Congested chest hurts when coughing

Anxiety chest pain?

2024.05.15 00:37 redgxx Anxiety chest pain?

I had an anxiety attack about 2 weeks ago and since then I’ve had chest pain everyday on my left side near my heart. Towards when the attack first happened it hurt to even lay on my left side in my chest. I’ve been to the doctors and they did and ekg, chest x-ray, and bloodwork which all came back normal. They say it’s just anxiety and gave me meds but I feel like they don’t really help as much as they should. Anyone have any advice or input as to why I’m feeling this chest pain? Is this normal after an anxiety attack?
submitted by redgxx to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:30 stephscho97 Chest tightness starting day 13

Not sure what is going on with me. Ever since yesterday (Monday) evening, I have felt tightness in my chest when I breathe deeply. It wasn’t super noticeable until this morning. It did wake me up once in the night. Since this morning, I feel like I can’t breathe deeply and my lungs ache in my upper chest when I do , I am a bit short of breath, I have aches in my head, neck, and shoulders, slight cough when it feels like my breath is taken away, and I now have a fever (peaked at 102). I went to my doctor and had a negative COVID test, negative flu test, negative xray for pneumonia, and the ct scan showed no pneumonia or blood clot. My doctor is saying she suspects a viral infection but the chest tightness/lunch ache seems like a weird symptom of a virus.
Back story is I had my surgery may 1st and recovery went well. I used a brand new cool mist humidifier every night and most days. At night I will note that the humidifier would fog out my whole room to the point where it was visible. I was not warned by my ENT about pneumonia risk. I rested/laid down elevated majority of my recovery. I did get up periodically but did not know I should make a point of it.
Any advice???
submitted by stephscho97 to Tonsillectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:05 Immediate-Repeat2832 How do people find good doctors offices?????

Okay so I have the WORST luck finding good doctors in my area. My first doctor when I moved here had me tested for tuberculosis. This was for a daycare job I was trying to get. AND I LITERALLY TESTED POSITIVE. Instead of..idk, calling someone and getting imaging, she literally PRAYED for me in the room and sent me on my way. (She was since fired from the clinic-not for the TB issue but because she brought her religion into her practices). So I went to a different doctor in the same clinic. He tested me, I tested positive, and he just asked “what symptoms do you have?” And I said “I dont know I cough a lot but I have asthma”. So he said he would send a referral to a local hospital for imaging. He said to go there right after the appointment and just say I need imaging for TB and hand them a piece of paper. So my happy ahh drives all the way to this hospital, I hand them the paper, and the receptionist says there is no referral for me and the paper he handed me was literally just an Appointment Summary. I call the office, the nurse says that he will send it now, and nope. Never sent it. So I go about my life, not knowing what to do about this because no one ever explained it to me and I didnt bother doing resesrch to know how bad it actually is. Finally find a new doctor who actually takes it seriously. She actually sends a referral and I don’t have active tuberculosis!!! Yay I wont die or kill anyone else in the process!!! But then SHE fcks up! She refers me to a psychiatrist in the clinic because I needed a proper ADHD diagnosis. (News Flash: he was not a psychiatrist and he was just an RN. No, not a specialist RN who is educated in psychology and licensed. No, just an RN). He decides to diagnose me with bipolar disorder instead of ADHD, all within a 30 minute appointment. Prescribes me Latuda (WHICH IS AN ANTIPSYCHOTIC) and sends me on my way. Heres the kicker, I start taking Latuda and WOW. SHOCKER. I start having manic episodes!!! Something I hadn’t had before! So I go back to him and tell him this, and say “I think I just need ADHD treatment and to be providing coping mechanisms for my ADHD”. He says (in essence) “Well that sucks, keep taking Latuda to see if it works eventually.” I listened to him and kept taking it until I got pregnant. But this SAME doctor before I got pregnant tried to take out a benign tumor on my rib cage IN OFFICE. She literally tried to put the numbing sht in the area of my ribs, which btw hurts like a mofo. I literally almost punched the nurse, so they both decide to HOLD. ME. DOWN. IN. THE. CHAIR. I started sobbing and having a panic because-surprise again! I HAVE PTSD. She ends uo trying to rip this cyst or whatever out but cant, and at this point I am screaming and crying in pain. So she says “Yeah I guess I cant take it out. You might need to be put under for this. I will send a referral.” (She did not).
Anyway so last Wednesday I go to a whole new doctors office. Its small. I needed lab work done before my doctor saw me, so the only nurse in this clinic grabs me and he is sweating like a sinner in church and looks on the verge of tears. This man goes into a room with me and starts ranting about his job, his boss, how he wants to quit, etc. He is SHAKING because he is so angry. So I try to talk him down. I am usually really good at this. But while he is prepping my arm to poke me, he takes off one of his gloves AND STARTS POKING THE AREA WITH HIS BARE HANDS AFTER HE SANITIZED IT. He doesn’t sanitize it again. He also never washed his hands when he entered the room or put hand sanitizer on. HE THEN STARTS TOUCHING ALL OVER THE NEEDLE WITH HSI BARE HANDS. I am literally too anxious to say anything that might send him over the edge. Is this my fault? Fkcing absolutely. I should have said something. He pokes me, he misses my vein. He moves to my other arm AND DOES THE SAME SHT. So then moves to my hand, and this time finally hits a good vein. BUT THEN IS SWEATING ALL OVER THE NEEDLE AND THE HOLE IN MY SKIN. AND THEN GETS MAD AT ME WHEN I PANIC AND MOVE MY HAND. He NEVER sanitized after he touched me with his bare hand. Never cleaned it after he sweat all over my hand. And at this point I finally tell him to stop and that I need to go home.
I am now waiting for lab work to come back after that to see if I somehow got anything (as recommended by my insurance nurse line when I reported the incident).
How do I even go about finding a good doctors office? What do I look for when I search for one??
submitted by Immediate-Repeat2832 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:04 jul_hva I miss him

Lately it’s been really hitting even harder… which i didn’t even know was possible.
It’s starting to feel like summer. Everyone is outside. Surrounding by the sound of children playing.
And somehow it feels more depressing than winter. I can’t take it. I feel so alone. And so incredibly hopeless. I don’t have anything to live for.
Today has been weird. It’s almost 6 months since he passed. A lot of my memories of him has been foggy. And it’s only now that I suddenly remember how it felt sleeping with him.
The way he would wrap his arms around me. He would kiss my forehead half-asleep. And as a typical boyfriend he would steal the duvet from me at night. And I miss it. As weird as it seems i just miss keeping an eye on his breathing. Which i something i’ve always done since he got sick. I really miss him. And it hurts so much that no person in the world knows and understands me like he did. Not even my own family.
The other day i found some voice messages he left me. I was visiting my family and he was in the hospital. He talked about his day. I could clearly tell that his phone was on his chest while talking. Cuz i could hear his heartbeat. It made me cry like a hopeless little girl.
This is so incredibly tough. I really don’t know when or if i’ll ever be okay.
And i know i’m still so young. I’m turning 22 soon. But when you know you know. It was never the usual “relationship in ur twenties”. I’ve seen him get chemo. I’ve seen him get his bone marrow transplant. I’ve talked to all his doctors. I slept in the hospital w him for several months straight. 5 hours away from home. I’ve helped him shower. I comforted him when he was scared. And never ever did i think of leaving him. He’s my bestfriend. He had a really tough time navigating through the situation. He hated that I had to see him like that. A sideeffect of the sickness was that his whole body startedto itch. “A girlfriend is not supposed to put lotion on my whole body at 4AM just bcuz i can’t stop itching”. And i told him “but wouldn’t you do the same for me?” Andhe ofc said yes. And then i tried to lay in the tiny hospital bed. It was so uncomfortable. Clearly not made for two ppl. But it helped him fall asleep. And when i could hear him snore i quietly went to my own bed and cried. I never shared that with him.
I just miss him so much. The pain i feel daily is too unbearable. I have no idea what to do. Or who to talk to. None of my friends understands. It’s so lonely and so painful.
submitted by jul_hva to widowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:03 Minimum-Arrival4423 Possible rheumatoid arthritis? Something else?

24, female
Symptoms: body aches, mainly leg pain, most severe in the hips. Locking sensation in hips. Fatigue. Sun sensitivity. Weakness. Brain fog. Heart palpitations. Chest pain. Swollen hands and ankles. Numbness and tingling in hands and feet, very cold. Muscle spasms. A couple weeks ago, my hips hurt so bad that I almost cried just from being lightly touched
Diagnosed with lyme disease when I was little, but now the doctor says my blood tests indicate that I've never had lyme disease. When I was diagnosed with lyme disease, i was about 9 years old and I was in so much pain that I couldn't walk. It was the worst pain in my life. Growing up I always complained of pain, mainly in my legs and back but my family said it was growing pains. I've also always needed 10-12 hours of sleep and even then I'm still exhausted.
ANA 1:40 titer, A-27 pattern
Mutate Citrullinated Vimentin: 75 u/mL
CCP antibody: <16 units
CRP: <3 mg/L
RA latex turbid: <14 IU/mL
Sed rate: 12 mm/hr
They also tested me for a lot of lupus specific antibodies and all those came up negative. My mom has fibromyalgia, my sister has type 1 diabetes and hashimotos. My cousin and my great-great grandma both have/had rheumatoid arthritis.
I have had MRI w/o contrast and Xrays done about 2 years ago and nothing bad showed up.
I have been having problems for a long time. Any opinions or advice appreciated
submitted by Minimum-Arrival4423 to Autoimmune [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:00 Historical_Painter_2 a single Bees Knees turns into heartbreak 29M

Experts say that when you’re sexually or romantically attracted to someone, your pupils dilate. Oxytocin and dopamine, the “love hormones,” affect pupil size.
Like drugs do. I didn’t know this until I met her.
On our first date, we sat next to each other on wooden stools in a quiet corner of a popular bar in town. I ordered a Bee’s Knees. She ordered the same.
We turned and faced each other as we sipped and talked. Our legs were touching, and our faces were so close that I could feel her breath when she laughed. Within minutes of interacting, I noticed her smooth chocolate brown eyes turning black. I felt like I was getting sucked into a black hole of desire where there was no turning back.
Thirty minutes into the date, I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I needed to calm down. The electric surge of chemicals between us was just too intense. When I looked in the bathroom mirror, I noticed that my sparkly blue-green eyes had turned mostly black too. I started to fantasize that I was living in some vampire romance novel.
I took my phone out of my purse and googled, “Why are my and my date’s eyes black?” “Your eyes dilate when you’re in love with someone,” Google replied.
I felt instantly drunk. I walked out of the bathroom with butterflies in my stomach and sat back down on the stool, inches from her.
We locked eyes again, and I gently put my hand on her thigh. For the next two hours, we talked about everything and anything. I watched her lips stretch and bend when she smiled and laughed. I studied the curve of her jaw and the petiteness of her frame. I noticed the adorable cowlick that made her hair stick up.
I was giddy. It felt like no one else was at that bar. It was only us. The live music next door sounded muffled, like the band was playing underwater. Time and space no longer existed.
It’s been seven months since that night. And I was right. There was and is no turning back.
Until two weeks ago when everything went downhill. We had a trip planned to Paris where I thought to myself, this is it. This trip will set our love in stone and the rest will be history. She decided to uninvite me about 1 month before we were to leave. We slowly grew apart as I knew subconsciously that her mind was made up, that she was done trying to work through our issues.
She comes to pick up her things from my house a week before heading out for Paris. Everything hits me all at once. "Oh my god what have I done". I realized right then and there that I had made the greatest mistake of my life. That I had given up on fighting for the most wonderful girl that had ever walked my way.
I began obsessing, looking at her Instagram. Trying to piece things together and figure out where everything went wrong. I realize that her and her ex of 3 years started following each other again on Instagram. I look further, she's unarchived 100 photos with him. I begin to lose my mind.
I reach out to her, call her a cheater, only to push her away more. She begins to think I'm crazy. Fast forward to today, I see her and her ex in Paris together, enjoying the trip that we had planned.
In the span of 1 month, she went from loving me to being amicable with me to getting back with her ex and completely disposing of me. Lying about it. Never once saying sorry, but instead that “you’re not my issue anymore” and that I should check myself into a psych ward for even feeling hurt by everything. Telling me she never thought we were meant to be. I was a terrible boyfriend. I was her rebound. And my hate for myself grew even more.
I'll see them grow happy, get engaged, have children. I can see their future clearly.
And all my future holds is the despair I will continue to endure as I see their life unfold. I've dated enough women to know this will forever be the best girl that has ever given me a chance. I am sick to my stomach. She loved me so much and I let it slip away.
I’ll never forget when I first met her. It was as if my heart leaped out of my chest. We had an immediate connection. I remember coming back home to my friends in discord at the end of the night and saying to them, “This is the one”. I don’t know how things got away so fast. I was a soul just barely hanging on when I met her. She helped me through my addiction, she showed me what true love is, and I took her for granted.
I feel like a true psychopath now. But at least she made me feel less alone for a few good months.
I've grown tired of the struggle, of the rollercoaster, of the endless highs and lows, of waking up feeling good and then without warning being triggered back into suicidal despair. It's been a consistent cycle for so long that I see no reason to believe that it will suddenly change. I just can’t get her out of my head. And I don’t ever see a day that I will.
I've wavered back and forth about making this post, secretly hoping she will see it. I've decided to go ahead and do so because in a sense I’m thankful that she's helped me decide to finally end my miserable life.

submitted by Historical_Painter_2 to letters [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:59 dachshundmom0718 9 weeks post-op TLIF L5-S1

Underwent a L5-S1 fusion 9 weeks ago. Around two weeks ago, I started experiencing a very deep ache and pain in hips and lower back/sacrum area. Lifting my hips up in bed to switch positions, it’s so intense. The ache is pretty steady. When I sneeze or cough it’s like bracing for impacted because I hurts so bad…this is the same pain while switching positions. I have been taking muscle relaxers but haven’t notice that it’s helping. Starting aquatic therapy tomorrow hoping g therapy with help Has anyone experienced this? If so, how long did it last?
submitted by dachshundmom0718 to spinalfusion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:57 CarWorth6910 Prep day today, colonoscopy/gastroscopy tomorrow

Morning all, I am in Melbourne Australia, so it is morning here. Today I start my prep for a gastroscopy/colonoscopy tomorrow. Admission time is 2pm tomorrow, so I am allowed a light white diet for lunch, and then nothing to eat from 5pm. First lot of moviprep at 6pm, and next dose tomorrow at 9am.. so not too bad, hoping I'll be able to get a half decent sleep
Feeling very nervous about everything. I'm a worrier so am scared of waking up after procedure to find something is wrong. Also scared of the prep as I tend to get very light headed and faint when I go without food. I have plenty of Gatorade, coconut water, apple juice ahd lemonade though so am hoping I'll be right!! I had to reschedule last week due to a cold and have still woken up a little congested with a slight irritating cough. I have kids at daycare so they are constantly passing on germs... so I'm also nervous about still being slightly sick for tomorrow. Wish I wasn't such a worrier 😂😅
Anyone else on prep day?
Good luck to us!!
submitted by CarWorth6910 to colonoscopy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:50 twinmachine06 Needing some advice

I'm starting to feel like I'm taking over as my boyfriends mother, me (f35) and boyfriend m(43) have had a few bumps over the last 9 months nothing I would consider major none has cheated or anything, but I always feel like I am putting more into the relationship, then he is. There has been other things but the thing which has gotten to me recently has been the fact he has been ill 🤒 he's had this chest infection and really bad cough that has been going around, we spend a lot of time together and although I am a mother with 3 grown teenage children we spend as much time together as possible and while he has been ill we have been spending even more time together so I could be there if he needed anything, I would go home and he would ring me and say things like I don't sleep properly when your not here and with being ill I feel more comfortable you being here. So in my eyes like a good girlfriend I have been spending 75% of my time with him, till recently when he's been feeling much better. And then the last few days have happened since I've been ill 🤒 and even though I basically came out and said " I wish you was here, I feel awful and I need you." Goes completely against everything in my head. But I was hoping for the same level of comfort and support I had given him and well I am laid in my bed currently writing this on my own. Am I asking to much or do I run before it's something more serious?
submitted by twinmachine06 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:37 Arbrand The Peach Factory

Living in a small southern town, you get used to the way things are. I grew up as a military brat, so my childhood memories are a blur of packing, unpacking, and getting settled. It had been seven years since we arrived, and nothing but the grace of God would make me move again. A few years ago, my father got orders to station at a base in the middle of the Mohave. I was only seventeen then, but after a few dozen screaming matches, I decided to strike out on my own a little early. I got a part-time job at the cafe, which was enough to rent a little run-down shack a couple of blocks from downtown. As far as I was concerned, I was living the dream—serving coffee a few hours a week and spending the rest of my time hanging out with friends, listening to music, and drinking.
That particular morning started the same as any other. I woke up around noon with a text from Mark to meet me at the cafe. Took me about two hours to get up and head over. The sun had just begun its descent as I pushed the door to the cafe open, the bell above tinkling softly. The sound bothered me a little bit, but I couldn’t tell why. It seemed to ring a little louder than I was expecting, and gave me this strange drilling sensation inside my head.
I ignored the feeling as the smell of slightly stale coffee and pastries washed over me. I saw Mark and Jamie already sat at our usual spot. Mark looked up as I approached, a grin spreading across his face. "Hey, Alex. Sarah should be here soon."
“So what's on the docket today?” I asked as I sat down, stealing a bear claw off Jamie's plate and taking a large bite before he had the chance to protest.
Mark’s excitement was almost palpable. He was always the one with the big ideas and crazy schemes, which I honestly appreciated. They got us into trouble more often than not, but it beat day drinking in the Walmart parking lot like everyone else our age.
"Alright, check this out," Mark said, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "I was talking to my cousin who works for the county. He told me about this old, abandoned food processing factory just outside of town. They used to can peaches there."
I gave him a skeptical look. "That’s your idea? Old, canned peaches?"
"No, idiot," he scoffed. "They left behind a ton of nitrates and phosphates. I’ve been doing some reading, and we can use them to make fireworks. I was up all night figuring it out and putting these together." He subtly opened his backpack to reveal at least a dozen PVC pipes fitted on both ends.
"Now that's what I’m talking about," I said, grinning.
Sarah walked in, catching the tail end of our conversation. "Sorry I’m late, I had a breakout and had to stop by the pharmacy. Upped my allergy meds. I fucking hate pollen," she said as I scooted over to make room for her on the bench.
"Is there anything you aren't allergic to?" I laughed.
She rolled her eyes, ignoring my question. "So, what's the plan for today?"
Mark, Jamie and I exchanged cheeky glances. "Well," I started, "let’s just hope you’re not allergic to peaches."
We finally managed to pry the side door of the factory off, which broke free from the hinges and smashed against the floor. Stepping inside, the air was thick and rancid as we bounced the beams of our flashlights around the packaging floor.
"We should split up," Mark suggested. "Alex, you and Sarah check out the storage rooms for the chemicals. Jamie and I will find the control room and see if we can get the power back on."
All of us nodded as we went our separate ways. Sarah and I wandered down the dark hallways, kicking open doors and looking for anything that looked vaguely like chemicals. The corridors were dark and damp, with black mold snaking along the walls like veins.
The first few rooms we checked were empty, filled only with dust and the remnants of long-abandoned equipment. Each door creaked as we pushed it open, revealing more decay and desolation.
As we moved further down the hallway, the mold seemed to become more aggressive, spreading in thick, dark patches along the walls and floors. The air grew heavier, making it harder to breathe. We kicked open another door, our flashlights revealing more of the same—nothing useful.
"This place is a bust," Sarah muttered,
"Let's keep looking," I replied, though I was starting to feel the same way. "There has to be something."
We continued down the corridor, our footsteps echoing in the silence. As we approached the end of the hall, something caught my eye. One door stood out, covered in black, creeping mold that seemed to pulse and writhe. Tendrils of fungus snaked out from the edges, reaching out into the hallway.
"Sarah, look at this," I said.
She turned to see what I was pointing at and her eyes widened. "That’s... different."
We approached the door cautiously as the tendrils moved and swayed.
With a deep breath, we each grabbed one side of the door and pulled. It resisted for a moment before giving way, the mold snapping and tearing as we forced it open. The smell that hit us was overpowering, a mix of rot and decay that made my eyes water.
Inside, our flashlights revealed a horrifying sight. At the back of the room sat several pallets with dozens of boxes of peaches each. But it was what grew from these boxes that will haunt my nightmares till my dying day.
The entire back wall was consumed by a towering fungal mass. Thick, fleshy stalks jutted out from the base, climbing nearly to the ceiling. The surface of the fungus glistened with a slimy, wet sheen, appearing almost like rotting flesh under our flashlight beams. Each stalk was covered in a mottled, sickly green and yellow hue, with patches of black mold that seemed to pulse in the dim light.
Interwoven within this horrific sight were bulbous growths, each one throbbing rhythmically, as if with a heartbeat of its own. They resembled obscene, overgrown tumors, ready to burst at the slightest touch. Long, sinewy tendrils extended from the main mass, creeping over the boxes and along the floor like the fingers of some malevolent creature, seeking out any life to ensnare.
The tendrils near the door twitched, slowly inching their way toward us as if aware of our presence. The air was thick with spores, glimmering in the light like tiny stars, each one a potential harbinger of decay and death.
"Oh my god," Sarah whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of our own breathing. "What is that thing?"
We stood there, frozen in shock and disgust, before I slammed the door shut.
"Let's get the hell out of here," I said.
We hurried back down the corridor, our footsteps echoing in the oppressive silence. The lights in the facility flickered on, casting a blinding white light. I heard a bubbling, groaning noise emanate from behind the fungal door, sending a wave of nausea through my body.
We met back up with Mark and Jamie in the main area and quickly told them what we saw.
"Yo, that sounds sick," Jamie exclaimed. "We should blow it up. I found the chemicals in the control room and these bad boys are ready to go," he said, holding up a pipe bomb.
"Yeah," Mark agreed, his eyes alight with excitement. "We'd be doing the world a favor, getting rid of that thing."
Sarah shook her head, her face pale. "No way. I'm not doing this. That thing... It's not normal. We need to get out of here and call someone who knows what they're doing."
Jamie frowned. "Come on, Sarah. Don't be a buzzkill. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to do something epic."
"Epic?" Sarah snapped. "That thing is dangerous. We don't know what we're dealing with. I'm not risking my life for some stupid joke."
Mark stepped in with a grin. "Alright, let's all calm down. If you’re scared you can just let the men handle it.”
Sarah crossed her arms. "Fine, but I'm staying here."
"Suit yourself," Jamie said, shrugging. "But we're not leaving without taking care of that thing."
"Alright, let's do this," Mark said, looking at Jamie and me. "We'll be quick. Sarah, stay here and keep an eye out.”
The hallway looked completely different in the fluorescent lighting. I could see now that each vein of fungus emanated from that single door, like a spiral portal threatening to suck us in.
"Let's make this quick," I whispered, glancing back at Jamie and Mark. "We light the bomb, throw it in, and get the hell out of here."
Jamie nodded, holding the pipe bomb tightly in his hand. "Ready when you are."
We reached the door, and the tendrils of fungus seemed even more aggressive, writhing and pulsing as if aware of our presence. The air was thick with spores.
"On three," I whispered, gripping the edge of the door. "One... two... three."
We yanked the door open, the mold snapping and tearing as it gave way. The smell of rot and decay hit us again, making my eyes water. The monstrous fungal mass loomed before us, its bulbous growths throbbing rhythmically.
Jamie lit the fuse and threw the bomb as hard as he could inside. It struck one of the orbs, which burst, shooting a fine white mist into the air.
"Run!" I shouted, slamming the door shut. We turned and sprinted down the hallway. The explosion sounded behind us, the shockwave lifting me off my feet and sending me tumbling to the ground.
Living in a small southern town, you get used to the way things are. My parents were in the army, so we moved a lot, but now I'm staying put. I woke up around noon and got a text from Mark to meet at the cafe. The smell of slightly stale coffee and pastries greeted me as I arrived. The bell's ring seemed off, giving me a small headache.
I ignored it and slid into the seat across from Mark and Jamie. “So what's on the docket today?” I asked, stealing a doughnut off Jamie's plate.
“Going to go to an old peach factory and get some chemicals. I need to make some fireworks,” Mark replied, subtly revealing some pipe bombs in his bag.
Sarah walked in towards the tail end of our conversation and silently stood next to our table.
The three of us glanced at each other, unsure of how to proceed. “Sarah,” I finally started. “Are you ok?”
“Y-yeah,” she replied. “Are YOU guys feeling ok?”
We exchanged uneasy glances. “Yeah, we’re fine,” I said. After a moment, she shook her head and sat down as we continued our plans.
That evening, we broke into the peach factory. We found this disgusting, gigantic fungal growth coming out of some boxes of peaches and we blew it up with some pipe bombs.
The next day I woke up around noon and got a text from Mark to meet at the cafe. The smell of slightly stale coffee and pastries greeted me as I arrived. The bell's ring seemed off, giving me a small migraine.
I ignored it and slid into the seat across from Mark and Jamie. “So what's on the docket today?” I asked, stealing a maroon off Jamie's plate.
“Going to go to an old peach factory and get some chemicals. I need to make some fireworks,” Mark replied, subtly revealing some pipe bombs in his bag.
Sarah walked in towards the tail end of our conversation and silently stood next to our table.
The three of us glanced at each other, unsure of how to proceed. “Sarah,” I finally started. “Are you ok?”
“Y-yeah,” she replied. “Not really. Are YOU guys feeling Ok?”
We exchanged uneasy glances. “Yeah, we’re fine,” I said. After a moment, she shook her head and sat down as we continued our plans.
That evening, we broke into the peach factory. We found this disgusting, gigantic fungal growth coming out of some boxes of peaches and we blew it up with some pipe bombs.
The next day I woke up around noon and got a text from Mark to meet at the cafe. The smell of slightly stale coffee and pastries greeted me as I arrived. The bell's ring seemed off, giving me a piercing migraine.
I ignored it and slid into the seat across from Mark and Jamie. “So what's on the docket today?” I asked, stealing a bagel off Jamie's plate.
“Going to go to an old peach factory and get some chemicals. I need to make some fireworks,” Mark replied, subtly revealing some pipe bombs in his bag.
Sarah walked in towards the tail end of our conversation and silently stood next to our table.
The three of us glanced at each other, unsure of how to proceed. “Sarah,” I finally started. “Are you ok?”
“What's going on?” she asked, tears welling up in her eyes. “I’m scared.”
We exchanged uneasy glances. “It’s fine, Sarah. Just take a seat,” I said. After a moment, she shook her head and sat down as we continued our plans.
That evening, we broke into the peach factory. We found this disgusting, gigantic fungal growth coming out of some boxes of peaches and we blew it up with some pipe bombs.
The next day I woke up around noon and got a text from Mark to meet at the cafe. The smell of slightly stale coffee and pastries greeted me as I arrived. The bell's ring seemed off, giving me a splitting migraine.
As I slid into the seat across from Mark and Jamie, I noticed Sarah outside, fixated on a bird suspended in mid-flight. I went out to see her.
"Are you seeing this?" she asked, her voice tinged with astonishment.
"Yeah," I replied nonchalantly. "That happens all the time. Are you sure you're feeling okay?"
"What the hell do you mean, 'Am I feeling okay?'!" she screamed. "That bird is frozen mid-air, and you don't think anything weird is going on?"
Her yelling took me aback. I didn't understand her alarm, so I shrugged it off and joined Mark inside. As we began planning our nightly excursion to the peach factory, Sarah burst through the door, screaming, then vanished in a puff of smoke.
"That's odd," I mused, my brow furrowed in confusion before we shrugged it off and resumed our scheming.
The day after, I met Mark again at the cafe. This rhythm had become our existence: meetings by day, adventures by night at the old peach plant. That evening followed the familiar pattern; we reveled in the thrill of hurling pipe bombs into that small enclosed room.
This routine had completely engulfed our lives. Day after day at the cafe, night after night at the factory—it seemed as though this cycle was all we had ever known. Reflecting on it, I couldn't remember any other way of life.
However, one thing increasingly disturbed me—the ringing of the doorbell at the cafe's entrance. Each time I entered, the sound seemed sharper, more grating. Focusing on it brought a searing pain to my head, like a needle drilling through my skull. Yet, despite the agony, I found myself obsessing over it, the sound gnawing at the edges of my sanity.
One day, driven to the brink by this incessant ringing, I decided to confront it head-on. I stood by the door, letting the bell chime repeatedly. Each ring sliced through my mind, but I persisted, sweat beading on my forehead, teeth clenched in torment.
As the pain crescendoed, reality shattered. I woke to the blaring of a fire alarm, not the quaint doorbell I had imagined. The cafe was engulfed in chaos. The hallway was consumed by a sprawling fungal mass, its tendrils creeping along the walls.
In the dim, flickering light, I saw Jamie, or what was left of him. Half of his skull was missing, the fungus attached grotesquely to his exposed brain, pulsating with each eerie beat of his fading heart. Mark was there too, seemingly unharmed physically, but trapped in a delusion, his eyes glazed over, a smile playing on his lips as the fungus encased him.
Sarah lay collapsed by the fire alarm, her hand still on the lever. She had managed to pull it before succumbing to the spores that now clung to her body.
The tendrils that had enveloped me snapped violently, each break releasing a sickening crack that echoed through the eerie silence of the hallway. An outline of my body remained imprinted in the fungal mass, a mold from which I had desperately broken free.
Gritting my teeth against the pain and horror, I scrambled to Mark and Sarah. Mark was less entangled, lost in his fungal-induced stupor. I grabbed him under the arms, his body limp but alive, and dragged him across the floor. The fungus resisted, stretching like sinew before tearing away from him with wet, ripping sounds.
Sarah was heavier, her body weakened but still fighting. I clasped her wrists, pulling with all my strength. The fungus clung to her, tendrils winding up her arms like ivy. With a final, determined yank, the last of the tendrils snapped, freeing her. We left behind fragments of the monstrous growth clinging to her clothes.
Together, we staggered out into the night air, away from the suffocating enclosure. The cool air hit our faces, harsh yet cleansing. Behind us, the fire alarm continued to blare into the night. I fumbled with my phone, hands shaking, to dial the emergency number. The call went through, and within minutes, the sound of sirens cut through the stillness of the night, growing louder as help approached.
The next few days were a blur. I remember fading in and out of consciousness as nurses pumped antifungals directly into my IV, their faces blurring into the sterile environment. Once we were somewhat cognizant, the police wanted answers. One by one, we were interviewed, but we gave them nothing. I still don’t know what the exact penalty is for manufacturing explosives and using them to destroy a building, but I’m guessing it’s not community service. Jamie was still missing, and they hadn’t found any sign of him or his body. I tried to hide my tears as I knew he was already long gone.
After a few weeks, I was finally cleared for visitors and got to see Sarah again. She told me that after the explosion, she ran but couldn’t leave us behind. She came back, only to see us being consumed by the fungus. Try as she might, she wasn’t able to free us as she felt the oppressive spores take her under. She fought back and managed to pull the fire alarm before succumbing again. The doctors told her that her allergy medication gave her some resistance to the fungus; otherwise, she might have been a goner.
Mark was never the same. We never talked about what happened, and after trying once and him flipping out, I figured it was best to let sleeping dogs lie. That summer, he moved to upstate New York to work in his dad’s business. I haven’t seen him since. That fall, Sarah started college at Savannah State. I still call her every now and again, but it’s not like it used to be.
Despite all that happened, I’m not moving again. I’m happy here, and if it’s up to me, I’ll die in this little town. I still work at the cafe, as a manager now. On weekends, I come in and just sit at the booth we all used to share.
I still think about Jamie from time to time. I wonder if he's dead or still stuck in his delusion, picturing the four of us sitting at our table, talking, laughing, and passing the time. Sometimes, when the cafe is empty and the light is just right, I can almost see him there, his smile frozen in that moment before everything went wrong.
The cafe grows quieter each day, the hum of life fading into an eerie stillness. My skin feels different, as if the air itself whispers secrets I can't quite grasp. The itching that started as a minor annoyance has intensified, becoming a constant torment. I scratch at lesions that have begun to form on my arms and chest, red and raw, with patches of green spreading beneath the surface. I’ve started to wear long sleeves to cover my arms and a mask to hide my purpling lips.
Some nights, when closing, as I sit alone in the dim light of the cafe, the itching becomes unbearable. I claw at the lesions, feeling a dampness beneath my skin. Sometimes, when I cough, I could swear I see tiny spores hanging in the air, reminiscent of the bursting nodules growing on the stalks of the monster.
Occasionally, I hear the bell ring and the door open, but no one is there. I look outside into the empty night and see nothing. This went on for weeks, becoming more frequent. But one night, the door opened, and I saw Jamie standing there, the picture of health. I went to embrace him and noticed my lesions were gone too. It was almost as if we had never gone to the peach factory. It was suddenly morning, and the light shone through the cafe. For the first time in forever, we were happy. We talked about nothing, passing the time.
After what felt like hours, he told me it was time to go. But his mouth wasn’t moving—I felt like I could read his thoughts, and he could read mine. We stood up as I took one last look at the cafe and headed off with him, back to the peach factory.
As we walked, a strange calmness settled over me. I remember feeling that I wanted to ask if he had talked to Mark or Sarah, and wondered how they were doing. But deep down, somehow, I could feel their presence and I knew they were doing just fine. The sun was bright, the air crisp. The itching had vanished completely, replaced by an inexplicable craving for the sweetness of ripe peaches. Jamie and I shared a silent understanding, a bond deeper than any words could convey.
The factory loomed ahead, its doors wide open as if inviting us in. The familiar scent of peaches and something else—something earthy and ancient—filled the air. We stepped inside, side by side, feeling at home for the first time in ages.
The last thing I remember before the darkness took over was the feeling of the soft, warm peach flesh in my hand, and Jamie’s voice in my head saying, "Welcome home."
submitted by Arbrand to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:35 nochaosjustvibes i cant handle it. not for much longer.

i am chronically ill. i have no diagnosis, however i have joint pain, am often to always tired, and for weeks ive been feeling like i need to cough 24/7. i just go on with my day. my mum gives me no other choice.
she has some shoulder pain, on and off. she stops as soon as things start hurting slightly.
its just so unfair. she knows about my issues, yet its always "oh i just cant right now, do this or that" and i cant even say "im so tired right now mum" cause its just "youre young" and "when i was your age..." followed by a slap or something thrown at me. i dont know for how much longer i can keep going like this. i just dont know what to do. im stuck here for at least ~a year and a half more at least (which is when i start uni, but i probably wont immediately get student housing) i dont know if i can keep going. i might just crash one day.
submitted by nochaosjustvibes to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:17 evelynne__rose Please read this post

So, my dad died this year, and it was the time that turned my life upside down, till now i am still shocked, his death was very unexpected, and let me tell you i dont feel ok, please help me or at least tell me what am i suffering from. I still dont beleive it , sometimes my heart start to beat rapidely and imma be just wondering what is going on? Did my dad really passed away? No cmon he will come back? But i havent seen him in a while? Why cant i say dad anymore? Where is he? Just dumb ways trying to calm myself, but more the time pass, more this stradegy lost its working, my dad taught me everything exept how to live without him, , im hurt mentally and ill, negative feelings are surrounding me like a shadow, happiness feels unholy and unknown, losing a parent is an forever lasting pain because nobody will love you like they did, i hurt myself, sometimes i get into a crazy moment of time when i go crazy, its just like if my dad just died at the moments, i cry uncontrobly, if there was a sharp object infront of me, i'll take it and start hurting myself, shortly after i start to laugh and do dumb unexplainable things, me either dont get it and im sure you will not beleive me but trust me am saying the truth, i get lost out a lot, my sleep schedual is messy, i just dont feel good, also lately , there is that sharp pain in my heart/chest, it comes suddenly multiple times of the day, i used to get it normally but now its more often and painful. Please tell me what is all that, am sick of overthiking and asking, ive never told anybody all of this so i hope that you guys could help me :))
submitted by evelynne__rose to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:09 DryOldMan My boss won’t let me get time off to see my family despite me telling her 2 months in advance

(Sorry for any bad grammar or spelling i’m dyslexic)
Me (16 F) work at an escape room business, this is my first ever real job outside of babysitting and petsitting and i absolutely love it here! My coworkers are awesome and the work is fun and easy (despite some customers). I’m also not from here, me and my mom had to move about 7 months ago because she was deployed on the other side of the country. It’s just me her and our pets, my family is still back in my home town and i miss them a lot considering i’m very close to them. I especially miss my dad, brother, aunt, and grandma. (Although i wish to see my dad and little bro the most they don’t have enough money to come visit us.) So you can guess my excitement about 2 months ago when my aunt said she was coming to see us. I immediately texted my boss asking for time off on those 3 days to spend time with my aunt my manager (Let’s call her Layla, fake name) texted me saying she’ll see if anyone can cover my shift for those days.
Fast forward to about 2 days ago, I was at work and i decided to look through when i had to come in this month, and that’s when i see that i’m scheduled to work the WHOLE TIME my aunt is coming in. i was confused so i asked Layla about that and our conversation went like this:
Layla: “Oh ya to get time off you actually need to request it through When2Work” (our scheduling system)
Me: “I know but the reason i ask for you to give me that time off is because i didn’t have W2W then so i needed you to put it in.”
She kinda just shrugged and went off to help a customer. To say i was baffled and hurt was an understatement. i was looking forward to seeing my family for months now, i have really bad anxiety and depression and being able to see my family again was kinda the thing holding me together. i feel ashamed for this but at the time i couldn’t handle all the emotions floating through me so i broke down in the workplace bathroom.
i honestly don’t even know how to approach this situation and it’s been all i can really think about for the last last few days. any advice or something would be appreciated but i just really needed to get it off my chest.
submitted by DryOldMan to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:56 spicyultimato I think my sister hates me

I am an HSP and my sister is not. I think I might be autistic as well, my sister is not. She has a really shitty job where she's posing as a teacher, but she's actually just a bouncer expected to keep 30 middle schoolers from killing each other for 7 hours a day 5 days a week. I'm fully aware that her life sucks right now and that she's hella depressed and she's not having a good time. That's not new. What is new is the boyfriend that she's had for a few months now. I'll call him L. I didn't love L at first, I just thought he was kind of a bad influence, but in the time they've dated, L has had a couple of serious freakouts. When they were freshly seeing each other and not even exclusive, he got really mad at my sister for still having tinder on her phone. I don't believe anything she says to me anymore, so she could have been using it for nefarious purposes, but I don't think she was considering she's so far up his ass she can see out of his mouth. I really didn't trust him after that, but I hung out with him to humor my sister, since she literally would not hang out with me unless she could have him there. It was fine until a few weeks ago, when my sister walked into she and L's house in a crop top and he instantly started griping about it, to which I said "so everyone at the beach should be arrested then, yeah" and gave him a funny look, and he went fucking ballistic. Ended up kicking me out of his house without letting me say anything to defend myself or apologize, and then he hurled insults at me until I was out the door. She moves in, I'm banned from her house, and I'm concerned what that means for my sister and I's relationship, but my sister actually got mad at me for being concerned because "it didn't have anything to do with me". Fast forward to Mother's day and yesterday: she invites him to family dinner without telling me, whatever, I don't care. But she asks during dinner if she can have a copy of my parents camping schedule to know when they're gone, and I started panicking because I was like "she's going to bring him here to live it up in my space because they're not going to be here to say no" because she does not show up for me if she can't involve him. She hasn't done it in months. So I said "please don't bring him here to corner me while I'm here by myself over the summer. You don't live here anymore so please be mindful of those who still do" and somehow she took it as me saying she was a bitch for bringing him on mother's day. Instead of talking to me about all of this herself, she fucking gave L my number so he could spam text me hate messages until I blocked him. I'm just left here wondering what the hell I did and why she's acting like this. She's lying to me, all last week she said she would be home Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, then Friday I didn't even get a text saying she wouldn't be there, I was just left waiting for her to show up until fucking 8pm. Then she decided that I'm the despicable one who has been hurting her all this time. I don't even know what I'm looking for, I think I'm just at a loss and want to get this off my chest. Literally all I've ever asked for is some adult fucking communication. Letting me know you're not going to be here before our plans are literally fucking over. Telling me when you're bringing your boyfriend over to my space. ACTUALLY TALKING TO ME WHEN YOU HAVE AN ISSUE INSTEAD OF GETTING SOMEONE ELSE TO FUCKING DO IT. I don't know. I know she's being a coward and a child. I just want it to stop.
submitted by spicyultimato to hsp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:49 VioletChrome Death is coming part 5

Will and Sharon set about gathering the things they needed including the spell book in a backpack while I sat with an uneasy feeling. I was nervous and excited watching them flit in and out the room while getting various items. I figured it was best not to ask what these things were or why we needed, what looked like chicken feet, probably asking would delay them and they seem to be in a hurry. Then my coat was being brought to me by Sharon. I must have zoned out because they both had theirs on already. “Come on honey, Wills in the car waiting.” We left heading back to the care home. My heart was pounding in my chest. I opened the window, the blast of cool night air kept me focused and conscious, “Sorry” I said “I need some fresh air do you mind I can close it if you are cold.” I added reminding myself of my manners. I'm in their car, I should have asked first. “It's OK you were looking a bit pale there I was going to suggest you open it” replied Will. We will be arriving soon, I recognise the area. I take some deep breaths, we near the building I can see most of the lights are off in the rooms. “Maybe we should wait for daylight?, that thing is going to be hard to find in the dark”. “Don't worry we won't need to find it. We will summon it into a safe place it can't escape from” Sharon explained as we pulled into the car park “we will go into the kitchen there won't be anyone in there it's after 10pm now I have a key to the back door. Wait here. We will set up the stuff and will come get you when it's ready. We will be 10 minutes tops.” and with that they both exited the car leaving me alone I locked the doors on instinct I thought that thing can't be far away it's probably watching me right now I feel the night breeze on my face. Damn the window I hit the button the whirring started then stopped short an inch from the top. I hit the button again but nothing it wasn't working. Why the hell, what's wrong with this thing? The engine is still running bang! The car rocked as if something slammed into it at speed. I look around searching for the reason that just happened then I see the long black fingers snaking into the opening of the window. I soothed over to the other side of the car and reached for the handle. It didn't work then I remembered I had locked it. I pinch the lock in a bid to flee to the kitchen but I see the death entity's red eyes outside that window. I panic thinking how can I escape it's heads on one side and hands at the other side impossibly squeezing through the gap reaching for me. I'm cowering in the back seat pleading for Sharon and Will to come save me from this thing that clearly wants to get to me “Open the dooooor!” it hissed”, “Open it… Open! IT! NOWW!” it roared. NO! What did I ever do to deserve this!? Tell me why you want to hurt me , kill me, Why?” I didn't need to know why I didn't want to know why I was just trying to keep it busy it seemed as though it knew if it squeezed itself inside the car far enough it wouldn't be able to see me anymore and I would escape “Don't think you can escape me this time human your life is mine. I wondered when you would return to this house of death. I must kill you! ” it hissed “Why must you kill me I haven't done anything to you, you killed my friends they never did anything to you why did you do that I understand you killing the old ones they have lived their lives but why me? I'm young, I didn't tell anyone what I saw, who would believe me?” I have to keep it occupied “But you did see me didn't you that is why!?, now open the door!” I saw light as the door opened from the kitchen. “No you do it I won't help you kill me no way.” I see them approaching quietly reaching for something in the bag. The snaking hand found the door lock and pulled it up. The things hand retreated out of the window as the thing crawled down the car to the now unlocked door it pulled at the handle as I reached for the lock and handle of the other door and bolted to Sharon and Will. I turned to see the death entity slowly advancing after me “Ah ha ha more souls for my collection” it taunted. Will pulled me and Sharon backwards we made our way slowly walking as it advanced on us grinning, showing its weirdly enlarged teeth. They looked too big for its mouth and were a pale blue colour. We reached the door and piled inside Sharon slammed it shut with a huge exhale. “I thought we were gonners for real then. Fuck”. “It's not over that door won't stop it, whatever your plan is do it quickly” I said hurriedly. Will turned they had set up some candles and a pentagram chalked on the floor “Light those candles and stand in the middle he handed us both a lighter and we got the candles lit as the entity was turning the door handle chuckling that haunting laughter that haunts my dreams.
Part 6 to follow soon
submitted by VioletChrome to Horror_stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:29 Maybe1Day1989 I can’t be the only one

I’m not even sure where to start or what I need to say. So bear with me as I get this off my chest and question my own reality.
I’m a 34 year old man with 3 daughters and a loving wife of 9 years. Here lately I’ve been questioning myself. I have grown to hate being called a man or even when my wife says “good boy”. The words make me cringe and it hurts on the inside. My wife and I do role play to where I dress up and get all dolled up. She knows I love dressing. This is where my questions own reality comes in. I wish I could dress up everyday. But how does someone go about doing this with kids. My wife would be supportive but for how long and to what extent. At what sacrifice is it worth to ignore your inner thoughts? What does it mean when you can’t stand to look at yourself as a man but when dressed up, you like yourself a little bit more? How long can someone stand the crippling pain of not liking what they see looking back. Can someone develop a gender dysphoria later in life? Clearly seeing a therapist would help. Really just needed to vent and hope someone else is going through what I’m going through
submitted by Maybe1Day1989 to GenderDysphoria [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:28 Maybe1Day1989 I can’t be the only one

I’m not even sure where to start or what I need to say. So bear with me as I get this off my chest and question my own reality.
I’m a 34 year old man with 3 daughters and a loving wife of 9 years. Here lately I’ve been questioning myself. I have grown to hate being called a man or even when my wife says “good boy”. The words make me cringe and it hurts on the inside. My wife and I do role play to where I dress up and get all dolled up. She knows I love dressing. This is where my questions own reality comes in. I wish I could dress up everyday. But how does someone go about doing this with kids. My wife would be supportive but for how long and to what extent. At what sacrifice is it worth to ignore your inner thoughts? What does it mean when you can’t stand to look at yourself as a man but when dressed up, you like yourself a little bit more? How long can someone stand the crippling pain of not liking what they see looking back. Can someone develop a gender dysphoria later in life? Clearly seeing a therapist would help. Really just needed to vent and hope someone else is going through what I’m going through
submitted by Maybe1Day1989 to trans [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:21 dinogummies I'm getting overwhelmed by my boyfriend's constant need for physical touch and reassurance

My boyfriend (23) and I (21F) have been together for almost a year. We both live with our parents, so we see each other about 3-4 times a week. I didn't notice until fairly recently that he's constantly touching me.
Any time we're sitting down, he has his hand on my thigh or shoulder or is holding my hand. Driving especially, but also when we're eating dinner with my family or at a friend's house.
At concerts or clubs, he has his arms wrapped around my shoulders or waist the entire time. From the moment we walk in the doors until the moment we leave, unless I'm in the bathroom he's wrapped around me. He always stands behind me and is pressed up against me most of the time. If I try to dance, I'm forced to take a step forward and he'll follow me and pull me close again. Last time we went out, I ended up at least 5 feet away from where we started in less than 10 minutes.
If it's just the two of us, we're usually seated across from each other and I have my own personal space. It seems that any time we're in the company of other people he feels the need to be touching me.
He also tends to follow me like a shadow whenever we're anywhere other than his house. I'll go to the bathroom and he'll be standing outside when I come out. I'll be cooking and go from the sink to the stove and he'll follow me. I've suggested he sit down in the next room (clear line of sight, close enough to continue a conversation) and he says he's more comfortable standing because he's been sitting all day.
It seems to me that the more unconsciously uncomfortable he is in a situation, the more clingy he gets. When we're alone together, it's fine, but any time we're with my parents or friends or in public there's a noticable change in his behavior.
For some context, we both have a lot of trauma from previous relationships and we're both neurodivergent (he's been diagnosed with autism by one doctor, but hasn't from other doctors in the same specialty so he doesn't put much faith in the diagnosis. He definitely shows some symptoms, but I'm not a doctor). He also has trauma from his father. I've noticed he needs reassurance very often and tends to repeat almost everything he says. He also compliments me every 5 minutes and if I don't respond in kind he gets upset (sad and withdrawn, not angry).
I've asked him to stop doing specific actions (for example, rubbing my knuckles painfully hard while holding my hand, or playing with my fishnet tights, or slipping his hand in the rips of my jeans to rub my knee) and he will stop for a moment, but gets distracted and goes back to doing it a few minutes later. It does genuinely seem to be unconscious behavior and he is sincerely apologetic. He fidgets constantly with anything at hand, so I don't believe he's doing it on purpose.
I've also asked him to give me space at concerts and similar places. I've explained in very specific terms ("I need you to not put your arms around my shoulders at this concert because there's a mosh pit and I need to have control over my own balance and center of gravity" "it hurts my back and shoulders when you lean on me like that" "it's overstimulating being pressed up against you in the club all night, I'd prefer if you held my hand instead") and he responds better to that. The more specific detail I give, the longer it is before he does it again.
He does have pinched nerves in his shoulders/upper chest, so standing for long periods of time is painful for him. He tends to lean on me to relieve some of his pain. He is on medication, but it isn't working well enough to stop the pain from impacting his daily life. He is also 6'2 to my 5'5, so having him use me for support leads to me being in pain.
It's exhausting having to constantly remind him that he's overstimulating me and I need some physical distance between us. I understand that he fidgets unconsciously and that he has chronic pain. However, I'm starting to get resentful that he doesn't change his behaviors long term. I don't think it's malicious or lazy, I think he just genuinely doesn't realize how much this affects me. I tend to downplay my own discomfort, which is something I'm working on in therapy. I want to have a "come to Jesus" talk with him, but I'm afraid that either I'll be too soft and he won't change or I'll be too harsh and he'll feel attacked and not change. I don't know for a fact that I've adequately explained how his behavior makes me feel and I'm afraid of blindsiding him. I want this to be a productive conversation between two adults, not me berating him for not reading my mind.
Edit: I've asked him multiple times to seek therapy or at least be open to the possibility. He's been through 6-8 therapists since middle school and is convinced that therapy can't help him and "he already knows exactly what they're going to say"
submitted by dinogummies to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:55 SeeCrew106 [Debunk] Ivermectin is effective against COVID-19 and otherwise caused no harm

Some people still swear up and down that ivermectin is actually effective against COVID-19. This is false. They also insist ivermectin has far fewer side-effecs than the Coronavirus vaccine. This is also false. I'm going to prove it to you, but whether you are capable of accepting evidence such as listed below is something I obviously have no control over. I can try, and you can keep an open mind.
First of all, ivermectin has many side-effects, ranging from innocuous to severe.[1]
To wit:


Ivermectin is well tolerated compared to other microfilaricidal agents (i.e., thiabendazole, diethylcarbamazine). Adverse reactions (i.e., pruritus, fever, rash, myalgia, headache) occur commonly during the first 3 days after treatment and appear to be related to the extent of parasitic infection and systemic mobilization and killing of microfilariae. The majority of reactions can usually be treated with aspirin, acetaminophen and/or antihistamines. Adverse effects tend to occur with lesser frequency during periods of retreatment.


Ocular side effects have included eyelid edema, anterior uveitis, blurred vision, conjunctivitis, limbitis, punctate opacity, keratitis, abnormal sensation in the eyes, and chorioretinitis/choroiditis; however, these effects are also associated with the disease onchocerciasis. Loss of vision has occurred rarely but usually resolved without corticosteroid treatment. Conjunctival hemorrhage has been reported during postmarketing experience in patients treated for onchocerciasis.


Worsening of Mazzotti reactions, including arthralgia, synovitis, lymph node enlargement and tenderness, pruritus, skin involvement (including edema, papular and pustular or frank urticarial rash), and fever, has been reported during the first 4 days following treatment for onchocerciasis.

Nervous system

Nervous system side effects have included dizziness, headache, somnolence, vertigo, and tremor. Serious or fatal encephalopathy has been reported rarely in patients with onchocerciases, and heavily infected with Loa loa, either spontaneously or after treatment with ivermectin. Seizures have been reported during postmarketing experience.


Gastrointestinal side effects have included anorexia, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal distention.


Other side effects have included asthenia, fatigue, abdominal pain, chest discomfort, facial edema, and peripheral edema.


Hematologic side effects have included decreased leukocyte count (3%), eosinophilia (3%), and increased hemoglobin (1%). Hematomatous swellings associated with prolonged prothrombin times have been reported, but the clinical significance is unknown. Leukopenia and anemia have been reported in at least one patient.


Hepatic side effects have included elevated ALT and/or AST. Elevated liver enzymes, elevated bilirubin, and hepatitis have been reported during postmarketing experience.


Cardiovascular side effects have included tachycardia and orthostatic hypotension. EKG changes, including prolonged PR interval, flattened T waves and peaked T waves, have been reported in single cases. Hypotension (primarily orthostatic hypotension) has been reported during postmarketing experience.


Dermatologic side effects have included pruritus, rash, and urticaria. Toxic epidermal necrolysis and Stevens-Johnson syndrome have been reported during postmarketing experience.


Respiratory side effects have included worsening bronchial asthma, laryngeal edema, and dyspnea.


Musculoskeletal side effects have included myalgia.


Renal side effects have included rare transient proteinuria.
I tried to get incidence rates for these side-effects, but in some if not most instances, the answer given for these side-effects is either simply "unknown" or they're just not shown. Imagine telling this to anti-vaxers: if they have at least a consistent set of beliefs, this should deeply alarm them, shouldn't it?
Some people actually did take the horse dewormer version out of sheer desperation and got really sick, were hospitalized or worse: they died.
  1. In New Mexico, two people died after taking a deworming drug for horses and other livestock to treat COVID-19.[2]
  2. The FDA received multiple reports of patients who required medical support and hospitalization after self-medicating with Ivermectin intended for horses.[3]
  3. There was a significant increase in calls to poison control centers due to misuse of Ivermectin. Texas saw a 550% spike in poison control calls due to people ingesting horse and cow dewormer.[4]
  4. People poisoned themselves with the horse-deworming version to thwart COVID-19, resulting in an uptick in calls to poison control centers.[5]
Ivermectin was consistently found to be ineffective in treating COVID-19:
  1. A systematic review and meta-analysis published in the Virology Journal evaluated the efficacy of Ivermectin for COVID-19 patients based on current peer-reviewed RCTs. The study concluded that Ivermectin did not have any significant effect on outcomes of COVID-19 patients.[6]
  2. A Cochrane meta-analysis of 11 eligible trials examining the efficacy of Ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 published through April 2022 concluded that Ivermectin has no beneficial effect for people with COVID-19.[7]
  3. An article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) concluded that taking 400 mcg/kg Ivermectin for three days, when compared with a placebo, did not significantly improve the chances for a patient with mild to moderate symptoms of COVID-19 to avoid hospitalization.[8]
  4. A study published on News Medical concluded that in COVID-19 outpatients with mild or moderate illness, Ivermectin use for three days at a dose of 400 μg/kg showed no significant improvement in the time to sustained recovery compared to those who received placebos.[9]
The unwarranted hype surrounding ivermectin can be traced back to its promotion on the Joe Rogan Experience.[10]
Public interest in ivermectin ballooned following Joe Rogan’s podcasts. “On a national level Rogan’s podcast was a tipping point,” said Keenan Chen, an investigative researcher with First Draft News, an organization that tracks misinformation. (Rogan, who has previously expressed hesitancy to vaccines, announced in September he had contracted Covid-19. He claimed to be taking ivermectin among several other treatments.)
Joe Rogan took a cocktail of Big Pharmatm meds which, with the exception of monoclonal antibodies, were not indicated for his situation. In fact, some of the medication he took could have made things worse.[11] Rogan probably didn't get seriously ill because he's fit and without significant comorbidities. The one thing that would have actually been the most effective was the vaccine, which he refused to take.
Many others weren't as lucky as Joe was. I suggest you follow the footnotes and see for yourself. Especially the first one.[12][13]
Other than ivermectin, coronavirus vaccines are also a subject both Joe Rogan and his guests have shamelessly lied about numerous times, which could have caused medical harm to people who bought into it, and probably did. The most prominent guest which comes to mind is RFK Jr.
RFK Jr.'s influence is so odious, I am comfortable saying he probably contributed to thousands of unnecessary deaths in total. One incident in which 83 people (mostly children) died is particularly disgusting:[14]
In June 2019, Kennedy and his wife, the actress Cheryl Hines, visited Samoa, a trip Kennedy later wrote was arranged by Edwin Tamasese, a Samoan local anti-vaccine influencer.
Vaccine rates had plummeted after two children died in 2018 from a measles vaccine that a nurse had incorrectly mixed with a muscle relaxant. The government suspended the vaccine program for months. By the time Kennedy arrived, health authorities were trying to get back on track.
He was treated as a distinguished guest, traveling in a government vehicle, meeting with the prime minister and, according to Kennedy, many health officials and the health minister.
He also met with anti-vaccine activists, including Tamasese and another well-known influencer, Taylor Winterstein, who posted a photograph of herself and Kennedy on her Instagram.
“The past few days have been profoundly monumental for me, my family and for this movement to date,” she wrote, adding hashtags including #investigatebeforeyouvaccinate.
A few months later, a measles epidemic broke out in Samoa, killing 83 people, mostly infants and children in a population of about 200,000.
Public health officials said at the time that anti-vaccine misinformation had made the nation vulnerable.
The crisis of low vaccination rates and skepticism created an environment that was “ripe for the picking for someone like RFK to come in and in assist with the promotion of those views,” said Helen Petousis-Harris, a vaccinologist from New Zealand who worked on the effort to build back trust in the measles vaccine in Samoa.
Petousis-Harris recalled that local and regional anti-vaccine activists took their cues from Kennedy, whom she said “sits at the top of the food chain as a disinformation source.”
“They amplified the fear and mistrust, which resulted in the amplification of the epidemic and an increased number of children dying. Children were being brought for care too late,” she said.
The pandemic is over. Ivermectin wasn't effective. On the one hand we should move on, on the other hand, there should be some accountability for people who pushed this lie, especially those who benefited from it financially.[10][15]
[1] - Ivermectin Side Effects
[2] USA Today - 'A serious issue': New Mexico health officials suspect two people dead from ivermectin poisoning
[3] Global News - FDA warns Americans to stop taking horse dewormer for COVID-19: ‘You are not a horse’ (Some anti-vaxers counter that the FDA lost a court battle about ivermectin, proving that it works - this is false)
[4] USA Today - Fact check: 590% jump in poison control calls about ivermectin seen in Texas
[5] Ars Technica - More people are poisoning themselves with horse-deworming drug to thwart COVID
[6] Virology Journal - Ivermectin under scrutiny: a systematic review and meta-analysis of efficacy and possible sources of controversies in COVID-19 patients
[7] JAMA Network - At a Higher Dose and Longer Duration, Ivermectin Still Not Effective Against COVID-19
[8] KU Medical Center - Ivermectin shown ineffective in treating COVID-19, according to multi-site study including KU Medical Center
[9] News Medical - Ivermectin is ineffective in non-severe COVID-19 patients according to new study
[10] The Guardian - Ivermectin frenzy: the advocates, anti-vaxxers and telehealth companies driving demand
[11] Doctor Mike - Here's Why Joe Rogan's COVID Treatment Is Problematic
[12] /JamiePullDatUp - "I made a terrible mistake" vs. "I'm still not a 100% sold on the inoculation" - videos of unvaccinated COVID-19 patients in the hospital
[13] /HermanCainAward
[14] AP - RFK Jr. spent years stoking fear and mistrust of vaccines. These people were hurt by his work
[15] Time - ‘What Price Was My Father’s Life Worth?’ Right-Wing Doctors Are Still Peddling Dubious COVID Drugs
submitted by SeeCrew106 to JamiePullDatUp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:50 Crafty-Eye-dm Within Dark depths part 1

Within Dark depths part 1
The airlock door hissed closed behind them. Jaysun looked over his squad, giving a visual inspection of their gear and morale. Athena gripped her axe tight, watching the door before them; Teht prayed to the god emperor before loading each shell into his shotgun. Gren slid his rifle into place on his shield, rolling his shoulders back and cracking his neck as Falx checked his grenades and multi-melta, a cool stream of vapor rising from its barrel. They all watched as the door slid open, its rusting tracks groaning in protest, piercing the stillness as they peered into nothing but the dark bowels of an abandoned ship.
“I don't like this,” Gren said, looking over his shoulder at Jaysun.
“ To be fair, Gren, ya don't like this job.” He called back with a laugh, walking past his torch, causing the stale air of the derelict vessel to dance with shadows. The squad moved forward, checking room after room, each slowly growing uneasy; as they moved down the hall, the floor became covered in a dark, chipped, rust-colored trail going deeper into the black of the ship.
“ Okay, now I don't like this.” Jaysun called over the vox, his pistol coming free from its holster. They formed behind Gren, flawlessly checking every corner, each room, and every angle. The dancing shadows seemingly laughing at the squad, taunting them. The trail subtly became wet, their steps letting out soft , gore-soaked thuds. Level after level, they moved deeper into the ship, pushing toward the cargo hold. They were ordered to discover the crew's fate; not a single member of this squad planned to fail their mission. When they finally reached the door, Falx and Athena quickly set to work, planting several small charges to blow the damn thing open. The detonation filled the air with smoke, and the shock wave caused echoes off the desecrated walls. They rushed into the room, scanning through the smoke as Jayson froze; one by one, they saw what lay before them. He couldn't move his mind, barely comprehending what it was looking at hundreds of bodies piled up or hanging from the beams above them. Their bodies were shredded, their faces frozen in anguish and terror. They had been eaten, picked at, and desecrated like the ship. Dozens of marks were dragged through the sinew. As he looked, he could see their nails had been ripped out by the cold, uncaring vessel. Falx was the first to react to his vox filled with retching as he began to vomit quickly, ripping his helmet free, the chunks and bile landing at his feet, mixing with wet blood.
“By the throne!” Gren said softly; Falx continued to heave, almost weeping.
“Teht, pick up the greenhorn ya?” Jaysun said, his pistol raised, scanning the hold, seeing scattered piles before turning back to the one nearest and stopping. There in the pile of guts and gore was a pair of eyes watching them. Signaling his unit, Gren swiveled quickly, aiming at the stack of bodied his light, revealing more eyes watching them. The air shook as Athena ignited her axe, the glow of its edge causing the blood-soaked atmosphere to hiss around the edge. Teht dragged Falx over to the squad, forming a skeen with Gren Athena and Jaysun, as they watched the shapes stand one by one out of the corpses. The creatures towered muscular things with bird-like heads crowned with dark spines running down their backs. Falx whimpered as he stood to his feet. His messy Auburn hair hung about his face. Shaking his head, he turned to run.
“ I won't become some Xenos meal!” he said, trying to run, stumbling toward the door.
Jaysun cursed under his breath. “ Falx, don't break formation!” he barked, but before the words even left his mouth, one of those things had dropped from above the door, pinning Falx. The young breacher cried out even though the void sealed armor. The sound of bones breaking could be heard. The creatures began to shriek, calling to one another. Tehts gun suddenly bellowed a shot, and Jaysuns visor became caked in blood as one of the creatures fell lifeless next to him. All hell broke loose; it was like a hive of dozens of screaming xenos charged. Gren's rifle roared to life, cutting a swath across the writhing horde of creatures. Jaysun wiped the blood from his vision, turning to see Falx being ripped apart, his screaming having already stopped. He aimed and fired, taking out the creature's legs round after round. When he ejected his magazine, one of the aliens dove through the air for him, being caught by Athena's axe, the blade tearing through the bicep, ripping the muscle fibers, and snapping the bone, cleaving into the creature's ribs. Jaysun tapped his fresh magazine into place, racking his pistol as he stood firing over Athena, who was currently ripping the axe free from the chest cavity of the creature. She used her strength to catch another with the pick of the axe head, driving the spike through the back Of the creature's skull. Before she could free the axe head, Jaysun watched her arm ripped from its socket. He was sure that without the void suit, it would have been torn free of her body, which was thrown through the air. He watched her hit the ground, the blood splashing up around her as they descended upon her. Teht tried to move for her, his shotgun gouging holes in the never-ending swarm. Gren covered as best he could while Jaysun took up their rear, taking down target after target as Athena's screams rose above the sound of battle, drawing his attention. She was being shredded. Her hand gripped her combat knife, stabbing frantically in every direction; her helm was ripped open, gashed through the metal to the bone, and her skull split open. Her ribs were splayed out. Even though her body didn't seem to know it, she was dead. The sound of her rageful wails soon vanished as she lay lifeless against the several aliens she took with her. Jaysun felt a burning sensation. He coughed, blood filling his respirator, his hand gripping the cauterized wound, feeling it already tearing his blood spilling out into the pool of the victims of these monsters. His vision blurred, and his hearing faded, becoming a dull ringing; he watched Teht beat one of those things to death with his gun only to be shot in the back, and fall face down in the muck. Gren was being devoured, shooting with his service pistol at the creature, taking his life. The last thing Jaysun saw was his own hands dragging against the cold uncaring metal of the ship, his vision fading into black.
submitted by Crafty-Eye-dm to Warhammer [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:45 artwithapulse Update to “it’s happening!” - FTM, 39+1, pretty positive induction.

Just a follow up on my previous post, finally graduated with our 8lb baby girl! She missed a Mother’s Day birth but was born on the 13th at 1pm. She was originally due may 18th.
My water broke at 9am on Mother’s Day morning with an audible “pop” and gush of fluid. Contractions started around 20 minutes later, roughly 1-10 minutes. As we live very rurally - around one hour from the hospital - we packed up and got there. They examined me and confirmed amniotic fluid and the contractions pattern was fairly slow — they recommended we stay close to town but to come back around 9pm, or whenever they ramped up.
So I waddled back to the car with a towel laid down and we went for a drive, went home, fed our cows, had something to each and made it back around 8:15.
By then my contractions were even slower, and as we were approaching the 24 hour mark of my water breaking, the doctor told me they’d like to induce - and that I’d really need an epidural. I am absolutely TERRIBLE with needles, and my anxiety was through the roof, so they offered me two Ativan to calm down and sit through it. I won’t lie, the epidural process was awful - after the freezing while finding the right spot, there was a big “zing” like I’d touched an electric fence which scared the hell out of me, but once it was placed it was pretty heavenly. Contractions stopped hurting, they did the IV in my hand and I was able to sleep. I slept all night no problems with my partner staying up, and sometime during the morning they did a cervical check and said I was at 10cm and ready to push.
I wasn’t prepared for how long this stage would take. All told, it was 4 hours — by the end where her head was so low, I was really starting to give up - my contractions were constant but short so I could only give one or two good pushes each one. My partner at my head really made it easier to get by, I just listened to him and the doctor and tuned everything else out. On the last push, I didn’t feel much but relief when her head was out except some tearing - and they had to manipulate her shoulders which hurt, but once she was out and quickly on my chest I heard my partner cry and it was all sheer relief.
We have had some issues getting her to drink but that’s partly me learning too.
All in all I’m totally in love and despite a difficult and long labour, it was positive and baby girl is healthy, strong and happy. She’s been so quiet and given me lots of time to sleep and recoup.
Just wanted to say thanks again to this sub for all the help over the last 39 weeks!
submitted by artwithapulse to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:39 Cheap-Bench-1358 Can't breath when lying down on left side.

M23 I once had myochardities. (Inflamation of the heart). Since then i never felt fine and back healthy but whent to a few chardiologists and they all said my heart is fine. I always struggle with sports, have to sleep much and i'm sensitive.
The reason i'm writing today is because 2 days ago i went jogging. The whole day after that i felt at the edge between feeling ok and my heart being tired. At night when i went to bed, i started having palpitations, anxiety, shaking, difficulty brrathing, pressure on the chest and neck, coughing, phlegm (not pink or anything) When lying down it got worse, and after a few minutes of lying down i would stop breathing, i could not breath and i would suffocate then i'd jump back up to catch my breath. And it went like this the whole night, i'd jump up beacuse i was suffocating. The next day i felt better ( worn out after such a night) but at night i felt the pressure in the chest and neck again, and difficulty breathing. And again, when lying down it got worse. Started suffocating again but not that much. Today i had a bit of work which made me tired, and rn it's night again and i feel the pressure again.
Asked ChatGPT and it says i should go directly to emergency room, but here they don't care about you, they will just make some blood tests, an ekg and they send you home.
P.S. i noted that whenever i do a lot of effort and i'm tired amd go to bed, when lying down on the left side i get this feeling also that my heart stops and i don't breath, then i jump up. Also experiencing irregular heart beat. My toughts are that this is heart related 100% but i've bee to atleast 4-5,cardiologists in the past 3 years and they all said my heart is healthy. So.... yea.
(Also tested my lungs 1 ca. 1 year ago, all good)
What could this be? Should i be worried? Thanks.
submitted by Cheap-Bench-1358 to AskDocs [link] [comments]