_sprite.dispose if @highlight_sprite end def calculate_targeting_range x, y = self.x, self.y range = [] case direction when 2 # Down (1..$game_map.height - y).each { i range.push([x - 1, y + i], [x, y + i], [x + 1, y + i]) } when 4 # Left (1..x).each { i range.push([x - i, y - 1], [x - i, y], [x - i, y + 1]) } when 6 # Right (1..$game_map.width - x).each { i range.push([x + i, y - 1], [x + i, y], [x + i, y + i]) } when 8 # Up (1..y).each { i range.push([x - 1, y - i], [x, y - i], [x + 1, y - i]) } end range.reject { coords wall_at?(*coords) } end def wall_at?(x, y) tile_id = $game_map.terrain_tag(x, y) tile_id == 63 # Assuming 63 is the terrain tag for walls end def find_closest_enemy(range) enemies_in_range = $ { event event.is_a?(Game_Enemy) && range.include?([event.x, event.y]) } enemies_in_range.min_by { enemy distance_to(enemy) } end def distance_to(enemy) (self.x - enemy.x).abs + (self.y - enemy.y).abs end def highlight_enemy(enemy) return unless enemy @highlight_sprite = @highlight_sprite.bitmap =, 32) @highlight_sprite.bitmap.fill_rect(0, 0, 32, 32,, 0, 0, 128)) @highlight_sprite.x = enemy.screen_x @highlight_sprite.y = enemy.screen_y @targeted_enemy = enemy end def draw_targeting_range(range) @targeting_range_sprite = @targeting_range_sprite.bitmap =$game_map.width * 32, $game_map.height * 32) range.each do (x, y) @targeting_range_sprite.bitmap.fill_rect(x * 32, y * 32, 32, 32,, 0, 0, 128)) end end def handle_action puts "Handling action" $game_map.interpreter.setup($[nearest_event_id].list) if nearest_event_id end def nearest_event_id $ { id distance_to($[id]) } end end class Scene_Map < Scene_Base alias ml_abs_enemy_start start alias ml_abs_update update def start ml_abs_enemy_start setup_dummy_enemy end def setup_dummy_enemy event = $[1] # Replace 1 with the actual event ID of your dummy enemy return if event.nil? dummy_enemy = puts "Enemy HP: #{dummy_enemy.hp}" puts "Enemy Damage: #{dummy_enemy.damage}" dummy_enemy.take_damage(50) puts "Enemy HP after taking damage: #{dummy_enemy.hp}" end def update ml_abs_update update_player_speed center($game_player.x, $game_player.y) end def update_player_speed if $game_player.aiming? $game_player.move_speed = $game_player.aiming_speed else $game_player.move_speed = $game_player.normal_speed end end end class Game_Enemy attr_accessor :hp, :damage def initialize(event) @event = event setup_enemy end def setup_enemy @hp = read_comment_tag("hp", 100) # Default HP 100 @damage = read_comment_tag("damage", 10) # Default damage 10 end def read_comment_tag(tag, default) comment = { command command.code == 108 command.code == 408 } .map { command command.parameters[0] } .join("\n") if comment =~ /<#{tag}: (\d+)>/ return $1.to_i else return default end end def take_damage(amount) @hp -= amount if @hp <= 0 die end end def die puts "Enemy defeated!" # Add additional logic for when the enemy dies (e.g., remove event from map) end end class Game_Map attr_accessor :events alias original_initialize initialize def initialize original_initialize @events = {} # Initialize the events hash to prevent nil errors end # Ensure events method is defined def events @events = {} end end 
So far, the two main issues are:
1- The camera does not follow the character anymore 2- If any methods that I use to make it follow the character, the method of definning the range of the weapons dealign from the playable character.
Any help is welcomed.
submitted by KurtLeon to RPGMaker [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:24 fakegoldrose May Report Pt. 1 - Spotify Artists below 200 Monthly Listeners

Hello for the 11th month in a row.
Disclaimer: Please note that this list is not exclusively phonk and includes related genres such as memphis revival and dungeon rap.
Here is my list of spotify artists who have less than 200 Monthly listeners, check out something new for me (Highlighted favorites)
<200:Eternal Ryodan, ODXN536, DJ Lordmindtrip, MORK, TONY TAKKER, mvp spenz, ACRYL64, STXCHE, KAZAMANE, BAKERSAGA, SICKPLAYA666, SAUCETRIPPY, DJ SHENRON, Svppy, Imperivm, No Show, B V N N $, FVNTVSY, mehkel, Saage., BUMPER BUTCHER, Fi$HSK*LE, $xmWFH, glaucoma, Zombie Murdaz, INBORN, CXLIN, FrquentC, INTER FACE, TVIKO$HERO, URSLOWER, dvnce, DEITYCLICK, nvmeless, Straight Outta Hell, ALPKCHW, SorryMane, MAIM, ruche1, SANJI, RendezVou$, 410GONE, грабь KACCу, Orochimane, Eust4che, JAMES HUSTLA, Wardless, 1999, DJ 7800, NORTHEAST FAM, CLONAZEMANE, DJ Zepes, CREATURE SECT, ESSS BEEE, DJ WAMY, MUDMANE, DJVNE, LXWKXXY, DIRSA, lvtrx, CERBERAMANE, YG'SKIES, CHOLOMANE, Ataroyl
<100: DJ Dark Masta, DJ STICKE, DVNTV$, DJ Bucketz, SPIRITUUM MALIGNUM, BAD Idea., RAINE R, THriste, DJ HELLA, XTRIPMANE, BLVS3D, Eastwest, YUNG $ILVERBACK, INDXX, Terrorflip, VLS, 12-Riot, TRILLAH JONES, sogakan, TMUT, Check Ya Technique, k v lt, MOB TIES, Tegnone, raigeki, SCARECROW MANIAC, Saint, Sanpura, SPANISH G, NO NAME PLUG, MOBB LORDS, Casadie, andrew, PRNYNG, betterthanlynn AK.HAZARD, Kind JoJo, $cary Mane, EuqSellKillah, Edd, DJ IMPALA, Cassettemane, DJ Naxxramus, LXBERTY MXTION, Abusemane, menø., KENNYSIX, sunderss, PLAYA DJEEZ, COMPTON WOOD, 4realsinjas, KRUSHA, STILLASAME, strqo, D.D.PRAMA G, DJ HAZY HAZE, L19u1d Playa DOOMASAC, TRENCHFOOT, CREESPXXFE, PUROHUE$$O, CRIMINAL SIDEMACK, Ekonoir,Beezy Flame, HXXDRICHMANE, DJ CIABERPUNK, DJ SLAYERMANE, CROSSPAIN, ARswisha, Young Horse, HIGHEST.HOMINID, Beats by Drake, caio4ever, JEFF.HRZ, DJ SOPIME, JONNY EUPHON, Matthew Franks, OLDYMANE, MALT, OG WOOD$IZE, Mista Mane, 2STRANGE, S2k, RXVIVAL, Thuggish Souljah, LITTLE RAVEN, DANKHVNK, mushout, Dimez, ONITEX HASSE, Gelato .45, MACK FROST, TripleSeven, DJ SXLuS, DEATH808, DAZED SQUAD, Runnin, EVILMA$K, WADE SHAPPER, Holysus, COPYBARAMANE, Prod. Geek, Vurzeh, MC $tack, DJ PANXS, SCHMONEY KID, HVCED, Floe Tos, ONIXMANE PLAYA, pvrple$$mxke2k, G-SVS, DJ Morphine, Yung l0rd, FUXKLOWK3Y, JR Beatz, BLANGO, Moolah, DJ FAITHLESS, BRING DA RUCKUZ, HYKIOS, Kamikoto SHINJI, Vedebe, Thoughtful, Mighty Bat, yvngcasket, LEAN MANE, TRAP WIZARRD, summersberry27, LUNATIC WU옷, $aibot Killah, COPYMANE, DJ Bxxmer 13, hotblaq, STILLMANE, Pure Ice, YUNG LABOR, PROD. VALKO, GANGSHI PLAYA, YOUNG$K8LXRD, DJ GARFILD, Felix Beats, KRISTOF, JOHNDOE, Kxrlxne, BEAMER MANE, K1NZE, COURSED DOLPHIN, Yogi Barrier, $ELLING DOPE, kobyy, DJAKIRA, Thrax808, DJ CHROMATIC, WESTSIDE KRYSIS, Skymane, DJ Teijo, kushgrvnd, K.R. TOB!N, 6kgun, DJ PLAYATENDO, GraveRobShawty, Propane Vincent, THUGGISH FRED, Sippin Lord, DEMONS MORGUE, FABIO GABBANA, 3DEMI, Rat, GARTIELMAN, CRXWLEX, MENACEOUTDAKUT, MEGATRONS REVENGE, MOBBSTONE, Kenshomafia, TOSEINA, DJ BUCKMANE, morgue, CLOUDYSKIES, PWS, GinGrey, SOULLESSBOI
Catch yall later this week with part 2, and the spotify spotlight, as well as a soundcloud report. Stay tuned :)
submitted by fakegoldrose to phonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:18 TBL_AM Interesting find…

Interesting find…
Thought this was cool, kid pulled em from a Scarlet/Violet pack last night, QC marked errors with sharpie and they align perfect, cut from same sheet.
submitted by TBL_AM to PokemonMisprints [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:25 justdoitbro_ Kuch tips yaa advice de do 😭🙂

Main Assam se hoon, maine 1.5 saal JEE ke liye padha tha, but somehow first bura gaya.
Second attempt toh demotivation and boards ke chakkar main chala gaya.
JEE thik nhi ho saka, but somehow boards acche karke aye the.
BC jab results aya, I was shocked, mere 75 bhi nhi aya the, only 70, college didn't give free ke practical marks to me. (Btw I'm from state board)
Maine 90+ kara tha maths, even my good subject, but don't know how but bohot he kam aa gaye.
Mains jindegi main, aisa bura bakt nhi dekha.
Boards gaya, JEE gaya, even my friend who from CBSE got 90+ percentage and got a good percentile, even he got a very low percentile in first attempt infact lower then me.
Mere parents itne supportive nhi hain in sizo main, maine bola tha, 11 main coaching dalne ko, but tab Assam main yeh craze nhi tha, infact I'm from a village.
Toh sawal he paida nhi hota ke samjhenge. Jab mera jee kharab hua first attempt tb unlogone kaha koi baat nhi college ek jaise hote hain.
Aab kaise samjhao unhe.
Uske baat CUET, mere boards ke result ke 4 din baad.
Mera dil baith suka tha, main roo nhi paya, kisiko kuch share nhi kar saka.
Parents toh soch rahe hain, isne padhai nhi kee. But sachi main yaar, padha tha maine, mera coaching test main bhi acche marks aate the, mera ek personal mentor bhi tha.
Aaj tak GF nhi hain, dosto ke saath aaj tak masti nhi kee, koi social life nhi hain.
Pehle 2020 ke class 9 main marketing sikhta tha, coding ati thi mujhe, no one can imagine, from a little village from Assam, koi aisa soch bhi sakta hain.
After jab maine jee mains dia tha, tab se he, ek news sharing brand hain, millions main views aate hain.
Acche connections bhi hain, personal brand bhi hain, but somehow kuch kar nhi paa raha.
Class 11 ke pehle main, clients ke saath kam bhi kara tha.
Phir parents ne jabardasti bandh kada diya,, cuz here in Assam, isme koi future nhi hain, yeh unka manna hain,, aor usko support karne ke liye h Bhi hain log
Kuch supportive environment nhi hai.
Abhi socha raha hoon, yanha se chala jao, but again wob relatives and jo so called gyaani parents ko gyaan de rahe hain, college same hote hain.
Aare inko main kaise bataao,,, ke mujhe kuch alag field main jana hain, mujhe AI & ML sikhna hain (ho sake toh online he sikh lunga).
Koi meri baat soon he nhi raha.
Parso, papa ne ek local college main admission de diya,, woh bhi B.Sc main....aab kya batao main 😭
But mujhe cuet aor jee mains se, seat mil sakte hain....acche college main.
But wohi,, yanha logo ke pass itna market aor reality kaa gyaan nhi hain dusre kar rahe hain woh hee karte hain.
Aab firse woh log,,,mera kaam main dakhil ho rahe hain, bata rahe hain,, yeh jo kar raha hain,,faltu ke hain saab...
Soch raha hoon, yadi college mil gayi, toh bhaag jao,, yanha se....
Literally rona aata hain,, but kisiko bol bhi nhi sakta...😭
submitted by justdoitbro_ to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:15 boinabbc 20 New Data Science, Data Engineering and Machine Learning jobs

Job Title Company Location Country Skills
Alternant - Support Data Analyst & IA (H/F) Sanofi Neuilly-sur-Seine France Tableau
Data Analyst H/F Groupe Qérys Le Haillan France SQL, ETL
GenAI Product Manager Lead (Hybrid) Morgan Stanley Montreal Canada Machine Learning
Machine Learning Engineer Gecko Robotics Boston United States Python, Machine Learning, PyTorch
Data Scientist (Analytics) Philips Bengaluru East India Machine Learning
Senior Data Engineer Deutsche Bank Pune India Machine Learning, ETL
Data Scientist HP Bengaluru India Python, SQL, AWS
Senior Data Engineer Xebia Amsterdam Netherlands Spark
Senior Machine Learning Engineer (Claims domain) Prima Italy Italy AWS, Machine Learning
Data Engineer F/H Free-Work Lille France Python, BigQuery
Data Engineer (Python, SQL, NoSQL) - Paris (F/H/X) SwiftTalent Paris France Python, SQL
Data Scientist - Clipchamp Microsoft Brisbane Australia Machine Learning, AWS, SQL
Senior Software & Data Engineer Centrica Energy Aalborg Denmark SQL, Kafka
Data Scientist - Outside IR35 Contract ShareForce London United Kingdom Machine Learning
Senior Data Scientist - Remote - Latin America FullStack Labs Brazil Brazil Business Intelligence, Modeling
Environmental Data Analyst (m/f/d) Aroundtown Berlin Germany
Data Scientist, Supply Chain and Operations, Googl... Google Kirkland United States SQL, R, Python
Data Engineer Intern DataSnipper Amsterdam Netherlands Python, Java
Senior Machine Learning Engineer Prima Spain Spain AWS, Machine Learning
Data Scientist North Ordina Groningen Netherlands Python, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
Hey, here are 20 New Data Science, Data Engineering and Machine Learning jobs.
For more, check our Google sheet with more opportunities in Data Science and Machine Learning (updated each week) here
If you want to take some Data and ML courses, click here
Let me know if you have any questions. Cheers!
submitted by boinabbc to jobbit [link] [comments]