Son cums mom


2023.03.26 21:52 Bubbly-Discussion-26 bangla_mom_son


2022.05.09 10:27 Subject-Low9531 Only Mom Son Memes

Welcome to onlymomsonmemes , this is a subreddit intended to cater audience who have mom son incest fantasy. The purpose of this subreddit is entertainment please don't get offended !!

2023.02.26 00:50 yoskiwap JocastaResort2

a safe place for mom/son incest pictures, videos, and stories

2024.05.16 19:41 MANARAOO My Mother destroyed my in-law's life

Helloooo Charlot, I love you so much you are so funny and close to the heart I feel like I am sitting with my friends back home talking gossips when I watch your videos hahahaa . So sorry if my English is not good
First of all I want to apologize. My story is not funny but I really need advice I cant sleep and always thinking I cry in my prayers ask Allah for forgiveness and can not trust anyone.
I am female 28 from Egypt living in Dubai now
First of all I have to tell you I was Raised in Egypt from a middle class family .. buuuuut we always lived like poor, my father loved saving money he didn't like spending money at all even meat or chickens we only had it once a week growing up. Still I have to be fair, my father was a great man he is the best husband and father really always loving and caring for us. May he rest in peace. But I never felt like my mom loved him she always used to complain about him wishing him to die even saying in his face I wish you die and we enjoy your money. I cant blame my mom, still I never agreed with her. After his death she bought us a new home in a fancy neighborhood in Cairo and tried to fit in with the community, but it was always as clear as the sun that we don't belong there.
I got married to an Egyptian guy from a very rich family he was born and raised in Dubai (Arranged mirage), His father is the sweetest man ever I call him father and I really feel like Allah gave me this man replacing the hole in my heart after losing my dear father. Even his mother is a really nice lady she is so classy and since my mirage 5 years ago she never put her nose in our business or anything even we live in the same street. She teached me how to eat, dress, speak like a Dubai lady, me always asking her what is her opinion and she give me her comments in the nicest way possible
Nooow where is the problem... since the beginning of my mirage I was unable to get pregnant we waited for almost two years which is a long time for a middle eastern family, finally when we visited me and my husband discovered that I have issues and need to be treated. My mom called my husband from Egypt asked him to not tell anyone about this thinking that people might think less of me (( WE ARE NOT IN EGYPT ANYMORE)) No one have this mentality here. She was so scared that he might divorce me for this reason and she loses all of this, but deep inside I know hw would never do that he took me to biggest hospitals allover Dubai. Later on I got to know that when people asked her about my pregnancy she used to lie and tell that my husband have issues, Which means people will think less of him now. I got really mad at her but I cant show it (in our culture we can not raise our voices to the parents).
My mother in law we will call her (Su) got to know about the rumor, she spoke to me and she was very angry. Stupid me told my mom about this and they both fought it was kind of big drama lasted for sometime but it all ended when I got pregnant.. My husband funded the entire trip for my mother to come take care of me during my pregnancy this was the first time my mom leave Egypt she was so happy and honestly I was even happier for her specially my husband family have nice home and cars she really lived like a queen for three month everyday Su send us breakfast, lunch, and dinner with the driver.
They started talking to each other again like nothing ever happened, alhamdulilha I have a very beautiful baby girl she is a gift frim god.
Su's friends wanted to visit me to give gifts and pray for the baby.. that day my mom insistent she will cook Egyptian local food for them and show then the actual Egyptian culture. They came and left we had fun and everything went amazing. In the evening Su called me to check on me, my phone was in speaker and mom was next to me.... As usual I asked ((How was the presentation and everything)) Su answered (( the food was good but I have a comment, next time wipe the dished and glasses you can not give people wet dished, but it is ok I guess they understand your mom used to live in the village and she is doing the best she knows))
Now I knowwww this was rude but believe me I know Su very well she doesn't mean anything bad and if she knew my mom is hearing she wouldn't say that. After closing with Su my mom started shouting saying why do you allow her talking to you like that and she raised her voice till my husband woke up and the moment she saw him coming down she started crying telling him please book my tickets I will go back to the village I know your mom were never proud of us as in-laws she is always treating me so bad she shouted at me couple of times (never happened) and she kept saying many other lies then she told him you can ask your wife.. I didn't know what to do and I don't know why even I got mad at Su that time and I agreed to my mom lies.
My husband called Su and said the meanest things I ever heard him saying to her (you also came from a village, if you forgot your roots you can visit your brothers in Egypt bla bla bla)
OMG I wrote tooooo much... short cut ((the drama kept evaluating))
since I guess 2020 Su never entered our home even her relationship with her son became sooooo bad because my mom kept saying more lies and honestly I also did say a lot and I cut my daughter off from that house I never felt guilt I never thought about god punishment till recently.
I got a call from Su she was crying she said I will never forgive you even after life I will ask god to take my revenge from you and your mother you destroyed my home and family and your mother is texting my husband what she wants from him, she told me I pray everyday to God that your daughter do to you the same as my son did to me.. she said many things I couldn't forget
Apparently my mom is texting my father in law and I have no idea what type of conversation they are having that made her swallow her pride and call me.. later on I got to know that she left the home and staying with her daughter.
I feel horrible, I suddenly realized how amazing this woman is.. the pain we caused to her.. honestly I am thinking of telling my Husband the truth but I am so scared of him I cant trust him also now.. He hurt his mother soooo easy what will he do with me.
I feel like I don't love or trust him anymore after he cut his mother off.. even if it was for me she is his mother.. he will do the same with me someday or another
and my mother I am so angry at her she destroyed the family and now she is going to destroy my life also if my husband get to know what is happening between her and his father and she did all of that because she is jealous of Su ... I know i am kind of answering myself but I caaaant sleep I want to tell the truth but for sure my life will be destroyed I will lose my husband AND my mother ... Plus I dont think Su will go back even after I say the truth .. I feel like they will not bother apologize to her at this point as well which will kill her
it is better for her and for everyone like this but I just feel so guilty .. please advise me everyone
I have toooo many things in my heart to say but i already wrote tooo much I need to talk with someone
submitted by MANARAOO to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:38 xbox_mac 39m, Religious parents had mixed reactions to a hypothetical question about having a bi/gay son. Anyone else decide not to come out to a strict/religious family, and only tell close friends? (especially at an older age).

I grew up in the Boston area and attended church every Sunday until I turned 18, after which I decided to stop. My parents still attend church, but my views on religion, the world, and my feelings towards same-sex relationships have changed significantly. I had my first gay experience at 20, and in the last six months, since separating from my wife, I have been more open about my bisexuality, having only had a few experiences in the past seven years. Interestingly, my first ex-wife, who was uncomfortable with my history of exploring my sexuality, has become much more accepting now, and after 7 years after our divorce, we have become close friends again.
Recently, a conversation about LGBTQ+ rights came up because of something in the national news. My dad, who is 78, occasionally makes homophobic jokes, which bothers me even though I try to brush them off. When I asked him hypothetically how he would feel if he had a gay son, he said he would still love him but then made another joke about an old gay coworker from the 70s. My mom, on the other hand, expressed that she found the idea of having a gay son "yucky" and wrong, suggesting she might not be accepting.
This conversation happened a month or two ago, and I was surprised because I thought my mom would be more understanding than my dad. I did tell my sister, who is 47 and very close to me, and she has always been supportive and knows who I really am.
Has anyone else experienced a similar situation? It bothers me more as the years go by, and comments like these hurt my feelings now that I'm more mature and aware and identify as bi to most people. When I visit or live with my parents temporarily, I stand up for the LGBTQ+ community whenever I can. I often mention that I have gay friends and emphasize that they are just people like you and me, and I support gay rights.
submitted by xbox_mac to bisexual [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:36 SirJosephGrizzly Stuff

Missy loved to shop.
No, she wasn't one of those spoiled brats buying up all the Jimmy Choos on Rodeo. She was sensible, practical; a thrifter. There hadn't been a garage, yard or estate sale in a 20 mile area she didn't ravage. Twice a week, if not more, she would rampage through every clearance aisle in town. No Goodwill or Salvation Army was safe either. "The Circuit," her kids who didn't understand her compulsion always called it.
The only thing Missy enjoyed more than buying stuff was keeping it.
Over time, her home had become a certifiable death trap. Boxes of outdated appliances stacked high atop every seating surface, unrelinquished clothes filled up every square centimeter of every closet and a smorgasbord of cheap nick-nacks had eventually added up to an expensive collection that was worth nothing.
Guests had been few and far, including her children. Brian hadn't even called her since that wife of his broke her ankle walking to the bathroom. Missy always assumed she was faking it on her son's orders to make her feel guilty. At least they didn't bother her anymore. Cortney was on a mission to take everything away from her. Didn't she realize this was all gonna be hers one day? Was it so hard to be grateful? It wasn't like she was covered in dog shit and roaches. This was good, clean stuff.
"It's us or the shit," the daughter gave her an ultimatum one day.
The repeated warnings started going to voicemail. Very worried and even angrier, Cortney drove the two hours for an emergency intervention she planned on the fly. The traumatic memories of living in a cluttered home flooded back the entire route. The dad who gave up, the embarrassment of lying to friends, Thanksgiving gatherings cut short so mom could pregame for her decimation of Kohl's. That was even before Black Friday was even a thing. That was all that mattered. That was all she talked about. In Missy's world, whoever had the most stuff won.
"Jesus," her brother recoiled in repulsion upon breaking down the door, nearly getting side-swiped by three long unused mops in the process.
Their rotted mother sat on the lone unoccupied spot of the crammed sofa, her tissue fused with a bin full of frayed cords, a giant pile of DVD cases (most missing the discs,) and periodicals dating back to the Clinton Years. Missy, or what used to be Missy, demanded their exit, already sensing their disapproval. The called squad was scared off by the squelch and the yelp of pain upon picking up a piece of the assimilation.
City officials are too scared to condemn Missy's Museum of Massive Miscellany to this very day. Years have passed and even the vermin stay away. This doesn't bother the inhabitant. She may be the only one in there but she would never be alone.
submitted by SirJosephGrizzly to shortscarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:33 Shot_Vegetable1252 Am I wrong for telling my Ex our son shouldn't be calling her boyfriend dad?

My(m29) Ex(f24) thinks I'm wrong for telling her that I do not think it's appropriate for our 2 year old son to be refering to her boyfriend as his dad.
We separated last October. She started officially dating this current boyfriend sometime in February. She says he has never met our son. Yet our son says he has( he is a parrot) in the beginning of the separation she made sure to tell me often that she will be dating and getting married and that our son would have another dad. I told her that it's an obvious thing to happen and that it will only happen when she is married and not before. I do not want my son to have multiple dad's if he starts calling boyfriends dad. Otherwise he'd have 3 at this point.
The other day my son asked me to fix some things at his mom's house, same items she has asked Me to fix a couple time which I told her that she has other people that can fix it. She said her boyfriend tried but it wasn't right, and apparently I fix things well. That same day hours later I was bringing my son to my house and he asked Me to fix the same things. I told him that I can't help and that maybe his grandfather on his mother's side could help. He said "no he can't help, my other dad tried and can't do it" confused I asked what other dad, and he said his mom's boyfriend. I explained that unless he is married to his mom, then he is not his dad.
When dropping him off I told her she needs to teach him that a boyfriend isn't a dad, especially is they have never met(her claim) her response was "I'm just training him to understand he will have 2 dad's because I will get married and he will have a step dad" I told her when and if she gets married, then that husband can be the stepfather, other wise there was no reason for it to happen now.
She said I was wrong and blamed me for not being helpful with fixing things and not being acceptable of the future outcome of a step father and sped walked away.
Am I wrong for telling her she needs to stop training him to understand having a step father?
submitted by Shot_Vegetable1252 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:25 wantworldpeac3 How are you and your children experiencing your neighborhood/city/town/country?

Hi everyone, I hope you're well today. I'm happy to have found this community and was hoping to get some insight re: your experience living where you do.
I'm a 37 year old Black mom to a 2 year old boy. My husband and I are fortunate to have financial stability, work remotely and have a good overall quality of life. We live in a majority white area in Connecticut but we've felt safe and mostly welcomed since moving from Brooklyn in 2022. However, my son is still very young and i'm not sure what the experience would be if he were in elementary or high school.
There have been some news stories re: rampant racism within the school district of a nearby town we were considering moving to (see: It led me to ask myself where my son will feel safe, welcomed, and embraced once he starts school. The current socio-political climate feels erosive and i'm not sure when or how the pendulum will swing into balance.
All this to ask: where do you feel safe? Where are you and your children thriving? Is there a specific area (US or otherwise) of your city, neighborhood or town that feels sane, racially/ethnically diverse, humane, and friendly? Or am I living in a fantasy and searching for utopia?
submitted by wantworldpeac3 to workingmoms [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:24 wantworldpeac3 How are you and your children experiencing your neighborhood/city/town/country?

Hi everyone, I hope you're well today. I'm happy to have found this community and was hoping to get some insight re: your experience living where you do.
I'm a 37 year old Black mom to a 2 year old boy. My husband and I are fortunate to have financial stability, work remotely and have a good overall quality of life. We live in a majority white area in Connecticut but we've felt safe and mostly welcomed since moving from Brooklyn in 2022. However, my son is still very young and i'm not sure what the experience would be if he were in elementary or high school.
There have been some news stories re: rampant racism within the school district of a nearby town we were considering moving to (see: It led me to ask myself where my son will feel safe, welcomed, and embraced once he starts school. The current socio-political climate feels erosive and i'm not sure when or how the pendulum will swing into balance.
All this to ask: where do you feel safe? Where are you and your children thriving? Is there a specific area (US or otherwise) of your city, neighborhood or town that feels sane, racially/ethnically diverse, humane, and friendly? Or am I living in a fantasy and searching for utopia?
submitted by wantworldpeac3 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:24 East-Regular952 Bad Moms Dads Sons Brothers share your familiar bonds with zero holds

submitted by East-Regular952 to cumtribute25 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:23 Mountain_Mix7636 I (20F) am scared of telling my mom about my 4 year long distance relationship..

I 20F have been dating my bf 20M for about 4/5 years now. We met when we were both 16 and although we have broken up once or twice because of things that have gotten in our way we always come back to each other and talk things out. When we broke up the first time, it was because we wanted different things for our future, considering the distance between us, our goals made it much harder for us to figure out a way to connect our paths. He decided he wanted to go to the military and I wasn’t fond of it at first which is part of the reason we broke things off as well. After a year of no contact and him completing basic training, We reconnected and talked about everything and found a way to make things work with him being military and everything and me being a college student. our feelings are still very strong for each other and we decided to get back together.
Fast forward to now, we’ve been back together for about 4 months, We have brought up the conversation of visiting eachother because we think it’s time. He is from California and I am from New York and I have decided I wanted to visit him.
This is where my mom comes into play, I have no idea how to tell her that I am in love with a man that has been apart of my life since i was a teen. My mom and I are not that close, we don’t have a close mother-daughter bond where we can just talk about anything. our relationship is dull and we only talk about things as if we were roomates that barely know eachother. My mother is not super strict but she also doesn’t let things just fly. she is very family oriented and religious but not SUPER religious.
I have no idea how to approach this topic with her. My boyfriend has told his mom about me and she received it well, she is supportive of our relationship and wants her son to be happy.
I have no intention of necessarily asking my mom for “permission” to go to California. I’m a grown adult and I will still go anyway. It’s more so just wanting to let her know of the situation so that she doesn’t worry about me.
any advice would be lovely…
submitted by Mountain_Mix7636 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:22 puppyyachtclub Should I report child abuse for almost 18 year old?

I’ve learned the child of a friend of a friend is enduring some pretty horrible abuse at the hands of her father. She’s turning 18 in July. She doesn’t feel like she can move in with her mom because she doesn’t have a car and she’d have to move hours away, her mom is strict, and they don’t get along. I can’t imagine how it’s worse than what she’s going through now. Her living situation with her dad is a dirty trailer with no food. Her dad has been unemployed for about a year. He’s masturbating all the time in the living room and apparently she’s walked in on it multiple times. Not only that, but apparently he’s made her CLEAN UP his cum tissues…..and locked her out of the house when she refused. He put butter on a plate and made her lick it off because she’s “too skinny”. She’s only skinny because he eats all the food.
At first when I heard about the situation a few months ago, she’d just walked in on him once masturbating in the living room. I thought, “Ok, this could’ve been a weird mistake, but this could be really bad.” Clearly it’s escalated to a much worse place.
She turns 18 in July though. I don’t want to make her life worse than it already is by reporting it, but if it will help, of course I want to do anything I can to intervene. My friend who knows her is giving her some work to do this summer to save up for an apartment. And she gave her money to put a mini fridge in her room so she can keep food for herself. I just wanted some feedback on the best course of action.
submitted by puppyyachtclub to socialwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:21 lilithsyoghurt Help me remember the name of that book.

I had read it in school library and found the book very intriguing. It was a mystery novel, set in Bihar. The author was a female. Basically, the plot was like there were three siblings, two boys and a girl. Their mom was from a royal family and had run away & married their dad, who happened to be an engineer.
So, their grandfather had cut off all ties with their mom but then one day after many years, sent a letter asking her to send the kids over, since he was on deathbed and wanted the kids to inherit the property.
And after that, there was a nice thriller story.
Their mom unites with their grandfather, he accepts the son in law. And later, every holiday, the 3 kids have a new mystery to solve at their ancestral town.
They also have a cousin with a jeep, his name was Rakesh.
submitted by lilithsyoghurt to Indianbooks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:20 Environmental_Value3 22 months old with development delay doesn't respond to name or commands. ASD? ADHD ? or something else ?

My son is almost 2 years old. He was born at 37 weeks gestation. His mom had preeclampsia, and the delivery was expedited with Pitocin, if I remember correctly. he has been struggling with various motor, sensory, and cognitive developmental delays. He had a relatively high head circumference, which was the result of hydrocephalus in the lateral ventricles. Two ultrasound scans were performed four months apart, and the amount of extra fluid was about the same. His pediatric neurologist was impressed with the progress he made between the ages of 6 months and 12 months, but at that time, he still had an average delay of 3 months.
We met twice with a highly regarded pediatric neurosurgeon, and she insisted that the hydrocephalus is not significant enough for him to undergo surgery and that things should normalize with time. He has hyperopia, inherited from me, his dad, and he also has mild hearing loss in both ears, probably due to effusion in the middle ear. (He is scheduled for a myringotomy next month.) He eventually started walking at the age of 16 months. He can speak some words and recognizes mom, dad, grandparents, some fruits, water, and milk. He comes to people when he needs help with something. He doesn't say "yes" and "no", and he can't answer any questions. He doesn't listen to commands, and he rarely responds to his name. He has been attending speech therapy for almost 4 months now, which started at the age of 18 months, after the recommendation of another pediatric neurologist who specializes in child development.
He shows signs of ADHD ( but he is far too young to know for sure); he can't focus on one game or activity for long, and he has difficulty sitting still for extended periods (although lately, it is getting better). He always wants to walk around, explore his surroundings, open lockers, push things, discover new things, and go to areas he is not allowed to.
I have tried to make sense of all of this—the reasons for the delays and the current situation—but still can't find an answer. Could it only be ASD? What other possibilities are there? My wife is broken, and she cries herself to sleep every day. We really want to know what's wrong.
submitted by Environmental_Value3 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:17 sun4moon Overly entitled 18 year old

My 18 year old daughter is suddenly very entitled.
As many people in North America did on Sunday, we celebrated Mother’s Day. We stayed in, my husband, daughter and stepson, and watched movies and had snacks. The day was pretty relaxed and comfortable. Syepson had to go back to his moms for supper, my husband took him late afternoon. Then my husband and I made a big family dinner and his parents and our oldest son and his girlfriend came to enjoy with us. Mother’s Day has always been a strange day for me. I’ve always said all I want is to have a chill day with my family and enjoy each others company. There has not been one single year that has happened. In the past, my oldest son was usually bent on ruining the day for me some how. He would do things like sleep all day, say he forgot or just not even acknowledge the event. It was really hurtful and my oldest daughter, now 18, used to hey so upset with him when he behaved this way.
So this year, I was hoping for a miracle. As I said, the day went well and the evening was set up to be really good too. Everyone was chatting and supper turned out amazing, no bickering or snippy remarks between my in laws, the kids all seemed to want to be around, it was kinda perfect.
Now, in our house we’ve always had the rule that if you didn’t cook you help clean up. Fairly standard practice from what I can’t tell, compared to other families we know. It’s never even been a question, just get to it and many hands make light work.
Apparently all the kids just forgot that was a thing. Everyone left, just walked by my husband who stepped up to do the washing and didn’t give it a second thought. I followed the kids out to the front street and did an exaggerated shrug, got their attention and told them I was disappointed they were just leaving everything for us. This was no small dinner, it took several days of prep to brine and smoke the delicious turkey we served. Even after chasing them out to object, they both just drove away. Since I had already confronted them together I decided to discuss my issue with each of them separately. Since my son is out in his own now, I wasn’t as hard on him.
But here’s the thing, my daughter lives here full time and does nothing at all to help anymore. She was often at work in the evenings or with her boyfriend, until just recently when she stared a 9-5, so she didn’t have supper at home often. Because of her schedule, I would bring her dinner every night she works, making sure she had at least one decent meal a day. I didn’t expect her to come home at 9 pm and clean up, only to help out when she’s home. Now she’s home for supper most nights but still doesn’t lift a finger without being asked. And the attitude when she does have to pitch in is atrocious.
Now back to Mother’s Day, when I confronted my daughter I told her I was disappointed in the both of them. I told her her behaviour has been selfish and that I need her to start participating around the house. She refused to come home to talk that night. Monday she texted me to tell me she was coming over after work. That put me off further, you don’t come over to your own house. Her language made me feel like she doesn’t appreciate the free and supportive roof over her head. When we talked Monday evening my disappointment turned into anger and hurt. This kid had the audacity to say that having to help with dishes is me treating her like staff.
I am beside myself in the massive failure I feel about that. She grew up in a divided family situation but has two sets of parents to lean on and grow from. Her stepmother is a control freak and as a result, my daughter didn’t have chores over there. I knew that but made my expectation clear about our home, from the start. I just feel so helpless in this situation. If anyone has any advice or reminiscence of their own teenzilla, I’d love to hear it.
submitted by sun4moon to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:16 Funbot28 Should I still be upset?

Hi I (M24) recently was in my first real relationship (or situationship) of we want to call it that with someone I had matched with on Tinder (M20) the past June. We talked for a bit and exchanged IGs but nothing really came out of it besides him liking all my stories and commenting here and there on how sexy I was. It was only until this past January where I finally decided to kick things off with him but considering his age I was not expecting much out of it besides casual fun. While we did have sex our first time linking up we really had a connection with one another and then that's where the love bombing started to come in on his end. A red flag for sure looking back but he was telling me how much he loved me and how we should get matching tattoos etc etc.
Important points to note. He claims is bisexual but never truly had experiences with women before only men from what he had told me. I am more on the fem side so I understand why I tend to attract bisexual men although sometimes I view it as a curse lol. Also, he is south Asian with conservative parents so although his friends and extended family knew about his sexuality, his parents did not. This was something I was told and knew and made our link ups short and sweet as he still lived at home and had toale up excuses for being gone for so long.
Despite all this, things were sweet for about a month or so, I hard launched him on my IG stories, he meet my friends and for the first time I felt genuinely considered outside of my body. Yes he had sex everytime we meet but it was not forced and it was truly because we couldn't physically see eachother as much as we wanted to so it made those intimate moments even more special.
In comes March and one day I get a text letting me know that his mom found out about us. I already knew what was going to come next but a small part of me thought that there may be some hope that she would come around and accept her son for who he is. I was unfortunately very wrong and two days later I get a short call saying that we can't be together anymore cause of his parents basically giving him an ultimatum of break up with me or be kicked out the house....
Despite this happening we texted eachother everyday still but of course not at the same volume and with the same level of compassion as before. One day I missed him so much that I went to go see him while his parents werent home and I hear a Tinder notification on his phone while he was in the bathroom. Now I expect him to move on at some point but this was only 10 days after the breakup and just before he was crying and confiding in me that I was the best thing he had ever had in his life blah blah blah.
However the first thing I couldn't shake off my head was if he was on Tinder solely for looking for female partners or also looking for guys too. I confronted him and he promised me that it was only straight Tinder as his uncle was adamant that he should start exploring with girls. It hurt of course but I tried to be emphatic cause his family situation was truly messed up. Weeks go by and we still text everyday and see eachother time to time until one day I get a DM from a friend saying that he was back on Grindr and when I went to go check he had blocked me from the app...
I was devastated I confronted him again and he said he blocked me cause he didn't want to hurt me and he is only looking for hookups. Now my question was if you truly wanted to respect your parents wishes and break up with me then why are you still putting yourself out there on Grindr even if it was just for hookups. Heck I was still acting like a FWB at that point so it just hurt me so much to see him still need more.
At the present day the mom found out that we were still in contact and I assume that he was fucking around with other people and "forced" him to block me on all socials and Imessage.
I'm trying to move on from the situation but deep down it hurts so much cause it's hard to find someone who genuinely wants to know me more than my body...
I know the red flags were there but do I still give him grace because his family situation was so messed up or like idk how to feel 😭
submitted by Funbot28 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:12 Anonymous-Superstar I feel like I betrayed my mom by thinking my dad's affair partner was nice to me

I met my dad's affair partner about 2018ish. I did not know they were doing shenanigans... I literally thought it was just the neighbor of my dad's construction business office (this business is ran from a residential house)
My dad brought me around her and introduced me to her. He went inside "her" house to get something. By the way, my dad owns that house too. To be clear, these are super small houses bought decades ago when things were affordable. The construction business would park their trucks in that backyard and store some tools there to look less "suspicious" to the city officials if they come into the neighborhood. It's technically illegal in that county to run a business from residential home.
I asked my dad that day, "how did you meet this family anyway?" The affair partner's family lived there and they were migrants and illegally came here so I was just wondering how my white American dad met them lol. That's why I was wondering. He told me "he doesn't know"
I was dumb and thought it was weird but I didn't press the topic further.
The affair partner comes out the house, let's call her Maria. She calls me beautiful (crazy that I look identical to my mother lol). She's so sweet and I say she's beautiful too.
In 2020, my whole family found out my dad's secret.
2024, they still live there. We used to have a guard dog (she's old now) and so the dog now lives at Maria's house since nobody stays overnight at the construction office. Doggy can't live with me because we tried that numerous times and she hates cats. Now the doggy only visits our house once a month.
Anyways, yesterday I came to the office and I needed to take doggy to vet so I had to knock on the door of her house to get doggy. I haven't seen her since 2018. She was super sweet at the door. I'm naturally a bubbly person so someone else's bubbliness makes me extra bubbly too. The encounter lasted two minutes or so. Just asking me if doggy will be staying with me or if she is coming back. Stuff like that. She knew who I was.
Once I got the dog and left, I felt so sad. I felt I was betraying my mom by thinking she was nice. Even though.... this woman talked shit about my mom, knew my dad was married, begged him to leave my mom, her sons are rude AF, and other shit she has said but I don't wanna keep this post super long.
I just needed to get this off my chest. I love my mom and I hate what my dad did to our family.
Thank you for reading
submitted by Anonymous-Superstar to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:09 Original_Highlight43 My son’s picky eating is wearing me out!

My son is almost 7 and for the last 4 years he has been an unbelievably picky eater. I have reached my breaking point and can’t handle it anymore. What can I do to get him to try new foods?
It started with tooth problems when he was about 2 years old. He suddenly stopped being a great eater and would scream and eat nothing but peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and bananas. It went on for nearly a year and finally we found a dentist willing to see him, who confirmed that he had a bunch of dental issues because he doesn’t have enamel on his teeth. By the age of 3 we had all of the issues fixed, and have consistently kept up with dentists and maintained his teeth since then.
To this day he literally only eats nuggets/fries from McDonald’s, pb&js, pancakes, cereal, bananas/apples/oranges, tortilla chips with melted cheese, yogurt tubes/applesauce/danimals smoothies, and a few types of snack crackers like gold fish, vanilla wafers, gram crackers, popcorn and Cheetos. And of course he will always try a new ice cream flavor when given the chance. But nothing else. I know that almost all of the food he eats is literal junk and I just don’t know how to fix it. He loved all food as a baby- and the rest of our family (including my other children) only eat home cooked meals except for rarely when we eat out. Our pediatrician says that we have 2 options - ride it out and see if he will grow out of it, or only offer him what the family is eating for a couple days and no snacks to fill up on (he said that no child will ever resist food for more than 2 days before they just give up and eat what you give them) but that seems SO harsh and I don’t want to risk making this worse by stressing it. If I have to make another plate of nachos or another pb&j for this kid after cooking a healthy meal for the rest of us I might lose my mind!! I’m so fed up with the process of making him a completely separate meal for every stinking meal! Occasionally we can get him to taste 1 bite of something new, but it always comes with him throwing a huge fit and refusing for a while until he finally gives in and tastes it, but he always says “i tasted it, it’s nasty and I don’t like it and I’ll never eat it again!” and he spits it in the trash. I think he just wants to prove his point that he doesn’t like it and he refuses to like it. I think if it had been me eating like this as a child my mother would have actually just let me starve. I know other moms are gonna judge me, and I get it but I do want to mention that aside from the food issues, he is a really smart and well behaved kid- he honestly is NOT just a spoiled brat.
What would you do? Are there any tips or tricks to get this kid to try new things? Thanks for any help or advice you have.
submitted by Original_Highlight43 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:09 East-Regular952 Bad Moms Dads Sons Brothers share your familiar bonds with zero holds

submitted by East-Regular952 to cumtribute25 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:06 Keeg3412lee My boyfriends three year old is saying he doesn't like him.

Hello I am going to keep this as anonymous as possible and really only looking for way I can help. The father is a great dad kind, let him be free, and is a great communicator, but still his son has been not liking him recently. So for context I 22F (will call me Ashley) am dating a 32M (will call him John). He has a 3y old (will call him Bo) with his ex 32F (will call her Jessica). Jessica and John have only been apart a year, and currently he has 5d w Bo and she 2d. So recently Bo has been saying that he doesn't want dad, he wants mom, doesn't like dad and one time I have heard him say he hates dad. To add other thing they used to split time up evenly 3/4 day and would swap, so someone had him 4d one week and 3d another. Within the last two-three months Jessica has been requesting to have sat and sun off to "drink and organize her week" and then three days a week she works as a nurse so she cannot take him. So now it is at 5d with dad and 2d with mom. From then Bo had begun to talk about mom more and I figured typical since it is his mom and he sees her less and we do what we can to let him know she is just working and will come back to get him and we don't discourage him from talking about her. Within the last month I noticed Bo call things moms (ex: that's moms candy, that's moms cereal, that's moms tree, that's moms toy) most of the things of course are not hers as were either at a grocery store or at his dads were he's gotten new toys, and I personally don't do much to correct it. I mean he is a kid, and maybe sometimes I will be like no that's coco pebbles to help teach him the name of things but often time I am not sure what to say and just ignore it. Then too within the last month Bo hasn't been wanting to come to dads it really started one day we had to pick him at 4PM and she had just put him down for a nap and she decide instead of us coming back she was just going to wake him and that made him a bit cranky and he didn't want to leave her house and kept talking about going back to lay down. When he does come back from hers I notice often time he has heavy bags under his eyes and often make John put him to bed an hour or two early just to try to get some sleep. I wish I was kidding but sometimes I am like he should go to bed now cause he'll have double bags and just glossy eyes and noticeable irritable from being tired. Other things I notice too that whenever he comes back from hers A. he has begun to hit the table or will clap at you and point and grunt to get you to do something B. he will also be more upset when we ask him to say please or thank you and says "I don't want to I want to point" C. I understand that she had bought him nerf guns for Christmas he turned one (?? idk what john says) so she plays fight and hits with him so he will hit a lot more the day after hers as well and he doesn't understand when to play hit and sometimes he'll get really ruff and rude with his grandpa especially (his grandpa can barely hear especially high pitched voices so Bo will often hit him after grandpa doesn't hear him and respond). Very boy thing to be rough we get it so we just do our best to say we don't hit and to be kind and move on and D recently (I have picked up on it but from phone calls I have over heard she will say things like "Bo you are such a selfish boy" in like a giggly silly way and he's a huge copy cat so he'll say it back (as he'll say most everything back). Another thing I noticed every time the last 6 times we've picked him up he's got moms favorite, moms epic dude, momma boy, momma something on his shirt. WHICH again is great and cool, but I believe its more of a manipulation thing. A lot of this behavior from her is recent and not typically within the last 4-5M it has started. Ever since I got introduced to Bo he has wanted me and wants to talk to me and accidently called me mom for a month and talks about loving me a lot and about 4-5M ago she did send a huge text to John explaining she wants me nothing near her son and I am trying to take him and how she hates me, then after all that its been all super sweet talk, all mommas boy, they have also been going out more to museums and she's been bragging about taking him everywhere. So after all that context my big question is what can I do to help my boyfriends son from not talking like that and seeing that his dad is good or is there just anything I can do to help. P.S yes he does punish him and he gets very angry about that, but its only for serious thing like hitting to hard sneaking out of the house or throwing grandmas decorations and smashing them knowing not that's not good, but I cant and probably actually can believe that she doesn't punish him cause she only has him two days shes off both days and can do whatever he wants plus she begged and pleaded for the house John bought so she doesn't have to live at her parents were they have they have more rules cause they don't want their stuff broken our "floor ruined" (I think it sucks but its were he lives and its who his parents are and I get it so, we also have other things to work around)
submitted by Keeg3412lee to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:48 East-Regular952 Bad Moms Dads Sons Brothers lets chat about your familiar bonds with zero holds

submitted by East-Regular952 to cumtribute25 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:48 MachZero-2 Thunderbird 6

Thunderbird 6
As an aviator, Brian had a great appreciation of flight and especially the flight of birds. Displaying flight characteristics that only pilots could dream of. The beauty of the Kestrel Falcon and other raptors always captivated his attention. We can all now appreciate Brian’s photography here.
“There was no mistaking mom’s shrill cry when she was on a mission. Here, the crows have molested her son Timmy as he was walking around the tree, before he was even flying, and she was zooming in for the rescue. The aero dynamic shaping of the wing and body to create a low drag airfoil shows off her Falcon roots. She came screaming in……literally, in a high speed dive that would have made Thunderbird 6 proud.”
Photograph and narrative by Brian Shul Feb. 8, 1948 - May 20, 2023 Rest in peace buddy
submitted by MachZero-2 to sleddriverphotography [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:43 DiverStatus7797 Is my mom a narcissist? A victim? Or just toxic?

[TW: talks of SA] I (26f) recently cut all contact with my mom (50f). For 20 years of my life she stayed with my dad who is most definitely a narcissist. She knew very much about the abuse and continued to stay no matter how much I begged her to leave. She had the means to do so and at one point we did leave. For a year, before she took him back and they bought a house together. I begged her not to get back together with him, but she did. I never really thought of my mom as a narcissist, only a victim because of the abuse my dad inflicted on the both of us. He would pin us against each other constantly, so when I was finally kicked out at 18 my mom and I got to experience a relationship without him for the first time. Not long after, they got divorced because the abuse was no longer distributed and was solely focused on her.
When my mom moved out on her own she promised that I would always have a room and a key to any house that she lived in (which has never actually happened because my room has been given away to her boyfriends child who rarely visits). After group and individual therapy things seemed to have gotten better between us. But not long after my mom and dads divorce she immediately got into a relationship. 6 years later she wants to break up with him due to him using her for money and some dangerous behaviors like playing with guns while drunk and punching holes in her walls. She has come to me for advice and reassurance about this decision (which she did to me as a kid with my dad). I have told her it’s more than the right thing to do, and in fact, my child and I won’t be going to her house until this man is gone.
On Mother’s Day (the day before he was supposed to move out) she got back together with him and didn’t tell me until I got on FaceTime with her and saw him at a family gathering I was going to be heading over to. Where she decided to finally tell me that he was in fact staying. She then proceeded to say we can talk about this later and hung up. She knows I won’t show up where this man is, and invited him to Mother’s Day with our family without telling me so I could decide if I was going or not. I reminded her through text my son and I won’t be coming over anymore and I will not be talking to her until he was gone completely. The next day she posted her vacation with him on Instagram and I blocked her on everything.
I booked an emergency appointment with my therapist because of the immediate wave of PTSD I was experiencing from my dad. This brought up so many memories of abuse and her constantly choosing him over me and our safety. All these years she’s told me the reason we didn’t leave was because she was afraid he was going to gain some sort of custody and the only way to protect me was if she was there. But she wasn’t. Her job required her to fly around the country constantly where I was left at home alone with him for some times a week at a time. She never believed any of the abuse I was telling her was happening and continued to take his word for it.
After cutting her off I’ve realized just how toxic she truly was. Anything I ever told her was used against me to gain favoritism with my dad. When I came out to her as bi I told her not to tell my dad because I wanted to wait until he was in a good mood to tell him and she told him that night. My mom has knowingly had sex with my dad in the same room as me multiple times while I was a child. She informed my aunt that I was thinking about taking legal action against my dad (who she knows will tell my dad) for what he did to me as a kid (SA) which she also informed my aunt every detail of. As a child I was never allowed to express myself. I was only allowed to do my hair or wear clothes that she liked (the color or style). She never showed up to my events at school and she doesn’t even know my favorite color or care about any allergies I have. She’ll make dinner for the family and include things I am allergic to. When I talk on the phone with her it feels like she’s waiting to talk about herself and the second I talk about me suddenly she’s too busy to talk. She never respects any boundaries I set for my child when he’s stayed over or even when I’m around. She never wants to learn about my interests but I definitely know hers which include getting mad when I don’t want to go shopping with her for hours on end, knowing I’m broke. The only good things about her that I can remember are when she would buy me things because that was her only way of connecting with me.
The reason I’m asking if she’s a narcissist or just toxic is because I have this idea of a narcissist exhibiting all of the behaviors of my dad. Not everything about her is bad, but the things that are, are BAD. I’m just now coming to terms with my mom’s behavior and whether or not she was just abused for so long that she’s just a victim or if she’s been a narcissist too all along.
submitted by DiverStatus7797 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:39 Skeither ::Rant/Vent:: but advice would be appreciated.

So my son, 11y/o 6th grade, has had issues with getting picked on at school. He'd tell us but it would be the broad form of "Kids are picking on me at school." with minor details still in the broad sense. His mom or I would talk to the counselor or teacher and inform them and they would talk to our son and then we wouldn't hear much back from that and think things got resolved.
Here we are with 1 week left in school and he tells his mom (who has strong irrational tendencies which I experienced from my previous relationship with her) that he is still getting harassed and bullied at school so she goes on a chaotic mama bear rampage wanting to talk to the principal and stuff this morning. So we go and it was a sh** show as I predicted with her raising her voice and making confusing arguments and claims and irrational "solutions", interrupting the principal and not seeming to listen and take the in any information. She comes from a good place as most people do in wanting to protect her kid but she's treating it like it's the teachers vs us and that's not it. Our son needs to communicate with everyone what's happening in order for anyone to do anything about it which I've talked to him and the principal mentioned as well. It's just unfortunate that this came up right at the end of the year.
So now she's thrown out the opportunities for him to just call her if he's getting picked on and stuff while at school and she'll come pick him up as well as just pulling him out of the last week of school all together and I don't condone that myself. That seems like escapism and just avoiding the problem. She's tried bringing up online schooling or homeschooling which neither worked well during Covid so we've seen the results from that already. I don't want to feel like sides are being drawn as much as I disagree with her ramblings but also knowing there's no way to talk sense into her, but I don't want to invalidate her point of view and cause a divide even though he and his brother agree and have voiced they know she goes off now and then too.
Anybody with any similar experiences with a mildly psycho ex going hardcore, irrational mama bear and how to handle it?
submitted by Skeither to SingleDads [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:35 szandi14 AITA I told my aunt that she was hysterical and conceited.

Am I the asshole, because I told my aunt that she was hysterical and conceited?! I, 16 Female, need some kind of special glasses to see at all, and these glasses happen to be damn expensive, not to mention that I have to travel at least 2 hours from my village, that they can make the glasses for me. I obviously have to wear these glasses all the time, and I also wore it on one of my cousins' birthday at my dad's side , where my mom's sister and her family were also invited on a friendly basis. The others were playing, and I did NOT join, because I should have taken off my glasses to play football, and I don't like playing football anyway. So I sat on the bench beside the field as a commentator, and my role was to say who had the ball, etc. When the others decided to take a break, my cousin, 11 Male, walked towards me, stopped about 1 meter from me, and threw the ball at my head with all of his strength. Let me not say that the glasses flew off my head like a bird, and, of course, shattered. When my dear cousin noticed what he done, he immediately started saving himself, saying that I didn't say well what was happening, and that's why he missed a goal. After I realized what had happened, I started yelling at him. He broke my glasses, which my parents bought for me barely a month ago, and he even wanted to make me look bad! Of course, my aunt, her mother, came over to see what is going on. I told her that her dear son threw a ball to my head, and she didn't believe me! The others who were playing soccer also intervened and said that everything happened as I said, because they saw it, and my aunt's reaction was to tell me not to be so hysterical, and he didn't throw the ball on purpose, it's just a pair of glasses anyway, and why am I upset now, I shouldn't have been playing wearing glasses. By this time, my tears were already flowing in streams, and in my anger I told her not to be so hysterical and conceited, and she should accept that it's her son's fault now. Of course, she got mad, and went to yell to my mother, that she could really raise me properly, because I can't behave. In short, my mother also had a fight because my aunt didn't want to give me a penny to get new glasses, and they left the birthday party in anger.
So, am I the asshole?
submitted by szandi14 to u/szandi14 [link] [comments]