Vocabulary workshop first course answers

Aalto ELEC Electrical Workshop course

2013.01.14 17:02 the_imp Aalto ELEC Electrical Workshop course

The official subreddit for the Aalto University of Helsinki, Finland School of Electrical Engineering first-year Workshop course "Sähköpaja"; a hands-on introduction to microcontrollers, embedded computing and actually building things.

2008.08.27 07:36 The Latin Language

This is a community for discussions related to the Latin language.

2012.06.21 18:05 admiraljohn Beginning Photography

READ HERE FIRST: Sort the sub by "Hot" and you'll see a Post titled "READ THIS POST BEFORE POSTING TO "Beginning_Photography" pinned to the top of the sub. Please, READ IT! It has a link to the sub rules and a Q&A about what the sub is all about, as well as links to the sub Wiki and warnings to Surveyors /YouTubers/Bloggers/Article Writers/Intagrammers/Course Creators/App Developers and other attention-seekers.

2024.05.14 20:31 ImABucketAsWell Coworker I'm interested in recently went through a breakup, any advice for me?

Alright straight to the point, I'm 18m, she's 18F (not her real name but ill call her Kat), basically about 5 months ago I got a job at this small salad place as it just opened meeting this girl Kat in the process. Kat is a sweet (as well as a fun mean side to her) little person that over the past few months of me working there, I've slowly developed feelings for. It's gotten to the point where every time our schedule comes out, I take note of all our shifts we have together and find myself constantly looking forward to them unlike any of my others! And during those shifts (our store is not that busy so we get a lot of downtime) I always find myself hanging out with her for most of it just doing simple things like talking about our pets, school, feeding the birds out the drive through window, showing each other funny videos, casually roasting each other, ect. This girl has honestly been unlike any other crush I've had in my life. Usually how it goes for me is I meet a girl say, In one of my classes, we talk a bit from time to time, I develop some small feelings for them, I then start becoming a nervous wreck around them, eventually stop talking to them at all cause I have no idea how to act around them. But with Kat it's been different, I'm not a nervous wreck around them and I don't have to worry about changing my personality when around them, it's oddly sorta freeing tbh. That said, there is one big hiccup in this whole thing in that Kat has/had, a bf. This of course complicates things for me in how to approach her in terms of a relationship.
From what I could tell, they (at least kat was) were pretty close but recently broke up almost a month ago. A quick rundown on what I know about this breakup is that her Bf initiated it, and that there was probably cheating on his end about it, and that Kat is really beat up about the whole thing. They've apparently been dating for a year and a half and was Kats first and only relationship so far. Basically what I'm saying is, she's going through a rough time right now, she's been getting better especially compared to when shit really hit the fan, but still not in the best state right now. So I'm just here to ask, what should I do? I don't want to jump in and make things even more complicated for her, and at the same time, I don't know when would be a good time to make a move. On one hand I don't want to be like one of those guys that takes advantage of someone in an emotionally vulnerable state, but at the same time with her job, which is the only place I can see her (we go to different schools) she's been having talks of quitting so I don't wanna wait too long and miss an opportunity to see and possibly ask her out before she does that. Sorry this post is long, tbh I mostly wrote this to just clear my thoughts and lay it out in writing to think through it, but if you do have any advice please let me hear it as I'm stumped and any fresh thoughts would be more than welcome.
submitted by ImABucketAsWell to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:30 Awesomebananapie Would instruction be more effective with more small group time?

Would instruction be more effective with increased workshop/small group time?
Hi, first grade teacher here. I think my instruction is far more effective during small group times with 5-6 students than when I am teaching in front of 30 students.
Has anyone else made this observation? Would you consider extending workshop time in your room to see more students in small groups each day?
submitted by Awesomebananapie to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:30 Stoame I passed CEH v12 and I share with you my experience

Well it all started in October 2022 I took a course that really did not help me much, it was like the summary of the official videos of council, in short, I let the time pass about 6 months, and then I bought the elite package, the tryhackme membership, you know you buy everything feeling that the more you buy the more you are going to know and no hahahahahahaa, well I started with the council videos but they bored me and when I read the example questions of the modules I did not understand where they got their questions or rather how to answer them because the council videos are very summarized, I got discouraged by it and I let it pass, I preferred to practice in tryhackme because I felt that the theory was costing me, I finished until the path of pentester, but I did not follow it anymore (I consider that at this moment I had the best possible knowledge to pass it), but again I got discouraged and I let time pass, finally a month and a half ago I set the date of my exam (because my voucher was going to expire) I started to read the book of council officer and I understood everything, it is worth mentioning that I do not speak English natively, I consider that my level is a B1/2, in short, on Saturday I took the exam and I passed it.
Also a little about myself, I have worked in different financial institutions in cloud roles (AWS, GCP, Azure), telecommunications (VPN, VDI, Appstream) and internal control of technology.
Summary, of what I would recommend to my past self:
1.- Don't let more time pass (Set a date and take the exam, don't move it).
2.- The official videos I consider that do not help, or classroom courses do not help, at least for me, since it is a lot of info that each one must understand it at their own pace.
3.- The official book of council will help you to pass it (there are not so many pages, it brings many screenshots, algorithms or blanks, imagine I translated some complete modules).
4.-If you bought the elite package as you finish a module of the book practice doing the partial exams (Elite Package Resource/EXAM PREPARATION), the exams of that platform (*topics) also help a lot .
In 1 month I am going to take the CEH practical and I will practice with tryhackme networks among other machines that I find, let's see how it goes.
I hope my experience will be helpful and I wish you all success.
submitted by Stoame to CEH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:29 BonCourageAmis Day 13+

So sick of this. Almost two months ago I had cardiac catheterization stent placement. I’m on blood thinners. I can’t take Paxlovid or any NSAID. The first three days were brutal with high fever and syncope. This is my third bout of covid. In many ways, it’s the worst.
I got four days of molnupiravir instead of Paxlovid. I felt the virus in my lungs two days before I tested positive. My lungs were burning if I was lying down. Now I have profuse mucus and coughing and fatigue, of course.
My positive is very light on the test but still there. We’re masking at home and my kids have escaped it so far. I just want this over.
submitted by BonCourageAmis to COVID19positive [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:29 Awesomebananapie Would instruction be more effective with increased workshop/small group time?

Hi, first grade teacher here. I think my instruction is far more effective during small group times with 5-6 students than when I am teaching in front of 30 students.
Has anyone else made this observation? Would you consider extending workshop time in your room to see more students in small groups each day?
submitted by Awesomebananapie to teaching [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:29 Accomplished-Case-84 Am I trans or gay? Please give your childhood experiences that helped you know.

I am a closeted gay boy (16) in highschool with homophobic friends who I am really close with and don't want then to drop me. As a kid my expierences werent like having a crush on a guy but were more like doing feminine things. I have had this thing where I would get turned on my trans women and crossdressers, not because they were attracted but because I wanted to crossdress.
The first accurance of this happening was when I was like in 1st grade where I had the family Ipad and I searched men with lipstick and got like euphoria from it.
Later in 4th grade I was more femme than Inhave ever been. I used to dress in my mothers dresses and my sister litteraly would help me wear her dresses (thank god she doesnt remember that). I would grow my hair out long and all these things gave me the euphoric affect.
In 6th grade I am surprised how no one thought I was gay. It was around the time of vsco girls and they used to wear scrunchies around their rists so I thought if I did that it would be super feminine. Some girl would give them to me because she had a crush on me but I would wear them and act superrrrr gay but would hide them outside of school. There was also a gay kid in our school and I would ask him a lot of questions.
During quartine I discovered drag and became obsessed but after a while I would surpress the thought of drag and me trying to crossdress because I was trying to be straight. Then when we went back to school from quarantine I changed to look a lot more masculine, started getting into football, and made all my homophobic friends. There was also a time where my mom saw me following a bunch of drag queens and told me that if my friends saw this they would treat me differently but I told her it was a hacker and she believed it.
During high school would go in and out of phases where I would be gay one week and straight the next. I would always deny myself that I could be gay until this school year (10th grade) on my birthday and I was in my room before school looking at men on instagram I told myself I can't control it and just fully realized that I was gay.
A little off topic but this spring I had been liking a lot of posts of naked men on instagram and my mon has my account and she for some reason checked the likes. She confronted me once seeing the likes and said that I should not like things like that and that if i was gay she would support me but I just said ok. My mom now knows but respects me by not talking about it. I am at a place where I don't care as much and if I were asked by a stranger I would say I was gay.
I would really like an answer or just an idea. thanks
submitted by Accomplished-Case-84 to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:29 aspiring_lawyer88 No bar review course for my third attempt.

First attempt- J23: Barbri + Adaptibar. Failed. Total scaled score of 1356.
Second attempt- F24: No Bull Bar Prep + Adaptibar. Failed. Total scaled score of 1372.
Third attempt- J24: Decided not to buy any bar review course other than UWorld.
submitted by aspiring_lawyer88 to CABarExam [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:28 WorkWhale Kendrick and Vulnerability

I feel like more so than a lot of other artists Kendrick is very mysterious. We don’t know a-lot about his day to day life and he likes it that way. At the same time he’s one of the most vulnerable artists out there today. He’s laid himself bare in many tracks. He speaks on how he thinks and feels with a-lot of depth, as well as literally telling real stories and dramatizing them. I feel like I as a devoted listener at least kinda understand him. Obviously not on a personal level but at least on a spiritual and emotional level. Art doesn’t always have to perfectly reflect what’s goes on in someone’s head, but I think Kendrick is better than most at it.
Which do you think is his most vulnerable album? I thought the answer was obvious with TPAB at first but I really don’t know, I think it’s an interesting question.
View Poll
submitted by WorkWhale to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:28 Wardez Ran a throwing net using TechDisc to track stats all week at LVC. Here's a data dump!

Ran a throwing net using TechDisc to track stats all week at LVC. Here's a data dump!
There were over 3,000 throws! The data set I'm posting here I kept to 2,000 throws since that's the limit of the throws page (unless someone can tell me a better way to open that up). And it's for throws from Tuesday the 7th of May till Saturday the 11th. I didn't include Sunday because we had a lot less action on that day.
The net was open to anyone and everyone who wanted to try it. We had a leaderboard and fun stuff setup like DDO island challenges and driving range top golf bullseye stuff. Was really fun.
But for me, as a nerd who loves stats, it was fascinating running the throwing net and watching everyone's approach to throwing with TechDisc. For a lot of people, I'd say around 85% it was their first time ever throwing one. I've had a TD since October of last year so I was happy to step up to help run it.
Some takeaways I had:
  • People tend to throw low/flat into nets, even after I had tweaked the net setup to have plenty of space to throw up high. I had a pop-up tent with a huge net wrapped around it. I ended up having to put a target for reference to how high people should be throwing to be above 6 degrees of launch and most were surprised at how high that was.
  • The harder people try to BH to beat their top speed, the slower they usually became save for a few rare instances (pros). Most AMs and even some pros were surprised at being able to match or exceed their BH speed without seemingly trying very hard. Forcing more FH speed was successful about 75% of the time.
  • The wide spread of spin rate was definitely interesting to watch. One could tell when a fast throw was happening but there was no real way to tell how fast the spin was happening of course. It's that little extra bit of sauce that we just can't see. It definitely seemed related to overall looseness/limberness. Younger throwers had naturally higher spin.
  • Typically for BH the more I saw someone lean back the faster their throw would be. Most AMs tended to be releasing with their leading shoulder over their leading foot or even a little past it. While power throwers were definitely leaning back more almost like a baseball swing would be. Even after seeing that and trying to replicate with my own throws, it was pretty difficult to do. It's definitely an aspect of throwing that doesn't seem to be emphasized too much.
  • Opposite arm develops quickly with a Tech Disc. Since I've had my TD I was pretty astonished at how quickly I could get my left arm up to a good speed. The instant feedback is definitely key. I went from 43 to now throwing 54 pretty regularly. Most people at LVC found the same. And they were super surprised at how quickly they could get their opposite arm speed up in big bunches of speed. The spin is a whole other ordeal tho of course. It was hard for anyone to get over 700 RPMs, but some did manage to.
  • TD is addictive and could potentially lead to overstress especially in a leaderboard event setting like we had. Groups of friends got into challenge squabbles and would just keep wanting to beat each other or the leaderboard. We ended up having to put in a 5 throw per-turn limit. Be careful out there!
  • Everyone really enjoyed the hell out of the device and especially the DDO 16 island hole. But if someone's power made it difficult to reach the island I'd set them up with a closer lie in the lay-up zone to the right to try and approach from around 150. Was a lot of fun. People really got a kick out of realizing that you could not only tee off but also approach and putt out. For reference you needed at least 54mph or so (unless you got really clever with angles and such) to hit the island in the simulator.
  • Some players got wise to the situation and actually used our net and TD to get calibrated for the day before their rounds and also to see how their speed was after the rounds. Some put it to very good use I'd say. A lot of players were surprised that even after a few hours of throwing they were still able to hit decent numbers, but their spin rate was down, or angles weren't as dialed etc. of course. I will say one other thing: Connor Rock was the only pro on the lead card, final day, that visited us and had fun chucking in the sim. He threw 70mph in flip flops. Also, Sofia Donnecke stepped up to our net and threw 60mph and hit the island on her first try.
Oh yeah and here's a link to the 86mph 360 FH that Scott Stokely threw: https://techdisc.com/throws/1715377522
Thanks for reading, enjoy the screengrabs I got, and let me know if there are any other detailed stats or sets you'd like to see!
submitted by Wardez to discgolf [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:27 Nyktor Chariot of the Gods - questions for GMs

Hello! This week I'm running Chariot of the Gods. This is my first Alien game and at the same time first experience as a GM in any TTRPG. I've gone through several YT videos for tips, this subreddit and whatever I could find, like GM map for the ship, summaries, etc. Honestly, I'm still a bit nervous since the rules are sometimes a bit unclear and the scenario book sometimes doesn't help either. I've read both multiple times and still feel a bit unprepared.
I have some questions and would appreciate your answers or tips in general.
  1. Can players just go from A-1 junction to other floors? It looks like they can, so basically most of the ship is opened for exploration since the beginning?
  2. How does the air scrubber repair work? Can they repair it from just one floor of the ship? The other players just roam the ship in a meanwhile? Won't that just be quite boring for the repairer?
  3. How do you count turns for the consumables purposes? Do you do it arbitrarily? In general I'm a bit lost with how to track time, do you have any tips?
  4. If I get it correctly, the Event for auto destruction of Montero happens automatically. Is there any reason for Wilson to do anything?
  5. I honestly have a bit of a trouble with Stealth system - one of the weird examples for me is the Abomination in Reactor room. The Room description says that if players move there quietly they might not wake it up (Mobility roll). Do I get it correctly that the player would specifically say "Hey, I'm going there STEALTHILY" then roll and if rolls badly, then go to Panic? It feels so weird, when even the rulebook says that you should roll sporadically
Thanks a lot for your answers, if you have any other tips I'd appreciate it!
submitted by Nyktor to alienrpg [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:27 Meighok20 Traffic Cops are Horrible and Useless

This happened yesterday but I can't stop thinking about it.
Yesterday I got pulled over for running a stop sign on campus. It's summer, there's literally no cars or people in sight. So I did what I'm sure everyone has done once in their life, I slowed down and then blew right past it. And of course, turn the corner and there he is. A cop.
I know, he knows. He instantly turns his lights on, woops at me even tho I've already pulled over. He gets out and he tells me I ran the stop sign, he says it's "very important to stop because of all the athletes and cars around here." I resist the urge to dramatically look around at the GHOST TOWN we're sitting in and just sheepishly nod and politely agree.
He asked how my driving history is, if I've gotten any citations lately. I said I've never even been pulled over. So he says "I'd hate for this to be your first citation, so I'd love to give you a warning today."
Of course I'm forced to kiss the pigs ass. Swallow the bile in my throat, grit my teeth through several "thank you so much". And then I go on my way.
Look, I know I should have stopped, obviously. It's the law, it's for safety blah blah blah. I know I should be grateful that he only gave me a warning, and I am! I can't afford a couple hundred dollars on such a stupid, insignificant split second moment. I ALWAYS stop at stop signs, even at 3 am in the dark when no one's around.
But someone please explain to me the point of fucking traffic cops. Explain to me why he wasn't sitting in FRONT of the stop sign instead of around the corner. Because he doesn't want people to stop at that stop sign. He wants to TICKET people who DON'T stop at the stop sign. If he was genuinely there to PROTECT people or to prevent "reckless driving", he would be sitting in front of the stop sign.
Like I said, I don't care that he pulled me over, he SHOULD have pulled me over. I KNOW I ran that stop sign. But I WOULDN'T have if he was sitting in sight. It's just so blatantly obvious that he doesn't want people to drive safely, he wants to catch people not driving safely.
submitted by Meighok20 to rant [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:27 KillerWhale--- If you had children, would you tell them about your atheism?

I was asked this question by a friend of mine, and I was a bit surprised (for context we’re both atheists.) Of course I would. I wouldn’t force my worldview on them. I’d tell them how I ended up where I’m at. It would be great if their views aligned with mine. Even if one of them saw Islam as the best answer for his existential questions, I’d be ok with that. But I would be worried if the situation develops into him being a hardcore muslim. You never know what might come out of that.
I have to say that it’s tough to decide when the appropriate time is to tell them about it.
submitted by KillerWhale--- to ExMuslimsKuwait [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:27 DeepSkyStories Alex Faraway And The Last Martian - (eBook 1 of a Sci-Fi Trilogy)

What's weirder than a strange kid suddenly joining you for school one day? She needs your help getting a flight home. And that's the easy part.
“Alex Faraway And The Last Martian”, is Book 1 of a science-fiction trilogy about an inventive boy named Alex Faraway and the adventures he encounters with large, robotic insect creatures (both good and evil) and a strange, orphaned girl who he finds living in the abandoned scrapyard just beyond the backyard of his rural home. The crux of the story deals with unexpected connections that Alex soon uncovers between the robots in the scrapyard, the girl, "Rainah“, and the planet Mars; but it is not with the Mars that we know of today, but with Mars when it was ten thousand years younger. And since his earliest memories, Alex has somehow known that his long-missing father is on that distant planet as well – why, he does not yet know, but he hopes to find him, somehow, someday. And how might he travel to that distant world to search for his dad? Why, in the spaceship he is building in his workshop nearby the scrapyard (with help from his own loyal robots and a fantastic engine called the DIVE Drive) of course. But, will the wicked ones, namely The Others, lurking in the scrapyard allow him to leave? Suspend, for just a little while, all that you hold to be the usual, the normal and venture into the world of Alex Faraway; after you do, you may not wish to return.
Alien encounter / evil robots / ancient civilization / world-building / other dimensions / worlds collide / epic battles / climate change allegory / sinister plot / heros vs villains
TW: Violence; Description of loneliness (child missing a parent); Moderate Description of death; Peril
submitted by DeepSkyStories to booktopia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:26 Worth_Teach4005 Failed a problematically unclear milestone test for promotion. Manager admitted it was flawed and is revising the instructions, but won't let me retake the rest for a month, which is past the deadline for my annual review/promotion. Should I escalate?

My current role has several "milestones" that we have to meet for promotion. I quickly finished all but one milestone before my first annual review. The final milestone, which is a two-part skills assessment, I had to put off for months because my manager had the test under revision until a few weeks before my annual review. Once she released the tests, I took them. A colleague of mine who is level 2 in our role and has been there for 5 years also took these tests at the same time. We were both the first to take this new revised version of the test, and we both failed the tests.
When I reviewed the things my manager marked incorrect, I checked with other team members, who all told me that they would have put the same answers I did on many of the "incorrect" questions. Several things that manager marked wrong, my teammates told me they've never heard of before and have never done as part of our regular work rotations.
The tests had no directions, other than a quick verbal explanation from my manager. We have no written guidelines, SOPs, or style standards to refer to. Meaning there's no definitive source of "truth" that I can point to to say that my manager's assessment was incorrect. Further, when discussing my results with her, she admitted that I found several things wrong in the tests that she didn't intend to have been in there, but because they weren't part of her assessment rubric, she couldn't give me credit. After my meeting to discuss the results, my manager immediately had another employee start writing new directions in all the areas I missed and pointed out to her.
Despite all of this, she still will not let me retake test until a one-month waiting period has passed. This just so happens to fall a week after my annual review. Which means, for how our promotion structure works, even if I take and pass the tests after one month, I will have to wait another year for my second annual review to go up for promotion. My colleague who has been there for 5 years and also failed is in the same situation.
Is this a situation that I should escalate to either my manager's boss or HR? Is this a common thing to have happen at a job? Should I just start looking elsewhere and get out?
submitted by Worth_Teach4005 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:25 cirquefan Been a LONG time but I'm back in the green baybee

$140 cost basis pre-split ape, unfortunately didn't buy the delicious dip as, well you know, dumber than the average ape. VERY excited to see my DRSed shares going up and up.
Shorts gotta close, I'm ready to name my price. And it has seven digits. At least.
Anybody else green for the first time since 2021? It's been a long long long time and I've felt stupid more than once. I mean, I'm a crayon-eating ape so of course my brain is as smooth as a billiard ball but I was at least smart enough to HODL
submitted by cirquefan to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:25 Exact_Ad6237 Want to share my story

Hey just wanted to drop by and share my story to try and motivate others on here. I came from very little and started a dropshipping business with multiple products a few years ago which has eventually led up to high amounts of revenue and profits.
Initially I did start with very little success but ended up with around 5-6k profits in my first 3 months ,almost a year and a half ago.
Over this time I’ve worked out all the important details I used and tips and tricks I came up with through my experience and thought it could be helpful to others so I created a small course into dropshipping it’s not those long videos or anything but a no bs straight forward doc which I’m trying to sell out currently looking for good reviews to promote it more and am willing to offer discounts for anyone interested.
Drop me a dm let’s chat
submitted by Exact_Ad6237 to Dropshipping_Guide [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:24 Initial_Discipline_2 Elliot Hulse YouTube Cashflow Blueprint Download

Elliot Hulse – YouTube Cashflow Blueprint If any one intrested in Elliot course just send me a message i have the complete course and I'm selling it for way lower than the original price almost 90-95% discount
Full proof will be provided first along with sample video's
Telegram = @Ecomguru003 (David Lorenzo)
Thank you,
submitted by Initial_Discipline_2 to Elliothulsecourses [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:24 runnerdewd Chasing 'mold' through ERMI, pathway and air sampling only to never find a source

Sorry for the long post...
Hey everyone! I'm curious to know if anyone has ever had symptoms of mold exposure and even tested positive for mycotoxins, but no evidence shows in the home as to where the mold may be?
Back story, my wife has slowly had her health fail over the last 25 years. At first, she was diagnosed with a gluten allergy. We went gluten free and her health did seem to improve quite a bit for approximately 5 years. Since then it seems to be one thing after another, culminating in her pretty much feeling horrible most of the time. Her symptoms can range from gastro to burning arms and legs, coughing after eating, etc....She's told me on many occasions that she feels like she is dying. COVID didn't help our situation and we're still pretty restricted because we can't imagine adding the flu or COVID to how she already feels. When there is an opportunity to do something, she feels too horrible to even consider doing anything other than resting.
We have known for years that she was exposed to mold in her classroom, our first home and second home. We would bring these exposures to the forefront when seeing the multiple doctors we've seen over the years, but all have dismissed mold as a culprit, although they've not had any solutions for her continued failing health. We've spent likely over 200K seeing MD's, specialists, functional doctors and naturopaths. No one has an answer. Typically the relationship with these doctors ends with them thinking she is bringing these symptoms on herself and that she just needs to de-stress, meditate or take depression medication. Spoiler, none of these things have helped.
Fast forward to today. We're now working with a functional chiropractor who ran multiple tests and found that she has elevated Lyme bacteria and is positive for mold mycotoxins. This doctor asked us to run an ERMI test on our current home and it came back showing that there was mold detected, but not elevated. In his words, "Typically not a problem, but for you we should probably remediate." We brought in a mold company and they took air samples. Their air samples showed elevated mold in certain spaces, so they did visual inspections in those areas. No evidence of mold has been physically observed anywhere in our home. We then proceeded to spend 20K for a remediation company to clean our home using the HEPA sandwich method, removing all insulation from our attic space, remediation of that space including phogging and new insulation blown in. We also had a company who specializes in methods to clean mold from HVAC systems come in and clean our entire system.
After remediation we waited 6 weeks and took another ERMI test. Much to our surprise, the results were far worse than when we started. The ERMI now detected high levels of mold in our home. My wife has not felt better and in fact is probably even worse since remediation. She is going through treatment for for mold and so this may be due to herxmi or MCAS. Anyway, after the second ERMI came back worse we had the mold company come back out. Their air samples, again, found elevated mold in certain places. They even cut back dry wall in those spaces and found nothing. In all cases, everyone has said our house looks brand new. We plan to take another ERMI test as we've waited more than 6 months since the last. If this ERMI comes back high, we are considering moving.
So after this very long post, has anyone been down this path before? Where there is no visual evidence of mold in your residence even though testing keeps showing there may be? I understand the challenges with ERMI, air samples, etc...it feels like we are chasing a ghost to be honest. At this point in the process and if we purchased a new home, we will have spent north of 600K trying to figure out if mold is an issue. While I have no issues doing such a thing if needed, how in the world are we ever to know if there is an issue if the issue can never be seen and therefore properly removed?
submitted by runnerdewd to ToxicMoldExposure [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:24 Due_Ad_3200 A question for LDS members of this group

Here are some videos from The Tabernacle Choir
1) https://youtu.be/gPKpkrqBwNs?si=sdhRzczUaZzQAO1E
Written by a Baptist minister in 1758
2) https://youtu.be/C2arm5ydeJc?si=8JILM24HsHDrYpGZ
Written by an Anglican vicar in 1779
3) https://youtu.be/3dsM7b9k3ko?si=X_thnG6R-Ubq4liA
Written by a member of a baptist church in 1787

Firstly, this is great music.
Secondly, is it consistent to sing these hymns and believe that Joseph Smith was told this?
I asked the Personages who stood above me in the light, which of all the sects was right (for at this time it had never entered into my heart that all were wrong)—and which I should join.
19 I was answered that I must join none of them, for they were all wrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that: “they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof.”
Is it consistent to sing the hymns that were written by denominations that are "wrong", "an abomination", and teach "doctrines... of men"?
submitted by Due_Ad_3200 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:23 SimonetheGoblin Design thesis survey about dragons for anyone who consumes fantasy media. (5-10 minutes)

form link: https://forms.gle/uDNMqLvXG7ZgEkDR9
I have spent the last couple of weeks researching the origins of ancient dragons up until the modern day and want to try and predict dragons that will show up in future media. This survey is meant for anyone who consumes fantasy media semi-regularly. This could be reading fantasy novels, playing trading card games, playing fantasy video games or watching shows and movies in the genre. All answers are anonymous but may be represented or referenced in my final thesis design project.
The first section asks about what existing dragons in media you like, and the second section asks you to select traits to design a dragon that could appear in future stories. What I think counts as a dragon doesn't matter. Part of this survey is finding out what other people think counts as "dragons". There are no wrong, stupid, or uneducated answers.
submitted by SimonetheGoblin to SurveyExchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:23 Worldly-Animator-288 An App To Aid Your ACIM Journey

Hey all, first time poster but avid lurker here!
I've been on my journey through the Course for a few weeks now. I'm on lesson 2 of the Workbook (restarted due to going days without practicing) and I'm reading supplemental books to get me started as the Text itself can be confusing to me.
Anyway, what I'm here for is to put you all on to an app I've found that's really strengthened my spirituality and helped me on this spiritual journey. Mainly my journey through the Course but also my own spiritual journey in general besides ACIM.
It's called Mobile Knee, and I know for sure it's on Android. Unsure if the apple store has it.
There you can keep track of your prayers, your favorite verses, it helps with memorization of verses, and for a one time payment of 2.99 you can have other notebooks like affirmations, spiritual goals, tasks, music lyrics, praises and customize your own. I have my journal but separate from that is my ACIM Journal where I write about the lesson I'm working on and how I'm feeling.
It has notes as well and I customized a book journal to keep up with and write about the spiritual books I've read and am currently reading.
It's a very simple but effective app to help me on my journey and I thought you guys might want to check it out too. If you like it, give the dev some love and write a nice review and maybe even send an email with your gratitude and praise. (I'm not related to the dev at all I promise)
If you download it, let me know how it goes and if y'all like it - especially love to hear you share about what you're journaling about and how you've set up your notes, etc.
Thanks guys and have a miraculous day!
submitted by Worldly-Animator-288 to ACIM [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:23 TheChessMax Banter Blitz Returns!

🚨Banter Blitz returns TOMORROW @ 3pm ET / 21:00 CET🚨
Our first host GM Jan Gustafsson will be answering your questions live on stream!
Drop them in the replies of our tweet and you may be selected!
Also let us know who you would like to see as our next host of Banter Blitz!
submitted by TheChessMax to Chesscom [link] [comments]
