John persons interracial english

World Socialist Movement

2012.06.26 12:12 darrelljon World Socialist Movement

World Socialist Movement

2024.06.09 16:31 TheDaxSymbiont Help me think of career possibilities?

Hello all,
I’ve been teaching high school English for 11 years and have loved it, but I’m looking for new opportunities in life, either in education or out of it. I’m trying to figure out what I want to do and I wanted to throw myself out there and see what y’all think might work for me, since I have so little idea of what’s out there.
I’m ideally looking for something I can do remotely, and preferably something project-based (ie, get this done how/when you can) than having specific hours, but I’m very flexible. I’ve been working with a career counselor and we came up with a list of interests/personality traits, that I’ll share below.
I’d prefer not to go back to school, or at least, go to school while working. If any of y’all have any ideas, please share. Thanks so much!
Working from home Instructional design Anti-capitalist Books/Literature (high fiction) Dog-lover History/sociology - why do societies operate they way they do Social studies Politics True crime Psychological thrillers Current events/state of the world Rabbi/spiritual leader Jewish identity/culturally Share culture with others Sports fan (historical/race relations/sociological perspective) Class and power perspective What’s going to the be the impact of “that”? Teaching in a different context Highbrow + career Star Trek/scifi Chess Content creation (ie, videos for YouTube) Work in theater Writing books and stories Higher ed/teaching teachers Food Cooking Movies/TV Shakespeare Instructional coach Museum curator Film critic Park/trail/nature maintenance
submitted by TheDaxSymbiont to TeachersInTransition [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:30 jperaic1 33 [M4F] Austria/Germany - Looking for a calm, kind, genuine and nerdy soul

Hiii, you amazing soul!
I’m a 33 year old male living in Upper Austria who is looking to meet a kind, wholesome and easy going fellow human from the opposite gender. I'm mainly interested in a meaningful and serious relationship, but won't say no to a good friend.
About me:
About you:
Talk soon, hopefully ;-)
submitted by jperaic1 to cf4cf [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:28 jperaic1 33 [M4F] Austria/Germany - Looking for a calm, kind, genuine and nerdy soul

Hiii, you amazing soul!
I’m a 33 year old male living in Upper Austria who is looking to meet a kind, wholesome and easy going fellow human from the opposite gender. I'm mainly interested in a meaningful and serious relationship, but won't say no to a good friend.
About me:
About you:
Talk soon... hopefully ;-)
submitted by jperaic1 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:28 jperaic1 33 [M4F] Austria/Germany - Looking for a calm, kind, genuine and nerdy soul

Hiii, you amazing soul!
I’m a 33 year old male living in Upper Austria who is looking to meet a kind, wholesome and easy going fellow human from the opposite gender. I'm mainly interested in a meaningful and serious relationship, but won't say no to a good friend.
About me:
About you:
Talk soon... hopefully ;-)
submitted by jperaic1 to r4r [link] [comments]



This subject follows along from the general conclusion of infantilism, i.e. if we agree that infantilism exists in a culture that therefore all aspects of (such a culture) must be examined as to how they are impacted ‘by’ that infantilism, as: infantilism constitutes an undeveloped form of a thing; here (without covering absolutely every single aspect of it, as this could be a book in and of itself) we explore ‘sexual immaturity’ and its promulgation and consequences (of which we could easily make the case of the consequences as to be the cause of ‘all social ill’).
In an anthropological view; as if like we are looking at a chimpanzee colony, both procreation and familial-tribal child-raising takes place in our contemporary Western societies in a very clumsy sort of way; with the latter (i.e. the actual raising of children) not occurring at all, with the consequence of ‘arrested development’ – usually we would recognize and name it as that, if we ever thought very deeply about it:
However, the notion that all of this could be reduced to and fathomed as ‘sexual immaturity’ is an interesting (and unexplored) avenue to approach these matters from; certainly the act of actual procreation is deliberately accidental (I mean here in the contemporary West) in that a Woman does “not seek a mate” and then become pregnant, i.e. she does not even the sexual act to be procreative, rather: she accidentally becomes pregnant (“it was a miracle”), having beforehand and all throughout the duration and beyond it a culture which is far detached from the physical reality of things and thus a new human is created with no forethought for its care or provision and no security net in place to provide for it and ensure its prosperity and intelligent up-bringing, and increasingly there are fewer and fewer intelligent older persons around who are capable of providing the education and care for that child as would naturally exist in the large familial-tribal unit of an extended family where, historically, we all came from and of which is still the norm across much of the world, (i.e. village elders who would otherwise raise the children up to be intelligent even if the Mother herself is too young to be a real parent - if we imagine as the species norm would be that most Women historically had their first child at around the age of fourteen or fifteen). Without, then, that familial-tribal unit to instruct and care for the child’s intellectual development and without either land to make a living from to provide tis economic development then we find a cursed life, that is: a life far more difficult than it otherwise ought be had it been born in a more wisely chosen environment.
My point here is that ‘procreation’ is considered almost never at all by our society as being the most basic step in the creation and promulgation ‘of’ a tribal unit; with procreation itself being left down to blind chance and more often either legitimately accidentally or feigned accidently so as to attempt to cement a relationship (see: divorce and break-up rates in the West), either way this is the material circumstance into which children are born.
To say, then, that not grasping this reality ‘is’ itself a product of sexual immaturity; i.e. a Woman who does not understand what a new human is, seems to me to be far more of an accurate view of the thing than to declare it as ‘sexual immorality’ as it is usually insisted by the Abramic types, as: rather obviously it is ‘Sexual Immaturity’ rather than ‘Sexual Immorality’ that is the really cause of (the above scenario), that is: it is not Men and Women knowing too much about sex but of Men and Women knowing virtually nothing at all and therefore absent of a practice and familiarity necessary for Sexual Maturity, with Sexual Maturity itself being the very thing declared to be Immorality - an irreconcilable paradox.
It seems to me, then, that the habits we observe of ‘accidental pregnancy’ are the natural occurrence in such an unnatural society; that is: a consequence of misplaced moralism over the vital mechanical sexual functions of the human body (a thing which may well dominate and drive our unconsciousness entirely) have been rendered so alien to our expression and consideration but of which are so incessant and irrepressible; that sexual release is habitually denied, I mean here societally (i.e. “it is not polite”), and only finds ‘permission’ to appear in extreme drunkenness in fits of frenzy, and so on, so that when procreation actually occurs it is sporadic and neither at that moment nor before it was the adult rational mind involved – again, this is plainly a consequence of ‘sexual immaturity’ ‘before’ it could ever be said to be a consequence of ‘sexual immorality’.
It’s worth considering, of our own society in contemporary times, how far removed we are from most of the world which practices arrange marriages in one form or another (i.e. whether we are speaking of large tribal units or smaller family units) and what the consequence of this is on our own communities being absent of that; that is: the most fertile years of our lives are not spent having gotten procreation out of the way by having five or six children by the age of twenty or nineteen (so that when the child is fifteen you might be thirty, which seems to be the age where the sexual drive begins to dissipate or has anyway lost its novelty), and instead (i.e. without of being match-made far earlier in life) procreation instead occurs – if it does at all – accidentally and well-past the most fertile and healthy years, with such children being often quite sickly and the strain on the body being significantly more risky to the Mother (haphazardly enabled only then by massive external resources which would not have been required at all beforehand). I do not mean to seem as if I am advocating “having five or six children by the age of twenty or nineteen” only that in our natural environment this has always been the way of the thing due to natural sexual exploration when we are at that age.
At the same time, at the beginning and at the end of this “waste of time” (as I would say) of those most fertile years in which our sexuality is forbidden to us; that culture which we examine here as being simply Sexual Immaturity, it has been the case that that “Immaturity” persists well into later life by those afflicted adults who were forbidden to practise their natural sexuality when they were at the age where they wanted to, that is that the culture and mentality of such persons subjected to such restrictions quite demonstrably can be shown to have regressed them to the point that, as then as adults, they dress as children, speak and think as children, shun adult responsibility and seem altogether to have matured intellectually no further than the age of twelve or thirteen years, despite physiologically and neurologically having surpassed far beyond that early almost larval-like stage of our development where the body and mind are both only partially formed.
Instead it has been the “dragging-out” of that childlike insensibility, again: to no useful outcome, which has by that point in time essentially mitigated most of their procreative potentiality in that 1) physically having children is then far more difficult for them, and 2) they are now twenty-five years behind where their familial-tribal unit might otherwise have been, i.e. they do not have five or six twenty year old children bringing in incomes to the Household (to purchase a Household in the first place if they did not possess one before) or working the land (or likewise to purchase land) so that their prosperity will not have developed beyond mere subsistence off of the external labour market so as to escape the poverty and dependency traps inherent in the cities – which nominally constitutes their entire existence ‘to’ escape such miseries. All in all it is a lot of hard work by that point and I could not help but notice, of my own generation and those slightly older, how this outcome would have been entirely altered and set on a more prosperous trajectory if, say, at the age of sixteen a couple had been put together and had a few children, as: by the age of twenty the best seeds would have been sewn and they would not have to even think about “having children” ever again which is itself a thing, I observe anyway, that is so daunting and bothersome later in life that it really is something better gotten out of the way as early as possible in the manner that we would have done quite naturally otherwise.
If the idea here is to build up that familial-tribal unit then this methodology serves the purpose in the most optimal manner; the adults are freed up and enjoy their liberties, the younger adults (i.e. the teenagers) are preoccupied quite happily fulfilling their single greatest biological urges to have sex as much as they like, and the population figures begin to climb up at a rate of replacement which is far superior, e.g. a thirty year old parent of a fifteen year old only has five years before that fifteen year becomes a physically matured adult ready to contribute to the unit, whereas by contrast a thirty year old parent of a five year old has a great longer time to wait for physical maturity so that the distance between the two age groups becomes fragile and thin the further it is stretched with a concurrent loss of replacement manpower by a space of ten additional years.
There is something to be said for the older more experienced Father, of course, I remember quite well that the children I grew up with whose Fathers were in their forties and fifties and whose Mothers were in their twenties or very early thirties were quite better-off in their disposition and intelligence (whilst those with older Mothers tended to be sickly in one way or another); simply put though I think it is more to do with the experience of age as the influencing factor than anything else and a functional familial-tribal unit would have this influence in far greater capacity.
If we add to this factor the notion of polygamy (something shunned as ‘pagan’ by the Abramic religions yet advocated for in their own holy books, indeed: it was the universal norm) then we find the whole circle being completed in that young teenagers do as they please with each other, becoming familiar with relationship and their sexuality, and then when they reach a more mature age they might marry each other or other people properly so as to begin families of their own; but that by that age they may well have produced several children already via multiple partners so that the actual ‘legitimate children’ (in the sense of inheriting land and titles) of a more formal marriage is superfluous to population replacement insofar as the tribe is concerned, as: they have already increased the headcount quite massively by comparison. It is worth mentioning here the legal problems of land inheritance and the seeming inability for people to ever work this all out amongst themselves as being one of the most desirable points of the introduction of some of the Abramic religions, when they first appeared, as rules were laid out of who could inherit (some rules more effective than others, some quite ruinous in fact) which provided a framework in perpetuity (but on the other hand, with all children being considered legitimate in some instances, i.e. the children of concubines, this produced the problem of “all children” being in competition for the single title or, in turn, a vast spread of land, i.e. a Kingdom, being broken apart “to make it all fair”: this did not differ in form from, say, Imperial China to the late Ottoman court whilst the European Monarchies to their credit, somewhat, temporarily solved the matter by the allocation of specific titles to be given to the first born, second born, third born, etc., and then bouncing back to the Monarch upon the death of that Duke to be allocated again – although some would say this is a feeble manner by which to govern large polities it differs not very much from the essential ‘oversight’ duties over local governments as practiced in the Roman Principate rather than direct-governorship over those provinces themselves).
The tribal influence in real terms upon children cannot be understated in its superior effects upon the character and long-term capacity of the children themselves (when compared to others); I have some experience in my own up-bringing with this and really the outcome (again: compared to the infantilism, i.e. arrested development, you will almost always find in the nuclear family type, which we might easily compare to factory farmed within four walls and a hen-pecking parental authority vs. free range) is a quite more matured and capable disposition (call it “street smarts” if you like; they follow what actually works rather than what is ‘pretended to them’ to work, which is typically nothing more than the parents own whimsical desires of the moment) amongst all the children when they are simply freed up from the poor influence of an unfit parent even without the good influence of a more fit parent of which, then, the fit parent itself could be determined to be largely superfluous, as: of their own accord they learn amongst themselves and become naturally fortified against being instructed into error by a witless or ill-inclined adult, whereas a child stuck under the thumb of a witless ‘parent’ has no means to disobey that witless parent without facing severe punishments and so there the child is sculpted into a helpless fool, later embittered in life and at the tender mercy of their peers, as: even as they might innately know-better (than to do the foolish thing their parent demands they do) they are forced nevertheless, either physically punished or emotionally coerced, into adopting the ‘silly walk’ and ‘dress’ of the witless parent, which is to say: they are forced into conforming toward the cultural idealism determined by the parent with no thought whatsoever for the practicalities of life, e.g. the matter of “how will my child earn a living” is addressed neither by parenting nor by schools thus begrudgingly selling themselves auction block of the labour market turns out to be the only method, whether they were deluded into thinking that their aspirations to be a professional athlete or an astronaut were entertained and encouraged for them at the expense of informing them about any other means of paying the rent or not.
I should say here that when I say “familial-tribal unit” I am broadly referring to any number of groupings, in whatsoever local forms they may take shape, but that the decisive factor, most chiefly, will be a large extended family network of which, if it ever needed to pool its resource together, would constitute a decent size force in land, resource production and manpower – but chiefly it is the possession of land which enables everything else:
More ideally, to my mind, it would resemble (or be very close in composition to) that Roman ‘Familia’ (the origin of the word ‘Family’ in our English) where a fairly large blood family of at least five generations inhabited in and around the same House or group of Houses (see: Palace, Villa and Manor Economy), with servants and adoptees and associates (business partners) likewise being considered as extended kin; altogether forming, as it were, a little nationality. In the sense of ‘Nationality’ it is, it ought be said, more a return to how we actually were prior to the ‘naming conventions’ of the 1700’s or so where the stupid surnames made up on the spot of many Europeans were forced into Law over what would have originally been clan and tribal identities and from which there came that fake sense of disparate ‘Nationality’ (i.e. cut off from tribe and forced into atomization; identity through a very small family unit alone) from which the misnomer of ‘Race’ would be made-up to lend credibility to. In many ways a great deal of the urbane ‘neurosis’, let’s call it, stems really from this absence of ‘true tribe’ with it having been eradicated either by the fecklessness of urban societies; societies of strangers and thieves, and also more directly via those religions which pretend to fill the void of ‘true tribe’ with their witless rituals and effete pretences – things which are a wet-blanket over true fellowship wrought in such a manner as comes in all reality perfectly naturally the moment the screws holding foolishness in place are undone and cast away – and really here, when we stack these observations together one upon the other, we are really speaking of a sound and strong society certainly immune to the shallow perversity created by denialism toward the basic mechanics of the human body – in addition to any other considerations which follow from that.


It must be considered quite seriously by the reader as to the overall influence, or lack thereof, of a tribal-familial unit as to what fills its place in the education of people otherwise and, as I began this text by considering for myself, how much of the ‘dysfunctionality’ can be attributed to the “lack thereof”.
Along with the cultural instance on sexual immaturity as to produce the consequence of delaying and drawing out for decades a fetish of normal sexuality which ought naturally be done with by a person after reaching the age, say, of maybe seventeen, there is the greater point which I am trying to relay here in this text of how many other aspects of ‘bad culture’ are singularly anchored to and thusly totally dependent upon that sexual immaturity – that is: we would be hard-pressed to imagine how really many of the pernicious scenarios in our contemporary society would even arise if that foundation stone of ‘sexual immaturity’ were removed from the equation:
For instance, how much of a ‘relationship’ is spent and sculpted (either by the Man or the Woman or both) on jealously and worry of the other ending the relationship for having found another person or another means to fulfil their sexual gratification? If a ‘relationship’ is based upon, let’s call this, “mutual masturbation” then at the heart of that is sexual immaturity of the mental age of maybe fourteen years whereupon a person has been sort of coaxed into dependency for orgasm on a third party; they are fraught and fearful that this should be taken away from them – it being so vital as like a mechanical necessity for either sex – that the entire content of their ‘relationship’ revolves around it; seeking it, coaxing it, demanding it, guarding it from be lost, and so on, of which I think it is not exaggeration to say that such concerns constitute 100% of the verbal interaction in such a ‘couple’; either outright or in the back of the mind so as to reinterpret all scenarios and verbal expressions as being related to that end-goal of maintaining the “mutual masturbation”.
Simply put this ‘relationship’, then, revolves around twenty minutes of sexual activity in a day – if that much (or even if every day), yet dominates the entirety of the mind; that is: the entirety of the ‘relationship’, when this action itself is something that a servant or a slave or a prostitute would be used for in many societies, with the ‘content’ of the marriage, say, being concerned more with running the business of a Household or concerned with procreation to produce legitimate children to inherit the business, the title, the land, whatever. My point here is that neither Man nor Woman are elevated or their dignity improved, somehow, by this absence of sexual maturity but rather that both are reduced; i.e. greatly lowered, to the cognitive and social standing of the “servant, slave, prostitute,” in that as far as they think of and conceptualize themselves as part of a Household at all it is singularly the concern with simple sexual acts which dominate their interpersonal interactions and their ideas about their own self; it is their ‘social currency’.
If this seems alien – I mean my observation on this – consider how much neurosis goes on in the daily grooming rituals of Women or those sad excuses for Men who “lift weights but cannot fight” (not to mention the ease at which a thin muscular physique bleeds out at the slightest of puncture wounds, see: Roman Gladiator training), i.e. whose only concern is that of admiring their own bodies in a mirror, this being intellectually identical to young Women. Is this not the mentally of a slave? If so, even if we shy away from saying it plainly, then we must ask “what forms the mentality of a slave (i.e. where does it come from)” – in the above equation a slave in a Household is more like an object fulfilling a function than He or She is a person with any autonomy (well, obviously there is no autonomy for a slave) so it is almost to be expected that in such an environment that the intellectual trajectory of an object-person goes away from externalities and becomes entirely absorbed with self-presentation and equates their social status from that, and if groups of such persons will set this to be the common culture; deriving status in that manner among themselves – although still these are slaves possessing no ‘status’ to speak of, as being object-people. This is evidenced also in victims of sexual abuse or those, in general, suffering at the hands of third parties whose autonomy is in some way or another restricted; that their singular focus becomes that of sexuality as like depression is “rage turned inward”, thus too it seems for sexual infantilism.
I cannot pass up this subject without mentioning a series of interviews describing, a thing quite novel to me, the notion of American Christian ‘Purity Culture’ from the point of view of those heavily indoctrinated into that; instilled with Catholic levels of guilt over the normal function of the body, who have then left their small churches or megachurches, or whatever, and spoken plainly about the mentality of those inside of it as relating to sexuality. It is a thing I think long suspected but seldom expressed that, as it was described, the mentality of such persons is that they are “horny all the time” due to the relentless guilt inculcated into them; that due to denialism of sexuality their ordinary sexual impulses are magnified to an incredible degree and that, consequentially, their entire being is animated by repressed sexuality so that their thoughts are ‘impure’ all the time whilst verbally they express strong denialism and shame over the thing. I think this is no real difference to any such religious malinstruction; be it Muslim, Jewish or Christian, in that the perpetual infantilism of their surrounding society stems first of all from their own bedrock religious culture (i.e. whatever religion which is at odds with the human body, etc.) were due to such ‘culture’ they never really get over, say, an early adolescent view of sexuality where they are driven entirely by it and never learn to overcome it, no pun intended, but utterly unrealized – which would take them leaving their religion – is that this process demonstrably brings out the absolute worst in their character and disposition with the process itself being the promulgation ‘of’ those very “Viceful thoughts ” that they claim to be “at War with in the world”, in other words: it is just they themselves who, for example, look at a young teenage girl (or god help us, a small boy) and thinks all manner of sexual rapacity – and that this animates them politically to campaign for restrictive legislation to be put into Law to police “all society” as if “all society” existed at their low level is an incredible thing to consider. But I do not think their broader societies are any exception to this, rather point here is that their broader societies are comprised of persons exactly like them; that the Christian or the Jew driven by a lifetimes shaming over their normal sexuality adopt, in turn, the most depraved expressions ‘of’ sexuality as a self-affirmation; that is: the extreme self-identification with a simple sexual action, for example, came to literally define a persons personality in such places to the point that (Americans anyway) seriously put out the notion during the late 1990’s and 2000’s that a fleeting sexual act 1) defines a persons entire character, and 2) it is also inborn, e.g. as like to say that whether you prefer this or that on the menu at a restaurant is something determined genetically; this is utterly stupid and utterly, in my opinion, a consequence of society which has not wanted to evolve beyond the ‘sexual immaturity’ of which physiologically seems to occupy a very small window of the middle to late teens and of which repression during those ages quite demonstrably creates madness and retardation – I mean that if their culture did not peripherally do this to them then the manner by which swathes of their cultural-historical institutions do this to them ‘outright’ by inculcation into this process in particular certainly does it to them, and merely it is the unwillingness to fully condemn these Religions and relegate these influences to the dustbin which keeps the entire thing ticking along with “just enough” of the population bent out of shape by it to present those same persons, seemingly confused as to where they came from, lumbering through the broader society and serving as examples of lunacy and degeneracy.
In short - and I may as well add this here also, the aim to abstain for a while from sexuality was a custom introduced by the Ancient Romans and was designed to heighten sexual pleasure; in effect, then, foreign barbarians coming to this culture much later on with nobody to really explain it to them ended up unwittingly engaging in what they would probably have recognized as ‘sex magic’ whereupon the denial of their own mechanical sexual function was ‘abstained’ by them; i.e. they saw the value in holding off on doing drugs or having sex for a while, – but they did not understand what the effect or the outcome of that was ‘intended’ to be in that one would abstain specifically ‘to’ heighten the senses toward that pleasure; and this is evidenced chiefly in the Lunar Orgies and the Fast/s of Ceres. Interestingly, Jesus himself in (i think the Gospel of Thomas?) mentions to his followers that “they will hate him for what he says now,” and that he says that “fasting brings out all the worst in them” – in other words, engaging in periodic abstinence will turn them all horny. Knowing this from a relatively early age it was no surprise to me at all why celibate priests ended up diddling children or member of their own congregation or why the most outwardly pious zealots proved to be the most morally weak people to be found as even with the most ‘clean’ example, let’s say, of a person who has never drank wine, for example, they have not ‘overcome’ that thing but have rather avoided ever experiencing that thing so that it will always be a novel temptation to them of which they will have no understanding of and which they can be leveraged by in various ways primarily due to their ignorance of which ‘experience itself’ would otherwise render them far more fortified against:
A good example here is the ‘pot scare’ of the early 1930’s in America when it was seriously believed by a wholly ignorant chunk of the urbane voting public that smoking cannabis (and drinking alcohol, for that matter) would turn a person into a serial killer, this is totally bizarre to us now, but notice that this was the same society whose moral standard was that “a table leg” should not be uncovered because it reminded them of a Womans bare leg – although here we might better understand why they were so preoccupied by thoughts like that (I think very seriously in their heightened state of perpetual arousal any little thing would send them to buggery of a farmyard creature)! Hilarious. But – notice also that this was the same society which was engaging in some of the most casually egregious inhumane criminality that history had ever seen, as if they ‘were’ high on narcotics and their rational senses dulled; I do not mean here to bring American notions of ‘Race’ into this as to be seen to ‘condemn Black Slavery’ in the fashion of my own day (although we mentioned family-tribe as a better form of so-called nationality earlier) but the ghastly images of actual Country Fairs where smiling families with children by their knees would pose for crude photographs with the charcoaled or bloated rotting carcass of a burned or lynched Man is beyond my ability to play-down or normalize. I mean here to say, that: far from the pretense of ‘clean mindedness’ of such persons about themselves that we find these same persons are the filthiest and most depraved characters around, being those few persons who walk amongst us who are actually capable of doing those inhumane things (again, see: Banality of Evil) as would be unthinkable to a person of normal rational healthy conscience. We might connect this, also, to the historical BDSM extravaganzas which took place in the Christian monasteries and public squares for many centuries where young Women were sexually tortured by celibate clergymen as to recognize how deep and quick a plunge it is from a person or their culture going from the denial of normal healthy sexuality into the kettled and sadistic gore fetish of outright murder.
It is always worth reminding the reader who wishes to minimize these more egregious aspects of the subject (as rape is still rampant among the clergy); which are consequential of sexual immaturity, that it was not ‘reason and rationality’ per se that stamped this out from European society but soldiers kicking in the doors of such Churches, Town Halls and Houses with muskets, rifles, long knives and grape-shot and physically eradicating the perpetrators and their willing congregations from America and France for the practice itself of sexually torturing a Woman and then burning the evidence on the fake pretexts of obviously made-up accusations of “she turned me into a frog” to actually be ended. That is to say that the ‘mentality’ and ‘culture’ which provided the framework for such inhumane activities was never formally realized or educated-out of a people, so to find it lingers along into contemporary times; animating the otherwise dormant farmyard animal-like character of such persons “like powers of evil”, is not surprising to me in the least. What was more surprising to me is that as so much of these religions are so obviously outright ‘evil’ that more persons do not speak of the intricacies of the things in such necessary detail these more ‘egregious’ cases would qualify, and then to spool back to discover the cause of every evil action in the mentality of every perpetrator – generally speaking, for instance, it will be a character with a disposition of infantilism and perhaps this is more easy to understand without needing to connect it to sexual immaturity though, to my mind, these are not distinct enough to warrant any separation; as: infantilism is always going to be immaturity and immaturity is always going to run concurrent with a lack of adult intellectual development where a mature and experienced view of a thing, sexuality in this case, has likely been within the powers of a person to have gleaned naturally through experiences – in which case there would be no argument with anything I say here, or of which such experiences have been prevented by external powers from being gleaned by the person in question; in which case they remain ‘as if’ they were fourteen years old with the allure of mysterious unknown sex acts utterly dominating their consciousness at all times and yet physically being thirty, forty, fifty years old – well past the age (certainly physiologically) where they should have gotten it all out of their system but of which they have not, chiefly because their experiences have been rather dull and monotone and so much social currency has been valued by it ‘being’ dull and monotone, e.g. monogamy, legal repercussions binding two people in place, the atomized kettling nature of the disconnected nuclear family unit, living amongst strangers in large cities where it not so simple as just going topless to change the local culture, control through the selective denial of the sex act itself (as William Reich and Esther Vilar both write on), the sexualisation of young people by adults, the accidental ‘perversity’ (in the real meaning of the word) of unfulfilled (or poorly fulfilled, or repressed altogether) sexuality and its effects on the brain and society, and so on and so on.
I am always inclined to think when considering this subject, and I may as well end this text in conclusion with this recurrent thought of mine, that ‘sexual perversion’ really begins in the mind of ourselves as young teenagers when the normal human body is leeringly presented to us as being something ‘illicit’, e.g. the breasts of Women are concealed in our society and so due to ‘hiding them away’ they become objects of mystery and fetish which they otherwise are not. I do not think this is deliberate reverse psychology (as god help us few enough people even understand the concept to understand what they do inadvertently) but it produces the same consequence of reverse psychology, whereupon quite arbitrarily a certain piece of the body, say, an ankle, is all of a sudden declared by a mad Adult to be “evil, sinful, lustful, of the devil,” when no such notion existed in the minds of people otherwise, as then: their natural curiosity is piqued by this imposition and so they develop a perversion dervied in chief part – as a sense of lewd pleasure – from bucking the arbitrary nonsensical imposition forced upon them by that dictate of which such a scenario never would have had cause to occur if not for that imposition having created it. I feel that this ‘perversion’ (again, in the real meaning of that word) stands in the way of a fully realized and fully pursued sense of actual sexuality and, from it, of a more resonant concordance between Men and Women whose interactions are otherwise thrown off balance by such impositions as they are dragged back down to sexual immaturity all the time; or into fear and jealously etc., as like a dozen avenues are presented in any conversation and virtually of them are strewn with piss, vomit and polyfoam which had no reason to be put there in the first place, or more accurately: it was put there through the carelessness of an atomized and witless peoples who knew no better than to do this to themselves but of which a familial-tribal unit would have drummed out of them quick sharp if for the actuality of nothing else than “we are all in this together” being something that is tangibly true and not merely shallow political rhetoric when it is said of a tribe vs. when it is said of a state polity comprised of countless strangers.


submitted by genericusername1904 to 2ndStoicSchool [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:27 jperaic1 33 [M4F] Austria/Germany - Looking for a calm, kind, genuine and nerdy soul

Hiii, you amazing soul!
I’m a 33 year old male living in Upper Austria who is looking to meet a kind, wholesome and easy going fellow human from the opposite gender. I'm mainly interested in a meaningful and serious relationship, but won't say no to a good friend.
About me:
About you:
Talk soon... hopefully ;-)
submitted by jperaic1 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:23 CuriousArtist42 How can I (F26) handle my boyfriends (M27) relationship with his toxic(?) friend (F25)?

Ok, so this is a bit of a long story, but my bf (John), has this girlfriend (Maria) he has known since university that I'm not really fond of.
For context, they were close friends in uni, John had a big crush on Maria at some point and they had a one-nightstand. They didn't go any further than that, as she was the type of girl that would go from guy to guy at that point. Later Maria did come back and said she wanted to start dating John, but he wasn't interested anymore. (at least this is the story he told me.)
They kept being friends onwards, he would go through 2 other girlfriends, who both said they didn't want Maria to be in his life. One of them due to knowing Maria herself and her story with guys, and the other was more a gut vibe. So throughout those 2 relationships John kept a distance from Maria. As the relationships ended they would become friends again, though not as close as before due to Maria having a new boyfriend herself.
Around 2 years ago I started dating John, and he was very blunt about his past relationship with Maria, and I told him it's no problem as long he makes me feel like there's no problem. I wanted to be friends with his best friend Maria as well. The first 6 months went fine, but then I started having some big life changes, I wanted those to be secret between us for awhile, but then he went on to talk with Maria about it anyways. Now we had a conversation about it, and how it made me feel a bit betrayed.
A second event he had a problem choosing something work related, I gave him some advise, and he went ahead asking Maria for advise as well. Now this is not a problem, but her answer were the exact same as mine, and he ended up giving her the credit. This also made me feel betrayed, and started to make me feel insecure in the relationship.
I started to try and become friends with her, we would hang out from time to time both alone and together with our boyfriends. The more I hanged out with Maria I got to know that she's the 'pick me girl' type of girl that only has guy friends. I didn't really mind it as much, because in general she seemed nice towards me. As we got closer she started showing more of her toxic side though, even in our small group chat.
She started to say that she considered me more of a friend that John by now, but then a couple of days after she began to act weird towards me and pull John in. We even went to her birthday party were she would take a couple of group pictures, but I would not be in any of them. Now I'm not really a camera-happy person, but I would have liked to be included.
At the end of last year John started to see more that she's not an good apple, and is barely considering her a friend that much anymore.
In the last couple of months she went through a breakup, she seemed totally fine and happy about it though. Now she wants to start hanging out with John alone. And with all of this I just don't feel comfortable with that. John says he will take what social interactions he can get, even if it's with Maria and he finds her toxic. I understand that, but my gut feeling and anxiety does not want this. I talked with him about it and I said I tried to say that I'm not really in a stage to let him go hangout with her alone, I was prepared and fine with him to want to breakup with me for that (I come from a past toxic and violent relationship), but he said no. Now he's just ignoring her, and we need to figure out what to do. He says he's fine with ignoring her, but that's not really a solution. I have anxiety and rather wanna runaway than letting him go out with her alone or confront her with my insecurities.
Now people you can call me toxic, I know I'm not perfect, but what can we do?
My boyfriend John has a long-time friend, Maria, with whom he had a brief romantic history. Despite past girlfriends having issues with Maria, John remained friends with her. I initially tried to befriend her, but over time, she showed toxic behavior and made me feel excluded and insecure. Recently, Maria wants to hang out with John alone, but I feel uncomfortable with this due to my past trauma and her behavior. John is willing to ignore her, but we know this isn’t a real solution. How can we handle this situation?
submitted by CuriousArtist42 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:17 freshrollsdaily AITA for not following a random parent’s comments about what I was doing with my child?

I (40F) took my daughter (9 month old) to a local children’s museum to an exhibit where she could play. There are usually other children and parents there. While there, we were letting my daughter do her thing as she’s at the age where she wants to try to crawl as well as pull herself up to stand. We were letting her do this with standing up and this woman comes up to me with her son. Here’s how the conversation went down:
Random lady: “How old is she?”
Me holding the baby while she stands: “9 months old.”
Random lady: “You’re not supposed to let her do that for more than 16 seconds.”
Me: looks at her, then goes silent and looks away while ignoring the random who has decided she’s going to parent my child, continuing to play with my daughter and mind my own business
Random lady: “DOCTORS have told me that at that age, you’re not supposed to let them do that more than 16 seconds because it’s bad for their joints.”
Me: looks up, then looks away again, continuing to play with my daughter who is still standing, and looking at my cousin who came with us. Still clearly ignoring the random person
Me: “I understand English perfectly well. I appreciate what you told me. But I am not going to follow your advice.”
After that, I turned away from her again. The lady stared at me with a bit of shock and then turned around and walked away.
I’m a new mom and still learning about parenting culture. My daughter was not hurt or being harmed in any way, and unlimited floor time with standing, crawling, etc. is what we do to support the baby’s development & is in accordance with our pediatrician’s advice. My daughter was not being forced to stand up. Furthermore, I don’t really understand why the heck this person seemed to care so much about a child that does not belong to her. IMO she needed to mind her own business. So AITA?
submitted by freshrollsdaily to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:14 Straw_hat89 34[M4F] Mexico/Anywhere - Searching for my forever Netflix, and life partner.

Hello there,
I hope you're having an amazing weekend either enjoying all the activities that make you happy, or simply by just relaxing at home, and being lazy because why not, right? We all deserve to be lazy sometimes, but please don't neglect the classic Sunday routine... Yeah, I'm talking about cleaning, and doing laundry lol. But don't worry, I think we can enjoy a beautiful Sunday together.
About me:
Ok, let's start by putting a name and a face to whoever is writing this: My name is Miguel, and I'm just a 34 years old guy enjoying a peaceful, and simple life in a small town in Mexico. Here are a few pics because I know that for some people physical attraction is important. But keep in mind that those pics are all good angles and lightning, so maybe I'll have to send you a selfie after just waking up to show you my reality haha.
In terms of personality people describe me, primarily, as a really chatty, goofy, and curious person. But also as caring, supportive, empathic, and attentive. I value honesty, good communication, respect, loyalty, kindness, and empathy. So I'd love to find someone who's in the same channel because I'd love to receive what I can provide.
I consider myself a homebody type of person: I love to spend plenty of time at home watching Netflix, baseball games, interesting (they are random but I prefer to call them that) YT videos, sometimes listening to music, and I have been getting into reading recently (It helps me to sleep better). When I'm not at home I like to go for walks around town or spending time at the plaza or the park. On rare occasions I go to the city either to go to the movies, a baseball game, or just to buy clothes.
I have been slowly getting back into working out after some time dealing with injuries, so I'm taking things slowly, and being mindful about my body. Important to mention I workout at home, so if you're into that we can maybe be gym buddies. Another thing I'm getting back into learning new languages. On top of Spanish and English, I also speak Portuguese, a bit of French, and I'm currently starting with Norwegian (people say it's easy so why not).
Last but not least, animals are a really important part of my life, especially dogs, and even when I don't have pets of my own just yet, my family and I, we take care of a couple of stray dogs, and one feral cat (I'm pretty sure my parents love them more than they love me). So cute dog and cat pictures are always on the menu.
I hope the post is not too long, but I really wanted to share some random facts about myself just to make you laugh and learn a bit more about me.
submitted by Straw_hat89 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:14 Appropriate-Study271 21 F UK looking for long term friends who are similar to me!

I'm 21 F UK. Going through a recent breakup so I thought to make new friends and get my mind off of it. I love emo, alternative/indie rock music and witch house (Crystal Castles, Grimes, Pastel Ghost etc). I'd like someone who is sort of brain rotted like me but not under 20. Also preferably someone from the UK, or Europe in general but not a necessity. I'd like someone who is down to earth and can hold a conversation. I mostly use Instagram, Discord and TikTok. I am sort of chronically online and I feel like it shows when I get comfortable with a person so I'm looking for someone with the same energy lol. I love to cook and binge watch shows/movies. I would eventually like to meet up with people I meet, not anytime soon but I don't want to stay forever online. I'm also interested in watching shows, movies or listening to music with anyone I get on well with. :) Weird requirement but please when you DM me, could you speak English well? I find it difficult to hold conversations when the other person spells badly or has bad grammar. Sorry if that is rude. Not interested in anyone who has NSFW posts on their profile (like their own images and horny posting please).
My discord is kvof
submitted by Appropriate-Study271 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:13 Straw_hat89 34[M4F] Mexic/Anywhere - Let's go on picnics during Sundays!

Hello there,
I hope you're having an amazing weekend either enjoying all the activities that make you happy, or simply by just relaxing at home, and being lazy because why not, right? We all deserve to be lazy sometimes, but please dont neglect the classic Sunday routine... Yeah, I'm talking about cleaning, and doing laundry lol. But dont worry, I think we can enjoy a beautiful Sunday together.
About me:
Ok, let's start by putting a name and a face to whoever is writing this: My name is Miguel, and I'm just a 34 years old guy enjoying a peaceful, and simple life in a small town in Mexico. Here are a few pics because I know that for some people physical attraction is important. But keep in mind that those pics are all good angles and lightning, so maybe I'll have to send you a selfie after just waking up to show you my reality haha.
In terms of personality people describe me, primarily, as a really chatty, goofy, and curious person. But also as caring, supportive, empathic, and attentive. I value honesty, good communication, respect, loyalty, kindness, and empathy. So I'd love to find someone who's in the same channel because I'd love to receive what I can provide.
I consider myself a homebody type of person: I love to spend plenty of time at home watching Netflix, baseball games, interesting (they are random but I prefer to call them that) YT videos, sometimes listening to music, and I have been getting into reading recently (It helps me to sleep better). When I'm not at home I like to go for walks around town or spending time at the plaza or the park. On rare occasions I go to the city either to go to the movies, a baseball game, or just to buy clothes.
I have been slowly getting back into working out after some time dealing with injuries, so I'm taking things slowly, and being mindful about my body. Important to mention I workout at home, so if you're into that we can maybe be gym buddies. Another thing I'm getting back into learning new languages. On top of Spanish and English, I also speak Portuguese, a bit of French, and I'm currently starting with Norwegian (people say it's easy so why not).
Last but not least, animals are a really important part of my life, especially dogs, and even when I don't have pets of my own just yet, my family and I, we take care of a couple of stray dogs, and one feral cat (I'm pretty sure my parents love them more than they love me). So cute dog and cat pictures are always on the menu.
I hope the post is not too long, but I really wanted to share some random facts about myself just to make you laugh and learn a bit more about me.
submitted by Straw_hat89 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:05 Academic2673 ESTA need help

I live in the US, I’m about to apply for my mom and my sister who are coming to visit. I’m doing the group application, just cause it’s easier. Can I be a group contact person or it needs to be one of them? They don’t speak any English and I’m helping them with the whole process. Thank you!
submitted by Academic2673 to travel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:04 Boyf-riend dream interpretation help: love in 1990

last night i dreamt possible one of the best dreams ever, like when i woke up i felt so happy because of this guy. so in my dream im at some trampoline (lowkey appears like a playground in my town) training camp. and i guess i had a hickey on my throat (no idea how, especially since i haven’t gone that far with ANYONE) but i was being like joked around with because of that and there was a group of people from somewhere completely different then the states opposing where i stood. just lingering on a play-thing and i asked them if they spoke english and one person answered and he said, why? and then i answered with, so i could know i could flirt with you guys. (WHICH IS SOMETHING I WOULF NEVER SAY, im super quiet and anxious in real life so when i realized i said that i literally stopped walking debating on why i said such a thing. i crawled up the playground, and kinda held myself up by the monkey bars and the guy i saw was my type. like my heart in my dream was racing so fast i felt sick. but he had like brown hair whose roots were fading from being dyed green, he wore a tie-dye shirt (which he wanted to change because it was wet from messing around, but i grabbed onto him and made sure he couldn’t 💀) and he wore an old brown leather jacket with some mom jeans. and i literally couldn’t he was hot. anyways i convince him to go on a date with me, but he was super nervous and i realized that when we talked down the street people in cars would yell at us. like insult his appearance, because he wasn’t white and i am. idk it was super weird, anyways we went to a movie theater and it ended up being super boring so i got on my phone—even though i jus knew it was around the 80s-90s, from the cars on the street to what people wore. even the show we watched was like 1960s that led through the 1970s. but it was about some small town that got bombed, idk. i will say the lady in front of us insulted us because she realized we weren’t paying attention and thought we were doing some nasty shit in public so i yelled at her, really loud, and went off. And we finished the movie on the theater screen since my phone was dead, and we were sharing popcorn (and i’m very not into kissing or touching or anything like that) but with him i couldn’t help myself. he had some popcorn like dust on his thumb and i put it in my mouth and i literally tasted it. it felt hyper realistic. and then my dream changed but he was still in it. HE WAS IN ALL MY DREAMS FEOM THAT POINT ON. and i haven’t seen a person like this guy anywhere, maybe on tik tok or something?? but he was so hot. i’m sorry but does anyone know anything about that this might mean? i woke up super happy but then soul crushed when i realized he wasn’t real 😭
submitted by Boyf-riend to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:52 Various_Positive_759 H.M. Classes: The Best School Section Classes in Malad

In the vibrant and competitive educational landscape of Malad, H.M. Classes has emerged as the premier institution for the best school section classes in Malad. Renowned for its commitment to academic excellence, experienced faculty, and personalized approach, H.M. Classes is the preferred choice for students and parents seeking top-quality education from grades 8 to 12.

A Legacy of Academic Excellence

H.M. Classes has built a strong reputation for delivering outstanding results across various school levels. The institute’s unwavering commitment to quality education and its holistic approach to student development have made it a trusted name in Malad. By providing a nurturing and intellectually stimulating environment, H.M. Classes ensures that students excel not only in their academics but also in their overall development.

Expert Faculty

The cornerstone of H.M. Classes' success is its team of highly qualified and experienced faculty members. Each teacher is a specialist in their subject area, bringing both in-depth knowledge and practical insights to the classroom. The faculty’s dedication to student success goes beyond mere instruction; they act as mentors, offering guidance, encouragement, and personalized support to help students achieve their full potential.

Comprehensive Curriculum

H.M. Classes offers a meticulously crafted curriculum that covers all major subjects for students from grades 8 to 12, including:
The curriculum is designed to ensure a thorough understanding of each subject, preparing students for both school exams and competitive entrance tests. Regular updates to the syllabus keep the content aligned with the latest educational standards and examination patterns.

Personalized Attention and Support

One of the key strengths of H.M. Classes is its student-centric approach, offering personalized attention and support to each student. With small class sizes, the institute ensures that every student receives individualized guidance, enabling them to grasp complex concepts with ease. Regular assessments, mock tests, and feedback sessions help students identify their strengths and areas for improvement, fostering a supportive and collaborative learning environment.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

H.M. Classes understands the importance of a conducive learning environment. The institute provides state-of-the-art facilities, including modern classrooms equipped with advanced teaching aids, a comprehensive library with a vast collection of reference books, and access to online resources. These facilities create an ideal setting for students to focus on their studies and excel academically.

Holistic Development

At H.M. Classes, the focus extends beyond academics. The institute believes in the holistic development of its students and encourages participation in various extracurricular activities. Workshops, seminars, and guest lectures by industry experts are regularly organized to broaden students' perspectives and enhance their skills. These activities help students develop essential soft skills such as communication, leadership, and time management, which are crucial for their overall success.

Proven Track Record

The success of H.M. Classes is best reflected in the impressive achievements of its students. Year after year, the institute boasts outstanding results in school exams, with many students securing top ranks and high scores. This consistent performance has solidified H.M. Classes' position as the best school section coaching institute in Malad.

Student Testimonials

The positive experiences and success stories of students and parents highlight the quality of education at H.M. Classes:


H.M. Classes stands out as the best coaching institute for the school section in Malad, thanks to its expert faculty, comprehensive curriculum, state-of-the-art facilities, and proven track record of success. For students aiming to excel in their school exams and build a strong foundation for their future studies, H.M. Classes offers the perfect blend of academic rigor and personalized support. If you're seeking excellence in school education, H.M. Classes is the ultimate choice in Malad.
Name- H.M Classes in Malad West Mumbai
Address-Chimanlal Apartment, Swami Vivekananda Rd, Malad, Navy Colony, Mamledarwadi, W, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400064
Phone No-9969142593
submitted by Various_Positive_759 to u/Various_Positive_759 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:48 AdNew1614 How does an aristocratic artificial language become a common natural one as time goes by?

Hello everyone, I just continue creating my story about a great woman building an empire, which I have posted to ask for help on this subreddit before. Now I'm considering about having my MC creating a completely new, logically and artistically advanced language to help establish the distinctive culture from the mundane present ones in the modern world she wishes to get rid. But here my problem is: The language is meant to be too elegant and noble for the ordinary people, especially the low-class people. It's because my MC has a distaste with most vulgar, mundane expressions in languages, especially her mother tongue (Vietnamese) despite being born in a low-class family and having years of working with uneducated people,. Personally, she is naturally very witty yet authoritative, along with having excelled in numerous contemporary and classical languages like English, Spanish, Chinese, Latin, Greek, Arabic, etc., so it isn't difficult at all for her to articulate her anger, sense of humour or something like that very wisely and elegantly. But not everyone is well-educated and calm enough to speak like that all the time, and a culture cannot only revolve around lifestyle of the nobility. So, once the MC and her noble entourages have conquered many existing nationalities/ethnicities, how can they force them to convert to the new language that lacks common rudeness and appears too academic for them? How will this aristocratic artificial language be popularized so that it becomes a natural imperial language like various existing languages in our world? Anyway, your opinions will be appreciated, so thanks a lot for helping.
submitted by AdNew1614 to fantasywriters [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:47 SullenSatan 19M; Currently abroad and looking to connect with folks online!

Hello all!
As the title suggests, I’m currently living abroad in Spain and will be for the next month. While I do love it here, I’ve begun to get a little homesick for the states (and English in general) so I’d love to connect online!
Here’s a bit about me: - Big outdoors person (hiking, kayaking, and recently off-road biking) - Currently learning Spanish through immersion but only half-decent at it. - Rising senior in college (Business - I skipped ahead a few years) - Hobbies include reading, cooking, writing, aforementioned outdoors activities, and playing video games, though I’m unable to at the moment.
And some fun facts for the sake of icebreakers: - I’ve flown a plane before - I won a moonshine drinking competition by downing seven shots of 100-proof - I spent a week helping out at a horse stable - I’ve been spelunking - I’ve driven heavy machinery
I like to think myself pretty sociable in the right environments, so feel free to reach out to talk about pretty much anything! The reply window may be a little weird due to time zone differences but I’m sure we can figure something out.
Ideally you’d be within two or three years maximum of my age? I’m not entirely sure how to connect to anyone that much older or younger. We can talk here, discord, WhatsApp (very popular in Spain for some reason), or on the phone once I get to know you a bit better. Just avoid boring one-word responses - thanks! 👋
submitted by SullenSatan to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:45 Various_Positive_759 H.M. Classes: The Best 12th Commerce Coaching in Malad

In the bustling suburb of Malad, where educational institutions are abundant, H.M. Classes has distinguished itself as the leading coaching center for 12th commerce students. With a commitment to academic excellence, experienced faculty, and a student-centered approach, H.M. Classes has become the preferred choice for commerce students aiming to excel in their board exams and beyond. So this is the best 12th commerce coaching in Malad.

Commitment to Academic Excellence

Founded with a vision to provide high-quality education, H.M. Classes has consistently delivered outstanding results in the 12th commerce stream. The institute's unwavering commitment to academic excellence is reflected in the impressive performance of its students year after year. This dedication has earned H.M. Classes a stellar reputation in Malad and beyond.

Expert Faculty

At the heart of H.M. Classes' success is its team of highly qualified and experienced faculty members. Each instructor is an expert in their respective field, bringing a wealth of knowledge and practical insights to the classroom. Their teaching methods are not only focused on imparting theoretical knowledge but also on enhancing analytical and problem-solving skills, which are crucial for commerce students.

Comprehensive Curriculum

H.M. Classes offers a meticulously designed curriculum that covers all key subjects in the 12th commerce stream, including:
The curriculum is structured to ensure a thorough understanding of each subject, preparing students comprehensively for their board exams. Regular updates to the syllabus ensure that the content is aligned with the latest academic standards and examination patterns.

Personalized Attention and Support

H.M. Classes is known for its student-centered approach, offering personalized attention and support to each student. With small class sizes, the institute ensures that every student receives individual attention, enabling them to grasp complex concepts with ease. Regular assessments, mock tests, and one-on-one feedback sessions help students identify their strengths and areas for improvement, fostering a supportive learning environment.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

Understanding the importance of a conducive learning environment, H.M. Classes provides state-of-the-art facilities to its students. Modern classrooms equipped with advanced teaching aids, a comprehensive library with the latest reference books, and access to online resources create an ideal setting for academic success. These facilities support an immersive learning experience, helping students focus and excel in their studies.

Holistic Development

At H.M. Classes, the focus extends beyond academics. The institute believes in the holistic development of its students, encouraging participation in various extracurricular activities such as workshops, seminars, and guest lectures by industry experts. These activities provide students with opportunities to develop essential soft skills, such as communication, leadership, and time management, which are crucial for overall success.

Proven Track Record

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H.M. Classes stands out as the best coaching institute for 12th commerce in Malad, thanks to its expert faculty, comprehensive curriculum, state-of-the-art facilities, and proven track record of success. For commerce students aiming to excel in their board exams and build a strong foundation for their future careers, H.M. Classes offers the perfect blend of academic rigor and personalized support. If you're seeking excellence in commerce education, H.M. Classes is the ultimate choice in Malad.
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Address-Chimanlal Apartment, Swami Vivekananda Rd, Malad, Navy Colony, Mamledarwadi, W, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400064
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submitted by Various_Positive_759 to u/Various_Positive_759 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:43 Silver-Honkler PayPal is a bona fide criminal conspiracy to harvest interest-free loans and is a weapon yielded by the rich to kill small businesses

Well, if you want to do a deep dive into PayPal/Venmo and their shady tactics, look no further than the PayPal and Venmo subreddits. It is an endless stream of people who opened small businesses, used these services within the scope of their TOS, and still managed to have their funds seized for an indeterminate amount of time. Alternatively, Google search results will also serve as an endless source of these claims.
I am a coin dealer. I've been doing it in a hobby capacity for the last 10 years and started getting serious about it in 2019. Even early on, I knew something was wrong with PayPal. Every now and again, some god-fearing Christian boomer who had used it for their coin business since their inception, would fly off the handle that their account got shutdown for no reason, their funds seized, and they struggled to get this money back to them. PayPal claims they only hold it for 180 days, but they almost never return this money to people.
Turns out, you can create obstacles for people trying to get their funds back. You simply toggle their account as fraudulent, or as running a money laundering scheme, or claim it is a national security issue or that it falls under some type of weapon, and you can even get the government involved to delay the return of funds even further.
In these high interest environments, these seized funds serve as 0% interest loans for PayPal.
Now I know what you're thinking. The government will surely step in. The problem is, most politicians who could change how PayPal operates own a sizeable amount of shares. Why would they ever go against their own best interests for a bunch of poor people?
Here's how the scheme works. You set up a legitimate small business on etsy or eBay and it takes off like a rocket. It doesn't make sense to pay fees listing on this platform anymore. You setup a private website and need a payment processor. PayPal has attractive fees so you sign up with them. You build a war chest of say, 10k, and wake up one morning to an email from PayPal that they're holding all your money for "180" days. You've somehow managed to fall into a terms of service violation by selling concert tees and handmade mugs.
You try to contact them but get automated AI prompts. If you ever reach a person, they have a loose grasp of the English language and can't help you anyway. In fact, they're not paid to help you at all. They're paid to frustrate you as much as possible so you give up and PayPal can keep the money.
You escalate and finally move it up a service level or two but get nobody helpful. They tell you that you can sue. However, it is expensive to get an attorney and sue someone, let alone a massive corporation with a warchest of everyone else's money. At the end of the day, they also crippled your source of income, so there's no recourse. You wait the 180 days, thinking PayPal will return your money.
Except they don't. I've met people who have been waiting a few years for their funds. PayPal can setup barriers every step of the way as an excuse to not refund them.
You're savvy so you think, you know, I'll just setup a Venmo account and take payments directly. Except, they're owned by the same company and all you've managed to do is jump from the frying pan into the fire. They collect your IP, name, address and social. You rebuild your business, build a 10k war chest, and "randomly out of the blue", your account gets banned and funds seized. You go through the same motions with them that you did with PayPal. You escalate up a level or two and finally get someone who can help. They inform you that they've cross referenced the data and discovered a banned PayPal account and they'll be keeping the funds for "180 days".
I know what you're thinking. Isn't this some type of fraud? Well, when you own the regulators and government and you're never held accountable, the chance of you ever seeing consequences for your actions is low. You toe the line of your terms of service and victim-blame every step of the way. In fact, you should take note the amount of victim blaming that goes on in subreddits and web forums when someone speaks out. Accusations of selling drugs, defrauding people, or working against America as some kind of terrorist come flying at you like a firehose until you delete your post and try to move on with your life.
And of course, nobody lives forever, so this money that is stuck in limbo sometimes belongs to people who pass away. It becomes part of their estate. Surviving family members (if there are any) would have no idea you even had this going on. PayPal pockets the money. It's pure profit.
I've been banned from web-based internet forums for pointing this out. I'm still banned or shadow banned from finance subs here on reddit. If you don't believe me you should go to some of them and start asking questions. Wallstreetbets will absolutely ban you. Turns out the moderators there have huge positions in PayPal.
Anyway, this is turning into a novel, but I think I've hit the nail on the head with this one. I hope I'm not banned here, too. It's really easy for these people to hide under the guise of money laundering, banking regulation, and foreign weapons sales while stealing your money legally and harvesting 0% interest loans from the working class. Baked into their money-grab is the side effect of killing small businesses. You can never have competitors if you kill every small business when it is still a babe in its cradle.
IMO, this is the largest bona fide, actual criminal conspiracy hiding in plain sight since FTX. Additionally, I think eBay got nervous about this in 2022, and is why they switched to eBay managed payments.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
submitted by Silver-Honkler to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:42 zzzojka While non-autistic people cash on our autism (autism mom merch, charity merch), I can't imagine an autistic person cash grabbing by doing "autism labour".

I spent my two brain cells on this title! These things are hard to put to words, but I hope I can English out my point of view.
There was a post about "autism high heels" recently that made me feel things, lol. It's mentioning a mother of autistic child selling print on demand merch with "autism acceptance" logo on different goods. I don't blame her for making a living any way she can while caring for a disabled kid - do whatever you need to survive in this economy, dude! But I still have feelings about double standards in this type of commerce and I'll allow myself to discuss them.
This allistic mom can sell "autism heels" because her child is autistic and she's an ally, that money would buy him food. This product's main value is this "autism support" both in terms of monetary support of autistic individuals (indirectly) and overcoming stigma. Autism merch looks appropriate to general public. But if her son grows up to become a cobbler and make some nice shoes, how would it look if he put out his professional work as "autism shoes"? I honestly can't imagine that.
People with disabilities don't make extra profit by adding their disability label to the labour they provide for money. No "diabetic accountant", "cerebral palsy plumber" or "epileptic dentist" is going to get more money simply for the label. I once did autism construction engineering, lol, doesn't it inspire confidence?
I understand there's a difference between autism-themed and autistic-produced product in my previous examples, but I have more.
My birth country has a very beloved allistic managed autism organisation that sells cute/inspirational postcards and items with silly quotes of autistic adults in wonky font. I can't imagine selling my "autistic quotes" as inspirational and cute, deliberately framing how "pure" and "special" I am. Autism seems to be an appropriate marketable product only when removed from an autistic carrier and handled as an observed curiosity by a "normal" person.
I am a professional, autistic, I suffer from stigma and I'd like to be supported and included and acknowledged as an autistic person who creates value. But I can't imagine non-ironically selling "autism earrings" or offering "autism metalwork classes". It would sound comedic and reductive. If anything, it's autistic people who should have been granted support, inclusion and monetary benefits by attaching autism sticker to their work. But instead it is perceived to discredit our professionalism, humanity and agency because of infantalization. While people who use the label on our behalf don't get to compromise their professional image, their clients won't question if they are capable to provide service.
submitted by zzzojka to AutisticAdults [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:41 BiteyMcshark My friend didn’t realise she never invited me to a group hangout

Sorry for all the spelling and grammar I’m borderline failing English.
So for a bit of context this happened last year and just got brought up again recently. Basically my friend group and another merged people split off and at the time from the two groups there was about 11 ish people. About two months after, my friend shay (fake name) threw a get together with everybody from the group except me I found out through someone else’s insta story. I never really said anything I was kinda used to just being an outsider when I brought it up to another friend I basically got “oh maybe she didn’t have you on Snapchat that’s where the gc was” except me and shay had talked on Snapchat a lot earlier.
So fast forward to last week and shay brings up “hey I’m having a get together I did the same thing last year but I don’t think you could make it.” I was honest and said oh yeah I just wasn’t invited to that no one ever told me. It was a bit of like back and forth, not mean, she just wasn’t sure why she didn’t invite me. Sa ying oh maybe I didn’t know you that long, who else was there and then mentally went through and realised it was the entire group but me. Then she thought oh maybe you had work before I reiterated no I was just never told I didn’t know about it until after. I think this made her feel bad she pulled like a sad face but idk I just can’t give a shit anymore.
It’s such tiny things these friends do that makes me feel so excluded that I just never bring it up cus I feel like I’m crazy for feeling so hurt by these things. I don’t have long left at school and I can just deal with being a replacement friend for a bit longer. It’s pretty much everybody from the group that acts this way. I’ve made friends with someone else who I’ve only known for less then a year but is my best friend and I know them better then people in the group I’ve known for 3+ years.
They all think everything’s fine, but it’s not. At least I’ve got one person.
submitted by BiteyMcshark to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:41 Sweet-Count2557 Best Breakfast in La Jolla Ca

Best Breakfast in La Jolla Ca
Best Breakfast in La Jolla Ca Are you skeptical about finding the best breakfast spots in La Jolla, CA? Well, let us put your doubts to rest!In this article, we'll guide you through the vibrant and diverse breakfast scene of La Jolla. From cozy cafes to elegant restaurants, we've carefully selected the top establishments that offer mouthwatering morning delights to satisfy every palate.So, join us as we embark on a culinary journey and discover the best breakfast spots in La Jolla where every bite is a delightful experience!Key TakeawaysLa Jolla has a variety of cafes and restaurants offering the best breakfast options.The establishments mentioned in the background offer comfortable spaces, quick service, and accommodating staff.These places have outdoor dining options and affordable rates.Each restaurant or cafe has its own unique and delicious breakfast dishes to try.Brick & Bell Cafe, Brockton Villa Restaurant, Harrys Coffee ShopWe love the cozy atmosphere and delicious breakfast options at Brick & Bell Cafe, Brockton Villa Restaurant, and Harry's Coffee Shop. These breakfast places in La Jolla offer a delightful start to the day.Brick & Bell Cafe welcomes you with its homey space, comfortable furniture, and quick service. The Swiss Muesli with low-fat milk, blueberries, oats, strawberries, raspberries, and raisins is a perfect choice for a healthy and flavorful breakfast. Their Breakfast Wrap, with bacon, eggs, avocados, cucumbers, cheddar, and tomatoes wrapped in a spinach wrap, is also highly recommended.Brockton Villa Restaurant offers a charming patio for outdoor dining and an inviting atmosphere. The NY Steak & Eggs, served with an 8oz New York strip, eggs, breakfast potatoes, bearnaise sauce, and wild mushrooms, is a hearty and satisfying option. For something with a Mexican twist, try the Buenos Dias Breakfast Burrito, filled with cheddar-steamed scrambled eggs, smashed avocados, Carne Asada, cilantro pepita pesto, brown rice, and black beans.Harry's Coffee Shop is known for its warm and friendly service. The B.W. Benny, featuring a golden brown waffle, bacon, poached eggs, hollandaise sauce, grilled ham, and warm syrup, is a classic breakfast favorite. Another delicious choice is the Eggs Florentine, with an open-faced, toasted English muffin, poached eggs, hollandaise sauce, and fresh spinach.When it comes to finding the best breakfast in La Jolla, these breakfast places in La Jolla Shores are definitely worth a visit. Their cozy ambiance, delectable dishes, and friendly staff make for a memorable breakfast experience.Richard Walkers Pancake HouseLet's head over to Richard Walkers Pancake House because they offer a wide selection of delicious pancakes and a cozy atmosphere. At Richard Walkers Pancake House, you can indulge in their mouthwatering pancakes that are sure to satisfy your breakfast cravings. They have a variety of options, including their famous Thin Swedish Pancakes topped with imported lingonberries from Sweden, and the delectable Pigs In A New Car, which features three sausage links wrapped in pancakes and dusted with powdered sugar.Here is a table showcasing the best breakfast options at Richard Walkers Pancake House:Menu ItemDescriptionThin Swedish PancakesImported lingonberries from Sweden crowning delicate thin pancakes.Pigs In A New CarThree sausage links wrapped in pancakes and dusted with powdered sugar.Richard Walkers Pancake House has been a well-known longtime-running eatery since 1948. The inviting vibe and simplistic decor make it a popular spot for breakfast in La Jolla. The personable staff and yummy options for kids add to the overall experience. As we continue our exploration of the best breakfast spots in La Jolla, let's now transition to Sugar & Scribe, a bakery, coffee shop, and restaurant located in downtown La Jolla.Sugar & ScribeThere are many delicious options to try at Sugar & Scribe, such as their Lobby Roll with Maine lobster, celery, lemon aioli, and parsley, or their Smothered and Covered Skillet with roasted potatoes, bacon, chicken gravy, scrambled eggs, three-cheese blend, and chives.At Sugar & Scribe, you can expect a delightful dining experience with their all-day menu of breakfast classics. The atmosphere is inviting, and the pet-friendly patio allows for al-fresco dining.For those who enjoy a good brunch cocktail, Sugar & Scribe offers exquisite options to accompany your meal.Additionally, if you're looking for a special venue for your next event, Sugar & Scribe has a rentable private space available.Whether you're craving a lobster roll or a hearty skillet, Sugar & Scribe has something to satisfy your breakfast cravings.Coffee CupAt Coffee Cup, we can choose from a variety of creative takes on brunch classics and enjoy healthy breakfast options. Located on Wall Street, this lively brunch restaurant offers an expansive menu catering to all diets. Whether you're in the mood for a hearty steak hash and eggs or a lighter option like the Zen Breakfast with marinated grilled tofu, Coffee Cup has something for everyone.One of the highlights of Coffee Cup is their commitment to offering healthy breakfast choices. The Zen Breakfast, for example, features a combination of marinated grilled tofu, brown rice, green onions, tomatoes, egg whites, and zucchini. This flavorful dish isn't only delicious but also packed with nutrients.In addition to their healthy options, Coffee Cup also prides itself on its creative takes on brunch classics. The Steak Hash & Eggs, for instance, combines seared sirloin, sautéed tomatoes, scrambled eggs, grilled rosemary bread, green onions, rosemary potatoes, and a tangy horseradish cream sauce. This dish showcases the restaurant's ability to elevate traditional breakfast ingredients into something truly special.Overall, Coffee Cup is a must-visit brunch spot in La Jolla. With its vibrant atmosphere, expansive menu, and dedication to both creativity and health, it's no wonder that this restaurant has become a local favorite. So next time you're in the mood for a delicious and satisfying brunch, make sure to check out Coffee Cup.The Cottage, Shorehouse Kitchen, Girard Gourmet, CodysWe recently visited The Cottage, Shorehouse Kitchen, Girard Gourmet, and Codys for breakfast, and each restaurant offered unique and delicious dishes.At The Cottage, we were impressed by the artfully presented Crab and Prosciutto Benedict, which featured a perfectly poached egg, crispy prosciutto, and Indonesian blue crab. The Morning Glory Sandwich, with its combination of fried egg, lemon aioli, bacon, and smoked gouda, was also a standout.Shorehouse Kitchen caught our attention with their Maple Fried Chicken Breakfast Sandwich, a tantalizing blend of all-natural chicken breast, honey-cured bacon, and aged white cheddar. The Open-Faced Avocado Toast, topped with smashed avocado, cherry tomatoes, and feta cheese, was a colorful and flavorful option.Girard Gourmet wowed us with their Special sandwich, a delightful combination of scrambled eggs, fruit salad, potato pancakes, and toast.And at Codys, we couldn't resist the mesmerizing ocean views and beautifully presented dishes. Their menu catered to special diets, offering options like the Vegan Scramble and the Gluten-Free Pancakes.Overall, our breakfast adventures in La Jolla were a delightful experience, with each restaurant offering its own unique and satisfying dishes.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre Reservations Required at Any of These Breakfast Spots in La Jolla?Reservations may be required at some of these breakfast spots in La Jolla. It's always a good idea to call ahead and check.Places like Brockton Villa Restaurant and Sugar & Scribe, which offer exquisite brunch options and have pet-friendly patios, might be popular and require reservations.However, other places like Brick & Bell Cafe, Harrys Coffee Shop, Richard Walkers Pancake House, Coffee Cup, The Cottage, Shorehouse Kitchen, and Girard Gourmet may have more availability and be able to accommodate walk-ins.Do Any of These Restaurants Offer Gluten-Free or Vegan Breakfast Options?Yes, some of these restaurants in La Jolla offer gluten-free or vegan breakfast options.For gluten-free options, Sugar & Scribe and Shorehouse Kitchen have dishes like the Smothered and Covered Skillet and the Open-Faced Avocado Toast.For vegan options, Coffee Cup offers the Zen Breakfast with marinated grilled tofu and Richard Walkers Pancake House has the Thin Swedish Pancakes.These restaurants cater to different dietary needs, ensuring that everyone can enjoy a delicious breakfast.Are There Any Kid-Friendly Dishes Available at These Breakfast Spots?There are several kid-friendly dishes available at the breakfast spots in La Jolla.Options like Pigs In A New Car at Richard Walkers Pancake House, Lobby Roll at Sugar & Scribe, and Morning Glory Sandwich at The Cottage are sure to please the little ones.These dishes offer a combination of delicious flavors and fun presentations that will make breakfast enjoyable for kids of all ages.Are Pets Allowed on the Outdoor Patios at Any of These Restaurants?Yes, pets are allowed on the outdoor patios at some of these restaurants.While we don't have the specific information for all the mentioned establishments, Sugar & Scribe does have a pet-friendly patio for al-fresco dining.It's always a good idea to call ahead or check their websites for more information on their pet policies.Enjoy a delicious breakfast while spending quality time with your furry friend in beautiful La Jolla, California!Do Any of These Establishments Offer Catering Services for Special Events or Private Parties?Yes, some of these establishments offer catering services for special events or private parties. They provide a convenient option for those looking to host a memorable gathering with delicious food.Whether it's Richard Walkers Pancake House, The Cottage, or Girard Gourmet, you can expect a range of delectable breakfast favorites and assorted pastries to be served.With their inviting spaces and accommodating staff, these restaurants ensure that your special event or private party is a success.ConclusionIn conclusion, La Jolla, CA offers a diverse and vibrant breakfast scene with a variety of top-notch establishments. Whether you're in the mood for a cozy cafe or an elegant restaurant, you'll find something to satisfy your morning cravings.One example of the delicious breakfast options in La Jolla is Richard Walkers Pancake House, where you can indulge in thin Swedish pancakes topped with imported lingonberries.With so many delightful choices, every bite in La Jolla is sure to be a memorable experience.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:40 bbportali [OC] Person of Interest ratings by episode chart!

[OC] Person of Interest ratings by episode chart! submitted by bbportali to PersonOfInterest [link] [comments]