Unblocked quadband cellphones

Pay attention before blocking scammers, it could be bad for you. Spoofing is worse than you think.

2024.05.10 17:06 Pseudolos Pay attention before blocking scammers, it could be bad for you. Spoofing is worse than you think.

There's a story that caught my eye at work, and that I solved this morning after months of back and forth.
A customer came to me months ago because he had changed his cellphone number and the OTPs from his debit card had stopped arriving. Since these things take a while to settle, we've been going back and forth through the archive, changing numbers and so on, without success. He came to me today for an unrelated business and I tried to send him an OTP to sign a document but it never arrived.
Turns out, being savvy about online frauds, he'd been blocking numbers that tried to scam him. He received a message from a scammer spoofing the banks number, blocked it, and the phone had blocked the whole bank number. So now he wasn't able to receive legitimate bank messages. We unblocked the bank's number and magically everything, from the debit card onwards, started working again.
So the moral of the story is, beware who you block. If you receive fishy messages from your bank, it could be better to delete delete them and not block the number.
submitted by Pseudolos to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 06:00 LucyAriaRose OOP is going to see her abusive mother for the first time in 11 years

I am NOT the Original Poster. That is u/Exciting-Turnip7126. She posted in MarkNarrations and TrueOffMyChest.
Thanks to u/Literally_Taken for finding this and recommending it.

Read the trigger warnings. A reminder to not comment on Original Posts. See rule 7.

Trigger Warning: graphic descriptions of child abuse; infidelity; verbal abuse; financial abuse;
Mood Spoiler: surprisingly happy ending
Background Post: January 21, 2024
Editor's note: This post is tangentially related to the main post as it discusses some of OOP's background.
I feel so lost. I don't know what to do and I feel sick. I (41F) have been no contact my with my mother for the past 11 years following years of physical, financial, and emotional abuse as well as years of parentification.
To give everyone an idea, my mother started abusing me physically and emotionally from the age of 6 , which is when we both moved out of the extended family home. I never knew my father so until I was 6 I grew up in a home with my mother, her 3 siblings and her parents (my grandparents).
Her physical abuse consisted of pinching and twisting until my skin blistered or tore. Grabbing me by the arm or leg so hard she'd leave a bruise in the shape of her hand. Throwing things at me like drinking glasses. A few times I couldn't go to school because the bruises were in places that were visible.
Her emotional abuse was just as bad. Telling me she'd throw me outside and lock the door so the boogeyman would take me if I didn't do exactly what she said. This was all when I was under the age of 10.
The parentification started when I was 11 when my first half brother was born. He was my sole responsibility. Same when my second half brother was born when I was 18.
The financial abuse started when I was 12 when I had my first tutoring job. She's take my money to buy alcohol. I would hide my money so I could buy food for me and brother or my cat since she'd forget and just say to "eat whatever".
Financially, she wrecked my credit. I lent her my credit card when I was 21 (stupid I know) to help her with her business. She said, as my mother, I owed it to her. Back then I was still in the mindset I was taught growing up. That family was what was most important. Now I know better and have worked hard for years to build my credit back up.
Back to my dilemma. We (me and my bf 45M) have been invited to a friend's wedding. There's a chance my mother may be there.
What makes me anxious is we have a 9.5 month old baby girl. Yes I had my baby late. There's a long tradition of the women in my family being abusive. I didn't want children for the longest time. I don't regret having my daughter. She's my world and I love her more than anything and I know my mother would demand to see her if given the chance. The thought of my mother seeing her and just seeing my mother in general makes me feel sick with anxiety and on the verge of sobbing.
These emotions come up because I think of my daughter being exposed to her and I can do is cry.
On the other hand I want to go to the wedding. My friends who are getting married know my history with my mother. I have a feeling they'd invite her to be polite.
How can I get through this?
Relevant Comments:
Commenter: I'm sorry you had to deal with all that. While I can't tell friends who they should invite to their wedding, I would think good friends would be aware of the friction. I'd certainly ask if my mother had been invited. If they answer yes, then I would skip the wedding. If your mother is still drinking and abusive, there's no way I'd risk running into her again. Just not worth it.
OOP: Thank you. Exactly. I don't want to be that person who dictates who they can/can't invite.
That's a good idea. I will ask if she was invited/ RSVPed yes. She drinks less now. Her heavy drinking resulted in her getting type 2 diabetes. Even with less alcohol, she apparently is still very manipulative and abusive according to my youngest half brother.
Commenter: Wishing you luck. Don’t blame you at all! My mother’s father (grandfather is too familial for him) was a narcissist, abuser too. Had to control every and all situations. Refused to give him any leeway and never spoke to him for the last 10 or so years of his life. If I had kids, I would not have allowed him to be apart of their lives either. There is no need to have another generation subjected to the vitriol and physical violence. Go to the party, support your brother. You don’t have to say a word to her. Make Her look stupid by ignoring her.
OOP: Thank you so much for your comment! I'm so sorry you had to go through that too and you're absolutely right when you said
"There is no need to have another generation subjected to the vitriol and physical violence."
My mother is the way she is because of her mother who was so much worse. That's why I had my daughter later in life. I was child Free out of fear of being like them but my step-dad and boyfriend both told me the same thing: I know how not to parent.
Mini update (Same Post, Next Day)
I don't know if this is how we update but I'm going to do it anyway lol. Thank you to everyone who commented and you all had the same advice. So I contacted the bride last night. She wrote me back this morning. She did not invite my mother. She knows a little bit of my history with my mother and said she rarely speaks to her. She wants me and my step-father there. He too would not want my mother there (he went through a lot of abuse too at my mother's hand). So my friend wanted us to have a good time and is not inviting my mother.
Thank you all again so very much for reading my post. I was so afraid of being that person who causes drama over who is/isn't invited and didn't want to cause my friend stress that I started imagining all possible scenarios of what could happen if she was that and spiraled into an emotional crying mess.
After all your comments, some ginger ale a hug from my husband and baby, I was able to get some sleep.
Thank you all again very much
Original Post: April 16, 2024 (4 months later)
Title: I had to end my 11 yr NC with my mother and her siblings for a family event. I will see her for the first time this Saturday. I'm overthinking everything...
I (41F) went NC with my entitled narcissistic mother and her siblings 11 years ago after years of physical, emotional and financial abuse as well as years of parentification starting when I was 11 yrs old. None of her siblings said or did anything. They just looked the other way and told me I was too emotional and exaggerate everything.
My brother (30M) and his girlfriend (22F) are having a baby shower for their first baby this Saturday, my mother is organizing it and sent out invites and created a Facebook event. This is why I went stopped my NC, so I could see the event and mark myself as going.
I refuse to let a POS human being prevent me from being there for brother and his girlfriend, even if that person is my mother. I'm not going to lie, I spiralled when I first saw my mother's invite. All the years of abuse, days of missed elementary school because the bruises were in visible places, all came back. My step-dad (54M) talked me down and we're going together. He was abused by her just as bad as I was, if not worse.
My mother is organizing the baby shower because my brother is close with her. Yes he knows what she did but thinks I should just forgive and forget, which I have multiple times but that never stopped the abuse.
My biggest concern is my boyfriend and I have a child (1F) and when my brother found out, he started again with how I should forgive and forget. I told him I don't expect him to not tell my mother about my child but to respect that she will not be in my child's life. Since my daughter was born there were some not so subtle attempts from her to like pictures of my daughter. She even sent me a friend request once, which I deleted right away. She's the jealous vindictive type so it wouldn't surprise me if she pressured my brother to get his girlfriend pregnant so she'd have a grand-child too (She's jealous of my step-dad for being a grand dad).
For those wondering why I didn't block her, I did but unblocked every now and then because I was paranoid she'd try something with grand-parents rights, even though I know she doesn't have a leg to stand on for that or try to get sympathy for not seeing my daughter. This still bothers me to this day sometimes. The nightmares and hormones have me paralyzed in fear. All this to say my mother would be the type of person to post about this on social media and if she does, I want to be able to get screenshots of it and address it right away because she's a master manipulator.
I decided to take a big step and started therapy for the first time last week. Therapy was always something ridiculed and seen as something for weak people by my family. My boyfriend (44M) agreed with the therapy and even asked me how I felt afterwards. He's my rock and my everything. We've been together for 20 years. For those wondering, why we aren't married because we don't really don't care. We love each other and for us that's enough. Therapy helped a lot. I have another session this week, two days before I see her again. My therapist called me brave, which honestly surprised me. I never thought of myself as being brave.
Anyway, I'll update after the baby shower.
Relevant Comments:
Commenter: Your brother deems his deference for your mother above the abuse thar he knows you suffered. However much you care for him, your feelings are secondary as far as he's concerned... Why stress? Spend the day with someone who loves you.
OOP: thank you for your comment. I do agree with you that my feelings are completely secondary to him. Unfortunately, he's very much like her personality wise but his girlfriend is a gem and keeps him level headed (even he admits its lol). My dad and I have an agreement that if either of us are uncomfortable we'll leave right away. We're going as each other's support. Plus I worked really hard on a crocheted baby blanket, hats and mitts lol.
Why are you putting yourself in this situation?
Thank you so much for your concern. Yes it's going to be stressful but after having lost my entire family when going NC, I went a few years with no contact with anyone, including my step-dad and brothers. She had turned everyone against me which destroyed me. I felt so abandoned. Once her lies, cheating and abuse were exposed is when my step-dad and one of my two brothers came back in my life. The one brother who came back (23M) isn't the one who's baby shower I'm going to (30M). Yes there's a massive age difference between us (I'm 41F). I raised the two of them alone. I felt like I had lost everything when they went NC. Them coming back felt like a second chance. Brother 30M came back a few years after. He's very easily manipulated and has the same kind of personality as my mother: vain, narcissistic and selfish but he's a watered down version without the abuse.
Basically I'm putting myself in this situation for my second chance little family I was able to form after the fallout. Seems ridiculous but I'd feel terrible to not try.
Commenter: I too, think it is a bad idea. I cannot imagine spending time around someone that was abusive to me for years just to appease my brother who didn't even care that I was abused, still maintains a close relationship with my abuser and on top of it has the audacity to tell me to forgive and forget. That part is throwing me. I cannot for the life of me imagine my mom hurting my sister who I love, yet still wanting to be cool with my mom, my mom would be dead to me. And I get Op is fond of her brother's gf but like someone else suggested take her out to lunch or do something else nice with her, like a spa day and give her the gift.
OOP: As much as I would love to do all the above, it's really hard with how far my brother and his girlfriend live and their job. They both work really long shifts. I know it's confusing and even I wonder sometimes, especially that he plays off my trauma like I'm exaggerating, but the best way I can put it is in a way we have a way to start over. After the year did abuse, not just to me but my step-dad also, we want to try and make our little family of chosen people work. We never got a chance to do that, ever. I would have to do a post by itself about my family and all the bullshit that lead to the NC. That would be a massive post in itself. So much to unpack but therapy is helping.
Lastly, I was happy to hear my brother's girlfriend put her foot down with certain things with my mother. My brother will get to see our mother's real personality with his baby. I hope he steps up for his girlfriend and their baby.
Commenter: It's ok to prioritize your self and your family. You cannot thrive and be bountiful if you don't. If not going is best for you. That is ok. What is best for you is ok. It took me a long time to say that! It's not selfish to do what's best for you and your LO (Editor's note- little one)
OOP: I've really been leveraging "No" as a full sentence and have been using that as a filter for people I want to keep in my life. If people can't respect me when I say no, then what else are they going to disrespect me on.
At first I did not want to go. I had a full blown crying, shaking, dry heaving meltdown. After composing myself, I called my dad and he talked me through it and said he was going. He was heavily abused too so I know it's just as hard for him. That's why we're going as each other's support. As for my daughter, she's staying home with my boyfriend having a daddy daughter day.
Commenter: Eh, I would suggest just using her first name, not "mother." Deny the relationship. Twist that knife.
OOP: I have. I use mother here because I've used "egg donor" in the past and people were super confused. Even to my step-dad and brothers I call her by her first name.
Commenter: I'm a cross stitcher and knitter, I feel your pain. (Editor's note- OOP commented at one point that she had a handmade gift for the new baby) As for the shower, have you considered that by going you are letting her win? She gets to show everyone how mean you are to her, she gets to create drama and blame it on you. Think on this, a narcissist thrives on attention any attention, even bad, is a balm to their soul.
She will do everything in her power to make you look bad. There is no way to win, except by ignoring her existence.
OOP: Thank you! I have considered that side too. I'm going by my dad's experience. He had to see her a month ago or so for the gender reveal and he said she looked resigned. Almost emotionless. She's already painted me in a bad light to the entire family (her sisters, her brother and their kids) who will also be there by the way. But they're all so non-confrontational and fake.
I know my mother is throwing the baby shower for exactly that reason. She wants attention. My dad and I agreed to leave right away if either of us feels uncomfortable.
Commenter: You want to be there for a grown ass man who doesn’t care about you being abused. Why do you still care about him? When has he ever cared about you??
OOP: Thank you for your comment. We used to be close a long ago. We've gotten a lot better in the past 2 years. He was really badly manipulated by my mother for many years. He took for granted that what she was telling him was true because she's our mother and she wouldn't lie, which is so dumb, I know. He's learning that more and more. I think he's seeing it more now that she keeps trying to ask him for money, like I warned him she would.
Commenter: Brother will change his mind about mother once she starts abusing his kid. These kinds of things don't just stop. Good luck to you!
OOP: Thank you! I really hope it doesn't come to that but it wouldn't surprise me. I think it'll be more my brother's girlfriend putting her foot down with my mother's involvement (she'll probably try to involve herself in everything). My brother will be forced to choose and in general does what his girlfriend says since she's the most down to earth, realistic and normal out of the two. She keeps him level, his words exactly.
Commenter: You DON’T have to go. Just because your brother has poor taste in people doesn’t mean you have to be around your abuser. You can see him other times.
OOP: Thank you for your comment. I know I don't. I'm choosing to go. I feel like I'm letting my mother get under my skin and win by not going and that makes me even angrier. That's where I'm at at the moment.
Editor's note: All edits take place on the same post.
EDIT: I'm sorry if I'm, confusing anyone by saying "my dad" when referring to my step-dad. To me he is my dad. He and I have gone through hell and back together in regards to my mom. Our experience has brought us closer than ever.
EDIT 2: I am NOT bringing my daughter. She's staying home and having a daddy daughter day with my boyfriend.
EDIT 3: April 16 or 17, 2024 (Same day/day after)
Holy cow I did not expect this many comments! Thank you all so much! You have no idea how much I appreciate it. That's what I love at MarkNarrations. I love this sub. It's such a tightly knit community. My daughter knows the sound of his voice now and comes running to see when I play his videos on my tablet lol.
One thing I want to tell everyone, you don't need to worry about me breaking down, crying, or having a meltdown. I'm at a point in my life where I don't get sad. I get angry and my worry is if she tries anything, my step-dad will have to jump him and pull me back. And I have no problems calling her out on her abuse. Many years ago she made him nearly homeless where he only had enough money to pay his mortgage but had to go to the food bank for food. He didn't tell me because he knew I probably would have done something I'd regret later. He only told me after the fact and I cried tears of anger and disbelief at being related to someone so vile. When I get overwhelmed I cry, which I find so embarrassing.
I am seeing therapist this Thursday, two days before the shower and I'm really looking forward to it. I will keep you all updated. Thank you all again so much. I really love this sub <3
EDIT 4: April 18, 2024 (two days later)
Thank you all again so much for all the love and support. I'm sorry I didn't clarify this before. I have 2 brothers 30M and 23M. My brothers are my half-brothers (We share the same mother. Their father is my step-dad). Just like how I call my step-dad "dad", I call my half-brothers, "brothers".All the comments, advise and suggestions have been amazing and some really really funny. I'm feeling so much better after reading all the support and am started to look forward to the baby shower, especially that my step-dad texted me saying he met my mother's husband this week and that the man's face was priceless after my step-dad introduced himself to him. I asked for more details but he said we'll talk about it on the drive over.
After that, I wanted to give you all a full scope of who my mother is and what kind of a piece of shit human being she really is. I put it in point form instead of a giant block of text:
I have therapy this afternoon and can't wait. I felt so much better last week after just 1 session. You all have made me feel so much stronger and confident. Let me know if you have any questions or need clarification on anything I wrote above.
Update (Same Post): April 20, 2024 (4 days from OG post)
UPDATE! Today was the baby shower and omg! I'm putting everything in point form because there's a lot to update you all on. I'm typing from my cellphone as I'm rocking my daughter to sleep. I missed her so much today.
1 - my dad invited his female best friend to come with us to the baby shower. We'll call her Sally. She's a wonderful woman with a big heart and very protective of my dad, especially since she knows my mother fairly well and works at the same place as her. The first time she and I met we were talking about each other's work and she was going on about this awful co-worker who was so bossy, blamed everyone else for her mistakes and took the praise for other people's work. Turns out it was my mother lol. Basically my mother was not happy Sally was coming.
2 - Both my dad and Sally said my mother texted them to say the baby shower started at 1:30. It didn't. The invite clearly said 1pm. I told them we're getting there for 1pm and was 99% sure my mother was trying to make them look bad out of jealousy. I was right. We arrived at 12:55 pm and my mother's deer in the headlights look on her face said it all.
Guys I stayed composed. I did it! My hands were shaking but I kept them in my pockets. Sally saw this and squeezed my arm.
My mother came out of her daze and came over "oh OP! You came!? It's nice to see you!"
I smirked at her obvious lie and discomfort at being caught, said "Nice to see you too. Where do I put my gift?" She took my gift and put it on the table with the other gifts.
3 - My mother's two siblings showed up with their daughters. One sister greeted me like an acquaintance, which I appreciated. The other pretended I wasn't even there.
4 - my dad, Sally and I sat at a table with one of my dad's former work buddies. We had a blast. My mother was not impressed. Shooting us dirty looks. So much so my dad's friend turned to me and said "uh oh. I think we might need to keep it down". Everyone else was talking loudly, we weren't the only ones. She just didn't like that we were having fun.Me "forget her. She always looks like that." My dad spit out his drink laughing. I didn't say it loud enough for her to hear (at least I don't think so and didn't care in the moment to be honest) but we did get more dirty looks lol.
4 - my mother whipped out a headset with a microphone hooked to a tiny speaker that she hooked to the back of her pants, like she was some sort of talk show host. I shit you not. I didn't notice until my dad said "what the fuck..." I looked over and couldn't help but laugh. Did I mention my mother thrives on being the center of attention, even at her own son's baby shower.
5 - she had us play games and whatnot which was fun. I participated and had fun, until my mother handed diapers with melted chocolate bars on them and gave them out to my two brothers my dad and another guy at the shower. She wanted them to taste what was in the diaper and guess the chocolate bar. The way the chocolate was melted you could tell some of the crotch of the diaper had turned gelatinous (which is what it's supposed to do when a baby pees. I doubt that gel is for human consumption). Me in my now very comfortable seat at the shower blurted "that's disgusting". I got a few responses agreeing with " uh yeah... That's gross".
6 - then there was the bottle drinking game. My mother dropped the bottle full of grape juice in front of my dad like he was a bug she was trying to squish with the bottle. It was so obvious that the girl at the table next to us tapped my shoulder and asked why "the woman with the microphone just pitched the bottle to the poor guy in the blue shirt". I told her the guy was my dad and the woman was his ex, my mother. The girl apologized profusely. I told her not to, that she said nothing wrong and that my mother was just like that.
7 - my dad and I went out for supper afterwards and what I found out over guys... OMG! Turns out my mother was upset with my dad because she asked my other brother (not the one having the baby shower) to try and put in a good word for her to my dad because she wanted to get back together with him and he just laughed. He didn't know what else to say. Need I remind you all that she's currently married to the man she cheated on my dad with for 6 years!
She married and sponsored this man from the Caribbeans to come to Canada. According to my brother, this poor man is treated like a tenant and is forced to live in her basement. WTF
My dad laughed when he saw my face and told me not to worry, that there's no way in hell he would ever consider getting back with her. I told him good because I'd have to smack some sense into him if he did.
He's 99% positive she's trying to get back with my dad to try and reconcile with me to have access to my daughter. He said he'd rather die than let that happen.
So there you have it. What a shit show, but it was a fun shit show that I did not expect in the least. Thank you all again for all your comments and support. It was so very appreciated.
Relevant Comment:
Commenter: You handled that well. Now just go back to pretending she doesn’t exist. She doesn’t deserve anything different. The best revenge is living well.
OOP: That's exactly the plan! Thank you again for your comments.

submitted by LucyAriaRose to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 09:28 Angrypanda790 My bf’s friend is offended on his behalf I laughed at her AITAH

So I 33f and my bf 36m have been together for almost six years. We originally met without a plan to be serious and it kinda melted just right. Back story: My parents every other year asks what we would want for a joint gift. One year we asked for an air fryer. My bf really wanted one, I could take it or leave it at the time. Well I’m sure it’s no surprise but I fell IN LOVE with the dang thing. We have the running joke that it’s mine and he has to ask permission to use my air fryer. Now onto the issue, we had a group dinner pot luck style for his three friends and my two friends. I made amazing chicken wings. After a few drinks my friend made a joke about my bf using the air fryer to heat up left over wings. Saying “did you ask OP if that’s ok” he laughed and said “no but I’m sure she’s cool with it” His friend 35f was clearly upset about this conversation. She looked at me and asked why the hell I’m so rude to my bf with a kitchen appliance. I started laughing at her. When I realized she was being serious I just asked why she’s being this way. She told me it’s her duty to defend her friends. (Which I totally understand) I explained that this has been a running joke for at least 2 years. She didn’t like this, so I laughed at her again and said she’s free to leave. She ran to my bf about it. He also laughed at her and said the same thing. Now she’s saying I make my bf be ok with this “abusive joke”. The other friends (mine included) said I should’ve talked to her privately, however she brought it up in front of everyone so why would I hide my reply. Could I have handled this better or would you have laughed at her too?
Update So a few of you suggested she is in love with him. Well you called it! He decided to completely block her from cellphone to Facebook. I kept her unblocked to watch the possible meltdown. It took her a full day to notice and she was LIVID. She once again called me abusive and controlling. She went on about how she waited for him to come around and I “got in her way”. I screenshotted all the messages and sent them to the people who attended the party. I made it clear that if they still side with her they can leave our lives. Only one of my friends left. She has been kicked out of the friend group which I’m fine with. My boyfriend was so speechless at her behaviour and was surprised she liked him cause he had zero clue. My guess is she sucks at flirting lol. So yeah that’s the end of that mess.
submitted by Angrypanda790 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 01:04 Beginning-Shine9803 Aita for threatening my sister with the police to remove my belongings from her home after 3 months?

For a bit of background i stupidly made the choice to live with my sister and her family for a little less than a year. There was alot of drama, fighting, a very disgusting home that hadnt been cleaned in days, alcohol, verbal, Financial and physical abuse in that house hold. I usually left or hide in my room. My rent was always paid on time, their cellphone bill under my plan and tried to live my own life. They would constantly ditched their children with me, accuse me of things I didn't do, destroy my only means of transportation and gutted me alive to the point i didnt know if i was still alive. Thats how numb they would make me feel. After they kicked me i had called them out for racking extra charges on my phone bill. Yes it was a small amount but at that point i had had enough of paying for them and their children after i caught them both shit talking myself and my partner after a long crappy cold daybat work and jack my rent by 500 bucks. All i wanted was a warm meal and a hot shower,i never got that that night. I had message she beast about the extra charges on my bill meanwhile her fatboy of a husband had the balls to text me calling me a cunt useless stupid etc you get the point here. I had left work to move out that day. After a physical altercation between the ex-husband and myself the cops were involved and I hadn't had a chance to get all of my belongings out of the house. At this point she beast and I were on good terms the I was moving out. Hours later she Beast messaged me and told me I was dead to her I best be dropping the assault charges and I am never welcome around her or her children. She has tried to destroy my reputation. They kicked me out in January and it is now May. I had finally had enough of a family member being in the middle of shebeast and I and I decided to unblock her on Facebook and send her a message. It was civil blunt honest to the point stating she had 2 weeks or else the cops where being called. Im tried of the games drama and garbage of being kicked out every time they feel they need to make an appearance at my residence. This bullshit has completely fucked my mental health worse than when i lived with them. They have made it a personal mission to ensure i am the black sheep of the family. It has been years of hell with she beast and "our" family. I do have plans of cutting all contract with all of them. They have caused me a nervous breakdown im still recovering from from 3 months ago. So am i the doucebag for threating her with the cops because ive had enough of her petty ass bullshit? Thanks for the read!
submitted by Beginning-Shine9803 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 00:12 Exciting-Turnip7126 I had to end my 11 yr NC with my mother and her siblings for a family event. I will see her for the first time this Saturday. I'm overthinking everything...

I (41F) went NC with my entitled narcissistic mother and her siblings 11 years ago after years of physical, emotional and financial abuse as well as years of parentification starting when I was 11 yrs old. None of her siblings said or did anything. They just looked the other way and told me I was too emotional and exaggerate everything.
My brother (30M) and his girlfriend (22F) are having a baby shower for their first baby this Saturday, my mother is organizing it and sent out invites and created a Facebook event. This is why I went stopped my NC, so I could see the event and mark myself as going. I refuse to let a POS human being prevent me from being there for brother and his girlfriend, even if that person is my mother. I'm not going to lie, I spiralled when I first saw my mother's invite. All the years of abuse, days of missed elementary school because the bruises were in visible places, all came back. My step-dad (54M) talked me down and we're going together. He was abused by her just as bad as I was, if not worse.
My mother is organizing the baby shower because my brother is close with her. Yes he knows what she did but thinks I should just forgive and forget, which I have multiple times but that never stopped the abuse.
My biggest concern is my boyfriend and I have a child (1F) and when my brother found out, he started again with how I should forgive and forget. I told him I don't expect him to not tell my mother about my child but to respect that she will not be in my child's life. Since my daughter was born there were some not so subtle attempts from her to like pictures of my daughter. She even sent me a friend request once, which I deleted right away. She's the jealous vindictive type so it wouldn't surprise me if she pressured my brother to get his girlfriend pregnant so she'd have a grand-child too (She's jealous of my step-dad for being a grand dad).
For those wondering why I didn't block her, I did but unblocked every now and then because I was paranoid she'd try something with grand-parents rights, even though I know she doesn't have a leg to stand on for that or try to get sympathy for not seeing my daughter. This still bothers me to this day sometimes. The nightmares and hormones have me paralyzed in fear. All this to say my mother would be the type of person to post about this on social media and if she does, I want to be able to get screenshots of it and address it right away because she's a master manipulator.
I decided to take a big step and started therapy for the first time last week. Therapy was always something ridiculed and seen as something for weak people by my family. My boyfriend (44M) agreed with the therapy and even asked me how I felt afterwards. He's my rock and my everything. We've been together for 20 years. For those wondering, why we aren't married because we don't really don't care. We love each other and for us that's enough. Therapy helped a lot. I have another session this week, two days before I see her again. My therapist called me brave, which honestly surprised me. I never thought of myself as being brave.
Anyway, I'll update after the baby shower.
EDIT: I'm sorry if I'm, confusing anyone by saying "my dad" when referring to my step-dad. To me he is my dad. He and I have gone through hell and back together in regards to my mom. Our experience has brought us closer than ever.
EDIT 2: I am NOT bringing my daughter. She's staying home and having a daddy daughter day with my boyfriend.
EDIT 3: Holy cow I did not expect this many comments! Thank you all so much! You have no idea how much I appreciate it. That's what I love at MarkNarrations. I love this sub. It's such a tightly knit community. My daughter knows the sound of his voice now and comes running to see when I play his videos on my tablet lol. One thing I want to tell everyone, you don't need to worry about me breaking down, crying, or having a meltdown. I'm at a point in my life where I don't get sad. I get angry and my worry is if she tries anything, my step-dad will have to jump him and pull me back. And I have no problems calling her out on her abuse. Many years ago she made him nearly homeless where he only had enough money to pay his mortgage but had to go to the food bank for food. He didn't tell me because he knew I probably would have done something I'd regret later. He only told me after the fact and I cried tears of anger and disbelief at being related to someone so vile. When I get overwhelmed I cry, which I find so embarrassing.
I am seeing therapist this Thursday, two days before the shower and I'm really looking forward to it. I will keep you all updated. Thank you all again so much. I really love this sub <3
EDIT 4: Thank you all again so much for all the love and support. I'm sorry I didn't clarify this before. I have 2 brothers 30M and 23M. My brothers are my half-brothers (We share the same mother. Their father is my step-dad). Just like how I call my step-dad "dad", I call my half-brothers, "brothers". All the comments, advise and suggestions have been amazing and some really really funny. I'm feeling so much better after reading all the support and am started to look forward to the baby shower, especially that my step-dad texted me saying he met my mother's husband this week and that the man's face was priceless after my step-dad introduced himself to him. I asked for more details but he said we'll talk about it on the drive over.
After that, I wanted to give you all a full scope of who my mother is and what kind of a piece of shit human being she really is. I put it in point form instead of a giant block of text:
I have therapy this afternoon and can't wait. I felt so much better last week after just 1 session. You all have made me feel so much stronger and confident. Let me know if you have any questions or need clarification on anything I wrote above.
UPDATE! Today was the baby shower and omg! I'm putting everything in point form because there's a lot to update you all on. I'm typing from my cellphone as I'm rocking my daughter to sleep. I missed her so much today.
1 - my dad invited his female best friend to come with us to the baby shower. We'll call her Sally. She's a wonderful woman with a big heart and very protective of my dad, especially since she knows my mother fairly well and works at the same place as her. The first time she and I met we were talking about each other's work and she was going on about this awful co-worker who was so bossy, blamed everyone else for her mistakes and took the praise for other people's work. Turns out it was my mother lol. Basically my mother was not happy Sally was coming.
2 - Both my dad and Sally said my mother texted them to say the baby shower started at 1:30. It didn't. The invite clearly said 1pm. I told them we're getting there for 1pm and was 99% sure my mother was trying to make them look bad out of jealousy. I was right. We arrived at 12:55 pm and my mother's deer in the headlights look on her face said it all.
Guys I stayed composed. I did it! My hands were shaking but I kept them in my pockets. Sally saw this and squeezed my arm.
My mother came out of her daze and came over "oh OP! You came!? It's nice to see you!"
I smirked at her obvious lie and discomfort at being caught, said "Nice to see you too. Where do I put my gift?" She took my gift and put it on the table with the other gifts.
3 - My mother's two siblings showed up with their daughters. One sister greeted me like an acquaintance, which I appreciated. The other pretended I wasn't even there.
4 - my dad, Sally and I sat at a table with one of my dad's former work buddies. We had a blast. My mother was not impressed. Shooting us dirty looks. So much so my dad's friend turned to me and said "uh oh. I think we might need to keep it down". Everyone else was talking loudly, we weren't the only ones. She just didn't like that we were having fun. Me "forget her. She always looks like that." My dad spit out his drink laughing. I didn't say it loud enough for her to hear (at least I don't think so and didn't care in the moment to be honest) but we did get more dirty looks lol.
4 - my mother whipped out a headset with a microphone hooked to a tiny speaker that she hooked to the back of her pants, like she was some sort of talk show host. I shit you not. I didn't notice until my dad said "what the fuck..." I looked over and couldn't help but laugh. Did I mention my mother thrives on being the center of attention, even at her own son's baby shower.
5 - she had us play games and whatnot which was fun. I participated and had fun, until my mother handed diapers with melted chocolate bars on them and gave them out to my two brothers my dad and another guy at the shower. She wanted them to taste what was in the diaper and guess the chocolate bar. The way the chocolate was melted you could tell some of the crotch of the diaper had turned gelatinous (which is what it's supposed to do when a baby pees. I doubt that gel is for human consumption). Me in my now very comfortable seat at the shower blurted "that's disgusting". I got a few responses agreeing with " uh yeah... That's gross".
6 - then there was the bottle drinking game. My mother dropped the bottle full of grape juice in front of my dad like he was a bug she was trying to squish with the bottle. It was so obvious that the girl at the table next to us tapped my shoulder and asked why "the woman with the microphone just pitched the bottle to the poor guy in the blue shirt". I told her the guy was my dad and the woman was his ex, my mother. The girl apologized profusely. I told her not to, that she said nothing wrong and that my mother was just like that.
7 - my dad and I went out for supper afterwards and what I found out over guys... OMG! Turns out my mother was upset with my dad because she asked my other brother (not the one having the baby shower) to try and put in a good word for her to my dad because she wanted to get back together with him and he just laughed. He didn't know what else to say. Need I remind you all that she's currently married to the man she cheated on my dad with for 6 years!
She married and sponsored this man from the Caribbeans to come to Canada. According to my brother, this poor man is treated like a tenant and is forced to live in her basement. WTF
My dad laughed when he saw my face and told me not to worry, that there's no way in hell he would ever consider getting back with her. I told him good because I'd have to smack some sense into him if he did.
He's 99% positive she's trying to get back with my dad to try and reconcile with me to have access to my daughter. He said he'd rather die than let that happen.
So there you have it. What a shit show, but it was a fun shit show that I did not expect in the least. Thank you all again for all your comments and support. It was so very appreciated.
submitted by Exciting-Turnip7126 to MarkNarrations [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 22:56 ar_david_hh Armenia-West; Edmon's "conspiracy" \\ Gaddafi threat \\ Product Complexity Index \\ Higher standards & lab exams \\ AM-GE cooperation \\ Terror \\ Economic stats & trade \\ Sanctions; Putin in Yerevan \\ Tourism strategy \\ Voter bribery \\ Highway speed camera \\ EAEU customs pot \\ Wine ban

2-minute read.

in case you missed the Sunday news report

Sunday news

Russia-based Armenian general, a former defense minister, promises Pashinyan the fate of Gaddafi

Arshak Karapetyan is an Armenian general allied with the Kremlin. He was fired by PM Pashinyan from MOD's position after "poor performance" and Russia's refusal to support Armenia in late 2021. Karapetyan later moved to Russia and announced plans to launch a political party to oust Pashinyan.
ARSHAK KARAPETYAN: Certain Armenian leaders will WISH to have Gaddafi's fate. The end of this regime is near. We will free the country from these cowards. //
He urged the army and Tavush residents to defy Pashinyan's actions.

analyst Arthur Sakunts about Armenia-West-Russia relations

REPORTER: Pashinyan is set to meet EU's von der Leyen and US's Blinken in April in what appears to be the launch of a new era in Armenia-Euroatlantic relations. Russia could try to prevent this meeting at any cost. What should we expect from Moscow, and from the April 5 meeting?
SAKUNTS: There are still people who believe that Armenia must do more to convince Russia that the strengthening of relations with the West isn't being done against Russia. In reality, it's futile because Russia is going to perceive any Armenia-West strategic cooperation as a step against Russia. The April 5 meeting is unique in the sense that this time it will be the "collective West". They will discuss the development of Armenia's resilience, economy, and democracy.
Russia will attempt to instill fear and blackmail with "consequences"; there is ongoing information warfare. Will the population and the government cave to the blackmail? I don't know, but Armenians must do the calculation and be determined.
Russia will attempt to create internal instability in Armenia. They will directly or indirectly incite actions to reduce the population's and the government's trust in the West. //

former ambassador-at-large Edmon Marukyan suggests the EU and US conspired with Russia to "authorize" Azerbaijan to commit ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh

Context: Before the September 19 ethnic cleansing, the US was heavily involved in the efforts to lift the Lachin blockade to prevent mass starvation and deaths. The US, EU, and Armenia wanted humanitarian aid to pass through Lachin. Russia was also trying to open a humanitarian route, but only through Agdam. The West, the UN World Court, and the Republic of Armenia did not oppose to aid passing through Agdam, but demanded Lachin to also be opened for two-way traffic. In a rare move, the US, EU, and Russia met in Turkey on September 17, two days before Azerbaijan's military aggression, to work together around a solution to open a humanitarian corridor.
According to the envoy, the meeting focused on “how to get the bloody trucks moving”
During a podcast centered around his grievances towards the West's handling of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Edmon Marukyan suggested that the September 17 meeting between the West and Russia was not about opening a humanitarian corridor, but rather...
MARUKYAN: A meeting took place in Turkey between the EU, US, and Russia days before Azerbaijan's attack. Politico uncovered the meeting. What was discussed during this meeting? In essence, there are media reports about a total consensus between the EU, US, and Russia to allow the removal of Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh. In other words, they agreed for Russia to do nothing and for West to only cry and express sorrow. //
Marukyan and the podcast host will discuss Armenia's foreign vector in the next episode.
REPORTER: Armenia must restore the balance in foreign vector [strengthen relation with Russia]. The current imbalance [pro-West pivot] is an existential threat for Armenia. //
full, source,

Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Kobakhidze visited Armenia

PASHINYAN: We recently signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Georgia. An important part of the agreement is the mutual recognition of territorial integrity. One of today's topics we discussed was the possibility of activating the AM-GE border delimitation process. Armenia cheered the news of Georgia receiving the EU candidacy status. This will have an immediate impact on the entire region and the AM-GE relations. Armenia supports Georgia's aspirations to join the EU. [March 5: The head of Informed Citizens NGO said the Armenian government "lobbied" for Georgia to receive EU candidacy. In return, Georgia agreed to authorize the transfer of French weapons to Armenia.] Armenia is doing its part to establish peace and stability in the region. We expect a similar stance from other parties. The Crossroads of Peace project must become a tool for strategic cooperation between the states in the region. I'd like to thank Georgia for promoting peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
KOBAKHIDZE: Recently we decided to strengthen relations with Armenia, and this is based on the common values and principles that we share. I'd like to thank PM Pashinyan for supporting Georgia's territorial integrity. We support Armenia's territorial integrity without reservations. The AM-GE relations are developing dynamically in multiple areas.
source, source,

BREAKING: Pashinyan's English is now better than Russian


Georgia's ruling party introduces new anti-LGBT laws "to boost its popularity ahead of elections"

The draft law would ban sex changes and adoption by same-sex couples, as well as prohibiting "gatherings aimed at popularising same-sex family or intimate relationships"
The official reason is to "protect family values". There are reports that the government could amend the Constitution to solidify the anti-LGBT laws.
OPPOSITION: They just want to get the conservative votes and distract the public from economic problems. //

defense ministry spent ֏525B ($1.3 billion) in 2023

The budget performance was 99.8%, said MOD Papikyan during a Monday report.

how many Nagorno-Karabakh refugees have applied for Armenian citizenship?

1,437 have applied for citizenship.
76,339 have received certificates of temporary protection.

EU Special Representative criticizes Azerbaijani media for broadcasting threats against Armenia

TOIVO KLAAR: Threats against Armenia in Azerbaijani media channels are unacceptable. Genuine negotiations on border delimitation are needed and all territorial disputes must be settled peacefully and as part of an agreed process.

Azerbaijan has not shipped ammunition to Ukraine: Baku

The Aliyev regime denied a media report claiming Azerbaijan shipped thousands of mortar shells to Ukraine since the start of the war.

Azerbaijani authorities say they thwarted an assassination attempt against the mayor of Talysh capital Lenkoran

The alleged suspect is an Azerbaijani man from Russia. He was also preparing to provide combat training to several other individuals, says the report.

France raises terror alert warning to the highest level

... following the shootings in Moscow and ahead of the Olympic Games in France. Marcon said the group that attacked Moscow was also planning terror in France.
source, source, source,

Armenian authorities conduct searches in the houses belonging to members of the nationalist BEVER faction after the Sunday grenade attack at a police station

Context in Sunday news..

more women joined the NSS's border forces last year: NSS chief Abazyan

The Vazgen Sargsyan Military Academy has launched a Border Forces Management course to train border forces. The number of female Border Forces agents grew in 2023:
+9% vs 2022
+20% vs 2021

January-February economic stats

Economic activity +13.6%
Inflation -1.3% (big drop/correction in food prices)
Domestic trade +24.1%
Services +5.2%
Industrial output +28.9% (imported raw gold and exported it after processing it)
Construction +10.8%
source, source, source, source, source,

the export of products manufactured or processed in Armenia grew by 7.5% in 2023

Total exports (includes items imported for re-export): +58%
Export of Armenian products: +7.5%

what did Armenia trade with Russia in 2023?

Total trade with Russia: $7.3B (+43% YoY)
Export: $3.4B (+39%)
Import: $3.9B (+47%)
Top exports: Cellphones, alcohol, diamond, computer displays, metals.
Top imports: Gold, gold dust, gas, oil products, diamond, platinum.
OPPO MP: Could Armenia fall under sanctions for exporting cell phones to Russia?
ECONOMY MINISTER: The government is prohibiting the export of sanctioned goods. In the event there are uncertainties and questions around other products, we discuss them with our Western partners and Russia to bring clarity. There are no sanctions-related issues with the export of cell phones. Any item not on a sanctions list must have an unobstructed path for trade.
source, source,

Armenian government will not clarify whether they will organize a meeting of EAEU country leaders and invite Vladimir Putin to Yerevan

Armenia assumed the presidency of the EAEU trade bloc in 2024. That means, traditionally, Armenia has to organize a meeting of country leaders. However, Armenia recently ratified the Rome Statute which means it might have to arrest and hand over Putin to the International Criminal Court if he enters Armenia unless they use a "loophole in ICC" to avoid a diplomatic scandal.
During a Monday meeting, the government members did not clarify whether there will be an EAEU leadership meeting in Armenia at all. There will be one in Russia, but it will be dedicated to the 10th anniversary of EAEU.
The opposition MP asked the same question to another member of the foreign ministry. The ruling MPs began to feel agitated by the persistence of the opposition MP.
GRZO (ruling MP): Of course we should not damage relations with Russia, but lately I've seen attempts by our opposition colleagues on a daily basis to intentionally add fuel to the fire. Do not invite an external force to "punish" your opponent within Armenia; have respect for your country. Don't politicize everything. I'd join you in punishing the government if there was a valid reason. But it's politics and there are periods of ups and downs in foreign relations. Don't turn it into an internal conflict.
OPPO MP: Tell that to Pashinyan and the ruling party. They brought the NATO chief who stood next to them and publicly declared that Armenia is supporting Ukraine against Russia, and that it's necessary to punish Putin.
source, source,

Armenia continues to be a "donor" state to EAEU's customs pot for the second year in a row

EAEU bloc members contribute to a common pot with the amounts depending on the customs activity levels. At the end of the year, each state receives a certain % of the total. Armenia gave more than it took in 2023 as well:
Gave: ֏185B ($470M) (+47% YoY)
Took: ֏71B ($180M) (+32% YoY)

Belarus suspends the import and sale of products from an Armenian winemaker after discovering excessive levels of food color in the Ayrum pomegranate wine

The 8.3 mg/kg levels of food dye Azorubine indicates that the product is not authentic and wasn't properly labeled to match the content, says the inspection agency.
The manufacturer is Ararat Cognac Factory LLC based in the village of Ararat with postal code 0607. The village is located 40 km from Yerevan. Their website is: https://www.araratcognacfactory.am/
Not to be confused with the famous Yerevan Brandy Company (ArArAt) or Gagik Tsarukyan's Yerevan Ararat Brandy Factory (Across the street).
source, source, source, source, [source,]([REDACTED]postanovlenie-glavnogo-gosudarstvennogo-sanitarnogo-vracha-respubliki-belarus-ot-19-03-2024-№17/)

Q: What are you doing to reduce economic overreliance on Russia?

ECONOMY MINISTER PAPOYAN: We have participated in numerous international product expos but none of them make any difference as long as our standards do not match the requirements of other countries. If the highest standard for a particular product category is in the EU, we must set the EU standards as our goal. If for another product the highest standard is mandated in the EAEU, then we must adopt that standard.
In recent years we have invested large resources in the certification laboratories. There is significant progress here. In certain product categories, only Armenian labs have certain types of equipment. For example, there is lab equipment that checks the compliance of e-cigarettes. Russia has 1-2 high-quality lab equipment, with Armenia being the only other EAEU member with similar equipment. This forces the other EAEU states to send their products to Armenia or Russia for examination. This, in turn, attracts investments to Armenia.
We are currently developing a new strategy for standards. Whichever country/bloc has the highest standard for a specific product, we will set that standard as our goal. //

the government is paying companies to increase the Product Complexity Index

FINANCE MINISTER: There is a program to promote the manufacturing of more "complex" goods. The state repays 35% of the expenditures if the complexity index is above 0.2. This program was adopted late last year and we hope it will help the investors in the coming years.

Grzo: If the Crossroads of Peace unblocks regional communications, how will that impact the price of goods in Armenia and the competitiveness of Armenian goods in "more reachable" markets?

FINANCE MINISTER: A study was conducted in 2021 by the Asian Development Bank. I don't recall the exact numbers but the report indicates a very large flow of goods. The profits from this flow would surpass the $500 million that Armenia needs to invest to build the communication routes. There is a new study underway. Either way, the preliminary study shows that the investments are justified.
GRZO: During the USSR we had a bentonite factory near Ijevan. It hasn't functioned for 30 years. If it resumes operations, you have no idea the level of revenue it would bring. Its transportation is financially feasible only with the use of a railway. We could export this material south [to Iran via Nakhijevan] because Iraq and other states need it for the oil industry. The Crossroads of Peace is much more than our immediate neighbors. More types of Armenian goods would become competitive abroad.
FINANCE MINISTER: Correct. The 2021 study examined the products manufactured in regional states, the products that exist in one state that are needed in another state, etc. And we aren't even discussing the transit-only opportunities.
GRZO: Food processing in Armenia boomed in the early 1990s because there was demand for food. These food companies initially needed incentives and loan assistance from the state to kickstart. The same kind of assistance programs should be introduced today for other categories of producers.

Q: If we open the border with Turkey, is it going to make our tomato producers uncompetitive?

FINANCE MINISTER: The Turkish tomato is already being imported to Armenia, albeit through a slightly longer route. The state can support domestic producers if necessary when the border opens. But the advantages surpass the risks. Today we have other types of Armenian products that are uncompetitive in 3rd countries because of the blockade. Today it takes a long time/route for Armenian goods to reach other states.

Armenia wants to reduce reliance on Russian tourists by increasing the number from other countries

ECONOMY MINISTER: The goal is not to reduce tourism from Russia, but to increase the numbers from other states. The UAE is one of the fastest-growing tourism hubs, so we are working with them to "redirect" tourists from the Philippines, India, and Southeast Asia to Armenia. Another target is Europe and the US. We will soon have trade representatives in Germany and the US tasked with not only trade but also tourism.

anti-corruption: authorities arrested a resident of Ararat suspected of offering bribes to vote for ex-president Serj Sargsyan's "Pativ Unem" faction during the 2021 general elections

AUTHORITIES: The suspect visited the house of a resident on the eve of the elections and offered ֏30K to vote for Pativ Unem. The resident rejected the bribe. The suspect proceeded to offer the bribe to the resident's two daughters. One of them took it.
The suspect was on the run but was found and arrested earlier this month.
The resident who took the bribe was also charged with a felony crime but the case was dropped for genuine remorse and cooperation. //

speed cameras will be upgraded to monitor average speed on the highway

INTERIOR MINISTER: Our motorists are lacking driving discipline. We will replace the speed cameras with modern ones. The new ones will be installed this year on all highways and a new system for registering violations will be introduced. The cameras will monitor the drivers' speed along a section of the highway [calculate your average speed by measuring how fast you reach from point A to point B], and not your speed in one particular spot. You won't get away by reducing your speed just in front of the camera. This is how it's done in Europe. //
source, source,

new requirements for dog adopters

Dog adopters will be required to keep the pets within the premises of their property and not allow them to freely roam on the streets. Medical services and vaccination will be required.

Armenia's Shant Sargsyan is the winner of the Bucharest Grand Prix Rapid chess tournament

He won 8.5 out of 10 points, and €5,000.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 12:00 throwawaykingplayer AITAH for "stalking" a girl I really like?

Update: K blocked me and called my father yesterday. She told him that she was unaware that I had been warned to stay away. She reached out to the girl's friend to ask about the girl and dog directly and she told her about my attempts after I got released, that she never knew who it was reaching out to her friend but it made her life hell which is an exaggeration and that the mother and aunt had a list of people that had tried to contact her when she was a minor and she would take it to court. She told my father that the dog was gifted to her because it's a guard/nanny dog for her protection if she had to leave the house or she was home alone. They had taken all the gifts I had sent her. She told my father that the family is planning to pursue legal action for harassment stalking and revenge prawn on the person who posted her photos sent her cars to pick her up for work sent her food although I did not know she was allergic. The police told her she needs to move and shut down her pages for safety reasons and her family told K that because they continuously have to move her and change her number and spend transportation funds to ensure she isn't alone they are coming after whoever continues to distress her. My father demanded I get rid of everything and leave her alone or move out and he won't support me anymore. He demanded to see all my folders. He doesn't know cellphones well so I'm sure K told him to. I'm an adult and she's an adult. I don't see where they have the right to demand this. There's proof that her family has isolated her from people. It's not stalking if you're trying to save someone from their abusive family. They just want to keep her so she can continue to be their free maid. She is clearly unhappy. She saw the bondage bag back in HS. She discussed it with her then boyfriend. She was definitely into it and they are the problem. She is never alone and she only hangs out with women. They are turning her into a man hater and she will end up gay and a sinner if I don't save her. I have until tonight to decide. I wanted to stop by her house yesterday. I reached out to K on email because she forgot to block me there and told her I would appreciate it if she would butt out of my relationships. She unblocked me just to call and yell at me. She swore at me. She insulted me. She looked at the girl's tiktok and told me that I'm the reason this girl is literally dying. I'm the reason she sounds so sad and why every smile is fake. I'm the reason she is too scared to go out or answer anyone. That I have robbed this girl of job opportunities that would have taken her out of the country and away from me. She was going to leave to Germany. She doesn't even speak German. K kept yelling at me and when I tried to explain my side of things she told me to shut up. That she honestly thought the girl was just very busy and she's been there. She "didn't know she was helping me harass someone into hating themselves and everything they used to love to do ." She kept yelling at me and said if I don't get rid of everything and go far away she will call the cops as she now has her own proof that I used other people to get to her. That she will give them all the information she has on me and even my truck plate number. Her tiktok is all positivity. I don't think K is right at all. She doesn't seem depressed at all. She seems happy. K must have told the rest of the group. They reached out and said they cannot continue our friendships anymore. That they will be contacting her family to get involved with taking turns at home work and school to make sure I do not get to see her and that she won't see me. One of my longest friends who I thought of as a brother let's call him T called and said that he couldn't believe I would risk all of their freedoms and livelihoods and their families to hurt a girl. That he thought he knew me better than that. That he thought we were closer than blood. That he is disgusted with me because he has two daughters of his own and that I as a grown man fell in love with a little high school girl and have been torturing her ever since which I think is total BS because she was 16 and people married and had kids at that age. He doesn't want me around anymore. That he just wants to apologize to her for being one of the ways I hurt her. That if he had known what I was doing he would have stopped it. They haven't heard from her directly yet and it's not looking good.
on a throw away cuz she's on reddit. so this is the thing. I met this girl back when she was in HS. she was dating a kid I was mentoring at that time that i used to see as a brother until i met her. I ain't gonna lie when I say everything about her is really weird and mad annoying. The annoying thing about her is that she don't answer the phone takes a long time to text back and doesn't coming over to anyone house if they're not a woman. She is constantly sick but finds the time and energy to take care of the livestock in her house and take care of her family and go to work but she's too sick to hang out with the group. Her colorful hair and tattoo and piercings are also a huge turn off but nipople piercings are hot so I allow it. The thing is I want to turn her into a real woman cuz right now she's a bro in a woman's body and doesn't follow orders from men. She won't change her hair to normal. She won't wear dresses unless she's out with a woman. She won't get rid of the piercings. She doesn't even put out. This is where I know I messed up. I heard her sing. When I heard her voice I knew I wanted her. I feel bad for the kid I was mentoring at the time but he was a youngin who didn't deserve her. While in HS she had a bad car accident that caused long term memory issues and what our mutual friend lets call her K refers to as temporary amnesia. So I thought I could convince her that she promised to run away with me when she turned 18. The aaccident happened when she was 17. She showed her mother and her mother messaged me telling me to leave her alone or she would call the cops. I didn't stay away. I knew she wanted the kid I was mentoring to go to her recital. He didn't show up. I know he didn't cuz I did show up. I had some bondage stuff in the car cuz she is definitely into those things. She wrote about it in HS and still writes about it today. I got into some legal trouble after she graduated and couldn't see her. When I got out I really had no way to find her other than her name. She uses a lot of other names other than her own and sometimes don't even use her own pics. She ain't no catfish they're just cartoon images she likes. I reached out on messenger and she ain't answer. So I found her instagram and her tiktok. She didn't answer there either. A lot of what she has on her page are outfits she won't go out in no matter how hot they are and they are really hot some cooking crap and stuff about her livestock that she calls her babies. I kept looking and found her secret social media accounts. She smokes pot looks way smaller than she did in HS. She was definitely fatter in HS. She looks like she's gonna puke all the time and she's so tiny now that she looks like air will knock her down. I messaged her on her secret accounts and she ain't reply to me. She has a busy life so I kept digging and waited. I found out some updates by asking around on her and watching her pages. I paid someone to help me get more info. Then without saying how I found her spicy photos. They are not online and she doesn't have an OF so I made a few sites and posted them to cover myself a little and put weird tags so no one would find them. She got a lot of attention but still ain't reply to me so I started driving by her house. I left her crap she likes and watched her from my car. She didn't get as happy as I thought she would. I watched her for a long time but she won't answer me and she lives with family so I ain't trying to go over n find out. Recently she started posting stuff about taking care of your health before its too late and does too muych damage. She keepts getting smaller and smaller like she's malnourished. I invited her out to eat on different tiktoks accounts and she never answers. I don't think she's with anyone cuz none of her media secret and public have anything like that. Her birthday is in 3 days and I know the perfect gift to make her say Yes to me. I brought it up to my dad who has met her and K and they both told me to stop before I get arrested. K told me if I was the one sending her stuff to stop and she blocked me after she went home. AITAH for stalking a HS flame? I know I'm what's best for her. She needs real guidance and discipline from a realk man not a woman.
submitted by throwawaykingplayer to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 13:49 Drumadd Technical question about Blocking on Ig. Bug?

I decided to unblock all the people I had on Facebook and Instagram (accounts linked).
When I did this there is still 7 people that appear on my blocked list on Instagram. I keep pressing unblock, re-open the app but they keep appearing there. The only difference I see is that under their name appears the word “facebook”.
I thought these were people that I blocked on facebook, which actually I did blocked on fb. I also unblocked everyone on my Facebook.
But these 7 people keep appearing there. I want to removed them. Now this is only happening on the cellphone app because when I checked on Instagram web they do not appear as blocked.
I would appreciate your help on this
Thank you
submitted by Drumadd to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.02.16 20:46 throwaway_x1x1 My father had secret friends before dying and probably was addicted to porn.

My father passed away a few days ago. He was always a very very closed person and very cautios with his phone, never let anyone touch it or have acess to it. And yet he was always very active, always texting with random people. My mother never cared, when she asked him he used to say it was just clients. He was a very introverted guy, loved tech stuffs, so we didn't bothered. I never talked to my mom about that, I think she knew there was something wrong, but I don't think she cared enough to do something about it.
When I was 16 years old, I found out a youtube video he made for some girl's birthday I don't even know, in the video he said he love her. She seemd very young, around 19. She lives in another state, I'm sure my father never meet her in person. He was ALWAYS at home and we lived together. I've never told anyone about it. My father had a total 0 of personal IRL friends, since I was a Kid he never met a friend at home.
Time goes on, I'm 29 now. My father is dead but he gave me access to his cellphone before dying, he said he was worried If I had no battery or had to call someone I could use it. I was in the hospital with him. He deleted almost all of his chat histories and blocked dozens (I'm not even exaggerating, 192 contacts of random women in chat apps, almost all of them around 20, 25 years old). He died of cancer, and he knew he was going to die. Telling him he was going to die was the hardest thing I've done in my life. I loved my father so much, he was a great dad. When I close my eyes I see him in his adult diapers in the hospital, because he got too weak to get to the bathroom. I loved that man, he did teach me so much about life. He was a good dad. He had his problems I know, but he was a good dad.
His last wish in the hospital was to get baptized by a priest and my cousin called a priest to fulfill his wish.
I got a few messages he didn't delete. There is one a girl asks for money while calling him Mr and he said he didn't have it. It seems to me he paid her a few times. I found out a drive in his google account with tons of porn of one the girls he blocked. When I was kid we were always at trouble for money, ALWAYS, I went through therapy for that shi*t. We just start to get a good life when I started working and I was paying for stuff.
There's a few girls he didn't block. And they keep sending him new messages, in one of them they seem very close (again, from another state, I don't think my dad meet them), in one of the messages the girl says he loved him like a father and I have no idea who is this women. I don't know if he paid them as well or if they were just friends.
My mother don't know yet. I don't know what to do with all of that info.
I was expecting to ask my father all about that before he dies, but I couldn't.
What would you do? Should I tell her? Should I dig in further first? Should I respect my dad's decision of blocking and deleting all of these contacts? Should I call one of these people and ask them how they knew my father? Should I just unblocked them and just wait to see what happens? Is it wrong to search in my father's phone since he is dead? I'm very confused right now.
submitted by throwaway_x1x1 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.01.17 12:07 ProfaneMain Siblings want me to resume contact with my mother. (TW: Abuse.)

TL;DR: my mother didnt respect me (25) in a time of need and still does not listen to me years later.
Hey everyone, sorry if this is a long post or word salad.
Through my teenage years my mother (52), was with a man who I will call F (58), who was the big man around the house and threw his weight around when people acted out (with my older brother and step brothers). Beyond that, both F and mom would argue frequently and accusations of cheating or being attracted to other people would be thrown about.
So growing up in that household from 10-18, and then putting up with tidbits for 7 more years obviously had me feel very jaded on visiting home or seeing them at family events.
When I came of age, I joined the military to leave that household right away and guarantee I would not have to mooch off of them a day later than necessary. This is when I had my perspective on my mother permanently changed.
While in bootcamp I had a contact list for my background check which I unfortunately threw out while cleaning out our lockers. I searched desperately to find it and simply could not. When the time came for my interview with the background checker, he informed me that I needed that stuff and allowed me to call my mother, giving me 10 minutes. My first priority was getting the info and so I told my mom how to get in my google account, and told her it would be the very first thing on the docs.
She claimed she couldnt find it and so I had to scrounge up whatever I could from memory about my friends (names and rough addresses)- which seemed to be enough for that time. My mother wanted to make small talk shortly after, but I had to get back to the interview, so I explained that I will contact her later.
My division was allowed our first call home and I needed more information, in part to send my friends letters and provide info for the background investigator. I asked her if she had any luck finding the document and if she could mail it to me, to which she insisted she couldnt. There was a limited amount of time, around 5 minutes allowed per phonecall given we were an 80 person division, and so I explained again where to find it and the log in information, but otherwise ran out of time and had to say goodbye.
Weeks later I received her letter, explaining that she read my contact list and was dissatisfied with the people on it and instead sent me a list of direct relatives I could reach out to. None of this would be admissible for the background investigation, as I had been told and also informed my mother earlier.
A few more weeks later, I was sat down once again with the investigator who examined the information I provided and requested more. I was allowed to call home again to get anything I could, to be once again stonewalled and pry every bit of detail I could regarding close friends' exact addresses and phone numbers (we lived in a small town, so I didnt bother memorizing the numbers and instead went to their homes by muscle memory)
Eventually I had enough to satisfy the investigator. I managed to speak with my mother during my next divisional phonecall and spent those five minutes answering basics about my training and hearing about relatives before saying goodbye.
The day before graduating bootcamp I called home again to which F had answered. We were only permitted four people to invite to our graduation from bootcamp and so I chose my maternal grandparents, my mother, and my father. This is when F informed me that my mother was flying over, but almost didnt come because of the way I treated her- all business and no chatting. My logic at the time being that if she couldnt get me the information I needed- I wouldnt get the job I applied for.
When I graduated, she approached me with my father and grandparents and proudly handed me a card (as I graduated bootcamp on my birthday), insisting that I open it in front of her. Inside of the card was a folded sheet of paper, which revealed to be the contact sheet I begged her to mail out weeks ago.
"Now you can contact them!" She said, beaming with joy. I was then handed my cellphone, which already had all of that info on it.
When I arrived at my training school I rarely reached out, primarily due to being pissed off but also in part because the course curriculum was difficult.
After graduating (again), my first visit home was christmas eve, where my mother and F launched into an argument within the first hour of me being back. I realized that they hadnt changed in the year I had been gone, or at least eben tried to pretend everything was hunky-dory for their first holiday with me after being gone for a year and a half or so.
Over the years after I left, I spoke with her less and less. Going from every couple of weeks to every couple of months, to twice a year around mothers day and her birthday unless she reached out.
Then after I medicially separated from the military and moved in with my father, I realized he was growing frustrated with me living the lazy bachelor lifestyle after 2 months (this stemmed from me having no access to medication and being depressed). As such, I reached out to F on me potentially moving back home, given he had final say in the matter. No response whatsoever. A few days later, I sent him a birthday text and he responded right away. He had received both messages according to my phone, so this left a bad taste in my mouth in the event I ever try staying with them again.
Then in late 2023, family drama started with my brother, D. I called my mother because he wasnt answering the phone and she told me he was next to her on the couch. I asked if I could speak with him and she then proceeded to explain what she heard, to which I said I wanted to talk to D. I had to repeat myself 5 times before she finally let me talk with him, and afterwards I reached a realization.
She didnt respect me. I need something? She ignores my pleas. My brother has something going down and I want to talk to him? She has to get a word in before that. The boys are having fights and arguments with F on a consistent basis? That doesnt matter one bit.
And so this November I went no contact with F and my mother. I didnt do a dramatic "final message" or anything, I simply blocked them and let it be.
It wasnt until a few days ago when my brother and half sister reached out to me. (For my half sister, my mother dated a man before F and had his child, but she only had partial custody every other weekend.) Both of them insisted I had gone too far and should unblock her and not be a "shithead".
I know that this story carries a lot of stuff with it, and if need be I can try explaining any additional info in the comments.
submitted by ProfaneMain to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2023.11.21 05:21 Candid-Impression88 Did you come to the realization you dont know your WS?

Essentially, we had a DDay2 yesterday. WH went to see AP in the hospital twice after telling me he wouldn't, has been in contact with the roommate and sister, then proceeded to buy a second cellphone! W.T.F is wrong with him? (Wayward, please weigh in here!!!) I packed his shit in garbage bags, told him I'm filing for divorce and he can move out. I took my wedding ring off and left it for him to see.
We are in such a terrible position now. It feels like reconciliation will never happen. He can't stop this compulsive behavior. Hes incredibly upset that I'm going this route but I told him i don't deserve this. He finally gave me his phone to look at, blocked everyone related to AP, deleted messages and their numbers. He also messaged AP the exact message I wanted. I told him this is not enough. Now he needs to follow through with NC. I don't believe he's going to be able to stop. He is so upset that I'm making him leave and preparing for divorce now. IDK what he expected.
He knows he lying all the fucking time, he's secretive, hes making decisions that show he's not thinking about me at all, every choice he makes is selfish, he commiting financial infidelity. He's so deep he can't get out. He looks miserable now but also hasn't shown me in nearly 35 days that he's even serious about wanting to be married. He may desire his wife and family in his mind, but none of his actions prove it. He's so disconnected.
I have this overwhelming feeling now (and maybe because I'm trying to numb myself to the pain) that I don't actually know who my husband is. There's the man I know in my mind and who I believed him to be. But now I have a feeling of clarity, that my husband's actions don't coincide with the man I believe he is. Almost like I've woken up realizing I've been deceived for 14 years and I'm coming into the light, learning I never knew this man. This man who's been exposed by the affair is the real man.
I'm also realizing I need to grieve the end of our relationship. I've had so much trickle truth and deception daily since DDay1. This man is still trying to have his cake and eat it too. He helps everyone else around him, he shows more concern for APs wellbeing then my own, and doesn't think about me at all in any decisions he makes. And if he does, he still decides to be selfish and destructive. It's so easy for him to hurt me, and keep hurting me. I don't see how we come back from this. This trauma is too great for me.. I cant deal with this for 2 years or more.
One final thought. I have zero trust in him. Even though he showed me his phone, blocked AP, and is returning his cellphone tomorrow, I now question what will stop him from even unblocking or going to see AP again, and what's to stop him from getting another phone later on? He's lied about everything I've discovered, and keeps doing this behavior, because it's who he is. he's not the man I believed he was
submitted by Candid-Impression88 to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2023.10.26 17:29 Novel-Risk457 Soo...My friends insta got hacked, and i receive this message apparently @earn.with.trust_ is a scam account.

Soo...My friends insta got hacked, and i receive this message apparently @earn.with.trust_ is a scam account. submitted by Novel-Risk457 to Scams [link] [comments]

2023.09.20 18:16 stoicxlonewolf Off my chest

Meron may utang sa akin na nag start since March this year. Sabi pa niya dagdagan ko ng interest/tubo yung utang niya. Tapos every 2 months ako nag aattempt maningil. Every instance ng paniningil ko hindi siya nakakapag bayad or hulog. Ang sinasabi niya is pa sensya na at kung ano ano pang dahilan. Pero nakikita kong nakakapag My Day siya na kung saan saan kumakain at nag gagala.
Nakakaramdam akong tatakbuhan ako neto kasi ang dalang na niya mag reply at sobrang tagal ng pagitan ng replies. So ang ginawa ko ay nag screenshot ng mga convo namin pati Gcash receipts ng mga pinautang ko sa ka niya. Pati mga My Day niya iniiscreenshot ko. Sinave ko rin yung FB profiles ng mga friends niya sa FB na actively siya nakikipag interact. Pati profiles ng family members niya. Ginawa ko ito para lang just in case na mapunta sa worst scenario; which is iblock ako sa social media and pati sa cell phone number. Kumbaga takbuhan ako.
Fast forward this September. Hindi ko alam exactly when pero nakita ko na lang today na blocked na ako sa FB and Messenger. Confirmed ko kasi pina visit ko yung FB link niya sa isang friend ko at na viview naman niya. Sa cellphone number rin blocked na ako.
Tapos ayun ang ginawa ko minessage ko isa isa yung mga friends niya and some family members. Sabi ko pa help naman mag singil ng utang. Sinend ko rin mga evidence ko na screenshot. After a few minutes, bigla siyang nag message at nag unblock. Magbabayad na raw siya next month.
Ang malupit dito is nagmamakaawa siyang iunsent ko yung mga chats and screenshots ko sa mga friends niya and some family members. Baka raw isipin nila na dinadamay niya sila. Sabi ko hindi ko na problem yun kung ano isipin nila at wala ng sense na iunsent kasi na basa na rin naman na nila. Sabi ko rin na consequence rin yan sa pag attempt niyang tumakbo sa utang.
Pero ang kulit niya nagmamakaawa talaga na iunsent. Kami daw mag usap wag sila idamay. Nakikipag usap naman daw siya maayos. Sabi ko blinock mo ako at hindi nirereplyan ng matagal, ayun ba yung pakikipag usap ng maayos?
Anyway, sabi ko sa ka niya iuunsent ko lang yun ka pag natapos na niya utang niya sakin. Mali ba ako na minessage ko mga tao na na sa circle niya. Mali ba ako na hindi ko iuunsent unless tapos na yung utang niya sa akin.
Actually hindi na akong umaasang maibabalik pa yung money eh. Sapat na for me yung ginawa kong pag message sa circle niya to let them know what kind of person she is. Ano yun, ako na naging mabait ako pa maiistress kakasingil. I say no.
submitted by stoicxlonewolf to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2023.09.19 14:37 Kinaitoch PK against the world

Ok soo... ive played For honor since beta release. I understand that the reactiom being changed to mindread was necessary for new players and avoiding the boring turtle meta(i personally liked but thats mot the case. And i meant after the removal of guarantee GB post-parry. Before that was awful)
Yeah i do main PK but because of the gameplay being more like counter attack rather spammy spammy like zerk or orochi. The fact of being mindread game consist into player has lot of knowledge matchup rather play the game. That would be 70% player mind and 30% PK gameplay, and heres the reason of : her risk reward. Yes ofc she has high damage yes ofc she has enchanced. But does that matter having a grab if the enemy will haver hyper armor at every single attack? The highest damage of PK cames from top heavy finisher plus bleed and GB bleed, but lets be real. To do such situation the player must have do a very dumb mistake like dodge the heavy finisher , and the poimt where i want to come from. Side dodge attack tends to be one of the easiest way to counter her finisher.
"Just feint and parry" you have literally cancel top bleed, a GB feint, and a dodge dash attack. Feint is literally the 25% of posibility to get the other player a side dodge attack. That means : you have 75% of chance that player can side dodge, 50% player parry your attack and 50% chance to cancel GB (if they light attack first like storm rush counter from orochi)(if we put a sumatory. that would be 50%-25%-25%, and is still a high chance to side dodge)
I know all this thing can be wrong, but the point is that you need to try hard more than other heroes to trade properly. Reasom why pk light/zone attack is 400ms and player exploit that might be because of the very high risk, low reward that gives on finishers.
The identity of being a counter attack heroe (at least what game says) is nowadays a joke due the ammount of hyper armor and forceful mindreads. She can be fine right now but honestly. With all that meta coming, i can just feel herself as an outdated playstyle, forcing to play as rush-down spammer light/zoner.
Hyper armor against peacekeeper is literally a way to say : Hey PK, you are making me giggle with that stabbies. And honestly, i wouldnt be surprise if at least deflect could break hyperarmor due the lack of option she has as a counter attack heroe.
"Just parry bro". Im sorry but thats literally say "just play like normal heroe bro". And thats the whole point, PK doesnt have tool to do that, she is surprisely more defensive than other asassins, hence why the 38 dmg bleeds or bleed stacks. I accept the undodgeable attacks cause it feels 100% fair imo, since requires a fair mind read.
Im not talking about damage here but the effort you need to put for such reward. Theres too many hyper armor for being an counterattack heroe with zero bashes-undodgeables and one single unblockable thst need the target bleed.
It has great pressure for sure, but zero reason to has pressure if theres too much risk. Unlike nobushi for example
This is totally my opinion and i can understand why you guys can disagree, however remember this is just a game where we all can enjoy with the playstyles we like the most.
(Also im typing on my cellphone)
submitted by Kinaitoch to forhonor [link] [comments]

2023.09.09 21:28 CreatorAvenue How would you solve this?

Greetings everybody!
Names is CreatorAvenue. I am approaching you beautiful gentlemen and gentlewomen today with a nice hypothetical question.
You’re building a digital CRM for small to mid service providers such as cosmeticians and hairdressers, it helps the business owners with managing their work journal and helps their customers with booking appointments to their services. It works by the following order: A service provider onboards our platform, where he receives a minimalistic and slightly customizable landing page, that landing page contains info about the service provider and a calendar where their customers can enter and book appointments. The service providers publishes that landing page on his socials therefore eliminating the need to use their cellphone for appointment scheduling, while getting control about his business volume, growth and many more features. 
The issue:
let’s take into consideration a hairdresser with multiple services that he offer: men’s haircut - 30 minutes, women’s haircut - 50 minutes. Currently due to different services lengths the hairdresser is facing time holes that are inherently in his calendar. Those could be between 10 minutes to 25 minutes of pauses between appointments. I want to eliminate those time holes so the service provider will work continuously. 
What would you do to make it continuous?
My thoughts:
What I was thinking of blocking every appointment expect the first one of the day, then after it gets booked the appointment right after will become unblocked. Just like building blocks. The downside of this that it will cause churn among the customers because people want different hours. The solution to the downside is adding a waiting list but there will still be uncertainty among their customers that will cause churn. 
PS : added a random snap just for attention. If somebody is interested in my business and is techie, we’re searching for our third partner, based out of Israel for the israeli market.
submitted by CreatorAvenue to nextjs [link] [comments]

2023.09.09 21:23 CreatorAvenue How would you solve this?

How would you solve this?
Greetings everybody!
Names is CreatorAvenue. I am approaching you beautiful gentlemen and gentlewomen today with a nice hypothetical question.
You’re building a digital CRM for small to mid service providers such as cosmeticians and hairdressers, it helps the business owners with managing their work journal and helps their customers with booking appointments to their services. It works by the following order: A service provider onboards our platform, where he receives a minimalistic and slightly customizable landing page, that landing page contains info about the service provider and a calendar where their customers can enter and book appointments. The service providers publishes that landing page on his socials therefore eliminating the need to use their cellphone for appointment scheduling, while getting control about his business volume, growth and many more features. 
The issue:
let’s take into consideration a hairdresser with multiple services that he offer: men’s haircut - 30 minutes, women’s haircut - 50 minutes. Currently due to different services lengths the hairdresser is facing time holes that are inherently in his calendar. Those could be between 10 minutes to 25 minutes of pauses between appointments. I want to eliminate those time holes so the service provider will work continuously. 
What would you do to make it continuous?
My thoughts:
What I was thinking of blocking every appointment expect the first one of the day, then after it gets booked the appointment right after will become unblocked. Just like building blocks. The downside of this that it will cause churn among the customers because people want different hours. The solution to the downside is adding a waiting list but there will still be uncertainty among their customers that will cause churn. 
PS : added a random snap just for attention. If somebody is interested in my business and is techie, we’re searching for our third partner, based out of Israel for the israeli market.
submitted by CreatorAvenue to microsaas [link] [comments]

2023.09.07 04:08 Medical_Smoke_5937 Random text cleverly lured me into something romantic.

Random text cleverly lured me into something romantic.
This legitimately felt like a normal accidental text until I started looking at strange patterns and cracks in their set up. She started posting on FB 20 only days ago & I can’t even find her own company on Google search.
submitted by Medical_Smoke_5937 to Scams [link] [comments]

2023.08.30 08:44 Unlikely_Papaya_3590 Got voicemails sent to my mom's phone of our family talking to eachother.

Hi, I'm new to reddit so I hope I'll explain this thoroughly enough.
We live in Ontario Canada and still have a "landline" (it's a phone line using our internet, service by ITalkbb).
Today, my mom got a couple of calls from our landline which she picked up the first call. She said she heard me singing and washing dishes in the background of the call, so she thought that I somehow called her and left the phone somewhere. After that she called me through our landline and I picked up. I wasn't singing nor in the living room washing the dishes where this homephone is.
I assumed it was a weird prank call, that someone spoofed our landline number to bypass the spam filters. So I told her to not to pick up anymore calls from the number. Then voicemails were left when she didn't pick up, she listened to them and they're all recordings of bits and pieces of past conversations that have happened in our living room (Last Saturday). You can hear the TV in the background and just my parents conversing about the show they're watching.
After that my mom called me on my cellphone to unplug the landline and I told her to block our number so she doesn't have to deal with anymore weird calls during her shift. We unblocked the number after I unplugged our landline and she got a call at 6:50 pm with similar style of recording (which is weird since now my home phone is unplugged).
We just called ITalkbb about this situation and the only thing they mentioned was something about call forwarding (pressing *73 on our homephone), I don't have full details because my mom was the one who contacted ITalkbb and spoke with them in Cantonese. We plugged the phone back in to try the *73 thing and all I got was the phone tone of no service/can't reach number.
Other key information: - Mom got 3 different calls, 2 are saved on voicemail - the calls appear as outgoing calls on her history but she said she picked up the calls - the box we use for the landline connected to the internets is probs 8ish years old -our homephone is probs also around the same age.
I hope this makes sense, this is my first post on reddit because I genuinely don't know what to do about this situation. I'm a little creeped out by this and was wondering if anyone would be able to help or explain what might have happened.
UPDATE: I've updated our passwords and software. We're planning to just drop our landline (we realised we dont really need it).
Nothing has happened ever since we unplugged everything and disconnected it from our router. I've also made a report with our local police. And that's kind of where things have ended up.
submitted by Unlikely_Papaya_3590 to RBI [link] [comments]

2023.08.17 19:33 boru_posts Oh, you had me living a lie for a year? Maybe I'll just go ahead and dismantle every aspect of your life.

Fun Fact To Cover Spoilers: If we were able to travel at the speed of light, we would be able to get to Mars in about 3 minutes. Compare this to the several months it takes us currently to get to Mars (About 7 months).
Content Warning: Cheating, Child Neglect, Mentions of Rape of a Minor, Drug Trafficking, DUI, and Death
Mood Spoiler: Satisfying
I am not the OOP, that would be u/rvngthrowaway who posted these on ProRevenge This has been reposted on this sub before.
Oh, you had me living a lie for a year? Maybe I'll just go ahead and dismantle every aspect of your life. (Originally Posted May 1st, 2017)
Well I was had! I been took! I been hoodwinked! Bamboozled! Led astray! Run amok!
This is a trailer trash roller coaster. All aboard!
The Lies
I thought I was in a slightly tumultuous but overall fun relationship for a year. I had gotten out of a 12 year relationship when I met Fuckboi, he was so charming and handsome I thought I won the lottery! He was super pushy about saying "I love you" first and defining our relationship. He introduced me to his family. His niece started calling me Auntie. He tells me about his 3 children and their mothers and lies about how the mother of his oldest hates him and is keeping him away from the kid.
But then things started getting weird. His "ex" started calling all the fucking time, multiple times a day. They had children together, but the grandmother had custody the lie I was told to make it seem normal was that both of them had jobs where they traveled a lot, so they signed legal guardianship over to the g-ma to make schooling & emergency issue easier. Then she moved down to the city we were loving in for "work training". Then she was moving down permanently without the kids. When I asked why the kids weren't coming, the lie I was told they need to stay in the same school Um, they are 6 and 4 I'd say staying with parents is more important at that age than their peer group. It was weird, but I'm the cool girlfriend and it wasn't my place to tell them where their daughters should live.
His "work" was in the cannabis industry, kind of. He worked with the "ex" brother in law going to legal states, buying pounds at a time and trafficking it via USPS. So, when he tells me he's going to Oregon I think nothing of it.
After a week in Oregon, a lot of stories aren't adding up, like his phone is always dead even though he carries a power bank with him. THEN one of his "friends" starts posting cuddled up selfies with him. I quickly put 2 and 2 together and dump him for cheating on me with this chick in Oregon.
The Truth
After I dumped him I made a messy facebook post on his wall, which the mother of his oldest child sees and she contacts me and lays out the truth!
This shocked me, so I paid for a criminal background check which is how I learned of their records.
The Revenge
I PROFUSELY thanked the ex for telling me the truth about the situation. I mulled on it for a bit trying to convince myself to simply consider myself lucky and just walk away with my dignity intact. But then he'd be winning and I knew I had everything in my power to come down on him like Thor's hammer.
[UPDATE] Oh, you had me living a lie for a year? Maybe I'll just go ahead and dismantle every aspect of your life. (Originally Posted September 14th, 2017)
This is an update to this post.
Since a lot of you didn't believe my last post, I brought you bunch of Whitney's the receipts
I wish y'all could see the smile on my face right now
Cast of characters:
Ex who cheated on me - A
His new girlfriend - J
A's Ex who helped me & got her justice - V
Here are the bullet points, since I love y'all to pieces and you liked them so much last time
So, I thought my story ended here
Not everything I wanted, but V is getting regular money and so justice had been done.
Message Transcript: (Message Request From A)-It might not matter to you but leaving you was not an easy thing for me to do. Might have seemed that way but it tore me up. I am not even mad for all the chaos you caused me. We all make stupid choices in life. I chased a fantasy and moved to the other side of the country. Well I got what I deserved. I'll spare the details for fear of excess gloating. You are a step g beautiful woman, you have to know that. You did nothing wrong, you have to know that. I had to do this.I am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart. I never said anything to you that I did not mean. Damn, I think of you still and wish you the best. Just wish I had done things differently. You didn't deserve that. Sorry.
*Transcript of text convo between V and OOP-*V: So i promised A lmfao I wouldn't tell anyone. He claims J cheated and he is living in his car.OP: *laughs*, KarmaV: He is devastated and said its karma. Now we know why he is so sorry. He has nowhere to go. Be careful.OP: *laughs*V: He called her a terrible person. Said he will never see or speak to her again.
TL;RD I didn't get him arrested, but he is homeless now
Marked as concluded as this story seems to be over and it has been several years since OOP posted. I wish her and V the best.

submitted by boru_posts to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2023.08.10 07:06 bisousmonamor Are these my spirit guides?

I am extremely new to spirituality. (31 F). I was raised strictly Southern Baptist my whole life and even have family members that are still currently very active in pastoring or pastoral care. I was told about demons constantly growing up and had a huge fear of them. I am now deconstructed and have only felt comfortable enough to explore new things over the past few years. At this current point in my life, I feel very connected to it. I’m starting to learn and explore more things such as oracle decks, learning how to unblock my chakras, and learning what clairvoyance is (which I now believe I have some traits).
Today I pulled a card from my Oracle deck and it read that my spirit guides will always be there for me. Last night when I went to bed my heating pad was on 3 which is my angel number and I hadn’t been in the bedroom where it lays, all day. And tonight around the same time, I opened my laundry room door and the door knob was vibrating like a cellphone. It really startled me since it is hard for me to distinguish what is something “good” or “bad” because of how I was raised. The same door once had a bang on the other side of it when we first moved in to this place about two years ago. This is the first time anything has happened to me like this. The energy feels non-threatening when I enter the room and I feel like it’s trying to send me a message. I am just very unsure of what that is right now.
submitted by bisousmonamor to SpiritualAwakening [link] [comments]

2023.07.28 15:21 Seans_new_alt_kek Text messages between a girl and her older brother

(This is part 2 of a series. This is the first part.)
TW: Referenced Suicide, Domestic Violence

July 31, 2014

where are you


mom bought Mcdonalds


where are you?

have dinner without me
i wont be home for a while

that doesnt answer my question
stop beating around the bush
where. are. you.

dont worry about it

you do realize if youre not home ill be in the middle of the family fuckfest by myself?
you know i dont want that
just tell me where the hell you are

dont worry
that wont happen anymore
im sure of it
and as for where i am
ill be home in a few minutes.
im went for a walk

just a heads up
dad is waiting in front of the door
with a belt
and before you ask
i am not going near him

thats okay

where the fuck were you
you said youd be home in a bit
i told them that
now he thinks im a liar
where the fuck are you

what did he do

he used the belt on me
because you didnt fucking show up
why the fuck did you abandon me

No matter how hard I try, I always hurt someone, no?


I'm sorry.


I'll make it up to you.
I won't hurt anyone else anymore.


I'm sorry that I got you hurt one more time.
\Sophia blocked Nathaniel.**
Why couldn't he do it?
Why couldn't he jump?
If he fell head first, the death would be instant.
So why?
...This can't be the answer, can it?
No, this can't be.
Nathan looks down the building once more.
He sees a man walking home from work.
He sees a mother and her 2 children walking home with take-out from McDonalds.
He sees another man, walking his dog.
...What was he doing?
August 1, 2014
\Sophia unblocked Nathaniel**
this isnt funny
are you okay
i found your diary
please dont tell me your doing it
\Missed call**
\Missed call**
\Missed call**
\Missed call**
god please dont be dead please dont
im sorry okay?
im sorry for all the shit i said last night
im sorry
i ddint mean it
i was emtional
im soryr
just please come back
please dont be dead
\Missed call**
\Missed call**
\Missed call**
The sun rises over the city once again.
A phone is left on a rooftop, constantly vibrating. It seems like someone is trying to contact it.
A girl is heard screaming in a building, waking up the entire floor. She seems to be reading a notebook.
A man is walking around the city, shouting the name of his son along with several apologies and empty promises to be a better father. The boy never hears them.
A woman is on her cellphone. She seems to be contacting the police, saying that her son committed suicide.
Sophia collapses onto her brother's bed, crying.
Hrdina is restrained by several other people, never finding his son.
Rubin gives information to the police about her son. Though, she could only give so much before breaking down herself.
Nathan leaves the city, carrying a backpack, and a dream.
It may be hard, but if he really tries, he will be able to move on from them...
...But no matter how hard they try, they will never move on from him.
submitted by Seans_new_alt_kek to loghorror [link] [comments]

2023.05.04 00:42 TurnoverWeary7796 BPD boyfriend repeatedly verbally abused me. Don't know what's real and what's not real.

I've been in a relationship with a bpd man for about 1 year. It was intense from the beginning, and I have always tried to be understanding/supportive. He is extremely jealous, and we had weekly (sometimes daily) arguments about stuff that for me were always non-negotiable (like hanging out with my friends, focusing on my work during the day, posting normal pictures of myself online).
I always had to walk on eggshells since the 2nd month or something because even the minor of things(like not replying for 30min) would cause a big freak out
I became physically sick from the experience of being in a non-ending conflict and tried breaking up a few times. I lost contact with my family and my friends. Still wasn't enough for him.
It reached a point where I was being verbally used on a normal basis. And I don't know for what reason I kept forgiving even after he life threatened me.
He keeps bringing up my "sexual past" which he doesn't know anything about, I repeatedly told him about it, and he still doesn't believe me. He keeps saying that I'm a sl*t and that I have no value. He made fun of my nude pics being exposed when I was a minor (even after I told him that made me try suicide quite a few times).
He called me names on a regular basis and for about two or three months he started to talk about my physical appearance too, calling me hideous to my face, saying that I need surgery, that I'm the ugliest woman he has ever dated.
Writing about it makes me feel like such a loser and it's so embarrassing that I accepted this behavior and forgave him for feeling pity? Like no partner has ever treated me this bad in my entire life.
And it is a constant cycle of
When I take him back he always says the same things: that he is sorry because he loves me, he takes everything back, it was just to "get a reaction out of me, that he is sorry, he does it because he loves me tooooo hard and can't deal with it, i'm the most beautiful person in the world, he appreciates me sooooo much and he wants to marry me and have kids and be happy and he is never gonna do it again
The hardest part is knowing that I really love him, but I can't be with someone who disrespects me and doesn't treat me as a person. I have my own demons to fight too, and I've dealt with the most gut-wrenching things people could deal with in life and still don't treat people like that. I keep making excuses for him (he's had a rough life too! his mother abandoned him! his ex cheated!).
When he's not a horrible person he is great. But I'm becoming traumatized and scared and I've never felt this way. I feel like I'm losing myself.
A big part of my personality is that I was always a bubbly person and I don't feel like that for months now. I've became anti-social and closed off.
As of my appearance, I can't look at myself in the mirror without thinking of all the things he points out when he is angry. I feel like the ugliest person in the world rn.
Advice appreciated.
submitted by TurnoverWeary7796 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]
