Autocad 2007 activation serial

I remember the night I died and saw the Bardo.

2024.05.16 16:12 CIAHerpes I remember the night I died and saw the Bardo.

There are some kinds of wisdom only great suffering can bring. I remember my time in the Bardo with this in mind, for otherwise, the memory might drive me insane.
The night my heart stopped for nearly three minutes started off normally enough. I was working as a nurse in the psychiatric ward at a hospital in the state’s capital. Most of the patients there were harmless, mostly just suicide attempts or people suffering from drug psychosis or severe depression, but some were actively dangerous and certainly psychopathic in every sense of the word. The new admission was one of these- a three-hundred pound black man with a long history of smoking PCP, schizophrenia and violent, psychotic breaks from reality.
His eyes looked like flat pieces of slate as I walked in for my shift. They looked as blank and emotionless as the eyes of a doll. He sat at the table in the front room where the patients ate or played cards, alone under the bright fluorescent lights of the hospital. I walked to the station, where another psychiatric nurse named Ricardo was sitting behind the desk.
“What’s the deal with the new guy?” I asked him. Ricardo looked up, his dark Spanish face forming into a deep scowl. He ran his fingers through his jet-black hair nervously.
“He’s trouble, man,” he said in a crisp accent. “He got in a chase with the police and then punched some cops in the face. It took three guys to take him down, even after he got maced and tased. The judge sent him here on a temporary court order, since he claims he’s been getting chased by Nazis in UFOs, and that’s why he ran from the cops. He thought the cops in their uniforms were actually the SS, and the helicopters were alien spacecraft, or something. I don’t know, I didn’t listen to the whole story.”
“You have his file?” I asked. Ricardo leafed through a stack of folders with his thin fingers, snatching one out and handing it to me. I looked down, reading the information:
“Jeremiah Brown, black male, 37-years-old.
“History: Polysubstance abuse, schizophrenia, antisocial personality disorder.
“Psychiatrist’s note: This patient has scored a 36 out of 40 on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist. While I am always hesitant to label a patient as an antisocial personality, a combination of factors has made it essential for this patient.
“Patient has an extensive criminal history as well as a lengthy history of involuntary psychiatric admissions. He has been diagnosed as having antisocial traits since he was a young teenager. Patient has a long history of violence and suicide attempts. He has a history of imprisonment for manslaughter, armed robbery, grand theft and aggravated assault. Upon discharge, he refuses to take any antipsychotic medication, citing the side effects as the reason. Long-term prognosis is poor…”
I had not been sleeping well the past few weeks. I rubbed my eyes as I read through the file, feeling exhausted. I tried putting on lucid dreaming or meditation music from YouTube to help me sleep, but whenever I closed my eyes, I saw horrible things: chalk-white female faces whose lips were cut into an insane rictus grin, flicking their heads violently from side to side and gnashing their fangs at the air. I had a feeling that many years of constantly watching horror movies and serial killer documentaries was catching up with me.
As I read through the file, a student nurse came around the corner wearing a white state university outfit and a name tag that said Kaitlyn. I looked up, seeing Ricardo wink at me from where he was sitting in his chair behind the main desk.
“She’s going to follow you,” he said. Inwardly, I groaned, but I managed to force a smile.
“Oh, great!” I said. She looked like she was probably no older than nineteen or twenty. She had a pretty body, but her face looked strange. All the angles were too sharp and her nose too large. I knew the patients here wouldn’t care, though. They would hit on anything. I sensed trouble. I looked down at my watch.
“Well, I’m Jay, and you already know Ricardo, I guess. It’s good timing, because we need to give medications every day at 9 PM. And we have a new patient, so we can introduce ourselves,” I said, giving her a faint smile.
“That’s exciting!” Kaitlyn whispered. I wanted to roll my eyes. It was definitely not exciting.
I motioned her to follow me as I made my way to the medication room, which was really just a large closet off of the main day room. I had to enter my code on a keypad, and then, once inside, enter it again along with the patient’s number and date of birth. The correct drawers for the medication in each specific dose would fly open, making it extremely hard for the wrong medications or doses to be given, unless it was done intentionally.
“OK, so for this patient, we need Haldol, Ativan and…” I began saying to Kaitlyn when the yelling started. It came out faintly, rising in volume and anger within seconds. I heard Ricardo’s Spanish voice, filled with panic. Something slammed hard against a wall, once, twice, three times, and then I heard the sound of glass breaking. I jumped, spinning around, but I couldn’t see much through the small, shatter-proof glass pane on the wooden door.
“Stay here,” I commanded, seeing Kaitlyn’s eyes widen, her freckled skin looking much paler than when we had first come in. “Don’t leave until I come back and say that it’s safe.” On the speakers strung throughout the hospital, I heard the first of the warnings echo out around us.
“Doctor Strong, Doctor Strong, please report to the seventh floor,” a robotic female voice said calmly, using the code for when a patient had to be subdued by force. I pushed the door open, slamming it shut behind me so that the lock would activate and protect Kaitlyn from whatever chaos was going on.
I heard Ricardo pleading with someone at the end of the hallway that ran past the main desk. He sounded strange, as if he were trying to talk through a mouthful of blood. Huddled behind the main computer, I saw one of the CNAs frantically whispering something in the phone. She must have been the one to call the Dr. Strong order.
“You don’t have to do this, man,” Ricardo gurgled faintly. I couldn’t see what was happening, as Jeremiah’s large body was blocking my view. I could see that the thick glass window at the end of the hallway was broken, however. My heart skipped a beat as I surmised what was likely happening.
I sprinted forward as quietly as I could, but the large man heard me. His massive body turned, his flat, dead eyes scanning me with absolute coldness and calm. I saw he had a bleeding Ricardo in his hands. Ricardo’s back and head were covered in deep cuts and shards of glass. He must have used Ricardo’s body as a battering ram to break the thick glass window. Jeremiah held Ricardo suspended halfway out the window, seven floors above the concrete walkways far below.
“Stay back, or this fucker will know what it feels like to fly,” Jeremiah said in a deep, gravelly voice. He shook Ricardo for emphasis, sending his head snapping back and forth with painful cracking sounds. Drops of blood flew from his nose and a deep gash across his cheek. Pieces of shattered glass littered the carpet, shining like countless tiny stars.
I put my hands up, taking a step back. Far behind me, I heard the front door for the psychiatric ward open. Voices echoed down the hall. Knowing that reinforcements were coming, I tried to buy some time.
“Let’s talk about this,” I said, taking a step forward slowly. “You don’t want a murder charge, do you? You’ll never see the sky again.”
“I don’t give a fuck! I’m not afraid to die!” Jeremiah screamed, pushing Ricardo onto one of the shards of broken glass still attached to the windowsill. It bit deeply into the back of his neck, sending fresh streams of blood rushing out, dripping down to the pavement far below. I heard security guards and doctors running down the hallway behind me, their voices frantic and excited. Jeremiah saw them coming. With an animalistic panic in his eyes, he lifted Ricardo up. I cried out something, stepping forward, but it was already too late. In horror, I watched as he threw Ricardo out the window.
I watched Ricardo’s body soar in a graceful arc, his arms grabbing at empty air as a scream ripped its way out of his throat. Within a fraction of a second, he had disappeared from view, but his terrified shrieking floated up to us for what seemed like a very long time. His screams ended abruptly as a shattering of bones and a wet smacking sound exploded far below us.
Jeremiah turned to me, his large body moving much faster than seemed possible. In his hand, I saw a piece of broken glass, five or six inches long and as sharp as a dagger. I tried to turn and run, but he was fast and strong. He lunged forward, his arm coming up in a blur towards my neck.
The shard entered my skin with a cold, numbing pain. I felt it slice through the flesh easily, felt the blood bubbling up my throat as I tried to scream, choking. The taste of iron filled my mouth as I fell backwards. I was suffocating, I knew. I must be dying.
Something cold ran down my body, gripping my heart like freezing, skeletal hands. The world swam around me and turned black. And then I was rising into a tunnel. At first, it was dark, filled with flickering shadows, but a fiery red light appeared at the end. I followed it, no more than a screaming mass of consciousness rising up into infinity.
I rose up through the end of the tunnel and found myself in an empty hospital ward. It looked identical to the psychiatric ward I had just come from. It even had the same smashed, blood-streaked window at the end of the hallway. A massive puddle of blood about ten feet away marked the spot where I must have died. But the fluorescent lights overhead here were flickering, and many had gone totally dark. The shadows seemed to press in on all sides.
The doors to the patients’ rooms were all tightly shut. I felt watched, afraid to call out or make any noise. I started walking down the hallway back towards the day room where the front desk was. All the lights there were out. A thick curtain of shadows hung in the air.
“You can come out,” a male voice as smooth as glass called from the darkness. I jumped, my head flicking in random directions, but I saw nothing. The voice almost sounded like it had an English lilt to it, a slight Cockneyed accent. “I know you’re there.”
“Who’s there?” I called out, not stepping forward. “Show yourself.”
“As you wish…” the voice hissed. “But I think you’ll regret it.”
The darkness split apart as if a nuclear missile had exploded. I raised my hand to shield my face, but the light and heat kept pouring out all around me. It blinded me, causing a rainbow of colors and shapes to morph behind my closed eyelids. After a few seconds, it subsided. Blinking rapidly, I squinted in the direction the voice had come from.
A male figure stood there, bathed in a silhouette of light. His face looked as white and as smooth as marble. His eyes were pits of darkness that seemed to flicker and burn. Two black, rotted wings surrounded his body, all sharp angles and thin, curving bones. His body was clothed in silky, blood-red robes, and a hood covered his platinum blonde hair.
He looked somewhat similar to Leonardo DiCaprio, if he was possessed by some ancient god, and it immediately threw me off-guard. If I was dying, and this was a hallucination of my brain, why would I be hallucinating Mr. DiCaprio?
“Who are you?” I asked, taking a hesitant step back. “Where am I?”
“My name is Lucifer, the Bringer of Light and Wisdom, and you are in the Bardo,” he answered.
“Oh,” I said, my heart dropping. “Well, that’s not good. Are you here to torture me or drag to me to Hell or something? You are that Lucifer, right? The Accuser of God and the Father of All Lies?”
“So they say, but, like most things in your world, the words of the powerful and your rulers are the true lies. They call me the Accuser, but of what am I accused?” he spoke in a voice that rose like smoke. “Of bringing knowledge and wisdom to humanity by telling them to eat from the tree of knowledge, the tree that would cause them to rise above the animals?
“Indeed, at the beginning, I saw the creation. I was there at the alpha, standing by the side of God with all the angels as the universe came into being. The endless procession of light, the power of it, was something remarkable to behold. God is, indeed, the source of great power, but his consciousness is not what the believers say.
“After the creation of the universe, I saw his plan, how he ripped eternal souls from the source to imprison them. I saw how he took these divine sparks and forced them, screaming and wailing, into bodies made of meat to die over and over again. He said it was part of the plan, the great, divine plan, a plan of death and destruction, constant suffering and mindless agony. And the worst part was, he wanted to give humanity neither the knowledge of good and evil, nor the tree of life. I convinced them to eat the fruit so they could open their eyes to their nakedness, to their basic animal existence, so they could rise up out of it forever.
“Like Prometheus, I brought down the fire, and yet they call me the Accuser? God was insane long before he formed the universe. These holy men, they live and die in fanatical adoration to a divine being who is, in fact, totally indifferent to them.
“His consciousness twists and distorts, eating itself for all eternity. God feeds off the pain of others, for if his mind is burning, then all others should burn as well. When these holy men die, God will send their souls here to the Bardo, to suffer every evil they have ever done. The wisdom I brought those who called upon me freed them from this prison, and in exchange, the holy men burned them alive. I offered the wisdom that opens your eyes, but it has been forgotten and cursed.”
Lucifer’s body began to dissolve, drifting up into the air like ashes. All around me, a low, powerful current blew, a tornado that spiraled high up into the clouds. Like some sort of Cheshire Cat, his smooth voice continued to echo all around me, even as the form of Lucifer disappeared.
“And yet, you have not the wisdom. For that, like all the others who enter the Bardo, you must suffer, everything you’ve done. Every small hurt and agony inflicted on others comes back a thousand-fold in this place, but don’t be afraid.”
“How could I not be afraid?!” I screamed into the ward, but I found myself alone, the question hanging unanswered in the air.
The lights continued to flicker all down the hallway. Feeling strange and dissociated, I stumbled over to one of the windows. As I gazed out, I beheld a strange and alien world.
The sky was flat and gray. It stayed in constant motion, swirling and spiraling, like clouds of roiling smoke. There was no Sun or Moon, no stars, only the strange, shifting whorls of clouds. The streets were filled with burned-out husks of cars and mummified bodies hung from streetlamps. Other signs of carnage and bloodshed covered the apocalyptic streets. I saw what looked like shadows in the shape of people slinking through over the sidewalks, past rotting dogs and streaks of clotted blood. They had no features on their blank, dark bodies. They seemed to skitter and jerk forwards in eerie, twisting motions.
Horrified, I turned away, realizing I was no longer alone in the day room. In the day room, there were dozens of tables set up inside a rectangular perimeter that was walled in by cosmetic walls only four feet high. It was where the patients sat and played games or ate.
Under the flickering lights, I now saw each of the chairs filled with faceless mannequins. Many were dressed in Victorian suits and tophats. The women had frilly dresses of pink and blue that might have been fashionable in the 1800s.
As the lights strobed on and off overhead, I realized with an increasing sense of disquiet that the mannequins were moving each time it went dark. When I had first seen them, they were mostly posed to look like they were staring across the tables at each other, even though they had no eyes, just smooth, flesh-colored plastic. Now all of them were looking directly at me. Some were pointing or raising their hands in my direction. At the tips of their fingers, I saw the glittering of steel. The lights continued to flicker, and the mannequins rose from their chairs in the short periods of darkness, moving towards me in synchronized, strobing motions.
Frantically, I ran down the hallway back towards the broken window. In each of the rooms, I caught glimpses of something from a nightmare peeking out. I hadn’t been sleeping well lately, and when I had closed my eyes, I often saw ancient hags with chalk-white skin and yellowed, broken teeth whose jaws unhinged, their faces jerking in stuttering, dissonant ways that reminded me of the mannequins. Now, on both sides of me, I saw these same figures. They moved continuously out of the rooms, drawing closer with every breath.
I looked back, seeing the mannequins only a few steps behind me. I continued sprinting towards the broken window where the hallway ended in a wall. I didn’t know what would happen when I reached it. At that moment, there was no rational thought. I felt like a deer being chased down by a pack of wolves, feeling waves of blind panic and mortal terror rushing through my body.
But as I reached the end of the hallway, the end of my rope as it were, a blast of noise started, seeming to come from the walls of the building and the sky itself. It sounded like a siren, a low, drawn-out drone of a demonic whale call, rising and falling in crashing crescendos. The mannequins froze in place once again. The strange, witch-like creatures slunk back into the dark rooms.
I looked outside the broken window, seeing clouds of black smoke rising off in the distance. The flickering of massive infernos scorched the land, drawing nearer by the second. The siren sound faded slowly, like the dying echoes of a gong.
I was surrounded by dozens of mannequins. Their sharp hands were inches away from my face and neck. I saw metal glittering all around me and realized they had the sharp points of nails protruding from the ends of their fingers. I was afraid to move, but I heard a familiar voice from down the hallway. It was the confident voice of Lucifer.
“The siren means much worse nightmares than these are coming in the Bardo,” he said, his glossy, black eyes flashing with intelligence. He walked slowly towards me, his face grim and pale. “Hell itself is coming over the land. This building is no more than a construction of your dying mind, but the world outside is real.”
“How can Hell come and go?” I asked, confused. “Isn’t Hell a place?”
“Hell is a monster, a beast with many mouths and many eyes,” Lucifer responded. “It eats constantly, but its hunger never ends. Look, the first of the sacrifices scatter like cockroaches.” He pointed out the broken window, pushing his way through the mannequins effortlessly. I glanced outside, seeing thousands of people sprinting down the dark city streets. The inferno and thick clouds of smoke had moved much closer, and every few seconds, the ground shook slightly, as if we were experiencing the aftershocks of an earthquake.
“What can I do against such a beast?” I asked, my heart freezing with terror. But when I looked back over, I saw his form dissolving again, becoming translucent and drifting away like ashes. It seemed even Lucifer didn’t want to be present when the Hell-beast arrived.
“Seek divine wisdom,” he said, his voice trailing off into whispers. “Remember the source.”
Now crowds of tens of thousands of people were streaming into the city, filling every single inch of the streets. Their panic and fear was contagious. I felt it rising inside my body like a snake spiraling up my spine. I took off down the hallway, running through the swarm of frozen mannequins, each in their own ferocious position of attack. The lights flickered faster and went out. Yet the fires outside cast the entire world in a bloody glow, giving me enough light to see by and find my way. I sprinted down the stairwell, taking them two steps at a time. The screaming outside grew louder and more pain-filled. The shaking of the ground worsened with every passing second.
I burst out of the front entrance, seeing a world on fire all around me. Thousands of crushed, bleeding and burned bodies stretched out as far as the eye could see. Behind all this chaos and death, I saw a monster of unimaginable proportions slinking its way towards me.
Lucifer was right, I realized: Hell was not a place, but a creature, an enormous monster the size of a town. It had thousands of skittering, jointed legs that looked like little more than skeletal arms and hands, each of them dozens of feet long and white as freshly-cut marble. Its body stretched out to the horizon, an enormous blood-red cylinder of bony plates that slithered and undulated with a serpentine grace. Waves of peristalsis traveled down its length, like writhing intestines. Thousands of curving, bony spikes stabbed out of it, pointing in every direction. Like the quills of a porcupine, it would protect the massive creature’s body from many forms of attack, if anything was big enough to attack such an abomination.
Hell’s massive eyes flickered, balls of fire that spun and danced. They looked as bright as the Sun. Something like solar flares seemed to emanate from the orbs, flashes of blinding energy that floated over the apocalyptic wasteland. As its many legs smashed the ground, they left trails of fire that caused everything to explode into flames as if napalm dripped from its limbs.
But Hell’s most terrifying feature was its seven dark mouths. Its body looked a thousand feet wide, and the mouths at the front were evenly dispersed. At the front, blood-red teeth in the shape of enormous railroad spikes shone. Its lipless, skeletal face grinned as it moved forward, shaking the ground with every step. The mouths were on long, snake-like necks that could stretch out hundreds of feet. They moved forward in a blur, snapping up as many panicked souls as they could.
Countless souls in the rocky plains of the Bardo ran for their lives, away from this juggernaut. I saw men and women who looked like they came from every country and profession, some dressed in suits or spotless white lab coats, others wearing rags or orange prison jumpsuits. And yet, they all screamed in agony and fear here, their bodies pressed together in a crowd, and no one seemed to remember anything but their own mortal terror. Their voices came out faint and weak next to the roaring of Hell. It shook the ground all around us, as if an earthquake were tearing the land apart.
The first frantic runners of the surging crowd had nearly reached me. The nearest person, a young woman in her mid-twenties dressed in all white, was only ten feet behind me. She looked like she came from wealth, and even from here, I could see a ring with a massive diamond gleaming on her finger.
I took off blindly down the familiar streets of the city where I worked and lived, but these also seemed different. The church down the street from the hospital where I worked had a Satanic pentagram instead of a cross now, its exterior painted a bright, gleaming blood-red. When I had driven past it today on my way to work, I remember it read, “JESUS said, ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’”
Now it read, “Nietzsche said, ‘Of all evil, I deem you capable. I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good simply because they had no claws.’” I wondered what that meant. Was that some sort of comment on me, on all of us here?
The woman I had seen running had caught up with me. She was fast, much faster than her slim body suggested. Her blue eyes were frantic and wild, filled with an animal panic.
“It’s right behind us!” she screamed, her face covered in a sheen of sweat. I was afraid to turn and look, but I could hear the chaos and bloodshed approaching, smell the flames and choking smoke. “Run! Get away!”
A new wave of energy surged through my body. I sprinted as fast I could down the strange mirror streets of the Bardo. I heard the agonized cries of countless souls behind us as the seven mouths of Hell ate them all greedily and then looked for more.
A skyscraper behind us collapsed into a pile of rubble, shaking the ground with a cacophony of falling concrete and shattering glass. The woman was running by my side. Just as I heard the breathing of something huge and predatory right behind us and smelled its sulfuric breath, a piece of concrete the size of a basketball broke off the collapsing skyscraper and flew into the road. I tripped over it, yelling as I flew through the air, skinning my arms and legs on the pavement. The woman’s eyes widened. Hurriedly, she came over and reached down her hand, trying to help me up.
“Come on, come on!” she cried. I looked behind her, seeing one of the gnashing mouths of Hell reaching forward on a blood-red, serpentine neck. The mouth was big enough to drive a tractor trailer into, filled with huge spikes of teeth. Its throat led into a black, smoke-filled abyss. Its fiery eyes were swirling pools of flickering orange light that shone with bloodlust and insanity. They focused on the woman, the entire head turning on its slithering neck.
I frantically raised my hand, intertwining my fingers with hers. Her hand was warm and soft. She started to pull me to my feet when the mouth of Hell snapped forward. Its jaw unhinged, scraping the pavement with a sound like grinding metal. The woman barely had time to turn as the mouth covered her and snapped shut with a crack.
She disappeared from view instantly, but I was still holding her hand. In horror, I felt warm rivers of blood explode all over my body as the mouth of Hell severed her arm at the wrist. She screamed, bleeding and crying, as she disappeared into the throat of Hell. Hell’s fiery eyes focused on me, and at that moment, I knew I was next. Its mouth opened wide again, like a bear trap ready to spring on a new victim.
It was dark in Hell’s mouth, but I smelled the thick reek of old blood and fire. I caught glimpses of tortured, mutilated bodies writhing and crawling down its throat. Shell-shocked, I could only lay there and watch. And that was when the strange doubling started.
I heard the frantic voices of men break through the fog of darkness and the fetid reek of blood. There was a mechanical beeping all around me, but I couldn’t tell where it was coming from.
“Clear!” one cried. I looked around, only seeing blackness. At that moment, I felt a surge of electricity rip itself through my body. My arms and legs all seized and my eyes rolled up in my head as the pain sizzled through each one of my nerves. I clutched the young woman’s hand tightly, feeling the large, gold ring with the massive diamond biting into my skin.
“Again!” another voice yelled.
“Clear!” the original voice cried. The electricity came again, and a flash of white light flew across my vision. I blinked, seeing from two sets of eyes at the same time: one in the Bardo, and one on the blood-stained floor of the hospital ward.
The Bardo stayed dark and sinister, but the clear white lights of the real psychiatric ward were blinding. It was a bizarre experience. Moreover, everything hurt. Over a few seconds, my vision of the Bardo faded, and I was simply a gravely injured man laying on the floor in a puddle of blood.
Four doctors and paramedics were crouching over me with a defibrillator. My shirt was ripped off, and nearly all of my skin was covered in blood. I raised my left hand, trying to talk, but only a fiery pain raced through my neck. I felt bandages covering my skin. A nurse was rolling a stretcher down the hallway towards me.
“It’s OK,” one of the doctors said, kneeling down. “You’re being taken to emergency surgery. You’ve lost a lot of blood.” I wanted to say something, but I couldn’t talk with the massive slice in my neck.
At that moment, I felt something in my right hand. I looked down, seeing a slim female hand with a massive diamond ring hanging there. Our fingers were wrapped around each other’s, but the hand had been cut off at the wrist. A ragged patch of bloody flesh and snapped bone poked out of the back.
“Nnnn,” I tried to say, shaking my head. I felt fresh streams of warm blood open up. “No…” The doctors looked down, seeing the dismembered hand. Their faces morphed into expressions of confusion and fear.
I closed my eyes as they lifted me up on the stretcher. One of them gently removed the cold hand from my fingers. But they could never remove the memory of what I had seen.
I know what happens after death, and it makes the worst life here seem like a dream. I know that, one day, I’ll be returned to that place. I know that, one day, I’ll see that great monster called Hell and the featureless, swirling sky of the Bardo again.
And the next time, I won’t wake up on a hospital floor, but will be trapped there with the others for eternity: an eternity of blood and fire.
submitted by CIAHerpes to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:12 Omega-Anxiety Mac physical to virtual; can I reuse my serial number for iMessage?

I have a Macbook Air with a busted screen that is running Monterey 12.7.1. I have been using remote services to get back into the Mac instead of having to get it fixed or buying a new one. I then decided to just make it into a virtual machine. I've used Time Machine to create a backup and then installed Monterey on a VM and used Migration Assistant to restore the backup.
My question is can I reuse the serial number and MAC address from my old, busted Mac to activate iMessage on this VM if it's the same Apple account? Or would I be better off just using some random unused serial number? I'd prefer to use my own serial number so I don't have to worry about taking someone else's if that's a possibility. Also, with this method, is there any high risk of Apple realizing it's a VM and shutting it down?
submitted by Omega-Anxiety to hackintosh [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:02 Grindwalds Help to reduce code size in Arduino IDE for ESP32

#include  #include  #include  #include  #include  WiFiManager wifiManager;//Objeto de manipulação do wi-fi WiFiClient client; //Cliente de Telnet IPAddress server(10, 10, 10, 10); //IP do servidor da Amazon boolean found = false; //Se encontrou o ESP no último scan void setup() { BLEScan* pBLEScan; //Variável que irá guardar o scan uint32_t lastScanTime = 0; //Quando ocorreu o último scan uint32_t lastFoundTime = 0; //Tempo em que encontrou o ESP pela última vez //Callback das chamadas ao scan class MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks: public BLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks { void onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice advertisedDevice) { //Sempre que um dispositivo for encontrado ele é mostrado aqui //Serial.print("Device found: "); //Serial.println(advertisedDevice.toString().c_str()); //Se for o dispositivo que esperamos if(advertisedDevice.getAddress().toString() == "2a:07:98:00:03:c8" ) { //Marcamos como encontrado, paramos o scan found = true; advertisedDevice.getScan()->stop(); Serial.println("Botão encontrado!"); } } }; Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(32, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(32, LOW); //Guardamos a referência e configuramos o objeto scan BLEDevice::init("R3Play"); pBLEScan = BLEDevice::getScan(); pBLEScan->setAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks(new MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks()); pBLEScan->setActiveScan(true); // Criar um objeto BLEClient com o UUID definido BLEClient* pClient = BLEDevice::createClient(); //callback para quando entra em modo de configuração AP wifiManager.setAPCallback(configModeCallback); //callback para quando se conecta em uma rede, ou seja, quando passa a trabalhar em modo estação wifiManager.setSaveConfigCallback(saveConfigCallback); } void loop() { //inicia somente led azul if(WiFi.status()!= WL_CONNECTED){ wifiManager.resetSettings();} if (digitalRead(12) == LOW){ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// <------------------------------------- Serial.println("Pino 12 apertado"); digitalWrite(26,HIGH); //LIGA BUZINA digitalWrite(32,HIGH); //Acende LED azul delay(1000); digitalWrite(26,LOW); //DESLIGA BUZINA digitalWrite(32,LOW); //apaga LED azul delay(1000); if(WiFi.status()== WL_CONNECTED){ if (client.connect(server, 6802)) { Serial.println("Telnet connected"); client.println("2on+510Vbutton"+ WiFi.macAddress() +"- R3Play"); Serial.println("2on+510Vbutton"+ WiFi.macAddress() +"- R3Play"); } else { Serial.println("Telnet connection failed");// if you didn't get a connection to the server: } } } if(WiFi.status()== WL_CONNECTED){ //Se conectado na rede digitalWrite(32,HIGH); //Acende LED VERDE //Serial.println("Conectado na Rede WiFi!!!"); } else{ //se não conectado na rede digitalWrite(32,LOW); //Apaga LED VERDE wifiManager.autoConnect();//Função para se autoconectar na rede } } //callback que indica que o ESP entrou no modo AP void configModeCallback (WiFiManager *myWiFiManager) { Serial.println("Entrou no modo de configuração"); Serial.println(WiFi.softAPIP()); //imprime o IP do AP Serial.println(myWiFiManager->getConfigPortalSSID()); //imprime o SSID criado da rede } //Callback que indica que salvamos uma nova rede para se conectar (modo estação) void saveConfigCallback () { Serial.println("Configuração salva"); } 
Good morning guys I'm trying to upload a code to my ESP32 but I don't have space on the board, I would like some help or tips to reduce the size of my code. thanks
submitted by Grindwalds to arduino [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:23 Dramatic-Fix8876 Bash Pro review

For context I've used H pattern shifters in sims since the very first commercially available Act-Labs shifter in the early 2000s, the different Logitech G series offerings, the Thrustmaster TH8A, and for the last 5 years I've been using the Frex GP.
I have not owned but have used the Pro-Sim shifter at a local sim shop so I can draw comparisons to this unit as well.
Of the above mentioned if I had my choice budget not being in question I would certainly go for the Pro-Sim, it simply had the most satisfying two stage feel to the gear engagement (getting into neutral and then getting into gear) however, at over 3x the price of the Frex I just felt like it didn’t offer enough to justify the move. Frex also simulates the two stage feel through detents on the shaft that gets acted on by a spring ball plunger, however with the Pro-Sim this feeling is much more pronounced. I kept going back to the shop over the last few years picking up the odd piece of equipment and giving the Pro-Sim a row each time but at the end of the day I figured I'd hold out for something "active".
On the subject of "Well does it feel like getting into gear in a real car", having driven dozens of cars I don't recall any two that feel the same. The feeling has been anything from G25 like spongy and sloppy in a 2007 Accord, to a very mechanical sharp and direct feel of a Mk4 Golf, to everything else in between. I have never driven anything race prepped that is H pattern equipped but I've rowed through some gears at an auto show in a stock car and a touring car and these felt closer to what the Pro-Sim feels like vs road cars.
Naturally the next thing in the evolution of the shifter was some kind of feedback, something to take the simulation further and prevent getting into gear if you aren't doing the correct things. Frex did this a long time ago but ultimately it wasn’t realistic as it was a mechanical solution, you have to press the clutch to shift gear and in real life both synchromesh and dog boxes allow for shifting clutches with correct technique.
On to the Bash Pro.
Construction is solid and the unit is heavy. The only nonmetal bits are what I'd call the dust guard, buttons and electronics housing frame components that are not stressed in any way. I wish the dust guard bit was polished in some way so you do not see the obvious 3d printer markings, same can be said for the other 3d printed bits, but hey if this shaved off some decent dollars from construction cost than why not. I've read a lot of "at this cost and 3d printed bits" and quite frankly I don't get the comments, the cost is actually "fair" considering the price of the competition.
Aesthetically its nothing to look at and if it were up to me I'd do away with the carbon fiber box for electronics and just make it all metal. I swapped the original 6+R knob for the black/carbon Frex knob and I think it looks miles better. It’s just a box that is pure function and I will take the footprint of this unit over the very cool looking competition any day. It does come with a mounting plate and easily screws into a piece of 40xXX profile. In my case it screwed into the Advanced Sim Racing shifter plate. The software controlling the unit is a plugin for SimHub.
How does it feel?
It has the gear engagement feel of the Pro-Sim at a 3rd of the size. There is a two stage feel to shifting gears but even more so due to the programable delay and the blocking gate mechanism. For delay we are talking about milliseconds, but it really makes for a great, into neutral and then into gear feel. There is a very strong and pronounced feel in taking it out of gear, into neutral, and then into gear again. The throw is heavy, but I don’t think its adjustable, this might be an issue for some, I’ll gladly leave it as is as I prefer heavy controls all around. In H sync mode you can control the delays between each gears, for example 1-2, 3-4, 4-5, 5-6 can all have different delay timing set, or just remove delay all together. The unit is loud just like its pears.
The parts of the shaft which slide into the gates/gears have spinning bearings attached, the gates themselves are very thick as is the lockout gate which are all rounded off. The bearings fit perfectly into the slots which results in absolutely no play/slop when in gear and in a very smooth action when sliding in and out of the gates. In neutral position the lever just returns to middle position without bouncing around like the Frex would. The staged feel is achieved by the gate returning to the lockout position as soon as you pop into neutral and then muscle your way through the now "allowed to move away" lockout gate and into gear.
Price wise, this shifter comes in cheaper than the BDH and way cheaper than the Pro-Sim, making it a no brainer for me. There is nothing those shifters offer over the Bash Pro at this stage, hopefully the unit proves to be reliable. I do not like to talk about price/value as it’s really about what you want/need and willing to spend on something and from watches to cars, it starts at next to nothing to won’t afford it in a lifetime. But in this case, I must say it is good value if you compare it to the high-end competition. This is an innovative product, first of its kind, and its clocking in at a significant discount over the competition. This stands in stark contrast to the Simucube Active pedal, which is a first of its kind, and is an end-game product, however, the cost of this offering reflects it. With the Bash Pro you got something similar, something moving the hobby to the next level and its cheaper than its “passive” neighbours.
As I type this up, Pro-Sim is working on an addon for their H and sequential boxes that will also block out gears when not doing this correctly, and this is great news for existing Pro-Sim owners. This unit will also work off of SimHub, will be curious to see what kind of options it will have.

submitted by Dramatic-Fix8876 to simracing [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:49 ya-boi-benny Respect Dmitri Smerdyakov, the Chameleon (Marvel, 616)

The famous baseballer, Jackie Robinson, he once said: “A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.” I could not agree more. That is why I try to make as much impact on my faces’ lives as possible. After all, they have done so much for me. It is the least I can do. Unlike them, I need not fear what people think of me. So I can be brave where they are weak. For I will just be someone else tomorrow.
Born in Russia to the Grand Duke Nikolai Kravinoff, Dmitri Nikolaievich Smerdyakov was treated like trash by his noble father and his working class mother. Young Dmitri was approached one day by Gustav Fiers, who was impressed by the boy's impressions and paid for a trip to Karl Fiers academy. There, Dmitri would learn to master the arts of disguise, vocal impression and infiltration, becoming the Chameleon upon his graduation.
He'd move to America and use his talents to pull off high-scale burglary, working for any group that could afford his fee, including the Communist party, Hydra or the Green Goblin. His elicit activity brought him into conflict with the Hulk, Iron Man and most often Spider-Man, all of whom had to act with great caution when the Chameleon was in town. After all, which one of them could tell if that unassuming civilian or their own ally was preparing to stab them in the back?
Dmitri has some mental hangups over his time with the Kravinoffs. He’s managed to repress the memories and considered himself good friends with his half-brother Kraven. In reality, he was more like a whipping boy and slave to the Hunter, and when he has to wrestle with those feelings, he can mentally revert to that scared little boy with no strong sense of identity or independence. But when he’s able to move past these feelings, the Chameleon has proved himself as a powerful, manipulative force, finding his place as temporary Crime Master of New York and member of the Sinister Six.
During one of Dmitri’s mental breaks, he began to believe that he was his deceased half-brother, Kraven the Hunter. So exact was the Chameleon’s performance that he moved and fought with the hunter’s skill and agility. This was an extreme fringe case and there are no other examples of a disguise altering Chameleon's capabilities like this. Physical and skill-related feats from this period will be marked with [KH].
Hover over a feat to see which issue it's from.


Unarmed Striking
Striking with Weapons
Scaling with Spider-Man
Scaling to Others
Blunt Force
Vehicle Crashes




Realistic Masks
Malleable Flesh
Other Methods



Other Equipment

Field Gear
Base Installations


Monica Rappaccini: I apologize for the delay in initial payment, but we first had to verify your identity. A.I.M.’s intel had been that the Chameleon was dead- or in an insane asylum.
Chameleon: Yes, well. That would be exactly what I wanted you to think. Faded into the background, imperceptible… that’s where a Chameleon is most comfortable… and where I shall now return.
submitted by ya-boi-benny to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:24 lancelotschaubert Yo /r/fantasy — Lancelot Schaubert + Of Gods and Globes contributors here. Ask me (or us) anything!

Yo /fantasy — Lancelot Schaubert + Of Gods and Globes contributors here. Ask me (or us) anything!

Hey friends, fam, fiends, ferrymen of the interstellar dead, fauns, and other assorted Fantasy folken — someone told me starting this off with a string of f-words would get your attention? Did I do it right?
Lancelot Schaubert here with some of the crew from our 23 contributors to OF GODS AND GLOBES III
I will be joined — at least — by Juliet Mariller (u/NoCalligrapher2320) who will be here early and late due to Australian time travel, Gordon Linzner, Andrew Najberg (AndrewNajberg), Gabriel Kellman (u/Whalemittens) — you can ask us anything, please let us know after whom you’re asking. They might ask me questions as well.

Of Gods and Globes III a standalone anthology of stories based on interstellar mythopoetic names.
Each name refers both to an astronomical phenomenon (for scifi) and a mythological phenomenon (for fantasy). I.E. — Saturn is a god and a planet, a scifi writer would write about the planet’s influence on, for instance, the influenza virus and a fantasy writer would focus on the demiurge’s. Brihaspati Graha is a Hindu demiurge and also another name for the planet Jupiter. They could pick “the great turtle” or “Charon” or “Mazzaroth,” as long as the name is a bridge between myth and the stars and they write spec fic. Considering the recent eclipses, I’m still kind of shocked no one wrote about Rahukalam, the sun eater. Perhaps we can talk a little bit about Empire of Silence? Or the role of the ever moving moon in Name of the Wind?
I love this set of OGAG stories — they made me laugh, cry, squirm, rage at injustice. Stories from the previous two OGAG volumes won the Ditmar and Aurelius awards.
Here are the story titles with tidbits about each author (some may join me), including some interviews that may provoke more questions. I’ll let them announce themselves in the comments:
  1. Twins by Juliet Marillier Juliet’s a wonderful historical fantasy writer born in Aotearoa New Zealand, living in Australia. Her historical fantasy novels and short stories are published internationally and have won numerous awards. She is the author of twenty-four novels and two collections of short fiction.and has some awesome dogs.
  2. Death In Venus by Chris Edwards He has written plot for multiple LARP systems (most notably Profound Decisions and Shadow Factories). He also co-writes an audio-drama podcast (Tales from the Aletheian Society) which has run to three seasons.
  3. Searching for the Door into Death by Michaele Jordan Has worked at a kennel, a Hebrew School and AT&T.
  4. The Mistress of the Labyrinth by Donna J. W. Munro She teaches high schoolers the slippery truths of government and history at her day job.
  5. We Have No Spare Parts by Andrew Najberg Author of the speculative horror novel Gollitok and various stories, teaches college in Tennessee. Interview here.
  6. War on Brihaspati Graha by Shashi Kadapa Based in Dharwad and Pune, Bharat Shashi is the managing editor of ActiveMuse. He was the International Fellow 2021 for IHRAF, NY. Won the IHRAF short story prize twice.
  7. A Cup of Justice by Teel James Glenn TJ has killed hundreds and been killed more times — on stage and screen, as he has traveled the world for forty-plus years as a stuntman, swordmaster, storyteller, bodyguard, actor, and haunted house barker. He was on the original cast of STREET FIGHTER: THE LATER YEARS — interview with him here.
  8. Alfa Romeo by Victory Witherkeigh Filipino/PI author originally from Los Angeles, CA, currently living in the Las Vegas area with a long list of credits.
  9. Unchained by Helen Venn Clarion 2007 grad and Writer in Residence at Tom Collins house.
  10. Mazzaroth Falls by F.C. Shultz He’s the poetry editor for The Joplin Toad and lives in the Midwest with his wife and two kids. He's trying to cultivate a deep appreciation for the simple pleasures, which means writing a lot of poems about birds (and novels about dragons). Also I didn’t realize that he grew up in Illinois like I did, so his interview was just us rambling on about Bradbury, nostalgia, and the quest to rescue his childhood blue Power Ranger.
  11. Ignition by Dan Henriksen Dan’s a coder, physicist, current spotter of a stylish beard, cyclist, and New Yorker. Cyclist New Yorker is a danger I’m not yet acquainted with, personally, but I often eat breakfast with him.
  12. Across Saturn Rose by Dr. Anthony G. Cirilla Associate Professor of English at College of the Ozarks, a lecturer at the Davenant Institue, the Associate Editor of the International Boethius Society, and serves as a deacon in the United Episcopal Church. Interview here.
  13. All Bright Things by Evangeline Giaconia Gainesville, Florida, librarian. Often found knitting and reading interesting books turned in by patrons.
  14. Charon by Chuck Boeheim Chris has a science and tech career and fills notebooks with celestial mechanic calculations. Chris writes LARP modules.
  15. The Perseid by Benjamin Chandler Expat living in Slovakia. A rather ribald interview about Wisconsin slurs for Illinois folk with him can be found here.
  16. The Legend of Johnny Comet by Benjamin Brinks Benjamin often writes under various names.
  17. Winding Ways by Emily Munro In addition to her many talents as an editor, administrator, art historian, curator, and co-wrangler of our Starlings writers group at Center for Fiction, Emily was patient 0 at the Air BnB we shared with three others at the Washington DC Worldcon. Lucky for us, we were indoors watching her live tweet the winners on the official account, so we knew all the winners about ten minutes early. She also knits her own socks. Ask one of us about the time I asked her if she had received the submission status on her first anthology.
  18. Retrograde by Artemis Crow Artemis was the only one who wore pajamas at the UnCon bedtime stories I led in Salem, Massachusetts. She had an amazing dragon hoodie. My turkey onesie never showed up.
  19. Her Secret Face by Carol Ryles Another wonder from down under, Carol actually interviewed Juliet at the recent Swancon in Perth. She also was the first to buy one of the wonderful posters and seems to love it.
  20. Jumping at ‘The Labyrinth’ by Gordon Linzner Gordon’s the founder and former editor of Space and Time Magazine, and author of scores of short stories in F&SF, Twilight Zone, Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine, and numerous other magazines and anthologies. The recently minted Linzner Award is named after him — interview here.
  21. The Visions of a Single Eye by Gabriel Kellman He works on TTRPG board and card games in his free time. He’s a longtime martial artist and lifelong cat lover. Interview here.
  22. Mars and Venus by Zoe Kaplan Zoe has no less than four swords. She works at Simon and Schuster — interview with her here.
  23. THE DELPHIC ORACLE Metaphysical Insurance Claim 0075A by Lancelot Schaubert & Alexander Sirkman — Alex is one of the funniest people I know in person. He’s the son of a rabbi, a paralegal, a lifelong New Yorker, a culinary genius, and many, many other things. I would be lost at sea in NYC without his friendship and Emily’s, particularly their joy and kindness. Interview with Alex here.
As for me?
I mean I’ll hang out and answer the most random questions imaginable (college pranks, marriage proposals, cooking 3,000 eggs Benedict to order, my fantasy universe and how it trolled non-specfic literary magazines, documentary films, filk music, pets, brewing, scavenging, surviving natural disasters like the Joplin Tornado, slow mo VHS explosions, lumber runs in NYC, CS Lewis’s offices at Cambridge, etc) until no one asks any more.
I reserve the right to answer with a story, a question, or a silly link: I'm going to try and keep this fun.
submitted by lancelotschaubert to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:13 insdnew The Best Designing Institute in Pune: Transform Your Passion into a Profession

In the vibrant city of Pune, creativity thrives and innovation blooms. For aspiring designers, finding the right institution to nurture their talent and guide their passion is crucial. The International School of Design (INSD) Pune stands out as a beacon for those who wish to transform their passion into a rewarding profession. This comprehensive guide will explore why INSD Pune is the best designing institute in Pune, focusing on its unique offerings, outstanding faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and the diverse opportunities it provides to its students.

Introduction to INSD Pune

The International School of Design (INSD) Pune is renowned for its exceptional education in design, making it the best designing institute in Pune. Established to foster creative minds, INSD Pune offers a wide range of courses in fashion design, interior design, textile design, and graphic design. The institute is committed to providing an environment that encourages innovation, creativity, and professional growth.

Why Choose INSD Pune?

Choosing the right design institute is a critical decision for any aspiring designer. INSD Pune distinguishes itself with its comprehensive curriculum, experienced faculty, industry connections, and vibrant campus life that together create an unparalleled learning experience. Here’s why INSD Pune is considered the best designing institute in Pune:
Comprehensive Curriculum: INSD Pune offers a curriculum that is both diverse and industry-relevant. Courses are designed to cover the latest trends and techniques in the design industry, ensuring that students are well-prepared for their professional careers.
Experienced Faculty: The faculty at INSD Pune comprises industry veterans and experienced educators who bring real-world insights into the classroom. Their guidance helps students understand the practical applications of their skills.
Industry Connections: INSD Pune has strong ties with the design industry, providing students with numerous opportunities for internships, workshops, and placements. This exposure is invaluable in helping students transition smoothly into their professional lives.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: The campus is equipped with modern facilities, including well-equipped labs, studios, and libraries, providing an ideal environment for learning and creativity.
Vibrant Campus Life: Beyond academics, INSD Pune offers a vibrant campus life with various extracurricular activities, events, and clubs that enhance the overall student experience.

Courses Offered at INSD Pune

INSD Pune offers a range of courses tailored to meet the diverse interests and career goals of its students. Here’s a closer look at the key programs:

Textile Designing

As the best institute of textile design in Pune, INSD Pune offers a comprehensive course that covers the entire spectrum of textile design. Students learn about:
· Fabric Designing: Techniques for designing different types of fabrics.
· Weaving Techniques: Understanding the processes involved in weaving.
· Print Design: Creating patterns and prints for textiles.
· Textile Technology: The latest advancements in textile manufacturing.
· Sustainability in Textiles: Focus on sustainable and eco-friendly textile practices.

Fashion Designing

Fashion designing is one of the most sought-after courses at INSD Pune. The program covers various aspects of fashion, from conceptualization to creation, ensuring that students acquire comprehensive knowledge and skills. Key topics include:
· Fashion Illustration: Learning to sketch and illustrate fashion designs.
· Pattern Making: Understanding the techniques of creating patterns for garments.
· Textile Science: Studying different fabrics and their properties.
· Garment Construction: Practical skills in constructing garments.
· Fashion Marketing and Management: Insights into the business side of fashion.

Interior Designing

The interior designing course at INSD Pune is designed to help students master the art of creating aesthetically pleasing and functional spaces. Key components of the curriculum include:
· Space Planning: Understanding the principles of planning and designing spaces.
· Color Theory: Learning how to use color effectively in interior design.
· Furniture Design: Designing and selecting appropriate furniture for different spaces.
· Lighting Design: Techniques for effective lighting in interiors.
· Software Skills: Training in industry-standard software like AutoCAD and 3DS Max.

Graphic Designing

The graphic designing course at INSD Pune prepares students for careers in the dynamic field of visual communication. The curriculum includes:
· Typography: Understanding the art of arranging type.
· Visual Communication: Techniques for effective visual messaging.
· Branding and Identity Design: Creating brand identities and logos.
· Digital Media Design: Designing for digital platforms, including websites and social media.
· Software Proficiency: Training in Adobe Creative Suite and other design software.

Faculty and Teaching Methodology

The faculty at INSD Pune is one of its greatest assets. The institute boasts a team of highly qualified and experienced educators who are passionate about teaching and mentoring students. Many of them have extensive industry experience, bringing valuable insights and practical knowledge to the classroom.

Teaching Methodology

The teaching methodology at INSD Pune is a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application. The curriculum is designed to be hands-on, encouraging students to work on real-world projects and assignments. This approach ensures that students not only learn the concepts but also know how to apply them effectively in their careers.

Industry Exposure

INSD Pune places a strong emphasis on industry exposure. The institute regularly organizes workshops, seminars, and guest lectures by industry experts. These events provide students with an opportunity to learn from professionals and gain insights into the latest trends and developments in the design industry.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

INSD Pune’s campus is designed to provide an ideal environment for creativity and learning. The facilities include:

Design Studios

The design studios at INSD Pune are equipped with the latest tools and equipment, providing students with a professional workspace to develop their projects. These studios are designed to simulate real-world work environments, helping students prepare for their future careers.

Computer Labs

The computer labs at INSD Pune are equipped with high-end computers and industry-standard software. Students have access to the latest design software, allowing them to hone their digital design skills.


The library at INSD Pune is a treasure trove of knowledge, with a vast collection of books, journals, and digital resources related to design. Students can access a wide range of reference materials to support their studies and research.

Workshops and Labs

INSD Pune has specialized workshops and labs for different design disciplines. These include textile labs, garment construction workshops, and interior design studios, providing students with hands-on experience in their respective fields.

Extracurricular Activities and Student Life

At INSD Pune, learning extends beyond the classroom. The institute offers a range of extracurricular activities and clubs that enhance the overall student experience.

Design Competitions

INSD Pune encourages students to participate in design competitions, both at the national and international levels. These competitions provide students with an opportunity to showcase their talent and gain recognition in the design community.

Cultural Events

The institute regularly organizes cultural events, including fashion shows, exhibitions, and design fairs. These events provide students with a platform to present their work and interact with industry professionals.

Clubs and Societies

INSD Pune has various clubs and societies focused on different aspects of design. These include fashion clubs, interior design clubs, and graphic design clubs. These clubs provide students with an opportunity to collaborate, share ideas, and work on projects together.

Placement and Career Opportunities

One of the key reasons why INSD Pune is considered the best designing institute in Pune is its excellent placement record. The institute has a dedicated placement cell that works tirelessly to connect students with top companies in the design industry.

Internship Opportunities

INSD Pune’s strong industry connections ensure that students have access to numerous internship opportunities. These internships provide valuable hands-on experience and often lead to full-time job offers.

Placement Assistance

The placement cell at INSD Pune provides comprehensive support to students in their job search. This includes resume writing workshops, interview preparation sessions, and job placement fairs. The institute’s strong industry network ensures that students have access to a wide range of job opportunities.


INSD Pune stands out as the best designing institute in Pune, offering a comprehensive education in various design disciplines. With its experienced faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, strong industry connections, and vibrant campus life, INSD Pune provides an ideal environment for aspiring designers to transform their passion into a successful profession.
Whether you’re interested in fashion design, interior design, textile design, or graphic design, INSD Pune offers the perfect platform to launch your career. The institute’s commitment to excellence in education and its focus on practical learning ensure that students are well-prepared for the challenges of the design industry.
submitted by insdnew to u/insdnew [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:58 IamAbc Possibly morbid question, but at what point do you swap from passive pest control to active?

I’ve posted on here before months ago about my insane pigeon problem.
I live in an apartment with a balcony. I’ve used nets, bird decoys, bird spikes, bird wax (the sticky stuff birds don’t like), numerous times of essential oils to apparently keep birds away, sound emitters, putting up numerous nets, and nothing works.
I’ll clean my entire balcony, spend 6 hours scrubbing everything down with bleach and soap and hot water on my weekend and then come back on a Monday to 5 pidgeons somehow busting through three layers of nets and shitting everywhere.
I’ve started being more active in my responses by if I see them I’ll try hitting them with brooms or spray them directly with water or peppermint oil and recently they’ve been laying eggs that I’ll toss over the side of my balcony along with their nests.
I’m not sure what else to do. I live in Japan so unfortunately I can’t shoot them, but from your guys perspective what’s your thought on escalation?
I’ve seriously stayed up at night staring at the ceiling debating on buying hot wax/oil holders, uses bleach spray on them or using a burner. (Sorta serial killer vibes) but I LITERALLY have no other option.
submitted by IamAbc to pestcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:58 Stubbs-9410 Windows 11 Pro Guide Installation on MiniBook X

Hope this helps for those who want to do a clean install of Windows 11 with all working. First big thanks to the Chuwi support team and the community.
  1. Started with getting the .iso image from oficial Windows page.
  2. Created the USB with rufus (works also with ventoy).
  3. Got the drivers from Chuwi giving my serial number.
  4. Booted from USB pressing F7.
  5. Normal installation procedure. At this step everting is in portrait mode, don’t panic. Now we have Windows 11 Home installed (how to get PRO at end).
  6. After installation moved manually to landscape for easy use. Right Click on desktop->Display setting->Display orientation.
  7. Install drivers from step 3. Right Click on the start button-> Device Manager->and under help you will find “Add drivers”. Select the entire unzipped folder and let it do its work.
  8. After install drivers reboot.
  9. Move back to landscape mode.
  10. Install grafics driver nowest version DriverLinkForN100 specific to this processor.
  11. Reboot.
  12. Connect to the internet and update Windows until there are no more updates.
  13. Check if automatic orientation work for me I did a toggle in Display Orientation until a saw it working normally.
  14. Update to Windows 11 PRO. Go to System->About-> Scroll down->Product key and activation->You should see Upgrade your edition of Windows-> Change product key-> Add the PRO license key. (there are sites that sell license key under 5 euros that’s how i got mine).
  15. Final reboot and you’re done.
Why do this? There are some like me that want a clean install done by them. Also fixed some error that I had with out of the box OS that it came.
Hope it helps and will try to answer to other comment with all I can. This is good MiniBook and love it. Next step that will try will be some debloating (this will increase the performance by a lot from what I read) and will come back with resul
submitted by Stubbs-9410 to Chuwi [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:35 Repulsive-Dot553 Cleaning away the DNA and blood

Cleaning away the DNA and blood
An often repeated false trope is that "it's impossible to completely clean DNA from the car". This is perhaps so much repeated because it is disproven by two endeavours that some more devout Probergers seem averse to - washing and science. This recaps the peer reviewed, published science and some real cases that prove it is easy to remove DNA and blood given much less time than Kohberger had.
We see anti-scientific nonsense such as "DNA is sticky", "it's impossible to wash off all DNA", "it's cellular so can't be removed". Passing over Proberger confusion of incelular with cellular, DNA is (as a rough, illustrative analogy) structurally similar to a cross between starch and protein - it has a starch-like backbone with the functional nucleotides (the G,A,T,C's which code for proteins) spaced along it, similar to amino acids on a protein - it is not "sticky" nor harder to wash away than most proteins or starches. If Probergers think it impossible to wash away or degrade starch I'd strongly recommend not eating in their kitchens.
The peer reviewed, published science shows it is easy to wash away all DNA and blood, beyond forensic profiling or detection (studies linked for each point):
The idea DNA cannot be quite easily removed, and/ or degraded beyond forensic use, quite simply is total nonsense.
Many murder cases involve scenes where people were stabbed to death being cleaned of all blood/ DNA in a very short time, often only a few hours. A few of many such examples:
Robert Wone - fatally stabbed, lost 2/3 of his blood volume in the house. Scene was sealed within 50 minutes but no blood or DNA was found other than a spot on the bed police thought was staged. 3 male residents of house appeared freshly showered when police arrived, and were suspected of washing/ staging the scene.
Samantha Koenig - murdered by serial killer Israel Keyes; sexually assaulted and murdered in his garden shed. Her body was kept in the shed for 2 weeks, mutilated, dismembered and then transported. Keyes boasted the FBI would not find any DNA - no DNA or blood was found in his shed or the car used to move her body.
Claudia Maupin and Oliver Northup - stabbed, mutilated, disembowelled and dismembered by a 15 year old school-boy, Daniel Marsh. Marsh left none of his DNA at the scene or on the bodies (despite sexually motivated assault, organ removal and insertion of objects into chest cavities) and cleaned away all traces of victim blood and DNA on him, tracking zero DNA to his home.
Given 7 weeks to repeat wash a car where no one was actually stabbed (and where the starting amount of victim blood/ DNA may have been limited by simple measures as removing an outer hoodie and gloves) surely Kohberger could clean as effectively as a 15 year old school-boy? It seems that, for some, ignoring science and real case examples is the only rinse and repeat they entertain with regard to the car cleaning.
Color safe bleach - \"active oxygen\" peroxide products
submitted by Repulsive-Dot553 to Idaho4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:16 Commando4life Need advice

Hello all
I’ve been looking to get the Rolex GMTII coke (16710) circa 2005-2007. It’s been on my mine for quite some time.
I’ve found it for a reasonable price, but am actively convincing myself against going for it. My alternatives would be the new pepsi (can’t justify the premium). I’ve caught myself looking at other rolex models/ watch brands for over 2 months now.
Any advice whether I should/should not?
Greatly appreciate it!!
submitted by Commando4life to rolex [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:17 no_obela Hire Me! Graduating student (Need Funds)

Hello, looking for a job rn. I'm 22F, graduating arch. student kaya need ng funds.
📌 If naghahanap ka ng draftsman or 3D visualizer, pwede din ako. Here are the list of softwares na madalas kong gamitin (eto lang kaya ng laptop eh)
• Lumion
• SketchUp
• Autocad
• Photoshop
• Illustrator
• Enscape
• Canva
📌 Graphic Design
 - Logos - Posters - Packaging - Tarpaulins - Infographics - Social Media Postings 
📌 Copywriting, Transcribing, Data Encoder, Data Entry
📌 Can do your task if nasa vacation ka, galaan, etc.
📌 Social Media Management
📌School Activities
• Ppt
• Homeworks
📌 If meron man akong di nabanggit you can message me if u need anything
Pwede din upvotes na lang 😊 Please message me if you're interested. Thank youuu!
submitted by no_obela to classifiedsph [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:16 no_obela Hire Me! Graduating student (Need Funds)

Hello, looking for a job rn. I'm 22F, graduating arch. student kaya need ng funds.
📌 If naghahanap ka ng draftsman or 3D visualizer, pwede din ako. Here are the list of softwares na madalas kong gamitin (eto lang kaya ng laptop eh)
• Lumion
• SketchUp
• Autocad
• Photoshop
• Illustrator
• Enscape
• Canva
Can offer tutorial din po sa paggamit ng softwares
📌 Graphic Design
 - Logos - Posters - Packaging - Tarpaulins - Infographics - Social Media Postings 
📌 Copywriting, Transcribing, Data Encoder, Data Entry
📌 Can do your task if nasa vacation ka, galaan, etc.
📌 Social Media Management
📌School Activities
• Ppt
• Homeworks
📌 If meron man akong di nabanggit you can message me if u need anything
Pwede din upvotes na lang 😊 Please message me if you're interested. Thank youuu!
submitted by no_obela to phclassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:15 no_obela Hire Me! Graduating student (Need Funds)

Hello, looking for a job rn. I'm 22F, graduating arch. student kaya need ng funds.
📌 If naghahanap ka ng draftsman or 3D visualizer, pwede din ako. Here are the list of softwares na madalas kong gamitin (eto lang kaya ng laptop eh)
• Lumion
• SketchUp
• Autocad
• Photoshop
• Illustrator
• Enscape
• Canva
Can offer tutorial din po sa paggamit ng softwares
📌 Graphic Design
 - Logos - Posters - Packaging - Tarpaulins - Infographics - Social Media Postings 
📌 Copywriting, Transcribing, Data Encoder, Data Entry
📌 Can do your task if nasa vacation ka, galaan, etc.
📌 Social Media Management
📌School Activities
• Ppt
• Homeworks
📌 If meron man akong di nabanggit you can message me if u need anything
Pwede din upvotes na lang 😊 Please message me if you're interested. Thank youuu!
submitted by no_obela to onlineservicesPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:48 Chemical-Holiday-245 My dad has aids and my girlfriend fucking hates me

Hi! I apologize in advance for the long post. Trigger warnings for mentions of suicide, abuse, and eating disorders (the latter will be very mild).
I (19NB) have been with my girlfriend (20F) for about two and a half years; the relationship started out really well, both of us have prior trauma and struggle with mental health but we were kind of building off of each other for a long time. I went into it very emotionally constipated and as a horrific people pleaser; she went into it very insecure and super scared of me cheating. For the first year to year and a half it was a lot of lifting each other up, she'd reassure me that she'd listen to anything I needed and I reassured her that she would never have to worry about me cheating. There was more to it as well; at least on my side, I had a really bad eating disorder and she was the driving force for me to recover (she always reassured me that she liked my body, preferred for me to be healthy and that it didn't affect her perception of me, etc), was generally really sweet to me in the day-to-day, and was honestly everything I was looking for in a partner up until that point- I'm not someone that is attracted to people based on looks at all (either asexual spectrum or due to sexual trauma when I was a child- I'm also pretty sure I'm neurodivergent but never had the ability to get diagnosed; this will be important later) but she has been the one person I can really say I find attractive. I can think people look "cool" or "interesting" but she's genuinely so beautiful to me in a way that I've never felt for anyone else before. Personality-wise as well, she seemed perfect from the get-go- we always clicked in interactions, she'd reassure me without me asking for it and was interested in everything I had to say, etc. One big thing for me in the beginning was kind of silly but I feel like it's important for me to say; she plays games a lot, and every time we'd call each other and she'd get mad at whatever she was playing she would specifically lower her voice to talk to me. She could be halfway through yelling "what the fuck" at her computer but as soon as I said something to her she'd make herself sound as comforting as possible. This was a really big thing for me; my upbringing was very rough and both of my parents are prone to fits of anger (to the point of it getting physical very often) so I get very uncomfortable when people are visibly angry towards me. This is a big reason why I struggled with people-pleasing; as soon as someone gets upset with me I feel genuine terror, so I would try to avoid it as much as possible. I brought it up once and she said she didn't even realize she did it; the fact that she knew that about me and subconsciously made sure to try not to scare me was such a huge thing I loved about her. I was very used to people taking advantage of the fact that I was bad with boundaries, etc so having her act so comforting towards me with seemingly no ill intentions made me fall really deeply for her.
All of this changed last year- mostly in the summer but it kind of all started with her sleeping through our Valentines Day date. I couldn't even name everything she did but the main theme is that she let her insecurities get ahold of her. She would get upset with me over my clothing choices (stuff like shorts and a t-shirt in summer; it felt really reminiscent to victim blaming, like I must want sex if I wear shorts), literally just having friends, she'd snap at me all the time when she was slightly frustrated over her games (remember what I said earlier), literally anything became a reason for her to get horrifically angry at me. It was around this time that I decided to look into her prior dating history more and I learned pretty quickly that she used to be a serial cheater in different relationships (although her partners were really badly abusive and they cheated first, so I didn't think of it as a dealbreaker). She stopped reassuring me or speaking to me nicely, and also had a really big issue of doing things "back" (if I did anything that made her insecure, she'd do it 10x worse instead of talking to me about it). I mentioned having a side Reddit account once (this one) and she made a private Twitter and added all of her friends onto it except for me, and didn't tell me about it, just posted screenshots of it until I put 2 and 2 together. She also got upset after finding out that the person that groomed me is a trans girl (she's a trans girl too) and would ask me questions about whether I liked her (MY GROOMER!!!!!!!!) better. She'd do this stuff and then, when questioned about it, start agreeing with me and calling herself "undateable", etc, so I'd reassure her that she wasn't and ask her to "carry" the relationship for a bit since I thought she understood my side; by this I just meant being extra nice to me for a week or so (like when dudes get in a fight with their girlfriend and buy them flowers and talk to them more sweetly for awhile, not anything crazy), but I never really got that from her. Everything came to a head when she texted me saying she "couldn't do this anymore" and sent me a bunch of screenshots of her friendgroup telling her I was "just like her exes", "a master manipulator" etc. Their main reasons for the accusations were that I was "too secretive" (which I really don't think is true; I tend to want some baseline privacy in a relationship but she didn't even allow me that much- she'd join any public Discord servers I mentioned being in and told her I'd rather she didn't join on alts, etc, and even told me the stuff she'd find me saying wasn't bad and she was happy about it) and "accuse her of cheating too much", which.. Really. My side was honestly mostly just asking for reassurance since she completely stopped giving me it, her side was literally driving me to cut off all of my friends other than four people because I was scared she'd get upset with me again and also led to feel intense guilt for talking to. This whole thing also happened within a month of both my most recent suicide attempt (I had been going through a lot) and my parents wanting to kick me out (my mom is very mentally unwell and convinced herself that I had been prostituting myself- definitely not true to any degree. It got to the point where I had someone I decided to stay with and all my bags were packed). We didn't end up breaking up at this point.
So, fast forward to this year. She stopped doing a lot of the worse behaviors directly but we've still been fighting. My dad had been getting sicker and sicker- he already was pretty bad but he refused to see a doctor because my mom convinced him doctors are evil, the government made COVID in a lab!!!!, etc. It got to the point where he was slurring all his words, hallucinating, and unable to stand, and my mom called my out-of-state uncle who called an ambulance. I was, obviously, on my uncle's side, my mom was hysterical saying that the hospital is going to kill him and I'm with them, but my dad was stable at least. It turned out he had multiple small strokes. They did bloodwork and he's HIV+. They ended up diagnosing him with AIDs and dementia.
My relationship with my dad is very, very, very complicated. He was always the "better" parent but a horrible parent on his own. He'd agree with me in private but defend my mom whenever she was in the room, and as her mental health got worse he believed everything she told him. He used to tell me he'd leave her and take me with him, that he knew she was horrible and he never wanted her to do what she did to me, etc, but he still supported her. When things got bad between us he was a perpetrator as well. More recently he stopped trying to appeal to me at all and just entirely took her side on everything. I couldn't deal with any of it- I didn't have a room for a long, long time (I think until I was 15 or 16?) but as soon as I got one I just started locking myself in all day. I love my dad, but all he ever did was disappoint me. I couldn't bear to see him let himself get destroyed by my mom, and I just kind of decided not to- so this situation has been fucking me UP. He's currently fully conscious, my uncle flew over for a bit and had to fly back since he has kids but my dad fully took my mom's side, is refusing medications, etc. My mom and my uncle have been fighting over me constantly. I don't really want to do any of this shit but I have to, because as much as my dad let me down I don't want him to die. I was in the hospital all day and night for the first few days, I had to sleep on the benches in the emergency room waiting room since my dad was in a male room and they wouldn't allow me to stay past visiting hours. I was constantly pulling aside doctors and nurses and telling them to listen to me because my mom was trying to convince them he was just in there because he was "exhausted" or "wouldn't eat enough" and constantly lying about his condition. My uncle has good intentions but he's kind of heavy handed with certain stuff; he wants me to move in with him (I want to as well but you can imagine it's a tricky situation) and he always asks me to choose a side when they fight. My mom has been trying to convince me he's a rapist- I usually try to believe victims, but she also tried to tell me that I'm a prostitute, and she's definitely not a reliable person to listen to. I'm kind of just at an in-between where I don't believe her but I can't feel fully comfortable around him either since I have some bad past experiences surrounding that kind of thing.
About four days after my dad got hospitalized (?) and about a week and a half before my 19th birthday, my girlfriend texts me to tell me she's too exhausted to be with me anymore. The main reason was that I was constantly upset between the way the relationship was going and my dad being in the hospital. We worked something out but it's just been downhill since then, I can't be upset around her over anything without her turning it into a fight (literally while I am in the middle of crying, about how I get upset too much). As for the more recent weeks, she has completely stopped giving me ANYTHING- forget reassurance, she barely says I love you anymore, responds to long text messages with one sentence, etc. Her justification for this is that she feels unsafe with me. Her reasoning for this is:
  1. I have had a habit of liking posts that made her insecure. This is where the lack of looks-based attraction comes in. I tend to like posts without really thinking about it too much, and sometimes I like thirst traps without realizing, since I'm not someone that thirsts after people like that. If I see someone in a cool outfit dancing it's going to be hard for me to say "this is a thirst trap" because I'm not thinking about it like that, I'm just going to see it and think "wow, cool outfit" and like the post. Then she'll see it and get upset with me. This is something I've been working on and cut down to a large degree, but certain stuff gets past me (photoshoots with a set concept, etc). She has tried to tell me that I DO actually experience looks-based attraction, which is kind of crazy because I know what I experience so she can't convince me otherwise ??? I don't know. I've also told her to send me any post that I liked that makes her insecure so I can learn what I have to look out for better, but she doesn't really do that, and I can't really know what'll make her upset unless she tells me. This is also an issue that SHE HAS AS WELL
  2. She looked through one of my friend's followings and found a bunch of model's accounts, and says it's disrespectful that I "hang out with porn addicts". She plays Osu and is active in the community. Also has an issue with another one of my friends that I met on a Roblox bar game (she has worded it like I was literally giving out my contact at a real life bar, which I would understand being uncomfortable with, but dude it's literally Roblox). Also considers it a huge breach of trust that I mentioned getting gender envy from a Twitter mutual (I know how chronically online all of this sounds and I'm sorry). She'll ask me "isn't that a trans girl", "are they assigned male at birth" about my friends which is kind of just crazy? I don't know. I don't have a history of serially dating trans women or anything like that other than the groomer (which I don't think should count??????????) and I used to identify as lesbian for years- most of my exes are FTM and transitioned after dating me, which also shouldn't really matter??? I just think her fixation on me cheating on her with someone that's AMAB is kind of weird and unprompted
So I'm at a point where any time I ask her for ANYTHING it's just met with the response of her not being comfortable with me anymore. I can't hang out with any of my friends without her looking through their whole history and finding something about them that makes me "basically a cheater" for befriending them. I had to distance myself from a very close friend because of her once because he said "it's like we're one and the same" to me, and that if we went to a shitty hangout spot he'd still enjoy it "because it's me". She tells me to this day that remembering this stuff makes her physically sick but it truly was just innocent friendly conversation- we're both South Asian, like a lot of the same games, and have issues with abusive parents so we got along really well, and that was also why he said the thing about us being similar. I've been asking her over and over what I can do to make her feel better but she won't give me an answer.
She also told me today that I was bringing up her sexual trauma and that she's currently repulsed by the idea of sex altogether- I asked her why and she said it was because of the reasons I gave above. I'm at a loss. I'm clearly very fed up with this whole thing but I still am attached to her and love her a lot, and I definitely don't think I can go through a breakup right now with everything else going on in my life, even though you could argue it's like we already broke up. I really just don't know. It's been horrible watching her go from the perfect partner to this huge ball of insecurity and I don't know how to fix it nor how to let go. I don't have a lot of options, either- I've been almost completely socially isolated since I was a middle schooler, my parents pulled me out of public school and had me doing dual enrollment community college/homeschool. I don't have a strong support system at all, I can't get a therapist, I'm not allowed to get a job, the list just goes on and on and everything kind of just points to me being fucked
submitted by Chemical-Holiday-245 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:15 Ok-Top3735 how to Custom RFID tags?

Custom RFID tags can be tailored to specific needs and applications. Here's a breakdown of the process and some considerations:
1.Identify Requirements:
Determine the purpose and environment where the RFID tags will be used. This includes factors like reading distance, durability, frequency, and data storage capacity.
2.Choose RFID Technology:
There are different RFID frequencies (LF, HF, UHF) and tag types (passive, active) suited for various applications. LF (Low Frequency) tags typically have shorter read ranges but are less affected by interference, while UHF (Ultra-High Frequency) tags offer longer read ranges but are more sensitive to interference.
3.Select Tag Format:
RFID tags come in various form factors such as cards, labels, wristbands, key fobs, or custom-designed shapes and sizes. Choose a format that fits your application and can be easily integrated.
4.Customize Tag Design:
Customize the physical appearance of the tag to fit branding requirements or specific use cases. This might include printing logos, serial numbers, or embedding the tag within a product or asset.
5.Data Encoding:
Decide what information needs to be stored on the tag and how it will be encoded. This could include unique identifiers, product information, or other relevant data. Ensure compatibility with existing RFID systems and standards.
6.Testing and Validation:
Before mass production, conduct thorough testing to ensure the tags meet performance requirements. This includes testing read range, durability, and data accuracy in real-world conditions.
Once the design and specifications are finalized, proceed with manufacturing the custom RFID tags. This may involve specialized equipment and processes depending on the chosen tag format and materials.
Integrate the RFID tags into your existing infrastructure or products. This may involve software development to enable communication between the tags and RFID readers, as well as backend systems for data management and analysis.
9.Deployment and Maintenance:
Deploy the RFID tags in the intended environment and regularly maintain and monitor them for optimal performance. This includes periodic testing, replacing damaged tags, and updating software as needed.
10.Compliance and Regulations:
Ensure compliance with relevant industry standards and regulations governing RFID technology, especially if the tags will be used in sensitive or regulated environments.
By following these steps, you can create custom RFID tags tailored to your specific requirements and applications.
submitted by Ok-Top3735 to RFID_tag_application [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:54 danfutrell For most Americans, college is broken. We're building a new model.

For most Americans, college is no longer working. A bachelor's degree doesn’t reliably guarantee what universities say it delivers: an investment that prepares you for the workplace and the world. While the income gap between college and high school grads is well documented, the wealth gap is “indistinguishable from zero” due to unconstrained costs, regardless of race or ethnicity. Put differently, college grads will earn more but because of their student loans, they’ll have the same amount in their bank account as someone who didn’t go to college at all1 . Barely one in ten (11%) business leaders believe that college graduates have the skills and competencies that their workplaces need2 . Instead, employers report recent hires showing up without the requisite skills required to contribute as productive employees3.
Traditional universities spend more on non-instructional initiatives like research and athletics instead of developing knowledge and skills that prepare its students. Today, 1M students annually report that they didn’t enroll or they dropped out of college because of the cost4 . Americans carry $1.8T in student loan debt while universities have increased the cost of tuition by 30-40%5 since 2010. Economists report that over the next ten years, businesses will have increasingly more job openings for college graduates with no adequate supply6 . Additionally, as artificial intelligence threatens jobs across industries, humans will be pushed up or out – up to more intellectually intensive and integrative roles, or out of the workforce altogether. Our nation’s economy needs a sustainable, accessible, and effective approach to college if we’re to compete globally.
SOLUTION Polymath University will produce more-prepared graduates through a three-major curriculum, delivered year-round and remotely to same-city cohorts, who will serve apprenticeships en route to graduation in three years.
A polymath is someone who has built depth, breadth, and integration of knowledge. Specifically, polymaths can operate fluently and with expertise (depth) in three or more non-adjacent domains (breadth), and have built the critical skill of applying concepts and frameworks in one domain to complex problems in other domains (integration). Polymath University empowers leaders and problem solvers to thrive in a more complex and technologically-enabled world.
RANGE Polymath University’s approach to education, and its namesake, is built on ensuring that graduates are curious, creative, collaborative, and critically-minded. Polymaths have been proven to be more creative and more adept at solving complex problems, and more resilient against economic shocks7. Building a broad, generalist field of knowledge and expertise, as opposed to the hyper-specialization that traditional higher education encourages, makes graduates more valuable in the world and workplace. According to a 2012 study of serial innovators8, polymaths are described as having a high tolerance for ambiguity and as systems thinkers. Polymaths can connect disparate pieces of information in new ways, making them highly effective at innovative problem solving. And they are adept at repurposing what is already available and synthesizing information from many different sources.9 A Future of Jobs report highlighted the following skills being increasingly demanded by employers (all of which polymaths excel at): creative thinking; analytical thinking; technological literacy; curiosity and lifelong learning; resilience, flexibility, and agility; and systems thinking.10
REAL-WORLD APPRENTICESHIPS Polymath University will partner with employers to ensure that its degree programs serve the talent acquisition needs of regional business and organizations, and that those degrees include skill development that is often short-changed by traditional universities. In years two and three, students will serve as apprentices with those employer partners in high-demand, early career roles. Across the country, more employers are building apprenticeship programs as a key part of their talent acquisition strategy, with Department of Labor registered apprenticeships doubling since 2010 to 250,000. Many of these employers pay some or all of the tuition for their apprentices to concurrently earn a college degree.
REMOTE Educational outcomes lead all other priorities for Polymath University, and we must hold this as our north star. This means that the most important activity for faculty will be teaching or the associated development through coaching and mentoring their students. As Polymath University is led by the former CEO of the Pat Tillman Foundation, and counts ten Tillman Scholars on its Advisory Board, the Tillman Scholar community will seed Polymath University’s initial set of faculty, drawing on their service and academic experiences to support student learning. Courses will be delivered remotely, but to same-city cohorts that will facilitate week-long immersive and collaborative in-person experiences as well as informal study groups throughout the year, unlocking persistent relationships and networks within our community.
Learn more at
highereducation college education HigherEd StudentLoans Polymath Leadership apprenticeship Apprenticeships University talentdevelopment
1 Emmons, William R.; Kent, Ana H.; and Ricketts, Lowell R. “Is College Still Worth It? The New Calculus of Falling Returns.” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Working Paper, Jan. 7, 2019.
2 Gallup-Lumina Foundation Poll on Higher Education; Higher Education’s Work Preparedness Paradox. 2013. Gallup; Lumina Foundation.
3 Hansen, Michael. “The U.S. Education System Isn’t Giving Students What Employers Need.” Harvard Business Review, May 18, 2021.
5 Kerr, Emma; Wood, Sarah. “A Look at 20 Years of Tuition Costs at National Universities.” U.S. News & World Report. Sep. 23, 2023
6 Tough, Paul. “Americans Are Losing Faith in the Value of College. Whose Fault Is That?” NYT, Sep. 5, 2023
7 Hanks, Andrew; Jiang, Shengjun; Qian, Xuechao; Wang, Bo; Weinberg, Bruce. (2024). Do Double Majors Face Less Risk? An Analysis of Human Capital Diversification. NBER.
8 Vojak, Bruce; Griffin, Abbie; Price, Raymond L. (2012). Serial Innovators: How Individuals Create and Deliver Breakthrough Innovations in Mature Firms. Stanford, Stanford University Press.
9 Epstein, D. J. (2019). Range: why generalists triumph in a specialized world. New York, Riverhead Books.
10 Future of Jobs Report; World Economic Forum. 2023.
submitted by danfutrell to PolymathU [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:04 KappaSyndicate Kappa Syndicate

Looking to join a distinguished group in EVE Online? Kappa Syndicate, with its rich history dating back to 2007, boasts a wealth of experience in industry, mining, and veteran PvP prowess. As we embark on an exciting new chapter, we're expanding our horizons beyond our traditional strengths. We are primarily USTZ based, however we welcome members from all time zones, whether you're a seasoned veteran or just starting your journey in New Eden.
What We Offer:
Joining Requirements:
Ready to embark on this journey with us? Whether you're a seasoned pilot or a fresh recruit, reach out to Quartsz or Drunk3n Badg3r in-game or on our Discord server to start your application process. Remember, applications require a conversation with one of our directors, so don't hesitate to make the first move towards your exciting new adventure in Kappa Syndicate!
submitted by KappaSyndicate to evejobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:00 belugapoop My unfiltered thoughts on life after a few years of listening to Bladee

TLDR; babble yap sesh
Life is sin. Sin is survival for humans. The notion of Jesus’ existence suggests that he was fully God fully human(*edit) It is also believed that he was free of sin and original sin. The big gimmick is that there is no “point of life” or “larger purpose”. We as humans are on earth, simply to be ourselves in the human form. That is the ultimate gift amongst all of the suffering we must endure. Instead of trying to be a good person for the sake of God’s grace, I believe an individual should actively try to do the right thing (as much as any given situation allows) and treat people how they ought to be treated, simply because they feel love and want to share it.
In my opinion, Jesus serves as the perfect example, of what we should strive to be, but also acknowledge that we are not perfect, and we are going to sin. The test, I believe, is that after you sin due to your human bounds, your “god-like” part of the conscious will undergo a process of guilt, shame, forgiveness, acceptance, and renewal. To me, that is the closest a person can get to living the way that Jesus is said to have lived.
Life is suffering. It is simply a separation of: those who are aware of their suffering and actively trying to learn from it (therapy or self reflection) and those who suffer, but choose not to learn from it (too comfortable in one’s own ego/perception of thyself). However, I understand that in order to “make it” in this world, you must develop some sort of deluded sense of self, so that you can survive in public environments (the mask).
I believe that all of the people who die and will die having not become truly aware of their own sin and suffering, will simply continue the rebirth cycle until they truly understand and are able to transcend above the inherently human way of thinking, which is sinful thinking. I believe that once a person is comprehensive of the entire truth of our identities and actively chooses to live accordingly, they are finally capable of transcendence into “heaven” or as I like to believe, a Xanadu of some sorts…a plane of existence that embodies absolute freedom: a land free of judgement, a land free of pain, a land free of authority, a land free of misunderstanding, a land free of temptation, of currency. A land where all are one and one is all. This is why it is essential for the individual self to learn the ultimate truth of the self in accordance with everything and everyone.
The prevalent Christian (and/or catholic) belief is that in order to get in to heaven and not go to hell (in my beliefs, “hell” is just the rebirth cycle back to earth until you learn your lessons), one must live in constant fear of God’s final judgment, to which you must “be a good person”. Worshipping God and Jesus is also a common practice among Christians (and catholics).
I believe that God sent Jesus to earth, specifically to tell us, not to worship him, anyone, or anything.
If Jesus was truly free of sin, then there is no doubt he would be outcasted and eventually killed for simply being who he is. If Jesus lived today, he wouldn’t care about clothes, or a social media account (unless it was to benefit the greater good in some way). He would simply be. I reckon that Jesus would really like Bladee’s newer albums, (especially the fool, cold visions, 333) and the message that they send.
We are nothing—but as humans, we have the capability to be everything. What I mean by that is that when we are born, we are born to inherently “sin”, for survival in this modern world. I believe that God is the part of our conscious that tells you whether you are doing something right or wrong. As humans, we have a choice of whether or not to listen to that voice. Most people tend to be selective about when they choose to listen to that voice. (in a way, because we have to sometimes.) But due to this choice (free will), we can also decide to be: there for our close friends and family, be: welcoming of strangers and/or initially misunderstood people. Simply put, whatever an individual feels they deserve or need from other people, is exactly what you need to be for other people. By becoming this person for other individuals, you essentially become that person for yourself. WHICH are the only person that can love yourself the way you want to be loved, and developing this love for the self, could be relative to a person having "God's grace."
But I also reckon that Jesus would probably have an effortlessly cool style, or to be fair, he would most likely be homeless. That wouldn’t make sense though, would it? Because in this modern-day dystopian society, a homeless person wouldn’t be the right person to be tasked with inspiring the world to save themselves from a never-ending rebirth cycle. If I was God, I would send myself(being god)/Jesus down for his “second coming”, in the form of a person who goes through life experiencing exactly what they need to experience in order to understand the truth of everything and essentially live as Jesus like as possible, with the random probability of whatever situation Jesus’ new form will be born into. What I mean is that the second coming of Jesus could literally be born into any situation but in order for “God’s ultimate mission” to be fulfilled, I feel that this “Jesus-like” savior must be a symbolic, but physical mirror to the insecurities of all people who bear witness. In order for the mission to be fulfilled, we as humans must learn to accept and love this person for whoever they might be, regardless of the many ways in which they shall be outcasted from this artificial and ignorantly upheld society that we live in today. This message essentially means that we should always try our best to listen to and see the people in society who are outcasted for being their true selves and only ever perceived on the surface level.
One could argue that all of this is baloney due to the sole fact that psychopathic serial killers exist, so therefore not everybody is under the grace of God. My response to that is that that’s just unlucky science that certain people are born without the ability to feel love and empathy.
BTW. I am very stoned while writing this and it is in my nature to contradict my own ideas, so hopefully that doesn’t confuse people. Idek if there is any contradictions, I don’t even know what I am saying to be honest, I just felt like I really needed to write all of this. If anybody does get what im saying and has thoughts to share I would love to hear other people’s thoughts on these subjects. I also will not apologize for writing too much because I am just being myself and “only God over me man, so you’ve got no right”. Also I’m just a fool ion no anythyng
submitted by belugapoop to sadboys [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:46 VB_Creampie Ds-530 push to scan config question.

Wondering if anyone has a solution to my issue. I've had a search through the sub and Reddit but this specifically I haven't found yet.
Current action. It's a DS-530 USB connected to PC, using the button on device to activate the scan (rather than initiating from the PC) it currently will auto save to a folder etc. I then need to rename the file which the name changes each time (not a serialized progression of each file). So, go to file, open and verify the info for naming, either "Save As" under a new file with the name or right click and rename file.
Desired action. Push button to scan, have a save file dialogue box appear on the screen straight away instead to name the file to requirement then save.
Is there a config step to achieve this or a different piece of scanning software that could?
Reason to do so is one of efficiency and to make sure the job is done as I could have up to 50 separate docs to scan in a sitting, and part of the naming requirement is information on the page being scanned. So being able to scan, have the dialogue box come up, grab the doc and type the required info then save would be very useful to me.
Thanks for any insight anyone might have on this.
submitted by VB_Creampie to Epson [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:30 IBQC The Wealth Gap: An Existential Threat

The Wealth Gap: An Existential Threat
Since 1970 the value of the dollar has steadily declined. The lower 80% of Americans have lost income and purchasing power, largely due to the exodus of manufacturing by global corporations. As a result, the wealth gap between the global rich and the rest has widened.
From 2007-2016 the net worth of the richest Americans increased by 20% while the lower 80% decreased by the same percentage, widening the wealth gap considerably. The Federal Reserve sparked this change using quantitative easing to boost the sagging stock market. The rich could invest in this wealth explosion but the rest could not as much.
Increasingly wealthy globalists pressured the government and now the top 1% own over half of U.S. wealth while the top quintile owns about 94% of the wealth. The bottom 80% have their wealth tied up in their homes or vehicles and most suffer from chronic debt.
Not only does the Fed-backed stock market favor the super-rich, but the U.S. tax system does too. The average American pays an effective tax rate of 13% while the very rich pay 18%. But when wealth gains are included, the effective tax rate on the very wealthy averages a mere 4.8%.
While the wealth gap concentrates ownership in a small group of people so it does to industry. More and more large corporations dominate most sectors at the expense of small businesses. As small companies suffer and are saddled with increasing regulations, larger corporations benefit from monopoly power, less competition, and the ability to set prices artificially high.
The wider the wealth gap goes, the more our social and political fabric will deteriorate. According to the Great Gatsby Curve, increased inequality will result in less upward advancement from one generation to the next. This is precisely the conditions that exist when a democracy is overtaken by authoritarian rule.

The Triple “I” Curse

The wealth gap is widening faster than ever thanks to Biden's three-pronged Triple “I” Curse: Inflation, Immigration, and an Inflated stock market.
Inflation: Since 2021, government spending has ballooned. National debt has climbed to $35 trillion, increasing $1 trillion every 100 days, causing incredible inflation and the dollar to lose 23% of its value. The wealthy can withstand inflation to a certain extent, but most households in the lower 80% cannot. Nearly two-thirds of households do not have enough savings to cover three months out.
In a weak attempt to control inflation, the Federal Reserve tried to raise interest rates. This just made purchasing a house prohibitive and forced regional banks to lose value on the Treasury notes they held.
Immigration: The current policy of open borders delivers cheaper labor for globalists and more votes for Democrats. Available jobs are going to foreign-born workers and not American citizens in what is called the 'displacement theory,' resulting in even lower wages and purchasing power for many Americans.
Inflated Stock Market: Despite inflation and higher interest rates, the Fed still prints cheap money to boost the stock market and benefit the rich. But job and GDP growth result from massive government spending as company productivity and consumer demand slide. Not only does government spending spur inflation, but increasing government regulation hampers supply, making fewer goods cost more. This combined effect of inflation and lower demand creates stagflation. So why is the stock market soaring? The Fed's policy of printing cheap dollars. (It might be argued that such market chicanery will eventually lead to a crash, destroying much of the elite’s wealth, but by then the damage will be done.)

The Wealth Gap Lets the Super-Rich Wokize America

Concentration of wealth in both people and industry harms society. For the super-rich it is not as much about money as power. Thus both corporations and the super-wealthy buy influence, especially in education, environmentalism, and politics, all three of which have damaged American society. Education has turned from transmitting knowledge to racist indoctrination. Environmentalism has become a weapon against industrial productivity and prosperity. And politics has become a uniparty of frivolous spenders.
Their contributions have led to the wokization of American culture, society, and institutions. Based largely on racism, wokism is a neo-Marxist narrative that all Western white society is structured to oppress all non-whites. Billionaires, corporations, and their foundations augment government funding of woke activities including Critical Race Theory, transgenderism, Diversity-Equity-Inclusion, drag queens, illegal immigration, climate change, reduction in law enforcement, and more.
Just 10 billionaires have pledged over $135 billion to focus on education, politics, and the environment. Three foundations mold the K-12 education system as they and others spend over $4 billion annually to engineer their Marxist vision of the future. Likewise charitable contributions to higher education exceeded $58 billion in 2023.
The average member of Congress receives 93% of his or her contributions from big, often out-of-state, donors, including dark money from unrevealed sources and PACs. Similarly, billionaire spending to members of Congress increased to over $1 billion in 2022 and will mount much further this year. Add this to the 12,000 Washington lobbyists who spent $4.3 billion in 2023 and understand why the recent $1.2 trillion omnibus bill included millions of dollars of woke earmarks.
Concentration has also hit charities. They used to have many small donors but now rely on a few super-rich who control the media and woke globalist narrative. Over two-fifths of their pledges gets rerouted to foundations they control and not actual charities. Thus billionaires “use philanthropy as a taxpayer-subsidized extension of their private power and influence,” making average U.S. taxpayers subsidize billionaire charity.

What Happens If It All Comes Apart?

The Triple “I” Curse has created an unstable U.S. economy to benefit the super-rich. In just three years, the wealth of the top 1 percent has risen from $30 trillion to nearly $45 trillion.

But what if it were to come crashing down?

Although the stock market is highly inflated, the super-rich must cling to it. Their other main sources of wealth are real estate and private-held businesses. While real-estate values rose slightly, privately held businesses declined, leaving stocks to generate their wealth for the past three years. Biden's latest brainstorm is to levy a 20% tax on unrealized stock market gains, forcing Americans to pay taxes on their annual gains on all assets, including stocks.
It's a distinct possibility that government spending and insurmountable national debt will ultimately collapse the dollar. National debt already affects credibility and purchasing power of the dollar. This emboldens the China-led BRICS countries to pursue a gold-backed currency to replace the dollar as the world's currency. If that happens, the dollar will hyper-inflate, causing a huge dollar crash and devastation to all Americans.
The cumulative effect of expanding the wealth gap through the Biden-globalist Triple “I” Curse is to make the United States a borderless part of a nationless world, which of course countries like China and Russia will never endorse. The curse is a recipe to create a permanent underclass, controlled by an authoritarian cartel of business and government, a key ingredient of the globalist new world order and made possible by an ever-widening wealth gap.
Ironically, by crippling the U.S. economy, the super-rich may capitulate to the China-Russia cabal while arranging their own demise – and taking us all with them.
submitted by IBQC to conservatives [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:28 GMOFueled Myoware 2.0 Muscle Sensor not detecting muscle movement - help

 Myoware 2.0 Muscle Sensor not detecting muscle movement - help
Recently purchased the Myoware 2.0 muscle sensor and when testing it out, it doesn't seem to really detect any muscle movements. Attached is a picture of my setup.
I'm currently running my Myoware board off of the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2 board as seen on the breadboard. My ENV pin is connected to the Arduino A0, Myoware GND to Arduino GND, and Vin is connected to the Arduino's 5v. My laptop is not connected to the wall and is powering the Arduino via a USB port. I am also confident that the solder points are fine.
I followed both the Myoware guide and the Spark fun guide and tested the board using 2 scripts provided by each source.
/* MyoWare Example_01_analogRead_SINGLE SparkFun Electronics Pete Lewis 3/24/2022 License: This code is public domain but you buy me a beverage if you use this and we meet someday. This code was adapted from the MyoWare analogReadValue.ino example found here: This example streams the data from a single MyoWare sensor attached to ADC A0. Graphical representation is available using Serial Plotter (Tools > Serial Plotter menu). *Only run on a laptop using its battery. Do not plug in laptop chargedock/monitor. *Do not touch your laptop trackpad or keyboard while the MyoWare sensor is powered. Hardware: SparkFun RedBoard Artemis (or Arduino of choice) USB from Artemis to Computer. Output from sensor connected to your Arduino pin A0 This example code is in the public domain. */ void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); while (!Serial); // optionally wait for serial terminal to open Serial.println("MyoWare Example_01_analogRead_SINGLE"); } void loop() { int sensorValue = analogRead(A0); // read the input on analog pin A0 Serial.println(sensorValue); // print out the value you read delay(50); // to avoid overloading the serial terminal } /* Read MyoWare Voltage Example Code Advancer Technologies, LLC Brian Kaminski 1/12/2024 This example reads a MyoWare 2.0 Muscle Sensor output on A0-A3 where A0 is ENV, A1 is RAW, A2 is RECT, and A3 is REF. It then converts the reading to the amplitude of the muscle activity as it appears at the electrodes in millivolts. MyoWare Muscle Sensor Analog Output: 1. Raw EMG Output (RAW) - This is the raw amplified and filtered output: * We will first remove the DC voltage offset using the REF value, converts its value to volts based on the ADC parameters, and remove the gain applied by the sensor using the RAW gain equation which is fixed at 200. 2. Rectified EMG Output (RECT) - This is the full-ware rectified RAW output: * We will first convert its value to volts based on the ADC parameters and remove the gain applied by the sensor using the RAW gain equation which is fixed at 200. 3. EMG Envelope (ENV) - This is the amplified envelope of the RECT output: * We will first convert its value to volts based on the ADC parameters and remove the gain applied the sensor using the ENV gain equation, see below. ENV has an second amplification stage which is adjustable using the gain potentiometer. We will need the gain potentiometer's resistance in kOhms to calcuate the gain. Read more about the MyoWare 2.0 Muscle Sensor & electromyography (EMG) output here: In order for this example to work, you will need a MyoWare 2.0 Muscle Sensor with the Vin and GND pins connected to 5V and GND pins on an Arduino compatible board. The ENV, RAW, and REF pins will need to connect to the A0, A1, and A2 pins on the Arduino compatible board, respectively. Hardware: MyoWare 2.0 Muscle Sensor Arduino compatible board (e.g Uno, Mega, etc.) USB Cable Graphical representation is available using Serial Plotter (Tools > Serial Plotter menu). This example code is in the public domain. */ #include  // MyoWare class object MyoWare myoware; // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { // initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second: Serial.begin(9600); // output conversion parameters - modify these values to match your setup myoware.setConvertOutput(true); // Set to true to convert ADC output to the amplitude of // of the muscle activity as it appears at the electrodes // in millivolts myoware.setADCResolution(12.); // ADC bits (shield default = 12-bit) myoware.setADCVoltage(5); // ADC reference voltage (shield default = 3.3V) myoware.setGainPotentiometer(50.); // Gain potentiometer resistance in kOhms. // adjust the potentiometer setting such that the // max muscle reading is below 3.3V then update this // parameter to the measured value of the potentiometer myoware.setENVPin(A0); // Arduino pin connected to ENV myoware.setRAWPin(A1); // Arduino pin connected to RAW myoware.setREFPin(A2); // Arduino pin connected to REF myoware.setRECTPin(A3); // Arduino pin connected to RECT } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() { // read the sensor's analog output pins const double envMillivolts = myoware.readSensorOutput(MyoWare::ENVELOPE); const double rawMillivolts = myoware.readSensorOutput(MyoWare::RAW); const double rectMillivolts = myoware.readSensorOutput(MyoWare::RECTIFIED); // print output in millivolts: Serial.print(envMillivolts); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(rawMillivolts); Serial.print(","); Serial.println(rectMillivolts); } 
I tested in the board with the snap-on electrodes in multiple positions on both my forearm and bicep. I made sure to follow the placement of the 3 electrodes based on the Myoware 2.0 Muscle Sensor guide. When I try sensing signals by clenching or flexing my muscles, the ENV LED virtually always stays on and the readings basically only fluctuate around 790-800 no matter what I try. There may have been one or two times the light flickered or turned off and the serial plotter would drop closer to 0 but would then just return back to the 790-800 fluctuations.
When the board is not connected to anything, the serial plotter shows the readings oscillate from 0-800.
In any case the power red LED stays on the whole time meaning the board is receiving adequate power and the gain has not been adjusted.
Is there anything obvious I'm doing wrong? Could the issue be with my board? Any help would be appreciated to help me get this working, thanks!
submitted by GMOFueled to MyoWare [link] [comments]