Simpson sex stories

Sexytime that could've gone better.

2013.07.23 16:47 YoloCowboy Sexytime that could've gone better.

This subreddit is dedicated to sexytime that got really weird, really fast.

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2024.05.14 08:32 ExpressionInner1043 What was your turning point and where are you now?

(Sorry this will be long also sorry for the typos it’s really late while I’m typing this)
Long time lurker in this subreddit as I was hoping to get inspired by some of the users stories though the inspiration lasted only a few minutes. What I’m hoping to get out of this post is some guidance or a wake up call as I feel like I’ve hit rock bottom with no upward motion. I know I need to be better than this and I want to be better than this.
I’m a 26 year old African American male , still lives at home with his parents , no real job at the moment (currently applying) and I feel like all my life I have been persevering,inconsistent , and always playing catch up. But this officially feels like my last chance to lock in and stop messing around with my life. I’m currently on academic suspension from my 3rd year of a doctorate of pharmacy program and in the appeal process to get reinstated back into the program I also got my pharmacist intern license suspended until I get reinstated to school again which is kind of hindering me from getting a job in a pharmacy. I’m trying to take the steps to make myself ready to step back into school and get my act together though I DONT KNOW WHERE TO START!!! I have not told my friends or family about it because I feel like I’ve failed myself and them. I take full responsibility for this. however, the factors leading to this situation date back to 2020. My life felt like I was on the right trajectory I had a great physical and mental health relationship with myself, great connections with family and friends,I had investments, I was planning financially for the future ,I had my own business as a strength and conditioning specialist and worked at a physical therapy facility as an assistant I graduated college with a double major in public health and kinesiology with an emphasis in clinical movement i took the mcat didn’t do too well so I applied out of the country for med school was doing well for the first semester though I began having trouble with my significant other and felt as though we were drifting apart and the situation I felt we were all in at the time was a bit much and it took a toll on me academically and in the relationship trying to balance a fun romantic life with a medical program that I was supposed to dedicate 4-8 years of my life to ultimately lead to me getting dismissed from med school due to not passing to classes . Following this news my ex got a job out of state and moved while I was trying to find a new career shift or professional degree to obtain I immediately landed two pharmacy school interviews about a month after applying and got accepted to one of the schools this career choice was never in my cards as I’ve always wanted to have a doctorate degree and work on that level. Few weeks after that me and my ex had separated officially and it took a bigger toll on me than expected and manifested in the worst ways possible for me . Instead of seeking therapy I copped in other ways. It impacted me financially I bought a brand new Mercedes that took most of my money I was impatient with my investments and sold majority of my bitcoin thinking it wouldn’t go up again (L move) my credit score went from 750+ to low 500’s by placing myself into 15k credit card debt paying for alcohol & weed (exponentially more than what I had before), clothes , and random vacations and dates with women from hinge and tinder all on top of student loans for grad school. I developed a sex addiction and added over 100 bodies in a span of 2 years . Had a panic attack that put me in the ER . All while dragging my way through pharmacy school (I’m more than capable of understanding and implementing the material into practice my study habits and focus were always elsewhere). Not to mention I think I have a social media addiction and my procrastination and laziness has led me to feel more anxious and depressed. My physical fitness and diet has suffered thought not entirely that’s pretty much the only positive habit I have since 2020. I just feel like my life is leading to a path of no return and I’ll be homeless one day. I need to turn things around I can’t always think I’ll catch up I have to get ahead and stay ahead. I want to be person that makes myself proud and inspire other young African American men or anyone who’s had odds stacked against them. How do I turn this around?
submitted by ExpressionInner1043 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:29 Icy_Quit_4987 5/13/2024 Gave my victims impact statement today

At first, I was furious that I needed to write my statement. He is the criminal, he should be writing. My counselor explained that since it was a plea, the parole board would only hear my story, if I write it down and speak in court. That made sense to me. I typed 10 pages. As I sat in court, waiting for the judge to come in, 10-12 younger girls came in. They looked about 18. I thought, “Oh, just great.” After I made my statement, I thought maybe it’s good that those girls were there. They should hear firsthand that it’s still rape, when you know the person.
The Judge asked the Weasel if he wanted to say anything. He said, “No.”. He never apologized. After I had read my statement, they led him out of court. He looked at the ground and his face was red. That’s it. The good news is the judge ordered that my impact statement be made a part of his prison record. The prosecutor said the judge doesn’t order that very often.
I am so relieved that it’s over. I feel so many different things right now. It was horrible to read the details of the crime out loud in front of strangers. So many people get rape wrong. It’s not about sex. It’s about completely controlling, humiliating someone in a very personal way. I said that in my statement. I feel like my voice mattered!
submitted by Icy_Quit_4987 to TheBigGirlDiary [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:29 crawther "The Beef" and public values

Kendrick has evolved dramatically throughout his career. He's always reflective. Something that hasn't gotten much attention in this beef is his "lust addiction." I don't know what that means. But I'm not looking at tabloid stuff right now, just the music - his music after I guess 2017 talks about confronting and overcoming this "lust addiction." And a lot of emotional turmoil and reflection on his flaws me the specific thing I hear is the lust addiction. In his earlier tracks he talks about apparent issues with uncontrollable "humpin" on girls when he was a kid.
Abuse was a big part of this beef but I also think Kendrick brought some insights from his own "lust addiction" to this battle.
Drake represents sexual promiscuity first and foremost. No one knows what he's really like, but lately he seems to cultivate an aura of dark and mysterious criminality. Sex is central. He strenuously reps Toronto without any consistent cultural identity. I don't listen to his music. I'm pretty much a Drake hater from day one despite honest efforts to appreciate his work. His diss tracks in this battle focused on Kendrick's supposed weaknesses in, I guess, popularity, income, height, and then domestic violence and, what to call the Dave Free baby shit? Cuckoldry?
Long story short, Kendrick has publicly depicted an effort to master his temptations. He battled a guy whose whole brand seems to have become darkness, filth, and lack of discipline.
There's a battle of values here. But the sway on the register seems a lot wilder than the partisan situation in the country, which is interesting. People seem to want community, integrity, and hope, not lies and abuse, at least in rap.
I'm tryin to ask you, what led us to such a hollow hip-hop culture, and just hollow music and pop culture in general?
Did Cole really think Mr. Morale was "tragic"? What the fuck. I don't think Cole's alright.
Looks like K.Dot and a Big None.
submitted by crawther to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:25 Thin-Score481 Is it possible to file a case against stalking which happened years ago?

I was talking to a girl from high school, she told me her story about her ex, who was also from the same school.
After we graduated, she tried to break up with him but he didn't accept the breakup. At first cut his hands, Later he started stalking and blackmailing her.
Both of them were in different states, but he used to start bombing texts. Whenever she tried blocking him, he used to call from different numbers. She used to change her sim card, but he used to go to her place uninvited. He used to blackmail her, so she had to go to his place where he forced her to have sex with him. Finally she shifted to a different city and she was able to get rid of him.
All these things happened years ago, and it ruined her life and she is still suffering from PTSD. Is it possible to file a complaint against this. There aren't many proofs as she destroyed almost all of them.
submitted by Thin-Score481 to LegalAdviceIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:17 One-Environment3309 Buddhism view on Semen Retention aka Celibacy ! In short, "Emptiness"

Desire is no problem. Craving -- i.e., when desire becomes grasping -- is a problem.
And according to the guiding precepts, there is no proscription against sexual activity in itself (except for monastics). It's misuse of sex that is seen as unwholesome.

You need to understand that the entire Path of Buddhism is predicated on waking up from dream-like delusion of self, and selves, and subject (I, my, me) versus object (the presumed external world which the self is presumably 'missing' and needing, or at the mercy of). The point of mental discipline is to stop making an illusory world out of illusory concepts -- our relation to which causes all suffering -- and instead to rest in reality.
This is the basis of all Buddhist ethics. There is no ethical decree given from above by an authority figure; it is all functional, all in service of waking up and dispelling suffering.

So the tainted mental activity that produces the illusion of a 'me' and an external world inevitably leads to craving, grasping, and suffering, like a wheel that turns around and around endlessly.
Craving that persists with regard to a particular object or theme is known as lust. There are many remedies for lust.
First off all, just following the Path in a good course of training will settle the mind and even the energy. Much of our personal suffering and many of our dysfunctional tendencies arise because our energy (in ancient terms named 'inner winds') is inflamed and irregular. A balanced lifestyle and good training in meditation, ethical behavior, and wisdom smooth out the practitioner's energy and establish calmness and stability. The upshot is that one doesn't crave the things one craved before, and turns instead toward noble aims and aspirations, the causes of happiness.
Śamatha (acquiescence/calmness/concentration) meditation is especially regarded as a cure for all kinds of sensual attachment. This is because it diminishes the mental activity that creates the illusion of subject-object separation and its accompanying habitual patterns of attachment. When the mind settles, there is less 'going out' toward supposed external objects.
There are also specific remedies for sexual attachment, including contemplating the constituent parts of a body and/or the many unpleasant aspects of a body -- blood, pus, oil, urine, feces, odor, shedding skin, and so on. Related contemplations consider aging and decay.
These practices are effective because typically the lustful person is fixating on a very limited and idealized version of the supposedly desirable person: they see only momentary physical beauty or preferentially selected qualities, not the whole reality. The contemplations establish what a body really is (which is far from gloriously pleasant). And one can imagine that seeing the entire life span of the object of desire -- seeing hehim as germ cells, a fetus, an infant, a toddler, a child, and adolescent, an adult, an elderly person, a withered aged dying person, a heap of dust and bones -- can dispel the illusion of perfect desirability that characterizes lust.
[Additional note: there's a text in which the Buddha helps Ananda overcome fixation on a woman by bestowing such a vision upon him, of the woman in time-lapse, quickly moving through all stages of her life. Perhaps our scriptural experts will provide a citation here.]
Some of the most important and influential means of bringing the mind under control (not rigid control, but stability and functionality) have to do with lifestyle. There are many teachings that don't appear in books, and which you get through human contact and actually living the lifestyle along with others.
Regulating diet, sleep, physical movement and rest account for possibly half or more of the spiritual accomplishments and personal transformations sought by practitioners. If you just eat right, your efforts are already tremendously supported.
Avoiding overly dulling or stimulating foods (like too much meat & dairy, and certainly sugars, oily foods, processed foods, overly spicy foods), avoiding overeating, and avoiding alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and recreational drugs go a long way to settling the fiery, eruptive energy that easily becomes sexual craving.
Certain specific foods are discouraged or, within specific practices, prohibited because they directly block the practice. Some of these are strongly aphrodisiac foods, others are known to block the energy flow being cultivated.
Sleeping the right amount at the right time evens, calms, and uplifts the energy. Best is to be asleep at least an hour before midnight (by the sun, not by the clock which can change with daylight savings time), and to wake and rise before the first light of dawn. No surprise: this follows the schedule of temples and practice centers. And having too little sleep, though not ideal, is better for the subtle energy than too much sleep. Having too little sleep harms the body, but having too much sleep harms the energy and spirit.
Physical movement is also extremely important for health at all levels, and for spiritual practice. Physical practice is another aspect of authentic Buddhism that is not (and perhaps cannot be) conveyed in books, blogs, and videos; but it's incredibly effective in bringing forth a natural, rooted stability of mind. Prostrations practice, vigorous physical work, and whole-body-and-breath physical activities and exercise are effective upon sexual craving on a number of fronts (grounding, energy flow, outlet, contentment), but they also greatly support meditation and mental training.
And finally (but far from the last benefit available), the influence of a teacher and practice community can't be overstated. Being in the presence of those who maintain the true view helps your own wavering, wandering, attaching mind come under control and move toward the true view itself. Being with people who are clear about their values, and whose discipline arises naturally from wisdom (rather than being imposed tyrannical by an ideology), helps one learn how to become clear and disciplined.
To a great extent, cravings and addictions are cured by replacing them with wholesome and more satisfying and fulfilling aspirations and behaviors, and by replacing the triggering environment with a more healthy one.
Addiction is not always best addressed by wrestling with it directly, as that can become another trigger, causing recurrent cycles of repression and acting out. Objectification is a root problem; so be careful of making a personal issue into an object of fixation. A good course of training will help teach you where to place your attention and effort. It's like the story of the two wolves: the one that grows is the one you feed (with your attention). "You become that which you place before you."
We don't learn how to live by amassing concepts; we learn how to live by being in the presence of true humans.
And if we establish the karmic causes for being in the presence of an enlightened teacher, the influence on our life is unimaginably beneficial.
submitted by One-Environment3309 to Semenretention [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:13 Sammyrey1987 The key to marriage

Yall, I’ve had this Reddit account for years but never actually used it. While enjoying my insomnia I decided to give it a whirl… and this shit is wild. After reading a ton of posts in this subreddit here are some things I think some of you need to know. (I’ve been with my husband for 10 years)
1.) Date him when you’re fat! - guys… the shear amount of posts where men can’t stand their wives weight and these women feel like they need to maintain the same body they had at 25 is INSANE! I’ve never been happier than I am tonight that my husband met me with a few extra pounds. 😂
2.) Find the unappreciated men! - if you’re looking for dudes who will love you for the long haul find the ones that flew under the radar! My husband is hot as hell, and is only getting better with age. He was a big kid and hit his glow up right before we met. He is humble and kind and women were stupid to pass him by.
3.) Suck it…. On more than his birthday
4.) Trade off on spoon positions! - don’t sleep on the power of being the big spoon! Im 5’4” and my husband is 6’2”. Sure his back is getting most of the love, but he keeps my boobs warm and he loves the change up.
5.) DO NOT LET FAMILY FUCK WITH YOUR RELATIONSHIP! - toxic family? Get your shit in order immediately! Communication is key with your partner and boundaries with family. You are each other’s priority. End of story.
6.) Rough times come in waves - You will continue to grow and change because that’s what humans do. Marriage means doing that together and often that comes at different times. Communication is crucial. Patience is a virtue, and sometimes you just gotta be the bigger person.
7.) Have hobbies and friends! - you don’t have to do everything together… seriously. You are still an individual! It’s ok to have your own time and space. My husband loves hiking. I would rather read in a hammock. He goes fishing and I would rather throw some clay. And that’s great! Have one or two things you love to do together, but don’t change everything about yourself to make someone happy. That’s dumb and will only lead to resentment.
8.) Own your sex life! - try new things, sit on his face, stick a finger somewhere… just laugh and enjoy 😉 ladies, I promise you that a true ride or die hubby will not care if your legs aren’t shaved and your thighs could crush a watermelon. Let go of those insecurities that are holding you back!
9.) Talk about kids/responsibilities BEFORE you get married! - I wanted kids, he didn’t. Accept that what your partner is telling you is what they mean! And then decide if they are worth the compromise. If you both want kids you damn sure better talk about childcare, chores, meals, money, etc. BEFORE you push out that bundle of potential divorce.
10.) You only get one life. - Really, just one… so make sure you’re with a person who you can look back in 40 years and think, damn… how lucky am I.
submitted by Sammyrey1987 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:12 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Top Stories] - MPs arrested for sex offences face Parliament ban BBC

[Top Stories] - MPs arrested for sex offences face Parliament ban BBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:11 EveryoneIsAComedian eVA Is NoT SExY eNOUgH bAYOnETta Is SeXIST 2B's ASS-Shut The Fuck Up

I know this is ironic coming from the guy who constantly rants about how Tomboys are based and why fit women are superior, but I swear upon Jesus, Allah, Shiva, and Buddha if you conservatives and liberals don't shut the fuck up about the cup size of digital women I am going to rearrange your anus.
I honestly don't see the problem here. When I first saw Stellar Blade, I saw mid gameplay and decided to not buy it. Sure, 'sex sells", but I didn't care. I saw Bayonetta's badass gameplay and heard Nier:Automata had a bitchin story, so I decided to buy them.
Apparently, that's not the same for everyone else.
Conservacucks and Libtards decided digital sex is something to die over. Conservacucks will go on a 3 hour rant how a lack of a triple A cup is showing how games are going woke, while Libtards talk about how a woman showing more skin than a nun is apparently digital rape.
Why the fuck is this an issue? Video Games and Media in general (despite me enjoying them) aren't the be all end all of all things. If a woman isn't super sexy or conversely is, it isn't the end of the world. You can move on to other things.
Conservacucks: You don't like they are making ugly women. GO EAST. Japan is more than willing to do fan service, and if you don't like Japanese games. Here is a fucking though MAKE YOUR OWN. Add as many big titty women you want.
Liberals: Stop complaining about unrealistic proportions just because you are landwhale. This isn't the fucking 80's. Being a feminist isn't revolutionary. In fact, most people view you as joke. You don't like the game. You don't like how they represent women? MAKE YOUR OWN.
I swear to fucking Jesus, Allah, Shiva, and Buddha of I see one more fucking post on this sub about how Eva is too sexy or how Bayo is sexist I am gonna lose it and try to destroy both you because you are both annoying and fucking stupid.
submitted by EveryoneIsAComedian to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:59 AutoNewsAdmin [Top Stories] - MPs arrested for sex offences face Parliament ban

[Top Stories] - MPs arrested for sex offences face Parliament ban submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to BBCauto [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:46 olfactoryindustry Body odour changed after sleeping with someone?

Alright so I had sex with this guy last month, twice. I noticed that he had a very noticeable smell to his body. It wasn't unpleasant per se, but it was very strong and earthy/musky. You know how in Perfume: The Story of a Murderer the main character is trying to extract the perfect scent from virgins? Well I don't know how to explain it but this guy smelled like the very opposite of that, like he is an esential oil version of having lots of sex.
Anyways I went home afterwards and showered. However the next morning, his smell was with me. Granted, some of it was probably the smell of his house (he lived in depression central, I'm ashamed/don't even want to even elaborate) - I had to wash my clothes at 60°C to get rid of the smell of his dogs. But still it lingered on.
Even now, a month and a half later, I can feel this faint odour when I smell my arm. Now this I may be imagining, but there's one thing I'm definitely not. When he was kissing me, he kinda put his mouth over my nose and (look away now) put his tongue inside my nostrils. Ever since then, the acid smell of his saliva has woken me up every morning.
I am quite distraught by this newfound smell. Is there anything I can do to get rid of it?
We have not slept since.
submitted by olfactoryindustry to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:44 ButterscotchPlus1642 I 26M found my gfs spam twitter 25F

Long story short I 26M found my gf’s spam twitter 25f, I have to admit first of all that it was a huge violation of her privacy and I know I was wrong. We talked about it and have moved past it. However it is over a year later and I still think about what I saw.
To start my gf is very supportive and a very good and attentive partner. She has been a huge inspiration to me as I pursue my career and strive to become a more self aware and emotionally developed individual. I love her dearly we have been together 2 years
During this time we had just moved together and its safe to say I had gotten complacent in the relationship. I was not planning and executing dates like i should and I wasn’t doing my part in house upkeep. (I have long sense improved these things, it was my first time in this situation and needed to get into the flow of things, I’m very loving but if im not mindful that will just manifest as me saying “I love you” 100 times a day and constant hugs. And thats not everyone’s love language ) I say this because this was during the time i checked her spam twitter, she was acting distant not returning any affection or engaging with me but hadn’t said why when I asked. When i checked the page she trash talked me almost everyday, most of it I can understand. But to this day certain things still hurt and cast doubt on this relationship for me. She said that she loves sex often but can’t even see herself being intimate with me because I didn’t do “anything strong, sweet, or expensive like its nothing.” She talked about things she would do if we broke up and how i sounded naive whenever we’d be drinking and I started talking about how much I loved her and will be with her forever. But what sticks with me the most is when she compared me to her ex and how she was so wildly attracted to him she wanted to have sex with him all the time and how I “have no game” and am a huge turn off to her. I took it on the chin because after we talked I saw all the ways I could improve and I got to it. I know I probably have no right to say this but it hurt because i felt like she was a safe space for me until that point. Fast forward a year and some change later I have improved my faults and we have no major issues at this time. However our sex life has gradually gotten worse to now we may only have sex a couple times a month. We have talked about it multiple times but its starting to feel like she is giving me the run around. I can’t help but think back to the tweet i saw where she belittled me in comparison to him and think about if i were him this wouldn’t be happening. She has made multiple small comments that indicate she compares us that could have easily gone over my head but didn’t. Once i confronted her about it but she denied and truthfully it could have been my insecurities getting to me but its also a good chance I caught something she didn’t want me to.
Now we rarely have sex, anytime I try to flirt with her its almost always dismissed and she rarely initiates. Honestly I could have made the compromise if it was an issue of mismatched libido because i genuinely love her and our relationship. But knowing it because she has some sort of aversion to me being myself and potentially sees me as less than her ex its like a bullet i can’t swallow. For some background he is a software engineer most likely making well into the 6 figure range and im a veteran who is currently in school to be a radiographer then mri technologist. I am a fairly skilled options trader and I work as a security officer while in school. My income is about 80-90k gross so im not financially struggling but obviously im not making engineer money. Not to sound arrogant at all but im a pretty handsome guy but I have a lot of emotional volatility, I can be difficult sometimes and she doesn’t deserve that when im a jackass because im having big emotions. I was diagnosed with ADHD a few years back so im really forgetful and it can be a struggle keeping a cool head when life does its thing. (Not an excuse in the slightest I always take full accountability for poor behavior) I confide in her a lot when I’m overwhelmed and I wonder if it has made me look weak. I’m not sure what course if action to take moving forward?
TLDR- I found my partners spam twitter and on it she belittled me in comparison to her exe. We had just moved together and I was failing to meet her needs as her partner. A year has passed and it still bothers me
submitted by ButterscotchPlus1642 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:44 Sufficient-Trip-5291 Demisexual/hypersexual Male and finding my groove

Long story short, I’m tall, attractive, fit, intelligent, funny and gifted and personally try my best to be the best person I can be (I do however some insecurity being Demi) That being said I have been at odds my whole life with a desire to be able to sleep with people easily and for connection and when I’m not in a long term relationship I find myself in disharmony wanting to express my high libido but despite interest in me and advances I have little desire to has sex with even beautiful women in My life. I’m not attracted to most people let alone wanting to sleep with them.
Just recently I have locked into spending a lot of time on art, music, nature, and fitness and found myself less discontent. This has been coupled with no longer grasping for sexual connection like I did prior.
I’m writing this to maybe let anyone else who deals with the inconvenience of high libido and Demi sexuality to know that self love and focus/creativity can create a nice insular and poetic/beautiful experience that doesn’t rely on others for connection. The non-attachment aspect has really helped me and perhaps could help you to.
If someone comes into my life that has the patience and attraction to me to build something awesome I’m ready to reciprocate, but no longer force myself to that which I’m not. It’s taken me a while to get here but I’m stoked I know it’s possible.
Thanks for reading. All the best
submitted by Sufficient-Trip-5291 to demisexuality [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:36 ElkStraight5202 My disabled wife (F39) has been cheating on me for years…

…all while I’d given up my career and future to become her full time caregiver (nothing I’ve ever had more than a poor me thought once in a blue moon on a crappy day; I was happy to do it and committed to keeping her safe, independent and happy).
She was diagnosed with MS about ten years ago and became wheelchair bound less than a year later due to a treatment resistant form of the disease. She has the progressive form, so her health declined quickly.
There’s a long story to be had, but I’m feeling hurt and not up for typing a ton. Just wanted a place to get my pain out of my head.
Some will say it isn’t cheating because it was all online (given her disability), but there’s been multiple men, over a long period, sexting, photos, videos, etc.
I caught her a year ago and she vowed to stop, to make more of an effort in our relationship, to stop taking advantage of me, etc. We spent weeks upon weeks talking and trying to understand one another and find a path forward. I was skeptical, but I was (am?) also in love with her…so I committed to that path forward…
Almost a year to the day (yesterday) I find a messaging app on her phone by happenstance - and find multiple men, conversations spanning months and months, complete with the pics and videos.
She’s got no bullshit to try and hide behind this time. To her credit, she’s not really trying to talk her way out of it.
We’re broke, given we’ve been living off of her disability after we burned through all of MY savings and inheritance, so I’ve no means of leaving.
And, as fucked up as it is, I can’t just leave her without care - which we/she can’t afford to hire, so…
Feeling extremely lost. And broken.
I gave up a career I loved, I had to commit a half million dollar inheritance to house renovations (disabled friendly) and living expenses. I gave up sex 8 years ago when it was no longer possible (which she seemed relieve by as she would always suggest she was not a very sexual person…). I haven’t been happy in a very long time, but I’ve done my best to be the best husband I can be. I’ve always prioritized her wants and needs.
submitted by ElkStraight5202 to cheating_stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:23 thethirdgreenman Panama, Uruguay, or Costa Rica for July/August?

Hi y'all, I'm trying to decide where to stop in for about 4-6 weeks before returning to the US, after initially spending some time in Chile (potentially with a brief return stop in Argentina). Initially I was hoping to go to Peru, but it appears that is not an option due to work constraints.
However, each of the countries above (plus Colombia) are countries that have nomad visas, and therefore my company will allow me to go there and sponsor me in that regard. I'm looking for a place that is at least more affordable than the US in terms of housing, ideally with decent nightlife, with at least one legit city to base myself in. If there is decent public transit/walkability, food, nature/parks, and not very hot weather (my standard is don't be 100 degrees Fahrenheit every day) even better. My favorite cities I've been to so far in my travels are Mexico City and Buenos Aires, for reference.
On paper, Colombia would be the pick if I weren't scared off by the stories of scopolamine, rampant sex tourism, and general violence against tourists. It seems like there is ample coworking/coliving spaces there, great nightlife, and a few different cities that are worth checking out. I've heard good stories in addition to the bad. However, reading about the problems with both scopolamine and child sex tourism in particular disgusted me, I have no desire to be around that. Additionally, I am a young single guy, and while I do not travel to countries purely to date/hookup, it is something I tend to do while I'm there. Given that, and the fact I like to go out at night to bars/clubs, it seems like it's a no go due to fear of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or around the wrong people, but if someone wants to try and change my mind go for it.
Costa Rica seems like a beautiful country but I feel like it doesn't fit because it's too expensive and doesn't really have a decent size city to base itself out of outside of San Jose, which I have yet to read a good thing about for whatever reason. I'd love to know why it's bad frankly, though I get that it's not on the beach which is the main thing there. For someone like me who wants nightlife and more things to do, it seems like a beautiful country to visit briefly, not base yourself in. Again, I'd welcome someone trying to change my mind.
Given that, Panama seems like a better version of CR because of having a legit city (and also having great connectivity to the rest of LatAm for weekend trips), supposedly better nightlife, but I know very little about it outside of that. Uruguay I hear is boring and expensive - I don't know what they're using as a frame of reference there - though it also apparently is safe with great beaches, solid food (I tried a Chivito sandwich in Argentina and loved it) and I like that it's close to Buenos Aires if I ever did want to pop over for a weekend.
Anyways, I know very little about these countries, but want to make the most of my time before having to return to the US, so I'd welcome any recs or knowledge here! If you have recs for accommodations or coliving those would also be much appreciated
submitted by thethirdgreenman to digitalnomad [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:22 Complex-Result-2176 How Do I Appropriately Deal With Toxic Family Members?? (NAT)

Long story short, I was out at dinner tonight with family and out of nowhere, my biological dad gets pissed off, gets in my face and punches me. This isn't the first he's done something like this, he's been abusive, to not only me, but others for basically his entire life. Note: My grandparents adopted me. My grandpa passed away back in February and my dads behavior has gotten progressively worse.
Me, him and my grandma are currently on a trip to Reno, he came to my house to pick me up and when I was finishing packing up yesterday, he invites himself into my house as soon as I open the door and immediately starts grabbing my things off my couch without asking me first. I asked him politely not to do that again and then he tells me "Well, I'm ready to go. You didn't pack fast enough." and I tried to talk to my grandma about it and she defended his actions. I had most of what I need packed the night before and I was finishing up putting my hygiene stuff in my ruck.
We out to dinner tonight and he started on a tangent about people on the Autism Spectrum and he called me a retard a handful of times and I asked him politely to not use that word. This is when he got pissed off, got in my face, yelled at me and punched me. I almost maced him because he became very hostile.
The restaurant staff come over to me and ask if I'd like to call the police and I said no. I didn't want anymore chaos. Also, note, that even on our drive to Reno, he was getting progressively agitated by small and irrelevant things, such as, the way I packed my ruck, the clothes that I brought to wear and how I wear my issued boots everywhere I go, blah, blah, blah.
My grandma defended his actions at the restaurant and told me that I shouldn't have "antagonized" him and he wouldn't have done that. I didn't antagonize him or anyone, I just simply asked him to stop calling me retarded and to stop objectifying women around me. He also objectifies women around me and persistently tries to talk to me about my sex life and such. I've expressed to him that I'm uncomfortable with him doing that and I've asked him to stop far too many times.
Does anybody have any advice on how I can appropriately handle this situation??
submitted by Complex-Result-2176 to askatherapist [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:20 Top_Record8031 my husband had a secret instagram account

my husband and I have been married for 5 years and he was the first person I ever fully trusted, I truly believed we were the ideal couple. Honest, truthful, loving. sex was better than normal in my opinion. I was a very fit person before my daughter but I gained a little baby weight after I had her, I thought he was okay with how I looked because I was actively trying to lose it. I never thought weight gain would be a strain in our marriage. Long story short, he had to go out of town for a work thing and left our shared laptop. I used it occasionally for Netflix or just background noise while I did things around the house. on this particular day I wanted to go through our daughters new born pictures which we had stored on said laptop. I saw a strange screenshot of an instagram I had never seen before and my curiosity got the best of me. To save you from reading some boring details I confronted him about the ig immediately (my first mistake) I was certain there was an explanation as to how it wasn’t his instagram. He gave me a bunch of bs stories on how it wasn’t his, gaslit, TRIED to convince me. I had enough proof to know it was his but he just kept lying. I asked how long he had it for and he said a week and then I later found out he had it for over a year (or longer) he used that instagram to follow half naked instagram models, women he had previously slept with. one in particular which he knew I had an issue with. later on I also found out he followed my best friend (for context she’s a beautiful woman with a freshly done bbl). He used to actively criticize men who’d follow multiple ig models, who constantly liked women’s pictures while they were married and it drives me crazy to think how much of a hypocrite he was being. idk what I want to get out of this, maybe to vent or to see if anyone else has gone through this. what would you do? do you stay? Is it best to leave? I feel as if it’s not a big deal but I also lost any trust I had in him. The way I see it is, if you lie about a secret instagram, what else are you lying about?
submitted by Top_Record8031 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:09 Fun-Maintenance-6583 Thoughts?

I dont think this is all a coincidence. Caviar Kaspia- resturant at the Mark, and the logo was posted by EP. The app developer (Peoplevine founded in 2013) for Caviar Kaspia make apps for secret clubs around the world, including the Embassy, the Aman club(EP said Drake started going there after the incident). The app founder follows Drake, and Dennis. EP also references The Mark Hotel vs Theodore Weinstraub. The Mark accused the 19 year old of starting a smear campaign, paying people to protests out front accusing the hotel of being involved with Epstein. When Weinstraub was asked by a New York Post reporter “are you happy your storys on the front page” Weinstraub said “Thats not the full story the full story will eventually come out, I cant comment on the situation right now” (The Mark was also listed in Epsteins black book on page 92) UMG also tends to go after specific talents- R Kelly, Drake, Ditty.
The suit alleges Lucian Grainge, CEO of Universal Music Group, or UMG, and member of the university’s board since 2013, aided and abetted Combs’ behavior by sponsoring gatherings where underage girls were reportedly drugged and raped and provided “vast” sums of money to Combs, who allegedly used it for sex trafficking.
“Never fall in the escort buisness thats bad religion”
“He got sex offenders on OVO that he keep on a monthly allowance”
“I been in this industry twelve years, I'ma tell y'all one lil' secret It's some weird shit goin' on and some of these artists be here to police it They be streamlinin' victims all inside of they home and callin' 'em Tinder Then leak videos of themselves to further push their agendas”
submitted by Fun-Maintenance-6583 to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:57 Correct_Month9612 Thoughts on Elain & Lucian

((Hey guys. So happy this sub exists. In the spirit of promoting activity I wanted to add this little rant I posted in a discord server))
So, I’ve been skirting around the edges of the acotar fandom looking for subreddits that just kind of take the books for what they are, and I’ve seen a lot of people wanting to pair Elain and Lucian or Azriel up. Like I know they’re mates but they have barely interacted. Plus I lowkey think elain would stab him herself if she could,,, not that I really remember why she just is awkward and kind of dislikes him. So shipping them at this point seems a bit premature.
I would really like a ‘redemption’ for Lucian. I think his character kind of fell off after acotar. He was my favorite then for his loyalty, sass and rule bending, but his loyalty led him back to tamlin. That in itself isn’t necessarily a bad thing because it gives a chance for character development and was consistent with his character, but apparently the aforementioned rule bending was a special case and he’s an absolute stickler to them. (Or at least, that’s how it appears in the beginning of acomaf.) since then he’s just appeared kind of stiff, closed off and awkward. If Elain gets with Azriel I feel like Lucian would deserve a novella coming to terms with his friend sucking, mate rejecting him and just him overall finding joy in life.
I think Azriel is also a bit premature but I’m a little biased. I love how chill he is and have kind of been headcanoning him as ace but I know he’s not ;-; I do find their friendship very cute and wouldn’t be mad if it developed in that manner though.
(side rant: I know she probably wouldn’t because sex sells, but I think SJM would be really good at a story about an ace character. Her books have themes of found family and friends she does really well. Combined with how she tells these slow stories of healing like with Nesta in acosf and Feyre in acomaf, I think she could put together an amazing story about an asexual character finding people who accept them and support them even if they don’t really get it. And for me and a lot of other gays, especially aces, that would be so therapeutic.)
submitted by Correct_Month9612 to nontoxicACOTAR [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:56 coldking2024 Lego dimensions retrospective, & The dlc levels that felt a little weak, & annoying areas with glitches other issues.

Having spent a few dozen hours in the game & menu loading a save file that had 230 gold bricks……. I realized how frustrating this game was and the potential it could’ve had. I just am at a loss for words on the game. This game had SO MUCH POTENTIAl but had too much focus on the toys, & bugs or game breaking engine problems.
I haven't touched dimensions in a hot minute but.. really wish lego added more PATCHES before they shut down the game & wish it got its own remastered lego game without the toys…. or some version with a % meter & better save system…. Feel like if TT worked longer on it, they could have been better fixes with the game & the other lego ip dlc’s.
I noticed a few times HOW ANNOYED I was when my many save files from 2019, 2023, & 2024 all were gone….. on ps4 I just gave up caring and was disappointed even after completing it & saving the game to my console. so furthermore after I just stopped playing, not sure if this is a bug but was annoying.
Starting with the dlc's i noticed things felt off like each dlc was the weakest or too short for a game entry story, or more specifically the simpsons one recreating the episode with homer & the chilli cook off, of all the new story levels it was fun but felt weird. All the other lego film games got it down very well gameplay wise so, why not do a lego batman movie or a lego simpson's game? & have it's own game... instead of dimensions? ALSO THE PUZZLES THE COLOR PUZZLES THE KEYSTONES all annoying. DOING THEM EVERY DAM TIME I GOT SOOOOOO BORED… decent game, fun worlds, annoying locking content in it and no 100% to finish. Only letting the player use a character…. That was Dedicated TO THAT SPECIFIC world locking you out… is annoying also cant access mini-kits without said character… This is not fun TT…. but moving on to a few other things, did not care for switching the keystones, and using vehicles for every dam puzzle or ramp.
The best level was probably fantastic beasts or portal & that could’ve & should have been added in its own lego Hogwarts FB saga game.
I enjoyed the lego ninjago game more then I thought I would, & the first lego movie game was cool just felt weird they put Lego Batman movie in dimensions vs its own separate actual lego game.
The movie scene cutscenes for each dlc were recreated in the dimensions in-game engine & had a fun charm to them. But at times was very disappointing as the quality difference is very noticeable. On the contrary, The LEGO Movie Game used movie cutscenes beautifully and it worked out really well. Could be a licensing issue, but if not I have no idea why they didn’t just use movie cutscenes where they could. I understand not wanting to release 60% of the movie in the game, but they could always shape it around the scenes shown in the trailer. The batman story pack felt like devs rushed it…. Not bringing actors back for discount va’s. Robin sounds like a kid in this dlc not anything like Michael cera. I can understand if they didn't get every one back for the game for rights or contract issues but just was weird. & newt or the FB story were interesting using new keystone & magic abilties. The ghostbuster ones were weird since I never cared for the movie..
There are a few differences like In the dlc levels, Batman is picked up by Alfred outside the power plant and heads directly to Commissioner Gordon's retirement party. In the film, he heads home and the retirement party is the next evening.
Some of the voice work is off. Many characters don’t sound like they did in the movie (I know they’re different VA’s) Alfred sounds nothing like movie Alfred (Ralph Fiennes), Robin sounds nothing like movie Robin (Michael Cera), etc. Other LEGO projects have had fairly good voice replication.
The LEGO Batman Movie expansion is all and all a success. It’s given us the best portal base so far, as well as the first expansion to give us 2 mini-figures which are both great. The game is great and funny as well as a decent length. The game only suffers from occasional bugs and terrible voice acting.
Maybe I just really disliked the keystone puzzles but I was really disappointed in it overall. The scenes were funny bringing in joker & all the villains, I enjoyed seeing the gremlins & agent smith from matrix & sauron’s eye but wish they made a lego Batman game not within dimensions.
If you want to play around in the LEGO Batman Movie HUB world you can access to the HUB world for maximum fun. Id say just try the hub level if you are interested but I felt bored with the lego batman movie game dlc levels. Sadly its REPLAY-Ability was a 5… compared to fantastic beasts and others.
imagine what they could've done with a full roster of batman's villains & heroes in a full open linear game with gotham, & sure we've had tons of batman games but just loved will arnett's version of batman. I really love will arnett so felt like dimensions needed more of that batman.
Too much clutter & focus on building vehicles when they aren't all that interesting or useful…. Switching from the ecto car to the ghost trap each time felt stupid. Even tho they fixed it in 2016 with the characters instant traps. Flying characters freak out when you are next to the edge of the map & fall off repeatedly or just stand there hovering… did NO ONE THINK about patching that?
I also understand this is not a typical lego game & the audience is for kids but at least try to juggle both demographics for those who dont want to waste time?
No percent on gold bricks collected, or the items…. Why couldn’t they added a save system where if you lose your file you can save & quit with the bricks you found why is it on ps4 ps5…. Somehow deleting the game doesn’t remember where you left off?? Was this a patch that they never fixed?
Also, anyone else find it weird that the courtroom from Ghostbusters 2 isn't in the world? They even have the whole Titanic, something that only appears for 30 seconds in the movie, but one of the most important scenes isn't in the world at all or hell adding more side characters or locations why not explore inside of a building?
Also X-PO talks too much, every line of him talking during hints. I've made the choice to leave the main campaign unfinished just so he can stay silent while I play other levels. In the actual campaign and cutscenes he's fine but they made a huge mistake making him react to puzzles.
The bugs and lack of polish ruin the game..massively this is a massively outdated engine and the more they keep adding to it the buggier the games get. I'd love to see a new one built from the ground up for next gen capable created of anything they can think of with some impressive graphics. When you look at the fidelity of ratchet and clank on PS Pro there's no reason this game can't look as good as the Lego movies or very close, it's just laziness and greed (lack of investment from WB wanting to just churn out content quickly on the old engine) even on ps4 its annoying losing your save file deleting the game then reinstalling It AND LOSING ALL YOUR PROGRESS!!!!
In addition to that.... if your in game and you come across a character with some of the features or skills that you don't own and it doesn’t register or displays a hint message on your system with them… saying use this specific character, your forever locked out of hiring them when you need them, after it has taken them home & shows the ability… the game forgets…. you own them, while the game gets amnesia, even if you own the tag it gets stuck with missing features, forcing you to reload & quit, Really lame, as well as if you don’t own a certain character & need them for specific puzzle your just screwed.. it sounds like this would have been an afterthought amidst the torrent of further stand-alone level and story packs not being patched & lack of auto save or levels not being able to cloud save. >_< why? who knows...
So many boring hubs, & races locking variety or enjoyment, too many hubs that had New York…ghostbusters 1980 New York, ghostbusters 2016 New York……. FB New York…..Lego Batman movie Gotham hub just looks like New York.
Characters like the witch newt Gandalf all have the same magic ability, not interesting since they all do the exact same thing.
The vehicles are very boring, not very interesting too small. Why is chima here??? Random moments that just feel weird the battle arena was fun but after a while I got bored.
Also, I kinda wish there were in game unlockable characters: Like if you bought the Sonic dlc, beating quests would unlock the ability to buy Amy, Tails, Shadow etc. or The Simpsons allowing you to buy Marge, Lisa, maggie or each of the ghostbusters, etc. with studs.
Overall there were a few interesting levels but could’ve been cooler if we got a lego Batman movie game, or a lego bttf game, or a lego ghostbusters game, yada yada..... & just surprised at it not being its own game instead of within dimensions. I know sadly this likely wont happen tho.. it disappoints me that the game is mostly looking at build instructions, back & forth again and again….. I am very upset dimensions wont ever be remastered added with better patches because what I had played felt muddied & not crafted well. I don’t mean to be so negative but it was weird having these problems front & center. in the end too many glitches & gameplay loop moments.
submitted by coldking2024 to Legodimensions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:49 Western_Title_4507 Keep going

I just want to say, too many things in this story are lining up for none of the accusations to be true. The fact that cn was looking into drakes fake security recently and the fact that in a lot of places security guards are mandated reporters of the state is a crazy coincidence. You could probably put a microscope on me from now until the rest of my life and you could never find any ties to me & pedophilia or sex trafficking or beastiality but for drake it’s only taken me 1 weekend to find all these claims. And it’s soooooooooo many celebrities who DONT have these claims tied to their names why the fuck would anybody actually say these things about drake if they don’t hold any weight. Why the fuck would Kendrick Lamar, a man who’s had open rap beef with Drake for years, a man who raps about telling the truth and holding himself accountable call Drake a pedo while probably the biggest audience is looking at him that’s he’s ever had in his life if the claims hold no weight?!? I’m not trying to keep stirring up conspiracies but too much shit is lining up and it’s hurting my brain. I don’t believe everything i see on the internet but i know everytime i see drake in a dog mask my stomach turns. Something is not right and it’s NOT coincidental. If drake wasn’t a pedo don’t you think he’d be literally making pr statements out the ASS rn and not in Turks and fucking cacos like WHAT IS GOING ON
submitted by Western_Title_4507 to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:47 yoshemitzu "Live 4 Love - Early Version" Appreciation Post

A couple months ago, I finally decided to take the dive into Prince and explore his whole catalog -- that's a longer story, but the fact that like 80% of the songs are about sex and romance and half of the catalog is slow songs had put me off for a while.
But I'm so glad I did, because among all that are truly profound message pieces like "The Rainbow Children" and "Live 4 Love" (and beyond that, I could go on a different tangent about how Prince doesn't get enough credit having talked about social justice).
But to keep it contained, I'm currently listening to "Live 4 Love - Early Version" on loop, and I just have to gush with people I know will also appreciate it. The first 6 minutes of the song are good, but the song keeps keeping itself from really taking off. Every time it's about to drop, Prince intentionally deflates the energy and repeats the words "live for love" over and over. He truly wanted that to be the message of the song.
And then in the last minute and a half or so, the song reaches this peak that even the album version never quite made it to, and in the lyrics, he's basically saying, "What, you think this song ain't fire? I bet you're vibing on it right now." And I so fucking am.
Since this was an alt-take that was only released recently, this song might have actually escaped some of y'all's notice, so have the Spotify link.
As an aside, a few weeks ago, before I had finished Prince's catalog, my BF had made some comment about how Prince "couldn't rap." I'm assembling a list of songs like this ("Acknowledge Me" is in there, too) to show how wrong that is. Other suggestions welcome!
submitted by yoshemitzu to PRINCE [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:43 novavegasxiii [Simpsons] Why are Paddy and Selma Sex Offenders?

Granted it's not 100% confirmed they are but why else would you stand in line to register as a sex offender?
submitted by novavegasxiii to AskScienceFiction [link] [comments]