Best things to say to boyfriend

San Francisco Bay Area

2008.07.11 19:44 San Francisco Bay Area

All the best things to do, to see, and discuss in the San Francisco Bay Area!

2008.03.20 07:13 Gardening, Plants, and Agriculture.

A place for the best guides, pictures, and discussions of all things related to plants and their care.

2019.10.22 23:57 Dotsonmac fine things to say

This is a sub to say say fine things at. Fine things are strange or random combinations of words. these fine things can be funny, deep, impactful, or not make any since at all. just post your strange word assortments here. I wish you all the best my fragrant Cincinnati tobacco leaves.

2024.05.14 05:51 EstablishmentGood878 I feel like im dying

My ex and i were together for 2 years, she decided to break up with me 2 months ago and it was the worst heartbreak i have ever felt, just a week after valentines day after doing the best surprise for her, all the love i had in me i have to this one person. After the breakup she has wanted to be my friend then wanted to go ghost, then blocked me and unblocked me, gave me false hope again the last 2 weeks and now says she wants nothing to do with me. I feel like I can’t breathe and that i won’t be able to live without her again, if anyone has experiences or advice please share them with me
submitted by EstablishmentGood878 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:51 RatEmpire438 [16F] the nerve of some humans

Some of y’all absolutely boggle my mind because there’s no ways on Gods green earth you just formulated this amount of fuckery😃 like you actual got to me playing me like a fiddle there is absolutely no way you’ve really just sat here and actually decided that you should say certain things like where is the decency news flash if you haven’t got the proper tools in you pants to be talking with all the talk your talking with them please leave because there are plenty of other handyman that I would actually take an opinion from, in the end if you get it you get it.🥂🤸‍♀️
submitted by RatEmpire438 to TeensMeetTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:51 skyeky_ [M4A] A Friendly Spirit Haunting Your Apartment Needs Your Help to Pass on [PT1] [Bittersweet] [Ghost Speaker]

The listener accidentally calls on a surprisingly polite spirit, and the listener tries to help him pass on
Monetization is okay! No major changes to the script though, if you are wondering about something in that regard please feel free to message me! Let me know if you intend to fill this script and leave me your channel so I can keep an eye out, or post the video and send me a link! Always super happy to see people's hard work! ^-^
[Scene opens with some ambient spooky music, and the sound of a ouija board piece scratching on the board, writing something out. Some sort of sound like a phasing in or out of energy or something as the ghost appears]
Ghost: Oh- uh, hello there!
[Sound of the board and piece falling on the floor, followed by a thud]
Ghost: Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you! Are you alright? You didn’t hit your head, did you?
Listener: ….
Ghost: Huh? What do you mean who am I? You already asked if anyone was here! I said yes, and then spelled out my name for you! Remember? This just happened! Maybe you did hit your head…
Listener: ….
Ghost: Oh- well how did you think it was moving on its own then?
Listener: ….
Ghost: Magnets…? Sorry, no. There are probably some spirit boards that are fake, but this one is genuine! It was mine, a long time ago. I was hoping you’d find it eventually when you first moved in here.
Listener: ….
Ghost: Yes, this was my apartment. This was my room, in fact. I was glad you were the one to end up sleeping in here and not your roommate. You seem more in tune with the other side. By the way, love the decor! Some of it is definitely mine, I was glad you put it back up! Most people don’t decorate their rooms with the possessions of long deceased inhabitants that they found in storage boxes in the back of a walk-in closet, haha. I used to live here with my mom, I’m guessing when I died, she couldn’t stand to take some of my things with her. She was superstitious, so she never liked ‘occult’ related things. Although turns out she was right, so I guess she earned an I told you so. Too bad she left before I could get her to notice me. Most people can’t perceive me at all, and well, no one lived in this unit for a long time.
Listener: ….
Ghost: How did I die? My my, that’s an awfully forward question. To tell you the truth though, I don’t remember. The last thing I remember is watching tv in the living room, but I don’t know how much time passed between my last memory, and my death. I know for sure I died here though, I haven’t been able to leave this place. I haven’t even been able to go out into the main hall.
Listener: ….
Ghost: Ah, it’s not all bad! I can still turn the tv on, so there’s that at least! Uh- sorry, a-about your power bill… Ahem anyway, I seem to have this weird… attunement I want to say, to certain things. I don’t know how it works, electromagnetic waves maybe? I didn’t pay much attention in high school science. Or- high school in general, really.
Listener: ….
Ghost: Oh, I don’t know why I’m still here. Unfinished business, I guess? I don’t know, most spirits are angry, vengeful psychos because they got murdered or something. I don’t even know how I died, and life wasn’t all that great either, so I don’t really have anything to be angry about. I mean I miss my mom, sure, but I know my grandparents would take care of her, and she has some brothers and sisters and really great friends.
Listener: ….
Ghost: Aha, no, no girlfriends. No boyfriends, either. No friends, at least not close ones. No one to really miss me, besides my mom. I’ll admit, it does get a bit lonely from time to time.
Listener: ….
Ghost: You… want to help me? Well- that’s really sweet and all, but I don’t even know why I’m still here… where would we even start?
Listener: ….
Ghost: When did I die… I’m not totally sure. My sense of time isn’t great anymore, maybe twenty years ago or so? Things have changed so much, at least what I can see from the window. I’d say a long time.
Listener: ….
Ghost: Obituaries… that’s not a bad idea! At least gives you a place to start! Are you-... sure you want to help me with this? I feel like I’m putting you out, I only wanted to talk to you and say hello, but you’re going out of your way to do something kind for me.
Listener: ….
Ghost: Well, okay, if you’re sure then, thank you! Just one question- how long are you going to leave the creepy music playing? I’m not spooky enough to warrant that. Am I?
[Music stops abruptly]
Ghost: [The ghost laughs] You totally forgot about your mood ambience, huh? Do you like music? I did too. Not too many good ghostly radio stations these days though, haha… but anyway! I think you’ll be able to see me from now on, I sense some sort of… connection with you now through the spirit board. As long as nothing happens to it, I think you’ll be able to see and hear me from now on! I don’t think your roommate will though, so that probably works out for the best.
Listener: ….
Ghost: Thank you, so much… I actually feel kind of hopeful about not being trapped in this tiny apartment for the rest of… well, forever. I finally have a chance. That means a lot to me. I thought you might not be afraid of me, given your apparent interest in spirits, but this is even better than I could have hoped for.
Listener: ….
Ghost: I’m glad to see you’re so enthusiastic, but don’t you think you should be getting to bed? Your schedule on the fridge says you work at 7 tomorrow, and it’s past 11.
Listener: ….
Ghost: Of course! I’m dead, not blind! I can check your schedule just as easily as you can! It was nice knowing when people were going to be here and when they weren’t. I… actually paid really close attention to it. Alright, no more distractions! Get to sleep, or you’ll be totally exhausted for the first day of our investigation tomorrow!
[Listener turns off a lamp and gets into bed]
Ghost: Goodnight. And again… thank you. You’re committing more time to me than I deserve.
Part 2 coming soon!
submitted by skyeky_ to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:51 FaravusGaming Not really sure what to title this but I'm... Tired.

As the title says I'm-- just, tired.
I'm tired of sleeping on a couch, I'm tired of not having a stable job-- I'm tired of not being able to afford good insurance, not being able to go to therapy... Not being able to buy the medications I need to help manage my depression and anxiety, or afford groceries-- I'm tired of living in a country where healthcare is so expensive, and food apparently isn't a human right (Hooray for the red white and blue-- right, America?)
I hate the fact that I can't get a job due to not owning a vehicle. I hate living in such a remote, middle of nowhere town and feeling *trapped* since I need money-- and thus, a job-- to afford a car, and yet I need a car in order to be able to drive to anywhere that's even *hiring.* since the nearest city is over a hundred miles a way, and in a town this rural and out of the way public transport is just-- totally non existent.
I'm tired of being sick all the time, and not having *space* and I just...
I'm tired of being hated for just trying to be myself
I wish I could afford to get back to college and finish my degree sometime before I'm 30, but that's just-- not viable right now.
I just... I want to die. I'm tired of living in a world where everything is such a struggle. I've already struggled with depression and schizoaffective disorder for much of my life thus far, and I just... Want to give up.
Honestly, if I could afford a car, even a cheap, used thing that barely runs, I'd probably just... leave. I don't know where I would go-- but... I'm tired of living like this, and something needs to change. Even with the constant reminder that I have family and friends who would miss me, even with drowning myself in distractions like reading, or talking to friends on discord, or gaming or streaming-- Even with distractions like that, the soul sucking emptiness is just. always there. Every day that passes I worry that I'll eventually give in, and start hurting myself again, or worse, make another attempt on my own life-- and I can't even afford to talk to a therapist about these issues, due to the shitty health insurance I have.
I know that I'm incredibly lucky to have a mom who's still alive, and willing to let me sleep on the couch so that I'm not homeless, who's willing to still provide shelter and food despite already struggling herself-- and honestly? that's part of the problem. I hate being essentially a freeloader.
Yeah, I do the household chores and general upkeep-- its the least I could do, since I don't have a job to help with bills-- but I just... I hate it.
I hate this town, I hate being alive and a burden, and I hate how little I can do to change the situation. I feel like just offing myself would be better, because then at least I wouldn't be a burden anymore.
I can't even use my old coping methods, because I promised that I wouldn't-- and then it would be a visible sign to those who cared about me that something was wrong if the injuries were discovered, and it would just... Be an incredible mess, and I just
Sorry, this whole thing has just been really just-- ramble-ey, and not structured? It's almost midnight and I'm just
I had to get this out, because the 'healthy' coping mechanisms aren't working anymore and i'm just...
submitted by FaravusGaming to venting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:50 darklord451616 Laptop, Camera Sling bag suggestions India

Hi folks, long time lurker here, I am looking for suggestions for a Sling bag, which has space to hold the following
  1. Macbook 14 inch
  2. APSC Mirrorless camera with 18 55 lens (Fuji XS10, XS20)
  3. Medium Size power brick with international adaptor
  4. Keys
  5. Wallet
  6. Sunglasses
  7. Small things such as TWS, lens cleaners etc
Does a bag like this exist, I would also like to say, I am from India, so not many brands are for sale here. Prefer neutral colors like Gray, Tan and black
submitted by darklord451616 to ManyBaggers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:50 ThoughtsfortheEther Baby steps

I’ve really let myself go the last few months and I wish I could say it was something I was unaware of. At least then I’d have an excuse ya know. Oh, but I knew…I let it happen too because I just didn’t have the energy not to. Recently though I’ve been doing little things for myself and today I noticed a positive change.
I’ve got dry skin. Sometimes it’s so bad it physically hurts, but try as I might I’ve never been able to stick to a moisturizing routine. Last week I decided to do the bare minimum and just slap moisturizer on my face…and I mean literally slap. I leave it where it lands and don’t really rub it in so I’ve just got random splotches. Today I noticed my face was so soft and smooth and it made my heart happy. Here’s to hoping the random splotches make it over all my skin at some point down the line.
submitted by ThoughtsfortheEther to SmallWins [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:50 JerKOfferson 30 [M4F] NWI/Northwest Indiana/Chicagoland introvert seeking connection and intimacy

I'm a 30 year old guy. White, with a body type of 'shops at Casual XL', 5'10, and I have long hair and a beard.
My interests are gaming, long walks (I'm a pretty avid Pokemon Go player), window shopping (resale shops, electronic stores, even Walmart, why not?), music (90s/00s alternative, metal, classic rock, although I dabble in another of other genres too), bass guitar (I'm trash but hey it's a hobby lol), writing, standup comedy (Bill Burr, Dave Chappelle, etc), and of course doomscrolling while appreciating awful memes.
Contrary to advice on the matter, I'm upfront about the fact I've never had a relationship of any kind. If that scares you away, I'm not sure what good hiding it would be anyway. I'm honest and loyal, sometimes to a fault it turns out.
As for what I'm looking for? Ideally someone within a few years of me in age (25 to 35? Not a hard limit, though, if you're close to that feel free to hit me up). I'd like someone who lives pretty close to me, like say within an hour of Hammond, Indiana. If you ARE outside that range though and I sound interesting hit me up though lol.
Whether it's casual or long-term, bottom line I'm lonely and want some intimacy in my life. Someone to send good morning and good night texts to. Someone whose selfies put a smile on my face when I'm not feeling it.
If some of the following sounds like you:
hit me up, let's see where it goes. I've been exceedingly down and lonely lately so worst case scenario we could be Facebook friends. Best case scenario? Let's see where life takes us.
submitted by JerKOfferson to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:50 Interesting_Wall9709 Logistics Capital Ship

I know the kraken (Privateer) is without a doubt the best when it comes to industrial or logistics based support for a capital ship, but with the modules that are to come to the javelin does anyone think that we could see it become a logistics powerhouse? It already has substantial cargo and modules could enhance that; moreover, the modules could potentially offer various other civilian roles such as marketing, extra hanger space, or maybe even orbital ground support. Of course all of that is both hopium and speculation. What are some thoughts on this? I currently sit at the helm of my orgs logistics division and own the drake complete pack along with a few other things. I was considering looking in to switching that complete pack out for a javelin and getting some smaller logistics based ships as well. Thanks for any opinions and advice in advance!
submitted by Interesting_Wall9709 to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:50 BidenLimpDick How long do you think it will be until Ukraine has its that Fall of Kabul 2021 or Fall of Saigon 1975 moment?

You know, that moment when it is curtains for the American puppet regime in each respective country? I am starting to think it will really be in the next year. Rather than Kiev even be overrun by Russia I feel like Zelensky might wound up drug through the streets like Mussolini.
You know things are going reaaaaaaaly bad when CNN is saying things like
>This is a nightmare for Kyiv for two reasons: firstly, they liberated this land from Russian forces 18 months ago, yet failed, clearly, to fortify the area enough to prevent Moscow sweeping back with the ease with which they were swept out.”
>“And secondly, Russia can again tie up Ukraine’s overstretched army with constant and grinding pressure on Kharkiv, exacting a toll with crude shelling on a vast urban center,”
Walsh added that President Vladimir Zelensky faces >“ugly choices about where to send limited resources, and where ultimately to sacrifice.”
This is Ukraine “winning“ in late Spring 2024.
submitted by BidenLimpDick to RussianWarFootage2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:50 swimswithdolphi Need Basic Advice on Co-parenting and New Relationship

I (38f) am a divorced mom of two (10f and 7m). My boyfriend (37m) is a single dad of one (2f). I'm from a happily married family, my parents have been together since 1978. My dad's mom was a widow who never remarried and my mom's parents were married 60+ years. My aunts and uncles all have happy marriages. Two of the uncles divorced, but with no kids and then went on to have happy marriages. Which is not me trying to brag about my family background but to say I am completely out of my element, I don't even know what this is supposed to look like.
My ex is living abroad. We were an international family and when he asked for the divorce I took the kids back to my home country, over a year ago. He paid child support until the divorce was finalized, and then he stopped because he's petty and knows it's hard to enforce internationally. He's looking to come to my country now to be near the kids (which pisses me off because if he has money for visa and travel he has money for child support.) It was a very bad marriage. He was abusive. So my nervous system goes haywire thinking about him being around. I do not have any documentation of the abuse though, and it was always against me not the kids, so we will have to share the kids when he comes. His involvement in the kids life right now is he video chats with them probably 4 days a week and sends presents for birthdays and Christmas.
I've got a boyfriend now and we're getting serious, he's talking about me moving in and getting married. He has a 2 year old daughter he has 50/50 custody of. My kids love him and are excited to get to know her, they love toddlers. His ex and him were engaged but never married, she says marriage isn't for her when she dumped him. We would like to have a child together in the near future, considering my age.
So basically I'm wanting to start things off right, I'm soon going to be starting in person co-parenting for the first time since the divorce is final and I'm going to start blending out families. So... Advice for what's healthy, what to prioritize, what to worry about? I'm basically open to whatever wisdom you've gleaned as stepparents, coparents or as children who grew up with divorced and/or blended families.
submitted by swimswithdolphi to blendedfamilies [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:50 Fit-Satisfaction307 5 years in and no plans for future, losing hope

My boyfriend (33) and myself (31) have been dating for 5 years now. We have a 1 year old. He plays bball overseas and played in the nba several years before as a back up player. This is the second year playing overseas while I’m alone being a single mom basically. I keep asking how much longer he plans on playing overseas and being away. He always says idk idk. I’m tired of being alone. This was never how I pictured being a family. He also hasn’t given me the vibe he’s proposing anytime soon.
He doesn’t share finances or how much he makes. To me his previous career earnings make it so that he doesn’t HAVE to be away. He’s choosing to.
Financially I have depended on him last few years not working etc being a mom, but I am a doctor. But I am on a visa so without marriage I will have to return to my home country. I’ve given him 5 years to make a decision / plan and there’s no vision in sight.
Do I say you have one more year to play and I’m done? Do I leave? Do I stay patient and keep hoping things will change? I feel empty and need advice. Don’t want to wake up and I’m 35 in the same position.
submitted by Fit-Satisfaction307 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:49 Lana-sankarea You said you were ok with me. I didn't know boy, you lied

I was just a wallflower in my room when you contacted me on Instagram. I was shy, but you showed me your smile and I was delighted that I could meet such a guy, I thought it was something real. Only to find out that I was a toy to your affection, something for you to hang on the wall to say I have adventured high and low.
I confided in you that I was unsure and inexperienced, and you took my hand and did those awful things to me. Yet, when I reach out now, I can't find you anymore. Did you truly come into my life, when my heart was longing and frail, just to leave a scar and walk away?
I still remember that first day, when I realized I couldn't find you.
submitted by Lana-sankarea to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:49 Soft_Alternative_903 Getting a girlfriend

I don’t know why but no girl is interested in me for the most part. I would say I’m a pretty good looking guy and all my friends have a girlfriend which really makes me feel left out. I find many girls attractive, but I haven’t had a crush since grade 8 and Im almost done grade 10 so it’s been a while and I honestly don’t know what to do. I think I’m boyfriend material I’m completely lost and frankly depressed because I feel like I will never have a girlfriend. Has anyone had this experience and did it ever change because this is honestly ruining me. (Almost 16 and never had a girlfriends and barely a talking stage)
submitted by Soft_Alternative_903 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:49 Dog_bat3 Y'all want my radiostatic week fanfic OF COURSE YOU DO

Suit and tie on straight? Yep! Keys? Check. Screen? Shined. Flowers? Check! “Ok, I got this,” Vox muttered to himself as he took a step out the door and was immediately hit by the crushing heat of hell… You got used to it after a while.
He felt his heart flutter in his chest (He had been dead for a while, and having a heart thing no longer confused him, he just didn't think about it anymore). he had a few things to say to Alastor, and was going over them in his head, do you want to join my team? It could… I feel like we've been getting really close, maybe… Do you want to go out with me? Do you want to be more than friends? do you…
Finally, he got to where he was supposed to meet Alastor, the bar they had first met; and the place that they had met at to discuss anything serious. He took a deep breath and slowly opened the door.
Alastor was waiting at the entrance to the bar; unprepared for the storm of chaos that Vox’s mental state would be in tonight. “H-hey Alastor,” he mentally kicked himself, that was dumb… it was actually a pretty normal greeting but still.
Alastor turned to greet him with his usual expression; only to take on a dead-pan stare when he saw the flowers, though his grin remained unwavering. “Vox. Is this a joke?” The radio demon’s tone was cold, or at least as cold as it could be considering the static. “Hm? No, I’m being serious… I think I have an idea that could be amazing!” Alastor tilted his head to the side, eyes narrowing at Vox’s nervous expression; before suddenly snapping his head back into place and regaining his friendly mannerism. “Well then Vox; what is your proposition?”
“W-well I thought that maybe…” He took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves “…I have this idea that we could maybe be a team? I have some people that are interested and…” He felt his heart beating out of his chest as he held out the flowers he had brought “… maybe we could be… more than friends? Maybe we could be a-a couple-” Alastor cut him off with a staticky laugh. “There IS no ‘us’. Vox and Alastor are not a thing, and never will be.” “I-I just thought that, the way you looked at me maybe… you felt the same way, I-” he replied, but was cut off by a sudden cracking sound as Alastor’s staff made contact with his face.
“WHAT THE FUCK Al? THAT HURT!” he shouted, tracing his finger along the crack to see how bad it was. not that bad, “Al I’m sorry I just-“ Alastor seemed to tower over him as he took a step closer “I’ve made it perfectly clear that I work alone. you were lovely entertainment but now I think enough is enough. Now run home to your little friends and go make a fool of yourself, just like you always do.”
Vox felt himself growing hot with anger and frustration “WHY, WHY CAN YOU NEVER JUST BE-BE… AHHGGG WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS AL?! I thought you were my friend” He felt his hands crackle with electricity as his anger grew. He could kill this prick, he was the Future. Lightning sparked at his fingertips as he swung his arm at Alastor, making direct contact but doing little damage, Alastor restrained him with a shadow tendril; lifting him off the ground as Alastor took on his fully demonic form; chucking slightly “We were never friends Vox; you mean nothing to me, and you never will.” Another tendril shoots at Vox’s head, shattering his screen and destroying the wiring; the tv demon screeching in pain as his system went down, glass littering the floor. “P̵̝͖̲̮͔̔̈̓̒̚-̷̢͕͕̞̀̀̃͋͌́p̷̧͎̭͂͆ľ̶̯̙͕̉̂͑e̴͓͜͠a̵̢̢͚͐̈́̿ͅš̴̡̤͐̀͝ê̴̜͈̯̹̫͝ͅ ̵̡̢̣̿̓̈́̆̄̕l̵͉̎́-̴͕̣͍͇́̕ḻ̸̟̫̔͑̀͝͝-̴̪͚͉̲̒̂͜e̶͕̞̺̅̾̚͝ͅt̵̛̟͔̆͐̂̚͝ ̸̗̓̓̒̅͒͝m̷̦̫̙̖̱̈́̍͊̈̓ ̶̛̙͍̍̈́̉̊̕ẻ̵̳̰̰̯̎̋ ̶̤̳̲̐̈͊͜g̵̨̞̰̙͕̼͌̾̓͆͑-̸̧̮͊͒̾͒̚g̶̘̞̜̿o..” Vox managed to sputter out.
Alastor turned his back, letting Vox fall to the ground “Hmm.. The old head was a lot more sturdy…” Vox barely registered the comment as he tried to pull himself to his feet, I never should have trusted him, I never should’ve tried this, i-I need to go home…
submitted by Dog_bat3 to hazbin [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:49 DeathByVinyl20 I let the air out of a double parkers tire. -Texas

A store I was going to has very limited parking. When I was looking for a place to park, I was upset to see that one of the only available spots was taken by a double parker in a really nice car. I was slightly inebriated at the time, and full of courage, so I decided to take some petty revenge.
I grabbed the pen I had in my car and hopped out. I took off the valve stem cover, and I pressed on the valve core to start releasing air. I was looking over my shoulder to make sure no one was coming. After about 10 seconds, the car door opens.
I froze for a second.
He asked me what I was doing, and I didn't know what to say. I started retreating towards the store, and he followed me yelling obscenities. Before a got to the door he pushed me and I hit the wall. He said, "Stay away from me, and stay away from my car!".
At this point I decided to fully retreat, and I ran all the way back to my car. He followed me, though slowly, because he's kind of heavy set. As I took of in my car he was taking a picture/video of me and my car.
I'd like to say this is the first and only time I've done anything like this. I always fantasize about petty revenge, but it took inebriation to make me follow through.
Anyway, should I be worried about the law?
side note:
His tire probably went from 40 psi to 38 psi before I was caught. So at best this is just attempted vandalism right?
submitted by DeathByVinyl20 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:49 Outrageous_Medium_39 Update: T’s response to “Will you stay?”

This is an update to my post about some revelations I made recently about why I felt so hurt by my T not reacting to my positive praises: (tl;dr I tie my value to my utility. I blame an absolutely abusive childhood for this. So, when my T doesn’t “use” me per se to somehow make himself happy or doesn’t see my love as valuable (as defined by me), then I lose my purpose and I become terrified that he’s going to get rid of me.)
I read him what I typed out like a commenter suggested! Thank you to the person who said that.
I had gone in fully expecting for him to terminate me, and I was ready to plead my case. But it indeed did turn out to be a beautiful session.
I shared with him the insight I had gained about my desperation at needing to know if he loved me; I was asking the wrong question. I know he loves me—he could try to deny it but I’d call bullshit so fast because I can feel it. I feel it in the way he looks at me, and in how much he is willing and wanting to be there with me.
My real question for him was, “Will you not leave me? Will you stay?”
He asked if I had read The Sympathizer as there was an argument in it made that people aren’t valuable as that implies that there is some sort of quantifiable value you can place upon a life. He argued that people are invaluable, I’m invaluable.
We spoke about anger, he says it’s helpful and constructive. He implied that some of the things I said cut him when I was upset which (1) I felt really sorry for, and (2) let’s me know that he really does get as much from our relationship as I do. I apologized for being a bitch, and he corrected me telling me to not call myself that.
I mentioned how someone had spoken about my “inner child” and how I fundamentally don’t believe in the idea of an inner child. “I hate this concept because that makes it seem like there’s a separation between you and the inner child. I don’t have an inner child because I AM that child!” I was curious why this made me so upset and it all boiled down to the fact that I have shame and embarrassment in feelings I consider childish. Being a child was not safe, and if I feel like a child then I become extremely & fiercely protective of myself.
So, I’m going to practice being more childlike which to me means being more candid and without fear. A “re-do”.
A few highlights from the session as said by my T:
• “It’s important for you to be able to be a child. This is why I work so hard to provide you space where you feel safe.”
• “Because I care about my job and because I care about you, I’m always going to be here. My only hope is that you keep coming back, that’s all I want from you.”
• I asked him if he had felt backed into a corner in our previous session when I was nearly demanding for him to give me something he possibly couldn’t. He responded, “Saying it like that, that I was backed into a corner makes it sound worse than what I was feeling, but in a way I did. I felt stuck. It’s not that it crosses my boundaries or that I can’t tell you that I care because I DO….it’s just that I know that even if I do tell you it won’t be enough. So I was trying to figure out how to say that in a way that wasn’t going to hurt you. In that instance, I felt stuck. And I knew that when we left we hadn’t repaired the rupture and that I was going to spend some time repairing it some more. I felt like I hadn’t gotten us to a point of repair. We don’t have to end sessions on a good feeling; that’s okay. We’ll have time to work through it. And I know that when we don’t end on a good feeling both of us have to go home and figure out how to deal with these feelings between sessions. I’m not going to give up or quit.”
• I told him to tell me that he’s not going to leave me. “XX, I’m not going to leave you….and I know that saying that isn’t going to be sufficient enough so I hope to show you.”
submitted by Outrageous_Medium_39 to TalkTherapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:48 Difficult_Highlight3 is buying a pair of 626v2's worth it for me?

I'm going to be working full time retail this summer (on my feet 10 hours a day, 5 days a week). I'm 20F, size W7, but I have knee/back problems. I recently got some custom orthotic in-soles and was told NB would offer the best support.
This is marketed as a work shoe for people who spend lots of time on their feet-- I'm just wondering if the outsole provides cushioning or if it's only the in-sole...
I'm afraid that if the in-sole is the main thing making them comfy, they won't be worth purchasing since be swapping out the in-soles for my own :/
submitted by Difficult_Highlight3 to Newbalance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:48 crawling_critter Car saying weird things

Ok so tonight my friend and I were in her car, she was driving me back to her place so I could get my car. It was raining but not hard. We were listening to music just a goofy song and then it just starts getting staticy like there's a bad signal or somthing. No big deal it happens sometimes. Anyways we were saying how creepy it sounds and then through the static we here "why won't you kill me?" In a mans voice, sounded like it was part of a song. It freaked us out a bit as we were listening to her Spotify and nothing else was playing, nor did the song we were listening to have lyrics. But we ignored it and about a minute later "can you hear me?" Was said through the still staticy song. This time more sounding like someone just speaking and not a song. And then the song we were listening to stops playing over the speakers and slow gutair music starts playing with the lyrics breath in going over and over for maybe 2ish min. And then just stopped and the Spotify went back on as normal. We don't know how this could've happened as her car gose silent if Spotify is playing and there's no connection it dosent jump to radio. Second it kept changing songs which wouldn't happen in that short of time on a radio station. And the way they lined up mixed in with static it was all just creepy. The only thing I can think of is her car was picking up signals from somewhere else but that still dosent make much sense as there were no cars around us for a good chunk of the time this was happening, nor radio towers as far as I know.
submitted by crawling_critter to Paranormal [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:48 urmomkoya How to stop self sabotaging when shifting?

I’ve been a shifter for almost a year now and haven’t experienced a proper shift yet, I’d say this is because of my lack of effort and consistency. But recently, I have held myself accountable and said I am going to be consistent with a specific method and see how that plays out (because I have never been consistent enough to see results so far), I will spend all day affirming, thinking about my dr, scripting my dr, trying to also act as if I am in my DR, but as soon as I lay my head down for a shifting attempt - I always end up sabotaging myself
I will get 10/15 minutes into a guided meditation and just think nah I don’t want to do this anymore, and will shut off the mediation or I will fall asleep before I can even attempt properly and it’s getting on my nerves ! I have come to a conclusion that maybe sleep methods aren’t for me but my main problem with shifting is that if I do it during the day, I am wayyy too aware of the things around me
I know for a fact I can shift it’s just my self sabotaging that had impacted my shifting journey. Has this happened to anyone else? Where you are excited all day about shifting but when it comes down to it, you can never get yourself to focus/enjoy the process?
It’s not that I don’t enjoy the actual method I have been using, but it’s is the fact that everytime I lay down to shift my mind is just like yeah this is bothering me I don’t want to do this right now, and I end up giving up because I know if I force it, I will end up hating shifting.
Would awake methods suit me better? If yes, please give me recommendations on your favourites to use
How do I stop self sabotaging my progress?
submitted by urmomkoya to shiftingrealities [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:48 Ok-Reply-3167 Mostly compatible, but the inconsistency is an issue

This is where I (25F) am mentally with him (32M) . - I enjoy spending time with him, he’s a sweet guy. - I am attracted to him, he has a beautiful smile - I enjoy conversing with him. - We have a crazy amount of interests in common and seem to value the same things. - He’s very smart - We are both child-free which is hard to find. - Ultimately If I had written someone with the interests, intelligence, and physical appearance I would want in a partner, it would be him. But there are things I would not have written…and I find myself confused much of the time. The negative: - He is a bit inconsistent in that he says many things, but does not act in line with his words. - Calling me dear, saying he misses me, I really enjoy your company, etc. all very nice things to hear (read through text). He says he hopes he can do something for me for my birthday which is either him being nice or him actually hoping that we continue on with each other but in that case, why make such little effort to actually make plans with me and talk to me? He’s big on sporadic texting convos throughout the day. I understand having a job, so do I lol and I’m studying everyday but…I am used to dating people who diligently make time for me as I do for them. He works from home 9-6 M-F. No pets or other responsibilities that I know of at least. He doesn’t ask me what my schedule is like so that he can plan even a phone call (which I have done, and yesterday I also asked him if he wanted to do something with me and the answer was just essentially “oh no I can’t I’m sorry,” no offer of an alternative). He cancelled our second date and didn’t even try to plan a new one. When I asked him later that week if he wanted to get together again, it was “I was going to ask but…” I don’t even remember what his reasoning was, I think something about being “nervous”. He says he’s shy. That is also inconsistent (he touched me on our first date and asked me for a hug both of which I was fine with, saying he misses me a day after our first date etc. don’t seem to be shy things), but idk I’ve never dated a shy or reserved person so I am a bit out of my depth to determine what is normal/a symptom of that and what is a red flag. - As much as we have in common, would I be throwing it away if I didn’t want to go into a relationship with someone with whom I have to initiate everything? and I’m not sure if I have to patience to teach a 32 year old how to date/ show clear interest/ put in effort. This will probably sound petty lol but also he doesn’t seem the least bit concerned with trying to impress me (and I just mean effort wise, at least at the beginning!?). I stay casual but do get all dolled up when we get together and on our second date (farmer’s market/breakfast) he wore sweatpants and an ill-fitting t-shirt.
submitted by Ok-Reply-3167 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:48 ThrowRA_YesYe I’m so sick of certain friends cockblocking me every time

When we’re hanging out in groups at parties, events, if I tell them I’m into someone, they do things to shut it down. Whether it’s telling me they’re into that girl too, telling me “she’s a big flirt you won’t like her”, not giving us any alone time, being a messy drunk and making me look bad etc.
The main one is trying to discourage me from going for specfic girls, because the lesbian community is small so everyone knows each other. Their reasons are never valid in my opinion.
The thing is, these girls KNOW what cockblocking is because when it comes to them being around someone they like, they’ll shoo me away.
I don’t know if the fact that we’re gay girls is part of the reason, I know girls can be clingy but my closest friends (my best friends) are also lesbians but they don’t do any of this. In fact those friends would introduce me to girls they think I’d like.
I’m going to a party this weekend and a girl I like is going to be there, she is the one who invited me. But found out my cockblocking friend will be there, I gave her a heads up that I’ll be going with this girl but will find her later on, she said “ugh wanted to dance with you but I guess I’ll hang out with (mutual friend)” I’m dreading this party because I feel like she’ll end up cockblocking me anyway.
I do genuinely believe they know what they’re doing and want me to stay single so that I spend most of my free time with them.
I don’t think they have a crush on me, but can understand why someone would think that. I find some gay girls to be extremely possessive, even with friendships.
It hurts because all my friends praise me for being a great “wingwoman”, but I don’t get the same energy back from these specific friends.
submitted by ThrowRA_YesYe to JustNoFriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:48 ResilientPierogi97 How do I (26 F) tell my partner (31M) I want to divorce when I previously agreed to work on the relationship?

TL;DR- How do I break it to clingy, super dependent, mentally abusive long-term partner that I don't want to get back together, and get the last of my stuff back from him while living on another continent?
My husband and I met online and have been together for 10 years. In hindsight the first red flag was the age gap/potential grooming, the second was probably how he wanted to bond over mutual mental illnes diagnoses right away. He's always been very clingy and dependant on me to 'talk him through his episodes' and be his manic pixie dreamgirl to help fix his moods. He thought it was romantic that I'd stay up late talking him out of suicide, whereas I found it traumatizing and exhausting, especially when I had school or work the next day, but I thought that was part of being a supportive partner.
As time went on and the relationship grew, he wanted to spend all his time with me and his friends reached out less and less to the point that I was the only person who talked to him, which he happily reminded me of whenever he felt I wasn't making enough time for him (read: all of my free time) and would guilt me with 'at least I got to talk to other people at work'. It became an unspoken expectation that unless I was working, showering, or asleep I should be next to him keeping him company or else he'd feel rejected.
Eventually he complained I was sleeping too much as well, '10 hours is really excessive and unhealthy, I found this article that says 7 hours should be plenty for your sex and agegroup. You should set an alarm just to be safe.' Even though he would regularly wake me up at 4am to make him food because 'yeahh, but it tastes so much better when [I] do it', regardless if I had to be at work for 8 sharp. He'd even get angry with me for nodding off on the couch before midnight because 'clearly [I] just don't want to be around him so much [I'd] rather be asleep!'
He was also a big fan of waking me up after a few hours of sleep to have important discussions about 'where we stand' in our relationship, or just to keep him company, and if I was irritated or wanted to save the conversation for morning/after work then I was 'so cruel to him when he just wanted to spend time with me' or 'I clearly don't care about the relationship anymore.'
5 years into living together, 3 of them married, I had several breakdowns and moved back in with my mom in my home country. Unfortunately after I got to my moms I chose to call him to tell him I was done and we were over, and he used every manipulation tactic in the playbook. The guy who, just days earlier told me to 'quit the crocodile tears, you'll get no sympathy from me' was now hysterically sobbing, begging me for another chance.
'He had no idea he made me feel so horribly, he was so sorry, he just wanted one more chance to have his wife back, didn't he deserve that much? How cold could I be to leave without telling him what he did wrong and not let him redeem himself?? He swore he'd never raise his voice to me again. Was 3 bad years really all it took to erase the 7 good ones previous??' And you already know he implied s**cide 🙄
Sadly, because he knows what buttons to push, he got me to 'agree' not to end things, but to "take this separation period to work on us" while I saved up for a visa to come back to him so he could have his second chance. But 'thankfully', because he asks me to send him money for groceries and occasional utilities since he's on a fixed income and I halved the household income when I "abandoned him", (my countrys currency is also roughly half the value of his- on a good day) I haven't been able to save a penny so far and have had the last eight months to realise I don't actually want this.
I don't think I'm obligated to make myself get over hearing the love of my life call me vile names, like a "worthless stupid c*nt who wastes the air she breathes" for forgetting to get his cigarettes from the store, just because he realises his actions have consequences. He should know not to speak like that to someone he's supposed to care about. I don't think me no longer feeling comfortable around him or looking forward to talking to him anymore is a punishment against him, or something to 'work on' so much as a natural reaction; I wouldn't expect warmth from someone who threatened to knock me out for being annoying, and its not petty to extend the same attitude toward him for the same threat.
So now with that discovery realised, and the some background context laid out, here's the crux of my problem-
How do I inform him that, although he has spent the last 8 months believing I've forgiven him, had mostly gotten over my 'issues' from our fallout, and was still planning to save up for this visa to 'come home'; I have no desire to do any of that anymore, and actually plan to file for divorce in the next 5 months instead.
---preferrably without him doing a complete 180 and become an manipulative dickhead who sends me dozens of snapchats a day of him crying so hard he gags (again..), and convince me to send me the last box of my stuff that I wasn't able to grab as I left. Unfortunately its all sentimental items from deceased relatives or I truly wouldn't bother, I'm happy and willing to pay the cost of him shipping it to me of course.
When I originally told him I wasn't coming back and requested he send me my things he refused and claimed he "couldn't bear" to walk around the house and box up "precious reminders of me" and made himself sick hyperventilating on the phone. I just want my stuff so I can go no contact 😅.
submitted by ResilientPierogi97 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]