Quant hcg in molar pregnancy

Taking the journey to parenthood together.

2011.05.25 04:04 Avalon81204 Taking the journey to parenthood together.

This group is for anyone trying for a baby! Come discuss fertility, sex, conception, and learn all about how your body works!

2014.04.11 18:31 dabeezkneez HPT and OPK Line Scrutiny

Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs (ovulation predictor kits)! You can ask for another set of eyes or simply celebrate here! Please read all rules for the subreddit before participating or posting. Thank you!

2014.11.21 01:10 SansaScully Trying to Conceive (TTC) After a Loss

This sub is for people who are trying to conceive, waiting to try, or just dealing with life after any type of pregnancy or baby loss. This includes chemical, molar, and ectopic pregnancies, blighted ovum, miscarriage, stillbirth, termination, or infant death. If you are currently pregnant after a loss, and are looking for support, please visit PregnancyAfterLoss.

2024.05.14 05:29 EngineeringLumpy When should I stop my progesterone

I’m completely heartbrokenn. I have secondary infertility and after 16 months of trying, I took letrozole in March and conceived!! I had a bad feeling about the pregnancy the whole time but I thought it was just anxiety. I’m supposed to be 8 weeks and last Thursday I started bleeding so I went in for an ultrasound and they could only see a sac in my uterus that was measuring 5 weeks 1 day. My HCG Thursday was 450, Saturday was 509, and today was 477 so I’m calling it. I’m on progesterone suppositories before bed which I believe are why I didn’t start bleeding right at 5 weeks. Should I take it tonight or wait to ask my doctor?
submitted by EngineeringLumpy to Miscarriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:15 Glittering_House8549 “Early pregnancy” or miscarriage? Hcg level 152?

I’m currently 6 weeks post my last menstrual period.
I took 4 pregnancy tests, all positive, when I was two days late for my period.
Two days after the positive pregnancy tests, I began bleeding and mildly cramping. The cramping was off and on mildly for a week, the bleeding is still happening even today, inconsistent in color and amount, but never more than a LINER or two at the max per day (ranging from bright red, to brown, to dark red in color).
I was told to go directly to the ER. I went today and they took me back for an abdominal ultrasound and trans-vaginal ultrasound. On the photos, it showed NOTHING in my uterus or tubes.
My Hcg level is “low” at 152.
The doctor said it’s a 50/50 chance that it could be an “early pregnancy” (which now I’m thinking how would that be possible if I ovulate one day each month? I couldn’t be less than 6 weeks pregnant, could I?) Or she said it could be a miscarriage that my body has already completely expelled.
We’re going to check my Hcg levels to see if they are trending up or down to get the answer, but I’m still confused and want to know if an early pregnancy is even an option and if this has happened to any of you!!! I want to know if my hope is based on logic or if she said that to maybe soften the blow.
Thanks in advance for any comments!
submitted by Glittering_House8549 to Miscarriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:20 thedumbestdummy514 Multiple positives, too early?

Multiple positives, too early?
(Reposting with pictures)
Hey everyone, this is my first time posting here and if my test truly means I'm pregnant then this would be my first pregnancy.
My period is in 5-6 days and l've been feeling really weird the past week or so. I ended up taking a first response, early result digital test and it popped positive, saying "yes+". I then took a rapid result test about 15-20 minutes later and it popped positive as well. My partner and I bought one more pack of early results tests, in which I took that one and it was positive as well.
My friend ended up taking me to the ER so I could get a blood test to see if there was HCG in my blood or if I had false positives.
The doctor argued with me and told me that tests can look positive once they sit out too long, he didn't seem to care when I told him it literally popped positive in front of my eyes. I saw both lines develop and I saw the yes pop up. He refused to give me a blood test and instead opted for a urine test, in which it came back negative. He was very rude to me and dismissive of all of my question.
My friend bought me another pack of tests since it didn't sit well with me that my tests were negative and they both were positive as well.
Am I crazy or am I actually pregnant? I'm not technically late yet but that's 5 positive tests today. I do plan to get it confirmed somehow but I don't have insurance and in order to get insurance in my state while pregnant, I have to have confirmation from a doctor.
I know it might seem crazy to want confirmation with 5 positives but the way that doctor dismissed me made me feel crazy.
submitted by thedumbestdummy514 to lineporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:39 nonamejane84 Blighted ovum experiences

for those of you that have had blighted ovum experiences, can you tell me about it? Such as, did you have pregnancy symptoms? Did your HCG go up as it would in a viable pregnancy? When did you find out it was a BO? Was it only during a viability scan? Thank you.
submitted by nonamejane84 to Miscarriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:35 WinterLaw8017 Should we track HcG levels?

Hi fellow worriers
When I find this subreddit I felt like I find my comrades, so please don’t take my greeting using “worriers” as offensive. If anything, I feel so relatable to so many stories and questions posted here. I also find the responses so overwhelmingly heartwarming and comforting. I feel like I find my support group and this is the right place to ask my questions with similarly mind people ☺️
I had a chemical pregnancy in my last cycle. It was my first experience getting pregnant. I knew chemical was likely, tried not to get too excited and hopeful, but failed completely. After 10 days of hoping and inevitably attached to the embryo, my first response test turned from bright line to faint line, and I started bleeding soon after. It was so hard and despite trying to move past it as soon as possible and focus on the next cycle, I cried uncontrollably at least three times in the week after. It was a level of emotional pain I never experienced before.
Now onto now, just ovulated according to my tracker and we caught the peak. Planning ahead, I am thinking of tracking my hcg if I get pregnant this time. I have two questions about this. First, how do you get doctors to test this for you? My obstetrician is the typical not testing unless there is some signs to worry about type. I can’t imagine her agreeing to test me every 2 to 3 days just to satisfy my need to know.
Second, should I be tracking hcg levels at all? I know chemical can happen any time until week 7, so if I track it starting at week 4, that would be 3 weeks of blood tests every other day? Even if my levels increase well until say 5weeks, there’s no guarantee that it will stay that way until after chemical pregnancy window. So basically I just have to test until week 7?
Thank you in advance! I hope my post doesn’t violate any rules but it does, I’m happy to revise it.
submitted by WinterLaw8017 to CautiousBB [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:52 Suitable-Zombie-5209 4+ weeks pregnant and low HCG

My husband and I had a miscarriage back in January ‘24. My betas were perfect at 6 weeks, and at 7 weeks we had an ultrasound with no fetal pole detected or HB. I had to have a D&C 3 weeks later after failing to miscarry naturally. The cause of miscarriage was Trisomy 16 which I believe is one of the most common cause of miscarriage.We were pretty devastated, however, despite being older (36&42) we were able to conceive the first month of trying and still had hope given our initial “success”
Fast forward to now, I was finally having a ‘normal’ period again, but longer cycle than normal and we decided to start trying again. To our surprise, I tested when my cycle was at 32 days ‘just in case’ and I tested faintly positive.
I know when my LMP was but have no idea when I would’ve ovulated or how long my cycle was because I went from a 27 day cycle pre miscarriage to 30+ days post miscarriage.
Anyway, my HCG today came back at 144 which seems to be really low. I know I’m close to 4 weeks since I test positive last Weds, and it’s 36 days since my LMP.
I guess I’m just looking for reassurance…has anyone had an HCG that low at 4+ weeks with a positive outcome. With my last pregnancy I immediately had symptoms (sore breasts, nausea, fatigue, etc) and now I’m not having anything. My mind immediately goes to the worst…and I’m just trying to find hope during this waiting period 😔 I just feel like I’m doomed to have it always end up in a miscarriage.
submitted by Suitable-Zombie-5209 to CautiousBB [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:12 oockiedockie How important is progesterone?

Hello, new to this sub. I am 7w6d (based on my own calculations, not confirmed by ultrasound yet). I currently have my HCG being monitored due to my last pregnancy ending in a loss at 6w0d. I keep seeing women talk about both their progesterone and their HCG, however my dr has only been testing for HCG so far. My HCG is consistently doubling up to this point, just wondering if i should be requesting my progesterone to be tested as well or if a high hcg is no good without progesterone. Someone let me know.
submitted by oockiedockie to CautiousBB [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:34 Inside-Budget8709 Please comment if similar has happened to you.

At around 12 DPO my blood HCG was 10. 4 days later 23..I am on progesterone supplements but I almost want to stop taking it just so I can bleed. I know this is going to end in a chemical pregnancy. I am waiting to hear from my doctor later today.
When I saw the 10 value I was like “ not sticking around this one “ but the nurse was like “ your number is normal “. But now looking at the evolution of the numbers I am 99% sure
submitted by Inside-Budget8709 to pregnancyproblems [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:27 yuriAngyo How much are people lying or exaggerating about cryptic pregnancy?

Seriously, i can't seem to find straight answers online but it just doesn't seem possible to me that you could have a whole 10 pound creature growing in you with 0 change in your stomach, normal periods expelling the expected amount of blood, too little hcg to trigger a test, and not miscarry in the first couple months.
But it still bothers me because all the online resources are "well it's possible you could be pregnant still" bitch how!? "Well you can't technically get your period while pregnant but you can still bleed in a way that mimics it" how and why? What's the difference between a mimic and the real thing? How tf doesn't an embryo get flushed out or at least become immediately unviable when the uterine lining has ejected?
If i could get some straight answers i think I'd be good on my tokophobia but everyone talks like cryptic pregnancies are just abra cadabra you're giving birth now which gives me anxiety because if THE tells aren't enough then what is? If you go to the doctor to learn you're pregnant despite all odds well now you'll probably get arrested if they suspect you aborted it
Everyone talks in "probability" and "low chances" as if there aren't some cold hard physical facts that could be referenced. Yeah ik nothing's 100% but you can't build a house that's an inch bigger on the inside than the outside, and you sure as hell can't live in it if it gets bugbombed every month while you're inside. But the fuckin docs online and everyone with a cousin's girlfriend's coworker says it's possible.
Like i just had my period, exactly the same as ever, but because my pelvic floor muscles are reacting really weird right now and my discharge is weirdly clear and watery I'm paranoid i somehow am 9 months pregnant. Despite my regular periods and multiple negative tests the last few months and safe sex practices with people halfway to sterile. Damn i really just need someone to tell me what mechanism people are omitting when they say you can just not notice an entire pregnancy
submitted by yuriAngyo to Tokophobia [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:51 Lonely_Magazine_1338 Update: negative blood test, positive pregnancy test. Dpo 8-11, brands: CB, FRER, easy@home. Full story.

Update: negative blood test, positive pregnancy test. Dpo 8-11, brands: CB, FRER, easy@home. Full story.
Posted here on friday. I now have some answers, maybe this will help someone at some point. 7/8 dpo late evening: had a small squinter on a FRER, but I didnt see much color and FRERs have a lot of idents, so I thought nothing. 8/9 dpo FMU: I had a pink faint line on a FRER! Was over the moon! Went for a blood test while planning how to tell my husband. Blood test showed my HCG was less than 2.3, so negative. Crashed hard, was sad and felt delusional for thinking it was positive. All of the tests that day had veery faint lines sort of. This sub made me aware that this was probably failed implantation and HCG is leaving my urine as we speak. Tried to make peace with it, was devastated. 9/10 dpo: had a long, busy day, many pee breaks. I had one drugstore test left when i got home in the evening, so I took it to get rid of it. I swear, it had a faint line! My husband and friend said I was insane and theres no second line. I thought maybe its still leftover HCG? Maybe I'm imagining these lines?!? Emotional rollercoaster. Ran to pharmacy, bought more random tests. 10/11 dpo (period due today): A line! No! That is a line! How can that be? Is HCG still on urine but gone from blood? No, that can't be. Took a CB digital, was negative. Okay, maybe it is line eyes. Booked an SOS time with my fertility specialist. Later that evening took a few more tests and got a positive digital. HAPPINESS AND JOY, I am somehow pregnant not delusional! Hour later, I got bad cramps. Like real bad. I started spotting brown. Was sure I was losing this pregnancy. 11/12 dpo: took two tests this morning, still cramping and spotting. Went for my docs appointment who looked at me as if I've lost it. She checked with UH to make sure she's not seeing an ectopic. She said everything looks as it should in luteal phase and she was 100% sure the blood test on friday was not wrong, as shes had no mix-ups happen with their lab so far and they double-check it. I asked for a progesterone + HCG blood test, but she only agreed to do the HCG one for now, saying to take it one test at a time and there is probably something else going on besides pregnancy. Promised to call tmrw. I checked my HCG results a few hours later online and my HCG today is 25.6! So I'm not delusional at least. I'm too scared to be happy, because I still have a little spotting and cramping aand I'm not sure if this HCG level is high enough. But for now, this concludes the story. Thank you everyone in this sub for your help and compassion! More info: PCOS, endo, 1 previous chemical, 1 missed miscarriage, two living children, TTC for 9 months.
submitted by Lonely_Magazine_1338 to TFABLinePorn [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:13 ExtraSafety4385 Pregnancy test lines are getting darker even after medical abortion

Hey so did the medical abortion woth mifo and misoprotone i started bleeding after half an hour and bleed for 3 days . Bleed enough to change 2-3 pads a day and i passed 3 big blood clots . It was on 6th of may and today is 13 th i did my pregnancy test but the line is darker than before . Does it mean i am still pregnancy or it could just be a hcg in my blood. But if you why is it getting darker ?
submitted by ExtraSafety4385 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:12 Chocolatetwatwaffle So I’m 9 DPO I did a urine test which came back negative and a blood test that came to HCG of 0.2. Am out??? (Brand hospital)

So I’m 9 DPO I did a urine test which came back negative and a blood test that came to HCG of 0.2. Am out??? (Brand hospital) submitted by Chocolatetwatwaffle to TFABLinePorn [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:56 Medium_Sympathy6725 Slow Rising HCG with Spotting

I am so confused and would like to hear others’ experiences. I had my first ultrasound (transvaginal) on 5/6. They said they saw only a gestational sac, no yolk or fetal pole. At this point I was pretty sure I was only 5+1 weeks pregnant so I wasn’t surprised we didn’t see anything. I had a repeat ultrasound scheduled for two weeks later.
On 5/8 I started spotting, I only noticed after I wiped. It started as a very small amount and was bright red. I continued lightly spotting until the next morning (now a brown color and not enough to even wear a pad). I went in at the request of my OB and he did a pelvic exam. He could apparently see more blood and said I was most likely having a miscarriage. He sent me for labs to confirm through my HCG levels. I got my first blood draw on 5/8 with a value of 15,834 and my second on 5/11 with a value of 21,485. At the point of the blood draw I would be 5+4 weeks. I was not expecting a rise in values at all.
I have continued lightly spotting since 5/8. I have not passed any noticeable tissue during this time. This is my very first pregnancy.
Has this happened to anyone else? Should I request and ultrasound and another HCG draw? Have I not technically miscarried but will inevitably? I really don’t know what to think right now.
submitted by Medium_Sympathy6725 to CautiousBB [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:57 ellsbells3032 Struggling to believe baby will be ok...with no particular reason c/w early miscarriage

Currently 28 weeks pregnant with a very healthy and moving baby. My 12 and 20 week scans look healthy and have a growth scan on Thursday. But for some reason I can't shake the fear she won't survive and won't be born.
My first pregnancy was very dramatic. Found out late as believed we were infertile then found out it was twins, lost a twin, hospitalised after discovering I'm a T1 diabetic and being borderline ketodonic. Birth at 34 weeks though she was very healthy and no nicu time.
I also had a chemical in the month before we conceived this one. Believed to be due to my short luteal phase and was given progesterone this time and conceived easily. Though my initial HCG pull was the low end of normal my second one had massively increased. The pregnancy has been super healthy and she's passed the additional scans etc due to the diabetes and previous prem birth team tests with flying colours.
Yet I can't just shake the feeling she wasn't meant to be. I'm now getting very attached and worried that at the scan something will be wrong and she won't survive.
It's not ppd as it's not interfering with my life or my work or my sleep etc but I just can't shake it. It feels like this has been too smooth and waiting for the other shoe to drop. Keep being convinced I'm gonna have a still birth.
What can I do to feel more positive?
submitted by ellsbells3032 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 12:02 AutoModerator Weekly Pregnancy Limbo/Concerns - May 13, 2024

We created this space to share pregnancy concerns like:
- Beta HCGs that seem low or might not be doubling appropriately
- Concerning ultrasound findings
- Bleeding issues
- Etc
These posts are welcome in our Daily Thread, but this is a specific area to discuss limbo and concerns.
Lets all remember HCG averages, too! - Under 1,200 mIU/ml: <72 Hours
- 1200-6000 mIU/ml: Between 72 and 96 Hours is average, so <96 is good
- Over 6,000 mIU/ml: >96 Hours is normal, with no known average (so varied)
submitted by AutoModerator to PregnancyAfterLoss [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 12:01 throwawaybaby3337 The Hook Effect is Real!! TEST PICTURES. (7weeks4days pregnant) unknown DPO

The Hook Effect is Real!! TEST PICTURES. (7weeks4days pregnant) unknown DPO
Tests taken 30 seconds apart, Top one using first morning urine, bottom one just sticking the test into the diluted pee in the toilet. The first one freaked me out, but on a whim I did another diluted test which turned much darker. If your tests are getting lighter as you get through your pregnancy, don’t freak out! It is possible the HCG levels are just so high they overwhelm the test, through something called the Hook Effect. Here’s an article explaining it: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/the-hook-effect#:~:text=Summary,in%20her%20blood%20or%20urine.
(*The article does note that this is a rare occurrence)
Having my first ultrasound today after work, and it can’t come soon enough. (FTM….. twins?! 🫢) will update!
submitted by throwawaybaby3337 to TFABLinePorn [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 10:01 AutoModerator LOSS Community Thread - Mon May 13

** This thread is for CONFIRMED losses only. If you suspect a loss and/or have not received confirmation from your RE, then you must post in the Weekly Results Thread until confirmed **
This thread is a dedicated space for members of infertility experiencing a confirmed loss – be it a blighted ovum/anembryonic pregnancy, chemical, ectopic, molar, miscarriage, stillbirth, TFMR, or infant death. This is the space to come together and find support as you grieve, away from the maelstrom of treatment. This is not to imply that these discussions are not allowed in the treatment thread, but is a focused effort to give an additional space to our members grieving a loss. We have many spaces you can discuss a confirmed loss, but we created this space so you don't have to post where it might be hard to.
Please use this space to vent, cry, talk about how you’re coping, share your loss experience, and ask specific questions pertaining to your loss (either resolved or ongoing). Our rules around mentions of pregnancy, children, and prior success still apply in this thread.
Above all - Science minded perspective and respect for others is important here. Please treat your fellow peers with compassion.
If you are looking for further specialized support, we recommend you explore the following communities (their wikis include helpful posts on resolving your loss via multiple methods, coping with your loss, ways for you to honor your grief, and much more):
submitted by AutoModerator to infertility [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 08:24 historysoup_ My Daughter (1F) Seems to Have Unilateral Issues, What Could Be Going On?

Hello Doctors of Reddit!
Over the past year, I have been searching for answers for my daughter, and keep getting brushed off by doctors who only want to focus on their specialty instead of the whole picture, so I want to try and get ideas before we go to see her next specialist. I have been made to feel like I either don't care enough or have Munchausen-by-proxy by the doctors I've had her seen by, even though I've done everything as prescribed and everything has been found through routine examination.
I have a 16-month-old daughter who seems to have issues unilaterally on her left side.
Because her hearing loss was discovered at birth I'll include some of that info too:
She currently sees her pediatrician, audiologist, ophthalmologist and physical therapist. We had a TERRIBLE experience with an ENT, who never had any of her records and never sent referrals, but charged $700/appointment and didn't want to deal with insurance, so it was just going in, getting charged, and the same appointment over and over. We were just able to get a referral to another ENT after significant convincing (and slight begging), so that appointment will be scheduled soon, and hopefully, we can get the referrals for genetics and imaging like the first ENT kept saying they'd send out.
Every doctor we've seen treats each thing as a separate issue, but her dad and I both agree that there are just a lot of coincidences and feel like there is probably some sort of connection even if no one wants to take it seriously. Neither one of us even know where to start looking or what to ask the specialists to look into.
If you had a patient with these symptoms, history, and diagnoses, what would you test? What would be on your radar? Would you think these are all separate issues, or could they potentially be linked?

submitted by historysoup_ to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 08:00 AutoModerator Monday Daily Chat

This thread is where the bulk of the daily conversation, updates, questions, and concerns regarding pregnancy and postpartum following infertility occurs.
If you are newly pregnant and still in the first trimester we encourage you to check out the daily "Cautious Intros & First Trimester Questions/Concerns". We also encourage you to take a look at our WIKI for answers to common questions and early concerns. Questions around early bleeding, HCG/beta values, early gestational measurements, or early pregnancy symptoms are most appropriate in the "Cautious Intros & First Trimester Questions/Concerns".
Postpartum discussion is allowed in the Chat thread, but we also have a dedicated daily Postpartum thread for those that feel more comfortable in a dedicated space.
submitted by AutoModerator to InfertilityBabies [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 08:00 AutoModerator Monday Cautious Intros and First Trimester Questions

Monday Cautious Intros & First Trimester Questions/Concerns Thread
If you have questions about early bleeding/SCH, HCG/beta values, early gestational measurements, or early pregnancy symptoms this thread is for you.
This thread serves as a transitional space for those newly or early confirmed pregnant following infertility. We understand that many folks feel cautious, uncertain, and even alarmed in this early phase when the process to conceiving has been complicated and/or there have been previous losses. If you have not experienced infertility we recommend CautiousBB as an alternative.
This thread is the place for early introductions, first trimester questions, and finding others in the same mind space. We encourage graduates and others further along to respond compassionately to your questions and concerns, but please also consider reviewing our WIKI for commonly asked questions or references.
submitted by AutoModerator to InfertilityBabies [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:35 InterestingHandle481 TW - Nervous as hell for my 6 week appointment

I was insanely thrilled to have two positive hcg tests at day 9 and day 12. I’ve been in a positive mindset until I accidentally happened across a very (TW) triggering IVF story regarding an empty sac at 6 week sonogram. I haven’t been able to get it out of my head. I’m thinking even if all goes well tomorrow, the pregnancy will be looming with fear of loss incessantly. Is this the same for others? How do you cope, stay positive, hopeful and not go to dark places? I feel utterly crazy right now with the emotional swings in positive and negative thoughts.
submitted by InterestingHandle481 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:32 Jumpy-Introduction41 3 weeks, HCG levels at 26000

Last Monday 5/6 I went to the urgent care for vaginal bleeding, they did a pregnancy test and I found out I was about 2 weeks pregnant. Unusual, since I had my period on 4/22-4/27.
Thursday 5/9 I was in the ER for severe vaginal bleeding, where I was even passing blood clots. They did a blood test and found my HCG level to be at 19,000. They did a sonogram and told me I had pregnancy of unknown location and were thinking I was miscarrying. I kept asking about an ectopic pregnancy, but the doc says it is more likely a pregnancy in my uterus.
I went in for a second blood draw on Saturday where my HCG is up to 26,000. I was told to go in on Monday for another blood draw and to schedule an ultrasound.
Today (sunday) I have been having nausea, diarrhea, lethargy, general morning sickness symptoms. Having some mild cramping but no pain. No more bleeding.
I am scared. What is going on?! Has this happened to anyone else?!
Thank you.
submitted by Jumpy-Introduction41 to pregnancyproblems [link] [comments]
