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2024.05.14 18:03 Psychics4U_net The Fool Tarot Card Meaning: [The Complete Guide]

This complete guide on The Fool tarot card is brought to you by For more valuable information, insights and resources, visit:
What does the fool mean in the tarot cards? The fool is the most wild tarot card in the deck that you can ever get in a psychic reading. The meaning of the fool tarot card is all about new beginnings, a journey which is usually spiritual and fast change. It indicates that things are really going to go forward for you whether it’s love, relationship, money, work, career and health. But all of these good predictions will come true, only if you will believe in yourself and take calculated risks.
If you are interested in learning everything about the meaning of the fool’s journey tarot card, you came to the right place. Keep on reading till the end of this guide as you will find here lots of useful information regarding to:
  1. The fool’s journey tarot card description and symbolism.
  2. Personality traits.
  3. The meaning in love, relationship, money, work, career and health.
  4. Is the fool a good tarot card or is it bad?
  5. Does the fool tarot card mean yes or no?
  6. How to read the fool’s journey tarot card in upright and reversed position.
  7. The fool tarot card meaning in past, present and future.
  8. The meaning of the number 0 (zero) and 22.
  9. Interpretation of astrological zodiac sign.
  10. Meaning as feelings.
  11. The fool tarot card art and history.
The fool tarot card meaning: Description and symbolism
When we take a first look at the art of fool’s journey tarot card, we immediately notice the bright yellow sun light, the worm rays, the orange – yellow sky and the lite brown ground. The fool has loose and comfortable clothes with flowers patterns on them, mostly yellow which also matches the shoes` shade. Yellow symbolize enlightenment, happy feelings and positive energies.
The fool is ready to take the leap of faith – start a journey to the unknown territory. He doesn’t care if he will encounter obstacles down the road or dangerous situations in the way. He is ready to go no matter what will happen. In fact the fool doesn’t even think about the meaning these problems.
The fool doesn’t care too much about the material world. He collected just the necessary items and packed all his little possessions in a small bag, holding it with his right hand. On the left hand he is holding a beautiful white rose. It means the willingness to scarify and devotion to the spiritual path of life.
Look at his face directed forward and up to the sky, they are full of inspiration, vision and confidence in the current moment. He is free of fear but also innocence because he isn’t aware of the fact that bad things might happen during the unknown journey.
He is standing on the hill, one step before the deadly abyss, caught in the moment. He trusts the universe that everything will turn on the right and positive side. The white dog is barking and jumping, trying to warn him about the chasm. The snowy white mountains and hills from behind also represent a potential slippery outcomes.
The fool is in movement, he is not just standing there, he took the first step and willing to take many more steps in order to complete the journey. In the end he is seeking meaningful spirituality, to be developed to a higher self. However, right now he doesn’t know exactly how to achieve it. There is no plan, no logical calculations, not even knowledge nor experience. Just the element of fire – the burning desire to go forward.
When we look at the fool’s face we can’t really recognize if it’s a man or a woman. That interpretation means it has both the male and female energies, working together in symbiosis.
The fool tarot card meaning as Personality (Persona)
The fool is a free spirit that has no worries, doesn’t always aware of dangerous and the consequences of his action, too impulsive, acting before thinking. This is why the fool needs help when making big decisions.
He is just like a little kid who is very curious and loves to explore everything about the world. He knows he will make mistakes and it will hurt a lot. Yet it doesn’t stop him from taking an action. He likes the experiences of life whether they are good or even bad. He can learn from each situation and grow wiser and stronger. His main goal is to go after the possibility, even if it doesn’t look very clear or doable at the current phase.
The art of celebrating the joy of life. Admiring the beautifulness of the little things, very positive, optimistic and looking at the bright side.
Flexible, can adapt to most situation. He doesn’t have a solid philosophy or principle he must apply, other than been carefree. He still doesn’t have a strong personality and foundations. He is waiting to be shaped by the future experiences.
He is new to this world; he doesn’t always play by the social norms or cultural rules. Mainly because the fool doesn’t knows the meaning of most of them yet. But after the experience is gained the personality will be shaped on the positive way.
What does the fool card mean in love and relationship reading?
The fool card in love and relationships is meaning a huge surprise. You might encounter your lover in a sequence of events that you never would predict, out of the blue. For example, a new stranger that comes into town, new neighbour or new work colleague.
It can also indicate that there is a person that is close to you, but you haven’t really thought you two are compatible in terms of romance, or can go along together because you two have different personality traits. You will suddenly realise that it can happen.
When it comes to a new relationship there is a lot of excitement in the air, meaning fresh positive energy and optimism. While it might give you good feelings and joy, you also need to be caution a bit. You don’t see the whole picture and what you can’t see might hurt you.
There will be warning signs and it is advised to take in consideration every weird signal into consideration. Your friends and family might have an opinion about your new love relationship, please note that they are not jealous or want things to go wrong for you. They just care that everything will work on the good path.
Don’t be too much swept of your feet, in the end you will have to face reality. What you think about a certain man or woman and what is going on in real life are two different things. Once you encounter the polarity between the two, you might be very disappointed.
If what you are looking for is a long term relationship like marriage, than this is not a good tarot card. The fool’s journey tarot card is indicating the beginning but not the middle and the end. Things will change or develop. If you want this to success there is still a lot of work to be done. The person you are seeing right now is not looking for a commitment. Maybe in the future it will change.
If you are a woman the fool tarot card also stand for fertility. It might predict a pregnancy – start of a new life.
The fool tarot card meaning in work, career and money
New possibilities are coming in your way. This is the time to take action and do what you always wanted. Maybe you always wanted to change your career, maybe you want to work somewhere else or maybe to have your own business.
The main interpretation or meaning is that you need to go with what you believe in, even if there will be hard times during that period. Some people will not like what you are doing, they will try to stop you and change your mind. Situations like this need to be balance. On the one hand it’s good to listen to them, because they have other point of view and might teach you new perspective. On the other way don’t let it to discourage you from achieving the goal.
Understand that making a change related to work and money has its own risks. You can find yourself unemployed for a while or even loosing money. But when we are looking at the long term of the journey, in most cases there will be a success.
The fool tarot card meaning health
Regarding health, the fool tarot card meaning is good physical conditions.
If you were sick before, the interpretation is that the illness might begin to disappear and you suppose to feel much better.
Another possible meaning and interpretation is regarding to health is physical accident. As you may very well know by now, the fool is taking risks without thinking about them too much. The fool is on the verge of the cliff and if something will go wrong he will slip down.
Is the fool a good tarot card or is it bad?
Basically the fool’s journey is a good tarot card, as the main meaning is a new beginning. Usually when we have something new in our life, it is exciting, gives us good feeling and very interesting and intriguing. At this moment we pay attention only to the good and positive aspects of the event. We normally drawn to the situation, don’t think too much about it and we don’t want to ruin it, just flow with the current.
However, nothing is perfect and you also need to be aware of dangerous situations that are a head of you. There will be warning signs of bad energies. Therefore the best practice is no keep an eye on what is going on.
Does the fool tarot card mean yes or no?
The fool’s journey tarot card is usually neutral. The card is symbolizing something fresh and new possibilities. It can turn bad or good depending or the steps you take during your journey. More often than not it is interpreted as a yes card.
The fool’s journey tarot card upright meaning
Upright keywords: new beginnings, freedom, originality, foolishness, spontaneity, travel, adventure, leap of faith, careless, innocence.
The upright meaning of the fool tarot card is about taking risks in order to improve your situation and gain more of what you really want in life. Every one of us has certain desires and personal goals that we want to pursue. So if this card show up in a psychic reading than it is a good time to start a new adventure.
You have to be brave and face your inner demons and fears. Although the card is generally positive, the road to happiness is not easy and you will encounter some problems. From that reason it is very crucial that you will have faith and believe in yourself. Believe that you can do it, even if right now it is not very clear how, you will find the solution. Even if everyone around advice or telling you that you will fail, don’t listen to them too much and go only with your inner true.
Don’t look back on past experiences. Even if you had bad moments, don’t let them hold you from changing your situation. Remember the lessons you have learned and just keep on go forward all the way.
The fool’s journey tarot card reversed meaning
Reversed keywords: lack of direction, chaos, naive, reckless, lack of direction, poor judgement
When the tarot card is being spread upside down (reversed), it means that you jumped too far without thinking about the implications of your action, this might put you in trouble. As shown graphically in the fool tarot card, he is standing right before the cliff. Every big step or reckless movement can bring him to death.
Even if the fool tarot card is showing in reversed it still means a new beginning, but something is holding you back. For example it can be fear of the unknown future, failure and inability to make decisions.
The reversed meaning in love and relationship: if you are single than you are not ready for a long term relationships, you will not find term partner. If you are already seen someone that he or she doesn’t ready to make a commitment. They just want to have fun and fool around.
With money and career, when the tarot card is reversed, beware that no one is taking an advantage or you. For example someone can offer you a bad business idea or shady investment opportunity. And in the end you will lose lots of money.
The fool tarot card meaning in past, present and future
When we relate to the past, the meaning of the fool tarot card is that you have wasted lots of time and energies on people or work or relationships that you are no longer interested in. you had enough with all of this and you are looking for something different.
The present: right now you need a change, you don’t know if it will turn out to be good or bad. You are standing on a crossroad, you need to make a choice and just go for it. Things are looking too complicated right now, this is fine and you will have to address those issues but not right now. The most important thing is that you’ll move on to the desired direction.
The future: the fool tarot card is mainly concern about the present moment. But it can give us a little projection on the future as well. In the future you will have to invent yourself, adapt and be very flexible. When you will see a new opportunity, don’t hesitate and don’t go back to your old habits, which are holding you back.
The fool tarot card number meaning
The fool tarot card is a part of the whole 22 major arcana cards. It referred to key number 0 (zero), meaning the first in the deck. But it can also be placed at the end – key number 22. Because of that fact, the fool symbolizing the beginning and the end of a life cycle. Further more, the cycle is endless so in theory it goes in never-ending loop forever and ever, repeat itself to the eternity.
During our life, we will go through the 21 keys or elements of the fool’s journey. We will meet people who will teach us lessons about life. We will change our behaviour and feelings in order to continue with the journey. So in the end we will go back to the very first place that it was all begun, but now we are different in the way that we are wiser and stronger. It is more like spiritual voyage of self discovery.
The word fool in French language means a sack that is full of air, not with material objects. This is the reason why everything is possible even if it doesn’t seem so. It is also a symbol of triumph.
The number zero in numerology represents no limitation and lots of positive options to choose from. It is nothing and yet it is also everything together. The order of the numbers doesn’t apply to zero, as it all start afterwards. So there is no past for the fool, only future.
22 innumerology is great transformation energy. It is the ability to turn dreams and wishes to come true to the world of reality.
The fool tarot card astrological zodiac sign
The fool tarot card astrological zodiac signs are Aquarius and Pisces.
Aquarius is the 11th zodiac in astrology, mainly represents the element of water. Liquid flow that travel on earth. Strong current of water that can creates its own path by shaping rivers, lakes and the bottom of the ocean. Always on the move, looking for new adventure and can get bored really quick.
Pisces is a dreamer very much like the fool’s personality from the tarot card. They want to go somewhere, but they can’t decide what the right direction for them is. They have this conflict as depict in the zodiac sign – two fish, each one of them is swimming to another side. Pisces are also very emotional and control by their feelings.
In astrology the role of Uranus planet is to be like a clock, to awake us and get us doing things. This is very similar to the fool’s situation as described in the tarot card. There is some burning flame of fire inside of him that wouldn’t let him rest until he will find his answers. It is a call to take immediate action.
The fool tarot card meaning as feelings
As feelings, the fool’s journey tarot card gives us positive feelings. In most cases the answers to you questions are yes, there are good energies and positive vibes surrounding you. Even if the tarot card show in reversed it is still have bigger aspect of positivity with a minor challenge that stands in your way. In fact, it the ancient days of psychic reading the card was actually a joker – the most powerful item in the deck.
The fool tarot card art and history
Long time ago when tarot cards were used as a game and not for psychic reading, the fool’s card was the most powerful card in the deck. He was outside of the order and if you had it, you could protect and win the game.
Few hundreds year later the art of this tarot card was described more as someone who has unwanted personality in society, and therefore he lost all his magic and power. People didn’t want to associate themselves with this image. It was considered a negative energy and bad omen from the future. It symbolized unsuccessful life, misfortune and tormeneted feelings.
Later on, the fool’s image became a man of courage. Until that very day, the fool’s is still the hero card on the tarot deck. Although he is numbered 0 (zero) which mean nothing, he denotes new journey and possibilities, which is everything we need.
In many myths, legends and folklore story through history, the fool is actually the wisest person of all. He might look a little different or simple or even out of the common norms, but he knows better. Although at the beginning he didn’t had too much wisdom, his actions and failures through life, brought him new experiences and valuable lessons to learn from. All of this could happen just because of one thing: he wasn’t afraid to take the risk.
In fact, those who are dismissing him or don’t understand him, are the real fools because they don’t know how much wisdom he has to offer to the world.
Other names for the fool tarot card: joker, jester, clown, buffoon, folie, fov, il matto, le fou, and le mat.
Feel free to write your thoughts or questions in the comments below. I'd love to hear from you!
submitted by Psychics4U_net to freepsychicreadings4u [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:01 Rabbitwohoo1125 FIFA 25: The New FIFA has Entered the Video Game, What Challenges will FC 25 Face?

FIFA 25: The New FIFA has Entered the Video Game, What Challenges will FC 25 Face?
With FIFA games being updated every year, market leader EA has a lot of work to do if it wants to remain the champion of football video games. FUTZone announced on X (Twitter) in March 2023 that FIFA will produce its own game and name it FIFA 25.
EA, as the leader, has a responsibility to strengthen their games if they want to remain the champion of football video games. And based on player feedback to provide something beyond the series. But with few details about FIFA 25 at the moment, players are speculating about what this new FIFA series will bring.
EA explored a story mode that perfectly fits the career for the first time in "FIFA 17", so FIFA 25 also needs to return to the career story mode. In Journey, players step into the studded boots of 17-year-old Alex Hunter and watch his football career progress from tryouts to international caps. During this time, we are treated to a heartwarming story where we meet some great characters, such as the boy's encouraging grandpa.
FIFA 25 will compete with EA FC 25, so the plot similar to the TV series continues into the next two games, but when EA turns its attention to the Volta mode in "FIFA 20", FIFA 25 may not Introduce this model. Just like the unique multiplayer game mode in classic games, players can no longer see this mode in FIFA 25, but perhaps "FIFA 25" can bring players another legendary story of "Football Prodigy".
FIFA 25 should bring an end to mixed-gender FUT teams. The gender mix in EA FC 24 Ultimate Team mode transcends the boundaries of realism, and most players have some understanding of male players, but playing with a team full of players, it may be difficult to be in a group of people again. Find the players players want and like the most. And EA may be able to optimize a separate female Ultimate Team mode and keep the genders separate. Whether FIFA 25 will do this is unknown.
Regarding the various bugs in FC 24 currently, please don’t let stupid bugs appear in FIFA 25 anymore. FC players say the most disappointing thing is spending $80 on a game full of bugs. What's even more frustrating is that FC 24 still hasn't been fixed months after its release, and most players who have played EA FC 24 have just got used to graphical glitches, disappearing scores, and the replacement of objective images with the default FUT icon. For a company that has mastered big games for a long time, there is no excuse for these oversights to still exist in the game, and even players think that EA is lazy. Whether it is FIFA or FC, solving any errors in a timely manner can make the player's user experience better.
submitted by Rabbitwohoo1125 to FIFANEWS [link] [comments]

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Sparkle 2
Spiritual Warfare & Wisdom Tree Collection
Spirit Hunter: NG
Spirit of the Isand
Spooky Bonus
Spring Bonus
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Star Wars Knights of the old Republic 2
Star Wars The Force Unleashed
Star Wolves
star trek bridge crew
State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition - only for good offers
Stealth 2: A Game of Clones
Steel Rats
Stick it to The Man!
Stick Fight: The Game
Stirring Abyss
Strikey Sisters
Stronghold Crusader 2
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Styx: Master of Shadows
Sudden Strike 4
Suffer The Night
Summer in Mara
Superhot VR
Super 3-D Noah's Ark
Super Mutant Alien Assault
Super Panda Adventures
Super Rude Bear Resurrection
Super Star Path
Survivalist: Invisible Strain
Switchball HD
Sword of the Necromancer
Syberia 3
Syberia 3
System Shock Enhanced Edition
Tiny Tales: Heart of the Forest
Team Sonic Racing
tekken 7
Telefrag VR
Tesla Force
Teslagrad Remastered
Testament of Sherlock Holmes
The Adventure Pals
The Amazing American Circus
The Assembly
The Big Con
The Black Heart
The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters
The Crow's Eye
The Darkside Detective
The Deed
The Deed II
The Deed: Dynasty
The Dungeon Beneath
The Emerald Maiden: Symphony of Dream
The Escapists
The Fan
The Final Station
The Flame in the Flood
The Horror Of Salazar House
The Inner World
The Invisible Hand
The Last Crown: Midnight Horror
The Last Tinker: City of Colors
The Long Dark: Survival Edition
The Lost Crown
The Long Reach
The Knight Witch
The Metronomicon - The Deluxe Edition
The Myth Seekers 2: The Sunken City
The Myth Seekers: The Legacy of Vulcan
The Next Penelope
The Oil Blue: Steam Legacy Edition
The Secret Order 5: The Buried Kingdom
The Secret Order 6: Bloodline
The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach
The Smurfs - Mission Vileaf
The Spectrum Retreat
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia
The Town of Light
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
The Walking Dead – Season 1
The Walking Dead: 400 Days DLC
The Walking Dead: Season Two
The Walking Dead: The Final Season
The Wild Eight
The Whispered World Special Edition
They Always Run
They Bleed Pixels
Think of the Children
This War of Mine
Through the Woods
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
Ticket to Ride
Tilt Brush
Time on Frog Island
Time Loader
Time Mysteries 3: The Final Enigma
Tiny Tales: Heart of the Forest
tiny & Tall: Gleipnir
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition
Toejam & Earl: Back in the Groove
Tomb Raider GOTY Edition
Tom Clancy's The Division Uplay + Survival dlc
Total War: MEDIEVAL II Definitive Edition
Totally Reliable Delivery Service
Tower of Time
Total War: ROME II - Caesar in Gaul
Toybox Turbos
Toy Tinker Simulator
Tracks - The Train Set Game
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Trine 2: Complete Story
Trine 3
Trine 4
Tropico 4
Tyrant's Blessing
UFO: Afterlight
Ultimate Zombie Defense
Undead Horde
Unexplored 2: The Wayfarer's Legacy
Unto The End
Vambrace: Cold Soul
Vampire of the Sands
Vampire Survivors
Vanishing Realms
Velocity Ultra
Viking Saga New World
Viking Saga The Cursed Ring
Voidship: The Long Journey
walking dead the new frontier
War Solution - Casual Math Game
war tech fighters
Wasteland 2: Director s Cut - Classic Edition
Wayout 2: Hex
Wayward Souls
We Are Alright
When In Rome
White Night
White Noise 2
Witch it
Without Within 3
World Keepers Last Resort
World Ship Simulator
Worms Blast
Worms Crazy Golf
Worms Pinball
Worms Revolution
Worms Rumble
Wounded - The Beginning
Verdant Skies
XBlaze Code: Embryo
X-Com 2
X-Com Chimera Squad
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack
Xpand Rally
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Yakuza 3 Remastered
Yesterday Origins"
Yet Another Zombie Defense HD
Yoku's Island Express
Yono and the Celestial Elephants
Zarya-1: Mystery on the Moon
Zombie Derby 2
Zombie Night Terror
submitted by marcoxnt93 to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:47 OhanaUchiha Just got hired as a Fire Alarm Inspector / Technician

For a little background, I'm 25m, have an associates in Electrical & Computer Engineering Technology, I was hired shorty after at a very prestigious clinic as an Electronics Service Technician working primarily with fire alarm systems for a year, got very bored of the town I live in and moving to the nearby city as a Fire Alarm Inspector / Technician.
I loved my job working at the clinic, as the pay is $26.33 an hour and have 24 days of PTO a year (does not include sick days or holidays however), it was very low stress, but I practically reached the ceiling of what to learn. I wanted to expand my career horizons, as I really enjoyed working with fire alarm systems this past year so am determined to make a career in this industry as of now. This new job is starting at $29 an hour, with 10 days of PTO (PTO goes & pay goes up per year, especially once I get my PLT & NICET). My future goal is to finish my bachelors in either business management to either become a manager, or finish electrical engineering to become a fire alarm engineer.
I start next week on the new job, and so far it seems pretty legit, I passed two rounds of interviews which a requirement was a two year degree in electronics so I know they won't just take anyone. The starting pay was from $28-$40 an hour, and since I am still very green they decided to put me on the lower end which I'm fine with. Does anyone have any advice or recommendations for really entering this career path or been on a similar path so far?
EDIT: I live in MCOL in Midwest
submitted by OhanaUchiha to firealarms [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:46 marcoxnt93 [H] A lot games [W] Offers

7 Wonders: Magical Mystery Tour
7 Wonders: Treasures of Seven
9 Years of Shadows
12 is Better Than 6
911 Operator
A Blind Legend
Aarklash: Legacy
Acorn Assault: Rodent Revolution
Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders
Agent in Depth
age of wonders 3
Agents of Mayhem
Alien Spidy
AI War 2
A Juggler's Tale
Alchemist's Castle
Alchemy Garden
Almost There: The Platformer
Alter Army"
Akka Arrh
American Fugitive
A Musical Story
Ancestors Legacy
Ancient Enemy
An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire
Anomaly Defenders
Anomaly: Warzone Earth
Aragami 2
Arcade Spirits
Arena Renovation
Armada 2526 Gold Edition
Arma X
Arx Fatalis
Ary and the Secret of Seasons
Ascension to the Throne
Ashina: The Red Witch
Atari Vault
Attack of the Earthlings
Axiom Verge
Back 4 Blood - Only for good offers
Band of Defenders"
Banners of Ruin
Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition
Batman: Arkham Origins
Battle Academy 2: Eastern Front
Battle vs Chess
Bionic Commando: Rearmed
BioShock Infinite
Bizango Blast
BLACKHOLE: Complete Edition
Blacksad: Under the Skin
Blitzkrieg Anthology
Blood Bowl 2
Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced
Borderlands handsome collection
Bots Are Stupid
Bot Vice
Breakout: Recharged
Brunch Club
Broken Age
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Bunker Punks
Call of Cthulhu®: Dark Corners of the Earth
Call of Juarez
Carmageddon max damage
Cats and the Other Lives
Caverns of Mars: Recharged
Caveman World: Mountains of Unga Boonga
Centipede: Recharged
Chambers of Devious Design
Chess Ultra
Chicken Assassin: Reloaded
Children of Morta
Chaos on Deponia
Circuit Breakers
City Siege: Faction Island
Close to the Sun
Clunky Hero
Colt Canyon
Constructor Classic 1997
Conglomerate 451
Cookie Cutter
Cook Serve Delicious
Cook Serve Delicious! 3?!
Corridor Z
Cosmic Express
Craft Keep VR
Crazy Belts
Creeping Terror
Creepy Tale
Crown Champion: Legends of the Arena
CTU: Counter Terrorism Unit
Cubicle Quest
Cursed Sight
Cybarian: The Time Travelling Warrior
Darkest Dungeon
Dark Strokes The Legend of the Snow Kingdom Collectors Edition
Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage
Danger Scavenger
Day of Infamy
Dead Age
Dead Age 2
Dead by daylight
Dead End Job
Deadlight: Director's Cut
Dead Island Definitive Edition
Dead Space 3 Origin key
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death Squared
Death to Spies: Moment of Truth
Degrees of Separation
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Devil Daggers
Devil's Hunt
DIG - Deep In Galaxies
Dimension Drifter
Dirt Rally 2.0 - Only for good offers
dirt 5 - Only for good offers
Divide By Sheep
DmC Devil May Cry
Doodle Derby
DOOM (1993)
Dorke and Ymp
Doorways: Holy Mountains of Flesh
Double Dragon IV
Doughlings Arcade
Doughlings Invasion
Draw Slasher
DreamWorks Dragons: Legends of the Nine Realms
Driftland: The Magic Revival
Drink More Glurp
Dub Dash
Duke Nukem Forever
Dungeons 3
Dust to the End
DV: Rings of Saturn
Eagle Island
Elven Legacy Collection
Endless Fables 3: Dark Moor
Epistory - Typing Chronicles
Escape Dead Island
Escape Game Fort Boyard
Escape from Naraka
Eternal Edge +
Eternity: The Last Unicorn
Etherlords I & II
Eventide 3: Legacy of Legends
eXperience 112
f1 2019 Anniversary - ONLY FOR VERY GOOD OFFERS
Family Mysteries 3: Criminal Mindset
Family Mysteries: Poisonous Promises
Fantasy Blacksmith
Farming World
Farm Frenzy: Refreshed
Final Doom
Flashing Lights Police Fire EMS
Filthy Animals Heist Simulator
Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China - Deluxe Edition
Fractured Minds
Freaking Meatbags
Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard
Frick, Inc.
For the People
Formula Carr Racing
Funk of Titans
Furious Angels
Fury Unleashed
Game Dev Studio
Gas Station Simulator
Generation Zero
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt
Ghost Files 2: Memory of a Crime
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt
Gigantosaurus: Dino Kart
God’s Trigger
Go Home Dinosaurs
Going Under
Golden Light
Golf Gang
Goodbye Deponia
Grand Mountain Adventure: Wonderlands
Grey Goo Definitive Edition
Grid Ultimate Edition
Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan
Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride
GRIP: Combat Racing
GRIP: Combat Racing - Cygon Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Nyvoss Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Terra Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Vintek Garage Kit
Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son
GTA VICE CITY - only for very good offers
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Guns & Fishes
Guns of Icarus Alliance
Hack 'n' Slash
Haegemonia: The Solon Heritage
Hauma - A Detective Noir Story
Hero of the Kingdom
Hero of the Kingdom III
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 1
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 2
Heroes of the Monkey Tavern
Heroes of Hellas 3: Athens
Heroes of Hellas Origins: Part One
Hidden Memory - Neko's Life
Hidden Object 6in1 bundle
Hidden Object Bundle 5 in 1
Hidden Shapes - Trick or Cats
Hiveswap Friendsim
Hitman Absolution
Holiday Bonus GOLD
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!
Homebrew - Patent Unknown
Home Sweet Home
Home Sweet Home EP2
Horizon Shift
Hospital Tycoon
Hyperdrive Massacre
Hyperspace Invaders II: Pixel Edition
I am not a Monster: First Contact
Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition
In Between
Inside My Radio
Internet Cafe Simulator
Interrogation: You will be deceived
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Into the Pit
In Other Waters
Iron Commando - Koutetsu no Senshi
Iron Danger
Iron Lung
Iron Marines
Island Tribe
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
Jane Angel: Templar Mystery
Jewel Match Atlantis Solitaire - Collector's Edition
Jewel Match Solitaire 2 Collector's Edition
Jewel Match Solitaire L'Amour
Jewel Match Solitaire Winterscapes
Just Cause 3
Just Die Already
Just Ignore Them
Kaichu - The Kaiju Dating Sim
Kao the Kangaroo (2000 re-release)
Kerbal Space Program
Killing Floor 2
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition
Kitaria Fables
Kingdom Rush
King Oddball
Knight's Retreat
Koala Kids
Konung 2
Lacuna – A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure
Landlord's Super
Laser Disco Defenders
Last Oasis
Last Word
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West
Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Manager
Lego Marvel 2 Deluxe
Looking for Aliens
Lost Words: Beyond the Page
Lovecraft's Untold Stories + OST + Artbook
Lords and Villeins
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond - M Edition
Luxor 3
Machinika Museum
Mad Experiments: Escape Room
Mad Max
Mad Tracks
Magenta Horizon
Magrunner: Dark Pulse
Mask of the Rose
Mass Effect 2
Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons
Medieval Kingdom Wars
Men of War: Assault Squad - Game of the Year Edition
Men of War: Red Tide
Meow Express
Metal Unit
Metro last light redux
Metro Redux Bundle
Micro Machines World Series
Middle-earth : Shadow of Mordor Goty
Middle-earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
Midnight Mysteries 3: Devil on the Mississippi
Midnight Protocol
Mini Ninjas
Mini Thief
Minute of Islands
MirrorMoon EP
Mob Rule Classic
Modern Tales: Age of Invention
Moon Hunters
Moss Destruction
MotoGP 15
Mortal Kombat XL
Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate
Mount & blade
Mr. Run and Jump
MXGP - The Official Motocross Videogame
My Big Sister
Nadia Was Here
Nigate Tale
Neon Chrome
Neurodeck : Psychological Deckbuilder
NEXT JUMP: Shmup Tactics
Ninjin: Clash of Carrots
Nobodies: Murder Cleaner
Noir Chronicles: City of Crime
Noitu Love 2: Devolution
Nongunz: Doppelganger Edition
Northern Tale
Non-Stop Raiders
Now You See - A Hand Painted Horror Adventure
OlliOlli World
Old School Musical
Omen Exitio: Plague
Orbital Bullet
Orbital Racer
Oriental Empires
Orn the tiny forest sprite
Orwell: Ignorance is Strength
Outcast - Second Contact
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Out of Space
Overlord: Ultimate Evil Collection
Pang Adventures
Painkiller Hell & Damnation
Paper Beast - Folded Edition
Paper Fire Rookie
Paper Planet
Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Persian Nights 2: The Moonlight Veil
Pathfinder Wrath
Paw Patrol: On A Roll!
Paw Paw Paw
Peachleaf Pirates
Persian Nights: Sands of Wonders
pillars of eternity
Pill Baby
Pirate Pop Plus
Pizza Express
Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic
PixelJunk™ Monsters Ultimate + Shooter Bundle
Planet TD
Plebby Quest: The Crusades
Planet Zoo
Police Stories
Post Master
portal knights
Post Void
Prehistoric Tales
Primal Carnage: Extinction
pro cycling manager 2019
Project Chemistry
Professor Lupo: Ocean
Prophecy I - The Viking Child
Quantum Replica
Quake 2
Quake Live
Raining Blobs
Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan
Railway Empire
Radio Commander
Rebel Galaxy
Rebel Galaxy Outlaw
Rebel Inc
Recon Control
Red Faction®: Armageddon™
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered
Regency Solitaire
Regular Human Basketball
Regions of Ruin
Remnants of Naezith
Renfield: Bring Your Own Blood
Resident Evil 0 HD REMASTER
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Deluxe Edition
Resort Boss: Golf
Return to Mysterious Island
Richard & Alice
Rise of Insanity
Rising Dusk
River City Girls
River City Melee Mach
Road to Guangdong
Roads of Rome 3
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos
Rym 9000
S.W.I.N.E. HD Remaster
Safety First!
Satellite Reign
Satellite Rush
Savage Lands
Save Jesus
Say No! More
Scheming Through The Zombie Apocalypse: The Beginning
Sea Horizon
Serial Cleaner
Sentience: The Android's Tale
SEARCH PARTY: Director's Cut
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Severed Steel
Shadowrun Returns
Shadows: Awakening
Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut
Shooting Stars!
Shoppe Keep
Shutter 2
Shred! 2 - ft Sam Pilgrim
Sid Meier Civilization V
Sid Meier Civilization VI
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis
sim city 4
Sir Whoopass™: Immortal Death
Sky Break
Slain: Back from Hell
Slinger VR
Smart Factory Tycoon
Sniper Elite 4 Deluxe Edition
sonic all stars transformed collection
Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing
Sonic Forces
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode I
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode II
Sorry, James
Soul Searching
Space Robinson: Hardcore Roguelike Actio
Sparkle 2
Spiritual Warfare & Wisdom Tree Collection
Spirit Hunter: NG
Spirit of the Isand
Spooky Bonus
Spring Bonus
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Star Wars Knights of the old Republic 2
Star Wars The Force Unleashed
Star Wolves
star trek bridge crew
State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition - only for good offers
Stealth 2: A Game of Clones
Steel Rats
Stick it to The Man!
Stick Fight: The Game
Stirring Abyss
Strikey Sisters
Stronghold Crusader 2
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Styx: Master of Shadows
Sudden Strike 4
Suffer The Night
Summer in Mara
Superhot VR
Super 3-D Noah's Ark
Super Mutant Alien Assault
Super Panda Adventures
Super Rude Bear Resurrection
Super Star Path
Survivalist: Invisible Strain
Switchball HD
Sword of the Necromancer
Syberia 3
Syberia 3
System Shock Enhanced Edition
Tiny Tales: Heart of the Forest
Team Sonic Racing
tekken 7
Telefrag VR
Tesla Force
Teslagrad Remastered
Testament of Sherlock Holmes
The Adventure Pals
The Amazing American Circus
The Assembly
The Big Con
The Black Heart
The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters
The Crow's Eye
The Darkside Detective
The Deed
The Deed II
The Deed: Dynasty
The Dungeon Beneath
The Emerald Maiden: Symphony of Dream
The Escapists
The Fan
The Final Station
The Flame in the Flood
The Horror Of Salazar House
The Inner World
The Invisible Hand
The Last Crown: Midnight Horror
The Last Tinker: City of Colors
The Long Dark: Survival Edition
The Lost Crown
The Long Reach
The Knight Witch
The Metronomicon - The Deluxe Edition
The Myth Seekers 2: The Sunken City
The Myth Seekers: The Legacy of Vulcan
The Next Penelope
The Oil Blue: Steam Legacy Edition
The Secret Order 5: The Buried Kingdom
The Secret Order 6: Bloodline
The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach
The Smurfs - Mission Vileaf
The Spectrum Retreat
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia
The Town of Light
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
The Walking Dead – Season 1
The Walking Dead: 400 Days DLC
The Walking Dead: Season Two
The Walking Dead: The Final Season
The Wild Eight
The Whispered World Special Edition
They Always Run
They Bleed Pixels
Think of the Children
This War of Mine
Through the Woods
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
Ticket to Ride
Tilt Brush
Time on Frog Island
Time Loader
Time Mysteries 3: The Final Enigma
Tiny Tales: Heart of the Forest
tiny & Tall: Gleipnir
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition
Toejam & Earl: Back in the Groove
Tomb Raider GOTY Edition
Tom Clancy's The Division Uplay + Survival dlc
Total War: MEDIEVAL II Definitive Edition
Totally Reliable Delivery Service
Tower of Time
Total War: ROME II - Caesar in Gaul
Toybox Turbos
Toy Tinker Simulator
Tracks - The Train Set Game
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Trine 2: Complete Story
Trine 3
Trine 4
Tropico 4
Tyrant's Blessing
UFO: Afterlight
Ultimate Zombie Defense
Undead Horde
Unexplored 2: The Wayfarer's Legacy
Unto The End
Vambrace: Cold Soul
Vampire of the Sands
Vampire Survivors
Vanishing Realms
Velocity Ultra
Viking Saga New World
Viking Saga The Cursed Ring
Voidship: The Long Journey
walking dead the new frontier
War Solution - Casual Math Game
war tech fighters
Wasteland 2: Director s Cut - Classic Edition
Wayout 2: Hex
Wayward Souls
We Are Alright
When In Rome
White Night
White Noise 2
Witch it
Without Within 3
World Keepers Last Resort
World Ship Simulator
Worms Blast
Worms Crazy Golf
Worms Pinball
Worms Revolution
Worms Rumble
Wounded - The Beginning
Verdant Skies
XBlaze Code: Embryo
X-Com 2
X-Com Chimera Squad
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack
Xpand Rally
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Yakuza 3 Remastered
Yesterday Origins"
Yet Another Zombie Defense HD
Yoku's Island Express
Yono and the Celestial Elephants
Zarya-1: Mystery on the Moon
Zombie Derby 2
Zombie Night Terror
submitted by marcoxnt93 to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:46 marcoxnt93 [H] A lot games [W] Offers

7 Wonders: Magical Mystery Tour
7 Wonders: Treasures of Seven
9 Years of Shadows
12 is Better Than 6
911 Operator
A Blind Legend
Aarklash: Legacy
Acorn Assault: Rodent Revolution
Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders
Agent in Depth
age of wonders 3
Agents of Mayhem
Alien Spidy
AI War 2
A Juggler's Tale
Alchemist's Castle
Alchemy Garden
Almost There: The Platformer
Alter Army"
Akka Arrh
American Fugitive
A Musical Story
Ancestors Legacy
Ancient Enemy
An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire
Anomaly Defenders
Anomaly: Warzone Earth
Aragami 2
Arcade Spirits
Arena Renovation
Armada 2526 Gold Edition
Arma X
Arx Fatalis
Ary and the Secret of Seasons
Ascension to the Throne
Ashina: The Red Witch
Atari Vault
Attack of the Earthlings
Axiom Verge
Back 4 Blood - Only for good offers
Band of Defenders"
Banners of Ruin
Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition
Batman: Arkham Origins
Battle Academy 2: Eastern Front
Battle vs Chess
Bionic Commando: Rearmed
BioShock Infinite
Bizango Blast
BLACKHOLE: Complete Edition
Blacksad: Under the Skin
Blitzkrieg Anthology
Blood Bowl 2
Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced
Borderlands handsome collection
Bots Are Stupid
Bot Vice
Breakout: Recharged
Brunch Club
Broken Age
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Bunker Punks
Call of Cthulhu®: Dark Corners of the Earth
Call of Juarez
Carmageddon max damage
Cats and the Other Lives
Caverns of Mars: Recharged
Caveman World: Mountains of Unga Boonga
Centipede: Recharged
Chambers of Devious Design
Chess Ultra
Chicken Assassin: Reloaded
Children of Morta
Chaos on Deponia
Circuit Breakers
City Siege: Faction Island
Close to the Sun
Clunky Hero
Colt Canyon
Constructor Classic 1997
Conglomerate 451
Cookie Cutter
Cook Serve Delicious
Cook Serve Delicious! 3?!
Corridor Z
Cosmic Express
Craft Keep VR
Crazy Belts
Creeping Terror
Creepy Tale
Crown Champion: Legends of the Arena
CTU: Counter Terrorism Unit
Cubicle Quest
Cursed Sight
Cybarian: The Time Travelling Warrior
Darkest Dungeon
Dark Strokes The Legend of the Snow Kingdom Collectors Edition
Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage
Danger Scavenger
Day of Infamy
Dead Age
Dead Age 2
Dead by daylight
Dead End Job
Deadlight: Director's Cut
Dead Island Definitive Edition
Dead Space 3 Origin key
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death Squared
Death to Spies: Moment of Truth
Degrees of Separation
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Devil Daggers
Devil's Hunt
DIG - Deep In Galaxies
Dimension Drifter
Dirt Rally 2.0 - Only for good offers
dirt 5 - Only for good offers
Divide By Sheep
DmC Devil May Cry
Doodle Derby
DOOM (1993)
Dorke and Ymp
Doorways: Holy Mountains of Flesh
Double Dragon IV
Doughlings Arcade
Doughlings Invasion
Draw Slasher
DreamWorks Dragons: Legends of the Nine Realms
Driftland: The Magic Revival
Drink More Glurp
Dub Dash
Duke Nukem Forever
Dungeons 3
Dust to the End
DV: Rings of Saturn
Eagle Island
Elven Legacy Collection
Endless Fables 3: Dark Moor
Epistory - Typing Chronicles
Escape Dead Island
Escape Game Fort Boyard
Escape from Naraka
Eternal Edge +
Eternity: The Last Unicorn
Etherlords I & II
Eventide 3: Legacy of Legends
eXperience 112
f1 2019 Anniversary - ONLY FOR VERY GOOD OFFERS
Family Mysteries 3: Criminal Mindset
Family Mysteries: Poisonous Promises
Fantasy Blacksmith
Farming World
Farm Frenzy: Refreshed
Final Doom
Flashing Lights Police Fire EMS
Filthy Animals Heist Simulator
Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China - Deluxe Edition
Fractured Minds
Freaking Meatbags
Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard
Frick, Inc.
For the People
Formula Carr Racing
Funk of Titans
Furious Angels
Fury Unleashed
Game Dev Studio
Gas Station Simulator
Generation Zero
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt
Ghost Files 2: Memory of a Crime
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt
Gigantosaurus: Dino Kart
God’s Trigger
Go Home Dinosaurs
Going Under
Golden Light
Golf Gang
Goodbye Deponia
Grand Mountain Adventure: Wonderlands
Grey Goo Definitive Edition
Grid Ultimate Edition
Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan
Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride
GRIP: Combat Racing
GRIP: Combat Racing - Cygon Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Nyvoss Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Terra Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Vintek Garage Kit
Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son
GTA VICE CITY - only for very good offers
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Guns & Fishes
Guns of Icarus Alliance
Hack 'n' Slash
Haegemonia: The Solon Heritage
Hauma - A Detective Noir Story
Hero of the Kingdom
Hero of the Kingdom III
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 1
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 2
Heroes of the Monkey Tavern
Heroes of Hellas 3: Athens
Heroes of Hellas Origins: Part One
Hidden Memory - Neko's Life
Hidden Object 6in1 bundle
Hidden Object Bundle 5 in 1
Hidden Shapes - Trick or Cats
Hiveswap Friendsim
Hitman Absolution
Holiday Bonus GOLD
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submitted by marcoxnt93 to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:41 nonideological Stop Assuming Players That Are "Loitering" on the Map are Doing Nothing!

Level 87 player with over 350hours of gameplay - no, I'm not omniscient, I don't know everything, but I I've seen a lot and learned even more.
With the increase in patrols I think we can all agree things have gotten messier in game play, especially that you can get completely surrounded very easily now.
With that said I've seen an uptick in random gameplay where the host chides me or kicks me for not "participating" or not "keeping up with the rest of the team" because I'm somewhere else on the map.
So my default play style is "Big Brother" - at least some Youtubers call it that - it's the role where you're a little behind the pack watching all the angles, flanking as necessary and protecting the rest of the team. With my Autocannon and Punsher Plasma I have good medium range to take out Rocket Devastators and Gunships, etc. and kill Berserkers as they're chasing my teammates. Sometimes I help my teammates by covering for an escape - like keeping a Hulk or Tank busy while my teammates move on to the next objective.
The Big Brother role's strength is to keeping your teammates alive it has a weakness especially with all the new patrols: You can get cut-off from the team easily.
As I'm trying to support the team so they can move on and because distance-wise I'm not super close to the team, I get surrounded ever more now which means getting isolated is much more likely. When you're in this situation what are your options?
I've seen all three and #1 isn't always an option.
Jerk 1 who kicked me: After answering your SOS, I was saving your butt (and the other sub-level 10 lowbies) on Extreme for 30 minutes, distracting the tank so you guys could run to the next objective without dying, and also destroying the bot factories you completely ignored - not to mention they weren't anywhere close to the extraction which means we'd have to run all the way back to clear them .... and you waited for me to catch up to you to lecture me in your little-dictator-Napoleon-voice "You're level 87 and you've spent the whole time doing nothing. Don't board my ship ever again if you don't want to contribute." And then you kicked me.
Jerk 2 who kicked me: Another SOS. After running around the map trying to find samples (like everyone else) and then finding nothing I then ran to you at Extraction where we both loitered for a minute or two. Then you ran off to go find samples again. I stayed behind for a beat to look at the map then after that I GOT SURROUNDED BY EVERY LIVING BUG ON THE PLANET. I couldn't get an out ANYWHERE and just died. Again with the lecture on mic "Why aren't you doing anything. You're not helping us find samples. You're useless" ... then kick.
If you're going to host a game and call an SOS, yes you get to be a little dictator as much as you want - but know that you DO NOT know everything and you're not omniscient. At best you're an ineffective leader and you ARE contributing to the toxicity of the game, which is the OPPOSITE of the spirit of this whole enterprise - to work as a team.
My advice to you little wannabe fascists - learn some basic leadership skills maybe?
submitted by nonideological to helldivers2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:39 PitifulHoneydew7302 21M, 6 figure income(pre-tax), 70k+ in debt

Hey folks, I (21M) posted a little while ago asking for information and advice on how to assess my debt a little more realistically. I spent most of my life extremely poor and had nothing. I was raised on the value that if you want something go and get it bc nobody is gonna hand it to you. For this reason I think I got carried away in life. Bit off more than I can chew per se. I’ve come to the realization that I can easily pay off the debt I’m in with some determination and discipline. My main struggle is my living situation. For context I am a traveling renewable energy technician. I spent the first 3 years of my career all over the country and just recently over the past 6 months decided to plant some roots where I am now in AZ/CA border. I currently live in a 30ft travel trailer. It’s not “ideal” but I bought it brand new a little over a year ago because I was tired of paying rent endlessly throwing away my paychecks, however, I realize now that what I’m doing isn’t much different. I still owe 28k on a 40k trailer and it only appraises for 15-18k. I’m tired of it and want to move into a home or room with one of my coworkers but due to the high DTI I have at this time I don’t think I could reasonably afford that. I have $7500 in CC, $11,000 in unsecured personal loan, $20,000 in auto loan, and $28,000 for my Travel trailer loan. I have a BASE salary of $77,500/ year. I do have some kickers (bonuses and weekend pay available) which bring my total gross income to well over 100k a year. My question is this, if you were in my shoes what kind of advice would you have for me? Is there a way that I can default on some of this debt? Settle? I want to start over… but I don’t think that Bankruptcy is an option due to my income. I want to invest my money and have something to show for the money I make but all of my assets at this time are depreciating.
Any help or guidance is well appreciated. Thanks in advance guys.
submitted by PitifulHoneydew7302 to Money [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:30 _xe Living in Korea short-term on tourist visa?

I am from the United States (24/M) and in a bit of a transitional period of my life. I'm leaving my current job to pursue a career change, but before that I want to spend some time living abroad in Korea and studying Korean.
I know I could enroll in a university language program and get a language trainee visa, but I think I can study well enough on my own (I've been self-studying for the past year), so I'd rather save the money from having to do that. I have enough savings to sustain a modest lifestyle for 3-6 months. So I was thinking of staying on a tourist visa (obviously would have to exit and reenter the country if I want to stay longer than 90 days).
I've been reading that an ID-verified Korean phone number is used for lots of things as proof of ID and that you need an ARC to get one? I'm wondering what sorts of things I would need this for? Since I won't be working I don't need a Korean bank account. I'll mostly just need to do basic maintenance of life things like a gym membership, haircuts, pharmacy/doctor if absolutely needed, etc.
It would be helpful to hear from people living in Korea how inconvenient or impractical it would be to live here for a short period without an ARC/phone number. Many thanks in advance.
submitted by _xe to living_in_korea_now [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:16 Queasy-World-9768 Looking to advance my IT career, but not sure how to do it.

Hello there! I think I'm at a crossroads in my IT career and I'm not sure what the best way forward would be from where I currently am.
Here's the rundown:
-I have four years of IT experience with a public school as a computer technician/assistant IT director. One year of prior schooling, but no prior experience.
-I've obtained my A+ and Network+ certifications of my own volition during these four years.
-I plan on earning my Security+ certification next month.
-I've shadowed my tech director and have learned some valuable skills such as:
-How VLANs work -How AD works - How Google Admin works -How DHCP works -How to allow access through our SSID for our staff through RADIUS login -How to configure, site map, and hang up network APs for multiple buildings -How to onboard and offboard staff members with various levels of authorization -How to manage SSO software -How to remove malware -How to fix hardware on chromebooks and Dell laptops
My goal is to eventually move on and work exclusively with networking to eventually become a network architect, but a lot of the networking knowledge I've learned at my job is still mostly theoretical. I plan on earning some more certifications and knowledge to help me advance, such as: -Server+ -Azure Fundamentals -Cloud+ -AWS (CCP and Certified Advanced Networking) -Powershell -Python -CCNA -CCNP
So here are my questions: Do I have enough knowledge to move on from my current job to one that is more closely related to networking, and, if so, what job would that be? Where would be a good place to go from here to further my career towards network architect?
If I DON'T currently have enough knowledge and skills to advance, should I consider going back to school, or would continuing to gain experience and certifications (like what I've currently been doing) be enough eventually?
Thanks in advance for your help! Any is appreciated!
submitted by Queasy-World-9768 to ITCareerQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:59 WYLD_STALYNZ Trans friend (mtf) confronted me about having someone "unsafe" on my FB friends list

A few days ago I got a DM from a friend of mine (V) expressing concern over someone (B) I had on my FB friends list. The guy is a creep, that's not really up for debate -- he harassed/stalked several trans women at a recent event, peppering them with uncomfortable questions, all with some really profound Lead-Poisoned Boomer energy. I looked at B's profile and saw that I had him unfollowed, something I probably did almost immediately after friending him, because his feed is a stream of turbocringe Boomer memes. By the time B did that creepy shit to my friend, I already had him out of sight and out of mind on socials.
I was accused by V, simply for having this person on my Facebook friends list, of "holding up a broken stair", and that is not sitting well with me at all. Some further context is that we all participate in a shared community in which I am a leader, and apparently by not unfriending B, I am lending him social capital which legitimizes his behavior. In my official capacity as a leader though, B is not welcome in any spaces where I have a say in who is welcome, which is something I don't really even have to deal with, because B is also not welcome at any of the events where my leadership role comes into play (something determined by those events’ organizers, not me). If the question of whether to include B in a trusted space had ever actually fallen to me, the answer would have been a very firm no.
I pushed back a little bit at V's demand that I unfriend B. It felt pretty coercive due to the accusations of being a bad ally which could apparently only be dealt with in that moment by doing exactly what she said. Following our conversation, she also made a post to her main feed congratulating herself for DMing and shaming her friends like this, which had this line in it: "You go tell your problematic friends to start therapy then you go make a better, new friend."
I...don't talk to B. I don't have a relationship with B. B is one of hundreds of people who I met a handful of times, accepted a FB add from, unfollowed because he was annoying, and mostly forgot about. I don't have the kind of relationship with B where I would tell him to get therapy. I do not need to replace B's friendship because I never had it. FB friends =/= friends.
I also object to the demand for certain strategic reasons; nothing that applies to B directly, but which have definitely come up before. Multiple times in the past, I have remained connected on social media to people who have caused harm to people I care about, for the sake of keeping tabs on them. For example, a friend of a friend was being aggressively stalked for a long time a few years back. Most people in the victim's direct circle blocked his stalker for the sake of maintaining a good perimeter around him. But stalker was and still is barely aware I exist. And stalker had (she seems to have moved on now, fucking finally) a habit of posting a bunch of shit on social media about her victim when she was getting ready to harass him again. Needless to say, he REALLY appreciated the early detection system, and his lawyer REALLY appreciated that someone had the ability to collect screenshots of her activity.
I guess my question here is this: do people really view social media connections as an implicit sign of trust?
I assume the average person's FB friends list is much, much closer to being "a repository of every person I have ever met" than it is to defining a trusted circle of people. V told me I only get to see it that way because of my privilege as a cis man. I really just don't agree with that take, which I think should be fine, but I was made to feel that disagreeing makes me a bad ally.
  1. Are people really informing their social choices like this? Do people go on B's profile, see me in his mutuals, and say "oh, u/WYLD_STALYNZ is friends with him on FB, he must be someone I can let my guard down around"?
  2. Is this situation different from other situations involving stalking/harassing behavior because the victims are trans? Do I owe my trans friends a response that is more in line with their specific desires due to their marginalized status?
  3. Where does rehabilitation come into play in V's philosophy? She said herself in the comments of her post that she believes, after speaking with B multiple times, that he has the capacity to improve if he put in the effort; he's not hateful, he's oblivious to the point of it being a serious liability. If she believes this person is actually capable of redemption, but then demands that everyone in our shared community cut him out and shun him, what is B's path forward?
One more thing to add -- V and I are coworkers, and while she is not my direct manager, she is a leader and her influence can and does have an impact on my career trajectory.
Appreciate any insight. I'm really not sure how to feel, because I do genuinely understand why V is so upset by B's behavior, but I still feel coerced into unfriending B, and overall I don't think my take on the weight of FB friends vs. real friends is off-base at all.
edit: to be clear, I unfriended B, because we had no relationship, it made no difference to me, and it made someone I care about feel safer. I still really take issue with the way it was demanded
submitted by WYLD_STALYNZ to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:32 NCTransportation Know a hard worker looking for a great place to work in the Hillsborough area?

NCDOT is hiring 3 entry level Transportation Workers to join our Orange county team in Hillsborough, NC. Pays $43K to $53K w/full State benefits & pension! Apply by Aug 02 at In this role, you will learn to:
submitted by NCTransportation to chapelhill [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:30 Kissh Polymeric Membrane for Separation Market Growing at CAGR of 6.21% till 2030

Gas separation can be done by using a variety of membranes such as polymeric membranes, mixed membranes, silica membranes, microporous membranes, zeolite membranes, and others. Gas separation based on membranes provides several advantages such as low costs involved in operation and maintenance, user-friendly approach, and lower energy consumption. Membrane-based gas separation system uses the difference in permeability of gas molecules passing through the membrane material, to separate the gases from each other. Gas separation techniques are widely adopted in oil refinery and gas production industries for applications such as dehydration of natural gas, carbon dioxide removal, and production of liquid nitrogen. The pharmaceutical industry is focused on development of novel methods for separation processes to reduce the costs involved in active ingredient manufacturing. Gas separation membranes are used in the pharmaceutical industry to separate oxygen gas for medical purposes.
The global Polymeric Membrane for Separation market was estimated at 768.29 Million USD in 2021 with CAGR 6.21% during 2021-2030. The objective of report is to define, segment, and project the market on the basis of product type, application, and region, and to describe the content about the factors influencing market dynamics, policy, economic, technology and market entry etc.
The report includes market size, upstream situation, market segmentation, market segmentation, price & cost and industry environment. In addition, the report outlines the factors driving industry growth and the description of market channels. The report begins from overview of industrial chain structure, and describes the upstream. Besides, the report analyses market size and forecast in different geographies, type and end-use segment, in addition, the report introduces market competition overview among the major companies and companies profiles, besides, market price and channel features are covered in the report.
Get Research Sample:
Based on Materials, the report describes major products type share of regional market. Products mentioned as follows:
Polyimide & Polyaramide Type Polysulfone Type Cellulose Acetate Type Others
Leading vendors in the market are included based on profile, business performance etc. Vendors mentioned as follows:
Air Products Air Liquide UBE Grasys Evonik Schlumberger IGS Honeywell MTR Borsig Parker Hannifin Tianbang SSS
Based on Application, the report describes major application share of regional market. Application mentioned as follows:
Isolation of Inert N2 from Air H2 Recovery CO2 Removal from Natural Gas VapoNitrogen Separation Others
Based on region, the report describes major regions market by products and application. Regions mentioned as follows:
Asia-Pacific North America Europe South America Middle East & Africa
submitted by Kissh to marketsurveyreport [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:28 localcatcharmer Syringes/Needles

So first I'll start with a general question, do you organize your syringes and needles by gauge/length? Or by the B-D # on the box? (I'll address this later)
I moved to a new store a little over a year ago and I have had nothing but issues with my RxM. I am an RxOM from Arizona, and my store was ahead of a lot of the stores here in Virginia (that i recently moved to). By that I mean we were piloting a lot of stuff years before this store has begun starting them. For example CENFILL was just launched recently at my store in VA and we had already had that at my AZ store for like 3 years previous. From the beginning pilot in AZ I experienced, nothing had really changed about it here in VA so I had a lot of tips and things to help my staff understand it and get used to it. Every single thing I brough up for it my RxM fought me on. I told her we shouldn't scan it in until we have it all put up because as soon as we scan it all the patients get a text that they are ready and they flock to the pharmacy and then its a wild goose chase trying to locate the scripts. So she scans it as soon as we get the totes in. I told her to scan all the totes at once when we are finished because it'll print out ONE long list of scripts we need to pull from the bins, so she scans them individually after each tote is put away. I suggested dividing the pharmacy into sections for outdates so everyone is responsible for their own small section and she said no its easier to just send a tech and have them do it and leave a sticker for the next random person to pick up from. She literally does the opposite of what I suggest for EVERYTHING. Also coming from a different store I have a different perspective so I can see what things are working and what arent, or things that could be made easier for the team because all the techs are practically brand new. The DM has even mentioned to me that its MY pharmacy and I can move things around and change it to my liking. He said ive done a great job pulling this store above water and that whatever im doing its working.
Now, my RxM had the syringes organized by the order of the B-D numbers. Every store I have ever worked at including my old store had them arranged by gauge and needle size. I noticed we had a lot of issues with needles and syringes being in OOS because everyone was confused on how the syringes were organized. It makes sense because when you organize by the B-D number the gauges and sizes all jump around so its like 18g is next to 25g next to 23g. I ASKED EVERY TECH AND THE STAFF PHARMACIST if it would be easier if i organized them by gauge and needle size because then you can just go and see that it goes 18g, then 21g, then 23g etc. All of them said yes that makes way more sense to them for them to be in order because when they go to the back they are looking for '25g 1in 1ml' not B-D #9576. I WOULD NOT have changed it if they said they liked it the way it is. It took me about three days in between customers and lunches to reorganize and get all the mylars re-done. I come in on a monday morning and my RxM is grinning ear to ear.
RxM: Did you see the syringes? Me: No why RxM: I changed them back to how they were :) Me: Why? It took me days to fix that RxM: The general consensus from this weekend was that its better this way not by gauge Me: Who is the general consensus? It was only you and 1 tech this weekend, so that leaves me, the staff pharmacist, and three other techs you didnt ask if it was okay to move them. I asked everyone before I moved them and everyone said it made more sense by gauge. Im just going to change them back. RxM: You CAN'T move them back I OVERRIDE YOU Me: I will be moving them back when I have the time
Fast forward to yesterday, my staff is super irritated that RxM moved them too because we had techs from other stores helping us all last week who couldn't find syringes due to RxM moving them back to B-D #. Staff confronted RxM about it because she obviously wasn't included in the 'consensus' or she would have objected. Picture in thread is the conversation between me and Staff. I am light brown she is dark brown bubble. My last response to my Staff was:
"It 'hasn't been an issue' except everyone OOS the syringes bc they don't understand how she has it. She has a whole brand new team now, and I KNOW FROM EXPERIENCE that gauge is easier. And this team being as new as it is could use easy solutions. Why is she refusing to make things easier for everyone else???"
The syringes isn't the only issue, this was just the last straw and most recent act of her being stubborn and I am sick of the 'I have been doing this for 20 years' excuse. Times change and she should adjust. Also mind you her whole previous team left because they couldnt stand her. The team I have currently is BRAND NEW to her, to walgreens, and to the pharmacy.
submitted by localcatcharmer to WalgreensRx [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:25 Thin-Walrus-1512 B School research - do it right!

Hello, folks! As the results of various B Schools have been pouring in, and everyone here is in a mad rush to figure out which colleges want them and which colleges they (should) want, I've been seeing a lot of uninformed (at best) and intentionally misleading (at worst) opinions going around. The problem here is that while I, having wrapped up my MBA journey a while back, am a little more adept at sniffing out the BS than the average aspirant - many others in this journey are understandably quite clueless (as was I back in my day, to the point where I didn't even know about SP Jain till after I joined C!), and often don't know better.
So, how do you navigate these choppy waters?
  1. Always be skeptical on Reddit. Understand that anonymity is a powerful tool - which on one hand can be used to share privileged and even scandalous truths, but on the other hand can also serve as a façade for ulterior motives. So, if you find any particularly concerning posts or testimonials, make sure to run it by a large enough sample space to significantly dilute the ill-intentioned opinions.
  2. NEVER sought subjective opinions from MBA grads and students (e.g., is the consulting culture good? Is the campus pretty? etc.). Always frame your questions to ensure the answers are purely facts and numbers (e.g., how many consulting firms come to campus, and how many folks get placed there? What's the approximate split of green areas to concrete structures, and how many water bodies exist? etc.). Even with your best interests in mind, their definitions of "good" or "bad" may not align with yours, and give you the wrong picture of what to expect there. So figure out what facts and numbers qualify as "good to have" and "must have" across all aspects of your MBA experience (you could even set this up as an Excel matrix), and tailor your questions to fill in the blanks.
  3. NEVER ask current students their opinions on other colleges. They've barely spent long enough in an MBA to know their own college, let alone judge others' - and college tribalism can run very deep. Only ask about college opinions from the current students and alumni of said college, along the lines discussed in point 2.
  4. Target questions to the right audience. If you want to know about placement outcomes and future prospects of a particular college, talk to alumni of said college (preferably those who've spent at least a couple of years in the industry) - anything the current students know is only from the lens of a single placement cycle and hearsay, and their advice might be biased due to their attachment to their college (which diminishes as you gain work ex post MBA). However, if you want to know about things within the campus itself, defer to current students (since alumni may not have the time to discuss those aspects of your MBA journey, and current students would have the most updated info on the same).
  5. Likely goes without saying, but always maximise your sample space for feedback. If you're discussing post-MBA prospects for college A, try to talk to at least 5+ alumni - if you can get feedback from 8-10 alumni, you'll have a rich source of consistent data that isn't tainted by subjective experiences or individual biases. Likewise, for internal matters reach out to as many current students as you can, for the same reason.
I know all of this will take a significant effort (esp. points 2 and 5), and time isn't really a friend of yours at this moment - but the only way to eliminate ambiguity and biases is to hedge against them as proactively as you can. Remember, the only person here with a vested interest in your wellbeing is YOU, so look after yourself. Rest assured, though - this protracted effort now will be worth it's weight in gold for the rest of your career :)
All the best to everyone out here (current and future aspirants alike), and feel free to comment or DM if you'd like to take the conversation further. Cheers!
submitted by Thin-Walrus-1512 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:04 gorgo_nopsia 2 people think my mom is xSFJ. But I don’t see it. Help please!

I think my mom has Se, Ni, and Te.... however, two people on my previous post believed she was xSFJ (but didn’t elaborate why). What do you guys think? Please explain why you think yes or no.
Will answer any questions you may have. Thank you!!
submitted by gorgo_nopsia to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:02 Sharptrooper Intended Difficulty vs Volatile Difficulty (and bugs)

Greetings, Helldivers.
Today I want to talk about difficulty - not the number you set at the bottom of the mission selection screen, but how actually difficult beating a mission IS. I'm going to argue that whenever a 'campaign' becomes frustrated, it is due to extreme RNG rolls and bugs.
First, a list of the elements and issues I want to highlight:
Touching an enemy's corpse after it's death is a recipe for disaster. Dead tanks can randomly damage you, dead shriekers can crush you, dead Bile Titans can outright kill you on their own if you try to climb over them. Enemies can clip through them just fine, but these corpses can be so dangerous that they can essentially close off a route on their own. Dying to a ragdoll and having your geasamples stuck under it can stall a helldiver for a considerable amount of time.
On some planets, the enemies have zero qualms about glitching their way up mountains like they're playing Skyrim. A tank on a plain field is a regular enemy; a tank on top of a mountain is a deadly threat with no easily accessible weak-spot and high ground advantage. Bugs are known to clip their way up hills to get to you, and don't get me started on gatling devastators blasting you from inside destroyed dropships or the rock they clipped into, becoming invulnerable on top of that. THere's even a particular bot map where enemies will walk over a 20ft wall as they make their way to attack the extraction point. Bugs like this can absolutely swing a fight and break the helldivers' momentum.
Enemies are mostly unhindered by long distances, smoke, and fog. Helldivers are absolutely not. This is most felt against automatons, who abuse the hell out of low visibility by perfectly tracking helldivers through foliage, fire tornadoes, ambient mist, and distances long enough that they should look like 4 pixels to them. This makes planets with those elements disproportionately hard.
Hunter, o hunter, how I hate you. The damage your leaps do might as well be a die roll. You're not the only culprit, though - automaton rockets seem to enjoy alternating between 1-shotting the helldivers or dealing a miniscule amount of damage. I'm aware that there is supposed to be 'directional armor' hitboxes and that the bugs are probably 'headshotting' the helldivers, but such systems need to be VERY tight and consistent, which is not the case. Fair or not, unpredictable damage leads to frustration, and frustration... is bad.
It cannot be said often enough, but fire tornadoes are an actual hate crime. They can disrupt the helldivers' ability to complete objectives for entire minutes, camping their dropped gear or completely walling off entire routes. The ultimate version of this is in civilian escort missions, where not only they can completely prevent you from progressing the objective but helldivers get a requisition penalties for the deaths of civilians that run into pillar of fire.
I already mentioned this but, some planets are so foggy that that in of itself is a hazard. An honorable mention goes to meteor showers which clear objectives on their own; it's amusing and I'm sure most people smirk at it, but technically that makes things easier than they should be with no input from the player.
You load up your Recoiless Rifle and your Railcannon Strike, but suddenly the bots throw two hundred tin men with chainsaws at you. Later, you call down a Machine Gun only to be completely overwhelmed by Chargers and Bile Titans.
Enemy compositions are a big part of the game, and they are NOT created equally. There are enemies in this game that are simply far more dangerous than their peers, and campaigns abundant with their presence are much harder.
This COULD be mitigated by having a VAGUE description of the expected 'weight class' of enemies, call it a satellite scan or something. Knowing that you'll be facing more (or less) of certain enemies without having to go in blind on the first mission of a campaign would save some frustration.
Much like army compositions, secondary objectives are NOT made equal and an enemy artillery near the extract or a jammer near the main objective will be FAR more disruptive than the shrieker nest on the far end of the map.
Now, full disclosure, I actually like when they get in the way a bit. There's something very 'action movie'-like about entering extract and realizing you're about to get shelled and having to deal with that ASAP. THAT SAID, I still think it's a matter worth looking into. To get the most jarring example, Airship Factories can single-handedly end a mission if not dealt with and sometimes they spawn in extremely difficult-to-assault places, near objectives and whatnot, while sometimes they're isolated and begging to die. SOME disruption is great, EXTREME disruption or ZERO disruption is frustrating/not interesting. I figure this wouldn't require much beyond a bit of manually pruning certain bad spawn places.
'Just turn down difficulty' is not a valid argument when so much grievance can be caused by bugs and issues with hitboxes and mechanics alone. These elements I mentioned can cause difficulty spikes that the player did not sign up for and absolutely can induce frustration. I would really love AH to give these elements a close look sooner rather than later, because nowadays when things go to shit on my mission it almost always involve one of those elements.
submitted by Sharptrooper to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:01 FelicitySmoak_ Tuesday, May 14, 2013 - Jackson v. AEG Live Day 11

Trial Day 11
Katherine Jackson, Rebbie and Trent are at court.
Choreographer Travis Payne & Katherine Jackson spoke briefly in the courtroom before the jury came in. They seemed cordial
Travis Payne Testimony
AEG direct
Payne is wearing a black jacket with a gold emblem on the shoulders with the word "MJ" & a pair of wings
Payne said he was concerned about MJ missing rehearsals. He didn't know why he wasn't showing up, but MJ was also working on an album and a book
Payne said he did not think that Jackson had a problem abusing prescription medications. He acknowledged that Jackson missed rehearsals and he saw the singer shivering or appearing cold in some of his final rehearsals
He worked with Jackson beginning in the 1990's and testified that he never saw Jackson drink alcohol or take any medications. Michael also never discussed his medical treatments, Payne said
Payne told the jury he advised MJ he was looking thin.
"Michael said he was 'getting down to my fighting weight', which I took to mean that he was preparing for the performances", Payne testified. "I had no reason to doubt him"
Payne says he was satisfied with the response.
Payne said there was one day (6/19) when MJ was cold. He thought the frustration had him on edge. When Jackson needed to be layered in blankets and required a heater to be comfortable, Payne said, he believed Michael was merely fighting a cold.
"No one else was cold. He had flu-like symptoms"
"Sometimes he was tired and lethargic and had to be, not convinced, but supported throughout rehearsals," Payne recalled
Payne said that in April, May & June, MJ missed 5 rehearsals with the whole group. He said one time Ortega sent Michael home
Bina shows an email from Ortega to Gongaware on Jun 14:
"Were you aware that Michael's doctor didn't permit him to attend rehearsal yesterday? Without invading his privacy, it might be a good idea to talk to his doctor to make sure everything he requires is in place. Who is responsible for Michael getting proper nourishment/vitamins/therapy every day? Personally, I feel he should have a top Nutritionist and Physical Therapist working with him on a regular basis. The demand on this guy is mentally and physically extraordinary! The show requirements exhaust our 20 year olds. Please don't underestimate the need to stay on top of this"
Another part of the same email chain, from Gongaware:
"Frank and I have discussed it already and have requested a face-to-face meeting w/ the doctor... We want to remind him that it's AEG not Michael Jackson who's paying his salary We want him to understand what is expected of him. He has been dodging Frank so far
Payne said his understanding was that AEG was paying Dr. Murray's salary not Michael. The doctor was there to oversee many things, Payne said. Payne explained he didn't have much reason to question Dr. Murray since he thought that a doctor selected to work with Michael was top notch.
Bina asked Payne whether he ever met Conrad Murray. The choreographer says he met Murray twice. Payne says the first time he met Dr. Murray was at the Carolwood house.
"I was going up the steps, Dr. Murray going downstairs, Michael introduced us."
Payne was coming up from the basement to the middle floor. Studio was at the basement. Payne said he never went to the top floor of the house. He says the second time was at the Staples Center, after a rehearsal and Jackson was leaving for the day. Both meetings were brief.
When asked how Michael performed on June 23 & 24:
"He was having his process, I didn't expect him to be like he would in front of a crowd," Payne explained. "He was not at show standards ... I didn't expect him to be as he would be in front of a crowd."
Payne: "It ebbed and flowed. Some days were good, some days were not as good."
The last two days were good.
"I thought he was in his way to the goals he set himself," Payne told the jury.
He didn't have any question that MJ would be able to perform , adding that he and others were impressed while watching Jackson rehearse at Staples Center on June 23/24, 2009.
Payne described the day MJ died: He was headed to rehearsal at Michael's home, got a call from his mother who said she saw reports on the news. Payne heard news on the radio, called Staples Center spoke to Stacy Walker, she said they were rehearsing. He was told to go to Staples.
"We were optimistic of his arrival," Payne said explaining they were expecting Michael to rehearse at the Staples Center.
Payne said Ortega got a series of calls. He remembers Kenny saying:
'tell me something that will make me know it's you and that this is true'

" I remember him (Kenny Ortega) collapsing in his seat and crying," Payne testified
Payne said he never saw Michael drink alcohol or take medication but
"Sometimes, in rehearsal, Michael would appear just a little loopy, under the influence of something, but mostly when he would come to the rehearsals from the dermatologist," Payne testified.
That happened two to four times in the weeks before his death, he said. Payne told that he didn't think Jackson had a problem with prescription drugs
"Michael was undergoing personal cosmetic procedures, so he could feel great and do a good job," Payne said.
Payne also said he appeared groggy in the morning sometimes, which he attributed to lack of sleep
"Mr. Jackson just explained to me that he had trouble sleeping, that he was tired, and that satisfied me," Payne testified.
He stated that he's not sure how much weight MJ had lost
Payne mentioned one day in particular at a meeting with Andre Crouch and singers, MJ seemed a little out of it
Payne said at one point, he & others tried to bring in a top physical therapist who works with Olympic athletes to help Michael. Jackson didn't work w/physical therapist flown in for him.
"At the last minute we realized that Michael was not going to go through with it. He was just not comfortable with the invasion of personal space."
Bina played a clip of This Is It from Jun 4 showing the green screen and making of "Drill" and Michael talking about the cool moves, dancing. Payne said the idea was to show the rehearsals and how things came together. The footage itself wasn't altered, but there was editing. Payne said they picked the best of the rehearsal to include in the documentary. He wanted to reshoot some scenes but was not allowed. Payne, who was an associate producer on the This Is It documentary, said the footage of Jackson had not been retouched or altered.
Jackson cross
Attorney Brian Panish cross examined Payne. He asked if Michael ever performed the entire show from beginning to end. Payne said "No"
"Was he ready to perform for an audience?", Panish asked.
"I thought he was on his way to the goals he had set for himself," Payne answered. "All I saw was improvement and getting closer to the goals"
Payne's impression was that MJ loved being a father. He said he saw the beauty of their relationships, loyalty to one another.
"When we rehearsed, we had meals together," Payne recalled, talking about Michael and all three children.
Payne thought the relationship between MJ and Prince was awesome, Michael was a proud father, great to see how they interacted. Prince wanted to be a director, Michael would point out things to him during rehearsal should that be his career, Payne remembered.
As to Paris Jackson, Payne said he saw a very protective young lady, smart, astute, with knowledge of the production, very hands on. Paris, who was 11 at the time, was
"a very retentive young lady who was very, very smart, very astute," Payne testified. "She had full knowledge of the day-to-day operations, from the time of lunch and what it was going to be, she was hands on -- far beyond her age," he said. "She had a lot of responsibility, which I think she welcomed"
Payne said she was "the female of the house," and also "a daddy's girl."
"She really loved her father," he said. "At that time, she was coming to find out his global successes and presence, so she would wear her Michael Jackson t-shirt, headband and bag," he said.
It was Paris who would bless the food when they were have lunch with their father at home, he said.
"She was always the most vocal of the three children and was very concerned about many of the details of the house, was the temperature correct, what do you want to eat," Payne testified. "She just handled a lot for her young age"
Blanket, who was 7 when his father died, was the most quiet of the three. He liked to watch his father rehearsing his dances with Payne in the basement studio of their home, Payne said.
"He was quiet, but always right there with his dad," he said.
Michael guided and mentored him. Payne said he would be proud if MJ was his father and agreed the children suffered a tremendous loss. When rehearsing with Jackson at his Holmby Hills residence, Payne said the singer clearly delighted in being a father and shared meals with all three
"I saw the beauty of their relationships. I saw their loyalty to their father, I saw his loyalty to them. Their father enlightened them and taught them", he testified. "I was very proud to see Michael as such a loving father."
Panish: "Was Paris a Daddy's girl?"
Payne: "Yes, I believe so"
His description of the close relationship Paris (15) and Prince (16) had with their father four years ago could foreshadow the significance of the children's testimony later in the trial.
Payne always carries a video camera with him and shot videos of rehearsal. AEG took the footage that Payne shot and never returned to him. Email from Randy to Paul:
"Make sure you take out the shots of Michael in that red jacket... He looks way too thin and skeletal."
Payne said he was not aware of the email. He said Michael looked thin, but not skeletal. He doesn't know if Paul/Randy took any the footage out. The email was not displayed for the jury
As for Michael's relationship with Katherine, Payne said
"there's no secret that he loved his mother very much. It is kind of common knowledge"

"Karen Faye is a make up artist. She designed the make up, was always there when Michael was there", Payne testified.
Payne said Faye and MJ had a long term working relationship. They spent a lot of personal time together. Faye was concerned and frustrated with how Michael looked. She went to Payne kind of in an aggressive way. Payne told her to report to Ortega.
Payne said he wanted MJ to have a physical therapist, nutritionist, massage therapist, and have his family around. He said this was a different scenario.
"This was the first time MJ was working with AEG," Payne testified, saying he had always been hired by MJJ production before.
Payne said this was the first time Michael was not the sole producer of the show. Payne started working without a signed contract. He was being paid by AEG. Panish showed Payne's written contract. It is between Payne and AEG, beginning April 1, 2009. The contract said only AEG could cancel it. He testified that there was a delay in his contract with AEG because the salary was not in line with his standard charges, but that things worked out after he had a conversation with Jackson. Payne also said he believed AEG was paying Murray's salary, not Jackson
Payne was hired and paid by AEG. His contract was with AEG.
Panish: "Who could fire you. AEG?"
Payne: "I'm sure"
Things became heated when Panish inquired about a text message Karen Faye sent to Payne that accused him of lying to the media after Michael's death. He said earlier Faye had approached him in an "aggressive" way about her concern for Jackson's health but he told her to take her concerns to Ortega.
"I do not remember receiving a text message from Karen Faye asking why I was lying to the media," Payne explained.
Panish: "Were you upset when MJ died?"
Payne: "Yes"
During cross-examination, Payne was shown several photos of premieres for the This Is It documentary .Panish shows a picture of Payne at the red carpet premiere. He agreed he was happy about the premiere. In one, Ortega & AEG executive Randy Phillips flank Jackson's manager, Frank DiLeo, who has a cigar hanging out of his mouth. All three are grinning. Brian Panish, the attorney for Jackson's family, remarked that everyone looked pretty happy
Payne said he wasn't privy to details of what was expected of Dr. Murray. AEG was producepromoter, but MJ was the star, had to be happy
Panish reminded Payne that he had testified in his deposition that AEG was
"trying to protect its investment"

"I don't have a dog in this race so I'm not on either side", an aggravated Payne countered adding that he felt Panish was being aggressive. "I'm just saying I don't want to be painted as somebody who's trying to mask anything".
After several hours of testy exchanges with Panish, his voice quivered and he dabbed his eyes with a tissue.
"I'm just trying to have a conversation with you and tell the truth."
Panish asked Payne if defendants' attorney approached him during lunch to show him some documents. He said yes, he saw parts of his deposition
Under cross examination, Payne acknowledged that some of Jackson's behavior, including grogginess, lethargy, insomnia and occasional paranoia, were possible symptoms of prescription drug abuse. He also said that despite testifying earlier that he worked with Jackson one-on-one five days a week, he couldn't recall how many rehearsals the singer actually attended
Panish after lunch break got Travis Payne to concede Jackson wasn't present for a May 19, 2009 rehearsal. Payne also conceded that Jackson was a no-show for a June 22, 2009 rehearsal. Panish confronted Payne saying that yesterday he said he was with MJ at a dance studio on May 19, that they were up on their feet & danced.
Panish: "Sir, Michael was not with you May 19, 2009, was he?"
Payne: "No"
Panish: "He was at the doctor"
Payne: "If you're saying, I'm not disputing"
Panish said that on May 19, Michael was having a cyst removed at Dr. Klein's office, so he could not have been rehearsing with Payne.
Panish then said on Jun 22 MJ wasn't there either, "was he?"
Payne said he didn't know.
Panish said MJ was at another doctor's office
Payne said he may have made a mistake about Jackson's whereabouts & he didn't know his personal schedule. Travis Payne had testified yesterday that he and Jackson ran through certain songs on May 19th. He said today he was testifying based on the schedule and notes he compiled and that his recollection might be wrong
"We're human, sometimes we make mistakes," Payne explained, saying he's not disputing that Michael was or wasn't there on those dates.
Payne said there was always something for Michael to do.
"He needed to come to rehearsal, it was part of the job"
Payne said Michael had a hard time picking up some of the material. He was having trouble learning dances, Payne says. Email from Ortega to Gongaware:
"He has been slow at grabbing hold of the work"
Jackson was having trouble learning dances, choreographer Travis Payne says
"Prior to June, I noticed Mr. Jackson was thinner than I recognized him," Payne said, noting he never saw sudden weight change in MJ.
Second time Payne saw Dr. Murray was the night before Michael died at Staples Center.
"I wanted Michael to go home and go to sleep" Payne recalls. Payne said something about Murray felt off, Payne said. "He didn't feel like an official doctor"
Payne knew MJ had sleeping problems and that Dr. Murray was treating him for that. Ortega also knew; Payne thought Gongaware was aware too. Payne also said he and Ortega knew that Jackson was having sleep problems. Attorney Brian Panish asks if AEG executives knew. There were several objections, and Payne was only allowed to answer "No" as to whether Paul Gongaware knew about Michael's sleep problems
Panish asked Payne about choosing Jackson's dancers for This Is It. Payne says they were whittled down from 5,000 applicants. Applicants submitted video clips and their submissions were used to cull down potential dancers from there. Payne said they received 5,000 applications for dancers, about 2,500 showed up for the audition.He taught them some dance moves, and the pool was further narrowed down. Michael chose the dancers
Panish then asked Payne whether he knew how many doctors AEG interviewed to work with Jackson on This Is It. "No", Payne says. Payne also says he isn't aware how much interviewing or investigation into Murray that AEG did.(Panish's point appears to be that there was more scrutiny of backup dancers than Conrad Murray)
During preparations for This Is It, Michael at times seemed "under the influence of something" and once couldn't take the stage because he appeared incoherent, Payne testified.
Payne said he was aware that Jackson had problems sleeping and chalked up the singer's sometimes erratic behavior to sleep aids or sedatives from his dermatologist visits.
"You have to understand that one always says hindsight is 20/20. In the moment I had no inkling of what, ultimately, what was revealed until Mr. Jackson's passing", he said
Payne saw Michael tired and fatigued. He agreed that those symptoms could be signs of drug addiction. Payne was aware that MJ was losing weight during rehearsals and he had not seeing him lose weight like that before.
"He was not in great physical shape and was sore,working up his stamina. Lack of sleep and proper nourishment were starting to show", Payne said.
Payne says at one point, he told Kenny Ortega that Jackson appeared "assisted" (meaning that he thought he was on drugs\meds)
Payne said some people were concerned about the goals not being met, including Randy Phillips and Paul Gongaware. Payne learned what Demerol was after MJ died. He also remembers a mention of Demerol in the song "Morphine".
Panish asked if MJ knew the lyrics of his songs.
"I think he did, he knew most of them, but he wanted to have a Teleprompter for safety.He didn't want to make any mistakes, to refresh his memory. Also to use for sequence of songs",Payne said.
Payne agreed that it was very unusual for Michael to have a Teleprompter with the lyrics of his own songs. He never used it before. Payne didn't specify which songs Jackson wanted the teleprompter for
Payne said a body double was requested for Michael. Misha Gabriel was his body double, but shorter than him. Some of the scenes in the documentary are with the body double, Payne testified. Payne remembers at the Culver Studios in Smooth Criminal there was a stunt and Misha was asked to jump through a glass plate
Payne said most the time, MJ was present at rehearsals. "It wasn't a big deal," he expressed
Panish showed an email from the band leader Michael Bearden:
"Michael is not in shape enough yet to sing this stuff live and dance at the same time. He can use the ballads to sing live and get his stamina back up, Once he's healthy enough and has more strength I Have full confidence he can sing the majority of the show live. His voice sounds amazing right now, he needs to build it back up. I still need all big dance numbers to be in the system so we can concentrate on choreography."
Payne was aware that AEG was considering in mid June pulling the plug on the show. He said Michael looked exhausted & paranoid on Jun 19. Jackson's condition and missed rehearsals led to talk within the last 10 days of Jackson's life that AEG Live LLC, which was promoting "This Is It," might cancel the concert series.
"It was 'We've got to get this together or the plug may be pulled,'" Payne says
Payne was working for AEG and said he relayed his concerns about Jackson's possible prescription drug use and that he was exhibiting troubling signs of insomnia, weight loss and paranoia in his final days to tour director Kenny Ortega. Jackson was struggling to get into shape for the shows, and Payne said his voice coach suggested using a voice track for fast-paced songs until the singer's stamina improved.
Payne went to Michael's house on June 20. He was cold and had to light the fireplace and rub his hand and feet to warm himself up
Panish showed a picture of Michael on June 24 rehearsing "Thriller"; Payne said MJ improved but was not at his best yet.
Panish: "Around June 20, was Ortega in the mindset that Michael Jackson was not ready for this?" Payne: "Yes"
Payne said Michael was not ready, it was not the Michael he knew. He died four days later. But he didn't see anything that alarmed him on June 23/24
Panish:" Did you see that Michael was getting pressured to get everything done in the last days?" Payne: "Yes"
Payne said he could sense something was wrong, but didn't know what it was. He said Jackson's performances in the final days of his life were impressive, and it felt
"like we were definitely on an upswing"

"I never doubted Michael because he was the architect of this and he wanted to do it, so part of my responsibility was to help him get there", Payne said, his voice racked with emotion.
Panish ended his direct examination of choreographer Travis Payne with three questions.
Panish: "Did you see that Michael Jackson appeared to be pressured to get everything done at the Staples last rehearsals?"
"Yes," Payne said
Panish: "The pressure about the shows started to manifest itself physically in Michael Jackson?"
"Yes," Payne replied.
Panish:" You could sense that something was wrong, you just didn't know what it was?"
Payne responded "Yes."
AEG re-direct
Payne's demeanor changed after Panish finished questioning him. He was holding back tears when the AEG attorney started re-direct examination. For the next several moments, Payne blinked and dabbed both eyes with a tissue. It was the first time he'd gotten emotional on the stand.
Bina in re-direct asked: "Do you think you could get him there?"
Payne: "Absolutely!"
Bina asked Payne again about how many rehearsals Jackson attended. Payne said MJ was present a significant amount of the days he was scheduled to work but he couldn't recall dates, precisely how many that Jackson attended.
As to Gongaware's email regarding what was expected of Dr. Murray, Payne said the inconsistencies with Michael missing rehearsals warrant a talk. Payne said he thought Dr. Murray was there to care for his patient, making sure right nutritionist was there, to get him ready for the show. Payne never discussed with MJ about his doctors or personal affairs. Payne and Faye were professionals with each other, but not friends.
"Production felt he wasn't coming to rehearsals enough, and that was frustrating to some of the staff," Payne testified. "I had a concern we needed to create a show Michael would enjoy doing it," Payne explained
She also showed Payne photos from the This Is It premiere. First photo is of Payne shaking Jermaine Jackson's hand at the movie premiere. Bina also showed another image of smiling Jermaine, Tito, Jackie and Marlon with Payne at the premiere. Payne cried saying he had been through so much and the rough part was behind them. He was pleased to show the fans what the show was to be.
Jackson re-cross
In re-cross, Panish notes that none of Michael's brothers are part of this lawsuit.
Panish then asked Payne whether Katherine Jackson and Michael's kids went to the premiere. Panish says Katherine Jackson & her grandchildren didn't go to the premiere because they weren't over Jackson's death. Payne said he didn't think anyone was over Jackson's death when the film premiered in late 2009.
Court Transcript
submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to WhereWasMJToday [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:39 HHHRobot Daily Discussion Thread 05/14/2024

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2024.05.14 14:01 Zappingsbrew A post talking about 400 words

abandon, ability, able, about, above, absence, absolute, absolutely, abstract, abundance, academy, accent, accept, access, accident, accompany, accomplish, according, account, accurate, achieve, achievement, acid, acknowledge, acquire, across, action, active, activity, actor, actual, actually, adapt, addition, additional, address, adequate, adjust, administration, admire, admission, admit, adolescent, adopt, adult, advance, advantage, adventure, advertise, advice, advise, adviser, advocate, affair, affect, afford, afraid, after, afternoon, again, against, age, agency, agenda, agent, aggressive, ago, agree, agreement, agriculture, ahead, aid, aim, air, aircraft, airline, airport, alarm, album, alcohol, alive, all, alliance, allow, ally, almost, alone, along, already, also, alter, alternative, although, always, amateur, amazing, ambition, ambulance, among, amount, analysis, analyst, analyze, ancient, and, anger, angle, angry, animal, anniversary, announce, annual, another, answer, anticipate, anxiety, any, anybody, anymore, anyone, anything, anyway, anywhere, apart, apartment, apologize, apparent, apparently, appeal, appear, appearance, apple, application, apply, appoint, appointment, appreciate, approach, appropriate, approval, approve, approximately, architect, area, argue, argument, arise, arm, armed, army, around, arrange, arrangement, arrest, arrival, arrive, art, article, artist, artistic, as, ashamed, aside, ask, asleep, aspect, assault, assert, assess, assessment, asset, assign, assignment, assist, assistance, assistant, associate, association, assume, assumption, assure, at, athlete, athletic, atmosphere, attach, attack, attempt, attend, attention, attitude, attorney, attract, attraction, attractive, attribute, audience, author, authority, auto, available, average, avoid, award, aware, awareness, away, awful, baby, back, background, bad, badly, bag, balance, ball, ban, band, bank, bar, barely, barrel, barrier, base, baseball, basic, basically, basis, basket, basketball, bath, bathroom, battery, battle, be, beach, bear, beat, beautiful, beauty, because, become, bed, bedroom, bee, beef, beer, before, begin, beginning, behavior, behind, being, belief, believe, bell, belong, below, belt, bench, bend, beneath, benefit, beside, besides, best, bet, better, between, beyond, bicycle, big, bike, bill, billion, bind, biological, bird, birth, birthday, bit, bite, black, blade, blame, blanket, blind, block, blood, blow, blue, board, boat, body, bomb, bombing, bond, bone, book, boom, boot, border, boring, born, borrow, boss, both, bother, bottle, bottom, boundary, bowl, box, boy, boyfriend, brain, branch, brand, brave, bread, break, breakfast, breast, breath, breathe, brick, bridge, brief, briefly, bright, brilliant, bring, broad, broken, brother, brown, brush, buck, budget, build, building, bullet, bunch, burden, burn, bury, bus, business, busy, but, butter, button, buy, buyer, by, cabin, cabinet, cable, cake, calculate, call, camera, camp, campaign, campus, can, Canadian, cancer, candidate, cap, capability, capable, capacity, capital, captain, capture, car, carbon, card, care, career, careful, carefully, carrier, carry, case, cash, cast, cat, catch, category, Catholic, cause, ceiling, celebrate, celebration, celebrity, cell, center, central, century, CEO, ceremony, certain, certainly, chain, chair, chairman, challenge, chamber, champion, championship, chance, change, changing, channel, chapter, character, characteristic, characterize, charge, charity, chart, chase, cheap, check, cheek, cheese, chef, chemical, chest, chicken, chief, child, childhood, Chinese, chip, chocolate, choice, cholesterol, choose, Christian, Christmas, church, cigarette, circle, circumstance, cite, citizen, city, civil, civilian, claim, class, classic, classroom, clean, clear, clearly, client, climate, climb, clinic, clinical, clock, close, closely, closer, clothes, clothing, cloud, club, clue, cluster, coach, coal, coalition, coast, coat, code, coffee, cognitive, cold, collapse, colleague, collect, collection, collective, college, colonial, color, column, combination, combine, come, comedy, comfort, comfortable, command, commander, comment, commercial, commission, commit, commitment, committee, common, communicate, communication, community, company, compare, comparison, compete, competition, competitive, competitor, complain, complaint, complete, completely, complex, complexity, compliance, complicate, complicated, component, compose, composition, comprehensive, computer, concentrate, concentration, concept, concern, concerned, concert, conclude, conclusion, concrete, condition, conduct, conference, confidence, confident, confirm, conflict, confront, confusion, Congress, congressional, connect, connection, consciousness, consensus, consequence, conservative, consider, considerable, consideration, consist, consistent, constant, constantly, constitute, constitutional, construct, construction, consultant, consume, consumer, consumption, contact, contain, container, contemporary, content, contest, context, continue, continued, contract, contrast, contribute, contribution, control, controversial, controversy, convention, conventional, conversation, convert, conviction, convince, cook, cookie, cooking, cool, cooperation, cop, cope, copy, core, corn, corner, corporate, corporation, correct, correspondent, cost, cotton, couch, could, council, count, counter, country, county, couple, courage, course, court, cousin, cover, coverage, cow, crack, craft, crash, crazy, cream, create, creation, creative, creature, credit, crew, crime, criminal, crisis, criteria, critic, critical, criticism, criticize, crop, cross, crowd, crucial, cry, cultural, culture, cup, curious, current, currently, curriculum, custom, customer, cut, cycle, dad, daily, damage, dance, danger, dangerous, dare, dark, darkness, data, database, date, daughter, day, dead, deal, dealer, dear, death, debate, debt, decade, decide, decision, deck, declare, decline, decrease, deep, deeply, deer, defeat, defend, defendant, defense, defensive, deficit, define, definitely, definition, degree, delay, deliver, delivery, demand, democracy, Democratic, Democrat, demonstrate, demonstration, deny, department, depend, dependent, depending, depict, depression, depth, deputy, derive, describe, description, desert, deserve, design, designer, desire, desk, desperate, despite, destroy, destruction, detail, detailed, detect, detection, detective, determine, develop, developing, development, device, devil, dialogue, diet, differ, difference, different, differently, difficult, difficulty, dig, digital, dimension, dining, dinner, direct, direction, directly, director, dirt, disability, disagree, disappear, disaster, discipline, disclose, discover, discovery, discrimination, discuss, discussion, disease, dish, dismiss, disorder, display, dispute, distance, distinct, distinction, distinguish, distribute, distribution, district, diverse, diversity, divide, division, divorce, DNA, do, doctor, document, dog, domestic, dominant, dominate, door, double, doubt, down, downtown, dozen, draft, drag, drama, dramatic, dramatically, draw, drawer, drawing, dream, dress, drink, drive, driver, drop, drug, dry, due, during, dust, duty, dwell, dying, dynamic, each, eager, ear, earlier, early, earn, earnings, earth, earthquake, ease, easily, east, eastern, easy, eat, economic, economy, edge, edit, edition, editor, educate, education, educational, educator, effect, effective, effectively, efficiency, efficient, effort, egg, eight, either, elderly, elect, election, electric, electrical, electricity, electronic, element, elementary, eliminate, elite, else, elsewhere, e-mail, embrace, emerge, emergency, emission, emotion, emotional, emphasis, emphasize, employ, employee, employer, employment, empty, enable, encounter, encourage, end, enemy, energy, enforcement, engage, engine, engineer, engineering, English, enhance, enjoy, enormous, enough, ensure, enter, enterprise, entertain, entertainment, entire, entirely, entrance, entry, environment, environmental, episode, equal, equally, equipment, equivalent, era, error, escape, especially, essay, essential, essentially, establish, establishment, estate, estimate, etc, ethics, ethnic, European, evaluate, evaluation, evening, event, eventually, ever, every, everybody, everyday, everyone, everything, everywhere, evidence, evolution, evolve, exact, exactly, exam, examination, examine, example, exceed, excellent, except, exception, exchange, exciting, executive, exercise, exhibit, exhibition, exist, existence, existing, expand, expansion, expect, expectation, expense, expensive, experience, experiment, expert, explain, explanation, explode, explore, explosion, expose, exposure, express, expression, extend, extension, extensive, extent, external, extra, extraordinary, extreme, extremely, eye, fabric, face, facility, fact, factor, factory, faculty, fade, fail, failure, fair, fairly, faith, fall, false, familiar, family, famous, fan, fantasy, far, farm, farmer, fashion, fast, fat, fate, father, fault, favor, favorite, fear, feature, federal, fee, feed, feel, feeling, fellow, female, fence, festival, few, fewer, fiber, fiction, field, fifteen, fifth, fifty, fight, fighter, fighting, figure, file, fill, film, final, finally, finance, financial, find, finding, fine, finger, finish, fire, firm, first, fish, fishing, fit, fitness, five, fix, flag, flame, flat, flavor, flee, flesh, flight, float, floor, flow, flower, fly, focus, folk, follow, following, food, foot, football, for, force, foreign, forest, forever, forget, form, formal, formation, former, formula, forth, fortune, forward, found, foundation, founder, four, fourth, frame, framework, free, freedom, freeze, French, frequency, frequent, frequently, fresh, friend, friendly, friendship, from, front, fruit, frustration, fuel, fulfill, full, fully, fun, function, fund, fundamental, funding, funeral, funny, furniture, furthermore, future, gain, galaxy, gallery, game, gang, gap, garage, garden, garlic, gas, gate, gather, gay, gaze, gear, gender, gene, general, generally, generate, generation, genetic, gentleman, gently, German, gesture, get, ghost, giant, gift, gifted, girl, girlfriend, give, given, glad, glance, glass, global, glove, go, goal, God, gold, golden, golf, good, govern, government, governor, grab, grace, grade, gradually, graduate, grain, grand, grandmother, grant, grass, grave, gray, great, green, grocery, ground, group, grow, growing, growth, guarantee, guard, guess, guest, guide, guideline, guilty, gun, guy, habit, habitat, hair, half, hall, hand, handful, handle, hang, happen, happy, harbor, hard, hardly, hat, hate, have, he, head, headline, headquarters, health, healthy, hear, hearing, heart, heat, heaven, heavily, heavy, heel, height, helicopter, hell, hello, help, helpful, hence, her, herb, here, heritage, hero, herself, hey, hi, hide, high, highlight, highly, highway, hill, him, himself, hip, hire, his, historic, historical, history, hit, hold, hole, holiday, holy, home, homeless, honest, honey, honor, hope, horizon, horror, horse, hospital, host, hot, hotel, hour, house, household, housing, how, however, huge, human, humor, hundred, hungry, hunter, hunting, hurt, husband, hypothesis, ice, idea, ideal, identification, identify, identity, ignore, ill, illegal, illness, illustrate, image, imagination, imagine, immediate, immediately, immigrant, immigration, impact, implement, implication, imply, importance, important, impose, impossible, impress, impression, impressive, improve, improvement, incentive, incident, include, including, income, incorporate, increase, increased, increasingly, incredible, indeed, independence, independent, index, indicate, indication, individual, industrial, industry, infant, infection, inflation, influence, inform, information, ingredient, initial, initially, initiative, injury, inner, innocent, inquiry, inside, insight, insist, inspire, install, instance, instead, institute, institution, institutional, instruction, instructor, instrument, insurance, intellectual, intelligence, intend, intense, intensity, intention, interaction, interest, interested, interesting, internal, international, Internet, interpret, interpretation, intervention, interview, introduce, introduction, invasion, invest, investigation, investigator, investment, investor, invite, involve, involved, involvement, Iraqi, Irish, iron, Islamic, island, Israeli, issue, it, Italian, item, its, itself, jacket, jail, Japanese, jet, Jew, Jewish, job, join, joint, joke, journal, journalist, journey, joy, judge, judgment, juice, jump, junior, jury, just, justice, justify, keep, key, kick, kid, kill, killer, killing, kind, king, kiss, kitchen, knee, knife, knock, know, knowledge, lab, label, labor, laboratory, lack, lady, lake, land, landscape, language, lap, large, largely, last, late, later, Latin, latter, laugh, launch, law, lawsuit, lawyer, lay, layer, lead, leader, leadership, leading, leaf, league, lean, learn, learning, least, leather, leave, left, leg, legacy, legal, legend, legislation, legislative, legislator, legitimate, lemon, length, less, lesson, let, letter, level, liberal, library, license, lie, life, lifestyle, lifetime, lift, light, like, likely, limit, limitation, limited, line, link, lip, list, listen, literary, literature, little, live, living, load, loan, local, locate, location, lock, long, long-term, look, loose, lose, loss, lost, lot, lots, loud, love, lovely, lover, low, lower, luck, lucky, lunch, luxury, machine, mad, magazine, mail, main, mainly, maintain, maintenance, major, majority, make, maker, makeup, male, mall, man, manage, management, manager, manner, manufacturer, manufacturing, many, map, margin, mark, market, marketing, marriage, married, marry, mask, mass, massive, master, match, material, math, matter, may, maybe, mayor, me, meal, mean, meaning, meanwhile, measure, measurement, meat, mechanism, media, medical, medication, medicine, medium, meet, meeting, member, membership, memory, mental, mention, menu, mere, merely, mess, message, metal, meter, method, Mexican, middle, might, military, milk, million, mind, mine, minister, minor, minority, minute, miracle, mirror, miss, missile, mission, mistake, mix, mixture, mm-hmm, mode, model, moderate, modern, modest, mom, moment, money, monitor, month, mood, moon, moral, more, moreover, morning, mortgage, most, mostly, mother, motion, motivation, motor, mountain, mouse, mouth, move, movement, movie, Mr, Mrs, Ms, much, multiple, murder, muscle, museum, music, musical, musician, Muslim, must, mutual, my, myself, mystery, myth, naked, name, narrative, narrow, nation, national, native, natural, naturally, nature, near, nearby, nearly, necessarily, necessary, neck, need, negative, negotiate, negotiation, neighbor, neighborhood, neither, nerve, nervous, net, network, never, nevertheless, new, newly, news, newspaper, next, nice, night, nine, no, nobody, nod, noise, nomination, nominee, none, nonetheless, nor, normal, normally, north, northern, nose, not, note, nothing, notice, notion, novel, now, nowhere, nuclear, number, numerous, nurse, nut, object, objective, obligation, observation, observe, observer, obtain, obvious, obviously, occasion, occasionally, occupation, occupy, occur, ocean, odd, odds, of, off, offense, offensive, offer, office, officer, official, often, oh, oil, okay, old, Olympic, on, once, one, ongoing, onion, online, only, onto, open, opening, operate, operating, operation, operator, opinion, opponent, opportunity, oppose, opposed, opposite, opposition, option, or, orange, order, ordinary, organic, organization, organize, orientation, origin, original, originally, other, others, otherwise, ought, our, ours, ourselves, out, outcome, outside, oven, over, overall, overcome, overlook, owe, own, owner, pace, pack, package, page, pain, painful, paint, painter, painting, pair, pale, Palestinian, palm, pan, panel, panic, pant, paper, paragraph, parent, park, parking, part, participant, participate, participation, particle, particular, particularly, partly, partner, partnership, party, pass, passage, passenger, passion, past, patch, path, patient, pattern, pause, pay, payment, PC, peace, peak, peer, pen, penalty, people, pepper, per, perceive, percentage, perception, perfect, perfectly, perform, performance, perhaps, period, permanent, permission, permit, person, personal, personality, personally, personnel, perspective, persuade, pet, phase, phenomenon, philosophy, phone, photo, photographer, phrase, physical, physically, physician, piano, pick, picture, pie, piece, pile, pilot, pine, pink, pipe, pitch, place, plan, plane, planet, planning, plant, plastic, plate, platform, play, player, please, pleasure, plenty, plot, plus, PM, pocket, poem, poet, poetry, point, police, policy, political, politically, politician, politics, poll, pollution, pool, poor, pop, popular, population, porch, port, portion, portrait, portray, pose, position, positive, possess, possession, possibility, possible, possibly, post, pot, potato, potential, potentially, pound, pour, poverty, powder, power, powerful, practical, practice, prayer, preach, precisely, predict, prediction, prefer, preference, pregnancy, pregnant, preparation, prepare, prescription, presence, present, presentation, preserve, president, presidential, press, pressure, pretend, pretty, prevent, previous, previously, price, pride, priest, primarily, primary, prime, principal, principle, print, prior, priority, prison, prisoner, privacy, private, probably, problem, procedure, proceed, process, processing, processor, proclaim, produce, producer, product, production, profession, professional, professor, profile, profit, program, progress, progressive, project, prominent, promise, promote, prompt, proof, proper, properly, property, proportion, proposal, propose, prosecutor, prospect, protect, protection, protein, protest, proud, prove, provide, provider, province, provision, psychological, psychology, public, publication, publicity, publish, publisher, pull, punishment, purchase, pure, purpose, pursue, push, put, qualify, quality, quarter, quarterback, quarterly, queen, quest, question, quick, quickly, quiet, quietly, quit, quite, quote, race, racial, radiation, radical, radio, rail, rain, raise, range, rank, rapid, rapidly, rare, rarely, rate, rather, rating, ratio, raw, reach, react, reaction, reader, reading, ready, real, reality, realize, really, reason, reasonable, recall, receive, recent, recently, reception, recipe, recipient, recognition, recognize, recommend, recommendation, record, recording, recover, recovery, recruit, red, reduce, reduction, refer, reference, reflect, reflection, reform, refugee, refuse, regard, regarding, regardless, regime, region, regional, register, regular, regularly, regulate, regulation, regulator, reinforce, reject, relate, relation, relationship, relative, relatively, relax, release, relevant, relief, religion, religious, rely, remain, remaining, remarkable, remember, remind, remote, remove, repeat, repeatedly, replace, replacement, reply, report, reporter, represent, representation, representative, Republican, reputation, request, require, requirement, research, researcher, resemble, reservation, resident, residential, resign, resist, resistance, resolution, resolve, resort, resource, respect, respond, response, responsibility, responsible, rest, restaurant, restore, restriction, result, retain, retire, retirement, return, reveal, revenue, review, revolution, rhythm, rice, rich, rid, ride, rifle, right, ring, rise, risk, river, road, rock, role, roll, romantic, roof, room, root, rope, rose, rough, roughly, round, route, routine, row, rub, rubber, rude, ruin, rule, run, running, rural, rush, Russian, sacred, sad, safe, safety, sake, salad, salary, sale, sales, salt, same, sample, sanction, sand, satellite, satisfaction, satisfied, satisfy, sauce, save, saving, say, scale, scandal, scare, scatter, scenario, scene, schedule, scheme, scholar, scholarship, school, science, scientific, scientist, scope, score, scream, screen, script, sea, search, season, seat, second, secondary, secret, secretary, section, sector, secure, security, see, seed, seek, seem, segment, seize, select, selection, self, sell, Senate, senator, send, senior, sense, sensitive, sentence, separate, sequence, series, serious, seriously, servant, serve, service, session, set, setting, settle, settlement, seven, several, severe, sex, sexual, shade, shadow, shake, shall, shallow, shape, share, sharp, she, sheet, shelf, shell, shelter, shift, shine, ship, shirt, shock, shoe, shoot, shooting, shop, shopping, short, shortly, shot, should, shoulder, shout, show, shower, shrug, shut, shy, sibling, sick, side, sigh, sight, sign, signal, significant, significantly, silence, silent, silver, similar, similarly, simple, simply, sin, since, sing, singer, single, sink, sir, sister, sit, site, situation, six, size, ski, skill, skin, skirt, sky, slave, sleep, slice, slide, slight, slightly, slip, slow, slowly, small, smart, smell, smile, smoke, smooth, snap, snow, so, so-called, soccer, social, society, soft, software, soil, solar, soldier, sole, solid, solution, solve, some, somebody, somehow, someone, something, sometimes, somewhat, somewhere, son, song, soon, sophisticated, sorry, sort, soul, sound, soup, source, south, southern, Soviet, space, Spanish, speak, speaker, special, specialist, species, specific, specifically, specify, speech, speed, spend, spending, spin, spirit, spiritual, split, spoil, sponsor, sport, spot, spray, spread, spring, square, squeeze, stability, stable, staff, stage, stain, stair, stake, stand, standard, standing, star, stare, start, state, statement, station, statistical, status, stay, steady, steal, steel, steep, stem, step, stick, still, stimulate, stimulus, stir, stock, stomach, stone, stop, storage, store, storm, story, straight, strange, stranger, strategic, strategy, stream, street, strength, strengthen, stress, stretch, strike, string, strip, stroke, strong, strongly, structural, structure, struggle, student, studio, study, stuff, stupid, style, subject, submit, subsequent, substance, substantial, substitute, succeed, success, successful, successfully, such, sudden, suddenly, sue, suffer, sufficient, sugar, suggest, suggestion, suicide, suit, summer, summit, sun, super, supply, support, supporter, suppose, supposed, Supreme, sure, surely, surface, surgery, surprise, surprised, surprising, surprisingly, surround, survey, survival, survive, survivor, suspect, sustain, swear, sweep, sweet, swim, swing, switch, symbol, symptom, system, table, tactic, tail, take, tale, talent, talk, tall, tank, tap, tape, target, task, taste, tax, taxi, tea, teach, teacher, teaching, team, tear, technical, technique, technology, teen, teenager, telephone, telescope, television, tell, temperature, temporary, ten, tend, tendency, tennis, tension, tent, term, terms, terrible, territory, terror, terrorist, test, testimony, testing, text, than, thank, thanks, that, the, theater, their, them, theme, themselves, then, theory, therapy, there, therefore, these, they, thick, thin, thing, think, thinking, third, thirty, this, those, though, thought, thousand, threat, threaten, three, throat, through, throughout, throw, thus, ticket, tie, tight, time, tiny, tip, tire, tissue, title, to, tobacco, today, toe, together, toilet, token, tolerate, tomato, tomorrow, tone, tongue, tonight, too, tool, tooth, top, topic, toss, total, totally, touch, tough, tour, tourist, tournament, toward, towards, tower, town, toy, trace, track, trade, tradition, traditional, traffic, tragedy, trail, train, training, transfer, transform, transformation, transition, translate, translation, transmission, transmit, transport, transportation, travel, treat, treatment, treaty, tree, tremendous, trend, trial, tribe, trick, trip, troop, trouble, truck, true, truly, trust, truth, try, tube, tunnel, turn, TV, twelve, twenty, twice, twin, two, type, typical, typically, ugly, ultimate, ultimately, unable, uncle, undergo, understand, understanding, unfortunately, uniform, union, unique, unit, United, universal, universe, university, unknown, unless, unlike, until, unusual, up, upon, upper, urban, urge, us, use, used, useful, user, usual, usually, utility, utilize, vacation, valley, valuable, value, variable, variation, variety, various, vary, vast, vegetable, vehicle, venture, version, versus, very, vessel, veteran, via, victim, victory, video, view, viewer, village, violate, violation, violence, violent, virtually, virtue, virus, visibility, visible, vision, visit, visitor, visual, vital, voice, volume, voluntary, volunteer, vote, voter, voting, wage, wait, wake, walk, wall, wander, want, war, warm, warn, warning, wash, waste, watch, water, wave, way, we, weak, weakness, wealth, wealthy, weapon, wear, weather, web, website, wedding, week, weekend, weekly, weigh, weight, welcome, welfare, well, west, western, wet, what, whatever, wheel, when, whenever, where, whereas, whether, which, while, whisper, white, who, whole, whom, whose, why, wide, widely, widespread, wife, wild, wildlife, will, willing, win, wind, window, wine, wing, winner, winter, wipe, wire, wisdom, wise, wish, with, withdraw, within, without, witness, woman, wonder, wonderful, wood, wooden, word, work, worker, working, workout, workplace, works, workshop, world, worried, worry, worth, would, wound, wrap, write, writer, writing, wrong, yard, yeah, year, yell, yellow, yes, yesterday, yet, yield, you, young, your, yours, yourself, youth, zone.
submitted by Zappingsbrew to u/Zappingsbrew [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:58 Delicious_Sector_460 Difficulty levels and the game balance feeling

There is a lot of talking about game balance, gameplay feeling etc. I am wondering if anyone else feels the same as me.
submitted by Delicious_Sector_460 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:52 Lazy_Baby_1109 Career advice for a 16 y.o looking to work in HAVC

Hi guys! I, 16(M), am in my sophomore year of high school, and I was already thinking about what I'm going to do after I graduate. I really don't want to pay over 50k for a university degree, so I decided to look into trades. I was hoping that you could answer a couple of my questions about HVAC. I know that questions are reserved for hvacadvice, but I really wanted to hear the opinions of professionals.
I think some background info is due. I always liked to work with my hands, and I'd hate sitting idly on my ass in a factory or an office all the time. I'd like to go around the city for work. Plus, I've heard that the girls really like guys in trades, so that's definitely a bonus. Not having to rely on someone else to fix my house is also pretty neat. I talked to my career counselor about this, and she recommended a career in HVAC. I really liked the idea. There is plenty of work to go around and the work is diverse enough not to be monotonous.
Now, I'm looking for a trade school. The one I found looks pretty promising. It says that it covers everything from installing and repairing HVAC systems to getting certified to work with refrigerants, but I still have a couple of questions. (Sorry if the questions sound stupid)
  1. What's the difference between a certificate program and an associate's/bachelor's degree program?
  2. Is it better to get an internship or an apprenticeship?
  3. Where do I even get them? Do I look for them myself or does the program provide a list that I get to choose from?
  4. Do you have any tips that would make the experience better for me?
  5. The university says that it would be a good idea to get an additional certification. They offer Ready-to-Work Certificate, HVAC Support Technician Certification, Core & Specialty Tests Certificate, and Senior Level Efficiency Analyst Certification. Do you know if they are any good?
  6. I live in Lancaster, Pennsylvania; what should be my salary expectations once I graduate If I choose to stay here?
Many thanks in advance, guys.
submitted by Lazy_Baby_1109 to HVAC [link] [comments]