Diy ground loop isolators

2013 Moore Tornado 280mph Measured Winds From Mobile Radar

2024.05.13 22:43 Nick481 2013 Moore Tornado 280mph Measured Winds From Mobile Radar

2013 Moore Tornado 280mph Measured Winds From Mobile Radar
I may be misinterpreting the data, but I see in the Kurdzo et al. paper from 2015 (High-Temporal Resolution Polarimetric X-Band Doppler Radar Observations of the 20 May 2013 Moore, Oklahoma, Tornado) there were delta v's of ~125m/s (~280mph) measured at heights below 500m during the same time it was producing its EF-5 damage, which puts it right up there with the highest winds ever quantitatively measured and not far off the classic examples of 1999 Bridge Creek, 2011 El Reno, and 2013 El Reno:
submitted by Nick481 to tornado [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:29 goodnewsjimdotcom GAME RELEASE! Starfighter General first official lasting MMO patch. Space is boring, so you must design around making it fun, and all good mmos now are designed around end game.

A video of some random game play:

If you want to jump in and play:

I'm trying to make the spiritual successor to Xwing for 90s DOS everyone craved, but Lucas Arts never delivered. I was also inspired by Wing Commander Privateer who's title led me to imagining building a giant fleet by buying more and more ships and making friends.
It has a bunch of bugs but these will be fixed in a week or two. It's still pretty fun and a base by which a HUGE HUGE potential WOW killer will be made on. fairly long patch notes of a subset of what I plan on doing in the future are at the bottom.

My take Diablo2 skill tree/Path of Exile Talent tree: Very pretty to watch.

I'm exhausted... I spent close to a year on this patch... And the last 3 months was nothing but sleep, code, sleep, code, body necessities, balanced against being stress sick, normal sick, and trying not to break down due to being isolated non stop working... About 2000 hours in this patch alone, on top of 10,000 hours in the past 6 years before that, and I use an anthology of game resources that took me 20,000 hours to make. There's some bugs due to Unity compiling standalone improper from editor, but they'll be fixed, as well as the story line not in... It's a spoiler, but people say my SCI FI is better than any scifi man's ever written, it's at least good:

Cut scene spoiler of next patch assemble link by hand:

rum /v4tf892-spoiler-female-ai-voice-all-of-starfighter-general-mmo-patch-1-quests.html

-> What's next timelinie

NOTES:COMING SOON, AND FORECAST->Story missions non stop, techs around em, story's awesome!

Future Patches ->Non Stop Missions in Star System Sol until that story arc panned out and the next enters.
->Bounty System:Allows Player vs Player... Except people who don't want to be doing PVP will get insurance refund money of damages if/when the offending player pays up or gets captured as Bounty.
->70,000ish star stystems per core, 24 cores to dive.
->Warp drive lets you see actual stars warp by you that exist, aim for the star you want to explore, hit warp.
->Space Opera of partially Ai driven, partially Next Gen personality Memento system to have realistic aliens who grudge match you or befriend you.
->Unlimited player MMO
->Fleet building and Fleet Destroying, soft perma death hardcore means its a thrill of the rise and thrill of fall, rinse and repeat! Aim for higher personal bests of fleet sizes
-> Star System capture, control, taxing, law imposing. People can challenge to take over your star in an 2 hour window where your friends are on... If they're not on, AI will use their craft. So build big alleginances for star control power.
->Better UI hull/shields/armoetc such as NES style Brick Icons for stats ->Transfer between shields/thrusteweapons power
->more sanity loss special effects
->Better targetting
->Multi Targetting of friend/foe/neutral/quest...
->Fleet General Commands to allies of flight style: ie defend me, skirmish(fight optimally), attack target, bomb target, evasive manuevars, flee(rout) ta
->Weapon escalation: I) rockets/homing missile/cluster rockets, rocket spam mitigated by chaff, ECM, or a bold force shield ejection II) Lasers will always hit, and heat up your ship, so you're encouraged to rotate your ship's sides to absorb heat in multiple places. III) Bombs you need to travel in a straight line without much damage for 7 seconds ->very long range for shelling bases out of turret range IV) Rail Gun V) Destroyers/Capital Ships VI)
->Bounty Combat PVP system
->Magic enabled
->Cockpit overlays
->Custom Attribute Allocation to stats you prefer from leveling up.
->96 most bilious bosses
->More Galactic News Network tickers
->Enable reduction in manueverability based on encumberance, volume limit of cargo
->Crafting based on real world Molecular structures, make materials out of periodic chart elements, and use those materials to make gears, levers, switches, interchangeable parts of a variety of styles. .Hopefully this becomes educational to people entering Chemistry Class later and beneficial to humanity.
->Favorite foods, drink, sanity preservation
->Elaborate 16 supernatural elemental magic systems
->traders and galactic encounters randomly, get cosmos gems to access untold areas, maps of places no one can get to...
->Secret, get ingame podcasts when available by hitting alt+p, ALT+P AGAIN CYCLES THROUGH THEM, CTRL+P CLOSES EM,
-Memento system
-Scientific items system elaborations evident
-power recover of various systems rates, shots costing powers
-Allegiance & Dark Allegiance system where by helping others or the illusion of helping them raises your power, fame, and status in the Galaxy.
-Live Omnipotent roleplay
--MMO Mode leaderboards such as EXP
--More enemies with fun catch phrases?
--what ASPECTS DO YOU WANT WORKED ON MORE? Send ideas and buy triderium. Forums or email is cool.
--multi drops, more rares, uncommons
--more advanced inventory->Scroll deeper, limited by volume, weight slows your thrust + adds collision damage & kickback, sort with different filters, better descriprtion, items catch on fire in inventory, emit toxic gases, melt, get destroyed by oncoming heat attacks or collisions
--Ability to dimensionally recover items picked up previous session... You have em saved on server, just can't see when you load until next patch.... Use upgrades when you got em!
-Conquer Stars and setting taxes and laws
-story history replay dialogue
-more achievements
-Asteroids properly breakinto more than oen
-Give android race an android sounding voice
--Three forms of Ground Combat: GROUND COMBAT FORM I) One is a classical First Person Shooter (FPS) with vehicles.
GROUND COMBAT FORM II) One is tactical Real Time Turn Based Game(RTTG) from top down, almost isometric. RTTG will give you the feel of a classic orthogonic chess like game with cover, vision and such, yet everyone plays at the same time. RTTG mode happens when you enter populated towns, not because the server can't handle infinite players in a small zone, but because it feels more intense when any action and fight can start from the shadows. Movement is freer and faster when no one has fights going on nearby.
GROUND COMBAT FORM III)One is a 3d Fighter Game you'd see in Arcades from the 90s, but with the ability to change targets.
Starfighter General is the Everything Game. And it's for real. Let me know what you want me to dev next. Virtual Goods buys lets me sub contract parts out to make the game faster. Talk about what you want, and if you got the money, be a driver, push this game's development faster. I'm a 64x coder, people who meet me don't believe people like me exist, so I get things done... I just have literally 0$ funding at the moment. You'll see things in Starfighter General you thought were impossible and things never done before... Be a believer, or heck, just play and enjoy.
KNOWN BUGS: 1) Iron ore is called a book 2) Collision detection on giant space ships is clunky and can be very annoying if you get close 3) Vision obscuring of mesh fog in junk yard 4) Laser angle not straight 5) TEXT RENDDER DEPTH of chatting aliens, or targetting computer needs fixed so always visible.
Enable Prime Skils(21):
Attribute is the attribute that influences the skill, Min Int is the minimum intelligence to acquire skill, skill point costs is the number of skill points required (each intelligence you get 1 point), and the name, well, that's the Name:
Mining ships, transport friggates, shipping containers, tugs, destroyers, capital ships, limi
Closing about determination and the long play... If you're of meager means like myself... You can enjoy the challenge MMODE over the long haul... Always getting stronger, never weaker, the ship upgrades, your level, your ascended masteries, your money, your credits, and most of all your own skill level and reflexes that you don't notice but is always increasing.
Name:"Munitions Motorhead" //assault damages Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Fleet Architect" //general gains to larger fleet Attribute:intelligence MinInt:13 PointCost:10
Name:"Quarry Champion" //mining bonuses Attribute:intelligence MinInt:9 PointCost:6
Name:"Pet Sympahthyry" //charm pets, higher battlemon fight with you, higher morale, Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:5
Name:"Merchant Maestro" //merchant Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Diplomatic Impunity" //diplomat Attribute:charm MinInt:12 PointCost:4
Name:"Space Speed Ace" //go fast Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Universal Researcher" //science-shield Attribute:intelligence MinInt:16 PointCost:5
Name:"Intruder Adept" //sneaky Attribute:stealth MinInt:11 PointCost:3
Name:"Astro Archaelogist" //relic finder Attribute:intelligence MinInt:12 PointCost:4
Name:"Midnight Star Drifter" //preserver of self Attribute:agility MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Mixmaster Mechanologist" //crafter Attribute:intelligence MinInt:15 PointCost:6
Name:"Celestial Trailblazer" //explorer Attribute:intelligence MinInt:9 PointCost:2
Name:"Gangster of Smug" //running contraban, con artist Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Cuthroat of the Constellation" //assassin +crit hit Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:6
Name:"Seeker of Destiny" //find magic, starts weak due to 10 missing Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:10
Name:"Wing Broman" //buffs//alliance//loyalty Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Dimensional Void Shifter" //cult of the cloak, friends up phantasms dimensionally more Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:5
Name:"Racing Destruction Vet" //Ex destruction derby guy Ram Offense/Defense Attribute:endurance MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Motley Steward" //Friends with Disgraces in Underground Places...Rowdy good for nothin but keeping company with other rowdy good for nothins:+Hires +Recruit enemy Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Trash Baron" //+1 tractor beam lolz extra drops Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Enable Flex s(66)
Name:"Combat" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Electronics" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:13 PointCost:3
Name:"Cyborgs" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:4
Name:"First Aid" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:9 PointCost:3
Name:"Surgeon" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:8
Name:"Androids" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:4
Name:"Weapon:Plasma Bolts" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Greater Reasoning" //core Attribute:intelligence //order MinInt:9 PointCost:1
Name:"Decipher Codes" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:12 PointCost:1
Name:"Martial Arts" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Chemistry" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:5 PointCost:3
Name:"Forage" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:1
:Name:"Quick Draw" //core Attribute:dexterity //blade MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Taunt" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Annoy & Pester" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Lie" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Politics" Attribute:charm MinInt:12 PointCost:3
Name:"Disguise" Attribute:stealth MinInt:9 PointCost:2
Name:"Critical Hit" //core Attribute:luck //chaos MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Atomic Energy" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:18 PointCost:4
Name:"Pulse Engineering" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:16 PointCost:4
Name:"Fly Aircraft" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Drive" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Pilot Shuttle" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:12 PointCost:3
Name:"Read Instruments" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Navigate" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Remember" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Pick Lock" Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Ambidexterity" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Pick Pocket" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Distract" Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Explosives" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Construct Trap" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Fire Artillery" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Fortitude" //core Attribute:endurance //body MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Interrogate" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Law" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:13 PointCost:2
Name:"Popularity" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Confidentiality" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Sport" Attribute:agility MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Facilitate" Attribute:luck MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Gamble" Attribute:luck MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Cheat" Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Deceive" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Intimidate" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Space Craft Repair" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:14 PointCost:2
Name:"Aircraft Repair" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Automotive Repair" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Labor" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Advanced Mathematics" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:12 PointCost:1
Name:"Detective" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Perception" //core Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Soliciting" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Rapid Fire" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Safe Crack" Attribute:stealth MinInt:9 PointCost:3
Name:"Auto Mechanic" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Investigate" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Forensics" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:13 PointCost:3
Name:"Survival" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Lore" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Butt Kiss" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Insult" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Hardware" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Bureaucracy" Attribute:charm MinInt:9 PointCost:1
Name:"Leadership" //CORE Attribute:strength //earth MinInt:13 PointCost:4
Name:"Solicitating" //core Attribute:charm //storm MinInt:7 PointCost:1
Name:"Negotiation" Attribute:charm MinInt:14 PointCost:3
Name:"Vetinarian" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:13 PointCost:3
Name:"Junkyarder" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Tactical Analysis" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Resourceful Mining" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Evasive Manuevars" //core Attribute:agility //water MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Nanotech Engineering" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:4
Name:"Astrobiology" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:3
Name:"Metallurgy" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:14 PointCost:3
Name:"Infiltrator" Attribute:stealth MinInt:14 PointCost:4
Name:"Stealth Ops" //core Attribute:stealth //dark MinInt:9 PointCost:2
Name:"Tough Grit" //core Attribute:willpower //fire MinInt:0 PointCost:2 //LOWER EFFECT OF SANITY HITS, lower hungewater costs lacking/etc
Low coolness Upgrade the targeting computer:3 target classifications:Enemies/Missions/Allies:With allies, you can then send fleet commands to them. Encounter rates-Different random encounters in space
submitted by goodnewsjimdotcom to spacesimgames [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:22 goodnewsjimdotcom Starfighter General official lasting MMO patch, I tried to make space fun.

A video of some random game play:

If you want to jump in and play:

I'm trying to make the spiritual successor to Xwing for 90s DOS everyone craved, but Lucas Arts never delivered. I was also inspired by Wing Commander Privateer who's title led me to imagining building a giant fleet by buying more and more ships and making friends.
It has a bunch of bugs but these will be fixed in a week or two. It's still pretty fun and a base by which a HUGE HUGE potential WOW killer will be made on. fairly long patch notes of a subset of what I plan on doing in the future are at the bottom.

My take Diablo2 skill tree/Path of Exile Talent tree: Very pretty to watch.

I'm exhausted... I spent close to a year on this patch... And the last 3 months was nothing but sleep, code, sleep, code, body necessities, balanced against being stress sick, normal sick, and trying not to break down due to being isolated non stop working... About 2000 hours in this patch alone, on top of 10,000 hours in the past 6 years before that, and I use an anthology of game resources that took me 20,000 hours to make. There's some bugs due to Unity compiling standalone improper from editor, but they'll be fixed, as well as the story line not in... It's a spoiler, but people say my SCI FI is better than any scifi man's ever written, it's at least good:

Cut scene spoiler of next patch assemble link by hand:

rum /v4tf892-spoiler-female-ai-voice-all-of-starfighter-general-mmo-patch-1-quests.html

-> What's next timelinie

NOTES:COMING SOON, AND FORECAST->Story missions non stop, techs around em, story's awesome!

Future Patches ->Non Stop Missions in Star System Sol until that story arc panned out and the next enters.
->Bounty System:Allows Player vs Player... Except people who don't want to be doing PVP will get insurance refund money of damages if/when the offending player pays up or gets captured as Bounty.
->70,000ish star stystems per core, 24 cores to dive.
->Warp drive lets you see actual stars warp by you that exist, aim for the star you want to explore, hit warp.
->Space Opera of partially Ai driven, partially Next Gen personality Memento system to have realistic aliens who grudge match you or befriend you.
->Unlimited player MMO
->Fleet building and Fleet Destroying, soft perma death hardcore means its a thrill of the rise and thrill of fall, rinse and repeat! Aim for higher personal bests of fleet sizes
-> Star System capture, control, taxing, law imposing. People can challenge to take over your star in an 2 hour window where your friends are on... If they're not on, AI will use their craft. So build big alleginances for star control power.
->Better UI hull/shields/armoetc such as NES style Brick Icons for stats ->Transfer between shields/thrusteweapons power
->more sanity loss special effects
->Better targetting
->Multi Targetting of friend/foe/neutral/quest...
->Fleet General Commands to allies of flight style: ie defend me, skirmish(fight optimally), attack target, bomb target, evasive manuevars, flee(rout) ta
->Weapon escalation: I) rockets/homing missile/cluster rockets, rocket spam mitigated by chaff, ECM, or a bold force shield ejection II) Lasers will always hit, and heat up your ship, so you're encouraged to rotate your ship's sides to absorb heat in multiple places. III) Bombs you need to travel in a straight line without much damage for 7 seconds ->very long range for shelling bases out of turret range IV) Rail Gun V) Destroyers/Capital Ships VI)
->Bounty Combat PVP system
->Magic enabled
->Cockpit overlays
->Custom Attribute Allocation to stats you prefer from leveling up.
->96 most bilious bosses
->More Galactic News Network tickers
->Enable reduction in manueverability based on encumberance, volume limit of cargo
->Crafting based on real world Molecular structures, make materials out of periodic chart elements, and use those materials to make gears, levers, switches, interchangeable parts of a variety of styles. .Hopefully this becomes educational to people entering Chemistry Class later and beneficial to humanity.
->Favorite foods, drink, sanity preservation
->Elaborate 16 supernatural elemental magic systems
->traders and galactic encounters randomly, get cosmos gems to access untold areas, maps of places no one can get to...
->Secret, get ingame podcasts when available by hitting alt+p, ALT+P AGAIN CYCLES THROUGH THEM, CTRL+P CLOSES EM,
-Memento system
-Scientific items system elaborations evident
-power recover of various systems rates, shots costing powers
-Allegiance & Dark Allegiance system where by helping others or the illusion of helping them raises your power, fame, and status in the Galaxy.
-Live Omnipotent roleplay
--MMO Mode leaderboards such as EXP
--More enemies with fun catch phrases?
--what ASPECTS DO YOU WANT WORKED ON MORE? Send ideas and buy triderium. Forums or email is cool.
--multi drops, more rares, uncommons
--more advanced inventory->Scroll deeper, limited by volume, weight slows your thrust + adds collision damage & kickback, sort with different filters, better descriprtion, items catch on fire in inventory, emit toxic gases, melt, get destroyed by oncoming heat attacks or collisions
--Ability to dimensionally recover items picked up previous session... You have em saved on server, just can't see when you load until next patch.... Use upgrades when you got em!
-Conquer Stars and setting taxes and laws
-story history replay dialogue
-more achievements
-Asteroids properly breakinto more than oen
-Give android race an android sounding voice
--Three forms of Ground Combat: GROUND COMBAT FORM I) One is a classical First Person Shooter (FPS) with vehicles.
GROUND COMBAT FORM II) One is tactical Real Time Turn Based Game(RTTG) from top down, almost isometric. RTTG will give you the feel of a classic orthogonic chess like game with cover, vision and such, yet everyone plays at the same time. RTTG mode happens when you enter populated towns, not because the server can't handle infinite players in a small zone, but because it feels more intense when any action and fight can start from the shadows. Movement is freer and faster when no one has fights going on nearby.
GROUND COMBAT FORM III)One is a 3d Fighter Game you'd see in Arcades from the 90s, but with the ability to change targets.
Starfighter General is the Everything Game. And it's for real. Let me know what you want me to dev next. Virtual Goods buys lets me sub contract parts out to make the game faster. Talk about what you want, and if you got the money, be a driver, push this game's development faster. I'm a 64x coder, people who meet me don't believe people like me exist, so I get things done... I just have literally 0$ funding at the moment. You'll see things in Starfighter General you thought were impossible and things never done before... Be a believer, or heck, just play and enjoy.
KNOWN BUGS: 1) Iron ore is called a book 2) Collision detection on giant space ships is clunky and can be very annoying if you get close 3) Vision obscuring of mesh fog in junk yard 4) Laser angle not straight 5) TEXT RENDDER DEPTH of chatting aliens, or targetting computer needs fixed so always visible.
Enable Prime Skils(21):
Attribute is the attribute that influences the skill, Min Int is the minimum intelligence to acquire skill, skill point costs is the number of skill points required (each intelligence you get 1 point), and the name, well, that's the Name:
Mining ships, transport friggates, shipping containers, tugs, destroyers, capital ships, limi
Closing about determination and the long play... If you're of meager means like myself... You can enjoy the challenge MMODE over the long haul... Always getting stronger, never weaker, the ship upgrades, your level, your ascended masteries, your money, your credits, and most of all your own skill level and reflexes that you don't notice but is always increasing.
Name:"Munitions Motorhead" //assault damages Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Fleet Architect" //general gains to larger fleet Attribute:intelligence MinInt:13 PointCost:10
Name:"Quarry Champion" //mining bonuses Attribute:intelligence MinInt:9 PointCost:6
Name:"Pet Sympahthyry" //charm pets, higher battlemon fight with you, higher morale, Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:5
Name:"Merchant Maestro" //merchant Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Diplomatic Impunity" //diplomat Attribute:charm MinInt:12 PointCost:4
Name:"Space Speed Ace" //go fast Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Universal Researcher" //science-shield Attribute:intelligence MinInt:16 PointCost:5
Name:"Intruder Adept" //sneaky Attribute:stealth MinInt:11 PointCost:3
Name:"Astro Archaelogist" //relic finder Attribute:intelligence MinInt:12 PointCost:4
Name:"Midnight Star Drifter" //preserver of self Attribute:agility MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Mixmaster Mechanologist" //crafter Attribute:intelligence MinInt:15 PointCost:6
Name:"Celestial Trailblazer" //explorer Attribute:intelligence MinInt:9 PointCost:2
Name:"Gangster of Smug" //running contraban, con artist Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Cuthroat of the Constellation" //assassin +crit hit Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:6
Name:"Seeker of Destiny" //find magic, starts weak due to 10 missing Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:10
Name:"Wing Broman" //buffs//alliance//loyalty Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Dimensional Void Shifter" //cult of the cloak, friends up phantasms dimensionally more Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:5
Name:"Racing Destruction Vet" //Ex destruction derby guy Ram Offense/Defense Attribute:endurance MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Motley Steward" //Friends with Disgraces in Underground Places...Rowdy good for nothin but keeping company with other rowdy good for nothins:+Hires +Recruit enemy Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Trash Baron" //+1 tractor beam lolz extra drops Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Enable Flex s(66)
Name:"Combat" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Electronics" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:13 PointCost:3
Name:"Cyborgs" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:4
Name:"First Aid" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:9 PointCost:3
Name:"Surgeon" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:8
Name:"Androids" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:4
Name:"Weapon:Plasma Bolts" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Greater Reasoning" //core Attribute:intelligence //order MinInt:9 PointCost:1
Name:"Decipher Codes" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:12 PointCost:1
Name:"Martial Arts" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Chemistry" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:5 PointCost:3
Name:"Forage" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:1
:Name:"Quick Draw" //core Attribute:dexterity //blade MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Taunt" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Annoy & Pester" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Lie" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Politics" Attribute:charm MinInt:12 PointCost:3
Name:"Disguise" Attribute:stealth MinInt:9 PointCost:2
Name:"Critical Hit" //core Attribute:luck //chaos MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Atomic Energy" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:18 PointCost:4
Name:"Pulse Engineering" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:16 PointCost:4
Name:"Fly Aircraft" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Drive" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Pilot Shuttle" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:12 PointCost:3
Name:"Read Instruments" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Navigate" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Remember" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Pick Lock" Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Ambidexterity" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:4
Name:"Pick Pocket" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Distract" Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Explosives" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Construct Trap" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Fire Artillery" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Fortitude" //core Attribute:endurance //body MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Interrogate" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Law" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:13 PointCost:2
Name:"Popularity" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Confidentiality" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Sport" Attribute:agility MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Facilitate" Attribute:luck MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Gamble" Attribute:luck MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Cheat" Attribute:stealth MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Deceive" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Intimidate" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Space Craft Repair" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:14 PointCost:2
Name:"Aircraft Repair" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Automotive Repair" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Labor" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Advanced Mathematics" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:12 PointCost:1
Name:"Detective" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Perception" //core Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Soliciting" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Rapid Fire" Attribute:dexterity MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Safe Crack" Attribute:stealth MinInt:9 PointCost:3
Name:"Auto Mechanic" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Investigate" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Forensics" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:13 PointCost:3
Name:"Survival" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Lore" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Butt Kiss" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Insult" Attribute:charm MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Hardware" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:1
Name:"Bureaucracy" Attribute:charm MinInt:9 PointCost:1
Name:"Leadership" //CORE Attribute:strength //earth MinInt:13 PointCost:4
Name:"Solicitating" //core Attribute:charm //storm MinInt:7 PointCost:1
Name:"Negotiation" Attribute:charm MinInt:14 PointCost:3
Name:"Vetinarian" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:13 PointCost:3
Name:"Junkyarder" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Tactical Analysis" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Resourceful Mining" Attribute:wisdom MinInt:0 PointCost:3
Name:"Evasive Manuevars" //core Attribute:agility //water MinInt:0 PointCost:2
Name:"Nanotech Engineering" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:4
Name:"Astrobiology" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:17 PointCost:3
Name:"Metallurgy" Attribute:intelligence MinInt:14 PointCost:3
Name:"Infiltrator" Attribute:stealth MinInt:14 PointCost:4
Name:"Stealth Ops" //core Attribute:stealth //dark MinInt:9 PointCost:2
Name:"Tough Grit" //core Attribute:willpower //fire MinInt:0 PointCost:2 //LOWER EFFECT OF SANITY HITS, lower hungewater costs lacking/etc
Low coolness Upgrade the targeting computer:3 target classifications:Enemies/Missions/Allies:With allies, you can then send fleet commands to them. Encounter rates-Different random encounters in space
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2024.05.13 22:15 BunnyBoiEthos [BB] Bunny's Pokémon Big Brother Finale: CHAMPION ROYALE (The Season)

Beginnings. Illustrious. Vivacious. Monstrous. Scintillating. Star-Studded. Nautical. Creeping. Vainglorious. Luminous. Villainous. Venerable. Exuberant. Esteemed. Legendary…. Epic. Wonderful, Briliant, Victorious, Foundational, Iconic!!! Champions. Sixteen of them. One prize. One Ultimate Champion. Who will beat all other winners and become the ultimate winner themselves? As we get ready to close the curtain one last time on Bunny’s Big Brother, let’s find out who is the Shining Star of our champion cast in Bunny’s Pokémon Big Brother CHAMPION ROYALE!
Season Finale: CHAMPION ROYALE!!!
Meet the Cast:
Season 1 – Lance the Escavalier
Season 2 – Carlos the Pangoro
Season 3 – Nickels the Nickit
Season 4 – Xio the Meowscarada
Season 5 – Selene the Lampent
Season 6 – Candy the Wigglytuff
Season 7 – Splaatz the Stunfisk
Season 8 – Dirk the Kricketune
Season 9 – Echo the Arctibax
Season 10 – Mobee the Bewear
Season 11 – Professor Bane the Crobat
Season 12 – Lisette the Solrock
Season 13 – Maeva the Chimeco
Season 14 – Dayley-Jane the Dewgong
Season 15 – DJ Volt Switch the Emolga
Season 16 – Benedict the Chespin
Intro: We are reporting live at the site of Bunny’s Pokémon Big Brother Finale House! The crowd is thick and loud as fans from all over are excited to watch the sixteen champions enter the house LIVE! We stand in Poketopia, home of the Battle Revolution! The Shining Neon Colloseum, in a penthouse suite in the grand city is where the final bout will begin! Here come the Legendary Sixteen right now!!!! Lance the original winner is so stunning in his armor! Carlos has evolved and looks much tougher. Nickels is strutting in conifdent as ever next to Xio, who looks completely unphased by all of the winners around her! Selene fits right in with the bright lights. Looks like Candy is evolved as well and—OH—she tripped over Splaatz. That’s embarrassing and you can tell she isn’t happy even if she’s putting on a smile. Dirk and Echo are next, both eyeing up the competition already. Echo being evolved now already ups his threat level. Mobee gets an uproarious cheer from the crowd! And WOW the Professor gracefully glides over the crowd! He really did escape capture back in Mazda’s Season. Lisette seems to be meditating and Maeva is pumping herself up. She looks a bit snooty now that we know how she really is but we are eager to see how she plays. Dayley-Jane gets another huge cheer from the crowd. She really is a lovable gal ain’t she? DJ clicks a track on the DJ booth to keep one last song playing but then hops out to join the entourage. She’s still keeping up her day job too, so inspiring! Finally, Benedict walks up. Unlike the others, he looks somber. Wonder what his deal is? Oh well, let’s watch them all compete in the bright stadium for the first HOH!
First HOH: In this bright lights HOH, the houseguests all race to complete a task, with the first to complete it knocking someone out of the running. In the first heat, Maeva clears first and knocks out Bane because he came in second and is a huge comp threat. In the next round, Echo wins and takes out Maeva, who just won. Splaatz wins round three by accident and takes out Day, who was big on his original season. Candy wins next and takes out Nickels. Xio takes out DJ, followed by Benedict winning and immediately knocking Xio out. Candy wins again and takes out Dirk. Echo then wins again to take out Candy before she gets too much momentum. Carlos wins and takes out Lance, Mobee then wins and takes out Carlos, Benedict then wins and takes out Mobee! Splaatz wins again and takes out Selene as she is hiding in the background. Lisette wins the next round to take out Benedict. In the final three, Echo wins again and takes out Lisette, as she did a good job hiding til then. In Splaatz versus Echo, the fish surprisingly keeps up with the dragon and at the last second, takes over?!?!?! Splaatz is the first HOH!
Week 1: Splaatz is very confused how he won that last round but Echo comes up and congratulates him. The two get along well and Splaatz works up the courage to ask to be in an alliance, which the dragon happily agrees. Bane goes to Candy to tell her that the villains need to stick together, she agrees and they grab Maeva. She is initially reluctant, not trusting Bane, but she agrees eventually. Mobee goes to monitor the living room like before and DJ flies up to him. They end up chatting and realize they enjoy each other. At the nomination ceremony, Splaatz has decided to put up DJ and Dirk, saying how he doesn’t want to make too much waves and this seems to be the way to do it best. Dirk is unamused and DJ is frightened. Echo gets suspicious of Bane and shares his thoughts with Nickels, they pull in Carlos to form an anti-villain alliance. Benedict eavesdrops and plans his next move. He goes up to Nickels and makes up how Dirk must be playing the villain this time, because he is acting weird. Nickels considers his approach but ultimately decides to trust him as an alliance member. At the veto, Carlos, Echo, and Mobee all play but it comes down to Carlos and Splaatz. Splaatz ends up winning again but while actually trying and is exuberant! DJ pleads with him but he ultimately keeps his noms the same.
After the veto ceremony, Benedict tells DJ to do as he says and trust him, as Gigi did. She agrees and starts buttering up to the villains. She gets Candy to be even nicer to the house and apologize to Splaatz. She also helps Bane create a new game. Meanwhile, Benedict starts prodding Dirk and Day, causing them to be at odds with each other. Dirk eventually snaps and lashes out at Day, shocking everyone. Maeva can tell something fishy is happening but rolls with it since it is week one. At the eviction ceremony in the glittering colosseum, the two nominees tell why they should stay. Dirk is more bitter while DJ stays heartfelt, convincing everyone but a suspicious Maeva. In the end, by a vote of 12 to 1… Dirk, you have been evicted.
Week 2: The next HOH is a high flying roulette-themed obstacle course, based off of the Neon Colosseum’s roulette rules. DJ and Mobee work together to get to the end but Nickels keeps up with them. In the final stretch, Mobee sees Nickels catching up and throws DJ, giving her just enough of an edge to win the HOH! Nickels and Maeva both approach DJ to tell her their suspicions on Benedict’s behavior. At first, they fight, but realizing they have the same goal causes them to cut it out long enough to tell her. DJ is reluctant but Maeva reminds her how he betrayed Gigi and she is firm. Benedict and Carlos become the nominees. Day, Echo, and Maeva play in the veto and Echo actually manages to come out on top over Day. Echo talks with Nickels about saving Carlos but she is hesitant, telling him that Carlos makes a good pawn next to benedict because everyone likes Carlos. He ends up not using it. During the week, Benedict begins making breakfast early, irritating his roommate Carlos and causing him to be grumpier. Xio confronts Benedict for this, telling him he is purposefully making Carlos mad and it’s brutal. He tells her he doesn’t understand the problem if Carlos doesn’t like breakfast. She sneers but doesn’t have a comeback. The next day, Benedict holds a house meeting. He apologizes if he’s been rubbing people the wrong way but he is just trying to fit in since he is newer. Lisette says that everyone should give him a chance, which the villains, Selene, and Mobee agree with. Echo, Carlos, Nickels, and Maeva are all hesitant. At the eviction ceremony, Carlos is grumpy and bitter and doesn’t do much to defend himself. Benedict, again apologizes. In a 9 to 3 vote… Carlos is evicted.
Week 3: Several house membets are completely shocked by Carlos going home, including HOH DJ and his two allies, Nickels and Echo. Also surprised is Xio. The next HOH is an endurance comp called the floor is lava based off of the Lava Colosseum! Mobee, Splaatz, and Xio are the last three remaining. Knowing she was on the outs of the last vote, Xio fights hard to survive, fighting her pain. Splaatz eventually drops and Mobee remains with Xio. Eventually, Mobee drops and Xio wins! Xio already knows her noms. She puts up Benedict next to Selene, as she was one of the people vouching for him last round. Benedict chooses to stay back and not make too much of a scene this round, lest he blow up his cover. Meanwhile, DJ and Mobee plan how to move forward. Maeva is listening in to this convo and realizes how close they are. At the veto, a mental comp, Selene ends up winning by a landslide, saving herself. Maeva rushes to Xio about the DJ and Mobee situation, and points out how Mobee is a comp threat as well. Xio decides Mobee is a good replacement, as he is likeable and a good pawn next to Benedict. Mobee holds a house meeting and cries during it, thinking he was doing so much better at being friendly this time. Maeva calls him out for his crocodile tears and argues that he is putting on an act. Lisette calls out Maeva for being so harsh and chastises her for being such a villain. Maeva asks her if she is planning on voting for him to stay and she is silent, but says that shouldn’t matter. Maeva retorts and says it’s not jury so jury management doesn’t exist yet. At the eviction, Mobee is shaking next to a smug Benedict. Benedict’s speech touches on how Mobee doesn’t seem ready for the big leagues. The bear gets up angrily and almost picks up Benedict, shocking everyone. He stops himself and realizes what he did. The vote comes in and by a vote of 8 to 3, Mobee, you have been evicted.
Week 4: The next HOH begins as they houseguests must ascend a glimmering rock wall, themed after the Crystal colosseum. Day and Maeva take an early lead but are caught up by falling rocks. Lisette closes the gap and eventually surpasses Maeva. Day and Lisette race for the end and… Lisette win! Lisette in her HOH room ponders about who to put up and ally with. She turns to Xio, Day, and Selene as her allies. The Witch’s Coven, as they call themselves, wants to shift the focus, as Benedict is doing too well at not going home. Instead, Lisette targets Maeva, who is playing sneaky, as well as Benedict’s ally, Echo. Bane laughs at Maeva being on the block and she is enraged with him. He says “it doesn’t matter since it’s not jury yet.” Having her own words turned on her, Maeva storms out and swears she will get revenge on him and Candy. At the POV, the witches’ coven is playing with three members and Xio ends up winning! She chooses to keep the nominations the same. Splaatz goes to Lance to tell him how much it means to be there with one of his heros, but Lance mishears him and calls him out for calling him a rude name. The two get in a petty argument where Lance’s bad hearing keeps making things worse. Meanwhile, Maeva tries to get the vote off of her by spreading anti-Benedict propaganda around the house. Day has a change of heart about this and wants to vote out Echo, even while her alliance is targeting Maeva. Benedict, aware his name is still out there, pleads to DJ not to vote out his ally. At the eviction, Maeva thinks she has done enough work but the vote comes out and is a 5 to 5. The Coven is shocked, one of their own must have flipped. But Lisette gets to break the tie, and is all too happy to evict her target, Maeva.
Week 5: The next HOH is themed after the Sunset colosseum, and sees the houseguests racing to stack piles of rubble. Echo, DJ, and Xio make the highest stack but DJ’s crumbles before the time limit. Both wanting to take control, Echo and Xio try really hard to build the highest. The timer buzzes aaaand Echo is the winner! Benedict instinctively high fives Echo and celebrates with him. Later, Nickels is peeved that Echo is so publicly working with Benedict. Echo tells her she had the opportunity to have a good ally but she chose to burn that bridge and that’s her fault. Offended, she tells him to make that alliance with Benedict work out but she won’t be part of it. Echo is saddened, but doesn’t want to put Nickels up. Instead, he shifts the target to former villains, with Bane being the target and Selene going up next to him. Xio cheers that Selene could be going home, making the Lamp angry at her, since they were supposed to be working together. Benedict goes on to win the veto and vows to Echo not to use it. However, at the veto ceremony, he uses it to save Selene, shocking everyone as he winks at Xio. Echo then solidifies this by putting Xio up. Selene goes to her to tell her she is sorry for their misunderstanding but they work together. Candy turns to Lisette and tells her she is tired of working with Bane and if she helps her get the Professor out this week, she will work with her. Lisette agrees, knowing everyone wants Bane out anyways. At the eviction, Xio seemingly patches things up with everyone. The vote comes in, by a unanimous vote… Bane, you are evicted.
Double Eviction: Surprise! The Jury starts tonight and the next HOH is beginning right now with one more person leaving! A quiz colosseum is held in the Sunset colloseum, with one miss causing someone to be out of the running. It comes down to DJ, Nickels, and Lisette. But Lisette gets the last question right and the other two miss, with Lisette winning her second HOH. Lisette puts up Nickels and Day. Nickels because she is playing a lowkey game but making waves in the Benedict situation. Day because she wavered on her vote for Benedict. She doesn’t put down Benedict as he is good for drama and polarizing the house, which is good for her game. Nickels wins the veto and takes herself off. Lisette decides to put up Splaatz, because she is worried he will fumble his way to the end. Most people seem to share this idea except for Echo, who wants to wotk with Splaatz. The vote comes in. By a vote of 7 to 1… Splaatz, you have been evicted and will be moving into the jury house.
Week 6: The Next HOH begins as a race through the mysterious mansion in the courtyard colosseum. No one can tell where anyone is but Candy comes out first and wins! As HOH, Candy calls in Benedict. She tells him he has been playing a sloppy and obvious villain game and he is gonna get evicted too soon if he doesn’t simmer down and get some real allies. He is shocked and admits he just wants to win. She says they all do and the least they can do is help each other. She says she will help him if he keeps causing more chaos and also gets DJ on their side. He agrees and talks to DJ. The squirrel is hesitant but decides it would be a great way of getting revenge on Benedict if she gets the chance. Candy puts up Lance as the pawn next to her target, Xio, who has been against Benedict’s chaos this whole game. DJ goes on to win the veto and chooses to not give Candy any suspicion by not using it. Meanwhile, the witches coven fractures, with Day not agreeing with Lisette and Xio feeling not supported on the block by Selene. DJ infiltrates this meeting after storms out, telling them about Xio being the real target but she has a plan to keep her without drawing suspicion if they can get Day to play nice. Xio borrows an item from Lisette and breaks it. Lisette then goes to “rant” to Day, who is being nice with her, thinking they both will vote Xio. Echo, meanwhile, confirms his alliance with Benedict, and feels like he is finally gaining more traction. But the house takes this the wrong way. At the eviction, the vote comes in, and by a vote of 4 to 3… Lance, you have been evicted.
Week 7: The next HOH begins, a waterfall diving competition, based off of the Waterfall Colosseum. Whoever makes the biggest splash wins! With her natural watery prowess, Day dives in and wins the HOH! Day is approached in the HOH by Candy and Benedict, who ask her to work with them. DJ sees whats happening and goes back to Lisette and Selene. The two talk and realize that they can’t beat Benedict’s control of the house by just going against him, but they have to work with him. So the three of DJ, Lisette, and Selene enter the HOH “accidentally” and propose the six will control the house. They say they want Echo to go on the block, as he is getting too good at the comps. Benedict is hesitant but Candy nudges him, as secretly this will be great for her game. He agrees and tells Day he won’t be mad if this happens. Echo goes up next to Nickels. The two former allies face off in the veto, both bitterly making jabs at the other for turning on them. It comes down to just the two nominees and… Echo edges her out, winning the veto. Echo saves himself and puts the power in Day’s hands to put up a replacement. Her choice is the person not in her alliance who has made affronts to her, Xio. Lisette has the whole house do tarot readings to ease the tension which goes down well. Lisette gets the Sun, a symbol of positivity and creativity. Benedict draws the Moon, symbolizing Illusion and inner conflict. He shudders when the white moon of the card turns red in his hands. Echo draws the Fool, a card of new beginnings but also endings. Selene draws death, the card of change in the game. Nickels draws the Hermit, a card of isolation and reflection. Candy draws the Lovers, with the card representing connections and pairs, symbolizing her manipulation of Benedict. Day draws Strength, a card of inner strength and Willpower. Xio draws the Tower, representing sudden downfall and incredible sudden changes. She shudders and uses the moment to apologize to everyone, saying she wants to be a beacon of hope but got lost. The house receives this well. Benedict considers flipping to Xio because of her show of faith being bad but Candy reminds him that Xio is on the bottom of the pecking order on that side, likely meaning they don’t even have to take her out. He relents and the eviction goes through. The vote comes in and by a vote of 5 to 1, Nickels you have been evicted.
Week 8: The Next HOH begins in the Sunny Park colosseum, with contestants having to hunt for pellets and use them to knock out targets. DJ and Echo prove the most adept but in a last second victory, Echo wins. Benedict goes to Echo in the HOH but Echo has realized too late that Benedict is working with everybody, even causing him to turn on Nickels. Benedict doesn’t try to hide his smug smirk as he agrees and walks out, daring him to put him on the block. He feels this must be hiding something and starts asking around the house for their opinions. Xio reveals the existence of the Witches Coven, and how they have been together for weeks, including saving her last week. Knowing of this alliance, Echo saves Xio and puts up Selene and Day. At the veto, Selene wins. Selene approaches Echo, telling him she knows of someone playing both sides, revealing DJ trying to play double agent. After she pulls herself off the block, DJ goes up as the replacement. Candy works on ingratiating herself with the outsiders in Xio and Echo, trying to forge paths ahead. But is unsuccessful at breaking Echo. Echo is accosted by DJ for putting her up over Benedict. He asks her to say why she was double crossing and she says its because she was trying to sabotage Benedict. If anything, Day, Selene, and Lisette should be the real double agents. Echo goes to rage to Selene for how she tricked him but she swears it was the truth completely, and he chose to believe it in a negative light, not her. Day joins the fight and lashes out at Xio and Selene for being the reason she is on the block. Lisette stays out of it, knowing the time to jump ship is coming up. At the eviction, Dj and DayJay give their pleas, but the votes are tallied. By a unanimous vote… Dayley-Jane, you have been evicted.
Double Eviction!!: Second double eviction because you know we gotta! The HOH starts with a lightning round of dodgeball on wooden poles. Selene is knocked out first. Then DJ gets knocked out by Candy. Lisette falls off on her own. Xio goes after Benedict but is taken out by Candy. Then Candy expertly dodges and takes out Benedict, winning the HOH. She nominates the two people who are on the bottom of the pecking order, Echo and Xio. The veto plays out with Benedict winning. Echo pleads for Benedict to help him out, as they were friends. Benedict doesn’t even look him in the eye as he chooses to not play the veto. Echo pleads to the voters to let him keep playing and he will take out Benedict, but Lisette and Selene have basically already jumped ship and moved on. The vote comes in, and by a vote of 4 to 0… Echo, you have been evicted.
Week 9: With Six houseguests remaining, they are taken to the Gateway colosseum to have mock Pokemon battles. In the first round, Xio beats Lisette and Selene beats DJ, with Benedict drawing a spot in the top 3. In a first to win two times in a row scenario, Selene beats both and comes out victorious. Selene and Lisette decide that they have to cut ties and work with the more devious players to have a better shot at the end. Selene puts up DJ and Xio, with DJ being the target. Benedict is alone in his room when he hallucinates more blood on his paws. He shouts and Xio comes in to see whats up. She helps him calm down and he realizes he is down a bad path. She helps him calm down and he thanks her, even with him harassing her all game she still helped him. Candy witnesses the two help each other out and is beyond irritated, she goes to Selene, who is still iffy on Xio, to warn her. At the veto, Candy wins it. She takes off DJ and Selene spitefully puts up Benedict, who trembles going to the block. Lisette confronts Selene for making such a rushed decision, as the goal was to keep Benedict and his threat around longer. At the eviction, Benedict argues that he has realizes how the game has changed him and he wants to prove how he changed. Lisette doesn’t believe him but DJ seems to be enamored. The vote comes in, and by a vote of 2 to 1… Xio you have been evicted.
Week 10: Five stars remain and there are five points in the Stars of the Main Street colosseum, where the houseguests go to do a full BPBB quiz! Lisette misses one question and gets behind as the other get ahead. It comes down to a tie-breaker between Dj and Benedict and the winner is… DJ! Benedict goes to apologize to DJ for real and she forgives him, happy to see his true self back again. She feels played by Selene and Candy so they go on the block. Lisette is still suspicious of Benedict and starts watching him for suspicious activity, noticing him look at his paws a lot. She decides to talk to him with the ruse of working together. At the veto, DJ wins again and claims her game, choosing not to use the veto. Realizing the danger they are in, Selene and Candy go to their respective closest allies, Benedict and Lisette. The two touch base with Benedict telling Lisette he is fine voting Candy with her, as he doesn’t want to force DJ to have to break a tie. At the eviction, the votes are read and by a vote of 2 to 0… Selene, you have been evicted. Benedict looks over at Lisette with a shocked look, realizing she caught on to him.
Week 10: As the final HOH starts, the houseguest are in the Stargazer colosseum for an epic triathlon of quizzes, endurance, and races. In the first part, Benedict pulls ahead, with Lisette on his tail. He falls behind in part two, giving Lisette and Candy a chance to catch him. The three are neck and neck in part three but Lisette comes out on top! Benedict goes to Lisette on her HOH to grovel but she stops him, saying she misheard the vote last week and though the vote was for Selene anyways so its good he didn’t make poor DJ break the tie. He feels reassured and goes back out. Lisette puts up DJ and Candy as the nominees. Lisette reassures DJ about how Benedict likes her and she wouldn’t go home. Benedict touches base with Lisette, claiming that he knows DJ has too much social traction and needs to go next because of this. On his way out, Candy enters the room and chats with Lisette. She says that the noms should stay the same so DJ can be evicted for sure this week. Lisette doesn’t trust her and tells her to her face she is no better than Benedict, but is powerless without him. The two stare each other down. At the veto, Lisette wins it, and Benedict sighs a sigh of relief. But Lisette shocks everyone by saving Candy and puts up Benedict. Lisette calls him out for faking his turnaround to play with everyone’s emotions. He breaks down, claiming his intense want, no, NEED to win the game. He can’t get it out of his head and it burdens him with the thoughts of betrayal, including the allies he betrayed this season, with Nickels, Echo, and even Xio who showed him so much kindness leaving because of him. DJ is in tears and even Candy can’t watch. Afterwards, Benedict goes to his only real ally, Candy. He begs her for advice on how to get out of this, as she helped him so much. She looks him in the eye as she tells him that he did this to himself. At the eviction, Candy gets the sole vote to evict and casts it to evict, Benedict.
The Reunion: Folks we are live again right outside the Neon Colosseum for the Finale of Bunny’s Pokémon Big Brother Champion Royale! Our Sixteen winners have been whittled down to three and it is not what we expected at all! In a house where everyone wants to be the biggest truck on the highway, we have three mid-sized sedans who have slipped through the gaps and swept their way to the end. DJ VOLT SWITCH, Elesa’s iconic Emolga who created the jams we are listening to even right now! She plays up her social game very well with honesty and loyalty, but is no slouch in the competitions. Though she has been left out of some secrets in the game, she was well=liked in the house and leveraged her position between alliances to get information! Sweet Candy the Wigglytuff who played Sickly Sweet last but downright Sick this time. She got in close with all of the villains but managed to be the cherry flavored licorice that was easier to manage. She avoided detection aligning with big villain Benedict and hiding behind the scenes of his chaos, even almost controlling his moves at points. The Sunstone herself, LISETTE the Solrock, who foresaw victory once, but is this a double reading? Lisette bided her time throughout the game, getting whatever information she could and waiting to play it until the time was right. She was at the center of multiple alliances but always stayed just far enough away from the drama that no one was even targeting her. The Sun? No Lisette is after The World!
Joining us on stage now are the 9 jurors! Starting with Splaatz—Ope watch your step, you gotta be careful or else you’ll trip. Here comes Lance the OG! Though he is old he is still our knight in shining armor. Nickels struts up so casually ooh lala. Here comes Echo, kind of sheepishly, don’t be shy buddy! Day gracefully swims up on stage, still to audience cheering. Wait, the cheering is getting louder? Oh it’s Xio! She is surprisingly well-received. Selene keeps the applause growing. She seems to be goading the audience on with her behavior, not wanting to stay out of the spotlight hmm. And then—oh wow I can’t hear anything with the thunder of the crowd for… Benedict? Interesting outcome here that our little villain has become a real crowd pleaser. Even as he walks to his seat with his head held low.
The jurors speak with our lovely reporter. Lance speaks about how great it was to come back and how this game is way changed from when he won season 1. Xio and Nickels agree, but they still worked hard to adapt to the changes. Selene scoffs a bit, another early winner, she notes that herself and Candy were very well integrated, they just needed to change their approach. Xio says it was much harder playing from the bottom rather than the top and it was a fight, but she had a ton of fun doing so. Day mentions she felt the same way. A house full of winners is not to be underestimated for a second, as they all could be planning many different things behind each other’s backs. Splaatz is—oh he’s asleep… moving on. Nickels asks Echo about how he changed his game this time, and why he turned on her. He apologizes, saying he was blinded by seeing opportunities with Benedict because he didn’t fight with him, only told him what he wanted to hear. And he realized too late that that was a ruse. She accepts his apologies and all eyes turn to Benedict. He looks up, seemingly just noticing eyes are on him. He looks down at his paws. “All I’ve seen since last season is blood on my paws. The need to win never left me. I had to do it at all cost. I lost myself in that game and resorted to every trick in the book to make the winners trust me. And it worked… but I fell deeper and deeper down the hole. And now, I don’t feel like I deserved to win at all.” Xio jumps up and makes him look up. “You deserved your win as much as we all deserved ours. It’s a game, it doesn’t have to define you. You define you, so get up and prove it.” Benedict is in disbelief that Xio is still defending him. “You hear that crowd? They were entertained, we entertained them! Your devioushness entertained them! You gave them a show by tricking a bunch of winners, so own up to it and be the entertainer we know you are.” He gives off a small, barely noticeable,but definitely real this time, smile. Xio turns to the crowd “ARE YOU GUYS READY FOR OUR FINAL THREE???” The crowd erupts in excitement!! “THEN GET READY BECAUSE HERE THEY ARE!!”
Final HOH Part 1: The HOH opens on top of the rotating Roulette wheel in the Neon Colosseum, with the audience now filled and the three houseguests circling in the middle, holding on for dear life. At the same time, they are throwing dodgeballs at each other. Candy is targeting Lisette out of spite, putting on a performance for the audience about how Lisette is a traitor to their alliance. DJ is caught in the crossfire but expertly dodges. She manages to catch a ball that Candy threw and chucks it back, knocking her out. Lisette smiles at DJ but DJ knows she still has to win. She tells Lisette she is sorry but she is done working with people and has to take her game into her own hands, not relying on others to fail but herself to succeed. Lisette agrees, but she wants to be the one to succeed. Lisette lobs a ball at Dj and knocks her out, winning Part 1.
Final HOH Part 2: Part begins with Candy and DJ on the Rotating Roulette platform again, racing around to land the colored balls in order of the competitions and the winners of each one. DJ takes an early lead, having been very aware of the game the whole beginning. Candy struggles at first but when she catches up to leaving the villains alliance and joining Benedict, she takes off, knowing how well she played Benedict as her own puppet that she controlled votes for that she easily crushes the midgame part. Her lead takes her ahead on time going into the endgame. DJ misses a key vote and has to go back, but Candy remembers who saved Benedict countless times, and gets it right, winning part 2.
Final HOH Part 3: The crowd is in uproars as Candy and Lisette reach the stage for final quiz, again on our roulette platform (we paid a lot of money for that). Each juror question goes by, with Lisette and Candy answering in tandem, Both get question after question correct, eventually reaching the last question about Benedict. The crowd is shocked as they both answer together again and… get it wrong. Well, that’s anticlimactic. Benedict sighs, no one knew his true self. But the tie-breaker is revealed, how many rotations has the rotating platform made? With both answering two numbers away from each other, Candy goes just over, eliminating her, and crowning Lisette the final HOH. Lisette has both DJ and Candy in front of her. She doesn’t say much but looks at them. She says that DJ played an impeccable social game and is incredibly loved by the fans and the house. Candy, meanwhile, played a strategic game and almost fooled her a couple times. She turns to Candy “I made a gamble with bringing a social threat to the end before with Amni, but not this time. Candy, let’s give em a show.” And casts her vote to evict DJ.
The Jury Questioning: DJ isn’t shocked, she did a lot this time around and knew she made herself a bigger threat. She exits the house and gets cheers from the audience! She hops to the DJ booth and begins playing the final epic track for the showdown between Candy and Lisette. Both have been in this position before in the final 2 and both have won, but now, only one can become a two-time winner and be crowned the ultimate Champion! Lisette opens with her speech first. She pitches her game strong, how she gravitated towards groups in the early game without committing too strongly, so she didn’t go down with the ship. She still managed to control so many votes in the house by having reach with her Witches Coven and eventually jumping ship and siding with Benedict, as she knew he was under Candy’s thumb and she could infiltrate that alliance to get to the end and destroy it. The jury is impressed by her showing and all eyes turn to Candy. Candy starts saying how she knew her game was already known going into the house and she had to play different. Her main strategy was to fall into the background and connect with the players playing sloppier than her so she could be the puppetmaster and sneak to the end. And for her, that was found in Benedict, who she found it very easy to manipulate. She is the villain they all knew she was but she wasn’t targeted because of her great strategy. She saved Benedict’s game and carried him to the end so that she could have a guaranteed extra life in the endgame with him. Murmurs arise from the jury, Benedict looks incredibly hurt. Xio asks Candy what her biggest move was outside of controlling Benedict. Candy says that she made sure that the villains she worked with got cut before she could get too powerful, even working with Lisette to get out Bane and Maeva. DJ gets up from the booth and asks Lisette why she went to the end with Candy instead of her if she thought Candy was going to be tougher. Lisette clarifies that she thought Candy would be good at explaining her game, but she knows not to rely on other’s failing but on herself to succeed, and DJ has a great story and was well-loved and if she wanted to win, she had to cut DJ and masterfully explain her game to the jury. Benedict finally speaks up to ask Candy if he meant anything to her at all throughout the game. She hesitates, caught off guard, before replying in all honesty that, she wanted to mentor him to be a better player. He says he did well enough for making it to the end twice and didn’t need her to do all that. In their final speeches, Candy says that she used other people as her pawns and navigated a really good game to make it to the end hidden amongst the other players. Lisette says that she played a perfect game, not even touching the block and noting that she has not received a vote against her in either of her games, this one being perfect. She finishes by saying how she played more up front and aggressive to counter the sneakier players of the season and did not back down from the threats that all the winners possessed. The jury is impressed and goes to cast their votes.
Jury Voting: Splaatz says he had a fun time playing again and wants to vote for someone who played really good, even showing him more how to play. Lance says that while some people are old school, some people are REALLY old school, but can still play with the best of the best and be even better. Nickels says she is honored to be in the winners season but one winner played like how she thinks a winner should. Day says she worked with both finalists, but she always felt the house pulling towards one player, as the sun has a lot of gravity and control over the tides. Echo says point blank that he felt the manipulation from both sides, but one felt malicious, and another felt like game, and he knows which he respects more. Xio says that some lines shouldn’t be crossed. Selene says that she was honored to be so thoroughly outplayed, turning from the Queen to the Pawn who was merely a stepping stone in someone elses game, it was thrilling. Benedict silently casts his vote. DJ cues the final tune before hopping down with her vote, saying that it should be obvious. The votes come in… by a vote of 9 to 0… the winner is…
Winner: Lisette!
Runner-Up: Candy!
Confetti cannons and flamethrowers start lighting up the sky with neon streams shining bright all over the sky! Though it is the dead of night, it is as bright as the sun, and Lisette is feeling absolutely radiant. Candy sits in shock, in disbelief. Lisette throws her the Lovers card again. “You misread it the first time so maybe you can learn before you try to tell the fortune teller what her fortune is.” Candy throws the card on the ground in anger and pouts. The jurors go and cheer for Lisette, the ultimate champion and two time winner, STILL having never received a single vote to evict in two entire seasons. The fan favorite vote comes in and… IT’S A TIE???
Fan Favorites: Benedict and Xio!!!
Benedict goes up to Candy, still fuming, and looks her in the eyes. “You know what, you really did teach me something. You taught me that some people never change, but I don’t have to be one of them.” Xio comes up and takes Benedict back to the celebration, sticking her tongue out at Candy as she leaves. The party goes through the night. The sun eventually rises, as Lisette has risen to the top of the competition, as this era of Bunny’s Pokemon Big Brother has come to an end.
My Thoughts: I enjoyed this season a lot. It kept me on the edge as the winners played their games again, some way better than others. Gameplay-wise, I think I preferred last season but I think it’s more so because of the subtle moves made in the dark as no one wanted to be too big of a target. The villains ended up flopping early, which kind of was to be expected, given that everyone else is a relaly smart player to have won. Candy surprised me this time, sneaking in to take over Benedict, being a key player in his storyline, even a bigger villain than he tried to be. It really helped me tie up the storyline really well and I like how it happened. She also played a stellar game again, controlling things from the chaos in the shadows. The other side of the house was not slouching though. Lisette, Selene, Xio, and Day all played smart games, not committing too much to each other but still working well enough to not crumble. Lisette as a winner for this season is great! She put in work to keep her position, as it was in danger of falling apart so much. She leveraged every ally she had and every competition she had to get forward every week. And it worked as she got to the end without hitting the block AGAIN and played a PERFECT game, not receiving a single vote to evict and getting every vote to win. She did that in a winner season too, ultimate winner for sure!
So whats next? Well... that's the end. I knew since the beginning that Season 17 would be the end but it coming up still feels so weird. I am about to start a busy summer and don't have as much time for all of my hobbies but I still feel sad finishing this series. I think I am going to make a series epilogue soon so stay tuned for that but... otherwise that's it. I thank you all again so much for sticking with me the whole time, it's been a wonderful journey!
submitted by BunnyBoiEthos to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:55 huskerd0 balance unbalance iems

Got plenty of cans and amps, considering an iem or too

Are basically all of these "balanced" or what? I imagine they virtually all have isolated ground lines by virtue of their size and configuration but I suppose they might not have a connector for that, depending
submitted by huskerd0 to headphones [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:49 BAZAPS Is there a way to get "layers" of 2D z-indexes?

I'm making a top-down 2D tower defense game heavily inspired by Bloons, and while my towers and enemies function well enough, My explosions and projectiles are often being drawn underneath the enemies, which end up covering most of the effects and sprites.
The main source of the problem is how I handle the z-indexes of enemies. Each wave, I have every enemy's z-index increased by one, so the newer enemies draw above the older ones (new waves reset back to z-1). However, this has enemies consistently drawing above other sprites after a certain point, including towers, projectiles, explosions, etc., so it would really be helpful to me if there was a way I could have "layers" of z-indexes.
The effect I want:
After some research, I've seen a few options (GPT was no help):
Something to note: I don't know if it matters, but the map contains a Path2D as the route, and enemies are made of PathFollow2Ds with a CharacterBody2D inside. A spawner spawns them on the path.
Sorry if this question is kinda stupid or simple, I'm new to Godot and this is my first game (that's not a tutorial).
Has anyone making a tower defense (or any other) game come up against this problem before? Is the solution in the list? Or is it something else? Any advice or help would be great, especially if you've dealt with this kind of thing, but I'll listen to most anything because this has me absolutely stumped. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
tldr; i want new enemies to draw on top of old ones, but i want explosions and stuff to draw on top of all enemies
submitted by BAZAPS to godot [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:27 KennaRaven Weirdest path to City of Tears

So I'm doing a randomiser after getting 100% achievements and I've had the absolute strangest path.
My spawn point was in fungal wastes, but the only place I could get to was Queens Station. I jumped up to green path but couldn't get to FC because the baldur was still alive.
I got every check I could, and unlocked the Dirtmouth Stag. Travelled there only to find the door was locked, but the pickup in the room was the FC stag. Weird.
I travelled to FC and looped around there and got the lumafly lantern and monarch wings, so I headed up to Crystal Peak through the dark room. I got left crystal dash, which let me go and check kings pass and howling cliffs, but I didn't get any more movement.
I checked all of fungal and couldn't get to city, I don't have dive to get there via resting grounds, and even if I did I don't have resting grounds, and I don't have city crest to get there via the normal route.
In fungal, I found the tram pass. Oh no.
My route to city of tears is to beat mantis lords, drop into deepnest, get down to the tram station, skip basin and get to kingdoms edge, and then swim under the gap to Kings Station. One problem, I don't have swim.
Swim is found in the fungal wastes, on a lore tablet. So somewhere in the mess of hallownest is a charm that'll let me read some more to unlock swim so I get access to city of tears.
This game man, I love it. Even with all the skips and pogos, I can't get to city of tears. I'm gonna have to explore basically all of deepnest, basin, hive, and kingdoms edge to get Spore Shroom. Knowing my luck it'll be behind colo 3 and I won't have any nail damage to do it with.
(I left out a little bit of exploring queens gardens or dog canyon because it's basically useless so far. I havent got cloak, left claw, right super, dive, ismas, or elevator pass)
submitted by KennaRaven to HollowKnight [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:07 jeweliegb How to confirm a device to be tested is floating?

I want to look at the (electrical noise) of the PWM supply to the fan in my linear mode bench top PSU (a Korad KA3003.)
I've every reason to think it's galvanically isolated (linear, big transformer, looks to be isolated, earth socket is a separate pin to the -/+ out etc) however, I don't want to visit old mother cockup unnecessarily and then realize why it wasn't actually floating after the fact...
... But I feel there's going to be some gotchas here and I don't want to break my PSU because of I've.
If I simply measure the Vac between the fan supply -ve and scope/mains ground, I'm still going to see a voltage on there because of the EMI y-cap?
So, before drag the fan's negative to earth and discover it wasn't actually floating...
... How can I check?
submitted by jeweliegb to oscilloscope [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:19 ikieneng My fanfiction - Episode 2

My fanfiction - Episode 2
The next part is here! This episode is actually so long that I'm going to split it, so today, you're only getting part 1 of 3.
DISCLAIMERS (the same ones as before)
The point of this fanfiction is not to be a straight-up continuation of events with the same themes, intensity, and tone. If you go into it with those expectations, you are probably not going to like it. Rather, it’s supposed to be how I wish things went if these events were real life. The resolution you want for a real-life situation isn’t often the right choice for a show, but it can be incredibly beautiful. Think of what you’re about to read to be a separate show then.
Episode 1 of this fanfiction begins after the episode “2:00” (season 2 episode 4), so it replaces the episode “Cake” and the ones that follow it. This fanfiction expects you to have seen the entirety of seasons 1 and 2, so you should watch those first.
I myself bursting into the story here. The narrator and me are the same. While my character is like 95% real me, don’t take events about my life described here as facts. Some aspects of my life have been changed for the story. In my head, I started writing like an “alternate me” character in 2016, fulfilling a lot of the things that I wish I had in life, adding that to my story. I’m not really from Ukraine. I speak fluent Ukrainian as a foreign language, I started learning it in 2014, and I’ve talked to tons of people from there, but I’m not from Ukraine. I also don’t have as much money as I do in the story. I wish lmao.
If you want to post your own fanfiction, feel free to do so! To get your own post flair for your fanfic, and to appear in the side bar, please message me.
Part 1 (day 1)
So I'd be scheduled to work with Sean in the kitchen again, maybe a few days later, and Leanne would be "allowed" out of the attic again and have some time in the kitchen with me, like with Tobe in the real show (which Dorothy only started to allow because her strategy of pure torture and isolation wasn't working...). Julian would be there to watch us while Dorothy is at work (it would be around 10-11 AM) and Sean is shopping for new parts for the dishwasher.
This time, we’d be told to cook something for Sean, following his recipe, maybe filling squid with a mix of mashed vegetables and spices.
This time, we’d be told to cook something for Sean, following his recipe, maybe filling squid with a mix of mashed vegetables and spices.
With Julian there, we’d be pretty limited in the things we can talk about, but the air would be noticeably lighter because of my gift for Leanne that neither of us can talk about yet, and you could tell on her face and especially in her eyes how much that has touched her. I’d imagine we’d talk about the stuff either of us likes to cook. She’d tell me that she doesn’t actually cook that much on her own. I’d be surprised and ask what she likes to eat, and she’d open one of the drawers and show me the cans upon cans of tomato soup and tell me she likes to just warm up a can every day and add some side dish on the plate, like toast, and something to drink, usually just water. She’d be a bit embarrassed about it because her experience is that people think that’s weird, but I’d tell her that I think that’s cute, and she could tell on my face that I mean it. I’d tell her how I eat obscene amounts of Ben & Jerry’s, even more so in the summer, and how her eating so much tomato soup reminds me of that, and I’d tell her how I drink sooo much Cola Zero that I’ve built up a lot of resistance to caffeine. “I can drink a whole two liter bottle, take my meds, and then go to bed just like that” (Side note: Coca Cola’s US website actually lists a two liter bottle among their sizes. Is that correct?) She’d be amazed and almost not believe me, but I’d show her my almost empty two-liter bottle in my backpack, with a little bit of condensed water from my fridge still on the outside, and she’d look at me with big eyes, bewildered and amazed, and we’d both chuckle before Julian tells us to stop. Quite confused, I’d ask why, like, what’s wrong with us laughing, and he’d tell us something like me not being there to have fun. I’d ask “Mister… What’s your surname?” - “Pearce” - “Do you have employees, Mister Pearce?” - “My father does, and I wouldn’t hire you anyway.” - “Oh, good, I wasn’t going to apply for a job with you in the first place. I can’t say I’m surprised that nobody wants to work for you.”
Leanne would be proud that I’m sticking it like that to Julian, and before he even has a chance to reply, she’d ask him “Could you please get us some wheat flour from the basement?” - “You want me to get you a fucking bottle, too?” - “Two would be nice.” - (Julian rolls his eyes) “I think I’d get two for myself, so I don’t lose it with you both!”, and he goes into the basement. As soon as Leanne can hear the door shut, she would suddenly tell me to fill up a bag she takes out from under the sink with ALL of the water bottles in the kitchen and a lot of the food in there that can be eaten as is and doesn't require cooking, and she’d tell me to do the same with my backpack, quietly go up to the attic, and hide there, so I can’t be seen if Julian comes upstairs, anticipating that she will be left alone in there again for days without food. I'd be confused at first, but she'd frantically beg me to do it immediately, and I'd trust her, I’d nod and say “okay” and do it. Julian would come back, and she'd pretend that I left. Julian would command her around again to finish up in the kitchen, and soon after, he'd lock her in the attic again, not knowing that I'm there.
I'd be shocked and really confused and concerned after realizing he just locked us in, and in that moment, she'd come to me, begging me on her knees to get her out of there, crying. At first, I’d just look around in shock with my jaw dropped, but then, I'd just hug her and just comfort her and let her know I'll do it. I'd feel so sorry for her... I wouldn’t know yet how long she’s been locked up for and why, but that wouldn’t matter for me to decide to help her. Really confused, I’d ask her to tell me what’s going on and why she’s locked up there. I’d be so shocked.
Once she’s calmed down enough after begging me to help her in full desperation, we’d sit down on the mattress. She’d tell me the full story - from the moment she first arrived at the Turners' in season 1 to now, including Dorothy’s brutal acts of violence and the pranks Julian and Sean played on her in season 1 to drive her out of the house, but she'd only mention the Church of Lesser Saints in passing as that's another really painful and complex topic she doesn't want to get into, and she wouldn't tell me about reanimating the doll yet because she knows how unbelievable the truth sounds (she tries not to let anyone know about her powers anyway). She'd stop several times while telling me all that because it's so hurtful, and I'd just comfort her and hug her . She’d cry out that it’s her fault and that she never should have come back. I’d just tell her that none of this is her fault and that she didn’t “come back” because she was taken against her will. “You can’t blame yourself for any of that. It’s not like they gave you a choice. It’s not your fault.” I’d tell her that she deserves none of the things they’ve done to her, I’d be absolutely horrified by them. She’d tell me about Sean’s visits to her, how he stopped coming upstairs after she was buried alive,
and how he told her stories about Dorothy to try and make her (Leanne) feel sorry for her (Dorothy), so she can tell him where Jericho is. “I told him that Jericho died, and he just said nothing and stood up and got out after a while. He knows that there’s nothing I can do…” While she cries on my shoulder, I’d just comfort her, rubbing her back, and just express my absolute shock at the things she’s telling me and just try to make her feel at least a little bit better. I’d be like “Those are the worst things I’ve ever heard… He actually defends her? Like, he got you out of a hole in the ground and still told you that she’s ‘ not a bad person ’?” Leanne would nod. “Oh my God, what a piece of shit… What an absolute piece of shit… I’m so sorry you’re going through that… She’s trying to kill you, she’s starving you, she forces you to use the bucket, and… Oh my God, I’m so sorry…”
I’d just let her cry for a little while as I’m comforting her. I’d cry myself, just so shocked and horrified and scared. Unsure if that’s what she wants to do, she’d ask me if I’m going to call the police. I’d ask her how long she thinks we’ll be in here, and she’d say she doesn’t know. “Do you think someone will come up here before tonight?”, and she’d shake her head. “Mr. and Mrs. Turner don’t come up during the day anymore”. I’d suggest we wait until everyone’s asleep tonight and then try to find a way out. She’d say that she’s already tried everything, and I’d be like “Of course, but now, we got a lot more options because you’re not alone up here anyway. Like, okay, that’s gonna sound really hard, and it probably is, but I can try to step up on your shoulders and reach the skylight, stuff like that. If we can sneak out without them knowing, that’s probably a lot safer for you than calling the police while we’re unarmed and the Turners are not. And the last thing you need right now is another traumatic situation”. She’d look up at me, surprised that I’m even considering her well-being like this. “And if we don’t manage to get out tonight, we can still come up with a plan. What do you say?” And she’d smile and nod. I’d smile back and rub her back and say “Heeey, it’s gonna be alright. I’m getting you out of here! Until tonight, let’s just make the best of it!”, and she’d smile really hard at that, which would really touch me, seeing her smile like that because she has hope now, and she’d almost cry.
“So how did you like the cake?”, I’d randomly ask her. She’d look me directly in the eyes and tell me how delicious it was, full of joy, and show me the porcelain baby and say that she wants to keep it. I’d be like “I told you you’re special!” with a big smile and embrace her over the shoulders as she’s smiling back. She’d go “Thank you so much, Daria!”, and I’d be like “Of course!”
I’d then go “Hey, let’s eat some of this stuff! You must be starving!”, and we’d divide the food and water we got upstairs, dividing it into rations for three days (just to be sure…), making her ration for today a bit bigger because she hasn’t eaten in days. Because calling the police would create a dangerous situation for us (and it’s not like there are any lengths the Turners wouldn’t go to), we’d keep that as a last resort if we run out of food, “but let’s see what we can do tonight”. Among the food in my backpack would be every single can of tomato soup from the kitchen and a can opener 😊 Even though it’s cold, the soup would be like heaven to her! And I’d be like “Mmm! Hey, honestly, this is way better than I expected!” - “You like it?” - “Yeah! I thought it might be a bit dull, but there’s, like, what’s in here? I think there’s some celery, definitely some salt, and there are some chunkier bits, like, yeah, this is pretty good!” This is her comfort and favorite food, and because it’s such a rare choice, I don’t think anyone has ever told her that they like it (even the way Dorothy said “You do love that soup, don’t you?” in season 1 kinda communicated that she found it odd or weird),
and she’d love hearing that! I’d ask her if she’s ever had Ben & Jerry’s, and she’d say she hasn’t. “I’m gonna give you some when we’re out of here, you’re gonna love it! My favorite flavor is Cookie Dough S’Wich Up, it’s like vanilla ice cream mixed with cookie dough, Oreo pieces, and brownie pieces, and also some chocolatey stuff mixed in with the vanilla in some spots!”, and that would sound great to her, she’d look forward to it. And I’d give her the rest of my Cola Zero. She’s probably had some before, but right now, she’d enjoy every bit of it.
I’d take out my two phones at some point (I actually do have two - an iPhone 15 Pro Max and a Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini lmao, but there was no 15 Pro Max at this time, so I’d have an iPhone 13 Pro Max here) and give her the Samsung because, like, we don’t really know for sure if anyone will come upstairs before tonight. I’d add my own number as a contact as well and add her as a contact on my iPhone under the number of the Samsung phone, so this way, she can call the police herself if the Turners find me upstairs with her, and the police can find out where I am if anything happens to me, and vice-versa.
After we’re done eating, knowing that we’re left with like ten to eleven hours until we can try to get out, we’d just sit there on the mattress saying nothing for a few seconds. Breaking the silence, I’d look around a bit and ask “Did the attic look the way it did when you… you know, or did you decorate it like this?”
She’d say she did. “It’s beautiful, especially with the lights and stuff! You’ve got a good eye!”, and she’d smile a bit in embarrassment. I’d be like “Hey, I mean it! No need to be embarrassed!” and then say “Have you heard about, like, I don’t know what to call it, but some department stores have LED chains that you can stick to surfaces and control the color of with a remote. Most of them can even fade back and forth between colors. When we’re out of here, if you want, I can show you some. If you already like these lights, you’re gonna love them!”, and she’d smile and say that that sounds great! I’d show her some on my phone, and we’d imagine putting them up around us and talk about our ideas that we couldn’t realize because we obviously just wanna get out of there, and we’d talk about where we’re gonna go once we are. I’d suggest my place, a small rental house like twelve minutes by bike from there that’s technically in East Lansdowne, where we can stay at least for a little while, and she’d say she’d love to, but to please take her somewhere safe where the Turners can’t find her, somewhere far away, certainly not this close to them. I’d suggest going to a hotel, and that would sound great to her. We’ll probably have to go to my place first just to get my stuff, but yeah, we can go to a hotel from there. I’d again just reassure her that it’s gonna be alright.
She’d bring up that I told her I’ve spent an exchange year in California, and I’d say that yes, I’ve spent a year in San Diego and add “Still the best year of my life.” She’d ask why, and in her own words, she’d say that we talked so much about HER life, and she wants to know some more about me. I’d tell her I wasn’t the first one in my family to do a student exchange year. My sister went to Denmark from 2008 to 2009. “You got a sister?”, Leanne would ask, and I’d tell her I got two and ask about her family, and she’d tell me she’s an only child. I’d tell her my sisters moved out, or rather, they were forced out, in 2007 (I think) and 2012, so I was alone with my parents for several years, which felt a lot longer. “Time already flies by at twenty-three now”. And anyway, at the time, I thought my mother, who did most of the “parenting”, wanted to make me happy by letting me go abroad for a year, but in retrospect, it’s pretty obvious that she just wanted to be rid of me for a year, the same as when my sister went to Denmark. In retrospect, I remember how many arguments she and my sister had after she came back, which was partly because she definitely enjoyed being rid of her for a year, and then, she had to “deal” with her again. Leanne and me would just lock eyes, and I’d say “We both got terrible moms” and chuckle because of it while still having sad expressions on our faces.
I’d say “Anyway, my first choice were the US, and I got placed with a family in San Diego, California, or [sãn ˈd̪je.ɣ̞o] in Spanish”. Surprised, she’d ask “You speak Spanish, too??”, and I’d be like “Yeah, but not back then”, and in awe, she’d ask how many languages I speak. I’d answer her in each language before saying what language I was just speaking in - fluent Ukrainian, English, and R*ssian, rather good Spanish, some French and Dutch, and I’ve forgotten most of the Finnish and Azeri that I used to know, and I’d show her on Google Maps where that’s even spoken. She’d be really impressed ahaha, and a bit embarrassed about herself. I’d be like “Hey, it’s okay, you don’t need to compare yourself to anyone. Life’s not a competition”, and that would be a really important lesson in life for her, certainly very different from how she’s been taught to think before, especially by her mother and by the Turners. She seems pretty smart anyway, and when I tell her that, she’d be really surprised and flat-out say no, and I’d be like “You’re super resourceful in the kitchen, like, you can come up with solutions to problems pretty quickly, you’re great at remembering details, and you already know that you got lots of special skills! I’d say you’re pretty smart!”, and she’d smile again before making a sadder face and telling me that she never went to school because the Church never let her. I’d be like “That’s… That’s horrible. If you want, there are YouTube channels out there that maybe you can use to learn about all the stuff you missed out on”, and she’d nod a little with a bit of a smile. “Doesn’t say anything about your intelligence anyway. Credentials are only credentials, and school is pretty terrible at telling you how smart you are.”
Back on talking about California, I’d tell her about my year there from August 2014 to August 2015. While there, I didn’t even realize how free I was all of a sudden because I was away from my parents for the first long time in my life. I changed a lot in that year because I didn’t have them look over my shoulder and judge my every move anymore. My mother even took me by the hand outside up until I left for America, and suddenly, I could socialize with whomever I wanted, I could stay outside of the home after school, like, AT ALL, the family I was with, they actually cared, like, I could talk to them, I could just ask when I needed stuff, and they didn’t force their restrictive values and stuff on me, I could just be me, y’know? I’d tell her that my time in California was also the first time I had a girlfriend (a little hint there ahaha), which my parents would have gone ballistic over if they found out. Leanne would ask if her and me still speak, and I’d be like “No, not in a very long time”, and she’d ask about the family I stayed with in San Diego, if we’re still speaking, and I’d be like “Oh yeah, we do. They know about where I live now, about a lot of the things that’s happened in my life since 2015, and yeah. We actually talked just a few days ago.”
“If it’s not too personal”, I’d ask, “do you still talk to your parents?”, and she’d shake her head and say she doesn’t, and that she doesn’t wanna talk about that, maybe another day, and I’d be like “Okay” and respect that.
Back on talking about California, I’d say “ignorance is bliss”, so to come back from America a year later (we already moved to Kyiv City before I left for America), where nothing had changed, with how much I had changed in that year without realizing it, my home life became horrible as a result. I suddenly realized that my parents having loud arguments several times a week is NOT normal, and I began to realize that my mother probably never cared so much about me and my autism diagnosis (which I got in 2006) because she loved me, but because she used it to cash in benefits for it all these years. I have no idea how much she received, but one time, I saw the bank statements of my parents’ shared account, and there were the equivalent of like $8000-$9000 in there, while I only received the equivalent of like $30 per month as an allowance. For years, a health inspector would come by once a year to check up on me (mostly by just talking to my mother) for continuing the granting of the money she exploited me for, and for years, she'd taught me to act like - literally - the most mentally disabled person ever during those check-ups, either ignoring the inspector completely and acting like they're not there at all, or cowering up in a corner and pretending I'm terrified. This way, she cashed in the money that's granted for the care of people whose level of disability is comparable to that of late-stage dementia patients… While the government was already struggling financially! Living in a normal environment for a year really changed me, and I didn't notice it until I came back, when I finally stopped playing along, which would make everything worse for how I was treated, and just one month later was when my parents broke up and decided they wanted a divorce, which made my world crumble even more than it already had.
If I didn’t have feelings for her, I’d probably just call the police, but because I do like her in that way already, I’d just go the extra mile and comfort her and ask her if she can tell me what’s going on and stuff, assuring her that I’ll get her out of there.
If Leanne was a completely different person and I didn't have feelings for her, I'd probably call the police, but when you're slowly starting to fall in love with somebody, you just wanna make sure they're safe and be really careful about this. I haven't gotten to a lot of the stuff in my life yet because it's a long story, but with how Leanne and me both went through parental abuse, parents who worked really hard to make us feel horrible, strict religious abusive upbringings, horrible punishments when we left religion, feeling so left behind in our development because of our upbringings and struggling to succeed in the wider world as a result (it's so hard to actually find someone who understands what that's like. I feel so much comfort and understanding knowing that Leanne can really relate to this!), and falling into the traps of other people who used our lack of experience and agency, we both went through so many similar things in different ways, and I'd think we'd bond soooo much over that, knowing and feeling how much we both understand each other through the similar things we went through, that would bring both of us so much comfort! I think we'd not just be great, but great for each other, not only through our similar experiences, but also through our similar personalities and values, like how we're not fitting in with people. I love her peculiarities so much that people just call weird, like how she eats sooooo much canned tomato soup, how she arranges everything so tidily, like her plates or her food in the kitchen, or how she keeps bugs she tries to reanimate.
Something I'd notice so easily at this point in the story already are the ADORABLE ways she reacts to things with her face and verbally! Some examples of what I mean by that are her short pauses before she speaks if she doesn't know how to answer right away,
how she answers non-verbally sometimes like smiling and nodding instead of saying yes,

the way she moves her eyes when something's awkward,

that is SO INCREDIBLY CUTE, I adore it so much, it adds so much to her personality! I'd notice that so hard already and absolutely adore it!
And even though we wouldn't know much about each other yet, we'd already notice and really like these things about each other. And up there, when I tell her a little bit about my life like I just have, she'd really feel for me, too and comfort me back, and that is honestly so wonderful to imagine for me ❤️ She'd sit there next to me and listen a lot and look at me, and embrace me a little bit. She wouldn't really know how to do that yet because it's not something that people ever did for me or taught her to do for others until I just came along, but she'd now know how good that feels and do it for me, too, as best as she knows how, and that's the best thing about it!
Late that night, when we think that everyone else is almost certainly asleep, we'd try to find anything we can in the room to get through the door of the attic without being loud enough to wake anyone up (because then, we'd both be screwed), but there would be nothing we could do to get out right then and there without the Turners waking up. If there was, Leanne would have been long gone already. We’re both twigs lol, so we’d step up on each other’s shoulders to try and reach the skylight, but it would be too high. We’d look for long solid objects to try and reach the skylight, but anything we find wouldn’t be enough. I’d double-check the door to the other part of the attic, and it would be locked. Smashing any doors would wake everyone up at night and make them come upstairs during the day. The window is locked, and it’s way too high for a safe fall anyway. So we'd make plans. If, in three days, we're still locked up, we will call the police because we'd have no other choice, but if Sean or someone else comes in by then, Leanne would be ""given"" a few hours out of the attic again, and they would leave the attic unlocked like they did before
because they'd think no one else is in there, and I would leave all the rations in the attic, sneak out of the attic, and leave through the basement. I'd leave the Samsung phone with her, so that she can reach me after I get out of there and prepare to get HER out of there. The plan would be for me to go home, taker a shower, type up everything I've seen into a PDF file addressed to the police, and send the PDF file to one of my internet friends (I actually have such a hard time making friends, another way in which Leanne and I are so similar and would really get each other). (I’m changing his name for this story for privacy reasons) I'd probably choose my friend Liam for this. I'd tell him that if I'm not back online telling him I'm safe in 24 hours, that he should then open the PDF file and call the Philadelphia police and read it all out to them. If I lived in America, I'd definitely get a gun lol. In Pennsylvania, I'd actually be able to just go buy one, I'd pass the requirements of the instant background checks. I'd get my gun, pack up everything we'd need for the next couple of weeks, and get a taxi to like one block away from the Turners', and with my gun for intimidation (considering that they're holding her hostage, this would probably fall under acting in defense of a third party), lock the Turners in the bathroom, have Leanne come downstairs, and leave with her, get to the taxi, and drive off, out of Philly, and be safe from the Turners for now.
But we'd leave the details for the next day. By this point, I'd need to tell her about some of my medical conditions, like night terrors, which usually fade during one's youth, but for me, they never did, so that she's prepared if they happen and doesn't get too freaked out, and so she knows that they're completely triggerless and can happen to me even after the best of days. I’d tell her that people don’t usually remember their night terrors at all, so she knows that I will act like nothing happened in the morning because I literally won't remember, it's only sometimes that I know that SOMETHING scary happened, but I rarely ever remember the night terrors themselves at all), and also so she knows to make sure I won't hurt myself or her if I have an episode, and also because it's a safety issue in this situation, to make sure that the Turners don't hear me, because if they did, we’d be screwed. And I'd have to tell her about my PTSD (because of the war in Ukraine, I’d tell her I’d lived through the first three days of it), which gives me nightmares, and to please wake me up if she notices I'm having those. We'd share the tiny mattress and covers that are up there, say good night, and fall asleep next to each other! Because I wouldn't have my meds, she'd fall asleep first, and I'd just look at her for a while 😊
submitted by ikieneng to teamleanne [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:11 kvlt_ov_personality Dumb questions about how to hook up a DI box + HX Stomp?

I've been troubleshooting some annoying noise issues when recording with either an HX Stomp or going direct to a UA Volt 1 and using Helix Native. At this point, I think I might have a ground loop somewhere and wanted to experiment with something like the Radial Stagebug or the cheaper LiveWire DI box that Guitar Center has to see if this might alleviate some of the noise w/ the ground lift engaged.
Would some variation of this be correct?
Guitar pedals > DI box input > XLR to TS cable > HX Stomp Input > HX Stomp USB out to laptop
Guitar pedals > DI box input > XLR to TS cable > HX Stomp input > HX Stomp output to audio interface?
submitted by kvlt_ov_personality to guitarpedals [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:59 United_Patriots The Nature of Orion [43] - Domain of the Dakquo

Thank you u/SpacePaladin15 for the amazing universe!
l Prologue l Previous l Next l
Memory transcription subject: Kalsim, Captain, United Federation Fleet
Date [standardized human time]: December 30th, 2136
It became harder and harder to remember why we came in the first place when the simple process of landing on the ground was tantamount to stepping back into the past.
So many of the sensations granted by the asteroid sanctuary, the smells,the sights, the sounds, were so hauntingly familiar. Of flying from treetop to treetop, seeing my non sapient kin fly free of the burden of galactic existence. Of fruits and berries picked right from the stem, carrying with them flavors that bordered on ecstasy. The calls and cries of a nature beaten down time and time again, but still managed to stand back up on its own two legs every single time.
So much of it was familiar, yet so much of it wasn't.
"Kelum, do you recognize that?" referring to the foreign call sounding off in the distance.
He was still trying to process his surroundings, beak poised catch several insects. ", I don't."
I turned in the direction of its source. "Neither do I."
"What about that bird from earlier?"
The one that flew by the viewport? "Didn't recognize that one either."
"Shit then." Kelum slowly returned to guard mode as he began sweeping his rifle over the foliage. "Your the big history guy here, I'm relying on you. What does it mean that you don't know?"
"Well, maybe call it a gap in my knowledge..." my attention was caught by a strange cluster of berries perched on a nearby bush. Collected in bunches, the fruits were oblong, almost cylindrical, orange with black spots across the skin. The aroma was sweet and tangy, something I knew several officers on the Lyakuda would love to use as an air freshener. And it was entirely unrecognizable.
Yet some base instinct inside of me said that it belonged. That it all belonged. That the ferns and grasses adn the strange noises that seemed foreign to my home were in fact an integral part of this one. There was song being played that I couldn't quiet yet hear, but I knew was there. Whether it was one that I would enjoy was still up for debate.
"Wuh?" I spun around to see Kelum checking me with a look of concern.
"You kinda zoned out there for a sec. Are you alright?"
"Sorry, I was just thinking." I stepped back from the bush and into the clearing. "I...don't know what to make of this. This place..."
Kelum shrugged. "Couldn't tell you either cap. I'm just along for the ride at this point."
"All I need you to do is to keep that gun raised, just in case." Some part of me said that it would be unnecessary. After all, the Federation wiped out any native species that posed even the slightest threat to a krakotl. And by all means, this place seemed like Nishtal. But then again...
A sharp cry grabbed the silence and violently broke it over its knee. More like a wail, piercing in its effect, little needles in our eardrums that seemed to stab more and more as the seconds dragged along. The pitch never faltered, even as the cry let the background jungle settle back into its normal rhythm. I looked over to see Kelum taking deep breaths, before I realized I was too.
"Cap, what the fuck was that?" For the first time since we arrived, tendrils of genuine fear seemed to creep into Kelum's voice. At the very least, he was never letting go of that rifle ever again.
"I don't know, I never heard that before either."
"Well I need you to start knowing right fucking now, cause I don't like that shit, not one bit."
"Neither do I, but we need to remain calm. Now's not the time to start acting like Sivkit," another awful wail echoed in the further distance, "so keep that rifle up."
Kelum didn't need to be told twice. "Maybe we shouldn't stick around. Maybe we've seen everything we've needed to see."
Some part of me agreed with him. You didn't need to be a prey to not be comfortable sharing a space with whatever made that sound. And I don't think that's all this place has in store for us. For better and for worse...
"We saw those buildings. We were just in that observation room. This place is more than just a sanctuary. We need to keep going."
Kelum raised a talon in argument, faltered, then sighed. "If I die here, I'm gonna fucking kill you cap."
That somehow raised a chuckle out of me. "Glad to see your still you."
"You drag me to the gallows, least you can do is let me get the last laugh in." Kelum pushed past me and began sifting through the undergrowth. "I'll lead. I think the town was this way."
Directions, thankfully, weren't going to be an issue. Despite its gargantuan size, the sanctuary appeared to have a pretty simple layout. A giant circle, with the town at the center, surrounded on all sides by thick jungle. All we had to do was walk forward. If only if it was that simple.
I did manage to recognize many of the plants that composed the flora, only due to their absence on the Nishtal I knew. The undergrowth there was absolutely sparse in comparison to here, mostly thanks to the Federation's anti predator efforts. Without natural balances to keep them in check, the native herbivores of Nishtal went wild, stripping the ground level nearly down to the very soil itself. If not for our geoengineering tech, the planet would've suffered an ecological collapse that would've made the Cradle look like hiccup in comparison.
This place seemed to suffer no such issues. Great for the local ecosystem, terrible for us. For not only was it hot, not only was it humid, we had to push through vine and bramble so thick it was nearly impossible to squeeze through. It didn't help that the we seemed to be heading down a slope, so the atmosphere only got thicker as we descended further. It came to the point where I almost considered stripping off my vest so I wouldn't die of heatstroke on the spot. Thankfully we came across a small clearing, which gave us the opportunity to catch our breaths.
"How close do you think we are?" I asked between pulls of impossibly humid air.
"Don't know, but we have to be close." Kelum looked up to the 'sky', where the 'sun' had really reached its zenith. "Hard to tell, but we're definitely making progress."
"Stars above, whatever this is must be worth it."
"Better fucking be. Not dying of thirst on some secret asteroid zoo run by...fuck I don't know. You said you thought it was someone up high who contacted you?"
"Yeah, but that was just a confident guess."
He chuckled. "Maybe this is just his private resort or something. They definitely have the money to hollow out an asteroid. Maybe there will be a pool and a bar on the other side of this bush."
I had to admit, the possibility was funny. "If this was just a roundabout way for Nikonus to invite me over for a drink, I swear to the stars above I'll glass Aafa myself."
Kelum laughed. "Glad to hear your in a good mood cap."
"I'm not."
He stood up, ready to get on the move again. "At least you know what a joke is. Did you know I used to work for Jerulim? Head so far up his ass he forgot what-"
The rustle from a nearby bush cut off Kelum's admiration of our ambassador. He trained the rifle on the source, talon itching to let the weapon bark. The pistol in my holster gained a newfound presence as something began to emerge from within the shadows.
"Alright then, come at me you...oh."
The creature that caused us so much worry turned out to be a small lizard, scales verdant, barely the length of my wing. It crawled from underneath the bush and across the dark earth of the clearing. It took a moment to regard us with two beady side facing eyes, before it began on its way once more.
Kelum lowered the rifle, and began breathing once again. "Damn, little buddy there gave me a-"
Before he had a chance to finish, a rush of air came from behind, and a flash of green and gold plucked the lizard off the ground right in front of our eyes. Before we had a chance to fully process what just happened, the bird was away, propelling itself skyward, the unfortunate lizard grasped firmly in its talons.
We stared dumbly as the...predator ascended, then leveled out, before finally disappearing behind the canopy. Kelum went to say something several times, but each attempt only seemed to point his rifle closer and closer to the ground. Finally, he turned to face me directly, his face the farthest point from comprehension it could possibly go.
"Cap, did that..." he didn't need to finish his sentence. I was still struggling to construe it, but we both saw the same thing.
"Yes, it did."
Kelum nodded his head, before turning it back to the sky. "It did..."
As the shock of the lizard being hunted wore off, I managed to have some thoughts on the situation. This place is definitely not the Nishtal I know. The Federation would never let a bird like that exist in any form besides ash. Yet here it was, in a facility no doubt constructed by the Federation. Is that what the note writer wanted us to see?
"Cap?" I turned to see Kelum once again wear that worried expression. "Any ideas?"
"I...don't know. Maybe this is...some sort of facility to study predators? An isolated environment, far from any inhabited planet, where they won't pose any danger?"
Kelum sighed. "I think that's the best we got right now. But that still doesn't explain the town."
"No, it doesn't." At this point, I was worried that the distant collection of buildings we saw would only serve to raise even more questions. Who lives there? More krakotl? kolshians? Is it empty? But standing around wouldn't answer any questions. It'll kill us, given everything we've seen so far. "Kelum, we have to keep moving."
"Yeah, your right, but with all this..." He paused, before looking at me, then himself. "Are we stupid?"
"Uh...what do you mean."
"Cap, we're birds."
"Yes, but..."
We had become so enamored with our surroundings that we completely forgot the fact that we could fly.
"Yeah, oh." Kelum slung his rifle over his shoulders, and extended his wings out to their full length. "Hopefully we can just fly right over all of this shit."
"Good thinking, wish we thought of-" Another rustle caught my attention, this time from the nearest tree. In the shadowed canopy far above, I could just barely make out something slinking among the branches.
Earth and debris began to swirl as Kelum went airborne. "Something wrong Cap?"
"Nothing, it's just..." Another branch moved, then fell entirely still. Out of all things, why does this seem so...
And then all at once, days spent at the academy flooded back. Memories of illegal histories and textbooks downloaded over the internet, of countless nights spent secretly learning my peoples true history, of why the Federation even considered us prey in the first place.
Oh no.
"Kelum, KELUM!"
"Cap, wha-"
My yell was enough for Kelum to falter, just enough so that the blur that leapt out of the tree missed him by a feathers width. It landed on a trunk opposite to me, claws sharper than an Arxurs digging into the bark. Its earthen fur, which camouflaged it amidst the foliage, now stood on its ends. A growl gurgled from between its barred teeth, and four forward facing eyes trained directly on me.
For a moment we stared each other down, as we both processed the fact that we were seeing specters. My breath caught, my wings were shaking, and I couldn't focus. Partly out of fear, partly out of the impossibility of the whole situation.
Your supposed to be dead. The Federation killed you, they killed ALL of you.
But it didn't care much for the Federation. It only cared about me. Because it was the predator, and I was now its prey.
It launched off the trunk, almost defying gravity as it crossed the gap at a nearly imperceptible speed. I tried to dodge out of the way, but I only managed halfway before an unfathomable pain flashed across my chest and sent my spinning into the earth.
Something warm and sticky filled the space between my vest and chest as my vision faded in and out. Loud pops sounded off one after another, fully killing the already injured silence. That terrible wail once again echoed distantly, cut off by another pop, and the calm returned once again. Shadows invaded the corners of my vision, threatening to overtake everything. As the false sun dispapeared behind Kelum, consciousness finally slipped away.
The pain was the first thing to greet me, followed by the contradiction of the relatively cool air. The battle between them, the pounding agony and the soothing cold, was what awoke me from my imposed slumber.
Fluttering my eyes met we with large splotches of grey and gold, spattered over my vision like spilled buckets of paint. It took several moments for everything to gain defintion, while another spot of blue went back and forth across my sight.
Something I did caught his attention, for he stopped in his tracks and immediately came to my side.
"Captain....Cap...can you hear me?"
"Yeah, yeah, Cap, it's me. It's Kelum."
Kelum was standing over me, fatigue dragging at his features. His talons, his wings, his vest, all of him was smeared with violet. Looking behind him revealed that we were in some sort of cave, orange light cascading through the distant entrance. The rock reflected it all, granting the scene an almost...magmatic appearence. Like everything was going to melt right on top of us and burn us alive. My chest already felt much that way anyways.
"Stars above, your awake. I thought you weren't gonna make it."
I managed to look down to see that I was entirely naked, spare for the fithly fabrics wrapped tightly around my chest. They, along with the feathers surrounding it, was also stained a pugent violet.
"Kelum," a cough sent bolts of pain running across my chest.
"Take it easy, Cap, take it easy." Kelum pressed a talon on my shoulder to keep me from gettiing up. "It got you pretty good. You lost a lot of blood."
"Wha...what happened." My memory was still fuzzy, no more defined than my vision mere moments ago. All that was there were feelings, of fear, pain, confusion, and in some small note, even awe.
"That...that thing, it almost got me. If you hadn't had called out, I...fuck, that fall would've done most of the work." Kelum's brevity was all but gone, leaving behind a bloodied, anxious wreck. "And then it pounced on you, got you across the chest. There was so much blood, I thought you were going to..." He trailed off as he considered the possibility. It was still a possibility.
"Hey," I managed weakly. "I'm still here. It hasn't got me yet."
Kelum managed to regain some of his composure. "I...had to use your vest as a bandage. I don't know how long it'll hold, but it's stopped the bleeding for now."
I looked down at my chest again. Somewhere beneath the tattered remains of my uniform laid a gash that nearly ended my life. There was a momentary urge to peel back the fabric to see how bad it was, but that would only hasten things at that point.
"Kelum...if I don't make it..."
"Cap, don't say that."
"Kelum, it's my job as a captain to realistically assess the situation we find ourselves in. And the fact is that I can't fly. I don't even know if I can walk. Odds are that more of those Dakquo are roaming around out there, along with stars know what else. If this," I pointed to my bandage, "doesn't get me, everything else will."
"Cap..." Kelum didn't want to accept it, but I could see that he knew it was true. I was living on borrowed time.
"Kelum, for what it's worth, I wouldn't have chosen anyone else to come with me. Even in this place, you've flown above and beyond the call of duty. And for that, thank you."
Kelum couldn't help a tear from rolling down his cheek, one which he quickly wiped away, leaving behind a little smear of purple. "Thanks cap, it's been an honor serving with you too."
Kelum stood over me for a long moment, before setting down beside me. He glanced deeper into the tunnel , before turning back to face the entrance. "Cap?"
"Yeah?" My breathing was beginning to grow more ragged.
"You mentioned a Dakquo? Was that..."
"Yeah, it was."
Another moment of silence.
It's ironic, isn't it.
"It was a predator from before the Federation arrived. It likes to hide up in the trees, waiting for something to fly past. That's when it pounces. I...became fasncinated with it in my youth. To think, such a powerful creature once roamed our home, that we coexisted with it peacefully for so long. And in an instant, the Federation took it all away. I never thought I would see one. I was never suppsoed to see one. They're supposed to be all dead."
Kelum took another glance back.
"So when I saw it there, about to pounce, a small part of me couldn't help but feel amazed. Something they took from us, something that once defined who we were. And there it was, right in front of my eyes."
I coughed again, and pain roared back once more. Kelum gripped me tighly as it slowly faded, but didn't fully disppear. I didn't have long. Hours, maybe a day or two at the most.
I looked down at the wrap. A small bead of blood peeked out from the wound, which I picked up on the tip of my talon. It glowed pink under the fading light.
"It's funny. It only took a thousand years, but things are finally back to normal."
Kelum glanced back once more.
"Kelum, what are you looking at?"
"I.." he blinked, "I've been trying to ignore it, but there's down the tunnel there."
"What do you mean? Is it-"
"It's not alive, but..." his look said it might has well been. "I'm gonna check it out."
"I'm coming with you." I moved to stand up, but Kelum placed a talon on my shoulder.
"Your not going anywhere cap. Walking around isn't gonna do you any good."
"Like sitting here is." Ignoring my wound scremaing murder, I stood up, and balanced myself on two shaky legs. "I'm not sitting this out. Not anymore."
"But cap-"
"Kelum, I came here because it was a choice I could make. Let me make this one too."
Kelum moved to protest, but only managed to sigh. He unholstered my pistol, and handed it off to me. "If you die now, I'm gonna kill you cap."
That managed a frail chcukle out of me. "Glad to see your still you."
"Fuck, I'm glad too."
Every step was like ten years spent on a cattle farm, but I was able to at least walk. We began slowly creeping deeper into the cave, with Kelum bringing up his weapon light against the encroaching darkness. It revealed something only barely visible from our previous spot, a set of...bones. Inching closer showed that the corpse wasn't of a bird, or that lizard, or even the Dakquo. Rather...
"Wait..." Kelum pasued his light on the skull, where two forward facing sokcets stared back. The snout was elongated, housing row upon row of razor sharp teeth. It rested near what remained of the creatures long tail...and the hands...
"No way..."
Kelum turned his light on one of the hands. Four fingers, and...two thumbs.
"That can't be possible." Kelum swept the light to the other arm, and the story was the same. Four fingers, two thumbs. "No, this can't be right."
It wasn't supposed to be possible, but it was. It was staring us right in the face, with sockets that housed eyes that once terrfied the entire galaxy.
"It's an arxur."
Before we even had time to process the discovery, noises from back where we came caught our attention. Kelum turned towards the light, rifle raised in anticiaption of another attack. I raised my pistol, before a flash of agony nearly sent me to the ground. Something tore, something seperated, and my chest suddenly began to feel too warm. I looked down to see that the bandage had gone loose, and the blood was beginning to run free.
"Oh shit, Kalsim, hold on!"
"It's's fine." I lowered to the ground as Kelum began frantically ripping off his own vest. The blood was running in little rivers between my feathers as my gaurd despratley tried to stem the flow. But it wasn't working this time. Even with mine and his, the makeshift dressing wasn't enough to prevent what was coming now.
Everything began to fade, Kelums deseperate pleas for me to stay awake, the approaching footsteps, what sounded like voices, all rapdily consumed by the encroaching fog. Even the pain, which seemed to slink away with every passing second.
It was so...peaceful. Even as Kelum began to shake me, even as he was thrown aside by a shadowed figure, I wasn't afraid. Maybe I lost the capacity to be afraid. The path set for me left me liable to be shot or annihilaited at any given moment. I long accepted the inevitability of my death, but I was no hurry to greet it. And now here I was, knocking on the door.
The darkness envloped me entirely, and sensation quickly fell away. Just as I crossed the threshhold, one final thought occured to me:
At least it was all my fault.
l Prologue l Previous l Next l
submitted by United_Patriots to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:55 me227a Extending Oven Element Cable

Hi All,
The element broke in my oven, this also happened sometime last year which I replaced at the time. No issues with replacing the element itself but it was quite a pain as the element wires leading from the back of the oven were very short.
Before I go replacing the element, I was wanting to get some advice on extending the element wire itself. I'm a novice at this, so was wanting to see if this is a reasonable possibility for DIY and check the following questions.
The oven is built into the kitchen, not standalone and had a 2000W element. I've not found any service manuals online for the model, it's a Homark (05-600101). Connected via one of those separate isolation switches on the kitchen wall.
Thankfully, I know to turn the power off on the Consumer unit for the oven before working on it.
submitted by me227a to DIYUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:53 Abe2sapien This day in history: Chavez vs Mayweather 2

This day in history: Chavez vs Mayweather 2
Mayweather had set himself up for a chance at redemption against perhaps the greatest Mexican fighter of them all and he was ready to make it count. He moved his training camp from Las Vegas to his manager’s sprawling estate in Augusta, Georgia, an isolated environment that allowed him to focus entirely on the preparation needed to beat such a remarkable fighter. Meanwhile, for Chavez the rematch represented not just another opportunity to further his legacy, but a chance to win titles in three divisions, one of the most prestigious feats in boxing.
The second act took place at the Forum in Inglewood, California and the manner in which it unfolded was in stark contrast to their first encounter. This time, Mayweather was determined to keep his distance, from the outset throwing a bevy of jabs while mixing in the odd right hand and working to keep the dangerous Mexican at the end of his punches. Quick on his feet, he used constant lateral movement to prevent Chavez from setting himself. Neither fighter landed any damaging blows, but it was Mayweather who was more effective in round one as he controlled the ring and avoided inside exchanges.
The same rhythm continued in round two, until Chavez landed a series of solid left hooks. Roger reclaimed the center of the ring, where he threw a flurry of his own and to end the round he landed a couple of straight rights that got Chavez’s attention. The action heated up in round three with neither fighter willing to give ground. Mayweather didn’t want to trade on the inside, but he gave as good as he got in close. Near the end of the fourth, the champion spun Chavez around in the corner, and delivered two hard rights followed by a flurry. When the bell rang to end the round, the fighters stood and glared at each other, neither willing to step away. They were two proud warriors and neither was backing down.
The next couple of rounds were fought at a slower pace, which benefited Mayweather. Roger made sure to tie Chavez up whenever he got close, which was met with a chorus of boos from the pro-Chavez crowd. However, during the last thirty seconds of round six, Chavez took control, getting into Mayweather’s chest and avoiding the clinch. He threw effective combinations to both head and body and put Roger on the defensive.
Chavez continued his bullying inside attack in round seven. Roger was clearly beginning to tire, a fact evidenced by his decreased movement. That, in combination with Chavez’s pressure, caused the bout to take place at close range, and while Mayweather continued to counter well and land solid punches, Chavez was simply more accustomed to trench-style warfare. As the rounds passed, the fatigued look in the American’s eyes told the story of the fight.
In round ten, Roger kept moving away from Chavez, trying to box like he had in the early rounds, trying to change the course of the fight. He was in fact having some success in keeping Julio at bay, which made the ending of the fight even more sudden and shocking. After the tenth, Mayweather told his corner he had had enough and he could not continue. He was physically and mentally exhausted to the point that he had nothing left. It was as though his effort to avoid punishment in the tenth was his last stand and he knew he could not win.
Ultimately what this match came down to, as is often the case with battles between highly skilled fighters, is who wanted it more. Chavez showed it was he who possessed the greater desire, affirming that to the crowd in his post-fight celebration as he stood on the ring apron and gestured to his “cajones.” Even if it took Chavez longer than usual to impose his gameplan, his relentless pursuit eventually paid dividends. Constant pressure exhausted “The Mexican Assassin” and forced him to surrender, and while Mayweather gave his rival a much stiffer challenge the second time around, it was evident, once again, that “The Lion Of Culiacán” was the better man. — Jamie Rebner
submitted by Abe2sapien to Boxing [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:45 Vigamoxx Stonewall Sports QC

Hello Quad Cities!
Lifelong resident here. As someone who has always wished for more things to do and more community involvement, at age 26 I’ve finally decided to be more proactive and start the change I want to see. It seems like this will be a fairly large commitment for me, and take some months to get off the ground.
I’m working to bring a chapter of Stonewall Sports, an LGBTQ and allies sports organization, to the Quad Cities. I’m not super competitive, so I think for the most part (especially the first season) it would be a fun, safe, and healthy environment to socialize and make friends while also being active. In the future, with more people, they have several divisions based on skill level and competitiveness, but the “just for fun” tier would stick around. Open to all including allies, the more the merrier.
It sounds like typically their inaugural season includes weekly kickball games (Sundays) in the warm months, and either dodgeball or bowling in the cold months. Depending on interest, they have several other sports available as well. There’d also be community and social events outside of game days, also depending on level of interest.
They do require a leadership team, so if you’re looking for something to do and help get this project off the ground, I still probably need 5ish more volunteers for that, feel free to comment/DM me if interested. I think for the most part, I’d take care of funding and the bulk of the start-up tasks as the league commissioner, but positions include communications director, events director, operations/sports director, finance director, and a Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion director.
Otherwise, I hope to get this going within a few months, so also feel free to comment/DM me if you have any interest in participating in the sports side of things; once this gets further along, I’ve found a couple local orgs that have told me they’d do some social media posts to help recruit people, but gauging interest early-on would also be great and I could keep you in the loop on the progress of things. Thanks!
submitted by Vigamoxx to QuadCities [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:25 Practical_Look937 If you hate dougdoug check out r/weloveougdoug the better streamer

If you are playing on PC, outdated packages in your community folder may have an unexpected impact on the title’s performance and behavior. If you suffer from stability issues or long loading times, move your community package(s) to another folder before relaunching the title. How to install a new update safely
NEW CONTENT/FEATURES Added flight plan assistance setting for ATC in the user experience assistance settings so that users can request the ATC to favor their flight plan or world map flight settings over the current conditions. This assistance is set to “Active” by default. Active: ATC will set the active runway and approach for the departure and arrival airport based on the users flight plan or settings in the world map. Deactivated: ATC will set the active runway and approach based on current conditions only. ATC now clears a step to the next altitude some time before arriving at the previously cleared altitude, rather than once arrived at the previously cleared altitude. (Next step is issued when at 2000FT from cleared altitude rather than 250FT from cleared altitude). ATC Vectoring bug fixes: Now assigning the correct clearance when the first two waypoints were one over the other, Now assigning a new vector & clearance every time the user asks the ATC for a new vector. Added completely new Cirrus SR22T G6 model with custom engine simulation, book-accurate performance, and extensive Perspective Plus NXi features.
GENERAL BUG FIXES Several crashes have been fixed across the title Fixed localization bugs Performance optimizations for long flights. Fixed ATC that was mixing voices in localized languages Automated Weather Report temperature reading updated
MARKETPLACE Fixed an issue where the Wishlist would not sort properly in the Marketplace
MENU Fixed freeze when opening the logbook
NAVIGATION/TRAFFIC Enhanced ATC phraseology. Some of the improvements include: The removal of the word ‘for’ in altitude change requests. Eliminating the requirement to include altimeter settings in takeoff clearances.
WEATHER Snow and ice coverage accuracy has been improved in live weather Fixed an issue where the wind from a malformed METAR was incorrectly read Fixed an issue where the sim occasionally retrieves obsolete weather data Improved transition during cloud coverage updates AND fixed an issue where clouds don’t load when starting a flight.
GLASS COCKPITS GARMIN G3000 / G5000 Fixed an issue where removing an airway entry leg from the flight plan could sometimes corrupt the flight plan.
G1000 NXI Added support for hardware keyboard with new AS1000CONTROL_PAD H events. Fixed an issue where removing an airway entry leg from the flight plan could sometimes corrupt the flight plan. AP: Added support for LVL and TO/GA modes MFD: Added Page Menu popup for MFD’s Nearest Airports page. CAS: PFD Alerts softkey indicator now flashes color and changes to appropriate label with CAS messages CAS: Pressing PFD Alerts softkey now acknowledges CAS messages and cancels aural chimes CAS: Alerts now display in order of priority and time first seen SIM: Added support for knob-based XPDR code entry using H events. For aircraft developers: Made all methods in PFD and MFD plugins optional. Exported NavSystems’s class FrequencyItem and its props interface FrequencyItemProps. CAS messages may now be assigned associated Alerts messages via JS and/or plugin code Added support for control pad entry for Constraint Selector in the FPL dialog Added support for LVL and TO/GA autopilot modes Added support for control pad entry on several UI input components Added support for styling the Com selection based on the radio selected to transmit, and for both Nav and Com standby frequencies selected to edit WT21 For aircraft developers:
Added configurable side button support to the WT21
AIRCRAFT GENERAL Payload station weights that are set via SimConnect are now properly displayed in the Weight&Balance toolbar panel. Fixed – L-39 Pipsqueak – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen Fixed – L-39 Sarance – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen Contact Points compression under some kind of roof (bridge, cave, arch, etc.) was fixed Fixed – P-51D LadyB – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen Aircraft Registration can no longer be lowercase Fixed – P-51D Miss America – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen Fixed – P-51D Strega – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen Fixed – T-6 Baby Boomer – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen Improved aircraft simulation stability (few potential crashes were fixed) Fixed – T-6 Undecided – Unable to enter values by double-clicking on GNS screen Corrected an issue that could prevent cockpit interactions from working in some rare conditions Correct many false positive errors regarding InputEvents when loading AI planes Corrected an issue that would cause some P51 to lose power in reno races. Fixed an issue that could cause the state of Avionics circuit depend features to be toggle on and off when no MarkerBeacon circuit was present It is now possible to slow down the simulation speed to 1/8 and 1/16 of real time. EXTERNAL HUD Minimized HUD can now display more than 8 engines power values HELICOPTERS Anti-stall protection is now disabled for helicopters. AIRBUS 310-300 A310 Radio Stuck Broadcasting on KSNS ATIS After Departing KSFO. Vertical speed knob labeled as “altitude knob” in tooltip. AIRBUS A320NEO (V2) During testing of the A320neo, we encountered an application crash rate on console that is too high to pass certification. We need to address this issue before the A320 can ship. BELL 407 Rotor weight changes. Rotor brake force adjustments. Rotor blade dynamics adjustments. Throttle/governed RPM during startup and shutdown. Engine performance changes. Fuel management on the weight and balance settings. Performance data on the aircraft selection screen. Localization text changes. FADEC tooltip. Fuel Pressure gauge illumination. Cold and dark state changes. Checklist correction. Fixed checklist AutoStart. AutoStart sequence now works. BOEING 787-10 / BOEING 747-8I General performance optimizations for consoles and some hardware configurations W&B: An operational CG margin is considered now to avoid extreme CG values when loading the aircraft. SIM: ATC will now know about your planned cruise altitude and will assign you a flight level accordingly. CHECKLISTS: Fixed bug where checklists that only contain closed loop items would sometimes be skipped when entering the checklist page if all items are completed. [787] CHECKLISTS: Fixed flaps checklist items being completed before the flaps reached the selected position. [787] W&B: Corrected movement of the CG as fuel is burned by moving the tanks to the exact locations of those on the real plane. [787] EFB: Support clearing of the TOW field. [787] EFB: Cap the achievable MTOW at the certified limit of the plane. [787] EFB: Correct error message when current TOW exceeds the achievable MTOW. [787] EFB: Added Automatic brightness adjustment. [787] EFB: Fixed spelling errors. [747] SYSTEMS: Reserve fuel transfer will now not stop once started mid flight. CDU: Fix takeoff speeds being invalidated when opening TAKEOFF REF on the copilot side CESSNA CITATION CJ4 SIM: ATC will now know about your planned cruise altitude and will assign you a flight level accordingly CIRRUS SR22T G6 Completely brand-new art and model of the SR22T G6 GTS. Completely reworked flight model and performance featuring: CFD with book accurate performance and pilot tested handling. Modern propeller system. New turbo and fuel engine systems. Custom ECU, engine computer, and EGT/CHT simulation. Custom lean misfire, detonation, and engine failure simulations. Full Perspective Plus features implemented for G1000 NXi, including: Full-screen engine page with anti-ice status and fuel flow targets. Full-screen fuel management page. Weight and Balance page with graphical CG envelope. Trip planning page with automatic and manual modes. Massive suite of interactive checklists. MFD destination inf-box. PFD power gauge, GAGL indicator, GS and TAS. Frequency loading menus on airport and waypoint inf-pages. FIKI (Flight int-Known Icing) and TKS simulation. Stabilized approach system with PFD alerting and monitoring for: Bar-mismatch, crosswind, tailwind, flaps, lateral deviation, and vertical deviation (GS and GP). Updated EIS with custom reversionary mode version. Lean assist, fuel flow green band, and cyan fuel flow lean target indicators. Fully modeled GCU479 Garmin Control Unit keypad with all entry modes. Additional new autopilot mode support including LVL, TO, and GA. Large suite of accurate CAS messages including new G1000 NXi alerts acknowledgement and menu behavior. CURTISS JN-4 “JENNY” Fixed – [KO-KR] Some instruments in cockpit are not localized in Korean in Curtiss Jenny. Fixed – [Localization] Livery names are not localized in liveries page. Fixed – [pl-PL] Missing/untranslated words in checklist. Fixed – [TR-TR] Some instruments in cockpit are not localized in Turkish in Curtiss Jenny. DAHER TBM 930 Fixed broken autopilot panel backlighting. DOUGLAS DC-3 Fixed starting engine in Multiplayer causes other DC3 engines to animate starting Fixed overlapping words on the warning labels inside the cabin and on the rear cabin door. (Enhanced) Fixed Radio altimeter appearing off above 400ft. Classic 8-way Quick view controls fixed during flight. Fixed fuel pump does not indicate fuel flow from Cold/dark until after mesh switch is engaged. (Enhanced) Improved low resolution text in the Enhanced Edition cockpit. (Enhanced) Fixed missing panel texture for Beacon light. (Enhanced) Fixed HUD not correctly indicating state of flap. Fixed Decision height/Radar altitude setting knob setting does not match panel texture. Fixed fuel pump not indicating fuel flow from Cold/dark until after mesh switch is engaged. GRUMMAN G-21 GOOSE AI copilot completes checklist items for you in Evaluation mode. Attitude Indicator doesn’t provide pitch indications. Fuel drawn from wrong tank when starting Cold & Dark. Part of tooltip description for Magneto Cutoff not localized. Unable to toggle “taxi light” in cockpit–must use key binding. H-4 HERCULES “SPRUCE GOOSE” Camera Quick views fixed Engine 5-8 throttle fixed when using a gamepad ROBIN DR400 Fix Flaps looking misaligned with the wings in neutral position. RYAN NYP “SPIRIT OF ST. LOUIS” Camera Quick views fixed WRIGHT FLYER Camera Quick views fixed WORLD Used more realistic mapping of wave lengths onto RBG values for the ozone layer scattering and the sun color, resulting in more realistic colors of the sky and the lighting in the world.
TOP-GUN MAVERICK Fix for the aircraft carrier wake in Maverick landing challenge that was missing
PERIPHERALS Various peripheral fixes Pause mapping on the Occulus touch left controller switched from Y to Menu button Anti Ice and Aux Fuel Pump LEDs are now working properly with Bravo Throttle Quadrant
SDK Added new Coherent calls SET_CRUISE_ALTITUDE and GET_CRUISE_ALTITUDE to get/set the planned cruise altitude the in game ATC knows about. Fixed crash when “positive_g_limit_flaps_up” parameter is present in [AIRPLANE_GEOMETRY] section in flight_model.cfg, but one of the parameters: “positive_g_limit_flaps_down” or “negative_g_limit_flaps_up” or “negative_g_limit_flaps_down” is missing. See SDK for details. More parameters have been added to the “[VIEWS]” section of the “camera.cfg” file to control the behavior of the external camera (“external_camera_distance”, “external_camera_follows_heading”, “external_camera_follows_velocity”). See SDK for details. Several features have been added and bugs have been fixed for the skid-type landing gear, which can now be retractable. See SDK for details. Added “set_max_compression” and “spring_exponential_fix” parameters to the “[CONTACT_POINTS]” section of the “flight_model.cfg” file. See SDK for details. DEVMODE Debug old: option to disable 30Km mesh display limit “Exponential Constant” parameter is added to the Contact Point serialization (it was missed) Aircraft debug windows stability was improved Fixed context setting of Material Editor when opening Scenery Editor Added Interactive Points state initialization via .FLT files The “gear_locked_on_ground” parameter in the [CONTACT_POINTS] section of the “flight_model.cfg” file now works for SKI and SKID type retractable landing gear. Fixed random crash when exiting the game with DevMode open AssetReload: Reload gltf lod min size Fixed some scenery option not applied during multiple selection Add SpeakerFullName in DialogAction Improved linear memory size formatting in WASM Debug window SIMCONNECT SimConnect Input Events function can now be used while devmode is disabled SimConnect Input Events shouldn’t crash the sim after going back to main menu (or restarting a flight) Ident and region are now two separate fields while requesting Facilities New Data are available through NavData API (Pavement, Vasi, Approach Lights) SIMVARS Added simvars AIRCRAFT_AGL and AIRCRAFT_ALTITUDE_ABOVE_OBSTACLES Aircraft editor Added an option to delete a parameter from the cfg file, or to reset it to its default value Added rotation Gizmo Added new parameters Added expert Mode to the editor. Expert Mode eliminate all constraint on the editor regarding conditional fields, required parameters or array sizes. Only already existing parameters and modified parameters are saved. This mode allows for greater flexibility of the editor but require more knowledge on how to configure an aircraft. Made NdArrays more flexible, avoid writing too much data per line. Fixed ctrl+f focus that would not focus parameters properly Fixed unwanted or incorrect changes when saving a file in the editor VISUAL EFFECTS EDITOR Fixed visual effect instances not being properly stopped and restarted when the Visual Effects Editor is closed New fixed orientation feature New nodes: Abs, Sin, Cos WASM Fix clipping modes (intersect, complement and Xor) for GDI+ API Fix an error in the dependencies of the VFX Aircraft Sample (and rename the sample from “SampleWasmModule” to “VfxWasmModule”) Fix a bug in CommBus API that cause first registration of an event in Wasm to be ignored CommBus : When register an event in Wasm the triplet [eventName, callback, ctx] can be registered only one time per module CommBus : New function added in Wasm : fsCommBusUnregisterOneEvent CommBus : In JS a CommBusListener has been added
submitted by Practical_Look937 to wehatedougdoug [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:18 dvl_X_13 Fluctuating 4-20mA signal on a Weight transmitter..

So its a Sartorious PR1613 weight transmitter with Sartorious load cells on a vessel, currently the weight transmitter shows accurate value on its LCD display but the 4-20 mA signal transmitted through the PLC shows a constant fluctuation of about 20-40kilograms when its full scale range is 4000KG. After sourcing with a 4-20 mA signal it was observed that it shows a stable value on SCADA. So the problem was assumed to be with transmitter and I am of the same opinion. So, for a solution I am supposing that a signal isolator might help and the problem might me with ICs on signal conditioning and transmitting board on transmitter and maybe the current loop error is causing fluctuations. Would like to know if my analysis is right and what could be the problem and how it could be figured out. And would a signal isolator help... Any suggestions are much appreciated and thanks for any assistance.
submitted by dvl_X_13 to instrumentation [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:13 shadowcorp Am I crazy to try an "apartment loop" antenna? Running out of options for my new place. Info & questions in the photo captions.

Am I crazy to try an submitted by shadowcorp to amateurradio [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:12 __JD9 Quad Cortex XLR Ground Hum Solutions?

Anybody find a solution for the ungrounded XLR outputs when the device is off? Any sort of device that can be added to a pedalboard to get around this issue?
Talking with Neural Support, they said that the ground hum is part of the design to optimize the switching while the device is on. Their suggestion was to put the device on standby to eliminate the issue if you wanted to keep your monitoPA on and not muted.
Preferably I would like to not have to worry about the ground loop noise. Using XLR outputs instead of the TRS makes more sense from a live perspective for convenience, but then the nose risk is a possibility if the sound person doesn’t mute inputs.
submitted by __JD9 to NeuralDSP [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:58 Substantial-Till4370 Victory

I am nearing day 50 of porn and masturbation freedom today.
For a long time, I have hesitated to write of my experience because I fear that while some may find it encouraging, many others may not find it helpful. I only know my experience, and have no playbook beyond the Bible for understanding how God will or will not move in the lives of others. While others speak of doing step work and going through a long and arduous process, I can only testify that for me, addiction to porn was a demon that God chose to cast out of me while at church one Easter morning.
So I will try to recount this as best I can.
Baseline Background: I masturbated to pornography, probably five or six times a day, including during my workday. Over time, my taste in porn grew from traditional encounters to include bi-sexuality and male and female homosexuality and themes of humiliation. It was a clear situation of increasing outrageousness to get the same high. I must have tried to stop a dozen times to no avail, sometimes lasting a week at best. Like many of you, when I failed, the porn urge reasserted itself with even greater intensity. Almost like it was saying “how dare you try to be free of me.” Trying to stop porn use felt like lifting a weight beyond my strength - it was so strenous. My addiction was often triggered by anxiety, fear and loneliness. Using porn became vital to dealing with these emotions. I couldn’t function without it. But I was also extremely irritable when I was not “under the influence.”
I’m sorry, but anyone who thinks their wife or significant other can’t see the signs of this addiction is being naive or counting on their partners denial. I am sure I looked, smelled and behaved in a gross manner. I ogled every woman I came across for quick hits. Conversations with women became increasingly difficult because of the feedback loop of fear that my inner lust might be detected. Porn put me in a zombie state, where I could pass for being alive in isolated moments but was dead on the inside.
Interesting point: I did pray prayers of desperation. I tried to flee when possible, but could never run fast enough or far enough. My determination had no home because it was always defeated. But the Holy Spirit led me to begin to change some things even while I was still in bondage. I started working out. I started trying to eat better. I still made room for porn…but i did things that were akin to planting flowers in the prison lawn. I started reading the Bible and being obedient to God in almost imperceptibly small ways. I did these things not to be free…but because it was all I had to offer. I believe these accumulated actions over time and my building desire to be free - and an understanding that I could not free myself - created a person that could tolerate the lightning bolt that was about to strike. I was a meek, doomed creature who could only look to God for hope.
Transformation: And then came Easter morning….. The message was really one of salvation and God’s determination to save us. He waded through the filth to get me. He took my punishment to free me. Layer after layer of life trauma was revealed to me that morning. And through it all, I could see and feel the love of Jesus Christ in a manner I had only understood at an intellectual level in the past. The enemy’s strongholds were mighty, but I could feel them being shattered one by one. It was difficulty to keep any composure. It burned. I can almost imagine that the thing inside me could no longer stand the temperature. I won’t claim certainty over what was actually happening on this spiritual level, but this is what it felt like. It felt as though there was a real physical and spiritual dimension to this that I cannot explain.
And then, listening to praise music later that week - something I never really did before….I “inhaled.” The demon had been cast out, but this was the moment the spirit entered into the empty space. I cried, and was gasping for breath! It was like that moment like after you can finally breathe deep after having the wind viciously knocked out of you. I gasped and kept gasping. It was so very strange.
And I knew then with all certainty that it was over. The addiction as I had known it was gone. I am not surprised to be at day 50 and have no fear of relapse. Why on God’s Earth and every blessing in heaven would I ever go back to that!!!!!!?????? I can’t even stand the memory of it! I have had days that would have triggered my past but the thing is just “gone.” The cycle is broken. I can remember how I behaved but it feels distant. I can imagine one day I won’t even feel like it was really me.
And in its place is a feeling of such immense gratitude to Jesus Christ and the Father and the Spirit. I have since tearfully repented many times…and though I can’t explain it, I feel as though I would not have had the capacity to repent like this without first having been transformed. I didn’t know what repentance was or what it felt like until this moment. It’s not just sorry and I’ll try harder. It’s more like choosing to get into a car with someone who is driving across town. I’ve never had a diligent prayer life in the past, but I now spend long periods of time just saying thank you.
I have institutionalized this in my life….I have personal praise time twice a day, once in the morning and then again in the evening. But it often happens without me even thinking about it.
And here is something that will likely cause others to say “don’t listen to him!” And they may be right! But this is the truth. I have left all of my porn accounts active. None of them are paid accounts but they still send me email messages and remind of new content. I see these enter my inbox and delete them (unviewed) once a week or so. Don’t I feel too tempted to open them???? Not really. My body still bears its “wounds”… and the physical memory of it is still there. But it is small and starved and outweighed by joy. As a metaphor, porn now looks like choosing a pale imitation of something over the real thing. And the memory of myself in depression and bondage is still so visceral. I am so very happy to be alive. I feel the love of God and it causes me to see myself as He sees me and I don’t want to drag that person into filth.
In fact, every time I hit that delete button, it gives me a moment to celebrate and appreciate my freedom.
I’ve thought about this and now believe that, for me, it was a useless gesture to eradicate my ability to access porn. The enemy has made it available everywhere! I know some have achieved victory through this method so I am not casting any stones at it! Please don’t take it that way! For some, this may absolutely be necessary. I know that for me, deleting videos and stuff was kind of a distraction that just set up the inevitable and satisfying “search and rebuy all my porn” relapse.
For me, “fleeing” (which is biblical) is for when your addiction is thrust upon you without your choice. This is getting up out of a movie theater when you realize the content is triggering you. But what I am doing is dying to my sin as a remembrance of God’s grace and my choice to accept it as a conscious act. Porn is still there, but I obey the Spirit and say “get lost.”
Interesting point 2: Obedience is a muscle and every time I swipe left to delete, I can feel my “No” muscle become stronger. Strengthening this muscle while remembering that I was delivered has been my secret weapon.
Here is the part that I struggle with: why doesn’t God just zap Everyone who asks for it? Why didn’t this happen to me 2 years ago? I wouldn’t presume to know the answer to this. I can only lay this testimony out as clear as I can and trust that others may find things within it that speak to them and where they are. I just want to say that victory ins possible in Him and don’t listen to the lies of the enemy that say otherwise.
submitted by Substantial-Till4370 to NoFapChristians [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:29 BitsOfBuilding She’s officially ours

The previous owner gave us all her papers a few days ago. She is 8yrs old but since we’re used to bigger dogs, she’s like a puppy to us.
I’ve posted about her before. She’s the one who could only potty indoors on a pee pad. As mentioned, I’ve been working with her since we got word that the owner was interested in having us adopt her. This was about two weeks ago.
For the last two weeks or so I have been working on getting her more confident outside the house. We don’t think she was out and about much.
Anyhow, each day, every morning, I took her outside and placed her next to her outside toilet area (a dry spot in our patio). She’s been consistent every morning for a week now. We go outside before bedtime also and she’s been going 75% of time.
I noticed she always poo before eating. So after the morning pee, I would get dressed and out the door we went. I think after a couple walks she poop! She’s poop a few times during our walks now.
Last week, as she got more comfortable with our outside walking route, same loop for 20 min, she not only poop but also did a small wee next/near where the collie peed.
Yesterday we took her for another outing, to a village along the Rhine river, just an hour away. We had a picnic, grass all around us, but only one of the dogs peed. We walked along a trail but being on leash, nobody went - our dogs tend to prefer going when on leashes up.
It was a very warm day and she drank quite a bit throughout the day. We took them to a grassy spot (the third spot, the first she wasn’t ready, the second none of the dogs went, and guess thirds a charm). The collie peed and I called Miss P over towards the collie’s pee spot and Miss P did a proper big pee!!! So so happy!
This is only the second outdoor pee, but she’s slowly getting there. So proud of her!
Just a note, we are fine her peeing on the pad indoor. She is very good to only pee on pad. But we go away often with our dogs and we want her along also. So we’re trying to teach her to be ok peeing and pooping out on grass or walking path. Previously, her owner said she would never toilet when away from the house, she’d hold her pee/poo until the get back home. That’s just not healthy ya know.
Pics to share, her enjoying the view (2nd pee spot), cafe break, pic with her bigger (in size) sisters, she loves her dog car seat, and oh, she can sit and lay on the ground also!!! Before today she would only sit. She was such a little princess, has to have bed/blanket under her. It’s why we sometimes call her Princess. But I have been teaching her to love grass and that the ground is pretty cool too for sitting and laying around.
Still a lot of work to do but she is improving each day. She’s becoming more dog our daughter said 😂
submitted by BitsOfBuilding to Yorkies [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:06 becausetheymademe Rain helping more than Albuterol, Dulera, Epinephrine, pills, etc...

Over 20 years ago I was a jogger. And on a normal day I could do a 3.5 mile loop at about a 6:00 minute mile pace. But if it was raining or had recently rained I could do a 5:20 pace. And I felt like I had more in the tank after those 5:20's as well.
I was sedentary for many years after that but recently got into mountain biking. At first I was gasping for air while 60-year-olds were flying past me. I spoke to a doctor about this and got Albuterol and Dulera. They don't seem to make a difference. I tried some over-the-counter Epinephrine and pills (I forget which pills) but they don't seem to make a difference.
I was mountain biking yesterday and a few isolated clouds dropped some rain. I thought "oh great the trail is going to get muddy" but it wasn't enough rain for that. And the rain stopped. Shortly after that I suddenly felt like I had about 15% more oxygen out of nowhere. I was trying to figure out what the heck just happened, but this 15% boost eventually stopped and again I was trying to figure out what just happened. Then I remembered what rain did to my running 20+ years ago and because this was a brief rain from some isolated clouds that would explain why my 15% boost was temporary.
I don't know if the rain "cleaned the air", or if the increase in humidity did something for me. I wouldn't think it was enough rain to "clean the air" but maybe it did more than I realized.
Does anyone else have this response to rain? And if so have you found a drug that can simulate the boost that rain gives you?
submitted by becausetheymademe to Asthma [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:04 OttoVonBlastoid Nature Of A Homeless Musician: Epilogue: Onto The Next

Special thanks to u/SpacePaladin15 for creating the NoP universe.

I'd also like to thank u/xskipy10 for their awesome fanart of the main cast as well as their recent Tohba meme and their fanart of Michael baysitting. You're work is a treasure!

Thank you as well to u/Accomplished-Golf-59 for his take on Michael, Teylim, and Tohba in his submission for the Banner Art Contest, and u/Spacer_Catgirl4969 for their awesome music video featuring a pixel-art Dohkar in his bar. Be sure to give ALL of these awesome creators your love and support.

And let's not forget u/Guywhoexists2812 who has been an awesome source of memes as well as sick pixel art, such as THIS and THIS!!!! And even THIS!!!!!! And how could I forget THIS!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!

Today, we join Khornel and Michael as they prepare for yet another protest show as they continue the fight against those abusing their power. LETTUCE...conclude...for now...



Songs Mentioned/Used: Gives You Hell by The All American Rejects

Memory Transcript Subject: Khornel, Krakotl Talent Manager Date:[Standardized Human Time] February 2, 2137

Aaaand DONE!

I turned my head from side to side, inspecting my handiwork. While I still wasn’t QUITE as good at it as Ms. Teylim, touching up my feather dye was becoming easier and easier with practice. I’d even experimented a bit this time, and I was really liking how it turned out.

If only this crappy mirror wasn’t so smudgy.

Regardless of the state of the motel’s bathroom mirror, I was satisfied with the way I looked. My blue and newly touched up orange feathers were complimenting each other perfectly. And the slight hint of pink along the border definitely helped the whole spectrum of colors come together.


Once I was out of the bathroom, I sat down on the bed I was sharing and went through my bag to make sure I had everything.

Pad? Check!

Client contracts? Check!

Pens? Check!

Extra pair of glasses in case he forgets…again…


Credits for the fare? Eeeehhh, we can walk.

Other than that though, I had everything.

“Hey… Khorry?”

My crest perked up at the voice. I turned around to see Scolina working at the small table in the kitchen area.

“Yeah? What’s up?”

“Sorry… I know you’re about to leave, but could you…help me with this?”

I gave her a reassuring smile as I came over. Looking at the page she was working on, it seemed she’d gotten stuck on one of the problems for her math courses. Since she hadn’t received any education in the facility, she had a lot to catch up on, especially considering she was only a cycle younger than me.

“Oh, I see the problem. You were right to divide both sides of the equation here, but the problem is when you tried, you accidentally wrote the fraction upside down. Since you’re dividing the zero by something else, it should be on top.”

“So when I accidentally put it on the bottom-“

“You created an irrational loop because-“

“You can’t divide by zero.”

Scolina cradled her head in her paws, continuing to stare down at her homework.

“Thanks, Khorry. Sorry I’m so dumb.”

“Hey! Don’t you ever say that about yourself! You’re not dumb, ‘Lina. You’re just behind, and that isn’t your fault.”

“But…but I-“

“Listen, if I had a credit for every time I made a dumb mistake in just these past few months alone, we wouldn’t need to live here. Making mistakes doesn’t make you dumb, it just means you’re learning.”

She sniffled a bit before wiping away at her with her arm, the small pink sleeve that covered her scar soaking up any tears that were forming.

“Thanks, Khorry.”

I bent down and draped my wings around my sister, giving her a nice warm hug. After everything, while she DID have a very touching reunion with her father, the absence of her mother and the introduction of Trivah, Dailo, and Trilly was a bit too much change to deal with all at once.

So we all decided that she’d stay with us for now until she’d adjusted a bit. It was odd at first, to be sure, but I liked having her here. Grandfather adored her and I had to admit, having a little sister, at least unofficially, was something I was definitely warming up to.

“Always happy to help. Now, I’ll be working late tonight so be sure to get both yourself and grandfather to bed at a decent time, alright?”

“Okay. Bye-bye, Khorry.”

“Bye-bye, hatchling.”

I ran my beak through her head fur, preening out a small tangle and freeing a spine that was loose. Once I’d disposed of it, I turned to head out the door, but not before stopping at the other bed, where Grandfather was sat, listening to the radio. His expression instantly brightened as he heard me coming.

“Off to change the world again, Little ‘Nel?”

“I’m gonna try.”

“I know you will.”

I knelt down and gave him his hug as well. I missed this. After so long without him, every hug was a nostalgic treasure.

“And I’m not little anymore!”

“Perhaps not, but you’ll always be MY Little ‘Nel.”

“I know, Grandfather. I’ll be sure to make you proud out there.”

“You already do, my child. Now go. And be sure to tell that future Grandson-in-law of mine to run a comb through his head fur from time to time. I can’t even see and I can tell how scruffy he looks.”

I pulled away as felt my face turn warm, adding a splash of purple to the spectrum of color on my face.

“It’s not like that! WE’RE not like that! …Not yet, anyways…”

“Well, then tell him to hurry it up already! I want great grandpups before I die!”


“GRRRRGH!! NOPE! Not having this conversation! Goodbye! Love you!”

“Love you too! Best of luck today!”

“Bye-bye, Khorry!”

I barely heard the taunts of my family behind me as I stomped out the door and slammed it. After taking a moment to settle my feathers back down, I walked down the hall to the next door over.

Knock knock knock!

“It’s open!”

My mood instantly brightened from the kind, muffled, voice inside the room. I opened the door and was immediately greeted by the sight of Ms. Teylim making a meal, along with her adorable hatchling excitedly bouncing in his high chair.

“Khornel, dear!”


I walked over at a brisk pace before kneeling down to give them both hugs.

“Where’s Michael?”

“He should be-“


“Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Lost track of time!”

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes as my scatterbrained best friend and business partner sprinted into the kitchen area and quickly grabbed a slice of strayu from the table.

“You ALWAYS lose track of time!”

As much as I wanted to scold him for not being ready by the time I got here AGAIN, we didn’t have the time.

“Let’s just get moving before we’re late.”

“Right! Let’s go!”

However, just as we were about to leave…

“Ahem. Forgetting something, my joey?”

Michael looked up for a moment and frantically began checking his pockets before looking back at Ms. Teylim. Her smug look said it all. After a quick facepalm, he immediately jogged back to the kitchen area and knelt down to give her a goodbye hug, as well as a peck on the cheek for good measure. Lucky…

“Muah! Bye, Ma! Love you!”

“Be careful!”

“We will!”

Once he broke free from the hug, he made one last side trip to Tohba’s high chair, already going to plant a kiss on the top of his head. Again, lucky…




“-mmmMUAH! Bye-bye, Bud! ¡Te amo!”


With his goodbye hugs and kisses out of the way he made his way over to me…

My turn?!

…Only to run right past me and out the door.

Awwwe… Phooey…

Dejected as I was, I chased after him and down the hall.

“What?! I don’t get a kiss, too?!”

“Buy me dinner first, Bird Brain!”

“UGH!! You’re the WORST!!”

Memory Transcript Subject: Dohkar, Venlil Militia Leader Date:[Standardized Human Time] February 2, 2137



My four brothers stood in a line in front of the bar, still as statues as I came down the stairs. I still wasn’t sure how to feel about most of them. While I left, they all stayed, and continued fighting for The Guild even when they knew what they were doing was wrong.

Still, I knew these men. They all trained with me, ate with me, stood by me…grew up with me, and now, they stood here, ready to fight with me. While I could never forgive them for standing by while the people I loved suffered, I am willing to let them prove they’re willing to change.

“At ease.”

I marched in front of them, inspecting each to make sure their garb and gear was in order. In some ways, it resembled their old Guild uniforms minus any actual environmental protection. However, instead of chrome, we wore the same white coloration of the APCs that had broken through the Guild Offices walls. Black boots, gloves and bandoliers offset the white of our suits. And finally, five stripes of bright, blazing, blue accented our new badges, reminiscent of not only the blue helmets of the UN troops that fought by our sides, but also the eyes of a particular human musician, one I was looking forward to hearing sing again.

“Alright men, in order for this rally to go smoothly, we need to be on our guard. My most recent talks with Tevis didn’t go quite as well as I’d hoped, but I did manage to get him to leave us be for the most part. While we WILL still have to deal with the Interim Guard being there, they won’t be coming nearly as armed or numerous as usual. They’re simply there to observe, nothing more. Keep your eyes on them, but don’t do anything rash, or let any of the civilians do so either.”

I turned and marched down the line once more. While I was itching to move onto individual orders, there was the Mazik in the room to address.

“Now, I know many of us are shaken by news of the archives on Talsk. Believe me, I am too, but that’s all the more reason for us to stay vigilant. The people are afraid, confused, and questioning everything. The Magistrate, on top of their normal nonsense, will be that much more desperate to keep control. It is our job to be the barrier between the people we serve, and those willing to use this crisis to exploit them. There will come a time to rest and collect our thoughts, but now is not that time. The people need us. This town needs us, and until that is no longer the case, we MUST remain strong.”


Once I was at the end of the line again, I turned back around and began giving out individual orders, starting with-

“Bennic, out of everyone else in the squad, you’re currently the one with the best rapport with the people. I’m having you in charge of evacuation in case something goes wrong. Keep your eyes peeled for escape routes and be ready to begin herding everyone together at a moment’s notice.”

“Yes, sir.”

Next in line was Abra, our weapon specialist. Out of everyone, he was our best shot, even better than me. But he ALSO had one of the itchiest flamer fingers among us as well.”

“Abra, have you already made sure everyone’s gear is working properly?”

“Yes, sir. Every sidearm, baton, and smoke bomb we have is cleaned, checked, and functional.”

“Good, then I just want you to stay vigilant. Find some higher ground and keep an extra close eye on the Interim. The moment one of them tries something funny, I want to know.”

“And if they try harming the civilians?”

I furrowed my brow at him. I knew what he was getting at.

“Aim for NON-lethal, and make sure you have proof that THEY were the aggressors first.”

He gave a dejected chuff before responding.

“Yes, sir…”

What am I going to do with you, little brother?

Next was Ento, probably the only other Yotul here in town other than Teylim and Tohba, were they still here.

“Ento, were you able to make your last diagnostics check on the sound equipment last paw.”

“Yep! Everything on our end was working perfectly last I checked. We’ll still have to wait until they try connecting to know for sure, though.”

“Do everything you can to make sure it works. Leave the Interim and civilians to us.”

“Yes, sir!”

Finally, there was our medic, Canuck. Besides Bennic, this Zurulian was probably the one I was closest with growing up, if only because I’d always get the brunt of Albiel’s punishments when I’d stand up for the others, and it was usually Canuck patching me up.

“Canuck, in the case of an emergency, I want you to return to Dr. Forrik’s clinic. Since he’s still caring for his wife, I need you there getting everything ready in case something happens.”

“You sure you lot will be alright without me there?”

“We’ll be fine. The clinic will need you more than we will.”

“Yes, sir.”

With one last turn, I inspected my squad one last time.

“One last question.”

“What is it, Ben?”

“What about our…junior recruit?”

I sighed and looked back towards the staircase leading upstairs, just in time to catch a pair of suspiciously Nevok-shaped ears dip back from around the corner. I made sure to speak loud enough for him to hear me.

“He is to stay here and hold the fort. And he should bear in mind, I don’t just let ANYONE watch over MY bar. This is a large responsibility I’m trusting him with, and I trust he won’t let me down.”

The ears reappeared and solemnly nodded before retreating back up the stairs. Once I was sure my point was made, I turned back to my squad.

“Alright, if that’s all, we’ve got protestors to escort! Let’s move out!”


Memory Transcript Subject: Khornel, Krakotl Talent Manager Date:[Standardized Human Time] February 2, 2137

The Soulroot tram station was surprisingly bustling. I half-expected the place to be a ghost town like most places were after Cilani’s interview. But with the news breaking about the Farsul’s archives breaking, it seemed the people of Soulroot were out and about more than ever, either flocking to the many churches and chapels in the area, or simply deciding to pray at the Soulroot itself for answers…any answers.

“Damn. I always forget just how big that thing is.”

Speak of the devil…

We both gazed out the window of the tram car as it passed through the massive central park area of the city. In its exact center, dwarfing even the buildings surrounding the large, wooded park, was the city’s namesake: Kihri, The Soulroot. One of five massive Seraphim Trees spread across Venlil Prime.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. I can’t believe it was so close. I would’ve loved to have visited here.”

“Maybe we will when we have time.”

“I hope so.”

Once we passed the park, we turned back around and returned to our pads. He was working on another instrumental while I decided to pull up our current client list. I suddenly remembered something as soon as the list loaded and I saw the newest addition.

“Oh! By the way! I got us a new client!”

“Oh, sick! Who are they?”

“A restaurant in the next district over. It’s called The Lackadaisy. It IS an hour-long tram ride there, but it pays well, AND I got us a few perks as well.”

“OoooOOOoo! Like?”

“Like us getting to eat AND take out half off on the paws we play there. It might not be dinner, but I’d say half off lunch and take out once a week isn’t half bad.”

“You da bird, ‘Nel. When do we start?”

“You are scheduled to play during the lunch rush in two paws. We are to enter through the back entrance and meet with co-owners Sylvon and Kenta.”

“Sylvon and Kenta. Got it!”

Now approaching: Five Meadows

“This is our stop.”

We knew the tram wouldn’t take us all the way there. The Magistrate’s lockdown had seen to that, but that didn’t mean we couldn’t hang out by the border. In fact, the border that separated Soulroot and Five Meadows had become a popular gathering spot for people from both towns to “voice their displeasure”, which was exactly why we were here. With the lockdown of Five Meadows in effect, the war still ongoing, and the news of archives now made public, the people’s opinion of the local Magistrate was at an all time low. It was time to take advantage of that.

Once we exited the tram and saw crowds growing on both sides of the fence separating us from our home, we immediately spotted the makeshift soundstage we’d be using, as well as several figures on the other side garbed in white. They only got clearer once we got closer. Michael was even more excited to see them as I was.

“Heya Dohk!”

Dohkar, dressed in the new uniform of the Five Meadows Militia, greeted us with a warm smile, being sure to stay a decent distance away for the electric fence.

“Mike, Feathers, it’s good to see you two are alright.”

“Likewise, nice duds by the way. Totally doesn’t make you look like an oompa loompa or anything.”

“Watch it, Ape. I’ll have you know it was Trivah who made these.”

“Shit! Is she alright?”

“She’s fully recovered and here with her family. You’ll forgive me if I don’t call them over. The last thing I want is Trilly and Dailo trying to get through this fence.”

“No worries. Just tell them I said hi.”

A yotul garbed in the same uniform ran up to Dohkar and greeted us with a nod.

“Everything’s set up, you two. Once you're connected, let me know and we’ll do a sound check.”


Memory Transcript Subject: Michael Ruiz Andrews, Human Street Musician Date:[Standardized Human Time] February 2, 2137


Sometimes…I wonder if it was all worth it…


In a lot of ways, life was the same as it was back on Earth. Here I was, stuck in a shitty apartment, well…motel room now, I guess. I still had a shitty landlord that hated my guts. I was still struggling to make ends meet, playing music I wasn’t all that crazy about for people I wasn’t all that crazy about. I still didn’t have any real direction to take my life in, or any real plans for the future. So…was it worth it?


I’d lost almost everything I had. I lost my guitar, the only real thing I had to remind me of Dad, and everything he taught me. I lost pretty much all of my possessions. Hell, the only reason I had new clothes to use at all was thanks to the human embassy here in Soulroot. I lost my home a second time, just days after finally bringing myself to start calling it that. I even almost lost my life. My scar still itches from time to time just thinking about it. So…was it really worth it? Remembering all the pain, suffering, heartache, and loss I’d been through in these past few months, sometimes I really question it.


But then…then I remember the GOOD times. I remember all the people I’ve met, all the songs and memories we’ve made together.


I remember meeting Mom, and my baby brother. I remember singing for them for the first time. I remember sitting and eating breakfast with them, talking and laughing the early hours away. I remember watching Tohba and teaching him how to sing, just like Dad taught me. I remember meeting Dohk, his honest words and advice keeping me grounded when the world around me just didn’t make sense. I remember meeting ‘Nel, slowly but surely building a friendship and trust that I wouldn’t give for anything.

Hopefully she puts up with me long enough for me to finally be ready.

I remember all the strife and challenges I’ve gone through, knowing that I wasn’t alone for any of it. I remember all the things I’ve gained: A life, a family, a mentor, a partner…

A home…


A home worth fighting for.


A home worth living for.


A home…worth playing for…

So breathe…focus…and play…

The speakers come to life with a chill beat, soft snares and shakers keeping the pace as the ambience builds. A triangle marks my entrance as I take over, plucking at Teyrin’s strings. I nod along with the bouncing melody, letting myself get into it. I see a few in the crowd begin swaying along as I begin to let my soul sing.

I wake up every evenin’…with a big smile on my face! And it never feels out of place!

It’s hard to not grin as I speak, letting the notes express my current mood perfectly. I make sure to give those Interim jerks guarding the border a smug look which they definitely don’t appreciate.

And you’re still probably workin’…at a nine-to-five pace! I wonder how bad that tastes!

When you see my face, hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell!

When you walk my way, hope it gives you hell, hope it gives yooou hell!

I turn to ‘Nel, standing up on stage singing next to me. There’s no one I’d rather be up here with.

Now, where’s your picket fence, Love? And where’s that shiny car? Did it ever get you far?

You never seemed so dense, Love! I’ve never seen you fall so hard! Do you know where you are?

When I’m up here…and I think about my old life on Earth…

And truth be told, I miss you… (Miss you…)

And truth be told, I’M LYIN’!!!

We turn to the closest Interim chump keeping us from our home.





I hope it gives you hell!

Memory Transcript Subject: Jerrick, Nevok Fugitive Date:[Standardized Human Time] February 2, 2137

The mood of the song calmed for a moment. I watched the live broadcast just hoping nothing would happen. Everything going on was just so CRAZY. With the raid, the Magistrate taking over, and now the archives, it just made everything I did in the name of The Guild even more pointless.

Tomorrow, you’ll be thinkin’ to yourself, “Yeah, where did it all go wrong?” But the list goes on and on!

Everything I did for HIM…pointless…

And truth be told, I miss you… (Miss you…)

And truth be told, I’M LYIN’!!!

I hope you rot, Father…





Memory Transcript Subject: Michael Ruiz Andrews, Human Street Musician Date:[Standardized Human Time] February 2, 2137

A figure stands in my periphery… I know who she is…

Now you’ll never see! What you’ve done to me!

She’s not my mother…

You can take back your memories, they’re no good to me!

“You’ll never be rid of me, Blue.” I know…

You can hiss all your lies! You can look me in the eyes!

With that sad, sad, look that you wear so well!

But that just means you get to watch as I live my life without you in it.

[Warning!: You Are About To Access Restricted Files: Continue?: Y/N…]

[The Following Is A News Broadcast Archived By Magistrate Intelligence…]

[The camera opens on a female, human, reporter with green eyes standing in front of an energetic crowd…]









Memory Transcript Subject: Michael Ruiz Andrews, Human Street Musician Date:[Standardized Human Time] February 2, 2137

Breathe…focus…and ROAR!!!

To my old life on Earth!


To the Federation killing my people!


To the Magistrate holding my hometown hostage!


To every last asshole who thinks I’m a monster for what I am!


To that monster who took my mom, rotting in whatever cell he’s being held in.


And lastly, to that figure, that voice in my head telling me I don’t deserve a home…


The End
submitted by OttoVonBlastoid to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]