Cute things to say to your friend you like

A subreddit for cute and cuddly pictures

2008.01.25 05:07 A subreddit for cute and cuddly pictures

Things that make you go AWW! -- like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on... Feel free to post original pictures and videos of cute things.

2008.01.25 11:05 ᵔᴥᵔ


2011.07.22 01:20 keechie I only created my own subreddit, no big deal.

What is a humblebrag? Making a seemingly modest, self-critical, or casual statement or reference that is meant to draw attention to one’s admirable or impressive qualities. Many are uncomfortable sharing their successes, and use humble bragging as a way to still show off their accomplishments without feeling the same shame as they would for explicitly stating what occurred. Do you have something you're proud of, but don't want to look like a show-off? Layer it in with a not-so-good statement.

2024.05.14 08:02 kcimoney Who Provides the Best Commodity Market Services in Alwar?

Who Provides the Best Commodity Market Services in Alwar?
When it comes to investing in commodities, the residents of Alwar have a gem in their midst. Our financial services firm, which has been a guiding light for many investors, stands out as the go-to place for commodity market services in Alwar.
Understanding Commodity Markets
Before we dive into the services, let’s understand what commodity markets are. Simply put, they are places where you can buy or sell things like wheat, cotton, and even gold. It’s like a big shop where instead of clothes or toys, people trade in goods that come from the earth or are made in large quantities.
Why choose us?
We have been around for a while, and they know the ins and outs of the commodity market like the back of their hand. They offer advice that’s easy to understand and act on, making sure you’re not left scratching your head wondering what to do next.
Gold Trading Expertise
Gold is a big deal in Alwar, and we have got some of the best gold trading experts in Alwar. We can help you understand when to buy gold, when to sell, and how to keep your investments diversified and safe from market volatility. It’s like having a friend who knows all about gold and is always there to give you the best advice.
Personal Touch
What makes us special is the personal touch they bring to their services. They will sit down with you, listen to your aspirations, requirements, and plans, and then help you make the right decisions. Because it’s not just about making money; it’s about making your money work for you.
Community Trust
The people of Alwar trust us because they’ve seen the results. Neighbors, friends, and family members have all worked with us and come away happier and more confident about their investments.
In a city like Alwar, finding someone who understands your financial needs and can offer solid advice on commodity markets is priceless. We have proven time and again that we are the leaders in this field. Whether you’re looking to invest in gold or other commodities, we can be your partner you need.
This article is a brief overview of why we are considered the best provider of commodity market services, especially for those interested in gold trading. For more detailed information and personalized advice, visiting their website or contacting them directly would be the best course of action.
submitted by kcimoney to u/kcimoney [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:38 Didujustsitonmyface My Therapist was the last person I spoke to the night I attempted to end my life.

This is a very long one. Trigger warning ⚠️
I (19f) have been in and out of long term/short term facilities since I was 12 years old. I’ve had suicide attempts and have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. This is definitely not my first experience with a therapist. Over the years I’ve had over 6+. Not because they haven’t worked for me all the time, but because they either move onto another facility or I move onto another phase in life.
Last year I adopted a new therapist “Mere” thanks to my older sister “North”. My current Therapist “Tina” who I’ve been working with for the past 3 and a half years, switched to a facility where my insurance only covers 30 min sessions. North didn’t think that was enough for me at the time since I wasn’t doing so well mentally. The therapist she recommended worked closely with her own and offered 1hr long sessions, so I agreed wanting to try something new since my old therapist seemed to not specialize in trauma and ptsd. Kerr was highly recommended for those topics.
We started our sessions not soon after my sister offered. The first couple months were hard. Our personalities seemed to clash. Not because mine was bad, but because I was deeply depressed. I was not a joy to be around and everyone seemed annoyed with my constant melancholy. Even my therapists seemed sick of me.
Over time I learned to adapt my personality to be more palatable. My therapists loved it now that I was interacting with them and making jokes. I treated them more like friends now instead of therapists and they seemed to appreciate that. I found it funny because a lot of my issues I explained to them was faking my personality to fit into the crowd and adapt. Due to me being f a people pleaser. They didn’t see anything wrong with the change since I seemed to be getting better mentally.
I was better. I wouldn’t attribute much of my success to my therapists tho. It was nice to have someone to talk to since at the time I had no friends, but they didn’t seem to know how to handle my constant depression so I started to hide it from them. Even from myself. Over time I was able to function a lot better. I switched my sessions to only once every two weeks and I was planning on ending them all together since I was doing so well on my own and haven’t need much help in a while.
It seems that I ah e bad luck. Right when I was at my peak recovery and condition, I was raped on the first day of the new year. I spiraled back into my deep deep deep depression worse than any other relapse I had before. I survived on Benadryl and ice cream for weeks. I took the pills so I didn’t have to be awake to long. I ate only food that I liked the most (mainly unhealthily) my health declined.
My mental health was the worst of it tho. The day after the rape occurred I had a session with my newer therapist. I start telling her the details of my assault. The shock was still fresh in my brain and my memories were scrambled. I greatly blamed myself. I thought I was the weirdo.
Mere only confirmed my sentiments. Before I could fully list out the details of the night it happened she immediately started to spew accusations of my intentions that night. Saying phrases like “Well when someone is pleasuring you it’s hard to say no and there’s nothing wrong with that”
I shut up then and just agreed with her but something still didn’t sit right with me. I went on Reddit and there was mixed opinions about it. A lot of ppl validated my feelings and others thought It was my fault. After fully processing this event and fully remembering it in its entirety I can say confidently that what happened to me was rape.
The next session we had I was able to tell the full story. Mede had just said “Oh. Well you didn’t mention all this before. That’s definitely not ok”. The thing is tho, she was the one to cut me off and make assumptions instead of trying to pull out the full story. She knew I had extreme ptsd and I probably wouldn’t be able to give an in-depth detailed explanation of what happened. She still insulted me anyway and brushed me off.
I thought this to be weird but I brushed it off. When you think k you’re in the presence of a professional you don’t often question things especially if you aren’t in the mental space to do so. So ignored her.
There have been times where she’s been short with me. One time she had asked to switch a 12pm session to 5pm. When I refused she said she’d have to charge me a cancellation fee. It seemed that she just wanted to get paid for that session still and wanted to guilt me into paying. I refused and explained that she was the one who cancelled on me and she immediately backed down realizing I wouldn’t be easily pushed around. I didn’t think much of it then.
Another time. I had gone to this tattoo parlor to get my belly button pierced. I took videos and pictures of the process. She requested in our session that week to see the pictures. I agreed to send and emailed them to her in two emails. In one there was all the pictures of the parlor, the. The other had the videos of the full process. Accidentally I had added one singular picture of me. I was at school and I took a picture in the schools bathroom. There was nothing indecent about it I just accidentally pressed on that picture as I was sending the others. IT happened a lot when using your iPhone to email and I didn’t really notice.
She brought it up the next session and started to berate me for sending that singular pic out of all the obvious other intended pictures. She said it’s inappropriate to send her pictures of myself. I explained to her the accident and she seemed shocked. All she said was “oh well ok”. I don’t know why she got so triggered I’ve always kept good boundaries with her. I can’t believe she immediately started accusing me for one picture of me posing in the mirror while having a turtle neck in a jacket and everything.
Those are just a few of the shady things she’s done. Now back to current time. After I was raped. I still continued sessions with her and tried to get back on track. She wasn’t really helping. I would have extreme panic attacks on therapy video calls with her and she seemed at loss of what to do. I distanced myself from her and I started to get a little better, but then I started to have issues with some of my friends. That added onto my load of issues and started to push me to the edge.
I called my therapist the night of my attempt. I try not to call her after hours but I was in genuine crisis. I had spent the whole day being practically verbally abused by one of my friends. I was cracking slowly it surely and I reached out for help.
Otp I expressed to her how I felt betrayed by everyone around me. I asked her why everyone felt it was ok to treat me wrong whenever. Why wasn’t I able to find peace? Why I couldn’t find ppl who cared? My parents are emotionally abusive as well. That all stems into my ppl pleasing habits. I’ve let a lot of ppl take advantage of my nature because I’ve been conditioned to since birth. She knows my history and why I am the way I am. Instead of consoling me she yelled at me. “Well you knew they were bad ppl!” “If you knew they were bad ppl why are you blaming them you just need to stop hanging around bad ppl”. She then told me she had to go and hung up. She did ask me if I was safe but of course I lied. She knows I always try to see the best in ppl. I don’t see the bad till it’s too late most times. Her words stung like acid. I had been prescribed some sedatives to calm me during panic attacks. I had taken two but they weren’t helping. After that call I took the whole bottle. I didn’t want to die alone so I called my mother to stay in my room with me. Then I drifted into a deep sleep for hours into the next day’s afternoon. I had fallen asleep around 10 pm. I woke up the next day around 3pm still kicking but disordered.
I spent two weeks in a mental hospital. During that time I do t have access to my phone. I had my sister contact everyone that needed to be. Even Mere. She knew I was in there. I didn’t call her while I was there bc I was still upset at her after everything.
I was discharged but I didn’t set up a session for weeks. She emailed and called me once but I didn’t respond till I was fully settled back into my routine and okay enough to talk to her. I emailed her this
“Hallo, Sorry. I didn’t mean to ghost you. I just needed some time to get myself together. I called you just now. You are probably busy. I hope everything is doing well on your end. Sorry again. Sent from my iPhone”
I had planned to set up an appointment in the future to talk to her about everything but by the time I checked my patient portal a week or so later I had been discharged with no warning. No calm text or email.
I set up a meeting with her over the phone for 45 mins. When she first came onto the call the first thing she said was “I saw that you put our appointment for 45 mins. I changed it to 30 bc you know I did discharge you”. I thought it was pretty rude so instead of explaining everything I told her about how I didn’t have my phone in the hospital and the hospital themselves didn’t notify her because they were disorganized and were extremely unprofessional. It’s not like she wasn’t updated by my sisters anyway. When I got my phone after I got home I saw texts from her asking if I was still having a session with her. Knowing that I was in the hospital. It seemed she either didn’t care or didn’t believe I was in the hospital. In fact when she had spoken over the phone with one of my sisters she had lied to them about that night. She had told her “After I got otp with her I immediately started praying for her because I m ew something was deeply wrong” how delusional of her to say after she yelled at me and hung up.
Anyway after I explained my reasoning for going MIA she started to realize how fucked up she was and asked me how I was doing. I didn’t say much because I was done with her and she obviously didn’t intend of hearing the full story since she shortened our session. She started asking me why I didn’t want to continue therapy and seemed confused why I didn’t seem to beg her to re admit me. I told her I was done with therapy. She seemed concerned and said that she discharged me because she thought it’d be better for me to find an in person therapist. I knew it was a shitty excuse. I quickly hang up on her and don’t address anything.
I’m only processing this now because I’ve had much bigger things going on. I’m only now realizing how fucked up her behavior was. If I hadn’t spoken to her the night of my attempt I probably wouldn’t have tried to kill myself. I feel cheated out of help. I don’t feel angry at her I have to reserve that for someone more worthy of my rage. I only wished she didn’t use the fact that I would never call her out on her behavior usually. She knew my temperament and took advantage of that. I don’t think I’ll ever trust a therapist again. She victim blamed me, mocked me, berated me in my time of need, and then abandoned me on baseless assumptions that could’ve been easily cleared up if she actually listened to what my sisters and I were saying. She didn’t even say sorry when we were talking. Or express any remorse besides embarrassment for jumping to conclusions. SMH.
TLDR: My therapist berated me for trusting ppl in my life the night of my suicide attempt. Then Discharged me from her care without consulting me first. Blamed me for all her mistakes and jumped to conclusions randomly then never apologized for the baseless accusations. I am at a loss for words and at a loss for trust in therapy again.
submitted by Didujustsitonmyface to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:16 Smooth_Judgment4092 I've read and applied all the tricks...

I know the tricks of the trade. - tailor your resume to each job posting - network - find a mentor - always keep your resume updated - don't sell yourself short
I could keep going. However, what do you do in the instance that you live in an area with limited options and you can't move due to spouses job?
I'm working in a lower mid-level position, in an office of 4 with a boss who can't see the future because he wants to keep old projects around, be a nice guy, and a "bully" (essentially not have to be accountable to anyone like the previous boss of 20 years), and is truly unwilling to do his part to help our organization grow.
I ask questions, regularly seeking growth opportunities, and hardly given much direction beyond "Well, it says to do this" for something that has been a "project" for years. However, there is no continuity or process to anything. It's rebuilding the wheel over and over.
I'm truly at a loss and feel absolutely stuck. I enjoy my work and the space I'm in, I wish I had a boss with more strategic vision rather than what's right in front of his face and 2 weeks ago.
submitted by Smooth_Judgment4092 to jobsearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:02 ExcitingSand1358 Relationship ended after a poor choice of words, what could I of done differently? 27m & 28f

Hey all, I just wanted some insight of what I should do. About 1 week ago me (27m) and my now ex (28f) broke up. We only dated for a hot minute, 1 month. We were in constant contact daily (she wanted me to keep intouch especially if I was at work). And everyother day we were together in person. We met through work I'm a firefighter, she's in law enforcement. When we were together she'd tell me things that she's said she had either never opened up about. But how easy it was to open up with me. Everything was going great. She liked my no bs about the future. We agreed what both of our intentions were LTR with marriage and kids etc. Like I said, all was going great.
One day she wanted me to meet her best friend (30f). I agreed, we went to the best friends house together. The friend had a kid that kept going around hitting the women (8m) and I stopped him. Basically saying that behavior isn't tolerated and I'm not going to allow it. I then told him to apologize, which he did. All else was going well. By my 3rd drink I said it was going to be my last one. But I seen my gf and her friend opened another bottle of wine so I had another 2 beers. Later in the night my gf told me she wanted to spend the night so she could watch her best friends son soccer game in the am. It's not what I wanted, but thinking all was well I went along with it. We kissed, I left.
After I got home I texted her saying I had a good time and enjoyed her company. I also apologized if she felt like I shouldn't of driven because I drank 2 more beers 5 total in 5 hours than I said I would. She said she had a good time too and enjoyed my company. She ignored the part that I mentioned about alcohol.
Fast forward, next day. I'm at work, she's more cold and distant. It takes her significantly longer to get back to me than normal. And she doesn't want to talk about yesterday. Eventually I get super anxious feeling something is off and message her saying "I know something is bothering you, we've had conversations in the past and both agreed that if this is the case we would hash it out so we don't hold it against one another. So we can either communicate like adults like we've agreed. Or throw in the towel (figure of speech)."
She ended up replying immediately saying that I immediately went to "throwing in the towel " and how I must not care about her or our relationship. So being what I said she wanted to break up, because screw me.
Me regretting my choice of words tried to backtrack saying that's not what I meant. She said I was right something is bothering her from last night but she didn't want to have this conversation with me being that I'm at work. And hoped I would do the same if she was because she has a gun on her hip.
She said she noticed two things yesterday she didn't like. 1. I talked to much about work. 2. Drinking more than I said I would (this bothered her because of her past of getting a dui). She then said because of those two things she didn't want a relationship anymore with me. Because "That's your personality, and I don't want you to change because of me. I want you to change because of you". I said I'd change because I wanted too. She wouldn't listen. She said she was too mad at me to continue our relationship and that we're done.
Later that day I reached out, she agreed to let this go. But was still being cold and distant, less available. Canceling all of our future plans and having excuses.
So, I reached out again telling her how much I like her and how I absolutely adore and & love her (I've said this in the past and she said she feels the exact same way. Just feels too soon to say it back).
She then says she needs space, isn't ready for a relationship, that someone like me hurt her before. That we're on separate paths right now and she doesn't want me anymore. She ended the conversation saying we'll talk about this at a later date. But she wants time to focus on herself.
The next day I noticed she recorded or FaceTimed my snap story and then unfriended me on snap.
We've been on NC for the last week. I genuinely do want her back. I don't know what I should do, or say. Or if I should at all.. It hurts and sucks. Looking for what you all think of this. What I should of done differently. Thank you for your time!
tdlr relationship ended after a poor choice of words
submitted by ExcitingSand1358 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:43 thevelouroverground How can I (38F) respectfully express to my partner (40M) things I don’t like he says or does?

I love my partner, but sometimes he says or does things around me I don’t like, and I don’t know how to express myself without being offensive. Can you help me?
Here are some examples:
We were walking on a public trail when he loudly turned music on his phone. I joked “oh you’re gonna be “that guy” who listens to loud music?” He took offense. However I feel like if I said “I feel uncomfortable listening to loud music in public” he might have also took offense. Would that have been better or is there another way?
He was driving 15 miles over the speed limit on a main road and had to abruptly brake when we hit traffic just over a hill. And I exclaimed why is it necessary to go so fast!? I don’t enjoy it. And he said he doesn’t like me commenting on his driving and said he’s a safe driver and likes to go fast sometimes. In general he goes faster and has a fast sports car, while I tend to stick to the speed limit in my SUV. Do I just not drive with him anymore or be quiet or should he drive the speed limit when I’m in the car, or is there a better way I can tell him not to go fast when I’m in the car?
TLDR: My partner does or says things sometimes that I don’t like and I don’t know how to say I don’t like it without coming across as offensive.
submitted by thevelouroverground to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:41 ClaymoreAspect Join the Little Big Snake Community - A Thriving Gaming Community for Snake Battle Enthusiasts

Join the Little Big Snake Community - A Thriving Gaming Community for Snake Battle Enthusiasts

Hey fellow gamers!

Are you a fan of, the exciting online multiplayer snake battle game?
No further, because we've got just the place for you - the Little Big Snake Discord community server! 

Our community server is the ultimate hub for all things Little Big Snake

Whether you're looking for a place to chat with like-minded gamers, discuss strategies, or find teammates for epic battles, our Discord server has it all.
Join the ranks of our thriving gaming community and dive into the world of Little Big Snake. Engage in intense reptilian battles, explore the vast virtual universe, and socialize with fellow snake enthusiasts. Our Discord server provides a unique opportunity to connect with players from all over the globe and forge new friendships.
But wait, there's more! As a member of our Discord community, you'll gain exclusive access to special events, tournaments, and giveaways. Get ready to showcase your snake battling skills and compete against the best of the best in the Little Big Snake world.
Whether you're a newbie looking for guidance or a seasoned player seeking new challenges, our Discord community welcomes all. Join us today and discover the true essence of multiplayer gaming.
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submitted by ClaymoreAspect to littlebigsnakeio [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:41 Adventurous-Rabbit52 Skit: Kohime beats Koyori.

Kohime, back at her school: Look at the "trophy" I won off of her. May Suzumegahara know the might of Tsubame. This Wanko case will remind her of " a part of her" she lost that day. May everyone who see it be reminded of our school's superiority.
Rest of the gang, except for Kumami, in unison: We know.
Kohime: What? Excuse me?
Rest of the gang, except for Kumami, in unison: We know. We haven't seen a horribly disguised attempt like this since Kururi's crush on Zakuro. That stopped being funny a long time ago, and so has this. Just start bringing the dolls to school. You're 13? Nobody really cares about stuff like that in this series anyways. Otherwise, we'd have laughed at Koyori until she broke down.
Kohime, trying to bluff her way out of this: I- still don't know what you're talking about.
Nemuri: I have Kuroba on speed dial. I was going to get a picture of Irori without her consent to add to the awful amounts of verbal and emotioal abuse I was already heaping onto her, but this is a much better plan. IF we call her here right now, she won't find anything strange. Anything out of the ordinary.
Kohime: You're bluffing. No way she'll get here that fast. I'd have left the campus by then. It'd take me literally 5 minutes to get out of here.
Nerumi: Go ahead, flip that coin.
Kohime: ...
Nerumi: So, this can go down one of two ways. Either you keep up the whole "this is a trophy and Tsubame is superior schtick", and keep carrying that damn racket case around, or you put that away and we pretend the entire thing never happened.
Kohime: Are you... are you threatening me?
Nerumi: More like getting back at you. Next to Kururi, you train us harder than everybody else. The rest of these scrubs I get, but unlike them, I actually win my matches. So yeah- I'm threatening you.
Kohime: You know what, nobody really has to know whether or not Tsubame is superior or not. I'll just put this thing away.
Kumami: Yeah, put them in your doll house.
Kohime: Wait, don't say that out loud!
Kumami: Relax, everyone already knows. That's why they said it
Nerumi: Actually, I was just referring to buying one in store.
Everyone else in unison: Me, too.
Kohime: Starts blushing.
Nerumi: What's next, a separate room just for your dolls? Lol.
Kohime: Starts blushing even harder.
Nerumi: You know, it just occured to me I may have crossed a line. I think I'm going to do that training I love so much.
Nerumi: Walks, then runs in true panic realizing she's gone too far and might have to deal with months of psychological torture from Kohime starting from the next day.
submitted by Adventurous-Rabbit52 to Pingponggirls [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:22 Ashamed-Comment5200 Have known girl for Ten Years (not together) and I still get knots in my stomach [NEED ADVICE PLEASE AT BOTTOM)

Backstory first and Advice section underneath.
If you have any questions please ask. And please don’t tell me to block her, that will destroy me even more
We were very good friends the last two years of high school. We would talk for hours watching airplanes land and listening to music. There were times where we would literally sit there staring into each others eyes for minutes on end and we would never do anything about it. There was one time when we watched a movie with all of our friends in her basement and she moved to cuddle with me and I shit you not it was the best 45 minutes of my entire life and all I was doing was holding her and playing with her hands
(She has SA issues in her childhood and I would never touch her or do anything to make her uncomfortable unless I was 200% sure. Well I got to maybe 185% sure she wants to kiss me on 10+ occasions.
After school we kind of fizzled out due to me making some poor choices. About a year or so after the last time we talked she texted me saying she was thinking about me all the time and wanted to check up on me. I told her how I was doing and somehow it led into an argument about the way she left things. We went cold for another year and then boom. Same thing.
Told her I can’t stop thinking about her and she said the same. We caught up and met up once to smoke and it was the same exact thing as when we were kids. Just so much fucking tension. After that we just kind of got busy lives or whatnot and didn’t talk much.
Now I’ll text her once every week or so and respond to her posts, “proud of you!” “Happy for you! Love seeing you smile” and I will just give the occasional respectful adult nod that I still adore her.
I feel like she feels we have a unspoken cemented friendship where nothing will get misinterpreted,
When I tell her she’s on my mind she still says same. When I send her a Snapchat she responds with the most fucking adorable smile that looks like she is just so elated to see me. When I call her beautiful she will send me a flaming heart emoji. When I tell her I need to see her soon she agrees but as always just one of those girls you can never catch. When I post something she’ll occasionally respond hyping whatever it is up (nobody ever does this)
I’m absolutely fucking crazy over this girl and I do not know what to do anymore. I feel like we both know we are just PERFECT together and I mean PERFECT. Like there’s not a single doubt in my mind that this woman would make me the happiest person on the face of the earth if I could just see her smile every day and keep her safe.
I’m about to cry writing this and I haven’t in years. I seriously need somebody to slap me in the face and tell me what to do like I’m five because I can’t do this anymore. I feel like if I give up then I will lose the only girl I’ve ever truly wanted
submitted by Ashamed-Comment5200 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:34 External-Subject-380 Strange homesick feeling

Ever since I was a child I would always randomly feel a weird, sad feeling. Like the feeling you get when you stay over at a friends house and end up crying and calling your mom to pick you up because you can’t sleep. I’ll randomly get a wave of it, there’s not really a pattern. Just sad, sick, wanna curl up under the covers, wanna cry but I can’t. Like I just wanna go home? I’m longing for something but I don’t know what it is. I always ask others if they feel the same, people have given me answers but none of them really fit the feeling. It would happen as a child and I’d always cuddle my mom, crying because I wanted to go home. As I’ve gotten older it happens more frequently, not daily but maybe like every 2-3 days. Lasts for hours. Sorry if this post doesn’t make sense, it’s really hard to describe this feeling.
submitted by External-Subject-380 to spirituality [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:17 bugluvr81 How should I(20f) tell my boyfriend(20m) I was raped?

TW: detailed SA
To preface this, I was manipulated and abused by a boy when I was 13. During this time my mom abandoned me with my dad and I was in an extremely vulnerable position emotionally. I had just left foster care as well and had really never experienced real love or attention.
That was until I met a boy in my grade(7th grade), who immediately started complimenting me and approaching me sexually. He would send me other girls nudes, who were also our age, saying it was normal to send nudes even though I didn't want to. He endlessly pressured me into sending nudes by saying he was going to hurt himself or even kill himself. He pressured me into dating him and I ended up "dating" him for the next 9 months. On our first date he immediately got me away from my mom and kissed me and grabbed my chest and immediately starting putting his hand down my underwear. I pushed him off of me and my mom immediately turned the corner to find us. She ended up essentially dropping off the face of the earth less than a week later.
After this "date," we continued to text and he wanted to know when I'd be ready for sex. He wanted me to sext with him and I physically couldn't I was just 13 and too awkward to. He'd get extremely mad and end up sexting other girls just to send me screenshots of their messages and nudes. For some reason I thought this was normal. I told him I wouldn't feel ready for sex until I was at least 14, but a month into dating he came over to my house with 2 of our friends. Our 2 friends went upstairs and we stayed in my room, he forced himself onto me after we had been kissing. He pulled down my pants and I said no and he begun raping me I cried and said no and that it hurt but he still continued. When he finished, he had blood on his hands which he wiped off and we went upstairs to be with our friends. I told him it wasnt normal and it hurt and there was blood on his hands but he showed me a porn of how virgins usually bleed so I thought it was normal.
I continued dating him, I thought this whole thing was normal so we had more sex and do sexual things. I went on a trip with him and his family a few months later even and while there he strangled me. I was in the middle of rambling about some show I was interested in and he wrapped both hands around my neck and squeezed so hard. I just looked into his eyes and gasped and he had no emotion on his face at all. He ended up breaking up with me a few months later blaming my poor mental health.
Months after that I started piecing together that what happened wasn't normal. I would look at the spot on the ground where it happened in my room and get flashbacks. Even though we had "broken up" we were still texting and I told him that I didnt want what had happened that day. I also took a sex ed class after it had happened and realized technically it had been rape. I told him my concerns and he admitted that what had happened wasn't right. I dont remember what happened to make me so angry at him that I went to our school counselors and reported him, but he did something to aggravate me? There was a police investigation but I dropped charges due to already having to go to court like every month for the past year for foster care complications and getting a restraining order on my mom. He ended up moving schools soon after and I moved 100 miles away the following year.
Fast forward, I've been dating my boyfriend for almost a year and we live together. We're both broke students but we really love each other. He was in a car accident last week that totaled his car, he was physically fine but taken away by an ambulance and in the hospital for the rest of the day. The doctors were worried there might be spine or head trauma/damage and I've never been so worried in my life. He ended up fine but I realized that I really want to spend a good portion of my life with this man, possibly even have kids. He's my only family really and he's amazing, imagining him injured or worse made me lose my mind at the hospital.
He knows a lot about my trauma, my mom ended up dying so he's comforted me through that as well as listening to all the horrible things I've experienced. I've mentioned there's one thing I can't talk about which is this. I physically cannot bring any of this up to him and I can't even say the word rape out loud. He's assured me I can tell him whenever I feel ready but I don't know how to admit these things unless he asks me very specific questions about it which obviously I cant expect.
He's very gentle with me but sometimes I feel myself disassociated during sex and get flashbacks to what happened. I just want him to understand what happened but I don't even know how to begin the conversation.
If anyone has advice on how I bring this up to him it would be very appreciated.
submitted by bugluvr81 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:53 IameIion You hear a voice in your head telling you to come here

You look around until you see a small animal looking at you. It looks like a cross between a lion and a unicorn. It's a bit smaller than a standard house cat. So small, you're not even afraid of it. It's actually cute. Looks like a pokemon.
"Yeah, you. Come here." Her voice is friendly and childlike. You walk over to her and ask what she wants. She tells you that her name is Phoebe, she's a demon, and that she will grant you wishes if you feed her.
You ask her what she wants. She asks for a house cat with a broken neck. You protest, but she tells you the reward will be worth it. Reluctantly, you accept.
Your neighbor's cat is always pooping on your property. You stepped in cat poop this morning. You catch the little bugger, but you let it go. You're not a killer.
Unfortunately, while running away from you, the cat gets hit by a car, is flung a good 50 feet, and is then struck by another car coming from the opposite direction.
Phoebe happily trots over and starts devouring what's left of the poor kitty. You ask about your reward, and she asks you what you want. You ask for a million dollars, but she only gives you $10,000, saying you "didn't do it right."
The money instantly appears in your bank account and you go on a shopping spree. The next day, you wake to Phoebe standing in your windowsill. She's a little bigger now. About the size of a small dog.
She asks you to bring her a dog with all its legs cut off. You're sickened by the request, but given the reward earlier, you consider it. You ask her if it can be a stray. She says it has to be a pet, saying that she "doesn't eat worthless meat."
With your stomach turning, you oblige. After the deed is done, you ask for ten million dollars out of sheer frustration. To your surprise, she gives you 20 million because she says she "likes how eager you were to accomplish your task."
You immediately purchase a large home, a nice car, and some new clothes to replace your blood soaked ones. You have a nightmare that night about what you did to that dog, but it's interrupted by Phoebe.
She's now about the size of a medium sized dog. She asks you to bring her a human finger. You couldn't possibly do that. You offer one of your own, but she refuses, saying that you're "worth so much more whole."
Once again, you reluctantly agree. You find a sleeping homeless man and, using a cigar clipper, quickly snip off his pinky finger. The man screams in pain as you run off with the severed digit.
In your haste to get away, you run right in front of a dump truck and get wrapped around the tires. You die instantly with your guts on display for all to see. That is, until Phoebe comes by, accepts her gift, and puts you back together like humpty dumpty.
You ask for a hundred million dollars, but she refuses, saying that you being resurrected was your reward as she "thought that's what you would have wanted."
You're angry, but there isn't anything you can do, so you just go home. The next day, Phoebe wakes you again. She's the size of a black bear. She asks you for a severed human head.
This time, you put your foot down. No way in hell you're going that far. Even with Phoebe's promises of a worthwhile reward, you stand your ground. You're not killing anyone.
Disappointed, Phoebe takes a few steps forward, getting uncomfortably close. "Well, I guess I'll just have to find something else to eat, hmm?" she says, looking you dead in the eyes.
Your heart drops and you start to shake. You should have known you'd get burned playing with fire. "Wait!" you shout. You agree to get her a severed head, but you don't even believe yourself.
Phoebe pauses for a moment. "Okie dokie, then. See ya soon," she says as she trots off. You leave the house, but don't even make it off the porch. You're frozen in fear. You still haven't stopped shaking.
You look to your right. Phoebe's standing on your roof, staring directly at you. You walk to your car and drive off.
What now? Do you try to run and hide? Perhaps you're in too deep and you'll just comply? Or maybe you're feeling daring and will try to kill Phoebe?
What will you do?
submitted by IameIion to hypotheticalsituation [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:25 Misanthropeiz Advice for someone who is losing faith in God?

I genuinely need some kind of advice from anyone about what I can do or anything when it comes to my faith in God.
For context I’ve been a Christian ever since I was a kid. There were other times where I struggled with faith but managed to get through it. But now it’s worse than ever to be honest.
As some examples, I’ve been praying to God almost every day for him to change something in my life or give me a nice Christian friend who has some things in common with me. The reason I pray for these two things almost every day is because it’s what I want and as well they’re things I really need in my life to be honest, things I struggle with or haven’t had in a very long time. I don’t see why it’s wrong to be praying for these kinds of things.
But it’s like no matter what I do or how many times I pray none of it has happened, it’s been almost a year now. It’s causing me to lose the most of my faith because I feel like he isn’t listening to me or that he just doesn’t care for some reason, I don’t know why but it just makes me sad and feel like he doesn’t want anything good for me.
The other thing is I’ve been getting this really terrible temptations to turn to other things, which I don’t actually want to, but the temptation is there and I think it’s mainly because as I said I feel like he’s just not there for me at all, but either way I don’t like it because it’s not how I want to live the only issue is it’s really hard to resist and I pray to God he would help me with it but nothing improves. I know it says in the Bible that “you aren’t tempted anything you can’t handle” basically, but idk… also, I’ve had a hard experience with some mental health struggles which caused me a lot of doubt in God too.
I don’t know if maybe I’m praying wrong or asking for the wrong things, or if maybe my faith is just somehow too weak to make any actual difference..
I just in general feel like he isn’t there for me and it makes me sad and disappointed, and kind of depressed because of course I want him to be there and actually help me with the things I struggle with for once. It’s caused me to lose so much faith in him and it’s barely hanging on by a thread every day to be honest. Any advice or words would be helpful. Thanks.
submitted by Misanthropeiz to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:55 genes1s__ 25M - An artist looking to meet new people. Please reach out!

hello! I'm looking to meet new people and form genuine friendships. I struggle a bit irl in terms of finding connections because I'm incredibly introverted and also because I feel like there aren't a lot of people similar to me which is a bit upsetting.
So, here I am! Trying my luck to see if I can find cool people and form amazing friendships! :)
A bit about me is that, I play the piano, I make illustrations/drawings that are a reflection of my experiences on a personal level. I love cats and cute stuff in general and I'm also very much into astronomy! I love meeting new people and I'm super open minded! I also love rainy weather. so, that's it for now.
please feel free to reach out and introduce yourself a little so we can spend time and become friends w each other and please be nice :)
I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
submitted by genes1s__ to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:09 BakedBeans908 Death is just a fearful lie

Death is just a fearful lie, A nagging fear of what is isn't. A terrible tale of the great beyond, Pray to your god, or his god, or hers, Maybe a chance to die with a future.
Do as you’re told, what is right, Nothing less. Do a silly dance, A potato on your head. Stand in neat lines, waiting to end. “You lived a good life, go forward to death,” The angel just says, “Follow the path, first door on your left.”
Through the door, a button, A button marked “Respawn.” A restart to your life, going over and over, Redo as you’re told, what is right, Nothing more. Do a silly dance, A potato on your head. Stand in neat lines, waiting to end. “You lived your life right, go forward to death,” The angel just says, “Follow the path, first door on your left.”
Through the door, a button, A button marked “Respawn.” A restart to your life, going over and over. Redo as you’re told. That’s hardly fun. Do what you're like, Watch a movie, Go on dates. Die unpredicted, Skydiving at 80. “You lived your life happy, go forward to death,” The angel just says, “Follow the path, first door on your right.”
Through the door, a button. A button marked, “The End.”
submitted by BakedBeans908 to Poem [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:06 These_Echo6385 Is this normal in a relationship ?

my boyfriend keeps being disrespectful towards me I (F22) been with my boyfriend (M21) for a year now and as of lately it’s been rocky. If you look at the second previous post on my profile this is not the first time something like this has occurred so let me describe what happened this time. So i’m at my boyfriend’s house and his mother was throwing a mother’s day party. When I came I bought his mom a beautiful flower bouquet and some balloons and heartfelt card and also a min cake. She loved it and went downstairs to chill. We’re down there for a good hour and a half and he’s cuddling/ laying on me. So this new ice spice song came on and I showed it to him. When I showed him the song I said that I personally didn’t like it and that she isn’t that great of an artist. He instantly started defending her which caused us to go into a full on debate on ice spice and other female artists who are more talented and don’t get the same recognition as her. It was like he was nearly brained washed trying to defend her. (He was laying fully down on the couch with his head on my upper legs and I had my hand on his chest)
He kept trying to debate with me on my person option until it got to the point of where I checked fully out of the conversation and stopped replying. This enraged him and he threw my arm away from him and a really rude way. After he did this it hurt my feelings so i moved my legs so that his head would be laying on the couch. After I moved his head he kept trying to forcefully make me put my leg back but i refused because of how rude he was acting and then I continued to be on tiktok like we were before this big debate started. Then he snatched my phone away from me (if you read the previous post he did this before but the last time he turned off the tv while i was watching it and as a result i picked up my phone which he snatched out my hand and went away with it )
This time I tried to remain unbothered and this went on for a while too. Mind you after he snatched my phone he picked up his phone and started playing it. So after acting unbothered i snatched my phone back from him and tried to get back to what we were doing before, which was being on our phones. After I got my phone back he said “well if you’re just going to be on your phone you might as well..” and I said “go home ?” and he said yea (I honestly thought he was joking and was going to say jk or something) but when I noticed he was serious I got up and collected my belongings and went upstairs he was leading me out (side note: his mom catered food for the party and I wasn’t hungry when I first got there so they told me to pack a to go plate for later which I did) As I get up stairs I grab my purse and say goodbye to everyone and that “(my boyfriend name) is running me out of here” in like a joking manner.
Then I circle back to grab the plate that I had made then he snatched the plate out of my hand and kept me walking out the door. As I was walking out I wished everyone a happy mother’s day again and hugged his mom (she was at the front door) and kept walking down the stairs and then his mom asked him “aren’t you going to walk her out ?” and and he said “no” and slammed the door. That absolutely crushed me, I couldn’t believe how hurtful he was being to me. So I just got into my car and as I was putting my seatbelt on he appeared saying that his mom “made him” walk me out and I replied “thanks” then he asked if i was mad at him to which i replied “no” (I just couldn’t believe he would even ask me this as if he couldn’t see how upset I was)
At this point im over the disrespect, the first time this happened we talked about it and he made a promise that he was going to work on it. I don’t know if it’s worth it anymore I don’t want to be with someone like that. He’s normally a very sweet and caring person idk why he has these sudden switches sometimes but it honestly is starting to take a toll on me.
I blocked him after I got home because of how upset he made me feel and he keeps reaching on different socials blaming me for the whole situation ! With a mix of saying he was sorry and that i am the rude one and that he doesn’t understand why im “doing all of this” im honestly tore between my feelings and my moral values :/ (This was a long story so I appreciated anyone who made it this far)
TLDR; i’m over my boyfriend’s constant disrespect towards me and not sure what i should do next
submitted by These_Echo6385 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:56 Impossible-Range-505 Couple questions abt abcess/gum boil/ ? Possibly a Mucosal Gland and or Cyst?? CONFUSED!!!!

SOOOO let me start off with, the reason I'm confused is bc it doesn't make any sense. SO A Month ago I had a Retreat RC with a tooth on top ( endo did the retreat) then I had a tooth pulled that already had a root canal/crown just last week ( last Wednesday), it was also a back top tooth#2, I have been doing salt Walter rinses amd finished my Antibiotics on Saturday. ( it was my 3rd round of Abx my 1st round Amixocillin 7 days was 2 weeks before my Retreat bc my dentist said it may have been a sinus infection bc xrays showed NO INFECTION, went to Endo he started the Retreat with a drain and put Medicine in and sealed it up put me on my (2nd Round Antibiotics ) Keflex for 7 days, then 3 weeks later went back to finish up Retreat root canal, everything went awesome, but he let me know that my back top tooth #2 which had crown/rootcanal was loose and had a crack he could see on the x ray but I had already had a bad taste coming from it which I had already told my dentist, and he said it looked fine and it was probably from the one that was being retreated which he had said that it didn't have any infection ( it was infected based on what endo said, but My Dentist informed me that Endos can see more bc of their equipment, although my Dentist done a xRay that went all away around my head and he had stated he could see everything) so I had called my Dentist to make an appointment to have crown took off to look at it, but then with rge Money adding up so quickly I said let's pull it bc Endo said by what he saw it probably needed pulled and he was correct, it was decayed pretty bad, it's been less than a week it was pulled, but before they pulled it 4 days before I was put on a (3rd round of Abx Amoxicillin 9 days, [it was for 10 days but dropped my bottle and 3 of my pills got soaked] ) went had #2 extracted so far so good, THEN THIS MORNING HAPPENS!!!! Getting to my question, so sorry.
So I brushed my teeth and I have been noticing that bottom tooth # 30 which has also had a root canal with a crown just a couple years ago by my Dentist, has been sensitive and been told that is normal and since I have had the top extraction just 5 days ago I have noticed it is sore maybe from the pressure of biting on guaze trying to get bleeding to stop from the extraction ( I was bleeding for 8 Hrs pretty heavy)I'm not sure, ANYWAY then I noticed a hard Bump that was the color of my skin it was just a Hard bump with NO white on it like a pimple, but it was hard so I called my Dentist they said to come in at 12PM only 3 hrs away, so I was in the car before going in and I pulled the side of my mouth to look at it and pulled tight and then I tasted a salty taste,, ( the pressure from pulling the skin to look at it must have popped it) didn't see anything but BUMP GOT SMALLER, as I'm walking into my Dentist, x ray was done with a visual exam , ( no tapping of teeth or cold/hot sensitivity test just visual and xRay) was glaced at for maybe 10 seconds when I showed him where a very tiny bump remained (bc my dumb butt had to look at it and mess with it before he looked at it, so it popped amd went down quickly)and he gets up takes gloves off and said no sign of infection , so I asked what it was and the taste I explained to him once again, he said IDK I see nothing, he then says maybe a Mucosa Gland but not sure bc nothing is there, I asked if he could see where it was leaking, he said no signs of infection, I remind him I was told the same when I did have infection when he sentt me to the endo. So I felt embarrassed and so stupid and felt so small bc I felt he just didn't believe me bc his tone, didn't even explain anything to me, so abt 6 hrs later it's coming back slowly, amd I called my detist office again to let them know the bump is returning amd sometimes I taste a salty taste,the office staff called me back amd said he said he could put me on anorher round of antibiotics( 4th round) just in case it is an infection or gum boil, or it may just be a mucosa cyst ( i thought cyst didnt drain?)I reminded them I had just finished a 9 day ABX ( my 3rd round) not even 48 hrs ago, then I told her I wanted to ask him questions bc I never had a " Abcess/ Gum Boil/Mucosa Cyst, but he literally was in that room with me MAYBE 1.5 MINUTES, she asked me what would I need to know, I then changed the subject amd asked what should I do going foward, Their Amswer since I'm" denying" My 4th round of Antibiotics within a month and a half was to see if it keeps coming back, maybe wait a month or so, touch base if any significant change and go from there. I asked if maybe I should go to an oral surgeon for them to glance at it. I was told no , I couldn't get a referral let's just wait and see, I explained to them if IF it's an infection I would take my 4th round of Antibiotics but he said it wasn't an infection this morning , amd I asked twice as he was walking out if he was sure it wasn't t an infection, he stated NO It isn't, then while walking down the hall I asked him one more time if he was sure it wasn't an infection he said NO, if it was am abcess it would show up on xray. He then stated real loud NOTHING NOTHING Is there and IF something Appears call us, I felt so small. But I did call, and I still have NO ANSWERS after paying $110.00 today for NOTHING!!!! I also have Crohns so being on alot of Antibiotics cam really mess me up, amd ir it's truly not an infection you don't need an Antibiotic, or so I thought. So I said and explained all that, to ask, is it possible to have a "Gum boil" without any infection? The hard Bump is not right under tooth #30, it's more over we're #29 ( but #29 is gone just empty space) so it's way down on gums Like where your inside cheeks go down and meet ur gums, I hope I'm explaining that right, anyway again it's not right up under tooth #30 I would say if #29 was there it would be under that tooth all the way down past gums where gums meets ur cheeks. ( when I'm home I may be able to get a picture to explain better) but again #30 has been sore and hurting off and on since extraction again I thought it was from me bitting down on that guaze all those hrs, I had alot of pressure on them, but before that I had explained to them that it was sensitive to sweets, amd some colds was told it was normal, so again here are my questions!!
What could it be if it isn't infection?
Should I get a 2nd opinion?
If it's an abcess , are abcess hard to leak out, does it take alot to pop am abcess? ( again there was no white pimple looking bump or any blood or pus that leaked out it was just clear n salty, amd the color of bump was the color of my gums)?
How fast do abcess fill back up if it's an infection amd would it hurt and could u see where it leaked or popped fluid from? Would it look like a sore after it pops? ( mine hasn't filled all the way up as it was this morning but i can tell it's coming back, it's slow.
Should I take another 4th round of Antibiotics without knowing it's a true infection?
I have spent $2,800 in the past Month and half, and I'm so scared I'm gonna have to lose another tooth bc I can't afford another Retreat, and I'm scared my dentist doesn't really care or maybe just doesn't know, but being told to wait it out, if it's am abcess wouldn't that be dangerous? I hope I explained amd to anyone that cares to explain anything to me abt what you think my Dentist is thinking please explain to me bc I don't even know. All I l ow to do, is wait and see what happens. And was told to try to wait atleast a month. THANKS and GOD BLESS!!!!
submitted by Impossible-Range-505 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:34 OrangeBlossoms- 23, Non Binary, nightowl in fhe UK! Lookin' to get to know some cool new people, maybe a new bestie!? 💖

Hey all ❤️ I'm 23, NB, and from the UK looking for some new internet friends!! I have a pretty funky schedule and work a lot so a texting buddy would be amazing! I'm currently watching terrible YouTube videos and I'd love some company! Hopefully it'll bloom into a lovely friendship!
I've been getting back into FF14 a lot, and digging into lots of the content I have to finish off and preparing for Dawntrail this summer! I play on light - show off n tell me about your chara!? (I love G'raha so much <3 ) I'm also making my way through my (very long) TBR! Currently I'm reading Oathbringer by Sanderson, and I'm really into Sci Fi and fantasy!
I adore gaming, reading, manga / comics, movies and anime as well - typical nerdy fun stuff!! 💖
I'm very light hearted, non judgemental and a sensitive soul, if you think we'd click please send a message/chat!!
Please only message me if you are 20+ !! It goes without saying that you should only message me if you are queer or queer friendly!!
Thanks for readin' !❤️
submitted by OrangeBlossoms- to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:33 craftytoonlover I may be the A-H and a bit petty, but at least I got away from a toxic "friend".

I may be the A-H and a bit Petty, but at least I got away from a toxic "friend".
Fair Warning, this is going to be a LONG post, but I will try to dilute it as much as possible.
About 12 years ago I left the world of retail (of which I have MANY stories) to begin a career in childcare. Some people prefer different titles, Nanny, Babysitter, Parents' Helper, Childcare Provider, etc. To be honest each of those titles are suitable in different situations.
The first family that I Nannied for went on for about 4 years, and then on again off again for another year. Through this family, I met "Wendy" and her family. Wendy went out of her way to be friendly with me, and would often ask me to babysit her kids (B5 and G1).
At one point, I had moved on to working with another family for a few months. Sadly, that ended due to the parents getting a divorce, and they moved further away.
Wendy found out that I was unemployed and asked that I Nanny for her kids. She was also pregnant with her 3rd at the time. I agreed at a slightly discounted rate because we were "friends". I realized too late that that was a HUGE mistake on my part.
Wendy's live in boyfriend "Cole" also had 3 kids from a previous relationship. B15, G8, and G6 lived with their mother. Yes, am aware of the closeness in age of Wendy and Cole' B5 and his G6. I chose to keep my mouth shut.
Now prepare yourselves for the Rollercoaster of emotions I dealt with with this family.
Initially, both Wendy and Cole were employed. I would come over 5 days a week for 8 to 10 hour days, depending upon whether Wendy got home on time. Here is where my discounted rate bit me in the butt.... $300 a week was still complained about. Wendy asked that I not leave Cole alone with their kids because he basically ignored them and refused to change diapers. I felt pretty icky about that, but agreed. Now I lived 45 minutes away without traffic. I would often leave my house early in anticipation of possible traffic. If I arrived early, I wasn't allowed in until she our alloted time of 7am. I didn't have a key, and would often be left waiting on the porch an extra 15 minutes past our time. If I knew I was too early, I parked around the corner and ate breakfast. Wendy and Cole both got very irritated if I wasn't their door precisely at 7 am. It was a headache that I chose to avoid.
Over the first month, I realized that G2 was emotionally abused by Wendy. She constantly said to or in front of the child how much she hated dealing with the wild child. How she wished G2 was more well behaved like B5. She even wrote unkind things on Facebook, asking someone to take her on the weekend while I was off.
This took a toll on poor G2, obviously. She would get violent with me first thing in the mornings : Hitting, kicking, biting, pulling my hair, throwing things at me, or what ever popped into her mind. Eventually, once Wendy left for work G2 would calm down and become an absolute delight.
When B5 started school, Wendy took a new job that allowed her to work from home at times. Those were not fun days! I asked if I could bring G2 to my house where I have an outdoor play area, a playroom, plenty of kid movies, crafts, books, music, and local playgrounds. At first the car rides were torture with G2 screaming bloody murder for at least half of the 45 minute drive. When she got used to the new routine, those drives became pleasant. Her violent tendencies disappeared when we were spending the days at my home. The drawback was that I also had to drive her home in time to get B5 off the bus.
During school breaks, I also had B5, and if they were visiting G8 and G6. B15 stayed at Wendy's house and just did his own thing. If you thought G2 was torture in toddler form, these two girls would have made Nanny McPhee grow a few more moles, a hunch back, and closed feet.
B5 would get a little bored, being that he was the only boy that was understandable. I purchased an array of boy friendlier toys to entertain him. I already had a lot of girl friendly toys either purchased or gifted from the first family that I had worked with. Of course I had plenty of gender neutral items too.
Wendy and Cole didn't give 2 sh*ts and a shave if the kids watched TV all day, went out to a playground or museum, or were driven 2 hours away, as long as I got them home on time. I easily spent an entire paycheck on activities, gas, food (which they didn't pack), and toys over 2 weeks watching all 4 kids. By the by, when asked for additional money when I did have all 4, Wendy not so politely informed me that the kids are entertain each other, so my job should be easier with all 4.
My husband and I discussed a few times whether I should look for something else. Inevitably the people pleaser in me actually felt guilty even considering it. Yup, I was apparently a glutton for punishment. Gratefully, my income was just extra, for an nice meal out occasionally, gifts for birthdays and holiday, extra hobbies, and basic groceries.
Just before Wendy gave birth to their new baby, she became unemployed. Logically, one would think this was my easy out. NOPE!! I became more of a Mother's Helper / Nanny. At this point Wendy and Cole were beginning to look for a larger house to rent. I did more walk through than I can count. She even asked me to tour a couple without her, and to bring G2 and B5 so she could get her nails done and take a nap. (Seriously, I toured houses on her list without her!)
As we spent more and more time together, I began to learn FAR FAR more about her bedroom life than I could ever desire. G2 and I spent much less time in the peace of my home, and way too much in Wendy's company. G2's behavior began to deteriorate slowly, causing Wendy to lose her temper with her far too easily. This completely broke my heart. I TRIED to redirect them both, and expressed my concern to Wendy. Of course, she then turned her anger towards me.
Wendy would openly discuss her theories about Cole in front of her kids. She claimed that he was cheating on her with his ex because he would shower immediately after seeing her to pick up or drop off the kids. He often made those drives directly after work though. Maybe he was cheating, maybe not. I honestly don't know.
Wendy also enjoyed gossiping about absolutely anybody. The parents of the first family that worked with were having marital issues. This was a favorite topic of hers. Wendy told me about every unkind word her mother uttered in her direction. The apple obviously didn't fall far from the tree here. I was told lots of personal information about people I didn't know. The gossip made me very uncomfortable. I told her that I would prefer we not discuss the lives of people who weren't around to speak on their own behalf. This fell on deaf ears.
I became quite used to her disapproval of my loose fitting jeans and T-shirts. Working with kids, I found my favorite cartoon prints were just as possible with my tiny charges. I NEVER wear makeup or heels because I simply don't want to. My dresses always have leggings under them because it make me feel less vulnerable. I never wear shorts or above the knee skirts/dresses. That's a ME thing, not religious or cultural. I find my "uniform" of choice is ideal for working with kids. Wendy informed me more than once that it embarrassed her to be seen in public with me. She often insisted that I wear something of hers if we had to go anywhere.
My husband enjoys photography, particularly long exposure which is done at night. He has a lot of photography friends of both genders, but his best friend is a female. He also enjoys concerts and kayaking, often with an ex from high school. (He graduated in 1997). I trust my husband and have no problem with him spending time with his friends. Enter Wendy's whispers of accusations. She often "jokingly" accused him of cheating on me with these female friends. I don't enjoy concerts, crowds, or being out late; so I support his doing with people who do. At least I know he with someone if something happens. I have bad knees, which make getting in and out of a kayak difficult. Why should that stop him? Again, I told her that I trust him and that I don't appreciate her accusations joke or not. This annoyed her because she doesn't trust Cole.
I know these are major red flag issues. I know how toxic being subjected to these comments is. I also know how difficult it would be on their kids if I left too soon. I knew they needed someone who wasn't emotionally cruel. I stayed for them.
My husband and I spent 2 of our weekends helping them pack and move to house that ended up 15 minutes from us. We were thanked by words, but that was the extent of the gratitude. Wendy's mother looked after the kids while we helped them move. This was complained about because I was already paid to watch the kids during the week. Insert eye roll here!! Her mom felt my husband should be willing to help them move while I watched the kids on the weekend for no extra pay. Either way, we were doing them a HUGE favor to begin with.
A family that I had briefly Nannied for prior to working for Wendy asked if I could help out every other Saturday. The dad (Nice Guy) traveled a lot for work leaving the Mom (Angelface) home alone with the kids. She just needed a day to run errands, work out, and just have time to herself. Angelface is one of the kindest women on this planet. When I did Nanny for them (2 days a week), she was in tears when she had to let me go. They couldn't justify the outgoing money at the time. She referred me to several friends. I am legitimately friend with this family, and still babysit sporadically.
Through a random discussion, I told Wendy about working with Angelface on every other Saturday. She began to tell me what to charge, how many hours to work, and what days to leave open for her just in case. Insert headache inducing eyerolls!
One Friday, Wendy's cousin arrived for a weekend visit with her baby. Wendy told me that because it was a holiday weekend I would not be needed until Tuesday. I double checked via text, and she confirmed that she and Cole were taking the kids to the beach with her cousin. Monday morning I got a call from a passed off Wendy asking where I am. I reminded her that she had told me that they would not need me. I even took a screen shot of our text. She said that Cole had decided to work Monday anyway so she was alone with HER kids. This pissed me off, so I lied. I told her that I was out of town with my mom and wouldn't be home until 5 or 6 pm. She went on about how much of an inconvenience it was to her, and I should have checked before going out of town. For the second time, I sent her a screenshot of my text verifying that I wasn't needed Monday. She abruptly ended the call saying to just be sure to be on time Tuesday. I had NEVER been late, but opted to mention that as we hung up.
Over time we worked out a new arrangement where I brought now G3 to my house 2 days a week, and we stayed there 3 days a week. I helped with cleaning, errands, helped with the new baby (NB), etc. Mostly, I was Wendy's sounding board. She continued to accuse Cole of cheating, wasting money, and even beating her.
My husband and I offered to let her and the kids stay with us, but she declined. Wendy even told me that since she was so sure Cole was cheating, she was going to find herself a side boyfriend to cheat with. I tried to talk her out of it, to no avail. Sadly, she spoke openly about her new boyfriend in fron of G3. During one of her rants I learned that my pay came from him selling drugs. GULP!!
While cleaning out the couch one day, I came across a loaded gun kept in the couch console thing, along with baggies of pills, "dried plants", and white powder. This completely freaked me out. 2 small children and a soon to be crawling baby sat and played on and around that couch. I STRONGLY considered calling Child Pretective Services and the police. I quickly realized that if I did, they would know it was me. I regret it, but I feared their possible retaliation towards us.
Shortly after finding these thing Cole quit his job. For several months while I worked for them, they were both unemployed. Again, I thought it was an easy out. NOPE AGAIN! For another 3 months, they insisted that they couldn't take care of the house and kids without my help. Very often, I arrived to find now B6 fending for himself for breakfast and getting ready for school. He was told to wake up and unlock the door for me, but they went back to sleep. I was expected to keep the baby from crying, and to keep G3 quiet and entertained until they came downstairs. I often chose to simply take both to my house so we could play naturally. We had a crib, so this wasn't a problem for NB. G3 would just nap on the couch or my bed. When out of school B6 preferred this too. This really should have told Wendy and Cole something about their kids, but of course not.
FINALLY, I was informed after about a year of working for them, they could no longer justify paying me. At this point, I had often considered quitting anyway. I mainly stayed because my heart broke for the kids. However, based on her gossipy and judgmental nature ... not to mention my little 3 day weekend fail; I was concerned about what kind of reference Wendy would provide if I chose to quit.
So in 2019, I found myself happily unemployed. The timing here worked out beautifully because Angelface knew neighbors due to have their first baby in 2020. I ended up working for this lovely family until August of 2023. The mom (Joy) and the Dad (Mr. Cool) were such a relief to my entire mental and physical health. We became friends as well, and over time I told them about Wendy. Between Joy, Angelface, Mr. Cool, Nice Guy, my husband, and family I began to realize just hoe toxic Wendy really was to my mental health. My husband never liked her but understood my feelings towards the kids.
For almost a year Wendy would randomly call or FaceTime me .... more often than not while drunk. She would rave about how much she and the kids missed me. We would get together for a meal, and she had me over for a couple birthday parties for the kids. I found myself almost always being the only sober adult watching the kids as the adults partied. Wendy often went back to her gossiping, trash talking, and "jokes" about my husband spending time with women. She would offer underhanded compliments. "It's so nice to see you wearing a dress instead of those tacky T-shirts." You get the drift. She even INFORMED me that since her neighbor was pregnant I could quit my job with Joy and Mr. Cool. She had told her neighbor that I would work for her now, and since they were next door, I would watch her own kids too. I shut that down saying that I was quite happy working with Joy and Mr. Cool. I even lied about what they paid thinking it would detur her further. NOPE yet again. She said that I should quit anyway so her life would be easier with me around. Once more, I told her that wasn't going to happen.
AT LONG LAST, I am coming to the end of my tortuous endurment with Wendy.
A week later, she called and asked if I had quit yet. I said that I had no intention of leaving an "$800" a week job. (Not even close to that with my 3 day a week job, but she didn't need to know the truth.) She told me to let her know when I quit, then changed the subject towards gossiping about that first family and their problems. I told her that I don't feel comfortable gossiping about people who can't speak for themselves. That pissed her off, so she turned it on me again. She said of course I don't want to talk about them since my husband was cheating on me with 2 different women. I angrily corrected her. She has no reason to think my husband is cheating, and I trust him and our friends. Just because she thinks her boyfriend cheats, and she cheats, that doesn't mean everybody does. She then said we could talk when I calmed down and after I quit my job.
After hanging up, I proceeded to block Wendy on everything! Facebook, phone calls, texting, face timing, Instagram, and even Snapchat (which I hadn't used in over a year). I also blocked her mom, and any body that had been friendly simply because Wendy knew them and wanted me to have their information too. I gave her no warning at all. I was beyond passed off, and refused to be talked out of my very gratifying decision.
I told my husband, family, and friends that was now free of Wendy. Not a single person tried to tell me to make ammends. The only guilt that I feel is towards those poor kids. For once though, I put myself first. Joy and Angelface were both extremely supportive when I told them that I had Ghosted Wendy. Both even mentioned how proud they were of me for FINALLY truly stand-up for myself. They were NOT fans of Wendy!!!
I never ended up quitting my job with Joy and Mr. Cool inorder to babysit Wendy's neighbor. I also continued to babysit for Angelface and Nice Guy.
About 7 or 8 months ago, I ran into Wendy at a playground between our two homes. She was with now G5 and B2. I had Joy and Mr. Cool's daughter with me. I was polite, almost obscenely so. I was friendly towards the kids, who were stand off-ish. I offered to let Little Miss play with them, but they weren't interested. Little Miss wanted to do her own thing, so off we went to play. We left after only 15 minutes because Little Miss said "that lady" is scaring her.
That night, my husband got a Facebook message from Wendy. She described my cruelty towards her kids by ignoring them. She said that it was so hateful that I blocked her on everything after all she had done for us. This message went on and on. My husband left it unread for months before my morbid curiosity caused me to open the silly thing. We never responded, but instead he finally bl9cked her too.
Ok, if you read that bloody novel of a post, you are a ROCK STAR!! I don't have any regrets towards my eventual choice, except towards the kids. It breaks my heart knowing what kind of parents they are enduring. I often regret not calling CPS, but there isn't a shadow of doubt that would have retaliated .... most likely violently.
I did eventually get back in contact with that very first Nanny family. They had indeed broken up, but both are happier and healthier now. I warned them that Wendy enjoyed gossiping and spreading rumors about them. Neither were surprised, and both had broken contact with Wendy long ago. They supported my choice to break ties with her as well. Shocking, right!?!
I no longer work full time for Joy and Mr. Cool, as they wanted Little Miss to get used to being around more kids before starting school. I do still sporadically babysit for them and Angelface and Nice Guy though. The two couples have referred me to several other families in the neighborhood, so I stay pretty busy with much more sane individuals.
Maybe I was an A-Hole, and petty. I'm cool with being thought of that way towards Wendy. At least now, I have much kinder people in my life.
EDITED/UPDATE: It has come to my attention that some may feel unfulfilled on the petty revenge side. For this former doormat, removing myself as her very cheap childcare was my revenge. I realize that many may not feel it was enough, but at the time, it was a MAJOR achievement for me. I had worked 8 to 10 hours a day for 5 days a week to receive $300.
When "invited" to parties, I ended up providing free childcare while the other adults got drunk. I don't like the taste of alcohol or the feeling of being buzzed or drunk, so I don't partake. I feared what would happen to the ignored kids, so I found myself watching them.
I never had a lot of friends, so for a long time, I truly thought Wendy was my friend. It took conversations with my husband, my mom, Angelface, Joy, and others for me to see the reality of my situation.
Some may say this post is in fact gossiping about her. To a point, yes I will agree. I did change everybody's names though.
Ultimately, I have always questioned whether or not I was fair or did the right thing by Ghosting and blocking Wendy. I often second guess my choice; especially when thinking about those kids.
I have tried to be more alert about the people around me since this experience. I do still find myself being too nice and accepting of some ways in which I am treated. I have tried to build more boundaries though.
submitted by craftytoonlover to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:25 Sadguycries87 Gloating rights

I figured the gays, theys, girlypops would love this
I'm here again to beg the masses to please come watch The House Bunny at my place of work on Saturday at 9:30pm!
It will be at the Drexel Theater.
My coworkers keep saying how it sucks and no one will come & it's the one movie I wanted to play because I like Anna Faris and it's the movie of hers we could get.
Please help me hahaha, it would bring me such joy. The only joy I'll have this year hahaha. I beg, please tell your friends and family 🙏
submitted by Sadguycries87 to LGBTcolumbus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:24 WasdCritics Lightyear Frontier

Lightyear Frontier, the first title from Frame Break, a Swedish game development studio, presents an open-world game in early access, in which the player piloting a Mecha must work to survive and revitalize the newly colonized planet, as well as uncover the secrets present in this unknown world.
The game offers a set of elements that broaden its scope and make it daring, to say the least, especially considering that it is the first game from an indie studio. After landing on the unknown planet, it is necessary to recover the Mecha and its various tools. Upon completing this brief tutorial, the player has their Mecha ready, which is basically a Mecha made for agricultural purposes in order to help colonize other planets by obtaining resources. At this point the player is introduced to the farm element of the game, the player must collect the alien plants from the planet and cultivate them in order to develop the agricultural land, along with this proposal is added the whole layer of managing a base with different structures and improvements for the Mecha. Finally, there is the element of the open world, which is eager for exploration in order to discover new resources and uncover the mysteries of the new environment.
The story of the game goes hand in hand with the main objective: upon entering the planet, the player needs to start a new life in the new world, and a big part of that life, apart from the little farm, is exploring the environment. Each time a new environment is cleared, the player learns a little more about the game's history through a personal AI that tells them why the space exploration mission took place and what the process was like. At the same time, there is a sealed door that has its seals unlocked according to each new environment that is rejuvenated. After the environments have been completely rejuvenated, the sealed door is opened and part of the world's secrets are revealed, along with a special ability for the mech. Unfortunately the story stops there, there is a sequel but it hasn't been produced yet, you'll have to wait for future updates and for the game to be officially released for it to be completed.
As for the farm part of the game, this is also essential to the story as a whole, it's not there as an extra element that takes up time without any purpose, because it's from the 5 tools that the player has in their mech that the process of cleaning up the environment takes place, especially with the plant watering tool and the harvester. The robotic watering can is used to remove harmful mud and the harvester is used to remove harmful weeds, so without both, the whole exploration element becomes meaningless. So where does the farm come in? Mud and weeds are more resistant in more advanced environments, so you need to upgrade the mech's tools so that these obstacles can be removed, and that's where the farm comes in, it's where the different constructions are made available and resources are obtained in order to improve the mecha. The Mecha's improvement site is also built at the base next to the buildings that process the different metals, woods and alien plants into oils to be used as improvements. In addition to the farm itself, exploration is important in the Mecha's evolution, since resources such as trees, stones, aluminum, copper and iron need to be collected from the environment. All these elements are there to make improvements to the Mecha possible, improvements that are not only essential for the game as a whole to continue, but are also important for more efficient maintenance of the plantation.
There are also other interesting elements such as the product store that appears daily on the player's farm, where you can sell and buy products to facilitate progression and partly reduce the need to grind. There's also the quest board, which offers tasks in exchange for money to be spent in the produce store. One element that has been developed that is a positive surprise are the random events on the plantation, which are basically two: the noxious bubbles that need to be popped with the water jet before they grow and explode, and the rain of noxious weeds, both of which can wipe out the player's plantation and both of which always occur in the morning and close to harvest day, for this reason the player is almost obliged to sleep in the house overnight, because if they don't and the random event occurs the next day, it's practically impossible to remedy the disaster on the plantation, so the element is used to limit exploration to an extent that the farm won't be abandoned, an excellent game design idea.
An impactful characterization of decoration in the gameplay has been developed by Frame Break in Lightyear Frontier, unlike other games, the work generously rewards the player for decorating the area of their residence. The different levels of housing allow for different degrees of bonuses, and these bonuses are incredible, such as the chance to increase the collection of resources, destroy objects more quickly with a “critical” with the blade tool, or even increase the yield of the plantation. The fact is that the game has turned the element of customizing the house and its surroundings into an essential element of the gameplay, and it's an incredible way of encouraging the player to explore all the infinite decorations beyond “I want to make my house pretty”.
Aesthetically, the work has a pseudo-realism, where the playful mixes with the real and the cartoonish style takes over. It's an interesting mix and is in line with the model proposed by Frame Break, the exploration and colonization of a new planet. Graphically, the game is beautiful and presents almost no performance problems, with few bugs to be found.
In conclusion, Lightyear Frontier delivers the old and basic in a revamped form, not a bad thing for a small studio that has made great strides with its first work. Meca's idea draws attention to the game, which features exploration, base management, the creation of a farm, and a story with normal levels. There is nothing extraordinary or innovative about the basic structure of the game, but it is solid and very well interconnected, the elements of the work are interdependent, which generates continuous progression in all aspects of the work. In short, the work is characterized in this way: the basics done with care and dedication so that the homogeneity of the work is maintained, together with a dash of daring with a somewhat out-of-the-box idea.
submitted by WasdCritics to u/WasdCritics [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:16 boosackpotatoes So fucking defeated..

So fucking defeated..
I still have yet to win a jackpot. Someone just won today the 550k on stampede 2, wtf is 2k!? I still would been grateful and so happy. Today I stepped out my comfort zone on stampede 2 and bet 2$ spins got 20 free spins and 100 buffalo on 2 $ bet and only got $80.... then I jump around doing 1 to 2 to 5 dollar spins and it eats the 100 up like nothing not including all the other money I spent today and past month. I don't even feel if I take a break it will change much but still going to try. Fuckin figures. For all of you I'll answer before you say it. 1. Yes, it's gambling I know. 2. Yes I could save instead but I don't. Yes some of you been waiting lo get then 3 years ( doesn't mean u put same amount of money in) 3. Yes I k ow casinos are meant to take your money 4. Yes I know I know I know. Fuckin defeated more than I ever have been as of today. Fuckin burnt
submitted by boosackpotatoes to ChumbaCasino [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:50 Gomihyang Determining Morality Independently From Society

The ideas of morality that society perpetuates are subjective, internally contradictory, and so controversial that most people cannot even agree on what is moral or not. There are also double standards and privileges involved with certain groups being able to do things that others are not allowed to, and truisms that are just completely taboo even to question, despite other countries doing things differently. Other laws are very shortsighted and even naive which is shown once they are implemented and the actual tangible effects compared to the ideas behind them show how disconnected they become to reality. Other forms of morality come from religion so anyone not practicing the religion can immediately discard those. So looking at how western society has formed a kind of cargo cult around morality Where the people do not know why their moral ideas and philosophies are effective in practice, it shows us the importance of legitimately understanding the cause and effect of our actions on other people and on the community.
Instead of just inheriting ideas of good and bad from other people or the mainstream society, you need to understand the consequences of any action you take. You need to think about how the consequences of an action would harm or help another person and if there is any real effect on anyone else. In a society where everything is illegal, this is the only logical way to think. We can also see how certain things that are illegal in our society (Or cause police to murder you) are things that are detrimental to the people that make the laws such as protesting, being poor, sedition, etc. Obviously it gets tiring to always think about this, but it becomes a necessity at certain times. On top of the harm or help of understanding morality, you also have to think about conflicting groups and how they have a larger impact on society. Helping police might get some liberals to throw flowers at you, but then you would be contributing to the police state whether anyone says it to your face or not. Billionaires use tax loopholes to not pay any taxes, but they fall to the floor and need CPR if you tell them that’s a bad thing to do since it is legal even at the expense of the working class. Even soldiers have a fit when you tell them their career path is wrong because they are oppressing foreign countries through overt military force.
Another thing you must do to determine morality is to apply logic consistently. If you argue with a zionist about whether Israel is doing something right, they will make tons of excuses that sound ridiculous, but they believe it wholeheartedly and cannot have their minds changed because their arguments are only used to justify their emotions. If you decide something is special and exempt from morality, you are likely to become a criminal. This kind of thinking is why modern reactionaries cannot be reasoned with. They believe whatever country is “Chosen by God” or “Based on ideas of freedom” and therefore they never stop to question the ethics of anything they are doing or even if their enemies have a valid point. Even smaller groups can foment this mentality and it gets cults to do some very bad and extreme things. The person who thinks like this probably has a part of their brain shut down, and will never escape the fate of being morally bankrupt.
When you develop a logical cause and effect morality when you think about who benefits or is harmed from your actions (If applicable) you begin to realize just how absurd some modern rules and regulations are. The prohibitions on gay marriage or trans people using bathrooms, the bans on books, the bans on women’s reproductive rights, etc. all come from horrible reasoning. The only reason these things are done is because there are enough people who also follow these thought patterns. Determine your own morality and discard anything that does not make sense.
submitted by Gomihyang to Lavenderism [link] [comments]