Dizziness from coughing

A place to come together for those that suffer from unexplained dizziness

2013.07.12 03:39 bevkc A place to come together for those that suffer from unexplained dizziness

Suffering from unexplained dizziness, I've talked to many people who are in the same boat. Weather you've had a multitude of tests done and just finding a place to vent, or just had a dizzy spell and not quite sure where to go.

2019.03.26 23:56 urgentresearch ChronicCough

Welcome to /ChronicCough, a place for people who suffer from persistent or recurring coughing to share and discuss their experience. This community is not a source of medical advice. Please do not ask for medical advice and please do not give medical advice. If you suffer from chronic cough or any cough-related symptoms or medical issues in general, contact a doctor or emergency services.

2018.11.20 00:51 Anemia

A subreddit dedicated to sufferers of Anemia. Anything anemic related can be discussed here, whether it’s questions, support or advice. For more info on Iron Deficiency with or without Anemia, check out The Iron Protocol FB Group Guides and www.theironprotocol.com

2024.05.13 15:11 myself_sed Wanted to make this post cuz I hope people know this nothing else

AC is your worst enemy right now against heat waves. Using it is like digging your own grave. It does absolutely no good.
Yes, air conditioning (AC) can have a negative impact on the environment. AC contributes to climate change by using a lot of energy and releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. AC units use hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants, which are powerful greenhouse gases. AC also accounts for around 20% of the electricity used in buildings, and 10% of electricity consumption worldwide
Water consumption Cooling towers use large amounts of water, which can affect fragile ecosystems. Competition with other activities Renewable cooling methods can compete with other activities like fishing and shipping, which can disrupt wildlife habitats.
Health factors
Dehydration Air conditioners remove moisture from a room to cool it off, which can cause you to lose water through your skin. Dry eyes The lack of humidity in air-conditioned spaces can dry out your eyes, making them irritated and itchy, and may even make your vision blurry. Respiratory issues Staying in an air conditioner for too long can cause respiratory problems. Skin dryness Excessive exposure to sun along with sitting under an air conditioner can make your skin too dry and itchy. Lethargy People who stay in an air conditioner for a long time tend to become lethargic and sluggish. Sick building syndrome Symptoms include headaches, dry cough, dizziness and nausea, trouble concentrating, fatigue, and sensitivity to odors
To add. My friends who use AC cant even survive in 40° temp unlike those of us who can
I saw a post where people have 4-8 AC AND are complaining about heat waves. Like be real for right...
I just want you guys to see if you can get any other option like new ventilation or cooler or Fan (powerful fan) table fan.
Please do this for your own good. I'm not forcing anyone to do anything. It's just a gentle reminding that we are digging our own grave. Please be serious.
submitted by myself_sed to IndianTeenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:57 everlark21 dizziness and tingling in one leg for a month

24F, 170cm 59kg, euthyrox, escitalopram, ambien, contraceptive pill. Hi! About a month ago I became ill with flu-like symptoms (runny nose, headache, cough and hoarseness), a few days later I got better from those symptoms but since then I have had constant dizziness and a feeling of vertigo, nausea and tingling in left leg. I have been told that the tingling could be because I may have pressure on a nerve for which I have gone to the physiotherapist, which has improved the tingling somewhat, but it does not go away no matter what I do. I have had chronic migraines and vertigo occasionally for a few years, but this time I took medication and they gave me an injection and nothing has worked. I also have hypothyroidism which gives me a bad pulse, however I feel shakier than usual. I recently had a brain CT scan but they won't give me the results for a few weeks and I'm worried something serious might happen despite my family doctor telling me otherwise, so I would like to know what condition I may have. If anyone has experienced something similar and can guide me, it would be a great help!
submitted by everlark21 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 10:59 adulting4kids Character Traits of Addiction

When our characters suffer addiction we know little about we should look up these different things to add into the description of the traits to provide more depth and reality to them. It makes it more three dimensional and can build into different subplots that are integrated into a larger storyline.
Here are just a few of the things people are addicted to and how those addictions are manifested into traits that are part of a full character profile.
  1. Alcohol:
    • Dependence
    • Craving
    • Tolerance
    • Withdrawal symptoms
    • Loss of control
  2. Tobacco:
    • Nicotine dependence
    • Habitual use
    • Respiratory issues
    • Withdrawal symptoms
    • Health deterioration
  3. Cocaine:
    • Intense euphoria
    • Increased energy
    • Agitation
    • Paranoia
    • Rapid heart rate
  4. Heroin:
    • Euphoria
    • Drowsiness
    • Needle marks
    • Respiratory depression
    • Nausea
  5. Marijuana:
    • Altered perception
    • Memory impairment
    • Lack of coordination
    • Dependence
    • Impaired judgment
  6. Prescription opioids:
    • Pain relief
    • Sedation
    • Dependence
    • Tolerance
    • Respiratory depression
  7. Benzodiazepines:
    • Anxiety relief
    • Sedation
    • Dependence
    • Withdrawal symptoms
    • Memory impairment
  8. Methamphetamine:
    • Increased alertness
    • Euphoria
    • Agitation
    • Psychotic symptoms
    • Cardiovascular issues
  9. Gambling:
    • Compulsive behavior
    • Financial losses
    • Obsessive thoughts
    • Relationship strain
    • Chasing losses
  10. Video games:
    • Escapism
    • Social isolation
    • Obsessive gaming
    • Impaired daily functioning
    • Disrupted sleep
  11. Social media:
    • Constant checking
    • Fear of missing out (FOMO)
    • Validation-seeking behavior
    • Time distortion
    • Negative impact on mental health
  12. Internet:
    • Excessive online time
    • Cyber addiction
    • Social disconnection
    • Impact on real-life relationships
    • Compulsive browsing
  13. Shopping:
    • Compulsive buying
    • Financial strain
    • Temporary emotional relief
    • Hoarding tendencies
    • Impaired financial decision-making
  14. Work:
    • Workaholism
    • Neglect of personal life
    • Burnout
    • Constant need for achievement
    • Difficulty delegating tasks
  15. Exercise:
    • Compulsive exercising
    • Exercise as a primary source of identity
    • Physical strain
    • Disregard for rest and recovery
    • Negative impact on mental health
  16. Food:
    • Binge eating
    • Emotional eating
    • Loss of control
    • Negative body image
    • Compulsive overeating
  17. Sugar:
    • Craving for sugary foods
    • Energy crashes
    • Weight gain
    • Increased risk of health issues
    • Difficulty moderating intake
  18. Coffee:
    • Caffeine dependence
    • Increased tolerance
    • Physical withdrawal symptoms
    • Disrupted sleep
    • Jitters and restlessness
  19. Tea:
    • Caffeine dependence
    • Ritualistic consumption
    • Calming effect
    • Impact on hydration
    • Withdrawal headaches
  20. Energy drinks:
    • Excessive caffeine intake
    • High sugar content
    • Stimulant-induced alertness
    • Potential health risks
    • Dependency for energy boost
  21. Sex:
    • Compulsive sexual behavior
    • Relationship strain
    • Risky sexual activities
    • Obsessive thoughts
    • Impact on daily functioning
  22. Pornography:
    • Excessive consumption
    • Escapism
    • Distorted views of relationships
    • Impact on sexual health
    • Relationship strain
  23. Prescription medications:
    • Dependence on medication
    • Over-reliance
    • Impact on physical health
    • Potential for misuse
    • Tolerance
  24. Codeine:
    • Pain relief
    • Sedation
    • Dependence
    • Respiratory depression
    • Misuse potential
  25. LSD:
    • Altered perception
    • Hallucinations
    • Distorted sense of time
    • Potential for psychological distress
    • Flashbacks
  26. MDMA (Ecstasy):
    • Increased empathy
    • Euphoria
    • Dehydration
    • Hyperactivity
    • Potential for overheating
  27. Ketamine:
    • Dissociation
    • Hallucinations
    • Impaired motor function
    • Dependence
    • Bladder and urinary issues
  28. Inhalants:
    • Euphoria
    • Dizziness
    • Short-term hallucinations
    • Potential for brain and organ damage
    • Sudden sniffing death
  29. Caffeine:
    • Stimulant effects
    • Dependence
    • Withdrawal headaches
    • Increased heart rate
    • Insomnia
  30. Nicotine:
    • Stimulant effects
    • Dependence
    • Withdrawal symptoms
    • Increased heart rate
    • Respiratory issues
  31. Sex:
    • Compulsive sexual behavior
    • Relationship strain
    • Risky sexual activities
    • Obsessive thoughts
    • Impact on daily functioning
  32. Pornography:
    • Excessive consumption
    • Escapism
    • Distorted views of relationships
    • Impact on sexual health
    • Relationship strain
  33. Prescription medications:
    • Dependence on medication
    • Over-reliance
    • Impact on physical health
    • Potential for misuse
    • Tolerance
  34. Codeine:
    • Pain relief
    • Sedation
    • Dependence
    • Respiratory depression
    • Misuse potential
  35. LSD:
    • Altered perception
    • Hallucinations
    • Distorted sense of time
    • Potential for psychological distress
    • Flashbacks
  36. MDMA (Ecstasy):
    • Increased empathy
    • Euphoria
    • Dehydration
    • Hyperactivity
    • Potential for overheating
  37. Ketamine:
    • Dissociation
    • Hallucinations
    • Impaired motor function
    • Dependence
    • Bladder and urinary issues
  38. Inhalants:
    • Euphoria
    • Dizziness
    • Short-term hallucinations
    • Potential for brain and organ damage
    • Sudden sniffing death
  39. Caffeine:
    • Stimulant effects
    • Dependence
    • Withdrawal headaches
    • Increased heart rate
    • Insomnia
  40. Painkillers:
    • Pain relief
    • Tolerance
    • Dependence
    • Risk of overdose
    • Respiratory depression
  41. Sleeping pills:
    • Sedation
    • Dependence
    • Tolerance
    • Impaired cognitive function
    • Disrupted sleep patterns
  42. Compulsive lying:
    • Habitual dishonesty
    • Concealing the truth
    • Strained relationships
    • Loss of trust
    • Need for constant validation
  43. Plastic surgery:
    • Body dysmorphic tendencies
    • Constant pursuit of perfection
    • Psychological impact
    • Financial strain
    • Societal pressure
  44. Cutting/self-harm:
    • Coping mechanism
    • Emotional release
    • Negative emotions relief
    • Risk of infection
    • Concealing scars
  45. Powecontrol:
    • Manipulative behavior
    • Desire for dominance
    • Strained relationships
    • Lack of empathy
    • Fear-based control
  46. Fame:
    • Constant pursuit of recognition
    • Validation-seeking behavior
    • Impact on mental health
    • Shifting priorities
    • Loss of privacy
  47. Attention:
    • Constant need for validation
    • Disregard for personal boundaries
    • Impact on relationships
    • Social media-centric behavior
    • Self-worth tied to attention
  48. Sugar-sweetened beverages:
    • High sugar content
    • Increased calorie intake
    • Weight gain
    • Tooth decay
    • Dependency on sugary drinks
  49. Fast food:
    • High-fat content
    • High calorie intake
    • Dependence on convenience
    • Weight gain
    • Negative impact on health
  50. Selfies:
    • Constant need for self-documentation
    • Validation-seeking behavior
    • Impact on self-esteem
    • Comparison to others
    • Social media-centric behavior
  51. Cosmetic procedures:
    • Desire for physical enhancement
    • Psychological impact
    • Financial strain
    • Body dysmorphic tendencies
    • Societal pressure
  52. Hoarding:
    • Compulsive accumulation of possessions
    • Difficulty discarding items
    • Impaired living space
    • Emotional attachment to objects
    • Strained relationships
  53. Overeating:
    • Binge eating episodes
    • Emotional eating
    • Loss of control
    • Negative impact on physical health
    • Guilt and shame
  54. Prescription stimulants:
    • Increased alertness
    • Improved focus and concentration
    • Dependence
    • Tolerance
    • Potential for misuse
  55. Over-the-counter drugs:
    • Self-medication
    • Potential for misuse
    • Dependency
    • Health risks
    • Lack of professional guidance
  56. Romantic relationships:
    • Codependency
    • Obsessive thoughts
    • Fear of abandonment
    • Emotional highs and lows
    • Strained personal identity
  57. Codependency:
    • Excessive reliance on others
    • Neglect of personal needs
    • Difficulty setting boundaries
    • Fear of rejection
    • Strained relationships
  58. Social approval:
    • Constant need for validation
    • Fear of judgment
    • Impact on self-esteem
    • Conforming behavior
    • Social media-centric validation
  59. Thrill-seeking:
    • Constant pursuit of excitement
    • Risk-taking behavior
    • Impaired judgment
    • Adrenaline dependence
    • Impact on personal safety
  60. Narcotics:
    • Pain relief
    • Sedation
    • Dependence
    • Tolerance
    • Health risks
  61. Designer drugs (e.g., bath salts):
    • Intense euphoria
    • Hallucinations
    • Agitation
    • Increased heart rate
    • Severe health risks
  62. Over-the-counter cough medicine abuse:
    • Euphoria
    • Dizziness
    • Hallucinations
    • Impaired coordination
    • Health risks
  63. Social media stalking:
    • Compulsive checking of profiles
    • Intrusive thoughts
    • Obsessive behavior
    • Impact on mental well-being
    • Strained personal relationships
  64. Fear of missing out (FOMO):
    • Constant need to be involved
    • Anxiety about social events
    • Comparison to others
    • Impact on mental health
    • Social media-centric anxiety
  65. Collecting:
    • Compulsive acquisition of items
    • Difficulty discarding possessions
    • Emotional attachment to collections
    • Strained living space
    • Financial strain
  66. Fantasy sports addiction:
    • Excessive time spent on fantasy sports
    • Impact on work or relationships
    • Obsessive tracking of player stats
    • Financial investment
    • Escapism from reality
  67. Conspiracy theories obsession:
    • Constant consumption of conspiracy content
    • Alienation from mainstream information
    • Impact on critical thinking
    • Strained relationships
    • Difficulty accepting evidence-based information
  68. Extreme diets:
    • Obsessive focus on dieting
    • Impact on physical health
    • Emotional distress related to food
    • Social isolation due to dietary restrictions
    • Negative body image
  69. Extreme couponing:
    • Compulsive pursuit of discounts
    • Hoarding of coupons
    • Excessive stockpiling of items
    • Impact on financial well-being
    • Strained living space
  70. Internet trolling:
    • Habitual provocative online behavior
    • Seeking emotional reactions
    • Anonymity-driven aggression
    • Strained online communities
    • Legal consequences
  71. Spiritual bypassing:
    • Avoidance of negative emotions through spirituality
    • Denial of personal challenges
    • Strained relationships
    • Lack of emotional authenticity
    • Disconnect from reality
  72. Extreme minimalism:
    • Compulsive decluttering
    • Obsessive focus on possessions
    • Strained relationships due to minimalistic lifestyle
    • Anxiety about material belongings
    • Rigidity in lifestyle choices
  73. Gaming loot box addiction:
    • Compulsive spending on in-game purchases
    • Chasing virtual rewards
    • Financial strain
    • Impact on real-life responsibilities
    • Gambling-like behavior
  74. Rumination:
    • Constant overthinking
    • Obsessive focus on past mistakes
    • Impact on mental health
    • Difficulty moving forward
    • Strained relationships
  75. Approval-seeking behavior:
    • Constant need for validation
    • Fear of rejection
    • Impact on decision-making
    • Strained authenticity
    • Mental health implications
  76. News addiction:
    • Compulsive consumption of news
    • Anxiety related to current events
    • Impact on mental well-being
    • Difficulty disconnecting from news cycle
    • Strained worldview
  77. Anger addiction:
    • Habitual anger expression
    • Seeking confrontation
    • Strained relationships
    • Negative impact on mental health
    • Legal consequences
  78. Religious zealotry:
    • Extreme devotion to religious beliefs
    • Intolerance of other perspectives
    • Strained relationships with non-believers
    • Willingness to harm others in the name of faith
    • Resistance to critical thinking
  79. Mindless scrolling:
    • Excessive time spent on scrolling through content
    • Impact on productivity
    • Impaired attention span
    • Social isolation
    • Disrupted sleep patterns
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 06:45 DoubleKnott Do I need to go to the ER tonight? Doc in the morning? Or suck it up?

I'm on day 4 of some sort of respiratory thing my kids gave me. I'm 368lb adult woman on high blood pressure meds, rid alin and bye pro pre al . I'm doing the normally sleep, take cold meds, get up for a few hours do something low energy and go back to bed with more meds. Not worried about it fever was a bit high but meds do their thing.
Tonight sitting on the couch I feel like I can't catch my breath. I feel like I'm taking shallow breaths. Laughed at a TV show with my kid and coughed so much I couldn't breathe and almost vomited. I took my meds but this time I'm still feeling like I ran from a bear. I took my heart rate 44 and 43 for 30 seconds each. I'm sitting, lounging on a couch. I feel really crappy and didn't want my husband to go up to bed while I stay down on the couch because of the constant coughing. I don't want to waste anyone's time. I don't want more treatment than I need, but I just feel off. It's almost 1am here. We'd have to haul both kids with us or I go alone. I could call my doc tomorrow. Or I can suck it up. I'm also a bit dizzy just sitting. Just thought I'd ask so I don't do something stupid likeake my whole family go into the ER for a cold.
submitted by DoubleKnott to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 04:52 Jeremyfurfaro Got over a flu but still experiencing troubling symptoms

25 male, non-smoker.
A little over a week ago I caught the flu. I never checked if it was COVID though. It was mostly a cough and a lot of sneezing, but also a headache and very low grade fever on the last few days.
I got over the flu last Wednesday, it is now Monday, and I still have a lot of pressure in my chest and blowing my nose an ungodly amount every morning.
I'm getting like localised aches all over my body but especially in my face and in my legs. I'm also feeling dizzy but I'm unable to distinguish if that is from my gut issues or these other symptoms.
I went to work this morning, and had to leave cause I feeling quite ill, and my heart was beating fast and I've had some palpitations today. I work at a nursery so it's quite intense work. Also, the only other reason I'm worried about all the phlegm in my chest is because I work with plants, and weeds and potting mix and I get a lot of debris in my nose that irritates it, and I'm wondering if that's the cause for all the chest pressure and l've done some damage.
I would go to the doctor but they're all booked out for 2 days. And because the symptoms are so vague and miscellaneous I'm not sure whether this is something that needs to be dealt with asap or just some weird post viral symptoms that I just have to wait out.
submitted by Jeremyfurfaro to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:34 Jim_math I feel weird

I’m 23 M, I don’t take any medication , I used to take some omega 3 vitamins but stopped Last year around June I started feeling dizzy and my eyes felt like they were shaking (idk what that is called ) . I went to the hospital and they told me it’s nothing probably stress from exams at that time . After a while I also started coughing for no reason , my parents think it’s a tick but it doesn’t feel like it . Generally after I started coughing I’ve been feeling a weight on my chest and a slight discomfort under my ribs and chest (which maybe comes from bad body posture not sure ) also I had an infection in my respiratory system . On top of that I have been feeling a little weaker than usual and unhealthy and feel pressure around my neck like someone is squeezing it but gently and sometimes it burns a bit which affects my stamina , I don’t smoke nor drink but I’m around people that smoke a lot and recent moved to China too .
submitted by Jim_math to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 01:37 Rja12345 My body feels like it’s going through something but I have no clue what’s going on

27 male
Diagnosed with: Type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and adhd/anxiety.
I’ve also experienced GERD like symptoms for a long time. My doctor sent me to get tested but I ran out of money on my medical card so I’m waiting another month when it gets uploaded with more money. But my doctor was confident in me having GERD.
Medications: Adderal IR, Magnesium (just started today).
Yesterday I started to feel really weird. I felt dizzy and nauseous. I also started to become much more bloated then I usually am. Sometimes I do get bloated from certain foods (I suspect from having GERD), but it’s never that bad. The bloating persisted and I only got temporary relief from tea and a probiotics shot. When I got to work I started to feel really fatigued. I also felt very nauseous as if I would pass out. My head had this weird feeling, not sure if being lightheaded is the correct term to describe it. I felt so confused and dizzy that I couldn’t concentrate on what I was doing. I also had an headache. At one point the bloating got really bad and I started to experience heart burn. I did drink an energy drink, I’m sure that didn’t help it. About 1-2 hours after those symptoms started at work I eventually threw up.
I went home early and while driving home I felt very fatigued and sleepy while driving. The headache persisted but I did feel a bit better and fell asleep.
This morning I woke up with a headache. I felt super fatigued and I couldn’t focus even with my adderall prescription. I felt bloated, kept getting muscle spasms, and I had shortness of breath. Today my back also started to hurt everytime I coughed and I keep feeling weird sensations all over my body. It feels like a cloud of fatigue is covering my entire body. I really don’t know what’s going on. I thought I was getting a fever but I’m not sure if that’s it. A friend said it could be a stomach virus and my last thought was something GERD related or maybe vitamin deficiencies due to me not getting the proper nutrients through my diet. I do want to be honest and mention that despite my issues with digestion my diet hasn’t been the best lately up until a few days ago.
If anyone can give me any insight or advice, it would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Rja12345 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 10:58 Latter-Ad-1523 diagnosed with stage 2 copd about 4 weeks ago and have a few questions

i am 47 years old, i have always had a nasty cough, but i get super active in the spring and summer with biking, hiking and other random stuff. in my early 20's i smoked cigarettes and weed but maybe for about 3 or 4 years and was a heavy drinker, but really this was just this short period of time and really having touched any of that stuff for about 20 years now.
i have avoided going to see health care providers for most of my life, even when i had great benefits i just didnt go. the last 10 years or i finally started seeing professionals due to a cough and shortness of breath.
the health care provider i had been going to did a spirology test, but never got back to me with the results, i called and called and eventually learned to stop asking.
a few weeks later, still coughing like crazy btw and hard to breath, i had developed pains in my guts and back from the (at the time) 3 months of almost constant coughing. i was starting to have issues with blacking out from the coughing and a friend of mine's wife is a doctor and heard about this and said call an ambulance now. instead i drove my self to the ER at a different hospital than where i had been going.
the ER did all sorts of tests, xray, mri, held me there for maybe 10hours, got the cough under control and fed me steroids and other stuff and set me up an appointment with a nurse practitioner within their hospital maybe a week later. (edit: just remembered i had a seizure while i was in the ER. i dont remember much about it, but the staff told my parents, they showed up at the hospital with me i think, it was likely nothing and just brought on from hyperventilating.)
as i was saying a week later i see a np and she gave me some cough suppressant scipts, steroids, maybe antibiotics as well. had me come back a week later and did more of the above and ordered a pft test a few days later.
i did the pft test and they wouldnt call me back with the results. again i called and called and 3 weeks later they call only to tell me that there was a slight problem but an inhaler would take care of it as needed.
i went to my follow up appointment which was again just a few weeks later and i asked about the pft test and the np said oh yeah you have stage 2 copd. i am not an emotional guy, it just seems like it should have been shared with me sooner and not mentioned nonchalantly as it was, more than anything i perceived this as incompetent and has me concerned about the level i care i may receive in the future, but perhaps this is normal?
the np also said i should not return to my job as it sounds like the work environment may be triggering my symptoms as it can be dusty some times, new building work. i told my boss and he said maybe we can figure something out some how, mind you i have not been back to work at this point but maybe 4 times in the last 5 months. the doc told me to stay home and rest until we get this under control.
i have savings to hold me over but im running kinda low now at this point and i asked the np to put what she said about my work in writing so i can give it to my boss or any one else who may need to see this and she said she wont be doing that. i said but my work may require it and she said well let me check around and see what i could do. she had her nurse call me and say that they wrote up a letter and i can come get it anytime.
i go to get this letter this week since i have another appointment anyways and it says i can in fact work, but i have to wear a mask due to my copd. this is not what i have been told the 3 or 4 times i have asked about going back to work this entire time. THIS ENRAGES ME, but i didnt read the letter until after i had my appointment that day and im not sure what to do about this. again, this points to incompetency to me, this may get me fired.
also during my last visit which was this week, i said so what do we do with the copd, she said this is it, this is your life, this is all we can do for now. i told her this diagnosis changes things, i likely have had this for a while, and i still plan to get into shape like i always do every spring/summer, i told her i had also ridden my bike about 3 times in the past couple of weeks and felt good, but sometimes just walking across the room makes me winded like crazy.
i asked why is it that walking from my car to the house winds me but i can hop on my bike and ride for an hour and she said thats just how the body can be some times. i asked so is there more testing, any more follow up and she said not really, and scheduled me for another checkup in 3 months.
i may sound bitter but i am not, i am great full for the care the second hospital gave me, i feel they have me on the right track.
i dont know what todo next regarding these three things:
1 how am i supposed to work my job with a mask, its already hard to breath. also her telling me all along that i cant work that job anymore, but the moment i asked for it in writing i am denied and when i pressed them on it, they said they would then they would but come back with a letter saying i can work but i have to wear a mask. is there a special copd approved mask? will my insurance cover it? or will any old covid surgeon mask work? my boss is cool and likely will not fire me, but anything can happen and they might be expecting more than a peice of paper saying i need to wear a mask. i would have asked the np while i was there, but i assumed the letter they gave me would reflect exactly what they had been telling me all along. how in the world am i supposed to deal with this this job seeking, people are not going to hire me wearing a mask? am i supposed to tell new employers i must wear a mask?
2 does it seem like i am on the right track with these new health care providers? is it true that you just live with stage 2 copd? i could have sworn that the np said that there would be things we can do if it come back positive with copd, medications, treatments, more tests?
3 how to live my life? am i supposed to take it easy? i feel dizzy at times and have noticed my balance is off which is weird for me. i noticed i drift while walking now, is this related? am i overdoing it with the bike riding? i have ridden a bike a lot since i was a little kid and its so easy for me, but its not like go fast, 6 to 8mph atm, in the past i would ride about 14mph for 2 to 3 hours straight, but i am weak from all the laying around the last few months. i now only have a couple coughing spells a day now, but my brain is not functioning well, i am not feeling sharp and my memory is terrible. oh just remembered i wrecked my bike while riding last week. i dont know how it happened, it was a compltely flat straight paved trail, i remember thinking i am getting close to the edge and i over corrected and did that again and went off the road into loose gravel and down i went. last time i wrecked a bike was maybe 15 years ago and that was off road and it was due to the chain breaking while i was pedaling hard and fast up a steep hill.
i have 20 years IT experience so thinking and attention to detail has been a skill of mine for most of my life and how i make a living, i feel i have lost my edge due to this bout of illness. perhaps it will come back as i continue to improve?
will i continue to improve? does copd come and go throughout the day? does it come and go in spells that last 4 months?
so much about my inability to breath for the last 15 years has been kinda coming back to me and im remembering so many random moments where people say "hey you look like your going to die" etc etc. i always just thought it was allergies or a cold or something, i would ignore it and continue life.
sorry for the wall of text, but i dont know what todo atm and wanted to share as much information as i could come up with.
submitted by Latter-Ad-1523 to COPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 03:58 side-8182 Please help - ER visit, suspected PE

I am in San Jose, CA. I have arrived at ER by ambulance on May 8, 1am.


CCI, AAI, internal jugular vein compression (?) at the C1 level secondary to CCI. I’ve also been diagnosed with HSD by an EDS neurosurgeon via physical exam—therefore I could have some vascular integrity issues. Previously ME/CFS. No history of anxiety or panic attacks. No CCI or IJV surgeries or medication. Primary symptoms: - Constant pressure headaches and feeling of venous congestion in the head. As if fluid does not go through the head or gets lodged up. Pressure on the sides of the head and at the temples - Constant brain fog and difficulty finding words - Burning eyes, worsening eyesight, blurry vision, veiny red eyes - Occasional tinnitus or sudden hearing loss and loud tinnitus for 1-2 minutes in episodes - Feel better laying down and pushing occiput against bed frame as if extending my neck - Hard collar helps—stabilizing my neck is helpful for symptoms - Oscillation between symptoms of high IH and low IH (CSF leaks?) - Feel terrible on planes with barometric pressure changes - No known trauma. No known acute cause of CCI. Had headaches and fatigue since 3 y/o but did not consider medical issue until 18. Now 22. - 150 pounds, 5’10, 22M, no drugs/alcohol/smoking/caffeine


At the time of onset, I had just overexerted both physically and cognitively (driving and some computer work, but I am primarily housebound due to CCI so this was above average for me). As soon as it was time to relax, I started having these symptoms: - Shortness of breath - Lightheadedness & dizziness. I normally have constant pressure headaches and feeling of venous congestion. The pressure headaches were gone within minutes, which is very unusual. Felt like I was losing blood. When I started to feel better, the pressure headaches partially returned - Mucus lodged in back of my throat with blood. I had much less mucus and little to no blood when coming down from the episode - Shaking and chills for 4-6 hours - Cold hands for 30 minutes - Heart rate oscillating between normal and very rapid in 1-2 minute intervals - Lost blood flow in the right arm for 60 seconds - Blood pressure systolic 176 in the ambulance. It was likely higher prior to the ambulance - Stomach growling and discomfort - Extreme weakness, difficulty standing


Doctor, upon seeing my medical history, wanted a no-contrast neck CT due to CCI. I explained that I have a recent neck CT, and I suggested a CT venogram of the neck to check vasculature. Doctor said they can only do an arterial phase since the venogram requires a technician that they do not have at the hospital. Doctor said that if I were bleeding from neck, I’d be vomiting blood and would have a notable neck mass.
We did not end up getting the angiogram, and my body started to calm down after 4 hours. I was discharged.


I am still shaking and it is difficult to sleep. I slept 3.5 hours and woke up with lots of adrenaline.
The morning and afternoon of May 8: I started to experience rapid heart rate changes and change in lightheadedness with any positional change. It takes me 5-10 minutes to go from elevated head position to sitting upright. I am extremely weak and cannot stand. It took me hours to muster the energy to go down the hall and back. It is difficult to eat and drink. I have very little appetite, but am trying to hydrate with sodium and electrolytes.


A few hours prior to onset, I had a feeling of something stabbing the inside of my upper throat. After the episode, the stabbing pain periodically came back somewhere between under my right ear and under my chin. I believe this is the first time this happened.
I also have periodic shooting or stabbing pain in the chest. It only stabbed a few times after the first episode and just spontaneously happens sometimes, not extremely painful. That pain is in the front of left chest, on the side, in the back, radiating from the center sometimes, and radiating toward the left arm sometimes. I am unsure if this is related, but figured it’s important. Along with this was my right shoulder lodged up. I had to move it into multiple positions before the pain went away (this has only happened once after the first episode). I initially suspected this was some mild TOS since I’ve been having this pain for about 2 weeks prior to onset.
It is also difficult to defecate without pain. I feel stabbing pain in the stomach lower left of the belly button. Have not had this.


I had my second episode the afternoon of May 8th. It was small and the after effects lasted less than an hour.
Around 1-3am on May 9, I had a third episode of worsened severity. We did not go to ER. I had just eaten half a banana. Almost felt as if it was aggravated by the action of eating/swallowing. All the same symptoms returned from coughing up blood and metallic taste to stomach discomfort, lightheadedness and dizziness, shortness of breath, adrenaline, constant shaking, etc. Blood pressure was elevated (160) and pulse was 65-90 following the episode (I did not measure during episode). Oxygen levels 93-98. At this point I was extremely tired and got 2 hours of sleep in before waking up to elevated HR again. I am now exhausted.
Around 3:30pm on May 9 next episode. Was sitting motionless holding ice in mouth. First it was throbbing in head above right forehead, vasculature was hungry for air and HR doubled. 2 mins later calm. Then 2 mins later same throbbing in left of neck and HR doubled. 2 mins later calm. Then chest radiating from the back of the chest up the left shoulder and down the left arm, and some pinching in back of chest and sometimes upper left chest and on the side of left chest. After the episodes, I felt tired and weak, and had to rest for an hour+ before getting back up.
Around 1pm on May 10 smaller episode. HR elevated for 30-60 seconds, BP dropped a little (115 systolic), oxygen levels were fine. Prior to episode experienced slow onset of dizziness and lightheadedness + shortness of breath. then feeling flushed, red, and hot. This happened while I was at urgent care. Mild shaking. Did NOT have mucus or blood or metallic taste or smell, did not have stomach discomfort or stomach growling. Followed by moderate weakness and POTS symptoms. I was able to walk fine before, now it is difficult to walk without jittering and have to do so slowly
Around 6:30pm on May 10, another small episode. HR elevated for 30-60 seconds, BP upped a little to 125 systolic, oxygen levels fine, slight chest pain radiating from the back of the left chest, felt flushed and hot. Blood pooling in the legs. Did not have bloody sputum or metallic taste


  1. Internal jugular vein (IJV) small tear or tearupture of a capillary or other compressed vascular structure around the neck. Seems somewhat interesting due to metallic taste and blood in sputum, but a tear is theoretically unlikely without a notable mass in the neck
    1. Could get Doppler ultrasound to assess flow
    2. Could get CT venogram to assess vasculature and stenosis
    3. Anything else?
  2. Pulmonary embolism—could be a result of a clot somewhere in body. Risk factors include immobility—which I am frequently in bed due to CCI and have been losing a lot of weight. IJV or other could have clotted due to stenosis and traveled into the lungs. Maybe not IJV, maybe some other body part simply due to lack of mobility. Supports the blood in sputum finding
    1. D-dimer
    2. CTA of chest
    3. Anything else?
  3. Aortic dissection—very common in EDS patients, especially with vascular types. Diagnosis not sure. Had chest pain but it was not excruciating. However, I mention it because I have HSD diagnosis (pre-EDS or non-hyperflexible type EDS) and I started experiencing chest pain for 2 weeks prior to these episodes. I wrote it off as thoracic outlet syndrome which is not urgent, but figured I’d mention it.
  4. TIA—seems to be the most frequent cause of ER visits among CCI and IJV compression patients. Not sure though.
  5. GI tract bleed (?). Didn’t see bloody stool. Supports bloody sputum finding.


BP systolic 110 after laying down for some time following the minor episode on May 10 from urgent care. My BP is never this low. I normally have 135 systolic, that is my norm.


  1. EKG—normal
  2. Blood—fibrinogen, CBC, D-dimer, comprehensive metabolic, hepatic function panel, Sed Rate by Modified Westergren, lipid panel with reflex to direct LDL. Awaiting results


submitted by side-8182 to ClotSurvivors [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 16:27 a_cow_cant I'm not struggling with insane morning sickness but I still can't make myself eat! Anyone else?

I'm 13 weeks 5 days today and to date I've lost 10 pounds since I've been pregnant. I know it's not terrible to lose some weight in first trimester. I just am not feeling like eating and if I do it's maybe 40% of what my meals were before. I almost cannot eat when I'm not hungry the thought of it makes me sick.. Even though I've not had terrible food aversions and the only times I've thrown up is from coughing/brushing my teeth. I've starting getting really bad dizzy spells and just overall weakness. I drink tons of water so that's not a concern but my doctor advised 6 small meals a day and I just keep getting to noon, eat like 4 peanut butter crackers and then eat less than half my dinner and that's like all I can force myself to eat. Has anyone else experienced this? It's to the point that if ANYTHING sounds appetizing to me my husband will RUN to get it immediately. Otherwise I just don't feel like it. What's wrong with me??? I want to give my baby nutrition why am I struggling so much?
submitted by a_cow_cant to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 06:29 khuljasimsim2020 sick after covid 2 years

Hello! I’ve been sick for the past two years, and I’m only 19! I got my second Covid shot in July 2021 and ever since then I had fatigue every day, brain fog along with daily headaches and swelling+redness in my legs then a few months later in January 2022 I got Covid I had a really bad cough during the time I had the virus, but then the cough just never went away I had it for 2 weeks and then one day I started having severe pain on the right side of my head and was feeling a little dizzy, but these symptoms went away in 2-3 days, but the next day I got severe pain in my left arm and it slowly spread to my chest and the pain got sm worse the next morning so I went to the ER and got diagnosed with pleurisy… I came back home took pain killers for a few days and felt a little better but then a week later I started having severe headaches and my head started feeling numb+ got chest pain again and starting getting dizzy every time I stood up I went to different doctors got so many different meds but nothing helped. I suffered with these symptoms from January- march 2022. Then one day in April these symptoms just disappeared, but a week after that all of a sudden my heart rate went up to 180 and I felt like my heart stopped for a second, and the chest pain got worse. I went to the ER they ran some tests but found nothing and sent me home. I got an appointment with the cardiologist but he just seemed to blow me off didn’t run that many tests and just put me on beta blockers… but it’s been 2 years and I’m still suffering from joint pain, brain fog, tachycardia, high blood pressure, nausea, headaches, groin pain etc. My vitamin D comes back low everytime but supplementing makes my symptoms so much worse, and my calcium came back elevated too but my Pth levels were normal so idk if this is Hyperparathyroidism. I’m just really tired of everything because I’m not physically able to work rn and my family doesn’t seem to understand that they are always degrading me, and even cuss me out for not working and sometimes they call me mental and say it’s all in my head they even go with me to the doctors appointment and tell the doctor that it’s all in my head I’m so tired because I can’t get my license or a job because of these symptoms dk what to do
submitted by khuljasimsim2020 to LongCovid [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 05:23 khuljasimsim2020 Hyperparathyrodism

Hello! I’ve been sick for the past two years, and I’m only 19! I got my second Covid shot in July 2021 and ever since then I had fatigue every day, brain fog along with daily headaches and swelling+redness in my legs then a few months later in January 2022 I got Covid I had a really bad cough during the time I had the virus, but then the cough just never went away I had it for 2 weeks and then one day I started having severe pain on the right side of my head and was feeling a little dizzy, but these symptoms went away in 2-3 days, but the next day I got severe pain in my left arm and it slowly spread to my chest and the pain got sm worse the next morning so I went to the ER and got diagnosed with pleurisy… I came back home took pain killers for a few days and felt a little better but then a week later I started having severe headaches and my head started feeling numb+ got chest pain again and starting getting dizzy every time I stood up I went to different doctors got so many different meds but nothing helped. I suffered with these symptoms from January- march 2022. Then one day in April these symptoms just disappeared, but a week after that all of a sudden my heart rate went up to 180 and I felt like my heart stopped for a second, and the chest pain got worse. I went to the ER they ran some tests but found nothing and sent me home. I got an appointment with the cardiologist but he just seemed to blow me off didn’t run that many tests and just put me on beta blockers… but it’s been 2 years and I’m still suffering from joint pain, brain fog, tachycardia, high blood pressure, nausea, headaches, groin pain etc. My vitamin D comes back low everytime but supplementing makes my symptoms so much worse, and my calcium came back elevated too but my Pth levels were normal so idk if this is Hyperparathyroidism. I’m just really tired of everything because I’m not physically able to work rn and my family doesn’t seem to understand that they are always degrading me, and even cuss me out for not working and sometimes they call me mental and say it’s all in my head they even go with me to the doctors appointment and tell the doctor that it’s all in my head I’m so tired because I can’t get my license or a job because of these symptoms dk what to do
submitted by khuljasimsim2020 to Parathyroid_Awareness [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 21:04 CouldHaveBeenAPun [40M] I had fit of cough for the past 4 week, apparently caused by post-nasal drip, but lately I started having difficulty breating after them. Cause to worry ?

All right, I'm a 40 y/o white male. I'm 5'11 and 230 lbs. I have been diagnosed with essential hypertension at age 24, and have been on a regimen of Ramipril HTCZ 25mg-10mg, Teva-Amlodipine 5mg, and Apo-metoprolol Sr 100mg since then, with adjustments along the way.
I also have diagnosis for GAD (I have Zopiclone PRN, haven't taken then in years), ADHD (recently stopped Strattera as its effects for ADHD where near absent) and Tourette. A couple of weeks ago I had tests for allergies and I was positive for almost everything they tested, but except for cats and dogs, I never suffered of symptoms anything more than minor, allergy wise).
I've also started consuming cannabis 6 years ago. Never smoked it, I only vaporize flowers using a water pipe adapter to cool the vapor. Since I started, I've always had the policy of stopping it as soon as I had signs of symptoms of anything respiratory (eg, for a cold, etc.).
Now, 4 weeks ago, I had a gastro and an unidentified respiratory virus. I did not stop coughing since then, but it is the only lingering symptom. The coughing come in fits, more intense at night (I often wake up suddenly having to violently expel mucus) and in the morning, but still happening sometimes in the day. Everything points to post-nasal drip (I can feel lumps of mucus just falling down sometimes, and I do expel mucus after the cough), so I started to be more intense with nasal rincing, took some antihistamine in case it was caused by allergies, and kept taking 7 to 15 ml of NyQuil which helped me sleep and had decongestant in it. I am drinking water and herbal tea as much as I can to help loosen the mucus, and in the morning, I take hot shower for the same reason.
I would not describe the coughing fits as particularily physically intense, I've definitely had worse with a cold, but I would say that after around 50% of the coughing fits (for now, it seems to get more common), I get dizzy for a couple of seconds and I have difficulty breathing. It feels like something blocks the airways, and I have to stop and take deep, difficult, almost forced, breaths. Breathing comes back to to normal after less than a minute (I sound a bit like the whooping cough sound, if it helps understanding) and I have some seconds/minute where talking gets difficult after, as if I have less air to make the vocal cords work. I have tried sleeping upright on my couch, it doesn't seems to be helping.
So I went to see an MD. Full disclosure, the reason I am posting here is that there is an history of, what I feels is, the MD downplaying what I am consulting for (for example, the last time it happened, MD insisted for 2 months I had a debilitating pain caused by muscular problem and would only suggest treatment for this, while I had a pinched cervical nerve that numbed sensations in my arm, saying what I described was probably only my anxiety), and this is why I want to have another input here.
So I had a quick 10 minutes appointement with the MD. Ruled out bacterial source, says I have some discoloration of my eardrum but nothing to worry about, and lungs seemed fine. Said respiratory viruses are intense this year, and it is probably the one I got that sticks to me still. She gave me a prescription for an inhaler of sublatamol and suggested I go buy Cold & Sinus Tylenol so I have a pseudoepinephrine decongestant. I am now also taking those two.
So far, everyting I mentionned I tried did not do a dent in my symptoms. And so far, there is no sign of amelioration. Apart from the need to heavily breath after fits of cough that are getting more common, other symptoms are just as they've been for the past 4 weeks. I've been waking up multiple times per night because of this (I always do a sinus rince when I wake up), I am getting more and more tired with the bad sleep I have, which I guess won't help recovering, but also gets me more and more improductive at work.
This has not been a good year for me. Maybe I am seeing this bigger than it is because of that, I can accept it. But it's been 4 weeks of bad sleep, coughing and needing to force to get back my breathing when I do with no signs of improvement. This is starting to have an impact on my mental wellbeing, which in turn have an impact on work and family duties.
So yeah. I've been treating this like a lingering cold and/or allergies, but after 4 weeks without signs of improvement, I am having doubt. Any advice ?
submitted by CouldHaveBeenAPun to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 04:09 SpookyFalckie Damned Man's Dawn

Damned Man's Dawn

[Track 1](https://soundcloud.com/haunu/desert-sand-feels-warm-at-night)
The night is frigid, the sand cold like metal, I finally got the guts to pick myself up and wander away from Goodsprings, into the desert, I picked a random direction and walked.
That was a stupid idea… But ever since I woke up I've been having a lot of stupid ideas… my brain feels like it's buried beneath a thick oppressive fog of white noise. Trying to think feels like sand paper is rubbing between my neurons, my thoughts and memories now lay shattered and splattered in a dried bloody spray back at that cemetery I was dug up from.
I don't know who or what I am… The title of courier doesn't feel right… I feel like I'm someone or something else… If not just a ghost… A shell of who I once was…
And my name… I'm not even sure if it's mine, it's just the first thing that popped into my head…
Maybe I thought I'd find answers in the desert, but all I found was some over turned train car and a lone green plastic dinosaur.
I crouch down and pick up the dinosaur curiously, examining it before setting it back down and turning to head back to Goodsprings, a sudden tingling down my spine stops me dead in my tracks followed by a overwhelming dizzy spell and a stabbing pain roaring through every nerve in my body, I fall forward, my body convulsing.
The sand feels cold… Hollow winds howling… It rattles and whispers… Hounds baying in the hunt… I feel numb… Hues of heat painted into the sky… I lost their echos, their imprints… Hope waning, hunger waxing… I have no reflection… Had I ever a home…?
A voice rouses me. Are you okay?
I snap my eyes open, staring ahead statically at the plastic green dinosaur, I glance around for the source of the voice.
The voice speaks once more. Oh, can you… Hear me? The voice… It's coming from the plastic dinosaur.
My eyes widen, I stare at the green therapod laying two feet from me in the dust, staring back at me. Slowly, I start to regain my senses and with it the cruel frigid cold of the twilight desert, I smelled blood. I narrow my eyes at the figure, the doubt over if I really did hear a voice settling in.
The voice of the dinosaur interrupts my thoughts. You can hear me, right? Look, if you can, you should really get up, you shouldn't lie here. I stare flatly at the figure, my heart pounding, it continued.
It's cold, it's dark and you're bleeding from your nose. You're going to attract something if you keep laying here like you're dead.
I recover enough from my stupor to respond. "What are you?"
I don't know, I haven't seen my reflection yet. What am I?
"A- A green plastic dinosaur… But… What are you?"
Well, I guess I'm a soul possessing a green plastic dinosaur.
"Oh… L-Like a ghost?"
Sort of... What's your name?
I blink, a cold breeze blowing over the hills causing me to shiver and curl into myself, my muscles tingling painfully. "L-Luca…"
Luca, you need to get up. It's not safe out here…
My throat feels dry, my limbs numb. "I… I can't… My limbs… C-Can't move…"
Luca, you have to try.
I sigh, shivering and coughing dryly. "I-I'm… Cold…"
I know, you should really get up.
"I…I don't think I can…"
Luca, you'll die if you don't get up. You have to get up or you'll freeze to death…
I squeeze my eyes shut, a couple crickets chirped in the grass and a lone coyote howled into the night. I grit my teeth and push myself up with my arms, my muscles tensing painfully, my nerves searing with pain. I gasp sharply, nearly collapsing back into the dust, my body feeling heavy and fatigued, the urge to give in and fall into a deep sleep overwhelming.
That's it's Luca! C'mon! That's it! Keep going!
I manage to move myself into a sitting position and pause to rest, looking towards the dinosaur, panting and shivering.
Scribbled above the figure is some graffiti, worn and faded though still legible: Mr. Cleems.
I look back down towards the dinosaur. "Is that your name?"
"The graffiti above you."
What does it say?
"Mr. Cleems. Is it your name?"
The dinosaur is silent for a moment, as if considering something before replying. Yeah. There's a beat of silence before I resume my struggle.
With some minor difficulty I stagger to my feet, my muscles and tendons throbbing and clenching, trembling violently, I glance at the dinosaur.
"Mr. Cleems…"
I debate how to ask this for a few moments before resolving to simply rip the band-aid off. "Can I take you with me?"
Sure, you look like you need a guardian angel.
I smile and with a fatigued voice I cry. "Yippee." I reach over, picking up Mr. Cleems, looking at him with a newfound happiness, I turn to look towards the direction I came from, the faint glow of Goodsprings visible.
I nearly collapsed back into the dirt on the way back to Goodsprings, just managing to stagger through the door of the Prospector Saloon before my knees buckled.
The saloon was empty, save for Trudy who paused in her cleaning of the bar to investigate the distinct noise of a body hitting the floor. She rounded the corner her eyes widening the moment they locked onto my quivering form.
"Luca! My god, are you okay?" She said, rushing to my side.
Through chattering teeth I speak. "F-Fine… I'm fine…"
Trudy slung my arm around her neck and hoisted me up. "You're freezing! Did you walk out into the desert?"
I nod as she walks me over to a table and sits me down into the booth.
"What were you thinking?!" She sighs and walks to the bar. "Stay right there, I'll get you something warm to drink."
"Otay." I pull Mr. Cleems out of my pocket, examining him. The sudden urge to put him in my mouth strikes me and before I can stop myself I'm biting down on his plastic head.
The hell?! Luca! What are you doing?! Stop!
Trudy placed a mug of coffee in front of me, noticing Mr. Cleems in my mouth her face softened further.
"Are you hungry? Here, lemme get you something."
Before I could protest she was already gone, I remove Mr. Cleems from my mouth and took a sip of the coffee, letting out a strangled cry as my tongue burns.
"Careful, it's hot!" Trudy calls from somewhere within the bar.
The hell did you put me in your mouth for?
I shrug, resting my chin in my hand as I idly trace the stripes on Mr. Cleems, the soft murmuring of the jukebox in the next room over catching my attention when a familiar voice reaches my ears.
I strain my ears to listen…
"Little word has been heard from Nipton, leading to traders thinking the isolated town may be in trouble, in other news, Black Mountain radio…"
Trudy returned with a plate of iguana on a stick. "Here, eat up." I rummage through my pockets for some caps, she stops me. "It's on the house."
Trudy raises a hand, cutting me off. "It's the least I can do after you fought off the Powder Gangers with us." With that, she returned to tending the bar, I eat in relative silence, till it's broken when I speak up.
"Hey Trudy, where can I find Nipton?"
[Track 2](https://soundcloud.com/repulsive1908/repulsive-forgotten)
Oh… Gods…
I stand frozen in place, my heart hammering against my chest as the smell of smoke and smoldering flesh and tires fills my lungs. I gag, stumbling back, squeezing Mr. Cleems close to my chest.
A lone flag among a blaze of branches and broken bodies flares angrily in the wind, emblazoned with the image of a yellow bull, I shudder, feeling my stomach drop upon gazing at it, I look back upon the main road, forcing myself to overcome my fawning and move my feet.
I jolt, flinching violently, the loud booming voice causing my heart to jump into my throat, quickly realizing it came from my Pip-Boy. I stare at it, holding it away from my body in fear, still in a startled state of mind as I tentatively reach a hand over to examine it when movement from the corner of my eye catches my attention, I lift my head and lock eyes with a man wearing a fox pelt. My blood runs cold, a shiver crawling down my spine.
I feel an intense pit of fear resurface within me, swimming within the very bottom of it's depths…
[Track 3](https://soundcloud.com/elephantmusic-music/grave)
The sun, blazing on as it set, bathed the sands in shades of rose and red as I left Nipton in a stupor of fear, shock and deep subtle rage, roiling beneath the surface like a mad serpent among reeds.
The words of the fox hooded man echo in the back of my mind, his voice driving me in circles as I feel recollection tugging from beyond the shattered remnants of my mind, yet a deep part of me recoiled at the fruitless attempts to piece together a memory. I feel angry at myself for letting them walk away, though I know full well that trying to fight would have been another stupid, and fatal, idea.
Cresting a hill I pause to survey my surroundings, spotting the sight of sore wounds and split skins, among the colours of dawn, the blood red crimson of the Legion…
Several soldiers sat huddled around a fire. I feel my breath hasten, my heart leaping when I pick up on my presence going unperceived, I drop down into a crouch… Drawing a weapon… My heart hammering in tune with the hammer of my gun as I open fire.
The shock on their faces is sweet, though it's quickly spoiled when their expressions change to fury, they raise their weapons and fire, I feel the bullets ripping into me, the blood pouring out, the pain screaming throughout my nervous system, pleading me to lay down my weapon and run, but I push it away and pursue this rage roiling within, deep down beneath layers and layers of deeply set fear and sadness, like a sea of echos who's origins are lost, the serpent below breaking free, hissing with a newfound venom.
I feel death breathing down my neck, it's a familiar feeling, how she danced with me the night I lost everything.
And I'll keep dancing, I'm not too good at it but I'll learn how to be better so I can be the best damn dancer for death. I'll waltz with broken bones, through burning buildings and into blossoming battlefields, bound to her like atoms in the center of a star.
I stand among the carnage, looking at my now bent and stained machete and back at the corpses around me, the full weight of what I've done hits me like a truck, I feel a sickness in my stomach, though it's only brief as I remember the faction of monsters these people came from, I turn away, averting my eyes, a wave of exhaustion seeping into me, my clothes soaked with blood, my body sore and wounded, I stumble away from the gruesome scene to find a place to rest my weary body.
[Track 4](https://soundcloud.com/imoonlight/sleeping-at-last-saturn-instrumental)
Foxes, Dogs, Wolves and Coyotes. Fleeting is the Fox though he is the first, oh what future does he bring with his false face? Foxes, Dogs, Wolves and Coyotes. Dangerous is the dog, how they dig through the dust and drag you into the dark. diving, drowning, dancing… Foxes, Dogs, Wolves and Coyotes. Wailing and wise is the Wolf who learns, their will is strong but wary of wit from the west. Foxes, Dogs, Wolves and Coyotes. Coy you are, Coy You'll be, careful and calculating, come crimson and crows, clean and cold you'll be in clearing and cutting.
submitted by SpookyFalckie to u/SpookyFalckie [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 23:28 critical_courtney [Hot Off The Press] — Chapter Five

[Hot Off The Press] — Chapter Five
My Discord
Buy me a cup of coffee (if you want)
Previous Chapter
Chapter Five:
Dawn left before I got a chance to talk to her after the contract signing, and it grated on my nerves leaving unfinished business in the air. I couldn’t text her because I didn’t have her number. Could I show up at her house unannounced? Perhaps. Did I want to be a creeper AND a failed one-night stand? Not a chance.
So, the only option left was to wait until today. I’d gotten up at 4:30 a.m. like usual, lamented the lack of scrambled eggs in my home, swallowed some awful instant coffee, and got to the newsroom.
Living on Munjoy Hill meant work was just a five-minute walk away, and I loved that about our office’s location.
Sitting at my computer, I started proofreading the first draft of an editorial we were publishing this weekend on an upcoming election that would limit how many cruise ships were allowed to visit Portland each year.
“The DSA sure is proactive. I’ll give them that,” I muttered, ignoring my groaning stomach.
Just let me finish this, and I’ll grab something from the vending machine, I thought, patting my tummy.
I broke that promise and many others I made to myself as the morning wore on. There was just too much to look through. I barely even got five seconds to stand up from my desk in between looking through the city’s response to my FOIA request and taking a phone call from an alderman upset about our coverage on a vote over an affordable housing development in Bayside.
My stomach had all but given up growling, and my body had moved on to being slightly dizzy when Craig stepped into our office. He stood around six feet tall with almond eyes and pale skin. He was freshly graduated from the Maine University South and eager to cut his teeth on anything and everything we could throw at him.
The boy’s curly, bouncy black hair and radiant golden retriever energy were almost too much on some days, especially mornings when I’d neglected breakfast. Today he wore a red cardigan and slacks, along with freshly-polished shoes.
“Morning, boss!”
“Don’t call me that,” I said, leaning forward over my desk. “Watcha need, Craig?”
He cleared his throat and checked his phone.
“I had a story I wanted to pitch.”
I looked up and raised an eyebrow.
“Your pitch can’t wait for the morning meeting?” I asked.
Craig shifted his legs, clearly still not used to feeling strain or pushback from a manager or editor. I don’t know how they let kids out of the journalism program at MUS without toughening them up a bit.
You don’t get to be an inky wretch by squirming under pressure, I thought. He’s got great potential. Kid’s just gotta toughen up a little.
To that end, I’d be a little more stern with him these last few months, trying to get him to grow some legs to stand on. The results thus far were. . . mixed.
“Well, it’s just, if I’m going to do this story, I need to get the interview done today. And the interviewee needs to know in the next hour for scheduling purposes.”
I stifled a sigh. This sounded like last-second planning, and I wasn’t too keen on it. Then again, Craig was our general assignment reporter. We threw him at everything and anything that needed coverage, breaking news, city meetings, new museum exhibits, court cases, and more. It’s the best position for fresh college grads because they can run their wheels in a bunch of different directions and figure out what beats to specialize in. If he had a good story idea, I wasn’t opposed to giving him a chance to seize it, provided he could make a good case for coverage.
“Okay, Craig. Tell me about your story.”
His eyes lit up, and I watched his unsure posture melt away like butter in a warm pan.
“There’s this Australian DJ performing at the Statehouse Theatre tomorrow night. Her name is Demon Grrl. And she lands at the Jetport in a couple of hours, where I can run over and interview her if you approve my story.”
I rested my chin on my palm while I listened.
“What makes this DJ newsworthy of a story?”
Craig cleared his throat again, and I waited patiently while he tried to work out the exact wording of his justification.
“Well, she’s trans. And she’s kicking off a US tour where half of all her concert proceeds will be donated to The Tyler Project, which works to prevent suicide in queer youth and adults. I think there’s an interesting piece to be written on why this issue was so important to her that she traveled halfway around the world to raise money for it. And it’s timely given recent bills here in Maine that bolstered transgender medical protections while bills in New Hampshire were aimed at restricting trans rights.”
I had initially thought Craig was pitching me a puff piece, but the way he’d tied the article into timely political news in the region impressed me. I nodded and stood from my desk. Maybe the kid was growing a bit after all.
With a soft smile, I said, “Okay, I’m sold. Run out to the Jetport and interview your DJ. But! This isn’t just a musical profile piece. You have to get the Aussie to talk about why this tour is so important to her and ask about Maine’s recent trans bills like you mentioned. Maybe even ask her to compare the current U.S. political climate for trans issues to what things are like where she lives.”
The golden retriever standing in my office returned my smile with a wide grin and nodded eagerly. The kid understood his assignment perfectly. And I had no doubt he’d turn in an excellent piece. His writing wasn’t the issue. It was his confidence that needed work. Hopefully, this would help a little with that.
“How’d this Demon Grrl even get on your radar?” I asked.
Craig scratched the back of his head.
“Well, my little brother is trans, and he listens to her music a lot when he’s playing Minecraft. I can hardly visit home without hearing one of her songs playing from the speakers in his room. He’s even tweeted her a few times, and she responded. She has all these songs about cyborgs and identity. It’s pretty neat.”
I tried to remember if Craig had mentioned having a queer sibling before, but nothing came to mind, so I just nodded.
“She’s gotten really popular over the last few years. I watched a few clips of her competing on the Australian version of The X Factor. Demon Grrl made it to one of the last rounds before being eliminated.”
Behind Craig, I saw a certain witch walk into the newsroom, and my attention quickly shifted. But before I got hypnotized by Dawn’s wandering green eyes, I shook my head and turned back to the young reporter.
“Well, that all sounds good. Off to the Jetport with ya, bub. Keep the article under 600 inches, and we’ll run it in tomorrow’s culture section.”
“You got it, boss.”
The kid gave me a mock salute and turned to leave, typing something on his phone, probably texting the DJ.
I’ll work on getting him to ditch the salute after he stops calling me ‘boss’, I thought, rolling my eyes.
After Craig left, I was tempted to run out and — what? Pull Dawn aside to kiss her? No! Stop it, brain. We rehearsed this before bed last night. We’re going to have a calm conversation about our professional relationship and nothing more.
I took a deep breath.
And it’ll look desperate if I rush over to her and start talking about our previous. . . encounter, I thought.
So I used all my self-control to just casually wave at Dawn as our eyes met. Just a casual greeting and she’d calmly walk to her desk and — oh shit — oh fuck. She’s coming over here. Was that a “come over here” wave? I could have sworn it was a “Nice to see you. Please stay over there” wave.
My blood pressure might have spiked. Maybe the floor wiggled a bit. I couldn’t be sure. Regularly skipping breakfast will do that to a girl.
“Morning, Frankie,” Dawn said.
“Dawn,” I nodded, unsure of how to proceed. Fortunately, the witch didn’t seem to have any trouble finding a segway into our next words.
“You look a little pale,” she said.
I shook my head.
“Excuse me?”
“You skipped breakfast again, didn’t you?”
“H — how did you know?”
Dawn grinned and held up a paper bag I hadn’t noticed in her hand. Was I so distracted by her black sheath dress that I failed to realize she was carrying the sack? If I kept this up, she was definitely going to know what she did to my poor heart.
“Because you weren’t this pale yesterday when you devoured the eggs and bacon I left out for you. Thanks for doing the dishes, by the way,” she said in a voice that was just a little too loud for my liking.
Quickly ushering her into my office and closing the door, I watched her take out some napkins, a few flakey biscuits, and a small jar of strawberry jam.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Making sure my new coworker doesn’t pass out by providing freshly baked biscuits and homemade jam?” she said.
I was about to say something stupid when my stomach thankfully interrupted with the song of its people. Endangered right whales in the Gulf of Maine probably heard me from here.
“If you want, I can play the part of a worried housewife who realizes you forgot your lunch and drove to the office to bring it to you,” Dawn said, practically thrusting a jam-covered biscuit into my hands. “Who knows? Maybe a little role-play will help keep you awake this time?”
That last line sent a shiver down my spine, and I nearly dropped the biscuit, just barely catching it between my bumbling hands. The witch just smiled.
Well, shit. Dawn knows EXACTLY what she’s doing to me, I thought, glumly.
Taking a deep breath and putting the food on my desk, I wiped my fingers with one of the witch’s napkins.
“Okay, Dawn. That’s exactly what I need to talk to you about.”
“Yes — I mean no!” I stammered while she giggled. “I’m sorry I really messed up the other night between us. It was embarrassing, and I don’t have a clue why it happened.”
Dawn raised an eyebrow and actually frowned a little.
“Really? It’s a mystery to you? You can pen a column on the effects of property tax increases, but you can’t see that you’re overworking yourself?”
Everything came to a complete stop for me as I paused and softened my voice.
“You read my column this morning?”
“What do you think I was doing while I waited for the biscuits to bake? I was reading the paper, silly.”
I don’t know why that moved me so much. But my blood pressure wasn’t spiking anymore. Instead, I was left with this strange warm feeling of appreciation. Was it hot in here? Or was I just caught off guard by the fact that the prettiest girl in all of Maine confessed to reading my column in the paper? That just made me want to kiss her all the more.
Leaning a little closer, I noticed Dawn didn’t even flinch. The witch stood exactly where she had been, waiting for me to — no! Stop it, brain. We’ve got work to do, boundaries to set!
Coughing, I stuffed my face with a biscuit to buy some time while I tried to remember the words I practiced saying in the mirror last night. Okay, boundaries. You can do this, Frankie Dee. You’re the managing editor of Maine’s largest newspaper. Let’s get it done.
“Good stuff,” I mumbled, crumbs falling from my mouth.
“I couldn’t agree more,” Dawn said, watching me with nothing less than a full smile on her face.
When I finally finished the biscuit, Dawn inexplicably handed me a Moonbucks tea she produced. Was that in her other hand the entire time?! My attention to detail outside of the written word drastically needed an overhaul.
Taking a drink of hibiscus tea. I cleared my throat.
“Thank you, Dawn. I really appreciate. . . all this. But I need to be completely honest with you.”
“All ears,” the witch said.
“Good. I didn’t expect to find you in the office the morning after we went home together. Er — to your home, I mean. Judging by your expression yesterday, I don’t think you expected me to be the one offering you a contract to become our new astrology editor. But here we are. You signed it. I signed it. And now we’re business partners.”
Dawn ate a biscuit and nodded.
“That seems like a pretty good summary of yesterday’s events,” she said, not bored, just patiently waiting for me to get to the point. I guess all those words I’d spewed were an onramp of sorts.
“Right. Yes. Good. Um, as business partners, I don’t think we should. . . fraternize. I think you’re amazing. I don’t regret going home with you. But I think from this point on, we should keep things p-professional,” I stuttered, saying words I wasn’t entirely sure matched how I felt about Dawn inside.
And if I expected her to throw a fit, or at the very least, sneer, I was shocked. She just nodded, ate another biscuit, and said, “Sure thing. . . FeeDee.”
I choked on my tea and gasped for air.
“You will NOT call me that! Or I will shred your fucking contract and scatter the pieces in the sea,” I snapped, scowling at the witch who seemed immune.
She waved off my consternation.
“Fine, fine. So we can’t date because of work. How about this, instead? You spend some time with me learning about witchcraft to familiarize yourself with what I’ll be adding to the Lighthouse-Journal. And I’ll spend some time with you learning about journalism to familiarize myself with the publication I’ll be bringing my magic to.”
Rubbing the bridge of my nose, I stifled a yawn.
“Yeah, sure. That sounds like fun. But we keep it professional, yeah?”
Dawn shrugged.
“Sure. We’ll keep the fondling to a minimum.”
I scowled, suddenly remembering what she did with her hands as we made out on her couch and trying to fight another shiver from surfing down my spine.
Dawn slowly sipped her own tea.
I sidestepped her boundary test and thought for a moment.
“Can I ask a witchcraft question now?”
She nodded.
“Why do you have two shrines to The Morrigan? The design of each seems pretty different.”
Dawn’s eyes suddenly lit up in a way I’d only seen Craig replicate so far today. And she put down her tea.
“Oh, you mean the bedroom shrine? That one’s for Artemis.”
“You work worship two goddesses?” I asked.
She made a wheel motion with her hand and slowly shook her head from side to side like I hadn’t quite used the right words.
“Not really worship. More like. . . I work with them. They guide me. Show me wisdom. Teach me to see what others miss. In exchange, I honor them with altars and leave them regular offerings. It’s not a traditional worship like you’d see in a Christian church,” she said before raising an eyebrow. “Is that where you find yourself on Sunday mornings?”
I grinned. Guilty.
“Well, don’t tell Father Carlos, but I’m only in a pew once a month or so when work allows.”
“Yes, but not overwhelmingly so. I like the music. I like some of the teachings. But a lot of the dogma is overbearing, so I tune it out.”
Dawn cocked her head to the side with neither a frown nor a grin.
“So, working with a witch isn’t going to be an issue for you?” she asked.
I scoffed.
“Until this last round of buyouts, our cops and courts reporter was a card-carrying Satanist. I don’t give a shit about personal beliefs. As long as you’re not a cannibal or a Jared Leto fan, we’ve got no issues,” I said.
With a growing smile, Dawn asked, “So. . . Catholic, but not overwhelmingly so. What does that make you. . . diet Catholic?”
“No, Episcopalians are diet Catholic. I’m more like a caffeine-free Catholic. I occasionally go to mass because my entire family goes. Our parish has a rainbow flag on the outside, and two of our nuns are married lesbians. I like Jesus’ teachings. I don’t care for people who strip his words of cultural and historical context for modern political messages. And I’m perfectly fine learning about your craft to better understand exactly what you’ll be doing as our paper’s astrology editor.”
Dawn handed me another biscuit.
“Well, then, it sounds like we’ve got ourselves a nice little bargain.”
submitted by critical_courtney to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 20:17 TeachingAcceptable83 Is this a crazy birth control experience? (TDLR at the bottom)

Hi all! Posting today from an extremely vulnerable place so please be kind. I’m a long time birth control pill user. Was originally put on the pill at 16 years old because I got hormonal migraines instead of a period for a week, been on a pill ever since. Like most, I’ve had ups and I’ve had downs on the pill, but recently I’ve experienced my worst and I want to know if anyone else has experienced this/if anyone has any tips.
I (F 24) was prescribed Sronyx from 2022 to present day. In April 2024, I talked to my OBGYN about how I had been getting randomly sick the week before my sugar pills. Like I would get a stomachache, or a cough. Really really weird. She said that’s not like a normal side effect since I’ve been on the pill for so long. In turn, she said I should try to do the 3 months no sugar pills in between method. I figured why not, and did exactly that. I will say, I had to wait a week for this appointment, so I did my sugar pill week then waited an additional week with no hormone pill before starting up again.
Month 1 was totally fine, I felt absolutely normal. Once again the week before my sugar pills I got sick, but figured it was from the weather changing so I didn’t think much of it. Right before what would’ve been my sugar pill week I had a lot going on emotionally, and I always end up more on edge/ anxious before my period. Flash forward to what was supposed to be my sugar pill week. Once I began a new pack I had a busy day at work. Nothing out of the ordinary, but my anxiety completely took me out. I’m talking my head was warm but my hands were cold, when I blinked I saw black spots, I felt like I had minor tunnel vision and I felt a bit dizzy. I took a mental health day the next day, then ended up with repeat symptoms 2 days later. Normally, I’m able to manage my anxiety and not spiral, I was spiraling.
Flash forward to now, I’ve been off the hormone pills for 3 days as per doctors request and I’m still having anxiety & have a therapist appointment set up.
Has anyone else experienced this? Any tips?
TDLR: I think taking birth control pills for 1 month +1 week straight destroyed my mental health
submitted by TeachingAcceptable83 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 09:41 VirtualKoba I am way too sleepy to live a normal life. Any help is appreciated!

(22M - Europe - regular medications: solifenacin & l-thyroxine)
Hello there!
After over 4 years of going to my doctor and, well.. doing what he says, my condition has yet to get better I thought to give AskDocs a try.
Most of my problems started at the end of 2019, around November. A lung infection started to spread inside of my body. My doctor misdiagnosed it as a normal cold, just told me to rest and drink tea. Which I did, for a month. Close before Christmas 2019 arrived, I went to the doctor again and the symptoms have worsened. Without much of a inspection I got a broad-spectrum antibioticand left with that. It did not get better. At that point I was just laying in bed, having close to no energy for anything. My meds being the only thing I had hope in, but in vain. Early January of 2020 I went back to the doc, this time with my parents. They demanded that either an X-Ray or full-scale MRT of my lungs should be made, as I started coughing up scary traces of blood. Doc (more annoyed than worried) complied with their demands. I got moved to a hospital near me, an X-Ray way made that confirmed that I had a healthy dose of Lung Infection. I was put on strong Antibiotics that actually have helped. End of February the hospital-docs said I am healthy again. Hooray.
My problems didnt end there tho. I was still feeling like I was ill, a constant fatigue sticking to me. Sleep stopped making me feel refreshed, my immune system started to accept any visitors that I might have. Given that this was the time corona started to hit, I wasnt able to get to docs and figure stuff out like that. So I waited until June to really get back in touch with my doctor (couldnt get any appointments sooner) and asked him what might be wrong with me. Doc first thought that it might be a mental problem, so he sent me to a psychiatrist. Waited until I got an appointment, went to that psychiatrist and after a couple of appointments he said that he doesnt think anything might be wrong with me that causes those issues. So back to my doctor, from which I got told to go to a neurologist. Neurologist did a nerve conduction velocity and told me that everything is in relative norms. Doc took my blood and tested it (only base stats as the bigger bloodtest would have cost extra money that I dont have) and said that I have a Vitamin-D deficiency. Tried taking vitamin supplements, but didnt react to them good at all (extremely nausea, headaches, rashes). Went back to doc and told him, he said that he doesnt know what else it could be. Sleeping in the sun also doesnt help, even tho it has helped getting my VitaD stabilized over the years.
We tried out different, smaller things that lead to nowhere, the last thing he gave me was an l-thyroxine medication, just to see if that makes me have more energy. It does, a bit, but not really..
I have no clue what it could be, that is bothering me since then. Had a couple of smaller lung and pleurisy infections in the meantime, but nothing too dramatic.
Weather seems to have an effect on me. If the weather is stable, it makes the symptoms better. If the weather is changing too often, it makes also my symptoms worse.
It has gotten better slightly, but not good enough to really live a normal life. Working (even part time) does bring me to my limit too fast and I dont want to crash like an old Windows XP Computer which then needs like a couple of days to reboot.
I want to get my life back on track. I am grateful for any tip, comment or help! <3
TLDR: Lung Infection untreated caused me to become way too sleepy, thus: always tired, sleep aint giving me energy, feeling like sh*t, cant live my life like this, plz help thanks.
The list below is mostly compiled by me and a friend of mine, with the help of my parents and a lot of research over a couple of weeks. The infos in brackets are lil explanations made by me.
Stuff that I usually have:
  • Insomnia & Hypersomnia (Alternating. Its either that I can't fall asleep. ((Happens at any tired-level, any time. Getting up earlier and going to sleep earlier just makes the day more miserable, doesnt help.)) or I sleep more than any normal human should ((12-16h a day, without feeling "energized")).)
  • non-refreshing-sleep (Where do I start? It doesnt matter if I am currently having Insomnia or Hypersomnia, I just dont feel energized at all after sleeping. I feel like a broken battery, barely charging to 30-35% if at all. Sometimes even feels like I haven't slept at all, even tho I should have. after waking up, I usually have mild brain fog and headaches)
  • fatigue (I feel like worn out sneakers. I dont feel energized, it just feels like I am meh all of the time. its on a level where I sometimes dont even have the energy to get some coffee in hopes that it makes it better.)
  • light to mild brain fog (Memory? Never knew her! Jokes aside, what I mean by that is that my short-term memory combined with my concentration feels off. I can't focus for a longer period of time without feeling.. mentally fatigued(?) also, finding words can be hard-ish sometimes (they feel like they are at the tip of my tongue). If I am either mentally of physically tired, it gets worse. I might even have problems processing information you throw at me.)
  • lack of mental endurance (It feels like 3-5 tasks are already enough to reduce my endurance to nothing. check brain fog for more details. I feel mentally fatigued very, very fast and need time to regain the endurance lost)
  • mild numbness/tingling in my left hand, left arm and both feet (they just feel off. My left hand sometimes loses grip of stuff, as I dont really feel it in my hand. feet also dont feel stuff that great and love to be tingling)
  • slight balance problems (might be connected to the mild numbness(?), sometimes I just am off balance, may stumble even tho I was standing upright all fine. Sprained my ankle multiple times cus of that, happens at least 2x a month)
  • anxiety and worry (as I dont know whats wrong with me and my quality of life has shrunken)
  • stress making my symtoms worse (I guess)
  • sensitivity to sleep medication (Doctor tried to give me an antidepressant type of sleep medication. even 1/4 of the prescribed dosis knocked me out)
  • shortness of breath (I feel like a power station. If I move too much, I usually pant (like a dog /s) to get air in. Strugglin to breathe n stuff, feels like I dont get enough oxygen.)
  • closed-nose (My nose is usually closed, thats why I use a nasalspray. or else, breating via nose is no longer viable)
  • persistent coughing (my lungs dont like me, like at all. at least i think so)
  • irritable-bladder-dysfunction (makes it so it feels like i need to get to the toilet more often. Taking Solifenacin to fight against it. Sometimes its worse, sometimes not. still usually have it)
  • dizziness if standing up (usually, if I am standing up "too fast" I feel dizzy and my eyes get all weird for a couple of seconds, its fine after that tho. I hope.)
  • nausea (usually have it, its not connected to food or drinks, already tried to figure out whats wrong with me there.)
  • heartburn (also not connected to food or drinks apparently.)
  • bloating (farts are funny, but not if one needs to fart too much. also not connected to food or drinks (allergy wise), starts to happen after eating something tho.)
  • cold hands, feet and ears (My hands, feet and ears are the first part of me that becomes cold. I could run around shirtless and wouldnt be cold there, but if its cold-ish (below 5°C) my hands feet and ears get cold for no apparent reason other than to annoy me)
  • heat intolerance (whilst I am more tolerant to the cold ((exept my hands, feet and ears)), I am not tolerant against the heat. Even 21°C are already enough for me to sweat and try to find the next fan near me. or an AC, alternatively)
Periodic Stuff:
  • periodic photophobia (Sometimes, lights are too much for me. Even the backlight of my phone display hurts my eyes. If its not as severe, I still wear sunglasses outside when its daytime cus even the daylight (without sun) might be too much. Its only periodic, but often enough to be worth it noting here)
  • periodic eye pain (Sometimes, my eyes just hurt. I dont know if its connected to the photophobia, but they just hurt. Also get scratchy sometimes. Closing my eyes or applying eye-drop medication is the only way to reduce it. Sometimes it happens more often, sometimes it doesnt)
  • periodic dry eyes (makes eyes scratchy. Is kinda like eye pain, but not really pain. Its just a nuisance rather than pain)
  • lack of physical endurance (Cleaning my room can already sometimes be enough to be fully at my limit. Might take a couple of hours, or if its bad: days to regain. Sometimes its worse, sometimes its better)
  • periodic migraines (mainly if I overwork myself, force myself to stay up for too long and/or ignore my sleepyness. Usually makes all other symptoms worse. I dont even know if its a migraine, doc told me it might. migraine medication has not worked tho. This is also what I call the "Windows XP Crash")
  • periodic muscle cramps in legs (if I stretch, muscles in legs may cramp. Happens probably around one time per month, after which I just take magnesium)
submitted by VirtualKoba to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 21:18 StudentOk5886 Virus that is trying to kill me

Hey everyone please let me know what you think this could be because i’m convinced i’m literally dying or at least it feels that way. So on Thursday May 2nd I felt a lump in my throat at around 6 o’clock and figured i’d just wake up with a sore throat. Well at 2 o’clock in the morning I woke up choking because i couldn’t swallow cause my throat hurt to bad it had felt like I’d swallow an army of fire ants who were holding razor blades. I got a bit of sleep that night and woke up at 4pm Friday and felt completely like death, all of the flu like symptoms, Cough, Sore throat, Fever, Body aches, Headache, Sinus congestion, etc. But let’s not forget dizziness/numbness? I couldn’t get out of bed let alone lift my head without feeling like I’ll pass out or fall over, and the numbness meaning I couldn’t feel anything down there so I couldn’t feel when I needed to go to the bathroom. Took some medicine that night and felt a little better. Woke up on Saturday with the most intense chills ever my body hurt from being so tense and shaking, I knew I needed to go to the doctor this day so I started waking up my Bf but almost immediately a wheezing attack came on and I couldn’t breathe at all, luckily I had my inhaler nearby and a couple puffs later it was all over. Now we hurried to the urgent care since it was a weekend and speaking with the nurse I had another wheezing attack (not fun but great to prove I’m not a faker) and long story short I tested negative for Flu, Strep, and Covid but since I work with kids the “next best option” is hand foot and mouth disease. Well I don’t have any of the rashes “keep a lookout for them” could this be making my asthma flair up “um it could be possible” what about the numbness I have “that is pretty unusual I’m not sure.” Great so I went home and spent the rest of the day frantically searching my body for little rashes and of course found nothing. Sunday I wake up and get up to go to the bathroom but as soon as I reach the door my vision goes out, I freak out but just as fast as it left it comes back, this happens a couple more times as I’m going to the bathroom so I decide to do a Telehealth visit and basically I told that doctor I was losing my vision and he said go to the ER I can’t give you any advice other than get there immediately. Great that doesn’t scare me at all. Again wake up the Bf and make our way to the ER and I get a room nearly immediately, basically I get blood work done and a CT scan and both come back negative so they rule out brain tumor and stroke, the said the visual disturbances could be from a migraine. Anyway Monday comes around and I’ve got chest pain and a cough, one of the coughs where you end up gagging and nearly throwing up cause you cough too hard. Still having all the other symptoms except switch the sinus congestion with chest congestion. Here we are Tuesday and feeling maybe the slightest bit better but still dying a bit. Do you think I have hand foot and mouth? Was the Flu test wrong? Is there another virus going around?
submitted by StudentOk5886 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 03:43 007STARZZ Resubmitting with paragraphs “Something that eyes of mankind should never gaze upon”

Per request, parapgraphs added.
To clarify, I do not edit submissions but I will certainly be mindful to separate the submissions into paragraphs :)
As always, if you’d like to submit an anonymous submission, you’re welcome to DM me.
Anonymous Submission:
I’d like to begin by saying I am a 57 year old with a professional career, a son who I adore, and a husband who, like me, is completely sane, but terrified at what we saw. The experience I am going to share with you is true and this will be the first time I am writing about it and documenting what occurred. We have only spoken about this to a few close people. Ones we knew would believe us, but for the most part, we do not speak of this and we sure a heck do not plan to ever return to those mountains.
September of 2023 me and my husband went to Asheville, North Carolina to attend a wedding. We live on the coast of NC and the drive to Asheville is about 5 hours. We attended the wedding and still had 2 days left to explore and 1 of those days we decided on Mount Mitchell which was only a 45 min drive from where we were staying. We didn’t realize it would be so much walking but fortunately we both are in decent shape. We made it to the top of Mount Mitchell then walked about 15 minutes south east deeper in to the woods, which was the opposite way of the parking lot. In between Mount Mitchell and Commissary Ridge, to be exact. The views were spectacular however the fog that late afternoon was so thick, you could not see too far around. It had been very rainy that week so if you could just imagine that ambience of damp fog amid deep brush following an old dirt trail with wood planks atop a mountain. It was all so beautiful but in a very creepy way.
It was my husband who noticed it first. The smell. And it hit him like a ton of bricks. I watched him gasp for air but then he began coughing and gagging to the point snot was dripping from his nose. I thought he may have swallowed his water wrong but that moment the smell hit me, too. It wasn’t just the smell, it almost burnt the hairs in my nostrils. It almost stung. I started dry-heaving and that exact moment we became even more taken-back when a very large tree branch came crashing down a little behind and to the left of us. It startled us both and I “yelped”, while still gagging on the smell and burn in my nose. My husband finally got his breath and he exclaimed “WTF IS THAT SMELL”! Rare for my husband to use bad language. The only way that I can describe the smell is vomit and stomach acid with a very strong concentrated urine smell with a hint of spoiled milk. There was also a sweet smell of something mixed in. It was very difficult for my brain to process the smell. Sickening and putrid. I’m a nurse and have never been so sickened by a smell until that day.
I said to my husband “let’s head on back” and without hesitation we did. We then immediately noticed that there was movement by the large tree branch that had fallen, (now on our right side). We are walking and still coughing some and coming up closer to this branch. This branch was about 20-25ft long, and about 40 feet from us, off the trail. This large branch had several other smaller branches stemming off, some looking like spikes, almost. That is when we saw an animal, still moving somewhat, impaled on one of the smaller limbs or spikes of this large branch. My husband was sure it was a red fox. The fox was twitching and then appeared to have then died immediately. It looked almost as if this fox had fallen from the sky, landed right on that spiked limb, bottom first, and from its mouth protruded the end of this spike. We both knew it had to have just happened for the fox to still be twitching when we first saw it. Of course it died within seconds. After we processed what we were looking at, the silhouette of a man appeared behind the large limb in the fog. Assuming it was an off trail hiker and we watched the man get closer to this limb and our eyes took a few seconds to focus, and it was a man but not from this planet! We are still coughing some and gagging and stopped on the trail at this point. I saw what it was and it was not a man. It was just shaped like a man. It stood 6’ to 6’2” and was both skinny and muscular at the same time. The hands were large. We could see its body was almost mangled up or deformed because of some protrusions throughout the body.
It leaned to one side and it stepped OVER this large tree branch, and we could see some kinda animal that my husband nor I could identify, was in this things hand and he took the animal, which was obviously already dead and he, with no effort at all, shoved it on the spike on top of where the fox was. I think it may have been a rabbit just because of the size. Our coughing and gagging continued and I got very dizzy. It looked at my husband first…then it turnt its head slowly and looked at me. That face. It’s a face I will never forget and a face that I wish I could forget. Its eyes were cloudy and gray. It looked like there were no eye lids. The right eye socket was up higher on its face than the left eye. I don’t remember anything else about its face except it was chewing very slowly and it tilted its head some while still looking our way. The body looked like a man. The ribcage protruded some. The penis was evident. His skin looked ripped in some areas and then some areas almost looked burnt to a crisp but the overall skin color was a pale gray/pink. Very odd color.
Me and my husband are now walking backward as we watched it watching us back away. What it did then I’ll never forget. It raised its hand, took its pointer finger and moved it back and forth (like tisk tisk tisk) or “no no no” as if we were not supposed to be there. It moved its finger like that a few times, while still chewing and its head tilted and I began crying immediately and crying hard to the point my body convulsed. My husband gripped my hand harder and we continued to back away, still walking almost backward carefully until we walked around a curve in the path and lost sight. It stared at us right up until that moment.
We ran as fast as a couple in their 50s could while still hysterically crying. We make it to the Mount Mitchell parking lot and we get into our truck, doors locked, drive away. We can still smell it. It’s burnt into our nostrils and still coughing some. My husband then, all of a sudden, pulls over to the side of the road and opens his door and vomits on the ground. He then says “that was not a Bigfoot”! And I replied, “I know”. We didn’t know what it was but all we did know is that it was not a Bigfoot. We left a day early and took the 5 hour drive back and it was all we could think about.
My very religious husband believed it was a demonic entity. I still was not sure what I saw until someone that I shared my story with, shared this Reddit page in the hills with me and that’s when I finally had a name for what we had saw. I spent hours on the topic and then shared it with my husband. We know we encountered a feral human.
After a long debate, we finally decided that we would not report the encounter to park services out of fear of being laughed at. I want to also add that I am the biggest skeptic there is but what my eyes saw that day was almost incomprehensible; something that eyes of mankind should never gaze upon. Even 6 months later I can still see it and I can still sometimes get a whiff of it. It’s embedded into my being. That encounter has made me question everything I thought I knew about life. And just know, we do not plan to return to those mountains ever again and I pray that those who do visit will please please be careful.
Over these past few months, having time to think about it all, I recalled that it almost felt like something was watching us from the opposite side of the trail and me and my husband have wondered if there were more than one out there.
There are feral humans in those mountains and I do not question that.
submitted by 007STARZZ to INTHEHILLS [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 02:00 grangoodbrother Zhoe Prologue - Eat Your Young

11th Moon, 20 AC Dragonstone Mood
Start carving, darling
I wanna smell the dinner cooking
I wanna feel the edges start to burn
– XX –
“Do you remember the story of the Cannibal?”
Their Solar at Summerhall was, admittedly, far better than anything they’d known thus far. Zhoe had been born in a cheap room in the basement of a brothel in Mole’s Town, where protection from the cold meant no windows to let the light in. Four walls, two cots, a fireplace. That had been their home, and when Danny was born it had become hers too.
In a seat by the window, Danny turned away from her view of the shore to look address her. Kissed-by-Fire, they’d called her in Mole’s Town, for her shock of red hair. The singular streak of silver-gold that framed her face might have been the only thing that gave any hint that they might have been sisters. That, and the eyes; Both were purple, but Zhoe’s eyes were a piercing shade more akin to Amethyst; Her sisters was more akin to plum, and in the cold light of the North they looked closer to brown.
“So happens I do,” she said, “why?”
“Do you think he’s real?” asked Zhoe.
“‘Haps,” Danny turned back to the window, “I don’t think it matters. He’s not been sighted in our lifetimes, who’s to say?”
“Might be that he’s lonely, do you think?”
“You would be too, if you killed your brothers and sisters. He has his name for a reason, as do we all.”
– XX –
Dragonstone was impressive to say the least; The island was coated in soot and smoke, and in the distance, a ways away from her goal, stood the castle itself. Black as cole, bent and reshapen into something both beautiful and ghastly. To the east, in the light of the rising moon, she could see the silhouettes of stone dragons sitting atop the keep, illuminated by midnight. But it was not the Keep she was after.
Among other things, the island had been known to inhabit a score of wild dragons whose population had been quickly dwindling under the might of another. Zhoe had only come to know of the Cannibal only through stories. He who had come before the Targaryens, black as the night sky with eyes of emerald green, jagged and malformed, vicious and volatile. Rarely seen, but known for the bloodshed he caused, and the piles of dragon’s bones in his wake. He’d been feeding, and with all the hatchlings on Dragonstone he was never left wanting.
– I –
She saw him first through his eyes; Boiling blood, acid-hot; and searing flesh that left an acrid taste in her mouth. This had been her child, she knew, newly-hatched. Not that it mattered now, for it was nothing but a meal for the beast she had dreamt of becoming. She felt disgusted in herself, and yet exhilarated all the same. She dreamt of kinslaying, and it sang to her sinews in a way that made her feel strong, wretched. Zhoe felt alive as the Blood of the Dragon ran down her jagged, scaled chin.
But he wanted more, or so she believed. She had been called upon, and she could not bring herself to refuse. Whether the Cannibal wanted to feast on her too, she could not be sure.
– II –
In another dream, one had during her long nights at sea, she was afforded a layout of the island proper. She felt the rush of midnight air, the feeling of salt spray on her belly as she grazed the ocean to hunt for fish to sate her appetite until she found another victim. When she slaked her hunger, she took higher, above the clouds and into the night sky. Where she needed not chase after hatchlings and drakes, needed not taste the boiling blood and acrid flesh of her kin, but where she could stretch her wings. Time was immeasurable in her slumber; She might have flown for an hour or a day and it would not have mattered, for when she descended she still felt strong. How radiant the moon looked, she thought, as she caught it through the clouds, before sinking down to the darkness below.
– XX –
To the Dragonmont. She had seen its layout from above, and knew which routes to take. She couldn’t see more than a few feet in front of her, and yet it had been as if she’d grown up on the Dragonmont. The floor beneath her felt near as much as much as home as the rocky island of Summerhall; Better yet, the icy lands just south of the wall where she was born. Somewhere above, surely nesting in the hottest recesses of the Dragonmont, lay her prize. But she took a detour; There was a cave a few yards onward where she feasted in her dreams.
– III –
Zhoe recalled the feeling of her dragon’s breath, the crackling of eggs newly hatching to their own deaths. She had feasted upon her brothers and sisters for years.
– XX –
Hunting for dragon eggs was no easy feat - she could feel her way through the darkness well enough, but digging for what she could not see? She might as well have been searching for a needle in a haystack; Hells, that may have been easier. But the cave was small, and once she could identify the empty mounds of eggs already feasted on she could feel out for those intact. She had been so caught up in her dream that, when she cut her hand on the sharp edge of what she was sure was an egg, she had to stop herself from raising her hand to her mouth to feast. In time she found one, and then two, and once she had them she took them in her arms the same way a mother would hold her babes, and she began her ascent anew.
Zhoe was breathing hard now. The air at the greater heights of the Dragonmont were thick with smoke, and her climb had done her no favours. When she breathed in too deep the smoke stung enough to make her cough, and as she got higher the coughs turned to hacks, and the hacks to heaving and retching until, when she retreated into an alcove to rest, she dropped to her knees and up came dinner stained black with soot.
Her journey thus far had gone uninterrupted, but her noise had not gone unnoticed. In the night, in the black expanse of night and soot and smoke she saw green… Hot as fire itself, as piercing and bright as nothing she had ever seen before. They were eyes, and they looked fierce and angry and violent.
She pushed herself to her feet when the coughing subsided, wheezing more than breathing.
“I see you’ve found me,” she spoke, “and I, you.”
– IV –
She saw a flash of something new; A vision, reflected in his eyes. The last time someone had come to disturb his lair he made a meal. Someone wanted to slay him, or tame him. It was no matter, for they burned to, swarmed in green ran through with all the colours of the rainbow and more. She feasted again, only this time the taste was sweeter.
– XX –
A shock of flame erupted from the Cannibal’s mouth; Green, as bright as the piercing colour of his eyes, ran through with reds and yellows and blue and black onto the ground before him. His flame was a kaleidoscopic death sentence and the heat alone, though not touching her, was enough to make her feel dizzy. Shakily, she threw the eggs into the makeshift pyre and watched them crack and pop like walnuts. In the flames she could hear the sound of dragons hatching, followed by their death cries.
– V –
In the flames she saw prophecy. In the flames she saw a contract.
– XX –
When the flames died all that remained was smoke and the charred corpses of hatchlings that had never been afforded the chance to live; Their labour brought on by force that they would be rid of the world before they grew too big to kill. She likened it to tansy tea in a sense, and it made her question if Cannibal had always had a taste for his own kind. Perhaps, a very long time ago, a dragon with scales as black as the night sky and wildfire eyes had preyed upon hatchlings and drakes out of necessity.
He bowed his head - he kept his eyes on her - but she watched as he tore into the larger of the two hatchlings, the one with more meat on it. She watched him tear, and rip, and slice until he’d made himself ribbons of flesh. Zhoe watched as he feasted, watched as the blood ran down his jagged, scaled chin. He did not go in for the second hatchling.
He wanted her to have the first bite.
She didn’t have claws, or the strength to tear herself a piece, or even a knife to cut a piece. When she took the hatchling in her hands the heat of it alone was enough to make her skin hiss.
She bit into it like she would a leg of goat, if she were lucky enough to have one to herself. It had been everything she dreamed it to be; Acid-hot and acrid, and she almost wretched it up a dozen times before she could swallow it down.
– XX –
Stoutfast had been built by Dragonflame, for without it she would surely have frozen to death before it could be built. It was nothing special; Half as big as most keeps south of the Neck, and nowhere near as beautiful as Dragonstone yet just as ghastly. Cannibal, having helped build the keep, had been kept fat and fed on aurochs when she took him beyond the wall. He hungered for something more, Zhoe knew.
Perhaps he would get to truly feed again.
– VI –
Mayhaps she would like to see it as much as he would.
submitted by grangoodbrother to IronThroneRP [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:31 xSG9 Irrational pregnancy scare… I’m so scared

A few weeks ago my husband and I got into the mood (with a condom) and it slipped off. He noticed after coming out and I could feel some of it inside of me. I hurried to the bathroom and tried to get as much out. I was mortified. I genuinely am terrified of getting pregnant again to a point I think I got instantly depressed thinking about it. I took a plan b the next day.
I’ve been married since 2020, and for the first 2.5 years of my marriage we’ve been doing a successful pull out method. It worked every single time. We were both confident in the method and I never ever had pregnancy scares because I also tracked my period religiously and would tell him on fertile days to be extra careful. I got pregnant when I decided I wanted to be pregnant and was ready. First try got pregnant. It was a horrible pregnancy from the beginning to the end. I puked every single day even until I was 10 centimetres pushing in labour. Puking into that blue plastic bag. After birth I continued to puke for another 4 weeks and lost 50 pounds from not being able to hold down food or even water.
That experience has changed me forever. The only reason I’m shook is because I started experiencing pregnancy symptoms again. I’m 5.5 post partum. For the last 5 months I’ve been feeling soooo much better.
Last week however…. I’ve been having symptoms that remind me of my pregnancy. I did get my period, but it was late. I’ve been done for 3 days now and I’m still getting weird painful cramps. Which I NEEEVEEER ever got, even post partum. Cramps after a period? Hell no.
We went to the mall recently and the smell of Panda Express made me gag so hard I got dizzy. I had to sit down. I like Panda Express so I was confused. I wanted to projectile vomit. I used to cough a lot when I would eat pregnant. I started coughing again after every bite. The feeling of my uterus expanding. I’m extra emotional too.
Btw this might sound crazy but when I got pregnant for the first time (I found out 8 weeks in). I felt INSTANTLY pregnant. I was having hot flashes the first week alone. The only reason I thought I wasn’t pregnant was because I got what I thought was a period. I bled for 4 days. Dark brown period. Extremely painful. But I will never forget how exhausted and how much I was sweating the first 4 weeks of my pregnancy. Puking a lot too.
This could be plan b symptoms but I genuinely… am so scared. I wanted MAYBE another baby in 3 years. IM NEVER HAVING SEX EVER AGAIN 😭😭😭 I want to cry typing this out.
I’m gonna take a pregnancy test before my period on the 21st of May.
submitted by xSG9 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:11 DragonKnov Kunlun Sect's Weakest Disciple: Chapter 11

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎[📖First ⏮️Previous Next⏭️]




The icy rain pelted down mercilessly, drenching Ji Wuye's martial robes and weighing heavily on his head, causing waves of dizziness to wash over him.

He squeezed his eyes shut briefly against the stinging droplets before glancing down at the ground, now thoroughly soaked and peppered with rapidly spreading puddles.

Without a moment's hesitation, Ji Wuye sprung to his feet and bounded towards a crumbling stone pillar nearby.

The rain lashed at his face as he moved, his wet clothes clinging uncomfortably to his skin. With feline grace, he leapt up and scrabbled for purchase on the pillar's rough surface before pulling himself up to perch atop it like a great bird of prey.

Below him, the shallow puddles across the platform grew and merged, the intensifying rainfall causing the water level to steadily rise. Ji Wuye could hear the constant pounding drumbeat of droplets hitting the accumulating pools.

"This height should be sufficient," he murmured to himself, his voice nearly drowned out by the deluge.

Carefully, he settled into a cross-legged seated position and closed his eyes, his brow furrowing in concentration as he focused on gathering Qi to fill the depleted reserves in his Lower Dantians.

The steady thrum of the rain faded into the background as Ji Wuye's awareness turned inward during his meditation.

After what felt like an endless downpour lasting three arduous minutes, his eyes fluttered open to find the entire arena platform had transformed into a swirling vortex - the gaps between the scattered stone debris sealed up in a inexplicable manner, allowing the water nowhere to drain.
‎ ‎
[!] Only 12 minutes remaining! 
‎ ‎
Even as he watched, the water rose higher, now lapping at the hem of his sodden martial robe atop the submerged pillar over a zhang in height.

'Only 12 minutes...' he muttered grimly under his breath, pivoting his focus to rapidly assess the restored Qi levels within his Dantian. A grim smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. "It should be more than enough."

No sooner had he confirmed his abundant inner reserves than the floodwaters surged upwards again, this time threatening to engulf his seated position entirely.

Rather than succumb to the rising tide, Ji Wuye smoothly transitioned into a graceful breaststroke, kicking his powerful legs to propel himself upwards as his arms sliced through the deluge, keeping his head above the frothing surface.

‎ ‎
[!] Only 1 minutes remaining! 
‎ ‎
The transparent screen seemed to mock him from all sides as Ji Wuye bobbed weightlessly, effortlessly treading water now that the bizarre waters had risen to submerge the entire arena under a seemingly endless ocean.

All around him, a featureless white void pressed in from the horizon.

"It's quite simple..." he gasped out between strokes, his breath sending ripples across the gently undulating surface that now extended in every direction beyond the limits of his vision.

With only 60 seconds remaining on the countdown, Ji Wuye felt a surge of renewed vigor coursing through his limbs, amplified by the plentiful Qi he had carefully gathered.

A rueful chuckle escaped his lips as he reflected in the previous timeline stubborn actions.

'Tsk...tsk...tsk. What a fool I was,' he shook his head in chagrin, sending droplets flying in an arc through the air.

Back then, instead of surrendering to the natural flow of rising waters, he had clung obstinately to the arena floor in a wasted effort, hoarding his Qi while sitting rigidly in meditation.

He had labored under the misguided belief that survival hinged solely on his ability to hold his breath.
‎ ‎
[!] Congratulations, Climber Ji Wuye, on successfully surviving the second elemental test! 
‎ ‎
[!] The third test will commence immediately with the Wind Element! 
‎ ‎
[!] Your objective: Survive for 15 minutes. Good luck! 
‎ ‎
As the a new transparent screen appeared announced the transition to the next trial, the vast oceanic expanse vanished in an instant - the waters that had risen ten times higher than the arena simply blinking out of existence.

Ji Wuye felt his stomach lurch as he plummeted back towards the unyielding stone surface far below, the sudden absence of liquid buoyancy turning his leisurely float into a screaming freefall.

A massive column of condensed air slammed into Ji Wuye's plunging body with incredible force, the shockwave stinging his exposed skin like a thousand needles as he instinctively channeled his Qi to form a protective cocoon around himself.

He barely had time to squint his eyes against the ferocious wind before -


The stone platform buckled and warped violently upon Ji Wuye's impact, chunks of debris and dust exploding outwards as he cratered the unyielding surface.

When the roiling clouds began to settle, his silhouette could be seen amidst the settling particulates, coughing harshly as he expelled the chalky dust from his lungs.

Despite the punishing landing, Ji Wuye emerged from the impact unscathed, his Qi shielding having absorbed the brunt of the blow.

Without wasting a moment, he swiftly seated himself again and closed his eyes, slipping immediately into a meditative trance as he focused his on replenishing his depleted reserves.

The only indication of his intense concentration was the slight crease in his brow as he sensed the first whispers of a change in the wind currents swirling around him.

Ji Wuye's eyes snapped open, and he swiped away the sheen of sweat that had beaded on his forehead during his Qi gathering efforts.

As his senses re-engaged with the physical realm, a deafening howl assaulted his ears - announcing the arrival of another cyclonic maelstrom spiraling towards him with terrifying force.

Leaping nimbly to his feet, Ji Wuye rapidly scanned his barren surroundings, seeking the nearest intact pillar to weathered the oncoming typhoon...

With a white-knuckled grip, Ji Wuye clung to the sturdy stone pillar, peering warily towards the center of the arena where the ominous typhoon was rapidly gaining strength and mass.

In the span of a few breathless heartbeats, the swirling vortex had already grown to gargantuan proportions, its howling winds audible even at this distance.


An invisible force yanked at Ji Wuye's martial robes as the maelstrom began violently pulling anything in its path towards the chaotic eye of the storm - leaves, debris, and even the very pillar he desperately clung to, causing it to sway treacherously from side to side.

"Just stay still for a moment," Ji Wuye muttered through gritted teeth, his body glowing faintly as he enveloped himself in a sheath of reinforcing Qi.

His Qi-infused hands locked in a death grip around the pillar's circumference, straining to hold it steady against the tremendous suction.


Smaller chunks of rubble became the first victims, whipped up into a blinding cyclone as they were inexorably drawn towards the vortex's core to join the ever-increasing maelstrom of debris.

At this point, Ji Wuye could barely make out the indistinct center - the sheer force of the winds and the densely packed particulate matter stung his squinting eyes, making it impossible to look directly into the heart of the storm.


A few harrowing moments later, the gigantic typhoon's overwhelming power proved too much for even Ji Wuye's enhanced strength.

With a despairing cry, he felt the solid anchor of the pillar abruptly torn from his grasp, leaving him devastatingly defenseless and fully exposed to the raging forces of the tempest.
‎ ‎
[!] Your passive skill, Quick Adaptation(F), has been triggered! 
‎ ‎
Ji Wuye's eyes blazed crimson as the skill activated, his senses heightening as his perception expanded in an almost supernatural manner.

He planted his feet firmly into the trembling ground, bracing himself as his expanded field of view sharpened - allowing him to track the shadows of incoming projectiles emerging from the swirling chaos to arc unerringly towards his position.

'Dodging this would result in a severe hit to my right shoulder...' he swiftly analyzed the trajectory of a particularly large chunk of masonry whistling straight for his head.

Shifting his stance to evade would undoubtedly open another blind spot, leaving him vulnerable...

In the end, there was only one clear course of action.

‎ ‎
[>>[QUICK ADAPTATION(F)]<<] The proficiency of your passive skill has been increased by 0.01%! 
‎ ‎
With almost contemptuous ease, Ji Wuye's fist lashed out, pulverizing the oncoming palm-sized projectile with a precisely channeled burst of Qi before it could make impact.

His enhanced senses had already locked onto the next threat - a massive boulder tumbling through the air behind the shattered debris.

‎ ‎
[>>[QUICK ADAPTATION(F)]<<] The proficiency of your passive skill has been increased by 0.01%! 
‎ ‎
Ji Wuye twisted his body with boneless fluidity, his martial robes billowing as he attempted to sidestep the incoming mass of stone. But the raging winds proved too strong, the unrelenting cyclone pulling mercilessly at his anchored stance.

'I'm not going to make it!' He grunted in frustration, digging in his heels as he poured more Qi into reinforcing his root against the powerful suction forces. Even so, he could feel himself being inexorably drawn towards the vortex's turbulent embrace.

The deafening roar of the tempest drowned out all other sounds, filling his senses until the howling winds seemed to reverberate in his very bones. One careless slip, and he would be consumed by the storm's chaotic abyss within moments.

'Calm down...' Ji Wuye fought to remain centered, his mind racing furiously for a solution as the undertow steadily dragged him across the trembling ground. "What can I use now..."

His eyes frantically scanned his rapidly diminishing surroundings until they alighted on the solitary stone benches - still miraculously anchored firmly to the platform despite the ferocious winds.

It was a longshot, but his only chance. Gritting his teeth, Ji Wuye gathered every last mote of Qi and poured it into an explosive burst of speed and strength, desperately propelling himself forward as his body strained against the pull.

His fingertips brushed against the rough stone surface of the bench, and he released an anguished cry as he locked on with every ounce of remaining tenacity.

For a breathless, eternal moment, it seemed as though it wouldn't be enough - his body felt like it was being torn apart by the tug-of-war between the bench's steadfast bulk and the storm's insatiable hunger.

Then, slowly but surely, Ji Wuye managed to haul himself precious inches further out of the vortex's gravitational clutches.

With a boneless collapse against the reassuring solidity of the bench, he gasped hungrily for air, greedily filling his burning lungs.
‎ ‎
[!] Congratulations, Climber Ji Wuye, on successfully surviving the third elemental test! 
‎ ‎
[!] The last test will commence immediately with the Earth Element! 
‎ ‎
[!] Your objective: Survive for 15 minutes. Good luck! 
‎ ‎
'Phew...' Ji Wuye sighed in relief, feeling his thunderous heartbeat gradually slowing in his ears as the roaring winds died down to an eerie stillness.

As the adrenaline ebbed, he leaned heavily against the unyielding stone bench...only for a pained groan to escape his clenched jaw.
‎ ‎


\Zhang (掌) - A unit of length equivalent to the width of the hand, about 10 cm. Used for very short measurements.*
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submitted by DragonKnov to HFY [link] [comments]
