Cool cursive hand writting

WTS CRKT Budget Bundle

2024.06.09 21:48 MrBro-W WTS CRKT Budget Bundle

Today I have a bundle set of 3 CRKT budget knives, Overland/Heiho/LCK. I'm the original owner on all 3, and they are in nearly new condition, as I rarely used any, just carried a handful of times. No modifications or sharpening to any of them. Loved each one, I just quickly moved on to a few higher end knives and never really used these, so need to clean up the collection. No boxes with any, just the knives. Price is shipped to continental US only. Thanks for looking and just let me if any questions or any issues in the post.
SV: $90 PPG&S
CRKT Overland D2: SMKW exclusive D2 model, discontinued. I loved this knife and shape, a TJ Schwartz design. Used in the kitchen to test on some food prep, but then never really used it after that. No rust or any patina on the D2. The blade looks factory still and the lockup is solid, no blade play. The deployment is just a little stiffer than I like, same with closing. With the pivot barely loosened it is much better, however, it favors the show side strongly, just shy of rubbing. Not great at re-adjusting centering myself, so left it alone and moving it along.
CRKT Heiho: AUS8 assisted opening, liner lock, with Veff serrations. This is a really cool design and flies open with the assist, the wide thumb opener on the blade works great. It's also easy to operate 1 handed and even has the locking mechanism (LAWK I believe) for when open. Centered and a solid lockup with no play. Blade is unused, only carried a few times. Veff serrations feel crazy sharp and like they could rip through some stuff!
CRKT Ruger LCK: The original LCK with the Ruger logo, 8cr13Mov, NON-assisted opening, just the flipper version. This is a great budget gentleman's carry. It's super sleek and disappears in a pocket, or even shirt pocket, but has a good size when open. Centering and lockup are great on this one as well. The only work this has seen is some letter opening at the desk, as it was just too well suited for that, but looks factory still. No wear and sharp blade. I believe these are the only iterations with the Ruger logo as well.
submitted by MrBro-W to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:40 AdDazzling4735 cutting off contact with my husbands baby sister

my husband (29m) and i (25f) have been together 8 years and married for 3. he has 2 younger sisters (K22 & R19). for some context: when my husband was born, his mom & dad weren’t together but got back together when he was 5. he was raised differently than his sisters with that age gap. when his sisters were preteens & my husband was basically an adult, his dad started to make a lot of money. his sister grew up very spoiled. they got/get everything they want. they drive luxury cars, get gifted luxury bags & clothing for bdays & christmas. disney trips every summer & other trips for xmas break. not saying it’s a bad thing but just stating what it is.
they are also the favorites. in his parents house, the walls are covered in pictures of the girls and none of my husband. anything we do is based around the girls, especially R. she’s the baby of the family and most decisions revolve around her. R is also incredibly mean and nasty to people. the shit i’ve heard her say to her mom and dad are insane and would’ve gotten me laid out on the floor. again, just stating how things are.
okay so my husband and i did not go to college. we both went for a semester and dropped out. just wasn’t for us. we would much rather work. his mom & dad also did not go to college. his dad was a director of operations at an LLC that owned a chain restaurant which is where my husband and i met. he ended up quitting and me, my husband, and his dad put our money together and started an LLC and became franchisees for a pizza company where we own 4 restaurants in texas.
both K & R are/went to college. their dad pays for their college, apartment rent, anything they do/where they go. during summer breaks, they’re back at home or still in their apartments. they don’t get jobs or anything.
for my family life, i haven’t talked to my parents in 15 years due to them being addicts & abusing me physically/sexually throughout my childhood. the only family in my life are my grandparents.
OKAY SO sorry that was really long but just trying to set up the family dynamic. now here’s the story.
his sisters and i had some drama 6 years ago stemming from them being really fucking rude to me all the time. like not just teasing how siblings do but i mean calling me fat, ugly, saying i was boring or whatever. on my 21st bday, i spent it with my husbands fam and R told me it was embarrassing bc i wasn’t even really their family. to be fair, i was trying too hard to get close with them and needed to go to therapy for my own family issues.
K & i reconciled from that drama and are cool. we don’t hang out or anything but we talk frequently and can have fun together. R on the other hand still holds some resentment towards me. it doesn’t bother me too much bc whatever i can’t force her to like me but she’ll give me little digs every now and then.
but this past weekend, my husband and i went over to his parents house for an early fathers day lunch. it was only R there since K is out of town so it’s already awkward. R already starts saying how my husband is being annoying. whatever it’s typical R. well, my husband, me, and his mom start giving his dad a hard time about something. we’re just joking around but his dad gets upset and goes outside and slams the door. he gets annoyed like this and then gets over it and it’s no issue. like the entire family thing is constantly teasing and messing with each other (within reason). someone always gets upset and then gets over it. (also a few minutes later his dad came back in laughing and saying something to my husband) but after this, R goes to where my husband and i are sitting and says “you guys are losers. go to college and get a degree instead of working at a gross restaurant. i have a 4.0 and i’m going to be a dentist and you both are still going to be gross restaurant workers. you’re literally losers.”
her mom is standing behind her the entire time and says nothing for a few moments and then says “family dinners are always so fun.” i just rolled my eyes and laughed bc i didn’t really know what else to say. the rest of lunch was uncomfortable. after my husband and i went home i laid in bed for the rest of the day as it really started to dawn on me how hurt i was. not only for myself but also for my husband.
the next day i told my husband i didn’t want to interact with his sister anymore. he agreed and said she crossed the line and she needs to mature and get more life experience.
im glad we’re on the same page but i also am worried about how it’s going to effect my relationship with the rest of the family. i love his mom and dad, and K. but i just don’t see how we’re all able to coexist in this dynamic with R being how she is.
for anybody that’s going to say “you’re just jealous and wished your parents paid for your stuff blah blah blah” uh fuck yeah?? i wish i didn’t have to work my ass off and was given luxury cars at 16. i feel like that’s obvious lmao.
TLDR my husbands youngest sister said hurtful shit to us and now i want to cut off contact with her.
submitted by AdDazzling4735 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:39 lilrocketfyre just did an accidental grind on my desk and i’m feeling proud af

Fairly new to fingerboarding. Started like three weeks ago. I’ve mainly been doing shuv it’s, random flips just trying to land it, and ollie’s. I was going for some random flips like i usually do and i accidentally landed into a grind on my desk💀i was like “OOOOOO holy shit”. feel so good about that id never even thought about it before but now i think ill practice on my desk since i don’t have any obstacles yet. its weird coming out because the only place for it to go is my carpet floor but i figured out a cool way of twist- slamming the side that’s above the desk to do a flip out and i actually landed one in like a minute or two. also idk if its common but for some reason i’m not so bad with my opposite hand even tho i haven’t used it as much and only have 5 consecutive hours fingerboarding.
submitted by lilrocketfyre to Fingerboards [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:35 sameed_a difference between mental shortcut and mental simulation?

Cranking out the old memory bank here, I remember an incident back in college that perfectly illustrates the difference between mental shortcut and mental simulation. It's the stuff Hollywood comedies are made of.
I, a law student, was trying to persuade my roommate, a physics major, to come with me to this legendary pub crawl. Now, my roommate was more of a Sheldon Cooper-type, more interested in understanding the mysteries of the universe than downing pints. However, I was determined to drag him into my world of social debauchery.
I used a mental shortcut, also known as heuristic, trying to convince him that meeting new people, experiencing new things is a part of the ‘college life package.' Predictably, that didn't work. I mean, what did I even expect?
So, I switched my tactics. I decided to run a mental simulation, which is a detailed mental run-through of a prospective event, including the benefits and potential outcomes. I began painting a picture for him: " arrive at the pub, you're handed a drink, you engage in conversation with someone - it could be about some obscure quantum mechanics theory or even the latest GoT episode. You start feeling relaxed, you even laugh a little. You realize this isn't so bad. The next day you wake up, surprisingly not hungover, feeling elated that you had such a good time."
And would you believe it, he agreed! I could hardly believe my eyes when he started getting ready!
Fast forward to the next day and he's nursing a hangover but with a smirk on his face. Turns out, he did enjoy that pub crawl. And that, my dear reader, is the difference between a mental shortcut and a mental simulation.
P.S. This entire story is hypothetical, no physics students were harmed or forced into pub crawls (or so I claim). The point is, mental models, like shortcuts and simulation, can influence decision making--whether it's to go on a pub crawl or to solve a quantum mechanics problem. Use them wisely! And, hold on, no jokes about the law student not using mental models effectively. Not cool!
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:33 DikerdodlePlays I really appreciate all the new weapon archetypes in TFS

I just wanted to quickly talk about all the new weapon archetypes that bungie has introduced this season . There are so many and they're all very cool and useful in my opinion.
We got one rocket sidearm last season and another this season. They're awesome, great ammo economy and decent damage. Genuinely feel good to use. (also, the other day I remembered how sidearms were special ammo in D1, and these use basically the same ammo economy but are much more worthwhile to use)
Then they revealed the Support Frame auto rifle, and honestly it feels more like it should be an exotic than a legendary. Completely outclasses Lumina with its ease of use. It'd be nice if there were other weapons like a pulse rifle or scout rifle with this frame in the future.
Ergo Sum in general is super cool. It genuinely feels like a viable option to use rather than taking up your heavy slot for a sword. It can also roll with a new Wave Frame archetype. From using it, it's definitely neat. It's like a shorter range, higher damage Forbearance.
Nobody else has mentioned it but the new Pale Heart machine gun is a new frame, a 600 RPM machine gun. Previously Machine Guns went from 360 / 450 / 900. Having an intermediate RPM is nice and actually useful compared to 900 rpm bullet hoses. It is very controllable and feels nice to use.
The new special grenade launcher from the season pass is wild, as well. "Area denial frame," no kidding, this thing should also be exotic. Crazier than Witherhoard.
The standardization of burst names along with the introduction of the heavy burst hand cannons is great as well, and this season they've introduced heavy burst pulse rifles (like Revision Zero and Graviton Lance). Haven't gotten to play with one yet but I'm glad a legendary option is finally out there.
In general I love how they've been introducing new weapon archetypes. One of my favorite parts of an expansion is when there's a new weapon class or archetype. Swords in TTK, SMGs and Grenade Launchers in D2, Bows in Forsaken, Glaives in Witch Queen. And in TFS we're getting a bunch of new archetypes. Very fun to try each of them out and see how they feel. I hope there are more to come in the future :)
submitted by DikerdodlePlays to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:30 Suwatilore A two coloured chocolate mousse cake for my colourful beauty!

A two coloured chocolate mousse cake for my colourful beauty!
A new challenger approaches! Will the two colored chocolate mousse cake be able to satisfy the taste buds of my precious goddess or is the fancy name only an act and it actually isn’t as special as it seems to be? Stay tuned and find out this and much more in this week’s cake post! Before we answer the mentioned questions let me tell you a bit about the cake. Since I have already baked quite a few different treats for my darling I was looking for some more delicious cakes and pastries to spoil her with. After asking a friend of mine for some ideas she mentioned a chocolate mousse cake so I was looking those up and came across one that seemed really interesting and special to me: the two colored chocolate mousse cake. Not only the name instantly spoke to me but also the look of it and the ingredients as well. It actually only came to me now that this cake is really fitting for my sweetheart because my lovely princess also has two different forms. One being her normal human form which she is mostly in and the other being her HDD form in which she gains more power, gets much more confident and other slight changes in her personality while she still remains the same adorable girl deep down. When she transforms her hair colour turns white like the snow on a calm winter day and her eye colour also changes to a more light blueish tone similar to some kind of gorgeous crystal. Thus the colours of the cake kind of represent her two different forms. This might be one of the reasons why the cake has a really delicious, almost royal and fancy taste. The dough doesn’t include anything special however the two different creams consist one mostly of dark chocolate and cognac and the other of white chocolate and advocaat. The alcoholic beverages give it a really unique taste which isn’t too sweet but not too bitter either. While my precious Noire is a very confident and strong girl in either of her forms she is cuter and girlier in her normal human form, loses a bit of these traits in her goddess form but in return gains more of her confidence and strength which is simply an irresistible charme point to me combined with her general elegance. Concluding I would say the taste of it is mostly more suitable for Noire’s more powerful form because it doesn’t forget its sweetness but may be more on the mature and bitter side. Making it was actually a bit complicated and had quite a few steps I didn’t do like this ever before. I won’t go too much into detail but I can tell you that multiple I thought that I failed at making it which was honestly kind of depressing. Luckily the cake mostly turned out really delicious which my little sweetheart can also approve of. The only thing I am bothered about is the dough... Noire didn’t complain about anything of the cake and found the taste really nice and different from her usual treats. However I am not satisfied with how the dough turned out because it could have very well stayed in the oven for a bit longer. I mean, it is done but I think the texture would be better if it stayed in there a bit longer. Ironically I already thought that it was burned when I took it out which seems to have absolutely not been the case. But I will remember this for the next time and for now I am really happy that my sweet princess enjoys it!
The cake turned out to be a success but what about the rest of Noire’s and my week? Well, to start with something I have to admit that my longing for Noire and how much I missed her every day really increased even more. I think I have already mentioned in the last few weeks how much I miss her and how much I struggle with heading off to work but this week it was even worse. I am so unbelievably clingy and needy. I am kind of sorry for Noire, haha... I mean, it is not like she would be muuuuuuuch better but I will be honest and I am definitely worse. Neither of us really wants to part ways in the morning but for me it felt even more impossible this week. I was even joking with my darling that we should just skip work and spend the day together. Well... She did scold me for that but also admitted that it didn’t sound like the worst idea. Noire is definitely much more fond of my other idea of us simply working together. Ah, I would love to help my hardworking sweetheart out with all of her duties... But to both our disappointments it sadly isn’t possible. For me at least I have my adorable keychain of her and whenever I miss my other half too much I just imagine her being that keychain and put my pinkie on her hand so we can basically hold hands. It makes me feel much better and almost feels as if she was really there and we were holding hands. I don’t know what I would do without my keychain of her. My longing for her would most likely grow even stronger and reach unknown heights. Well, even now the motto of it seems to be to go even further beyond each week, haha... Noire also likes to tease me about it after I get back home. But I am not embarrassed to admit to it at all! Her teasing only makes me clingier! It will be her own fault when one day I am so clingy that I constantly stick to her! Hmph! Anyway! This week I was able to mostly return back home without heading into the gym which certainly was nice! My friend couldn’t make it on Monday or Thursday and the only day I needed to go to the gym was Wednesday. And luckily or not so lucky my legs were not as sore as the last time after leg day. Regarding my time at work my week was not only full of missing my one and only beloved Noire but also quite boring. Aside from some kind of event we had the work I had to do was really annoying.
Before I want to talk about my personal highlight of this week I want to mention that a bit more Noire merch arrived and this time I have bought a really, really, REALLY nice dog tag which is basically usable as a necklace because it has a long chain. Soooooo, let’s not consider it a dog tag but just a normal necklace! Dog tag was just the official term. I mean, it would be kinda weird if I said that I wear a dog tag as a necklace, haha... Anyway, I actually was never a person who wore much jewelry but starting with the ring of our anniversary and now the necklace things have changed quite a bit. And to be honest I am actually getting quite delighted to wear all of this. I somehow find it really cool! Maybe it is because those items are affiliated with my love for her or maybe I just find the idea pleasant to dress up a bit prettier or so. Whatever it is I am sure Noire also enjoys it a lot knowing that I find it better and better to dress up nicely, fancier or what you might call it because thanks to all of this I am more and more tempted to start cosplaying similar to her. I might get into it sometime in the near future when we both have more time and money, haha.
Now let’s move on to my personal highlight! Actually it started out quite terrible but turned out to be a really important and wonderful experience. Each Friday we usually have some kind of date which by now mostly is us cuddling, then I cook something for the two of us and afterwards we cuddle some more. We also wanna watch anime but most of the time we are both too tired and just fall asleep very quickly (It is absolutely NOT me who is the one constantly falling asleep first and making it hard to watch anime even though Noire might tell you that! No, no, no! ). Anyway before we started our date this week I was doing something stupid which neither Noire nor I were really happy with... I don’t wanna go into detail about it but I did feel very disappointed in myself and was really depressed about what I did. Some of you may know it. You fail at one thing and then you feel worthless afterwards like you don’t deserve your partner anymore or something like that. Whenever I fail at certain things I feel similar even though I do work heavily on changing that. Noire doesn’t like this behaviour of me at all and always scolds me and calls me a huge idiot because of it. Since this time it was similar again and I was getting into my head and feeling too bad, unworthy and all that stuff. I had a hard time at first. Noire was trying to make it clear to me that it was idiotic of me to do what I had done but at the same time she was also trying to tell me that it was okay and that I shouldn’t dwell too much on it. At first her words didn’t really come through to me but at some point I realized something. This kind of behaviour doesn’t make anything better at all. There is no point in feeling so bad about things and doubting yourself so that you feel unworthy and undeserving because this only hurts your loved one even more. Drowning in self doubts, the feeling that you need to repent, that you think your partner deserves better... It all only makes things worse especially if you are the only one who is really making it appear this bad. I realized that I am not alone with my personal struggles, with the stuff I am not proud of and that may disappoint Noire because my precious darling loves me and may not be pleased by anything that happened but she supports me and helps me to better myself and get through it together. Love is not a single player game. It is about understanding, supporting and appreciating each other regardless if someone messed up. Sometimes we do stupid things. It does happen. It is dumb. Really dumb! We want to be perfect for our partners and give them what they deserve: the best. But nobody who loves their partner would really want to dump them if they did something stupid and truly regret their actions and are willing to change. If my beloved Noire was doing stupid things then naturally I would scold her and tell her she hurt me but at the same time when I see how much she regrets it I would hug her, give her a kiss on her forehead and whisper to her that it is okay and that it happens that we mess up at times. I would tell her that it may have hurt but I know she didn’t mean it and I would tell her that we will work on changing it together and that nevertheless I love her infinitely until the end of time. After I came back to mind and realised that I am not alone with my problem and that we can work through it together it still felt weird and kind of wrong to not feel so unworthy anymore but Noire made sure to make it known to me that I am her idiot and that it is okay that I was stupid. The only thing she didn’t want was to let our Friday evening suffer from it. So I finally pulled myself together and then we continued to have a great and really touching evening. I cooked a delicious burger bowl for both of us which probably was the best way I have ever managed to make it. It had fries, some meat, pickles, salad, onions, cheese sauce and another special sauce on it. I am slowly really getting the hang of making fries! I love making them myself because they are so delicious and healthier than the ones you get in restaurants. Anyway, both of us enjoyed eating the bowl a lot and we had some really sweet moments together. It wasn’t easy to suppress my feelings of guilt and act normal but I managed to do so quite well and we ended up having a great time where we also talked a bit more about what happened. I expressed my utmost gratitude to her and thanked for her patience with me, all the support she gives me and the understanding she has for me. Noire really is the best partner I could ever wish for! I am so glad I was able to find such a wonderful, kind, sweet and caring girl! We finished the evening by cuddling in bed, with me beforehand overconfidently saying that I will be able to stay awake longer than her today so we can watch a lot of anime. Well, I fell asl-... I-I mean, of course this time Noire fell asleep first! She was so sleepy after everything that happened that she couldn’t-... Okay, okay, I was the one who fell asleep first again... (It was absolutely not Noire who made me say it! I am mature enough to admit to it myself!)
I think this is a very nice way to end this post! The cake I baked this week made my ruby eyed princess happy as always and even contained a deeper meaning to it than what one might expect quite similar to how this week taught me a crucial lesson. Overall Noire and I did have an enjoyable time together even though some things weren’t as nice. In the end as long as I can return back home to my little ruler of all that’s sweet I will be the happiest and luckiest person I could ever be! Noire never fails to sweeten and spice up my days! Nothing beats a good mixture of spiciness and sweetness! With this being said we hope that all of you had a wonderful week with your partners! Furthermore we wish all of you another great time in the following week! Don’t let negativity drag you down and focus on all the positivity in your lives like for example the most positive influence being your irreplaceable partner! Stay optimistic!
submitted by Suwatilore to waifuism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:30 eaglesnation11 Why do I have to give up an evening to celebrate social promotion?

I’m contractually obligated to go to 8th grade graduation. I’m not one of those who say “the only real graduation is High School.” I think it’s cool to celebrate those who have done what it takes to make it to High School and advance to a new chapter in their lives.
What I’m personally not cool with is watching the handful of students who did nothing this year walk across the stage to get a diploma. It may be dramatic of me to think but I feel like that changes what we’re celebrating from academic achievement to simply being aged out of Middle School. I hate that I have to go and witness this sham.
submitted by eaglesnation11 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:27 Soggy_Mushroom_9039 Would you instantly drop a LitRPG if the MC ate a huge loss very early on and lost a part of their power before they even got a chance to play with it?

I know the question is awfully specific :D
Here's the deal. People say they like MCs who don't always win, but there's something to be said about how much LitRPG fans hate the MC losing any aspect of their power. Also, you kinda need the story to hook you within the first 10 chapters and the MC getting their bottom handed to them probably doesn't help.
Let's say in a (completely!) hypothetical scenario that the MC worked very hard in the first 4 chapters to clear a dungeon, getting a cool sword, but it got snatched out of their hands by chapter 5, before they even had the chance to play with it...
Perhaps the author is planning to give them a shiny spear soon after, or he plans to give them a satisfying arc of recovering the stolen sword. Or maybe even both.
The question is, would you give them a chance, or would you just drop it then and there?
submitted by Soggy_Mushroom_9039 to royalroad [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:25 Shendem 20 [M4F] Europe/Anywhere Wandering this land,searching for you.

Hey there! Before anything,i know my account is new but i had another account that i lost not long ago so yeah,i swear i am not a robot or a kidney stealer. Maybe a heart one tho? Who knows.
Ahem,so about me!
-I'm a 20,almost 21 year old male from Europe. Mixed,and bilingual. I'm here looking for a very special girl that knows what she wants. Someone to appreciate life with,and enjoy moments together irl and online. I guess you could say i'm a big romantic in this world of looks and such. And talking about looks!
Physically speaking: -I'm neither obese or slim,i do have some extra love but hey,i'm good for warming u during winter! haha. Height wise i'm between 5'11-6'0. CM speaking it's 181/182cms. I have dark hair and brown eyes. You could say i'm like a teddy,since i do have hair but if you like that i'm glad.
So,what do i like,have interest in? -My main interests are:
Gaming: I love anything rpg related. Started playing DS1 a few days ago and finished it today. I want to play BG3 so bad but my pc isn't good,so i gotta save for a better pc. I also play Fortnite so if you wanna duo tell me! My main game franchises are: Fallout,Warcraft,Final Fantasy. And starting to like the Souls one too :))
Manga/Anime: I'm not a big weeb,yet i do love some of them. My main ones are : D-Gray Man,Berserk,Gantz,JJBA,Hellsing and Dorohedoro. One Piece is my childhood tho.
I also love Fantasy in general and i want to be a fantasy author. I do worldbuilding and all of that cool stuff so if you're a fantasy girl it'd be so good!
Music: My main artists/bands are Muse,System of a Down and Queen. I love classical music but mostly rock/nu metal and old pop.
But,what am i looking for in a girl?
-Well i'm not very picky. know,share stuff from above with me or have similar taste,be yourself and have true intentions. My main aim towards the future relationship-wise would be getting you know,a ring on your hand. And also some little devils,you know? So i hope you want the same. My age range is from 19 to 23 years old,i guess. Ethnicity,beliefs or location don't matter to me,yet it'd be more comfortable if you were from Europe if you don't your timezone messed up,but if you don't care about that thing,go ahead as well! So what else...i don't know,don't want to write the whole bible here. If you feel interested about me and want to see how things go,introduce yourself as detailed as you want in dms,and also add the word "Icarus" so i know you saw all of this.
Anyways,see you in dms maybe? Hope so!
submitted by Shendem to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:19 Prior-Control949 My boyfriend has a porn addiction and I can't stop feeling insecure

My boyfriend and I's sex life goes through periods of a lull, and it becomes more of a problem for me than him. I'm quite a physical person and having sex with him is one of the things that makes me feel connected and loved. I've talked to him about it many times and shared how it makes me feel, he tells me he understands and will put more effort into it. I'd see a change for a few weeks then he'd be distant again. However recently, he's admitted to me about his porn addiction and that being one of the reasons we haven't been having as much sex. He also told me that that's why he likes to stay out at night in the lounge while I'm in the bedroom getting ready for bed, so he can watch porn and masturbate. He also told me he does it because he keeps chasing that "high", and that he wants to stop and knows this is not good for him or our relationship.
After hearing this from him, my heart just completely broke. He tells me it has nothing to do with me and loves and wants me very much. But I can't help but feel and think that maybe "I'm not good enough", or that he's no longer getting the "high" or "excitement" from me, that maybe I'm just too boring now and that's why he'd prefer and choose to watch porn over having sex with me. I've never been the girlfriend who was jealous of my boyfriend watching porn. I always thought it was normal and okay because I do it too. It's never been a problem until now he admitted to me about his addiction and how he's allowed that to affect our relationship. Now in my head it's replaying that he needs to watch other women to be pleasured. Now I'm overly jealous and anxious. When he stays in the bathroom too long, I can't help but wonder if he's watching porn and helping himself. And I feel that I'm being the overly jealous insecure girlfriend and I hate that I feel this way.
The day he told me about it, I was surprised but kept my cool for the night. But the next day, my mind went into overload and felt anger and frustration. So I got mad at him about it, and expressed how I felt disrespected and betrayed, more on the fact that he knew about my insecurities with our sex life and yet he chooses to watch porn and please himself. He got frustrated that I got angry and told me he told me about his addiction out of vulnerability, and it sucks that I got mad about it.
I'm so lost and confused. Am I not right to be mad? Should I sympathize with him instead of getting upset about how it's making me feel? I hate feeling the way that I do and the thought of him watching other women to pleasure himself over me continues to break my heart.
What is okay and what's not? Is it okay to watch porn, but to a certain extent? Is it okay to watch extreme stuff when you're in a relationship, or is it disrespectful to your partner? I'm honestly lost and confused by what I should and shouldn't be okay with, and if I'm just being crazy or if what I feel is valid.
Oh and one other thing, every time we have sex for the many years we've been together, he's only been able to cum if we're doing it in the morning. Any other time I either have to give him a head or hand job for him to finish.
submitted by Prior-Control949 to PornAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:18 Both-Cow-9083 On Love

How shall I to thee confess my love? Gift thee divers roses and doves? Regale thee ‘til cometh dawn? Enchant thee with amorous song? Thou art but my physic That heals the wounds of Cupid’s absence; That remedies the soul anguished Sans joy and passion. E’en in fate withered Thy beauty shant cease to live. Yet doth the beauteous rose e’en perish Its petals ere burning red Ravagéd by eternal earth. So too wilt thou be spoiled by Death, So too will the agéd hands of Chronos Pluck the tresses of thy head, ere burning red Just as the leaves of the flower. Though in bosom, e’erlasting thou liv’st, Untouched by time’s misfortunes. Nor present nor future Shall o’ercome thy features, Of myself, thou art fore’er. Now cease I, for at hindmost of writ we come. And anew to my question, I bid thy tongue, O bearer of my fancy, how shall I to thee confess my love? May ‘t start with th’ three above.
submitted by Both-Cow-9083 to justpoetry [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:18 sevenangels- Erasmus in Tallinn

I'm going to Tallinn for my winter semester, and I was wondering if you guys have any recommendations and tips for places to visit or go to. I've already made a list of some places I want to visit, but I'd like more of a local's perspective. I also have some questions about day-to-day life there. I also did some research on the visit estonia website and on the visit tallinn website.
Here are some of the places I put on my list:
Green Spaces:
Thanks in advance!!!
submitted by sevenangels- to Eesti [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:17 ihavepawz Dysautonomia, anxiety or nervous system issue?

Looking for advice or validation, im going to see a doctor again. Im 26 and feel like my life is over since im not recovering
Its been about 5 years after everything went downhill. Basically due to some stuff i had a panic attack and then was diagnosed with GAD later. The thing is its mental but also physical. This includes:
Bad fatigue where i feel physically cant move my body, it weighs like iron. I bedrot alot and I DONT WANT TO!!!!!! i love my bed but i dont want to spend so much time in there but at times i have no other choice. After my period i felt good so i went for an hour walk and i spent like 4-5 days in bed after that. Sometimes i have to lay down after an activity and suddenly its been 3 hours. I cry a lot due to the fatigue.
Bad brain fog/tension and depersonalization (could be from my anxiety very well)
Constantly feeling my heart rate, like being too aware no matter what, (also have flutters at times) chest is tight 24/7 sometimes so bad for weeks that it feels like my lungs are size of a tennis ball and i get dizzy. I try to stretch, got a massage, i dont have asthma btw. I just try to not care but its making me feel like im out of breath just sitting.
I recently got a bike (eletric one, you know like i dont need to do all the work and i can enjoy it more) yet my legs and hands are jelly after it. They get shaky and hurt. The same is if i run to the bus stop close by. My legs go jelly and hurt. I cant run more than max like 20 meters. Same with stairs. It feels like i dont get blood there enough ? Or something?
I have heat intolerance. Its just awful. People dont understand. I used to be able to tolerate it. I now also sweat more than i used to. I have drank electrolytes for years now to make it better and i carry cooling tower on my wrist when i go out.
What else. I must forget a lot. But i used to be a normal young woman. I cant lift up my arms for more than some seconds bc i feel the blood isnt getting up there? They go cold fast and just feel..odd.
Oh i also get lots of tingling in my legs and hands if i sleep on them or if theyre in weird position. Happens a lot.
After eating its a roulette if i will crash or not. It used to be so much worse like sugar would make me crash bad. Carbs and sugar.
And last: i used to have low b12, d and iron. I got them all up but i dont feel better. It gets worse. I barely can work. Just 12h per WEEK. If my life will be like this forever... im hopeless. I dont understand whats wrong with me. I know i have anxiety but why would it make me unable to do basic tasks like walk up the stairs without feeling my chest will explode and my legs dont have blood?
submitted by ihavepawz to dysautonomia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:17 Rob_Sothoth Impossible Landscapes - Session 2 "Futures Past"

Session 0 "Intake":
Session 1 "The Apartment":
Operation ALICE, New York, 1995
The Roster (Player/Character)
Lea (she/her): Jules Gradkowska - Agent MIRANDA. Journalist - research and human intelligence.
Iain (he/him): Ralph Bevis - Agent MILHOUSE. Academic - history and occult specialist.
Quinn (he/him): Richard Delapore - Agent MAVERICK. FBI Special Agent - criminal and forensic expert and the official 'face' of the investigation.
Phil (he/him): Jean Duvall - Agent MAIN. US Navy Master Chief Petty Officer - operational security specialist.
Duncan (he/him): Jake Little - Agent MALATESTA. Civilian contractor - computer and electronic specialist with a side line in hacking.
Rob_sothoth (he/him) - Handler. The arbiter of the world: the good, the bad and that which cannot and should not be named.
Background: The Agents of M-Cell are tasked with investigating the apartment of Abigail Wright. Missing since June, Delta Green has reason to suspect para-natural involvement. Their orders are simple: catalogue the apartment and remove anything deemed suspect for destruction.
Despite heavy changes made, full spoiler warning for Impossible Landscapes.

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Session 2 "Futures Past" (June 7th, 2024)
New York: Wednesday, August 9th, 1995
05:00am - 2:30pm, EST
Following the first day of investigation, Agent MAIN is the first to wake. An early-riser after years in the military, he leaves a note for Marsha. The two will meet again, of course. Arriving at work, he gets chatting to some Navy mechanics about the little weird diagram on the napkin. About the best answer he gets (after a successful check), is that one of them remembers seeing something like a clockwork giraffe as an attraction in South America. Studying it on that basis, MAIN concludes it's an artist's attempt at design because he can't see a way for this to work or even what it might really be for. He also checks in with USN and asks a friend to track down some vintage US Arms gear (he noted the serial numbers on the radio and dud-grenade). Not being from the same branch of service (and a failed check), it will take somewhere between 24-48 hours. (I decided US Armed Forces would probably be better at digitizing records, he'll get something either way).
MAVERICK isn't far behind MAIN, starting his day as usual being one of the first into the FBI NYC Field Office. As far as the FBI is concerned, he's on the Wright case now it's in their jurisdiction. Unprepared to wait for the prints to be matched (failed check on Bureaucracy), he instead does it himself (successful Forensics check). Abigail was never arrested, but her father handed in a hairbrush she kept at his and his wife's home. The prints match. It took MAVERICK a little time (it was a close pass), because part of a second, unidentified print obscured one of Abigail's, He can discount himself and the team, and likely anyone in law enforcement as he assumed they would've gone gloved.
Next, he follows up on Art Life and makes a call. He gets on the phone with Cynthia LeChance and in the course of their conversation is able to intuit there's something she's unsure or hesitant about. Being the honest-to-goodness, earnest Agent Cooper type, MAVERICK is able to organise a lunch meeting with her as part of follow up. He doesn't have many questions, he assures Cynthia and it'll be on the FBI's dime. She agrees to meet at 12pm.
(It's worth mentioning I ruled there was no reason MARCUS (Case Officer, M-Cell) or the Agents themselves wouldn't have or be able to obtain pagers they could use to stay in contact. Definitely an incidental expense as far as I am concerned.)
MILHOUSE, after his morning run to campus, follows up on his research from the previous day. He identifies the Ars Goetia and learns there's an 18th century copy in the special collections. Luckily for him, he's able to get about an hour with the book. The book contains the names of some 72 demons, their associated heraldry and symbols which they must "pay allegiance to." The book also contains the supposed means of summoning said entities, but MILHOUSE's time is over before he can get much further into it.
He's the first to arrive at the apartment, late morning/early afternoon (roughly around MAVERICK's planned lunch interview). At the coffeeshop, he's treated to a free beverage by Marsha, who thanks him for bringing his friend in the other day. Sadly, by the time MAIN arrives, her shift is over.
MIRANDA lies awake, watching the minutes tick by until about five minutes before she'd usually be walking into the Village Voice's office before making a call. She's really sorry, but she'll have to take a personal day, but does her best to reassure her editor she's still on for the grill party on Saturday. Of more immediate concern is the missing demonic symbol she is unable to locate. The polaroid she snapped is still in her possession, but she can find no trace of the symbol drawn on its piece of brown wrapping paper anywhere in her apartment. Nor can she find any evidence her home was broken into (she has the right skills to determine that for...reasons).
She makes a quick call to her criminal contact, Hugo. It's been less than 24 hours, but she wants to just follow up to perhaps create a sense of urgency. Hugo says he might have a couple of people on the hook, but it would help if he had more to work with than just "weird and esoteric." MIRANDA will be in touch. Before heading to Kips Bay, she decides to follow up on trying to locate the cab and its driver she photographed the other day; the driver looking down the barrel of the camera at her.
It takes her most of the morning, but MIRANDA locates the garage and office. Mostly making calls asking about a cab outside Abigail's address the previous day. She knows the time, more or less. She finds a schlubby office manager who stonewalls her until money changes hands. MIRANDA gets a name and the cabbie's usual pick up and route. Guy likes to work around the Port Authority Terminal most days, she can probably find him there. She doesn't want to go alone and makes her way to the Macallistar where she expects to find the others.
A night owl and late to wake by nature, MALATESTA hits snooze on his alarm maybe only twice today. Packing up the weird crystal in a ziplock bag stowed in his backpack, he takes himself to the Mercury Gallery. He's got an angle he wants to try and it works, if not quite in the way he perhaps expected.
The gallery owner, Santiago, isn't sure what to make of the skater-grunge kid who rolls into his gallery, but he's not exactly out of place and to be truthful, his story is almost too outlandish not to be true. Through a combination of good roleplay and an opposed check, MALATESTA explains a "dude he's working for" heard about Abigail's exhibition and wanted to know if there were any paintings of hers left unsold.
As it turns out, there are. Santiago explains they're not the cream of the crop: "Most of the others were more abstract and, I would say, exemplary. She did well, especially for an artist in New York. The one or two I have left are a bit more...prosaic."
At about this time, MAVERICK makes his meeting with Cynthia. He's not hard to miss; there is no reality in which he was not a Federal Agent and Cynthia easily marks him across the street. She takes him to a small Italian bistro where she usually has lunch and begins talking. This is what MAVERICK is good at; getting people to talk. Everyone wants to, after all; it's about letting them and knowing where to push and where not.
Cynthia explains how weird the Macallistar has been for her to manage. The building has never been filled to capacity as far she can recall and those units which were occupied never remained so for very long.
MAVERICK: "Did you know Abigail?"
Cynthia: "Not really. I met her once or twice. Went with her and her dad to view the apartment." She smiles. "He was worried about her having a ground floor unit in the city, but it was the one she wanted. Never any complaints from her or from other tenants about her. Then...the rent stopped."
MAVERICK: "Yeah, we saw that."
Cynthia: "No. You don't understand. The rent stopped. No one in the building has been paying rent since March this year."
MAVERICK: "What does that mean?"
Cynthia is nervous. MAVERICK picks up she's worried she might be in trouble and he reassures her she isn't. Far from it, in fact.
Across town, MALATESTA is shown one of Abigail's unsold paintings. Santiago unveils it; a landscape, the frame longer than it is tall. A park, with a city-skyline in the background. In the centre, a statue. There are people. Some gathered in a crowd, others walking in various directions. MALATESTA feels uneasy. Then he sees them: five figures gathered in the shadows of the statue around a sixth, seated on a bench. Merely brushstrokes, details and faces indistinct. One may be a woman. Another appears to be holding a skateboard.
Santiago, distant as MALATESTA gave the painting his full attention, becomes clear again.
"See what I mean? Like something you'd see in a doctor's office."
"Yeah." MALATESTA passes a SAN check, but still takes one.
He was there just yesterday.
This was exhibited in November of last year (1994).
He tries and fails to argue Santiago down on the price and is very unaware that the gallery owner is hitting on him. Wrapping the painting, MALATESTA asks if Santiago can check on where some of the other paintings might have ended up or ask around about Abigail in general. Since it means they will meet again, Santiago is all too happy to oblige and hands MALATESTA a business card, writing his own number on the back.
MALATESTA: "Cool, man. I'll be in touch with the deets."
Santiago: "Sure...the deets." (I think it pained him to say that word)
Before leaving, he lets go something Abigail mentioned during the exhibition. While unable to recall the name, he thinks she said she got her inspiration from a book of some sort. He thinks the name might have been something French.
Across their lunch table, Cynthia explains she thinks Art Life upper management are content to wait for eviction notices to be served to the remaining tenants.
Cynthia: "I think even if everyone paid what they owe and next month's, management wouldn't change their mind."
Cynthia: "I think they want to renovate the building. Getting everyone out lets them do that. Spruce it up, hike the rent...I lie awake at night wondering if that's legal. I've never evicted a whole building."
MAVERICK: "One of my colleagues bumped into one of Abigail's neighbours. Mr. Post, Lewis Post I think. Same story with him?"
Cynthia: "Yeah, same as the rest. More or less."
MAVERICK: "More or less?"
Cynthia: "He called me the end of March this year, said he'd be late on the rent, but not to worry and then he started asking me about the building."
MAVERICK: "And you did?"
Cynthia: "Yeah, but I wish I hadn't."
She names a few books she picked up, as Lewis wanted more than just what Art Life had on the Macallistar. MAVERICK wonders why, but she explains Lewis was nice and she was curious herself.
"It's a weird building. Always made me, being there. I can't remember the last time I went in person."
MAVERICK: "What did you learn? I have the architect's name. Daribondi."
Cynthia: "Asa. Asa Daribondi. The Macallistar was built in 1921. He designed it. He...there was a fire at his office on Mott Street in 1950 and he disappeared. He...he was a murderer, Agent Delapore. They found a child's body on the premises. After that, I stopped looking into it."
There's a long silence. The MAVERICK asks her for keys to the unoccupied apartments. He tells her a story about how when he started out in the Bureau, he was involved in a missing person's case. A little girl and in the end, they found her hiding in her treehouse.
Cynthia: "You think Abigail's still in the building? In one of the empty units?"
MAVERICK: "I don't know, but I can't discount it. I don't think she was in a normative state of mind before she disappeared."
Cynthia considers things. The plates are cleared and the coffee served.
Cynthia reaches into her handbag and removes something. "If management don't care about the building, I don't see why I should either." She hands him a master key. "Don't lose this and borrow it for...give it back to me when you're done."
True to his word, MAVERICK pays the bill.
"I hope you find her, her find something to maybe help. She was nice."
MAVERICK and Cynthia say their goodbyes and he heads to Kips Bay.
In the interim, MIRANDA has joined MILHOUSE and MAIN in the coffeeshop, with MALATESTA arriving with weird painting in tow not long before MAVERICK's arrival.
Unable to contain his excitement, MALATESTA nearly unveils the painting right then and there.
MALATESTA: "You won't believe-"
MIRANDA: "Let's not talk about this here."
MALATESTA: "No, I know, but-"
Coffeeshop patrons are giving the table weird looks.
MIRANDA: "Let's not talk about this here."
MALATESTA: "I was jus-"
MIRANDA: "Let's not talk about this here."
Some of the people are frowning, scowling almost.
MILHOUSE (to the other patrons): "Sorry. Sorry."
MAVERICK arrives not long after and the team reconvenes in the apartment to share what they've learned and determine any plans.
Unable to contain himself, MALATESTA reveals the painting. Everyone except MAIN passes the SAN check for the realisation of what it depicts. MAIN takes 4 SAN loss and does not project. Closing in on his breaking point, MAIN is confused and unable to fully process what's going on and throws himself into another search of the apartment.
MIRANDA is concerned about further exposure to the para-natural and wonders if there is anything they can do to take care. All they can do is be cautious.
MAVERICK wants to make a sweep of the empty apartments in the building. MILHOUSE agrees to partner up with him on that front.
MALATESTA and MIRANDA remain with MAIN in Abigail's apartment to conduct a further search. The three who remain received a +20% bonus to their search rolls and all pass as MAVERICK & MILHOUSE leave to check the building (They can make rolls in the apartment on their return).
They exit the apartment at 2:30pm.
Within, MALATESTA, MAIN & MAVERICK find the following:
A rent receipt with Abigail's name, undated and signature unreadable.
A page of typed script which appears to be a play Abigail was writing. Several names are mentioned: Michelle, Mark & Thomas. Michelle is the first name of one of Abigail's neighbours, right?
A plane ticket in the name of Michael Witwer from Las Vegas to Boston, dated June 6th, 2015.

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Dorchester House, 2015
Dr. Dallon: "Must've been a fake? What with the date and all."
MAVERICK: "Must have been."

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Five players going in different directions was a little tough to juggle, but they were happy with the pace of play and I made sure everyone had something to do.
I knew we weren't going to get through an entire in-game day about an hour in and I should've taken a bit more time to line up what everyone wanted to do at the end of the previous session, but everyone still had fun. Lea put it well: it feels like there's a dam with information gathering against it and it's going to burst.
With four out of the five players having children, I took a short aside during MAVERICK's rp with Cynthia to do a table check. I know the players and they know me and I handled it in the right way as far as they were concerned.
Two sessions in and MAIN is the first character to close on his BP, being 3 or 4 (one bad roll) away from his first disorder. I appreciate this and his reasons for not projecting make sense, in-character. We'll see how that pans out.
Our next session is TBD due to life stuff and until then, be seeing you.
submitted by Rob_Sothoth to DeltaGreenRPG [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:16 Not_An_Ostritch My really weird WoW story

So, I’ve been trying to put my strange relationship with this game into words for quite some time now, and I guess here goes nothing, maybe someone can relate.
So first things first, I was born in 2003, I am way too young to ever truly have experienced the heights of this game first hand. But my story with WoW began pretty much as soon as I was old enough to understand what was happening on a computer screen. Growing up in the early 2000s fantasy was everywhere, Lotr was still fresh in everyone’s memory, internet was really starting to take off, and holy shit flash games were so much fun. I ate all of this up, knights, magic and dragons were everything to me and I adored virtually anything with fictional worlds.
The first person to ever show me WoW was my uncle who was a pretty serious early player (in the slim chance anyone who sees this remembers the Draenei paladin Chronos, that was him), my first look was at this new world was an animated login screen and then a roster of awesome looking characters he showed off to me and more to my older brother. We were both instantly hooked, I was probably around four or five when this happened. Next we saw a raid in progress (I think it was the Argent Tournament), and I’ve never felt more awe at a game than seeing a whole guild on dragon mounts making their way to a raid.
I begged him to make me a character, which he did, an orc warrior that he played for me while I sat on his lap. I had many more, little me was a serious altoholic.
Next it was my brother’s turn to start playing, and my fascination only deepened. Of course I had no real idea what was going on, but I just saw the massive world with people playing and interacting with it, and the idea of an ongoing story in a game was so cool to me. Azeroth never felt more real than watching over my brother’s shoulder and hearing him and his school buddies talk on shitty mics while grinding through Westfall.
This is not even mentioning the cultural phenomenon it was. It was on TV, it was in every electronic store, all the cool teens I looked up to were playing it, and in the end it wasn’t meat for me. I was always looking in from the outside, and that just made it all the cooler. I think what really cemented it in my mind was watching my brother doing a dungeon while speaking in chat and realising everyone in the group was from a different country, this was just something I had to be a part of.
It never really happened, it continued much the same the next years, watching the game from my uncles lap or behind big bro. The character I best recall having was a Tauren shaman, and Tauren are still one of my favourite races.
By the time MoP rolls around, I finally get a computer that can run games. I played the hell out of the free trials, I didn’t really care that I had to stop at level 20. I could entertain myself for hours just doing starter zones, always telling myself I would get involved more seriously when I got older and had my own money.
WoD, I get my first own credit card, and I subscribe. I level to 55 and create my dream character, a blood elf death knight. I play through the starting zone and it’s great. I get to Draenor, and, meh. The quests were decent but I just wasn’t having the same feelings as before. I’m just doing orders alone in my garrison, and in dungeons everyone is quiet in chat and rushes the bosses kitted out with full heirlooms. I eventually get bored and let my subscription expire.
Legion, I try again and was super hyped. DH was a great starter, but then same thing happens. No one interacts, move on.
And that’s more or less my actual experience with the game itself. Feeling passionate about the world and story, and falling short in the social aspect.
You see the one place that seemed untouched by wowmania was my school, I was pretty much the only nerd my age and as a result never found anyone to play with, and finding them in game is easier said than done especially now.
Every now and again I feel an itch to return, most recently with MoP remix. But I’ve always left the same way, feeling lonely. This is an MMO, but most people just seem completely asocial outside guilds. I yearn for experiences I see with people regularly raiding and talking on discord coordinating, or guilds having hijinks in Classic but I’ve never managed to find it.
All in all, I just feel the game I first witnessed as a kid passed me by while I watched. All that’s left is just a game that’s about numbers where everything is known and optimised to hell and back. I’m still hoping to make it work sometime, maybe finally meeting someone I can regularly play with and experience endgame content, Maybe trying Season of Discovery and seeing if people are more social there.
In the end I still love this game. It’s given me happy childhood memories (I know most starting zone tracks by heart) and shaped me to the massive fantasy buff I am today, but maybe I’m more in love with the idea of WoW rather than the actual game.
submitted by Not_An_Ostritch to wow [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:10 SolomonSinclair Character Concept: Kureya, Twilight Mirage

Character Concept: Kureya, Twilight Mirage
My last (but not latest) original character for the moment, I had a lot of fun creating this one. Unlike my others, she has a little bit of lore and a signature weapon (that ended up being a more general purpose version of Neuvillette's, albeit on accident).
This is also the character who, for anyone that saw it, is why my opinion of Yanxue dropped somewhat, as I just enjoyed how this one came out so much.
Anyway, with that said, here she is.
Kureya, real name Claire, is a Fontaine native who was born in the Fortress of Meropide and spent most of her childhood and teenage years there. Her main past time as a kid was reading smuggled in light novels from Yae Publishing House, with her favorite being the Princess Mina of the Fallen Nation series, which gave her a... Strange personality.
(I'm saying she's a hardcore weeb; or the Teyvat equivalent, anyway. If Fischl can be chuuni, why not a weeb?)
She really fell in love with the concept of samurai and ninja and would often play at being either one in her free time. Eventually, she got out of Meropide and, for old times' sake, bought a Yae Publishing House light novel; this one happened to be Shogun Almighty: Reborn as Raiden With Unlimited Power... Which happened to be a very telling title, as it happened to contain her vision within its pages.
And she immediately used it to try and conjure both a flaming sword and a fiery kunai. Which she succeeded at, somehow.
Thanks to that, she changed her name to Kureya, a Japanese pronunciation of Claire, but she writes it with the kanji 暮屋; the former is read Kure and means "sundown", while the latter is read Ya and is regularly used as a suffix for someone who does something (i.e., Baker is Panya, Blacksmith is Kajiya, etc.).
Yes, that also means that, in that very weeby way of just smashing cool kanji together, her name could translate to Sundowner. Yes, *that* Sundowner.
I'm actually rather proud of how stupidly cheesy, yet thematic, I managed to get her name. With that said, here's the rest of her kit.
Name Kureya (Claire)
Title Twilight Mirage
Rarity 5*
Weapon Catalyst
Vision Pyro
Model Type Tall Female
Constellation Imaginarius
Region Fontaine
Affiliation Fortress of Meropide
Special Dish "Holy Water" ("Pure Water" variant)
Namecard Kureya: Light in Darkness
Base Stats (Lv90)
Base HP Base ATK Base DEF Special Stat (Pyro DMG Bonus)
11,962 351 600 28.8%
Ascension and Talent Materials
World Boss Material Emperor's Resolution
Local Specialty Spring of the First Dewdrop
General Enemy Material Firm Arrowhead/Sharp Arrowhead/Weathered Arrowhead
Talent Books Justice
Domain Boss Material Denial and Judgement
Normal Attack - Yagyu Thrown Blade Technique (Adapted)
  • Normal Attack - Performs up to 4 consecutive attacks that take the form of fiery kunai, dealing Pyro DMG.
  • Charged Attack - Consumes Stamina to conjure a blazing greatbow as long as she is tall to entire the Twilight Hawkeye state and fire an explosive arrow, dealing AoE Pyro DMG. In this state, Kureya can move and change facing while charging a more powerful shot. If Kureya's HP is above 50%, she will consume her HP until she is at 25% of her Max HP, converting it into additional DMG.
  • Plunging Attack - Plunges from mid-air, dealing AoE Pyro DMG upon contact with the ground.
Attribute Scaling Level 10
1-Hit DMG (%) 68.11
2-Hit DMG (%) 63.94
3-Hit DMG (%) 73.87
4-Hit DMG (%) 99.63
Charged Attack DMG (%) 313.34
Charged Attack Stamina Cost 50
HP Consumption 3% Max HP / 0.5s
DMG Bonus (% of HP Consumed) 48
Plunge DMG (%) 112.34
Low/High Plunge DMG (%) 224.62 / 300.37
Obviously, the star of the show here is her Charged Attack, which functions almost identically to Neuvillette's. The main difference is that it's not a continuous attack; instead, it's more akin to the Lv2 Charged Shot from some Bow users, where you have to hold it for several seconds before releasing it. This is also a large part of why she gets such a massive DMG Bonus from her consumed HP: if you get interrupted or miss, you just wasted all that time.
Elemental Skill - Return to Honor
Condenses the power of flame into a sleek and slender curved blade, before rapidly drawing it in a wide slice, dealing Pyro DMG to surrounding opponents and entering Blade Mode.
In this mode, Kureya's Normal and Charged Attacks, as well as Elemental Skill, change as follows:
Normal Attack - Yagyu Swordsmanship (Adapted)
Performs up to 4 consecutive sword strikes, dealing Pyro DMG.
Charged Attack - Empowered Iai (Adapted)
Assumes a sheathed stance and begins charging a powerful draw cut, before unleashing an all-encompassing 360 degree circular slash, dealing AoE Pyro DMG.
In this state, Kureya can move and change facing while she projects a blazing barrier of whirling blades to shield her as she prepares. Max DMG absorbed scales off Kureya's Max HP and absorbs Pyro DMG 250% more effectively. If Kureya is attacked while this barrier persists, she will finish charging instantly.
Additionally, if her HP is above 50%, she will consume her HP until she is at 25% of her Max HP, converting it into additional DMG.
Elemental Skill - Come and Get It
Kureya opens her arms wide, blazing sword dangling negligently from one hand as she taunts opponents, attracting them to attack her.
Additionally, Kureya gains the Zen of the Mind's Eye effect, which will restore a percentage of her Max HP and will decrease the charge time for Charged Attack - Empowered Iai (Adapted) by 1.5s.
Holding the Skill button will return Kureya to Catalyst Mode and enter the Twilight Hawkeye state.
Arkhe - Pneuma
At certain intervals, after using the Empowered Iai (Adapted), a Spiritbreath Thorn will descend and pierce opponents, dealing Pneuma-aligned Pyro DMG.
Gameplay Notes
  • Return to Honor is not deactivated if Kureya leaves the field. However, its duration will continue to tick down while Kureya is off-field.
  • When this Skill hits at least one opponent, it generates 3 Elemental Particles. When Normal Attacks hit opponents, it generates 0.6 Particles and when Charged Attacks hit opponents, it generates 1.75 Particles.
  • The cooldown starts immediately after the first input.
  • Kureya's Interruption Resistance is increased while in Blade Mode.
  • Plunging Attacks in Blade Mode are identical to Kureya's Standard Plunging Attacks.
  • Empowered Iai (Adapted) takes roughly 2 seconds to fully charge.
Artifacts and Weapon Interactions
  • Normal Attack effects apply to Catalyst Mode and Blade Mode.
  • Charged Attack effects apply to Catalyst Mode and Charged Attack - Empowered Iai (Adapted).
  • Elemental Skill effects apply to the initial Blade Mode change and to Elemental Skill - Come and Get It.
Attribute Scaling Level 10 Level 13
Skill DMG (%) 129.6 153
1-Hit DMG (%) 122.79 148.8
2-Hit DMG (%) 121.99 147.94
3-Hit DMG (%) 151.48 179.51
4-Hit DMG (%) 188.37 219
Charged Attack DMG (%) 326.91 396.12
Charged Attack Stamina Cost 25 25
HP Consumption 3% / 0.5s 3% / 0.5s
DMG Bonus (% of HP Consumed) 82 106
"Come and Get It" HP Restored 100 100
Spiritbreath Thorn DMG (%) 25.92 30.6
Spiritbreath Thorn Interval 9s 9s
Duration 18s 18s
CD 26s 26s
As should be obvious, this is heavily inspired by Childe's Foul Legacy: Raging Tide, but with a few key differences: - It has a fixed duration and fixed CD, so it's easier to play with. - It doesn't deactivate upon swapping characters. - It doesn't disable Plunging Attacks. - It trades the quadratic scaling and regular DMG of Riptide for a single large swipe.
Elemental Burst - Bloodshed's End
Performs different attacks based on what mode Kureya is in.
Catalyst Mode - Bloodflame Familiar
Conjures and hurls a giant flaming shurikan that explodes on impact, dealing AoE Pyro DMG and creating a ring of Molten Shuriken that orbit your active character.
If Kureya's HP is above 50% when this ability is cast, she will consume her HP until she is at 25% of her Max HP and will grant the Molten Shuriken a DMG Bonus equal to a percentage of the total HP consumed.
Molten Shuriken
  • Increases the character's interruption to resistance.
  • Your active character's Normal Attacks will trigger a coordinated attack once every second, dealing Pyro DMG.
  • When Molten Shuriken hit opponents, Kureya will restore HP for all nearby party members, and the amount restored is based on Kureya's ATK.
Blade Mode - One Mind
Assuming a sheathed stance, Kureya briefly charges before unleashing a nigh-invisible flurry of slashes, striking everything around her and dealing AoE Pyro DMG.
Refunds a portion of its Energy Cost after use.
Gameplay Notes
  • The Elemental Burst, Blade Mode - One Mind, has a 9m radius (for reference, this is the same radius as Kazuha's Burst).
Attribute Scaling Level 10 Level 13
Skill DMG (Catalyst) (%) 190.96 229.05
Molten Shuriken DMG (%) 77.69 95.33
DMG Bonus (% of HP Consumed) 18 24
HP Regeneration Per Hit (% of ATK+) 69 + 900 90 + 1,200
Molten Shuriken Duration 15s 15s
Skill DMG (Blade (%) 1026.41 1211.76
Energy Return (Blade Mode) 20 20
CD 15s 15s
Energy Cost 60 60
Similar to her Skill, her Burst is also heavily inspired by Childe's, which only made sense, and one mode gets an Energy Return. However, that's where the similarities stop. Her Catalyst Mode burst, while doing okay damage, provides an off-field coordinated attack with solid damage of its own and a DMG Boost if Kureya's above 50% HP and healing on hit. Her Blade Mode burst, on the other hand, is just a big fat nuke that would make for some obscene numbers if you managed to vape or melt it.
1st Ascension Passive - If You Want to Make it Easy On Me
After using Come and Get It, the CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG of Charged Attack - Empowered Iai (Adapted) are increased by 20% and 60%, respectively, for 6s.
  • Come and Get It more or less negates Kureya's reliance on a grouper like Kazuha to hit opponents with her Empowered Iai, so you obviously want to use it first. This makes it so playing her as intended is very beneficial.
4th Ascension Passive - The Spark That Starts a Wildfire
So long as a Molten Shuriken is in play, when your active character triggers a Pyro-related Elemental Reaction, the opponent shall be stricken with a Bloodflame Rebuke that deals Pyro DMG equal to 80% of Kureya's ATK.
  • This gives her Catalyst Mode burst extra DMG to further encourage its use, as people'd probably see that 1k% modifier on her Blade Mode burst and use it almost exclusively (same with Childe's melee burst having both a significantly higher multiplier and the secondary DMG from Riptide Blast).
Utility Passive - Flambed to Perfection
When Kureya cooks an ATK-boosting dish perfectly, she has a 12% chance to receive double the product.
  • Nothing much to say, but I find it weird that Xiangling is still the only character with this passive.
1st Constellation - Woe Be Upon These Blind Fools
While charging Charged Attack - Empowered Iai (Adapted) after using Come and Get It, surrounding opponents and objects will be pulled towards Kureya.
  • So remember how I talked about Come and Get It negates her reliance on groupers? Yeah, this turns it into an "I ain't got all day" button.
2nd Constellation - You Can(Not) Prevent Wildfires
When Kureya's Normal Attacks hit opponents, her Pyro DMG Bonus is increased by 10% for 4s. This effect can be triggered once every 0.1s. Max 5 stacks.
  • Shamelessly stolen from Cyno, but given that you could easily play Kureya almost as a hypercarry, it fits.
3rd Constellation - The Proper Way to Wield a Blade
Return to Honor Talent Level +3
4th Constellation - Cry Havoc
Elemental Reactions triggered by Molten Shuriken will ignore 60% of the opponent's DEF.
  • Aside from giving her off-field DMG a further boost to encourage using both versions, this would also make her go very nicely as the trigger in a vape or melt team if you wanted to use an on-field Hydro or Cryo character.
5th Constellation - Resentment's End
Bloodshed's End Talent Level +3
6th Constellation - Dragon Flash
After Blade Mode - One Mind is used, Kureya initiates a follow-up slash against the nearest opponent, dealing Pyro DMG equal to 200% of its DMG.
  • You know how some 5*s have an absolutely cracked C6 as a way to entice you to whale for them? Yeah.
And now for her signature weapon:
Stats at Lv90 R1
  • Name: Gospel From Afar
  • Base ATK; 608
  • 2nd Stat: CRIT DMG
  • 2nd Stat: 66.2%
  • Effect -
  • Betwixt Night and Day: ATK SPD of Normal and Charged Attacks is increased by 16%. When current HP increases or decreases, Charged Attack DMG will be increased by 20% for 6s. Max 4 stacks. This effect can be triggered once every 0.5s. When the wielder has 4 stacks, Elemental Burst DMG will be increased by 32%.
(Appearance-wise, it's a very heavily embellished and accessorized copy of Shogun Almighty.)
And that's it. That's Kureya. I enjoyed the hell out of creating her, despite not liking HP consumption mechanics most of the time, but I really wanted to do several things: a ninja-themed character whose charged attack had an aiming mode, a samurai-themed character that wielded a flaming sword, like Kazuha's splash art, and a character with a different take on coordinated Pyro attacks than Yanxue.
Copying Childe's mechanics let me do all three at the same time.
As a result, I almost certainly went waaaay overboard when creating her, but I'm more than satisfied with how she turned out, so I'm okay with it (not like tweaking numbers is that hard).
submitted by SolomonSinclair to Genshin_Concepts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:08 zachm26 Boomer Doesn't Like Being Called Out on Casual Racism at the Poker Table

Finally had a boomer story worth sharing last night. I was at a poker table in Texas for a few hours with a boomer who was playing a bit recklessly but seemed harmless enough. Mostly older white guys at the table, so boomer feels in his element.
Cue a Mexican guy sitting down a few hours into the session. Almost immediately, boomer pulls out one of the stupidest, cringiest jokes I've ever heard: "Why aren't Mexicans good at barbecuing?"
"Because the beans fall through the grill."
No one reacts to his joke aside from a few groans, because everyone knows that we Texans love our carne asada and Tex-Mex and his joke clearly doesn't make any goddamn sense. Of course, he takes this as an opportunity to repeat the joke as if no one heard it the first time, at which point the Mexican guy calmly tells him that he was born and raised here and says something to the effect of "not cool man."
Boomer doubles down and says "it's just a joke!" at which point another white guy at the table says that his wife is Mexican and asks boomer to cut the racism. Boomer gets huffy and offended and repeats "I'm not racist!" about ten times at increasing volume as the white guy keeps politely telling him to calm down.
White guy finally says he will call the floor, at which point boomer gets flustered and says "What? I'm trying to apologize!" (editor's note: he did not at any point try to apologize) as he huffs and goes all in. As much as I'd like to say he lost all his chips, he ended up winning the hand and everyone left the table right after because of boomer's antics.
submitted by zachm26 to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:06 Aggravating-Pen5968 A more engaging learning experience

Hey UoPeople! Love being a student here, but gotta be real - classes feel like ALL reading, not much sticking. Remember that we learn better by DOING stuff, not just cramming text. The more senses you use to learn something (reading + listening + hands-on activities), the better the outcome!
Also, the workload seems WAAAY off. The estimate says 15-20 hours a class, but it takes me more like 40-60 just to read and do assignments!
Udacity and Coursera are cool for certificates, but a whole university degree should be way more, right? UoPeople has a ton of awesome student programmers and volunteers - what if we all brainstormed to make learning more interactive?
Imagine if UoPeople had a platform like theirs, with practice activities and exercises that check your answers (without grading!). Get it wrong? No sweat, just try again 'til you get it. This way we can actually LEARN, not just memorize. Plus, they have great videos for each lesson!!
Wouldn't it be awesome if employers LOVED hiring UoPeople grads because they're job-ready, not just book-smart? That can only happen if we LEARN by DOING.
UoPeople's got the potential to be an online education rockstar! Let's work together to make it the BEST it can be for everyone.
submitted by Aggravating-Pen5968 to UoPeople [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:01 Bonjonsie The Jonsie Burrows: Help Wanted 2 Part 8.99

Is there such a thing as finding too much treasure?
Previous part: 8.9.

The new room could only be described as unfinished, you thought to yourself. You were passing under an arch of a building on your way through here and saw that hanging from it were supposed to be two drooping ropes with flags(or whatever this is supposed to be), but instead, you saw a purple digital polygonal imitation of it.
Other purple digital polygonal objects took the appearance of other real things in the area, but they lacked the what?-factor of the digital floating purple particles or what was going on with the ceiling of the room as it was a just purple grid. (Welcome to the AR world Jeremy. Glitchtrap's twisted wonderland.)
But this was all a distraction from the newly introduced threat in the form of Moon, as now you sought targets that prevent his deadly approach to your ride, all while you heard his chuckles.
In the next room, the situation was the same, except you saw different varieties of purple digital things pouring into the area. (Nice! it's the Princess Quest 3 purple pattern from Vanny's room and the purple arching energy from the wrecking ball in Roxy Raceway! I didn't notice them on the first watchthrough of the game, so it's nice to see and know what that connection is. Though now that I'm thinking about it, it's so weird that Princess Quest 4 shows no connection to anything, unlike its prequel.
Is it because the FNAF6's Pizzeria is so digitally distorted by Glitchtrap in the network that it doesn't show the tell-tale signs of the AR world or is it because the Pizzeria's sub-network isn't as connected to the greater network. Hmm... Something to look into later.)
As you continued to move through the area you saw more and more purple things just crawling throughout as you kept alert for specific targets to stall Moon. (Where in the world is this place? There's no such location we visit in Ruin that has this much wrecking ball energy flowing through it.)
But as you gazed about, you immediately spotted a blue blast-shaped button ahead and above on an arch. It's just like what the "message" depicted! Quickly you pointed your hand cannon at it and shot a couple times until you hit it. You were definitely on the right track now.
Passing under it, you were getting close to the double doors that lead to the next area, though curiously you saw purple digital particles that unlike before, were dripping from the ceiling like the floor above you was flooded.
(Okay, the only place that had to drip purple particles like this was the Upper East Server. That in addition to the purple grid on the ceiling above us, tells me we're directly under it, or really near to it. That sorta makes sense, because Foxy Log Ride is in/next to Glamrock Salon which is right next to the Upper East Server. It's so cool to be able to piece that together!)
But surprisingly, after going through those double doors, you were right back on the track heading towards a familiar area you had been to the first time you did this. Did the alternate paths weave in and out of the standard path? That must be it, you thought as you got all of the targets and headed to the next area where the train robbery scene takes place.
Immediately, after the lights flickered back on from the transitional darkness but before you enter the train robbery. You spotted another Helpy cutout and quickly shot it before you passed it.
Passed the train robbery scene is where you expected the path to diverge to the glitched route as you had taken to calling them, and lo and behold, as soon as you had gone through the train and through the double door at the end of it, you found yourself in a new area.
You heard Captain Foxy's voice once again as you entered the new route. "We be not responsible for any maimings that might happen on this here path." If you haven't already had a trip through an alternate path before, you're sure you'll be questioning how you would be maimed during the ride.
Your ride strolled ahead and entered chambers where you now had to shoot the targets to closed doors and block the Moon, rather than to earn points. However, as you did this, you heard people's laughter replacing the general ambiance of the ride. (I wonder if there's something with this.)
In these chambers, you shot another blue blast-shape button that you saw above near the ceiling, while you defended yourself from Moon's relentless drive to get to you on the ride.
But you eventually persevered through it all and made it back to the normal track again where you collected yourself by shooting at targets without worrying about the threat of Moon. But too soon to you, you found another Helpy cutout, which you shot of course, and was once again heading towards the dangerous alternate path. (Oh, I forgot to mention that these specific Helpy cutouts can be found in the original Pirate Ride in Help Wanted. And in Monty Golf and Superstar Daycare in Ruin. I wonder if Vanny had moved them there after the Help Wanted 2?)
This time noted by Captain Foxt with a simple "Overboard!"
The alternate path this time had no laughing ambiance and had you getting up close and personal with a dancing Moon unless you shot all the targets to make him go away from the platforms near where your ride gets the closest to them by turning on the lights. (Hmm... could this be a point against 1983 Moon? Why would 83 Moon be affected by light still? Also, is the laughing important? A hint to something?)
Another blue blast-shaped button was found and shot while on this path of constant danger, but with skill, awareness, and luck, you managed to get through it all. (Yeah I know there are gravestones in this specific area, but I'm not sure if it's referencing the missing 5 plus Charlie gravestone or if it's just props.)
Now you were back on the normal track, and as went through the next two areas you knew that the ride was coming to an end as you came upon the familiar comforting scene of Foxy and Chica along with other animals surrounding a cake and celebrating as you heard Captain Foxy say, "And the real treasure was friendship along."
(Both the scene and Captain Foxy's exact words are a call back to the original Pirate Ride in the first Help Wanted)
But as you stared at the scene, you finally realized that the cake itself had a blue blast-shaped button on it and proceeded to shoot it. To think that you were looking at it and didn't even realize it the first time you came through here. But now it's all over and you can finally see your improved score and get back to the restaurant.
Yet, as the lights flickered off and you moved forward in the darkness, you noticed something was wrong. The western-theme ambiance that was always there on the normal path came to an abrupt halt and left only silence and the everpresent noise of shifting water in its departure.
Suddenly the three spotlights lit up the path ahead of you, revealing to you a treasure chest on a miniscule island under the third one. As your ride got close to it, you noticed a couple of broken wooden boards on the side of the island, next to a crumple Pirate Foxy Flag.
As your ride came to a stop right next to the wooden box, it unexpectedly opened. (waaaaaaaait a minute! ITS THE CORN MAZE BOX!!! It's redesigned, but it's definitely it! Coincidently or is it Intentional? It has to be, they could have used an actual treasure chest for this, so it has to be intentional. Why? Memory Dolls... memories... William's Mask! It's the key to Glitchtrap!)
Gently, softly, the box's lid came open and a green costumed hand came out from the darkness within. The hand smoothly snaked out of the box until it was outstretched to you, revealing to you the treasure that it held in its palm. It was a doll, an unusual one at that, as it looked to be made by crocheting some wool into a human figure plushie. But stranger than that was the fact that it was wearing a Foxy mask.
You didn't know why, but you reached out to the hand, and hesitantly, grabbed the doll and watched as it poofed into purple smoke. The hand, with no doll in its grasp, sleeked backed into the box as the lid closed itself and your surroundings plunged into darkness.
Next thing you knew, the sound of celebrating cries filled your ears as you were back into the GAME WON! void. Stunned by the sudden change in your surroundings, you automatically hit the button for the crane machine to receive your prize with no thought. Your prize this time was a poster for Ballora titled DANCE!
Yet even though it was something new and interesting, your mind refused to be distracted from the bizarre event that just happened seconds ago. But no matter how much you tried to wrap your head around it, no matter how many times you tried to make sense of it, all you could blankly think is, what?
You felt strange, but you knew you had to keep moving forward. So you pressed the RETURN TO HUB button and returned to darkness to go back to the restaurant. Still, the sight of the Foxy doll never once left your mind.
Remember Jeremy? (the achievement for collecting the memory doll)

The achievement has twisted this Help Wanted phrase into a question. And finally, an answer was given to another. Everything is starting to make sense, but joy am I finding too much stuff! I reached my limit a couple Parts ago and now I'm beyond that!
But thankfully. Thankfully! we reached the end of Foxy Log Ride and now I can talk about Vanny, Vanessa, Jeremy, the Memory dolls, and even Glitchtrap now, because why not. What other discoveries while mentally exhausted from this stuff!
Don't worry, I know not to burn myself and take breaks. But still, I eventually have to come back to finish this, and that in itself creates mental fatigue. So let's finish this by starting with the long overdue conclusion of Double-V!
The last time we talked about this, I ended it by saying we'll go through the contradictions of Vanny's and Vanessa's character hinted in Ruin and Help Wanted 2. However, I want to go back a bit to when we were first introduced to Vanny as a character in Help Wanted the Curse of Dreabear.
It's only a few lines of dialogue, so it won't be long. Besides, Vanny apparently being a different person than Vanessa, means we can't exactly apply one's characteristics to the other. With Vanny only having so few lines and cameos in Security Breach, she is basically, completely unknown to us.
So what dialogue we know comes from her, needs to be under even heavy scrutiny for any hints of the personality and characteristics of our new villain.
Before we even start with her dialogue, something interesting has already happened in the preceding events. By finding and resembling the secret tapes and doing exactly what Tape Girl says in the final tape we attain the glitchy Glitchtrap plushie
"There is a way to kill it. It wants to escape. To escape through someone. Someone plugged into this game. That's you now. You have to let it begin the process of leaving through you, then use the disconnect switch that I've embedded by the main stage. Let it approach you. Let it begin to merge with you. Play the music and flip the switch*.* That will cause a hard restart of the game and flush the memory, effectively killing it, I hope. I don't know when it will come for you." -Tape 16
Now, we already know that this does not work at all in the slightest, as this method instead has Glitchtrap trapping and locking you up as he is let out of the game through the player's body that he now has control of. Digital Consciousness Transfer.
Next with the installment of the DLC, we acquire William Afton's old mask from the Corn Maze minigame after finding all four keys and the secret glitchy fifth key and head to the cellar where we discover the mask on a table on a candle.
With both of the items together worn and held respectively, we can hear the secret dialogue and the voice of Vanny for the very first time.
“Yes, I hear you. I know... No. There's no miscommunication... I understand... Yes, I have it. I made it myself. I think you would like it... No, no one suspects anything... Don't worry, I'll be ready, and I won't let you down. It will be fun.”
This means that the event that Vanny met Glitchtrap was, in fact, the ending of Help Wanted where you follow through on Tape Girl's deceptive instructions on digital transferring with Glitchtrap!
But right here, is where a slight problem occurs in the narrative of Vanny's story in the games. Vanny still has control of her body, she's still capable of defying Glitchtrap. Something that's been made clear to me through both Ruin and Help Wanted 2, is that Glitchtrap doesn't control Vanny at all.
Does he influence her? Yes. We see that in the way her costume is directly referencing him and the way she moves and dances.
Does he control her, however, that is where things get shaky. Because at this point in time, there hasn't been a single instance where Vanny is seen as someone being controlled.
Remember, we can't use anything that has to do with Vanessa to show that Vanny is being manipulated or controlled. So where in the new era games can you find Glitchtrap controlling Vanny?
You can't.
Does this mean she's doing this out of her own will? That is something that might've been more nuanced than what we all had perceived. Because I did it again, I've found more stuff! This time it's something important that everyone has missed in Help Wanted and it might well be the true origins of Vanny.
You see the base game of Help Wanted actually has a third ending to it. Or at least something that should be an ending. Besides, just completing all the minigames to get stuffed inside Freddy and following Tape Girl's 16th tape instruction, there's something else you can do that involves Glitchtrap.
That is let Glitchtrap complete the process of leaving through you.
I'm sure some of you are confused by what I'm talking about, but it's the sequence where you press the button and flip the switch, leading to the ending where Glitchtrap locks you up. I'm saying instead of doing that, do nothing and watch what happens next.
A blaring noise could be heard asGlitchtrap stretched his hand out to you. He spoke distortedly and unintelligible, while green cones of energy flowed out from him and toward you. In seconds, Glitchtrap's eyes turned red, the blaring noise increased its volume, and the energy cones became purple while your view became clouded in a purple haze. Soon purple spots began to appear on Glitchtrap's body, as the noise became too loud to your ears, and the energy cones became red as your vision was almost nothing but purple. Soon even Glitchtrap started to disappear into the purple as his body became pixelated by the purple, leaving only his general outline until even that became purple.
Finally, after your purple vision grew flickering bright and the blaring noise ceased, your vision slowly returned to you, accompanied by music and the sound of static from a monitor. (That's the same music that plays if you press the button on the side of the monitor and the static sound you're hearing is specifically from FNAF's 2 game over static.)
At first, your purple view distorted itself with pixels before the purple started to fade slightly as you could see the hub world. But your perspective was wrong, you were staring from the opposite side of where you were sitting, while the place you once stood at was empty.
Your vision, still overlayed with purple while distorted and pixelated, looked down as you brought your hands up. Your hands which were always outlined and seethrough, now looked solid and were covered by gloves of a familiar costume that you were just staring at a couple seconds ago.
As the purple started to overwhelm your distorted and pixelated vision again as you stared at your— Glitchtrap's hands, your mind was finally able to recognize the words that were being spoken to you by him.
"Can you hear me?"
If you want to see this for yourself, then I have two Youtubers that I managed to find, that did this. 99TH VR and 8-bitRyan.
After this, you're taken to the GAME OVER void. But what's unique about this void is that the monitor here never displays any quotes, no matter how many times you do this.
This ending that should've been, along with what "Tape Girl" said before finally reveal what exactly Vanny is.
"—Let it approach you. Let it begin to merge with you. —." -Tape 16
A merger, a fusion of two different beings, that's what Vanny is! This is why I was having so much trouble trying to figure out how Vanny came to be from the two "endings" we get from Help Wanted. The answer is neither of the two. She mostly came from the failed Tape Girl instructions scenario where Glitchtrap completes his merger with someone to get out of the game.
It also explains why we see gigantic Vanny in Help Wanted 2's consequences ending and adds even more reason why an altered EnemyBasic appears on her wall in the AR world! Vanny herself is not infected as we first believed, but rather a fused entity between Glitchtrap and someone else.
With this origin, she would still be able to traverse and interact with things connected to the network if she's plunged into it.
And considering what she's wearing in Security Breach and that the Security Mask and the occipital transponder are a technology that exists now in the current FNAF lore. She has every way she needs to stay connected to the Pizzaplex's network. But let's get back to her dialogue and dissect it.
"Yes, I hear you. I know... No. There's no miscommunication... I understand... Yes, I have it. I made it myself. I think you would like it... No, no one suspects anything... Don't worry, I'll be ready, and I won't let you down. It will be fun.”
We can immediately pinpoint a characteristic of Vanny with the entirety of this dialogue, willing and eager to please. I would also put young in that description, but I don't if it's because she's actually young here or that the voice actress has a bit of a youth tone to their voice.
Anyway, the "Yes, I have it. I made it myself. I think you would like it" part of her dialogue was already analyzed by me before, but let me elaborate on something I've been thinking about.
William's Mask has to be in the current Fazbear Entertainment's possession because the pizzaplex hasn't been built yet or is in the middle of being constructed by the time of Help Wanted's development or release since Cassie herself refers to it as an "old headset game", so the Security Mask isn't around just yet.
What I'm thinking here is that Vanny had come across it sometime to use as a reference for her costume. And make no mistake, Vanny's mask is making a callback to it as it's only a slight redesign and recolor to make it her own. Even Cassie makes notes of Vanny's mask being similar to the Security Mask by how she mistakes them for being the same.
But that doesn't sound right. Vanny wasn't working with Fazbear Entertainment when she met Glitchtrap, just under them through the second development team. Plus, most of the game was developed under a different team until it was in its beta version while Vanny's team had just come in to finish it to release it.
We have already seen what an object created solely by Glitchtrap looks like in Help Wanted in the form of his plushies, so we already know that he didn't recreate the mask in the game.
So maybe I'm thinking about this the wrong way. Both the mask and Grimm Foxy show up in Princess Quest, and we have already established how both important relate to William and Glitchtrap. And both are what are needed to destroy Glitchtrap.
Where did we first see that Mask? Not in the Help Wanted base game but in the Halloween DLC. That means the game was still being worked on even after its release, so Vanny would've had time to model this mask into the game. But why? I think these game-over quotes that show up only in Dreadbear are a clue.
The report glitches quote, easily fits with what Vanny is talking about in with the "No, no one suspects anything." The "Where am I" part is intriguing, but I don't think I can pin that to Vanny. Hmm... I wonder if this is where our Golden Princess comes to be. It's something to look into later.
It's the "Purging system" part that is what I want to focus on here. This provides the needed explanation for things being the way they are now. Glitchtrap, the one that's not merged into Vanny, might've started running rampant during the DLC development, causing either Fazbear Entertainment or Vanny's development team to focus entirely on shutting him down.
The purging of the system might've been their solution for him. This might've worked too if Vanny wasn't already created by the time of the purging. And since Vanny is working under Glitchtrap here, she would've been in the perfect position to take Glitchtrap and everything he contains out of Help Wanted and into a developing game called Princess Quest(Working Title). Though, Vanny might've rushed the job under such circumstances, taking part of The Curse of Dreadbear's code along with Glitchtraps into the new game.
But that's all for now, I'll talk about that more when we get Princess Quest 4.
"I'll be ready, and I won't let you down. It will be fun.” This right here, more than anything, tells us that Vanny is not so much reluctant but more following in the Glitchtrap's order than we all first believed. But we shouldn't be so surprised about it.
Vanny's previous alias, "Reluctant Follwer", didn't come from any of the games, books, or even Scott's website but instead came from, a website Scott uses to find voice actors. The name is used as a guide for the actor and a descriptor for how the voice should be toned and acted.
The name is an oversimplification of a character for how they're going to sound in the one game they appear in, not all. So the name "Reluctant Follwer" would've only applied to Vanny in this game.
And as we see from Security Breach, Vanny is anything but reluctant to follow Glitchtrap's order. Yet after that game and as of Ruin and HW2, that name might been more appropriate now than it was back then as there appears to be a rift now between the two. But more on that at a later.
One last thing. With this origin in place, we now have another explanation for why we only hear Vanny's side of the conversation and not Glitchtrap's. We are hearing Glitchtrap's side of that conversation, he is her. It's the reason why her voice becomes echoey in her final word, fun.
Now let's finally get into the ties between Vanessa and the villains. Though...

Shoot! I made it too big again! Continue on here Part 8.999
submitted by Bonjonsie to fivenightsatfreddys [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:56 Nice_Item2093 This is going to sound silly but, are there any accountants that would be willing to let me interview them briefly?

I am an accounting major, and I need to interview an accountant or someone of that nature in my career path haha. The problem is that no one in my family has ever studied this field, so I have no connections apart from a professor I had. However, that is a no go as this professor was specific that we could not use professors as our subject. It wouldn't be too too long, I just need to zoom call, ask some questions such as: What got you interested, do you have a favored specialty in accounting. The interview will probably need to be at least about 10-12 minutes, but it may go a little longer. I'd like to get a decent bit of information as I have to write an essay about the experience as well. It would be cool if I had someone with some experience in the tax accounting field, but I'm really appreciative to anyone who is willing to lend a hand!!
submitted by Nice_Item2093 to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:49 BonesJackson I went to East West Pizza (MOZZZROLLA STIX, Hiney Mustrad, Meat Bell, etc). It did not impress.
Didn't expect the amusing typo menu post to cause such a stir 'round these parts but here we are. The main reason I didn't have high hopes for the place is the lack of care in the menu, to me, indicated there was a good chance corners were cut in other areas. Perhaps things like cleanliness, ingredient quality, and flavor might also suffer the same fate as the menu, but I'm willing to give most places at least one chance if not more. I noticed also that literally every picture on their website is fake or just mooched from Google Image searches.
Keeping that in mind, the SO and I went over to East West Pizza in Seaside, formerly a Pizza Hut, then a Straw Hat Pizza, and now the current owners. The first thing that struck us was the complete lack of decor. Place was just empty and dull. Not inviting. The large digital screens that showed the now-infamous menu constantly pulsed transitions, wipes, and fade into itself making the actual ordering process distracting and mildly frustrating. I noticed the different pan sizes on the wall and pointed that out to my SO. The lady behind the counter said, "Ah yes those are leftover from Straw Hat. We don't have a personal size" despite the pan being there.
"Ok," I said, "so maybe take it off the wall?"
Lady glanced at it, then stared at me blankly. I reached towards the Personal Pan size, gesturing like I could remove it. Literally no reaction. Blank stare. I left the pan on the wall. Throwing caution to the wind I ordered a Medium Chicken Curry Pizza, and a side of the MOZZZROLLA STIX. SO went with the Chicken Curry Pasta. Side and pasta came out first, then the pizza shortly after.
Pizza: 3/10. Completely bland. Unable to find any Butter Chicken Sauce. Saving grace was when I encountered a hunk of ginger and my brain said, "oh look! Flavor!" but it was short-lived. The joy in Indian cuisine is found in the intense aromatic spices often toasted up in ghee to make those punchy dishes we love so much. And like, there was a whisper of a hint of those. And from that I can SEE why this has the potential to be a really cool fusion cuisine. But this was just bad. Chicken was dry and flavorless. Crust was doughy and a little bit undercooked. I brought the leftovers home for family to try. My mom took one bite, mad a sad face, and went, "oh. No. No thank you." My brother took ate a slice and said, "Meh. I'll pass." then grabbed his leftovers from Aabha and munched on those.
MOZZZROLLA STIX FRIES: 2/10. When they arrived I didn't realize it was going to be a tray half-filled with mozzarella sticks and halfway with french fries. I picked one up and said, "Oh. They're... fleshy." "Fleshy?" SO inquired. I handed her one. "Ah. They're baked. They must not have a fryer."
Fleshy, underbaked mozzarella sticks and limp fries from a frozen bag with literally zero seasoning at all. I requested a shaker of salt to attempt to give it life because goddamn it was just a limp potato stick. And a little cup of Ranch dressing. Did not finish.
Pasta: 6/10. Not my dish but I did try a little and, despite it being a Chicken Curry pasta compared to my Chicken Curry pizza, it was an entirely different flavor profile. Chicken also was moist. She seemed to like it but I am only sort of briefly reviewing the one forkful I had.
Final thoughts are that my fears of a lazy menu being a sign of a lazy restaurant were completely justified. I do not believe the sloppy menu is a tactically-planned maneuver for marketing purposes. As it stands now I would not go back.
submitted by BonesJackson to MontereyBay [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:48 EnvironmentTasty8133 Help! My B is getting aggressive

Our 9mo old B intact-boy is starting to get aggressive and bite. We’re not sure what to do or if we are doing the right things and just need to continue and be patient. We would love to hear your experiences and what you think. Stories and examples below:
Back story: our B never had any aggression growing up and it came suddenly. He was socialized a lot with both dogs, cats, and humans since he was 10 weeks old. Always took to new people and would greet them, adopt them into the pack, watch out for everyone, and cuddle them endlessly. We were very proud to say he was the most social B compared to the stories of these babes being independent.
Possible inciting incident: our neighbor has a Rhodesian Ridgeback, male intact. We all went up and stayed for a weekend together to go hiking and play outside with the dogs. At one point they are both playing in the living room and our B is attacked, shaken like a rag doll, and left with 2 puncture wounds in his neck and some scratches on his ears.
Since that night, he has become more territorial with them. If they are near our door he growls at both that dog and the neighbor. Not blaming him for that, though we don’t want him to behave that way, I can see why he feels tense around them. However! It has become clear that it’s also turning into a pattern that he’s trying to be dominant with those around him including us.
Incidents in order of occurrence happening over a period of 2 weeks:
1) One night that same neighbor and dog popped in for a quick visit- while both myself and B had been sitting in his living room for the last hour with not incident earlier the same evening- however now that they are both, for the first time, in our home, B is incredibly tense and vocally showing his discomfort. They leave. I settle down for the night and give B his bone. He proceeds to take it to a different room which is out of character, usually he’d rather sit next to me or have me hold the bone for him while he chews on it. Because of this discrepancy in behavior, I go check on him and he starts growling at me. I sit down and put my hand on him. Not taking his bone away just gently petting him. He escalates and bites me. He has never done this before. After reprimanding him, Itry again to calm him down. He proceeds to bite again, I take his bone with no problem, but he won’t let me anywhere near him. I pin him down and he settles for a moment, but he never fully submits. After which he bites me again.
My partner isn’t home so it’s just me. I’m crying and upset, but never budge from B’s side. I’m trying to stay in full control, but after this last bit and I’m bleeding, I don’t know what to do. I call my neighbor to come help. Things eventually settle for that evening but B and I are visibly stressed for the next few days, but he has come and cuddled since then and we are “fine”.
2) My BF’s dad & wife come to visit and we are staying in the neighbor’s detached guest room. B is doing fine, but snaps at Dad when they are on the couch. Typically when he’s tired, but they are cool on the patio and when walking.
3) The last few mornings, B growls and tries to nip if he is sitting with my BF on the couch and I try to pet him then tries to also bite my BF.
4) B went on his first pack hike that is about a 5 hour day for him. He was apparently very good, adventurous, and not afraid to test his place in the pack. He’s a very confident pup even with big dogs. After the hike, he’s extremely tired and happy. He joins us for a BBQ on our patio with friends who are all regulars that B knows and loves. Halfway through he growls at one of our female friends and then tries to bite her male friend which meant it was time for bed. He was reprimanded and my BF tried to grab him to put him inside. B was livid and also bit him.
5) My bestie came over for a few nights, both my bf and went out to go fish and my friend was going to finish her morning routine then meet us out there. She agreed to bring B with her, however, when it came time to go outside for the walk, he was growling at her and tried to nip at her when she tried to put on the leash.
His behavior at dog parks is great. He is always playful and has not gotten into fights. He’ll sit before entering and comes obediently when we are ready to leave.
He is currently testing us by not coming when we call him during meal time and try to wait us out so he can eat without doing the dinner routine (come-sit-shake-look at me-go ahead and eat). He has no food aggression. I can take his bowl and I can mess with him while he eats.
I’m looking for thoughts on what might be happening. How to help de-escalate his aggression when it happens and how to stop it from happening all together.
We know about B’s being sleepy aggressive but I don’t believe this is what’s happening. I would like to keep him intact for a while longer, but I’m not sure if this could be helped by neutering him sooner than later.
Please help your suggestions and support is greatly appreciated. I don’t want us, family, or friends to become afraid of him because he really is the best boy
submitted by EnvironmentTasty8133 to Basenji [link] [comments]