Best texting forwards


2019.08.03 16:35 RoryVB HelpWithTexting

We all know the feeling of not knowing what to say to a person. While this is very frustrating, you do have the option these days to take your time and think about what to say through texting or emailing. Here you can post your conversation problems and get the best answers from other perspectives!

2012.03.01 01:43 kieuk Linguistics for people whom know what's what


2011.03.06 06:13 New York City Seddit Lair


2024.05.14 17:47 olivia_vi how to make friends w bpd?

i’m 19, doing college online, am starting a new job so hopefully i’ll find someone there. i really, really just want a best friend. i’m thinking of texting an old friend of mine. we had a rocky relationship but i need someone.
submitted by olivia_vi to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:47 Adventurous_Walk2786 What do I do.

Hey everyone! I 20 F, and my BF 20 M have been together for about 6 years and are in a very serious relationship. My only issue is his mom. My bf was raised in a strict Cuban household with a divorced mother and 2 older siblings. When we first started dating in high school MIL was VERY strict and would always try and prevent my bf from seeing me. After numerous arguments, my bf and his mom began to develop a very toxic relationship. MIL was not happy with my bf always defending me and my family. Throughout the years MIL has done some HORRIBLE things to both me and my bf. She has emotionally strained my bf to the point where he had to seek therapy, she has tried "cuddling" with him after he has stated tons of times how uncomfortable that made him feel, she has faked passing out to get him to stay at home, and has made a very traumatic impact on his life. She continuously says she is a "cool mom" however, expected my bf to be celibate, invaded privacy in regards to my bf showering, and has put up several cameras in their house to see what my bf and I do when we are together (it feels like im in a live stream). MIL has made fun of my weight, and has made rude comments about my family not being able to help me (my mother has been struggling with brain cancer for the past 7 years), has told my bf to reconsider other options with girls, and much more. This list can go on for both my bf and me however it's way too long. At times, my bf wished me and his mom would have a good connection, but after the 2023-2024 year, he truly gave up because he despised his mother. Recently, my life has taken an unexpected turn. My mother has not been doing well and being home from college has made me see how hard cancer has been for my mother. My bf, also being back from college (we attend the same university), has been there to help my family and me. The other night, I was venting to my bf about being anxious about how much time I have left with my mother. Suddenly, my bf got a call from his 2 sisters stating that their mom fell and hit her head (they sounded horrific, yelling that their mom's head was bleeding out). My bf asked if he could head out and I told him to please get home and help (which I understood due to one of my close family friends passing away from falling and hitting their head (truly traumatic for me and my bf's family knew about that)). I texted my bf about 10 minutes later asking if he needed help getting his mother to the hospital, etc. I got a FaceTime a minute later and it was his best friend who had just arrived back from college to surprise my bf. MIL grabbed the phone LAUGHING saying it was a joke. My face had a look of disgust. MIL KNEW why my bf was at my house and how hard I had been struggling mentally about my mom. Bf was in utter disgust and took his friend home while explaining the entire situation to his friend. His friend was also very weirded out because MIL INSISTED that they did that surprise THAT night and MIL also INSISTED that they say she fell and hit her head. The friend had said that he tried to plan another surprise that would not require something this intense and when my bf was not busy helping me or my family. When my bf arrived back at his house his mother tried talking to my bf but he ignored her. She repeatedly stated that "that was the only way I could get you back home" (which is not true). We are both furious. We went to a huge family dinner last night, and she tried to speak to both of us as if nothing happened, however, my bf and I both acted off towards her. I am so confused because all of my friends and their MIL are so close. I just don't think I can forgive the damage she did these past years. Any advice?
submitted by Adventurous_Walk2786 to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:45 v1omega 24 [M4F] Canada/Online - Looking for one and only

I am looking for a genuine relationship that can flower into something more and beautiful. I crave companionship and I am tired of lurking just to get ghosted.
About me:
What I am looking for:
Other than that thank you for reading this far. Hopefully if you are interested let me know why you are interested or share a lil bit about yourself. I will exchange pics early. I look forward to reading all of your responses (hopefully there are some). Love you lots take care. :)
submitted by v1omega to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:45 Worldly-Diet5374 Question: Headlines and Primary Text

At the ad level, Facebook gives advertisers the option to enter up to 5 different headlines and primary texts.
Should we really be creating 5 different options for facebook to test? What's the best practice?
submitted by Worldly-Diet5374 to FacebookAds [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:40 deadboltwolf Facing Our Own Mortality, the Fragility of Life and the Illusion of Choice

(I understand this is a bit of a read so I included a tl:dr at the bottom)
This may end up becoming a wall of text so I apologize in advance. I'm not sure how to properly start this so I'll just jump into it. I've been living with my best friends for the past 8 years. The 4 of us moved in together in early 2016 after deciding it would be beneficial financially and because we all get along so damn well that we knew there wouldn't be any issues living under the same roof. Fast forward to today and although 2 them have moved out, I'm still living here with my one buddy and his girlfriend. Things are still great there, no signs of friendship deterioration, tolerance or anything that might cause friction between us. However, I've been witness to a few things as well as started experiencing health issues that have completely changed the outlook I had on life back when we moved in together nearly a decade ago.
A little over 3 years ago I began dealing with awful IBS issues that to this day are still not properly being treated as doctors can't figure out what's wrong with my gut. Over the past 4 months I have begun dealing with nearly debilitating anxiety that has left me pretty much unable to leave the house except for doctor's appointments or the extremely occasional outing to a family or friend's house where I'm only able to stay for about an hour before having to leave. I do see a psychologist as well as a psychiatrist and I am on medication for both the IBS and anxiety, which helps but is in no way a cure. Due to these issues, I have become a shell of the person I used to be. No longer do I wake up and just decide to take a drive to the Jersey shore, a trip to Six Flags or head into the city to catch a Phillies game. Instead, I sit in the house and play video games or watch youtube as doing almost anything else is sure to set my anxiety or IBS off which may or may not land me in the ER.
My buddy that I still live with has been through absolute hell the past few years but luckily he's the kind of person who can just raw dog life (as in, he doesn't deal with any physical or mental issues, rarely gets sick and has no trouble going anywhere, doing anything, can eat whatever he wants without issues, etc.). He lost his mom to cancer last year. She passed exactly one week after Mother's Day. She lived here with us for about the final year of her life. Me and him have been friends for a good 20+ years at this point so his mom was like a mother to me as well, especially being as I don't have a proper relationship with my own mother. Watching her suffer through years of cancer only to pass away at 54 years old was heartbreaking. At least she's finally at peace now, of course. Now, his dad is also going through cancer treatment which is a recurrence of cancer that was found years ago, which automatically makes it stage 4. His prognosis is not grim but to many of us, his dad just seems done with it all. He stays here with us on weekends and with his sister during the week. We can see how much of a toll it's all taking on him. He won't admit it but we know that he doesn't want to put his son through all of this again after losing his mom just last year. If he was given a choice to "go" right now, he would take it, 100% to alleviate any more potential suffering at his or anyone else's behalf. His (my friend's) girlfriend also deals with chronic health issues both physical and mental which has helped open his eyes to the things that other people (who can't just raw dog life) go through on a daily basis. She lost her father when she was in her early 20s so it's helpful to him that she understands what losing a parent feels like.
Watching all of this happen just makes me realize how little our health care industry and government actually seem to care about our true wishes regarding life and death. Why did his mom have to suffer all those years with a terminal diagnosis? Why does his dad have to suffer now? Just because they're both in their 50s and not elderly it seems like care is always about treatment and not giving them the option to leave this life with their dignity intact. I myself would choose to leave this world if the door was opened for me. That does not mean that I am currently having thoughts of killing myself. It means that if the option was presented to me, to go out on my own terms, I would take it. Suicide is still extremely taboo in our society for some reason. Religion and government would have you think it is a crime against humanity but what is more humane than letting someone decide on their own terms that they're ready to move on? We are given this broad illusion of choice as children that we will get to grow up to be who we want to be and if we just try hard enough, we can accomplish anything. But for the vast majority of us, that is just not true. It is an illusion. We work and work and work just to barely earn enough money to survive and many end up in unhappy marriages solely because that's what society made them think they had to do as an adult.
Watching someone you love like family suffer and die will change you. Developing health issues that flip you from being someone outgoing, spontaneous. hard working and passionate into the complete opposite of those things will change you. Discovering that our healthcare system and government will do everything it possibly can to keep you as a "functioning member of society" no matter whether you're going through cancer treatment or dealing with chronic health issues will change you.
I'm 37 years old and I've never felt older in my life than I do right now. It's been almost 3 months that I've been on FMLA from work for the second time in 3 years. I'm wearing a heart monitor because my cardiologist wants to rule out any issues as my heart racing/palpitations are most likely just due to anxiety. Medication doesn't feel like it's doing much of anything and I'm watching the people around me grow older and deal with new problems every day. Yet our society says that we must keep going, no matter if you're suffering because the gears must keep turning. If we truly have the choice to do whatever we want to do in life, why aren't we allowed the choice to leave when we are ready? Why is it taboo? People kill themselves in horrific fashion every single day, more than once every *minute* worldwide. They want a way to fix that and the solution is right there in front of them. Give people the option to leave on their own terms. I've had plenty of conversations about this with friends and family and almost every single one of us would choose to leave on our own terms, when we are ready if the option were available. Hell, even my psychologist agrees with me on this. There's always a big debate about the ethics of it all but until you witness firsthand someone suffering and dying or begin dealing with your own health issues there really isn't any way to understand it. The vast majority of people are out there just raw dogging life and thoughts like these never cross their mind even once. But once it's brought up to them, they understand and accept it, at least in my own personal experiences from talking with friends and family. Ethics, health, religion, government, society, all of these things play a role in determining our fate. I just hope that someday a program is put in place so that people no longer have to suffer.
Finishing up, I understand that my condition is nowhere near as bad as what many others may be dealing with. Some people will look at me with disdain for wanting to walk through the door at only 37 years old while others will understand exactly where I'm coming from and feel the same. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs. I am appreciative of the healthcare system while also criticizing its flaws. I'm glad that religion provides so many with the means to live a happy and healthy life while also believing that many views (and laws) put forth by religious folk are vile and extremely outdated. I am glad that there are systems in place to help people in their darkest hours while also understanding completely why so many choose to leave. At 37 I still have plenty of my life left ahead of me, even if I don't want to get old. I still have things to look forward to such as video game releases or a new series to watch that keep me going. But I also acknowledge that there is a part of me that is ready to go. I have seen what life has to offer. I have lived with my family, on my own, while in a relationship and with my best friends. I do not want to get married or have kids. I do not want to work until I'm 65 (retirement age is likely to rise during my lifetime anyway). I do not want to get old and become a burden on anyone, either family/friends, healthcare workers or the average citizens who would have to pay for my social security.
Lose the illusion of choice and give people the option to go when they are ready.
If you managed to read through all of that, I just want to say thanks! Life is a beautiful thing and I am incredibly thankful for all of the amazing people I've met over the years and for the things that I've been able to do and see. This is not a post about wanting to commit suicide, it's main focus should be that we are forced into this world against our will and given the illusion of choice but when it comes down to it, we really don't have that much choice in how we live our lives and especially not when it comes to wanting it to end. Life can be incredibly fragile and many of us took that for granted until health issues decided it was time to show their ugly faces. I truly do not believe that feeling like you are ready to go should be considered taboo in any way. It should be something that everyone is provided a safe and comfortable space to discuss, whether with loved ones or medical professionals. For all of you out there just raw dogging life, I see you and I hope that someday I can get back to that, I really do miss being able to do whatever I wanted without a second thought. And of course, for anyone who knows what it feels like to be ready to go, to feel confident and comfortable with that decision, I see you as well and hope that the rest of society someday sees that as normal.
tl:dr I am 37 years old and over the past half decade I've watched family and people who were like family to me suffer and die from cancer or other health-related issues. I also deal with debilitating anxiety and IBS issues which obviously are nowhere near the level of something like cancer. However, I've discovered I have a feeling of "being ready to go" and I believe that people should be able to choose to leave this life with dignity and on their own terms without having to do something horrific. The healthcare industry, religious beliefs or government should not force us to remain here against our own free will just so we can keeps the gears of society turning. Let people leave on their own terms when they know that they are ready and get rid of the stigma surrounding talking about death.
submitted by deadboltwolf to RedditForGrownups [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:40 Exciting_Sea7533 Which is better?

I had a last chat with my gf today via txt. It`s over. I`m so heart broken. I wanted to get a peace of mind and her come to my place (outside) so i can say goodbye (hug) and give her some of her things back. First she accepted, but after 3hours she sent text she can´t face me now. She is having hard time divorcing from maniac ex who is mentally abusing her and is having therapy so lot of stress. She wants space and being alone so she dumbed me even though we had amazing 4-5months. I was good to her always other than wanting to see more often which pissed her sometimes and i apologized it today. I tried to lay the option that we could continue the way she wants, but no. She just can`t have anything going with any man at the moment and i said i can wait her to get better and be supportive by her side, but she didn´t ask me to wait and wants to set me free which feels like knife to heart.
I can give her things at gym we both go. So my question is should i wait that she would come to meet my place to get the stuff back? Even though she was very against it later today and said throw them away. I could give her things back at the gym, but i can`t say my goodbyes there so that would leave me sad as there is no final closure if this is really the end.
Other question is i can go the gym at the times she goes there and she was actually fine us seeing at the gym going forward as we don´t chat there just say hi. I would love that as for the time i see her i feel better, but i don´t know can i then move forward in life. I don´t think i can anyway for long time as she was so special. I don`t want to let go and watching the YT clips "the power of walking away" so kinda same as no contact to make her miss us and maybe at the end of summer she would understand what she lost and miss me so much to re-think if she feels better at that point. She won´t be living near my area long time so i need to make decision to see her still while i can or go full NC/walk away and hope for the best. I just fear i would regret of not seeing her these few months. This is killing me.
Thanks for comments and thoughts!
submitted by Exciting_Sea7533 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:40 J2E1 Best way forward adding a line? Grandfathered plan

Currently my wife and I share an 8gb pool under the 'old' plan and do well under that plan, only once going over and having to top up. I need to add another line mainly for texting and calling for my 14yo as she's starting to go places where we'd like her to have one on hand to keep us updated. Can I just order a starter kit, add a line and add it to my grandfathered pool still?
submitted by J2E1 to USMobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:40 Sweet_Term_5811 Why UPI has failed NRIs

I have been living outside India (in the US) for the past ten years now and look forward to going back home every year for vacation. Every year, my return is plagued with the same drama surrounding my NRE/NRO bank account in multiple banks. Nobody realizes how difficult it is for NRIs to maintain a bank account within the country. Most work needs to be done in person, in the home branch where your account is located. The banking mobile apps for each bank are sub par at best, especially when I compare them to the apps in the US. getting a debit or credit card takes weeks instead of just 1-2 business days. With the arrival of UPI, it’s become even more difficult to have any kind of autonomy in making simple payments. Most transactions can be done very easily with a local bank account. However, NRIs by law aren’t supposed to have local bank accounts - just NRE or NRO accounts. UPI doesn’t work for NRE accounts. Many NRE/NRO accounts are registered to foreign mobile numbers too which don’t allow for UPI transactions. We have read news on UPI enabled for certain foreign countries (US) included, however it’s not really true and most bank officials tell us we cannot enable it for a foreign number. The UPI framework is great for citizens living within the country. However for citizens living abroad, it isn’t inclusive in any way. Moreover, even tourists from other countries have issues with paying for basic things here because everyone uses UPI and nobody really has POS systems in their stores anymore, unless it’s a global brand. But why would I want to shop at a global brand when I can shop local especially as a tourist? Recently, I wanted to buy medicines at a pharmacy and I spent hours trying to find change as they didn’t have a POS system to use my local credit/debit card and I didn’t have UPI enabled because of my NRE bank account . Inclusivity isn’t really one of the pillars of this new infrastructure and that really hurts especially when you look forward to your trips back home to meet family and friends. And let’s not forget about the taxes we file without fail every year.
submitted by Sweet_Term_5811 to nri [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:40 APEXXX00 How do you believe in yourself when you have little to no achievement

(Ik the answer prolly Is what more choice you have)it makes really hard to keep moving forward and not giving up it feels like my words and commitment have no value. I did all I could and became the best (even better than my mentors) in the prep. I thought it would be different this time because it was something I was really good at but ..... didn't get the result. Now these self sabotaging thoughts are killing me. I hope you get what am I saying. I also have no one to look upto.
submitted by APEXXX00 to intj [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:40 S-Zeppelin Getting text from email fails with no explanation

Getting text from email fails with no explanation
I have a very simple automation which takes the text of any email from my bank (matched by subject) and sends it to a shortcut, however the automation sometimes fails with the error message "your automation failed" and no other explanation. If I take the failing email and forward it back to the same address, it works without a hitch. If I copy the text content of the email and send it from another email address, it works without a hitch. My working theory is the email has some kind of special styling or remote content which takes time to load and is not ready at the automation's run time. Anyone else have a similar issue or a fix?
submitted by S-Zeppelin to shortcuts [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:38 notinterestedinlies She (25F) me (28M) and she is afraid of commitment but still doesn't wanna stop dating me, is it resolvable from your experience?

We are dating since february and we are in a LDR (2 hours of train from one another), i am more flexible than her to meet her since i work remotely 4 out of 5 days a week and she is studying. I understand her fears that are also a combination of commitment and distance, so i tried to give her a lot of space and to show her that distance wasn't a problem for me and solutions were plenty. 3 weeks ago we had a crisys since we booked a 5 days trip consisting in me visiting her at her place with her room mates and their friends. she dropped last minute all the plan and we went no talk for a week. I was really pissed at her for her lack of communication in telling me this thing, i knew that it could be moving the relationship further and i knew that maybe it wasn't that much of a deal visiting her while the house was full of people (all the room mates invited their friends so the house was overcrowded). but she just panicked and didn't have the courage to talk to me about this just messaging... after 1 week she texted me that she would come back to our hometown two weeks from this message for the weekend and that she would've like to see me if i did want to. i accepted and we started talking again with ease, and now and then she kept on being a little bit cold, but she called me since she knew i was angry about this lack of communication tool. in the call she told me she was just afraid of the distance and the commitment, i opened my heart to her and told her what i see in her and in which direction i want to move this "unofficial" relationship; she was shy and silent so i told her to not worry and that we already have an occasion to talk about it. Fast forward to the last weekend we met eachother and we were kind of playing in a limbo, kissing then pushing away then whatever. So i took the ball and talked to her and after she repeated to me that she wasn't sure and she was afraid i told her that it was over. She started crying like crazy for an hour, then she told me that she is stupid and fearful but she likes me very very much and wants to continue. I told her that we can continue but we have to communicate better and be sincere and so and so, and she promised that she would always call me if she was in panick or fearful and treat me more respectfully, but nontheless she still has a little bit of fears. Her past 2 relationship didn't end up good and she still a little bit hurt about them even tho more than 2 years passed from the last one. Now, i understand her fears but my mind is a bit messed up... are those fears something true, should i give her the time for her to come to me more than me to her? are these thing something resolvable or she just doesn't like me enough... i'm confused. I also gave her a ticket after we discussed and she cried, which was a present that was supposed to be hers for when i had to pay visit, she said yes but she is slowly moving to booking the trains... i kind of see those fears. To me her coming to the concert would be a big sign of caring about me. But i know it's also a little big complicated for her since she has to take a train just to come for the concert (2 hours) and then she has to visit a friend of her for his graduation party the next day in a city 4 hours from the one where the concert is.
TL;DR! she is afraid of commitment and distance, but when i try to break up she cannot loose me and wants to go forward dating, seems like we are just afraid to put a name on a thing, are those fears something resolvable or is it that she doesn't like me enough?
submitted by notinterestedinlies to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:37 Vegetable_Dream_9319 M31 How’s it going yall just here to make friends

Alittle about me I like staying active, I workout 6 days a week. I just started to watch anime on crunchy roll shits addicting. I love music from every genre I think of I had to choose classic punk, and classic rock are my go to. Skateboarding used to be a huge thing in my life I’m kind of thinking about picking it up again. Anyway I look forward to talking to whoever messages me.
Also side note I have recently been diagnosed with ADHD I’m very open about it despite the weird stigma behind it. I mask it as best as possible but it’s just easier for people to know so they don’t think I mean to be awkward haha.
submitted by Vegetable_Dream_9319 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:37 Ricardo420_69 EA banned my Account for defending my teammate

I've been playing the game since season 0 and I just find it really funny as a solo q player who has to deal with at least a few hackers and toxic shit talking randos on a daily basis get banned over defending a teammate. Truly an Apex experience as they say XD. For the first time I finally found an actual team to play with at a comic con and it just showed me how good the game can be if you're playing with friends and having fun. That's the main motive, HAVING FUN and letting others have fun. Yesterday both my teammates couldn't get online so I thought I'll just solo q as I have always. In one of the games, both me and a teammate died and the third ran away. The random teammate started harassing the teammate who ran texting you're trash and you should just die so I can re-queue. It got me kinda pissed cause these kinda teammates are the reason I wanted to quit Apex so many times before. So I snapped back him and texted "Fuck off." (I thought the F bomb would get censored but it didn't for some reason) "You couldn't hit a single shot either" "Just let the man play." "All the best buddy!! " He did stop harassing the third but Ig he couldn't handle the taste of his own medicine and reported me and now I'm the once stuck with the suspension? Make it make sense please. Should I have just not said anything and let him keep harassing the dude?
submitted by Ricardo420_69 to apexlegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:36 Jcpbo Carrier recs for 3 month old

First time mom looking for recommendations for our next carrier. Baby is currently 11 weeks and in the 99th percentile for height and 68th percentile for weight. I’m not sure how much longer our K’Tan will work but I love it for her right now!
It’s so hard to know what I’ll want in the next carrier since I’ve never done this with an older baby before. I understand wearing her facing forward isn’t ideal, but also don’t know if I’ll be kicking myself for not getting one with that option. Seems like you can only balance best practices with your specific baby and life once you’re in it, so I’m trying to stay open.
I wear her all day every day right now but I know that will change as she grows. Definitely want something I can have her in for long stretches and contact naps though.
I’m a little intimidated by the idea of a true wrap since the K’Tan is so easy but I’m sure I could figure it out.
Also, would love to know if you’d give a different recommendation for my husband’s body. He’s 6’4” and slender and I’m 5’4” and on the heavy side of average in case that impacts anything.
I live in Texas so less is more 😅
Thank you for your insights and help!
submitted by Jcpbo to babywearing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:34 Professional_Disk131 3 Small-cap Gold Juniors to Take Notice of $ELEM $GLDR $SOMA

3 Small-cap Gold Juniors to Take Notice of $ELEM $GLDR $SOMA
(The information on the three gold companies in this report is not definitive. Instead, this information will drive you to do more due diligence and make an investment decision.)
A different way to invest in gold is to look for great properties. If you bundle the three companies/properties in this piece, you could own three great properties collectively for under CDN2.00 a share.
GOLDEN RAPTURE MINING (GLDR: CSE) is a collection of premier Ontario mining properties in the Rainy River region that have done enough work to unveil potential, below but left a significant amount of gold with great g/t numbers. As of this morning, some numbers will indeed up its profile. Considering the stock has been listed for about two weeks, these results are excellent. Forgive the length of the table, but given the quality of the results, investors must get the whole picture.
First, the newest, being listed in the last month, is Golden Rapture Gold. The Company intends to reactivate past mines in the Rainy River area of Ontario. The property is so new that management has only walked about 5% of it, but the numbers are already impressive over its two projects. The Company holds a 100% interest in the high-grade Phillips Township Gold Property, Rainy River District, NW Ontario. The land package totals 225 claim cells for approximately ten thousand acres located close to 4 mineral deposits. These assets include the New Gold Rainy River Mine (+8 million Oz.), the Cameron Lake Deposit (1.8 million Oz.), the Agnico Eagle-Hammond Reef deposit (3.3 million Oz.), the Tartisan Nickel, Copper, and Cobalt Deposit, and many others. Mature local infrastructure, workforce, heavy-duty equipment, hospitals, major highway systems, and local services are nearby.
Mr. Richard Rivet, CEO of Golden Rapture, commented: “I am incredibly pleased that we have just made some essential and rapid steps toward identifying additional high-grade drill-ready targets. We were pleasantly surprised to discover many high-grade quartz veins on the surface, with the majority of them carrying gold. Unlike many exploration companies, we are not just chasing the typical geophysical anomaly but also many vast high-grade gold structures identified on the surface that can be drilled at any time.
The Company holds a 100% interest in the high-grade Phillips Township Gold Property, Rainy River District, NW Ontario. The land package totals 225 claim cells for approximately ten thousand acres located close to 4 mineral deposits.
These assets include the New Gold Rainy River Mine (+8 million Oz.), the Cameron Lake Deposit (1.8 million Oz.), the Agnico Eagle-Hammond Reef deposit (3.3 million Oz.), the Tartisan Nickel, Copper, and Cobalt Deposit, and many others. Mature local infrastructure, workforce, heavy-duty equipment, hospitals, major highway systems, and local services are nearby.
Ryan Yanch CIM, a director of GLDR, states***, ‘One extremely important fact is that GLDR’s drilling cost is an industry-leading CDN140 a meter. It is not unusual for other gold comp[anbies to spend CDN200-400 or more a meter. One major contributor to this is that one significant cost is the location of the drilling company. 17 km away from the properties significantly lowers the capital cost and allows a more robust drilling program”.***
Given the uniqueness and exceptional quality of GLDR’s properties, there could be excellent investor support. Gold is rallying, and the prospect of further rises may portend in the shadow of interest rate cuts.
Previous work on the properties quickly removes the ubiquitous ‘drill’ on the property or other tropes. These are serious businessmen and women with decades of mining and entrepreneurial experience.
In the world of junior mining IPOs, there is a feeling that the stars must align to profit. Au contraire***. The keys to investing success are the right properties, management, and, in this case, a rallying gold price.***
Numero Deux
Element79 Gold Corp (the “Company”) (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) is a fascinating gold company and the second in our gold triumvirate located primarily in Peru through its flagship Lucero, Peru, property.
(Full Disclosure: James Tworek, CEO of Element79, is an adviser to the GLDR Board. Your humble scribe owns a small position in each Company.)
The past-producing Lucero Mine (“Lucero”) is one of the highest-grade underground mines in Peru’s history, with grades averaging 19.0g/t Au Equivalent (“Au Eq”) (14.0 g/t gold and 373 g/t silver).
In its past 5 years of production, ending in 2005, it produced an average of 40,000oz+/yr.
Assays from March 2023 yielded 21-ore-grade and high-yield up to 11.7 ounces per ton of gold and 247 ounces per ton of silver from underground workings, further validating the potential for a significant high-grade future operation.
Consolidating its focus in this region and its impressive geology, ELEM acquired the Roxana Vein and surrounding 1200ha property, Lucero del Sur 28, via auction held on May 17, 2023. The property is located strategically just east of the high-grade Lucero gold-silver project.
Instead of going into much history, let’s look at the Press release ELEM put out on April 23. New assays were released, and CEO James Tworek stated, “The data obtained is not just promising; it’s the cornerstone upon which our future endeavours will be built,” said James Tworek, CEO of Element 79. “These recent results, coupled with historical data, represent the bedrock upon which we are advancing our Lucero project.”
Corporate Presentation.
From the PR: A total of 97 samples were sent for assays, 56 of which returned greater than 0.1 g/t gold (up to 8.55 g/t gold and 523 g/t silver. Several samples also were rich in base metals (up to 23.7% lead and 9.9% zinc), all of which underscores the richness of our project, further supporting the Company’s belief a robust resource base can be delineated. (Actual assay numbers are shown in the PR)
James C Tworek further states, “Element79 Gold has transformed from an asset amalgamator and seller to a near-term production story, responding to Peru’s government push for formalizing artisanal mining operations. We at Element79 Gold are thrilled to share our unwavering dedication to bringing our Lucero gold project in Peru into production. This past-producing, high-grade gold and silver mine holds immense potential to revitalize our Company and foster economic growth and prosperity in the region. “
The other ELEM property brings us back to North America. Nevada, to be precise. Reason to pay attention?
Maverick Springs is adjacent to the Carlin Trend. For the uninitiated, the area contains several of the largest gold mines on Earth. The area includes a number of the largest gold mines on Earth. Maverick Springs is a blind deposit comprising a 30-120 metre thick, flat-lying zone centred on an anticlinal structure with oxidation pervasive to 120 metres and intermittent to 270 metres. (5)
West Whistler property is in the same area as Maverick, closer to the Battle Mountain Trend, alongside Carlin: Near several gold deposits, including the Cortez Mine, North America’s third largest gold mine with 2021 gold production of 828,000 ounces.
Finally, the Clover Property, 16 km west of the massive Hecla Mine in the Northern Nevada Rift. The property sits at the top and centre of the Carlin and Battle Mountain Trends.
Nevada Gold’s active Turquoise Ridge Mine, the third largest gold mine in the United States with 537,000 ounces of gold production reported in 2020, as well as the Twin Creeks open pit mines and the dormant Pinson and Getchell mines.
Element 79 has drilling programs announced for the 2023/24 years and a more vigorous program for 2024/25.
As ( an aside, the gold price—and silver—have softened after particularly gold had a decent run. The first two in our group have slid a bit but seem to be holding in nicely.
If one follows gold forecasts, the pundits call for USD 2500-3000 over the next few years. The strategy is simple: A move to USD 3,000 represents a 50% appreciation. However, that also comes with physical and liquidity issues should you want to sell.
And the Gold price?
On December 30, 2022, gold closed the year at $1,819.70 per ounce. Flash forward to one year later, and gold closed 2023 at $2,062.40. That’s a gain of 13.3% in a single year.
With gold pushing to new record highs, it’s a fascinating time for gold investors.
Predicting the future of gold prices is never easy, but to offer some insights into what 2024 might hold, we’ve (compiled an array of gold price forecasts, outlooks, and predictions from renowned banks, industry experts, and financial analysts.
Let’s take a look.
Numero Three
Off we go to South America. This time, Columbia with SOMA Gold. (TSXV: SOMA) (WKN: A2P4DU) (OTC: SMAGF) (the “Company” or “Soma“) recently announced that gold production for Q1 2024 was 7,335 AuEq ounces, an increase of 8% over the same period in 2023.
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
The Company owns two adjacent mining properties in Antioquia, Colombia, with a combined milling capacity of 675 tpd. (Permitted for 1,400 tpd). The El Bagre Mill is currently operating and producing. Internally generated funds are being used to finance a regional exploration program.
Soma is further ahead than our previous companies, which doesn’t make it better; it is just a different stage of development.
Corporate Presentation, 2023 results, Tech Report.
Cardero Mine
  • The 84 thousand tonnes (kt) production rate in 2022 will ramp up to a peak mining production rate of 248 kt (680 tpd) in 2024. Achieving the planned peak production rate of 248 kt per annum would allow the Company to restart its previously operating El Limon Mill, with feed from Cordero in late 2023.
  • El Bagre Gold Mining Complex is located approximately 167 km northeast of Medellín in the Department of Antioquia, Colombia. Soma produced 23,115 ounces of gold at its El Bagre Mill in 2022, an increase of 30% from the previous year. Soma’s production forecast for 2023 is for a further 50% increase to 35,500 ounces of gold produced.
  • In addition to its operating El Bagre Mill, Soma owns the 225 tpd Limon Mill, which is located 47 km south of the El Bagre Mill. The Limon Mill has been on care and maintenance since 2020 but will be restarted when production from the Cordero Mine exceeds the capacity of the El Bagre Mill.
  • The Limon Mill operates similarly to the El Bagre Mill with two-stage crushing, ball milling, gravity concentration, flotation, cyanidation, Merrill Crowe precipitation, and smelting to produce doré. The mill was upgraded in 2017 to a capacity of 225 tpd and is permitted for up to 400 tpd.
As mentioned, these three companies are similar in that they have what appear to be skookum properties. They are also all great gold proxies, and they all trade for under CDN1.00. Cheekily, I may have said that investors can own all three companies for under CDN 2.00 a share.
While I like the companies, I would buy them for their land positions. All have land that isn’t some dust pit but has either historical or proven assays. And most are near large producers. Element79; Nevada.Carlin Trend? Seriously?
submitted by Professional_Disk131 to PennyQueen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:33 Kingratt Didn't hold mail on Honeymoon, missing mail and package

Apologies for the wall of text incoming. This is my first time dealing with this level of incompetency, so I'm not sure what to do. I just got back from my Honeymoon of two weeks. The week prior to departing, I put in a mail hold request for the duration which went through and was confirmed. On the second day of the trip, I see an Informed Delivery message indicating 4 pieces of mail were coming, but I don't know if Informed Delivery during a mail hold is just indicative of what is being held, or if it's going to actually get delivered and my hold is being ignored. What I also see is a package out for delivery, so I call my post office and talk to someone about this and they say they'll take care of it. I get a call back 30 minutes later, it's all taken care of, and I see the tracking on the package has changed to being held at customer request. I continue to get informed delivery messages for mail, but like I said earlier, I don't know if that's just what happens during a hold.
Flash forward to this previous Sunday, we get home, I check mail to see if that stuff actually got delivered or if it was on hold (It was not due to be delivered until today, Tuesday) and lo and behold, multiple pieces of mail are in the box. Not everything from informed delivery, but at least 75%. What's missing are 1 wedding card, and all the mail from that day I called. I pray that somehow some mail is going to get delivered still, but Monday afternoon nothing had arrived so I drive to the post office. I state the situation and ask if I have mail here and where the package is, as the tracking still says held as USPS. They tell me to go wait by this door to talk to a sup. I stand at this door like an idiot for 30 minutes. Nobody comes. The lady that originally helped me has been helping others the whole time, and I work in customer service and know what it's like to be slammed, so I'm trying not to get too angry, and she eventually sees nobody has helped me and asks the second clerk to help me next. This second clerk takes my info, goes and looks, and returns saying they have no mail for me. I say ok but what about the package, give her the tracking number. She passes this off to a third person.
Third person comes back 10 minutes later with a fat stack of mail saying hey I found it all! I ask about the package, and she says oh let me go look what's the tracking number. I give the number, and she disappears. While she's looking, I look at the mail she handed me and it's not my mail. She literally gave me someone else's mail that also has their mail on hold. The addresses were similar, off by 1 number, but seriously, no wonder mail is missing all the time. Another 15 minutes goes by (I've now been at the post office for an hour) and the original lady looks at me and asks if anyone is still helping me. I say yeah they are looking for the package. She asks me for tracking number. Third person comes out and says the supervisor looked but the package is lost. The original clerk hears this and from what i can infer, thinks 3rd person is incompetent, and says no let me handle this. She takes my name, phone number, address, and tracking number and says she'll get the sup to find it and call me back.
Needless to say, nobody ever called me back. So now here I am with a missing wedding card that likely has some monetary gift inside, a missing package (still says held at USPS per customer request) that also is likely a wedding gift because we have no record of the tracking number in any of our orders and aren't expecting anything, and have no idea what to do. While I could find out what was in the card, that's an incredibly awkward conversation. I have no idea how to figure out what was in the package short of asking every single person we invited if they had a gift shipped to our home, and if so what it was. And even if I did have the value of all those missing items, would USPS insurance even cover it?
submitted by Kingratt to usps_complaints [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:33 TemurTron MH3 Favorites and Hopefuls (Round 1)

Hey all, with the leaks seeming to be drying up and with actual spoiler season beginning next week, I figured now would be a good time to do a quick rundown of some of the cards I'm really excited about in MH3 so far. Note that this list does contain leaks, so turn back now if you're trying to stay leak-free.
I think that's my big hits for now! What do you guys think? What cards are you most looking forward to?
submitted by TemurTron to ModernMagic [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:32 gwh1996 My wife told me she can't handle my mental illnesses anymore

She told me today. Via text message. We were talking about our living situation and how she's unhappy. I'm not happy with it either but we can't really afford anything else right now. One thing lead to another and she's unhappy being with me. I want to try couples counseling but I don't think she's on board for that. I don't want to lose her but I want her to be happy. She's a good mom and will take our daughter if she leaves which is probably for the best since I don't have any of this under control.
submitted by gwh1996 to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:31 gwh1996 My wife told me she can't handle my mental illnesses anymore

She told me today. Via text message. We were talking about our living situation and how she's unhappy. I'm not happy with it either but we can't really afford anything else right now. One thing lead to another and she's unhappy being with me. I want to try couples counseling but I don't think she's on board for that. I don't want to lose her but I want her to be happy. She's a good mom and will take our daughter if she leaves which is probably for the best since I don't have any of this under control.
submitted by gwh1996 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:31 fuegox Do I have something for a case against an apartment building?

Here's a rundown of what happened:
I initially had a glowing review of the property after touring a few weeks back. I informed them that I was only looking at the moment because my lease wasn't up until June. I left a great google review but was contacted via text by the tour guide and he told to remove the review as the company had a policy to not post reviews for tours. I thought it was weird but I deleted it only for me to see reviews about tours with acknowledgements from staff. Red flag #1.
Fast forward to this week, I saw an apartment within my budget and time frame for move-in open up in the building and sent a request to visit again before applying. To my surprise I was called by the leasing office and told the ID I gave them was fake and I couldn't apply to the apartment. Mind you, I received what I thought was a spam message saying "Fucken scammer, using a fraudulent id to tour property is a felony....I love how you think everyone is stupid..." and so on. This was sent to my personal cell phone over the weekend. I thought nothing of it until I happened to try to set up a new tour and had it confirmed over the phone.
So not only did they lie about leaving a review but I was harassed via text. When I tried to explain that the ID verification was a mistake(because it obviously is), I was sent a link to upload my passport. The link they provided would not let me upload my passport. I provided a screenshot of the error in the email and was told there was no alternative and I should look elsewhere. For seemingly no reason at all I was lied to and doxxed for what is a correctable mistake.
This entire situation was extremely weird and stressful as I have been struggling to find a place that meets my criteria. I was made out to be a criminal and treated like shit by this leasing agency. Is there any action I can take for my ID being falsely rejected and my phone number being used to insult me?
submitted by fuegox to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:28 Outrageous-Leopard43 Healing after relationship self sabotage

TLDR: Boyfriend 27M self sabotaged relationship after honeymoon phase ended
I (31F) was dumped by my (27M) boyfriend because he “lost feelings.” Seems like he checked out months ago. It was my first healthy relationship, we were friends, laughed, and had a lot of fun together. I thought we communicated well. We lived together, spent the last two holidays with his family, and would have celebrated two years together in two weeks. He told me when this happened and we went to two couples therapy sessions together before he dumped me. Said he didn’t feel as strongly as before and was having anxiety about if we got married and divorced later (like his parents did).
I’m having a hard time moving forward because I still love him. I think he self sabotaged our relationship and was sobbing uncontrollably when he moved out and took all the photos of us. He seems so insanely confused. He told me he feels like he’s making the biggest mistake of his life with tears in his eyes. He told me I was an amazing girlfriend and this had nothing to do with me.
Has anyone experienced this before and been on the other side of a “I lost feelings?”
It hurts like hell, I thought this was my forever partner. We talked about marriage and kids. Do these types of people normally come back when they realize they made a mistake or is it best I just move on? Any input is appreciated.
I’ve joined a CrossFit gym where I go 3x a week and do daily journaling. I’m still really tearful and struggling. I’m really trying to get on the other side of this. Thank you for reading.
submitted by Outrageous-Leopard43 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:27 Ok_Leadership_9254 Girl who rejected me is now stalking me to be her friend

I’ve known this woman for about two years. She had a thing for me, but I didn’t hook up with her when she wanted to a few times as I was a depressed mess over my ex. Flash forward a year, we reconnected and I fell for her hard. Made a move, she just saw me as a friend. I took some distance, but now she won’t leave me alone. She drunk FaceTimed me a few weeks later, wouldn’t talk to me the next day, then when I tried to ask her out on a date again she rejected me and hoped we could just be friends. I said I needed some boundaries.
But now she’s getting her mutual friends to text me to ask why I won’t be her friend, which isn’t even true. I’ve been nothing but nice and friendly when I’ve seen her out just not sticking around for long or starting conversations. I hung out with a mutual friend and she made a surprise appearance, and tagged along the whole day. I posted my location on Snapchat and she showed up to hang out with me. I blocked her from seeing my location as I thought she was using it to follow me and she called to ask why I wasn’t sharing my location with her anymore. Two of her friends called me last week to ask to catchup for drinks, and guess who showed up by coincidence at the bar?
Now another mutual friend reached out to ask me to get dinner, and when I showed up it was just him, his gf, and her. I’m at my wits end. I’ve told her like 3 times I can’t be her close friend if we aren’t dating as I like her a ton and she keeps refusing. It’s not even like we were best friends or anything before. We had a really really close 3 month talking stage where we got super close in those 3 months and when I wanted more she freaked out
submitted by Ok_Leadership_9254 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]