Photo album names from songs

Album Art Porn

2011.04.14 05:13 jaxspider Album Art Porn

High quality images of album art.

2008.04.20 09:44 SHREDDIT

Shreddit: Heavy Metal

2009.07.07 15:00 noroom I Took a Picture: Give and get feedback on photography

A subreddit about photography techniques and styles. Post your work here to ask for critique, or browse the submissions and learn how photography techniques are achieved.

2024.05.15 16:36 rattattat4567 idk if I’m being delusional

I used to talk to a guy (named JT) used to talk for about 3 weeks until one day we stopped talking because of something I unintentionally did. I apologized because I had made him felt left out while we were in a group and I wanted him to get along with my other friends since we are all mutuals. However, a week later he posted a song on Discord where only I can see with the caption that sounded gloomy (lasted for about a month). He added another song lyrics that sounds like he was going through a mental challenge but I found out it was another song lyric. I didn’t break contact because it was him who technically ended it.
Fast forward, I heard from a friend that he has been on dating apps and at this point we are still following each other on social media. He was talking to a girl right after and in about 3 weeks they stopped talking. Two weeks later, he removed me from main social media. That was about two months ago. Yesterday, I did a snooping and saw that he reposted some TikTok about reminiscing a girl he lost, etc and how he’ll always have a picture of her. I’m just lost because I never went through something like that and just wanted some other opinions.
submitted by rattattat4567 to MyEx [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:35 SaukstasProto Fat foods and psychology

Fat foods and psychology
This study analyzed the effect on the rat population. It is an open question whether the results of this study are applicable to humans, but it is still interesting to consider.
The participants of this study were fed a high-fat diet. Based on the results, rats were divided into two groups – resistant to getting fat and obese. At this point, I want to stress that individual physiology is just as important as behaviour, so if anyone repeats the actions of somebody else who is apparently successful, it does not mean it is a successful strategy.
Obese male rats tended to display signs of anhedonia, while resistant male rats showed behavioural despair.
On the contrary, obese female rats showed behavioural despair and no signs of anhedonia, independent of their fertility phase.
Everything is related to everything else, and everything is more complex than we would find it convenient. But it is exciting!

spoonfulofreason #psychology #fat #anhedonia #despair

Photo: Couleur from Pixabay
Woodruff, J., Bykalo, M., Loyo-Rosado, F., Maissy, E., Sadek, A., Hersey, M., Erichsen, J., Maxwell, N., Wilson, M., Wood, S., Hashemi, P., Grillo, C., & Reagan, L. (2024). Differential effects of high-fat diet on endocrine, metabolic and depressive-like behaviours in male and female rats. Appetite, 199, 107389.
My name is Monika; I am a health and nutrition psychologist. I help to deal with daily and challenging questions about behaviour, thinking, and emotions. I write, give lectures, and provide psychological counselling. Book my session here:
submitted by SaukstasProto to saukstasproto [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:32 idiotgangmusic The real winners of the beef was us.

we finally got someone to get that nigga Drake, and of all people it was the fucking goat. We got a whole ass EP from Kendrick, and every song was great. Drake is officially done for, posting cringe ahh IG Stories. We Won. Can’t Wait For The Album.
submitted by idiotgangmusic to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:31 CalebVanPoneisen Glimpse Of Real Freedom -【Chapter 5】

First Prev Next
Time seemed to pass much quicker when Ghrruk and I were swimming together, finding small insects or algae to eat, and sleeping in the same place by nightfall. It was strange at first, but I felt safer. As if teamwork made us stronger.
Our front legs started to grow a few weeks after the attack. I was surprised to see Ghrruk’s lost leg regrowing too. It was still a stump, but a little longer.
“Do you think it’ll regrow entirely?” I asked her.
“I hope so. I’m the only one with a missing leg.”
“There are a few others whose legs have been damaged by the predators, though.”
Ghrruk’s tail drooped a little. “I’d rather have a damaged leg than a stump. At least they have a chance that it’d heal…”
“Maybe yours will heal as well. I’ve been looking at it lately and I’m certain it’s growing back.”
“Or maybe our bodies are simply becoming larger. And so does the stump.”
She was quite negative when it came to her leg, even though she saw our future, and Thomas, in a very positive light. Speaking of which, Thomas did install a defense of sorts above our home to protect us from predators. It worked because we hadn’t been bothered since.
Speaking of the human…
Ghrruk immediately swam up. She wasn’t as graceful as before her tail started to shrink. The main reason, though, was that she was kicking water with one leg, which made her veer slightly to the left. It was almost unnoticeable. Any other tadpole would think it was the usual way she swam.
She really likes him, I thought, following her from a distance. My trust issues weren’t completely gone. My trip inside the jar had left quite its mark.
Small red worms swirled down and all the other tadpoles frantically ascended to fill their bellies. I did as always, staying a little below the rest, catching whatever came through.
Funny how they trusted Thomas, yet slurped, expelled, and then slurped again on the worm, likely examining the worm to make sure it’s actual food.
“Oh. Oh! Look at you!” Thomas exclaimed. “Some of you have front legs! You’re becoming actual frogs. Amazing!”
Thomas’ face descended so close to the water his nose almost dipped in it. Most tadpoles scattered away in fright, before curiosity – and food! – got the better of them and compelled them return to peek at their savior. I was certain he was looking for me so.
“Ah! Ghost! There you are! Wait a minute.”
The moment he uttered my name I dived down.
Thomas stood up and left. Ghrruk came swimming back to me in swift leg bursts.
“Why do you think he left? He usually stays longer, telling us stories,” she said.
“I don’t know but I don’t have a good feeling about this. I think I’m going to hide behind a rock or something.”
As expected, when Thomas returned, he held a stick of sorts and was looking for something – me! But I had a few good hiding places. It had taken a lot of effort to dig up dirt and arrange things on the bottom.
He tried to catch me with that stick again and again, stirring the bottom of the pond in order to find me. Unlike previous attempt, he didn’t linger for too long, where he’d be waiting for me to take a few gulps of breath. Whatever he tried to achieve, it didn’t seem that important to him. Or maybe he grew tired a lot quicker than the first time he saw me and my peculiarity.
Days turned into weeks, and slowly but surely, we had all grown our forelegs. Our tails were also shrinking, forcing us to adapt a new swimming technique. And best of all, I could distinguish tiny knobs poking out of Ghrruk’s lump, sign that her toes were growing back.
“See,” I said, undulating the end of my tail rapidly, “your leg is growing back!”
“I’m not so sure...”
“It’s really there. I know you can’t see it, but I can. Why won’t you believe me?”
“Because it feels completely different than how it was before. When I walked out of the pond, I could feel every toe on my right leg. My left was just… weird.”
A few bubbles left my mouth.
“Wait, when you what?”
“Walked out of the pond.”
“When did you… how did you walk out of the pond?”
I was so surprised, even though I had seen other tadpoles, or rather, froglets, climb up and out. But that wasn’t reason enough to follow them. I never even thought about it, what with all those predators out there. And let’s not forget Thomas.
“A few days ago,” she said, her body wobbling excitedly. “You were busy digging the sediment to improve our hiding spots, as usual, and when I noticed a fellow froglet clambering out, I wanted to take the leap myself.”
A stream of bubbles left my mouth.
“You went out of our home? To do what? Get killed? Wasn’t losing one leg enough?”
Ghrruk’s kicked her hind legs, floating right in front of me.
“That leg wasn’t my fault,” she declared, her tiny front legs making an abrupt, agitated movement. “I did what everyone else did. You are the weird one, always wishing to hide deep inside our pond, spending countless hours digging in the depths. Don’t you feel the urge to leave? To explore? To have a glimpse what is beyond the water?”
“Maybe later. Now, I want to avoid Thomas. And the predators.”
She slowly drifted backwards, creating some distance between us both.
“Then, we will have to go our separate ways. Thomas is our savior and the outside is safe. Hasn’t he told us that this place is like our pond? Encompassed in such way that we can’t leave but also that others can’t come in? Why won’t you trust him?”
“I guess it’s in my nature not to trust humans.”
Ghrruk blew a few bubbles out. Her mouth gaped open and close, as if she was gasping for air. I knew I had infuriated her.
“Well, I trust him. I have also needs. My body desires to leave this place and find… whatever I need to find.” She twirled in place. “Ghost. See you around.”
Ghrruk sprung her hind legs hard against the water, darting away for the surface. I trailed her until she climbed out of the pond.
Why does she have to do this now?
I carefully popped my head above the water, observing Ghrruk clambering out. Without even glancing behind her, she clumsily snuck between the blades of grass and she was gone.
“Ghrruk? Ghrruk!” I called.
No answer came. Other froglets were following her lead. I decided to dive down to the comfort of my hiding place near the plants, which had grown considerably since the attack. There, I pondered about Ghrruk, about Thomas, about the meaning of my life, and what I ought to do, leaving only for food or air.
During that period, Thomas came and went, unlike Ghrruk, who I didn’t see again. She was gone.
Sometimes, when I ascended, I broke the water to check whether Ghrruk was somewhere around the edge of the pond. All I could see were other froglets, sitting immobile in the shadow, waiting patiently for no apparent reason.
Each day, more froglets left the pond. Of course, they ended up returning. But the murky waters had never felt so lonely. Loneliness. A sense that had never occurred to me. Not before Ghrruk. Thinking about her made me anxious, constantly wondering where she went, and how often she returned to the pond. I was certain she did return, except she never came back to my place, so there was always that possibility... I could only hope she didn’t get eaten.
Then, one day, when my tail had shrunk a bit more and most of my brethren’s color changed from black with tiny specks of brown to a lighter color with larger specks, sometimes even a hue of green, my entire body tingled. A curious sensation, an impulse akin to Ghrruk’s.
This call of nature drove me to the sand bank that Thomas had built on the edge of the pond to let the froglets leave easier. Initially, I thought it was a trick to catch me. But then I realized that it was a lot of effort just for me, and thought he was simply trying to help us, as he has always done.
Ghrruk was right, a voice whispered inside.
My tiny head and eyes popped above the water. No sign of Thomas. I kicked my legs, a new form of swimming that was much faster than the tail undulation, until I set foot on the sand bank. I was about to leave our home. My tiny heart was racing.
Grains of sand stuck to my body. It was a small hindrance, but nothing that would impede my will to find out what was beyond. With a few awkward steps, advancing leg by leg, I arrived at the edge of the grass.
Maybe I will meet Ghrruk today? Mayb – aaah!
“Gotcha, Ghost!”
Thomas!? Why didn’t I hear him come?
My entire body was stuck between his two fingers, so small I was.
“Exactly as I thought! Your eyes. They’re red! They don’t look evil or anything. They’re just… red. That’s so weird.”
If I could’ve screamed, I would have. I attempted to squeeze myself out, but the force of his fingers was far beyond my ability to do anything. My legs were the only thing squirming in place.
“You know what? I think you deserve a new name. A better one.”
Another name? It can’t be much worse than “Ghost”.
“To be honest, I never really liked your name. I know, I’m the one who gave it to you, but it felt a little hollow. Too… translucent, if you know what I mean.”
Thomas chuckled, which scared me even more.
“Hmmm… ‘Red’ is too plain so let’s call you Carmine.”
That’s worse!
“Yes, Carmine sounds good. Do you know what it means?”
I don’t care, I just want to return to the tranquility of my pond and never leave it ever again!
“Carmine’s a Latin name that means ‘Song’. At least, that’s what my teacher told me. It’s also the name of a red color. Slightly deeper than crimson red, though I’m not gonna name you Crimson, right? Besides, Carmine is fitting for you.”
His hand suddenly moved towards his mouth. I was panicking, certain he’d gulp me down and that’d be the end of me. I was completely helpless, unable to get out of his strong grasp, rapidly advancing towards the two red bulges, widening into a circle until –
My snout grazed his moist mouth and he inexplicably moved his hand back to where it was, with me still stuck between two fingers in the middle of the void.
“You’re adorable, Carmine. I hope you’ll sing a lot of beautiful songs once you get your frog voice.”
Another shadow loomed over me. Another human.
Thomas’ father? Oh no…
If being scared of what Thomas just did wasn’t enough, the human who detests me had arrived. From our very first encounter, I always felt uncomfortable whenever he was near. Likely because his first advice upon seeing me was to flush me down the drain – whatever that may be.
“Again with that disgusting thing. Throw it away, will you?” he growled.
“Why do you hate this frog so much? It’s such a cute thing. Look at it!”
“Yeah. It looks like piece of mold.”
“What? Because it’s white?”
“If I found that in the kitchen I wouldn’t touch it with my bare hands. Why won’t you just discard it? You’ve got hundreds of healthy frogs. Why are you so obsessed with this one in particular?”
“Maybe because Carmine’s a peculiar frog.”
“Carmine?” His whole body leaned back as he frowned. “Didn’t you name it Spooky or something like that?”
Thomas sighed and his eyes rolled. “No, dad, he was called Ghost, but now that his eye color is more pronounced, I think that Carmine’s a better name.”
“So you won’t –”
“No. Stop asking. He’s my favorite frog of all.”
The father’s head approached. His eyes filled the entire space in front of me.
“That’s why you’re squeezing him to death? Look at how frantically he tries to escape!”
“Oh, sorry, Carmine. I’ve been holding you for so long, it must hurt. Here!”
Thomas crouched and returned me back exactly where I was. Instead of continuing to the grass, I tumbled over. With one swift kick of my legs, I repositioned myself correctly and clambered through that sticky sand, which was now irritating my body – likely due to the lack of moisture – until I reached the water. I surged down to my hiding place and stayed there until Thomas was gone.
Around nighttime, part of me wished to try again, yet I didn’t. I was too scared to be picked up once more.
There’s no way I’m going back there.
But deep inside, I knew that I’d have to leave the pond. I knew I’d have to do the same as the others; explore the great outside and explore the rest of the world. For now, all I wished was to have Ghrruk in my vicinity so we could communicate, eat, and sleep together. If only I could have peace of mind in anticipation of what was to come next.
Good night Ghrruk. I miss you.
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submitted by CalebVanPoneisen to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:30 HumansAreSuperior Giving 1 free ticket for The Feeling-KOKO-Friday May 17

Wound up going to their Cambridge show last night instead, which was excellent - similar setlist to the "Live in London" LP (except for songs from new album "San Vito" rather than "Loss. Hope. Love".)
First Redditor to message me (not by reply!) will be sent the PDF ticket. Enjoy!
submitted by HumansAreSuperior to london [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:28 holeinwater Day 28 of picking a favorite MM lyric: Long Distance Drunk, The Lonesome Crowded West

Day 28 of picking a favorite MM lyric: Long Distance Drunk, The Lonesome Crowded West
Not only did the top comment of yesterdays thread win by a landslide, no other lyrics from the song were even submitted 😂😂 I totally agree and happen to think this is one of MM’s top 10 lyrics of all time. Just my opinion though! Let’s see what yall have to say about Long Distance Drink today. See you tomorrow!
❗️❗️❗️REMEMBER❗️❗️❗️ Check the comments for your lyric BEFORE commenting yourself and upvote if someone already posted it. I will NOT be compiling votes for the same lyric on different comments.
Alright y’all - we are going verse by verse, song by song, album by album picking our favorite lyrics off of every song from every album in order.
Previously I did not specify when I asked for favorite “lyrics.” Some folks have submitted verses, and some folks have submitted whole stanzas. The purpose of this is to get single verses (maaaaaaybe two lines), but not a whole stanza/paragraph worth of lyrics.
Quick reminder that a VERSE is “a single line in a poem” (in our case songs) and a STANZA is “a distinct set of lines in a poem” (in our case songs).
Stanza: “Well we scheme, and we scheme, but we always blow it We've yet to crash, but we still might as well enjoy it Standing at a light switch to each east and west horizon Every dawn you're surprising And the evening was consoling saying ‘See it wasn't quite as, bad as’”
Verse: “we’ve yet to crash but we still might as well enjoy it.”
So with that cleared up, drop your favorite line below and others will upvote their favorites!
  1. Don’t be a dick! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and your opinion does not invalidate theirs.
  2. Read the comments to look for your lyric before you post and upvote accordingly. I will NOT be compiling different comments with the same lyrics and adding upvotes together.
  3. This is supposed to be FUN! Engage with your community, share your stories or experiences, and spend some time appreciating the lyricism.
  4. At the end, we will have a vote-off of the favorite lyrics from every album, then those lyrics will face off against all the other albums, and we will find out what the ultimate fan favorite Modest Mouse lyric is.
submitted by holeinwater to ModestMouse [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:19 kbrick1 Mica Miller

CW for suicide
I don’t know if any of you have been following the Mica Miller case out of Myrtle Beach. She recently died from an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound two days after filing for divorce from her husband who was fourteen years older than her and who was her youth pastor when she was in high school. He is the head pastor of their church.
It appeared to be a pretty open and shut case, but there are all these weird factors involved. Such as:
She alleged in police reports that he’d been grooming her as a teenager
She had filed a restraining order against him
He had made threatening calls to her and to her family
He has her involuntarily committed for psychiatric care in Feb against her will. It’s unclear why, but her family is alleging that he lied and forged documents to have this happen
He placed trackers in her vehicle and hacked her phone. He posted nude photos of her on her fb account and then removed them after an hour
She said she was purchasing the gun that was later used to end her life for self-protection from him
The FBI may or may not be getting involved in the case (local police say yes, FBI is getting involved, family of Mica says they are not as of yet). This may be in relation to financial crimes committed at the church.
Bottom line - this case is a huge mess and I don’t know what to think of it. I was convinced this was her own doing, but the more I see, the more I’m not sure. On the other hand, not sure how much info is accurate, either. There have been some solid news stories about the case that include much of the info I’ve written about here, but there’s a whole brigade of people speculating on Reddit and TikTok. Not sure how much of what they’re saying (allegations not included here) is real, so I’m discounting it for now.
I’d love to know some of your takes on this! I’d love to know Alice and Brett’s, too, but I’m assuming they won’t touch this one until and unless more comes out that points to foul play (I think at this point, they’d probably say it was self-inflicted based on evidence, namely that there is video evidence of her purchasing a gun and, most compellingly, a 911 call from right before from Micas phone telling the operator that she was going to unalive herself).
submitted by kbrick1 to TheProsecutorsPodcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:18 throwawaypbjelly AITAH for calling off the wedding?

I have been through so much and I am exhausted.
Since November of last year, I have been dealing with a conflict with my in-laws:
submitted by throwawaypbjelly to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:18 xiweinx Humanity Defiled - Deficient Breed - out 31st May

So there it is.
The 3rd Humanity Defiled full length. Almost 10 years after the previous one and 12 years after the debut album.
In between there’s been an EP and a split (Déhà/Humanity Defiled). That last one was released in 2021.
This one will release on the 31st of May.
I'm sending out bandcamp links for private listening sessions for zines, sites, blogs, podcasts, reviewers,... If you're interested, contact me through the options below.
Getting to this point has not been easy. Most of the time I lacked the energy and motivation to start recording. But in a world burning with new conflicts and death, the inspiration blossoms. During a good part of 2023 and 2024, 8 new songs were recorded.
There are no fillers on this album. No interludes, covers, tiring heaps of samples or ambient pieces. You get 35 minutes of death metal in a variety of styles and tempos.
The lyrical themes on this record are obvious. Or maybe not?
Meanwhile, it has become a habit to include the instrumental versions of the songs on almost every release. This is also the case for this one. So, you get almost 70 minutes of music, available for Name Your Price at bandcamp or streaming on all major platforms.
The recording of Deficient Breed was, again, a completely DIY affair. There was no label, studio, producer,... involved. All instruments, programming, lyrics (except 1), vocals, mixing and mastering were done by me, at my home.
More info about the line-up, artwork, lyrics:
E-mail me: []( - instagram: u/humanitydefiled
Iwein/Humanity Defiled
submitted by xiweinx to Deathmetal [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:16 ToeInteresting9430 Looking for the name of a band

Hi fellow metal heads Been pulling my hair about this one I came across a really interesting metal band last year - then forgot about them and now I can't remember their name! This is what I remember From UK Released two experimental metal albums 1995-to maybe early 2000s Considered a cult band that pioneer experimental metal REALLY lengthy songs often 10-20 minutes Loved by critics and fans alike but not commercially successful. I think their early albums are highly sought after Remembered the music as being airy and psychedelic but reeeeaaallly f-ing heavy and slow and harsh. Think I remembered that the vocals hade echo and the guitars were also used with a lot of effect pedals
Genre- doom death black something something. Still sounding like nothing else I have heard
Does ANYBODY have any clue? Many thanks in advance 🥰🥰
submitted by ToeInteresting9430 to MetalForTheMasses [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:08 canmek23 I only listened to Born to Die for years

I have a confession....
I have listened to Born to Die since it came out. I even found the Born to Die clip on Youtube when it had less than 20k views and couldn't stop listening to it. At the time, it wasn't the type of music I was used to, but I was hooked to the all album.
When UV came out, I started by "West Coast" and it wasn't my type of music at all.... And idk why, I just never listened to any newer music from Lana until 2023 (you can judge me for it that's ok). I still replayed the album Born to Die from time to time! And it was SUCH A MISTAKE ON MY PART to stop there. I feel like a stubborn old lady but I promise I'm not lol
Fast forward to last year and I randomly decide to see what Lana has been up to since Born to Die days.... I forced myself to go through the albums. So after years and years lost, I finally listened to all her albums:
Born to Die again : still love it ! A classic. But after finding the rest of her albums, it's currently the one I listen to the least
Paradise : Haven't really listened to it yet so I guess I still have work. I already know a few songs though (Ride and Cola)
UV: it grew a lot on me, exept West Coast... I'm sorry I know it's a beloved song... Not sure why I don't like it. Old Money is one of my favorite now, Brooklyn Baby is a little gem for me, special mention to Fucked My Way Up to the Top. What a beautiful album ! What a mistake I made stopping at one song !
Honeymoon : I wasn't into it at all at first, but it's growing on me. I completely understand why people say it's like a movie soundtrack. God Knows I Tried is probably my favorite from this album
Lust for Life : It's weird but it's probably the only album where I skip the featurings. But the other songs are almost my current obsessions (Love, Cherry, In My Feelings, Coachella, Heroin)
NRF! : It is thanks to this album that I told myself "Why did I never try harder to listen to her"? Such a great album!! Hope is a dangerous thing is my favorite from this one, but I can listen to it without a skip (well I do skip Bartender I must admit)
Chemtrails Over The Country Club & Blue Banisters : well, damn. No skips for me, excepts maybe Dealer because I have to be in a mood for it lol.
Ocean Blvd: Love it! Not sure if it's just me, it feel like the least cohesive album of all of them ? Don't get me wrong, I love most of the songs (special mention to Taco Truck x VB, A&W, Grandfather please stand..., Kintsungi)
Anyway I apologize for the grammar as English isn't my first language. I would like to know if that ever happened to you and if you can relate to this, maybe it happened to you for another artist!
It has definitly taught me to open myself more to newer artists and go back to listen to full albums instead of stopping at the singles!
submitted by canmek23 to lanadelrey [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:05 cosinusdealpha [TOMT] PewDiePie video talking about shady Youtube Channels

I remember that long ago, I watched a PewDiePie video that talked about some people / YouTube channels in a negative way. I remember him even showing some clips from their channels.
One of the channels had a short name with "VFX" at the end.
The video that PewDiePie showed was some kind of GTA V edit having a neon theme, something like Tron. I remember it had under 20 seconds in length. I think the YT channel he showed had a small number of videos.
It stuck to me because the video had a banger song that I know nothing about, but I try from time to time to find that video and find out about the song.
I don't remember the context of the video but I think he gave examples of bad YouTube channels, maybe went after some comments? Maybe after some scammers?
Update: I did find the video uploaded by PewDiePie! Link:
The channel I am talking about is at 7:41 timestamp, named "JaleVFX". Video title from the channel: "THE BEST GTA edit EVER MADE!?!?!"
Unfortunately that GTA video is not available anymore on that channel, I am trying to find it somewhere else.
submitted by cosinusdealpha to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:02 docXfamas [H] DOOM Eternal DELUXE EDITION, Have a Nice Death, Dying Light Definitive Edition, Torchlight III, Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song- Remastered, Omensight Definitve Edition and lots of other bundled games [W] Trepang2, PayPal, tf2 keys, gems, wishlisted games




Mainly looking for PayPal (accepting most of the currencies, fees may slightly differ)
MY REP Wishlist
TF2 keys/ CS2 Cases
submitted by docXfamas to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:01 docXfamas [H] DOOM Eternal DELUXE EDITION, Have a Nice Death, Dying Light Definitive Edition, Torchlight III, Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song- Remastered, Omensight Definitve Edition and lots of other bundled games [W] Trepang2, PayPal, tf2 keys, gems, wishlisted games




Mainly looking for PayPal (accepting most of the currencies, fees may slightly differ)
TF2 keys/ CS2 Cases
submitted by docXfamas to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:00 AutoModerator Daily Discussion - May 15, 2024

Talk about anything, music related or not. However, pop music gossip should be discussed in the Teatime & Trending Topics threads, linked below.
Please be respectful; normal rules still apply. Any comments found breaking the rules will be removed and you will be warned or banned.

Posts of Interest


Rates and Other Activities



Check out our official Spotify playlists here, updated each week!
If you use, you can create a collage here or here to display what you have listened to this week! Make sure you upload your collage to imgur, or it will change over time.
submitted by AutoModerator to popheads [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:55 vanillabearJD91 Seamaster 300 “No time to die” second QC

Seamaster 300 “No time to die” second QC
Strap has been changed after first Qs RL due to defect. Seller has not sent a full second QC but just a photo of the newly changed strap (included and marked in photos.) seller states the watch remains the same just with a new strap.
This is my first Rep purchase and open all all advice on this.
  1. Dealer Name: Andriot Watches
  2. Factory Name: VSF
  3. Model: A8806 V4 as Bracelet
  4. Price paid $357.50 (incl postage)
  5. Album link: (original QC will show bracelet defect, has now been changed)
  6. Index alignment: I don’t see a problem but please give your opinion
  7. Dial printing: I don’t see a problem but please give your opinion
  8. Date wheel: N/A
  9. Hand alignment: I don’t see a problem but please give your opinion
  10. Bezel: I don’t see a problem but please give your opinion
  11. Solid end links: ?
  12. Timegrapher numbers: need the experts opinions on this please.
  13. Anything else: should I be worried I have not received a second full QC? Have asked for more photos of the new strap and will add in the comments when received.
Thanks in advance for any help and advice.
submitted by vanillabearJD91 to RepTimeQC [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:54 LongjumpingGap1636 akashic codes ..

akashic codes ..
akashic codes..
 morning, beautiful 🥰 
so you're aware of my love of words .. a lifetime logophile and enthusiast of etymology, I know in my heart that 'words mean things'
having spent years building and retaining a vast vocabulary, it is my humble opinion this exercise simply makes one a happier, smarter and wiser individual, if gor no other reason it allows one to properly share ones thoughts and desires without confusion or misunderstanding
as well, this gift allows one to render far more adept at making critical decisions and choices, due to ones ability to tap into deeper understandings of the varying nuances an obstacle may proffer whilst one is deciphering best overall outcomes
there are many multiples of languages .. dialects, colloquialisms and cultural ways of speaking and writing .. and even those multiples are multiplied tenfold when you add in the time in history they were shared
were they spoken only by the shaman of the tribe? were they art forms carved into stones or were they heiroglyphs inked into fabrics and onto parchments?
however today, let us focus on one of the most important of all languages: the wordless languages where the lights and colors are the methods to communicate events, wisdoms and even dangers
where sounds of song, knocks, grunts, barks and howls are the methods of communication .. where rhythmic intelligence is chirped throughout the jungle or beautiful, vibrational love songs of a oceangoing mammal are sung into the deepest waters of the oceans to her mates and children
even the biologics on earth know and use this vibrational language
and each sound, color and frequency has a name .. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤍 the Light itself has a name .. and the way the Light speaks
 the language of Light what is Akashic Code ✨ Light Codes 
it is the harmonic vibrations which emanate from the many universes, the deepest corners of space and throughout the history since before time was recorded or heard by man; indeed before the ancients arrived here and began to watch over our earthly home with us for millennia, long before we arrived
also known as the akashic sounds, this frequency is sung from the heart of the universe into your heart, from the stars into your soul, seeping into your very dna with all its knowledge, wisdom and mysteries .. the mysteries of the mystic the mysteries of our past, our present and our future
seemingly sung with words unknown by human ears, your chakras listen and react to these codes 🔥 your cells absorb the healing sounds, colors and energies embedded with everything they need to know
like musical manna to your lightness .. your true self, your light body ✨ these codes feed and nourish your body and soul with truth, honest emotions ❤️ bathe you in love and with a kindness unknown in this human world
when you listen to the light codes .. the akashic records .. feel the warmth of the colors and the depth of the sounds, be still 🙏 clear your mind and remain in a safe place .. absorb the energy and drink in the colors, sate your appetite for intelligence with this literal food from the gods ❤️‍🔥 as you listen to the clicks, repetitive chants and fast tones softened by choruses of what, I M H O, reminds me of native indigenous, tribal songs .. sung by the spiritual souls at the fireside celebrations and told the stories of old
multidimensional shapes will appear and geometric symbols will be recognized by your ancient light being 💥🌈🕊️🌹
peace to you today as we continue our journey into this mystic together and gain in our ascent up to the stars and back to our ancestral home 🌸
keep your Eyes Wide Open and your Heart Filled with Love ❤️ 🪷🥳
 all my love, always 💋 
submitted by LongjumpingGap1636 to SpiritualAwakening [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:54 LongjumpingGap1636 akashic codes ..

akashic codes ..
akashic codes..
 morning, beautiful 🥰 
so you're aware of my love of words .. a lifetime logophile and enthusiast of etymology, I know in my heart that 'words mean things'
having spent years building and retaining a vast vocabulary, it is my humble opinion this exercise simply makes one a happier, smarter and wiser individual, if gor no other reason it allows one to properly share ones thoughts and desires without confusion or misunderstanding
as well, this gift allows one to render far more adept at making critical decisions and choices, due to ones ability to tap into deeper understandings of the varying nuances an obstacle may proffer whilst one is deciphering best overall outcomes
there are many multiples of languages .. dialects, colloquialisms and cultural ways of speaking and writing .. and even those multiples are multiplied tenfold when you add in the time in history they were shared
were they spoken only by the shaman of the tribe? were they art forms carved into stones or were they heiroglyphs inked into fabrics and onto parchments?
however today, let us focus on one of the most important of all languages: the wordless languages where the lights and colors are the methods to communicate events, wisdoms and even dangers
where sounds of song, knocks, grunts, barks and howls are the methods of communication .. where rhythmic intelligence is chirped throughout the jungle or beautiful, vibrational love songs of a oceangoing mammal are sung into the deepest waters of the oceans to her mates and children
even the biologics on earth know and use this vibrational language
and each sound, color and frequency has a name .. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤍 the Light itself has a name .. and the way the Light speaks
 the language of Light what is Akashic Code ✨ Light Codes 
it is the harmonic vibrations which emanate from the many universes, the deepest corners of space and throughout the history since before time was recorded or heard by man; indeed before the ancients arrived here and began to watch over our earthly home with us for millennia, long before we arrived
also known as the akashic sounds, this frequency is sung from the heart of the universe into your heart, from the stars into your soul, seeping into your very dna with all its knowledge, wisdom and mysteries .. the mysteries of the mystic the mysteries of our past, our present and our future
seemingly sung with words unknown by human ears, your chakras listen and react to these codes 🔥 your cells absorb the healing sounds, colors and energies embedded with everything they need to know
like musical manna to your lightness .. your true self, your light body ✨ these codes feed and nourish your body and soul with truth, honest emotions ❤️ bathe you in love and with a kindness unknown in this human world
when you listen to the light codes .. the akashic records .. feel the warmth of the colors and the depth of the sounds, be still 🙏 clear your mind and remain in a safe place .. absorb the energy and drink in the colors, sate your appetite for intelligence with this literal food from the gods ❤️‍🔥 as you listen to the clicks, repetitive chants and fast tones softened by choruses of what, I M H O, reminds me of native indigenous, tribal songs .. sung by the spiritual souls at the fireside celebrations and told the stories of old
multidimensional shapes will appear and geometric symbols will be recognized by your ancient light being 💥🌈🕊️🌹
peace to you today as we continue our journey into this mystic together and gain in our ascent up to the stars and back to our ancestral home 🌸
keep your Eyes Wide Open and your Heart Filled with Love ❤️ 🪷🥳
 all my love, always 💋 
submitted by LongjumpingGap1636 to FollowMeIntoTheMystic [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:52 agentgambino Had a great relationship with landlord that turned actively hostile as soon as deposit was being discussed. Is this normal? I'm feeling a bit shaken by it all

My partner let a flat directly from a landlord and we had a great relationship with them. Often for repairs I'd just have the landlord pay for the item and I would repair it myself, and he made multiple comments about us being great tenants.
Upon departing the flat we cleaned it thoroughly but in the stress of the move missed a few places - namely the oven, shower grout, a few hooks we put up but didn't remove, some dust mostly behind large furniture and the freezer wasn't defrosted.
If they had mentioned this to us, we would've been back the next day and gotten everything to 100% perfect - that's the sort of relationship I thought we had. But instead of this they sent us a long scathing email 5 days later, listing a huge range of issues way beyond what i've mentioned - many of which were already present upon us moving in, and deducting a portion of my bond equivalent to 90% of the full professional clean that was done prior to us moving in - a clean that was already overpriced, and from a company that no longer exists.
Some items they have disputed I can prove were not as they've listed upon us moving in, such as bathroom exhaust fans being full of dust, but others I can't prove (Although neither can they) such as the area under and behind the fridge being clean.
Additionally, in the 5 days between us moving out and them taking 'property condition' photos, there were at least 3 inspections from possible buyers done (As the landlord was selling), and a range of builders and estimators were due to come in and start renovation work that he wanted done.
It just came as a bit of a shock and the landlord started using really emotive language in his emails saying things like 'In the 11 years of letting this property we've never had another tenant not get their full bond back and you're disputing our already generous offer!'. It's really caught me and my partner offside.
The landlord has now returned the undisputed portion of our deposit, and asked me to come to the flat to 'remove any remaining hooks and discuss the remainder' - however given the sharp change in nature of the relationship I'm unsure if I should and should instead just dispute the remainder through the tenancy deposit scheme.
submitted by agentgambino to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:51 Agitated-Trick Everyone's Listening, All Supertramp songs, ranked - Little By Little (#84)

From Slow Motion, 2002
Listen to it here
I was debating a bit wether this or Goldrush were my least favourites on the album; eventually I settled on Goldrush losing out, but with Little By Little immediately following.
I really like the concept of the trio of songs that open Slow Motion: they feel like classic Supertramp and an extension of what You Win, I Lose and Listen To Me Please where on the album prior. Although, out of the three, Little By Little is I think the weakest.
My favourite part is the bridge right at the middle ("Can't do it all alone" part), and of course John's contributions during the outro. The electric piano and the rest of the rythm section also makes this one feel very "bouncy", and I like that little opening riff that also appears as a sort of "post chorus". {1}
RICK: I hope people can appreciate our music and enjoy it. I think it is a good album, with which the public can feel euphoric.
I have not checked setlist fm, but wouldn't surprise me if this were a live staple during that time; it's got all the trademark Supertramp features.
Lyrically it's about a guy trying to rekindle a love that's run out; not really reaching foreign ground here.
Despite being one of the album's lesser tracks, it's still a good time. But to be fair, it's hard to stand out on stacked albums like Slow Motion & Some Things Never Change.
{1} The Logical Web
submitted by Agitated-Trick to supertramp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:49 SE_Ranking SEO News: Spam update, Google I/O, GPT-4o, Apple is considering a partnership with OpenAI

The anticipated second wave of the spam update has begun
But it’s a bit of a Schrödinger’s cat situation—it has and hasn’t started at the same time. Google is deliberately not rushing to notify us about anything, even though sites have already started getting penalized.
When asked why the update hasn't been announced on the dashboard, Sullivan replied that only manual actions are currently being issued, while the algorithmic part hasn't begun yet.
On the bright side, there are already cases where manual penalties have been successfully removed from sites, leading to their search visibility being restored.
To recap, this “part” of the Spam Update concerns the Site reputation abuse policy, which Google announced in March along with Scaled content abuse and Expired domain abuse. Another point that must be mentioned is that Google has recently emphasized that Site reputation abuse isn't about linking; it’s about using another domain's reputation for your own benefit.
Product review summary labels
Brief highlights of product features on review cards. Google is now showing these short summaries of reviews by placing a label over the review with one or a few words. So the labels might show "low quality," "compact," "lightweight," "performs well" and so on.
(to come) Number of shoppers next to site
Google plans to display the number of recent shoppers on your site in its search results. We’re talking about labels like "1K shopped here recently," data on which will be pulled from your Merchant Center.
The idea is to "build shopper confidence in your business."
However, many users are unhappy with their sales stats becoming publicly available even in this format. For such users, Google provides an option to opt out. But keep in mind that even then, Google will continue to use your data "to power various annotations and features that benefit your performance."
Local SEO
(test) Only local listing for ‘near me’ queries
In an experiment, Google is showing only GBP listings for “X near me” queries. Not a single traditional snippet leading to websites.
1) Yesterday’s Google I/O presentation
The search giant has announced their new developments related to AI.
Here’s what stood out: SGE is finally going live this week under the name AI Overviews. For the time being, it will only be available to users in the US “with more countries coming soon”.
Danny Sullivan claims that the feature has almost fully been rolled out. He also mentioned that people use search more when this feature is available, and are ultimately more satisfied with the results. And all of this comes despite SGE’s earlier advice suggesting that users drink urine to treat kidney stones.
Oh, well..)
A number of other new features were announced, which will be available only for the US market in English through Search Labs:
We must mention that OpenAI’s CEO Sam Altman decided to steal some of Google’s thunder by releasing a new product that “feels like magic” just a day before the search colossal’s I/O.
Everyone speculated about what it might be—a search engine, a voice assistant... Altman said that the team has been working extra hard on the update, and it turned out to be quite the gem.
2) The super product turned out to be GPT-4o
What makes GPT-4o so gosh darn fantastic?
The big news is that the team over at OpenAI has improved its multimodal voice assistant. Now it clearly understands text, photos, and videos.
Moreover, you can talk to the model in real-time, get it to translate conversations, understand and explain code, share your camera and ask questions about what’s in the view. To boot, I was just blown away by its ability to sing, tell stories with intonation, and keep a conversation going even if I occasionally interrupt it.
The best part? Chat mode will be free for everyone!
Plus, the API will be available at half the cost of Turbo, with five times the usage limits and twice the speed. We'll start getting access to this amazing tool in the coming weeks.
They also hinted at real-time search features, but this wasn't included in the final demo.
3) By the way, Apple is considering a partnership with OpenAI
Their goal is to make ChatGPT available on iPhones, starting with iOS 18, which will open up a whole range of AI-powered possibilities for Apple smartphone device owners.
For context, there have already been discussions that Siri “doesn't measure up” by modern standards and needs a “brain transplant.”
submitted by SE_Ranking to SEO [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:49 writerofjots A Review of the Wu-Tang Tinfoil

A Review of the Wu-Tang Tinfoil
For those who weren't around for this tinfoil back in the day, allow me summarize why people think this could be for real. This is NOT DD as there is far too much tinfoil wrapped around this baby. Still, with the recent surge in interest and mentions in Wu-Tang in connection with Gamestop (and with Roaring Kitty's recent tweet also alluding to it), I thought it worth revisiting.
So, what is the Wu-Tang Album? It is a music album titled 'Once Upon a Time in Shaolin' and there is only one copy in existence. It was originally bought by at auction by Martin Shkreli, that scummy guy who jacked up the prices of some pharmaceuticals. Yeah, he ended up going to jail, so the album was auctioned off again. This time, it was bought by a DEFI (decentralized finance) collective called PleasrDao.
So, they buy it and have a few listening parties, inviting friends over to listen to it. But what then? Well, a lot of interesting stuff happened around about this time if you care to follow my crazy strings.
\", you see, Wu-Tang is the key to taking down the financial institutions.\"
First, let's look at the lawyer who facilitated the deal that led to PleasrDao getting their hands on the album. Enter Peter Scoolidge. He had this to say about the deal in his interview with Vice the day after the deal was made:
Let's have a look at his Linkdin, shall we?
"Where's the tinfoil?" you may be asking. "I was promised som high-quality foil!"
Ok, ok. So, in the same interview with Vice, Peter Scoolidge said this:
Although it took PleasrDao nearly 90 days to finally reveal themselves after their purchase, exactly 30 days after the purchase of the Wu-Tang album was completed, our man, RC, tweeted about 60s music and pillowfights. Exactly 60 days after the purchase, he tweeted about it taking money to buy whisky.
Now, I don't know about you, but that is a hell of a cohencidence. Also, (tinfoil intensifies), could these tweets be snippets of lyrics from the never released album itself?
"So, what exactly is the connection to Gamestop?" you are asking by now. "And why should I care?"
Well, when PleasrDao finally came out and admitted that they had purchased the album, they included this photo:
\"Who's that in the hoodie?\"
Why is that guy facing the wrong way? Why has he got his hoodie up? Only reason could be to hide his identity.
Hey...wait a minute. Haven't I seen that exact same stitching on a hoodie before?
Our man, RC
So, why would RC be a secret member of PleasrDao? Well, maybe it's a hobby. Maybe a friend asked. Or maybe he saw an opportunity. Maybe, 'Once Upon a Time in Shaolin' could find a most unexpected use.
Now, it's important to note that the purchase of album stipulate that it may "...not be commercially exploited for 88 years, although it could be released free or played at listening parties" (taken from Wikipedia).
So, it could be released for free. Maybe through an NFT? Maybe through am NFT dividend to holders of Gamestop.
An NFT dividend has long been theorized as being the final blow to short hedge funds, as they could not rehypothecate it. There would only be a finite number produced, and they could not be replicated. It would basically force them to buy it from holders.
Ok, one last piece of tinfoil with our favorite number. No, not 69, though that one is always nice. I mean the other favorite number.
These are comments from 84 years ago.
submitted by writerofjots to Superstonk [link] [comments]