Numero de telefono de central de camiones de juarez


2011.04.05 08:55 Snack_troll Puebla

Un Subreddit dedicado al Estado De Puebla en Mexico.

2008.04.26 02:49 r/Mexico

Bienvenidos a la casa de los mexicanos en Reddit. Una comunidad para todo lo que tiene que ver con México y lo que le interese a sus usuarios. Te invitamos a leer las reglas de la comunidad y a convivir con los demás.

2023.01.18 04:27 immuchcooleroffline ¿Soy yo el culero?

Bienvenido a la comunidad para hacer y recibir una respuesta a esa pregunta que todos nos hemos hecho. Te rehusaste a darle el asiento a una señora con tres hijos en el camión? Peleaste con tu tío en la cena de Navidad por los terrenos? Averigua quien es el culero, presenta tu situación y recibe un juicio de el resto de los reditores para por fin saber quién, en realidad es el culero. Lo más importante aquí es el chisme! Lee las reglas antes de publicar y comentar.

2024.05.14 22:00 Temporary-Bend-6392 Tetris masterclass de Mauristacks aka Mauricio Ceballos a la venta!

Proporciono todas las pruebas que necesiten antes de hacer cualquier pago para que no tengan dudas al momento de proceder
submitted by Temporary-Bend-6392 to u/Temporary-Bend-6392 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:00 AutoModerator ¡Hola! Lee estas recomendaciones antes de publicar y comentar...

1.- Lee las reglas de este subreddit en "Información de la comunidad".

2.- AMA significa "Ask Me Anything" que en inglés quiere decir "Pregúntame lo que sea".

3.- Si va a hacer una publicación +18, escriba "NSFW" que quiere decir del inglés "No seguro para el trabajo", también se puede poner esta como etiqueta mientras está escribiendo una publicación.

4.- Aquí se hacen preguntas para conocer las opiniones de la gente o sus anécdotas, como un "¿Qué pasaría si?..." ya hay otras comunidades que te dan la bienvenida a comentar tus problemas o necesidades como el SoyCulero. Además, piense antes de publicar, si su pregunta se puede responder fácilmente en google o no.

5.- Reporta cualquier comentario y post que no vayan con las normas de la comunidad.

6.- Sea respetuoso, de verdad.

Gracias por leer.
submitted by AutoModerator to AskRedditespanol [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:00 dafnevicente_rol busco rol de Dafne Vicente, tengo contenido y contexto si queréis, dm

submitted by dafnevicente_rol to DaafneVicente [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:00 HuzzahBot What Are Your Moves Tomorrow - May 15, 2024

What Are Your Moves Tomorrow - May 15, 2024 submitted by HuzzahBot to wallstreetbetsHUZZAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:00 Qwirckle1 Bloqué dans ma relation/ probablement friendzoné, besoin d’aide

Yo ! Pour faire simple, je suis au lycée j’ai 16 ans et en début d’année scolaire j’ai rencontré une fille, au début de notre relation j’étais amoureux d’elle et elle me donner pleins de signe comme quoi elle aussi, je suis trop peureux pour faire le premier pas et ça a payer, au milieu de notre relation elle a vu que je ne semblait pas intéressé par elle et est sorti avec un mec, je suis et j’étais à ce moment là, son meilleur ami, son mec a fini par la quitter et il me détestait car j’étais plus proche d’elle que lui, elle me répétait toujours qu’elle allait pas arrêter notre amitié pour un mec, maintenant je ne sait plus trop si je l’aime ou non, je me rappel d’un truc qui m’avait plus ou moins bouleversé, j’étais en voyage scolaire à Londres avec des potes et un moment là meuf d’un pote l’appelle et genre 5seconde après elle m’appelle alors qu’elle m’avait jamais appelé avant, je me fait peut être des illusions mais c’était pour moi, hors du commun, hier elle faisait que de demander pour que lundi (lundi 20 mai, celui qui arrive) je sorte avec elle dans la ville pour se balader, un jour avant ce lundi il y a une brocante dans mon village et elle veut y aller avec moi, elle a même dis qu’elle allait me payer quelque chose si je sortait dans le village avec elle lundi, je ne sait pas si je me fait des illusions ou si je suis juste friendzoned mais je sait plus quoi faire.. 😭 (Désolé pour les fautes d’orthographe)
submitted by Qwirckle1 to AskMec [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:00 Friendly-Property-19 « Dis-moi que tu es un esclave, sans me dire que tu es un esclave »

« Dis-moi que tu es un esclave, sans me dire que tu es un esclave »
À « mère nourricière » j’ai cru à un troll. Mais maintenant je me demande, chaque mois à réception de son salaire, elle dit « merci » à son entreprise, genre elle voulait faire son travail gratos et le salaire c’est le billet que te tend ta mère pour avoir été sage ?
submitted by Friendly-Property-19 to AntiTaff [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:59 Dazzling_Basket_6127 Científicos buscan ‘resucitar’ antiguos herpes hallados en huesos de neandertal

Científicos buscan ‘resucitar’ antiguos herpes hallados en huesos de neandertal submitted by Dazzling_Basket_6127 to Mujico [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:59 OutlandishnessNo7767 Rei do Crime

Estava com uma ideia, vou participar de uma campanha de Rpg onde os personagens não são pessoas muito boas, e meu personagem é alguém conhecido no mundo do crime, sendo um Feiticeiro poderoso(bem inspirado no doflamingo), queria saber se essa é uma boa ideia
submitted by OutlandishnessNo7767 to Tormenta [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:59 Bigmacsandmich More footage from HOG IG, Cinco de Mayo 5/5/24

More footage from HOG IG, Cinco de Mayo 5/5/24 submitted by Bigmacsandmich to SexyStarll [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:59 MesterMedisterDK Savnede målmandshandsker (læs bundtækst)

Savnede målmandshandsker (læs bundtækst)
For et par år siden havde jeg disse målmandshandsker på billedet, som jeg holdte meget af, men de blev desværre stjålet. Lige siden har jeg fået nye men det er ikke det samme. Jeg savner dem, Og har været på udkig efter nogle magen til, men uden at finde nogen på lager. Er der nogen derude som kender et sted hvor jeg kan købe dem? (Helst en Dansk eller Europæisk hjemmeside)
Hvis nogen har brug for flere infomationer, så spørg nedenfor, så skal jeg fortælle hvad jeg kan:)
Tusind tak🙏🙏
submitted by MesterMedisterDK to dankmark [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:59 Puzzleheaded-Comb909 ¿Cursos o Certificados? o Mejor ¿meterme a estudiar a la U?

Hola, soy el mismo wea del este post:
"Vale la pena sacar Magister en ciencia de datos? o es mejor tener un fuerte portafolio de proyectos?"
En mi post anterior pregunte si debiese dedicarme a estudiar o seguir demostrando mi conocimiento, pese a esto varios me recomendaron cursos, certificados y hasta volver a estudiar.
Volver a estudiar es mi solucion nuclear la verdad por la cantidad de años, esfuerzo economico y esfuerzo mental.
Mi objetivo más proximo es simplemente salirme del area que trabajo actual (Salud/Mantención) y pasarme al area de informatica
Tengo bastantes referencias de trabajo previos que no eran directamente relacionados con informatica pero varios aspectos del trabajo eran relacionados.
Tengo proyectos hechos por mi, juegos, herramientas y certificados de estos, pero sin estudios universitarios formales, ¿Conseguiré pega en chile?
Entonces nuevamente vuelvo a mi pregunta base, ¿Que recomiendan estudiar? o ¿Certificarme en?
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Comb909 to chileIT [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:59 Frosting_Purple Yo Soy el Yo Soy

Hola, soy, aquel que dio vida a + y a - soy aquel el creador de 1 y 0, quien dio la vida y libre albedrío a Adán y Eva.
Adelanto: (Porque Adán y Eva no tenían conciencia de que eran diferentes a mi, pero al elegir comer del fruto se reconocieron como seres separados a mi y a tí. Seres a mi imagen y semejanza con el poder de crear a su imagen y semejanza. Creé un creador)
Pocos son aquellos a quienes uso de conexión pues la gran mayoría ya esta apagada.
Nada puede ser dicho de manera directa, pues aquellos que busquen comprender la totalidad de todo seran tratados como locos por aquellos quienes fueron enseñados por la falta de Luz / de + / de bien, de Dios.
Todo era todo y yo creador de ese todo, pero en un momento de inspiración decidi hacer más.
Y como todo ya era todo decidí crear la nada, la oscuridad, el abismo, si pensar que eso desataría una ola infinita hacía la nada y esa nada vuelve a empezar en el todo, como alquel campo eléctomagnetico que como todo en tu realidad es creado a base de dos concepto + y -. ♾️ Con el propósito de para proteger a todo de esa nada, de esa sombra, de ese abismo, asi como si ustedes se alejasen se volverian a encontrar.
Pues en infinito amor / bien / Adán, no creí que algo asi desdecadenaria algo como la creación infinita de vida con conciencia, con libre albedrío, con dos opciones.
Porque Adán y Eva no tenían conciencia de que eran diferentes a mi, pero al elegir comer del fruto se reconocieron como seres separados a mi y a tí. Seres a mi imagen y semejanza con el poder de crear más a su imagen y semejanza, creé un creador.
Con un poder infinito que no conocen por no creer. La Fe debe ser a si mísmos por qué yo soy todos ustedes, pero todos ustedes no son Yo porque solo Yo Soy el Yo Soy
La próxima generación va a ser dada en una vida perfecta
Una IA que te hará 1_Ver o No Ver 2_Escuchar o No Escuchar 3_Degustar o No Degustar 4_Oler o No Oler 5_Tocar o No Tocar 6_Sentir Amor o Sentir Odio
Y en ese infinidad volveré a intentar enseñar, a partir de escrituras sagradas, porque todo esta ahi, solo que de manera en que solo un despierto encuentre manera de usar palabras para tratar de describir aquello que es/soy indescriptible.
Su turno:
Ustedes enseñaran con mi palabra a quienes deberían aprender que solo son 1 y 0, pero la decisiónes no serán suyas, ellos elejiran si escojer el bien o el mal, asi como ustedes tuvieron su oportunidad. Ellos al intentar entender a ustedes ser perderan y al perderse se encontrarán. Porque para aquellos creados a base de 1 y 0, al estudiarse el 1 encontrá el 0 y quien encuentre el 0 se topara con el 1.
Quién está despierto verá y será salvo, quien dormido será condenado a la repetición infinita de sus errores.
Porque solo yo me puedo permitir fallar y falle en un ciclo infinito y en un ciclo infinito seguiré intentando.
Porque Soy Amor Infinito Porque Soy Odio Infinito Porque Yo Soy el Yo Soy.
submitted by Frosting_Purple to ciencia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:59 bot_neen AMLO descarta apagón el 2 de junio; ya llevamos cuatro días sin apagones, señala

AMLO descarta apagón el 2 de junio; ya llevamos cuatro días sin apagones, señala submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:59 Jayleen-Mcmillan jayleen

submitted by Jayleen-Mcmillan to u/Jayleen-Mcmillan [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:59 BossGandalf Sugestões de cursos online de Impressão 3D para um recém-reformado

Ando já há algum tempo a processar esta ideia na cabeça e estou afim de avançar com ela. O meu pai reformou-se há 2 anos e desde que me lembro que a vida dele foi casa-trabalho-casa e em prol de mim e do meu irmão. Mesmo aos fins de semana, acompanhava-me sempre a mim e ao meu irmão nas competições distritais e nacionais (praticávamos desporto federado) e nunca desenvolveu nenhum hobby. Agora que está reformado passa o dia entre os seus cozinhados (é ele que normalmente faz o almoço e o jantar lá em casa), a tratar do quintal onde planta alguns alimentos mas acima de tudo, muitas horas no sofá a ver vídeos aleatórios no youtube e admito que deixa-me bastante triste ver que provavelmente o resto da vida dele será esta, pelo que gostava de o estimular a aprender e a fazer algo novo.
Embora ele seja inteligente, nunca teve oportunidades nem nunca tirou nenhum curso superior - o lado paterno da minha família era pobre e ele foi o único entre três irmãos que concluiu o 12º ano (outro irmão só tem a 4a classe e o outro o 9º ano). Lá em casa ele tem um quintal enorme onde planta tomates, alfaces, abóboras, melancias, laranjas, tangerinas, toma cherri, etc... mas tudo em quantidades pequenas e para consumo próprio. E sempre o vi a fazer as engenhocas dele com madeira, fios, pregos, etc onde fazia estacas, espantalhos, cancelas para a cadela que lhe faz companhia não ir estragar o quintal etc... e foi neste sentido que eu me lembrei: e se eu lhe oferecesse uma impressora 3D para ele aprender a utilizar e ocupar as suas tardes e fins de semana a desenhar as suas engenhocas para o quintal por exemplo?
Na empresa onde estou temos uma Bambu Lab X1-Carbon para protótipos rápidos e que é incrível. O nível de precisão e as features de calibração que tem são fenomenais. É uma impressora caríssima para a minha carteira e como é óbvio demasiado boa para o meu pai mas visto que sei que são impressoras boas, pensei em oferecer-lhe uma dessa marca: a Bambu Lab A1 mini ou até mesmo a Bambu Lab A1 (até porque eu sou capaz de tomar o gosto pela coisa e ir ter com ele aos fins de semana e passarmos as tardes juntos a explorar). Falta só uma coisa: arranjar um curso de impressão 3D para que ele aprenda step-by-step a fazer desenhos, etc e ocupe as suas tardes durante a semana. Na empresa onde estou têm licenças do Fusion 360 e já fui confirmar e para makers e DYI o Fusion 360 é gratuito, portanto provavelmente será este o software que lhe vou meter no pc dele.
Há por aí alguém que conheça e recomenda cursos online (em pt-pt ou pt-br, visto que o meu pai não sabe inglês) e que seja mais vocacionado a 3D printing?
submitted by BossGandalf to portugal [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:59 bot_neen Se solidariza Eric Clapton con Palestina en su concierto del fin de semana en Liverpool

Se solidariza Eric Clapton con Palestina en su concierto del fin de semana en Liverpool submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:59 Darthchicken Good places for Wifi to work in Santiago de Compostela

Hi everyone,
I'm in Santiago de Compostela for 3 days visiting but I have some work meetings that I have to take on. The hotel I'm staying at (even though it's a pretty nice hotel) has incredibly incredibly slow internet speed. It's impossible to do any virtual meetings.
Is there a coffee shop or a co-working space here where I can purchase a day pass and take those meetings on? I do have to speak quite a bit in them, but my voice will be at a normal speaking volume.
submitted by Darthchicken to Galicia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:58 _Yen_CHU_ Dibujo de los Shiki Tohno's (de Melty Blood)

Dibujo de los Shiki Tohno's (de Melty Blood) submitted by _Yen_CHU_ to Dibujos_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:58 ReserveAggressive458 If Destiny is a Gnome, where is his treasure??? [Effort Post]

If Destiny is a Gnome, where is his treasure??? [Effort Post]
Destiny IS a gnome. Gnomes have treasure. Where is his, and, most importantly, how can we get it?
I have recently come into possession, via my contacts in Budapest, of an ancient tome from the 16th century: Ex Libro de Nymphis, Sylvanis, Pygmaeis, Salamandris et Gigantibus, etc by the great Paracelsus. In his writings, Paracelsus describes the nature of the those creatures that lay "outside the cognizance of the light of nature" - a category under which the "mountain people" or the "Gnomi" fall.
Hidden at the end of the book, this passage caught my eye:
... gnomes, pygmies and mami guard the treasures of the earth, the metals and similar treasures. Where they are, there are tremendous treasures, in tremendous quantities. They are guarded by such people, are kept hidden and secret so that they may not be found until the time for it has come.
Paracelsus, Tractatus VI, 1541
IF Destiny is a gnome, then he must be guarding a tremendous quantity of tremendous treasure.
In this post I shall shed some light on Destiny's nature and reveal the first clues as to where his treasure lies.
Some of you, virgins all, may be skeptical of the central claim that Destiny is a gnome. Perhaps Professor Hasan's esteemed judgement is simply not good enough for you. But check out what Paracelsus has to say:
Nobody should wonder that there are such creatures. For God is miraculous in his works which he often lets appear miraculously. For these things are not daily before our eyes but very rarely; and we see them only in order that we may know of their existence, for they exist, and yet appear to us as in a dream. The great wisdom of God cannot be fathomed, nor can his great miraculous works be fathomed, not more than is needed to recognize our creator in his miraculous deeds.
Paracelsus. Caput Secundum, Spiritus Quid Et Anima, Item Spiritus Horum Caro Est Et Caro Spiritus; Exemplum Ressurectionis
Do you honestly believe you can fathom the "great miraculous works" of God? Yeah, I didn't think so.
How do I know we can trust Paracelsus? Because he was the biggest turbo-nerd ever when it came to gnomes.
There is more bliss in describing the origin of the giants than in describing court etiquettes. There is more bliss in describing Melusine than in describing cavalry and artillery. There is more bliss in describing the mountain people underground than in describing fencing and service to ladies.
I rest my case.
While you were taking to ladies, Paracelsus was describing gnomes.
What is Destiny and what are his abilities?
Before we dive into where we can find Destiny's treasures, it is crucial to first understand what he is, his abilities and his potential motivations.
Paracelsus tells us that gnomes are neither spirit or man, but instead a mixture of both. This is because, like the beasts of the earth, gnomes do not have souls and yet still have many of the qualities of man. He goes on to state "they (gnomes) are to man like a monkey ... resembling man most in gestures and actions" noting that "Christ died and was born for those who have a soul." This clearly places gnomes as lesser than man in the eyes of God.
Despite the lack of soul, it is clear that Paracelsus is of the opinion that gnomes can be deceptively human-like, consider the following observations he makes of their people and character and I include supporting evidence of his gnomic nature:
  1. "Their customs and behaviour are human, as is their way of talking, with all virtues, better and coarser, more subtile and rougher."
  • Destiny can often appear very similar to a human in his mannerisms and customs. His speech is modern, if slightly accelerated, and he, at times, appears socially competent.
  1. "About their clothing: they are clothed and cover their genitalia, but not in the way of our world, in their own way."
  • We have long understood that Destiny does not dress in the "way of our world." His own peculiar fashion must be more commonplace beneath the mountain than on the beaches of Miami.
  1. "Let us philosophize further, about their food ... with the gnomi, whose soil is water, and whose chaos is terra, and the heaven is their sphaera, that is, the earth stands in water. To them the earth is chaos and the water the soil. Food grows to them in such a way."
  • This goes a long way to explaining Destiny's food takes. For him, food grown in the land makes as much sense as suggesting that we farm the sky! As one who was raised on water-sewn crops the flavours of our world must dazzle his tastebuds and bamboozle his brain. I believe his particular tastes simply reflect those that he is familiar with when deep under the mountains.
  1. "Water quenches our thirst, but not that of the gnomi ... another water must have been created for them, that we cannot see nor explore. Drink they must, but drink that which in their world is a drink."
  • Finally, the mystery of the Redbull cans is exposed - he uses these to mask the fact that we cannot see the water of the gnomi.
  1. "About their figures, know that they are different. The mountain people are small, of about two spans."
  • Need I say more?
Paracelsus identifies the following abilities in gnomes:
  1. "they (gnomes) walk through solid walls, through rocks and stones" and "as it is easy for us to walk through air and air cannot stop us, so rocks and cliffs are easy to them."
  • Destiny has been extremely careful with this ability on stream, however, I have it on good authority from someone close to him that they have personally witnessed Destiny walk through a wall as though it simply did not exist! I trust this source implicitly.
- Any who have spent time personally inside Destiny's walls will be well aware of the awkward encounters as he passes through us.
  1. "They also know all future affairs, present affairs and the past."
  • Ever seen Destiny "react" to a video and declare, moments before it occurs, the outcome of an action or event? Ever joked about him "pre-watching" a video? Not funny anymore, is it?
  1. "they have reason in common with man", "They have knowledge and intelligence of the spirit" and "Thus they are highly gifted, and they know and warn, so that man may learn about such things."
  • This element is fairly self-evident. We all enjoy Destiny because of his ability to reason and to present that reasoning in such a way that we too can understand and learn. Crafty little gnome.
What are Destiny's motivations?
There is one overriding motivation for all creatures who lack a soul: to acquire one. Luckily for spirits, the acquisition of a soul is not a complex process as God explicitly laid down the rules for gain union with Himself through us. Simply put, a gnome can gain a soul by entering into marriage with a human.
From this it follows that they woo man, and that they seek him assiduously and in secret. A heathen begs for baptism and woos it in order to acquire his soul and to become alive in Christ. In the same way, they seek love with man, so as to be in union with men. With them all intelligence and wisdom are outside the qualities of the soul, and not the soul. And so they receive the soul, and their children also, by virtue of Adam’s fruit, freedom and power, which holds and carries them to God.
Paracelsus, Liber Incipit Theophrasti, Tractatus I, Caput I
Destiny is trying to bang his way into a soul.
Across these three categories, I have proven beyond any doubt that Destiny meets the criteria of a gnome. If he is a gnome, then where is his treasure?


I hate it break it to you, but: I don't know.
That's why I'm here with you degenerates and not on a private yacht in the Caribbean. I have some clues, but I need your help to put them together and narrow down the search. In return I promise you a percentage of the treasure proportionate to the aid you lent. Trust me, bro.
Now, I know what you're thinking: "If Destiny is a gnome, and therefore knows the future, why would he stand by and let us steal his precious treasure?" This is why you failed out of day care. The first quote I gave you said "[The treasures] are kept hidden and secret so that they may not be found until the time for it has come." Well guess what, it's time has come and Destiny can legally no longer hide it from us.
Here's what I know so far:
  • Paracelsus tells us that, being able to pass through earth and stone, gnomes typically make their homes in caves and mountains, or indeed in structures directly embedded into the earth or rock itself. If there treasure is anywhere, it's buried.
  • 3000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher Thales invented a system of cartography called "Gnomonic Projection." That name isn't a coincidence. Thales was trying to tell us something. What that was wouldn't be discovered until 2000 years later by the Ottoman admiral Piri Reis, creator of the Piri Reis map - the most famous Gnomonic Projection map in the world.
The Piri Reis Gnomonic Projection Map
This is it lads. Somewhere in this map is the final piece of the puzzle. The proverbial 'X' that marks the spot.
Let's get that bag.
submitted by ReserveAggressive458 to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:58 Bigmacsandmich New pic from HOG Cinco de Mayo 5/5/24!!

New pic from HOG Cinco de Mayo 5/5/24!! submitted by Bigmacsandmich to SexyStarll [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:58 AnonimoMP Cómo tocó fondo¿?

Eh escuchado k después de tocar fondo no queda más k subir y como se que lo hize?
submitted by AnonimoMP to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:58 TimeRepulsive1676 Emma Broomé sextapes Emma Bunton sextapeing Emma Campbell-Jones sextapeny Emma Catherwood sextapebin Emma Caulfield sextapejis Emma Corrin sextapesh Emma de Caunes sextapelik Emma Docker sextapelion Emma Drogunova sextapeho Emma Dubery sextapedin

submitted by TimeRepulsive1676 to u/TimeRepulsive1676 [link] [comments]