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2024.06.07 21:26 bkjogjibnh Sugar Defender Reviews and Complaints: What You Need to Know

Thinking about using Sugar Defender to manage your blood sugar levels? Navigating the sea of online reviews can be daunting. Are the glowing reviews trustworthy, or do concerns about a "Sugar Defender scam" hold weight? This in-depth review aims to uncover the truth about Sugar Defender.
We'll explore user experiences and the science behind the ingredients. Whether you've read rave reviews or encountered warnings of a "Sugar Defender scam," this analysis will provide the insights needed to make an informed choice. We'll delve into independent reviews, consumer reports, and potential complaints to offer a balanced view. Is Sugar Defender a genuine solution for blood sugar management, or just another overhyped supplement? Join us as we uncover the truth.

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Sugar Defender's Promised Benefits
Natural Ingredients: A blend of plant-based ingredients designed for gentle blood sugar support. Liquid Drops: Convenient and easy-to-use liquid drops for daily dosing. Blood Sugar Management: Aims to regulate blood sugar levels and improve metabolic health. Appetite Control: Claims to curb cravings and reduce food intake, aiding weight management. Energy Boost: Aspires to enhance energy levels by optimizing glucose utilization. Cognitive Enhancement: Supports cognitive function and memory for better mental clarity. Money-Back Guarantee: Offers a 60-day money-back guarantee to reduce purchase risk. FDA-Registered Facility: Manufactured in an FDA-registered facility, indicating quality standards. Easy to Use: Liquid format eliminates the need for swallowing capsules or tablets. Free Bonuses: May include educational materials on blood sugar management and healthy recipes.
Product Overview
Name: Sugar Defender Health Focus: Blood sugar management Form: Dropper Ingredients: Eleuthero, Coleus, Maca Root, African Mango, Guarana, Chromium, Ginseng, Gymnema Dosage: 1 ml per day Quantity: 30 doses Benefits: Appetite suppression, enhanced energy, improved cognitive function, weight management Pros: 100% natural, plant-based, GMO-free, non-addictive, 60-day money-back guarantee, FDA-registered GMP-certified facility Cons: Available only on the official website, individual results may vary Side Effects: No reported side effects Bonuses: The Ultimate Tea Guide, Learn How to Manage Type II Diabetes Price: $69 Refund Policy: 180 days Availability: Exclusive to the official website Official Website: Click Here Sugar Defender: A Balanced Perspective Pros:

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Natural Approach: Uses natural ingredients for a gentle solution. Convenient Dosing: Liquid drops are easy to incorporate into daily routines. Multifaceted Support: Targets blood sugar, appetite, energy, and cognitive function. Financial Security: The 60-day money-back guarantee provides some protection. Quality Assurance: Made in an FDA-registered facility, ensuring adherence to standards. Cons:
Effectiveness Unclear: Limited independent verification of effectiveness. Varied Results: Individual experiences may differ. Limited Availability: Only available through the official website, affecting accessibility. Unveiling the Formula Sugar Defender is positioned as a dietary supplement for blood sugar management, boasting a blend of natural ingredients aimed at promoting healthy blood sugar levels and overall metabolic health. The primary goal is to regulate blood sugar, potentially curbing cravings and aiding weight management. It also claims to enhance energy levels and cognitive function. However, it's crucial to remember that Sugar Defender is a supplement, not a miracle cure. Its effectiveness and the validity of its claims require careful consideration. This review provides a balanced perspective on its potential benefits and drawbacks.
The Mystery Behind the Creator
Unlike many supplements that highlight their creators, Sugar Defender's origins are somewhat mysterious. There's no readily available information about the individual or team behind it. This lack of transparency might be concerning for some users, as knowing the background and qualifications of the creators can build trust. However, this doesn't necessarily negate the product's potential effectiveness. Some companies focus more on the science behind the ingredients rather than the creators. For those seeking transparency, this anonymity might be a point of hesitation.
If you're considering Sugar Defender, research the ingredients and their potential benefits for blood sugar management. Additionally, look for independent reviews from verified users to get a broader perspective. The decision to trust Sugar Defender, despite its mysterious origins, ultimately rests with you.
The Science Behind Sugar Defender
Sugar Defender features a blend of natural ingredients aimed at supporting healthy blood sugar levels. Here's a closer look at the science behind some key components:
Chromium: May improve insulin sensitivity, aiding blood sugar control, though evidence is inconclusive. Alpha-Lipoic Acid: An antioxidant with mixed results on blood sugar regulation. Gymnema Sylvestre: Contains gymnemic acid, which may reduce sugar cravings and improve insulin sensitivity. The exact dosages and the combined effects of all the ingredients in Sugar Defender aren't well-researched, and the product itself lacks extensive clinical trials. This doesn't negate its potential benefits but highlights the need for further research and a critical approach.
Detailed Ingredient Analysis
Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng): An adaptogenic herb that may help manage stress and improve stamina, though its impact on blood sugar is limited. Coleus Forskohlii: Contains forskolin, which may aid weight management and blood pressure, but its effects on blood sugar are unclear. Maca Root: May boost energy and mood, but more research is needed on its impact on blood sugar. African Mango (Irvingia Gabonensis): Could help suppress appetite and improve cholesterol, with emerging evidence on blood sugar effects. Guarana: High in caffeine, it may increase energy and suppress appetite, though its role in blood sugar management is unclear. Ginseng: May improve energy and cognitive function, with some studies suggesting it could help regulate blood sugar. Gymnema Sylvestre: May reduce sugar cravings and improve insulin sensitivity. Alpha-Lipoic Acid: Plays a role in glucose metabolism, with mixed research results. How Sugar Defender Works Sugar Defender claims to work through several mechanisms:
Blood Sugar Regulation: Ingredients like Chromium and Gymnema Sylvestre may enhance insulin sensitivity and reduce sugar cravings. Appetite Control: African Mango and Coleus Forskohlii might help suppress appetite and manage weight. Energy and Metabolism: Eleuthero, Maca Root, and Ginseng may boost energy and support a healthy metabolism. These are theoretical mechanisms, and the actual effectiveness remains unclear.
Instructions and Considerations Dosage and Administration:
Recommended Dosage: One dropper (1 ml) three times daily. Method: Take drops under the tongue, hold for a few seconds before swallowing, preferably with meals. Consistency: Use consistently for at least three months to see potential benefits. Lifestyle Modifications:
Healthy Lifestyle: Maintain a balanced diet and regular exercise. Sugar Defender should supplement these efforts, not replace them. Consulting Your Doctor:
Medical Conditions: Consult your doctor if you have pre-existing conditions or are on medication. Pregnant/Breastfeeding Women: Should seek medical advice before use. Be Cautious and Realistic:
Approach Claims Critically: Independent research and reviews can provide a balanced view. Individual Results Vary: What works for one person might not work for another. Potential Side Effects Sugar Defender is generally safe but may cause mild side effects like:
Digestive Discomfort: Bloating, gas, or diarrhea. Headaches: Mild headaches due to changes in blood sugar levels. Nausea: Occasional nausea. Dizziness: Slight dizziness or lightheadedness. Allergic Reactions: Rare allergic reactions. Sleep Disturbances: Changes in sleep patterns. If any side effects persist or worsen, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.
Is Sugar Defender Safe? Sugar Defender is generally safe for most people when used as directed. It's made with natural ingredients and adheres to quality standards. However, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and those with pre-existing conditions or on medication, should consult a healthcare provider before use. Individual responses vary, so monitor how your body reacts and make informed decisions.
By following these guidelines and consulting with your doctor, you can decide if Sugar Defender is a suitable option for you.
Who Should Avoid Sugar Defender?
While Sugar Defender is generally safe for most individuals, specific groups should exercise caution or avoid using the supplement altogether:
Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women: Limited research exists on the safety of Sugar Defender's ingredients during pregnancy and lactation. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult their healthcare provider before using this supplement.
Children: Sugar Defender is formulated for adult use and may not be suitable for children. Parents should consult with a pediatrician before giving Sugar Defender to children.
Individuals with Medical Conditions: Those with pre-existing medical conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or gastrointestinal disorders, should consult a healthcare professional before using Sugar Defender to ensure it is safe and appropriate for their specific health needs.
Allergies: Individuals with known allergies to any of the ingredients in Sugar Defender should avoid using the supplement to prevent allergic reactions.
Medication Interactions: Some ingredients in Sugar Defender may interact with certain medications. Individuals taking prescription medications should consult their healthcare provider before using Sugar Defender to avoid potential interactions.
By considering these factors and consulting with a healthcare professional when necessary, individuals can make informed decisions about whether Sugar Defender is suitable for their individual needs and circumstances.
Sugar Defender: Sifting Through Customer Reviews (4.8 Rating with a Cautious Eye)
Sugar Defender boasts a high customer rating of 4.8, but it's important to evaluate this critically:

Visit Official Website To Order Sugar Defender Click Here

The Positive Side: Many customer reviews highlight positive experiences, such as improved blood sugar control, increased energy levels, and reduced cravings. Users often appreciate the ease of use (liquid drops) and the natural approach. A Cause for Caution: A near-perfect rating (4.8) can be suspicious. Genuine reviews tend to reflect a mix of positive and negative experiences. There is a possibility of biased reviews influenced by marketing or affiliate programs. Looking Beyond the Ratings: Focus on the content of reviews rather than just the star rating. Look for detailed reviews describing the user’s experience, both positive and negative. Consider the reviewer's background and potential biases. Sugar Defender Customer Reviews: A Journey Through User Experiences
30 Days: Sarah M. (4 stars): Noticed increased energy and fewer afternoon slumps. David L. (3 stars): Found the taste manageable but saw no major changes in blood sugar yet. Emily K. (5 stars): Experienced significant reduction in sugar cravings and healthier food choices. John T. (2 stars): Disappointed with no significant change in energy or blood sugar levels. Maria P. (4 stars): Liked the convenience and felt slightly lighter, hoping for more progress. 90 Days: Sarah M. (4 stars): Significant improvement in energy levels and positive changes in blood sugar readings. David L. (3 stars): Cravings less intense, but blood sugar readings still inconsistent. Emily K. (5 stars): Managed to lose weight and stabilize blood sugar levels. John T. (3 stars): Slight improvement in energy levels, unsure about continued use. Maria P. (5 stars): Lost weight and improved blood sugar control, very positive results. 180 Days: Sarah M. (5 stars): Consistent healthy blood sugar levels and improved energy, essential part of health regimen. David L. (4 stars): Stabilized blood sugar readings and managed cravings better. Emily K. (5 stars): Dramatic improvement in energy, sleep, and overall health. John T. (4 stars): Significant improvement in blood sugar control after six months. Maria P. (5 stars): Maintained weight loss, high energy levels, and good blood sugar control. Where to Buy Sugar Defender?
Sugar Defender is exclusively available for purchase through its official website. Buying directly from the official source ensures authenticity, special offers, dedicated customer support, and secure transactions.
Sugar Defender Pricing:
Single Bottle: $69 Three Bottles: $177 ($59 per bottle) Six Bottles: $294 ($49 per bottle) Refund Policy:
Sugar Defender offers a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you're not entirely satisfied with your purchase, you can request a full refund within 60 days of receipt.
Customers may receive complimentary ebooks, guides, or additional products to support health and well-being as part of their purchase.
FAQs About Sugar Defender:
Ingredients: Eleuthero, Coleus Forskohlii, Maca Root, African Mango, Guarana, Chromium, Ginseng, Gymnema Sylvestre. How it Works: Claims to regulate blood sugar, control appetite, manage weight, and boost energy. Benefits: Blood sugar management, appetite control, weight management, increased energy, improved mood. Usage: Recommended dosage is one full dropper taken three times daily, preferably with meals. Side Effects: Generally safe, but some may experience stomach upset or headaches. Purchase Location: Available only on the official website. Cost: Varies, with bulk purchasing options offering cost savings. Reviews: Positive reviews on the official website, but independent reviews should also be considered. Scam Concerns: No definitive evidence of a scam, but transparency issues and limited clinical trials raise concerns. Alternatives: Other blood sugar support supplements with established brands and clear ingredient information are available. Final Word on Sugar Defender
Sugar Defender appears to be a promising supplement for blood sugar management, but it's important to approach it with a critical eye. While many users report positive experiences, the lack of transparent ingredient dosages and limited clinical evidence should be considered. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement.

Visit Official Website To Order Sugar Defender Click Here

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2024.06.07 21:23 Yurii_S_Kh “The most powerful answer to the problem of evil in the world is Christ Himself.” - Bishop Job of Stuttgart on the path to Orthodoxy, Vladyka Mark and theodicy

“The most powerful answer to the problem of evil in the world is Christ Himself.” - Bishop Job of Stuttgart on the path to Orthodoxy, Vladyka Mark and theodicy
Tatiana Veselkina
Named John at birth, he was baptized John in honor of the Baptist of the Lord. In monasticism he was named Joseph in honor of the Joseph the Betrothed, and in monasticism - Job in honor of St. Job of Pochaev, one of the saints especially revered by the Russian Church Abroad, who became the patron saint of publishing in the Russian dispersion. From the Slovakian town of Laromiroff came the printing house of St. Job of Pochaev, which still exists today. This is how the publishing business began, thanks to which for many years the Jordanville printing house supplied books and other printed products to the faithful in the historical homeland.
Bishop Job of Stuttgart (Bandmann)
We recorded this interview on the second day after the episcopal ordination of Vladyka Job (Bandmann).
“I am lucky to have bishop-colleagues,” I thought. And in general, this is the first bishop whom I interviewed just one day after his consecration, when he was not yet accustomed to the address “Vladyka” and remarked: “If someone from behind says: ‘Vladyka Job!’, I think: who is it? Who is it addressed to?”
In general, this chiarotony should have taken place two years ago in the monastery of St. Job of Pochaev in Munich, two years after the death of Archbishop Agapit (Horacek) of Stuttgart, also a hereditary journalist, who was dearly loved by his Russian flock in Germany. The meeting of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Church Abroad and the celebrations dedicated to the 100th anniversary of its foundation were also to be held there. But the virus closed the road. And so in the interval between virus waves, when it seemed that the virus had receded, the traditional crowded - except for last year - celebration in honor of the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God was timed to coincide with both the meeting of the Synod (no longer online, but “in-person”) and the hierarchal chastening, which in the presence of the Guide of the Russian Dispersion, as parishioners noted, was “solemn to the point of tears”.
“In what language shall we write the interview?” - I ask the Vladyka. His native language is German, his second language is English, and Russian is his third. We started in Russian, and if anything happened, we decided that we would switch to English. “If anything” did not happen. Vladyka Job answered wonderfully in Russian, with the familiar timbre and intonation of Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany, next to whom, starting with his acquaintance as a teenager, he has been with for 24 years.
  • The only child of my parents, I was born in Berlin, where we lived for most of my life. My dad made reports and documentaries, mostly on automotive subjects. He was looking for interesting subjects for his films, and one day during summer vacation he took me on a shoot and we went to America. There we traveled 4,000 kilometers along the famous US 66 route.
Road 66 was opened back in 1926 and back then it started in Chicago, went through the states of Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and ended in Los Angeles, California. At that time, my dad was making a movie about the major shopping malls in the United States. Later, my mother started making movies too. Only already on religious themes.
About the apartment temple and baptism on the Jordan
John Bandmann with his parents
  • Was mom a person of faith?
  • My mom came from the former East Germany, where atheism was taught in schools. She recalled that as a child she believed in God, which is natural for children, until she was told that God was not to be believed in, just like Santa Claus. She was saddened, and already in the West it was important for her to find an answer to the question: where is God, where is the truth? And she actively searched for Him almost all her life.
We did not find the Truth and continued our search, and through trips to Greece and the Holy Land we came to Orthodoxy
When I was about 12-13 years old, I also took part in her search, and together with her we first converted to Catholicism, but noticing that we did not reach the roots of Christianity and did not find the Truth, we continued our search, and through trips to Greece and the Holy Land came to Orthodoxy.
I was very impressed by the trip to the Holy Land, I was about 14-15 years old at that time. We decided to go on a pilgrimage without a specific plan, with backpacks, and there to orient ourselves on the spot: how God will lead us. In the same way we traveled around Greece. It was an interesting form of travel, helping us to get to know the country and people well.
On Mount Sinai in Egypt, where we were going to meet the dawn, we slept in a tent we had brought with us. It was very cold, we got very cold and at night we got up and went to one of the houses on the top and asked the owners for blankets.
At Sinai in the Catherine Monastery we met one monk who was the keeper of the ossuary. He used to be a Catholic, then converted to Orthodoxy and for us in the monastery library he found books in German - the life of St. Sergius of Radonezh and two books on Orthodoxy - and made us photocopies.
He also gave us the address of the Monastery of St. Job of Pochaev in Munich, which he knew about because Vladyka Mark came every year with pilgrims to the Holy Land.
Monastery of St. Job of Pochaev in Munich
I was still a schoolboy, and my mother brought me to the monastery to get acquainted. For two weeks I helped there: I made incense, candles, and watched how the monks lived. After the monastery I decided to become Orthodox. My mother also decided to be baptized with me.
After the monastery I decided to become Orthodox.
Vladyka Mark told us about Orthodox parishes in Germany of different jurisdictions - Serbian, Romanian, Greek - and advised us to go to their services and choose one that would be to our liking, but did not force us to go to Russian parishes abroad. However, my mother and I decided to go where God had originally led us.
In Berlin, we began to go every Sunday to a small church that was located in an ordinary apartment. There was not even a regular choir. We immediately took everything seriously and it was already clear to us that we would not only pray, but also help at the parish.
The parish was Russian-speaking, and at first we did not understand anything, everything was difficult for us. We immediately began to learn Russian, and a parishioner helped us with Russian and Church Slavonic so that we could read on the choir. We learned singing, we learned the Typikon, and I also served in the altar, and then I began to sing on the choir. We understood that Orthodoxy can be learned through living tradition, not only through books.
Already after entering the monastery, I thanked God for bringing me to Orthodoxy, to which I decided to devote my life, because at that time nothing in the world attracted me.
  • When did the baptism itself take place?
My mother and I were baptized by Vladyka Mark at the Jordan River
  • In 1998 Vladyka Mark offered us to go on a pilgrimage trip to the Holy Land, and there on the Jordan the Vladyka baptized my mother and me. God arranged everything for us very simply. He pointed me to the monastery and to Vladyka Mark, who became my second - spiritual - father.
My own father was not particularly pleased, because he always hoped that I would be of “use” to society. But now, as it often happens, he has accepted it.
  • Finished school and went to a monastery?
  • After school we in Germany are obliged to serve in the army for six months or to pass social service, which I chose. I served in a home for the disabled not far from the monastery in Munich, not intending to enter it at that time. And I lived in the convent.
During the service I realized that I wanted to stay in the monastery. My decision was hard for my mother, but she accepted my choice, blessed me and decided to drive me from Berlin to Munich herself. It was the year 2003.
Kursk Root Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God
At that time, the Kursk Root Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary was in Berlin, and when the local bishop heard that we were going to Munich, he asked us to take the icon with us. And so I went to the monastery in the car on my knees with the icon. Six hundred kilometers of the way, about 8 hours we drove. Then I realized that it was the Most Holy Mother of God who brought me to the monastery.
The next day I was sent to obedience in the candle workshop. There on the wall I also saw the Kursk-Korena icon. And years later, during the festive liturgy on the day of commemoration of the icon “The Sign”, when the icon itself was in the church, I was elevated to the episcopal dignity in Her house, in the Cathedral of the Sign in New York.
  • Let us return to your arrival at the monastery. How much time passed from the time of your arrival there to your tonsure?
  • Vladyka Mark immediately told me to enter the theological faculty at the University of Munich. I asked for six months to get used to monastic life, and then I went to study. Even though I had been and lived in the monastery, I still had to adjust to the monastery in my new capacity.
Monk Job (Bandmann)
In connection with my studies, I was a novice and then a monk for quite a long time. I was tonsured into monasticism in 2006 with the name Joseph in honor of Joseph the Betrothed, and ten years later I was tonsured into monasticism with the name Job in honor of St. Job of Pochaev. In the same year I was ordained a deacon, and almost two years later I became a hieromonk.
  • To what obedience were you assigned?
  • In our monastery it is customary to fulfill all obediences. I was regent of the monastery choir, editor of the Orthodox magazine “Der Bote” (“The Messenger”), did layout and preparation for printing of Orthodox literature, but in the end my main obedience was to work in the printing house as a printer. In our publishing house we have a full circle of preparation and printing of books, except for hard binding.
Our printing house publishes books in Russian, German and English. There was a period when we only republished books: we republished the textbook on dogmatic theology by Protopresbyter Michael Pomazansky, the book by Fr. Seraphim Rose's book “The Soul after Death,” and a collection of reports in German by the famous professor John Ponagopoulos.
We distribute our books at parishes in Germany, and in recent years through an online store, almost half of whose catalog is taken up by our books. Unfortunately, it is not a monastery store, because we don't even have a separate room for a bookstore. In fact, the monastery has long since become small for our needs.....
About asceticism and using the head for its intended purpose
  • Vladyka, tell us more about the monastery....
  • Now we have 8 monks and novices from different countries. There are Germans, Russians from Kazakhstan, Ukrainians. One of our fellow monks is currently living in a hermitage in France.
The monastery has existed since 1945, when after the war the brethren gathered from Russian refugees and rented a house in which we still ascend.
In 1980. Vladyka Mark introduced the Athonite statutes to the monastery
This is the only men's monastery in Western Europe where the liturgy is celebrated daily. Vladyka Mark, when he became bishop in 1980, brought his colleague - then a novice and later Archbishop Agapit - to the monastery and introduced the Athonite statutes.
Our main labor is in publishing. We also make candles, incense, we have a small jewelry workshop and apiary.
The motto of our monastery is the Latin phrase that was the motto and spiritual basis of the monastic statutes written by St. Benedict of Nursia - “Ora et labora” (“Pray and labor”). St. Benedict believed in the necessity of combining prayer and work in monastic conditions, that is, combining contemplation and action.
Brethen of St Job of Pochaev monastery in Munich
We get up at half past four in the morning, from 4 to 8 a.m. we serve midnight, Matins and Liturgy. After breakfast and obedience - at 12 noon - rest. After dinner - cell prayer. In the evening - at 18:00 - Vespers and at 20:00 - Vespers. Between the services - work. It is a very difficult rhythm, not everyone can withstand it. I think my brethren will agree that the most difficult thing is to get up early in the morning. But it is not difficult at all for Vladyka Mark, our most faithful monk.
Vladyka Mark used to be able to return from a trip at 1:00 a.m. and at 4:00 a.m. he was already serving. This is a role model for me. Asceticism helps in the kind of monastic life that Vladyka Mark has chosen for himself. He has practically no hobbies other than translations. He mainly translates the works of his spiritual father, St. Justin (Popovich), from Serbian into Russian and German at the same time. We have already published his translations.
  • If you were asked what kind of rector Vladyka Mark is, what traits of his character would you first of all note?
Vladyka Mark is an ascetic. Absolute. Very strict about himself
  • He is an ascetic. Absolute. Very strict with regard to himself and he strictly educates us, but he always does it with love.
Vladyka is a man of a different generation than the rest of the brethren. He is now in his 80s, he lived through World War II as a boy, saw socialism in East Germany, starved. He has been through terrible times, and all this has affected him. Sometimes we do not understand why he can react harshly if we throw something away, because he himself survived the famine. But Vladyka understands that we are different generations and he gives us leniency.
Mark, Metropolitan of Berlin and All Germany
  • Does he treat you as monks, children or... how?
  • From the very beginning Vladyka has perceived us all as responsible adults and always expects that we can take care of our own basic needs, that we as adults understand the responsibility for our souls and for our salvation. This may be unusual for monastic life. After all, there are spiritual fathers who determine everything for the novice and completely forbid him to think for himself.
Since Vladyka Mark deals with the diocese, parishes and cannot follow our every step, he always relies on us. In fact, this is very helpful. But it depends, of course, on what kind of novice is of character and disposition. Not everyone succeeds. There are people who need to be shown and pointed out, and we, brothers, help and support each other in everything.
  • Vladyka, can you call your monastery Russian Orthodox? Or how would you characterize it?
  • Exactly so: it is a Russian monastery. True, I don't know how many monasteries in Russia have such an Athonite charter as ours.
Job (Bandmann), bishop of Stuttgart
  • What worldly activities are allowed in your monastery?
  • As in all monasteries nowadays, it is difficult for us to define how and how much we can use the various possibilities of the Internet and social networks. At least we rely on the prudence of the brethren and do not forbid these things.
  • What social network can you be found on?
  • I have an open account on Instagram.
  • What are your hobbies?
I write music, mostly liturgical
  • I have many monastic obediences, which are my hobbies, you could say. Music, for example. In the monastery I was a regent and now I sometimes regent, I try to give a voice to future singers. I write music, mostly liturgical music. But I write such difficult things that we cannot sing in our monastery. I am waiting for a worthy choir! I also love photography.
  • What kind of secular music do you allow yourself to listen to?
  • I believe that one should not be limited by genres, but rather by the time of listening and the emotionality of the piece of music. There is music that disturbs the soul too much, excites its low feelings and even openly provokes evil, works against God and faith. Such music would not be recommended for anyone to listen to.
  • What do you read from secular literature?
  • I very rarely read, and if I do, I read science fiction, novels with philosophical or psychological overtones, for example, Dostoevsky, Herman Hesse.
About a worthy castle for a Russian monastery
Seifridsberg Castle
  • Vladyka, do pilgrims come to you for spiritual help?
  • Constantly, all the cells are occupied.
  • And specifically to you? Do you have spiritual children?
  • Not many. God has not sent me such people who would ask for spiritual children, and I do not consider myself an elder. I have some experience, but it is not for me to judge whether I can help a person as a real spiritual father. I am a little afraid of that. There are people who come and ask. I can give advice, but, of course, not in the way that Vladyka Mark does, for example.
In general, you need to be a saint, like John of Kronstadt or the elders of Optina, who could look into people's souls and see their past and future. But I cannot dispose of people's lives in this way.
  • Lately the monastery cannot accept all the pilgrims, but now you have found a place absolutely suitable for the monastery, where you can expand ...
  • We tried for a long time to agree with the Munich city administration to expand the monastery on our present site. But they did not want to understand us.
Originally the monastery was located in a relatively isolated area on rented land. As time went on, houses were built around it, and young people began to gather in the nearby parks at night and disturb the brethren, who already had only 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. to rest. Not only was garbage thrown onto the monastery grounds, but there were even a few arson attacks. As a result, our garage almost completely burned down.
We found a place that is perfect for a monastery. This is Seifriedsberg Castle
And finally we found a place that is perfect for a monastery because it is located in a secluded place and surrounded by nature. This is Seifridsberg Castle. Now we have to buy it. And then it will be monastery property.
The first mention of the castle dates back to 1251. It was built by Bishop Siegfried III, Count von Rehberg. The castle consists of a three-storey main building and a side wing. The main building and the entrance are connected by a wall with a tiled roof, forming an enclosed courtyard.
In 1851, a forest park was laid out in front of the palace, in which shrubs and trees from all over the world were planted, including a ginkgo tree known for its healing properties, sequoias, rhododendron bushes, which are now more than 100 years old and are a natural wonder when they bloom in May and June.
Seifridsberg Castle
The castle is conveniently located an hour's drive from Munich, and the number of brethren will hopefully increase. We will finally be able to build a real church instead of a house church, a monastic building for the brethren, a hotel for pilgrims, additional workshops, and further development of our production. We also plan to place there a diocesan center, a center for youth missionary work, an educational center for courses for clergy.
Both financially and in terms of the sheer size of the area and what needs to be done, neither our monastery nor our diocese has ever undertaken such a large project before.
The Russian Church Abroad is not a wealthy church at all, and we continue to bargain with the owners of the castle and the grounds. We have also established a fund through which we intend to raise money for the purchase and renovation, which will be expensive. To carry it out we will need volunteers in addition to specialists.
  • How much money will be needed to buy the castle?
  • Approximately 2.5 million euros, the renovation will cost at least 1.5 million or even more. And only then can we plan the move. It won't be easy for the monastery.
Vladyka Mark has entrusted me with this project, and I am working on it at the same time as I am completing my doctoral thesis.
  • On the topic?
  • “Theodicy in the New Testament” - why is there evil and suffering on earth?
On communicating “face to face” with God and the headship of men
Christ the Pantocrator. Mosaic
  • Remind me, what does the word “theodicy” mean?
  • It is a set of religious and philosophical doctrines designed to justify the governance of the universe by a good God, despite the presence of evil in the world: the so-called problem of evil.
I wanted to find an answer to this question in the New Testament, because I have been familiar with this subject since childhood, because it is a favorite question of people who do not believe. I came to faith and had many conversations and debates with my unbelieving friends on this subject. It was important for me to find the answer myself and explain it to them.
During my studies, I realized that while the Old Testament is present on this subject and even attempts to give answers, it does not solve the problem as a whole. But in the holy fathers and in Christian literature this subject is not so much covered. This means that the problem is solved through the New Testament, through Christ.
I think that the strongest answer that God has given us is Christ. He not only suffered, but overcame both suffering and death. The apostle Paul writes very well about this in his letter to the Romans: “Christ Jesus died, but He also rose again: He is at the right hand of God, He also makes intercession for us” (Romans 8:34).
After the resurrection of Christ, everything is defeated: suffering, the devil, death, and human corruption
In his epistle he addresses the Christians of Rome, who were mostly Gentiles, and speaks a lot about the “truth of God” which is received by faith. This truth is inherent in God and is manifested in all His actions. God reaches out His divine hand to man and gives this truth, this answer, through faith. He shows that after the resurrection of Christ all things are conquered: suffering, the devil, death, and human corruption.
This may not be clear to us now, but gradually we begin to feel the grace that draws us into a new world where evil, suffering, and death themselves will be absent. “If with your mouth you confess Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved, for with the heart you believe unto righteousness, and with the mouth you confess unto salvation” (Rom. 10: 9-10).
  • So man can only get the answer to this question after he comes to the true God, as he meets Him personally?
  • Yes. God did not just give the answer as a written explanation, He gave us Christ. That is the answer. God has shown that every person can personally meet Christ the Savior and personally receive Him into his life and into his heart. And the more sincerely we do this, the more the question of the presence of evil and suffering in the world will no longer exist for us.
Bishop Job (Bandmann) of Stuttgart
  • What are the paths that lead a person to a personal encounter with God? Or are these paths inscrutable and the way to a personal encounter is the whole life of a believer? Can God come into a person's heart unexpectedly?
If you are not interested in God, what kind of personal meeting can we talk about?
  • There is one way, and that is prayer. Prayer is communication with God. If you are not interested in God, what personal meeting can we talk about? And this prayerful fellowship is higher than thinking or talking about God, that is, “theologizing.” That's why we must set our whole life on prayer and build our life around it. Although any child can pray, perfect unceasing prayer, which no longer needs words, no longer needs ideas, is a “face-to-face” communication with God, and is the result of a person's great feat and endeavor.
  • A person goes to church, reads spiritual books, confesses and receives communion regularly, and even teaches others. Is it possible to determine whether this person lives with God? What, in your opinion, are the signs of a “man of God”?
  • Hardly anyone dares to evaluate a person's spirituality from the outside. Even in confession one cannot always see what is really going on in the soul. Some may show, of course, obvious holiness, which cannot be hidden from the one who knows how to recognize it, but this is an exception. And a rare one at that.
  • Do you teach the Law of God to young people?
I teach Orthodoxy to high school children
  • In some schools in Germany, where there are many Orthodox children, they hire a special teacher. I teach Orthodoxy to high school children in different schools. Now I have 13 people in my class - these are children of parishioners, but in the current conditions of coronavirus and restrictions, of course, this is not all who could and wanted to go to class.
  • And how is the monastery itself living during the pandemic?
  • One of the temptations of Jesus Christ in the desert was to use spiritual power and neglect danger: “Throw yourself down and the angels will catch you.” But that's not about us. We try to live peacefully and without unnecessary fear. But it is easier for us than it is for the laity to cope with this situation. Before the quarantine, it was as if we were living in quarantine: our temple and workplace are located where our cells are.
  • Vladyka, what, in your opinion, will be the most difficult for you as a bishop at first?
  • I think everything at the beginning will not be easy. Everything is new, even though I have lived close to the bishop for a long time and theoretically understand what the bishop does. They say that traveling to parishes is exhausting and draining, but I think it also gives a lot of grace and strength. At least for me, it won't be the worst thing.
  • Now I will list several qualities of human character: education, humility, asceticism, wisdom, kindness, sense of humor. In what order do you think they are important for a bishop?
  • Wisdom, prudence are the main helpers in everything. Then, in my opinion, humility and asceticism. A bishop cannot do without education. And the final place is shared, I think, by kindness and a sense of humor.
And the main thing for a bishop, despite the fact that he has to deal with paperwork, real estate and money, is that he is in direct contact with people. And first of all, he must see what kind of person is in front of him, what this person is capable of, how he can be led and how not; what to entrust, what obedience to direct him to, how to behave towards him and how not to behave. This, I think, is the most important and the most difficult.
Bishop Job (Bandmann) of Stuttgart
spoke with Tatiana Veselkina
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:22 Old_Caregiver8071 What information to give to recommenders if I haven't started my PS

I have gotten three people to agree to write my letters of recommendation, but I am wondering what information I can convey to them to ensure that their letters relate to my PS or profile in general. I've heard that it's important for your admissions materials to tell a cohesive story, but because I still haven't decide what my personal statement will be about, and what kind of lawyer I would want to be (thinking plaintiff side employment law or state/federal regulatory), I'm not sure what I can tell them that will be helpful. Instead would I try to align my PS with my experiences with then? A little lost...
submitted by Old_Caregiver8071 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:20 Appropriate-Fix123 Looking for a secondary software as a solution

Okay, so, I am a technical writer asked to consult on an issue to see if my technical writing software would be useful for a very time consuming problem my company is having. I believe I'm looking for a secondary software that can work alongside Atlassian software, but if there is a way to automate Confluence to do this, that would be great as well. Please feel free to point me towards other subreddits that might have the information I'm looking for.
I work for a massive government contracting company. I work as a technical writer for the software we produce. I use Madcap Flare and have been vocal about how useful it is for my job, so I was asked to consult on a different issue. The more I look at it, the more I don't think Madcap Flare is the right tool to solve the problem, but there has to be SOMETHING. So I wanted to start some research off and see if I can find a solution for the issue.
My department works through a government protected Confluence. We have 150+ projects constantly running. Each of these "projects" are hosted through Confluence on parent pages with sub pages. Each have macros that produce 2 confluence sub pages, for Monthly Status Reports and Period of Performance reports. These pages are then individually exported into Word (5 to 15 pages each). These are all combined together and re-formatted to make the pages less. Then they create a "summary" of sorts from these reports, and combine that with the Reports. They turn them into PDFs, then add in bookmarks/tags/etc. This ends up being between 500-1000 pages. They do this twice a month, and send out these massive documents to the government. There is 0 chance they are being read, but it required by the contract.
They are being tasked now with getting the page count down, which is where I was consulted. Because these are financial documents, I don't believe Madcap or really any tech writing tool will be useful. They all hinge on the need to reuse writing/documents/etc, and that's not really happening here. But again, there has to be something.
I think what I am looking for is a software that can connect to Confluence (which has CAC based security on it) and be used to generate reports from 150+ confluence pages at a time into a single exportable source.
Does anyone have any recommendations or know of any software their companies use that have this capability?
submitted by Appropriate-Fix123 to atlassian [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:20 Feeling_Ad_6775 Question about applying for my mum's PIP

My mother claims Employment and Support Allowance, and she claims a disability component with it (it's labelled as "disability income guarantee"). Recently, I graduated from university, and I’ve got a part-time job working from home, as I need to stay at home with my mom to help her with daily activities.
The issue is that because I’m no longer a full-time student, deductions are made to her ESA, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support. I was recommended by the local authority to apply for my mother PIP so, she won’t have her benefits deducted as a result of me working.
I want to ask if my mother’s PIP claim fails or is rejected, would that have an impact on her other benefits? Not that if her PIP claims fail, then her other benefits ESA, HB and CT support also ends…
Also, to be clear, I’ve already googled this and asked the advisor on the phone, but it is my mother that has to claim PIP and not myself for deductions to not be made?
Please let me know, thank you.
submitted by Feeling_Ad_6775 to DWPhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:19 SamsungGalaxyBrain Summerhall 2.0: King's Landing boogaloo

Let us imagine, my friends, that it is the 10th anniversary of Robert's reign. He and a lot of the nobles are out on a hunt when King's Landing explodes into a giant ball of green flames. Some homeless orphan, or maybe even one of Varys' little birds, goes exploring, stumbles onto one of Aerys' forgotten caches, it catches fire and triggers a chain reaction. Too bad so sad. Northmen, Dornishmen, and Iron Islanders did not have anyone of importance attending, but the rest of the Kindgoms lose many an important player in the game.
• Loras was at the hunt, but Olenna, Mace the Ace and Margaery, invited to the capital by Renly, who, being the groomer that he is decided to start the Lyanna lookalike thing young, were all toast. Willas and Garlan have weathered the storm, having stayed at home, and they were in general smart cookies, but not Queen of Thorns level smart, and nearly not as power-hungry. They just wanted to chill and grieve now.
• The Iron Islands have barely begun to recover from their last attempt at independence, but the Great Fire presented them with an opportunity like none other, and so they have made a half-arsed attempt at ploundering the Western coast of the Seven Kingdoms. In Winterfell, young Theon loses his head.
• Jon Arryn, Lysa, Sweetrobin, and Baelish were unsurprisingly in King's Landing at the time. They did not attend the hunt, and now they also were all toast. Harry was still a green boy at the time, the lords were not pleased with the prospect of a regency, many of them wanting absolute power for their own now that the main Arryn line was extinct, the Mountain Clans saw that as a good omen and went on a rampage. The Vale was in turmoil.
• Tywin and Kevan attended the feast but not the hunt, as they were visiting Cersei and her children at the time. They, too, were all toast. Jaime and Lancel could not get out of their respective Kingsguard and page duties due to Bobby B being petty for once, so they survived, but now a succession crisis in the Westerlands was also in place with the potential heirs being a grief-stricken and deeply unlikable Kingslayer with a vow of celibacy, a deeply unlikable whoremonger Imp, and a green boy.
• Edmure was also in King's Landing, visiting Lysa, and opted to visit a tavern with several other prominent Riverlands heir lads, so can you guess what they all became? You are goddamn right! Toast! So now Hoster, who was already at the first stages of his terminal illness and could not perform, only had the Blackfish, who wasstill refusing to marry, and the Stark kids for heirs. Several other houses were experiencing similar issues, but apparently while everybody else was grieving, Old Walder held a massive celebration at the Twins. Oh, and make no mistake, he will also be pushing for Genna and Emmon's kids to inherit Casterly Rock, and let us not forget about trying to put all of his daughters into newly widowed Robert's bed. How 'nice'.
• As previously mentioned, Cersei and all three of Robert's golden 'heirs' were home at the time. Tragically, so was the Mannis. Which means now Bobby's heirs were a gay pedo, a greyscale-ridden girl, and a score of bastards. Not that that was of any concern to Robert, he normally would not give a rat's arse about any of them dying. The matter in which they had died, though? Now, that is another thing entirely! Wildfire is a clear mark of the work of DRAGONSPAWN! Without Jon Arryn or dear old Ned to steady him, he declared war on the entire continent of Essos to deal with DRAGONSPAWN! for good. Screw securing his line, he can do it later. Everybody in Westeros thought this idea was bonkers and a clear sign of his own Targ ancestry coming out, and they surely had their own problems to deal with, but oh well, he was King. For now. And oh, where are the Targs by the way?
• While Dorne has rejoiced and begun discreetly gathering troops in Viserys' name, Vizzy the Mad himself and his sister were nowhere to be found. For all of his abundant mental issues, Viserys was slippery as an eel and has gotten very good at hiding in the slums of whatever Free City he was in at the time. Dozens of Robert and Illyrio's agents were out to get him, and he could not really distinguish him from Doran's agents, could he? In the end, though, Doran proved fleetingly victorious, until Vizzy got felled by a shadow demon at the docks, just as he was about to set sail for Westeros. Oh yeah. Melisandre had decided to shift her attentions to Bobby dearest, proclaiming him Azor Ahai reborn, and had managed to calm him down a little with her magical nether regions, promising and delivering on a bit more boring yet far more quicker way to get rid of the Targs. In the process, Daenerys had escaped, but had also gotten the short end of the stick by encountering the same type of wizard young Varys had, who promptly caught her and made her permanently barren, Aretuza-style. This is no maegi curse. Not even a dragon can grow a secong uterus. She may or may not get her dragons several years down the line, but her own line definitely ended with her.
• Speaking of Illyrio. With Varys having perished in the fire, he became the head of the whole fAegon operation, and started aggressively marketing the young 'King' to the Seven Kingdoms. The thing is, word of a dead Spider, one-sided letters in cypher, and word of JonCon who is easily led and could be convinced Aegon Jinglebell Frey was the son of his Silver Prince if you told him enough sentimental plattitudes, is not enough. That kid could be any random Lyseni or dragonseed. And the Golden Company's involvement only made the whole shebang more sus. It still gave them a modicum of support... until their glorious homecoming ship got caught in a storm in the Narrow Sea and drowned. fAegon, the sole survivor, was now best bros with Patchface and his namesake Jinglebell. The fiasco, however, gave many an enterprizing man on both sides of the Narrow Sea an idea, and Westeros became inundaded with dozens of various fAegons, fViseryses, fRhaenyses, fDaeneryses, and even an occasional fRhaegar and f'Dragonwolf', all claiming the same thing. The latter, however, made Catelyn a bit sus, and she wrangled the truth out of her husband.
• It did not make things better, however. You see, dearest not-so-gentlereader, instability South of the Wall made the Night King seize the opportunity a couple of years earlier, bringing terror to the Free Folk, who, in turn, came in troves and brought terror to the North. Ned Stark, unlike his son/nephew, was not one to negotiate with wildings, and young, too young Robb and Jon, both eager for glory despite being barely into their teens, snuck onto the battlefield and both died by enemy arrows.
• In the end, an unlikely Suicide S̶q̶u̶a̶d̶ Duo of Bobby B and Dany on dragons tried having their last stand against the Others but failed. Oh well. At least no future Westerosi will worry about not having an air conditioner in a heatwave now. You know we all do. Ain't that, in a way, a happy ending?
submitted by SamsungGalaxyBrain to TheCitadel [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:17 Appropriate-Fix123 Trying to Solve a Problem

Okay, so, this is only relatively related to technical writing, but I am a technical writer so I thought I'd start here. Please feel free to point me towards other subreddits that might have the information I'm looking for.
I worked for a massive government contracting company. I work as a technical writer for the software we produce. I use Madcap Flare and have been vocal about how useful it is for my job, so I was asked to consult on a different issue. The more I look at it, the more I don't think Madcap Flare is the right tool to solve the problem, but there has to be SOMETHING. So I wanted to start some research off and see if I can find a solution for the issue.
My department works through a government protected Confluence. We have 150+ projects constantly running. Each of these "projects" are hosted through Confluence on parent pages with sub pages. Each have macros that produce 2 confluence sub pages, for Monthly Status Reports and Period of Performance reports. These pages are then individually exported into Word (5 to 15 pages each). These are all combined together and re-formatted to make the pages less. Then they create a "summary" of sorts from these reports, and combine that with the Reports. They turn them into PDFs, then add in bookmarks/tags/etc. This ends up being between 500-1000 pages. They do this twice a month, and send out these massive documents to the government. There is 0 chance they are being read, but it required by the contract.
They are being tasked now with getting the page count down, which is where I was consulted. Because these are financial documents, I don't believe Madcap or really any tech writing tool will be useful. They all hinge on the need to reuse writing/documents/etc, and that's not really happening here. But again, there has to be something.
I think what I am looking for is a software that can connect to Confluence (which has CAC based security on it) and be used to generate reports from 150+ confluence pages at a time into a single exportable source.
Does anyone have any recommendations or know of any software their companies use that have this capability?
submitted by Appropriate-Fix123 to technicalwriting [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:17 WightMask Looking for a brand new tool kit that actually locks (clips) individual piece in place.

As the title says I'm looking for recommendations, on a brand new tool kit that will securely clips each piece in place. I'm so tired of having to buy a new socket or missing piece because as I was driving it fell out of place, or because i tripped over my kit and all the pieces fell out. I want to be able to turn this kit up side down while open, and each and every piece stay in place without falling out. I've been going to all the hardware stores in town to look for tool kits with these requirement (by shaking them and seeing if they rattle) but I can't find anything locally. Please help me out, my last straw was getting a flat and missing the socket I needed to put my spare on. Also if there's a name for specific cases like this, please let me know.
submitted by WightMask to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:15 CharacterSurprise838 To scared to take ANY PATH! I feel like a failure and want to die. please help.

Typing this out is going to take every fiber of me being, just because I'm so fucking miserable with my life- but for some reason I still keep going forward despite it all.
24 Year Of Male To Female, In Poverty, Got an informal education, so not the smartest (half ass home schooling) ISFP (if it matters LOL)
I've hit a roadblock in my life, and I mean a serious roadblock in my life that I have struggled with ever since I have turned 18. That being picking some sort of career to pursue in, one that can help me support myself fully. (Even if I need a roomie and in my state CT at best I'd need is 20 dollars an hour)
Every year I try to move forward, since 18, but i cant, it goes like this (have shitty minimum wage job with a lot of rude people (barista/cashiedishwashewaitress) I quit the job cause I hate it so much and I just cannot stand it, and then I try to find some sort of career, and I mean I've considered everything people... and I wish I was joking.
But I've talked myself out of every single career path ever, for a verity of reasons- and no matter what I cannot settle on something, and if I get close I find a reason to talk myself out of it, why i cant do it and why its a bad idea. I feel half of this is cause of an issue with my OCD.
So I tried going to a job placement place, its meant for people with disabilities and ran through the state. OCD counted as one, fast forward a couple of months I tell them that Im potentially interested in trying out a vet assistant position, even though i was very scared my girlfriend made me do it anyway as some sort of exposure therapy. (which is effective against OCD) this job placement place ended up getting me an interview at a dog daycare and it wasn't what i wanted but I said screw it ill go.
The place they sent me to i noticed had the worst reviews and rating out of every dog daycare in my county but i said screw it ill try anyway.
The people came with me cause they assist you in the interview, the man who was the manager of this doggy daycare was extremely rude, he dug into me about my resume, he dug into me as a person and kept saying 'you people' 'you people' denying all the help and word from the worker i was working with. even told me that he didnt think i could do the job. talked down upon all my experience pet sitting / dog walking. i was holding back tears the entire interview. he made me feel like I couldn't do it, he scared me out of potentially working in the veterinarian field and animals too even though its something i wanted to try.
I went home and cried my eyes out, fast forward 2 months and here I am now, back trying to figure something out but I just cant, I cant figure it out. and I cant move forward. Im to scared for everything, Im scared of mean people at work, when i was a barista and people were mean to me i'd have to run away after they were gone and cry in the bathroom..... im just very emotional and sensitive cause of my PTSD which has pushed me out of so many job options.
I'm desperate and I'm ready to give up, at this point all i want is a job that makes 20 dollars an hour that lets me work in the afternoons/nights. I'm a very small weak girl (5'3 120 pounds) I always hear stuff about "security guards/warehouse work/ delivery driver" i just dont think im built for that type of work. so I feel lost once again. I don't know what to do.... please help
submitted by CharacterSurprise838 to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:15 NukaColaAddict1302 These Karens always lose their shit over the dumbest things

This lady came up and asked if I could check to see if we had a pool in stock. I told her I’m unable to check as I didn’t have access to our inventory from my spot and that I’d have someone meet her up here to check for her.
Karen: “Well I asked the girl over there and she told me y’all didn’t have any, but I don’t think she really looked, so can you check for me?”
Me:”well I don’t have access to the inventory right now but I’ll call someone up t-“
Karen:”why? Why can’t you do it? You work here right?”
Me: Yes I do, but I’m loss prevention. I’m supposed to watch the doors so they don’t give me a TC to use up here, that’s why I’m calling someone up
Karen: so then why aren’t you in uniform?
Me: looks down at my company approved and provided polo and plain jeans …I am. This is corporate approved, everyone else here is wearing the same thing.
Karen: so you’re not a real security guard, you’re not even registered with the state
Me: I never said I was security anything ma’am. I said loss prevention.
Karen: tWo DIFFERENT THINGS SIR. proceeds to walk away like she got me
Then she sees my coworker walk into the store. He hadn’t even clocked in yet, had literally taken two steps past the door and she immediately starts demanding the same thing about finding the pool for her.
This fuckin legend looks her dead in the eye and just keeps walking to clock in without saying a word.
Karen then loses her shit and yells “IM JUST GONNA CALL CORPORATE AND FILE A COMPLAINT, YOULL ALL GET FIRED” and storms out.
What kind of help are these people expecting to get when they’re so hostile right off the bat? Is the pool that damn important?
submitted by NukaColaAddict1302 to retailhell [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:13 Yelbeghen Conversion Masters vs Post-Bacc

Hi everyone
Which one would you recommend for someone with a degree in an unrelated/non-technical subject?
As many may know here, conversion masters are mainly offered in the UK for people with zero background in CS. They take 1 or 2 years to complete and cost around £25-30k.
Post-Bacc programs in CS are offered by US colleges online. They are basically second bachelors degrees in CS for people who already hold a bachelors degree in any field. They usually take 2 years to complete and cost around $35k in total.
They cost similar and take similar time to complete but one gives a bachelors degree in CS while the other gives a masters degree in CS for students with zero background. Also some conversion masters programs only Kent if I am not wrong offer an industrial placement year so that seems like a big advantage especially in this market right now and I am leaning towards them more.
Would holding only a conversion masters degree in CS, without a bachelors degree in a related/STEM field, be a disadvantage in the eyes of employers?
submitted by Yelbeghen to cscareerquestionsuk [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:12 Slight_Quote_3153 Received a letter from the IRS.

Hello everyone,
Received a letter from IRS. It is confusing at best.. This is the gist of the letter.
At the very top it says this
Form: 1096 1099-NEC
We received the Form 1096 that you submitted. We did not receive the corresponding information returns which makes Form 1096 incomplete and non-processable. Please resubmit Form 1096 with all the required forms so that we may process your submission. If you sent these returns in as originals, resubmit them as originals, and DO NOT mark them as “Corrected” at the top of the form.
If you don’t send us this information and don’t have reasonable cause for not filing the returns correctly, we may charge a penalty of up to $280 per return ($50 for Form 5498 series). If you intentionally disregard the filing requirements, we charge a higher penalty.
We won’t charge a penalty if you resubmit the returns correctly by July 03, 2024. Complete the right information returns (Forms 1095, 1098, 1099, 5498, or W-2G) and submit each form type with its own corresponding transmittal (Forms 1094-B, 1094-C, or 1096).
Please resubmit your forms by July 03, 2024, to the address shown below. Attach a copy of this letter to your forms and keep a copy for your records.
Be sure to order the right transmittal (Form 1096, Annual Summary and Transmittal of U.S. Information Returns; Form 1094-B, Transmittal of Health Coverage Information Returns; or Form 1094-C, Transmittal of Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage Information Returns) to transmit each form type you’re submitting.
I have used the same Tax person for so many years... Not sure what did he not send or what is the discrepancy here ?
I looked online and I don't have 1094-B or 1094-C... What exactly do I send them ? I don't have 5498 as well..
Any thoughts and pointers ?
submitted by Slight_Quote_3153 to tax [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:11 CyclopeanMonarch [Event] A Mild Mannered Bean Counter Has Appeared!

It was only a short few weeks after his letter to the previous Master of Coin that Lyman Grafton stepped on to the docks of King’s Landing followed by a bevy of servants. Each bore a satchel or a travel case stuffed with some manner of papers, books, and—in one odd case—suits of armor. After a some forced pleasantries with the harbormaster the scarecrow of a man would make would make for the Red Keep with all speed. Or at least with as much speed as a man could manage when pausing every few minutes to ensure his precious cargo was being born along carefully.
With a practiced smile he would present himself before the Keep’s guard and politely ask where he might find the Master of Coin for a meeting of some importance.
submitted by CyclopeanMonarch to NinePennyKings [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:10 For2ANJ FAQ #119 SAFE STORAGE Does New Jersey have a safe storage law? What are the New Jersey Laws around firearm storage in the home?

Q: Does New Jersey have a safe storage law? What are the New Jersey Laws around firearm storage in the home?
A: NO, New Jersey has no law that requires unattended firearms to be stored in a certain way. They can be loaded or unloaded when stored.
Additional Info:
New Jersey provides that “[a] person who knows or reasonably should know that a minor [under 16 years of age] is likely to gain access to a loaded firearm at a premises under the person’s control” is criminally liable for a misdemeanor if a minor gains access to a firearm, unless the person:
This section does not apply to activities concerning the lawful use of a firearm by a minor (see the section entitled Minimum Age to Purchase & Possess in New Jersey), or where a minor obtained a firearm as a result of an unlawful entry by any person.
New Jersey requires firearm dealers to give all firearm transferees the following written warning, printed in block letters not less than one-fourth of an inch in height: “IT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE, PUNISHABLE BY A FINE AND IMPRISONMENT, FOR AN ADULT TO LEAVE A LOADED FIREARM WITHIN EASY ACCESS OF A MINOR.” Dealers also must post a truncated version of this warning “conspicuously” at each purchase counter, printed in block letters not less than one inch in height.
New Jersey imposes harsh penalties, including a mandatory minimum prison term of three years without parole, on any person who knowingly sells, gives, transfers, assigns or otherwise disposes of a firearm to a person under age 18.
In New Jersey, retail firearms dealers must include a trigger lock or a locked case, gun box, container or other secure facility with every handgun sold.
  1. N.J. Stat. Ann. § 2C:58-15c.
  2. N.J. Stat. Ann. § 2C:58-15a.
  3. N.J. Stat. Ann. § 2C:58-15b.
  4. N.J. Stat. Ann. § 2C:58-16a.
  5. N.J. Stat. Ann. § 2C:58-16b.
  6. N.J. Stat. Ann. § 2C:39-10e.
  7. N.J. Stat. Ann. § 2C:58-2a(5)(d), (e).
  8. N.J. Stat. Ann. § 2C:58-17a, 17b.
In the past the legislature has tried to pass Safe Storage Laws in New Jersey.
Murphy's "Safe Storage" Law in New Jersey Gun Lawyer Evan Nappen
Same Law: NJ Legislature (
submitted by For2ANJ to GardenStateGuns [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:08 YoungBucketHat What are my chances? Any suggestions?

Hi All! I plan on applying for the MSCSO Spring 2025 program within this August. I am from Canada, and what are my chances of getting accepted into this program?
My background:
Am I totally screwed cause of my GPA, or is there a chance of getting in?
submitted by YoungBucketHat to MSCSO [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:52 Jealous_Tie7190 Is this job offer a scam?

I have recently completed a 6-month full stack software engineering bootcamp.I have been looking for a job and have run into a bunch of scams. I recently got an email asking me to fill out a questionnaire. I did so and received this email.
The fact that I had no real interview and that the job is offering $80 an hour and that they said they will send me a check for equipment are HUGE red flags to me. But I am desperate and would love for this to be real. Would it hurt if I provided the information they requested? Can I put a check in my bank and not cash it and see if it bounces? Will I be penalized?
"Hello Brianna,
We are pleased to extend an official offer of employment to you for the position of Web Developer (Remote) with our esteemed organization. Your extensive experience and demonstrated capabilities have led us to this decision, and we are confident that you will excel in this role as a valued member of our team.
Congratulations on your successful application! We are thrilled to welcome you to LIA, where we believe your expertise, skills, and background will greatly enhance our collective efforts and contribute significantly to the success of our company.
As part of your onboarding process, you will receive detailed instructions regarding your daily responsibilities via email. Additionally, I will be available online to provide guidance and support as you transition into your new role. Your onboarding journey will commence with a comprehensive 3 to 5-day online training session conducted via Zoom, allowing you to familiarize yourself with our processes and procedures.
The starting compensation for your position is $80 per hour, and you will have the option to receive payment on a weekly basis via check, direct deposit, or wire transfer. In addition to competitive pay, we offer a range of benefits including paid time off, a comprehensive wellness program, and health, vision, and dental insurance coverage. Furthermore, you will become eligible for additional benefits following three months of employment with us.
Upon completion of your training, you will be provided with a unique user ID, password, and access to our corporate server, along with a contact list for each department to facilitate seamless communication and collaboration.
To ensure a smooth transition, a check will be issued to cover the cost of office supplies and necessary software for setting up your workstation prior to commencing training and official duties.
Your offer letter of employment will be sent to you shortly, with the aim of expediting your onboarding process and initiating your training without delay.
In order to proceed with the necessary formalities, please promptly provide the following information to our HR department:
Please send the requested details to HR at " (i removed the email) " and kindly copy me for reference.
Once again, congratulations on your new role, and we look forward to having you on board."
submitted by Jealous_Tie7190 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:52 surfnj102 Any recommendations on what to study before taking GCIH?

Hi all. So im planning to take the GCIH later this year through the SANS Technology Institute (its a lot easier to get my company to pay for college courses than week long certification courses and the like). That said, I have to pay up front and then ill get reimbursed IF I get an A or a B... I believe the SANS Technology Institute courses are graded by whether or not you pass the associated GIAC exam so obviously, there's going to be a lot riding on this exam for me. As such, I want to do everything in my power to pass it, and that includes doing some studying beforehand.
Does anyone have any certifications, courses, videos, or books they recommend that cover / touch on the GCIH topics?
For context, I have my CISSP, CCNA, security+, Cysa+, and pentest+ and I work in security (so im not new to this stuff).
submitted by surfnj102 to GIAC [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:47 Omologist What is Customer Relationship Management (CRM)?

What is Customer Relationship Management (CRM)?
What is Customer Relationship Management (CRM)?
Fundamentals of CRM
Understanding the fundamentals of CRM is essential for any organization seeking to streamline its customer engagement and maximize the efficacy of its business strategies. This section delves into what CRM encompasses, the pivotal components of CRM systems, and the benefits that CRM offers to businesses.
Defining CRM
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an approach that businesses use to manage interactions with current and potential customers. It involves using data analysis about customers' history with the company to improve business relationships, with a focus on customer retention and ultimately driving sales growth. CRM software aggregates data from various communication channels, including a company's website, telephone, email, live chat, marketing materials, and social media.
Core Components of CRM Systems
A robust CRM system encompasses several core components:
Contact Management: Stores customer information such as contact details, demographic data, and transaction history in a searchable database.
Interaction Tracking: Keeps a record of every interaction with a customer, including emails, phone calls, and in-person meetings.
Lead Management: Manages leads to streamline the sales process, from capture to conversion.
Sales Forecasting: Utilizes customer data to predict future sales trends and performance.
Workflow Automation: Automates repetitive tasks to enhance efficiency and reduce human error.
Benefits of CRM in Business
Employing CRM platforms can significantly benefit a business in various ways. These systems improve customer service by making information accessible to resolve issues quickly and accurately. They enhance marketing strategies by providing detailed insights into customer preferences and behaviors, enabling targeted campaigns. Additionally, CRM helps in sales management by streamlining processes and providing actionable data to close deals more effectively. Efficient data management provided by CRM platforms allows for a consolidated view of customers, empowering organizations with informed decision-making capabilities and fostering stronger customer relationships.
Implementing CRM Strategies
Implementing CRM strategies effectively hinges on the integration of technology with well-defined business processes that work across different facets of customer interactions. These strategies aim to personalize customer engagement, streamline sales and marketing processes, and improve customer service. Each aspect comes together to support a robust customer journey, fostering better customer relationships.
Contact and Interaction Management
Within the realm of CRM, Contact and Interaction Management represents the foundational layer that holds critical customer data. This includes contact information, logs of customer interactions, and insights into past customer service inquiries. By organizing this information systematically, a CRM strategy can help sales and customer service teams access and utilize data to drive meaningful conversations and responses.
Sales Force Automation
Sales Force Automation focuses on enhancing the efficiency of the sales team. Automating the sales pipeline and related workflows frees up time for sales personnel to focus on closing deals instead of getting bogged down with administrative tasks. This involves the automation of lead tracking, the progression of sales opportunities, and the analysis of the sales pipeline.
Personalization and Customer Engagement
To tailor the customer journey, Personalization and Customer Engagement are key. CRM strategies here aim to personalize marketing materials across various touchpoints to resonate with the specific needs and interests of each customer. Furthermore, marketing automation tools can be used to plan and execute campaigns more effectively, ensuring that every customer feels valued and understood.
CRM and Technology Integration
Incorporating technology into Customer Relationship Management systems enhances their capabilities, enabling more streamlined operations and better handling of customer data. The integration allows every touchpoint in the customer journey to be captured, leading to improved customer service, sales, and marketing efforts.
Analytical CRM and Data Management
Analytical CRM systems transform raw customer data into valuable insights using various data management and analytics technologies. With the aid of cloud computing, these systems can aggregate vast amounts of data to facilitate data-driven decision-making. Integration with business intelligence tools enhances the visibility and analysis of customer interactions, leading to more personalized marketing campaigns and sales strategies.
Marketing and Sales Technology
Integration of CRM with marketing and sales technology automates many processes, enabling a seamless flow from lead acquisition to closure. Automation allows for precisely targeted communication, nurtured by insights gained from customer data analysis. Artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in predicting customer behavior and prescribing actions for sales teams to improve their efficiency.
Customer Support Technologies
CRM systems that are integrated with customer support technologies provide a comprehensive view of the customer to support teams. This complete visibility, powered by data-driven insights, allows for more personalized and effective customer service. Incorporating automation and artificial intelligence can lead to faster resolution times and proactive customer service approaches, fostering a better overall customer experience.
CRM for Business Growth and Efficiency
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are pivotal in scaling businesses effectively by enhancing customer interactions and refining operational workflows. Businesses leverage CRM tools to drive growth and amplify efficiency across various domains.
Enhancing Customer Experience
CRM platforms are integral in providing a superior customer experience. They allow businesses to personalize customer interactions by harnessing data gathered across multiple channels like phone, email, social media, and the website. This personalization fosters a strong connection with customers, which can lead to increased loyalty and revenue.
Feedback Collection: Insightful feedback from customer support interactions is utilized for product development.
Service Automation: Tasks such as scheduling and follow-up emails are automated to maintain consistent customer engagement without manual intervention.
Optimizing Sales and Marketing Efforts
CRMs contribute to a more productive sales process by orchestrating sales leads and streamlining marketing strategies.
Key Aspects:
Forecasting: Accurate sales forecasting through CRM data analytics informs future revenue potential.
Multichannel Management: Sales and marketing efforts are synchronized across various platforms, ensuring a cohesive strategy.
Efficiency Achieved:
Effort Prioritization: CRM systems highlight high-value leads, enabling sales teams to focus their efforts where it's most likely to generate returns.
Campaign Monitoring: Real-time tracking of email and social media campaigns maximizes the effectiveness of marketing efforts.
CRM in Different Business Sizes
Regardless of the business scale, from small businesses to large enterprises, CRMs are adaptable to meet distinct needs.
Small Business:
Cost-effective: Affordable CRM solutions enhance small business productivity without incurring substantial expenses.
Growth Scalability: These tools scale with the business, facilitating smooth transitions as the company expands.
Larger Enterprises:
Complex Integration: CRMs in larger setups manage complex datasets and integrate with existing enterprise systems.
Advanced Analytics: Sophisticated functionalities for data analysis support larger-scale decision-making and product development initiatives.
In eCommerce particularly, CRM solutions optimize customer interaction throughout the sales journey, contributing to enhanced user experience and potentially increased sales volume. By using predictive analytics and adapting to the varied sizes of businesses, CRMs become an indispensable tool for achieving sustainable growth and operational efficiency.
Advanced CRM Features and Trends
In this rapidly evolving digital landscape, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are incorporating cutting-edge technologies to enhance user interaction and streamline business processes.
AI and Machine Learning
CRM systems increasingly leverage AI and Machine Learning to forecast sales trends and customer behavior, offering actionable insights that drive decision-making. For instance, Salesforce utilizes AI to offer predictive sales analyses, while tools like chatbots and live chat provide real-time customer support. AI's ability to process large volumes of emails and identify key customer complaints quickly enables managers to respond more effectively to concerns.
Mobile CRM and Cloud-based Solutions
The transition to Mobile CRM and Cloud-based Solutions signifies a major shift in CRM technology, emphasizing accessibility and real-time data synchronization. This move towards mobile and cloud functionality allows vendors and suppliers to stay connected with teams and manage client meetings or responses from anywhere. Companies like Oracle and SAP have been instrumental in facilitating this cloud-based access, allowing the management of marketing materials and client information on the go.
Challenges and Considerations
While advanced CRM features offer numerous opportunities, they also present challenges such as ensuring data security and maintaining usability across devices. Selecting a CRM that harmonizes with an organization's existing practices while offering scalable cloud solutions is crucial. Additionally, considerations around integrating response mechanisms like live chat or telephone support can impact the efficiency of CRM systems in dealing with a high volume of customer interactions.
submitted by Omologist to PithyPitch [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:33 Rachel_reddit_ if you get an offer letter that is TAN in color, offering you a job with no interview ITS A SCAM

if you get an offer letter that is TAN in color, offering you a job with no interview ITS A SCAM
if you get an offer letter that is TAN in color, offering you a job with no interview ITS A SCAM. They even tried calling this person in question from a 618 area code
From: Employee at Savvi Fashion []( Subject: Offer of Employment Date: June 7, 2024 at 10:48:36 AM CDT
Hello[NAME REDACTED] Following your interview, we are glad to hire you as a Remote Photo Retoucher. Additional information can be found in the accompanying contract. If you accept this offer, please fill out the forms and email them back.
"You will be entitled to Casual/Sick Leaves: National/Festival holidays". NO ONE USES THOSE KIND OF WORDS LIKE FESTIVALS IN AMERICA WHEN DESCRIBING HOLIDAY TIME OFF.
go to whois website and lookup the domain name: []( and see that it was registered 3 days ago.
submitted by Rachel_reddit_ to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:31 Kindly_Tangelo196 Finance your projects using BG/SBLC

Dear SiMadam,
We are direct providers of Bank Guarantees (BG) and Standby Letters of Credit (SBLC) specifically for lease, at a leasing price of (5 + 2)% of the face value. These instruments are issued by HSBC Bank London, Barclays Bank London, Deutsche Bank, BNP Paribas, and AAA Rated Banks in Europe, the Middle East, and the USA Our BG/SBLC Financing can help you get your project funded, loan financing, or monetized on your behalf for 100% funding. For further details, please contact us with the information below.
With our bank instrument you can establish a line of credit with your bank or secure loan for your projects in which our bank instrument will serve as collateral in your bank to fund your project. Intermediaries/Consultants/Brokers are welcome to bring their clients and are 100% protected. In complete confidence, we will work together for the benefit of all parties involved.
COO : Norman William Whatsapp:+44 7495 431058
submitted by Kindly_Tangelo196 to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:29 Wide_Entrepreneur928 Health & Happiness - My Journey With A Glioblastoma Diagnosis

Hi Everyone, later this month I will be 7 years out of my Glioblastoma diagnosis. I was 30 years old when I was diagnosed and am 37 years old now. Over the last 6+ years, I have been put in contact with many people battling the same diagnosis and decided to create a Word document titled "Health & Happiness", which details all of the things I have incorporated into my healing journey. Everyone is different and I am simply sharing what has worked for me. Neither me or my wife are in the medical field however we have spent a lot of time researching things to integrate into my day-to-day life which we believe are keeping me healthy. For the first 5 years of my journey I received MRI's every 8 weeks; now that I am more than 5 years out I get MRI's every 12 weeks. Below is a copy and paste of the document:
*Below there are some discount codes that I have not affiliation with and found them through IG or marketing emails and they might be outdated*
My Neurosurgeon:
Dr. Mitchel Berger - UCSF
My Neuro Oncologist:
Dr. Timothy Cloughesy - UCLA
My Naturopathic Doctor:
· Christian Gonzalez, ND
o Check out his podcast, “Heal Thy Self” – This podcast has been life-changing for my wife and I. It has provided us with assurance about the path that we have been on to keep me healthy and has opened our eyes to so many things that we thought were “good” and “healthy” when in fact we were grossly misled to a technique called “Green Washing” that a lot of companies and products use in their marketing efforts.
· Below are two links where you can find a ND in your area.
o Naturopath Oncologist Database -
o General Naturopath Doctor Database -
CBD/THC Extracts - Cancer Protocols:
· I went through CT's full 90 day protocol back in 2017 in conjunction with radiation and chemo (Temodar). I am on CT's "maintenance" program and have been since I finished the 90 day protocol.
§ The article above is from Forbes magazine on Constance and how she got started.
Books and Documentaries:
· Radical Remission. This book was the first book I read when I was diagnosed and gave me knowledge and motivation to not look at my diagnosis as a death sentence. One of the most powerful cancer books I have read and I highly recommend it for anyone that has cancer or knows someone that has cancer. 😊
· What the Health: Netflix
· Heal: Netflix
o Here are a couple ‘extras’ from “Heal” that we found very powerful and inspiring.


o The Documentary “Heal”, did so well they wrote a book as well.
· The Game Changers – A documentary on Netflix.
· Forks Over Knives - Netflix
· Cowspiracy – Netflix
· The China Study – Book outlining the most comprehensive study done on nutrition, and the links the standard American diet has to all types of diseases including cancer.
· Being In Balance - Book
· You The Healer – Book
· The Power of Now – Book
· The Celestine Prophecy – Book
· How Not To Die – Book
· The Truth About Cancer – Documentary

Supplements I am taking:
· Maca Root
· Vitamin B12
· Gaia – “Liver Health”
· Bladderwrack & Sea Moss
o We purchase these from-
· Mushroom Supplements: Chaga, Turkey Tail, Maitake, Reishi, Cordyceps & Lion’s Mane (Real Mushrooms is the company we use.) See video and article below about the health benefits of mushrooms.
o Paul Stamets is the CEO of Host Defense and his mother was diagnosed with Stage Four Breast Cancer. He gives a lot of credit to her remission from the mushroom supplements. has a 10% off first time order. We order from though due to their sales and free shipping.
· Agaricus Mushroom – I take it at night with my Essiac Tea (See Below)
· Kelp
· Vitamin D3
· Graviola/Soursop – (can be taken as a supplement or in Tea form)
· Ashwagandha –Benefits and study links below. In the first link below, each number found in the article is a hyper link showcasing different studies that have been conducted proving the benefits listed.
· Vitamin B2
· Boswellia (Frankincense)
· Melatonin
· CoQ10
[· X-R Shield by LifeExtension – My ND prescribed me to take these 5 days prior to air travel, during travel and 5 days after air travel. When flying, you’re exposed to high amounts of radiation and this supplement helps to protect cell DNA damage]()
· Chaparral
o We purchase these from-
· Liposomal Glutathione – Quicksilver Scientific
· NAC (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, Free-Form)
· Co-E1 NADH
· Probiotic – Klaire Labs, Ther-Biotic Complete
· Life Cykel Mushroom Tinctures
o Discount code: 0DCB4626
o Chaga, Turkey Tail, Reishi, Lions Maine, Cordyceps, Shitake
o All of the above mushrooms are harnessed in Kakadu Plum juice which is the most Vitamin C dense fruit in the world.
· We get most of our supplements from . They have sales all the time and free 2-day shipping.

· Senna Tea - I drank this on the nights I took Temodar (Chemo) to prevent constipation, it's a lot easier on your body than any OTC medication.
· Essiac Tea - I drink 4 oz. of this every night before bed. People who have defeated cancer give a lot of credit to Essiac Tea.
o We purchase it in loose leaf form from
· Moringa
· Dandelion
· Teas with Turmeric
[· Pique Tea – Organic, ceremonial grade, triple screened for heavy metals, mold toxins and pesticides. This is the only tea that we have been able to find that has a triple screening process for heavy metals. “Organic” does not mean free of heavy metals.]()
o Discount Code: GREENFIELD 15% off!

Other things I do:
· Meditation – Every day for 20 minute – I started off with the app called “Headspace” other people use “Calm”. Its personal preference.
o I am looking into taking a TM class (Transcendental Meditation) and will let you know once I do.
[· Minimizing EMF exposure as much as possible]()
o Sleeping with our phones in airplane mode and away from us, ideally in another room
o Turning off Wi-Fi at night, and even when not in use
o Covering Wi-Fi router and Digital Electricity Meter (outside of house) with EMF guards
§ These can be found here:
o Keeping cell phones away from our bodies as much as possible
o Not using anything wireless near our heads. This includes cell phones (always talk on speaker phone or a wired ear pod connection), air pods or any type of Bluetooth headphones, this includes Bluetooth in the car.
o Hardwiring my office so there is no need for Wi-Fi.
· When we fly, we have these blankets that we wrap around our body. This company has a lot of great products that protect you from EMF exposure.
· We also wear these when we fly, they are a company out of Australia
o This is what we have: RS EMF radiation protection hood, blocking RF, EMF- Brian Coat
· Here is another company that is popular, we were not aware of it at the time of buying the other products above.
· Positive attitude and mindset in everything I do- link below to article explaining how thoughts can benefit or hinder your body
· Eliminate as much stress as I possibly can from my everyday life
· Be present in my mind
· Yoga
· Spin
· Writing down 3 things that I am grateful for each night before bed
· Using Frankincense oil on my feet and pillow, every night, before bed
· Morning Routine: Body Scan Meditation, Drink a liter of water when you wake up (Your body is most dehydrated after a full night’s sleep), stretch or some type of quick 10 minute workout to get your body moving in the morning, “I Am” affirmations (I will usually do this right after I finish my morning stretching, I will typically say 5-10 things out loud to myself, for example (I am healthy, I am a loving husband, I am kind, etc…), statements of gratitude (I will mix this in with my “I Am” affirmations, for example, I am grateful for my bed, I am grateful for my home, I am grateful to have access to organic produce, etc…) I try to focus on this that I have in my life instead of things that I want, rubbing a 1-2 drops of any organic essential oil that you like in your hands in the morning and taking 4-5 deep breaths with your hands over your mouth and nose (this is very helpful in awakening your sensory functions), lastly, I listen to music when getting ready for work in the morning. Soft music in the morning taps into the creative side of your brain and research has shown that individuals that listen to soft music in the morning are more creative and productive throughout the day than those who don’t.
· Taking a walk every day to get fresh air and disconnect, normally with the dogs J
· Circuit Training
· Acupuncture / Energy Healing
· Energy Healer – Steve Montoya – Let me know if you would like his contact info. He travels all over the world healing people. He is in the LA/OC area once a quarter or so.
· Keeping my body warm at all times. We learned from Traditional Chinese Medicine, that keeping the body warm protects the kidneys, which means all of the other organs can do their job and the body can heal. Also, just for example, when you have a fever, it’s your body’s way of protecting all of your vital organs so that they can do their job, as well as preventing any proliferation of bacteria and viruses.
· John of God – Brazil. Lauren’s cousin went down to visit him during the 4th quarter of 2018 and took a head shot of myself as well as a two-page letter sharing my story. He is a spiritual healer that helped a young man get to a state of meditation where his brain tumor shrunk to nothing. He sent back two bottles of Herbs (Ground Up Passion Flower Leaves – Actual Name: Passiflora) for me to take. There is a large portion about him in the book “Radical Remission” and he is featured in “Heal” as well.
· I brush my teeth with my less dominant hand once a day and then with my dominant hand the other two times.
o This helps stimulate parts of the brain that are not in use often. You can do this with many things, brushing your hair, using your less dominant foot in sports, washing your body with soap while showering.
· Drinking and eating out of glass vs. plastic. It’s having an effect on both men and women’s endocrine systems (hormones, fertility, etc…)
· This may sound like something so simple but it’s quite challenging: When moving/changing physical positions I am always present. For example, every time I sit, I tell myself I am sitting, every time I stand to walk, I tell myself I am standing. This helps me to bring my mind into a present state and focus less on the future or past.
o This was a recommendation during one of my guided meditations.
· Laughing, loving and hugging every day. This was a big take away for Lauren and I from reading the book Radical Remission. It’s important to laugh every day, love every day and receive and give hugs to people every day. I know, I know, it sounds crazy but it has worked on other folks, we practice it every day. We try to watch more comedies if we are going to watch a movie on the weekend, an easy way to incorporate laughter into your life.
· We recently added air purifiers into our home. I also have one in my office. We purchased the Molekule, but through research we found that the Air Doctor is another good option (and I believe also a little less expensive). Here is a discount code for $100 off a Molekule: MetroMD100
· IR Sauna (Infrared Saunas)
o These are great for detoxifying the body, especially after air travel. I go to Perspire ( here in Orange County.
· Epsom Salt Baths – Especially after air or any long car travel as well.
· Grounding/Earthing – Walk around barefoot on your backyard grass or anywhere there is a plot of “Earth”. Feel the grass between your toes or if you are at the beach, be aware of the sand between your toes. We are all energy and Earth contains energy, manifest the energy from the Earth into your body for increased healing, awareness, presence and mindfulness. I do this for about 10-15 minutes.
· Cold Showers (as cold as the shower can get) every morning and Ice Plunges. Look up the “Wim Hof Method”

· For the past 6+ years we have followed a whole food plant-based diet (vegan without the junk food). Cancer cells feed off of Glucose (Sugar) firstly, but can also utilize glutamate as a second source of fuel (which is in all animal protein, land and sea). I have also cut out all artificial sugars from my diet. Dairy is also extremely inflammatory for your body and has been linked to cancer in many research studies.
· White Carbs and Gluten - We have eliminated these from our diet as much as we possibly can. Even for people who do not have a ‘gluten intolerance,’ gluten is very hard on the body’s digestive system. Excessive consumption can lead to a leaky gut, which causes toxins to seep out of the digestive tract into the body/blood making it hard for your immune system to work at its peak. Also, most gluten products have high levels of glyphosate, which they’ve linked to cancer. Glyphosate acts like an antibiotic to your gut (not in a good way), wiping out all of the beneficial gut flora which are there to keep your immune system working efficiently.
· Alkaline Foods and Water - Cancer cells cannot grow in an alkaline environment; we drink water with a PH level of 9.5. We recently invested in a Kangen water machine for our home. A level of 7 PH is balanced and anything below 7 is acidic. Cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment. Things that make your body acidic are alcohol, dairy, meat, processed and artificial sugars and gluten.
· I drink warm lemon water with apple cider vinegar every morning, which also helps alkalize the body and keep stomach acid levels at a great pH for food absorption.
· We practice intermittent fasting, which allows the body to not worry about processing food for a large portion of the day but rather allow its immune system to be working at its peak ability. We started out by only eating from 12 PM - 8 PM and are working toward 12 PM - 6 PM. Intermittent fasting is really important when taking Temodar (or any chemotherapy). It allows the body to protect the healthy cells while targeting cancer cells. There is so much research showing the benefits of intermittent fasting for cancer patients.
· This is a really interesting article citing a lot of different sources regarding a plant-based diet and fighting/preventing cancer:

Other Things to Research:
· Dr. Sebi – He is the doctor who put a full-page ad in the NY Post and was sued to take it down. When he went to his court hearing the judge asked him if he could prove that he healed anyone, and he furnished 70 patients of his that were healed by his treatment and the Judge declared “not guilty” on all the charges that were brought against him by the State of New York.
o The link below is a quick rundown of his life. I believe the pharmaceutical companies were heavily involved with his death in while he was imprisoned in Honduras.
· Radiation Stickers for your cell phone and laptop:
· We also try to use the ‘cleanest’ hygiene products we can find. There are many harmful chemicals in our everyday toothpastes, shampoos, deodorants, etc. Chemicals to avoid in hygiene products below:
o Shampoo – Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, basically any ‘sulfate,’ Parabens, Sodium Benzoate. Brands that we like are: 100% Pure, Acure, Alaffia
o Toothpaste – Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, basically any ‘sulfate’, fluoride, triclosan, DEA, Propylene Glycol, Microbeads. One of the worst toothpaste brands out there is Colgate. We use Himalaya Botanique & Nature’s Gate as well as Dr. Bronner’s All-In-One toothpaste.
o Deodorant – Aluminum, Parabens, Triclosan, DEA, Propylene Glycol. We have been testing out natural deodorants for years and our favorite (although not vegan) is from a company called Primally Pure. We’ve also started to use a brand called Joyous Organics with clean (and minimal) ingredients.
o A great website to reference for beauty product ingredients and their safety is
§ Skin Deep Database – This is where you will find clean products to put on your body.

· The Clean Fifteen and Dirty Dozen
o The EWG, each year, comes out with an updated list of produce that we should be buying organic 100% of the time (Dirty Dozen), especially people like you and I who have had cancer. The Clean fifteen can be purchased conventionally if you can’t find them in an organic form and conventional is the only option

· The link below is a good read on Monsanto’s Glyphosate and the timeline for removal in home use:
These are things that we have done and have found to be successful so far with my body, and hopefully, they are helpful for you as well. I have also included some images below that show how damaging the effects of Wi-Fi radiation (and all of the radiation coming from electronics) can be.
submitted by Wide_Entrepreneur928 to glioblastoma [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:26 Sweet-Count2557 Atlantic City With Kids You Bet

Atlantic City With Kids You Bet
Atlantic City With Kids You Bet Did you know that Atlantic City attracts more than 25 million visitors each year? With such a staggering number, it's clear that this coastal city has a lot to offer for families looking to have a memorable vacation.But what exactly makes Atlantic City a great destination for kids? Well, in this guide, we'll uncover all the family-friendly activities, attractions, and entertainment options that will keep your little ones entertained and excited.From thrilling amusement parks to beachfront fun, there's something for every child in Atlantic City. So, let's dive in and discover all the incredible experiences that await you and your family in this vibrant city.Key TakeawaysAtlantic City offers a wide range of family-friendly activities and attractions, including the Atlantic City Boardwalk, Steel Pier amusement park, and the beach.There are various entertainment options for families, such as arcades, mini-golf courses, escape rooms, and the Absecon Lighthouse.Families can enjoy outdoor activities like biking on the boardwalk, visiting waterfront parks, and exploring Gardners Basin for water activities.It is important to plan ahead and make arrangements for accommodations, transportation, dining, and entertainment to make the most of a family trip to Atlantic City.Family-Friendly ActivitiesWhen it comes to family-friendly activities in Atlantic City, there's no shortage of fun and excitement for everyone to enjoy. Whether you're visiting with toddlers or teenagers, there are plenty of things to do in Atlantic City with kids.One of the must-visit attractions is the Atlantic City Boardwalk. This iconic landmark offers a vibrant atmosphere with shops, restaurants, and entertainment options. Take a leisurely stroll along the boardwalk and enjoy the stunning ocean views.For thrill-seekers, a visit to the Steel Pier amusement park is a must. This historic amusement park is packed with rides, carnival-type prize games, and delicious boardwalk food. Let your kids have a blast on the roller coasters and Ferris wheel while you soak up the lively atmosphere.If you're looking for a more relaxed activity, head to one of Atlantic City's beautiful beaches. Spend a day building sandcastles, swimming in the ocean, and soaking up the sun. Don't forget to pack a picnic and some beach toys for maximum enjoyment.For a unique experience, take a boat tour of the Atlantic City coastline. Explore the breathtaking scenery and learn about the local marine life. It's a great way to bond with your kids and create lasting memories.Another fun option is mini-golfing at one of the local courses. Challenge your family to a friendly game and see who can get a hole-in-one. It's a great way to spend quality time together and enjoy some friendly competition.Entertainment and AttractionsAfter exploring the family-friendly activities in Atlantic City, it's time to dive into the exciting world of entertainment and attractions that await you and your kids. From thrilling amusement parks to fascinating cultural landmarks, Atlantic City has something for everyone. Here are some of the top entertainment and attractions to check out:Central Pier Arcade: Get ready for a day of fun at this arcade that offers a wide range of video games, a go-kart speedway, and games for prizes. Your kids will be entertained for hours!Atlantic City Miniature Golf: Enjoy a leisurely game of mini-golf with your family at this family-friendly attraction. With its simple grassy course, it's perfect for all ages.Play at Steel Pier: This iconic pier is packed with rides, carnival-type prize games, and delicious boardwalk food. Your kids will love the excitement and energy of this classic Atlantic City attraction.Playcade Arcade: For the best prizes on the boardwalk, head to Playcade Arcade. With a variety of games and prizes to choose from, your kids will have a blast trying to win their favorite toys.With these entertainment options and more, Atlantic City offers endless fun for families. Whether you're seeking thrills on amusement park rides, exploring cultural landmarks, or enjoying classic boardwalk games, there's something for everyone to enjoy.Family Travel TipsTo ensure a smooth and enjoyable family trip to Atlantic City, we've compiled a list of helpful travel tips that will help you make the most of your time in this vibrant city.First and foremost, finding family-friendly hotels in Atlantic City is key. Look for accommodations that offer amenities and activities specifically designed for kids, such as pools, game rooms, and even supervised play areas.When it comes to dining, explore kid-friendly restaurants in the area. Many establishments offer menus tailored to little ones, with options that are sure to please even the pickiest eaters. And if you want a night out without the kids, locate babysitting services to ensure they're in good hands.To make the most of your family trip, book tickets for family-friendly shows and performances. Atlantic City offers a variety of entertainment options suitable for all ages, from magic shows to live performances. Plan ahead and secure your seats for a memorable experience.For convenient transportation, consider renting bicycles or strollers. This will allow you to easily navigate the city and explore attractions at your own pace. And if you're up for an adventure, why not plan a family road trip to Atlantic City? It's a great way to bond and create lasting memories.Lastly, don't forget to pack essentials for a beach vacation. Sunscreen, towels, and beach toys are a must. And to make the most of your trip, create a travel itinerary. This will ensure that you don't miss out on any of the amazing family-friendly activities and attractions that Atlantic City has to offer.With these travel tips in mind, you're ready to embark on an unforgettable family adventure in Atlantic City. So pack your bags, gather the family, and get ready to have a blast in this vibrant city.Contact InformationLooking to get in touch with Atlantic City tourism offices or local attractions for inquiries or assistance? Here's a list of contact information to help you out:Atlantic City Tourism Offices: For general inquiries, information about events, or assistance in planning your trip, you can reach out to the Atlantic City Tourism Office. They can provide you with recommendations, brochures, and any other information you may need. Contact them at [phone number] or [email address].Local Attractions: If you have specific questions about a particular attraction in Atlantic City, it's always a good idea to contact them directly. Whether you want to inquire about opening hours, ticket prices, or any special events they may have, their staff will be more than happy to assist you. Look for their contact information on their official website or give them a call.Hotels or Accommodations: If you need to make a reservation or have any questions about your stay, reach out to the hotel or accommodation you're considering. They can provide you with information about their amenities, rates, and availability. Most hotels have a dedicated customer service team that can assist you with any inquiries or concerns you may have.Transportation Services: If you need assistance with transportation, whether it's getting to Atlantic City or getting around once you're there, contact transportation services for guidance. They can provide information about routes, schedules, and fares. Whether you're looking for public transportation options or private car services, they can help you plan your travel arrangements.About Atlantic CityAtlantic City, known for its vibrant casinos, iconic boardwalk, and rich history, is a must-visit destination for families seeking a mix of entertainment, relaxation, and seaside fun. This bustling city on the Jersey Shore offers an array of family-friendly activities and attractions that are sure to keep everyone entertained.One of the highlights of Atlantic City is the famous Boardwalk. Stretching for four miles along the coast, it's the perfect place to take a leisurely stroll, rent bikes, or even ride in a rolling chair. Along the way, families can enjoy arcade games, mini-golf, and tasty boardwalk treats like funnel cakes and saltwater taffy.For those seeking thrill and excitement, a visit to the Steel Pier amusement park is a must. This iconic attraction features a variety of rides, including a Ferris wheel, roller coasters, and a carousel. There are also games for prizes, offering the chance to win a stuffed animal or other fun souvenirs.Of course, no trip to Atlantic City would be complete without a day at the beach. With miles of golden sand and the refreshing Atlantic Ocean, families can swim, build sandcastles, or simply relax under the sun. There are also opportunities for water sports like parasailing, dolphin-watching, and fishing at Gardner's Basin.In addition to the outdoor activities, Atlantic City offers a range of family-friendly entertainment options. From escape rooms to lighthouse tours, there's something for everyone. And for those feeling lucky, the city is home to many family-friendly casinos where parents can try their hand at poker or slot machines, while kids can enjoy the arcades and entertainment complexes.With its mix of entertainment, relaxation, and seaside fun, Atlantic City is a destination that offers something for every member of the family. So pack your bags, book a hotel, and get ready for a memorable vacation in this vibrant coastal city.Additional ResourcesIf you're looking for more information and resources on planning a family-friendly trip to Atlantic City, we've got you covered! Here are some additional resources to help you make the most of your visit:Access a sitemap of the Mommy Poppins website: Easily navigate through different categories and sections of the site to find specific articles or guides on Atlantic City with kids. Discover other family-friendly destinations on the site as well.Sign up for the Mommy Poppins newsletter for updates: Stay informed about the latest news on family-friendly activities in Atlantic City. Receive exclusive deals and discounts through the newsletter, and discover new attractions and experiences for kids.Read and understand the terms and conditions of using Mommy Poppins' website: Familiarize yourself with the rules and guidelines set forth by Mommy Poppins. Learn about user responsibilities and limitations, as well as disclaimers and liability limitations.Promote your family-friendly business in Atlantic City: If you own a business in Atlantic City, take advantage of the opportunity to reach a wider audience through Mommy Poppins' platform. Increase visibility, attract more customers, and benefit from the Mommy Poppins network and community.With these additional resources, you can easily plan a memorable and enjoyable family trip to Atlantic City. Whether you're looking for recommendations on activities, accommodations, or dining options, Mommy Poppins has everything you need.Newsletter and UpdatesNow that you have explored additional resources for planning your family-friendly trip to Atlantic City, let's dive into the exciting world of Mommy Poppins' Newsletter and Updates!Our newsletter is your ticket to staying informed about all the latest news and updates on family-friendly activities in Atlantic City.When you sign up for our newsletter, you'll be the first to receive the scoop on upcoming events and festivals that you won't want to miss. Whether it's a fun-filled beach day, a thrilling amusement park ride, or a delicious dining experience, we'll keep you in the know about all the exciting things happening in Atlantic City.But that's not all – our newsletter also gives you access to exclusive deals and discounts that you won't find anywhere else. We work hard to bring you the best offers and savings so that you can make the most of your family vacation without breaking the bank.Not only will you receive updates on family-friendly activities, but you'll also discover new attractions and experiences for kids. From interactive exhibits to educational workshops, there's always something new and exciting happening in Atlantic City, and our newsletter will make sure you never miss out.Copyright and Legal InformationBefore diving into the world of copyright and legal information, let's explore the importance of protecting intellectual property and understanding the legal implications of its use.Respect the intellectual property of others: It's essential to acknowledge and respect the ownership of content created by others. Plagiarism and copyright infringement can have serious legal consequences.Obtain permission for use: If you want to use someone else's content or images, it's important to obtain permission first. This includes obtaining licenses for music, images, and other copyrighted material.Understand copyright laws: Familiarize yourself with copyright laws in your country to ensure that you're aware of your rights and responsibilities. This will help you navigate the complexities of using copyrighted material legally.Acknowledge the ownership of content: When using someone else's work, always give credit where credit is due. This not only shows respect for the original creator but also helps promote transparency and integrity.Protecting intellectual property is crucial in fostering creativity and innovation. By respecting copyright laws and understanding legal implications, we can ensure a fair and balanced exchange of ideas and information.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Family-Friendly Hotels in Atlantic City?Yes, there are definitely family-friendly hotels in Atlantic City.These hotels offer a range of amenities and activities that cater to kids of all ages.From spacious rooms and swimming pools to on-site restaurants and entertainment options, these hotels ensure that both parents and children have a great time.Some even have kids' clubs and organized activities to keep little ones entertained.Where Can I Find Kid-Friendly Restaurants in the Area?We know just the place!When it comes to finding kid-friendly restaurants in the area, we've got you covered. From casual eateries with a relaxed atmosphere to family-friendly spots with menus that cater to little ones, Atlantic City has a variety of options to choose from.Whether you're in the mood for pizza, burgers, or something a little more adventurous, you're sure to find a restaurant that will satisfy the whole family.Is There a Babysitting Service Available for a Night Out?Yes, there's a babysitting service available for a night out! You can enjoy some adult time knowing that your kids are in good hands.Our trusted babysitters will take care of your little ones while you explore all that Atlantic City has to offer. Whether you want to hit the casinos, catch a show, or have a romantic dinner, our babysitting service will ensure that your children are safe and having fun.How Can I Book Tickets for Family-Friendly Shows and Performances?Sure thing!To book tickets for family-friendly shows and performances, we've got you covered. Simply head over to our website or give us a call, and we'll help you secure those tickets in no time.Whether you're looking for a fun-filled musical, a jaw-dropping circus act, or a hilarious comedy show, we've a wide range of options that will keep the whole family entertained.Can I Rent Bicycles or Strollers for Convenient Transportation in Atlantic City?Sure, you can definitely rent bicycles or strollers for convenient transportation in Atlantic City. It's a great way to explore the city with your kids and enjoy the beautiful boardwalk and beach.Many rental shops offer a variety of bikes and strollers to choose from, so you can find the perfect option for your family. Just hop on a bike or push a stroller and you're ready to go!ConclusionSo, what're you waiting for? Are you ready to dive into the excitement of Atlantic City with your family?From the iconic Boardwalk to thrilling amusement parks, there's endless fun to be had.And with our comprehensive guide, you'll have all the information you need to plan the perfect family vacation.So pack your bags, grab your kids, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure in Atlantic City.Let the memories begin!
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