Printable pretty bubble letters in alphabet

Green Dawn Global Takeover

2012.09.25 02:55 Kvothe24 Green Dawn Global Takeover

A mission to spread the great green word across the land. Place your troops in public places and post here. Over!

2015.05.27 05:58 RAC, NSBM, neofolk, what have you - post it

This sub is for music from artists like Barry White or Jack White.

2012.02.17 03:09 Miko54 Ouija Boards

Welcome to this subreddit dedicated to the history and allure of the Ouija board. Explore and share pictures of your collections, pictures of antique talking boards, discuss the history of talking boards and writing planchettes, and engage in historically accurate discussions.

2024.05.14 15:20 Embarrassed-Pattern Default speaker in new app is driving me insane

From reading others' complaints, I am pretty straightforward user. I don't use alarms, sleep timers, etc. I open the app, select music, and then may select/deselect which speakers are being used. Or at least this is how I used to interact with my system.
I have a port connected to my basement stereo system. I use this maybe once a week. In the new app, the default speaker apparently is selected alphabetically, so it always goes to "Basement" first. If I select other speakers, about 50% of the time it'll just go back to Basement anyway. This is a really stupid design flaw.
I'm about the easiest user to please and I hate this update. Ya blew it, Sonos.
submitted by Embarrassed-Pattern to sonos [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:18 Democracy_enjoyer69 Farewell, and goodbye, friends.

Hey guys, I’ve been a helldiver since launch and well, it’s time for me to retire. I got into hell divers because it was everything I was hoping for ina game, I’m almost 30 so gaming has been a pretty big part of my life. But recently I just don’t feel the love anymore. Most of my friends have stopped playing, and the things I liked about the game at launch seem to slowly be falling to the wayside. Nothing I do seems to matter past getting a little bubble of dialogue that I’ll probably be too busy working to even see. That coupled with the fact I couldn’t play the last time I was home from sea because the game was removed from the steam store just has me over it. I can’t stress enough how much I love this game. I grew up watching starship troopers with my dad, and later joined the Marines where I met all the friends that this game helped me reconnect with. But as the dust is settling, I’m finding that arrowhead really isnt as good as I hoped they were. The game feels empty and many of the glitches from day one still feel present in the game. Instead of rolling out warbonds I’d like to see some quality of life overhauls. But I think for now, it’s time for me to retire. Farewell friends and good luck!
submitted by Democracy_enjoyer69 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:17 These-Ice2611 I received a proxy instead of a real card on Cardmarket.

Hello all, do any of you have advice? I bought a Secret Lair Ur-Dragon from Cardmarket and I received a proxy. It is easily spottable since the back coloring is way off and the thickness of the lettering in the text also doesn‘t match with the original.
Did any of you have the same problem ? If so what did you do and what has been your experience ?
Thank you in advance for the help, I am pretty angry right now…
submitted by These-Ice2611 to magicTCG [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:12 ThyySavage Concerns with Twilight Arsenal, Melee in the endgame and Titans in general

With TFS releasing in only 3 weeks and the slew of new abilities being introduced I wanna talk about Titans, their current state, what is being provided to and what is becoming of them. Also before I make my points I know we are going to be getting a TWID at some point talking about ability reworks and buffs in TFS. I just want to voice my current concerns and opinions.
What’s to come- To start things off least have a chat about Twilight Arsenal. While the concept is fucking awesome my concerns are in its theoretical potential, especially given the state of Void Titans and Void in general. Compared to other Supers I don’t see Twilight Arsenal being capable of more damage than other offensive damaging supers on its own given how you can pick up the axes post super and attack with them individually. I also don’t understand why we would be willing to drop ability uptime on Solar or Stand for example or heavier DPS weapons to pick up an axe that from what gameplay we’ve seen hits like a wet noodle. On top of that unless they grant devour and overshield on melee kill to at least promote killing ads then there will also be next to no survivability either. Given we have a bunch of weapons, abilities and other supers that are great for Ad clear and/or support as well as a lot of DPS being locked into stationary positions away from a boss I’m struggling to see how Twilight Arsenal will fit into the meta.
For what Titans have now- Right now Titans are in a really weird place in the game. Everything’s leaning towards melee focus and it’s not holding out all that well.
Strand is GODLY if used correctly, and in the right cases is just broken. It’s a total outlier for Titans as a whole. It provides the necessary healing and Dr to make a good melee based build. I won’t be surprised if it gets nerfed in some way making them borderline irrelevant. All I can really ask is to not turn it into a useless subclass.
Solar is alright but compared to other solar subclasses it’s struggling a bit. Every class has top tier Solar Supers, but in terms of survivability Titan arguably has the least since it’s just so melee focused and not nearly as potent as Strand Titan is in terms of Healing and DR. I loved Solar Titan since Solar 3.0 but it’s really starting to feel like it’s falling off since melee is just becoming less potent as it used to be.
Stasis I admittedly don’t have any opinions on currently since I haven’t really touched Stasis Titan since the hard nerf they got a while back.
Arc Titan has been pretty much dead since the end of Season of the Deep. It was fun with Arc 3.0 initially and with the Artifact support. Now it just exists. It has the worst healing options in game which is melee based, lower ability uptime and provides no DR at all. You only gain Thundercrash, but that’s on Prismatic so Arc will basically be DOA in TFS.
Void is just awkward, Bubble is nice but outclassed by Well in terms of support. Banner Shield is barely worth it, and I swear it barely makes orbs anymore. Overshield is okay at best in PvE and not as potent or available as passive DR like Woven Mail. Keeping buffs and abilities going is a struggle unless you make a heavily specific restricting build with very little flexibility that locks you into a certain playstyle (I.e. the Monte Carlo shield spam build). Even then in the end you just get an ad clear build which isn’t really necessary at this point with how potent weapons and other subclasses generally function. Void Titans are just sad compared to something like a Void Gyrfalcons Hunter that very flexible, has great survivability, a good super and is just fun.
Melee as a whole- Right now if feels like Titans are being turned into melee machines that aren’t being built to last. The more new subclasses, end game activities, enemies and guns that are introduced the less viable meleeing becomes. Look at the new Gun Bats for example, they fly around and suppress you. How and I supposed to pop my throwing hammer (or use any melee) on those and pick it up again after without succumbing to more, where as a Hunter could throw a tracking knife from a safe distance and get the knife refunded? Then repeat the cycle too? As a long term Titan main I’ve been more and more tempted to go to the other classes cause melee just doesn’t seem too viable anymore, especially on older subclasses. The melee gameplay loop feels like it needs a heavy rework, and needs to have more survivability. Strand is a great example of how Melee should be done imo between its possible DR and healing.
submitted by ThyySavage to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:11 Exotaurus24 20 years old - Roth IRA and Taxable Brokerage Help

Hi everybody,
Long-time lurker here. I'm currently 20 years old, and would like some insight into my portfolio and next steps from here.
I want to follow the Boglehead three-fund principle, although honestly, without the bond portion. I feel I'm too young to need this reduced risk (especially considering I have an emergency cash fund anyway).
My ROTH IRA is maxed out for this year: 80% FSKAX and 20% FTIHX.
I also have an emergency fund (in an HYSA) that covers more than six months of expenses. I'd like to park the rest of my money in a taxable brokerage account (also with Fidelity).
I'm honestly pretty lost here. Right now, I believe I will opt for buying FSKAX and FTIHX (again, lol) and leaving it to grow for a long period, but I just wanted to confirm that this is the most tax-efficient fund to choose. If anyone has any advice or guidance on how to understand the tax efficiency of one fund versus another, I'd also really appreciate such resources (I'm trying and struggling to grasp the concept myself; I feel like I just wrapped my head around an optimal IRA strategy).
Thanks everybody, I appreciate your help in advance! P.S. I'll be back relatively soon; I just received a letter from my summer internship company about the 401K and match they're giving me for the summer, and it seems that's a whole other beast. Cheers!
submitted by Exotaurus24 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:57 eshay4lyf my 2016 Holden Cruze Z Series has been written off…

Hi guys, back at the end of march i hit a wombat in my cruze. when i got out of the car and looked at the front myself i thought the exterior wasn’t too bad, the drivers side of my bumper was pretty fucked and the park light had popped out but that was all i could see. i called my dad and asked him to drive behind me while i drove it home (i literally live like a min up the road from where it happened) when we got home he popped the bonnet and checked in there and it was leaking coolant and the radiator was pushed in about an inch.
anyway it’s been 2 months now and has been in the repair centre ever since. i got a letter from vicroads today saying it is a “repairable write off” ? which to my understanding is when the damages could technically be fixed but the cost is more than my car is insured for. my stupid ass mother had a greed value on it that is so significantly under priced it’s stupid. ($8,800, when it should be $10k +)
i just wanted to know if it might be worth disputing the write off and getting it all fixed anyway? or if that’s something i can even do. i dont know anything about cars really but my cruze is my most favourite car ive ever had. and it had only done about 74,000kms too! it sucks it’s been written off and i’ve barley really driven it. :(
stupid fucking wombats.
any advice would be amazing really! even a new holden model to buy would be great! ☺️
submitted by eshay4lyf to Holden [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:57 Inner_Cap_4599 Case approved. Married to USC. We’re both transgender.

Case approved. Married to USC. We’re both transgender.
Hello! I’ve been a lurker on this subreddit for a while, and have found this to be an incredible resource. We just got our case approved recently so I wanted to join in and share some of insights as well.
Specifically for transgender people as well. As, the information out there pertaining to queer petitioners is very sparse.
  1. Gender related takeaways
In the past few years I’ve used three names and the submitted evidence reflected this discrepancy. Not to mention the difference in pronouns in different documents. After speaking to a lawyer, I attached a notarized letter to my application explaining that I’m transgender and the difference is names, and pronouns used by different people.
I also attached two physicians letters confirming my transition.
I also changed my gender with social security and my drivers license before submitting my application (I’m in NY, so relatively easy). My home country doesn’t let you officially change your gender, so that could not be updated.
  1. Overall takeaways
We prepared and submitted our application ourselves. But we did get help from a lawyer on two occasions.
First, I booked a consult with an immigration lawyer ($300) before I started my application. That was great because she was able to answer some questions I had specific to my case.
Secondly, we took advantage of a local non-profits application review services. We took our completed application to her and she gave everything a look-over for free. This was super helpful, as she pointed out mistakes that we would not have known about otherwise.
We were also extremely well-organized in our preparation. We tried to follow USCIS’s guidelines to a T.
We did pretty much everything listed on here, including the two hole punches and the sticky tabs. I like to believe this is partially why our case was adjudicated so fast.
Finally, I believe the best thing I did throughout this process is try to think abt it as little as possible once we put in the application. I didn’t check the case tracker or the USCIS site unless I got a notification, and I focused on other things in my life. In fact, our I-485 was approved 4 days ago and I just learned abt it today 💀.
I’ve attached photos of my timelines with this post for reference. If anyone has any questions for me, especially queer people going through this process, please feel free to ask! And I will do my best to help you any way I can!
submitted by Inner_Cap_4599 to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:55 Cutiediablo Help on runes

Hey, i’m mostly interestedn in runes. Either elder futhark or younger futhark. I would love to find a reliable source on alphabet etc on either one.
When I try to search for example the alpabet some letters are different on different sources so I would like to know your recommendations. Books, websites and videos are all welcome.
submitted by Cutiediablo to NorsePaganism [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:49 sewsosh Our morning feeding routine.

Our morning feeding routine.
Bubbles MacBlue is a voracious eater who will stuff herself silly and guard the food against the other critters in her queendom. So, she retires to her private chamber for her own meal while the others feast. She doesn’t love it, but she does pretty well. I’m going to try out a larger fry cage for her to hang out in though. This one was a little smaller than expected!
submitted by sewsosh to bettafish [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:48 canna45ssio Thoughts?

I know the Lettering is pretty basic. 5th piece i did in a book.
submitted by canna45ssio to Graffiti [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:45 Exciting_Potential26 Advice for gaming student evals?

Last semester, I taught a freshman gen-ed that, I admit, was still a little rough around the edges. My course evals came back a little below the department average. I reworked the structure of material and scrapped what didn't work last semester. I created more opportunities to recover lost points. I worked in more discussion and videos throughout the class.
Didn't matter. Evals were nearly identical to last semester. Virtually no written comments that would offer added context. I will say I'm usually pretty bubbly and friendly before and during class, but my personal life just cratered this semester, so that was tough to keep up.
Anyway, we all know the student evals are a farce. Anybody got any tricks for kicking these up? Especially if you teach a class that students clearly don't want to be in.
submitted by Exciting_Potential26 to Professors [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:40 sophieornotsophie_ The nastiest trial day I've ever had

I will try to keep this short. The company I work for is going through an acquisition and I am not on permanent contract, so as much as I like it and they seem to like me, I am still looking around. I had an interview with a company close by in a similar position (finance) and being a smaller company the interview was directly with the GM. All was pretty quick and fairly nice so I agreed to go to the office and see what they were actually doing in person, as she said "it will be better to understand the job". I noticed the office was not in the best condition, with piles of documents almost everywhere but I didn't think much of it since the interview was so quick. I show up at 9 as agreed and someone buzzes me in. Right after me, they proceed to buzz in the whole rest of the company as no one is apparently allowed to have the keys of the front door. I sit down next to a guy who tells me just to wait, a person will be with me soon to show me some stuff. 40 minutes pass and I am literally playing on my phone, when he decides me to throw me a letter and ask me what I understand from it since it's in a foreign language - which I speak. I explain it to him and start waiting again. After some 15/20 minutes he asks me to look at an email and do some online research to be able to answer the person.. Mind you, I don't work there and no one explained me anything about the company yet. I spend 1h researching as agreed and he gives a quick look and says "good, I will use this to answer them". Then another lady comes to me with a cordless phone, all covered in grease from someone's face and tells me I need to make a phone call. She explains what I need to request and how and I comply. While talking to the customer she keeps interrupting and asking for further stuff, which I cannot understand as the other person is also still talking. At this point I am already pretty annoyed so I just ignore her and keep talking with the customer till the line cuts. Apparently someone else in the office is making a different call on the same line and "oh yeah it happens with these phones". She then proceeds to pick up an old cell phone with the glass completely shuttered and explains that is the mobile they use. THE GLASS WAS COMING OUT OF THE SCREEN AND YOU COULD FEEL IT. Then she asks another guy to take over and if I tell you he never brushed his teeth ever you have to believe me. The smell was disgusting. He gave me another task and left me alone, but I noticed immediately in the time I agreed to be there I could not finish it so I said: "You guys have the break at 12.30 right? Cause I made plans afterwards as I was just asked to be here in the morning" to which he answers "oh not really, it depends". I completed half of the task and at 12.30 I gave back the paperwork and said I needed to leave. GM comes to me and convinced it went well asks if I will be able to go back another day to see more, maybe for the whole day. Mind you, all of this was not paid as I was under the impression I just had to go see what they do and not actually work. Bonus points: THE OFFICE WAS NASTY. The laptop (yes they use laptops, idk how they don't get blind) was so dirty you could not see some of the letters on the keyboard. The screen had a big green stripe of exploded pixels right in the middle and the plugged mouse was not working so I used the laptop one. THERE WAS NO TRASH BIN, JUST A TRASH PILE IN A CORNER. Someone told me if I needed to use the bathroom I could. I wish I went checking to have a laugh but I didn't have the courage. People, do better. If you are in a high position make sure the office is decent and people have at least the minimum required conditions to do the job or you will forever complain that you can't find someone to hire. NASTY.
submitted by sophieornotsophie_ to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:39 Firagar I know my dad didn’t treat me right but I still sometimes feel like it was my fault

So, I was homeschooled. Unschooled really. With little involvement from my parents (still managed to get my diploma though). I resent being often left to my own devices, but the worst thing was the isolation. Like, until some months ago I had literally not a single friend that wasn’t my family.
My Dad always feared that the government would come and “force us” to go to a proper school. We had to “pretend” that we went to school. That meant not being outside within the school hours. Only going to the town on the weekends. No clubs, no friends, no contact. No social media, no online games (though that was because of my parents being paranoid about the dangers of the internet) With me and my siblings getting older, that loosened up a bit. But while I now theoretically COULD have gone to do some social activities, I didn’t know where to begin. And I didn’t want to. I was scared. Still am sometimes, xD.
Now I am going to community college. And I am doing a lot better. I will soon begin my first job and become less and less dependent on my dad.
The thing is, I resent my dad but I sometimes wonder if I am overreacting in hating him. After all, on all the sites about abuse the situations that are described are far more extreme. He never physically hurt us. He never locked us into rooms and always bought us everything we wanted. Be it books or games or whatever. We always were well fed, clean and pretty normal, apart the homeschooling and the isolation. And I could have gone outside, at some point after turning 16. I just chose not to. He never said we couldn’t. We were even asked if we wanted to be homeschooled or not (though I was 11 at the time so I feel like that question shouldn’t have been decided by me)
So I sometimes feel like I am at fault. Like everything I feel is an overreaction. I think I just want some insight from “normal people” outside my bubble. What do you think? I am 21 never had friends, a girlfriend or club mates. I do okay in social interactions and am pretty educated. But I still feel like I have missed out on so much and that everything is unnecessarily hard, when it comes to social interaction or even basic things like taking the f**** metro.
submitted by Firagar to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:39 EtheralWitness ADOMania symptoms ( as I remember them in my 2000-th =)

So, a person suffering from this rare disease is distinguished by the fact that:
1. As a matter of principle, he does not play games where less than 45 keys are used. 2. He haven’t cleaned his mouse for two years (if he haven’t forgotten what it is). 3. Added the line FastMore=true to config.sys. 4. He's very surprised that nothing has changed because of this. 5. In any game, having saved, exits and takes the save to another directory. 6. When he tries to type something in a text editor, it only produces lines like Za5 ws Synnn, etc. 7. He is sincerely surprised and upset that the letters in the books are the same color. 8. He almost forgot the native alphabet. 9. Shies away from flashing neon signs. 10. Dreams of going to Egypt. 11. And He have already prepared the most important thing on this trip - a blowtorch. 12. Shows interest in the national cuisines of Asian and African countries. 13. Collects colorful balls. 14. Dreams of repainting the gray cubes in the city Garden black. 15. For this purpose, he regularly leaves small change there. 16. Half of his scholarship is spent on this. 17. The second half of the scholarship goes to beer, which he calls "light-yellow bubbling potion". 18. Was caught by the night watchman of the cemetery with a pickaxe in his hands. 19. Was immediately released when he explained that he was looking for Nonnak's sword. He was not the first one to come there for this. 20. Tries not to read the same book several times, afraid that it will disappear. 21. Never goes to the city center. 22. He explains it this way: “There are statues there, but I don’t have a phase dagger.” 23. Wonders how something called C++ can exist. 24. Tries to be C--. 25. Asks all bookstores and libraries for Scrolls of Great Identify. 26. In the institute canteen he orders only Potions of Gain Attributes 
submitted by EtheralWitness to ADOM [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:36 unitedkingdombaby Favourite UK bars?

“I was getting letters in the can like alphabet spaghetti” Nines
“If man were eating round me then I had to drink” Potter
“I fucked her on the sink I got pussy on tap” Krept
“Treat the pussy like casino tryin to hit the jackpot” kb
“She keep my fat shank in her Louis bag” J hus
“Whoever don't wanna grind is getting disowned My pockets ain't fat, they're just big-boned I sweet talk my chicks on the flip phone She wanna send me nudes But ain't no Whatsapp on a brick phone” J Hus
“Going out on a limb like a pair of gloves” Rhyme Asylum
“Your not wasting my time, It's not happenin' Like a pregnant woman playing rugby With a cig in her mouth, eating morning-after pills I'm not 'avin it” Lunar C
submitted by unitedkingdombaby to ukhiphopheads [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:28 SaxInTheWorld I (25M) may be divorcing my wife (36F) of 3 months over a COVID vaccine. Is this salvageable? What would you do?

My wife and I have dated 2 years, married 3 months. For about half of that we were long distance/international. She lived in Ecuador, I met her on a trip there, and continued to go back every few months to see and take trips with her. Eventually I had her meet my family, she moved in with me in NYC for some time, and I proposed.
We were very in love. While the proposal and eventual wedding was relatively quick due to practical and immigration reasons, I still felt good about it and felt she was my person.
Now the rough parts, she has debilitating anxiety (from living in a dangerous city her whole life and a rape 12 years ago) and is anti-vax/pro sketchy naturopath medicine. I had seen her have an episode here and there but they were infrequent. Starting literally 3 days before the wedding the panic attacks got more severe and more frequent. She was hospitalized just days before the wedding with no clear trigger or solution. She had another one because of a dog we were sitting acting a little nuts and seemed like every week there would be some episode of lower severity compared to the one before the wedding. I was supportive of her through this. Not as much as her parents (who really baby her a lot). Stayed with her in ER, made her soups and teas, walked with her. Made sure she figured out insurance, got her a therapist and primary care doctor. I wasn’t the perfect husband, eventually grew tired/irritable of sleepless nights consoling her and was more distant, not sexually interested but sincerely I was trying. We became more distant after the wedding not closer. Though to be clear I never considered or committed any infidelities and would never. About the naturopath part, she knew how I felt about it. I told her as long as she would never withhold needed medicine in favor unproven natural solutions from our hypothetical child (which would be a dealbreaker and I told her this) I wouldn’t make an issue with how she chose to treat herself. She agreed and understood.
All this came to a head when we were filing for immigration paperwork for her marriage based green card. USCIS requires her have a COVID vaccine and while I knew she wouldn’t like this, I never predicted a meltdown. She had several panic attacks, went to dozens on doctors seeking one that would write her a waiver, and considered hiring a vaccine lawyer to get her a religious exemption. When it seemed none of these avenues were working, she told me would be leaving the US and likely me because she refuses to get this vaccine. That she wouldn’t get it under any circumstances. We had already finished all the paperwork, got all the letters of recommendation, and were so close.
I tried so hard to convince of the safety of the shot, showing her study after study, the relative worse dangers of COVID. In addition, the city where she’s from and would likely move back to where she is too scared to walk at night would surely trigger her anxiety way more than having to recover from the vaccine for a couple days. Once she started telling me she was considering leaving I just felt so numb. Like Jesus this is my life. Her mother and these sketchy doctors she talks to from back home convince her this vaccine will mess her up and she trusts them more than me
We’ve only been married 3 months. I spent about $15K on the wedding in NYC in January with all family and friends and now this is what it’s come to… I’m not super worried about the financial consequences of divorces at this point but damn. This woman has been my life for two years. I feel embarrassed, helpless, like an idiot to be honest. Why I didn’t see this sooner. I know this is a lot. Does this seem at all salvageable to any of you? I feel if we can just sort out her anxiety and get her this shot we’ll be off to the races but things are seeming pretty bleak
submitted by SaxInTheWorld to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:09 max571 How will Fake Tears help with my Lazy Eye?

My (36M) eye doctor checked my eyes with some lenses, made me read some letters and said one of my eyes is a lazy eye. I was new to the term 'lazy eye' so I Googled it. In the pictures 'lazy eye' appears to be a situation when one of the eyes is moved to a side, but I've no such thing, although while reading the letters during the checkup, I did notice my right eye had a bit more trouble reading compared to my left eye, and I often feel as if there is like a tiny bit of blur in the right eye but nothing serious that'd affect my routine life.
The doctor suggested me to use fake tears to help with lazy eye, but I'm curious how exactly fake tears work and how will they support/improve my lazy eye? Is the goal just to keep the eyes hydrated?
Also, fake tears are pretty expensive ($18 for a small bottle), are they much different compared to water?
Anyone else experienced a similar situation?
submitted by max571 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:57 Ceylon_Rose02 Problem player takes campaign hostage

This story takes place over the course of about 2 ish years so details may get a little jumbled, so please bare with me. Let me start this story by setting the stage and important characters.
Dm - pretty okay guy but a little hot headed at times (This is mildly important)
Me - warlock fighter multi class
K - monk and problem player
There are a few other players but they don't really play too much of a role in this story, so I'll bring them up as needed.
We were playing Rime of the Frostmaiden, my first long term campign and the first character that I geniunely enjoyed and charished. Like I said above, I was playing an Aasimar warlock fighter, who was in the rime escaping a bounty on her head and was making ends meet by smuggling goods in and out of the ten towns. I loved her so much.
The campign starts and everything is fine for the most part, there are some in character disagreements but it was all in good fun, or so I thought. K's character constantly called my character evil for worshipping the Raven queen (hexblade warlock), before any of the problems actually start to arise its non stop and I quote, "Your a smelly stinky warlock drow!" I worked with my dm when making my charcter, and we decied that she was techinally a half helf, her fatehr being a dark elf. The only thing that made her stand out as anything else was the fact that she was well over six feet tall and build like a brick shit house.
I found out after these first few sessions that this player was the kind to run ahead of the party, without telling anyone in character, and get into trouble. The first time this happened and they showed their true colors was when we were exploring a mineshaft and turns out there was a Grell hiding in there under the specific condition, written IN THE BOOK mind you, that it would only come out if someone were in the room ALONE. Can you guess who found it and almost died as a result? If you guessed K, then you would be right. After a battle and K almost going down, almost, they start to raise hell and say that it wasn't fair and they couldn't do anything (The grell had them grappled and held in the air the majority of the fight while everyone else peppered it with spells). The DMm had to tell them that it wasn't an encounter that he made, that it was in the book and supposed to be there.
We continue with our sessioned and what not, having an occational out burst from K about the game being too hard from them splitting the party and running off. Things do start to bubble when the dm punishes K in game for their antics. For example, they start acting out of line with their gods beleifs and their god stops talking to/interacting with them, to which K whines and throws a fit over. A few more issues that we run into along the way include, but are not limited to
The major two events that earn this post its title goes as follow, in this order.
My charcter was assasinated.
Her past caught up with her and she was killed, bled out in the middle of the tundra. But the dm and I talked about this, and it was meant to happen. You see, the dm sent me some cool prostetic homebrew that I really wanted to use. So we made a plan for my character to get killed, lose an arm in the process and be brought back as a reborn with an arm made of magic from the Raven Queen. What I wasn't expecting was the dm to give me a choice in letting my character die or taking the reserection in exchange for soemthing. The original trade would have been that she comes back to life but no matter what she or her father did, she and him would forever have their fates severed and couldnt do anything to save eachother.
This is a deal my character would not have taken, and I would have let her stayed dead to keep in charcter. But the dm threw me a bone and gave me a different deal instead. To which every time she died here after, she would have to stay dead for a longer and longer time, each time. Like that stop motion Pinoccio moive if you've seen it. While the dm and I were talking about it, I thought it would be funny to just roll new stats to keep everyone on their toes as we ended session before I made my decision.
Que K absolutly losing their mind in our general chat, saying that if my character dies then they wanted a new character too. The only reason this would be an issue was because we had lost a lot of the original party, K and myself being the only characters left. The Dm had even stated a while before that if we lost all the pcs that he would consider ending the campign, as no ones character would have the same inititave to act and all that. So K threaning to make a new character because I might make a new character, made things more complicated. I had put almost a year of my time at this point and didn't want it to go down the drain because of this. Which also plays into why the dm game be an easier deal for my character to take for her life back.
They had an actual break down over this, why? I still have no clue.
The second event was a dragon encounter. An Adult Black Dragon that was destorying the Ten Towns.
It was the most high stakes encounter we had ever had at that point, and everyone was stressed to say the least. My self and the artificer cast fly on eachother so we can actually reach the dragon who keeps doing fly by breath attacks. After almost an hour and a half of combat we finally slay the dragon, with myself landing the final blow. I was fucking estatic! My first dragon encounter and was the one to kill it. K however, wasn't happy.
Imeadiatly they start screaming about how they couldn't land a hit on the dragon and were useless for the fight. Saying that the Dm ran the encounter wrong, which upset the dm who was once again running a written encounter from the module. They kept screaming over the vc while we all tried to calm them down. It ended with the relativly calm barbarian pc who snapped and went off on them. There was so much yelling and fighting that I just left. I heard from the dm after the fact that K threatened to leave, which I guess they thought would work like it had in the past, but everyone who was left in vc told them to go ahead.
They stayed and we continued to have issues with them threatening to kill off their character if things didn't go their way or they weren't the mvp of every session. Needless to say, the dm kicked them after a few more sessions.
submitted by Ceylon_Rose02 to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:57 MonitorPale1320 AITA for not inviting my cousins to my wedding?

My fiancé (m27) and I (F25) got engaged in October of last year. Our wedding is August of this year. We have always planned on having a small wedding as we are paying for everything ourselves. We also want our wedding to be child free so everyone can relax for the day and because we have a lot of cousins and friends with kids so inviting everyone would increase the head count significantly.
We discussed who we wanted to marry us pretty early into planning and decided it would be nice if my aunt/godmother (f42) would do it, because she made me her maid of honor when I was younger because I was there with her and helped her through her through her cancer treatment. She was ecstatic when we asked her and said yes.
For context, I was very close with my aunt and grandparents on this side of the family growing up. We have drifted apart in recent years since me and my fiancé began dating and I moved out of my parents house at 18 with him. They wrote me letters openly expressing that they were unsupportive off my relationship when I moved out and stated that they “didn’t raise me to be like this” (they didn’t raise me) but we have moved past it in the past few years and started seeing them a bit more (usually once a year at Christmas.)
Anyways, after I sent the save the dates, ( my aunts was addressed to just her and my uncle and not their children since it is a child free event) my aunt texted me asking if her kids were invited. I responded “No, unfortunately, our wedding is going to be child free. I’m sorry!”
Immediately I got a call from my grandmother asking “why I’m doing this to our family.” I tell her our wedding is child free, my intention isn’t to hurt or target anyone. Basically tells me I need to stop being selfish and they won’t be able to come to my wedding because they won’t be able to find childcare. I told her I really hope they’ll be able to find childcare in the next 10 months because I would love for them to be there.
After I got off the phone with her, I texted my aunt apologizing for hurting her or the kids, explaining again that there are going to be no children at the event, and it had nothing to do with them in particular. I didn’t hear back.
I followed up with her 2 more times asking if she still was going to come to the wedding and marry us and I never heard back. I followed up a month later to let her know that because I never heard from her I found someone else to marry us. She called me a few hours later, but I wasn’t able to answer the phone. I sent a text saying we can talk on Saturday. I forgot to call her and she never reached out to me. We have not spoke at all since then.
I sent out my wedding invitations this week and my aunt RSVPed and declined their invitation. She also texted my mom and told her she isn’t coming to my wedding shower. I think it’s totally reasonable to have a child free wedding and to be selfish with who we invite. But maybe I’m missing something? Am I in the wrong for this?
submitted by MonitorPale1320 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:41 Iwanttobfree WIBTAH for not telling my brother his girlfriend got a visa refusal

7 years ago I 38F applied for a family visa with my parents, newborn, and daughter’s father. We all got the visa except for my BD. One year later I migrated with my daughter and never looked back. I don’t regret the choice I took fofrom her, will never do and I’ll do it again. I know one day she will ask me why I took her from her father and family but that’s another’s day fight.
2 years ago I offered my brother 28, the chance to get out of the country, me paying everything. He is in a relationship with his girlfriend and asked me if I could sponsor her, I honestly couldn’t afford the two of them and told him so, he refused because he wanted to do it with her. It is not that he doesn’t want to come, he is desperate to get out, but wants to do it with her. They have been saving since then, were ready to apply and I again offered my help.
He has a very well paid job, a bachelor degree, got a loan and me. It’s a nice profile. She doesn’t have a strong profile. I made a letter and submitted my support documents (bank, lease, etc) saying I will support both of them, they will be living in my house and blah blah blah, but I can not legally sponsor her because we are not first degree related, so immi doesn’t care what I may say. “You are nice but not her sister” kind of thing.
Anyway, today her visa outcome arrived. Denied. I got the info first because I’m sponsoring the process so the agent called me first. And also, to know how to manage the situation with them/him.
Here is the issue. The agent says there is three options. 1 reapply by herself in a year or so. 2. My brother to sponsor her (he will have to come and then request her). 3 My brother can withdraw his application and then reapply again together. Risking the same outcome in any of the 3 options. Just to clarify, withdrawing does not mean he will get any money back. Immi does not return money.
She has a very difficult upbringing, it’s not my place to share. From what I understand she’s a really good soul, a good woman. My brother is her rock, support and helped her to flourish away from her family. I know he won’t be comfortable with leaving her. Even more if he has the choice to withdraw the process. I’m pretty certain he will withdraw his application for her.
I believe the saying “two drowned people won’t save anyone” (it sounds better in my language), kind of airplane philosophy “help yourself first”.
WIBTAH for delaying the news of her refusal and not sharing the 3rd option in order to give my brother the chance to get an approval?? I understand I’m taking the choice from him, if he choose not coming there is nothing I can do, I will accept it, but at least I want him to have the option and not tank it beforehand.
submitted by Iwanttobfree to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:29 Gigi_midnight Random complaint to the world over arabic letter sizes on screens

Random complaint to the world over arabic letter sizes on screens
Is it just me or are arabic letters displayed significantly smaller than the roman alphabet on screens (apps, websites)?! Of course it's because I don't instinctively recognize words in a fraction of a second and I have to decipher, but still. The letters seem to be displayed in a font size 7,5 while english would be displayed in a 9. I had to squint to see what letters were written on wikipedia ب ت ث ن ي just looks way smaller font wise than the rest. I dont have any hope, but is there a way to up the size of just arabic letters?
submitted by Gigi_midnight to learn_arabic [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:21 vacillatingfox Do my dependencies go the wrong way in OOP composition?

Hi! First time posting here after being a reader for a while. Sadly ChatGPT and Copilot were not very helpful, so I'd appreciate any insights. Since I'm by no means an expert in Python, OOP, or design patterns, and this feels like a general conceptual issue rather than specific to my task, I thought I'd ask in a beginner's forum first.
I have written a Python package and am pretty happy with it. It works well and as intended, and I think it's really not bad considering my level of experience.
However, even though it all works, I'm not too happy about the structure of the code, as it goes against what my instinct says would be the right way to do things.
The package is very much written with OOP, and specifically tries to make use of composition as it makes absolute sense for the task. Given the requirements of the project, however, it was a challenge to make it work without circular imports, and in the result it feels to me like the dependencies go the wrong way.
A fairly minimal code example is below. The methods are silly examples that aren't the real ones, they just demonstrate what I need the classes to do.
Essentially, I have a main class `C` that should be composed of `C.a` and `C.b`, where `a` is a numeric type and `b` is an instance of `B`. Each instance of `B` that is created gets registered in an instance of `Container`.
"""""" from container import container # Can't import `B` as that would be circular import and gives problems class C: """An object possessing a number and a B.""" # `b` must be an instance of `B` but can't give as type hint def __init__(self, a: int float, b): self.a = a self.b = b # `b` will always be an instance of `B` def __repr__(self): return (f"C({self.a}, {self.b})") def __str__(self): return f"{self.a}*{self.b}" def __mul__(self, other): # Can't import `B` so have to check if `other` is a `B` by duck-typing # Could implement behaviour of `C * B` in `B.__rmul__()` but doesn't # really solve the overarching problem if hasattr(other, "name") and hasattr(other, "as_C"): return C(self.a, self.b * other) else: return NotImplemented def __rmul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (int, float)): new_a = other * self.a return C(new_a, self.b) def question(self): # Return a new `C` where its `b` has an added question mark # Since `self.b.question()` returns a `C` not a new `B`, # can't just do `C(self.a, self.b.question())` return self.a * self.b.question() def from_string(self, string): """Parse a string into an `a` and a `b` and return a new `C`.""" split_string = string.split() a = float(split_string[0]) possible_matches = container.find(split_string[1]) b = possible_matches[0] return C(a, b) ################################## """""" from c import C from container import container # Feels like both of the above should depend on `B`, not the other way round class B: """One of the key constituent elements of a `C`.""" def __init__(self, name: str): = name container.add(name[:3], self) def __repr__(self): return (f"B('{}')") def __str__(self): return def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, B): new_name = + "x" + return B(new_name) def __rmul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (int, float)): # This is key behaviour that is absolutely required because # it is the main API for the user to create a `C` return C(other, self) else: return NotImplemented def as_C(self): """Return an instance of C that has itself.""" # Indirectly creates an instance of `C` via `self.__rmul__()` # Could equally just use `C(1, self)` but this way has advantages return 1 * self def question(self): """Add a question mark to the name, then return an instance of C.""" new_B = B( + "?") return 1 * new_B ################################## """""" # Can't import `B` as that would be circular import and gives problems class Container: def add(self, code: str, b): """Add a `B` to the Container under the provided three-letter code.""" # Again `b` must be an instance of `B` but can't give as type hint # Make sure all codes are unique while hasattr(self, code): code = code[:-1] + chr(ord(code[-1]) + 1) # Naturally this results in a horrible namespace but it is just to # demonstrate the point, the real implementation is more sophisticated setattr(self, code, b) def find(self, search: str): """Return list of all `B`s whose name contains the search string, in alphabetical order of their codes.""" # Uses a much more complicated method to sort but key point is that the methods # of `Container` are also dependent on the implementation of `B` matched_codes = [code for code, b in self.__dict__.items() if search in] sorted_matches = sorted(matched_codes) matches = [getattr(self, code) for code in sorted_matches] return matches container = Container() 
I would have thought that for a composition approach, `` should be importing `B`, partly for type hinting but mainly because `C` has methods that rely on `C.b` being a `B`.
Due to the further constraints described below, however, `` is importing `C`! Am I right in feeling this is unorthodox and "wrong"?
Naturally, the duck-typing means that anything that implements the same methods as `B` could be passed to `C()`. But that just doesn't feel right.
And even though I got rid of a true circular import, `B` and `C` are still very much coupled and depend on each other. I already had a couple of bugs with endless loops due to each class referencing the other.
Or am I overthinking and actually this is all normal and ok?
submitted by vacillatingfox to learnpython [link] [comments]