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Just sick and tired

2024.05.14 06:57 Complex-Text-9105 Just sick and tired

I am 36 years old. I don't have any friends. I haven't been in a relationship in two years. I don't make as much money as I would like. I am have a really slow recovery from a tonsillectomy and I am just having a hard time getting myself motivated to do anything.
I had one pretty good friend, an ex, and we went on a platonic trip together in March. I had a really good time and generally enjoyed myself. Got to see Chichen Itza and get some fun in at the cenotes and beach. Since then we haven't hung out though. In her texts she said the guy she has been seeing is moving out of town in a few months so she is spending time with him. She has dated him off and on for 20+ years and this has never been an issue before so I do feel like some of this is also just fatigue of hanging out with me. We didn't get in any fights on the trip but it did show we have much different priorities/personalities. She brought her dogs, they go everywhere with her, and one is incontinent so it was dictating quite a bit of our schedule but I am pretty used to this so I felt like I handled it fairly well. I also do think some of this is her boyfriend not wanting us to hangout, which is understandable. I just said No worries and we haven't talked since. She didn't message me on my birthday, but I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't remember. We have been hanging out regularly for 2-3 years so it is a bit of a hit, but it was something that felt ultimately was going to happen so I am not mad, just a little sad. I haven't hung out with anyone other than my dad since the middle of March though.
Just hurts to not have anyone to hangout with at all. I have talked to two coworkers and one of them has bailed on me multiple times and the other just said he was too busy to make any plans in the first place. I have done meetups in the past but I always just feel so awkward not knowing anyone and I am awful at initiating contact with anyone, guys or girls. I also just don't really have that many interests, even though I tend to enjoy most things I do. I own a dirt bike but haven't gotten out to use it because it is really hard to load by myself and I am just not that confident with it. And if I am doing anything alone without somebody else keeping me accountable I tend to just blow it off. I have also tried Bumble BFF but honestly was so turned off by it. I kept on getting hit on, creepy af, and it just feels awkward.
I feel like I am bad at making friends because I am not very personable and also tend to overshare and say stupid things just because I haven't talked to anyone in so long it is just kind of like a dam bursts.
I would like to get back into judo or jujitsu, but with college and my mortgage I am barely squeaking by financially, and 200+ a month is a little too much for me. I even canceled my cable plan to save some money for bills despite loving basketball. I also don't really have enough energy for active hobbies due to my tonsillectomy right now.
I work full time and am taking college classes at the same time. I was never the best student, but I have finished 9 computer science courses and a statistics class over the last 2.5 years. I have 5 classes left for my bachelors and am on course to graduate Spring 2025. Straight A's and one B+ so far so I have been really happy with my grades, but the industry has completely fallen apart over the last year or two and I am worried that after investing all this time and money into going back to college I might not be able to get a job. The best student I know wasn't able to land a single internship this summer and that really shocked me. He is an amazing programmer, better than anyone I know.
Because I have a mortgage on a little duplex I cannot really afford to do an internship to try and help my job prospects, I am going to really have to rely on doing well in the interviews. I am also planning on trying to take advantage of the career fairs and other on-campus opportunities next fall but that is so not my comfort zone that I don't want to set my expectations really.
With how busy I am it has also been a great excuse for myself to not pursue more social outlets and the only thing I do for dating is online apps and while I can get the occasional date I don't think I have ever actually had a real connection through it. I am just bad at connecting with people on a personal level, be it friends or dates. I have been on so many first dates it is kind of depressing. The town I live in isn't small, like 150k, but I feel like I am running low on options after years of failures.
I had been suffering from chronic tonsillitis over the last year. I had 5 bouts in total, three of which were back to back episodes from January to March this year. I got a tonsillectomy on April 20 and am still having problems swallowing food. I am basically still on a puree diet.
Getting the tonsillectomy was a real eye opener for me because with my ex not being a contact anymore I didn't have anyone to rely on so I had to have my father fly out and spend a week with me. I didn't have any friends to rely on and it really just kind of hit me how depressing my life is. All of my old high school friends, who I don't keep up with, have families.
The one thing I had going for me is that I had a decent physique. Due to a lack of a social life I was pretty good at going to the gym and lifting regularly. I was 6'1 and 180-185 pounds, nothing impressive but I was happy with myself. I am down to 160 pounds now since my tonsillectomy though and I am just extremely low energy all the time. My summer class started today and I am having a lot of issues just focusing after an 8-hour work day, even though I only work remotely on a computer.
During COVID I really made leaps and bounds to improve myself. I quit cigarettes after 15 years, I started going back to class. Got my own place and gained 40 pounds (in a good way) but after losing half of that weight and generally being miserable from my tonsillectomy it is just so hard to motivate myself to even go to the gym anymore and for 3 years I never had a problem getting off my butt to go to the gym, even if it was just for a mediocre lifting session.
I used to love playing video games and watching tv shows/movies but now I just find myself mindlessly watching youtube or reading and don't even have the attention span or interest in booting up a video game anymore or trying to find a show or movie to watch.
I always wanted a family, but I have never really had a successful relationship in my life and now since my tonsillectomy I have become a lot less sexually motivated than before. I don't even have the urge to masturbate anymore, and sex was never a strong point of mine in the first place, leading me to believe it will be even worse moving forward. I also just have never connected with somebody on like a really deep level and feel like years of failures/insecurity just kind of burden me a this point. And I am getting to the age now where I feel like I am almost beyond the point where this is still possible. It is weird telling somebody I am 36 and my longest relationship was only 4 months long.
I feel like I am on the right track on paper with only one year left until I graduate and I kind of really want to move even though I love where I live just so I can get a fresh start, but at the same time I am terrified I will graduate and just be in the same situation I am currently in. I also could never afford to buy another place without a better salary. The only reason I was able to afford what I currently have is because I bought during the 2020 market and got a 2.34% APR. But even with that my mortgage is close to 40% of my take home right now and I have one of the cheapest places in town.
I don't really have anyone to vent to or destress to so I just wanted to post something from a throwaway account. My dad has been texting me daily because I think he realizes how unhappy I am and I really appreciate that.
I have been wanting to go see some Nuggets games at the bar, but I still cannot drink alcohol until I am eating food again so I have just been following highlights on youtube. I also have never been a fan of hanging out at bars. I enjoy shooting pool but I am not good at social settings like that.
I will leave it at this for now. A very long, poorly formatted ramble. But I have seen much worse. Thanks.
submitted by Complex-Text-9105 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 09:10 NeverEnoughMuppets I've lost pretty much everything and don't know how to proceed from here.

31M, about to be 32, BA in English from SUNY Binghamton, 3 years sober from drinking, homosexual, from a very abusive and unhealthy family background. Have struggled finding work; I got a job at Trader Joe's and moved in with friends in late 2022, and things were hard but I was staying on course. I got Covid working at the grocery store, and it legitimately fucked me up for months. I'm still not back at 100% and not sure I ever will be, but I'm back in action more or less. TJ's wanted me back on the job after 5 days- I was still positive for Covid and working with people's food, and I refused. Bad idea. I worked that job for a year, throwing up in the employee bathroom daily- once, I got in my car after work and forgot the way home. It was brutal, and during it, I got two bad performance reviews. I was literally, genuinely working to the best of my ability, so that stung, but I think they were trying to get me to quit, because I did my job lol. Yet I did it, never missed a rent or electrical payment, only had to ask my parents for financial help once (I paid the wrong bill first by accident) and immediately repaid them, because I don't like owing them anything. However, last fall my housing situation fell apart very suddenly and acrimoniously- my friend group of 10 years, my only friends- and we all hate each other now. We had to leave very abruptly; they all went home to their parents lol, but I couldn't find a place I could afford by myself in the downstate NY area that would also take my cat in the time we had to vacate. I therefore lost my job, and with it, my health insurance, and had to move two states away to live with sister. I refused to go live with either of my parents- my mother lives with her father and brother, and they are all mentally ill alcoholics (I don't drink, three years sober on May 31st), and my father (parents are divorced, live separately) is the worst person I have ever known. Will die before going back to him. My medications are $1k a month. Mentally, I can barely function and have never felt this low or alone, and things are not working out here with my sister in Pittsburgh. I've been here since October, and I have to leave. That leaves moving in with my mother.
I don't know what to do; my formerly fantastic credit is in the shitter, I have two maxed-out credit cards, a paid off 2014 Jeep Lemon that reeks like cigarettes, and a cat. I don't want to move in with my mother who is in active addiction and is triggering, but my sister and I haven't been getting along and she wants me to leave. Again, this is all very hurtful but at this point the decision is both mutual and final.
I don't know what to do. I just want my own place for me and my cat to be safe. That's all I've ever wanted; I briefly had a small, cramped, ancient attic bedroom with one outlet when I was living with my friends and it was like all my dreams came true. I paid for that room and it was mine and I was safe there from my family and the outside world. I don't know if I want or have the energy to keep going after this past year. I don't know what to do, how to make money, how to function. I'm just staring at this point, wondering how this all happened when I worked so hard and thought I was finally making it work. I was doing everything I was supposed to be doing, and it may not have looked like much but it was a Herculean effort for me and I was damn proud. And then it all just vanished in a wisp of smoke, poof, gone, like a dream I had and woke up from.
I need direction. I need help. I need money lol. I need somebody to hire me. I need advice.
I'm at an impasse and I don't know how to proceed anymore. I need help.
Thanks if you read all of this. Sincerely. I'm just hurt and rambling, I guess, but man do I feel like shit.
submitted by NeverEnoughMuppets to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 06:34 ParksNet30 Mold, faulty HVAC, faulty plumbing in new build 17 days after purchase. Higher end builder in greater Nashville. What do I do?

Mold, faulty HVAC, faulty plumbing in new build 17 days after purchase. Higher end builder in greater Nashville. What do I do?
Just closed on a $760,00 house in Hendersonville TN from a production builder new to the area originally from Delaware. We are their 21st customer in Nashville. Since move in 17 days ago, we have discovered:
  • Washer outlet was plumbed to a ventilation shaft instead of the sewer
  • Whole house dehumidifier was never turned on and is likely faulty
  • Upstairs toilet is leaking into a downstairs wardrobe, causing mold along the floor and into the conditioned crawlspace (gross photo attached)
Amongst many other issues
What do I do? This is our first house. I have documented everything and submitted each issue as a warranty item as they come up. Do I need an independent inspector? An attorney?
What are the realistic solutions to this? Appreciate any advice... we are in shock. This was meant to be our dream house.
UPDATE: Plumber removed the wire shelving in the wardrobe and discovered that a screw was drilled through into the wastepipe from the upstairs bathrooms. Wastewater was leaking through the hole. The wardrobe floor was saturated. They will replace it all, thankfully. Their jig for drilling the wire shelves were incorrect, it had them drilling right into the wastewater pipe.
submitted by ParksNet30 to Homebuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:11 New_Secret8869 There are so many intersections here which should be signals

I was just randomly looking at street views in residential areas of Brooklyn and Queens, or have visited a few of those neighborhoods.
Two things that really stand out - most intersections, even the less busy ones are signalled there. Second, all cars really do make an effort to come to a full stop before the stop sign.
Here I see several intersections that have an endless stream of cars especially the ones which are highway outlets, or cars taking turns plus high pedestrian density but they are not signalled.
A few observations about some intersections: 1. A lot of intersections on Jersey Ave aren't signalled and it passes through some dense neighborhoods. 2. The signals on 6th/7th/8th streets are totally random. You'll see 7th/Brunswick has a signal but 7th/Monmouth (a way busier intersection) doesn't (perhaps because it doesn't have a school there). 3. A LOT of places on Newark Ave going from Grove to JSQ don't even have stop signs just crosswalks where pedestrians risk their lives. Same goes with Baldwin Ave. In other cities all these intersections will be signalled.
Apart from other traffic calming measures like narrower streets, speed bumps, enforcement and lower speed limits - I thing a lot of intersections just need signals - a lot of them are still being treated as if they are sparsely populate less busy intersections but the times have changed.
submitted by New_Secret8869 to jerseycity [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:38 critical_courtney [Hot Off The Press] — Chapter Seven

[Hot Off The Press] — Chapter Seven
My Discord
Buy me a cup of coffee (if you want)
Previous Chapter
Chapter Seven:
The newsroom was quiet at 5:30 p.m., which was a little strange on a Friday evening. Usually, the Friday news dump would have our reporters scrambling on at least one or two stories. We’d expected our governor to announce her decision on a new offshore wind farm application today, and she’d so far sent nothing.
If Brian isn’t responding to my texts there must still be some last-minute meetings going on in Augusta, I thought. Brian Tildry was the governor’s executive assistant and my best source for news tips when it came to Maine’s executive branch.
I walked over to our breakroom, opened Apple Pay, and got a candy bar from the vending machine.
Sugar and caffeine are a journalist’s two best friends, I thought as I started to feel woozy for the second time today.
Right as I started to open my Snickers bar, our IT person walked into the room and all but cornered me. The smell of cigarettes and hand sanitizer filled the air.
“Frankie Dee, do you know what happens when you don’t respond to my text messages?”
Sighing and lowering my dinner from my taste buds, who were now about to start a revolution at being denied sugar, I scanned our super short computer engineer. “Fun-sized,” I occasionally called them.
Their name was Ghost, and they looked every bit the part. Pale skin, undercut, hair dyed white, and colored contact lenses that made their irises the color of flour. Ghost’s nails were painted gunmetal grey, and it was difficult not to stare at their tongue piercing every now and again.
But they were a fucking wizard on a keyboard and didn’t give me too much shit about not being able to pay as well as news outlets in Boston’s market.
“I’m sorry, Ghost. I’ve been on a Zoom call for the last hour with a new applicant for our printing press apprenticeship. I didn’t even have time to glance at my phone,” I said.
After rolling their eyes, the IT expert said, “You know, when you’re using your phone for a Zoom call, you can respond to iMessages on your laptop, right? That’s why I set that up for you two months ago.”
Rubbing my temples, I apologized again.
“Because when you don’t respond to my texts asking me what time I can take our servers offline for maintenance tonight, I have to leave my den and come find you. Do you know what happens when I leave my den?”
I shook my head.
“People talk to me! Emma wanted to see my Cowboy Bebop tattoo, Richard asked if his computer had a virus (it didn’t), and Craig wanted me to listen to some new song from an Australian DJ. I don’t have the spoons to be a social butterfly, Frankie,” Ghost said.
I fought a grin. Our IT expert was. . . not the most social person around. They preferred to stay in their office, and if you had a tech problem, you were supposed to email them. Don’t call them. Don’t holler for them. And definitely don’t knock on their door.
We called their office a den because it was an icebox to keep the servers cool, the lights were usually off, and Ghost did not like to leave it. Hell, some days I didn’t even see Ghost in person.
They were the only staff member with access to this building’s basement, and they used it to come in and out of the news office unseen. I almost respected that level of antisocial dedication.
“I’d hardly call three conversations totaling less than 45 seconds much of a social outing, Ghost,” I snickered.
And they honest to god hissed.
“Answer. My. Texts. Please.”
“Um, do I text you back now, or can I just tell you face-to-face?”
“Well, I’m already here, so you might as well tell me in person. I swear to god, I’m going to take that job in Montreal,” they muttered.
I stifled another giggle. Some people thought Ghost was a little prickly. And they absolutely were. But I always got a kick out of their quirks and did my best to be accommodating.
“Midnight should be fine? I think our web traffic tends to drop off then for the night,” I said, rubbing my chin.
They nodded and turned to leave.
“Well, you certainly smoke enough to fit in with the other Québécois, but how is your French?”
I watched our IT expert leave the room shortly before calling back, “Je t'emmerde.”
I’ll need to remember to Google what that means later, I thought.
The refrigerator in the breakroom started to hum and rattle as I stared at the yellow-ing appliance. Don’t get me wrong. We kept the inside immaculately clean. But she was approaching 30 years running. We didn’t have the money in our newsroom budget to replace it. Just another piece of technology we kept operating with engine grease and chewing gum. It matched the outdated blue and white cabinets that squeaked no matter what angle you opened them from.
My shoes also squeaked as I walked across the white tile floor and finally started to eat my Snickers.
I was half-finished with my dinner when I returned to my office and found Dawn waiting for me. The sight of her pleasant curves and sparkling emerald eyes spun my heart faster than a Beyblade.
“H — hi, Dawn.”
“The dinner of champions?” she asked, standing up and placing both hands on her hips. Hips I truly missed feeling against mine.
C’mon, now. Professional, Frankie. Keep things professional, I thought, pushing those feelings away as best I could.
Before I could answer, the witch walked forward, snatched the candy bar from my jaw, and folded the wrapper, placing it on my desk.
“I know I don’t need to remind you of this, but dessert comes AFTER dinner, Frankie,” she said, gently pushing me toward the door after grabbing my small leather purse.
All I could do was gasp.
“Hey now!” I protested, but surprisingly, none of my employees came to my defense. In fact, I’m pretty sure Emma was audibly laughing.
When we got outside, I anchored myself as best I could.
“Where are you taking me?”
She raised an eyebrow.
“To get a proper dinner. Because I’m assuming the last real meal you had before that Snickers bar was a bowl of cereal this morning,” she said.
I crossed my arms.
“Frankie Dee, you’ve been in this office for — what — 12 hours today? Let’s take a fucking dinner break.”
When I cocked my head to the side, she added, “As colleagues, not girlfriends. Geez. Lighten up. Coworkers get lunch together all the time. We can keep it professional. We don’t even need to trade chapstick.”
With a slight wink, the witch left me paralyzed. The warmth of her cinnamon breath and the brush of her painted lips against mine like an artist shading a canvas was a potent memory. As I froze, Dawn giggled and again softly moved me down the sidewalk.
We wound up walking down Congress Street a few blocks to the Munjoy Hill Inn, a tall and narrow building, its first story made of brick, and everything above that faded white siding. Seagulls screamed above us, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw one shit on a cyclist who nearly lost control of their bike and swerved madly to the left.
He cursed and stopped to wipe his arm clean with a napkin from his pocket.
That was the thing about these seagulls. You never knew when they were going to dump on you. I remember standing in line waiting for ice cream on a hot summer day when one shit on my shoulder, and some of it got into my hair.
Fucking birds, I thought, shaking my head, remembering how I swore the entire walk home, all during the shower, and on the jog back to the newsroom.
My foot scraped against the concrete on the sidewalk’s edge, jarring me back to reality.
“Ope, easy there. You good? Looked like you tried to slip off the curb,” Dawn said, grabbing my arm before I faceplanted on Congress Street. “Let’s get you some proper dinner before you collapse.”
The witch opened a single heavy wooden door and motioned for me to head inside. I said nothing, having eaten more than a few meals here. It was actually one of Dad’s favorites. He brought me here as a kid all the time for meal breaks. He was better about eating than I was.
The interior of Munjoy Hill Inn was mostly exposed brick and chalkboards on the wall detailing drink selections and menu choices in plenty of colorful sketchings.
Dawn found us a table next to the long wooden bar where a woman wearing a yellow button-down shirt and a blue jacket was shaking a cocktail in a mixer.
The bartender made her way over to our table as the restaurant started to fill for the evening dinner rush. I ordered a personal pan pizza, to which, Dawn suggested I add a bowl of greens. She ordered a turkey sandwich.
“At least try to get a few vegetables with dinner, won’t you?” she asked as the bartender took our menus.
I scoffed.
“I’m getting onions on my pizza. Thanks, MOM,” I said, slumping in my chair. This fucking witch, I swear.
“What are you bitching about? I didn’t say anything about the garlic bread, did I?”
I started to retort but was interrupted by the witch reaching into her purse and grabbing something to tie around my wrist.
Before I could ask what she was doing, the witch had her hands back on her side of the table, and a tumbled gemstone was secured to my wrist with thin, black leather straps.
“What is this?” I asked, pointing to the polished black stone.
“Tourmaline. It absorbs negative energy. I’m hoping it’ll reduce your grumpiness about being forced to eat veggies with dinner. Is it working?” she asked.
I didn’t want to do her the favor of admitting I did strangely feel a little better with this rock tied to my wrist. And it was very pretty, like an oil slick, but with more of an artistic flair.
Behind us, a group of guys cheered at the Blue Sox game playing on a mounted TV. One nearly spilled his beer shouting something about a “hell of a pitch.”
“It’s pretty,” I confessed. “But is it professional?”
She shrugged.
“If you don’t want it, give it back.”
I clutched my wrist and pulled back with a frown.
Dawn leaned over the table, her shadow covering the ciders we’d ordered, and she said, “Then it’s professional.”
Scoffing, I drowned any snide remark I had left lingering in the booze.
Our food came, and I found myself more ravished than expected. The garlic bread and pizza, I inhaled like a plate of cookies in front of a pink starfish. And the greens? Child’s play. I ate them faster than Billie could’ve.
I immediately placed a second order for two more sides of garlic bread while Dawn giggled into her sandwich.
“See what happens when you actually eat? You feel better,” she said.
Finishing my cider, I found myself staring at the bracelet again. Its weight on my wrist felt. . . reassuring somehow. It was like someone made a small effort to protect me when the whirlpool I was struggling to avoid being swallowed by each day tore another piece of my ship.
“I got our loan request back from Gorham First Security Bank,” I mumbled.
Dawn raised an eyebrow.
“They declined since we’re already paying back another business loan to Portland Community Credit Union. And my father only got that loan because he’s golf buddies with the president of that particular financial branch.”
With a long deep sigh, I suddenly felt more vulnerable and yet relaxed than I had in a long time. Maybe it was having a warm meal in my belly. Perhaps it was the liquor. Or it could’ve been the pretty witch sitting across from me that just made me want to spill every little secret tucked away in my heart. I swear, she could coax every lock in Fort Knox to retire with a gentle smile.
“I don’t mean to add any pressure, but if your astrology section launch could bring in a few more thousand subscribers, it’d be pretty great,” I said, staring out the window at a woman walking her golden retriever down the sidewalk.
Dawn placed a hand on mine.
“This newspaper is going to be the death of me,” I mumbled without thinking. And the witch’s eyes widened.
“Hey, we don’t have to talk about work, you know? We can talk about literally anything else.”
I devoured another piece of garlic bread, feeling the buttery goodness bring a little bit of relief to my sudden downpour of spirit. I wasn’t sure I wanted to ever get up from this table. Every weight in my body decided to drop anchor here tonight, and dammit if I lacked the confidence to shake it off.
“I’ve got one. If you could date any fictional witch, who would it be?” Dawn asked, finishing her sandwich.
The question caught me off guard, and I shook my head, mind rising from the current that’d been dragging it down for the last few minutes.
“Excuse me?” I asked.
“What? You’re obviously not going to date me because of ethics or some shit. So pick a fictional witch who doesn’t work for you to take on a date. Who do you choose?”
A small Swanson-sized giggle escaped my throat as I considered the possibilities. This was an outrageous question. I dealt with facts. Indisputable data and information that my subscribers trusted me to deliver to them in a timely manner.
“Does Raven from the Teen Titans count? Her grown-up version? I’m pretty sure she was a witch.”
That earned me a small sympathetic smile from the new astrology editor.
“More like an intergalactic telepath. Try again, FeeDee.”
I ignored her use of the wrong name and pictured another group.
“Oh! Those girls from Scooby Doo. You know — the ones in the band?”
Dawn let loose a bellowing laugh that caught the attention of our baseball neighbors as they stared for a few seconds. When she got wind back in her lungs, she said, “The Hex Girls?”
“Yeah! The Hex Girls.”
My dinner partner nodded and stole a piece of garlic bread, tearing off a small bite before putting it back in the wicker basket.
“Okay, The Hex Girls. All of them?”
“Why not?” I asked. “Any or all. They could put a spell on me.”
That mischievous grin worked its way back onto the witch’s face, the dangerous one that lured me to her house. . . and couch. . . and bed. I stifled a quick gasp. She definitely noticed but said nothing.
“How about you?” I asked. “Who would you pick?”
Without hesitation, Dawn said, “Oh, Bonnie Bennett for sure.”
“From ‘Vampire Diaries’?” I asked.
Dawn nodded with a satisfied smile on her face.
“She was so badass. I’d fight Enzo for her any day,” the witch said as my phone vibrated. I checked a text, and it actually turned out to be a picture from one of my friends, a journalism professor at South Portland Community College, which sat right on the beach.
There was a fire. A large white boat with yellow paint down the side.
Shit, I thought, zooming in and realizing it was a ferry. She’d snapped the photo from the Spring Point Ledge Lighthouse. That’s the Bug Light Ferry.
Standing up with every muscle in my body and mind starting to protest, I felt my hands shaking.
Come on, Frankie! I thought. This is breaking news. You’ve done this thousands of times! Get to work.
But my chest was starting to ache and throb. My legs wanted to give out and sit back down as weakness filled me.
“What’s wrong?” Dawn asked with more concern in her voice than business partners typically give each other.
“There’s a fire on one of the ferries that goes out to Peaks Island. I gotta get back to the newsroom,” I said, grabbing the table for support.
More pain radiated from my chest, and I took short breaths, closing my eyes and willing it away. It didn’t work very well.
“Why don’t you sit down? Text Emma or something. Isn’t this why you have an evening city editor?”
I shook my head.
“I mean — yes. That’s why I do. But what good is a managing editor who isn’t in the trenches with her reporters? They respect me because I’m always willing to hop in wherever there’s a gap. Covering meetings, writing stories, proofreading, and even taking pictures. I do it all, and this is going to be an all-hands-on-deck night.”
Dawn furrowed her brow.
“You’re awfully pale, Frankie. And you’ve already put in 12 hours today. I can see your legs shaking from here. Why don’t you sit back down, and I’ll give you a ride home? Seriously, I’m worried.”
My heart was at war. On one front, I was demanding it give me the strength to power through an evening of breaking news. On another, it swooned over someone actually telling me to give it a rest for once. And not just anyone. . . but the girl I’d give anything to stop being professional with.
The bartender came over with our ticket, and I put some cash on the table.
“Keep the change,” I said, turning to go and nearly colliding with one of the baseball bros. He steadied me, and I apologized.
Dawn was quickly beside me as I called Craig.
“Where are you?” I asked, as soon as he picked up.
“City Hall. They’re about to meet and vote on —” I interrupted him.
“Scrap it. Take your camera and head to Bug Light. There’s a ferry on fire, and I want pictures. Use the big lens. Hustle over there, but take your time with the photos. It’s getting darker, so you’ll need to keep the camera more steady to get clear shots.”
“You got it, boss,” he said.
I sighed and walked outside, nearly spilling into the street again. What was it with my legs and this particular section of sidewalk? Fuck.
“Don’t call me that,” I said, hanging up and immediately calling Emma.
She answered, and I fired off a list of things to do, telling her I was on my way back to the newsroom.
“Call the PIO for the US Coast Guard Station in SoPo. He doesn’t answer after hours, but he will check his voicemail through the night, so leave him a message. I’m going to text a contact who works in the dispatch office for the Bug Light Ferry system.”
“Yes ma’am,” Emma said, hanging up.
My chest throbbed even harder as I walked uphill toward the newsroom. Dawn tried one final time to convince me to let my night crew handle this.
“I truly think you should rest, Frankie. You’re sweating and really pale.”
Huffing, I walked and talked.
“Seventy-five years the Portland Lighthouse-Journal has served as the leading source of news for Maine’s biggest city. Equity firms want to buy us out. Subscribers call and ask why they need us when they can get their news for free on Facebook. And the TV stations try to take our content at least three times a month. But we’re still here. A Ricci at the helm of this paper keeping the public informed is what’s kept us afloat for 75 years. And I can’t quit now, Dawn. I won’t. These are the moments they need us, and I refuse to let our readers down.”
My hand clutched the doorknob of our office, and I took a steadying breath. It was going to be a long night of breaking news push alerts, redoing the front page layout, evening press conferences, and hopefully, news that everyone made it back to shore alive.
I’d be there to cover it all with my team, chest pain be damned.
submitted by critical_courtney to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:17 AmethystMoonTwins I found the coolest auction on ebay!

I found the coolest auction on ebay! submitted by AmethystMoonTwins to americangirl [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 11:43 struggalogamer Troubled Teen Industry, my story

I am sharing this as an emotional outlet among other siblings in christ 
My Experience It was January 10, 2011. I’ll never forget that date. It was the day my life changed. Also it was the day of the college football national championship. I was and still am a big college football fan (Go Cal Bears!). Oregon was set to play auburn and i was going to watch it with my neighbor two doors down. I had been doing poorly in school, and yeah was a big pot head, still am, but am much more responsible. Anyways i told myself this semester i was going to actually try in school. I woke up at six am to get ready for my day, something that i never do. I went to put on my shoes and i noticed the laces were missing. Immediately i went to my mom and asked where are my laces? She wouldn’t give me an answer and was just acting so strange. Eventually she left the house and as she was leaving two men were walking up our walkway. I figured they were plumbers considering we had plumbing issues recently. They walked in and before I knew it they walked up to me on either side and slammed me to the ground and handcuffed me. I didn’t react as it was, I didn’t expect it for one, and for two when it began I froze, I didn’t know what to do. Once on the ground I started to squirm, I screamed “Please Help me help me I’m being kidnapped! Please!” They responded No use in screaming no one can hear you. I kept screaming. One of them said go ahead get it over with when your quiet it’ll be over sooner. After probably about ten minutes, I realized no use in fighting, they helped me up and walked me to a small suv and put me in the back and put the seat belt on me. This was the beginning. I remember on the way up to Yoncalla Oregon from Sacramento California we stopped at a burger king. They offered to get me some but food was the last thing on my mind. Looking back I wish I had taken up the offer. I remember being by the ashtray seeing a half smoked cigarette and asking to smoke it, they said I couldn’t. After a long drive we got there they walked me in. The whole way I talked about how I’d get away and run away. Well of course they told the staff at Scott Valley. By the way this is the perfect point to say I was sent to Scott Valley School in Yoncalla, Oregon. One of the many so called trouble teen schools. So being told I had threatened to run away I was put on runaway watch. For about two weeks I was forced to sleep under a light. I obviously didn’t get much sleep. Also I always had two higher phase watchers who would stand on each side of me. They had phases there was like five or six I believe. Most were 2 and 1. There were like 3 phase 3’s and 1 phase 5. There was like 20-30 of us at a time. Anyway where do I start. As I write this, with the emotions and ptsd it comes in full force and yet hazy at the same time. Maybe my head trying to protect me? So I was there seven months, thank god thats it. There were people that had been there years. Some of the people there, my god, I don’t know what to say. From a 12 year old who molested his 1 year old brother and put fish hooks in his carpet so his parents would step on it, to kids that were in there later teens who had used hard drugs, kids that had been molested and acted out as a result, kids that just were wilding out period, a lot of different walks. After I got off of runaway watch I got back on it within two weeks. I was in trouble sitting at the essay table while pe was going on. So one of the punishments was writing essays. But anyway there were two other kids at the table, the twelve year old i mentioned above and the only black kid there on the boys side. I looked at them and said if we worked together we could escape this place. They both just dead stared at me. When it was time to line up, the 12 year old went away first, the other kid looked at me and said were gonna get in trouble, that kid is a snitch and is going to tell on you. He was right. I got put on the “wall” because of that. For two weeks when not eating, sleeping, or using the bathroom, I was staring at a wall were a dot was drawn with a piece of paper on it. I would just let my imagination run wild while this happened thinking about home, friends, family, make believe countries governments politics, anything to keep the mind entertained or semi at peace! There was a green jacket my parents sent up for me that was my grandpa on my mothers side. Grandpa Applegate. It was a super cool green jacket with fake fure on the color, it looked like something you’d wear in the winter in Moscow. They said it had too many pockets and I could hide things in it. So they took it away. They put it in the Pod where all of our extra stuff was stored. Well one pod day where we could exchange stuff, there was a different staff member on duty then the one who said I couldn’t wear it. So i got it out and he didn’t know so i got to wear it for a bit. So when the other staff member got back on shift, he saw the jacket. I was banned from wearing a sweatshirt of any kind for a month. When we had outside pe everyday in Febuary to March I would get so cold. When I would put my hands in my shirt I would get another essay. This is Central Oregon, it gets cold that time of year! So some facts about the living situation, you had three minutes for showers and bathroom. You go over that you get an essay. You get more time the higher phase you get. You ever take a shit in three minutes? If done successfully I commend you. I would go five days without shitting because one of the night workers a guy named Johnny would not keep track of time when I’d get up to ask the restroom in the early morning. Johnny was an angel in a sense. Taking an uninterrupted shit was some of the most bliss I could get. Not trying to be gross but when using the restroom even was so restricted, being able to use the restroom not timed felt like hitting the lotto. When we’d wake up at seven am we only had 1 min to get up and make our bed, timed, if we didn’t make it wed get an essay. I’m naming these things as I remember different events, not necessarily in chronological order, but different events that happened. I had a peach fuzz mustache i was so proud of and long curly hair. They gave me a buzz cut and forced me to shave. My dad sent my grandpa Andrews old electric razor. That’s my dads dad. My biggest hero in my life. His name I got tatted on me at 19. I write this at 29. He died when I was 9. Most of the other kids had razors you could charge, mine needed to be plugged in to work, I didn’t understand that. I had never shaved to begin with, so I thought it was broken. I threw it away and put in a request for a new one. My father told them it was a plug in, but it was already to late so he needed to order me a new one. At a group therapy session thing, yeah we did that every day, and none of the people working there had any degrees that could go to the field they were working in. Anyway my writing is not perfect so as I was saying, at a group therapy thing, Jad one of the main guys working there brought up the razor, he said I knew it wasn’t broken, but I just wanted a new one. You don’t love your grandpa youre just a selfish little bitch. Those words still are ingrained in my mind. I know they are false but god damn they hurt. I cried. As I cried he just continued to tell me how selfish I am and im a bitch a pussy etc. William Frederick Andrews was my grandfathers name, as said I got it tatted on me at 19. He was born 1924, in 2024, my first child, a son, was born, William Frederick Andrews II. I call that a moral victory. Crazy how it worked out to be a 100 year difference. Another time it was 420, I cried because I wanted to smoke and he called me out on it in group therapy. He called me a bitch, a pussy, the usual. Weird things happened there, like one time they did a “fire drill” in the middle of the night, we had to go out into the cold in our underwear for five minutes until it was over. There were girls there but they were in a separate area. When they walked by or vice versa we had to look the other way. One of the many reasons it got shut down is there was a case of a student raping another. Apparently the girl who reported it got hounded in group therapy to the point she recanted. Now I could be wrong, but I think I know the person who did it, only one guy from the male side reached level five to the point where he became staff and could go to the girl side for group therapy. I don’t know for sure but that’s what i assume. At one point they were building a new building and they had us digging the ground around it for construction. Yeah they had us do all the cleaning indoors and out doors. If you were bad you could have your school privileges taken away. I had one kid who was a phase above me copy my work. He got caught. He got demoted, and got repromoted before I left. I never got past phase 1. So phase 1 red shirt. Phase 2 green shirt. Phase 3 Blue shirt. Phase 4 and above whatever you want. Like I said a lot of this is not in order. I am writing this in one go after years of talking about it to my loved ones. Put my thoughts to the pen, or keyboard in this case. So they did this thing were it was like a week, where it was the program or some weird name. They would break you down and “build you up” you would get a demeaning name for a week and then get an empowering name. I got the picture that if you were just a weed smoking low grade getting teen, you wouldn’t be ever seen as getting progress, you had to have “admitting to a bad act” of some sort. I made a story about how I let a girl cut me and drink my blood and how I thought about killing my dad. I know, like why would one lie and say that?!, well I figured if I had said I had done that and then shown to be turned good, it would reward me as changed and out that place. Looking back im like what the fuck. But I just wanted out and I was sure as hell willing to lie my way out. So yeah i went by like blood sucker or something like that for a week, but thats not bad. I remember so well one girl who was adopted and had relations with several boys back where she was from, she got sent there for that, and her name for the week was “Orphan Whore”. Also there were other students who weren’t going through the program that were involved with the process. Elon school or something like that where students yell at other students all sorts of insulting shit The end of it I reclaimed my name or whatever and they had me do like a ballet dance kind of weird thing to show rebirth, not that ballets weird, but in this scenario, yeah. I remember there was a day they said the world was going to end, someday in May 2011 some random wacko said, it made headlines as a joke more than anything, but i remember hearing it and hoping it happens because I wanted out. There was a gym there with rafters. I used to dream of hanging myself from them to get out. I dreamed about a car driving into the school and opening a wall up so we could run away. They used to tell us if we ran away there is bear and cougars out there, if they dont get us the cops will, and theyll put us in juvi just to have us sent back when out. They had these things called group essays. If someone did something and it no one admitted to it wed all have to write an essay about how we could have prevented it. One time a kid wiped shit on all the walls in the bathroom, the kid never admitted to it so we all had to write an essay on how we could have prevented it. I remember one time going to use the bathroom there was semen on the toilet seat, lol teen boys sex drive. I just wiped it off before I sat down. One time late at night I was masterbating in my bed. There was 20 of us sleeping in bunks in the same room, the kid who ended up copying my work i mentioned, saw me making some um, sheet movements, and looked my way giving me a dirty look, i just rolled over pretending like i was scratching, oh snap, almost caught. Not trying to be disgusting, teenage boys, find one that doesn’t masterbate, and i’ll give you some ocean beach front property in Kansas. You got weekly phone calls with your parents, you never dared to say what was going on because they were always listening. Letters same, they read them, so no use in saying something, they’ll just read it and throw it away, later my father asked me why didn’t you tell me what was going on? Well… My gf at the time ended up getting a bf after 6 months of waiting, i don’t blame her. Hey it was teenage love so im not hurt, but at the time it hurt because neither of us willingly ended it. She sent me a bookmark to have up there, it had us kissing on it, they took it from me for it being sexually explicit. They banned me from sitting up in bed and praying. I was atheist from 12 to 27 except for that time, i came back to my faith, praying for my exodus. I’m a christian again now, but only after I found a denomination that was open and affirming because I’m bisexual. Thinking about this, my mind can’t explain the pain, the rain of emotional trauma that falls in my cranium. Many times I’ve turned to cocaine, liquor, and suicidal thoughts because of the pain. It fucked my whole concept of everything in life. My emotions, my understanding of control of my own life, my ability to have healthy relationships, just so much. I still have dreams of being back there and wake up with nightmares, I was sixteen then, i turn 30 this year thirty, i have a beautiful amazing wife, a son who is the biggest blessing in my life, like i got it together now, but I don’t still, obvious by writing this. I remember one time getting to get my glasses prescription. They had to take me to town, the eye doctor, i thought about coming to him for help, but I thought if he works with these people, hell just report me to them, not them to authorities. My grandpa applegate, my moms dad, he died of suicide while I was gone, diagnosed with a terminal cancer he took it into his own hands. I never got to say good bye. When his funeral happened I wasn’t brought home for it, no, I was allowed to “write a letter to be read”. I wrote a letter, and it got read and a lot of family members said how deep it was and mature, I till this day have never watched the funeral video, I can’t. Because I should have been there. When I was on the wall, lookin towards the window could get me in trouble, because it was considered plotting an escape. I read in an english class I know where the caged bird sings, it became my favorite poem because I would watch the birds on the outside of the window and see how free they were. The joy of that. I was a juggalo, they banned me of talking anything icp related. I’d hum icp songs in protest, not like they knew them, also still a juggalo, two scoops of whoop. They day my dad came to get me, well I was peeing, and when I got out I saw him by the front door which was not far from the restroom, I ran up and hugged him saying oh my god dad! I love you! I started crying. He took to the place I always heard the workers there talk about a place called the Sugar Shack, a donut shop. Gosh dang good donuts! Then he took me to some cousins on the coast of oregon. Two days being out I was running on the beaches of the oregon coast. The sand in my feet, the breeze, the feeling of freedom. Scotts Valley School was shut down i think in 2016 for child abuse, i will link articles, but damn that place will forever haunt my head. The bats of the cave of my mind. I am married now with a family. I do my best to be a strong individual and provide, but this place has forever scared me and left me feeling weak. I couldn’t protect myself, so now I want to do everything to protect my family and be there for them. Scotts Valley school, I now live in a place called Scott Valley, the geographic area name, all come full circle? There is probably a lot more I could add to this, but for now, I just wanted to write down the bare minimum. If you have read this, thank you. I have found peace in my mind, heart, and soul as much as I can, and I hope those who have gone through similar ordeals can find some semblance of peace in their existence as well. I thank Jesus for keeping me hopeful in times I wanted to die. God bless you all.
Ps the starved kid in the please eat post is not me
submitted by struggalogamer to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 07:28 course_buddy At least I’m not drunk…

Sorry for a long vent post, but I really have no other outlet at the moment, and I just need to put this out to the world somehow…
It’s a Saturday, I just walked to the grocery store, smoked a cigarette (not something I normally do) and bought a pint of ice cream.
I have been riding this roller coaster for quite a few years at this point. Each plunge on this ride seems to go a little deeper, and I never seem to come back up as high.
I was always a big party guy, and big social drinker, but in college it was never really problematic; my drinking was never dark, and I wasn’t drinking alone. It first got really out of hand during grad school, around 2017-18. I was experiencing unprecedented levels of stress and academic anxiety, and started to medicate with booze. I was living alone for the first time, and would come home from a 10 hour day on campus, and settle in for 4 or 5 more hours of work at home, drinking the stress of the day away until I could no longer see my computer straight. I’d wake up at 6am, get on my bus at 6:38am, and repeat the whole thing over. I burned my candle at both ends, working through a hangover until noon, then felt the only way I could cope with the stress and get more work done at home was to “enjoy a few drinks” while I worked through the evening. Always drinking more than I intended.
After a hellish academic year, I realized the problem that I had developed, and took a good swing at sobriety. It stuck for a long while. I was happy, productive, fitter than I’ve ever been, I surfed every day, got a ton of exercise, crushed my final academic year, and landed an incredible job. That was at the end of 2019. I moved to a new city (and county) right before the pandemic. I had few friends and no real support network. Like many people, my drinking in 2020-21 got way out of hand. I gained weight, I was lonely, and I turned to booze again. Since then I have been yo-yo’ing, really struggling to find that bliss I achieved in 2019.
The last year has been better, with a lot of it spent sober (or at least not dark drinking). I turned 32 this spring, and am really starting to feel the consequences of not taking care of myself, not exercising, not eating well, and of drinking any amount of alcohol. But holy shit, sometimes it really seems like that self-destruct mechanism is just hardwired into my brain. I go out for a smoke and eat a whole pint of ice cream, doing things I know will make me feel like shit. At least they won’t make me feel as shitty as waking up brutally hungry over and wasting an entire Sunday. At least tomorrow I can get up early, feeling fresh, and hit the gym to “offset” the smoke and sugar. Right? I think I have to just tell myself that’s true, because at least I’m sober, and that’s the most important thing.
I have so much love and respect for everyone in this community. You all are superhero’s, and the world is better for you being here.
submitted by course_buddy to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 03:33 mark54398 Van electrical - splitting rocker panel DC outlet

I'm at the "know enough to be dangerous" stage of van electrical knowledge and want to ask a question before I try something.
My van has an Inergy Powerstation 1500 battery stack, similar to this one. One of the DC ports on the power station connects to a LP detector and the other connects to a rocker switch fuse panel similar to this one, which has four 15 amp fuses.
The rocker panel only has one DC plug port (not sure the proper name for this), that looks like the DC port a car would have for plugging in phone charger.
I want to split that port into 3 DC plug ports so that I can have my Laveo Dry flush toilet and my 12V fan (similar to this one) plugged in at the same time and have an extra port for miscellaneous items I might hookup like my 12V electric kettle.
I found this splitter on Amazon which has a 15amp fuse.
Questions -
1) My theory is that since each of the devices mentioned above (toilet, fan, electric kettle) have worked fine individually for years (swapping the device plugged into the one port on the rocker switch panel) that if I plug all three devices into the splitter, then each device should work fine individually because both the rocker panel and the splitter have a 15amp fuse.
Does that logic hold up? I'm on a trip right now and I'd like to buy this thing without trying to figure out the collective load of multiple devices operating at the same time. It's easy for me to just use one at a time for now (or forever, really), but not having to swap plugs is would be really nice.
2) My other theory is that if I accidentally used more than one device at a time through the splitter, and that was too much load for the port on the rocker switch panel to handle (15 amp fuse), then the 15amp fuse on the splitter would blow first, protecting the fuse on the rocker panel.
Does that logic hold up?
This is a piece of mind thing because, being on a trip, blowing the fuse on the rocker panel would be a big PITA whereas blowing the fuse on the splitter could be solved by setting the splitter aside and just going back to using the single port until I'm back from my trip.
Thanks much for any insights anyone can share!
submitted by mark54398 to CamperVans [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 18:10 tanzeema_ruhi Aurora on Saturday

Anyone knows where to see Aurora today that might be close to Newark, Delaware?

northernlights #aurora

submitted by tanzeema_ruhi to DelawareOH [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 05:27 DragonfruitMinimum30 Terrible Move in

I recently got into an apartment with an "as is" status in the lease. I was fully aware of this when I moved in, but upon moving in, there were so many issues, that I feel like it wasn't "rent ready" as the property manager has told me.
Just a quick summary :
Carpet is stained beyond belief. Cigarette-similar burns. Was told the flooring would be replaced or cleaned prior to move in.
Bathroom fan is useless (was told this would ALSO be fixed prior to move-in!)
80% of outlets do not work, and spark heavily when attempted to be used
Bedroom had no power, breaker not tripped.
Fridge and Freezer completely broken.
Doorbell broken.
AC unit is in 3 pieces and is far too dirty to safely use. I was told the unit did NOT HAVE AC. WHY IS THERE A UNIT HERE? During the tour, the 'unit' was covered by a piece of wood, so I was effectively mislead by the tour guide.
Am I able to sue or even fight in small claims over these issues? The apartment was NOT "ready to move in." It has to have power and functioning appliances to be ready. Additionally, the guide stated to me directly that "The floor and fan will be fixed before your move in. There is no AC, but you can buy a window unit."
Lastly, when calling management to come fix these issues (or at LEAST the POWER), I had to become loud and rude just to get them to show up! The person that did show up was very helpful and polite, but I'm just completely baffled by this whole event.
submitted by DragonfruitMinimum30 to legal [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 18:41 LeiRob111 Possible Aux/Bluetooth for 2005-2007 Nissan V35 (G35 Jap. Spec)

I’m not 100% sure but in order to do this you need to have the 05-07 Nissan V35 with Navigation Package and possibly the premium Bose system. Also not sure if it will be the same for the US Infiniti G35
I’ve been looking around to find a way to add Bluetooth music streaming for the G without replacing the head unit (plus metra/jdm style fascia) which is very very expensive, using fm transmitter with so much static or buying GROM BT3 for almost AUD$300. Here’s what I found:
Trumpet VQ ( ) has a tutorial on how to add AUX and later on add Bluetooth connection by soldering an RCA adapter to the TV tuner, connecting it to an aux cable, and in another video using a Bluetooth module with Volt converter. He mentions VTR plug to RCA adapter and something about AVC14 as an easier option rather than soldering. I have been looking for so called VTR plug and it is very hard to find. There is an expensive one called BEAT SONIC AVC14 RCA for Murano which is very expensive AUD$94. Alternatively I found a similar item.
I found a VTR Adapter used for the Nissan Elgrand E51 on Amazon which seems to have the same TV tuner as the G35 ( )
So in theory if I connect the VTR to RCA cable to the tuner -> Connect RCA to auxiliary cable -> connect Auxiliary to Bluetooth Transmitter -> connect transmitter to cigarette outlet for power = Better Music streaming. This is all in theory for now until my items arrive to test it out. I will add something to this or remove it if it doesn’t work out.
These are the products I bought on Amazon VTR to RCA Adapter for Nissan Elgrand -
RCA to Aux 5 metre cable - Aux to Bluetooth - 
submitted by LeiRob111 to G35 [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 15:33 boutell New US and Canadian CCS chargers in April 2024

Here are all (*) of the new US and Canadian CCS (Level 3 fast-charging) stations that rolled out in April 2024, according to the Department of Energy. You can get the data yourself here.
These chargers are suitable for most new EVs on the market, except for:
  1. Tesla drivers who haven't bought the official CCS adapter yet. Certain older Teslas need additional work done to accept the adapter.
  2. Leaf owners like me, owners of the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV, and some owners of older cars that also use CHAdeMO. If you drive such a car, see my matching post in leaf.
Some of these chargepoints will be "refreshes," e.g. the provider replaced them with faster chargers etc. Some may be incorrect. This report is only as good as the Alternative Fuels Data Center data.
There were 330 CCS charging stations with a total of 682 chargepoints added or refreshed in April 2024, which is a major uptick in both stations and chargepoints. There were only 166 new CCS charging stations in April 2023, with only 267 chargepoints. Things are trending dramatically upwards.
Some part of this is due to Tesla Magic Dock stations. Previously Tesla didn't report these to the AFDC as CCS, but now they do. And that makes sense because all CCS drivers can use them.
NOTE: most Tesla Superchargers do NOT have magic dock as of this writing (all those shown in this report should have it). I recommend using PlugShare to locate compatible stations for your vehicle.
(*) "What about other Tesla Superchargers? Can't everybody charge with NACS now?"
It's coming for many makes and models, and for newer Ford models as well as a few other manufacturers charging at v3 and v4 Superchargers is already an option with a free adapter from the automakers. GM should release their adapter in the coming weeks. But since they are not open to all CCS vehicles, this report is not the place for them. Tesla's app provides the best guide to their locations, including locations that work with non-Tesla vehicles.
Other Notes
To streamline this post, multi-chargepoint locations are listed with the number of chargepoints first.
For serious trip planning, I recommend PlugShare. But by all means check out these reported new locations and submit reviews on PlugShare, which makes things better for everyone.
If you'd like to know about new chargers along your routes right away, or just prefer not to check this list monthly when new openings are rare in your area, I've set up a free service that provides email notifications as soon as they open. You can sign up at Or not! I don't really have a business plan here, I built it to help EV owners like myself. PlugShare has a similar feature.
➡ AB (1) MD SMOKY RIVER DCFC STATION 1 701 Main St SW Falher, AB T0H 1M0 ➡ AR (3) Evt 1425 ohlendorf rd Osceola, AR 72370 ➡ AZ (1) HYUNDAI PEORIA PUBLIC LEVEL 3 8425 W Bell Rd Peoria, AZ 85382 (1) Coulter Cadillac Tempe 7780 SOUTH AUTOPLEX LOOP BUILDING 200 TEMPE, AZ 85284 ➡ BC (4) 7Charge - Abbotsford 1915 McCallum Rd Abbotsford, BC V2S 3N1 (1) Honda Burnaby - DC 5723 Marine Way Burnaby, BC V5J 0A6 (1) Bill Howich Chrysler - Smart DC 2777 North Island Highway Campbell River, BC V9W 2H4 (1) Honda Surrey - Smart DC 15291 Fraser Highway Surrey, BC V3R 3P3 (1) QUADREAL CA STALL 128 658 Homer St Vancouver, BC V6B 2R4 (3) QUADREAL CA STALL 110 658 Homer Street Vancouver, BC V6B 2R4 ➡ CA (2) WC ACURA CPE250-2 8375 E La Palma Ave Anaheim, CA 92807 (2) Tony's Pizza 10701 CA-178 Bakersfield, CA 93306 (1) Banning Farm's House Restaurant 6261 Joshua, E Palmer Dr Banning, CA 92220 (2) Solar Express 2434 San Pablo ave Berkeley, CA 94707 (3) LOVES CA BORON DCFC 1 27201 Boron Frontage Rd N Boron, CA 93516 (2) Flitway - Gordon Ranch Marketplace 2545 Chino Hills Pkwy Chino Hills, CA 91709 (6) 99 Ranch Chino Hills 2959 Chino Ave Chino Hills, CA 91709 (4) Flitway - East Lake Village Center 2220 Otay Lakes Rd Chula Vista, CA 91915 (6) Lowe's of Concord 1935 Arnold Industrial Way Concord, CA 94520 (2) Hilton Concord 1970 Diamond Blvd Concord, CA 94520 (4) Flitway - Inter-Community Hospital 212 W San Bernardino Rd Covina, CA 91723 (1) CULVER HONDA CPE250 BL 9055 Washington Blvd Culver City, CA 90232 (2) Delhi Unified School District 16491 Schendel Avenue Delhi, CA 95315 (2) DOWNEYHYUNDAI CPE250 2 7550 Firestone Boulevard Downey, CA 90241 (4) Chevron Elk Grove Gas Station 9299 Bond Road Elk Grove, CA 95624 (8) 46365 West Panoche Road (US-NF8-DC8-4B) 46365 West Panoche Road Firebaugh, CA 93622 (2) Sierra Plaza 815 Kern St Fresno, CA 93706 (8) Fresno Metro Black Chamber of Commerce - 1600 Fulton 1600 Fulton Street Fresno, CA 93721 (8) Wyndham Garden Fresno Airport 5090 East Clinton Way Fresno, CA 93727 (2) Ridgemark Gold Club & Resort 3800 Airline Hwy Hollister, CA 95023 (4) Flitway - Trabuco Community Center 5701 Trabuco Rd Irvine, CA 92620 (3) Rolls-Royce Motorcars San Diego 7440 La Jolla Blvd La Jolla, CA 92037 (4) The Elysian 1115 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90012 (1) DRIVE 1 SATILLITE STORE 11074 Sepulveda Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 91345 (8) Motel 6 North Hills 15711 Roscoe Blvd North Hills, CA 91343 (1) Chawanakee Unified School District 26065 Outback Industrial Way O'Neals, CA 93645 (1) Pacoima Van Nuys Blvd 13520 Van Nuys Blvd Pacoima, CA 91331 (2) Palmdale City Hall 38250 Sierra Hwy. Palmdale, CA 90245 (4) Foodsco Northgate #355 3625 Northgate Blvd Sacramento, CA 95834 (4) LOVES CA CA SALINAS DC 4 1264 De la Torre St Salinas, CA 93905 (3) Sunny Plaza 529 E Valley Blvd San Gabriel, CA 91776 (6) Seven Trees Shopping Center 4060 Monterey Hwy San Jose, CA 95111 (6) Almaden Plaza 4950 Almaden Expy San Jose, CA 95118 (1) FREEWAY HONDA DC FAST 01 1505 Auto Mall Dr Santa Ana, CA 92705 (2) SJCHA Sierra Vista Phase 1 1520 Eleventh Street Stockton, CA 95206 (2) SJCHA Sierra Vista Phase 2 2439 Volney Street Stockton, CA 95206 (2) HACSJ Tracy Homes 340 W 4th St Tracy, CA 95376 (2) Sheraton Universal Hotel DC 333 Universal Hollywood Dr Universal City, CA 91608 (2) Brian Allen 128 E Chestnut Ct Visalia, CA 93277 (4) City of Los Angeles Lot 696 835 N Avalon Blvd Wilmington, CA 90744 ➡ CO (1) SCVHISTSOC PIONEER TOWN 1 388 S Grand Mesa Dr Cedaredge, CO 81413 (2) San Isabel DCFC 8900 Interstate 25 Rye, CO 81069 ➡ CT (2) 365 E MAIN ST CPE250 2 365 East Main Street Branford, CT 06405 (1) GURUKRUPA GI LLC EV-1 85a Hemingway Ave East Haven, CT 06512 (2) New Country Motor Cars Group = Porsche Greenwich 241 West Putnam Ave Greenwich, CT 06830 (2) Pomfret Town Hall - SmartDC 5 Haven Rd Pomfret Center, CT 06259 ➡ FL (4) Carrabelle Fire Department 105 Tallahassee St Carrabelle, FL 32322 (1) Ed Morse Cadillac Delray Beach 2300 S.FEDERAL HIGHWAY DELRAY BEACH, FL 33483 (4) Flying J 624 29933 State Road 52 Dade City, FL 33576 (4) Chipotle Beach and University 5801 Beach Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32207 (2) Miller Electric - Electric Vehicle Innovation Design Center (EVIDC) 6811 Southpoint Pkwy Jacksonville, FL 32216 (2) Tom Bush BMW Jacksonville 9875 Atlantic Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32225 (2) Tom Bush BMW Orange Park 6914 Blanding Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32244 (1) Ford Midway Mall 8155 West Flagler Street Miami, FL 33144 (4) Palmetto 57 Volkswagen 16825 NW 57 Av Miami Gardens, FL 33055 (2) Orange County Health Department 12050 E Colonial Dr Orlando, FL 32826 (1) Evermore Orlando Resort 1570 Evermore Way Orlando, FL 32836 (2) Evermore - EVA 3 2420 North Beach Lane/Flats Orlando, FL 32836 (1) Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Tampa Bay 3255 Gandy Blvd N Pinellas Park, FL 33781 (2) BMW SARASOTA FAST CHARGE 2 5151 Clark rd Sarasota, FL 34233 (2) C-HYUNDAI CPE1 3810 W Hillsborough Ave Tampa, FL 33614 (2) BRANDON FORD LVL 3 #2 (CP) 9090 East Adamo Drive Tampa, FL 33619 (4) Hammock Landing 4311 Norfolk Pkwy West Melbourne, FL 32904 (12) Audi West Palm Beach 2101 Okeechobee Blvd West Palm Beach, FL 33409 ➡ GA (2) GEORGIA POWER AMERICUS DC1 202b U.S. Hwy 19 Americus, GA 31719 (2) GEORGIA POWER SHALLOWFORD EXP 4404 North Shallowford Road Atlanta, GA 30338 (9) ABM Electrification Center 2715 Ronald Reagan Blvd Cumming, GA 30041 (2) GENESIS CUMMING STE1 750 Peachtree Parkway Cumming, GA 30041 (2) GEORGIA POWER DONALSON DC2 209 Cherry St Donalsonville, GA 39845 (2) GEORGIA POWER GEORGE DC1 1 Main St Georgetown, GA 39854 (2) GEORGIA POWER RICHLAND DC 2 26 Stewart St Richland, GA 31825 (1) Walker-Jones 2700 MEMORIAL DRIVE WAYCROSS, GA 31503 ➡ HI (2) Kapolei Commons provided by Hawaiian Electric Company 4470 Kapolei Parkway Kapolei, HI 96707 ➡ IA (2) Indian Creek Nature Center 5300 Otis Rd SE Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 (3) JUNGE FORD - DCFC 525 Madison Avenue North Liberty, IA 52317 (2) Storm Lake 1250 N Lake Ave Ste 2 Storm Lake, IA 50588 ➡ ID (1) BRONCO HYUNDAI FV L3 #2 9250 Fairview Ave Boise, ID 83704 (1) BRONCO HYUNDAI FV L3 #1 9250 Fairview Avenue Boise, ID 83704 (2) HOMETOWN CHEVROLET BUICK GMC 1011 NW 16TH ST Fruiland, ID 83619 (2) ROGERS CDJR L3A ROGERS DODGE PL 1824 Main Street Lewiston, ID 83501 ➡ IL (2) Jo-Carroll Energy - Elizabeth 311 East Myrtle Street Elizabeth, IL 61028 (1) Harvard Ford-DCFC 5250 South Route 14 Harvard, IL 60033 (1) Community Honda of Orland Park 8340 West 159th Street Orland Park, IL 60462 ➡ IN (2) ANDY MOHR HYUND SERVICE 1441 Liberty Dr Bloomington, IN 47403 (1) Max Platt Ford-DCFC 1002 West North Street Kendallville, IN 46755 (4) Madison 590 Ivy Tech Dr Madison, IN 47250 (1) STOOPSEV 480V EV CHARGER 4055 W Clara Ln Muncie, IN 47304 (1) TEAM CHEVROLET, INC 1856 W US HWY 30 VALPARAISO, IN 46385 ➡ KS (1) EVERGY @PRSONCITY-437A 1600 Main St Parsons, KS 67357 (6) 2774 N Greenwich Ct (US-M5P-NN9-3B) 2774 N Greenwich Ct Wichita, KS 67226 ➡ KY (2) BUCEES RICHMOND RICHMOND 9-10 1013 Buc-ee's Blvd Richmond, KY 40475 (2) BUCEES RICHMOND RICHMOND 7-8 1013 Bucees Blvd Richmond, KY 40475 (4) Flying J 663 1670 Waddy Road Waddy, KY 40076 ➡ LA (1) GM - Ross Downing Cadillac 1301 S Morrison Blvd. Hammond, LA 70403 ➡ MA (4) PCCJEEP PL-3-R 556 Yarmouth Rd Barnstable, MA 02601 (1) 400 SUMMER ST 400 SUMMEP1-1 4 W Service Rd Boston, MA 02210 (6) 400 SUMMER ST 400 SUMMERP2-3 400 Summer St Boston, MA 02210 (1) 400 SUMMER ST 400 SUMMEP2-2 410 Summer St Boston, MA 02210 (3) Autel - Charlton Service Plaza Eastbound 80 Massachusetts Turnpike Charlton, MA 01507 (2) CAPE_ASSOCIATES MONOMOY 782 Main Street Chatham, MA 02633 (1) ALDEN BUICK GMC ALDEN LV3 #1 6 Whalers Way Fairhaven, MA 02719 (12) Comfort Inn - Tesla Supercharger 4 Fisher St Foxborough, MA 02035 (4) Autel - Framingham Rest Stop Westbound 114 Massachusetts Tpke Framingham, MA 01701 (2) Autel - Lee Service Plaza Westbound Massachusetts Tpke Lee, MA 01238 (2) Autel - Lee Service Plaza Eastbound Massachusetts Turnpike Lee, MA 01238 (12) Lynnfield Marketplace - Tesla Supercharger 28 Broadway Lynnfield, MA 01940 (2) Autel - Natick Service Plaza Eastbound 117 Massachusetts Turnpike Natick, MA 01760 (6) FORDOFNORTHMPTN PL-3-R 968 Bridge Road Northampton, MA 01060 (1) WFSU SCIENCE STATION 577 Western Avenue Westfield, MA 01085 (2) Quik Charge Charging Station 850 Washington St Weymouth, MA 02189 ➡ MB (4) BIRCHWOOD FORD DC-2 1300 Regent Ave W Winnipeg, MB R2C 3A8 ➡ MD (1) BGE - CCBC Essex 7201 Rossville Blvd Baltimore, MD 21237 (1) Skipjack Art Studios 329 Cannon Street Chestertown, MD 21620 ➡ ME (8) Rockland Plaza Shopping Center - Tesla Supercharger 75 Maverick St Rockland, ME 04841 ➡ MI (3) Brighton Ford - DCFC 8240 West Grand River Avenue Brighton, MI 48114 (3) Moran Chevrolet Clinton Township 35500 South Gratiot Ave Clinton Township, MI 48035 (4) Tanger Outlets - Howell, MI North End 2 DCFC 1475 North Burkhart Road Howell, MI 48855 ➡ MN (2) Cannon Falls 650 Main Street West Cannon Falls, MN 55009 (2) Chisholm 201 West Lake Street Chisholm, MN 55719 (2) City Of Crosby Library 101 1st Street Southeast Crosby, MN 56441 (2) WASC 425 Winnebago Avenue Fairmont, MN 56031 (2) City of Faribault 17 3rd Street Northeast Faribault, MN 55021 (2) Service Foods 321 West Lincoln Avenue Fergus Falls, MN 56537 (2) City of Fosston 220 1st Street East Fosston, MN 56542 (2) Burger King 2200 10th Street East Glencoe, MN 55336 (2) Grand Marais Public Utilities City Hall Parking Lot - South Side 15 Broadway Grand Marais, MN 55604 (2) City Of Little Falls NaN null Dewey Parkway Little Falls, MN 56345 (2) Mankato Area Foundation 115 South 2nd Street Mankato, MN 56001 (2) Schmelz Countryside Volkswagen 1180 Minnesota 36 Maplewood, MN 55109 (2) 36Lyn Refuel Station 3551 Lyndale Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55408 (4) Nelson Auto World 1625 Como Avenue Southeast Minneapolis, MN 55414 (2) Noodles & Company 922 Holiday Drive Moorhead, MN 56560 (2) Motley Motel 165 Riverfront Lane Motley, MN 56466 (2) City of New Ulm 541 2nd Street North New Ulm, MN 56073 (2) City Of Owatonna 215 Walnut Avenue South Owatonna, MN 55060 (1) Superior Ford-Plymouth-Series 9700 56th Ave N Plymouth, MN 55442 (2) Fresh Thyme Farmer's Market 1615 1st Street Southwest Rochester, MN 55901 (2) City Of Saint Peter 114 West Nassau Street Saint Peter, MN 56082 (2) Saint Peter Food Cooperative 228 West Mulberry Street Saint Peter, MN 56082 (2) City Of Springfield 601 East Rock Street Springfield, MN 56087 (2) City Of Saint Cloud 501 1st Street North St. Cloud, MN 56303 (2) Doc's Sports Bar and Grill 88801 Warbler Lane Sturgeon Lake, MN 55783 (2) Northern Lights Casino - Walker 6800 Y Frontage Road Northwest Walker, MN 56484 (2) Waseca Utilities NaN null 19th Avenue Northwest Waseca, MN 56093 (2) White Bear Lake Superstore 3880 U.S. 61 White Bear Lake, MN 55110 (2) WSU - Integrated Wellness Complex 118 West Mark Street Winona, MN 55987 ➡ MO (1) Pinegar Chevrolet Buick GMC 163 Adair Road Branson, MO 65616 (3) Lou Fusz Ford - DCFC 2 Caprice Drive Chesterfield, MO 63005 (2) AMI AM CHEVY - DC 1901 W Business U.S. 60 Dexter, MO 63841 (4) 14897 MO-38 14897 MO-38 Marshfield, MO 65706 (2) LIBERTY EMPIRE NEOSHOSVCCTR FW 1501 Industrial Dr Neosho, MO 64850 (1) Bommarito Cadillac 4190 N SERVICE RD ST PETERS, MO 63376 ➡ MS (2) NECDC STATION 2 (R) 101 Dempsey Rd. Byhalia, MS 38611 (2) CLW 5TH ST 1 (L) 301 5th Street South Columbus, MS 39701 (2) Turan Foley Chevrolet Cadillac Buick 11123 HWY 49N GULFPORT, MS 39503 ➡ MT (2) Corwin Motors Of Kalispell 2565 Hwy 93 North Kalispell, MT 59901 ➡ NB (2) St. Hubert Express 890 Saint Anne St Bathurst, NB E2A 6X2 (3) Irving 1735 Hanwell Rd Hanwell, NB E3C 2B8 (2) Tesla - 13995 - Miramichi 2485 King George Hwy Miramichi, NB E1V 6W7 (3) Gateway Plaza 2 Gateway Dr Oromocto, NB E2V 4S3 (2) Visitor Info Centre 34 Mallard Dr Sackville, NB E4L 4C3 ➡ NC (2) City of Asheboro Library 201 Worth St Ashboro, NC 27203 (5) Parkside Town Commons 7129 O’Kelly Chapel Road Cary, NC 27519 (2) Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians 946 Tsalagi Rd. Cherokee, NC 28719 (1) Town of Franklin 95 E Main 95 E Main St. Franklin, NC 28734 (2) DEP Pierce and Co 4229 Sam Potts Hwy Hallsboro, NC 28442 (2) Richmond Community College 1042 W Hamlet Ave Hamlet, NC 28345 (2) City of Hickory-DCFC 306 MAIN AV NW Hickory, NC 28601 (4) Sun Valley 6461 Old Monroe Rd Indian Trail, NC 28079 (5) Pilot Travel Center 683 1800 Princeton-Kenly Road Kenly, NC 27542 (2) dba Piggly Wiggly 61 2715 Hwy 11/55 Kinston, NC 28504 (2) City of Lowell 519 Park Cir Lowell, NC 28098 (2) Catawba Vale Collaborative LLC 96 Commerce St. Old Fort, NC 28762 (2) Triangle Stop - Saluda 1484 Ozone Dr Saluda, NC 28773 (2) City of Sanford - 101 East Humber st 101 E Humber St. Sanford, NC 27330 (1) Haywood CC West Waynesville An 23 Hendrix St Waynesville, NC 28786 (4) 402 S Bridge St 402 S Bridge St Wilkesboro, NC 28697 (2) Blacks Tire Service 1407 Castle Hayne Rd A Wilmington, NC 28401 (2) Capital Ford Wilmington 4222 Oleander Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 (2) Quality Oil Company 1980 Pecan Ln Winston Salem, NC 27284 (2) GM - Modern Chevrolet 5955 University Parkway Winston-Salem, NC 27105 (2) City of Clinton 110 Loop St clinton, NC 28328 (2) Quality Mart 62 - 1736 NC 67 1736 NC 67 jonesville, NC 28642 ➡ ND (2) Simonson Station Store Minot 1310 South Broadway Minot, ND 58701 ➡ NH (1) Grappone Hyundai 514 Route 3A Bow, NH 03304 (6) 10 Benning St (US-M4C-8KT-2C) 10 Benning St West Lebanon, NH 03784 ➡ NJ (2) LIBERTY TOYOTA STATION 2 4397 U.S. 130 Burlington, NJ 08016 (1) NIELSEN CHEVROLET 1 Route 46 W Dover, NJ 07801 (2) Open Road Acura of East Brunswick 1041 Rt 18 East Brunswick, NJ 08816 (2) BOARDWALK HONDA CPE250 1 6807 Tilton Rd Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 (1) BMER, LLC dba Flemington BMW 216 Rt 202 & 31 N Flemington, NJ 08822 (1) Manahawkin CDJR 188 New jersey 72 Manahawkin, NJ 08050 (1) Park Ave Acura Service 247 West Passaic St Maywood, NJ 07435 (1) Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Philadelphia 100 Route 73 Palmyra, NJ 08065 (2) WALDWICK PUBLIC DCFC #2 15 E Prospect St Waldwick, NJ 07463 (2) Open Road Acura of Wayne 1425 Route 23 South Wayne, NJ 07470 (2) Open Road Acura of Wayne 1425 rt 23 s Wayne, NJ 07470 (1) QUICKCHEK CP- QC186-2 3483 U.S. 22 Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889 (1) QUICKCHEK CP-QC186-1 3483 U.S. 22 Whitehouse station, NJ 08889 ➡ NM (1) COLUMBUS EV PARK 1 216 Broadway Deming, NM 88030 (2) AVANYU AVANYU LEFT 618 N Riverside Dr Española, NM 87532 ➡ NY (1) Shults Hyundai 181 E. Fairmount Avenue Lakewood, NY 14750 (1) ABM Tradeshow Units One Liberty Plaza, 7th Floor New York, NY 10006 (1) NYC FLEET DPRWFMARNA_1_L3 1 Marina Road Queens, NY 11369 (4) KENNETH DR Q KENNETH DR 1 375 Kenneth Drive Rochester, NY 14623 (1) Paragon Acura 56-02 Northern Blvd Woodside, NY 11377 (4) NEW test by jimmy 23 E 91st Street ny, NY 10128 ➡ OH (2) KERRY FORD, INC FORD ISLAND #3 155 West Kemper Road Cincinnati, OH 45246 (2) KINGS FORD, INC FORD L3 PUBLIC1 9555 Kings Automall Drive Cincinnati, OH 45249 (3) Byers Ford DCFC's 1101 Columbus Pike Delaware, OH 43015 (3) Elyria OH 905 LORAIN BLVD ELYRIA, OH 44035 (2) Bob Boyd Ford DCFCs 2840 North Columbus Street Lancaster, OH 43130 (3) Coughlin Ford Pataskala DCFC's 9800 Worthington Road Pataskala, OH 43062 (1) Wooster Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram 2626 Cleveland Road Wooster, OH 44691 ➡ ON (2) Crowe’s Car Wash 8461 County Road 45 Alderville, ON K0K 2X0 (1) CenterLine Corporate - DC 415 Morton Drive LaSalle, ON N9J 3T8 (1) OXFORD DODGE DODGE L3 S1 1249 Hyde Park Road London, ON N6H 5K6 (1) IDEAL HONDA FAST CHARGER 1700 Toyo Cir Mississauga, ON L4W 0E7 (1) Myers Barrhaven Subaru - Fast Charger 4151 Strandherd Drive Ottawa, ON 45.2653 (1) Hal Wright Chevrolet Cadillac GMC Buick 202423 Hwy 6&21 Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N7 (4) IKEA EV FLEET 2 1475 The Queensway Toronto, ON M8Z 1T3 (1) Winash Limited Partnership - SmartDC 5550 Baldwin Street South Whitby, ON L1M 0M5 ➡ OR (3) WCEH Banks 660 Main Street Banks, OR 97106 (1) WCEH Detroit 220 D St Detroit, OR 97342 (1) WCEH McMinnville 499 NE Davis St McMinnville, OR 97128 (6) ARCO - Market Street NE, Salem 2979 Market St NE Salem, OR 97301 (4) WCEH Woodburn 2900 Tom Tennant Dr Woodburn, OR 97071 ➡ PA (2) 93 AdvancedPower 93 Sharon Road Greenville, PA 16125 (2) BENNETT HYUNDAI SALES 2101 Cumberland St Lebanon, PA 17042 (1) Sylvester Chevrolet Inc 1609 Main St Peckville, PA 18452 (1) Faulkner Cadillac 4447 E STREET RD TREVOSE, PA 19053 ➡ QC (4) BRCC - Boucherville - Parc Pierre-Laporte 510, Chemin du Lac Boucherville, QC J4B 6X6 (4) Canadian Tire - Jonquière 2290 Blvd René Lévesque Jonquière, QC G7S 5Y5 (1) DION CHEV EV CPE250C-625-CCS 2200 Rue Sherbrooke Magog, QC J1X 4Z6 (2) BRCC - Mont-Saint-Michel - Parc du village 95 rue Gravel Mont-Saint-Michel, QC J0W 1P0 (1) RECHARGECO ST-LEONARD 01 7150 Boul Langelier Montréal, QC H1S 2X6 (8) HARDY RINGUETTE #1 1842 3e Avenue Val-d'Or, QC J9P 7A9 ➡ SC (2) Beach Buick GMC 922 Frontage Rd E Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 (2) GPM Southeast, LLC/Scotchman 3894 2454 Mounty Holly Rd Rock Hill, SC 29730 ➡ SD (2) Northwestern 117 Mitchell Boulevard Mitchell, SD 57301 ➡ TN (2) MB COLLIERVILLE MBC EXPP PL 4651 South Houston Levee Road Collierville, TN 38017 (2) Rusty Wallace Ford 134 Sharon Drive Dandridge, TN 37725 (2) SPRFLD ELECTRIC STATION 1 (L) 401 N Main St. Springfield, TN 37172 (2) MLEC STATION 2 (R) W 210 West Main St Waverly, TN 37185 ➡ TX (1) AZTEC EV AZTEC CHEVROLET 772 U.S. 181 Beeville, TX 78102 (1) Rolls Royce Dallas Service 2425 W Northwest Hwy Dallas, TX 75220 (1) Bert Ogden Cadillac Edinburg 4801 S I-69C Edinburg, TX 78539 (4) Enel X - ZIP IN ZIP OUT Truck Stop 1414 Palacios St El Campo, TX 77437 (1) ABM test site 1 for Yoka N Glenbrook Dr Garland, TX 75040 (2) Grubbs Volvo Cars Central Houston 7620 Washington Ave Houston, TX 77007 (2) AM Premier Test Site 11311 N Gessner Dr Houston, TX 77064 (1) GROUP1AUTO CPE250 2 10155 Southwest Fwy Houston, TX 77074 (1) GROUP1AUTO CPE250 ALONE-3 10455 Southwest Fwy Houston, TX 77074 (24) Gigahub - Katy Fwy, Westlake 14401 Katy Fwy Houston, TX 77079 (2) WHOUSTON 250 GENESIS 2 16803 Katy Fwy Houston, TX 77094 (1) KV MAIN CAMPUS KV RETAIL DC 2 145 Avery Rd Kerrville, TX 78028 (1) HONDAOFCLEARLAK EXPP PUBLIC 1 2205 Gulf Fwy S League City, TX 77573 (2) MESSER HYUNDAI CPE250-PAIR2 4025 West Loop 289 Access Road Lubbock, TX 79407 (2) Gene Messer Chevrolet 1303 S Loop 289 Lubbock, TX 79412 (1) WORLD AUTO CHEVYPECOS 181 South Interstate 20 Frontage Road Pecos, TX 79772 (6) Target San Antonio #T0771 2810 Southwest Military Drive San Antonio, TX 78224 (2) RM FORD WEST MFW L3 SERVICE 7111 Northwest Loop 410 Serving Parking San Antonio, TX 78238 (2) RM FORD WEST MFW L3 AUX BLDG 7121 Northwest Loop 410 Auxilary Bldg San Antonio, TX 78238 (2) RM FORD RMF L3 EVB 8333 West Interstate 10 EV Building San Antonio, TX 78257 (2) RM FORD RMF L3 SHOWRM 8333 West Interstate 10 Showroom San Antonio, TX 78257 (1) Silsbee Ford - public 1211 U.S. 96 Silsbee, TX 77656 ➡ UT (1) DAVIS COUNTY UT DCG EAST 61 South Main Street Farmington, UT 84025 ➡ VA (4) Swift Creek 13501 Hull Street Rd Midlothian, VA 23112 (1) LYNX VENTURES STATION 14 DC 0 E 4th St Richmond, VA 23224 ➡ VT (4) Norwich EV - Bradford Charging Center 22 N Main St Bradford, VT 05033 (8) Manchester Center 4993 Main St Manchester, VT 05255 (2) Grace Cottage Hospital 185 Grafton Road Townsend, VT 05353 ➡ WA (2) Yoke's Fresh Market - Deer Park 810 S Main St Deer Park, WA 99006 (1) KIA OF EVERETT KIA OF EVERETT 229 Southwest Everett Mall Way Everett, WA 98204 (1) WCEH City of Pateros 203 Pateros Mall Pateros, WA 98846 (6) ARCO 7091 - 104th Drive NW, Stanwood 26930 104th Drive NW Stanwood, WA 98292 (4) Sumner Cannery Way 13608 Cannery Wy Sumner, WA 98390 (1) RAG - Honda of Sumner 16302 Auto Lane Sumner, WA 98390 ➡ WI (1) TOB CHARGEPOINT SHOWROOM LOT 20655 W Capitol Dr Brookfield, WI 53045 (2) Cadott River Country Plaza 641 Wisconsin 27 Cadott, WI 54727 (2) City of Eau Claire 122 East Madison Street Eau Claire, WI 54703 (2) 29 Pines 5872 33rd Avenue Eau Claire, WI 54703 (2) Hampton Inn And Suites 2610 Pearson Drive Hudson, WI 54016 (1) HEISER TOYOTA 1 CPE250 11301 W Metro Auto Mall Milwaukee, WI 53224 (2) Prime Bar Family Dining null N7294 Service Road Trego, WI 54888 

submitted by boutell to electricvehicles [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 14:00 F835 [OC] Delaware Raillink (proposal for passenger rail in Delaware)

[OC] Delaware Raillink (proposal for passenger rail in Delaware)
Delaware is predestined for passenger rail.
  1. dense population (500/sq mi)
  2. small size (2,489 sq mi)
  3. linear geography (biggest cities on one axis)
submitted by F835 to TransitDiagrams [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 05:41 divyankasinghaniya Duty Free Retail Market Opportunities: Growth Status & Regional Forecast to 2032

The global duty free retail market size was valued at USD 42.65 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow from USD 46.67 billion in 2024 to USD 78.78 billion by 2032, exhibiting a CAGR of 6.76% during the forecast period.. The rising demand for alcohol in several economies especially in Asia owing to increasing spending capacity of middle class people, changing consumer habits, and growing international tourist arrivals has elevated the demand for premium duty free liquor worldwide. Strategic developments and innovations in the sector will further propel duty free alcohol sales, thus aiding market expansion. This information is provided by Fortune Business Insights, in its report titled, “Duty Free Retail Market, 2024-2032.”
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Top Companies Covered in the Duty Free Retail Market:
Perfumes Segment to Lead Owing to Availability of Variety of Internationally Reputed Brands
As per type, the market is split into perfumes, cosmetics, alcohol, cigarettes, and others. Among these, the perfumes segment captured the largest market share in 2022. Affluent global travelers usually visit retail chains that offer perfumes of internationally reputed brands, including Hugo Boss, Prada, Gucci, Al Haramain Dazzle Intense, Giorgio Armani, Belle, Signature Silver, Signature Rose, and Khulasat Al Oud. They offer several types of perfumes, including Eau De Perfume (EDP), Perfume or De Perfume, Eau De Toilette (EDT), and Eau De Cologne (EDC) in one place, which is contributing to segment growth.
Airports Segment to Capture Significant Share Due to Rising Number of Duty Free Retail Stores
According to sales channel, the market is divided into airports, onboard aircraft, seaports, train stations, and others. Among these, the airports segment dominated the global market in 2022. The growing number of international and domestic airports in several economies is attributed to segment expansion. The increasing number of duty free retail stores across airports worldwide will further drive segment growth in the coming years.
Geographically, the market is segregated into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South America, and the Middle East & Africa.
Report Coverage:
The report includes:
Drivers and Restraints:
Rising Number of Airports in Several Countries to Aid Market Expansion
The construction of new airports in several economies and rising investments to expand existing ones will generate many opportunities for market growth. For example, in February 2021, the Airport Authority of India (AAI), an Indian governmental body that operates 125 airports, issued a construction permit worth USD 135.07 million (INR 987 crore) for the first phase of an international airport named ‘Dholera’ in Gujarat. According to Global Aviation Summit 2019, the Civil Aviation Ministry of India aims to have 190-200 operational airports by 2040 under the ‘Indian Aviation Vision 2040’. Mumbai and Delhi will each have three international airports, while the top 31 Indian cities will have two operating airports.
On the other hand, fluctuations in currency exchange rates will hinder market augmentation in the forthcoming years.
Ask for Customization:
Regional Insights:
Asia Pacific to Capture Significant Share Stoked by Innovative Product Launches
Asia Pacific held majority of the duty free retail market share in 2022 backed by strategic developments in Asian economies, which will facilitate the launch of innovative products in the region. For example, in its master plan dated June 1st, 2020, China’s central government announced various policies aimed at establishing the Hainan Free Trade Port (Hainan FTP) on the country’s southern coast. The government also announced its plan to make Hainan FTP an internationally renowned free trade port by 2050. This strategic move will elevate the expansion of domestic retail chains that offer a wide variety of retail products in the coming years.
Meanwhile, the Europe market is slated to grow substantially over the forecast period due to rising expenditure on luxury goods by tourists. After the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, airports in European countries have taken measures to attract tourists/passengers to retail stores that are duty free. This, in turn, will boost sales and aid regional market expansion.
The North America market is driven by travel spending in the U.S. and the growing number of tourists. Canada is one of the key contributors to the North America market. According to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), duty free stores operate in approximately 53 locations across Canada, including land border locations and international airports.
Competitive Landscape:
Launch of New Duty Free Stores by New Entrants and Existing Players to Drive Market Proliferation
Industry leaders are launching new duty free retail stores or investing funds in expanding existing ones to strengthen their position in the global market. For instance, in June 2022, Mumbai Travel Retail Pvt Ltd. ((MTRPL), an Indian private travel retailer, unveiled its new outlet at the Thiruvananthapuram International Airport in Kerala, India. The new store is a part of the company's Duty Free (TDF) stores covering approximately 2,450 sq ft. These travel retail stores offer a broad spectrum of products, from branded perfumes, travel accessories to imported confectionery. This strategic move opens up new business opportunities for prospective travel retail operators across Indian states, including Kerala and Karnataka.
Key Industry Development:
January 2023: Foreo, a Sweden-based connected beauty brand, launched a new store in Manila, Philippines, in collaboration with Duty Free Philippines. The new store (Luxe Duty Free) contributed to Duty Free Philippines' expansion strategies within the country.
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submitted by divyankasinghaniya to u/divyankasinghaniya [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 12:09 Urbanexploration2021 Wrote two urbex guides (for finding locations and safety) for my subreddit - need feedback if y'all have ideas.

My community is romanian so it was originally written in romanian, just translated it with chat gpt now so that may be why some words or expressions sound weird.
How to Find Urban Exploration Locations Without Someone's Help
Google is your friend: Search, Maps, and Earth.
Most of the locations I explore are found online. The internet is the most important resource we have in urban exploration and it's not that hard to use it properly. If you search and don't find information online (let's say in Bucharest), it means you haven't searched enough (I've been to hundreds of locations in the past year, and 90% were found online) xD
I. Before you search, you need to ask yourself a few questions:
  1. What do you want to find?
Okay, urban exploration locations. What kind of locations? Are they abandoned houses or buildings, unfinished construction sites, abandoned industrial buildings, forts or bunkers, etc. There are many options, and you can easily find information by using specific searches.
  1. Where is the location?
Again, the volume of information on the internet is absolutely huge, and it helps to have a specific search (street, sector, city, county, region, country etc.).
  1. In what form do you think the information you want is? Where do you think you'll find it? Is it a social media post or a blog? Is it an article in the press? Is it in an official document?
Depending on the answer, you can adapt your search. In practice, various terms are used depending on the purpose of the text. The most efficient way to get used to this (it becomes instinctive at some point) is practice :))
II. Finding a potential location and confirming it.
The most basic option is to search for pre-made lists of abandoned places. You can search on Google for "abandoned places Bucharest" and find posts on forums, websites, social media, etc.
Obviously, the information is not always up to date (in fact, in urban exploration, it's rarely up to date), and you need to check if the location is still abandoned, which is relatively simple. Let's say you found Alex Iacob's website (Reptilianul) and see an interesting location. Let's say Aversa. It's not a good idea to assume that's all because you might end up at the location and find it's a guarded ruin (or that you're trying to enter an active building protected by the military even though it seemed like a ruin online - real story, sadly).
I first search on Google Earth what the location looks like (btw, just because it looks like that on Earth or Maps doesn't mean it's like that in reality because the image is not always updated) and check 3D or street view. If it still looks abandoned (broken windows, broken fences, graffiti, holes in walls, vegetation, holes in the roof, etc.), I do some searches on Google to find additional information. You don't always find something useful like this, but in the case of famous buildings, there is plenty of information online (check their current status and look for the latest news/posts). In the case of less known buildings, it helps to search for the exact address to see what their situation is.
And if we're talking about searches, there are some relatively well-known things ignored by many people. When you search for something on a standardized search engine (let's say a simple search on Google), you find enough close results. Basically, it searches for similar terms but not exact ones, which usually doesn't help us. You can avoid this by using an advanced search (especially since you can avoid some terms, so if you're looking for a news story about an abandoned building, you can avoid news about mainstream ones) or by putting the searched terms in quotation marks. Another thing is searching for the type of documents. Let's say you want to search for locations using some official documents. In this case, you can search by file type. For example: "abandoned buildings" filetype:pdf (and you find documents in pdf format containing the words you searched for).
Well, now you can search for some tips and tricks on Google searches because there are plenty of them :))
Another option is to spend a lot of time on Maps or Earth to find locations that seem abandoned and then check them. Here it's about patience and discipline. You can't really rush the process, you just have to invest time and effort, and you'll find locations 100%.
III. Physically verifying online information.
Regardless of your skill in finding online information, you still need to physically verify it. This depends on the person and your circumstances.
I'm more paranoid by nature, and I admit I have some issues with anxiety/overthinking, so I try to make everything as safe as possible (especially from a legal point of view). This means I don't take many risks, I check the buildings physically before entering, I take a quick look around without entering at that time. I look for guards, cameras, entry and exit ways from a building (the entrance can be slower but subtle, the exit should be quick, even if it's too obvious). Preferably, multiple exits and entrances, just in case (and it works, I haven't received any fines in 4-5 years of urban exploration).
What you do next is your choice. I prefer not to take risks if I see something suspicious; it's not like the location will disappear if I don't enter it right away.
IV. You've seen a location in someone's post and want to go there too.
Here it's complicated (obviously, you don't spam the person with messages "give me the location too"). If the photos are from inside a building, it's hard to figure out the location (not impossible). In theory, a location posted recently on this subreddit would have a vague location posted by the author (city or region, nothing more exact, and that only if the exact location is not obvious).
So you have a starting point, you know the approximate area. To increase your chances of success, you need to figure out what type of building it is. Some are impossible to find without someone giving you the location (like the recent post about Mrs. Eugenia's house here) because it's just a simple house and there shouldn't be any online information about it. Furthermore, it's not a "special" or "unique" location that you can differentiate from other houses in Romania. Other locations are easier; you see a logo, specific equipment, or anything that helps you figure out what the location was used for. For example, you see an old train and think it's something related to the Romanian Railways. Or you see an old gas mask and think it's some industrial building from the communist era. If you know the relative area, you have a chance to find the area because you've advanced to "abandoned industry Constanța" (hypothetically speaking).
If the photo is of the exterior, the situation changes (for the better) because you have a higher chance of finding the location. What do you see in that photo? Do you recognize anything? Let's say it's a photo taken from some buildings in Bucharest, and you see a fairly large lake. There aren't that many large lakes in Bucharest; you've already found some approximate areas where that building could be. Usually, there are enough details in the photos, and you can use them: tall buildings with the corporate logo on them, giant advertisements, emblematic buildings, maybe even traffic signs with the names of streets.
If you see this information, you further reduce the possible locations. You definitely find the area using Google Earth 3D view and street view to find the exact place (you practically walk around until you find from which direction the photo was taken, and then you look to see if it looks abandoned. If not, it's probably a normal building that someone climbed, so you can look for graffiti, but those are not mandatory).
Another option that rarely works (but is quick and free, so I usually test it first) is reverse search by image. I recommend a browser extension: Invid Weverify, which basically searches for an image using multiple sites (it's for fact-checking, but geolocation is part of it, so it's useful).
For those interested in geolocation, I can give you some references to something more detailed/useful. See what techniques are used in OSINT and adapt them for finding urbex locations lol. I recommend the book "OSINT Techniques: Resources for Uncovering Online Information" by Michael Bazzell, 2023 edition (btw, Libgen is brilliant, Z Library as a backup. Update: Anna's Archives is getting bigger than anything now).
I know my guide might seem disappointing; I'm sure I probably missed some "strategies," but believe me, I've been using them for years and have found plenty of locations. There's no magic solution; it's just about time, effort, and skills gained through training. I hope my little "guide" helps you :)))

Guide to Urban Exploration Safety

Exploration is an interesting hobby, but it can be dangerous, and I think we're all aware of that. It's important to acknowledge the risks when embarking on exploration and not start with the mindset of "it won't happen to me" because anything can happen to anyone. Yes, the chances are slim, but not nonexistent. Most of the things here are logical, some maybe not. Let me start with a list of the "equipment" I consider necessary (in general, obviously depending on the situation), then I'll cover a passage about avoiding legal problems, safety issues during exploration, what to do if you encounter dogs or homeless people, and other general advice.
1. Equipment:
a) Comfortable footwear (you never know how much walking you'll do), with thick soles (to protect against nails, shards, spikes, etc.), and relatively waterproof (depends on the situation, but I've often encountered mud, puddles of water, or other liquids lol).
b) Comfortable clothing (freedom of movement), dark-colored (to avoid drawing attention, especially if you're in a building where you'd be the only colorful spot), and durable (or clothing you don't care much about getting dirty or damaged easily).
c) Mask (I know it's an investment, but a good mask should be essential). Many of the buildings we explore are old, which means there are some risks: asbestos, lead paint, or various chemicals in the air. The first two are banned, but they were legal when some of the buildings we explore were constructed. Then there's the risk of encountering chemicals that have been dumped there or were in the buildings before they were abandoned, but the container is destroyed or simply not maintained the way it used to be (and in many buildings, ventilation is quite dusty). Not to mention other minor but annoying hazards: dust and mold. Bonus: the mask helps endure the horrible smell you constantly encounter in urbex lol.
d) First aid "kit" - it doesn't have to be anything fancy, logically, but it doesn't hurt to have something on you just in case: band-aids, some bandages (the adhesive type is more useful), disinfectant (because most of the things you can cut or prick yourself on are either rusty or dirty). If it's something more serious, go to the hospital quickly (I think that was obvious, but I thought I'd add it - especially if we're talking about dog bites or cuts/piercings caused by rusty objects).
e) Situational "tools": wet wipes/disinfectant (especially if you're a smoker or if you want to eat), flashlight (I prefer flashlights that can be charged at the outlet, but also have regular batteries), power bank (because, well, you need your phone), water and some food (I've had to wait hours for security/police to leave so I could leave the building), rope/paracord (especially if you know you need to descend a considerable distance), gloves (especially if you're climbing somewhere), etc. I'm waiting for suggestions from you; I'm sure I missed something 😊)
e) Self-defense: pepper spray (for homeless people) and some food (for dogs). Also, it doesn't hurt to have some extra cigarettes or food in case you talk to a homeless person.
2. Avoiding Legal Problems
Exploration is illegal in most cases (even if there's no sign saying "forbidden," locked doors or gates, barbed wire fences, surveillance cameras, etc.), so we accept the legal consequences of our choices (and yes, even minors). I divide exploration into 3 stages: entering the location, exploring it, and exiting the location.
For me, entry should be invisible, exploration subtle, and exit quick.
First of all, I need to check if the location is abandoned. I check online first (mainly news about the location, searching for the "exact address" in quotes to find that exact address; if it's a company, I check the business details; reverse search a street photo to see if I find something, etc.), then I check physically (broken fence, broken windows, absence of surveillance cameras, absence of activity traces, absence of alarm at the entrance, etc.). If everything is fine and the location is abandoned, then I start looking for an entry. For me, entry should be subtle (preferably not through a crowded place where people can see you, not through a place with surveillance cameras), quick (to minimize the possibility of someone catching you jumping the fence), and efficient (it's useless to have a subtle and quick entry if you waste a lot of time getting into the building, so you increase the time you're in open space).
Exploration should be subtle: don't make noise, don't use bright lights (minimum necessary, you don't need a powerful flashlight to see where you're going), and don't go in a large group (3 people seems enough to me). Don't hang around windows, and if you're on the roof, try not to attract attention (especially with the light from the flashlight or phone lol).
Exiting should be as subtle as the rest, but if it can't be... well, at least it should be quick because no one will chase you anymore. Try to exit where you can check if someone is passing by (if it's near the street) or if someone is waiting for you (security or police).
I'll add here the importance of anonymity, both during exploration and afterward. I know the chances of legal trouble because of this are slim, but it doesn't cost you much to reduce risks: cover your face or at least wear a hood during exploration, avoid posting online photos/clips where features that could be used for your identification are visible (face, tattoos, etc.), if you get into urbex and are active online, don't involve your real name in the equation.
3. Building Safety Issues
Obviously, it depends on the location being explored, but usually, we're talking about buildings abandoned for some time and their condition is not ideal. First of all, this means you risk falling through the floor, having the ceiling fall on your head, and you can't really avoid that. Obviously, don't jump like a retard if you see that the floor is unstable 😊)) But usually, it matters to keep your attention during exploration (look for holes and cracks in the floor or ceiling, check how solid the object you're holding onto is when trying to climb onto something, etc.), know your limits (especially when it comes to heights, free climbing, or parkour), and don't take unnecessary risks (common sense things: don't touch unknown substances, cables, sharp objects, etc.).
4. Dogs and Homeless People
Yes, homeless people are also humans, I included them here just out of laziness. I don't recommend going to urbex with headphones on because they help you hear the noises from the ground. If you hear barking, assume there are dogs so you can play it safe: avoid those areas, don't stay outside the building for too long, check the area from above when you reach the
upper floors or the roof. Same goes for homeless people: you rarely encounter them during the day, but it helps to avoid them if you hear noises, shouting, etc. If you encounter dogs and homeless people, aggression and running away won't help. It's much better to remain calm and retreat in an organized manner. If you have no choice, engage in conversation with homeless people but not aggressively, don't show off like you have money, behave as if you have a backbone (meaning, have balls, but not in a passive-aggressive way).
5. General Advice
Watch out for tobacco, alcohol, and drug consumption. I included tobacco on the list just to emphasize the idea that you shouldn't throw lit cigarettes randomly because you risk setting fire to the location (especially if there are flammable substances there, old papers, etc.). I don't recommend in any possible way consuming anything that makes you think irrationally, especially since you need a good balance in some situations (good luck jumping high fences if you're dead drunk or high as a kite), but I think that's obvious.
Choose your locations wisely, understand your limits. I understand that some places are extremely interesting, but I don't recommend someone who has never been to urbex to explore a well-guarded or hard-to-reach building. Not to mention that some places are really risky (like subway tunnels), others are not a good idea at night (extremely damaged locations or those where the light from flashlights is very visible), and others are simply inaccessible in general (security, locked doors, surveillance cameras, etc.).
I don't recommend going urbex alone, but neither going in large groups. The larger the group, the greater the chances that someone will make a mistake or somehow attract attention (it's one thing for 1-3 people to jump over a fence and another for 5-10 lol). I actually try to create a community here, but that doesn't mean I can control the quality of the people present on this subreddit in any way. When choosing to explore with strangers you find online, some dangers arise, obviously. I'm not even mentioning those extremely unlikely dangers (to be a policeman, organ theft, etc. lol), I'm referring to more concrete ones: you don't know how cautious the respective person is, how much experience they have, what physical condition they are in, etc. You might be cautious, but you might get hurt because of the person next to you. I'm not even mentioning the possibility of encountering someone who's a jerk and does nasty jokes in abandoned buildings (locking you somewhere, leaving you behind, etc.), committing some illegalities (beating up a homeless person, setting something on fire, destroying things, etc.), and so on.
Also, urbex should not and should not be a competition. For me, all that matters is to feel good when I explore. I've met people who see exploration as a competition (x has been to y place, I have to go too) or people who are in a continuous search for validation online. I'm by no means the most experienced urbexer, but I can say that in the last 4-5 years, I've seen people who started doing urbex and then took on more and more risks (and yes, the places they've reached are cool). I believe there are few of those people (and no, I won't name names) who continue to do urbex: most of them calmed down after legal problems started to arise (I know it may not seem like it when you're young, but that criminal record can have nasty consequences), and the unlucky ones have serious medical problems (I've seen a few cases of life-changing problems in the comments, like nasty fractures, paralysis, etc.). If you look for it a bit, you'll find enough news about people who died doing urbex (and I'm not talking about suicides), so there can be serious consequences for recklessness.
That being said, I'm not here to tell you how to do urbex; the post is for those who want to explore safely and are just starting out.
submitted by Urbanexploration2021 to abandoned [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 11:54 Urbanexploration2021 Wrote two urbex guides (for finding locations and safety) for my subreddit - need feedback if y'all have ideas

My community is romanian so it was originally written in romanian, just translated it with chat gpt now so that may be why some words or expressions sound weird.
How to Find Urban Exploration Locations Without Someone's Help
Google is your friend: Search, Maps, and Earth.
Most of the locations I explore are found online. The internet is the most important resource we have in urban exploration and it's not that hard to use it properly. If you search and don't find information online (let's say in Bucharest), it means you haven't searched enough (I've been to hundreds of locations in the past year, and 90% were found online) xD
I. Before you search, you need to ask yourself a few questions:
  1. What do you want to find?
Okay, urban exploration locations. What kind of locations? Are they abandoned houses or buildings, unfinished construction sites, abandoned industrial buildings, forts or bunkers, etc. There are many options, and you can easily find information by using specific searches.
  1. Where is the location?
Again, the volume of information on the internet is absolutely huge, and it helps to have a specific search (street, sector, city, county, region, country etc.).
  1. In what form do you think the information you want is? Where do you think you'll find it? Is it a social media post or a blog? Is it an article in the press? Is it in an official document?
Depending on the answer, you can adapt your search. In practice, various terms are used depending on the purpose of the text. The most efficient way to get used to this (it becomes instinctive at some point) is practice :))
II. Finding a potential location and confirming it.
The most basic option is to search for pre-made lists of abandoned places. You can search on Google for "abandoned places Bucharest" and find posts on forums, websites, social media, etc.
Obviously, the information is not always up to date (in fact, in urban exploration, it's rarely up to date), and you need to check if the location is still abandoned, which is relatively simple. Let's say you found Alex Iacob's website (Reptilianul) and see an interesting location. Let's say Aversa. It's not a good idea to assume that's all because you might end up at the location and find it's a guarded ruin (or that you're trying to enter an active building protected by the military even though it seemed like a ruin online - real story, sadly).
I first search on Google Earth what the location looks like (btw, just because it looks like that on Earth or Maps doesn't mean it's like that in reality because the image is not always updated) and check 3D or street view. If it still looks abandoned (broken windows, broken fences, graffiti, holes in walls, vegetation, holes in the roof, etc.), I do some searches on Google to find additional information. You don't always find something useful like this, but in the case of famous buildings, there is plenty of information online (check their current status and look for the latest news/posts). In the case of less known buildings, it helps to search for the exact address to see what their situation is.
And if we're talking about searches, there are some relatively well-known things ignored by many people. When you search for something on a standardized search engine (let's say a simple search on Google), you find enough close results. Basically, it searches for similar terms but not exact ones, which usually doesn't help us. You can avoid this by using an advanced search (especially since you can avoid some terms, so if you're looking for a news story about an abandoned building, you can avoid news about mainstream ones) or by putting the searched terms in quotation marks. Another thing is searching for the type of documents. Let's say you want to search for locations using some official documents. In this case, you can search by file type. For example: "abandoned buildings" filetype:pdf (and you find documents in pdf format containing the words you searched for).
Well, now you can search for some tips and tricks on Google searches because there are plenty of them :))
Another option is to spend a lot of time on Maps or Earth to find locations that seem abandoned and then check them. Here it's about patience and discipline. You can't really rush the process, you just have to invest time and effort, and you'll find locations 100%.
III. Physically verifying online information.
Regardless of your skill in finding online information, you still need to physically verify it. This depends on the person and your circumstances.
I'm more paranoid by nature, and I admit I have some issues with anxiety/overthinking, so I try to make everything as safe as possible (especially from a legal point of view). This means I don't take many risks, I check the buildings physically before entering, I take a quick look around without entering at that time. I look for guards, cameras, entry and exit ways from a building (the entrance can be slower but subtle, the exit should be quick, even if it's too obvious). Preferably, multiple exits and entrances, just in case (and it works, I haven't received any fines in 4-5 years of urban exploration).
What you do next is your choice. I prefer not to take risks if I see something suspicious; it's not like the location will disappear if I don't enter it right away.
IV. You've seen a location in someone's post and want to go there too.
Here it's complicated (obviously, you don't spam the person with messages "give me the location too"). If the photos are from inside a building, it's hard to figure out the location (not impossible). In theory, a location posted recently on this subreddit would have a vague location posted by the author (city or region, nothing more exact, and that only if the exact location is not obvious).
So you have a starting point, you know the approximate area. To increase your chances of success, you need to figure out what type of building it is. Some are impossible to find without someone giving you the location (like the recent post about Mrs. Eugenia's house here) because it's just a simple house and there shouldn't be any online information about it. Furthermore, it's not a "special" or "unique" location that you can differentiate from other houses in Romania. Other locations are easier; you see a logo, specific equipment, or anything that helps you figure out what the location was used for. For example, you see an old train and think it's something related to the Romanian Railways. Or you see an old gas mask and think it's some industrial building from the communist era. If you know the relative area, you have a chance to find the area because you've advanced to "abandoned industry Constanța" (hypothetically speaking).
If the photo is of the exterior, the situation changes (for the better) because you have a higher chance of finding the location. What do you see in that photo? Do you recognize anything? Let's say it's a photo taken from some buildings in Bucharest, and you see a fairly large lake. There aren't that many large lakes in Bucharest; you've already found some approximate areas where that building could be. Usually, there are enough details in the photos, and you can use them: tall buildings with the corporate logo on them, giant advertisements, emblematic buildings, maybe even traffic signs with the names of streets.
If you see this information, you further reduce the possible locations. You definitely find the area using Google Earth 3D view and street view to find the exact place (you practically walk around until you find from which direction the photo was taken, and then you look to see if it looks abandoned. If not, it's probably a normal building that someone climbed, so you can look for graffiti, but those are not mandatory).
Another option that rarely works (but is quick and free, so I usually test it first) is reverse search by image. I recommend a browser extension: Invid Weverify, which basically searches for an image using multiple sites (it's for fact-checking, but geolocation is part of it, so it's useful).
For those interested in geolocation, I can give you some references to something more detailed/useful. See what techniques are used in OSINT and adapt them for finding urbex locations lol. I recommend the book "OSINT Techniques: Resources for Uncovering Online Information" by Michael Bazzell, 2023 edition (btw, Libgen is brilliant, Z Library as a backup. Update: Anna's Archives is getting bigger than anything now).
I know my guide might seem disappointing; I'm sure I probably missed some "strategies," but believe me, I've been using them for years and have found plenty of locations. There's no magic solution; it's just about time, effort, and skills gained through training. I hope my little "guide" helps you :)))

Guide to Urban Exploration Safety

Exploration is an interesting hobby, but it can be dangerous, and I think we're all aware of that. It's important to acknowledge the risks when embarking on exploration and not start with the mindset of "it won't happen to me" because anything can happen to anyone. Yes, the chances are slim, but not nonexistent. Most of the things here are logical, some maybe not. Let me start with a list of the "equipment" I consider necessary (in general, obviously depending on the situation), then I'll cover a passage about avoiding legal problems, safety issues during exploration, what to do if you encounter dogs or homeless people, and other general advice.
1. Equipment:
a) Comfortable footwear (you never know how much walking you'll do), with thick soles (to protect against nails, shards, spikes, etc.), and relatively waterproof (depends on the situation, but I've often encountered mud, puddles of water, or other liquids lol).
b) Comfortable clothing (freedom of movement), dark-colored (to avoid drawing attention, especially if you're in a building where you'd be the only colorful spot), and durable (or clothing you don't care much about getting dirty or damaged easily).
c) Mask (I know it's an investment, but a good mask should be essential). Many of the buildings we explore are old, which means there are some risks: asbestos, lead paint, or various chemicals in the air. The first two are banned, but they were legal when some of the buildings we explore were constructed. Then there's the risk of encountering chemicals that have been dumped there or were in the buildings before they were abandoned, but the container is destroyed or simply not maintained the way it used to be (and in many buildings, ventilation is quite dusty). Not to mention other minor but annoying hazards: dust and mold. Bonus: the mask helps endure the horrible smell you constantly encounter in urbex lol.
d) First aid "kit" - it doesn't have to be anything fancy, logically, but it doesn't hurt to have something on you just in case: band-aids, some bandages (the adhesive type is more useful), disinfectant (because most of the things you can cut or prick yourself on are either rusty or dirty). If it's something more serious, go to the hospital quickly (I think that was obvious, but I thought I'd add it - especially if we're talking about dog bites or cuts/piercings caused by rusty objects).
e) Situational "tools": wet wipes/disinfectant (especially if you're a smoker or if you want to eat), flashlight (I prefer flashlights that can be charged at the outlet, but also have regular batteries), power bank (because, well, you need your phone), water and some food (I've had to wait hours for security/police to leave so I could leave the building), rope/paracord (especially if you know you need to descend a considerable distance), gloves (especially if you're climbing somewhere), etc. I'm waiting for suggestions from you; I'm sure I missed something 😊)
e) Self-defense: pepper spray (for homeless people) and some food (for dogs). Also, it doesn't hurt to have some extra cigarettes or food in case you talk to a homeless person.
2. Avoiding Legal Problems
Exploration is illegal in most cases (even if there's no sign saying "forbidden," locked doors or gates, barbed wire fences, surveillance cameras, etc.), so we accept the legal consequences of our choices (and yes, even minors). I divide exploration into 3 stages: entering the location, exploring it, and exiting the location.
For me, entry should be invisible, exploration subtle, and exit quick.
First of all, I need to check if the location is abandoned. I check online first (mainly news about the location, searching for the "exact address" in quotes to find that exact address; if it's a company, I check the business details; reverse search a street photo to see if I find something, etc.), then I check physically (broken fence, broken windows, absence of surveillance cameras, absence of activity traces, absence of alarm at the entrance, etc.). If everything is fine and the location is abandoned, then I start looking for an entry. For me, entry should be subtle (preferably not through a crowded place where people can see you, not through a place with surveillance cameras), quick (to minimize the possibility of someone catching you jumping the fence), and efficient (it's useless to have a subtle and quick entry if you waste a lot of time getting into the building, so you increase the time you're in open space).
Exploration should be subtle: don't make noise, don't use bright lights (minimum necessary, you don't need a powerful flashlight to see where you're going), and don't go in a large group (3 people seems enough to me). Don't hang around windows, and if you're on the roof, try not to attract attention (especially with the light from the flashlight or phone lol).
Exiting should be as subtle as the rest, but if it can't be... well, at least it should be quick because no one will chase you anymore. Try to exit where you can check if someone is passing by (if it's near the street) or if someone is waiting for you (security or police).
I'll add here the importance of anonymity, both during exploration and afterward. I know the chances of legal trouble because of this are slim, but it doesn't cost you much to reduce risks: cover your face or at least wear a hood during exploration, avoid posting online photos/clips where features that could be used for your identification are visible (face, tattoos, etc.), if you get into urbex and are active online, don't involve your real name in the equation.
3. Building Safety Issues
Obviously, it depends on the location being explored, but usually, we're talking about buildings abandoned for some time and their condition is not ideal. First of all, this means you risk falling through the floor, having the ceiling fall on your head, and you can't really avoid that. Obviously, don't jump like a retard if you see that the floor is unstable 😊)) But usually, it matters to keep your attention during exploration (look for holes and cracks in the floor or ceiling, check how solid the object you're holding onto is when trying to climb onto something, etc.), know your limits (especially when it comes to heights, free climbing, or parkour), and don't take unnecessary risks (common sense things: don't touch unknown substances, cables, sharp objects, etc.).
4. Dogs and Homeless People
Yes, homeless people are also humans, I included them here just out of laziness. I don't recommend going to urbex with headphones on because they help you hear the noises from the ground. If you hear barking, assume there are dogs so you can play it safe: avoid those areas, don't stay outside the building for too long, check the area from above when you reach the
upper floors or the roof. Same goes for homeless people: you rarely encounter them during the day, but it helps to avoid them if you hear noises, shouting, etc. If you encounter dogs and homeless people, aggression and running away won't help. It's much better to remain calm and retreat in an organized manner. If you have no choice, engage in conversation with homeless people but not aggressively, don't show off like you have money, behave as if you have a backbone (meaning, have balls, but not in a passive-aggressive way).
5. General Advice
Watch out for tobacco, alcohol, and drug consumption. I included tobacco on the list just to emphasize the idea that you shouldn't throw lit cigarettes randomly because you risk setting fire to the location (especially if there are flammable substances there, old papers, etc.). I don't recommend in any possible way consuming anything that makes you think irrationally, especially since you need a good balance in some situations (good luck jumping high fences if you're dead drunk or high as a kite), but I think that's obvious.
Choose your locations wisely, understand your limits. I understand that some places are extremely interesting, but I don't recommend someone who has never been to urbex to explore a well-guarded or hard-to-reach building. Not to mention that some places are really risky (like subway tunnels), others are not a good idea at night (extremely damaged locations or those where the light from flashlights is very visible), and others are simply inaccessible in general (security, locked doors, surveillance cameras, etc.).
I don't recommend going urbex alone, but neither going in large groups. The larger the group, the greater the chances that someone will make a mistake or somehow attract attention (it's one thing for 1-3 people to jump over a fence and another for 5-10 lol). I actually try to create a community here, but that doesn't mean I can control the quality of the people present on this subreddit in any way. When choosing to explore with strangers you find online, some dangers arise, obviously. I'm not even mentioning those extremely unlikely dangers (to be a policeman, organ theft, etc. lol), I'm referring to more concrete ones: you don't know how cautious the respective person is, how much experience they have, what physical condition they are in, etc. You might be cautious, but you might get hurt because of the person next to you. I'm not even mentioning the possibility of encountering someone who's a jerk and does nasty jokes in abandoned buildings (locking you somewhere, leaving you behind, etc.), committing some illegalities (beating up a homeless person, setting something on fire, destroying things, etc.), and so on.
Also, urbex should not and should not be a competition. For me, all that matters is to feel good when I explore. I've met people who see exploration as a competition (x has been to y place, I have to go too) or people who are in a continuous search for validation online. I'm by no means the most experienced urbexer, but I can say that in the last 4-5 years, I've seen people who started doing urbex and then took on more and more risks (and yes, the places they've reached are cool). I believe there are few of those people (and no, I won't name names) who continue to do urbex: most of them calmed down after legal problems started to arise (I know it may not seem like it when you're young, but that criminal record can have nasty consequences), and the unlucky ones have serious medical problems (I've seen a few cases of life-changing problems in the comments, like nasty fractures, paralysis, etc.). If you look for it a bit, you'll find enough news about people who died doing urbex (and I'm not talking about suicides), so there can be serious consequences for recklessness.
That being said, I'm not here to tell you how to do urbex; the post is for those who want to explore safely and are just starting out.
submitted by Urbanexploration2021 to urbanexploration [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 10:09 League-Weird What the heck do my brother and I do?

TLDR: We are in a damned if you do and damned if you dont situation. If we say nothing, she gets mad, and if we say something, she gets mad.
My sister is going through a lot. She is constantly living in her own head and just has repeated thoughts of worthlessness. She keeps saying she doesn't want to be a burden on us, but we are on a family trip and has so far acted out every single day in some form or another. She was not always like this. She has been her own worst enemy and pushes people away and has been to therapy to kind of pin all of this on our dad. He had a big part in how she ended up but she ended up suffering from other health issues that it's just compounding her mental state to the point where she told us she had a razor to her throat last November.
I'm not even going to pretend I know what she's going through but I've read and seen it all. I've had several personal moments of weakness and traumatic events that shaped who I am today. It's not fair to compare trauma, and we all have our own stories, but my brother and i handle things very differently despite everything that has happened to us. To be a prisoner in your own mind can be appalling, but the first thing I did was I found healthier outlets and focused on my physical health. I am doing much better and have found gratitude in every single day I'm alive simply because I almost couldn't last year.
My sister lays it all out and tells us what's been going on and what's happening. A lot of events over her life define who she is and what is holding her back. She can't and won't let go of the past trauma she has experienced even after acknowledging it affects her day to day life. She is single, overweight, overeats, drinks, and smokes (Marijuana and cigarettes). It's as if she knows it's bad for her, but any little thing can trigger her and cause her to withdraw. And we can't tell her how to be better because then it's telling her what to do and she just wants to be heard. It's just very hard to hear the problems she's having, and the solutions are very obvious, yet she keeps getting in her own way.
So far, she has gotten drunk every single night and needs to be in a haze, then got mad when I asked if she could not drink for a day. To think she wanted to get on my case about my drinking habit just a few years ago (sober for two years). I am more worried about my mom and dad because they live with her and have to put up with this toxic personality, but she still "wants help." She just wants to be enabled and has gone as far as asking me to drink with her and eat shitty food with her. I'm not in my 20s and don't do that stuff anymore.
So I can either not do anything and just be the wall she talks to because that's what she needs and see her destroy herself slowly or I can speak up and possibly alienate her forever and I may never see her again.
This is just to get this all out in writing and not necessarily for advice, but it is welcome. I'm new to this subreddit and new to recognizing mental health in that it is very complicated and everybody is different.
submitted by League-Weird to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 12:28 zippoknives26 Is this safe to have a dual cigarette adapter with both these plugged into the same outlet?

my car is a ‘04 volvo s60
will this be ok? is it also ok to have my phone charging with the included port with both these items attached?
EDIT: sorry forgot images so here they are as a link:
submitted by zippoknives26 to Cartalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 14:05 risingstarcredit The Impact Of Credit Repair On Your Financial Future

The Impact Of Credit Repair On Your Financial Future
Your credit score plays a crucial role in your financial future. Whether you’re applying for a loan, renting an apartment, or securing a job, your credit history can influence the outcome. Unfortunately, many individuals have poor credit due to various circumstances, such as missed payments, high debt, or identity theft. However, all hope is still possible. Credit repair has emerged as a viable solution for those looking to improve their credit scores and regain control of their financial lives. In this blog, we will explore the impact of credit repair on your financial future and how it can pave the way for a brighter and more secure financial foundation.

1. Better access to credit products

A good credit score makes you more likely to qualify for credit products that offer more favorable terms and conditions. This means you could get approved for loans and credit cards at lower interest rates, saving you significant money in the long run. You may also have access to higher credit limits, making it easier to manage your finances.

2. Lower interest rates

One of the most significant benefits of credit repair is that it can help you secure loans and credit cards at lower interest rates. This means you could save on interest charges over the loan or credit card life. Lower interest rates can also make it easier to pay off your debt and improve your financial situation.

3. Improved chances of approval

When you apply for a loan or credit card, lenders will review your credit report and score to determine your creditworthiness. You may be denied credit or offered unfavorable terms and conditions if you have a low credit score or negative information on your credit report. However, if you have a good credit score and a clean credit report, you are more likely to be approved for credit and offered favorable terms.
For example, suppose you want to apply for a mortgage to buy a house. In that case, the lender will review your credit report and score to determine your creditworthiness. You may be denied the mortgage or offered a higher interest rate if you have a low credit score or negative information on your credit report. However, if you have a good credit score and a clean credit report, you are more likely to be approved for the mortgage and offered a lower interest rate, which could save you a significant amount of money over the life of the loan.

4. Improved financial management

Credit repair can also help you improve your financial management skills. When actively working to improve your credit score, you will be more aware of your spending habits and financial obligations. You may also be more motivated to pay your bills on time and reduce your debt, which can help you build a stronger financial foundation.
For example, suppose you have a credit card with a high balance and interest rate. In that case, you may need help to make your monthly payments and may be accumulating more debt each month. However, work on repairing your credit and improving your credit score. You can qualify for a balance transfer credit card with a lower interest rate, which helps you pay off your debt faster and save money on interest charges.

5. Improved job prospects

Finally, credit repair can also positively impact your job prospects. Some employers may review your credit report as part of the hiring process, particularly if you are applying for a job that involves handling money or sensitive financial information. Having negative information on your credit report could hurt your chances of getting the job.
For example, suppose you are applying for a job as a financial analyst, and the employer reviews your credit report and sees that you have a history of late payments and high debt levels. In that case, they may question your ability to manage finances effectively and may choose to hire someone else for the job. However, you will likely be viewed as a responsible and reliable candidate if you have a good credit score and a clean credit report.
In conclusion, credit repair is an essential part of managing your finances. By improving your credit score and fixing any negative information on your credit report, you can access better credit products, secure loans, and credit cards at lower interest rates, improve your chances of approval, improve your financial management skills, and even improve your job prospects. If you need help with credit repair, consider working with a reputable credit counseling agency or credit repair company to help you achieve your financial goals. The Impact of Credit Repair on Your Financial Future

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Blog - The Impact Of Credit Repair On Your Financial Future
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2024.05.07 07:28 Electrical_One_7400 Applying to UPenn as an American w/ Citizenship and Graduate From a Foreign High School

I have a rather unique case, and despite only being in my first year of high school, I've been looking at College options because having long-term goals truly motivates me. I don't know much about applications, and I'm more or so looking for stats, recommendations and thoughts.
I'm an American from Newark, Delaware, and moved to New Zealand at age 8. My parents never revoked my citizenship (so they pay some American taxes along with me keeping the ability to use the American passport, etc), and I've always wanted to move back to the east coast as soon as I become an adult, which lead me to realizing that college is the last real chance to be in a community of people your age forced to mingle with each other daily; in other words, an essential for someone with no social connection in a new place. This pushed me to look at colleges there.
I narrowed it down to the Delaware/Philly area, which induced my introduction to UPenn. As someone looking at a university with at least good computer science courses and a brilliant social scene to introduce me to people who could help me on my otherwise lonely journey in the States (specifically one on the east coast or near my birthplace), this college really struck me, and so did the acceptance rate.
I talked to my English teacher very briefly about it, and he told me that I'd have a higher chance due to education from a foreign high school in the Anglosphere on top of being an American citizen, granting me the best of both worlds. I previously thought graduation from a foreign establishment would be seen as "less impressive" than that of an American graduate, but maybe I'm wrong.
There's also no way I'd be able to afford tuition for all 4 years at a private ivy coming from a middle class family, so I'd like information on how difficult scholarships are for international students.
Does anyone know if this would impact my personal chance of acceptance to UPenn - either negatively or positively - and any other recommendations based on my preferences (I want to be a computer scientist, the university needs to have a good social life and a relatively large student body, and in/very near the east coast states).
Thank you.
submitted by Electrical_One_7400 to CollegeAdmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 03:34 mpm19958 I don't have the power

So a bit of an oddball post. I have a 2007 SR5. There is only 12v/cigarette outlet, located in the console. Very, very odd. Has anyone added outlets?
submitted by mpm19958 to 4Runner [link] [comments]