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Never signed any papers, what could my employer do if I left?

2024.05.14 17:56 Affectionate_You_671 Never signed any papers, what could my employer do if I left?

I have been working part time as a personal trainer for nearly 4 years. The people I work for in that time and that own the business have been some of the nastiest, verbally abusive, and petty people I have ever known. They lie to clients, steal money, and are just down right scum. The only reason I have stayed is because I love my clients. They make the awfulness better and I have personally become friends outside of this job with many of them. But recently the owners went on a business trip and asked me to be on site for over a week (no extra compensation mind you) and make sure there were no issues, and to watch the small retail shop where they sell supplements and other things.
Well they just got back this weekend and since they have been back I have been bombarded with the nastiest messages about stupid things (like there was a spider in the window and someone left a waterbottle in the bathroom. One such message was a threat about inventory because "the stock of supplements better add up or else.") This is just how they are...
So I'm deciding to quit and move on. I have an opportunity to continue my work at my home (it is small and I don't have all the equipment I need, but it would work.) Or our biggest competitor down the street has asked for me to join them for years but I refused because "it would really anger my current employer."
Either way I'm leaving, but I want to have my bases covered. In my time working here I have been the longest tenured employee. I have seen about nine trainers leave (most of them have been rage quitting over the owners and the way they were treated.) But every single one of them has cautioned me that when I leave the owners will try to ruin me. One trainer was accused of stealing and had a police report filed, and they didn't steal anything. The other was threatened that if they did not delete all their clients off of Facebook there would be consequences. These people are sue happy and have about six active lawsuits over the smallest thing while I've been here. Not to mention the say derogatory stuff and spread rumors about the trainers that left with current clients.
I know me leaving will push clients to leave also. Most no doubt will follow me to wherever I end up. And I'm expecting my employers to come after me big time since I've been here so long and have made a big impact on generating business. I have never signed anything for them, no non compete, no paperwork, nothing. But I fear they may try to spin it and forge my signature or say I stole equipment. It is just a mess, but I am done being bullied by them because I very much cared for this business at first and made every effort for them to be successful, but it's time to leave.
What should I do before I quit? Should I have a lawyer on standby? What legally can they do to me? They have nothing from what I can see. All the other former employees got out of the business because they were so scared of them and what they could do.
submitted by Affectionate_You_671 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:46 User20242024 Problem with Firefox - how to shut down unresponsive Firefox?

Firstly, I think that Firefox is best browser I can use, but I do have one problem with it. It becomes unresponsive if I open some web sites with too much data, like HD images, HD videos, etc. Even if I scroll down in Facebook too far Firefox becomes unresponsive.
How to solve this problem? I want either to stop Firefox to become unresponsive or to find way to shut it down faster when it becomes unresponsive. I can shut it down from Task manager (it is Windows 10 PC), but problem is that when Firefox becomes unresponsive my computer also becomes very slow and I have to wait several minutes for Task manager to open. I want faster solution that this. And is there some solution in Firefox settings to set an option that good and fast performance is priority instead of opening and showing every data from opened web sites?
Also, I do have bad graphic card and I do not want to change it soon, so I need solutions that do not include my graphic card. Any help?
submitted by User20242024 to firefox [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:22 ThrowingUpAir I'm lost

I made this burner account, I don't know how this site really works so hopefully I'm using it right
I'm a 20 year old male and I want to kill myself I'm lost, and don't see the point in trying to push on living anymore. I've come from an abusive household, thrown into another bad housing situation I currently live in a walk in closet, and unfortunately I'm too physically and mentally disabled to work functionally enough to do a 'normal job' I have been diagnosed with multiple things thought my life, schizoaffective, and DID run my entire life. I can't remember much of my childhood, and retaining memory for day to day living is taxing. My emotions are overwhelming, I feel every emotion but cranked up 10x. I have lots of issues with my legs, I'm unable to walk for long periods of time because of my disability. I want to kill myself because I don't think there's one person that can truly get down to my level. I want to kill myself because I would rather do that then feel like I'm a lab rat. I am an artist, but seeing the state of the animation industry and the state of ai has me terrified. Ever since I was a little kid I had a dream to share my stories and make comics but I just don't know if I have that strength anymore I want to kill myself because I am the definition of wasted potential. My mother and father are dead, and I have no connection with anyone in my family. I have lived without any connection from family for 3 years. I ran away from home at 17
My mom had an ulcer, she bled out. Puked up blood until she died I hadn't seen her for 3 years because I cut contact. She was abusive, physically, mentally, maybe even sexually. My dad died (maybe) of cardiac arrest. He was an alcoholic, and also physically and verbally abusive. The last time I contacted him was through Facebook Messenger, he told me he was in the hospital then suddenly stopped texting me entirely I was still a kid
I feel so incredibly lonely all the time, how long would it take for my roommates to find my body? I sit in my room and starve in hopes maybe I'll lose enough weight to be pretty I sit in my room high, just like my stoner mother I want to kill myself because I have no hope that things will get better, and that I'll eventually end up in the same hole my mom did My roommates will sit and watch me rot away, just as I watched my mom rot away I have no friends, in a sense of I don't have anyone that has truly connected to me. Sure I have people I talk to but do those people willingly come out and talk to me or try to learn about me? No. Do these people have a deep connection with me? No, and they aren't willing to. They purposely isolate me I can't reach out to my therapist, if I tell him how I really feel I'll be thrown in a hospital somewhere Tried to call a hotline and they hung up on me, ironic, so I've learned to just stay quiet about things and sit in the bathroom cutting my wrists instead. I'm always the glue in friendships, they will dwindle away eventually, no matter how much I try to bend and mold myself to fit their needs They make fun of me for it, saying I can't go 15 minutes without being perceived Maybe I'm selfish
I want to feel pretty, and loved, I so badly want to have purpose. But I cannot bear the agony that is loneliness, and I want to die. I want to be someone's son, a boyfriend, a husband or maybe even father, but I'm worried that's just wishful thinking.
submitted by ThrowingUpAir to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:15 ParadigmHyperjump Are there 2 different ad managers?

On my Meta Business Suite it gives me the option to manage ad account but then there's also an "Ads Manager" link which always results in an error, but when I was able to click on this it took me to page with all the same functions for managing ads but it looked different. Does Facebook have 2 different ad manager areas on the site?
submitted by ParadigmHyperjump to FacebookAds [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:03 answrths TedX tickets for sale

Now that you can not sell tickets on facebook community sites or marketplace-- where does one sell them?
Tedx is tomorrow and I have 2 regular tickets for sale. https://tedxvictoria.ca/
submitted by answrths to VictoriaBC [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:01 formula-racing O trabalho de um gestor de tráfego online

O trabalho de um gestor de tráfego online envolve várias responsabilidades relacionadas à condução do tráfego de um site, plataforma ou campanha online. Aqui estão algumas das principais tarefas desse profissional:
1. Análise de Dados: O gestor de tráfego online precisa analisar dados de tráfego usando ferramentas como Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, entre outras, para entender o comportamento dos usuários, identificar padrões e oportunidades de melhoria.
2. Estratégia de Aquisição de Tráfego: Desenvolver e implementar estratégias para atrair tráfego qualificado para o site ou plataforma, utilizando diferentes canais como SEO, mídia paga (Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc.), marketing de conteúdo, parcerias, entre outros.
3. Otimização da Taxa de Conversão (CRO): Trabalhar na otimização das taxas de conversão do tráfego, fazendo ajustes nas páginas, formulários e processos para melhorar a eficácia em transformar visitantes em leads ou clientes.
4. Gestão de Campanhas de Publicidade: Criar, gerenciar e otimizar campanhas de publicidade online em diversas plataformas, incluindo pesquisa paga, display, social ads, entre outras.
5. Testes A/B e Multivariados: Realizar testes A/B e multivariados para avaliar diferentes elementos das páginas, como títulos, CTAs, cores, layouts, etc., e identificar quais geram melhores resultados.
6. Monitoramento e Relatórios: Monitorar constantemente o desempenho das campanhas e do tráfego, produzindo relatórios regulares para avaliar o progresso e identificar áreas de oportunidade.
7. Gestão de Orçamento: Gerenciar o orçamento destinado à aquisição de tráfego e publicidade, garantindo que os recursos sejam alocados de forma eficiente e estratégica.
8. Ficar Atualizado com as Tendências: Manter-se atualizado com as tendências do marketing digital, novas tecnologias e mudanças nos algoritmos das plataformas de anúncios para garantir que as estratégias estejam sempre atualizadas e eficazes.
Essas são apenas algumas das muitas responsabilidades de um gestor de tráfego online. É um papel dinâmico que exige habilidades analíticas, criativas e estratégicas para alcançar e manter o sucesso em um ambiente digital em constante evolução.
submitted by formula-racing to u/formula-racing [link] [comments]


Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - May 14, 2024) - Appia Rare Earths & Uranium Corp. (CSE: API) (OTCQX: APAAF) (FSE: A0I0) (MUN: A0I0) (BER: A0I0) (the "Company" or "Appia") announced today the results from the newly identified exploration targets Taygeta and Merope. A total of 111 samples from 18 auger drill holes were assayed by SGS-GEOSOL Laboratories in Vespasiano, Brazil. The results confirm that the regolith developed over the Ipora Granite presented significant enrichment of Heavy Rare Earth Oxides (HREO), characteristic of the Ionic Adsorption Clay (IAC) rare earth elements (REE) deposits identified at other PCH target zones.
Stephen Burega, President, commented, "These initial results from the auger drill program are very promising, and provide us with a strong indication that the PCH project can host multiple new IAC REE mineralized areas in addition to the resource already identified in our maiden Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) completed by SGS Canada. Additionally, these new target zones are considerably larger in total area as compared to the Target IV. Desorption test results will be reported once received."
  • The new targets are in the Eastern portion of the PCH claims, approximately 15 km East from Target IV and the Buriti Zone (see Figure 1).
  • Selected intercepts for Heavy Rare Earth Oxide (HREO), Total Rare Earth Oxide (TREO), Dysprosium plus Terbium oxides (Dy+Tb) and Praseodymium plus Neodymium oxides (Nd+Pr) grades in Parts Per Millions (ppm):
    • PCH-AH-190 - **4m@**1848ppm TREO, 1138ppm HREO, 106ppm Dy+Tb, 205ppm Nd+Pr from 1m.
    • PCH-AH-193 - **5m@**1254ppm TREO, 270ppm HREO, 29ppm Dy+Tb, 217ppm Nd+Pr from 1m.
    • PCH-AH-194 - **2m@**1175ppm TREO, 274ppm HREO, 31ppm Dy+Tb, 257ppm Nd+Pr from 4m.
    • PCH-AH-199 - **2m@**1131ppm TREO, 276ppm HREO, 30ppm Dy+Tb, 209ppm Nd+Pr from 2m.
    • PCH-AH-201 - 4m@ 1022ppm TREO, 245ppm HREO, 28ppm Dy+Tb, 211ppm Nd+Pr from 2m.
    • PCH-AH-202 - **8m@**1696ppm TREO, 1070ppm HREO, 101ppm Dy+Tb, 172ppm Nd+Pr from 0m.
    • PCH-AH-204 - **5m@**1267ppm TREO, 754ppm HREO, 75ppm Dy+Tb, 168ppm Nd+Pr from 1m.
    • PCH-AH-207 - **6m@**1025 ppm TREO, 262ppm HREO, 29ppm Dy+Tb, 196ppm Nd+Pr from 3m.
  • The grade distribution signature found at depth in the auger drill holes is compatible with the pattern commonly found on IAC REE deposits (see Figures 2 and 3).
  • The Taygeta and Merope targets cover an area of 546 and 1,134 hectares respectively.
  • These first phase auger drill holes average 6.22 metres in depth, and most ended in mineralization leaving the interval open at depth.
  • Intercepts of all auger drill holes are presented in Table 1. The full set of results are included in this LINK.
Tom Drivas, CEO, stated, "Building on our recent news confirming the presence of IAC mineralization through desorption testing, I am extremely excited by the identification of new, large scale targets across the PCH project which are underlain by the IAC mineralization produced by these weathered Ipora granites. We have a lot of work to do over the coming months to fully delineate these new target zones, and to assess the implications of their addition to our maiden MRE, and true value to the marketplace."
Table 1 - Intercepts from all auger holes on targets Taygeta and Merope. For a full list of results, pleaseclick here.
*Total Rare Earth Oxides: TREO = Y2O3 + Eu2O3 + Gd2O3 + Tb4O7 + Dy2O3 + Ho2O3 + Er2O3 + Tm2O3 + Yb2O3 + Lu2O3 + La2O3 + Ce2O3 + Pr2O3 + Nd2O3 + Sm2O3 *Heavy Rare Earth Oxides: HREO = Gd2O3 + Tb4O7 + Dy2O3 + Ho2O3 + Er2O3 + Tm2O3 + Yb2O3 + Lu2O3 + Y2O3 *Nd+Pr Oxides= Nd2O3+Pr2O3 *Dy+Tb Oxides= Dy2O3+Tb4O7
*Element to Oxide Conversion Factor - Cerium Ce2O3 1.1713, Cerium CeO2 1.2284, Dysprosium Dy2O3 1.1477, Erbium Er2O3 1.1435, Europium Eu2O3 1.1579, Gadolinium Gd2O3 1.1526, Holmium Ho2O3 1.1455, Lanthanum La2O3 1.1728, Lutetium Lu2O3 1.1371, Neodymium Nd2O3 1.1664, Praseodymium Pr2O3 1.1703, Praseodymium Pr6O11 1.2082, Samarium Sm2O3 1.1596, Terbium Tb2O3 1.1510, Terbium Tb4O7 1.1762, Thulium Tm2O3 1.1421, Yttrium Y2O3 1.2699, Ytterbium Yb2O3 1.1387
Figure 1 - Map presenting the exploration auger drill holes location and targets.
Figure 2 - Strip log of selected auger holes from Taygeta Target.
Figure 3 - Strip log of selected auger holes from Merope Target.
Andre Costa, VP Exploration for Brazil, commented, "The confirmation of these new targets opens the prospect of finding new exploration targets associated with the Ipora Granite across the entirety of the PCH project area which covers an impressive +40,000 hectares. Auger samples for desorbability testing are being prepared to corroborate the IAC REE mineralization in Taygeta and Merope targets. Delineation drilling will follow upon favorable desorption results."
On March 1st, 2024, the Company announced its maiden Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) on Target IV and the Buriti Zone (Click here for the Press Release), and the companion NI 43-101 technical report on the PCH Project was filed on April 16th, 2024. (Click here for the Press Release)
John Tumazos Very Independent Research Presentation
Appia invites you to register for a webinar on May 14th at 9:45 AM EDT, Eastern Daylight Time (North America) with Appia Rare Earths & Uranium Corp.'s President, Mr. Stephen Burega and VP of Exploration, Brazil, Mr. Andre Costa, and renowned former Wall Street analyst, John Tumazos of Very Independent Research. John will dig in on the latest developments at Appia Rare Earths & Uranium Corp.
To register for the event click here.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Auger drill holes are vertical and reported intervals are true thickness. The material produced from drill holes are sampled at one metre intervals, resulting in average sample sizes of 5-10 kg. Quartering of the material was performed at Appia's logging facility using a riffle splitter and continued splitting until a representative sample weighing approximately 500g each was obtained, bagged in a resistant plastic bag, labeled, photographed, and stored for shipment.
The bagged samples are sent to the SGS laboratory in Vespasiano, Minas Gerais. In addition to the internal QA/QC of the SGS Lab, Appia includes its own control samples in each batch of samples sent to the laboratory.
Quality control samples, such as blanks, duplicates, and standards (CRM) were inserted into each analytical run. For all analysis methods, the minimum number of QA/QC samples is one standard, one duplicate and one blank, introduced in each batch which comprise a full-length hole. The rigorous procedures are implemented during the sample collection, preparation, and analytical stages to insure the robustness and reliability of the analytical results.
All analytical results reported herein have passed internal QA/QC review and compilation. All assay results of Auger samples were provided by SGS Geosol, an ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Certified Laboratory, which performed their measure of the concentration of rare earth elements (REE) with the IMS95R analytical method that uses lithium metaborate fusion prior acid dissolution and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS).
The technical information in this news release, including the information related to geology, drilling, and mineralization, has been reviewed and approved by Andre L. L. Costa, Appia's VP Exploration for Brazil, with more than 29 years of relevant experience. Mr. Costa is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (FAIG) and is a Qualified Person (QP) as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.
About Appia Rare Earths & Uranium Corp. (Appia)
Appia is a publicly traded Canadian company in the rare earth element and uranium sectors. The Company holds the right to acquire up to a 70% interest in the PCH Ionic Adsorption Clay Project (See June 9th, 2023 Press Release - Click HERE) which is 40,963.18 ha. in size and located within the Goiás State of Brazil. (See January 11th, 2024 Press Release - Click HERE) The Company is also focusing on delineating high-grade critical rare earth elements and gallium on the Alces Lake property, and exploring for high-grade uranium in the prolific Athabasca Basin on its Otherside, Loranger, North Wollaston, and Eastside properties. The Company holds the surface rights to exploration for 94,982.39 hectares (234,706.59 acres) in Saskatchewan. The Company also has a 100% interest in 13,008 hectares (32,143 acres), with rare earth elements and uranium deposits over five mineralized zones in the Elliot Lake Camp, Ontario.
Appia has 136.3 million common shares outstanding, 145 million shares fully diluted.
Cautionary note regarding forward-looking statements: This News Release contains forward-looking statements which are typically preceded by, followed by or including the words "believes", "expects", "anticipates", "estimates", "intends", "plans" or similar expressions. Forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of future performance as they involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions. We do not intend and do not assume any obligation to update these forward-looking statements and shareholders are cautioned not to put undue reliance on such statements.
Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Market Regulator (as that term is defined in the policies of the CSE) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
For more information, visit www.appiareu.com
As part of our ongoing effort to keep investors, interested parties and stakeholders updated, we have several communication portals. If you have any questions online (X,Facebook,LinkedIn) please feel free to send direct messages.
To book a one-on-one 30-minute Zoom video call, please [click here](mailto:sburega@appiareu.com).
Tom Drivas, CEO and Director (c) (416) 876-3957 *(e) *[tdrivas@appiareu.com](mailto:tdrivas@appiareu.com)
Stephen Burega, President (c) (647) 515-3734 *(e) *[sburega@appiareu.com](mailto:sburega@appiareu.com)
To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/209087

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submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to Treaty_Creek [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:49 SaveMeFromSin Porn vs Cam Sites and Conspiracy About Women Soliciting Men Online.

So I used to struggle a lot more with excessive porn use and masturbating but now since I stopped taking antidepressants my struggle has transitioned to wanting love, intimacy, and connection so I went from regular porn to cam stuff or soliciting women on dating apps.
It seems more natural but it's still compulsive sexual behavior that I'd like to manage and control and not let it control me because I feel bad afterwards and it's sin.
Also a lot of OF girls and Facebook girls seem interested in very personal information, like asking where I live. Women have always been used to lure secrets out of men and blackmail them (Epsteins Island, politicians). Whether it's just for marketing and advertising purposes because once you use one dating site or cam site app you'll get blasted with ads for more or perhaps to just keep dirt on people.
We're in the information age and I think countries/ groups are using porn to extract information and collect dirt on people.
submitted by SaveMeFromSin to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:46 Upper-Drama-161 TILBURG HOUSING

Does anybody know any less known sites where you can find cheaper accomodation in Tilburg (possibly mostly under 600€)? I've been looking for accommodation and I can't afford to pay money to 100 sites so I can contact landlords or for the site to just send me to Facebook! and then when I look through Facebook most accomodations are either only for Dutch people or the person I messaged doesn't answer!😭 Any suggestions or tips would be extremely appreciated:)
submitted by Upper-Drama-161 to TilburgUniversity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:41 MightBeneficial3302 NurExone Presenting on Revolutionary Spinal Cord Injury Therapy at European Conference on Exosomes and Regenerative Medicine (TSXV: NRX, OTCQB: NRXBF, FSE: J90, NRX.V)

NurExone Presenting on Revolutionary Spinal Cord Injury Therapy at European Conference on Exosomes and Regenerative Medicine (TSXV: NRX, OTCQB: NRXBF, FSE: J90, NRX.V)

NurExone Biologic Inc. (TSXV: NRX) (Germany: J90) (the “Company” or “NurExone”), a pioneering biopharmaceutical company, is pleased to announce that Dr. Lior Shaltiel, CEO and Director at NurExone, was invited to present on "Revolutionizing Spinal Cord Injury Treatment: Harnessing the Potential of Exosomes for Advanced Therapy in Comprehensive Approach" at the Exosomes of Europe conference in London in June, 2024.
Dr. Shaltiel joins a prestigious lineup of speakers presenting applications of exosomes, including representatives from leading exosome companies such as Abbvie, Evox Therapeutics and Capricor Therapeutics, as well as senior-level executives in the field. As a pioneer and leader in this field, Dr. Shaltiel is well-positioned to provide perspective on exploiting advances in exosomes for drug delivery. NurExone is developing a first exosome-loaded nanodrug, ExoPTEN, for patients who suffer acute Spinal Cord Injuries.
Exosomes Europe is a premier event that brings together experts from academia and industry to discuss new data and case studies on advancing exosome products from the clinical stage to commercialization. The conference will take place on June 5-6, 2024, in London, England. To learn more about the summit and to register, please visit the Conference Website.
About NurExone Biologic Inc.
NurExone Biologic Inc. is a TSXV listed pharmaceutical Company that is developing a platform for biologically-guided exosome-based therapies to be delivered, non-invasively, to patients who have suffered Central Nervous System injuries. The Company’s first product, ExoPTEN for acute spinal cord injury, was proven to recover motor function in 75% of laboratory rats when administered intranasally. ExoPTEN has been granted Orphan Drug Designation by the FDA. The NurExone platform technology is expected to offer novel solutions to drug companies interested in noninvasive targeted drug delivery for other indications.
For additional information, please visit www.nurexone.com or follow NurExone on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube.
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Lior Shaltiel Chief Executive Officer and Director Phone: +972-52-4803034 Email: info@nurexone.com
Thesis Capital Inc. Investment Relation - Canada Phone: +1 905-347-5569 Email: IR@nurexone.com
Dr. Eva Reuter Investment Relation - Germany Phone: +49-69-1532-5857 Email: e.reuter@dr-reuter.eu
submitted by MightBeneficial3302 to Wealthsimple_Penny [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:40 Sourgrid I lost my girlfriend, I lost a friend.

hey, y'all! This past few days, I have had this heavy feeling, or rather, a pain in my heart, and it has taken a toll on me. I came here to maybe share some stuff; maybe y'all can help or something.
My girlfriend just broke up with me. To give a bit more context, my ex-girlfriend and I met online around 8 years ago. She likes me, and I like her too. We talked, then we stopped talking to each other, then repeat, basically we're on and off for like a year or two, until we've decided to be just friends. To my surprise, we didn't just became friends, we became best friends, I am there whenever she's suffering on some stuff, and she is also there for mine. So basically, she's the closest friend I've had.
Around 2022, we began talking again, but not like normal friends; the feelings we had for each other before began to resurface, and eventually, we've decided to be exclusive. Despite knowing each other for that long, our relationship didn't have a good start nor it did have a good end. I have some attitude that she didn't like (sensitive, I overthink stuff, sometimes I'm also being impulsive) and at the same time she also have some attitude that I didn't like (she's often angry, she kind of had some anger issues which I'm really having a hard time to handle). There are times where we broke up after having a serious argument, there are times that she's the one who's breaking up with me, but most of the time I'm the one whose breaking up with her (this previous breakup doesn't last a day, it's like a 12 hours of not talking then we'll start fixing things right away).
Fast forward to May 2024, she broke up with me. I tried to reach out to her through every social media platform possible, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Email, you name it, I tried them all; but I can't reach her, she already blocked me. Two days after she unblocked me on Twitter, I took it as a sign that she wanted to talk to me again, so I called her and apologized for not being able to give her what she deserves, I let her know that I acknowledge the pain I caused her every time I broke up with her, I apologized for not being able to see her, for not noticing she was tired early on, I apologized for not being a great boyfriend. I begged her to stay, that I'm willing to change and do better, but she didn't want me anymore; she tells me that she's fine, that she's happy and peaceful, and that she doesn't want to experience my love anymore, even if I change. and then she blocks me again right after.
It hurts; I may not be the greatest boyfriend, but I did everything I could to keep her. I may be lacking in some areas, but I always try to compensate in others, and I never, never stopped working on myself, not only for me, but also for her. why can't this feeling reach her? I really loved her, and the pain of her absence is killing me. I lost my girlfriend, I lost a friend.
submitted by Sourgrid to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:40 MightBeneficial3302 NurExone Presenting on Revolutionary Spinal Cord Injury Therapy at European Conference on Exosomes and Regenerative Medicine (TSXV: NRX, OTCQB: NRXBF, FSE: J90, NRX.V)

NurExone Presenting on Revolutionary Spinal Cord Injury Therapy at European Conference on Exosomes and Regenerative Medicine (TSXV: NRX, OTCQB: NRXBF, FSE: J90, NRX.V)

NurExone Biologic Inc. (TSXV: NRX) (Germany: J90) (the “Company” or “NurExone”), a pioneering biopharmaceutical company, is pleased to announce that Dr. Lior Shaltiel, CEO and Director at NurExone, was invited to present on "Revolutionizing Spinal Cord Injury Treatment: Harnessing the Potential of Exosomes for Advanced Therapy in Comprehensive Approach" at the Exosomes of Europe conference in London in June, 2024.
Dr. Shaltiel joins a prestigious lineup of speakers presenting applications of exosomes, including representatives from leading exosome companies such as Abbvie, Evox Therapeutics and Capricor Therapeutics, as well as senior-level executives in the field. As a pioneer and leader in this field, Dr. Shaltiel is well-positioned to provide perspective on exploiting advances in exosomes for drug delivery. NurExone is developing a first exosome-loaded nanodrug, ExoPTEN, for patients who suffer acute Spinal Cord Injuries.
Exosomes Europe is a premier event that brings together experts from academia and industry to discuss new data and case studies on advancing exosome products from the clinical stage to commercialization. The conference will take place on June 5-6, 2024, in London, England. To learn more about the summit and to register, please visit the Conference Website.
About NurExone Biologic Inc.
NurExone Biologic Inc. is a TSXV listed pharmaceutical Company that is developing a platform for biologically-guided exosome-based therapies to be delivered, non-invasively, to patients who have suffered Central Nervous System injuries. The Company’s first product, ExoPTEN for acute spinal cord injury, was proven to recover motor function in 75% of laboratory rats when administered intranasally. ExoPTEN has been granted Orphan Drug Designation by the FDA. The NurExone platform technology is expected to offer novel solutions to drug companies interested in noninvasive targeted drug delivery for other indications.
For additional information, please visit www.nurexone.com or follow NurExone on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube.
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Lior Shaltiel Chief Executive Officer and Director Phone: +972-52-4803034 Email: info@nurexone.com
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2024.05.14 15:00 Despertos Conexão Verpon: Exposições Universais e Reurbex

Conexão Verpon: Exposições Universais e Reurbex
Descrição da live:
As Conexões fazem parte das atividades da equipe PARAECOLOGICUS composta de uma live por semana enfocando os seguintes temas:
  1. Conexão Autocuidado: o autocuidado é que a Paraecologia é uma especialidade transversal? A base do cuidado evolutivo com a realidade planetária multidimensional. Você compreende e cuida da sua autoparaecologia?
  2. Conexão Socin: soluções ambientais para regenerar o planeta, correlacionando ecologia e paraecologia. Você entende como ampliar sua coerência cosmoética com a reurbanização?
  3. Conexão Verpon: novidades científicas da Paraecologia, preliminares ou em desenvolvimento. Você sabia que a Paraecologia está sendo fundamentada? Compartilha seus achados paraecológicos?
  4. Conexão Teática: como colocar em prática a responsabilidade planetária a partir da ótica das diversas especialidades da Conscienciologia.
  5. Conexão Cognópolis: conversas sobre a materialização de cognópolis planetariamente responsáveis, a partir das experiências e reflexões de cada cognópolis e pré-cognópolis. Você contribui para a atuação sinérgica entre as cognópolis, expandindo o holopensene do planeta-escola?
Conheça a Paraecologicus!
Somos pessoas interessadas na pesquisa paraecológica e no desenvolvimento da responsabilidade planetária, individual e coletiva, na CCCI e na Socin como um todo, para a qualificação holopensênica do planeta Terra.
Como voluntários(as) da Conscienciologia, nossa finalidade é esclarecer as consciências para que relacionem os contextos local e global, intrafísico e extrafísico, intraconsciencial e social, compreendam a responsabilidade pessoal e coletiva em relação ao planeta Terra enquanto oportunidade evolutiva, vivenciando maior coerência cosmoética.
Nossos canais de comunicação: Sites: www.paraecologicus.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/Paraecologicus Instagram: www.instagram.com/paraecologicus Todos canais: www.paraecologicus.org/links
Quer conhecer um pouco mais sobre a neociência Conscienciologia?
Canal da Intercampi no Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/INTERCAMPI Vídeo de apresentação da Intercampi: https://youtu.be/AtN4AY1FHmo
No canal do Tertuliarium você encontra vídeos das Tertúlias Conscienciológicas (sobre os verbetes da Enciclopédia da Conscienciologia), da Tertúlia Matinal, do Círculo Mentalsomático, do Epicentrismo em Debate, do Areópago Conscienciológico: https://www.youtube.com/Tertuliarium
*Esta Live é uma realização em parceria com a Pré-IC Paraecologicus e Intercampi - Associação Internacional dos Campi de Pesquisas da Conscienciologia, com apoio da Aracê - Associação Internacional para a Evolução da Consciência.
Vinheta - Áudio cedido: "The Key To The Puzzle New Age Ambient Electronic Hang Drum" provided by CRAFT_ALL_AUDIO / Pond5.com
“Não acredite em nada, nem mesmo nas informações deste canal. Experimente. Tenha as suas próprias experiências.”
submitted by Despertos to Conscienciologia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:30 Sourgrid I lost my girlfriend, I lost a friend.

hey, y'all! This past few days, I have had this heavy feeling, or rather, a pain in my heart, and it has taken a toll on me. I came here to maybe share some stuff; maybe y'all can help or something.
My girlfriend just broke up with me. To give a bit more context, my ex-girlfriend and I met online around 8 years ago. She likes me, and I like her too. We talked, then we stopped talking to each other, then repeat, basically we're on and off for like a year or two, until we've decided to be just friends. To my surprise, we didn't just became friends, we became best friends, I am there whenever she's suffering on some stuff, and she is also there for mine. So basically, she's the closest friend I've had.
Around 2022, we began talking again, but not like normal friends; the feelings we had for each other before began to resurface, and eventually, we've decided to be exclusive. Despite knowing each other for that long, our relationship didn't have a good start nor it did have a good end. I have some attitude that she didn't like (sensitive, I overthink stuff, sometimes I'm also being impulsive) and at the same time she also have some attitude that I didn't like (she's often angry, she kind of had some anger issues which I'm really having a hard time to handle). There are times where we broke up after having a serious argument, there are times that she's the one who's breaking up with me, but most of the time I'm the one whose breaking up with her (this previous breakup doesn't last a day, it's like a 12 hours of not talking then we'll start fixing things right away).
Fast forward to May 2024, she broke up with me. I tried to reach out to her through every social media platform possible, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Email, you name it, I tried them all; but I can't reach her, she already blocked me. Two days after she unblocked me on Twitter, I took it as a sign that she wanted to talk to me again, so I called her and apologized for not being able to give her what she deserves, I let her know that I acknowledge the pain I caused her every time I broke up with her, I apologized for not being able to see her, for not noticing she was tired early on, I apologized for not being a great boyfriend. I begged her to stay, that I'm willing to change and do better, but she didn't want me anymore; she tells me that she's fine, that she's happy and peaceful, and that she doesn't want to experience my love anymore, even if I change. and then she blocks me again right after.
It hurts; I may not be the greatest boyfriend, but I did everything I could to keep her. I may be lacking in some areas, but I always try to compensate in others, and I never, never stopped working on myself, not only for me, but also for her. why can't this feeling reach her? I really loved her, and the pain of her absence is killing me. I lost my girlfriend, I lost a friend.
submitted by Sourgrid to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:14 Dixos Am I wrong for creating a post about my girlfriend?

Hello Reddit,
I come seeking some insight into my actions this past Mother's Day to see if I am truly out of touch with reality and everything good in this world.
Let me set the stage, this is important; We met over 2 years ago. As with any new relationship there's that initial period where everything is new, you're exploring each other. A few weeks later she was celebrating her daughter's birthday. We had bought her an iPad together. She set it up while everyone was eating cake with the family and unfortunately never checked what synced. Her daughter saw photos and videos of me and made a big scene. She turned 8. She also has a son she adopted away a few years back before going to prison.
Since then she has freaked out every time I am mentioned. Full on meltdown. As such we've had to keep our relationship a secret and hidden. Removed me from all social media and has me muted on Messenger, just to keep the peace with her daughter. This has been going on for almost 2 years in a couple of months.
This Saturday before Mother's Day she went camping with her kid and sisters kids. I didn't know at first, we usually talk in the mornings before she spends the weekend with the kids, our usual morning routine. Sent her 3 messages in the morning, one around lunch and one in the afternoon. She didn't respond until nearly 6pm where she said she went camping and sent pictures.
It was raining for me so I told her I was jealous and wish I could be there. I love her, I'll see her tomorrow, have a great evening and all that. If she or the kids needed anything to just let me know, I'll make myself available. Like 3 short messages and one just spanning 4 lines.
Mother's Day comes around and I sent her a message in the morning telling her shes the best mom and woman in the world, she works so hard for us, try her best and take care of business. She's a gift and a blessing. Told her she's amazing and I love her.
I got a single "Love you" back an hour later. I went to my parents for lunch a little after 9 and texted before going saying I had saved $200 for that day for her so if she or the kids wanted anything to use my card and hoped she liked my gift. (Scented candles and a silver necklace with her birthstone in a heart shape)
Get back from lunch a little after 11 and sent her another message and told her I made a post on FB. Basically just recognizing her for the amazing woman she is and attached 3 of the most beautiful pictures I have of her, two of them where she posed with her daughter. Told her to get something for herself or take the kids out to eat.
3:35pm rolls around, she hadn't seen any of my texts so I text her saying I'm sure she's being kept extra busy today and I wish we weren't apart on special days like today and holidays but hopefully it changes soon and that she liked the gift I had gotten for her.
I didn't expect her to respond so after sending her the text, I went on FB and saw she had posted a new header picture of her kids playing the ipad while sitting on the bed with them, being visited by the son she adopted away. I thought it was beautiful and shared it to my FB with a heart emoji.
Not even a 2 mins later she responds back telling me to "Chill the fuck out, I'm spending time with my daughter!!!"
Followed by: "Dude I'm fucking blocking you! Who the fuck are you to put pictures up of are you fucking serious!!!"
I quickly respond: "I'll remove it"
And she said: "Posting pictures of my daughter so she could possibly see or her dad flip the fuck out!!!" and she blocked me.
Later that evening she still hadn't unblocked me so I sent her an email telling her to please talk to me, I apologize if I did something wrong or to upset her, all she needed to do was voice her disapproval and tell me to remove it. (As I already had) Why do it like this?
She responds back telling me to "Leave her the fuck alone" because she's not "dealing with this psychotic behavior all the fucking damn time. Your mom can be in the hospital dying and you don't post a thing about it, but you put a fucking picture up of my adopted son! Are you fucking serious!".
My response back was I don't post sad shit on Facebook. Never have, never will. I post things that make me happy. I didn't make a post when any of my grandparents died, (last one this Jan), when I was going through 2 surgeries + 7 months of chemo and radiation for melanoma, and certainly not with tubes and wires coming out of my mom. Wasn't even a thought that crossed my mind in the middle of it.
So, Reddit, was I wrong here? Am I so morally wrong and out of touch with reality that I got what I deserved?
I haven't heard from her since. She has used my card though.
submitted by Dixos to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:02 PelotonMod [Race Thread] 2024 4 Jours de Dunkerque - Stage 1 (2.Pro)

2024 4 Jours de Dunkerque - Stage 1

Date From > To Length Profile Finish Time
May 14 Dunkerque > Le Touquet 168 km Flat Sprint 13:15 - 17:30 CET
Information Official Site / Roadbook / Startlist
Social Media Instagram / Facebook / Twitter
Live Trackers Official / PCS
Coverage Live video starts at 16:00 CEST
Where to Watch Official Broadcasters
submitted by PelotonMod to peloton [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:01 PelotonMod [Race Thread] 2024 Giro d'Italia - Stage 10 (2.UWT)

Date Stage Route Length Type Time
Tue. May 14 10 Pompei>Cusano Mutri 142 km Medium ca. 17:15 CET
Information Official Site / Startlist / Roadbook / Inrng overview stage profiles
Social Media Twitter / Facebook / Instagram
Overall Previews INRNG / CyclingNews / GCN
/peloton content Pre-Race thread / Cheat Notes / RFL / SRFL / SWL / GTP / TFTPT
Live Trackers Official / Cycling News
TV Eurosport/GCN+ / Check your local broadcaster here / Race Coverage starts at 12:45 [CEST](http://www.timebie.com/std/centraleuropeansummer.php?q=XX12
submitted by PelotonMod to peloton [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:08 panitavers Honnan táplálkozik a pártállami nómenklatúra? Mi volt a fidesznyik kistestvére?

A megideologizált politikai management stratégiája, amit az egykori fiatal demokraták hátszelét alkotó értelmiségi elitet képviselő filozófus, politológus alkotott meg. Idegenül hangzó álnéven, álképpel megtalálod a facebookon trollkodása közepette. A felfuvalkodott egójáról felismerhető álspirituális megmondóember, aki később az esetleges számonkérések miatt odabiggyesztett egy hamis nevet: Gáspár I. Amiből az előtagot lefelejtette, az utótag meg nem valós. Jelenleg korlátozás alatt van a profil, a kémszoftver szerint "magas kockázati veszélyt" jelent a közösségi társadalomra. Magas kockázat inkább az állampárt számára, mert sokak szemében lebukott. Szerintem a pasas puszta léte jelent, unblock magas szuverenitásvédelmi kockázatot a magyar nemzetre. Ezt az erkölcsi hulladékon élősködő söpredéket szükséges eliminálni a magyar közegből, enélkül hiába akarja valaki a nimródi időket, felmenőket megidézni, ha a tisztesség, becsület, méltóság, őszinteség még az árnyékát sem éri el.
Nos, a politikára alkalmazott kormányzati megvezezés pszichológiája az alábbi. Ha felismered magadon az elragadtatásodban lévő megvezétés szagát, ne habozz kikapcsolni a köztévét és az érzelmi bevonódást megszüntetni. Ez az első lépés a tisztánlátáshoz. A politikai kiábrándulás utána léphet szintet. Persze azért, hogy eljuss idáig szeretni kell a magyar nyelvet annyira, hogy értő olvasás mellett befogadd annak tartalmát, lényegi mondanivalóját.
  1. Equalizáció, összemosás. Azaz háború = béke. Aki Gyurcsánnyal van az mind ellenség. Ajánlanám figyelmünkbe a békepártiaknak Dosztojevszkij - Háború és béke igencsak vaskos kötét. Abból plagizált a politikai narratíva.
  2. Fordított pszichilógia. Az ártatlan szerintük bűnös, hazaáruló.
  3. Folyamatos fenyegetettség fenntartása, félelemkeltés. Brüsszel, Soros terv, covid hisztéria. Ennek kapcsán folyamatos vészhelyzeti kormányzás kivitelezése.
  4. Dezinformáció, álhír terjesztése troll, ügynök hadsereg, megmondó, hangadó emberek által a közösségi médiában.
  5. Szuverenitás védelem. Mindenki veszélyes a magyar államra, aki átlát a szitán. Ennek folyományaként blokkolás, tiltás, cenzúrázás alkalmazása.
Ez a pártállami nómenklatúra fidesznyik kistestvére nem a holdról kapta a sajtot, amibe a buckajáratait bevéste, hanem a KISZ-ből, ahova nem volt kötelező belépni. Aki 1990-ben, vagy eseteleg 1991-ben a rendszerváltásnak hazudott évben érettségizett ugye emlékszik még az igen aktív KISZ-es mozgalmi vezetőkre. Na őket rángatta és olvasztotta be a kapitalista, nagytőkés, újgazdag, sznob, álértelmiségi, áldemokratikus társadalom. Belőlük nevelték ki a főiskolákon, egyetemeken az értelmiségi elit fő magvát: behódoltatható orvosok, jogászok, újságírók, tanárok és még sorolhatnám. Tisztelet az igen elenyésző kivételnek. Amikor valaki "tisztességről, átláthatóságról, elszámoltathatóságról" beszél akkor ezeket az érdek- és percembereket szükséges eltávolítani a közéletből. Velük nem fog sikerülni, nélkülük igen.
De amikor egy lakossági fórumon a melletted ülőről és a szónokokról egy kivételével messziről érzik a bevonódottság szaga, akkor felfordul a gyomrod és újfent megállapítod, hogy ezekkel az emberekkel nem lehet semmit sem megvalósítani. Úgy jársz, mint én tegnap, végleg hátat fordítasz a teljes rendszernek és jelenlegi élővárosodnak.
Cimkék: #politika #megvezetés #pszichológia #ideológia #politológia #filozófia #fidesz #kisz #sajtó #média #tömegtájékoztatás
submitted by panitavers to panitavers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:00 Jaye134 QUESTIONS ABOUT JOINING AND JOBS, Transferring in from another branch/service, Benefits, Life & Jobs, Palace Chase, MEPS, Basic Training, Tech Schools, Pilot Selection, etc. Go Here and Only Here 14 May - 29 May

Joining posts outside of this thread will be deleted

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Palace Chase - Palace Chase is an ACTIVE DUTY program and has its own AFI.

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u/LAANGRetention - Louisiana + Education and Bonuses
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An unofficial FAQ for those to ponder over as they are going through this journey
submitted by Jaye134 to airnationalguard [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:02 Direct-Caterpillar77 Me [27F] with my boyfriend [29M] of two years. He took nude pictures of me with a hidden camera in our bathroom

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/throwawayhidden123
Me [27F] with my boyfriend [29M] of two years. He took nude pictures of me with a hidden camera in our bathroom.
TRIGGER WARNING: invasion of privacy, mentions of addiction, abusive behavior and stalking
Original Post Oct 20, 2014
I’ve [27F] been with my boyfriend [29M] for just over two years, and up until a couple of weeks ago, I thought everything was going great. We’ve been living together for over a year. We had disagreements about minor things like every couple (me being indecisive about what restaurant to go to, him leaving his dirty clothes outside the hamper, stuff like that) , but for the most part we always got along really well. We share multiple hobbies, and have pretty much spent every day we had off together for the last two years.
A few weeks ago, I was home while he was at work. I needed to work on a project for work that would be much easier to complete on his desktop computer rather than my little cramped laptop, so I texted him and asked if it would be ok for me to use his desktop. He said sure, and texted me the password.
About 30 minutes later I got a little bored and decided to check my facebook. When the site came up, the email and password were already filled out, with an email address I had never seen before. I knew about other email addresses my boyfriend had but had never seen this one. I’m not proud to admit it, but something about the email address that I had never seen after two years together gave me a funny feeling and I snooped.
As soon as I opened it, I realized why he had kept this email account under wraps. The inbox was full of messages from a website for specifically for people looking to have affairs. I opened one up and it allowed me to view his account information. This mysterious inbox was also filled with porn, mostly still images. Now, I like porn. I watch it myself, he knows that, and knows I have no problem with it. But this was something different. There were some pictures of porn stars, but mostly pictures of girls in swimsuits, people we know that looked like they’d been taken from facebook, including some of my really close friends. There were pictures of girls he had taken on the bus surreptitiously looking down their shirts. There were naked pictures of me that I didn’t know he had taken, pictures of me in the shower and in our bedroom. Finally, there were pictures of a female friend of his that had visited for a few days that clearly had been taken in our bathroom – the shower curtain and other items in the picture were recognizable. It was apparent that the pictures had been taken without her knowledge.
At this point I felt completely sick and betrayed. When I confronted him that night he told me it was some kind of addictive problem and he’s been saving pictures of women for years. I confronted him about everything I had seen, especially the account on the cheating site, the naked pictures of his friend that had been taken in our bathroom, and the naked pictures of me that I hadn’t consented to him taking. As it turns out, he admitted that he had a hidden camera in our bathroom for weeks. It was disguised as a flash drive, and he had left it on the counter pointed at the shower and toilet. Apparently it was motion sensitive and would take pictures whenever someone moved in front of it. He said he didn’t have any other pictures from it other than what I had seen, and just compulsively saves pictures he takes by sending them to this email address that I had found, and never looks at them again.
What is this? Is it a fetish? Is it curable? He said he would get help and start going to SLAA meetings but he only went to three and hasn’t been back. I feel violated and sick thinking about this, and welcome any advice or input from anyone who has been in a similar situation.
EDIT: To those saying I should report him to the police - He deleted all of the pictures and the email address the first night that I confronted him about it, and I destroyed the camera (rage overcomes logic sometimes). I'm not planning to file any report to the police and even if I did there would be no evidence. However, I appreciate your comments and for reinforcing how serious this is.
tl;dr: My boyfriend took pictures of me with a hidden camera. Has this happened to anyone else? How, or should, I move forward with our relationship?
Why would you want to stay? You can't trust him. Did you delete the photos of you? Was he cheating the entire relationship? Not that it would have any impact on you staying or leaving. I'd leave regardless. Just curious if he's been doing this the entire time.
I'm having a hard time writing this in a way that doesn't make me sound pathetic and weak, because logically I completely agree with you. It's hard to me to reconcile the person that I thought I knew for two years and have shared many good times and made lots of memories with, with the person that would do something like this, even though obviously they are one and the same. To answer your other question, he has had the email address and has been saving pictures for years, long before I met him. However, it appeared that all of the pictures up until about 6 months ago were from porn sites, and he only started saving pictures of people that he took more recently.
OOP on if she will ever get the whole truth
Thanks for your comment. As for "the whole truth," at first when I confronted him he told me that he had already gotten rid of the camera. However, once he described it to me, I remembered seeing it in a closet and went and got it - he hadn't gotten rid of it after all. He already showed that he's definitely capable of lying to try to protect himself.
How long since she found the camara
Two weeks.
Thanks for the response.
Given the horrible red flags, why not immediately dump him? That is what I'm curious about.
I don't know you any better than what you've posted, but you're better than this OP.
I know you're right. It's tough because we live together, so there's a whole life we have to tear apart from a logistical standpoint (even though it's already been torn apart in a different way). I expect that you will be appalled by this response, but the thought of coming home to this apartment without him here has been unbearably sad to me. I guess I'm not really grieving the loss of this guy, more like the loss of the relationship I thought we had before I found all this out, if that makes any sense. I need to stop making excuses and just get him out of here.
Update Nov 2014
Link to original post
First of all, thank you to everyone who replied to my original post. Some of you came down pretty hard on me but I needed to hear it. Some of you were incredibly kind and I needed that too.
I finally broke down and told my closest friend what had happened. I used my original post to help me do it, since I was having a tough time explaining it aloud. She read the story, and said many of the same things I was told in the comments on my original thread. Most of all, she supported me and validated my feelings that this was a really big deal and not something that could be swept under the rug and forgotten. It was a huge relief to tell her - you know that trite thing people say about a "huge weight lifted off your shoulders?" I know how that feels now.
Before I made my post I had already been talking with my then-BF about how I wasn't sure if our relationship could recover after what he had done, and I had told him that I wanted him to move out to give me space. After my post, and after finally opening up to my friend, I told him that he should plan on the move and breakup being permanent. Up until then I had been a little vague about "taking a break" and "seeing what happens down the road" but once I faced down my emotions about what he had done I realized that I was just trying to soften the blow and the best thing to do was to live in reality and just move forward.
As of two days ago, he is officially moved out. I told my family that the relationship was over, and my parents have been incredibly supportive and are even going to help me pay to keep living in my current apartment so I can take my time finding another place to live and not have to deal with moving right now.
Here's the part you guys probably won't be thrilled about. I'm not going to report him to the police. I did, however, reach out to his friend, the one who was an unknowing victim of this, via facebook (I know, I hate facebook as a means of communication too, but it's the only way I have to contact her). She has not replied to me, and I don't know if she will, but I gave her my contact info and asked her to call me so we could talk. I honestly can't say whether I hope she calls or not, because I absolutely dread having that conversation with her, but guys, if I'm able to get in touch, I will suck it up and tell her. I also told my ex-BF, before he left, that I thought he should tell her himself, but that I planned to, so he may have spoken to her already (though I sincerely doubt it).
I wish for my ex-BF to get well, and to continue attending meetings and get into the recovery process to the point that he is able to live a productive life. It's been a sad, painful path for me to realize the fact that that life will not include me as a part of it, but despite how hard this is in this moment, I believe the ends justify the means.
tl;dr: It's over, he's gone. /relationships, you helped me, and I'm grateful.
I'm glad to see the update and that you rid yourself of him.
I'm very disappointed that you didn't file a police report. He will do it again, and by not reporting him, you're allowing someone else to get hurt the same way you were.
Crime victims are not morally obligated to press charges in order to prevent future victims. The only person responsible for his deplorable behavior is her ex boyfriend.
Thank you... People really latched on to the police involvement issue in this thread and while I think it's probably the right thing for other people in similar situations, it's absolutely not the right thing for me right now. I hope other people who have been in a situation like this read your comment too because I think it's spot on but it's easy to forget that.
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:05 Peterscouse People using sidemen to scam

People using sidemen to scam
So I was browsing Facebook videos and came across this, claiming they're the sidemen and telling people to sign up to their site to get money... I know scammers will try anything but damn. You know you've made it when scammers try to impersonate you..
submitted by Peterscouse to Sidemen [link] [comments]

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