Quotes formissing you dead loved ones

Home security

2010.05.24 09:13 stevenbird68 Home security

We're a place to get help with and discuss all topics relating to home security. All topics from beginner questions to help with your esoteric GE panel from 1989 are welcome! Are you looking for advice on cameras or security systems? Try using the search bar! NOTE: We require a minimum of 50 karma to post.

2012.02.12 10:04 exempligratia Reddit Gets Drawn

We are a community for redditors who want to get drawn and redditors who want to draw them! Post a photo of yourself or a loved one, and we'll draw you!

2013.11.16 14:45 Civiltactics Trauma Toolbox: peer support for survivors

A place to seek or share coping strategies, resources, art, music, videos, and other survivor tools.

2024.05.15 16:00 DexDud Overworked & Abused

I would like to start this off by saying I'm sorry; this is a long one, and I appreciate any advice or help I can get. Also, to anyone willing to read this, thank you so much! I'm currently looking for a new job but having no luck, so I'm trying to also improve my current situation as much as I can.
I’m 28 and work in California for a school district in IT, and I love IT. The only problem is my boss. I've worked this job for almost 5 years now, and he has been the boss at this school district for almost 10 years. He's really good at the IT side of his job, but as a manager, not so much. He likes to call his employees morons, yell at and reprimand employees in front of coworkers. He's now caused several employees to quit or seek therapy (including myself). One time, I was sitting in my office working on a project, and he yelled across the office, "Gojo, get your ass in here," for the whole office to hear, and then proceeded to chew me out with the office door open and the entire office listening. He believes fear is a good management tool, which isn't really my style. His current thing to do is trying to pit us against each other and talk trash about other employees when they aren’t around. He micro manages everything you do and calls you stupid if you aren’t doing something exactly the way he wants you to. If there is a way you can save literally TWO seconds on a task and you aren’t doing it that way, he gets upset. After he does all of that, then he tries to be nice and talk about video games with you or buy the office food or let people go home 20 minutes early, but then it’s right back to the usual harassment.
Almost a year ago, I interviewed for and got the open Tech II position, promoted from Tech I. At the time, I was interested because I would learn a lot of things that would help me get different jobs, and it was a little more money. I regretted this promotion really early on. I dread coming to work and several times almost quit on the spot with no job lined up. Therapy has helped a lot with these emotions.
Outside of my boss being terrible, he also piles on work and gives the line, "You’re a Tech II now; you should be able to do all of this," or "You’re a Tech II; you have to figure out how to balance all the work." Currently, I’m balancing 12 projects, providing tech support for our district office, working as an escalation point for our Tech I’s(we have 4 soon to be 6 and they support 15 schools), and assisting our network admin with his projects. While I’m trying to do all that, my boss is also yelling from across the hall, adding more tasks that he needs me to work on and needs to be done that day. As a Tech I, your main task was working on help tickets for about 3 schools, and then during the summer, you helped with some projects. This promotion got me a whole $2 an hour increase in pay.
I am currently working on getting a new job. I’m applying for city, county, and state IT positions, but they take months before they even start interviewing for those positions, and the entire process is taking a long time. In the meantime, I’m reaching out to my union to see if I’m able to demote back down to Tech I. That doesn’t help with the boss situation, but it does help with the lack of compensation for all the extra work.
As far as my boss goes, I want to report him to HR, but I have no physical evidence, and most of my coworkers are afraid. I’m starting to document in my notes every time he is inappropriate, the date and time of that incident, and who was a witness. He’s pretty smart about how he does everything, nothing in writing, no emails, or texts. If I do report him, it has to be enough to actually get him fired. I’ve been told teachers have reported him to HR in the past, then HR has told his boss, and then his boss tells him about who reported him, and nothing has ever come out of it. He likes to hire people new to the industry or really young people so they are less likely to push back at him or are too intimidated to report him. He has bragged to us several times about how if he ever did get fired he’s taking people down with him because he knows all the districts dirty secrets.
How can I legally obtain evidence of his abuse? What should I know about reporting bosses to HR? I don’t know what to do anymore. I really appreciate anyone who took the time to read through this. I have plenty more examples of his abuse if anyone needs more, this was already a really long post so I didn't want to add more.
TL:DR My boss is abusive and has made several people quiet. I’m being overworked and not being equally compensated. How do I Get him fired?
submitted by DexDud to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:58 almond3238 When you really end a relationship, do you END end it?

I don’t mean the early phases of a fracturing relationship where you split frequently and end up trying to repair things, and freaking tf out because of fear of abandonment.
I mean when someone has done something to irredeemable that you decide they’re dead to you.
Like I will give people chances, and I’ll go back and forth a few times before the final end, but once I say it’s over, it is OVER.
As in, I am never speaking to you again. All pictures deleted, contacts gone, blocked on everything, we’re done.
There is no chance of reparation. Doesn’t matter if you were the love of my life or my best friend. Once I’m done, you might as well be dead.
submitted by almond3238 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:58 Then_Advertising6254 Dr. Knoweverything (dream #1)

I was some kind of reporter visiting my mother where she lived in this clean, classic suburban apartment and she slept on this small, single bed on the floor in the corner while his bed was on a frame at the head of hers.
She had long, black, straight hair and was naked when this guy came in, she'd ask questions that require specific answers.
"Dr. Knoweverything, how many pieces of cereal did you eat this morning?"
"42 (pieces), of course" the doctor said.
I asked my mother why she would continuously ask him specific questions.
"The doctor knows everything, of course."
The doctor kept showing me around and I saw a blonde woman on the couch who turned out to be his wife. I interviewed her and in my peripheral vision there was a small girl in moose or bear overalls. She was standing with her arm out up high with her hand flat, palm facing up like she was a waitress holding a tray of food and her foot was bent backwards.
The wife noticed I looked at the child and told me that "lamp thing" was this girl Darcia. Darcia then got out of position and smiled really wide like she was on drugs that made her giddy.
I looked back at the wife and she was distracted, staring at the wall, blankly, as if she was a robot who got it's memory wiped.
The doctor showed me to his hall closet where a homeless man supposedly lived, using the hanging clothes as blankets, but there was no one there so I assumed the doctor had an imagined the homeless man. He then showed me to his son's room where his baby was in a crib with one lone hanging light right above the baby. The room was empty, like the doctor had just moved in, but the walls were blue and there were a bunch of surgical equipment and tools a couple feet away from the crib.
In the the corner behind the crib was a little boy playing with toy cars and he stared at me the whole time, never stopping the cars or taking his eyes off me. The doctor never mentioned him. I assumed he was imagined as well.
During the tour, the doctor was telling me what he fed everyone; tiny hard things. I couldn't see what they were but he'd give my mother and his wife one piece. Though, he never fed the baby even though he had a few pieces next to his crib pillow.
For some reason, I had gotten ready to sleepover his apartment and later that night, his wife, my mother and I woke up and all simultaneously went to his room that was similar to the baby's room but instead had one surgical tabled in the middle, the walls, ceiling and floor were white.
An argument started and the doctor became extremely angry.
"DON'T YOU SEE, THESE ARE NAIL CLIPPINGS. THERE'S NO ONE NAMED DARCIA HERE AND I DON'T HAVE A SON. WE ARE THEM. YOU'RE DARCIA." He pointed to my mother and I suddenly remembered little Darcia had long, straight black hair just like my mother and the baby was blonde like his wife.
Was I the one imagining the other people like the baby, little boy playing with toy cars and Darcia? Maybe there was a gas leak or something that was making everyone a little crazy.. but why would my everyone imagine the same thing?
I can't remember if I escaped with everyone, if we killed the doctor or if he killed us but I do remember I came to a conclusion that we were already dead and a figment of his own imagination and that's why we could see everyone else.
They were figments just like us.
submitted by Then_Advertising6254 to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:58 candytree11 Should I get dummy eggs?

So I have two male diamond doves that are deeply in love. They take turns sitting on their "nest" and one of them keeps begging the other to lay eggs but uh. Yeah. Would introducing dummy eggs make things worse or better or would it do nothing? I just want them to be happy! My older male is a little aggressive in his advances toward my younger, but nothing crazy, no real violence, but I do wonder if dummy eggs would stop the courting thing that makes him aggressive. Thank you!
submitted by candytree11 to PetDoves [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:58 MackyMack10 You are seen

Just want to say, to any undiagnosed PMDD sufferers out there. I don't have an official diagnosis yet. But I know what I experience every month. It's been years of tracking and trying different treatment methods. I have found a treatment method that helps me. Although sometimes I do feel like an imposter without an official diagnosis, I know what this is and my struggle is legitimate. The soonest I can see a gyno (my GP didn't know what PMDD is) is in April 2025. I'm sitting here reading The Cycle and I feel moved to reach out to you all. If you're going through this hell every month but suffer quietly because no one seems to understand, I'm here and I see you. I feel your pain and you are not alone. I've tried to get a diagnosis, but I don't feel heard. Holding out hope for 2025. Sometimes I think a diagnosis won't change anything, there's no cure for this. But perhaps I'd feel more worthy or valid somehow? I don't know. Anyway, I guess I'm just trying to send a bit of love out to my uterus bros who might be feeling uterubbish.
submitted by MackyMack10 to PMDD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:57 cats64sonic The Other Improv

It's an odd alliance It's another light I say What alone tonight Even if my eyes Even have some time Bet it all tonight
Listen I have been banging away Even if you had a sight My
It's mad enough tonight And forests have never grown It's another light And I can never have mine
It's not mine It's not mine Instead I hide
I've been here for my friends I never know if I said Watching out for me When I can love you Have your way
And she might as well know I Seem more high High Than
I said minerals will make the world If we did not have chemicals You would not be writing my death certificate
Biting is my friend My dog left me a sand send One more day than I can plan Ends safe from you Biting ass a lie friend When I will ever have a friend? Biting silent as a man His silence setting up around
And she improvised And she was supervised I was arised Or arosed Or a rose Or a rose
Or aroused And fine Fine line When I Said "Night time" When I Could never kind And I My milk is your shit My milk is your shit It's hard and boiled And, and sour all again My milk is your shit My milk is your shit My milk is your shit My milk is your shit My milk is your shit My milk is your shit My milk is your shit My milk is your shit It revolves It revolves It revolves It revolves It revolves It revolves It revolves It revolves It revolves It revolves Cause it's biting out what was My milk is your shit My milk is your shit My milk is your shit My milk is your shit My milk is your My milk is your My milk is your shit My milk is piss Don't you love that I can bite?
submitted by cats64sonic to DecreasinglyVerboseVP [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:57 junjunjey All the information you need about the future story set 80 years after Mushoku Tensei. Rifujin-sensei's posts and tweets from 2013-2022 (with links)

All the information you need about the future story set 80 years after Mushoku Tensei. Rifujin-sensei's posts and tweets from 2013-2022 (with links)
It's legit. It's not "just a fan-theory".
From as far back as 2013 and as recent as 2022 the author has talked about it. I speed-ran through all of the author's Narou Blog Posts, used the advanced search feature on X, and noted down the links containing useful information that I found. I hope you find this informative.


In this tweet from 2022, he talked about the title of this future story itself being still undecided. Here he casually termed it as "the story of 80 years since Mushoku Tensei", he also called it "the last story in Six-Faced World", but the most often way the author referred to it—and the way the Japanese fanbase mostly called%22%20%E7%84%A1%E8%81%B7&src=typed_query&f=top) it—is "the main story (temporary title)" [本編(仮)] or just "the main story".


This reddit post has excellently talked about Mushoku Tensei being the main story of its own. Even the author himself has tweeted, "The main story of Mushoku Tensei is Mushoku Tensei."
Rifujin-sensei has an aversion of calling it a sequel. Here he elaborated that the story will not be a sequel of Mushoku Tensei. In this tweet he talked about the story not being a continuation of Rudeus' story, although certain characters from Mushoku Tensei will appear since they're directly related to Hitogami's defeat but he insisted it's not the continuation of it. Here he even said he will not write a Mushoku Tensei's sequel.
A fan here compared it to how Fate isn't the sequel of Tsukihime despite being in the same universe, and the author concurred . It's just like how Old Dragon's Tale, Kingdragon King's Subjugation, and Mushoku Tensei are all set in the same universe but aren't prequel/sequel of each other.


I think we can infer about which characters would most likely appear based on the chapter The Final Dream in Mushoku Tensei's final volume (since they're directly related to Hitogami's defeat as the author said). However, he kept it vague about how important they would be to the plot itself.
Here he confirmed that Lara Greyrat will appear, but he doesn't even know the story yet since he hasn't began writing it.
In this blog post from 2015, he talked about how he thought Luicellia might appear again in the story set 80 years into the future. He said as a character she was already created even before Norn and Ruijerd. She was described as a beautiful demon girl who is taciturn and straightforward, quick to kill her opponents, but also hardworking, earnest, and single-minded. Considering it's still a concept, her character traits might change (not to mention the traits themselves included being the last Superd).
How about Nanahoshi then? Is she perhaps the main character of the last story?


I know certain section of fanbase are believers of this theory, but the author has debunked that idea in this blog post from as far back as May 2013. Someone said they heard it from somewhere that Nanahoshi will be the protagonist of "the main story", and Rifujin-sensei answered that it's a hoax—Nanahoshi is not the protagonist.
What about the Akihito guy then? Good-looking sporty teenage, a summoned hero, managed to charm the unique Blessed Child in his short isekai life the first time, and will possibly have his own harem considering he's perhaps also Nanahoshi's love interest. The planned story of him literally screams "I'm the main character of power trip shonen fantasy", but is he? Well...


You read that right. I don't know if a lot of you believe he is, because I most definitely did. I even (guiltily) spread misinformation that I believe he's the protagonist because I genuinely thought he was.
Then... I discovered this blog post.
Someone asked Rifujin-sensei in early 2015, "Could it be that 'Shinohara Akihito' is actually the main protagonist of Mushoku Tensei? I thought Rudeus was the protagonist who changes the future, but if it turns out that Shinohara Akihito is the true protagonist and Rudeus is merely a pawn, then I feel really sorry for Rudeus." To which, the author replied, "The protagonist of the main story (temporary title) is a different person."
The author added that he also had a story concept where Akihito is the protagonist, but he felt that the story ultimately wouldn't differ much from Rudeus' own so he scrapped it.
Now for the million dollar questionL who is the protagonist? Probably an entirely new guy, but I have a theory.
Kuroki Seiji couldn't get over what happened to him ten years ago. On that fateful day, he would have been died if not for a savior pushing him out of the road when a Truck that lost control almost hit him. His savior was tragically died in his stead, but the stranger thing was the fact that his friends, Shinohara Akihito and Nanahoshi Shizuka, vanished out of thin air. That experience led to him being approached by a secretive magical society he didn't know exist wanting to hear about the "unnatural situation". Ten years later having joined the society and gained various magical knowledge, he stared down at the magic circle he drew after countless research, believing it would deliver him to wherever his best friends have been disappearing to. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he activated the magic circle.
Alright, sorry please ignore my baseless fanfiction idea.
What I know is that in The Final Dream, there are two "Asian-looking" guys among the party that defeated Hitogami. There is a teenage guy who looked to be good at sport, and there is an older guy in his twenties or thirty who noticed Rudeus first and bowed to him. Is the teenage guy Akihito? Probably, but who is the older guy? Is he perhaps the protagonist? Maybe my fanfiction idea isn't so baseless after all (I'm joking).


It's not like it's definitive that he will definitely write it, but lucky for us at least he confirms the plan to write it is genuine, he just needs to prioritize other things first.
Like in this blog post from 2021, he give a blueprint of his main priorities for the foreseeable future.
  1. Work hard on anime-related projects.
  2. Also work hard on publishing books since they need to be released around the same time.
  3. Progress the Orc story bit by bit in between.
  4. Once 1 and 2 are settled, continue the Orc story to its conclusion.
  5. Heal my shoulders, neck, and eyes.
  6. Write the final story of the Six-Faced World.
However, there could be a change of plan in between. Back in 2016, his preference was said to write "the main story" last, and there are also multiple other posts where he said there are more Mushoku Tensei-related stories he also planned to write.
For instance, in an April 2015 blog post this is the list of the stories he planned to tell each as a standalone:
  • The story of Shinohara Akihito and Kuroki Seiji
  • Young Perugius-sama's wild days (the Laplace War story)
  • The old tales of Kishirika and Badigadi (the Second Human-Demon War)
  • The life of Ancient God
  • Mysteries related to Hitogami and the Dragon Tribe
  • The story of Fangs of the Black Wolf
  • How Lara and Leo become legendary saviors
  • What ultimately happened to Nanahoshi
  • Norn-chan's heartwarming school days
Both the Ancient God one and the Mysteries of Hitogami x Dragon Tribe have since been told in Old Dragon's Tale. In this one post there seems to be a planned 11 chaps story outline about Kishirika with Badigadi but was probably scrapped, however a Badigadi's POV from that era has been told as extra chapter in LN Vol. 23. As for the Akihito x Seiji one, I don't know why the author wants to write specifically about the duo. Akihito is understandable since he will definitely be a in the story, but Seiji is supposedly the unimportant one left behind. Hmm, maybe my fanfic—Sorry!
In different posts he talked about wanting to write the reason why Hitogami became so rotten, or about the rewrite version of the notorious Aisha x Arus arc (the relationship is canon, sorry denials), or about Orsted's POV in his previous loops.
Back to the point.
I can only trace the mention of this future story as far back as May 2013 (the Nanahoshi answer one), but it's obvious he already talked about it even before that (considering that post shows someone was already informed about this "main story"). Maybe he first mentioned it in a domestic socmed he used before migrating to Twitter, or there's information from older posts that I missed.
Rifujin-sensei tweeted this as recently as September 2022, here he confirmed he still sticks to his plan of writing "the story about 80 years after Mushoku Tensei" when the Mushoku Tensei anime and Orc's Hero Story both conclude, with rough time estimation being between 2025-2030.
Finger crossed, let's look forward to this in a few years.
submitted by junjunjey to sixfacedworld [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:57 randomfan1997 Did the mane 6 not think their plans for the gala through?

I've rewatched the "Ticket Master" and after re-reading an post of mine asking "If you were Twilight, who would you have brought to the gala", I've realized that most of the mane 6's plans for the gala were dumb and likely to not have worked out.
Let's start with AJ. How likely are you to get a lot of money from selling food at an event where there's already plenty of food that's FREE for all the guest?
Rainbow Dash saw it as a big opportunity to impress the Wonderbolts with her moves and become a new member. But as they are the guest of honor at the party, isn't it obvious that they would be too busy to take time to notice? Not to mention you don't just become a bolt by impressing them, you are required to go to the academy. And this isn't the only place the Wonderbolts attend, she can easily show off her moves to them in Cloudsdale, right?
Rarity wanted to meet Prince Blueblood and marry him. This isn't a fairy tale, did she really expect someone who she would just met to fall in love with her and propose to her after one dance?
Pinkie wanted to go to party, seeing it as the biggest party in Equestria. But it's more of a classy noble party than the parties Pinkie Pie likes. I should also mention that the gala wasn't anything like how Pinkie described or imagined it as shown in "Ticket Master". Guessing that's just what she assumed it was like as she never gone there before?
submitted by randomfan1997 to mylittlepony [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:56 CookAwesome 8 Body Language Signs That Someone Is Interested in You

8 Body Language Signs That Someone Is Interested in You
Body Language Signs
Discover signs that someone is interested in you. Let's explore how physical proximity and body posture can reveal deep emotional connections. Understanding passion and attraction goes far beyond words and dives into the fascinating realm of body language. Various fields, such as neurological, chemical, psychological, and cultural research, help illuminate the process and science behind love.
In this context, body language emerges as a subtle but significant channel for expressing romantic interest. Some physical signs can reveal that someone is interested in you.

Nonverbal Signs of Attraction

Identifying nonverbal signs of attraction can be challenging, as they can vary and be interpreted differently.
By analyzing the non-verbal signs of attraction from someone interested in you.
Studies highlight that laughter, particularly among women, can convey light messages or take on deeper meanings, depending on the analysis of the accompanying body language.
On the other hand, men often express their interests more directly. However, their shyness can influence their communication strategies.
By interpreting these body language cues. We can detect emotions not expressed verbally, which gives us unique insight into the subtleties of human attraction.

Read More: Learn Why A Guy Touches You In These 7 Places?
Discover the 8 body language signs that show someone is interested in you:

1- Maintain Constant Eye Contact

consistent eye contact is one of the most powerful signs of interest and emotional connection. When two people exchange prolonged glances, this often indicates deep nonverbal communication and connection beyond words.
Persistent eye contact for more than 10 seconds can suggest mutual interest and an emotional affinity that transcends verbal conversation. It is a powerful way for individuals to communicate mutual interest and attraction, thus creating a solid foundation for establishing deeper and meaningful connections.

2- Gestures

The gesture, which involves light physical contact like placing a hand on the shoulder or knee, is clear body language that demonstrates attraction. This type of physical closeness denotes genuine liking and a desire to start a deeper connection.
Gestures are a subtle attempt to create physical and emotional intimacy between two individuals. They strengthen the feeling of connection and mutual trust, thus helping to build closer and more meaningful relationships.

3- Smile

Smiling is one of the most universal signs of a positive atmosphere and mutual interest. When accompanied by touching gestures and eye contact, smiling becomes even more powerful as body language indicates a special connection. Sharing laughter and smiles helps break down barriers and create an atmosphere of partnership and trust between individuals.
These moments of shared joy strengthen the emotional bond and promote the development of intimate and meaningful relationships. People express their mutual pleasure and openness to a deeper, authentic connection by combining smiling with touching gestures and eye contact.
Read More: Why Physical Touch Is Important

4- Change in Tone of Voice

Change in tone of voice is another subtle but significant indicator of interest in a romantic relationship. Women often adopt a slightly louder or more dynamic tone of voice when attracted to someone. This slight change in tone of voice may reflect their emotional involvement in the conversation or in the interaction with the person they are interested in.
It can also be seen as an unconscious attempt to capture the other person's attention and create a deeper connection. By changing their tone of voice in subtle but noticeable ways, women express interest and emotional commitment, thereby strengthening the bond between them and their potential partners.

5- Facial Gestures Can Show That Someone Is Interested In You

Facial gestures, such as pushing hair behind the ear or covering one's mouth while laughing, are subtle but significant signals of interest and trust. These actions demonstrate a certain vulnerability and emotional openness, which strengthens the bond between two individuals. When people push their hair behind their ears or cover their mouths while laughing, this can be interpreted as a sign of flirting and attraction.
These gestures also demonstrate a particular self-confidence and a feeling of comfort in the other person's presence. Using the hands as silent messengers of attraction, these facial gestures add an extra dimension to nonverbal communication, thus strengthening the emotional connection between individuals and establishing deeper and more meaningful relationships.

6- The Orientation of The Feet and Legs

The orientation of the feet and legs is an often overlooked but very revealing aspect of body language. While looking in your direction can be considered basic politeness. Also, aligning feet and legs in your direction is a much stronger indication of genuine interest.
When feet and legs point toward a person, it often suggests increased interest and attention toward them. This indicates that the individual is physically and mentally invested in the interaction, not simply present out of politeness or social obligation.
This type of body orientation demonstrates a desire for deeper engagement and connection and can be interpreted as a subconscious manifestation of attraction and interest in the other person. By carefully observing the orientation of a person's feet and legs in your presence, you can get valuable clues about their feelings and level of engagement in the interaction.

7- Synchronizing Movements Can Show That Someone Is Interested In You

When two people are attracted to each other, they tend to synchronize their movements in subtle ways. This can manifest through similar gestures or coordinated actions, such as crossing their legs simultaneously, leaning forward or backward simultaneously, or even breathing at the same pace.
This synchronization of movements reflects a deep emotional connection and a high level of harmony between individuals. It can be seen as a sign of affinity and mutual attraction, thus strengthening the bond between the two people.

8- Personal Space

When there is attraction between two people, they often tend to reduce the distance between them, which reflects a desire for intimacy and connection. You may notice that the interested person moves closer to you during conversations. Or she finds reasons to share the same physical space, like sitting beside you rather than at a distance. This desire for physical proximity indicates an emotional interest. And can be seen as a sign of attraction and comfort in your presence.
By analyzing the non-verbal signs of attraction from someone interested in you.
Constant eye contact, subtle touch, and a sincere smile allow us to access a world of emotions not expressed verbally. Constant eye contact is often considered one of the strongest signals of interest and emotional connection. It may reflect a deep desire to communicate and establish a meaningful connection with the other person.
Likewise, a subtle touch, such as a hand gesture or a light caress, can express a desire for intimacy and physical closeness. Finally, a sincere smile is body language universally recognized as a sign of openness, sympathy, and affection. By combining these different elements of body language, we can penetrate unspoken emotions and better understand the feelings and intentions of the other person.
These nonverbal cues play an important role in human communication and can enrich our interactions by revealing the subtle nuances of attraction and emotional connection.
submitted by CookAwesome to Wiselancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:56 decho Pre-Match Thread: Almeria vs Barcelona [La Liga]

Match Information:

Match: Almeria vs Barcelona
Competition: La Liga
Date: Thursday, 16th of May 2024
Time: 21:30 CEST / 15:30 EDT - Convert to local time
Venue: Estadio de los Juegos Mediterráneos, Almería - 15274 capacity
Referee: Javier Alberola Rojas

Lineups and Squads:

Barcelona - Official squad to be confirmed
GK: Ter Stegen, Iñaki Peña
DEF: João Cancelo, Álex Baldé, Araújo, Íñigo Martínez, Christensen, Alonso, Koundé
MID: Gavi, Pedri, Oriol Romeu, Sergi Roberto, Frenkie, Gündoğan
ATT: Ferran Torres, Lewandowski, Raphinha, João Félix, Vitor Roque
Unavailable: Álex Baldé, Gavi, Frenkie (injured) Gündoğan (suspended)
Not called:
Almeria - Official squad to be confirmed
GK: Diego Mariño, Fernando Martinez, Luis Maximiano
DEF: Edgar González, Aleksandar Radovanović, Alejandro Pozo, Marc Pubill Pagès, Álex Centelles, Chumi, César Montes, Bruno Langa
MID: Iddrisu Baba, Lucas Robertone, Dion Lopy, Jonathan Viera, Melero, Sergio Arribas
ATT: Largie Ramazani, Luis Javier Suárez, Adrián Embarba, Léo Baptistão, Anthony Lozano, Ibrahima Kone, Marko Milovanović, L. Romero Bezzana
Unavailable: Aleksandar Radovanović, Iddrisu Baba (injured) Largie Ramazani (suspended)
Not called:

Form guide:




Comments (Post-match thread):

Author: dwilliam24 Score: 369 pts Source
Araujo with a mask is basically Lenglet
Author: tbrakef Score: 316 pts Source
Sergi Roberto! Our captain and most composed player in front of goal in 2023...
Author: -The-Term- Score: 289 pts Source
We barely managed to scrape a win at home against the team that has not won a single game this season lmao
Author: SirCraigie Score: 244 pts Source
Wembley Stadium filled with all players better than Sergi Goatberto:
Author: EditTheVideo Score: 153 pts Source
Roberto scoring twice proves that we are indeed creating chances enough for even a midfielder to score. Just apparently not enough for our front 3 to score in a sufficient manner.
Other than that, our pressing is still not as good as it used to be last season. The same can be said about our defense.
Author: itsvoogle Score: 144 pts Source
Game was exciting in all the worst ways possible…. Lol
Author: decho Score: 129 pts Source
Sergi Roberto Ballon d'Or when.
Author: kezzinchh Score: 105 pts Source
Wins a win, but this ain’t it.
Author: ParsaAtashani Score: 101 pts Source
We tried so hard to bottle this
Author: atn420 Score: 89 pts Source
It's a W, but to give 2 scores to the lowest team in La Liga, doesn't feel as good as it should, honestly.
Author: Working_Aioli8417 Score: 88 pts Source
Sergi Roberto saved Xavi's job today
Also Sergi should clearly be a higher choice than Romeu
Author: TrueCooler Score: 85 pts Source
Al-Sad watching this performance
Author: Jelboo Score: 75 pts Source
I'm all here for the Roberto renaissance. Always been a classy, hardworking, intelligent player who has played all over the pitch and put in a shift. Many fans don't respect him but he is more Barça than any of us here on the internet can claim.
Author: HyggeAroma Score: 74 pts Source
BS that Roberto didn't get the MVP!
Author: Loose-Examination-39 Score: 74 pts Source
Who is Sergi Roberto? For the blind, he is light. For the hungry, he is bread. For the sick, he is the cure. For the sad, he is joy. For the poor, he is the treasure; for the debtor, he is forgiveness. For me,he is everything
Author: Kkasher22 Score: 72 pts Source
We struggled against a 20th place team…
Author: Professional_Code372 Score: 66 pts Source
We shouldn’t pay a dime for Felix
Author: atn420 Score: 49 pts Source
Who had Roberto scoring a brace on their card, I sure as hell didn't.
Author: Loose-Examination-39 Score: 47 pts Source
If Roberto has 10000 fans I am one of them
If Roberto has 1000 fans I am one of them
If Roberto has 100 fans I am one of them
If Roberto has 10 fans I am one of them
If Roberto has 1 fan I am the only one
If Roberto has no fans it means I am no longer on this earth
Author: tekkers_for_debrz Score: 45 pts Source
Our captain doing captain things. The best finisher in the club.
Author: Smooth_Profit_595 Score: 45 pts Source
what does it take for xavi to sub off lewy?
injury only?
dude missed half of the chances team created
Author: SteveTheNoobIsBack Score: 44 pts Source
Author: Iyfebe Score: 40 pts Source
I like that the fans were giving confidence to the struggling players like Raphinha and Romeu. To Inaki as well after the mistake.
Author: SauceCarlicio Score: 32 pts Source
Xavi if Sergi Roberto didn't score a brace today
Author: TuffyTenToes Score: 28 pts Source
Imagine if the rest of the players cared for the crest as much as Sergi or Gavi do...
Author: guapetonydroga Score: 26 pts Source
Most of this subreddit has been trashing Sergi Roberto for years and look at him now. Take a bow at our current most composed player in front of goal.
Author: PLEASEDONTBANMEOK Score: 22 pts Source
Roberto im sorry, I wasnt familiar with your game
Author: tbrakef Score: 19 pts Source
What an absolute howler from Aruajo once again... Literally everyone has taken about 5 steps back from last season in terms on intelligence on the pitch..
Author: MrVaporDK Score: 19 pts Source
Roberto was massive! Torres and Raphinha were good.
Lewy played well and deserved to score.
Author: Numerous-Knowledge-3 Score: 14 pts Source
We make every team look like prime Ac Milan
Author: Forgemarine Score: 11 pts Source
Of course it is not Xavi's fault for the individual mistakes of players, but come on. This is dead-last Almeria, and we showed no real system and again with the 90 mins Lewy and no chance for Guiu.
Xavi needs to quit being stubborn in his substitutions, and his supportive staff for game plans should be improved. If not Barca should look for someone else



Latest News:

[Article] - Xavi: 'It's up to us' - fcbarcelona.com
[Article] - When and where to watch Almería v FC Barcelona - fcbarcelona.com


Livesoccertv Liveonsat FCBarcelona.com
submitted by decho to Barca [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:56 GarnetShaddow [CHAT] Iron Advice?

TL;DR does anybody have a recommendation for a small travel iron?
Hello lovely craft people. Iam in an amusing situation and would love advice.
As a millennial, I appreciate that we are the generation that decided we are done ironing our clothes.
However! I use an iron for pressing my finished pieces. Usually, I have one at home. I am working on some small pieces as gifts and have a bit of a deadline for next week. I will be house sitting, my friends don't own an iron, and carrying a heavy iron is a bit much.
Does anybody have something like this? If so, can you just use a folded towel instead of a board? I have to improvise a bit!
Thank you so much!
submitted by GarnetShaddow to CrossStitch [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:55 Rainingstorm13 Love’s Inferno

This one was inspired by a quote that was floating around and fairly popular I’m sure most of you have heard it.
“When you grow up in a burning house, you think the world is also on fire.” Anyway, this is “Love’s Inferno” -REC …
I have always known the burn of devotion. My mother’s molten hands made and raised me
She kept me warm but on edge, never knowing when I would be burned. Her love is like living in an inescapable forest fire.
She takes over my senses, her voice crackles in my ears, spilling her cigarette perfume as it fills my lungs and stings my eyes, and her touch sears my skin to the bone as she envelops me in a hazy hug.
I am so used to the heat of love, feeling it on the backside of my hand through a closed door.
I open the window for cool air, and he’s there,
Pulling me out of my burning house and into his blazing world.
A match to a wick, my pride ignites his ego, our souls melt together, waxy colors of red and blue drip from our lips.
I yearn for the heat of home as his flamed fingers drag across my heart, scarring me forever.
If our destiny is to catch and burn, that won't stop us from bathing together in gasoline and ballroom dancing in an indigo inferno.
Burn blisters form on my hands, hips, and lips as he leads me further into destruction.
When I'm burned and brokenhearted, I’ll crawl back home to sleep at the hearth. My mother waits for me at the door, after a long drag from her cigarette she says.
“Daughters are destined to make the same mistakes as their mothers.”
Smoke flutters from her mouth enticing me inside, I put my pride aside and give in to it as blue lips shiver and I ask for a hit, salivating for the buzz of home.
1 2
submitted by Rainingstorm13 to OCPoetry [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:55 cats64sonic The Other Improv

It's an odd alliance It's another light I say What alone tonight Even if my eyes Even have some time Bet it all tonight
Listen I have been banging away Even if you had a sight My
It's mad enough tonight And forests have never grown It's another light And I can never have mine
It's not mine It's not mine Instead I hide
I've been here for my friends I never know if I said Watching out for me When I can love you Have your way
And she might as well know I Seem more high High Than
I said minerals will make the world If we did not have chemicals You would not be writing my death certificate
Biting is my friend My dog left me a sand send One more day than I can plan Ends safe from you Biting ass a lie friend When I will ever have a friend? Biting silent as a man His silence setting up around
And she improvised And she was supervised I was arised Or arosed Or a rose Or a rose
Or aroused And fine Fine line When I Said "Night time" When I Could never kind And I My milk is your shit My milk is your shit It's hard and boiled And, and sour all again My milk is your shit My milk is your shit My milk is your shit My milk is your shit My milk is your shit My milk is your shit My milk is your shit My milk is your shit It revolves It revolves It revolves It revolves It revolves It revolves It revolves It revolves It revolves It revolves Cause it's biting out what was My milk is your shit My milk is your shit My milk is your shit My milk is your shit My milk is your My milk is your My milk is your shit My milk is piss Don't you love that I can bite?
submitted by cats64sonic to DecreasinglyVerbose [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:54 Shakespeare-Jones Hither Encounter Adjustment: Stream of Visions

Hi there! I wanted to tell you about a slight adjustment that I made, that I think you might like as well!
I love this encounter, but I wanted to make my players actually care and give credence to the visions of the stream. I asked the PC in the front of the group, "who is the person currently on your mind?" The player said it was his old teacher. I described a brief scene of what I thought that character was doing right at this moment, in the present.
Then, that vision flowed upstream, and was replaced with one of the visions on the roll table for Downfall-- that vision then flowed downstream towards Downfall.
This was a great way to get a bit more backstory from each of the PCs, and to really reinforce the theme of Present.
Let me know if you try this and if you like it!
(now, did this also cause my extremely curious players to attempt to do several science experiments on the stream... yes. so watch out for that, I suppose.)
submitted by Shakespeare-Jones to wildbeyondwitchlight [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:54 LongjumpingGap1636 akashic codes ..

akashic codes ..
akashic codes..
 morning, beautiful 🥰 
so you're aware of my love of words .. a lifetime logophile and enthusiast of etymology, I know in my heart that 'words mean things'
having spent years building and retaining a vast vocabulary, it is my humble opinion this exercise simply makes one a happier, smarter and wiser individual, if gor no other reason it allows one to properly share ones thoughts and desires without confusion or misunderstanding
as well, this gift allows one to render far more adept at making critical decisions and choices, due to ones ability to tap into deeper understandings of the varying nuances an obstacle may proffer whilst one is deciphering best overall outcomes
there are many multiples of languages .. dialects, colloquialisms and cultural ways of speaking and writing .. and even those multiples are multiplied tenfold when you add in the time in history they were shared
were they spoken only by the shaman of the tribe? were they art forms carved into stones or were they heiroglyphs inked into fabrics and onto parchments?
however today, let us focus on one of the most important of all languages: the wordless languages where the lights and colors are the methods to communicate events, wisdoms and even dangers
where sounds of song, knocks, grunts, barks and howls are the methods of communication .. where rhythmic intelligence is chirped throughout the jungle or beautiful, vibrational love songs of a oceangoing mammal are sung into the deepest waters of the oceans to her mates and children
even the biologics on earth know and use this vibrational language
and each sound, color and frequency has a name .. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤍 the Light itself has a name .. and the way the Light speaks
 the language of Light what is Akashic Code ✨ Light Codes 
it is the harmonic vibrations which emanate from the many universes, the deepest corners of space and throughout the history since before time was recorded or heard by man; indeed before the ancients arrived here and began to watch over our earthly home with us for millennia, long before we arrived
also known as the akashic sounds, this frequency is sung from the heart of the universe into your heart, from the stars into your soul, seeping into your very dna with all its knowledge, wisdom and mysteries .. the mysteries of the mystic the mysteries of our past, our present and our future
seemingly sung with words unknown by human ears, your chakras listen and react to these codes 🔥 your cells absorb the healing sounds, colors and energies embedded with everything they need to know
like musical manna to your lightness .. your true self, your light body ✨ these codes feed and nourish your body and soul with truth, honest emotions ❤️ bathe you in love and with a kindness unknown in this human world
when you listen to the light codes .. the akashic records .. feel the warmth of the colors and the depth of the sounds, be still 🙏 clear your mind and remain in a safe place .. absorb the energy and drink in the colors, sate your appetite for intelligence with this literal food from the gods ❤️‍🔥 as you listen to the clicks, repetitive chants and fast tones softened by choruses of what, I M H O, reminds me of native indigenous, tribal songs .. sung by the spiritual souls at the fireside celebrations and told the stories of old
multidimensional shapes will appear and geometric symbols will be recognized by your ancient light being 💥🌈🕊️🌹
peace to you today as we continue our journey into this mystic together and gain in our ascent up to the stars and back to our ancestral home 🌸
keep your Eyes Wide Open and your Heart Filled with Love ❤️ 🪷🥳
 all my love, always 💋 
submitted by LongjumpingGap1636 to SpiritualAwakening [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:54 copaceticconvert The Ritual Mindset: How To Unlock Magic in Everyday Life

Rituals are the bread and butter of any magical practitioner worth their salt. But an issue that many people run into is that they read a ritual in a book or online, complete it, and then don't get any results. One main reason for this is that they fundamentally misunderstand what they are doing.
Rituals are a beckoning call to the Universe; they are setting a boundary for you to walk through.
Let me demonstrate this:
The average Joe actually does a number of rituals in his life. There's a ritual when he completes school, there's a ritual in which he declares his love for another person, and there is a ritual when a loved one passes aways. All of these things are major changes in his life, and the rituals serve to bookmark one phase of life as he walks into another. The sky doesn't change color when your mom dies, nor do you gain ten pounds (at least not immediately.)
So, we have a prescribed set of actions we do together to mark this change. This means that rituals are doorways. They make intangible changes in the world tangible.
Then, there's the second level of ritual; the kind that marks time as it passes. These are your Christmases, your Halloweens, your Yom Kippurs, your Ramadans, and if you want to get more frequent, the solstices, esbats, Shabbats, and daily prayers. These all take a thing that's happening in the world externally (usually astrologically), and then tie it to an action, be it as large as throwing a party, or a small as taking a moment to self-reflect. These actions become boundaries.
If you reflect on your place in life every new moon, you develop a backlog of times you do this, and every month is adding another point to the log. You break your time up into chunks, which charts your trajectory in life, and that alone will give you the energy to change it. We are already talking powerful stuff here, and I haven't even gotten to the magic!
But we see where this is going, right? Casting a spell is walking through a boundary between the life you have and the life you want. In order for it to work, you need to believe in it as much as you did when you graduated or when you got married. The door doesn't become real until you believe in it. And being able to believe in any door you wish to walk through will unlock so many possibilities for you in your lifetime.
So my advice: Do as many rituals as you can. As you brush your teeth, thank God for fresh breath. As you drive to work, plead with God not to get hit by an accident. Recite your favorite poem every morning, afternoon, and evening. Charge your coffee with good energy and feel it coursing through you as you drink it.
You walk through thousands of potential doorways every day, you just need to do a bit of work to notice them and walk through them consciously.
But if you build the habit, and you want something... All you need to do is walk through a new door.
submitted by copaceticconvert to occult [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:54 LongjumpingGap1636 akashic codes ..

akashic codes ..
akashic codes..
 morning, beautiful 🥰 
so you're aware of my love of words .. a lifetime logophile and enthusiast of etymology, I know in my heart that 'words mean things'
having spent years building and retaining a vast vocabulary, it is my humble opinion this exercise simply makes one a happier, smarter and wiser individual, if gor no other reason it allows one to properly share ones thoughts and desires without confusion or misunderstanding
as well, this gift allows one to render far more adept at making critical decisions and choices, due to ones ability to tap into deeper understandings of the varying nuances an obstacle may proffer whilst one is deciphering best overall outcomes
there are many multiples of languages .. dialects, colloquialisms and cultural ways of speaking and writing .. and even those multiples are multiplied tenfold when you add in the time in history they were shared
were they spoken only by the shaman of the tribe? were they art forms carved into stones or were they heiroglyphs inked into fabrics and onto parchments?
however today, let us focus on one of the most important of all languages: the wordless languages where the lights and colors are the methods to communicate events, wisdoms and even dangers
where sounds of song, knocks, grunts, barks and howls are the methods of communication .. where rhythmic intelligence is chirped throughout the jungle or beautiful, vibrational love songs of a oceangoing mammal are sung into the deepest waters of the oceans to her mates and children
even the biologics on earth know and use this vibrational language
and each sound, color and frequency has a name .. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤍 the Light itself has a name .. and the way the Light speaks
 the language of Light what is Akashic Code ✨ Light Codes 
it is the harmonic vibrations which emanate from the many universes, the deepest corners of space and throughout the history since before time was recorded or heard by man; indeed before the ancients arrived here and began to watch over our earthly home with us for millennia, long before we arrived
also known as the akashic sounds, this frequency is sung from the heart of the universe into your heart, from the stars into your soul, seeping into your very dna with all its knowledge, wisdom and mysteries .. the mysteries of the mystic the mysteries of our past, our present and our future
seemingly sung with words unknown by human ears, your chakras listen and react to these codes 🔥 your cells absorb the healing sounds, colors and energies embedded with everything they need to know
like musical manna to your lightness .. your true self, your light body ✨ these codes feed and nourish your body and soul with truth, honest emotions ❤️ bathe you in love and with a kindness unknown in this human world
when you listen to the light codes .. the akashic records .. feel the warmth of the colors and the depth of the sounds, be still 🙏 clear your mind and remain in a safe place .. absorb the energy and drink in the colors, sate your appetite for intelligence with this literal food from the gods ❤️‍🔥 as you listen to the clicks, repetitive chants and fast tones softened by choruses of what, I M H O, reminds me of native indigenous, tribal songs .. sung by the spiritual souls at the fireside celebrations and told the stories of old
multidimensional shapes will appear and geometric symbols will be recognized by your ancient light being 💥🌈🕊️🌹
peace to you today as we continue our journey into this mystic together and gain in our ascent up to the stars and back to our ancestral home 🌸
keep your Eyes Wide Open and your Heart Filled with Love ❤️ 🪷🥳
 all my love, always 💋 
submitted by LongjumpingGap1636 to FollowMeIntoTheMystic [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:54 888sunsetlover Starting Life again as a 29-year-old adult

Hi, I've been working from home ever since 2019 and tbh I'm glad that I was able to find jobs that pay well. Now here is my dilemma, I love to travel and whenever I travel I always get to see the creative digital world outside my city. I was born and raised in the same city, and I feel like my mental health is declining because,
  1. I resigned from my 9-5 job after 3 years, this job is high paying yet the working environment is getting toxic because there is no longer growth in salary and skillset. I feel like I'm still trying to heal the burnout from that 3-year work.
  2. I am working with myself right now, from 9-5 I have transitioned from 4 hours to a 4-hour-a-day work week now with a specific niche which is Social Media Management. I had a broad niche back in my 3-year job, from Email Marketing, Social Media Management, Content Creation, Customer Service, etc. — one of the reasons I wanted to leave the 3-year job was I felt like I was all over the place.
So other days, I'm very motivated, but most days I felt so lost and down, and even if I lived with my mom and we got to talk I always wanted to tell her I wanted to leavem city. I want to live in a different place where I get to be surrounded by creative and goal-driven individuals as well.
It’s a cry for help, to be honest, there are times I feel like my heart is tightening and I just don’t know what to do. I feel like I need help, I keep asking my mom but I always get into heated arguments.
Do you guys have any suggestions how you guys cope up with the transition? It’s my 2nd month working 4 hours daily.
PS: I'm actually 29 years old as well, I don’t know if it matters, but does transitioning to 30 always feel like this as well?
Help 🥹😭
submitted by 888sunsetlover to ThoughtsYouCanFeel [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:53 luminous-sycamore Muslim studying in a Christian school (need advice)

Hello everyone, I don't know if this is even the right sub to post it, but I feel like this sub would be very helpful. This is more of a rant and I'll be needing your advices please:( So I am currently being enrolled in a Christian school for some circumstances (I reside in a country where the majority are Christians with a minority of Muslims so I guess you get the point). When it comes to their religious practices, I just kinda disregard it and just take it up as a general knowledge, or, not partaking to their bible studies and such. I have nothing against their religion whatsoever---I love the people (some), professors and the overall environment!
The thing is... my mom will be attending for an event in my school in a couple of days and I'm really nervous/scared. Considering my mom will be wearing a hijab, I am really scared of what will happen. I'm scared of what will people think of us---think of me. I'm afraid of their judgements and gossips. I've encountered few incidents of Islamophobia throughout this school year and that applies to the whole country in general. Although some do not have anything against Islam, the stereotyping has always been there. And... that's what I'm scared of. What if the students start avoiding me just because I'm a Muslim? Or get discouraged by me?
On another note, I've been always the quiet one in the class, and I don't want people to think that I'm like this because of our different beliefs in religion.. it was never a hinder for me for making friends or anything academically, so I never told anyone about my religion, as it is unnecessary (only a couple of my teachers know) and now I think they assume I'm also a Christian. It's not like I'm embarrassed that I'm a Muslim, no not at all! But I feel like I have always been the odd one out. I can't stop thinking about it day by day, or maybe I'm just overthinking it. How do I overcome this? The upcoming event? These everyday thoughts? Any advices would be appreciated, thank you so much my fellow brothers and sisters:)
submitted by luminous-sycamore to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:53 Ok_Cellist_6871 I hope they leave it the same

I really hope that they won’t take one key element away from the show: Zak’s leadership. Throughout the show, they let everyone develop and show their qualities and they made sure you could see and understand all the characters, but most of all you could always see that Zak was just a level above everyone else, and that he was their leader, their Hakuru. I hope they don’t try to change it and make everyone equal, because It’s just part of the show and why we all love it. Of course, Zak is the goat.
submitted by Ok_Cellist_6871 to sendokai [link] [comments]



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2024.05.15 15:52 NikolaiOlsen Here's a Pitch Meeting inspired post, If Ryan George ever was to make one

Producer: So, you have a video game for me?
Writer: Yes, sir, I do! It's a battle royale game called Fortnite.
Producer: Fork Knife? Is it a food-making game where you eat with a Fork and a Knife?
Writer: Well, No actually, sir, this is a shooter game where players are dropped onto an island where they must scavenge for weapons and resources inside people's homes while trying to be the last person standing.
Producer: Sounds a lot like that game PUBG.
Writer: Well, yes, it's Very similar to that.
Producer: So, Isn't that kind of a rip-off? Whats the point of making this game if its gonna be a Complete rip-off?
Writer: What if we give the player the ability to build stuff in the game?
Producer: Thats different enough. So how do we do the building in this Fork-knife game of yours?
Writer: Well, we add a building mechanic where players can gather materials and construct forts and other structures to defend themselves.
Producer: So, they can build in the middle of a fight?
Writer: They sure can!
Producer: Won't that make the combat complicated and kind of confusing?
Writer: Oh, definitely. Super confusing. And we're going to have this cartoony art style, so it's all bright and colorful.
Producer: Cartoony art style?
Writer: Yes, sir, we want to attract a younger audience, you know, kids and teenagers.
Producer: Really? And what about older players?
Writer: They'll probably play it too. Some might even play it so much while filming themselves sitting, eating, and drinking inside a room infront of a bunch of cameras to a bunch of digital people on some kind of streaming-platform out there. And some older players might even be so good that they can be placed inside a room with other players that are as good as them.
Producer: Okay, okay, But wait. Why would older players be interested in a game designed for kids?
Writer: Because it's free.
Producer: Oh, older people love free things.
Writer: And we’ll have these things called Emotes where players can dance and do fun gestures for no reason.
Producer: Why would they need that?
Writer: To taunt other players and express themselves, and making it easier for other players to get kills!
Producer: And we're sure kids will love this?
Writer: Oh, absolutely. They'll be flossing in no time.
Producer: What’s flossing?
Writer: It’s one of the dances that we’ll include in the game.
Producer: Ah, okay, and how will we make money?
Writer: Super easy, barely an inconvenience.
Producer: How come?
Writer: Microtransactions.
Producer: Microtransactions?
Writer*: Yeah, Microtransactions. Players can buy this thing called V-Bucks, which is our in-game currency, to get skins, emotes, and other cosmetic items.
Producer: So, none of these items give players a competitive advantage?
Writer: Nope, just cosmetics.
Producer: And people will spend real money on that?
Writer: Oh, they definitely will.
Producer: How are you so sure?
Writer: Because we’ll make it really cool and hard to resist. Plus, we'll create this thing called FOMO.
Producer: FOMO?
Writer: Fear of Missing Out. We’ll have limited-time items so players feel pressured to buy them before they're gone.
Producer: So, we’re going to exploit psychological weaknesses?
Writer: Oh, for sure.
Producer: Exploiting psychological weaknesses is tight! So, how will players get to the Island?
Writer: They’ll skydive from a flying bus.
Producer: A flying bus?
Writer: Yeah, we’ll call it the Battle Bus.
Producer: Why would a bus be flying?
Writer: Because it's fun.
Producer: But How does it fly tho?
Writer: Listen, sir, i'm gonna need you to get all the way off my back about why the Battle Bus can fly using a very big sketchy pop-able baloon but only moves one direction, okay.
Producer: Okay, let me get off of that thing.
Writer: Oh, and every few minutes, a storm will shrink the play area, forcing players into a smaller and smaller circle until one player remains.
Producer: Why would a storm do that?
Writer: To make the game faster and more intense.
Producer: But thats not--- never mind.
Writer: And we’ll have different game modes, including solo, duo, and squads, so players can team up with friends.
Producer: What if players don’t have friends?
Writer: Then they’ll be loners. Solo mode is perfect for that.
Producer: And how will we keep the game fresh?
Writer: We'll have seasonal updates with new themes, items, and challenges.
Producer: Seasonal updates?
Writer: Plus, we’ll add crossover events with popular franchises from all our child hoods we can think off.
Producer: Like what?
Writer: Well, i'm just gonna throw some names out there, just top of my head, *Marvel, Star Wars, DC, Avatar, Family Guy, TMNT, POTC, Rick and Morty, and a Whole bunch of other stuff.
Producer: So, we’re going to have superheroes and nerds fighting each other in a game where you can build forts and dance?
Writer: Exactly.
Producer: That sounds amazing!
Writer: Oh, it’s going to be super amazing.
Producer: And that's Fortnite. So, what do you think?
Writer: I think we’ll make billions.
Producer: We're gonna be rich!
Producer: Wow, wow, wow. Wow.
Producer: But wait, you forgot to say what’s the story behind this game?
Writer: Oh, right, well, the island is constantly changing and evolving. At first, there isn't much backstory, only younger and older players ACTIVELY hunting each other down and killing each other, but over time, we introduce a series of events and lore that shape the game's world.
Producer: Interesting. What kind of events and lore are we talking about?
Writer: Well, Each season, we add new story elements to the game. For example, there's this mysterious organization called "The Imagined Order" that's manipulating the island. Players uncover clues and secrets about them as the game progresses.
Producer: So, there are hidden stories and mysteries?
Writer: Exactly. One season, we had a massive meteor strike that changed the landscape. Another season, a giant iceberg crashed into the island, bringing new areas to explore. We also introduced a volcanic eruption that altered the terrain significantly.
Producer: Sounds like a lot of natural disasters.
Writer: Ye ye ye. But all these events tie into the overarching narrative. There's this powerful artifact called the Zero Point at the center of the island, and it's the source of all these changes.
Producer: What’s the Zero Point?
Writer: It's a mysterious energy source that can manipulate time and space. Different factions and characters try to control it, leading to conflicts and alliances.
Producer: Who are these characters?
Writer: We've introduced various characters over time, like Jonesy, who starts as a standard avatar but becomes central to the story. He’s sort of the player’s guide and gets involved in all the major events.
Producer: And these characters, they have backstories?
Writer: Yes, each character has their own backstory and motives. Some are heroes trying to save the island, others are villains seeking power. We add new characters regularly to keep things fresh and engaging.
Producer: How do players learn about all this?
Writer: Through in-game events, cutscenes, and quests. For instance, we might have a live event where something dramatic happens, like a giant robot fighting a monster. These events often change the map and advance the storyline.
Producer: Live events? How do those work?
Writer: At specific times, we host live events where players can participate or just watch something big unfold. These events are usually massive, with millions of players logging in to witness them.
Producer: That sounds like a logistical nightmare.
Writer: It can be, but it creates a shared experience that players love. It's a huge part of what keeps the community engaged.
Producer: So, the story is dynamic and ever-changing?
Writer: Exactly. We keep evolving the narrative with each season, adding new mysteries and plot twists. It's like an ongoing TV show where the players are part of the story.
Producer: And this keeps players coming back?
Writer: Absolutely. The evolving story and frequent updates make sure there's always something new to discover and experience.
Producer: Sounds like you’ve thought of everything.
Writer: We’ve tried to make it as immersive and engaging as possible. The story is just one part of what makes Fortnite a unique and exciting game.
Producer: Well, I’m sold. Let’s make this game!
submitted by NikolaiOlsen to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]
