Ice breakers game unblocked

Genuinely confused why Gladiator doesn’t kill human torch/phoenix force here. Gladiator pulled phoenix force (a 5 power) which resurrected human torch (a 2 power). Even combined it is 7 power. How does it not get destroyed?

2024.06.09 19:48 ChinchillaHunter Genuinely confused why Gladiator doesn’t kill human torch/phoenix force here. Gladiator pulled phoenix force (a 5 power) which resurrected human torch (a 2 power). Even combined it is 7 power. How does it not get destroyed?

Genuinely confused why Gladiator doesn’t kill human torch/phoenix force here. Gladiator pulled phoenix force (a 5 power) which resurrected human torch (a 2 power). Even combined it is 7 power. How does it not get destroyed? submitted by ChinchillaHunter to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:32 SwordfishOk9245 300 fps, game feels like 20 fps (look at in game graph)

300 fps, game feels like 20 fps (look at in game graph)
Why is this game so poor? When the game is smooth it feels wonderful. However, every game I go into devolves into this, progressively worse. server frame ms errors and the game is choppy as hell. Can't win a gun fight when it feels like mud. First 10 bullets don't register. As if you arent firing. No packet loss. You can't counter strafe properly as it feels like you're on ice skates when this is going on. During gunfights the graph is much worse, gaps in between and you generally can't react to peeks. not large rubber banding but you can tell models aren't synced. CHOPPY!
submitted by SwordfishOk9245 to cs2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:32 Khaelael Are you guys getting into pvp?

I've only played normals for now, but I've been getting into a fight every 4 games at most, and while druid and ice abyss have been enjoyable I do want to pvp as well. I didn't play last season but I did play the one before, and the demigod grind playing mostly pve ice caves got boring.
Now that circle got removed from every map, is pvp such a rare sight? I understand half the lobby dies to pve, new players and so on, so I ask you guys, is pvp in high roller alive? Did ice caves get more active last season so the problem is new players dying to pve?
Or the lack of circle really killed the pvp frecuency in all maps and modes? I belive the removal of circle is a good thing, at least in the long run, but maybe we need other solutions to bring back pve into the game?
submitted by Khaelael to DarkAndDarker [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:27 s-n-0-m 29 [F4M] Online / US - Looking for my golden retriever gamer bf

I've been single for a long time now. I genuinely want to find someone who will help me become the best version of me.
I'm just a woman living on the west coast in the US. I am working full time but taking some time off soon. I love watching movies and tv shows. I like anime and kdramas. I listen to a variety of music. When I'm not working, I play a lot of video games (PC). I play music on occasion too.
I am on a weight loss journey. I lost 30 lbs so far and I'm looking to lose more. I am a bit overweight currently but I'm actively working to fix that. I would love motivation and support as I work towards my goals.
I'm looking for someone with patience and empathy. If we fight, I want to talk about things. I don't like making people guess how I feel. I'm big on communication. I am extremely loyal and I love giving my partner attention. I want to find my forever person. I'm not picky about height or looks. I just want someone who will actually love me for me. I don't mind relocating in the future as I work remotely. I'd like a real relationship and work towards closing the distance in a reasonable time. If you're physically active that would be a plus because working out and keeping each other accountable would be nice. It's not required though. I like family oriented men. I don't smoke. I drink on occasion. I don't currently have any kids but would like some. It's not a deal breaker for me if you don't want kids. Also if you have kids already that's great too. I like people who are funny. I love listening to the stories of others. It would be nice if you also played video games so we could play together but if not that's okay too!
I want to find something real so I'm not looking to rush into anything. I want to take time to get to know you and how you tick. I want to develop a friendship first and connect on a deeper level.
If you made it this far and you're still interested then dm me your favorite song. Let's get to know each other <3
submitted by s-n-0-m to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:23 BigHitchTV Down 110 lbs in about 2 years

Forgive me for a longer post. Pictures don’t do justice for the amount of work I’ve put in, not just in the weight room but inner-work. I’ll try to keep it interesting, on topic, with little quirks of my humor sprinkled in (😊). I appreciate anyone taking the time to read this.
Crossposting to the other communities that have helped me so much.
Had a tough time staying focused on the workout discipline side of things, especially during this past winter. (More context below)
I drank beer, mostly, and played a lot of video games (particularly during the covid lockdowns) to get that big, 317 lbs at my peak (I’m 6’ 4”).
Consistently lifting weights (4 days a week, on average) and eating well (80% of the time, don’t touch my ice cream) has been the only “secret”.
I have found, personally, that understanding myself has been equally if not MORE a part of this journey.
CONTEXT: Social anxiety and depression has been a major part of my story: a lot of feelings of “not good enough/useful” stemming from a poor relationship with my parents growing up (not blaming, just aware).
I was a chubby, Michigan-born, homeschooler. Raised in a religious family (Baptist) that kind of disowned me when I started having sex with my high school girlfriend (I went to public high school).
Feeling overwhelmed and swallowed up by the sheer number of people in college, I ran away to the military at 20 (after losing about 40 lbs through jogging mostly, very “skinny-fat” body), and felt like quite a black sheep in that community as well.
Sensitive and gentle aren’t exactly military-issued qualities lol.
After a mental health related discharge, I chased after a girlfriend who was still in college and picked up a job waiting tables and eventually bartending.
Being “the man” behind the bar meant lots of new friends and a lot of phone numbers (it’s cool to know the bartender, kinda thing, that’s not meant as a flex).
Drinking to fit in with these new friends introduced me to this community where no one held others accountable, it was just frolicking and getting drunk together. Lots of games of pool and darts.
I began feeling like I finally was “cool” and had somewhere to fit in.
I met my wife (still together 5 years strong), got married, and changed jobs back to one more aligned with my military training (nuclear engineering), that was 2019.
Well, a few months later lockdowns were enforced, my gym closed up (they went out of business as it was a pretty small family-ran place), and as an introverted gamer I thought life was just grand, at first.
However, the frequent drinking (4-pack of IPAs, 3-4 days a week), lack of exercise, and bored eating all caught up.
I developed gout, became the drunk asshole of every woman’s nightmare, and hit quite a low point.
It was the foot pain that really did me in. I felt so pathetic and terrible: going from a pretty good looking bartender who dabbled in personal training, to being unable to walk up two flights of stairs without being winded and miserable.
A lot of my ego had gone into being “the cool bartender”, the physical pain from my feet forced a “sobering” (pun intended) realization of how far away that “cool” persona had fallen.
After a particularly nasty gout flair up in Jan 2022 I began moderating and seriously trying to lose weight (had rejoined a gym already, but if you look at my chart it hadn’t really changed my behavior much).
Took a match to it all that June, after realizing moderating wasn’t going to get me very far.
I found a project to replace my time with (began studying web design for fun/freelancing, then pivoted to re-certifying as a trainer), read a book called “Miracle Morning”, and started journaling/meditating every morning that I could (I work rotating shift work, so my schedule is consistently tumultuous).
Through that inner work (“mindset” I guess in marketing speech, but that feels not as profound as the experience was for me), I have been able to find such tremendous inner peace and quiet down the voices of insecurity and fear.
I am absolutely still a work in progress, but I am accepting of myself and imperfectly working toward the best potential version of my Self.
That’s actually the big selfish reason why I wanted to post this, fear exposure: I’m a little sweaty while writing this from the fear of sharing lol.
And of course some validation for my hard work, I’d be lying if I didn’t say that some upvotes and “Nice” comments don’t feel good.
My future health goal: At my leanest in the military I still was in the high teen body fat percentages. This is the leanest I have ever been, and the pain I have reclaimed fuel my desire to keep going.
Dieting until I have washboard abs, then I might do some bulk-cut cycles. I amm toying with the idea of some competitive bodybuilding as the next iteration of “holy shit a lot of people are looking at me”.
If you made it to the end, it means the world to me. Thank you.
If there’s anything that I can answer or provide insights to, I’d be genuinely thrilled to help, to clarify, or to share more.
submitted by BigHitchTV to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:23 LordOnikuma Opinion on "Babysitter" build concept

Hello. This is my first reddit post ever so I hope I'm not doing anything wrong.
Tl;dr below, since I will try to do an intro here... I apologize for the wall of text, hope somebody still reads and comment on this.
I played a couple playthrough in Tactician only so far, and some friends wanted to play together during their first (concurrent with their single player ones) playthrough.
Since I didn't try it yet I decided to try an abjuration wizard build, going very similar to what I've currently seen online. The problem is, that build is horrible to play in multiplayer, at least for me, and the playstyle overall didn't seem that strong as it was very slow, relying on enemies hitting you, which was basically happening only with opportunity attacks since even with no AC enemies NEVER ATTACKED me voluntarily, even if I concentrated and if my AC was by far the lowest, it's like the AI knew that they would take damage and do nothing to me, so they just ignored me completely
But I had a specific "character lore" in mind and really wanted to make an abjuration wizard work, or at least an interesting wizard build, so after a lot of theorycrafting and research I came upon an Idea that I didn't see a lot around (although I'm sure i'm not the first one to find this):
Enter "The Babysitter" : Cleric 3 and Wizard 2+
This build combines some of the strongest things in the game: Warding Bond, Arcane Ward, Max Lightning Damage and RevOrb stacks.
To maximise it this is what I've done:
The only weak thing from this build was the little spellslots available, since I had to use all my level 2 spellslots at the start of every long rest, and 80% of my casting had to go to Glyph of Warding to keep my Ward up, since my inexperienced friends took a lot of damage that could be avoided (understandable)
For the last 3 levels there are 3 main options imo:
  1. 3 more wizard for more arcane ward - This is by far the worst option as it doesn't add much
  2. 3 more level of Cleric for Spirit Guardian and a second channel divinity charge - This is what I tried in a demo on another save in act 3, works really well but need to split stats (needing gloves of dexterity) or just doing half damage with spirit guardians (not important, it's mostly used for more RevOrb and cc)
  3. 3 Levels in Sorcerer for metamagic and CON Save proficiency - probably the most "meta" option, but I wanted to not rely on Sorcerer this time.
So.. I just wanted some feedback on it and share it, I dunno maybe someome might be inspired for their next coop game. What do you think?
If somebody want I could do a proper detailed guide/build, but big Disclaimer is that this was only tested up to Tactician so far, as I haven't started my honor run yet (very soon tho, as I'm at the end of a current run)
submitted by LordOnikuma to BG3Builds [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:21 SleepCoachJacob The sound design in this game has some flaws, especially when it comes to silent hazards and AoE effects

First of all, I really enjoy this latest season, feel like Blizzard really pulled the plane out of a nosedive. Let's get that out of the way, I'm not trying to be a hater, I just have some pain points with the game that maybe other people can relate to.
Second, I'm not a sound engineer, nor a sound expert. My theories on this come from me racking my brain trying to understand my own pain points as a player. So take whatever I say with a grain of salt.
Ok, so how did this inquiry even start for me? Well, it came out of days of frustration wondering why oh why, I die to elites with the "Frozen (Shattering)" affix so often. For those who need a visual reminder, I'm talking about the guys who create these ice pools below:
Here's what's interesting about these ice pools: they have a distinct visual effect that actually, usually has contrast with the environment (I SHOULD be able to see them) and also, they don't one shot me (I SHOULD be able to react to them and get away from them). And yet, so often, in the chaos of battle, I will find myself wondering why my health sphere is gradually draining away rapidly. Before I know it, I'm dead and realize after the fact I was standing in the pool. Learning from this experience, I try to be EXTRA vigilant for them, and yet, they get me again and again in a way that similar effects don't seem to in other games.
It was really bothering me, why the hell am I so bad at avoiding this game mechanic in particular? Then it hit me: these pools make like zero noise. And I don't mean they make no noise when you're standing in it (that would be nice too), I mean, they are like the most silent thing in the game. They provide no audio clue that something really bad is happening ON THE SCREEN. And I just had this epiphany that years of gaming have conditioned my brain unconsciously to respond to the COMBINATION of audio and visual effects when it comes to registering hazards; a visual cue is necessary but insufficient as a signal. When accompanying audio is absent, something happens and it's like...I just can't SEE it for some reason.
Once this epiphany hit me, I started noticing other oddly silent effects in this game. I'll give you just one more example because this post is getting long. The "barbarian" Pit boss fight will eventually spawn a red demon apparition that joins the fight and tries to pound you into the ground. It's main attack is to slam the ground as hard as it can in your direction dealing direct damage and also spawning red vaporous pools of death. Now, I know this thing is a ghost, but the sound for POUNDING ON THE GROUND is so so faint and subtle. Like, it just doesn't FIT with what my eyes are seeing on the screen. So, not only do I feel like the audio experience doesn't provide the correct signals to player's brains sometimes, but also, there's a mismatch esthetically with the visual content. Like, the game would also just be better artistically if the gaps in sound design were filled.
Probably nobody will ever read all this, but I seriously think Blizzard needs to do a thorough audit of visual effects that lack sufficient punch in the audio department. To be clear, the stuff that DOES have sufficient sound is GREAT. I love bashing, slashing, shooting, zapping, burning, freezing, and crushing monsters because the sound is great. The sounds mobs make when they die and attack are often great. But there appear to be some clear gaps here that are at least affecting me and maybe other players adversely.
TL;DR: Blizzard should do an audit of visual effects in this game to identify effects that need a better sound design.
submitted by SleepCoachJacob to diablo4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:19 No-Act386 Here my review of FF4 part 2

After compliting the rest of the game I going to give my thought on the game in the more gemplay department now I have pretty much completed the game:
The story after I rescued rosa and recruit kain was more through the motion but I wouldn't say is a bad thing since I felt like it gave more time to breath which sometimes FF4 didn't give me early on, but I will admit all of this cheap sacrifices really didn't leave me with a good impression, I be fine with Edward and Yang but in my opinion the twins and especially Cid should stay dead and is not because I dislike them far from it but they had the worst when it came to suffering a death, not saying Yang couldn't stay dead but his "death" was off screen, which can work, Cid on the other hand, felt like mega man X6 case of Zero when Cid "hid himself while recovering himself" type of deal.
Edge was an ok character I enjoyed playing him despite being the weakest of the last 5 cast of ff4 but he can feel annoying at times, and his arc of being in love for Rydia felt out of place, I get it he a rebelious teen type of character but the romance thing is pretty one-sided with no real conflict the giant of babil was alright calamity even though his size compared to the world. just tell me it will take him forever to destroy if nothing was interrupting him, the founding was Cecil was a lunarian was alright didn't really click with me, but that mostly Cecil kinda felt like have his arc mostly complete, Golbez being his brother was a "Luke I am your father" moment which I like.
Zemus, however, felt so underwhelming, he not Palpatine and felt like the most bland character in the game, he not Xande but he felt kinda boring magical villain 101. the ending was worth it, even with many of the cast members still alive post sacrifice.
Presentation kept going great and I was still engaged, I love the look of the last floor of the lunar subtarrane, and the music which I didn't talk about was great too. I say I like it more than earthbound but undertale and live a live take the cake for me for having some rock based ost, if I had to choose top 5 it be, main overworld, battle with the elemental fiends, fabul, boss battle and within the giant.
The gameplay had ups and downs.
The ups being the satisfying access for more magic especially flare and holy, after seeing Cecil get ragnarok, the number just feels me with joy, Kain being stronger satisfying, and while the ninjistu is not very strong I still like to use it as budget, fire, ice and thunder magic for mid to late game.
For locations, there was one that was made me a bit frustrated and that was the Sylph cave, I was going around it for this area 7 times, and that mostly from this godamn malboros and their tanky HP, granted I found confuse being the tool to fight them, but that only worked with one or two, three of them. screw that. though I did kill a row of four, I didn't find until very late that I could cancel random encounters which I only did before the final boss so I can grinds in a better pace.
For the hardest boss in the game while Zeromous was close dark Bahamut take the cake for me, being pretty much a mix up of bahamut and a wicked mask with better AI. granted, the final boss while kinda annoying, but I did kill him after 10 attempt and having level 69 kain (not a joke), I did get all the best weapons for everyone and I say I kinda wish you could skip cutscene especially how long zeromous can take, I wish there was separate option for both speed up and auto battle it could make things less annoying at times.
Overall I really enjoyed the game, and I plan to play it again later on, I am not sure when but will do it, final fantasy 4 pixel remaster get my rank of 89 out of 100, or high A tier, it didn't do enough to get my rank of S tier, but it still did a lot to get my score.
I plan to do a boss rank hopefully this week
submitted by No-Act386 to FinalFantasy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:18 BigHitchTV Coming up on 2 years alcohol free, down 110 lbs

Coming up on 2 years alcohol free, down 110 lbs
Forgive me for a longer post. Pictures don’t do justice for the amount of work I’ve put in, not just in the weight room but inner-work. I’ll try to keep it interesting, on topic, with little quirks of my humor sprinkled in (😊). I appreciate anyone taking the time to read this.
Crossposting to the other communities that have helped me so much.
I wanted to include my graph to show that it hasn’t been a flawless ride. Had a tough time staying focused on the workout discipline side of things, especially during this past winter. (More context below)
I drank beer, mostly, and played a lot of video games (particularly during the covid lockdowns) to get that big, 317 lbs at my peak (I’m 6’ 4”).
Consistently lifting weights (4 days a week, on average) and eating well (80% of the time, don’t touch my ice cream) has been the only “secret”.
I have found, personally, that understanding myself has been equally if not MORE a part of this journey.
CONTEXT: Social anxiety and depression has been a major part of my story: a lot of feelings of “not good enough/useful” stemming from a poor relationship with my parents growing up (not blaming, just aware).
I was a chubby, Michigan-born, homeschooler. Raised in a religious family (Baptist) that kind of disowned me when I started having sex with my high school girlfriend (I went to public high school).
Feeling overwhelmed and swallowed up by the sheer number of people in college, I ran away to the military at 20 (after losing about 40 lbs through jogging mostly, very “skinny-fat” body), and felt like quite a black sheep in that community as well.
Sensitive and gentle aren’t exactly military-issued qualities lol.
After a mental health related discharge, I chased after a girlfriend who was still in college and picked up a job waiting tables and eventually bartending.
Being “the man” behind the bar meant lots of new friends and a lot of phone numbers (it’s cool to know the bartender, kinda thing, that’s not meant as a flex).
Drinking to fit in with these new friends introduced me to this community where no one held others accountable, it was just frolicking and getting drunk together. Lots of games of pool and darts.
I began feeling like I finally was “cool” and had somewhere to fit in.
I met my wife (still together 5 years strong), got married, and changed jobs back to one more aligned with my military training (nuclear engineering), that was 2019.
Well, a few months later lockdowns were enforced, my gym closed up (they went out of business as it was a pretty small family-ran place), and as an introverted gamer I thought life was just grand, at first.
However, the frequent drinking (4-pack of IPAs, 3-4 days a week), lack of exercise, and bored eating all caught up.
I developed gout, became the drunk asshole of every woman’s nightmare, and hit quite a low point.
It was the foot pain that really did me in. I felt so pathetic and terrible: going from a pretty good looking bartender who dabbled in personal training, to being unable to walk up two flights of stairs without being winded and miserable.
A lot of my ego had gone into being “the cool bartender”, the physical pain from my feet forced a “sobering” (pun intended) realization of how far away that “cool” persona had fallen.
After a particularly nasty gout flair up in Jan 2022 I began moderating and seriously trying to lose weight (had rejoined a gym already, but if you look at my chart it hadn’t really changed my behavior much).
Took a match to it all that June, after realizing moderating wasn’t going to get me very far.
I found a project to replace my time with (began studying web design for fun/freelancing, then pivoted to re-certifying as a trainer), read a book called “Miracle Morning”, and started journaling/meditating every morning that I could (I work rotating shift work, so my schedule is consistently tumultuous).
Through that inner work (“mindset” I guess in marketing speech, but that feels not as profound as the experience was for me), I have been able to find such tremendous inner peace and quiet down the voices of insecurity and fear.
I am absolutely still a work in progress, but I am accepting of myself and imperfectly working toward the best potential version of my Self.
That’s actually the big selfish reason why I wanted to post this, fear exposure: I’m a little sweaty while writing this from the fear of sharing lol.
And of course some validation for my hard work, I’d be lying if I didn’t say that some upvotes and “Nice” comments don’t feel good.
My future health goal: At my leanest in the military I still was in the high teen body fat percentages. This is the leanest I have ever been, and the pain I have reclaimed fuel my desire to keep going.
Dieting until I have washboard abs, then I might do some bulk-cut cycles. I amm toying with the idea of some competitive bodybuilding as the next iteration of “holy shit a lot of people are looking at me”.
If you made it to the end, it means the world to me. Thank you.
If there’s anything that I can answer or provide insights to, I’d be genuinely thrilled to help, to clarify, or to share more.
submitted by BigHitchTV to stopdrinkingfitness [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:11 rahagajoy Which one of those 3 games matches my criteria the most ?

There are 3 games that I am thinking to buy but I have to choose one for now : Pillar of eternity 2, Solasta, Divinity original 2
The main appeal that drives me to choose them is that I can create multiple characters I know divinity does not have it but I saw some video tutorial of people teaching how to create multiple characters . However I don't know which one should I choose. I have some criteria that I am expecting those games have it's okay if they don't have all of them. I am going to give you a list of the criteria that I have in mind.
I want the character to be a normal person he isn't a chosen one, he is just a regular person who is going to change the world. I want my characters to have one of those traits : a fast dps characters who specialise in dual and unarmed weapon, I want him to have passive or active abilities that can boost his critical attacks, speed and of course their damage, a mage that focus on elemental spell specificaly ice, water, wind (not lighting), and/or earth ( not acid), a shapeshifter that can turns mainly into a cat like tiger or lion, wolf, eagle, elements, ice dragon and/or other mythical shape like manticore, I don't want him to turn into a bulky creature like bear, goat or bull I don't want him to turn into a creature related to dark like skull, fiend or undead ,as for the last trait I want a summoner that can summon mythical beast, the animals that I mentioned earlier, dragons, I don't want him to summon undead or again a bulky creature.
I want the fight to be chalenging but at the same time not too stressfull I have already asked for pillar of eternity and apparently the difficulty is not too stressfull. I want to rely on my skills instead of always attacking the enemy. The environement should affect the fight and each position that I put my characters should have an impact.
The world should be colorfull with many fanstastic place, I don't want a dark tone in the world.
So here are my criterias which one of those three have those aspects the most it's okay if they don' have all of them. You can also suggest me others games that have those criteria. In case you want to recommend me pathfinder I have already played it and I suck at it.
submitted by rahagajoy to gamesuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:41 Bad-Injury 26M - Looking for new friends

Hey there! I'm 26 from Europe and I'm currently trying to expand my friend circle. Looking for meaningful conversations and finding my partner in crime. If you're looking for a loyal friend that would rob a bank with you and followed you to hell - I'm here ;) You can talk with me about everything! Go on, try me out :D I'm very open minded and I do not judge at all - you can feel at ease with me and I would like to ask the same from you.
I'm curious about the world, other cultures and I'm very passionate about video games, technology, psychology and the nordic mythology. I have a nerdy, friendly and chill personality. I'm an INFJ. Also I love travelling, hiking and making photos. I have a dream to travel all around the Nordic Countries someday.In addition I'm trying to get into anime recently. If you can recommend some dark anime like AoT please let me know! I love animals - especially cats and I recently became a cat dad! I adopted a cute ragdoll :D
Below a little list with my fav titles: Video games: Baldur's Gate 3, the Dragon Age and Mass Effect series, the Elder Scrolls and Fallout series, the Witcher series, Cyberpunk 2077 and both The Last of Us parts Movies/TV series: LoTR, Game of Thrones, Vikings, The Last of Us, The Expanse Books: The Witcher saga, Dragon Age novels, A Song of Ice and Fire Anime: Attack on Titan, Death Note, Goblin Slayer Music: I love many genres, but mostly dark/melancholic stuff
submitted by Bad-Injury to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:41 Femboy_Yugioh 26[M4M] Texas- Nerdy femboy looking for something long term

Hi, nice to meet ya. Please throughly read my post . I’m still open to questions. I will not respond to a “ hi or hey” in the first message .
Texas . Willing to move to another state or have my future partner live with me
Appearance :
A thick black femboy who loves dressing up sometimes . Height : 5’3. Age: 26 Personality : I’m super ambivert . I love to go to anime cons, anime movies , TCG stores for tournaments , ect . I’m a super silly goofball who loves to make people smile .
💙My hobbies:
🩷What im looking for in a Relationship🩷
TALL (taller than my own height) , very communicative, masculine(mostly beards and body hair) gamers/anime nerds.
Someone who’s ready for a long term relationship Someone who may want to live together in the future
Someone who loves anime or video games especially OW2. *These are just preferences not a deal breaker. *
✅Ps: for compatibility reasons I’m a 100% bottom.
If you made it this far, please message me an introduction about yourself. This is extremely important as it tells me alot about you and for me to give you a well detailed response. Mostly a name to call you , hobbies, location (state wise) and what you’re looking for . You may send pics in the first message if you may like 😊
Ps: Burner accounts/1-5 karma please don’t message due to tons of waste of timers I will not respond . Also do not ask for NSFW stuff / automated block. Let’s keep this PG.
submitted by Femboy_Yugioh to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:41 xXYunusKillerXx is the price good?

I wanna upgrade my current rig, I wanna go big or go home so is this build worth it for the price or should i wait for the 5090.
submitted by xXYunusKillerXx to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:40 Bad-Injury [26M] - Looking for new friends

Hey there! I'm 26 from Europe and I'm currently trying to expand my friend circle. Looking for meaningful conversations and finding my partner in crime. If you're looking for a loyal friend that would rob a bank with you and followed you to hell - I'm here ;) You can talk with me about everything! Go on, try me out :D I'm very open minded and I do not judge at all - you can feel at ease with me and I would like to ask the same from you.
I'm curious about the world, other cultures and I'm very passionate about video games, technology, psychology and the nordic mythology. I have a nerdy, friendly and chill personality. I'm an INFJ. Also I love travelling, hiking and making photos. I have a dream to travel all around the Nordic Countries someday.In addition I'm trying to get into anime recently. If you can recommend some dark anime like AoT please let me know! I love animals - especially cats and I recently became a cat dad! I adopted a cute ragdoll :D
Below a little list with my fav titles: Video games: Baldur's Gate 3, the Dragon Age and Mass Effect series, the Elder Scrolls and Fallout series, the Witcher series, Cyberpunk 2077 and both The Last of Us parts Movies/TV series: LoTR, Game of Thrones, Vikings, The Last of Us, The Expanse Books: The Witcher saga, Dragon Age novels, A Song of Ice and Fire Anime: Attack on Titan, Death Note, Goblin Slayer Music: I love many genres, but mostly dark/melancholic stuff
submitted by Bad-Injury to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:40 Bad-Injury 26 [M4A] Online/Poland - Looking for new friends

Hey there! I'm 26 from Europe and I'm currently trying to expand my friend circle. Looking for meaningful conversations and finding my partner in crime. If you're looking for a loyal friend that would rob a bank with you and followed you to hell - I'm here ;) You can talk with me about everything! Go on, try me out :D I'm very open minded and I do not judge at all - you can feel at ease with me and I would like to ask the same from you.
I'm curious about the world, other cultures and I'm very passionate about video games, technology, psychology and the nordic mythology. I have a nerdy, friendly and chill personality. I'm an INFJ. Also I love travelling, hiking and making photos. I have a dream to travel all around the Nordic Countries someday. In addition I'm trying to get into anime recently. If you can recommend some dark anime like AoT please let me know!I love animals - especially cats and I recently became a cat dad! I adopted a cute ragdoll :D
Below a little list with my fav titles: Video games: Baldur's Gate 3, the Dragon Age and Mass Effect series, the Elder Scrolls and Fallout series, the Witcher series, Cyberpunk 2077 and both The Last of Us parts Movies/TV series: LoTR, Game of Thrones, Vikings, The Last of Us, The Expanse Books: The Witcher saga, Dragon Age novels, A Song of Ice and Fire Anime: Attack on Titan, Death Note, Goblin Slayer Music: I love many genres, but mostly dark/melancholic stuff
submitted by Bad-Injury to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:39 Bad-Injury 26M - Looking for new friends

Hey there! I'm 26 from Europe and I'm currently trying to expand my friend circle. Looking for meaningful conversations and finding my partner in crime. If you're looking for a loyal friend that would rob a bank with you and followed you to hell - I'm here ;) You can talk with me about everything! Go on, try me out :D I'm very open minded and I do not judge at all - you can feel at ease with me and I would like to ask the same from you.
I'm curious about the world, other cultures and I'm very passionate about video games, technology, psychology and the nordic mythology. I have a nerdy, friendly and chill personality. I'm an INFJ. Also I love travelling, hiking and making photos. I have a dream to travel all around the Nordic Countries someday.In addition I'm trying to get into anime recently. If you can recommend some dark anime like AoT please let me know! I love animals - especially cats and I recently became a cat dad! I adopted a cute ragdoll :D
Below a little list with my fav titles: Video games: Baldur's Gate 3, the Dragon Age and Mass Effect series, the Elder Scrolls and Fallout series, the Witcher series, Cyberpunk 2077 and both The Last of Us parts Movies/TV series: LoTR, Game of Thrones, Vikings, The Last of Us, The Expanse Books: The Witcher saga, Dragon Age novels, A Song of Ice and Fire Anime: Attack on Titan, Death Note, Goblin Slayer Music: I love many genres, but mostly dark/melancholic stuff
submitted by Bad-Injury to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:34 Tanakito3 Guys, I freaking NEED a Tim breaker video game.

Please Microsoft, PLEASE GIVE REMEDY BACK THE QUANTUM BREAK RIGHTS. Because this is such a cool concept and I really want to see more from Shawn Ashmore within this concept. Playing the night springs episode 3 really made me realize just how much potential this has for the remedy verse. That DLC WAS SO GOOD!! Microsoft isn’t even doing anything with quantum break so just give it back to them at this point and just let them cook. Wtf man.
submitted by Tanakito3 to AlanWake [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:33 techy_canadian 26M Canada *u jus got hypnotized & need me in ur life😭

I'm on the west coast of Canada, moved here from England several years ago and currently looking for some interesting ppl to b friends with (or end up blocking lmao).
I have a beautiful lil cat, like tiktok, gaming (PC), working out and having deep convos around life, your exes, chicken wings and what kinda pizza is best.
I love sending/receiving voice notes/calls as I think it helps build rapport faster than text so would prompt to move to discord once we pass the vibe check.
hmu with what ur biggest toxic trait is? (it's a fun ice breaker and helps me judge you... jk, or am I?)
submitted by techy_canadian to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:32 Tuco206 Eiscue

Now that ice face is implemented been having trouble with eiscues, game freezes when they are fainting, anyone else run into this? Edit: also freezes if I try to catch them
submitted by Tuco206 to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:26 bigbrattybabe I think arm wrestle is perfect for first date ice breaker

I think arm wrestle is perfect for first date ice breaker submitted by bigbrattybabe to BigArms [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:26 Cirkusleader Feelings on the Series Going Forward (post-Reverie)

Hey all,
So recently I replayed the CS arc. When I first got into these games, I started with CS and played all the way through, so obviously I was missing important context for a lot of things. After that I just went from Sky 1 through to Azure, then jumped to Reverie.
Over the last couple months I did a CS replay so I could get a “new experience” with the information I lacked before. And in anticipation for Daybreak, I replayed Reverie as well. And it made me want to kind of do a “thoughts on the series” post because the more I replay the game, the more excited and terrified I become of the future. And I kinda want to hear everyone else’s opinions on certain things.
So first I wanna talk about the characters. This series, for me, is really carried hard by a lot of the cast. Yeah, there are characters I don’t like, and some I find kinda bland, but the ones who shine really REALLY shine. But the problem is that even if we just count the playable characters across the series, we’ve cleared like 60 characters, and a lot of them didn’t make a return in Reverie - which was supposed to be the big crossover event. Like, Kloe is briefly there but she plays no role in the plot, she isn’t playable, hell outside of a Daydream she doesn't even have lines. Anelace is Master Ka-Fai’s Granddaughter and nobody even talks about her outside of the Sky series. Josette turned into a glorified bus driver. And let’s be real - at this point the Liberl crew is here out of obligation more than anything, with the sole exception of Tita. And the weird part is that, based on their story, I think they have the MOST reason to be around when dealing with Ouroboros, but they don’t do anything with this connection, really.
Now why bring this up? Because I feel like we’re going to start losing a LOT of characters in the future. They cannot keep up a cast this large. My concern, though, is that it’ll be a lot of my favorites. I mean, I love Crow, and I know Rean will show up. And let’s be real, where Rean goes, Crow is sure to follow. He doesn’t concern me. But what about a lot of my other favorites? It pains me, but I don’t see Juna coming back. Her arc is linked to Crossbell, and we solved all their problems. And the same thing goes with a lot of the Crossbell Crew. Reverie’s ending makes me think Lloyd will come back along with, likely, the main 4 SSS-ers, but what about Noel? She doesn’t have much reason to leave Crossbell. The same goes for another favorite of mine - Claire. She doesn’t really have any reason to leave Erebonia. I can’t imagine she’s coming back. Same with a lot of Class VII. Jusis is ruling a province. He can’t just go galavanting off. Same with characters like Machias, Laura, and Millium. And I think my biggest fear is the Liberl crew. Now don’t spoil me, but based on the Reverie Daydreams, I’m expecting Renne to be in the future games. But what about the rest? Falcom seems hell bent on getting rid of a lot of the Liberl crew. Like I said, we haven’t been able to play them in a long time. Kloe, Anelace, Schera, Mueller, Julia, Kevin, Reis, Josette, Zin… if they’re even around they’re a shell of their former selves. And in Reverie, Estelle and Joshua may as well be mannequins with their faces for all it matters - at least outside of the daydreams featuring them. So yeah, the future terrifies me. I really wanna see my favorites return in a big way - especially characters like Juna - but I don’t think many of them will, and if they do, they’re not going to be the same. They’ll make Juna into some traveling Michalem executive who doesn’t fight, or reduce Rixia down to just a dancer girl, maybe give some of my favorites the Kevin treatment, or just turn Estelle and Joshua into just borderline Bracer NPCs no different from Lynn and Aeolia.
That said… I’m incredibly excited for the new characters these gaps will bring. I didn't play the Daybreak Demo - I wanted to go in as blind as possible. But it's kinda impossible to ignore everything about the game at this point. I can already tell there's at least one character I’m going to love based on what little I’ve seen. I just wish these new characters didn't come off the back of others.
Next, I wanna talk about Ouroboros. Now this is gonna be controversial - I know - but I don’t know how I feel about them being the main antagonists. Because the thing is, with Osborne out of the picture, I think they’re going to move back into the spotlight as our main antagonistic force once more. The thing is… I cannot take them seriously. I know people are gonna go “B-b-but the Grandmaster can smell all possible futures with her amazing super duper god powers! She’s soooooo stupor doopur stronk!” and yeah. Sure. But here’s the thing. Her “plans” read like they aren’t made by someone who can see the future. Because they’re all effectively just sending her people in to fuck around, then lucking into whatever she needed to get - many times at a cost to her organization. Like, let’s look at the CS arc to explain. So she recruits Vita, then Vita turns on her and, because of this, Osborne steals their “plan”. He then effectively forces them to work for him, while they try to actively hunt Vita down. And by the end of CS4, they’ve also lost McBurn. Meanwhile every single plan she puts in motion during this arc is “I send person A to place B where they get their ass kicked, but somehow this results in me obtaining the key component to the Super Scrupulous Mashed Potato Penguin Plan, and for some reason my underlings will all just go “I understand. Me getting kicked in the mouth so hard that my shit has teeth marks now was all part of the master plan. Oh how wise and powerful you are! Now pardon me while I go ice my two black eyes and broken nose with a now toothless smile.” But then for whatever reason… Vita goes back to Ouroboros. It’s a good fucking thing your search parties DIDN’T find her, Grandmaster. If they had that would have ended poorly. Oh! But of course you knew they wouldn’t find her so… WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SEND THEM TO HUNT HER IN THE FIRST PLACE?! Like if I could SEE THE FUCKING FUTURE I would just not hire dumbasses who betray me, are hilariously incompetent, or fucking die. I would also simply not make plans where my people just get kicked to Ghenna and back by children. If I just know everything, why do I need to have my idiots test out magical artifacts in Sky? Why do I need to perform these little experiments since I should already know their outcomes? Hell, why do I even need to make these elaborate plans to get artifacts when I should just know where they are and just GO FUCKING GRAB THEM. Nobody would have been able to stop her if she DIDN’T create a cabal of super terrorists to go cause problems and just strolled around collecting shit. Like if she just summoned the Ark herself to get what she needed, the Bracers WOULDN’T have been onto her in the slightest, meaning they wouldn’t be around to stop her.
And that’s all just their leader. Don’t get me started on the fact that, at this point, we have either converted, killed, or kicked the absolute cunt out of 90% of their members. Like, I just can’t take these idiots seriously as a threat. I don’t care that the Grandmaster can supposedly see the future. I don’t care that she has this coalition of super beings, and I don’t care that she’s absolutely either Aidios or the Sept-Terrion or Mirage… or both. Because what she and her troup ACTUALLY are, to me, are a bunch of fucking dumbass clowns who think they’re cool. They’re basically all Wimp Lo from Kung Pow if anyone gets that reference. Fuckin “I’m bleeding, making ME the victor!” dumbasses.
It's such a shame too because as individuals, I find a lot of them super interesting. McBurn seems like he's gonna have some really cool shit coming up. I really love Vita and her role in the CS arc. I think Joshua, Renne, and Loewe were awesome. But the problem is that it's hard to take them seriously all together.
Weissman, Novartis, The Emperor, and Bell may as well be the same character for all it matters - but two of them are dead, one has been thwarted twice, and one thwarted once. Walter and Luci got their asses beat so hard they stopped being in the series. Arianrhod and Loewe are dead. Sharon, Bleublanc, Josh, Renne, and McBurn are out. And then we have Campy who basically exists to be a punching bag at this point. I don't think anyone has taken more L’s than him in this series.
I’m kind of hoping that the Calvard arcs “true” enemy is President Dickface or Heiyue. If that happened I’d be all on board. But at this point I just cannot see me getting invested in another dumb Ouroboros meme scheme that ends with us beating the actual fuck out of them, and then the GM going “Ah yes. Two more of my team died, and five others are nursing broken ribs. All according to plan.”
Finally, I wanted to touch on the general gameplay. Now a lot of this is based on spoilers I was unable to avoid - and I’m very mixed on how things seem to be shaping up in this regard. I know the combat is different going forward and I don't know exactly how I’ll feel about that until I play it, but I do think I’ll still prefer the CS system. Turn based combat is really dying out - and while I love FF16 and the 7R games with their action combat, I do miss standard turn based. And it kinda feels like a shame that Trails, a game with incredibly well realized turn based combat, is steering away from it.
That said, I also know they’ve removed the romance mechanic and… Thank FUCK for that. One of my biggest gripes with Crossbell and CS is that all the women effectively needed to be written as a sort of “Schrodinger's Girlfriend” where they are all written in such a way that they both are and aren't dating the protagonist. I mean, don't get me wrong, a lot of these ladies still number among my favorite characters - Juna, Sara, Rixia, Alisa, Altina, Fie… But at the same time, it is so damn annoying to know that they could have also been given more of their own arcs, not tied to Lloyd or Rean, if Falcom had just said “Elie and Alisa are the girlfriends” with an actually well written romance arc like they had clearly intended. I’m so fucking glad that is out, so now maybe we can see characters have actual narrative relationships again like in Sky.
Though I will say that the downside to this is losing out on the otherwise normal hangouts. The social elements of CS are what made me love Class VII even more. We got to see characters during their down time. We got to see other sides of them. One of my favorites is Rean asking Altina what she wants to paint, and almost by instinct she just points to him. It's one of the most adorable scenes that really shows both the bond between them, and the potential for Altina. But now we won't get those moments.
That said I also know this has been replaced with a Mass Effect-esque Paragon/Renegade system and… Again I don't know how to feel here. My obvious concern is that this system won't matter, just like the romance mechanic. They’ll have to make it a Schrodinger's Morality where Van both is and isn't a paragon of virtue and menace to society, and again, this bothers me. I wish they’d just make the narrative they want.
Anyway. Those are my general thoughts. I’m not necessarily looking for like… Reassurance or anything, especially if it involves spoilers, but I’m more wondering if I’m alone in feeling a lot of these. Daybreak is a game that both excites and terrifies me. Because I’ve come to love this series so much. Hell, I’d say it had eclipsed Mass Effect as my favorite video game series of all time. But seeing the state of things post-Reverie, and having some general Daybreak spoilers, kinda terrifies me of what's to come, and not in the good kind of “fear” like the horrible anticipation after CS3’s ending. So I kinda want to know what the rest of the fans think.
submitted by Cirkusleader to Falcom [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:26 Ok-Seaworthiness3874 Very obvious match fixing from MAG.Nirvana in RES Regionals

Here’s a photo I took yesterday of a game between MAG.Nirvana and Yangon Galacticos.
Starting odds of the match were Yangon favored -350 (1.25ish) to +200 (3.0) odds. Basically MAG were fairly heavy underdogs, but nothing insane. Yes, they suck - but that’s not the point.
Here’s a photo taken that shows the LIVE state of the match @ 13min, kill score is 12-6, up 3k gold. That’s pretty significant.
They won 3 lanes, they have a top networth Mars, Weaver, and invoker is like tied with their mid. That’s an extremely strong lineup going into a greedy 2 carry (SF and LS) lineup.
Any decent team is about to roam and punish them for the next 20min - and probably win the game. Yes it’s MAG.Nirvana but that’s not really the point.
In the world of betting - the odds will have moved quite a bit towards Mag.Nirvana
So guess what these odds are now? over 10.0 / over +1000. While being ahead and really not that big of underdogs. The odds were just plummeting for Yangon all while they are losing the game.
Then on queue - their Mid “Suki” runs down mid and dies in the goofiest feeds like 3 times in a row. Like gets a kill on a support and stays between tier 1 and towers to farm a wave. Or running back into a fight at 100 HP after being saved, into 3 full HP enemies. For no reason.
This all BEFORE the odds go from 2x to 10x meaning someone was putting MASSSIVE amounts on Yangon while they are behind. This is how that Chinese team Knights or whatever got caught were the odds would go down in games they were ahead, or randomly get underdog odds against way worse teams and not by a small amount.
Oh - and MAG goes onto win game 2.
I’ve done casual dota betting for 5 years. I’ve never seen anything even close to what I saw in this game. Definitely a matchfix, definitely a 322, odds NEVER move like that - as a fact, bizarre feeds, all of it. Recommend checking out the game if u can find it on YouTube or something.
submitted by Ok-Seaworthiness3874 to DotA2 [link] [comments]