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TrueOffMyChest, a place for people who need to speak their mind

2013.10.21 08:59 chupacabra_whiskey TrueOffMyChest, a place for people who need to speak their mind

A place to get personal things off your chest. Not for opinions, not for relationship advice, and not for preaching.

2015.11.07 15:22 Working on updates, 69% complete, Don't turn off your computer

A place to discuss Windows Updates

2013.04.18 01:40 fatlogic

Fatlogic is anything that deviates from the scientific facts of body weight management. This can range from fundamental misunderstandings of how biology and physics work to lengthy political diatribes about how everything is society's fault. Falling victim to fatlogic means accepting misinformation that will harm efforts to keep your body at a healthy weight (or lose weight if you need to do so).

2024.05.14 20:18 Sad_Bat7625 Feeling guilt for messaging my abusive ex

About a year ago, I [29 M] was in a toxic relationship with J [29 M]. While there were no serious stakes in it (no kids or messy finances), the relationship and breakup ended up emotionally affecting me in a way I had never really thought possible. I feel guilty because after the relationship I tried to be friends with my ex still, which I now see as a mistake in the context of this relationship, and then after a few months, he blocked me because I didn't respect a boundary he had set about not sending him long messages. He said he didn't feel safe since I "completely ignored" the boundary.
I was devastated, but over the course of the next few months, came to understand a great deal of ways that I feel that I had been abused during the relationship. I felt angrier and angrier, and even though I was seeing a therapist, it eventually boiled over. My ex had blocked me on discord and probably on text, but I went onto an astrology app called Co-Star that he had had me download, and sent a message using it that said something like, "You were an abusive partner, but you can make it right with an apology."
Now, I have no idea if he actually saw the message. It was sent with a weird feature of the app called Chaos Mode that apparently chooses to send the message at some future time, so who knows if it actually ever sent. I don't know if he still has the app, if he unfriended me, or whatnot. But I feel guilty because I enacted exactly the caricature of me that he had created--I hadn't respected his boundaries, and I sent the message anyways.
At the same time, I am still feeling very victimized by the relationship. To give you a sense of the kinds of things that were going on in the relationship, here's a few examples that I currently find a little horrific [Note: this kind of turned into a summary of the relationship after I wrote it]. I'm aware that to heal I should probably not be ruminating about these things, especially if they lead me to boil over and message him, but here you go.
The first time I had sex with him, he slammed the door on me for not being able to finish and said "finish yourself." When I came to bed, I told him I felt shame. He said "good." The next time we had sex, he set a timer for me and said I had to finish within 5 minutes. These were the first times I ever had sex. He was manipulative in bed, telling me he didn't want to perform certain acts because I didn't give him enough praise for them, so that I started exaggerating my pleasure; he blamed me for why certain positions weren't working and was frustrated with how my body worked. On top of this, he admitted at the end of the relationship to having had sex with me around five times after he decided to break up with me (before he did), which just makes me feel a bit icky.
He would put me down in pretty transparently cruel ways. One example was when I exerted myself, he said I sounded like a muppet and that he "didn't want to be dating a muppet." When I offered him a blanket but apologized that it might not have been washed in a while, he called me a baby. He would insult my ability to give complements, asking me to tell him what color his eyes are but then rejecting everything that I gave him, telling me I was bad at complements repeatedly (and saying that it wasn't fair of him because his other exes were artists, so no wonder I was bad). Now, there were times that he was complementary to me--he told me I was hot, good at singing, good at writing, smart--but also times where he would put me down for things I was less good at, like cooking.
He constantly made me feel insecure about my gender. (For context, we are both men, but he was raised as a woman). So he would make pretty sweeping feminist critiques over fairly mundane things, like if I complained when I was sick he would go off about how men are always babies when they are sick and women don't get attention. When I confronted him about some of the things he was saying, telling him that while I wanted him to express these kinds of social problems so that I could be aware and adapt, I was feeling insecure in the relationship--he flipped it around and told me that if I didn't feel loved, he could say "I love you" less, and that I hadn't been grateful enough for when he came to visit me. (I had written him poetry, deep cleaned my apartment, taken time off work, sent my roommate off for the week, bought him a bus pass, planned his visit, met him in the airport despite not having a car, and just an insane amount of work to be turned into, "you weren't grateful enough").
Other than namecalling, he was just plain controlling. The reason that the boundary around me not sending long messages exists is that when I felt insecure--which I think makes sense given the ways he would talk to me--I would often send him a few paragraphs apologizing and explaining how I was growing. Even though long messages were the first thing he said he loved about me, and that he said our communication was like magic, he eventually set up what he called an "Essay embargo" and told me not to write them. The first time he set the "embargo", he had said it was only until we met in person because he didn't want me to write anything that would make him nervous. After we met in person, I assumed the embargo had lifted. Yet shortly after, he set it again, giving a few explanations--the main one just being that he wanted to appreciate our relationship without overthinking it. It seemed playful. He definitely did also say that long messages made him uncomfortable because he felt obligated to send a response. So, when I did send messages, I would add that he didn't have to respond (which I realize is not fully respecting the boundary). I did ask after sending messages whether they were ok and he never responded to those questions.
Despite this, there were times during the relationship that I continued to send long, often apologetic messages. I had felt like this boundary was set playfully and I also was feeling overwhelming guilt that I, for whatever reason, needed his affirmation for. I am conflicted because on the one hand, I was definitely ignoring his boundary--but on the other, I feel like the boundary was not very thoughtful of my own needs, either.
Prior to the breakup, it was hell. He was getting angry at me for everything--for pretty mundane things like using the bathroom before him and stinking it up. He told me he had to show me how to do everything, but I realize now that a lot of this was just him being particular (e.g, he told me I don't know how to drink tea because I left the bag in, when I just like it strong). Unfortunately, I had flown 5,000 miles to visit him and was sort of trapped in his proximity, and was drunk on love still since I was trying very hard, it was my first relationship, and he had sold me on notions of fairytale romance and told me we were cosmically meant to be together and other lovebomby sort of things. We flew to a convention and I met some of his friends, and at one point he introduced me to a girl he had almost dated before, saying I was a friend and not a partner. I pointed this out to him later and he just said "does that make you angry?". He flirted with a woman at a party, telling her she was pretty while demanding that i bring him snacks (I feel so, so weak for not confronting him about this). He got drunk and I stayed with him as he passed out, but he was angry at me in the morning. When one of his friends told me they thought I was nice, because i was opening doors for everyone, my ex said "Is he really?" Questioning them.
The breakup itself was cold and calculated. He started it by telling me that he thought about not giving me any reasons for the breakup because I always overanalyze things. He told me he wouldn't have broken up with me if I was a woman. He told me I didn't take care of him and he needs a partner that takes care of him, and that his partners always feel taken care of. He threw some things I had said at the beginning of the relationship back at me--misquoting and misunderstanding them.
After the relationship, I had no idea what to think. It was my first relationship. It had started with fairytale romance. I had been passing his tests, I had been an exception to his long string of abusive relationships. He presented himself as this incredibly moral person (vegan, environmentally conscious, telling me of all of the ways others had abused him that he would never do, even his closest friends). I had completely internalized criticisms that he had had of me throughout the relationship, many of which had led to serious self reflection and my writing messages about my growth. Within a week I told him I still loved him and that I always would. He reminded me of his boundary around long messages and said they made him anxious. I was desperate. We took a few weeks of no-contact. We messaged short-messages back and forth, with a few life-updates to eachother each. He told me he was rescuing a kitten that he found, and I remembered how he could be kind.
But as I processed, more and more, I felt angry. I wrote unsent angry letters in the notes app on my phone for a month. I wrote myself a 20,000 word summary of the relationship. This was not a healthy way to process. It elevated me. (Some of you will probably comment that maybe I shouldn't have written this post for the same reason, but oh well--I wanted to process and I want to hear if others have similar stories). Meanwhile, my ex kept pushing back the date for when we would verbally connect again. Eventually, I boiled over. I did not insult him. But I wrote a long message explaining that I wanted to take 3 months of no-contact. I had entered another relationship and told him that even though I was feeling angry at him, he shouldn't be worried because even though I had baggage from the relationship, I was communicating well with my new partner. I also told him that I felt like if I did talk with him, that I would end up tearing him a new one, and that I needed time to cool down. I'm not proud of the message in general, but I didn't call names, tell him he was awful, or anything like that. I was just insensitive and told him I was angry.
And like that, I was blocked. It was over. A period of about 9 months, five of which we were together, with two before escalating towards love bombing and two after escalating towards my boiling over.
And yet, I had never expressed to him that I thought he had been abusive. I felt frustrated that I had told him that I would always love him, when in many ways now I hated him.
Five months passed, during which I came to realize more and more how messed up the relationship was.
And then I sent the message on Co-star.
Fast forward another four months to now.
I just sent him a text, knowing he probably has blocked me there too. It said something like, "I want my last message to you just be: I'm sorry, and I forgive you." I wanted to free myself. I needed to not feel angry at him or ashamed of myself. I needed to not feel like I had a million things to say to him--I needed to just say, this is it: I'm not sending more messages. I'm sorry, and I forgive you. It was for myself. I was forgiving him selfishly, even though he didn't deserve it, so that I could move on.
I feel like I shouldn't have sent this, but I don't feel bad about it yet, either. I needed closure. It always felt like there was some "message I could send" to detail his abuse, and I needed to not have that standing over me--I needed to forgive. I am now oscillating between wondering about myself--whether I have a problem with boundaries, since I had boiled over at this point three times to message him. Feeling frustrated I didn't assert myself about his abuse, that I doubled down on loving him. Part of me is glad that I sent the message on Co-Star saying that he was abusive, because it was the only indication I ever gave him, really, that what he did wasn't ok to me--he had blocked me before I could articulate anything. But I also know that this message even if received would not mean anything to him.
Anyways, now I'm venting about it here on Reddit. Does anyone have similar experiences surrounding self control messaging exes and feeling a bit out of control?
submitted by Sad_Bat7625 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:07 Hungry-Event-5956 Had enough- teacher turning 40. Want to be with my own kids.

I am about to turn 40 and I feel like I cannot handle the stress of my job anymore. I am sick all the time and exhausted. (Yes I work out and yes I eat healthy) My kids are getting older and have big kid problems. I worked through my pregnancies and plopped them in daycare at 3 mos old. I hustled. I have been teaching 18 years. I have another 25 years to go till retirement- age 65. (Yep that would be 43 years of teaching) And no health insurance when I retire- not the good old days anymore.
My work environment is toxic here. I wake up early and get home and I have nothing left for my family. I am emotionally and physically taxed. I am out of sick days. My mental health is tanking bc I am spread too thin. Work is killing me.
Middle School starts next year for one of my kids who has a learning disability/ADHD. My other has health issues. For once I want to focus on them.
I don't care what I do next, as long as it is flexible and somewhat less stressful. I am done breaking up fights, getting cursed at by students and yelled at by my admin and parents threatening to beat me up.
My husbands career pays the majority of expenses. Our gross is $279,000. I make $80k. He is trying to move up so he can start to replace my salary and we are cutting back on expenses by having kids drop travel sports, so I can be home more often and take care of what they really need. They need me- even for the next 8 years, till the first one (girl) graduates. We realize that travel sports are a luxury and the cost of living in NJ is not getting any cheaper. My husband now has to commute two days a week to work, 3 hours total and no longer will be available to get kids on and off the bus like he has been. I leave before them and arrive after they get home. That is also a concern. Since I am the one making less money, I can try to find something else that maybe is hybrid or part time so we don't have to hire someone to watch the kids. I don't know if his 2 days will become 3 or 4. Return to office sucks! Him being home was so nice.
What job can I get that will allow for some flexibility? Any advice from people who are here or been here? I can take the advice!
Also in terms of stats- we own both our cars- 8 and 12 years old, good condition, just hit 100k miles on each. We pay almost $4k in mortgage monthly. We owe $529k on our house. House is now worth $1.5m (due to location and land). Purchased for $721k with very low interest and we are slowly updating it. Biggest expense besides mortgage is travel sports- $10k a year which we are now cutting down to $3k a year.
submitted by Hungry-Event-5956 to TeachersInTransition [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:01 OhioHookupsMod RE: Post Guidance Regex - case sensitivity: is NOT supported & defaults to case-insensitive with no "option" to turn on/off case sensitivity; in contradiction to yesterdays modmail update regarding this issue

Yesterday, a message notifying that there was an update to PG regex introducing an option for case-sensitive or case-insensitive regex rules.
However, regex rules have defaulted back to case-insensitive with no indication or option to allow for case-sensitive regex rules. There is no reference at all regarding case sensitivity within the Automations: Post Guidance Set-Up documentation.
I have since turned off the now broken PG rules that include case sensitive regex as for about 6 hours, users were unable to post within my community due to the effected regexes defaulting to case-insensitive.
submitted by OhioHookupsMod to ModSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:59 Yankfan4life 1/2 aces cracked?

Hey everyone,
Would like to know your thoughts on my play with Aces.
For background info: I think I'm a pretty solid player with an understanding of ranges and position but struggle with bet sizing and knowing when I'm ahead when I don't have the nuts.
Table image of me is a pretty strong player who has won many pots and mixes in check-raises to get opponents off hands. Up about $400 in the session
Hero: (600 effective) BTN: AcAd
Villain ($500 effective) (UTG) opens to $25 (not standard at all but he has shown to be a very loose and splashy player. Calling station)
Villain #2 (utg+1) calls $25
Hero: 3! to $100, UTG tank calls (says out loud he knows what he's up against), utg +1 folds.
Flop: QhJh9s. Villian checks, Hero bets $80, V calls
Turn: 7h. Villain checks, hero checks.
River: 5h. Villain checks, Hero ??
Will update with results later. Could I have played this better prior to the river, what would you have done in this situation?
Thank you for the input.
submitted by Yankfan4life to poker [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:52 Deceptive_Donkey578 What do I do?

Boss scheduled me during a day I had off on my availability. I told her I couldn’t work and she asked me to update my availability since turns out it wasn’t the full day. I sent a new request and now I don’t know what to say to her, do I need to ask to find a cover?
submitted by Deceptive_Donkey578 to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:51 DowntownnEconomist Loss of gas/power

Hi everyone, I have a Ford Focus mk2 2004 2.0 tdci with 136hp and I have a problem everytime I hit highway and change it to fifth and 6th gear automatically losses powetorque like the turbo or intake isn’t working anymore… I turn off the engine and start again, torque comes again and again if I hit 120kmh or more with 5th or 6th gear losses again… I’ve changed the ERG valve, DPF was taken out completely by previous owner. Changed the intake mainfold but still got same result. I appreciate any help.
submitted by DowntownnEconomist to FordFocus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:47 TheUrbanEnigma Steam Server help

I'm using the Steam Valheim Dedicated Server, and before update worked just fine. The world I'm trying to use on the server works just fine with Ashlands, but when trying to utilize the server I just get this in the Command Window (scroll all the way down once you've read a dozen or so shader warnings). I truly have no idea what to make of this, I don't know anything about coding. I figured out just enough to get the server running in the first place. No mods.

"Starting server PRESS CTRL-C to exit"
[UnityMemory] Configuration Parameters - Can be set up in boot.config
Mono path[0] = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Valheim dedicated servevalheim_server_Data/Managed'
Mono config path = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Valheim dedicated serveMonoBleedingEdge/etc'
[Physics::Module] Initialized MultithreadedJobDispatcher with 15 workers.
Initialize engine version: 2022.3.17f1 (4fc78088f837)
[Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Valheim dedicated servevalheim_server_Data/UnitySubsystems
Forcing GfxDevice: Null
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=0; jobified=0
Version: NULL 1.0 [1.0]
Renderer: Null Device
Vendor: Unity Technologies
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
- Loaded All Assemblies, in 0.092 seconds
- Finished resetting the current domain, in 0.001 seconds
ERROR: Shader Sprites/Default shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
Microsoft Media Foundation video decoding to texture disabled: graphics device is Null, only Direct3D 11 and Direct3D 12 (only on desktop) are supported for hardware-accelerated video decoding.
ERROR: Shader Sprites/Mask shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
There is no texture data available to upload.
UnloadTime: 0.447400 ms
Privilege Multiplayer is not known on this platform. Privilege therefore is granted without check...
Privilege UserGeneratedContent is not known on this platform. Privilege therefore is granted without check...
Privilege CrossPlay is not known on this platform. Privilege therefore is granted without check...
05/14/2024 10:41:39: Set background loading budget to Low
ERROR: Shader TextMeshPro/Mobile/Distance Field shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'TextMeshPro/Distance Field' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader TextMeshPro/Distance Field shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'TextMeshPro/Distance Field' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader GUI/Text Shader shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 9)
UnloadTime: 0.117500 ms
05/14/2024 10:41:39: Fetching PlatformPrefs 'GuiScale' before loading defaults
05/14/2024 10:41:39: Fetching PlatformPrefs 'GuiScale' before loading defaults
Unloading 172 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 2502.
Total: 1.355700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.106300 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.053500 ms MarkObjects: 1.114900 ms DeleteObjects: 0.080700 ms)

05/14/2024 10:41:39: Starting to load scene:start.unity (169d7618616154c03be07e9ad3af5893)
05/14/2024 10:41:39: Set background loading budget to Normal
05/14/2024 10:41:43: Set background loading budget to High
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '') is missing!
Couldn't create a Convex Mesh from source mesh "default" within the maximum polygons limit (256). The partial hull will be used. Consider simplifying your mesh.
Couldn't create a Convex Mesh from source mesh "default" within the maximum polygons limit (256). The partial hull will be used. Consider simplifying your mesh.
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '') is missing!
Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1133)
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Particles/Alpha Blended Premultiply shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/VertexLit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Diffuse shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/Heightmap' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Custom/Heightmap shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/Heightmap' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Unlit/Lighting shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/Trilinearmap' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Custom/Trilinearmap shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/Trilinearmap' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/Bonemass' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Custom/Bonemass shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/Bonemass' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/Distortion' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Custom/Distortion shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/Distortion' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Particles/Standard Unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Particles/Standard Unlit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Particles/Standard Unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/Blob' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Custom/Blob shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/Blob' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard (Specular setup)' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Standard (Specular setup) shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard (Specular setup)' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Standard shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/SkyObject' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Custom/SkyObject shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/SkyObject' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Unlit/Invis shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/WaterMask' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Custom/WaterMask shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/WaterMask' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/LitParticles' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Custom/LitParticles shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/LitParticles' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Custom/ParticleDecal shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Autodesk Interactive' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Autodesk Interactive shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Autodesk Interactive' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Custom/Particle (Unlit) shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader Custom/Decal shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Particles/Standard Unlit2' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Particles/Standard Unlit2 shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Particles/Standard Unlit2' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Particles/Alpha Blended shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader UI/Heat Distort shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader Custom/AlphaParticle shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader Custom/Piece shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader Custom/Tar shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/Water' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Custom/Water shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/Water' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/Vegetation' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Custom/Vegetation shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/Vegetation' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Lux Lit Particles/ Tess Bumped shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader Custom/FlowOpaque shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader Custom/Mesh Flipbook Particle shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/Player' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Custom/Player shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/Player' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/ShadowBlob' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Custom/ShadowBlob shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/ShadowBlob' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Unlit/Color shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Particles/Additive shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard TwoSided' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Standard TwoSided shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard TwoSided' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Custom/StaticRock shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/Grass' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Custom/Grass shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/Grass' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Custom/Gradient Mapped Particle (Unlit) shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/Clouds' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Custom/Clouds shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/Clouds' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Unlit/BeaconBeam shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader Custom/LitGui shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader Custom/Creature shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Particles/Standard Surface2' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Particles/Standard Surface2 shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Particles/Standard Surface2' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Custom/Flow shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader Lux Lit Particles/ Bumped shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/Yggdrasil_root' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Custom/Yggdrasil_root shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/Yggdrasil_root' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Custom/Rug shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader Custom/GuiScroll shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader TextMeshPro/Distance Field (Surface) shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader Unlit/WeaponGlow shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
05/14/2024 10:41:56: Set background loading budget to Low
UnloadTime: 5.545900 ms
Only custom filters can be played. Please add a custom filter or an audioclip to the audiosource (Amb_MainMenu).
HDR Render Texture not supported, disabling HDR on reflection probe.
05/14/2024 10:41:57: Missing audio clip in music respawn
05/14/2024 10:41:57: Get create world TreeGenocideIsReq
ERROR: Shader TextMeshPro/Mobile/Distance Field shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
05/14/2024 10:41:57: Using environment steamid 892970
05/14/2024 10:41:57: Using steam APPID:892970
submitted by TheUrbanEnigma to valheim [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:44 don911 Topping up the charge automatically using a timer when going away for months?

If I travel for several months at a time, and I worry about my XR battery going to 0 and die (which it did when I left it at 50% for a year), could I just purchase a programmable timer for an electrical outlet, set it to turn on for 5 min per week (or whatever is appropriate to keep the XR at a 30-50% charge), and then the connected XR would automatically start and stop charging when the power came on and off, in order to keep the battery topped up?
I’m basically just wondering if the XR starts charging automatically as soon as the charger gets power, or if the XR has to be turned on manually before it will charge or if you first have to do something in the app etc that would make this plan not work. As I have not yet replaced the dead battery in my XR, I have no means of testing this for myself right now.
Or maybe I could use a smart plug that I could use to start and stop remotely via wifi? But I guess there's no way of checking the actual charge on the XR remotely without having a Bluetooth phone in close proximity with the XR?
submitted by don911 to onewheel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:40 bswiat1218 Octoprint klipper

This post is way longer than originally intended. Having some issues getting klipper to maintain a stable connection to mcu.
Printer: CR-10 Smart Pro 2022
Pi: 4b
Services: Klipper + Octoprint 1.10.0
FIRMWARE_VERSION:v0.12.0-180-g79930ed9 FIRMWARE_NAME:KlipperFIRMWARE_VERSION:v0.12.0-180-g79930ed9 FIRMWARE_NAME:Klipper 
After initial install everything was working. I was having issues with "ls /dev/serial/by-id/*". Received "ls: cannot access '/dev/serial/by-id/*': No such file or directory" but magically cleared up after diag commands "lsusb" and "dmesg". Not sure what did it but I did nothing special that I can remember.
After I updated the config with the "by-id" I had complete control over the printer and no problems.
Something I always do with a fresh install of a linux distro is "sudo apt update" & "sudo apt upgrade". (May of been a bad idea)
After upgrade completed I "restart system" from octoprint webpage and still had no issues.
Continuing I installed some plugins() and the moved on to getting the creality cam that the printer came with working assuming that it may be a fools errand.
After plugging in the camera and checking the octoprint "webcam stream". The webcam was still not working.
I restarted the pi from octoprint screen and from there I received errors connecting to mcu. Shows "standby" and attempting to press connect returned error.
"ls /dev/serial/by-id/*" no longer returns the id and gives me the same error "ls: cannot access '/dev/serial/by-id/*': No such file or directory"
Checked lsusb and dmesg. Everything looks good.
"ls /dev/serial/by-path/*" gives me a good output.
Klipper faq - "Wheres my serial port" states "If you are using multiple micro-controllers and they do not have unique ids (common on boards with a CH340 USB chip) then follow the directions above using the command ls /dev/serial/by-path/* instead."
dmesg command returns
[ 6.129402] usbcore: registered new interface driver ch341
[ 6.129485] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for ch341-uart
[ 6.129561] ch341 1-1.1:1.0: ch341-uart converter detected
[ 6.144044] bcm2835-codec bcm2835-codec: Device registered as /dev/video11
[ 6.144085] bcm2835-codec bcm2835-codec: Loaded V4L2 encode
Obviously related to the camera.
Updating the config with the "by-path" output allows me to connect to the printer but any sent command other than the constant m105 will give me an error.
Printer is shutdown Recv: !! Shutdown due to M112 command Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Error"Recv: // Shutdown due to M112 commandRecv: // Shutdown due to M112 command Recv: // Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the Recv: // "FIRMWARE_RESTART" command to reset the firmware, reload the Recv: // config, and restart the host software. Recv: // Printer is shutdown
Printer does not shutdown in reality and at one point after restarting everything pressing the home button on octoprint. turned the fan on but also issued the same m112 command and error.
Was it sudo apt upgrade?
Was it plugging in the camera?
Notes about sudo apt upgrade:
I found an old post (https://www.reddit.com/klippers/comments/11gf40c/not\_able\_to\_run\_ls\_devserialbyid\_advice\_greatly/) about someone using linux mint who was running into the same issue. someone had commented "
Mint also includes a braille reader that blocks access to the serial port by default. Try these commands to uninstall one program that for sure will block it, and the second will show the status if ModemManager is installed, and if so, it may need to be removed as well
Mint also includes a braille reader that blocks access to the serial port by default. Try these commands to uninstall one program that for sure will block it, and the second will show the status if ModemManager is installed, and if so, it may need to be removed as well
sudo apt remove brltty sudo service ModemManager status
I attempted the first command but it returned not installed
The second command returned an active service.
"sudo apt list" returns these 5 related to brltty:
brltty-espeak/oldstable 6.3+dfsg-1+deb11u1 armhf
brltty-flite/oldstable 6.3+dfsg-1+deb11u1 armhf
brltty-speechd/oldstable 6.3+dfsg-1+deb11u1 armhf
brltty-x11/oldstable 6.3+dfsg-1+deb11u1 armhf
brltty/oldstable 6.3+dfsg-1+deb11u1 armhf
and also these related to ModemManager:
gir1.2-modemmanager-1.0/oldstable 1.14.12-0.2 armhf
libkf5modemmanagerqt-doc/oldstable 5.78.0-2 all
libkf5modemmanagerqt6/oldstable 5.78.0-2 armhf
modem-manager-gui-help/oldstable 0.0.20-2 all
modem-manager-gui/oldstable 0.0.20-2 armhf
modemmanager-dev/oldstable 1.14.12-0.2 armhf
modemmanager-doc/oldstable 1.14.12-0.2 all
modemmanager-qt-dev/oldstable 5.78.0-2 armhf
modemmanageoldstable,now 1.14.12-0.2 armhf [installed,automatic]
modem manager is now uninstalled.
brltty still shows not installed.
Notes about the camera and printer.
Camera was plugged into a usb 2.0 port while the serial connection is a usb 3.0.
I've never seen this thing work. The printer has both a usb-c connection and a usb-a.
usb-a is strictly for the webcam because it connects to the wifi box not the mcu.
The wifi box is 100% defective out of the box. I could go into details but this post is long enough. I have been using the printer reliably using only the sd card and the physical screen on the printer.
Sorry this is so long. I'm obviously losing it. I'm attempting to show that I have been through all of the usual fixes. My plan from here is to reflash the pi and go back to the beginning of the klipper installation for the 3rd time. This time no "sudo apt upgrade" and no camera.
Eventually I'd like to plug in a camera but I need to know whats going on because the camera just seems to break everything.
Attempt #1 - Camera was already plugged in. "sudo apt upgrade" was ran. Never managed to get the printer to respond. Made it to a "operational" state but like stated before any attempt to send a command other than m105 errors out.
Attempt #2 - Fuctional. Responds to commands moving axises, heating up nozzle/bed, reports temps. Then broke after either apt upgrade or plugging in camera.
Attempt #3 - (Will update this when completed.)
I'm giving up for now and going fishing later. I will be checking on this until I come back from fishing (7/8p est). If you want more info about its current state post a comment I can run some more commands. Any help is appreciated!
submitted by bswiat1218 to klippers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:39 PhantasmagoriaLuna Phantasphere-Genocide Reigns Part 1

Genocide Reigns
(note: I'm an indie game developer making an action/horror title called Phantasphere. This story is a spin off set in the same universe)
Year 2480X Ryze County Police Department
He's coming. The ensuing panic spread like a virus infecting all present with symptoms of looming dread. Officers worked steadfast to prepare also taking what time remained to train the few combat hardened civilians whom had fled to the station earlier. If only they knew. This demon that presented itself as a man had led a string of senseless massacres across the country. Only recently had it begun to prioritize police stations and army bases as a means of breaking the will of civilians who knew they would be next. Officers from several counties across the states were transferred here for this last stand. This Genocide must not continue. Gracia checked her pistol. Some 20 bullets remained. "I can do this", she thought, "I have to". She had dealt with similar cases before. Some poor soul is overtaken by some inextricably evil force and makes it their life's work to propagate death. Gracia had killed quite a few already. Live arrests weren't always possible. Beyond saving, careful interrogations of the scarce live catches yielded a startling connection. These killers all alluded to a well of overwhelming hatred and despair that consumed them after making eye contact with...Pale, black eyed entities. Some type of demon? Ghost maybe? The idea seemed nonsensical, but there was evidence nonetheless that some outside force was using them to fulfill some unknown purpose. At the present time, all they could do was stop the killers after they had killed. It was always too late by then and more would appear randomly elsewhere. What good could be done here in an isolated station hoping to stop one guy out of possibly hundreds? "The guy we're waiting for is different from the others," detective Evans spoke from the center of a crowd nearby. Gracia moved in closer. "The others typically strike from the shadows, hide their faces behind masks, and prefer to get up close and personal with their victims. What we're dealing with is on a completely different scale. The trail of bloodshed this guy leaves is too difficult for the media to cover up. He loves the spectacle. Headlining the news. We can't keep using the burst pipeline excuse for 6 stations being destroyed in a row. We have to stop him before the world at large finds out. You wonder why we need so many people here? Its simple. We're gonna out-man this one man. He always attacks stations through the front door. Like other killers he's fast, strong- you know the usual, but he also uses guns." "What!", a voice rang out from the crowd. "They aren't supposed to do that!" another gasped. Officer Lary spoke with a cheesy grin" Ya tellin' me we just gotta deal with a regular ass gunman eh? That's a welcome change of pace init? Heck I'm too old to be running around being chased like I'm in some scary movie". The detective rebutted" You don't get it. He uses guns. Not a handgun, not rifles, not boom sticks, not rpgs, not knives not grenades but ALL of them. He uses guns. Plural. It'll take essentially an army to match his arsenal. He used to be a man named -redacted-, but in his pursuit of chaos he has become Genocide." A dark form manifests from the night outside the station. Genocide is coming.
Bang! something slams into the front door. Everyone freezes. Officer Tatum edges slowly to it, shockgun in hand. By no means lethal, the shockgun was lighter, easy to control, and could stun targets temporarily. If Genocide was here, Tatum could stun him and duck for cover leaving the station free to light him up like a Christmas tree. That was the plan they came up with. He got closer to the glass door and peered outside. He was met with hate filled bloodshot eyes framed by an unkempt beard and wild straggly hair. Tatum felt some relief. He knew the man outside. It was Jim Jimenez. Jim was a former drug dealer turned informant. He was found out and had to flee from his old life. He became homeless, hiding in plane sight. This allowed him safety at the cost of his mental health. Tatum knew the man, but those eyes were not his. Tatum blinked and saw that the look of malice had vanished. What he instead saw was a helpless, wounded man, bleeding from the right arm pleading for help. Tatum looked behind Jim, eyeing the empty lot. The coast seemingly clear Tatum unlocked the door and let Jim in. Jim had been roaming the town looking for shelter and tried squatting in an abandoned looking apartment complex. There he found that the building contained several murdered families some succumbing to gunshots but the majority having met their end to fire and suffocation. Jim had decided to make his way to the station to tell police what happened and met trouble on the way. He described getting stabbed by a man wearing a trench coat with long dark hair. Despite the injuries, Jim could move surprisingly well and seemed to ignore the pain. Jim insisted that the man had spared him on the condition he deliver a message. "What message?" Tatum asked. Jim beckoned him to come closer. Tatum leaned in and Jim whispered, "Tell them. Tell them that Genocide is coming closer." The following events were a blur. Jim had concealed the knife he was stabbed with. He stabbed Tatum 4 times in the chest and wrestled his shockgun away. Using Tatum as a shield, Jim engaged everyone in the lobby. Jim wasn't himself. He was stronger. He was faster. He was tactical. He would stun an officer in place only to stab them and use their as a body shield. No one could get a clear shot without hitting a colleague. Gracia watched the scene unfold. In minutes Jim had acquired a magnum from the holster of one of his victims. In seconds 3 officers had their heads exploded. The magnum rounds coated the walls red with those they hit and stained the clothes of those they missed. Gracia felt fear rising in her chest. She calmed herself and tried to think. She saw the bodies on the ground. The blood. She saw how dismissively Jim stepped over them. Like they were nothing. Like trash. She saw the man firing erratically into groups of people, not so much to kill but as to cause panic. That's it! As Gracia contemplated her next move it hit her. She was knocked backwards and landed on the ground. She weakly clutched her chest. Her breathing grew shallow. Jim mad his way deeper into the station. The officers were retreating from their standoff. Jim stepped over her body and saw red staining her uniform. Just another casualty. He moved on. At this point the civilians began panicking. Everyone gave up trying to save their allies and fired blindly at the madman. "Don't shoot the messenger," Jim laughed as he stripped his latest meat shield of an automatic rifle. Detective Evans took cover behind an overturned desk. To his left Larry struggled to light a cigar. "You still think this is a cakewalk?" Evans shouted firing 2 quick shots from his gun before ducking back down. Lary lost hold of his lighter and it clattered on the ground." Crap." He reached for it and looked in the corner of the room. A mirror. He looked at it for what seemed like ages and his smirk returned " Y'know that mex'n gal with the short hair. Where is she? I didn't see her get shot." Evans glanced a peak at Jim spraying lead in all directions. Behind him was a corpse. Evans blinked. It seemed to be getting closer. Its her. Gracia painstakingly inched her way into Jim's blind spot. She was roughly 6 feet away from him. Flanking him seemed like a brilliant idea but waiting idly by for the right moment as the people around her died filled her with anger. Worse still, she had to steal a blood soaked shirt from one of the deceased officers to keep up the facade. Inching ever so steadily she mad it within 3 feet of Jim. She reached behind her belt and unclipped a pair of handcuffs. Screams could be heard as more people were hit. Gracia couldn't wait any longer. Fluidly she got to her feet and rushed Jim. She kicked the back of his knee causing him to stumble as she put the handcuffs on him. Figuratively. The handcuffs were around Jim's neck. She yanked him back causing his gun to drop. "You don't know what you're doing." Jim spat. "We all need to accept it. The end of days is upon us. Death rides his horse through these forsaken lands. We must serve or be sacrificed in turn. Accept it!"He elbowed Gracia in the ribs causing her to let go. He spun around and lunged at her. She landed on her back, Jim steadily choking her. Gracia thought fast. She couldn't struggle. Jim was too strong. She delivered a precise chop to the center of Jim's neck which was exposed. Jim lurched back to catch his breath. A clean shot. A bullet pierced through Jim's back. Weakened, Gracia rolled him over and began punching him repeatedly using the handcuffs as brass knuckles. The sound of Jim's skull cracking echoed through the station. This would go on for nearly 20 seconds before Gracia stopped, checked his pulse, confirmed Jim was still alive, then finally put the cuffs on Jim's wrists.
Click. Bodies are wrapped and moved to a makeshift storage room. Click. The available weapons are gathered and redistributed. Click. Officers are assigned to sniping positions on neighboring buildings. Click. Police cruisers circle the lot outside. Click. In the holding cell, Jim opens his eyes. Click. Lary flicks his lighter. Click. Gracia sips coffee from a paper cup. Click. Shells hit the ground at the feet of Genocide. Click. Genocide walks outside a cafe and looks at the station in the distance. Click. Lary clicks his lighter.
"All ya'll gon' fall," Jim ranted." You can't drain the ocean. You can't put out the sun. Evil will always exist. That there Genocide is proof . I saw him. Saw myself within his eyes. Saw the evil in me that I could no longer try to hide. He taught me to embrace the darkness within. Its in all of us begging to be let out. Can you hear it!" Lary clicked his lighter and got up from his chair. He grabbed a cup of liquor from another officer mid sip and walked over to Jim. He doused it on Jim, the liquid stinging his open wounds. Jim yelped. Across the station, radios blurred to life. Several of their lookouts on the outside had been killed. "He's gon' get ya," Jim smiled imitating Lary's signature grin. "Genocide! Genocide! Genocide!" The other inmates saw the chance to irritate Lary and joined in all shouting in unison,"Ge-No-Cide! Ge-No-Cide! Ge-No-Cide!" The chanting grew louder. Unbearable. They invoked upon the name of the beast, and so it came.
Genocide is upon us. A wave of dread spread across the officers. They could feel its presence. Gracia knew the sensation. The awful aura that the other killers gave off. This was different. Far more oppressive. She struggled to breathe as the air got colder. Her instincts screamed for her to run. She could only imagine what the others were going through. Its time. Across the lot Genocide stood. A siren blared over the intercom. "Everyone get into positions!" Evans yelled. Wayne finished setting the last of the c4 near the station entrance. "That's the last of them. Have remote triggers set around all the major hallways. I'll be in the security room ready to pull the switch." Wayne acted as an explosives expert. His job was to detonate bombs placed throughout the station to slow down Genocide should it enter the building. He would stay in the security room, monitoring the cameras and giving real time updates on the officers' positions. From the holding cell, inmates chanted for Genocide. Lary got off his phone" That bastard mixed us up. How did we not notice?" Evans asked what he meant. Lary, dumbfounded, said that most of the town was already dead. Genocide had broken his usual pattern. He went on a killing spree across a defenseless town BEFORE attacking the police station. They had let everyone down. The people they swore to protect. This Genocide was a monster, but he was still a man. Capable of learning from his past actions. Planning. Adapting. It wasn't in his style to stealthily kill his victims or even use a silencer on any of his guns, but an exception had been made for tonight. An exception that would cost them. Gracia was stationed on the second floor. She peered out the window. Her heart skipped a beat. Two cruisers made slow donuts patrolling the lot and standing unmoving between them was a man all in black. Gracia called in to Wayne asking if he saw anything outside. Wayne said the monitors were all clear then checked again. He cursed. He noticed small details were off. The cameras showing the outside of the station were wrong. Sure they showed the same scenery and weather but cars passed by on screen too frequently for a dead town. Too many to make sense for the quarantine they had set in place. Wayne concluded that the cameras had been hacked. Different prerecorded footage was being shown on the live feed to misdirect them. Gracia saw the man look up at her. A light rain started to fall. The officers patrolling outside were contacted. From the holding cells, inmates called for genocide.
submitted by PhantasmagoriaLuna to DrCreepensVault [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:24 m1cha3l57a An Honest Review of the Michael Phelps Chilly Goat Cold Plunge by Master Spa

I’m writing this review in the hopes that someone else doesn’t get ripped off like I have
I purchased the Michael Phelps Chilly Goat Cold Plunge in December and took delivery early January.
Normally I only buy products with great reviews and from vendors with great reputations for customer service and product support.
For some reason I ignored all of this when making this purchase. I couldn’t (and still can’t) find a single review from someone whose actually purchased this product. However, I figured if Michael Phelps and Master Spa were going to put their names on it, then it MUST be a good product. Unfortunately that assumption was very wrong, and here’s my honest review.
Upon receipt of the cold plunge, I unwrapped it and got it placed in my garage. Atheistically, the tub is gorgeous. I was extremely happy with the way it looked.
However, once I started unwrapping the components such as the cover, thermostat, filter cover and the covers around the base of the unit, I got the immediate impression that it was all super cheap, bottom of the barrel components. Everything except the white tub itself is extremely flimsy, and cheap. Definitely not what I was expecting from a $9000 cold plunge.
Regardless, I got everything ready so we could get it running once I had the new 20 amp circuit installed. For some reason, in the setup manual it tells you to make sure to wire in a GFCI outlet (even though the plunge whip has a built in GFCI in it already). I had a feeling these two would trip each other out, but I followed the instructions in the manual.
It powered on fine and started working towards getting the water down to the 40 degrees. I then hooked it up to the App (which is a generic app that’s used by many companies selling generic pumps). I tried setting it up to automatically cycle off for most of the day, and cycle on a couple hours before I would be using it.
The next morning I went into the garage to see if it worked.
It didn’t.
The power was off due to the GFCI tripping (just as I thought it would). I reviewed the manual again and it explicitly states that I only use a GFCI, so I powered it back on and tried again. It eventually tripped again, so I contacted support.
This was my first contact with support and the rep “Paul” was helpful. He advised me to try removing the GFCI and replace with a regular outlet. So I did and it worked perfectly. No more tripping the breaker and shutting off.
So now I tried setting the schedule again, and to my delight the cold plunge was at 40 degrees the next morning.
However, what I realized was that it wasn't cycling on or off. It was just staying on the entire time, despite any scheduling I put into the app.
The only way to control the tub (by the way) is by removing the tub skirting and using a small rectangular circuit board that has 4 buttons. Up, down, mode and power. So there’s no way to schedule or do anything with the unit other than turn it off/on, turn the temp up or down, or switch to hot or cold mode. So it looks like scheduling (an advertised feature) wasn’t actually available.
Fast forward a couple months and the cold plunge is working great. It runs 24/7, but it keeps the water right at 40 degrees. I decided I’d like to try the hot side now, so I opened up the app, made sure the mode was on Auto and turned it up to its max.
Now their marketing and manual said that it would be able to get up to temp in a few hours. So I started a timer and watched it. I started it at 5:00 p.m and by 7:30 p.m it went from 40 to 46ish. Definitely not what I was expecting.
So I went to bed, expecting it to be at 104 when I woke up. Fast forward to 8:30 a.m and the tub is only at 73 degrees. At this point I knew for a fact that something was wrong with the unit. So I took a video and added it to my dropbox folder to show support.
I continued to wait and by 11:00 the unit reached 90 degrees. And then at 11:40, it stopped warming up and threw off the error code E20. So I snapped my pictures, added it to the drive and then went into the manual to see what to do about this code.
I then followed the instructions, and reset the machine. It started working again and was able to get to 100 degrees by 12:30 (target temp was 104). However, once it hit this, the machine errored again and threw out E21.
Back to the instruction manual I went, and it said to basically just reset it. So I did, but this time the error code wouldn’t go away. And then the temperature slowly started dropping as I couldn’t get rid of the error code.
Eventually I unplugged the unit and reached out to Paul again. This time he wasn’t as helpful. I sent him the link with all of the videos/photos, but we never really got anywhere until I started getting angry and pressing to return the unit.
At this point he sends me two maintenance companies in my area with their phone numbers (and presented it to me as if it was my responsibility to call them and I would be in charge of paying for it).
This was the last straw for me. I drained the tub and asked to be refunded and return the unit. I’ve been denied over and over, with them citing a 30 day return period. However, my stance on this is that the unit hasn’t worked correctly since the day I bought it. I’ve lost all confidence that this unit will stay in good working condition over a long period of time
Things stalled out from there, so I cooled off and decided to try to get the unit working again. I filled it back up and simply tried to turn it on. Now I’m getting hit with error code E03. I followed the troubleshooting in the manual and it didn’t work (of course).
And now I’m at the end of my wits with this piece of junk.
To anyone considering buying a Michael Phelps Gilly Goat by Master Spa, please heed my warning. Do not.
I may end up being the only actual customer review on the internet for this thing, so please listen to this advice and stay away.
All of the components on this thing are very cheap quality. I have the feeling a large % of our purchase price is going for the rights to use Michael Phelps name, not in getting a quality product.
This unit is in a climate controlled garage. Not exposed to any elements. Yet it took it 18~ hours to go from 40 degrees to 100 degrees (and potentially burned itself out by doing it). The motor doesn’t work at all ever since making that switch. I can’t imagine what it’d do if you actually placed it outside in the elements. There’s no way all of the lines wouldn’t immediately freeze and burst if you did so in the winter.
submitted by m1cha3l57a to BecomingTheIceman [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:24 kdawgster1 Heads Up: Steam Auto-Updated my FO4 Install Last Night Despite My Having Turned Off Auto Update

Like my title warns, I have been running a modded version of FO4 while launching it through the script extender, but when I opened Steam to play a different game, Steam auto-updated my copy of fallout 4 in spite of my having checked the box to only update if I launch it from Steam. I still don’t understand what caused this, but I wanted you all to know that this can happen.
That being said, can someone point me to how to go through updating my Fallout 4 script extender so that I can run the game again? Do I uninstall the game, then re-install the game, then script extender, then all of my mods through vortex after? Also, what is the best course of action after that to get all of my mods working again? Should I use the mod to revert my copy of FO4 to the pre-update version to enable all of my other mods? My current play thought of Fallout 4 is my first time ever using mods in a game, so I’m a little out of my depths on this. Any help or YouTube tutorial would be much appreciated.
submitted by kdawgster1 to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:21 m1cha3l57a An Honest Review of the Michael Phelps Chilly Goat Cold Plunge by Master Spa

I’m writing this review in the hopes that someone else doesn’t get ripped off like I have
I purchased the Michael Phelps Chilly Goat Cold Plunge in December and took delivery early January.
Normally I only buy products with great reviews and from vendors with great reputations for customer service and product support.
For some reason I ignored all of this when making this purchase. I couldn’t (and still can’t) find a single review from someone whose actually purchased this product. However, I figured if Michael Phelps and Master Spa were going to put their names on it, then it MUST be a good product. Unfortunately that assumption was very wrong, and here’s my honest review.
Upon receipt of the cold plunge, I unwrapped it and got it placed in my garage. Atheistically, the tub is gorgeous. I was extremely happy with the way it looked.
However, once I started unwrapping the components such as the cover, thermostat, filter cover and the covers around the base of the unit, I got the immediate impression that it was all super cheap, bottom of the barrel components. Everything except the white tub itself is extremely flimsy, and cheap. Definitely not what I was expecting from a $9000 cold plunge.
Regardless, I got everything ready so we could get it running once I had the new 20 amp circuit installed. For some reason, in the setup manual it tells you to make sure to wire in a GFCI outlet (even though the plunge whip has a built in GFCI in it already). I had a feeling these two would trip each other out, but I followed the instructions in the manual.
It powered on fine and started working towards getting the water down to the 40 degrees. I then hooked it up to the App (which is a generic app that’s used by many companies selling generic pumps). I tried setting it up to automatically cycle off for most of the day, and cycle on a couple hours before I would be using it.
The next morning I went into the garage to see if it worked.
It didn’t.
The power was off due to the GFCI tripping (just as I thought it would). I reviewed the manual again and it explicitly states that I only use a GFCI, so I powered it back on and tried again. It eventually tripped again, so I contacted support.
This was my first contact with support and the rep “Paul” was helpful. He advised me to try removing the GFCI and replace with a regular outlet. So I did and it worked perfectly. No more tripping the breaker and shutting off.
So now I tried setting the schedule again, and to my delight the cold plunge was at 40 degrees the next morning.
However, what I realized was that it wasn't cycling on or off. It was just staying on the entire time, despite any scheduling I put into the app.
The only way to control the tub (by the way) is by removing the tub skirting and using a small rectangular circuit board that has 4 buttons. Up, down, mode and power. So there’s no way to schedule or do anything with the unit other than turn it off/on, turn the temp up or down, or switch to hot or cold mode. So it looks like scheduling (an advertised feature) wasn’t actually available.
Fast forward a couple months and the cold plunge is working great. It runs 24/7, but it keeps the water right at 40 degrees. I decided I’d like to try the hot side now, so I opened up the app, made sure the mode was on Auto and turned it up to its max.
Now their marketing and manual said that it would be able to get up to temp in a few hours. So I started a timer and watched it. I started it at 5:00 p.m and by 7:30 p.m it went from 40 to 46ish. Definitely not what I was expecting.
So I went to bed, expecting it to be at 104 when I woke up. Fast forward to 8:30 a.m and the tub is only at 73 degrees. At this point I knew for a fact that something was wrong with the unit. So I took a video and added it to my dropbox folder to show support.
I continued to wait and by 11:00 the unit reached 90 degrees. And then at 11:40, it stopped warming up and threw off the error code E20. So I snapped my pictures, added it to the drive and then went into the manual to see what to do about this code.
I then followed the instructions, and reset the machine. It started working again and was able to get to 100 degrees by 12:30 (target temp was 104). However, once it hit this, the machine errored again and threw out E21.
Back to the instruction manual I went, and it said to basically just reset it. So I did, but this time the error code wouldn’t go away. And then the temperature slowly started dropping as I couldn’t get rid of the error code.
Eventually I unplugged the unit and reached out to Paul again. This time he wasn’t as helpful. I sent him the link with all of the videos/photos, but we never really got anywhere until I started getting angry and pressing to return the unit.
At this point he sends me two maintenance companies in my area with their phone numbers (and presented it to me as if it was my responsibility to call them and I would be in charge of paying for it).
This was the last straw for me. I drained the tub and asked to be refunded and return the unit. I’ve been denied over and over, with them citing a 30 day return period. However, my stance on this is that the unit hasn’t worked correctly since the day I bought it. I’ve lost all confidence that this unit will stay in good working condition over a long period of time
Things stalled out from there, so I cooled off and decided to try to get the unit working again. I filled it back up and simply tried to turn it on. Now I’m getting hit with error code E03. I followed the troubleshooting in the manual and it didn’t work (of course).
And now I’m at the end of my wits with this piece of junk.
To anyone considering buying a Michael Phelps Gilly Goat by Master Spa, please heed my warning. Do not.
I may end up being the only actual customer review on the internet for this thing, so please listen to this advice and stay away.
All of the components on this thing are very cheap quality. I have the feeling a large % of our purchase price is going for the rights to use Michael Phelps name, not in getting a quality product.
This unit is in a climate controlled garage. Not exposed to any elements. Yet it took it 18~ hours to go from 40 degrees to 100 degrees (and potentially burned itself out by doing it). The motor doesn’t work at all ever since making that switch. I can’t imagine what it’d do if you actually placed it outside in the elements. There’s no way all of the lines wouldn’t immediately freeze and burst if you did so in the winter.
submitted by m1cha3l57a to coldplunge [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:19 InBetweenTheLiminal Post-op MD experience

I wanted to track my progress and also maybe provide helpful insight for those looking to get surgery. I'll be updating this every few days.
I 28f had a severe herniated disk at the l4/l5 disc since 2021 was working towards treatment in 2022 but lost my insurance at the new year of 2023 and went the entire year without seeing any doctors. In Dec of 2023 i was able to get a new job and back on the original insurance and pick up where i left off. At the time of my most recent MRI in Feb 2024 the herniation was described as severe causing severe stenosis and nerve impingement it measured 19x10x19mm. My symptoms continued to worsen to the point I was unable to do much of anything, sitting, standing, laying down all hurt, I barely slept because I'd be in severe pain from laying down within a few hours. I couldn't drive, I lost weight because I couldn't sit or stand long enough to cook and just laid in bed tossing and turning. I didn't shower, brush my hair, walk my dog, clean my house or go anywhere unless I absolutely had to. I could likely count the number of times I left my house between February and May on both hands. Pain was majority in my left side, hip and gluten, behind my knee and I had numbness in the front of my lower left leg and the top of my left foot. My right leg and foot had existing nerve damage because I have had this issue before from a snowboarding accident. I had existing numbness and weakness in the right leg which worsened to the point I couldn't wiggle my toes and had poor balance. I have saddle area numbness, urinary retention and incontinence and bowel incontinence when my stool is too soft. Again all of which worsened.
I had surgery on May 9th, I was expected to be admitted for 1 day because my surgeon expected he would need to remove bone on the right side not just the left to get all the disc material. He was able to open me up on the left side and get everything out. However, my disc material had pressed my nerve into the bone and wore it very very thing and the dura tore causing a CSF leak. A neurosurgeon assisted in closing up the leak. My surgeon was impressed by the size of the herniation and took pictures to show me at our next post op appointment, saying my entire disc had essentally been blown out into the small space which was what was making my symptoms so bad, there was no room left for my nerve. There were no complications.
DAY 1-5: I ended up having to lay flat for 48 hours due to the dural tear. After which I was allowed to sit up. The pain was mostly from soreness but I have having nerve pain that pulsed from my back into my glute. It would wake me up out of my drug induced sleep. I also ended up getting my period on the 2nd day which caused a lot of back soreness and cramping. I think a lot of my discomfort was due to being stuck in bed because PT and OT had not seen me and I wasn't able to leave the bed unattended. On day 3 I was able to get up and they removed my foley and the little leg wraps that fill with air to keep up with circulation. I was able to go to the bathroom and move pretty well with my cane around the room. This continued until day 5 where I was able to meet with PT and OT we walked the halls of the hospital and I was permitted to go home. The car ride was extremely uncomfortable. I was able to shower for the first time since the day before surgery using a shower chair and while difficult to not twist etc it was tolerable. The least painful shower ive had in almost 2 years. I found myself extremely sore by the end of day 5.
DAY 6: (05/14) as of this post this is my current day. I still have the throbbing pain but mostly this seems to be stirred up by movement. Mostly going from a laying down to sitting position. Though it does still randomly occur while I am laying down but not nearly as much. I'm about half way through the day and have found that laying on my right side is far more comfortable than my left side. I have tried sitting in a recliner and just leaning back but this seems to put too much pressure on my back and incision site so I have been mostly in bed or laying on my couch which is very firm and easy to get up and down from. I won't have anyone staying with me after today and I'm confident that I'll be able to handle things on my own. Other than the pain relief I have not noticed any improvement to the other symptoms I had, numbness, weakness etc remain the same.
submitted by InBetweenTheLiminal to Microdiscectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:19 InBetweenTheLiminal Post-Op microdiscectomy

I wanted to track my progress and also maybe provide helpful insight for those looking to get surgery. I'll be updating this every few days.
I 28f had a severe herniated disk at the l4/l5 disc since 2021 was working towards treatment in 2022 but lost my insurance at the new year of 2023 and went the entire year without seeing any doctors. In Dec of 2023 i was able to get a new job and back on the original insurance and pick up where i left off. At the time of my most recent MRI in Feb 2024 the herniation was described as severe causing severe stenosis and nerve impingement it measured 19x10x19mm. My symptoms continued to worsen to the point I was unable to do much of anything, sitting, standing, laying down all hurt, I barely slept because I'd be in severe pain from laying down within a few hours. I couldn't drive, I lost weight because I couldn't sit or stand long enough to cook and just laid in bed tossing and turning. I didn't shower, brush my hair, walk my dog, clean my house or go anywhere unless I absolutely had to. I could likely count the number of times I left my house between February and May on both hands. Pain was majority in my left side, hip and gluten, behind my knee and I had numbness in the front of my lower left leg and the top of my left foot. My right leg and foot had existing nerve damage because I have had this issue before from a snowboarding accident. I had existing numbness and weakness in the right leg which worsened to the point I couldn't wiggle my toes and had poor balance. I have saddle area numbness, urinary retention and incontinence and bowel incontinence when my stool is too soft. Again all of which worsened.
I had surgery on May 9th, I was expected to be admitted for 1 day because my surgeon expected he would need to remove bone on the right side not just the left to get all the disc material. He was able to open me up on the left side and get everything out. However, my disc material had pressed my nerve into the bone and wore it very very thing and the dura tore causing a CSF leak. A neurosurgeon assisted in closing up the leak. My surgeon was impressed by the size of the herniation and took pictures to show me at our next post op appointment, saying my entire disc had essentally been blown out into the small space which was what was making my symptoms so bad, there was no room left for my nerve. There were no complications.
DAY 1-5: I ended up having to lay flat for 48 hours due to the dural tear. After which I was allowed to sit up. The pain was mostly from soreness but I have having nerve pain that pulsed from my back into my glute. It would wake me up out of my drug induced sleep. I also ended up getting my period on the 2nd day which caused a lot of back soreness and cramping. I think a lot of my discomfort was due to being stuck in bed because PT and OT had not seen me and I wasn't able to leave the bed unattended. On day 3 I was able to get up and they removed my foley and the little leg wraps that fill with air to keep up with circulation. I was able to go to the bathroom and move pretty well with my cane around the room. This continued until day 5 where I was able to meet with PT and OT we walked the halls of the hospital and I was permitted to go home. The car ride was extremely uncomfortable. I was able to shower for the first time since the day before surgery using a shower chair and while difficult to not twist etc it was tolerable. The least painful shower ive had in almost 2 years. I found myself extremely sore by the end of day 5.
DAY 6: (05/14) as of this post this is my current day. I still have the throbbing pain but mostly this seems to be stirred up by movement. Mostly going from a laying down to sitting position. Though it does still randomly occur while I am laying down but not nearly as much. I'm about half way through the day and have found that laying on my right side is far more comfortable than my left side. I have tried sitting in a recliner and just leaning back but this seems to put too much pressure on my back and incision site so I have been mostly in bed or laying on my couch which is very firm and easy to get up and down from. I won't have anyone staying with me after today and I'm confident that I'll be able to handle things on my own. Other than the pain relief I have not noticed any improvement to the other symptoms I had, numbness, weakness etc remain the same.
submitted by InBetweenTheLiminal to Sciatica [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:15 Williehelm Game refuses to start up

When I press play on the launcher, I get a black box, no sound, nothing else. Sometimes it'll give me the "close program" prompt if I click on it. Left it to run for about 20 mins, nothing changed. I've reinstalled repeatedly and on different drives, I've verified countless times, changed graphics settings, changed resolution settings, deleted everything, turned off cloud saves, changed the .ini's, ensured that it's on the same drive as Steam, allocated it to only my GPU, activated/deactivated all the DLC's, kept Automotron/Wasteland off, installed with and without the texture pack, updated driver, launched through GeForce, and probably more I can't remember. Still always the same result. A black screen that doesn't change with no noise or anything else suggesting progress. Looking for anything that might help me.
submitted by Williehelm to fo4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:13 severe_system_shock To Students and To Edgenuity Themselves

Should someone involved in the inner running of Edgenuity be reading this, know that it is not mindless criticism. I have some things I do genuinely like and prefer about your site, which I mention. Consider reading, if you much care for the opinions of a highschool senior about to graduate.
I get why they want students to 'actually learn' and stuff, but they've been going super hard to crack down on userscripts and extensions. I know a lot of people used scripts to pull them through classes, but I mostly had them for QoL (Quality-of-Life, for you non-whippersnappers) changes that I have a hard time working without, such as skipping the little audio bits on assignments and auto-advancing through completed segments and videos.
I honestly wouldn't be so upset about the total blocking of scripts if these changes were implemented into Edgenuity itself, though I doubt they'd even consider that. I do my own work, answer the questions myself, write my own essays, etc.
From the looks of it (at least from the way Edgenuity has been systematically blocking userscripts before this 'academic integrity' block), someone with involvement in the development and operation of the site occasionally references this subreddit to see what they need to block. Maybe one of them will read this. Like I said, I understand wanting students to actually retain information from their classes.
I do really appreciate how Edgenuity lets me work on my own time and keeps all my work in one place, but I definitely think that the site and service as a whole could stand to be improved. A fair bit of the content is outdated (in that it's more than 5-10 years old, by the looks of it), but of course I know that updating all of these classes would be expensive and largely redundant since most of the information still holds up.
My biggest grievance is, like I mentioned before, just how slow the work gets when small QoL alterations are missing that I had added via userscript. It moves from manageable to an absolute slog when I have to listen to the beginning and end audio clips (that really add nothing of value, might I add, as a majority of them just say 'read the question and answer' which is... obvious) and manually click through the videos. This is fine when there are 2-4 segments, but it can get annoying quickly, especially when I've seen some 'Direct Instruction' assignments have upwards of 15 segments, a majority of which are videos that are only 2-3 minutes long.
Now, maybe I haven't been the most integrous student. Maybe I've used Brainly for a few answers, but (although I respect the teachers wholly) I cannot for the life of me sit through these lecture videos and actually listen to gather information myself.
I understand that reading through a scripted curriculum isn't exactly thrilling, and it's nearly impossible to engage with content when the teacher treats their subject matter with the same love, care, and attention as the man that throws bags into the rear of a garbage truck (so to say, without much care at all).
Also, might I add in regard to literature-based classes, so much of it is very linear despite literature and writing being one of the most varied and subjective subjects in education. Much of these classes asks questions based on interpretations of writing, as if there are single correct interpretations of something that is, notoriously, not a subject with objective answers.
I myself am not autistic, though I occasionally have issues discerning meaning and tone through text (and I can imagine this is only amplified for people who ARE on the spectrum of autism) which makes classes revolving around reading and interpreting literature very difficult for me. Getting an answer wrong simply because I have a different interpretation or understanding of a text is infuriating.
I do not have solely negative feelings for Edgenuity. As I mentioned before, I appreciate having all of my schoolwork in one place and in order (I used to lose assignments quite often when I attended physical school). I appreciate how flexible it allows my schedule to be, especially as a highschool senior who is actively studying for my permit and is taking on quite a few new responsibilities as I turn 18 soon.
Edgenuity is to school what watching a movie at home is as opposed to in a theater, because of how much more control over your situation that it offers. Need to go to the bathroom? No teacher to ask, you're in your own home. Hungry? It's lunch time all the time, and anything's on the menu. Need a break? Take it, and pick up where you left off on your work. I do greatly appreciate this.
I don't expect Edgenuity to remove the block on extensions and userscript usage, but a few small additions purely for QoL would make it a vastly better experience, at least for myself. Who knows? Maybe I'm alone with how I feel about Edgenuity.
Whether you're a student or staff (which I doubt will've read this), I'd like to hear your input on the state of things.
The school year is wrapping up (for me, atleast, I'm unsure if it differs for other people) and I hope all of you, even the ones super behind and in the educational dumps, can push through and make this your year.
To all my fellow seniors, the class of 2024, we made it. Through hard work, stress, pandemics, and all the other crazy shit that's been going on for the past 12-13 years of our lives, we've made it. Hopefully you all feel as accomplished as you should.
submitted by severe_system_shock to edgenuity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:10 Douglasjm Magic is Programming B2 Chapter 1: Catching Up

Carlos was an ordinary software engineer on Earth, up until he died and found himself in a fantasy world of dungeons, magic, and adventure. This new world offers many fascinating possibilities, but it's unfortunate that the skills he spent much of his life developing will be useless because they don't have computers.
Wait, why does this spell incantation read like a computer program's source code? Magic is programming?
Here we go with book 2!
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Carlos lounged comfortably on one of the mayor's fancy sofas. At 23 years old with a healthy body he really didn't need cushioned upholstery, but he liked how it felt. Honestly, he was probably more comfortable with high quality furniture than someone of his relatively low-income background should be in this world. Spoiled by the mass production factories of modern Earth, I suppose. All of this stuff here is probably handmade. Er, make that definitely handmade. Unless they have magic factories I haven't heard about, or something. He mentally shrugged. There was no point trying to change his attitudes toward furniture now. While this world might have higher prices for a lot of things than he was used to, he was also a lot richer than he was used to thanks to having become a noble lord. People would expect him to treat fine furniture as cheap because of his station.
I might have the physical habits of a couch potato, but at least I don't look like one. Too skinny. Not as skinny as Amber, though. He smiled as he watched the young woman next to him on the sofa continue animatedly expounding on their recent adventures together. She was lanky, with few curves to speak of and spindly limbs, far from any conventional picture of feminine beauty. Her hair, a slightly lighter shade of brown than his own, was cropped short. He thought she was 18 or 19 years old, but wasn't sure. Have I really never asked her age before? ... Would that be a rude question here? Regardless of her age, she had grown her confidence a lot since their first meeting a few weeks ago. She'd found her footing in a new life that she'd seized with utter determination, and he saw no sign of the shyness that she'd first greeted him with. The way her potential was finally blooming was beautiful to watch.
Carlos turned his gaze to the sofa across from them and carefully held back from laughing at the expressions Trinlen was making as Amber wrapped up explaining the events and developments they'd gone through since their introduction to him at the Royal Mage Academy. Carlos had contributed a fair amount to the explanation at first, but Amber had taken to it with enthusiasm when she arrived, and he could tell she was enjoying it. The young man in front of them, newly graduated from said academy, was on the edge of his seat and leaning forward, hanging attentively on every word. His casual attire, plain and made of cheap materials, looked thoroughly out of place on the finely embroidered velvet of the sofa, but he'd shown no sign of even noticing the finery around him. Excitement warred for control of his face with surprise, disbelief, envy, and dismay.
Amber finished her impromptu monologue, and Trinlen slowly schooled his face into a neutral expression. His voice was tense and tightly controlled. "So... In short, you're telling me that in the mere two weeks since you met me, you discovered a mana-poaching conspiracy of nobles, were abducted right under the noses of two royal guards without them even noticing, absorbed mana so fast that you gained 6 levels in a day and a half - so unfair, by the way - somehow learned an obscure portal spell from just its name and description, found evidence of a conspiracy against the Crown, and personally met a princess." He paused, then threw his hands up as he wailed in frustration and disappointment. "And I missed it!?"
Carlos threw back his head and burst out laughing. He couldn't help it. Trinlen just sounded so much like a little kid who'd barely missed out on a candy store giving away its entire stock for free. It was such an incredible light-hearted contrast with how everyone else viewed these same events that the sheer ridiculousness of it was overwhelming. Amber joined the laughter a moment later, shaking her head in amused disbelief, and after a few more seconds Trinlen started chuckling too.
Carlos's laughter eventually trailed off, and he took a deep breath to settle down. "Thanks, Trinlen. It's been a very stressful two weeks, and laughing like that helped release a lot of it. Feels good. Anyway, what have you been up to? I thought you would take a whole month to graduate?"
"Technically I only said 'next month', not that it would be at the same point in the month. But yes, this is earlier than I expected. The normal graduation ceremony is still a week and a half away." Trinlen shrugged. "They didn't explain the reasons, but after what you said I'm guessing your meeting with the princess prompted her to do something. The vice headmaster called me to his office yesterday morning, a few teachers grilled me on my classwork, and they declared I'd passed my exams. Then they told me to pack because I'd be teleported to my new employers the next day, and here I am." He sighed. "Hmph. Now I won't get to humiliate Norla in front of the whole academy when she gives her speech." Then he perked up and grinned widely. "But it sounds like you two are going to be so much fun that I'll get over it in no time!"
"I'm not sure if I agree with your idea of fun, Trinlen, but if it motivates you to help us more then that's good enough for me." Carlos chuckled again. "Anyway, do you need some time to get settled in? You might need to think about lesson plans for us too. We don't need just catalogues of incantations to learn anymore, at least not for simple ones, but I believe you learned other things in the academy too. You mentioned creating your own spells, as I recall."
Trinlen nodded. "I did mention that, yes. I'm guessing your lack of need for a catalogue is because of your newfound ability to somehow pull entire incantations from thin air? You'll have to at least tell me about the limitations of that so I'll know what I still need to teach you, but yeah, there are other things. For one thing, there's your sloppy terminology! Why does no one outside of the academy care about properly distinguishing between the states of mana? Is it really that hard to understand that calling aether, mana, and essence all by the same term obscures your meaning and often causes confusion? Or are people so stupid that they can't even understand the difference?"
Carlos blinked and exchanged a look with Amber. His comprehension aid informed him about the distinction the instant Trinlen spoke the terms. That would have been nice to know earlier. The comprehension aid is a house secret, so we should let him explain. "At least for us, it's just ignorance. I don't think I've even heard the other two terms you mentioned, and certainly no one ever explained them. So, what is the difference?"
Trinlen paused, cocked his head for a moment, and slowly deflated after his impassioned rant. "Yeah, okay, that's fair. I don't think I ever heard about it before going to the academy either." He sat up straight. "Aether is what you've been calling ambient mana. It's thin like air, and it's everywhere. Its only use is converting it to mana or essence. Mana, using the term with proper precision, is thicker but still fluid like water. It exists primarily in people or creatures and is used as fuel to supply power for spells and magical effects. Essence is hard and solid. It is the material that soul structures are made of, as well as the forms of active spells and enchantments. Am I clear so far?"
Amber answered first. "Yes, I'm familiar with each of the forms you described. I have questions about more details - so many questions - but you should get properly settled in, and maybe eat lunch, before we really get down to it. Have you spoken with Mayor Stelras yet? Do you have lodging sorted out?"
"I went by his office first. He's having someone take my luggage to an inn. The Adventurer's Haven, I think? He said something about a 'low-value target' and having an empty suite already booked." Trinlen's eyes widened. "Waaait a minute. Is he putting me in the room you two were abducted from?"
Carlos shrugged. "Sounds like it."
"Nice! Think there'll be any evidence left of how it was done?"
"Haha! Probably not by this point, but you're welcome to look. Now go get unpacked, eat a meal, and start planning your lessons for us. I'm glad you're here, but we have some other things to do too."
Trinlen nodded and stood up. "Sure. I'll be back before you miss me."
Carlos waved as Trinlen sauntered out the door. He and Amber sat in companionable silence for a while as he felt the mana - or essence? - of Trinlen's soul moving off into the distance. "Well. That was interesting. It's good to have him, but I was expecting a bit more time to think and plan before he'd get here."
"Yeah." Amber stretched and then leaned back into the sofa's cushions, luxuriating in their soft firmness. "So, how much are we going to tell him? How useful will his knowledge even be for us, now that we have, what did you call it, the reference documentation? That bit about the states of mana is good to know, but is it really relevant and important, and how much more can there be that's not in the documentation?"
"Be careful talking about that out loud, remember?" Carlos relaxed and draped his arms across the sofa's back as he focused his mind on their mental bond through Purple, their friendly dungeon core. [On Earth, we made many languages similar to the language of incantations, and we had the reference documentation for all of them. We even published that documentation free for everyone to have. Teachers for those languages were still useful, and even critically important for many people. Having access to knowledge doesn't mean you automatically understand how to properly apply it. There may be related knowledge we have no idea even exists. There could be techniques and patterns for how to use the language that are simply outside the scope of the documentation. Perhaps most importantly, a teacher can use their experience to notice a student's mistakes and correct them before they become problems.]
[Hmm.] Amber bit her lip, thinking. [Like how I knew about making soul structures and synergies between them, but had no idea about the importance of being able to examine and fix them, I suppose.]
Carlos nodded. [Yeah. And that's a really simple example. I know some that are a lot more complex, though I'm not sure how many of them are even applicable for incantations. Inversion of control, dependency injection, factory patterns...] He shook his head. [Just the context knowledge needed to be able to fully understand those could take days or weeks to teach well enough for you to use them. I could maybe explain the basic ideas faster with some simplified analogies, but that would lose so many details that I doubt it would still be useful.]
Amber paused. [... Even my comprehension aid is baffled by the terms you just said. It translated the individual words that you said, but all I got for the phrases is a confusing jumble.] She chuckled. [Anyway, I concede the point. Trinlen will still be able to teach us important and useful things. We still need to decide what secrets to share with him.]
[A lot depends on how good he is at keeping secrets. We don't actually know him all that well yet. He's certainly fun, and he seems clever, but for assessing his integrity we're leaning pretty hard on just a janitor vouching for him.] Carlos frowned in thought. [In order for him to do his job, he needs to know that we can only "pull an entire incantation from thin air" if it's a simple one. He does not need to know the full details of help, however, and most certainly does not need to learn to use it himself. That secret is a very sensitive one, where even just letting too much knowledge of it spread would lose us a major advantage.]
[Definitely. No casting help where he can hear it, and don't say anything about it that's not directly relevant for his teaching, either. Not until he's earned our full trust.] Amber lapsed into silent consideration. [We should introduce him to Purple. We'll kind of have to at some point anyway, and the really valuable thing there is Purple himself, not just the knowledge of his existence.]
Carlos nodded. [True. I think that probably is the least sensitive of our house secrets, and being able to call him through a bond with Purple would be useful.] He chuckled. [And maybe his cleverness will end up producing some good ideas for Purple to use. See if he can find a more productive outlet than pranks for his creativity. And then... If he keeps that secret well enough for long enough, we can consider trusting him with more secrets.]
Amber sent back wordless agreement.
Carlos started sitting up, lifting himself out of the comfortable cushions. "Well, we should get some food ourselves, too. And maybe introduce Trinlen to everyone else along with Purple." He stood up and spotted a letter he'd set aside when Trinlen arrived. "Oh yeah, and what do you think we should do about Kindar?"
"Wait, what's this about Kindar?"
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2024.05.14 19:07 overlookedvariable My 2012 Camry sounds and feels weird, help?

My dad won’t believe me that there’s something wrong with my car. I’m not sure what’s wrong with it. Either a belt, steering, brakes?
  1. Whenever I am sitting idle, turning or breaking, my car makes a loud squeaking noise. The brakes feel fine, but it’s pretty loud.
  2. Whenever I’m driving, and I take my foot off the gas after going my desired speed, the car is having trouble automatically shifting back down to go into a lower speed.
  3. Occasionally, it feels like when I turn on my car, it has problems wanting to start. It’ll turn on just fine, but it feels like the engine itself doesn’t want to turn on. I’ll start it, the engine will start and then just kind of do one stutter and turn on strong. This one is more rare.
submitted by overlookedvariable to mechanic [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:06 SpiritedYam1845 AT RISK OF LOSING ALL MY PHOTOS!!!!?!!!!! HELP PLEASE

Last night I updated my phone. ( Oppo a17)
Since then, my Google photos and my phones camera roll are acting bizarre.
All my thousands of backed up Google photos (going back years) have downloaded onto my phone. I deleted them from my phones camera roll because they have all been backed up for considerable time. Then I realised ALL OF THEM had been deleted from my Google photos account too!!!!!!!!! I turned off automatic backup thinking this was the problem. It didn't help. I don't have the space to keep that many photos on my phone. Why are they not securely backed up independently? Why does my phones camera roll have the access to delete my Google photos account? I'm freaking out. Can anyone help me? Please help 😭 I just want my Google photos to remain untouched whilst having the ability to remove photos safely from my phone ( because they remain backed up separately )
submitted by SpiritedYam1845 to googlephotos [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:04 Hungry-Event-5956 How to go part time... mom turning 40. Getting out of teaching. Being there for my kids for once.

I am about to turn 40 and I feel like I cannot handle the stress of my job anymore. I am sick all the time and exhausted. (Yes I work out and yes I eat healthy) My kids are getting older and have big kid problems. I worked through my pregnancies and plopped them in daycare at 3 mos old. I hustled. I have been teaching 18 years. I have another 25 years to go till retirement- age 65. (Yep that would be 43 years of teaching) And no health insurance when I retire- not the good old days anymore.
My work environment is toxic here. I wake up early and get home and I have nothing left for my family. I am emotionally and physically taxed. I am out of sick days. My mental health is tanking bc I am spread too thin. Work is killing me.
Middle School starts next year for one of my kids who has a learning disability/ADHD. My other has health issues. For once I want to focus on them.
I don't care what I do next, as long as it is flexible and somewhat less stressful. I am done breaking up fights, getting cursed at by students and yelled at by my admin and parents threatening to beat me up.
My husbands career pays the majority of expenses. Our gross is $279,000. I make $80k. He is trying to move up so he can start to replace my salary and we are cutting back on expenses by having kids drop travel sports, so I can be home more often and take care of what they really need. They need me- even for the next 8 years, till the first one (girl) graduates. We realize that travel sports are a luxury and the cost of living in NJ is not getting any cheaper. My husband now has to commute two days a week to work, 3 hours total and no longer will be available to get kids on and off the bus like he has been. I leave before them and arrive after they get home. That is also a concern. Since I am the one making less money, I can try to find something else that maybe is hybrid or part time so we don't have to hire someone to watch the kids. I don't know if his 2 days will become 3 or 4. Return to office sucks! Him being home was so nice.
What job can I get that will allow for some flexibility? Any advice from people who are here or been here? I can take the advice!
Also in terms of stats- we own both our cars- 8 and 12 years old, good condition, just hit 100k miles on each. We pay almost $4k in mortgage monthly. We owe $529k on our house. House is now worth $1.5m (due to location and land). Purchased for $721k with very low interest and we are slowly updating it. Biggest expense besides mortgage is travel sports- $10k a year which we are now cutting down to $3k a year.
submitted by Hungry-Event-5956 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:02 aztects17 SteamOS 3.6 is on the horizon, includes BIOS overclocking and performance fixes

According to Valve’s SteamOS 3.6 patch notes, there’s quite a lot for Deck users to be looking forward to. Here’s a (slightly) truncated summary of what’s coming to the Steam Deck with this version of the SteamOS:
**A more up-to-date Arch Linux base, with Linux kernel now at version 6.5
**Updated GPU driver to Mesa 24.1, leading to performance and rendering correctness improvements
**Updated KDE Plasma to 5.27.10 in Desktop mode
**Added Steam Deck LCD BIOS overclock controls
**SD cards can now be used as the default boot devices
**Improved Apple AirPod pairing experience
**Improved session recovery speed after GPU crashes
**SanDisk microSD card misdetection workaround
**Improved speed of subsequent OS updates
**Enabled support for Bluetooth A2DP and BAP profiles
**Resolved the issue with an accrual of temporary files while using Flatpaks
**Improved Bluetooth connection speed with some devices
**Improved performance and stability in memory pressure use cases
**Resolved the problem with the performance UI automatically turning itself on
**Improved display uniformity (Mura compensation problems), color balance, and yellow tinting issues under some conditions
**Improved Steam UI responsiveness
submitted by aztects17 to SteamDeck_Gamer [link] [comments]
