Like my status a i will\

Rabbits: the intelligent, loving, and often misunderstood pet

2010.02.19 17:00 sketchampm Rabbits: the intelligent, loving, and often misunderstood pet

/rabbits is an open community where users can learn, share cute pictures, or ask questions about rabbits. Please note we are a *pet rabbit* community that discourages breeding and encourages rescue.

2017.03.25 18:36 Havik5 I never thought leopards would eat MY face

'I never thought leopards would eat MY face,' sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party. Revel in the schadenfreude anytime someone has a sad because they're suffering consequences from something they voted for or supported or wanted to impose on other people.

2014.04.13 02:47 moozie From scousebrows to nobrows

A place for embarrassing eyebrows

2024.05.14 04:28 brittanyfilth Gum Recession - Invisalign

Gum Recession - Invisalign
Mainly looking for an opinion that isn't mine. I can't tell if my recession has gotten worse or not- or just the major downward movement of my teeth has made it look worse? Looking at the bottom front four. Because it was already there before. Just seeking opinion.
FYI: I have a dentist, ortho, and periodontist monitoring my teeth, bone loss, and gums. I already know it is likely I will need gum grafts after my ortho treatment is done. History of aggressive periodontal disease that is now stable.
I kinda worry if I continue refinement trays over and over it will get even worse and gum grafts won't be plausible. Is that something to be concerned about?
submitted by brittanyfilth to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:26 WorldlinessNew7917 Don’t know what to do

So I have a burning pain during sex with my husband. It didn’t always use to be this way. The first 2-3 years of our relationship our sex life was healthy. But now I associate sex with burning/uncomfortableness. Some times it feels fine if I’m lubed enough (with my own natural lubricant… I don’t like artificial lubricant) but a good 65% of the time I get some sort of burning pain and tenseness/stiffness pain. Maybe an unconscious stiffness to me thinking sex will hurt? I have tried relaxing, we have done a lot of foreplay, etc. I don’t know what to do. I had an internal ultrasound a few years back that looked fine, and the OBGYN didn’t know what to diagnose me with. No STDS, no unusual discharge/smell. It’s really put a damper on a lot of things. We are young… 24 and 26, and we have sex 1-2 times a month at best. Is there any tricks, creams? Etc anything at all I can try? I’m getting desperate. I just want to be normal. This has been like this for about 4-5 years now. Can anyone lead me in the right direction on what to do? Any supplements, exercises, ointments I can try? Any ideas what my problem is? :(
submitted by WorldlinessNew7917 to vaginismus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:25 Mental-Ad-5450 AITAH for leaving my girlfriend for 15 min on her birthday

Me 18(m) and my gf just turned 20 i love her deeply and i understand im young but i feel quite mature for my age i have a career job and Ive been basically on my own since i was 12 but besides the point i made sure her birthday was great from the start i took her car to fill it up before she went to culinary school and on top of that decorated her car with birthday decorations and candy, presents and such but she has this friend now ive known this friend we shall call her A. i’ve known A for 2 years we were friends at first but some sort of falling out happened i’ve known my girlfriend for the same amount of time despite us only being together a few months. My brother (not blood)called me about loosing his job when i got to her house after work today. i went inside and hung out for a bit but everyone was already super drunk so i felt a little left out and her friend was already starting to be an asshole to me. But i usually try to ignore it. ive been doing real shitty lately considering i’m working nearly 80 hours a week and no family except for my “brother” and no friends since i don’t see them anymore due to my job. I’m tired but i’ll do anything to still get her to smile anyways enough of this love shit. She was already being an asshole and my girlfriend was drunk and when her friend is around her she always tries to make me feel like shit and look like a peice of shit. idk why we used to be good friends. So i went outside to call my brother and ask him if he was alright and everything, my girlfriend even came out and sat with me for a min while i talked to him. anyways fast forward 5 mins A comes walking angrily to my car and starts screaming at me (i already locked my doors cuz i knew what she was gon do) so then i rolled it down just for her to go tf off on me and start calling me names calling me a shitty boyfriend and everything in front of my gfs parents to so now i think they think of me as a peice of shit. but i tried apologizing to my girlfriend thinking i may have upset her, she wouldn’t answer me but instead just let her friend keep screaming at me. i’ve done nothing but make sure she had a good birthday and i hid how i was feeling just so i wouldn’t ruin the vibe at all. AITAH for talking to my brother for 15 mins? apparently i ruined her birthday and we usually hang out on mondays with her friend but now i will no longer be doing that. And im sick of my girlfriend taking her side all the time. Idk i just want someone there for me if that makes sense but i feel like im drowning and im so tired but ill do anything to make sure my girlfriend and anyone round me happy. And i stayed the bigger person all night by not feeding into A’s screaming to make it worse if anything i feel like she was making it shitty for my girlfriend because my girlfriend wasn’t upset in the first place
submitted by Mental-Ad-5450 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:25 Southern_Charm1299 Tabitha, please read since we know you live here.

I have many things to say but let me start here... I don't hate you because of "Mommy issues" or because you are "Chosen and a mirror", I absolutely despise you because you are a lying, lazy, scamming, con artist. You are 40 years old without a single thing to show for those 40 years on this earth. You spend 23 hours a day, horizontal, pouting and fake crying at your phone screen to play on people's emotions to manipulate them out of their hard earned money under the guise of diamond art. You have made hundreds of thousands of dollars off of the backs of others but have not improved a single thing in YEARS. You act like a cheap whore on the internet, on a platform that supposedly, the children that you have already severely tarnished, to see you less than half dressed, gyrating your body all over for strangers all over the internet. You've traveled to and from for men off of the internet as well but haven't given it a second thought to get to your children. In fact, there's a clip of you responding to someone asking where you would love to go besides Gstrings and you literally said NOWHERE. You only wanted to go to him. Not your children. A man off the internet who made you out to be a fool for weeks. This whole "Chosen" thing is sickening. You couldn't be farther from a true representation of a Christian woman, living for God. Your visions amd prophecies are a complete joke and another manipulation tactic. You try to weaponize religion and what you are truly doing is dancing with the devil. I assure you that God hasn't asked you to lay in the bed and he will deliver life to you on a silver platter. Be for real. Faith without works is dead. You are NOT autistic. You are mental but some school counselor maybe mentioning ASD in a hallway conversation one day is not a diagnosis. It's SICK that you use this fake diagnosis and use all of the "disadvantages" for lack of better word of the disorder to spin your narrative but somehow you didn't get the many, amazing "advantages" of ASD like resilience, brilliance, determination, drive, etc.. those things don't allow you to be a lazy internet panhandler. Nor can you seemingly forget that you have it, and it disappear for days or weeks until you need it again or someone reminds you. Nobody believes that people "gift" you all the things you claim. Clothes, makeup, champagne, meals, etc... we know that is you blowing the money you manipulated off of others. You need to slow it down on the door dash. Not only is it a slap in the face to the people out here busting their ass to make ends meet while you are living a life of luxury while not moving a muscle but it's very unhealthy and sticking with you. Lastly, I want you to picture yourself in 10, 15, 20 years from now. You have ZERO true life relationships, absolutely nothing to your name. You won't be able to still panhandle, your years of horrible self care and wild lifestyle dragging you down physically, how will you survive? You've put nothing in to any type of retirement, one day you truly won't be able to work, nobody to care for you, just an elderly person with NOTHING. What will you do?? You have burned all bridges. Your family is amazing and you have completely shit on them. Still claiming a little boy who was a quarter of your size physically abused you and everyone in your family harmed you in some way which is such a stretch and in my mind, unforgivable. You will be lonely, broke, and absolutely no legacy to leave behind. Who will be able to stand up and speak about your life and memories or experiences or impacts you've made and left behind?? Nobody. Time is running out. You need to make DRASTIC changes immediately or it's only down hill from here. I know this was insanely long but I had to get it off of my chest after her entire morning of lies and garbage. I truly hope you have read this Tabitha and it helps you understand why you are so disliked by the Majority. Look around. If not for sleepy Amy Lou, you would literally have ZERO support any longer.
submitted by Southern_Charm1299 to hipeeharlee [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:24 gojetergo I've had backpain since I was 12 years old. I'm 28 now and it's worse than ever.

I have two herniated discs (L3-L4), two bulging dics (L1-L2) and spinal stenosis. I have a weird lump right next to my spine where my herniated discs are (my doctor told me it's just fatty tissue, but that lump feels like an electric current in constantly passing through it). My back is constantly in pain. But now it's gotten worse. Tylenols have no effect on me, my left leg and left part of the butt are constantly numb, I have difficulty walking after sitting down for more than 20 minutes and I can't sit for more than 30. I'm seeing my doctor next week, but if the past is any indication, nothing will be done except him telling me to lose some weight (I lost 70 pounds and it still hurts like hell) or see a physical therapist (I've seen plenty...)
How doomed am I?
Sorry, I really needed to vent. Nobody around me takes my pain seriously...
submitted by gojetergo to backpain [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:24 throw-away696942 Urinary/Digestive All Screwed Up

I am a 26 year old male.
About 7 years ago, I suddenly noticed that not matter how hard I strained, it felt like I couldn’t fully evacuate stool and would have the “infinite wipe glitch” (especially if it was tacky).
I went to my dr. and he sort of just hand-waved it as "IBS" and checked my prostate.
Fast forward to about 4 years ago, and I started taking metamucil when I was having a bout of digestive issues to get my system aligned, which worked really well.
Then (not sure if related or coincidence) I started getting a crazy bad urge to urinate, especially right before bed. Sometimes having to go 5 times right before bed in a row, minutes apart.
That ebbed and flowed over the past 4 years, but I feel like it has become permanent in the last 2 years. There are still periods where I don’t notice for a week or a few days.
I also notice that when I wake up in the morning I have to pee and it’s like an almost sore/aching pain rather than what it used to feel like years ago when I had to go.
Additional symptom I have noticed is that when this is all flaring up, I need to fully empty my bladder prior to sex or it’ll make me ejaculate quicker than normal and kind of build up in feeling like I have to pee throughout the course of intercourse.
I have hemmroids (bright blood on TP pretty frequently when wiping) also - really fun, right.
I notice my symptoms flare up the most after bowel movements, and sort of exacerbate themselves the more I think about them. Also flare up after masturbation/sex sometimes. Also think my pee stream is weak most of the time. Semen also sometimes has yellowish hue. Negative on UTI tests.
(Note: I did notice the weird peeing/sex thing as early as when I was 16 flare up sometimes)
I got a full body in depth scan some months ago and the only flagged issue was “mucosal thickening of the recto-sigmoid junction”, which can be a number of things or an artifact from scanning. My bilirubin is slightly elevated, but always has been (only slightly out of range). My LDL cholesterol is 110, aside from that labs are and have been all clean.
This has been really impacting my mental state the past few years, and I’m willing to spend any amount of time/money to get back to “normal”.
Doctor has started scheduling a colonoscopy for me because of the mucosal thickening that showed up on the scan. What specific steps should I take here? What type of specialists can I see for this?
I really appreciate you taking the time to read this and will update everyone on any answers I get.
submitted by throw-away696942 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:24 WonderfullyCommon Text my (23 F) crush (22 M)?

I apologize for this being long, but I badly need some advice. For context, I just recently graduated nursing school, and in the past two years (on and off), I had a crush on this guy in my class. We never had a conversation, but we have mutual friends.
I was invited to a graduation party the day after graduation, and he was there. The party started off with everyone eating and getting to know each other. I made some small talk with him along with other people. Then, we get to drinking. He and I talked about our culture (we’re both of the same ethnicity) and our trips to our country. He also shared some pictures about stuff that happened during his trips.
Our friends began to sing karaoke in the living room and were taking turns. They all teased me to go up and sing, him included. I can hear him saying, “Go up there!” I made a comment about how terrible I am at singing, and he goes “Have you been listening to me?”
We then got to drinking some more. My friend brought in jack and coke and was preparing it with my crush. I told them I never drank that before, and he gave me his drink to try (which he took a sip out of already, and I, of course, drank it after he offered lmao). When my friend brought in more drinks, he gave me some more pointers with drinking.
We decided to take some pictures, and he laughed at me when I wanted to retake them (he has also laughed at me some throughout the night about some stuff I said and did). He asked for my socials, which I said I did not have, but I got his number instead so that he can send the photos.
We got to drinking some more, and I felt bold enough to converse with him alone. It was a good conversation about our futures and plans post college. Throughout the conversation, it felt a bit more than friendly, a slightly flirtatious tone, and we were smiling at each other a lot. Towards the end of the night, he sang more karaoke, and we made some passing comments until he left.
There are some reasons as to why I am being hesitant to send him a text. For one, I found out from him that he is traveling to our home country in July and moving out to go into the navy in either August/September. He will be interning at a hospital that I will also be working at until he leaves (different departments though). That will leave little time for a relationship, but I am open to short term. Second, a couple of my friends, he and I were talking about our types, and he says that he tends to go for a particular race (not ours) but is open to all types. I said that my type is guys in our racial group. In our little one to one conversation, he brings up how there is a city here in America that has a lot of people of our racial group and that I should consider looking into that city. In my head, I’m like I want you though lol.
So, with all this said, should I still send him a text? If or when I text him, I plan to start out subtle first, like asking him about orientation at the hospital or something? Or should I just let this all go and move on with my life?
TLDR: I talked to my crush for the first time at a graduation party, and we had good conversations throughout. He is traveling in July and plans to move out of our home town in August/September. I am unsure if I should still send him a text.
submitted by WonderfullyCommon to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:23 RatinSweet capital One venture X autopay

I like to set up Autopay as a failsafe if I forget to manually pay. I manually pay whenever statement closes and set the autopay to be the due date. This works for Amex and Bilt, they never pay again with the autopay, as my payment covers the whole bill. However, this is my first cycle with the Venture X - I paid on statement date, but I still see a pending payment of the same statement amount on the due date. Will this payment go through or will it be canclled at some point, as I have already made the payment?
submitted by RatinSweet to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:23 Space_Monkey_86 Is it safe to add a separate 24VAC transformer at the thermostat is my furnace transformer is 13VAC? No C-wire.

I want to replace my thermostat with a WiFi thermostat. I have no C-Wire. I purchased a Honeywell thermostat and a Honeywell C-Wire power adapter. There are 3rd party ones out there, but I figured it would be safe to purchase both Honeywell as they are probably tested and approved by the same company. The thermostat is, of course, 24 VAC.
Being a low voltage tech myself (different field), I wanted to cross all my t's, so I metered the transformer at the furance and it is 13 VAC. So it would seem that the C-Wire power adapter wouldn't work anyways. The other option that I have found is installing a 24 VAC transformer at the thermostat instead of using the C-Wire power adapter. I just have a huge concern; will it do any damage to the furnace or the transformer at the furnace??? My wiring is below in case that helps.
At the thermostat there is a jumper between RC & RH with a wire going into one of them from the R on the furnace. The W wire on the thermostat goes to W on the furnace. The G wire on the thermostat goes to GC on the furnace. At the furnace, the transformer is connected to C and the other end is paired with Y. It also looks like there is a jumper between GH & R.
I'm just really confused because if I'm understanding it correctly, if I install a separate transformer at the thermostat between C and one of the R's, when the thermostat goes to turn on the air, heat or fan that it would send one side of my transformer back to the furance? I'm assuming that I'm not understanding fully how furnaces operate because I have seen a few different areas that says that this is ok. But my other hesitation is that the stand alone transformer is a higher voltage than what is at the furance. Any help or explanation would be appreciated!
submitted by Space_Monkey_86 to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:23 Eu-ph-or-ia Time to upgrade my 2019 intel MacBook Pro and in need of some advice!

Okay so I’m currently using a 13 inch 2019 MacBook Pro I5 8GB model, and although it served me okay the first couple years, over the past year or so it seems to have really become toast, like my logic sessions constantly give me CPU overload errors (even after trying to optimize everything in the DAW), the touchbar is failing as well as the battery.
My productions nowadays have become much more layered (often 50-150 tracks, lots of plugins & automation) & CPU heavy now, so I’m in need of more power to really allow me to breathe creatively within logic so it performs smoothly, quickly, reliably & without almost any limitations on what I want to make within my projects.
From what I understand, the jump from intel to Apple silicon will be significant so I’m really excited to see what it feels like and how it performs.
However, I’m slightly overwhelmed by the number of different models and which would be best in terms of the cost - performance - longevity, balance. I’m ideally looking to spend as little as possible but I know I want at least 16gb ram (although 32 would be the dream) and a 16 inch screen.
Would an M1 MacBook Pro 16GB 16 inch sound like it would serve my needs? Or is it truly worth spending a fair bit more to go for the M2/M3? Also are there any huge differences in the ‘pro’ / ‘max’ models?
I’m also slightly conflicted as to whether to wait and see what the upcoming M4 offers although it’ll probs be out my price range anyways lol
(Also not nessessarily essential but it would be cool to be able to do a lil bit of gaming on it too - I wanna play Death Stranding & cyberpunk if anyone has any experience running them on one of these MacBooks!)
submitted by Eu-ph-or-ia to LogicPro [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:22 Ashamed-Comment5200 Have known girl for Ten Years (not together) and I still get knots in my stomach [NEED ADVICE PLEASE AT BOTTOM)

Backstory first and Advice section underneath.
If you have any questions please ask. And please don’t tell me to block her, that will destroy me even more
We were very good friends the last two years of high school. We would talk for hours watching airplanes land and listening to music. There were times where we would literally sit there staring into each others eyes for minutes on end and we would never do anything about it. There was one time when we watched a movie with all of our friends in her basement and she moved to cuddle with me and I shit you not it was the best 45 minutes of my entire life and all I was doing was holding her and playing with her hands
(She has SA issues in her childhood and I would never touch her or do anything to make her uncomfortable unless I was 200% sure. Well I got to maybe 185% sure she wants to kiss me on 10+ occasions.
After school we kind of fizzled out due to me making some poor choices. About a year or so after the last time we talked she texted me saying she was thinking about me all the time and wanted to check up on me. I told her how I was doing and somehow it led into an argument about the way she left things. We went cold for another year and then boom. Same thing.
Told her I can’t stop thinking about her and she said the same. We caught up and met up once to smoke and it was the same exact thing as when we were kids. Just so much fucking tension. After that we just kind of got busy lives or whatnot and didn’t talk much.
Now I’ll text her once every week or so and respond to her posts, “proud of you!” “Happy for you! Love seeing you smile” and I will just give the occasional respectful adult nod that I still adore her.
I feel like she feels we have a unspoken cemented friendship where nothing will get misinterpreted,
When I tell her she’s on my mind she still says same. When I send her a Snapchat she responds with the most fucking adorable smile that looks like she is just so elated to see me. When I call her beautiful she will send me a flaming heart emoji. When I tell her I need to see her soon she agrees but as always just one of those girls you can never catch. When I post something she’ll occasionally respond hyping whatever it is up (nobody ever does this)
I’m absolutely fucking crazy over this girl and I do not know what to do anymore. I feel like we both know we are just PERFECT together and I mean PERFECT. Like there’s not a single doubt in my mind that this woman would make me the happiest person on the face of the earth if I could just see her smile every day and keep her safe.
I’m about to cry writing this and I haven’t in years. I seriously need somebody to slap me in the face and tell me what to do like I’m five because I can’t do this anymore. I feel like if I give up then I will lose the only girl I’ve ever truly wanted
submitted by Ashamed-Comment5200 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:22 Upset-Wolf-7735 My bf of 3.5 years has a crush on my best friend

I (22F) and my bf (24M) have been dating for 3.5 years. We met in college and have been living together in an apartment for 2 years now. It's been a stable relationship with him working a full time job and me continuing my education. We don't have much common interest but do share the same humor.However we have different ideas on the future like I eventually want to be married and have kids and he doesn't like the idea of having children. He confessed that he had a crush on my best friend (22F). I have known my best friend for 7 years now. She and I went to the same high school and college. That is where I met my bf. My bf and best friend are in the same majors and also shared interests. He said he cannot help but think about her. He still cares about me and is very loyal and I know that cheating will not happen but just the thought of him liking her in that way makes be feel uncomfortable. I am not worried about any cheating bc I know both of them very well, just being aware that his feelings for her are there makes be uncomfortable even though he is not actively ly pursuing her. She is also in a stable relationship with some else. I don't know what to do now. My bf suggested breaking up because it will free both of us from this misery but we still love and care about each other. There is definitely a lot of attachment between us. Please give some advice, thanks.
submitted by Upset-Wolf-7735 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:22 dabear0 38 [M4F] California / US / CA - Looking to chat long term. Let's get to know each other!

Never sure now to start these things but here goes!
I live in California. I enjoy gaming, tech, movies, photography, travel, going for drives, live music, camping and a lot of other fun things! I would consider myself on the nerdy side. I enjoy things like Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. I'm in the process of planning some trips. I want to explore more and see different places around the US/World. I want to do more camping in the near future.
I'm looking to chat with someone who can hold a conversation and is willing to chat for more than one day. I'd like to chat with someone who we can share our days with. I'm an open book and don't mind sharing personal things or discussing certain topics. I am single but you don't have to be. If you are, however, I am not opposed to more than friends should that be something. My overall goal is finding someone to talk to on a daily and laugh and have a good time talking with.
Im currently making some teriyaki chicken. What did you have dinner? Feel free to send me a chat!
Please use the chat feature as direct messages always bug out for me.
submitted by dabear0 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:21 toothlessgec C-OCD (Cancellation OCD)

currently questioning whether or not i have it, but considering i’m constantly morally questioning myself and dismissing my opinions because i know i’m a hypocrite it feels too close to home. this is a vent post describing my current findings and realisations and id love some confirmation that it actually sounds legitimate and some reassurance.
ive also read up on real event OCD and because i was a stupid teenager i have posts i regret, and i commonly get into problematic media and mull it over in my head (rumination) before justifying it or ripping it apart (reassurance) to others i trust. i don’t have physical compulsions, aside from checking accounts, but i constantly list the things i’ve done in my head and debate to myself about it and how i’d apologise. i watch drama videos constantly and compare myself thinking i’m worse. i have to pull away when i get too into something and get too productive because i convince myself people will turn on me and dig up all my worst fears.
i check my old accounts semi often and refuse to delete them because i did so once and found it all archived. it made me so paranoid that i refused to delete accounts again going into a three day long breakdown and i instead keep tabs as well as looking at ex friends accounts to make sure they aren’t somehow slandering me or spreading anything. it makes me very clingy to people i know but also incredibly hard to trust new people. also i don’t delete accs because it makes me feel guilty and like i’m hiding something.
i am forever debating in my head about my moral standing and just see myself as somebody with no backbone. i’m so scared of being ostracised and left alone with no support system. i can’t get too popular on social media otherwise i’ll just leave out of fear and can’t get myself to talk to other people in my field, i second guess posting myself and looking at old messages to pick at what i did wrong and how i would defend myself. i have mental flashes of cancellation threads and mocking posts of my face and life. it feels like a loop of stupid interests and constant moral disagreement. it’s hell. if it helps i’m also looking into autism/adhd and have always been interested in taboo things since i was a child (extreme horror, lost media, dark/offensive comedies) and i feel that almost set me up for constant unending guilt.
i would like possibly some advice and if you want to hone in on questioning this, because i’m not currently diagnosed but am going to bring it up to my therapist, you’re welcome to. i want to talk about it because i’m only realising how intrinsic this is to my life now.
submitted by toothlessgec to OCD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:21 Helpful_Ad_2680 AITA for giving CPR to my friend after his wife says I don’t have consent

(I’m not a regular Redditor so apologies if this story isn’t formatted correctly)
So to give context and background to this situation. I (26m) have been trained for CPR through almost every period of my life and fortunately never had to use it until… I learned CPR throughout Boy Scouts, High School Health Class, Personal Trainer classes, and previous Work Training.
I work at convenient store and experience many regulars, this regular for example is a man that we will call Jerry. Jerry is in his roughly late 40s early 50s and we happen to always have 10-15 conversations on random stuff we bond over. He is also an Eagle Scout, a father and has a daughter who is about to get married and is over the moon about it, a Star Wars fan and loves sports so there something we will always talk about. I love Jerry he is an awesome guy who doesn’t talk about work a lot which I completely understand and respect. 1 week ago Jerry came Into the store with his wife that I have meet on occasion of him shopping, not really a social person which my wife isn’t either so I understand. I was in the other isle when I started to hear heavy breathing at the counter then following a loud crash and panicking scream. I rush over to see that it’s Jerry on the floor unconscious, I quickly run over and get down to assess him. He wasn’t breathing or responding to me. I look over at my boss who we will call Misty to call 911 and grab the AED. I began to unbutton Jerry’s shirt to start compression and getting him ready for if we need to use the AED. During this his wife looks at me and “are you really going to perform CPR, I’d rather have a medical professional than you.” I didn’t even comprehend this comment and just kept continuing. What seemed like 5 minutes of doing comprehension was only a minute the wife keeps on yelling at me saying “I don’t have the right to touch him without permission or her consent.” I ignore her and keep doing compressions and mouth to mouth, that’s when I start to hear sirens in the distant and since we lived in a super small town it was fortunate to have a hospital close by. the sirens getting closer then suddenly the ambulance was right at our door and rushing in with the stretcher and one of paramedics asked that if they could take over after my round of compressions. Of course I agree and we had a smooth transfer of compressions, that’s when my boss with AED in hand comes over and that’s when she escorted away from the situation to calm down while the wife was staring daggers into my soul. I was put into a room to calm down and after 10 or so minutes I hear the wife yell “I’m going to press charges against that guy, he could have killed my husband!” My boss tells me to go home after writing a report and take a break for a while.
Right now I’m at home scared and waiting for that phone call from a lawyer or someone. I know what I did was right but I feel like I actually did do something wrong with going against the wife’s consent. AITA?
submitted by Helpful_Ad_2680 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:20 Quarky19 Advice for window replacement on 1893 Victorian

Hello all! I have a very old, very under appreciated Victorian that needs work top to bottom.
Currently she sits in a brick foundation that I know and have plans to replace. Unfortunately putting in a new foundation right now is out of my budget, so I have been trying to find ways to restore the house in small ways or take on smaller repairs.
We recently finished removing 100 years of paint from our sitting room. Originally the goal was to try to unstick the windows, however after removing the paint it looks like they are nailed shut. Without the paint I also realized how bad the windows were.
I’ve contacted three window companies, two are local mom&pops who are quoting me $15-20k to replace 5-6 windows and a door to window conversion. I’ve also contacted Pella and got a quote for about $28k for the same work.
I’m torn between the two paths. While the cost is lower on the local shops, it’s replacing the windows with essentially the same thing just with better glass. The Pella option is a much more robust window, but it’s expensive and given the state of the foundation I am worried it will end up having to be redone.
Just looking for perspective from those that have already gone through something similar
submitted by Quarky19 to centuryhomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:20 MiraBlossom Why should your fav debut?

Your favorite trainee is in ground right now? Tell me why she should be in I-Land.
Your favorite trainee is in I-Land? Tell me why she continue to be.
I feel like there are a lot of popular trainees that I simply am not seeing the appeal of either due to a lack of screen time or my focus being directed to others.
You can see from my flair who my current favs are, but please sell me on whoever yours are, popular or not! Hopefully, this will help a lot of people appreciate trainees that they may have not been paying much attention to before!
submitted by MiraBlossom to mnetiland2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:19 nerdrap [FL] [Condo] Can an HOA Continuously Impose a $1000 Fine for the Same Violation? Seeking Advice on Bylaws and Fees

I'm currently dealing with a challenging situation involving my homeowners' association and could use some community wisdom and perhaps legal insights. Here's a brief on what's happening: Background:
submitted by nerdrap to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:19 Effective-Tadpole3 My dad died 5 months ago and I still feel disconnected from everyone, especially my significant other.

My dad died and now I feel disconnected from everyone, especially my significant other.
TLDR; My dad died November 2023 after an awful/traumatizing 11 months watching him suffer with an aggressive cancer. He was only 70. I’m 25 years old. After 5 months, i’m still struggling so much. I feel so disconnected from everyone and feel incapable of feeling love or positive emotion especially toward my significant other. Looking to hear from anyone who’s gone through something similar and come out on the other side.
My dad and I were so close. I spoke to him multiple times per day and he knew every single thing that would happen in my life. I have such a hole in my life since his absence. Being 25, I feel too young to lose my dad - even though I know many people lose their parents even younger :( I feel like I just reached the age at which I could truly appreciate my dad as a friend, rather than just a parent, and now he’s gone. There are so many events I want him to be at in my life such as my wedding, meeting my future children, seeing me work as a physician (i just graduated med school, his absence at match day and graduation the past few months was unbearable). I struggle with the fact that he won’t be here for the rest of the milestones in my life. I feel envious of the people around me who have both their parents in good health and seem to take it for granted or not recognize how much of a privilege that is.
My main concern and reason for writing this post is because of a deep disconnected feeling I have with everyone in my life. My partner (26 yo M) and I have struggled so much since my dad died. We moved in together 5 months before my dad died (horrible timing). Our problems seem to stem from an inability of my partner to understand where I am at, since he has never experienced loss or heartbreak. He often struggles to know what to say and despite trying to be supportive, often says invalidating comments or other things that set me off. I feel much more irritable than ever before and lack patience when this happens. Even though I used to be a very patient person - this leads to self confidence issues now as well since my partner will say things like “I don’t recognize you anymore” when we argue. I have suggested he read this thread to get advice from people who have gone through this, and he did do that and has improved slightly from that. I have to give him credit because he continues to try to improve. My biggest worry is that even when things are going well, I still just feel empty around him. I feel no connection to him (or anyone in my life expect my mom) like I used to. I feel hollow and just like I am going through the motions, incapable of feeling love. It even feels hard to say words of endearment like “i miss you” which I often used to do. I have no desire for intimacy - not even hugging or snuggling. I just want to be alone constantly and feel bothered by everything, even things that I used to enjoy. He is understanding but now that it has been 5 months I feel like he’s ready for me to be “back to normal” and I am not.
I should add that before all of this, my feelings about my boyfriend were very different and I was pretty set on spending the rest of my life with him. He even asked for my dads blessing to marry me in the hospital before he died. Now I continuously fear whether our problems are due to my own mental health or a problem in our relationship. I feel like I have been forced to mature in ways that he has not, after going through so much. This leads to me feeling frustrated or disinterested when he talks about such trivial matters which comprise his daily life. The result is that I feel disconnected and incapable of love, then constantly worry about why this is happening.
I am seeing a therapist who specializes in grief and have been for over 1.5 years, since I started going when I anticipated the loss of my dad was imminent. I know that I have generalized anxiety disorder and probably have a little bit of PTSD according to my therapist from seeing my dad suffer so much during his illness. I just have never felt this disconnected empty feeling and I constantly question if the problem is my relationship or if it is my life situation.
Has anyone been through something similar with a significant other and come out on the other side? I am scared that my relationship is broken. Please help.
submitted by Effective-Tadpole3 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:18 loopedtwice I want to make a list of life hacks for this upcoming postpartum season

This is mostly for fun because I need something to do and something to look forward to as I sit here in misery at 34+5 weeks haha.
I’m thinking things like curbside pickup for groceries, meal prepping crockpot meals or one-sheet oven meals, anything that will help with efficiency and saving time. One thing I noticed this weekend was that there are mobile spa services! So if I need to get a haircut or my nails done I can cut time in half by having someone come to me versus me driving to them. I might give it a try once I can squeeze that “me time” in, but we’ll see.
What are some organization tips and time saving hacks that have worked for y’all?
submitted by loopedtwice to parentsofmultiples [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:17 Unlocked_Locket Anyone know a good Paper Mario Tabletop system like DnD?

So, with the upcoming remake, I've been wanting to host a DnD campaign set in the Paper Mario world with a custom plot and possibly custom battle system...but I'm quickly realizing that making your own tabletop game is kinda challenging (no dip Sherlock, but-)
I've been looking for a good Paper Mario Tabletop game for a bit, but haven't found anything good. While I don't mind writing my own system, that'd take a long while and I'd like to start this before the remake comes out. So, this is why I come to Reddit.
Does anyone have any good Paper Mario Tabletop systems/games that they'd be willing to share with me so I can host my own?
submitted by Unlocked_Locket to papermario [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:17 JiaL9 UT3G backwards compatibility with TB3? And screen setting questions

I'm about to go off the deep end into the world of egpus, since I can't for the life of me find a new laptop that I like enough to blow a thousand bucks on.
Did my research, a few unresolved questions. Was going to buy a razer core x used, but seller went MIA, so who knows. $150 budget to use elsewhere
I know the UT3G is meant for USB4, it says it's compatible with thunderbolt 3. Has this been tested/confirmed? It's quite a bit cheaper than say, the R43SG-TB3 or TH3P4
I'll also need a power supply if I get any of these. My GPU supposedly has a 175w power draw, I genuinely have no idea what kind of ATX power supply I'd get and what price I'd be looking at
Last question would be the screen. If I extend the screen, will the egpu accelerate both the internal and external screen? Do people usually use the second screen only option?
The money for the setup will be a lot cheaper than a full desktop or gaming laptop, but not exactly chump change so I want to get it right the first time
submitted by JiaL9 to eGPU [link] [comments]