Stomach ache, headache, fever

It all makes sense now

2024.05.14 20:06 deezdrama It all makes sense now

For years Ive suffered from stomach issues that would come and go.
Im 43m and twice in my life I went on the primal diet for about a year each time and felt great.
I came off the primal diet about a year or so ago during a very syressful time... Bought a new house, new job, have to take care of aging mother, etc.... I just didnt have the time to grocery shop and meal prep to stay on the primal diet.
Ive since been eating whatever. I still eat pretty healthy but been eating tortilla chips, buns on burgers, pasta, etc.
Well for 6 months now I havnt had a normal poop. Its like wet sawdust every morning. My stomach is always killing me. Like the pain you have when you have the flu and are about to get sick. My stomach is 24-7 gurgling and twisting. For several months now my joints have been hurting bad, i have no energy, lost alot of muscle.... I try to push myself to workout which I once loved but now am too fatigued after work to bother. Ive been getting headaches and sometimes my feet feel tingly.
The biggest wow factor was when I found out today that gluten intolerance disorders can cause skin issues. Ive had a reoccuring rash on my butt on and off for years.
It all makes sense now and why im suffering but at times when I ate primal diet (clean whole foods, meats,veggies,cheese) i never noticed these miserable symptoms.
I make good money but the health insurance offered at my job is pretty bad so denied it. Guess i need to see about starting it up so i can be checked and diagnosed, but starting today I need to change my diet and avoid gluten.
Any quick tips or resources for info on getting back to clean eating without gluten?
submitted by deezdrama to glutenfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:03 Altruistic-Phrase624 Getting the spark back

My girlfriend (26) and I (26) have been dating for 2 years and live together. We have a great relationship, we support each other and are genuinely friends. We make sure to make an effort for each other and always carve out time for date nights/just spending time together. We have spoke about it before but this is someone I truly want to marry and spend my life with and I know she feels the same. The only problem is the past year our sex lives have come to a halt out of nowhere. The first year of dating it all the time and atleast several times a week. It was something both of us craved and enjoyed every time. But right around the 1 year mark it came to a screeching halt, we have it once every 2/3 months…. We have spoke about this twice now, once she brought it up and the other I did but the both times she described having low libido recently which did not used to be an issue. After we talk it’s better for like 2 weeks then back to what it was, I have expressed I appreciate her making the extra effort. The thing is throughout most days we are intimate, always touching/kissing/being around each other but every single night once we lay down in bed or are about to head to bed she announces she doesn’t feel well. Nausea, headache, bloated, tired, heartburn, body ache it is truly something every night. It’s to the point I really think she is just announcing something is wrong so I don’t try and initiate sex.
I don’t know what to do because I have been shut down so many times I have stopped initiating and we have spoke about the issue twice before but same result. I’m also feeling guilty myself because I am noticing other women more especially the longer we go without sex. I keep it to myself but I grow more frustrated when I feel like she is announcing something is wrong just because. I am really lost as to how this happened because everything else is perfect and this was never an issue before.
submitted by Altruistic-Phrase624 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:02 peachjojo Ketotic Hypoglycemia - early indicator of T1D?

Back story: My 4 year old daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 3 months ago. We have no family history, but I have been hyper-aware with symptoms in my other children.
Spoke with my sons pediatrician and she wasn't concerned as of right now. Not looking for medical advise- just wondering if I'm overreacting and this is normal for a nondiabetic child. My nondiabetic 6 yr old started to feel sick yesterday (fever, sore throat) we pushed fluids and he still ate, but definitely not his normal amount. Woke up and didn't want breakfast because of an upset stomach, but chugged 2 bottles of water. I'm hyper-aware of T1D symptoms after my daughters diagnosis. I check his pee, large ketones. Trying not to freak out too much as he hasn't eaten since last night and hardly ate yesterday. Here's the thing that freaked me out even more- blood sugar was 49! 49!!! My daughter has never been this low. I tried to have him drink a juice but he started vomitting. I had him sip on pedialyte and eat a popsicle. Blood sugar went to 74. He was not feeling well when his bg was low. Said he felt like he couldn't move and thought his legs are paralyzed. He's now feeling so much better and starting to eat like normal.
I believe he had ketotic hypoglycemia. Can be somewhat common in kids especially when they're sick, from what I researched. My question is: I've come across stories of this being a super early symptom of T1D. Something about the pancreas basically malfunctioning. I guess I'm looking for people to share their stories that had a similar experience. Did you experience hypos months or even years before diagnosis? It makes me wonder as I look back on some of my daughter's symptoms before diagnosis and maybe she had hypoglycemic episodes and I just had no idea.
submitted by peachjojo to Type1Diabetes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:02 duckthisplanet Tea was my comfort beverage. Day 4th

I had been quite a heavy tea and coffee drinker for over 15 years. Multiple mugs of strong black tea per day, 1-2 coffees, usually with a double shot of espresso, and sometimes a cola or an energy drink on top of that.
I decided to give up because I noticed that lately, my stomach issues have been exacerbated after each mug of tea or cup of coffee.
Anyway, it's the fourth day with no caffeine, and I'm so tired, fatigued, my head aches, my appetite is diminished, and I'm irritable. It feels like a mild flu but without a fever.
Black tea used to be my all-time comfort beverage, which always accompanied me, and strong coffee would often start my day. I could honestly say tea was my friend in good times and bad times. To be honest, my IBS is the only reason I am giving up on them, but I did not expect the withdrawals to be this annoying. But I bet that's what you get for 15+ years of daily caffeine consumption.
submitted by duckthisplanet to decaf [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:59 msornot2 Feel like my time is close at age 23

M23, white, europe, 5’10, 150 lbs, skinny, duration of complaint a year +.
My issue is lately neurological, started in June, tingling here and there, now suddenly eye pain every single day, Lhermitte sign, MRI of c spine was clear so it’s definitely brain related. Headache comes everyday, lasts for an hour, whenever I walk I feel as if my body is going up and down as if I’m on a trampoline.. had a brain MRI in march 2023 over a year ago and way before my issues, it was clear.
I wake up, go to work scared as shit come home scared as shit, smoke a cigarette to cope, cry, sleep and repeat. Worst symptom is the head ache and the bouncing up and down when walking but only happens inside.
Can anyone tell me if I truly had a brain tumor, could it have grown in a year so fast.. may God let my soul rest if that’s my case.
Also when I tap the back of my neck or head or even wrist, my leg buzzes, and worst part is if I tap the right side my left leg buzz and vice versa. Something is messed up.
submitted by msornot2 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:58 promisesat5undown Panic attack at work, help.

Trigger warning- I’m panicking too much and on my phone to abbreviate or use code so full words are in this post. I’m so sorry 😞
I’m currently stuck at work for another hour or so and just started panicking. My son (14) had diarrhea yesterday, which is weird because he NEVER gets diarrhea, kid has intestines of steel. He complained of a headache and pain in his stomach that was worse on the left side. I’m a nurse so I made sure it was his left side, not his right because: appendicitis. He said he felt a bit better when bedtime rolled around.
This morning as my wife was getting him ready for school he said he was nauseous so she gave him some Zofran. He’s got a lot of mental health issues and is often nauseous right before school. I’ve gotten used to that as it’s been going on for years and he’s only ever thrown up if he takes his medication on an empty stomach.
This morning though he actually threw up right as he got to school, like in the parking lot. He had breakfast and Zofran so no empty stomach. It’s been causing me anxiety all day and now turned into full blown panic because I’ve started having some right sided pain myself and I can’t leave work. It feels like the pain I get with ovarian cysts/endo but what if I’m wrong this time and he’s sick with something and now I have it since I’m around him all the time.
I hate this. I’m a nurse for crying out loud, a pediatric psych one for that matter. I deal with a lot of throwing up( anxiety, meds, bad periods, migraines) and it doesn’t bug me because I can’t catch those. But I CANNOT handle the possibility of something contagious and all my nurse logic goes out the window.
He’s only had the diarrhea once and thrown up one and not on the same day. Do you think I should worry this is a bug?
submitted by promisesat5undown to emetophobia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:34 Valetion This bit me last night (ID request Alberta Canada)

This bit me last night (ID request Alberta Canada)
I’ll do my best to list what I can see about the spider, because I know my camera quality is very poor
  • Black body colour, not hairy in any way
  • Orange/copper coloured belly (in no discernible shape)
  • 4 non-coloured dimples on its abdomen in the same pattern that you’d see the number 4 on a dice
I’ll also list what I’ve experienced post bite. It bit me on my palm while I was trying to get the last Pepsi out of the box
  • Swelling of entire hand
  • Pain, stiffness, and numbness in fingers, wrist, and elbow
  • Eyelids swelling (9 hours post bite)
  • Headache (could also just be from the stress of the situation— I am not good with spiders)
  • Sweating, but unable to tell if I’m having fevers (again, could also just be stress)
submitted by Valetion to spiders [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:23 Icy-Dot8073 Does anyone have any advice on what I should be doing

Conditions- ankylosing spondylitits, crohns
I have ulcers in my illuem they found in a colonoscopy.
I started on aajonus diet, I thought it was critical to get loads of fat in. Even though I don’t digest fat well.
I overloaded on cream and kept drinking the fermented milk. I think I aggravated my ulcer.
So for the past 3 days I’ve been doing eggs only and cabbage juice I did last night.
I can’t sleep due to urgency every 30 minutes. I have been having yellow diarrhea from hell, so much mucus in my diarrhea. And stomach pains. Sometimes the diarrhea is so bad I start sweating and get a fever. Some blood too.
The cabbage juice felt Like it did help but hard to tell.
Is there something else I should be doing for my situation?
submitted by Icy-Dot8073 to rawprimal [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:57 f0r_everyoung exposure progress!

I (19F) had a 24 hour stomach bug on friday , it was awful. i was exhausted, had a headache, bloated, stomach cramps, dizzy, diarrhea, 38.5 fever, it was scary. i got very nauseous at times and almost fainted once but i never actually threw up. i felt pretty run down the next few days but recovered pretty well!
my partner, unfortunately caught what i had a few days later. and he ended up throwing up quite a bit. but i managed to keep my composure and helped him get settled in bed to rest and stayed there with him. he started to feel a little better after a few hours and we decided to go for a short walk, but he was throwing up small amounts on and off throughout the walk. but it didn’t make me panic :) im really proud of myself for pushing through the initial shock and being able to take care of him and help him through the sickness. he had all the same symptoms from when I was sick. he took really great care of me when that happened so I’m glad I was able to be there for him.
he feels a lot better today and since I already went through that, I’m not too worried about getting sick. big progress for me the last while :))
submitted by f0r_everyoung to emetophobiarecovery [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:48 AstanaH Can't tell

When you can't tell whether you have nauseation or stomach ache so you cannot decide between going to take a dump or puking
submitted by AstanaH to Relatable [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:46 Dani_ele1 IBS or something more?

About two months ago I (34F) started having stomach aches/cramping, changes in bowel habits and a feeling like something was stuck or like I wasn’t done even if I’d just gone to the bathroom or knew I didn’t need to go. I went to a GI about two weeks later and she said it could be colitis or IBS, she called for a FIT test and blood work (both came back normal) and a six week diet (two weeks gluten free, two lactose free and two fodmap). While the stomach pains went away, the changes in bowel and the feeling of something stuck or incomplete did not go away. I had a follow up yesterday and now she has ordered a colonoscopy for a month from now. She mentioned it could be internal hemorrhoids or colitis and also said she’s not worried but still wants to go in and look. Even though she seems unconcerned I am terrified. My worst fear is that it could be something much more serious and that diagnosis is taking too long. My question is do those of you who have experienced similar symptoms agree with her assessment or could my fears be valid and I should do more to get answers sooner? All thoughts welcome, thank you in advance.
submitted by Dani_ele1 to IBSHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:44 Dani_ele1 Hemorrhoid or something more?

About two months ago I (34F) started having stomach aches/cramping, changes in bowel habits and a feeling like something was stuck or like I wasn’t done even if I’d just gone to the bathroom or knew I didn’t need to go. I went to a GI about two weeks later and she said it could be colitis or IBS, she called for a FIT test and blood work (both came back normal) and a six week diet (two weeks gluten free, two lactose free and two fodmap). While the stomach pains went away, the changes in bowel and the feeling of something stuck or incomplete did not go away. I had a follow up yesterday and now she has ordered a colonoscopy for a month from now. She mentioned it could be internal hemorrhoids or colitis and also said she’s not worried but still wants to go in and look. Even though she seems unconcerned I am terrified. My worst fear is that it could be something much more serious and that diagnosis is taking too long. My question is do those of you who have experienced similar symptoms agree with her assessment or could my fears be valid and I should do more to get answers sooner? All thoughts welcome, thank you in advance.
submitted by Dani_ele1 to hemorrhoid [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:33 knightrx8 Can this be all gallbladder related?

I 42m been having an attack for weeks now, to the point I'm barely eating anything. I keep having the usual RUQ pain that goes to the back specially if I eat anything fatty. I have pain on my LQ by bottom rib. I also have joint pain in my wrista and ankles. and this weird feeling on my toes or fingers like if I put bengay on the skin, numbness. Headaches neck pain, that nasty taste on my mouth like when you throw up and have nothing left on the stomach. Blood pressure have been high for me around 140/90 constantly. I been to the ER 2x in two weeks they do blood work and say it's nothing heart related gave me a morphine and sent me on my way. I have my surgery now scheduled for June 21. And aside from sludge on my GB and the symptoms, the only other thing was hida said I had a EF of 86. Anxiety is just kicking my ass because so much shit going on and dont know how to make it better.
submitted by knightrx8 to gallbladders [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:13 Mercenary-Adjacent Aches, pains but better sleep & less sugar (?)

I’m on day two of Buspar and 2nd week of a lower dose of Progesterone (on top of Estrogen). I basically slept and rested most of the weekend and had jaw pain, but I feel way better and more mentally refreshed. Took a muscle relaxer Saturday night and slept for 10 hours (it made my groggy). My INSANE cravings for carbs and sugar are WAY down. Yesterday I didn’t have my usual mid afternoon sugar cravings and at dinner I put away half a slice of cake after deciding I was satiated like wtf am I? I have not stopped eating an otherwise delicious piece of cake mid way in probably years.
The flip side is the pain. Jaw is looser but had jaw and tension headaches most of last week and weekend (could it be the solar flares?) and sat indoors despite perfect weather. Today I am having aches and pains all over (had them last week too). Didn’t sleep great last night or the night before (I screwed up my sleep schedule over the weekend and am having trouble getting to bed early). I’ve got a massage scheduled later today. An eye exam later this week (in case my glasses are part of the headaches) and acupuncture later this week again.
I feel like my choices are psychological torture (the sleeplessness and intense hot flashes) or physical torture (headaches, jaw aches, body aches). Anyone else experiencing this? Hoping I can get to sleep earlier tonight. My sleep quality is better overall.
submitted by Mercenary-Adjacent to Menopause [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:05 euro_trashh Is low grade fever a herx or a flare up?

Sick with lyme for 10 years. I started treatment 5 months ago but stopped around 4 month mark because of frequent herxes (I know, I shouldn’t have), felt perfect like I was back to being healthy for around 3 weeks and then It hit me. My typical herx symptoms- nausea and vertigo. Went back on protocol but started very small with 5 drops of cryptoleptis.
After around 3 days I got a fever of 37.8 (100 F), intense tmj pain and headache, chills, allodynia, neck pain, fatigue, shortness of breath, stomachache, muscle pain, lower back pain, nausea.
it’s the second day I feel this way and I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do. Is this bacteria hitting me hard because I stopped treatment? Is this a herx? I don’t know whether I should keep on killing the bacteria with cryptoleptis or just do detoxing? I feel the worst I’ve ever had, like ER bad. Painkillers barely do anything
submitted by euro_trashh to Lyme [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:53 Single_Helicopter_91 Hello guys! I-showcase ko lang the analog horror game I made in Unreal Engine 5.

Hello guys! I-showcase ko lang the analog horror game I made in Unreal Engine 5.
Got inspired by the analog horror genre and made a horror game in Unreal Engine 5. Nag base ako sa Tangi Virus and The Mandela Catalogue for the story of the game and, for the aesthetics, triny kong i-implement yung VHS-style found footage na look.
The demo got released on my Itch page and it's FREE. Here is the link:
If you want to have a read sa lore here is it which is also in the description on my Itch page for the game:
On February 20, 2001, a virus outbreak occurred in a barangay (a Philippine term for a town/suburb/district) in Batangas City, Philippines. Its origin remains a mystery, yet many residents began suffering from sleep disorders, dry throat, fever, and frequent headaches.
Although standard medications alleviated these symptoms, they were unaffordable for some due to their living conditions.
As a result, the virus went untreated in certain cases, leading to violent behavior and self-harm. Reports indicate that affected individuals lacked recollection of these violent acts and are also experiencing visual and auditory schizophrenic episodes.
This is a VHS-style found footage, analog, a psychological horror game about the experience of one of the extreme cases of the virus that was left untreated.
Hope you guys like it!
submitted by Single_Helicopter_91 to Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:48 Chillboy2 Not sure if its a rabies exposure

I am a 17 year old male from india west bengal. In late march i think 28th march , i went out to get some physics books for my school. While i was waiting in line at the store a dog came near my feet but i dont think it touched me or its mouth came close. But i did feel my right ankle feel cold for a moment as if some water slid down there. I think it was my sweat evaporating ( cause i was sweating profusely at that time ) . But from the next day i had a peculiar symptom. My right leg's calf muscle had been aching when i was resting it. For example at night. During the day when i am physically active, i never felt any hinderance cause of that. Even if i did sometimes applying a pain relief spray could relieve the pain for 3-4 hours. But the pain was recurring. And as i am typing right now, the calf muscle pain is the only thing thats bothering me right now. I dont think i contacted rabies. My right ankle doesnt have any cuts. The dog didnt bite me or scratch me ( i wore some tight pants so i wouldve known if that was the case ) . I did have some fever like symptoms in past few days but that was completely because of my poor sleep ( 2-3 hours max at night ) and i recovered after fixing my sleep schedule. I am just anxious about this. Any help or assurance would help. THERE IS NO TINGLING OR ITCHING NEAR MY ANKLE IT LOOKS NORMAL.
submitted by Chillboy2 to rabies [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:47 Comfortable-Carry563 Is God trying to take me out ? Lol JK but I definitely feel like it sometimes

I have migraines with aura, and I also get tension headaches. I also suffer from CVS AKA cyclic vomiting syndrome. Sometimes, a wonderful ( Obviously sarcasm) combination of both , called a mixed tension migraine with aura.
I do take rizatriptan if it's only a Migraine with aura . I also have promethazine oral and suppositories if I'm also having nausea and vomiting, or if I'm in a cycle of my CVS. But I also have fiorcet with codeine and 5 mg Valium that I take if I'm having a tension Migraine or a delightful ( Once again, sarcasm.) Mixed tension Migraine with aura. As well as numerous other health issues to the point I'm almost always in pain.
I am blessed to have an absolutely amazing primary care dr who also suffers from mixed tension migraines, so he knows exactly what I'm going through. So, I'm able to get my desperately needed medications from him instead of pain management or a neurologist.
But , in all honesty, I am blessed because I have amazing, i.e., very expensive, private family insurance. I pay a ton for it every month , so I'm sure this helps ! It is an absolute necessity for my child and I to have very good health insurance due to my health history.
I have a history of ovarian and cervical cancer. DVT blood clots, ( which I currently have 3 in my left arm, diagnosed after extensive imaging less than 11 days ago . Which they're guessing this time , that they're from a combo of laparoscopic surgery, plus my blood clotting disorder) last time I had 2 DVT blood clots , 1 in my arm , 1 in my leg from they're guessing , a combo of my blood clotting disorder plus IVF medications .
This led to pulmonary embolism twice in 2021, ( while undergoing IVF, thankfully, before my FET ) 1x before being in the hospital and then again while in the hospital.
I also unfortunately have 47 different severe allergies , some to food , medications, and different environmental factors , think animal dander, pollen, bee stings etc ( most of which are anaphylactic reactions), a rare blood clotting disorder which led to 11 miscarriages and 3 late term losses. As well as adenomyosis, endometriosis, severe stomach bleeding, uterine fibroids, Nonneoplastic polyps in my colon, diverticulitis, obviously migraines with aura and mixed tension migraines, tension headaches, CVS AKA cyclic vomiting syndrome, severe insomnia , anxiety. ( which , duh, look at my health history)
I was also in a devastating car wreck when I was 7, which left me in a coma for 13 months . I've had surgery on both shoulders twice, 4 times on my right ankle, and numerous other surgeries.
I also , after having an emergency c section due to a placental abruption at 31 weeks with my son . I then ended up having severe postpartum hemorrhage and sepsis 7 days later due to the on call dr leaving a piece of my placenta inside me ! ( I had to be admitted to the hospital , thank goodness it was the same hospital that my son had been transferred to because they had a level 4 NICU . The hemorrhage also resulted in me having to have blood and iron infusions numerous times . I also have the BRCA Gene 1 & 2 , an immediate family history of colon cancer and breast cancer, as well as AML AKA acute myeloid leukemia. Heart disease and numerous others.
I once semi jokingly said to my PCP ( primary care provideDr), do you ever get the feeling that God is trying to take you out ? Because it feels like that to me, lol . Being the absolutely amazing Dr that he is , he said , he's not trying to take you out , he's just showing/proving (to) you how strong and resilient you are. He has amazing things for you in the future ❤️ Sorry this was so long ! I didn't realize how long it was going to be !
submitted by Comfortable-Carry563 to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:40 cass3139 Is this normal, or is it all in my head?

Hey guys! I hope you’re all doing well, or the best that you can be. I wanted to get your opinions on something and hear your experiences.
I had TT done in December, 2023. Despite getting covid three weeks after, the recovery from the surgery itself wasn’t that bad. However, I felt a major shift in how I felt once I no longer had my self-made thyroid hormone. I started feeling really sluggish and unbelievably tired, and I always felt sick to some degree-constant headaches, aching, hot flashes, sweating, shaking, etc.
I kept telling myself that it’ll just take some time, but eventually I’ll adapt. Well now I’m six months out, and this is still my norm. I can’t do my normal activities without needing 3-4 hours of sleep afterwords. I’m quickly getting frustrated.
I had my TSH and my thyroglobulin checked back in April. My tumor markers are still slightly detectable, but my endo believes that they will improve with time. My TSH just BARELY tips me over into hyperthyroidism. (I think my values were 0.34, and the lowest normal value was 0.35). I wonder if this is the cause of my symptoms? Before my TT, my TSH values were always normal, around 1.3-1.8 (give or take) and I felt relatively fine. I wonder if maybe I just need my dose adjusted? What do you guys think? Is this normal, or am I making something out of nothing?
submitted by cass3139 to thyroidcancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:37 One_Progress_4160 Friendly reminder to keep track of your menstrual cycles!

My anxiety spiked HEAVILY recently, and because I forgot to track my cycle, my period hit me unexpectedly and it made a bit more sense.
Hormones can be a literal hurricane with pre-existing mood disorders. In my case, it exacerbated my anxious thoughts and physical symptoms (stomach and general restlessness) right before and during my period. (Sometimes during ovulation also)
If you're someone who gets heavily affected by their menstruation cycle changes definitely keep track of them! It can also help your GP/Psychiatrist if you're also currently medicated for your anxiety in discussing possible short-term relief treatments or just explanations for heightened anxiety.
Most importantly is to be kind to yourself. Stay hydrated and do some light stretching (which helps since I get really bad muscle aches) to get that blood flowing.
submitted by One_Progress_4160 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:59 CrazyDude10528 I think I have long COVID, and it's hitting me hard today.

Hey all, so back in December, I got hit hard with COVID. You name it, I had it. Body aches, chills, 104F fever, N, stomach ache, loss of smell and taste, etc. It was really bad. Probably the most S I've ever been.
Since then, I have experienced long Covid symptoms. I started losing a bunch of hair in March, and recently, I have been short of breath, anxious, and very fatigued.
Last night, I laid down to watch TV at 7pm, and slept until 6:45am. I remember getting up briefly at one point with a bad gas cramp, but managed to get back to sleep.
When I got up, I felt like I didn't sleep at all. All my limbs feel like there's sand bags on them, and whenever I go up and down the steps, I feel like I'm out of breath.
My stomach is also acting up. I had to go to the bathroom twice so far, and it's been normal, but I feel slightly N. Because I can't breathe right, and I'm a little N, it's making me feel like I'm going to have a panic attack.
My oxygen is fine, I have a meter to test it, and it's at 99%. I just don't know what's going on with my stomach.
Has anyone here had something similar after having COVID?
submitted by CrazyDude10528 to EmetophobiaTalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:38 Traditional-Newt-201 Sayonara Guys🥹!

Sayonara Guys🥹!
So the Journey of Jee and other Exams comes to and end . been a long time , 3 years i gave to this haha , Just like any normal jee aspirant Been through many canon events, did many many mistakes & from watching kota factory to going to kota , dropper ka mazak banane se khud dropper tak and now even failing as a dropper 😂 been a long time , finally the improvement exam results came yesterday missed bits criteria by 6 marks . Had a stomach ache during maths paper 😂 bathroom ke saath acha time bitaya paper ke beech mei and improvement bhi fuck up hogya. so this bitsat paper is the last exam im going to write for the sake of the time and effort i put onto it . And well yeah this is where the journey ends , i joined this subreddit not too long ago but i had a great time here with some very nice people. hoping to do justice to my family for the support they have provided me later in someway. Thank You Will come once in a while to lurk here and enjoy some canon events of juniors
submitted by Traditional-Newt-201 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]