Clitoritis infection

mild itching constantly

2024.05.10 05:35 ellielola98 mild itching constantly

Hi im so frustrated and confused. I have been having mild itching around the clitoral/ labia minora area on and off for months. Been to multiple gynos and one told me I have yeast infection, and the other told me there was no yeast. I've been prescribed triamcinoclone and been told to use coconut oil for itch relief and zinc oxide for around my groin area. Nothing seems to be helping. Itching comes and goes and is worse after sex. I feel like this whole thing started when I got with my bf, but we use condoms and he is a clean guy. Please help!!!!!
submitted by ellielola98 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 04:41 Admirable_Ad_7638 Keratin Pearl šŸ˜­

Iā€™ve been experiencing irritation in my clitoral area for almost a month now. Side note: I was medicating for a yeast infection which might have caused excess buildup since the suppository tends to drip out. Found out about keratin pearl thru this reddit and realized that I had the same thing. Iā€™ve found some things (keratin pearl and some hair) on my clitoris before and its apparently normal. I panicked when I saw it for the first time, thinking it was from a teratoma or what.
So the bottomline is, I tried really hard to remove it last night and I was able to but it seems like I hurt myself while doing it (there seems to be a raw sensitive part). Iā€™m not sure if thereā€™s another keratin pearl hiding somewhere or I just rubbed it raw. Do you guys have any suggestions on how to deal with it? Iā€™m kinda feeling anxious and annoyed right now and I canā€™t focus on things I should be doing šŸ˜­
submitted by Admirable_Ad_7638 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 21:15 sqaureknight Boils on vulva after every period

Hi! I'm sure similar questions have already been posted on this subreddit but here's mine. Since the last 6-7 years (actually I don't remember when this started) I have been getting boils/pimples/sores on my vulva, vagina, labia, clitoral hood after my period ends. Most of the times they're very small and go away in 3 days so I don't bother getting medical attention, but in some months they get very big and gruesome. Last year i went to the gynac and she ruled it out as just bacterial vaginosis. Okay maybe in that month I might've gotten BV , but I dont think BV is the reason this is happening every freaking month. Since then I didn't get bigger boils/pimples so I didn't go to the gynac again, but now I'm suffering with a huge boil on my clitoral hood and extreme levels of itching in and around my vagina and pain in the lymph nodes in my thigh.
Can anyone give any leads towards what it could be?? so I can initiate proper conversations with my physicians now without being dismissed and told that's its just BV or yeast infection.
FYI: I am 99% sure it isn't any STI/STD related issue. This period i actually tried a new brand of sanitary pads (maybe the new product didn't suit me). Every time I get biggemore gruesome boils i also get pain in my thighs lymph nodes so its gotta be an infection i guess??? This doesn't happen when the boils are tiny. I already use non tight fitting cotton undies. I do suffer from cystic acne on my face.
submitted by sqaureknight to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 21:52 Ill-Perspective2150 (F) Positive HSV2 and curious

Hello, here is some context
Around April 10, I had symptoms of a yeast infection post-sex. Iā€™ve been with my partner for a couple of months now and Iā€™ve never experienced any breakouts before. On April 12-16 I realized I had 2 canker-sore like sores on my vulva. Exact location would be where the inner labia meets the clitoral hood. Was painful to wipe but honestly nothing major. I visited the gynecologist the next day, where I got swabbed and sent for testing.
Turns out I have HSV2. I have no idea if my partner gave this to me or if I just had it dormant within me (not on routine STD checks.)
I just have so many questions. My first outbreak would have been on those dates above. I never had a fever, or any other symptoms besides those 2 sores.
Does an outbreak need to be alongside fever symptoms? Has anyone experienced such a mild breakout? Iā€™ve heard the first is the worst, but mine was yeast like symptoms. Should I get a second opinion? My sores went away the next day after visiting the gyno. My doctor recommended I use the medicine for when I am experiencing another breakout, does this mean I am at risk of infecting? Or how does this work?
Also, my partner has also never had an outbreak. However, a couple weeks back he said he was experiencing pain down there. Not burning or sores, I checked.
submitted by Ill-Perspective2150 to HSVpositive [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 02:24 KheMysteryx Cysts on Labia Minora?

Iā€™m literally looking for anyone else that may be going through the same thing as me. Iā€™m 30, soon to be 31. As a teenager, around ā€œthat time of the monthā€, sometimes Iā€™d get a pea sized lump ā€œdown thereā€, but it would eventually subside and I wouldnā€™t get another one for maybe 6-8 months. However, this past year, it has been nonstop. It seems like it doesnā€™t matter where Iā€™m at, in my cycle, I KEEP cysts. Sometimes there are multipleā€”on my labia minora, on my clitoral hood, etc. They swell and become large and painful, they itch and it is super uncomfortable sitting, walking, anything! I went to the gynecologist last month about it. The LPN just KNEW it was HSV (Herpes). I was poked and prodded, swabbed for HSV and they sent a swab off to be cultured for a possible bacterial infection as well. At my follow up, I was informed that I was HSV negative, and that the bacterial swab showed normal flora and no infection. However, I was put on cephalexen for 7 days. A few days later, I had a dermatology appointment for perioral dermatitis, where I was prescribed Doxycycline Hyclate (oral) for a month. Between these two medications, EVERYTHING down there cleared up. I couldnā€™t believe it.. I was pain free, no itching, I could go back to shaving without being scared of nicking something, and I felt comfortable during sexā€”being fingered and touched, in general.
Fast forward a month, after about a month of relief, here we are again.. a large, painful cyst on my labia minora. I just got off the phone with Teladoc, and theyā€™re prescribing me Doxycyline to take again. My concern, is that doxy is an antibiotic. I cannot take this long term. Has anyone been diagnosed with Fordyce adenitis (what I believe it to be), and if so, what type of treatment are you on for it?
This is getting out of hand. I just want the cysts to go away and never come back. Iā€™ve switched to Dove gentle cleanser, I donā€™t use baby wipes down there, and I even stopped using my vibrator.
Thanks in advance. šŸ™ƒ
submitted by KheMysteryx to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 16:00 Taratara108 Can CONSTANT Vaginal infections lead to LS?

Newbie here (no biopsy but vulva doc suspects due to history and exam).
Pre-this, I had a history of (still do) of CONSTANT infections: BV, AV, HSV, etc etc. I also had a very traumatic injection into the pubic region of a sclerosing agent. This is when ALL the infections went through the roof. Now, 2 years later, clitoral hood has some horrible painful mass in it and is fusing and I have apparently LS.
Is there any data that infections can actually CAUSE LS? Or do any other women have the same pattern? Thanks in advance. I feel like doctors pretty much suck at women's health so we have to constantly put the pieces together - - and make our case and connect the dots.

submitted by Taratara108 to lichensclerosus [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 16:45 Soft_Refrigerator293 Help

So for the past 4 months I have been in pain and having on and off frequent urination issues. It all started when I was washing my vagina improperly. I had severe ocd from stress so I used soap on the inner part of the vagina, the clitoral area. This last for few weeks before I started feeling an urgency to pee. Figured I had a uti and was prescribed antibiotics by doctor and promptly stopped using any soap in that area because I realized how stupid it was. I upped my hygiene, started using sensitive soaps as body wash and only washed the vaginal area with water. I was on azo which helped but after the course of antibiotics I was left with severe itchy, dryness and my discharge was non existent, still leaving the need to urinate frequently. I also noticed I got a yeast infection under my breast and on my inner thighs so I figured the antibiotics just wiped out my skin bacteria + my ocd caused me to strip the oils of my skin leaving me susceptible to yeast infection. I started treated for yeast infection, monistat 3 didnā€™t work but after 2 rounds of Diflucan I thought I got somewhere. Then the frequency came back, the only symptom remaining. Peeing temporarily relieves the feeling, so does masturbation but showers make it worse and it hurts at the oddest of times. Now Iā€™d like to point out these symptoms strictly only appeared after my soap fiasco. Is it possible I irritated my urethra severely and now itā€™s dried out? I have found that only 1 product has made me feel almost pain free entirely again and that is Good Loveā€™s Vaginal Moisturizer. And before the comments tell me to go to a doctor or gyno I canā€™t afford that and have been struggling for months.
submitted by Soft_Refrigerator293 to Interstitialcystitis [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 16:44 Soft_Refrigerator293 Uti? Yi? Vaginal Dryness?

So for the past 4 months I have been in pain and having on and off frequent urination issues. It all started when I was washing my vagina improperly. I had severe ocd from stress so I used soap on the inner part of the vagina, the clitoral area. This last for few weeks before I started feeling an urgency to pee. Figured I had a uti and was prescribed antibiotics by doctor and promptly stopped using any soap in that area because I realized how stupid it was. I upped my hygiene, started using sensitive soaps as body wash and only washed the vaginal area with water. I was on azo which helped but after the course of antibiotics I was left with severe itchy, dryness and my discharge was non existent, still leaving the need to urinate frequently. I also noticed I got a yeast infection under my breast and on my inner thighs so I figured the antibiotics just wiped out my skin bacteria + my ocd caused me to strip the oils of my skin leaving me susceptible to yeast infection. I started treated for yeast infection, monistat 3 didnā€™t work but after 2 rounds of Diflucan I thought I got somewhere. Then the frequency came back, the only symptom remaining. Peeing temporarily relieves the feeling, so does masturbation but showers make it worse and it hurts at the oddest of times. Now Iā€™d like to point out these symptoms strictly only appeared after my soap fiasco. Is it possible I irritated my urethra severely and now itā€™s dried out? I have found that only 1 product has made me feel almost pain free entirely again and that is Good Loveā€™s Vaginal Moisturizer. And before the comments tell me to go to a doctor or gyno I canā€™t afford that and have been struggling for months.
submitted by Soft_Refrigerator293 to vulvodynia [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 19:44 MotherPerception Vaginal pain after taking aderall?

I(24) just started my first dose of adderall of 10mg and on day two. I noticed a cramp-like ache in my lower abdomen last night, but didnā€™t think much of it as my period is a couple days away. Then today the cramp feeling came back and I felt like I was bleeding so I checked and not even a faint spot of red showed as I wiped and now Iā€™m starting to have sharp pains in my clitoral area. On a scale of one to 10 itā€™s like a 7 and it comes and goes. I donā€™t think I have a yeast infection or uti as I havenā€™t had sex or I donā€™t wear tight clothes and avoid uncomfy underwear. Cotton only. I donā€™t use any fragrance products that donā€™t belong down there either Has any other ladies on adderall experienced something similar to this?
submitted by MotherPerception to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 15:49 FantasticCookie2121 can BV cause external itching?

I was told I had a yeast infection so I took diflucan about a month ago but itching was still prevalent so I went to my obgyn and I found out I was positive for gardnerella vaginalis.
However, I told her I had some external itching and the yeast infection previously so she prescribed Lotrisone the day of. I got the positive BV results the next day so she gave me metro gel. She told me to keep using the Lotrisone but Iā€™m not sure why since the vaginal swab was negative for candida?
Could I have a yeast infection externally and BV internally? Or is just the BV causing itching within my inner and outer labia and under my clitoral hood? I get internal itching too but the clitoral hood burns/itches the most.
submitted by FantasticCookie2121 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 14:53 FantasticCookie2121 can bv cause external itching?

I was told I had a yeast infection so I took diflucan about a month ago but itching was still prevalent so I went to my obgyn and I found out I was positive for gardnerella vaginalis.
However, I told her I had some external itching and the yeast infection previously so she prescribed Lotrisone the day of. I got the positive BV results the next day so she gave me metro gel. She told me to keep using the Lotrisone but Iā€™m not sure why since the vaginal swab was negative for candida?
Could I have a yeast infection externally and BV internally? Or is just the BV cause itching within my inner and outer labia and under my clitoral hood?
submitted by FantasticCookie2121 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 23:35 Emergency_Term_157 White stuff all around vulva?

I have no idea what's going on. There's a lot of white gunk all around my vulva and under my clitoral hood. It looks like smegma, but there's no smell at all and I wash every day pretty thoroughly. I thought I might have a yeast infection or something because I'm also pretty itchy, but I'm not having any sort of unusual discharge. Any help? :(
submitted by Emergency_Term_157 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 17:52 justmeasking5678 Healing process of PID?

Age: 31 Gender: female Weight: 55 kg Height: 165 cm
I was diagnosed with PID 2,5 weeks ago after having weird symptoms for 14 days. The cause was not an STD. Did several swabs within those weeks and everything came back negative. The OBGYN said that my IUD made the infection worse probably but that I had just bad luck getting this and I did nothing wrong. Got prescribed an antibiotics course of 14 days (doxicyclin and flagyl) which ended last thursday. In two days I will go back to the OBGYN (she wanted to see me because she was a bit worried), she told me there might be a possibility that sheā€™s gonna take the IUD out. The symptoms got a lot better with the antibiotics but I still have mild pain in my uterus every other day. Is this normal or does this mean the infection is not healed yet? Some days I still have an urgency to pee more, while on other days it seems like itā€™s gone.
Of course my bf and I didnā€™t have sex for the past three weeks, I want to wait for the doctors approval, and I was wondering if there where people who had PID and when they were able to have sex again and if it hurt? Iā€™m just worried Iā€™m gonna have lasting effects from it. I did masturbate (only clitoral) which felt completely ok in the moment but the day after I got cramping in my lower abdomen again. Is this normal? It almost feels like my pelvic muscles are too tight. Itā€™s really hard to distinguish where the pain is coming from exactly. Did I do something wrong with masturbating?
Does anyone have experience with the healing process of PID? I know I can ask the OBGYN in two days but I canā€™t stop worrying that I will never be normal again and have problems in my sex life for a long time, or have problems conceiving.
submitted by justmeasking5678 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 17:50 justmeasking5678 Healing process of PID?

I was diagnosed with PID 2,5 weeks ago after having weird UTI symptoms for 14 days. The cause was not a STD. Did several swabs within those weeks and everything came back negative. The OBGYN said that my IUD made the infection worse probably but that I had just bad luck getting this and I did nothing wrong. Got prescribed an antibiotics course of 14 days (doxicyclin and flagyl) which ended last thursday. In two days I will go back to the OBGYN, she told me there might be a possibility that sheā€™s gonna take the IUD out. The symptoms got a lot better with the antibiotics but I still have mild pain in my uterus every other day. Is this normal or does this mean the infection is not healed yet? Some days I still have an urgency to pee more, while on other days it seems like itā€™s gone.
Of course my bf and I didnā€™t have sex for the past three weeks or so, I want to wait for the doctors approval, and I was wondering if there where people who had PID and when they were able to have sex again and if it hurt? Iā€™m just worried Iā€™m gonna have lasting effects from it. I did masturbate (only clitoral) which felt completely ok in the moment but the day after I got cramping in my lower abdomen again. Is this normal? It almost feels like my pelvic muscles are too tight. Itā€™s really hard to distinguish where the pain is coming from exactly.
Does anyone have experience with the healing process of PID? I know I can ask the OBGYN in two days but I canā€™t stop worrying that I will never be normal again and have problems in my sex life for a long time, or have problems conceiving.
submitted by justmeasking5678 to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 17:47 justmeasking5678 How long for PID symptoms to go away

I was diagnosed with PID 2,5 weeks ago after having weird symptoms for 14 days. The cause was not a STD. Did several swabs within those weeks and everything came back negative. The OBGYN said that my IUD made the infection worse probably but that I had just bad luck getting this and I did nothing wrong. Got prescribed an antibiotics course of 14 days (doxicyclin and flagyl) which ended last thursday. In two days I will go back to the OBGYN, she told me there might be a possibility that sheā€™s gonna take the IUD out. The symptoms got a lot better with the antibiotics but I still have mild pain in my uterus every other day. Is this normal or does this mean the infection is not healed yet? Some days I still have an urgency to pee more, while on other days it seems like itā€™s gone.
Of course my bf and I didnā€™t have sex for the past three weeks or so, I want to wait for the doctors approval, and I was wondering if there where people who had PID and when they were able to have sex again and if it hurt? Iā€™m just worried Iā€™m gonna have lasting effects from it. I did masturbate (only clitoral) which felt completely ok in the moment but the day after I got cramping in my lower abdomen again. Is this normal? It almost feels like my pelvic muscles are too tight. Itā€™s really hard to distinguish where the pain is coming from exactly.
Does anyone have experience with the healing process of PID? I know I can ask the OBGYN in two days but I canā€™t stop worrying that I will never be normal again and have problems in my sex life for a long time, or have problems conceiving.
submitted by justmeasking5678 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 21:25 13th_dudette Success story: I beat Pudendal Neuralgiaā€¦ TWICE!

TLDR: Iā€™ve got PN twice, once due to a sports injury (1.5 years of leg pain and 7 months of clitoris pain), and the 2nd time due to an electric shock (pretty much all the symptoms youā€™ve ever seen associated with PN). Both times I healed by administrating 90% of the treatment myself, with the remaining 10% performed by physical therapists. No surgical procedures or dry needling.
If you wanna go down the road of doing self-treatment, this is the literature that was the most helpful to me:
You will find pretty much all the information I used to develop my treatment in these 2 books. Each person is different, and their PN is provoked by different factors - therefore reading the books yourself is much better than just replicating exercises/massages I did.
I am not a medical professional, therefore things I share should not be taken as medical advice.
__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________
I cannot believe that I am finally making this post! For the ones that are here for the full roller coaster, here we go:

Part 1: ā€œIt WiLl PaSs On ItS oWnā€

In September 2022, I was stretching after a long day of work and a pole dancing session. I was a bit tired and distracted, which made me slide on my yoga mat and weirdly rotate my leg (this will be important later in the story). I felt instant pain down my whole leg, assumed it might just be a pulled/overstretched muscle, and tried to continue my life as normal.
Not only that the pain did not go away with time, but it kept getting worse, to the point that I had to work remotely 80% of the time and drop pole dancing altogether. I saw 5 different doctors (of which 3 were sports injury specialists) in a span of one year, and I received nothing useful. I was told it would pass on its own, that I was weak, and even that I was too old (28 at the time). Done 2 different MRIs, nothing.
I accepted that perhaps I was stuck with this pain forever. With some stretches/exercises and shoe soles I managed to bring pain to acceptable levels, and even tho I could not do any demanding physical activities or walk for a long time, I made peace with it.

Part 2: The Curse of PN

Fast forward to September 2023, after a couple of days of increased activity and walking, I woke up with clitoris pain. Initially, it was not that bad, even tho it was constant. Sex was painful but still manageable. I was misdiagnosed with fungus infection 2 times, treatment changed absolutely nothing.
It was slowly getting worse and culminated in late Novembeearly December.
Let me tell you, I am no stranger to pain. For most of my life, I lived in the Balkans, and our mantra over there is to just ā€œsuck it upā€. I was subjected to intense unnecessary pain on many occasions (including complex dental procedures without anesthesia).
Nothing could compare to that insane clitoral pain at all times, for days and days in a row. I felt I was going insane. I do not have a history of any mental health problems, that was the first time ever that something pushed me over the edge of considering ending it all. One night I really could not take it anymore - however my husband talked me out of doing anything bad to myself, and the next day I got a prescription for xylocaine. Since my clitoral pain was very local, it helped a bit. Was not perfect, but was enough to survive.
In January, I started seeing pelvic PT, and while the pain reduced a bit, it never really stopped, not since September. I was mentally and physically tired and just wanted the pain to stop at least for a moment. You can see here my 1st post on this subreddit and how I felt at the time.
I also started seeing a bunch of different specialists in hopes of getting an answer, with little success.

Part 3: The final straw

So after 2 months of waiting, I finally got an appointment with a well-known gynecologist in the area, who was apparently a specialist in complex female issues. Not only that he spent 80% of our appointment typing with 2 fingers my information (that I had already provided beforehand), but he also told me that he could not help me AFTER I finished his little ā€œinterviewā€. He was also insisting on putting me on birth control, even tho I already mentioned that I cannot have sex at all for multiple months.
The final straw was when I mentioned that lower back massage sometimes helps me feel less pain, and he told me it's all in my head because these 2 things are not connected in any way.
EXCUSE ME? At that time, I had zero knowledge of how nerves work. But, while lying down and receiving treatment from PT, I was staring at the image of the pudendal nerve on the wall. With no medical background whatsoever, I could tell, based on the vague memory of that image, that it starts in the lower back, and eventually one of the branches ends in the clitoris.
Needless to say, I was furious.

Part 4: ā€œFine, Iā€™ll do it myselfā€

That very same night I thought to myself ā€œHow can this guy be a doctor? I would do a better job than thatā€, and thatā€™s how it all started.
I started learning about the human body from scratch. I wanted to be sure that nothing was left unchecked. Literally going through what are cells, different types of cells, what are their roles, etc., all the way up to the bigger picture. I dropped all the other activities in my life, I was only reading all day. Learning about anatomy and neuroplasticity was really helpful - I was less scared when I finally understood what was (and especially what wasnā€™t) at stake in my case.
Eventually, I stumbled upon the information that damaged muscles can pressure the nerve and cause all sorts of problems. Damaged muscles are known to be contracted, with painful points inside of them. I decided to put this knowledge to the test and see if that was perhaps where the answer lies.

Part 5: Symptom-free in only 2 weeks (Trigger point release)

I quickly found that one of the muscles in my thigh was kind of stiff. Massaging it (or putting TENS machine on it) would significantly reduce the symptoms (up to 90%) for a while. However, they would return. I knew I was close to a breakthrough.
I started to explore nearby muscles because I learned that damaged muscles sometimes lead to dysfunction of the surrounding ones. I came across obturator internus. Now this muscle is particularly interesting, because not only does it wrap around the clitoral branch of the pudendal nerve (image: , but it also can affect the sciatic nerve (responsible for leg pain). And, surprise, surprise, this is the muscle engaged when we ROTATE THE LEG (remember - thats how my problem started in the first place, I rotated the leg weirdly).
I was both furious and excited - how could so many doctors miss such crucial connection, especially because I would always mention leg pain and clitoral pain, just in case it was related? No one ever told me it could be.
Anyway, I started treating this muscle, together with piriformis which also seemed to have painful points. I used the combination of stretching and strengthening exercises focused on obturator internus/piriformis I found on YT, together with the myofascial trigger points release massage method I was learning about at the time.
I shared with my PT what I found, and she also started treating me using the same technique on those same muscles.
In 2 weeks, I was symptom-free. I cannot begin to explain to you guys how happy I was! I was working on my success post, but then, a disaster happened.

Part 6: The Downfall

Even tho my symptoms were pretty much gone, some work was left to be done. My muscles still had a "habit" of contracting themselves (google the effects of chronic pain on the central nervous system), therefore continuing PT was beneficial (itā€™s fully covered by insurance in my case, so why not). Little did I know that would become my greatest regret.
My therapist had some personal issues, so another girl was replacing her. She suggested we do electrostimulation of muscles, to which I agreed, because I used it successfully at home too.
I have exactly the same machine, same brand, at home (I purchased it inspired by my PT). Thats how I know I am extremely sensitive to electricity, and I use it on the lowest settings. I repeated that to the girl twice and she said okay. I even told her exactly which mode and level to put.
The next thing I feel is AGONIZING BURNING in the whole left side of the body. I screamed and jumped from the therapy bed, she turned off the thing the same second. But the damage was already done. That girl eventually admitted that she put more than double what I asked for because ā€œshe was distractedā€. The symptoms I developed literally in one second due to that ā€œtreatmentā€ were (I will probably miss some):
I was not back to square one, I was at square minus one hundred. More than 90% of the symptoms I had were completely new and they were scary.
I still do not know how I found the strength to accept my new situation and start the healing journey from the beginning. But I did it and here we are.

Part 7: Final success

With a bit more research I realized that what happened due to this shock was SI joint inflammation, so I treated that first, with back massages, TENS machine, stretches, and anti-inflammatory creams. I was also treating trigger points. After some time of pretty much all-day self-therapy and research, symptoms significantly reduced.
The only symptoms that were left were thigh-burning, pain when sitting, and clitoral pain. The remaining contracted muscles did not respond to my massage anymore, they were too traumatized.
I visited a therapist who specialized in McKenzie technique, and while this method is not focused on pelvic problems, it is:
(As far as I know, this method is not proven to have long-lasting effects, without being combined with other methods, be mindful of this)
He gave me a couple of exercises to try and perform every day, which I added to my usual treatment. Combined with myofascial trigger points massage, in which I became even better with time, the remaining symptoms eventually vanished.
Today I woke up symptom-free.
This is clearly not the complete end, because neither muscles nor nerves can heal overnight. But I am pain-free, and very motivated to continue treating myself with the same level of eagerness and diligence, so the symptoms do not come back again. ___________________________________________________________________


I encourage everyone in this subreddit to seek knowledge.
I am not talking about googling the symptoms and reading random internet pages/watching tiktoks that cite no credible source for their claims. I am telling you to truly dive into this. It will take time, effort and discipline, but you can help yourself. All of these doctors got their knowledge from somewhere, and we can do it too.
There are SO many reasons for PN to occur, and you know yourself and your life the best. Armed with knowledge, not only you can perform a variety of PT techniques yourself, you can also be more confident when visiting doctors. I cannot explain how differently I am treated now, when I can speak ā€œtheir languageā€.
The effect on mental health is also incredible. The more you understand what is happening within your body, the less anxiety you feel over your future.
I would like to end this post with a quote that inspired me throughout my journey (which is the opening line of the first book I shared here):
We only see what we look for, and we only look for what we know.
-William Boyd

submitted by 13th_dudette to PudendalNeuralgia [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 06:50 Careless-Item-3597 Advice in yeast Infection

Advice about Yeast Infection
Good day, 30 F, 38kg,4'11 I had a yeast infection and then I was diagnosed and prescribed neopetran My discharge has no smell, it's just white, then when I rub it on the clitoral hood or moons pubis, it just smells sour, my penis doesn't itch either
Are there any scenarios I have the same? I will do transvaginal ultrasound after I have been prescribed by the doctor
When it comes to sex, it hurts when having sex, but when it's super wet, it doesn't hurt.
I do it annually Pap smear Transvaginal ultrasound
Vaccine Pneumonia HPV (gardasil 4 (19 years old) & gardasil 9 that was injected into me when I was 29 both fullshot)
my lifestyle Exercising like jogging jumping and walking 5 times a week
Vitamins A,c,D,E, Probiotics (floracap) Feminine wash (naflora) Probiotics pascual every day
Vagina care Vagisil moisturizer
Earlier I was non reactive to HIV and Syphilis with a medical mission here in Amin
submitted by Careless-Item-3597 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 04:52 Savings-Conclusion72 Vulvodynia/ leg pain.

Hi, all, I (26F) will try to be as concise as possible.
I experience pain at my 5 oā€™clock in my vestibule. This pain is provoked and completely goes away once I add some type of lubricant (Vaseline, slippery stuff lube etc). This all started from my first yeast infection in 2019. Started as a persistent itch around my vaginal opening to pain. Yeast infection lasted for four months. Iā€™ve been prescribed every type of antifungal cream you can think of. Vagisil and hydrocortisone too. Finally took a boric acid pill and that wiped out the yeast infection. But the pain was still there. During the fourth month of the yeast infection, I was diagnosed with BV and was prescribed Flagyl(2x) That did nothing. I was subscribed MetroGel as well did nothing. When I was on the Flagyl, I felt extremely sick and lethargic.
Before this yeast infection, sex was fine. After the yeast infection sex was impossible. Penetration felt like little cuts all over the opening. My vagina felt stiff, raw, white, and inelastic. I took a full STD panel, INCLUDING HSV 1+2, all negative.
Now, due to all the medication I was taking, sometime in May 2019, I had a very traumatic poop that came out the size of a golf ball and as hard as a golf ball. I felt it ripping my pelvic muscles, and it felt as if my clitoris and urethra was hanging. Ever since then Iā€™ve been having clitoral pain, which feels like thereā€™s a piece of hair stuck under the hood. I also have to poop at an angle and struggle with leakage. Pretty sure itā€™s rectocele.
2020 I started to feel this weird sensation in between my middle left toes. The moment I would press on my 5 oā€™clock spot, I would start to fill pins and needles in my right foot. I wouldā€™ve also start to feel sick all over my body. Similar to how the flagyl made me feel. (Told my doctor this, and she kicked me out, saying it could be Covid, I was so devastated I cried in my car for hours feeling so shunned) I still experienced this pain every time I have a flare till this day. I also have to manually express my Bartholin gland on that side every day (never turns into a cyst, but itā€™s been painful for the pass 5 years.)
I was finally diagnosed with vulvodynia in 2021 after going to a pelvic pain clinic (Kaiser). After each exam, I felt painless due to the lubrication used. I started to think, is this just a dryness issue???? I was finally able to have PIV sex in 2022 after using lidocaine and slippery stuff.
I have tried antidepressants for nerve pain, change my diet. Nothing works. I go into pain remission when I donā€™t touch my vagina at all. Aspercreme lidocaine is the only thing that works in regards to pain management. But itā€™s temporary. recently gone through a pain flare right now. Typically a hot bath puts me at ease. But since Iā€™ve developed OCD because of this condition, I keep touching my 5 oā€™clock area and and itā€™s gotten worse to the point where baths donā€™t work.
I am mostly concerned about, the leg pain and body sick feeling. I think itā€™s pudendal neuralgia. I have asked several gynecologist at Kaiser to order me hormonal test. They disregard me. I asked for estrogen/testosterone compound cream. They disregard me.
Also, to note every time I smoke marijuana the pain INTENSIFIES in my leg and all over my body. Sometimes I feel like itā€™s main culprit. Another note I also heard that Flagyl can cause peripheral neuralgia. My 5 oā€™clock spot also burns one of I drink alcohol and I erupt into a full blown yeast infection under my breast when I drink alcohol as well. This is why I think it may be a case of ā€œ red yeastā€ where the yeast absorb into the tissue, but continue to secrete byproduct (alcohol) similar to Dr. Majorie Crandallā€™s theory.
Iā€™ve tried pelvic PT, dilators, desensitization. Itā€™s helped with the pain, but never completely goes away. The flare comes back if touch my 5 oā€™clock spot
IDK overall Iā€™m just tired of feeling like this. And I want this pain to stop. Any advice would be deeply appreciated. Thank you!
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2024.04.08 04:03 kwjsuzjwjs Clitoral adhesions

I had an issue in the past where I had an abscess develop under my clitoral hood. What I think are clitoral adhesions are causing things to get trapped under there and get infected. How do people actually fix clitoral adhesions, even with the stretching mine just feel like theyā€™re getting worse
submitted by kwjsuzjwjs to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 00:49 cosmicgrind Weird white bumps that come and go. Itchy.

Ok, so I went to the gyno a few months ago for this and she said it is probably just friction. The bumps were not very present at the time, but they keep coming and going over the last year. No other symptoms and they donā€™t go any lower or near the vaginal opening at all. Only around the top of my clitoral hood area on the labia majora (inside of) and a little on the outside. But very localized to that area. Thereā€™s usually 1-4 present at a time. But, again they do come and go. I am just at a loss of what to do itā€™s so uncomfortable and itchy, but not painful. Iā€™m in a monogamous marriage, but we had a threesome years ago, and I read this kind of resembles herpes which can show up years later? I should also say my husband has had no similar symptoms whatsoever and weā€™ve always had unprotected sex.
Iā€™m terrified of doctors so I really donā€™t want to go back to the gyno but after like a year of this Iā€™m over it. I just donā€™t wanna be told itā€™s friction again. They swabbed me and I have no yeast infection, BV or anything out of sorts like that. Iā€™ll link a pic in the comments if anyone wants to see and thinks it would be helpful.
submitted by cosmicgrind to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 05:06 DrChaileeMossGYN Clitoral Phimosis at the CVVD this week

This week we had several procedures to help patients with clitoral adhesions. Adhesions are attachments or scar tissue between two surfaces that shouldn't connect - in this case the glans clitoris and the hood that covers it. Clitoral adhesions aren't that uncommon in a sexual medicine practice; a study by Dr. Rachel Rubin showed that in a population of patients with sexual medicine concerns (vulvar or vaginal pain conditions or skin disorders) 23% had some evidence of decreased mobility of the hood of the clitoris or coverage of the clitoris.
Many times I see patients with clitoral coverage and don't recommend this procedure; if patients are not having difficulty having an orgasm, diminished orgasm, or pain with clitoral stimulation then the procedure may not confer substantial benefit and any procedure risks discomfort/injury/infection/bleeding. However, sometimes patients will have debris under the clitoris from normal skin sloughing; occasionally this hardens into hard granules called keratin pearls which can be very uncomfortable. Patients may also have shortened/less intense/less satisfying orgasm or difficulty having an orgasm. For patients who have these concerns, they may improve with a short procedure. During the procedure we use numbing medication and a small instrument to separate the clitoral hood from the clitoris. For patients who don't feel comfortable in the office we can also do the procedure under anesthesia.
I also saw patients back this week who recovered from the procedure to uncover their clitoris and it was great to see their improvement in clitoral function/orgasm!
Information on clitoral adhesions:
Information on keratin pearls:

submitted by DrChaileeMossGYN to u/DrChaileeMossGYN [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 01:23 Icy-Lie-1646 what is going on

ok so. last year i started having chronic yeast infections after sex. turns out i had a strain that was medication resistant and i went on fluconazole for 6 months and it essentially cleared up
now iā€™ve started to have constant vague itching, and iā€™m spotting between periods. i know the itching isnā€™t yeast because it feels entirely different and isnā€™t in the same place, mostly the labia and clitoral area. i donā€™t really know whatā€™s happening. thereā€™s no bad smell, iā€™m not dry, thereā€™s no bumps. iā€™m thinking itā€™s hormonal since itā€™s coupled with the bleeding (i started up birth control again) but i donā€™t know what i should be doing. iā€™ve just had so many gyno trips and i want to know if this is normal or what. why is this a constant problem in my life lol
submitted by Icy-Lie-1646 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]